THE JOHN HOE COLLECTION THE ASERICAN ART GALLERIES. MADISON SQUARE, SOUTH NEW YORK & LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK NO. 805. ELABORATE GROUP, ‘“‘ VANITY.” BY P. GUARNERIO, MILAN. CATALOGUE PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES, PORCELAINS, ENAMELS, BRONZES, CUT GLASS, SILVER, IVORY CARVINGS, BRIC-A-BRAC, RICH EMBROIDERIES. More tHan Ont TuHovusanp Decorated PLATES ANTIQUE AND MODERN FURNITURE, STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ETC., ETC. COLLECTED BY THE LATE MR. JOHN HOEY TO BE SOLD BY ABSOLUTE AUCTION ON SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND, AND ON THE FOLLOWING Monpay, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 25 AND 26 AT 2.30 AND 8 O’CLOCK P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE, SOUTH WHERE THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, FROM APRIL 18TH UNTIL DAY OF SALE INCLUSIVE THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1893 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk wpon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, dam- aged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are with- out recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the set- tlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THOS. H. KIRBY, AvorionnEr. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. CATALOGUE. FIRST DAY’S SALE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 22p, BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK, AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. LARGE COLLECTION OF PLATES. 1 Plate. Haviland Limoges ; aquatic birds and foliage in centre; lace pattern border, in gold. 2 Plate. Finely painted decoration : crane feeding her young. 3 Plate. Floral centre, rope border in blue and gold. 4 Plate. Haviland Limoges ; decoration of partridges and plants ; scalloped edge with neat band. 5 Pair of Plates. Decorated with landscapes. 6 Pair of Plates, French porcelain ; decorated with landscape and water scene. 7 Plate. Wedgwood ; floral centre, and neat floral designs in gold on light green border. 8 Fish Plates. Royal Worcester ; shell-shape centres, with finely painted fishes ; imperial yellow borders. 6 pieces 9 Fish Plates. Similar to the above, pink borders. 6 pieces 10 Fish Plates, Similar to the above, blue borders. 10 pieces 11 Plates. Crown Derby; landscape views in centre medallions; bleu du roi borders, with birds and trees in enamelled and gold and silver mat. 12 pieces 12 Plates. French porcelain ; decorated with various birds, flowering plants, and insects ; scalloped gilt edges. 14 pieces 13 Oyster Plates, Vienna porcelain ; rich Oriental borders. 12 pieces 6 HOEY COLLECTION. 14 Fish Plates. Decorated with various fishes, neat gilt edges. 6 pieces 15 Plates. Staffordshire ; centres decorated with birds and plants ; celadon bor- ders, with gold band ; rope-pattern edges. 6 pieces 16 Pair of Plates, Minton; decorated with birds and flowers ; gilt edges. 17 Pair of Plates. Royal Berlin ; floral maroon, blue, and gold bands ; open- work edges. 18 Plates. French porcelain; flowere and fruits in centres, rose du Barry and gold borders ; scalloped edges 3 pieces 19 Plates. Copeland; octagonal shape ; landscape views in centres ; incised and gilt border bands. 3 pieces 20 Plates. Minton; ivory texture ; rich decorations in gold and enamels in imi- tation of Chinese cloisonné enamel. 10 pieces 21 Plates. Dresden; decorated with flowers and fruits in panels divided by gold bands ; scalloped edges. 4 pieces 22 Plates. Dresden; A. R. mark; decorated with fruits, flowers, and marine views in panels ; gold borders. 15 pieces 23 Fish Plates. Bodley; centre panels decorated with various fishes ; shell design borders ; scalloped gilt edges. 10 pieces 24 Plates, Enamelled in various bright colors ; decoration of birds and branches ; richly combined colors. 15 pieces 25 Plates. French porcelain; finely painted decoration of richly plumed birds, and of flowers and insects ; gilt scalloped edges. 15 pieces 26 Compotes. To match. 3 pieces 27 Plates. Decorated with flowers and butterflies, in delicate tints of pink, green, blue, and yellow ; gilt edges. 11 pieces 28 Plates. French porcelain; floral designs and butterflies in centres ; celadon and gold bands ; open-work borders. 29 Plates. Staffordshire; canary yellow, pink and dark blue glaze, with vases and floral designs, in gold and silver mat ; Japanese designs. 10 pieces 30 Plates. Minton ; birds, flowers, and berries, painted in brilliant colors ; gilt edges. 31 Plates. Staffordshire; plain white centres, with dlew du roi gold bands ; fishes and plants in gold and silver mat. 12 pieces 32 Plates. For shell-fish ; decorated with marine subjects. 12 pieces 33 Plates. Royal Worcester; finely painted decoration of richly plumed birds, and blossoms, grasses, etc., on celadon ground; gold-beaded borders and gilt scalloped edges. 13 pieces 34 Pair Compotes, To match. 35 Plates. Brownsfield ; octagonal shape ; landscapes in centres ; turquoise and gold borders, with jewelled ornaments. 6 pieces 36 Plates, Dresden ; landscapes in white panels, and flowers on gold ground. 16 pieces 37 Plate. Royal Berlin; floral designs, maroon and gold bands; open-work edges. PLATES, ETC. q 38 Plate. French porcelain; plain white centre, bleu du roi border, with orna- mentation in gold. 39 Plaie. Bodley; decorated with clusters of cherries on light blue ground. 40 Plate. Decorated with fishes and marine plants by J. Birbeck. Bleu du roi border and gold mat. 41 Plate. French porcelain; bunch of grapes in centre; pink and gold border band. 42 Plate. Mintons; blue decoration in old Chinese willow pattern ; embossed gold borders. , 43 Plate. Decorated with water and flying storks in blue, on clouded gold ground. 44 Plate. Bodley; sea-green ground, with birds and tree in gold mat. 45 Plate. Vienna; bird on branch of plum-tree, painted in colors; maroon and gold border, with jewelled ornaments. 46 Dresden Plates. Landscape and shipping scenes in white panels ; flowers in yellow, green, and black panels ; black borders with gold edges. 3 pieces 47 Plates. Staffordshire; decorated with various birds and grasses; bleu du rot and gold border with rope-pattern edge. 11 pieces 48 Plates. Decorated with floral subjects; gilt edges. 10 pieces 49 Plates. Crown Derby; finely painted decoration, Oriental and other designs ; blue and gold borders. 12 pieces 50 Plates. French porcelain ; decorated with Chinese figures and floral subjects in bright colors ; gilt scalloped edges. 12 pieces 51 Plates. Centre medallions decorated with birds and flowers in bright colors ; pink borders, with flying storks in gold mat. 12 pieces 52 Plates. Copeland; decorated Chinese willow pattern in deep blue ; scalloped gilt edges. 19 pieces 53 Plates. French porcelain ; floral designs finely painted in centre medallions ; rich blue and gold borders. 12 pieces 54 Game Plates. Centre panels finely decorated with bird subjects; rose du Barry borders, with gold mat. 12 pieces 55 Plates. Crown Derby; decorated with Venetian scenes; salmon and gold borders, with celadon edges and gold mat. 10 pieces 56 Plates. Haviland & Co. ; decorated with birds and flowers ; India red borders, with gold pencillings. 9 pieces 57 Plates, Haviland & Co.; decorated with fishes and water-plants. 58 Plates. Mintons ; richly decorated with birds and Oriental designs in bright enamels and gold on turquoise ground ; ivory texture. 12 pieces 59 Plates. Dresden; rich blossom decorations ; open-work edges. 15 pieces 60 Compote. To match. 61 Fish Plates. Bodley ; cream-color ground ; decorated with fishes and water- plants. 12 pieces 62 Plates. Crown Derby; richly decorated Persian floral designs, in gold and bright colors. 12 pieces 63 Plates. Octagonal shape; decorated with various shells, corals, and water- plants. 12 pieces HOEY COLLECTION. 64 Plates. Pointons, Stoke-on-Trent; ivory ground, floral designs and insects in gold and silver mat. 9 pieces 65 Plates. Crown Derby ; marine views and landscapes in centre medallions ; rich maroon border, with enamel birds, and tree in gold and silver mat. 12 pieces 66 Plates. Decorated with birds, foliage, and landscapes ; scalloped edges. 12 pieces 67 Plates. Deep-shape Dresden; decorated in floral designs; gold scalloped edges. 9 pieces 68 Plates. Pointons, Stoke on-Trent; ivory ground, with vine designs in gold and silver mat. 69 Plates. Decorated with landscapes and marine views; ribbon design edge in pink and gold and blue and gold. 5 pieces 70 Plates. Crown Derby ;.Venetian views in centre medallions; canary yellow borders, with fishes in gold and silver. 12 pieces 71 Fish Plates. Bodley; sea-green ground, decorated with fishes, sea-weeds, and branches of blossoms ; scalloped edges. 9 pieces 72 Plates. Haviland; celadon centre with finely painted fruits, blossoms, and butterflies in natural colors ; pencilled gold borders and open-work edges. 6 pieces 73 Plates. Haviland; finely painted decorations of fishes and flowers; bleu du roi and gold borders. 12 pieces 74 Two Plates. Minton; decorated with birds and orchids. 75 Plates. Crown Derby; landscapes and marine views in centre panels; canary yellow borders, with birds and trees in enamels and gold mat. 9 pieces 76 Plate. Mark, Sevres—1846—Louis Philippe; decorated with miniature portrait of Mme. Elisabeth ; blew du rot border, with gold ornamentation. 77 Plate. Mark, M. Imp! de Sevres ; decorated with portrait of Madame Bona- parte, by Clary ; blew du roi border, with imperial coat of arms of Napoleon, in gold. 78 Plate. Soft paste ; mark of Sevres; decorated with combat of warriors ; blew du roi and gold border. 79 Plate. Mark, Sevres, 1872; miniature portrait in centre ; rose pink border with gold decoration. 80 Plate. French porcelain; decoration of fowls, celadon and gold border. 81 Two Plates. Decorated in pink and gold; blue and gold scalloped edges. 82 Plate. Mintons; ivory texture, richly decorated in turquoise and gold, with jewelled ornaments. 83 Plate. Haviland; decoration of snipe, grasses, etc.; light green and gold border. 84 Two Plates. Sevres mark, 1846; decorated with miniature portraits of Madame Royale and Madame Victoire ; turquoise blue and gold borders. 85 Plates. Sevres, 1880; decorated with portraits of court beauties ; blew du roi border, with fleur-de-lis in gold. 4 pieces PLATES, ETC. 9 86 Plates. Sevres, 1844—Louis Philippe ; decorated with miniature portraits by E. Fouinat ; rich blue and gold borders. S87 Plates. Sevres, 1857—Napoleon I1I.; decorated with imperial crests in gold ; bleu du roi borders. 3 pieces 8S Two Plates. Sevres, 1859—Napoleon III.; imperial crests in gold on white centre ; blew du roi and gold borders. 89 Plates. M. Imple de Sevres; coat of arms of Napoleon III., in gold on white ground. 4 pieces 90 Plates. Sevres, 1859—Napoleon III.; imperial crests and ivy borders in gold. 4 pieces 91 Plate. M. Imple de Sevres; imperial eagle in gold, on white centre ; blew du rot border, gold decoration. 92 Plates. M. Imple de Sevres ; imperial eagles in gold. : 5 pieces 93 Plates. Sevres, 1880; decorated with miniature portraits ; rich blue and gold borders. 3 pieces 94 Plates. M. Imple de Sevres; coats of arms of Napoleon III. in centres ; rich blue borders, with imperial eagles in gold. 5 pieces 95 Plate. Soft paste; Sevres; decorated with miniature portrait of Princesse de Lamballe, by E. Marion ; rich dark and turquoise borders, with gold deco- ration. 96 Two Plates. Sevres, 1846; subjects of decorations, ‘‘ Jupiter et Calisto,” and “‘ La Toilette de Vénus.”” 97 Two Plates. Sevres mark; decorated by E. Moreau, with ‘‘ Explosion du Vaisseau l’Orient 4 Aboukir,’ and ‘‘H. Primoguet incendie la Nef amirale d’ Angleterre.” 98 Plates. Sevres, 1840; star centre in gold ; animals and floral vines on borders, with cameo medallions and monogram of Louis Philippe. 5 pieces 99 Plates. Dresden ; blew du voi borders and gilt scalloped edges. 2 pieces 100 Two Plates. Sevres, 1837; pastoral subjects in centres ; maroon and gold borders with floral paneis. 2 pieces 101 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with battle scenes ; king’s blue and gold borders. 5 pieces 102 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with subjects after Watteau ; king’s blue and gold borders ; floral panels. 103 Plates. Sevres, 1846; decorated with pastoral subjects ; rich blew du roi borders. 12 pieces 104 Plates. Deep-shape Redon Limoges ; neat gold decorations. 10 pieces 105 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with interior scenes, by Koffert; king’s blue and gold border. 17 pieces 106 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with pastoral subjects; rich blew du roi and gold borders ; scalloped edges. : 9 pieces 107 Plates. Decorated with miniature portraits of court beauties by L. Ver- gniaud. Turquoise and gold borders. 11 pieces 108 Two Plates. Sevres, 1837; pastoral subjects in centre medailions ; canary yellow and gold borders, with floral panels. 10 HOEY COLLECTION. 109 Two Plates. Sevres, 1837; pastoral subjects in centre medallions ; pink and gold borders, with floral medallions. 110 Plates. Sevres, 1837; pastoral subjects in medallions ; turquoise and gold borders and floral panels. 5 pieces 111 Compotes. To match. 112 Plates. Sevres mark ; miniature portraits of court beauties in centre panels, by Gaultier ; turquoise and gold borders, with floral panels. 10 pieces 113 Plates. Sevres mark; pastoral subjects in centre medallions, by G. Perike ; blew du roi and gold borders, with fioral patterns ; scalloped edges. 5 pieces 114 Plates. Sevres, 1846; decorated with cherubs and royal crests of Louis Philippe ; bleu du roi and gold borders ; scalloped edges. 16 pieces 115 Plates. Sevres, 1837; decorated with cherubs and crests of Louis Philippe ; pink and gold borders. 3 pieces 116 Plates. Similar to the above, small. 3 pieces 117 Two Plates. Sevres, 1837; decorated with cherubs and crests of Louis Philippe ; rose du Barry and gold borders. 118 Two Plates. Similar to the above, but smaller. 119 Plates. Sevres, 1837; decorated with cherubs and crests of Louis Philippe ; canary color and gold borders. 5 pieces 120 Plates. Similar to the above, smaller. 7 pieces 121 Plates. Sevres, 1846 ; decorated with battle scenes ; rich blew du roi and gold borders ; scalloped edges. 6 pieces 122 Plates. Sevres, 1837; decorated with pastoral subjects ; turquoise blue and gold borders, floral panels, scalloped edges. 5 pieces 123 Plates. Sevres mark; pastoral subjects in centres, by A. Daret ; turquoise blue and gold borders, with floral panels. 7 pieces 124 Plates. Similar to the above. 9 pieces 125 Plates. Sevres mark; miniature portraits of court beauties in centre panels ; turquoise blue and gold borders, with floral medallions ; scalloped edges. 7 pieces 126 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with Watteau subjects by Chas. Fleecker ; bleu du roi and gold borders. 8 pieces 127 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with pastoral subjects by E. Grassiére ; king’s blue and gold borders. 11 pieces 128 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with pastoral subjects by L. Grison; king’s blue and gold borders. 129 Plates. Sevres, 1864; centre panels decorated with pastoral subjects, by H. Poitevin ; bleu du roi and gold borders ; floral panels ; scalloped edges. 11 pieces 130 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with figure subjects by E. Budnicourt ; rich blue and gold borders. 4 pieces 131 Plates. Sevres mark; decorated with subjects after Watteau, by Boucher ; turquoise blue and gold borders ; floral panels. 17 pieces 132 Plates. French porcelain; floral centres, with rich blue and gold borders; scalloped edges. 11 pieces 133 Plates. Crown Derby; Venetian scenes in centre panels; turquoise blue borders, with fishes in gold and silver mat. 12 pieces PLATES, ETC. 11 134 Plates. Royal Worcester ; octagonal shape; canary yellow, celadon, pink, and light blue glazes ; decoration of birds, blossoms, and berries ; rose design edges. 15 pieces 135 Pair of Compotes. To match. 136 Plates. Dresden, deep shape; decorated with figures and flowers in panels of various colors; gold borders. 137 Plates. Copeland; dark blue ground, with hawthorn blossoms in white reserve ; gold scalloped borders. 4 pieces 138 Two Plates. Sea-green glaze, with enamelled fern designs. 139 Two Plates. Bodley ; floral and bird design in gold mat and enamels. 140 Two Plates. Birds and floral designs in gold mat and enamel. 141 Plate. French porcelain; decorated with marine view ; gold scalloped edge. 142 Plate. Sevres mark; decorated with cherub and floral design in colors ; pink border. 143 Plate. Mintons; bird decoration, turquoise and gold border, and jewelled ornaments. 144 Plate. Berlin; centre panel decorated with birds, plants, and cluster of cherries in bright colors ; turquoise band, with open-work and gold border. 145 Two Plates. Mintons; Oriental designs in India red, gold, and silver ; pierced panels on borders. 146 Three Plates. Mintons; floral designs on ivory-white centres ; rich king’s blue and gold borders. 147 Plates. French porcelain; ivory-white ground, with fish designs, after 8. A. Kilbourne. 7 pieces 148 Plates. Mintons; canary yellow ground, with floral designs and butterflies in natural colors, in neat gold borders. 8 pieces 149 Plates. Octagonal shape; Copeland; decorated with landscapes and mountain scenery ; pink and gold borders. 150 Two Plates. Mintons; floral centres, rich blue and gold borders, with Indian red bands. 151 Plates. Bodley; rich floral designs on ivory ground ; scalloped edges. 11 pieces 152 Fish [Plates. Finely painted decorations: ‘‘ American Game Fishes” ; pale pink borders, with jewelled ornaments. 12 pieces 153 Game Plates. French porcelain; finely painted decorations of birds, flow- ers, and other subjects. 12 pieces 154 Plates. Bodley; decorated with aquatic and other birds; scalloped gilt edges. 7 pieces 155 Plates. Dresden, deep shape ; figure and floral subjects in panels, in vari- ous colors. 6 pieces 156 Plates. Dresden, deep shape; pastoral and floral subjects on panels of various colors ; gold borders. 18 pieces 157 Plates. Dresden; similar to the above, smaller size. 12 pieces 158 Plates. Dresden, deep form; decorated with pastoral subjects and flowers, on panels of various colors ; gold borders and scalloped edges. 9 pieces 12 HOEY COLLECTION. INDIA AND SEVRES CHINA DINNER SERVICES AND MISCELLANEOUS PORCELAINS. 159 Trays. Trefoil shape ; Davenport; landscapes in medallions; lavender and gold borders. 12 pieces 160 Pair Round Dishes. Haviland; finely decorated in crimson and gold. 161 Two Round Dishes, Haviland; one decorated in blue and gold, the other with birds and floral designs in delicate colors. 162 Two Round Dishes. Haviland & Co.; one decorated in pale blue and gold, the other with floral designs in natural colors and gold. 163 Plaque. Oval; Sevres, 1874; decoration of Bataille de Lawfeldt (1747) ; blew du rot and gold border. 164 Plaque. Square; Sevres, 1846; medallion portrait of Louis XVI., by A. Durier ; king’s blue and gold border. 