v iy w boy ay oD Hg ete 2b cao agile Fre be wie be Pps as att Li's we Shia tp epi ay deers ear pele pth eG Y F Pip alt sf 3h 2 feu? Sy gS UFENINY A, ett : - ~*~ 2. baal _* - bl 7 - nn * a P: ft [ - «ae ' a 2 | x e: ‘ * iy y > * ‘ a ; - oo. ™ a d os . = . "F Ps ; Pat » r . Con G ETON E CHIESA a ieee belo, XLT Bt] ON From Saturday - November 19 Until Time of Sale Weekdays g to 6 7 Sunday 2 to 5 Peo URTCLED PUBLIC SALE Tuesday &° Wednesday Evenings : November 22 & 23 Beginning at $:30 O’clock teeth eighon cs ALPS AT DAE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Madison Avenue: 56th to 57th Street New York City 4 Sis Sec OND Ue LED BY Mr. O. Bernet & Mr. H. H. Parke American Art Association « Inc MANAGERS 1927 “4 ITALIAN » DUTCH AND FLEMISH XV-X VII CENTURY PAINTINGS Portraits and Genre Subjects BY ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN MASTERS PALER T= LV. of the Achillito Chiesa Collection Under Management of the American Art Association TENE ClOLRSPIOSR SAS CELL New York 1927 The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION: Inc Designs its Catalogues ; and Directs -All Details of Illustration Text and Typography — + * Y 4 re “4 Le ; ‘ = ‘7? . ‘ . s% r oe Pe > Stat Oe ef i -P a ov Lag 7 * Me ¢ ‘ ‘hel . ve « at ® a Pa> . ane “i ‘ ? 4; . : i? ia ~ - } Ak # iy CONDITIONS OF SALE I. REJECTION OF BIDS: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may ke rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. THE BUYER: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. IDENTIFICATION AND DEPOSIT BY BUYER: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. RISK AFTER PURCHASE: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneers hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. DELIVERY OF PURCHASES: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. JRECEIPTED BILLS: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recog- nized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. STORAGE IN DEFAULT OF PROMPT PAYMENT AND CALLING FOR GOODS: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the pur- chaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwith- standing, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sus- tained in so doing. VIII. SHIPPING: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a busi- ness in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assump- tion of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. GUARANTY: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by t the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genu- ineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judg- ment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. RECORDS: The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. BUYING ON ORDER: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or tele- phone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing condi- tions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with ate clear- ness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot num- ber be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a déposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. PRICED CATALOGUES: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an ofhcer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. OTTO BERNET MANAGERS HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS 4 ‘ . + “ ’ .: i; ly i Soe 7" . ey » . os ae “ : ke i ¥ 7 ¢ ; ety ‘ ‘ , i" A s : ‘ Pa yi a ‘uh t a e A : ay 5 ; q j ; F \ ue ‘ __ q i re Wal 4 y ‘ Maa : iy Mg ; wove t i » “iY cs ASN Pie CHIkSA COLLECTION N presenting Part IV of the Achillito Chiesa Collection for dispersal at unrestricted public sale, the American Art Asso- ciation, Inc., refrains from reiterating the circumstances which have led to the distribution of this superb collection in America. However, they would emphasize that the preceding sales have in every way justified the eloquent praise bestowed upon the founders of the Collection by famous experts and amateur and professional critics, both here and in Europe, for their instinct, judg- ment and taste, in the acquisition of a collection possessed of so many remarkable objects of unsurpassed beauty and historic value. The two sessions of Part IV now offered comprise a representa- tive gathering of the works of master painters of the notable Euro- pean schools, ranging from the primitive era to the eighteenth cen- tury. Those of the Italian primitive and renaissance schools have been authenticated by the late Giacomo de Nicola, then Director of the Bargello Museum, Florence; the Flemish and Dutch by Comm. Hofstede de Groot, the recognized Dutch expert, and by G. J. Hoogewerff, Director of the National Holland School of Fine Arts at Rome. Of the one hundred and forty-five pictures exhibited, special mention must be made of Pietro Lorenzetti’s tavoletta, a remarkable small work in excellent state of preservation. ‘This master from Siena, the rival city of Florence, is among the first Italian painters of genius to have studied the Byzantine paintings and enamels and to translate into true pictures with expressive grouping of figures the chronicles of the Middle Ages; although he did not equal the great Florentines in power, he surpassed them in poetic tenderness and emotion. A little Sienese picture of this quality is extremely rare and valuable. The Miracle of St. Domenico, by Jacopo Bellini, is cata- logued by the Italian Government as of great artistic importance. It is an interesting and beautiful production of the Venetian school founded by this master and unfettered from the tensity of the Gothic into the serene calm of the Renaissance by his sons, Gentile and Giovanni. The Annunciation, ascribed to a close follower of Raphael, is typical of the craftsmanship of the greatest of all illustrators. The Virgin Mother, half pagan, half Christian, neither too ethereal nor too sensual, is superbly portrayed kneeling before a prie-Dieu within a grandiose renaissance interior, receiving the announcement and salutations from the Angel Gabriel. The architectonics and space composition suggest the very quintessence of Italian decorative genius. The Portrait of a Warrior ascribed by experts to Titian is not in a very good state of preservation. The name of the original 1s unfortunately no longer legible and there is little clue as to his iden- tity, but it is a fine subjective work much exalted by the personal dignity of the master. A Venetian Doge by Tintoretto, the dominating spirit of the sec- ond epoch of the renaissance in Venice, is an equally characteristic work; the sitter is portrayed in strong contrasts of light and shade, from a palette in which silvery grays and purples predominate, and though the painting is slightly blackened by age, as are most of ‘Tin- toretto’s works, we may still glimpse his great gift as a colorist. The very beautiful St. Sebastian by Lorenzo Costa is a finely modeled representation of the human form and typifies the emancipa- tion from asceticism to classicism due to the revival of the study of Greek sculpture, with its inspiration to present pictorially an ideal of physical perfection. The Netherlands is well represented by an important triptych by Adrien Isenbrandt, presumed to have been painted before he left the bottega of Gerard David, who may have collaborated in the work. This is especially noticeable in the rendering of the different sur- faces of the fabrics of the habits and the flesh of the two saints. Another triptych by Jean Gossaert (Mabuse) is a fascinating composition exhibiting Italian idealism and Flemish realism ad- mirably assimilated. The Portrait of a Nobleman by the Brescian master Moroni is almost Titianesque in the presentation of his sub- ject’s milieu, rendered with a subjectiveness, the nucleus of which emanates through the expressive eyes of the sitter. Space forbids a more protracted review of the many equally important works forming this unusual collection. There is a fine example from the brush of Jordaens portrayed under the distinctive influence of Rembrandt, a polyptych and two diptychs by unidenti- fied masters of the Venetian Trecento and Quattrocento, an important triptych by Albertino and Martino Piazza; others from the Floren- e school of Parma, added to which are Dutch land- h, French, German and English portraits and genre eho d my Hlekesal is 5 5.) O:N Seveecay, November 22, 1927 at 8:30 Oteisck Catalogue Numbers I to 73 Inclusive FRANCO-FLEMISH SCHOOL XV CENTURY 1. THE ANNUNCIATION Three-quarter length figure of the Blessed Virgin, kneeling in the attitude of prayer at a prie-Dieu before a draped crimson hanging. At her left stands the Angel of the Annunciation, with cinctured head and wearing a saffron-colored cope over an ivory-tinted tunic. Panel: Height, 434 inches; width, 334 inches FLEMISH SCHOOL mov GEN TURY Ki. W, ps ay 2, MADONNA AND CHILD WITH ST. DOMENICO St-dinem 4H Balustraded interior with vista of mediaeval landscape, rendered in (+) the Patineresque manner; at the left a pleasing Madonna with the nude Infant naively playing with the coral charm. At the right, St. Domenico in the attitude of devotion, clothed in the habit of his order, with a crozier. Panel: Height, 10% inches; length, 134 inches JOACHIM D. PATINIR FLEMISH: 1490—1I1524 ys AR EERUALIN CLS Nie eels A superb small landscape, undulated and wooded, portrayed with a combination of atmospheric and linear perspective, and having | cupped in the valley a monastic building. In the foreground the devout Franciscan is kneeling in adoration before an angel, appear- ing high in the heavens. At the left is a novitiate. Height, 101% inches; width, 8 inches [See illustration | SCHOOL OF GERARD Dow FLEMISH: XVII CENTURY 4. ANANTERIOR VAT AGELG Ue A shaded interior with a figure of a lady standing in profile to the right wearing a white décolleté blouse with puffed sleeves, and a full black skirt. At the left, over the chair, is a fur-trimmed crimson cloak. Panel: Height, 12% inches; width, 934 inches No. 3./S‘\E.. FRANCIS IN PRAYER By JOACHIM D. PATINIR : A AND*sCHig® EMISH SCHOOL MADONN 5 No Jb x ti FLEMISH SCHOOL XVI CENTURY 5. MADONNA AND CHILD Half-length figure of the richly robed Virgin Mother seated beneath a draped and tasseled canopy with the Divine Infant at her breast. Through the aperture at the upper left is a prospect of wooded land- scape, a dwelling and figures. In the foreground, arranged upon a table, are several fruits. Height, 13% inches; width, 9% inches [See illustration | oe c Vi dX he teen « LTR (es A ENO PORNELIS GHRRITSZ DECKER DUTCH: 1643—1678 Oe LHhE FINN Mounted and dismounted figures grouped before the door of an inn, by which is a towering oak tree in leafage. At the left a vista of blue sea, and a returning fisherman. Under a sky illumined by a golden sunset, flecked with slate-gray clouds. Signed on the wall at right with initials, C. D. Panel: Height, 15% inches; width, 1334 inches DUTGH: SGHOOGr XVII CENTURY 7, LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND CAIIGgE In the foreground are grouped cattle with their shepherds; at the right a gabled farmhouse and buildings; at the left, receding land- scape. Under a lavender-tinted sky. Panel: Height, 13% inches; length, 19% inches PIETER VAN DER LEBUMM DUTCH: [1644—1704 | 5. