ear avten hy tent! tere Mateone Srey aren vo Fatt Hime Tita, dhe tf ate diet # = inate Min ieee won aA ytte kp ger sen ek Co DUAN tata Ges $ Erne SaseP dUkces Nut nt Tan uel. Vebgrohi Alea Poe ot beth iis Sap agli Wiha errr icra et Fe ite SON ea ee eg) a ae 3 Pia Ait faa bh f CATALOGUE OF THE a) MAGNIFIGENT PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE mor SONAS H. FRENCH, OF BOSTON, MASS., TOGETHER WITH A NUMBER OF LITERARY NUGGETS FROM THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF L. H. CHUBBUCK, ESQ., OF BOSTON, MASS., COMPRISING Best Editions of American Authors, Napoleonana, Rare Americana, Standard Sets Finely Bound, American Political History and Biography, First Editions of English and American Authors, Beautiful Art Publications, Limited Editions and Club Books, Many in Beautiful Bindings by Riviere, Rare Portraits and Views, neatly framed. ALL IN THE FINEST CONDITION. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION: TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23d, 24th and 25th, 1904, Each Day at 10 and 2 o’clock. IN THE LIBRARY SALESROOM - 646 WASHINGTON ST. TERMS CASH. C. F. LIBBIE & CO. - Auctioneers and Appraisers. BOSTON, AKASS. TELEPHONE: OXFORD 2026. PRESS OF ne Hs THE LIBBIE SHOW PRINT 242 TO 260 DOVER STREET, BOSTON, MASS CONDITIONS OF SALE. TERMS CASH BEFORE DELIVERY OF GOODS. Deposits must be made when requested. Books are sold per volume, pamphlets per part or piece, and bids by mail, or otherwise, must be made accordingly. The sale of any book is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description or imperfection. The Books are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and settlement, no lots will be de- livered while the sale is in progress. Settlements can be made between the sessions: In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold. No charges made for buying when parties are unable to attend the sale. SPECIAL NOTICE. Intending Purchasers wishing to avoid trouble and confusion of making deposit during the sale, can make arrangements before the sale with the undersigned. Special attention is called to the beautiful and perfect condition of the rarities both of Americana and of the First Editions in this catalogue. C. F. LIBBIE & CO.. ORDER: OF Sas Morning Sessions dat 10 oclock. Afternoon Sessions at 2 oclock. TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. 23, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 23, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 24, - - WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 24 - THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 25 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 25, - 1 to 359 to 711 to 1077 to 1427 to 1797 to CATALOGUE. CONDITIONS OF SALE. “Pla CASH. Bills must be paid before delivery of goods, on orders by mail upon receipt of goods3 no credit given under any circumstances. Deposits must be made when requested. Books are sold per volume, pamphlets per part or piece, and bids by mail, or otherwise, must be made accordingly. No charges made for buying when parties are unable to attend the sale. To purchasers present at sales, books are sold as they are, without recourse for imperfections. On orders sent to us, books are guaranteed as catalogued, in good, sound, second-hand condition, imperfect books (not so described) may be returned. Claims for errors or allowance must be made within three days of re ceipt of goods. In all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be resold. No books returnable after 15 days from date of sale for errors or im- perfections. ’BECKETT, Gitpert ApzsoTr. Comic History of I England. 200 engravings by John Leech. 8° cloth. London, 1894 2 ACRELIUS, Israel. Beskrifning om de Swenska Férsamlin- gars Forna och Narwarande Tilstand, uti det sa Kallade Nya Swerige, sedan Nya Nederland, men nu for tiden Pennsylvanien, samt nastiliggande Orter wid Alfwen De la Ware, Wast-Yersay, och New Castle County uti Norra America. 4° old half calf, in solander slip case of half blue crushed levant morocco. Stockholm, 1759 “ The Swedish Colony and Mission on the Delaware, planted in 1638 under Oxenstiern, wrested by Stuyvesant of Manhattan and an- nexed to New Netherland in 1665, and swallowed up by the English in 1664, together with the other Dutch possessions in America, was never forgotten or really abandoned by the parent State till 1791, when it became permanently provided for and protected as a part of the great Republic of the United States. The best history of it is by Acrelius, born in 1714, died in 1800, who wrote first-hand, having been Provost over its three churches and Rector of the old Swedish church at Wilmington for seven years, 1749-1756. Besides his own recollections and experiences, he seems to have used judiciously all previous authors who have touched or written upon the subject.” 2 CATALOGUE. 3 ADAIR, James. History of the American Indians; particu- larly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia. pp. 464. Map. Royal 4° half blue crushed levant morocco, extra. London, 1775 Fine, uncut, clean copy, with many uncut leaves at the bottom. “ Mr. Adair points out various customs of the Indians, having a striking resemblance to those of the Jews; and the great object of his work appears to be to prove that the aborigines of America are descended from that race.” — Allen's Bio. Dict. 4 Apams, Brooks. Emancipation of Massachusetts. 12° cloth, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1887 5 Apams, Charles K. Manual of Historical Literature; com- prising a brief description of the most important his- tories in English, French and German. 8° cloth. New York, 1889 ApAms, Henry. History of the United States of America (1801-17); — Historical Essays, 1 vol. Together 1o vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1880-91 Apams, Documents relating to New-England Federalism, 1800-15. 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. Boston, 1877 ApAMs, John. Works of. With a life of the author, notes and illustrations, by Charles Francis Adams, Steel por- traits. 1o vols. imperial 8° half morocco. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1856 LARGE PAPER Copy. Apams, John Quincy. Memoirs of; comprising portions of his Diary, from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Charles F. Adams. Portrait. 12 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. Phila., 1874 to ADAMS, Samuel. Life and Public Services of; being a nar- rative of his acts and opinions and of his agency in pro- ducing and forwarding the American Revolution. By William V.- Wells. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1865 AFLALO, F.G. Sport in Europe. Illustrated from draw- ings by Archibald Thorburn, E. Caldwell and E. F. T. Bennett, and from photographs. Thick 4° cloth, uncut. New York, 1901 12 AGassiz. Louis Agassiz, his Life and Correspondence. Edited by Elizabeth Cary Agassiz. Portraits. and il- lustrations. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1885 13 AinswortH, W. H. The Spendthrift. Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne. First ed. 8° original cloth, uncut. : London, 1857 14 AINSwoRTH. A Memoir (with bibliography). By W. E. A, Axon. Portraits. 8° paper, uncut. London, 1902 ONLY 100 copies printed. nN a fo/) \o I f—} 15 16 17 18 no “20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CATALOGUE. 3 ALASKA. Compilation of Narratives of Explorations in Alaska. Maps and plates. 4° cloth. Washington, 1900 Avaska. Ninth Annual Report on Introduction of Domes- tic Reindeer into Alaska. By Sheldon Jackson. Map and illustrations. 8° cloth. Washington, 1900 Auaska. Copper River Exploring Expedition, 1899. By Capt. W. R. Abercrombie. Map and plates. 8° cloth. Washington, 1g00 ALDINE. Gregorius Nazianzenus. Carmina. Printed in Greek and Latin on opposite pages. Contemporary notes. 4° morocco, gilt edges. Venet.:.Aldi Acad., 1504 Fine copy of one of the rarest of the Aldine publications. AupinE. Gregorius Nazianzenus. Orationes Lectissime (Greece). Name on title and ancient MS. notes. Small 8° stamped pigskin, with symbolical figures, etc. Venet.: Aldi, 1516 The first Aldine edition. Fine, large copy. ALDRICH, Thomas Bailey. The Bells, a collection of chimes. By T. B. A. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1855 ALpRicH. The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1858 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. AutpricuH. Ballad of Babie Bell. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1859 ALDKICH. Pampinea and other poems. First ed. 12° cloth. : New York, 1861 Aupricu. Out of his Head, a romance. Firsted. 12° cloth (binding soiled). New York, 1862 ALDRICH. Poems. First blue and gold ed. Portrait en- graved by Thompson. 18° blue cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1863 AupRicH. Poems. Firsted. 24° cloth. Boston, 1865 [Atpricu.] The Poets of Portsmouth. Compiled by A. M. Payson and Albert Laighton. Firsted. Small 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 Nine poems by Aldrich. Aupricu. Story of a Bad Boy. Firsted. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1870 [Atpricu.] Jubilee Days. (Edited by T. B. Aldrich and W. D. Howells.) Illustrations by Hoppin. First ed. 4° original pictorial boards. Boston, 1872 Fine, unused copy. AupRIcH. Marjorie Daw. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1873 AutpricH. Cloth of Gold. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1874 39 40 42 43 a4 45 46 47 48 CATALOGUE. ALDRICH. Prudence Palfrey. 12° cloth. Boston, 1875 AutpricH. Flower and Thorn. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1877 AupricH. The Queen of Sheba. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1877 ALDRICH. The Story of a Cat. Translated from the French of Emile de la Bédollierre, by T. B. Aldrich. First ed. Illustrations. 8° boards. Boston, 1879 AupricH. The Stillwater Tragedy. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1880 ALDRICH. Poems. Portrait and numerous illustrations by the Paint and Clay Club. Firsted. 8° original cloth. Fine copy. Boston, 1882 ALDRICH. From Ponkapog to Pesth. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1883 ALDRICH. Mercedes and Later Lyrics. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1884 ALDRICH. Poems. Illustrations. First ed. Small 8° cloth. Fine, unused copy. Boston, 18 ALDRICH. The Sister’s Tragedy, with other poems, lyrical and dramatic. Firsted. 12° cloth, uncut, gilt top. With a. /. s. of the author inserted. Boston, 1891 ALpRicH. An Old Town by the Sea. Firsted. 16° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1893 With a. 7. s. of the author inserted. ALDRICH. Two Bites at a Cherry; with other Tales. First ed. 16° cloth. Boston, 1894 ALDRICH. Unguarded Gates. Firsted. 12° cloth. ; Boston, 1895 ALDRICH. Judith and Holofernes. Firsted. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1896 ALprRIcH. Later Lyrics. Firsted. 16° paper, uncut. Boston, 1896 ALDRICH. Poems. Newly revised, with extensive addi- tions. Portrait. First issue. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1897 ALMANACK, 1667. An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1667. By Samuel Brakenbury, Philomath. 16 pp. (un- paged). 16° sewed, enclosed in morocco wrapper and in tin slip case. Printed by Samuel Green: Cambridge, 1667 A remarkably fine copy, see reproduction of title-page. The only copy we can trace is that in the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester. This copy was sold at the Olcott sale for $155. Also with this copy, which belonged to Chief-Justice Samuel Sewall, of Mass. Bay, there is an autograph note of Judge Sewall’s concerning the incognito visit of Thomas, Lord Culpeper, His Majesty’s Lieut. and Gov.-Gen. of Virginia, to Boston, Aug. 24, 1680. +N Jan? 16.4 AJ F Th Year of our LORD 1669. ‘ Being ib “Out account Biffextile, or Leap-” ’ SS ¥ yeat;: and from the Creation 5616, * i! @ , Whofe Vulgar Notes ate; aL Golden Niinber Roman tadidicn Fé f a Cycle ofthesua ni beta 3 & DominicalLerters FE Numb: Direftion t7 \ 32 ‘@ Fitted for the Longitude Gr aty: SP ia E anc 4% gre 30 ™. of North. Lat 2 YF ayy and may ferve without fenfible ie) etrour for moft part of WEaglands By 3 Baa Bratenbuty 7: Plidiomsaili. oo oe aoa eee ae ‘Jou 38. 41s cane hou Bid ihe} fret tn fidence? ’ of Pleiades, or Loofé rhe banas-of Orion? IG Ver. 2. CA njt.rkou brit open Mazzare, th in Bis ny e 3 Seaiesor Lange thox Bude pve with bis forrs8&c = i= s ett he 6 CATALOGUE. 49 AupricH, T. B. A Sea Turn and other Matters. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1902 ONLY 200 copies printed. 50 ALDRICH. Ponkapog Papers. Firsted. 12°, wholly un- trimmed, paper label. Boston, 1903 ONL Y200 copies printed. 51 Auison, Archibald. History of Europe. First series, 14 vols.; second series, 9 vols. (1774-1852). With indexes to both series and atlas of maps. Steel portraits. 23 vols. 8° and one vol. oblong 4°. Together 24 vols. calf, gilt backs. Edinburgh, 1849-59 52 ALison. Essays, Political, Historical and Miscellaneous — 3 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. Edinburgh, 1850 53 ALLEN, Fred H. The Cathedrals of the World. 130 full- page plates, executed in photogravure, with explana- tory and descriptive text. 2 vols. folio, full morocco, gilt edges. Boston, (1886) 54 ALLIBONE, S. Austin. Critical Dictionary of English Lit- erature and British and American Authors, 3 vols. With supplement by John Foster Kirk, 2 vols. Together 5 vols. imperial 8° cloth. Phila., 1890-92 55 ALLIBONE. Poetical Quotations from Chaucer to Tenny- son; — Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. 2 vols. royal 8° cloth. 3 Phila., 1878-79 56 ALLsTOoN, Washington. Life and Letters. By J. B. Flagg. 18 full-page plates. Square 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 57 ALTHORP. Memoir of John Charles, Viscount Althorpe, Third Earl Spencer. By Sir Denis Le Marchant. 8° half morocco, gilt back. London, 1876 58 AMERICAN Almanacs, from 1831 to 1861 (lacks 1835). 30 vols. 12° half russia. 5 Boston, 1831-61 59 AMERICAN Art Review. A Journal Devoted to the Practice, Theory, History and Archeology of Art. Edited byS. R. Koehler. 4 vols. folio in portfolios. Boston, 1880 EDITION DE LUXE: only 500 copies printed. Each part is richly illustrated with etchings, copper and steel-plate engravings, wood engravings and phototypes, executed by the best American and foreign artists; with two sets of proofs of all the etchings and engravings, one on India, and one on Japan paper; also two impres- — sions of all the full-page wood engravings, one on tinted paper, and the other on India paper. 60 AMERICAN Biographies. Wendell Phillips, by Austin, 1884; — Speeches of Andrew Jackson, biographical introduc- tion, by Moore, 1866; — Hancock and English, by For- ney, 1880; — Cleveland and Hendricks, by Dorsheimer and Hensel, 1884;—Abraham Lincoln, by Schurz, 1891; James G. Blaine, by W. Birney, 1890. 6 vols. 12° cloth, 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 79° 71 CATALOGUE. 4 AmeErRIcAN Book-Prices Current, 1902. Compiled from auc- tioneer’s catalogues by Luther S. Livingstone. 8° cloth. ONLY 960 copies printed. New York, 1902 AMERICAN Book-Prices Current, 1903. Compiled from auc- tioneer’s catalogues by Luther S. Livingstone. 8° cloth. ONLY 860 copies printed. New York, 1903 AMERICAN Commonwealths. Edited by Horace E. Scudder. Maps. 13 vols. 12° cloth. Houghton, Mifflin & Co,: Boston, 1888 CoMPRISES : New York ; — Maryland ; — Kentucky ; — Michigan ; — California ; — Connecticut ; — Oregon ; — Kansas ; — Missouri ;— Ohio ; — Virginia ; — Indiana. AMERICAN Historical Annual. Steel portraits and plates. 8° cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1853 Contains “ Eris,” by Walt Whitman and “ Resignation,” by H. W. Longfellow. AMERICAN Men of Letters. Edited by Charles Dudley Warner. Steel portraits. 10 vols. 12° cloth. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.: Boston, 1889 CoMPRISES: Benjamin Franklin ; —W. C. Bryant ;— R. W. Emer- son;—N. P. Willis; — E. A. Poe; — J. F. Cooper ; — Washington Irving ;—George Ripley ;—Noah Webster ;—Margaret Fuller Ossoli. AMERICAN Poetry. Family Tablet: containing a selection of original poetry. Firsted. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1796 «“ André’s Ghost,” “Lines Occasioned by the War, 1777,” etc. Names of some of the authors written in. AMERICAN Statesmen. Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. Por- traits, photogravure plates and engraved titles, all on India paper. Complete set, with General Index. 32 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1898-1900 LARGE PAPER: only 500 copies printed. Ames, Fisher. Works of, with a selection from his speeches and correspondence. Edited by his son, Seth Ames. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1854 Amegs, Oakes. A Memoir, with an account of the dedica- tion of the Oakes Ames Memorial Hall at North Easton, Mass., Nov. 17, 1881. Portrait and illustrations. Small 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1883 ANACREON. Odes of Anacreon. Translation by Thomas Stanley, edited with an introduction by A. H. Bullen. With title-page in gold and colors and the 1o photo- gravures colored by hand in water-colors, and a duplicate set of plates, plain proofs. Royal 8° boards, uncut. One of 50 copies printed on deckle-edge paper. New York. ANDERSON, Christopher. Annals of the English Bible. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8° full light polished calf, uncut, gilt back, sides and tops, by Tour. W. Pickering: London, 1845 8 CATALOGUE. 72 ANDERSON, R. E. Gastronomy as a Fine Art; or, the science of good living. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RivizrRE & Son. London, 1889 73 ANDREWS, W. L. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. A chronologically arranged account of engraved views of the City from the first picture published in 1651 until the year 1800. With ‘‘The Duke’s Plan” and Arms of New Amsterdam in color, 31 photogravure views and portraits on copper, 3 finely colored photo- gravure views of New York, with initials, head-bands and tail-pieces engraved on copper by E. D. French. 8° orange cloth, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1897 ONLY 170 copies printed on American hand-made paper. Copy sold at auction in New York, Dec., 1902, for $125. 74 ANDREWS. A Trio of Eighteenth Century French En- gravers of Portraits in Miniature: Ficquet, Savart, Grateloup. 28 illustrations. Magnificently bound in full blue crushed levant morocco, with panels on sides and back inlaid with bands of red, doublé of wine col- ored levant with panels of gold lines, blue watered-silk flies, uncut, gilt top, in slip case, by TArFin. New York, 1898 ONLY 161 copies printed on Japanese Vellum. A magnificent specimen binding, costing over $100. 75 ANDREWS. James Lyne’s Survey, or as it is more com- monly known, the Bradford Map, a plan of the City of New York, at the time of the granting of the Mont- gomery Charter, in 1731. An appendix to an account of the same, compiled in 1893 by W. L. Andrews. 3 plates. Small 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1900 ONLY 170 copies printed on Holland Paper. 76 ANDREWS. Paul Revere and His Engraving. Illustrations on copper engraved by Sydney L. Smith, and photo- gravure of Boston Massacre printed in colors, etc. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1901 ONLY 135 copies printed on Van Gelder paper. Copy sold on the Pierce Sale, March, 1903, for $64. 77 ANDREWS. The Iconography of the Battery and Castle Garden. Colored frontispiece and other illustrations. Small 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1gor ONLy 135 copies printed for sale on hand-made paper. 78 ARABIAN Nights. Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, with introduction, explanatory notes on the manners and customs of Moslem men and a terminal essay upon the history of the Nights, 10 vols. With the Supplemental Nights, 6 vols. By Richard F. Bur- ton. 16 vols. 8° cloth. Printed by the Kama Shastra Society for subscribers only: Benares, 1885-88 79 80 SI 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 CATALOGUE. 9 ARCHITECTURE of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, in ten books. Translated from the Latin by Joseph Gwilt. 10 outline plates. Imperial 8° half morocco. London, 1826 Arcytt, Duke of. Unity of Nature. Frontispiece. 8° cloth. New York, 1885 ARISTOTLE’S Treatise on Rhetoric. Literally translated, with Hobbe’s Analysis. By Theodore Buckley. Steel portrait. 12° half calf, gilt back. London, 1883 ARNOLD, Matthew. Works of. 12 vols. 12° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. New York and London. ComPRISsES: Poems, 3 vols., 1889; — Culture and Anarchy, 1883 ; — Discourses in America, 1889; — Essays in Criticism, first and second series, 1889; — God and the Bible, 1883 ; — Mixed Essays, 1883; —Literature and Dogma, 1889 ;— St. Paul and Protestantism, 1883 ; — Celtic Literature, 1833. ARNOLD, Study of Celtic Literature. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1867 ARNOLD. Poems. Complete ed. (including many poems now first collected). 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut (some clippings inserted). London, 1877 Arnoup. Essays in Criticism. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1877 ARNOLD, Thomas. Works of. 17 vols. 8° half dark mo- rocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1845 ComprisEs: History of Rome, 3 vols; — Peloponnesian War, 3 vols.;x— Modern History, 1 vol.; — Miscellaneous, I vol.; — Sermons, 4 vols.; — Christian Life, 2 vols. — Fragments of the Church, 1 vol.; — Life and Correspondence, by A. P. Stanley, portrait, 2 vols. ARNOLD. Life and Correspondence of. By Arthur P. Stanley. Portrait. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1846 Art of the World. Illustrated in the Paintings, Statuary and Architecture of the World’s Columbian Exposition. With 100 full-page photogravures printed in tint and 20 full-page photogravures beautifully printed in colors, proofs on Japan paper and numerous other illustrations in the text. Text by D. H. Burnham, Halsey C. Ives, Moses P. Handy, Roger-Ballu, Charles Yriarte, Hum- phrey Ward and Hubert Vos. Complete set in 1o vols. folio, half calf, uncut. | D. Appleton & Co.: New York, 1893 ARTISTS’ FACSIMILE JAPAN EDITION: only 150 copies printed. This edition has a duplicate set of 40 beautifully colored facsimile water-colors in mats, besides the 20 facsimile water colors in the text. 89 ATKINSON, Edward. The Industrial Progress of the Na- tion, Consumption limited, Production unlimited. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1890 10 CATALOGUE. 90 AsH, Thomas. Carolina; or a description of the present state of that country and the natural excellencies thereof. Small 4° full morocco, Printed for W. C.: London, 1682 The author was “Clerk on Board his Majesties Ship, the Rich- mond, which was sent out in the year 1680,” and his book contains a great amount of interesting notes about the country and its products. The following is one of his notes about Indian corn: ‘At Carolina they have lately invented a way of makeing with it good sound beer ; but it’s strong and heady. By Maceration, when duly fermented, a strong Spirit, like Brandy may be drawn off from it, by the help of an Alembic.” Fine large copy, see reproduction of title-page. 91 ATLANTIC City, N. J. The Daily Union; history of Atlan- tic City and County, N. J., containing sketches of the past and present. By John F. Hall. Map and numer- ous half-tone portraits and illustrations. Imperial 8° half morocco. Atlantic City, 1900 92 ATLAS. William Smith’s Ancient Atlas; an atlas of ancient geography, biblical and classical. By Charles Muller. Maps. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1875 93 ATLAS. Rand, McNally & Co.’s Indexed Atlas of the World; historical, statistical and descriptive. Colored maps. Royal 4° half morocco, gilt edges. Chicago, 1883 94 ATLAS. Philips’s Library Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography; a series of maps, constructed from the most recent authorities and embracing the principal countries of the world. Edited by William Hughes. Maps. Royal 4° cloth, gilt edges. London, 1886 95 ATLAs. Library Atlas of the World. By John Bartholo- mew. With general index to 100,000 places. 84 col- ored maps. Royal 4° half morocco, gilt edges. | Macmillan & Co.: London, 1890 96 AtLas. International Atlas; consisting of 75 maps, with descriptive letter-press, by W. F. Collier. Royal 8° cloth. | New York. 97 ATLas. Historical Atlas, with text, by R. H. Labberton, 1885; —- Handy Reference Atlas of the World, by Bar- tholomew, 1888. 2 vols. royal 8° and 12° cloth, 97* AUDSLEY, George Ashdown. The Ornamental Arts of Japan: Drawing, Painting, Engraving, Printing, Em- broidery, Textile Fabrics, Lacquer, Enamel, Modelling and Carving. Elegantly illustrated with full-page plates in gold, silver and colors, illustrating the most beautiful specimens of the various arts of the country. 4 vols. folio, in portfolios. : Chas. Scribner’s Sons: New York, 1883 ARTIST’s Proor EDITION: only 60 copies printed and signed by. the author. Full-page plates, being proofs on Japanese Vellum. The best and finest work on the arts of Japan. CAROLINA; OR A DESCRIPTION Of the PRESENT STATE of that mae tt NTR Y, AND The Natural Excellencies thereof, viz. The Healthfulnefs of the : Air, Pleafantnels of if Place, Advantage and-Ulefulnefs of thofe Rich Commo. dities there plentifully abounding, ~which much encreafe and flourifh by the Induftry of the Plan- ters that daily enlarge that Colony. : Publifbed by T. A, Gent. Clerk on Board his Majefties Ship the Richwond, which was fent out in the Year 1680. with particular Inftructions to enquire into the State of that Country, by His Majefties Special Command, and Return’d this Prefent Year, 1682. meUeN DO. | Printed for W.C. and to be Sold by Mrs. Grover in Pelican Court in Little Britaiz, 1682; 12 CATALOGUE. AUDUBON’S BIRDS AND QUADRUPEDS. First Octavo Editions, in Original Parts, as Published. 98 AuDUBON, John James. The Birds of America; from drawings made in the United States and their Ter- ritories. 7 vols. royal 8° in the original 100 parts, as published. With every wrapper perfect and each vol- ume enclosed in a tin slip case. J. J. Audubon: New York, 1840-44 99 AupupoN. The Quadrupeds of North America. By John James Audubon and the Rev. John Bachman. 3 vols. royal 8° in the 31 original parts, as published. With every wrapper perfect and each volume enclosed in a tin slip case. V. G. Audubon: New York, 1849-54 The first octavo edition of both of these important works and in this original condition, as published, of the greatest rarity, so rare that we know of no record of a copy having been offered for sale at auction. The “ Birds ” contain 500 colored plates and the “ Quadru- peds ” 155 colored plates, being many more than originally appeared in the folio editions. The plates in this earliest issue were hand-col- ored and are much superior to the later lithographed reprints. Both works are in unusually fine condition. Three or four of the plates have been slightly water-stained, but the stains are not at all serious. The set of “ Quadrupeds ” is in fine condition and almost spotless throughout. Copies of both works as usually met with in old or modern binding are more or less cut down. To secure a set of full size it is neces- sary to bind from the original parts, although from the collector’s point of view, such a set as this should be preserved in the covers and not bound. 1oo AuDUBON, and Rev. John Bachman. Viviparous Quad- rupeds of North America. Text, 3 vols. royal 8°, 1846-1854. Plates, 150 finely colored plates in 2 vols. large folio, 1854. Together 5 vols. half russia. 2 J. J. Audubon: New York, 1846-54 ORIGINAL FoLIo EDITION, with text. Complete set ; the 150 plates are bound in 2 vols. instead of 3 as usual; the three tables of contents are bound in at the end. The works of Audubon are an actual necessity for every public library, and the folio editions give a better idea of size and coloring of the larger birds and quadrupeds. tor AupuBon. The Quadrupeds of North America. By J. J. Audubon and the Rev. John Bachman, D.D. With 152 finely colored plates. 3 vols. royal 8° half morocco (binding not quite uniform). Published by V. G. Audubon: New York, 1854 1oz2 AupuBON. Life of. Edited by his widow. With intro- duction by J. G. Wilson. Portrait. 12° cloth (em- bossed stamp on 4 leaves). New York, 1869 Signature of Audubon inserted. 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 I1o II! 112 CATALOGUE. 13 Austen, Jane. Novels of. Newed. Engraved frontis- pieces. 6 vols. 12° half light calf, gilt backs. Bentley: London, 1883-85 ComprisEs: Pride and Prejudice; — Emma; — Sense and Sensi- bility; Northanger Abbey ;— Mansfield Park ; — Memoir of, by Austin Leigh. Aytoun, William E. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and other poems. Original issue of this edition. Illustra- tions by Joseph N. and Waller H. Paton. 4° full crim- son crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt back and edges, by RivizrE & SON. Edinburgh, 1865 ACON, Francis. Works of. Popular ed. Portrait. 2 vols. 12° half calf, gilt backs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.: Boston. Bacon. Francis Bacon; an account of his life and works. By E. A. Abbott. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1885 Bacon. Sir Francis Bacon’s Cipher Story. Discovered and deciphered by Orville W. Owen. Vol. I. 8° paper. 3 Detroit, 1893 Bacenot, Walter. Literary Studies, 2 vols., 1884; — The English Constitution, 1888; — Biographical Studies, ed- ited by R. H. Hutton, 1889; — Economic Studies, ed- ited by R. H. Hutton, 1888; — Lombard Street, a de- scription of the money market, 1888. 6 vols. 8° and small 8° half crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivizRE & SON. London. Bairp, Henry M. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre, 2 vols; — History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France, 2 vols. Maps. 4 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1886-89 Baker, Ernest A. Descriptive Guide to the Best Fiction, British and American. 8° cloth. London, 1903 Baxer, W. S. American Engravers and their Works. Royal 8° half green crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt top, by BLACKWELL. Phila., 1875 Battou, M. M. Treasury of Thought, forming an ency- clopzedia of quotations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1872 Bauzac, H. de. Novels of. With prefaces by George Saintsbury. Illustrations on Japan paper. 34 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Gebbie Pub. Co.: Phila., 1893 4 Bauzac. Novels of. Etchings on Japan paper. 26 vols. 8° cloth, uncut, gilt tops. G. Barrie & Son: Phila., 1899 ONLy 1000 copies printed. ComMPRISES: Provincial Life, Vols. 2, 4,8,9 and 10;— Country Life, Vols. 1, 2 and 3; —Military and Political Life, Vols. 1, 3, 4 and §; —Philosophical Studies, 7 vols.; — Private Life, Vols. 5, 6,8 and 10;— Contes Drolatiques, Vol. 2 ; Analytic Studies, Vols. 8 and 9, 14 I15 116 117 118 119g I20 I2t I22 123 124 125 CATALOGUE. Bauzac. Works of. Translated by K. P. Wormeley. 13 vols. 12° half roan, Roberts Bros.: Boston, 1888 ComPRISEs: Cousin Pons ; — Magic Skin; — Modeste Mignon ;— Cousin Bette ;— Eugénie Grandet ;—- Louis Lambert; — Duchesse de Langeais ; — Pére Goriot ; Country Doctor ; —César Birotteau ; — Two Brothers; — The Alkahest ;— Bureaucracy. Bauzac. Droll Stories collected from the Abbeys of Tou- raine. 425 illustrations by Doré. First English ed. Small 8° original cloth. ; London, 1874 BaNcROFT, George. History of the United States. The author’s last revision. Steel portrait. 6 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs. New York, 1887 BANCROFT. Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece. Translated from the German of Arnold H. L. Heeren. By George Bancroft. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top. Boston, 1824 BANDAR Log Press. Poker Rubaiyat. By Kirke La Shelle. Humorous colored illustrations. Small 4° pic- torial wrappers, uncut. Phoenix, Arizona, 1903 ONLY 150 copies printed for sale. BANDELLO. The Novels of Matteo Bandello, Bishop of Agen. Now first done into English prose and verse by John Payne. 6 vols. square 8° vellum, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1890 Printed for private circulation by the Villon Society. BARATARIANA: a Select collection of fugitive political pieces, published during the administration of Lord Townshend, in Ireland. Portrait and folding copper- plate. 16° half morocco, gilt back and top. Dublin, 1777 BarinG, Thomas Charles. The Scheme of Epicurus; a rendering into English verse of the unfinished poem of Lucretius, entitled ‘‘De Rerum Natura.” Square 8° cloth. London, 1884 Presentation copy, with inscription by the translator. BaRING-—GOULD, S. Germany, Present and Past Small 8° half morocco, gilt back. London, 1881 BARNARD, George. Drawing from Nature; a series of progressive instructions in sketching, from elementary study to finished views. 18 colored and lithographic plates and over 100 woodcuts. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut (corner water-stained). London, 1865 Barnum, H. L. The Spy Unmasked; or memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the hero of Mr. Cooper’s Tale of the Neutral Ground. Portrait and 5 plates. Firsted. 8° half morocco, uncut. New York, 1828 Unusually fine, clean, tall copy, 5 1-2 by 9 inches. Contains two André plates, “The place where he was taken and The house where he was tried.” 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 CATALOGUE. 15 BARRIE, J. M. My Lady Nicotine. First ed. in book form. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1890 Barrows, John H. The World’s Parliament of Religions; an illustrated and popular story of the world’s first par- liament of religions, held in Chicago, in connection with the Columbian Exposition of 1893. Illustrations. 2 vols. thick 8° morocco. Chicago, 1893 Barry, John S. History of Massachusetts. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855-57 BAXTER, Richard. The Reformed Pastor. Firsted. 12° calf, extra, red edges (also another work bound up in same vol.). London, 1656 The First Editions of the works of this celebrated Divine are very scarce. BEARDSLEY, Aubrey. Ben Jonson, his Volpone; or the Foxe. New ed., with a critical essay on the author by Vincent O’Sullivan, and a frontispiece and illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley, together with an eulogy of the artist by Robert Ross. Royal 4° cloth. New York, 1898 BEECHER, Henry Ward. Lectures to Young Men. Por- trait of the author inserted. 12° cloth (worn). Salem, 1845 BEECHER. Life of Jesus, the Christ. Plates. 8° cloth. With a. /. s. of the author inserted. New York, 1871 BEECHER. Life of. By Joseph Howard, Jr. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth. Phila., 1887 Beun, Mrs. Aphra. The Town-Fopp; or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey, acomedy. Firsted. Small 4° half roan. London, 1677 [Benton, Thomas H.] Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856. 16 vols. royal 8° half calf, gilt backs. New York‘ 1860-61 Benton. Thirty Years’ View; or a history of the work- ing of the American Government, 1820-50. Portrait and plate. 2 vols. royal 8° half morocco. New York, 1854 Benzoni. La Historia del Mondo Nuova di M. Girolamo Benzoni Milanese, la qual tratta dell’ Isole & Mari nuouamente ritrouati & delle nuoue Citta da lui pro- prio vedute, per acqua & per terra in quattordici anni. Con priuilegio della Illustrisima Signoria de Venetia. ~ Per anni XX. Appresso Francesco Rampazetto, 1565. Small 8°, elegantly bound by RiviéRE in crimson mo- rocco, tooled and gilt, gilt edges. First edition. Very rare. Benzoni was the first regular European Traveller in the New World who published his travels. His journeys occupied him 14 years, 1541 to 1555. His book is considered one of the best of original works. é 16 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 CATALOGUE. Berry. Extracts of the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry, from 1783 to 1852. Edited by Lady Theresa Lewis. Engraved frontispieces. 3 vols. 8° full light calf, gilt backs. London, 1865 Besant, Walter. The French Humourists from the Twelfth to the Nineteenth Century. 8° half light calf, gilt back and top, by RivizRE & SON. London, 1873 Besant. Fifty Years Ago. 137 plates and woodcuts. 8° half blue calf, uncut, extra, gilt back and top. London, 1888 Besant, and E. H. Palmer. Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Saladin. Frontispiece and map. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1890 Brest Reading, by Perkins, 1887 ;— Foundations of Rheto- ric, by A. S. Hill, 1892; — English Masterpiece Course, by Welsh, 1887; — Modern Guides of English Thought in Matters of Faith, by Hutton, 1888, etc. 5 vols. ‘Zz, cloth. BrerHamM-Epwarps, M. A Year in Western France. Frontispiece. 12° half morocco, gilt back. London, 1877 BEVERLEY, Mass. History of, civil and ecclesiastical, from its supplement in 1630 to 1842. By Edwin M. Stone. Illustrations. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1843 Beverty, Robert. History and Present State of Virginia, in four parts. By a native and inhabitant of the place. Firsted. 8 plates. 8° full light blue morocco. London, 1705 With bookplate of John Hughes, 1745, engraved by I. Skinner. Fine, clean copy. Breiia ad Vetustissima Exemplaria nuncrecéns castigata, Woodcuts. Thick small 4° vellum (shaken). Venetiis, 1583 _ Brsuiocrapuy. Fisher, Richard. Catalogue of a Collec- tion of Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts. Embrac- ing the Italian, German, Spanish, French, Flemish and English schools of engraving from the earliest period to the 19th Century. Numerous beautiful facsimile illus- trations. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Privately printed, 1879 A very valuable descriptive catalogue, only a small number having been printed for presentation. BIBLIOTHEQUE Elzévirienne. Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules. Par Bussy Rabutin. Revue et annotée par Paul Boiteau. Suivie des Romans historico-satiriques du XVII si&cle, recueillis et annotés par M. C.-L. Livet. 4 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Paris, 1856 CATALOGUE. 17 149 Bipa, Alex. Lovers of Provence, Aucassin and Nicolette. By Alexander Bida. ‘Translated into English verse and prose, by A. R. Macdonough. Illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1880 Inscription on fly-leaf by E. C. Stedman. 150 BIRRELL, Augustine. Res Judicata: papers and essays. First ed. Square 8° half vellum, uncut. London, 1890 LARGE PAPER. 151 BisHop, A. W. Loyalty on the Frontier; or, sketches of . Union Men of the South-West. 12° cloth. St. Louis, 1863 From the library of Millard Fillmore, with his autograph; also inscription by the author, on fly-leaf. 152 BLACK, Jeremiah S. Essays and Speeches of; with a bio- graphical sketch. By Chauncey F. Black. Portrait. 8° half morocco. New York, 1885 153 Biack, John R. Young Japan, Yokohama and Yedo; a narrative of the settlement and the city, from the sign- ing of the treaties in 1858 to the close of the year 1879. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1880 154 BLACKMORE, R. D. Lorna Doone, a romance of Exmoor. With many drawings. Royal 8° cloth. Cleveland, 1890 iss BLACKMORE. Slain by the Doones and other stories. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1895 With a. /. s. of the author inserted. 156 BLACKWELL, Alice Stone. Armenian Poems. Rendered into English verse. Firsted. Portrait. 12° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1896 With autograph of the author on fly-leaf. 1567 BLAINE, James G. Twenty Years of Congress, from Lin- coln to Garfield, with a review of the events which led to the political revolution of 1860. Steel portraits. 2 vols. thick royal 8° cloth. Norwich, 1884 157*BLAINE. Political Discussions, legislative, diplomatic and popular, 1856-86. Steel portraits. 8° cloth. Norwich, 1887 158 Bunt, John Henry. Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ec- clesiastical Parties and Schools of Religious Thought. Imperial 8° half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, by RivizreE & Son. London, 1874 - 159 Bunt, Wilfred S. Esther: a young man’s tragedy; to- . gether with the Love Sonnets of Proteus. Small 4° f vellum, uncut. Copeland & Day: Boston, 1895 ONLY 50 copies printed with rubricated initials. 160 BLuNTscHLI, J. K. Theory of the State. 8° cloth, un- cut. Oxford, 1885 18 161 162 163 164 166 167 168 169 170 CATALOGUE. Boccaccio. Contes de Bocace. Traduction nouvelle, augmentée de divers Contes et nouvelles en vers imités de ce Poéte célébre, par La Fontaine, Passerat, Ver- gier, Perrault, Dorat et autres. Par A. Sabatier de Castres. Numerous fine copperplates. 11 vols. bound in 6 vols. 8° mottled sheep (one binding broken). Paris, 1801 BOuM-BAwWERK, Eugen V. Capital and Interest, a critical history of economical theory. Translated by William Smart. 8° half red morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1890 Boun, H. G. Handbook of Proverbs. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by Rivizre & Son. Bohn: London, 1889 Boun’s Library: Life of Wesley, by Robert Southey, por- trait, 1890; — Lives of Jehan Virtrier and John Colet, by J. H. Lupton, 1883; — Life and Works of Robert Schuman, by A. Reissmann, 1886. 3 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RiviirE & Son. Bohn: London. Boun’s Library: Travels in France, by Arthur Young, 1890; — Travel-Pictures, by Heinrich Heine, 1887; — Travels of Marco Polo, ed. by Thomas Wright, 1886. 3 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & Son. Bohn: London, 1886 Boun’s Library: Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1889; — Dramatic Works of Jean Racine, Vol. I, 1889; — Gesta Romanorum, by Charles Swan, 1888; — Yule-Tide Stories, ed. by Benj. Thorpe, 1888; — Arne and the Fisher Lassie, by B. Bjérnson, 1890. 5 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RIVIERE & Son. Bohn: London. Boun’s Library: Egypt, Ethiopia and Sinai, by Lepsius; — Bede’s Ecclesiastical History; —Bcethius, by King Alfred; — Machiavelli's History of Florence. 4 vols. 12° cloth. Bohn: London, 1853 Boun’s Library: Analysis of Thucydides; — Euripides Literally Translated, Vol. 1; — Livy, Vol. 2;— Plato, 1; — Ovid; — Horace; — Thucydides; — Homer; — Terence. 10 vols. 12° cloth, Bohn: London. BOLINGBROKE, Lord. Works of. With a life, prepared expressly for this edition, containing additional infor- mation relative to his personal and public character. Steel portrait. 4 vols. 8° full light calf, gilt backs. Phila., 1841 BouuEs, Albert S. The National Bank Act and its Judi- cial Meaning; with an appendix. 8° cloth. New York, 1890 171 172 173 175 176 177 178 7 180 181 182 CATALOGUE. 19 Boties. Financial History of the United States, from 1774 to 1885. 3 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1884-86 Boox-Lover (The), a magazine of book-lore; being a miscellany of curiously interesting and generally un- known facts about the world’s literature and literary people. Vol. 1, no. r to Vol. 4, no. 4. 20 parts, as issued. Numerous illustrations. 4 vols. 4° in parts, uncut. San Francisco and New York, 1899-1903 Part 15 is a book-plate number. Boston, Mass. Drake, S. G. History and Antiquities of Boston, from its settlement in 1630 to the year 1770. Maps and numerous illustrations. Thick royal 8° half morocco. Boston, 1856 Boston. Snow, C. H. History of Boston, from its Ori- gin to the present period, with some account of the Environs. Second ed. Plates. 8° three quarters crim- son morocco, entirely uncut. Boston, 1828 An exceptionally large and clean uncut copy. Boston. Memorial History of Boston, including Suffolk County, Mass., 1630-1880. Edited by Justin Winsor. Numerous portraits and illustrations. 4 vols. 4° half calf, gilt backs. Boston, 1880 Boston. Antique Views of Ye Town of Boston. By James H. Starke. Numerous illustrations and maps. Imperial 8° cloth. Boston, (1882) Boston. Porter, Edward G. Rambles in Old Boston, New England. Illustrated by George R. Tolman. With map and numerous illustrations of old buildings and noted places. 4° half light calf, gilt back. Boston, 1887 Boston. Shurtleff, N. B. A Topographical and Histori- cal Description of Boston. Maps. Royal 8° cloth, un- cul Boston, 1871 Boston. Quincy, Josiah. Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston, from 1630 to 1830. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1852 Boston. Hales, John G. A Survey of Boston and its Vicinity. Map and woodcut view of the Old State House, by Bowen. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1821 Boston. Epitaphs from Copp’s Hill Burial Ground, with notes. By Thomas Bridgman. Frontispiece. 12° cloth. Boston, 1851 Boston. Loring, James S. The Hundred Boston Ora- tors, appointed by the municipal authorities and other public bodies, from 1770 to 1852, comprising historical gleanings illustrating the principles and progress of our republican institutions. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1852 20 183 184 193 194 195 196 197 CATALOGUE, Boston. A Half Century of Boston’s Building; the con- struction of buildings, the enactment of building laws, a chapter on the big fire, etc. By Charles S. Damrell. Illustrations. Imperial 8° cloth. Boston, 1895 Boston. Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants, Jan. 14, 1822 (contains list of real and personal estate for the year 1821). 8° sheep. Boston, 1822 Boston. Memorial of the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin. Plate and illustrations. Imperial 8° cloth. Boston, 1857 Boston Symphony Orchestra Programs, 1881-89. Bound together. Square 8° cloth. Boston. Roll of Members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts, with roster 1638- 1894. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1895 Boston. Two Hundred and Sixty-fourth Annual Record of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts, tg01-02. Portraits. 8° cloth. . Boston, 1902 Boston. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1829-72, irregular. 27 pamphlets. Boston. Old South Leaflets. Vols. 1 to 3, Nos. 1 to 75. 3 vols. 12° cloth. Boston. Boston. Old South Leaflets. Nos. 1 to 9. 9 pamphlets 12° paper and cloth. Boston, 1883-91 Boston. Anniversary Memorial, 1880; Memorial of Charles Sumner, 1874;— Suffolk Surnames, by Bow- ditch, 1858;— Surveys of Boston Harbor, 1865. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston. Fourth of July Orations, 1853, ’54, 56, ’58, ’59. 5 pamphlets. Boston Book; being specimens of metropolitan literature (fourth series). Firsted. Engraved title. 12° cloth. Boston, 1850 Contains original contributions by Lowell, Hawthorne, Whittier, Longfellow, Emerson and Holmes. BouLGER, Demetrius C. History of China. Portraits. 3 vols. thick 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1881-84 Bow es, Samuel. Life and Times of. By George S. Merriam. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1885 Bowrinc, Edgar A. Poems of Goethe, Schiller and Heine. Translated into the original metres. 3 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by R1viErE & SON. Bohn: London, 1885 CATALOGUE. at 198 BRACKENRIDGE, H. M. History of the Western Insurrec- tion in Western Pennsylvania, commonly called the Whiskey Insurrection, 1794. 8° cloth. Pittsburg, 1859 199 BRaDFoRD’s History of “Plimouth Plantation,” from the original manuscript, with a report of the proceedings incident to the return of the manuscript to Massachu- setts. Portraits and fac-simile plates. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1898 200 BRADFORD Club. Anthology of New Netherland; or, translations form the early Dutch poets of New York; with memoirs of their lives. By Henry C. Murphy. Portrait and plate. Royal 8° half morocco, gilt edges. CLus Copy: only 125 copies printed. New York, 1865 201 [BRADSTREET, Anne.] Several Poems, compiled with great variety of Wit and Learning, full of Delight. By a Gentlewoman in New England. Second ed., corrected by the author and enlarged by an addition of several other poems found amongst her papers after her death. 12° old calf (title-page imperfect on outer margins). Printed by John Foster: Boston, 1678 202 BRAITHWAITE, R. The Arcadian Princess; or, the Triumph of Justice: Prescribing excellent rules of Physicke, for a sicke Justice. Digested into foure bookes. First ed. Brilliant impression of the engraved frontispiece by William Marshall (inner and lower blank margin skil- fully repaired) and poetical explanation on the leaf Opposite. Small 8° full red morocco. Th. Harper for R. Bostocke: London, 1635 An exceedingly rare volume in any condition. It consists of prose and verse, and on the latter Dibdin bestows much praise, and thinks that Braithwaite shines with more lustre as a poet from some pas- sages in this work than in any other to which his name is attached. The copy offered is a fine and very large one, having several rough leaves, and the rare extra leaves at end, often missing. A similar _ copy sold at Sotheby’s in May, 1901, for {21:10 s. 203 BRANNAN, William P. Vagaries of Vandyke Browne, an autobiography in verse. First ed. 16° cloth (rebacked). Cincinnati, 1865 204 Brassey, Mrs. Sunshine and Storm in the East, 1880; — Voyage of the ‘‘ Sunbeam,” 1878;—In the Land of Misfortune, 1882. Illustrations. 3 vols. 8° half mo- racco, gilt backs. London. 205 BREWER, Dr. Cobham. Political, Social and Literary His- tory of Germany and France. 2 vols. 12° half morocco, gilt backs. London, n. d. 206 BripGEs, Robert. The Humours of the Court, a comedy, and other poems. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1893 LARGE PAPER: only 100 copies printed at the Norwood Press, 22 207 208 209 210 2i11r 212 213 214 215 216 217 CATALOGUE. BRIDGEWATER Treatises. 12 vols. 8° full antique calf, gilt backs. London, 1837 Comprises: Geology and Mineralogy, by Buckland, 2 vols.; — Instincts of Animals, by Kirby, 2 vols.; — Constitution of Man, by Chalmers, 2 vols; — Animal and V egetable Philosophy, by Roget, 2 vols.; — Physical Condition of Man, by Kidd, 1 vol.; — Prout’s Chemistry ; — Whewell’s Astronomy ; — Babbage Treatise. BricHt, John. Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Edited by James E. T. Rogers. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° tree calf, gilt backs (slightly worn). London, 1868 Bricut. Life and Speeches of. By George B. Smith. 2 engraved portraits on India paper. 2 vols. royal 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. London, 1884 BRILLAT-SAVARIN. Physiologie du Gott. 2 vols. 8° half calf. Paris, 1828 BRINLEY Catalogue. The complete catalogue, 5 parts, with printed price list to each part and the Index by Prof. W. I. Fletcher bound in one vol. Thick royal 8° half morocco, uncut. Hartford, 1878-93 One of the best bibliographical catalogues ever issued and one of the best guides for collectors and librarians. Britis Essayists; with prefaces, historical and biograph- ical, and a general index. By Alexander Chalmers. Portraits. 38 vols. 12° half green calf, gilt backs. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1856 British Museum. George II. Act for the purchase of the Museum. 8° stitched. London, 1754 Bronri, Charlotte, Emily and Annie. Works of. ‘‘ Em- pyreal” ed. 8 vols. 12° half calf, uncut, gilt tops. White & Allen: New York. Comprises: Wuthering Heights and Agnes Gray ; — The Profes- sor;— Jane Eyre, 2 vols.; — Shirley, 2 vols; — The Tenant of Wild- fell Hall; — Life of Charlotte Bronte, by Mrs. Gaskell. BROOKLINE, Mass. Address at the Dedication of the New Town Hall, Feb. 22, 1873. By R. C. Winthrop. 8° half rough calf, original wrappers bound in. Cambridge, 1873 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. BroucHam, Lord Henry. Historical Sketches of States- men who flourished in the time of George III]. 24 steel portraits, including the portrait of Washington by W. Humphreys. 2 vols. royal 8° light calf, gilt. London, 1839 BroucHam. Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the time of George III. Illustrated with steel portraits. 3 vols. royal 8° full light calf, extra, gilt backs, London, 1845-48 CATALOGUE. 23 218 Brown, Frank C. Letters and Lettering, a treatise with 200 examples, 8° cloth. Boston, 1892 219 [Browne, C. F.] Artemus Ward, His Book. First ed. 12° original cloth (shaken). New York, 1863 220 [BRownr.] Artemus Ward, His Travels. Firsted. 12° Original cloth. New York, 1865 221 [BrRowne.| Artemus Ward in London. Firsted. 12° | Original cloth. New York, 1867 222 [BRownz.] Artemus Ward’s Panorama. Firsted. 12° Original cloth. New York, 1869 223 [Browne.] Artemus Ward in London, and the Letters to Punch. Firsted. 16° original wrappers. _ London, (1869) 224 [Brownez.] The Genial Showman. Reminiscences of the Life of Artemus Ward, and Pictures of a Showman’s Life in the Western World. By E. P. Hingston. Col- ored frontispieces. Firsted. 2 vols. small 8° cloth, uncut (binding of one vol. faded). London, 1870 225 Browne, R. W. History of Roman Classical Literature. _ 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1884 226 Browne, Sir Thomas. Pseudodoxia Epidemica; Or, en- quiries into very many received Tenents and commonly presumed Truths. First ed. (with marginal notes in ink). Small folio, half calf (name torn from title, but corner mended). London, 1646 227 [Browninc, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett.] An Essay on Mind, with other poems. Firsted. 12° full blue crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt back and top, by AL- FRED MATTHEWs. James Duncan: London, 1826 Fine, clean copy from the C. B. Foote Library, with book-plate. 228 [Browninc.] Poems, by Elizabeth Barrett Barrett. First ed. 2 vols. 12° full light blue crushed levant morocco, extra, inside borders, uncut, gilt tops, by BRADSTREET. E. Moxon: London, 1844 Fine, clean, uncut copy from the C. B. Foote Library, with book- plates. 229 BROWNING. Poems. New ed. (containing poems not pre- viously collected, and preface now first published). First issue. 2 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1850 230 Browninc. Aurora Leigh. Firsted. 12° original red cloth, uncut. Chapman & Hall: London, 1857 231 BRowninc. Sonnets from the Portuguese. Ornamental designs by B. G. Goodhue. 8° vellum, uncut. Copeland & Day: Boston, 1896 ONLY 50 copies printed with rubricated initials. 24 | CATALOGUE. 232 BROWNING. Poetical Works of. Portrait. 8° half orange crushed levant morocco, gilt back, uncut, gilt top, by RIVIERE. * New York, 1899 233 [BROWNING, Robert.] Poems of Alfred Domett. First ed. Small 8° boards, uncut. London, 1833 Contains the first published poetry of Robert Browning, under the the initials of R. B. Domett and Browning were schoolboy chums together. 234 BROWNING. Strafford, an historical tragedy. First ed. 8° original boards, uncut, with paper label enclosed in half red morocco slip case and cover, lettered. Fine, clean, uncut copy. London, 1837 235 BROWNING. La Saisiaz: The Two Poets of Croisic. Small 8° Spanish morocco, uncut, gilt back and top, by RIVIERE. London, 1878 First edition. Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription: “Lord Coleridge with Robert Browning’s true respect and regard, May 19, ’78.” 236 Browninc. Ferishtah’s Fancies. Small 8° Spanish mo- rocco, uncut, gilt back and top, by RIVIERE. London, 1884 First edition. Presentation copy, with the author’s autograph inscription : “ The Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, with the best regards of Robert Browning, Nov. 22, 84.” 237 Browninc. Selections from the Poetical Works of. First and second series. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1884 238 Browninc. The Ring and the Book. From the author’s revised text, edited with biographical and critical notes and introduction by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Portrait and plates. 12° cloth. New York, 1897 239 Browninc. Life and Letters of. By Mrs. S. Orr. Por- trait and frontispiece. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1891 240 Brucscu-Bey, Henry. History of Egypt under the Pharaohs; derived entirely from the monuments. Trans- lated by Philip Smith. Second ed., with new preface and notes. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half mo- rocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1881 24t Bryant, W.C. Poems. Firsted. Small 8° boards, un- cut (back missing). Cambridge, 1821 Fine, clean copy. 242 BRYANT. Selections from the American Poets. First ed. 18° original white cloth. New York, 1840 Fine copy. 243 BRyANT. The Fountain and other poems. Firsted. 12° original cloth and label. New York, 1842 244 245, 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 CATALOGUE. 25 [Bryant.] Guide to Plymouth and Recollections of the Pilgrims. By W. S. Russell. Engravings and map. First ed. 16° cloth. Boston, 1846 Fine copy. “ Airs of the Pilgrims,” p. 76,(“ several never before published ”) by Bryant, Holmes and others. Bryant. Poems. Portrait and plates. Firsted. 8° cloth. ) Phila., 1847 BRYANT. Letters of a Traveller. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1850 Bryant. Thesame. Second series. 12° cloth (binding soiled). New York, 1859 Bryant. A Forest Hymn. Firsted. Illustrations. 8° original morocco, gilt edges. New York, (1860) Bryant. Discourse on the Life, Character and Genius of Washington Irving. Firsted. Square 12° cloth. New York, 1860 BRYANT. Letters from the East. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1869 BRYANT. Discourse on the Life, Character ndWrit ings of Julian C. Verplanck. First ed. 8° original wrappers, uncut and unopened. New York, 1870 Bryant. The Odyssey of Homer. First ed. 2 vols. royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1871-72 BRYANT. Library of Poetry and Song. Firsted. Por- trait. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1871 Bryant. The Iliad of Homer, translated into English blank verse. 2 vols. royal 8° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1875 Bryant. Chronologies of his Life and Writings; with a bibliography of his works. Compiled by H. C. Sturges. With memoir by R. H. Stoddard. Portrait. 8° half vellum, uncut. New York, 1903 LARGE PAPER: only IIo copies printed. Bryant Memorial Meeting of the Century, Nov. 12, 1878 (poems by Bayard Taylor and E. C. Stedman). First ed. 8° wrappers. New York, n. d. With autograph inscription by the author. Bryce, James. American Commonwealth. Firsted. 2 vols. small 8° cloth. London, 1888 — Bryce. The Holy Roman Empire. 8° half morocco, un- cut, gilt back and top. London, 1889 BUCHANAN, George. Georgii Buchanani Scoti poemata que extant. Engraved frontispiece. 24° contemporary sheep. Amsteledami, 1687 BUCHANAN, James. Life of. By George Ticknor Curtis. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. New York, 1883 26 CATALOGUE. 261 Buckie, Henry T. History of Civilization in England. 3 vols. 12° tree calf, gilt backs. London, 1871 262 Bupp, Thomas. Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in America. Being a true account of the Country: With its Produce and Commodities there made . . . Likewise, several other things needful to be understood by those that are or do intend to be con- cerned in planting in the said Countries. Small 4° green levant morocco, inside gilt border, gilt edges. Printed (by William Bradford, Phila.), in the year 1685 “Besides being a very interesting and important early book on Pennsylvania and New Jersey, this little volume has the distinction of being the first book printed in America by William Bradford. That this is the case there can longer be no doubt, after the study which has been given to the question by the late Mr. Frederic B. Stone and by Mr. Charles R. Hildeburn. For a statement of the evidence, we refer to the extended note in Mr. Hildeburn’s ‘ Issues of _ the Press in Pennsylvania.’ In calling it the ‘first book,’ we must except or course the little Almanack of 1685, which was printed by Bradford the same year. ‘“‘ Budd himself had settled in Burlington, N. J.,in 1678, and owned 5,000 acres of land, which cost him #100. The book is not a re- ligious treatise, as are so many books of the period, but is a good account of the country and its resources, written with a view of in- ducing settlers to make their homes in the country. At the end is the translation of ‘The Dying Words of Ockanichon,’ who died in Burlington, an account of a Conference with the Indians at Burling- ton and other pieces. “This is the Barlow copy, which sold for $400.00 in 1890, and we know of no copy having come into the auction-room since that time. The book was entered in the Barlow catalogue as being printed in London.” See reproduction of title-page. 263 BuiILpING and Voyage of the “Griffon,” in 1679, by O. H. Marshall, .879;— Capt. Brant and the Old King, by W. Clement Bryant, 1889;—- Address Commemorative of G. W. Clinton, by D. F. Day, 1890. 3 pamphlets. Presentation copies from theauthors. 264 BuLrincu, Thomas. Age of Fable; or beauties of my- thology. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1874 265 BuLten, A. H. Musa Proterva: Love Poems of the Res- toration. Firsted. 8° original half calf, uncut, gilt top. : London, 1889 ONLY 780 copies privately printed. . 266 BuLLEN. Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age. 12° half crushed levant morocco, gilt top. London, 1889 267 BuLLEN. Poems, chiefly lyrical, from romances and prose- tracts of the Elizabethan Age; with chosen poems of Nicholas Breton. Firsted, 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1890 ONLY 780 copies printed, Good Order Eftablifped | IN Pennfilvania & New-Jerfey AMERICA, Being a true Accountof the Country : e e e e 3 With its Produce and Commodities there made. Andthe great Improvements that may be made by means of Publick Stage-houles for Hemp, Flay and Hinnen-Cloth ; alfo, the Advantages of a Wublich: School, the Profits of a Wublick-Bank, and the Proba- bility of its arifing, if thofe dire€&tions here laid down are followed. “With the advantages of publick Gianaries, Likewife, feveral other things needful to be underfteod by thofe that are or do intend to, be concerned in planting in the faid Countries, All which is laid down very plain, inthis {mall Treatife ; iz being eafie to be underftood by any ordinary Capacity. To which the Reader is referred for his further fatisfation. By Thomas Budd. Printed inthe Year 3695, 28 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 277 278 279 CATALOGUE. BuLWER-LytTon, Sir Edward. Novels of. Library ed. 42 vols. 12° half light calf, gilt backs. J. B. Lippincott & Co.: Phila., 1866 BuLwer’s Novels, containing: Pelham, The Disowned, Devereux, etc. Illustrations. 2 vols. in one. Royal 8° cloth. Routledge & Sons: New York. Bu.Lwer’s Novels. Illustrations. Royal 8° cloth. New York. Bunker Hill. Warren, G. W. The History of Bunker Hill Monument Association during the first century of the United States of America. Portraits, maps and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1877 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. Burke, Edmund. Works of. Revised ed. Portrait. 12 vols. 12° half blue morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1866 Burke, Memoirs of; or, an impartial review of his pri- vate life, his public conduct, his speeches, etc. By Charles M’Cormick. Mezzotint portrait of Burke, by H. Kingsbury. 4° boards, uncut (few leaves foxed). London, 1798 BurKE. Memoir of the Life and Character of, with specimens of his poetry and letters, and an estimate of his genius and talents compared with those of his great contemporaries. By James Prior. Second ed. Por- trait froma painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1826 BurKE. Public and Domestic Life of. By Peter Burke. Illustrations. 12° cloth. London, 1853 From the library of Bishop Coxe, with his autograph on title-page. BuRKHARDT, Jacob. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. Translated by S. G. C. Middlemore. 8° half claret morocco, gilt back and top. New York, 1890 BuRNABY, Capt. Fred. On Horseback through Asia Minor. Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8° half blue morocco, gilt backs. London, 1877 Burnuam, G. P. Memoirs of the United States Secret Service. With accurate portraits of prominent mem- bers of the Detective Force and a brief account of the life of Col. H. C. Whitley. 8° morocco. Boston, 1872. Burns, Robert. Poetical Works of. Chronologically ar- ranged, with notes, glossaries and index. Empyreal ed. Portrait and illustrations. 3 vols. 12° half crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. New York, (London), n. d, 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 CATALOGUE. Be Burns. Poems, Songs and Letters; being the complete works of Robert Burns. Globe ed. 12° half calf, gilt, uncut. London, 1891 Burr. Life and Times of Aaron Burr, Lieut.-Colonel in the Army of the Revolution. By James Parton. En- larged ed., with numerous appendices, containing new and interesting information. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° half claret crushed levant morocco, gilt backs. | Boston, 1888-86 Burroucus, John. Indoor Studies; — Signs and Seasons; — Fresh Fields; — Locusts and Wild Honey; — Wake Robin; — Pepaction; — Birds and Poets. 7 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1889 Burton, John Hill. History of Scotland. New ed., with index vol. 9 vols. small 8° half crimson morocco, un- cut, gilt backs and tops. | Blackwood & Sons: Edinburgh, (1873) [Burton, Robert.] Anatomy of Melancholy. By De- mocritus, Junior. New ed., to which is prefixed the life of the author. Engraved title. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt, uncut, gilt tops by RivizrE & Son. . London, 1826 Burton, Sir R. F. Wanderings in West Africa. Map and plate. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1863 Burton. Vikram and the Vampire; or tales of Hindu devilry. 33 illustrations by Griset. First ed. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1870 Fine copy. Burton, W. E. Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor. Numer- ous steel portraits and wood engravings. 2 vols. royal 8° cloth. 3 New York, 1867 BurtTyY, Philippe. Chefs-d’'@euvre of the Industrial Arts: Pottery and Porcelain, Glass, Enamel, Metal, Gold- smith’s work, Jewelry and Tapestry. Edited by W. Chaffers. Numerous illustrations. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1869 Bury, J. B. History of the Later Roman Empire, from Arcadius to Irene, 395 A. D. to 800 A. D. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1889 ButT.er, Benjamin F. Life of. By T. A. Bland. Por- | trait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1879 Butter, George F. Love and its Affinities. Frontis- piece. 12° cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1899 Byron, Lord. Poetical Works of. Portrait and illustra- tions. Royal 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. Brooklyn, n. d, 30 CATALOGUE. 293 ByFiELD, Nathaniel. An Account of the Late Revolution 294 295 296 297 299 300 or in New England, together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston and the country adjacent. Small 4° red levant morocco, gilt edges, by MATTHEWS, in tin slip case. Printed for Ric. Chiswell: London, 1689 The author was one of the first settlers of Bristol, Rhode Island: and this letter, dated April 29, 1689, is written from there. It has the following postscript : “ Through the Goodness of God, there hath been no Blood shed. Nath. Clark is in Plymouth Goal, and John Smith in Goal here, all waiting for News from England.” Following this letter is “ The Declaration which was read in Coun- cil House before the arrest of Governor Andros as stated in the latter.” See reproduction of title-page. Cane T. Hatt. Sonnets of Three Centuries: a selection, including many examples hitherto unpub- lished. Small 4° full brown morocco, gilt back and edges. London, 1882 Cairp, Sir James. India: the Land and the People. Map. 8° half claret morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1883 CatHoun, John C. Works of. Edited by R. K. Cralle. 6 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1888 — CaMpBELL, Helen. Prisoners of Poverty; women wage- workers, their trades and their lives. 12° cloth. Boston, 1889 CampBeLt. Life of John, Lord Campbell, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain; consisting of a selection from his autobiography, diary and letters. Edited by his daughter, Mrs. Hardcastle. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs. London, 1881 Canninc. Life of Stratford Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe; from his memoirs and private and official papers. By Stanley Lane-Poole. With 3 portraits. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1888 Canova, Antonio. Works of, in Sculpture and Modelling; with descriptions from the Italian of the Countess Albrizzi, and a biographical memoir by Count Hicog- nara. Heliotype ed., with 155 plates. 2 vols. in one. Thick royal 4° embossed morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1876 Capen, Nahum. History of Democracy. Vol. I (all pub- lished). Portraits. Royal 8° cloth. Hartford, 1874 a ee I N NEW-ENGLAND Together with the DECLARATION Ot HE 7 ‘Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of BOS 70 N, and the Country adjacent. April 18. 1689. | iWriten by Mi NATHANAEL BIFIELD, | a Merchant of Briftol in New-England, to his Friends in Loudin. ’ A . , , LICENSED, June 27. 1689. F. Frafer. LONDON: Printed for-3kic. Chitiwell, at the Rofe and Crowe in - St. Paul’s Church-Yard. MDCLXXXIX. 32 CATALOGUE. 302 CAMBRIDGE Platform. A Platform of Church- Discipline, 393 304 395 306 397 308 3°9 310 311 312 313 gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in New England. pp. 2, 10, 33, 1. (Two leaves somewhat closely trimmed at the top.) Small 4° full blue crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. Printed by Marmaduke Johnson: Cambridge, 1671 Fine copy of the rare Second (American) edition. This is the Deane copy, which sold for $85.00. See reproduction of title page. CARLETON, Will. Farm Legends. First ed. Illustrations. Square 8° cloth (binding worn). New York, 1876 Signature of the author inserted. CARLETON. City Ballads. First ed. Illustrations. Square 8° cloth. New York, 13886 With a. Z. s. of the author inserted. CARLYLE, Thomas. Collected Works of. 16 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Chapman & Hall: London, 1864 [CarLyLe.] Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship; a novel. From the German of Goethe. By Thomas Carlyle. First ed. 3 vols. small 8° half red morocco, uncut. gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1824 Case, Robert H. English Epithalamies. The Bodley Head Anthologies. 12° half light blue morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1896 CasTELaR, Emilio. Neréu, estudio histérico. (In Span- ish.) Illustrations. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Barcelona, 1891 CATALOGUE of the Library of S. L. M. Barlow. Sold by auction in New York, 1889. Priced inink. Royal 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1889 CATALOGUE of the Library of Thomas W. Field (Indians). Sold by auction in New York, 1875. Priced in ink, 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1875 CATALOGUE of the Library of Frederick W. French. Sold by auction, April, 23-25, 1901, by C. F. Libbie & Co., Boston. Priced in ink. 8° boards, uncut. Boston. Cave, William. Lives of the Most Eminent Fathers of the Church that Flourished in the First Four Centuries. 3 vols. 8° half green morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Oxford, 1840 Cawsin, Madison J. Accolon of Gaul, with other poems. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. Louisville, 1889 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. PLATFORM me (OOF Church-Difcipline Gathercd out of the And Agreed upon By the Elders.and «DM effengers of the Churches Affembled in the SYNOD At Cambridge in NE. To be prefented to the Churches and General Court for their. Confide- ration and Acceptance in the Lord, che 8th Month, 42201649. et ee ee ee ee 7 Pfal. 84.1. How amiable are thy Tabernacl:s, O Lord of. Hofts? Pfal.26.8. Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy honfe, and the place where thine honour dwelleth, . Pfal.27.4. One thing have I defired of the Lord, that I will feek, afters that J may dwell in the houfe of the Lord all the dayes of my life, to be- bold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in hys Temple. : q euiast 4 | Cambridge: Printed by Marmaduke Fohnfon, 167%. a | | ii in uate a ae Oe pee eee te s . 34 CATALOGUE. 314 CASTELL, William. A Short Discoverie of the Coasts and Continent of America. From the Equinoctiall North- ward, and of the adjacent Isles. Whereunto is affixed the Author’s Petition to this present Parliament, for the propagation of the Gospel in America; attested by many eminent English and Scottish Divines. Small 4° boards, calf back. London, Printed in the yeer 1644 A fine copy of an excessively rare book, not in either the Ives or the Barlow collections. There are separate chapters dealing with New England, New Netherland, Virginia, Florida, Cuba, Nova Francia, etc. Of New Netherlands, he says that it “ differeth not much from New England, only I must in these foure things give it the precendency, that the land in generall is richer, the fields more fragrant with flowers, the timber longer, and therefore more fit for building and shipping, the woods fuller of Bevors, and the waters of Salmon and Sturgeon.” See reproduction of title-page. 315 Century Dictionary, an encyclopedic lexicon of the Eng- lish language. Prepared under the superintendence of William D. Whitney. Numerous illustrations. 6 vols. thick 4° half morocco. New York, (1889) 316 Centz, P. C. The Republic of Republics; or, American Federal Liberty. 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. Boston, 1881 317 Cuarrers, William. Marks and Monograms on European and Oriental Pottery and Porcelain, with historical notices of each manufactory, preceded by an introduc- tory essay on the Vasa Fictilia of the Greek, Romano- British and Medieval eras. Seventh ed., revised and considerably augmented with upwards of 3000 potter's marks and illustrations. Thick royal 8° half blue crushed levant morocco, uncut, extra, gilt back and top, by RivizrReE & SON. London, 1886 318 CHaLicr, Mrs. Illustrious Women of France, 1790 to 1873. Portraits. 12° half olive calf, gilt back and top, by Tout. London, 1873 319 CHamBers’s Information for the People. Edited by Wil- liam and Robert Chambers. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8° sheep (binding worn). Phila., (1871) 320 CHAMPLIN, John D., Jr., and Charles C. Perkins. Cyclo- pedia of Painters and Paintings. Photogravure illus- trations on India paper and over 2000 illustrations in the text. 4 vols. 4° half morocco, extra, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1886-87 ONLY 500 copies printed. 321 CHAMPLIN, and W. F. Apthorp. Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians. With more than 1000 illustrations, includ- ing full-page etched portraits and woodcuts. 3 vols. 4° half morocco, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1888 ONLY 550 copies printed. A SHORT DISCOVERIE _ a i ry Th ae a PS Ss he ae ee Te «ore ee 5 ‘ ‘ Of the Coafts and Continent of AMERICA, From the Equinoatiall Northward, and of the adjacent Istes. By William CaStell, Minifter of the Gofpell at Courtenball in Northampton{bire. §Vhereunto is prefixed the Authors Petition ro this pres ~ fent Parliament, for the propagation of the Gofpell in Avserica; atteftedby many eminent Exgli/b and Scots: Divines. Anda late Ordinance of Parliament for that purpofe,and for the better government of the — Engltjb Plaurations there. Together with Sir Bexjamin Rudyers Speech in Parliamenc, 21.742. concerning America, 36 CATALOGUE. 322 CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de. Les Voyages de la Novvelle France Occidentale, dicte Canada, faits par le Sa. de Champlain Xainctongeois, Captaine pour le Roy en la Marine du Ponant, & toutes les Descouuertes qu'il a faites en ce pais depuis l’an 1603, jusques en l'an 1629. Plates. Thick 4° full crimson levant morocco, jansen finish, gilt top, inside borders, by SANFORD. Chez Pierre-Le-Mur dans la grand Salle du Palais: Paris, 1632 Fine copy, containing the “ Traite dela Marine,” “ Doctrine Chre- tienne,” the scarce “ Table de la Carte” and Plinski’s facsimile map mounted on linen. See reproduction of title-page. 323 CHase. Life and Public Services of Salmon P. Chase, United States Senator and Governor of Ohio. By J. W. Shuckers. Steel portrait. 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. New York, 1874 324 CHAucER’s Canterbury Tales. Edited by Alfred W. Pol- lard. 2 vols. 8° half olive green morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Chiswick Press: London, 1886 LARGE Paper: only 50 copies printed, numbered and signed by Charles Whittingham & Co. 325 CHESTERFIELD. Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield; including numerous letters now first published from the original manuscripts. Edited with notes by Lord Mahon. Steel portraits. 4 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1845 Best edition. k. 326 CHEVALIER, Michael. Society, Manners and Politics in the United States; being a series of letters on North America. 8° half morocco, gilt back and top. Boston, 1839 327 CHILD, Francis J. English and Scottish Ballads. 8 vols. 16° cloth. Boston, 1857-59 Presentation copy, with author s inscription. 328 CHISHOLM, Geo. G. Handbook of Commercial Geogra- phy. Maps. 8° half brown morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1889 329 Cuiswick Press. Book of Job, according to the authorized version. Small 4° half vellum, uncut. New York (London), 1903 A ONLY 400 copies printed on hand-made paper, at the Chiswick ress. 330 CHISWICK Press. Religio Medici. By Sir Thomas Browne. Portrait. Small 4° half vellum, uncut. New York (London), 1903 ONLY 500 copies printed on hand-made paper, at the Chiswick Press. EES meoOGelDENTALE, DICTE | Se ANADA ’ re oR 3 FAITS PAR LE S' DE CHAMPLAIN _ Xainétongeois, Capitaine pourle Roy enla Marinedu ‘ Ponant, &toutesles Defcouuertes quia faites en | ce pais depuis!'an 1603. iufquesenl’an 1629. | On fe vort comme ce pays a efté premicrement defcouuert par les Francorss fous Vauthorité de nos Roys tres-Chrestiens, tufques auregne de fa Mayeste a prefent reguante LOVIS XIII. Roy de France c& de Nauarre. Auec vii traitté des qualitez & conditions requilés a vn bon & parfaict Natngateut pour cognor{tre la diuerfité des Eftumes qui fe font en la Nauigauion. Les Marques & enfeygnements que la prouidence de Dieu a mutes. dans les, Meis pour tredrefler les Marimers en leur routte, (ans lefqueilcs is comberoient en de grands dangers, Et la mamere de bien dreffcr Cartes marines auec leurs. Ports, Rades, Ifles, Sondes,-& autre chofe neceflaire i la Naurgation. Exfemble une Carte generalle dela defcription dudst pays faite en fow Mersdten felon _— badectinasfonde la guide Aymant,c& unC ateshi{me ow Inftru tion tradusite du Frango:s an langage des peuples Sauuages dequelque contrée, anec ce guts eft pape enladite Nounelle France enlaunee 1631, _ A MONSEIGNEVR LE CARDINAL DVC DE RICHELIEV. OR A PARTS. Chez Prernre Le-Mvr, dans la gtand’ Salle du Palais. Mo DC. AXA XL L Ane? Prowilege dw Roy, 38 33! 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 CATALOGUE. Cuiswick Press. The Conduct of Life. Nine essays by R. W. Emerson. Square 8° half vellum, uncut. New York (London), 1903 ONLY 350 copies printed. Cuoate, Rufus. Addresses and Orations of. 12° half calf, gilt back. Boston, 1883 CHoate. Life of. By Samuel G. Brown. Portrait. 12° half morocco. Boston, 1870 CispER, Colley. Love’s Last Shift; or, the fool in fashion, a comedy. First ed. Small 4° stitched. London, 1695 Ciczro, Marcus T. Political Works of. Translated from the original, with dissertations and notes, by Francis Barham. 2 vols. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1841 Crvit War. Massachusetts Register, 1862; containing a very complete account of the Massachusetts Volunteers (sketches of regiments and list of officers and privates). 8° half morocco. Boston, 1862 Civit War. Comptroller’s Report, embracing a detailed statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the City of New Orleans, Jan. 1, 1862 to June 30, 1862, also a list of outstanding warrants on the Treasurer. 8° roan. New Orleans, 1862 Civit War. General Orders, Headquarters of Dept. of the Gulf, March 20, 1862 to Dec. 16, 1862, Nos. 1 to 107, Maj.-Gen. B. F. Butler, commanding. 8° half roan. New Orleans. Civi, War. Report on the Conduct of the War. 8 vols. 8° cloth. Washington, 1863-66 CLark, Hugh. Introduction to Heraldry; with nearly 1000 illustrations; including the arms of about 500 different families. Eighteenth ed., revised by J. R. Planché. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RivizrRE & Son. London, 1890 CLarke, James F. Sermon on the Principles and Methods of the Church of the Disciples, Dec. 7, 1845. 8° half rough calf. Boston, 1846 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. CLay, Henry. Life, Correspondence and Speeches of. By Calvin Colton. Portraits and plates. -6 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. : New York and Boston, 1846-57 Cay. Life and Speeches of. By Daniel Mallory. Por- trait and engraved title-pages. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1843 a, a ee ae Le ee oT Oe me ee ee ae ae er CATALOGUE. 39 344 Cuay. Obituary Addresses on the Occasion of the Death of. Portrait of Clay, also portrait of William H. Seward inserted. 8° cloth. Washington, 1852 Presentation copy, with inscription by W. H. Seward. 345 CLEMENS, S. L. The Innocents Abroad. INustrations. Firsted. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1869 An unusually fine, clean copy. 346 CLEMENS. Screamers. Firsted. 12° pictorial wrapper. London, (1871) 347 [CLemens.] Mark Twain’s Sketches, new and old. Now first published in complete form. Illustrations. Small 4° cloth. Hartford, 1875 348 CLEMENS, Punch, Brothers, Punch! and other sketches. Firsted. 16° original cloth. New York, (1878) Fine copy. 349 CLEMENS. A Tramp Abroad. Portrait and illustrations. First ed. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1880 Fine copy. 350 CLEMENS. The Stolen White Elephant. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1882 ie Fine copy. 351 Ciemens. Life on the Mississippi. By ‘*‘ Mark Twain.” Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1883 352 CLEMENS. New Guide to the Conversation in Portuguese and English. Firsted. 12° folded sheets, uncut. Boston, 1883 353 CLEMENS. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. Illustrations. Firsted. 8° cloth. New York, 1889 Fine copy. 354 CLemens. Merry Tales. Firsted. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 355 [CLemens.] The American Claimant. First ed. Illustra- tions. 8° cloth. New York, 1892 356 CLEMENT, Clara E. Handbook of Christian Symbols and Stories of the Saints. 12° cloth. Boston, n. d. 357 CLEMENT, Clara E., and Laurence Hutton. Artists of the Nineteenth Century and their Works. Handbooks con- taining 2050sketches. Third ed., revised. 2 vols. in one. 12° half light calf, gilt. Boston, 1885 358 Cuius of Odd Volumes. Saint-Amand. The Women of the Court of Louis XV. Translated from the French of Imbert de Saint-Amand. Two photogravure portraits, one beautifully printed in colors, and a duplicate in black, the other in duplicate, printed in black and bistre. Small 4° boards, uncut. Boston, 1892 ONLY 150 copies printed on Holland hand-made paper. 40 CATALOGUE. 359 Cus of Odd Volumes. Saint-Amand. The Last Years of Louis XV. Translated from the French of Imbert de Saint-Amand. Two photogravure portraits, one printed ‘n colors and in bistre, the other in duplicate, black and bistre. Small 4° boards, uncut. Boston, 1893 ONLY 150 copies printed on Holland hand-made paper. 360 Cius of Odd Volumes. Early American Poetry. No. I. New England’s Crisis. By Benjamin Thompson. With an introduction, ‘‘ Early Poetry of the Provinces, now parts of the United States,” by J. F. Hunnewell. Small 4° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1894 ONLy 100 copies printed on hand-made paper. 361 Crus of Odd Volumes. Early American Poetry. No. II. England, or a briefe enarration of the Ayre, Earth, Wa- ter, Fish and Fowles of that country, with a description of the natures, orders, habits and religion of the natives, in Latine and English Verse, London, 1625. (By Rev. Wm. Morrell.) With introduction by J. F. Hunnewell. Facsimile title. Small 4° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1859 ONLY 100 copies printed on hand-made paper. 362 CLus of Odd Volumes. Early American Poetry. No. Ill. A Poem and an Elegy. By Cotton Mather (Boston, 1682 and 1685). Preface by J. F. Hunnewell, and fac- simile title-pages. Small 4° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1896 ONLY 100 copies printed on hand-made paper. 363 CLuB of Odd Volumes. Early American Poetry. No. IV. Elegies and Epitaphs, 1677-1717. Small 4° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1896 ONLY 100 copies printed on hand-made paper. ConTAINS: Elegie on the Reverend Thomas Shepard, 1677, by the Rev. Urian Oakes, and Three Elegies, by the Rev. Cotton Mather, on Rev. John Wilson, 1695; on Seven Young Ministers, 1705; on Ezekiel Cheever, 1708; on Hon. Wait Winthrop, 1717. 364 Cius of Odd Volumes. Early American Poetry. No. V. The Poems of Roger Wolcott, Esq., 1725; Small 4° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1898 ONLY I10 copies printed on hand-made paper. With facsimile title; the first book of Poetry printed in Connecticut. 365 Cius of Odd Volumes. Littlefield, George Emery. Early Boston Booksellers, 1642-1711. With 15 illustrations, including facsimile title-pages of the Bay Psalm Book, Eliot’s Indian Bible, Cromwell's Souldiers’ Pocket Bible, etc. 8° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1900 ONLY 150 copies printed. This work by the well-known bookseller on Cornhill, Boston, was eagerly sought for by collectors and quickly commanded a premium. The French copy brought $51, and in the Pierce sale brought $52.50. } CATALOGUE. AI 366 Cius of Odd Volumes. Allen, Charles Dexter. A Talk on Book-Plates, a paper read at a meeting of the Club. Small 4° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1gor ONLY 52 copies printed for members. 367 Crus of Odd Volumes. Hunnewell, James F. Triumphs | of Early Printing, a paper read at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 26, 1901, by the President. Small 4° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1902 ONLY 52 copies printed for members. 368 CLus of Odd Volumes. Ex-Libris, ‘‘The Club of Odd Volumes, founded 1887.” Engraved by E. D. French, 1895. Proof on Japanese Vellum, in narrow gold frame. ONLY 100 proofs printed for members, signed by engraver. 368*CLuB of Odd Volumes. Portrait of Francis Bernard, Governor of Massachusetts, 1760-69. From an original in the possession of his descendants in England. En- graved by John A. J. Wilcox for the Club of Odd Vol- umes. 4° in narrow black frame. ONLY 151 copies printed and plate defaced. Proof on India Paper. 369 CLus of Odd Volumes. First Annual Exhibition, March 12-15, 1889. 8° original wrapper. Boston, 1889 ONLY I00 copies on large paper. 370 CLuB of Odd Volumes. Tenth Anniversary Exhibition at Boston Art Club, Feb. 17-24, 1897. With photogravure portrait of Washington, view of Boston in 1744 and, Club Ex-Libris. Narrow 8° half morocco, uncut. Boston, 1897 JAPANESE VELLUM Copy: only 50 copies so printed, together with the regular edition bound with it. 371 CLus of Odd Volumes. Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Book-Plates and Super-Libros held by the Club of Odd Volumes at the Museum of Fine Arts, April 25 to June 5, 1898, Illustrated with reproductions of rare old American book-plates. 8° half roan, uncut, covers bound in. Boston, 1898 EDITION DE LUXE: only 61 copies printed on Japanese Vellum. 372 CLuB of Odd Volumes. Catalogue of the Library of Frederick W. French. Plates. Priced in ink and with printed prices. 8° paper, uncut, enclosed in tin slip case. Boston, 1gor SPECIAL EDITION of 51 copies for members of the Club of Odd Volumes, with signed proof of book-plate, by E. H. Garrett. 373 CopBeTT. Selections from Cobbett’s Poetical Works. With notes, historical and explanatliory. By John M. and James P. Cobbett. Vols. 1 to 6. 6 vols, 8° half light calf, gilt backs. | London. 42 CATALOGUE. 374 CoBDEN, Richard. Political Writings of. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1867 375 COBDEN. Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Edited by John Bright and J. E. T. Rogers. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° tree calf (bindings rubbed). London, 1870 376 Coppen. Life of. By John Morley. Etched portrait by Thomas Riley. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1881 377 COBDEN. Sanderson, T. J. Ecce Mundus, Industrial Ideals and the Book Beautiful. 8° boards, uncut. Hammersmith, 1902 378 Copman, John. Arnold’s Expedition to Quebec. Portraits and plates. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1901 379 CorFin, Charles_C. Building the Nation; events in the history of the United States, from the Revolution to the beginning of the war between the States. Maps, por- traits and illustrations. Square 8° cloth. New York, 1883 380 COLERIDGE, Samuel T. Collected Writings of. 34 vols. 8° and 12° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. W. Pickering, Moxon, etc.: London. ComPRISES: Poetical and Dramatic Works, 3 vols., 1844; — The Friend, 3 vols., 1850; — Aids to Reflection, 2 vols., 1843; — Bio- graphia Literaria, 3 vols., 1847 ; — Notes and Lectures on Shake- speare, 2 vols., 1849 ; — Essays on His Own Times, 3 vols., 1850; — Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, 1849 ; — Church and State, 1839; — Notes, Theological, Political and Miscellaneous, 1853; — Notes on English Divines, 2 vols., 1853; — Table Talk, portrait, 1852;— Osorio, 1873; — Letters of, 2 vols., 1836; — Early Recollections of, by Joseph Cottle, portrait, 2 vols.; — Encyclopedia Metropolitana, 1849; —Letters, 1864; — Theory of Life, 1848 ; — Literary Remains of, ed. by H. N. Coleridge, 4 vols., 1836. 381 CoLERIDGE. Poetical Works of. Edited with introduc- tion and notes by T. Ashe. Steel portrait and plate. 2 vols, 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1885 Aldine edition. 382 CoLeripcE. Bibliography of Coleridge; a bibliographical list in chronological order of the published and pri- vately printed writings in prose and verse of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. By R. H. Shepherd. Revised and enlarged by Col. W. F. Prideaux. 12° paper, uncut. ‘London, 1900 383 CoLreripGE. Lectures on Shakespeare and other Drama- tists. 8° cloth. New York, 1884 384 CoLeswortTuy, D. C. Group of Children and other poems. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1865 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. CATALOGUE. 43 385 Coxuins, Mortimer. Pen Sketches, by a Vanished Hand. Edited by Tom Taylor. Portrait. Firsted. 2 vols. small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1879 386 CoLiins. Thoughts in My Garden. Edited by Edmund Yates. Firsted. 2 vols. small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1880 387 Couns. Selections from the Poetical Works of. By F. Percy Cotton. First edition. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1886 388 CoL_quuHoun, Archibald R. Across Chrysé; being the nar- rative of a journey of exploration through the South China Border Lands, from Canton to Mandalay. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, under gilt backs and tops. London, 1883 389 Commines. Memoirs of Philip De Commines, Lord of Argenton; to which is added the Scandalous Chronicle, or secret history of Louis XI, by Jean de Troyes. Edited, with notes, by A. R. Scoble. Portraits. 2 vols. 12° half crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops. Bohn: London, 1886 390 Concress. Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the first meeting thereof to the dis- solution of the Confederation (1775-78). 4 vols. 8° half calf. Boston, 1821 391 Concress. Journals of the American Congress, from 1774 to 1788. 4 vols. 8° half calf. Washington, 1823 392 Connecticut. Public Records of the Colony of Connec- ticut (1636 to 1665 only). With occasional notes by J. H. Trumbull. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1850 393 CONNOLLY, Daniel. Household Library of Ireland’s Poets. With full and choice selections from the Irish-American Poets, and a complete department of authentic bio- graphical notes. Steel portraits. Royal 8° cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1887 394 ConstiTuTiIons of the Several States of the Union and the United States. Woodcut engravings. 8° cloth. New York, 1853 395 [Conway, M. D.] The Rejected Stone; or, Insurrection vs. Resurrection in America. Seconded. 12° cloth. | Boston, 1862 From the library of H. W. Longfellow, with presentation slip in- serted, “ H. W. Longfellow, with the kind regards of the author.” 396 ConyncHAM. Speeches at the Bar and in the Senate by Wm. Conyngham, Lord Plunket, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland. Edited by J. C. Hoey. Small 8° half brown morocco, gilt back and top. Dublin, 1867 44 CATALOGUE. 397 Coox’s Voyages of Discovery. Edited by John Barrow. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt top, by RivizreE & SON. Edinburgh, 1879 398 Cooper, J. F. Complete Novels of. Illustrated with steel plates and wood engravings from drawings by F. O. C. Darley. First issues. 32 vols. 12° cloth. W. A. Townsend & Co.: New York, 1860-61 A fine, clean set of the original Townsend edition in the original bindings. Sets are becoming more valuable every year as so many sets have been rebound. Usually priced by dealers at $100.00. 399 Cooper. Leather Stocking Tales. 6 vols. bound in 3 vols. 12° cloth. J. B. Millar & Co.: New York, 1884 400 [Cooper, Susan F.] Rural Hours. First ed. 12° cloth. New York, 1850 With autograph of Bishop “ A. C. Coxe,” on title-page. 4o1 Cooper, T. V., and Fenton, H. T. American Politics (Non-Partisan), from the beginning to date. Thick 8° half morocco. Boston, 1883 Bound without the portraits. 402 COPELAND & Day Imprint. Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading, by Charles Lamb, 1894; — Nine Sonnets, by L. I. Guiney, 1895; — The Rose of Hope, by Alice Brown, 1896;—A Prelude, by F, Sherman, 1897; — The Sermon to the Birds, etc., by Miss Guiney, 1898; __ The Deserted City, by F. Sherman, 1899. 6 vols. 16° wrappers, uncut. Complete set of the issues of Copeland & Day, of which a few copies were “ privately printed for them and their friends.” 403 CoprLanp & Day Imprint. The House of Life, by D. G. Rossetti; being now first time given in its full text. Initials and decorations by B. G. Goodhue. Square 8° original boards, unopened. Boston, 1894 ONLY 500 copies printed. _ 404 COPELAND & Day Imprint. Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Square _ 12° original boards, uncut. Boston, 1897 ONLY 50 copies printed on hand-made paper, with rubricated initials designed by B. G. Goodhue. Fine, unused copy. 405 CORNET, Julius. Manual of Russian and English Con- versation. 16° cloth. Leipzig, 1857 With autograph of “ Bayard Taylor, 1862,” in pencil, on title. 406 Corron, John. The Way of the Churches of Christ in New England. pp. 116, 4. Small 4° half roan. London, 1645 “This book furnished to the present writer the clew to the fact that John Winthrop was the author of the principal part of the con- — tents of Weld’s Short Story. .. .” — Charles Deane’s Chapter of Narrative and Critical [istory. 407 408 409 410 412 413 414 415, 416 CATALOGUE. 45 Cotton. The Bloudy Tenant, Washed, And made white in the bloud of the Lamb: . . . whereunto is added a Reply to Mr. Williams’ Answer to Mr. Cotton’s Letter. pp. (2), 195 (1), 144. Small 4° full crimson morocco. Matthew Symmons, for Hannah Allen: London, 1647 The Charles Deane copy, newly bound. For reasons of Roger Williams’s banishment from Massachusetts Bay Colony, as stated by Mr. Cotton, see pp. 24 to 30 of Cotton’s Reply to Williams at the end of this treatise. Cougs, Elliott. Key to North American Birds; with which are incorporated General Ornithology and Field Ornithology. Third ed. Colored plate and numerous woodcuts. 8° limp morocco. Boston, 1887 CowPEeR, Wm. Poems. With a biographical and critical introduction by Thomas Dale. 75 illustrations designed by Gilbert. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1841 Cox. Memoir of the Life of David Cox, Member of the Society of Painters in Water Colors, with selections from his correspondence and some account of his works. By N. Neal Solly. Illustrated with numerous photo- graphs from drawings by the artist’s own hand. Royal 8° cloth (torn). London, 1873 Cox, Samuel S. Eight Years in Congress, from 1857-65, memoir and speeches. Portrait. 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. New York, 1865 Cox. Union— Disunion — Reunion. Three Decades of Federal Legislation. Illustrated with 36 portraits. Thick 8° sheep. Providence, 1885 CoxeE, William. History of the House of Austria, from the foundation of the monarchy by Rhodolph of Haps- burgh, to the death of Leopold the Second, 1218 to 1792. Steel portraits. 4 vols. 12° half light calf, un- cut, gilt backs and tops, by RIVIERE & Son. Bohn: London, 1889 Cozzens, F. S. The Sayings of Dr. Bushwacker, and other Learned Men. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1867 With a. /. s. of the author inserted. Cramp, J. M. Text-Book of Popery; comprising a brief history of the Council of Trent and a complete view of Roman Catholic theology. 8° half crimson morocco, uncut. London, 1851 Creasy, Sir Edward. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. 12° cloth, uncut. / London, 1887 46 CATALOGUE. 417 CREUXxIUS, Franciscus. Historia Canadensis, sev Nove- Francie. Libri decem, ad annum vsque, Christi MDCLVI. Auctore P. Francisco Crevxio, @ Societate Jesu. Thick 4° full green crushed levant morocco, €X- tra, gilt edges by CHAMBOLLE-DuRu. Parisiis, apud Se- bastianum Cramoisy, et Sebast.: Mabre-Cramoisy, 1664 A fine copy, with the folding map and 13 plates including a fine impression of the large folding plate at p. 481, representing the martyrdom of Fathers Brébeuf, Joques and others in Canada, which is often wanting. It gives a vivid account of the sufferings and for- titude of the Jesuit Priests, which have been so graphically described by Parkman. Priced by Quaritch at £22, Maisonneuve at 500 francs, and on New York catalogue at $125, Brinley copy $60, Hart copy, $72, Pratt copy brought $70, Ives copy, #80, Sale at Henkels, 1891 , $105. See reproduction of title-page. 418 CROKER Papers; Correspondence and Diaries of John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty, 1809-309. Edited by Louis J. Jennings. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1884 419 CROMWELL, Oliver. Life of. By F. Guizot. Portrait. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RIVIERE & SON. London, 1887 420 CRUIKSHANK, George. Works of. Classified and arranged: with references to Reid’s Catalogue and their approxi- mate values. By Capt. R. J. H. Douglas. Frontis- piece. 4° cloth. London, 1903 ONLY 1000 copies printed. 421 CRUIKSHANK. Burford Cottage and its Robin-Red-Breast. First ed. Engravings by Cruikshank. 16° cloth (small portion of title-page cut). London, 1835 422 CRUIKSHANK. i.ympsfield and its Environs, etc. First ed. Illustrations by G. Cruikshank. 8° cloth. Westerham, 1838 423 CRUIKSHANK. Comic Almanacs, 1835-1853. First eds. Numerous engravings and etchings by Cruikshank. Bound in 5 vols. small 8° roxburghe style, uncut. London, 1835-53 Fine copy of both series (19 vols.) ; the smaller sized issues stilted to uniform size. Original contributions by Thackeray, A’Beckett, the brothers Mayhew, etc. 424 CRUIKSHANK. Comic Almanacs (1835-53) the reprint. 2 vols. 12° half light calf, gilt backs. — London. : 425 CRUIKSHANK. Punch and Judy. With 24 illustrations designed and engraved by George Cruikshank, accom- panied by the dialogue of the Puppet-Show, and an account of its origin and of puppet-plays in England. 24 colored plates. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by Rivizre & Son. London, 1881 ISTORIZE _ CANADENSIS. | | SEV LIBRI DECEM. Ad Annum vfque Chrifti MAD CLVI. Audore P. Francisco Crevxio,é Societate Igsy. UF — = jicsasciAliNNL LU > a Te. ——= e wad a, Peer] he ah | PARISIIS, Bir on ne ee a Sl le cl ad ee Le ee ene ey eo a + a li ite: M. DG LXIV. CVM PRIVILEGIO REGIS. ee A Te ee ie ee ee ee ee ee Re eee ee re ee aye ay Pe Cee ae aia Nae 7 : es 48 CATALOGUE. 426 CRUIKSHANK. Three Courses and a Dessert. 50 illustra- tions by George Cruikshank. 12° half light calf, gilt, uncut, gilt top, by KivizrE & SON. London, 18838 427 CUNNINGHAM, Peter. Story of Nell Gwyn and the Sayings of Charles the Second. Related and collected by Peter Cunningham. New ed., extended to 3 volumes with reprinted title-pages of the first edition. 3 vols. imperial 8° full light blue crushed levant morocco, extra, full gilt backs and corners, with roses inlaid in red, wide inside gold borders, and doublé of a cedar veneer, leather joints, uncut, gilt tops, by S. KAUFMANN. London, 1852 Extra Illustrated and extended from one volume to three volumes by the insertion of 210 fine portraits and plates, including fine mezzo- tint of Joseph Harris, engraved by Dawe; mezzotint portraits of Katharine, Queen Dowager; Anna, Queen of Scotland, and George, Prince of Denmark, by I. Smith ; Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans, mezzotint, by C. Turner; Titus Oates, by F. Bartolozzi; Isabella, Duchess of Grafton, mezzotint by R. Dunkarton ; Duchess of Maza- rin, mezzotint by A. De Blois, after Sir Peter Lely ; Duke of Grafton, Countess of Sandwich and Earl of Rochester, mezzotints by R. Dun- karton; also 6 different portraits of Nell Gwynn; 25 India proofs; a series of etched portraits; also a series of the fine stipple portraits by E. and S. Harding, ete. 428 CuRRAN and his Contemporaries. By Charles Phillips. Steel portrait. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. . Edinburgh, 1851 429 Curran, John Philpot. Speeches of. Edited, with me- moir and historical notices, by Thomas Davis. Portrait. 8° half morocco. London, 1847 430 Curtis, George T. Constitutional History of the United States. Vol. Lonly. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1889 431 Curtis, George W. Trumps, a novel. First ed. Illus- trations by Augustus Hoppin. 12° cloth. New York, 1861 With 3 pp. a. /. s. of the author to Mr. Winter, laid in. 432 CURWEN, Henry. History of Booksellers, the old and the new. Portraits and illustrations. 12° cloth. . London, (1873) 433 CYCLopzpIA of Political Science, Political Economy and of the Political History of the United States. Edited by:J. J. Lalor. 3 vols. thick royal 8° half morocco. New York, 1888 434 1 aks R. H. Poems and Prose Writings. First ed 2 vols. small 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1850 Fine copy. 435 Dana. Richard Henry Dana, a biography. By C. F. Adams. Portrait. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1891 i “i ta el a CATALOGUE. 49 436 Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. Oration at Lexington, April 19, 1875. Firsted. Royal 8° half rough calf, original wrappers bound in. Boston, 1875 Presentation copy: “ F. B. Upham, M. D., with the best wishes of his friend, R. H. Dana, Jr.” 437 D’Arct, A. P. C. Histoire Critique et Littéraire des Théatres de Paris. 8° boards, uncut. Paris, 1824 438 Darwin, Charles. Works of. 13 vols. small 8° half brown crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RIVIERE & Son. London. ComPRISES: Animals and Plants; — Natural History and Geol- ogy; — Cross and Self-Fertilisation ; — Climbing Plants; — Expres- sion of the Emotions ;— Descent of Man ; — Insectivorous Plants; — Different Forms of Flowers; — Formation of Vegetable Mould; Origin of Species. 439 Daupbet, Alphonse. Port Tarascon, dernitres adventures de l’illustre Tartarin. Dessins de Bieler, Conconi, Mon- tégut, Montenard, Myrbach et Rossi. Royal 8° half crimson crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1890 440 Davies, Edward. Celtic Researches on the Origin, Tra- dition and Language of the Ancient Britons; with some introductory sketches on primitive society. 8° half calf. London, 1804 441 Davis, Jefferson. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Gov- ernment. Maps and steel portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1881 442 Davis, R. Recollection of Mississippi and Mississippians. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1890 443 Davy, Sir Humphrey. Consolations in Travel. Frontis- piece. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RIVIERE & Son. London, 1869 444 Dawson, Henry B. Battles of the United States by Sea and Land. Numerous steel plates, from original paint- ings by Alonzo Chappel. 2 vols. 4° morocco, gilt edges. New York, (1858) 445 [Day, John.] The Ile of Gulls, as it has been often acted in the Black Fryers, by the Children of the Revels. Small 4° calf, coat-of-arms on side. Printed for W. Sheares: London, 1633 446 Days of Auld Lang Syne, by Ian Maclaren; —On the Wing of Occasions, by Joel Chandler Harris. 2 vols. r2° cloth. 447 De Amicis, Edmondo. Constantinople. Translated by Caroline Tilton. Square 8° half crimson morocco, gilt back and top. New York (London), 1888 5° 448 449 450 45% 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 CATALOGUE. De CoLance, L. American Encyclopedia of Commerce, Manufactures, Commercial Law and Finance. 600 il- lustrations. 2 vols. imperial 8° half morocco. Boston, 1881 Drpuam, Mass. History of the Clapboard Trees; or, Third Parish, Dedham, 1736-1886. By G. W. Cooke. Illustrations. 8° cloth. _ Boston, 1887 De Hass, F. S. Buried Cities Recovered; or, explora- tions in Bible Lands. Portraits, maps and illustrations. — 8° cloth. Phila., 1885 De Macuy, Marquis. Science des Armoires. Numerous beautiful full-page illustrations of coats-of-arms in gold and colors. 2 vols. 4° vellum extra. — Paris, 1856 Demin, Auguste. Illustrated History of Arms and Ar- mour. With nearly 2000 illustrations. 12° half light calf, gilt back and top, by Rivizre & Son. Bohn: London, 1877 Demotins, Edmond. Anglo-Saxon Superiority: to what itis due. 12° cloth. . New York, 1898 DEMOSTHENES. Political Eloquence in Greece: Demos- thenes, with extracts from his orations. By L. Brédif. Translated by M. J. MacMahon. Portrait. 8° half morocco, gilt back and top. Chicago, 1881 De Musser, Alfred. CEuvres Completes. Edition ornée de 28 gravures d’aprés les dessins de M. Bida. 11 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs. Paris, 1866 ComPRISES: Poésies, 2 vols.; — Comédies, 3 vols.; — Nouvelles et Contes, 2 vols.;— Confession d’une Enfant du Siecle, 1 vol.; — Mélanges de Littérature, 1 vol, — CEuvres Posthumes, 1 vol.; — Biographie, par Paul De Musset, 1 vol. DENMAN, James L.. The Vine and its Fruit, more espe- cially in relation to the production of wine; embracing an historical and descriptive account of the grape. Maps. 8° half crimson polished calf, extra, gilt back and edges, by Tour. London, 1875 Depew, Chauncey M. Orations and After-Dinner Speeches. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1890 DETAILLE, Edouard. L’Armée Frangais, Types et Uni- formes. ‘Texte par Jules Richard. With 48 finely col- ored full-page photogravures and etchings and numerous photogravures in the text. 12 sections folio paper in portfolios. Boussod, Valadon et Cie: Paris, 1895 Limited edition. De TocgueviLte, Alexis. Democracy in America. Trans- lated by Henry Reeve. New ed., with additional notes. 2 vols. 8° cloth. London, 1836 CATALOGUE. 51 460 De Vicny, Alfred. Cinq-Mars; or, a conspiracy under Louis XIII. Translated by William Hazlitt. Portrait and drawings by A. Dawant, etched by Gaujean. 2 vols. royal 8° white cloth, uncut. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1889 SPECIAL EDITION: only 200 copies printed on hand-made paper, with plates on Japan paper. 461 Dewey, Melvil. Condensed Accession Book, the official record of each volume added to the library (blank). 4° half morocco. Library Bureau: Boston, 1888 462 Dispin, Thomas Frognall. Bibliomania; or Book Mad- ness, a bibliographical romance. New and improved ed., to which is added Preliminary Observations and a Sup- plement, including a Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. Portrait and wood engravings. Imperial 8° half green crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, full gilt back, gilt top, by Rivizre & Son. London, 1876 463 Dicey, A. V. Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1889 464 Dickens, Charles. Complete Works of. The Illustrated Household Edition, containing all the illustrations (over 550) that have appeared in the English editions by Cruikshank, H. K. Browne (Phiz), Seymour, Marcus Stone, John Leech, Maclise, etc., to which are added the famous designs by F. O. C. Darley and John Gil- bert, all India proofs, and in the case of the English designs before being lettered. The series is accompan- ied by a complete alphabetical index of all the charac- ters in the novels, with an analysis of their appearances and a collection of familiar sayings found in Mr. Dickens’s writings. 55 vols. 8° original red cloth, un- cut, paper labels. Printed at Riverside Press: Cambridge, 1869 LARGE PAPER: only 100 copies printed for subscribers, Considered as the best edition of Dickens's Works printed, of convenient size and make-up and the usual typographical excellence for which the Riverside Press is noted. Although there purports to have been 100 sets printed, the publishers state only 50 were done. The Balcom set brought $159.50. 465 Dickens. Complete Works of. With illustrations by John Leech, H. K. Browne, etc. 30 vols. 12° half morocco. Ticknor | & Fields: Boston, (Chapman & Hall: London), 1867 466 Dickens, A Christmas Carol in prose and verse; being a ghost story of Christmas. Illustrated by I. M. Gau- gengigl and T. V. Chominski. Portrait and 24 Japan proof engravings. Folio, half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1887 JAPAN PAPER EDITION: only 100 copies printed. 52 CATALOGUE. 467 Dickens. Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. 43 illustrations by R. Seymour and Phiz. Firsted. 8° full morocco, extra, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, uncut edges, gilt top. Chapman & Hall: London, 1837 Fine, uncut copy of the scarce first edition, with all the original advertisements and covers bound in. Good impressions of the plates, including the two original “‘ Buss ” plates. With addresses to Parts X and XV. 468 Dickens. Oliver Twist; or, the Parish Boy’s Progress. By ‘‘ Boz.” Plates by George Cruikshank. Firsted. 3 vols. small 8° original cloth, uncut. London, 1838 With both the last plates, “The Fireside ” plate and “ Rose Maylie and Oliver.” 469 Dickens. Master Humphrey’s Clock, by Charles Dickens. Illustrations by George Cattermole and Hablot K. Browne. First edition. 3 vols. royal 8° three-quarters orange levant morocco, extra, gilt tops, uncut. Chapman & Hall: London, 1840-41 Bound from the 88 original wees/y parts, with all the white wrap- pers, ads and addresses bound in, and extra illustrated with a set of 72 of T. Sibson full-page plates. A fine, clean copy. 470 Dickens. Master Humphrey’s Clock. Illustrations by George Cattermole and H. K. Browne. Firsted. 3 vols. royal 8° three-quarters crimson morocco, uncut, gilt tops. . London, 1840-41 Bound from the 20 original monthly parts, with all the green wrappers, ads and addresses. Extra illustrated with a series of 27 water colors on Whatman paper, by “ Kyd,” and 8 steel plates by Phiz in the original wrappers. 471 Dickens. American Notes for General Circulation. First ed. 2 vols. 12° half morocco, extra, gilt tops. Original cloth covers bound in. Chapman & Hall: London, 1842 472 Dickens. Dombey and Son. Firsted. 40 illustrations by H. K. Browne. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, extra, gilt top, with all the original covers and ‘‘ads’ bound in. Bradbury & Evans: London, 1847-48 Extra Illustrated with a set of 18 water-color drawings on What- man paper, by “ Kyd,” and 12 plates by Phiz, and with.extra printed title-page for Vol. 2. 473 Dickens. The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain. Illustrated by Leech and Tenniel. Firsted. 12° full red calf, gilt, uncut, with original yellow wrappers and advertisements bound in. London, 1848 Probably unique copy, both titles with imprint of Bradbury & Evans, but the yellow wrapper has imprint of Chapman & Hall. Most copies have gilded edges and issued in red cloth, but this copy is 3-16 of an inch wider than gilded copies and bound in yellow wrapper. 474 Dickens. Christmas Numbers of ‘‘ Household Words.” g parts 8° stitched, uncut, in slip case. London, 1850-58 First editions as issued, fine copies, 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 CATALOGUE. 53 Dickens. A Child’s History of England. Firsted. Fron- tispiece by T. W. Topham. 3 vols. square 16° half morocco, extra, gilt tops. Bradbury & Evans; London, 1852-54 Dickens. Bleak House. Firsted. With 40 plates by H. K. Browne. Bound in 2 vols. 8° half crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt tops by SANFORD. London, 1853 Fine, uncut copy, with all the original covers and ads bound in, with extra printed title in Vol. 2. Dickens. Hard Times for these Times. First ed. Small 8° half morocco, extra, gilt top, covers bound in. Bradbury & Evans: London, 1854 ees Illustrated with 9 water colors on Whatman paper, by 66 yd.” Dickens. Little Dorritt. With 40 illustrations by H. K. Browne. Firsted. 2 vols. 8° half brown morocco, un- cut, gilt tops, with all the original wrappers and “ads” bound in. Bradbury & Evans: London, 1857 Fine, uncut copy, bound from the original parts. With all the plates, including the “dark ” plates in early states. Dickens. The Story of Little Dombey. Firsted. Small 8° half green morocco, uncut, gilt top, with the origi- nal covers bound in. | London, 1858 Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities. Firsted. 16 illustra- tions by H. K. Browne. 8° full green calf, gilt edges- with original covers and ‘‘ ads.” bound in. | Chapman & Hall: London, 1859 Dickens. Christmas Numbers of ‘‘ All the Year Round.” g parts 8° stitched, in cloth slip case. London, 1859-67 First editions as issued, 5 of the parts with blue wrappers, the balance were issued without wrapper. Dickens. Our Mutual Friend. First ed. 20 illustrations by Marcus Stone. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, extra, gilt tops, with all the original covers and ‘‘ ads.” bound in. | Chapman & Hall: London, 1865 Bound up from the original numbers. Extra Illustrated with a series of 15 water-colors on Whatman paper, by “ Kyd.” Dickens. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Firsted. 12 illustrations by S. L. Fields, and a portrait. 8° half morocco, extra, uncut edges, gilt top, with the original wrappers and all the advertisements bound in. Chapman & Hall: London, 1870 Dickens. Is She His Wife? Firsted. 32° cloth. _ Boston, 1877 A reprint of the private edition of 1837, of which no copy is known to exist. This is the only edition printed separately, 54 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 CATALOGUE. Dickens. Mr. Nightingale’s Diary. 32° cloth. Boston, 1877 Only one copy known of the edition of 1851. This is the only separate edition. Dickens, ‘The Gad’s Hill Gazette. Written and printed by Charles Dickens, Aug. 5; 1865. pp. 4. Small 8° wrapper, uncut. London, 1895 ONLY 20 copies reprinted from the unique original in the posses sion of S. Causley. Dickens. Poems and Verses of Charles Dickens, collected and edited with bibliographical notes, by F. G. Kitton. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1903 Dickens. Personal History of David Copperfield. Por- trait and illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut (binding soiled). London, n. d. Dickens, Charles Dickens, a Gossip about his Life, Works and Characters. With 18 full-page character sketches (reproduced in photogravure) by Frederick Barnard and other well-known artists. By Thomas Archer. Text, folio, full red morocco, gilt edges. Sold as one lot. Dickens Sketch Society: London. EDITION RoYALE: Limited to ro copies. This No. 1. With the 18 full-page photogravures, proofs on India paper, with heavy mats, enclosed in purple velvet case with lock and key. Dickens. Infelicia. By Adah Isaacs Menken. With fac- simile letter of Dickens. Portrait. First ed. 18° cloth. London, 1868 Some of the poems included in “ Infelicia ” are said to have been supplied by Swinburne and others of Miss Menken’s literary friends. Dickens. The Fireside Dickens; a cyclopedia of the best thoughts of Charles Dickens. By F. G. De Fontaine. Portrait and illustrations. Royal 8° cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1883 Dickens Dictionary, a Key to the characters and principal incidents in the tales of Charles Dickens. By G. A. Pierce, with additions by W. A. Wheeler. First ed. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1878 Dickens, a. JZ. s. « page 8°, ‘‘Gad’s Hill Place, Sat. 15th Aug., 1857,” to John C. Deane, in regard to rehearsals of the orchestra. Dickens. Heads of the English, or sketches of character and countenance. 24 full-page engravings (illustrative of “ Nicholas Nickleby ”) by Kenny Meadows. First ed. 8° unbound. (London, 1839) Dickens. Series of 21 finely colored etchings by F. W. Pailthorpe, to illustrate the first edition of * Great Ex- pectations.” With index and in portfolio. London, 1885 ONLY 200 sets printed in all, only 50 sets colored. Fine, clean set. Ai a ai EE 9 PTS NR ae RP i a 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 593 504 595 506 ay 508 CATALOGUE. 5s Dickens. Etchings by Sibson, illustrative of “ Barnaby Rudge” and * The Old Curiosity Shop.” Fine impres- sions. Royal 8°. (14) London, 1841 Dickens. Pickwickian Illustrations (etchings). Published by McLean, Haymarket, 1837. 8°. (20) Dickens. 34 illustrations (mostly by F. Barnard) printed on India paper. Royal 8°. (34) Dickens Exhibition, organized by the Dickens Fellow- ship, London, 1903. Compiled and edited by F. G. Kitton. Square 8° paper. London, (1903) Ditke, Sir Charles W. Problems of Greater Britain. Second ed. With maps. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivizrE & Son. London, 1890 DisrakELl, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature, portrait, 3 vols.;— Literary Character of Men of Genius; — Cal- amities and Quarrels of Authors; — Amenities of Lit- erature. 6 vols. 12° half olive crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by Rivizre & Son. F. Warne & Co.: London, n. d. Dixiz, Lady Florence. Across Patagonia. With illustra- tions from sketches by Julius Beerbohm. 8° half blue morocco, gilt back. London, 1880 Dosson, Austin. Horace Walpole, a memoir; with an appendix of books printed at the Stawberry Hill Press. - With illustrations by Percy and Leon Moran. Royal 8° half vellum, uncut. New York, 1890 LARGE PAPER: only 425 copies printed. Dosson. A Bibliography of Austin Dobson, attempted by Francis Edwin Murray. Oblong 12° cloth. Derby, rg00 ONLY 650 copies printed in all. 50 copies only for America. Dopp, Henry P. The Epigrammatists, a selection from the epigrammatic literature of ancient, medizval and modern times. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RiviERE & Son. Bohn: London, 1889 Dopce, Theodore A. Great Captains: Alexander; a his- tory of the origin and growth of the art of war from the earliest times to the battle of Ipsus, B. C. 301. Por- traits, maps and illustrations. Thick 8° cloth. Boston, 1890 DoLuaR Magazine. Edited by N. P. Willis and H. H. Weld. Illustrations. Vols. 1 and 2, Jan., 1841, to Dec., 1842 (all published). 2 vols. 4° half roan. New York, 1841-42 Not mentioned in Foley. Donatus, Alexander. Roma Vetus ac Recens, utriusque edificiis illustrata. Copperplates. 4° old calf. Amsteladami, 1695 56 5°99 510 516 518 5t9 520 521 CATALOGUE. Donne, John. Poems on Several Occasions; with elegies on the author’s death. With account of the author (now first published). 18° original sheep (binding cracked). London, 1719 From the library of Thomas Day (author of “ Sandford and Mer- ton,”) with his book-plate. Doran, Dr. “Their Majesties’ Servants.” Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. Edited and revised by R. W. Lowe. With 50 copper- plate portraits and 80 wood engravings, all on India paper. 3 vols. 8° half brown crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivizrE & Son. London, 1888 DorcHESTER, Daniel. Christianity in the United States, from the first settlement down to the present time. Portrait and maps. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1889 Dort, Gustave. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. By Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Folio, cloth. New York, 1877 Doren, Elizabeth. My Affinity and other stories. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1870 With a. /. s. of the author inserted. Douce, Francis. Illustrations of Shakspeare and of An- cient Manners; with dissertations on the fools of Shak- speare, etc. Engravings (including extra colored plate, “The Morris Dance”). 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut. Fine copy. : London, 1807 Dowpen, Edward. Studies in Literature, 1789-1877. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1889 DoweELt, Stephen. History of Taxation and Taxes in England, from the earliest times to 1885. 4 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1888 Doyvte, J. A. The English in America: the Puritan Colonies, 2 vols., maps; — Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas, 1 vol. Together 3 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs and tops, by RivizrE & Son. London, 1887-82 DRAKE and Halleck. The Croakers. First complete ed. 2 portraits on India paper. Royal 8° original cloth, uncut. New York, 1860 ONLY 100 copies printed for the Bradford Club. DREAMTHORP, by Alex. Smith, London, 1880; — Echo Club, by Bayard Taylor, 1876;— Life of the Bee, by Maeterlinck, 1902. 3 vols. 12° cloth, DRYDEN, John. Works of, in verse and prose, with a life by Rev. John Mitford. Portrait. 2 vols. royal 8° half blue morocco, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1867 | DrypEN. The Spanish Fryar; or, the double discovery. First ed. Small 4° half roan. - London, 1681 Be a ei iad See Se wet a ket hie en Se eee © ogee aed lee CATALOGUE. 57 522 DrypEN. Poetical Works of, with memoir, revised texts and notes by W. D. Christie. Globe ed. 12° half brown morocco, gilt, uncut, gilt top. London, 1894 523 Drypen. An Evening’s Love; or, the Mock-Astrologer. First ed. Small 4° half roan. London, 1671 “Donna Jacintha, by Mrs. Ellen Gwynn.” 524 Drypen. All for Love; or, the world well lost, a tragedy. Firsted Small 4° half roan (top margins closely cut), London, 1678 525 Drypren. The Art of Painting. By Du Fresnoy. Trans- lated, with original preface, containing a parallel betwixt painting and poetry, by Dryden. Also, a short account of the most eminent painters, by another hand. First ed. Engraved false title. Small 4° original calf binding. London, 1695 526 Du Cuaitiu, Paul B. The Viking Age: the early history, manners and customs of the ancestors of the English- speaking nations. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1889 527 Durrerin, Earlof. Letters from High Latitudes; being some account of a voyage in 1836, to Iceland, Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen. Ilustrations. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by Rivitre & Son. London, 1887 528 Dumas, Alexandre. Novels and Romances of. Illustrated. 40 vols. 8° half dark calf, uncut, gilt tops. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1899 - COMPRISES: The Page of the Duke of Savoy, 2 vols.; —Marguerite de Valois, 2 vols.; — La Dame de Monsoreau, 2 vols.; — Forty-Five, 2 vols.; — Three Musketeers, 2 vols.; — Twenty Years After, 2 vols.; — Vicomte de Bragelonne, 6 vols.; — Black Tulip, 1 vol.; — Cheva- lier d’Harmental, 1 vol.; — Regent’s Daughter, 1 vol.; — Memoirs of a Physician, 3 vols.; — Queen’s Necklace, 2 vols.; — Ange Pitou, 2 vols.; — La Comtesse de Charny, 4 vols.; — Chavalier de Maison Rouge, 1 vol.; — Sylvandire, 1 vol.; — Count of Monte Cristo, 4 vols.; — Ascanio, 2 vols. 529 Dumas. Celebrated Crimes. Translated by I. G. Burn- ham. Illustrated with 45 photogravures after original drawings by De Los Rios, Prodhomme, Wagrez, etc. 8 vols. 8° cloth, uncut, in cloth slip cases. Phila., 1895 JAPANESE VELLUM Copy: only 500 copies so printed, with the plates in two states, Japan etching and India proof. 530 Dumas. Page of the Duke of Savoy, 3 vols.; — Two Dianas, 2 vols.;—- Le Chevalier D’Harmental; — Re- gent’s Daughter; — Black Tulip. Photogravure illus- trations on India paper. 8 vols. 8° half red morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Boston, 1891 LARGE PAPER: only 150 copies’printed, 58 CATALOGUE. 531 Dumas. D’Artagnan Romances. Portraits. 10 vols. 12° half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1888 ComprisEs: Twenty Years After, 2 vols.; — Vicomte de Brage- lonne, 6 vols.; — Three Musketeers, 2 vols. 532 DunckER. History of Antiquity. From the German of Max Duncker. By Evelyn Abbott. 6 vols. royal 8° half light calf, uncut, extra, gilt backs and tops, by RIVIERE & SON. Bentley: London, 1877 533 Duntop, John C. History of Prose Fiction. New ed., revised with notes, appendices and index. By Henry Wilson. 2 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & SON. Bohn: London, 1888 534 DuNnsTABLE, Mass. History of, from its earliest settle- ment to the year of our Lord, 1873. By Rev. Elias Nason. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1877 535 Du Rapier, Dreux. L’Europe Illustre contenant I’his- toire abrégée des Souverains, des Princes, des Prélats, des Ministres, des grands Capitains, des Magistrats, des Savans, des Artistes, et des Dames célébres en Eu- rope, dans le XV° siécle, compris, jusqu’a présent. Ouvrage enrichi de portraits, gravés par les soins du Sieur Odieuvre. 592 fine copperplate portraits. 6 vols. royal 8° mottled calf, extra. Paris, 1777 With brilliant impressions of the 592 portraits, a mine of wealth for the extra illustrator. 536 Duruy, Victor. History of Rome and of the Roman People, from its origin to the invasion of the barbarians and fall of the Empire. Translated by M. M. Ripley and W. J. Clark. Edited by J, P. Mahaffy. Illustrated with over 3000 engravings, Ioo maps and plans and numerous chromo-lithographs. 8 vols. bound in 16 vols. imperial 8° three-quarters crimson morocco, uncut, extra, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1844 EDITION DE LUXE: only 1000 sets printed. 537 Duruy. History of Greece and of the Greek People, from the earliest times to the Roman Conquest. Trans- lated and edited by M. M. Ripley, with an introduction by J. P. Mahaffy. Containing over 2000 engravings, including numerous maps, plans and colored plates. 4 vols. bound in 8 vols. imperial 8° cloth, uncut, gilt top. EDITION DE LUXE: only 1000 copies printed. Boston, 1890 538 Duycxinck, E. A., and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature; embracing personal and critical notices of authors, and selections from the writings from the ear- liest period to the present day. Portraits, autographs, and other illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8° cloth. New York, 1855 CATALOGUE. 59 539 Duycxincx. National History of the War for the Union; Civil, Military and Naval; founded on official and other authentic documents. Illustrated with highly-finished steel engravings, by Alonzo Chappel and Thomas Nast. 3 vols. 4° half morocco, gilt edges. New York, (1861) 540 Dyer, T. F. T. British Popular Customs, present and past; illustrating the social and domestic manners of the people. 8° three-quarters light calf, uncut, gilt back. and top, by Riviztre & Son. London, 1876 541 ARLY Printinc. Cesar. Commentariorum de Bello Gallico. Small folio, wants blank leaf Az, name erased from title and a little soiled, otherwise a very large copy, old calf (joints cracked). Venet.: G. Scotti, 1482 Very rare. Haine, No. 4218. 542 Earty Printing. Prefatione di Sebastian Manilio Romano nella traductione di Latina Lingua in volgar Tosco delle pistole del moralissimo lucio anneo Seneca cordu- bese: allo illustris simo emagnanimo Lodovico Sphorza Visconti. Small folio, half russia. Venetia, 1494 543 EAaArRLy Printing. Hieronymus, Saint. Vita Patrum Sanc- torum Egyptiorum. Semi-gothic letter, double columns. Title in red and blue within beautiful woodcut border in compartments, numerous historiated initials, small woodcuts of saints, etc., and full-page engraving of S. Jerome, printer’s device at end. Small folio, sprinkled calf, extra, (wormhole through a few leaves and ancient MS. annotations), by Rivi&zRE. T. Mareschal: Lugd., 1520 A good and large copy of a very rare volume, unknown to Brunet. 544 EARLY Printing. Le Premier, le Second, et le Tiers Livres des Illustrations de Gaule et singularites de Troye: Le traicte de la Difference des Scismes et des Concilles de leglise, avec la vraye histoire et non fabu- leuse du Prince Syach: L’Epistre du Roy 4 Hector de Troye, cOpose par Jehan le Maire de Belges. Gothic letter, printed in double columns, with numerous wood- cut initial letters, 5 title-pages, many spirited woodcut engravings of military and other subjects, printers’ de- vices, etc. Small 4° old calf. F. Reynault: Imprimé 4 Paris, 1528 Extremely rare, with all the five parts complete. Save for a slight water-stain and margin of last leaf soiled, a very fine copy of “ one of the most original and imaginative productions of the period.” It contains, besides, all that is most human and romantic in the legends of the Ancients regarding Troy. 60 545 546 547 548 549 She 55% 552 553 554 55. CATALOGUE. Eaton, Charlotte A. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. Fifth ed., to which is now first added, a complete in- dex and 34 engraved illustrations. 2 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, extra, gilt backs and tops, by RIVI£RE & Son. . Bohn: London, 1881 Epreui, M. Historical Account of the Ten Tribes, set- tled beyond the River Sambatyou, in the East. Por- trait. 8° cloth. London, (1855) Epwarps, H. S. The Romanoffs; Tsars of Muscow and Emperors of Russia. 12° half morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1890 Ecan, Pierce. Life in London; or the Day and Night scenes of Jerry Hawthorn and Corinthian Tom. (With introduction by J. C. Hotten.) Numerous colored il- lustrations designed by I. R. and George Cruikshank. Small 8° half crimson morocco, uncut. London, (1869) Exot, George. Works of, 21 vols. ; — Life of, as related in her letters and journals, arranged and edited by J. W. Cross, portrait, 3 vols. Together 24 vols. 12° half crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. CABINET EDITION. Blackwood & Sons: Edinburgh. E.iot. Extra Illustrations to the Complete Works of George Eliot. 61 etchings, proofs printed on satin, each with a mat, enclosed in box. Royal 8°. DE GRAND LuxE EDITION. Estes & Lauriat: Boston. [Exiot.] Life of Jesus, critically examined by Dr. D. F. Strauss. Translated from the fourth German ed. (by Marion Evans ‘‘ George Eliot "). Firsted. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut (name on title). London, 1846 Euior. Scenes of Clerical Life. Firsted. 2 vols. small 8° half light blue levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt tops, by R. W. SMITH. Edinburgh, 1858 Fine, clean, uncut copy. Eriot. Adam Bede. Firsted. 3 vols. 8° half light blue levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops, by R. W. SMITH. Fine, clean, uncut copy. Edinburgh, 1859 Eviot, Agatha. Firsted. 8° full light polished calf, extra, uncut edges, gilt top, by Tour. Triibner & Co.: London, 1869 Rarest of George Eliot’s Works, and very scarce in any condition. See reproduction of title-page. [Exior.] Brother and Sister Sonnets. By Marian Lewes. First ed. pp. 15. Small 8° half light blue levant mo- rocco, uncut, gilt back and top, with the original blue paper wrappers bound in. For private circulation only: London, 1869 Fine copy and extremely rare. The only instance where the author signed herself Marian Lewes. re GEORGE ELIOT. 7, LONDON: | —CO., 60, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1869. 62 CATALOGUE. ss6 Eviot. The Mill on the Floss. First ed. 3 vols. 8° half light blue levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt tops, by R. W. SMITH. Edinburgh, 1860 Fine, clean, uncut copy. 557 Eviot. Romola. Portrait and photographic illustrations, proofs on India paper. 3 vols. 8° white cloth, uncut, with reading covers. Phila., 1890 LarGE Paver: only 250 copies printed. ELIOT’S INDIAN BIBLE. ZACHARIAH MAYHEW'S COPY. 558 Exiot, Rev. John. (Indian title): Mamusse Wunneetu- panatamwe Up-Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testa- ment kah wonk Wusku Testament. Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot. Nahohtéeu ontchetée Printeuoomuk; Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green: Cambridge, 1685;—-[New Testament, Indian title]; VVusku Wuttestamentum Nul-Lordumun Iesus Christ Nuppoquohwessuaeneumun. 4° gros-grain levant brown morocco, sides double panelled, blind and gold, with centre ornaments; gilt edges, with gilt inside borders, and lining and guard leaves of vellum; in a Solander case of olive morocco, lined with velvet. Richly and elegantly bound by Beprorp. Printed for the Right Honourable Corporation in London, for the propogation (sic) of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England: Cambridge, 1680 The page measures 7 x § 5-8 inches at the top. Some few leaves (perhaps a dozen) are rather closely trimmed, cutting into catch words ; the text is sound. CoLLATION: Dedication to the Hon. Robert Boyle, Governour, and to the Company for the Propagation of the Gospel, etc. (in fac- simile), 1 leaf (verso blank) ; Portrait of Robert Boyle from the pic- ture in the possession of Lord Dover, 1 leaf (verso blank); Engraving of the seal of the Society; underneath, Printed by order of the Society, John Chamberlayne, Secretary, I leaf (verso blank). Title (Indian), 1 leaf; Old Testament, A to Ppppp, in fours; names of the books, 1 leaf (recto blank) ; N. Test. Title, 1 leaf (verso blank; Text, Az to Kk2; Psalms in metre, 50 leaves, Kk3 to Yy4; Catechism, I leaf, 1 blank leaf. Bound in at the end is a translation of the (so- called) Catechism by J. Hammond Trumbull, dated Jan., 1865, and privately printed by J. Munsell, Albany, 1865. At the end of allisa leaf containing another engraving of the seal of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, etc., differing slightly from the first, and having on the scroll beneath, ‘ The Gift of the Society for Propagat- ing the Gospel in Foreign parts, 1704.” On the fly-leaf in the begin- ning is written, “ Zachariah Mayhews, Ano. 17 59.” This is the Brinley copy, No. 8434, which sold for $430. Fine and perfect copy; no perfect copy has been sold at auction in this country since that sale (1893), the Livermore copy, which had a facsimile title- page and was badly water-stained throughout, brought $450 in 1894. See reproduction of title-pages, No. 558. Eliot’s Indian Bible. Title page of New Testament. No. 558. Eliot’s Indian Bible. Title page of Old Testament. i> ey CATALOGUE. | 65 559 Evior Indian Tract. The Light Appearing more and more towards the Perfect Day; or a farther discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the progresse of the gospel amongst them. Manifested by letters from such as preacht to them there. Published by Henry Whitfield, late pastor of the Church of Christ at Gilford in New-England, who came late thence. pp. (8) 46. Small 4° calf. 7 London, 1651 “The fifth of the series of reports of the ‘ Corporation for Propagat- ing the Gospel among the Indians of New England,’ which began in 1643, and continued at irregular intervals to 1671. The complete series consists of 11, and is probably the most difficult to reassemble, in good copies, of any works relating to American History. They are doubtless all written by the hand, or from material furnished by the writings of John Eliot. Only two entire sets of these tracts, it is believed, exist in this country.” — Field. The Deane set (only 9) realized $853. 560 ExioT Indian Tract. Tears of Repentance; or a further narrative of the progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in New England: Setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry confessions of sin by the diverse of the said Indians, wrought upon by the saving power of the gospel, together with the mani- festation of their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and the work of Grace upon their heart. Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two faithful labourers in that work of the Lord. Published by the Corporation for Propagating the Gospel there, for the satisfaction and comfort of such as wish well thereunto. pp. (36) 47. Small 4° calf. | London, 1653 The second tract issued by the Corporation, dedicated to the Pro- tector, Cromwell. Number 7 of the series. 561 EvioT, Rev. John, Apostle to the Indians, and Minister of the first Church in Roxbury, a. d. s. 1 page oblong folio, ‘‘ 25 of the 8th, 1655,’ and signed also by Rev. John Wilson, Minister of the first Church in Boston, and by Rev. Richard Mather, Minister of the first Church in Dorchester. A petition to the General Court from John and Susan Heindon of Braintree, for assist- ance in the maintenance of an insane son, “ poor Joseph. Heindon”’ ; on reverse the action of the Court, signed by Gen. Humphrey Atherton, Francis Norton, Edmond Batter, and Edward Rawson. A very remarkable group of signatures. Framed between two plates of glass. A very rare autograph document and a fine example for a histori- cal society, public library or collector. 562 ExizaBeTu’s Children, 12° cloth. New York, 1903 64 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 57° 57? 572 573 574 575 576 CATALOGUE. Euuis, Edward S. Youth’s History of the United States, from the discovery of America by the Northmen to the present time. 4 vols. bound in 2 vols. 4° half morocco. New York. Eston Press. The Tale of Gamelyn. Square 16° boards, uncut. New Rochelle, rgo1 ONLY 200 copies printed. Eton, Charles I. Origins of English History. Second ed., revised. Maps. Royal 8° half crimson morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1890 Ety, Richard T. The Labor Movement in America, 12° cloth. New York, 1886 Euzevir. Helvetiorum Respublica. Engraved title. 12° full red morocco, extra, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by GRUEL. Lugd.-Bat.: Elzevir, 1627 Fine copy of the rare issue without the tailpieces on pp. 4 and 535. Euzevir. Laet, J. de. Belgii Confederati Respublice. Engraved title. 12° full red morocco, extra, inside den- telle borders, gilt edges, by GRUEL. Very fine, large copy. Ludg.-Bat.: Elzevir, 1630 Emerson, Edwin, Jr. History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year. Colored plates, maps and other illustra- tions. 3 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1901 Emerson, R. W. American Scholar, an address delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge, Aug., 1837. Frontispiece. Royal 4° boards. Laurentian Press: New York, 1gor ONLY 510 copies printed; one of 140 copies printed on Brown’s hand-made paper. Emerson. An Oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge, August 31, 1837. Second ed. 8° original paper wrappers. Boston, 1838 Emerson. Essays. First series. New ed. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1847 Presentation copy, with inscription, “ Editor of the Harbinger from the author.” Emerson. Essays. Second series. Firsted. 12° cloth (foxed). Boston, 1844 Emerson. Representative Men. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1849 [Emerson. ] Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (By J. F. Clarke, R. W. Emerson and W. H. Channing.) First ed. 2 vols. 12° cloth. - Boston, 1852 Fine, bright copy, original cloth. Emerson. English Traits. Firsted. 12° original black cloth. Boston, 1856 Presentation copy from the author with inscription. 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 CATALOGUE. 65 Emerson. Conduct of Life. First ed. 12° original cloth. Boston, 1860 EMERSON. Society and Solitude. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1870 EMERSON. Letters and Social Aims. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1876 EMErRson. Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-72. Portraits on India paper. 2 vols. royal 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1883 LARGE PAPER: only 250 copies printed. . Emerson. Correspondence with Herman Grimm. Por- trait. Firsted. 16° wrapper, uncut. Boston, 1903 EMERSON. Emerson as a Poet. By Joel Benton. First ed. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1883 With a. 7. s. of the author inserted. EMERSON. The Personality of Emerson. By F. B. Sanborn. First ed. Portrait and facsimile. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1903 ONLY 500 copies printed. Includes extracts from Emerson’s diaries, etc., now first published. ENGLEFIELD, Sir Henry. Vases from the Collection of Sir Henry Englefield, drawn and engraved by H. Moses. 40 fine plates. 8° tree calf extra, yellow edges. London, (1820) ENGLISH Citizen. 11 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Macmillan & Co.: London, 1882 ComMPRIsEs ; Foreign Relations, by Walpole ; —State and Church, by Elliott ; — Local Government, by Chalmers ; — State and Educa- tion, by Craik ; — Crime, by Du Cane; — Poor Law, by Fowle ; — State and Labour, by Jevons ; — Colonies, by Cotton ; — Justice and Police, by Maitland ; — Land Law, by Pollock. ENGLIisH Men of Action. Portraits. 13 vols. 12° cloth. : Macmillan & Co.: London, 1890 ComprisEs : Havelock, by Forbes ; —Walpole, by Morley ; —Wil- liam III, by Traill ; —Hastings, by Lyall; — Wolsey, by Creighton; — William I, by Freeman ; —Henry VII, by Gairdner ;—Wellington, by Hooper; — Cromwell, by Harrison ; — Henry II, by Green; — Livingstone, by Hughes; — Henry the Fifth, by Church ; — Dam- pier, by Russell. Epocus of Church History. Edited by Rev. Mandell Creighton. 15 vols. 12° cloth. Longmans & Co.: London, 1888 ERSKINE, Lord. Speeches of, at the Bar and in Parlia- ment. With a prefatory memoir by Lord Brougham. Collected by James Ridgway. Portrait. 4 vols. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt back and tops. London, 1847 66 589 59° 59% 592 593 594 595 596 597 CATALOGUE. Essex County, Mass. Standard History of, embracing a history of the county from its first settlement to the present time, witha history and description of its towns and cities. Steel portraits and maps. Royal 4° half morocco. Boston, 1878 Essex County. History of, with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men. Compiled by D. Hamilton Hurd. Steel portraits. 2 vols. thick royal 8° half russia, gilt edges. Phila., 1888 Essex House Press. Comus: a Mask. By John Milton. With 2 hand-colored illustrations. Printed throughout on vellum, with hand-colored initial letters, some height- ened with gold. Small 8° vellum. London, 1901 ONLY 150 copies printed. This No. 109. Essex House Press. Tam O’Shanter. By Robert Burns. Frontispiece by Wm. Strang. Printed throughout on vellum, with hand-colored initial letters, some height- ened with gold. Small 8° vellum. London, 1902 ONLY 150 copies printed. Essex House Press. The Epithalamion. By Edmund Spencer. Printed throughout on vellum. With 2 hand- colored illustrations and with colored initial letters, some heightened with gold. Small 8° vellum. London, r1gor ONLY 150 copies printed. EssEx House Press. The Psalter, or Psalms of David. Edited from the Cranmer Bible of MDXL (1540) by Janet E. Ashbee. Finely printed in red and black, with numerous woodcut initial letters. Small folio, green vellum, silk ties. London, 1902 ONLY 250 copies issued. Estes, Dana. Home Book of Poetry, a compilation of poetry from the best English and American poets. With 22 illustrations on steel. Square 8° tree calf, gilt back and edges. ‘ Boston, 1882 ETcuinGs. Selected Etchings; Remarque Artists’ Proofs on Satin. “ The Twins,” after Carleton Wiggins; ‘The New Moon,” by Henry G. Dearth; “Evening on the Zuder Zee,” by Leigh Hunt. Each proof with a heavy beveled mat ready for framing, together with small vol- ume of descriptive text. Yorston Bros.: New York, 1889 ONLY 200 copies printed and plates destroyed. ETcHINGs. 18 Proof Etchings on Satin, mounted with mats, enclosed in full red morocco portfolio, flaps and lock, crimson satin lining. Comprises 7 etchings by Unger, 2 by W. Woemle, 2 by Torberg, one each by G. Grux, L. Gaucherel, L. Schultz, C. A, Waltner, Bott- chu, Sonnenleiter, etc, 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 CATALOGUE. 67 Etcuines. Portfolio of American Etchings. Original ‘remarque and signed artists’ proofs, comprising: “An Old Lock,” by C. A. Platt; — “The Old Homestead,” by J. H. Millspaug; — ‘‘ The Road to the Village,” by L. K. Harlow;— ‘Sheep at the Brook,” by J. A. S. Monks; — *‘ The Old Windmill,” by W. Goodrich Beal. 5 plates, large folio, in portfolio. ONLY '250 copies printed. Remarque and Signed Artists’ Proofs on Japanese Paper. Etcuincs. A Portfolio of Autograph Etchings. 12 origi- nal plates, designed and etched exclusively for this work, by eminent painter-etchers representative of the _ English and French schools, comprising Seymour Ha- den, H. Herkomer, D. Law, R. S. Chattock, J. Tissot, A. Legros, M. Lalanne, A. Langon, A. Martial, F. Bracquemond, E. Courtry and J. L. Propert. Large folio, sheets, in portfolio. Ticknor & Co.: Boston, 1885 Signed Artists’ Proofs on Holland Paper. EtcuHincs. Remarque Proof Etchings. Comprising 25 etchings, remarque proofs on Imperial Japan paper, each with heavy mat. In large portfolio of half morocco. Société des Beaux Arts: Paris. Limited Edition on Japan Paper. Containing 5 etchings by Un- ger, 2 each by Meyer, Gaucherel, Sonnenleiter, Forberg, 1 each by Blanchard, Flameng, Schonleber, Rauscher, Parmentier, Volkhardt Kuhn, Detaille, Krauskopf, Schultz, Urlanb and Hecht. Etcuines. Lalanne, Maxime. A Treatise on Etching. Text and plates by Maxime Lalanne. With 15 examples of Modern Etchings (in portfolio). Translated and ar- ranged by J. A. Delaborde. With 8 plates in the text. pp. 280. 8° paper, uncut, in decorated leather cover. Société des Beaux-Arts: Paris. Remarque Proof Etchings by Gaucherel, Greux, Gaujean, Lalauze (3), Champollion, Chauvel, Torné, Ramus, Abot, Waltner, Mordant, Girardet, Mason. ? Etcuines. 10 Signed Artist’s Proofs on Japan Paper, with remarque, each with heavy mat. In large portfolio. EUROPE Illustrated, its picturesque scenes and places of note, described by John Sherer. With steel plates by Turner, Allom, Bartlett, Leitch and other eminent artists. 2 vols. royal 4° full morocco, gilt edges. London. EvELYN, John. Diary and Correspondence. Edited by William Bray. Steel portraits and plates. 4 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Bohn: London, 1883 EVERETT, Edward. Orations and Speeches. Portrait. 4 vols. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1865 68 606 607 608 609 610 613 614 615 616 617 6:18 CATALOGUE. Ex-Lisris. Artists and Engravers of British and Ameri- can Book-Plates, a book of reference for book-plate and print collectors. By Henry W. Fincham. Illustrations. 4° cloth, uncut. New York, 1897 ONLY 1050 copies printed. Ex-—Lisris Society of London. Journal of, Vols. 1 to ro. Numerous plates and heraldic illustrations. 10 vols. 4° half roan, uncut, covers boundin. London, 1892-1903 Complete set as far as published. Ex-—Lisris. The Honey-Jar, Vol. 1, no. 4; Vol. 2, no. 2; and Vols. 3 and 4. 2 vols. small 4° uncut. Columbus, O., 1898-1900 Contains illustrations and articles on book-plates. Ex-Lisris. The Collector, May, 1895 to Feb., 1899, ir- regular. Contains articles on book-plates. 34 nos. 4° paper, uncut. New York. Ex-Lisris. Dated Book-Plates, a treatise on their origin and development. By Walter Hamilton. 1oo illustra- tions. 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1895 Ex-Lisris. Rise of the Book-Plate; being an exemplifi- cation of the art signified by various Book-Plates from its earliest to its most recent times. Illustrations. Square 8° boards, uncut. New York, r1go1 Ex-Lisris. Composite Book-Plates, 1897-98. By E. B. Ricketts. Illustrations. 8° boards, uncut. London. Ex-—Lisris. Ladies’ Book-Plates, an illustrated handbook for collectors and book-lovers. By Norna Labouchere. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1895 Ex-—Lisris. German Book-Plates, an illustrated handbook of German and Austrian Ex-Libris. By Count Zu Leiningen-Westerburg. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. | London, 1gor Ex-Lispris. Lambert (of Newcastle-upon-Tyne) as an Engraver of Book-Plates. By John Vinycomb. 58 illus- trations. 12° cloth, uncut. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1896 ONLY 150 copies printed, with two a. Z. s. of the author laid in. Ex-—Lisris. Book-Plates. By W. J. Hardy. Illustrations. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1893 Ex—Lisris. Book Lover (The), a monthly journal. Edited by Ingersoll Lockwood. Vol. I. Illustrations. Small 4° half morocco, uncut. New York, 1888-90 Contains articles on Ex-Libris. Ex-Lisris. The Curio, an illustrated monthly magazine, devoted to genealogy, biography, heraldry, book-plates, etc. Illustrations. Vol. I (all published). 4° half mo- rocco, uncut. New York, 1887: Contains articles on American book-plates by R. C. Litchtenstein, ee ie a ee ee, —- 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 i 627 628 CATALOGUE. é5 Ex-Lipsris. English Book-Plates; an illustrated handbook for students of Ex-Libris. By Egerton Castle. First ed. Illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1892 ONLY 1000 copies printed. Portrait and a. /. s. of the author inserted. Ex-Lisris. English Book-Plates, ancient and modern, by Egerton Castle. New and enlarged ed. Illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1893 Ex-Lisris. French Book-Plates, a handbook for Ex-Libris collectors. By Walter Hamilton. Illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1892 ONLY 464 copies printed. | Eyes CLARENCE M. Wharf and Fleet; ballads of the fishermen of Gloucester. With illustrations from original photographs. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1902 Fame’s Tribute to Children; being a collection of auto- graph sentiments contributed by famous men and women; done in facsimile and published for the benefit of the Children’s Home, of the World’s Columbian Ex- position. 4° boards. Chicago, 1893 FAMILIAR Quotations, by John Bartlett, 1873; — Short Sayings of Great Men, by S. A. Bent, 1882. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston. Fans. Histoire des Eventails, chez tous les peuples et a toutes les €époques. 50 gravures, et suivi de notices par S. Blondel. 8° crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1875 FARRENC, Edmund. Carlotina and the Sanfedesti; or, a night with the Jesuits at Rome. 12° cloth. New York, 1853 Fay, Theodore S. The Three Germanys; glimpses into their history. Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. | New York, (1889) FEDERALIST. _ Le Fédéraliste, ou Collection de quelques Ecrits en faveur de la Constitution proposée aus Etats- Unis de l’Amérique, par la Convention convoquée en 1787; Publiés dans les Etats-Unis de l’Amérique par MM. Hamilton, Madison et Gay. 2 vols. 8° old calf, in tin slip case. Buisson Libraire: Paris, 1792 The first French edition of the “ Federalist,” translated and edited, with introduction and notes by M. Trudaine de la Sabliere. For some reason pages 3 to 20 of the preliminary matter was suppressed in the greater part of the edition. Indeed, Mr. Lodge, in editing the “ Federalist,” knew of but a single copy of the first issue (in the Li- brary of Harvard College) and that imperfect. This copy is as pub- lished, without the suppressed leaves. The book is very rare in any shape, 70 CATALOGUE. 628* FEDERALIST. [Hamilton, Jay and Madison.] The Feder- 629 630 63 -_ 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 alist; a collection of essays written in favour of the new Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Conven- tion, Sept. 17, 1787. 2 vols. 12° half crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt top, by W. Pratt. J. and A. M’Lean: New York, 1788 The Barlow copy, which sold for $42. A fine, clean uncut copy of the first edition in collected form. . FEDERALIST (The), a Commentary on the Constitution of the United States; a collection of essays by Hamilton, Jay and Madison, also the Continentalist and other papers by Hamilton. Edited by John C. Hamilton. Portrait. 8° sheep. Phila., 1885 Fe.tton, C. C. Greece, Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. in one. 8° cloth. Boston, 1879 FestivaAL of Wit; or, the small talker, consisting of flights of humour and genius. New ed., with great ad- ditions. 12° panelled calf, extra, gilt back and sides, uncut, by Rivizre & Son. London, 1783 FirLp, David Dudley. Speeches, Arguments and Miscel- laneous Papers. 