' : ie i ia , J he ay ; ee a / ' ; i ato oes be foe A igi Ege ‘ i ' , ha po dng bit pe a tee it ee fe) tree ra f F , : 4 seg oe ‘ f Ry Gaps Beart dt pe ae ' 14 q f “ fi 4 0) fe iene ' Japhet $e 4 i vats ‘ ‘ i , ye ( hia . “t br 4 ‘ So de fi phe ie Bae gp ge . wy ihe Fh ‘ te ‘ ‘ : y ay ay . ; i! eas i , ; ’ 44 ky t an 4 i i ( Pa Tey fof I mot os J . ' 1 ta i ry alee mt ee oe ‘ , i ae f i 1 ny a it i's , , ‘ ; a ‘ nee oH 1a dt AW A ge ' pe ‘ Jeu : Be 34 Valuable Paintings Collected by the late HUGH L. ‘BOND | also Water-colors and Pastels by the Barbizon Masters. sold at American Art Galleries, January 11, V923'5" Buyer Mr.Erskine R.H. Jackson wW Mr.MeCarthy. " Ralph P.Ross H.C. Freeman A.Stanley Findlay Gals. W P.Thompson Mr. Allen R.T.Payne, 2nd H.C. Freeman. Krasshaar, Gals. J.J.Campbell Kraushaar Gals. A.W. Jenkins Kraushaar Gals, A.W. Jenkins H.C.Freeman. Mrs.G.Lindenmeyer H.C.Freeman J.J.Campbeil T.Weitemeyer H.C.Freeman " J.J.Campbelil Mrs.J.R.Knapp T.Weitemeyer John May Kraushaar Gals. "" T.Weitemoeyer Kraushaar Gals. W.T.Laporte Dudensing Gals. R.N-Wallach Ralph P.Ross R.H.Jackson John May T .Weitemeyer Findley Gals. " Mrs.G.Lindenmeyer Price & 475, 140. 210. 90. 100. 90. 70. 100. 120. 180. 190. 430. 600. 420, 650. 110, 250. 800. 70. 200. 60. 225. 160. 185. 250. 275. 100. 330. 140. 300. 180. 150. 100. 60. 300. 1,650. 925, 200. 100. 350. 300. 375, 200. 140. Buyer Kraushaar Gals. T.Weitemeyer Li] A.W. Tillinghast Krasshaar Gals, W.F. Laporte T.Weiteneyer R.H. Jackson Mrs.G.Lindenmeyer J.J.Campbell T.Weitemeyer R.H. Jackson Dudensing Gals. Kraushaar Gals. Ti Weitemneyer Durand Ruel T.Weitemeyer Mr.W.Charles Findley Gals. H.C.Freeman oe A.W. Jenkins T.Weitemeyer H.H.Pierce Mr.J.VWpod R.H. Jackson E.F.Bonaventure R.H. Jackson H.C.Freeman Miss R.H.Lorenz Mr.jicCarthy T.Weitemeyer A.W. Tillinghast T.Weitemeyer Kraushaar Gals. A.W. Jenkins Mrs.G.Lindenmeyer Ralph P.Ross E.G.O0'Reilly Kraushaar Gals. Mr.MeCart hy R.H. Jackson Mr.WcCarthy Kraushaar Gals. ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. AT THE NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET BEGINNING MONDAY, JANUARY 8ru, 1923 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF THE SALE THE VALUABLE PAINTINGS WATER COLORS AND PASTELS COLLECTED BY THE LATE fmeerGit lL. BOND OF BALTIMORE FOR MANY YEARS GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD mop e eso AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTRIX IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF fe AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 11TH BEGINNING AT 8.30 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OTE, VALUABLE PAINTINGS WATER COLORS AND PASTELS By THE BARBIZON MASTERS THEIR CONTEMPORARIES AND BY EARLY ENGLISH PAINTERS COLLECTED BY THE LATE HUGH L. BOND OF BALTIMORE FOR MANY YEARS GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTRIX AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE & 4LE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSOCIATES, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. HIRAM H. PARKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK 1923 CONDITIONS OF SALE _I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensur i article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional Deru ha hes ela Sy fae auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Meer eee buyer: ey Sree ope ante be the buyer, and if any dispute arises ers e auctioneer sha ith i re-sale the lot goin dispute.’ either decide the same or put up for II. Identification and part payment by buyer: The name of the buyer of 1 shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, enh bayer ranull ate a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. . If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrange- ment to the contrary. Deliveries at the storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of 9 and 5. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made aap discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. VI. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. NOTE: The Limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above requirements necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its patrons, whose goods Aa hie would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. VII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. VIII. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly entalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. ; IX. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. 2 ‘ : Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or references submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. : ; Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, New American Art Galleries, Block of Madison Avenue, 56th to 57th Street, Entrance, 30 Hast 57th Street, New York City. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement ~* estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It ‘is prepared . | supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- anc Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AL ITs NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH To 57rH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW. YORK ClRY EVENING SALE itUiweewy, a ANUARY 11, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.30 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 89, inclusive FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY | Wy, PE Ce 1I—LANDSCAPE : pe (Water Color ) Height, 614 inches; length, 8°4 inches In a river valley bounded by broken and wooded green hills, a distant church, and in the foreground a group of peasants, under a blue sky. ATTRIBUTED TO GABRIEL METSU Durcu: 1630—1667 2—PORTRAIT OF A MAN (Companion to the preceding) - = (On copper) Ie. NL, } Height, 444 inches; width, 34% inches Lcd PF Bust portrait of a vigorous man of large features, in a full brown peri- wig, facing front and slightly to the right, with left hand spread at his breast. ATTRIBUTED TO GABRIEL METSU Dutcu: 1630—1667 3—PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN (Companion to the preceding) 2 OT (On copper) tC, NM. Ve aim Height, 414 inches; width, 314 inches Busr portrait of a plump young woman with brown hair brushed up from her forehead and curls at her temples, figure to front and face turned slightly toward her right shoulder. She wears a mauve gown, décolleté, with lace at the corsage and a pearl necklace. Se TITO LESSI IrTaLIAN: CoNTEMPORARY | 4 THE CARD PLAYERS | : Be Ty. Me 0 aA My ee Height, 534 inches; length, 714 inches Four bewigged men, one in black, one in gray and two in red, are seated around a card table in the corner of a modest but formal room, quizzi- cally happy at a game of cards. Signed at the lower