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Ta x! ss | ee aR ‘fre AS 5 x i Deo. nS QO Pd AG [eee te : oe 3 = yy i ES ‘ ‘ nly 4 s he ¥ PE? aha f A ASAE \ a; enle bs re he , L lee AN fica a ’ 4 Sani uA ve y ‘ pte Roe sie rae . ae fie son ay +e \ ASE Nelo aaa) ee RS AP 0 ee ‘ y tes EAS ON } BAS Ce oes hcke a Sat Ls REL } : ¥ 5 ete ; : i Lf SW SAYS ‘ : ‘ ‘ Ne {4 Say “ i ae bY y Fe | ' nh 5 et ‘ SRE J ae : ; ‘ u ~ 5 : AY) oe %) INGEN na LS AARON CTA. y (1 esi Sgt " a 4 a ere (7 Ng EVE sees te ; PE) ay SS ee ame 8 Aas Se wa eat oa URE Oe yf, . up Ms A Oe oe BP ok tie SUNG AS oe oot’, WN Pad hte Oy £ Me WE NZ eS Se is ‘pe aS ae eH Nears hs hig a8) ele Re ae One eae, = y <> rer —— te eae a 2 ae ~ ire + ee. ee = wy pe ar oa ot Ree a2 2) : 4 ee § ecg y 2 es ‘Solas aa oN ‘ aoe t i ae 3 " a ra ‘ a ty am, r " LIBRARY | M.KNOEDLER& CO. 000ttC™” i : eS tee, or 1 m ae he eel : : 556-8 FIFTH AVE. a may ee : _ wy ‘ ‘ R bis wee ‘ NEW YORK = rion tt F : i‘ . Ben f Aes . 3 Meal thccang B3 : § m B Se a eee ——— — + r i { “ ‘ i ei ‘a a { . 2 f " xy >. * . 4, ; * fi . 2 * : : ‘ & . i ' E . Pata ; ~ 7; — € a ~ : e a x - P ‘ F : 4 . ’ % 4 * g*4 mn ye —< Df : S + ‘ : x 4 -! ra ‘ ‘ ‘ € P “i . f i = 7. = ms, t ‘ : ‘ & ’ a t ae ee Ps * = et, ere oe Fine O11 PaIntTINGS AND GMater-Color Hrawings, * BY THE GREAT MODERN Soo eee aI NPTERS. IMPORTED BY eee) a4 FIFTH AVENUE. NOW ON EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, AT THE LEAVITT ART GALLERIES, 817 BROADWAY, COR. 12TH STREET, NEW YORK. THEY WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION A EB eaion Hall, 28d St., Cor. of 4th Ave., Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, April 23d and 24th, AT HALF-PAST SEVEN o’cLock. —“““““""™ BY GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO.—R. SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer *.* At the request of MR. COTTIER, this sale will be made under the direction of S. P. Avery, 86 Fifth Avenue, where orders to purchase will be received. FOF TIS Se . La ar ‘ 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and tf any dispute a arise tween two or more Bidders, the Lot so tn dispute shall put up again and re-sold. 2. Lhe Purchasers to give their names and adda a down twenty- five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or t. cf the Purchase-money, if required, 22 default of which the Lot o so purchased to be immediately put up agata and re-sold. ie 5 3. Lhe Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s expense and Ris) wethin three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remain of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before delivery: in defa wzll be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, engraving, Print, Furniture, Works of Art, or any other article, 7s not to be set astde om account of any error ti the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition a one or more days, and are sold just as they are witout recourse. a 5. Lo prevent tnaccuracy tn deltvery and tnconvenience in the settle. ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed duri the Sate. ie 6. Upon faclure of complying with the above conditions, the money de. posited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within | the time aforesatd shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, wethou : further notice, and the deficiency (tf any) atlending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. Ths Condetion 7s without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at thts Sale, without such re-sale, tf they think fit. q « GEO. AO LEAVITT Ge CO. lk ae q 4 f if , . j ; F — =. ss ae i eet ae Re COLLECTION. A UNIQUE GALLERY OF PAINTINGS. The Messrs. Leavitt take great pleasure in announcing to the Art public the first exhibition in this country of a collection of Paintings composed exclusively of the works of the Great MopeErwn Ciassic Painters, the school of colorists of this age. Single Pictures from the hands of these departed spirits, MILLET, Corot, DELACcRoIx, Diaz, TRovon, MicHert, DauBicny, and others, have been from time to time shown to our people, but never before has an exhibition been made where several of each of these great master’s productions could be seen together, and