; be nh . i i 43 teas i a } 4 RM ese RHE REC enue N Ys i ay ea ye he rapt , titi + } Wey ah t iy it. a ‘ } a ry 2 TORN thy 4 OT 3 23 rats : ne ake Seca ay Pinapaira sa! = : fare 3 Es =i) can dei iB See — As et . (es ath ae 5 em . < ns lapsl a va ¢ / ) 208 Four, aset of Landscapes enriched with Groups of various sorts of Birds, extra fine and scarce / f 209 Four, the set of Bears, very fine 726 210 Ten, the set of Monkeys, capital impressions ju? 211 Four, the Den of Lions, after Rubens, the Battles between a Tiger and a Buffalo, and the Leopard and the Ass, fine ik Q 212 Eight of Forest Scenery, with methods of catching Foxes, Stags, &c. very fine / f{@- 213 Eight, the set of Lions, capital / ror @14& Six, the set of Camels and Dromedaries, fine and scarce { Ad ~ 215 Five large pieces of Forest Scenery with Deer, Boars, &c. 4 A= 216 Twenty-three, a set of different Wild Animals, shewing their different Haunts, with impressions of their Feet be- neath the Landscape 4/2 - 217 Thirty pieces of Hunting Scenery, and the Methods of Catch- ing various sorts of Wild Animals, a capital set fils 218 Seven pieces of Wild Animals, with their Lurking Places, copied from Ridinger, by J.S. MuLLerR M. RODERMONT. 73 & 219 Portrait of Joannes Secundus, Jine and rare ROELANT ROGHMAN. 2 7. 220 Six, a set of Forest Scenery, fine and scarce fi 24 221 Fourteen, a set of oblong Landscapes or Views — in Holland, very fine GERTRUYDT ROGHMAN. . L 222 View of a Castle, entitled * T. Huys Te Zuylen,” very fine JOHN HENRY ROOS. 7 24> 223 Six, a set of groups of Cattle, entitled ‘* Beest Boekje 2de. deel, fine and scarce SIR PETER PAUL RUBENS. 4g 224 St. Catharine, at whole length foreshortened, extra fine and rare JACOB RUYSDALE. / 2 225 Three Landscapes, Woody Scenery, with Cottages, very fine 4 3 228 Two ditto, a group of Trees on a Bank, and the Corn Field, jine and rare End of the Twelfth Day’s Sale. THIRTEENTH DAY's SALE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1810. i é . : PAINTERS ETCHINGS. H ua HERMAN anv CORNELIUS SACHTLEVEN. : Lor5 ‘ 297 WO Landscapes, by Herman, and five of Animals, by /y me: : Cornelius, fine and scarce _ , 228 The Elephants and other Animals, within a Balustrade, in a = g~ : Garden, fine and rare ‘a JOHN SAVERY. : 229 Six, aset of Landscapes, Rural Scenery, fine and scarce fo? CORNELIUS SCHUT. 230 Four of his finest ard largest Etchings, representing the jo b Adoration of the Virgin, &c. and the Martyrdom of St. George, by Eynhoudts, after C. Schut ; H. W. SCHWEICKHARDT. 231 Eight, asetof Cattle, fine o ADRIAN STALBANT. e. 232 Two pieces, an Approaching Storm on the Sea Coast, and a ie View, with a-Cathedral or Abbey in Ruins, fine and very 4 3 rare IGNATIUS VANDER STOCK. : | 233 ‘Two Landscapes, Woody Scenery, jine and very rare £10 | THEODORE STOOP. | 234 The set of Horses, Nos. 7 and 8 wanting, very fine J 3 HERMAN SWANEVELT. 235 Ten Landscapes, various 236 Five of the larger set of Ruins, first state if 237 Twelve, the set of Landscapes, enriched with Passages from bs Scripture History, N. Visscher, exc. fine and rare a 238 The Holy Family in a Landscape, Joseph leading the Ass ¢ tt b towards the River, an unfinished proof, most rare Af JA bh 116 Painters Ercuines. [Thirteenth Day: MICH AEL SWEERTS. 239 His portrait by himself, represented Smad and twelve smaller pieces forming a set of portraits of his Family, entitled “ Diversa Facies in usum Juvenum et Aliorum Delineata per Michaelem Sweerts, Equit. Pict. etc. Bruvxella Anno. 1656,” fine and extra rare 7 DAVID TE NIERS. 240 The Interior of a Kitchen, presenting a group of Cooking Utensils, Vegetables and a Slaughtered Calf therein, two smaller pieces of Cottage Scenery, with Peasants playing at Nine Pins, &c. 241 The Pilgrims in five pieces, and a Duplicate of one of the pieces, unfinished, rare 242 Four portraits of Dutch Boors at, three quarter length with Pipes, &c. fine and extra rare 243 Two portraits of Ladies holding Flowers, one of them is Teniers’ Wife, and the Temptation of Saint Anthony, these three pieces are extra rare 244 A Man holding his Glass of Liquor and in amorous Conversation with his Girl, called Dutch Courtship, with an unfinished proof of the same, extra fine and rare LOUIS DE VADDER. 245 The large Landscape, with a Shower of Rain, and 2 smaller Landscapes, fine and rare LUCAS VAN UDEN. 246 A Landscape, with the Good Samaritan delivering the Wounded Man to the Care of his Hostess, after Titian, two smaller ditto and a View of a Convent 247 Three Landscapes, enriched with Peasants and Cattle, after Rubens, and two smaller ditto from his own celery fine and rare 248 Five small Landscapes, very fine 249 Six ditto of an equal size, extra fine ADRIAN VANDE VELDE. 250 Ten pieces, forming a set of Cattle, with the address of Justus Danckerts, fine and scarce 251 The three larger pieces of Cows Grazing, and 2 smaller pieces of Sheep, bredliant impressiens ESAIUS VANDE VELDE. 252 The Stranded Whale on the Coast of Holland, two impressions, with varwations of the address | Thirteenth Day.| Painters Ercuines. _ 117 JOHN VANDE VELDE. 253 Portraits of Petrus Goetthem—Johannes Guihelmi Bogaert— Johan Isaac Pontanus and Prince Charles of Silesia, very fine 254 Carolus Leonardi of Amsterdam—Johan Crucius of Haerlem— Tleeftal Vander Velde, and a Man with a long Beard, writ- ing, inscribed beneath, ** Myn Gewinis Tekruyst” 255 Peter Besivenue Michael Middlehove—William ‘Teelinck, : aproof, and one other, extra jine 256 Eight pieces, forming a set of Gentleman Promenading and t Conversing with their Ladies, in curious Habits or Dresses, Ee very fine and rare s 257 The History of Jonah in four pieces, after W. Buytenwech, 4 very fine 258 The History of Tobit in four pieces, after Moses Wtenbroeck, extra fine 259 The Good Samaritan, and the Nocturnal Dancers, after Molyn curious and rare 3 260 The Mountebank Chirurgeon, a avila! piece, after Buytenwech, = brilliant ; 4 261 A Party of four Persons, two of them Playing at ‘Tric Trac, extra fine 262 The Incantation, a curious piece, extra fine ; 263 The Village Festival, two impressions, with variations in the 5 address, one of them brilliant & 264 The Months of the Year, in twelve large Landscapes, enriched with figures occupied in the Sports and Pastimes of the Season, a capital set 265 The Seasons ot the Year, in four larger Landscapes, enriched with groups of Peasants regaling, extra, fine 266 The Pancake Woman, asmall Landscape, and the Landscape with Peasants driving a White Cow with other Cattle at dawn of day, brilliant impressions a. 207 ‘Three pieces, Morning, Noon and Night, the effect in them is very f ine 268 The Four Elements, cutious designs after Buytenwech, very jine 269 Twelve oblong Landscapes, very fine 270 Nine pieces, Views in Haerlem, together with the Peinting Houses of Laurence Coster, the Inventor of Printing, fine and rare A. H. VERBOOM. 3 271 Two Landscapes, the only etchings by his hand HENRY VERSCHURING. | 272 A Landscape, with a Man riding on his Horse, and a Woman | with her bat ant on an-Ags, called b by Bartsch the Travellers, Sine and very rare D 13 g {L 3 3h 1 Vig 14 LVO J sb “Co, Thre, Sia ee, A ee ne Pee ae el ee ee 8 ee ee, ee ee ~ Ne eres, * } ; “ pit ee ee 7 Bas Painters Ercuines. [Thirteenth Day SIMON DE VLIEGER. 273 Seven of Animals, uncommonly fine and extra rare 274 ‘he Fish Market on the Sea Coast, and a fine Landscape, with a large Ruinous Building opposite a River called we Ferry House, very fine 7 JONAS UMBACH. me te, 275 Seven pieces, Susanna and the Elders, and other compositions from Scripture History, jime and scarce LUCAS VOSTERMAN, Junr. 276 Six, a set of Battles, very spirticd CORNELIUS DE WAEL 277 The set of Seasons, in four pieces, . curious compositions, Sine and scarce ANTHONY WATERLOO. 278 A Landscape, representing a luxuriant cluster of Trees on the bank of a River, and a curious proof of the same, with a singular variation 279 Six Landscapes, different sizes, some very jime and scarce 280 A set of six Landscapes, fine impressions 281 Four ditto, fine and rare 282 Six, a set of Landscapes, upright form, with the Mill, very jine 283 Three ditto, with subjects from Ovid, extra fine 284 Five ditto, with subjects from Scripture, extra fine and rare FRANCIS EDMOND WEIROTTER.. 285 Twelve Landscapes, Views on the Banks of Rivers 286 Seventeen smaller ditto ‘MOSES WTENBROECK. 287 History of ‘Tobit, six pieces and 6 other landscapes, &c. en- riched with subjects from Ovid THOMAS WYCK. 288 Sixteen different pieces of Landscapes, with other composi- tions of Peasants regaling, &c. extra jine and rare FRANCIS WYNGAERDE. 289 A Drunken Satyr: asleep with four other Bacchanalians, the — subject is enriched with a grand display of Cups, Glasses, Salvers, Ewers, ‘&e. Rubens, pinxit, very fine wo i Me : Pee _ ; o£ c = * is) b a > 4 7 — ee er : ZO ee > er eg S ae ae eee 7 ans Ne eB i a a Re ee ee ee en Pee ee ee a4 ca eee, eee - Pree pe t of ioe {Thirteenth Day. Painters Ercnines. 119 290 A party of Soldiers or Banditti carousing with their Girls, after _ 7. Rubens, and the Temptation of St. Anthony, after Teniers, SD fine and scarce - | REINIER ZEEMAN. ; 291 Eight, a set of charming views towards the Sea, enriched with /g@ (4 a variety of Vessels 292 Eight Views at Sea and on the Coast, fine / 293 Six, a set of Views of the Ports of Amsterdam STS ' a a lac So ee a », J. ZIARNKO. ; 294 A most curious print, representing a Magnificent Carousal and 4 a most singular procession, with Fire Works, &c. at Paris, on / the 5th Day of April, 1612, with the description thereof, most rare and extra fine , | % ‘i aed Beautiful Imitations of Drawings, by CORNELIUS PLOOS VAN AMSTEL. $95 His portrait—a Madona within a circle of Roses, after Bloe- mart—Boors tippling, after Brauwer—a View at Sea, Back- / 1" huysen—a charming Landscape, enriched with Peasants and 7 Cattle, Berghem, and a View on a River in Holland, after P. Coops _ 296 Bust of Van Goyen, after Vandyck—a Lady fingering a Harp- sichord—Gerard Douw—a Dutch Boor with a Gong or other / b instrument, after Dusart-portrait of Flinck the Painter and _a portrait of a Lady, after Goltzius, very beautiful 2$7 A Lady and Gentleman playing on Guitars, in Concert, after K. Van Mander—Interior of a Dutchman’s Cottage—Ostade / SP and two pieces of Village Fairs or Markets, after Van 4 Goyen 298 Strolling Musicians, amusing a Dutch Family at the Door of 2 3 their Cottage, after Ostade, most capital | 299 Portrait of Ploos Van Amstel, with symbols of the fine Arts attached thereto —a Youth, front view, leaning on the Hatch- 7 47 way of a Cottage, after Rembrandt and a portrait of a Gen- tleman, after Visscher i 300 A rich Landscape with Peasant and Cattle, after A. Vande | Velde—a Man with his Horse laden and other fizures, / /4 : , after Wouvermans, very beautiful The whole of these pieces are very rare, being from private plates, and given only by Ploos to his friends | C. BROUWER. $00*Six fine Landscapes, after Vander Ulft—Both—C, 5S. Roos— / Fh Kann A. Vande Velde—Ruysdael and Pynaker 120 WENCESLAUS Honvar. _ [Thirteenth Day. sana Leaearhar~ce camer crane eS ‘ WENCESLAUS HOLLAR, forn at Prague in Bohemia in the year 1607. In bis youth he felt an attachment towards the study of the art of Drawing; accordingly, in the year 1623, he was placed under Matthew Merian, a celebrated Draughtsman and Engraver of Views, under whom he learnt the rudiments of his art. oa His earliest essays of etching appeared in 1625, but he did not generally practice in this branch till a much later period, his study and application being more confined towards his improvement and _ ready acquirement in taking views with a pen, which eventually he performed with uncommon neatness and accuracy. He pursued this avocation for a few years, by travelling through different parts of Germany, and at the same time recording, by his art, every object of particular note. In the year 1635, the Earl of Arundel being then on an Embassy at Prague, accidently saw Hollar taking a view of the city—TJhe Earl instantly discovered the talent and merit of the artist, whom he immediately patronized, and placed in his retinue.” ‘This fortunate occurrence was the foundation of those numerous memorials of the existing antiquities of our own country being transmitted down to us. : Mr. Grainger says, that he has perpetuated the resemblance of a thousand curiosities of art and nature, which greatly merit our attention. We, in his works, seem to see buildings rising from their ruins, and many things now ina state of decay or dissolution, appear- ing in all their original beauty. He has enriched the “ Monasticon” with a variety of elegant engravings of our ancient Cathedrals and ruins of Abbies. We have the inside and outside of the old church of St. Paul by his hand—we seen) to walk in that venerable structure ; and with a pleasing melaucholy survey its tombs, and dweil on their inscriptions, and are led to the thoughts of our own mortality. Portraits and Views constitute a very great part of his productions, the former are admirably performed, with much truth and ferce of effect; but of the latter it may be said, that he possessed a genius talent peculiar to himself, in etching them with clearness andprecision, at the same time introducing a chearful and characteristic appearance of nature—his representations of muffs and other articles; also dif- ferent objects of the animal creation, claim our admiration and high commendation. ’ His smaller subjects from scripture history, also sports, pastimes, or rural recreations are equally well executed. ‘The whole of his productions altogether form a most amusing and instructive collec- tion, in about 2500 pieces—Yet with all his. talent and extraordinary application, together with the multiplicity and uncommon variety of . his productions, and the peculiar merit that is discernable in them, he obtained nothing more, as a compensation, than a scanty and mean subsistence. - He was unfortunate in losing the protection of the Earl soon after he entered his service, owing to the troubles prevailing in this country; and again on the restoration of Charles the Second, gay dissipation overwhelmed whatever was produced in aid of moral instruction; his merit, ingenuity and industry claimed but little attention from the public eye, and it is of happy importance that. he was not immersed in the current, He held no fancy to represent the licentious follies of the age, or of employing his talents to acquiesce in representing the depravities of human nature; we discover nothing of this kind among his productions. He devoted his talents in aid of illustration, to the great gratification of our present age, and to that of future generations ; the more his works are known, the more they = Thirteenth Day.