il Paintings 0 » SILO. : AUcTI = A Trl AVENUE T(j x os LIBRARY : M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH. AVE. NEW YORK sm Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, 366 FIFTH AVENUE ete Beet, ~~. = =m - AUCTIONEER. RPS VANE) oh O) eases SUPERB CANVASES BY MODERN MASTERS HUROPHAN AND AMERICAN UNDER DIRECTION OF Pero oer SNE DECOR Pree. IDAY AND SATURDAY, November 13th and 14th, tee ee era eeetninlell “AAR AEN at 8 o’clock each evening. / 703 CONDITIONS 1, . The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold, 2. The purchasers to give their names aud addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, ¢/ required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lotsto be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain- der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any errorin the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- tence in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good couidition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part paymieut shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. ‘This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JAMES P SILO, Auctioneer ALEXANDER PRESS, (8 & 20 ASTOR PLACE, WN, Y. CATALOGUE | FIRST EVENING’S SALE ; Friday, November 13th, at 8.30 o’clock. OS } , ee BAUDIT (A.) ‘ : : Paris ps Morning Effect, Loire, France 2 , aan M i) « PICAULT (A. E_) ‘ id ‘ Paris — ' | Landscape in Barbizon ; [5 SMILLIE (George H.), N. A. New York Spring Blossoms 0. 0 BLAKELOCK (R. A.), N. Al) Sewers Landscape A Qs 5 PERBOYRE (Paul Emile Leon) Paris Pupil of Bonnat, Tony Robert Fleury and Domingo. Engagement Between Uhlans and Cuirassiers in War of 1870 (ue i nf a 6 BOLDINI (Giovanni) : Paris At the Opera From the Antony J. Antelo Collection. a of 3° = HOWE (W. H.) : New York Cattle FIELD (EH. Loyal) : ; New York Golden Hour Gf, WEISSE (Rodolphe) : Paris Mention Honorable , Paris, 1889. E. U, Ideal Head IO SIMONI (Gustavo) oP aris Mention’ Honorable, Paris, 1889, E. U. The Mandolin Player Water color i 10- WASHINGTON (Georges), deceased Paris Born at Marseilles. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1876. Medal, Second Class, 1886. Hors Concours. The Halt | qa™ of y hs | {) % {2 a oe f were” I2 TORRES (Antonio) ; . Paris Born at Tarragona, Spain; Studio, Paris. Pupil of the Julian Academy. At the Spring ie is iP h . 13 BRIDGMAN (F. A.) Paris : Bia a re et yee Summer on the Bosporus “ a we i I4 McCORD, (Geo. H.) N. A. ; New York French Fishing Boats 7 : BERTHELON, (E.) : : Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1879. Medal of the Third Class, 1886 ; Medal of the Second Class, 1889; Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours After a Storm, Evening | y p Pp v i 16 ’, 3 BESCOREH, (Jules A.S.) . . Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1889, E. U. Member of the Society of French Artists. At Leisure ve 17 BRISTOL, (J. B.) N. A. ; . New York Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889, E. U. A Glimpse at Lake Champlain ; ra s i 8 vw i w, I ie ea ae 7 LAMBINHET (E.) deceased : Paris Pupil of Drolling. Medals, 1843, ’53.'57. Legion of Honor, 1867. Born, 1810; died, 1878. On the Seine ah 19 if oy 4. SCHAAN (P.) ) apana Se Mention Honorable, Paris, 1892. Member of the Society of Freuch Artists. A Pleasing Communication MQ / S&S ; a ain we ? iy . 20 SCHULTZ (Adrien) : ‘ Paris Near Marlotte, Forest of Fontainebleau (fs y : 2% : HART (James M.) . New York Going to Market ‘ 22 PEREZ (Alonzo) ; ‘ ; Paris Born at Valence, Spain. Pupil of the Academy of France and 1l’Ecole des Beaux Arts. Member of the Academy of Rome. A Peace Offering u é) 23 THOM (J. Crawford), deceased Pupil of Edward Frere, in Paris. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1864. Midsummer A ig? tf », oo - | 4 24 HAQUETTE (Georges) Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Millet and Cabanel. Medals: Paris Salon, 1880; Boston, 1883; Nice, 1884. Member of the Society of French Artists. His painting, entitled “ The Departure,” was purchased by the French Govern- ment and presented to the City of Dieppe. Dieppe Fishermen 25 PHILIPOTEAUX (Paul) Paris Pupil of Leon Cogniet and of Felix Philipoteaux, The Sultan’s Guard 26 99% MAGSARRI(E.) . j z Paris Pupil of Simonetti. Studied in the Academy of Fine Artsin Rome. Exhibitor at the Salon, Paris. Medal, 1895. The Young Poet 27 |" VAN LEEMPUTYTEN (Franz) Antwerp Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. MHonor- ary Member of the Order of Isabella the Catholic of Spain. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and Rotterdam. Pasturing by the Roadside ae 28 wh TOUDOUZE (Edouard) . Paris Brittany Dairy Maid . ee (F.) : Paris Pupil of Brascassat. Medal, 1889. Now Comes Still Evening on 30 ae 3° PORTIELJE (Edward) : Antwerp Gold Medals: Antwerp, 1888; Brussels, 1890; Am- sterdam, 1891. Member of the Royal Academy of Bel- gium. Bay a A Neighborly Visit ~ Peel iat Ao iD ai LEROY (J.) : : ; Paris In Mischief 32 GIRARDET (Jules) : : Paris Medals: Paris. Third Class, 1881; Medal, Bronze, oe 1889. Exposition Universelle. Silver Medal, 1889. Ex- position Universelle. Legion of Honor, 1892. Hors Concours. Milking Time From the Paris Salon of 1901, No. 895. 43 X27 33 MORAN (dward), deceased New York Entering Port 5 Pe 34 i * ; GEROME (Jean Leon). Paris ae The Gates of Morocco STEINHEIL (Adolphe Charles Edward) Paris Pupil ond Nephew of Meissonier. Medals: Paris, een 1882 and 1859, K. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, A 1898. Member of the Society cf French Artists. Hors 4 Concours. At The Window Y os HASELTINE (W.S.) . . Philadelphia Gibralter 14% x 26 | M Q! 37 TANOUX (Henri Adrien) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1888 and 1889, EK. U. Medals: 1894, Second Class; 1805, Bourse de Voyage; 1895, Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. Ideal Head a” as ap 4 Beak \ : oh : Sri? bet 38 t : Ye D’ENTRAYGUES (Charles B.) Paris We Hors Coneours. Choir Boys in the Garden of Notre-Dame Bia a Se. Fok nt, BEEBE S a 39 RUL (Henry) ‘ The Hague Member of the Royal Academy of Holland. Returning Home 40 WORMS (Jules) : : : Paris Born in Paris, 1832. Pupil of Lafosse. Medals: 1867, 1868, 1869. Third Class Medal, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1876. The Serenade 41 | PELOUSE (L. G.), deceased Paris Village, Near Rouen A2 vt we HERMANN (Leo) cule Daria Pupil of J. G. Vibert. Medals, Third Class, 1873; Second Class, 1879. Hors Concours. In the Garden af: 43 CLAUDE (Georges) ; : Paris Medals: Paris, Third Class, 1884; Bourse de Voy- age, 1884; Bronze Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. y Bronze Medal, 1900 Exposition Universal. Member of / the Society of French Artists. Hors Coucours. mn Predication De Saint Francais D’Assises Saint Francois apprend a ses disciples a adorer eta aimer le Createur dans ses ceuvres et a loccasion de ses ceuvres—" Histoire de Saint Francois d’Assises,”’ Vol. 1, p. 160. Par M. LAbbe Le Monnier. From the Artist of the Paris Salon, 18g9, No. 462 lp? ’ 44 PENNELL (Henry), R. A. : London On the Thames : | ae be” | 45 4 \ TOURNIERS (Robert) : : Paris rea 1668-1752 ee La Duchess de Brissac 4 nt Bt 4 ‘ala . ° ny DUPRE (Julien) ‘ c : Paris & Medals: Paris, 1880, 1881 ; Silver Medal, 1889, E. U. . Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Hors Con- cours. The Milk Maid aA) a i”%}, 7 2 Ye, yr ¢! Pts 47. i PRINZ (A. E.) New York oe Landscape and Cattle 48 2 ‘+ LE h XM SEIGNAC (Guillaume) 7 : Parlay Mention Honorable, Paris, 1900. nae The Rendezvous 49 af 4 JACQUET (Gustave) : : Paris Ds Medals: Paris, 1868; Medal, First Class, 1875; Medal, 1878, H. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1879. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concurs. Girthood Ys Serres? 50 PERRAULT (Leon) Paris Medals: Paris, 1864, 1876, 1889, E. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1887. Hors Concours. Little Friends a il ot Paris ZIEM (Felix) ‘ Pupil of Dijon Art School. Medals: 1851, ’52, 55. Le- gion of Honor, 1857. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Venice qo | cs MOSLER (Henry) Paris Breton Peasants Extending Hospitality SECOND EVENINGS SALE < pent ie : ‘Saturday, November 14th, at 8.30 o’clock. a aS j ti i es, 53 | PICAULT (A. E.) ; aie foes < we, . Barbizon Landscape 54 EB (Bruce) A. N. A. New Vork ee Sunset : hs ees , (Adrein) ‘ " Paris Forest with Figure re , ee” : ‘4 56 MUNOZ Domingo) és ; Paris The Suspect ve i 2p?! a 57 ; COTES (Francis) R. A. . Lendor 7 | Contempory of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough and Romney, 1726-1770. Lady Caudwell rs Pi Ps i, ; : ie? 58 ' SALMYHR (Conrad) Norway Norwegian Fishing Smack : | 4 ex." 59 ‘ PELOUSE (Leon Germain) ; Paris Early Morning, Finistere. 60 n¥) i BLAKELOCK (R. A.), N. A. . New York ol i Landscape at 61 fn | q4. RIVOIRE (Francois) : Paris rb Mention honorable, Paris, 1883. Medals, 1886 1889, E. U. 1900. E. U, Member of the Society of French Ar- tists. Hors Concours. Flowers 62 ¥ D MOELLER (Louis) N. A. 5 New York A Good Joke 63 : DETAILLE (Edouard Jean Baptiste) . Paris L-+ v Born in Paris, 1848. Pupilof Messionier. Medals: 1869; 1870; 1872. Cross of Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Grand Medal of Honor, 1888. Grand Prize, 1889. Exposition, Universelle. Hors Concours. Societaire. The Proposal ROUSSEAU (Henri E.) : Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1899. Medal, 1900. Bourse de Voyage, 1900. Medal of the Secoud Class, 1902. Hors Concours. A Bazaar in Egypt cP ‘a p ‘ 65 PHILIPOTEAUX (Paul) : : Paris Pupil of Leon Cogniet and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Arabs in Battle \ wd 66 VE MAUVE (Anton) Holland Cattle and Landscape 67 McCORD (Geo. H.), A. N. A. New York Columbian Caravels RUYSDAEL (S.), deceased Holland | Landscape PRR 69 hee BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (F. §.), dec’d Paris Pupil of Cogniet and Jacque, Medal, 1888. Hors Concours A French Village 70 i. CAILLE (Leon) . : Parisa Born at Merville, 1836. Pupil of Cogniet. Won wide popularity by his work in Geure, characterized by care- ful executiou and an attractive styleand color. Mem- ber of the Society of French Artists. A Young Mother F SMITH (Henry P.) ‘ : New York On the Grand Canal, Venice “i 72 MUSIN (Auguste) 4 Brussels Fupil of P. J. Clays and Francois Musin A Calm on the Scheldt d 73 Y\ JACOURT. GG.) .. oSBaris The Mountain Belle Purchased from the Lamoriniere Sale at the American Art Association uy ge Fd tal wey aa wi Wie 74 WIELAND (J.) ; : The Hague Interior—Preparing for Market Hf £ &™, 1¢ u : 75 . i FEYEN-PERRIN (Deceased) Paris Return of the Tide 76 JAMES (E.) R. A. The Open Sea ta) TORRES (Antonio) ? Paris Born at Saragona, Spain. Pupil of the Julian Academy, Paris. Leisure Hours Pa 78 Va ASTI (Angelo) deceased : Paris Ideal Head 79 GROLLERON (Paul) deceased Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1882. Medals: 1886, 89, and’94. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. A Skirmish Da 80 wea FROMENTIN (Eugene) ‘ Paris Crossing the Desert From the I. Walker Collection. t) ' f }. ye BRICHER (A. T.), A.N. A. . New York Near Castalia, Grand Manan O- 82 PEREZ (Alonzo) : : . Paris In the Palace of the Cardinal ie EN ay ts “4 83 f HOUBEN (Henry) 5 ; Antwerp 7 Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. Shepherd and his Flock 34 LAUGEE (Georges) : Paris oe Medals: Paris, 1881 and 1889, E. U. Mors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. The Gleanors Rest 85 SANTORO (Ruben). Pe, Mention Honorable, Paris, 1896. Canal de Grici, Venice ae 86 % of * BISBING (Henry) ; Paris Hors Concours, 1889, E. U. Medals: Paris, 1891, and 1900, E. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, Igo2. Hors Concours. The Haarlem Meadows, Holland ; tae i \ 0 aod 87 MORAN (Thomas), N. A. New York Le Sunset on the Grand Canal, Venice ea ) 88 LANDSEER (Sir Edwin E.), R. A. London Head of a Dog j ade :y 8, oy vi DUPRE (Julien) : ; Paris Medals: Paris, 1880 and 1881. Silver Medal, 1889, E. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Hors Concours. Member of the society of French Artists. Homeward Bound 8) ets 5 4, \ fy ae wey, fy 4 Se SCHENCK (August-Frederic-Albrecht) deceased, Paris vg Born in 1828. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Ser Portugal, and of Isabella, the Catholic. Medal at Phil- / adelphia; Medal at Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1885. Sheep in a Snowstorm go” a gli De HENNER (Jean Jacques) ; Paris The Bather. From the Anthony J. Antelo Collection. yor ; ue ABIGDOR (Reno) eek Paris an Eleanor ae a 93 bf oat Vine fa * CABALLERO (Maximo) : - Paris Dee Montebanks in a Spanish Inn 94 J RICHEY (Leon) . 5 : Paris bai Pupil of Diaz. Honorable Mention, Salon, 1885. Medal, Second Class, 1888. Forest of Fontainebleau ¢ ; SEIGNAC (Guillaume) ; Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1900. Member of the Society of French Artists. The Harvest Queen oe 96 DIDIER-POUGET (W.) ‘ Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1890. Medals: Third Class, 1896. Legion of Honor, 1900. Bronze Medal, 1900 E.U. Member of the Society of French Artists. Heather in Bloom, Morning Effect, in the Valley of Caronne 97 BERNE-BELLECOUR, (Etienne Prosper) Paris Born at Boulogne. Medal, 1869. First Class, 1872. Chevelier, Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, 1878. Silver Medal, 1889. Bronze Medal, 1900. Hors Concours. Cavalry Scouts 98 PIOT (Adolphe) ; ; Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. Membre perpetuel de la Societe des Artistes Francais. Ideal Head | 99 PASINI (A.), (Deceased) ; Paris Born in Busseto, Italy. Pupilof Isabey and Rous- seau. Medals, Paris, 1859, 63,64. Legion of Honor, 1868. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, at E. U. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Knight of the Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus. Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Tunisian’s on the March—The Halt IOO MONCHABLON (Jan.) 4 Paris Mention Houorable, Paris, 1885. Silver Medal, 1889 F.U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1895, Silver Medal, 1900, E. U. Hors Concours, Champs Pres Chatillon, Vosges IOI GEROME, (Jean Leon) Born in Vesoul, May!11th, 1824. Pupil of Paul De- laroche. ‘Third Class Medalin 1847. One of the best- known modern French painters and sculptors. Medals Second Class, 1848, 1855; of Honor, 1867. 1874, 1878; for sculpture. 1878. Legion of Honor, 1855; Officer, 1867; Commander, 1875. Member of the Institute, 1865. Pro- fessor Eoole des Beaux Arts, 1863. A Tiger Hunting on the Coast of India ei ) Be Soe Sakis “Sa — ie = 4 $s 102 LAISSEMENT (Adolphe Henri) : Paris Pupil of Cabanel. Salon, Honorable Mention; 1882 and 1889. Medals: Third Class, 1898; Bronze Medal, 1900. : Cardinal with Bouquet 103 BOGGS (Frank M.) : ‘ Paris Silver Medal, Paris, 1889, E. U. Hors Concours. East River, New York ox 104 BROWN (J.G) : ; New York Playing Children 105 MAYER (Georges) ; ; Paris Chet la Modiste xe a ee a” Oe iv ye 7 : & , # nit gilt f } Fy ¢ 106 Ld ° ° Paris i ae - 4 f. ; £ 107 tf on aoe ot i t Paris 1 a - Meditation 5 ihe 108 re = : Paris tye é “Secue Arabe | JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer,