SS AR - = R( j q Uy . i a | an & rey Ai : — te « a. B : ~ » THE NOTABLE HENRY GOLDSMITH [BA Sa COLLECTION HISTORIGAL MAPS-AND. VIEWS OF NEW YORK CITY AYP of ee To be sold on Wednesday and Thursday evenings January Twentieth and Twenty-first MCMXXVI eee AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION: Inc. [ESV MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 577TH STREET HICaNY Vay) ¢ NEW YORK e% \\ ' 7S SW =e = [vz ‘on ] (AINO NW1d dO JIVH UAMOT ONINIVINOO LadHs LSU ) YYOA MAN JO ALIO AHL AO MAGIA LSAM HLNOS V MGIA GNV NV 1d YdZLvu Tin J INO) Te JaNeyEae HENRY GOLDSMITH COLLECTION HISTORICAL MAPS, VIEWS, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, CHINA RELATING TO INE WY ORK CIry CATALOGUE DESCRIPTIONS BY MR. ROBERT FRIDENBERG WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56rx TO 5714 STREET * NEW YORK Telephone: PLazA 1270 On Free Public Exhibition Commencing Saturday, January 16, and Continuing until date of sale, Weekdays from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. and Sunday, January 17, from 2 to 5 p.m. Unrestricted Public Sale— On the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday, January 20 and 21, 1926 at eight-fifteen Exhibition and Sale at—— THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56rn TO 571 STREET 7 NEW YORK Telephone: Praza 1270 : Catalogues on request <> The sales are conducted by Mr. Orro Berner Mr. H. H. Parke and Mr. H. E. Russztt, Jr. INTRODUCTION Tue Henry Go.tpsmitH Cou_ection of New York City engravings is the most important that has been offered in many years. It has been made with great care and unusual judgment by selections from the Holden, Neill, Crimmins, Pyne and other important sales of the past fifteen years, and by private pur- chase, and contains many important, scarce and attractive items. It includes original and early maps and plans, historical china, and a larger proportion of the sought-for original drawings by Alexander J. Davis, mostly from the artist’s own portfolio, than any previous collection, as well as an unusual run of the very scarce and desirable Bornet-Hoff, Balch- Rawdon, George E. Leefe and other important series. The growing demand and increasing scarcity of these prints, that shed light on the early history of our city, makes the dispersal, at this time of local patriotism and civic pride, an unusual opportunity of which the discriminating collector will take advantage. RosertT FRIDENBERG. Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Deposit by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. 4. Risk after Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and there- after neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 6. Receipted Bills. Goods will be delivered only on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been made, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. 7. Storage in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day follow- ing that of the sale, the Association reserves the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all of lots so purchased to cancel the sale thereot or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any losses and costs sustained in so doing. 8. Shipping. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Associa- tion is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 9. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or im- perfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “‘as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 10. Records. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. 11. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues. Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be fur- nished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. No person other than the auctioneer or an official of the Association is authorized to arrange conditions of sale different in any way from those herein contained. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS Mr. ArTHuR Swann, Director ¥ tra CATALOGUE + : . ° ay. a? - é A -. ad * “et F . ‘ ee ox ee tte wv WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20, AT 8:15 First Session, NUMBERS I TO 253, INCLUSIVE NEW YORK CITY GENERAL VIEWS AND PLANS Measurements in inches and sixteenths, rendered dec- imally for convenience; a quadrature suggestive of the square of four, instead of a decimal point. ceive i 1. Nieuw Amsterdam Novi Belgii | noveeque Angliz nec non | partis | Vir- ginie tabula|multis in locis emendata a| Nicolao Joannis Vischero. | Nieuw Amsterdam | op t Eylant Manhattans. First issue, colored. FINE AND VERY SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 18°5 X 21°13 [ILLUSTRATED ON SECOND PAGE FOLLOWING| 2. Nieuw Amsterdam emendata per Nicolaum Vischer. Second issue. Folded in half red morocco. From the William Loring Andrews collection, with his book-plate. 3. Nieuw Amsterdam Novi Belgii | noveeque Angliz nec non | Pennsylvanie et Partis | Virginiee tabula | multis in locis emendata. a|Iusto Danckers | Nieuw Yorck,| eertys Genaemt Nieuw Amsterdam | op’t Eylant Manhattans Colored. VERY SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 18°5 x 21°10 . Novi Jorck Novi Belgii | Quod nunc Novi Jorck vocatur, | Noveeq Angliz & Partis | Virginize | Accuratissima et Novissima | Delineatio Map, colored. Line Rectangle, 1125 x 14°5 . Novum Amsterodamum From Ogilby’s America, London 1671. Framed. Line Rectangle, 4°1§ x 6°6 . Novum Amsterodamum Another copy, with full sheet of text, and 4pp. description. _ “The Duke’s Plan.”’ | A Description Of The | Towne Of Mannados | Or New Amsterdam. | as it was in Septem- ber 1661. (Copyright 1859.) | Lithograph, large folio, colored. (2) . Nieuw-Amsterdam Restitutio. | Nieuw-Amsterdam onlangs Nieuw jorck genaemt, | ende hernomen bij de Nederlanders op den 24 Aug: 1673, | eindelijk aan de Engelse afgestaan. At lower right of map: Totius Neobelgii Nova Et Accu- ratissima Tabula. Apud Reinier & Iosua Ottens Amste- lodami. Colored. VERY SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 18:4 X 21°5 . Neu Jorck Neu Jorck sive Neu Amsterdam. At foot of map: Recens edita totius Novi Belgi in America Septentrionali siti, delineatio et sumtibus Mathei Seutter1. Colored. Line Rectangle, 19:10 X 22°14 LO: bate. E2e . Neu Jorck Same: delineatio cura et sumtibus Tob. Conr. Lotter. Colored. Nieu Amsterdam —v7g. | Nieu Amsterdam al. New York | Carolus Allard excudit cum Privelegio ordinum Hollandiz et West- frisieg—A Majer fei Repaired in lower right. VERY SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 8°6 x 10°12 New York Plan | De | Manathes | On | Nouvelle | Yorc | Verifiée par le Sr de ]a Motte | Lithograph Rectangle, 13°3 X 19°9 Nieu Amsterdam Nieu Amsterdam, een stedeken in Noord Amerikaes | Nieu Hollant, op het eilant Mankattan: namaels Nieu jork genaemt, to en het geraekte in ’t gebiet der Engel- ° schen. | (Repeated in Latin.) | Pet: Schenk-Amsteld. Gok: Colored. With the Valentine Manual reproduction. Line Rectangle, 8+ x 10°8 . New York 1728 | Chs Magnus Lith. Est. | Facsimile of an original map made 1728. Reprinted by John Slater. . . Colored. Lithograph Rectangle, 16°13 X 21°g 14. eo. 16. gp lites New York Les principales Forteresses Ports &c. de L’Amérique Septentrionale. |I. K.s. Eighteen, including: “New York and Perthamboy Harbours”’; Boston; Charleston; providence, ot. Augustine; etc. Colored. weoTE Rectangle, 21° X 24° New York New York. On undivided sheet over Quebec, and with Mexico and Fall of Niagara. Fine EXAMPLE. Line Rectangle, 4°12 X 10°7 Niew Amsterdam On map: Belen Pars Septentrionalis communi nomine Vulgo Hollandia etc. Io. Baptista Homanno Norim- bergee. Colored. Early state showing the gallows, erased 1n later issues. Niew Amsterdam On map: Belgu Pars Septentrionalis communi nomine Vulgo Hollandia etc. P. Schenk. 1705. Colored. Early state before change of Schenk to Krib- ber. New York A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements . . . by Hen. Pop- riba AN ed es B Toms Sculp. Colored. IQ. a 21. a2. New York On map: Carte Particuliére de l’Amérique Septentrio- nale. A Map of the British Empire in America with the French, Spanish and the Dutch Settlements etc. by Henry Popple for I. Covens and C. Mortier. Colored. New York South West View of Fort George with the City of New York. Framed. Line Rectangle, 5°12 x 87 New York Engrav’d For the London Magazine 1761. | The South Prospect of the City of New York, in North America. Line Rectangle, 6°5 X 2023 Montresor Plan A Plan of the City of | New-York & its Environs | to Greenwich, on the North or Hudsons | River, and to Crown Point, on the East or | Sound River, Shewing the Several Streets, Publick | Buildings, Docks, Fort & Bat- tery . . . | (two lines) | Survey’d in the Winter, 1766. | (Dedication etc., seven lines) | John Montresor. | En- gineer. | P. Andrews Sculp. Fine copy of the Very Scarce First Issug, bound in half morocco folio. Line Rectangle, 25°6 x 20°10 22. 2A. ei 26. Ratzen Plan (Dedication to St Henry Moore etc., six lines.) | This Plan of the City of New York, | (two lines) | Bernd Ratzen. | Lieutt in the 6oth Regt | Survey’d in 1767. | (References) | T. Kitchin Sculpt | Proof before Jefferys & Faden’s publication line. Very SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 23° X 34°12 Ratzer Plan & View A South West View ot the City of New York, Taken from the Gouvernours Island at * A Fine Copy of the Very Scarce Ratzer View and Plan, on two large folio sheets, which have never been joined. London Published. . . . Jany 12, 1776; by Jefferys & Faden &c. [LOWER SECTION ILLUSTRATED AS FRONTISPIECE] New York Vue De La Nouvelle Yorck | La Nouvelle Yorck, | Ville scitué dans . . . l’Isle de Manahatan (etc.) Colored. Etching Rectangle, 8°13 X 15° New York Vue De La Nouvelle Yorck. | — Gravé par Balth. Fre- deric Leizelt | Neu Yorck.—La nouvelle Yorck. | Eine Stadt . . . Insul Manahattan . ... —Une Ville... Isle, dite Manahatan . . . (etc.) | Se vend a Augs- route. ... Colored. Etching Rectangle, 9°1§ X 15°11 20 Se 2Q. 30. New York “Columbian Academy Newyork March 1796 | The Bay of New York from Paules Hook.” An original water-color with Brooklyn Hills, Governor’s Island and the lower part of the city in the background. Framed. UnusvuA.t_y IMPORTANT. [ILLUSTRATED] New York View of the City of New York taken from Long Island. St Memin del et sculpt 1796 Late issue. New York A View of the City of New-York from Brooklyn Heights, in 1798 by Monsieur C. B. Julien, de St Memin (&c.). Published by M. Dripps from an Original Drawing now in possession of J. C. Brevoort Esqr. | of Brooklyn. Fine copy of the engraving, not to be confused with the later Valentine 1861 issue. VERY SCARCE. Goerck & Mangin Plan Plan Of The City Of New-York, | Drawn From Actual Survey, By Casimir Th Goerck, And Joseph Fr. Mangin, City Surveyors. | This Plan shews the Wards of the City as lately altered by the Legislature, and designates with accuracy, most of the Streets, Wharves, Slips, &c. | (five lines) | New-York, Nov. 1803.— | Jos. Fr. Mangin Del. | Engraved by Peter Maverick. Elephant folio, folded, repaired. Earty, ImMporTANT -anp No Recorp OF PUBLIC SALE. Line Rectangle, 35°12 X 40°5 Photograph of the map, in four sections, and the Amert- can Architect, Aug. 12th, 1908. aie Rar 33: 34. New York (A View Of The First-Cities Of The United States. boquet fecit Sculpsit.) Views of Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Richmond and Charleston, S. C. Unfortunately the Baltimore view has been cut out. The only known perfect copy is described and illustrated in Stokes’ Iconography, Vol. III. Aquatint Rectangle, 18°12 X 27°4 New York Rit. af Klinckowstrém.—Gr. af Akrell | Newyorks Hamn och Redd | Fran Brooklyn pa Longisland. Drawn in 1818 and published, with companion Brod- way-Gatan, at Stockholm 1824. Of unusual artistic quality. Framed. Very SCARCE. Aquatint Rectangle, 8:10 x 18°10 Randel’s Plan. 1821 The City Of New York As Laid Out By The Commis- sioners with the Surrounding Country by their Secretary and Surveyor John Randel Junr (Copyright 1821) P. Maverick sculpt etc. On roller, as wall map. VERY SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 22°2 X 332 New York Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | New York, From Governors Island. | No: 20 of the Hudson River Port Folio. | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. Colored, old gold frame. Unusua.ty FINE Copy OF THE Very Scarce First Issue. | Line Rectangle, 14°12 X 23°38 (ee She over New York State Of New-York | Lithogié par J. Milbert.—Impie de C. Motte | View of the City of New-York | taken from Brooklyn Hills. Fine copy, framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 7°6 x 11°12 . New York Printed by M. Williams No 49 Sulivan Street New York. | New-York From Weehawk. Designed and engraved by Alex. J. Davis. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 9°9 X 14°12 New York New York. | New York Emporium of Arts, 325, Broad- way. On sheet with similar: Ticonderoga; Lake George; Valley of the Mohawk; Falls Of Chaudier; Fort Niag- ara; Monticillo; Highlands; Falls of Niagara; Seat of Brant, an Indian Chief; Mount Vernon; and Hermitage. Framed, colored. No OTHER Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 2°5 X 3°14 New York Indian Village — Morocco — Constantinople — New- York. (Copyright 1830). Broadway looking South from St. Paul's, on last chart in: A New and Improved Atlas, etc., by J. Olvey, 4to Hartford, 1831, paper covers. Line Rectangle, 1210 X 2°4 wk 40. 41. A 2k 43. New York Valuable | Real Estate | for sale by | Franklin & Jenkins | Wednesday 22nd April 1835 | at 12 o’clock at the | Merch: Exch: | Miller & Co’s Lith: 45 Merch. Ex. Thirty-two maps, of which five are in the present limits of Central Park. Paper covers. New York S. Davenport, sculp.| New York. | London: Published By Thomas Kelly, 17 Paternoster Row, 1835. Finely engraved proof; looking south from St. Pauls. Framed. Line Rectangle, 4° x 6°13 New York Drawn & Engraved by T. Hornor.—Printed by Wm. Neale. | New York from Brooklyn Interesting from the variety of old and unusual types of ferry-boats and steamships. Framed. Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Line Vignette, 12°8 X 3128 New York Plan of New York in 1838 engraved by G. W. Boynton. Large paper proof, colored. 14° X 1123 New York N. Sarony—U. S. Ship, North Carolina, 102 Guns.— H. Diss pinx. | Lith: & Pub: by N. Currier,—(Copyright 1843) =2 Spruce SO Near The west side of the city from Castle Garden north. Colored, framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 9°2 X 13>2 44. 