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE AND CATTLE Undulating landscape scene with standing and recumbent cattle and the figure of a bare-legged man seated upon the trunk of a tree by the edge of a pond. Ivy-clad ruin in the background silhouetted before a cloudy sky. Signature at lower left, indistinct. Height, 11% inches; length, 16 inches A Rel Ve Ne DE RON ER DUTCH: 1603—1677 9. MOONLIT SCENE Centring the composition is a water course flanked by wooded country with vague forms of buildings; at the right, outlined before a slate-gray sky is a windmill, to the right of which is a brilliant moon casting its light on a fishing vessel in midstream. In the foreground are three cows. Height, 24% inches; length, 29% inches PIETER VAN BLOEMEN DUTCH: 1657—1719 tio. THE ENCAMPMENT In the foreground are grouped a piebald and a brown horse, one feeding from a trough, and various peasant figures; at the left two goatsandadog. Before a background suggesting a viaduct outlined before a blue sky. Height, 1234 inches; length, 160) inches ADAM FRANS VAN DER MEULEN FLEMISH: 1634—1690 Il. BATTLE SCENE An undulated and wooded landscape animated with mounted figures in action. At the left upon the hill is a spired chateau. Under a cloudy blue sky. Height, 23 inches; length, 29 inches MAESTRO DI MALINES NETHERLANDS: XV——X VI GENT aRs Pel TiN ALY cele A vaulted interior, with the Virgin Mother hooded and robed in pale blue and St. Joseph in rich crimson robe and blue cowl, kneel- ing in adoration over the nude Infant enveloped in a vesica piscis. Within the alcove are a recumbent ass and an ox. Through the arcaded apertures are seen a shepherd and a saintly nun, and a vista of mountainous landscape. | Panel: Height, 19% inches; width, 13% inches GERMAN SCHOOL XVI CENTURY 13. RELIGIOUS ALLEGORY Exhibiting a group of four figures centring the nude penitent thief, the other figures richly robed. At the right, the crucified form of Our Lord. Background of peaked cliffs and at the left an olive tree. Rendered in superb colors. Panel: Height, 18% inches; width, 14 inches misteN Gt yoGL OO XVIII CENTURY meet dil OF A LADY Bust-length figure, the head slightly inclined to the right, with highly coiffed hair, a strand of which falls over her left shoulder, bound with a jeweled bandeau; wearing décolleté pearl-enriched bodice with sapphire-blue mantle draping the left shoulder. Neutral back- ground, Pastel: Height, 23% inches; width, 18% inches Note: On the back is a pencil drawing of a head, inscribed: Constanzo de Fornari, né de Raimondi, dated 1788. From the Simonetti Collection SCHOOL OF SUSTERMANN FRENCH: XVI-XVII GENTURS 15. PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN A bust-length bewigged and armored figure with a faintly delin- eated mustache, looking to the observer and wearing a deep lace collarette and the insignia of a knightly order [the cross of Malta] on a crimson sash. Dark background. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches FRENGH SCHOO XVIII CENTURY LOZPORTRAIT Of Sasi Half-length figure looking to the observer, wearing a beribboned bonnet, lace-trimmed shaded pink, high-waisted bodice, and a dark wrap negligently draped about her arms. Neutral background. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Note: A very important although unidentified work. Fehon Gal as GOO ls XVII CENTURY eee ORT RATT OF A LADY Three-quarter length standing figure looking to the observer, wear- ing large earrings and a pearl necklet, and a shaded rose-crimson costume richly embroidered with jewels. In her right hand she holds a rose, her left hand rests lightly upon a table. Dark back- ground. Height, 40 inches; width, 33 inches [Companion to the following] tee ING] Ele CEE OO: XVII CENTURY feet ORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN Three-quarter length bewigged figure, wearing a brownish doublet and half armor, and richly embroidered jacket slashed at the sleeves, holding in his right hand a baton. Dark background with vista of Penascape at the left. Height, 40 inches; width, 33 inches [Companion to the preceding | ERENG-H: -S.GELOG XVIII CENTURY 19. PORTRAIT-OF AGEN TEE Three-quarter length figure facing slightly to the right, with pow- dered hair, wearing a lace jabot, gray jacket, and fur-trimmed sur- coat of rich blue. In his left hand he is holding a manuscript and is pointing with his right forefinger. Dark background. Height, 40 inches; width, 3134 inches GHORGE ROMNEY ENGLISH: 1734—1802 205 PORT RANIZ OR HitiA pe Bust-length profile portrait with cinctured head, and wearing a semi-décolleté blouse. Dark background. Height, 17% inches; width, 1334 inches [See illustration ] No. 20. PORTRAIT OF A LADY By GEORGE ROMNEY Jo NIGUB IIS ak RK @de KOLO) ED XVIII CENTURY 27. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Half-length figure, facing the observer, of ruddy-complexioned man with high forehead and side-whiskers, wearing a white linen jabot, saffron-colored waistcoat and black jacket. Dark background. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches roawloH. sCHOOL SV LEI CENTURY 22. PORTRAIT OF A CHILD Three-quarter length figure of a golden-haired girl with large blue eyes, wearing a golden-yellow hat and a short-sleeved brown dress with deep red sash, leaning amidst leafage and holding in her right hand a pitcher. Deep greenish-blue sky background with vista of landscape at the right. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches SIR THOMAS~LAWRENCEB, ‘P:R. A. BRITISH: 1769—1830 23. MARCHESA PAOLA CASTIGLIONI LITTA Half-length figure, with highly coiffed hair entwined with pearls, is presented seated facing slightly to the left, with her left arm pil- lowed upon a blue velvet cushion, the hands gently clasped; elegantly robed in an ivory satin gown and vieux rose mantle trimmed with ermine,” | Height, 30 inches; width, 25% inches Note: This work was executed in Lombardy while the artist was a guest of the Marchese Castiglioni Litta. [See illustration | No. 23. MARCHESA PAOLA CASTIGLIONI LITTA By SIR THOMAS EAW-RENCE, PRA, = No. 24. ADOLPHUS MUNSTER By FRANZ KESSLER FRANZ KESSLER GERMAN: XVII CENTURY 24. ADOLPHUS MUNSTER Three-quarter length standing figure of a portly gentleman affect- edly posed, facing the observer and wearing a meticulously delin- eated collaret and dark burgher costume lustrously painted. At the left, placed upon a table, is a hat and a white card inscribed, ADOL- PHUS MUNSTER, etc. Dark background. Panel: Height, 40 inches; width, 31 inches Inscribed at upper right: ANNO 1645 AETATIS 4; and signed, F. K. [Companion to the following] [ See illustration ] } i 0 a M * f' \ ?2ig\ een WV | : ; P a9\h4 ; FRANZ KESSLER GERMAN: XVII CENTURY 25, MARIA MUNSTER Three-quarter-length figure standing by a walnut and leather arm- chair, with hair tightly drawn back from the forehead, wearing a large white ruff, lace cuffs, and black silk dress with richly embroi- dered stomacher. Panel: Height, 40 inches; width, 31 inches Inscribed at upper left, 1645 AETATIS 25; and signed, F. K. [Companion to the preceding] ~~ [See illustration | % x x » . ¥ * “e & > . MARIA MUNSTER By FRANZ KESSLER No. 25 Ages a WANDERFORD [?] ANTHONY VAN DYCK . 26. BARON No By SIR SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK Se Can “FLEMISH :~1 599—1641 ( oi 26. BARON WANDERFORD [?] Three-quarter length figure of the bearded nobleman seated upon a crimson velvet armchair, facing the observer and wearing a skull cap, small white ruff, silk jacket ruffled at the wrists, and a volumin- ous fur-trimmed surcoat, the edge of which he holds with the refined, tapered fingers of his left hand. Indefinite background suggesting an interior, having at the lightened top right corner an undecipher- able Flemish inscription. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches [See illustration | ROBERT TOURNIERES FRENCH: 1668—1752 VA 27. LE REGENT ET MME. DE PARABERE Depicting the Duke and Mme. de Parabere seated within a draped alcove at a table covered with a snowy white cloth; they are deco- ratively garbed in the silken costumes of the period and hold slender- stemmed wine glasss. Resting upon the table is a bowl of peaches. The figures are finely modeled and the costumes portrayed in modu- lated colors rendered with a fine perception of values. At the right is a prospect of an architectural exterior and a greenish-blue sky. Height, 38% inches; length, 50% inches [See illustration | Lt oe eS SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK [ ATTRIBUTED TO] DUTCH: 1599—1641 28. LADY CHARLEMONT Half-length figure, facing to the right but looking to the spectator, wearing characteristically coiffed hair, a collet of pearls and pearl earrings, décolleté shaded rose-crimson dress, and holding in her right hand a bouquet of flowers. Dark background. Height, 42% inches; width, 3414 inches SHUHINYNOL LYALON *g AUdGVaVd Ad ‘AWW LY LNADAY AT “42 “ON i ; : Le : A VILLAGE FESTIVAL By HENDRIK MEYER 29 No. HENDRIK MEYER - DUTCH: .1737—1793 290. 