| Wencestaus Horrar. os will be appreciated. His conscientious method of working for his praployers is too well known to require a repetition. : ‘o enter so much into detail may be considered a digression, as Vertue has given an ample account of him in the catalogue, which he drew up from a collection of his works, in the possession of the late Duchess of Portland, which now forms a part of the rich collection of — Lord Stamford. Although Vertue has obliged us by his catalogue of the works of this artist, yet he was not happy in the digest of the different classes which he has formed of the collection; or otherwise it was ill arranged when he drew up the catalogue—for he has not conformed to that degree of order, to make it at once useful and ready; for the articles which should stand at the head of their respective classes, are more generally at the latter end, or diffused in the center, and sometimes in a class they should not occupy, which often occasions a tedious and troublesome search for a print. To obviate this, | have digested the present collection upon a different system, with a view to afford a facility of arrangement and better order, thereby leaving to the collector to adopt the method he eee most judicious, or the more agreeable to his own ancy. . SUBJECTS FROM SCRIPPURAL AND RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 801 Six pieces, the Days of the Creation 302 The Days of the Creation, and 36 compositions from the Book of Genesis, in three pieces These impressions being previous to the separation of the plates, and in this state are very rare 303 Sixteen passages from the Book of Genesis in eight plates, not in catalogue 304 The Tower of Babylon, with the ground plot of the City of Babylon, and the ground plot of the City of Ninevah be- neath it, in one plate, the top part is not described by Ver- tue, rare—a bird’s eye, ground plot view of Old Jerusalem, very fine 305 A large view of Old Jerusalem, ontwo sheets, a grand pro- duction, remarkably f ine and rare 306 Views of Part of Solomon’s Temple, with ground plans of ditto 10- V2 1 —three different views of ditto in one plate—the Jewish Sa- 7 /4~ crifice in the Temple of Solomon—the Furniture of Solo- mon’s Temple, the whole of them extra fine 307 Solomon vitited by the Queen of Sheba, Holbein pinx.— Queen Esther conducted by Female Attendants before Ahasueris, Paul Verones pinx. 308 Eight small pieces on a leaf—Juda and Thama—David Playing on the Harp before Saul—David Slaying Goliah—David de- livering a Letter to Uriah, these four are after Holbein—the Madona and Infant ina small circle—the Crucifixion—St. Christopher'and St. George, the three last after Durer, the whole of them fine and scarce ‘72 1 b VaRe Wenceszaus Hoar. [Thirteenth Day. JE id $09 The Nativity of Christ, with the Approach of the Wise Men, J l¢ /f a winter scene, the eround covered with snow, A. Brauwer pinxt.—a Holy Family, after Perin del Vago—Saint John Ei on a Rock—the Virgin appearing to Saint Norbet, all ne 310 Christ holding the Orb, after L. da Vinci—Christ Tempted by the Devil, Elsheimer pinx.—Tobit guided by the Angel, dit pinx. —Saint Catherine, after Raphael—the Magdalen, small oval, after Holbein, all extra fine 311 The large print of Mary Magdalen at Devotion, near a rock j in a rich landscape, Cherubs above supporting a cross, Van Avont pinx. very fine 312 The Virgin with the Infant Jesus, with a view of Cambray inthe back ground—the Image of the Virgin, or the Lady of Loretto, ‘yO impressions—the same subject, smaller size, extra fine and rare 313 A set in sixteen pieces, designed to satirize the religious of the church of Rome, Holbein pinx. a capital set , 314 The Dance of Death, in thirty pieces, with an additional piece, and the same subject from Dugdale, in one piece, a proof, all after Holbein 315 The same set with the borders remarkably fi ay and the addi- tional piece as before described 316 Saint Bruno, a Fountain spouting from his TombasBaine Bath- ilda conversing with three Kings—Saint Erpho, two impres- sions with variations—Saint Lawrence and Saint John, after Elsheimer 317 Saint Francis ina Cavern, after Brauwer, the same composition smaller size, extra fine FRONTISPIECES, TAILPIECES, AND LETTERS. 318 Five to the Polyglott Bible and other religious books 319 ‘Pwo to Dugdale’s Monasticon, and four others, No. 137, 136, 143 and 191, in class one of Vertue’ s catalogue 320 Nine various frontispieces, same class, No. 3, 15, 24, 50, 52; and four not in Vertue’s catalogue 321 Nine ditto, same class, No. 12, 22, 23, 18, 46, 54, 55, 87, anid one not in catalogue $22 Six capital letters with historic designs, and eleven slips of head and tailpieces | EMBLEMS AND FABLES. $23 A set of Emblems in eleven pieces, with the title, “ Emble- mata Nova, &c.” first state before the alterations — 324 Six of Emblems, Life’s Lease—Heaven’s Happiness—Death’s Doom—Hell’s Horror—Right Purgatory, and Death’s Arrest, 3 Thirteenth Day.} Wencrstavs Hourar. | 123 not in catalogue—the Cameleon—the Horse and the Lion— the Satyr and Traveller—the Amphisbena, with the Pyri- mids in view, an emblem of Civil Discord, and the Angel leading a Youth 325 Ten pieces after Elsheimer—Pallas with the Arts about her— Juno on her Throne—Venus and Cupids, in a landscape— the Daughters of Aglaura returning from the Fields—Latona —Satyr and Traveller—Nymphs and Satyr in a landscape— S10 a similar subject—the Metamorphosis of Stellio, by Ceres, | and Goats on a Bridge, being an emblem of Humility, after. Flogel, all extra fine 326 Eleven pieces after Van Avont, of the Infant Christ and Saint tg John, and other compositions of groups of Cherubs, remark- ably fine 327 Fifteen pieces after ditto, of Juvenile Bacchanalian Sports and » /4- Pastimes, with two portraits of Van Avont = 328 Four pieces after ditto, forming the set of Elements, extra fine /g $29 Ten pieces from the story of the Ephesian Matron, the smadl b set not in catalogue, very fine 330 The fable of the Man and his Ass, four pieces, and a setof £ ¢ AR SEPT LAS copies 331 Bus Esop’s Fables, from Ogilby’s edition, very fi ine Sig $32 Seventeen ditto of a larger size fob 333 Forty-five from Ogilvie’s Virgil Lit $34 Sixteen to Stapylton’s Juvenal Fi ys $35 Four from Ogilvie’s Homer, very fine, and the Statue of Homer 0 6 336 Two of Nymphs of the Chace, within landscapes, after Van Avont, the figures engraved by Pontius—the infant Hercules G b asleep near the trunk of a tree, after Parmegiano, and a Roman Sacrifice, after A. Mantegna $37 Six pieces, forming a set from the designs of Julio Romano, representing the Infants Romulus and Remus suckling a /% Wolf, Cupid on a Panther, &c. ‘usually called the Sphinxes 838 Seleucus Inflicting the Punishment of his Law against Adultery on his Son—Julio Romano pinxit—Roman Soldiers Assault- ys ing a Citadel, and two pieces of Roman Soidiers with Military erent Sine -MEDALS, ARMS, ENSIGNS, &c. 339 Eight sheets, containing fourteen prints from Ashmole’s Order of the Garter, comprising the Medals, the Ancient and Present Habits, Ensigns and Badges of the Order of the Garter, and Passion of Jesus Christ—the Red Book—the Si embroidered Purse for the Great Seal and the Wooden Chair in St. George’s Hall, fine $40 Five leaves, containing 475 Coats of Arms of the Knights of the Garter—the Royal Arms and another Coat of Arms— 3 Supporters two Armed Men, Motto ‘* Arma Pacis Fulcra” —, oe ~ Wencestaus Houar. [Thirteenth Day. NATIONAL EVENTS. 341 William the Conquerer constituting Robert Marmion Governor of Tamworth Castle—Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester, holding his Parliament—Maximihan, King of the Romans, seated at dinner on the Day of his Investiture, and a similar print of Ferdinand, Prince of Spain at dinner, and an emble- matical view of the Civil Wars in England 342 The Trial of Thomas Earl of Strafford, in the House of Lords, and the view of his Execution on Tower Hill, fine and rare . | 343 The Cavalcades of Charles II. to his Coronation, on fou sheets | ? $44 The Proclamation of Peace, between Spain and the States Ge- neral, in Front of the Stadthouse at Antwerp, two impres- sions, with variations, fine 345 The Funeral Procession of John Baptist de Tassis Count de la Tour, to the Cathedral Church of Cologne, and the Gossip- pers and Slanderers, representing a variety of Women in groups, within a Street or Market-place, differently occupied, | some of them Fighting, others within a Chapel, the Devil blowing of Bellows within the ear of one of them whois - tattling Mischief to another—other Parties within Rooms, naked, conversing on Lewdness and Feasting, &c. curious and rare, not in Catalogue INTERIOR SCENES, CONVERSATION PARTIES, &c. 72 6346 Three pieces of uniform size of Parties Drinking, Smoaking and playing on Musical Instruments, and the Academy of _ Love, being a numerous Assembly of Gentlemen and Ladies within a Room, Cupid in the centre, presenting a Lady to a Gentleman, fine and rare End of the Thirteenth Day’s Sale. FOURTEENTH DAY s SALE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1810. PORTRAITS. LOT Af 347 ENCESLAUS HOLLAR holding an etched plate, with his tools before him, a brilliant proof, very rare in this state 348 Ditto, within an ornamented oval, his Arms beneath, beautiful proof, extra rare : 349 The same print, with his name, extra fine—ditto a small bust— ditto something larger, smiling countenance—a small circle of him by Vertue and his Monument PORTRAITS OF MONARCHS, PRINCES AND OTHERS OF BLOOD ROYAL, OF DIFFERENT EMPIRES. 350 The Emperor of China in his Chair of State, surrounded by his Guards—The Supreme Monarch of the China Tartarian Empire—P. Adam Schaliger, a German Mandarin of the first Order—an American Chief of Virginia—Rene de ~Calon, Prince D’Orange, small circle, after Holbein, two impressions, one a proof, and a small print of a Nabob or East Indian Prince N.B. The two last prints, are doubtful if by the hand of Hoilar 351 Philip IV. King of Spain—Ann Maria of Austria his Queen— Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria on his Throne, attended by his Guards, &c. being the frontispiece to Carleton’s Philoso-« phia, &c. | 352 Richard Il. King of England, in his youth, at his Devotion, near him are his three Patron Saints, John the Baptist, King Edmund and Edward the Confessor; and the companion print, representing the Virgin, surrounded by a group of Angels, rare 353 Henry VIII. Anglia Rex—Anna Bullen, Henrici VII. Uxor— Johanna Seymour, Regina Henrici VIIT.—Mary, Daughter of Henry VIII.—another of a Lady without her name, front view, in a similar dress and nearly resembling the Princess NB. These five prints are circles of one size, after Hol- bein, fine and scarce | bee | fo— Ge de NS Lif9 Lue fart me Ag 3 tb a Ge ay Oa ae a ae os ee '® re poe 4 Fe . 126 Wencxstaus Hoxar. [Fourteenth Day. $54 Queen Anna Bolen, whole length, in the Character of Faith, carrying a Chalice, after Holbein, fine and rare 355 Anneof Cleves, fourth Wifeof Henry VILL. brilliant and rare 356 Edwardus VI. holding a Rattle, scarce . 357 Mary Queen of Scots in small, extra fine and rarey and a re- verse of the same 358 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. unfinished at bottom, Vandyke pinx. ditto from the set of Circles, and ditto, whole length from the set of Dresses 359 Prince Charles in an oval, ditto as Charles II. S8vo, both ettra fine 360 Charles II. three-quarter length, with a View of Whitehall, ‘Vandyke pinxit, brilliant | 361 Ditto at whole length, a curious proof, previous to the intro- duction of the head; View of a Park in the back ground with the Chase of a Stag, very fine and extra rare 362 Frederic Henry, Prince of Orange in Armour, whole length, Mary de Medicis, her portrait held by Fame who is tramp- ling on Time and Death 363 William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, in Hat and Feather, small oval, extra fine and rare, and Prince Rupert, small oval 364 Prince Rupert in Armour, the larger plate, an oval, and Charles Lewis, Count Palatine, fo. PERSONS OF RANK anp TITLE. 