cL. _ fac ll LIBRARY o. ; 60 O M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. a NEW YORK CATALOGUE of a Valuable Collection of HIGH CLASS PAINTINGS By some of the most eminent European and American Artists Art Objects In Statuary, Bronze, Porcelains, Glass, etc. Elegant Furniture, Oriental Rugs and Carpets Including The Valuable Library of Rare and Standard Books In part the Estate of a WELL KNOWN PHILADELPHIAN Also The Estate of JOHN A. WILLIAMSON AND OTHER ACCOUNTS To be Sold at a THOMAS & SONS’ GALLERIES 1519-1521 Chestnut Street Piondexs February 24th and following days ee Gata deenouns at 3 o’clock \ ; NOW ON EXHIBITION SAMUEL S. ELLIS Harry Bare Auctioneer Manager 1g02 Terms and Conditions of Sale All bills payable in CASH before delivery. In case of disputes between bidders the lot in dispute shall immediately be put up again and resold. The sale of any Article will not be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibi- tion one ot more days, and are sold just as they are, without recoutse. The auctioneers will not be re- sponsible for correct description, gen- uineness, authenticity or defects, and make no warranty respecting any article sold by them. To prevent errors in delivery, goods cannot be removed without presentation of the bill, and nothing will be delivered during the sale. We will not be respensible for goods damaged in delivering. Goods carefully packed and shipped. Ladies and gentlemen unable to attend the sale can have their buying ’ orders executed by us without extra charge. M. THOMAS & SONS Auctioncers — to eID oO PP Co ae mt S60 IS by pw bo bo po bs “I OF Bm & LO co CATALOGUE First Session Sale Monday Afternoon, February 24th, at 3 o'clock Two Carved Kast India Teakwood Pedestals; marble top Cloisonne on metal jar and cover Two Wedgwood Plaques Two Imperial Austrian Decorated Vases Antique Mahogany Bureau Decorated Rook Table Mahogany Morris Chair Smoker Set and Tray Decorated Vernis-Martin Table Dresden and Ormolu Candlestick Two Bisque Figures Two Small Decorated Sevres Vases Decorated Glass Tankard; pewter top Oak Sideboard ; with mirror back Decorated Tile Cut-glass Decanter Cut-glass Oblong Dish Fine Cut-glass Bow] Fine Cut-glass Flagon Carved East India Teakwood Pedestal Onyx and Bronze Bric-a-brac Cabinet Carved Flemish Oak Table Brass Bedstead Box Spring Mattress Sectional Curled-hair Mattress Set Feather Bolster and Pillows Repousse Brass Wood Box Mahogany [ulaid Musie Cabinet 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 48 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 4 Carved Gilt and Silk Upholstered Chair Oarved Gilt and Silk Upholstered Chair Carved Walnut Hall Chair ; upholstered in fancy cloth Oak and Tapestry Upholstered Davenport Carved Oak Extension Dining Table Hight Carved Oak and Upholstered Dining Room Chairs Twelve Decorated Limoges Plates Decorated Glass Punch Bowl] and 12 Glasses Carved and Leather Upholstered Couch Mahogany Rush Seat Rocker Mahogany Rush Seat Armchair Mahogany Dropleaf Table Bronze Figure, “ The Bird Charmer ” Two Handsomely Decorated Sevres Revolving Vases ; with ormolu mountings Fine Walnut and Gilt Cabinet Four Handsomely Carved Italian Chairs Gilt Cane Seat Chair Fine Mosaic Table Top Fine Mosaic Table Top Bronze Bust, “ Autumn ” Onyx Pedestal ; revolving top Decorated Vernis-Martin Table ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS Antique Kurdistan (0 -xe Sab Antique Guenje 7.2x 3.8 Khorassan Carpet 94x 6.11 Antique Iran Hall Rug 13.6 x 3.2 Antique Iran 5.0 x 3.0 Antique Royal Bokhara Rug 5.8 x 4.4 Antique Shirvan Rug 4.10x 4.0 Antique Kurdistan Rug 6.11 x 3.9 Tran Rug 6.7 x 4.6 65 72 92 Persian Silk 5.9x 4.1 Antique Khiva Rug 8.8 x Ted Antique Feraghan 6.4x 3.8 Antique Hamadan Rug 9.11-x 5.3 Kaiserie Sedjede 6.7 x 4.6 Yarmouth Carpet 12.0 x 7.0 Guenje Rug 5.2x 3.4 Antique Mousoul 79x 3.5 Sarik Rug 6.8x 4.8 Antique Mousoul Hall Lists 32 Antique Anatolian Silk Rug 5.4.x 2.10 Kurdistan Lulé Carpet lib 7.0 Mushkabad Carpet 15.5 x 9.9 Antique Hamadan Rug 6.8 x +41 Yarmouth 10.1 x 6.0 Antique Goerevan Rug §.8x 47 Handsome Flemish Oak Sideboard, with finely carved panel Flemish Oak Extension Dining Table Set 8 Flemish Oak Dining-room chairs; 2 arm and 6 side chairs Flemish Oak Serving Table Flemish Oak 2-door Cabinet Flemish Oak Stand, with gong Flemish Oak Hanging Corner Cabinet Flemish Oak Hanging China Cabinet Flemish Oak Square Table Flemish Oak Dropleaf Breaktast Table Superbly Decorated Sevres Porcelain and Ormolu Clock Set ; 3 pieces Beautifully Decorated Vernis-Martin Table Finely Decorated Victoria Porcelain Breakfast Set ; 54 pieces Fine Antique Mahogany Chippendale Hall Bench Fine Antique Mahogany Chippendale China Cabinet. Seven Finely Decorated Sevres Plates Twelve Decorated Tokio Cups and Saucers 6 Twelve Decorated Tokio Cups and Saucers Fine Antique Chippendale Wine Closet Two Flemish Oak Hall Chairs Two Wedgwood Plaques Carved Flemish Oak Wine Cabinet Decorated Imperial Austrian Tete-a-tete Set and Tray Antique Mahogany Inlaid Bureau ; with mirror Decorated Sevres Porcelain Chocolate Pot Decorated Sevres Porcelain Chocolate Pot Decorated Glass German Wine Set and Tray Two Decorated Glass Flagons Brass Bedstead Box Spring Mattress Sectional Curled Hair Mattress Set Feather Bolster and Pillows Carved Antique Oak Davenport Fine French Inlaid Secretary ; with marble top Carved Italian Marble Bust “ Victorie ” Finely Decorated Barbotine Vase; with ormolu mountings Two Teplitz Figures Handsomely Decorated Vernis-Martin Music Cabinet Finely Carved Antique Mahogany Gothic China Cabinet Porcelain Bowl Twelve Porcelain Plates Handsomely Decorated Limoges Plaque, “The Chal- lenge ” Carved Antique Mahogany Turnover Table Mahogany and Leather Upholstered Rocking Chair Imperial Austrian Tete-a-tete Set and Tray Vernis-Martin Table French Clock in Walnut Case Decorated Glass Cordial Set and Tray Finely Decorated Vernis-Martin Nest Tables Carved Antique Mahogany Bureau ; with oval mirror 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 187 138 139 140 14] 142 148 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 7 ORIENTAL .RUGS AND Antique Bokhara Rug Antique Mousoul Cabistan Antique Cashmere Carpet Anatolian Silk Rug Mushkabad Carpet Antique Shirvan Rug Sarik Sedjede Antigue Persian Hall Mousoul Rug Antique Afghan Carpet Antique Guenje Rug Kerman Rug Serape Carpet Anatolian Silk Rug Antique Hamadan Rug Mushkabad Carpet Persian Rug Kaiserie Antique Guenje Kermanshah Carpet Antique Cabistan Rug Antique Mousoul Tran Hall Persian Iran Silk Rug CARPETS Ajex 211 98x 3.0 92x 3:9 Oe 7e9 3.0 x 2.0 10.8 x 8.8 AT Se Bx) 6.5 x 4.2 14.10 x 3.9 6.38 x 4.0 8.1 x 6.2 54x 4.0 6.8 x 4.5 osGexeleO Boe PG) 6.6 x 4.3 10.0 x 8.6 5.10 x 3.3 Wai. iste! 6.2x 4.5 18.0 x 11.4 49x 3.5 7TALlx 4.1 15.10 x 3.4 tOUX A) 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 71 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 Second Session Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 25th, at 3 o’clock Carved Mahogany Leather Upholstered Rocker