left, Trro Lesst. R. F. SORBI Iranian: 1844-— 5—THE SALUTE (Panel) 0, Wr. We Height, 6 inches; width, 4 mches P Aw elderly man in a richly ornamented plum-colored coat and small clothes is depicted walking toward the right in a town street, and gravely raising his tricorne in salutation to someone. Signed at the lower right, R. F. Sort, 1906. LEO HERRMANN FrencuH: 1838—1907 6—THE COOK ld | (Panel) | | Height, 6 inches; width, 41% inches A Ftorip cook in independent majesty at table by himself in a garden, with coffee and liqueur at his elbow, leans back in his chair, facing the spectator, and is laughing heartily at something in the Figaro. Signed at the lower right, Lro Hermann. MORTIMER L. MEMPES, F.R.G.S. BritisH: ConTEMPORARY (Painter, Etcher, Writer) 7—BENARES (Water Color) by ‘ 2. F hbtsieaa. i 4) 6, Height, 6 inches; length, 7 inches AxoveE green-blue water which forms the foreground, the crowded build- ings of a highly colorful city in bright sunlight, under a blue sky. Signed at the lower right, Mortimer Mempess. HENRI CHARLES ANTOINE BARON Frencu: 1816—1885 | 8—THE PARTING (Panel) (t ; Bhatt, | 4 s Height, 71/, inches; width, 5 inches : Iw shadow on a porch a young man and a young woman are in the last embrace before his departure, and from a doorway emerges a mother, her hands clasped in difficult resignation. Signed at the lower right, H. Baron. FRANCOIS ADOLPHE GRISON Frencu: 1845— 9—THHE READER (Panel) 4 ; y Lo Height, 7 inches; width, 51/4 inches is i SraTepD on an upholstered stool beside a carved wood table on which 1s a decanter of wine, a venerable cleric who is smoking his pipe is at the same time reading with grim humor a newspaper, while his cat looks wisely on. Signed at the lower right, Grison. CARL LUDWIG FRIEDRICH BECKER GERMAN: 1820—1900 10—HEAD OF A GIRL Vs (Panel) 4. udtas 4 Height, 814 inches; width, 64g mches Heap and shoulders portrait of a full-busted young woman, figure to left and face three-quarters front, observed in a soft light against a dark neutral background. She has rounded features and quiet blue eyes and warm chestnut hair, and she is clad in red and wears a red mob cap. Signed at the upper left, Cart BrecKer. ATTRIBUTED TO GABRIEL METSU Dutrcu: 1630—1667 11—INTERIOR WITH FIGURE (Panel) Pp b OF Height, 10% inches; width, 914 inches OBsERVED in a subdued and mellow light in a homelike room, a young Dutch woman in characteristic cap and dress is presented nearly at full length, seated beside a table on which lies a long-stemmed pipe. With figure to front and face turned to her left, looking across the table, she holds in one hand a pitcher of wine and is about to fill a glass held in her other hand. P. JAZET FrencH: ConTEMPORARY 12—THHE GARDENER | Of, | Height, 914 inches; width, 6 inches Ar the corner of a brick and plaster wall in a thickly wooded section of a park, an aged servant in blue small clothes and white shirt and particolored cap stands with chin resting in one hand, looking up thoughtfully at some vines. Signed at the lower left: A M. Dauuy, P. Jazet, °78. CUTHBERT EDMUND SWAN Britiso: 1870— (Exhibitor at the Royal Academy since 1893) 13—TIGER AND PEACOCK (Water Color) WD. hake Panne Qe Height, 7 inches; length, 91% inches Srrercuen at full length on the ground, in the light, with the rear part of its body partly concealed in a green tangle, a huge tiger turns its head over its right fore paw to glare at the spectator, while it grips the body of a captured peacock. Signed at the lower right, C. E. Swan. Purchased from David Bendann, Baltimore. MORTIMER L. MEMPES, F.R.G:S. BritisH : CoNTEMPORARY (Painter, Etcher, Writer) (Panel) oo 30, Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches 14—THE NEWS On yellow ground in front of a brown-gray house hung with brightly colored lanterns three small children wearing Japanese sandals are walking toward the left, two of them eyeing the spectator, the third reading jauntily a news sheet. . Signed at the lower left, Mortimer Mempes. DAVID YOUNG CAMERON Britisu: 1865— 15—-KENSINGTON GARDENS tentheet (Water Color) 4 is. Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches In soft greens and browns and a delicate buff wash, sward and trees and a path of the London park, with idlers seated or strolling. Inscribed and signed at lower left, Kensincron GARDENS, D. Y. CAMERON. a Frencu: 1817—1887 s *16—THE NUN (Pastel) : ee 0 3 ae : Height, 1014 inches; width, 6 inche Sranpine figure of a nun in devotional attitude, facing the left, three- quarters front. Signed at the lower left, F. Bonviy, 62. JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, PR Enceusu: 1775—1851 (Water Color) trawler ‘ eS Height, 5°4 wmches; length, ae inches d 17—_MARINE At right a gray-green sea in calm, and on it in the far and dim distance the outlines of sail and the drifting smoke of a steamer. Bordering the water along the left a low sandy shore in the foreground, with people and the flags and pennants of a gay summer resort on an esplanade higher up the bank, and in the distance high green and rolling leas. Apparently a glimpse of the Channel shore in summer. From the Huth Collection, London. (/ JOHANNES HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCH Dutrcu: 1824—1903 18—THE WINDMILL , (Panel) (L ’ US , 4OAS, Height, 7 inches; length, 12 inches GREEN meadows of Holland at the right and green willows at the left of a canal which wanders from the spectator’s eye to the horizon, under a gray sky lightened by white clouds. Midway, on the right, a soliitary windmill. Signed at the lower right, J. H. WeissEnBRuUCcH. ALBERTO PASINI Irauian: 1826—1899 19—AN ORIENTAL DOORWAY (Panel) 4 2 0 Height, 91% inches; width, 74% inches SUNSHINE strikes upon a cream-colored building brilliantly decorated with tiles, and at a broad entrance faced in soft sage green stand two men in conversation, and a handsome sorrel saddle horse. The cos- tumes of the men are rose and emerald and golden-topaz, and the horse’s bridle has an emerald blinder. Signed at the lower right, A. Pastnt. JOSEF ISRAELS Dutcu: 1824—1911 20—CHILD WITH BOAT: SCHEV ENINGEN (Water Color) ) Height, 13 inches; width, 71% inches i: UJ, tow- 370. Azone an exposed sandbar a little girl is walking toward the left, ing a toy boat in a foreground shallow and turning her head to watch it. In the background the sea. Signed at the lower left, JOSEF IsraELs. LEON VICTOR DUPRE Frencu: 1816—1879 21—-M ARSHES WITH CATTLE AND HERDER (Panel) 4.0. d tees Height, 614, inches; length, 884 inches 50. MarsueEs and reeds fill the picture, under a sky darkening with gray clouds on all sides of an area where cream-white clouds are still illu- mined by sunshine. Near the centre of the composition, a cowherd and his cows in the midst of the marshes. Signed at the lower left, Vicror Durrk. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 184'7—1919 22—SUNSET IN AUTUMN Height, 514 inches; length, 934 inches Ga ap . WAS. ”q | Turnep to yellow the short herbage in the foreground and warmed by the glowing light of the sun setting behind the observer. Above the yellowed ground an irregular line of trees extending across the picture, their trunks gray and their reddened foliage absorbing rather than re- flecting the sunshine. Beyond them a blue stream, wild country and a blue and white sky. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLaKxetock. SANFORD ROBINSON GIFFORD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1880 23—CATSKILL LANDSCAPE WE, 0, + ip iz Height, 12 inches; width, 91% inches | Ar the right tall reddish-brown cliffs, of those which take human out- - lines, topped by pine trees and dark in shadow. At their base a stream and huge gray boulders, and at left in the background green wooded mountains in sunshine, their tops amid the clouds. On back, stamp of the S. R. Gifford Sale. /§ 8] ~ Coditirqnva, 40 ah | ATTRIBUTED TO CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 24 LANDSCAPE IN STORM }- Q. : (A Sketch on Cardboard)¥ ~ S ay Height, 91% inches; length, 181% inches In the foreground a broad road winding formally between green fields, and in it travelers, the whole in cloud shadow, and in the background | a hillside landscape in gglden sunshine, while a dense black stormcloud is passing and revealing a blue and white sky. Signed at the lower left, Dausteny. CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE Frencu: 1831—1897 _25—DOGS AND GAME wm f [Vecte nM Height, 16 inches ; width, 1134 inches ray At the corner of a marble building which comes into view at the left a pointer, a setter and a terrier are depicted, in the sunshine, at a tall grill gate which opens to a park. On the gate hang a rabbit, a pheas- ant and other game. Signed at the lower right, OL. pE PENNE. P. BEDINI Irauian: 1844— 26—SHWING HAS ITS DREAMS (Water Color) Height, 18 inches; width, 9 inches 2B HE, FeLi Ay FuLL-LENcTH portrait of a bright-eyed and smiling young woman seated in a carved chair with her sewing, at which she has paused and is looking happily upward. She is in a light costume of delicate colors, ! and rests her foot on a flowery cushion. Signed at the lower left, P. Brprnt. JAN VAN BEERS Betcran: 1852— 27—PIERROT (Panel) Ae a 4 in Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches ( Fuii-LenetuH standing figure of an experienced clown, in white with. black skull-cap, facing the spectator with hands in pockets, singing comically as he takes a step in the dance. Gray background. Signed at the lower right, Jan van Beers. LEON VICTOR DUPRE Frencu: 1816—-1879 283— LANDSCAPE -(Panel) | Height, 714 inches; mie 914 |, Caf hele | 30, Lowtanps in the foreground and at if t along the borders of a wistrsh or stream, and on them cattle grazing, and in the distance the figure of a cowherd. At right in the middle distance a cottage and a wind- mill on a hillock. Signed at the lower left, Victor Dupre. EMILIO SANCHEZ-PERRIER Spanisu: 1853—1907 29—RIVER LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES (Panel) Height, 15%4 inches; width, 11 inche LO. =f) oe Own a placid river occupying the foreground are two men in//a boat which lies near the farther bank of the stream. Behind them shrubbery of soft green lines the bank, with poplars rising above it, at the left, and at the right are fields on receding hills. Signed at the lower left, E. SANcHEZ-PERRIER. ened b JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencu: 1796—1875 30—_EDGE OF THE WOODS h ey H eight, 1334 inches; width, 834 inches ( THRovuGH a ravine in a broad and open lowland wood a narrow brook runs between green banks, and on its borders, at right and left, slender — trees whose feathery foliage becomes nebulous in the upper atmosphere rise with leaning or with straight trunks and extend their tops above the picture limits. In the foreground on the right bank a peasant - woman in red waist and white cap is busy at the streamside. Signed at the lower left, Coror. Purchased in 1915 from Goupil & Co., of Paris, lv guaranteed the picture to be an original work by Corot. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA | Frencu: 1807—1876 31—_F' LORA Al C0 Height, 134% inches; width, 814 inches Comine through a green wood where a rift of sunshine, screened, slants down upon her fair face and bust, a dainty young woman with flowing hair has reached the edge of a foreground pool, where she halts, her hand suspended over bright blossoms which enliven the dark verdure of the forest. She is in white, and wears jewels and garlands, and she carries a pink scarf. Signed near the lower left, N. Diaz. JEAN LEON GEROME ee aes er eg af 82—FEMMES ROMAINES A LA FONTAINE /3 (ds Height, 14144 inches; width, 934 inches Two Roman girls, one in écru and one in purple-rose, are portrayed at the basin of a fountain in the wall of a classical building. One stands, facing the observer, a filled jar on her head and another upheld in one hand, while her companion is leaning over the water basin filling one of her own jars. Cultivated shrubbery grows at the fountain, and the scene is in sunshine, with an arched recess in shadow at the left. Signed at the lower left, J. L. GeromE, Romer, 1882. Purchased from Messrs. Goupil, Paris. DAVID YOUNG CAMERON | BritrisH: 1865— 33THE OCHILS, NEAR STIRLING (Panel) Ab | 0: | Height, 12% inches; length, 16 inches Rep hills of broken and yet easy lines are warm in sunlight as they rise against a sky mildly glowing with quiet color, and at right and left are relieved by foothills and slopes of purple-brown. In the middle distance green and yellow fields extend low and far at either side of a blue stream which curves into the foreground and reflects hilltops and sky. | Signed at the lower right, D. Y. CAMERON. TONY OFFERMANS Dutcu: 1845—1911 34—THE SABOT MAKER Height, 121% inches; length, 15Y% inches GO 7 At a window in his dusty brown and gray shoeshop an old man wearing a blue blouse and a leather apron stands at his bench, chipping out sabots. He is observed in profile to right. Through the window and an open door beside it the eye roams to rolling green fields. Signed at the lower right, T. OrFERMANS. BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS Dutcu: 1845—1914 lo LAO. 35—_CHILDREN AT THE SEASHORE Height, 13% inches; width, 101% inches Puayine with his toy boat in the shallows in the foreground, a happy small boy is watched by two other children equally happy, who are standing on the sand near him, while still more children are sporting in a miniature surf nearby. , Signed at the lower