a oy 3 Mag i ah t { / ‘ Cea ae cpt 4 Va Roa } G7 CRED RN ORM AMS REA Nh teat | | (v4 " pet YR es us et ey. Me ~ fy t ' hd ad 2 { i Feehan hae RN LO tee ne | ae | ) ¥ ae i) i y ; \ \ he i ~ ; it } Peay Y yy Meat ae Be AAS Tah ROLE NS A ee a j head eee is CT ATT I PRA EI E Seea a | a ak yet ay ; Wie niey sagt Ay - ~~ > i «) Fee Vo bi ' a} <=. ‘ay ¥ pos h 1% me) ON De ie eg aye RE bP Rei at Aa ela ee — 9] = eg ¥ Stan oF ee = ea Yee seu ae as eee J f xe 1 0 ANZ} ao eos 28 ay Tae L ( fay = aA — X As ook J 2 ea te oe ; . Be Os } A eae es, ae Iyy Ke Vp ete ay oe ia ae Sit ; } ey ‘ hs ha as | VIN S: erst ct aah See — aa } : J £ 5 — a oi aa ‘Ue ye vf _, Nese U f as fi ~. ET Nine: ed —* \ rm) aS \ ‘s \ \ Ss \ oy re = eee PX) ; \ a ~ y) ay Nee ‘ee ae iy ; e\ Bia ed aie ; t y wy Se sok * a= | Svae rest SS fat A) we ae Ae Ae Prices $ 25. 110. 55.6 ——_=- Thomas R.Ball and Francis White Collections eats and Francis White Collection: sold at the American Art Association, 1919 March 13-14, Ce a ES Buyers, Eldridge W.¥.Seaman » Agte Robertson Trowbridge © Clapp & Graham RC. Thompson Ww itd f.Eldridge R.C. Thompson Henry J.Pain P. Thompson J.C.Willever T.Ellis, Agt. Bernet, Agt. A.G.Winter A..F. .Egner M.GSM. Luykx R.C. Thompson Seaman, Agt. Wm. A.Burnett GeoeA. Lloyd M.R.Beeds Wm.A.Burnett JeLarus Seaman, Agt. W.J Keough T.F Crowley B.J.Garfunkel T Eldridge A.Reimann Wm. A.Burnett W.H.Wallace L.A. Biddle R.C. Thompson JeLarus w Lid Henry Schultheis R.C. Thompson Li Lad Wm.A.Burnett R.C. Thompson Bernetf#, Agt. R.C. Thompson Wm.A. Burnett Seaman, Agt ° Franklin Haines R.C. Thompson Nose Prices ers 145. T. Thompson ' 606 Philip J.eKnobloch 140. J.M.McCarthy 190. Charles Daniel 140. Robert Hyman 55. = " 35 K.Minassian 50. ?.Eldridge 110. Wm. A. Burnett 500. Rehn Galleries 60. Wm. 4.Burnett 356 * e 1350, Henry Schultheis 70. R.C. Thompson 500. W.J Keough 55. Wm.A.Burnett 110. i Ld 200. J.Bennett Nolan 160. E.A.Milch 100. W.C.Blome 75. Henry Schultheis 150. R.C.Thompeon 130. Wm. A. Burnett 556 LeRoy Ireland 756 Wm. A.Burnett ; 2406 Henry Schultheis 480. Ls ne ¢ 140. Frank Reside 3006 M.Knoedler & Co. 210. A.¥.Stout 410. B.C. Thompson 140. Henry Schultheis 180. R.C. Thompson 105. Wm.A.Burnett 50. ReC. Thompson 40. F.S.Morley 55. Henry Schultheis 7G0 Bernet, Agt. 50. Parké Ave.Antique Shop 7506 Henry Schultheis 110. W.JeKeough 2206 Parkg Ave.Sntique 90. G.J.Fuerth 60. Wm.J.Kain 7006 M.Knoedler & Co. 85. GeJeFuerth fe | ea ea gene ae Ss fy ed 7 ff, 2 s ae Bees! eee 4 * pn: ? ae Prices Buyers Nos. $ 550. Bernet ° Agt ° R51 $ 160. 475. i ” 52 3256 360. A. Reimann 53 170. 510. Rehn Galleries 54 390. 260. R.C. Thompson 55 2206 350. Geo.A.Lloyd 56 135. 180. A.W.Bahr 57 240, 625. P.W.Rouss 58 425. 200. R.C.Thompson 59 77155 540. A.B.Coates 60 850. 190, Henry Schultheis 61 3400. 1000. sa “ 63 425.6 310. Clepp & Graham 64 150. 70. Fel. Crossman 65 3256 250. Wed eKeough 66 250. 160. G.J.Fuerth 67 325. 130. F.M.Crossman 68 450. We B.J.Gerfunkel 69 550. 470, E.A.Milch 70 475. 90. Aug.Flatteau 7 420. 60. Re Ce. Thompson 72 900. 120. Henry Schultheis 73 425. 500. * * 74 325. 100. LeRoy Ireland 75 240. 2000. C.W.Kraushaar 76 400. 6506 R.C. Thompson 77 2506 1650. RC. & N.M.Vose 78 110. 706 E.T. Ridgway 79 110. 210. Rehn Galleries 1075.4 Holland "™ 1250. Scott & Fowles 1000. Bernet, Agt. 2006 G.J.Fuerth 3500. ey 3 2506 Holland Galleries 2006 R-C. Thompson 200. G.J.Fuerth 130. RoC. Thompson 75. B.J.Garfunkel 240. ReC. Thompson 160. M.Knoedler & Co, 300.6 Mrs .Mabée 425, JeM.MeCarthy 110. R.C. Thompson 4500. R.C. & N.M.Vose 190. Holland Galleries 200. Dr.F*G. Oppenheim 200. Theo.eSchulze A25 : ” bad 170. P.W.Rouss 120. Robt.Glendenning 50. ss 5 600. John Levy Prices Buyers Seaman, Agt, G.J.Fuerth R.C. Thomps on Bernet » Agt. Henry Schultheis Wm.A. Burne tt F.M. Crossman A.B.Coates GeE.Comstock J.M.McCarthy Henry Schultheis Bernet, Agt. G.J.Fuerth C.J.MeDonough C.A4.Pinckney R.C. Thompson E.A.Milch JeM.McCarthy WeC e Thomps on Ferargil Galleries Wed. McGuire F.C.Morley JoM.McCarthy A.Janssen Wm.A.Burne tt Theo.Schulze A.G.Winter GeJ.Fierth aieitiadot ) Soe a20Y siheit * 48 ope Soy gang BL. Tsk soty ef fad. sor Li bora fio geefwot & FitAne Sake Jae i. eae epee) Bee oti ne Kuver ee ee ee eee ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING MONDAY, MARCH 10rtu, 1919 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE A VERY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF MODERN PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE EVENINGS OF THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 13TH Anpb 14TH, 1919 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF | THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58tru TO 59TH STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK Uywers Gane au brumibher ewahafed Va ance, belli. Vomsbvony, tlerence 4. Beyond: Ws. Bey ty. [hese rf VER oro s a. ¥ Taw han. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF A VERY IMPORTANT COLLECTION MODERN PAINTINGS BY CELEBRATED MASTERS OF THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN SCHOOLS THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE THOMAS R. BALL OF NEW YORK THE LATE FRANCIS WHITE OF BALTIMORE WITH IMPORTANT ADDITIONS FROM SEVERAL PRIVATE COLLECTORS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND-HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY 1919 “3 _ THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ~ . ¥. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. ‘Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ° ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on. account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold ‘fas is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata-_ logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919. IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL FIFTH AVENUE, FIFTY-EIGHTH TO FIFTY-NINTH STREET BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK HENRY STACQUET Frencu: 1838— Joe 1—_THE HILLSIDE FARM / F ae (Water Color) ve of; hs Hts Height, 7144, inches; width, 64% inches A PEASANT is returning across a moorland hillside to a red-roofed farmhouse overtopped by a tall feathery aspen tree in the middle distance. A high sky of light purple and dull pinks. Signed at the lower left: H. Sracauet, ’76. Property of the Estate of the late Samvur. Exxiorr. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 45 2-H EAD OF A SHORTHORN BULL 4 4 hy’ dae : (Panel) Height, 7%, inches; width, 614% inches WHITE-FACED, looking toward left front, with back markings on the shoulder of a powerful animal; dark gray background. Signed at the lower left: Carteton WiccIns. Bought by the late owner direct from the Artist. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. CAMILLE MAGNUS FreNcH: CONTEMPORARY 3—CUPID AND PSYCHE AT THE ie FOUNTAIN OF LOVE Je Mar, hawk (Panel) Height, 7 inches; width, 534 inches Psycue seated, nude to the waist, her white chiton.fallen to her . lap, her limbs draped in rich blue, her right arm extended with a butterfly on one finger; a small cupid nestles close to her — shoulder and holds the extended arm; both gaze intently on the butterfly. Background of open wooded country with a Grecian temple in the left distance; above, a dark lowering blue sky. Signed at the lower left: CamirtE Macnvs. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. THEODORE CHARLES FRERE Frencu: 1815—1888 I li 4—A CARAVAN RESTING A/ (Panel) . hikes ‘1 toh Uye Height, 55% inches; length, 9 inches _ Tue sun below the distant range of hills radiates hot golden beams on the pale blue sky; all else in gloaming. In the foreground an Arab mounted on a camel looms into the sky; behind him, at left, squatting turbaned Arabs before their tents; at right, several camels crouching on the ground; beyond in a purple haze in the middle distance are the spires and domes of Bagdad. Signed at the lower left: Tu. Frere. Estate of the late THomas R. Batt. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. American: 1847—. 1 = 5—NYMPHS IN THE FOREST (Panel) Height, 51%, inches; length, 81, inches A party of six small nude female figures, in a glade of a forest, in various attitudes, grouped about a pool. One young woman, in full face to the spectator, with arms held forward as if about to dive, is in the center of the group. Signed at the lower left. Andrew Freedman Collection, New York, 1916. #81 3/0 a A thee Property of a Private Owner. LUCIA FAIRCHILD FULLER AMERICAN: 1872— oa 0U- —._ pHE ROSE GOWN (Ivory Panel) Height, 7 inches; width, 4%% inches A youne woman, clad in a loose pale rose négligé robe ruffled with dainty lace, stands before a salmon-pink wall hung at the right with a Japanese kakemono. Signed at the lower right: L. T. Furzer, 1907. From the W. T. Evans Sale, New York, 1913, Ab _pibo 4 Yeo Aline, To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. ft. ct AmERIcAN: 184°7— Ad Ge | 7—INDIAN GIRL: UINTAH TRIBE Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches Savartine on her haunches on a deerskin, in warm sunlight from the left, silhouetted against a dark brownish-black background, wearing loose robes of soft tanned skin girdled with red, a long bead bag on her lap; her raven black hair caught with a narrow fillet and in front a single eagle’s feather. Signed at the lower right: R. A. BLaKEtock. From the Frederick 8S. Gibbs Collegtion, me ae Association, New York, February 25, 1904, No. 210. 500 A Blakelock Loan Exhibition, Reinhardt’s Gallery, 1916, No. 4. Listate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. i ; i —— WILLIAM VERPLANCK BIRNEY, A.N.A. American: 1858—1909 8—A SMILE | ip (Panel) Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches Bust of a lightly mustached young man on a broad smile, head fronting three-quarters from left, smoking a porcelain bowled pipe and wearing a close-fitting black hat; embroidered brocade coat, with a fur thrown over left shoulder. Rich dark brown back- ground. Signed at the lower right: Birney. Bought by the owner direct from the Artist, June 10, 1886. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. S. W. B. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY Bites 9—_THE WISHING POOL: EVENING Kf. Laan (Academy Board) Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches Two clumps of feathery trees rise at left and right of a pool in the foreground; a peasant beyond in a grassy pasturage at left. A pale blue sky warmed by the yellow light of the setting sun. Signed at the lower right: S. W. B. Property of the Estate of the late Samurt Exxiorr. VENETIAN SCHOOL ITALIAN AO. - 10—ST. CECELIA 4 4%, ‘ Se Ui ang Height, 121%, inches; width, 914 inches In ample robes of blue and crimson the saint is seated at a small organ with a heavenly choir before her. Property of the Estate of the late Samvurt Exxziorr. JEAN BAPTISTE MADOU yy BELGIAN: | 1796—1877 l1l—A NIGHT IN THE GUARD-HOUSE Keay fr ( (Panel) Height, 8% inches; length, 1214 inches In the center of a high vaulted guard-house before a dark arched. recess with a dim hanging lantern, a leathern aproned cobbler sits on a low stool, wildly gesticulating and declaiming to his red hat on the floor; against the window-lit wall at right are five men, a halberdier in seventeenth century costume holding his long pike, one seated, in blue doublet and plumed felt hat, and three civilians watching the madman’s fury; a dog and drum are near the group. . Signed toward lower right: Manov, 1849. From the A«meniasun—tet—tssotton Sats, New York, April 6, 1886, No. 85. £304 } Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. JULES JACQUES VEYRASSAT Frencu: 1828—1893 J y fl 12—RICH PASTURES BY THE SEA (Water Color) (” Se theres : Height, 8 inches; length, 1114 inches Low green fields at the border of the sea stretch far away to the right, and in them are horses and cows, while across a stream dividing the meadows, at the left, the cottages of a fishing hamlet cluster at the foot of a great windmill. Signed at the lower right: J. Veyrassar. Estate of the late Francis Wurte, Baltimore. HIPPOLYTE LAZERGES Frencu: 1817—1887 vy /. os AT THE PORTAL } $. Tepe Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches Aw arched doorway raised a single step from the street gives en- trance to a house with the soft creamy-gray walls of Mediter- ranean countries. At the partly opened door a woman appears, stepping out, a yellow kerchief over her dark hair, and a blue cloak knotted at the waist over a loose indoor dress of creamy- white. Signed on the step: H1e’re Lazerces, 1879. From the Wall-Brown Collection, 1886. ~#/08 $240 4 Estate of the late Francis Wurte, Baltimore. WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE, N.A. 7 y AMERICAN: 1840—1916 18—A STORMY SUNSET: VENICE Wy 4 MN, KM Le | (On ee) Height, 8 inches; width, 1214, inches Tue sun behind the horizon sheds yellow beams amidst a rifting sky of many complex streaked clouds of greens and rich browns, which are mirrored in the silent waters. Shadowy shipping looms up in the right distance. Property of the Estate of the late Samurt Exxiorr. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. / bf, = AMERICAN: 1847— Ji 19—SENTINEL SETTER IN WOODLAND le. 4. J; 4s Ay ae (Academy Board) Height, 1614 inches; width, 101%, inches BrroreE a pathway approaching through dense woodland to the foreground, an alert setter is seated on its haunches; the gather- ing gloom of night tinges the foliage and foreground. Signed at the lower right: BLaKELocK. Purchased direct from the Artist by the previous owner. Property of a Private Collector. FRANCIS LUIS MORA, N.A. AMERICAN: 1874— LL = 20—THE FERRY TO ST. GEORGE Je or (Panel) A er Height, 11144 inches; length, 16 inches is Portion of the upper covered foredeck of the ferry discloses in the hazy distance the Statue of Liberty and the faint Bayonne shore. Summertime, with a motley of persons taking the air. In the foreground, two girls in white dresses seated on deck stools are in conversation with a somewhat fashionable young man who holds his straw hat on his knees. At right two Italian children are near their father; beyond are grouped other passengers, grave and gay. Signed at the lower right: F. Luis Mora. Property of a Private Collector. WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1820—1910 y f Tn. Alo urueft Ar the left, an old red mill, and on the right a white horse drinking from the mill stream, with an infant on his back and two other children in attendance. In the distance, sunlit hills and fields in autumn colors. 