SST NOTRE TART EST PEE CTE CL. A CS Ss SEC : LIBRARY NO. , |M. KNOEDLER & CO, ZOD H AVE AVE ACC. CATALOGUE OF... AMERICAN PAINTINGS, E LONUING GO THOMAS McGUINNESS, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA, , PONDa BOLD an UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE.. SMALL BALLROOM OF THE WALDOREH-ASTORIA ON... WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5ru, 1902, AT 8.80 O’CLOCK. ON EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING From SATURDAY, FEBRUARY I1s17, UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE. JOHN MELL O’BRIEN, AUCTIONEER OF FICK, 33 AnD 35 LIBERTY ST., ASSISTED BY WM. CLAUSEN, 381 FIFTH AVENUE. CONDITIONS. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, ¢/ reguired, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and esold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remaint der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. Yo prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- lence in settlement of the purchases, no lot cau on any accouut be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should afiy article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part paymenit shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. ‘This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JOHN FELL O’BRIEN, Auctioneer. THERE ALEXANBER PRESS, 14-16 Astor Pace, N.Y. Introduction. While patrons of American Art become more numerous every day, it is not very often that an opportunity presents itself to have as choice a list of American Artists represented as this cata- logue contains. Men like Inness, WyAnT, HOMER D. Martin, Pauli, PARTON, BLAKELOCK, BOGERT and many others have established a reputation, which is International. Most of these pictures are worthy of places of honor in any collection. JOHN FELL O'BRIEN, Auctioneer. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. IBeybner, Ay IPs, i, ey Bristol, J. B., 2, 24 Blackman, Walter, 3, 40 Blakelock, Ralph, A, 14, 30, 51, 64 Bridgeman, F. A., 16, 46 Brown, J. G., 25, 52 Bunce, Gedney, 49 Bogert, George, H., 29; 66 Beard, W. H., laren, A; Io, U0 75 Chase, William, 6, 41 Crane, Bruce, 12, 59 Dennman, Herbert, 15 Dawson, Arthur, 26, 58 Dangerfield, Elliott, 76 De Forest, Lockwood, 10 Hart, Wim., 4, 48 Heineman, H. N., 9 Howe, W. H., 33, 56 Hamilton, E. S., 36 Hoeber, Arthur, 45 Herzog, Louis, 57 Inness, George, Jr., 20, 69 Inness, George, deceased, 27, 44, 65 Jones, Bolton, 34 Kost, Fredrick, 85 King, Hamilton, 60 Moran, Edward, 7, 23 Murphy, J. F., 11, 54, 70 Moran, Thomas, 21 Martin, Homer, D., 39, 68 Minor, Robert C., 62 Newman, Robert L., 31 Pauli, Richard, 5, 8, 58, 71 Peters, Charles Rollo, 17, 42 Picknell, Wm. L., 19, 72 Parton, Arthur, 22, 38 Peale, Rembrandt, 67 Palmer, Walter, 238 Rehn, F. K. M., 28 Rix, Julian, 37, 61, 73 Reckard, Gardener, 47 Thompson, Woodworth, 18 Iywilee, If. Gr, BY Wyl, Max, 13, 74 Wyant, A. H., 43, 63 Williams, F. B., 55 CATALOGUE Wednesday, February 5th, 1902, _ eed Beginning at 8 o'clock ions a) rw, I BUNNER (A. F.), deceased Grand Canal Arch canvas, full of color and a very representative work of art. Signed at right, Height 11%, Length 15%. f { () 2 If 4 UO) BRISTOM( Ba). NoA. Summer Time A most consciencious work, true to nature and brilliantly executed. Signed at left. Height 18, Length 30. BLAKEMAN (Walter) Eln deal tHead A Charming and attractive piece of work. Signed at right. Height 20, Length 16 4 HART (William), N. A., deceased Studp of a Cow’s jHead A pleasing study of this artist's work. Signed at left. Height 6%, Length 8 5 PAULI (Richard), deceased Date Hutumn Mr. Pauli for years delighted the art lovers with his ex- quisit composition of the beautiful autumn. Signed at right. Height 21, Length 32 CHASE (William) Still Life A beautiful composition of this accomplished painter’s work Signed at left. Height 24, Length 30. 7 MORAN (Edward), N. A., deceased H Merchant Vessel A handsome composition and admirably executed. Mr. Moran was one of the leading men of the profession, Signed at right. Height 22, Length 27. 8 PAULI (Richard), deceased On the till von Kull Tho canvasses of this talented artist are very rare. A favorite pupil of Daubigney. He died when in prima life and ambition. Signed at right. Height 24, Length 26. HEINEMANN (H. N.) Che first Snow A typical composition of the first snow falling on Fifth . Avenue. Signed at right. Height 12, Length 16. 