Carved Antique Mahogany Armchair; upholstered in silk tapestry Antique Dutch Marquetrie Armchair Antique Dutch Marquetrie Armchair Carved Antique Mahogany Turnover Table Carved Flemish Oak Sideboard Two Decorated Vienna Chocolate Pots Pewter Oblong Fern Dish Decorated Flemish Stein Decorated Flemish Stein Two Decorated Flemish Steins Antique Mahogany Card Table Antique Mahogany Armchair Antique Mahogany Chair Chippendale Folding Screen Two Decorated Glass Pitchers Imperial Austrian Oblong Dish Decorated Vienna Chocolate Pot Antique Inlaid Mahogany Bureau Inlaid Mahogany Music Cabinet Decorated Austrian Berry Set Brass Bedstead Box Spring Mattress Sectional Curled Hair Mattress Set Feather Bolster and Pillows Antique Mahogany Secretary French Gilt Bronze Regulator Decorated Austrian Loving Cup 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 oo 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 20T 2 Finely Carved Mahogany Davenport ; upholstered in Veronese velour Flemish Oak Dropleaf Table Finely Decorated Rook Table; with tray Inlaid Mahogany Water Stand Carved Flemish Oak Piano Bench Handsomely Carved Oak Extension Dining Table Set 8 Oak and Leather Upholstered Dining-room Chairs Handsomely Decorated Green and Gold Dinner Service ; 96 pieces Fine French Bronze Group, “ Le Genie Humain”’ by Rancoulet Two Decorated Glass Flagons Decorated Glass Wine Set and Tray Carved Antique Mahogany Bureau Carved Antique Mahogany Round Table Two Wedgwood Plaques Decorated Limoges Plaque, “ Quail” Beautiful Vernis-Martin Music Cabinet Carved Marble Bust, “ Cesar Augustus ” Antique Mahogany Silk Upholstered Armchair Antique Mahogany Silk Upholstered Chair Inlaid Mahogany Oval Table Carved Antique Mahogany Highboy Carved Antique Mahogany Case Drawers ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS Antique Feraghan Rug 6.5x 4,1 Antique Khiva Rug (alexa 452 Kermanshah Rug 90x 5.3 Sine Rug 6.9x 4.9 Persian Rug S71 x 3.8 Anatolian Door Mat 28x le Antique Iran Carpet 10.11 x 6.6 I 10 Kazak Rug 10x 4:2 Antique Senni Rug 6.7 x 4.3 Antique Anatolian Silk Rug 5.6x 4.0 Antique Khiva Rug T.10. = 7.3 Kermanshah Sedjede Telex, 4:6 Mousoul Rug Ueliex= oul Antique Persian Hall 17.3 x 3.0 Antique Yarmouth Carpet 18.38 x 4.10 Antique Khorassan Carpet 14.0 x 9.10 Antique Iran Rug 6.7 x 4.5 Shirvan Rug 44x 211 Antique Royal Bokhara 5.9x 4.4 Anatolian Silk Rug 45x 3.2 Antique Siné 6.7 x 4.6 Antique Persian 922 310 Antique Samareand Rug 12.7 x 4.10 Antique Khorassan Carpet 12.6 x 10.0 Hamadan Rug 6.7 x 4.7 Black Oak Chamber Suit; comprising bedstead, bureau, chiffonier Flemish Oak Night Stand Flemish Oak Book Shelf French Gilt Regulator; with jeweled dial Sevres and Ormolu Vase Sevres Porcelain Candlestick Decorated Austrian Tete-a-tete Set and Tray Vernis-Martin Round Table ; with finely painted top Fine French Bronze Figure ; “‘ The Dancing Girl ” Mahogany and Upholstered Window Seat Brass Bedstead Box Spring Mattress Sectional Curled Hair Mattress Set Feather Bolster and Pillows Carved Italian Armchair Two Carved Italian Chairs Mahogany Inlaid Upholstered. Davenport 11 Carrara Marble Bust, ‘“‘ Contemplation ” ; by Professor O. Diri Antique Mahogany 2-Column Pedestal Decorated Austrian Loving Cup Green Glass Flagon ; pewter mounted Glass Stein ; pewter mounting Decorated Porcelain Flower Dish Antique Mahogany Snap-top Candle Stand Majolica Jardiniere; with cupids Decorated Cut-glass Cream Pitcher and Sugar Bowl Decorated English Porcelain Fish Set ; 14 pieces Decorated Limoges Plaque, ‘“ Pheasant” Decorated Vienna Plaque Mahogany Single-door Bookcase ; lined with birdseye maple Twelve Handsomely Decorated Limoges Dinner Plates ; gilt decoration Twelve Handsomely Decorated Limoges Breakfast Plates ; gilt decoration Twelve Handsomely Decorated Limoges Bread and Butter Plates ; gilt decoration Traveling Clock and Case Capo di Monte Cup and Saucer Capo di Monte Cup and Saucer Two Bronze Figures, “ The Skaters ” Three Wedgwood Heart-shaped Plaques Glass and Bronze Mounted Cigar Holder Glass and Bronze Mounted Cigarette Holder Glass and Bronze Mounted Match Holder Two Cut-glass Flasks Sixteen Fine Limoges Plates; gilt decorations Twelve Decorated Limoges Bread and Butter Plates Cut-glass Flower Holder Antique Mahogany Sewing Stand Handsomely Decorated Serves Revolving Vase ormolu mountings 12 273 Large and Handsome Bronze Figure, “‘ The Source” ; with electrical attachment 274 Antique Mahogany Bookcase H 275 Decorated Vernis-Martin Table, “The Music | Lesson ” ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS ! 276 Kermanshah Carpet 12.4 x 7.0 | 277 + Mushkabad Carpet 13.9 x 10.8 | 278 Antique Shirvan Kilim 95x. 47 | 279 Antique Iran Hall Rug L035 | 280 Anatolian Silk Rug 3.5 x 2.4 1 281 Sultanabad Carpet 10.9 x 8.8 iy 282 Antique Mousoul Rug 64x 3.10 i 283 Antique Iran Sedjede 6.5 x 4.9 il 284 Guenje Rug 5.8 x 3.5 iH 285 Kermanshah 16.0 x 10.7 f 286 Antique Khiva Rug o1 x 3.4 287 Kaiserie 5.7 x 4.0 i 288 Antique Shirvan 5.9 x 8.6 f 289 Antique Persian Rug 7.3 x 46 | 290 Antique Anatolian Silk Rug 5.5.x 3.10 ij 291 Extra Persian Carpet 16x 38.3 i 292 Antique Iran Rug 6.6x 4.4 293 Anatolian Door Mat 30x 19 | 294 Antique Mousoul Rug 10.10 x 3.6 | 295 India Carpet 13.5 x 10.1 i 296 Kermanshah Rug 6.9x 4,1 4 i" 297 Hamadan Rug 47x 2.8 3 298 Persian Rug 1.2x 3.8 299 Extra Persian Carpet 138.0 x 10.11 300 Persian Silk 6.5x 4.1 18 Third Session Sale Wednesday Afternoon, February 26th, at 3 o’ clock 301 Two Decorated Vienna Vases; square pedestals 302 Green Glass Cordial Set; pewter mounted, pewter tray 3038 Two Empire Fern Dishes 304 Fine Cut-glass Berry Bowl 305 Two Fine Cut-glass Water Bottles 306 Two Fine Cut-glass Decanters 307 Two Fine Cut-glass Flagons 308 Two Fine Cut-glass Cruets 309 Decorated Rook Table 310 Carved Mahogany Upholstered Armchair 311 Carved Antique Mahogany Card Table 312 Carved Antique Mahogany Dressing Stand ; with mirror 313 Two Wedgwood Plaques 314 Gilt Bronze Regulator 315 Two Porcelain Tobacco Jars—‘“ Boots ” 316 Two Gilt Cut-glass Sugar Bowls and Creamer 317 Carved Antique Mahogany Upholstered Armchair 318 Antique Mahogany Chest 319 Two Antique Rush Seat Chairs 320 Carved Flemish Oak Hall Bench 321 Carved Antique Mahogany Centre Table 322 Decorated Limoges Plaque, “ Chickens ” 323 Decorated Austrian Ice Cream Set and Tray 324 Two Decorated Austrian Jars; with covers 325 Decorated Austrian Centre Vase 326 Mahogany Inlaid Music Cabinet 327 Antique Chippendale Secretary Bookcase 330 331 832 333 834 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 544 345 346 347 348 349 350 14 Flemish Oak Hall Bench Brass Bedstead Box Spring Matress Sectional Curled Hair Mattress Set Feather Bolster and Pillows Twelve Decorated Tokio Cups and Saucers Twelve Decorated Austrian Patti Cups and Saucers Decorated Glass Punch Set ; 15 pieces Finely Carved Giltwood and Silk Upholstered Parlor Suit; 3 pieces Finely Carved Giltwood and Silk Upholstered Parlor Suit ; 3 pieces Four-fold Silk Embroidered Screen _Four-fold Silk Embroidered Screen Glass Standing Lamp and Shade