865 Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel in Armour, Alathea Talbot, Countess of Arundel, anda smaller print from the same picture, not in catalogue | 366 The Apotheosis of the Earl of Arundel, uncommonly brilliant _ $67 Hon. Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, &c. and his Effigies from his Monument, extra fine 368 Sir John Clench, Sir Randolph Crew, Sir Robert Heath, Judges in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. extra fine 369 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, in Armour on Horseback, a capital impression, but cropt at top, extra rare — $70 Lord Denny, Sir Henry Guldeforde and Lady Guldeford, in uniform circles, after Holbien, extra fine 371 Sir Thomas Fairfax, General, in Armour, brilliant 372 James Harrington Esq. after Lely, very rare 378 Lady Elizabeth Harvey, after Vandyck, fzne and scarce 374 Henry Howard, Earl of Surry, extra fine and very rare 375 The same print, a proof previous to the introduction of the or- namental Flowers on his Robe, most rare and extra fine 376 Catharine Howard, Grandchild to Thomas Earl of Arundel, in an oval, 8vo. brilliant proof, eatra rare a ee ee oe ete ee PET et ee ee Fran a ay e. : BOE MESH oe a ae <6 Ri a i Genre ae Ie ee ee ee To fe en eee Sos eee Fe ee a ‘ ban a ae Ot Oy 7 “4 ” a . y > » ‘ Fourteenth Day.| Wencestavs Hourar. 197 377 A bust of the same Lady, dated 1648, a ditto profile view, same date, a ditto looking to the left, not in catalogue, dated 1650, rare, and a ditto three-quarter length, gathering a Be Sprig of Myrtle, growing in a rich Vase, usually called Lady Gerrard, dated 1652 . . $78 Lady Elizabeth Howard, Hollar delineat. et fecit, 1648, a young Lady with her Hands in a Muff, apparently one of « — the Howard Family, and a small bust of the Duchess of / Lenox and Richmond : 379 Another bust, apparently of Catharine Howard in a laced. Hood, dated 1648, another bust of a Lady, same date, / 12, Countess of Kent, smadl oval, exquisitely fine and very rare 380 Elizabeth Villiers, Duchess of Lenox, with Roses in her Hand, sy — and Lady Maltravers, small oval, fine and rare 381 Sir Samuel Morland, an oval, not in Vertue’s Catalogue, fine y ye and rare | yes _ 882 Sir Philip Herbert, Ear] of Pembroke, previous to the address ISr of Peter Stent, brilliant and rare A 383 Hieronymus Weston, Earl of Portland, and Mary, Stuart, sg- Countess of Portland, very fine | 384 Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earlof Strafford, three-quarter length » 3 in Armour, extra fine and rare $85 The same person, a distinct print from the last, but exaly corresponding with it, and a reverse of the same, very fine Y 386 Dorothy, Countess of Suffolk, with a white Feather in her Hair, oval, fine and very rare he 387 Penelope, Countess of Wilton, oval, fine and rare, and the same person from the set of circles 44 388 Four prints of one size, said to be Charles Brandon, Duke of yy, M4 Suffolk, the Earl of Surry, Lady Butts, &c. all after Hol- . bien SMALL OVALS OF UNIFORM SIZE OF PERSONS OF RANK anv TITLE. 389 Oliver St. John, Earl of Bolingbroke, Lionel Cranfield, Earl of 22 Middlesex, fine, Edward Lord Herbert, ditto, Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon, ditto 390 Edward Lord Montague, Mildmay Fane, Earlof Westmor- 76 & _, land, very fine, and Philip Lord Wharton 391 Sir George Crooke, Sir Richard Hatton, and Sir Robert Bark- » sy G ley. $92 fone Lord Finch, and William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 9 sg — very fine and rare 93 James Stuart, Duke of Lenox, James Marquis of Hamilton, Kis and William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle, fine and scarce 394 John Pawlett, Marquis of Winchester, Wilham Seymoar, , s/ —— Marquis of Hertford, extra fine and rare 108 5 Joi 9s Aint Se 4 16 397 BS bd 398 Le $99 2 126 400 3 /U)— 401 9 402 Wencestaus Hotrar. [Fourteenth Day. Thomas, Earl of Arundel, and Henry, Baron Mowbray, Son of the Earl, extra fine : Basil Fielding, Earl of Denbigh, William Cecil, Earl of Salis- bury, and William Fines, Viscount Sey and Seale, the whole of them uncommonly fine and rare eal Francis, Lord Cottington, and Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieut. of Ireland Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, Edward Sackville, Earl of Dorset, and Mountjoy Blunt, Earl of Newport, a// of them most brilliant and rare Three ditto on a leaf, of Martin Tromp, Admiral of Hol- | land, Cornelius de Witt, Vice Admiral of Holland, and Henry Gray, Earl of Standford, Lord of Groby, Bonville, and Harrington, extra rare and remarkably fine Sir Benjamin Rudyerd—Sir Edward Dering and Sir Wil- liam Waller, fine John Pym, Esqr. and Robert, Earl of Essex, dated 1648, not in catalogue, apparently by another hand, very rare and of uncommon brilliancy CLERGY. Richard Bernard—John Diodatim-Richard Hooker. and Wm. Oughtred Yay | 403 William Fenner, Rector of Rochford, folio—ditto Svo. not in 7) 4.04 5 & 405 catalogue, ditto 12mo. front view, not tn catalogue, two ampressions with some variations, all fine and rare Arthur Lake and Nicholas Lockyer, in an oval 4to. and a ditto, small oval, not good | John Hewit, with his hands uplifted, as preaching, four Latin verses beneath, ‘* Hos oculos hee ora pias Referebat Heuet- tus,” &c. wethout the name of Hollar, but apparently by him, not in catalogue / ve 406 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury and Martin Luther, / 407 is 4.08 y LZ *09 both very fine and scarce | Francis de Neville, most brilliant and rare John Rogers, equally fine and rare Robert Sanderson—John Spottiswoode, Archbishop of St. An- drews and Richard Sibbs, Master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, not in catalogue, dated 1655, N.B. It has not Hollar’s name to it, but it appears to be by his hand J2¢é 410 Peter Smart and Ralph Venning, dated 1674, both of them extra fine /(, #11 John Malderus, Bishop of Antwerp—Augustin Wichman, Canon of the Abbey of Tungerloo, folio, not in Vertue’s catalogue—the same person, in an oval 12mo.—John de Gavarelle laying in his coffin and the Punishment inflicted on raise Nailor, 1656, without Hollur’s name, not in cata- ogue 412 Five, a set on one leaf—Dr. Bastwick—Mr. Henry Burton— Dr. Leighton—Mr. John Lilburn and Mr. William Prynne, EAs tae with an account of the punishments of each beneath the ii print, of remarkable brilliancy and extra rare in this state ; ARTISTS. ; 413 Albert Durer, Senr. a goldsmith and Albert Durer, Junr. ; painter and engraver 414 Sir Anthony Vandyck, pointing toa Sun Flower, extra fine 7 415 Anna Francisca De Bruyns, Paintress—Jacob Franquart, her _ tutor and Painter tothe Archduke Albert, two impressions, 77 with and without letter press at the back, remarkably fine : 416 Marc Gerrard, Painter to Queen Elizabeth, most brilliant / 1 ie 4 417 Hans Holbein, Painter to Henry VIII. and Inigo Jones, Archi- . . . . tect to Charles I. first impression, before the plate was re- 4 — touched : = 418 Mr. Morett, Jeweller to Henry VIII. and Sir Peter Paul Ru- , | ‘bens, Painter | 419 Ignatius Stock, painter and a beautiful proof of the same Thil- 420 Raphael D. Urbino, painter—Lucas and Cornelius de Wael, painters and etchers, in one print, and Francis Wyngaerde, ‘4G painter and engraver 421 Hans Von Zurch, goldsmith to Henry VIII. extra fine 422. eons portraits of painters of uniform size, namely, John | an Balen—Stefano Della Bella—Henry Vander Borcht the elder—Henry Vander Borcht the younger—Adam Elsheimer , —Jacob Van Es—Bonaventura Peeters and Adrian Van Ven- * 3 ne, two impressions of the last, with considerable variations, ‘ the whole set 1s uncommonly f ine 423 Hight portraits of Italian Artists and Men of Letters, nearly of uniform size, Bonamico Buffalmace, painter in Venice— the same print with the name of Todescho de Casa Fuchera— Z Bindo Altovitii—the same with the name of Giov. DellaCasa 77 —Daniel Barbaro—Arcolano Armafodrito fatto de Coregio, &¢.—Catarina Cornaro, Vittorio Colonna, fatto de Sebasti- ano del Piombo PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERS, AUTHORS, &c. 424 Elias Allen, Mathematician, fine and rare PSC 425 Peter Aretino, a Poet, front view—ditto, a profile, larger than the last—William Burton, Author of the Itinerary, and 1b b William Dugdale, Antiquarian, ali fine 426 Mr. Edward Calver of Wilbie in Suffoik, fine and rare at 2, 427 Dr. John Chambers, Physician to Henry VIII. fine and rare 2 /G 428 Mr. Henry Colthurst, a youth ina military dress“ and breast “Tt $2 plate, near him is his helmet, brilliant and very rare 2 df J 18 6 gf i” —- aie AD 4 | byl 314) 130 | WENCESLAUS Houta __ [igyateonti Day. 429 nae Henry Geapahal s—a Bust in a Be cima by. a crane, and another of the same penton, L. Gowydelin Lon-. dini, both of them very fine sy 430 Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury first state, previous to the in- troduction of his Age and Death, remarkably fine and rare 431 Franciscus Junius, etatis, 49 432 Casper Kinschotius—ditto a different print and a Landscape beneath with the Sun rising, both fine 433 Margaret Lemon, Mistress to Sir Anthony, Vandyhies! extra fine 434 Blaise de Manfre, the Water Spouter, fine and rare 435 Mr. Nathaniel Nye, a Mathematician, brilliant and rare 436 Mr. John Price, reading a Book, his Hat on his knee pis fine and rare 437 The same person, a different print, inscribed Joannes ee Anglo Britannus, Joannes de Reede, Embassador i in England, both very fine and rare ; 438 Five portraits of the Family of Roelans, of uniform size 439 Jacobus Stanier, Merchant of London, witi a view of the Sea Coast and a Castle, apparently Lansdown Castle, extend- ing towards Dover and another portrait of a Merchant with the same view introduced from a different point of sight, both fine and rare : 440 John Tradescant, Sent. and John Tradescant, Junr. both re- markably f ine 441 Major Wildman, within an onal of Palms, the blank margin ! trimmed off all reund, otherwise fine and rare End of the Fourteenth Day’s Sale. | FIFTEENTH DAY's SALE, _——s SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1810. _ ~+~+PERSONS HABITED TO REPRESENT DEGREES OF ‘ RANK, RELIGIOUS ORDERS, AND THE DRESSES OF . DIFFERENT NATIONS; ALSO BUSTS, OR ANONYMOUS PORTRAITS. LOT 442 N INE prints of English Nobility in their Robes of State, 4- 1 from a Prince to a Judge 443 Twelve of Monks, Friars, and other Religious Orders from L£ Dugdale’s Monasticon, fine 444 Four of Ladies within o€tagon borders, one of them is Hen- + rietta Maria, extra fine 445 Four of Ladies in the dresses of the Four Seasons, fine, 4to 73S 446 Four, another set in folio, different designs, tmpressions pre- P37 ae . vious to the plate being numbered, extra fine 447 Four, another set at whole length, with Views of the Park, , ,- &c. in the back ground, very fine and scarce | 448 Thirty-eight of Ladies in English and Dutch habits, and two ! proofs, forming 40 pieces in circles of uniform size and of 9 3 — fine quality throughout | 7 449 ‘Two leaves containing twenty busts of Women with the title in Dutch, chiefly Hollar’s Wife, a small bust of Hollar, alar- 7 y _— ger View of Hollar’s Wife, and five small heads of Women in one plate, fine and rare 450 One hundred pieces in small, representing Ladies at full length 272 Zz in the Habits of different Nations, chotce impressions ; 451 Another set, chiefly of Ladies in English Habits, after Van- y yy _ dyke, twenty-seven pieces with the title 452 A Lady at full length, entitled the Winter Habit of an English ps Loe Gentlewoman, fine and rare 453 A Gentleman in full dress in the attitude of Bowing, and the yi German Buffoon, scarce 454 A Lady holding a Sprig of Flowers, a ditto with long flowing | | Hair in the attitude of Devotion, A. Durer pinxit, 1497, vf 5 | and two ditto after Martin Schoen, apparently the same per- | -sons, and whom I conceive to be the Sisters of Durer : 455 Three small busts of young Negroes, very fine and rare 13 456 Two ditto, Male and Female, folio size, very rare SO) ‘ 132 } ~Wenceszaus Hotrar. [Fourteenth Day. I/ 457 Bust of a Man ina Clerical Habit, ditto of a younger Man, M. Zimmerman invt. ditto of a Swiss Magistrate in his Robes of State, gold Chain, &c. after Holbien, bust of a Turk, ditto of a Man with black bushy Hair, surmounted Po by a small white Hat, the whole of them extra fine . JO L 458 Front View of a Man ina Rich Habit within a circle, bust of | a Man in a Senatorial Dress, ditto of a Young Man in a Slashed Cap, ditto of a Woman in a Fur Cap, ditto of a Woman at half length, all after Holbien, fine J0 59 Six busts of Warriors in rich wrought helmets, after Parme- giano, and a copy of one of the same by F. Place, fine and scarce 460 Bust of a Woman, after L. da Credi, ditto in a flowered habit, q after Giorgeone, ditto, the same person, reverse view, a different plate from the last, a young Woman with a singular Head-dress, a ditto,her Head adorned with Flowers and Pearls, after Parmegiano, a ditto of a Youth, thick waving Hair, after ditto, all fine / £61 Three of Ladies, their Hair curiously wrought, after Monsignor, a young Woman in an ornamented Habit, after Padoana, a ditto in a Cap and Feather, ermined Robe, after Parmegiano, a young Man in an ancient Bonnet, a young Woman, her Hair folded up in a kind of loose Turban, the two last after L. da Vinci, fzne and scarce Sd 462 