sup- plemented, as in this collection, with examples by contemporary and living artists of France and Holland, who are building a noble structure of art upon the foundations laid by the honored names mentioned above. The exhibition of these homogeneous works must be of great benefit to the Art student (professional or layman), and their dis- persion will afford cultivated collectors a rare opportunity of pro- curing master works by the master minds of our time. ‘There is hardly a canvas in the collection but will do honor to almost any formed gallery, certainly not impoverish it. Messrs. Cotrier & Co., or No. 144 FirrH AvENuE, N. Y., intending to discontinue this branch of their business, have requested Mr. S. P. Avery to undertake the management of a closing-out auction sale of their entire collection of Oil Paintings and Water- Color Drawings. Orders to purchase—applications for Catalogues, secured seats, etc., may be addressed to his Art Rooms, 86 Fifth Avenue, The Sale will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, April 23d and 24th, at Association Hall, RESERVED SEATS can be obtained by entering name and address at the desk in the Art Rooms, 817 Broadway. THE COTTIER, COLE RG iis THE collection now first seen in public, has been slowly formed during many years, and was added to from the famous Sensier sale of last year. The names chiefly belong to the great modern classic painters departed, that have created a now famous school which is held by all art-loving nations in honor and repute. The stamp of genius rests securely on their works, but we live too near the times of Millet, Corot, Diaz, Michel, Troyon, Daubigny, and others, to feel and comprehend their true worth, and the still more exalted places they shall yet take in the listory of modern art. Our great desire and chief wish is that France may give us such another little army of grand workers, and surely the names of Roybet, Ribot, Mettling, Jacque, Dupré, Hill, Vollon, and Bonvin—lving men— give us the hope that art will rise anew. Certainly in no land save Holland stands there such a phalanx of true painters. Based in a manner on the study of the great French masters, they still remain, however, true Dutchmen, following the traditions of their own land, and painting the fat meadows, gray skies, and delicious atmosphere, that makes their country supreme for the landscape painter's art. The names of the brothers Maris, Van de Velden, Bosboom, Bloomers, Israels, Mauve, de Bock, Ter Meulen, Mesdag, and Artz, are as well-known in England as in their own beautiful Hague. Many of these names now stand as first in the art of painting, Imaginative painting like that of Matthew Maris, simple landscape ae ‘COLLECTION. DANIEL COTTIER. | ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN TH I. . Hr Rn Noe 4 e Rest Ft Go ee i a ¢ i; 4. C 4. iy I. I. re (The figures indicate the number of works Anker, Vanden. | Apol. Peck ae 4 . Artan. Artz. . Arus. Bellenger, G. Bilders, T. W. . Bdck, Théophile de. . Boks. Bonnemaison. Bonvyin. ‘Borselen, Van. Bosboom. 7 Bosse, Al. Van. Boulard. 3 Bouvier. . Bureau. Corot. Dela Croix, E. . Daubigny. . Dauhieny, K. Diaz. Du Chattel. Dupre, J. Eckelberg. Fisher, Mark. Gegerfelt. Hague, A. Hamon, J. L, Harpignies, Herenbaart. Hill. Israels, J. Jacque, Chas, © Jongkind. Klinkenberg. Latouche. ea PE TS LN ES NY 0) gle re GOR ress Ek eh a ga 2 I. : Neuhuys, A. - Valton. . Vernier, E> I. Verveers bem 6. Wollon ies af Meulen, Ter. Mettling. — Millet, J. F. Monticelli. i J- Sane) ye ae Ea) 11e ome a a “a Stacquet. Troyon, — Vallée. Vuillefroy, Urgell. of the size given indicates the height of the canvas, Szze of ; i Cunvas. sR JEMAISON, Paris. Che Beach. aici AO %. iA : NN EMAISON, Paris. : “ yf — ee et Mol.’ ftiP) 8) i NOE ane 1 ‘ 2 , . A ST Se he ees ‘ 4 eh SAS gS eee SO aaah ie ‘ ak y a Sy 2 may) > POE aioe” be ye eas Ry *) \ Pa ; 7 My L “ ad rie \ % wy t LY, Wh Pe iS j ‘ a ak . 4 ee ( ah es } bry) a Wa ay. Y Sea “aa ek ae x we AN Age ban GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE e RLS AG} Pepa ss ofa Ret ne uM 2 Si “G oe ee rh Thy i % Ks p A 3.8125 01662 3411 DA 4 he ALA PERE ee Pe Or Oy en d, co i in : ‘ a | v * . “ r i eas | x ts oe é 0 ihe v = 7 FP) ‘ es os \ v Ni ~S —,