165 Large Plaque. Octagonal; royal Vienna; subject of decoration in cen- tre medallion, *‘ Telemache”’ ; inside border of crimson, with outer border of various colors in medallions and panel, all richly ornamented in embossed gold. 166 Plaque. Royal Vienna; octagonal; centre panel decorated with scrip- tural subject, ‘‘Rebeccaam Brunnen’’; purple inner border and crimson outer border, with rich ornamentation in gold. 167 Plaque. Royal Vienna, circular shape; subject of decoration on centre panel, ‘“‘ Three Graces’; maroon inner border, with outer border in panel and medallion designs, all richly ornamented in gold. 168 Large Plaque. Royal Vienna, circular shape ; mythological subject in centre medallion; pink inner border ornamented in gold, and outer border of richly combined colors relieved by embossed gold. 169 Pair Compotes. Coalport; richly decorated in blue and gold, with jewelled borders. 170 Set: Teapot, Sugar Bowl, and Creamer. Sevres, 1846; battle scenes finely painted in medallions ; blew du roi ground, with gold ornamentation. 171 Pitcher. Capodi Monte; rclief ornamentation, mythological subject. 172 Cups and Saucers. Dresden; pastoral figures in white medallions, and floral designs on panels of various colors. 17 pieces 173 Two Cupsand Saucers. Dresden, square shape; decorated with pas- toral and floral subjects. 174 Wete-a-tete Set. Sevres, 1846 ; medallion portraits and floral panels, finely painted ; rich blew du roi glaze, with gold ornamentation. Comprises teapot, sugar bowl, creamer, two cups and saucers, 175 Cups and Saucers. Dresden ; decorated with pastoral and floral subjects in various-colored panels. 9 pieces 176 Pitcher. Dresden; pastoral subjects in white panels; blue ground, with floral designs. 177 Four Small Pitchers, Dresden; decorated with floral designs and pas- toral subjects. INDIA AND SEVRES CHINA DINNER SERVICES AND PORCELAINS. 13 178 Cups and Saucers. Sevres mark; battle scenes painted in panels; king’s blue glaze, with gold ornamentation. 12 pieces 179 Chocolate Set. Sarreguemines; king’s blue glaze, with fleur-de-lis in gold. Comprises chocolate pot, sugar bowl, two cups and saucers, and two plates. 180 Cups and Saucers. Sarreguemines ; king’s blue glaze, with gold decora- tion. 10 pieces 181 Cup and Saucer. Sevres; decorated with coat of arms of Napoleon III. in gold ; bleu du roi glaze. 182 Cup and Saucer. Sevres mark; decorated with view of Grand Trianon ; king’s blue and gold border. 183 Cups and Saucers. French porcelain; octagon shape; richly decorated in blue and gold. 184 Bowl. To match. 185 Menu Stands. Decorated with Oriental designs. 16 pieces 186 India China Dinner Service. Rich medallion decoration. 105 pieces 187 India China Breakfast and Tea Service. Rich medallion deco- ration. 87 pieces 188 Cups and Saucers. French porcelain, egg-shell texture ; salmon color glaze, with cameo medallions on cups. 6 pieces 189 Cups and Saucers. French porcelain; green glaze and gold-gilt bor- ders. 3 pieces 190 Dinner, Tea, and Breakfast Service. Sevres porcelain; decorated with crests of Louis Philippe, cherubs, and floral panels ; turquoise-blue glaze with gold borders. Comprises 90 dinner plates, 14 soup plates, 53 tea, breakfast, and dessert plates, 3 large round tureens, 3 vegetable dishes, 6 meat platters, 5 round platters, 2 gravy boats, 4 relish dishes, 36 tea cups and saucers, 35 after- dinner cups and saucers ; in all 328 pieces. 191 Oval Plaque. Sevres porcelain; decorated to match the above service; turquoise-blue outer band. 192 Plates. Sevres porcelain ; decorated to match preceding. 28 pieces 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 SECOND DAY’S SALH, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 24ru, BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK. RICH CUT, ENGRAVED, AND ENAMELLED GLASS. Cut Crystal Glass Goblets. Gold band at top and base. By Baccarat. 19 pieces Champagne Goblets. To match. 18 pieces Claret Glasses. To match ; low foot. 11 pieces Wine Glasses. To match; low foot. 10 pieces Small Tumblers. To match; eggshell quality. 11 pieces Heavy Crystal Glass Tumblers. Gold gilt edges. By Baccarat. 15 pieces Rich Lapis Glass Tumblers. Cut and gold-gilt ornamentation of fleur de lis. 10 pieces Wine Glasses. Ruby and white; finely cut bowl and stem. 10 pieces Small Tumblers. Eggshell quality ; finely engraved ornamentation of fern designs ; gold-giltedge and band. By Baccarat. 23 pieces Large Tumblers. To match. t 25 pieces Champagne Bowls. To match. 80 pieces Claret Glasses. To match. 27 pieces Wine Glasses. To match. 24 pieces Sherry Glasses. To match. 16 pieces Austrian Glass Champagne Bowls. /YVarious colors; enamelled and gilt ornamentation. 8 pieces Hiock Glasses. Cut stems and ruby bowls. 6 pieces Austrian Glass, Wimes. Cut and enamelled ornamentation. 9 pieces Bohemian Glass, Wines. Green bowls ; enamelled ornamentation in coats-of-arms and other designs. Amber Hock Glasses. Low form ; iridescent lustre and gilt edge. 12 pieces 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 RICH CUT, ENGRAVED, AND ENAMELLED GLASS. 18 Wine Glasses. Engraved ornamentation ; festoons of flowers and initial ‘*H.’? By Baccarat. 8 pieces Wine Glasses. To match. 16 pieces Sherry Glasses. To match. 12 pieces Cocktail Glasses. To match. 15 pieces Cordial Glasses. To match. 6 pieces Tee-cream Saucers, With handles. To match. 7 pieces Finger Bowls. To match. 15 pieces Fruit Plates. To match. 15 pieces Hiock Glasses, Gilt and enamelled decoration. 12 pieces Ruby Glass Lemonade Pitcher, Richly gilt and enamelled. Lemonade Glasses. To match. 4 pieces Jaret Jug. To match. Claret Glasses and Tumbler. To match. 4 pieces Liqueur Bottle. To match. Cheese Dish and Cover. To match. Opal Glass Champagne Bowls. Gold-gilt edge and border. 11 pieces Bohemian Tall Champagne Glasses. 12 pieces Baccarat Glass Tumblers. Etched and gold-gilt ornamentation. 16 pieces Ruby Glass Pitcher. Rich embossed gold ornamentation. Large Tumblers. To match. 6 pieces Smaller Tumblers. To match. 6 pieces Lemonade and Claret Glasses. To match. 6 pieces Large Finger Bowls with Trays. To match. 3 pieces Small Finger Bowls. To match. 2 pieces Small Tray on Feet. To match. Cheese Dish with Cover. To match. Tumblers. Etched ornamentation and gilt initial “H.” 20 pieces Sherry Glasses, Etched and gold-gilt, 6 pieces Claret Glasses. To match. 6 pieces Goblets with Lips. Engraved ornamentation and inscription ‘‘ Dublin, 1875”? ; cut stem. 3 pieces Enamelled Glass Cordials. 11 pieces Enamelled Glass Hocks. 3 pieces Ruby Glass Claret Pitcher. Embossed gold ornamentation in vine and floral design. Pitcher. To match. Lemonade Glasses, Claret and Small Piteher. To match. 5 pieces Cheese Dish and Cover. To match. Amber Champagne Glasses, Gilt edge, iridescent lustre. 10 pieces 16 HOEY COLLECTION. 249 Pair Large Hock Glasses. Amber color ; enamelled and gilt orna- mentation. 250 Amber Glass Mocks. Iridescent lustre, embossed ornamentation. 24 pieces 251 Hock Glasses. Engraved green bowls. 12 pieces 252 Rhine Wine Set. Green glass, engraved. Comprises decanter and 6 glasses. 253 Rhine Wine Glasses, Green glass, enamelled decoration. 4 pieces 254 Quart Decanter. Crystal glass ; cut and gold-gilt monogram OS dianl alee 255 Pint Decanter. Tomatch. 256 Champagne Bowls. To match. 12 pieces 257 Tall Champagne Glasses. To match. 12 pieces 258 Tall Claret Glasses. To match. 12 pieces 259 Wine Glasses. To match. 11 pieces 260 Sherry Glasses. To match. 11 pieces 261 Finger Bowls and Plates. To match. 24 pieces 262 Finger Bowl and Tray. Green enamelled glass. 263 Finger Bowl and Tray. Enamelled amber glass. 264 Claret Jug. Green glass; richly enamelled. 265 Lemonade Pitcher. Turquoise glass ; handsomely cnamelled. 266 Amber Glass Pitcher. Richly enamelled. 267 Fruit Plates. Ruby and white glass ; richly cut. 12 pieces 268 Crystal Glass Pitcher and Tray. Richly cut ; ruby ornaments, 269 Pair of Trays. Richly cut crystal glass ; diamond pattern. 270 Small Tray. Shield shape ; finely cut crystal glass. 271 Four Small Trays. Crystal glass; finely cut, diamond pattern. 272 Pair of Crystal Glass Compotes. Richly cut. 273 Large Fruit Bowl. Crystal glass; elaborately cut in rich design. 274 Ice-cream Dish. Crystal glass; richly cut. 275 Pair of Fruit Trays. Antique design, crystal glass ; handsomely cut, diamond pattern. 2476 Two Cut Glass Bottles. Low globular shape. 277 Cut Glass Whiskey Jug. : 278 Pair of Decanters. Crystal glass; richly cut, diamond pattern. 279 Pair of Decanters. Antique design; heavy quality ; richly cut, diamond pattern. 280 Decanter. Antique design, boldly cut ; crystal glass. 281 Antique Decanter. Crystal glass; finely cut, diamond pattern. 282 Claret Flagon. Crystal glass; finely cut with diamond patterns ; silver mountings. 283 Pair of Rich Claret Jugs. Ring design, handsomely cut ; crystal glass. 284 Claret Jug and Pair of Glasses. Finely engraved ornamentation. VASES, ORNAMENTS, FRENCH LAMPS, ETC. i} 285 Tumblers. Eggshell quality ; engraved ornamentation. 5 pieces 5S 1 ME ? oS 286 Quart Decanter. Engraved ornamentation of floral designs and intaglio figure of Cupid. 287 Claret Jug. Engraved ornamentation. 288 Quart Decanter. Finely engraved ornamentation of floral design. 289 Claret Jug. Pilgrim-bottle shape; handsome engraved ornamentation ; floral and other design. 291 Claret Piteher. Engraved and intaglio ornamentation ; equestrian figure and other designs. 292 Lemonade Piteher. Finely engraved and intaglio ornamentation ; wild horse, trees, etc. 293 Rich Enamelled Glass Decanter. 294 Tumblers. To match. 12 pieces 295 Jardiniere. Blue cut glass, with French gilt mountings in bamboo style. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 10 inches. VASES, ORNAMENTS, FRENCH LAMPS, ETC. 296 Two Vases. Bottle form, with handles; German porcelain ; with gilt Oriental ornamentation. Height, 10 inches. 297 Pitcher. German porcelain; with gilt and Oriental ornamentation. Height, 7 inches. 298 Pitcher. German porcelain; with gilt and Oriental ornamentation. Height, 6} inches. 299 Small Vase. Gourd shape ; German porcelain; with gilt and Oriental ornamentation. Height, 7 inches. 300 Pair of Vases, Bottle shape; German porcelain ; with gilt and Oriental ornamentation. Height, 12 inches. 301 Ale Jug. Stoneware; blue and gray glaze; pewter cover. Height, 13 inches. 302 Double-ring Jug. Stoneware; blue and gray glaze. Height, 154 inches. 303 Jug. Flat shape, with beak and loose ring; black, gray, and purple glaze. Height, 14 inches. 304 Jug. Taller, with open body. Height, 19} inches; diameter, 10 inches. 305 Sardimiere. Earthenware; marbleized glaze; formed by two winged lions. 306 Two Ewers. Capodi Monte ware; marine and figure subject ; handles formed by faun and Cupid. Signed. Height, 15 inches. 307 Pair of Flower Vases. French porcelaint; rose glaze, with gilt decora- tion and Japanese figure medallion on ivory-tinted ground ; raised on three feet. 308 Flower Vase. Broad, flat shape; porcelain; richly decorated in Hastern design in blue, with gilding, etc. Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches, 309 Vase. Similar; rose tint. Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches, 9 a 18 HOEY COLLECTION. 310 French Lamp. Royal Dresden porcelain ; vase of ovoid and fluted shape ; flowers and medallions with figure painting surrounded with gilt wreath ; bronze mounting. Height to burner, 24 inches. 311 One Pair of French Lamps. Light blue Sevres porcelain, with landscape and figure medallion and gilding ; gilt bronze mounting. Height, 21 inches. 312 One Pair of Jars, with Covers. Figure medallions alternating with plue floral medallions ; gilding in arabesque design. Height, 15 inches. 313 Vase. French porcelain ; bamboo shape ; ivory-tinted paste with open-work ; figure subject in Japanese style of decoration. Height, 15 inches. (Mended.) 314 Pair of Porcelain Figures. French; with articulated heads and hands ; decorated Japanese style. Height, 114 inches ; width, 10 inches. 315 Pair similar. 316 Two Tall Vases. Gien faience ; decoration in Japanese style. Painted by E. T. Petit. Height, 22 inches ; diameter, 12} inches. 317 Vase. Ovoid form ; Gien faience ; decorated in the Italian style ; cartouche, bearing letter F and crown; reverse panel with salamander; twisted snake handles. Height, 20 inches ; diameter, 11 inches. 318 Pair of Lamps. French porcelain ;Japis blue ; pastoral figure medallions and gilding; bronze mounting. Height, 22 inches. 319 Two Vases, with Covers. French porcelain ; lapis blue, with pastoral _ figure medallions and gilding ; gilt bronze mounting, with ram’s-head handies, etc. Height, 173 inches. 320 Tall French Lamp. Gilt bronze; with Cupids ; Imari porcelain vase. 321 Tall French Lamp, Turquoise vase, with Chinese decoration ; bronze mounting. $322 Pair of Lamps. Gray crackle porcelain; gold lacquer decoration and brass mounting. Height to globe, 22 inches. 323 Two Lamps. Sevres porcelain; landscape, and also a flower and figure medallion painted by Bertran ; mounted in gilt bronze. Height to burner, 19 inches ; width, 8 inches. 324 Two Tall Vases. Chinese porcelain; decorated on light green ground ; gilt bronze mounting; Louis XV. design. Height, 28 inches; width, 12 inches. 325 Two French Lamps. Sevres porcelain; lapis blue, with gilding and figure medallion painting, Signed A. Daret. Mounted in gilt bronze, with globes, etc., complete. Height to burner, 22 inches, 326 Pair of Vases. Gien faience ; ovoid shape, with snake handles; deco- rated, on blue ground, with trophies and figure medallions in yellow. Height, 19 inches ; diameter, 10 inches. 327 Vase. Ovoid shape ; figure decoration in transparent glazes, white ground ; “ Yung-ching.’? Height, 15 inches ; diameter, 11 inches. 328 Wase. Cylindrical shape; figure decoration in various glazes on white ground; fret borders, etc. Height, 18 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. 329 Vase. Biberon shape; green and red floral decoration on white ground Height, 124 inches ; diameter, 8 inches. VASES, ORNAMENTS, FRENCH LAMPS, ETC. 19 330 Vase. Ovoid shape; similar decoration. Height, 124 inches. 331 Pair of Beaker Chinese porcelain; figure decoration on red glazed ground. Height, 15 inches; diameter, 74 inches. 332 Jar. Mustard crackle glaze ground, decorated in various colors, represent- ing flowers, objects, etc. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 9 inches. 333 One Pair of French Lamps. Japanese porcelain; Imari decoration ; mounted in brass, rococo design. Height to burner, 23 inches. 334 French Lamp. Lapis blue porcelain, with elaborate gilt bronze mounting; raised on 3 claw-feet, and with figure brackets. Height to burner, 25 inches. 335 Tall Vase. Chinese porcelain; white ground, with raised ornamentation, flowers, objects, etc. Height, 24 inches ; diameter, 10 inches. 336 Vase. Chinese porcelain; celadon glaze, in -pine-cone relief. Seal mark. Height, 134 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. 337 Vase. Chinese porcelain ; biberon shape ; stone blue crackle glaze, Height, 18 inches. 338 Bottle. Chinese porcelain ; apple-green crackle glaze. Height, 13} inches ; diameter, 64 inches. 339 Three Jars and Covers. Chinese porcelain; landscape and figure decoration, in various colors; white ground. Height, 15 inches, with covers ; diameter, 10 inches. 340 Lamp. Pink Sevres porcelain, with pastoral and figure medallion, signed Bertran ; reverse, floral medallion ; gilt bronze mounting. Height to globe, 214 inches. 341 Lamp. Blue Sevres porcelain, with figure and Jandscape medallions, painted by Quintin ; gilt bronze mounting. Height to burner, 214 inches. 342 Wall Vase. Ovoid shape, spreading base and neck; Gien faience ; Italian renaissance design forming various medallions, with masque head, vcriftins, dolphins, etc. Height, 28: inches ; diameter, 12 inches. 343 Two Wases. Beaker shape; Gien faience ; floral decoration, Chinese style, in various colors on amber ground. Height, 173 inches. 344 Pair of Vases. Beaker shape; Gien faience ; blue and white decoration in arabesque and floral design. Height, 174 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. 345 Large Plaque. Gien faience ; decorated in Italian renaissance; centre shows a cartouche with Cupid riding on dolphin ; griffin design on white ground ; tield surrounded by blue border. Diameter, 17 inches. 346 Large Plaque. Gien faience ; decorated with figures of dolphins in ara- besque borders ; centre cartouche with rampant lion and crown. Diameter, 24 inches. 347 Three Large Plaques. Faience; blue scalloped-edge border; centre with ducks, birds, flowers, etc. Diameter, 22 inches. 348 Pair of Vases. Faience, flat shape ; Japanese-style decoration, with birds and foliage in raised gilding on ivory-toned ground. Height, 20} inches; diameter, 114 inches. 349 Pair of Lamps. Dresden porcelain ; ovoid shape and fiuted ; decorated with flowers and figure medallion, and gilt ; mounted with gilt bronze. Height to burner, 19 inches. 20 HOEY COLLECTION. 350 Two Vases. Sevres porcelain; ovoid shape, with slender base and neck ; figure subject, representing Architecture and Painting, by M. Demonceaux. Height, 31 inches. 351 French Lamp. Sevres porcelain; royal blue, with gilt pastoral medallion painted by Quintin ; bronze mounting. 352 French Lamp. Sevres porcelain; rose ground, with pastoral and floral medallion painted by Bertran ; bronze mounting. 353 Two Candelabra. Sevres porcelain ; royal blue, with gilding ; pastoral] medallion painted by A. Perad. 354 Two French Lamps. Sevres porcelain; royal blue, with gilding and medallions by Quintin ; bronze mounting. 355 Small Gilt Bronze Stand, with Sevres Porcelain Top. Pas- toral subject in Watteau style. Height, 29 inches ; diameter, 20} inches. 356 Two Sevres Vases. Urnshape:; lapis blue ground ; elaborate gilding sur- rounding medallion, with garden and figure subject painted by Poitevin ; bronze mounting a1.d handles. Height, 3 feet ; diameter, 20 inches. 357 Sevres Vase, with Cover. Amber color, with pastoral figure medall- ions painted by Quintin; gilt bronze handles and mounting, Height, 25 inches ; diameter, 11 inches. 358 Two Sevres Vases, with Covers. Urn shape; lapis blue, with gild- ing and figure painting, Cupids and flowers, etc.; gilt bronze mounting ; with handles. Height, 19 inches. 359 Pair of Small Jars, with Cover Figure medallions in Watteau style alternating with floral subjects on turquoise ground. 360 Pair of Tall Lamps. Satsuma faience ; gilt bronze mounting. Height to burner, 27 inches ; diameter, 8 inches. 361 Pair of Tall Lamps. Chinese crackleware ; red dragon and bird decora- tion, French mounting. Height to burner, 24inches ; diameter, 8 inches. 362 Tall French Lamp. Chinese porcelain ; bamboo and floral decoration, with quails, etc., on pink ground; mounted in polished brass. Height to burner, 29 inches. 363 Pair of Vases. Longwy faience; Chinese form; raised enamel decora- tion of flowers, birds, etc., on brilliant blue ground. Height, 21 inches; diameter, 8 inches. 364 Vase. Ovoid shape; Limoges porcelain; floral decoration, modelled in low relief ; brilliant enamel colors. Height, 23 inches ; Giameter, 14 inches. 365 Another similar. 366 Tall Lamp. Chinese porcelain; floral and foliage decoration on light green ground ; lizard handles ; mounted in polished brass. Height to burner: 30 inches ; diameter, 10 inches. 