right, BLomnMeEns. oe ag > a nfl ee, 1 ae a THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutcu: 1851—1904 36—A FARM IN HOLLAND 4 f) Height, 134% inches; ee inches | x U Own the right in the middle distance an old gnarled tree amc a siender one, before a green wood background, and in front of the trees three peasant women in white caps and varied dresses, kneeling at their — work in the brown and green vegetable field. | Signed at the lower left, Tu. pe Bock. LEON RICHET Frencu: 1847—1907 37—PATH TO THE VILLAGE Height, 14 inches ; length, 21 inches I[ 0, all q Lusu green fields of uncultivated land about a marsh poolf and trees 7 short but of abundant leafage, are wet from a shower whosé¢ clouds are dispersing, and the sunshine coming through illumines a thatch-roof farmhouse in the middle distance. Coming forward from it is a bent figure, walking through the grass. Signed at the lower left, Lton Ricuer, *72. yi ‘A + LUDWIG KNAUS GERMAN: 1829—1910 ©. lable eek 38—_CHILDREN WITH BUST OF HOMER : | Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches 130. : _ In the study from which their father has absented himself three chil- dren hive assembled around a classic bust, which one little girl is proceeding to adorn with red sealing wax, while a sister looks on and a small boy holds the lighted candle. Signed at the lower right, LK (in monogram), 1868. GEORGE FREDERICK ROTIG Frencu: 1873— 39—WOLVES IN WINTER (Water Color) 3S Height, 17 inches; length, 23 inches Pred | mee Over snow-covered plains a pack of gray-backed yellow wolves ranging are headed toward the spectator, the leaders in the foreground in a track between two low mounds, on which sparse vegetation appears. Signed at the lower right, G. F. Rortie, ’06. ARNOLD MARC GORTER Dutrcu: 1866— 40-—-LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Wy v0 Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches oe Vv ( SLENDER birches partly bare of leaves or in autumn cblors spring from gray and grassy soil on the banks of Dutch canals. Coming toward the spectator down the centre of the landscape are three cows, black and white and red and white, followed by a woman in blue wearing a white cap. Signed at the lower right, A. M. Gorter. G. INNOCENTI ITALIAN: CONTEMPORARY 41—PARTIE DE CARTES 0, Bi — At a table on the green grass of a heavily wooded park, a cardinal, another churchman, and some bewigged gentlemen in rich apparel, to the number altogether of seven figures, are observed at a card game, some of them players, others looking on. Height, 181% inches; length Signed at the lower left, INNocENTI. ATTRIBUTED TO | JEAN FRANCOIS WATTEAU 42 FETE CHAMPETRE # Height, 18 inches; length, 24144 inches - Avr every hand, tall and thick trees of dense foliage, in a noble French _ park, with a vista of gray architecture and views of a blue and silvery sky. In the foreground, in shadow and sunshine, ladies and youths and children, seated on the ground or standing, in open spaces, their rich _. costumes contributing soft and varied color notes to the landscape. _A paster on back of stretcher states that this example was bought in France in 1911 by the late Louis R. Ehrich, as an example of Watteau, for Mr. F. C. Pitt of Baltimore, from whom the late owner, Hugh L. Bond, procured the painting. SCHOOL OF NICOLAS POUSSAIN 43—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES 367 “4 Distant hills appear a faint blue beneath a sky banked with white Fall clouds, middle distance fields are varied, and through a foreground valley winds a river bordered by trees. Here two nude bathers are seated against a bank, and to right of them are cows and sheep in the care of a boy. Height, 1934 inches; length, 26 inches GERARD PORTIELJI Betcian: 1857— 44—LE QUART DHEURE DE RABELAIS Height, 1514 inches; length, 181% inches 10. Ay old botanist not pleased with his refreshment at an inn afd box of flowers as well as his fork has fallen to the floor is seated at a table on which is wine and food, and has summoned the serving-maid. While he seems to be “laying down the law” to her she listens with smiling indifference. Signed at the lower left, GzraArp PortieLs1; and also on the back, with the title. JEAN. FERDINAND CHAIGNEAU Frencu: 1830—1896 45—SHEEP AT’ SUNSET Height, 13 inches; length, 16 eae Ws | WA. ! Fiat green meadows and a gray foregro ii pool, and at left a shep- / herd seated beside a clump of bushes, his dog at his feet, both looking at the flock as it grazes and slowly approaches the pool. Over dark- ened horizon hills a red sunset sky. Signed at the lower left, J. F. CHAicnEAU. e ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS Frencu: 1803—1860 (Panel) Height, 124% inches; length, 20 inches TS: a Sort sunset clouds in richly chromatic stratification all but crowd out 4 | 46—LABOUREUR DU LOT the blue of the sky, and distant hills and valleys share in atmospheric reflections of their diminishing hues. ‘There also are the scattered ? buildings of an agricultural countryside. In the foreground are flat and level tilled fields, and a barefooted man ploughing with bullocks wearing picturesque headpieces. Not far off is a sower. Signed at the lower right, Decamps, ’57. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 47—_-SHEEP AND SHEPHERDESS u p Height, 934 inches; length, 14 inches Boe 2 At the coming of eventide a shepherdess, who stands at the right. driven her flock of sheep down to a pool in the foreground to dri where they face the left and the spectator, hints of sunset reflections tinting their backs. At left and right trees dark against the still light sky. \e Signed at the lower left, Jacque. Purchased from David Bendann, who states that the picture came direct from Jacque’s Studio. JULES DUPRE Es Frencu: 1812—1889 hi 48—SUNSET : (Panel) : Height, 101% inches; length, 15 inche | AE i a) g Vy g On the right a thatch-roofed cottage nestling among trees, smoke issuing from its red chimney just showing against the dark silhouette of the dense foliage. From back of the wood the sunshine strikes a road winding about the cottage and coming down the centre of the composition, and the light rays illumine a peasant figure standing in the road in the middle distance, and glint from the shining coats of two cows grazing under a tree at the left of the road. Collection of the late Erwin Davis, New York. VWuyte aw Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, New York. * dean Proce iy ees oes “al eapcnnet a a>, ee sh FERDINAND ROYBET 4 Frencu: 1840— <4 49—LE PRESENT @g Height, 121% inches; hes 14 ii ; f aa 4 AN imperious beauty reclining demi-nue amid deep cushions is revealec facing the spectator at the parting of voluminous portiéres, held bac on the right by Nubians who also bear on salvers wine and