Carved East India Teakwood Hall Bench Carved East India Teakwood Armchair Two Carved East India Teakwood Pedestals Carved East India Teakwood Garden Seat Two Carved East [ndia Teakwood Tabourettes Two Carved East India Teakwood Tabourettes Twelve Handsomely Decorated Plates; with portrait of the French nobility Twelve Handsomely Decorated Royal Vienna Plates ; with portraits Carved Wood Bellows Carved Wood Bellows; smaller ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS 851 352 3538 354 355 356 Feraghan Rug 49x 3.4 Antique Mousoul Ctx eli Antique Khiva Rug 73x 4.6 Antique Khiva Carpet 90x 6.8 Tabriz Rug 6.10 x 4.7 Tran Rug 4@x 344 357 358 359 360 361 862 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 SYA BY oe 313 874 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 15 Kazak Rug 6.6 x 4.4 Antique Khorassan Carpet 14.3 x 9.11 Antique Persian Hall Rug 11.7 x 3.7 Anatolian Silk 59x 3.8 Antique Cashmere Carpet i ee ae Antique Mousoul Rug 6.9 x 3.3 Antique Feraghan Rug 6.9 x 4.3 Antique Shirvan Rug 67x BA Kermanshah Rug 6.10 x 4.5 Antique Bokhara Rug 45x 4.5 Antique Kermanshah Carpet 13.10 x 8.4 Guenje Rug TA x at Antique Mousoul Rug 6.6 x 3.6 Antique Anatolian Silk Rug 6.5 x 4.8 Sultanabad Carpet 10.10 x 9.5 Guenje Rug 510 x 34 Antique Iran Rug 6.5 x 3.10 Antique Serebent Hall 12.8 x 2.11 Extra Persian Carpet 10.0 x 9.0 Carved Mahogany and Silk Upholstered Library Suit , 3 pieces Set Tubular Dinner Gongs Repousse Brass Plaque, Joseph Haydn Decorated Porcelain Umbrella Stand Handsomely Decorated Royal Bonn Vase Two Decorated Limoges Plaques Two Decorated Limoges Plaques Carved Antique Mahogany Cheval Glass Fine French broze Figure, “ Aurora” ; with electrical attachment Vernis-Martin Table Carved Mahogany and Silk Upholstered Parlor Suit ; 3 pieces Willard Clock Bronze Panoply Sconce Two Superbly Decorated Revolving Sevres Vases ; with ormolu mountings 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 16 Vernis-Martin Pedestal Vernis-Martin Pedestal Handsomely Upholstered Wing Chair Fine French Bronze Figure, “ Nuit de Printemps ” Onyx and Bronze Pedestal Fine Mahogany Library Table; with ormolu mount- ings Handsomely Cut-glass Flower Vase Handsomely Cut-glass Flower Vase Beautiful Decorated Sevres Vase Beautiful Decorated Sevres Vase Handsomely Decorated Royal Vienna Revolving Vase Two Empire Fern Dishes Fine Egyptian Marble and Bronze Clock Set; 3 Pieces Decorated Imperial Austrian Game Set and Tray ; 18 pieces Two Vienna Chocolate Pots Decorated Rook Music Cabinet Decorated Rook Table Antique Mahogany Empire Bureau ; with oval mirror Decorated Vienna Berry Set and Tray ; 7 pieces Decorated Austrian Berry Set and Tray ; 7 pieces Two German Pottery Plaques, ‘ Castles ” Decorated Limoges Plaque Repousse Brass Wood Box Carved Antique Mahogany High Post Bedstead Handsomely Carved Round Mahogany Extension Dining-room Table Set 8 Mahogany and Leather Dining-room Chairs Twelve Handsomely Decorated Sevres Plates Large and Handsome Cut-glass Punch Bowl Cut-glass Platteau Large Handsome Cloisonne on Metal Jardiniere Plated Meat Dish and Cover Antique Mahogany Case Drawers 7 422 Two Carved Gilt and Upholstered Armchairs ; with cushions 423 Handsomely Carved Gilt Armchair 424 Handsomely Carved Gilt Armchair 425 Mahogany Music Cabinet ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS 426 Antique Mousoul hg Ee cea Sd 427 Antique Bokhara Rug 6.4 x 4.10 428 Fine Sarik Rug 6.6x 4.2 429 Guenje Rug 6.0 x 3.4 430 Anatolian Silk Carpet 8.6x 5.7 431 Antique Afghan Carpet 8.11 x 6.8 ' 432 Kuaiserie Rug 5.38 x 38.5 433 Antique Shirvan Rug 5.10 x 3.9 434 Anatolian Silk Rug 5.5x 3.11 435 Antique Yarmouth Carpet 10.8 x 6.8 436 Mushkabad 10.2 x 6.10 437 Kermanshah Carpet 14.8 x 9.10 438 Kerman Rug f Ue ee 15) 439 Antique Iran Hall 13.8 x 3.3 440 Mushkabad Carpet 10.5 x 8.10 441 Antique Mousoul Rug 8.4x 4.3 442 Antique Bokhara Rug 53x 4.6 443 Anatolian Silk Rug 3.0 x 2.0 444 Guenje Rug 7.5 x 3.10 445 Bergama Rug 5.11 x 4.10 446 Antique Serebent Hall 15.9 x 3.8 447 Goerevan Rug 6.5 x 4.7 448 Tabriz Sedjede 5.10 x 4.6 449 Hamadan Rug - BAO xe Ao 450 Anatolian Door Mat 2.10x 1.10 18 Fourth Session Sale Thursday Afternoon, February 27th, at 3 o’clock il| 451 Antique Mahogany Wine Closet il 452 Carved Antique Mahogany Tabourette i 453 Vernis-Martin Table; painted top—“The Music | Lesson ” Hi) 454 Twelve Decorated Limoges Plates il 455 Twelve Decorated Limoges Plates ; smaller 456 ‘Twelve Decorated Limoges Bread and Butter Plates 457 Two Empire Bronze and Glass Jewel Holders 458 Decorated Glass Goblet 459 Two Decorated Glass Steins 460 Decorated Glass Stein 461 Two Decorated Glass Steins 462 ‘Twelve Decorated After-dinner Cups and Saucers 463 Twelve Decorated Mugs | 464 Black Oak Drop Leaf Breakfast Table ii 465 Carved Antique Mahogany Sewing Cabinet i 466 Mahogany and Gilt Half Round Table i 467 Two Decorated Glass Steins ; pewter top il 468 Decorated Glass Wine Set and Tray 469 Two Decorated Vienna Vases bth 470 Decorated Rook Table hy 471 Decorated Cut and Gilt Glass Pitcher 472 Decorated Cut and Gilt Glass Pitcher 473 Handsome Brass Bedstead 474 Box Spring Mattress 475 Sectional Curled Hair Mattress 476 Set Feather Bolster and Pillows -477 Handsomely Carved Mahogany and Upholstered Divan 19 478 Six Handsomely Decorated Vienna Cups and Saucers 479 Twelve Decorated Austrian Patti Cups and Saucers 480 Decorated Glass Jewel Box 481 Dresden Porcelain and Bronze Candlestick 482 Carved Flemish Oak Bureau ; with oval mirror 483 Carved Flemish Oak Chiffonier 484 Carved Flemish Oak Clothes Tree 485 Vernis-Martin Cabinet Table , 486 Vernis-Martin Cabinet Table 487 Fine French Bronze Figure, “ Nuitsde Printemps” 488 Onyx and Bronze Pedestal 489 Handsomely Carved Mahogany Parlor Suit ; 3 pieces ; Upholstered in Veronese velour 490 Vernis-Martin Table 491 Carved Antique Mahogany Cheval Glass 492 Bonn Porcelain Umbrella Stand 493 Cloissonne on Metal Jardiniere 494 Walnut Case Gong Clock 495 Two Brass Candlesticks 496 Villeroy Porcelain Ornament—Rhinocerus 497 Carved Antique Mahogany Lowboy 498 Large Nuremberg Punch Bowl 499 Large Nuremberg Punch Bowl 500 Carved Antique Mahogany Pier Table, with Mirror ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS 501 Antique Kazak 5.3 x 2.10 502 Persian Hall Rug 10.7 x 3.2 503 Shirvan Rug 5.38x 38.9 504 Kurdistan Rug 54x 3.0 505 Antique Iran Rug 6.6 x 3.9 506 Mousoul Rug os er 507 Mousoul Rug 6.10 x 4.0 508 Turkey Kerman Carpet 7.3 x 12.2° 509 Kermanshah Rug 6.0 x 4.5 ¥ 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 525A 526 527 528 529 030 531 532 533 d34 539 536 5387 538 539 540 041 Kurdistan Rug 911x 42 Persian Carpet 10.2 x 10.4 Fereghan Carpet Six Ta Silk Rug 62x 4.6 Gulistan Carpet 14.10 x 10.6 Tran Rug 6.5 x 3.7 Mousoul Hall 99x 3.4 Cashmere Rug 98x 6.4 Cashmere Rug 1022 x U1 Ghiordes Carpet 14.5 x 10.0 Persian Carpet 16.3x 9.0 Persian Carpet P26 x. -9:3 Kazak Rug 6.5x 4.6 Persian Carpet 10.9 x 8.4 Gulistan Carpet 16.9 x 11.0 Persian Carpet 16.1 x 10.5 Persian Crrpet 13.6 x 11.4 Carved Mahogany High Case