45. 46. 47. New York Cup and saucer; design in pink, border, medallions of sailor boy and ship. View from the river. Barber (second ed. 1901) 249. New York (References). | Panoramic View Of New York. | [Taken from the North River.] | Drawn & Engraved by Robt Havell—Printed by W. Neale. | (Copyright 1844) | Pub- lished by Robt Havell Sing Sing New York. ancy y 11). A. Colman. 203 Broadway | Ackermann & Co 96 Strand London Repaired, colored, framed. VERY SCARCE. Aquatint Rectangle, 8°11 X 31°13 New York Painted & Engraved By Robt Havell. | Panoramic View Of New York, | From The East River. | The Vessels drawn by J. Pringle-—Printed by W. Neale. | (Copy- right 1844) | Published by Robt Havell, Sing Sing, N. Y. | Wm A. Colman, 203 Broadway Colored, framed. VERY SCARCE. Aquatint Rectangle, 8°14 X 32°5 New York Drawn from Nature and, Lithographed—(Copyright 1848 by R. A. Bachia)—by E. W. Foreman and E. Brown Jr. N. York. | (References) | New York And Environs, | Printed by Sarony & Major 117 Fulton St. N. Y.—| New York And Environs, | From Williams- burgh. | (Williams & Stevens and Ackermann & Co) At bottom outline views of: “New York in 1623,” and “New York in 1673.” The Very Scarce first issue. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 20°13 X 33°5 48. 49. 50. Sue New York From a sketch by F. Catherwood Esq.—Eng. by Henry Papprill | Henry I. Megarey New York. | New-York. | Taken from the North west angle of Fort Columbus, Governors Island. Colored. Fine copy. VerRY ATTRACTIVE. Aquatint Rectangle, 16°8 x 26°12 [ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE| New York Drawn From Nature And On Stone By C. Bachman.— Lith. Of Sarony & Major 117 Fulton St. N. Y. | (Copy- right 1850) | New-York. | Published By Williams & Stevens, 353 Broadway. N. Y. Looking south from Union Square. Colored, framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 19°5 X 28°13 New York New-York | Drawn from nature by Aug. Kollner.— New-York & Paris, Published by Goupil & Co.—Lith. by Deroy.—Printed by Cattier. | 46 Genet View | [from Brooklyn.] | (Copyright 1850). Lithograph Rectangle, 8:1 X 11°11 New York Dessiné par Simpson—Lith. par Th. Muller | 30 | New- York Et Brooklyn—Nueva York y Brooklyn | Vue prise au dessus de la batterie.—Vista tomada en cima de la bateria. | Colored. Lithograph Rectangle, 17+ X 24°7 [ No. 48 | er Boe 54. 55: New York (Copyright 1851 by J. Haasis,) | Drawn from nature & on stone by J. Bornet.—Print by Nagel & Weingartner. | Souvenir Of New York. | Published by Frash & Haasis, go Fulton St. New York. Surrounding the View, which 1s taken from Governors Island, are eighteen small views. Colored. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 16° X 214 New York Bird’s-Eye View Of The City Of New York——-Chas Parsons Del.—Frank Leslie Sc. Pub’d by the [llus- trated News, Novr 26, 1853. VERY SCARCE. Large Folio New York. | Niirnberg, bei G. C. Renner. Colored. W oodcut (2) New York New-York | City & County Map | with Vicinity entire | _. ,]in the 79th Year of the Jndependence of the United States. Chs Magnus lith. Framed. : Lithograph Rectangle, 19°12 X 33° New York View From Hoboken | Drawn from nature by L. Sachs. —Published by Stein & Sachs. | New-York. In margins are views of: Custom House; Broadway; Merchant’s Exchange; City Hall; Crystal Palace; and Chatham Square. Line Vignette, 6°2 x 8g Lith. of Chs Magnus, 22 N. William St. N. Y. From the bay, under views of Crystal Palace and Franconi’s Hippodrom. (2) 56. Si 53. 59- 60. New York B. F. Smith. Jun. Del,—W. Wellstood, Sc. | New York, 1855. | From The Latting Observatory. etc. From 42nd st., Reservoir & Crystal Palace in fore- ground, to Narrows. The most interesting view of the period, showing the contrast with its marvelous growth Since: Line Rectangle, 29°12 x 46°4 New York Amérique | Paris L. Turgis Jne . . . | 14 | Vue Géné- rale De New-York— Vista Général De New-York. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 12°6 x 18°12 New York View Of New York. | Published By George Stinson & Co. Portland Maine. Colored. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°5 x 12°13 New York New York, N. Y.; Birds Eye View Of The City Of New York With Environs.; New York, Brooklyn & Williamsburgh. All published by Chas. Magnus & Co., on the original gold and black mounts. (3) New York Map Of New York And Environs. Published by Chas Magnus & Co. Marginal views of six public buildings. India proof. . Original pen-and-ink drawing of New York, Jersey City and Hoboken by Chas Magnus. (2) 61. ‘aye. 64. SPECIAL SUBJECTS Adelphi Hotel Davis Del. Merchts Exch.—Rawdon, Wright & Co Sc Merchts Exch. N. York. | Adelphi Hotel, | No 10 Broadway Fronting The Battery, | New-York. Tae Vignette, 2°5 X 3°6 On glazed card. No OrTHER Known in this form. . Another copy, on bill head, 1829. Framed. Albemarle Hotel. Unlettered proof on glazed card. (3) Alms House Design For Improving The Old Alms-House | Park, New-York: | By Alex. J. Davis, Exchange. | Imbert’s Lithography, N. Y. 7 Framed. No Recorp oF PUBLIC SALE. Lithograph Vignette, 12° X 228 . Alms House Another copy with additions by the architect in color. American Hotel — Imbert’s Lithography.| American Hotel. | No 229 Broadway New York, opposite the Park. | Blake & Boardman. At bottom is written: “Architecture by Davis, figures by Canova.” The view shows the south corner of Bar- clay Street with part of the Lydig mansion. To the north appear the residences of John McVicar and Philip Hone. Finely colored and perfect condition, framed; the Neill-Pyne copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°6 x 13°4 ae 66. 67. American Hotel American Hotel, | By | Blake & Boardman. | Davis. del. —O. H. Throop Sc. | 229 Broadway Opposite the Park N. York. Engraved bill-head Sept. 4th 1829. Framed. Line Vignette, 201 X 352 Apthorp Mansion, Residence of Charles Ward Apthorp 1763-1783 Erected 1764. Torn down 1891. Autotype, E. Bierstadt. Framed. (2) Arcade Bath A. J. Davis delt 42 Exchange.—Imbert’s Lithogra- phy. | No 39 Chambers St New York, Opposite the Rotunda, | Rebuilt on the Scite of the [formerly] New York Bath. | (four lines). Fine example, from the Pyne sale, framed. VERY SCARCE. Palmo’s Opera House—Burton’s Theatre. Lithograph Vignette, °g X 8210 Arcade Railway Proposed Arcade Railway. | Under Broadway, | View Near Wall Street. | Ferd. Mayer & Sons, Lith.— | (one line) | — Melville C. Smith, Projector. | (One line). Shows Broadway, looking north from the Soldiers’ Monument, on the left, and the Metropolitan Bank on the corner of Pine Street. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 17°12 x 24°6 Voice Of The Press on the New York Arcade Railway 115 Broadway 1886. 4to, paper, illustrated. (2) 68. AO. ile 72. Aquarium Broadway and 35th Street, north-west corner. Three original drawings by C. A. Vanderhoef, exterior, 1n- terior and reading room, about 1890. Framed. Small lithograph in colors with interior view on same folder. ; Program, Oct. 16, 1880, with woodcut view. (3) . New York L’Arrive Du Prince Quillaume Henry A Nouvelle York. | peint par Richard Wright, a Londr—Grave par Balth Frederic Leizel | Die Ankunft des Koniglichen Prinzen (etc) | L’Arrive du Prince (etc) 1781. | Se vend a Augsburg. Colored. Etching Rectangle, 9°14 X 14°14 Astor House “Front For Broadway, With, Or Without Pilasters. 15-37 bite Water-color plan by A. J. Davis for contemplated structure. Oblong folio. Astor House Dwellings On The Site Of The Astor House. Drawing in Color by A. Hosier, showing Col. Axtel’s, Ma}. Rutherford’s, M. Paft’s, J. J. Astor’s, Cornelius Roose- velt’s & Richard Harison’s home and law office. Framed. . Photographic reproduction of a similar sub- ject by L. Oram. (2) Astor House Bill Of Fare. Dec. 3. 1850. On satin. Framed. Astor House. Letterheads etc. | (5) oS: 75: 76. Astor Library Interior view of the Astor Library before the alterations. Original pencil drawing. . Astor’s Flute One of the seven original boxwood, ivory-trimmed flutes, brought over by John Jacob Astor in 1784 and made by his brother in London. The flute is in four sections, each of which bears the maker’s name, ““W. Astor, London.” Length 24”. With it the pamphlet: The Wealthy Citizens of New York, 8vo, 1846, paper covers, with an account (p. 3). The flute has been authenticated by the Francis Bacon Piano Co., whose predecessors, Dubois & Bacon, suc- ceeded John Jacob Astor’s musical establishment. Astor Place Riot ieneecestub. by N. Currier, (Copyright 1849)—152 Nassau St. Cor. Of Spruce N. Y.— | Great Riot At The Astor Place Opera House, New York. | On Thursday Evening May toth 1849. Forrest-Macready riot, colored, framed. VERY Soe Lithograph Rectangle, 84 x 12°11 Bacon’s Oyster House Bacon’s Oyster House. Black cup plate. In 1865 at 128 Broadway. Junction of the | Sacondaga & | Hudson River Black plate 7”, flower and bird decoration. Barber 120. (2) Hage TEE 80. Olt. 82. 33. BALCH, RAWDON & CO. American Bible Society A. J. Stansbury del.—Rawdon, Clark & Co | American Bible Society’s Depository Nassau St. Line Rectangle, 3°1 X 4° . Brooklyn Ferry —— Balch, Rawdon & Co Sc | Brooklyn Ferry. Line Rectangle, 1215 X 2°17 Catholic Cathedral Balch, Rawdon & Co Sc | Catholic Cathedral. Line Rectangle, 1215 x 2°6 St. Paul’s Church E. W. Bridges del.—Balch, Rawdon & Co Sc. | St Pauls Church. Line Rectangle, 1215 x 2°7 City Bank Balch, Rawdon & Co. Sc. | City Bank. Line Rectangle, 1°14 X 2°6 Columbia College Balch, Rawdon & Co Sc. | Columbia College. Line Rectangle, 2°1 X 3° Free School | Balch, Rawdon & Co Sc. | Free School No 1. Line Rectangle, 1°14 X 2°7 84. oe 86. 37. 88. New York Bank Balch, Rawdon & Co Sc. | New York Bank. Line Rectangle, 1°14 x 2°6 Tammany Hall — Balch, Rawdon & Co Sc. | Tammany Hall Line Rectangle, 1-14 x 2°6 Washington Market Balch, Rawdon & Co Sc. | Washington Mar- ket eee | Rectangle, 1e15 X 2°7 St. John’s Church Proof sheet with St Johns Church; St Pauls Church; Tammany Hall (and St Johns Hall). St Pauls and Tammany show additional work on Ene plates. An unusual run of this desirable and attractive series, all of which are VERY SCARCE. BARNUM’S MUSEUM Barnum’s Museum Barnum’s Hieroglyphic Puzzle, | (Hieroglyphs and Solu- tion in eighteen lines) | (F. Somers, publisher.) laveete margin description of “Barnum’s American Museum,” with five vignettes of curiosities. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 162 x 12°13 8Q. go. Ol. Q2. Barnum’s Museum Barnum’s | Baby Show Polka, | (Copyright 1855 by S. T. Gordon) | Composed | By | Francis H. Brown. | Lith Of Sarany & GogN= Yo cig: Music sheet; interior view. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Oval, 6°4. x 88 Barnum’s Museum Proof before all letters of the Burning Of Barnum ’s Museum, July 13, 1865. After The Original Painting ByGake Crauch The Whiton-Stuart copy. No OTHER Known. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 10°7 X 15° ~Barnum’s Museum | Barnum’s Museum day of Fire | by J. Wells Champrey from the Parlor | of the Astor House July 13. 1865 Original water-color, framed. Barnum’s Museum Play bill with woodcut of: White’s Original Serenaders. Carte-de-visite of Barnum, Mr & Mrs Tom Thumb, Comm. Nutt and Minnie Warren. Illustrated Catalogue and Guide Book. 12mo paper. The American General Tom Thumb. 8vo paper. (4) [ No. 93 | BATTERY AND CASTLE GARDEN 93. Battery and Castle Garden E Pluribus Unum | Castle Garden Battery | New York Dark blue platter, border of sea shells. Barber 16. [ILLUSTRATED] 14s4 X 18.8 94. Battery and Castle Garden Battery &c | New York | Jacksons Warranted. Black plate, Border floral design. Barber 278. 95. Battery and Castle Garden (Castle Garden.) Dark blue cup plate. Trefoil and knobs border. Bar- ber 402. 96. OF. [ No. 98 |} Battery and Castle Garden (Castle Garden.) J Wood Dark blue cup plate. Trefoil and knobs border. Barber 402. Battery and Castle Garden Imbert Del.—Saml Maverick Sct | Landing Of Gen. Lafayette, | At Castle Garden, New-York, 16th August 1S24. Framed. Line Rectangle, 2°13 X 4°13 Battery and Castle Garden Landing Of Gen. Lafayette | At Castle Garden New York 16 August 1824 Clews Warranted Staffordshire Dark blue platter. Floral border. Barber 96. Octagonal, 13° X 17e [ILLUSTRATED] Sek TOO. IOl. f No. 101 | Battery and Castle Garden (Landing of Lafayette) Clews Warranted Staffordshire. Dark blue gravy boat with handles. Floral border. Barber 96. 42 X 60 Battery and Castle Garden Landing Of Gen. Lafayette at Castle Garden. Clews Warranted Staftordshire. Dark blue cup plate. Barber 96. 308 Battery and Castle Garden A. J. Davis del—Lithography of Imbert. The Battery And Castle Garden New York. Immaculate copy of a perfect example of Early Ameri- can lithography. Fine original coloring; from the Hol- den-Pyne sales. Framed. Two OTHERS Known. View Of Lithograph Rectangle, 7°38 X 12°4 [ILLUSTRATED| LOO. 103. 104. Oc 106. Battery and Castle Garden A crude but interesting view, of the wall paper style, from an old band box, about 1825. Colored. Battery and Castle Garden Music sheet: Light May The Boat Row, duet sung by Mrs & Miss Watson at the Park Theatre; Litho of Endicott 1836. Lithograph Vignette, 5°12 X 795 Castle Garden. Cut from music sheet “Castle Garden Schottisch,” 1852. Colored. (2) Battery and Castle Garden Castle Garden, From The Battery. Sida bad Laas ing, Pier No 1. North River. (Views In New York, No 2.) Wade Del.—Dougal Sc. The original steel plate, in perfect condition, with 23 recent impressions, of the Disturnell publication. Battery and Castle Garden Lith. & Pub. By N. Currier,—(Copyright 1848)— . | Castle Garden, New York. | From The Battery. | faut Colored, fine copy, framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 8° x 12°g9 Battery and Castle Garden Lith. & Pub. By N. Currier.—(Copyrght 1356)—— . | The Battery, New York. | By Moonlight. Colored, framed. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°1 x 12°4 [ No. 109 | 107. 108. 109. TIO. Battery and Castle Garden —— J]. Bornet. Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | of | New-York | Drawn by C. Autenrieth.— Published by Henry Hoff . . . | Castle Garden | (Copy- right 1850). Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 6°3 X g°2 Battery and Castle Garden Original pencil sketches of the Battery, Tarrytown and the artist’s home at Sing Sing, by Robert Havell. (3) Bay and Harbor Drawn From Nature By Bornet.