1Ze) DE FOREST (Lockwood) H Calm Day on the Wile An extensive traveler and a close student of nature, Mr. DeForest here presents us with one of the charming scenes of his travels. Signed at right. Height 20, Length 15. II MURPHY (J. Francis), N. A. Landscape Though small this isan important work by Mr. Murphy, and is extremely pleasing in color. Signed at left. Height 12, Length 16. 12 CRANE*(Brice), N. A. Late Hffernoon The general effect of this picture is very attractive, and the subject is indeed rendered with great truth to nature and quality of color, Signed at right. Height 16, Length 24. 13 WYL (Max) Danoscape A resident of the Capital Heranks foremost among the artistsat Washington. ‘lhis canvas is a good example of his work. Signed at left. Height 24, Length 28. 14 BLAKELOCK (Ralph A.) Dandscape One o! the charming compositions of this artist’s successful brush. Small but mighty in conception. Signed at left. Height 5, Length 7% DENNMAN (Herbert) Ophelia An example of fine vigorous painting. Signed at right. Height 18, Length 24, 16 BRIDGEMAN (fF. A.) Flower Garden at Elgiers Most tender and beautiful in composition. Signed at left. Height 20, Length 24. 17 PETERS (Chas. Rollo) Sunset—East fampton When three vears ago, the Union League Club treated its members with an exhibition by this talented California painter, the Club received the congratulations of the art lovers. ‘This is one of the best examples. Signed at left. Height 17, Length 23. 18 THOMPSON (Woodworth) fHalt at the White Swan A postal coach of the Colonial days, make a halt to take on the new passenger and to indulge in refreshments. A har- monious study. Signed at right. Height 14. Length 24. 19 PICKNELL (William L.) Street Scene—Etaples Sunshine and shadow is here very harmoniously depicted on the low-roofed houses of this quaint French village. Signed at left. Height 28, Length 26. 20 INNESS (GEORGE, Jr.), N. A. Dandscape A most suecessful rendering of composition and color. A very few artists succeed in picturing nature in a more pleas- ing attitude Signed at right. Height 10, Length 14. 21 MORAN (Thomas), N. A. Last hampton Mr. Moran brings to all of his canvasses a fine sense of composition, and the colors brilliant and dramatic. Signed at right. Height 14, Length 20. 22 PARTON (Arthur) N.-A. Catskill Walley eG A picturesque landscape in the spring of the year. Full of vigor and colorand an excellent example of this talented artist’s brush. Signed at left. Height 16, Length 24, 23 PALMER (Walter) Morning Hround Wenice ‘The grey and calm morning on the Grand Canal with the city of Venice in the background, is most beautifully portrayed, Signed at left. Height 16. Length 24. 24, BRISTOL (John B.) Dake George A landscape pure and simple, with a placid and impressive view of thischarming and interesting place. Signed at right. Height 18. Length 30. 25 BROWN (J. G.), N. A. Dull Business The lad’s honest face, depicting non-success makes this canvass exceedingly sweet and sympathetic Signed at right Height 24, Length 16 26 DAWSON (Arthur) Sand Dunes A very simple subject treated in a comprehensive manner. Here we find good coloring and drawing combined Signed at right Height 8, Length 11 27 INNESS (George) N. A., deceased Date Hfternoon A most complete and perfect picture; full of vigor and care- ful handling of color. ‘lhere are very few better examples in existence Signed at right Height 15, Length 12 28 REHN (F. K. M.) MidzOcean In this excellent Marine, the effect is exceedingly lumin- ous, the color tender and the execution virile Signed at right Height 16, Length 24 29 BOGERT (George), A. N. A. Landscape Beautiful in color aad atmospheric effect. A very good example Signed at right Height 12, Length 16 30 BLAKELOCK (Ralph Albert) Dandscape A very impressive but small canvas, full of the character virtues of the artist’s work Signed at left Height 16, Length 24 31 NEW MAN (Robert L.) The fortune Teller A group of figures with notes of blue and red draperies, with a mysterious landscape. It isa work of general attrac- tion containing fine tone Signed at left Height 22, Length 27 32 BUNNER (A. F.), deceased Danodscape — ‘his canvas is a good example of this versatile artist’s work Signed at right Height 103%, Length 17 33 HOWE (William H.), N. A., L. H. Che thing of the Farm Mr. Howe