___ THE MAGNIFICENT AND SUMPTUOUSLY BOUND eae “ee PRIVATE LIBRARY OF . WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN OF eet L. I, AND NEW YORK CITY oh ae COMPRISING THE WORKS OF NOTABLE = AMERICAN AND FRENCH AUTHORS ( OLLECTED SETS OF FIRST EDITIONS AND DE LUXE ISSUES OLORED PLATE BOOKS, NOTABLE ART MONOGRAPHS, _BXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS AND ASSOCIATION ITEMS OF INTEREST ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBERI 3 TH SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE N THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I6TH, 1922 _ AT 2:30 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON UNDER THE PAD AGE END OF _-'THE MADISON AVENUE BLOCK Pe? § s6TH TO 57TH STREETS _ ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY ? * SS, a! A . » Fa N pens og Te ee STEVENSON | ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON CoLLEcTED Set or First Eprrions [No. 325] ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF | THE MAGNIFICENT AND SUMPTUOUSLY BOUND PRIVATE LIBRARY OF MRS. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN OF MANHASSET, L. I.. AND NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF THE OWNER—MRS. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I6TH, 1922 AT 2:30 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK CITY ois Nala THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY FOREWORD The present Collection needs no extensive foreword; the fastidious selective taste of its owner is apparent in this, the First Sale of Books, held by The American _ Art Association in its new book-rooms. It should however be pointed out to our Patrons that the majority of these examples of English and French Master Binders had been executed for their owner previous to the Great War and hence are much superior in both material and work- manship to those executed since that period. It should also be noted that under the new Tariff Bill an additional tax of 33% per cent ad valorem is now imposed on all imported books bound within the last twenty years. The Association deems itself most fortunate in opening its season with so choice a collection and in enabling its Patrons, under particularly advantageous circum- stances, to add to their Libraries charming examples of the bookbinder’s art. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE MADISON AVENUE BLOCK 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for resale the lot soin dispute. 3. Identification and Part Payment by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof and, when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing’ conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and resold. 4. Risk after Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the ele or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of nine a. m. and one p. m. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made—between the hours of nine a. m. and five p. m. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrangement to the contrary. Deliveries at the Storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of nine and five. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. 6. Storage in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. Note: The limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above require- ments necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its pa- trons, whose goods otherwise would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. 7. Shipping. Boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 8. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavours therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfec- tion, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of ‘the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result wete his opinion without foundation. 9. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that in the event of purchases consisting of one or more books for one who has not himself or through his agent been personally at the exhibition or sale, any book may be re- turned within ten days of the date of sale and the purchaser will be refunded the purchase money therefor, if the book in any material manner diffe1s from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should be also stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale or any session thereof will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION The Madison Avenue Block Entrance, 30 East 57th Street New York City AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE MADISON AVENUE BLOCK 56TH TO 57TH STREETS ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF THE MAGNIFICENT PRIVATE LIBRARY OF MRS. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN OF MANHASSET, LONG ISLAND AND NEW YORK CITY THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 16th, AT 2:30 O°;CLOCK I. A BECKETT (GILBERT ABBOTT). The Comic History of England. With 20 colored plates and numerous woodcuts by John Leech. 2 vols. London: Punch Office, 1847-1848 ALSO The Comic History of Rome. W2th 10 colored plates and numerous woodcuts ~ by John Leech. London: Bradbury and Evans, [1853] Together, 3 vols. 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet borders and floral corner ornaments, backs gilt panelled, inside gilt dentelle borders, Morris-paper linings and end-leaves, gilt tops, edges scraped, a front wrapper from the original issue in parts bound in each volume, BY ROOT, a few plates trimmed close. London, 1847-|1853] First EDITIONS, BOUND UP FROM THE ORIGINAL PARTS. 2. Atsop’s AND Gay’s FABLES. The Fables of AXsop. With a Life of the Author. Embellished with 112 plates (by Granger, Leney, Chapman, Audinet, Landseer, and others, after William Blake, Stothard, and other artists). 2 vols., |ALSo] Gay (JonN). Fables. With a Life of the Author. Embellished with 70 plates (of which 12 are engraved, and perhaps also designed by William Blake). 2 vols. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo, full crimson straight-grain morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, full gilt panelled backs with floral designs and bands of light green morocco, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY LLOYD, WALLIS AND LLOYD. London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1793 LARGE PAPER Copy OF STOCKDALE’S BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED ISSUE OF BOTH THE ABOVE WORKS. SPLENDID Copy. WITH BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. 3. AIKIN (Lucy). Life of Joseph Addison. First Epition. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1843; TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp). Memoir. By his Son. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York, 1897; NorTON (CHARLES ELioT). Letters. With Biographical Comment by Sarah Norton and M. A. DeWolfe Howe. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Boston, 1913; SMALLEY (GEORGE W.). Anglo-American Memories. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt tops, New York, 1911. Together, 8 vols. THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 4. AINSworRTH (WILLIAM Harrison). Jack Sheppard. Illustrations. by George Cruikshank. 1844; Windsor Castle. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and Tony Johannot. 1844; Old Saint Paul’s. Illustrations by John Franklin and H. K. Browne. 1847; Guy Fawkes. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. No date. Together, 4 vols. three-quarter red crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, two volumes with gilt edges. London, 1844-1847 5. AtpricH (THomas BaILey). The Writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Por- traits; title-pages, with vignettes, printed in red and black. 10 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs with floral sprays, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1897 COMPLETE. LARGE PAPER, only 250 copies printed, this being, Autograph Copy, No. 249, Signed by the Author,—Thomas Bailey Aldrich: comprising.— Poems. 2 vols.; Marjorie Daw; Prudence Palfrey [and] Rivermouth Romance; Queen of Sheba [and] My Cousin the Colonel; Stillwater Tragedy; Story of a Bad Boy [and] Little Violinist; From Ponkapog to Pesth, etc.; Ponkapog Papers [and] A Sea Turn; Life. 6. ALEXANDER THE GREAT OF Russia. Nicolas Mikhailowitch, Grand Duke. L’Empereur Alexandre Ier.. Essai d’Etude Historique. Wzuth 19 plates of portraits and views, some in colors. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, sides with framework of gilt arabesques, fillets and den- telles, gilt backs, inside gilt dentelle borders, marbled linen doublures and fly-leaves, gilt tops, uncut and unopened, original front wrappers bound in, BY STIKEMAN. | . St. Pétersbourg, 1912 7, AMERICANA. NEw York City. Valentine’s Manual of the City of New York, 1917-1918. Edited by H. C. Brown. Extensively illustrated. 12mo, full blue morocco, gilt, uncut. New York [1917]; JENKINS (STEPHEN). The Greatest Street in the World, the Story of Broadway. 160 illustrations and 6 maps. 8vo, half blue crushed French levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. New York, 1911; IRVING (WASHINGTON). Knickerbocker’s History of New York. Illustrations by E. W. Kemble. Stuyvesant Edition, limited to 281 copies. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full English calf, gilt, uncut.» New York, 1891; INTERBOROUGH RAPID TRANSIT. The New York Subway, ‘its Construction and Equipment. Illustrations. Folio, cloth. New York [1904]; S1IzELort (E. I.—Editor). The New Metropolis. rooo illustrations. Autographed Memorial Edition de Luxe. Limited to 250 copies. Oblong Ato, morocco, gilt. New York [1899]. Together, 6 vols. 8. AMERICANA. ATLAS. Nassau County, Long Island, N. Y. Historical-Statisti- cal. Published by E. Belcher Hyde. 127 colored maps, including a number of folding plates. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt lettering on front cover. New York, 1914. 9g. AMERICANA. Bancroft (George). History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Engraved portraits. 10 vols. Boston, 1866-1874; History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. 2 vols. New York, 1893; MCMAsTER (JOHN BaAc#). A History of the United States, from the Revolution to the Civil War. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. New York, 1898-1897. Together, 16 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, contents lettered, gilt tops uncut. Boston and New York, 1866-1897 Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read ihe Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 10. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LoRING). A Trio of Eighteenth Century French En- gravers of Portraits in Miniature. Ficquet, Savart, Grateloup. Engraved title, full-page reproductions, some in colors, and text tllustrations. 8vo, full crimson crushed French levant morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides, full gilt panelled back, inside gilt dentelle and fillet borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY THE CLUB BINDERY, I90O. New York, 1899 IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER. EDITION, limited to 161 copies, with the stamp of the Japanese Government Mill. 11. ANTIPHONAL. Antiphonarivm Romanvm Ivxta Breviarivm ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitvtvm, et Clementis VIII auctoritate recognitum. Printed in red and black, with musical notation in black on red lines. Small folio, contemporary binding of oak boards covered with stamped calf, brass clasps (one lacking), brass corners, back and edges of binding worn, some leaves soiled, three leaves lacking. Tornaci Nerviorvm, 1622 Inserted are 26 full leaves and 9g half leaves of manuscript music for additional festivals, etc., for special use in some part of Spain or Portugal. 12. ANTIQUE Gems. A Collection of the Works of Ancient Writers of Greece and Rome. Numerous vignette iulustrations, some in duplicate, others in two states, plain and colored. Text in Greek and Latin, with English translation on opposite pages, surrounded with colored ornamental borders. 13 vols. 8vo, full gobelin blue crushed French levant morocco, front covers with elaborate gilt border of scrolls and dots, full gilt panelled backs with same design repeated, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie and Son, Printed for Subscribers Only [1901] EDITION PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. Limited Issue: comprising ,— Idyls, by Theocritus; Cupid and Psyche, and Apuleuis; Odes, Epodes, by Horace; Daphnis and Chloe, by Longus; The Ass, by Lucius; The Amours, by Ovid; Leucippe and Clitophon, by Tatius. 2 vols.; Odes, by Anacreon and Sappho; Elegies, by Propertius; Jason and Medea, by Apollonius, and Heor and Leander, by Muszus; The Dialogues of Courtesans, by Lucian; The Bucolics, by Virgil, and Odes to Lesbia, by Catullus. 13. APPLETON’S SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY: comprising,—The Scientific Works of Charles Darwin. 15 vols; Herbert Spencer. 16 vols.; Thomas H. Huxley. 9 vols.; John Tyndall. 6 vols.; Ernst Haeckel. 2 vols.; Le Conte; Proctor; Wright; Bain; Schmidt; Whitney; Maudlsey; Young; Draper; Quick; Ferri; and Painter. Portraits and illustrations. Together, 60 vols. 12mo half morocco, various colors, gilt tops, uncut, some backs faded. New York, 1896-1898 THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 14. ARABIAN Nicuts. Les Mille et Une Nuits. Contes Arabes. Traduits en Francois par Galland. Nouvelle Edition. Revue sur les Textes Originaux ... par M. Destains. Précédé d’une Notice Historique sur Galland par M. Charles Nodier. Portrait. 6 vols. royal 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides, full gilt panelled backs, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt over marbled edges, BY PETIT. Paris: Imprimerie de Crapelet, 1822-1825 Best and most complete text in French of the Arabian Nights, containing several tales hitherto unpublished. On handsome large vellum paper copy, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 54 full-page engravings, some India proofs, others proofs before letters, including 6 after Westall, 14 after Marillier, 23 after Smirke, and 11 unsigned Proofs before Letters. 15. ARABIAN NicHts. The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called, in England, The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. A New Translation from the Arabic, with Copious Notes, by Edward William Lane. ORIGINAL’ IssuE. Illustrated by many hundred engravings on wood, from original designs by Wiliam Harvey. 3 vols. royal 8vo, green morocco, decorated in gilt arabesque design, giltedges. London: Charles Knight and Co., 1839-1841 16. ARCHITECTURE. Adam (Robert and James). Works in Architecture. Wa2th 106 full-page engraved reproductions, showing planes, elevations, etc., Atlas folio unbound. Enclosed in half morocco, gilt lettered portfolio. London: Printed for the Authors, 1778. Reprinted and Published by E. Thézard Fils, Publisher Dourdan, 1900 Contains,—I. The Seat of the Duke of Northumberland, at Sion; II. The Villa of Earl Mansfield, at Kenwood; III. The Seat of the Earl of Bute, at Luton Park; IV. Public Buildings; V. Designs for the King and Queen, and the Princess Dowager of Wales. 17. ARCHITECTURE. Sturgis (Russell). A History of Architecture. Jlustrated. I vol. half morocco, 1 vol. cloth. 2 vols. royal 8vo. New York [1906-1909]; THE GEORGIAN PERIOD. A Collection of Papers Dealing with “Colonial” or XVIII-Century Architecture in the United States. Together with Reference to Earlier Provincial and True Colonial Work. Wa2th several hundred full-page and text tllustrations. 4 parts bound in one vol. Small folio, three-quarter morocco. Boston, 1898-1900. Together, 3 vols. 18. Ariosto (Lopovico). Orlando Furioso: Translated from the Italian, with Notes, by John Hoole. Wazth 2 portraits and frontispieces engraved by Blake, Bartozzt, and others. 5 vols. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, bindings slightly rubbed at edges. London: Printed for the Author, 1783 First Edition of the Cae ntce: Translation edited by Hoole. 19. ARNOLD (MATTHEW). The Works of Matthew Arnold. Portrait. 15 vols. 8vo, half crimson crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. London: Macmillan and Co., 1903-1904 COMPLETE SET OF THE EDITION DE LUxF, limited to 775 copies; comprising,— Poems. 2 vols.; Essays in Criticism. 2 vols.; Study of Celtic Literature; Culture and Anarchy, Friendship’s Garland; ’ Literature and Dogma; God and the Bible; St. Paul and Protestantism; Mixed Essays; Irish Esssays; A French Eton, etc.; Letters. 3 vols. Under the Management of the American Art Association. Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 20. AUSTEN (JANE). The Works of Jane Austen. 16-vols. 12mo, full blue crushed morocco, gilt fillets on sides and back with onlaid lily in red morocco in corners and on backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY WOOD. London, 1811-1818 FINE COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS: comprising,— Sense and Sensibility. 3 vols. 1811; Pride and Prejudice. 3 vols. 1813; Mansfield Park. 3 vols. 1814; Emma. 3 vols. 1816; Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. 4 vols. 1818. 21. Baxst (LEon). L’Art Décoratif de Léon Bakst. Essai Critique par Arséne Alexandre. Notes sur les Ballets par Jean Cocteau. Portrait of the artist, and 77 photographic reproductions, mostly in colors, of the artist's work; each plate mounted on gray paper: woodcut sketches in text. Folio, half vellum, gilt bands on sides and back, gilt top, uncut. Paris: Maurice de Brunoff, 1913 _ Granpd Luxe Ennion, Limited to 80 copies. The special original watercolor plate 1s not present. 22. Batzac (Honor& DE). La Comédie Humaine. Now for the First Time Com- pletely Translated into English by G. Burnham Ives, and others. Beauti- fully wlustrated with hundreds of etchings by Los Rios, Dubouchet, De Billy, and others, on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of all the plates on India paper. 53 vols. 8vo, three-quarter red crushed levant morocco, full gilt panelled backs with floral designs, onlays of cyan-blue morocco, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed Only for Subscribers by George Barrie & Son [1899] COMPLETE SET OF THE EDITION DEFINITIVE, LIMITED TO 1,000 SETS, of which this is, No. 370, printed throughout on Japanese paper: comprising,— ‘Scenes of Provincial Life. 10 vols.; Repertory, 2 vols.; Philosophic and Analytic Studies. 9 vols.; Contes Drolatiques. 2 vols.; Scenes of Parisian Life. 11 vols.; Private Life. 11 vols.; Military and Political Life. 5 vols.; Country Life. 3 vols. 23. BEARDLSEY (AUBREY). The Early [and Later] Work of Aubrey Beardsley. Portratt of the artist on Japan paper, and hundreds of full-page reproductions of the artist's work, including portratts, title-page designs, initials, and sketches: title-pages printed within ornamental borders. 2 vols. 4to, ornamental cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Enclosed in green cloth slip-case, with gilt lettered green morocco backs, broken at edges. London and New York: John Lane, 1899-1901 PRINTED ON JAPAN VELLUM PAPER. Inserted are four original pen-and-ink sketches by the artist. A Most DESIRABLE Copy. 24. B&priER (J.). Le Roman de Tristan et Iseut. Reconstitué d’aprés les Poémes francais du XIIme Siécle et illustré par Robert Engels. Beautifully illus- trated with 130 scenes from the story of Tristan and Isolde, a number of pages printed within ornamental borders, and ornamental initials, all done 1n colors, from drawings by Robert Engels. Imperial 8vo, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco, panel border on sides of gilt fillets, gilt panelled back, doublures and end-leaves of sapphire blue watered silk, the former with morocco border with gilt fillets, gilt top, uncut, original pictorial wrapper bound in, BY STIKEMAN. Enclosed in chamois- lined cloth slip-case. Paris: H. Piazza & Cie, £900 EDITION D’ART, limited to 230 copies printed on “papier vélin des]Vosges 4 a la cuve,” specially manufactured, of which this is, No 268. THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEBHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 25. BERANGER (P. J. DE). C£uvres Complétes. Nouvelle Edition Revue par l’Auteur. 50 steel engravings after Charlet, Daubigny, Raffet, and others, on India paper. 2 vols. 1847; Derniéres Chansons. Numerous tllustrations. 1857; Ma Biographie. GZuvre Posthume. Full-length portrait by Charlet and illustrations. 1857; Musique des Chansons (and bound with it, “Chansons, Supplement,” containing “Chansons Erotiques” issued only in a very limited number). Plates by Charlet and others in proof state on China paper. 1855- 1856. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, margins of some leaves and plates foxed. Paris, 1847-1857 FINE SET OF THE BEST EDITION. 26. BERANGER (P. J. DE). C£uvres:Complétes de P. J. de Béranger. Nouvelle Edition, Revue par l’Auteur. 2 vols. 1847; Ma Biographie. First Ept- TION. Bound in 2 vols. 1857; Derniéres Chansons. 1834 4 1851. Bound in 2 vols. 1857. Inserted 1s a 3-page Autograph Letter, Signed, by the author, in French, dated, Passy, January 29, 1841. To Mr. Laurent, evidently an editor or publisher, referring to his poems being once more placed before the public. Letter inlaid to size and bound in volume. Each of the preceding volumes extensively tllustrated with full-page steel engravings from designs by Charlet, Daubigny, Johannot, and other artists; Correspondance de Béranger. Recueillie par Paul Boiteau. 