3 vols. 8° buckram. New York, 1884 FirLp, Eugene. The Model Primer. Firsted. Square 16° three-quarters blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top. Brooklyn, (1882) FIELD. First Editions of American Authors. By H. S. Stone. With introduction by Eugene Field. First ed. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1893 LARGE PAPER; only 50 copies printed. : Fietp. The Eugene Field I Knew. By Francis Wilson. Portraits. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1898 With signature of Francis Wilson inserted. Fretp. Eugene Field, a study in Heredity and Contra- dictions. By Slason Thompson. With portraits, views and facsimile illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half parchment, uncut, gilt tops. New York, tgor ONLY 262 copies printed on Holland hand-made paper. FieLDING, Henry. Works of. With an essay on his life and genius. By Arthur Murphy. Newed. Edited by James P. Browne. Steel portrait. 10 vols. 8° sprinkled calf, panelled sides and yellow edges, extra, gilt backs. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1871 FIELDING. Love in Several Masques, a comedy. First ed. 8° half blue morocco. London, 1728 FreELDING. The History of Tom Jones, a foundling. First ed. 6 vols. 12° new light polished calf, gilt. London, 1749 This copy contains the rare leaf of “Errata” in Vol. I. eer” ue 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 CATALOGUE. 1 Firetpinc. Amelia. First ed. 4 vols. 12° full antique calf. London, 1752 FieLpInG. Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. Firsted. 12° half red morocco, uncut. London, 1755 Fine copy, uncut, top untrimmed. Fielding’s works in uncut con- dition are very rare. FIELps, James T. Poems. Firsted. 12° cloth, uncut. Fine copy. Boston, 1849 FIeLps. Poems. Illustrations. Firsted. 16° morocco. Privately printed: Cambridge, (1854) Fietps. Religio Medici, etc. By Sir Thomas Browne (with introduction by J. T. Fields). Portrait on India paper. 8° cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1862 LARGE PAPER: only 25 copies printed. Ficures of the Past, by Quincy, 1883; — New Eldorado, by Ballou, 1890;—Story of Christine Rochefort, by Helen Prince, 1895; — Timothy’s Quest, by Wiggin, 1891;—Seven Years, by Julia Kavanagh, 1860; — Walden, by H. D. Thoreau, 1882; — Pencillings by the Way, by N. P. Willis, 1854. 7 vols. 12° cloth. Ficuier, Louis. The Insect World, 564 woodcuts, 1868; — Reptiles and Birds, edited by Parker Gilmore, 307 illustrations (1869); — The Ocean World, 427 engrav- ings, 1868;— Earth and Sea, translated by W. H. D. Adams, 250 illustrations, 1870; World Before the Deluge, new ed., by H. W. Bristow, 236 illustrations, 1867;— Vegetable World, 470 illustrations, 1867. 6 vols. 8° and royal 8° half green crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt backs and tops, by Rivikre & Son. London. Ficuier. Primitive Man. Revised translation. With 263 illustrations. 8° half calf, gilt back. London, 1870 Fine Art of France, containing the most notable Paint- ings of that Nation, selected from the National and Municipal Galleries, especially the Louvre and the Luxembourg. With descriptive text by Henri Sylves- tre, Jr. With 100 full-page photogravures, 50 of which are beautifully colored in water-colors, also 200 photo- gravures printed in the text, 100 of which are beauti- fully colored in water-colors. The full-page plates, remarque proofs on Japan paper, mounted with mats, 1o sections folio, each in half morocco portfolio and enclosed in box. Gebbie Pub. Co.: Phila. THE REMARQUE EDITION: only a few copies printed. The re- productions, which number 300, have been carefully selected from the best paintings by the most famous artists, and include every species of art — genre pictures, idealistic, romantic, military scenes, sporting, home and rural life, landscape, marine views, historic scenes, fancy and imagination, and pictures from the myths of antiquity, 72 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 CATALOGUE. Fintay, George. Works of. 8 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. W. Blackwood & Sons: Edinburgh, 1854 ComPRISES: History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires ; — Byzantine Empire, 716-1507 ;—History of Greece, B. C. 146 to A.D. 1821, 3 vols.; — Greek Revolution, 2 vols. ; — Hellenic Kingdom. FisHER, George P, The Reformation. 8° cloth. New York, 1889 FISHERIES and Fishery Industries of the United States, by G. B. Goode, section 1, with atlas of plates, 2 vols., 1884; — Report of the United States Commission, 1873 to 1874. 3 vols. 4° and 8° cloth. Washington. Fiske, John. Tobacco and Alcohol. Firsted 12° cloth. New York, 1869 Fiske. The Critical Period of American History, 1783- 1789. Map. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1890 FiskE. The Beginnings of New England; or, the Puri- tan Theocracy in its Relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. Map. 12° cloth. Boston, 1890 FiskE. Edward L. Youmans; a sketch of his life, selec- tions from his writings, etc. Portrait. Firsted. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1894 Fiske. The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. Maps and illustrations. Firsted. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1899 Fiske. A Century of Science and other essays. First ed. Small 8° cloth. Boston, 1899 Fiske. The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. First ed. Maps. Small 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, (1g00) Fisker. Essays, Historical and Literary. Portrait. First ed. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1902 Fiske. New France and New England. Map. First ed. Small 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1902 [FiTzGERALD, Edward.] Rubdaiyat of Omar Khayydm. Rendered into English verse. Third ed. Square 8° original half roan, uncut. London, 1872 [FiTzGERALD.] Rubaiyat of Omar Khayydm; and the Sal4aman and Absal of Jami. Rendered into English verse. Square 12° original half roan, uncut. London, 1879 First edition of Salam4n and Absal, and (practically) the final ver- sion of the Rubaiyat. Fine copy. FirzGeRALD. Rubdaiydt of Omar Khayydm. Rendered into English verse by E. FitzGerald, with drawings by Elihu Vedder. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1804 "af ae 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 CATALOGUE. 73 FitzGerRALp. The Rubdiydt of Omar Khayy4m. Rendered into English verse by Edward FitzGerald. From the fourth edition with notes. With 14 illustrations from drawings by Gilbert James. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1go1r ONLY 50 copies printed on decke-edge paper, with illustrations on Japanese vellum in water-colors done by hand, and duplicate of illus- trations in black. FitzGreRatp. Letters and Literary Remains. (Edited by W. Aldis Wright.) Portrait. 7 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Macmillan: London, 1902-03 ONLy 775 copies printed. The final and authoritative edition, em- bracing all writings included in the editions of 1889, 1894, 1895 and Igor, together with material not previously published. FitzGeraLp. Life of. By John Glyde. With introduc- tion by Ed. Clodd. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1900 FLANDERS, Henry. Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Phila., 1881 FLETCHER, John. Monsieur Thomas, a comedy. Acted at the private house in Blacke Fryers. First ed. Small 4° half calf. London, 1639 Forses, Archibald. Memories and Studies of War and Peace. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1896 A. NV. S., dated Jan., 1892, inserted. Forses, Mitchell, William. Reminiscences of the Great Mutiny, 1857-59. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1894 Forp, Paul Leicester. Janice Meredith, a story of the American Revolution. Colored portrait and _ illustra- tions by Howard Pyleand his pupils. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1899 [Forp, R.] Gatherings from Spain. 12° cloth. . London, 1846 Forp, Sheridan. The Art of Folly. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, rgo1 750 copies printed, each signed by the author. An attack on cer- tain schools of painting. Ford claimed to have written Whistler's “Gentle Art of making Enemies,” and had an edition printed in 1890. Forrest, Edwin. Life of Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian. By W. R. Alger. Portraits. 2 vols. royal 8° cloth. Phila., 1877 Fox, Charles James. Speeches of, in the House of Com- mons. 6 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, gilt backs and tops. London, 1815 74 CATALOGUE. 676 Fox. Memorials and Correspondence of. Edited by Lord John Russell. 4 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. London, 1853 677 Fox. Early History of. By George O. Trevelyan. 8° half morocco, gilt back. London, 1880 678 Foxr, Luke. North-West Fox, or, Fox from the North- West Passage. Beginning with King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zeni’s of Iseland, Estotiland and Dor- gia; Following with brief abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth . .. Mr. Iames Hall’s three Voyages to Groynland, with a Topographi- call description of the Countries. the Salvages lives and Treacheries, etc. Small 4° old calf, in tin slip case. B. Alsop and Tho. Fawcet: London, 1635 Fine and large copy, with the very rare folding map, as well as the leaf “A,” containing on reverse a globe. The collection of voyages, as described, fills about one-half of the book, and includes accounts of some voyages, information about which is not to be found elsewhere. Foxe’s account of his own voy- age occupies from page 169 to end. See reproduction of title-page. 679 FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Complete Works of; including his private as well as his official and scientific correspond- ence. Compiled and edited by John Bigelow. Steel por- trait. 1o vols. royal 8° half roan, uncut, gilt tops. Putnam & Sons: New York, 1887 LETTER-PRESS EDITION: only 600 sets printed. 680 FRANKLIN. Works of. With notes and a life of the author by Jared Sparks. Steel portraits. 1o vols. royal 8° half light calf, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1840 681 FRANKLIN. Religion of Nature Delineated. (By William Wollaston.) 4° old calf. S. Palmer: London, 1725 Benjamin Franklin set type on this book while working in London (see Spark's Franklin, Vol. I, p. 56). 682 FREEMAN, Edward A. Works of. 15 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivikRE & SON. Oxford and London. ComPRISES: History of the Norman Conquest, 6 vols., 1877 ; — Historical Essays, 3 vols., 1886-79 ;—Reign of William Rufus, 2 vols., 1882 ; — Comparative Politics, 1873; — Historical Study, 1886; — Chief Periods of European History, 1886 ; —English Towns and Dis- tricts, 1883. 683 FREEMAN. Historical Geography of Europe. With atlas of maps. 2 vols. 8° half green morocco, extra, gilt backs and tops. London, 1882 684 FREMANTLE, W. H. The World as the Subject of Redemp- tion. 8° cloth, London, 1885 NORTH-VVEST FOX, Fox from the N(orth-welt paffagen. ee. BEGINNING WVith King Artave, Macca, Ocruve, thetwo ZENIs of Ifeland, Eftoriland, and Dorgia ; Following with briefe Abftracts of the Voyages of Cabor, Frobifher, Davis, Waymeuth, Knight, Hudfon, Button, Gib- bons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge - Together with the Courfes, Diftance, Latitudes, Longitudes, Variations, Depths of Seas, Sets of Tydes, Currents, Races, and over Falls, wich other Obfervations, Accidents and remarkable things, as our Mifeiies and By Capitaine Lvxn Foxx of Kingftone vponHull, Cape. anid Pylot for the Voyage, in his Majefties Pinnace the CHARLIE S _ Printed by his Majefties Command. 4 LONDON, aay _ Printed by B.Aus op and Ts 0-Fav v CET, dwelling in Grubfiredte | ; 2635, | 6 sigliane te emal ll 76 CATALOGUE. 685 FRANKLIN Imprint. M. T. Cicero’s Cato Major, or His Discourse of Old Age. With explanatory notes. By James Logan. Small 4° blue morocco, gilt top, with a large number of uncut leaves. Benjamin Franklin: Phila., 1744 Franklin’s masterpiece, and a book of which he might well be proud. It isa book of great interest to American collectors, although it is not, as Franklin states in his “ Printer to the Reader,” the “ first translation of a classic in this western world.” The title-page is in black and red, and the book is printed “ ina large and fair character ” on good paper, and with ample margins. Most copies have been cut down, and the book is rarely found full size and untrimmed. Four copies only in this condition were known to Sabin. The following advertisement appeared in the “ Pennsylvania Gazette ” for April 5th, 17443 “Just Published | M. T. CICERO’S CATO MAJOR; Or his Discourse of OLD | AGE. Translated from the Latin; with | Ex- planatory Notes, by the Hon. James Logan, Esqr., | Printed and sold by B. Franklin, Price stich’t in | Marble Covers 3 | 6.” It would from this appear that the book was originally published in paper covers and uncut. It may be that such copies have mostly disappeared, and those preserved which were specially bound. The Barlow copy sold in 1890 for $300, and the Brinley copy, which in the sale of the second part of that library in 1880 brought $260, resold in the Ives sale in 1891 for $320. We know of no public sale of an uncut copy in this country since that time, though a number of cut dwn copies have appeared in the auction rooms. Various copies with wide margins have from time to time been called “large paper,” but definite information regarding such a dis- tinct issue does not seem to be in print. Size of this copy 8 5-16 by 6 inches. See reproduction of title-page. 686 FRENCH, Jonathan. The True American; containing In- augural Addresses, together with the first annual ad- dresses and messages of the Presidents of the United States, 1789-1841. Lithographical portraits by P. S. Duval. 12° cloth (name on title). Phila., 1841 687 FRencH Books. Grands Ecrivains du XVI Siécle, par Brachet, 1884;— Le Seizitme Siécle en France, par Darmesteter et Hatzfeld. 2 vols. 12° half claret mo- rocco, uncut, gilt tops. Paris, 1884-87 688 FReNcH Books. Chronique du Régne de Charles IX, par Prosper Mérimée, 1889;— L’Eau Courante, par Ed. Rod, 1902;— La Galilée, par Loti, 1896; — Histoire Marie-Antoinette, par Goncourt, 1879;— Correspond- ance de Madame Duchesse d’Orleans, 2 vols.; — Ruy Blas, par Hugo, 1879;— Le Révocation d’Edit de Nantes, par Pascal, 1885. 8 vols. 12° paper, uncut. 689 Frencu Novels. Amour de Jeune Fille, par Caro; — Pre- jugé, par Rabusson;— L’Empreinte, par Estaunié; — Toute une Jeunesse, par Coppée; — Justice de Femme, par Lesueur; — Mon Oncle et Mon Curé, par La Bréte, etc. 10 vols, 12° paper. Paris. Mz. T. CICERO’s CATO MAFOR, OR HIS DISCOURSE OLD-AGE: With Explanatory NOTES. | PHILADELPHIA: Printed and Sold by B. FRANKTIN, MDCCXLIV. 78 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 CATALOGUE. Frencu Novels. La Conquéte du Paradis, par Gautier; — Mille et un Calembours, par De Donville;—La Main Gauche, par Maupassant;— Le Marquis de Villemer, par George Sand; — La Sacrifiée, par Rod;— Une Gageure, par Cherbuliez; — Un Mysttre, par H. Gre- ville; — Thais, par Anatole France; Honneur d’Ar- tiste, par Feuillet. 10 vols. 12° paper. FrencH Novels. L’Obstacle et Tartarin sur les Alpes, par Daudet;— Un Raté; — Une Passionnette; — Ma- dame La Duchess; — Petit Bob, par ‘‘ Gyp’’; — Nem- rod & Cie; — Dette de Haine; — Noir et Rose; — Vo- lonté, par Georges Ohnet. 10 vols. 12° paper. Paris. FrencH Novels. Madame Sans-Géne, par Edmond Le- pelletier, 2 vols.; — Mlle. de La Valliére, par H. Duclos, 2 vols.; — La Terre et Paris, par Zola; — Le Feu et la Triomph de la Morte, par D’Aunnuzzio, 2 vols.;—Le Crime et la Chatiment, 2 vols. 10 vols. 12° paper. Paris. Frencu Novels. Une Belle-Mére, et .Amours de Vieux, par Hector Malot;— Les Demi Vierges, Les Vierges Fortes et Lettres de Femmes, par Marcel Prévost; — Mensonges, par Paul Bourget; — Princess et Frou-Frou, par Halévey; — L’Amour est mon Péché. 10 vols. 12° paper. Paris. Frencu Novels. Vies des Dame Galantes et Vies des Dames Illustrés, par Brantome; — Cyrano de Bergerac, par Rostand; — Pécheur d’Islande, Le Roman d’un Enfant, et Propos d’Exil, par Pierre Loti, etc. 10 vols. 12° paper. FRENCH Novels, par Pigault Lebrun ;—Mérouvel ; —About; — Sandeau; — Maupassant, etc. 15 vols. 12° paper (worn). FRENEAU. Bibliography of the separate and collected works of Philip Freneau, together with an account of his newspapers. By Victor Hugo Paltsits. 12° paper. New York, 1903 FroissaRT, John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the Coronation of Henry IV, to which are prefixed a life of the author, an essay on his works and a criticism on his history. Illuminated title and other illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8° calf, gilt backs. London, 1862 FROTHINGHAM, Richard. Rise of the Republic of the United States. 8° half light calf, extra, gilt back and top. Boston, 1886 FRoupDE, James Anthony. History of England. Fourth ed. 12 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & Son. London, 1867-70 i i Cg Eee aera 6 700 701 702 . 193 704 795 706 797 708 7°09 710 CATALOGUE. 79 FROUDE. Cesar, a sketch, portrait, 1879; — Thomas Car- Lyle, a history of the first forty years of his life, 1795- 1835. Portraits and plates, 4 vols., 1882-84; — Short Studies on Great Subjects, 4 vols., 1867-83; — Oceana, illustrations, 1886; — The English in the West Indies, illustrations, 1888. to vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivizrE & Son. London. FULLER, Andrew S. Grape Culturist; a treatise on the cultivation of the native grape. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1894 Futter, Thomas. Holy and Profane State. Engraved title and portraits engraved by William Marshall. Small folio, calf (rebacked). Cambridge, 1642 Fine, clean copy, with bright impressions of the portraits. Fyrre, C, A. History of Modern Europe. Maps. 3 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1890 ALTON, Francis. Hereditary Genius, an enquiry into its Laws and Consequences. 8° half orange crushed levant nforocco, uncut, gilt back and top, by RIVIERE & Son. London, 1869 GARDINER, Samuel R. History of England, 1603-42. 10 vols. 12° tree calf, extra, gilt backs. London, 1884 GARDINER. History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649. Vols. 1 and 2 (1642-47). Maps. 2 vols. 8° half red morocco, gilt backs and tops. | London, 1888 Garnier, Edouard. Soft Porcelain of Sévres, with an historical introduction. 50 plates representing 250 water-color subjects after the originals. Complete in 10 parts folio, in portfolio. New York, 1891 ROYAL FOLiIo EDITION: limited to 283 copies. The plates, which are finely printed in colors and heightened with gold, show the remarkable beauty and delicacy of this celebrated ware. GARRETT, Edmund H. Elizabethan Songs in Honour of Love and Beautie. Collected and illustrated by Ed- mund H. Garrett, with an introduction by Andrew Lang. 8° three-quarters claret crushed levant morocco, full gilt back, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1891 Gaspry, Thomas. History of England, from the text of Hume and Smollett to the Reign of George the Third, continued to the restoration of the Empire in France. 8 vols. in the original parts. London. GATHORNE-Harpy, A. E. Autumns in Argyleshire with Rod and Gun. With illustrations by Archibald Thor- burn, 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1900 80 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 CATALOGUE. GrorGcE, Hereford B. Genealogical Tables, Illustrative of Modern History. Second ed., revised and enlarged. 4° half brown morocco, gilt back andtop. Oxford, 1875 GELL, Sir William. Pompeiana: the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819. 88 fine plates. 2 vols. royal 8° three-quarters claret morocco, uncut, gilt tops by RivirEE & Son. London, 1832 GELL and Gandy, John P. Pompeiana; the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii. Map and 78 steel engravings. Royal 8° half claret crushed levant mo- rocco, uncut, gilt back and top, by RIVIERE & Son. London, 1852 GERMAN Books, Ch. Céser’s Briefe 4n eine Jungfrau tiber die Hauptgegenstande der sthetik, steel plates, 1877; — Kinder und Hausmarchen, von die Briider Grimm, 1876. 2 vols. 8° paper and 12° cloth. GétromE. A Collection of the Works of J. L. Gérome in 100 photogravures. Edited by Edward Strahan. Com- plete in 10 sections folio, in portfolio. New York, 1881 SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION: only 1000 copies printed, proofs on India Paper. This superb work contains all the notable productions of the most popular of modern painters; the examples are reproduced in large size, direct from the original paintings, in the most admirable manner, by the Goupil process, and present the most truthful and satisfactory exposition of the artist’s work obtainable. Gerry, Elbridge. Life of, with contemporary letters to the close of the American Revolution. By J. T. Austin. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1828-29 Giss and Skelton. Royal House of Stuart. Illustrated by a series of 4o plates in colours, drawn from relics of the Stuarts, by William Gibb. With an introduction by John Skelton, and descriptive notes by W. H. St. John Hope. 40 full-page plates, finely printed in gold, silver and colors. Royal 4° half green crushed levant morocco, vellum sides, gilt edges. Macmillan & Co.: London, 1890 Gipson, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. New ed., with additional notes, by William Smith. Portrait and maps. 8 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, gilt backs. London, 1881 Gisss, George. Memoirs of the Administrations of Wash- ington and John Adams. Edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1846 CATALOGUE. 81 420 GILBART, J. W. History, Principles and Practice of Banking. 2 vols. 12° half light calf, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & Son. Bohn: London, 1882 721 GILLESPIE, Mrs. E. D. Book of Remembrance. Portrait and illustrations. 8° half orange colored morocco, gilt back, uncut, gilt top. Phila., 1901 722 GILMOUR, James. Among the Mongols. Illustrations. 12° half morocco, gilt back and top. London. 723 GLADSTONE, W. E. Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion. 8° cloth. New York, 1875 4724 GLADSTONE. Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-79. 7 vols. 16° cloth. New York, (1878) 725 GLOUCESTER, Mass. In and Around Cape Ann: a hand- book of Gloucester, Mass., and its immediate vicinity. By John S. Webber, Jr. Illustrations. Square 12° cloth. Gloucester, 1885 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 726 GLOUCESTER. Memorial of the Celebration of the 25oth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Glou- cester, Mass., August, 1892. Numerous portraits and illustrations. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1901 727 GNEIST, Dr. Rudolph. MHistory of the English Constitu- tion. Translated by Philip A. Ashworth. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1886 728 GopMAN, John D. American Natural History. Copper- plate engravings by F. Kearny, G. B. Ellis, and others. 3 vols. 8° calf, gilt backs. Phila., 1831 429 GOETHE and Schiller. Works of. Edited by Nathan Haskell Dole. 15 vols. 8° three-quarters light blue morocco, extra, uncut, gilt tops. F. A. Niccolls & Co.: Boston, 1902 CONNOISSEUR EDITION: only 150 copies printed. CoMPRISES: Goethe’s Faust, 2 vols.;— Truth and Fiction, 2 vols.; — Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship ;— Wilhelm Meister’s Travels ; — Sorrows of Werther, etc. SCHILLER’s Essays, 2 vols.;— Revolt of the Netherlands ; — The Robbers, Fresco, Love and Intrigue;— Maid of Orleans, William Tell ; — Picciolomini, Wallenstein; — Don Carlos, Mary Stuart. 730 GoETHE. Works of. Bohn’s Library editions. 12 vols. -y2° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RIVIERE & SON. Bohn: London. ComPRISES: Dramatic Works;— Novels and Tales; — Faust ; — Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship; — Travels in Italy ;— Wilhelm Meister’s Travels; — Letters to Zelter ; — Letters ; —Conversations ; — Autobiography ; — Miscellaneous Travels. 731 GOETHE’s Werke. NHerausgegeben von Heinrich Kurz, 12 vols, 12° cloth. Leipzig, n. d, 82 CATALOGUE. 732 GOETHE’S Faust. From the German, by John Anster, in- troduction by Burdett Mason. Illustrated with 10 ac- quarelles and many monochromes by Frank M. Gregory. Folio, Japanese vellum, gilt edges, enclosed in light blue satin portfolio. John C. Yorston & Co.: New York. SIGNED ARTIST’S PROOF EDITION: only 75 copies printed. The special features of this edition is the to beautiful aquarelles — in exact facsimile of the original colored drawings — by Frank M. Gregory, depicting the principal scenes in the drama. In addition there are 18 illustrations in monochrome printed throughout the text. The aquarelles signed by the artists. 733 GOETHE. Faust, a dramatic poem. Translated into Eng- lish prose, with notes, etc., by A. Hayward. 12° half morocco (with marginal notes in pencil). E. Moxon: London, 1838 Presentation copy, “A. Cleveland Coxe, from his friend John Jay, New York, 1839,” also autograph of Bishop Coxe on fly-leaf. 734 GoETHE. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship; — Novels and Tales; — Autobiography and Travels, 2 vols. To- gether 4 vols. 12° cloth. Bohn: London, 1870 735 GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Works of, Edited by Peter Cun- ningham. Vignette titles. 4 vols. 8° half green crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. John Murray: London, 1854 A beautiful copy of the scarce and best Library edition. 736 GOLDSMITH. Essays. Second ed., corrected. 12° half red morocco. London, 1766 737 GOLDsmITH. The Comic Romance of Monsieur Scarron. Translated by Oliver Goldsmith. First ed. 2 vols. 12° original calf, gilt. London, 1775 A fine, clean copy in contemporary binding. 738 GoLpsmMiITH. She Stoops to Conquer, a comedy. By Dr. Goldsmith. With drawings by Edwin A. Abbey. Dec- orations by Alfred Parsons. Introduction by Austin Dobson. 2 vols. small folio, parchment covers, uncut, in white cloth portfolios. Harper & Bros.: New York, 1892 PORTFOLIO EDITION: only 250 copies printed, with 10 proof im- pressions of engravings from drawings by E. A. Abbey, on imperial Japanese paper, each plate mounted with map. 739 [GoLpsmiTH.| Life of Richard Nash, of Bath, Esqr., ex- tracted principally from his original papers. Portrait. First ed. Small 8° half blue morocco, gilt edges. London, 1762 Fine, clean copy of “ Beau ” Nash. 740 GOLDSMITH. Life and Times of. By John Forster. Steel portrait and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs. London, 1877 741 742 743 74 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 CATALOGUE. 83 Gotr. Hints to Golfers. By ‘*‘ Niblick.” Illustrations. Narrow 8° cloth. | Salem, 1902 Printed for private distribution. GoopricH, Charles A. Lives of the Signers of the Dec- laration of Independence. 6 portraits and one plate. 12° sheep. Hartford, 1842 GoopricH. Select British Eloquence; embracing the best speeches entire, of the most eminent orators of Great Britain. Royal 8° half brown morocco, gilt back. New York, 1872 GrapDy, Henry W. Life of, including his writings and speeches. Edited by J. C. Harris. Portrait and illus- trations. 8° roan, gilt edges. New York, (1890) GranT, U.S. Personal Memoirs of. First ed. Steel por- traits and maps. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1885 GRATTAN, Henry. Speeches of, in the Irish and the Imperial Parliament. Edited by hisson. Portrait. 4 vols, 8° full light calf, gilt backs, by Rivizre. he London, 1822 GRATTAN. Select Speeches of, with his letters on the Union, by D. O. Madden, Dublin, 1845; — Memoirs of the Life and Times of, by his son, Henry Grattan, 3 vols., London, 1839. Portraits. 4 vols. 3 full light calf, gilt backs (slightly rubbed). GRATTAN. Speeches of, in the Irish and Imperial Par- liament, edited by his son, portrait, 4 vols. ; — Miscel- laneous Works, 1 vol. Together 5 vols. 8° half morocco, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1822 [Gray, Thomas.] Elegy Written in a Country Church- Yard. Illustrations. 4° half calf. New York, 1856 Gray. Poetical Works of. Steel plates. 12° cloth, gilt edges. Phila., 1861 GREAT Masters of the Louvre Gallery. With 24 full-page water-color facsimiles, 76 full-page photogravures, 48 full-page typogravures and 148 text photogravures. 12 sections large folio, enclosed in 2 portfolios of Spanish mottled calf, full gilt. D. Appleton & Co.: New York, 1898-1900 EDITION DE GRAND LUXE: only 200 copies printed. A sumptuous Art publication of one of the most famous Galleries of the World. ; GreeLy, A. W. Three Years of Arctic Service, an ac- count of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84, and the attainment of the Farthest North. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8° sheep. New York, 1886 84 CATALOGUE. 753 GREELEY, Horace. The American Conflict; a history of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65. Steel portraits, maps and illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8° half light calf, extra, gilt backs and tops. : Hartford, 1885 754 GREEN, John Richard. History of the English People, 8 maps, 4 vols., 1890;-— Conquest of England, 1884; — Making of England, 1885, portrait and maps. 6 vols. 8° half blue morocco, extra, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1884-90 755 GREEN. History of the English People. Maps. 4 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. New York, 1878 756 GREEN, Samuel A. A List of Early American Imprints (1643-1700), belonging to the Library of the Massachu- setts Historical Society, with an introduction and notes. 8° half morocco, uncut. Cambridge, 1895 ONLY 200 copies printed. Interleaved with writing paper. 757 GREEN. Groton during the Revolution, with an appen- dix. 8° cloth, uncut. . Groton, 1900 758 GREVILLE Memoires; a journal of the reigns of King George IV, King William IV and Queen Victoria. By C. C. F. Greville. Edited by Henry Reeve. Steel por- trait. 8 vols. square 12° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1888 759 GrirFis, W. E. Corea, the Hermit Nation. Ancient, medizval and recent history. Maps and illustrations. 8° half morocco, gilt back and top. New York, 1889 760 Grocott, J. C. Index to Familiar Quotations, selected principally from British authors. 16° half red morocco, gilt back and edges. Liverpool, 1871 761 GROLIER Club. Hoe, Robert. Lecture on Bookbinding as a Fine Art, delivered before the Grolier Club, Feb. 26, 1885. With 63 illustrations. Small 4° cloth, uncut. New York, 1886 ONLY 200 copies printed. Presentation copy from the author. 762 GROLIER Club. Curtis, George William Washington Irving: a Sketch. Portraits and illustrations. 8° red morocco, uncut. New York, 1891 ONLY 347 copies printed. 763 GROLIER Club. Conway, Moncure D. Barons of the Po- tomac and the Rappahannock. Portraits, facsimiles and illustrations. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1892 ONLy 360 copies printed on Italian hand-made paper. 764 765 766 767 768 769 779 771 772 773 CATALOGUE. Be GROLIER Club. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manuscripts, together with a few Early Printed Books, with illuminations, also some examples of Persian manuscripts, with plates in facsimile and an introductory essay. Illustrations. Square 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 ONLY 350 copies printed on Holland Paper. GROLIER Club. Catalogue of Original and Early Editions -of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers, from Langland to Wither. With collations and notes and 87 facsimiles of title-pages and frontispieces. Being a contribution to the Bibliography of English Literature. Royal 8° half roan, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1893 ONLY 400 copies printed on hand-made paper. GROLIER Club. The Poems of John Donne. From the text of the edition of 1633, revised by James Russell Lowell, with the various readings of the other editions of the seventeenth century, and with a preface, an in- troduction and notes by Charles Eliot Norton. Portrait etched by S. J. Ferris. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. ONLY 380 copies printed. New York, 1895 GROLIER Club. Warren, Arthur. The Charles Whitting- hams, Printers. Portraits and illustrations. Royal 8° half morocco, uncut. New York, 1896 ONLY 385 copies printed. Index laid in. GrRouigeR Club. Two Note-Books of Thomas Carlyle, from 23d March, 1822 to 16th May, 1832. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portrait. Small 8° half morocco, uncut. New York, 1898 ONLY 378 copies printed. GRo.LigeR Club. Catalogue of Exhibition of Silver, Em- broidered and Curious Book-bindings, 1903; — Drama- tic Folios of the Seventeedth Century, 1903. 2 vols 16° paper. GROLIER Club Book, 1901, 1902 and 1903. 3 vols. 16° half vellum, uncut. New York, 1902-03 GrRosvENOoR, Edwin A. Constantinople. With an intro- duction by General Lew Wallace. Illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8° half red morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Boston, 1900 GroTeE, George. History of Greece. Portrait. 12 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. J. Murray: London, 1851-56 GuuL, E., and Koner, W. The Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments. _ IIlustra- tions. 8° cloth. New York, 1876 86 CATALOGUE. 774 GUILLEMIN, Amédée. The Heavens; an illustrated hand- book of popular astronomy. Edited by J. Norman Lockyer. Third ed. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8° half claret crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt back and top, by RiviERE & Son. London, 1868 775 Guizot, F. History of Civilization. Translated by Wil- liam Hazlitt. Portrait. 3 vols. 12° half crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. Bohn: London, 1887 776 GuizoT, M. Popular History of France. Translated by Robert Black. With 300 engravings on steel and wood by A. De Neuville. 6 vols. royal 8° half morocco. Boston, n. d. 777 Haklupht, Richard. The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English nation made by Sea or ouer Land, to the most remote and farthest distant Quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeers: Deuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the Regions whereunto they were directed. . . . Including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America, etc. Black Letter. Folio, half green morocco, gilt, gilt top. Imprinted by George Bishop and Ralph Newberie: London, 1589 First edition, with 6 suppressed leaves, containing the famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake, etc., p. 643, and Bowes Voyage, p. 491. With the facsimile map of Emeric Molyneaux. 778 Haklunht. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea, or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth, etc., 3 vols., Geo. Bishop, 1599-1600; — Selections of Curious, Rare and Early Voyages and Histories of Interesting Discoveries, chiefly published by Hakluyt, edited by R. H. Evans, 1 vol., 1812. To- gether 4 vols. small folio, half red morocco. London, 1599-1812 Comprises the whole of the voyages, including the Voyage to Cadiz at the end of Vol. I), with eight paragraphs on p. 607 as described by Lowndes. Intended as a Supplement to Purchas and other collec- tions. The Barlow copy, with his ex-libris. 779 Hater. Sermon delivered at the Installation of the Rev. E. E. Hale, over the South Congregational Church, Boston. By F. D. Huntington. 8° half rough calf, original wrappers bound in. Boston, 1856 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 780 HALE, Mrs. Woman’s Record; or, sketches of all dis- tinguished women, from the Creation to 1868. 230 por- — raits engraved on wood by Lossing and Barritt. Royal 8° half light calf, gilt back. New York, 1874 781 782 783 784 785 4786 787 788 789 790° 791 CATALOGUE. 84 Hattvy, M. K. Mythology and the Siege of Troy. With illustrations after paintings in the great galleries in America and Europe. With roo full-page photo- gravure plates on India paper and numerous textual illustrations. 1o parts folio, paper, uncut, in cloth port- folios. George Barrie: Phila., (1892) EDITION DE LUXE: only 1000 copies printed for subscribers. Hauu, S. C. Book of British Ballads. Numerous fine woodcut engravings. Royal 8° full polished tree calf, extra, gilt back and edges, by RiviERE & Son. J. How: London, 1842 HAtiLaM, Henry. Works of. With rubricated title-pages. to vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. W. Veazie: Boston, 1865 LARGE PAPER: only Ioo copies printed. Ha.tueck, Fitz-Greene. Fanny. Firsted. 8° original wrappers, uncut (back broken and slight water-stain). New York, 1819 Hauueck. Alnwick Castle, with other poems. 8° origi- nal morocco, gold and blind tooled, gilt edges as issued. G. Dearborn: New York, 1836 The first appearance of many of the poems. Hauteck. Young America, a poem. Firsted. Frontis- piece. 12° original pictured boards (worn). D. Appleton & Co.: New York, 1865 Hauueck. Life and Letters; — Poetical Writings. Edited by James G. Wilson. Portraits and engraved titles. First eds. 2 vols. small 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1869 Autograph inscription : “ Mrs. John P. Grant with the editor’s kind _ regards.” Hauxreck. Life and Letters of. By James Grant Wilson. First ed. Portrait and engraved title. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1869 Portrait, engraved by J. Cheney, and 1 page a. /. 5. of Fitz-Greene Halleck inserted. Hauxueckx. Memorial of Fitz-Greene Halleck. Dedication of the monument erected to his memory at Guilford, Conn. Portrait and plates. 8° wrappers, uncut. New York, 1877 Privately printed. Frank Moore’s copy, with J. Grant Wilson’s presentation inscription. Original poems and tributes by Holmes, Whittier, Bryant, Lowell, Emerson, etc. Haring. Poetical Works of Charles G. Halpine (Miles O’Reilly). Edited by R. B. Roosevelt. Firsted. Por- trait. 8° cloth. New York, 1869 Hamerton, P. G. The Graphic Arts, a treatise on the varieties of drawing. 12° half calf. Boston, 1886 88 792 793 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 CATALOGUE. HaMERTON, Philip Gilbert. Works of. 12 vols. 12° half calf, gilt backs and tops. Roberts Bros.: Boston, 1882-8 — ComPpRIsES: Graphic Arts;— Chapters on Animals; — Life of J. M. W. Turner;— Modern Frenchmen ; — Intellectual Life ; — Wenderholme ; — A Painter’s Camp; — Round My House; — Port- folio Papers ;— Sylvan Year; — Landscape ; — Human Intercourse. HamiLTon, Alexander. Works of. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Portrait on India paper. 9g vols. 8° half mo- rocco, uncut. New York, 1885 LETTER-PRESS EDITION: only 500 copies printed. HamiLtton, Count Anthony. Memoirs of the Count de Gramont; containing the amorous history of the Eng- lish court under the reign of Charles II. With numerous illustrative and explanatory notes. Illustrated with 17 etchings and 34 portraits of court beauties. Edited by Henry Vizetelly... 2 vols. royal 8° boards, uncut. Vizetelly: London, 1889 Hanpsooks for Colleges, comprising: English Synonyms, by Campbell; — Five-Minute Recitations, by Forbes; — The Nation in a Nutshell, by Towle, 1887. 3 vols. 16° cloth. Boston, 1886-87 Hare, Augustus J. C. Works of. Illustrated with numer- ous woodcuts, photographic plates and portraits. 23 vols. 12° half green crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & Son. | Smith, Elder & Co.: London, 1883 CoMPRISES : Walks in London, 2 vols.; — Rome, 2 vols. ; — Days near Rome, 2 vols.;— Cities of Central Italy, 2 vols.; — Northern Italy, 2 vols.;—— Southern Italy, 1 vol.; — Wanderings in Spain, 1 vol.; — Life and Letters of Baroness Bunsen, 2 vols.; — Paris and Days near Paris 2 vols. ; — Studies in Russia, 1 vol.; —Memorials of a Quiet Life, 3 vols.; —Florence, 1 vol. ;—Venice, 1 vol.; —Holland and Scandinavia, 1 vol. Harper, J. C. Law of Inter-State Commerce, with notes of decisions. 8° half sheep. Cincinnati, 1887 HaArpErR’s Latin Dictionary. Founded on Freund’s Latin German Lexicon. Revised by Lewis and Short. Thick royal 8° sheep (binding broken). New York, 1879 Harris, Alexander. Review of the Political Conflict in America, from the commencement of the anti-slavery agitation to the close of Southern reconstruction; com- prising also a resumé of the career of Thaddeus Stevens. 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. New York, 1876 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. A Daughter of the South and shorter stories. First ed. in book form. Portrait laid in. 12° cloth. New York, 1892 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 802 803 CATALOGUE. 89 HARTE, Bret. Poems. 12° original cloth. Fields, Osgood & Co.: Boston, 1871 The genuine first issue, with advertisement of publishers at the beginning. Harte. Outcroppings; being selections of California verse. 16° original cloth (a little worn and some leaves slightly stained). A. Roman & Co.: San Francisco, 1866 _ First edition of Harte’s first book. Harte. Luck of Roaring Camp and other sketches, First ed. 12° cloth (binding loose). Boston, 1870 HAaRTE, Poems. 12° half morocco. J. R. Osgood & Co.: Boston, 1871 Harte. Condensed Novels. With illustrations by S. Eytinge, Jr. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1871 HARTE. East and West Poems. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1871 HarTE. Mrs. Skaggs’s Husbands. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1873 Harte. Echoes of the Foot-Hills. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1875 Harte. Tales of the Argonauts. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1875 Harte. Thankful Blossom, a romance of the Jerseys, 1779. Firsted. Illustrations. 16° cloth. Boston, 1877 Harte. The Twins of Table Mountain and other stories. 18° cloth. Boston, 1880 Harte. Flip, and Found at Blazing Star. Firsted. 16° cloth. Boston, 1882 Harte. Inthe Carquinez Woods. Firsted. 16° cloth. Fine copy. Boston, 1884 Harter. The Queen of the Pirate Isle. Colored illustra- tions. Firsted. Square 8° cloth. London, (1886) Fine copy. Harte. Crusade of the Excelsior. Firsted. Illustra- tions. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887 Harte. A Phyllis of the Sierras. Firsted. 16° cloth. Fine copy. Boston, 1888 © Harte. The Argonauts of North Liberty. Firsted. 18° cloth. Boston, 1888 Harte. A Waif of the Plains. Firsted. 16° cloth. Fine copy. Boston, 1890 Harte, A Sappho of Green Springs, etc, Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1891 Fine copy. go 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 CATALOGUE. Harte. Colonel Starbottle’s Client. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1892 Harte. Sally Dows and other stories. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1893 Harte (R. L. Stevenson, Kipling and others). My First Book. Illustrations. Firsted. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1894 Harte. Ina Hollow of the Hills. First English edition. Frontispiece. 16° cloth. London, 1895 [Harvey, William.] London Scenes and London People. By ‘‘ Aleph.” Illustrations. 8° half pigskin, gilt edges, by Doves BINDERY. London, 1863 HASWELL, Chas. H. Mechanics’ and Engineers’ Pocket Book. Sixty-second ed. 12° full morocco, with flap. New York, 1897 [Hawxins.] Anthony Hope. Comedies of Courtship. Frontispiece. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1896 Autograph of author on fly-leaf. . HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Works of. 16 vols. 12° half green morocco, gilt backs and tops. Ticknor & Fields, 1866, and Fields, Osgood & Co.: Boston, 1870 COMPRISES: Snow Image ;— Marble Faun ; Twice Told Tales ; — Mosses from an Old Manse; — True Stories from History and Bi- ography ;— Our Old Home; — Scarlet Letter; — Wonder-Book ; — House of Seven Gables ; — English and American Note Books. [HAwTHoRNE.] Fanshawe, a tale. Firsted 12° half brown morocco, uncut.- Marsh & Capen: Boston, 1828 An extremely fine, clean, tall copy. As fine a copy as was sold by us Oct. 28-30, 1902, for $840. This is Hawthorne’s first work, written while a student at Bowdoin College. A few copies only were sold and the remainder destroyed, hence its great rarity. See reproduction. [HAwTHORNE.] Peter Parley’s Universal History, on the basis of geography, for the use of families. Illustrated with maps and engravings. Firsted. 2 vols. square 12° half claret colored crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops, by ALFRED MATTHEWS. Boston, 1837 One of the rarest of the first editions of Hawthorne’s writings. This is the Foote copy with his bookplate and is a much finer copy than the Arnold copy, which was shaken and had leaves torn, which sold for $100. 831 [HAwTHoRNE.] The Token and Atlantic Souvenir. 12 steel plates, including 2 engraved by J. and S. W. Cheney. 12° roan. Boston, 1837 Contains 8 original contributions by Hawthorne. An unusually desirable copy ; plates and text in fine, clean state. 832 [HawTHorRNE.] The Token. Edited by S. G. Goodrich. Plates. 12° roan. New York, n. d. Contains 5 contributions by Hawthorne. FANSHAWE, A TALE, “ Wilt thou go on with me ?”—SourHer. BOSTON: MARSH & CAPEN, 362 WASHINGTON STREET. PRESS OF PUTNAM AND HURT. 1828. Q2 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 842 843 844 846 847 CATALOGUE. HawTHorRNE. The Gentle Boy. Frontispiece (by Miss Peabody, afterwards Mrs. Nathaniel Hawthorne). Ob- long 4° half morocco (library copy stained and imper- fect, lacks all after p. 18). Boston, 1839 [HawTHORNE.] The Sister Years; being the Carrier’s ad- dress to the patrons of the Salem Gazette, for the first of January, 1839. 8°, pp. 8, as issued. (Salem, 1838) “The Sister Years” is, beyond doubt, the rarest of all Haw- thorne’s writings. None of the great collections dispersed contained a copy, the one now offered being the first to appear at auction. Even as recent as 1901 some of the best-known authorities expressed their doubt as to whether a copy existed, and their belief that the title was only mythical. See reproduction. HAWTHORNE. Grandfather’s Chair; a history for youth. Firsted. 18° original cloth, with paper label on side. Boston, 1841 HAWTHORNE. The same. Second ed., revised and en- larged. 16° original cloth. Boston, 1842 HAWTHORNE. Famous Old People: being the second epoch of Grandfather’s Chair. Firsted. 18° original cloth. _ Boston, 1841 HawtHorne. The same. Second edition, revised. 16° original cloth. Boston, 1842 HAWTHORNE. Liberty Tree: with the last words of Grandfather’s Chair. Second ed., revised. 16° origi- nal cloth. Boston, 1842 HAWTHORNE. Biographical Stories for Children. First ed. 18° new cloth, original covers bound in. Boston, 1842 HawTHoRNE. Journal of an African Cruiser. By an offi- cer of the U. S. Navy. Edited by Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Firsted. 8° claret colored straight grained levant morocco, extra, gilt back and top, inside gold borders, uncut, by Strkeman & Co. New York, 1845 Foote copy, with portrait inserted. HAWTHORNE. The Scarlet Letter, a Romance. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut, Boston, 1850 This, the first edition, 1850, has the word “re-duplicate,” page 21, line 20; second edition, same year, has the word “ repudiate.” Ads. dated March 1, 1850. HawTHOoRNE. The same. 12° original cloth. Boston, 1850 Second edition, with “ repudiate ” on page 21, and also a new pre- face. Ads. dated May, 1850. HawtTuorneE. Twice-Told Tales (newly revised, with pre- face now first published). Portrait. First issue. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1851 HawTuHorne. Lifeof Franklin Pierce. Portrait. First ed. 12° original wrapper (autograph of Geo. H. Davis on p. 63). Boston, 1852 THE SISTER YEARS; CARRIER’S ADDRESS, TO TES PATRONS SALEM GAZETTE, FIRST OF JANUARY, 1839, 94 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 CATALOGUE. [HAwWTHORNE.] Time’s Portraiture. Being the Carrier’s address to the patrons of the Salem Gazette and Essex County Mercury, Jan. 1, 1853. 8°, pp. 8, as issued. (Salem, 1852) “Time’s Portraiture” appeared originally in broadside form, as the carrier’s address for 1838. The 1853 issue is as little known as that of 1838 — when reprinted in the “ Christmas Locket ” for 1870 it was represented as reprinted for the first time. The author’s name was then (1870) first disclosed — the genealogical note on page 4 having remained unknown owing to the rarity of the address in any form. See reproduction. [HaAwTHORNE.| The Josephine Gallery. Edited by Alice and Phoebe Cary. Portraits, printed in colors. Royal 8° original cloth. New York, 1859 Paul Pine, Actor and Gentleman, by Aldrich ;—Bertram the Lime- Burner, by Hawthorne, etc. HAWTHORNE. Marble Faun; or, the romance of Monte Beni. First ed., first issue. 2 vols. 12° original cloth. Boston, 1860 Fine, clean copy. HAWTHORNE. The Snow-Image. Colored illustrations by Waterman. First separate ed. Square 12° cloth. New York, 1864 Mr. Arnold’s copy of the 1868 reprint sold for $8.50. HAWTHORNE, Pansie. Firsted. 16° original wrappers. London, (1864) HAWTHORNE. The House of the Seven Gables. First ed. 12° original cloth. Boston, 1851 HawTHoRNE. Our Old Home. Firsted. 12° original cloth. Boston, 1863 HAWTHORNE. Twice-Told Tales. A new ed. (including the Snow-Image, etc.). Portrait. 2 vols. 24° original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1865 HAWTHORNE. Passages from the American Note-Books. First ed. 2 vols. 16° original cloth. Boston, 1868 HAWTHORNE. Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books. Firsted. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1871 The first American ed. is dated 1872. A fine, unused copy. HAWTHORNE. The Scarlet Letter. Illustrations by Mary Hallock Foote. First impressions. 8° cloth. Fine copy. -Boston, 1878 HAWTHORNE. Dr. Grimshawe’s Secret. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1883 HawTHornE. Dr. Grimshawe’s Secret. Engraved title and frontispiece. Firsted. Royal 8° boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1883 LARGE PAPER: only 250 copies printed. TIME’S PORTRAITURE. BEING THE CARRIER’S ADDRESS TO THE PATRONS OF THE SALEM GAZETTE. ESSEX COUNTY MERCURY. FOR THE FIRST OF JANUARY, 1863. 96 CATALOGUE. 861 HAWTHORNE. Memoir by H. A. Page. With stories now first published in this country. Firsted. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1872 Not in Arnold collection. The present copy formed part of the library of the English author, Lionel Johnson, and two original poems in his autograph are pencilled on the first two fly-leaves. 862 HawTHORNE, (Memoir.) By Henry James, Jr. First ed. 12° cloth. London, 1879 863 HAwTHOoRNE. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife, a biog- raphy. By Julian Hawthorne. Etched portraits on India paper. 2 vols. royal 8° boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1884 LARGE PAPER: only 350 copies printed. 864 HawTHOoRNE. Nathaniel Hawthorne. By George E. Woodberry. India proof portrait. 12° cloth, uncut, paper label. Boston, 1902 ONLY I00 copies printed in this style. 865 Hay, John. Pike County Ballads and other Pieces. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1871 866 Hayne, Paul H. Poems. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut (fine copy). | Boston, 1855 867 Hayne. Avolio; with poems, lyrical, miscellaneous and dramatic. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1860 With a. /. s. of the author inserted. 868 Hayne. Poems. Complete ed. First issue. Portrait and illustrations. Small 4° cloth. Boston, 1882 869 Haywoop, John. Civil and Political History of the State of Tennessee, from its earliest settlement up to the year 1796, including the boundaries of the State. 8° full light polished calf, gilt, yellow edges, in tin slip case. Printed for the author: Knoxville, 1823 Fine copy, with half title and separate copyright slip after the title. The Fiske Harris copy. Barlow copy sold for $90. A very fine copy of one of the rarest state histories. The story of Indian con- flict and massacre is narrated with great detail and minuteness, filling much the larger portion of the work. The story of the formation of the State of Franklin, and the Civil War which ensued is a chapter of American history but little known, although scarcely exceeded in interest by any other. 870 Hazarp, Ebenezer. Historical Collections; consisting of state papers and other authentic documents, intended as materials for a history of the United States of America. 2 vols. 4° half red morocco, uncut. . Phila., 1792-94 Fine, clean copy, totally uncut, with autograph of Nathl. Gorham on title. 871 [Hazuitt, Wm.] The Plain Speaker; opinions on books, men and things. Firsted. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut — (broken). London, 1826 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 CATALOGUE. 97 Hazuitt, William. Works of. 10 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, extra, gilt backs and tops, by RIvIERE & SON. Bohn: London. ComPRISEs: Lectures on the Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, 1888 ; — Table Talk of Martin Luther, 1884; — Plain Speaker, 1836; —Spirit of the Age, 1886;— Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays, 1888 ; — Table Talk, Men and Manners, 1889; — Lectures on English Comic Writers, 1889 ;— Round Table, etc., 1889 ; — Sketches and Essays and Winterslow, 1889; — English Poets, 1890. Hazuitt. Eloquence of the British Senate; being a selec- tion of the best speeches of Parliamentary speakers. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut. Brooklyn, 1810 Hazuttr. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. First ed. 4 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1830 HazuittT. Literary Remains. With a notice of his life by his son, and thoughts on his genius and writings by E. L. Bulwer and T. N. Talfourd. Firsted. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut (some margins stained). London, 1836 HazuittT. Characters of Shakspeare’s Plays. 12° cloth, _ uncut, London, 1854 Hazuitt. Essays on the Principles of Human Action. New ed., considerably improved. 12° half morocco. London, n. d. | From the Library of Leigh Hunt, with his autograph on title-page. Presentation copy to Prof. William Matthews from E. P. Whipple. Heaptey, J. T. The Great Rebellion, a history of the Civil War in the United States. Steel plates. 2 vols. inone. 8° half sheep. Hartford, 1866 Heaptey, P.C. Public Men of To-Day; being biogra- phies, with over 300 portraits. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1883 Hece, G. W. F. Lectures on the Philosophy of History. Translated by J. Sibree. 12° half morocco, gilt back and top. Bohn: London, 1884 Heine, Heinrich. Werke. Illustrirt von Wiener Kiunst- lern. Herausgegeben von Heinr. Laube. Portrait and numerous illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8° half morocco. Wien, n. d. Heinsius, Daniel. Poemata Latina et Greca. Fine en- graved title. 12° crushed red morocco, extra, gold tooled, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by GRUEL (name on second title). J. Taussonium: Amst., 1649 A beautiful example, elegantly bound. Hemans, Felicia. The Sceptic, a poem. Firsted. 8° original wrappers, uncut. London, 1820 Henpricks, Thomas A. Life and Public Services of; with - selected speeches and writings. By J. W. Holcombe and H. M. Skinner. Steel portrait. 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. Indianapolis, 1886 98 885 886 887 8388 889 890 891 895 CATALOGUE. HENRY, Patrick. Sketches of the Life and Character of. By William Wirt. Portrait. 8° sheep. Phila., 1836 Henry. Patrick Henry; Life, Correspondence and Speeches. By William W. Henry. Vol. I only. Por- trait. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1891 HEPTAMERON. L’Heptaméron des Nouvelles de trés haute et trés illustre Princesse Marguerite D’Angouléme, Reine de Navarre. Publié sur les manuscrits par les soins et avec les notes de Mm. Le Roux de Lincy et Anatole de Montaiglon. Etched plates. 3 vols. 8° vellum uncut. Paris, 1880 ONLY 395 copies printed in all. HERODOTUS, with a Commentary. By Joseph W. Blakes- ley. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut (bindings worn). London, 1854 HeERopotus. History of Herodotus. Translated into English, by G. C. Macaulay. 2 vols. 12° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1890 [Hewatt, Alexander.] An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. Firsted. 2 vols. 8° half blue morocco, un- cut, gilt tops, by Haypay. London, 1779 Fine, clean copy. By Alexander Hewatt who was for some time a resident at Charleston, S. C. Heweston, W. B, History of Napoleon Bonaparte and Wars of Europe, from the Revolution in France to the termination of the late wars, including anecdotes of the most celebrated characters. Steel portraits and plates. 3 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs. London, 1825 [Hicuens, Robert S.] The Green Carnation. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1894 HILDRETH, Richard. MHistory of the United States of America, from the discovery of the continent to the end of the Sixteenth Congress. 6 vols. royal 8° half light calf, gilt backs. New York, 1880-52 HisTorIcaL and Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe from the 16th to the 19 Centuries. Photogravure plates in two states, India proof and Japan proof, finely col- ored. 12 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Barrie: Phila. JAPANESE VELLUM Copy: only 1000 so printed. COMPRISES: Marie Antoinette; —- Madame de Montespan; — Courts of Europe; — St. Petersburg; Sweden and Denmark; — Emperors William II and Francis Joseph. Hoce, James. Poetical Works, and Autobiography. Numerous steel engravings. 5 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Blackie: Edinburgh, (1850) : | & : | 896 897 898 899 goo gol go2 993 904 995 906 997 CATALOGUE. 99 Hovsein’s Dance of Death, exhibited in elegant engrav- ings on wood, with a dissertation on the several repre- sentations of that subject. By Francis Douce; also Holbein’s Bible cuts. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RivigrE & Son. Bohn: London, 1884 Homes, O. W. Works of. (Household ed.) Illustra- tions. 1o vols. 12° half calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.: Boston, 1887 Hotmes. Poems. Firsted. 8° black cloth, uncut, paper label. Boston, 1836 Hotmes. Homeopathy and its kindred Delusions. First ed. 12° boards. Boston, 1842 Hoitmes. Poems (including 8 now first collected). 16° cloth, gilt edges. London, 1846 With dictated letter, signed by O. W. Holmes, inserted. Houmes. Astrea: the Balance of Illusions. First ed. 12° original glazed boards, uncut. Boston, 1850 John S. Dwight’s copy, with his autograph. Hotmes. The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. First issue with the engraved title. Illustrated. 12° orignal cloth, uncut. Boston, 1858 Hotmes. The Address of Mr. Everett and the Poem of Dr. O. W. Holmes, at the Dinner given to H. I. H. Monseigneur The Prince Napoleon, September 25th, 1861. 8° original glazed boards, uncut. : Privately printed: Cambridge, 1861 With portrait, also two a. /. s. of Mr. Everett and Dr. Holmes, in- serted. The only edition. Bookplate of Charles Henry Hart. Houmes. Songs in Many Keys. Firsted. 12° original cloth. Boston, 1862 Presentation copy from the author, with inscription, “John S. Dwight, from his friend Oliver Wendell Holmes.” Houimes, Border Lines of Knowledge. Firsted. 12° original cloth. | Boston, 1862 Presentation copy, “George S. Hillard, from his friend O. W. Holmes.” Houmes. Lecture, 1863. 4° half red morocco, uncut, _ original wrappers bound in. (Boston). Author’s copy, with inscription in pencil by the author on the first page, “ One of six copies printed.” Houtmes. New England’s Master Key. 4° half red mo- rocco, uncut, original wrappers bound in. (Boston.) Author’s copy, with the following autograph inscription written on first page in pencil, “ One of six copies printed.” — O. W. Holmes. 100 CATALOGUE. g08 Hotmes. Oration delivered before the City Authorities of Boston, 4th July, 1863. Private copy. Firsted. 4° full morocco. Boston, 1863 «‘ The reader has before him the first draft of the author’s Address» turned into large, legible type for the sole purpose of rendering easier its public delivery. By the liberality of the City Authorities, 12 copies, of which this is one, were printed and placed at the au- thor’s disposal. No others were struck off, with the exception of those which the printers were allowed to preserve as typographical specimens.” — Preface, signed in ink “O. W. Holmes,” with two autograph letters of O. W. Holmes laid in, relating to this and the two following numbers. ONLY 12 copies were printed for the author before delivery of the Oration; the type was kept standing, the corrections and alterations made, and again printed. This first issue has 8 preliminary and text 71 pages. The re-issue has 75 pages inclusive of title. g0g Hotmes. The Guardian Angel. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1867 gto Houtmes. The School-Boy. With illustrations. First ed. 8° original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1879 With a. 2.5. 3 pp. of the author inserted. The Foote copy with his bookplate. gt1 Hotmes. John Lothrop Motley; a memoir. First ed. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1879 Autograph letter from the author inserted. 912 Hotmes. Pages from an Old Volume of Life. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1883 913 Hoimes. Ralph Waldo Emerson. First ed. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1885 914 Hoxtmes. A Mortal Antipathy. Firsted. 12° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1885 915 Hotmes. Our Hundred Daysin Europe. First edition. Small 8° full crimson morocco, extra, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1887 EXTRA ILLUSTRATED, with 43 fine portraits, views of English Cathedrals, celebrated buildings, etc., inserted. 916 Hotmes. Before the Curfew and other poems, chiefly occasional. First ed. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1888 Presentation copy from the author, with inscription. . 917 Houmes. Over the Teacups. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1891 918 Hotmes. The Atlantic Almanac for 1868. Edited by O. W. Holmes and D. G. Mitchell. Illustrations, in- cluding 4 colored plates of the Seasons. Firsted. 8° original picture wrappers. Boston, (1867) Containing original contributions by Hawthorne, Mitchell, Holmes and others. 919 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930° 931 CATALOGUE. 101 HoimeEs. Horatian Echoes, by J. O. Sargent. With in- troduction by O. W. Holmes. Firsted, 12° original cloth, uncut and unopened, as issued. Boston, 1893 ONLY 50 copies issued in this state. Houmes. Poetical Works of. Household ed. With illus- trations. 8° half light calf, gilt, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1895 Houmes. Another copy. 8° tree calf, extra, gilt edges. Boston, 1900 Hoitmes. Life and Letters. By J. T. Morse. Portraits and illustrations. Firsted. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1896 LARGE PAPER: only 250 copies printed for America. HOoLyoakKE, George J. History of Codperation in Eng- land, its literature and its advocates (1812-78). 2 vols. small 8° cloth. London, 1875-85 Homer. Whole Works of. Translated by Alexander Pope. Revised, corrected and improved by William H. Melmoth. Portrait and map. 4° half red morocco. London, n. d. HomMeErR. Iliads and Odysseys of Homer. Translated by George Chapman. With introduction and notes, by Richard Hooper. 4 vols. square 12° cloth, uncut. Library of Old Author series. London, 1865-74 Homer. Iliad, translated by Andrew Lang, W. Leaf and E. Myers; — Odyssey, translated by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1883 Hone, Philip. Diary of, 1828-51. Edited with an in- troduction by Bayard Tuckerman. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1889 Hong, William. Every-Day Book; or, the Guide to the Year; being a series of 5000 anecdotes and facts. Il- lustrated by numerous engravings. 2 vols. 8° half crushed levant morocco, uncut, extra, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & Son. W. ‘Legg & Co.: London. Hoop, Edwin P. The World of Anecdote: an accumula- tion of facts, incidents, etc. 12° half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, by RivizrRE & Son. London, 1886 Hooper, George. Waterloo; the downfall of the first Napoleon, a history of the Campaign of 1815. Map and plans. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RiviErE & Son. Bohn: London, 1890 Hosmer, James K. The Color-Guard; being a corporal’s notes of military service in the Nineteenth Army Corps. 12° cloth. Boston, 1846 With a. /. s. of the author inserted, 102 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 CATALOGUE. Howarp, George E. An Introduction to the Local Con- stitutional History of the United States. Vol. I, De- velopment of the Township. 8° cloth. Baltimore, 1889 Howarp and Crocker. History of New England, con- taining historical and descriptive sketches of the coun- ties, cities and principal towns of the six New England States. Fine steel and wood engravings. 4° cloth. Boston, 1879 Hows, Julia Ward. The World’s Own. Firsted. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1857 Signature of the author inserted. Howe ts, William Dean. Venetian Life. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1866 Presentation copy: “ To Mr. J. B. Harrison from W. D. Howells” «© With the assistance of J. R. Lowell.” Howe tts. Their Wedding Journey. Illustrations. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1872 With autograph of W. D. Howells on fly-leaf. Howe.ts. Suburban Sketches. Illustrations by Augus- tus Hoppin. 12° cloth. Boston, 1872 With autograph of author on title. Howe tts. Sketch of the Life and Character of Ruther- ford B. Hayes. Firsted. Portraits. 16° cloth. With autograph of author on title. New York, 1876 HoweE.ts. The Counterfeit Presentment. Firsted. 16° cloth. Boston, 1877 Autograph of author on fly-leaf. Howe ts. Out of the Question. Firsted. 16° cloth. Boston, 1877 Autograph of the author on fly-leaf. Howetits. The Undiscovered Country. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1880 With inscription and autograph of the author. Howes. Doctor Breen’s Practice. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1881 With autograph of W. D. Howells. Howeutts. Three Villages. Firsted. 16° cloth Boston, 1884 Autograph of the author on title-page. Howe tts. Rise of Silas Lapham. Firsted. 12° cloth. _ Boston, 1885 With autograph of author on title. Howes. Venetian Life. Riverside Aldine ed. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1885 Howetts. A Sea-Change; or, Love’s Stowaway. First ed. 18° cloth. Boston, 1888 With signature of author on fly-leaf, : . : q CATALOGUE. 103 947 Howe.tts. The World of Chance. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1893 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 948 Howirr, William. Homes and Haunts of the most Emi- nent British Poets: Early and Modern Poets. With illustrations by W. & G. Meason. 2 vols. 8° half green crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1849 949 Howitt. Rural Life in England. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Phila., 1854 950 HowortH, Henry H. History of the Mongols, from the gth to the 19th Century. With maps by E. G. Raven- stein. 3 vols. bound in 4 vols. Royal 8° half claret morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1876 951 HvusBarD, Elbert. One Day, a tale of the Prairies, First ed. Vignette illustrations. Narrow 16° cloth. Boston, 1893 952 HuerFer, Francis. The Troubadours; a history of pro- vencal life and literature in the Middle Ages. 8° half red morocco, uncut, gilt top and back. London, 1878 953 [Hucues, Thomas.] Scouring of the White Horse. Il- lustrations by Richard Doyle. Firsted. Square 12° cloth, gilt edges. Cambridge, 1859 954 Huco, Victor. Novels and Dramas. Fully translated and illustrated with etchings by Mm. Luc-Olivier Mer- son, J. F. Raffaélli, G. Jeannot, Bida, Leloir, Pille, Maignan, Lalauze, Rochegrosse, etc. Together 46 vols. imperial 8° paper, uncut. Geo.: Barrie: Phila., 1894 NATIONAL EDITION: only 1000 copies printed on Holland Paper. 955 Huco. Works of. Library ed. Illustrations. 12 vols. 12° half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1888 CoMPRISES: Toilers of the Sea, 2 vols.; — Notre-Dame, 2 vols.;— Man Who Laughs, 2 vols.;— Les Misérables, 5 vols.; — Ninety-Three- 956 Huco. Ruy Blas, a drama in five acts. Illustrated with numerous compositions by Adrien Moreau, etched by Champollion. Royal 8° calf, extra, gilt back and edges. Boston, 1894 EDITION DE LUXE: only 500 copies printed. 957 Huisu, Robert. Memoirs of Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales, etc., and of her Illustrious Consort, Prince | Leopold of Saxe-Coburg Saalfeld. Portrait and plates. y Bound in 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1818 958 Huis. Memoirs of Caroline, Queen of Great Britain; embracing every circumstance illustrative of the most memorable scenes of her eventful life. Portraits and plates. 2 vols. 8° calf (bindings cracked). London, 1821 104 959 960 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 CATALOGUE. HuisoH. Memoirs of George the Fourth, descriptive of the most interesting scenes of his private and public life. Portraits and plates (4 plates missing and 12 extra plates inserted). 2 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. London, 1831 Hume, David. History of England. New ed., with the author’s last corrections and improvements. Portrait. 6 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. Boston, 1872 Hunt, Leigh. Juvenilia; or, a Collection of Poems, written between the ages of twelve and sixteen. First ed. Portrait inserted. 8° full dark polished calf, extra, uncut, gilt top, by RAMAGE. London, 1801 Fine, uncut copy of the rare first edition. [Hunt.] Classic Tales, serious and lively. With critical essays on the merits and reputation of the authors. Firsted. Engraved title and illustrations after David Wilkie. 5 vols. 12° full dark polished calf, extra, gilt backs, uncut, gilt tops, by Ramacr. London, 1806-07 Fine, clean copy. Hunt. The Descent of Liberty, a mask. Firsted. 12° full dark polished calf, extra, uncut, gilt top, by RAMAGE., London, 1815 Fine, clean, uncut copy. Hunt. The Story of Rimini, a poem. Firsted. 12° full dark polished calf, extra, uncut, gilt top, by RAMAGE. Fine, uncut copy. London, 1816 Hunt. Hero and Leander, and Bacchus and Ariadne, two original poems. Firsted. 12° original boards, uncut, with paper label. London, 1819 Fine, uncut copy. Hunt. Amyntas, a Tale of the Woods, from the Italian of Torquato Tasso. Firsted. Frontispiece. Small 8° full dark polished calf, extra, uncut, gilt top, by RAMAGE. Beautiful, uncut copy. London, 1820 Hunt. The Months, Description of the Successive Beau- ties of the Year. Firsted. Small 8° full dark polished calf, extra, uncut, gilt top, by Ramace. London, 1821 Fine, clean, uncut copy. ; Hunt. Ultra-Crepidarius, a Satire on William Gifford (a type-written copy). 4° half morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1823 One of 3 type-written copies from the original edition of 1823 in the British Museum for, private use. [Hunt.] Sir Ralph Esher; or, Adventures of a Gentle- man of the Court of Charles II. Firsted. 3 vols. 8° full dark polished calf, extra, uncut, gilt tops, by RAMAGE. London, 1830 Fine, clean, uncut copy of this scarce work. os CATALOGUE. 105 970 Hunt. Poetical Works of. First ed. 8° full dark polished calf, extra, gilt top, by RAMAGE. E. Moxon: London, 1832 971 Hunt. Stories from the Italian Poets, with lives of the writers. First ed. 2 vols. small 8° half green morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1846 972 Hunt. Stories in Verse. Firsted. Illustrations. 16° cloth (worn). London, 1855 973 Hunt. Correspondence. Edited by his eldest son. First ed. Portrait (slightly stained). 2 vols. small 8° cloth, ? ? uncut. London, 1862 974 [Hunt.] Poésies de Marie de France. 2 vols. 8° half crimson morocco, uncut. Paris, 1820 From the library of Leigh Hunt. Contains his autograph on title, and marginal notes in his MS. 975 Hurp, John C. The Theory of Our National Existence as shown by the action of the Government of the United States since 1861. 8° half light calf, gilt back. Boston, 1881 976 Hurcuinson, Thomas. History of the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. (Vol. 1), 1628 to 1691, Boston, 1764; — (Vol. 2), 1691 to 1750, Boston, 1767; — (Vol. 3), 1750 to June, 1774, London, 1828, with the 16 pp. of preface. 2 vols. half red morocco and Vol. 3 entirely uncut. Together 3 vols. 8°. Vols. 1 and 2 are of the extremely rare Boston edition and the Vol. 3s with the preface of 16 pp. makes the best set that can be obtained. Uncut copies of Vols. 1 and 2 of this edition are extremely rare. 977 Hutton, Laurence. Literary Landmarks of London. 12° cloth. Boston, 1885 | 978 | MPARTIAL History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its commence- ment to the end of the year 1779. With an appendix containing a collection of interesting and authentic pa- pers tending to elucidate the history. Illustrated with a variety of beautiful copperplates, representing real and animated likenesses of those celebrated generals who have distinguished themselves in the important contest. Folded map and 13 full-length portraits. Large 8° full crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, fillets on side, entirely uncut, by W. PRATT. London, 1780 An immaculate, uncut, perfect and clean copy, with brilliant im- pressions of the rare portraits of Washington (Baker, No. 418), Sir W. Howe, Hancock, Sam]. Adams, a real American Rifleman, Arnold, Hopkins, Lee, Viscount Howe, Putnam, Franklin, Wooster and Gates. A set of the portraits in this work were sold singly in the Clark sale for over $40, and were not uncut or brilliant impressions pay ancee This is without doubt one of the finest copies ever offered Or Sale. 106 CATALOGUE. 979 Inp1ANs. Third Annual Report of the Regents of the University on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History. 8° cloth. Albany, 1850 Contains Report by L. H. Morgan on the Indian Collection, with colored plates. , 980 INTERNATIONAL Cyclopedia, a compendium of human knowledge. Edited by Richard G. Greene. Maps and illustrations. 15 vols. royal 8° sheep. Dodd, Mead & Co.: New York, 1890 981 IRELAND’s Cause in England’s Parliament, by Justin McCarthy, 1888;— Early Christian Art in Ireland, by Margaret Stokes, illustrations. 2 vols. 12° cloth. 982 IrvinGc, Washington. Complete Works of. New Sunny- side edition, illustrated by Coburn, Rackham, Darley, Sandham, Fredericks, Barraud, Platt, Zogbaum, Church, Dielmann, Reinhart, Rix, etc. Photogravures and other illustrations on Japan paper. 4o vols. 8° three-quarters green morocco, extra, uncut, gilt tops. G. P. Putnam & Sons: New York. COLLECTOR’s NEW SUNNYSIDE EDITION: only 250 signed and numbered sets issued. 983 Irvinc. Works of, with Life and Letters, also Life of Washington. Engraved titles and illustrations. Knicker- bocker edition. 26 vols. 12° cloth. Phila., 1871 Lacks Vol. I of Life and Letters. 3 984 Irvinc. Astoria. First ed. With the scarce map. 2 vols. 8° original cloth, uncut (not uniform in color and water- stain through lower corner of Vol. 2). -Phila., 1836 985 § AMES, Capt. Tuomas. The Strange and Dangerovs Voyage of Captaine Thomas lames, in his intended Discouery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea. Wherein the miseries indvred both Going, Wintering, Returning: and the Rarities obserued, both Philosopi- call and Mathematicall, are related in this Iournall of it. pp. 120, 22, With the appendix signed x. z. With the excessively rare original folding map, containing the genuine portrait of Capt. James. Small 4° full red mo- rocco, gilt edges. Printed by John Legatt for John Partridge: London, 1633 A fine, perfect copy, with the original map. See reproduction of title-page. James’s expedition was fitted out with the aid of merchants of Bristol, under the patronage of King Charles I, to whom the book is dedicated. He left Bristol on the 3d of May, 1631, and returned on the 23d of October of the following year. Capt. James made few new discoveries, but his observations upon the phenomena of the regions visited are of great value. During the voyage he encountered “ North- west Fox,” who was in the Arctic regions at the same time. THE pe RANGE AND DANGE-: ROVS VOYAGE OF - Capraine Tuomas lames,in his intended Difcouery of the Northweft Paffage into the South Sea. ) VVHEREIN THE MISERIES INDVRED BOTH Going, Wintering, Returning; and the Rarictes obferued, both Philofophicall and Mathematical, are related in this lourna]! of it. Publifhed by His Matesties command. To which are added, A Plat or Card for the Sayling in thofe Seas. Diuers little Tables of the Author’s , -of the Va- tiation of the Compafie, &c. | WIT-H An Appendix concerning Lengitude, by Matter - Henry GELireranp. Aftronomy Reader of Grefham Colledge in London. AN.D An Aduife concerning the Philofophy of:thefe late Difcoueryes, By #7. Hw. . ‘LONDON, | Printed by John Legatt, for loha-Partridge. 108 CATALOGUE. 986 Jackson, Gen. Andrew. Life and Public Services of. Edited by J. S. Jenkins. With the eulogy by George Bancroft. Portrait and illustrations. 12° cloth. Signature of Andrew Jackson inserted. Buffalo, 1850 987 Jackson. Life of. By James Parton. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. | Boston, (1887) 988 Jackson, Helen. Poems of. Portrait. 12° half light calf, gilt, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1898 989 James, H. E. M. The Long White Mountain; or, a jour- ney in Manchuria, with some account of the history, people, etc. Map and illustrations. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1888 990 JAMrson, Mrs. History of Our Lord, fourth ed., 2 vols. ; —Sacred and Legendary Art, tenth ed., 2 vols.;— Legends of the Madonna, seventh ed.; — Legends of the Monastic Orders, seventh ed. Numerous illustra- tions. 6 vols. square 8° half blue crushed levant mo- rocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivizrRE & Son. London, 1888 991 Japan Described and Illustrated by the Japanese. Written by eminent Japanese authorities and scholars. Edited by Captain F. Brinkley. Illustrated with 30 full-page tinted photographic plates. 15 full-page colored plates of Japanese flowers and numerous half-tones throughout the text. Complete in 15 parts, royal 4° paper. Boston, 1897 992 JARDINE, Sir William. Naturalist’s Library. Embellished with upwards of 1200 colored plates and numerous por- traits of Naturalists. 40 vols. 16° half light calf, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. W. H. Lizars: Edinburgh, 1843-36 CoMPRISES: Mammalia, 13 vols.; —Ornithology, 14 vols.;—Ichthy- ology, 6 vols. ; — Entomology, 8 vols. 993 JAY, John. Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay, First Chief-Justice of the United States (1763 to 1826). Edited by Henry P. Johnston, Professor of American History in the College of the City of New York. 4 vols. 8° morocco, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1890 The edition is printed from type and limited to 750 sets. 994 Jay. Life and Times of; with a sketch of public events By William Whitelock. Portrait. 12° half calf, gilt back. New York, 1887 995 JEAFFRESON, J.C. Book about Doctors. Original edition. Frontispieces. 2 vols, 12° half brown crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1860 CATALOGUE. 109 996 JEAFFRESON. Book about Lawyers, 2 vols., 1867;—Book about the Clergy, second ed., 2 vols., 1870. Together 4 vols. 8° half claret crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by Rivifre & Son. London, 1867 997 JEFFERSON, Thomas. Writings of, with explanatory notes, etc. By H. A. Washington. Steel portrait. g vols. 8° half morocco. New York, 1853-54 998 JeFFERSON. Life of. With parts of his correspondence never before published. By George Tucker. Steel portrait. 2 vols. royal 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1837 999 JEROME, J. K. Stage-Land, curious habits and customs of its inhabitants. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1890 1000 JERROLD, Douglas. Works of; containing a memoir by W. Blanchard Jerrold. Portrait and frontispieces. 5 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & SON. Bradbury, Agnew & Co.: London. 1oo1 JESSE, John Heneage. Historical Memoirs. Portraits and illustrations on Japan paper. 14 vols. 8° half crim- son crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, in cloth boxes. F, A. Niccolls & Co.: Boston. EDITION DE LUXE: only 1000 copies printed. CoMPRISES: Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, 6 vols.; — Court of England, from the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of George the Second, 4 vols. ;-— Pretenders and their Adherents, 3 vols.;— Literary and Historical Memorials of London, rt vol. Illustrated with portraits, views, battles, etc., some from old and rare prints. 1002 Jest Book; the choicest anecdotes and sayings. Selected and arranged by Mark Lemon. Engraved title. 16° half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, by RivizRE & SON. London, 1888 1003 JESUIT Relations and Allied Documents; travels and ex- plorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France. The original French, Latin and Italian texts, with English translations and notes. [Illustrated by por- traits, maps and facsimiles. Edited by Reuben G. Thwaites. Complete set, with the two index vols. 73 vols. 8° buckram, uncut. Burrows Bros. Co.: Cleveland, 1896-1901 ONLY 750 sets printed. 1004 JEvons, W. Stanley. Investigations in Currency and Finance. Illustrated by 20 diagrams. Edited by H. S. Foxwell. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1884 1005 Jouns and Nicolas. Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain; or, Calendar of Victory. Steel portraits. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by Rivizre & SON. Bohn: London, 1889 IIo CATALOGUE. 1006 JOHNSON, Capt. History of the Life and Intrigues of that Celebrated Courtezan and Posture-Mistress, Eliz. Mann, alias Boyle, alias Sample, commonly call’d, the Royal Soveraign, who departed this life 26 May, 1724. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1724 1007 JOHNSON, Lionel. Poems. 8° boards, uncut. First edition of Johnson’s first book. London, 1895 ONLY 750 copies printed at the Chiswick Press. 1008 JOHNSON. Ireland, with other poems. Firsted. 8° boards, uncut. Chiswick Press: London, 1897 1009 [JoHNSON, Robert.] Nova Britannia: Offering Most Excellent fruites by Planting in Virginia. Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. Small 4° red levant morocco, doublé of green levant, with wide dentelle border, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD. Printed for Samuel Macham: London, 1609 After Smith’s “ True Relation ” of 1608, this is the first printed book relating to the English settlements in Virginia. In making this statement, no account is taken of Raleigh’s abortive attempt to found a colony on the coast of North Carolina. This book was entered at Stationers’ Hall on February 18, 1609, and was on the market five days later, as on the 23d the Spanish Am- bassador at London was sending a copy to the King of Spain. Rob- ert Gray’s “* Good Speed to Virginia,” which seems to be the second book, was not entered at Stationers’ Hall until May 3, 1609. At this time interest in the Virginia Colony was strong in England. A new charter was under discussion, and shares in the Company were apparently selling readily. We find no better expression of the enthu- siasm then reigning then the following, written in 1812, by William Strachey : “Which was once a thing so full of expectaunce (and that not above three years since) as not a year of a romain jubile, no nor the Ethnick Queen of Ephesus, can be said to have beene followed with more heate and zeale; the discourse and visitatioun of yt tooke up all meetings, times, termes, all degrees, all purses, and such throngs and concourse of personal undertakers, as the air seemed not to have more Lights thenn that holie Cause inflamed Spiritts to partake with yt, almost every religious Subject that stood sound indeed at the coare within to Loialtie and to the profession of the present Faith brought his Free-wtll-offring, and professed thenn to throw his bread upon those waters.” Sabin notes two different forms of the title-page and it has been known for some time that there were at least two editions of this book. Bibliographers have been able to compare several copies, and have discovered that the type was set at least four times and that there are four distinct editions, differing generally in minute typographical particulars only. The greatest textual difference occurs on the recto of D4. This copy has only three paragraphs on that page. Another, probably a later edition, has four. The difference was brought about by the omission of the sentence, ** As also euery Planter and Adventurer shall bee inserted in the Patent by name.” The New Charter was not signed by the King until May 23d, 1609, having been kept open to receive the names of the “ Planters and Adventurers.” It seems probable, therefore, that the edition or edi- tions without the above sentence were printed after this date. See reproduction of title-page. Nova BRITANNI Ae OFFRING MOST Excellent fruites by Planting in VIRGINIA. Exciting all fuchas be well affected to further the fame. London Printedfor Samy er Macuan, andaretobefoldat his Shop ‘in Pauls Church-yard, at the Signe of the Bul-head, 160 ys 112 CATALOGUE. roro [JoHNsoN.] The New Life of Virginea: Declaring the Former Svccesse and Present estate of that plantation, being the second part of Noua Britannia. Published by the authoritie of his Maiesties Counsell of Virginea. Small 4° red morocco, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. Felix Kyngston for William Welby: London, 1612 Fine, sound copy, nowhere cut into or mended. This supplement “to Nova Britannia” seems to be even rarer than that book. As the title indicates, the book is a little history of the Virginia settle- ment, with words of encouragement for intending settlers. The ded- ication to Sir Thomas Smith begins: “It is come to passe (right Worshipfull) with the businesse and plantation of Virginea, as it is commonly seene in the attempt and progresse of all other most excellent things, (which is) to be accom- panied with manifold difficulties, crosses and disasters, being such as are appointed by the highest prouidence, as an exercise of patience and other vertues, and to make more wise thereby the managers thereof: by which occasion not only the ignorant and simple minded much discouraged, but the malitious and looser sort (being accom- panied with the licentious vaine of stage Poets) have whet their tongues with scornful] taunts against the action in itselfe, in so much as there is no common speech nor publick name of anything this day, (except it be the name of God) whichis more vildly depraued, tra- duced and derided by such vnhallowed lips, then the name of Vir- ginea. For which cause (right noble Knight) I have set my selfe to publish this briefe apollogie to the sight and view of all men, not to answer any such in their particular folly, but to free the name it selfe from the injurious scoffer, and this commendable enterprise from the scorne and derision of any such, as by ignorance or malace have sought the way to wrong it.” See reproduction of title page. 1011 JOHNSON, Samuel. Works of. Portrait. 9 vols. 8° calf, gilt. | Printed for W. Pickering: London, 1825 Best Library edition. 1o1z2 JOHNSON. Samuel Johnson’s Prologue, spoken at the opening of Drury Lane Theatre, 1747; with Garrick’s epilogue. Loft King Matlafoyt : as alfo thew meffage, the anfwer and entertainment they had of hum. TL. Inavoyage made by ten of then: to the Kiagdome of Nawfet, to feeke aboy that hadloft timfelfe smthe woods with (ack accidents x befell thents. sathat voyage. IT I,-Iatheiriourney to the Kingdome of Namafchet, in defence of their greateft King Matfafoyc, againf the Narrohi geonfers, andtorenengethe {uppoled death of ther. Interpreter Tifquantum. LILI, Their voyage to the Matlachufets, azd their entertainment there, With an anfwerto all fach obie€tions asare any way madé againit the lawfulne(fe of Englifh plantations 4 in thofe parts, ss AS LONDON, Printed for fob Bellamie, and are tobe f old at his fhop at thetwe ‘Greyhounds in Cornhill neere che Royall Exchange, 1622» 158 CATALOGUE. 1354 MurpHy, Henry C. Journal of a Voyage to New York and a Tour in several of the American Colonies in 1679-80, by Jaspar Dankers and Peter Sluyter. Illus- trations. 8° cloth. Brooklyn, 1867 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 1355 Mystery Reveal’d (The); or, Truth brought to Light. Being a Discovery of some facts in Relation to the Con- duct of the late M y, which however extraordinary they may appear, are yet supported by such Testimo- nies of authentick Papers and Memoirs; as neither Confidence can out-brave; nor Cunning invalidate. 8° green levant morocco, watered-silk fly-leaves, gilt edges, in brown morocco Solander case. W. Cater, R. Whitby and S. Hope: London, 1759 A magnificent specimen binding by Rivitre which cost $115, of a design of roses, with inlaid bands of maroon morocco, inside borders, terra-cotta silk flies, gilt over rough leaves. “The title conveys no adequate idea of the contents of this very interesting book. The first part is a statement of affairs, and an analysis of them, from the Peace of Utrecht till some months after Braddock’s Defeat. The second part contains the Original Docu- ments or Vouchers for the Narratives. These comprise the Memo- rials and Letters that passed between the English and French officers in Canada and Nova Scotia, and other English colonies, especially on the Ohio, from 1751 to 1755, including the chief papers that fell into the hands of the French after the surrender of Fort Necessity, and Braddock’s Defeat, such as Washington’s Journal and Letters, Stobo’s Letter to Washington, Braddock’s Letters, etc., some of which papers are re-translations from the French.” NAPOLEONANA. 1356 ApBoTT, J. S. C. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. Steel portraits, maps and illustrations, 2 vols. royal 8° cloth. New York, 1855 1357 ABELL, Mrs. Recollections of the Emperor Napoleon, during the first three years of his Captivity on the Island of St. Helena. Portrait and illustrations. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 1358 Account of the Battle of Waterloo, fought on the 18th of June, 1815, by the English and Allied Forces, against the Army of France. By a British officer on the Staff. Map. 8° half roan. London, 1815 1359 ALBUM Militaire; victories et conquétes des armées Fran- caises. 2™°series. Colored plates. 12 parts oblong pictorial wrappers. Paris, 1896 1360 ANnEcDoTEs of the Court and Family of Napoleon Bona- parte. 8° half calf, gilt back, London, 1818 — eS eS LT ee. ee ee Se ne Oe ee ge Pin es CATALOGUE. 159 NAPOLEONANA — ConTINUED. 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 AG 1369 1370 1371 1372 ANTOMMARCHI, F. The Last Days of Napoleon. Me- moirs of the last two years of Napoleon’s exile; form- ing a sequel to the Journals of Dr. O’Meara and Count Las Cases. 2 vols. 8° three-quarters green crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops, by BLACKWELL. London, 1826 ARNOULT, M. V. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. By M. V. Arnault, C. L. F. Panckoucke and others. Portrait. 2 vols in one. 16° half sheep (marked copy). Boston, 1829 BATTLE of Waterloo; containing the accounts published by authority, British and Foreign. By a near observer. Map and 2 folded sketches. 8° cloth. London, 1815 BLAKENEY. A Boy in the Peninsular War; the services, adventures and experiences of Robert Blakeney, Sub- altern in the 28th Regiment. Edited by Julian Sturgis. Map. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1899 BourGoGne. Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne, 1812-13. Compiled from the original MS. by Paul Cottin. Ilus- trations. 12° cloth. New York, 1899 BourRRIENNE, M. de. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. With anecdotes and illustrative notes from all the most authentic sources. Steel portraits and illustrations. 4 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs. London, 1836 BourRIENNE. The same. Portraits. 4 vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1889 CAMPAIGN of General. Buonaparte in Italy, during the fourth and fifth years of the French Republic. Bya General Officer. 8° half blue morocco, extra, uncut, gilt back and top. New York, 1798 CAMPBELL, Maj.-Gen. Sir Neil. Napoleon at Fontaine- bleau and Elba; beinga journal of occurrences in 1814- 1815, with notes of conversations. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. — London, 1869 CoicneT. Narrative of Captain Coignet (Soldier of the Empire), 1776-1850. Edited from the original manu- script, by Lorédan Larchey. Illustrations. Small 8° half morocco. New York, 1890. CouttectTion de Douze Vues de Waterloo. First and second series. 2 maps and 24 scarce lithographic plates. 2 vols. oblong 4° paper and half morocco. Bruxelles. Corton, Edward. A Voice from Waterloo, a history of the battle fought June 18, 1815. Map and illustrations. 16° cloth. London, 1849 160 CATALOGUE. NAPOLEONANA — ConriINnNvUED. 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 De CourtTotT. Memoirs of the Baroness Cecile De Cour- tot, Lady-in-Waiting to the Princess de Lamballe, Princess of Savoy-Carignan. By Moritz Von Kaisen- berg. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1900 Dement, R. S. Napoleon, a drama. Portrait and plates. 8° paper. Chicago, 1893 Doisy, A. J. Reminiscences of Army Life under Na- poleon Bonaparte. 12° cloth. Cincinnati, 1884 Dumas, Alexandre. Napoleon. Translated from the French by John B. Larner. Small 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1894 Eaton, Charlotte A. Waterloo Days; the narrative of an Englishwoman resident at Brussels in June, 1815. 12° cloth. London, 1888 ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Waterloo, a sequel to the ‘‘ Con- script of 1813.”” Illustrations. 412° cloth. New York, 1891 Facsimi.es of all the Different Signatures of the Emperor © Napoleon I. 4° half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top. Tegg & Co.: London, 1875 Fircuett, W. H. How England Saved Europe. Vol. 4. Waterloo and St. Helena. Portraits and plans. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1900 Fircuett. Deeds that Won the Empire; historic battle scenes. Portraits and map. 12° cloth, uncut. Contains sketch of the Battle of Waterloo. London, 1898 Gisney, Dr. Eighty Years Ago; or, the recollections of an old army doctor, his adventures on the Field of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1896 GuEIc, Rev. G. R. Story of the Battle of Waterloo. 12° cloth. New York, 1847 Goopricu, Frank B. The Court of Napoleon, or, society under the First Empire, with portraits of its beauties, wits and heroines, from authentic originals. Illustrated by Jules Champagne. 16 finely colored plates. First ed. 4° half red morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1857 Fine copy, with the colored plates. GourcaupD, le Général. Campagne de Dix-Huit Cent Quinze, ou Relation des Opérations Militaires qui’ont eu lieu en France et en Belgique. 8° paper, uncut. | Paris, 1818 GriFFITHs, Maj. Arthur. Wellington and Waterloo. With an introduction by Field-Marshal Viscount Wolseley. Numerous half-tone portraits and plates, 4° cloth. London, 1898 a ee a Pe py CATALOGUE. 161 NAPOLEONANA — ConriInuEp. 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 £393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 HEADLEY, J. T. The Imperial Guard of Napoleon, from Marengo to Waterloo. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, 1888 HEADLEY. Napoleon and his Marshals. Portraits. 2 vols. 12° cloth (text foxed). New York, 1856 HIuis, William, Jr. Metrical History of the Life and Times of Napoleon Bonaparte. With 25 photogravure portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1896 Hooper, George. Waterloo; the Downfall of the First Emperor. Maps. 12° cloth. © Bohn: London, 1890 HoyssurGu, E. L. 8. Waterloo, a narrative and a criti- cism. Maps. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1895 Hovussaye£, Henry. 1815 Waterloo. Translated by Arthur E. Mann. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1900 Junot, Madame. Napoleon; his Court and Family: Me- moirs of Madame Junot, Duchesse d’Abrantes. New and revised ed., with numerous portraits on steel. 3 vols. 8° half straight-grained crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops, by ZAEHNSDORF. Bentley: London, 1883 Las Cases, Count de. Memorial de Sainte Héléne: Jour- nal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Em- peror Napoleon at Saint Helena. Portraits. 4 vols. bound in 8 vols. 8° half crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by Tout. London, 1823 LEEKE, William. History of Lord Seaton’s Regiment (the 52d Light Infantry) at the Battle of Waterloo. With Supplement. Portrait and maps. 3 vols. 8° cloth. London, 1866-71 Lire of Napoleon Bonaparte. Copperplate portraits and engravings. 3 vols, 8° half light calf, gilt backs. J. Wallis: London. n. d. Lire of Buonaparte, First Consul of France, from his birth to the Peace of Luneville. Portrait engraved by Kneass. 12° old calf (broken). Phila., 1803 Lire of Napoleon Bonaparte, London; — Court and Camp of Bonaparte, New York, 1839;—Table Talk and Opinions of Napoleon the First, London, 1870; — | Words of Wellington, London, 1869. 4 vols. 16° cloth. [Locxuart, J. G.] History of Napoleon Buonaparte. Portraits and wood-cut illustrations by George Cruik- shank and others. 2 vols. 16° half calf. London, 1829 Loyp, Lady Mary. New Letters of Napoleon I, omitted from the edition published under the auspices of Na- poleon III. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1897 162 CATALOGUE. NAPOLEONANA — ConTINUED. 1401 MANUSCRIPT transmitted from St. Helena by an unknown Channel. 8° half calf, gilt back. London, 1817 1402 Map of the Campaign of 1815; — Nouveau Plan des En- virons de Bruxelles presentant de Champ de Bataille de Waterloo. Mounted on linen and folded. 2 vols. 12° and 8°, 1403 Maston, Frédéric. Napoleon and the Fair Sex. Trans- lated from the French. Photogravure and other por- traits. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1894 1404 Morris, W. O. Napoleon, Warrior and Ruler, and the military supremacy of Revolutionary France. Maps and illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1893 1405 NAPOLEON Dynasty; or, the history of the Bonaparte Family. By the Berkeley Men. Portraits. 8° cloth. New York, 1852 1406 Napo.eon Gallery; or, illustrations of the life and times of the Emperor of France, engraved by Reveil and other eminent artists. 95 illustrations. Square 8° cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1888 1407 Napo.fon, la République, le Consulat, l’Empire, Sainte- Héigne. Numerous half-tone illustrations. Oblong 4° roan. Paris, n. d. 1408 NAPoLeon Memoirs. Life of, by William Hazlitt, 6 vols. ; — Memoirs of Bourrienne, 4 vols.; — Madame Junot, 6 vols. Portraits on Japan paper. 16 vols. 8° three- quarters green morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Napoleon Society: Boston, 1895 EDITION DE GRAND LUXE: only 500 copies printed. 1409 O’Connor, T. P. Napoleon. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1896 1410 O’MraRaA, Barry E. Napoleon in Exile; or, a voice from St. Helena, the opinions and reflections of Napoleon on the most important events of his life and govern- ment. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 12° half roan (writing on back of title). London, 1822 1411 O’MEARA. Napoleon at St. Helena. Steel portrait of Napoleon, engraved by G. J. Stodart from a cameo by Morelli, and colored plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1889 1412 Porter, Sir R. K. Narrative of the Campaign in Russia during the year 1812. Portrait and map. 8° half mo- rocco. Hartford, 1815 1413 Ropes, John C. Campaign of Waterloo, a military his- tory. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 1414 RosEeBEery, Lord. Napoleon, the Last Phase, 8° cloth, uncut, London, 1900 ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee we > wee a CATALOGUE. 163 NAPOLEONANA — ConTINvED. 1415 SAINT-AMAND, Imbert de. Marie Louise; the Island of Elba, and the Hundred Days. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1891 1416 [Scott, Sir Walter.] Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. With a preliminary view of the French Revolution. Portrait. 9g vols. 12° half crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by Tour. Edinburgh, 1827 1417 SEATON, R. C. Sir Hudson Lowe and Napoleon. Por- trait. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1898 1418 S1nporNE, H. T. Waterloo Letters; a selection from original and hitherto unpublished letters, bearing on the operations of the 16th to 18th June, 1815, by offi- cers who served in the campaign. Maps. 8° half mo- rocco. London, 1891 1419 Simpson, James. A Visit to Flanders in July, 1815; being chiefly an account of the Field of Waterloo. Map. 16° sheep. Edinburgh, 1815 1420 SLOANE, William M. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Nu- merous colored engravings, half-tone portraits and other illustrations. 4 vols. imperial 8° original pic- torial wrappers, uncut. Century Co.: New York, 1896 1421 SToKOE. With Napoleon at St. Helena; being the me- moirs of Dr. John Stokoe, Naval Surgeon. Trans- lated from the French of Paul Frémeaux, by Edith S. Stokoe. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1902 1422 STUTTERHEIM. A Detailed Account of the Battle of Austerlitz. By the Austrian Major-General Stutter- heim. Translated by Major Pine Coffin. 8° paper. London, 1807 1423 SUPPLEMENT to the Life of Horatio, Lord Viscount Nel- son, by Joshua White, London, 1806; — History of the Wars of the French Revolution, 1828 ; — Wellingto- niana, selected by John Timbs, 1852; —War in Europe, New York, 1859. 4 pamphlets. 1424 System of Education for the Infant King of Rome and other French Princes of the Blood, drawn up under the superintendence of the Emperor Napoleon. Por- trait. 