Bust of a Youth, G. Sadeler. delineat. a young Man courting an ugly old Woman, who is presenting Money to him, after L. da Vinci, the King and Queen of ‘Tunis, in one plate, an old Man ogling a young Woman, after Hulsman, and Bust of a young Woman from the antique STUDIES OF THE HUMAN FIGURE anp CARICATURES IN BUSTO. i 463 Eighteen, chiefly of Old Men, after Leonardi da Vinci 464 Seventeen of caricatures, some in groups, after Leonardi da Vinci, some very scarce 465 Eight ditto, two figures in each 466 Ten ditto, after L. da Vinci, three Studies of the Trunk of a Human Figure and a Scull A SA Wass SWORD HILTS, MUFFS, CUPS, &c. ow 467 Four elaborate and rich designs of Sword-hilts, Scabbards, Ke. by Holbein, for Prince Edward, extra fine and scarce 5 s& b 468 Eleven ditto of Vases, Cups, Loos, &c. from the designs of Holbein, remarkably choice 2 sf —469 The large Eucharist Cup, from the design of Andrea Mantegna, extra fine, and a capital copy of the same Wencestaus Hontarn, 123 470 Six of the Muffs, very fine , ASG — 471 Four, the set of Hunting Implements or Trophies, very fine = yo Fifteenth Day’) ANIMALS, BIRDS, SHELLS, INSECTS, &c. 472 Five of groups of Dead Game, Dogs, &c. fine 126 473 The suspended Hare, after P. Boel, most brilliant LAG o> 474 Eleven of Animals, after Barlow, with the title and three reverse 9 7, _ copies, adl extra fine 475 Twelve, forming a set of Animals, Flowers, Fruit; &cs four of them only by Hollar, one by Dunstall, the others by Log- 3 4 gan and Williamson, impressioms previous to the Latin : ; names being introduced, most brilliant ) : 476 A Boar, after Cranach and two of Lions, after Albert Durer, 7 1s | _ extra fine i. , : i 477 Two of Stags, after ditto—an Ass, after Bassan—-a Shock Dog, fo b | after Matham—a Mole, and two of Birds, extru fine 478 Eighteen, a set of groups of different Birds, after Barlow, most 3/2 brilliant 479 Thirty of the Shells,. most brilliant and extra rare SS fSE 480 Thirteen, the set of Insects and Moths, extra fine Efi RURAL SPORTS ann LANDSCAPES 431-Twelve, a set of Landscapes to represent the Months of the Year, after Vande Velde, fine und rare Zia 482 Four, the set of Seasons, with Peasants Tippling, Fighting, 7 /g — &c. after ditto, ditto 483 Four, the oblong set of Seasons, views in Strasburg, with q numerous figures practising the usual Recreations, fine and 7 76 - searce 484 Six beautiful Landscapes, after Van Artois, remarkable fine 3 3 485 Six ditto, after ditto and Breughel 2 q 486 ‘I'wo ditto larger, with numerous figures and views of Canals, one i” receding to.a great distance, fzne and scarce, after Breughel 487 ‘Two ditto and one after Paul Brill, very fine 488 ‘Two, the Villagers Wedding Festival, and a Party of Boors =, Fighting, both after Breughel, fue if 489 ‘Two Landscapes, Rocky Scenes, after Elsheimer, one a cir- cle, the other large oblong, and the Villagers Dancing, in a Sd Landscape, after Teniers, all fine 490 Thirteen, with Ruins, after Sebastian Vranx, very fine fai MARINE VIEWS. 491 Twelve, the set of Ships, brilliant, three other different Views arg of Ships of War at Sea, extra fine and rare 492 Four, the oblong set of Storms at Sea, remarkably fine SS F 10 2 ae: 134 ‘Wencestaus Horuar. — [Fifteenth Day - FOREIGN VES 493 Nine oblong views on the Rhine, me Vessels Sailing, &c. 494 Fifteen small views of Strasburg, Augsburg, Nuremberg, &c. 495 View of the Spaw Well at Savonere, and eight small Views on the Rhine and Danube 496 Twelve, a set of views near Prague, Bonn, Mentz, Wurtzburg, &c. fine 497 Two views of Dordrecht, and on the Maese, after Peeteths and six small views near Pichnas 498 A view of the Stadthouse at Amsterdam, with a enularade of | People, differently habited, but represented as Frogs, listen- ing to one ina Pulpit, who is Preaching—The Arms of Am-~- sterdam—the Orange Tree, supported by the English and Belgic Lions, and a ‘Triumphal Arch, adorned with Flags, &c. in Honor of Leopold, Archduke of Austria 499 The Cathedral Church at Antwerp, first state, with the single line of inscription, extra fine and rare 500 Ditto, with the additional inscription, and the. retouched impres- sion, with the inscription cut off 601 Two pieces, representing the Cenotaph of Prince Charles, in the Cathedral Church of Antwerp 502 Views of Altorff—Assisi—Bacharach and Bing, the two Tast on - one sheet 603 Ditto of Coburg, a long slip—the large and smaller Grae Plot Views of the City of Cologne, and a smaller perspective . View of Ditto 504 The large birds-eye view of Florence, on two sheets, with the additional views on the sides of some of the principal Streets, therein representing the Sports and Recreations of the Inha- bitants, rare 505 The large view of Gratz, in the Dutchy of Stiria, on two sheets, extra fine and rare 506 Two views of Hatwan, a Town in Hungary, on one sheet, ane a view of Heidelberg, in Germany 507 Two views of the Palace of Frederic V. Elector Palatine, situated on an eminence, near the ‘Town of Heidelberg, commanding an extensive prospect—These views are alike, but one of them is on a large scale on four sheets, fine and rare 508 A fine prospect of the City of Leige in Germany—ditto of Lucern, in Switzerland, and Lunensium, in Italy, add fine 509 The elegant Gothic Spire of St. Rombout, at Mechelen 510 Marcodurt, otherwise Dueren, in the Duchy of Juliers, two impressions, with a variation in the title~two distinct views of Mentz, taken from opposite points of sight, on one sheet, a birds-eye view. of Minden, and a ditto of Munich, all fine | ers ~ } \w " = 3 “oy * ¥ . ae ¥ aN , <= J oH y ey . Co ‘ ey A af 7 ‘ ; ae ¥ | ' A (4 * 43 ie a + oe, Apes a i 3S ey iftecnth Day.) ~ Wencestaus Hoxtar. ‘133 511 View of the City of Onoltzback, otherwise Anspach, on two yf — large sheets, oblong, fine and rare eae 512 A birds-eye view of the Town of Oldenburg, in the circle of Westphalia—a ditto of Osnabruck, also in the circle of _ Westphalia, anda ditto of the City of Pavia, in Italy, all fine 513 ‘T'wo views of Ravensburg and Biberach, in Suabia, on one sheet—view of Ratisbon and birds-eye view beneath, and a fine view of Rostoch | | 514 ‘The Cathedral at Strasburg, remarkable fine and rare Lf > 515 View of Tabor, 2 Town in Bohemia, undergoing a Seige— ditto of Tokay, a Town of Hungary, anda ditto of the City ~ WA he of ‘Tripoli, in Barbary, very fine and scarce 516 Fifteen Prospects of ‘Tangiers, three of them, large oblongs, 10 extra fine , 517 Various maps and prospects in China | Af 9 l VIEWS OF MONASTERIES, &c. 518 View of a Monastery or Convent within a Garden, surrounded bya Moat, above within a Cloud is the Madona, seated on a Camel; also another impression, wherein a Mule or Ass is Z substituted for the Camel, the water around the Convent is shadowed, which is not in the prior impression, beneath it in acopartment is a view of another Religious House, fine . and rare 519 ‘T'wo views of Monasteries, dedicated to Peter Parys and A. Vander Reest, from drawings by Van Avont, and a view of 7 Montjardin and surrounding Scenery, after Diepenbeck, fine 520 ‘The Carthusian Monastery, in France, Anthony: de la Halle Vt : delineavit, on one sheet, vare 521 The sameview, on foursheets, ditto Yor... 522 ‘Two large views of the Monasteries of Tungerloo and Gron- vy L endael, capital VIEWS in ENGLAND. 523 ‘The Quarter Master’s Map of England and the Frontispiece to y L | Ogilvie’s Britannia or Book of Roads ; 524 BERKSHIRE—Windsor Castle with the Map of Berkshire beneath, three other prospects of Windsor Castle on one 9 /7 > sheet, and a ditto of Windsor Castle from the North, all fine 525 The Choir of St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, a brilliant proof 2 ? 526 A view of the West End of St. George’s Chapel, ditto of the Chancel from the East and West, the Temple of Honour and / 6) the Chapel at Eton, very fine | 527 CAMBRIDGE—view of and Ground Plan beneath, with the Arms of the Earls and of the different Colleges—CHES- 2 // anes view and Ground Plot beneath with the Arms of the arls aT SF 13 7 / 2 24 34 /0) a 124 4 s6l- 33 L/26 Sf /Ie— 1/4 - joe boi ao WENCESLAUS Hotrar, _eiiiets Day, 528 DEVON—view of Torr Abbey aa a views near Ply- mouth, fine 529 HANTS—Hurst Castle—Cowes Castle and Rochester Castle in Kent, these are etched by F. Place, but attributed to him and Hollar conjointly, fine and scarce 530 KENT—Deal Castle and five ‘different of Dover Castle and Cliffs, of uniform size, and an oblong View of Dover Castle and Town, very fine 531 The oblong View of Greenwich and surrounding Scenery. on two sheets, rare 532 The same View with the clouded sky, first ataiee extra jing and rare 533 CANTERBUR Y—with the Ground Plot of dite, two impres~ sions of the Cathedral, with and without the English inscrip- tion, Ground Plot of ditto, and the plan of Spalding Abbey in Lincolnshire, fine ‘LONDON np MIDDLESEX. 534 LONDON—previous to the Great Fire in 1666, and the same View beneath it in its destroyed state, taken from the top of St. Mary’s Overy’s Church, oblong, on two sheets, fine 535 A Map of Great Britain, containing, in compartments, the Ground Plot View of London and Westminster ; also London in Flames, with an account of the Fire beneath, and small Ground Plot Views of York, Edinburgh, Dublin, Oxford, and Cambridge—another Ground Plot of London and West- minster, previous to the Fire, with the Arms of the different Companies about it 536 The City Arms, the Arms of the Twelve Companies, from which the Lord Mayor is chosen, and three slips, containing the Arms of the other Companies of the City of London 537 Thirteen Views, exterior and interior, of Old St. Paul’s Cathe- _ dral, remarkably fine 538 Twenty-seven sheets, containing the Monuments in Old St. Paul’s, equally fine 539 The Royal Exchange, as before the Fire of London, witha full Asse mbly of Merchants, the Likeness of Sir T. Gresham, pendant in a medallion, fzne and rare, this plate afterwards underwent some alteration, also in the inscription, to make wt correspond with the building in its repaired state £40 ‘Two Views or ARUNDEL Hous, brilliant and extra rare 541 Four, a set of Views, the Tower, the Royal Exchange, Covent Garden and St. Mary’s Overy’s Church Southwark, extra fine 542 Four, a set, rather larger, Whitehall, Westminster Hall and Abbey and Lambeth Palace 543 Two, the West Entrance of Westminster Abbey, and the View of the Abbey, and Henry Vilth Chapel, from the Sys) ef Fifteenth Day.]). Wenerstavs Houtar. | is 187. North, with Ground Plot of ditto, and Monuments of Frances Countess of Westmorland and Henry Hammond, brilliant impressions is 544 Four, a set of Views of London and Whitehall from the Thames, Tothill Fields and Windsor Castle, very fine and 2 // Scarce ; 545 Six, a set of Views towards London from Islington, ditto S35” $46 Tue Great Hottow Eitme Tree or Hampstead, WITH ee AN ACCOUNT OF ITS DIMENSIONS, named, by Vertue, the 4 oe Great Hollow Tree in Langley Park near Windsor DESCRIPTION OF THE PRINT. In the centre of the print stands a large spreading tree, and before the spectator is the entrance door, which is open at the bottom of the trunk of the tree; through the aperture is seen a winding staircase, which rises within to the top of the tree, whereon is fixed an octagon turret, in which are five or six persons, who are viewing the pros- pects from it. At the bottom of the tree is seen a gentleman and a ady, whom he is going to conduct into the turret; the back ground on the left is filled yp with a local view of the surrounding country, and on the right is seen a large barn which fills the intervening space. t Dlead the bottom of the print, on the left, is written, W. Hollar, delin. et. sculp. 1653, and on the margin at the bottom of the print, in three divisions, is this general description of the tree. 1. The bottom above ground in compass is 28 foote 2. The breadth of the door is 2 foote 3. The compass of the turret on the top is 34 foote 4. The door in height to go in is 6 foote 2 inches $8. The height to the turret is 33 foote 11. The lights into the tree is 16 18. The steps to go up is 42 19. The seat above the steps Six may sit on, and round about roome for fourteen more. All the way you go up (is) within the hollow tree. This view is printed nearly in the centre of a large sheet of paper; it is encompassed by several printed verses, which fill four.columns, two being beneath the print, the other two filling the sides from top to bottom of the sheet. ‘The space above the print is occupied with ‘the title, &c. thus— The Dimensions of the Hollow Tree of Hampstead. ALto Deo, hosplItI et a MICo. For the LorD anD Chrlstlan frlenDs. ALto DoMIno aChospItI. Deo ter OptIMO aC hospItI Leto. The first tier of verses commence as follows. THe We_tcome—Verses cut on the Door. Civill people, you welcome be, : ‘That come to view this hollow tree. Debaucht Drunkard, Ranting Whore, Come no such within this Dore; Wanton Boys and Ranting Rigs, Cut no Bowes, break no Sprigs. 138 | Wencestaus Hourar. [Fifteenth Day. Tue SALUTATION, twelve lines in verse, no stgnature. ~ Of the height and hollowness of the Great Elme Tree at Hampstead, eighty-four lines tn verse, by ROBT. CODRINGTON, July 24, 1653. Then follow several Epigrams, Couplets, 8c. cut on the tree by the following persons, RoGer COLEMAN, Moses Browne, JOHN Lee, Rost. Coprineton, T. ‘TRANTER, and others without signatures. - Conc.Lusion.