Clock; Elliott move- ment, tubular chimes Porcelain Jardiniere ; fruit in relief French Marqueterie Cabinet Marble Top Gilt and Tapestry Upholstered Leuis XV Armchair Large Upholstered Armchair Decorated Limoges Plaque Decorated Limoges Plaque Vernis-Martin Desk Vernis-Martin Bric-a-brac Table Beautifully Decorated Royal Vienna Vase : Empire Card Receiver French Gilt Regulator Beautifully Decorated Dresden Tete-a-tete Set and Tray Two Gilt Bronze Figures ; with onyx base Carved Antique Mahogany Double Library Table Carved Gilt Wood Parlor Suit ; 3 pieces. upholstered in satin damask 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 5624 56238 562¢ 563 564 565 566 567 568 21 Fine Carrarra Marble Figure, “ The Sunflower ” by Batacchi Prato Marble Pedestal Marble Top Fine Bronze Bust, *‘ The Caucasian ”’ Carved East India Teakwood Pedestal Marble Top Decorated Vernis-Martin Table Carved East India Teakwood and Pearl Inlaid Hall Seat Carved East India Teakwood and Pearl Inlaid Table Carved Japanese Dressing Table ; with 3 mirrors Carved Mahogany Round Table Handsome Decorated Sevres Revolving Vase Handsome Decorated Sevres Revolving Vase Superbly Decorated Royal Vienna Table ; with 12 handsomely : painted medallions and painted centre plate Astrakhan Lined Coat Fine Cloisonne on Metal Jar ; with cover Carved Mahogany Upholstered Library Suit; 3 pieces Twelve Limoges Plates Decorated ; with orchids Twelve Limoges Plates Decorated ; with orchids Decorated Limoges Plaque, “ Indians Twelve Limoges Plates ; with blue and gilt border Decorated Vernis-Martin Table Two Single Brass Bedsteads Two Box-Spring Mattresses Two Curled Hair Mattresses Two Sets Feather Bolster and Pillows Porcelain Umbrella Stand, “ Frog ” Mahogany Drop-Leaf Table Bronze Figure, by Fapubatte; with electrical attach- ment Chippendale 3-fold Screen ; with tapestry panels Bronze Standing Lamp; with electrical attachment and lace shade Rook Musie Cabinet 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 56 597 598 599 600 22 Decorated Austrian Chocolate Pot; yellow and gilt decoration Decorated Austrian Chocolate Pot; red and gilt deco- rations Small Empire Jardiniere Twelve Decorated Patti Cups and Saucers Decorated Austrian Ice Cream Set and Tray Decorated Glass Wine Set and Tray Two Decorated Austrian Cracker Jars Carved Ivory Miniature Armchair Carved Ivory Miniature Rocking Chair Carved Ivory Miniature Parlor Suit; 5 pieces Ormolu Jewel Box ; with painted porcelain Ormolu Jewel Box ; with painted porcelain Sevres Porcelain and Ormolu Clock Decorated Rook Musie and Curio Cabinet Hand Mirror ; with painted porcelain Hand Mirror ; with ivory miniature Small Ormolu Jewel Box ; with ivory miniature Ivory Miniature, “ Madam La Bron ” Ivory Miniature, “ Baronesse de Courseulilles’”’ Ivory Miniature, “ Madam de Greuze ” Ivory Miniature, “ Mme. de Belaunay ”’ Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Ivory Miniature Fifth Session Sale Friday Afternoon, February 28th, at 3 o’clock PAINTINGS ” PICARDET, L. Paris 601 A Spring Morning ‘(“PERBOYRE, PAUL EMILE LEON Paris Pupil of Bonat, Tony Robert Fleury and Domingo 602 Aide de Camp de Marechal et Officier d’Ordnance del _Empereur TORRES, ANTONIO Paris 603 Spanish Beauty QUINTON, CLEMENT Paris Medals: Paris, 1890 and 1892, Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists 604 On the Seine CAILLE, LEON Paris Born at Merville, 1836. Pupil of Cogniet. Won wide popu- larity by his work in genre, characterized by careful execution and an attractive style and color. Member of the Society of French Artists 605 A Young Mother BERTRAND, P. Paris ~~ Medals: Paris, Third Class, 1889. Second Class, 1890. Prix Marie Bashkirtseff, 1890. Medal Bronze, 1900, Exposition Univer- selle. Hors Concours. Member of tse Society of French Artists 606 Landscape near Toulon 24 LESUR, VICTOR HENRI Medals: Paris, 1887. Bour: 1889. Exposition Universelle. Paris se de Voyage, 1887. Bronze Medal, Hors Concours 607 At the Quai, Paris, in 1775 KREYDER, ALEXIS Paris Medals: Paris, 1867, 1884 and 1889, Exposition Universelle, Grand Cross of the Le gion of Honor, 1896. Hors Concours, Mem- ber of the Society of French Artists 608 Fruit BODOY, L. Paris 609 Running Well MUSIN, AUGUST Brussels Pupil of Francois Musin and P. J. Clays 610 A Calm on the Scheldt MATHIEU, GABRIEL Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1895. Member of the Society of French Artists 611 On the Banks of the Dordogne, France SANTORO, RUBENS Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1896 612 Canal della Latte, Venice CABALLERO, M. J. Paris 618 An Interesting Book HAQUETTE, GEORGES Born at Paris Paris Salon, Medals: Paris Member of the Society “The Departure’? was presented to the City of Pupil of Miller and Cabanel. 1880; Boston, 1883; Nice, 1884. of French Artists, His painting entitled purchased by the French government and Dieppe 614 Scudding for Home 25 WOOD, ODGEN Paris 615 Landscape and Cattle JAG PAY seal Paris . Medals: Paris, 1870; Second Class, 18738 ; Silver medal, 1889 ; Exposition Universelle, Silver Medal, 1900. Exposition Univer- selle, Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists 616 Plains du Toretz, Loire, France FABRES, ANTOINE Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1895; Silver Medal, 1903, Expo- sition Universelle 617 The Little Merchant GIRARDET, JULES Paris Medals: Paris, Third Class, 1881; Medal, Bronze, 1889. Exposition Universelle, Silver Medal, 1889. Exposition Univer- selle, Legion of Honor, 1892. Hors Concours 618 Milking Time JACQUE, EMILE Paris Pupil of his father. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889. Men- tion Honorable, 1889. Exposition Universelle 619 The Lost Huntsman 6 ADAN, LOUIS EMILE Paris Medals: Paris, 1875 and 1882. Silver Medal, Universal Expo- sition, 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Hors Con- cours. Member of the Society of French Artists 620 The Children’s Offering /? 0 HART, EMILY Pass ; Pupil of Jean Aubert 621 Ideal Head ———— 26 ) JACQUET, J.G. | Paris Born in Paris in 1846. Exhibited at the Salon when but twenty years of age. Medal in 1868. Legion of Honor, 1879 622 Luciana LEROY, JULES Born in Paris. Pupil of Jules Goupil 623 Kittens LESUR, V. HENRY Paris Paris Born at Roubrix, Medals, 1887, 1889, 1900. Hors Coucours 624 Marchande de Fleurs FRIEDENBERG, W. 6244 The Music Lesson FABRES, ANTONIO Born at Barcelona. Medals at Salons, 1895, 1900 625 La Toilette PEREZ, ALONZO Born at Saragossa, Spain. Exhibitor at the Salons 626 The Rainy Day PERRAULT, LEON Medal, Salon of 1864, 1876. Legion of Honor, 1887 627 Mignon SANTORO, RUBENS Born in Mongrassens, near Cosenza, Italy in 1843 628 San Giovanni, Naples Paris Paris Paris Paris Venice 27 i / ¢ KRAMER, P. nh fs 629 Trying Wine Aur 4 4 } STEVENS, ALFRED Paris “4 Born in Brussels. Third Class Medal, 1853. Second Class Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1855. Knight of the Legion of Honor, 1863. First Class Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Prize, @Jniversal Exhibition, Paris, 1889 and 