—Figures By E. Valois—Drawn On Stone By E. Valois | (References) | Bay Of New York | Taken From The Battery. | (Copy- right 1851) | Printed At D. McLellan’s 26 Spruce St IN. ie It shows better than any other print the cosmopolitan character of the Parade. Framed. THREE OTHERS Known. Lithograph Rectangle, arched, 14°6 x 37°83 ITLLUSTRATED ON PRECEDING PAGE| Bay and Harbor Ch Bodmer pinx. ad nat.— , . .——Salatheseulpasean= fahrt Des Hafens Von New-York—Entrée Du Port De New-York | (London Ackermann & Co etc.). Colored. Aquatint Vignette, 7°6 x 10°4 Iil. el; [No. 111 | Bellevue Alms House | New York | I & W Ridgway Light blue and gray octagonal platter. From the water, (Bellevue). Border rose leaf medallions. Barber 142. 12°12 X 16°12 [ILLUSTRATED] Belvedere House J. Anderson, del.—I Scoles, sc. | View of Belvedere House. | From the New York Magazine, August, 1794. Site now bounded by Montgomery, Clinton, Cherry & Monroe streets. Stauffer 2824. Fine, Uncut Copy. Line Oval, 3°8 x 62 Teles 114. I15. 116. LI. Black Horse Tavern Black Horse Tavern in Poverty Hollow Inwood: 1872. Well executed pencil drawing, 4to. Blind Institution ——— J. Bornet. Unlettered proof of the Autenrieth-Hoff series of Views of New-York. Framed. The Neill copy. Two OTHERS Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 6°3 x 9° Blue Bell Tavern The Old “Blue Bell” Tavern, Kingsbridge Road Broadway, 181st Street, now Morse’s Theatre. An artistic, well executed drawing. W ater-color Rectangle, §°4 X 7 Blunt’s Store Water Street, No 202, opposite Steamboat Ferry, Beekman Slip. 1816. Woodcut. Framed. . View Of The Chart And Quadrant Store Of William Hooker, [Successor to Edmund M. Blunt,] No 202 Water str. Woodcut. (2) Booth’s Theatre View Of The Southeast Corner Of 23rd Street & 6th Ave. Lithograph, published about 1885, when yet a residen- tial neighborhood. Framed. Booth’s Theatre, Helio engraving. Booth’s Theatre. Much Ado About Nothing. Woodcut view & engraved portrait of Edwin Booth by J. Halpin. 8vo paper. (3) 118. 11Q. 120. TZ 1. Botanic Garden Original drawing by Hugh Reinagle, scenic artist of the Park Theatre, about 1812. Inscription on back in Dr Hosack’s hand: ‘“To Mr. Loudon from Dr Hosack.” The gardens extended from soth to 47th streets, east of 6th avenue, later acquired by Columbia College. Framed. VERY IMPORTANT. Botanic Garden Reinagle delt—Leney sct | View of the Botanic Garden of the State of New-York. | established in 1801. The Conservatory represented stood on the north side of soth street, east of 6th avenue. Stauffer 1884. Framed. Line Rectangle, 3°13 x 6°1 Books Broadside catalogue, 4pp., of an: Elegant and Extensive Library . . . to be sold at auction by John Pearson, 169 Broadway, Dec. 30th 1830. New-York City Book Express. Lloyd & Den- man’s 348 Broadway. Glazed card. (2) BOURNE?’S VIEWS Bourne’s Views of New York Published in 1831. Thirty fine views on eighteen quarto sheets, undivided India proofs, engraved by Archer, Fossette, Gimber, Hatch and Smillie after C. Burton and W. G. Wall. The “New York, From Weehawk”’ is the very rare “Plate 16th” and there are added eight variations of this plate. Included 1s ficueltstoot on India paper of the rare extra plate of Bourne’s store: “Broadway, Near Franklin St. New York.”, and others, with a few duplicates and later states. In all seventy- eight views. The most artistic and attractive set of original New York views ever published. VERY SCARCE. 122. 12%, Lode i 21ey, Bourne’s Views American Hotel, Broadway. India-proof. St Luke’s Church, Hudson St; and Reservoir, Bowery; on individed sheet. United States’ Branch Bank. India proof. (3) BOWERY ‘THEATRE Bowery Theatre Original drawing of the facade by A. J. Davis, 1824. Framed. Bowery Theatre On Stone by A. J Davis——I Town ArchitectasiNanses Imbert’s Lithography. | New York Theatre | Erected jE pleme ts, «. Destroyed by fire 1828. Framed. Inp14 PRoor. Lithograph Rectangle, 10°1 X 12° . Bowery Theatre Bowery Theatre, New-York. A. J. Davis del.—Raw- don, Wright & Co Sc for the New-York Mirror 1828. Framed. Bowery Theatre American Theatre Bowery New York | View of the Stage on the fifty seventh night of Mr T. D. Rice (of Kentucky) in his original and celebrated extravaganza of | Jim Crow on which occasion every department of the house was thronged to an excess unprecedented in the records of | theatrical attraction—New York 25th November 1833. Two OTHERS KNown. | Lithograph Rectangle, 10° x 16°15 [ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE| AMERICAN THEATRE BOWEEY NEW YORK the Lift pe eieudll night of VOU DIK o Kheiduchyine hes criguial and whbribedl wwltithag@utd Gf 4 mrecocenesncenceneeny, * ey g gs 4s ee oe é ee Sats rer: heputeleHe ff the hvu wes (heonged te on exeofs nuprrerdaded wu the goords f Ueuleteal Hllralid, AOS Vek 25% Visealer 33 So e phil. CHR [ No. 126 | 127. Bowery Theatre Lith. & Pub. by H. R. Robinson 142 Nassau St. N. Y. —j|The Burning Of The Bowery Theatre On The Evening Of The 25th Of April 1845. Colored, fine condition. Framed. THREE OTHERS KNOWN. 128. Bowling Green La Destruction De La Statue Royale A Nouvelle Yorck. | Gravé par Francois Xav. Habermann | Die Zerstérung der Kéniglichen Bild | Saule zu Neu Yorck. (etc.) | Se vend a Augsbourg . . . Colored. Etching Rectangle, 9°8 X 15°7 120. EKO. 130: Te Bowling Green A proof before all letters and the only copy printed on Japan paper. After the painting by David Johnson 1868, in the N. Y. Historical Society. Photogravure. Brewery C. Parsons, 152. | Lith. Of Endicott & Co N. Y.| The Old Brewery At The Five Points N. Y. | (etc.). Colored. Lithograph Rectangle, 9°2 X 13°4 Broad Street Drawn by A. J. Davis.—Engraved by J. Archer. | Broad Street. | [Custom House in the distance.] the original pencil and pen-and-ink sketch by: “A. J. Davis.— | Broad Street 1823.” In one frame. Line Rectangle, 3°38 x §°14 . Broad and Beaver Streets Original water-color of Alex. P. W. Kinnons Cabinet Furniture Chair & Sofa Warehouse, corner of Broad and Beaver streets, by A. J. Davis. Broadside New-York, July 25, 1774. | Extract of a Letter from London, by Way of Philadelphia, to a Gentleman in | this City.|. . . the Ministry here have adopted very severe Measures with you, and are determined, at all Events, to carry their Point, and subdue all the Colon- ies, either by Force of Arms, or Bribery and Corruption. &c. [ILLUSTRATED] 134. iL he — NEW-YORK, July 25, 1774 Extract of a Letter from LONDON, by Way of Philadelphia, t a Gentleman in this Cab. 66 HE unhappy Dilputes which at prefent fubfilt between Great Britain and Ame- — rica, fill our Minds with melancholy Hefleétions, as the Miniftry here have adopted : very fevere Mealures with you, and are determined, at all kvents, to carry their — = Point, and fulsiue all the Colonies, either by Force of Arms, or Bribery and Corruption, Weare credibly informed here, that General Gage told Lord North, that he knew many Perfons of Confequence in New York, who could ealily be brought over to fell their Privi- _leges for a Penfion fromthe Crown,—But we bope, if thereare any fuch among you, they may be carefully watched, and prevented.from doing Injury to the Caufe of Freedom. Weare informed here, that itis the Purpofe of Lord North, to offer one of your Printers, é Five Hundred Pounds, as an Inducement to undertake and promote Minilterial Medfures.” xtradt, can be proved if defired, ] Refpe& tothe Printer, confirms ah Account firnilar thereto, —— The Friends of Liberty, are therefore defired vigilamly it foregoing Extract, and what Printer appears to fupprefs Exertions in Fayour of the Liberties _ [ No. 133 ] BROADWAY Broadway Jones, Newman, & J.S. Ewbank. The Illuminated Pic- torial Directory of New York. Numbers One, Two and Four, oblong small 4to, paper, 1848. “Exhibiting a con- tinued series of Colored Elevations, of all the Dwellings, Stores, and Public Buildings fronting on . . . Broad- way. Names, and to a certain extent signs, of Mer- chants and Traders are introduced on the plates; to which is added a reference to the numbers of the Houses, arranged so as to show the name and trade of every occupant, with their business cards.” VERY SCARCE. Broadway Lithographic Panorama of the West side of Broadway from No 1 to No 203, near Fulton street. In four sec- tions. About 1858. 130. if 857i 138. 1309. 140. Broadway J. Bornet. Unlettered proof, Trinity Church and Broadway from the south, of the Autenrieth-Hoff series of Views of New-York. Framed. Two OTHERs Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 6°2 X 922 Broadway Reduced outline of the “Picture” of the proposed ee Albany tree tanwaeaas extended to Broadway. Trinity Church Yard As it is: Some persons would desecrate and destroy it. Let it not be profaned! Ferd. Mayer & Co: Lithographers. Contemporary frame. Lithographs Rectangles, 6°12 X I1°1 Broadway Street Views | Trinity Church | Broadway, N. Y. | Trinity Church in centre, Broadway, west side from 57 to Trinity at top; from Soldiers monument to 159 at bottom and four separate rows of buildings at sides. The Tallis series. Framed. Line Rectangle, 7°9 X 10° Broadway A. Tallis Engraver | [Broadway.| West side from Trinity Churchyard to No. 137; from No. 139 to No. 167; from No. 169 to No. 187, and from No. 189 to No. 207 cor. Fulton St. Four strips in one frame. 1857. VERY SCARCE. Broadway Original pencil drawing of lower Broadway looking south from about Exchange Place. 12mo. 14]. 12 143. 144. (boy Broadway (Trinity Church) | Trinity Building, | Hatch & Co| Lithographers. Cut from large composition, framed. Lithograph in colors. The Anstice views from the Park & the Custom House, Wall street. Woodcuts, framed. (2) Broadway Proposed Rail Road For Broadway, | —by Joseph Cur- tis |— 53 Lexengton Av. | H. A. Harvey del.—Lith. of Wm. Endicott & Co N. York. | etc. View looking south from Maiden Lane and Cortland street, showing west side to below Trinity Church. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 6°4 X 1195 Broadway Atwill’s Music Establishment, | 201 Broadway. | — View on Broadway.—St Pauls Church.—Astor Hotel. A printed account below. A beautiful proot impression of the first issue printed in blue. Framed. VERY . SCARCE. Lithograph Vignette, 6°5 X g»2 Broadway Same. Second Edition. | Broadway Sights. | feels Butord’s Lithogy., 7... pete: Broadway The Loew Bridge at Fulton Street. Ferrotype from nature, 1866. Framed. 146. 147. 140. Broadway Drawn on Stone by R. J. Rayner.—Taken from Fulton Street—Designed By G. Hayward, Lithographer, . . . | View of Broadway in the City Of New York with the proposed Elevated Rail—Way invented by John Ran- del Junr C. E. | etc. The Gilsey-Whiton Stuart copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 19°7 X 24°5 Broadway Street Views | Park View. | Broadway. N. Y. Including Chatham str., St Paul’s Chapel and the Astor House in centre. 161-207 Broadway. The Tallis series. Framed. Line Rectangle, 7-9 X 10°1 : Broadway Tallis’s, | Street Views | City Hall. | Broadway. N. Y From Vesey St and the Astor House to Warren St with buildings on Barclay, Church, Murray & Warren Sts at the sides. The City Hall in center. Line | Rectangle, 7°10 X 10° Broadway (Copyright 1849)—Lith. of Sarony & Major 117 Ful- ton St. N Y | Autumn & Winter Fashions For 1849 & 1850 By A. Wheeler No 4. Courtlandt St. New York. A winter scene at Broadway and the Astor House. The railings of St Paul’s churchyard and those of the lower part of the Park, the south side of Vesey street, the Astor House and west side of Broadway to Park Place. At top a ball room scene. No OTHER Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 19°12 X 25°15 [ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE| [ OVI jks). 151. 1 154. Broadway Richd P. Morgan, Jr’s. | Gothic Arch. Elevated Rail Way. Looking south and east from north side of Vesey street. Bay and hills of Staten Island in distance. In the original pamphlet, 1872. Lithograph Rectangle, 6°14 X 9°14 Broadway D. Benecke N. Y.— | 55.— | Sleighing In New York. Barnum’s Museum in winter etc., cut to rectangle, lithograph in colors. . Broadway Broadway South from the Park. On the back Park Row. Original pencil drawings intended for engravings. Folio. Broadway Clock front representation on glass of “View In Broad- way New York.” South from the Park. About 1840. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Broadway K. G.— Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | of | New-York | Drawn by C. Autenrieth.— Published by Henry Hoff . . . | St Paul’s Church | Barnum’s Museum. & Astor House | (Copyright 1850) Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 6°4 x 8°14 5S) SOs 157. 150. Broadway Rit. af Klinckowstrom—Gr. af Akrell | Brodway-gatan och Radhuset 1 Newyork. See note to Number 32. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Aquatint Rectangle, 8° x 15°5 Broadway and Post Office Original pen and ink drawing of the Magnus view, about 1880. Framed. The lithograph made from above drawing. Framed. (2) Broadway The west side of Broadway looking north from the upper corner of Barclay street at the AMERICAN HoreE1, show- ing Mechanics’ Hall on upper side of Park Place and ex- tending beyond Murray street. India ink drawing by A. J. Davis. Framed. Rectangle, 8°8 x 628 . Broadway Broadway Waltzes, | Broadway Hotel . . . 239. ete. Mechanic’s Hall with the emblem on the building. Music sheet. Framed. . Lithograph Rectangle, 11-11 X 83 Broadway Litho of George E. Leefe, New York.— | Broadway, | Looking from Chambers Street. Framed. Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph, tinted Rectangle, arched, 12°13 X 10°10 160. 16l. ie 162. Broadway Strong’s Sketches, No 7.— | (Lith. Of Sarony & Major, —1846) | Broadway Promenaders—Latest Style. | (Five lines) | Published by T. W. Strong, 98 Nassau St. N. Y. Taylors Saloon, corner of Broadway & Franklin st., appears in background. Contemporary frame. ONE OTHER Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 11°8 x 810 Broadway Tallis’s Street Views. | From 309-Broadway.—To 347 | City Prison | New York. The ‘““Tombs” in centre, City Hospital at top. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 7-9 X 1082 Broadway From 349—Broadway—4os | City Hospital | New York The City Hospital in centre. The Tallis series. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 7°10 X 9°13 Broadway Drawn & etched by T. Hornor.—Aquatinted by J. Hill. | Broadway, New-York. | Shewing each Building from the Hygeian Depot corner of Canal Street, to beyond Niblo’s Garden. Laopeenen by W. Neale | Published by Joseph Stanley & Co | (Copyright) A finely colored and brilliant impression of the original issue of a most interesting print. Framed. VERY SCARCE Aquatint Rectangle, 17212 X 27°4 164. 