4 vols. 1860. From the library of Ferdinand Brunetiére, with book-label in Vol. I. Together, 8 vols. royal 8vo, uniformly bound in full red crushed French levant morocco, sides with borders of gilt fillets and dots, with harp design in corners; full gilt panelled backs; inside dark red moire silk doublures and end-leaves, the former with red morocco and gilt dentelle borders; gilt tops, uncut, original pictorial wrappers bound in, BY BERNASCONI. Paris, 1847-1860 FINELY BOUND Copy OF THE BEST EDITION of this celebrated author’s works, with the beautiful illustrations in the earlier volumes. 27. BINDING, SCOTTISH, 18TH CENTURY. BIBLE. ENGLISH. The Holy Bible, con- taining the Old and New Testaments . . . [AND] The Psalms of David in Metre . . . [for use in] the Kirk of Scotland. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, full con- temporary blue morocco, sides with gilt design of a fluted column with foliate sprays at top, in center, smaller column at either side with furled flags, sword, drum, etc., draped upon them, and surmounted by a man’s head within a laurel wreath, above which is an angel with trumpet, the three columns connected by foliate festoons from which depend a lyre and trumpets, the whole resting on a base of gilt lattice-work and foliate pat- terns; back gilt panelled with large thistle-spray in each compartment; inside gilt borders, gilt edges. ° Edinburgh: Alexander Kincaid, 1772 A CURIOUS AND INTERESTING EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SCOTTISH BINDING. The volume probably belonged at one time to members of the Dundas family of Edinburgh, as it bears the signatures of Margt Dundas and Charlotte Dundas, and the bookplate of, —“M. Dundas.” The Contents calls for the Apocrypha, but the volume is complete without it, all the Bibles published by Kincaid around this date being similarly arranged. The Psalms in Metre have separate signature marks from the body of the volume. 28. BOOKBINDINGS. Gruel (Léon). Manuel Historique et Bibliographique de l’Amateur de Reliures. Portrait on Japan paper, and numerous full-page reproductions, in various tints, of bookbindings; also text illustrations. 2 vols. royal 4to, half dark red crushed French levant morocco, gilt lettering on backs, gilt tops, uncut, original colored wrappers bound in. Paris, 1887 Edition limited to 700 copies on “beau papier Vélin de Rives” specially manufac- tured for this work, of which this is, No. 786. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 29. BOOKBINDINGS. Derome (L.). La Reliure de Luxe. Le Livre et l’Amateur. Double-page frontispiece on Japan paper, and numerous full-page reproduc- tions, some tinted, by Aaron Freres, drawings by G. Fratpont, C. Kurner, and M. Perret. Royal 8vo, full midnight blue crushed French levant morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides, full gilt panelled back, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Paris, 1888 Edition limited to 900 copies on “papier vélin des fabriques de MM. Gerbault et Barnéoud.” The publisher’s note states that this work will never be reprinted. 30. BOOKBINDINGS. Matthews (Brander). Bookbindings Old and New. Notes of a Book-Lover. With an Account of the Grolier Club of New York. Numerous illustrations on Japan paper. 8vo, full brown crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillets enclosing broad framework of floral - design, with corner ornaments against background of gilt dots; full gilt panelled back; doublures and end-leaves of dark blue silk, the former with broad brown morocco border with gilt fillets and corner design of floral pattern and gilt dots; gilt top, uncut, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York: Macmillan and Company, 1895 JAPAN PAPER EDITION, limited to 150 copies of which 75 were reserved for Amer- ica, this being No. 23, of the American copies. The Henry William Poor copy, with bookplate. 31. Booxs aBpouT Books, Bierstadt (O. A.). The Library of Robert Hoe, a Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. Tuztle printed in red and black within ornamental border, and 110 illustrations taken from manuscripts and books 1n the collection. 8vo, full olive green crushed French levant morocco, panel borders on sides consisting of bands of gilt and blind tooled fillets, same design repeated on back, doublures and end-leaves of purple moire silk, the former with outer border of olive green morocco with gilt fillet and black morocco bands, gilt top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. New York, 1895 - PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN PAPER, and limited to 350 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 296. 32. Borrow (GEORGE). Collected Set of the Works of George Borrow. Together, 14. vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in half dark brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: John Murray, 1841-1874 ALL First Epitions. The set formerly belonged to Mrs. Borrow of Oulton, wife of the author, and contains the following works,— The Zincali. 2 vols. 1841. Autograph signature of Mrs. Borrow Oulton; The Bible in Spain. 3 vols. 1843; Lavengro. Portrait..3 vols. 1851. Wzuth Original Autograph Note by George H. Borrow, Signed, dated Nov. 30th, 1875, with stamp; The Romany Rye. 2 vols. 1857; Wild Wales. 3. vols. 1862; Romano Lavo-Lil: World-Book of the Romany. 1874. . 33. BOTTICELLI (ALESSANDRO). Binyon (Laurence). The Art of Botticelli. An Essay in Pictorial Criticism. Illustrated with frontispiece etching by Mutr- head Bone, with the artist's autograph signature in pencil, in lower margin: and 23 full-page reproductions in colors of Botticells's work, each plate lightly tipped to full-size leaf of volume. Royal 4to, cloth sides, vellum back with gilt lettering, gilt top, uncut. London, 1913 Edition limited to 275 copies, of which only 250 copies are for sale. : This Edition is of special interest as containing a Signed etching by Muirhead Bone. Tur Liprary or Mrs. Wi.uuiaMmM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th -34. BouGAupD (MONSEIGNEUR). Histoire de Sainte Monique. 1896; Histoire de 35: Sainte Chantal et les Origines de la Visitation. Portraits. 2 vols. 1899; OzANAM (F.). Lettres de Frédéric Ozanam. Portrait.’ 2 vols. 1891. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, BY DEVARENNE. Paris, 1891-1899 BRINTON (SELWYN). The Renaissance: Its Art and Life. Florence (1450- 1550). Extensively illustrated with full-page photogravure reproductions, some finely colored, including portraits of noted characters in Florentine his- tory, and tmportant Works of art of the Renatssance period, all on Japan paper, as also the many large vignettes in text. Royal 4to, full brown crushed French levant morocco; sides with gilt fillet border enclosing framework of interlaced bands of onlaid red and green morocco between gilt fillets, in geometrical design, the whole panel covered with floral sprays in blind and gilt tooling, sunken oval center surrounded by onlaid green morocco be- tween gilt fillets, surrounded with leaf and floral sprays onlaid in black, yellow and red morocco; full gilt panelled back, same design repeated, with onlays of red, green, yellow, and black morocco; doublures of olive green crushed levant morocco, with narrow brown morocco border en- closing wide gilt floreated border with inner band of gilt dots; red silk fly-_ leaves, gilt edges, BY DAVID. Enclosed in white silk padded brown morocco box-case, with clasps. Paris: Goupil & Co., Manzi Joyant & Co., Successors, 1908 JAPANESE PAPER EDITION, limited to 100 copies, of which this is, No. LIX. 36. British PoEts (THE). [From Chaucer to Cowper; includes Translations from 37: the Classics. Edited with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by S: W. Singer, Dr. Symmons and others.] Illustrated. 100 vols. 16mo, full dark red straight-grain morocco, sides with gilt fillet border, gilt and blind-tooled panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt edges. Chiswick: Printed by C. Whittingham, 1822 FINE AND COMPLETE SET OF THE SCARCE CHISWICK EDITION. One of the finest of the collected writings of the English poets. Beautifully printed. This set contains the fine series of plates published by John Sharpe, which is often lacking: comprises,— Chaucer. 5 vols.; Spenser. 7 vols.; Cowley. 3 vols.; Milton. 3 vols.; Waller. 2 vols.; Butler. 2 vols.; Dryden. 3 vols.; Prior. 2 vols.; Addison, and John Phillips; Garth, and Tickell; Smith, and Blackmore; Pomfret, and Fenton; Gay. 2 vols.; Phillips, Parnell, West; Somerville; Swift. 3 vols.; Pope. 3 vols.; Thomson, and Collins. 2 vols.; Watts. 2 vols.; Shenston. 2-vots77’VYoung. 3 vols.; Akenside. 2 vols.; - Thomson, Green; Gray, Jago; Lyttleton, Moore; Hamilton; Falconer, Day, B air, Glynn, Porter; Grainer, Boyse; Churchill. 2 vols.; Hill, Gawthorne, Bruce; Hammond, Shaw, Lovibond, Penrose; Cunningham, Goldsmith; Langhorne; Mickle, Smollett; Armstrong, Johnson; T. & J. Warton; Glover; Scott, Logan; Jenyns, Wilkie; Cooper, Cotton; Sir W. Jones; Burns. 2 vols.; Masson, Beattie. 2 vols.; Cowper. 2 vols.; Homer’s Iliad. 2 vols.; Homer’s Odyssey. 2 vols.; Virgil. 3 vols.; Hesiod, etc.; Pindar, etc.; Appolonius. 2 vols.; Theocritus, etc.; Tibullus, etc.; Ovid. 2 vols.; Juvenal, Horace. 3 vols.; Lucan. 2 vols. BRONTE (ANNE, CHARLOTTE, AND EmiLy).. Works of the Bronté Sisters. Together, 22 vols. small 8vo, 12mo and small 4to, full green crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillets enclosing a framework of [Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 37. BRONTE (ANNE, ‘CHARLOTTE, AND EmiILy).—Continued | fillets with floral sprays, full gilt backs, gilt tops, some edges uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1846-1896 FINE COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF THE BRONTE SISTERS, ny bound. THE BORDEN SET, with bookplate: comprising the following works,— ; _Poems. By Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. Small 8vo. 1846; Jane Eyre. An Autobiography. Edited by Currer Bell. 3 vols. t2mo. 1847. With the Preface and Note to the third edition, April 13, 1848, inserted. The dedication to W. M. Thackeray appeared in the second edition; Wuthering Heights: A Novel. By Ellis Bell. [Including Agnes Grey: A Novel. By Acton Bell. This forms the third volume.] 3 vols. 12mo. 1847; The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. By Acton Bell. 3 vols. 12mo. 1848; Shirley. A Tale. By Currer Bell, Author of “Jane Eyre.” 3 vols. I2mo. 1849; Villette. By Currer Bell, Author of “Jane Eyre,” “Shirley,” etc. 3 vols. 12mo. 1853; The Professor, a Tale. By Currer Bell, Author of “Jane Eyre,” “Shirley,” “Villette,” etc. 2 vols. 12mo. 1857; The Life of Charlotte Bronté. By E. C. Gaskell. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. 1857; A Note on Charlotte Bronté. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. I2mo. 1877; The Adventures of Ernest Alembert. A Fairy Tale. By Charlotte Bronté. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Small Ato. 1896. Printed for Private Circulation only. 38. BROWNE (HABLoT K.). Kitton (Fred. G.). Phiz (Hablot Knight Browne). A Memoir. Including a Selection from his Correspondence and Notes on his Principal Works. Portrait and numerous illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, OAS wrappers bound in, BY BLACKWELL. London: George Redway, 1882 First EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 44 plates, including 29 plates from “The Chronicles of Crime,” illustrated by Phiz. 39. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Poetical Works. Portrait. 5 vols. I12mo, three-quarter crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt lettering on backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1896 40. BROWNING (ROBERT). Poetical Works of Robert Browning. Illustrated. 4l. 17 vols. 12mo, half green morocco, panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894 A few plates from the Smith, Elder edition inserted. BROWNING (ROBERT). Menand Women. 2 vols. square 16mo, full tan crushed © French levant morocco, sides covered with elaborate panel consisting of interlacing scroll of dark blue morocco, filled in with gilt dots, between gilt fillets and bands of olive green morocco, enclosing arabesque design of purple morocco filigree work between gilt fillets, surrounded with band of brown morocco, corner ornaments of small floral design with onlays of blue morocco, background of gilt dots; gilt panelled backs with onlays of green morocco; inside tan morocco border with band of gilt dots between gilt fillets; gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. Guildford, Westminster, 1899 PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN VELLUM, limited to 75 copies, of which this is, No. 39. Tuer LIBRARY OF MrRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 42. BROWNING’S (ROBERT) Copy. Florian (Charles Pierre Claris de). Gonzalve de Cordoue ou Grenade Reconquise. Seconde Edition. Frontispiece and 14 plates after Quéverdo by Delignon, Gaucher, Dambrun, Hubert, and Ingouf. 3 vols. 24mo, original tree calf, narrow gilt border on sides, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt edges, name in pencil of “Louisa Agassiz” on title-page, bind- ings rubbed at edges. Enclosed in half brown morocco wrappers, and in- serted in full brown crushed levant morocco slip-case. Paris: Didot I’Ainé, 1792 FINE CLEAN Copy. ROBERT BROWNING’S SET. 43. BrycE (JAMES). The American Commonwealth. RARE First EDITION. 3 vols. in 6. 1888; The Holy Roman Empire. 2 vols. 1889; South America. Observations and Impressions. Maps. 2 vols. 1912. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarter light brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1888-1912 An important set of these authoritative works on North and South America, and the Roman Empire. The “Commonwealth” is of especial interest to American readers and Collectors, as it contains the suppressed chapter on the Tweed Ring of New York City. 44. BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). Restituta; or/Titles, Extracts, and Characters in Old Books in English Literature Revived. First EDITION. 4 vols. 8vo, full polished tree calf, narrow gilt border on sides, full gilt panelled backs, leather labels, marbled edges, BY RIVIERE. London: T. Bensley, 1814-1816 A Scholarly and Important work. 45. BuLWER-LyTTON (Epwarp, Lorp). The ‘Novels of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. Etched frontispreces by W. H. W. Bicknell. 40 vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. , Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1893-1896 FINE COMPLETE SET OF THE LIBRARY EDITION: comprising,— Strange Story, The Haunted and the Haunters. 2 vols.; Last of the Barons. 2 vols.; Kenelm Chillingly [and] The Coming Race. 2 vols.; Pelham [and] Falkland. 2 vols.; Devereux. 2 vols.; The Caxtons. 2 vols.; What Will He Do With It. 3 vols.; Night and Morning. 2 vols.; Disowned. 2 vols.; My Novel. 4 vols.; Rienzi. 2 vols.; The Parisians. 2 vols.; Harold. 2 vols.; Paul Clifford. 2 vols.; Ernest Maltravers; Leila, etc.; Godolphin; Zanoni; Pompeii; Eugene Aram; Pilgrims of the Rhine; Lucretia; Alice. 46. BUNYAN (JOHN). Pilgrim’s Progress. With a Life of the author by the Rev. R. Philip. Engravings and woodcuts. Royal 8vo, full polished sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: Virtue, 1848; KorAN (THE). By George Sale. New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half polished mottled calf, gilt backs. London, 1812; DIDON (FATHER). Jesus Christ. Iiustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half gray polished crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1891; WISEMAN (CARDINAL). Fabiola or The Church of the Catacomb. IJius- trations. 2 vols. 4to, three-quarter brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt edges. [London] no date. Together, 7 vols. 47. 48. 49. 50. he Under the M anagement of the American Art Association. Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue BuRKE (EpMuUND). The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke. Portrait. 12 vols. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, marbled edges. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1884-1894 The above set is made up of two publications. BuRNEY (FRANCES—MADAME D’ARBLAY). Collected Set of the Complete Novels of Frances Burney. 18 vols. 12mo, full sprinkled polished calf, double gilt fillet borders on sides, full gilt backs. London, 1782-1814 FINE COMPLETE SET: comprising,— Evelina, or the History of a Young Lady’s Entrance into the World. New Edi- tion. 3 vols. 1783; Cecilla, or Memoirs of an Heiress. First EDITION. 5 vols. 1782; Camilla, or a Picture of Youth. First EDITION. 5 vols. 1796; The Wanderer, or Female Difficulties. [The most popular of this author’s works.] First EDITION. 5 vols. 1814. BURNEY (FRANCES—MApDAME D’ArBLAyY). Diary and Letters of Madame D’Arblay, edited by her Niece. Portraits, facsimiles. 7 vols. full blue. crushed French levant morocco, sides with frame of gilt fillets with foliate corners in azured gilt, backs similarly tooled and gilt lettered, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, Morris-paper linings and end-leaves, gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN. London: Henry Colburn, 1843-1846 First EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 250 portraits and views, including 70 portraits colored by hand. VERY HANDSOME SET. [BuRNs (RoBERT).] Buchan (David Stuart Erskine, Earl of). Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher ot Saltoun and the Poet Thomson: Bio- graphical, Critical, and Political. With some Pieces of Thomson’s never before published. First EpiTion. Sepia portrait of Fletcher by Anna Forbes after Atkman. 8vo, full dark blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with narrow gilt border of fillets, scroll and dot design between lines of gilt dots, square corner pieces of interlaced scrolls and dots; full gilt panelled back; doublures and end-leaves of white moire silk, the former with gilt borders of fillets, bands of pico and scrolls; uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1792 RARE BuRNS ITEM. Contains a Letter (pp. 244-248) by Robert Burns, which is not printed or published in any other form. Byron (GEORGE GoRDON, LorpD). The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. A New Edition. Portrait by Finden. In 7 vols., 8vo, full green crushed French levant morocco, gilt fillet border on sides, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, broad inside morocco border with gilt fillet borders, wreath and floral sprays in corners, doublures and fly-leaves of Japanese vellum. London: John Murray, 1855-1856 FINE Copy OF THE FIRST COLLECTED LIBRARY EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 450 plates and pages of text, including Finden’s Byron Gallery complete. THe LisprarRy or Mrs. Wittiam F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 52. ByRron’s (GEORGE GorRDON, LorD) Copy. Staél-Holstein (Anne Louise Ger- maine Necker, Baronne de). De |’Allemagne. Seccnde Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, 2 bindings slightly shaken at hinges. Enclosed in terra cotta watered silk wrappers, and inserted in half mottled calf slip- case, with gilt lettering on back. Paris: H. Nicolle, 1813 Lorp BYRON’S OWN Copy wWiTH His AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE ON FLY-LEAF OF EACH VOLUME, AND THREE PAGES OF MANUSCRIPT NOTES AT END OF VOL. I, being criticisms and comments mainly in support of his friend the authoress, and were prompted by the pencil notes of Lady C .. . (presumably Lady Caroline Lamb). Of the latter he writes: “Those at page 163 prove her to be mathematically blue—I am of Madame’s opinion—damn mathematics!” Referring to Madame de Staél’s book he says: “I was delighted in reading Madame’s book—and I told her so. . . . Madame writes octaves but talks folios. . ..I could pardon her for being incensed against Napoleon ... but I cannot put up with the extravagant praise she lavishes on the Rus- sians—sunburn the fellows.” 53. CAMPAN (MADAME J. L. H.). Mémoires de Madame Campan sur la vie privée de Marie-Antoinette. Préface de René Vallery-Radot. J/lustrated with 63 full-page and text reproductions etched by Léon Boisson, after designs by Ad. Lalauze. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter olive green crushed levant morocco, full gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, original illustrated wrappers bound in, backs slightly faded. ' Paris: L. Carteret, 1910 Edition limited to 200 copies on “papfer vélin du Marais.” 54. Carey (Davin). Life in Paris; comprising the Rambles, Sprees, and Amours, of Dick Wildfire, of Corinthian Celebrity, and his Bang-up Companion, Squire Jenkins and Captain O’Shuffleton; with the Whimsical Adventures of the Halibut Family; including Sketches of a Variety of other Eccentric Characters in the French Metropolis. With 21 colored plates representing scenes from real life, designed and engraved by George Cruikshank. 8vo, full red crushed French levant morocco, panel border on sides of gilt fillets, corner designs in gilt; full gilt panelled back; inside gilt dentelle borders; gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. 