1900 , ; i 630 View in Bordighera }: yer A Jf lyr ‘.. a Hague "ERE i , i A j i VROLYK, J. H. 5 631 Young Bull Kae denn ppl bs pana JIMENEZ, LOUIS Paris Born, Seville, Spain. Third Class Medal, 1887. Grand Prize, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1889. Knight of the Legion of “, iy Honor, 1889 Fy Rail Ma %, opt ft au sy 632 The New Dress i“ Wii K's gent i Re PINTO, SOUZA Paris Born Island of Terceira, Portugal. Honorable Mention, 1883. : Silver Medal, Paris, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Knight of the Legion of Honor, Member of the Jury for the Paris Uni Exhibition, 1900 i 633 Boy with Boat ( od : ‘ LIVEBR AROCORERE Paris Pupil o of Bd@frguereau. Ponce Mention, ,1886. Honor- able Mention, Paris Universal Exhibition, 1889 ie %.. Mm t f nto 634 Port de Larmor C ne . ii Vv bolt " CASANOVA Y ESTORAOTT, A. (deceased) y BAe Born at Tortosa, Spain av my 635 For the Church nail © ug capes i y" a F i WN ~ BOLDINI, JAN Paris Born at Ferrara, Italy. Grand Prix, Paris. Universal Exhibi- tion, 1889. Knight of the Legion of Honor, i889. Grand "EA, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1900 - — ey: 636 Song of the Birds ** ; bs vy nth // LOUYOT, ED. phy - Monieh 637 Child’s Head Cy ? a ‘ TAMBURINI, A. ».\ Florence, Italy 638 The Old Wine j beer Ae ww oo ~ “BERAUD IRAN oom Paris A Born in St. Pétersburg, Russia, of French parents, Third Class Medal, 1882. Second Class Medal, 1883. Knight of the Legion of Honor, 1887. Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1889. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1894. Member of the Jury for the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1900 639 After the Opera re r y) wy [As ‘ fa 9. BRETON, VIRGINIE DEMONT Paris XA Daughter and Pupil of Jules Breton. Born at Courriéres, France. “Honorable Mention, 1880. Third Class Medal, 1881. Second Class Medal, 1883. Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1889. Knight of the Legion of Honor, 1894. Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1900 & ; f Fab P89 om oe fy yg a Se 6 et “Al a L BENARD, HENRI , Paris Pupil of Carolus Duran : N % 641 Flower Girl Yi vY * qi wr JACQUE, CHARLES (deceased) s. Paria Born, 1813. Died,.1894 fF ut 642 Sheepfold ; ei ie Nee Paris Son and Pupi of Ch. Jacque. Born at Epernay, France. i Honorable Mention, 1889. Honorable Mention, Universal Exipbi- git tion, 1889 v, wo Mist 643 La Meule de Blé CAs ; GIRARD, FIRMAN. Paris Medals; Paris, Third Class, 1863; Second Class, 1874. Medals, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Legion of Honor, 1896. Bronze Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists Hors Concours. 644 Inquiring the Way GROLLERON, PAUL Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1882. Medais: 1886, 1889 and 1894. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. 645 “New Vork, 1881 ¥Issued at $20. 1116 1117 1118 IS 62 Salon. Catalogue. Illustré par Dumas. early 1000 illustrations of Salon Paintings. 21 vols., 8vo, half crimson calf. Paris, 1879-97. *A complete set of this valuable publication. Scharf, J. Thomas and Westcott Thompson. History of Philadelphia, 1609-1884. Illustrated. 3 vols., Imperial 8vo, cloth, half Russia, gilt. Philadelphia, 1884. *Subscription price, $30. Scott.’ Waverly Novels and Poems. With 300 original etchings, 85 Cruikshank plates, and 60 other full-page photogravures, together 395 plates on Japan paper. Edited by Andrew Lang. 54 vols, 8vo, cloth. Estes, Boston. *New Abbbotsford, limited edition, 1000 sets. New large type, laid paper. Finest edition of Scott in existence. Shakespeare. Edited by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. Portraits. Elegantly bound in tree calf, colored and lettered titles, gilt backs. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1869. *Magnificent Library Edition. Spencer, Herbert. Complete Works of. Illustrated. 15 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Appleton, New York. *New limited subscription edition. Stewart Dugald. The Collected Works of. Edited by Sir William Hamilton. With a Biographical Memoir and Supplemental Volume. Portrait. 11 vols., 8vo, half green calf, gilt, top edges gilt. Edinburgh, 1854. Sue, Eugene, Works of. With 100 full-page eteh- ings on Japan paper. 20 vols., 8vo, cloth, Boston, The new, fine and only subscription edition, Switzerland, Gallery of the Celebrated Landscapes of. With 100 full-page photographs. Large 8vo, gilt side and edges. London. Thackeray. Full-page photogravure and 210 woodcuts. New type. 20 vols., 12mo, half morocco, Estes, Boston. * Colonial edition. Issued by subscription, Taylor, W. Historie Survey of German Poetry. With various Translations. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1830. 63 1126 Tennyson, Poems of. Edited by Prof. Rolfe. 100 superb illustrations on Japan paper. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston. * Limited to 1000 sets. Best illustrations and best edition in every way. 1126a Vaughan, Robert. Revolutions in English History, 8 vols, 1859; England Under the Stuarts, 2 vols.; 1840; Protectorate of Cromwell, 2 vols., 1839; The Stuart Dynasty, 2 vols., 1831; Corruption of Christianity, 1834. Together 10 vols , 8vo, new half crimson morocco. London. MEMOIRS 1127 Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography. Edited by J. G. Wilson and John Fiske. Por- traits. 7 vols., royal 8vo, half calf. New York, 1888-1900. * Subscription Edition. 1127 Addison. Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Essays, ete. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1794. 1128 Blaine, James G. ‘Twenty Years in Congress. Por- trails. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, Norwich, Conn., 1884. 1129 Belsham’s (W.) Memoirs of the Reign of George III, from his Accession to the Peace of Amiens. Library Edition. 8 vols., 8vo, boards. 18153. 1130 Chambers, Robt. Lives of Ilustrious and Distin- guished Scotsmen, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Numerous fine engraved por- traits. 8 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut. Glasgow, 1833. Very scarce in this state. First edition. 1130a Talloux, Count De, Memoirs of. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1888. 1131 Kirkland, F. Encyclopedia of Commercial and Business Anecdote. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. New York 1864. 1182 Lincoln. Nicolay and Hay. Jllustrated. 10 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Century. New York, 1890. * Subscription Edition. 1133 1134 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 11438 1144 1145 64 NAPOLEONA ° Ashton. English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. With 116 illustrations by the author. 2 vols., 8vo, uncut. New York, 1884. Battle of Waterloo. Accounts by British and Foreign Authorities. Plan and 2 large folded views. 8vo, calf. London, 1815. *Scarce contemporary account. Dumoriey, Gen. Life of contemporary biography. 8 vols., Svo, three-fourth levant. London, 1796. Floyd, H. E. Sketch of the Life of Alexander I, Portrait. 