—London, printed by E. Cotes for M. S. at the Blue Bible, in Green Arbour, and are to be given or sold on the Hollow ‘Free at Hampstead. . % . The print being thus distributed, was usually folded up by the persons Srequenting the spot, and being afterwards worn im their -pocket, usually got destroyed, which accounts forthe extreme scarcity of the print. An impression in this state is considered as unique, which has induced me to be thus particular in its description. 547 THE SAME PRINT, AN UNIQUE PROOF, previous to the account being engraved beneath the print, the flock of birds about the tree are not introduced, and there are only four persons in the turret at top instead of five, as in the finished im- pressions : 548 NORTHUMBERLAND—A View of the Harbour of New- castle from the Ocean below Tinemouth, extending above North and South Shields, with a curious representation of the sunken wrecks of Captains Vicars and Gray, being destroyed by gunpowder, thirty feet under water, together with a printed account of the same, ona distinct sheet, by Edmund Curtis, 1673, the person who cleared the channel of the wrecks, extra fine and rare 549 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE—South prospect of the Church at Newark upon Trent, and ditto of the House and Church of Holme Pierepont, very fine ~ | YY 550 West and North Prospects of the Collegiate Church of South- * wells, fine | 551 Two Views of Newark from Lincoln Road and from Hawton 4 3 Way—Pigot’s House at Thrumpton—Bunney House—Clif- i ton House—Langar House and Church-—Ossington House— : Pasi Hospital, and the Gate House at Wareton, all ) ane 552 OXFORD—Prospect of, from the East—a bird’s eye View Plot of the same beneath it, and the Arms of the Colleges in slips on each side, fine 553 A ditto, different from the last, the perspective view in the left corner of the print at top, and a small map of the County at bottom, prospect of the ruins of Osney Abbey 554 SALOP—View of Boscobel House and Wood, wherein Charles the Second was preserved, and a copy of the same, by John Clark * ais : ’ ate , , ? a aes rd tia 4 Nee Be andes Hay miguee keg th 1, aig ote Si cellent: ; ae th i POPPA It Sas Fe Fifteenth Day.| Wencestaus Hontar. 139 ; 555 SOMERSET—Glastonbury from the South West, and ditto — 7 from Compton Hill, with Plan of the Abbey, two impressions 6 , of each, with and without the English inscription, fine ___—s-&56 STAFFORDSHIRE—The Cathedral at Lichfield, the Tomb yy / . of Andrew Hacket and the Church at Burton, very fine | 557 fe anD SUSSEX—Richmond Palace, remarkably fine 1 and rare 558 Six, the Set of Views by Albury, highly beautiful and very ~~ _ rare 559 Prospect of Arundel Town and Castle, from the West Side, 4 | extra fine and rare 560 A set of Views, London, from the top of Arundel House, Old Shoreham, Hascomb Hill, Weston Place, Ruins of 4 — Bramber Castle, and a View in Hampshire, towards Ports- mouth, and the Isle of Wight, fine and very rare 561 Six, a set of small Views, Newarke Abbey in Surry, Thetford b Abbey, three different of Bramber Castle in Sussex, and 40 ~ _. _ Quinboro Castle in the Isle of Sheppy, extra fine and rare 562 Pemsey Castle in Sussex, Chichester Cathedral, and two maps A of Hemlingford and Knightlow Hundreds in Warwick- yA - shire ~ 563 WARWICKSHIRE—two Prospects of Warwick Town and _,. Castle, from the North and South, and the Ground Plot of 42 ditto with reference, extra fine 564 Two ditto of Coventry, from North and South, Ground Plot » ~ . beneath and a distinct View of Coventry Cross 565 Three Views of Kenilworth Castle and a ditto of Guy’s Cif /./ 566 Six, Maxtoke Castle, Aston House, Compton House, Bir- Si/ mingham and two of ‘Tamworth 567 Fifty Monuments and Monumental Effigies in different /~ 73 Churches in Warwickshire 568 Thirty-eight ditto, and Effigies from painted windows in ditto, » /y curious 569 Ninety-two slips of Fenestral Arms in the Churches throughout 7 the County of Warwick ) 570 WILTS anp WORCESTERSHIRE—the Cathedrals of 3 Salisbury and Worcester, very fine 571 YORK—two Views of the Cathedrals at York, extra fine and / WA — rare 572 Kingston upon Hull, with the Ground Plot beneath, and another 14 of the Ruins of Gisburn Abbey or Priory 573 Four, View of part of Edinburgh, Map of the Isle of Man, with small Views therein, on the sides of the Map, Insule /@ b Purgatorie S. Patricie descriptio, and Lowing in Ireland $74 JERSEY—Four different Views of Elizabeth Castle, remark. Vii ably fine and scarce End of the Fifteenth Day’s Sale, SIXTEEN TH DAY's SALE. ~ oo a oe Mae "Ey TER ah SS ee RRA LAN Be Ba Baie ie Se ee eS - MONDAY, ‘FEBRUARY 26, 1810. : a5 ae =— Fp ‘ ro ee Bi. satel ~~. acted ey, as * ra ee BS J — Capital pager in M ezzotinto, by the most eminent Practisers of the Art in this on JAMES MAC ARDELL. 2S “Or 575 P ORTRAIT of M‘Ardell, fin ine proof and ditto of Fiamin- , go, the celebrated Carver in Ivory 576 Rubens with his Wife and Child, fne proof 577 Sir John Trenchard, jine proof, rare 578 Bernard Stuart, Earl of Lichfield with his Brother, Lord John, after Vandyke, proof, rare 579 St. Francis de Paula, after Maurillio and the ‘Ascension. of the Virgin, both very fine 579*Mr. Blakes in the Character of Monsieur Le Medicine, first state previous to the additional figure being ingopuces 580 ‘The Tribute Money, after Rembrandt JOSIAH. BOYDELL. | ; ) 581 Renier Hanslo conversing with his Wife, Rembrandt, pink. balteng proof THOMAS BURKE. 532 Telemachus at the Court of Sparta, the large print, after An- - gelica Kauffman, fine proof, rare J. DIXON. §83 sie of. the Duke of Buccleugh, after Gainshorongh Sine proo 4 ROBERT DODD. 584 The Crew of His Majesty’s Ship Guardian nega e to Escape in the Boats 585 The same, a fine proof RICHARD EARLOM. The admirable productions of this artist. stand unrivalled in tite branch of the art, either in this or any other country, for the exqui- site and inimitable soft execution which prevails throughout his works, by which they possess the pearly tints or hues of the most exquisite finished paintings. The following collection are chiefly proofs. of his first-rate performances. 586 Three portraits, Admiral Barrington, Bishop Newton and Elizabeth B. Gulston, the two last proofs Sixteenth Day.] Ricwarp Eartom. ‘141 587 The Prinze of Aremberg on Horseback, after Vandyke, proof /2 1 5€& The Duke of Richmond with a Greyhound, after ditto, proof, extra fine | : : 589 Rubens’ Wife and Page, after Rubens, most beautiful proof 15 590 A Don of Fruit Pieces, after Michael Angelo Campadoglio, 4> & | ne 591 A pair, the Exposition of Cyrus and Orpheus, after Castiglione 5° with a fine proof of the last 592 Saint John, after Corregio, also a proof of the same and the = Madona with the Infant Christ and St. John, a circle, after Carlo Dolci | 593 Jesus Christ Consecrating the Sacrament, after Carlo Dolci,and the Lady and Child, after Salsa Ferata, fine proofs — ro 594 A Concert of Birds, after Mario di Fiori, fine Ab 595 A capital proof of the same, extra fine / So 596 A pair, the Judgment of Paris and the Sleeping Bacchus, after _ f Luca Giordano, fine . 0 597 The same, choice proofs LEAF — 598 Venus on the Sea, after ditto, proof, extra fine Lis 599 A pair, Cottage Children, Boys and-Dogs, after Gainsborough, =/ proofs 600 Girl es Pigs, after ditto, proof 40 601 The Shepherd Boy, after ditto, ditto £0 602 A rich Landscape, witha Mill, after Habbima, proof, rare / 7 b 603 Six, the set of Marriage A-la-mode, after Hogarth, jine 2 726 604 The set of proof etchings of the same, most capital 2 fo 605 The Miser, from Quintin Matsys, fine proof, rare teeth sé 606 The Interview of Augustus and Cleopatra, after Raphael Mengs, Jine proofs £0 607 The Lioness and Whelps, after Northcote, chvice proof 10 L 608 The proof etching of the same , 4 609 The Presentation in the Temple, and Susannah and the Elders, WS both after Rembrandt y, 610 Susanna and the Elders, proof A: 611 The Triumph of Mordecai, proof, very fine Lisi — ~ 612 The proof etching of the same, capital g 's 613 The Fig, a choice proof, after Rubens WG 614 The proof etching of the same y) “4 015 Rubens’ Son and Nurse, choice proof gif 616 The Death of Hippolytus, capital proof yj 617 The proof etching of the same, and ditto of the large Boar Hunt, after ditto ys 6 618 Nymphs of the Chace asleep discovered by Satyrs, after 3 ditto, choice proof / a 619 The proof etching of the same, very fine ra 620 A group of Male and Female Satyrs, atter ditto, proof, ertre /7 7 Sine 621 Mary Magdalen Anointing the Feet of Christ, proof ZY G db & ANN 142 Eartom, Gus [Sixteenth Day. 622 The Lion attacking a dings, cent most Beilin z 623 The Singing Master, after G. Schalcken . 62! The same print, a brilliant proof 625 A pair, the Fruit and Fish Markets, after, Snyders, estat productions, fine proofs 626 The Fiuit Market, proof’ etching, very fine 627 The Game Market, after ditto, proof 628 The same, proof etching, capital 629 The School, after Jan Steen, a fine production, chuice proof’ 630 A pair, Boors Tippling and Smoaking, after Tenters, fine proo 631 The Witch, after ditto, a grand production, capital proof 632 The same, ‘a proof etching, remarkably fine 633 A Nymph, with Cupids Bathing, after Vandyke, capital proof 634 The Flower and Fruit Pieces, after Van Huysum, znimitable productions, brilliant proofs, very rare 635 The same pieces, the proof etchings most beautiful 636 The Larder, after Martin de Vos, fixe 637 The proof etching of the same, extra fine 638 Bathsheba bringing Abishag to David, after Wider Werff 639 The same print, a brilliant proof 640 Angelica and Medora, after West, proof 641 Una, from Spencer’s Fairy Queen, after ditto, proof 642 Agrippina Lands at Brundusium with the Ashes of Germanicus, after ditto, five proof 643 The Farm Yard, after Wheatley, proof, extra fine & 644 The Prize Ox, proof etching, very fine 645 Meleager and Atalante, after Wilson, proof 646 The Farriers Shop, after Wright of Derby, proof, extra rare VALENTINE GREEN. 647 Portrait of Richard Cumberland and ditto of Mr. Reddish, in the Character of Posthumous, proofs 648 Mr. Garrick, whole length, after Gainsborough, fine proof 649 Two portraits of the Queen and ditto of the Royal Infants, after West, proofs 650 Two, the Golden Age and Fidelia and Spiranza, both after West, proofs 651 Daniel Interpreting to Balshazzar the Writing on the Wall, after ditto, ditio 652 Erasistratus the Physician Discovers the Love of Antiochus for Stratonice, ditto 653 A pair, the Death of the Chevalier Bayard and of Epaminondas, choice proofs 654 Agrippina Weeping over the Ashes of Germanicus, fine proof _ 655 The Cave of Despair, after West, and Miravan breaking open the Tomb of his Ancestors, after Wright, both proofs 656 The Assumption of the Virgin, anda Nymph going to Bathe, the last a proof Sixteenth Duy.) ___Hopers, Murrny, Peruer. 148 657 ‘The Lecture on the Air Pump, after Wright, of Derby, bril- IS liant proof r 4 658 The same print with the Lecture on the Orrery, by Pether, 2 proofs J. G. HAID. 659 The Musician, after Amoroso, the Yoting Strolling Musicians, te after Schalcken, and Absolom’s eubEneHaD, after F. Boll, proofs 660 Three, a Minister of Justice, Achilles, fai a Woman paring /2 Z her Nails, al} after Rembrandt, proofs 7 C. H. HODGES. 661 Portraits of John Lee and James Adair, King’s Serjeant, fine /4 roofs 662 Leonidas, after West, fine proof, and the etching of .the same 4 663 The Infant Hercules, after Sir J. Reynolds, fine proof 213 — 664 A Drunken Silenus, with Satyrs and Bacchanalian ee shih after Rubens, choice proof | RICHARD HOUSTON. 665 Haman’s Condemnation, after Rembrandt, fine proof ea JOHN JACOBE. . | 666 Portrait of Lord George Germaine, after Romney, proof — Wi JOHN MURPHY. 667 Christ appearing to Mary in the Garden, afterP.da Cortona, /” ” and Abraham’s Sacritice, after Rembrandt 668 Pair, Scriptural, after Caravaggio, proofs VATA 669 The ‘Tiger, after Northcote, and the Tigress, after Stubbs, = +7 extra * Ane Pi 670 Pair, Jael and Sisera, after Northcote, proofs 44 671 Pair, Hyram King of Tyre, sending Presents to Solomon, &c. V3 after Eckhout and Guercino, proofs 672 Pair, the Good pbiliren, &c. after Singleton, proof oe 5. PAUL. | 673 Pair, Storm and Calm, after Vernet Vi tb WILLIAM PETHER. 674 Portrait of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Chandler, @ proof 4 75 Portrait of an Officer, after Rembrandt, highly beautiful J -~- 144 | Puituips, Van Rymsprcx, SMITH. [Sixteenth Day. 676 The Continence of the Chevalier Bayard, after E. Penny, and the Jew Rabbi, after Rembrandt 677 The Jew Rabbi, after Rembrandt, bredliant proof 678 The Tribute Money, after ditto, proof, extra fine 679 The Hermit, after Wright, of Derby, choice proof CHARLES PHILLIPS. _ es 680 A Boy with a Pigeon, after F. Mola, Venus and Cupid, after Salviati, and an old Man Meditating, after Rembrandt, all proofs | 681 Isaac Blessing Jacob, after Spagnoletto, and the Madona, after | _ Parmegiano, fine proofs J. VAN RYMSDYCK. 682 Portraits of Frederic Henry, and Amelia Van Solms, after : Jordaens, jine proof JOHN SMITH. Portraits chiefly after Kneller. 