7 London, 1822 First EpITION. Douglas, No. 43; Cohn, No. 104. The plates in this copy are good impressions, a few have margins slightly foxed, one has small tear repaired. With leaf “To the Binder” at end. / 55. CARLYLE (THomAS). The Works of Thomas Carlyle. Full-page portraits and alustrations on India paper. 30 vols. 8vo, full green polished calf, gilt fillet border on sides, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE & SON. London: Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1896-1899 COMPLETE SET OF THE LARGE PAPER CENTENARY EDITION, limited to 300 copies, of which this is, No. 275: comprising,— Sartor Resartus; French Revolution. 3 vols.; Life of Schiller; Heroes and Hero-Worship; Past and Present; Life of John Sterling; Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches. 4 vols.; German Romance. 2 vols.; Frederick the Great. 8 vols.; Wilhelm Meister. 2 vols.; - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 5 vols.; Latter-Day Pamphlets. Under the Management of the American Art Association. Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 56. CARLYLE (THomMAS—English writer). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. oblong 8vo, Chelsea, Thursday, no date. To [Sir Henry] Taylor. Mounted and framed under glass. Interesting letter, written to Sir Henry Taylor, author of “Philip Van Artevelde,” asking him to “frank” a letter, and expressing a desire to see him, saying,—“I take a true pleasure in some kinds of people: they really ought to see me when they do happen to exist in the world,—being very scarce.” 57. CARMEN SYLVA (pen-name of Elisabeth, Queen of Roumania). Original Auto- graph Manuscript, entitled “Ein Gebet.” Written in ink, in German script, on 181 pages 8vo. dated at the end “Sinaia, d. 26 Nov. 96. With postscript in English, in ink “Published in French, inedited in German;” [Also] Two Articles, in English, covering pages 185 to 237, one without title, signed in full Carmen Sylva, and dated 1901, the other entitled, “In the furrow,” signed “C.S.” The entire book comprising about 24,000 words. Bound in 8vo volume, undressed calf, front cover with steel ornaments. “First Manuscript. Carmen Sylva, Elisabeth Queen of Roumania, Sinaia, 1901,” written in the author’s autograph on fly-leaf, with autograph inscription on leaf opposite. 58. CARMEN SYLVA (pen-name of Elisabeth, Queen of Roumania). Original Auto- graph Manuscript, consisting of Poems, entitled “Unter der Bliime!” Written in ink, in German script, on 91 pages, and in pencil on 4 pages, averaging about 600 words. Dated 1901. Square 8vo volume, full padded calf, floral design in colors embossed on front cover, doublures and end- leaves of bronzed paper. With autograph inscription on fly-leaf in pencil, Offered to Mr. and Mrs. Young in remembrance of a few delicious hours. Bucarest, 1902. Carmen Sylva, Sinaia, Juni Igor. 59. CARROLL (LEwis—Rev. C. L. Dodgson). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. 1866; [ALso] Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice found There. 1872. With 92 illustrations by John Tenniel. 2 vols. small 8vo, uniformly bound in full red ‘crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet borders with small gilt floral corner ornaments, copies of the original cover designs in gilt in center medallions on each side; backs gilt panelled and lettered; inside morocco borders with gilt tooled bands, gilt edges, original gilt decorated red cloth sides and back strips bound in, By ROoT. Enclosed in single board slip-case. London: Macmillan and Co., 1866-1872 Botu First EpITION. Both clean, crisp copies, with half-titles and leaves of verses. One leaf of the second volume has blank corner repaired. 60. CASTIGLIONE (COMTESSE DE). Montesquiou (Robert de). La Divine Com- tesse. Etude d’aprés Madame de Castiglione. Préface par Gabriele d’An- nunzio. Beautifully illustrated with 27 full-page reproductions, of which 6 are portraits in colors, all on Japan paper. Royal 8vo, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco, gilt fillets on sides enclosing beautiful den- telle border in gilt; full gilt panelled back; inside morocco borders with double gilt bands of lines and dots; gilt top, uncut, original front wrapper bound in, BY STIKEMAN. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manza, Joyant & Cie, Successeurs, 1913 IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER EDITION, limited to 25 numbered copies, of which this is, No. XXV, THe LIBRARY OF Mas. WILLIAM FY Seen. Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th , | OL 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. CELEBRATED TRIALS, and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, from the Earliest Records to the Year 1825. Wuth 35 fine and curious en- graved portraits and plates. 6 vols. 8vo, half dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: Printed for Knight and Lacey, 1825 A FINE SET. VERY SCARCE IN UNCUT STATE, as above. Collected and Edited by George Borrow, and one of the ablest collections of notorious and interesting causes célébres. The best collection extant, not only for the clear, full, and succinct accounts given, but for the wide range of cases covered, from high-treason and murder to pocket- picking. CHARLES IJ. Airy (Osmund), Charles II. With frontispiece in colors, being facsimile of the miniature by Samuel Cooper, in the collection of the Duke of Richmond, on India paper, portraits of Nell Gwyn, Loutse de K éroual, and numerous other portraits, facsimile letters, 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. | London, Paris, and New York, 1901 EDITION ON FINE PAPER, limited to 1250 copies. One of the fine Goupil Historical Monographs. CHATEAUBRIAND (FRANCOIS RENE, VICOMTE DE). Memoirs of Franccis René Vicomte de Chateaubriand, sometime Ambassador to England. Being a Translation by Alexander “Teixeira de Mattos of the Mémoirs d’Outre-Tombe. Portraits and allustrations. 6 vols. 8vo, half midnight-blue morocco, lettered on backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1902 CHILDREN’S Books, ILLUSTRATED. Kingsley (Charles). The Heroes of Greek Fairy Tales for My Children. Colored plates, after drawings by W. R. Flint. Half brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled back, BY RIVIERE. London, 1912; QUILLER-CoucH (Stk ARTHUR). In Powder and Crinoline. Old Fairy Tales Retold by Sir A. Quiller-Couch. Coloured illustrations by Kay Nielsen. Cloth. [London] no date. Together, 2 vols. 4to. , CLassics IN ART SERIES. With Biographical Introductions by Fritz Knapp, Adolf Rosenberg, Osker Fischel, and others. Each volume contains from 150 to 500 photogravure reproductions of the works of the artist represented. Together, 16 vols. royal 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, New York: Brentano’s, 1913 The only publications giving reproductions of every known picture by the artist, together with its size and present location. The following artists are represented,— Raffael; Rembrandt; Titian; Diirer; Rubens; Velasquez; Michelangelo; Correggio; Donatello; Van Dyck; Memling; Mantegna; Fra Angelico; Holbein; Watteau; and - Murillo. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.—“Mark Twain”). A Tramp Abroad. Hartford, 1894; The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims’ Progress. Hartford, 1899; Tom Sawyer Abroad. Tom Sawyer, Detective, and other Stories. New York, 1899; The Prince and the Pauper. New York, 1899; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New Edition from New Plates. New York, 1899. All illustrated. 3 vois., 12mo, 2 vols. 8vo. Together, 5 vols. half green morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. New York and Hartford, 1894-1899 Under the Management of the American Art Association. Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 67. CLUB OF Opp VoLUMEs. Saint-Amand (Imbert de). The Women of the Court of Louis XV. Translated from the French. Frontispiece portrait in colors, and other illustrations. 4to, half violet crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled back with floral design onlaid with white morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston: The Club of Odd Volumes, 1892 _ Edition limited to 150 copies printed on Holland Hand-made Paper, of which this is, No. 105. With autograph signature of the Chairman, Z. T. Hollingsworth. 68. COLORED PLATE Book WITH FouR-EDGE PAINTING. MupForD (WILLIAM). An Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands, in 1815, under his Grace the Duke of Wellington, and Marshal Prince Blucher, comprising the Battles of Ligny, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo; a Detailed Narrative of the Political Events connecced with these memorable conflicts, down to the Surrender of Paris, and the Departure of Bonaparte for St. Helena. Illustrated by numerous public and private documents and other papers, hitherto unpublished. Embellished with a series of 28 beautifully and highly colored plates descriptive of the country between Brussels and Char- lerot from drawings made on the spot by James Rouse, one the Battle of Water- loo, by George Cruikshank; also, Plan of the Battles, and a map showing the march of the Allied Armies to Parts, with a beautifully executed and highly col- ored emblematic title-page by George Cruikshank. Royal 4to, contemporary full crimsonstraight-grain morocco, sides with elaborate giltand blind tooled panel — design consisting of a border of fillets enclosing interlaced fillets and circles, the center a gilt shield (with monogram of Frederick, Earl of Bessborough) within a circular floral border, the surface between center and outer border covered by four sectional panels decorated in gilt and blind floral designs with breaks at intersections decorated with armorial designs; full gilt backs; doublures and end-papers of vellum with gilt decoration, the former with a border of crimson morocco covered with a geometrical design of diamonds and triangles; gilt edges, the fore-edge containing a beautiful watercolor painting by J. Harris, signed with initials. 3 London: Printed for Henry Colburn, 1817 - THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION. With brilliant impressions of all the highly colored plates, each with the entire plate-mark showing; and with the pub- lisher’s name and date 1816, at foot of engraved title, a feature usually wanting in most copies. WiTtH A BEAUTIFUL FORE-EDGE PAINTING By J. HARRIS, showing the River Thames with two bridges, City of London in the distance, with the dome of St. Paul’s clearly shown. Inserted is a series of 8 Colored Plates engraved by Dubourg after J. H. Clark, to illustrate Sir Walter Scott’s poem “The Battle of Waterloo.” 69. COLORED PLATE Boox. [Booth (John).] The Battle of Waterloo, also of Ligny, and Quatre-Bras, Described by the Series of Accounts Published by Authority, with Circumstantial Details. By a Near Observer. Tenth Edition, Enlarged and Corrected. Jllustrated with the portraits of Field- Marshals Wellington and Blucher, colored maps and enlarged plans, large folding colored view of the Field of Waterloo, and thirty-four etchings descrip- tive of the positions of the British Lines, and of Regimental and Individual Acts of Heroism, Gallantry, and Incidents arising during the Operations, from Sketches by George Jones, Esq. on India paper. 2 vols. 4to, half blue morocco, gili panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1817 This copy has the Jones Itlustrations on India paper, the same, with a separate title-page, bound at the end of second volume. Tue LipRARY oF Mrs. WituiAaM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th : 70. COLORED PLATE Book. Pyne (W.H.). The History of the Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St. James’s Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham House, and Frogmore. Jilustrated with 100 finely colored aquatint piates, facsimiles of original drawings by the most eminent artists, engraved by T. Sutherland. 3 vols. royal 4to, full dark blue straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet and floreated borders on sides, crown esign in corners, front covers with large center design in gilt of royal coat-of-arms, full gilt panelled backs, inside blue morocco and gilt floreated borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE; tear in upper margin of leaf in last volume repaired. London, 1819 ORIGINAL EDITION. One of the finest English COLORED PLATE Books of the Period. The plates were engraved after paintings by Cattermole, Bennett, Reeve, Wild, and . other artists. FINE Copy. 71. COLORED PLATE Book. Historic, Military, and Navai Anecdotes, of Personal Valour, Bravery, and particular Incidents which occurred to the Armies of Great Britain and her Allies, in the long-contested War, terminating with the Battle of Waterloo. Embellished with 4o brilliantly colored aquatint plates, being full-page reproductions of stirring battle scenes, on land and sea, military maneuvres, encampments, and noted incidents. Royal 4to, original half red straight-grain morocco, board’sides, gilt back, entirely uncut, paper label on front cover; margins of few leaves of text foxed. London: Edward Orme, 1819 FINE Copy oF THIS IMPORTANT COLOR-PLATE BOOK, much sought for by collec- tors, both on account of its historic interest and the plates which are remarkable for their brilliant colors. It is the third of the companion volumes, “Martial Achieve- ments of Great Britain,” and “Naval Achievements of Great Britain.” Among the plates may be mentioned,—Bivouac in the Pyrenees, after J. A. Atkinson; Napoleon’s Flight across the Rhine, after Manskirch; Boarding and Tak- ing the American Ship Chesapeake, after Heath; Taking a French Eagle at Barrossa, after Deighton; The Duke of Wellington and his Staff, after Pigaud; and others. 72. COLORED PLATE Book. Westall (Richard). Victories of the Duke of Welling- ton. Wauth 12 finely colored aquatint plates, by R. Westall, engraved by T. Fielding and Charles Heath, and uncolored title-vignette. Royal 4to, full red straight-grain morocco, sides with frame of triple gilt fillets with elaborate arabesque corner ornaments enclosing a center fusil-shaped design in azured gilt filigree ; gilt back; inside gilt foliate borders, gilt top, other edges uncut, original printed label inlaid in fly-leaf, By BAYNTUN, tiny cor- ner repair in title. In cloth slip-case. London: Rodwell and Martin, 1819 First EDITION. FINE COPY WITH BRILLIANT PLATES, 73. COLORED PLATE Book. An illustrated Record of the Important Events in the Annals of Europe, which occurred during the Last Campaigns on the Con- tinent; comprising a Series of Views of those Principal Places, Battles, etc. connected with those Events. Together with a History of those Momentous Transactions compiled from Official and other Authentic Documents. Illustrated with full-page engraved map, facsimile, and 10 colored aquatint plates; [ALSO] The Campaign of Waterloo. With map and 3 full-page [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read ihe Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 73. CoLoRED PLATE BooK.—Continued:] colored engravings. Bound in one vol. folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut. London: Printed by T. Bensley, for R. Bowyer, 1820 FINE IMPRESSIONS OF THE BRILLIANTLY COLORED PLATES. Among the subjects represented are,—Grand Entry of the Allied Sovereigns into Paris, on the 31 March, 1814; View of Moscow (double plate); Smolensko; Hamburg; Grand Entry of the Allied Sovereigns into Leipsic, 19th October, 1813 (double plate); Pursuit of the French through Leipsic; Les Quatre Bras; La Belle Alliance; View of the Battle of Waterloo (double plate); and others. 74. COLORED PLATE Book. Wathen (James). A Series of Views Illustrative of 75: 70, the Island of St. Helena. Frontispiece portrait of the author (Private Plate), title vignette and 9 plates (one folding) in colors. 4to half calf, bindings worn. London: T. Clay, 1821 The plates are engraved in aquatint by I. Clark after designs of James Wathen. Owing to the fact that many copies of this work were broken up for extra-illustrating, the work is seldom found perfect. CoLorED PLATE Books. ‘Latour (Charlotte de). Le Langage des Fleurs. Colored plates of flowers. 32mo, full polished calf, BY RIVIERE. Paris, no date; BARBAULD (Mrs.) AND AIKIN (DR.). Evenings at Home, or the Juvenile Budget Opened. Jilustrated with 32 colored engravings. 16mo, full polished calf, By ROoT. London, no date; [ATKINS (SARAH).| Fruits of Enterprize Exhibited in the Travels of Belzoni in Egypt and -Nubia. Colored plates. 16mo, full sprinkled calf, by Colley. London, 1822. To- gether, 3 vols. The plates in last two volumes are colored by hand. [ComBe (WiLt1AM).] The Three Tours of Doctor Syntax. With 80 full-page engravings, including 2 engraved titles, all 1n colors, by Thomas Rowlandson, and vignette tail-piece at end of Vol. III, also in colors. 3 vols. royal 8vo, full red straight-grain morocco, double gilt fillets and small floral corner ornaments on sides, backs gilt panelled and lettered, with gilt design of Dr. Syntax in center panel, inside morocco borders with gilt fillet and scroll borders, gilt edges, BY ROOT, some leaves repaired in margins, en- graved title to Vol. I backed and repaired. London: R. Ackermann, 1812—-1820-[1821] ALL First EpITIoNns. The set is in good condition aside from the few repairs men- tioned above, the plates clean and colors brilliant. It is unusual to find the final vignette of “Dr. Syntax’s Tomb” in colors. 77. CONARD’S SERIES OF FRENCH AuTHoRS. Fromentin (Eugéne). Dominique: La Fayette (Madame de). La Princesse de Cléves; PrEvost (L’ABBE&). Histoire du Chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut; Bauzac (HONORE DE). Le Lys dans la Vallée; CONSTANT (BENJAMIN DE). Adolphe. Each volume containing engraved frontispiece, including one on Japan paper, and two colored. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, half crushed levant morocco, each volume different in color; gilt panelled backs with figure in gilt, and floral sprays, various colored morocco onlays; gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY CANAPE. Paris: Louis Conard, 1907 Limited Editions. Only 200 numbered copies Brnted on “papier vélin. ” Each volume numbered and signed by the editor in blue pencil, “L. Ce These works were published by the National Press in accordance with instructions issued by the Keeper of the Seals, dated June 6, 1906. THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 78. CooKERY Book. Orginal Manuscript Cookery Book and other Recipes, written during the latter part of the Seventeenth Century in England. About 200 pages. Small folio, contemporary stamped unfinished calf, with original metal fastener on front cover with key-hole for locking the volume, rebacked and repaired at corners and edges, old linings preserved with manuscript notes and date, Agust (sic) ye 28, Anno 1705. England, circa 1690-1705 A CurRIous AND Most INTERESTING OLD MANUSCRIPT COOKERY BOOK, containing recipes for all sorts of cakes and puddings, preparing and cooking of meats, preserv- ing fruits, making jellies, etc., also directions and recipes for numerous medicinal preparations, such as “sweet waters,” “Oyntmt for the Ricketts,” “Plague water,” and many other quaint and curious prescriptions and recipes. The volume was possibly the property of Catherine, wife of Sir Edward Wyndham, Bart. and mother of Sir William Wyndham, Lord of the Treasury under Queen Anne and friend of Bolingbroke, as the last leaf contains birth records of the Wyndham family as follows,—“William Wyndham, Born att Trentham Oct: ye 16th: 10688 . Jane Wyndham born in Leicester-fields FP eb: ye 24th: 1689/00. Frances Wyndham born in ye Pallmall May ye 23d 16091.” The “Dictionary of ‘National Biography” states that Sir William Wyndham was born about 1689, and was the only son of Sir Edward Wyndham, which seems to correspond closely with the above. 79. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Théatre de P. Corneille, avec des Commentaires, et Autres Morceaux Intéressans. Nouvelle Edition, augmentée. Engraved frontispiece by Wateler, and 33 full-page engravings after Gravelot, by Le Mzre, Lempereur, Radigues, and other artists: text printed within ornamental borders. 8 vos: Ato, mottled calf, gilt edges, skilfully rebacked. Geneve, M. DCC. LXXIV [1774] A second issue, with additions, of the edition printed under the direction of Voltaire for the benefit of the great-granddaughter of Corneille. 80. CostuMEs. Racinet (A.). Le Costume Historique. Types Principaux du Vétement et de la Parure rapproches de ceux de |’ Intérieur de |’ Habita- tion dans tous les Temps et chez tous les Peuples, avec de nombreux détails sur le Mobilier, les Armes, les Objets Usuels, les Moyens de Transport, etc. Recueil publié sous la direction de M. A. Racinet, avec des Notices Explica- tives, une Introduction Générale, des Tables et un Glossaire. Illustrated with nearly 500 full-page plates (300 in gold, silver and colors, and 200 in “Camaieu” or improved tinted lithography) representing about Sooo different subjects. One vol. of Index and 5 vols. of Plates and Notes. Together, 6 vols. folio, half red morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, bindings rubbed at joints, ink stain on lower part of front cover of three vols. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1888 LARGE PAPER COPY WITH THE PLATES AND LETTER-PRESS IN FINE CONDITION AND THE IMPRESSIONS OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS ON TINTED PAPER. An exhaustive cy- clopedia, not only of costumes, but of furniture, jewelry, military and civic life, the interior decoration of dwellings, means of transport, and many other subjects. Ar- ranged historically from the remotest periods to recent times. Although the title of this work calls for 500 plates, there are only 473 separate plates, the printer having in some cases given two numbers to a double-page plate, while in others he has given one number to two plates. THE PRESENT Copy IS PERFECT. CRAIGIE (Mrs. PEARL Mary TERESA—Novelist and dramatist, writing under the pseudonym of John Oliver Hobbes). Writings of Mrs. Craigie, includ- ing Novels and Dramatic Works. 18 vols. 12mo and small 8vo, half crim-. [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 81. CrarcreE (Mrs. PEARL Mary TERESA).—Continued | son crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, lettered contents, gilt tops, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1891-1906 FINE UNIFORMLY BOUND COLLECTED SET OF FIRST ‘PUBLISHED EDITIONS, includ- ing the authoress’s first and last novels, as well as her most important dramatic pro- ductions, as follows,— Some Emotions and a Moral. 1891. Original yellow wrappers bound in; The Sinner’s Comedy. 1892; The God’s, Some Mortals, and Lord Wickenham. 1895; The Herb-Moon, a Fantasia. 1896; The School for Saints. Part of the History of the Right Honorable Robert Orange, M. P. 1897; The Ambassador. 1898; Osbern and Ursyne. 1900; The Wisdom of the Wise. 1901; The Serious Wooing. Igor; Tales About Temperaments. 1902; Love and the Soul Hunters. 1902; Imperial India. Letters from the East. 1903; The Artist’s Life. 1904; Letters from a Silent Study. 1904; The Science of Life. 1904; The Vineyard. 1904; The Flute of Pan. 1905; The Dream and the Business. 1906. 82. CROWE (EyrE Evans). The History of France. 5 vols. 8vo, three-quarter olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, edges © scraped, BY WORSFOLD. London, 1858-1868 83. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Wuitty (M. J.)] Tales of Irish Life, Illustrative of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the People. Wath 6 full-page woodcuts by George Cruikshank, in two states, colored and uncolored. 2 vols. small. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides with double sham- rock in onlaid green morocco and gilt at each corner within single gilt fillet, backs panelled with single shamrocks in similar design and gilt lettered, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, Morris-paper linings and end- leaves, gilt tops, uncut, BY WOOD. London: J. Robins and Co., 1824 First EDITION. EXCEEDINGLY FINE COPy, WITH THE PLATES IN Two STATES, COLORED AND PLAIN. Both volumes complete with all preliminary leaves and with leaf of advertisement at end of each volume. In Vol. I, the leaf announcing other works by Cruikshank is bound at end immediately preceding the Advertisement leaf. Douglas, No. 72; Cohn, No. 752. 84. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Roscoe’s Novelist’s Library. Edited by Thomas Roscoe. With 74 etchings by George Crutkshank, and other illustrations. 19 vols. 12mo, half Antwerp blue morocco, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, a few plates have margins somewhat foxed. BY LARKINS. London, 1831-1833 Comper SET. Aas THE VOLUMES ARE First EDITIONS WITH THESE ILLUSTRA- TIONS. Cohn, Nos. 671 to 682, inclusive; Douglas, No. 127. All have the half-title. CONTENTS SMOLLETT. giohrs Clinker. 4 etchings by Cruikshank, and portrait. 1831. SMOLLETT. Peregrine Pickle. 8 plates by Cruikshank. 2 vols. 1831. SMOLLETT. Roderick Random. 5 plates by Cruikshank. 1831. FIELDING. Tom Jones. § plates by Cruikshank, and portrait. 2 vols. 1831. FIELDING. Joseph Andrews. 4 plates by Cruikshank. 1832. FIELDING. Amelia. 8 plates by Cruikshank. 2 vols. 1832. GOLDSMITH. Vicar of Wakefield. 4 plates by Cruikshank, and portrait. 1832. STERNE. Tristram Shandy. 8 plates by Cruikshank, and portrait. 2 vols. 1832. CERVANTES. Don Quixote. 15 plates by Cruikshank, and 3 frontispieces. 3 vols. Tote eee Le SaGe. Gil Blas: ro plaies by Cruikshank, and 2 portraits. 2 vols. 1833. De For. Robinson Crusoe. 16 plates on India paper, not by G. Cruikshank. 2 vols. Not uncut. 1831. : THe Liprary or Mrs. WiLuiAaM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 85. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). George Cruikshank’s Omnibus. Edited by Laman Blanchard, Esq.: With 79 engraved tlates and 78 woodcuts by George Crutk- shank, and 3 engraved portraits. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides with border of triple gilt fillets, with copies of two Cruik- shank figures and facsimile signature of George Cruikshank all in gilt in center of front cover, backs panelled with tiny figures in gilt in each panel, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, some margins uncut, BY ROOT. London: Tilt and Bogue, 1842 First EDITION IN BOOK FORM. FRESH CLEAN Copy. Cohn, No. 184; Douglas, No. 206. 86. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). George Cruikshank’s Table-Book. Edited by Gil- bert Abbott a Beckett. Wauth 12 etchings and 116 woodcuts and glyphographs by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet borders, with two Cruikshank figures and facsimile signature of George Cruikshank in gilt in center of front cover, back pan- elled in gilt. with small figures in gilt in center of each panel, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, edges scraped, By ROOT, illustrated title and a few plates cut close. London: Published at the Punch Office, 1845 First EDITION IN BOOK Form. Cohn, No. 187; Douglas, No. 228. 87. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGF). Maxwell (W. H.). History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798; with Memoirs of the Union, and Emmett’s Insurrection in 1803. Portraits of Lord Cornwallis, Robert Emmett and others, and 21 spirited etch- ings by George Cruikshank. 8vo, full dark green ctushed levant morocco, gilt lines on sides with corner floral sprays, gilt panelled back, inside morocco border with gilt band and floral sprays in corners, gilt top, front cover of original green wrapper, No. V, bound in, BY ROOT. ' London: Baily, Brothers, Cornhil!, 1845 First EDITION. Douglas, No. 227: Cohn. No. 525. 88. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Life of Sir John Falstaff. A series of 21 etchings by George Cruikshank. Bound in one vol. royal 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt fillet border, with center panel in gilt of rosettes and leaves, gilt corner ornaments; gilt panelled back, gilt inside border, gilt edges, By ZAEHNSDORF. London [1857]|-1858 The above isa series of Etchings to Illustrate the “Life of Sir John Falstaff,” by Rob- ert B. Brough, and is accompanied by title-page of the work, with the ORIGINAL FRONT WRAPPER to Part I. The leaves are all neatly inlaid. DOUGLAS JERROLD’S Copy, the wrapper containing an Autograph Presentation Inscription by George Cruikshank, with his characteristic signature, reading,— Douglas Jerrold, with the regards of George Cruikshank. 89. DE LA GorcE (PIERRE). Histoire du Second Empire. Maps. 7 vols. royal 8vo, half polished mottled calf, gilt backs, gieen morocco labels, gilt tops. Paris, 1908-191] 90. DESJARDINS (GUSTAVE). Le Petit-Trianon. Histoire et Description. I/lus- trated with colored frontispiece and numerous full-page and text reproductions. Royal 8vo, full dark blue polished calf, triple gilt fillet bands on sides, full gilt panelled back, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Versailles, 1885 . Tort Liprary or Mrs. WIi.uuiAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th gt. DicKENS (CHARLES). The Writings of Charles Dickens; together with Biographical Works relating to him. 70 vols. 16mo, 12mo and 8vo, full green polished calf, fillet borders and panelled backs, with floral ornaments, gilt tops, contents lettered, a few of the volumes with uncut edges, BY ROOT. London, 1836-1882 [See Illustration of Bindings] AN UNUSUALLY CHOICE COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS. The volumes are above the average, both as to text and plates, only a leaf here and there in some of the earlier volumes being somewhat soiled. The illustrations by Cruikshank, “Phiz,” and other noted illustrators contributing to the above works, are in fine state. With a few exceptions the works have been bound without the advertisements, all are ina uniform binding, with the lettering on red labels: comprising,— Sketches by “Boz.” Illustrative of Every-day Life, and Every-day People. [First Series.] 2 vols. 1836; Sketches of Boz. The Second Series. Complete in One Volume. 1837. With 26 fine etchings by George Cruikshank. Together, 3 vols. small 8vo. 1836-1837. First Issuzs oF BotH SERIES.- Mention of the plate “Mr. Minns and his Cousin” is omitted in the list of illustrations, but it is usually found, as in this copy, at p. 263. Sunday Under Three Heads. By Timothy Sparks. Illustrated title and three illus- trations by H. K. Browne. 12mo. 1836. GENUINE ISSUE with the date on title- page, which in some copies has been removed. The Library of Fiction, or Family Story-Teller, Consisting of Original Tales. Essays and Sketches of Character. [Including two (the Tugge’s at Ramsgate, and A Little Talk About Spring and the Sweeps), written by Charles Dickens.] With 28 full-page engravings by “Phiz,” Seymour and Buss. 2 vols. small 8vo. 1837. Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. With 43 illustrations by Seymour and “Phiz.” 8vo. 1837. Front wrapper to No. XIV. Dickensiana. Sketches of Young Ladies. By “Quiz.” Illustrations by “Phiz.” 16mo. 1837. This work has been attributed by some to E. Caswell, and by some to the Mayhew Brothers. Owing to its similarity to Dickens’ “Young Gentlemen” it has been by some attributed to him. Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy’s Progress. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. 3 vols. small 8vo. 1838. Second Issue, with the substituted plate. Dickensiana. More Hints on Etiquette, for the Use of Society at Large, and Young Gentlemen in Particular. Cuts by George Cruikshank. 16mo. 1838. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Edited by “Boz.” Illustrated by George Cruikshank, and engraved portrait by Greatbaich. 2 vols. small 8vo. 1838. First Issur, with the last plate in correct state. Three of the plates slightly smaller than the text. Dickensiana. [Mogridge (George).] Sergeant Bell and his Raree Show. Illustra- tions by Cruikshank, Thompson, Williams and others. 16mo. 1839. Dickensiana. The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. Illustrated by George Crutk- shank, with 11 etchings, all designed by him, and a page of music. 16mo. 1839. First Issue. With the page-numbers in center of page, as should be. Original green cloth covers. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. With portraits by Maclise, and 30 etchings by “Phiz.” 8vo. 1839. “Visiter” here corrected to “sister” (p. 123, line 17), and the full title,—‘“Nicholas makes his first visit to the lodging of Mr. Bray,” on plate at page 457. With publisher’s imprint on the early plates up to page 45, in later impressions this was omitted. Front wrapper to No. VII. Sketches of Young Couples. With six etchings by “Phiz.” 16mo. 1840. | Master Humphrey’s Clock. Illustrated by George Cattermole and Hablot K. Browne. 3 vols. royal 8vo. 1840-1841. Original front wrappers for Nos. 7, 27, and 56. The Pic Nic Papers. By Various Hands. Edited by Charles Dickens. With tllus- trations by George Cruikshank, “Phiz,” and others. 3 vols. small 8vo. 1841. Prac- tically an uncut copy. Speeches Literary and Social. Now First Collected. Vignette portrait on title. I2mo. [1870.] First COLLECTED EDITION. Uncut. American Notes for General Circulation. 2 vols. small 8vo. 1842. EARLIEST IssUE. Uncut. Christmas Carol. Illustrations by John Leech, the full-page plates in colors. 16mo. 1843. Early Issue, red and blue title, correct date, but with “Stave One” on page 1. Leaf of advertisement. Evenings of a Workingman, being the Occupation of His Scanty Leisure. John Overs. With a Preface Relative to the Author By Charles Dickens. 16mo. 1844. Leaf of advertisement. [Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association [ No. 91. Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue DIcKENS (CHARLES).—Continued | Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. Illustrations by “Phiz. Original front wrapper of No. X. The Chimes: A Goblin Story. Illustrations by Maclise, Leech, Stanfield, and Rich- ard Doyle. 16mo. 1845. First ISSUE. The Cricket on the Hearth: A Fairy Tale of Home. Illustrations by Leech, Doyle, Lanseer and Stanfield. t6mo. 1846. First ISSUE, publisher’s name at foot of engraved title, and the leaf of advertisements. Pictures from Italy. Vignette illustrations on wood, by Samuel Palmer. 12mo. 1846. Two leaves of advertisements at end. The Battle of Life: A Love Story. Illustrations by Maclise, Leech, Doyle and Stan- field. 16mo. 1846. FouRTH ISSUE, which was considered the THIRD ISSUE until the discovery of the “Field” copy in 1913. Leaf of advertisements at end. The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain: A Fancy for Christmas Time. Illustrations by Tenniel, Leech, Stanfield and Stone. 16mo. 1848. Leaf of adver- tisements at end. Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 8vo. 1848. Original front wrapper, from No. I of the original parts. The Personal History of David Copperfield. Jllustrations by H. K, Browne. 8vo. 1850. With the date 1850 on engraved title, which in later editions printed the same year was omitted. Front wrapper from No. XI of the original parts. Christmas Numbers of “Household Words,” and “All the Year Round.” 18 parts. 8vo. 1850-1867. No wrappers. COMPLETE set, bound in one volume. A Child’s History of England. Frontispiece, by Topham, 3 vols. square 16mo. 1852-1854. With correct dates in all three volumes. Bleak House. Jllustrations by H. K. Browne. Original wrapper to No. 6 of the parts. Hard Times for These Times. 12mo. 1854. Uncut. Little Dorrit. Illustrated by H. K. Browne. 8vo. 1857. Original front wrapper of No. IV. The Poor Traveller: Boots at the Holly-Tree Inn: and Mrs. Gamp. 12mo. 1858. First EDITION in this form, the revised form of these stories which Dickens pre- pared for public “Readings.” This copy also has the date 1858 on both the cover and the title. Original printed wrappers and leaf of advertisement. Cover soiled. ° The Story of Little Dombey. I2mo. 1858. First EDITION of this brochure; a short revised version of “Dombey and‘Son” expressly prepared for Dickens’ public “Readings.” With the date 1858 on both the cover and the title. Original printed wrappers and leaf of advertisements. Uncut. Wrappers soiled. A Tale of Two Cities. Illustrations by H.K. Browne. 8vo. 1859. Front wrapper of No. II. bound in front. Page 213 is wrongly numbered 113, an error which fixes the priority in printing and which appears in few copies. A Curious Dance Round a Curious Tree. Small 8vo. [1860.] SECOND ISSUE, with the pink wrappers. Great Expectations. 3 vols. small 8vo. 1861. This does not contain the adver- tisements necessary to prove this a genuine First Edition; the title-pages, how- ever, are correct. The Uncommercial Traveller. I2mo, 1861. Our Mutual Friend. 2 vols. 12mo. 1865. Lacks the slip “To the Reader” regard- ing the title of the book. Front wrappers to No. 2 and No. 14 of the parts. Legends and Lyrics. By Adelaide A. Proctor. With an Introduction by Charles Dickens. New Edition, with Additions. Illustrated. Square 8vo. 1866. FIRST EDITION with introduction by Dickens. Cloth sides and back-bone. The Charies Dickens Dinner. An Authentic Record of the Public Banquet Given to Mr. Charles Dickens at the Freemason’s Hall, London, on Saturday, No- vember 2, 1867, Prior to his Departure for the United States. 8vo. 1867. Mystery of Edwin Drood. Portrait of Dickens and 12 illustrations by Luke Fildes 8vo. 1870. With original front wrapper to No. IV. Hunted Down. A Story. With Some Account of Thomas Griffiths Wainewright, the Poisoner. Woodcut of the “Fatal House” on title-page. 16mo. [1870.] First ENGLISH EDITION. With 4pp. of advertisements. The Lamplighter. A Farce. Now First Printed from a Manuscript in the Forster Collection at the South Kensington Museum. 1879. 12mo. Limited to 250 cop- ies. Original wrappers. The Mudfrog Papers. Now First Collected, 12mo. 1880. ” 8vo. 1844+ [ Continued THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 91. DICKENS (CHARLES) Soy ean Q2. 93. 94. 95- 96. The Letters of Charles Dickens. Edited by his Sister-in-law and his eldest Daugh- ter. 3 vols. 8vo. 1880-1882. The Plays and Poems of Charles Dickens. With a Few Miscellanies in Prose. Now First Collected. Edited, Prefaced and Annotated by Richard Herne Shepherd. 2 vols. 8vo. 1882. SALA (GEORGE AUGUSTUS). Charles Dickens. 16mo. [1870.] FORSTER (JOHN). The Life of Charles Dickens. Porirait, views and facsimile letters. 3 vols. 8vo. 1872-1874. [TAYLOR (Tom).] Charles Dickens. The Story of his Life. By the author of the “Life of Thackeray.” Illustrated. 1t2mo. [1870.] DICKENS (CHARLES). Memento, with illuminated inscription,—“Charles Dickens. Born at Landport, February 7, 1812. Died at Gad’s Hill, June 9g, 1870. This Relic of Hair was taken from the head of Charles Dickens on the day of his death, by Miss Georgina Hogarth, his beloved Sister-in- law, life-long Companion and Executrix. Her signed autograph voucher accompanies it.” Also, Autograph Signature of Charles Dickens. Together, 3 pieces, each inlaid under glass and framed with gill, in velvet mat, with the above title illuminated by hand inserted on opposite compartment, and enclosed,in.8vo full olive greencrushed levant morocco case in book-form, gilt tooled in fillet and dotted lines, with reproduction of the Gad’s Hill stamp on front, back gilt lettered. DICTIONARIES. Clifton (E. C.) and Grimaux (Adrian). Nouveau Diction- naire Anglais-Francais et Francais-Anglais. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, morocco bucks. Paris and London, no date DostToEvsky (Fyopor). Works of Dostoevsky. Translated by’ Constance Garnett: comprising,—The House of the Dead. 1915; The Possessed. 1916; A Raw Youth. 1916; Crime & Punishment. 1916; The Idio. 1916; The Insulted and Injured. No date. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, lettered, gilt tops. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1915-1916 DRYDEN (JOHN). The Fables of John Dryden. With 9 plates and vigneties, drawn by Lady Diana Beauclerc, engraved by Bartolozzi and Gardner. Folio, full straight-grain midnight-blue morocco, sides with broad gilt border, gilt panelled backs, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, doublures and fly-leaves of brown watered silk, gilt edges, binding slightly rubbed at joints. London: T. Bensley, 1797 First EDITION WITH THE BEAUTIFUL BEAUCLERC ILLUSTRATIONS. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Poetical Works of John Dryden. 5 vols. 16mo, three- quarter brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, con- tents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Vol. 1 lacks the half title. London: William Pickering, 1832-1833 97. Dumas (ALEXANDRE). Celebrated Crimes. Translated by I. G. Burnham Illustrated with full-page photogravures in two states, one on Japan paper, after original drawings by De Los Rios, Prodhomme, Wagrez, and others. 8 vols. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, [Continued [L6 “ON ] HHO THNOC] GaNV UAAOT) SVANdG WHANVXATV THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. WItuiaAaM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 97. Dumas (ALEXANDRE).—Continued | with large gilt floral sprays in corners, with onlays of purple morocco, floral spray in gilt up backs, with onlays of purple morocco, contents lettered in gilt; doublures of light brown crushed levant morocco with large center medallion in gilt of scrolls and dots, and large outer green levant morocco with gilt fillet bands and floral design in margins; doublures of light brown moire silk; gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia; George Barrie [1895] [See Illustration of Binding] COMPLETE SET OF THE IMPERIAL JAPAN LIBRARY EDITION, limited to 500 copies, of which this is, No. 220. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN PAPER, 98. Du Maurier (GEorGE), Trilby. Portrait on Japan paper, and numerous sepia illustrations, Royal 8vo, three quarter dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1895 LARGE Paper, limited to 600 copies, of which this is, No. 310. 99. EaRLOM (RICHARD) AND TURNER (CHARLES)—Engravers. Portraits of Characters Illustrious in British History from the Beginning of the Reign of Henry the Eighth to the End of the Reign of James the Second. En- graved in Mezzotinto. From original Pictures, Miniatures, &c. Wath 100 engraved portraits. Small folio, contemporary straight-grain olive morocco, gilt decorative border on sides in scroll-work design, gilt panelled back, gilt edges, margins of a few plates and a few leaves slightly foxed, binding rubbed, London: Published by S. Woodburn [1814] Several of the portraits engraved by R. Dunkarton. The plates bear various dates from 1810 to 1814. 