LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York ety Bo x Pe sae 52 yah ons SHA + iy se be hr, *. = ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. ed i . BOSTON, “PRIDAr, MOAT Sh) at 2380 P.M, eccrine ia AHH AE is ae pie tf -. r : Poston: Frank Woop, PRINTER, 352 WASHINGTON STREET, Pe #, 1884. | < eoeennne® Pessrs, Williams § Hleretf, A hit *: ae ay } Pe orders = res. purchase from any aie may be unable to attend the sven SALE IN -Rhickering Hall, ToT Gremont Bt, Boston, On FRIDAY, MAY 9, aT 2.30 P.M. ch Copyrighted, 1884, by G. SPENCER FULLER. Press Opinions. Mr. FULLER’s style is original, and one of the very few that, in all this country, can be distinctly pronounced as truly individual.— Boston Fournal. The more one sees his work, the more one admires it. Familiarity breeds love. In every respect we are forced to conclude that Fuller was a master whose like is among the rarest phenomena in the arts, and whose place cannot be entirely filled by any living painter. He belongs to the men who will be enormously appreciated hereafter. * * * * America has lost a great ideal Painter, whose place it will be hard to fill.—4. VY. Times. The Collection of Mr. Fuller’s works must be seen, and should be seen often, to have its fullness of beauty and subtilety of impression take possession of the mind — Boston Transcript. Mr. Fuller is among the most conscientious —it might be better to say the most loving —of workmen, No time, no effort, no thought, no pains seem to him too much to bestow on his creations. He works on them sometimes for years before he allows the world to see them, in the effort (always, I suppose, appearing fruitless to the true artist) to make the outward form tally with the inner vision.— /V. Y. Commercial Advertiser. It is necessary to insist upon the point that Mr, Fuller is an idealist, a thinker, a dreamer, a poet; that painting with him is the only chosen means of expressing certain visions, of presenting to the world certain imaginary per- sonages, creatures of his brain, spirits from the fairyland of his gracious fancy. — Boston Advertiser. One of the strongest, most original, and poetic of American figure and landscape painters.— 4. Y. Herald, George Fuller’s works form an important element in our art.— D. Hunt- ington, Pres. National Academy of Design. His works are creations; his power is that of the Poet as well as the Painter; and the secret of it all is a fine, original genius, which has cut its own way and worked out results by its own methods.— Boston Traveller. Boston, April 18, 1884. Messrs. Williams & Everett : — GENTLEMEN,— We place in your hands the collection of pictures belong- ing to the estate of the late Mr. George Fuller, deceased, to be sold without reserve at public auction at such place as may be decided best; and, we will say, about.the middle of next month. Yours respectfully, G. SPENCER FULLER, FRED. C. BOWDITCH, For Selves and Co-administrators of Estate Geo. Fuller, Deceased. In accordance with the above, Meserp. Williame & Everett respectfully announce that the entire Collection of Paintings of GEORGE FULLER, left by him at the time of his death, will be offered at Public Auction Ghickering Hall, 151 Gremont St., Boston, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1884, AT 2.30 P. M. The Sale will include the important Pictures recently on view in their gal- lery, and many others which have never before been on public view. The Pictures will be exhibited at the BosTON ART MUSEUM, in connection with a special loan collection of works by the same artist, from THURSDAY, APRIL 24, TO FRIDAY, MAY 9. The Sale will be held in CHICKERING HALL, Boston, Friday, May 9th, at 2.30 P. M. Reserved seats may be obtained on application to WILLIAMS & EVERETT’s, 508 Washington Street, Boston, or at the ART MUSEUM. Conditions of fale. The highest Bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again, and resold. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses in full. The lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and to be paid or otherwise settled for, on or before removal, to the satisfaction of the auctioneers. SULLIVAN BROS., AUCTIONEERS. Catalogue. fre “Negro Funeral, Alabama. acc A Sud, Study from Nature. Ideal Head. Twilight ferdecave Study. Summer Landscape. aaa near Deerfield. GEORGE FULLER. —+—-Cennecticut-Valley.—_ Study trom Nature. Study of Head. Wood Landscape, with Figure. Ideal Head. Boy Holding Cane. Pasture, with Geese. Down the Lane. Summer Landscape. Interior of Negro Cabin. Moonrise. | GHORGE FULLER. | TA Study. BE lecane and Figure. Nf Before apie eed) Head: Ideal Head. The Gatherer of Simples. | Evening Landscape—A Study, Study of Head. : Landscape, with Figures. Sketch of Head. Driving Home the Calf 10 /eC 31 PAG 32 Py A gear sos 34 Joints SO 36 AIS 37 fo po Oy 33 39 40 é GHEORGHE FULLER. Landscape Study. Bringing Home the Cows. Boy and-Butterflies. Study from Lite. Negro Washing. Italian View. Cherubs’ Heads. Study for “By the Wayside.” Twilight on the Prairie. “ And She was a Witch.” Autumn Landscape. GEORGE FULLER. 1 jo | Pi alian Sketch. } : Evening Effect. | Faggot Gatherers. Landscape and Figure. Ber. bows Ideal Figure. : Ttalian Sketch. | Berry Pickers. a |e Negro Quarters. Arethusa. Head of Boy. Study —“ The Fountain of Are- thusa, Sicily. eee 10 53 >» 54 /, . f Er ty | 55 f € * 56 57 58 mS 60 ~ 61 Hu § 62 oh GHORGE FULLER. The Gossips. The Dunce. Girl and Calf. i Study for “The Quadroon.” ¢7 “3 Nydia. Near Messina. Sketch-for-LHead= Hoeing Tobacco. Study..from.Nature.. Ideal Head. November. 3 3125 01662 3098 a = = Pe atin, nc w- ; aa eer s ae : hg ence prt ep oe ene we Ae ae A he ay nd “ee as ee ee rea nae hon iy aes ior oye _— es me er ae rae TH ie wre ~ = are 7 te 4 ae Sree ere ey =o ae o re! > ae - FE Pi nn : ~ oe : cs —— ef nnd = lap = = ee Sr eran age are ; Tarr Peres Hat — rare tess rae tg Ae )s ate - 9 ae eg ES LP ae Po = : eo eke = re rae ae GEN S<5c re Se PO A ee eesti hag : -~ > eae es | ann a A A Ph er Fran te ih —— Be arn" 7 ws pe rin ae pete a ! es : Sor end f s age age a pe leg ter perete. Serpe, hong ea: Ate attest APRs Fle sit Maes H : mI = fiw deo Ra a BE tte i dae 7 ee Oa Eee at , 5 . Pape Sates Crap ere ee ae rete pene . ete A eee 4 Pe career “ 4 oe ea “f 2 wo: anh AF Rr DA A OL TIS