683 John Smith, Charles I]. James I]. William HI. and Prince George, two different of Queen Anne, Mary Beatrix Queen of James II. and Mary Queen of William III. 683*Charles-I. James I. the Prince of Great Britain, and Peudentck William of Prussia 684 Madam Davenant, Duchess of Bolton, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Chicheley, and two different of Lady Elizabeth Cromwell 685 Lady Elizabeth Cromwell, Lady Copley, Mrs. Elinor Copley, Mrs. Cross, Lord Churchill’s Daughters, Countess of Essex, and Duchess of Grafton _ 686 Mrs. Conway Hackett, Madame Knatchbull, Madam Loftus, and Madam Dorothy Mason 687 Lady Essex Mostyn, two different of Duchess of Ormond, Countess of Ranelagh, and Countess of Rutland 688 Mrs. Ann Roydhouse, Mrs. Sherrard, Countess of giliaucy and Lady Torrington | 688*Gilbert Burnet, extra fime and scarce 689 Lord Bury, Lord Buckhurst and Sister, Lord Clifford and Sister, Corelli the Musician, and Lord Euston 690 Earl of Exeter, Rev. Edward Fowler, Thomas Gill, M. D. Duke of Gloucester, and J. W. Comes Gallas 690*Thomas Herbert Earl of Pembroke, John Duke of Marlborough, Marquis of Ormond, and Joost ‘Earl of Albemarie, very fine and Charles Napier ¢ 691 Anthony Leigh, Major General Maxwell, Charles Montague, 9 \ 692 Sir John Percival, Mr. William Richards, Duke of Schomberg M and Dr. Stukeley Sixteenth Day.) == Smiru, Tassaerr. © 145 692*Sir William Petty and John Lord Somers, both extra fine a4 es 693 Henry Sacheverell, James Earl of Salisbury, Thomas Spratt, / Archdeacon of Rochester, Lord Viiliers and Sister, and 6. Henry Worster — y HISTORICAL anv VARIA. 694 Seven, the Crucifixion, &c. after Vandyke fi €95 Seven, after Schidone, Corregio, Baroccio, C. Marat, &c. | 4) 696 Four, Tarquin and Lucretia, after De Ryck, Venus and Ado- nis, after N. Poussin, and 2 impressions of Cupid and Psyche, Le after A. Veronese, with and without the drapery . 697 Ten, the Loves of the Gods, after Titian, jine and scarce S45 sh, 7 698 Eight, of Nuns at Confession, &c. after M. Laroon and B. iz _ Wan Lemens 699 Eight, humorous, after Hemskerk, Ostade and Teniers OG 700 Four of Magdalens, afterSchalcken, Smith and Kneller | 4 7OL Nine of Landscapes, &c. after Wyke, Berghem, &c. sib 702 The Mastiff in the Larder, after Snyders, the only etching by J J. Smith, proof, rare 4 End of the Sixteenth Day’s Sale. a a SEVENTEENTH DAY’s SALE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY the 27th, 1810. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH. LoT 703 ASTER Crew in the Character of Henry VIII. and AY: Miss Palmer, both after Sir J. Reynolds, proofs 4 © 704 Ditto of Edward Wortley Montague, fe proof /4 705 A Lady, Temptation, after Peters, Europe, after Cosway and ny Mercury inventing the Lyre, after Barry, proofs / P. I. TASSAERT. ; 706 Rubens’ Family, after Rubens, proof q 3d 707 Nymphs and Satyrs, after N. Poussin, and the Virgin teaching Y the Infant Christ, after Carl Marat, proofs : 146 Watson, Baiuuie, Srapier. [Seventeenth Day. tp a JAMES WARD. 4 708 Portrait of Lord Duncan, at whole length, after r Hoppncs fine proof JAMES WATSON. 709 Portraits of James Beattie and Colonel Biddulph, proofs 710 Ditto of John Hely Hutchinson, after Sir J. Reynolds, proof BS ge proofs 3 712 SirJohn Cust, and John Duke of Argyle, proofs 6 & 718 Hector and Andromache, after Angelica Kauffman, brilliant proof /é 6 714 Vertumnus and Pomona, after Netscher and the mapriey ae after Metzu, fine proofs ys & 715 ‘The Water Spaniel, after Barrett, proof Etchings and Imitations of Drawings, by CAPTAIN WILLIAM BAILLIE. Ve 716 Portrait of Captain Baillie and ditto of Frank Hals, two im- pressions, one a proof, very fine hb Z 717 Ditto of Cornelius de Wit, proof, James Turner, a Beggar, who valued his time at one shilling per hour, Francis Mieris, Sofonisba Angusciola, a paintress, Gaspar Gevartius, after Vandyke, and the Piping Boy, after N. Hone 9 718 Two, the Siamese Ambassador and Priest, who attended the Court of Charles I. after Rubens, fine OY TIS eles Prince of Orange on Horseback, on India paper, very ne 6 & 720 Ten various designs after Guido, Corregio, Parmegiano, &c. jb — @1 Nine, after Gerard Dow and Ostade, chiefly proofs, very beautiful q 722 Nine, various, after Dusart, S. Rosa, Valentine, &c. jj £ 723 Six beautiful Landscapes, after Cuyp, Van Goyen, Vande Velde and Molyn Mb 724 Nine, various, after Rembrandt, some proofs a 3 725 ‘The Three Trees, after ditto, two impressions, with and with- / out the Lightening /{ 7126 The Gold Weigher, after ditto, fime proof gy 187 ae ote Guilder, and the Center Piece of the same, ritteant J. C. STADLER /3 728 Six Landscapes, after Farrington, proofs 6 711 Marquis of Tavistock and Miss Bosyille, after ditto, jine oo ee Seventeenth Day.| © Wortper. - (147 THOMAS WORLIDGE. 729 Two different portraits of himself, with variations of each, extra fine 730 Ninon De Lenclos, three different impressions, choice proofs, rare 731 Henry Jenkins, who lived to the age of 169, most brilliant 732 Sir Thomas Wentworth, Sir Jacob Astley, Sir John Evelyn, and Lord Fairfax, two impressions, one a proof 733 Earl of Chesterfield, three different impressions, and the Earl of Pembroke, ¢ thrée ditto, proofs 734 Sir Anthony Vandyke, four different impressions, extra fine 735 Rembrant Van Rhyn, three different impressions, two. ditto, of Sir P. P. Rubens, two ditto of Luca Giordano and Nicholas Poussin 736 John Cornelius Silvius, after Rembrandt, four different i impres- sions, extra fine 737 Sir Edward Astley, in the character of the Burgomaster, three different impressions 738 Admiral Mostyn, six different impressions, curious and rare 739 William Kenrick and Edmund Cave, two impressions of each, Jine | 740 John Earl of Crawford, Dr. Baker, Andrew Mc. Doual, of Banckton, one of the Lords of the Court of Session in Scot- land, three different impressions, and two sketches of Mr. oil and Dr. Addington 741 Captain Tyrrell and General Fraser, three different of each, very fine 742 Mr. Garrick, as roy William Taylor, born blind, his sight restored at eight years of age, by John Taylor, Occu- list, and Ladies Stanhope and Mexborough, in rich habits, scarce 743 Mrs. Mary Smith, of Portsmouth, four different impressions, v me 744 pens tate Archibald Bowers, two empressions, and the Rev. Dr. Nichol, three impressions with variations 745 Ten, Mahomet and Famee Turkish Merchants, Elizabeth Can- ning, Dr. Friend, Queen Charlotte, Marquis of Granby, Madam Kirk, &c. 746 Seventeen various busts 747 Sixteen ditto 748 Nineteen ditto with curious variations 749 ‘Twelve various, after Rembrandt, &c. 750 Our Lord healing the Sick, after ditto, most brilliant 751 Nine of Landscapes, the Dromedary, &ec. with variations 752 Head of Medusa, with a proof of the ee highly beautiful, and extra rare 753 One hundred and forty-six of THE GEMS, very fine | ee 754 The Theatre at Oxford in full Convocation, extra fine jo b /7 b 148 Animer, Austin, Basirt, Bartouiozzt. [Seventeenth Day. The following collection exhibits a capital display of the popular and unrivalled productions, by the most eminent Engravers of the English Nation, during the latter end of the last cen- tury; the chief of them being performed by the combined efforts of the point and burin. FRANCIS ALIAMET. i? 6 755 The Adoration of the Shepherds, after Annibal Carracci, and | .the Circumcision, after Guido, proofs Mi b 756 A Sacrifice to Pan, after A. Sacchi, and the Martyrdom of St. | Stephen, after Le Sueur, ditto . WILLIAM AUSTIN. /é 787 A pair of views of St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, the Seat of | Sir John St. Aubyn, private plates, jine and scarce JAMES BASIRE. () & 558 Pylades and Orestes, after West, and Joseph Interpreting the / Dreams of Pharoah’s Butler and Baker, after Spagnoletto, by BANNERMAN, both proofs FRANCISCO BARTOLOZZI. 5 1759 Two different portraits of Handel, one on India paper, ditto of Mr. Pitt and Lord Hawke, a proof | 3 760 Omai a Prince of Otaheita, fine proof, and Frederick II. King of Prussia *: 444 761 The Statue of Thomas Guy, choice proof, rare yg 762 Britannia, a fine proof, very rare; ‘Ticket for the Masked Ball, New Club, Soho, very fine and 1 other £ @ 763 Ticket for the Subscription Masquerade, Ranelagh, two dif- ferent for the benefit of Mr. Giardini, and a Scene m Romeo and Juliet, chiefly proofs, rare - G 4 764 Two other tickets for the Benefit of Mr. Giardini, Ticket for the Concert of Ancient Vocal and Instrumental Music, and the Judgment of Midas, extra fine 2 £ 765 Ticket for the Lady Mayoress’s Ball, 1791, the frontispiece to Borghi’s six Overtures, and four others, two of them proofs 4 166 The Emblem of Christianity, extra fine, and the Interior of io Freemasons Hall, proof . gt 67 Angelica and Medora, after Cipriani, and the Madona, after Carlo Dolci, fine proofs 3 /2 £ 768 Venus asleep, after Annibal Carracci, an oval, proof, extra Jjine /3 — 169 Four pieces, the Designs for the Ceiling of the Royal Academy, after A. Kauffman, beautiful proofs » Seventeenth Day.] Barroozzi, Boype.i, Brown. 149 —_—— 770 Four, the set of Madonas, &c. after Carlo Tie Salen Fer- Vive rata, Vandyke and Ciprrana, proofs oP 771 Four, the set of Elements, after Albano, very fine. y jog Se ae, 772 Orlando rescuing Olimpia, after Annibal Carracci, fine oO'L 773 The Silence, after ditto, a choice proof, rare oh OF a= . a" 774 Clytie, after ditto, fine VSb ba ; 775 The same print, proof 15 — ! Z. 776 The Death of Lord Chatham in the House of Lords, after B14 : Copley, fine 777 The same print, a proof, fine and rare dud) : 778 The proof etching of the same va 3 779 ‘The Diploma of the Royal Academy, after Cipriani, most bril- yf fa 7 . diant : The united talents of these distinguished artists, appear so pre- eminently conspicuous in this most beautiful performance, in point of elegance of design und superior execution, that tt may be classed among the unrivalled productions of the age, 77 780 The Death of Dido, after Cipriani, choice proofs Link 781 Lucretia, after Dominichino, proof, extra fine ean: 782 Venus, fupid and Satyr, after Luca Giordano 1], - 783 ‘The same print, a beautiful proof | 9 Tr ee 784 The Circumcision, after Guercino, fine. 785 A pair, the Dead Ass and the Snuff-box, after Loutherbourg, ,) from Sterne, very fine 786 Four Scenes in Tom Jones, after ditto and Barralet, and two of the set proof etchings, engraved conjointly by Barro- f L0zz1, WooLLETT, Picor, and Gricnion, very fine 787 The Holy Family, after N. Poussin, proof /2 b 788 The same subject, after Andrea del Sarto, fine proof et J3 789 The Death of Captain Cook, the large plate after Webber, fine =, ; 790 The same print, a proof : ae, i. 791 The Departure of Abraham, after Zuccarelli, fine. proof Vio) 792 The frontispiece to Adams’s Architecture, after Zucchi, a grand composition; representing a young student conducted to Minerva, who points to the map of Italy as the country J 3 — from whence elegance in the arts is derived, PROOF PREVIOUS TO ANY LETTERS ‘ —, ‘nie JOHN BOYDELL. 793 The Exposition of Cyrus, and the Finding of Cyrus, both after _ Castiglione, fine proof 794 Jason enchanting the Dragon, after Salvator Rosa, a capital 7 é production, brilliant proof iad et. ~ , JOHN BROWN. ; 795 Philip baptising the Enuch, after Both, beawtiful proof 3 |- 796 The large landscape, after John and Andrew Both, a grand 2 2 — production, choice proof i If ‘4 % eee { Ree b> SS SS ee ‘ Sh SS ai ee 150 Burne, Burke, Caton. Pe nenien ts 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 $04 805 806 807 808 809 . 810 S11 812 813 814 815 816 817 218 A landscape, Ae Claude Lorraine, and a ditto, after Re oar Poussin, both proofs The Watering Place, after Rubens, very jine The same print, a brilliant proof The Waggoner, after ditto, fine proof The large Landscape, with Peasants going to Market, after Rubens, fine proof Apollo and the Sybil, after Salvator Rosa, a capital os el choice proof The proof etching of the same, very jine Ste John preaching in the Wilderness, after ditto, fine proof — ‘the proof etching of the same, very ine Ditto, previous to the names of the painter and engraver, dtito A pair of Landscapes, after Swanevelt, choice proofs THOMAS BURKE. The Battle of Agincourt, after Mortimer, fine prooi, and the etching of the same WILLIAM BYRNE. View of the Fall of the River Niagara, proof The Children in the Wood, engraved conjointly by Byrne, Sharp and Medland, beautiful proof A Landscape after Dominichino and Apollo with the Arca- dian Shepherds after Filippo Lauri, fine proof A Landscape after Claude Lorraine, proof P. C. CANOT Pair of Sea Pieces after Backhuysen and Wandevelde, jie proofs, highly beautiful Pair, the Farm Yard, and the Inn Yard, both after Peter de Laer, proofs A Landscape enriched with Figures and Cattle, after Berghem, and a ditto after Claude Lorraine, beautiful proofs The Return from Market after Isaac Ostade, and the Tempest after Simon de Vlieger, fine proofs THOMAS CHAMBARS. Portrait of Rubens’s Wife, and ditto’of Raphael’s Mistress, proofs Saint Martin dividing his Cloak after Vandyke, a Holy Family Morillio, and the ‘Concert after Catravaggio, proofs a7 . Saad nie poe a ee ~~ EAA hss SS Anns ee 4 etry, Ne Marta top, pee TOME Peet A Seaenteonth Day.) © Cottyer; Eartom, Exuiorr. 151 JOSEPH COLLYER. $19 The Volunteers of Dublin on College Green, 1779, after Wheatly, extra fine RICHARD EARLOM. 820 Portrait of Lord Heathfield after Sir J. Reynolds, fine proof WILLIAM ELLIOTT. $21 Pair of rich Landscapes after Cuyp, and Rosa da Tivoli, fine proofs WILLIAM anp ELIZABETH ELLIS. 