100. EGAN (PIERCE). Life in London; or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and his Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropo- lis. With 36 colored plates designed and etched by I, R. and G, Cruikshank, numerous woodcuts in text by the same artists, and 6 pages of engraved music, folded, Royal 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, sides with border of triple gilt fillets with small floral corner ornaments, back gilt panelled in floral design, inside gilt dentelle borders, Morris-paper linings and end- leaves, gilt top, edges scraped, BY ROOT, small corner of half-title and edge of main title repaired. London: Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1821 First EDITION, Second Issue, with the note at foot of page 12, beginning,—“Sec- ond Edition.” Cohn, No. 250; Douglas, No. 41. 1o1. ExLiot (GEORGE), The Writings of George Eliot, together with the Life by J. W. Cross. Illustrated with fine photogravure portraits on Japanese vellum paper, the frontispreces in two states one in colors on plain paper. 25 vols. 8vo, full maroon crushed French levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillets, enclosing panel of fillets and floriated framework, gilt panelled backs of floral designs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1908 COMPLETE SET OF, THE LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 750 copies, of which this is, Number 11. Inserted in Vol. 1 isa three-page Autograph Letter Signed, 12mo, The Priory, North Bank, Regents Park, Aug. 28, from George Eliot to “My dear Pro- fessor” [Stowe]. The letter is signed “W. G. Lewes.” ; [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 1o1. Exot (GEORGE).—Continued | One of the Fine Riverside Press Issues: comprising the following works,— Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols.; Adam Bede. 2 vols.; The Mill on the Floss. 2 vols.; Romola. 2 vols.; Felix Holt. 2 vols.; Middlemarch. 3 vols.; Daniel Deronda. 3 vols.; Silas Marner; The Spanish Gypsy; Poems; Theophrastus Such; Essays. 2 vols. Life, as Related in her Letters and Journals. Edited by J. W. Cross. 3 vols. 102. ExLiot (GEORGE). George Eliot’s Life as Related in her Letters and Journals, arranged and edited by her husband, J. W. Cross. 3 vols., extended to 6, small 8vo, full Antwerp blue crushed levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders with small gilt forget-me-not at each corner, backs gilt panelled with the same flower, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets and buds at corners, Morris-paper linings and end-leaves, gilt tops, other edges uncut, BY ROOT. Edinburgh and London; W. Blackwood and Sons, 1885 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED FROM THREE VOLUMES TO SIX, by the inser- tion of 35 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, and 150 engraved portraits and views. Special printed title-page inserted in each volume. : The Autograph material comprises the following,—GEORGE ELiot. Fragment of an Autograph Manuscript, about 90 words; King George III of England, Autograph Signature. Also Autograph Letters Signed by,—W. R. Greg, English Writer; Charles Bray, friend of George Eliot, 3 letters, one written to George Eliot herself; Herbert Brabant, Richard Owen, Scientist; Dr. A. W. Clark, George Eliot’s physician; Rob- ert W. Mackay; George Combe, Phrenologist; Sir David Brewster, Specialist in Op- tics; James Martineau, Unitarian Theologian; Cardinal Newman; Dr. John Brown, Author of “Rab and his Friends”; Bessie R. Parkes; W. E. Forster; Mrs. Margaret Oliphant, Scottish Authoress; Prof. J. S. Blackie; Bulwer-Lytton; Frances Power Cobb; Maria Martineau; Susanna Bodichon; George Grote, Greek Historian; T. C. Allbutt; Thomas Huxley; Sara Hennell; Max Muller, Orientalist; Sir Garnet Wolse- ley, Field-Marshal; George Goschen, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mrs. Eliza Stuart; and several others. 103. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). The Complete Works of Emerson. With a Biography, Introduction and Notes, by Edward Waldo Emerson, and a General Index. Illustrated with photogravure portraits and views on India paper, and facsimiles. 12 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson crushed levant morocco, full gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1903-1904 COMPLETE SET OF THE AUTOGRAPH CENTENARY EDITION, limited to 600 numbered sets, signed by the publishers, of which this is, Number 13. Inserted in Volume I is a portion of a Manuscript in the autograph of Emerson, 2pp. 4to, and inlaid to size: comprising ,— Nature, Addresses, Lectures; Essays. 2 vols.; Representative Men; English Traits; Conduct of Life; Society and Solitude; Letters and Social Aims; Poems; Lectures and Biographical Sketches; Miscellanies; Natural History of Intellect. 104. ENGRAVINGS. Diepenbeke (Abraham Van). Vita Seraphice Virginis S. Marie Magdalene de Pazzis Florentine ... Iconibvs Expressa. n- graved title and 49 plates by Diepenbeke, engraved by Lommelin, Bouttats and others, with verses in Latin, French and Dutch below and engraved on each plate. Small folio. No place, circa 1650-60; MopEsto (Abbot). Templum Honoris, 4 Gloriosis Fundatoribus Hartmanno & Otthone, Illustrissimis Comitibus de Kirchberg, Erectum M. IC... Sive Virorum Honoris Monarchorum Wiblingensium vite integritas ... W2th 33 fine mezzotint engravings (mostly portraits) by I. G. Baumgartner. Small 4to. Auguste Vindelicorum, 1702. Together, 2 vols. original vellum, first slightly soiled in margins and with a few small tears mostly in margins. THE Liprary oF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 105. Essex HousE Press Book on VELLUM. A Kempis (Thomas). Of the Imita- 106. 107. 108. 109. tion of Christ. Three, Both for Wisdome and Godlines, Most Excellent Bookes: Made 170 Yeeres since, and for the Worthines Thereof oft since Translated out of Latine into Sundrie Languages by Divers Godlie and Learned Men. Edited by Ernest Godman from the Earliest English Trans- lations, the First Three are from that of Thomas Rogers MDLXXX, the Fourth from that of the Lady Margaret Countess of Richmond. Wa2th illuminated vignettes on 2 title-pages: headings of each book printed 1n red: text in black. Royal 4to, limp leather, uncut, with ties. London: Essex House Press, 1904 P ,INITED THROUGHOUT ON VELLUM, only 10 copies so printed, of which this is, No 4. FERRERO (GUGLIFLMO). The Greatness and Decline of Rome. Translated by A. E. Zimmern and H. J. Chaytor. Frontispiece. 5 vols.; Characters and Events of Roman History from Cesar to Nero. Translated by F. L. Ferrero. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1909 FERRIER (SUSAN EDMONSTONE). Marriage. 3 vols. 16mo, three-quarter red crushed French levant morocco. 3 vols. London, 1818; The Inheritance. 3 vols. 12mo, half polished calf. Edinburgh, 1824; Destiny, or, The Chief’s Daughter. 3 vols. 12mo, three-quarter red crushed French levant morocco. Edinburgh, 1831. ALL First Epirions. Together, 9 vols. name, in ink, on titles of last three volumes. | FIELD (W. T.). Rome. Illustrations. 2 vols. 16mo. half blue levant morocco, Boston, 1905; MACHIAVELLI (N.). The Prince. Translated by N. H. Thomson. 16mo, three-quarter crimson crushed French levant morocco. Oxford, 1913; PALMER (G. A.). The Odyssey of Homer. 12mo, half morocco. Boston, 1896; Epwarps (HENRY). The True Story of the Vatican Council. I2mo, three-quarte: crushed French levant morocco. London, no date. Together, 5 vols. -FreLpInG (Henry). The Works of Henry Fielding. 13 vols. 16mo, and 3 ~ vols. 8vo. Together, 16 vols. full brown crushed French levant morocco, sides with doukle gilt fillet border, backs panelled with fillets and lettered contents, gilt tops, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London, 1742-1755 FINE SET OF THE Most IMPORTANT WORKS OF HENRY FIELDING. ALL GENUINE First EDITIONS: comprising the following,— History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams. 2 vols.12mo. 1742. The first volume with 4pp. the second with 2pp. of advertising at the end. Miscellanies. 3 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER. Printed for the author, 1743. _ History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. 6 vols. r2mo. 1749. The genuine first issue with the “Errata” leaf. Emelia. 4 vols. I2mo. 1752. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. Folding plate inserted. 1755. Under the Management of the American Art Association - Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 110. FISKE (JOHN). The Wiitings of John Fiske. Illustrated with portraits and views on India paper, maps and other illustrations. 24 vols. 8vo, half green crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs with rosette inlays, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1902 COMPLETE SET OF THE EDITION DE LUXE, limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 150. One of the beautiful editions printed at the Riverside Press. THE FINEST SET OF THIS AUTHOR’S HISTORICAL WORKS EVER PUBLISHED: comprising,— The Discovery of America. 3 vols.; Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. 2 vols.; Beginnings of New England; Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. 2 vols.; New France and New England; The American Revolution. 2 vols.; Critical Period in American History; Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. 4 vols.; Myths and Myth Makers; The Unseen World, and other Essays; Excursions of an’ Evolutionist; Darwinism, and other Essays; Studies in Religion; A Century of Science; The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War; Civil Government in the United States. I11. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE): La Tentation de Saint Antoine. Full-page plates and numerous large and small vignettes, by Georges Rochegrosse, engraved in colors by E. Decisy: title in red and black, text within decorative borders. Imperial 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, sides with elaborate gilt arabesque framework within borders of gilt fillets, dotted and engrailed lines; gilt back; inside morocco borders with gilt fillets and coiner ornaments, dou- blures and fly-leaves of marbled linen, gilt top, uncut, original front wrapper bound in, BY STIKEMAN. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1907 EDITION LIMITED TO 350 CopigEs, Nos. 121 to 350 being printed on “papier vélin d’Arches,” of which this is, No. 230. 112. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Vie de Jeanne d’Arc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half blue French crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris: C. Levy, no date; DE La Gorce (PIERRE). Histoire de la Seconde République Francaise. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1911. Together, 4 vols. ; 113. FreNcH CHATEAUX. Fouquier (Marcel). Les Grands Chateaux de France. Préface de M. Pierre de Nolhac. Illustrated with hundreds of photogravure reproductions of 200 of the most characteristic French chateaux, with extervor and interior views of the same, depicting in detail many of the famous art treasures gathered by former possessors. 2 vols. in one, royal 4to, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco, ornamental gilt borders on sides, full gilt back, inside blue morocco border with gilt fillets and corner orna- ments, gilt edges, BY GAUTERIN. Paris, 1907 De LuUxE PAPER EDITION, limited to 600 copies. 114. FRENCH Memorrs. Hardy (B. C.). The Prince de Lamballe. Illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1908; JESSE (J. H.). Memoirs of the Pretend- ers and their Adherents. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half leather, gilt, uncut. Boston, 1901; BASHKIRTSEFF (Marie). Journal. Translated by Mathilde Blind. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1890 [Atso] Letters. Trans- lated by Mary J. Serrano. Portraits. 8vo, half cloth. London, no date. Together, 7 vols. 8vo. TuHoet LIBRARY OF MRs. WItuiAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 115. FRENCH REVOLUTION. A Collection of 26 Autograph Letters Signed, Letters and Documents Signed, by persons prominent in the French Revolution, together with 14 engraved portraits or scenes including portraits. Each Auto- graph tipped to or mounted on Whatman paper, the engravings inlaid or mounted on similar sheets. Together 40 loose sheets, folio, enclosed in full red crushed levant morocco slip-case, gilt lettered on front cover and back, ~ with inner cloth folding wrapper. AN INTERESTING AND VALUABLE COLLECTION, including signatures of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette; also autographs of the Princesse de Lamballe, Robespierre and others who were instrumental in bringing about the French Revolution: comprises,— AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED by,— Marquis de Barthelemy, Royalist, 1803; Comte de Lameth, served as Aide to Rochambeau in American Revolution, 1816; Comte Boissy d’Anglas, President of the Council of Five Hundred, 1816; Jacques Lablée, agent of Danton, 1833; Chrétien de Lamoignon, no year; Jean F. Hi- laire, Préfet de Haute Soane, 1816; Jacques Berriat Saint Prix, 1843; and por- tion of an AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, consisting of 2pp. oblong 12mo, by MIrRa- BEAU, the great Leader of the Revolution. LETTERS OR DOCUMENTS SIGNED by,—Louis XVI, 1778; Marie Antoinette, 1785; Marie Thérése Louise de Savoye Garignan, Princesse de Lamballe, 1786; Joseph Ignace Guillotin, inventor of the guillotine machine, 29. Nivése, l’an 4 [Jan. 18, 1796]; Jean Silvain Bailly, Mayor of Paris in early days of Revolution, 1791; Jacques de Flesselles, one of the First Victims of the Revolutionists, Last Provost of Merchants of Paris, 1782; Lazare Nicolas Carnot, Member of the Committee of Public Safety, etc., An 2 [1794], also signed by,— Merlin, Delmas, Langlois, and others; Robespierre, Leader of the Revolution, 1794, also signed by,—Couthon (Georges Couthon, member of the Supreme Tribunal with Robes- pierre and St. Just), Prieur, Barere and Collot d’Herbois; Antoine Saint Just, An 2 [1794], also signed by,—Carnot; Jean Nicolas Billaud-Varenne, prominent in the Reign of Terror, no date; Jean Jacques Cambaceres, Duke of Parma, President of the Council of Five Hundred, Chancellor under Napoleon I, 1805; Jean Marie Roland [de la Platiére], husband of Madame Roland, 1792; Pierre Bentabole, Member of the Convention, 1794, also signed by,—Collombet, Mom- nayon, and others; Guignard de Saint Priest, 1785; Louis T. C. Bernier, Member of the Council of Five Hundred, 1795; Antoine Delestart, Minister of the In- terior, 1791; Nicolas Francois Bellart, Deputy, 1812; Pierre Francois Palloy, Deputy, 1792. 116. FRENCH REVOLUTION. [Weston (Stephen).] Letters from Paris, during the Summer of 1791 [-1792]. 2 vols. in 4 vols. London, 1792-1793; [LA VALLEE (J.) AND OTHERS.] Voyage dans les Départemens de la France, Par une Société d’Artistes et gens de Lettres. [Parts I to V only.] En- graved title and 20 engraved plates, 6 double-page engraved maps colored. 5 parts in one vol. Paris, 1792. Together, 3 vols. in 5, 8vo, uniformly bound in full contemporary mottled calf, gilt borders, stamp of the author and owner, Stephen Weston, in gilt in center of sides, gilt inside borders, last with gilt edges, each volume carefully rebacked, and two torn leaves skilfully repaired. London and Paris, 1792-1793 THE AUTHOR'S OWN COPIES OF BOTH THE ABOVE WORKS, EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY Him AND CONTAINING NUMEROUS AUTOGRAPH NOTES AND CORRECTIONS, ORIG- INAL DRAWINGS AND WATERCOLORS, RARE ENGRAVINGS, ETC., AND BOUND FOR Him, witH His LIBRARY STAMP ON EACH COVER. The “Letters from Paris” are ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED FROM Two VOLUMES TO Four, by the insertion of about 100 engraved portraits, 200 engraved views, a number being in colors, 3 original watercolor portraits or caricatures, original pen-and-ink sketch, pencil drawings, about 10 pages of original autograph manu- script by the author and numerous autograph notes by him on margins, 2 Autograph Letters written to Mr. Weston, relating to his book, and other material. The “Voyage” is ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND ENLARGED by the insertion of 30 en- graved portraits, 17 views; Poem, “Adieux a la Ville de Paris,” 8pp., original auto- [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 116. FRENCH REVOLUTION.—Continued | graph manuscript Poem, to Mr. Weston by M. de Colville and poetical reply by Mr. Weston also in autograph manuscript, and other manuscript and printed matter. These volumes were extra-illustrated by the author between 1796 and 1803, and therefore contain much rare contemporary material which it is impossible to procure for such purposes at the present day. EXCEEDINGLY DESIRABLE FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY ITEM. 117. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Collection Compléte des Tableaux Historiques de la Révolution Francaise, Composée de Cent Treize Numéros, en Trois Volumes. Extensively illustrated with engraved frontispieces, and 220 full- page plates, including 66 medallion portraits of personages most celebrated during the French Revolution, after Deluaux, Duplessis-Bertaux, Fragonard, Girardet, and others, and engraved by Berthault, Choffard, Ficquet, and others. Text, 3 vols. Plates, 3 vols. Together, 6 vols. folio, full red crushed French levant morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, full gilt panelled backs with emblematic designs, wide inside morocco borders with gilt fillets and small corner ornaments, gilt edges, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Paris: Chez Aubert, 1804 MAGNIFICENT Copy OF THIS EXTENSIVE WORK. The historical full-page engravings depict scenes in French history from February 22, 1787, through the events of the year 1799. The medallion portraits each with vignette view and engraved text beneath, include among others,—Lafayette; Louis XVI; Marie Antoinette; Calonne; Néker; Dumouriez; De Condorcet; Gaudet; Brissot; Charette; Marat; Robespierre; Fou- quier Tainville; Luckner; Hoche; Championnet; Napoleon I; Cambacérés; Lebrun; seit Joubert; Desaix; Kléber; Brune; Augereau; Jourdan; Beurnonville; and others. 118. FRENCH ROMANCE. Gosse (Edmund—FEditor). A Century of French Romance. With Notes by Octave Uzanne. [By various translators. Criti- cal Introductions by Maurice, Hewlett, Andrew Lang, Henry James, and others.| Numerous illustrations, frontispieces on plain paper colored by hand, portraiis on Japan paper. 20 vols. 8vo, half crimson crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. New York: D. Appleton & Co. [1901-1902] COMPLETE SET OF THE VERSAILLES EDITION, limited to 250 sets, of which this is, No. 10: comprising,— BALZAC (HONORE DE). The Two Young Brides; Der STENDHAL. The Chartreuse of Parma; HuGo (Victor). Notre Dame de Paris; SAND (GEORGE). Mauprat; DumMAsS (ALEXANDRE, pere). The Black Tulip; MERIMME (PROSPER). Colomba and Carman; SANDEAU (J.). Mlle. de la Seigliére; GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Captain Fraxasse; DAUDET (A.). The Nabob; FEUILLET (OCTAVE). The Romance of a Poor Young Man; FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Madame Bovary; ZOLA (EMILE). The Downfall; ERKMANN-CHATRIAN. Brigadier Frederick and the Dean’s Watch; GONCOURT (J. AND E.). Renée Mauperin; ABour (E.). The King of the Moun- tains; Dumas (ALEXANDRE, fils). The Lady of the Camellias; CHERBULIEZ (V.). Samuel Brohl and Company; HaAvevy (Lupovic). Abbé Constantin and A Marriage for Love; MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Pierre & Jean; Loti (PIERRE). An Iceland Fisherman. Tue LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 119. FRENCH STAGE. Leclére (Tristan). Les Femmes de Théatre du XVIIIe Siecle. Beautifully alustrated with 4o full-page photogravure portraits, some an colors, of noted women of the stage of the 18th century, after originals painted by David, Vigée-le-Brun, Raoux, Lemoine, Hoppner, Fragonard, Lawrence, Watteau, Romney, Gainsborough, Coutellier, Reynolds, Van Loo, and other artists; miniature portrait in colors on title-page, and ornamental head-pieces and initial letters. 4to, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillets and curved lines enclosing framework in gilt dentelle, full gilt panelled back, inside morocco border with gilt fillets and marginal] floral ornaments, gilt top, uncut, original wrapper bound in, BY STIKEMAN, Paris: H. Piazza [1911] EDITION D’Art, limited to 275 copies on “papier Hollande a la forme,” specially manufactured, of which this is, No. 171. Among the portraits reproduced are those of, —Sophie Arnould, Dorothée Jordan, Elisabeth Farren, Sylvia, Mary Robinson, Signora Baccelli, Louise Francoise Contat, Fracoise Raucourt, Marie Sallé, Sarah Siddons, Charlotte Davenport, and others. 120. FROUDE (JAMES ANTHONY). Works of James Anthony Froude. 17 vols. 8vo and 12mo, three-quarter brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, some edges uncut. London, 1856-1889 FINE SET OF First EDITIONS of the following works,— History of England. 12 vols. 8vo, 1856—1858—1860—1863—1866-1870. The earlier volumes published for J. W. Parker and Sons; The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols. 8vo, 1872-1874; Two Lectures on South Africa. 