other refreshments. At left a bearded man in dark dress leans forward, hold- ing up admiringly an object he has lifted from a jewel casket. At his hip his other hand rests on his dagger. Signed at the upper right, F. Royset. On the back a letter from Roybet to M. Adrien Lacroix of Toulouse, telling M. Lacroix that the artist has retouched the canvas according to the owner’s desire. z - * GASTON LA TOUCHE Frencu: 1854—1913 50—ENTRANCE TO BALLROOM (Panel) / y he dD, Height, 12%4 inches; length, 18% inches Into a room brilliantly lighted from entrance lights and a chandelier are coming ladies and gentlemen singly or in couples, some mounting the short stairs leading to the main floor level which occupies the foreground. Here at left an elderly man is standing near two ladies in white evening gowns. Signed at the lower right, Gaston ta ToucuHeE. RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO Spanisu: 1841—1 920 51—_PIERROT ] i oN | hp Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches Bust portrait of a cheerful young girl with pink cheeks and wavy golden hair, in a Pierrot costume of rich white, with blue buttons, and a ruffled collar edged in blue, and pointed white hat with blue ribbons. Signed above the left shoulder, R. Maprazo. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 52—LE REPOS " / Height, 14 inches; length, 184% inches ( d. Av noonday, as the shadows tell, a tall farmer in a blue blouse brown trousers is observed standing, leaning against his big green two-wheeled cart, in a brown field. Beside the cart stands his roan horse, with only its halter, and a rooster and hen are nearby, while the roof of a farmhouse appears beyond a knoll. Formerly in the collection of the late William M. Chase, N.A. 184L ‘ F iog ) Vy. Pured, V4 ¥ t HENRI HARPIGNIES Frencu: 1819—1916 583—THEH ASH TREE bb, Height, 10 inches; width, 84 ng M Dae he sa A HOLLOW between low mounds, green, and that on the right support- ing shrubbery—and along the bottom glimpses of a rivulet. At the centre of the composition a sturdy gray tree, with sunshine on its green leaves, the trunk and a modicum of the leafage only being visible within the picture. In the background brown fields and white cottages. Signed at the lower left, H. Harrvienies, *82. EMILE BASTIEN-LEPAGE Frencu: 1848—1884 54—PRAIRIE DU MOULIN Veo )29.- TxHrovucu the soft grasses of gently rolling meadows winds a silvery- white and bluish brook, its course marked by pollarded trees. In the foreground at right a bold pollard stands between the spectator and the light of the soft summer sky, while to left the landscape.is bathed in the sunshine. There a cottage group is to be seen in the middle distance and an occasional tall tree, besides numerous bushes. Height, 15 inches: length, 22 inches Signed at the lower left, Emie Bastien-Lepace, 1913; and again on the back, with the title. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 55—FARMER AT WORK } AS () Height, 16 inches; width, 13/inaies Just beyond the edge of a plowed section of a field, a rugged and sturdy team of farm horses, facing the spectator and the right, have been brought to a halt, while their driver, who has his back to the observer, is bending over apparently to adjus’ his implements. Beyond are yellow and green fields, and flowers. Signed at the lower right, EK. Jacque. Purchased from David Bendann, Baltimore, who states that the picture came direct to him from the Artist’s studio. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH : 18138—1894 56—L’ ABREUVOIR [4 QD, Height, 16 inches, width, 18 ia Two gray horses with halters only are facing the spectator as they stand in a shallow pond in the foreground, which reflects their shadows and those of neighboring tree, A farmer seated on one of the horses turns to look toward a milkmaid and her cows, distant on the left. Signed at the lower right, E. Jacaur. Purchased from David Bendann, who states that the painting came direct to him from the Artist’s studio. HENRI HARPIGNIES Frencu: 1819—1916 57—RIVER LANDSCAPE ~ Height, 14 inches; length, 21 inches 30. | a AW. Geet ; Across the foreground rolling uncultivated land, with occasional low boulders or grayish bare spots interrupting thé varied greens of the coarse wild grasses. At right and left woods, dense of foliage, with detached trees of sparse leafage in front of them, their more or less bare limbs arching a vista of river and hills. On the silvery river, reflecting gray and cream-tinged cloud tufts, the end of a punt comes to view Bara a knoll, and acne the stream the hilly shore melts into a distant haze. Signed at the lower left, H. Harvtentss, 795. ee ALFRED SISLEY FRENCH: 1840-—1899 | 58—ST. MAMMES: LE SOIR Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches — yo. a ) | Duliudis . a Mavve tinges the horizon clouds, and white cloud-patches above them | ’ shingle a brilliant deep blue sky, all whose notes are reflected in the broad and rippling river which winds from the distance down to the foreground. At right the clustered houses of the village, low and flat beyond a yellow foreground knoll and in the bright after-sunset glow, and at left some low hills, blue, yellow and green. Signed ‘at the lower right, Sistny, 785. Collection Durand-Ruel, New York. Purchased from David Bendann, Baltimore. atts 6 23 EUGENE BOUDIN Frencu: 1825—1898 59—NEAR TROUVILLE Height, 141% inches; length, 23 inches — a ae 4 Ar right and in the distance an arm of a low green shore, embracing d with a slightly higher shore on the left a placid stream in which small boats are moored and from one boat people are fishing. “On the shores, trees and houses and a church, and indications of a shipyard. The whole under a white sky showing tinges of color. : Signed at the lower right, EK. Bounty, ’95. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847—1919 60—GOLD MAN’S HUT, COLORADO ly G 0 7 Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches In a rough and rocky country a crude cabin stands amid boulders at the left and in the partial shelter of a clustér of short trees. In its single doorway a woman appears, in red waist and buff skirt. In the middle distance a stream, with soft willows on its farther side; and | to right in the foreground a low mass of light shrubbery. Suffusing the atmosphere a mellow and brilliant glow from a rich and expansive golden sunset sky. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BuaKEtock. JOHN LEWIS BROWN -Frencu: 1829—1890 61—HUNTERS IN SNOW Height, 22 inches; width, 181% inches 0. ae Pred eek: Swow covers the ground, and is seen on clumps of shrubbery, while the trees of an open wood, not yet wholly bare of leaves, rise in the back- ground against a dark wintry sky which is illumined at the left by a golden burst of sunset. In the foreground, on a road whose trail is just defined, hunters and their dogs are grouped, two men sitting on their horses and one dismounted, one of the men in conversation with a peasant woman who stands by the roadside. Signed at the lower left, Joun Lewis Brown, Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Paris. FRITS THAULOW -Norwecian: 1847—1906 62—WINTER Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches ee 050. Art left a river or canal cold and green, Bnd showing reflections if the double arch of a brown and gray stone bridge, and the warmer reflec- tions of reddish buildings of the town on its banks. The bridge para- pets and the roofs of the houses covered with snow. On the right a - road or street along the stream and leading to the bridge, and in it in | the middle distance an aged woman well muffled, trudging to left toward the bridge. Signed at the lower right, Frrrs THauLow. f : 1 IGNACIO ZULOAGA SpanisH: 1870— 68—ST. SEHPULV ADA WNW. We bai! ks — Height, 23 inches; length, 2414 inches Cuusrerep thickly together the many and varied buildings of the Spanish town are viewed from the shelf of a hillside in the foreground, their walls and roofs and many hues making an engaging ensemble of lines and colors. In the background are higher hills, treeless, green and rounded, under a confused sky which is neither wholly light nor wholly dark, nor yet does it disclose any clearly defined clouds. Signed at the lower left, I. ZULOAGA. RAMOND ALLEGRE FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 64—JARDIN FRANCAIS, VENISE Height, 251% inches; width, 20 inches 18 Crossine the foreground a green canal, in which a gondola lies af the foot of a broad stairway leading straight back through a garden golden in sunshine. At the landing, about to step into the gondola, are two ladies, and back of them at the left, on a terrace which supports a large red arch, two other figures appear. Signed at the lower right, R. AttEGRE; and inscribed at the lower left, VENISE. A. CHABANIAN CONTEMPORARY 65—LUNE ARGENTEE Arar the green sea meets a blue horizon, and the bosom of the water is calm, and in the foreground the gentlest of waves ripple white on a sandy shore, in the light of the silvery-white full moon. Height, 19 inches; length, 25 inches ) d Signed at the lower left, A. CHABANIAN. AUGUSTO DAINI Iranian: CoNTEMPORARY 66—ITALIAN INTERIOR WITH FIGURES | (Water Color) bé 4 Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches A. 2, 4 Tue spacious kitchen of an Italian peasant’s house is flooded with light, and before a great fireplace four friends are gossiping, two smiling young women in brilliant colors who have paused in their sewing to chat with a visiting friar, and a bearded man who is enjoying the entertainment. Signed at the lower right, Aucusto Darnt. GERARD PORTIELJI Beucian: 1857— 67—_THE GAME OF CHESS Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches | eae a, W. An abbé seated in a red-upholstered wing-armchair and smoking a long-stemmed pipe contemplates with some satisfaction the puzzle- ment of his opponent at chess, an old man in blue coat and buff trousers. Another old man looks on, and wine is at hand. Signed at the lower left, GERARD PortiELst, ANTWERPEN. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI Frencu: 1824—1886 68—LADIES IN THE WOOD (Panel) | bO | > Height, 13 inches; length, 15 inches : : Y ) ) i 4 N r — Vee _ oa 4 CaN Wiruin a sunlit clearing at the edge of a wood whose foliage shows: the colors of. autumn, four ladies are standing in a group, two large pet dogs standing beside them and facing each other. A lady at the centre of the group, clad in red, is the figure of principal interest, her blond and brunette companions appearing attendant on her. — Signed at the lower right, MonticE.ut. JULIEN DUPRE Frencu: 1851—1910 69—FANEKUSE ¢ ge Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches Mi 58) ‘ q Stranpine and looking at the observer while she holds a forkful of | hay, a French peasant girl is seen in a green and freshly mown hayfield. She is in a blue skirt and white waist and wears a rose-pink bonnet. Behind her are men loading hay, and sunshine is piercing light grayish clouds. Signed at the lower left, JuL1EN Dupre. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FreNcH: 1,813—1894 70—CORBEAUX 3 | Ay 50 Height, 20 inches; length, 29 inches My I, pape Turoveu fields of plowed earth and green vegetation, on a day dark under gray clouds, a two-wheeled haycart drawn by two horses tandem and pulling heavily is moving forward and across the picture. A great flock of crows arises, and the farmer on the leader turns and «swings his whip at them. Signed at the lower right, E. JACQUE. Purchased from David Bendann, Baltimore, who states that the paint- ing came direct to him from the Artist’s studio. DAVID BAILLY OF LEYDEN __ 1584—1661 71—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN a | (Panel) - we, WY, a) (\ J a) 0 t Height, 1714 inches; width, 12% inches fc Sratep with figure to the left and face almost full to the front a young man with a heavy shock of dark hair is portrayed in Rembrandtesque manner, with a strong light striking face and figure from the left. He is smooth shaven, and wears robes of golden-vermilion hues and a steel gorget. In 1913 Dr, A. Bredius, the well-known European expert, when visiting Balti- more inspected the above described painting and declared it to be the work of David Bailly of Leyden. ; . FRENCH SCHOOL — 72—PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON (after. Dewi vid) : pA) re : Height, 21 inches; width, 15 inches 2 Poe o Fort bust portrait of the Emperor, nearly full, ie slightly to left, | with right hand thrust into coat at the breast. After the portrait by David, the Emperor’s premier peintre. (seid to ae belonaeds: to the i. estate of Hortense Bonaparte.) — _ a —_—_————— = 78 PORTRAIT OF A LADY — a (P any: Duchesse is Bassano) | fe (Pastel) | a2 ve eh Height, 26 inches: woidths 21Yinches, A HANDSOME lady in Napoleonic dress ae head * transparent gown embroidered and girdled in gold jewels, is seated on a blue-upholstered sofa before eat with the light full upon her face and breast. W and slightly to right, her head is turned sightly. : ba a portrait of the Duchesse de Bassano. © Bririsn: 1787—1819 74—PORTR AIT OF e LADY LO ; ae | Height, oF eee ae 23 inches ( es “i ae Sammi with face and figure almost full to the front; a young lady | with brown eyes and richer brown hair, which is waved and dressed = high. She directs her glance slightly to the spectator’s right. ‘She 18 wears a décolleté gown with shoulder sleeves, of a warm straw color and caught up with a delicate green, and over her right Siler: draws a crimson mantle. ri JOHN WESLEY JARVIS American: 1780—1839 75—PORTRAIT OF MRS. ROBERT GILMOR (née Louisa Airey) OF BALTIM ORE (Panel) ‘jh dD A 2 pA) Height, 2914 inches; width, 24 inches — Har-tencru, seated and facing the right, three- -quarters front. A woman of advanced middle age and complacent expression, with large brown eyes. She wears a white lace cap and fichu and a brown silk gown of many folds, and is portrayed against a neutral background accented by a dark green drapery. 