8vo, three-fourth levant. London, 1826. Miles, Wm. A., Correspondence of, on the French Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo, three-fourth crimson levant, gilt top. London, 1890. Napoleonic Medals. Complete series. Numerous plates, with notices. Folio, half morocco. London, 1837. O’Meara. Historical Memoirs of Napoleon. Book IX, 1815. 8vo, half calf. London, 1820. Paul’s Letters to His Kinsfoll. 8vo, half cloth. Edinburgh, 1817. *Treats of Napoleon and his battles. Napoleonic Memoirs. Life of Napoleon; Hazlitt, 4 vols.; Bourienne’s Memoirs, 4 vols.; Madame Junot’s Memoirs, 6 vols. With numerous full- page illustrations on Japan paper. 16 vols., 8vo, cloth. Napoleon Society, New Vork. *Limited to 1000 sets. Saint-Amand. Famous Women of the French Court. Illustrated. 4 vols., 12mo, cloth. New York, Tallyrand. Correspondence with Louis XVIII. By Pallain. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. London, 1881. View of French Campaigns in Russia in 1812. Map. 8vo, half morocco. 1813. Wellington. The Dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, during his Various Cam- paigns from 1799 to 1818, with Index. 13 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1827-29. 65 QUARTOS 11454 Age We Live In. History of the Nineteenth Cen- tury. By Joseph Taylor. 38 steel portraits and views. 7 vols., 4to, cloth. London. SCARCE ORNITHOLOGICAL WORK 1146 Albin, E. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseau, Ornée de 306 Estampes, ete., ete. 306 finely colored plates. 8 vols., royal 4to, neat old calf, with royal coat of armson side. La Hage, 1740. 1147 Architecture in Italy, from the Sixth to the Eleventh Century, Historical and Critical Researches, by Raffaelo Cattaneo, translated by the Countess Isabel Curtes-Cholmeley in Bermani, with pho- togravure frontispiece, and over 169 illustrations. Crown 4to, parchment. 1896. 1148 Ancient Art: A History. Translated from the German of Winckelman, by G. H. Lodge. Numerous full-page illustrations. 4 vols. in 2. 4to, finely bound in half rough-grained morocco, gilt tops, front edges uncut. Boston, 1880. Limited and Special Edition. Only 100 printed. 1149 Bartolozzi and His Works, by A. W. Tuer. A Bio- graphical and Descriptive Account of the Life and Career of Francesco Bartolozzi. Illustrated. 2 vols., 4to, vellum, gilt top, uncut. London and New York, 1881. * Scarce work. 1150 Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Being for the most part contributions from Union and Con- federate sides. Profusely illustrated. 4 vols., 4to, half Russia. Century Co., New York * Subscription work. 1151 Berlin Gallery, The. 125 full-page steel plates of the principal churches, buildings, ete., with a selection of subjects from the “Royal Picture Gallery.” 4to, morocco, extra. 1152 Bement, W. B. Catalogue of Works of Art. Illustrated. 4to, half morocco. New York. Philadelphia, 1884. 66 1153 Bonaparte, Chas. L. American Ornithology. #1 full-page finely colored plates of birds not in Wilson. 3 vols., 4to, half bound. Philadelphia, 1825-28. *Scarce. 1154 British Theatrical Gallery—a Collection of Whole- length Portraits, with Biographical Notices by D. Terry, Esq. Published by H. Berthoud, Jr. 4to, calf, (rubbed). London, 1822 *Twenty very fine and scarce portraits—Mr. Kean as Crloster ; Mr. Knight; Mr. Harley; Mr. Young; Mlle Noblet; Miss Smithson; Mrs. Siddons; Miss Copeland; Mrs. S. Booth; Mrs. Bland, etc. Engraved by R. Cooper. 11544 Buffon. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. Beautifully illustrated with 1008 plates, richly colored. A very desirable edition. This copy has the plates .in separate covers, and lacks plates numbered 6, 12, 165, 263, 334. 10 vols., 4to, boards, uncut. Paris, 1770-1786. 1155 Burns. 32 reproductions of rare portraits and views connected with life of Burns. 4to, portfolio. Privately printed, 1900. 11554 Campfire and Battlefield. History of Our Great Civil War, by R. Johnson. Hndreds of full- page and fine photogravures. 4to, full Russia, gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1896. Sold by subscription. The most artistically illustrated book of its kind. ; 1156 Caulfield, James. Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the End of the Reign of George II. 4 vols., 4to, uncut. London, 1819-20. 1157 Eggleston, HK. Christ in Art. Full-page plates by Bida, and cuts in teat. 4to, morocco. New York, 1875. 1158 De Baye. The Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons. 17 steel plates, 30 cuts. 4to, cloth. London, 1893. 1159 1160 1161 1162 1164 1165 ed 67 FRENCH REVOLUTION D’Héricault, Charles. La Revolution, 1789-1882. Avee Appendices par Saint-Albin, Victor Pierre et Arthur Loth. Numerous colored reproductions of famous paintings «nd facsimiles and several hundred wood engravings from rare prinis, ete. 4to, bound by Alfred Matthews in half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1883. Don Quixote. Translated from the Spanish by Thos. Jarvis, with 96 full page plates by Vander- bank and Vendersucht. 2 vols, 4to, calf. London, 1756. Rare old edition. Copies have sold for $45. Free translation. Dusseldorf Gallery. ‘‘ Catalogue Raisonne ”’ of this famous collection. Illustrated with 30 large plates, containing 865 engravings, with the full dimensions of each of the original paintings. Oblong 4to, full morocco, gilt sides and back, gilt edges. Basle, 1778. Choice copy of this famous collection. France. Its Splendors, Mysteries, Monuments, ete. 400 tinted plates. 4to, half morocco. 1897. Fenelon. The Adventures of Telemachus. With 24 beautiful oval plates, style of Bartolozzi. 4to, morocco. London, 1792. Hamerton, Philip G. Landscape. With full-page original etchings and other illustrations. Royal 4to, vellum paper, boards, uncut. London, 1885. *Large paper copy only 525 printed. VICTOR HUGO’S GOLDEN BOOK Blemont, E. Le Livre d’Or de Victor Hugo par L’Elite des Artistes et des Ecrivains Contempo- rains. With 126 full-page photoyravures, proofs before letters, and numerous fine woodeuts in the text. Thick 4to, half morocco. _ Librairie Artistique, Paris, 1883. *Edition de Luxe. No. 826, of a limited edition of 1025 copies. ‘The illustrations are py the best artists of France, and the work generally is a masterpiece. 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 ‘1171 1172 11738 1174 68 Ireland, Picturesque. A Literary and Artistic delineation of its Scenery, Antiquities and Build- ings. By John Savage. Maps steel plates and woodcuts. 4to, morocco extra, King, T. H. The Study-Book of Mediseval Archi- tecture and Art. 400 plates containing about 4000 illustrations. 4 vols., imperial 4to, half morocco. London, 1868. * Important architectural work. Published at $60. Latham, John. A General Synopsis of Birds. Illustrated with numerous copper plates of birds, with supplements and index. 10 vols., 4to, half Russia, gilt, marbled edges. London, 1781-5. Leech, John. Pictures of Life and Character. A series of nearly 8000 humorous sketches. The five series complete. 5 vols., oblong folio, cloth. London. Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads. Numer- ous fine woodcuts, illuminated title and colored borders by Owen Jones. 4to, cloth. Murray, London, 1842. *Celebrated edition of a famous work. London. Malcolm, J. P. Anecdotes of the Man- ners and Customs of London during the Eigh- teenth Century. With 50 plates. 4to, half calf. London, 1808. * Includes the 12 rare colored costume portraits. Longfellow, Henry W., Poetical Works of. Pro- fusely and elegantly illustrated. 3 vols., 4to, cloth. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. *Finest illustrated edition in the world. This set has extra volume (3). Lossing, Benj. Our Country, History of United States. Illustrated by Darley. 8 vols., 4to, cloth. New York. Miscellanea Graphica. Representations of Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Remains in the Posses- sion of Lord Londesborough. Drawn, engraved and described by Fred W. Fairholt. Historical Introduction by Thomas Wright. 44 plates, some in gold and colors. 4to, cloth. London, 1857. 69 1175 Munich Gallery. Being 120 full-page plates from Royal Collections at Pinakothek and Leuchten- berg Gallery, with historic account of same. 4to, morocco extra. New York. 1176 Musee Napoleon. 300 Engravings by Piroli. 4 vols., 4to, cloth. Paris, 1804. 1177. Museum de Florence. Engravings of Antique Gems, Statues, Paintings, etc. 800 curious plates. 8 vols., 4to, half calf. Paris, 1787. 1178 Our National Cathedrals. Their History and Archi- tecture from their Foundation to Modern Times, with accounts of modern restorations, carefully compiled and revised with the aid of dignitaries of the Anglican Chureh. Illustrated with 169 colored plates and woodcuts. 8 vols., 4to, 1890. 1179 Ottley, Wm. Y. An Inquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engraving upon Copper and Wood, with an Account of Engravers. Fac- similes of old engravings. 2 vols., 4to, calf backs. London, 1816. 11794 Our Life Illustrated by Pen and Pencil. Pretty engravings by Gilbert, Nicholls, Du Maurier, ete. 8vo. London, N, D. 1180 Pennant, Thos. Antiquarian and picturesque works. With numerous engravings of castles, abbeys, antiquity, natural history, etc. 18 vols., 4to, calf. London, 1791, etc. *Bookplates of Jas. Hatch in each volume. 1181 Salway, Charlotte M., (nee Birch). Fans of Japan, with au Introduction by William Anderson. Mustrated with 10 full-page plates in colors, and 89 illustrations throughout the text. Royal 4to. 1894. 1182 Science for Al. Four hundred independent articles on Science, written for the popular reader and ¢lus- trated with some 1000 figures. 5 vols., calf. London and New York, 1888. The pathway to knowledge is so hedged in with technicali- ties and formulas, that the general reader is deterred from invad- ing its domains ; these are removed in Science for All. 1183 1184 1185 1186 1188 1189 1190 70 Scott, W. B. Antiquarian Gleanings in the North of England. 38 colored plates. 4to, half morocco. elater, P. i. Monograph of the Jacanars and Puff Birds ; or, Families Galbulidee and Buccondie. 56 colored plates. 4to, half morocco. London, 1882. Seilheimer, Geo. O. History of the American. Theatre. 3 vols., 4to, cloth. Harper, New York, 1896. * Limited issue. Shaw. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages. From Seventh to Seventeenth Century. 94 fine engravings, mostly finely colored. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1858. * This copy has head pieces, colored. Smith, Chas. J. Historical and Literary Curiosities. Facsimiles, Original Documents, Portraits, Views, etc. 100 plates. 4to, half morocco. London, 1875. Sommerville, Maxwell. Engraved Gems. Their History and an Elaborate View of their Place in Art. 05 plates of many figures. 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1889. ee « This copy has the description of the ‘‘Triumph of Constan- tine.’ Sterne. A Sentimental Journey. I2 full-page and 220 other illustrations by Maurice Leloir. Royal 4to. 1885. * Large pages. Limited to 1000. United States Army and Navy. Numerous Jinely colored plates. Oblong, 4to, cloth. 1900. * Subscription work, Zoological Atlas. Anatomy of Vertebrates and In- vertebrates. By M’Alpine. Colored plates. 2 vols., oblong 4to, cloth. Edinburgh, 1881. 11938 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 71 FOLIOS Army and Navy of the United States, from the Period of the Revolution to the Present Day ; a Record of the Formation, Organization and Gen- eral Equipment of the Land and Naval Forces of the Republic, by William Walton and others. With numerous illustrations, full-page colored plates and. cuts in the teat (on India paper.) 11 vols. Barrie, Philadelphia. *Limited Subscription Edition. Finest work published on United States Army. Architecture. The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy, from the time of Constantine to the Fif- veenth Century. With an Introduction and Text by Henry Gally Knight, sq. F.RS., F.R.A. With ornamental borders on title pages by Owen Jones. 2 vols., folio, half morocco (binding loose). London, 1848. This work cost the owner $40. Artistic Houses. Being a series of 200 fine, full- page views of the interior of the most beautiful homes in the United States. 4 vols., large folio, cloth. : Appleton, New York. *Extremely fine. Now scarce. Only 500 issued to subscribers at $250. Unbound. Art. The National Gallery : from the best pictures in that celebrated collection by Murillo, Rubens, Vandyck, Gainsborough, Reynolds, Rembrandt. Full-page plates, engraved in the finest line man- ner, with description. Folio, half morocco. London, 1846. RARE BIBLE PLATES Bible Plates. Historie Celebriores Veteris et Novi Testamenti iconibus representatee et ad excitandas bonas meditationes selectis Epigrammatibus exor- nate in lucem date a Chr. Weigelio Noriberge. 282 beautiful copper-plates by Lan Luyken, etc. Large folio, stamped pigskin. 1708. Bida. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Upwards of 100 fine full-page etchings. Proof plates. 4 vols., folio, cloth. * Undoubtedly the finest series of etched. plates ever pro- duced in illustration of the Bible. 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 72 Black’s Atlas of the World. Folio, half morocco, gilt edge. Edinburgh, 1870. *Best library atlas. Blair, R. The Grave, with 12 etchings by Blake. Folio, half morocco. London, 1813. Scarce. Brispat, Abbe. Life of Jesus Christ. With 130 engravings on India paper. 2 vols., large folio, half morocco. Paris, 1853. SPANISH ANTIQUITIES -Carderera Y Solano, V. Plates in gold and colors. é , g Inconographia Espanola, Coleccion de Retratros, Hstatuas, Mausoleos, ete. 84 fine plates, some being beautifully colored and heightened in gold. 2 vols., royal folio, half (Spanish) calf, gilt top. Madrid, 1855-1864. The author, who was also the proprietor, printed but a very small edition of this grand work, the darling fruit. of his con- stant studies, on the production of which he lavished time and money with an unsparing hand. Catlin. North American Indian, portfolio. 