367 Pair of Sevres Vases. Urn shape; lapis blue, with gilt bronze mount- ing. Height, 11 inches ; diameter, 61 inches. 368 Two Tall Lamps. Chinese porcelain; gourd shape, griffin handles landscape and figure decoration, green predominating ; French gilt mountin, Height to burner, 28 inches ; diameter, 10 inches, c) o Ss. VASES, ORNAMENTS, FRENCH LAMPS, ETO. 21 369 Large Vase. French porcelain; ovoid shape, spreading at neck ; foliage, flowers, and birds, painted by N. Vivien. Height, 26 inches; diameter, 13 inches. 370 Pair of Large Lamps. Chinese porcelain; medallion pattern ; flowers, figures, butterflies, etc.; raised gilt handles, lizard, etc.; bronze mounting. Height to burner, 35 inches; diameter, 11 inches. 371 Pair of Sevres Porcelain Lamps. Lapis blue, with medallions of floral and figure subjects in Watteau style, and with gilding and Louis XVI. bronze mounting. Height to burner, 18 inches. 372 Large Dresden Porcelain Centrepiece. Representing three fig- ures in captivity, strongly modelled in free relief, and a garland of flowers in natural form; upper part is of open-work, in shape of urn with cover. Height, with cover, 40 inches; width at base, 18 inches. 373 Pair of Dresden Porcelain Sidepieces. To match above; with three draped female figures raised on base, and with lions’ heads and garlands ; column supporting perforated urn and cover, Height, 40 inches ; width at base, 18 inches. 374 Two Dresden Figure Candlesticks, Clusteroffourlights. Height, 21 inches. 375 Large Dresden Porcelain Bowl, with Cover. Landscape and figure decoration ; gilt-bronze perforated mounting ; lion’s head handles ; hand'e of cover formed by figure of child with garland of flowers. Height, 221 inches ; diameter, 153 inches. 376 Pair of Tall Vases. Lapisglass ; beautiful amphora shape ; finely wrought mountiogs in gilt bronze. Made for and exhibited at the first French Expo- sition, Paris, 1855 ; bought there by Messrs. Tiffany & Co., and presented by them to the Sanitary Fair held in New York, 1862, and were the first objects sold on the opening day, the purchaser being the late Mr. John Hoey. 377 Pair of Ebony and Inlaid Pedestals. For the above ; have bronze medallion ornaments. 378 Two Tall Lamps. Chinese porcelain; deep red glaze; gilt bronze mountings and handles. Height, without globe, 3 feet; diameter, 15 inches. 379 Garniture for Console or Cabinet. One Chinese porcelain jardi- niére ; rich floral decoration, with birds and butterflies on white ground ; gilt bronze mounting. Two candelabra, with 7-light cluster ; Chinese porcelain, rich floral decoration, birds and butterflies on white ground ; gilt bronze mounting. Height of candelabra, 28} inches. 3 pieces 380 Pair of Vases. Sevres porcelain ; urn shape, with covers ; lapis blue with gilding ; decorated with medallions in landscape and figure subject, flowers, etc., painted by A. Daret; rich gilt bronze mounting, Louis XVI. style. Height, 284 inches ; diameter, 14 inches. 381 Pair of Vases. Royal Vienna porcelain ; elaborate borders and gilding, with medallions showing mythological figure subjects; have covers and stands. Height, 22 inches. 382 Two Large Dresden Vases, with Covers. Representing Cupids supporting shield and crown in free relief ; flowers modelled in beautiful and naturalistic character, with finely painted landscape and figure medallions. Dated 1569. Height, 3 feet 6 inches ; diameter, 18 inches. 22 HOEY COLLECTION. 383 Large Wase. Rookwood faience; buff glaze, with painting in various colors, representing owls and flying bats, etc. Height, 30} inches ; diameter, 184 inches. 384 Large Ewer. Stoneware; raised ornamentation, with old German verse ; blue and gray glaze. Height, 27 inches ; diameter, 12 inches. 385 Large Ewer. Stoneware ; ring form, with spreading base and neck and figure handles ; decoration in relief, blue and gray glaze, and an arabesque border in green and purple. Height, 27 inches ; diameter, 15 inches. 386 Tall Sevres Vase, with Cover. Royal blue, with gold ornamentation and figure medallions, painted by E. Grisard ; has Sevres mark showing that it was made for the Chateau des Tuileries. Height, 3 feet ; diameter, 14 inches. 387 Two Sevres Porcelain Vases, with Covers. Urn shape; vose du Barry enamelled and fluted neck and base ; figure and floral subject, painted by A. Maglin; gilt bronze mountings. Height, with cover, 88 inches. 388 Two French Lamps. Satsuma ware ; figure decoration and gilding, etc.; French bronze mounting. Height to burner, 21} mches. 389 Two Large Lamps. Formed by lapis blue porcelain jars mounted in gilt bronze. Height to burner, 26 inches. 390 Two Large Japanese Poreelain Jars, with Covers. Ovoid shape; decorated with flowers, butterflies, birds, etc., on yellow ground. 391 Large Jardiniere. Urn shape, with onyx and hand-painted porcelain body showing birds, flowers, etc., on turquoise ground ; mounted in dull gilt bronze of Oriental design. Height, 33 inches; diameter, 20 inches. 392 Another Similar. With porcelain body, and floral design on turquoise blue ground, sharkskin surface. 393 Two Large Jars, with Covers. Japanese porcelain, decorated in blue and white; hawthorn patterns. Height, 25 inches ; diameter, 16 inches. 394 Two Large Jars, with Covers. Kioto faience ; Satsuma decoration, figure subjects, gilt borders, etc. Height, with covers, 395 Mammoth Plaque. Japanese porcelain; Imari ware, with vigorously painted dragon, partly visible through conventional clouds and waves of the sea; blue and gold-edged border. Diameter, 87 inches. Signed by artist. 396 Mammoth Plaque. Similar. 82 inches. THIRD DAY’S SALE, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 25TH, BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS. 397 Ivory Carving. Represents an eel-fisher, and a boy sitting on the eel- basket. By Shogetsu. Height, 4% inches. 398 Ivory Carving. Gardener and his boy on his back. By Shin-itsu. Height, 54 inches. 399 Ivory Carving. Represents a Samurai hunter killing a serpent. Height, 5 inches. 400 Ivory Carving. A wood-cutter playing with a boy. Height, 5 inches. 401 Ivory Carving. Represents a female monkey-trainer with a monkey on her shoulder and a boy by her side; full of expression and of details on the dresses. Height, 63 inches. 402 Ivory Carving. Fisherman anda boy with tortoise. By Giokumin. Height, 43 inches. 403 Ivory Carving. A singer or “geisha,” with guitar, and a cat. By Sho- getsu. Height, 6 inches. 404 Ivory Carving. Represents two Shojos, the great sake drinkers, making merry. Height, 5 inches. 405 Ivory Carving. Represents a Samurai in his hunting equipment, with his boy retainer. Height, 5} inches. 406 Ivory Carving. Aman anda snake. Height, 52 inches. 407 Ivory Carving. Hermit, or genius, carrying his gourd of sake. Height, 41 inches. 408 Ivory Carving. Represents a pedler of green-groceries making a bargain. Height, 4 inches. 409 Ivory Carving. A girl and a cat. Height, 44 inches. 410 Ivory Carving. A farmer and his boy. Height, 44 inches. 411 Ivory Carving. A gardener. Height, 44 inches. 412 Ivory Carving. A genius anda boy. Height, 43 inches. 24 413 Ivory Carving. inches. 414 Ivory Carving. 415 Ivory Carving. ing from his wrist. 416 Ivory Carving. inches, 417 Ivory Carving. 418 Ivory Carving. 534 inches. 419 ivory Carving. Height, 53 inches. 420 Ivory Carving. 421 Ivory Carving. 422 Ivory Carving. HOEY COLLECTION. Represents a hunter and a boy. By Kozan. Height, 4% An eel-catcher in a lotus pond. Height, 44 inches. Represents a badger in a priest’s robe, with rosary hang- Height, 53 inches. A no-dancer, representing Urashima Taro. Height, 64 A farmer and his two boys. Height, 34 inches. Warrior in armor, with huge hatchet. By Nitsuki. Height, Represents a court lady and her maid. By Kogetsu. Children at play. By Kozan. Height, 3 inches. A no-dancer. By Naushin. Height, 8 inches. Represents a gardener sweeping; full of expression and details. By Utagawa. Height, 54 inches. 423 Ivory Carving. Represents a group of a lady, her child, and two pet monkeys. Height, 5? inches. 424 Ivory Carving. Height, 6 inches. A tipsy Samurai annoyed by astreet urchin. By Dosei. Me y y 425 Ivory Tusk. Carved with figures of the goddess Benzaiten and other geniuses. Height, 9 inches. 426 Pair of Ivory Tusks. Carved with figures of farmers and their families at work. Height, 111 inches. 427 Ivory Tusk. Carved with figures of geniuses. Height, including lacquered stand, 144 inches. 427a Ivory Carving. A Japanese general and his orderly watching an enemy’s movement. A piece of exquisite carving. Height, 7 inches. Date, 19th century. 427b Ivory Carving. A group of Chinese children; the oldest of the party holds upon her head a basketful of various writing necessaries. A piece of talented carving. Height, 5} inches. Date, 19th century. Signed, Sho-Ken. A27ce Ivory Carving. A Japanese young lady feeding her pet sparrow. Height, 5} inches. 427d Ivory Carving. Sigued, Kwan-Koku. Date, 19th century. Father and son out for eel-fishing. Through excite- ment the line catches the son’s hair. Notice the expression of both figures. An excellent specimen of skeleton carving. Height, 5 inches, Date, 19th century. 427e Ivory Carving. Height, 5inches. 427f Ivory Carving. ing of draperies. An ancient noble and a young lady performing a dance. Signed, K6-getsu. Seal. Date, 1820-1860. Two philosophers discussing. Notice the careful cary- Height, 5inches. Date, 19th century. MISCELLANEOUS. 25 4272 Ivory Carving. An old woman lets her cut-tongue sparrow go, and her boy looks on. The subject is from the Japanese fairy tales. A piece of fine carving. Height, 5 inches. Date, 19th century. 427h Evory Carving. Group of hawk-tamers training their birds. A splen- did carving, by Hozan. Date, 19th century. Notice the expression of figures and movement of birds. Height, 64 inches. MISCELLANEOUS. 428 Four Crystal Glass Ornaments. 429 Pair of Porcelain Statuettes. Meissen ; decorated in blue. 430 Two Glass Pitchers. Gilt decorated. 431 Toilet Bottle. Green glass. 432 Two Small Vases. Glass; gilt decorated. 433 Small Candlestick. Bronze. 434 Two Small Pitchers. Glass ; gold decorated. 435 Small Glass Vase. Bottle shape; decorated with gold. 436 Two Large Porcelain Eggs. Decorated. 437 Pair of Small Vases. Glass; gilt decorated. 438 Glass Flower Holder. Hat shape. 439 Pair of Vases. Smoked glass; gilt decorated ; brass mountings. 440 Two Fancy Glass Cups. 441 Two Toilet Bottles. Green glass; gilt decoration. 442 Ruby Glass Vase. Double bottle shape ; gold-gilt decoration. 443 Two Toilet Bottles. Crystal glass. 444 Set of Cups and Saucers. Richly decorated. With case. 445 Pair of Brass Candlesticks. Snake design. 446 Set of Antique Silver. Teapot, sugar bowl, and cream jug; repoussé and chased ornamentation. 447 Antique Silver Tankard. Height, 10 inches ; diameter, 73 inches. 448 One Dozen Table Knives, Silver-plated blades ; pearl handles. (New.) 449 One Dozen Table Knives. Silver-plated blades ; pearl handles. (New.) 450 Six Small French Lamps. Silver plated ; antique design. 451 Two Large French Lamps. Silver plated; column design. 452 Vienna Gilt Jewel Box. Incrusted with turquoise. 453 Dresden Chandelier. Marie Antoinette design. 454 Toilet Silver Set. Fifteen pieces, in case. (New.) 455 Travelling Bag. Mounted in silver; furnished with ivory brushes, cut- glass bottles, etc. 456 Enamelled Snuff box. : 26 HOEY COLLECTION. 457 Large Telescope. With tripod and case. 458 Two Silver Candlesticks. Fluted triple column design; height, 154 inches. 459 Pair of Silver Candlesticks. Similar to the above. 460 Small Round Mirror. Bevelled edge ; champ-levé enamel! frame, hex- agonal shape ; Chinese design. Diameter, 11 inches. 461 Small Jardiniére of Bronze. With fixed tray ; champ-levé enamel in Chinese design. Height, 64 inches ; diameter, 10 inches. 462 Small Round Box. Bronze; raised on slender feet, with chains ; champ- ; , levé enamel ; Chinese design. Diameter, 6 inches. 463 Small Tray, with Standard. Gilt bronze; with champ-levé enamel ; Chinese design. Diameter, 5% inches. 464 Covered Bowl. To match above. Diameter, 51 inches. 465 Pair of Plated Candelabra. Twisted columns, and six spiral can- dle-brackets. Height, 36 inches ; spread, 28 inches. 466 Silver Candlestick. For four candles; raised on fluted columns, with garland, etc. Height, 19 inches. 467 Three Candlesticks, Polished silver metal; column, fluted pattern; triple form. 468 Two Vases. Hammered brass; antique form, with handles. Height, 12 inches ; diameter, 12 inches. 469 Four Rich Side-lights. Louis XVI. style ; gilt bronze, with polished crystal pendants; for ten candles; mounted on plush board. Length, 28 inches ; projection from wall, 23 inches. 470 Four Side-lights. Similar to above ; with laurel wreath, etc. 471 Pair of Candelabra. Polished brass; five candle-holders and crystal pendants. Height, 28 inches. 472 Two Pair of Candelabra. Similar; four candles, with raised crystal centre. Height, 25 inches. 473 Pair of Candelabra. Similar to the above. 474 Pair of Candelabra. Similar. 475 Pair of Candelabra. Nickel-plated bronze, ornamented in gilt; six lights. Height, 28 inches. 476 Pair of Tall Andirons. Griffin design, with ornamental urns, etc. Height, 3 feet. 477 Brass Fender. Folding fan pattern, open-work. Height, 30 inches. 478 Pair of Andiroms. Polished brass; formed by griffins with wreaths. Height, 22 inches. 479 Pair of Tall Stands. Silver bronze; with amphora-shaped vase of Gri- otte marble, supported by two winged sphinx figures ; arabesque borders, and handles of silver bronze. Total height, 6 feet 4 inches ; diameter, 17 inches. 480 Large Vase. Graceful ewer shape; polished brass in vine design, with han- dles supporting Cupid; bas-relief border, in brown patine finish, Height, with plush base, 3 feet 7 inches. MISCELLANEOUS. 2% 481 Pair of Vases. Similar. Height, 33 inches. A handle of one is broken. 482 Tall French Lamp. Giltandnickel-plated bronze perforated ornamen- tation, with handles and rings. Height to burner, 254 inches. 483 Gilt Bronze Jardiniére. Oval shape; figure and handles with garlands and Bacchanal’s heads ; champ-levé enamel border in beautiful scroll vine design of light colors on turquoise ground. Height to top of handles, 22 inches ; width, 24 inches ; depth, 15 inches. 484 Two Tall Vases, with Covers. Ovoid shape and spreading base ; Vernis-Martin painting on copper, representing landscape and figure subjects in court costumes; mounted in gilt bronze, Height, 3 feet; diameter, 17 inches. 485 Centre-table Ornament, Silver-plated bronze; three figures support- ing large cut crystal-glass bowl and vase. Height, 3 feet 6 inches; diameter, 18 inches. 486 Pair of Bronze Vases. Urn shape, with handles. Height, 23 inches; diameter, 103 inches. 487 Pair of Gilt Bronze Lamps. Finely chased and finished figures and scrolls ; arranged for mantel shelf and gas ; Louis XVI. design. Height, 27 inches ; width at base, 134 inches. 488 Another similar. 489 Large Silver-plated Candelabrum. With scroll brackets for five candles. Height, 30 inches. 490 Another Similar. With four scroll brackets for candles, and centre to hold jardiniére. Height, 27 inches. 491 Circular Centre Ornament for Dining Table. Gilt bronze; Empire design; grape-vines and lions; mirror bottom. Diameter, 2 feet 7 inches. 492 Pair of Bronze Vases. Japanese arabesque borders in relief ; modern. Height, 8 inches. 493 Pair of Lamps. Red marble; gilt bronze mounting ; ovoid shape, with base, and raised on claw feet. Height to burner, 24 inches. 494 Gilt Bronze Stand. With rams’ heads ; circular Griotte marble top, with black marble border. Height, 86 inches; diameter, 27} inches. 495 Two Bronze Stands. Classic design, with claw feet. Height, 37 inches ; diameter of top, 13} inches. 496 Centre Table. Circular top, formed by Sevres plaque, with portrait of Louis XVI. painted by P. Gérard, set in gilt bronze frame, and surrounded with Sevres porcelain miniature portraits of court ladies of the time, one bearing monogram and crest with crown ; supported by ebony pedestal, with gilt bronze brackets and wreath. Height, 81 inches; diameter of top, 314 inches. | 497 Small Stand. Gilt bronze, with Sevres porcelain top; painted in figure subject, Boucher style; with jewelled and gilt blue border. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 22 inches. 498 Small Stand. Gilt bronze, with Sevres porcelain top representing an interior and figure subjects, painted by J. Kilyos. rae (ee) HOEY COLLECTION. 499 Two Tall Standard Candelabra. In gilt bronze; supporting Sevres vases in lapis blue, with landscape and figure paintings by A. Maglin ; eight lights. Height, 7 feet 2 inches. 500 Wammoth Silver Salver. Elaborate engraving and chasing in floral and arabesque design of Eastern character; has narrow border with star and crescent, and is finished with an outer edge in bold relief repoussé ornamen- tation of fruit, flowers, and foliage. Diameter, 4 feet 9 inches. Nortr.—It is stated that the above presentation piece was made for the Khedive of Egypt, and that after the bombardment of Alexandria it was found by English marines, buried in the sand ; after which it was brought to London, whence it passed into the possession of Mr. John Hoey. 500a Dessert Knives. Case containing 18 knives, with gold-gilt blades and Dresden porcelain handles. Marret Fréres, London. 500b Silver Fish Knives. Case containing 18 fish knives; engraved orna- mentation. Tiffany & Co. 500c Carver and Fork. Buckhorn handles ; with case. Thornhill, London. 500d Liqueur Set. Silver tray, leaf-shape; crystal glass flagon and tumblers. 500e Silver Sugar-bowl]. Antique design, semiglobular shape, supported by three dolphins. Tiffany & Co. 500f Large Oval Wray. Shefileld plate; open-work border. Length, 33 inches ; width, 22 inches. 500g Pair of Toilet Bottles. Heavy cut-glass. 500h Pair of Cut-glass Bottles. Sterling silver mountings. 500i Japanese Jewel Cabinet. Inlaid woods. 500j Pair of Cut-glass Toilet’ Bottles. 500k Pair of Cut-glass Toilet Bottles. Sterling silver mountings. 5001 Cut-glass Bureau Set. Toilet bottles and puff box, gold-gilt mount- ings. 500m Toilet Wirror. To match above. 500n Cut-glass Inkstand. With silver tray. 5000 Two Cut-glass Vinaigrettes. 500p Student’s Lamp. Brass, heavily chased. 500q Cut-glass Inkstand,. With silver mountings, and silver tray, CLOISONNE ENAMELS. 501 Large Jardiniere. Melon shape; Chinese cloisonné enamel, floral design on blue ground, with gilt bronze mounting and rhinoceros-head handles. Height, 224 inches ; diameter, 24 inches. 502 Large Jardiniére. Japanese cloisonné enamel ; floral design with birds on panquoine ground, borders, etc.; mounted on elaborate gilt bronze stand, griffin heads and claw feet ; European design. Total height, 4 feet 1 inch ; diameter, 2 feet. CLOCKS. 29 503 Large Jardimiére. Melon shape; Chinese cloisonne enamel ; floral design on fretted blue ground ; mounted on elaborate gilt bronze stand in Chinese design. Height, 3 feet 9 inches ; diameter, 2 feet. 504 Jardimiére. Chinese cloisonné enamel; floral design on black ground; mounted on gilt bronze stand. Height, 3 feet 4 inches ; diameter, 18 inches. 505 Another Similar. Ovoid shape. Height, 3 feet 4 inches ; diameter, 18 inches. 506 Pair of Lamps. Chinese cloisonné enamel; blue arabesque design on turquoise ground. Height, 19 inches. 