4A VILLAGE FESTIVAL A decorative composition, portraying slightly to the right a fine Gothic structure with festive figures; centring the composition a peasant woman with her cradled child upon a donkey, and passing under the portico a herdsman with cattle; slightly to the left, a cov- ered cart and conversing figures, and a vista of undulating wooded landscape before a cloudy blue sky... Portrayed in the manner of Van Ostade. Superb color harmony. | Height, 4134. inches; length, 54 inches Signed at lower left, Hk MEYER, and dated.1791 [See illustration | JEAN GOSSAERT MABUSE FLEMISH: 1472—1533 HOA IMO MINA CIs! The centre panel exhibiting the Holy Mother crowned as a symbol of sovereignty, wearing a green tunic and voluminous rose-crimson mantle, and holding in her arms the standing nude figure of the Divine Infant; enthroned within an elaborate renaissance structure. Seated at either side of the throne are fully draped angels, one hold- ing a harp, the other a crown. In the left panel the martyred St. Catherine gorgeously robed as a queenly figure, wearing a crimson headdress and-an aubergine mantle, with the broken wheel at her feet. Inthe right panel St. Agnes as the Bride of ‘Ihe Lamb, robed in a golden-brown tunic and a rich crimson mantle, holding the palm of martyrdom in her right hand, and the ring in her left hand. At her feet The Lamb. Height, 411% inches; length extended, 71 inches [See illustration | ING a0. Ube eet By JEAN GOSSAERT MABUSE No. 31. J. DE BRISSAC, MARECHAL DE FRANCE By CORNEILLE DE LYON CORNEILLE DE LYON. ‘14%: FRENCH: —d. 1574 Bier BRISSAC, MARECHAL DE FRANCE Half-length bearded figure facing slightly to the left, wearing a | feathered cap and black doublet with striped silk sleeves. Before a green background. Panel: Height, 7 inches; width, 6 inches [See illustration | JAKOB JORDAENS ANTWERP :-1593—1678 32. PORTRAIT OF A MAN Bust-length figure, facing slightly to the right, of an older man with grayish hair, wearing a wine-crimson oe ‘and = fur- nealueTaS coat. Green background. Panel: Height, 934 igitess width, 7% inches Note: A strong psychological study, evidently portrayed under the influence of Rembrandt. [See illustration | No. 32. PORTRAIT OF A MAN By JAKQB,JORDAENS No. 33. MADONNA AND CHILD School of DIRK BOUTS SCHOOL OF DIRK BOUTS #2, Cc NETHERLANDS: XV CENTURY 33. MADONNA AND CHILD Standing three-quarter length figure of the Virgin Mother, with long gold hair meticulously drawn in rippling waves; wearing a blue tunic and crimson mantle, and holding in her arms the Infant Christ, Who is naively portrayed, toying with the coral charm. Background of primitive landscape, patterned with formal trees. Panel: Height, 13% inches; width, 10% inches [See illustration |] Bee rawdin > Ovl- 2, Wo . eo b _— -FLEMISH SCHOOL - XV- XVI Century 34. TRIPTYOH = ae . ie ig central panel a renaissance arohitcenmante Se in the foreground of the ee Gets of ne St. johy the Be and Sie Luke. ” ps illustration} SR LUURA DD ACIS! FLEMISH SCHOOL 34 O No. 35. KING HENRY VIII School of JEAN GOSSAERT MABUSE SCHOOL OF JEAN GOSSAERT MABUSE FLEMISH: XVI CENTURY 35. KING HENRY VIil Bust-length figure of the bearded monarch, facing slightly to the left, wearing a black hat and richly gold-embroidered Tudor cos- tume. Before a greenish background. A fine portrait, executed with extraordinary minuteness of finish in the modeling of the flesh and in the painting of the hair and costume. Inscribed: HENRICUS ANGLORUM REX, 1527. Panel: Height, 181% inches; width, 13% inches [See illustration | ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE DUTCH: 1635—1672 © 36. PASTORAL A wooded landscape with recumbent cattle and a grazing white horse in the foreground. At the left by a marble structure is a standing shepherd with a female figure seated, feeding her child. A sapphire-blue sky banked with clouds. Signed upon the marble structure, but now obliterated. Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches [See illustration | No. 36. PASTORAL By ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE No. 37. INTERIOR WITH FIGURES Attributed to PIETER DE HOOGH PIETER DE ,WOOGH [ ATTRIBUTED TO] DUTCH: 1632—1681 [?] e7-INTERIOR WITH FIGURES A shaded interior with large open fireplace with two bourgeois figures seated at a table, the maiden holding a glass of wine and looking to the laughing man whose arm rests upon the table, be- neath which is a seated cat. At the lower right is a basket of silken garments and above a prospect of a stairway leading to another room. Signed at lower right, P. DE HOOGH Height, 21 inches; width, 17% inches [See illustration | FLEMISH SCHOOL XV CENTURY Bor RL RASC EL Exhibiting in the central panel the Deposition: In a mediaeval land- scape are finely grouped figures of the three Marys and the emaci- ated form of Our Lord supported by Joseph of Arimathea. At the left of the composition the Hill of Golgotha with the crucified forms of three thieves. In the left panel Our Lord in the Garden of Geth- semane. In the right panel the Last Judgment. Height, 33% inches; width extended, 48 inches [See illustration ] Nominee LLY CH FLEMISH SCHOOL No. 39. PORTRAIT OF A LADY Bypol Reel 7 kee ie SIR| PETER )LELY FLEMISH: 161 foe 680 39. PORTRAIT OF A LADY Liat Aast Three-quarter length standing figure facing the observer, with char- acteristically coiffed hair; wearing pearl earrings, a collet of pearls, and a superbly draped vieux rose satin gown trimmed with pearls. She holds in her left hand a bowl of roses. Sombre background, having at the left a vista of sky. Height, 43 inches; width, 34 inches [See illustration | JEAN RAOUX FRENCH: 1677—1734 40. THE LECTURE Two maidens seated upon a chair holding a book, the one in the foreground wearing a shaded blue dress with rich crimson dra- peries over her knees, the other wearing a gold costume and a deep ted headdress. Natural background. Height, 16% inches; length, 22% inches JEAN BAPTISTE MONNOYER FRENCH: 1665—1699 41. STILL LIFE Colorful composition of naturalistic roses, tulips, jasmine, peonies and dahlias, massed in a repoussé silver jardiniere pa upon a table, before a dark seen: Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches JEAN BAPTISTE MONNOYER FRENCH: 1665—1699 42. STILE Ee Similar to the preceding, with slight variation in composition. Height, 26 inches, length, 36 inches SPANISH SCHOG?E XVII CENTURY 43. A FRANCISCAN FRIAR Bust-length; finely modeled head facing the observer, with close- cropped hair; wearing a rusty-brown habit with cowl. Before a neutral background. At the upper right is an escutcheon. ‘The subtle modeling, rendered by a light and shade analogous to igus quez, marks this an important work. Height, 19% inches; width, 15% inches [See illustration | No. 43. A FRANCISCAN FRIAR SPANISH SCHOOL FAVITOIW INNFAOIO “4 AdVOSUNV'T 9? ON | | | f SPANISH SCHOOL XVIII CENTURY wee PORTRAIT OF A LADY Half-length wistful figure with flowing reddish-brown hair, the head slightly tilted upward, wearing a décolleté blouse. Dark back- ground. Height, 27 inches; width, 201% inches SCHOOL OF DEL MAZO SPANISH: XVII CENTURY 45. PORTRAIT OF A COURTIER Bust-length figure of a bearded gentleman with bushy black hair and upcurled mustache, looking toward the spectator, wearing a brownish-green surcoat with deep lace collar. Neutral back- ground. Height, 23 inches; width, 18% inches GIOVANNI MIGLIARA ITALIAN: 1785—1837 46. LANDSCAPE Centring the composition, upon a mound, is a stone mill, with a curving richly wooded road to the right, small figures and a mounted figure. In the foreground is a man angling. Height, 12% inches; length, 17% inches [See illustration | FLORENTINE SCHOOL XV CENTURY 47. HISTORICAL SCENE In the foreground, the armored Captain of the Guard with his sol- diery is seen arresting the venerable bearded man, by whom stands another figure in a brilliant crimson garment. Austere architec- tural background. Height, 19 inches; width, 9 inches GIOVANNI MIGLIARA ITALIAN: 1785—1837 45. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES At the left, a mediaeval castle banking a watercourse spanned by a bridge. In the foreground a dismantled sailing boat with figures, caught by the rich red rays of a setting sun. Height, 121% inches; length, 17% inches [See illustration | INFITOINW INNFAOID ‘48 STUNOIA HLIM AdVOSANV'I ‘8? “ON tA, fl, : Me te 2 « = rs oe * ran 2 “" = ‘ ; BS OM i 372 -. ae Aan x ‘ = 5 we GIOVANNI MIGLIARA ITALIAN: 1785—1837 49. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES In the middle distance a fortified chateau, with an arched bridge under which two figures are passing. In the foreground peasants, and at the lower left deep blue water. Before a receding landscape background. Height, 14% inches; length, 18 inches GIOVANNI MIGLIARA ITALIAN: 1785—1837 50. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES A rambling fortified chateau, with a tinted russet-brown mound leading to the stream in the foreground, by which are peasant fig- ures. At the left, a towering beech tree. Before a rose-tinted blue sky. Height, 14% inches; length, 18 inches GIOVANNI DI PIETRO {LO SPAGNA] UMBRIAN: ACTIVE 1500—1528 51. MADONNA Bust-length figure of the Madonna, with head slightly inclined to the right, wearing an ethereal veiling, hooded blue mantle and crimson tunic. Finely modeled head of noble serenity, displaying a distinctly Peruginesque sentiment. Panel: Height, 11% inches; width, 9 inches ITALTAN SGEOGE XVIII CENTURY 52. PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN Bust-length bewigged figure looking toward the spectator wearing a white jabot and dark jacket. Before a background of deep red drapery disclosing at the right a vista of landscape. Height, 24 inches; width, 20% inches FRANCESCO LONDONIO ITALIAN: 1723—1783 53. LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE Mountainous landscape with cattle and sheep grouped in the fore- ground. At the left a silver birch with the seated figure of a shepherd. Cloudy sky background. Height, 23% inches; length, 29 inches GIOVANNI BATTISTA MORONI [ATTRIBUTED TO] BRESCIAN: 1520—1578 44. PORTRAIT OF A MAN Bust-length figure of an elderly bearded man looking to the ob- server, wearing a black biretta and jacket. Dark background. Inscribed: MDLXX AETATIS SVE LXx. Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches FEDERICO FIORI {BAROCCIO] [ ATTRIBUTED TO] ITALIAN: 1528—1612 55. MADONNA AND CHILD WITH ST. JOHN Half-length figure of the Virgin Mother robed in pale rose-crimson with blue hooded mantle, seated with her head inclined to the left, and holding the Infant Christ seated upon a white cushion on her lap. At the lower right corner is the infant St. John and above a vista of landscape. Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches FRANCESCO LONDONIO ITALIAN: 1723—1783 56. FARMYARD Naturalistic rendering of peasants resting by the thatched outhouse of farm buildings. At the left are recumbent sheep and goats, and to the right an overturned basket, utensils and vegetables. Height, 27 inches; length, 40% inches ITALIAN SCHOOL XVI CENTURY 57. MADONNA AND CHILD Three-quarter length figure of the Virgin Mother, hooded and robed in a crimson tunic and voluminous blue mantle, holding the Infant Christ to her breast. Charming presentation of this subject, rendered with delicate gradations of light and shade by which the master has obtained a certain subtlety of modeling that is quite characteristic of Leonardo. Panel: Height, 18% inches; width, 14% inches BERNARDINO JACOBI BUTINONE ITALIAN: ACTIVE 1436—1507 58. PREDELLA Paneled in five sections, each section exhibiting an episode of Our “WR. Aan Lord’s passion and death: From left to.right: [1] The Presentation me at the Temple; [II] Triumphal Entry into the City of Jerusalem; © “°° °*~ [III] Before Pilate; [IV] The Crucifixion; and. [V] The '4{74+ ( al Deposition. - i Panel: Height, 14% inches; length, 59% inches Note: Works of this Master, a fellow worker with Bernardo Venale, are ex- ceedingly rare. Influenced by Foppa. ENGL) REO [ JACOpO ROBUST! | VENETIAN: 1518—1594 49. THE MIRACLE OF ST. MARK Two STUDIES: eS eta [A] Depicting St. Mark attending the plague-stricken people. [B] St. Mark during his second imprisonment at Rome with the Angel of Our Lord appearing to him. Vivid sketches in fine color against a dark background. Height, 15% inches; width, 37 inches GIOVANNI BATYTISTA’ TIRE @is VENETIAN: 1693—1770 60. COMMUNION OF A SAINT A group of seven figures, with a kneeling saintly woman in the foreground in attitude of devotion, receiving communion. Archi- tectural background with vista of blue sky. Height, 35% inches; width, 23 inches [See illustration | No. 60. COMMUNION OF A SAINT By GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIEPOLO No. 61. PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN By LINTORET TO ENE ORE Th@© [Jacopo Rosustt] VENETIAN: 1518—1594 61. PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN Bust-length bearded figure with pronounced features, facing the observer and wearing an embroidered wine-crimson cloak trimmed with ermine. Dark background. Finely modeled, powerful por- trait, rendered with ‘Tintoretto’s characteristic use of light and shade and luminous color composition. | Height, 25% inches; width, 20 inches [See illustration | +=) MARIOTTO ALBERTINELLI G) FLORENTINE: 1467—1512 62. THE HOLY FAMILY Three-quarter-length standing figure of the Holy Mother, hooded and robed in crimson and greenish-blue, her head inclined toward the Divine Infant, Whom she holds in her arms; at left, the bearded figure of St. Joseph. Paneled background with prospects at right and left of mountainous landscape. Height, 31 inches; width, 25% inches TORO Dyan A NEL. MARIOTTO ALBERTI 62 ‘No. By NELII No. 63. PORTRAIT OF A LADY, WITH YOUTH AND CUPIDON By PAOLO VERONESE ; PAOLO VERONESE ITALIAN: 1528—1588 603. PORTRAIT OF A LADY, WITH YOUTH AND CUPIDON Three-quarter length seated figure of a lady in bejeweled décol- letage, with the figure of an armored youth standing at her side with his hand to her breast, before a background of massed foliage. At the left lower corner is a winged cupidon with his arm extended and holding an arrow. Height, 35 inches; width, 34% inches [See illustration ] FLORENTINE SCHOOL XV CENTURY 64. MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH.SAINTS Full-length figure of the Holy Virgin, hooded and robed in crimson and blue, enthroned with the fully draped Infant Christ seated upon her lap, before a gold-embroidered drapery supported by two seraphim. Standing at either side of the Madonna are St. Jacopo and St. Elena, voluminously draped and holding their attributes. Each figure is haloed. In original state and good preservation. Arched panel: Height, 42% inches; width, 21 inches [See illustration | No. 644. MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH SAINTS FLORENTINE SCHOOL No. 6s. MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH SAINTS By BICCI DI LORENZO I BICCI DI LORENZO br. W. R. Heaypt- FLORENTINE: 1373—1452 4@ CV nrton a) Fra ( H 65. MADONNNA AND CHILD, WITH SAINTS Full-length enthroned figure of the Holy Virgin wearing a shaded crimson tunic and blue hooded mantle, holding in her left arm the semi-draped Child Christ. At the left is the erect figure of St. John, and at the right St. Francis de Paule holding a staff and a missal. Each figure is haloed. Gold background. ) ; ac | edd Mena ‘ Height, 281% inches; width, 16 inches [See illustration | CANALETTO {ANTONIO CANALE | VENETIAN: 1697—1768 66. VENETIAN FESTIVAL The Grand Canal, with the facades of the various buildings ani- mated with figures. In the foreground, the massed state barges fantastically portrayed with mythological divinities, the sea god Neptune, Vulcan and sirens. Before a vast expanse of blue sky brilliantly lighted. Height, 4034 inches; length, 65 inches [See illustration | OLLITVNVO *€ TIVALLSAAS NV LLANAAS 998 BN No. 67. THE SHEPHERD VENETIAN SCHOOL - c>- VENETIAN SCHOOL XV CENTURY 67. THE SHEPHERD Diy -Yuv é Before the tangled branches of an oak tree, a half-length laureated figure, with curled hair and the Poniiance of a beard, wearing a blue sleeveless jacket over an ivory-tinted garment and holding a pastoral staff over his right shoulder. At the left, an architectural landscape and grazing sheep. ‘This unidentified work is extremely interesting and reveals the technique of a close follower of Giorgione. Panel: Height, 25% inches; width, 2114 inches [See illustration] Pier é p op [A 1) Z| Xe An rho RAAAA Jed , Mus a ad ~ til vice A wae Mer pes no) | oe Rats SS SAY Bes Roa htt . % oA , me eat SES VU = cant ITALIAN SCHOOL XV CENTURY 68. MADONNA AND CHILD Full-length figure of the Virgin Mother wearing a blue-black richly embroidered hood and robe with pale crimson tunic, seated, and holding the standing form of the Infant Christ wearing the coral charm; both figures haloed. Flanked by foliage; semi-circular gold background. ~ Panel: Height, 2314 inches; width, 1234 inches [See illustration] /\ ( Al Vay) 9) v, a eee: bl 3 bees fk \ U aS BE bs zA LA Cae. No. 68. MADONNA AND CHILD ITALIAN SCHOOL No. 69. MADONNA AND CHILD By GIOVANNI FRANCESCO MORONE “GIOVANNI FRANCESCO MORONE ITALIAN: 1473—1529 69. MADONNA AND CHILD Half-length figure of the Virgin Mother, hooded and robed in crimson and blue, holding in her left hand an open missal. Her head is inclined toward the nude figure of the Divine Infant stand- ing at her side holding an olive branch in His left hand, His right in the attitude of blessing. Height, 33% inches; width, 21 inches Note: This fresco has been transferred to canvas. From the Simonetti Collection, Rome [See illustration ] zW-R. Heart. ” (6) SCHOOL OF PISA XIV CENTURY 70. ENTHRONED MADONNA, CHIED AND SAINTS Full-length figure of the Holy Mother, crowned as Queen of Heaven, wearing a draped robe appearing almost black, and hold- ing in her arms the semi-draped Infant Savior, primitively portrayed. in the attitude of benediction and wearing the coral charm. Flank- ing the Divine Presence are Saints John the Baptist,. Mark and Francis, and Saints Luccia,. Margaret and Catherine. .In the fore-. ground are kneeling angels playing an organ and a flute. In gilded. tabernacolo. | ' Panel: Height, 50 inches; width, 22% inches [See illustration | FLORENTINE SCHOOL Br. WR. teak - XV CENTURY ot. ir Wr tor | la At (5 71. MADONNA AND CHILD Full-length figure of the Virgin Mother in crimson and blue, holding the nude form of the Divine Infant partly draped by an ethereal veiling and in the attitude of benediction, holding a bird. Both figures are haloed in relief. Gold background. Panel: Height, 41% inches; width, 21% inches 70. ENTHRONED MADONNA AND CHILD AND SAINTS SCHOOL OF. PISA nN LOMBARDIAN SCHOOL XV CENTURY 72. ENTHRONED MADONNA AND CHILD An elaborate rendering of the enthroned Madonna, wearing a “),, hooded blue robe over a bejeweled gold-embroidered tunic depicted Bi Q. ere 5) in slight relief; with the nude Infant Christ seated upon her lap, (pees: wearing the coral charm. At either side of the throne are adoring ““°‘"~. i477 (Ge) seraphim. Panel: Height, 48 inches; width, 23% inches FIORENZO DI LORENZO UMBRIAN: XV CENTURY 73, ST. SEBASTIAN Full-length figure of the martyred saint bound to a post, nude save for a loin-cloth, and pierced by arrows. Crimson background with tile-like patterning. Fresco on panel: Height, 5 feet 101% inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch [END OF FIRST SESSION] SECOND AND LAST SESSION Wednesday, November 23, 1927 at 8:30 O'clock Catalogue Numbers 74 to 145 Inclusive GIOVANNI DI PAOLO SIENESE: ACTIVE 1423—1481 pe PEE VISITATION Four holy figures grouped in the foreground before a renaissance portico. Blue sky background. Panel: Height, 634 inches; width, 834 inches LOMBARDIAN SCHOOL XIV CENTURY 75. THE ANNUNCIATION The Angel Gabriel appearing to Our Lady, voluminously robed in crimson and black, kneeling with her left hand about the colonette of an arcaded temple. At the upper left corner is God the Father appearing with the Infant Christ. Panel: Height, 9% inches; width, 8% inches VERONESE SCHOOL XIV-XV CENTURY 70. MADONNA AND CHILD Full-length figure of the Virgin Mother kneeling beneath a barn- like structure in adoration before the Child Christ. At right is seated the bearded St. Joseph in crimson robes. In the background an angel appearing to the shepherds. Panel: Height, 11% inches; width, 8 inches VERONESE SCHOOL XIV-XV CENTURY 77. ADORATION OF THE MAGI Full-length seated figure of the Virgin Mother holding upon her knee the semi-draped Child Christ in the attitude of blessing the kneeling regal figure in the foreground. At the left are erect royal figures; in the background St. Joseph and a barnlike structure. Panel: Height, 9% inches; width, 634 inches NORTH ITALIAN SGH@Gy XV CENTURY 75. LEGEND OF CORNELIA In the foreground are two erect female figures, one at the left holding a casket of jewels, with an attendant, the other at the right with her two children. Symbolizing relativity of precious possessions. In landscape setting. Panel: Height, 9% inches; length, 17 inches TUSCAN SCHOOL XIV CENTURY 79. MADONNA AND CHILD Three-quarter length seated figure of the Virgin Mother, wearing a rose-crimson girdled tunic and deep blue hooded mantle enriched at the shoulders with gold embroidery; holding the fully draped Infant Christ nursing at her breast. Both figures are haloed. Be- fore a gold background. Height, 14% inches; width, 10 inches ITALIAN SCHOOL XVIII CENTURY 60. THE SHEPHERDESS Study depicting a shepherdess seated in the foreground upon a boulder, wearing a tinted ivory shawl and brown dress. At the right are recumbent sheep; at the left a sleeping shepherd. Vague wooded background. Height, 16 inches; length, 22% inches UMBRIAN SCHOOL HARLY 2XcV CENTURY 67. THE CRUCIFIXION Arched panel, with portrayal of Our Lord, nude save for a loin- cloth, upon the cross. On either side are the erect figures of the Virgin Mother and St. John; and angels with chalices catching the precious blood. Gold background. The top of the cross bears a sacred inscription. Panel: Height, 1614 inches; width, 11 inches ; r CO > (6 ac ch * JACOPO PONTORMO & FLORENTINE SCHOOL: 1494—1557 $82. JUDGMENT OF A MARIYR A fine and graceful composition within a colonnaded interior, de- picting the saintly martyr, with the executioner behind him, standing before his accusers, who are grouped by the columns. At the right, upon prancing chargers, are galeated Roman soldiery armed with halberds and partisans. ; Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 13% inches [See illustration | GENTILE DI NICCOLO DA FABRIANO ITALIAN: 1360—1440? 