21—_LANDSCAPE: THE OLD MILL Height, 1414, inches; width, 131, inches Signed at the lower left: W. Wuirrrepcr. Estate of the late Francis Wuire, Baltimore. JULES WORMS ae Frencu: 18382—1881 22 PREPARING FOR A JOURNEY Seo. A Uae (Panel) Ie, Height, 12% inches; width, 91, inches A roune Spanish mountaineer, his back to the spectator, in high peaked black sombrero, knee breeches and red shirt sleeves leans over his donkey that is watering at. a long stone trough at the right of a sunny balconied courtyard; he amuses himself talking to a young woman who stands facing front, attired in blue em- broidered bodice, skirt trimmed with deep red band, yellow apron and red kerchief over her head, archly smiling at the man’s re- marks. Signed at the lower left: Worms. Purchased from Goupil & Co., Paris. From the King-Fuller Collection, American Art Association, New York, March 12, 1908, No. 59.8 £504 JA hale Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batu. /b9K Sdwco Aetreo Vanr 1879 4 Ga Ze MISX Es 7 “al yé Bunt pI 3 JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AmErRICAN: 1848— a A et 23—HOLSTEIN BULL Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches hh. Ceeds A MAGNIFICENT brown, black and white bull stands almost in profile toward the left in a small pool amid long rough grass; at left, on the horizon, is the sea; at right, a low long red-roofed farmhouse. Signed at the lower left: Carterton Wiearns, 1886. Bought by the late owner direct from the Artist. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batu. PROSPER MARILHAT Frencu: 1811—1847 Vas a 24—_AN ARAB AND HIS CAMEL I, fh (APS off Height, 13°4 inches; width, 12 inches A pusky Berber Arab stands holding his long gun horizontally _ behind his neck, his patient white camel drawing near to him; a high wall with a strip of deep turquoise-blue sky above forms a background. Has also been exhibited under title of “The Camel.” Signed at the lower left: P. Marizmar. From the collection of Erwin Davis, March 19, 1889, No. 29. Poo ~ Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. JAMES McDOUGAL HART AMERICAN: 1828—1890 bf. 25—COW IN PASTURE 4 / ayn Height, 18 inches; width, 13% inches A prep yellow and white cow in profile to right, with head raised in lowing, is standing in pasturage before a large willow somewhat at the left. Blue sky, with grayish white clouds. Signed at the lower left: James M. Harr. Property of Mrs. J. M. Caruiste. — 64- Bere, Digest GO - LEONARD OCHTMAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1854-— 26—LANDSCAPE: EVENING (Panel) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches In gathering twilight; a rough stone wall crosses a foreground of uneven ground, broken at the left with brown rushes, and beyond the wall with a thick clump of tall trees almost bare of their brown leaves; at right, warm brown ground rises to strag- gling trees before a denser group of leafless gray saplings; over- head a cold greenish yellow sky flecked with red from the setting sun. Signed at the lower left: Leonarp OcHTMAN. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES YARDLEY TURNER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1850—1918 | 27—_HHAD OF A YOUNG GIRL Height, 1614, inches; width, 13% inches ProFIteE bust to left of a pleasant featured maiden in blue blouse, black velvet mob cap trimmed in front with lace, her warm brown hair braided down her back; pink roses at corsage. Background of light sky and foliage at right. Signed at the upper right: C. Y. Turner, 84. Estate of the late THomas R. Batt. EDWARD L. HENRY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1841— ZH oy 28—4 GAY COACHING PARTY Ue F4, ae Height, 101%, inches; length, 19 inches A FOUR-IN-HAND, with a party of notables aboard and a liveried -coachman sounding the “Tally-ho,” is in the courtyard of a fine old Tudor house, flanked by trees. A summer sun bathes the coach and right foreground with pleasant sunlight. Signed at the lower right: E. L. Henry, 1876. Property of a Private Owner. ROBERT LEE MacCAMERON J j.- AmErIcAN: 1866—1912 (3 4, Bi 29-THE GARDEN OF THE LUXEMBOURG Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches A. TERRACE in cool gray light, which is balustraded and adorned with a stately pedestaled lion and sculptured figures, overlooks a stretch of trees in their autumnal glory and the distant house- tops beyond. Signed at the lower right: MacCameEron, Paris, 1894. Property of a Private Owner. Mollvidye 4 60.- WILLIAM T. INGLIS AMERICAN: 1860—1906 30—AGASSTZ ROCK Height, 13 inches; length, 1914 inches Tuer famous Agassiz Rock at Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachu- setts, looms in the middle of the picture, a greenish-gray and russet mass against a deep greenish-blue sky largely overspread by expansive and billowing creamy clouds. Foreground flat of surface and warm in coloring; and at the left, stray saplings and bushes. Signed at the lower right: Inexis, W. T. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrrer WILLIAMS. ALFRED WAHLBERG Swepiso: 18384—1916 31I—MOONLIGHT NIGHT IN S WEDEN 6 h. Ko Wh ahny Height, 12 inches; length, 181%, inches THE moon in a pale mackerel back sky casts a silver pool on the distant waters before a low-lying coast on the horizon. In the forewaters of a harbor are two fishing boats, one sailing away through a small outlet between a lighthouse on a small point at left and a rude natural breakwater stretching to the far right occupied by fisher cottages; the hands on a boat in mid-harbor are preparing to set sail and other craft are variously seen. Signed at the lower right: Au¥. WauHiperG, 1874. Bought from Galerie des Artistes Modernes, Paris, May, 1906. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. CHARLES FERDINAND VENNEMAN ~ Bewcian: 18038—1875 GS. 32—A NUMISMATIST 7 (Panel) Tin. A. Mdanwefh Height, 1914 inches; width, 151, inches A MIDDLE-AGED Fleming is seated at left, his face turned three- quarters to front, in a red-upholstered chair before a dark carved oak table, intently examining a coin held up between the fingers of his two hands; on the table are two volumes, an old earthen- ware pitcher and other coins; he wears a high-crowned felt hat, warm dove-gray coat with loose linen collar; his keen ruddy countenance, with mustache and small Vandyke beard, is in mellow light against a dark warm gray background. Signed on rim of table: Cu. VENNEMAN. From the collection of Edward Nearryey, American Art Association, New York, February 7, 1901, No. 16. 4807 Estate of the late THomas R. Batu. A. PECQUEREAU tp FrencH: CONTEMPORARY 4 Wallace 388—ROCKY LANDSCAPE AND STREAM | (Water Color) Height, 1214, inches; length, 19 inches A rocxy and bold landscape, rich in the color of its stone and its herbage and supporting but few trees, is viewed against a white sky, which is reflected in its whiteness along with the colorful shadows of the rocks and brush, on the silvery surface of a fore- ground pool. Signed at the lower left: A. PecQuEREAv. Owner, Mrs. Marcaret Corrier WILLIAMS. | CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE Ay Frencu: 1831—1897 34—DOGS AND LANDSCAPE L 4. leddle Hae ee Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches Ar right a pollard willow, and before it two setters in the deep grasses and flags at the edge of a silvery river which winds through a fair French countryside. A stray duck has taken flight over the water, in alarm. Signed at the lower right: Cu. pE PENNE. Estate of the late Francis Wurtt, Baltimore. MADAME H. W. MESDAG Dutcu: 1834—1909 35—TREES AND POULTRY as i p (Water Color) i Height, 18 inches; width, 1114 inches At left and right tall trees rising out of the picture, their scat- tered foliage touched with the hues of autumn. A broad path winding among them loses itself in thicker parts of the wood, and at either side of the path, at the foot of the trees, are chickens. Signed at the lower left: S. M. v H. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrrer WILLIAMS. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— /10. - is 36—_H ARV ESTING Height, 14 inches; length, 19 inches AN overgrown rutty country road winds from right foreground before a red-chimneyed farmhouse and a paled field of ripened wheat to a group of trees beyond; at left of the road is a partly cut field of rye, with fields of other crops reaching to the horizon; above, a blue sky shrouded in rolling clouds of white and gray. Signed at the lower left: Bruce Crane. _ Property of a Private Owner. WILLIAM T. INGLIS AMERICAN: 1860—1906 q eee 37—_STILL LIFE: POTTERIES 7 d, Height, 15 inches; length, 17 inches A croup of objects of fictile art, in rich color, on a ground and against a background equally rich—a bottle, cylindrical and ovoidal jars, and a circular dish, in deep red, coral, yellow and green. Signed at the lower right: W. T. Ineuts. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrrer WILLIAMS. Si ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A. V4 kp AMERICAN: 1839—1886 38—FISHING BOATS | | Height, 13%, inches; length, 23%, inches Two men are rowing a flat-bottomed boat away from a heavy : broad-beamed smack that is lazily sailing before the wind on a sea rolling and rippling with the ebbing of the tide; in the offing are further fishing smacks; seagulls fly around; noontime, with the sun high above the white-clouded blue sky and a hazy horizon. Signed at the lower right: ArtHurR QUARTLEY. Estate of the late 'THomas R. Batt. RICHARD PAULI American: 1855—1892 39—WINDY DAY IN SPRING (Panel) Kh 4 Height, 15%, inches; length, 24 inches Roveu green pasturage crosses the foreground; beyond, toward the right, an old red-roofed farm house peeps out from a long group of scraggly old trees that bound the field; wind-blown willows are similarly grouped at the left. Overhead a luminous pale yellow sky, partially obscured with swirling gray clouds. Signed at lower right: Ricwarp Pavtt. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY Jf AMERICAN: 1864— 40—THE GULEF STREAM (Water Color) , Height, 17 inches; length, 2034 inches Tue light green and blue forewaters touched with foaming white crests rise and lazily swell inshore; beyond, the deep blue current moves its silent way across the horizon; under a high pastel-like sky, with large banks of white and lavender cumulus clouds amid pale turquoise-blue. Signed at the lower right: Woopgpury. To be sold to close an Estate. WILLIAM T. INGLIS AMERICAN: 1860—1906 JY oe 41—MARINE Von 4 , Paes Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches In the foreground, brown hummocks of a sand-bar in pale green- ish shallows, and beyond them a lugger in a narrow channel. Further back, on the left, working boats with colored sails up and flapping, lying-up on a beach of golden sand at low tide. 'To right, the open blue sea. Signed at the lower right: W. T. Inetts. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Cotrier WILLIAMS. CHARLES WARREN EATON AMERICAN: 1857— / p97. ~ 42—_4 GOLDEN SUNSET Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches t Ren | iS A LARGE tree rises beyond view in a grassy foreground bedecked with wild flowers and scattered with lesser trees; all in deep gloam- ing, with the rich light of a golden sunset seen through the branches of the trees. Signed at the lower right: Cuas. WarrEN Eaton, 1891. Property of a Private Owner. WILLIAM H,. LIPPINCOTT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849— ji a) 43—ITALIAN WATER CARRIER Height, 23 inches; width, 1414 inches fe 7; } dysaf A uzirtte blond maiden, in flat white headdress and waist with blue vest, skirt panniered with red and a brown embroidered apron, struggles. to carry a large copper pot of water. She stands toward the left, with head turned to the front, before a dark wooded landscape background. Signed at the lower left: W. H. Liprrncort, Paris. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. RICHARD PAULI AMERICAN: 1855—1 892 oS - 44—MOONLIGHT ON THE SILENT POOL Ki, ¥ Vh ocnprorn/ Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Two tall feathery trees rise from a low bank, bedecked with wild flowers, at the left of a small reflecting pool stretching to the right, whose farther low bank is occupied by an old rambling farm seen amid varied groups of sheltering trees. A full moon amid a patch of blue, high in the heavens, sheds a yellow light on vaporous clouds tinged with pink. To be sold to close an Estate. FRANK MEYERS BOGGS AMERICAN: 1855— > / 45—ON THE RIVER THAMES BELOW LONDON BRIDGE Vita. Vurwef A coou hazy day; the river and sky of warm ivory tone. At the right a small black tug labors with four flat-bottomed barges, abreast of one another, toward the arches of London Bridge, dimly seen crossing the center of canvas; toward the left a large high-prowed ocean-going tramp slowly approaches, outward bound, and further vessels are moored near the bank; on the right, through the rigging of unloading shipping, the Tower and Dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral are faintly visible. Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches Signed at the lower left: Boaes, Lonpon, ’86. L'state of the late Tuomas R. Batt. GUY C. WIGGINS, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1883— 46—COWS IN PASTURE Je Ayr an , Height, 1814, inches; length, 2214, inches THREE cows; in a rough foreground near a small pool at right is a recumbent brown and white cow before another, dun and white, standing with head turned to the front; a third is grazing on rising ground and wandering toward a group of three willows blowing in the wind and a horizon tipped with a golden wheat field. A windy late summer day. Signed at the lower left: G. C. Wicerns. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Bat. J. BEAUFAIN IRVING, N.A. bf = AMERICAN: 1826—1877 pv 47—“MUSIC HATH CHARMS” Snautlhu Nant Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches In a stuccoed arched cell with a flagged floor, a rubicund, genial spectacled old monk, habited in black and white, playing a bass viol; at his feet a monkey and a cat stop in their gamboling to listen, and another cat jumps down from a basket. On the left is a table with a richly patterned cover spread with a tall bottle of Burgundy, a glass, a flute and sheet music; in the background a dark carved oak cabinet holds a large stein, a skull and various tomes, and a bright-plumaged parrot alights on his chair back. Signed at the lower right: J. B. Irvine, Jr., 1865. Estate of the late Tomas R. Batt. LOUIS VICTOR WATELIN Frencu: 1838—1908 (?) / (4 Ss 48—CATTLE WATERING AT A POOL fh 4. Height, 181, inches; length, 21%, inches ; * Unpver the shadow of large densely foliaged trees filling more than the right of canvas, three cows advance to water at a small pool on the left; the foremost, black with white markings, is an ad- _mirable foil for a light brown and white animal partially behind her; farther in the shade is a third of dark brown; beyond the _ pool is a field and a small hill. Overhead a large cloudy white sky over light blue. Signed at the lower left: L. Warexrn. Estate of the late THomas R. Bart. NARCISSE BERCHERE Frencu: 1819—1891 /4 fi- 49—_SUNSET IN EGYPT Height, 13%, inches; length, 2114 inches | A croup of Fellaheen women in loose robes of gray and blue is silhouetted against a high sunlit sky and broad waters; two are advancing through the shadowed forewaters rank with tufts of grass, carrying immense water jars on their heads; the others variously stand or bend over to fill their jars; at right, several dahabiyehs sailing before a small sloping shore; at left rise date palms and the dome of a mosque midst a motley of buildings on a low-lying shore stretching to a tall building in the center of the — horizon. Signed at the lower right: Bercurre, 1878. : Bought from the Galerie des Artistes Modernes, Paris, May, 1906. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. LOUIS REMY MIGNOT, N.A. bp te AMERICAN: 1831—1871 50—A SILENT LAKE 6 ® Fotip fp Mite Height, 19 inches; length, 25%, inches Uneven rough foreground, rising at left to a sunlit clump of ancient gnarled trees sheltering two men, one in white seated, the other in red coat fishing from the deep, pellucid blue lake occupy- ing the center; majestic cliffs in rich shadows rise opposite, trees border the lower shore-line at right, which gradually rises round the bend to front into a rocky ledge, mantled with two rugged old firs towering into the pale turquoise-blue sky; with rolling dark gray clouds above and flecked with gold and pink under from the setting sun. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. GEORGES MICHEL /4f) a Frencu: 1763—1848 51—ON THE COAST NEAR ETRETAT f Ne Y . f ij Height, 141% inches; width, 24 inches A sanpy and rocky shore with pools filled by the tide and scat- tered among rough herbage, occasionally broken by hummocks; beyond, at left, the sea in black shadows strongly marks the horizon; about the center on one of the hummocks, bathed in sunlight, is a herd of cattle silhouetted against the sky; nearer the front are a shepherd and his dog; at right, sunlight and shadow play on far-stretching dunes and a line of silvery sea. Ominous gray clouds gather at the left, threatening to envelop the blue sky. Property of a Private Owner. ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1873— /90.- 52—ON THE SHORE 4 A by hance Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches THREE girls bathing, one in the water, one sitting on a gray float at right and the third ascending its ladder; across the water, with a rowboat at left, is a steep rocky-ledged shore, crowned with greensward, a boathouse and two houses amid fir trees. Overhead, a colorful sky of turquoise-blue and many masses of rolling purple and white clouds scintillate in the fore- . waters. | Signed at the lower left: E. Lawson. Purchased direct from the Artist. To be sold to close an Estate. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. [A f. roe American: 1848—1908 583—EVENING: NEAR GLOUCESTER Krhod Wn hw Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches A wurip sunset of deep golden and red tones canopied with pur- plish gray clouds veiling a crescent moon. Inshore, near strag- gling rocks, a fishing-boat floats idly with sails limply flapping; other vessels are in the offing to left and right. Signed at the lower left: Georcze H. McCorp, A.N.A. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. ERNEST PARTON GE = AmERICAN: 1845— 54—SONNING BRIDGE ON THE K sherft RIVER THAMES, ENGLAND vie Height, 171%, inches; length, 261/, inches Tue river with rushes, tufts of grass and an old-fashioned house- boat in the foreground, placidly flows under the many arches of the ancient bridge at right; near the far shore is a moored punt and a boat drawn up beside a roadway leading to the village and its square-towered church seen amid trees in their green early summer foliage. A cloudy blue sky, bridge and the cottages cast many soft reflections in the river. Signed at the lower left: Ernest Parton. E'state of the late THomas R. Batt. UNKNOWN If 55—FEMALE NUDE Vy . Ke tn Ans Ane Height, 171%, inches; length, 24 inches A youne woman of generous proportions lies prone on rich, light- colored draperies, her breasts resting against cushions over which her arms are folded, and she turns her face to look at the spec- tator, her upper body being seen in broad back view, nude, a rose drapery covering her limbs. Her thick black hair falls loosely about her shoulders, and her body is in a broad, soft and warm light. Signatures at the lower left, in black, with the date 1846, and above it in red, undeciphered. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrirer WILLIAMS. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. Jo. oe American: 1848— Wie 4d An be 56—HOLSTEIN BULL Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches _A powrErrut white bull standing in a stall of an old stable, head turned three-quarters to profile with rump toward spectator and head raised in attention from a manger. Signed at the lower left: Carteton WIccINs. Bought at the Artist’s Sale, February 15, 1898, No. 60. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Bat, : : : | : //4.- Tw hi arf b.- PAUL CORNOYER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— 57—_THE ROAD TO THE RIVER Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches A sroap rutty village road, flanked on the left with a low stone wall and the front of an old peaked frame house, on the right with a rough, boulderlike wall and two barns amid trees, descends to a river flowing athwart the canvas; a wagon is drawn up near the low-walled river-bank and three persons dawdle nearby; across the river, lined with trees, is a broad gentle verdant hillside crested with a few frame houses, which loom up against a ridge of blue mountains, a pale blue sky and luminous straw yellow clouds. Signed at the lower left: Pauxt Cornoyer, 1916. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM LANGSON LATHROP, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 58—OLD BARN IN WINTER Height, 19 inches; width, 25 inches A SUBSTANTIAL gray-brown stone barn projects into the scene at left and casts deep blue shadows across the snow of the fore- ground; just beyond a brook and pathway the snow has melted, revealing a patch of clay-brown ground. Snow covers a field rising to a haystack and a leafless thickly wooded hill sprinkled with habitations; at the right a row of gnarled oak trees with knotted brown limbs stands out in strong relief; a small patch of sky overhead. — Signed at the lower right: W. L. LatrHrop. Purchased direct from the Artist. To be sold to close an Estate. \ Se i, a i al OE a ae - ; | AMERICAN: 1862— | b 1. sai 59 THE SLEEPING VALLEY: MONROE yy 7 /buru off ROBERT REID, N.A. : | Height, 2417, inches; length, 2714 inches | A NocTURNE in lavender and green. Hollow greensward in the foreground, somewhat bordered by groups of trees, is overhung by a steep broken hillside dotted with bushes and an old lighted cabin low down near the center. Overhead, the moon in harvest splendor is amid a pale many-tinted greenish-blue sky, still warm from the departing sun. 1 | Property of a Private Owner. HENRY BACON Ign AMERICAN: 1839—1912 | 60 FAREWELL TO LAND Tn: fh. lb pete Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches Own the deck of a steamship, seen in small section, a young lady in blue gown and red cloak stands leaning against the rail, with one hand resting against the steamer chair from which she has just arisen, looking with distant vision landward, as the pilot boat hovers near and a small boat puts over. Signed at the lower right: Henry Bacon. Exhibited at the Salon, Paris. Estate of the late Francis WuitTe, Baltimore. j WILLIAM H. BEARD, N.A. JO. % ° AMERICAN: 1825—1900 Pe i 61—CARDS A LA MODE Height, 20% inches; length, 301%, inches SreaTED on old green Windsor chairs at a table spread with whiskey, cards and chips, in an old New England flagged kitchen four seriously dressed animals are playing cards. A simple rabbit is being well-trimmed by a sedate mastiff hiding a card in his white topper on the ground beside him, a sly fox slips one in his shoe and a cunning monkey gets one he specially needs from the thrust-out tail of a confederate monkey, who sits sipping his dram at the fireside at left, his head turned to see how his scheme works. Against the open-closeted wall is a cap and aproned monkey, as a maid, in pink dress, her finger to her lips restraining a bulging-eyed irate rabbit, that sees his pal being fleeced. A dignified gloved bulldog in gray morning coat cynically observes © the transaction. Signed at the lower left: W. H. Bearp, 1891. From the Wm. F. Havemeyer Collection, February 23, 1899, No. «6.-X28o. TA, 05) Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batu. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 90. 62—SHEEP GRAZING: EVENING Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches Gray gloom of night falls on a foreground occupied toward right with a reflecting sedgy pool and rough pasturage, enlivened with patches of thistles and other wild flowers and a flock of sheep grazing; across the pasturage in the middle distance a few oak trees straggle, in deep shadow, with a carmine pink setting sun behind them. Above is a luminous varied gray sky. Signed at the lower left: Carterton Wraecrns. Property of a Private Owner. EDWARD MORAN J/7, - Nokes 1829—1901 Tj ae hc pee CALE GATHERING: SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND Height, 22 inches; length, 35 inches A typicaL Southern English luminous pearly gray day. On a sandy and rocky foreshore three young fisherwomen, with rake and baskets, are gathering the London Cockney’s chief delicacy ; at the left are high staked nets drying, and across the bay a fleet of smacks is sailing out in a light breeze to the fishing grounds; the distant shore is discerned through a light haze which rises to the white-clouded blue sky. Signed at the lower left: Epwarp Moran, 1883. Bought at the 58th Exhibition of the National Academy of Design, May, 1883. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. HENRY R. POORE Sf - AMERICAN: 1858— 64—SY MPATHY Height, 2114, inches; length, 32 inches A youne man is seated at the further side of a table, his black curly head bowed in anguish, his face hidden in his left arm on the table; his right hand grasps the back of a kitchen chair in which a sagacious mastiff sits upright in silent sympathy; the soiled table-cloth is spread with a copper pan set on old folded brown paper, dishes and a knife; at left, a small bunch of yellow everlasting flowers; on the dingy wall, with papering torn, a portion of a hanging clock and book shelves are seen. Signed at the lower right: Henry Poorer, Parts, ’84. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. t i t t & Sf 0.- FREDERICK J. WAUGH Vy yy Maree AMERICAN: 1861— 65—ALONG THE WATERFRONT . Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches A CLOSELY built old town, rich and varied in color, rises from a waterfront and is crowned with various church spires. Several two-masted schooners are anchored in the slow swirling waters before a dark-piled dock with its sheds and its activity of un- loading; overhead, a blue sky glinted with lavender tones. Signed at the lower right: Wavueu. Purchased direct from the Artist, by the late W. T. Evans. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE “AMERICAN : 1860— 4 01.- 66—LATEH OCTOBER Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches Low-tyine stretch of foreground, with three cattle grazing near the center; at left, a strip of gray and red woodland with two | leafless trees and roughly hewn logs lying before it. At right, a ridge of low blue hills on the horizon, which are enlivened by a peasant and a clump of bushes in the middle distance. Signed at the lower right: Cuas. P. Gruppk. Property of a Private Owner. 5 y bi J GEORGE GARDNER SYMONS, N.A. - AMERICAN: 1861— : 4 h Wt : 67—WINTER IN NEW JERSEY Height, 25 inches; jane 30 inches SNow-cLapD uneven ground, with a brook in the foreground, rises toward left to several leafless trees bordering a roadway before a farmhouse and outbuildings; high hills, touched with blue and lavender, rise at left to a narrow strip of mellow yellow sunlit sky. Signed at the lower right: GarpNER Symons. Property of a Private Owner. H. BOLTON JONES, N.A. AmERIcan: 1848— / pe 68—AT THE EDGE OF THE MOOR Net. (ome Roveu and broken moorlands with fresh green grass and gray - stones, and weeds and brush turned brown, give way to a boun- dary of ancient gnarled trees, second growths and saplings, which form a screen against a grayish sky. Coming up a rude, winding road is a peasant girl in blue dress and white cap. | Height, 33 inches; width, 24 inches Signed at the lower right: H. Borron Jonss, 1877. Estate of the late Francis Wurtre, Baltimore. GEORGE H. BOGERT Ts - AMERICAN: 1864— 7 Did ps 69—_THE SHINE NEAR CAUDEBEC . Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches Looxrxe down from a high foreground sloping from right to left, on an arena or basin of the winding river spanned by a many- ‘arched bridge at the distant left, and a winding backwater ap- proaching the front amid meadows dotted with trees; from a group of trees at the right a high horseshoe of sparsely wooded hills sweeps round to the distant left, sheltering a small town and a church tower in the center distance; over the crest of the hills a faraway blue range is visible. Warm banks of golden-white and gray clouds ensconce broad areas of turquoise-blue sky. Signed at the lower right: Georce H. Bocerr. Property of a Private Owner. 1S Oe feb. Pe /3.