is rightfuly called the Van Marke of the United States Heisa painter of careful study and truthful in his expressions. ‘The French government has honored him with election as chevalier of the Legion of Honor, a dis- tinction very few artists can boast of Signed at left Height 16, Length 20 34 JONES (Bolton) Springtime Wholesome sweetness of nature has never been so success- fully represented as in this picture by this gifted painter of Springtime Signed at left Height 14, Length zo 35 KOS? (frederick W.), AN. A: The Seawood Gatherer The harmony of the low toned sky and water is evidence of the sincere study of this subject. A characteristic piece of work by this accomplished artist Signed at left Height 22, Length 28 36 HAMILTON (EF. S.) Feast of Flora A most accomplished Colorist ; Mr. Hamilton selects his subjects from the mythological and symbolic themies. Signed at right Height 12, Length 16 37 RIX (Julian) Pompton Bake A small but very impressive canvas by one of America’s greatest landscape painters Signed at left Height 8, Length 10 38 PARTON (Arthur), N. A. Valley Stream Mr. Parton isa landscape painter whose work entitles him to stand among the leaders. The charming repro- duction of nature herein depicted renders this canvass one of the most important of his works Signed at left Height 22, Length 27 39 MARTIN (Homer D.), N. A., deceased Wibite Mountains Delightful in delicacy of color, this canvas contains much of Homer Martin’s fine qualities r Signed at the right Height 8, Length to 40 | | BLAKEMAN (Walter) En English Beauty A truly beautiful head Signed at right Height 20, Length 16 ah ; ‘ CRANE (Bruce), A. N. A. Summnier One of the favorite subjects of this artist’s work Signed at right Height 13%, Length 20 42 PETERS (Charles Rollo) Romona’s FHouse Wear San Diego House where Helen Huut Jackson wrote Romona. A beautiful moonlight effect of the California nights Signed at right Height 17, Length 23 43 WAY AGN EP AS He), ON. As, “deceased ‘keene Walley This painting. possessing great charm and refnement, represents truc nature in the Adirondacks, It is a typical specimen of this great artist’s work Signed at right Height 12, Length 16 44 INNESS (George), N. A:, deceased fn the Hdirvondacks Without doubt, this is one of the most harmonious and brilliant canvasses of this late master’s work. It is alto- gether a typical example and was procured at the Inness sale at Chickering hall. Signed at left Height 18, Length 24 HOEBER (Arthur) Landscape A good composition and excellently painted Signed at right Height 10, Length 16 46 BRIDGEMAN (fF. A.) Ht the Running Brook A distinguished piece of work. Rich painting and elegant ex ecution. vigorous and colorful Signed at left Height 18, Length 35 47 RECKARD (Gardener) Golden Evening Studied with sincerity and rendered to perfection a true artist’s work Signed at left Height 14, Length 28 an eos 48 HART (Wm.), N. A., deceased El Group of Cattle A group of cattle is most artistically placed in the fore- ground and the landscape a harmonious accessory to the whole ensemble. An altogether satisfactory composition Signed at lelt Height 12%, height 25 49 4 BUNCE (Gedney) Who has ever painted more successfully around Venice than Mr. Bunce? Simple but attractive and rich in coloring Signed at right Height 8, Length Io / a - fe 50 eet d TYLER (James G.) Under the Lquator Mr. Tylor is well enough known as a marine painter to place him in first rank with his fellowcraft Signed at right Height 30, Length 22 51 BLAKELOCK (Ralph Albert) Che Mndian Hunter A bright bit of color enlivened with an Indian hunter on horseback, ‘Typical in its details Signed at left Height 7%, Length 5 aa BROWN (J. G.), N. A. Chree Friends Mr. Brown’s work is so favorably known that no comment on his work is necessary Signed at left Height 25, Length 20 DAWSON (Arthur) Dutch Windmills The atmosphere of the Dutch lowlands is harmoniously reproduced by this able artist Signed at left Height 734, Length 12 A), A 54 i MURPHY (J. Francis) Quiet fHour A fineexample of this favorite artist’s productions, all the charming qualities included Signed at left Height 12, Length 16 om 55 WILLIAMS (Fred’k Ballard) Shady Pasture A small but excellently executed panel, Mr. Williams is one of the younger American artists and has made a repu- tation for his earnest and sincere work Signed at right Height 6%, Length 