165. 166. 168. Broadway Wood-cut advertisement of S. C. Jollie & Co., 385 Broadway, near White street. Piano Forte, Flute & Music Store, showing their, and adjoining buildings. 1835. Small folio. Framed. South from Prince st., 1864. Showing a pro- jected steam elevated railway. Woodcut, large folio, framed. (2) Broadway Painted By H. Sebron—Engraved By P. Girardet | New-York | Winter Scene in Broadway—Scéne d’Hiver dans Broadway. | (1857) Framed. Aquatint 23°3 X 34°7 Broadway Broadway in 1890. Looking north from the Rocking- ham Apartments s. e. cor. s6th St. & B’wy. Photograph. Framed. . Brooklyn Brooklyn Bridge and lower part of the city and Brook- lym. Brooklyn City Hall Original drawings by Magnus. Oblong small folios. (2) Brooklyn The Brooklyn Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies, (Mansion House, Hicks st.) on music sheet: The | In- stitute Rondo etc. 1831. Framed. Lithograph Vignette, 4°10 x 629 170) Lae Wq2e 7a VAs . Brooklyn Published by G. Kraetzer Sheffield Av. | East New York. | 1867 Lithograph Rectangle, 16°2 x 24°6 Brooklyn G. Hayward | Platt St N. Y.— | Bloemen Heuvel, | The Residence of Mr I,, A Willink, | Flatbush. The residence, raised by an additional story, was later the Melrose Hotel, at the Flatbush Ave. entrance of Prospect Park. Colored. Lithograph Rectangle, 10°5 x 148 Brooklyn Buffords Lithog. 136 Nassau St. N. Y. | South Brook- lyn Building Association. | (Improvements for Douglas, Butler and Warren streets. Three views on sheet.) No OrHer Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 20°2 X 23:10 Business Cards Fancy & Windsor Chair Manufactory, Wholesale & Retail. | Thos Ash | P. Maverick & Durand sc. | Thos Ash No 33 John St. New York. Line, with vignette view. VERY SCARCE. Business Cards Business cards, advertisements, bill heads etc. (22) asa lot. Catherine Street Photograph from nature showing the original home of the Hecker, Jones, Jewell Milling Co. About 1845. Old gold frame. Lis L777: CENTRAL PARK Central Park Central Park. | (Copyright 1863)—Printed by F. Hep- penheimer . . . | Published by John Bachmann, 76 Nassau St. New York. A birds-eye view surrounded by thirty-nine smaller views. Framed. . Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 21°2 x 286 . Central Park Martel, pinxt.—L. Geissler | Pub’d by Wm H. Shields, Dementia ot IN. Y.—-(Copyright 1864,)—Lith. Of Henry C. Eno, 37, Park Row, N. Y.| Martel’s New York Central Park. | (Dedication) Very fine. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 23°6 x 36°4 Central Park (Copyright 1862 by Currier & Ives.) | Central Park, The Drive. | New York, Published By Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau St Fine copy. Colored. Lithograph Rectangle, 112 x 15°6 . Central Park A proof before all letters of Central Park, Feeding The Swans, published by H. Schile, N. Y. One Oruer Known. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 17°12 X 24°4 179. 180. I8t. Toe . Chatham Square Central Park —L W A|Currier & Ives, Lith. N. Y.—(Copyright 1862)—C. Parsons, Del. | Central-Park, Winter. | The Skating Pond.| New York, Published By Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau St. Interesting and spirited scene showing costumes of the period. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 18° x 26°10 Central Park A proof before all letters of Central Park, Winter Sports. (Skating and sleighing scene) published by H. Schile, N. Y. ONE OTHER Known. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 17°12 x 24°6 Centre Market Woodcut by Benson J. Lossing in the Youth’s Magazine for Nov’r 1839. 12mo paper, uncut. Centre and Chambers Streets. Original pen and ink drawing by Chas Magnus, ca. 1880, framed. (2) Century House Old blue and white Dutch tile from the Century House, Broadway and 212th Street, built by J. A. Nagle in 1748. Framed. Colored photograph of the Old Century House, July 1894 (2) Original pen and ink sketch by Chas Magnus. Small folio. [ No. 185 | 184. Chickering Hall Echoes From Chickering Hall etc. Dr Hans von Bulow. Copyright 1876 by Schuberth & Co. Mayer, Merkel & Ottman. Lithog. Music sheet. Lithograph Vignette, ge6 X gel -— Woodcut, small folio. — Photograph, small folio. 3 185. 186. 188. CHURCHES Brick Church A proof before all letters of the Presbyterian Church, Beekman Street & Park Row. A beautiful and artistic specimen from the William Loring Andrews collection. ONE OTHER KNOWN. Lithograph Rectangle, 16°2 X 122 [ILLUSTRATED ON PRECEDING PAGE| First Congregational Church D. H. Arnot, Draughn—(Copyright 1845)—Penwork Lith.| Entrance To First Congregational Church, | Broadway New York 1845. No 548, between Spring and Prince streets; afterwards the Dusseldorf Gallery. } Lithograph Rectangle, 1228 x 8°4 Brick Church. Bill-head Jan. 9, 1850 of M. W. Dodd, bookseller. Framed. (2) . Second Congregational Church —D.|A. J. Davis del—J. R. Brady “Architect Imbert’s lithography | Second Congregational Church N. Y.| Erected 1826 corner of Prince and Mercer Strects.. Destroyed by fire 1839. The Daly-Borden copy. Framed. Inp14A PROorF. Lithograph Rectangle, g14 X 12° Second Congregational Church Original drawing in outline by A. J. Davis, about 1828. Wrongly marked “Second Unitarian Church, corner of Prince and Mercer st. N. Y. J. R. Bondy, Architect, 1828 or so.” Framed. 1809. Igo. IOl. 192. Grace Church —J. Bornet. Unlettered proof of the Autenrieth-Hoff series. Shows the old buildings on the site of Stewart’s and Wana- maker’s store. Framed. Two OTHERS Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 6:2 x 9° Holy Redeemer John Walch, Architect, Superintendent And Designer— Lith By J. Cameron 111, Nassau St. N. Y. | The Ger- man Catholic Church Of The Most Holy Redeemer | in third Street New York. |—J. Walch. Architect,— | —Wooley & Hughes, Masons,— | T Keech: Carpenter, Printed By G. W. Lewis 111 Nassau St. ING Yee mensions) No Recorp oF PUBLIC SALE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 27°14 X 178 John Street Methodist I. B. & P. C. Smith Pinxt— | A Correct View of the Old Methodist Church in John Street N. York | The first erected in America. Founded A. D. 1768. |—Sold by Meyers & Smith 59 Fulton Street. In the original book, paper covers, uncut, 1824. Col ored. Aquatint Rectangle, 10°2 X 13°13 Middle Dutch Church An India proof before letters, finely engraved, probably cut from larger composition. Viewed from the south. Line Rectangle, 3°15 X 2°13 1Q3. 194. Lone Log Middle Dutch Church Middle Dutch Church, Corner Nassau & Cedar Sts. N. York, and: Old Dutch Church in the fort of Nieuw Amsterdam, with portraits of the Pastors Of The Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church. On stone Dyn Parsons—G. & W. Endicott Lith. Folio, framed. St. Ann’s Episcopal Church St. Ann’s Episcopal Church. Lith. of Sarony Major & Knapp, on Sunday School certificate, 1866. Lithograph Vignette, 19° X 13°6 St. Ann’s Church For Deaf Mutes, And the Rectory, West 18th st. Woodcut, small folio. (2) St. John’s Chapel St. John’s Chapel, New York. Colored. Framed. Lithograph Rectangle, 7-15 X 1028 ietele: John’s Chapel —Mielatz | —’og St John’s Chapel, Varick street. Soft ground etching, printed in color from 3 plates. Signed proof No 24. Etching Rectangle, ge12 x 6°14 St. Luke’s Church Clock front colored representation on glass ofeSt Luke’s Church | Hudson St N. Y. Framed. Very SCARCE. 199. 200. 201. 202. . St. Mark’s Church The front of the church by A. J. Davis. On the back a plan of the interior with dimensions etc. Original Plan Vignette, 13° X 17°8 KS ie 3 7 St. Mark’s Church “Gallery St. Mark’s Ch.|—Davis. Arc.| Pews in gallery to be divided | as shewn on this side.” Original Plan Rectangle, 11°12 X 82 St. Patrick’s Cathedral The New Cathedral. Fifth Avenue, New. York. Litho- graph in colors by J. Stiner. | Large folio, antique gilt frame. St. Paul’s Church St. Pauls Church. New York. ca. 1800. An early ex- ample of pen-and-brush color drawing, known as “Fractur” work, by an amateur. A crude but interesting portrayal of the church and neighborhood and the quaint costumes of the promen- aders in the south end of the Park. Framed. St. Paul’s Engraved by James Eddy Wall St. N. Y. from a draw- ing by A. J. Davis.| St. Pauls. Broadway, N. Y. | Drawn And Engraved For The N. York Mirror, | And Ladies’ Literary Gazette. Line Vignette, 6°10 x 69 Fine deckle edge proof before printers line. Woodcut, on title-page of The Churchman’s Almanac, 1834. I2mo paper, uncut. St Paul’s, 1848. Photogravure, folio. (3) BOR 204. 205. 206. St. Paul’s M. E. Church 1766 | Centenary of Methodism | 1866 | What Hath God Wrought. | St. Pauls M. E. Church 22d St. & 4 Av. New-York. | Lately mot mk By E. C. Middleton & Co Cincinnati, O.— | The Bishops Of The M. E. Church. Portrait of John Wesley, Philip Embury’s Residence, John St. Methodist Church and twenty-one portraits of the bishops. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 21°7 x 16°13 St. Philip’s Church St Philips Church. Prud’homme Sc. (Centre street near Leonard) 8vo. St Patrick’s Cathedral. Photographs. St Thomas’ Church Broadway. Drawn by A.J. Davis—Rawdon, Wright & Co sc. for the New York Mirror, 1829. Framed. (4) St. Thomas’ Church Drawn by A. J. Davis, N. Y.—Church Of St. Thomas, N. York. | Front 64 . 7s Jength ti aie An original drawing. 7-9 X 9214, probably made for the New York Mirror print. Framed. From the Pyne collection. St. Thomas’? Church Original drawing by A. J. Davis of the interior, ca. 1828. On the reverse a drawing of a church. Framed. 207. 208. [ No. 209 | Synagogue Original crayon drawing, by Oberhardt, of the interior of the Rivington street synagogue. Framed. Discourse delivered at the Consecration of the Synagogue of Shearith Israel (60 Crosby st.) by Mor- decai M. Noah. 8vo paper, 1818. Temple Emmanu-F1. Photograph. (Interior) Hebrew Orphan Asylum. (4) ‘Trinity Church Water-color of old Trinity Church from the rear, show- ing back of City Hotel, Wall street Presbyterian Church, etc. “A. J. Davis del.” [ILLUSTRATED] 200. 210 eae bd Fe PACA, Trinity Church Ruins of Trinity Church. | As seen after the memorable Conflagration of Septr 21st 1776, by which Four hun- dred and ninety three | buildings comprising about a sixth part of the City of New York was laid in ashes. From a sketch | taken on the Spot by the late Thomas Barrow Esqe one of the Vestry of said Church | On Stone by J. Evers.—Lith. & Published by J. Childs INGYS: Repaired. OnE OTHER Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 10° x 12:1 . ‘Trinity Church Drawn, Engraved & Published, by J. A. Rolph, 72, Carmine St. New York. | Trinity [Old] Church, New York. | Founded 1696, destroyed by fire 1776, rebuilt 1788, and finally, taken down 1839, | (Copyright 1840) Line Rectangle, 11°8 x 8 Trinity Church Another copy, cut to rectangle, but an un- usually fine impression. Line engraving, vignette, on title page: Les- sons | for | Children, | By | Mrs Barbauld, | With 4 Original Tales. | New York, | W. B. Gilley. 16mo. (2) Trinity Church Drawn Engraved & Published by J. A. Rolph, New York | Trinity [New] Church, New York. | Consecrated on Ascension Day, May 21st 1846. | (Copyright 1850) VERY SCARCE. (oes Rectangle, 10°15 x 8°10 rey 214. rae 216. Trinity Church Richd Uphohn, Esqr Archt—Drawn on stone, by John Forsyth & F. W. Mimee,— | Birds-Eye View | of | | Trinity Church, New-York. | (Copyright 1847) A very interesting view. The New Jersey shore in the far background shows a few widely scattered houses. In the river shipping 1s indicated and the old gable roofed buildings in the middleground are in marked contrast to the present structures. Issuing from the main entrance is what appears to be a procession of charity children. THREE OTHERS KNOWN. Lithograph Rectangle, 19°12 X 15°14 CITY HALL City Hall From The Original Drawing By George Holland— Lith. & Printed In Colors By C. Currifr, 33 Spruce St N Y.| A View Of The Federal Hall Of The City Of New York, | as appeared in the Year 1797; with the Adjacent buildings thereto. | Drawn expressly for D. T. Valentine’s Manual. Tue Very Scarce First I[SsueE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 14°1 X 20°10 City Hall Beauties Of America. | City Hall] New York |I & W Ridgway Blue plate, 102, slight chip at bottom. Barber 143. City Hall City Hall | New York | Jacksons Warranted. Black deep plate, 10.8, border floral design. Barber 280. 217. City Hall Blue bowl, 6.4. Floral decoration. 218. City Hall Dark blue cup, 3-10. Floral decoration. 219. City Hall Original water-color, signed “‘A. J. Davis | 1830” One of the most important of the Davis originals. In the background appear the old Alms House afterwards the American Academy of Fine Arts on Chambers St., and Residences of John Jacob Astor & Philip Hone on Broadway. Oblong large folio. [ILLUSTRATED] 220. City Hall A proof of the lithograph by A. J. Davis about 1828. Framed. THREE oR Four Known. Lithograph Vignette, 12-6 x 18°4 221. Be. 224. 22.58 City Hall Drawn by A. J. Davis.—V. Balch, sculpt | City Hall, New-York. | Drawn and Engraved expressly for the New-York Mirror, . . . 1828. The original copper plate of the above view. Both framed. (2) . City Hall New-York—City-Hall Colored cover of a lady’s band-box. ca. 1830. Framed. VERY SCARCE. City Hall Grand Funeral Procession in Memory of Gen. Jackson. | As it started from the City Hall. New-York June 24th 1845. | Lith. & Pub. by H. R. ‘Robinson, 142 Nassau Direct IN. 1. Colored, framed. ONE OTHER Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°2 X 12°14 City Hall Annual Ball | Guardian Fire Engine Co No 29. Parade of Engine ‘‘29” company marching down Broad- way 1847, on glazed card. Framed. OnE OTHER KNowN. Line Vignette, 3°10 X $12 City Hall Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | of | New-York | Drawn by C. Autenrieth—Pub- lished by Henry Hoff . . . | City Hall | (Copyright 1850) Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 6°3 X 8°15 2206. 2278 22 3F 220. City Hall Lith. Of E. C. Kellogg, 87 Fulton St. N York & 25 Elm St. Hartford. Conn.—(etc.) | Sons Of Temperance. | 364. About 1850. An interior with a brother administering the pledge to a new member. The City Hall is seen thru the windows. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 11°15 x 89 City Hall Lith. Of E. C. Kellogg, 87 Fulton St. N. York & 73 Main St. Hartford, Conn.—Horace Thayer & Co, 127 Main St Buffalo | City Hall, New York. | 488 Colored. Fine. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°3 x 12°6 City Hall Lith. & Pub. By Currier & Ives,—152 Nassau St N. Y. | Burning Of The City Hall New York, | on the night of the 17th August 1858. | Supposed to have taken fire from the fire works exhibited in commemoration of the successful laying of the Atlantic telegraph Cable. Colored, framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°1 x 124 City Hall (Copyright and published 1865 by Currier & Ives.) | The Body Of The Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln. | Lying In State At The City Hall, N. Y. April 24th & asth 1865. Important as a Lincoln as well as a C & I item. Lithograph Rectangle, 12°2 x 825 —Memento Mori. Woodcut portrait of Lincoln with mourning borders. Small folio. | (2) 2 ds: 233. OVA. . City Hall Original pen and ink drawing of the Magnus view of the City Hall and Court House, about 1880. Framed. The lithograph made from above drawing. Framed. — Eng. by W. G. Mason Phila City Hall—New York. On engraved title page 1823. (35 City Hall Litho of George E. Leefe, New York.— | The City Hall. Framed, fine copy. ONE OTHER Known. Lithograph tinted Rectangle, 9°12 X 13° Giiy eA ESE AK K . City Hall Park From An Original Drawing. | New York City Hall Park. North End, 1825. Scudder’s American Museum etc. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 12°3 X 17°83 City Hall Park Der Park u. das Stadthaus in New-York.—Le Park et VHétel de ville A New-York. | Nurnberg bei J. C. Renner Colored. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, §°3 x 8 City Hall Park Croton Fountain. N. Y. Clock front colored representation on glass of the City Hall Park and Park Row. ca. 1840. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Oot ZOE 239. City Hall Park Croton Water Celebration 1842 | (Copyright 1842) | Published by J. F. Atwill, 201 Brodway Park and fountain, Broadway and Chatham Street looking north. Drawing of the figures crude but print of great interest. Framed. Lithograph Rectangle, 7-14 X 12°4 . City Hall Park Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, New York. “Bank note India proof. The Bridewell. Original pencil drawing, 24mo (2) . City Hall Park Lith. &- Pubsiyve ye Currier,—(Copyright, 1846)—2 Spruce St. N. Y. | View Of The Park Fountain & City Hall N. Y. | No 401. Colored. Framed. Lithograph Rectangle, 8:1 x IfeII City Hotel City Hotel | New York Dark blue plate 8.8 Border, oak leaves and acorns. Barber 207. Repaired. City Hotel Engrav’d for Longworths American Almanac and New York Directory. | Tisdale— | A View of the New City av ene Stauffer 3259. VERY SCARCE. Line Rectangle, 3° X 4°3 240. DAM one. ea 244. City Hotel Same. Modern impression on India paper. City Hotel, | Broad Way. | New York. | Chester Jen- nings, | (13 lines) Woodcut, India proof before all letters. Lossing-Bar- Bitte esc. Woodcut, on bill head, May 13th, 1845. Framed. (4) Claremont Claremont, Apr. 19th 1878 (Good Friday) Original pencil drawing, with smaller sketch on back. Clinton Hall Clinton Hall opposite Park. Clinton Hall, Nassau Street. American Bible Society. Original drawings by A. J. Davis. (2) Clinton Hall “Donnells” Water Street | adjoining Tammany Hall. “Donnell’s” Water Street. Original drawings by A. J. Davis, inscribed as above but Clinton Hall. (2) Collect Pond Map of Collect Pond and vicinity: “A view of the Collect Pond and its vicinity in The City of New York in the year 1793. The dotted lines show the present position of the streets.” The streets indicated are: Canal, Walker, White, Franklin, Leonard, Anthony, Pearl, Duane and Cross. Water-color, 10. x 13. Old frame. Very Important. 2 246. 2are 240, Colosseum London by Day—Paris by Night | The | Colosseum | 35th Street—& Broadway. | New- | York at all Times— London by Night | —J. Bien, Lith. The Colosseum in a circle in centre. City Hall, from Broadway, showing busses in lower left. On Description of the Colosseum, etc. roy. 8vo paper, (1874, 2 copies) Programme on satin, Reception Conversazione, Jan. 8, 1874. (4) Coenties Slip Original pen and ink drawings by Chas Magnus. East view and West view. (2) COLUMBIA COLLEGE Columbia College Columbia | College N. Y Dark blue plate. (Maker Ralph Stevenson) Border oak leaves and acorns. Barber 202. 628 Columbia College Columbia College Commencement. On card. Front view of the College. 1807. VERY SCARCE. Etching Vignette, 1-14 X 374 249. 250. and Columbia College John W. Francis’ admission card to Dr Hosack’s lec- tures 1808. Columbia College Commencement 1811. Line engrav- ing by P. Maverick, with scene. Commencement 1821. Commencement 1848 Receipt cards for John W. Francis, Sophomore & Junior years. (2) Columbia College. 1852. Columbia College 1853. Line engraving with scene. Commencement 1860. (9) Columbia College Heec Olim Meminissa Juvabit | New York—Prud’homme del & Sc. | 1823 (and 1824) and three other cards in one frame. letie Vignette, 2° X 3°14 Columbia College —Lowe. N. Y | Commencement. | 1839. View of the College, on glazed card. Line Vignette, 2°3 X 3°12 Annual Ball | Engraved by—J. N. Grimbrede | Lady Washington Fire Engine Co No 4o. The Tombs with the burning of the wooden tower. In one frame. Pie Peay Columbia College Philolexian Society 1831 Anniversary. Engraved Card. A. LI. S. 1831 to John W. Francis, “Honorary Member” (2) Printed invitation to Dr Francis to dine with the trus- tees 1820, IT, (2) Notices of meetings &c (4) A. L. S. rp. 4to from Pres. Chas King (10) Columbia College Photograph of the old college, College Placeby Ee: Walker, 1854, framed. Photograph, 4to, from the East. Dr Francis’ residence Bond St., N. Y. Richardson, Sc. India proof before letters. a? THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21, AT 8:15 Seconp Srsston, NuMBERS 254 TO 504, INCLUSIVE Beas 255- Ake Columbus Avenue View of Shanties on the corner of 82d Street and gth Ave., by F. H. Lungren A charming original water-color, signed: “Lungren, 49.” Neatly matted, framed. 7°8 X22 Cranston’s Hotel Cranston’s Hotel:—Fifth Avenue. | Opposite The En- trance Of Central Park. | Photographed by M. B. Brady N Y The intended hotel was to be erected on the square, s9th to 6oth Sts, sth to Madison Ave’s, the property of Hiram Cranston of the New York Hotel. In pamphlet prospectus 1866. mC rOton Aqueduct Lithograph, vignette of High Bridge on title page of T. Schramke’s Description of the New York Croton Aque- duct, folio N. Y. & Berlin 1846. There are 19 other plates of the reservoirs, Manhattan and Clendinning Valleys etc. Original boards. VERY SCARCE. | Water Supply | Report of William Weston on Introducing Water from the Bronx River 8voN. Y. 1799, paper, unopened. Disbrow’s Expose of Water Boring. 16mo N. Y. 1831, paper. (2) 258. 259. 260. 2601. CRYSTAL PALACE Crystal Palace New York, 1853. | Robert Feast | 15 & 16 | Pavement Finsbury Square | London. The Crystal Palace, from the west, on bonbonniere, circular. 5°4 Crystal Palace New York Exhibition Building | from a design by Messrs Carstensen and Gildemeister. | Lith. by A. Pet- ermann, . . . —g, Charing Cross London. Lithograph Rectangle, 5:8 X 9°4 Below are Ground and Gallery plans, Dimensions etc. VERY SCARCE. Prospectus, Oct II, 1852. Woodcut view of building etc., J. W.—Richardson—Cox, N. Y. Framed. (2) Crystal Palace Drawn From Nature—& On Stone By J. Bachman. | (Copyright 1853) | Birds Eye View Of The | New York Crystal Palace. | and Environs. | Published By John Bachman, 37 City Hall Place New York. The Whiton-Stuart copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph tinted Rectangle, 218 x 316 Crystal Palace Figures by Doepler.—| Designed by Carstensen & Gildemeister . . . (Copyright 1852 by Theodore Sedgwick . . .) Lithography of Nagel & Weingartner _... |New York Crystal Palace for the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. | (etc.) | Edmund Hurry, Consulting Archtect etc. L. C. Stuart, Assistant Secty. etc. | Published by Goupil & Co. . . Lithograph Rectangle, 17°13 X 28°14 202) 263. 264. 265. Crystal Palace Designed by Carstensen & Gildemeister N. Y.—(Copy- right 1853)—Lithography of Nagel & Weingartner. . . | New York Crystal Palace for the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. | (etc.) | Published by Goupil & Co 289 Broadway New-York. Copy of the preceding with Latting tower introduced. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 12°15 X 20: Crystal Palace F..F. Palmer, Del—(Copyright 1853, by N. Currier )— Lith. & Pub. By N. Currier, 152 Nassau St. N. Y. | New York Crystal Palace. | For The Exhibition Of The Industry Of All Nations. (etc.) Slightly clipped at top. Colored. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, oblong folio Crystal Palace To Theodore Sedgwick, Esq| 25th Edition. The | Crystal Schottisch, | (Copyright 1853) | etc. Lith. Of Sarony, Major & Knapp, . . . Lithograph colored Rectangle, 7* X 9°1§ Framed. New York, Crystal Palace | Polka. | —F. Pfleger | Lith. by Powers & Weller. | (etc 1853) (2) Crystal Palace —Published Sepr 1st 1853, by | —George Baxter, | — Proprietor & Patentee, | —London. | Crystal Palace, New York. First issue betore reducing to arched rectangle. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, §°14 X 132 266. Crystal Palace 267. 268. A proof before all letters. The Crystal Palace sur- rounded by smaller vignettes of City Hall; Post Office; Custom House; Merchants Exchange; Olympic Thea- tre; Taylor’s saloon; Trinity; and Grace Churches; Astor House; Broadway south from the Park; Chatham Square; and Irving House. From the Holden sale. No OTHER Known. Aquatint Rectangle, 6°4 X 924 Crystal Palace Engraved & Published by Capewell & Kimmel 208, Broadway. | The New York Crystal Palace. On glazed card; first issue. Line Rectangle, 3°12 X 5°7 The New-York Crystal Palace. An Ode By Charles Smith, Broadside, printed on satin. A. L. S. tp., 4to 1853 from the author presenting the above to Pres. Franklin Pierce. (3) Crystal Palace | Currier & Ives, Lith. N. Y.—| Burning Of The New York Crystal Palace, | on Tuesday Oct. sth 1858. | During Its Occupation For The Annual Fair Of The American Institute. | New York Pubd By Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau Street. Colored. Fine Copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 16°12 X 25°4 270. Dols g52. Crystal Palace Lith & Pub. By Currier & Ives,—152 Nassau St Nee Burning Of The New York Crystal Palace, | on Tuesday Oct. sth 1858 | During Its Occupation For The Annual Fair Of The American Institute. Colored. Fine proof before serial number (598°). VERY SCARCE. Lithograph _ Rectangle, 8°1 X-12°9 Custom House —J. Bornet Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | Of | New-York | Henry Hoft Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 6°3 X 9° Davis, Alexander J. L. S. 1p folio 1837 by Mayor Aaron Clark recommending Davis’ work to the Common Council Original drawings by Davis of old N. Y. houses (2) and view of section of Ann & Nassau streets, after Davis by Anderson. (4) Deaf and Dumb Asylum M. E. Thompson Arch.—Litho. of Imbert.—On Stone by R. C. Long. | Deaf And Dumb Asylum New York. Lithograph Rectangle, 3°13 X 72 In the Tenth Annual Report, with a plan, 8vo 1829, paper. 4gth to soth streets, Madison to 4th Avenues. Later Columbia College. | 207 24m Asis. IEA Oy. Deaths Return of Deaths in the City of New York . . . 1804 to 1808. Published by Order of the Common Council. (John Pintard) 12moN. Y. 1809, paper, unbound. VERY SCARCE. Debarquement des ‘Troupes Die Anlandung der Englischen Trouppen | zu Neu Vorck me tarcenpa tae Habermann. Se vend a Augsbourtmeasen: Colored. Etching Rectangle, g:11 X 15:8 DEEDS AND DOCUMENTS Deed Richard Nicolls Esq. Governo. Genall under his Royall Highness James Duke of York . . . acertaine Lott of ground . . . on the south side of the Cingel (Wall st.) between the Lotts Govert Loockermans & Arien Dircks . . . to frederick Gisbert vanderBergh . . . 27 Nov. 1667. Signed by Richard Nicolls. On parchment, framed. Deed The City of New York to William Bancker, 1766, ground between high and low water mark on the East river, in the Out ward. Folio, vellum. Signed by Aug. v. Cortlandt and with fine pendant seal of the City. Delage 253% 279. 280. 281. 252. Deed Henry White & wife to Augustus Van Horne, 1407s property fronting on Broadway. Folio, vellum Deed Samuel Brown & Wife to Alexander Ougsbury, 1768, property in the North ward, Crown (Liberty) and Smith (William) streets. Folio, vellum. Deed Rector and Wardens of Trinity Church to Jeremiah Jessop, 1787, land on Murray street. Signed by James Duane and with fine and perfect pendant seal of the corporation. Folio, vellum. Deed Map and Deed of property at 28 and 29 Downing street, surveyed at the joint request of Aaron Burr and John Jacob Astor 1803 (1833) Deduction of title to William Carr of said property. (2) Deed Lease. Richard Varick to Wright Post, surgeon and physician 1803, dwelling house corner of Broadway & Pine street. Signed (twice) by Varick & Post. Citation from the Mayor’s Court, 1772, signed by Elias Desbrosses. @) Delmonico’s Delmonico’s, 5th Avenue corner of 14th street, with the “Favorite” Fifth Avenue ’bus; a lady driving. An unusually beautiful drawing by “‘S. L. 1875” W ater-color Rectangle, 6°12 X 13°4 22% ZoAe ao 7 288. 280. 290. Dodworth’s Gift Polka, | (Copyright 1852) | Souvenir To His Pupils | By | Allen Dodworth | Lith. Of Sarony & Major . etc Broadway, adjoining Grace Church rectory. Framed. Lithograph tinted Rectangle, 9210 X 7°13 Dolice | Louis | Etchings Looking North from the Battery; Brooklyn Bridge; St Pauls Church. (3) . Dolice | Louis | Etchings St Patricks Cathedral; The Little Church around the Corner; Trinity Church; (small plate) (3) . Dolice [ Louis | Etchings Trinity Church; (large plate). Columbus Circle; Fifth Ave. and 34th street. (3) Dolice [ Louis | Etchings The Ghetto; The Junk Shop (2); Madison Square Gar- den. (4) Dolice [Louis] Etchings Municipal Building; The Plaza, sgth street; Soldiers & Sailors Monument. (3) Dolice | Louis | Etchings Washington Arch (2); Landscape by moonlight. (3) Earle’s Hotel Earle’s Hotel, cor. Canal & Centre streets. Original pencil drawing, 4to, by A. J. Davis. Earle’s Hotel, 2 woodcuts (one a proof) Everett House, line engraving, proof. (4) BO. 202. 2:03. 204. 295. 296. Eighth Avenue Photograph from nature showing old Dutch farm house, at Eighth Ave. and 147th Street, about 1880. Framed. Elevated Railway Proposed Elevated Railway. C E. H. Bonwill, No 1 Murray St. N. Y.