8vo. 1880; Two Chiefs of Dunboy. I2mo. 1889. 121. FURNITURE. Chippendale (Thomas). The Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker’s Director. Being a large Collection of the most Elegant and Useful Designs of Household Furniture in the Gothic, Chinese and Modern Taste: Includ- ing a Great Variety of Book-Cases for Libraries or Private Rooms, Library, Writing, and Breakfast Tables, Bureaus, Chests, Trays, Presses, Book Cases, and Other Ornaments. With 160 fine old copperplates containing a large number of choice reproductions of the articles above noted; engraved title- page, regular title printed in red and black. Tall folio, full polished mottled calf, gilt fillets and scroll border on sides, full gilt panelled back, leather labels, gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN. London: Printed for the Author [1754] RARE First EDITION OF THIS IMPORTANT WORK FOR THE COLLECTOR AND CAB- INET MAKER. Plates all fine impressions and unspotted. Contains List of Subscrib- ers. With armorial bookplate of Sr. Robt. Throckmorton, Bart. 122. FURNITURE. Heppelwhite (A.). The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide: or, Repository of Designs for Every Article of Household Furniture, in the Newest and Most Approved Taste; Displaying a Great Variety of Patterns for Chairs, Stools, etc. Illustrated with 126 engraved plates ex- hibiting nearly 300 different designs, from drawings by A. Heppelwhte and Company. Folio, full autumn leaf morocco, sides with panel border of gilt and blind-tooled lines, gilt panelled back, inside morocco border with gilt lines, gilt top; small teais in title repaired, few margins soiled. With pro- tecting cloth wrapper. London: Printed by I. and J. Taylor, 1788 First EDITION OF THIS IMPORTANT WORK FOR THE CABINET MAKER. With name in ink of G. Brickman on top margin of title-page; that of Thomas Wilkey, Cabinet Maker, Barnstaph, 1703, in upper margin of first leaf of Preface; the name repeated on following page, as also that of Wm. Essery, 1832, with a four-line pen-and-ink note. 4 Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 123. FURNITURE. Sheraton (Thomas). The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book. In Four Parts. Embellished with 122 full-page and folding copperplates. Thick 4to, full mottled panelled calf, sides with gilt fillets and panel of polished calf with gilt fillets and corner ornaments, full gilt panelled back, leather label, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, a few of the plates have margins foxed and cut in creases. Enclosed in cloth case. London, 1802 Third Edition, revised, of this esteemed work.3 124. FURNITURE. MacQuiod (Percy). A History of English Furniture: compris- ing,—The Age of Oak. 1904; The Age of Walnut. 1905; The Age of Mahogany. 1906; and The Age of Satinwood. 1908. Each volume ex- tensively allustrated with plates 1n color after Shirley Slocombe, and numerous illustrations in text arranged and selected by the author. 4 vols. royal 4to, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1904-1908 _ “It is proposed to deal with the History, Development, and Evolution of English Furniture only, but as the sources of its inspiration can so frequently be traced to foreign origin, it will be necessary to introduce occasionally some of these examples, in order to more clearly explain the different types and their close analogy.—” PREFACE. 125. FURNITURE. Lockwood (Luke Vincent). Colonial Furniture in America. New and greatly enlarged Edition. With 867 illustrations of representative pieces. 2 vols. royal 4to, cloth, gilt panel border on sides, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1913 A trustworthy handbook on the subject for Collectors and other persons inter- ested in American Colonial Furniture. ; “The sources of information from which this book has been derived are: examina- tion of inventories and contemporary records, all available newspapers, works on the subjects of furniture, architecture, and interior wood-work by English, French, German, Italian, and American writers, general and commercial histories, books on manners and customs, ancient dictionaries, cabinet-makers’ book of design, ancient and modern, and examination of specimens of furniture, both colonial and foreign.”— PREFACE. 126. FURNITURE. Odom (William M). A History of Italian Furniture, from the Fourteenth to the Early Nineteenth Centuries. Wzth several hundred full- page and text reproductions. 2 vols. folio, cloth, gilt tops. Garden City, New York, 1918-1919 Edition limited to 500 copies. 127. FURNITURE. Le Meuble a l’Epoque Louis XVI, d’aprés l’ceuvre gravé des principaux Maitres De La Fosse, Ranson, Liard, etc. Jlustrated with 120 full-page engravings, several examples of furniture contained on most of the plates: title-page printed within ornamental border. Folio, full polished mottled calf, sides w th gilt border of elaborate framework in shell and foliate design; full gilt panelled back, leather label; wide inside calf and gilt borders, gilt edges. Paris: Charles Foulard, Libraire, undated The above work is a collection of plates reproduced from the originals by De la Fosse, Ranson, Liard, and other artists, in heliogravure, on special paper from “les Manufactures d’Arches.” The text is copied from Roubo’s “Traite. THe LipraRy oF MRs. WiItuiAamM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 128. FURNITURE AND OBJECTS OF ART. Jacquemart (Albert). Histoire du Mobilier. Recherches et Notes sur les Objets d’Art qui peuvent composer l’Ameuble- ment et les Collections de l’Homme du Monde et du Curieux. Avec une Notice sur |’Auteur par M. H. Barbet de Jouy. First Epirion. Jllus- trated with upwards of 200 full-page and text reproductions. Royal 8vo, full maroon straight-grain morocco, sides decorated with large center coat-of- arms in gilt, the same design repeated much smaller in each corner; gilt back with same design repeated; inside gilt Sat borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1876 129. GAINSBOROUGH (THOMAS). Armstrong (Walter). Gainsborough and _ his Place in English Art. Wath 62 full-page Proofs before letters, and text photo- gravure reproductions of the artist's works, and 10 lithographic facsimiles in color. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: William Heineman, 1898 This work was printed at the Ballantyne Press, London. The paper of the text is of English make, that of the plates, French. The copperplates were made from photographs, with few exceptions, by Walter Colls. The photogravures were printed by Mr. Charles Preston; the lithographs of the sketches and drawings were prepared and printed by W. Griggs. Contains a Catalogue of Gainsborough’s Pictures. 130. GASKELL (ELIZABETH CLEGHORN). The Works of Elizabeth Gaskell. 26 vols. small 8vo and 12mo, full polished mottled calf, triple gilt fillets on sides, full gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. 2 London, 1848-1866 COLLECTED SET OF THE AUTHORESS’S Most IMPORTANT WORKS INCLUDING HER First AND LAstT Booxs. ALL First EDITIONS. The authoress included, at various times, among her friends many of the noted writers of the period, among them Carlyle, Thackeray, Dickens and Miss Edgeworth. She was eagerly welcomed by Dickens and dined with him and many noted men, to commemorate the publication of the first number of David Copperfield. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COLLECTED SET: comprising the following works,— Mary Barton. 2 vols. small 8vo. 1848; The Morland Cottage. Illustrated by Birkett Foster. 1I2mo. 1850, gilt eae) Ruth, a Novel. 3 vols. small 8vo. 1853; Cranford, 12mo. 1853; North and South. 2 vols. small 8vo. 1855; Life of Charlote Bronté. Portrait. 2 vols. small 8vo. 1857; Mabel Vaughan. By the author of the Lamplighter. Edited by Miss Gaskell. I2mo. 1857; : Round the Sofa. [Including My Lady Ludlow, and other Stories.] 2 vols. small 8vo. 1859; Right at Last, and other Tales. Small 8vo. 1860. First issue of the republication from “All the Year Round,” by the kind permission of Mr. Dickens; My Lady Ludlow, and other Tales. [Now First Collected.] Engraved frontispiece. Small 8vo. 1861; Garibaldi at Caprera. By Colonel Vecchj. Translated with a Preface by Mrs. Gaskell. Frontispiece. t2mo. Cambridge, 1862; Sylvia’s Lover. 3 vols. Small 8vo. 1863; A Dark Night’s Work. Small 8vo. 1863. Stencilled stamp on title; Lizzie Leigh, and other Tales. [Now First Collected.] First Illustrated Edition. Small 8vo. 1865; Cousin Phillis, and other Tales. [Now First Collected.] First Illustrated Edition. Small 8vo. 1865; The Grey Woman, and other Tales. Illustrations. Small 8vo. 1865; Wives and Daughters. Illustrations by George Du Maurier. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. Under the Management of the American Art Association 13% 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue GAUGAIN (PAUL). Morice (Charles). Paul Gauguin. Extensively illus- trated with full-page reproductions of the artist's work. 4to, full dark green crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillet borders enclosing small panel with foliate border within fillet, in blind-tooling, gilt panelled back, inside green morocco borders with gilt fillets and small fleur-de-lys design in corners, gilt top, uncut, original illustrated wrappers bound in. Paris, 1919 GIBBON (EDWARD). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em- pire. Engraved portrait of the author and several large folding maps. 8 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt backs, leather labels. London: Printed for T. Cadell, . . . 1828 With bookplate of Harry Dupuis in each volume. GOETHE (JOHANN W. Von). Temple-Klassiker Goethe’s’ Samtliche Werke. 15 vols. small 8vo, full blue polished morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt backs, leather labels, contents lettered, gilt tops. Each volume with board case. | Leipzig: Der Temple Verlag, no date GOETHE (JOHANN W. Von). Bielschowsky (Albert). The Life of Goethe. Authorised Translation from the German, by William A. Cooper. Full- page portraits and illustrations. 3 vols. in 6, 8vo, three-quarter. dark green crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, marbled linen dou- blures and end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut, scratch on front cover of binding. New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1909 The Standard Biography of Goethe. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Engraved titles with vignettes. 4 vols. three-quarter green. crushed French levant morocco, panelled backs, lettered in gilt, gilt tops, uncut, backs slightly faded. London: John Murray, 1854 First Collected Edition in which the author’s works appear together exactly as he left them. Contains more pieces than any previously issued. GRANVILLE (Mary—Mkrs. DELANny). The Autobiography and Correspond- ence of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delany: with Interesting Reminiscences of King George the Third and Queen Charlotte. Edited by the Right Hon- ourable Lady Llanover. 12 vols. 8vo, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco sides covered with interlaced geometrical design of indented black tooling with gilt fillet borders and circles, similar design on backs, inside blue morocco borders with gilt lines and small corner design, gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN. London: Richard Bentley, 1862 SPECIAL Copy. EXTRA-ILLUSTRAIED by the insertion of 243 full-page engravings, mostly portraits of contemporary characters, a great number in colors; some of the prints mounted and inlaid to size. Tue LIBRARY OF Mrs. WI.uLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 137; GREAT Events By Famous Historians: A Comprehensive and Readable Account of the World’s History, Emphasizing the More Important Events, and Presenting these as Complete Narratives in the Master-Words of the Most Eminent Historians. Editor-in-Chief, Rossiter Johnson, Associate Editors Charles F. Horne, John Rudd. Extensively allustrated with photo- gravure reproductions on Japan paper, and frontispieces 1n colors, some on Japan paper. 22 vols. royal 8vo, full leather, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. [New York and London: The National Alumni, 1905] COMPLETE SET OF THE MEMBERS’ EDITION, limited to 1,000 registered copies, of which this is, No. 266. With Illuminated Certificate, Signed by Rossiter Johnson. Each binding is different in color, and has a different design in gilt, in facsimile of some of the most celebrated bindings in the British Museum and elsewhere. 138. GREENAWAY (KATE). Complete Set of the ORIGINAL IssuEs of the “Alma- nack,” from 1883 to 1897, inclusive, 14 vols. (none issued for 1896); with the fo lowing duplicates showing variations in cover design or binding,—1883, 1884, 1886, 1887, 1892, 1895. Colored illustrations. Together, 20 vols. 16mo and 24mo, each volume in its original binding of calf (1), boards with cloth back (14), and cloth (5), gilt or colored edges as issued. Enclosed in a half robin’s egg blue crushed levant morocco compartment box-case, with inner folding wrappers, BY RIVIERE. London [Engraved and Printed by Edmund Evans,]| 1883-1897 Complete set of these charming little books with their quaint pictures so delightful to young and old alike. In excellent condition. The duplicates show differences in the cover designs and bindings. 139. GREENAWAY (KATE). 26 ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWINGS of Kate Greenaway’s “Alphabet,” signed with her initials on five letters, and dated “1885” on the letter “A.” 26 capital letters, each measuring about 24% by 2% inches, 2 letters to a page, with versos blank; also, on last leaf, 17 smaller working sketches in pencil, of babes, and 5 larger similar sketches, partly erased on inside of back wrapper. Together, 48 sketches. Square 16mo, stitched, with wrappers of plain white drawing paper, loose. Enclosed in full brown crushed levant morocco solander case, gilt fillet borders, gilt lettered back, with inner cloth protecting wrapper. - 1885 THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS FOR THIS DELIGHTFUL “CHILDREN’S ALPHABET,” BY KATE GREENAWAY. The “Alphabet” was pubiished by Routledge in London, 1885. It consists of the entire 26 letters of the alphabet, in capitals, each letter decorated with two or more babes at play, in the style of the old German woodcut “Children’s Alphabet,” by Urse Graff. A Most DESIRABLE KATE GREENAWAY ITEM. 140. GREVILLE Memoirs. By Charles E. F. Greville: comprising the Journals of the Reigns of King George IV. and William IV. 1813-1837. 3 vols.; Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1852. 3 vols.; Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1852-1860. 2 vols. Illustrated. Together, 8 vols, 8vo, full straight grain crimson morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet borders enclosing a framework of fillets with corner ornamentation, gilt panelled . backs of similar design, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. London, 1874—1885-1887 COMPLETE SET OF THE ORIGINAL EDITIONS as edited by Henry Reeves. Beautiful copy ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by 384 additional engraved portraits and views of persons and places mentioned throughout the text. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 141. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATION. De Vinne (Theodore L.). Christopher Plantin 142. and the Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp. Wath full-page illustrations by Joseph Pennell, and others.. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, Janseneste, gilt lettering on back; doublures of ochre leather with geometrical design composed of red morocco bands between gilt fillets, spaces filled in with gilt scroll and foliate design and gilt dots; end-leaves of ochre leather; gilt edges, BY STIKEMAN. New York: Printed for the Grolier Club, 1888 SPECIAL VELLUM, EDITION, limited to 3 copies. With bookplate of the author, Theo. L. De Vinne. There were but three copies of the Grolier Club’s Publications printed on VELLUM, of which but two are offered for sale. The present copy is of especial interest as having BELONGED TO THE AUTHOR by whose press the book was printed for the Club. GROLIER CLuB. Curtis (George William). Washington Irving. A Sketch. Plate on Japan paper. 8vo, Club binding, full crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt fillets on sides, Grolier Club stamp in gilt in center of front cover, gilt panelled back, inside morocco borders with gilt lines, gilt top, uncut. Enclosed in marbled board slip-case. New York, 1891 Edition limited to 344 copies on hand-made paper. 143. Guizot (M.). Popular History of France. Translated by Robert Black. 8 145. vols. Boston and London, no date—1891; RAMBAUD (ALFRED). Popular History of Russia. Vols. I and 2. 2 vols. Boston, 1882. Illustrations. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. HamiILton (Lapy). Frankau (Julia). The Story of Emma, Lady Hamilton. With 30 full-page exquisitely colored plates, and numerous plates in text, tinted and plain. 2 vols. folio, vellum, sides and backs covered with floral design in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London: Macmillan and Co., 1911 THE Most PRETENTIOUS WORK DEVOTED TO THE HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF THIS LOVELY WOMAN EVER PUBLISHED. The beautiful plates here reproduced in colors are taken from famous paintings and engravings, by and after Romney, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Westall, Earlom, J. R. Smith, Raphael Morghem, and others, represent- ing this beautiful woman in every dress and pose. The smaller reproductions con- stitute a pictorial record of her life and times. At the end of the second volume is an extensive Catalogue of Paintings, Drawings, Engravings, etc., by various artists, all of Lady Hamilton. The work is a true and impartial narrative of Lady Hamilton’s life, from her going to London as a servant maid, her association with the artist Romney, the scan- dal of her life with Sir William Hamilton, her subsequent marriage to him, and other interesting reminiscences. 146. Harpy (THomAs). Works of Thomas Hardy. 38 vols. 12mo and 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, some of the volumes uncut, BY RIVIERE & SON. London, 1871-[1897] FINE COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS. A CHOICE SET OF THE ORIGINAL EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF THIS FAMOUS NOovELIsT, like the present, is seldom met with, as most all his earlier novels were published in the old two and three volume form, in just large enough editions to supply the libraries, whose copies usually became so soiled and torn and mutilated that few have survived: comprising,— Desperate Remedies. 3 vols. 1871; Under the Greenwood Tree. 2 vols. 1872. Vol. 2 lacks half-title; A Pair of Blue Eyes. 3 vols. 1873; [ Continued THe LIBRARY OF MrRs. Wiutiam F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 146. Harpy (THomas).—Continued | Far from the Madding Crowd. Illustrated. 2 vols. 1874; The Hand of Ethelberta. Illustrated. 2 vols. 1876; The Return of the Native. Map. 3 vols. 1878; The Trumpet-Major. 3 vols. 1880; A Laodicean, or, The Castle of the De Stancys. 3 vols. 1881; Two on a Tower. 3 vols. 1832; The Mayor of Casterbridge. 2 vols. 1886; The Woodlanders. 3 vols. 1887; Wessex Tales. 2 vols. 1888; Three Notable Stories: Love and Peril, To be, or Not to Be, The Melancholy Hussar, 1890; Tess of the D’Urbervilles. A Pure Woman. 3 vols. [1891;] A Group of Noble Dames. [1891;] Life’s Little Ironies. [1894.] Jude the Obscure. Etching by H. Macbeth-Raeburn. 1896. The Wessex Novels, Volume VIII; The Well-Beloved. A Sketch of a Temperament. With an etching by H. Macbeth- Raeburn, and a map of Wessex. [1897.] The Wessex Novels, Volume XVII. 147. Harpy (THomMAsS). The Works of Thomas Hardy in Prose and Verse. Frontis- piece and rubricated title pages. 21 vols. 8vo, full straight-grain cardinal calf, sides with gilt and blind tooled, lined borders, full gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, marbled end-papers, uncut. BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Macmillan and Co., 1912-1917 WESSEX EDTION. First printed in 1912 and here beautifully reprinted: compris- ing ores of the D’Urbervilles; Far from the Madding Crowd; Jude the Obscure; The Return of the Native; The Mayor of Casterbridge; The Woodlanders; Under the Greenwood Tree; Life’s Little Ironies; Wessex Tales; A Pair of Blue Eyes; The Trumpet-Major; Two on a Tower; The Well-Beloved; A Group of Noble Dames; Desperate Remedies; The Hand of Ethelberta; A Laodicean; A Changed Man; Wessex Poems etc.; The Dynasts. A Most DESIRABLE SET OF THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ENGLAND’S VETERAN NOVELIST. 148. HaArTE (BRET). Colonel Starbottle’s Client, and some other People; The Bell- Ringer of Angel’s and other Stories; In a Holiow of the Hills; Three Part- ners or the Big Strike on Heavy Tree Hill; Stories in Light and Shadow; The Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Sketches; Mr. Jack Hamlin’s Media- tion. Frontispieces. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, half crimson morocco, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. [1892-1899] 149. HAwTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Engraved title-pages with vignettes, and numerous full-page photogravure illustrations on India paper, including frontispieces in two states, one on India paper signed in pencil by the artist, and the other colored by hand. 22 vols. 8vo, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco, sides ornamented with gilt fillets and panel border of tulip design, full gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, inside morocco borders with gilt lines, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1900 AuTOGRAPH EpITION. Limited to 500 signed and numbered copies, of which this is, No. 303. With Autograph Signatures of Rose Hawthorne Lathrop and Houghton Mifflin Co. One of the beautiful sets printed at the Riverside Press: comprising,— Twice-Told Tales; Snow Image; Mosses from an Old Manse. 2 vols.; Scarlet Letter; House of Seven Gables; Blithedale Romance; Marble Faun; Our Old Home; Grandfather’ s Chair; Miscellanies; The Wonder Book; Dolliver Romance; Dr. Grimshawe’ s Secret; Tales and Sketches; American Note-Books; Notes of Travel. 4 vols. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 150. Haziitr (WiLL1aM). The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 vols. 8vo, three- quarter crimson crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs with emblematic tooling, gilt tops, uncut, BY WOOD. London: Effingham Wilson, 1830 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION of 44 engraved portraits and views, by Greatbatch, S. W. Reynolds, Read, Holl, Heath, Harland, Finden, and others. 151. HENRY THE ErcuTuH. Pollard (A. F.). Henry VIII. Engraved frontispiece por- tratt in two states, one colored, one uncolored, full-page plates and vignettes in two states, one in Vandyke brown, the other in sepia, title in red and black; ornamental initial letters. Folio, full red crushed French levant morocco, gilt fillet borders, gilt back and inside dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, original front wrapper bound in, BY RIVIERE. Paris: Goupil & Co., 1902 EDITION LIMITED TO 250 COPIES, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE PAPER, of which this is, No. CLIV. One of the fine Goupil Historical Monographs. 152. HEPTAMERON. Marguerite of Navarre. Les Nouvelles de Marguerite, Reine de Navarre. Engraved title after Dunker by Eichler in each volume, 73 full-page engraved plates after Freudenberg by Guttenberg, de Launay jeune, de Longuetl, and others; 72 engraved vignettes and 72 tail-pieces after Dunker by Exchler, Dunker and others. 3 vols. 8vo, contemporary mottled calf, gilt ribbon border on sides, gilt panelled backs with colored leather labels, gilt edges. Berne: Chez la Nouvelle Société Typographique, 1780-1781 FIRST EDITION WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL PLATES BY FREUDENBERG AND THE DUNKER VIGNETTES AND TAIL-PIECES. IN A HANDSOME CONTEMPORARY BINDING. Excellent condition, with brilliant impressions of the engravings. Some leaves of ‘text are slightly discolored by time, but aside from this, there is scarcely a mark of age or handling. There is no half-title in Vol. II. The Huth copy, with bookplate in each volume. 153. HEROES OF THE NATIONS. Edited by Evelyn Abbott and H. W. Carless Davis: comprising,—SERGEANT (L.). John Wryclif. 1893; GARDNER (ALIcE). Julian. 1895; Barn (R. N.). Charles XII. 1895; ABBOTT (EVELYN). Pericles. 1895; FLETCHER (C. R. L.). Gustavus Adolphus. 1896; WILLERT (P. F.). Henry of Navarre. 1897; HODGKIN (T.). Theodo- ric the Goth. 1897; CHuRcH (W. C.). Ulysses S. Grant. 1897; CLARKE (H. B.). The Cid Campeador. 1897; IRVING (WASHINGTON). Columbus. 1897; BEAZLEY (C. R.). Prince Henry the Navigator. 1897; HAssALL (A.). Louis XIV. 1897; MAXWELL (Sir H.). Robert the Bruce. 1897; ARM- STRONG (E.). Lorenzo De’ Medici. 1897; RussELL (W. C.). Horatio Nelson. 1897; BourNE (H.R. F.). Sir Philip Sidney. 1897; STRACHAN- Davipson (J. L.). Cicero. 1898; Morris (W. O’ConNorR). Napoleon. 1898; Wellington. 1905; Hannibal. 1897; Brooxs (NoaH). Abraham Lincoln. 1898; WHITE (H. A.). Robert E. Lee. 1898; LANE-POOLE (STANLEY). Saladin. [1898;] FowLER (W. W.). Julius Cesar. 18098: OLIPHANT (Mrs.). Jeanne d’Arc. 1898; GREEN (W. D.). William Pitt, 1901; JENKS (EDwarRD). Edward Plantagenet. 1902; BRADLEY (A. G.). Owen Glyndwr. 1902; PERRY (FREDERICK). Saint Louis. 1902; KINGs- FORD (CHARLES L.). Henry V. 1903; REDDAWAY (W. F.). Frederick the [ Continued THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 153. HEROES OF THE NATIONS.—Continued | Great. [1904;] FirtH (JoHN B.). Constantine the Great. 1905; Augustus Cesar. 1909; MAarGoLiouTH (D.S.).. Mohammed and the Rise of Islam. 1905; HARRISON (JAMES A.). George Washington. 1907; DUNLOP (RoB- ERT). Daniel O’Connell. 1908; PERKINS (J. B.). Richelieu. 1898; STEN- TON (F. M.). ‘William the Conqueror. 1908; PUTNAM (RUTH). Charles the Bold. 1908; HEADLAM (J. W.). Bismarck. 1909; Davis (H. W. C.). Charlemagne. 1909; Mac Nutt (F.A.). Fernando Cortes. 1909; WHEELER (B. I.). Alexander the Great. 1909; FirtH (C.). Oliver Cromwell. 1909. Portraits, maps (some folding), facsimiles, and other illustrations. 44 vols. 12mo, half Turkey morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1893-1909 154. Homer. PorpE (ALEXANDER—translator). The Odyssey of Homer. 6 vols; The Iliad of Homer. 6 vols. New Edition. Illustrated with fine copperplate engravings by Stowe, Worthington, and others, after the fine originals by Fuseli, Stothard, Burney, and other celebrated artists. ‘Together, 12 vols. small 8vo, half brown polished calf, gilt backs, with fillets, dots and acorns, some edges uncut. London: F. J. Du Roveray for T. Bentley, 1806-1813 155. Hoop (THomas—Fditor). The Comic Annual. 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, and 1842. Wuzth hundreds of full-page and text allustrations, all in colors, by Thomas Hood, George Crutkshank, and John Leech. Together, 11 vols., 12mo, full polished calf, gilt fillet bands on sides, full gilt panelled backs, leather labels, contents lettered, inside calf and gilt borders, gilt edges, BY ROOT. London, 1830-1842 The first ten volumes have the original pictorial wrappers bound in, and the last has the original purple cloth cover and back-bone bound in. The volume for 1830 contains “Sonnet to a Cat,” by John Keats. Cruikshank’s illustrations appear in the volume for 1830; those by eect in the volume for 1842. 156. Hoop (THomaAs). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco gilt, uncut. London: Moxon, 1852; GrAy (THOMAS). Poetical [and Prose Works. 5 vols. 12mo, full brown polished calf. London, 1869-1858. Dif- ferent publications; HUMPHREYS PUBLICATION. Because I Love You. 16mo, full purple crushed levant morocco, gilt. London, 1911; HAzLitTT (WILLIAM). Characters of Shakespear’s Plays. [Also] Bhagavadgita. Translated by L. Barnett. 2 vols. 16mo, full polished calf, gilt. London: Dent, no date; WorDsworTH (WILLIAM). Lyrical Poems. [Also] Ruys (ERNEST—Editor). The Prelude to Poetry. 2 vols. 16mo, half calf, uncut. London: J. M. Dent, no date. Together, 12 vols. 157. HorsEMANSHIP. Newcastle (William Cavendish, Duke of). A General Sys- tem of Horsemanship in all its Branches: containing a Faithful Translation of that most noble and useful work of his Grace, William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle. Wzth 59 copperplates, some of which are double plates. 2 vols. folio, full mottled calf, gilt corners and backs, skilfully rebacked and re- cornered. London: Printed for J. Brindley, 1743 FINE Copy oF THIS VALUABLE WORK ON THE Horse. The plates are engraved by Vorstermans, Kessel and others. This is the Second English Edition of the work, and First English Edition with plates. ——— Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue” 158. HozieR (H. M.). The Franco-Prussian War. Illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half red crushed French levant morocco, gilt backs. London, no date; Buscu (Moritz). Bismarck. Some Secret Pages of his History. Portraits. 2 vols. -8vo. three-quarter Turkey morocco, gilt, uncut. New York, 1898; HARDEN (MaximiLiAn). World Portraits. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1912; CREASY (SIR Epwarpb). Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. 8vo, full polished calf. London, 1830. Together, 6 vols. 159. [HuGHEs (THomAs).] The Scouring of the White Horse; or, the Long Vaca- tion Ramble of a London Clerk. Illustrations by Richard Doyle. Small 4to, full brown crushed French levant morocco, sides covered with a charming floreated pattern in blind and gilt tooling, back of similar design; wide inside border with gilt and blind tooiing enclosing a center doublure of light pigskin, vellum end-papers, gilt edges, BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE. Cambridge [England] 1859 THE GENUINE First EDITION. With a one-page Signed Autograph Letter of the Author inserted, dated September 19, 1878. Tuis Is ONE OF THE First CopPigs of this well-known work ever offered at public sale. The White Horse is, as the author explains in his preface, a rude colossal figure cut out in the turf and gives the name to a whole district in the county of Berkshire in England. There are legends connected with this figure of a horse which link it with the name of England’s greatest King, namely, Alfred the Great, and with his victory over the Pagans. Since this victory a festival has been held periodically in honor of it. Mr. Hughes wrote his book to preserve the story and to hand down to pos- terity its meaning and value. The old English chronicles contain a record of the event, and the author used them as his authority. 160. HucGo (Victor). The Works of Victor Hugo. Wzth portraits and illustrations on Japan paper. Titles in black and red, with vignette portrait, on Japan paper. 30 vols. 8vo, half red crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, no date COMPLETE SET OF THE CENTENARY EDITION, limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 357: comprising,— ; Dramas. 4 vols.; Les Misérables. 5 vols.; Poems. 3 vols.; Hans of Iceland. 2 vols.; Toilers of the Sea. 2 vols.; History of a Crime. 2 vols.; Notre Dame de Paris, 2 vols.; Ninety-Three. 2 vols.; The Rhine. 2 vols.; The Man Who Laughs. 2 vols.; William Shakespeare; Things Seen; The Life, Times and Works of Victor Hugo. 161. Humpureys Press PuBLICATION. Buddha. By Herman Oldenberg. Reprint- ed from the translation by W. Hoey. Woodcut initials and title-page in red and black. Small 4to, full wine-color crushed French levant morocco, Janseneste, lettered on back, broad inside morocco borders decorated with gilt fillets, gilt tops, uncut. ° London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1904 LARGE Paper. Printed in large black faced type on handmade paper. 162. HUMPHREYS PRESS PUBLICATION. Desclozeaux (Adrien). Gabrielle d’Estrées. Translated from the French. Title in red and black. 12mo, full green crushed French levant morocco, sides with panel designs with inter- laced gilt fillets, gilt panelled back, contents lettered, morocco, inside border with gilt fillets, gilt top, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1907 THE RoYAL LIBRARY HISTORICAL SERIES. LARGE PAPER. Printed in large black faced type on hand-made paper. THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 163. HumMPHREYS Press PUBLICATIONS. The Ethics of Aristotle. 2 vols. 1902; Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 1908. Woodcut initials and title-pages in red and black. Together, 3 vols. small 4to, full green crushed French levant morocco, Janseneste, lettered on backs, broad inside morocco border with gilt fillet designs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1902-1908 LARGE PAPER CopiEs. Printed in large black faced type on handmade paper. 164. Hunt (Lercu). Works of Leigh Hunt. 13 vols. small 8vo, full green crushed French levant morocco, sides with double gilt fillet, in corner lily pads in gilt, backs richly tooled in panel designs of curved fillets, dots and lily pads, gilt tops, some edges uncut, BY WORSFOLD. London, 1848-1855 ALL First EDITIONS, AND UNUSUALLY FINE COPIES: comprising the following works,— Stories of the Italian Poets. 2 vols., uncut. 1846; Men, Women and Books. 2 vols., uncut. The original front cover and back-bone of each volume bound in. 1847; The Town. Illustrations. 2 vols. 1848; A Jar of Honey. Illustrations by Richard Doyle. 1848. Original glazed pictorial covers and back-bone bound in, edges gilt; The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt. Portraits. 3 vols. 1850; Table-Talk. 1851; The Old Court Suburb, or, Memorials of Kensington. 2 vols. 1855. 165. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. [Editionis Vulgate, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi, Interpretationibus Hebraicorum Nominum, Calendario, Canone Missae, Festivitatibus Ecclesiae, (etc.).] Illuminated manuscript of Anglo-Norman execution, of the Fourteenth Cen- tury. Written in small neat gothic characters in black with red rubrics, Calen- dar in red, blue and black, ruled lines and margins, 1n two columns, on 463 leaves of fine vellum, 83% by 5% inches. With 55 «initial letters beautifully illuminated in burnished gold and colors, chiefly historiated, and including a full-length strap-initial at beginning of Genesis with three tiny medallion miniatures in at, several hundred pen-initials in red, blue and green, many of them extended into elaborate borders or other marginal decorations; other capitals, page headings and chapter numbers in alternate red and blue letters; line-ends and some page-heading decorations in charming red and blue pen- work. Thick small 4to, old black morocco, gili, brass clasps intact, gilt edges, binding somehwat rubbed but unbroken, lower blank margins of three leaves in the Missal cut away. Fourteenth Century [See Illustration] AN UNUSUALLY PERFECT MANUSCRIPT OF THE BIBLE, EXQUISITELY WRITTEN AND ILLUMINATED IN THE ANGLO-NORMAN STYLE, AND IN WONDERFULLY GOOD CONDI- TION THROUGHOUT. The miniatures in the initial letters are artistically and care- fully drawn and painted, the gold and colors fresh and untarnished fo1 the most part, the beautiful initial at beginning of Genesis which forms a full-length border with three tiny miniatures, the initial at beginning of Matthew with tiny ovals containing pictures of the Four Evangelists, and the large miniature of the Crucifixion at begin- ning of the Offices, are especially noteworthy. The manuscript consists of, —One blank leaf; Hebrew Names, 26 leaves; Vulgate, including the Apocrypha and the two books of Maccabees, with very complete Nor- man Calendar on verso of last text leaf and one leaf following, 377 leaves; Offices of the Church, 57 leaves; one blank leaf; Table of Festivals, 3 leaves; total, 465 leaves of which two are blank, or 463 leaves of manuscript. Several blank margins and the blank leaves have old manuscript notes, almost obliterated, but there does not seem to be any date written in the volume. [ool ON] WNILVT VUOVS VITalg LdTYOSONVNW GHLVNINO TIL Tue Liprary oF Mrs. WItuLIAM F,. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 166. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Book of Hours, in Dutch, with Calendar. J/luminated manuscript of Flemish execution, latter half of the Fifteenth Century, written in neat semi-gothic characters in red and black, ruled, on 132 leaves of fine vellum, 6 by 4 inches. With 7 full-page miniatures — beautifully illuminated in vivid colors heightened with gold, each surrounded with full border of flowers, birds and butterflies in colors on ochre ground, 7 large wnitial letters 1n burnished gold and colors, on the pages facing the minia- tures, the first letter containing a ha/f-page miniature and three others with smaller miniature paintings, each letter with flora! border on the three outer sides continusng that on the opposite page; 19 smaller initial letters in burnished gold and colors; other capitals alternately in red and blue. Small 8vo, contempo- rary oak boards covered with stamped leather, metal clasps replaced, back repaired at joints. Enclosed in full dark maroon crushed levant morocco solander case, with inner cloth protecting folder. - 1462 The illumination work in this little volume is excellently done, and has artistic merit and a delightful charm in the designs and colors which many larger and more costly works do not possess. IN GOOD STATE OF PRESERVATION THROUGHOUT, CLEAN AND FREE FROM SFAINS, the binding unusually well preserved. The miniatures are the usual subjects,—Annunciation, Crucifixion, Descent of the Holy Ghost, Christ instructing the Doctors in the Temple, Resurrection, Raising of Lazarus, and St. Gregory; the historiated initials containing, — Virgin and Child (half-page minia- ture), Christ carrying the Cross, David, and Souls in Hell. An old signature,—‘“Feila (?) Du Bois,” is on inside of cover and fly-leaf, and a note on verso of last leaf, apparently in same hand, is dated, 1462. Bookplate of Francis Wayland Miner. 167. INGELOW (JEAN). Poems. With tallustrations by G. J. Pinwell, E. J. Poynter, J. W. North, E. Dalziel, and others, engraved by the Brothers Dalzel. Square 8vo, green morocco, panel border on sides of triple gilt fillets and small corner ornaments, full gilt panelled back, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. London, 1867 THE ILLUSTRATOR’S Own Copy. With the autograph signature of George Dalziel, on title. Inserted is a three-page Signed Autograph Letter by the Author to Mr. Dalziel, one of the illustrators. 168. INTERIOR DECORATION. Pergolesi (Michel Angelo). Original Design of Vases, Figures, Medallions, Friezes, Pilasters, and the like. 66 engraved plates by Pergolest, Bartolozzi, and others, each plate containing several designs. No Title, nor text. Folio, full russia, gilt fillets on sides, gilt back and top, inside gilt borders, uncut. [London, 1777-1792] ORIGINAL AND FINE IMPRESSIONS of the complete set of 66 plates, including en- graved dedication leaf to Hugh Percy, Duke of Northumberland, and containing 402 designs. Three of the plates are by Bartolozzi. With bookplate of Walter Gilbey. 169. INTERIOR DECORATIONS. The Interior Decorative Art of France in the Seven- teenth and Eighteenth Centuties. J//ustrated by several hundred examples reproduced 1n Gouptl-Gravure from the masterpieces of the period of Louts XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI, in a series of 86 plates, many beautifully colored, with Explanatory Text. 2 vols. Imperial 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. oa New York: Brentano’s, 1917 JAPAN PAPER, only 25 copies issued in this form. Printed throughout on Japan paper. The photogravure reproductions are done on heavy paper, each leaf hinged to leaf of Japan paper. These reproductions were made by Goupil and Co. of Paris, with that care and artistic finish for which the firm is deservedly celebrated. The work is invaluable alike to the Student and Collector. Under the Management of the American Art Association | Kindly reod the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 170. IRELAND. Ireland and her People. A Library of Irish Biography. Together with a Popular History of Ancient and Modern Erin. Prepared and Edited by Thos. W. H. Fitzgerald. Portraits, maps, and illustrations. 5 vols. half morocco, gilt backs and tops, backs slightly faded. Chicago: Fitzgerald Book Company [1909-1911] 171. IRvING (WASHINGTON). The Writings of Washington Irving. With illustra- tions. 40 vols. 12mo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons [1897] COMPLETE SET OF THE KNICKERBOCKER EDITION. The most handy volume library edition of this author’s works published: comprising,— Life of George Washington. 8 vols.; Captain Bonneville. 2 vols.; Knickerbocker’s History of New York. 2 vols.; Astoria. 2 vols.; Tales of a Traveller. 2 vols.; Spanish Papers; Alhambra. 2 vols.; Bracebridge Hall. 2 vols.; Columbus. 5 vols.; Sketch Book. 2 vols.; Crayon Miscellany. 2 vols.; Oliver Goldsmith. 2 vols.; Conquest of Granada. 2 vols.; Salmagundi. 2 vols.; Mahomet. 3 vols.; Reviews and Miscellanies. 172. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Letters of Washington Irving to Henry Brevoort. Edited, with an Introduction, by George S. Hellman. 2 vols. 1915; Letters of Henry Brevoort to Washington Irving. Together with other unpublished Brevoort Papers. Edited, with an Introduction, by George S. Hellman. 2 vols. 1916. Both illustrated with portraits, facsimile MSS. and a facsimile document, all on Japan paper. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, full blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet border, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1915-1916 First EDITIONS OF BOTH WoRKS, printed on special Strathmore paper, the first mentioned limited to 225 copies, and the second to 290 copies, both signed by the publisher. No other edition or issue published. 173. ISABEY. Basily-Callimaki (Mme. De). J.-B. Isabey. Sa Vie, son CEuvre. 