507 Pair of Vali French Lamps. Japanese cloisonné enamel, in floral medallion design on blue ground, with chocolate-colored borders ; bronze mounting. Height to burner, 26 inches. 508 Pair of Large Wases. Form of pilgrim bottle; Chinese cloisonné enamel ; white fretted medallion with flowers and birds, surrounded by ara- besque border in various colors on black ground; grotesque dragon handles in gilt bronze. Height, 21 inches; diameter, 14 inches. 509 Two Lamps. Japanese cloisonné enamel ; flower and birds on turquoise- blue ground. French bronze mounting. Height to burner, 213 inches. 510 Two Large Plaques. Cloisonné enamel; flowers and birds with autumnal foliage and bamboo, on blue ground. Diameter, 3864 inches. 511 Two Lamps. Japanese cloisonné enamel ; figure and floral design on blue ground ; bronze mounting. Height to globe, 19 inches. ; CLOCKS. 512 French Clock. White marble, mounted in gilt bronze ; Empire style, with columns, etc. Height, 20 inches. 513 Mantel or Console Garniture. Three pieces: French clock, urn shape, mounted in gilt bronze on large Chinese porcelain jar, with figure decoration, raised on gilt bronze base, with handles ; Louis XY. design. Pair of beakers to match, mounted in gilt bronze, with cluster for eight candles each. 514 Wall Clock. Louis XIV. style; polished brass; figure of Time in free relief, also floral wreath and trumpet; mounted on plush board. Length, 4 feet 3 inches. 515 Dresden Porcelain Clock. With figures of Neptune and Time modelled in free relief, including wreaths of flowers, sea shells, and coral, etc. Length, 8 feet ; width, 16 inches. Slightly repaired. 516 French Clock. Gilt bronze, Empire design ; dial supported between col- umns, with frieze; base has three small dials indicating days, weeks, and months. Made by Leroy, Paris. Height, 214 inches ; width, 114 inches. 517 Mantel Garniture. Clock and two candelabra; gilt bronze, Louis XVI. style ; elaborate ornamentation, with Cupids and garlands, etc., includ- ing panels of Wedgwood porcelain. Width of clock, 2 feet 4inches ; height, 2 feet 4inches ; height of candelabra, 3 feet. 30 HOEY COLLECTION. 518 Tall Mantel Clock. Boule inlay, Louis XIV. stylé; elaborate ormolu mounting on ebony, with engraved brass inlaying. Width, 3 feet; height, 4 feet 3 inches. 519 Tall Clock. Louis XIV. style, boule; engraved brass inlaying on ebony ground, with elaborate polished brass mounting ; top surmounted with figure of Time; strikes hours, half-hours, and quarters, with chimes. Extreme height, 8 feet ; width, 2 feet. 520 French Clock. Made by Leroy, Paris; gilt bronze, Empire style ; form of a boat raised on base, with claw feet; has a figure of Time holding an hour-glass, and also one of Cupid. Height, 18} inches ; width, 22 inches. 521 Mantel Clock. Gilt bronze, Louis XVI. style ; Sevres porcelain, decorated panels and dial. Height, 17 inches ; width, 18 inches. 522 Empire Clock. Gilt porcelain, burnished and ornamented ; works by Lepaute. Height, 17} inches ; width, 10 inches. 523 MWantel Clock. Boule, Louis XIV. style; ebony, with inlay and elaborate gilt-bronze mounting. Height, 3 feet 8 inches ; width, 2 feet. 024 Grand Clock. Designed by Eugéne Cornu; movement by E. Farcot. Elab- orate onyx case, with silver-bronze figure surmounting, and panels and Cupid in relief. By Carrier. Complete height, 10 feet ; width at base, 32 inches. The above is a reduction of the Le Grand Lockwood clock, now in the possession of George W. Childs, Esq., Philadelphia. BRONZES. 325 Bronze Plaque. Relief ornamentation, Warriors; arabesque border. Diameter, 36 inches. 526 Small Group. Two Hounds, silver finished, by by A. Dubucand. 527 Small Group. Man with Hounds, A. Dubucand. 528 Silver Bronze Stag. By A. Dubucand. Height, 11 inches. 529 Small Group. Stag and Faun, by Dubucand. Height, 9 inches. 530 Two Small Ornaments. Hounds. 531 Two Silver Bronzes. Partridges, by F. Pantrot. 532 Pair of Silver Bronze Statuettes. War, by Guillemin. 533 Pair of Small Bronze Busts. On marble pedestal. Adrian and Antinous. 534 Bronze Statuette. Before the Bath, by Cumberworth. 535 Bronze. Music. Height, 30 inches. 536 Bronze. By M. Moreau. Ariosto imploring the Gods. Height, 34 inches ; width at base, 15 inches. Has marble base. 537 Bronze Figure. Female, by Pollet. Height, 34 inches, 538 Bronze Group. Cupid and Butterfly ; black Belgian marble base, with bronze bas-reliefs inserted. Height, 24 inches ; length, 19 inches ; width, 12 inches. 539 Pair of Bronze Figures. Neapolitan Dancing Boys, by Carrier. Height, 38 inches. BRONZES. 31 540 Bronze Bacchanalian Vase. Height, 28 inches ; diameter, 14 inches. 541 Bronze Bust. Heroic size. Autumn. Height, 33 inches; width, 19 inches. Has fine rose antique marble base. 042 Bronze Figure. Spartacus, by J. Seuchere. Height, 34 inches. 543 Bronze Group. The Broken Pitcher, by EK. Carlier. Height, 28 inches. 544 Bronze Kigure. Neapolitan Dancing Boy, by Carrier. Height, 42 inches. 545 Bronze Group. Water Carrier and Shepherd Boy, by L. Pillet. Height, 18 inches. 546 Pair of Bronze Figures. Half life-size. The Gladiators, by Guillemin. Height, 48 inches. Each of these figures bears an inscription of which the followiag is a translation: ‘‘Of the only two proofs of this model, the first belongs to the Ministére des Beaux-Arts of France, and the second to Mr. John Hoey of New York. Ele Guille- min, 1872.” 547 Pair of Large Bronze Groups. Aromusand Neillus, by L. Gregoire ; have black Belgian marble bases, with bronze ornaments. Height of all, 45 inches. 548 Bronze Figure. Venus de Milo, cast by Barbedienne. Height, 33 inches. 549 Bronze Group. Pareutal Devotion, by Dumaige. Height, 23 inches ; width at base, 10 inches. 550 Bronze Group. Fording the Stream, by Cumberworth. Height, 19 inches ; width at base, 8 inches. 551 Bronze Figure, Hebe, by Gregoire. Height, 27 inches. 552 Bronze Group. Young Germany Struggling with the Cock of France, by Adriano Cecione. Height, 82 inches ; width, 19 inches. 553 Bronze Group. Homeward Bound, by Moreau. Height, 22 inches. 554 Bronze Figure. Captive Amazon, by Carrier. Height, 29 inches. 555 Bronze Group. Venus and Cupid, by: Marcellia. Height, 27 inches; width at base, 10 inches. 556 Bronze Group. Fount of Love. Height, 29 inches; width at base, 11 inches. 557 Bronze Group. Cupidand Diana. Height, 30 inches ; width at base, 16 inches. 558 Bronze Group. Cupid’s Dictation, by Carrier. Height, 26 inches ; width at base, 14 inches. 559 Bronze Figure. Captive Amazon, by Carrier. Height, 29 inches. 560 Pair of Bronze Figures. Undine, by Carrier. Height, 29 inches. 561 Bronze Group. Young Bacchanalians. Height, 17 inches; diameter at base, 20 inches. 562 Bronze Figure. Cleopatra’s Ambassador, by Picault ; has black Belgian marble base, with bronze bas-reliefs inserted. Height of all, 88 inches; width, 15 inches. 32 563 HOEY COLLECTION. Bronze Figure. br Ls Gon "2a 0 7 7 Qn > 586 Bronze Stand. Antique design; three claw-feet. Height, 37 inches; diameter of top, 13: inches. 5 5RQ 7 . 5 e : oath pene £ F toe 587 to 589 Three Bronze Stands. Similar design. Height, 35 inches ; diameter of top, 15 inches, FOURTH AND LAST DAY’S SALE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 26rtu, BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. ANTIQUE, IMPORTED, AND DOMESTIC FURNITURE. 591 Two Carved Teak-wood Stands. Height, 38 inches; top, 32 inches square. 592 Carved Teak-wood Stand. Dark finish. 593 Two Carved Teak-wood Stands. Circular form, with shelf and marble top. Height, 31 inches ; diameter, 23 inches. 594 Two Stands. Similarto the above. Height, 22 inches; diameter, 23 inches. 595 Teak-wood Stand. 596 Two Carved Teak-wood Stands. Withinsertedmarbletop. Height, 22 inches ; diameter, 214 inches. 597 Pedestal. Ebony and gilt ornamentation ; fluted column design. Height, 3 feet 4 inches ; top, 21 inches by 13 inches. 598 Pedestal, Walnut, with ebony mouldings. Height, 38 inches; top, 15 inches square. 599 Bamboo Writing Stand. Japanese style, with lacquer shelf. Width, 2 feet 3 inches ; height, 5 feet. 600 Bamboo Armehair. Seat covered with gold Japanese embroidery ; lac- quered panelled back. 601 Small Bamboo Chair. Seat covered with blue Japanese embroidery. 602 Presentation Casket. Top surmounted by ornament representing two figures bearing cartouche shield ; interior inlaid with tulip and snake-wood. Stand of ebony, with elaborate gilt bronze ornamentation. Height from floor, 3 feet 8 inches ; width, 31 inches ; depth, 25 inches. 603 Two Gilt Bronze Sconce Mirrors. With candelabra ; five lights. 604 Bric-a-brae Stand. Mahogany, with brass inlay and mountings. Height, 81 inches; diameter, 16 inches. 605 to 610 Six Tall Stands. Chinese carved teak-wood, with inserted mar- ble tops, Height, 313 inches ; 18 inches square, 3 34 HOEY COLLECTION. 611 Card Receiver. Gilt bamboo, with Japanese bronze tray. Height, 31 inches ; tray, 21 inches by 183 inches. 612 Sofa. Colonial ; mahogany, with brass trimming ; covered in maroon leather. 613 Another similar. 614 Large Ottoman. Pillow pattern ; covered in yellow Chinese silk em- broidery, with pale-green plush trimmings and silk fringe to match. 3 feet square. 615 Chinese Four-fold Screen. Elaborately carved open-work teak-wood, in floral and arabesque design ; panels covered with black satin embroidery, showing trees, birds, etc. Height, 5 feet 6 inches ; width of fold, 23 inches. 616 to 620 Five Gilt Console Mirrors. Louis XVI. style; bevelled plate glass, and hand-painted tiles in floral and ribbon design, on mottled blue ground. Width, 3 feet 9 inches; height, 7 feet 2 inches. 621 Venetian Mirror. Ornamental gilt-brass mounting, with ebonized waved mouldings and bevelled glass. 4 feet 5 inches by 4 feet. 622 Square Bevelled Mirror. Withleaded glass and ornamented with blue agate glass buttons ; outer frame of oak. 3 feet 3 inches square. 623 to 626 Four Mirrors. Ebony, with brass mounting in Moorish design ; bevelled plate glass, and a circular shelf supported by brackets on each side. Width, 3 feet ; height, 4 feet. 627 Two Large Wenetian Mirrors. Ebony, with open-work bronze borders and ornaments ; bevelled plate glass set in brass frame. 628 Pier Mirror. With elaborate frame; candelabra in gilt and burnished bronze, in rococo,style. Extreme width, 4 feet ; height, 7 feet 9 inches. 629 Venetian Mirror. Oblong shape, bevelled ; perforated gilt-bronze frame in Moorish design, with two 3-light candelabrum brackets. Height, 2 feet 6 inches ; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 630 Circular Sconce Mirror. Perforated gilt-bronze frame ; bracket cande- labrum with five lights. Diameter, 3 feet. 631 to 636 Four Large Dresden Porcelain Mirrors. (for mantel or console cabinet.) Elaborate rococo ornamentation of floral bouquet and wreaths ; surmounted by Cupids and birds in free relief. Width, 4 feet; height, 6 fect. 637 Mantel or Console Mirror. With gilt frame, Louis XVI. style; urn top, with floral garlands suspended in relief. Width, 4 feet 9 inches ; height, 5 feet. 638 Two Hall Chairs. Carved oak, Gothic style ; upholstered in moquette of Eastern pattern, old-gold ground. 639 Portfolio Stand. Oak, Gothic carving; wrought-steel hinges, etc. Height, 5 feet 6 inches ; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 640 Mantel. Rich carved rosewood, with shelves, etc.; bevelled mirrors. Width, 6 feet 10 inches ; height of mantel, 4 feet 1inch; height, with frame, 9 feet 5 inches ; fire-place opening : width, 42 inches ; height, 33 inches. 641 Two Pedestals. Ebony gilt, with bronze mounting in Egyptian style. Height, 3 feet 6 inches ; diameter at top, 11 inches. 642 Two Large Armchairs. Italian carved Cupids form the arms, and winged lions the feet ; covered with terra-cotta and gray silk tapestry. ANTIQUE, IMPORTED, AND DOMESTIC FURNITURE. 35 643 Large Armchair. Italian carving in rustic design, with biack figures ; covered in hand-made tapestry, Eastern design. 644 to 646 Three Square Teak-wood Stands. Marble top, also shelves. Height, 32 inches ; top, 17 inches square. 647 Chinese Teak-wood Chair, Carved, and inlaid with pearl; marble seat and back. 648 Carved Teak-wood Stand. With shelf. Height, 814 inches ; diameter, 21 inches. 649 Square Teak-wood Stand. With pearl inlay and an inserted marble top; has shelf. Height, 82 inches ; top, 18 inches square. 650 Two Carved Teak-wood Chairs, Have pearl inlays and marble seats, and marble insertions in backs. 651 Two Comfortable Armehairs. French cushion pattern; uphol- stered in dark blue satin embroidery, with red silk plush trimming and fringe. 652 Two Ladies? Chairs. To match. 652a Two Window Draperies. Blue Chinese satin embroidery ; long cur- tains with rich valances, etc, ; trimmed with silk fringe and lined. Length, 9feet 6 inches; depth of valance, 1 foot 4 inches. 652b Two Bamboo Cornices for same, 653 Three Portiéres. Rich maroon ard gold silk velours, Louis XIV. de- sign, trimmed with red plush and fringe. Including cornice, valance, and plain maroon side-curtains. Length, 12 feet 6 inches ; valance, 2 feet 6 inches. 654 Two Sofas. Gilt; Louis XIV. style; covered in silk velours, to match drapery. 655 Two Comfortable Armchair silk velours, to match drapery. 656 Four Sidechairs. Gilt ; Louis XIV. style; covered in silk velours, to match drapery. Gilt ; Louis XIV. style ; covered in 657 Music Box. A. Riviére & Co., Geneva, makers: French walnut, inlaid case; bronze handles. Length, 3 feet 5 inches ; width, 1 foot 6} inches. 658 Two imported Armchairs. Louis XIV. style ; walnut, with velours appliqué embroidery on blue satin. 659 Sidechair. To match. 660 Reception-room Set of Three Pieces. Upholstered in pearl gray and tan silk brocatelle, trimmed with fringe and plush ; comprises comfort- able sofa, armchair, and sidechair. 661 Old Sideboard. Mahogany, with brass mouldings and handles ; upper part has shelves, supported by turned brass columns, and bevelled plate mirrors set in back. Width, 6 feet ; height of lower part, 3 feet 10 inches ; height, with upper part, 6 feet 4 inches. 662 Small Bureau. Carved mahogany ; veneered drawers and brass handles. Height, 32 inches ; width, 29 inches. 663 Old Dressing-case. Carved mahogany, with curved drawers and brass handles. Width, 3 feet 6 inches; height, 7 feet 2 inches. 36 HOEY COLLECTION. 664 Old Mahogany Work-table. Desk and curved drawers, with brass knobs; carved scroll feet. Height, 30 inches ; width, 214 inches. 665 Tall Chiffonier. Mahogany, with claw feet and brass handles. Height, 5 feet 5 inches ; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 666 Old Mahogany Dressing-table. Bevelled mirror and swelled front ; brass handles and rails, Width, 3 feet 4 inches ; height, with mirror, 4 feet 8 inches. 667 Old Mahogany Bureau. Swelled front, brass escutcheon handles. Height, 8 feet 3 inches ; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 668 Old Mahogany Commode. Brass claw feet. Height, 28 inches; width, 25 inches. 669 Old Mahogany Commode. Cylindrical form; brass handles and rich polished veneering. Diameter, 16 inches. 670 Drawing-room Set, Consisting of 9 pieces: 1 sofa, 4 armchairs, and 4 sidechairs; gilt frames, Louis XV. design ; upholstered in rich silk velours, with light ground. 671 Ottoman. Gilt; twisted-rope-pattern carved legs ; upholstered in velours. 672 Armchair. Gilt; Louis XIV. style; covered in rich silk brocade, bouquet design on light ground ; outside back covered in red plush. i | 673 Armchair. Louis XIV. style; French walnut; covered in rich silk velours i on light ground ; trimmed with red silk plush. 674 Round Centre-table. Ebony, with French walnut and gilding ; the top is a panel of porcelain decorated with figures ; Louis XVI. style; surrounded by circular repoussé bronze border with mythological subject. Diameter, 3 feet. 675 Round Centre=table. Similar to above ; Sevres centre panel decorated HA | with bust of Achilles ; arabesque border in coral color and gilding. Diameter il | of top, 3 feet. 676 Card Receiver. Bronze; Pompeiian design; top in relief, with figure subject by F. Levillain. Height, 84 inches ; diameter, 18} inches. 1 | 677 Library Table. Carved walnut, with French veneer panels and ebony 1 ih beads: sliding shelves and drawers; greenplushtop. Length, 4 feet 6 inches; ih width, 2 feet 10 inches. |) | 678 Walnut Mall-stand. Rich embossed leather seat and back ; tall frame, Hi with bevelled plate-glass mirror. Width, 4 feet 6 inches; height to top of mirror, 9 feet 4 inches. 679 Ebony Cabinet. Italian; ivory arabesque inlaid with figures and engrav- ing; cupboard with glass door, flanked on each side by five drawers ; raised on table with wide drawer. Width, 4 feet 14 inches ; height, 5 feet 3 inch. 680 Folding Table. Carved mahogany ; claw feet. 3 feet 3 inches by 4 feet 5 inches. 681 Sideboard. Mahogany, with carving in relief; bevelled mirror back, and brass handles ; cove covered in ornamental and embossed gilt leather. Width, 5 feet 3 inches ; height, 10 feet. 682 China Cabinet, To match; plate-glassdoors,etc. Width, 5 feet 2 inches ; height, 10 feet. ANTIQUE, IMPORTED, AND DOMESTIO FURNITURE. 37 683 Side-table. To match above. Width, 5 feet 14 inches ; height to shelf, 3 feet 54 inches ; complete height, including caved top, 5 feet 1 inch. 684 Set of Dining-room Chairs. To match ; 4 armchairs, 8 sidechairs ; covered in rich embossed leather. 685 Side-table. Old mahogany ; folding top; carved scroll legs. Top, 4 feet by 23% inches closed. 686 Two Chippendale Armchairs. Carved mahogany ; open back ; up- holstery seat, velveteen with tapestry stripe. 687 Sofa. Mahogany, with brass inlay ; open back; upholstered with velveteen and tapestry. 688 Armchair. To match; covered with embossed velveteen. 689 Sidechair. To match; covered with red plush, 690 Dresser. O!d carved mahogany ; has cupboard and drawers ; rich veneered panels ; carved columns ; claw feet; brass handles. Height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 91 inches. 691 Chest of Drawers, Raisedon table; mahogany ; colonial design ; carved claw and ball feet ; ornamental top, with carved scroll and shell, and flower finials; perforated brass handles. Extreme height, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 692 Another Similar. Plain mahogany, with square top. Height, 7 feet 3 inches ; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 693 Colonial Sofa. Mahogany; claw feet and covered with haircloth. Ex- treme length, 7 feet 11 inches, 694 Antique Sofa. Colonial; inlaid mahogany ; claw feet, and covered with haircloth. Length, 7 feet 4 inches. 695 Antique Sofa. Colonial; inlaid carved mahogany ; claw feet; is covered with haircloth and has loose arm rolls. Length, 7 feet 3 inches. 696 Antique Sofa. Colonial; has brass claw feet, and is covered with haircloth. Length, 8 feet. 697 Large Armchair. Italian; carved in barocco style ; covered with dark- green leather. 698 Large Armchair. With high back; carved mahogany ; lion’s-head arms; spindle legs ; cover is blue and gray tapestry with pink flowers. 699 Armchair, Formed of buffalo horns ; upholstered in leopard skin. 700 Armehair. Formed of buffalo horns ; covered with red mohair plush. 701 Armehair, Formed of buffalo horns ; square shape ; upholstered in blue and brown velvet tapestry. 