83. TWO SAINTS At the left, the aged figure of St. Antonio Abati in dark robes, hold- ing a staff; at the right, St. Francis of Assisi in the habit of his order, holding a missal. In the foreground a kneeling saintly nun. The figure of Jehovah appears in the firmament in the attitude of bene- diction. Gold background. Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 1134 inches DUTGH SCHOO: XVI CENTURY $4. RORTRAII-OF lai Half-length figure with the head turned slightly to the left, but look- ing to the observer, wearing a French lace and linen hood, collarette and black jacket. In her left hand she holds a chain. Finely modeled head. Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches OWYOLNOd OdOOFL *¢ YALUVN V AO LNAWOaaAL °z8 oN MICHELANGELO ANSELMI [ MICHELANGELO DA LUCCA] PARMA: 149I—1554 85. THE HOLY FAMILY Half-length figure of the Virgin Mother seated in profile to the left, with banded gold-brown hair and wearing old-rose and gold dra- peries, holding upon her lap the beautifully modeled form of the Child Christ with a cross in His right hand. At the left is the kneel- ing bearded St. Joseph. A prospect of landscape at upper left. Height, 30% inches; width, 24% inches FERRARESE SCHOOL XV CENTURY 60. TWO SAINTS Displaying within renaissance niches, at the left St. Gregory and at the right St. Agnes. At the base a monk in prayerful attitude. Inscribed at the top: AVE GRATIA PLENA DNS TECUM Panel: Height, 23 inches; width, 13% inches BERNARDINO DI: MARIOT FO UMBRIAN: ACTIVE 1497—1527 67. MADONNA AND CHILD WITH ST. JOHN Ric, W AND ANGELS Three-quarter length seated figure of the Virgin Mother hooded and robed in pale crimson and dark blue, with her head inclined towards the nude Infant Christ standing upon her lap. In her left hand she holds a crimson-bound missal. Kneeling at her side is the infant St. John holding a cross with depending banderolle. On either side are the heads and shoulders of angels. Background of blue sky. Panel: Height, 28 inches; width, 22% inches Ry (ae Heal = CIA yrrenwr 44 (2g) VENETIAN SCHOOL XVII CENTURY 88. PORTRAIT OF A BOY Three-quarter-length figure of a curly brown-haired boy with large blue eyes looking slightly to the right, with his right hand resting upon the hilt of a rapier, wearing a striped ivory costume with rose- crimson sleeves and lace ruffs, and a deep lace collar. Dark back- ground draped with a crimson hanging. Height, 26 inches; width, 2034 inches RODOLFO DEL GHIRLANDAIO ITALIAN: 1483—1561 $69. MADONNA AND CHILD WITH ST. JOHN Three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin Mother wearing an auber- gine tunic partly covered by a draped blue mantle, seated within an interior, with the nude form of the Infant Christ upon her lap in the attitude of benediction. At left appear the head and shoulders of the youthful St. John, and above, through the aperture, a minutely executed landscape animated with small figures under a blue sky. Panel: Height, 29 inches; width, 22 inches MACRINO D’ALBA ITALIAN: 1460—1520 90. IWO LEARNED SAINTS Two erect tonsured and haloed Benedictine monks holding missals and croziers, standing before a gold-enriched background patterned with a close renaissance design. Panel: Height, 30% inches; width, 19% inches IL SASSAFERRATO [GIOVANNI BATTISTA SALVI] ITALIAN: 1605—? meet ils NATIVITY In the foreground the figure of the Virgin Mother robed in crimson and blue, kneeling in adoration before the Child Christ lying upon a white drapery. At the right the seated figure of St. Joseph and at the left the shepherds. Above are three rejoicing angels holding a banderolle inscribed: GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO ET IN TERRA PAX. Faintly discernible in the background the ox and the ass. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches FOLLOWER OF CARLO CRIVELLI FIRST HALF OF XV CENTURY G2. 4) SAINT Tabi Ss Oils Standing figure wearing a bishop’s mitre, richly gold-embroidered cope fastened by a morse, and holding a crozier and two missals. Before a gold background. Panel: Height, 34 inches; width, 15 inches SIENESE SCHOOL EARLY XV’ CENTURY bY. W.@ .Keank ° 474 (4) 93. MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH ANGELS Naive depiction of the Virgin Mother, hooded and robed in crimson and blue, with the fully draped Infant Christ standing by her side. On ee side are adoring angels in the bloom of adolescence, robed in golden draperies. Arched panel: Height, 25 inches; width, 18 inches ROELOF DE VRIES DUTCH: FLOURISHED 1643—1669 94. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Centring the composition is a church and a gabled farm building having at the left an avenue flanked by majestic trees in autumnal leafage. At the right a peaked roof cottage by which are conversing male figures. In the foreground the felled trunk of a tree. Before a greenish blue sky background massed with nebulous clouds. Signed at lower left, R. D. VRIES Panel: Height, 24 inches; length, 33% inches ITALIAN SCHOOL SECOND HALF OF THE XVII CENTURY 905. PORTRAIT OF A POPE Half-length figure facing the observer, wearing the papal cap and rich crimson ermine-trimmed robes with pale blue. Before a dark background. Height, 28% inches; width, 22 inches ANTONIO VIVARINI MURANESE: XV CENTURY Poe AINITLY BISHOP Erect bearded figure holding a crozier and missal, wearing a mitre and richly embroidered cope lined with rose-crimson and fastened by amorse. ‘The figure is haloed. Gold background. Height, 42% inches; width, 12% inches BALDASSARE PERUZZI [IN THE MANNER OF | SIENESE: 148I—1537 07. THE LEGEND OF TRAIANO In a Roman architectural landscape setting are massed Roman sol- diers, mounted and dismounted, with pole arms and scarlet banners. In the foreground, mounted on a brown charger, is the Emperor Traiano, from whom the hooded and robed woman is supplicating justice for her son. Mountainous background in a blue haze. Panel: Height, 271% inches; length, 511% inches FLORENTINE SCHOOL XIV CENTURY gS. EPISODES FROM THE HISTORY OF ST. URBANO FRAGMENTS: | [A] A seated judge wearing ermine-trimmed robes; at right a hel- meted soldier carrying a mace. Gold background. [B] Group of helmeted soldiers with maces and swords. Panels: Each, height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches [See illustrations | URBANO EPISODES FROM THE HISTORY OF ST. . 98 No FLORENTINE SCHOOL No. 99. GROUP OF FEMALE SAINTS IN ADORATION By BARTOLO DI FREDI BARTOLO DI FREDI ITALIAN: 1330—1I4I10 99. GROUP OF FEMALE SAINTS IN ADORATION Two Saints and five Virgin Martyrs kneeling in various attitudes of adoration; each figure is haloed. Finely rendered before a gold background. Panel: Height, 12 inches; width, 934 inches [See illustration | BARTHOLOMAUS BRUYN [ ATTRIBUTED TO] GERMAN: D. 1556 100; PORTRALTT OF aA LaApDy, Arched panel, exhibiting a three-quarter length standing figure, with characteristic headdress partly covering the braided hair and wear- ing a brown and black belted dress with high white linen collarette. In her right hand she holds a flower. Deep green background. Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches [See illustration | No. 100. PORTRAIT a LADY } Attributed to BARTHOLOMAUS BRUYN No. 101. MADONNA AND CHILD By ANDREA DA.BOLOGNA ANDREA DA BOLOGNA ITALIAN: XIJI—XIV CENTURY Tol. MADONNA AND CHILD Full-length seated figure of the Holy Mother, wearing a shaded crimson tunic and a voluminous flowered blue mantle, holding the partially draped Infant Christ at her breast; the gold background forming a luminous nebula. Panel: Height, 11% inches; width, 10 inches [See illustration | SCHOOL OF ANDREA MANTEGNA VENETIAN: EARLY XVI CENTURY To2. THE RESURRECTION The erect figure of Our Lord, classically draped in a flowing white robe and holding the sacred pennon, standing at the open sepulchre in which is depicted a host of cherubim and seraphim. At the foot of the tomb are the sleeping armored soldiery. Ina primitive land- scape setting, with vistas of blue water, under a cloudy sky. Panel: Height, 9% inches; length, 16% inches Note: A superbly executed realistic work. [See illustration | PNOZLNEFW PHAANF f° 199499 NOLLOAUYMUNSAYM AHL “201 “ON No. 103. PORTRAIT: OF A. LADY WRITING By the MASTER OF THE HALF-LENGTH FIGURE meoek OF THRE HALF-LENGEFH FIGURE FLEMISH: XV-XVI CENTURY 3 Reece Oni RAT OF A LADY WRITING An interior with the light filtering through the latticed window, subtly detaching into relief the female figure, richly gowned and wearing a severe headdress, who is seated writing at the table, upon which are placed various paraphernalia and a repoussé gilded silver coupe. | Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches [See illustration | SCHOOL OF: GIOVANNI BELLINI ITALIAN: EARLY XVI>CENTURY Io4. THE ENTHRONED MADONNA AND CHILD Three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin Mother enthroned with the nude Infant Christ standing upon her lap. She wears a white linen veiling, over rich crimson and blue draperies. Before a pan- eled green background with vistas of landscape. Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches [See illustration | He 4 i No. 104. THE ENTHRONED MADONNA AND CHILD School of GIOVANNI BELLINI TADONNA AND CHILD By ANTONELLO DA SALIBA No. 105. Ow ANTONELLO DA SALIBA SICILIAN: EARLY PART OF XVI CENTURY Br. WG. Heaile - INA ar. 105. MADONNA AND CHILD GO ene '434(24 Three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin Mother facing shghtly toward the right, wearing a deep red tunic and a voluminous blue mantle lined with olive-green, holding upon her lap the seated draped figure of the Infant Christ, who plays with a bird held in his hand. Background of receding landscape under a deep blue sky. Both figures are haloed. Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches [See illustration ] am \ ae, a= Pn ay Arann x Tho Betis GIOVANNI BATTISTA DA CONEGLIANO [Called CIMA] ITALIAN: ACTIVE 1489—1517 100. LRIPLY GH Depicting in the central panel the adoration of the Child Christ with the Blessed Virgin kneeling at the right, the Donor and a clas- sically draped angelic figure at the left. In the middle distance the ox and the ass. Before a landscape background. ‘The wings of the triptych exhibit within oval medallions St. John and St. Paul, and within circular medallions, winged cherubim heads. Height, 23 inches; length extended, 23% inches Note: A fine early work of this master. [See illustration | No.-2106 1 RIP LY CH By GIOVANNI BATTISTA DA CONEGLIANO No. 107. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN NNI BATTISTA MORONI By GIOVA GIOVANNI BATTISTA MORONI BRESCIAN: 1520—1578 I07. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Bust-length figure looking to the observer, of a bearded man wearing a black hat, white ruff, and over an old-gold tunic a fur-trimmed blue mantle. Neutral background. Height, 23 inches; width, 20% inches Note: An important work of great individuality. The sitter was beyond doubt a member of the Scott. family cf Bergamo, from whence the picture was acquired by Signor Chiesa. [See illustration | FRENCH SGHOOL- XV CENTURY 108. THREE HOLY WOMEN Three erect female figures, richly robed and wearing characteristic French headdresses, in devotional attitude before a crucifix. Por- trayed in a transitional Gothic to Renaissance draped interior. Fine rendering of textures. Panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 11% inches [See illustration | No, 108. THREE HOLY WOMEN FRENCH SCHOOL No. 109. THE MIRACLE OF ST. DOMENICO By JACOPO BELLINI JACOPO BELLINI VENETIAN: 1400—1464 [ ?] Togo. THE MIRACLE OF ST. DOMENICO Interior of a woodcutter’s workshop, with the kneeling Saint por- trayed in the act of performing the miracle of healing the woodcut- ter’s leg. At the right are two erect female figures in mediaeval costume and the figure of a Dominican nun. Panel: Height, 21 inches; width, 13 inches Note: This important work, in an excellent state of preservation, was catalogued by the Italian Government as of great artistic importance. [See illustration | aa 4 LAWN Ce Co AU TAMCL WW —PIEFRO-LORENZET HE SIENESE: ACTIVE 1306—1348 rio. THE CRUCIFIXION Superb small work of this rare master, portraying the Crucifixion of Our Lord, with the figures of St. John in a girdled tunic and St. Mary Magdalene with gold hair flowing over a rich crimson robe at the foot of the Cross. Above the Cross are cherubim flanking the sacred inscription, and a half-length figure of God the Son; at the base of the panel a prophet, The background is of gold, enriched at the edges with a simple design in bulino work. Panel: Height, 23% inches; width, 1034 inches [See illustration | N THE CRUCIFIXIO No. IIo. NZETTI By PIETROCLOKE No. 111. MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH SAINTS By MATTEO DI GIOVANNI MATTEO DI- GIOVANNI Oe SA SIENESE: 1435—1495 111. MADONNA AND CHILD, WITH SAINTS (Br. W. 2, Heal . An arched panel, with superb portrayal of the seated Virgin Mother Se noe robed in the traditional colors of crimson and blue. At the left 1s (AF (22) the standing figure of St. John, holding a banderolle inscribed: ECCE AGNUS DEI; at the right the head of St. Jerome. The gold background enriched with minute bulino work. Panel: Height, 23% inches; width, 16 inches [See illustration ] ae or > a Re Kleiwbanyye Ye md wd 1LZs LT ela XV CENTURY iiaooraato, SSeS en. ee Ra a emia. aaeoenrnrememnee ee ee eres eee Se NO tio cbley CH School of COLOGNE EE OE BE. EXTERIOR School of COLOGNE No wLi gue Paley CH No. 113. TWO SAINTS By BICCI DI LORENZO BICCI DI LORENZO ITALIAN: 1373—1452 ioe DIO: SAINTS Two erect saintly figures: at right, St. Bartholomew in a gold-em- broidered blue-green robe; and at left, a Virgin Martyr hooded and robed in crimson and blue, holding a missal. Before a gold back- ground. Both figures are haloed. Panel: Height, 25 inches; width, 12 inches [See illustration ] PIERO BUONACCORSI [ PIERIN DEL VAGA | UMBRIAN SCHOOL: 1500—1547 Ii4. THE HOLY FAMILY Kneeling figure of the Virgin Mother in rich shaded rose-crimson tunic and blue mantle, tenderly embracing the nestling standing figure of the Child Christ, Who is portrayed poised and bearing His weight upon the right leg, in a shaded rendering of flesh tints. At the left, in a golden-brown girdled smock and resting upon a staff, is the bearded St. Joseph. Before a bisected background. Panel: Height, 38% inches; width, 30% inches GERMAN SCHOOL XVI CENTURY 175. THE MATHEMATICIAN Bust-length figure of an elderly intellectual man with reddish brown hair, facing the observer; wearing a round black hat and fur-trimmed jacket over a wine-crimson undergarment and linen collarette. In his right hand he holds a pair of compasses. Panel: Height, 2134 inches; width, 1734 inches [See illustration ] MATHEMATICIAN rr. -VilE GERMAN SCHOOL No ea OB No. 116. MADONNA AND CHILD FLORENTINE SCHOOL FLORENTINE SCHOOL SECOND HALF oF XV CENTURY Bw. R. Wee 116. MADONNA AND CHILD SU Sime (424 (26 Half-length figure of the hooded and elaborately robed Virgin Mother, holding in her right hand a flower. By her side is the stand- ing haloed Infant Christ, fully draped, and in the attitude of bene- diction, holding a scroll. Gold background. Panel: Height, 23 inches; width, 15% inches [See illustration | ~p QO < - AA Wes Ayr j S! tea tee: ap bist oa [‘TIZIANO VECELLI | ITALIAN: 1477—1576 117. PORTRAIT OF A WARRIOR Half-length bearded figure facing slightly to the right, wearing a black close-fitting jacket, resting his left hand on the hilt of a sword and the right on the helmet. At the top right-hand corner is the name of the personage the portrait represents, but unfortunately no longer legible, and the date MDXLV. Height, 37 inches; width, 29 inches Note: The picture is not in a very good state of preservation, but it has always been held to be the work of this master, and the date, 1545, refers precisely to the period in which Titian painted this style of portrait. [See illustration | No. 117. PORTRAIT OF A WARRIOR By TITIAN No. 118. ENTHRONED MADONNA AND CHILD By MAESTRO GUGHELMO MAESTRO GUGHELMO VENETIAN: XIV CENTURY BY. T71&.§ ENTHRONED MADONNA AND CHILD as A primitive portrayal of the full-length Virgin Mother, robed in flowing blue and crimson draperies and holding the fully draped Christ seated upon her lap. Before a brilliant crimson drapery up- held by two winged angels. Panel: Height, 35 inches; width, 20 inches [See illustration | : Si ee baz 3) Ou Guy lvelwe de Vir ria - RoW, (L Cask : ne incon aay OW FOLLOWER OF ALESSANDRO BOTTICELLI ITALIAN: XV. CENTURY I19. MADONNA AND. CHILD Three-quarter-length enthroned Madonna, the head gracefully in- clined to the left, with delicate transparent veiling and characteristic Florentine headdress, crimson and blue robes. At the left, seated by her side, is the nude Infant Savior, holding a pomegranate. Through the aperture at the upper left 1s a vista of peaked mountain- ous landscape. Very graceful and beautifully modeled work, pos- sessing great charm. Arched panel: Height, 3834 inches; width, 25% inches [See illustration | pa xe rvs tly i \ Ly 5. 2 Aw dabwano. 44 NA AND CHILD ON By a follower of ALESSANDRO BOTTIC ELLI No. 120. THE ANNUNCIATION By a follower of RAPHAEL SANZIO s FOLLOWER OF RAPHAEL SANZIO ITALIAN: XV—X VI- CENTURY 120. THE ANNUNCIATION 04 “Gl ystloine ds Within a paneled renaissance interior spangled with golden stars, having at the left an embrasure through which 1s observed a superb small landscape animated with figures, and at the right a receding view of a vestibule with attendant holy women, is the devout and humble figure of the Blessed Virgin, robed in crimson and blue, kneeling before a prie-Dieu. At the left, rendered with poetic mo- tion, is the announcing angel in shaded blue draperies, holding a lily branch. Above is the bearded figure of God the Father, with a host of adoring cherubim and seraphim enveloped in gray-blue clouds, and the descending dove in a luminous aureole. UWAMAAN Li Signd at the lower right on the prie-Dieu with initials ReF-V-Ft. > ‘— Panel: Height, 24 inches; length, 31 inches Note: Beyond the expression of spirituality in this work, the ‘‘architectonics” of the composition are rendered with a grandeur true to the high renaissance, and mark this as the production of a close follower of Raphael. : Ma [ [See illustration] - Py Sangn OY : Pa P ; 5 ¢ ¥s aay ge ~ (Yn , i) } | fy * Pie LAs N “ } aa ie NVitouce wn rey, | Al 61S W UWA , Fedo . Ihe UU, cb Sa Soe Ae ee, ) | | = ib ee dive ere ert. eras a \ne Mow, Ine pawali Cain frm ia , . ini ape A ane > See ato. [2 t + Gre ye bad A a Vx (hoop Moun, ba VAD MM, Las © f VAY Ne » Tne laa : ‘ Me Ans OOBUIVAAE c, kK Ke Solancs : Wwe Ouray ph ty Vers Wied ane \ Wr Voki Apes : » Vib» Ran l 2 atin acai ie C ald Low~t AMA Van wrgn rons wmf fae ag lov, ( Orns tans ay See Lie, P,, mie Vee hin Uy A pects Apart L ce Mao. uk (x ¢ rmplile K,. ‘” t ry id oF e Uf Sree, 4 y t = = f, 6 f tn peal fe | ae wi KO ee WG Rot. ie ? ‘bp. hk ies | G2), AUB Pie a Core, yt fae b pa nA Ae sae mE un ( =e be Cdiioot Chae I~ Ane ry ’ \ \MAq WH P\SAAW ers ce PY YN ln Aang Lau Plate t \-) FLORENTINE.SCHOOL X1TV=XV CENFURY 121. MADONNA AND CHILD Full-length figure of the Virgin Mother with her head inclined to the right, holding the semi-draped form of the Infant Christ upon her lap; at the right in the firmament are glorifying cherubim and seraphim. ‘The figures are haloed, those of the Virgin and Child bear inscriptions. Gold background. Panel: Height, 35 neha width, 22 inches [See illustration ] yal Wu Shy! No. i121. MADONNA ANDs CHILD FLORENTINE SCHOOL No. 122. MADONNA AND CHILD School of AGNOLO GADDI SCHOOL OF AGNOLO GADDI FLORENTINE: XIV CENTURY Br. epartreeree Peet atDONNA AND CHILD CN Car ae le z2 Three-quarter length standing figure of the Virgin Mary wearing (4) a Pew - a gold-embroidered crimson tunic and deep blue hooded mantle, “%.,-b ~ |’ holding in her arms the semi-draped Divine Infant holding a bird. ( | The haloes rendered in bulino work. Gold background. Bia Panel: Height, 39% inches; width, 24% inches [See illustration | JOSEPH DA CA’ BARBARI VENETIAN: XV CENTURY 123. THE MERCHANT Half-length figure of a bearded man wearing a black hat and jacket, showing the edges of a white collarette, seated before a table counting gold and silver coins, a bowl of which he holds in his left hand. Before him is a statement of figures. Neutral background. Signed at upper left upon a scroll, JOSEPH DA CA’ BARBARI, and dated 1547 Height, 29 inches; width, 28% inches [See illustration ] CELL, Md eed CL ddd tila “ WEE css EM MPLLLOALLYLS CBB sl dsadaammmadnaadummmmnmdddidididd ddd ddd \\ ~ QQ Ss. ty ty WMAMLIDIDWSM MIG Ess |S WEG VCE SN SSN SQ SNS RR SSNS RW So SSAA RAAT SAAN AGATA HN AL SSS QA A4SH r9°rewe EEN TERROR GAG GAN : . SO ASS WORN SQ Mihi mae eam aei> CL LL a a ype Mie Lis Ze Wie No. 123. THE MERCHANT By JOSEPH DA Cd’ BARBARI No. 124. MADONNA AND CHILD By FRANCESCO DI GENTILE DA FABRIANO 4 AVI ONTAD ‘i Waduovs : » Mower MI fe Sie. ‘acy FP ages Onto 3? Nica dk Matern Sn —GEN-PHSE=DA-FABRIANO ITALIAN: XV CENTURY pipette (2 den): | ag aCe mcethe (44-4 (26) Half-length figure of the Virgin Mother hooded and robed, wearing a deep black mantle and holding in her arms the fully draped Child Christ. In the foreground a balustrading draped with a Moorish rug. Gold background. 