8° half blue morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1820 1425 TARBELL, Ida M. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; with a sketch of Josephine, Empress of the French. Portraits and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. |New York, 1go1 1426 THomsoN, John. Report of Observations made in the British Military Hospitals in Belgium, after the Battle of Waterloo, with some remarks on amputation. 8° boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1816 164 CATALOGUE. NAPOLEONANA — ConTINUED. 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 Tissot, M. P. F. Histoire de Napoléon; suivie d’un précis sur la famille Bonaparte. Portraits. 2 vols. in one. 8° half calf. Paris, 1833 TRUCHSES-WALDBURG, Count. Narrative of Napoleon Buonaparte’s Journey, from Fontainebleau to Frejus in April, 1814. 8° half blue morocco, extra, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1816 UsHER, Sir Thomas. Narrative of Events, connected with the first abdication of the Emperor Napoleon. Portrait inserted. 8° half morocco. Dublin, 1841 UsHer. Napoleon’s Last Voyages; being the diaries of Admiral Sir Thomas Usher, on board the “ Un- daunted,” and John R. Glover, Secretary to Rear- Admiral Cockburn on board the ‘‘ Northumberland.” With explanatory notes and illustrations. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1895 VERESTCHAGIN, Vassili. ‘' 1812,” Napoleon I in Russia. With an introduction by R. Whiteing. Portraits and illustrations. Small 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1899 Watson, Thomas E. Napoleon, a sketch of his life, character, struggles and achievements. Portraits and facsimiles. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1902 WELLINGTON, Duke of. Life, Military and Civil. By an .old soldier. Steel portraits and plates. 12° cloth, un- ~ cut. Bohn: London, 1852 WELLINGTON. Notes of Conversation with the Duke of Wellington, 1831-51. By Philip Henry, 5th Earl of Stanhope. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1889 WELLINGTON. Words on Wellington; the Duke, Waterloo, the Ball. By Sir William Fraser. Plates. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1889 WELLINGTON Memorial: Wellington, his Comrades and Contemporaries. By Maj. Arthur Griffiths. Photogra- vure portraits and plates. Square 8° cloth. New York, 1898 WILKINSON, Spenser. From Cromwell to Wellington; twelve soldiers. With introduction by Lord Roberts. Portraits and maps. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1899 WILLIAMS, Helen M. Narrative of the Events which have Taken Place in France, from the Landing of Na- poleon Bonaparte, on the first of March, 1815, till the Restoration of Louis XVIII. 12° boards, uncut. 7 Phila., 1816 NAPOLEON III. History of. By J. S. C. Abbott. Por- trait and illustrations. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1868 CATALOGUE. 165 1440 Nasu, Joseph. Mansions of England in the Olden Time. Re-edited by J. Corbet Anderson. With the original 104 illustrations, carefully reduced and executed in lithography, by Samuel Stanesby. 4 vols. bound in 2 vols. small folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. H. Sotheran & Co.: London, 1869 1441 NEw Hampshire. Barstow, George. History of New Hampshire, from its discovery, 1615, to the passage of the Toleration Act, 1819. Steel portraits. 8° sheep (broken). Concord, 1842 The portraits are usually missing from most of the edition. 1442 NEwMAN, John Henry, Cardinal. Works of. 38 vols. 8° and small 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & Son. London, 1888-91 ComPRISES: Saint Athanasius, 2 vols.;— Certain Difficulties, 2 vols. ;— Essays, 2 vols.; — Via Media of the Anglican Church, 2 vols.; — Historical Sketches, 3 vols. ; Parochial and Plain Sermons, 8 vols.; — Grammar of Assent ; — Callista ; — Justification ; — Loss and Gain ; — Christian Doctrine ; — Arians of the Fourth Century; —Verses on Various Occasions ; — Fifteen Sermons, etc. ; — Letters and Correspondence, with a brief autobiography, by Anne Mozley, portraits, 2 vols. 1443 NEwMAN. Historical Sketches. 3 vols. 12° half mo- rocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1886 1444 Newspaper. National Democrat. Vols. 1 and 2, with index. 2 vols, bound in one. Folio, half sheep. Washington, 1889-90 1445 NeEwspaPeR. Figaro-Salon. Par Charles Yriarte. Col- ored plates and other illustrations (some missing). 5 parts folio paper in portfolio. Paris, 1895 1446 Newspapers. New Orleans Delta; revived by order of Major-General Butler and placed under the editorial management of John Clark, Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S. Army, and E. M. Brown, Adj.-Col. 8th Vt. R. V. Complete file, May 24, 1862 to Feb. 8, 1863. Folio, half sheep. New Orleans. Presentation copy “to Col. J. H. French, from his old friend and companion in arms at Ship Island and New Orleans, John Clark.” 1447 NicHo.ts, John. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth ~ Century, 9 vols.; and Illustrations of the Literary His- tory of the Eighteenth Century, 8 vols. Numerous fine portraits. Together 17 vols. 8° tree calf, gilt. London, 1812-58 Hundreds of Jiterary celebrities are brought forward, not merely by passing anecdotes, but by highly valuable memoirs and sketches, and the extensive bibliographical and literary matter which it con- tains, render it one of the most permanently interesting set of books ever published. 166 CATALOGUE. 1448 Niesuur, B. G. Lectures on the History of Rome. Ed- ited by Leonhard Schmitz. Second ed., with Isler’s additions. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. London, 1849 1449 NIGHTINGALE, J. Report of the Proceedings before the House of Lords on a Bill of Pains and Penalties against her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of Great Britain. Portraits and plates. 3 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1821 1450 Nites’s Weekly Register; containing political, historical, geographical, scientific, statistical, economical and bio- graphical documents, essays and facts, together with notices of the arts and manufactures and a record of the events of the times. H. Niles, editor. Vols. 1 to 66, with index to first 12 vols. (1811-17). 67 vols.. pound in 58 vols. royal 8° half russia. Baltimore, 1816-44 A valuable reference work. Hezekiah Niles was editor of the first fifty vols.; Ogden Niles was editor of Vols. 51 to 56 and the work then passed into the hands of Jeremiah Hughes. 1451 Nose Deeds of Women. Steel portraits and plates. 12° half calf, uncut, gilt back and top. Bohn: London, n. d. 1452 Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan; or notes of travel through the Peninsula. Illustrations. 8° cloth (foxed). New York, 1843 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author, on title. 1453 Norrucore. Life, Letters and Diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote, First Earl of Iddesleigh. By Andrew Lang. First ed. Photogravure portraits. 2 vols. small 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Edinburgh, 1890 1454 Norton, John. Abel Being Dead Yet Speaketh; or, The Life & Death of that deservedly Famous Man of God, Mr. John Cotton, Late Teacher of the Church of Christ, at Boston in New England. Small 4° antique calf, in tin slip case. Thos. Newcomb for Lodowick Lloyd: London, 1658 Here we have the life of the most eminent of New England Clergy- men of his time, by his successor in position and influence. Included are two poems by Cotton, one made “ upon his removal from Boston (England) to this Wilderness.” These two stanzas are enough to show the character of his verse : «“ When I think of the sweet and gracious company That at Boston once I had, : And of the long peace of a fruitfull Ministry For twenty years enjoy’d: “ The joy that I found in all that happiness Doth still so much refresh me, That the grief to be cast out into a wilderness Doth not so much distress me.” At the end are five pages of “ Books printed for Lodo. Lloyd.” Fine, clean copy, from the Barlow sale. CATALOGUE. 167 1455 Norton, Charles Eliot. The New Life of Dante, an essay with translations. First ed. Square 8° half roan, uncut. ONLY 100 copies privately printed. Cambridge, 1859 Presentation copy from the author. 1456 Norway, Arthur H. Naples, Past and Present. With 35 photogravure illustrations and 32 engravings in half tone. 2 vols. 8° three-quarters green morocco, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1901 1457 Norway, Me. History of, comprising a minute account of its first settlement, town officers, the annual expendi- tures of the town, with other statistical matters, inter- spersed with historical sketches. By David Noyes. 8° cloth. Norway, 1852 1458 AHSPE, a New Bible in the Words of Jehovih and his Angel Embassadors, a sacred history of the dominions of the higher and lower heavens on the earth. Illustrations. 4° cloth. Boston, 1891 1459 O'CONNELL, Daniel. Select Speeches, ed. by John O’Connell, 2 vols.;— Life and Times of, compiled from the works of O’Neill, Daunt, Fegan, Sheil, etc., Together 4 vols. 12° half morocco, gilt backs and tops. Dublin, 1865-73 1460 O’CoNNELL. Correspondence of Daniel O’Connell, the Liberator. Edited with notices of his life and times. By W. J. Fitzpatrick. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1888 1461 O’Connor, T. P. The Parnell Movement; with a sketch of Irish parties from 1843. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1889 1462 Ocitviz, John. Imperial Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. New ed., revised and greatly augmented by Chas. Annandale. Above 3000 illustrations in the text. 4 vols. imperial 8° half dark calf. London, 1884 1463 O’ReILLy, John Boyle. Poetry and Song of Ireland; with biographical sketches of her poets. Portraits and illustrations. Thick royal 8° cloth, gilt edges. New York, (1887) 1464 O’Reitty. Life of. By James J. Roche. With his com- lete poems and speeches. Edited by Mrs. J. B. O’Reilly. - Portrait. 8° roan, gilt edges. New York, (1891) 1465 Oscoop, Francis Sargent. Poems. First ed. Portrait and illustrations. 8° original morocco (rubbed). Phila., 1850 A. N.S., Dec. 18, 1849: “Mrs. Osgood’s compliments to Mr. Rossiter and begs his acceptance of the accompanying copy of her poems, with thanks for the use of his exquisite picture.” Rossiter was one of the illustrators of the ‘‘ Poems.” 168 CATALOGUE. 1466 Otis, James. Life of, containing also notices of some contemporary characters and events from the year 1760 to 1775. By William Tudor. Steel portrait. 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. Boston, 1823 1467 Ovip. Metamorphoses d’Ovide en Rondeaux. (Par Benserade.) Imprimez et enriches de figures par ordre de sa Majesté. Numerous fine copperplate vignettes. Royal 4° calf. Paris, 1676 1468 Ovip Travestie; a burlesque upon Ovid’s Epistles. By Capt. Alexander Radcliffe. Third ed., enlarged with ten epistles never before printed. 8° calf (rebacked). London, 1696 1469 Ovip’s Epistles, London, 1826;-— Cyrano de Bergerac, 1898; — Beauties of J. T. Headley, portrait, New York, 1851; — Schlegel’s Lectures on Dramatic Literature, Vol. 2; -—~ Metropolitan Reports, 1902-03. 6 vols. cloth. 1470 AINE, NaTHANIEL. A List of Early American Im- prints (1640-1700) belonging to the Library of the American Antiquarian Society, with an introduction and notes. 8° half morocco, uncut. Worcester, 1896 ONLY 200 copies printed. Interleaved with writing paper. 1471 PaLey, William. Works of. With a memoir of his life, by G. W. Meadly. Portrait. 5 vols. 8° calf. Boston, 1810 1472 PALFREY, John G. History of New England. Maps. 5 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1876-go 1473 PAMPHLETs. Readings of Charles Dickens, the Christ- mas Carol, illustrations by Eytinge, Boston, 1868; — The Man Without a Country, 1865; — Max Hereford’s Dream, by Edna Lyall, 1891;——Story of the Great Fire, by ‘‘ Carleton,’ 1872; — Letter Addressed to the King, by Thomas Thrush, New York, 1825, etc. (12) 1474 Paris Salon de 1884. French text. With 10e photo- gravures, proofs on India paper. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. L. Bashet: Paris, 1884 HOLLAND PAPER Copy: one of 130 numbered copies. 1475 Paris Salon, 1891 to 1898. Numerous photogravure plates. English text by Henry Bacon. 8 vols. royal 8° cloth. | Boussod, Valadon et Goupil & Co.: Paris. 1476 PaRKE, John E. Recollections of Seventy Years, and historical gleanings of Allegheny, Penn. Portrait. 8° cloth, Boston, 1886 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482. 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 CATALOGUE. 169 Parker, John Henry. An Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. Illustrations. 12° cloth. London, 1900 Parsons, C. G. Inside View of Slavery; or a tour among the planters. With an introductory note by Mrs. H. B. Stowe (also poem by Whittier). First ed. 12° cloth few leaves soiled). Boston, 1855 PaRKMAN, Francis. Works of. 10 vols. 12° half mo- rocco, gilt backs. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1885 CompRIsEs: Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols; — Conspiracy of Pon- tiac, 2 vols.; — Pioneers of France in the New World; — Oregon Trail; — Jesuits in North America; — Old Régime in Canada; — Count Frontenac and New France; — La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. PaRKMAN. The Pioneers of France in the New World. First ed. Portrait and maps. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 LARGE PAPER: only 75 copies printed. Fine, unused copy. PARKMAN. The Book of Roses. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1866 PARKMAN. The Discovery of the Great West. Map. First ed. 8° cloth (name on title). Boston, 1869 Signature of the author inserted. PARKMAN. The Old Régime in Canada. First ed. Map. 8° cloth. Boston, 1874 PARKMAN. Montcalm and Wolfe. Firsted. Portraits and maps. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1884 With a. /. s. of the author inserted. Parsons. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, with notices of some of his contemporaries. By his son. First ed. Portrait. 12° half morocco. Boston, 1859 Parsons, T. W. Poems. Firsted. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1854 Author’s autograph inscription: “To Charles K. Dillaway, Esq., with the sincere esteem, and the grateful remembrances of his friend and pupil, T. W. Parsons, Sept., 1854.” Parton, James. General Butler in New Orleans. His- tory of the Administration of the Department of the Gulf in the Year 1862. Portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1866 Parton. People’s Book of Biography; or, short lives of the most interesting persons of all ages. Steel por- traits. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1868 Pasquier, Chancellor. Histoire de Mon Temps: Meé- moires du Chancelier Pasquier. Publiés par M. le Duc d’Audiffret-Pasquier. Portrait. 6 vols. royal 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt tops, Paris, 1893 170 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1593 1504 CATALOGUE. Pasquier. A History of My Time, 1789-1825; memoirs of Chancellor Pasquier. Translated by Charles E. Roche. Portraits. 3 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1893 Pater, Walter. Duke Carl of Rosenmold, an imaginary portrait. 16° paper, uncut. Copeland & Day: Boston, 1897 ONLY 500 copies printed. j PATER. Essays from the ‘‘ Guardian.” Portrait. 12° boards, uncut. T. B. Mosher: Portland, AL ONLY 400 copies printed on Van Gelder paper. PAaTEk. The same. First complete ed. 8° cloth, uncut. London, IQOI Pater. The Conclusion; an Essay. 16° wrappers, un- cut. Gouverneur, N. Y., 1898 ONLY 270 copies printed for Brothers of the Book. PaTMORE. Memoirs and Correspondence of Coventry Patmore. By Basil Champneys. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, rgoo PATTERSON, Robert. Narrative of the Campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah in 1861. Map. 8° half mo- rocco. Phila., 1865 With inscription, “Gen. Albert W. Bishop, compliments of Gen. Patterson.” PauLpINnG, J. K. The Backswoodman, a poem. First ed. 16° half roan. Phila., 1818 PAULDING. Slavery in the United States. Firsted. 18° original cloth, uncut (name on title and one leaf miss- ing). New York, 1836 [PauLpinG.] The Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham. Firsted. 12° original boards (foxed). G. & C. Carvill: New York, 1826 [PauLpinc.] A Christmas Gift from Fairy Land. First ed. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, (1838) Fine copy. PAULDING. American Comedies. Firsted. 12° origi- nal boards and label. Phila., 1847 [Peacock, Thomas Love.] Gryll Grange. First edition. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1861 PEATTIE, Elia W. How Jacques came into the Forest of Arden. Frontispiece. 16° boards, uncut. Blue Sky Press: Chicago, 1901 ONLY 700 copies printed. PEEL, Sir Robert. Speeches of, with a general explana- tory index, 4 vols.;— Political Life of, by Thomas Doubleday, 2 vols. Together 6 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1853-56 1595 1506 15907 1508 1599 I510 I511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 CATALOGUE. 171 Peet. Life and Times of. By W. C. Taylor. 85 steel portraits. 4 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, PEEL. Memoirs of. Published by Lord Mahon and Ed- ward Cardwell. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut. London, 1857 PEEL... Sir Robert Peel; his early life, 1788-1812, as Irish Secretary, 1812-18, and as Secretary of State, 1822-27, from his private correspondence. Edited by Charles S. Parker. Portrait. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1891 PENNSYLVANIA at Gettysburg; ceremonies at the dedica- tion of the monuments erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to mark the positions of the Pennsyl- vania Commands engaged in the battle. Portraits and plates. 2 vols. royal 8° half morocco. (Harrisburg), 1893 Pepys, Samuel. Diary and Correspondence of, with life and notes. By Richard, Lord Braybrooke. Steel por- traits. 4 vols, 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and edges. Bohn: London, 1884 Pepys. Thesame. 10 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1889 Percy, Thomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, consisting of old heroic ballads, songs and other pieces of our earlier poets. Edited by H. B. Wheatley. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° three-quarters dark crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by Rivizre & Son. London, 1876 Perkins, James Breck. France Under Mazarin, with a review of the Administration of Richelieu. Steel por- traits. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1887 PERLEY, Sidney. Poets of Essex County, Mass. First ed. 12° cloth. Salem, 1889 PERSONALITY, by Samuel Fuller, 1892; — Count Silvius, by Horn, 1882;— The Primitive Family, by Starcke, 1889; — Juventus Mundi, by Gladstone, 1869; — Iliad of Homer, by Pope, edited by Carey. 5 vols. 12° cloth. PeTRARCH Translated; in a selection of his sonnets and. odes; accompanied with notes and the original Italian; also the head of Petrarch from an antique bronze, en- graved by Heath. 8° half light calf, gilt back. London, 1808 Puitiips, Charles. Speeches of; delivered at the bar and on various public occasions in Ireland and Eng- land. Portrait. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1822 172 tSt7 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 CATALOGUE. PICKERING, Charles. The Races of Man and their geo- graphical distribution. New ed., by John C. Hall. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RivizrRe & SON. Bohn: London, 1888 PIERPONT, John. The Portrait; a poem delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society, Newburyport, Oct. 27, 1812. First ed. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1812 With a. 7. s. of John Pierpont, 1856, inserted. PicgzEon Cove, Mass. Pigeon Cove and Vicinity. By H. C. Leonard. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1873 Pitkin, Timothy. Political and Civil History of the United States of America, from 1763 to 1797. Por- trait of Washington, by J. H. Nesmith. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs. New Haven, 1828 Pitt, William. Speeches of, in the House of Commons. 4 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, gilt backs and tops. London, 1806 Pitt. Life of. By Earl Stanhope. Steel portrait. 4 vols. small 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1861 PLoETZ, Carl. Epitome of Ancient, Medizval and Mod- ern History. Translated with extensive additions by W. H. Tillinghast. 12° cloth. Boston, (1883) PLuTARCH’s Lives. The translation. called Dryden’s. Corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. Clough. 5 vols. 8° half green morocco, extra, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1885 PLuTARCH’s Morals. Translated from the Greek by several hands. Corrected and revised by W. W. Good- win. With an introduction by R. W. Emerson. 5 vols. 8° half green morocco, gilt backs and tops. Bound uniform with above. Boston, 1883 PLUTARCH’S Lives of Illustrious Men. Corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. Clough. Royal 8° half light calf, gilt, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1898 PLUTARCH’s Lives. Englished by Sir Thomas North. Photogravure frontispieces. 10 vols. 16° limp calf, gilt tops. J. M. Dent: London, 1898 Por, Edgar Allan. Complete Works of. Edited and chronologically arranged on the basis of the standard text, with certain additional material, and with a criti- cal introduction by Charles F. Richardson, Professor of English in Dartmouth College. Illustrated by F. S. Coburn. Photogravure plates on India paper. 10 vols. 8° three-quarters green morocco, extra, uncut, gilt tops. G. P. Putnam & Sons: New York, 1902 CoLLECToR’s ARNHEIM EDITION: only 300 numbered and signed sets printed. io Oe a ee ee ee ee ee CATALOGUE. 173 1529 Por. Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nantucket. First English ed. Small 8° original cloth. London, 1838 1530 Por. The Conchologist’s First Book. 12 plates. First ed. 12° original black cloth. Phila., 1839 Fine, clean, tall copy, in original binding. 1531 Por. The Raven and other poems. First ed. 12° original cloth, uncut. New York, 1845 Fine, clean, fresh copy, in original binding. 1532 Por. Tales. 12° cloth. London, 1845 One of the copies of first edition exported by Wiley and Putnam, and issued in English binding, with title-page containing only their London imprint. 1533 Por. The Raven. By Quarles. First ed., in “ American Review,” Feb., 1845. 8° original wrapper. New York. This first edition of the Raven was issued under the pseudonym . of “ Quarles.” 1534 Por. Mesmerism “In Articulo Mortis.” An Astounding and Horrifying Narrative, shewing the extraordinary power of Mesmerism, in arresting the progress of death, First ed. 8° paper wrappers, in half calf slip case. London, 1846 The F. W. French copy brought $21. 1535 Por. Eureka, a prose poem. Firsted. 12° straight- grained morocco, extra, gilt back and top, uncut, by STIKEMAN & Co. New York, 1848 Bayard Taylor’s copy, with his autograph on fly-leaf, dated “ New York, Aug., 1848.” From the Foote sale. 1536 Por. The Literati. With a sketch of the author by Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Firsted. 12° original cloth. New York, 1850 Fine copy, in original binding. : 1537 Por. The Raven. [Illustrated by Gustave Doré. With comment by E. C. Stedman. Large folio, cloth, gilt edges. Harper & Bros.: New York, 1884 1538 Poetry. Poems of Pushkin, by Panin, 1888; —Poetical Works of Campbell, 1844; — Poems and Ballads of A. C. Swinburne, third series, 1889; —Ancient Spanish Ballads, by Lockhart, 1877; —Festus, by Bailey, 1866; Poetical Works of William Collins, 1853; — Courtship © of Miles Standish, by Longfellow, 1859; — Joe Miller’s Jest, 1868. 8 vols. 12° and 16° cloth. 1539 Portry. National Lyrics, by J. G. Whittier, illustrations, Boston, 1865;— Snoblace Ball, New York, 1865;—A Branch of May, by Lizette W. Reese, Baltimore, 1887; — Ballad of the Unsuccessful, by Richard Burton (only 750 copies printed), Boston, 1900. 4 pamphlets 12°, 174 {540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 CATALOGUE. Pouitics for Young Americans, by Nordhoff, 1886; — American Politics, by Johnston, 1889; —The State, by Wilson, 1889 ;— Congressional Government, by Wilson, 1887; — History of Political Economy, by Ingram, 1888; — Recent Economic Changes, by Wells, 1889 ;— Wealth and Welfare, by Berkeley, 1887; — Political Mirror, or review of Jacksonism, 1835. 8 vols. 12° cloth. Potk. Life of James Knox Polk, late President of the United States. By J. S. Jenkins. Portrait, also por- trait engraved by Balch laid in. 12° half roan. Auburn, 1850 Potysius. Histories of Polybius. Translated from the text of F. Hultsch, by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1889 Poorg, Ben. Perley. Political Register and Congressional Directory; a record of the Federal officials of the United States of America, 1776-1878. Plate. Royal 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. Boston, 1878 Poorer. Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Char- ters and other Organic Laws of the United States. 2 vols. imperial 8° sheep. Washington, 1878 Poorer. Perley’s Reminiscences of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis. Several hundred portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Phila., (1886) Poprr, Alexander. Works of. New ed., including several hundred unpublished letters and other new materials. Collected in part by John W. Croker. With introduc- tion and notes by Whitwell Elwin. Portraits and other illustrations. ro vols. royal 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RIviERE & Son. J. Murray: London, 1871 Porr. Works of. Portrait. Royal 4° calf (rebacked). London, 1717 Porr. An Epistle [of the Knowledge and Character of Men] to Richard, Lord Cobham. Firsted. pp. 14. Folio, paper. London, 1733 Pork. Stowe, the Gardens of Richard, Lord Cobham. Addressed to Mr. Pope. Firsted. pp. 22. Folio, un- bound (soiled and lacks corner margin of last leaf). London, 1732 Port. An Epistle from Mr. Pope to Dr. Arbuthnot. First ed. Vignette. pp. 30. Folio, paper. London, 1734 [PorTeR, Henry H.] Meredith; or, the Mystery of the Meschianza, A tale of the American Revolution. 12° original boards, uncut, with the paper label. Fine copy of the first edition. Phila., 1831 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 CATALOGUE. 175 PorTRAITS. National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, with biographical sketches (by J. Q. Adams, Prof. Ticknor, R. Walsh, C. J. Ingersoll and others). 150 steel portraits. 4 vols. royal 8° half morocco. Rice & Hart: Phila., 1854 RARE PORTRAITS AND VIEWS. Some Finely Colored and All Neatly Framed in Black or Gold. Anpr&. The Unfortunate Major André. 8° in black and gold frame. The rare original, signed by “R. P.” ARNOLD, Le Général, desertée de |’Armé des Etats-Unis. 1780. Drawn from the life by Du Simitiere in Phila., engraved by B. L. Provost at Pavia. 4°. Fine impres- sion, untrimmed, in narrow black frame. Boston, Mass. View of the City of Boston from Breed’s Hill in Charlestown. Del., and engraved by S. Hill. From the Mass. Magazine, 1791. 8°, in narrow black frame. BuNKER Hill. A Correct View of the Late Battle at Charlestown, June 17th, 1775. Aitken, sculp. Oblong 8° copperplate. From the Penn. Magazine for Sept., 1775. 4°, in narrow black frame. Very rare contemporary engraving, and probably the first engrav- ing of the battle, engraved by J. Aitken of Philadelphia, printer of the Aitken Bible. BuNKER’s Hill. View of the attack on Bunker’s Hill, with the Burning of Charlestown, June 17, 1785. Drawn by Mr. Millar, engraved by Lodge. Engraved for Barnard’s History of England. Oblong 4°, in narrow black oak frame. | Burcoyne, General. Pollard, sculp. Engraved for Mur- ray’s History of the American War. 8° inlaid in narrow black frame. Burcoyne. ~ ‘‘ West Bank of Hudson’s River, with the Encampment of Gen’l Burgoyne’s Army, Sept. 20, 1777. 8°, in narrow black frame. Cuinton, General. Engraved for Murray’s History of | the American War. 8°, in narrow black oak frame. ConcorpD Battle Ground. ‘‘A View of Concord, taken 1776.” From the Mass. Magazine, 1794. S. Hill (sc). 8°, untrimmed in narrow black and gold frame. DrawinGc. Original Pen and Ink Drawing by Sully, 1839, for small vignette “ Miranda,” engraved by R. W. Dodson. With engraved plate, 2 on one sheet, with folio mat. 176 CATALOGUE. PORTRAITS AND VIEWS—ConrTINnvuEp. 1563 FRANKLIN, Benjamin, LL. D., F.R.S. D. Martin, pinx’t, E. Savage, sculpt., Boston, published and sold by Abel Bowen, engraver, No. 2 Congress Square. Folio, mez- zotint, in fine gold frame. Fine impression of Savage’s portrait of Franklin. 1564 GeorGE the III. J, Chapman, sculp. Published as the Act directs, Nov. 16, 1804, by J. Wilkes. Oval, stipple, finely colored. 4°, in narrow gold frame. 1565 Hamitton, Alexander. Froma portrait in the possession of the family. Considered by Alexander Hamilton as the best portrait of himself. Engraved by Max Rosen- thal. India proof mezzotint printed in colors. 4°, in narrow gold frame. Edition limited to 15 copies printed in colors. 1566 Hancock. View of the Seat of his Excellency, John Hancock, Esq., Boston. Hill, del. et sculp. (From Massachusetts Magazine, Vol. I, 1789). 8°, in narrow gold frame. 1567 Kosciusko, General, Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Army. J. Chapman, sculp’t, 1794. 8°, oval stipple, finely colored, in narrow gold frame. 1568 Montcatm, Louis-Joseph, Marquis de. Sergent, del. et sculp., 1790. A Paris chez Blin, etc. Within oval, bust, nearly full face, in court dress. 4°, aquatint, in narrow gold frame. . A beautiful portrait of Montcalm, and finely colored. 1570 [Rawpon.] Earl Moira. Engraved from an original miniature by J. Chapman. 12°, finely colored in narrow gold frame. 1571 WARREN, Major-Gen’l Joseph, Slain at the Battle of Bunker’s Hill, June, 17, 1775. J. Norman, sc. 8°, untrimmed, in narrow black oak frame. 1572 WASHINGTON Portrait. Signed ‘‘ Artist’s Proof, Wm. E. Marshall,” on India paper, before all letters except copyright line. In fine gold frame. Baker, No. 286. A beautiful impression with wide margins. With copyright. “Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by William E. Marshall, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York, copy- right of Photographs secured.” 1673 WASHINGTON. Original Water-Color Drawing of “ Wash- ington’s Headquarters, Valley Forge.” 4°, in narrow gold frame. 1574 WasHiINnGTON. Original Sepia Drawing of “ Washington’s Headquarters, New York.” 8°, in narrow black frame, a eS ee a ee ee ee er - Ps san ai - > ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee CATALOGUE. 177 PORTRAITS AND VIEWS — ConTINvED. 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 WATER-COLORS. Linton, E. M. Woman Driving Cow at Twilight. Unknown. Birch Trees. Hurrineton, J. L. The Meadow. Roys, B. L. The Brook. HurFincton, J. L. Spring Fishing. Levy, H. S. The Load of Hay. Levy. Close of Day, Acadie. a G., ’96. Street Scene, Liverpool on Rainy ay. Sm1tH, G. Tramp with the Green Corn. SMITH. The Union Soldier. Pottery. English Pottery and Porcelain; being a con- cise account of the development of the potter’s art in England. New ed., revised and greatly enlarged. By A. E. Downman. Illustrations. 12° cloth. | London, 1896 PRENTIsS, Seargent Smith. Life and Times of. By Jo- seph D. Shields. Portrait. 8° cloth. Phila., 1884 Prescott, William. Complete Works of. New and re- vised ed., with the author’s latest corrections and addi- tions. Edited by John Foster Kirk. Steel portraits. 12 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. LiBRARY EDITION. Routledge & Sons: London. Comprises: Conquest of Mexico, 2 vols.; — Peru, 2 vols.; —Ferdi- nand and Isabella, 2 vols.; ~ Philip the Second, 3 vols.; — Charles the Fifth, 2 vols; — Miscellanies, 1 vol. Prescott. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. First ed. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1845 Prescott. History of the Conquest of Peru. First ed. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1847 PRESENTATION Copies. The Torrent and the Night Be- fore, by E. A. Gardiner, 1896 (with autograph of the author; — Letter to the Majority of the Trustees of Dudley Observatory (autograph of Millard Fillmore, 1858) ;— Sylvian Poems, by Isaac Cobb, first ed., 1851 | (with inscription by the author) ; — Miner’s 4th of July Oration, Boston, 1855 (with a. /.s. of the author). 4 pamphlets. Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria. Edited by Stuart J. Reid. Portraits. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1890 Comprises: Lord Melbourne, by Dunckley;— Sir Robert Peel, by McCarthy. 178 CATALOGUE. 1592 PrimMER. The New England Primer Improved. For the more easy attaining the true reading of English, to which is added, the Assembly of Divines and Mr. Cot- ton’s Catechism. Woodcut portrait of George III and other cuts. 48° original sheep. Printed for and Sold by John Perkins, in Union Street: Boston, 1770 This edition unknown to Ford. See reproduction of title-page. 1593 PRiMER. New England Primer Improved, etc. Portrait of George III. 48° original sheep. John Boyle: Boston, 1774 Upper portion of title-page and portrait mutilated, and seven lines thumb-worn. 1594 Primer. The New England Primer, or an easy and pleasant guide to the Art of Reading, adorned with cuts. To which are added the Assembly of Divines’ Catechism. 48° original sheep. Printed and sold by J. White, near Charles River Bridge: Boston, (1789-99) © Not dated, but considered by Ford as the earliest of the undated Primers, and put at the head of his list. Only two copies mentioned in Ford’s List. Contains rare woodcut portrait of Washington, “‘ The President of the United States” on the preliminary leaf. Special attention is called to the portrait of Washington on account of its similarity to the portrait of Washington engraved by Paul Revere, and now first identified and reproduced in the preface of the new Grolier Club pub- lication, ‘* Engraved Portraits of Washington, by Charles Henry Hart.” It is possibie that this may be also engraved by Paul Revere See reproduction of title-page and portrait. 1595 Primer. The New England Primer Much Improved. Containing a variety of easy lessons. 48° original wrappers. ; Phila., 1797 1596 PRIMER. New England Primer Improved. Cuts. 48° boards. Haverhill, 1811 Unusually fine copy. °o 1597 PRimMER. New England Primer Improved. Cuts. 32 boards (title-page crudely repaired). Norwich, Conn., 1812 1598 PrimER. The New England Primer; to which is added the catechism. Woodcuts. 48° boards. Haverhill, Mass., 1813 1599 Primer. New England Primer; or an easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. To which is added the catechism. 48° wrappers (one leaf mutilated). Concord, N. H., 1813 1600 PrimER. New England Primer improved. Woodcuts. 48° boards (worm-holed). J. Loring: Boston, (1814) 1601 Primer. Boston Primer; being an improvement of the New England Primer, with Dr. Watts’s and the Assem- bly’s Catechisms. Cuts, 32° boards, Boston, 1815 eS eee a a.) eee, 7 ay ms.» “7° 4 | , . y ¥ ‘ : ‘ f - = ‘ -" . . = ¥ ‘ : ‘ \ > manos ae —_ ; . s 7 ’ Me ‘ ae. ~ 7 ‘ 7 * é: i ae i ¥ 9 o Mad Ss) J mal > i = _ J > ss == ¥ — é - No. 1594. New England Primer, n. d. aa eee No. 1592. New England Primer, 1770. 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 CATALOGUE. 179 PRIMER. New England Primer, improved. Cuts. 48° stitched. Exeter, N. H., 1816 PRIMER. The Youth’s Primer, etc. By Jonathan Fisher, A. M., late minister of the Gospel, at Bluehill, Me. Cuts. 24° boards. Boston, 1817 The numerous illustrations were cut by the author with a jack- knife. (Manson, No. 3517.) Fine, clean copy. PRIMER. Beauties of the New England Primer. Wood- cuts. 48° original wrappers (worn). S. Wood & Son: New York, (1818?) PRIMER. New England Primer. Cuts. 48° original wrappers. Newark, 1824 Primer. New England Primer; adorned with cuts (in- cluding ‘*‘ Washington brave’’). 48° wrapper (margins of last two leaves slightly injured). Brattleboro, 1825 PRIMER. The Improved New England Primer, etc. To which is annexed the shorter catechism. Woodcuts. 32° original wrappers (water-stained). , Wells River, Vt., 1833 PRIMER. New England Primer, improved. Woodcuts. 48° boards. Boston, 1777; reprinted Hartford, 1843 Primer. New England Primer, improved. To which is added the Episcopal and the Assembly of Divines cate- chisms. Cuts. 48° wrappers. S. Babcock: New Haven, (1843) PRIMER. New England Primer, etc. To which is added the catechism. Woodcuts. 48° original wrappers. Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, (184-) PriMER. New England Primer. With historical intro- duction by Rev. H. Humphrey. Adorned with cuts. 24° paper. S. A. Howland: Worcester, n. d. PRINCE, Thomas. Chronological History of New Eng- land in the Form of Annals; being a summary and exact Account of the most material transactions and occur- rences relating to this country, from 1602 to 1732. Vol. I. 12° original boards, uncut, in solander case of three-quarters blue morocco. Boston, 1736 Exceedingly rare in such fine, untrimmed condition. Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations for the Adjust- ment of International Disputes. (By Bolles, Hamil- ton, T.C. Upham, William Ladd and others). 8° cloth. Boston, 1840 ProupD, Robert. History of Pennsylvania, in North America, from 168r till after the Year 1742; to which is added a brief Description of the said Province. Portrait and map. 2 vols. 8° half blue crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Phila., 1797-98 A fine, clean, uncut copy. 180 CATALOGUE. 1615 ProvipEeNce, R. I. History of the Organization of the First Light Infantry Veteran Association of Provi- dence. With a roster, address and poem. Vol. I only. 8° cloth. (Providence), 1870 1616 UINTILIAN’S Institutes of Oratory, in twelve beoks. By John S. Watson. 2 vols. 12° half calf, gilt backs. London, 1882 1617 Ree J. CEuvres Completes, avec les notes de ; tous les commentateurs. Cinquiéme édition, pub- liée par L. Aimé-Martin. Steel portrait and plate. 6 vols. royal 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Paris, 1844 1618 RAMAGE, Craufurd T. Beautiful Thoughts from French and Italian, Latin, Greek, German and Spanish Au- thors. 4 vols. thick 12° half red morocco, gilt backs and sides. Liverpool, 1868-75 1619 Ramsaup, Alfred. History of Russia, from the earliest times to 1882. Translated by L. B. Lang. Edited and enlarged by Nathan H. Dole. Steel portraits. 3 vols. 8° half crimson morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, n. d. 1620 Ramsay, E. B. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. 12° half crimson crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt back and top, by RivizrE & Son. Edinburgh, 1868 1621 RANDOLPH. Life of John Randolph of Roanoke. By Hugh A. Garland. Portraits. 2 vols. 12° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1850 1622 RANKE, Leopold. History of the Popes. Translated by E. Foster. Steel portraits. 3 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivEirE & SON. Bohn: London, 1889 1623 RANTOUL, Robert, Jr. Memoirs, Speeches and Writings of. Edited by Luther Hamilton. Portrait. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1854 1624 RAPHAEL. Cartoons of Raphael. Engraved by G. Greatbach from the originals at Hampton Court Pal- ace. 7 plates. Folio, in portfolio (soiled). London. 1625 RawLinson, George. Works of. . Maps and illustrations. 13 vols. 8° half green crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1881-89 CoMPRISES: Ancient Egypt, 2 vols.;— Five Great Monarchies, 3 vols.; — Sixth and Seventh Great Oriental Monarchies, 2 vols. ;— Manual of Ancient History, 1 vol.;— Herodotus, 4 vols.; — Pheenicia, 1 vol. 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 CATALOGUE. 181 RAWLINson. History of Herodotus. A new English version, edited with copious notes and appendices il- lustrating the history and geography of Herodotus. Maps and illustrations. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1862 ReaD, T. B. Poetical Works of. 3 vols. 16° cloth. Phila., 1868 READE, Charles. A Woman-Hater. Firsted. 3 vols. small 8° cloth, uncut (stamp on title of Vol. I). Edinburgh, 1877 RECAMIER. Madame Récamier and Her Friends. By H. Noel Williams. 17 fine photogravure portraits, proofs before letters. Thick 4° three-quarters light blue ooze calf, gilt back, uncut, gilt top. London, 1go1 LARGE PAPER: only 600 copies printed ; 250 for America. RECENT Ideals of American Art. 175 oil paintings and water-colors in the galleries of private collectors, re- produced in Paris on copperplates by the Goupil photo- gravure and typogravure process. Text by George William Sheldon. Complete set in 27 parts folio paper, uncut. D. Appleton & Co.: New York, 1888 Includes the work of George Inness, F. S. Church, F. D. Millet, C. S. Pearce, Elihu Vedder, Percy Moran, Winslow Homer, Thomas Allen, Eastman Johnson and others. REED, J. Eugene. Lives of the Roman Emperors and their Associates, from Julius Caesar (B. C. 100), to Augustus (A. D. 476). Illustrated with 50 steel plates and numerous engravings on wood. 5 vols. royal 8° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. Phila., 1883 Rein, J. J. Industries of Japan; together with an ac- count of its agriculture, forestry, arts and commerce; from travels and researches undertaken at the cost of the Prussian government. Maps, wood engravings and plates printed in gold and colors. Royal 8° half mo- rocco, gilt back and top. London, 1889 Reticious Mission of the Irish People, by Spalding, 1880; — Permanent Elements of Religion, by Carpen-- ter, 1887; — Natural Law in the Spiritual World, by Drummond, 1885; — Divinity of Our Lord, by Liddon, 1889. 4 vols. 12° cloth. REMINISCENCES, by Thomas Carlyle, 1881; — Havelock, by Archibald Forbes, 1890;— The 1rgth Century, by Mackenzie, 1880; — Letters on Unionist Delusions, by Dicey, 1887;— Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox, by Rae, 1874. 5 vols. 12° cloth. 182 CATALOGUE. 1635 RENAN, Ernest. Works of. 16 vols, 8° and 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by Rivi=RE & Son. London. CoMPRISES: History of the Origins of Christianity, 7 vols.;— People of Israel, 2 vols.; — Future of Science;—Studies in Religious History ; — Book of Job; — Hibbert Lectures, 1880 ; — Recollec- tions of My Youth; — Philosophical Dialogues and Fragments, 1883; —Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of Nabathzan Agriculture, 1862. 1636 REPRESENTATIVE American Orations, by Alexander John- ston, 3 vols.; — Representative British Orations, by C. K. Adams, 3 vols. Together 6 vols. 16° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs. New York, 1887-88 1637 ReresBy, Sir John. Memoirs and Travels of, contain- ing anecdotes and secret history of the Courts of Charles II and James Il and a view of the governments and society in the principal states and courts of Europe during the time of Cromwell’s usurpation. Plates. Thick 8° half red morocco, gilt back, uncut, gilt top. . London, 1813 ExtTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 66 portraits and plates including 11 of those published with the book. Mezzotint of Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, by R. Earlom ; Chief- Justice Rainsford, mezzotint by R. Dunkarton; Duke of Albemarle, mezzotint by W. Richardson, etc. 1638 REVERE, Paul. Royal American Magazine, or universal - Repository of Instruction and Amusement, Vol. 1, for the year 1774 (12 numbers, Jan. to Dec.) and Vol. 2, — nos. 1 to 3, Jan. to March, 1775 (all pub.). 2 vols. 8° half calf and parts, uncut. Boston, 1774-75 This set contains the rare copper portraits of Hon. John Hancock, Mr. Samuel Adams and Sir Wilbraham Wentworth and 14 other copperplates engraved by Paul Revere and 3 plates by Callender. It lacks the View of Boston, America Swallowing the Bitter Draught and the plates issued with the last three numbers. Mr. W. L. An- drews in his Paul Revere and his Engraving is doubtful if the plate with the March, 1775, number was ever issued. This is the most complete set ever offered for sale by auction. It is the Deane copy and has been added to, one plate and one number being added, mak- ing the text complete. It has six of the original wrappers. No complete set of this magazine with all the plates is known and without doubt is one of the rarest pieces of Americana tofind in complete condition. Andrews only mentions the Brinley copy in Yale College. Deane copy brought $160. The single portrait of John Hancock engraved by Paul Revere sold on the Clark sale for $50. See reproductions. 1639 ReyNoLps. Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds, late Presi- dent of the Royal Academy; comprising original anec- dotes of many distinguished persons, his contempora- ries; and a brief analysis of his discourses, to which are added Varieties on Art. 2 portraits from drawings by J. Jackson, engraved by R. Cooper and H. Meyer. 4° half vellum, uncut. London, 1813 Best edition. Net Ste EA Y soos SICSESL IE ese CSL SES CoS 2-2. 20. pe Se PSE SES A SESS Se Se LSS “2 2 Oe o_o 4 oe. ota ste”. SSS eee? | pracicscee Stoeoosres MY nee SSS SES OSISS Sz My ae PEPE ST SEIS SS 4) H E e220 ete ree i ans n ° “ 4 7, _ Bb NY mine, & 1.0 side 9 YN ¢ : me i YY Se , b \ ve " I XN) yh) +4 Ny ty) WV Ny LAX 2 x XY Engraved for Roy? a wy yy? American were v nat : azin ‘3 K \ a ra) e WIL We KX xX) +4 XX] DMs XY. XY Wy ayy ey & ; if : Ii = ; get ‘) ‘ N = i VERSAL i Mi ¢ 2s ws Sse Ss y Re pofitoryot Inftrucion and Amufer ement. SoS Se ry’ a yy For M A i) jaar & RN an o CO 4 Hy" 1774 | 49 ration $ . rs oe ee Rei of tt Ck Eee , XY own of B e inhabitar ris Pisses: : eater ieee een Eoate 9 me Effay ae ee iano Page 83 f pirates to a Young Lad Page “10 BY, ‘i MY, Justi rigin of Le 89 8 ufcript found et R ( ce and Gen Letters of the'la und among th Ips, WM tg P Hiftor . erofity 5 ar chu g° 3 Vor. sy Benjamin Pratt i Writings red ed, y of Wilbraham Wen seme rerio a = , Eq; of New- 10, K twoxsh,cenclud= R » y age to the Ladies c Bekele ert os ibid HN kX) Method of diftilting S: : Soa Hie crane ose a AY Experiment on Tea Salt Water 94 Do America, cA) Wt Treatife an Tea, mc 95 § Meth; mestic ints 103 XY ~) Dr. ohh Small-Pox, g6 Hoste Ses piace Sa ex, * XM) NY i SE Se ° OKs : i Ky = erions. éthod of recovering @: aes Fotis eo oF age _ x) RK” . Fortune-Huate A 10 arriages and Dea 110-— iY x) je : fr; continued.“ : 08 Meteorological O} one 119 hi , it Bat ; ors Gov - bfervations ao WW Sh gp eee | EMBEL op re Hlutchinfon's Hittory bee Weather. 1X4 iM} wnat Soo = ne JOHN HANCOCK SHMENTS EYiftory,, Gocs AX. AX) orical Pisc. wncjent Briton. 11 » E%&; fuppors rat i NS) i : tuNe-Huw ddeis of Lr- (\ xy NTER, & inalooex, ‘ 9, 04, x BOS eo ee he Ay Ree oy Poelias ie Parkas and for. THOMAS, | 1 The Hon” XN ury : x, in Portim “s} ° J : Ny 2 1 RY Newport Rode B. Harn, ast SUE Sarco AY ‘ e Hon. JOHN 3 t eae . ire Ms T. Greny. a e-Inand 55. Ear ¢ CarTES, vive Tincss, ia N : iy HAN t) ‘edlobi + New-Lo: os, Horuvid vidence 3 5 ew- CK r AY} “etiphia; We Go ndon ; J. Hott. aruwid 5 Ts and $ 3 5-Soutuwic We ; bf > Goovarn, Phi LTyNew-York 3 3 » GREEN ze ir Dy Philalelph? wk 3 ae 4 W. » New-Haven ; Nj ‘ phia and Battimore 5, ind W. Brapror aden ej A. COBEN; seieer ne " oo y rt R, ; AN Ky Ww " NES and Co C Nese RO - 1’ os SSI SLSL SS : uUCH, ja Soutn c if SSS OOS th-Carolina, ey SS. eS Te SSS r . 184 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 CATALOGUE. Ricarpo, David. Works of; with a notice of the life and writings of the author. By J. R. McCulloch. Portrait. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1888 RicHarps, A. M. Letter and Spirit. Square 12° boards, uncut. Boston, (1891) RIcHARDSON, Charles F. American Literature, 1607- 1885. 2 vols. 8° half crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1889 RICHARDSON, Samuel. Novels of. With an introduction by Ethel M. McKenna. Illustrations reproduced from the engravings by E. F. Burney, Thomas Stothard and others. z2o0vols. 12° half morocco, gilt backs and tops. Phila., 1902 RICHARDSON. By Austin Dobson. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1902 Ricuey, A. G. Short History of the Irish People, down to the date of the Plantation of Ulster. Edited with notes, by R. R. Kane. 8° half red morocco, gilt back and top. — Dublin, 1887 Ritson, Joseph. Robin Hood; a collection of all the ancient songs, poems and ballads (relating to Robin Hood). Engravings by Bewick. Second ed., with additions. 2 vols. small 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1832 Ritson. Ancient Popular Poetry. Edited by Joseph Ritson; revised by E. Goldsmid. 2 vols. inone. 8° cloth, uncut. Privately printed: Edinburgh, 1884 LARGE PAPER: only 75 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Ren- dered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald. Edited by W. A. Brown. 8° boards, uncut. (Cambridge), 1900 ONLY 300 copies printed. The first publication of the Riverside Press series. RiverRsIDE Press. The Anti-Slavery Papers of J. R. Lowell. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1902 ONLY 500 copies printed for sale. RIVERSIDE Press. Fifteen Sonnets of Petrarch. Selected and translated by T. W. Higginson. Narrow 16° cloth, uncut. - Boston, 1903 ONLY 400 copies printed. . RIvERSIDE Press. Instructions concerning erecting of a library. By Gabriel Naudeus, interpreted by J. Evelyn. 16° half calf, uncut. Cambridge, 1903 RIVERSIDE Press. Compensation: an essay. By R. W. Emerson. 16° boards, uncut. (Cambridge), 1903 ONLY 500 copies printed for sale. 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 CATALOGUE. 185 RIvERSIDE Press. Songs and Sonnets of Pierre de Rous- ard. Translated by C. H. Page. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1903 ONLY 425 copies printed. Rives, Amélie. Tanis, the Sang-Digger. Firsted. 12° - cloth, uncut. | New York, 1893 With 3 pp. a. /. s. of Amélie Chanler (Amélie Rives) inserted. Roserts, Charles G. D. A Sister to Evangeline. First ed. Map. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1898 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. Roserts, Oliver Ayer. History of the Military Com- pany of the Massachusetts, now called the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts, 1637- 1888. Numerous portraits and illustrations. 4 vols. imperial 8° cloth. Boston, 1895 Ropertson, Frederick W. Sermons, first five series, 1888-89; — Notes on Genesis, 1886; — Lectures and Addresses, 1886;— Lectures on the Epistles to the Corinthians, 1889; — Education of the Human Race, 1883; — Analysis of Tennyson’s “ In Memoriam,” 1884; — Life and Letters of, edited by S. A. Brooke, 2 vols., 1887. Together 12 vols. 12° half antique calf, gilt edges, by RIvIERE & SON. London. RoBERTSON, William. Works of. With an account of the life and writings of the author, by Dugald Stewart. Portrait. 