702 Armchair. Mahogany; high back, turned legs; ‘antique style; covered with moquette tapestry on black ground. 703 Armehair. High back ; carved mahogany, Louis XIV. style ; covered with rich gold embossed leather in rampant lion design, and studded with large brass nails. 704 Antique Chair. Brown oak ; turned legs and stretcher 3 antique embossed and tooled leather, studded with large brass nails. oO 38 HOEY COLLECTION. 705 Large Sofa. Old mahogany, with rich polished veneering ; covered in light silk tapestry (worn). Length, 7 feet. 706 Large Armchair. With high back; carved mahogany, covered with antique pattern moquette tapestry on black ground. 707 Large Armchair. With high back; carved mahogany, upholstered in light velours and embroidered tapestry. 708 Library Table. Carved oak, dark finish ; dolphin legs, green cloth top. Length, 4 feet 7} inches ; width, 3 feet. 709 Old Armehair. Carved oak, dark finish ; claw feet and bal] legs; covered in rich tan and green embossed leather, finished with brass nails. 710 Antique Mahogany Sideboard. Three cupboards and drawers ; carved claw feet ; brass handles, hinges, and railing. Width, 6 feet ; height, 3 feet 6 inches. 711 Antique Mahogany Sideboard. With curved front; cupboards, drawers, and handles. Width, 5 feet 6 inches ; height, 3 feet 4} inches. 712 Antique Sideboard. Mahogany, dark veneering: slender carved and fluted legs, and perforated brass handles. Width, 5 feet 4 inches ; height, 3 feet 8 inches. 713 Corner Cupboard. Colonial design ; mahogany, with carved top, glass doors, brass hingesand knobs. Width, 4 feet ; height to top of urn, 8 feet 7 inches. 714 Secretary. Mahogany, Chippendale style ; interior finished in satin-wood ; ivory drawer-knobs; lower part has cupboard and carved claw-feet ; upper part has glass doors, brass moulding and handles. Width, 4 feet 3 inches ; height, including top ornament, 8 feet 6 inches. 715 Secretary. Inlaid mahogany, with side cupboards and shelves ; interior finished with satin-wood drawers. Width, 5 feet 7 inches ; height, 3 feet 7 inches. ¥1G6 Old Console Table. Mahogany, with gold ornamentation ; Empire de- sign; marble top. Width, 3 feet 3 inches ; height, 2 feet 9 inches. 917 Side-table. Carved oak, antique finish, with drawers and cupboard; carved panels and moulding. Width, 4 feet 3 inches; height, 2 feet 10 inches. 718 Old Bureau. Inlaid mahogany, showing two shades of wood, with fluted columns and brass handles. Width, 4 feet ; height, 3 feet 1 inch. 719 Secretary. Mahogany ; has curved front, bureau drawers, carved claw and ball feet, brass handles ; interior is finished in inlaid mahogany. Width, 3 feet 7 inches ; height, 3 feet 9 inches. 720 Colonial Sideboard. Mahogany; has three drawers and cupboard ; raised on brass ball feet; brass handles and rail. Width, 6 feet 3 inches; height, 3 feet 11 inches. 721 Large Side-table. Inlaid mahogany; has curved front ; raised on carved feet; has columns and brass mounting, Width, 5 feet 9 inches; height, 3 feet 8 inches. 722 Three Bookcases. Walnut, with carved moulding and columns ; bevelled plate glass inserted in brass framing on lower doors, and the upper part has bevelled mirrors, similarly mounted in brass framing. Width, 8 feet 2} inches ; height of lower part, 4 feet 14 inches ; height with top, 6 feet 5 inches. ANTIQUE, IMPORTED, AND DOMESTIC FURNITURE. 39 723 Large Cylinder Desk. Mahogany, with brass inlay and mouldings; fluted legs; sliding shelves on each side; Griotte murble top. Width, 5 feet 104 inches ; height, 4 feet 3 inches. 724 Bureau. Inlaid mahogany, with brass handles; Chippendale design. Width, 4 feet ; height with back, 5 feet. 725 Etagere and Desk combined. Mahogany, with brass handles. Width, 3 feet 6 inches ; height, 6 feet 2 inches. 726 Tall Bookease and Secretary combined. Mahogany, colonial style ; section-framed glass door and brass hinges. Width, 4 feet 8 inches; height, 9 feet. 727 Stand. With automatic drawers ; carved oak, antique finish. Width, 2 feet 2inches ; depth, 1 foot 2 inches ; height, 3 feet 4 inches. 728 Chest of Drawers. (Highboy.) Mahogany, colonial style, with brass handles. Width, 6 feet; height, 6 feet 4 inches. 729 Small Carved Oak Coffer. Wrought-iron hinges, escutcheon, and handles. Height, 8} inches ; width, 16} inches by 13 inches. 730 Secretary. Inlaid mahogany; has three drawers; raised on turned legs. Width, 3 feet 2 inches; height, 4 feet 5 inches. 731 Bureau. Inlaid and carved mahogany, Chippendale design ; 5 drawers; raised on turned feet. Width, 4 feet ; height, 3 feet 9 inches. 732 Secretary. Carved mahogany, colonial design; has bureau drawers, and upper part has panelled doors and shelf ; original brass handles. Width, 3 feet 7 inches ; height, 7 feet 5 inches. 733 Colonial Sideboard. Mahogany ; hasacurved front, two cupboards, and three drawers ; is raised on carved feet, and has free columns ; chased bronze ornamentation. Width, 6 feet 6 inches; height with back, 5 feet. 734 Dressing Stand. Mahogany ; carved panels and bevelled mirror, Width, 3 feet 6 inches ; height, 6 feet. 735 Colonial Sideboard. Inlaid mahogany; has six deep drawers; brass handles and railing supporting small mahogany shelf. Width, 5 feet 6 inches ; height of lower part, 3 feet 5 inches ; to sheif, 4 feet 1 inch. 736 Antique Wine-cooler. Mahogany, with brass trimming; raised on feet, with casters. 937 Set of Dining-room Chairs. Comprising two armchairs and six side- chairs ; carved mahogany, Chippendale design ; are upholstered in tapestry, and have brass feet. 738 Set of Dining-room Chairs, Two armchairs and six sidechairs; mahogany ; covered in rich embossed gilt and colored leather. 739 Etagére Cabinet. Richly ornamented in polished brass; onyx top and base ; bevelled plate-glass mirror back and plate-glass shelves. Width, 4 feet 2inches ; extreme height, 6 feet 2 inches. 740 Large Cabinet. Ebony, inlaid and gilt; carved columns and rosettes ; bevelled glass doors and mirror back. Width, 5 feet 8 inches ; height, 6 feet. 741 Vitrine Cabinet, Cons»le form; amaranth wood, elaborately inlaid with mahogany, etc.; richly chased gilt-bronze mountings ; Louis XVI. design ; crystal plate-glass door and rounded sides; white marble top. Width, 5 feet 8 inches ; height, 3 feet 1h inches. Made in Paris. 40 HOEY COLLECTION. #742 Large Bookease. Walnut; elaborately carved, with figure brackets ; door panels carved in high relief, with birds, fruit, and emblem subjects ; the upper part has plate-glass doors and massively carved mouldings ; top ornament carved to represent art, music, and other emblems, with laurel wreath, etc. Height, 11 feet 6 inches ; extreme width, 7 feet. 743 Library Table. To matchabove ; with cloth top. 5 feet by 3 feet 3 inches. 744 Set of Furniture. Consisting of 1 sofa, 2 armchairs, and 6 sidechairs; carved to match above, and upholstered in red tapestry. 745 Two Corner-chairs, Carved in Venetian style, and upholstered in terra- cotta ground tapestry. 746 Two Carved Brackets. Venetian; figure supporting shelf. 747 Rich Cabinet. Amaranth wood, elaborately inlaid with other woods ; chased ornamentation in gilt bronze ; Louis XVI. design ; white marble top. Width, 4feet 2inches. Height, 3 feet 11 inches. 748 Upright Piano. Inlaid mahogany, with amaranth lines, and gilt bronze mouldings and ornaments; Louis XVI. design. (Victor Pauvost, Paris, maker.) 749 Drawing-roomSet, Comprising 2 sofas, 8 armchairs, and 6 sidechairs ; Louis XVI. style ; carved gilt frames, and upholstered in silk velours, of floral design, on écru ground. 750 Four Armchairs. Louis XV. style ; carved pear-wood, with gilding, and covered in rich silk velours on light ground. 751 Large Gilt Armchair. Louis XIV. style; covered with silk floral medallion tapestry. 752 Drawing-room Set. Three picces : 1 sofa, 1 armchair, and 1 lady’s chair; carved gilt frames, and upholstered in old-rose silk brocatelle. 753 Large Centre-table. Carved and gilt, Louis XVI. style; rich colored marble top. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 6inches. To match No. 749. 754 Secretary Bookease. Oak, inlaid with ebony, Eastern design ; has carved panels in doors ; made by Herter Brothers, Width, 8 feet; extreme height, 8 feet 6 inches. CHINESE EMBROIDERIES. 755 Large Chinese Hanging. Richly embroidered with branches, blossoms flowers, and birds, in natural colors, on neutral green satin ground ; lined with pink silk. Length, 12 feet; width, 6 feet 10 inches. 756 Large Chinese Hanging. Richly embroidered with branches, blos- soms, flowers, and birds, in natural colors, on pink satin ground lined with light green silk, Length, 12 feet. Width, 6 fect 6 inches. 757 Another. Deep blue ground. Length, 12 feet ; width, 6 feet 6 inches. 758 Red Satin Cover. Chinese embroidery, elaborate centre medallion with flowers and birds ; trimmed with silk fringe and lined with red silk. Length, 8 feet ; width, 7 feet 3 inches. 759 Blue Satin Cover. Chinese embroidery in design of vine, flower, birds, and squirrels ; trimmed with deep blue silk fringe. 6 feet square. REAL. LACE—ORIENTAL RUGS. 41 760 Square Cover. Chinese embroidery of flowers and birds on gold satin ground ; trimmed with fringe and lined with pink silk. 8 feet by 6 feet 9 inches. 761 Square Cover. Pink satin; rich Chinese floral embroidery in design of peacocks and other birds, etc.; trimmed with silk fringe, and lined with silk. 7 feet 10 inches by 6 feet 4 inches. 762 Chinese Court Robe. Brocaded in design of 5-claw dragon on yellow ground, also in conventional clouds and waves ; trimmed with black and gold silk, and lined with blue figured silk. 763 Chinese Court Robe. Orange-colored satin, embroidered with floral sprigs, etc.; trimmed with dark blue figured brocade, and lined with blue silk. 764 Chinese Panel. Embroidered with silk, in design of a pagoda and a figured subject representing children at various pastimes, on old red satin - ground. 7 feet 6 inches by 6 feet. 765 Bedspread. Chinese embroidery of floral medallion and sprays, and but- terfiy, natural colors, on dark blue satin ; trimmed with long fringe, and lined with pink silk. 8 feet 6 inches by 7 feet. 766 Large Cover. Moorish; blue and red satin, richly embroidered in gold tinsel. Length, 9} inches; width, 6 feet. REAL LACE. 767 Cover. Antique style ; centre, 4 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 6 inches, with 24-inch border ; total size, 8 feet 4 inches by 8 feet. 768 Two Small Covers. Tomatch. 3 feet square. 769 Spread. Rich antique design. 8 feet by 7 feet 6 inches. 770 Two Pillow Covers. To match. 770a Bedspread. Large size. 770b Ecru Lace Spread. Full size; blue satin trimmings. With pillow- shams to match. 770c Two Eider-down Spreads. Flowered pattern. ORIENTAL RUGS. 771 Large Persian Rug. Small design on deep blue ground, with narrow border in different shades. Length, 18 feet 8 inches ; width, 13 feet 6 inches. 772 Large Persian Rug. Small figure on dark ground, with borders in which red and black predominate. Length, 16 feet 8 inches ; width, 12 feet 2 inches. 773 Large Persian Rug. Light ground, with dark borders. Length, 20 feet 3 inches ; width, 12 feet 5 inches. 774 Large Persian Rug. Small pattern on blue black ground ; border on a tan-colored ground. Length, 13 feet 8 inches ; width, 10 feet 2 inches, 42 HOEY COLLECTION. 775 Small Bagdad Rug or Portiére. Medallion in archaic pattern. Length, 9} feet ; width, 7 feet. 776 Persiam Rug. Small design on black ground, and a red border. Length, 10 feet ; width, 7 feet. 777 Large Persian Rug. Set conventional design on dark blue ground, and a white border. Length, 16 feet 9 inches: width, 12 feet 3 inches. 778 Persian Rug. Yellowcentre, with brown, black, and blue border. Length, 13 feet 3 inches; width, 10 feet. 779 Long Antique Persian Carpet. Fine heavy quality ; small design in rich colors, on dark blue ground ; red border. Length, 21 feet ; width, 3 feet 9 inches. 780 India Rug. Small pattern; unusually fine quality. Length, 6 feet 6 inches ; width, 4 feet 3 i:ches. 781 Large Persian Rug. Light centre, with blue and red predominating in design, and borders. Length, 13 feet 9 inches; width, 10 feet. 782 Large Persian Rug. Small design on old-gold ground, with dark bor- ders. 14 feet square. FIRST EVENING'S SALE, MONDAY, APRIL 247u, BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK. OIL PAINTINGS. 783 A Greek Girl By J. A. SCHLESSINGER Height, 364 inches ; width, 29 inches 784 The Dance By JOSEPH COOMANS Height, 31 inches: ftength, 394 inches ght, gth, 393 5 785 The Bone of Contention By ALFRED DE DREUX Height, 25 inches ; length, 32 inches 44 HOEY COLLECTION. 786 Cows at Pasture Byrd. Hob, DE ANAS Height, 28: inches ; length, 45} inches 787 Landscape and Sheep By EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN anv J. B. KLOOMBEECK Height, 86 inches ; length, 48 inches 788 Village Wine Shop By JULES ADOLPHE BRETON Height, 39} inches ; length, 44 inches MARBLE STATUARY, ETC. 789 Bust. Life size, “‘ Medusa.” Harriet Hosmer, Rome. Height, 28 inches ; width, 20 inches. 790 Two Gilt Bronze Stands. Claw-feet pattern, marble top. Height, 3 feet 5 inches ; diameter, 14 inches. 791 Bust. ‘Miranda,’ in Shakespeare’s ‘‘ Tempest,” with laurel wreath. By Harriet Hosmer, Rome. Height, 27} inches ; width, 20 inches. 792 Statue. ‘Venus.’ Height, 4 feet 5 inches. 793 Pedestal, Colored marble column, with base in white marble. Height, 3 feet 2 inches. 794 Statue. Statue of ‘‘ Nydia, the Biind Girl.” P. Guarnerio, Milan, 1875. 795 Group. ‘Cupid and Psyche.” Height, 33 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 796 Pedestal for same. Ebony inlaid with gilt, with bronze medallion. Height, 3 feet ; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 797 Statue. ‘Marguerite reading Letter.” Height, 4 feet. Signed A. Tantar- dini, Milan, 1866. BOOKS. 45 798 Statue, Full size, ‘‘ Venus at the Bath.”” Height, 5 feet 5inches. P. Guar- nerio, Milan, 1874. With massive marble pedestal. Height, 32 inches ; 24 inches square. 799 Group. ‘“ Young Bacchus and Cupid.” By Ch. Janson, 1867. 800 Bronze Stand. Three claw-feet, Roman design, black marble top. Height, 3 feet 6 inches ; diameter, 20 inches. 801 Statue. Life size, ‘‘ Raphael with Sketch Book and Pencil, Resting on Masonry.’ By P. Guarnerio, Milan, 1872. Height, 5 feet; base, 15 inches square. S02 Group. ‘Birth of Cupid.” C. A. Fraikin, sculptor. Height, 25 inches ; length, 31 inches. 803 Group. ‘Puck Seated on Large Mushroom.” Harriet Hosmer, Rome. Height, 31 inches ; base, 13} inches square. 804 Bust. Heroic size, ‘‘La Belle Travestarina.”” Height, 31 inches; width, 81 inches. By Cordier. 805 Elaborate Group. ‘ Vanity.” By P. Guarnerio, Milan, 1876. With mas- sive pedestal. Height of all, 102 inches; diameter of pedestal, 21 inches. Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. The above is now at Hollywood, New Jersey ; will be sold deliverable in this city, on board of car, foot of 87th street, North River. 806 Two Maple and Rosewood Pedestals. With gilt medallions. 807 Two Ebony and Gilt Pedestals. With claw feet and bronze mountings. BOOKS. [The items to which a star has been prefixed have a library stamp on the title-pages sometimes repeated at intervals through the text.] $16 Abbott (J.8.C.). History or THE Crvin WAR IN AMERICA. Portraits, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Springfield, 1865. 817 Adams (John). Lerrersor. Portrait. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1841. $18 Adolphus (John), History or Francr. 2 vols. 8v0, calf. London. 1803. 819 Aikim (Lucyand John). Hisrorican Works. Annals of the Reign of George TIL., 2 vols. ; Court of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. ; James J., 2 vols. ; Charles L., 2vols.; and Essays. Portraits. 9 yols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1811-33. 820 Alphand. PROMENADES DE Paris. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols. royal folio, half green morocco. Paris, 1867-73. S821 American Cyclopedia. A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana, with the Annuals to 1873. Profusely illustrated. 29 thick vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, Appleton, 1863. S22 American Cyclopedia. Another set, with the Annuals to 1866. 22 vols, royal 8yo, half russia. New York, 1867. 46 ‘ HOEY COLLECTION. $23 Ames (Fisher). Works. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1854. $24 Annual Register, or View of History, Politics, and Literature, from its commencement in 1758 to 1857. 99 vols. 8vo, calf ; 8 vols. in boards. Lon- don, 1758-1857. This valuable publication originated with Robert Dodsley, at the suggestion of Edmund Burke, who for some years was the principal contributor. Itcon- tains many most powerful and valuable articles from his pen; and forms a most valuable record of historical and political events during the last hundred years. 825 Anguetil (L. P.). SummMARY or UNIVERSAL History. 9 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1800. 826 Arabian Nights? Entertaiments. Translated, with copious Notes. by E. W. Lane, with many hundred engravings by W. Harvey. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1877. 827 Art Journal, complete from 1849 to 1874, inclusive. 27 vols. 4to, half red levant morocco extra. London, 1849-1874. Uniform set, with a great number of steel erigravings and woodcuts—after the most celebrated modern painters. It includes paintings contained in the Wilkie, Turner, Vernon, and Royal Galleries. 4828 Atkinsom (W.B.). Puysicians AND SURGEONS OF THE UNITED STATES. Numerous steel portraits. Svo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1878. 829 Atkinson (W.B.). Puysictans AND SURGEONS OF THE UNITED STATES. Another copy. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1878. 830 Audubon (J.J.). Lirze AND ADVENTURES. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868. 831 Austen (Jane). Novets. Vignettes. 4 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt. New York, 1861. 832 Balzac. Les Contes DROLATIQUES. 425 woodcut illustrations after the de- signs of Gustave Doré. 8vo, red crushed levant morocco extra, by Hardy Mennil. Paris, 1855. The most brilliant example of so-called facetie in the French language. (= See Dore. 833 Bancroft (George). History or THE Unrtep States from the Discovery ofthe American Continent. Portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1874. 834 Barbauld (Anna Letitia). Mermorr, etc., by G. A. Ellis. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1874. 835 Barrére (A.). Arcot Aanp Suane. A new French and English Diction- ary. 4to, uncut. London, 1887. *836 Barrett (Walter). OLp Mercuants or New York Crry. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1885. 837 Belcher (Capt. Sir E.). Voyraez rnounp THE WorLD In H. M. 8. Sut- PHUR, 1836-42, including the Naval Operations in China, with 19 steel plates, numerous woodcuts, and 3 maps. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1843. 838 Bell (W. M.). Orser Countries. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872. 839 Belsham (William). History or Great BRITAIN [during the reign of Queen Anne and the first three Georges], 12 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1798- 1801. BOOKS. 44 840 Bentinck (Lord George). A Ponitican Biograpuy, by B. Disraeli [Lord Beaconsfield]. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852. fe See DisRAELI. $41 Bible. Ovp anp New Testament, with notes by T. Scott. 6 vols. 4to, half calf. London, 1823. 842 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. A complete set (minus Vols. 13, 14, and 73) from its commencement, in 1817, to 1864. 96 vols. 8vo, half calf (not uniform). London and New York, 1817-64. 843 Boker (George H.). PLhays anp Poems. Portrait, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1857. 844 Bolingbroke (Henry St. John, Lord). Works. 5 vols. 4to, old calf. London, 1754. 845 Bradbury (T.). Mystery or Gopiinuss. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1795. 846 Bridgewater Treatises. On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation. § vols. (only), 8vo, half calf. Pickering, London, 1835. Though lacking four volumes of the series, the above volumes are complete in themselves. 847 Brissot de Warville. TRavets In THe Unrrep STATES oF AMERICA, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1794. 848 British Essayists. With prefaces, Historical and Biographical, by A.Chalmers. Portraits. 38 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1857. Comprises the Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, Rambler, Adventurer, World, Connoisseur, Idler, Mirror, Lounger, Observer, Looker-On, etc., etc., with index. *849 British Essayists. Another set (minus Vol. 36, and with duplicate of Vol. 31). 38 vols., half morocco, gilt tops. Boston, 1863. 850 British Essayists. With Historical and Biographical Prefaces by Alex. Chalmers. Portraits. 38 vols. 12mo, half calf. London, 1823. 851 British Poets. A complete collection of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Wordsworth, accompanied with Biographical, Historical, and Critical Notices. Portraits. 120 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856. *852 British Poets, Another set with additions, but minus Vol. 6 of Southey. 125 vols. half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1868. 853 Brockedon (Wm.). PassEs or THE ALps. Numerous steel plates. 2 vols, 4to, cloth. London, n. d. *854 Bronte (Charlotte). Lire or, by Mrs. Gaskell. Portrait. 2 vols. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1858. *855 Brougham (Lord). Poxrrican PHiosopny. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1842-4. 856 Buffon (Geo. L. Leclerc). Naturat History, with Notes, etc., by the translator (Wm. Smellie). Plates. 9 vols. vo. London, 1785. 857 Buffon. CMuvres. A series of over 800 plates to illustrate the natural his- tory. Many colored. 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Bruxelles, 1833. (A desirable pendant to the preceding item.) 48 HOEY COLLECTION. 858 Burns (Robt.). Lire anp Works. Edited by Robt. Chambers. Portrait. 4 vols. in 2; 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, n. d. 859 Burr (Aaron). Lire anp Timus oF, by J. Parton. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1858. [S60 Busk (Hans)]. Ds Omnrpus ReEBus. 100 élustrations. 8vo, cloth. Lon- don, 1888. *861 Butler (S.). Huprpras. With woodcuts and the 60 portraits by Cooper. 2 vols. crown 8yo, cloth. London, 1847. Containing portraits of Bp. Bonner, Albertus Magnus, Van Helmont, Davenant, Burton, Geo. Withers, Behman, Prester John, Wm. Lilly, Jerome Cardan, St. Dustan, Paracelsus, John Dee, Roger Bacon, Charles IL, etc., etc. 862 Byron (Lord). Pontican Works. Portrait, etc. 10 vols. 16mo, half calf extra. Boston, 1864. 863 Cabinet of Poetry. With the superb portraits by Caroline Watson, of Milton, Pope, Young, Thomson, etc. 6 vols. post 8vo, calf. London, 1808. 864 Calvin (John). Lerrers. Edited by Jules Bonnet. 2 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco. Edinburgh, 1855. 865 Campbell (Lord). Lives of THE Cuter Justicus or ENGLAND. 2 vols. (only), 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1849. 866 Campbell (John). Lives or THE British ADMIRALS. Portraits. 8 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1812. 867 Cassell. InuustrRatep Famity Paper. Numerous woodcuts. 7 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1859-65. 868 Caulfield (James). Porrraits, Memorrs, AND CHARACTERS OF REMARK- ABLE Persons, from 1688 to the end of the Reign of George II., 155 Portraits of Eccentric and Notorious Persons of Great Britain. 4 vols. royal 8yo, tree calf. London, 1819-20. 869 Chambers. MisceLLANY oF INSTRUCTIVE AND ENTERTAINING TRACTS, Woodcuts. 20 volsin10. 16mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1871. $70 Chesterfield (P. D. §., Lord). Lerrers ro nis Son. Portraits. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. London, 1872. S871 Chinese Classics. With Translations and Notes, Indexes, etc., by J. Legge. 3vols.in4. Royal 8vo, half morocco,. Hongkong, 1861-5. Vols. 1 to 8, inclusive. 872 Christian Spectator. 10 vols. 8vo, half morocco. New Haven, 1819-28. 873 Cicero. History or THE Lire or. By Conyers Middleton. 2 vols. 4to, calf. London, 1741. $74 Clarke (Dr. Edward Daniel). TravELs 1x Evroprr [RussrA], AsIA, AND Arnica. Portrait, maps, and engravings. 11 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. Lon- don, 1816-24. 875 Claude Lorraine, Beauties or. Portrait and twenty-five fine plates. Folio, half morocco. Lordon, 1825. *876 Olay (Henry). Lirs, SPEECHES, AND PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, sheep, Philadelphia, 1853. BOOKS. 49 877 Clayton (EH. C.). QurENs or Sone. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1865. 878 Collier Jeremy). Ecciestastican History or ENGLAND, FROM THE EARLI- Est TimEs. 9 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1840. 879 Colman (Ge orge, The Elder). D RAMATIC WorKs. 4 vols. 12mo If mo- iy S , Na. mo rocco (damage d). Londor 5 177%, 880 Cooper VJ. F.). Novets. Complete, with frontispieces and vignette titles by F. O. C. Darley. 32 vols. 12mo, cloth. New Yorix, 1859-61. The original Townsend Edition, now extremely scarce. A clean, sound copy. 881 Cowper (William). Comprerze Works. Comprising Poems, Translations, etc., with Memoir. Edited by Southey. Forty-five steel plates. 8 vols. fools- cap 8vo, cloth. London, 1853. 882 Cowper (William). Works. With Life by Wm. Hayley. Frontispieces and vignettes. 8 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1835. 883 Cowper (Wm.). Lire anp Works. Edited by W. Hayley. Portrait. 4 vols. Svo, half calf. Chichester, 1806. S84 Crabbe (Geo.). Portican Works. With his Letters, Journals, and Life, by his Son. Vignette illustrations by Finden. 8 vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth. Lon- don, 1834. S85 Crabbe (Geo.). Works. Tales, Poems, etc. 7 vols. post 8vo, calf. Lon- don, 1820. 886 Craik (G. L.). History or Eneuisu Literature. 2 vols, royal 8yo, half calf. New York, 1863. 887 Creasy (E. 8.). Memorrs or Eminent Erontans. Royal 8vo, cloth. Lon- don, 1850. Includes Memoirs of Shelley, Fielding, Waller, Ascham, Pepys, Hallam, Praed, Milman, the Walpoles, etc., etc. 888 Crevier J.B. Lj. History oF roe Roman Emperors FRom AvuGuSTUS TO ConsTANTINE. Plates. 10 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1755. 889 Cromwell (Oliver), Lzrrers anp SprEcuEs. With Elucidations by Thomas Carlyle. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1866. *890 Cudworth (Dr.). Truz Inrertectuan Sysrem or THE UNIVERSE; Ser- mons, etc. With Life by Birch. Portrait missing. 4 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, London, 1820. 891 Cumberland (R.). British Drama. Portraits. 14 vols. i2gmo, half vel- lum. London, 1817. : 892 Curwen (H.). A History or BooksEiuEnrs, the Old and the New. Por- traits, etc. Crown 8yo, cloth. London, 1873. 893 Daniell (G.). Merri ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME. Plates, etc., by John Leech. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 894 D*Aubigné (J. H. Merle). History or tHe REFoRMATION. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1861. 895 Dean (Amos). History oF Crymazation. Portrait. 7 vols. 8yo, cloth. Albany, 1868. 4 eee NX 50 HOEY COLLECTION. 896 De Long (Geo. W.). VoyacE or THE JEANETTE. Portraits, woodcuts, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1883. $97 Dickens (Charles). Works. Jilustrated by Darley. 25 vols. 12mo, half calf. New York, 1869. 898 Dickens (Charles). SKETcHEs By Boz, both series. First editions, with fine impressions of the plates by George Cruikshank. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt; rare. T.ondon, 1836-7. 899 Dickens. HovusrHotp Worps, complete from its commenc:ment in 1850 to its termination in June, 1859. 19 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco ; antique. London, 1850-59. 900 Disraeli (Benj., Lord Beaconsfield). Noveus. 5 vols. crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, n. d. *901 Disraeli (B.). ENpymion. 38 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. First edition. London, 1880. 902 Dodsley and Peareh. Co.iiucrion or Poems, by several hands. 10 vols. 12mo, calf. London, 1775. 903 Doré (Gustave). LASarmre Bisiz. With fine impressions of the 230 engrav- ings from the celebrated designs by Doré. 2 vols. royal folio, half russia, gilt tops. Paris, 1867. 904 Doré (Gustave). Crrvanres; Don QuicHorTe DE LA MANcuE, traduit par Louis Viardot, avec un notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de l’auteur, with upwards of 360 large illustrations and vignettes by Doré, engraved by Pisan, Sine impressions. 2 vols. royal folio, half red morocco. Paris, 1863. Fine copy. 905 Doré. Dante. L’Enrer, traduction Francaise de Pier Angelo-Fiorentino, with the illustrations from designs by Gustave Doré. Folio, half red morocco. Paris, 1861. 906 Doré (Gustave). LA Fonrarne. FasiEs DE, avec un notice sur la Vie de Jean La Fontaine, par Geruzez. Illustrated with upwards of 300 large engravings and vignettes from designs by Doré. 2 vols. royal folio, half red levant morocco extra. Paris, 1867. Prefaced with India proof impression of the portrait of La Fontaine, engraved on steel by Delaunoy. 907 Dore. La FonTatne’s Fasues: translated. Jllustrated by Doré. 4to, cloth. London, n. d. 908 Dore. Mitton (Joun). Panavise Lost. Edited with Notes and a Life of Milton by Robert Vaughan, D.D. Jdlustrated with 50 large and finely executed plates from the celebrated designs by Gustave Doré. Roy. 4to, half morocco. London, n. d. (2 See Barzac. 909 Downing (A.J.). Rurau Essays. Numerous woodcut tilustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, n. d. 910 Drake (S. G). Witcucrart Deiusion In New EN@uann. Its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as exhibited by Cotton Mather and Robert Calef, with Notes, etc. 3vols. in 1, 4t», half morocco. Roxburgh, 1866. Large paper copy, much cut down. BOOKS. 51 911 Drake. History oF rue Five Years FRENCH AND INDIAN War. Portrait. 4to, half calf. Albany, 1870. 912 Drake (Nathan). Essays. Portrait. 4 vols. in 2, post 8vo, half morocco. London, 1809. 913 Drake (Nathan). GLEANeER. Essays from scarce and neglected volumes. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1811. 914 Dryden (John). Porrican Works, with life by Milford. Portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf. Boston, 1859. 915 Dumas (Alexander), Novets, translated into English. 28 vols. post 8vo, half morocco. London, n. d. 916 Duyckincek (Ef. A. and George). CyYcLOPEDIA or AMERICAN LITERATURE, embracing Personal and Critical notices of Authors and selections from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day. Portraits and numerous engravings on wood. 8 vols, impl. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855-66. Includes the Supplement. *917 Eaton, Frrnsor Norru America. Colored plates. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, un- cut. Salem, 1879. 918 Edgeworth (Miss). Tsnus anp Novets. Frontispieces and vignettes. 10 vols. post 8vo, calf extra. London, 1848. Includes Moral Tales, Popular Tales, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, Irish Bulls, Self-Justification, Tales of Fashionable Life, Patronage, Ormond, etc. 919 Edinburgh Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1827. *920 Elegant Extracts. Verse, Prosr, AND EPISTLEs. Being a copious Selection of Instructive, Moral, and Entertaining Passages from the most Eminent Writers, Sharpe’s Edition, with elegant vignettes by the best Artists. 18 vols. 12mo, morocco extra. London, n. d. *921 Entinek (John). History or run Larz War. Portraits, etc. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1873. *922 Epic of Kings. Stories retold from the Firdusi, by Helen Zimmer. 4to, cloth. London, 1882. 923 Esmenard. Mémorres pu Prince DE LA Parx, Don Manuel Godoy. Plates. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, half bound. Paris, 1836. 924 Etchings. Socréré pes Eaux Fortes. 180 brilliant etchings. Folio, half calf. Paris, n. d. *925 Eustace and Hoare. CuassicaL TouR THROUGH Iraty, Etc. Map and plates. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1815-19. 926 Fairfax. Lire or THe Great Lorp Fairrax. By C. R. Markham. Pop- trait, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870. 927 Falke. Arr in THE House. Translated, with Notes, by C. C. Perkins. Ilustrations both colored and plain. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1879. 928 Figaro Ilustré. From April, 1890, to November, 1891. Numerous colored and other illustrations. 2 vols. folio, cluth. Paris, 1890-1. 29 Fine Arts Quarterly Review. Complete, from May, 1863, to January, 1865. Numerous illustrations. 8 vols. royal 8yo, cloth, uncut. London, 1863-5, HOEY COLLECTION. +930 Fox. GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OF THE FAMILIES DESCENDED FROM Franois Fox. 4to, cloth. London, 1872. Privately printed. 931 Fox (John). Boox or Martyrs. Jlustrated. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1875. +932 Breeman (Edwd. A.). History oF THE NORMAN CoNQUEST OF ENG- Kn LAND. 6 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt tops. Oxford, 1877-79. 933 Frere (J. Hookham). Works. In verse and prose. Portrait. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1874. 934 Freund’s Weekly. A Review of Music and the Drama. Folio, half bound. New York, Nov. 16, 1883, to December 20, 1884. * 935 Fum. A complete set of this weekly from its commencement in 1862. Pro- fusely illustrated. 36 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1862-79. *936 Gavarni, (uvres Choisies. Revues, corrigées et nouvellement clas- sées par l’Auteur. Etudes de mcurs contemporaines. Avec notices par MM. Théophile Gauthier and Laurent-Jan. Several hundred characteristic engravings from designs by Gavarni. 4 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1846-’48. 937 Gazetteer of the World. Allustrated by 120 steel plates, numerous woodcuts, and maps. % vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1856. 938 Gerry (Elbridge). Luz or, by J.T. Austen. Portrait. 8vo, calf. Boston, 1828. 939 Gibbon (Edward). History anp DECLINE oF THE RomAN Empire, with Notes by Dean Milman. 6 vols. 12mo, half calf extra. Philadelphia, 1876. 940 Goldsmith (Oliver). Works. With Life by J. Prior. Vignettes. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, antique. Philadelphia, 1865. 941 Goldsmith (O.). History or THE EartH aNnD ANIMATED NATURE. Plates. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1816. 942 Good (J. M.). Book or Nature. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. Exeter, 1814. 943 Goodrich (fF. B.). Tue Trisure Boox. Numerous ilustrations. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt. New York, 1865. 944 Grahame (J.). History oF THE UNITED StaTEs oF AMERICA. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1846. 945 Grammont (Count). Memorrs oF, by Ant. Hamilton. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Walter Scott. With numerous exquisite etchings by Boisson, after Delort. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1889. No. 198 of 780 copies printed. 946 Granger and Noble. Biograpnican History or ENGLAND, WITH THE CoNTINUATION. 9 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1824. 947 Grant (Mrs.). Mrmorrs oF AN AMERICAN LADY. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf. London, 1809. 948 Greville (C. C. F.). Mxmotrrs. Journal of the Reigns of George IV. and William IV. Edited by Henry Reeve. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1875. - 949 Gronow (Capt.). REMINISCENCES AND RECOLLECTIONS. Thirty-two colored plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1892. Already out of print and scarce. BOOKS. 53 950 Guillemin (A.). Taz Heavens. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York [London}j, 1872. 951 Guizot (F.). History pz Cuaruzs I. 6 vols. Svo, half morocco. Paris, 1856. 952 Hale (S. J.). Woman’s Recorp. 230 portraits. Royal 8vo, morocco antique. New York, 1860. *953 Hall (S. C.). Retrospect or a Lone Lire. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1883. 954 Mall (Mr and Mrs. 8. C.). Irenanp, its Scenery, Legends, Tales. Superbly dllustrated with 500 beautiful engravings on steel and wood, after drawings by Creswick, Harvey, etc. 8 vols. royal 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1850. Fine copy. 955 Halleck (Fitz-Greene). Lirr Anp Lerters. Portrait, etc. 12mo, morocco antique. New York, 1869. 956 Harper’s New Monthly Wagazine. A complete set of this inter- esting magazine from its commencement in June, 1850, to May, 1891. Many thousand illustrations on wood. 82 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1850-91. *957 Hawkins (Fredk.) FrRENcH STaGE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CentuRY. Por- traits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco. London, 1888. 958 Maydn. Dicrionary or Datzs. 8vo, half russia. London, 1868. 959 Mleeren. ANCIENT GREECE. Translated by Geo. Bancroft. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1842. *960 Henry (Dr.). History oF Great BRITAIN FROM THE First INVASION BY THE Romans. Portrait. 12 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1805. 961 Mlerbert (H. W.). ‘‘ Frank ForrestTeErR’s’’ Horse AND HORSEMANSHIP OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE BriTIsH PROVINCES OF NoRTH AMERICA. Numerous fine steel plates of celebrated horses. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857. Large paper copy ; the plates on India paper. 962 Hinton (J. H.). Unirep States or AMERICA. History and Topography of. Portraits, views, and maps. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. Boston, 1852. 963 Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings. With Lives, Notes, etc., and a large number of outline engravings. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 964 Hobbes (T. of Malmesbury). CompLete Works, English and Latin, now first collected. Edited by Sir W. Molesworth. Portrait and plates. 16 vols. 8vo, vellum extra, carmine edges. London, 1839-46. Fine copy. The only complete edition of the works of this celebrated writer, who will ever be regarded as one of the master spirits of English Lit- erature. Hlogarth’s Works. Edited by Dr. Trusler. 100 steel plates. 