124. MADONNA AND CHILD Height, 26 inches; width, 16% inches [See illustration | oP clu b Mie Pee Las). obs 4 Is ee dt. O24 ( ee SD ) {eis bl Glad Cssa - TITIAN [‘TIZIANO VECELLI | [ ATTRIBUTED TO] VENETIAN: 1477—1576 125. MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SAINTS Half-length figure of the Virgin Mother enthroned before a deep green hanging, wearing beautifully arranged draperies of deep red and greenish-blue, holding in her arms the semi-nude form of the Divine Infant, Who holds the apple of Redemption and leans toward the bearded figure of St. Peter. At the left is the profile figure of St. John. Landscape background. Panel: Height, 35 inches; length, 48 inches [See illustration | AARNE ROS CEL Ea SLNIVS HLIM GTIHO GNV VNNOGVIW ‘$21 ‘ON i AND FIGURES AFFIO JOHN wake ’ MADONNA AND CHILD e126 O N v4 By GIOVANNI ANTONIO BOLTR GIOVANNI ANTONIO BOLTRAFFIO MILANESE: 1467—1516 120. MADONNA AND CHILD, ST. JOHN AND FIGURES Centring the composition is the kneeling figure of the Blessed Virgin robed in crimson and blue, the mantle lined with old-gold. In the foreground are the nude forms of the Divine Infant, seated, and the Infant St. John, kneeling. At right a crimson-draped angel, and at the left a profiile portrait of the Donor. The background of massed boulders, with prospect of mountainous scenery, under a pale blue sky. Panel: Height, 42% inches; width, 29 inches ? 4 a ie eS ( WAIL aw — ) a 4 22 Ae Ral s Note: In a fine state of preservation with original frame of the period. The portrait of the donor is especially noble in conception. [See illustration | f) M. Hur) ’ Nin Vian Is «a, BN hr¢fry ( c] i FRENCH SCHOOL XV—X VI CENTUORYS ec whan 127. THE PRESENTATION Al.THE. TEMPLE een (ard The interior of a Gothic church, with the hooded and robed Virgin vy. Dwr Mother presenting at the altar the nude Infant Savior to the vener- able crimson-robed priest. At the:left are the figures of St. Anne and St. Joseph holding a cage with two doves. Through the aperture at the right, in a primitive landscape, is.a depiction of the flight into Egypt. | | | | A ooo Panel: Height,,32 inches; width, 29% inches io dee ale Paes | OT od Car aah [See illustration ] Max | [CAN 1 ) | | uae 4 Cre. man Pel fae i ov. 4 ee K Ua'whig ye Cradle : io wmie : Qa. 6 Merman XU, Qutb. (untur Cour powruin (Price, Mo. 12 &.. (ao Say By) Ky hour bk 7 VN. Ww. 930 [3 Womi27. LHE’ PRESENTATION AleLAn PEMPEE FRENCH SCHOOL No. 128. THE NATIVITY FRENCH SCHOOL FRENCH SCHOOL XV—XVI CENTURY moet at NATIVITY A vivid portrayal of the Virgin Mother, kneeling within a Roman- esque arcaded stable, wearing a crimson tunic and voluminous shaded blue mantle, upon the train of which is the nude Infant Savior. At the left, by the ox and the ass, are adoring angels, and at the right the figure of St. Joseph. In the background, in a primitive land- scape setting, an angel in the heavens announcing the glad tidings to the shepherds with their flocks. Panel: Height, 32 inches; width, 29% inches [See illustration ] Pa r i j ; a et eae iw a al : ‘ y i Are ii _ k \Q Vas bSvk MAME, IN.) L¢ NOY \ 2/ A A \ Ve LORENZO COSTA 2 ITALIAN: 1460—1535 120. ST. SEBASLLIAN Life-size figure of the martyred saint, nude save for a crimson loin- cloth, bound to a pillar and pierced by arrows. Dark background. Finely modeled work. Panel: Height, 6 feet 2% inches; width, 2 feet 5% inches [See illustration ] No. 129. ST. SEBASTIAN By LORENZO COSTA No. 130. GLORY OF ANGELS By a follower of FRA ANGELICO FOLLOWER OF FRA ANGELICO TUSCAN: (XV CENTURY 130. GLORY OF ANGELS Arched panel in two sections; with superbly rendered celestial hier- archy, their faces of perfect beauty and figures portrayed in the bloom of adolescence, classically robed in blues, reds and greens, their hands gracefully poised in rhythm to the fanfare of the golden trumpets. Each figure wears an aureole rendered in gold bulino work, before a gold background. Portrayed with charming felicity. Panel: Height, 42% inches; width, 2634 inches [See illustration | ADRIEN ISENBRANDT NETHERLANDS: ACTIVE 1510—I551 197. AER TEIAGG EL The centre panel with depiction of various episodes in the life of Saint Jerome. In the foreground the Saint is kneeling beneath a tree in penitent attitude before the crucifix; at the left are the crim- son habiliments of his high office, and the lion. Portrayed in a re- ceding landscape setting. The left and right panels exhibit respec- tively St. Bernard of Clairvaux, and St. Anthony of Padua. Central panel: Height, 28 inches; width, 18% inches Side panels: Height, 28% inches; width of each, 9 inches Note: An early work of this interesting master presumed to have been painted before he had left the studio of Gerard David, who may have collaborated in the work; especially is this noticeable in the figures of the two Franciscan saints. ~% [See illustration] *. Napa, Ed bee Lela By ADRIEN ISENBRANDT No. 132. A VENETIAN DOGE By, ENO Re TINTORETTO [ JACOPO ROBUSTT] VENETIAN: 1518—1594 132. A VENETIAN DOGE Three-quarter-length bearded figure seated upon a Dantesque chair; turned slightly to the left but facing the observer, wearing a rich aubergine velvet robe trimmed with ermine, Before a dark back- ground. 7 Height, 45 inches; width, 39 inches [See illustration | ALBERTINO. AND. MARTINO PIAZZA ITALIAN: 4 V---X-V. F- CENTURY Loo DRIER ERY Cr: The central panel exhibiting the enthroned St. Nicolas de Bari with his attributes and robed as a bishop in a rich gold- -embroidered cope. In the left panel, St. John the Baptist wearing the proverbial hair shirt partly draped by a crimson mantle, and a saintly bishop in gold-embroidered green cope. The right panel with depiction of St. Claire robed as a nun, holding a monstrance and a missal, and the richly draped re Rap bag wo NG Angel Tobias in a green tunic. Centre panel: Height, 54 inches; width, 24 inches Two end panels: Height, 54 inches; width, 19 inches Acquired from Mme. F. Delvecchio, veuve Counio, de Génes. Photografie Anderson No. 3488 Reproduced in A. Venturi, “La Galleria Crespi,” etc., op. cit. pl., p. 278 Cf. Arte [198], p. 83; A. Venturi, “La Galleria Crespi,” etc., op. cit., pp. 277 and following; Bryan, “Dictionary of Painters,” op. cit., t. IV, p. 111. ist. col. starting with the word Piazza [article signed: C. J. Foulkes|; B. Berenson, “North Italian Painters of the Renaissance,” op. cit., p. 281 [See illustration | f t . ; ' aos | eee dak Pane Bg eS PZZFId ONILLYUPFW GNF ONILMAAITP “2 HOALdIUL “£1 ON t i No. 134. PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN By GIOVANNI BATTISTA MORONI GIOVANNI BATTISTA MORONI 7 BRESCIAN: 1520—1578 134. PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN [of the Colleont Family? | Three-quarter length bearded figure, standing turned to the right but looking to the observer; wearing a black doublet striped with crim- son, a white collarette, crimson breeches and a black surcoat; he holds a glove in his right hand and his left hand rests upon a book. Neutral background. Height, 43 inches; width, 33% inches [See illustration | NICCOLO SOGGI ar ale ee \4 teow” ° UMBRIAN: 1474—1554 Stfi wer (474 (41°) 135. STORY OF SAINT OLIVA A hilly landscape scene depicting in the foreground a mounted fal- coner with attendants and dogs. At the left before the monumental arch regal and saintly figures and a halberdier, and at the right a bearded apostle talking to St. Oliva with two children in her arms. In the middle distance are two martyrs being led away by soldiery. Cerulean-blue sky background. Height, 21% inches; length, 47 inches [Companion to the following] [See illustration ] h (P. ho 6 RAY: f ( 6 a ad 4 UP. AA te \ i eA ~? 