5 56 Ss HOWE (Wim Hs) NA.) Lo. Summer—Brandpwine Valley What a restful composition, The cows have retreated to the shade of the willow and are appreciating their selec- tion of rest Signed at left Height 16, Length 20 HERZOG (Louis) | | Venice An attractive rendition of this picturesque city. Fresh coloring and excellence in drawing stamps it an important canvas Signed at right Height 20, Length 14 O 58 PAULI (Richard), deceased Wocturne This beautiful example isone of his few finished paint- ings and worthy of place of honor in any collection _Signed at left Heighi 14%, Length 20 : 59 : CRA NE srice), Ae NG as, Eiter the Shower The gray sky shows warm yellow light and the greens ‘are dark after the fallof rain. Very effective in composition and color Signed at left Heigh 24, Length 36 KING (Hamilton) Ein Etmerican Beauty A beautiful type of woman. Mr. Kingis one of the most tatented young painters 7 Signed at right Height 18, Length 22 61 RIX (Julian) Evening jour The harmonious arrangement of color and effect is here delicately combined. The scene is wrapped in the beautiful: mystery of the evening Signed at right Height 10, Length 14 62 MINOR (Robert C.), N..A. Golden Snnset Very few of the contemporary artists enjoy the patronage of his fellow citizens more than Mr. Minor His worksare eagerly sought after by the collectors. A very happy render- ing of sunset Signed at left Height 12, Length 16 63 NWASEAON aCe El 2) Ne AC ceceased Danoscape A canvas full of this artist’s deepest feeling. The sky of white and blue is exquisitely fresh and tender. It is u- doubtedly one of the most perfect of his works Sigued at left Height 20, Lenzth 28 64 BLAKELOCK (R. A.), N. A. Sunset in the Woods A perfect portrayal of the setting sun inthe leafy recess of the trees Signed at left Height 16, Length 24 65 INNESS (George), N. A. deceased ear Elbano—Iitalp One of the reminiscences of his sojourn in Italy. Mr. Inness lived for a number of years inItaly, and his favorite painting ground was around Albano Signed at left Height 11%, Length 17,4 66 BOGERT (George H.) Evening A most beautiful composition and harmonious color effect. One of the artist’s best efforts Signed at left Height 23, Length 36 67 PEALE (Rembrandt) Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds Without doubt one of the most important works of this distinguished painter’s easel. So life-like in color and modulation, that it can proudly be counted aniong the best American portraits Slgned at left Height 24, Length 20 68 MARTIN (Homer D.), N. A., deceased On the Hudson A fine color scheme is displayed in the small but very im- pressive canvas Signed at right Height 734, Length 1134 ey INNESS (George, Jr.) N. A. Evening Most delightful in fine tone and rich in quality. Mr. Inness has pictured a most interesting hour of the day Signed at right Height 13, Length 18 70 MURPHY (J. Francis) Springtime Poetry is what this great artist produces even on the smallest canvas and this canvas is testimony thereof Signed at right Height 8, Length 4% 71 PAULI (Richard), deceased October One of the most important productions of this lamented artist It is a noble work and represents him in his strong- est and most ambitious endeavor Signed at right Height 36, Length 48 72 PICKNELL (Wm. L.), deceased Vieur St. Rapbael Full of Sunshine and truthfulness, a masterly rendering of nature Mr. Picknell was an extensive traveller and apt scholar Signed at left Height 29, Length 53 je RIX (Julian) Cypress Till, near Monterey, Cal. A noble composition by this eminent artist. Full of the atmosphere of sunny California Sjgned at left Height 24, Length 42 74 WYL (Max) On the Hnasostia, D. C. A true and excellent rendering of the environs of the capital Signed Height 15, Length 18 75 BEARD (W. H.), N. A., deceased The Fester One of the queer snbjects this artist favored so much to paint Signed at left Height 18, Length 24 76 DANGERFIELD (Elliot) ftalian Peasant Girl One of our good figure painters, a ciose student of the old masters. This example is certainly a fine showing Signed at left Height 31, Length 21 7. BRICHER (A. T.) Low Tide, Moontime, Grand Manan A summer noon, showing the clouds reflected in a placid sea, seaweed covering the rocks and old boats inthe fore- ground JOHN FELL O’BRIEN, Auctioneer. S 5 * x yy = g ‘ ‘ = 5 \ : ~~ eink “ ‘ a S : S ‘ x : N i ~ BN. - 4 Rerit