—Marshall & Nisbit, Arch’t’s & Eng’rs. | Lithograph. Rectangle, 9.6 X 14213 Elevated Railway Highly colored and embossed early view of the New York Elevated Ry etc. VERY SCARCE. Eliott Mansion Fifth Avenue and 18th Street. Original drawing. “Alex’r I. Davis Arc’t—first study for a Suburban dwelling.” (1835.) Framed. Eliott Mansion Original water-color drawing and plan of the Elliot Townsend mansion: “—Davis Archt Residence Of H. H. Elliot & Townsend, Corner 18th Street & V Ave. 1843.” It stood on the north-west corner, replaced by Chicker- ing Hall and later by the present building occupied by P. K. Wilson & Son. Framed. Eliott Mansion “Study for two City dwellings. Powe Vth av. Plan in water-colors by A. J. Davis Noy: 208. 299. 300. Empire City Skating Rink Third Ave. And Sixty-Third St., N. Y. | Novel Fete of Extraordinary Magnificence. | Brilliant | Fancy-Dress Carnival | Thursday Eve’g, Jan’y 14, 1869. Wood-cut view of: “This building, not only the largest Skating Rink, but the largest place of amusement on this Continent.” Play-6ill Folio Entré triumphale Der Einzug der Koniglichen Volcker in| Neu Yorck. Gravé par . . . Habermann. Se vend a Augs- bourgiaess Colored. Etching Rectangle, 9°9 X 15:9 Equitable Building India proof, before all letters, of the Equitable Life Building, 120 Broadway. Line | Vignette, 3°3 X 28 Empire City Of New York. Title-page with list of the Twenty Beautiful Colored Views of the Bornet-Hoff series. (2) Fashions New York Fashions For June 1830 | —Imbert’s Lithog- raphy. Lithograph Rectangle, 8° x 10° Caricaturing the absurd fashions of the period. Con- temporary black & gold glass & frame. No OTHER Known. 301. R02, [ No. 302 | Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue Hotel. Line engraving. American Bank Note Co. India proof; Line engraving by Baldwin & Gleason; small lithograph on card 1859-1871. (3) Fifth Avenue —Lith. By Hatch & Co. 29 William St. N. Y. | Row Of Dwelling Houses, | Fifth Avenue, [Murray Hill] New York. Lithograph Rectangle, 11°8 x 16° East side, 41st to 42nd streets. Fine. VERY SCARCE. Pictorial woodcut view and advertisement of sale of the Dwelling Houses. Framed. (2) [ILLUSTRATED] 303% 3204. 305: Fifth Avenue Original drawing, by AJ. Davis of the Row of Dwell- ing Houses “for Dr A. Anderson, Aug. 1859” Fifth Avenue Looking north and south from 34th Street. Photographs from nature, July, 1885. Genl Grant’s funeral. Framed. (2) Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue From 42nd Street, Looking North. From An Old Photograph By John Bachman 1879.—Litho- graphed & Printed By R. A. Welcke, N. Y. Lithograph in colors . Fifth Avenue Original drawing in color of the south-east corner, at 44th Str. by George T. Arata, 1902. Henry Tyson’s market & Ye Olde Willow Cottage. Present site of the Harriman National Bank. Framed FIRES _ (Beuthermbla snag Schréckenvolle Feuersbrunst welche zu Neu Yorck 19’ September 1776. . . Grave palais Haber- mann. Se vend a Augsburg . Colored. Etching Rectangle, 9°7 X 158 . Fire of 1835 Stone Ware | Ruins| Merchants | Exchange | Great Fire Of—Dec. 1835—City of New Y. Pale blue plate, Phoenix and Engine bowed Barber 435 9°4 oe: Ries coli su bee aoe Fire of 1835 Another similar, in brown. Barber 435. Fire of 1835 Drawn from Life and nature and on Stone by Hoffy— (Copyright 1836)—Printed and Colored by J. T. Bow- en. | The Great Fire of the City of New-York, 16 De- cember 1835.| Published January 1836, by . . . H. Ieeisopinson. . . . | With facsimile key. The first issue. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 15°10 x 20:6 Pre of 1835 Painted by N. Calyo.—Engraved by W. I. Bennett. | View Of The Great Fire In New York Decr 16th & 17th 1835 | As Seen From The Top Of The Bank Of America. Cor. Of Wall & Wm St | Published by L. P Clove:. New York. | (Copyright 1836) Companion: View Of The Ruins After the Great Fire . . . | As seen From Exchange Place, etc. Fine pair. VERY SCARCE. Aquatints Rectangles, 16°4 X 23°10 Fire of 1835 A Brief History, | Intended To Accompany The Beau- tifully Colored Views | Of | The Destructive Fire In New-York, | December 16 and 17, 1835. No OTHER Known. Broadside Folio Fire of 1835 A View Of The Great Conflagration, [Merchants Ex- change,] Dec. 16th 1835. | New-York. THREE OTHERS KNOWN. Lithograph Rectangle, 10°4 X 13°15 g14. Hire of 1835 gris —N. Currier’s Lith. N. Y. | “View Of The Great Con- flagration Of Dec 16th and 17th 1835; From Coenties Slip. | Sketched and drawn on Stone by J. H. Bufford | Published by J. Disturnell, . . . and J. H. Butfford . . . | (Copyright 1836)) Colored. Framed to first line. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 9°6 x 12°6 Fire of 1835 H. Sewell Del- | Hanington’s Dioramic Representation Of The | Great Fire in New York Dec, 16. and 17. 1835. | Now exhibiting with other moving dioramic scenes, at the American Museum every evening. The fine Hol- den-Pyne copy. Colored, framed. One OTHER Known. Lithograph Rectangle, g°6 X 11°12 . Bireom toa A Great Fire In New-York. | This florishing city bicame, . . . a prey to the flames. 7) eats (Mozel): printed and published by Dembour, Engraver and Lithoorapienwi alas Colored, old gilt frame. Curious AND INTERESTING. Birerotememss The Providence of God in the Calamities of Men. A Sermon preached -_. . on occasion of the Destructive Fire. By John M. Krebs. 8vo N. Y. 1836 paper. VERY SCARCE. Inserted folding lithograph: N. Currier’s Press. | Ruins Of The Merchant’s Exchange N. Y. | (1 line) 320. B21. ebite of 1845 (Copyright 1845) | Lith. & Pub. by N. Currier,—2 Spruce St. N. Y. | The Bowling Green Fountain. | View Of The Great Conflagration At New York July roth 1845.| From The Bowling Green. | Nearly 300 Build- ings destroyed.—Estimated loss of Property $7,000,000. Colored, framed. Injury lower left. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°4 X 12°13 . Fire of 1845 Reepieit 1945) | Lith, & Pub. by N. Currier,—2 Syeteemot. IN. Y.| Trinity Church.) View Of The Great Conflagration At New York July 19th 1845. | Nearly 300 Buildings destroyed.From Cor. Broad & Stone Sts—Estimated loss of Property $7,000,000. Colored, framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 822 x 126 Fire of 1845 (Copyright 1845) | Lith. & Pub. by N. Currier,—2 Spruce St. N. Y.| View Of The Terrific Explosion At The Great Fire In New York. | Engine No 22 destroyed, and several lives lost—From Broad St.—July tgth 1845.—17 Stores blown up. Colored. Framed. Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 891 x 12°5 Firemen’s Certificate Engraved by Peter Maverick, from a Drawing by Archibald Robertson. March, 1807. Reproduced in Valentine’s Manual, 18¢0. Line Rectangle, 13°8 xX 9°14 324 _ Firemen’s Helmets Front to leather helmet, gilt, inscribed: Ginel bh Veins Painted decoration. _ Firemen’s Helmets Front to leather helmet, gilt, inscribed: Engineer | J. B. M. Engine No. 32, painted decoration. Fire Engine Carved model, gilt, of a steam fire engine, in sunk gold frame. Fire Insurance Policies The Chatham Fire Ins. Co. with woodcut view of their, (No. 71) and adjoining buildings, in Chatham Square. Bowery Fire Ins. Co. with woodcut view of their, (No. 151) and adjoining buildings. Currier & Ives Illustrated and Descriptive List of Celebrated Fire Pictures, with four reproductions of the “Tife Of A Fireman.”, and other matter. (Lot) _ First Division Drawn From Nature And Pub. By F. J. Fritsch—| (References) | First—Division | New York—State Artil- lery. | (Copyright 1844) The view shows Castle Garden, Battery and Bay. Col- ored. Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 17°8 x 26°4 Says oS) ho CO B20. [ No. 329 | Five Points Lith. of Robertson, Five Points House Of Industry. Seibert & Shearman, .. . VERY Sca RCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 13°12 X 18°11 Fourth Avenue North from 23rd ‘to 34th Streets. Colored lithograph, ca 1900. Oblong large folio. Framed. Fort Gansevoort Or Old White Fort Published ‘by James Van Valkenburgh, N. York 1834— Lith. of.’ Endicott & Swett. | Baptising Scene. Near the White Fort Hudson River, New-York. Colored, framed. The Pyne copy. Two OTHERS KNOWN Lithograph Rectangle, 8°14 X 12°1 [ILLUSTRATED] 330. Gem Saloon ic) io) Composed And Drawn On Stone By A. Fay.—(Copy- right 1854) | Temperance, But No Maine-Law. etc. Corner Broadway & Worth st.; a famous hostelry known as having the largest mirror in the city. The figures are portraits of Mayor Fernando Wood, James Lawrence & other noted men. Lithograph Rectangle, 192 X 25°3 . Goodrich’s Picture of N. Y. 12mo. N. Y. (1828) original boards, uncut. With a large number of extra plates, as follows: Ex- change by Yeager; South St near Dover St by Yeager; Battery & Castle Garden by Smillie; City Hall by Hooker (two states); City Hall Stair Case by Balch, Rawdon & Co.; Broad Way near Grace Church, by Rawdon, Clark & Co.; 1st Congregational Church; St Mathews Church, Walker St; City Library 1818; Franklin Market, Old Slip, by R. Lowe; Fulton Market by Balch, Rawdon & Co.; U.S. Branch Bank by Yeager; City Bank by Balch, Rawdon & Co.; N. Y. Hospital by Balch, Rawdon & Co.; Alms House by Hooker; Asylum for the Insane by Rawdon, Clark & Co.; Panoramic Rotunda & N. Y. Institution in Chamber-street; Park Theatre (exterior); Interior of the Park Theatre; both by Balch, Rawdon & Co.; City Hotel; Mechanics Hall; Washington Hall; Navy Yard (Brooklyn); all four by Balch, Rawdon & Co.; Battery 1820 by King; State Prison by Hooker; Coffee House Slip by Danforth; folding plans of the city by J. F. Morin; and N. Y. & Adjacent Country. Tue Most CompLETE AND PERFECT SET EVER OrrERED. 332. BOD: she oo8y Government House —C. Melbourne, Delint—Et—Excud | —1797 | From The Original Drawing By W. J. Condit.— | (Copyright 1847, by H. R. Robinson) | From An Original Drawing In The Possession Of Thomas N. Campbell Esq.—Lith. & Printed In Colours By C. Currier, 33, Spruce St N. Y.| The Government House. | (This edifice was erected 1790, for . . . Genl Washington . . . he never occupied it,) | (it then became the Govenors’ House . . . until 1815, when it was taken down.) | Drawn expressly for D. T. Valentine’s Manual Tue Scarce First Issue. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 14212 X 2195 Grange, The Country seat of Genl Alexander Hamilton, 1802. Showing the 13 Trees, . . . 144th Street and toth Avenue. Artotype, E. Bierstadt. Convent Ave., 143rd & 144th Sts. Folio, framed. Greenwich Village In colors of part of Greenwich village from West street to Fitzroy Road (East of 8th Ave.) and from the Great Kill Road (irth str.) to 15th str. Names of original streets: Myrtle, Astor, Magdalen, Laurel, Governor, Charles, etc. Fort “Ganesvoort,”’ Mansion, Hospital etc. Repaired. Ca. 1820. Manuscript map Rectangle, 1§°g x 26°9 Greenwich Village Original pen drawing by Reginald Birch of an old house in Greenwich Village. Neatly matted, framed. Io>xX IIs REO: 378 BQO. ae)! Max Greger Spirited drawing of Max Greger’s Hungarian Wines establishment in pre-Volstead times by Berghaus & Rays ihe 9 ero, Hotel,’ Broadway, 27th Street & sth Ave. Pen and Ink Rectangle, 9°3 X 12°4 The Victoria Hotel. Photograph. (2) Hague Street Explosion (Copyright 1850 by C. E. Lewis & Co.) | Awful Explo- sion Of A Steam Boiler, | Belonging to A. B. Taylor & Co., Machinist, No. 5 and 7 Hague. St., | On Monday, February 4th, At A Quarter To 8 o’clock. | Wounding And Killing About 120 Persons. Imperfect at bottom. The only perfect copy known 1s in the N. Y. Historical Society Lithograph Rectangle, 1°12 X 9°g Hall of Records Corner of Centre and Chambers Streets. Woodcut on cover of a copy book on which is written, in a schoolboy hand: “Henry Smith, March 8th bono Originally built for a jail, ordered converted in 1830 for city use. Framed. Hall of Science (Three lines) | Hall of Science. | Burton. pinxt—Lith. of Pendleton.—Davis del. | (one line) | New York. | Pub- lished by Wright & Owen.| At the Hall of Science Broome St At No 359 Broome, between Elizabeth and Mott sts., previously the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Opened by Frances Wright 1829. A frame building, 70 x 33 feet, seating 1300 persons. Lithograph Vignette, 4°12 X 62 340. 341. 342. 344. Hall of Science Another copy, foxed. Hamilton Square Lith & Pub. By J. Baillie,— Copyright 1847)—87. She: Near 3d Avenue N. Y.| The Grand “Washington Monument” Procession. | As it appeared on Hamilton Square during the Ceremony of laying the Corner-stone, October roth. 1847. | On Stone from a Drawing taken on the Spot by J. L. Magee. Colored, framed. Two OrHers Known. Lithograph Rectangle; 8° x 12°5 Hanington’s Dioramas Broadway corner of Ann street. Original play-bill, about 1837. Framed . Harlem Fort Clinton, Harlem River in the Distance; Fort Clinton McGowan’s Pass; (2), Gate at McGowan’s Pass. Water-colors by A. Hozier. (4) Harlem Lane (Publ. & copyright 1870 by Ths Kelly) | Trotting Cracks On The Road | Scene—Harlem Lane Fine copy. Colored. Lithograph Rectangle, 16:7 X 24°10 _ Harlem River Pen and Ink sketches dated Aug. 10, 1900. Harlem Lane. H. Handels Road House. St Nicholas Ave. & 113th St. 1880. Photograph, framed. (4) 346. Carll: [ No. 346 ] Harlem River F. F. Pamer Del.—Lith. Currier & Ives, N. Y. | View Near Highbridge. | Harlem River. N. Y.| Pubd By Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau St N. Y. A fine, colored, early proof, before ‘“‘Pamer’’ was cor- rected to “‘Palmer.’’ Even the regular issue is very scarce; this one believed to be UNIQUE. Lithograph Rectangle, 111 X 1598 [ILLUSTRATED] Hell Gate York-Island, with a View of the Seats of Mr A. Gracie, Mr Church &c. | Drawn, Engraved &. Published by W. Birch, Springland, near Bristol, Pennsa A charming composition and unusual subject. Stauffer 208. VERY SCARCE. Etching Rectangle, 4° x 6° 348. seo k 350. 351. Hell Gate Drawn . . . and Engraved by M. Merigot. | View of Hell Gate; the Entrance from Long Island Sound to New York. | Colored. Aquatint Rectangle, §°5 x 71 Hell Gate Ferry Hotel View Of J. M. Dunlap’s Hurlgate Ferry Hotel, Foot Ol 86th Street And East River, New-York | (An obliging Host, beautiful scenery and cool summer-retreat, . . Boats and Tackle for fishing-parties . . .)|(. . . Murphy’s stages from City Hall, Pell St and Bowery, run every 15 minutes . . . for 6 cents.) | Published by James Baillie, 87th St near 3d Avenue N. Y. | 249. Colored, framed. Fine, full margins. Four OTHERS KNowN. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°2 X 12°4 Hell Gate Canal Hurlgate | And | The Proposed Canal. Pamphlet, 8vo paper, pp. 20. ¢a. 322 High Bridge —— CG. Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | Of | New-York | High-Bridge. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 6°1 x 8°14 252 SEintengs United States e) ee 54. 