4 % \Ary A “ . f \ ? ( Cd. vynywwt — LQ — ST] \ — IDDOS OTODIIN 49 VAITO LNIVS JO AYOLS “St! ON No. 136. STORY OF SAINT OLIVA By NICCOLO SOGGI NiGGOUOnsoGe! UMBRIAN: 1474—1554 br, Ui aaa ad Sanlaer ene a fiw] 136. STORY OF SAINT OLIVA | 197 (4b A hilly landscape dotted with trees and saplings with depiction at the right of Saint Oliva bound to the tree and burning. At the right upon a raised dais, a regal figure with courtiers and at the left a pious woman kneeling before a female saint and two angels. In the foreground two nude children and several spectators. Height, 2114 inches; length, 47 inches [ Companion to the preceding | [See illustration | “5 Rr og UP ULAA L $ . . ( é d ps FRANCISCO ZURBARAN [ATTRIBUTED TO] SPANISH: XVII CENTURY 137. INTERIOR WITH FIGURES A shaded interior with figures grouped around a crimson covered table. At the right is a seated figure of a maiden richly robed in bright crimson with large white puffed sleeves, holding a child upon her lap. In the foreground at the left is a seated child, and at the right a dog. Flanking the arched doorway in the background are vistas of other interiors with figures. Height, 481% inches; width, 43% inches VENETIAN SCHOOL ee (hints cee XV CENTURY (AG eee 4x (Qi) a 138. DIPTY CH Doctors of the church, two of the four Latin Fathers. "Two Gothic arched panels, presenting at left the seated figure of St. Ambrose, wearing the Episcopal robes as Bishop of Milan [shaded white tunic with rich green cope], with mitre, and holding the model of a church and the knotted scourge; before a crimson background enriched with a close design of rosettes and arabesqued foliations; and in the right panel St. Gregory, in sacerdotal robes as Pope, and with the papal tiara, seated writing his missal, the dove portrayed at his right ear; before a black background similarly enriched in gold. Panel: Height, 59 inches; width, 54 inches [See illustration | A set pd 2 BSG Gs ENETIAN SCHOOL No No. 139. MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SAINTS TUSCAN SCHOOL TUSCAN SCHOOL XIV CENTURY 139. MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SAINTS Full-length enthroned Madonna hooded and robed in crimson and blue, holding in her arms the semi-draped Child Christ, Who holds a pomegranate. Standing at the base of the throne are Saint Nicho- las of Myra and St. Verdiana with their emblems. Height, 43 inches; width, 21 inches [See illustration ] DOSSO DOSSI FERRARESE: 1479—1548 P70; sd. JOHN Almost life-size figure of the bearded St. John wearing the hair shirt partly covered by a rich wine-crimson mantle, the head inclined to the right. His right foot is raised upon a stone and he holds in his arms the lamb and staff. Blue background. Panel: Height, 5 feet 3% inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches [Companion to the following] DOSSO DOSSI FARRARESE: 1479—1548 IAly oO EAarAGL Almost life-size figure of the bearded St. Paul facing to the left, wearing a voluminous green tunic girdled at the waist, and deep crimson mantle. Blue background. Panel: Height, 5 feet 3% inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches [Companion to the preceding | ENG k n Noort Or en VENETIAN SCHOOL j Na hy ViIQARVA. XIV CENTURY 142. POLYTYCH The lower central panel exhibits the full-length figure of the Virgin Mother clothed in the traditional crimson and blue robes, with the Infant Christ fully draped in a lighter crimson. Above is a depic- tion of the Crucifixion with St. John and the Madonna at the foot of the Cross; on either side are narrow panels with the Angel of the _ Annunciation and a further rendering of the Blessed Virgin. The flanking panels present twelve saintly figures, portrayed with the characteristic asceticism of this era; respectively, from left to right: top row, Saints Bartholomew, James, Peter, Ambrose, Paul and Jerome; lower row, Saints Catherine, Mark, John, Elena [?] and Anthony, and a Father of the Church. The backgrounds are of gold and each head is surrounded by the nimbus wrought in bulino work. An extremely rare polyptych of superb color, in an excellent state of preservation. Height, 6 feet 4 inches; length, 6 feet 5 inches [See illustration | : nee oe oan ta Sean POT Eby Cr. aed ENETIAN SCHOOL No V - f : ty re ml, ake ae ee ae ty VENETIAN SCHOOL ¢ : = Crrrr CRW 0 i XV CENTURY Kr. US 5 (cz ({ aM Non 143. DIPTYCH WM irene Ley (2) Two Gothic arched panels, presenting at left St. Jerome in the rich crimson robes of a cardinal holding a model of a church upon his left knee; gold enriched green -blue background. At right, St. Gregory, wearing a bishop’s mitre and cope, also holding a model of a church; similar background in crimson. Panel: Height, 58 inches; total width, 50 inches FLORENTINE SCHOOL XV CENTURY 144. FRONT OF A CASSONE A marriage procession. Centring the architectural composition is a mitred bishop performing the ceremony of marriage; at the lett are the bride’s attendant maids and mounted figures, and at the right variously grouped and gorgeously arrayed personages. Panel: Height, 34% inches; length, 634 inches FLORENTINE SCHOOL XV CENTURY 145. FRONT OF A CASSONE Probably an incident from Boccaccio. Displaying a group of bril- liantly robed personages in procession through an orchard. At the left three maidens are bestowing blessings upon three youthful male figures. Panel: Height, 13% inches; length, 53 inches [END OF SECOND AND LAST SESSION] INDEX OF ARTISTS AND THEIR WORKS ALBERTINELLI, Mariorro The Holy Family ANDREA DA BOLOGNA Madonna and Child ANSELMI, MICHELANGELO The Holy Family ANTONELLO DA SALIBA Madonna and Child PanlOLO DI FREDI Group of Female Saints in Adoration BELLINI, GIOVANNI [School of] The Enthroned Madonna and Child BELLINI, JAcoPro The Miracle of St. Domenico BERNARDINO DI MARIOTTO Madonna and Child with St. John and Angels BICCI DI LORENZO Madonna and Child, with Saints Two Saints BOLTRAFFIO, GIOVANNI ANTONIO Madonna and Child, St. John and Figures BOTTICELLI, ALESSANDRO [follower of] Madonna and Child BOUTS, Dirk [School of] Madonna and Child CATALOGUE NUMBER 62 Lomi 85 105 29 104 109 837 65 113 126 119 33 CATALOGUE ‘ : NUMBER BRUYN, BarTHOLOMAUS [Attributed to] Portrait of a Lady 100 BUONACCORSI, PIERO The Holy Family 114 BUTINONE, BERNARDINO JACOBI Predelia 58 CANALETTO [ANTONIO CANALE]| Venetian Festival 66 COLOGNE [School of] Triptych : 112 CORNEILLE DE LYON J. de Brissac, Maréchal de France 31 * COSTA, LORENZO St. Sebastian | 129 CRIVELLI, Caro [follower of | A Saintly Bishop 92 DECKER, CORNELIS GERRITSZ The Inn ; 6 DE HOOGH, PIETER [Attributed to] Interior with Figures 39 DEL MAZO [Spanish school of] Portrait of as@ourtier AS DOSSO DOSSI (yo W495} St. John 140 Steamoauk I4I ogee DOU, GERARD [School of] An Interior with Figure 4 Peed SCHOOL Landscape with Figures and Cattle 7 Portrait of a Lady 84 ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Gentleman 21 Portrait of a Child 22 FERRARESE SCHOOL Two Saints 86 FIORENZO DI LORENZO St. Sebastian aie FIORI, FEDERICO [BAROCCIO] [Z4iétributed to] Madonna and Child with St. John isis FLEMISH SCHOOL Madonna and Child with St. Domenico 2B Madonna and Child i Triptych 34 Triptych 38 FLORENTINE SCHOOL Historical Scene 47 Madonna and Child with Saints 64 Madonna and Child vii" Episode from the History of St. Urbano 98 Madonna and Child 116 Madonna and Child 121 Front of a Cassone 144 Front of a Cassone 145 FRA ANGELICO [Follower of | Glory of Angels 130 CATALOGUE NUMBER FRANCESCO DE GENTILE DAZPABRTANG Madonna and Child 124 FRANCO-FLEMISH SCHOOL The Annunciation I PRON C Lies GEO 1s Portrait of a Lady 14 POrtrateol ea mieady, 16 Portrait of a Lady . Ty Portrait of a Nobleman 18 Portrait of a Gentleman 19 Three Holy Women 108 The Presentation at the Temple 127 The Nativity 128 GADDI, AGNOLO [School of | Madonna and Child E22 GENTILE DI NICCOLO DA FABRIANO Two Saints ; 83 GERMAN SCHOOL Religious Allegory in The Mathematician Tie GHIRLANDAIO, RODOLFO DEL Madonna and Child with St. John 89 GIOVANNI BATTISTA DA CONEGLIANO (°c, Triptych 106 GIOVANNI DI PAOLO (w wy, The Visitation | 74. GIOVANNI DI PIETRO Madonna | oa IL SASSAFERRATO The Nativity ISENBRANDT, ApbrIENn Triptych PewerAN SCHOOL Portrait of a Nobleman Madonna and Child Madonna and Child The Shepherdess Portrait of a Pope JORDAENS, JAKoB Portrait of a Man JOSEPH DA CA’ BARBARI The Merchant KESSLER, FRANZ Portrait of Adolphus Munster Portrait of Maria Munster LAWRENCE, SIR THOMAS Marchesa Paola Castiglioni Litta LELY, SIR PETER Portrait of a Lady LOMBARDIAN SCHOOL Enthroned Madonna and Child The Annunciation LONDONIO, FRANCESCO Landscape with Cattle Farmyard LORENZETTI, PIETRO The Crucifixion CATALOGUE NUMBER gi 131 52 57 68 10) 95 32 ae EILO CATALOGUE NUMBER MABUSE, JEAN GOssAERT [School of] Triptych 30 King Henry VIII 2G MACRINO D’ALBA Two Learned Saints go MAESTRO GUGHELMO Enthroned Madonna and Child 118 MAESTRO DI MALINES The Nativity 12 MANTEGNA [School of Andrea| The Resurrection 102 MASTER OF THE HALF-LENGTH FIGURE Portrait of a Lady Writing 103 MATTEO DI GIOVANNI \) | Madonna and Child, with Saints | III MEYER, HENDRIK A Village Festival 29 MIGLIARA, GIOVANNI Landscape 46 Landscape with Figures 48 Landscape with Figures 49 Landscape with Figures 50 MONNOYER, JEAN BAPTISTE Still Life AI Still Life 42 MORONE, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO Madonna and Child 69 CATALOGUE NUMBER MORONI, GIOVANNI Battista [Attributed to] oitrait of a Man 54 Portrait of a Gentleman 107 Portrait of a Nobleman 134 Ponta ITALIAN SCHOOL Legend of Cornelia 78 Peat UNIR, Joachim D. St. Francis in Prayer 3 PERUZZI, BALDASSARE [Jn the Manner of] The Legend of Traiano 97 PIAZZA, ALBERTINO AND MARTINO Triptych 133 PISA [School of] Enthroned Madonna, Child and Saints 70 PONTORMO, JAcopo Judgment of a Martyr $2 RAOUX, JEAN The Lecture 40 RAPHAEL SANZIO_ [Follower of] The Annunciation 120 Rotor OF VRIES Landscape with Figures 94 ROMNEY, GEORGE Portrait of a Lady 20 SIENESE SCHOOL Madonna and Child, with Angels 93 SOGGI, NICCOLO Story of Saint Oliva Story of Saint Oliva SPANISH SCHOOL A. Franciscan Friar Portrait of a Lady SUSTERMANN [School of] Portrait of a Nobleman TIEPOLO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Communion of a Saint TINTORETTO [JAcopo RosustTI] ThemMitracle-of-st-avlark Portrait of a Noblenmn A Venetian Doge TITIAN [TIZIANO VECELLI] Portrait of@asvatrios Madonna and Child with Saints TOURNIERES, Rosert Le Regent et Mme des Rarabere TUSCAN SCHOOL Madonna and Child Madonna and Child with Saints UMBRIAN SCHOOL The Crucifixion VAN BLOEMEN, PIETER The Encampment VAN DER MEULEN, ADAM FRANS Battle Scene CATALOGUE NUMBER 135 136 43 44 5. 60 VAN VAN VAN VAN VAN DER NEER, AERT Moonlit Scene DE VELDE, ADRIAEN Pastoral DER LEEUW, PIETER Landscape with Figure and Cattle DYCK, SIR ANTHONY Baron Wanderford [ ?] DYCK, SIR ANTHONY [Attributed to] Lady Charlemont VENETIAN SCHOOL The Shepherd Portrait of a Boy Diptych Polyptych Diptych VERONESE, PAOLO Portrait of a Lady, with Youth and Cupidon VERONESE SCHOOL Madonna and Child Adoration of the Magi VIVARINI, ANTONIO A Saintly Bishop ZURBARAN, FRANCISCO Interior with Figures CATALOGUE NUMBER D 36 26 137 Si AVE ERG SNALS ANS bass OPE OURS Pee) VS PATES” 6 STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES Seb AwOGUES OF PRIVATE CO EE CLO ns CTAB, _» 7 Se eAmerican Art Association, Inc. will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. The Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vale libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales catalogues of the eAssociation. GQ Upon request the ceAssociation will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for whom the cAssociation has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (ommission and others in interest. Pave RICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC Madison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK — *GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE — 3125 01031 7218 G) d Oo LIBRARY | Gay P d&?-DI 7120 Trig be ig ee eue Be Oa Oe |S ee