6 vols. 8° calf, gilt backs (bindings rubbed). London, 1851 Roprer, G. Antiquité des Races Humaines. Beautifully ~ pound in 8° full antique polished morocco, extra, blind back and sides in panels, gold marbled edges, with - doublé of blue morocco, tooled with an intricate pat- tern, inlaid compartments of orange, green and maroon morocco, by Cortin—-SimieR, Relieur, G. Lazardette, Doreur. Paris, 1862 A presentation copy from the binder to Anatole Montaiglon, with inscription. ~ A beautiful binding tooled in a Grolier pattern. Rocers, James E. T. Cobden and Modern Political Opinion; essays on certain political topics. 8° half red morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1873 Rocers. The First Nine Years of the Bank of England, 1694-1703. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. Oxford, 1837 Rocers. Six Centuries of Work and Wages, the history of English Labor, 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. | New York, n, d, 186 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 CATALOGUE. Rouuin, Charles. Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Per- sians, Grecians and Macedonians. Translated from the French. JRevised, corrected and illustrated with maps and portrait by S. Smith, New York. 4 vols. 8° half morocco. New York, 1830 . Roman Contemporain: Germinie Lacerteux. By Ed- mond and Jules de Goncourt. 10 etched plates. 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., n. d. ONLY 1000 copies printed on Japanese Vellum Paper. RomAN and the Teuton, by Kingsley, 1889; — Origin of the Aryans, by Taylor; — Introduction to Roman Law, by Hadley, 1888;— Cicero on Oratory and Orators, by Watson, 1884;— The Ancient City, by De Cou- langes, 1889; — World-Life, by Winchell, 1889. 6 vols. 12° cloth. | RoosEvELT, Theodore. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman, sketches of sport onthe Northern Cattle Plains. Illus- trated by A. B. Frost, R. S. Gifford, Fannie E. Gif- ford, J. C. Beard, H. Sandham. Full-page etchings, engravings on China paper and other illustrations. Im- perial 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1883 MEDORA EDITION: only 500 copies printed. RoosEVELT. Winning of the West. Maps. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1889 RoosevELT. The Rough Riders. First ed. Portraits and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1899 With type-written letter signed by the author, inserted. Roscor, Henry. Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. Engraved title by E. Finden. 12° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. , London, 1830 Roscoe, William, Life of Lorenzo De Medici, called the Magnificent. Portrait. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top. Bohn: London, 1889 ~ Rose, J. H. A Century of Continental History, 1780- 1880, 12° half crimson morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1889 ROSETTA Stone. Report of the Committee appointed by the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsy]- vania to translate the Inscription on the Rosetta Stone. (With a translation of the Hieroglyphic text.) Colored plates and border illustrations. 4° cloth (bindings worn). (Phila., 1859) Rossetti, Christina G. Poems. Portrait and illustra- tions, 12° half light calf, gilt, uncut, gilt top. Boston, | 1897 GATALOGUE, 187 1674 RossetT1, Dante Gabriel. The House of Life; being now for the first time given in its full text. Illustrated with 3 borders and 114 initial letters by B. G. Good- hue. 8° vellum, uncut. Copeland & Day: Boston, 1893 ONLY 500 copies printed on French hand-made paper. 1675 Rossetti. Life of. By Joseph Knight. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1887 Great Writers Series, large paper copy. 1676 Rossetti. A Versified Autobiography. Translated and supplemented by W. M. Rossetti. Plates. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1902 One of 105 copies printed for America. 1677 Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Confessions of. Illustrations. 12° cloth. London, 1883 1678 RowrantT Club. Code of Regulations; origin of the Club; names of members and officers. 8° stitched, uncut. Cleveland, 1892 ONLY 250 copies printed. 1679 RoxspurGHE Club. Floriant and Florete, a metrical ro- mance of the 14th century. Edited from a unique MS. at Newbattle Abbey. By Francisque Michel. Colored plates. 4° half roan, uncut. Edinburgh, 1872 1680 Roya. Gallery of British Art. 27 fine steel engravings by Finden, C. W. Sharpe, W. T. Roden and others, from original paintings by G. S. Newton, J. Constable, David Wilkie, C. Stanfield and others. Large folio, half morocco. Published by J. Hogarth: London. ° 1681 RoycrorT Press. As It Seems to Me: being some Philis- tine Essays concerning several Things. By Elbert Hubbard. Portrait. 8° rough calf, uncut. Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, 1898 1682 RoycrorT Press. Essay on Art and Life, as written by Vernon Lee. With vignettes and initial letters printed in gold and colors. 8° boards, uncut. . | Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, 1896 ONLY 352 copies printed on vellum paper. 1683 Roycrort Press. Song of Songs which is Solomon’s; being a reprint and a study by Elbert Hubbard. 8° boards, uncut. Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, 1896 ONLY 600 copies printed. . 1684 RoycrortT Press. Upland Pastures; being some outdoor essays dealing with the beautiful things that the spring and summer bring. By Adeline Knapp. With border illustrations colored by hand and initial letters in gold and colors. 8° boards, uncut. | Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, 1897 ONLY 600 copies printed. 188 CATALOGUE. 1685 Roycrort Press. In the Track of the Book-Worm. By Irving Browne. With initial letters printed in gold and colors. 8° boards, uncut. : Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, 1897 ONLY 590 copies printed. | 1686 RoycrorT Press. Love Ballads of the XVIth Century; being a pleasant collection of choice songs. By (Elbert Hubbard). 8° boards, uncut. Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, (1897) 1687 RoycrortT Press. The Dipsy Chanty and other selected poems. By Rudyard Kipling. Done into a book by Elbert Hubbard. With initial letters in gold and colors. 8° limp rough calf, uncut. Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, 1899 ONLY 950 copies printed. 1688 Roycrort Press. Essay on Walt Whitman. By R. L. Stevenson. With a little journey to the home of Whit- man by Elbert Hubbard. Frontispiece and engraved title. 8° limp calf, uncut. Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, 1900 No. 1 of 50 copies specially printed and illuminated by hand. 1689 RUSSELL, Sir Charles. The Parnell Commission: Open- ing Speech for the Defence, delivered by Sir Charles Russell. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1889 1690 RusseLL, Lord John. Life of. By Spencer Walpole. With 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1889 1691 AGARD, TuHEopat F. Gasriet. Le Grand Voyage du pays des Hvrons, situé en l’Amerique vers la mer douce, es derniers confins de la Nouvelle France dite Canada. Avec un Dictionaire de la langue Huronne, pour la commodite de ceux qui ont 4 voyager dans le pays, & n’ont l’intelligence d’icelle langue. Par F. Gabriel Sagard Theodat. Recollet de S. Frangois, de la Prouince de S. Denys en France. Engraved title and 11 prel leaves unnumbered; Text, 380 pp., 2 blank leaves; Dictionnaire de Langue Huronne, 72 leaves un- numbered, Sig. a-i, including the title; Table, 7 leaves, Sig. K. Small 8° calf. Paris, chez Denys Mo- reau, Rue S. Jacques, 4 la Salamandre d’Argent, 1632 Fine copy, except for slight water-stain on bottom of few leaves. Barlow copy sold for $100, Murphy copy $170, Pratt copy $165 and priced on a New York catalogue at $315. ; 1692 SaINT-Simon, Duke of. Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XIV and the Regency. Translated by Bayle St. John. 3 vols. 8° half green morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1889 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 CATALOGUE. 85 SaLa, George Augustus. Paris Herself Again in 1878- 79. Firsted. With 400 illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1879 SALA. America Revisited, from the Bay of New York to the Gulf of Mexico, and from Lake Michigan to the Pacific. Firsted. Illustrated with nearly 400 engrav- ings. 2 vols. 8° half olive colored morocco, extra, gilt back. Vizetelly & Co.: London, 1882 SALON of 1891. By Antonin Proust. 1oo photogravure plates and etchings by Goupil & Co. With text in Eng- lish, translated by Henry Bacon. Imperial 8° in parts, uncut, enclosed in pale blue satin cover, the duplicate set of etchings also enclosed in satin portfolio. Goupil & Co.: Paris, 1891 HoLuaND EDITION: only 14 copies printed, with 24 etchings printed on satin, proofs before letters, with mats. SALON of 1892 by Gustave Larroumet. 100 photogra- S S vure plates and etchings by Goupil & Co. With text in English, translated by Henry Bacon. Imperial 8° in parts, uncut, enclosed in full morocco cover. Paris, 1892 JAPAN EDITION: text and engravings on Japanese vellum, with duplicate set of plates on parchment, edition limited to 10 copies, all the plates being proofs before letters. AMUELS, Edward A. Our Northern and Eastern Birds; containing descriptions of the birds of the northern and eastern States and British Provinces. Illustrated with many species of the birds and accurate figures of their eggs. Colored plates and other illustrations. Royal 8° half morocco. New York, 1883 AND, George. Works of. 9 vols. 12° three-quarters brown morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Roberts Bros.: Boston, 1888 ComprRIsEs: Consuelo, 4 vols.;—The Miller of Angibault;— The Snow Man ;— Antonia; — Mauprat ; — Monsieur Sylvestre. Sanpers, Daniel Clark. A History of the Indian Wars with the first settlers of the United States, particularly in New England. Written in Vermont. pp. 319. 16° elegantly bound by SanrorpD in full crushed French levant morocco, with doublé, Derome tooling on the_ outside, ‘* Damaseato Italiane” tooling on the doublé. Wright & Sibley : Montpelier, Vt., 1812 This is the largest and best copy that has ever been offered for sale. It was the “nugget” of all the copies that the late William Clogston ever possessed and he probably had found more than a dozen copies during his life. “The mystery which surrounded the authorship, history and origin of this very rare volume has been slowly dispelled by succes- sive fragments of information, So few copies have survived the 1g0 CATALOGUE. CONTINUED. holocaust to which it was devoted that its very existence was un- known to the most zealous collectors of Indian and Vermont history. Published anonymously, without preface, it was known to but few that the author was the Rev. Daniel Clark Sanders, President of the University of Vermont. Immediately after its appearance, some person, evidently a personal enemy of the author, published an acrimonious critique of the book in the ‘ Liberal and Philosophical Repository.’ The animus of the critic was evidenced, not only by the bitterness of his language, but by his ignorance of the subject of Indian wars being more profound than that of the author of the book he scored. Such was the effect of the article upon either Mr. Sanders or the publishers, that the work was suppressed. But very few copies could have escaped the hands that were now as zealous to destroy as they had lately been to create. In fact, so nearly com- plete was the destruction of the book, that it was forgotten by those who professed to know most of its author, his biographers. Neither Thompson, Williams or Hemmenway, who published memoirs of Sanders, mention his authorship of the book.” — Field. 1700 [SanDERS.] History of the Indian Wars with the first settlers of the United States to the commencement of the late war, together with an appendix not before added to this history, containing interesting accounts of the battles fought by Gen. Andrew Jackson. Fron- tispiece. 16° full antique morocco, red edges. Rochester, 1828 The second edition of Sanders’s Indian Wars, which is nearly as scarce as the first edition. With autograph notes by Samuel G. Drake. 1701 SARGENT, Nathan. Public Men and Events, from the commencement of Mr. Monroe’s administration in 1817 to the close of Mr. Fillmore’s administration in 1853. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. Phila., 1875 1702 SAUNDERS, Frederick. Salad for the Solitary and the Social. Illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1883 1703 SAVONAROLO, Girolamo. Life and Times of. By Prof. Pasquale Villari. Translated by Linda Villari. Por- traits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs. New York, 1888 1704 SCHERER, W. History of German Literature, Trans- lated by Mrs. F. C. Conybeare. 2 vols. 8° half blue morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1888 1705 SCHILLER, Frederick. History of the Thirty Years’ War; — Dramatic Works; — Early Dramas and Romances; —Essays. Portraits. 4 vols. 12° half light calf, un- cut, gilt backs and tops, by Rivikre & Son. Bohn: London, 1884-89 1706 SCHILLER’s Werke. Herausgegeben von Heinrich Kurtz. 6 vols, 12° cloth, Leipzig. CATALOGUE. 191 1707 SCHILLER. Don Carlos and other dramas; — Revolt of the Netherlands; — Early Dramas and Romances; — Thirty Years’ War. 4 vols. 12° cloth. Bohn: London, 1871 1708 SCHOULER, James. History of the United States of Am- erica, 1783 to 1847. 4 vols. 12° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. (New York, 1880) 1709 SCHOULER. History of Massachusetts in the Civil War (1860-1864). Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1868-71 1710 SCOLLARD, Clinton. Giovio and Giulia, a metrical ro- mance. 16° paper. (New York), 1892 ONLY 250 copies printed. Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 1711 Scott, E. G. Development of Constitutional Liberty in the English Colonies of America. 8° cloth. | New York, 1890 1712 Scott, Sir Walter. Waverley Novels. Steel plates, en- graved titles and numerous wood engravings. 48 vols. 12° half light calf, gilt backs. A. & C. Black: Edinburgh, 1877-79 This edition contains nearly all the woodcuts that appeared in the “ Abbotsford” edition, besides the steel plates belonging to the “‘ Author’s Favourite Edition.” 1713 Scorr. Journal of, from the original MS. at Abbots- ford. 8° cloth. New York, 1891 1714 [Scort.] Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° sheep. Phila., 1827 1715 Scort, W. B. Hades: or the Transit; and the Progress of Mind. Etchings by the author. Firsted. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1838 1716 Scorr. Poems, Ballads, etc. 17 etchings by the author and L. A. Tadema. Firsted. Small 8° cloth, uncut. Fine copy. London, 1875 1717 SECRETAN, Collection of Paintings by Modern and Old Masters and of Water-Colors and Drawings, formed by Mr. E. Secrétan. Illustrated with 98 full-page photo- gravure plates by the Goupil & Co. process. Descrip-. tive text by M. Albert Wolff. 2 vols. folio, paper, uncut, in silk-lined cloth portfolios. New York, (Paris), 1889 EDITION DE LUXE: only 104 copies printed. 1718 SrELEy, J. R. The Expansion of England, two. courses of lectures, 12° half morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. Boston, 1883 192 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 CATALOGUE. SENEFELDER, Alois. Complete Course of Lithography; containing clear and explicit instructions in all the dif- ferent branches and manners of that art, accompanied by illustrative specimens of drawings, to which is pre- fixed a history of lithography, from its origin to the present time. With a preface by F. von Schlichtegroll. Translated from the German. Portrait of the author and other illustrations. Royal 4° half green crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt top, by BLACKWELL. London, 1819 Senefelder was the inventor of the Art of Lithography and Chemi- cal Printing. Fine, clean, uncut copy. SERMON on the Mount. Illustrated. Royal 4° tree calf, gilt edges. Boston, 1886 Sewarb, William H. Works of. Edited by George E. Baker. Steel portrait and plates. 3 vols. 8° half mo- rocco. New York, 1853 SEWARD. ‘Travels Around the World. Edited by O. R. Seward. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth, New York, 1873 SHADWELL, Thomas. The Sullen Lovers: or the Imper- tinents; a comedy acted by the Duke of York's ser- vants. First edition. Small 4° half roan. London, 1668 SHADWELL. The Humorists; acomedy. First ed. Small 4° half roan (top margins closely cut). London, 1671 SHADWELL. The Woman-Captain; a comedy. First ed. Small 4° half roan (edges closely cut). London, 1680 SHAFTESBURY, Anthony, Earl of. Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. Copperplate portrait and vignettes. 3 vols. 8° calf (broken). (London), 1714 SHAKESPEARE, William. Works of. The Henry Irving Shakespeare. Edited by Henry Irving and Frank A. Marshall, with notes and introductions to each play by F. A. Marshall and other Shakespearian Scholars, and numerous illustrations by Gordon Browne. §8 vols. im- perial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1888 SHAKESPEARE. Works of. Text revised by Alexander Dyce. With a complete glossary of uncommon words. Steel portrait. 9 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs. London, 1875-76 SHAKSPEARE. Complete Works of, with a memoir, and essay on his genius by Barry Cornwall. Historical steel engravings. Tragedies, Comedies and Histories. 3 vols, royal 8° half morocco, Cleveland, 1857 1730 1731 1752 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 CATALOGUE. , 193 SHAKSPEARE. Dramatic Works of. With a glossary and notes. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8° mottled sheep (broken). Hartford, n. d. SHAKESPEARE. On Some of Shakespeare’s Female Char- acters: Ophelia, Portia, Desdemona, Juliet, Imogene, Rosalind and Beatrice. By Helena Faucit, Lady Mar- tin. Firsted. Portraits. 4° full crimson levant mo- rocco, extra, inside borders, uncut, gilt top, by ZAEHNS- DORF. Edinburgh, 1885 EXTRA ILLUSTRATED. 61 extra plates inserted, including many scarce dramatic portraits and scenes. SHAKESPEARE’S Sonnets. Edited with notes and intro- duction by Thomas Tyler. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1890 SHAKSPEARE. Heroines of Shakspeare, comprising the principal female characters in the plays of the great poet. Steel plates. Royal 4° in parts, uncut. London. SHAKESPEARE Phrase Book. By John Bartlett. 12° half calf, gilt back. Boston, 1882 SHAKESPEARE. An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier’s An- notated Shakspere Folio, 1632. By N. E. S. A. Ham- ilton. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1860 SHAKESPEARE. Life of; compiled from the best sources without comment. By Daniel W. Wilder. 12° cloth. Boston, 1893 SHAKESPEARE and Voltaire. By Thomas R. Lounsbury. 8° cloth. New York, 1902 SHAKSPER Not Shakespeare. By William H. Edwards. With portraits and facsimiles. 8° cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, 1900 SHAKESPEARE. William Shakespeare, portrayed by him- self; a revelation of the poet. By Robert Waters. Portrait: 12° cloth. New York, (1888) SHAKESPEARE’S Funeral and other papers. By Sir Ed- ward Hamley. Smal! 8° cloth, uncut. | Edinburgh, 1889 SHAKESPEARE’s Heroines on the Stage. By C. E. L. Wingate. Illustrations. Small 8° cloth. New York, (1895) SHAKESPEARE, Bacon, Jonson and Greene; astudy. By Edward J. Castle. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1897 SHAKESPEARE. Two Dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of Shakespear. By R. G. Latham, 8° half morocco, ‘London, 1872 194 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 CATALOGUE. SHAKESPEARE. Bacon vs. Shakspere; brief for plaintiff. By Edwin Reed. Seventh ed., revised and enlarged. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1897 SHAKESPEARE. Seven Lectures on Shakespeare and Mil- ton. ByS. T. Coleridge. With a list of all the MS. emendations in Mr. Collier’s Folio, 1632, and an intro- ductory preface, by J. Payne Collier. 38° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 SHAKSPERE. A Critical Study of his Mind and Art. By Edward Dowden. 12° cloth. New York. SHAKESPEARIAN Grammar. By E. A. Abbott. 12° cloth. London, 1884 SHAKSPEARE. Wit, Humor and Shakspeare. By John Weiss. 12° cloth. Boston, 1876 SHAKESPEARE Commentaries. By G. G. Gervinus. Trans- lated by F. E. Bunnétt. Thick 8° cloth. London, 1883 SHARPE, Samuel. History of Egypt. 2 vols. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Bohn: London, 1885 SHaw, Ralph W. In Many Moods; or miscellaneous poems. Firsted. 12° paper, uncut. Lowell, 1889 Presentation copy to S. A. Drake from the author. SHea, John G., and Henry De Courcy. History of the Catholic Church in the United States. Portraits. Thick 12° cloth. New York, (1879) SHEFFIELD, William P. Address delivered before the R. I. Hist. Society, Providence, Feb. 7, 1882. (With historical appendix.) 8° cloth. Newport, 1883 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. SHELDON, George William. Woman in French Art, with essays upon art and life in France. 225 pictures of social life in France, reproduced from paintings and and drawings by eminent artists, comprising 16 hand- colored photogravures, 80 full-page photogravures, India proofs and 160 typogravures. Complete in 8 sections in half russia, portfolios. D. Appleton & Co.: New York, 1890 The whole in cherry box with lock and fall front mounted on an easel, for the easy examination of the prints. EDITION DE LUXE: only 200 copies printed. SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. Works of, in verse and prose. Now first brought together, with many pieces not be- fore published. Edited with preface, notes and appen- dices, by Harry B. Forman. Steel portrait and plates. 8 vols. 8° half crimson morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Reeves & Turner: London, 1880 CATALOGUE. 195 1756 SHELLEY. Complete Poetical Works of. Text carefully revised with notes and a memoir by William Michael Rossetti. Portrait and illustrations. 3 vols. 8° half black morocco, gilt tops. London. 1757 SHELLEY. The Revolt of Islam. Firsted. 8° original boards, uncut (rebacked), in half morocco slip case, lettered). London, 1818 1758 SHELLEY. Rosalind and Helen: a modern eclogue, with other poems. First ed. 8° original cloth. London, 1819 Fine, clean, uncut copy. 1759 SHELLEY. Poems. Introduction by Walter Raleigh. Illustrations by R. Anning Bell. 8° buckram, uncut. London, 1903 One of 125 copies on Japanese Vellum. 1760 SHELLEY. Life of. By Edward Dowden. Steel portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs. London, 1886 1761 SHERMAN, William T. Memoirs of. Written by himself. Map. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1875 1762 SHERMAN and his Campaigns. By Bowman and Irwin. Portraits and maps. 8° cloth. New York, 1865 1763 SipGwick, Henry. Principles of Political Economy. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RiviERE & SON. London, 1887 1764 Sipney. Life of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of England, 1702 to 1710. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1888 1765 SIENKIEWICZ, Henryk. Let Us Follow Him. Trans- lated by Vatslaf A. Hlasko and T. H. Bullock. Fron- tispiece. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1897 Presentation copy, with a. /. s. by T. H. Bullock, on fly-leaf. 1766 SIENKIEWICZ.. ‘* Quo Vadis,” a narrative of the time of Nero. Translated from the Polish by Jeremiah Curtin. Maps and photogravures by Howard Pyle, E. H. Gar- rett and E. Van Muyden and others. 2 vols. 8° half green morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Boston, 1899 1767 Simon, M. Jules. The Government of M. Thiers, from Feb. 8, 1871 to May 24, 1873. 2 vols. 8° half dark morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1879. 1768 SinDING, Paul C. History of Scandinavia. Portrait and map. Small 8° cloth. New York, 1868 1769 SismonplI, J. C. L. Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe. Portraits. 2 vols. 12° half calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RiviERE & Son. Bohn: London, 1889 196 CATALOGUE. 1770 Simcog, Lieut.-Col. A Journal of the Operations of the Queen’s Rangers, from the end of the year 1777 to the conclusion of the late American War. Plates. 4° full black morocco, gilt edges, inside borders. Printed for the Author: Exeter, (1787) The Ives and Menzies copy. A splendid copy of the EXCESSIVELY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, clean and fresh as when first printed, and the largest copy yet heard of, measuring 8 3-4 by Io 1-2 inches on the leaf. ‘‘ First printed soon after the termination of the War of Indepen- dence, but apparently not published, and was almost unknown to exist, until a few years ago, when a copy turned up in asale (I believe of Mr. Chalmers’ Library), and from that copy the New York edition of 1844 was printed.” — Rich. This is the only copy that has turned up for sale at auction for very many years. It sold on the Menzies sale for $51 and on the Ives sale for $152.50. See reproduction of title-page. 1771 SKEAT, Walter W. Etymological Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language. Square 8° cloth. Oxford, 1882 1772 SMILES, Samuel. Lives of the Engineers. Steel portraits and woodcuts. 5 vols. 8° half green crushed levant mo- rocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivitrE & Son. London, 1874-79 1773 SMITH, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Edited by J. E. T. Rogers. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8° three-quarters light calf, uncut, glit backs and tops, by RivifRE & Son. Oxford, 1880 1774 SmitH, C. J. Synonyms and Antonyms. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RiviERE & Son. Bohn: London, 1887 1775 SMITH, James and Horace. Rejected Addresses. New ed., with illustrations by George Cruikshank. Portrait. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RIVIERE & Son. London, 1881 1776 SMITH, Capt. John. The Trve Travels, Adventvres and Observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from Anno Domini 1593, to 1629. Together with a continuation of his generall History of Virginia, Summer Iles, New England, and their pro- ceedings, since 1624, to this present 1629; as also of the new Plantations of the great River of the Amazons, the Iles of St. Christopher, Mevis, and Barbados in the West Indies. All written by actuall Authours, whose names you shall find along the History. Title, Dedica- tion, 1 leaf, Contents, 1 leaf, Poems, 3 leaves. Text, pp. 1-60. g plates on one sheet (mounted on linen). Folio, full crimson crushed levant morocco, extra. London: Printed by F. H. for Thomas Slater, and are to bee sold at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbour, 1630 Fine copy, the Deane copy sold for $160. ie no mee U OR ON AOL for tr R A TION S O F Tue QUEEN’s RANGERS, From THE ENp or THE YEAR 1777; TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE LATE AMERICAN WAR. ee eeeeeoeeeaaaelaeaa@a@aqaq=$S=$=$=$$$0u0qq aoe By Lizutrenant-CoLtoneL SIMCOE, COMMANDER or rtuat CORPS. - EXETER: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. 198 CATALOGUE. 1777 SmitH, F. Hopkinson. Venice of To-day. 20 large facsimile water-colors, each signed with autograph mounted with mats. New York, 1896 ARTIST’S PROOF EDITION: being a duplicate set of the plates; only 540 copies signed by the artist. 1778 SMITH, Samuel. The History of the Colony of Nova- Cesaria, or New-Jersey; Containing an Account of its First Settlement, Progressive Improvements, the Origi- nal and Present Constitution, and other Events, to the Year 1721. With some Particulars since; and a Short View of its present state. 8° half morocco, gilt edges. Burlington, in New-Jersey, 1765 “ Very scarce and difficult to be met with.” — Rick. The author was a native of the colony, the history of which he wrote. His work has always been much esteemed. 1779 SMITH, S. F. Missionary Sketches; a concise history of the work of the American Baptist Missionary Union. 12° cloth. Boston, 1879 With a. /. s. of the author inserted. 1780 SmiTH, Rev. Sydney. Works of, portrait, fourth ed., 3 vols. ; 1848; — Elementary Sketches of of Moral Phil- osophy, 1850;— Memoir of, by his daughter, Lady Holland, 2 vols., 1855. Together 6 vols. 8° half mo- rocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London. 1781 [SmirH, William.] A Brief View of the Conduct of Pennsylvania, for the Year 1755; So far as it affected the General Service of the British Colonies, particu- larly the expedition under the late General Braddock. In a Second Letter to a Friend in London. 8° brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by RIVIERE, in tin slip case. R. Griffiths: London, 1756 This is the Terry copy, for which $40 was paid in 1889. It was then stitched, and since been bound at a cost of nearly $10. According to Rich and Justin Winsor, Franklin may have had a hand in the “ Brief State ” to which this is a supplement, but if the “ True and Impartial State ” was by him, these earlier pieces to which that is a reply were certainly not. 1782 SMITH, William. History of Greece. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1855 1783 SmiTH. New Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology and Geography. Revised by Charles Anthon, 8° sheep (binding broken). New York, 1873 1784 SmitH. Dictionary of the Bible, comprising Antiquities, Biography, Geography and Natural History. Numerous illustrations. 3 vols. 8° half claret crushed levant mo- rocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1863 This and the following 5 lots are bound in uniform bindings. 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 CATALOGUE. 199 SmitH. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. II- lustrations. 2 vols. thick 8° half dark claret crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1878 Smitu. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Illustrations. 3 vols. 8° half dark claret crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1880 SmitH and Cheetham. Dictionary of Christian Anti- quities. Illustrations. 2 vols. thick 8° half dark claret crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1875 SmitH and Wace. Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sectsand Doctrines. 4 vols. thick 8° half dark claret crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. Boston, 1877-87 Smitu, Wayte and Marindin. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Third ed., revised and enlarged. Illustrations. 2 vols. thick 8° half dark claret crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1890 Socialism of To-day, by Emile de Laveleye; — Social Equality, by W. H. Mallock, 1882;— Quintessence of Socialism, by A. Schaffle, 1889. 3 vols. 12° cloth. Sprecues in the U. S. Congress on Banking, Finance, etc. 50 pamphlets bound in one vol. 8° half sheep. Sprtman, Henry. Relation of Virginia, 1609. Plate. 16° three-quarters light blue morocco, uncut. London, 1872 ONLY 100 copies printed at the Chiswick Press for James F. Hun- newell, President of the Club of Odd Volumes, Boston. Presentation copy. Spencer, Herbert. Universal Progress; — First Princi- ples; — Principles of Biology, 2 vols.; — Social Statics. 5 vols. 12° half morocco, gilt backs. New York, 1870 SpenceR. Education, Intellectual, Moral and Physical. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top. New York, 1887 Spenser, Edmund. Poetical Works of. With introduc- tory observations on the Faerie Queene, and notes by the editor. Steel portrait. 5 vols. 8° calf (bindings cracked). London, 1845 STacE and Its Stars, (The) Past and Present. A Gallery of Dramatic Illustrations and Critical Biographies of Distinguished English and American Actors, from the Time of Shakespeare till To-day. Edited by Howard Paul and George Gebbie. Illustrated with 128 photo- gravure portraits and scenes from steel plates and over 4co portraits in the text. Complete in 11 parts, folio, paper, in cloth portfolios. Gebbie & Co.: Phila., 1887 EpITION DE LUxeE: limited to 400 copies, the full-page plates, proofs on India paper. 200 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 CATALOGUE. STANLEY, Arthur P. Works of. 15 vols. 8° antique calf, gilt edges, by Tour. Oxford and London, 1852-82 ComMPRISES: Jewish Church ;— Eastern Church ;— Church of Scot- land ; — Sinai and Palestine ;—- Westminster Abbey ; — Canterbury ; — Sermons, 3 vols. ;— St. Paul’s Cathedral; — Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians ; — Essays on Church and State; — Ecclesiastical subjects. | STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley; his Life, Work and Teachings. Etched portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1885 STANLEY, H. M. Through the Dark Continent, or the sources of the Nile, etc. Portraits, maps and numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs. London, 1878 STANLEY. In Darkest Africa. Portraits, maps and illus- trations. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs and edges. New York, 1890 STANLEY, Thomas. History of Philosophy; containing the lives, opinions, actions and discourses of the phil- osophers of every sect. Illustrated with the effigies of divers of them. Second ed. Copperplate engravings. Folio, half vellum. Thomas Bassett: London, 1687 STaNnwoop, Edward. History of Presidential Elections. 12° cloth. Boston, 1888 STARK, Maj.-Gen. John. Reminiscences of the French War, containing Rogers’ Expeditions, to which is added an account of the life and military services of Maj.- Gen. John Stark. Portrait by Pendleton inserted. 12° cloth. Concord, 1831 Autograph on title, “ G. Stevens from Col. Stark, July, 1837.” STATESMAN’S Year-Book, for 1890, ’91 and’gg. 3 vols. 12° cloth. London, 1890-99 STEDMAN, E. C. Songs of Yale (with 2 songs, by C. E. Stedman). Firsted. 8° wrappers. New Haven, 1853 With autograph of author on title-page. STEDMAN. Poems, lyrical and idyllic. Firsted. 12° cloth, New York, 1860 With 4-line autograph verse, signed by the author. Also inscrip- tion on fly-leaf, “ My first book, almost impossible to find in this, the original binding. — E. C. S.” STEDMAN. The Prince’s Ball. Illustrations by Stephens. First ed. 12° cloth. New York, 1860 With 6-line autograph inscription relating to the book, signed by the author. STEDMAN. Alice of Monmouth. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1864 With to-line autograph inscription, signed by the author, on fly- leaf. ‘The title poem, Alice of Monmouth, was written in the At- torney-General’s Office, Washington, while the war was at its height, in the summer of 1863,” 1809 1810 18it 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 CATALOGUE. 201 SrepMAN. The Blameless Prince. First ed. 12° cloth. Autograph of author on title. New York, 1891 SrepMAN. Poetical Works. Firsted. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1873 With inscription on fly-leaf, “ My first collective edition. Edmund C. Stedman.” STEDMAN. Victorian Poets. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1876 With 4-line autograph verse, signed by the author, on fly-leaf ; also inscription relating to the book, signed by E: C. 5S. SrepMaNn. Hawthorne and other poems. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1877 With 8-line autograph verse, signed by the author, on fly-leaf. StepMaN. Poets of America. Firsted. 12° cloth, un- cut, Boston, 1885 With 5-line autograph inscription, signed by the author, on fly-leaf. StepMAN. ‘The Star Bearer. First ed. Frontispiece on China paper and border illustrations by Howard Pyle. pp. 5. Royal 8° wrappers, uncut. (Boston, 1888) With 4-line autograph verse, signed by the author ; also autograph inscription relating to the book, by the author, inserted. SrepMaN. ‘The Lord’s Prayer. First ed. Illustrated. 8° wrappers. New York, (1890) With autograph inscription by the author. SrepMAN. Poems Now First Collected. First eduara: cloth, uncut. © Boston, 1897 With 8-line autograph verse, signed by the author, on fly-leaf. Sruin. Life and Times of Stein; or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age. By J. R. Seeley. Por- trait and maps. 2 vols. 8° half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1879 SrepHeN, Leslie. Hoursina Library. New ed. 3 vols. 12° three-quarters blue morocco, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1899 SrepHEns, Alexander H. Constitutional View of the Late War between the States, its causes, character, conduct and results. Steel portraits and plate. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs. Phila., (1868) STEPHENS, John L. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1843 SrEPpHENS. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half calf. New York, 1848 Stevens. Thaddeus Stevens, Commoner. By E. B. Callender. Portrait. 12° half calf, uncut, gilt back. Boston, 1882 202 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 CATALOGUE. STEVENSON, R. L. Memories and Portraits. First ed. 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1887 LARGE PAPER Copy; only 50 copies printed. STEVENSON. Underwoods. Firsted. 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1887 LARGE PAPER Copy: only 50 copies printed. This No. 21. STEVENSON. Ballads. Firsted. 4° cloth. uncut. Londoa, 1890 LARGE PAPER: only 100 copies printed. STEVENSON. Across the Plains with other memories and essays. Firsted. 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1892 LARGE PAPER Copy: only 100 copies printed. STEVENSON, and W. E. Henley. Three Plays. First ed. 8° original boards, uncut and unopened. London, 1892 No. 9 of 30 copies printed on Japanese Vellum. Fine copy, unopened. STEVENSON. A Mountain Town in France, a fragment. With 5 illustrations by the author. First ed. 8° wrap- pers, uncut. New York and London, 1896 ONLY 350 copies printed. STEVENSON. The Morality of the Profession of Letters. 18° buckram, uncut. Gouveneur, N. Y., 1899 ONLY 299 copies printed for the Brothers of the Book. STEVENSON. Facsimiles of Four Pamphlets known as the Davos-Platz Pamphlets. Not I and other Poems; — Moral Emblems, both series; — The Graver and the Pen. Issued to subscribers of the Thistle Edition only. 4 pamphlets, 16° paper. STEVENSON. Catalogue of a Collection of the Books of Robert Louis Stevenson, in the library of George M. Williamson. Portrait and facsimile titles. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Marian Press: Jamaica, 1901 ONLY 150 copies printed. STEVENSON. A Bibliography of the Works of. By Col. W. F. Prideaux. Portrait and facsimiles. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1903 STILLMAN, William James. Autobiography of a Jour- nalist. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1901 STITH, William. The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia; being an essay towards a general history of this Colony. 8° full olive green crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt back and edges, by F. BEDFORD. William Parks: Williamsburg, 1747 Fine copy of the second edition, printed same year as the first. The collation same as the Brinley copy No. 3796. 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 CATALOGUE. | 203 STODDARD, Charles Warren. Poems. 8° morocco. San Francisco, 1867 First edition of Mr. Stoddard’s first printed book. With a. 7, s. of Stoddard to Mr. Griswold, inserted. STODDARD, R. H. Poems. Firsted. 12° cloth, un- opened. Boston, 1852 STODDARD. Songs of Summer. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1857 With signature of the author inserted. STODDARD’s Bric-a-Brac Series. 10 vols. r2° cloth. New York, 1875 ComPRISES: Personal Reminiscences by Thackeray and Dickens ; — O’Keeffe, Kelley and Taylor;— Lamb, Hazlitt and others; — Barham, Harness and Hodder; — Greville Memoirs ; — Moore and Jerdan ; — Constable and Gillies ;—— Chorley, Planché and Young ; — Cornelia Knight and T. Raikes. Storrs, Richard S. The Divine Origin of Christianity, Indicated by its Historical Effects. 8° cloth. New York, 1884 Story of the Nations. Numerous illustrations. 23 vols 12° half morocco, gilt backs. G. P. Putnam’s Sons: New York, 1888 CompPRISsES: Spain ; — Early Britain; — The Moors in Spain ; — Holland ; — Barbary Corsairs ; — Media, Babylon and Persia ; — The Normans ; — Ancient Egypt ; — Mexico ; — Carthage; — Ireland ; — Pheenicia; — Germany;— Hansa Towns;—The Jews;— Norway; — Turkey ; — Chaldea; — Hungary ;— Alexander’s Empire ;— The Goths ; — Assyria ; — The Saracens. STOTHARD, Thomas. Life of. With personal reminis- cences by Mrs. Bray. With numerous illustrations from his works. Square 8° three-quarters crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt top. London, 1851 Stowe, H. B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Firsted. 2 vols. 12° original cloth. New York, 1852 Stowe. Life and Letters. Edited by Annie Fields. Por- trait. Firsted. 8° boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1897 LarRGE PAPER: only 250 copies printed. STRICKLAND, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England. New ed., revised and greatly augmented. Steel por- traits and engraved title-pages. 8 vols. r2° half calf, gilt backs. London, 1871 Strronc, Josiah. Our Country: its possible future and its present crisis. 12° morocco, gilt back, sides and edges. New York, 1885 Presentation copy to Bishop A. C. Coxe, with inscription by the author, 204 CATALOGUE. ‘ 1846 StuBss, William. Constitutional History of England in its Origin and Development. 3 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RivizrE & Son. Oxford, 1880 1847 STuRGIS, Russell. How to Judge Architecture, a popu- lar guide to the appreciation of buildings. Illustrations. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1903 1848 Sur, Eugene. Romances of. Etched illustrations on Japan paper. 20 vols. 8° three-quarters crimson crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt tops. F. A. Niccolls & Co.: Boston. EDITION DE GRAND LUXE: only 250 copies printed. 1849 SuE. Mysteries of Paris. Illustrations. 3 vols. royal 8° cloth. London, 1845 Fine, clean copy, in original cloth, of the best edition. 1850 SUFFOLK County, Mass. Davis, William T. Professional and Industrial History of Suffolk County, Mass. Nu- merous steel portraits. 3 vols. thick royal 8° half mo- rocco. Boston, 1894 1851 SuLLIvAN, M. F. Ireland of To-Day; the causes and aims of Irish agitation. Portrait, map and illustrations. 12° cloth. Phila., (1881) 1852 SuLLty, Duke of. Memoirs of. New ed., revised and corrected, with additional notes. Steel portraits. 4 vols. 12° half crimson morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Bohn: London, 1856 1853 SUMNER, Charles. Works of. Portrait. 15 vols. 12° half morocco, gilt backs. Boston, 1875-83 1854 SUMNER. Memoir and Letters of (1811-45). By E. L. Pierce. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs. Boston, 1878 1855 [SuRTEES, Robert.] Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour. Il- lustrated with colored plates by John Leech. 8° half red morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1853 Fine copy of the first edition, bound up from the 13 original parts, with all the covers and “ads.” bound in. Extremely rare to find the original wrappers in such fine condition. 1856 [SuRTEES.] Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrock’s Hunt. By the Author of ‘‘Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour.” With colored illustrations by John Leech. 8° half red morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1854 Bound from the 17 original parts, with wrappers and advertise ments, in fine, clean condition. The first edition, extremely rare. 1857 [SuRTEES.] Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour; — Plain or Ringlets?; — Ask Mamma; — Mr. Romford’s Hounds. With numerous colored plates and wood engravings by John Leech and H. K. Browne. 4 vols. 8° red cloth, gilt tops. Bradbury, Agnew & Co,: London, CATALOGUE. 205 1858 [SuRTEES.] Hawbuck Grange; or the Sporting Adven- ventures of Thomas Scott, Esq. 8 engravinge by Phiz. First ed. 8° full calf, uncut, gilt top, by Riviére. London, (1847) Top margin of a few leaves stained ; otherwise a fine copy. 1859 Swirt, Jonathan. Works of; containing additional let- ters, tracts and poems, not hitherto published. With notes and a life of the author, by Sir Walter Scott. Steel portrait and rubricated title-pages. 19 vols. 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by Tout. Bickers & Son: London, 1883 ONLY 750 copies printed. 1860 SWINBURNE, Algernon C. Collected Works of. 22 vols. 8° and 12° three-quarters brown crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt tops, by Tour. London. Comprises: Notes on Poems and Reviews, first ed., 1866; — Songs of Two Nations, first ed., 1875; — Chaslelard, 1878; — Study of Shakespeare, 1880;— Songs of the Springtides, first ed., 1880; — Studies in Song, first ed., 1880 ;— Mary Stuart, first ed., 1881 ; — Erechtheus, 1881;— Bothwell, 1882; A Century of Roundels, 1883;— Tristram of Lyonesse, 1884;— Midsummer Holiday, first ed., 1884;— Atalanta in Calydon, 188 5;— Marino Faliero, first ed., 1885;— Poems and Ballads, first and second series, 1885-87 ;— Miscellanies, first ed., 1886; — Study of Victor Hugo, first ed., 1886; — Locrine, 1887;— Selections from his Poetical Works, 1887 ;— Songs before Sunrise, 1888 ; — Essays and Studies, 1888. 1861 SWINBURNE. The Queen-Mother;— Rosamond. Two plays. Firsted. 12° full crushed green levant mo- rocco, extra, uncut, gilt top, by ALFRED MATTHEWS. Pickering: London, 1860 Swinburne’s first work. Presentation copy. “To the Editor of Fraser’s Magazine, with the Publisher’s Comp’ts.” This was the copy used by the editor, who wrote a very elaborate criticism at the time for that review, and yet many pages remained unopened. 1862 SWINBURNE. Songs before Sunrise. First ed. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1871 LARGE PAPER Copy: only 25 copies printed for private circula- tion. 1863 SWINBURNE. Auguste Vacquerie. Firsted, 8° wrap- pers, uncut. Paris, 1875 1864 SWINBURNE. A Note on Charlotte Bronté. Firsted. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1877 1865 SWINBURNE. A biographical study. By T. Wratislaw. (With bibliographical appendix.) Portrait. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1900 1866 Symonps, John Addington. Studies of the Greek Poets. Second series. Firsted. 8° original cloth. Fine copy. London, 1876 206 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 CATALOGUE. Symonps. Many Moods. Firsted. 8° cloth, uncut. Fine copy. London, 1878 Symonps. Animi Figura. Firsted. 12° cloth, uncut. Fine copy. London, 1882 Symonps. Sketches in Italy;— New Italian Sketches. 2 vols. 16° wrappers, uncut. Leipzig, 1883-84 SyMonpDs. Christopher Marlowe. Plays, edited by Have- lock Ellis, with Introduction by J. A. Symonds. Por- trait. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1887 First issue; containing the passages which were after suppressed (pp. 428-30). | Symonps. Life of Benvenuto Cellini. Newly translated into English. With engraved portrait and 8 etchings, by F. Laguillermie; also 18 reproductions of the works of the master. 2 vols. square 8° half calf, uncut, gilt tops. J. C. Nimmo: London, 1888 SyMonDs. Webster and Tourneur. (Unexpurgated plays.) With introduction and notes by J. A. Symonds, Fron- tispiece. Firsted. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1888 Symonpbs. Memoirs of Carlo Gozzi, with essays on his life, Italian comedy, dramatic fables, and Pietro Longhi. Portrait and 6 etchings by Lalauze, and 11 engravings colored by hand. Firsted. 2 vols. 8° new boards, uncut, gilt tops. New York (London), 1890 One of 260 copies printed for America. SYMONDS. Essays, Speculative and Suggestive. First ed. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1890 SymMonpDs. Walt Whitman, a Study. Portrait and four illustrations. Firsted. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1893 LARGE PAPER: only 208 copies printed. SymonbDs. Giovanni Boccaccioas Man and Author. First ed. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1895 SyMonpbs. Renaissance in Italy: Italian Literature; — The Catholic Reaction. Portrait. 4 vols. small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1898 Symonps. John Addington Symonds. A Biography. Compiled from his papers and correspondence by Ho- ratio F. Brown. First ed., with portraits and other illustrations. 2 vols, square 8° cloth, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1895 Symons, Arthur. Amoris Victima. Firsted. 8° cloth. uncut. London, 1897 Only 400 copies printed at the Chiswick Press. With a. /. s, of the author inserted, CATALOGUE. 207 1880 / : ‘ACITUS. Works of. Translated into English, with notes and maps. By A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 3 vols. 12° half morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1876-88 COMPRISES: History ;— Annals; — Agricola and Germany. 1881 Taine, H. A. History of English Literature. Trans- lated by H. Van Laun. 4 vols. 8° half light calf. Library edition. London, 1877 1882 TALLEYRAND. Correspondence of Prince Talleyrand and King Louis XVIII during the Congress of Vienna. With notes by M. G. Pallain. Portrait. Small 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. New York, 1881 1883 TALLEYRAND. Memoirsof. Edited, with a preface and notes by the Duc de Broglie. Translated by R. L. de Beaufort. With an introduction by Whitelaw Reid. Portraits and facsimile letters. Vols. 1-3 only. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1891 1884 TaNEy. Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. By Samuel Tyler. Steel portrait. Royal 8° half light calf, gilt back and top. Baltimore, 1872 1885 TaRLETON. History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the southern province of North America. By Lieut.- Col. Tarleton. With folding map. Royal 4° half red crushed levant morocco, gilt back, uncut and unopened. London, 1787 With rare portrait of Tarleton, from the Westminster Magazine, inlaid. Fine, clean, unopened copy. 1886 Taytor, Hannis. Origin and Growth of the English Constitution, an historical treatise. Vol. 1 only. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1889 1887 TayLor, Jeremy. Holy Liviug and Dying. Portrait. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by Riv- ERE & SON. Bohn: London, 1888 1888 [Tennyson, Alfred.] Death's Doings. 24 plates de- signed and etched by R. Dagley, with illustrations in prose and verse, the friendly contributions of various writers. Firsted. 8° original boards, uncut (back torn). London, 1826 The poems signed “ Alfred ” were contributed by Tennyson. 1889 TENNYSON. Poems, chiefly lyrical. Firsted. 12° orig- inal boards, uncut, paper label. London, 1830 1890 TENNYSON. Maud, and other poems. Firsted. 12° full green morocco, gilt back, top and edges uncut, by MATTHEWS. London, 1855 Fine copy, with the original cloth covers bound in. 208 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 CATALOGUE. Tennyson, Alfred and Charles. Poems, 1830-33. First edition, Square 12° original blue paper covers, uncut, in full crushed levant morocco slip case. Privately printed: 1862 Tennyson. Lyrical Poems. Selected by F. T. Palgrave. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1885 LARGE PAPER: only 500 copies printed. Tennyson. ‘The Death of GEnone, Akbar’s Dream, and other poems. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 One of 200 copies printed on hand-made paper. Tennyson. Bibliography of the First Editions in book form of the Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the de- scription of a set brought together by Dodd, Mead & Co., with Notes referring to items not included in the set. Portrait. 