55: ato London, 1830. A selection of 44 views including: Battery, Castle Gar- den, Bay & Narrows; St Pauls Church; City) Hall, Colmans Literary Rooms; Columbia College; and a general view of New York; all engraved by Fenner, Sears & Co. Hippodrome Franconi Schottisch. | (Copyright 1853 etc., three lines) | Hippodrome | Lith. of Sarony & Major N.Y. . . . | (five lines) N. W. cor. Broadway and 23rd st. Site originally occu- pied by Corporal Thompson’s ““Madison Cottage,’ later by Fifth Avenue Hotel and now Fifth Avenue Building. Exterior view. Framed. Lithograph tinted Rectangle, 7°14 X 11°7 Hippodrome Hippodrome Polka. (Copyright 1853 by T. S. Berry) Lith. .«. . Sarony:& Majargecs Interior view. Framed. Lithograph tinted Rectangle, 7°1 X geI Hippotheatron The Hippotheatron | And | New York Cirque, | Four- teenth Street, Opposite Academy Of Music | Grand | Equestrian & Gymnastic | Performances. “In 1863 Nixon’s Alhambra . . . appeared on the south side of Fourteenth street. Its existence came to anend the same year . . . In 1864 the Hippotheatron sprang up on this site. The building, fashioned after the Champs Elysees of Paris, was 110 feet in diameter. . . The performances given here were principally eques- trian exhibitions and circuses.” Photographic view in centre. Framed. VERY SCARCE. a5Os oe [ No. 362 | Hospital New-York Hospital. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 6°14 X 9°7 Holt’s Hotel Woodcut on cover of copy book of: ““Whilliam B Stahl- ers Fabriar 27th 1841" Hotels Globe Hotel, 66 Broadway, woodcut; Gramercy Park House, woodcut; Grand Union Hotel, woodcut; Hoff- man House, small lithograph; and photo. by Hegger. (Lot) 359. Hotels Irving House; La Farge House; Metropolitan Hotel; New York Hotel (double view). (Lot) 360. Hotels Taylor’s International; Union Place; Western; West- minster. (Lot) 361. Hotels Mostly modern. (Lot) 362. Howard Hotel On Stone By C. Parsons—Lith. Of G. & W. Endicott, 59, Beekman St. N. York.— | Howard Hotel, Broad- way, New York.| Corner Of Maiden Lane. | —By Thomas & Roe Shows east side of Broadway, Maiden Lane to north corner of John street. Framed. The Pyne copy. Two OTHERS Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 18° X 2428 [ILLUSTRATED ON PRECEDING PAGE| 363. Howard Hotel Howard Hotel, New-York. | Smith. Sc.—Kelly, Print | Broadway cor. Maiden Lane. | Kingsley & Ainslee. India proof. Line Vignette, 1°13 X 3° Barnum’s Hotel. Vignette, on bill-head 1851, engraved by Smith, | Ann St. Later known as the Howard Hotel. (2) BO, 305. 3606. 367. 368. 369. Jetterson Guards F Fritsch del | Prin. by Endicott N. Y.—F. J. Fritsch Del | 38th Regiment—Jefferson Guards | New-York— State Artillery. | (Copyright 1843) The view shows the City Hall, Hall of Records, etc. Colored. Fine copy VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 15°4 x 25°6 Judge Building India proof, before all letters, of the “Judge” Building sth Ave & 16th St by the American Bank Note (Crah, Lote Vignette, 2°10 X 27 Jumel Mansion St Nicholas Ave. & 162nd St. A strip of the original wall paper from the Council chamber used by Gen! Washing- ton and staff during the Revolution. Framed. Jumel Mansion One of the original silk tapestry chair covers from a Napoleon arm-chair used by the First Consul 1n 1800. Purchased at the sale of the Jumel collection of Napo- leonic relics. March 31st 1916. Framed. Jumel Mansion Original pencil drawings of the exterior avis the hall of the Jumel house, with a sketch of the Great room. Fraunces Tavern on the back. (2) Kingsbridge Renwick, James. Report on the Water Power at Kings- bridge. 8vo N. Y. 1827. Paper covers, uncut. Folding lithographic plans of the Manufacturing Vil- lage and the Hydraulic Company's ground at Kings- bridge; and the upper part of Manhattan Island. 370. wes 37] As Knickerbocker Bakery Original water-color of the Knickerbocker Bakery, 19 William Street, (by A. J. Davis.) Old gold frame. ——— Another, by the same hand, unframed. (2) Knickerbocker Cottage No. 456—6th Avenue, | —New York, near 28th Street. Later Mouquin’s Restaurant. Engraved business card 1878. Located on the old Varian farm and the homestead of the family. Mayor Isaac L. Varian and his brother William ~ inherited this portion and lived in this house. Framed. Views on letter-head; and on envelope, 1878; engraved invitation card to re-opening; Residences of Isaac Varian and of Isaac L. Varian, lithograph, small 4to (Lot) Koster & Bials Interior Of Koster & Bial’s Concert Hall, on music- sheel, 4to 1879. The Leavitt Art Rooms, 817 Broadway, New York. | Designed & Etched by Jos. F. Sabin. Liberty Statue. Engraved invitation of the inaugura- tion, Oct. 28, 1886. Engraved by Tiffany & Co. (3) . Lyceum of Natural History “Town & Davis. 1831-| Lyceum Of Nat History.” Water-color, upright small folio. In the City Hall until 1828, then in White street. 376. S77: 378. . McComb’s Bridge Avenue State Of New-York.| J. Milbert—Imp. Litho. de Melle Formentin. | McComb’s Bridge Avenue. Fine Copy. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 7°6 X 112 . McComb’s House State Of New-York. | J. Milbert—Imp. Litho de Melle Formentin | Mr Mc Comb’s House, On The River Harlem | near King’s bridge. Fine copy. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 7°6 X 1192 McComb’s Mills State Of New-York. | J. Milbert del—Imp. Litho. de Melle Formentin. | 1st View Of McComb’s Mill’s, | on the River harlem near king’s bridge. Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 725 X 10215 Madison Cottage Corporal Thompson, | Madison Cottage | cor of Broad- way 23rd St & sth Ave; | New York. | (five lines) same view on card “1853” (2) Lithograph Vignette, 1°15 X 3°3 Madison Cottage Madison Cottage. Broadway, sth Ave. & 23rd Sts. Peso.) 5. Gratt. | Framed. W ater-color Rectangle, 21° x 28s Os Ceo) be Madison Square The Naval Arch. Madison Square 1898. By Chas F. W. Mielatz. Etching Rectangle, 13° X 10°13 : Magnus’ Views A series of colored panoramic views, on letter paper, by Chas Magnus, including: New York Down Town & Bay; N. Y. Down Town & Hudson River, (2); Astor Place, Bible House etc; Castle Garden, Battery; Broad- way, South to Battery; Brooklyn Bridge; Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn City Hall & Court House; Central Park Entrance, (sth Ave.); City Hall Park (3); College of the Crnyol Nay ede 8th Ave.; Madison Square; Post Office, Broadway, Hudson River etc. (2); Post Office, Temple Court etc.; Printing House Square; and Washington Square, (2). (Lot) Maiden Lane New York Pictorial | Business Directory | Of | Maiden Lane. | Containing all the Stores and Buildings in Maid- en Lane with a complete list of the occupants of each Building, and to a certain extent their Business Cards. | New York: | Published And For Sale By E. Jones. . . | (five lines 1849) Original green paper ars oblong 4to Fine and per- fect example. VERY SCARCE. . Manhattan College Camille Dry.— | —Lith. Of F. Ratillier 48 Beekman St. N. Y.| Manhattan College | [Christian Brothers "| From the east; the church of the Annunciation at left, with the Hudson river in the background. | India proof. No ReEcorbD OF SALE. Lithograph Rectangle, 11°7 X 172 [ No. 383 | 383. Manhattanville From Nature by J. W. Hill—Litho: of Endicott, 359, Broadway | Manhattanville, New York. | (Copyright 1834 by George Endicott) Of unusual interest as showing the marvelous growth of the city. The village became part of the municipality thirty years later. Fine original coloring. Framed. THREE OTHERS KNOWN. Lithograph Rectangle, 9°2 X 13°10 [ILLUSTRATED] Manhattanville H. Reinagle del.—Kneass, Young & Co. Sc. | View of the Camp of Coln Laights Regiment of Militia. | in the vicinity of Manhattan-ville . . .| (1 line). Stauffer 1662. Line Rectangle, 3°10 X 5°14 ic) CO “I _ Mrs. Mann’s Boarding House Mrs Mann’s Boarding-House, | No 61 Broadway, | Lewis—3 wall st | New York. Elizabeth, widow of Edward, was at this address 1820— 1836; her house was popular with actors. OnE OTHER Known. Line Vignette, 114 X 1°7 . Marlborough Hotel H. A. Thomas & Wylie, Lith Co. N. Y. U. s. A.— | Hotel Marlborough | Broadway 36th And 37th Streets, New York. Framed. Etching Rectangle, 23°83 X 29°12 . Medical Certificate: Societas Medica Neo Eboracensis, engraved by Maverick, signed, in blank, by Pres. John Bard. Fine impression of the seal. . Medical Original pencil drawing of the Medical College & Charity Hospital, Worth & Church Sts. . Medical Rutgers | Medical College | Duane-Street, | New-York. Woodcut on cover of pamphlet, 8pp., 1827. N. York Medical College. 13th St. between 3rd & 4th Aves. Woodcut on Valedictory Address by Pres. Horace Green, 8vo, 1851, paper. : — ” Circular of the Veterinary College Institute. 35 W. 23d St., with woodcut on title. Cy) 390. Melrose 3QO1. 392. gIE) Se Del & Lith. By Valois.—Print. By G. Schlegel 97 Wil- liam St N. Y.| (References) | View Of Melrose | And Surroundings. |'Taken from the Ursuline Convent, Westchester Co N. Y. 1868. | (References.) Colored. Fine condition. No Orner Perrecr Copy KNOWN. Lithograph Rectangle, 17° X 25°2 [ILLUSTRATED ON PRECEDING PAGE| MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE Merchants’ Exchange I. Rogers Archt—Drawn by C. L. Warner. | Merchants’ Exchange, New York. | New York Printed and Pub- lished at J. H. Bufford’s Lithographic Establishment 136 Nassau St. | (Copyright 1837). Early proof before: “On Stone by Bufford.”” The scarcest and most desirable representation. Colored, framed. ONE OTHER KNown. Lithograph | Rectangle, 158 X 22°3 [ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE| Merchants’ Exchange “Davis del—1829—J. R. Brady, Arct. | N. Y. Exchange In 1835. | Burnt 1835.” Original water-color. Merchants’ Exchange E. M. Thompson Architect | Imbert’s Lithography.— On Stone by A. J. Davis. | Merchants Exchange. | New York. India proof. Lithograph Rectangle, 11°15 X 108 [ 16€ ‘on |] 394. Merchants’ Exchange 395: 396. oie J. Bornet Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | of | New-York | (H. Hoff, Publisher . . .) | Ex- change. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 6°4 X 9° Merchants’ Exchange Broadside with engraved views of the interior and exterior Woodcut on cover of copy book of Edward Burling 302 Broome St Rent receipts (2) to A. J. Davis, one with his endorse- ment, showing views. (4) Metropolitan Hotel | A’ Pay.— Unlettered proof of the Hoff series of Views of New- York. “Niblo’s Hotel.’ Framed. One OTHER Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 5:14 X 9 Metropolitan Hotel A Fay.— Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | of | New-York | Niblo’s Hotel. | Henry Hof, Publishers. <—- Colored. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, §°14 X 9° 398. 599: 400. 401. Metropolitan Hotel (Copyright 1852) | Metropolitan Polka Redowa. | (Ded- ication) | Lith. Of Sarony & Major, N. Y. . . . | (six lines) Framed. Lithograph tinted Oval, 8°3 x 10°15 Morrisania —Scott Leighton | Printed In Oil Colors, By Currier & Ives, 115 Nassau St. N. Y.—Copyright 1882, By Currier & Ives, New York. | The Celebrated Trotting Team Edward And Swiveller, Owned by Frank Work, Esq. N. Y. | Winning Their Match For $1,000, Against Time 2:20 To Wagon, Driven By John Murphy. | At The Gentlemen’s Driving Park, Morrisania, N. Y. July 18th. 1882. | Record 2:1634. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 19°19 X 34°1 Mott’s Dock Mott’s Dock, From 57 St. N. R. M. C. R. Old carved frame. W ater-color Oval, 4°4 x 6° National Theatre Day & Haghe, lith. 17 Gale St London.—from a Draw- ing by R. Bengough. | National Theatre | New York | J. W. Wallack Esqr Lessee. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°6 x 11°14 Corner of Church and Leonard streets. _ Water-color of the above, with fewer figures and with slight differences, signed: ““Bengough fecit:” From the Pyne sale. In one frame. 402. 403. 404. 405. 4006. NEWSPAPERS Newspaper The New-York Mercury, Monday, June 23, 1766. Printed by Hugh Gaine. Speeches of Gov. Francis Bernard to the Massachusetts Assembly, and of Gov. Wm Franklin to the New Jersey Assembly, congratulating them on the repeal of the Stamp Act etc., and other interesting matter. Newspaper The Rovat Gazetre, Wednesday, August 15, 1781. Published by James Rivington. Declaration by Gov. Wm Franklin; Proclamation by Sir Henry Clinton, etc. Newspaper Co_umBIAN CENTINEL. Boston, Saturday, Oct. 6, 1792. Printed by Benjamin Russell. Interesting matter on the Revolution in France. Lafay- ette is declared a traitor . . . to be shot if he cannot be brought alive to the Bar of the National Assembly. Newspaper ConsTITUTIONALIST AND WEEKLY MaGazineE. Exeter (N. H.) Tuesday, Jan’y 5, 1813. New York Dairy ADVERTISER, Wednesday, Apr. 16, 1817. NatTIoNAL JouRNAL, Washington, D. C., Sept. 6, 1825. Lafayette’s visit to America. G3) Newspapers The Sun. N. Y.’ July 24, 18353 Degree 1835; May 15, 1838; and Carriers New Year’s Address, 1847. (4) 407. 408. 400. ALO. Ae. Ninth Ave. & 21st St. From Nature & on Stone by John Baker.— | Old House Nr 21st St Ninth Avenue N. York. | (Erected 1626 Pull’d down 1832.) No OTHER Known. Lithograph Rectangle, 4°12 x 3°6 Odd Fellows Hall - Unlettered proot of the Bornet-Autenrieth-Hoff series of Odd Fellows Hall. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, §°14 x 8°11 Odd Fellows Hall Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | of | New-York | Drawn by C. Autenrieth.— Published by Henry Hoff . . . | Odd Fellows | Hall. | (Copyright 1850.) Colored. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, §:14 X 8°11 Old Slip Original water-color, from nature, 1860, by A. Begodin, 1860. Framed. An ArTiIsTIC REPRESENTATION. . Orphan Asylum Orphan Asylum, New-York. Seventy third street and Riverside Drive, site of Chas M. Schwab mansion, framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 7-4 x 9°8 Orphan Asylum Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum. sist St. & sth Ave. Original pencil drawing. AD AI4. Palace Garden The Palace Garden Polka | (Copyright 1858 etc., four lines) | Lith. Of Sarony, Major & Knapp. 449 Broad- way. N. Y. | (four lines) On the north side of 14th street, west of 6th ave., ex- tending to 15th street; site later occupied by Ninth Regiment armory and Fourteenth Street theatre. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 7°10 X 10°9 Parish Residence Drawn & Lith. by J. P. Newell.