822 Pair of Landscapes, Summer and Autumn after Hearne, fine 823 The large Landscape with Peasants Dancing after Berghem, Sine proof End of the Seventeenth Day’s Sale. EIGHTEENTH DAY’s SALE, THURSDAY, MARCH Ist, 1810. GEORGE SIGISMOND ann JOHN GOTLIEB FACIUS. LOT 824: R. West, and Family, very fine 825 Pair, the Tribute Money, and the Woman taken in Adultery, both after Dietricy, fine proofs 826 Pair, Achilles discovered, and Hector rebuking Paris, after Angelica Kauffman, proofs ; $27 Pair, Cupid’s Pastime, &c. after ditto, proofs, previous to any letters $28 Pair, the Judgment of Midas, and Apollo and the Muses, after Carl Maratti, proofs jb & ey) ae VLLC 4b wp é Facrvs, Firter, Haut, Hearn. t [ Eivhteenth Day. $29 The Cow Herd, after Paul Potter, fine proof, and the etching of the same . ‘830 The Window of New College, Oxford, in one piece, by Ear- lom, and seven detached Pieces of the Cardinal Virtues, by Facius, after Sir J. Reynolds, proofs 831 The Nativity, the center subject in the same window 832 Two different prints of Venus, after Titian, proofs = =) JAMES FITLER. 7 833 Two grand Landscapes, after Claude Lorraine, proofs 834 Three views of the Siege of Gibralter, after Paton, datto 835 Pair of Views of Windsor Castle, after Robertson, proofs 836 The Distress of Tigranes before Cyrus, after West, proofs, and the etching of the same aii . JOHN HALL, 837 Portrait of Pope Clement IX. after C. Marat, fine proof : 838 Timon of Athens, after Nathaniel Dance, proof, and the | etching 839 Pyrrhus when an Infant brought to Glaucus, and Venus and _ Adonis, both after West, proofs $40 Penn’s Treaty with the Indians, after West, arich proof 841 The proof etching of the same 842 A pair, the Battles of the Boyne and La Hogue, the last by Woollett, extra fine 843 The Battle of the Boyne, proof etching 844 The Battle off La Hogue, datto 845 A pair, Cromwell dissolving the Parliament, and the Restoration of Charles II. the last by Sharp, fine proofs $46 Cromwell dissolving the Parliament, the proof etching JAMES HEATH. 847 A pair, Diana and-Endymion, after Cipriani, proofs 848 Adam and Eve in Paradise, after Velvet Breughel, proof 849 The Death of Major Pearson, after Copley, fine proof $50 The same print, a proof etching, extra fine $51 The Riots in Broad Street, after Wheatley, proof, nearly finished Righteenth Day.| Wiuutam Hocarrn. 458 WILLIAM HOGARTH. | ¥ , Great was the power of his inventive mind, , Possessing wit with truth, and skill combin'’d; i | He pencilled life in pointed tints of shade, . Each character was perfect that he made. . With matchless art the course of vice he drew, Py Its progress, and its miseries to our view, To warn the heedless, and to guard them too. Joun IRELAND remarks that “ Hogarth may be indisputably regarded as the first Moral Painter “ of this or any other country; for, to his honour be it recorded, the * almost invariable tendency of his dramatic histories is the promotion “ of virtue, and diffusion.of such a spirit as tends to make men j ‘¢ industrious, humane, and-happy. *¢ His matchless works, of fame secure, *¢ Shall live our country’s pride and boast, i ¢* As long as Nature shall endure, ** And only in her wreck be lost.” The following Collection of the works of this eminent artist, comprise — nearly the whole of his popular productions, in the first or original state of impression, or otherwise previous to the various alterations : which struck his fancy to introduce occasionally. 4 , 852 Four different portraits of Hogarth, by Samuel Ireland, Charles 2. b . Townley, Benjamin Smith, andby himself, in the act of Paint- ing the Figure of Comedy $53 Portrait of Hogarth, painting the Figure of Comedy, with the iy ae r= inscription of SeRjJEANT Painter to his Majesty, first state, ~ extra fine and very rare | 854 Portrait of Hogarth with his Dog introduced, se ipse pinxit et sculpsit, very rare, he having afterwards altered the plate into a burlesque on Churchill | 855 The same plate, altered to represent Churchill as a Bear, two We impressions with curious variations 856 Portraits of ‘I’. Morell, two different of Henry Fielding, the 2 Earl of Charlemont and Mr. Gabriel Hunt ; 857 Ditto of Martin Folkes, John Wilkes and Simon Lord Lovat 740 858 Simon Lord Lovat, previous to the words “ price one shilling,” at 2a were inserted, very rare : 859 Dr. Benjamin Hoadley Bishop of Winchester, two impressions, /g one extra fine ge Y 860 Dr. ‘Thomas Herring Archbishop of Canterbury, the large and / 3 small prints, scarce | 861 Daniel Lock, and Captain Thomas Coram, both by M‘Ardell, /3 — 24 after Hogarth, fine 862 Mr. Pine, by M‘Ardell, after ditto, most brilliant and rare V5 863 Jacob Gibbs, Justice Welsh, and four different prints of Sarah WT Malcolm, curious 864 Henry the Eighth with Anna Bullen, and Mr. Garrick in the If g character of Richard the Third 865 a; ane in the character of Richard the Third, uncommon- / — 6 ‘Yy pine } Jy I Pan ees JSie 19. / 4 /\4 q ¢ Jb J i2 ha / dics Vie) 2/4 1s ae 2g 869 The Politician, the Shrimp Girl, and Sigismunda b 870 Pair, the Good Samaritan, and the Pool of Bethesda .. 872 Moses brought before Pharoah’s Daughter, and two different _875 The same set of prints, in the very first state, being much less & 891 The Strolling Actors in a Barn, highly humorous 154 | — Wirttam Hocarru. [Eighteenth Day. 866 Mr. Garrick, in the Farmer’s Return, proof—Scene in Tom — Thumb, by Vandergucht—Scene in Handel’s Opera of Pto- lomeb— Mena Cuzzoni and Senesino, in the Characters of Ptolemy, Cleopatra, and Julius Casar—Booth, Wilks, and Cibber, contriving a Pantomime; and the Rabbit Breeder, all humorous 867 Scene in the Beggars Opera, by William Blake — 868 Scene in the Indian Emperor, by Robert Dodd 871 Pair, ditto, fine proofs prints of Paul before Felix $73 The small print of Paul before Felix, a burlesque on the com- positions of Rembrandt, two impressions, with and without the little devil sawing the leg of the stool whereon Paul stands, and other variations, curious and rare 874 The set of the Industrious and Idle Prentices, in twelve pieces worked on, and other variations, most curious and extra rare 876 The Roman Military Punishments, in twelve small pieces, scarce 877 The Bench, fo impressions with considerable variations, fine and scarce 878 The Times, two prints, with an impression of the jirst, pre- vrous to the alterations, fine and scarce 879 The Stage Coach, or Inn Yard, two impressions, with vatia- tions of No Old Baby, &c. on the flag, scarce 880 Pair, France and England, and the Gate of Calais, otherwise Roast Beef 881 Pair, France and England, much jess worked on than the pre- ceding impressions, very rare 882 The Gate of Calais, extra fine 883 Southwark Fair, two impressions with considerable alterations 884 Enthusiasm delineated, two impressions with different inscrip- tions, engraved by Mills, and two impressions of the origi- nal plate, entitled Credulity, Superstition, and Fanaticism, a Medley, one of them very fine 885 Six prints, illustrative of Don Quixote 886 The large set of Hudibras, twelve prints in the first state, extra fine and rare 887 The Lottery, the Riding Whirligig, and the Cock Pit 888 The March of the Guards to Finchley 889 The same print, very fine 890 The same with the word ‘PRUSIA,” spelled with S single, very fine and rare Eighteenth Day.| Witiiam Hocarru. 155 892 The same print, previous to the alterations, very fine and rare 2 2. ___893 Four, the set of Election Entertainments, capital designs 1 3 894 The Election Entertainments, the first plate with the Lemons, fi | fine and rare 7 895 Pair, the Distrest Poet, and the Enraged Musician /4 896 The Distrest Poet, with Pope threshing Curl, first state, fine » 2 and rare 897 The Enraged Musician, with the white horse, first state, rare 4 /4 898 The Four Stages of Cruelty and Beer Street and.Gin Lane 899 Beer Street,~with the Frenchman, and Gin Lane, previous to 7 ————~__ the additional shadows, first state, very scarce ; 900 Two, Before and After, uncommonly fine 14 901 Four, the set of the Times of the Day SP 902 Another set of the same, first state, previous to the introduction of the additional shades, red face, blue hands, &c. extra Zz Wi | jine and rare . 903 The set of the Rake’s Progress in 8 prints / 0) 3 904 The same, previous to any alterations, a most beautiful set y; and extra rare in this state ¢ 905 A smaller set, published by Bakewell with the consent of Hogarth — /3 906 ‘The Harlot’s Progress, in six prints, with the crosses at bottom /% 907 Another set of the same, fine old impressions, also with the vaees crosses . 908 The same set, previous to the crosses and a variety of alterations, SP) uncommonly jine and rare 909 Marriage Alamode, in six prints 1G 910 Lhe same, a most capital set, in the first state, previous — toany alteration, the lock of hair, introduced with Indian 2 7 oe ink, RARIS . 911 The Analysis of Beauty, two plates i? 912 Taste in High Life, the large and small prints LO 913 Modern Midnight Conversation and the Sleepy Congregation Li 914 Hogarth’s Cypher, Mrs. Hogarth’s Shop Bill, The ‘Turk’s Head, tol the Holland Arms, anda pen drawing of Lord Radnor’s 7 Arms, rare 915 The Lord of the Vineyard and Kent’s Altar Piece, very scarce 13 916 The Masquerade (small) and five others Wie 917 Columbus breaking the Egg, two impressions, with and without 40 the Receipt, rare and fine 918 The Power of Attorney for the Foundling Hospital, fine and / —_ rare ! | 919 The Orders of Perriwigs, Group of Characters and Caricaturas, th Company of Undertakers, Laughing Audience, the Oratorio a and the Chanters 920 wine Chiswick, Hymen, Battle of Pictures, Tail Piece and /07 - 4: others 921 Thirteen curious Burlesques on Hogarth and Lord Bute, mostly , — rare gl, Glo a tha PCI ce J - i, Wi ~ seen Sains Jd ee Ae 3 i rf vi NY OSE job Jb b fob Is ‘7 45" i) I Lannserr, Lear. [Eighteenth Day. J. JONES. 922 Muscipula, after Sir J, Reynolds, Ps prof J. LANDSEER. 923 The West Elevation of York Minster, after J. Malton, very fine | | FRANCIS LEGAT. 924 Mary Queen of Scots resigning her Crane: after Gavin | Hamilton, and the Continence of Scipio, after N. Poussin, proofs WILLIAM LENEY. §25 A group of Harriers, after J. P. Hackaert, proof, and the etching of the same _D. LERPINIERE. 926 A group of Dogs, after Fyt, and a Hunting Party in a Land- scape, after Wootton, proofs 927 Four celebrated British Naval Actions, after Paton, breif 928 St. George and the Dragon, after Claude Lorrain, choice proof, previous to any letters 929 A pair, Views of London from Wandsworth, &c. after Robertson, proofs 930 A ee of rich yer a with Ruins, after John Taylor, © roofs 931 Ae Storm and Calm, after Vernet, fu proofs WILSON LOWRY. 932 Three grand Landscapes, after Claude Lorraine, and nay Pousin, fine proofs JAMES MASON. 933 Hobbima’s Villa, choice proof 934 View on the Po, after Claude Lorraine, proof, and the i of the same J. B. MICHEL. 935 Teniers’ Kitchen, fine proof, and the etching of the same 936 The Angel, Hagar and Ishmael, after Cartona, proof, and Alfred, the third King of Mercia, after West S. MIDDIMAN. fo b 937 A pair, Scenes in the ‘Tempest, and as You Like it, the figures by Bartolozzi, proofs, extra fine Bighteenth Day.] Picart, Ravenet, Ryper. tees I 0 rear aee ieeT e ekente eg ee ee a ee 938 An Italian Sea Port, after Salvator Rosa, a grand production, fine proo 939 The Waterfall, after Zuccarelli, choice proof JAMES PARKER. 940 A portrait of the Honorable Henry Addiagtan, fine JAMES PEAK. 941 T'wo fine Landscapes, after Claude Lorrain, proofs CHARLES PICART. 942 Portrait of the Right Honorable Charles Abbot, Speaker of the House of Commons, fine proof End of the Eighteenth Day’s Sale. Yemen (ne as amen, eR RY, NINETEENTH DAY's SALE, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1810. cn can Gp aa SIMON FRANCIS RAVENET. LOT 943 HE Return of the Prodigal Son, after Guercino—the Death of Seneca and Sophonisba receiving the Nuptial Present, after Luca Giordano, proofs 944 Four historical, after La Sueur, &c. proofs 945 The Lord of the Vineyard, after Rembrandt—Phryne tempting Xenocrates, and the Prodigal Son, both after Salvator Rosa, Sine proofs THOMAS RYDER. 946 The Murder of James I. King of Scotland, after Opie, proof, and the etching of the same 947 The Last Supper, after West, jine proof, and the eiching of tne same 948 The Captive, after Wrig't, of Derby, fine proof I L a eT ae ee ee ee a eae 1/ ‘2 EO: ee fa 10 J) IVb Vad aye) / mais 2b gi JAS 7 Vb ¥-Y2 ~ 158 Swarr, SHERWIN, Simon, Srranes. [Nineteenth Day. WILLIAM WYNNE RYLAND. 949 Antiochus and Stratonice, after P. Cortona, proof — | 950 Interview between Edgar and Elfrida, after A. Kauffman, proof ; 951 King John ratifying Magna Charta, after Meri dita F G. SCORODOOMORFF. 952 Diana and Acteon, after Carlo Marat, fine proof . WILLIAM SHARPE, 953. Alfred dividing-his Loaf with the Pilgrim, after West, very jine 954 The Holy Family, after Sir J. Reynolds, chotce proof . 955 The Doctors of the Church, after Guido, brilliant proof JOHN KEYSE SHERWIN. 956 The Death of Lord Robert Manners, fine proof 957 A Pair, the Happy and Deserted Villages, beautiful proofs PETER SIMON. 958 A pair, Tom Jones, after Downman, fine p roofs 959 The Philosopher Square Discovered it Molly Seagrim’ $ Room, proof, previous to any letters 960 Midsummer’s Nights Dream, after Fuseli, proof, before any letters, rare 961 The Woodman, after Gainsborough, very fine 962 The same print, fine pr oof 963 The Three Holy Children, after Peters, proof, and the etching of the same, and the Nymph asleep, after Opie, fine proof — GABRIEL SMITH. 