2 vols. 4to, morocco antique. London, n. d. 966 Hone’s Popular Works. Every-Day Book, Table-Book, and Year- Book, with 550 woodcuts of old buildings, old customs, remarkable characters, curiosities, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf. London, 1864. An everlasting fund of amusement and instruction, containing information not easily to be found elsewhere ; commended by Lamb, Scott, Southey, etc. 965 A 54 HOEY COLLECTION. 967 Hood (Thomas). Works. Comic and Serious, in Prose and Verse, with all the original illustrations and portrait. 10 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon- don, 1869. Best library edition of the works of this inimitable writer. 968 Hood’s Own; or, LavenreR From YEAR TO YEAR. Humorous illustra- tions. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1871. *969 Hooton (C.). Corin CLink. Numerous plates by John Leech. 3 vols. 8vo, half bound. London, 1844. Title-page to Vol. 1 missing. 970 Hopkins (S.). THe PURITANS AND QUEEN ELIZABETH. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, n. d. 971 Horner (Francis). Mrmorrs AND CORRESPONDENCE OF, edited by his brother. Portruit. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853. 972 Hlozier (H.M.) Seven WeEKs’ War. Waps. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Phila- delphia, 1867. 973 Woward. Beauties or Literature. Being classical selections from the most eminent British and Foreign authors. Portraits. 16 vols. 1Smo, half calf. London, n. d. 1974 EXugo (Victor). Count or MontTE Cristo, 5 vols. ; Norre DAmg, 2 vols.; and ToILERS OF THE SHA,2 vols. 800 fine illustrations. 9 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1888. 975 Humboldt. Prrsonat NARRATIVE OF TRAVELS to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent. 3 vols. foolscap 8vo, cloth. London, 1852. 976 Hume (David). History or EN@LAND. Portrait. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, n. d. *977 Hiunt (Freeman). Lives or AMERICAN MERCHANTS. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1858. 978 EZutton (Wm.) Lire or, by L. Jewitt. Portrait. Post 8vo, tree calf extra. London, n. d. SECOND EVENING’S SALE, TUESDAY, APRIL 25ru, BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK. BOOKS—Continued. 980 Inchbald (Mrs.). British [AND MopERN] THEATRE. Portraits and plates, some missing. 35 vols. 12mo, calf (25) and half morocco (10). Vol. 1 of the former with broken covers. London, 1811. 981 Irving (Washington). Works. 22 vols. 12mo, half calf extra. New York, 1864. Author’s revised edition. 982 Irving (Washington). Lirz AND Letters. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1862. 983 Irving (Washington). Astorta. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1836. First edition ; scarce. *984 Irving (Washington). Tour oF THE PRAIRIES; and ABBOTSFORD. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1835. *985 Jackson (Andrew). Lire or. By James Parton. Portraits, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1861. 986 Jacquemart (A.). History oF THE CERAmMic ART: the Pottery and Porce- lain of all Ages and Nations. With 200 woodcut illustrations, 12 etchings, and 1,000 marks and monograms. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1873. 987 Jameson (Mrs.). Art Works, etc., complete. Steel frontispieces. 10 vols. 12mo, morocco antique, gilt edges. Boston. 1866. Includes History of Our Lord, Sacred aad Legendary Art, Legends of the Madonna, Early Italian Painters, etc. *988 Johnson. Triau oF ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States, before the Senate . . . on Impeachment by the House of Representatives for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1868. 989 Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography, comprising original Memoirs of distinguished Men of all Ages and Nations, by eminent Writers. 24 fine portraits. 8 vols. imperial 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1858. 989 Johnston (Charles). TrAvets IN SOUTHERN AByssINia. Frontispiece, etc: 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1844. 56 HOEY COLLECTION. 990 Jones (C. H.). Arrica. Portrait and woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1875. *991 Jones (Paul). Lire anp CorrEsPpoNDENCE OF, Portrait. 8v0, sheep. New York, 18380. *992 Kane (Dr. E.). Arctic ExrpLorations oF 1853-55, in search of Sir John Franklin, with portrait, maps, and upwards of 800 graphic illustrations on steel and wood from sketches by the author. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 993 Kane. Tue GrinneLt Expepirion. Jilustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1854. 994 Keats (John). Enpymron. Six superb steel engravings. Folio, cloth. Lon- don, 1873. 995 Keightley (T.). History or ENGLAND. 8 vols. 8vo, half caif extra. London, 1839. 996 Kingsborough (Lord). Anriquirrzs oF Mexico. Comprising Facsimi- les of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden; in the Imperial Library of Vienna ; in the Vatican Library ; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the Library of the Institute of Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford; together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix; illustrated by many valuable inedited MSS., containing upwards of 1,000 large CoLoRED plates, embracing all the remains of Mexican Architecture, Art, Religion, etc. 9 vols. impl. folio, half morocco, green gilt edges, RARE. London, 1830-48. 997 Kirkland (F.). CyctorprpiA of CoMMERCIAL AND Business ANECDOTES. Portraits. 2vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864. 998 Knapp (S. L.). BrogRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF EMINENT LAWYERS, STATES- MEN, AND Men or Lerrers. 8vo, boards. Boston, 1821. 999 Knickerbocker Gallery. A testimonial to the editor of the Knicker- bocker Magazine from its contributors. 48 steel portraits. 8vo, morocco. New York, 1855. 1000 Knight and Martineau. History or ENGuAND, with the Continua- tion. Many hundred woodcut illustrations. 10 vols, royal Svo, calf, gilt. London, 1888. 3 The first and best cdition. *1001 Knight (Charles). Porunar History or Eneianp. An Illustrated History of Society and Government from the Earliest Period to 1849, with an Appendix comprising a Brief Chronological Account of Public Events, and a Summary of Legislation and Statistics from 1849 to 1867; with many hundred woodcuts and steel engravings. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, n. d. ‘* No topic that concerns the history of the English people has been omitted; that book of Mr. Knight’s being, let us say here by the way, the best History extant, not only for, but also of, the People.”—C. Dickens. 1002 Knight's English Encyclopedia. Many thousand engravings. 22 vols. in 11, 4to, half russia. London, 1854-61. 1003 Knight. Natrona Cyciopmpia or Us—FuL KNOWLEDGE, WITH SUPPLE- MENT. 13 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1847-59. 1004 Knight. Ovp Printer anpD THE MopEeRN Press. Post 8yvo, half mo- rocco. London, 1854. BOOKS. o7 1005 Knight. Kyow.epez ts Power. Woodcuts. Post 8vo, half morocco. London, 1855. 1006 Labaume (E.). Campaign In RusstA. Map, etc. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1815. 1007 Lamartine (A. de). History or tHE Gironpists ; or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution. Portraits. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf. New York, 1847. 1008 Lardner (D.). Casrnet CycLtopaprA : Comprising History, Biography, Literature, the Arts and Sciences and Manufactures, 135 vols. post 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1848, etc. Fine copy. A valuable series of original works by Herschel, Southey, Brewster, Scott, Moore, Sismondi, Mackintosh, Foster, etc., ctc. 1009 Laspée (H. de). Canisruenics. Tilustrated. 8vo, half calf. Lon- don, n. d. 1010 Latrobe (C. I.). Journat or a Visit tro SourH AFRIcaA in 1815, etc. Map, etc. 4to, half morocco. London, 1818. 1011 Le Roux (H.). Les Jeux pu Crreue. Tllustrations in color by Garnier. 4to, cloth. Paris, n. d. 1012 Library of Biography, History, ete. Including Life of Napo- leon, Washington, Richard I., Peter the Great, Cicero, Nelson, Marlborough, Cervantes, the British Painters, also Irving’s Sketch Book and Knickerbock- er’s New York, Defoe’s Plague Year, Scott’s Demonology, Companions of Columbus, History of the Jews, etc., etc. Plates by Cruikshank, ete. 75 vols. 16mo, half calf, gilt. London, 1831, etc. 1013 Linecolm (Abraham). Lire or, by J. G. Holland. Portrait, etc. 8vo, half calf. Springfield, 1866. 1014 Livingstone (David). Last Journats. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1875. *1015 Locke (John). Lire or, by Lord King. Portrait. 2 vols. 8yo, cloth. London, 1830. : 1016 Lockhart (JonnG.). PrterR’s Lurrers to His Krnsrotk. 3 vols. 8vo, uncut boards. Edinburgh, 1819. “Tt gives us the pictures, mental and bodily, of some of the leading men of Scotland, with great truth and effect. Itis a singular hotch-pctch, and full of wit and humor.” —Adlan Cunningham. = See Scorr. 1017 London. Otp snp New. A Narrative of its History, People, and Places, by Walter Thornbury and the Rev. E. Walford. Wath 1,200 illustrations and maps from the most authentic sources. 6 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. London, ia 1018S London Magazine, 10 vols. 8vo, half russia. London, 1820-24. *1019 Longfellow (H. W.). Porrican Worxks. Complete Profusely tlus- trated. 2 vols. 4to, morocco antique. 1879. 1020 Longfellow. Sone or HiawatHa. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1855. First edition. #1021 Lossing (B. J.). Our Country. 500 illustrations by Darley. 2 vols. royal 8vo, sheep. New York, 1888. 58 HOEY COLLECTION. 1022 Loubat (J. F.). Mzparuic History or THE Unitep Statzs, 1776-1876, with 170 etchings by Jacquemart. 2vols. royal4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1878. 1023 Lover (Samuel). Lire or, by B. Bernard. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1874. *1024 Lowe (E. J.). Beautirun LEAVED Puants. 60 fine colored plates. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1861. 1025 Wackintosh (Sir James). Lirx or, edited by hisson. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853. *1026 Maclise Portrait Gallery. The original quarto edition, with 88 characteristic portraits. 4to, cloth. London, 1874. Contains portraits of Thackeray, Bulwer, Campbell, Rogers, Lockhart, Croker, Bowring, Hogg, Wordsworth, D’Israeli, Carlyle, Coleridge, Cruik- shank, Hook, Hunt, D’Orsay, Cobbett, Knowles, Hallam, Ainsworth, etc., etc. 1027 Walan (S.C.). Ourtine oF THE EarRty Jewish CHuRCcH. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867. 1028 Wanegin (A). Les Jarpins. Histoire et Description, with upwards of 400 woodcut illustrations. Folio, half morocco. Tours, 1867. 1029 Matthews (H.). Diary or an Invatip. 8vo, half calf. London, 1820. *1030 Weehan (T.). Native Flowers AND Ferns oF THE UNITED STATES. Colored plates. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1880. 1031 Miller (Joaquin). Lire amone THE Mopocs. 8vo, cloth. Londen, 1873. 1032 Willer. PuitosopHy or History. Portrait. 4 vols. foolscap 8yo, cloth. London, 1849. 1033 Will (Jas.). History or BririsH Inp1A, with a continuation to 1835, by Prof. H. H. Wilson. Large typelibrary edition, with map. 9 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1848. ‘¢ Mill’s History of British India is one of those rare works destined for immortality.”— Atheneum. *1034 Milman (H.H.). History or THE Jews. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf extra. New York, 1870. *1035 Wilton (John). PorricAL Works. With Memoir and Notes. Jilus- trated. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854. *1036 Wilton, Lire or, by C.Symonds. Portrait. 8vo, calf. London, 1810. 1037 Mitford (Mary R.). Foscart anp JuLiAN. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1827. 1038 Mitford (William). History or Greece. 10 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lon- don, 1795-1820. 1039 Wodern Traveller. A popular description of the various countries of the globe. Edited by J. Conder. Maps and woodcuts. 26 vols. 16mo, calf. London, 1828, etc. 1040 Woore (Frank). Diary or THE AMERIOAN RrEyoLUTION. From News- papers and Original Documents. Numerous steel plates, maps, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1860. Includes fine portraits of Burgoyne, Guy Carleton, Moultrie, André, Corn- wallis, James Rivington, Henry Lee, Clinton, etc. BOOKS. 59 1041 Woore (Thos.). Mzmorrs, JouRNALS, AND CORRESPONDENCE, edited by Lord John Russell. Complete, with copiousindex. Portraits and vignettes. § vols. post 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1853-6. An exceedingly interesting work, abounding with Anecdotes and Sketches of the principal Literary and Political Persons of the present century. *1042 Morison or Morrison Family. Pxrpicree or. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880. *1043 Napoleon. CoNnFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE With his brother Joseph. Portraits. 2vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1856. 1044 Nash (J.). Mansions of ENGLANDIN THE OLDEN Time. Depicting the most Characteristic Features of the Domestic Architecture of the Tudor Age, and also illustrating the Costumes, Habits, and Recreations of our Ancestors. 104 plates, colored and mounted in imitation of the Original Drawings. 4 vols. imperial folio, half red morocco extra. 1045 Nares (E.). Evements or GENERAL History. Maps. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1825. 1046 Nasmyth and Carpenter, THE Moon. 26 plates. 8vo, cloth. New York [London], 1885. 1047 National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. Numerous portraits. Royal 8yo, morocco. (Vol. 3.) Philadelphia, 1836. 1048 Naturalist’s Note Book for 1867. 4to, cloth. London, n.d. 1049 Navaland Military Magazine and United Service Journal from 1827 to August, 1843 (minus January to August, 1838). 50 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1827-43. 1050 Nelson (Lord). Lerrers Anp DispatcuEs. Edited by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portrait. 7V vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1845-6. ‘“‘This collection is the most genuine and true portrait of a great public character which the world has ever seen.’’"— Times. 1051 New Work. Documents RELATIVE TO THE CoLontaL HisToRY oF THE Srate or New York, procured in Holland, England, and France by J. R. Brodhead, Esq. Edited by Dr. E. B. O’Callaghan. Numerous maps, charts, ete. 10 thick vols. royal 4to, cloth. Albany, 1856. 1052 New York Herald, from January 24th, 1840, to the end of 1891. In all 122 vols. imperial folio, half bound, but not uniformly. New York, 1840-91. In regard to the above and two following items it may be said that to dupli- cate would be practically impossible. The importance of each file, covering of course the stirring incidents of the Great Rebellion, can scarcely be over- estimated, To the great public libraries of recent formation they offer an opportunity that may never again occur. A thorough collation is now in progress, and any missing dates will be reported at time of sale. 1053 New York Times, from the commencement in 1851 to the end of 1891. In all 91 vols. imperial folio, half bound (not uniform). New York, 1851-91. 1054 New York Tribune, from the commencement in 1841 to the end of 1891. Inall 91 vols. imperial folio, half bound (not uniform). New York, 1841-91. 60 HOEY -COLLECTION. 1055 New York Picture Galleries. Licuts anp SHApows oF. With photographs of famous pictures. By Young. Atlas folio, morocco antique. New York, 1864. 1056 Nicolas (Sir H.). History or THE Royat Navy. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1847. 1057 Nordhoff (C.). CauirornrA. Both seriescomplete. Maps and illustra- tions. 2 vols. 8vo, half russia. New York, 1874. 1058 @°Callaghan (J.C.). History or THE Irish BRIGADE IN THE SERVICE oF France. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Glasgow, 1870. 1059 Opie (Amelia). Works. 38 vols: 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, n. d. 1060 Ormonde (James, Duke of). Lire oF, from 1610 to 1688, with the valuable Collection of Letters written by Charles I. and II. By Carte. 6 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. Oxford, 1861. The best History of the Irish Rebellion. 1061 Palmerston (Lord). Lire or, by E. L. Bulwer. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1871. *1062 Papworth (J. B.). Hisrory or ORNAMENTAL GARDENING. Colored plates. Royal 8vo, half calf. London, 1828. 1063 Paris Salon of 1872. Sixty-one photographs of the most striking and meritorious paintings in the exhibition. Royal folio, half red movoceo. Gou- pil. Paris, 1872. 1064 Paris Salon of 1872. Another copy, similarly bound. 1065 Paris Salon. With aii the plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Baschet, Paris, 1890-91. 1066 Paris Exhibition. L’Exposirion pr Parts, 1889. Profusely illus- trated. 2 vols. folio, cloth. Paris, 1889. *1067 Parkman (Francis). CoNsprracy oF Pontiac. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1870. 1068 Partridge (J. A.). Maxine or tHE American Nation. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. *1069 Peale (Remirandt). Norzs on Irary. 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1831. 1070 Penn (Admiral William). Memortats oF THE PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND Times oF, 1644-1670, by Granville Penn. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1844. 1071 Perey Anecdotes, original and select, by Sholto and Reuben Percy, Brothers of the Benedictine Monastery, Mont Benger [Thomas Byerley, of “Mont Benger,” in Scotland, editor of The Star newspaper, and J. C. Robertson, editor of The Mechanics’ Magazine], with 40 portraits. 20 vols. 18mo, half morocco. London, 1823. 1072 Phillips (Sir R.). Cotuecrion or MopERN AND CoTEMPORARY VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Plates. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1810, BOOKS. 61 1073 Pope (Alexander). ComptutEe Works, with Translations of Homer, etc. Portraits, etc. Some inserted. 17 vols. 4to, old calf, some covers broken. Lintot, London, 1715, etc. 1074 Portraits. A CoLurcTion oF PorTRAITS oF REMARKABLE PERSONS: Being reprints of the Caulfield, Wonderful Museum, and other Series ; about 400in all. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. Londcn, n. d. 1075 Puck. A complete set of this famous weekly from its commencement to 18)1, inclusive ; with all the colored cartoons. 28 vols. folio, half morocco. New Yerk. 1076 Punch; or, The London Charivari, from its commencement in 1814, to December, 1884, inclusive. With thousands of humorous engravings, by John Leech, Doyle, Tenniel, Keene, Samborne, Du Maurier, etc., brilliant impres- sions, and a variety of contributions by Douglas Jerrold, Mark Lemon, Tom Taylor, Burnand, Albert Smith, Angus Reach, Thackeray, and other comic writers, not published in any other form. 89 vols. in 45 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt. London, 1841-84. The above is an unusually complete sct of this famous journal; all the volumes are of the genuine original issue, now becoming very scarce. *1077 Punch. Mr. Puncu’s Victorian Era. An illustrated chronicle of 50 years of the Reign of her Majesty the Queen, from the Contemporary Pages of “PuncH,” with a Prologue (1837-41), Vol. 1, containing 312 cartoons and a por- trait of Mark Lemon, royal 4to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1887. ‘“‘There can be no better book for a drawing-room table, to suggest subjects of talk or pass the moments perdus than ‘Mr. Punch’s Victorian Era.” . . . They put the points on all the critical periods of our Parliamentary History, and indicate in effective outline the action of political celebrities.”’