8° boards, uncut. New York, rgo1 Tennyson, Bibliography of the First Editions in Book form, of the Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, etc. 8° paper. New York, 1901 Only 306 copies printed. TENNYSON Illustrations. A series of etched and photo- gravure illustrations to illustrate the Works of Alfred Tennyson. Portrait and 98 plates. India proofs be- fore letters. Large 4° in portfolio. TERENTIUS. Publii Terentii Carthaginiensis Afri Come- dia Sex. Adjunxit J. A. Giles. 8° cloth, uncut. Londini, 1837 THACKERAY. W. M. Worksof. Numerous illustrations on steel and wood by the author and R. Doyle. 22 vols. 8° three-quarters brown morocco, uncut, gilt back and tops. Smith, Elder & Co., London, 1869 THACKERAY. The Yellowplush Correspondence. First ed. 8° original boards, uncut, with paper label, in half morocco case with cover. E. L. Carey & A. Hart: Phila., 1838 Fine clean copy. Of extreme rarity, being the first Thackeray book. The articles were collected by the American publishers from Fraser's Magazine, where they originally appeared, and issued in book form ¢hree years in advance of their publication as a part of “‘ Comic Tales and Sketches,” in London, 1841. It is supposed that the hia- tus in the pagination (the text beginning with page 13) represents space left for an intended preface or introduction, which never ap- peared, as none of the few known copies differ from this as to their contents. See reproduction of title-page. 1900 THACKERAY. ‘The Yellowplush Papers. 12° half red mo- rocco, uncut, gilt top, covers bound in. New York, 1852 Second American edition, but including articles not in the first American edition of 1838, and both are previous to any English edition. THE YELLOWPLUSH CORRESPONDENCE. PHILADELPHIA: E. Ll. CAREY & A. HART. 1838, 210 Igo! 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 IQIO IQIl CATALOGUE. THACKERAY. The Irish Sketch-Book, by Mr. M. A. Tit- marsh, Firsted. With numerous engravings on wood, drawn by the author. 2 vols. small 8° half green mo- rocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1843 THACKERAY. Doctor Birch and his Young Friends. First ed. With vignette and 15 full-page illustrations by the author, all of which are hand colored. Small 4° half red morocco, gilt edges, with original orna- mented covers bound in. London, 1849 THACKERAY. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. First ed. With 15 tinted plates by the author. Small 4° half mo- rocco, rough gilt edges, uncut. London, 1850 THACKERAY. Mr. Brown’s Letters to a Young Man about Town. Firsted. 12° half red morocco, uncut, gilt top, covers bound in. New York, 1853 Contains some papers never reprinted in England and with special preface by Thackeray, dated New York, Dec. 1852. THACKERAY. Confessions of Fitz-Boodle and some pas- sages in the life of Major Gahagan. Firsted. 12° half red morocco, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1852 First edition. English edition not printed until later. THACKERAY. Men’s Wives. Firsted. 12° half red mo- rocco, uncut, gilt top, cover bound in. D. Appleton: New York, 1852 This book was published first in America. THACKERAY. The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan. First English ed. 12° half red morocco, uncut, gilt top, with original yellow wrappers bound in. London, 1855 THACKERAY. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon of the Kingdom of Ireland. Firsted. Small 8° half green morocco, uncut, gilt top, with original wrapper and ads. bound in, London, 1856 THACKERAY. A Little Dinner at Timmins’s and the Bedford-Row Conspiracy. Firsted. 12° half red mo- rocco, uncut, with the original yellow wrappers bound in, London, 1856 THACKERAY. Burlesques. A Legend of the Rhine. Re- becca and Rowena. First ed. 12° three-quarters crim- son crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut, gilt top. . London, 1856 Fine copy of the first edition with the original covers bound in. THACKERAY. The Virginians, a Tale of the Last Cen- tury. Firsted. With 48 illustrations on steel and wood by the author. 2 vols. 8° half red morocco, un- cut, gilt tops, with all the original yellow wrappers and ads, bound in, Bradbury & Evans: London, 1859 Igt2 rgr3 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 org 1920 Ig2t 1922 1923 1924 CATALOGUE. 211 THACKERAY. The Four Georges, sketches of manners, morals, court and town life. Firsted. 12° half green levant morocco, uncut, gilt top, covers bound in. The first English edition is dated 1861. New York, 1860 THACKERAY. Lovell the Widower, a novel. 8° half orange morocco, uncut, gilt top, wrappers bound in. New York, 1860 First edition, the first English edition was not published until 1861. THACKERAY. The same. Illustrations. 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1861 First English edition, with original cloth covers bound in. THACKERAY. Adventures of Philip, on his way through the world. Firsted. 3 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London, 1862 THACKERAY. The Mahogany Tree. With 24 illustrations by Frank T. Merrill, including portrait of the author and 11 Japan proof engravings. Folio, half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1887 JAPANESE PAPER EDITION: only 100 copies printed. THEBAUD, Aug. J. The Irish Race in the Past and the Present. Steel portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1889 THICKNESSE. Memoirs and Anecdotes of Philip Thick- nesse, late Lieutenant-Governor of Land Guard Fort, and Unfortunately Father to George Touchet, Baron Audley. 8° half calf. Dublin, 1790 Tuirers, M. A. History of the Consulate and the Em- pire of France under Napoleon. Translated by D. Forbes Campbell. Steel portraits. 20 vols. bound in 10 vols. 8° half crimson crushed levant morocco, un- cut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1845-61 Tuiers. History of the French Revolution. Translated with notes and illustrations, from the most authentic sources, by Frederick Shoberl. Steel portraits and plates. 5 vols. 8° half crimson crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1838 Tuomas, William W., Jr. Sweden and the Swedes. Portrait and illustrations. Thick royal 8° cloth. Chicago, 1893 Tuompson, Francis. Poems. Frontispiece. Small 4° boards, uncut. London, 1893 ONLY 500 copies printed. THoMPsON. Sister-Songs, an offering to two sisters. First ed. Frontispiece. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London (Boston), 1895 THompson. New Poems. 12° cloth, uncut. Copeland & Day: Boston, 1897 ONLY 500 copies printed. 212 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 CATALOGUE. THompson, Maurice. Lincoln’s Grave. Firsted. 16° boards, uncut. Stone & Kimball: Chicago, 1894 ONLY 450 copies printed. With a. 7. s. of the author inserted. TuHompson. Stories of the Cherokee Hills. First ed. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1898 With a. 7. s. and portrait of the author inserted. THompson, R. W. History of Protective Tariff Laws. Portrait. 8° cloth. | Chicago, 1888 THOREAU, H. D. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. First ed. 12° original cloth (stamp on title). Boston, 1854 THOREAU. Maine Woods. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1864 THOREAU. Cape Cod. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1865 THOREAU. Letters to Various Persons. Firsted. 12° original cloth. Boston, 1865 Fresh, clean copy. THoREAU. A Yankee in Canada, etc. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1866 THorREAU. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. First revised ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1868 1934 THOREAU. A Bit of Unpublished Correspondence be- 1935 1936 1937 tween Henry D. Thoreau and I. T. Hecker. First ed. 8° wrappers, uncut. Worcester, 1902 ONLY 50 copies printed. [THoREAU.] Introduction to Algebra, etc. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1828 Thoreau’s copy, with autograph, “ H. Thoreau, Concord, Mass.,” on fly-leaf at end. Two sheets of MS. laid in (algebraic demonstra- tions), one dated “ Concord, Jan. 18th, 1840,” the other “ July roth, 1847 ” (Thoreau’s last year at Harvard). Endorsed by F. B. San- born: ‘A college text book of H. D. Thoreau. — F. B. S.” THOREAU. Geographia Antiqua: being a complete sett of maps, oblong 8°, London, 1747; — Elegant Extracts, Dublin, 1793. 2 vols. oblong 8° and small 4° boards and sheep. A copy of a letter of Frank B. Sanborn (from whom the volumes were obtained) is inserted, which asserts Thoreau’s ownership. The autographs, “ Jane Thoreau’s ” and “ Henry Thoreau’s,” ona fly-leaf, corroborating the testimony of Mr. Sanborn. THOROWGOOD, Thomas. Jews in America, or, probabili- ties that those Indians are Judaical, made more proba- ble by some additions to the former conjectures. An accurate discourse is premised of Mr. John Elliot (who . first preached the Gospel to the natives-in their own — Language), touching their origination and his vindica- tion of the Planters. Small 4° full light blue morocco. London, 1660 CATALOGUE. 213 1938 THucypIpES. History of the Peloponnesian War. The text. according to Bekker’s edition, with some altera- tions. With notes by Thomas Arnold. Maps. 3 vols. 8° half calf. Oxford, (1830) 1939 TILDEN, Samuel J. Writings and Speeches of. Edited by John Bigelow. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. New York, 1885 1940 Timss, John. Anecdote Biography: William Pitt, Earl of Chatham and Edmund Burke. Steel portrait. Small 8° half brown morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1860 1941 Tissot, J. James. The Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. 365 compositions from the four Gospels, with notes and explanatory drawings by J. James Tissot. Notes trans- lated by Mr. Arthur Bell (N. D’Anvers). Plates beauti- fully colored or printed in tint. 4 vols. royal 4° full black morocco, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1899 1942 ToynBeE, Arnold. Lectures on the Industrial Revolu- tion of the 18th Century in England. 8° cloth. London, 1890 1943 Train, George Francis. Young America Abroad in Europe, Asia and Australia. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1857 Presentation copy, with a. /. s. of the author on fly-leaf. 1944 TRAUTWINE, John C. Civil Engineer’s Pocket Book. Seventeenth ed. 12° full morocco, with flap. New York, 1900 © 1945 TRIAL of Queen Caroline. Queen’s Magazine; containing a correct report of the proceedings in the House of Lords, from the 17th of August to the 9th of Sept., 1820, on the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Her Majesty the Queen. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1820-21 1946 TRIAL by Court Martial of Lieut.-Col. Grenville Temple Winthrop, on Charges Preferred against him by Adju- tant-Gen. W. H. Sumner. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1832 1947 TROLLOPE, Mrs. Domestic Manners of the Americans. Lithographic plates. 2 vols. 12° half crimson crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1832 1948 TRowsRipcE, J. T. My Own Story: recollections of noted persons (Whitman, Emerson, Lowell, Abraham Lincoln, etc.). Portraits. Small 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1903 ONLY 300 copies issued in this style, each containing author’s autograph, arg CATALOGUE. 1949 TRUMBULL, Benjamin. A Complete History of Connecti- cut, civil and ecclesiastical, from 1630 to 1764. pp. 567, 548. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° three-quarters green mo- rocco, yellow edges. New Haven, 1818 Fine, clean copy of the first complete edition. 1950 TUCKER, Beverly. The Partisan Leader. Secretly printed in Washington, 1836, by Duff Green, for circulation in the Southern States, but afterwards suppressed. 2 vols. in one, 12° half roan. New York, 1861 1951 TURNER, J. M. W. Life of, founded on letters and papers furnished by his friends and fellow-academi- cians. By Walter Thornbury. New ed. 8 colored plates and 2 woodcuts. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1897 1952 Two Dialogues in English between a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in the Laws of England on the Grounds of the said Laws and of Conscience. Newly revised. 16° old calf. London, 1668 1953 TYRRELL, H., and Henry A. Haukeil. History of Russia, from the foundation of the Empire to the war with Turkey in 1877. Illustrations and maps. 3 vols. royal 8° in parts, uncut. London. 1954 RE, ANDREW. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. Third ed. Illustrated with 1240en- gravings on wood. 2 vols. 8° half calf (binding rubbed). New York, 1846 1955 UzaNnne, Octave. L’Ombrelle— Le Manchon. Illustra- tions (in tint) by Paul Avril. Royal 8° pictorial wrap- pers, uncut (cover soiled). Paris, 1883 1956 Uzanne. L’Eventail. Illustrations (in tints) by Paul Avril. Royal 8° pictorial wrappers (cover soiled). Paris, 1883 1957 UzaNnNneE. The Sunshade, the Glove, the Muff. Illustrated by Paul Avril, with photogravures printed in various colors. Royal 8° half blue morocco, gilt back and edges. London, 1884 1958 \ ] ALE Press. Rubdiydt of Omar Khyydm, (Text of first ed. ). Frontispiece and decorations by Charles Ricketts. 8° boards, uncut. London, rgor “The most attractive of the Vale Press issues.” 1959 VALE Press. Doctor Faustus. By Christopher Marlowe. Decorated by Charles Ricketts. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1903 CATALOGUE. 218 1960 VALE Press. Julia Domna, a play. By Michael Field. Decorations designed and cut on wood by Charles Ricketts. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1903 ONLY 240 copies printed. 1961 VAN BurREN. Martin Van Buren, to the end of his pub- lic career. By George Bancroft. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1889 1962 VAN Laun, Henri. History of French Literature. 3 vols. 8° half green crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1883 1963 VAUGHAN, William. The Golden Fleece. Diuided into three parts, vnder which are discouered the errours of religion, the vices and decayes of the kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore trading so much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Colchis, out of the Southernmost part of the island, commonly called the Newfovndland. By Orpheus Junior. pp. (1), 13) 149, 105, 96. Map of Newfound- land. Small 4° full red morocco. Francis Williams: London, 1626 Fine, clean copy, with the rare original map and the blank leaves between the parts. 1964 VESTRIS, Mme. Memoirs of the Public and Private Ad- ventures of Madame Vestris, to which is added her amorous confessions. Portrait inserted. 12° half calf. A reprint of the rare first edition. London, 1839 1965 VeuiLLot, L. La Collection Choisie. With 40 fine full- page etchings or photogravures, India proofs, and photogravures in the text. Complete in 10 sections, folio, paper, enclosed in pink silk portfolio. Martin M. Simmon & Co.: Boston and Phila., 189 1966 ViLLARI, Pasquale. Niccolo Machiabelli and his Times. 4 vols. small 8° half morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1878 1967 Vituiers, Charles Pelham. Free Trade Speeches; with a political memoir. Edited by a member of the Cobden Club, Etched portrait. 2 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1883 1968 ViLLoN, Francis. Poems, now first done into English -_-verse in the original forms. By John Payne. Small.8° boards, uncut (binding cracked). London, 1881 Author’s autograph inscription : “To Philip Bourke Marston with kind regards. John Payne.” The omitted passages, pp. 41, 68, 69, 73, 85, are supplied in manu- script. 1969 VirciL. P. Vergili Maronis Opera; the Works of Virgil, with a Commentary. By John Conington. 3 vols. 8” cloth, uncut. London, 1858 216 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 £979 1980 1981 1982 1983 CATALOGUE. VizETELLY, Henry. Berlin under the New Empire, its Institutions, Inhabitants, Industry, Monuments, Social Life, etc. With upwards of 400 illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt backs. — London, 1879 VoLTAIRE. Candide. Translated into English. 16° cloth. New York, 1864 VoutairRE. Philosophical Dictionary. Steel portrait and plate. 2 vols.in one. Royal 8° half calf. Boston, 1881 VoLTAIRE. Life of. By James Parton. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. Boston, 1886 Von Hotst, H. Constitutional and Political History of the United States, 1750 to 1846. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Chicago, 1877-79 Von Rank, Leopold. History of England, principally in the seventeenth century. 6 vols. 8° half morocco, un- cut, gilt backs and tops. Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1875 AERN, C. John La Farge, Artist and Writer. Illustrations, including colored plates. Royal 8° wrappers, uncut. London, 1896 Wacner. Richard Wagner. By H. S. Chamberlain. Translated by G. A. Hight. Portraits and illustra- tions. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1900 WaLKER, Amasa. Science of Wealth. 8° cloth. With a. /. s. of the author inserted. | Boston, 1866 Wa ker, Francis A. Political Economy. 8° half mo- rocco, gilt back. New York, 1883 Wa.uack, Lester. Memories of Fifty Years. With an introduction by Laurence Hutton. Portraits and plates. Royal 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1889 ONLY 500 copies printed. Wa.po.te, Horace (Earl of Orford). Letters of. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Now first chronologically ar- ranged. Steel portraits and plates. 9 vols. 8° half crushed levant morocco, uncut, gilt backs and tops, by RIvIERE & SON. Bickers & Son: London, 1877 Watton, Izaak. Life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln. To which is added some short tracts or cases of conscieuce, written by the said Bishop. First ed. Portrait. 12° contemporary sheep. London, 1678 Presentation copy from the author, with his initials; also his cor- rections and emendations on six pages. Portrait and text are in unusually fine state. From the Haines collection, with book-plate. McKee copy sold for $95. WaLTon and Cotton. The Complete Angler. Frontis- pieces. 2 vols. 48° cloth (one title water-stained). Charles Tilt: London, 1837 CATALOGUE. 217 1984 [WALTON and Cotton.] The Complete Angler; or the contemplative man’s recreation. With biographical preface and copious notes by the American editor (George W. Bethune). First American ed. 2 vols, 12° original wrappers, uncut (lower margins of a few leaves in Vol. 1 slightly water-stained). New York, 1847 Pages 129-210 of Vol. 2 embrace chapters on American fish and fishing, by “ Frank Forrester” and J. E. De Kay, and a bibliography (by Bethune) of books relating to fish, fishing, Walton and Cotton. 1985 WaLton and Cotton. The Complete Angler; or the Contemplative Man’s Recreation. With the original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Illustrated with 60 beautiful engravings on steel, comprising por- traits, full-page plates and vignettes, after Stothard, Inskipp and others. 2 vols. royal 8° half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1860 Choice, fresh copy of this splendid edition. 1986 Wa.ton and Cotton. Complete Angler. Bethune ed., text of 1847, facsimiles and full index. List of works on Fishing, of Walton’s Library, and of works ascribed to him; also numerous poems dedicated to Walton. New ed., with many new notes. 2 vols. in one. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1880 1987 WaLTon and Cotton. The Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation. Edited by John Major. With 6 original etchings, 2 portraits and 74 wood engravings. Small 8° three-quarters red morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. New York, (London), 1889 Contains also “ The Practical Fly-Fisher,’ by John Jackson, with 10 plates colored by hand. 1988 Watton. Chefs d’Ciuvre de l’Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1889. By William Walton. With 50 photograv- ures in duplicate, proofs before letters. Complete in 10 sections folio, in portfolios. Phila., 1889 EDITION DE Luxe: with a duplicate set of the 50 full-page photo- gravures finely colored. 1989 War of_1812. History of the Second War between the United States of America and Great Britain. Second series, 1814-15. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Phila., 1851 1990 War of the Rebellion; a compilation of the official rec- ords of the Union and Confederate armies. Series I, Vols. 1 to 21. 21 vols. bound in 31 vols. 8° cloth. Washington, 1880-83 1991 WARNER, Williams and Moore. The Orchid Album; comprising colored figures and descriptions of new, rare and beautiful orchidaceous plants, the colored figures by John N. Fitch. 143 finely colored plates. 3 vols. 4° cloth, gilt edges. London, 1882 218 CATALOGUE. 1992 WarrREN, G. W. Governor Winthrop’s Return to Boston. An interview with a great character, a poem read ata social meeting of First Church, and also at the Thurs- day Evening Club, Mar. 25, April 20, 1882. Illustrated. Square 12° cloth. Boston, 1883 ONLY 300 copies printed. Presentation copy from the author. 1993 WARREN. Class Memoir of George Washington Warren; with English and American ancestry. By T. C. Amory. Portrait. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1886 1994 WARREN J. C., M.D. The Great Tree on Boston Com- mon. Frontispiece of the tree and facsimile of Cap- tain John Bonner’s map of the town of Boston, in New England, 1722. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 1995 WARREN, Mrs. Mercy (Sister of James Otis). Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous. Firsted. Portrait of the author inserted. 12° sheep. Boston, 1790 1996 WARWICK. Mary Rich, Countess of Warwick, 1625-78; Her Family and Friends. By Charlotte Fell Smith. Portrait and illustrations. 3° cloth, uncut. London, 1gor 1997 WASHINGTON, George. Writings of. Collected and ed- ited by W. C. Ford. 14 vols. 8° half roxburghe, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1889 LETTER-PREss EDITION: only 7 50 copies printed. 1998 WasHiINGTON. Life of. By Jared Sparks. Steel por- traits and plates. Royal 8° cloth, uncut, Boston, 1842 1999 WASHINGTON and his Generals. By J. T. Headley. Por- traits. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1847 z00o0 WATER-CoLors after Famous Medalled Paintings. A series of ten beautiful water-colors, with heavy gold mats, enclosed in plush lined walnut case, with lock. With volume of descriptive text. COMPRISES: The Wasp’s Nest, by Wm. Adolphe Bouguereau. Study of Ships, by César Herrer. Fishing in Norway, by Jahn Eckenes. Tullia, by Prof. Ernst Hildebrand. The Lass that loved a Sailor, by Yeend King. North Wind, by Adelsten Normann. The Yarn, by John R. Reid. Mills near Rotterdam, by Willem Roelofs. The Pride of the Family, by Franz Simm. A Child of the Fields, by A. Savini. CATALOGUE. 219 2001 WATSON, Winslow C. Men and Times of the Revolu- tion; or, memoirs of Elkanah Watson. Second edition, with portrait of the author and 20 wood engravings. 12° half sheep. New York, 1857 2002 WEBSTER, Daniel. Works of, 6 vols., 1866;— Private Correspondence of, edited by Fletcher Webster, 2 vols., 1857. Portraits and plate. Together 8 vols. 8° half morocco. Boston. 2003 WEBSTER. Speech of, on Mr. Clay’s Resolutions, in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850. Steel portrait of Clay, by J. B. Longacre, inserted. 8° half rough calf. Washington, 1850 Presentation copy, “ To Mrs. Ticknor,” from “ Daniel Webster.” 2004 WEBSTER. Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster, with an essay on Daniel Webster as a master of English style. By Edwin P. Whipple. 2 portraits. 8° half light calf, gilt back and gilt top. Boston, 1899 2005 WEBSTER. Reminiscences and Anecdotes of. By Peter Harvey. Steel portrait and plate. 8° cloth. Boston, 1878 2006 WrBSTER. ‘The Webster Centennial Proceedings of the Webster Historical Society at Marshfield, Mass., Oct. 12, 1882, with an account of other celebrations on the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Daniel Web- ster. Edited by T. H. Cummings. Portraits and il- ‘lustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1883 2007 WEBSTER. Pamphlets relating to. (17) 2008 WEBSTER. Report of the Case of John W. Webster, In- dicted for the Murder of George Parkman. With an appendix, containing several interesting matters never before published. By George Bemis. Frontispiece. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1850 Presentation copy to the President of the United States (Fillmore), 1850. | 2009 WessTER, Pelatiah. Political Essays on the Nature and Operation of Money, Public Finances and other sub- jects: published during the American War and contin- ued up to the present year, 1791. 8° half morocco, gilt back and top. Phila., 1791 2010 WEEDEN, William B. Economic and Social History of New England, 1620-1789. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1891 2011 WELLINGTON, Duke of. Life of. By W. H. Maxwell. Illustrated with 51 engravings on steel and 77 on wood, by the best artists, 3 vols. ;— Speeches of, collected by Col. Gurwood, 2 vols. Together 5 vols. 8° half crushed levant morocco, London, 1854 220 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CATALOGUE. WESTERN Union Telegraphic Code and International Cable Directory. Universal ed. 4° cloth. New York, 1rgoo WuartTon, Grace and Philip. Queens of Society. Nu- merous engraved portraits. 2 vols. 8° half crimson calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Phila., n. d. WuartTon. Wits and Beaux of Society. Steel portraits. 2 vols. 8° half calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Porter & Coates: Phila. WHEATLEY, Phillis, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley of Boston, in New England. Poems on various sub- jects, religious and moral. Firsted. Engraved por- trait. 12° original boards, entirely uncut. Fine, clean, uncut copy. _ London, 1773 WHEATLEY. Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. 18° half sheep. Walpole, N. H., 1802 WHEELER, J. Talboys. Short History of India and of the frontier states of Afghanistan, Nipal and Burma. Maps. Smail 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1880 WHEELER, W. A. Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RiviERE & Son. Bohn: London, 1889 Wuite, Gilbert. Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. With notes by Frank Buckland. Illustrated by P. H. Delamotte. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1875 WuiteE. Natural History of Selborne. With additions and supplementary notes, by Sir William Jardine. With colored engravings. 12° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top, by RiviERE & Son. Bohn: London, 1890 Wuits, Richard Grant. Every-Day English; — England Without and Within; — Words and their Uses. 3 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1881-82 WuiTE Mountains, N. H. History of, from the first settlement of Upper Coos and Pequaket. By Lucy Crawford. Portrait. 16° cloth. Portland, 1883 Wuitman, Walt. Complete Writings of. Issued under the editorial supervision of his literary executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned and Horace L. Traubel. With additional bibliographical and criti- cal material prepared by Oscar Lovell Triggs. Nu- merous photogravure portraits and plates on Japan paper. to vols. 8° three-quarters green morocco, ex- tra, uncut, gilt tops. G. P. Putnam & Sons: New York, 1902 COLLECTOR’s CAMDEN EDITION: only 300 numbered and signed sets. CATALOGUE. pits 2024 WHITMAN. Printer’s Proof of Whitman’s Poem, “ To the Sunset Breeze.” With his autograph in full. One page 8°, laid in 8° morocco covers. It was Walt Whitman’s habit to send his poems as he composed them to his old-time printer-friends, the brothers Rome, in Brooklyn. They would set them, strike off some twenty copies, and then dis- tribute the types. Whitman would also require the magazines to which he contributed to furnish a number of proofs. He would then take the proofs, correct them, or else, if they were perfect, he would sign a few to send to friends. The above is such a printed proof, bearing at the end his autograph signature. 2025 WHITMAN. Brother Jonathan. Vol. I, no. 5. 4° un- bound. New York, 1842 Contains “ Ambition,” by Walter Whitman, a poem which does not appear elsewhere, and is unknown to almost all Whitman stu- dents, even Dr. Bucke did not know of its existence, and the McKee Whitman collection contained no copy. 2026 WHITMAN. Leaves of Grass. First ed. Portrait. Royal 8° original cloth, gilt edges, as issued. Brooklyn, New York, 1855 A fine, clean copy, except for a slight tear on title and next leaf, which has been so skillfully repaired as to be hardly noticeable. 2027 WHITMAN. Thesame. Portrait. 16° original cloth. Brooklyn, 1856 Text time-spotted, as usual, otherwise a good sound copy. This edition contains many poems not previously published, also the Whitman-Emerson correspondence, criticisms, etc. Although the announcement of Fowler and Wells, as publishers, is retained, they withdrew from the publication of the volume, which was published by the author. 2028 WuitMAN. The same. Portrait (with tinted border). 12° original cioth. Boston, 1860-61 Genuine first issue of the Boston edition, with several distinctive features which were altered in the spurious re-issue. 2029 WHITMAN. Thesame. Small 8° original cloth, uncut. Washington, 1872 2030 WHITMAN. The same. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1881 One of the few copies issued by Osgood & Co., who withdrew from the publication owing to threats of Dist.-Atty. Stevens. Fine copy. 2031 WHITMAN. Walt Whitman's Drum-Taps. Firsted. 12° cloth. New York, 1865 2032 WHITMAN. Poems. Selected and edited by W. M. Ro- setti, Portrait. First English ed. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1868 2033 WHITMAN. After all not to Create only. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1871 Fine copy. 2034 WHITMAN. Two Rivulets. First ed. With photograph from life. 12° original half leather. Camden, New Jersey, 1876 24 CATALOGUE. 2035 WHITMAN. Selected Poems. Edited by Arthur Stedman. Portrait. 12° cloth. Phila., n. d. 2036 WHITMAN. Autobiographia; or the Story of a Life. Frontispiece. Firsted. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 2037 WHITMAN. Specimen Days and Collect. Firsted. 12° cloth. Phila., 1882-83 2038 WHITMAN. November Boughs. Firsted. Portraits. 8° cloth. Phila., 1888 2039 WHITMAN. Complete Poems and Prose, 1855-88. Au- thenticated and Personal Book (handled by W. W.). Portraits. Royal 8° half calf, uncut, gilt top. ONLY 600 copies printed. Phila., (1888) 2040 WHITMAN. Good-Bye, My Fancy. Second Annex to Leaves of Grass, Firsted. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Fine copy. Phila., 1891 2041 WHITMAN. Complete Prose Works. Firsted. 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1892 2042 WHITMAN. ‘The Wound Dresser, a series of letters writ- ten from the Hospitals in Washington. Edited by R M. Bucke. Portrait and facsimiles. Firsted. Small 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1898 One of 60 copies printed on Alton Mills paper, illustrations on Japan paper, signed by the editor. 2043 WHITMAN. At the Graveside of Walt Whitman and Sprigs of Lilac. Edited by H. L. Traubel. 8° wrap- pers, uncut. (Phila.), 1892 ONLY 750 copies printed, each signed and numbered by the editor 2044 WHITMAN. Inre Walt Whitman. Edited by his literary executors, 8° cloth, uncut. — Phila., 1893 Containing papers by Whitman not previously collected, with reminiscences, etc., by Bucke, Burroughs, Kennedy, Traubel, Inger- soll, Symonds and others. (1000 copies printed.) 2045 WHITMAN, Whitman: a Study. By John Burroughs. First ed. Etched portrait and title-page. 12° cloth, uncut, paper label. Boston, 1896 ONLY 1000 copies printed. 2046 WHITMAN: as Religious and Moral Teacher. By W. N. Guthrie. 8° wrappers, uncut. Cincinnati, 1897 ONLY I00 copies printed. 2047 WHITMAN. Camden’s Compliment to Walt Whitman. First ed. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1889 Original letters, etc. by Whitman, Tennyson, Whittier, Rossetti» Holmes, etc. 2048 WHITMAN. Diary Notes of a Visit to Whitman and some of his friends in 1890. By John Johnston. Portraits. Small 8° cloth, uncut. Manchester, 1898 CATALOGUE. 223 2049 WHITMAN: Essay. By Robert Louis Stevenson. With a little journey to the home of Whitman, by Elbert Hubbard. Firsted. Portrait. 8° ooze calf, silk linings, uncut. The Roycroft Shop: East Aurora, 1900 2050 WHITMAN. Cabinet photograph (1879), signed by the poet ‘‘ Walt Whitman.” 2051 WHITNEY, Peter. History of the County of Worcester, Mass. Folded map. 8° three-quarters crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, uncut and unopened, gilt top. Isaiah Thomas: Worcester, 1793 A fine, clean, unopened copy, Also bound in at the end is “ Peter Whitney and his History of Worcester County. By John C. Crane.” Ppp: 25: 2052 [WHITTIER, J. G.] Incidental Poems, accompanied with letters, and a few select pieces, mostly original, for their illustration, together with a preface and a sketch of the author’s life. By Robert Dinsmore, the “ Rustic Bard.” Firsted. 12° original boards, uncut, with paper label. Haverhill, 1828 This work contains the first poem by Whittier in book form under his own name, and has never been reprinted. 2053 WHITTIER. Legends of New England. Firsted. 12° half blue morocco, uncut. Hartford, 1831 Clean, untrimmed copy, last leaf mended. 2054 WHITTIER. The Literary Souvenir. Edited by A. A. Watts. Small 8° original morocco. London, 1831 One of the few copies printed on large paper, plates on India paper (one torn). ‘ The Indian Girl’s Lament,” by Whittier, seems to be unknown to his biographers and bibliographers. It is dated “ Haver- hill, Nov., 1829.” 2055 WHITTIER. Literary Remains of John G. C, Brainerd, with a sketch of his life. First ed. 12° full olive col- ored straight grained morocco, extra, uncut, gilt top, by STIKEMAN, Hartford, (1832) With bookplate of Charles. B. Foote. | 2056 WHITTIER. Mogg Megone. Firsted. 18° original cloth. Fine copy in original binding. Boston, 1836 2058 WuiTTIER. Poems by J. B. C. Brainard. New and au- thentic collection, with an original memoir of his life. First ed., containing Memorial Poem by Whittier. 12° original cloth, uncut. Hartford, 1842 2059 WHITTIER. Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. First ed. 12° original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1850 2060 WHITTIER. Lays of My Home and other poems. First ed. 12° red cloth, has few uncut leaves. Boston, 1843 2061 [WHITTIER.] The Flower Vase. By Miss S. C. Edgar- ton. Firsted. 32° cloth. Lowell, 1844 Poems by Whittier, Willis, Hoffman, etc. 224 CATALOGUE. 2062 WHITTIER. Free State Rally and Texan Chain-Breaker. Nos. 1-6 (hole worn through nos. 5 and 6). 6 nos. 4° as issued. Boston, 1845-46 ONLY six numbers were issued. Conducted by the Massachusetts Siate Texas Committee in opposition to the admission of Texas as a State. Whittier’s name is appended to the committee’s address, and his poems “To Massachusetts” were published in Nos. 3 and 4. This short-lived paper appears sufficiently scarce to be unknown to Mr. Pickard, who fails to index it among the papers with which Whittier was connected. 2063 [WHITTIER.] Leaves from Margaret Smith’s Journal. First ed. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1849 2064 WHITTIER. Songs of Labor. Firsted. 12° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1850 Fine, clean copy, in original cloth. 2065 WuiTTIER. Little Eva Song. Words by Whittier, music by Manuel Emilio. 4° broadside, printed on linen. John P. Jewett & Co.: (Boston), 1852 The only copy of this rare broadside previously offered for sale was that which sold for $30 in the May sale last season. It was unknown to all biographers and bibliographers of Whittier, nor is it mentioned in the anti-slavery literature of that period or since. 2066 [WHITTIER.] Farewell of a Virginian Slave-Mother to her daughter; — Clerical Oppressors. 2 pieces 16° paper. (Leeds, 1852) Issued as Leeds (England) Anti-Slavery Tracts, nos. 10 and 21. These are the first copies offered, none of the great collections re- cently dispersed having contained a copy. . 2067 WuiTTiER. Literary Recreations and Miscellanies. First ed. 12° cloth. Boston, 1854 2068 WHITTIER. The Panorama and other poems. First ed. 12° original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1856 Fine copy. 2069 WuiTTIER. In War Time. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1864 Also inserted at the end, “Songs for War Time,” by Whittier, Holmes and others. 2070 WHITTIER. Prose Works. Portrait. Firsted. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1866 2071 WuiTTIeER. The Tent on the Beach and other poems. Firsted. 12° cloth. Boston, 1867 Genuine first issue, page 46, line 9, reading : “ With quick heart-glow, as one might meet.” Each of two later issues, both dated 1867, had other readings of this line. Bayard Taylor and J. T. Fields are the “ book-man” and “traveller” of the principal poem; the scene is laid at Salisbury Beach. 2072 WHITTIER, Mabel Martin. Firsted. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1876 Signature of the author inserted. CATALOGUE. 225 2073 WHITTIER. John Woolman’s Journal. First ed. 12° cloth. Fine copy. Boston, 1871 2074 WHITTIER. Songs of Three Centuries. Firsted. 12°. cloth. Boston, 1876 Fine copy. 2075 WHITTIER. Miss Jettie Morrill, Amesbury. My Lady. Words by John G. Whittier, music by George L. Osgood. Firsted. 4° as issued. Boston, (1879) Not mentioned in bibliographies of Whittier. 2076 [WHITTIER.] Unveiling of the Bartlett Statue, Ames- bury, Mass., July 4, 1888. First ed. Portraits. Square 8° original wrappers. Newburyport, 1888 Contains Whittier’s poem, “ One of the Signers,” specially com- posed for the occasion. 2077 WHITTIER. Moll Pitcher. Reprint of the original edi- tion of 1832. 8° unbound. (1895) 2078 WuiTTIER. Home Ballads and Poems. Firsted. 12° original cloth, uncut. , Boston, 1860 2079 WHITTIER. Hazel-Blossoms. Frontispiece and vignettes. Firsted. 16° original cloth. Boston, 1875 Contains nine poems by Elizabeth H. Whittier at end of volume. 2080 WuirTier. Souvenir of Lexington. With ode by Whit- tier. Firsted. Illustrations. 4° original wrappers. Boston, 1875 2081 WHITTIER. Poetical Works. Centennial ed., revised by the author. First issue. 8° original wrappers (small hole in frontispiece, one cover loose). Boston, 1876 2082 [WHITTIER.] Indian Civilization, a Lecture by Stanley Pumphreys. With introduction by J. G. Whittier. Firsted. Map. 8° original wrappers. Phila., 1877 2083 WuiTTieR. Memoir of W. F. Bartlett. With memorial poem by Whittier. Portrait and chart. Firsted. 12° original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1878 2084 WHITTIER. Letters of Lydia M. Child. Introduction by Whittier. Firsted. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. — | i Boston, 1883 2085 [WuiTTiER.] Acts of the Anti-Slavery Apostles. By Parker Pilsbury.. First ed. 12° original cloth. Concord, N. H., 1883 Contains Whittier’s poem on John Brown. , 2086 WHITTIER. Proceedings at presentation of his portrait, Providence, R. I., Oct. 24, 1884. First ed. Portrait, etc. 8° original wrappers. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1885 Contains an original sonnet by Lowell. 2087 WuittizR. The Bay of Seven Islands, Portrait. 16° original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1883 226 CATALOGUE. 2088 WHITTIER. A New Year’s Address to the Patrons of the Essex Gazette, 1828, with a Letter hitherto unpub- lished. Firsted. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1903 ONLY 60 copies printed. 2089 WuitTieR. Life and Letters. Edited by S. T. Pickard. Portraits and illustrations. First ed 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. _ Cambridge, 1894 LARGE PAPER: only 400 copies printed. 2090 WHITTIER. (A memoir.) By G. R. Carpenter. 12° cloth. Boston, 1903 One of 200 copies issued wholly uncut, with label. Includes a bibliography of Witthier’s writings. 2091 WHITTIER. Broadside announcing: ‘‘ A meeting of the Concord Anti-Slavery Society will be held this even- ing’’ ; ‘*Mr. Geo. Thompson and John G. Whittier are expected to attend.”’ Small 4°. (Concord, N. H., 1835) The meeting announced was that at which Whittier and Thompson were mobbed, Sept. 4, 1835. 2092 WuHO’s Who, 1901;— Whitaker’s Almanack, 1899. 2 vols. 12° cloth. London. 2093 WILDE, Lady. Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland, with sketches of the Irish — past. Small 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt back and top. Boston, 1888 2094 [WILDE, Oscar.] ‘Tyrrell, Robert Y. Kottabos, a col- lege miscellany. Vol. 3. Firsted. 8° original cloth. Dublin, 1881 Contains 2 original contributions by Oscar Wilde, one exceedingly Scarce. 2095 Witpe. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Genuine first ed. (Lippincott’s Mag., July, 1890.) 8° wrappers, uncut. Phila., (1890) 2096 WiLpE. Intentions. 12° cloth, uncut. New York (London, 1891) 2097 WILDE. The same. 16° wrappers. Leipzig, 1891 2098 WiLpE. An Ideal Husband. First ed. Square 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1899 2099 WILDE. Essays, Criticisms and Reviews. First ed. Square 8° wrappers, uncut. London, rgo1 ONLY 300 copies privately printed. 21oo WILKINSON, J. D. Manners and Customs of the Ancient | Egyptians. New ed., revised and corrected by Samuel Birch. Colored plates and other illustrations. 3 vols. 8° half light calf, extra, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1878 2ror WILLIAMS, Samuel. Natural and Civil History of Ver- mont. Map (torn). Second ed., corrected and much enlarged. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Burlington, 1809 CATALOGUE. 227 2102 WitLiams, S. W. The Middle Kingdom; a survey of the geography, government, literature, social life, arts and history of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. 8° half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1883 2103 Wittiams, W. M. Through Norway with Ladies. Map and illustrations. 8° half morocco. London, 1877 2104 WiLLiamson, Isabelle. Old Highways in China. Illustra- tions. Small 8° half morocco, gilt top. (London), 1884 210s WILLIAMSON. Book of Beauty (era King Edward Vil), a collection of beautiful portraits, with literary, artistic and musical contributions by men and women of the day. Edited and arranged by Mrs. F. Harcourt Wil- liamson. 84 photogravure portraits on India paper. Folio, cloth, uncut. Phila., (London), 1802 EDITION DE LUXE: only 150 copies printed for the United States. 2106 Wiu.is, N. P. Sacred Poems. Portrait and illustrations. 8° morocco, gilt sides and edges. New York, 1860 2107 Wi.us, William. History of the Law, the Courts and the Lawyers of Maine. Portraits, including Peleg Sprague, which is generally not included and not listed. Thick 8° half red morocco, cover bound in. Portland, 1863 With a. /. s., a photograph and engraved portrait of the author in- serted. 2108 Wits, Alfred. “ The Eagle’s Nest” in the Valley of the Sixt; a summer home among the Alps. Map and tinted plates. First ed. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1860 2109 Witson, Henry. History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. 3 vols. royal 8° half light calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. Boston, (1875) g110 WINCKELMANN. History of Ancient Art. Translated from the German of John Wincklemann. By G, Henry Lodge, With the life of Wincklemann by the editor. Portrait and 71 outline plates. 4 vols. imperial 8° half crimson morocco, extra, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1856-73 2111 WINTHROP, John. Journal of the Transactions and Oc- currences in the settlement of Massachusetts and the other New England Colonies, from 1630 to 1644. First ed. 8° half morocco, with “ Proposals for Printing ”’ laid in. Hartford, 1790 2112 WINTHROP, Robert C. Address delivered in Aid of the Fund for Ball’s Equestrian Statue of Washington, May, 1859. 8° half rough calf. Boston, 1859 Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 228 CATALOGUE. 2113 WINTHROP. Addresses and Speeches (1835-86), 4 vols. ; —Life and Letters of John Winthrop, portraits, 2 vols. Together 6 vols. 8° half light calf, gilt backs, Boston, 1852-69 2114 WiRT, William. Memoirs of the Life of. By J. P. Ken- nedy. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs and tops. Phila., 1849 2115 Wo.treE, Dr. Theodore F, Literary Shrines; — Literary Pilgrimage; — Literary Haunts and Homes. Among the haunts and homes of American and British authors, 3 vols. 12° half claret morocco, uncut. Phila., 1899 2116 WoLsELEY, Hon. Frances. The Story of Marlborough. Told in §2 colored pictures by Caran D’Ache, with descriptive text by the Hon. Frances Wolseley. 4° cloth. London. With a. /. s. of the author inserted. 2117 Woop, John. History of the Administration of John Adams, Esq., late President of the United States. 8° three-quarters green morocco, entirely uncut. New York, Printed 1802 Nearly all this edition was suppressed and destroyed. One of the few copies with imprint on title-page. 2118 Woop, J. G. Homes without Hands; being a descrip- tion of the habitations of animals. With new designs by W. F. Keyl and E. Smith. 8° half green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, by Rivigre & Son. London, 1889 2119 Woo.tsry, Theodore D. Political Science; or, the State, theoretically and practically considered. 2 vols. $° half light calf, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1886 2120 WORDSWORTH, Wm. Lyrical Ballads and other poems, From the London second ed. First American ed. 2 vols. in one. 16° original sheep. Phila., 1802 Regarding the rarity of this edition, see Smyth’s “ Philadelphia magazines and their Contributors.” 2121 WoRLv’s Great Books. Selected by T. B. Reed, E. E. Hale, W. R. Harper, A. R. Spofford and R. Johnson, Portraits and illustrations on Japan paper. 16 vols. royal 8° half morocco, uncut. New York, 1900 EDITION DE GRAND LUXE. COMPRISES: Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast ; — Creasy’s De- Cisive Battles ; — Jane Eyre, by Bronté ; — Ancient History by He- rodotus ; — Dialogues of Plato ; — Essays in Astronomy ; — Livy’s Roman History ; — Autobiography of Poor Richard ; — Burke’s Ora- tions; — Greek Dramas ; — Nicolette and Aucassin; — Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws, 2 vols.;— Hallam’s Middle Ages, 2 vols. ; — Carlisle’s French Revolution, Vol. I, CATALOGUE. 229 2122 WoRLD’s Great Masterpieces. History, Biography, Sci- ence, Philosophy, Poetry, Drama, Travel, Adventure, Fiction, etc. A record of the great things that have been said and thought and done from the beginning of history. Edited by Harry Thurston Peck, Frank R. Stockton, Nathan Haskell Dole, Julian Hawthorne, Caroline Ticknor, Introduction by John Russell Young. Colored frontispieces. 30 vols. large 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1901 EDITION DE LUXE. 2123 WorLD’s Columbian Exposition, 1893. Report of the Board of General Managers of the Exhibit of the State of New York. Numerous half-tone portraits and illus- trations. Royal 8° cloth. Albany, 1894 2124 WoRLD’s Fair, 1893. Report of the Massachusetts Board of World’s Fair Managers. Illustrations. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1894 2125 WRAXALL, Sir N. William. Historical Memoirs of My Own Time, 1772-1784, 2 vols. 1815; — Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time (1784-1789), 3 vols. 1836. 4 steel portraits. 5 vols. 8° half calf, uncut, gilt backs and tops. London. 2126 WricHT, G.N. The Chinese Empire: a comprehensive history of the manners, customs, industries and arts of the Chinese. Steel plates by T. Allom. 2 vols. 4° in the original parts. | London. 2127 WRiGHT, Silas (Governor of New York). Life of, with an appendix containing a selection from his speeches. By John S. Jenkins. 12° half light calf, gilt back and top, + Auburn (1847) 2128 WRIGHT, Thomas. England under the House of Han- over; its History and Condition during the reigns of the three Georges, illustrated by the caricatures and satires of the day. Portraits and numerous illustra- tions by F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, un- cut, gilt backs and tops. London, 1849 2129 WricHT. History of Caricature and Grotesque in Lit- erature and Art. With illustrations from various sources, drawn and engraved by F. W. Fairholt. Square 8° half calf, gilt back and top, by RIviERE & SON. London (1864) 2130 WricHT. Caricature History of the Georges; or, annals of the House of Hanover, compiled from the squibs, broadsides, window pictures, lampoons and pictorial caricatures of the time. With nearly 400 illustrations on steel and wood. 12°half morocco, uncut, gilt back and top. London, 1876 230 CATALOGUE. 2131 ATES, Joun V. N. and Joseph W. Moulton. His- tory of the State of New York, including its aborig- inal and colonial annals. Maps. 2 vols. 8” half red morocco, entirely uncut. New York, 1824 Vol. I, Part II, includes Novum Belgium and is exceedingly rare, with autograph of Cadwallader Colden, a presentation copy from the author. Fine, clean copy, both parts entirely untrimmed. 2132 YEATS, W. B. Land of Heart’s Desire. First ed. Fron- | tispiece. 16° cloth, uncut. Stone & Kimball: Chicago, 1894 ONLY 450 copies printed. 2133 YEATS. Where There is Nothing; a volume of plays from the Irish Theatre. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1903 One of 100 copies printed on Japan paper. 2134 OLA, Emite. Le Réve. 12° half blue morocco, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1894 2135 Barry, J.S. History of Massachusetts, Commonwealth Period. 8° cloth. Boston, 1857 2136 [GirForD, William.] Epistle to Peter Pindar; to which is added the Trial of Mr. Faulder, Bookseller. 12° sheep (few leaves stained). New York, 1800 2137 LippINcoTT’s Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biog- raphy and Mythology. By Joseph Thomas. Vol. 1 only. Royal 8° half morocco. Phila., 1889 2138 Morey, Henry. English Writers. Vol. 1, 2 parts and Vol. 2, part 1. 3 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1867 2139 Paris, Comte de. History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4only. Portraitand map. 8° cloth. Phila., (1888) 2140 RICHARDSON, J. D. Messages and Papers of the Presi- dents. Vols. 9 and 1o only. 2 vols. royal 8° half mo- rocco. Washington, 1898 2141 SEWARD at Washington as Senator and Secretary of State. By F. W. Seward. Vols. 2 and 3 only. Steel portraits. 2 vols. royal 8° cloth. New York, 1891 2142 OpD Vols. Chambers’ Cyclopedia of English Literature, Vol. 2;—Bright’s English History, Vols. 2 and 3;— Disraeli’s Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3. 4 vols. 8° and 12° cloth. 2143 Carb Catalogue Cabinet, six drawers with rods and 3000 blank cards, 33x size, and 100 zinc indexes, made by Library Bureau, i; \ wa THE GETTY © ENTEH LISHARY | | 1904 Feb.23 BoLiF c.1 C.F. Libb/Magnificent private lib TOR | 3 3125 01189 0867 PAS sit 7 sePupe tee ee Bet hed ley ae thd Ae © OPO Se ih mead we res Aa nny nN, gtr a Moree 7s Paitigotelerey err Ne eS : ip se Se EP PPPOE AM - Janek peeupeies sag fede 7 veo x pane HOMES? ees Tes y te eee by ore” P me rye Sy heli wh ve Tap hee esh Pt Se INES nO i 2 - J sed Pg ee OG Se SOT