—Printed by Endicott & Co. New York. | City Residence Of Mr. Daniel Parish, New York. S. E. corner of 5th Ave. and 16th street. Very fine. Two OTHERS Known. Lithograph tinted Rectangle, 15°4 X 1828 [ILLUSTRATED] AIS. A416. Park Row Stores (Directory of eight columns) | Park Row Stores. | Opposite the Astor House. | New York. | Doty & Ber- gen, Engrs 120 William St. A well engraved print, including Nos. 21 to 34 Bark Row, the southern end of the Park, with railing, foun- tain and cupola of the City lal leecas 1350. lwo OTHERS KNOWN. Line Rectangle, 9° X 12° Park Theatre Park Theatre | R. S. W. | New York. Dark blue bowl, border of oak leaves and acorns. Bar- ber 208. S12 . Park Theatre G. B. May 6th AD. 1809—John C. Hind, Delint | View of the New Theatre in New York. Contemporary frame. W ater-color Rectangle, 52 x 7°5 . Park Theatre The Boz Waltzes,| As performed by | Dodworth's Band, | At the grand Festival | Park Theatre. | Fleet- wood’s—Illuminated—Lithography. | respectfully dedi- cated to | Chas. Dickens, Esq. etc | Interior of the Park Theatre and an important Dickens item. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 9210 X 7°14 419. 420. Has Aer 2: Peabody Views ato. New York) 1831: A complete set of the 37 views, with a scarce extra plate of the Merchants Exchange, interior, showing the Hamilton statue destroyed in the great fire, and a duplicate of the Coftee-House Slip on India paper in- serted. VERY SCARCE. Peabody Views Residence of Philip Hone and America Hotel; La Grange Terrace, LaFayette Place; Leroy Place; Mer- chants Room Exchange, Wall St.; and Webb’s Congress Hall (142 Broadway) (5) PLAYBILLS Playbill By Permission of his Excellency the Governor. | Mr. Wall Comedian, | Will exhibit at Mr. Hull’s great Room, on Wednesday Evening, the | Twenty-first of July, 1773, | A New Lecture, | Written by the Author of the much admired | Lecture on Heads. | UNRECORDED. Playbill Theatre, | In Mercer Street, | In the rear of the | Mile Stone, | Broadway. | African Company. | For the Bene- fit of Mr. Brown. June 20 & 21, 1823. THe First Necro Company IN AMERICA Playbill Park Theatre. First appearance of Cooper in Damon and Pythias. Olympic Theatre. Benefit of W. Sefton (1837) (2) 424. eis. 4206. 427. 428. Playbill Zoological Institute, 37 Bowery. History of the Beasts, Birds and Reptiles therein. 8vo 1837, paper. Profusely illustrated. Peale’s N. Y. Museum. Egyptian Mummy. 8vo paper | (2) Playbill Wild Men of Borneo, Living Skeleton &c., at 4oth Str. opposite the Crystal Palace. N. Y. Circus, 14th Str. Opposite Academy of Music. Lyceum Theatre. First Performance of “Sweet Laven- der’? On Satin. (3) Playbill Tripler Hall, 30th & 31st Concerts, 1850. Jenny Lind. 8vo paper, illustrated. (2) Tremont Temple, June 20, 1851. Jenny Lind. 8vo paper. (3) Police A| Brief Treatise, | on the| Police. . . | By A Citi- zen. (Charles Christian) 8vo N. Y. 1812, paper, un- opened. Post Office Lith. & Pub. By N. Currier,—152 Nassau St. Cor. Of Spruce N. Y.| The Post Office, New York. | 610. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 8°4 X 12°8 4.29. 430. 431. A. Post Office Endicott’s Lith.—No 22, John St. N. Y.| Front View Of The New York Post Office, | Located By Authority Of The Hon. Charles A. Wickliffe Post Master Gen- eral, | And Arranged By | John Lorimer Graham Esq. Postmaster. | Feb. 1st 1845. | Isaac Lucas, Superinten- dant.—Martin E. Thompson, Architect. North Interior View Of The New York Post Office, South Interior View etc. The set complete; especially desirable. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph tinted Rectangle, 13°4 X 1824 Post Office Post Office and Temple Court. Original drawing by Magnus. Oblong small folio. Produce Exchange. Proof before all letters of Dempsey & Carroll’s invitation to the Opening Exercises, 1884. (2) Produce Exchange F. Leo Hunter | 1887 Signed proof, with remarque of grain elevator, on Japan paper. Etching Rectangle, 16°8 x 2§ Provost and Chapel Streets Lithog. par Villeneuve figes par V. Adam.—Dessiné par J. Milbert. | Intérieur de New York rue de Provost et Chapel—Interior of New York, Provost and Chapel street | (A Paris, chez E. Ardit . . . 1830.) West Broadway and Franklin street. Framed. Lithograph Rectangle, 822 x 11°12 [ No. 433 ] 447. No. 448 Republican Club Birthplace of the Republican Club. Oct. 15, 1879 Jan. 18. 1881. Site of the Flat Iron buildg. The Republican Club’s Quarters, 64 Madison Ave., 1882-1883. Photographs, framed. (2) Reservoir Av Fay. Mounted on decorative rectangle, lettered in gold: Views | Of | New-York | (Autenrieth-Hoff) | Croton Water | Reservoir | (1850) The Distributing Reservoir from the N. W. cor. of 6th Ave., and 42nd str. Framed. Tue Finest, Most ATTRACTIVE AND SCARCEST OF THE SERIES. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 6°3 x 8°14 [ILLUSTRATED] 448a. Restaurants 449. 4.50. 451. 452, Entrance to the Biltmore dining room, At the Sign of the Rooftree, Billy the Oysterman, Shanley’s, Busta- noby’s, Keens etc. Original pencil drawings on large sheet by Raymond Crawford Ewer 1915 for “Puck.” Rigging House (Copyright 1846) | Lith. & Pub. By H. R. Robinson— 142, Nassau St N. York. | 120 William Street.— . . . | Here Methodism was first rigged out in the port of New York, and Started on her prosperous Voyage in North | America;. . . | (six lines) |. . . This build- ing is now occupied by Doty & Bergen, Engravers, (etc two lines) | —New York, Sept 1846. Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph tinted Rectangle, 11°4 X 9°2 Rotunda The “Panorama,” corner of Mercer and Prince sts. eee im the “Youth's Cabinet,’ N. Y., Decr 12th, 1839. Rutger s House Drawn and Engraved by M. Osborne. | Rutger’s House. N. Y.| For the Parlour-Magazine. Framed. VERY SCARCE Line Rectangle, 3°10 x 6: Rutger’s House Reproductions of the two rare Mesier’s lithographic views of the mansion; in one frame. spose 454 St. Nicholas Hotel J H. Bufford’s Sons Lith. 141 Franklin St. Boston. | St Nicholas Hotel, Broadway, New York. | Uriah Welch, Proprietor. Between Broome and Spring sts. Colored, framed. First issue. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 12°8 x 18: [ILLUSTRATED| St. Nicholas Hotel To Messrs Treadwell Acker & Co | St Nicholas Schot- tisch | (Copyright 1853 etc. three lines,) | Lith. & Printed In Tints By Sarony & Major.— . . .| (two lines) Lithograph Tinted Rectangle, 7°13 X 1028 455. 456. 457° 458. 459. Shantytown Shantytown.’A beautifully executed water color signed: C. M. Jenckes 1876 Society Library G. Moore, delt—Day & Haghe, Lithrs to The Queen. | The New York Society Library. | Frederick Diaper, Archt 346-348 Broadway, S. E. cor. of Leonard str., 1840- 1853. Later Appletons the publishers. Site now occu- pied by the N. Y. Life Ins. Co’s building. The Daly- Borden-Pyne copy. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°6 x 136 Somerindyke House H. Farrer 1870—Proor BeErore TITLE. Etching Vignette, 3° X 4°1 Springler House. Union Square, N. Y. Engraved bill- head, 1863, framed. (2) State Prison I. R. Smith del.—Hoogland sc. 1814. | South East View, New York State Prison. In: A View of the New-York State Prison . . . By A Member Of The Institution. 8vo N. Y. 1815, paper, un- cut. Gulian C. Verplanck’s copy. Line Rectangle, 3°12 x 6°1 Staten Island Otto Bottischer 1859 | Washington Greys—8th Regt N. Y. S. T.|. . . at Camp Washington Quarantine Simlscept..-. 0. 1858. Published by Goupil & Co Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 24° X 35°8 460. A461. 462. Aten 464. 465. Staten Island EF. F. Palmer, Del.—(Copyright 1861)—Lith. Currier & Ives, N. Y | (References) | Staten Island And The Narrows. | From Fort Hamilton | New York, Published by Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau St Colored. Fine Copy. Lithograph Rectangle, 1411 X 20°2 Stock Exchange Hughson Hawley—| Charles Hart, Lith., 36 Vesey Street, N. Y.—(Copyright 1882) | The New York Stock Exchange. | Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 23°14 X 161 Stuyvesant Pear ‘Tree Original photograph by J. Gurney & Son. August 22nd 1863. Long printed account below. : Folio, framed. VERY SCARCE. Stuyvesant Pear ‘Tree Photograph, of a later period, presentation copy from T. J. Burton. Folio Stuyvesant Pear ‘Tree Pencil drawing of the Stuyvesant Pear Tree and build- ings east on 13th str., by Geo. Reynolds Stuyvesants Army Peter Stuyvesants Army entering New Amsterdam... | From a Drawing by William Heath of London.— Unfolded original, framed. Lithograph Rectangle, 7°4 x 26:8 466. 467. 468. 460. 470. 471. Tammany Hall Photograph of the old Tammany Hall Corner Stone Laid 1811. Sold 1867. Large folio Terry Establishment of J. R. Terry, Hatter, at 409 Broadway. Lith. of Major & Knapp. Lithograph Rectangle, 21°13 x 16° No OTHER Known. Bulletin of Fashions Issued by J. R. Terry (2) Theatres Interior of the Chatham Theatre, lith H. A. Thomas; New Bowery Theatre; Hermann’s Theatre, on letter sheet, signed by the prestidigitator; Wood's Gymnasi- Minne etc. (Lot) ‘Tombs Jeebornet:— Unlettered proof of the Autenrieth-Hoff series of the Tombs. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 5214 X 8°15 Tombs N. Curriers Lith N. Y | Halls Of Justice, New York. | Designed & Erecting by John Haviland, Architect. Framed. Lithograph Rectangle, 7°8 X 11°12 Traphagen, Hunter & Co. Traphagen, Hunter & Co’s Clothing House. Ferd. Mayer’s lith. Lithograph Rectangle, 14°15 X 11°15 472. 473. 474. 475. Triton Mansion-House Triton Mansion-House | J. Dodge Triton Mansion House | McCombs’ Dam | Mrs J. Dodge. West side of McComb’s Bridge Ave. & 155 Str. On glazed card. Framed. Line Vignette, 1°7 X 2°13 Union League Club An original drawing of the Union League Club, 5th Ave., signed, by Hughson Hawley. Pen and Ink Rectangle, 9°2 X 1154 Union Park James Smillie del.—Copyright 1849 by Willian & Stevens. . . . Lith. of Sarony & Major, New York | View of Union Park, New York, from the head of Broadway. | The Church Of The Puritans, . . . The Spingler Institute, . . .| . . . Abbott’s Collegiate Institution . . . Calvary Church . . . Free Acad- ~ emy.| Pulished by Williams & Stevens, 353 Broadway N. Y. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Rectangle, 11°13 x 16°7 Union Park (Copyright 1852) | Print by Nagel & Weingartner N. Y. | Union Park Schottisch.| New York, Published by Geib & Jackson 499 Broadway. | etc. Overlooking the Park from the N. E. cor. of 14th str., with old Harlem R. R. car drawn by four horses. Fine example. Framed. Lithograph in Colors Rectangle, 7:7 x 10°6 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. Union Square Published By Currier & Ives—(Copyright 1865)—152 Nassau St New York. | The Funeral Of President Lin- coln, New York, April 25th 1865. | Passing Union Square. | (The magnificient Funeral-Car . . . silver bullion.) | 877. Framed. Lithograph Rectangle, 8°3 X 13°1 Union Square Original pen and ink drawing by Chas Magnus. Night scene. Photograph. West side 14th to 15th streets, showing residences, Spingler House, Church of the Puritans etc. (2) Union Place Hotel F. F. Palmer, del.—N. Currier Lith. N. Y. | Union Place Hotel, | Union Square New York. | | —J. C. Wheeler, | —John Wheeler, | | Proprietors. Fine copy, from the Crimmins sale. Framed. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph Vignette, 8°11 X 11°14 Union Place Hotel Woodcut bill 1857 Woodcut bill 1859 of the WesTERN HoTEL, g, 11 & 13 Cortlandt St. (2) United States Hotel A. J. Davis del 42 Exchange—Imbert’s Lithography. | United States Hotel, | 178 & 180 Pearl-street, between Wall-street & Maiden-lane, | New York. A long descriptive advertisement beneath, signed by the proprietor, T. B. Redmond. Framed. Fine brilliant original. The Neill-Pyne copy. Two OrHErs Known. Lithograph Vignette, 8°4 x 9°8 4.94. 495. 496. 497. . Washington Hall Washington Hall, | No 282 Broadway:| P. McIntyre. etc Engd by J. Warr Jr (1822) Line Rectangle, 5°2 X 38 Washington Hotel Rectangle, cut from the lithograph by Endicott & M. Sweet 1833. 10° X 148 The only perfect copy known is in the N. Y. Historical Society Photostats of the N. Y. H. S’s copy (3) Washington Institute Lithogy of Pendleton, 137, Broadway, N. Y.—A. J. Davis, del. | Washington Institute, | New York. Unique Proor from Davis’s own portfolio; later addi- tional figures were added. 13th st., between 3rd & 4th ave’s. Lithograph Rectangle, 5°2 x 7°6 Horace Waters The Sparkling Polka By Thomas Baker, copyright 1855, “View of the interior of the Publishers (Horace Waters 333 Broadway) Great Piano & Music Establishment.” Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 10°13 X 7°12 George Wilkes Thomas—| Chas S. Humpherys Pinxt—(Copyright 1804)—Lith. & Printed In Colors By Henry C. Eno, 37 Park Row, N Y.| George Wilkes. | Late Robert Fillingham, on the Road. The westerly side of 8th ave., with the “Club House” cor. of 130th str. In upper right the Academy of the Sacred Heart at present Convent Ave. VERY SCARCE. Lithograph in colors Rectangle, 13°1§ X 19°4 498. 4.99. 500. 501. 502. 503: 504. Worth Monument —A.Weingartner’s Lithy N. Y. | Ceremonies of Dedica- tion of the Worth Monument. | (Nov. 25, 1857.) Colored. Lithograph Rectangle, 12°2 x 18:2 Photographs Academy of Design, (2), Audubon’s “Muinnies-land,”’ Black Horse Tavern, Blizzard of March 1888, (4), etc. ite) Photographs Broadway, (9), St Patricks Cathedral IO Photographs Central Park, (8), City Hall Park, sth Ave at 34th str. West side (2), 5th Ave at goth Str. etc. ie Photographs Forty-second str (Madison & sth Ave's-3), Set Union Hotel, Greeley Square, High Bridge. Photographs Madison Square, (2), Rossmore Hotel, Rudd Mansion Riverside Drive, St Luke’s Hospital, (2), Star Theatre, (2), Stock Exchange, Union Square, (2), Windsor Arcade etc. 15 Odds and Ends A lot. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MANAGERS DEPARTMENT OF Books AND PRINTS Mr. ARTHUR Swann, DiREcTOR as el ¥ spe é APPRAISALS Poh UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS oie oA ppRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other pur- poses. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to sup- plement this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private indi- viduals for whom the Association has made appraise- ments which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO $7TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Piaza 1270 The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATIONS TEXT AND TYPOGRASH™© DOUGLAS C. MCMURTRIE + NEW YORK Te Feeeerat .20 NeAmG c.1 | an Not een mith LIBR’ _— ‘ia gu et 3 : .— a. 2 geo ae ee Tei Op Rak da om, a ; stale She aS ¢ , ni AMERICAN ART ASSOCIA : MADISON AVENUE 567 TO 57 ENTRANCE 30 EAST 5'7TH STREET + NEW ¥ +