— Times. 1078S Putnam’s Wagazime. 10 vols. Svo, half calf. New York, 1853-57. 1079 Quarterly Review. Complete from its commencement in 1809 to 1880. With 3 Indexes. 149 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1809-80, Fine, uniform set. 1080 Quincey, Jr. (Josiah). Memorm or rue Lire or. By his son. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1825. 1081 Ramsay (FE. B.). Reminiscences oF ScoTTisH LiFE AND CHARACTER. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1874. 1082 Rapin and Tindal. History or Enenand. Portraits by Virtue. 21 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1757-9. 1083 Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, etc. Jllustrated with portraits on steel, and numerous fine steel portraits, maps, and diagrams, etc. 10 vols. imp. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1861-66. 1084 Rennell (J.). GrograpnicaL System oF Heropotus EXAMINED AND EXpLAIneD. Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1880. 1085 Rice (James). History or THE British Turr. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1879. 1086 Richards (T. A.). AMERICAN ings. 8vo, cloth, New York, n. d. ERY ILLUSTRATED. 382 steel engrav- 1087 1088 HOEY COLLECTION. Roberts (David). Views 1n THE Hoty Lanp, Syria, IpuMBA, ARABIA, Eeypt, AND Nusia. 250 exquisitely beautiful plates, with Historical De- scriptions by the Rev. Dr. Croly and W. Brockedon, 4 vols. imperial folio, half red morocco extra. London, 1842-9. Among the many splendid works published during the present century the above has always held a prominent position. It is valued no less for its artis- tic execution than for the deep and absorbing interest which attaches in the present day to the subjects which it delineates. To the Oriental traveller it is a valuable reminiscence of the spots that he has visited, and to those who are strangers to the East it presents a faithful picture of the existing state of the Bible Lands. Robertson (J. P. and W. P.). Lerrers rrom SoutH AMERICA. 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1843. 1989 Robertson (Wm.). HisroricAL Works, WiTH Lirn, ETc. 12 vols. 8vo, 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 half calf. London, 1812. Comprises the History of America, Scotland, and Charles V. Rollin (Charles). Arrs AND Screncgs, and Method of Teaching the Belles Lettres. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1769. Roscoe (W.). Lire anp PonTIFICATE OF LEO X., ALSO LIFE or LORENZO DE Mepicr. Portrait. 9 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1806. Rotteeck (C. von). GENERAL History of tHE WoRLD. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. London, 1842. Rousselet (Louis). InpIA AnD 1Ts NATIVE PrincEs. Illustrated with upwards of 300 most beautifully executed engravings on wood, 6 large maps, etc. Royal 4to, cloth extra. New York [London}, 1876. ‘Nothing can be clearer than M. Rousselet’s description of the countries and peoples he visited, and we seem ourselves to be living among them, as they pass in his vivid pages in stately splendor under our eyes. The book is superbly illustrated with remarkable accuracy, for every face in it is a likeness which any Anglo-Indian will at once recognize.” — Times. Royal Gallery of Art. Edited by S.C. Hall. 106 large and very beau- tiful engravings by the best artists, from the choicest pictures by ancient and modern masters in the collections of Her Majesty the Queen, and H. R. H. Prince Albert, at Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, and Osborne. Proofs on India paper, with descriptions. 4 vols. in 2, folio, red morocco extra. London, n. d. This splendid work consists of a series of engravings, most beautifully executed, of some of the finest specimens of art, both ancient and modern, either the private acquisitions of Her Majesty and the Prince Consort, or the heirlooms of the Crown, obtained, from time to time, by respective Brit- ish Sovereigns. Rumford (Count. Sir Benjamin Thompson). CoMPLETE WORKS, WITH Memoir by Geo. HE. Ellis. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, n. d. 1096 Rushworth’s Historical Collections. Abridged. Portrait, etc. 6 vols. 8vo, old calf, London, 1703-08. BOOKS. 63 1097 Russell (R.). History or MopERN EvuRopPs#, with an Account of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Progress of Society, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1857. *1098 Russell. History or Mopern Europe. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1789. 1099 Salem Witchcraft. Records of, copied from the original documents. 2 vols. small 4to, half calf. Roxburgh, 1834. Only 250 copies printed. Woodward's Historical Series, Nos. 1 and 2. 1100 Salmon. Mopern History. Maps. 31 vols. 8vo, old calf. London, L725. 1101 Sargent (Epes). Prcurtar. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1864. *1102 Schlegel (A.). Lecrures on DRAMATIC LITERATURE AND ART. 2 vols. foolscap, 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1840. 1103 Sechliosser (F. C.). History or tHE ErcHTreentse CENTURY, and of the Nineteenth till the overthrow of the French Empire, with particular Refer- ence to Mental Cultivation and Progress. Translated from the German by D. Davidson. 8 vols. 8yo, cloth, uncut. London, 1843-52. The first two volumes are entirely devoted to the History of the Literature of the XVIII. Century. UNIQUE Copy. 1104 Scott (Sir Walter). Wavertry Novets. The beautiful Abbotsford edition. Embellished with 120 highly finished engravings on steel from drawings by Turner, Stanfield, Nasmyth, Wilkie, etc., and 2,000 exquisite engravings on wood ; also many fine steel engravings of landscapes, INSERTED. 12 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt. Edinburgh, 1842. This handsome edition has become scarce ; the beautiful illustrations com- prise portraits and views from the designs of Stanfield, Nasmyth, Wilkie, Turner, Martin, Allom, Leitch, etc., with many facsimiles of autographs. 1105 Scott, Waveney Novets. Frontispieces, 50 vols. 16mo, half calf an- tique. Boston, 1864. Household edition. 1106 Scott. Tu Monastery. 3 vols. crown 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1820. The first edition, [1107 Scott (Sir W.).] Pauu’s Lerrers ro His Kinsrouk. 8vo, boards. Edin- burgh, 1816. ("See LockHart. 1108 Seott (Sir W.). Lire or Napotron BoNAPARTE. 9 vols. small 8vo, half calf, Philadelphia, 1827. 1109 Seward (Anna). Lerrers on SuBsects or Literature, Taste, etc. [Edited by Sir W. Scott.] Portraits. 6 vols. small 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1811. 1110 Seward (W.H.). TRAVELS AROUND THE WoRLD. Jilustrated. 8vo, half morocco, New York, 1873. 64 HOEY COLLECTION. 1111 Shakespeare (William). Pxays, with the Corrections and Tilustrations of Various Commentators, Notes by Johnson and Steevens, revised and aug- mented by Isaac Reed, witha Glossarial Index. Illustrated by the addition and insertion of over 450 portraits, views, scenes trom the plays, and actors and actresses in their famous characters. 21 vols. 8vo, half russia, gilt tops. London, 1803. 3 The illustrations comprise the two Bartolozzi portraits of Jane Shore, John Dennis, Bishop Warburton, Malone, Skelton, Ayscough, Shakespeare (5), Burbadge, Garrick as Richard IJI., Queen Mary by Hollar (original), Young as Hamlet, the ceries of plates in bistre by Singleton, the Isaac Tay- lor series, india-proofs of Fuseli’s plates, and many other illustrations by Thurston, Stottard, etc., including the Character Heads by B. R. The Hard- ing series here inserted are brilliant original impressions. 1112 Shakespeare. Dramatic Works: Porms, DousrtruL PLAYS, AND Brograruy. Chas. Knight’s Original Pictorial Edition. Many hun- dred beautiful engravings on wood, of views, costumes, old buildings, an- tiquities, portraits, etc., etc. 8 vols. royal 8vo, tree marble calf extra, gilt edges. London, n.d. 1113 Shakespeare. Compiete Works. Edited by Halliwell-Phillips. Por- traits of actors and actresses. 8 vols. royal 8vo, half calf. London, n. d. 1114 Shakespeare. Dramatic Works. Edited by Carruthers and Chambers. nip Portrait. 8 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1875. 1115 Shakespeare. CompLeTE Works. The text revised by the Rev. A. Dyce, with Life of Shakespeare, Notes, and a verycopious Glossary. Por- trait. 9 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875. 1116 Shakespeare. Puays. Jilustrated. & vols. 16mo, half calf. Boston, 1854. 1117 Shakespeare. (Mvyres complétes. Traduction par F. Michel. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, Paris, 1861. 1118 Shakespeare. THe Tempzst. Illustrated by Foster, Doré, etc. 4to, cloth. New York, n. d. 1119 Shakespeare Hllustrations. A seriesof fine plates on steel of famous actors and actresses in the characters in which they won renown. Folio, morocco antique. London, n. d. Proof impressions of the plates, but loose in binding. 1120 Shaw (Major Samuel). Journats, with Life by J. Quincy. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1847. *1121 Sherman (Genl.). Camparens in THE SoutH. Map and 60 fine photo- graphs of famous battle-fields, etc., by G. N. Barnard. Oblong folio, half morocco. ‘ 1 1122 Sherman (Genl.). Hrsrortcat Rarp, by H. G. Boynton. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1875. 1123 Sherwood (Mrs.). Works. Frontispieces and vignettes. 16 vols. 12mo, half calf. New York, 1834-46. 1124 Shuckford, Prideaux, and Russell. SacreD AND PROFANE History oF THE WoRLD, connected from the Creation. The three works uniformly bound in 6 yols, 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1858-65. BOOKS. 65 1125 Simms (W.G.). Novets. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1856. 1126 Sismondi (J.C. L. de). History oF tHE LITERATURE OF THE SouTH OF Europe. Translated by Roscoe. Portrait. 2 vols. foolscap 8vo, cloth. London, 1853. 1127 Smedley (E.). History or Greece. Map. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lon- don, n. d. 1128 Smiles (Dr.8.). Lives oF THE ENGINEERS, with an account of their Prin- cipal Works and an History of Inland Communication in Great Britain, with portraits and numerous woodcut illustrations. 5 vols. crown 8vo, calf extra. London, 1874. Contents : Vermuyden, Middleton, Perry, Brindley, Smeaton and Rennie Metcalfe and Telford, Boulton and Watt, George and Robert Stephenson. 1129 Smith (.M.). Arctic Exprprrions from British and Foreign Shores. Colored illustrations, maps, etc. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. Edinburgh, 1875. 1130 Smith (Rey. J.). Taz Comrne Man. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lon- don, 1878. 1131 Smith (.C.). Sraristican GazerTEER oF THE WORLD. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Harper. New York, 1855. 1132 Smith (Dr. W.). Dicrronary or THE BIBLE. Profusely illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, half russia. Boston [London], 1863. 1133 Sophia Charlotte (Queen). Memoirs or, by J. Watkins. 8vo, half calf. London, 1819. 1134 Southey (Robt.). Sretzcrions rrom tue Lerrers or, edited by the Rev. J. W. Warter, 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1856. “The English worthy, doing his duty for fifty noble years of labor ; day by day storing up learning ; day by day working for scant wages ; most charitable out of his small means ; bravely faithful to the calling which he had chosen $ refusing to turn from his path for popular praise or prince’s favour :—I mean Robert Southey.-—Thackeray’s George IIT. *1135 Southgate (H.). Many THoucutrs or Many Minps. 2 vols. 8vo. mo- rocco, gilt edges. London, 1874. 1136 Starke (M.). TRAveELs on THE ConTINENT. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1820. 1137 Strahan (L.; i.¢c., Harl Shinn). MAsreRpreces oF THE CENTENNIAL INTER- NATIONAL Exposition. Illustrated with numerous steel plates and woodcuts. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco extra. Philadelphia, 1876. 1138 Student and Intellectuai Observer (The). A Review or Natv- RAL History, Microscopic RESEARCH, AND RECREATIVE SCIENCE. JJlus- trated by a large number of colored plates and woodcuts. A complete set. 17 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862-71. 1139 Sue (Eugéne). Mystzrrs or Paris. With sevcral hundred engravings. 38 vols. royal 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1845. 1140 Swainson, ete. Narurat History. History of Insects, Malacology, Animals in Menageries, etc. Iilustrated. 4 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1834-40. 1141 Swift (Dean). Lireor, by T. Sheridan. Portraits. 8vo, calf. London, 1787. t5) ae 66 HOEY COLLECTION. *1142 Tauchnitz Collection of British Authors. A series of novels, etc., by Ainsworth, Ouida, Dickens, Thackeray, Wilkie Collins, Miss Brad- don, Mrs. Wood, Bulwer, Trollope, G. P. R. James, etc., etc. 721 vols. 12mo, half bound. Leipsic, v. d. This series is too well known to need further details ; suffice it to say that no more convenient Liprary can be formed from any other source. *1143 Tauchnitz. Another group, comprising the more popular authors. 346 vols., half red binding. Leipsic, v. d. 1144 Taylor (Bayard). Prosr Writines. Jilustrated. 11 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1861. 1145 Taylor (W. B. Sarsfield). The Origin, Progress, and Present Condition of the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1841. 1146 Temple (Sir William). Works. Complete. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1754. 1147 Whiers (L. A.). History oF THE CoNSULAT AND Empire oF FRANCE UNDER NapouEon. Portraits. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1872. 1148S Timbs (John). Porutar Errors Expiainep. Things not Generally Known. and Curiosities of Science. Woodcuts. 5 vols. post 8vo, half morocco. London, 1858. 1149 Timbs. Cuvuss anp Cius Lire or Lonpon. Portraits. Post 8vo, tree calf. London, n. d. 1150 Tooke (J. H.). Diversions oF PURLEY. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1806. 1151 Transplanted Flowers; or, Memoirs or Mrs. Rumprr, DAvGHTER or JoHN JACoB ASTOR AND THE DucHESs OF BROGLIE. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1889. 1152 Trials. A Complete COLLECTION oF STATE TRIALS AND PROCEEDINGS ror High TREASON AND OTHER CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS, from the earli- est period to 1783. Compiled by T. B. Howell. 21 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lon- don, 1816. 1153 Turner. Liver Fiuviorvm ; or, RIvER SCENERY OF FRANCE. Siaty-one beautiful line engravings from drawings by J. M. W. Turner. With De- scriptive Letterpress by Leitch Ritchie, and a Biographical Sketch by Alaric A. Watts. Imperial 8vo, morocco antique. London, 1853. 1154 Wyrrell (H.). History or tHe War witH Russia. Hngravings on steel. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half calf. London, n. d. 1155 Wytler (P. F.). History or ScoTLAND, FROM THE ACCESSION OF ALEXAN- pER II[. to tHE Union. 7 vols. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1845. 1156 Wytler (P. F.). Lives or Scorrish Worruies. Plates. 3 vols. 12mo, half morocco. London, 1881. 41157 Vanity Fair. A Weekly Show of Political, Social, and Literary Wares, complete from its beginning in 1868 to 1888. With over 1,000 spirited colored cartoons by ** Ape” and “ Spy.” With Biographical and Critical Notices by “Jehu Junior.” 40 vols. folio, half morocco. London, 1868-88. BOOKS. 67 1158 Versailles Gallery. Gatzriz Historiquz Du PALAIS DE VERSAILLES. With outline engravings of over 750 of the most famous paintings. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1845. *1159 Vicars (John). ENGLAND’s WORTHIES UNDER WHOM ALL THE CIVILL AND BiLoopDY WARRES SINCE ANNO. 1642 To 1647, ARE RELATED. Reprinted in the old style, with copies of the 18 rare portraits after Holiar. Crown 8vo, half morocco. London, 1835. Copies of the rare originals have been sold from £16 to £20. 1160 Violletle Due. Annats ora Fortress. Illustrated, S8vo, cloth. Bos- ton, 1876. 1161 Vitu (A.). Paris. 450 woodcut illustrations. Folio, cloth. Paris, n. d. 1162 Warden (D.B.). Sratistican, PoLiTicaL, AND HisToRIcAL ACCOUNT OF THE UNITED STATES OF NortH AMERICA, FROM THE PERIOD OF THEIR Frrst CoLonizATiIon. Japs, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1819. 1163 Waring (J. B.). Masterpieces oF INDUSTRIAL ART AND SCULPTURE AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF 1862. Consisting of 300 plates, contain- ing many hundred illustrations of the most choice examples, British and For- eign, executed in the most finished style in colors and gold, with Descriptions, complete. 3 vols. folio, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1863. 1164 Washington (George). Wrirmnes or. Being his Correspondence, Ad- dresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private. Selected and Pub- lished from the Original Manuscripts.. By Jared Sparks. Jortrdaits, etc. 12 vols. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1839, 1165 Washington. Lire anp Trmxzs or, by J. F. Schroeder. Portraits, etc. 2 vols. 4to, full morocco. New York [1857]. 1166 Washington. Lire or, by A. Bancroft. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. 16mo, sheep. Boston, 1826. 1167 Wellington, LIFE oF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, by W. H. Maxwell. With numerous highly finished engravings after Cooper and others, also por- traits, plans of battles, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1839. ‘“Mr. Maxwell’s Life of the Iron Duke has no rival. It is free from flattery and bombast, succinct and masterly.’’— Times. 1168 Wellington. S£ELEcTIONS FRoM THE DisPatTcHES oF, by Col. Gurwood. Royal 8yo, cloth. London, 1842. 1169 White (H. Kirke), Rematns or, with Life by R. Southey. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. crown 8vo, calf. London, 1807. 1170 Whittier (J. G.). Works, in prose and verse. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1875. 1171 Willis (N.P.). Works. 7 vols. 12mo, sheep. Auburn, 1856, 1172 Wilsom (John). Noctzes Amprosian&. Revised edition, with Memoirs and Notes, by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1855. *1173 Wilson (J.M.). Rupa Cycropmpia. Plates. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1854. 68 HOEY COLLECTION. *1174 Wilson of High Wray and Kendal, Puxrpicrexz or, by J. Foster, 4to, cloth. London, 1871. Privately printed. 1175 Winsor (Justin). MemorraAn History or Boston. Portraits, maps, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half calf extra. Boston, 1880. 1176 Wood (E.J.). Grants anp Dwarrs. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868. 1177 Wood (W.). ZoograpxHy ; or, The Beauties of Nature Displayed. 60 plates by Daniell. 3 vols. 8vo, half russia. London, 1807-11. 1178 Woung (Ed.). Nieur Txovents. “rontispiece. S8vo, calf. London, 1795. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. a, Ug M4 i] (o} al B 2) q oO (>) Ss AG ~ [e) S mn < 3 is) 8 oO E 4 eS S et ° mn RD oO x a