964 The Boar Hunt, after Snyders, capital proof SAMUEL SMITH. 965 Niobe, after Wilson, proof Z 966 A Landscape, after Ruysdael, proof 967 The Finding of Moses, after Zuccarelli, a capital production, chioce proof SIR ROBERT STRANGE. : 968 Charles I. with the Marquis of Hamilton in attendance with his Majesty’s Horse, after None yCes very fine 969 Queen Henrietta Maria with her two Tafants, the companion, after ditto, ditto 970 The Three Children of Chartas I. after ditto, very fine 971 The Madona with a Magdalen and St. Jerome, after Corregio, most brilliant 972 Sappho, after Carlo Dolci, extra fine Nineteenth Day.] ~ Strance, Taytor, Vertue. | 159 973 A pair, Cupids asleep, after Vandyke-and the Infant St. after Murillio, very fine _ 974 The Death of Dido, after Guercino, most brilliant Lisa 975 The Annunciation of the Virgin, after Guido Reni 1G 976 Two, Cleopatra and Fortune, after ditto, fzne 2/4 977 Venus Attired by the Graces, after ditto, and the Judgment of 9 7, Hercules, after N. Poussin, very fine 978 Portrait of Raphael, most briéliant / 979 St. Cecilia attended by the Magdalen, St. Paul, St. John, St. » yy Augustin, &c. after Raphael, capital 980 Bellisarius, after Salvator Rosa, extra fine | | ie ee b 981 Venus and Adonis, after ‘Titian, ditio J s4 982 A pair, Venus and Danze in the Golden Shower, after ditto, 4 th most brilliant 983. The Apotheosis of Prince Adolphus, after West, fine and very » 37 rare - J. SUMMERFIELD. | 984 Portraits of Rubens and his Wife, laden with Game and Fruit, ob fine / 985 The same print, a fine proof | : // ISAAC TAYLOR. 986 The Murder of David Rizzio, after Opie, fine proof - /2 ¢ 987 A pair, the Flemish Entertainments, after Van Harp, proofs, /Y 6 very fine J. VENDRAMINI., 988 The Storming of Seringapatam, after R. Ker Porter, on three 7 large sheets, fine Portraits by GEORGE VERTUE. 989 Thirty-eight of the Kings of Great Britain a 990 Henry VII. and VIII. with their Queens, ina Room, after ip Holbein, and the Children of Henry VIII. after Mabuse 991 Frances Duchess of Suffolk, with Adrian Stokes her Husband, 4 and Lady Jane Grey 992 Mary Queen of France, with Charles Brandon Duke of Suf- Dp é folk, and Edward VI. granting the Charter to Bridewell | Hospital 993 Charles I. and Queen, and ditto by Baron, after Vandyck ge 994 George I. and four others of George II. and Queef 4 995 Jacob Arminius, John and Peter Barwick, ‘i’homas Bradbury, Lancelot Blackburne, and Richard Bently m 996 Henry Baron Coleraine, Edward Colston, James Craggs, Wiliam Croft, Abraham Cowley, Sir Laurence Carter and Balthasar Castiglione | | ‘3 ™ ¥ 160 Vertur, Waker, Watson, Wotuerr. [Nineteenth Day. 997 Lionel Cranfield Duke of Dorset, Sir William Dawes Archbi- shop of York, Sir Francis Drake with the Globe, John Dry- | den, Alexander Denton and Simon Episcopius— 998 Edwin the Monk, Bishop Fox, Richard Fiddes, John Gilbert, | Francis Giawin and Humphrey Gower | 999 John Harris, Sir Matthew Hale, Matthew Henry, Arthur = Johnston, Bishop Juxon, Francis Junius and Peter Lord ‘ Kin i 1000 Tone Petaule. Walter Moyle, George Morley, Bishop of - Winchester, and three different of Milton 1001 John Owen, Edward Earl of Oxford, James Puckle, the Honbl. Robert Price and three different of Matthew Parker 1002 Rev. Thomas Stackhouse, George Smalridge Bishop of Bristol, Mr. Steele the Poet, Sir John Suckling, Henry ; Spencer, William Shakspeare, John Strype and Sir BARES 3 Is: ‘ Slingsby ‘\ 1003 Sarah Bute. of Somerset, fine and rare 1004 Rapin de Thoyras the Historian, Mr. Toby, Edward Tenison Bishop of Norwich, Ralph Taylor and two different of Dr, Daniel Turner — | 1005 The Honble William Trumbull, Sir Ralph Winwood, Sir 4 John Willes, William Peere Williams, William Warham, = Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. John Usher, and two ait- bod _ ferent of Isaac Watts tf WILLIAM WALKER. | /3J~—=‘1006 Sir. B. Gerbier and family, after Wandyck, and the Country = Attorney, after Holbein, proofs /2 & 1007 The Pregnancy of Calisto discovered, after Le Moine, and the | Triumph of Beauty, after Le Sueur, proofs L 1008 The Sacrifice of Manoah, after Rembandt, and the — Lions Den, after Rubens CAROLINE WATSON. 4 & 1009 Portrait of a Lady, as Contemplation, after Sir J. Reynolds, proof ae & & 1010 Catherine Hl. Empress of Russia, extra fine WILLIAM WOOLLETT, fo & V1 Portrait of Woollett, by Sherwin, two impressions, with and without the shade, ditto by Caroline ARC, and his Monument — 1012 A pair, the Jocund Peasants and Cottagers, after ies Sine roofs G 1013 Dido and Eneas, after Jones, brilliant proof f 1014 Dianaand Acteon, after Filippo Lauri, fine proof 3 1015 The Temple of Apollo, after Claude Lorrain, very fine 4y 016 The same print, a choice proof _ Nineteenth Day.]- Woot.ret, Witson, Morcuem. 161 1017 Roman Edifices in Ruins, after ditto, proof on India paper, 2 J2 |b raris : 1018 The proof etching of the same / Voi — 1019 The Rural Cot, after Smith of Chichester, fine proof 3 6G 1020 The Spanish Pointer, after Stubbs, proof, most brillant J\4 “Lb 1021 One of the Shooting Pieces, after ditto, the figures not quite f Sinished , 1022 A pair, Venus and Adonis, and Diana Deceived, both after , ¢ Swanevelt, unfinished proofs 1023 The Death of General Wolfe, after West, a superb impres- (2) /S — ston CAPITAL PRODUCTIONS, arrer WILSON 1024 Meleager and Atalante, brilliant proof 1025 Cicero at his Villa, proof, very choice | 1026 A pair, Celadon and Amelia, and Ceyx and Alcione, very fine 1027 Celadon and Amelia, a choice proof ‘ 1028 Ceyx and Alcione, ditto - 1029 The proof etching of the same 1030 Niobe, extra fine 1031 The proof etching of the same 1032 The same, a proof 1033 The same, previous to any letters, extra fine and rare 1034 Phaeton, the companion print, in the same state, most ca- LVAIE ital ; 3 . 1035 on Fishery, after Wright, proof previous to any letters, extra £0 ine ae 1036 ‘Twelve views from Cook’s Voyages, fine proofs ZL a Ber os BAWN KYA HB S LH 8S 7c Works of Raphael Morghen, Porporati, Volpato, &c. RAPHAEL MORGHEN. 1037 Portrait of Raphael Morghen, engraved by Anthony Morghen 7 .3 —~ and ditto of Guido Reni, fine | 1038 Domenica Volpato Morghen and Poesy tuning the Lyre / £ 1039 William II. Prince of Orange, fine proof JO €b 1040 George Jonas Mayer, very fine ea 1 1041 Petrarch the Poet, highly beautiful be 74 ate 1042 Adeodatus Turchi, ditto finds 1043 The Princess Holstein with Count Tolstoy, &c. SAAS 1044 Marquis of Moncada on horseback, after Vandyck, brilliant ~ J proof A as 1045 St. Philip Nerii, very fine 1G 1046 ‘Two elegant basso relievos, from the Antique, diffo : ib 4 1047 La Madonna, Col. Bambino, &c. and 1 other 4 sf 1048 Thalia, very fine f Ff 1049 The Holy Family, after Rubens, ditto SAG ee 162 — Morcuen, Vouraro, Ponrorati. [Nineteenth Day. | 1050 A pair of circles, after Raphael, fine proofs 1051 The Transfiguration, after ditto, beautiful proof — 1052 The same print, partially finished, rarzs 1053 The Holy Family, After A. del Sarto, very f ine 1054 The Nativity, after Raphael Mengs, ditto 1055 Twelve capital productions, from celebrated Sica at Mad- rid, engraved by R. Morghen, E. M. Carmona, G. sae Sei ee and F. Muntaner, extra fine — JOHN VOLPATO. 1056 Portrait of J. Volpato, engraved by Raphael Moret 1057 The same print, a brilhant proof 1058 Apollo and the Muses on Mount Parnassus, proof 1059 The Consecration, after Raphael, fine 1060 o pair of capital Landscapes, after Claude LOE extra ne CARLO PORPORATI. 1061 Abraham sending away Hagar, after P. Van Dyck and the Death of Abel, after Vander Werff 1062 Cupid, after Angelica Kauffman, very fine — 1063 Tancred and Clorinda, after Vanloo, ditto 1061 Leda bathing, after Corregio, extra fine - FRANCICUS ROSAPINA. 1065 Abraham Entertaining the Angels, after L. Carracci, fine . PETRUS FONTANA. 1066 The Burial of Christ, after Guercino, proof GUISEPPE LONGHI. 1067 The Decapitation of St. John, after Gerrard Douw, fine End of the Nineteenth Day’s Sale. SALE, MARCH 3, 1810. TWENTIETH DAY’s SATURDAY, BOOKS, ann BOOKS OF PRINTS. LOT 1 ALCONER’s Shipwreck, by Clark, plates 2 Giconomy of Human Life, ditto 3 Views in North Britain, illustrative of the Works of Robert Burns, 4 Thomson’s Seasons 5 Cardonel’s Antiquities of eestor 6 Wigstead’s Tour in Wales 7 Kirk’s Vases fe 8 Antiquity of the Inns of Courts 9 Cornelius Schut’s Collections of ‘Etchings / A volume of prints from the antique Audran’s Proportions of the Human Body, in MS. and drawings / The Labours of Ulysses, by Van Thulden | Barraud’s Cyphers Daulby’s Catalogue of Rembrandt’s Bichitice Another copy Steven’s and Forrester’s Views in Italy Treland’s Picturesque Views on the Thames, 2 vol. Another copy Ireland's Views on the Avon Memoirs of Count Grammont, 3 vol. numerous portraits 21 Falconer’s Shipwreck, with numerous prints, by R. Dodd Scotia Depicta, beautiful views Turner’s History of Grantham Amsinck’s History of Tunbridge Wells, fine views Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood, 2 vol. large paper, ele- gant in russia 26 Knight’s Life of Erasmus, Jarge paper 27 L’ Entree de la Reyne Mere du Roy, dans les Villes des Pays Bas, curious places, by A. Pauli 28 Weever’s Funeral Monuments, @ beautiful copy 29 Spilsbury’s Antique Gems, 50 prints 30 Hogarth Illustrated, by John Ireland, with the Supplement, 3 vol. numerous plates 31 Esop’s Fables, Stockdale’s edition, 2 vol. fine plates $2 Beaumont’s View of the Leopontine Alps 33 Memoirs of Thomas Brand Hollis, 2 vol. fine plates / / / Z 2 3 / / / J Zi 4 / os Se oe x SADBSYH FSS | | Aw | on ») aX | | MOH war PNW If Y ~M NN ‘ i ~ SON SD OSS Le Qn SM GN wd | G&G RayA es jd - “ ! eh Sa : ~ ON in Books, aND Booxs or Prints. [Twentieth Day. — 34 Harding’s edition of the Book of Common Be 35 Antiquities of the Inns of Court, large paper 86 Pilkington’s Dictionary of Painters 37 Aikin’s History of Manchester, plates 38 The Hampton Court Beauties, 13 plates, by Faber _ 39 The set of Portraits of the Kit Cat Club, 47 plates, by ditto 40 The set of Oxford Founders, by ditto, 23 plates 41 The set of British Poets, by Vertue, 12 plates 42 Gardnor’s Views on the Rhine, 32 plates, imperial folio 43 Lord Orford’s Works, 5 vol. numerous plates, elegant in russia 44 Grose’s Military Antiquities, 2 vol. russia . 45 Grose’s Antiquities of Ireland, @ vol. large paper, with proof impressions of the plates 46 Views in Bath, plates finely coloured 47 Bains de Titus, fine plates 48 Smith’s Antiquities of Westminster, subseription copy with the stone plate, rare 49 The set of sixty-two additional plates to Smith’s Antiqities of Westminster 50 Lyson’s Britannia, vol. 1, numerous plates — 51 Byrne’s Britannia Depicta, illustrative of Lyson’s - 52 A volume containing 50 portraits of Painters in the Gallery of Florence 53 A volume of prints, illustrative of the Adventures of Telema- chus, finely engraved by Tilliard 54 Richardson’s Iconclogy, 2 vol. fine plates 55 A volume of proof etchings by Earlom from drawings by Claude Lorrain in the Devonshire Collection ' 56 Sixty fine imitations from drawings by Claude Lorrain, in the Collection of R. P. Knight, &c. proofs 57 A volume of imitations from the beautiful designs of Cipriani by Earlom, Heath, Bartolozzi and Ryland 58 Bloomfield’s History of Norwich, 2 vol. 59 Metamorphosis d’Ovide en Rodeausx, the plates by S. Le Clerc, scarce, elegant in russia | 60 A curious and rare cojlection of Burlesques on the South Sea | Company and Mississippi Affairs 61 The Works of Geyser, 580 prints, consisting of Portraits, Views, Vignettes, &c. in twu large folio volumes with leaves 62 Milton’s Views of Dublin, elegantly bound 63 Castellum et Pretoria Nobilium Brabantia, some views hy Hollar 64 Select Views in the Environs of London, large paper 65 Home’s Views in the Mysore, elegant in morocco 66 The Sportsman’s Cabinet, 2 vol. fine plates 67 Dallaway’s Heraldry 4 3 6 68 Gough’s British Topography, @ vol. Books, AND Booxs oF PRINTs. 165 69 The Passion of Jesus Christ, after Holbein, in 14 plates, by , 4+ 13 C. Mechel, elegantly bound 70 Dalton’s collection of 20 Antique Statues, large folio | he es 71 The set of portraits of Members of the Kit Cat Club, after 9 , Kneller E 72 Edwards’s Work of Flowers, on eighty plates, finely coloured — bts 73 The Paintings, Statues, Bas-reliefs and Cameos in the Palais Pitti 4 at Florence, exquisitely engraved, beautiful impressions, // /Y — bound in russia | 74% BorDELL’s COLLECTION OF PRINTS, AFTER CELEBRATED PIC- TURES, IN THE DIFFERENT CABINETS IN ENGLAND; THE 5 FIRST TWO VOLUMES PROOFS, on India paper, extra rare~ an this state 75 Acollection of the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, in two large SL fly se pimacice 4 folios with leaves GIL aa DS ee eT EF ng Oe OE ay a ee Ee ee NE eee a ie en ee ee Cg 76 A capital portfolio with leaves, size ISO, 77 A ditto FSG — 78 A ditto 79 A ditto ote 7 80 A ditto, Russia leather 6 / 7 81 A ditto FA at = 82 A ditto . : 83 A ditto e js §4 A ditto 3 SS- 4146 FINIS. | se ’ 4) a? iss re a eer ee ee ik ce, oe se ee ee, a es ea aa Een Daye oe Ot emeanme S Feo Hc ae, a sled es ee ee eh ee ee. tinny a ie ay nO es, nt Sac: neo oe te UH oe = + 5% AG \at ' “ 4 m + > t ’ = ’ oo > —~ = “ ~ - —— am ‘ aie — eS 2 yore a te Peer, an of Pe OP PME pe wt oo ate = sae ea aaeliad ae al te oa let pnc St Tae Clee yer 0 tn Sle. 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