6, | Purchased by the late Mr. Bond from J. Latimer Hoffman, Jr., a de- scendant of Mrs. Gilmor, of Baltimore. “This original oil portrait of Mrs. Robert Gilmor, of Baltimore, is by John Wesley Jarvis. It was painted about 1820, when she was seventy-five years old. Louisa, wife of Robert Gilmor, was the daughter of the Rev. Thomas Airey, rector of the Parish of Great Choptank, Dorchester: County, State of Maryland. She was born in 1745, being the youngest child by his first wife—Miss Elizabeth Pitt. Her father was an English clergyman from Kendall in Yorkshire, and born in 1701. She (Louise Airey) was married to Robert Gilmor, of Shadwell on the Nanticoke River, on 25th September, 1771, who at the close of 1778 located in Baltimore under the firm name of Russell & Gilmor, and at his death in January, 1822, he was one of the most prominent merchants of Baltimore. Mrs. Robert Gilmor, the subject of the portrait, died on the 8th of November, 1827, in the eighty-second year of her age. This portrait originally belonged to the late Robert Gilmor, Jr., her son, who died in 1848. At his death he left it to Robert Gilmor, Jr., 2, who died in 1875. He gave it to his sister, Mrs. John Spear Nicholas, née Mary Ann Gilmor. Some years after her death, John Spear Nicholas gave it to my mother, Mrs. J. Latimer Hoffman, née Susan Smith Gilmor. Jarvis was about forty years old when he painted it.” (Signed) J. Lariwer Horrman. Batrimmore, November 20, 1916. i eae ENGLISH: EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 76—PORTRAIT OF A LADY ais ip is g | Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-Lencru standing figure of a woman in young maturity, with wise eyes and serene expression, figure to right three-quarters front and face almost full to the front. She wears a blue waist low cut, the front of the bodice heavily embroidered and jeweled, a jeweled necklace and a white and blue lace cap. EDWARD PORTIELJE Beucian: 1859— 77—DUTCH INTERIOR WITH FIGURES Height, 1914 inches; length, 2314 inches oH, | {) Two pretty and demure Dutch maidens in white caps and _ short- sleeved gowns—the one blue, the other crimson—are seated at a table beside a garden window, one girl eyeing the spectator, her sister observed in profile to the left. The neat and modest room is painted in green, flowers are in the window, and a cat laps milk beside the table. Signed at the lower right, Epwarp PorRTIELJE. CUTHBERT EDMUND SWAN Bririso: 1870— (Exhibitor at the Royal Academy since 1893) 78—_TIGER ON DEFENCE ane p po: (Water Color) (? It, Height, 20°24 inches; length, 31 inches From the right a great tiger has crept from the jungle, and is crouched ready to spring, in a partially open space near some water. Its coat glows in its golden tawniness, relieved by the black stripes and white underbody. Signed at the lower right, C. E. Swan. Purchased from David Bendann, Baltimore. GEORGE FREDERICK ROTIG CoNTEMPORARY 79—DHER AND MOONLIGHT LANDSCAPE Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches bo. 4 In eu Snow covers a hillside which slopes from the right, save for tufts of grass that protrude, and lies along the spreading branches of the trees of an open forest, and here red deer are wandering and feeding in the light of the full moon. Signed at the lower right, G. F. Rotie, ’09. HENRI FANTIN-LATOUR Frencu: 1836—1905 80—_THE WHISPERINGS OF CUPID 2 A) Height, 241/, aonches; oy a 9 Wirn the nebulous suggestion of a wood as a background, before a veiled blue sky, a maiden of goodly proportions is observed seated at a brook. With figure to right and head turned toward the spectator over her right shoulder, she appears reluctantly listening to the honeyed words of Cupidon, hovering above her left shoulder. She is dressed in loosely clinging robe, with arms free. Signed at the lower right, Fantin. ' e ’ oO 1 ae a est) SOCAL AG ee ann At > rs € we MQ Saks ay : 4 r+ ag \ - St No Wuonek 30) ORL JEAN CHARLES CAZIN Frencu: 1841—1901 7 rr . 81—LA COTE D’EQUIHEM Height, 251% inches; width, 191% inches 56. ob UW. GREEN clad hills and dunes dotted with spots of rich and varied color and displaying here and there a wild flower lie at either side of a sandy road leading from the spectator down to the sandy shore of a lightly moving sea. On the hill at left a hamlet of varied cottages, before a ~ windy sky of shower clouds and tinted with sunset hues. | Signed at the lower left, J. C. Caztn. trig bea Cobb tpite ee ec. | yin eb ae de i¢ I. ect. A a. ta We: € ty OAL Ca pl OAL OL pu Pee: on dy Me ie Ou vere tk 4 op WIAbsnnre Kk (\ f hem, AAve lA \ AJ i TL is AA jouw 8) | Q ee 3 i LEON AUGUSTE LHERMITTE Frencu: 1844-— 32-_LE CHEMINEAU Wy os \« (Pastel) 4 : , ‘t 5, Height, 281% inches; length, 36 inches Over a distant and receding hillside of grayish verdure, a turquoise sky sifted over with clouds more buff than white, and on the slope of the hill a hamlet and its church. At the foot of the sloping land, in a valley of meadows, a stream which sweeps lazily into the fore- ground, where it broadens, and bears reflections of buildings of the village. On the nearer bank at right a beggar and his family have stopped, while the man, hat in hand, asks alms of a peasant seated in a punt. , Signed at the lower right, L. LuERMITTE. i ey, EDOUARD BERNARD DEBAT-PONSAN — Frencu: 1847—19138 8838—LA CONVERSATION / Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches 7 | ( Via C| p Pra Two French peasant girls have met in the fields, one a haymaker who has paused to rest seated on her barrow, the other a milkmaid leading a white and brown cow, who stands at left talking to her seated com- rade, Signed at the lower left, E. Drenat-Ponsan, ’92. ENGLISH SCHOOL 84—LADY URITH SHORE Height, 34 inches; width, 27 inches 6 e.g. O Hatr-Lenctu portrait of a young English lady of placidly agreeable expression, figure to the front and head inclined toward her right shoul- der, and looking pensively to her right. She is of fair complexion, has an abundance of yellowish-chestnut hair, and wears a loosely flowing light brown gown, crossing low at the breast and faced with white. Conventional landscape background. ALPHONSE LEGROS Frencu: 1837—1911 pee Preble aioe Height, 23 inches; length, 361% inches q al ‘ 0. | | In the refectory of a monastery a long table with a white cover is set with bread and fruit. At it are seated three brown-clad and bearded monks, and two more of the fraternity are kneeling at the right. Grace is being said before the meal. Signed at the lower left, A. Lecros. ENGLISH SCHOOL 86—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 30 mches; width, 25 inches 0} Ci V4 , Nin JU, THRE-QUARTERS-LENGTH standing figure of an affable young lady of delicate proportions, in a white gown of light material, décolleté, girdled in pale rose and with a mantle of the same soft hue enfolding one shoulder and her arms. She rests her right elbow on a pedestal, and her head is poised above her right shoulder. . (Pastel) Height, 35 inches; width, 27Y% inches Me ‘ 4 4 : F € F 2 me ‘ a ayy a as Henry Fenthern, and the date as 1775. 