- GER L. Less we (Panel) JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— | 70—MIDSUMMER Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Four cattle are grazing in a rich, undulating meadow broken by clumps of thistles; near the center, a dark buff and white cow with head turned toward a powerful black and brown bull standing athwart with head alert, observing some object directly in front; beyond, at left, is a black and white animal, and another well in a stretch of low willows that diagonally border the meadow before — a verdant slope; overhead, gray and white clouds moisting to a blue sky of varied depths. Signed at the lower left: Carterton Wiccrns. Purchased direct from the Artist. Property of a Private Collector. WALTER LAUNT PALMER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1854-— 71-W HEAT FIELDS NEAR CHANTILLY Height, 221, inches; length, 351, inches A GENTLY rising broad wheat field, richly toned with golden sun- light, fills the foreground, the near half in stubble, at left piled with sheaves of wheat; toward the right an old peasant woman is binding up other sheaves; beyond is a long ridge occupied at left by three scraggy trees and at right a church spire amid woods. Large placid gray and white clouds float in a pale blue sky. Signed at the lower right: Watrer L. Patmer, 1881. From the collection of Erwin Davis, March 19, 1889, No. 20. £ 300- TM Kat Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. ———— OSCAR TORNA ConTEMPORARY SE. ut 72—_WOOD AND RIVER A woop of birches entering from the left, dense at its first appear- ; _ ance, the trees scattering somewhat later on, occupies the middle distance, and between the silvery trunks and on the right of them one looks across a silvery-white stream to a distant hilly shore. In the foreground, deep green and russet herbage, with wild flowers. Height, 341, inches; width, 30 inches Signed at the lower left: Oscar Torna (or Torrta), Parts, 1878. On the back: “Gare Bourron, Seine et Marne.” Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrier WILiiAMs. BEN FOSTER American: 1852— dS. BF 73—EVENING ON THE COAST fou lsunuaee Height, 30 inches; length, 36 inches Bueax rolling rising moorland, with a flock of sheep in the fore- ground cropping the close herbage, is crested with a cottage and a towered lighthouse, flashing its warning light over the waters of a bay at left; beyond is a low coast-line. Property of the Estate of the late Samur. Exxiorr. ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— 74—A QUIET STREAM Height, 26 inches; length, 44 inches A sLuGGIsH stream winds at left amid large overhanging willows, a rowboat idly moored to the near bank; flat rough pasturage, with three cattle grazing, stretches to the right, bordered in distance with a stone wall and feathery trees. Varying blue sky flecked with clouds. Signed at the lower right: R. W. Van Boskercx. Property of a Private Owner. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 4S 4. = 75—EVENTIDE Tony Schulfotsd Height, 36 inches; width, 30 inches a A sunuir ivory sky, seen above the ridge of a low sparsely wooded hill in hazy shadow, reflects a silvery green light ina rushy pool amid meadowland in the foreground; two feathery aspens stand like sentinels at either edge of the pool. Signed at the lower right: Bruce Crane, N.A. Exhibited at the Lotos Club. Property of Mr. Cor1rixn ARrMsTRONG. CURT AGATHE /hg GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY $ 76—AT THE SPRING 4A, nfl hepy'de Height, 30 inches; length, 44 inches A NUDE young woman, seated before a large tree trunk on a rocky bank, gracefully bends over gazing into a pool formed by a small spring which gushes down from a sunny woodland with high rocks at the right. Signed at the lower right: Curr AGATHE. Property of a Private Owner. i YA JUir.- MK. x 6° 4/0.- ALFRED PHILIPPE ROLL Frencu: 1847— 77—A SUMMER DAY (Panel) Height, 32 inches; length, 391, inches Turee young women are seated amid tall yellow grass embowered with spreading green trees; an auburn-haired girl, wearing a lavender costume, is in a round back chair at center facing from the front slightly toward a brunette in even paler lavender, who reclines on a rattan chaise-longue and is in animated conversation with a girl in a blue blouse resting on the grass beside her at left; through the trees is a vista of a gray chateau, and another young woman is advancing with difficulty in the tall grass. Signed at the lower left: Roxx, 1905. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batu. JAMES G. TYLER AMERICAN: 1855— 783—THE BLOCKADE RUNNER hh. x ear Height, 401, inches; width, 30 inches A LARGE, staunch two-masted brig, with the Confederate flags flying and all sails set and drawing heavily, is scudding some- what to right before a stiff breeze, her foretopgallant mast shat- tered at the crosstree and several sails pierced by shot from a Federal vessel following in the offing at left; a turbulent heavy sea and the breeze are listing the brig strongly to port. The sun is setting behind the vessel in golden glory, casting strong beams of light on high rolling ominous gray clouds above. Signed at the lower right: James G. Tyter, 1884. Estate of the late 'THomas R Batt, ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFYF, N.A. AMERICAN: 1841—1915 Kt 79—THE OUTLOOK: IN THE ADIRONDACKS Height, 401%, inches; width, 3014 inches Earty summer sunshine glints on the verdant foliage of feathery trees at the outskirts of a clearing, seen across uneven ground carpeted in brown with dead leaves and falling to a boulder in the front center; nearby a deer and fawn have sought shade and solitude amid tall trees which rise beyond view; patches of blue sky and a blue round-topped mountain appear through the clear- ing and the foliage of the trees. Signed at the lower right: R. M. Suvrrierr, N.A. This important work was exhibited at the Lotos Club. Property of Mr. Cotr1xn ARMSTRONG. CHARLES WEBSTER HAWTHORNE, N.A. Lp _ AMERICAN: 1872— 80—PLEASURES OF THE TABLE : hang OE: Height, 48 inches; width, 80 inches Two brown-haired men of merry features and rosy complexion sit close side by side, on the right, at a table laden with things good to eat and drink—and both edibles and attendant utensils are equally good to look upon, in their richly colorful surfaces. The nearer, bearded man, in heavy bowed spectacles, is seen in profile; his comrade, who is smiling, turns to eye the observer. ‘ Signed at the upper left: Hawrrorne. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrirer WILLIAMS. JOHN J. ENNEKING AMERICAN: 1841— (A prominent artist of Boston, who was a friend and contemporary of the late George Fuller and the late George Inness, N.A.) /§j.— 81 -SUNSET K "4 Te Height, 36 inches; length, 48 inches 7 ' t) A LARGE pool with a few rushes at right crosses the foreground; a group of three cattle are on the further edge and three others approach from the right; beyond, a bank of fir trees stretches from left to the setting sun at right, seen flashing brilliant tints, red through the trees which partially shadow the golden yellow pool. Signed at the lower right: ENNEKING. Purchased direct from the Artist, by Mr. Paul Douglas, who sold it to the present owner. Property of a Private Owner. CHARLES EDOUARD DE BEAUMONT Frencu: 1821—1888 82—PUNISHING CUPID Heighi, 3414 inches; length, 4414 inches Curip, bound, lies on a white drapery, beside a white marble braz- ier in the center of the composition, and around him are gathered nine female figures in more or less décolleté gowns, of rich or delicate color—a single one of the nine members of the “feebler sex” being in mourning weeds; and she is recording the excoriation of the bounden archer with a quill. One of the women, with Titian hair, sears Cupid’s breast with a coal from the brazier, handling it with tongs, while a blond companion pierces him above the heart with a formidable pin, and others hold similar instruments waiting to torture him. Signed at the lower left: EK. pp Beaumont..: Estate of the late Francis Wuirte, Baltimore. /p f.- i Mo. bs dara SECOND anv LAST EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF | THE PLAZA HOTEL FirTH AVENUE, FIFTY-EIGHTH TO FIFTY-NINTH STREET BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN AMERICAN: 1827—1912 J es 85—THE SYBIL | Re M4 Pp : Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches A mystic nude female figure seated upon crimson and white drap- eries, on a low bank before the dying embers. of a fire, with one hand raised invoking her cabalistic spirits. Dark green and brown background, save for the small smoke of the fire. Signed at lower right: R. L. Newman. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. EASTMAN JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1906 4 yj ae 86—BLOWING THE FIRE PS. Mle Height, 10 inches; width, 7° inches Ar the chimney place of a brick walled kitchen a small child in blue skirt and white smock is seated in a low chair, blowing the fire under a large kettle with bellows. Signed at the lower right: E. Jounson. Estate of the late Francis Wurte, Baltimore. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. bg. cas AMERICAN: 1848— 87--CATTLE AND MARSHLAND: HOLLAND Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches Rank grass on flat marshy ground with a pool at left, emptying into a low-lying river flowing across the center of the canvas; villages are seen amid a slight, wooded ridge following the farther bank of the stream. Looking over the pool in the foreground, in profile is a black and white ox, with another gazing to the front over its back. Signed at the lower left: Carterton Wicerns. Bought direct from the Artist. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. eh i ~? ee ee ELIHU VEDDER s8s_THE WATER BOY 4 hm (Water Color) ) righ Anehege Height, 11%, inches; width, 81%, inches On a sandy beach a youth in a gray-white tunic, with arms and sturdy legs exposed, faces the spectator, with large, frank eyes, holding on his shoulder a reddish-brown water jar. Off-shore, a sailboat is seen at anchor. Signed with a single initial. Estate of the late Francis Wurre, Baltimore. | ALPHONSE MARIE DE NEUVILLE Frencu: 1836—1885 /0.- 89—A SKIRMISH OF INFANTRY Vorues; hgh Height, 6 inches. lenvth, 67, anches | | | é | A spirirep sketch of an-incident of the Franco-Prussian War. | In a summer garden before a terrace of an old suburban café i near Paris, enlivened with many flowers and a blue and white i striped awning and contiguous outbuildings at right, are several | dead French soldiers; a green table and a chair have been over- | turned in the pathway in the fray; toward the right a soldier in black fires on the unseen retreating enemy. Signed at the lower right: A. pe Nevuvi11e. Bought from A. Beuniet, Paris, 1887. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. JEAN LOUIS ANDRE THEODORE , GERICAULT Frencu: 1791—1824 fork. bye. 90—-LA PROMENADE DE FEMME hn he ‘bap Height, 9°% inches; width, TY, inches THREE-QUARTER length, facing the front, of a young woman in lace cap and collar, dark curly hair to shoulders, lavender pink bodice and white skirt, carrying a slender handled dark pares) open over her head; black brown background. Certification, much worn, on stretcher. Bought from P. Detrimont, Paris, 1887. Estate of the late THomas R. Batt. JEAN JACQUES HENNER Frencu: 1829—1905 7 $7 7 91I—_IDEAL HEAD Heng Le, Height, 105% inches; width, 71, inches Heap and shoulders of a meditative young girl in profile to left; her pale golden hair, melting to a richer tone, is tied with a blue ribbon at neck; square cut brownish bodice; dark brown back- ground. Signed toward lower left: J. J. HENNER. Collection of George L, Seney, « 430, Art Association, New York, February 7, 1894, No. 2 7. b00~ % Y, Mamuntpual Estate of the late Tuomas R. Bart oe NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 92— LANDSCAPE Ij f ‘ Kern oh Height, 8%, inches; length, 121%, inches CLO fk Pye: A suicutty rolling, generally flat plain in France, the land green and wild and with occasional trees, is seen dark at sunset and under lowering rain clouds. Low trees and bushes massed in the central distance silhouette their tops against the fading sunset sky. Stamped at the lower left: Vente Diaz. From the Wall-Brown Collection, 1886. ‘~ Ni Estate of the late Francis Wurire, Baltimore. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 WOODLAND RETREAT (Le hatlur >) 93 , Hight, 12% inches; width, 934 inches link, Vi Mh | | n a limited open space in the heart ofa wood three young women are studied in simple but richly colored apparel and partly nude, against the greenish-brown surroundings, which are mainly in shadow while a slant of sunlight strikes upon the figures. One woman stands in back view with shoulder nude, one with nude bust is seated and the third fully clothed reclines beside her. From the Wall-Brown Collection, 1886. ~Kieh BXGO 7 Estate of the late Francis Wuire, Baltimore. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— Wp pi 94—A STORMY SUNSET 4 7 Lue Height, 6%, inches; length, 81/, inches Roveu foreground, in a warm gloaming, rising to a strip of dark woods on the horizon; mantled with two ruddy clouds under gray blue sky capped with portentous heavy blue green clouds. a; > Signed at the lower left: R. A. B. From the Frederick S. Gibbs’ Collection in 1908. VV Estate of the late THomas R. Batu. WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE, N.A. Amenican: 1840—1916 Ny - 95_VENICE, ACROSS THE GRAND CANAL (Water Color) VE! / i Ka A Height, 1314 inches; width, 10 inches Two groups of anchored vessels, one at center and one at right, cast brilliant reflections on the still waters from their gaily col- ored sails. ‘The dome of Santa Croce and the Campanile loom up in the distant right against a high sky of pinkish blue. Signed at the lower left: W. GepNEY Bunce, VENICE. Property of the Estate of the late Samvrt Exiorr. ee ee es WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1886—1910 96—_INVITING A SHOT: DEFIANCE Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches NicHt approaches on two camps set between desolate muddy ground, lately divested of trees, but leaving the scarred stumps; diagonally across the foreground from the left are rough irregu- lar intrenchments hastily thrown up to protect the Confederate army; a solitary grim sentry stands near groups of soldiers resting, in one a darky strums on a banjo whiling away the night for weary men languidly looking up at a young trooper, who has sprung to the crest of the breastworks and is tensely bidding defiance to the Federal army encamped in the distance. Signed at the lower left: Homer, 1864. db oe Ue Inscribed on pack of panel: “Inviting a shotYet Petersburg’aa, 1864. W. Homer.” From the collection of Frederick S. Gibbs, New York, 1904, No. 157. $56. IM, Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batu. Le a a. om See ee Se a ee ee tee Bee / HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1897 . ve 97—RETURNING TO THE FOLD [Mw ' . (Water Color) *) / , Tuc Height, 47% inches; length, 614 inches A Broan rough, slightly sunken road occupies the foreground and winds to the left between groups of trees on low banks; in the center of the middle distance, following two shepherds, is a large flock of sheep, their fleece glinting in the golden sunlight of the setting sun. A delicate tracery of white and gray clouds invests a blue sky. Signed at the lower left: H. Marrin, 69, and numbered in corner 2895 in ink. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Bat. SS0.- JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1812—1889 98—THE OLD FARM Height, 13 inches; length, 16% inches Aw old peasant woman in dull red waist and blue skirt, carrying fagots close to a neglected rambling and gabled farmhouse which nearly fills the canvas, is about to enter a wing at left; sunlight strikes in patches the rough plastered walls and the rich-toned rude thatching of the roof, billowing with aged decrepitude and reaching nearly to the small rough foreground in the wing. An angry stormy sky of black clouds, with slight patches of light and one note of deep blue. Signed at the lower left: Jutes Dupré. From the collection of George I. Seney, American Art Association, New York, February 11, 1891, No. 53. From the collection of Frederick S. Gibbs, American Art Association, New York, February 25, 1904, No. 259. BIS PM SS ale Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. THEODORE PIERRE ETIENNE ROUSSEAU Frencu: 1812—1867 4) AS ies 99—A STORMY SUNSET (Panel) Senet ’ th qh Height, 714, inches; length, 914, inches A swEEPING low ridge of trees stretches across the horizon, with fields in rich shadow gently sloping to a winding sedgy river, which flows to the right foreground. On the left bank is a peas- ant in blue smock. Mantling clouds of purplish tone overtop a delicate blue sky flecked with clouds ruddy from the setting sun; the waters of the river mirror the gorgeous sky. Signed at the lower left: Rousseau. Estate of the late 'THomas R. Batt. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE 3 bp ~_ Frencu: 1813—1894 100—CHICKENS h K ie : (Panel) Height, 6%/, inches; length, 13 inches A croup of fowl, with a proud Spanish rooster in center, is mostly scratching in loose straw, before an old gray wall with a deep dark recess; sunlight bathes the wall and chickens at left. Signed at the lower right: Cu. JacavueE. Bought from Simon. Cahen, Paris, May, 1887. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. J. FRANCIS MURPHY “American: 1853— JSf _ 101I—_AUTUMNAL GLORY le, . “i Ar the left a large red oak looms up beyond view, before rising ground overgrown with brush and deep-tinted bracken; at the _ left, a clump of gray saplings; a moist brown grassy foreground, broken with a few tufts and wild flowers. Two patches of almost silvery sky, one seen through the branches of the oak and the other at upper left corner. Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches Signed at the lower right: J. F. Murpny. Property of A. T. Van LaEr. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— My 102—AN INDIAN AMBUSH Id (Panel) iy ¢, “fortapotov/ Height, 81% inches; length, 1214 inches A sMALL pool in center of rough foreground is sheltered on fur- ther bank by two clumps of trees—one at left. Two Indians dimly seen under the center trees watch for an expected enemy ; rising ground to the horizon. Warm gloaming envelops the land- scape; overhead, a golden sky mantled with dark gray-green shift- ing clouds. | ve Signed at the lower left in outlined arrowhead: R. A. BiaKetock, and on back of panel in the same manner. —_ From the collection of Robert Gravgs, American Art Association, New York, February 14, 1887, No. 13. — g Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. poy. = EMILIO SANCHEZ PERRIER SpanisH: 1853—1907 1083—_FEEDING THE CHICKENS ter Yh. A pad y UV Height, 13 inches; width, 91, inches ie 4. W-Jaby A map with sleeves rolled up tosses feed to some chickens from her gathered apron, as she stands in the tall gateway of a garden wall, above whose moss capped stones masses of green foliage are seen encompassing the red roof of a dwelling, all in the brilliant sunshine of the Southland. | Signed at the lower left: E. SANcuEz Perrier, 1880. Estate of the late Francis Wurte, Baltimore. ARTHUR B. DAVIES AMERICAN: 1862— 104A— GIRL WITH A THORN IN HER FOOT Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches A LITTLE lassie in green dress, who has been running barefoot, is seated under the branch of a shady tree, bending over to the left trying to extract a thorn from her foot. Signed at the lowgr He A.B. jeachtth s. Uh. Wmortin Satu 1916 1/03 ~ 190 lene Purchased at the American Art Galleries Sale, 1916. To be sold to close an Estate. JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT Frencu: 1840—1902 G4 - 105—THE PAINTER’S REST Tr 1¥, puieg Height, 121, inches; length, 16 inches A GENTLEMAN in richly embroidered and ruffled apricot silk coat and knee breeches of the Louis XVI régime, bright red stockings, heavy buckled black leather shoes and large curly brown wig, has fallen asleep in a comfortable chair, at left of a sunlit covered terrace of his chateau, a huge goblet on a small table at his side perhaps explaining his drowsiness. At right is an easel with an unfinished portrait of the sleeper. Two stone steps lead to a dim entrance hall with an iron-gated courtyard just seen beyond; across a rug-covered table the gallant young artist, his palette in his left hand, is trying to kiss a pretty maid- servant in low-cut costume. Signed at the lower left: J. G. Viner, 1875. From the collection of Theodore G. Weil, New York, 1903, No. 68. SEIS. IM . al Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. CHARLES HAROLD DAVIS, N.A. 417 = AMERICAN: 1856— 106—F AST FALLI NG EVENTIDE hh. 6, open Height, 12 cairo length, 18 inches A wINDING pool in a stretch of pasturage in deepening atv reflects a gray-blue sky; toward the horizon, at right, two strag- gling trees break the skyline. Overhead, a soft blue sky 22a ing below to yellow and more luminous tints. Signed at the lower left: C. H. Davis, 1885. W Por From the Thomas B. Clarke Collection, New York, 1891. ~ £478. $2 304 Property of the Estate of the late Samur. Ex.iorr. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. JAY = AMERICAN: 184'7— 107—-EV ENING ON THE MOORS i. ff. has Height, 101% inches; length, 12 inches A roucH moorland rises to the horizon, broken in the center with a small bush, at right with low trees; almost a monotone of dark rich green, lightly flecked with pale yellows. Overhead a high sky, pale blue and ivory glinting with oranges, over warm lumi- nous gray at the horizon, mantled with a wonderful tracery of clouds. Signed at the lower left: R. A. BuaKxetock. From the collection of Frederick S. Gibbs in 1903. “y 4 Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. FREDERICK BALLARD WILLIAMS, N.A. AmERiIcAN: 1871—. /70. fat Sebel pei 108—DIANA Height, 1614, inches; width, 2014 inches Aw auburn-haired goddess, attired in a classic white robe and dull blue flowing drapery, with her bow in her right hand and her quiver of arrows resting against the rock on which she is seated, contemplating a small rushing and leaping stream on whose far- ther bank are trees. A warm, luminous turquoise-blue sky com- pletes a glowing and luxuriant scene. Signed at lower left: Frep. Battarp WILLIAMs. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. Treary Spalffed AMERICAN: 1825—1894 109—ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Height, 11%4 inches; length, 181%, inches A LOW-WALLED pasturage in the foreground with cattle grazing, the nearer half in deep brown shadow, which emphasizes the lovely meadow green, the wall bordered with varied trees; on the left a group of cedars shelter a towered villa standing toward the center; in the distance, blue hills. Broad cumulus clouds en- shrine patches of light blue sky. Signed on the left (monogram): G.I. 57. From the collection of Robert Gyaves, American Art Association, New York, February 9, 1887. #23 ~ WTS Estate of the late THomas R. Batt. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1827—1908 3 / t = 11l0O—HOMESTEAD AT SHARK RIVER, N. J. (Academy Board) Meo hah | Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches A RAMBLING many-gabled red-roofed homestead is pleasantly situ- ated amid large trees on rising ground at left, with a winding path gently falling to a boat landing at right of the low fore- ground; at the landing is a sailboat and occupants; the river forms three baylike reaches with shelving points nearly reaching to the far bank; the hazy, distant wooded shore is on the horizon on right, dotted with habitations. Gray clouds almost envelop the warm ivory sky, but leave a patch of blue in the upper left corner. Signed at the lower left (in monogram): D.J. 79. Estate of the late Tromas R. Batt. CHARLES MEISSONIER Frencu: 1852—1917 )O Ee (Son and pupil of the celebrated master, J. L. E. Meissonier) Py; 7 Mh th raat 1l1I—SHORE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN . Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches On low gray sand dunes with patches of green herbage, a fisher- man’s hut is seen, with a thatch sun-shelter before it and two men outside. In meadows to right a shepherd guards his flock, and to left is the sea, green in shallows and blue in the distance, under a robin’s-egg sky. Signed at the lower right: Cuartes Metssonier, Friis, 1875. Estate of the late Francis Wuire, Baltimore. = = & - JULIEN DUPRE | / Hernyh Frencu: 1851—1910 112-THE HAYMAKERS Height, 181%, inches; width, 15 inches A sTRONG young peasant, garbed in brown skirt, blue apron, black bodice and red kerchief over her head, is raking up the hay in the foreground of a broad expansive flat field; beyond are small haycocks, another peasant at her task and a loaded wain. Cool gray sky of early summer, typically Northern French. Signed at the lower right: Jut1en Durrt. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. BARON HENRI JEAN AUGUSTIN LEYS ih Yy = arin: 1815-1869 | yv 4 Ve tackle 1183—PROCLAMATION OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC (Water Color) Height, 19 inches; width, 14 inches A stupy for a large painting in oils. Issuing from a carved por- tal, under enwreathed colors of red, white and blue, and bearing other banners, a company of Dutch dignitaries of serious mien, with swords and guns, come forward in brilliant attire, one man firing his gun in the air from the doorstep, and men and women leaning out excitedly from windows. Signed at the lower right: H. Leys. Estate of the late Francis Wurrr, Baltimore. GRE Fn. bo MY .— MARINUS BOKS Dutrcn: 1849—1885 114 LANDSCAPE PM AN Height, 11 oer length, 1814, inches Green undulant meadows on the left, before a background of — dark upland, and a spring pond refreshing them. On the right the land rises broadly, and supports a tangle of low and colorful trees and brush. In the foreground, by the water, an old peasant woman in a white cap is seen gathering herbs. Signed at the lower right: M. Boxs. : * Owner, Mrs. Marcaret Corrrer WILLIAMS. PIERRE DE CONINCK 4 4, Pie Frencu: 1828— / 115—CATTLE IN PASTURE Height, 9 inches; length, 1514, inches In a flat pasture of soft green, partly covered by a low-lying stratum of gray vapor, a Holstein cow stands in the foreground, back to the spectator, and other cattle are seen dimly, farther off. Over a thicket of trees on higher land in the background, the golden sun emerges, dispelling the mist. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrrer WILLIAMS. THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1837— 490 ao 116—COWS AND POOL 4 A Wut Height, 14 inches; width, 1214, inches TurovucH a natural arch of birches and other trees, the green foli- age dense overhead, the spectator looks across gray and purplish lichen-grown rocks of the foreground to a pool where cows have come down to drink from a pasture bright in sunshine in the distance. Signed at the lower left: T. Moran, ’83. From the George I. Seney Collection, 1885. -¥26 7 BOO, Estate of the late Francis Wuirte, Baltimore. —— Ss es 4 ow ee ee ee eee ie: ib Te SAMUEL COLEMAN, N.A. U1. A aff Chit “Anpmarias ison 117—A STREET AT MORELIA, MEXICO Height, 1334 inches; width, 16%, cele Srvera brightly attired women in conversation and with water jars are seated on old stone benches at left and right of an old sunken town square; between, a flight of steps leads to a terrace, having at left, overspread with a tree, an arched gateway through which several persons are walking toward the country seen beyond. In the center against a whitish plastered wall and between the gateway and low red-tiled white building overtopped with a tree — are pedestrians in gay attire hurrying along toward the distance, possibly to some féte; an oppressive hot blue sky overhead. Signed at the lower right: Sam CoLemMan. From the Samuel Coleman Sale, H. poath Art Association, New York, March 25, 1903, No. 91. Siso~ ate : Hl, . (240k WK « Estate of the late THomas R. Batt, ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN AMERICAN: 182'77—1912 118—_S 4 PPHO Height, 12 inches; length, 1814 inches Crownep with a laurel wreath, Sappho sits inert, resting her head on a lyre supported by her left hand; she is swathed in — swirling draperies of rose-pink, tan, yellow, dark blue and old red, at the foot of a rocky headland rising above view at left, with a shore sloping to a deep dead blue sea and a small stretch of pink and blue sky mantled with dark ominous clouds. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— /40. - Toenry Jobe A ¥xLock of sheep and lambs and an old wheelbarrow occupy an old stable with a curious railed manger holding green grass; a broom stands against an end wall, which is bathed in brilliant _ sunlight. 119—_SHEEP IN STABLE Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Signed at the lower left: Carteron Wicarns, 1888. Bought by the late owner direct from the Artist. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batu. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. Jb YY ‘ AMERICAN: 1825—1894 ; (aes : 120--LANDSCAPE: BANKS OF THE BROOK Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Art left an erratically bent tree, throwing forward a small area of shadow upon the grass, units of its farther leafage standing out in glints of sunlight against a dense, dark green wood which circles the background. Running across the picture a shallow brook, and beyond it a green knoll topped by a clump of trees. To right brown rocks and wild herbage vary the surface of the land, and back of them the scene is warmed by the yellow of a ripened field. Blue sky, with horizon clouds of cream and faint — mauve. | Signed at the lower left: EK. Inwess, 1864. Owner, Mrs. Francis C. Prescort. GEORGE FULLER AMERICAN : 1822 lSse j ha W a 121—_EV HNING: LANDSCAPE Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches A ROUGH even pasturage and sluggish stream cross the fore- ground, and on the farther and higher bank a herd of cattle, faintly seen, wend their way to a distant farm among rolling hilly fields, some bordered by trees all in warm gloaming. Warm gray sky, glinted with sunlight at the horizon. Exhibition of George Fuller’s work, April 24, 1884. From the Macbeth Galleries. To be sold to close an Estate. ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 122—THE SMUGGLERS’ LANDING PLACE Height, 12% inches; length, 13°, inches A woopeED promontory rises steeply at right, sheltering a fisher- man’s cottage, facing a beach in the foreground. Three boat- men are drawing a small boat up from the water; a heavy coast- ing vessel is at anchor close inshore, with the sea stretching to the left horizon; the moon sheds a greenish mantle of light. Signed at the lower right: A. P. Ryper. Purchased from the well-known art house, Cottier & Co. Property of a Private Owner. ee i HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. 123—_EV ENING AT LYME, CONNECTICUT AMERICAN: 1858—1916 Height, 181, inches; length, 251% inches A croup of three large trees is seen on a slight eminence, two, toward center, grand old oaks bronzed by the summer sun. Be- yond the trees are two persons sitting overlooking a small vale at right, bathed in luminous yellow sunlight. Light blue sky, domed with flickering clouds which glint with orange and soft red. . Signed at the lower left: H. W. Rancsr, 1903. From the collection of Frederick 8S. Gibbs in 1903. Cy \ ; Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. /6$0.- RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. 7274. x 7.9. Taam AMERICAN: 1847— 124—THE STORY OF THE BUFFALO HUNT (Panel) Height, 151% inches; length, 24 inches Giowine with mellow golden light from the setting sun, which has spent its wizardry on a gnarled trunk of a large oak, at left bor- dering on a forest; under its branches, near center, are three squatting Indians in their war paint recounting their tale; at right another kneels before rocks and a clump of trees building a brush fire. Night falls in the distance. Signed at the lower right: R. A. Biaxetocx, 1880. From the Frederick S. Gibbs Collection, American t Association, New York, February 28, 1904, No. 170. PISO SA bball Blakelock Loan Exhibition, Reinhardt’s Gallery, 1916, No. 5. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. THEODORE ROBINSON 70 an American: 1854—1896 : 4.0% 170 bs —GIRL IN HAMMOCK : | (Panel) | _ Height, 18 inches; width, 16 inches : A youne woman, facing the front, wearing a pink blouse and blue skirt, is seated in a hammock her head cast downward reading an open book; glints of sunlight touch the figure; a sunny meadow and a strip of foliage from large trees form the background. Purchased from the daughter of the late Theodore Robinson. Property of a Private Collector. CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. 4/0. = AMERICAN: 1859— Ref bdleve 126—THE PINK BOOK Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of a young girl in profile toward the right attired in a white dress, a book held on her lap with her right hand, her hair braided and tied with a red ribbon; before a green background with a nasturtium blossom projecting into | the upper right corner. Signed at the upper left: Cuitpe Hassam, 1893. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 [07 J. 127-WOODED PASTURAGE Tolland ye (Panel) Height, 13 inches; length, 214 inches Two boys are resting near a pathway that wends its way diag- onally across a shadowed grassy hillock in the foreground to a small clump of trees at the right; a sunny verdant slope in which cattle are grazing rises from behind the hillock to tall rich woodland tapering into a low distant ridge at right. In the center two fine old trees stand before a further group, amid rocks, which stretches to the woods beyond. Overhead a cerulean blue sky, tempered with fleeting white and gray clouds, completes a rich woodland scene. Signed at the lower right: G. INNEss. Purchased from the second Inness Public Sale, 1905. Property of a Private Owner. n- eae Se oh eee eet Foyle soa UTUMNAL NOTES” ae eee Geog Hea 141/, inches; “ena 20 en in contrast with the yellow nay russe : herbage clustered about a pool in the fore the warm tones of a mellow sky. Across the 1 farm buildings come into view. mene at the lower left: af From the George I. Seney Collection, 1885. RIS~ Bs Estate of the late Francis Wuire, Baltunoee. fiesta Pies + é é ts Ss SOAS ping ocNe Lae: Pest cche ns ie * s aber Noh mer eres | po ct /[9Y.- RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. [Senne bag inf AMERICAN: 1847— ge 1294 WOODLAND BROOK wi ae Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches Roll ; dt Tue sun, high in the center above a winding brook, bathes the scene in mellow sunlight; at left two large tree trunks rise beyond view; at right, across the brook, edged with lesser trees, is a feathery woodland closing in the distance. | Signed at the lower left in outlined arrowhead:-R. A. BLAKELOCK. Property of a Private Owner. | CHARLES YARDLEY TURNER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1850—1918 : Z 17 — 1830—DOROTHY 4 on oe Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches A DAINTY maiden, in Puritan gray dress relieved with a white mob cap, kerchief round her neck and shawl slipped over her arms, gathers apple-blossoms from the limbs of a tree which pro- jects into the canvas at left; a rising bank, garden flowers and the end of a small lake with distant shore form a background. Warm summer sky, tinged with pink near horizon. Signed at the lower right: C. Y. Turner, 1885, copyricHTED. Bought by the late owner at a public sale at Ortgies & Co., March, 1889. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batu. —- ee ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. J. 7 SunufA AMERICAN: 1886—1892 131—Ad COMING STORM Height, 1614 inches; length, 20 inches Overspreap with dark portentous gloom, a rough hillock crowned with bushes rises across the right, its yellow and rocky crest catching a few beams of light; the foreground and left distance broken with nodding wild flowers and two saplings blustered with the wind. Black angry clouds gather in the center but epee little at left to a lighter tone. Signed at the lower left: A. H. Wyant. From the Wyant Sale, 1894, No. 69. £590 Property of a Private Collector. THEODORE ROBINSON American: 1854—1896 4 OW ae. 132—GIRL IN HAMMOCK, READING Tobe Whenid Height, 18 inches; length, 21°, inches A BRILLIANT, fresh, early summer day. A young woman wearing a pink dress and with black hair is seated in a blue hammock nearly facing front, slightly bending over reading a letter; at her side is a small table. Garden background of trees, foliage and small stream. Signed at the lower right: Tu. Rosinson. Purchased from the daughter of the late Theodore Robinson. Property of a Private Collector. 4 00.- JOHN FERGUSON WEIR, N.A. v A, 4, Sa rupptor AMERICAN: 1841— . 133—SUMMER MORNING Height, 23 inches; width, 20 inches A sMALL pathway leads from the left foreground to a white cabin on a hillside sheltered by an old apple tree in fruit; beyond, a stone wall rises from a clump of deep green trees, across the dis- tance to a ripening wheat field at right; under two trees on the hillside three cows lazily rest in shadow; overhead, blue sky with large puffed white clouds. Signed at the lower right: Jno. F. Wetr. To be sold to close an Estate. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 4 id) 134— MEDICINE SPRING et ae 4 7 Cee Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Ricu mellow gloaming bathes a simple stretch of flat rough fore- ground, gently rising to the horizon; broken at the left by a small clump of bushes, at the right by two grand masses of deep golden oaks, which shelter a group of three Indians crouched in earnest conversation. Overhead the spirit of night is symbolized by a dense black blue sky which lightens to dull yellow flecked with gold and pink at the horizon. Signed at the lower left within an outlined arrowhead: R. A. BLAKELOCK. Purchased direct from the Artist. Property of a Private Collector. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI SY Frencu: 1824—1886 135—4 WOODLAND IDYL /Y. 4 pruspern Height, 17 inches; width, 13 inches Acarnst a background of thick woods rich in golden, green and brown leafage, which offers just a glimpse of a light sky over- head, the observer looks upon a group of three figures, a man and two women, all in garments of crimson, orange, black and white, who are seated in a small boat on the waters of a winding stream. Signed at the lower right: Montice.i. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrrer WILLIAMS. CECELIA BEAUX WW | AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 136—_THE FLEDGLING Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure, standing in profile toward right, — of a young girl swathed head and body in white drapery, ten- derly looking down at.a tiny bird she is holding to her breast; gray-white background. ) : ° Signed at the lower left: Cecetia Beaux. Purchased from the Macbeth Galleries. Property of a Private Collector. eR Bian ar ees THOMAS SULLY ay Rapeacan: 17831872 na 137—A GATHERER OF CHIPS fr. $. V heapeton/ Height, 20 inches; width, 17 inches A rosy-cHEEFKED lassie with black hair, hooded with a deep pink shawl, holds on her right arm a wicker basket of chips. Bust length, facing the front. Background of gray shadow, lightening on the left to a pink and blue sky. Signed on back of canvas: T. S., 1856. Purchased from the Macbeth Galleries. Property of a Private Collector. /60. Wk. “REMBRANDT PEALE, NAL AMERICAN: 17781860 ee = ‘ 138—PORTRAIT OF MISS CHARLOTTE RICHARDS s Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches 4 ie a ; A FRESH-COMPLEXIONED young woman is na. attired lin a low- ete cut, high-waisted blue Directoire gown with a lace raft at neck; a her brown hair is curled at sides and braided high at back. Three- 4 4 quarter length turned slightly to left, facing front. Background | = warm red and dark gray clouds lightening to a ea of i: | and blue behind the head. Signed at the lower left: RuaonaNvr Eee Exhibited at the opening Exhibition, Brooklyn Museum, June 1, 1897, | Painted for a member of the Richards family, and in ee possession it has since been. Property of W. D. Sreete. JiY.- EMILE VAN MARCKE Frencu: 1827—1910 139—YOUNG BULL IN STABLE Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches A picture of a yearling bull, with coat of dark brown and white, attached to a post in a stable. The attractive-looking young animal is shown in side view with his white face turned to the spectator. It is a truthful, well-rendered portrayal. Signed at the lower right. From the sale of the studio effects of E. Van Marcke, Paris, Catalogue No. 88. 400 /&S0 1 /4. 4T- ku J085- LS Band From the collection of the late F. L. Loring, Lesho purchased the work from Julius Oehme. farith Killa. Property of a Private Collector. JACQUES RAYMOND BRASCASSAT FrencuH: 1805-—1867 4 VS. rk 140—BULL FIGHT N-Me t ; length, 2514 inches Height, 20 inches; On the rough high banks of a small pool at right foreground, two heavy bulls, rivals, fiercely lock horns with one another. The brown and white animal has almost thrown the one of yellow and white down into the deep gully; an excited peasant in blue smock is advancing with a large cudgel to the desperate fray; a dog howls near the water’s edge. In the distance, at left, are other cattle before a high wooded hill which drops to a low ridge across the rain-clouded horizon; overhead a blue sky, with driving warm white clouds. Signed toward lower right: R. Brascassat, 1855. From the Aspinwall Gallery Collection, New York, 1886. #2 « pileo Collection of Theodore f7. Weil, “OA. Art Association, New York, March 12, 1908, No. 88. $3/KZS5~- M4 .fball, Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. ag (crt Ale 190+ bes. $1100 7 Kt ao abtad HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY aa Frencu: 1841—1910 a 141.—BANK OF A STREAM : a Height, 1114 inches; length, 2014, inches oe Ag A WANDERING pastoral stream, silvery-gray under a sky of active clouds which reveal only glimpses of the deep azure beyond, puts in from the right and leaves the edge of a low green shore traversed by a yellow sandy footpath. Here laundresses kneel at their work, and a woman stands back of them carrying an infant. In the background the higher bank is thickly lined with trees, and in the distance a fisherman stands in his dory in the stream. Signed at the lower left: H. C. Detpy, 74. Owner, Mrs. Marcaret Corrier WILLIAMS. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 184'7— ASP Cae 142—WARM SUMMER MOONLIGHT Kh4. LMI, Ma Vy Height, 18 inches; length, 32 inches Larce ancient oaks, at left and right in the afterglow of evening, twist and bend toward one another and embower a small lake and farther shore, flooded with pale yellow light from the moon in the center of a warm orange sky. Signed at the lower left: R. A. BraKetock. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. /4p.- HOMER D. MARTIN AMERICAN: 1836—1897 Veh wd g Men 7) 49. 1. £9, Sopeasens TAB ee ITY, LANDSCAPE IN GLOAMING Height, 12 inches; oes 20 inches A GREEN hillside, sparsely dotted with kabtanen in the center, descends to an old stone wall which crosses the foreground from an old thatched barn and two trees at the left somewhat diago- — nally to a group of slender autumn-tinted trees bordering a small pool at right. 4: Le Sound rail with a broad uation? | Saag of ited ae £6" t low winding foreshore, with lights twinkling near the horizon left ; near by is a large vessel almost lost in the gloom of night, CxT3 Agdades ce % eee at the lower pnb none a a From the collection of Frederick S. Gibbs, Aineneen Art pre ee York, February 25, 1904, No. 264. Sooo TA Ah. ABaAll Estate of the late THomas R. Batt, DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. / 70 a American: 1827—1908 147—STUDY: ON THE CONNECTICUT | Se LY he RIVER AT LANCASTER Height, 16 inches; length, 26 inches = A LARGE boulder stands out on a hillside sloping at right fore- ground to a half-hidden road and a hayfield occupied by a loaded wain, busy farm-hands and many haycocks; two fine old trees __ at center are at the edge of a bend in the lazy river, which flows | across the canvas with the town of Lancaster on its far bank: foothills and the blue Berkshire Hills in the distance. Over- head, gray and white clouds almost obscure a blue sky. Signed at lower right in monogram: D. J. 67. Bought, Ortgies § Co., March 28, 1889. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Bat. AUGUSTIN THEODULE RIBOT / 4h. - FRENCH: 1823—1891 148—MANDOLIN PLAYER Kokt Wie scr Height, 21 inches; width, 171%, inches A mAwn of muscular frame, though round-shouldered, is portrayed nearly at full length, facing the right, three-quarters front, his face seen in profile. He plays the mandolin and is singing. His breeches are buckled at his knee and his dark cloak is thrown back from his right shoulder, leaving his swarthy breast nude. A touch of full red color heightens his cheek. Olive background. Signed at the lower right, Rrsor, 5S; Lake 1910-4 0h 1 200~ Walt Jeacny Purchased from the Vottier Galleries, New York, 1910. J. R. Andrews Collection, New York, 1916.— 9/384 plbo Ae. Property of a Private Owner. LOUIS VAN EVEN DORENS Fi Gi DutcuH: Con TEMPORARY 149—CHILD READING Kerf Yuden / Height, 23 inches; width, 12° inches Fuii-tenern portrait of a small girl in short frock, intently interested in a picture book. She is seated facing the spectator, in a room dimly lighted, while through a large window above her head the observer looks across.a street brilliant in sunshine, to a row of typical Amsterdam houses on the opposite side. Signed at the lower left: Louis van Even Dorens, Amsterdam, ’75. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrrer WILLIAMS. HOMER D. MARTIN AMERICAN: 1836—1897 150—AN AUTUMN SUNSET Height, 15 inches; length, 2514 inches RicH warm masses of trees in deep shadow cross behind a low stone wall in the middle distance, three irregular groups, that toward the center, the larger, sheltering a hooded wagon and a broad pool flecked with innumerable reflections; toward the left the square tower of a church is seen. Luminous sky of yellow turquoise flecked with lazy floating golden-pink clouds. ? Signed at the lower left: Homer Martin. Purchased from the Macbeth Galleries. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE FULLER, A.N.A. /b/.- pier 1822—1884 Vp by cat 151—CLOSE OF DAY ON A KENTUCKY FARM Height, 1914, inches; length, 39 inches Near a pathway, in a foreground broken by large boulders and sprinkled with blossoming wild flowers, a young farm girl turns for a moment toward the front; beyond are cattle before a farm and outbuildings, a dilapidated wooden fence crossing to the left, and low trees stretching to the right; a pleasant, peaceful setting sun sheds a mellow light. Signed at the lower left: G. Furier. Purchased direct from the Artist by the previous owner, in whose family it remained for forty years, until it passed to the present owner. Property of a Private Owner. “RALPH ALBERT ‘BLAKELOCK, 3 i pp pa : ‘ hc ee ef ’ | Anenrcaw: 1847 aa y INDIAN STORY of luminous warm 1 sunlit sky appear between et Signed at iota right center in “outlined: od arrowhead: 1 } LOCK. Rothe Property of a Private Owner. [90 ELLIOTT DAINGERFIELD, WA. | | American: 1859— 7h Se: Cara ee: hd a 153—A FOREST OAK Height, 22 inches; width, 20 inches _ | (4 A xnorrep and gnarled veteran of many summers spreads its — limbs at the left over a patch of green grass illumined with sun-— light which also sheds its golden beams on the massive trunk; beyond, through the gloom of the forest, small patches of blue sky are seen; crossing the immediate foreground from the left is — a marshy brown pool. a4 Signed at the lower right: Ex.torr DaINncERFIELD. Property of A.’T. Van Laer. GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. Axco-Amprican : 1834—1905 J 7 Z, oe 154—THE KISSING BRIDGE \ is Height, 20 inches ; ai. 30 inches Two couples in old-fashioned late eighteenth century New Eng- land costumes, sweethearts, are crossing a broad old wooden bridge. The foremost, at right, rather the younger couple, seem to enjoy the ancient custom of the bridge, “taking toll”; the other pair, somewhat shy, but hardly reluctant, are hesitating. Beyond is a small stream flowing to the bridge and ground rising to groups of leafless trees and a village on the right. A wintry leaden gray sky deadens the color of the snow-laden ground. Signed at the lower right: G. H. Boveuron, From the collection of H. Vigtor New BIE LI. ed Art Association, New York, March 13, 1908. ®#A5SS + a. Gace Estate of the late Tuomas R. Barr. MK 3067, ie hs Soitfuck + Ny i eee hor ofid§o Moxx Ll, I Stuceonsl- See thfrgho_ BASME.UX ~ JOHN J. ENNEKING Le AMERICAN: . aioe / 7/ b. (A prominent artist of Boston, ‘who was a friend and contemporary of the le te SeOrey Fuller and the late Genres, Inness, N.A.) ‘ LY. ~ 155 SLATE SPRINGTIME aoa ea J hnclfhea | Height, 1814, inches; length, 26 inches A sma lake, with high banks on ye shore ane bine at ‘eft —— foreground, deeply reflects the skirting green trees which. traverse of the canvas. A gay boating party is starting from under the ~ shadow of a large barn standing toward the distant left; amid as the trees at right is a country villa and gate house. Overhead, a gray and white cloudy sky. i Signed at the lower right: ENNEKING. Estate of the late Tomas R. Batt. : WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. - = vs 3 I. poet AMERICAN: 1849—1916 — | a 156—IN OLDEN DAYS ow, Y ; upnee (Pastel: Oval) Height, 301% inches; aL 2514, inches SEATED in Old World costume, seen nearly at full length i in an armchair almost enveloped with a green and pink drapery, is a slender young brunette with her right arm bent on the back of the chair and hand supporting her head, her left arm flexed with her hand behind her. She wears a V-cut pale blue and yel- low dress girdled at the waist with a long pink sash which is knotted below and falls over her dress; background of a wall hung with flowered pink silk. Signed at mid-right: W. M. Crass. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. FREDERICK J. V. DU CHATTEL ‘DutrcH: 1856— £ 7).- 157—POTATO GATHERERS Height, 311% inches; width, 191%, inches FM. birspaien Forrcrounp a rich yellow-brown dug-up potato field, and in it two peasants, a man and a woman, kneeling and filling baskets with the tubers. A four-tined fork is stuck into the ground back of them, and an elderly woman in a pink wrap and white cap stands at a gate in the background. To right of her are farm buildings, and at the left, bordering the field and on a higher level, is the edge of a dense green grove. Signed at the lower left: Frev. J. pu Cuarrtet. Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrier WILLIAMS. THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutcu: 1850—1904 he f- — OME WHEATFIELD 158_THE H 4./ brah Height, 12 inches; length, 2114 inches Tue corner of a wheatfield projecting from the left throws across the middle distance a line of golden grain; and harvesters, men and women, are noted dimly in it and before it, while in the grassy foreground grow some sapling birches. Across the background extends the tree-sheltered mass of a low, broad and roomy house. Signed at the lower right: Tu. pe Bock. Owner, Mrs. Marcaret Corrrer WILLIAMS. ee FRENCH: 18211911 159—THE PALACE OF THE DOGH | Height, 26 inches : width, 82 inoher ie ON a eval strip of foreshaas a group of gaily g watch the animated scene across the lagoon, wi decked shipping discharging its cargo at left and 4 are skimming before the pile of Santa Croce, with its dome ing over the blue waters into a rose-pink sky, covert brilliant blue; at right is the famous palace, with the just seen above it, and further ie stretch re a ay in distance. zs Aa Property of a Private Owner. $F). - Sa Ie GEORGES MICHEL aoe Frencu: 1763—1843 7, 160—AFTER THE SHOWER Height, 2514 inches; length, 31 inches A cGoLpEN foreground occupied by a wide rough road winding round a hillock at left, where it meets a cross road leading to a gray thatched cottage amid heavy oak trees at right, and nearer the front a pool overhung by a high bank of scrubby herbage. In the center of the near road two old chattering peasant women are resting, their herd of goats loitering nearby. Beyond, in deep shadow, is the wide plain of Montmatre, and across the distance a long hilly ridge; overhead a luminous pale sky overspread with angry gray clouds. The contrasted coolness and mellowness give a fitful note of sunshine and showers. From the Wall-Brown Collection, 1886. - XK 199 4000 re F'rom the collection of Mrs. S. D. Warren, American Art Association, New York, January 8, 1903, No. 49. FSO ~ IK, Kale Estate of the late THomas R. Batt. PoumniGaAN? 1825-21894 161—TARPON SPRINGS, FLORIDA Height, 24 inches; length, 34 inches A BROAD marshy meadow, dotted with several figures, and a pool at the left occupy the foreground; beyond, a small stream, with a low farther bank, flows from left to three poplars and a small rustic dock at right; a tug and three sailing vessels are at anchor on the stream. Showery blue sky, domed with warm pur- plish clouds, with the arc of a gradually disappearing rainbow at left. Signed at the lower right: G. Inness, 1871. Purchased at the Inness Sale by the late W. T. Evans. - Property of a Private Collector. 7 - GEORGE INNESS, N.A. 3 A yy. - thenry Stoulfpeees ee WINSLOW HOMER, NA Ti Spd» anya he a t. AMERICAN: 1836—1910 162—PRONT'S HEAD, MAINE Height, 25 inches; nail 321/, ian Two rocky ledges project into the foreground over the foaming billowy blue sea. On the horizon a high-crested comber rushes — toward the shore. Overhead is a warm hazy gray and lavender blue sky reflected in small patches i in the hollows of the water. Signed at the lower right: paces 1891. Purchased from the Artist by Mr. George Hight, Portland, daa from whom the present owner secured it. Sh D Property of a Private Owner. : meee. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. ff eee ol , AMERICAN: 1848—1909 4 168—OCTOBER EVENING ae Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches Ix the foreground, amid edges and thistles, is a manele poll reflecting the cool grays of the sky; on the right, a few straggling 4 trees; beyond, a green field stretching to a farmhouse and its out- — buildings; on the left is a sentinel autumn-leaved birch before a % copse, through which the lowering sun sheds its cool yellow beams. 3 Signed at the lower left: Grorce H. MoComee . Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. ih: ig RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. ip Sf a | AMERICAN: 1847—_ “ a : A, 164—-INDIANS ON THE WARPATH — Height, 26 inches; length, 34 inches — ‘Four mounted Indians in single file are descending a rocky pass _ falling from the left to an expansive plain at the right; jagged __ mountains in deep shadow guard the left of the defile and a gentle — slope in warm sunlight rises at right. Mellow warm ivory yellow sky. j Signed at the lower left in outlined arrowhead: R. A. BiaKELocKk. Property of a Private Owner. PAUL DOUGHERTY, N.A. AEH AMERICAN: 1877— #7. We 95 yh 165—BLACK HEAD, MOHEGAN ISLAND Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches A MARINE in very sober general tone, showing the sea in the middle portion of the picture, surrounded by high lands on shore, and great rock formations in the foreground. The sky is of dark grays with notes of subdued white, and a gleam of pale sunshine, coming from the right, illumines a part of the shore and glints on the breakers. : Signed at the lower right. Purchased direct from the Artist by the previous owner. From the Dr. Alexander C. Humphreys Sale, 1911. /4 4 J boo Jt bachett, To be sold to close an Estate. WILLIAM ANDERSON COFFIN, N.A. Amentcan : 1855— G Sf 166—IWVWINTER IN PENNSYLVANIA 4 iy (A View of the Artist's Home and Studio) dd nee Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches A sroap leaden snow-clad road rises from the foreground to an old gabled stone house at center with trees and a studio at rear, a sleigh before the house porch; at right is a paled fence and further habitations amid leafless trees; beyond the crest of the rise is a range of blue hills capped with streaks of ruddy golden clouds thrust into a pale blue sky. Signed at the lower right: Wm. A. Corrrn, 1896. Evhibited at the Pan-American Exposition. Exhibited at the Lotos Club. Property of Mr. Corr1n ARMSTRONG. FREDERICK W. KOST, N.A. American: 1861— 167—_SPRINGTIME Height, 291% inches; length, 401% inches A muppy road with reflecting pools of water rises from center foreground to the horizon; at left is a green field skirted by a rough fence and bushes; at right four gnarled old apple trees in blossom border the road, and a newly ploughed field occupied by a team hitched to a plough, and a driver standing toward the further end of the field; nearer by, a farmer planting. Signed at the lower right: F. W. Kosr. Property of Mrs. J. M. Cartistx. i ' i Ly j 7S Se NS. — Coe i a ee : rT 2 [ A. EICHELBERGER, S.A.A. f Bee nic an E1900 = (/700 } 4G ca 168 SURF: EAST HAMPTON bh. My of Height, 30 inches; length, 451, inches | | From the blue waters of the horizon, long, incoming high rollers gradually assume their luminous light, sea-green forms crested with white caps, and tumble into the scurrying swirling foam- swept waters of the shelving beach; overhead, a clouded gray-blue sky, bathed with a pool of light in center. This canvas was the last work painted by the lamented and talented artist Eichel- _ berger. Purchased from the Artist’s sister, Mrs. Edgar M. Ward. Exhibited at the Pan-American aebosiont Exhibited at the Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts. Exhibited at the Lotos Club. Property of Mr. Cort1n ArmstRonG. J S7- J. WEILAND Dutcu: 1850—1907 169—dA HOLLAND HOME Vid Whe baby Height, 27 inches; length, 32 inches In an old Dutch plastered kitchen, a stout elderly peasant woman clad in dark homespun, a white cap and old brown apron, sits in a high-back chair before a wicker cradle hooded with blue, her hands outstretched to a just awakened infant; a little sister in lavender dress smiles down at the baby from the further side of her mother. On the earthen floor are a pail and a basket near a small fire on the hearth at right; through an open window a sunny wooded landscape is seen. Signed at the lower left: J.WEILanp, ’07. Bought from Charles W. Kraushaar, January, 1905. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. iss JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 096 1 170—HOLLAND MOORS W 4g ps Height, 40 inches; length, 50 inches i es: Sanpy dunes with sedgy grass occupy the foreground and very gently rise to two stretches of low trees and a distant windmill on the right; before the mill, in a solitary patch of yellow sun- light, is a flock of sheep following their shepherd. Dark wet gray cloudy sky betokens a coming storm. Signed at the lower left: Carteron Wiceins. From the collection of the Artist, Ortgies § Co., February 15, 1898, No. 76. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. JOHN FERGUSON WEIR, N.A. Hay as AMERICAN: 1841— A us 171—ROSES ‘gage Vallry “4 Height, 3214, inches; width, 24 inches ————— A LarcGE blue pottery two-handled jar holds a beautiful bouquet of La France roses; at right, on the ground beside it, is a low oval Louis XV jardiniere of warm ivory, filled with roses and azaleas. A background of deep blackish blue enhances the pastel coloring of the flowers. Signed at the lower right: Jxo. F. Weir, 1883. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. | | THEOPHILE DE BOCK Durcu: 1850—1904 TO1. com 172—LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP Wf, / ; Me ee Height, 45 inches; width, 2714 inches On the left a scattered cluster of slender silver birches, at the side of a field road coming from the direction of a low, rolling horizon. Approaching, in the middle distance, along the road, a shepherd amid a flock of sheep; and on the right, tall dark woods touched with the first notes of autumn, and in front of them a short line of pollards, of light green, feathery foliage. Signed at the lower right: Tu. ve Bocx, 75. Owner, Mrs. Marcaretr Corrier WILLIAMS. WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, NAA. 4 f- AMERICAN: 1849—1916 173--THE COURT JESTER | pe Mebatey Height, 40 inches; width, 25 icires A’ pwarr, in beribboned red and yellow costume with cap and / bells and a bauble tucked under his left arm, stands beside richly carved columned walnut cabinet, pouring himself a “glass of liquor from a flask in his right hand, not his first, “as his nose doth show.” The bauble seems to cynically smile at hi effort to disperse the incipient gloom of his countenance. 3 Signed at the lower right: Witt. M. Cuasze, Municu, 1815. a . Exhibited at Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876, and won a medal for ie Chase at. | the early age of twenty-seven years. From the Fletcher Harper Collection, 1880. \o\~ 2652 ae William M. Chase Memorial Exhibition, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 19¥i. Estate of the late Tuomas R. Batt. Ti es qh. Nhe ty Frencn: 18041 886° 17 —CALAIS PIER IN A STORM H eight sis, HEPES ie ancien Tue Channel is in boisterous commotion, and at the entrance ie Calais harbor the waves are breaking with vehemence ee the jetée, which rises high on the left, their spindrift driven vio- lently up and across its top, where people crowd about the oat of the lighthouse and lean over the parapet to watch the exciting < 4 features of a great storm. ‘The tricolor beside the lighthouse flies at half-staff, against the low-rolling clouds of a tumultuous sky. At the right, a British cross-channel steamer is passing into the harbor, and towing a fishermen’s boat whose sails have __ been taken down, its half-dozen occupants seated at the stern a and along the windward side. ge RS ae he a 4 Owner, Mrs. Marcarer Corrmer WILLiaMs. — 4 n Solan FRANK MURA. y; PPO AMERICAN: 1860— 175—ON THE DUTCH COAST Height, 35 inches; length, 51 inches 3 Unver a brilliant blue sky in which tenuous cloud masses float lightly—colorful masses they are, white and pale gray, mauve, pink, yellow—a bit of the Dutch coast is seen, the view being | seaward. The foreground is a broad flat beach, its moist surfaces reflecting many color tones. To right are abutting dunes, and beyond their tops are suggestions of trees or tall chimneys. The | | sea is seen at the left, with vague sails in the distance, and along the shore line in the middle distance the waves are breaking into | tossing white surf as they roll up the beach. Taking up a large part of the view, and most conspicuous, is the hull of one of | | the heavy, broad-bottomed Holland sailing boats, dismasted, lee- a | board hauled up against her side and two figures apparently at | work aboard her. She affords the artist the best- of his color i scheme, in her weathered grays and greens and rich mahogany- browns. Beside her a peasant, in blue blouse, yellow-gray trousers and sabots, stands at the head of a white horse drawing a loaded two-wheeled cart. Signed at the lower right: Mura, Tue Hacus. | Purchased from the Ichabod T. Williams Collection, New York, 1915. poll BSE Property of a Private Owner. Yn. bomdl “by “a RAIMUNDO DE M Yon. h. fy Wr hee | | Spanisi: 1841— 17 6—APTER THE BALL ci Hae opera Snel is thrown « over va chair p dish brown wall. Ey Property of a Private Collector. gee a A> Samat ee 4bL- JULIAN RIX A : f AmeErIcan: 1851—1908 tpt A euler 177—THE HUDSON RIVER, ‘ NEAR NEWBURGH ~ Height, 3614 inches; length, 61 inches A zLarGE body of profound blue water occupies the foreground. Steep hills in deep warm shadow, with a broad area in golden yel- low light in center, near the foreshore, rise beyond. Overhead is a rich turquoise-blue sky tempered with driven cumulus clouds partially in shadow. Signed at the lower right: Jutzan Rix. Property of Mrs. J. M. Caruisre. HIRAM POWERS AmeERICAN: 1805—1878 1/0, = (Sculptor of the celebrated statue, “The Greek Slave’) 4 ty. ; y, OY, Near.y life-size bust of the celebrated statue, “The Greek Slave.” Sculptured in Carrara marble. Mounted on a massive statuary marble pedestal with square base and revolving top. 178—BUST OF THE GREEK SLAVE Height of bust, 25 inches. Height of pedestal, 43 inches. Purchased direct from the Sculptors Studio in Rome. Property of Mr. Crarence R. Howarp. HIRAM POWERS //$.- | -Amertcan: 1805—1873 res (Sculptor of the celebrated statue, “The Greek Slave”) ty hie Busr nearly life size. Sculptured in Carrara marble, the lower portion embellished with a leaf design carved in relief. Mounted on a massive statuary marble pedestal, with square base and a revolving top. 179—PROSPERPINE Height of bust, 25 inches. Height of pedestal, 43 inches. Purchased direct from the Sculptor’s Studio in Rome. Property of Mr. Crarence R. Howarp. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MaNAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. TISTS REPRESENTED AND AR LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS AGATHE, Curr At the Spring BACON, HEeEnry Farewell to Land BEARD, Wiuu1um H., N.A. Cards a la Mode BEAUMONT, Cwuaries Epouarp bE Punishing Cupid BEAUX, CrEceria © The Fledgling , BERCHERE, Nanrcisse Sunset in EKgypt BIRNEY, Wii14am Verriancr, A.N.A. A Smile BLAKELOCK, Ratru Apert, N.A. Nymphs in the Forest Indian Girl: Uintah Tribe Sentinel Setter in Woodland A Stormy Sunset An Indian Ambush Evening on the Moors The Story of the Buffalo Hunt CATALOGUE NUMBER 76 60 61 82 136 49 Oa Gao t at BLAKELOCK, Rarpeu Aunent—Continued A Woodland Brook Medicine Spring Warm Summer Moonie An Indian Story Indians on the Warpath BOCK, THEOPHILE DE The Home Wheatfield Landscape and Sheep BOGERT, Grorce H. The Seine near Caudebec BOGGS, Frank MrEyeERsS On the River Thames below London Bridge BOKS, Marinus Landscape BOUGHTON, Grorcr Henry, N.A., RA. The Kissing Bridge | BRASCASSATT, JACQUES RAYMOND. Bull Fight BUNCE, Wituiam Gepney, N.A. A Stormy Sunset: Venice Venice, Across the Grand Canal CHASE, Wirttiam Merrirt, N.A. In Olden Days The Court Jester COFFIN, Witit1am Anperson, N.A. Winter in Pennsylvania | | CATALOGUE : NUMBER COLEMAN, Samvutt, N.A. A Hillside, Sawmill Valley, Westchester County ~~ 14. A Street at Morelia, Mexico iWe CONINCK, Prerre dE Cattle in Pasture 115 CORNOYER, Pavtu, A.N.A. The Road to the River oT CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Harvesting 36 Eventide Lo ed LO _DAINGERFIELD, Exxiort, N.A. A Forest Oak 1538 DAVIES, Arruvr B. Girl with a Thorn. in Her Foot 104 DAVIS, Cuartes Harorp, N.A. Fast Falling Eventide 106 DELPY, Htrprotyre CAMILLE | Bank of a Stream 141 DE PENNE, CuHartes OLIVIER Dogs and Landscape 34 DIAZ DE LA PENA, NarcissE VirGILe Landscape 92 Woodland Retreat 93 DORENS, Louis Van Even Child Reading DOUGHERTY, Pavur, N.4A. Black Head, Mohegan Island DU CHATTEL, FreEperick J.V. Potato Gatherers DUPRE, Jutes | The Old Farm DUPRE, J ULIEN The Haymakers EATON, CHARLES WARREN A Golden Sunset EICHELBERGER, Rosert A., 8.4.4. Surf: East Hampton — ENNEKING, Joun J. Sunset Late Springtime FOSTER, Brn ne Evening on the Coast FULLER, Georcet, A.N.A. Evening: Landscape Close of Day on a Kentucky Farm FULLER, Lucta Farrcuinp The Rose Gown CATALOGUE 2 = | NUMBER FRERE, Turtopvore CHARLES ? A Caravan Resting 4 GERICAULT, Jean Lovis Anpri THtovore La Promenade de Femme 90 GRUPPE, Cuartrs Paur Late October 66 HART, J AMES McDovucar Cow in Pasture 25 HASSAM, Cuirtper; N.A. The Pink Book ? 126 HAWTHORNE, Cuartes Wesster, N.A. Pleasures of the ‘Table 80 HENNER, Jean JACQUES Ideal Head 91 HENRY, Enpwarp L., N.A. A Gay Coaching Party 28 HOMER, Wrnstow, N.A. Inviting a Shot: Defiance 96 Pront’s Head, Maine 162 INGLIS; Wiu11am T. Agassiz Rock 30 Still Life: Potteries 37 Marine 41 INNESS, Georce, N.A. Italian Landscape Landscape: Banks of the Brook Wooded Pasturage Tarpon Springs, Florida IRVING, J. Beauratrn, N.A. “Music Hath Charms” ISABEY, Evetne Louis Gaprien © Calais Pier in a Storm JACQUE, Cuartes Emite Chickens JOHNSON, Davin, N.A. The Old Homestead Homestead at Shark River, N. J. 4 _ Study: On the Connecticut River at Lancaster 147 a JOHNSON, Eastman, N.A. Blowing the Fire JONES, H. Bouton, N.A. At the Edge of the Moor KOST, Freperick W., N.A. Springtime LATHROP, Wuuitam Laneson, N.A. Old Barn in Winter LAWSON, Ernest, N.A. On the Shore V Nat NUMBER ‘AG 110 68 167 58 52 me + % - ~ ‘Aad a ve 3 * ey 5 & on fora 5 ) ‘ oii LAZERGES, Hirroryre At the Portal. 13 LEYS, Baron Henri Jean Avcusttn Proclamation of the Dutch Republic 113 fe PINCOTT, Wii14m H., N.A. Italian Water Carrier 43 MacCAMERON, Roserr Lee The Garden of the Luxembourg 29 MADOU, JEAN BAPTISTE A Night in the Guard-house 11 MADRAZO, Ratunno DE After the Ball 176 MAGNUS, CamiLir Cupid and Psyche at the Fountain of Love 3 MARILHAT, Prosper An Arab and His Camel : 24 MARTIN, Homer D., N.A. | Returning to the Fold 97 Autumn Landscape in Gloaming 143 An Autumn Sunset 150 McCORD, Grorcrt Herpert, A.N.A. Evening: Near Gloucester 58 October Evening 163 MEISSONIER, CwHar.es Shore of the Mediterranean | 111 MESDAG, Mapame H. W. Cows and Pool "AIG | ‘ MURA, FRANK a | On the Dutch Coast 175 MURPHY, J. Francis — Autumnal Glory 101 ‘a Autumnal Notes 128 oa NEWMAN, Rosert Layton , 3 A Group of Children’ 17 The Sybil | 85 ae otf se = CATALOGUE Trees and Poultry MICHEL, GerorcEs On the Coast near Etretat After the Shower MIGNOT, Lovis Remy, N. “ih A Silent Lake MINOR, Roserr C., N.A. Night on the Sound MONTICELLI, AnoLtrpHeE A Woodland Idyl | MORA, Francis Luis, N.A. The Ferry to St. George MORAN, Epwarp | Cockle Gathering: South Coast of Breind MORAN, Tuomas, N.A. ae Sappho 118 NEUVILLE, Atrpyonst Marie pvE A Skirmish of Infantry OCHTMAN, LEonarpD, N.A. Landscape: Evening Late Afternoon PALMER, Water Launt, N.A. Wheat Fields near Chantilly PARTON, Ernest Sonning Bridge on the River Thames, England PAULI, RIcHARD Windy Day in Spring Moonlight on the Silent Pool PEALE, Remsranpt, N.A. Portrait of Miss Charlotte Richards PECQUEREAU, A. Rocky Landscape and Stream POORE, Henry R. Sympathy POWERS, Hiram Bust of the Greek Slave Proserpine QUARTLEY, Arruvur, N.A. Fishing Boats CATALOGUE NUMBER 89 26 144 fai 5A 39 th 138 33 64 178 179 38 we RANGER, Henry Warp, N.A. Evening at pin Connecticut REID, Roperr, N. A. The Sleeping Valley: Monroe RIBOT, AvucustTIn Teeoore | Mandolin Player RIX, JULIAN The Hudson River, near Newnan : ROBINSON, ‘THEODORE Girl in Hammock : Girl in Hammock, Reading ~~ ROLL, Atrrep PHILIPPE A Summer Day ROUSSEAU, Tuitovore Pierre Evrenne A Stormy Sunset RYDER, Apert PrnxHam, N.A. The Smugglers’ Landing Place SANCHEZ PERRIER, Emirio Feeding the Chickens SHURTLEFF, Roswertt Morst, N a he The Outlook: In the Adirondacks STACQUET, Henry The Hillside Farm Fete « ~ ie CATALOGUE 123 ' 7 148 Se a 13% . iy _ 132 ae oe es 77 Wa : me "4 Y ‘ 99 122 108 79 CATALOGUE NUMBER SULLY, THOMAS. A Gatherer of Chips 137 S. W. B. The Wishing Pool: Evening 9 SYMONS, Grorce GARDNER, N.A. Winter in New Jersey 67 TORNA, Oscar Wood and River 2 TURNER, CHARLES Yarpiey, N.A. Head of a Young Girl 27 Dorothy 130 TYLER, James G. The Blockade Runner 78 UNKNOWN Female Nude 55 VAN BOSKERCK, Rozert Warp, N.A. A Quiet Stream 74 VAN MARCKE, Emits Young Bull in Stable 139 VEDDER, Ex1inu The Water Boy 88 VENETIAN SCHOOL St. Cecelia 10 ey N CATALOGUE : NUMBER | VENNEMAN, Cuartes FERDINAND | A Numismatist re sy VEYRASSAT, JuLes JAcQUES 7 Rich Pastures by the Sea | e AT Lak 4 : Rae Rae OME ghd ieheg eam Loe CR nls FR Ao RTE AER ® 9 bate Merve sf Be THORPE RT RUS UNTER Rl eN pO a tse pe \ Resa th hare iby A Lee Phe BEAR BPO) ely AN ee HST 4 anole eee ot tL Leal meg OW EMMA i ay A Fallen SUA pe Aes OPS, 48 ORS Ree Oy geo fener he Popa he that Hah MANE AT BLA oF ena? ia PEWS ALT EAL) MARA ew OLIY A emt eget ee ae ss AaSeLs x ee 3 e Az Medd + bean a peters . WrAT muss ek sing ee fie pipet vena K: “ THEA SE i wrhreyy/ Lee ate Nase eh th y a Ay tal Sate ear ahi) Fi ana Ri few ; Fa Maren ei meen An meth y oth pea nah oy Ae ris oor y peewee vr ph tine OREN Cer Tiere nts | seta ies uae re hs paere biiccaees Hed wind PAPEL MM Ge lites yi RAE, eter th Sue x Shvatr oes acy easme oectccregntates inp? pt Wt Ay Har wee ae sere Dek wl vee el ary Spe Alyn tae ad al wes pete Pace iia 0 sae Ole “hakcth SP th da: bhk “patra Vv OU rls os ees ee ey rpeeedipe a w cage gle ths TRIMS RAR a Hg DGD Deh Vf Aste abe Ac REAP MAT TE RTS Ric im eC METERS Seat aye bee ree on Gee sbi Mey SANDALS SC MER TE sat Ne DOH AUC SE AL PVE “4 Hb Seder he sanynarunisih eh ge op re Fah vs We Aut eter Pail PAN HE EHTS 9 Bat! myer oeitorco Pa pri Thg Sey HSE MS SAR eke eI ALE Seite SiN VATE Yee fed Shea COR FY ASMA SUPAY paca Sb ia Sine 15, Set PRI hei RLS EN NG Ce eh eas Wy, he CRP Hee wee ark ve Sen een ev BS years as se Porte ba] Ta eu Oo ad ie OREN 2a Oe Ng INS Femara ae a>RIe FAS BNLES aye Rane AS ete vie Sy bay SSS WRAL VW RPL NEA NIB ie CALC. ‘S oeTaNy ain Pet DL OA Rove ath wit bee fares S ee Ns by Nhe Ahh py wn ey: Sierersre ieerece! dips Cara Peer! cw Sent he tht otinuk UTS Bek Ns Me mae ey ay apie aye 7 Bate Geir Gertie ean Ewer Sean eee ecaed bhatt ce by oe A ae pee iene nok ye Peas oe hi (rte enh STO ye SM ey + sites ey yet a a oo we tronic etesne sigrnor ay Wise A A ce UAE tee pene rete ls ah wane TERR hence Ht pls caeere: atest Tare gy he os 5 waa west aa see tint: “ * a penetra Sy Wate Cates fal La ponte terete spy ora r a “ic eee BUNA RAT Penne aa eur YS UG SORE Ce SAAN PRS Ory 4 OY PN rt aL nye Net tat ‘ i . te ae ian vasa Som neha Sr HH Padi sntarha aan) Sin Feed fisaban nin: atid ae errr hard) deveeharhs Pas te settee tiakt PAST Savas ar Ft PAD Hh Hee ue WER AA ig AN, A ee Ny HT RTP RA Song te mss ye ches Rata eur es = meek + PH eis TT ale hig AA ary CRIN dig rapes eae et ry Seep SEPIA Sn HEY MERE rE uh Suh Bn doses) ere, era es bor ti wihimeeee ronal Pg NER RE te Rls ce he Pie NTIS SC PEO Ee He aye ab aves Seal Wesenne PER DACR Sg USE OEE AN Re Aag hate Hen Ue ED a Dy 4 SS MEAT RY Sri a «I eae Xe reg ne Ge ae aes Pras RoR Ets hatches tecsieninu uve tyre SOL res 25 GA). 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