341 folio tinted plates, exhibiting the manners and customs. Royal folio, half morocco. *This work now rarely appears for sale. EMBLEMS Cats, Jacob. Alle de Wercken. Numerous emble- matical cuts. 2 vols. in 1, folio cloth. Amsterdam, 1712. *Clean copy of this famous Dutch poet of the people, with clear impressions of the engravings, many very humorous. Central American Antiquities. 20 plates with de seriptions. Folio, half morocco. New York, 1883. * Issued at $25. Century Dictionary. An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language, with book of names. 7 vols., 4to, cloth. New York. The original subscription edition. Chef D’ceuvre. Art of the International Exhibition of 1878 (Paris). Hull-page photogravures and wood cuts. Folio, morocco. Barrie, Philadelphia, 1880. 73 1208 Coney, J. Architectural Beauties of Continental Europe, in a Series of Views engraved from his own Drawings taken on the spot. Descriptions by H. E, Lloyd. 28 plates and 56 vignettes, all India paper impressions. Folio, half roan (title spotted), London, 1831. 1209 Decorative Art. L’Art pour Tous. An Encyclope- die of Industrial and Decorative Art. Thousands of illustrations (many in gold and colors) of stained glass, fresco paintings, ancient furniture, carvings, porcelains, jewelry, tapestry, reproductions of rare prints, ancient wood cuts, etc. 34 folio vols. in board covers, as issued. Paris, 1861-95. *It would be difficult to over-estimate the value and import- ance of this work forreference. The artist, the architect, the art student, the collector, etc., will learn valuable points by looking over and studying his set,which is seldom offered for sale. The text is in French. 1210. Dryden’s Tables, Bensley’s Beautiful Edition, with the full page plates, head and tail pieces by Barto- lozzi and others Folio half board. London, 1797. *Beautiful illustrations. 1211 Figaro—Exposition of 1889. Numerous full-page colored and other illustrations. Folio, cloth. Paris, 1889. 1212 Fossils. Lopides—Diluvii Universalis por Geo. W. Knorr. 71 full-page plates of many colored figures. Folio calf. Nurenberg, 1755- 1213 Forbes, Edwin. Studies of the Great Army, Tllus- trating the Life of the Union Armies during the Years 1862-65. 40 plates in 4to portfolio. * Greatest illustrations ever made on the Civil War. 1214 Gould. Birds of Europe. 260 of the plates finely colored. Bound up in 4 vols. Folio, cloth. London. * One of the scarcest of Gould’s works. 1216 Gruner’s Italian Frescoes, during Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. 55 large and teresting plates after Raphael, Correggio and others, some elaborately finished in colors. i S ct. 2 vols., half crimson morocco. Folio, also 4to of text. vols ee. *This magnificent work exhibits decorative painting in the highest walks chosen by Michael Angelo and Raphael. 1217 1218 1219 1220 74 Hill, John. The Naval History of Britain from the Earliest Periods to 1756, inclusive. Illustrated with copper plates, sea charts, heads, engagements, ete. Folio, old calf. London, 1756. Jameson, Mrs. Court Beauties of the Reign of Charles II. 21 beautiful portraits, engraved on steel, from paintings by Sir Peter Lely. Presentation Edition. Folio. London, J.C. Hotton, N. D. Japanese Art. A Collection of Twenty Beautiful Paintings of Flowers, Birds, Fishes. On 19 pieces, each on a mat, the artist’s name given on the back. Imported from Japan by J. B. Millet Co., Boston. Royal 4to, in box covered with white and grey cloth, ornamented with floral design. Sold as one lot. * Magnificent collection. Low, David. The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands. Illustrated with colored plates. 2 vols. in 1, folio, half morocco. London, 1842. *Contains 50 finely colored plates. Published at $80, unbound. Marx. Les Artistes Modernes. Twenty-five full- page etchings. Folio. Paris, 1883. Meybrick, S. R. Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour, as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Charles II, 3 vols., atlas 4to, illustrated by more than 100 plates, splendidly illuminated mostly in gold and silver, (Pub. at £21.) Half morocco. London, 1842. *This set has initial letters colored. “Tt for the first time supplies to our Schools of Art correct and ascertained data for costume. It affords a simple, clear, and most conclusive elucidation of a great number of passages in our great dramatic poets. It throws a flood of light upon the man- ners, usages and sports of our ancestors, from time of the Anglo- Saxons down to the reign of Charles Il.”—Ldinburgh Review. 1223 Milton. Le Paradis Herdu. Traduction de Cha- teaubriand. Précédé de réflexions sur la vie et les écrits de Milton, par Lamartine et enrichi de vingt- cing magnifiques estampes originales, gravées au burin sur acier. Large folio, half morocco, gilt back, gilt edges Paris, 1863. Contains some of the finest steel plates ever engraved. 75 1224 Napoléon. Empereur des Frangais et Roi d’Italie, Campagnes de, Tableaux Historiques des Cam- pagnes d’Italie, depuis An IV. jusqu’a la Bataille de Marengo, jusqu’A las Paix de Pres- bourg, les estampes sont gravées apres les dessins originaux de Carle Vernet. Folio, half imit, morocco (rubbed) Paris, 1806. FINE WORK ON ROME 1125 Querbeke. Antiqua Urbis Roma. 46 fine old copper plates. 3 vols. in 1, royal 4to, Russia. Amsterdam, 1708. 1226 Averbeck, F. Jilustrations of the Gospels, after his original drawings and engraved by the best artists of Germany. 40 full-page plates, India proofs before letters, Oblong folio, neat, half morocco. Dusseldorf and Paris. FAMOUS RARE WORK 1227 Ouid’s Metamorphoses. Latin and Flemish, with Remarks and Historical Explanations by Abbe Bauier. Wath 127 highly finished and attractive engravings by Picart, Van Gunst and others. 2 vols. in 1, folio, old Russia. Amsterdam, 1732. * Fine clean copy. This copy has the six scarce plates by Folkenna; often wanting (see page 264). ETRUSCAN VASES 1228 Passerus, Joh. B. Pictures Etruscorum in Vasculis pune primum in unum collecte, Explicationibus et Dissertationibus Illustrate. 300 plates of old and beautiful vases. 3 vols., folio, half roan (rubbed). Rome, 1767. * Rare work. GREAT WORK ON CONCHOLOGY 1229 Perry, Geo. Conchology ; or The Natural History of Shells. 62 finely-colored plates (600 figures). Folio, Russia. London, 1811. * Published at $60. 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1235a 76 PIRANESI GRAND VIEWS ON ROME 453 REMBRANDT-LIKE ETCHINGS Anticita Romane, 216 plates, 4 vols.; Campus Martius, 48 plates; Trofei Augusto, 20 plates; Vedute di Roma, 56 plates ; Della Magnificenza, 39 plates; Opera Perspective, 21 plates ; Lapides Capitolini, 3 plates; Castel Gandolfo, Lago Albano, 26 plates; Tempi della Republica, 30 plates. Together 453 full-page plates. 18 vols. in 9, folio morocco. Roma, 1756. Piranesi was one of the greatest designers and engravers that ever lived. These views are a grand triumph of design and inven- tive skill and replete with life and incident of Roman splendor. Pococke, Richard.