4 as _ ANGELICA A rene timed e nk ay 10 Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches 4 } TuREE- -QUARTERS-LENGTH Sead figure of a blond : front and partly to right, fingering dreamily the string looking absently upward, open books of music on as anc She wears a low-cut ome of soft material. t siti serra inten Snakes Eclcieceycodlecememecaeiictee oad RIDA SNS ROE EL Fee ANET ST tO DAVID YOUNG CAMERON Britiso: 1865— "2, Se ES C6 89—ISLE OF ARRAN uL ) — Height, 27 inches; length, 40 ichke ] Beyonp a foreground of flat and sandy coast, where pools of the tides are visible and boats are lying on the sands, green plains are to be seen, and small buildings dotting them are discernible in the gloaming, against a dark hill or long ridge. Above the ridge a mountainous cone rises gute ake looming before the still light ee Signed at the lower Pa. D. Y. Geek. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, | Manacenrs. | THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE x NUMBER ALLEGRE, Ramonp Jardin francais, Venise 64 BAILLY OF LEYDEN, Davin Portrait of a Young Man 71 BARON, Henri CHARLES ANTOINE The Parting 8 BASTIEN-LEPAGE, Emre Prairie du Moulin 5A BECKER, Cart Lupwice FRiepricu Head of a Girl 10 BEDINI, P. Sewing Has its Dreams 26 BLAKELOCK, Ratru ALpBert, N.A. Sunset in Autumn 29 Gold Man’s Hut, Colorado | 60 BLOMMERS, BErnNarpus JOHANNES Children at the Seashore 35 BOCK, THEOPHILE DE A Farm in Holland 36 BOUDIN, EvucEnet Near Trouville 59 a ice di . BROWN, Joun LEwis Hunters in Snow CAMERON, Davin YouNG Kensington Gardens The Ochils, near Stirlmg Isle of Arran CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES La Céte d’Equihem CHABANIAN, A. Lune argentée CHAIGNEAU, Jran FERDINAND Sheep at Sunset COROT, JEAN Baptiste CAMILLE Edge of the Woods DAINI, AUGUSTO Italian Interior with Figures DAUBIGNY, Cuartrs Francois (Attributed to) Landscape in Storm DAVID, Jacquss Louis Portrait of a Lady (Probably Duchesse de Bassano) DEBAT-PONSAN, Epovuarp Brrnarp La Conversation DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GABRIEL Laboureur du Lot ‘ia > _ CATALOGUE NUMBER 61 ae 33 89 | $1 65 A5 30 66 24 73 83 46 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse VirGILe Flora DUPRE, J ULES Sunset DUPRE, J ULIEN Faneuse DUPRE, Lion Victor Marshes with Cattle and Herder Landscape ENGLISH: EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Portrait-of a Lady ENGLISH SCHOOL Lady Urith Shore Portrait of a Lady | FANTIN-LATOUR, HeEnrt The Whisperings of Cupid FRENCH SCHOOL Landscape Portrait of Napoleon (After David) GEROME, Jran Lion Femmes romaines 2 la Fontaine GIFFORD, Sanrorp Rostinson, N.A. ~ Catskill Landscape GORTER, Arnotp Marc Landscape with Figures CATALOGUE NUMBER 31 48 69 raeke 84 86 80 40 CATALOGUE” ua NUMBER GRISON, Francois ADOLPHE wie | The Reader (eas HARLOW, GrorcE HENRY | Portrait of a Lady | 74 HARPIGNIES, Hurt : a The Ash Tree 7 By 53 : Ss River Landscape : 51 ae HERRMANN, Leo The Cook } 6 INNOCENTI, G. Partie de Cartes 41 ISRAELS, Joser z Child with Boat: Scheveningen 20 JACQUE, CHar.Les Emits | Sheep and Shepherdess ~ + Se Le Repos 52 Farmer at Work | eo Se L’ Abreuvoir 56 Corbeaux 70 J ARVIS, JOHN WESLEY Portrait of Mrs. Robert Gilmor (née Louisa Airey) of Baltimore | : 75 JAZET, P. The Gardener 7 12 KAUFFMANN, Ancetica, R.A. Music 88 KNAUS, Lupwiae ? Children with Bust of Homer LA TOUCHE, Gaston Entrance to Ballroom LEGROS, ALPHONSE Grace LESSI, TITO The Card Players LHERMITTE, Lton AvcustE Le Chemineau MADRAZO, Raimunpo DE Pierrot MEMPES, Mortmer L., F.R.G:S. Benares The News METSU, GasrieL (Attributed to) Portrait of a Man Portrait of a Woman Interior with Figure MONTICELLI, ApoLtreHE Ladies in the Wood OFFERMANS, Tony The Sabot Maker PASINI, ALBerto An Oriental Doorway CATALOGUE NUMBER 338 50 85 82 D1 68 34 19 PENNE, CuHartes OLIVIER DE Dogs and Game PORTIELJE, Epwarp Dutch Interior with Figures PORTIELJI, Grrarp Le Quart d’Heure de Rabelais The Game of Chess POUSSAIN, Nicotas (School of) Landscape with Figures RICHET, Lrton Path to the Village ROTIG, Grorck FREDERICK Wolves in Winter Deer and Moonlight Landscape ROY BET, FERDINAND Le Présent RUSSELL, Joun, #&.A. Portrait of a Gentleman (Henry Fenthern) SAINT BONVIN, Francois The Nun SANCHEZ-PERRIER, Eminio River Landscape with Figures SISLEY, ALFrep St. Mammeés: Le Soir SPORBERGE The Salute CATALOGUE NUMBER 77 37 39 79 49 87 16 29 58 CATALOGUE i NUMBER SWAN, Curusert EpmMuNpD Tiger and Peacock 13 Tiger on Defence 78 THAULOW, Fairs Winter 62 TURNER, JoseErH Mattorp WituiAM, P.R.A. Marine 17 VAN BEERS, Jan Pierrot 27, WATTEAU, JEean Francois (Attributed to) Féte Champétre 42 WEISSENBRUCH, JOHANNES HENDRIK The Windmill 18 ZULOAGA, IcGNnacio St. Sepulvada 63 ee ye > iL is is iy COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY = a ony eats | | 0 8 Mt - —— * aa rt aS itt ae | hs ea Fe en TE : GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE iia 3 3125 01694 1656 4 ontragng as 3 reat it peeled Teas faa aber ar era 8 jie : igwiigey mt ae Toe aS a EER “SPSL TM, * : a Ne RA Soapru ea Sey Tsao, se . eS Sores hay hoe wis Bieter aga: satay saan: Sonera ory gc a Sarr PSIG Nia: Ma MEA Shag WHE RR EER bes ape unc nee eee ot Nal ista Stig Sota ths ay ame TIC UN RE Ry rey sage ue aS mys aa Aare AREY MH MA rt CCL art Gers bee seep eee atthe ty TRAINS Hm 3B NS iy Ms war eT “G5 OH: Seas he, Sep oe : sate ACh a, bh ys 7 . Bae te Bath Rib Peps! Hy Ay ach) HSH ON HOES. ny Rs erin i SAS Mi kL Wt we Wes CA ay > YOU AR pte SE ENE Shs eS Rees, “OAS eee oye et os seal a PPA agony EAI ‘¢ k aap hs oe eine ve Ke RE a) , are! Fvea erie ai a — un ay: & Mi ee et * preg rsiet He ahR os sh st SMT, ; 3 NEST asec St oN ae) | RENE wk SHEMET : ys Wer pny Nie “i eee See na FA . we a AGT, arty & 2} WN ; uM ie Mialh s De UT a Wo ty sy Px eR oes Sica nt a aan Ane 4 SOAS it NS as * Oe Hate atk a Meats Ly : ai dior ay sv ‘a vie a . wy san a eh AY, ic ae Rha oa \. y a ae \ > x 3h We 4 : A a ntaeine SEES ‘ i ay oS