1767-1855. Suivi du Catalogue de l’GEuvre Gravée par et d’aprés Isabey. Colored frontispiece, and numerous photogravure reproductions, full-page and in text, of portraits and scenes painted by this noted artist; initial letters printed in red with miniature portraits; vignette portrait in sepia on title-page. Royal 4to, full olive green crushed French levant morocco, gilt borders on sides of small floral pattern, gilt dots, and band of geometrical design: gilt panelled back, olive green silk doublures and end-leaves, the former with: morocco and gilt border; gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Frazier-Soye, 1909 Edition limited to 500 copies printed on “velin a la cuve,” of which this is, No. 79. A study of the life and work of J. B. Isabey is a study of the history of France dur- ing the first half of the nineteenth century, for it is impossible to study the artist’s work without following up the historical events of that period. Isabey was not only the great portraitist of the most notable characters of Europe, but also the producer on canvas of the great events in the social and political life of his time. THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. WI.uLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 174. JoAN oF Arc. France (Anatole). Vie de Jeanne d’Arc. Extensively illustrated with full-page reproductions, a number finely colored, all proofs before letters on Japan paper, depicting memorable scenes in the life of the Mazd of Orleans. 4 vols. imperial 8vo, full maroon crushed French levant morocco, sides and backs filled with floral designs in panels, all in blind tooling, the backs with shield ornament onlaid with blue morocco; gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Enclosed in marbled board slip-case. Paris: Manzi, Joyant et Cie [1909] EDITION DEFINITIVE. Limited to 50 copies on IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER, of which this is, No. V 175. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Writings of Johnson. Wzth portraits, illustrations and rubricated titles. 16 vols. royal 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. | Pafraets Book Company: Troy, New York [1903] COMPLETE SET OF THE CONNOISSEURS’ EDITION, printed from type, on special water marked paper. Limited to 150 sets: comprising,— The Rambler. 4 vols.; The Adventurer; The Idler [and] Poems; Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia; Lives of the Poets. 4 vols.; Miscellaneous; Reviews and Political Tracts; Book of Devotions; Lives of Eminent Persons; A Journey to the Hebrides. 176. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Stephen (Leslie). Samuel Johnson. 12mo, full maroon | crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, front cover with inlaid oval miniature portrait of Johnson done in water-colors and covered with transparent vellum, surrounded with oval design in fillet bands; gilt pan- elled back, with onlay of orange morocco in center of which is letter “J” in gilt; narrow inner morocco border with gilt line; gilt edges, By CEDRIC CHIVERS. Enclosed in chamois-lined cloth slip-case. London: Macmillan and Co., 1878 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of an original water-color drawing of the mitre tavern, and 37 engraved portraits and views, all carefully inlaid to size; and special title-page in red and black ink. ’ 177. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Boswell (James). Boswell’s Life of Johnson, including Boswell’s Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson’s Diary of a Journey into North Wales, Edited by George Birkbeck Hill. Engraved portraits, facsumiles. 6 vols. in 11, royal 8vo, full red crushed French moroc- co, gilt fillets on sides, gilt backs and inside dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. Oxford, 1887 FINE EXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED Copy, EXTENDED FROM SIX VOLUMES TO ELEVEN, by the insertion of over 450 engraved portraits and views, including many rare and fine engravings. With special printed title-page inserted in each volume. 178. JOWETT (B.). Works of Classical Writers, as edited by B. Jowett: comprising, —The Dialogues of Plato. Third Edition, Revised and Corrected Through- out. 5 vols. in 11. [1892;] The Politics of Aristotle. 2 vols. 1885; Thucy- dides. Second Edition, Revised. 2 vols. 1900. Together, 15 vols. uniformly bound in three-quarter brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Oxford University Press [1892]. STE Clarendon Press, 1885-1900 es % Dovel b 4 i ¥ 4 iM Sy DE. ESUS-CHRIS' THOMAS A KEMPIS BINDING BY LoRTIC [No. 181] THoet LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM Poon. Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 179. JUSSERAND (J. J.). Works of J. J. Jusserand. JJlustrated. 9 vols. 8vo and 12mo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1889-1909 FINE SET OF THE FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS: comprises,— English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. Translated by Lucy T. Smith. Ave, 1889; The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. Translated by Elizabeth Lee. 8vo. 1890; A French Ambassador at the Court of Charles the Second. 8vo. 1892; Piers Plowman. A Contribution to the History of English Mysticism. Translated by M. E.R. 8vo. 1894; English Essays from a French Pen. 12mo. 1895; A Literary History of the English People. 3 vols. 8vo. 1895-1909; Shakespeare in France. Under the Ancien Régime. 12mo. 1899. 180. KEATS (JOHN). Poetical Works. Edited by Buxton Forman. 12mo, uncut. London, 1896; MASEFIELD (JOHN). The Poems and Plays. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1918; RossEtTTrI (DANTE GABRIEL). Poems. Edited by W. M. Rossetti. Portrait. 16mo, gilt edges. 1908. Together, 4 vols. full green or blue crushed levant morocco, Janseneste, gilt tops, lettered on backs. 181. [KEempis (Tuomas A).] Gerson [Jean] de l’Imitation de Jésus-Christ, traduite d’aprés un Manuscrit de 1440, par l’Abbé Delaunay. Edition nouvelle corrigée, augmentée d’une nouvelle préface. Printed on vellum. With § large plates engraved by LeMatre after Gostiaux, each page surrounded with a border similar to those of the early French “Hore,” title in red and black. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, sides with border of gilt fillets and dotted lines with gilt picot edge, enclosing an elaborate design of geometrical compartments in onlaid red and blue morocco containing emblematic designs in gilt or mosaic and gilt floral ornaments in plain or azured tooling, the intervening spaces filled with gilt laurel sprays and tiny onlaid red roses, IN THE STYLE OF THE EVEs; back panelled in similar designs; doublures of crimson crushed levant morocco with broad frame-work of gilt laurel sprays, bordered with green morocco with gilt fillets and dotted lines and picot edge; fly-leaves of red watered silk; gilt edges. Enclosed in full dark green crushed levant morocco solander case, BY LORTIC. Paris: Librairie Tross, 1869 [ See Illustration of Binding | ONE OF A VERY SMALL NUMBER OF COPIES PRINTED ENTIRELY ON VELLUM, IN A GORGEOUS BINDING BY LORTIC, THE FAMOUS FRENCH BINDER. The Robert Hoe copy, with his bookplate. 182. KINGSLEY (CHARLES). The Writings of Charles Kingsley. Portraits and views. II vols. 12mo, half brown crushed levant-morocco, panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, BY MACDONALD, London: Macmillan and Co., 1893 EVERSLEY EDITION: comprising,— Hypatia. 2 vols.; Yeast; Westward Ho! 2 vols.;: Two Years Ago. 2 vols.; Hereward the Wake. 2 vols.; Alton Locke. An Autobiography. 2 vols. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 183. KrpLinG (RupyARD). The Writings of Rudyard Kipling. Rubricated wile- pages. 26 vols. 8vo, half green crushed French levant morocco, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914-1920 SEVEN SEAS EDITION, limited to 1500 copies, of which this is, No. 640, with the signature of the author in the first volume: comprising,— Plain Tales from the Hills; Soldiers Three, etc.; Wee Willie Winkie, etc.; From Sea to Sea; Life’s Handicap; The Light that Failed; The Naulahka; Many Inventions; Captains Courageous; Jungle Book; Second Jungle Book; Day’s Work; Stalky & Co.; Kim; Just So Stories; Actions and Reactions; Traffics & Discoveries; Puck of Pook’s Hill; Rewards and Fairies; Departmental Ditties, etc.; Five Nations, Seven Seas; Songs from Books; Diversity of Creatures; The Year’s Between and Parodies; Letters of Travel. 184. Kock (CHARLES PAUL DE). The Works of Paul de Kock. With a General Introduction by Jules Claretie. Translated into English, by Mary Han- ford, Edith Mary Norris, and others. Etched portrait of the author, and numerous full-page etched and photogravure illustrations, some tn colors. 25 vols. 8vo, half red crushed French levant morocco, panelled backs with floral designs in gilt and onlaid morocco flowers, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, BY THE HARCOURT BINDERS. Boston: London: Paris:—The Frederick J. Quinby Company .[1902—1907]| St. Louis ExposiTrIoNn Copy. COMPLETE SET OF THE ST. GERVAIS EDITION, lim- ited to 500 sets, of which this is, Number 105: comprising,— Monsieur Dupont. 2 vols.; Friquette; The Gogo Family. 2 vols.; My Neighbor Raymond. 2 vols.; Madame Pantalon; Sister Anne. 2 vols; Féré Jacques. 2 vois.; The Barber of Paris. 2 vols.; Jean. 2 vols.; The Child of My Wife; Scenes of Parisian Life; Adhémar; Little Lise; Gustave, and M. Martin’s Donkey. 2 vols.; Edmond and his Cousin; The Damsel of the Three Skirts; Memoirs of Charles Paul De Kock. Written by Himself. 185. LACORDAIRE (HENRI D.). CEuvres du R. P. Henri-Dominique Lacordaire de l’Ordre des Fréres Précheurs. 9 vols. 12mo, marbled ‘board sides, black morocco backs with gilt lettering and floral sprays. Paris, 1912-1914 186. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Contes et Nouvelles en Vers. Portraits, 80 engraved plates by Eisen, vignettes and culs-de-lampe by Choffard. 2 vols. 12mo, contemporary red straight-grain morocco, gilt borders on sides, backs gilt panelled, green leather labels, gilt edges. Amsterdam [Paris: Barbou,] 1762 THE FAMOUS FERMIERS-GENEVEAUX ERITION. FIRST EDITION WITH THE EISEN PLATES AND THF CULS-DE-LAMPE, ETC. BY CHOFFARD, IN A CONTEMPORARY BINDING. From the Duke of Sussex collection, with his crest bookplate in each volume. 187. LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE). Histoire des Girondins. Jilustrated with 4o engraved portraits. 8 vols. 8vo, full rose diamond calf, gilt fillet borders on sides, full gilt back, marbled edges, bindings slightly cracked at edges. Paris: Furne et Ci., 1848 With armorial book-plate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer. book-collector, in each volume. THE LiprarRy OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 188. LamMB (CHARLES). The Life and Works of Charles Lamb. With Introduction and Notes by Alfred Ainger. Portraits and illustrations on India paper. 12 vols. 8vo, full green crushed French levant morocco, Janseneste, con- tent: lettered, gilt fillet inside borders, marbled end papers, gilt tops, uncut. Troy, New York: Pafraets Book Co., no date COMPLETE SET OF THE EDMONTON EDITION ON HAND-MADE P4pPkR, limited to 250 sets printed at The Merrymount Press, of which this is, No. 84. 189. Lecxy (W. E. H.). Works of W. E. H. Lecky. 20 vols. in 30, 16mo to 8vo, three-quarter green crushed French levant morocco, backs with gilt fillets and lettering, gilt tops, some edges uncut, BY WOOD. London, 1861-1908 FINE COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF THIS GREAT IRISH HISTORIAN: comprising all of his most important works, as follows,— Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland, 1861; History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. 2 2 vols. 1865; History of European Morals. 2 vols. 1869; History of England in the Eighteenth Century. 8 vols. in 16. 1878-1890; Poems. 1891. LARGF PAPER, limited edition; Political Value of History. 1892; The Empire, its Value and its Growth. 1893; Democracy and Liberty. 2 vols. in 4. 1896; The Map of Life. 1899; Historical and Political Essays. 1908. 190. LEECH (JOHN). Hooton (Charles). Colin Clink. With 15 etchings by Leech, and I by George Cruikshank. 3 vols. small 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERF. London: Richard Bentley, 1844 191. LEVER (CHARLES). Works of Charles Lever. Illustrated by “Phiz” (Hablot K Browne), Cruikshank and others. Together, 54 vols. I2mo and 8vo, half green morocco, full gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. London and Dublin, 1839-1879 [See Illustration of Binding] AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS. With one exception “Maxims of Sir Morgan O’ Doherty, Bart.,” a complete set of First EDITIONS of the author’s works. A number of the volumes have the original cloth covers bound in. All the volumes are London publications except where otherwise mentioned, com- prising ,— The Confessions of Harry Loirequer. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 8vo. Dublin, 1839. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Charles O’Malley. Jllustrations by “Phiz.” 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1841. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Our Mess. Vol. 1. Jack Hinton; Vols. 2 and 3. Tom Burke. 2 vols. Illusirations by “Phiz.” Together, 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1843-1844. Original cloth sides bound in; Arthur O’Leary. Illustrations by Cruikshank. 3 vols. small 8vo. 1844. Some edges uncut; Tales of the Trains. 16mo. 1845; St. Patrick’s Eve. Illustrations by “Phiz.” Square 16mo. 1845. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Nuts and Nut Crackers. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 16mo. 1845. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound; The O’Donoghue. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. 8vo. Dublin, 1845. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; The Knight of Gwynne. Illustrations by “Phiz.” "8vo, 1847. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Diary and Notes of Horace Templeton. 2 vols. Small 8vo, uncut. 1848; Roland Cashel. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 8vo, uncut. 1850; [ Continued [16 ON] SNOILIGY LSULy 40 LAG GALOATIO) WaHAAT SATAVHO THe LiprarRy oF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 191. LEVER (CHARLES).—Continued | Confessions of Con Cregan. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. 2 vols. small 8vo. [1850.] Lower edges uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; The Daltons. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 2 vols. 8vo, 1852. Uncut, original cloth cov- ers and back-bone bound in; The Dodd Family Abroad. Illustrations by “Phis.” 8vo. 1854. Owner’s name obliterated from title and a few margins stained; Maurice Tiernay, the Soldier of Fortune. r2mo. [1855.] Uncut, original green glazed trappert bound in; Sir Jasper Carew. 1I2mo. [1855.] Original green glazed wrappers bound in; The Martins of Cro’ Martin. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 8vo. 1856. Uncut, bound from the original parts, all but one of the original 19 wrappers being present, three of which have the numbers changed in ink; The Fortunes of Glencoree. 3 vols. small 8vo. 1857. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Davenport Dunn. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 8vo. 1859. Uncut, original cloth cov- ers and back-bone bound in; One of Them. Illustration by “Phiz.” 8vo. 1861. Original cloth covers and back- bone bound in; Barrington. Illustration by “Phiz.” 8vo. 1863. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; A Day’s Ride. 2 vols. small 8vo. 1863. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in. This is the Second Edition issued the same year as the first; Cornelius O’Dowd upon Men and Women, and. other things in General. 3 vols. small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1864-1865. Original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Luttrell of Arran. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 1865. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; A Rent in the Clouds. 12mo. [1865]; Tony Butler. 3 vols. small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1865. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Sir Brook Fossbrooke. 3 vols. small 8vo, uncut. Edinburgh, 1866. The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly. 3 vols. small 8vo. 1868. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Paul Gosslett’s Confessions in Love, Law, and the Civil Service. Illustrations by Marcus Stone. I12mo, 1868; That Boy of Norcott’s. Illustrations. 8vo, 1869. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in; Lord Kilgobbin. 3 vols. small 8vo. 1872. Uncut, original cloth covers and back- bone bound in; Life of Charles Lever. By W. J. Fitzpatrick. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879. Uncut, original cloth covers and back-bone bound in. ’ 192. LIECHTENSTEIN (PRINCESS MarigE). Holland House. Engravings, woodcuts and facsimiles. 2 vols. 8vo, full Antwerp blue crushed levant morocco, sides with geometrical design in gilt fillets, gilt backs, inside morocco borders with gilt arabesque corners and gilt fillets, linings and end-leaves of Morris-paper, gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN. London: Macmillan and Co., 1874 First EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 60 engraved portraits beautifully colored by hand, and a number of other engraved portraits and views, uncolored. 193. LINGARD (JOHN). The History of England, from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688. The Fifth Edition. Revised and Considerably Enlarged. Portrait. 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarter olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, edges scraped, BY WOOD. London, 1849 Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 194. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WaADswortH). The Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1896-1899; [ALso] Life of Longfellow, edited by,Samuel Long- fellow. Portraits and views. 1896. Together, 14 vols. 12mo, three-quarter green crushed morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, backs slightly faded. Boston: Riverside Press, 1896-1899 COMPLETE SET OF THE RIVERSIDE EDITION: comprising,— Poetical Works. 6 vols.; Prose Works. 2 vols.; Dante’s Divina Commedia. 3 vols.; Life of H. W. Longfellow. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. 3 vols. 195. LOUVRE GALLERY. The Great Masters in the Louvre Gallery. Extensively illustrated with full-page sepia, photogravure and colored plates, also numer- ous text reproductions, all from famous paintings in the Louvre. 12 parts folio, wrappers, in 2 cloth portfolios, with ties. New York: D. Appleton and Co., Paris: Goupil & Co., 1898-1900 This Edition is strictly limited to 2000 copies for the United States, of which this is, Copy No. 1233. Text printed within red ruled borders. 196. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Writings of Lowell. Portraits. 12 vols. 12mo, three-quarter brown crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896 FINE COMPLETE SET OF THE RIVERSIDE EDITION: comprising,— Literary Essays. 4 vols.; Political Essays; Poems. 4 vols.; Literary and Political Addresses; Old English Dramatists; Latest Literary Essays and Addresses. 197. McCartuy (Justin). Works of Justin McCarthy. 15 vols. divided and bound in 30 vols. 8vo, three-quarter green crushed French levant morocco, gilt fillet panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops. London, 1880-1905 FINE COLLECTED SET OF THE FIRST EDITIONS of the following works,— History of Our Own Time. [From the Accession of Queen Victoria to Edward VII.] 7 vols. in 14.\ 1880-1905; History of the Four Georges. 4 vols. in 8. 1884-1901; Reign of Queen Anne. 2 vols. in 4. 1902; Reminiscences. Portraits. 2 vols. in 4. 1899. 198. Mattock (WILLIAM HuRRELL). Works of W. H. Mallock, comprising his Political and Economic Works and some of his Novels. 28 vols. 12mo and 8vo, half green polished calf, gilt fillets, lettered leather labels, gilt tops, mostly uncut. London, 1877-1908 FINE SET UNIFORMLY BounD. The author’s political writings expose the fallacies of radicalism and socialism. The set comprises the following works,— The New Republic. Third Edition. 2 vols. 1877; The New Paul and Virginia. Fourth Edition. 1878; Is Life Worth Living? 1879; Poems. 1880; A Romance of the Nineteenth Century. 2 vols. 1881; Social Equality. 1882;- In an Enchanted Island. 1889; Atheism and the Value of Life. 1884. Name, in ink, on title; Property and Progress. 1884; The Old Order Changes. 3 vols. 1886; Verses. 1893. . Limited to 150 copies for England and America; Letters, Remains, and Memoirs of Edward Adolphus Seymour, Twelfth Duke of Somerset, K.G. Edited, and Arranged by W. H. Mallock and Lady Guendolen Ramsden. 1893; Aristocracy & Evolution. 1898; The Heart of Life. 3 vols. 1895; Labour and the Popular Welfare. New Edition, with Appendix. 1894; Studies of Contemporary Superstition. 1895; Classes and Masses. 1896. The Individualist. 1899; Religion as a Credible Doctrine. 1903; The Veil of the Temple. 1904; The Reconstruction of Belief. 1905; An Immortal Soul. 1908. THe LIBRARY OF MrRs. WI.uuIiIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 199. MARIE ANTOINETTE. Weber (Joseph). Memoirs of Marie Antoinetta, Arch- duchess of Austria, Queen of France and Navarre, including Several Im- portant Periods of the French Revolution. Translated from the French by R. C. Dallas. : 3 vols. thick 8vo, full blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with panel borders of gilt fillets and corner fleur-de-lys ornament in gilt; gilt panelled backs; doublures and end-leaves of turquoise blue watered- silk, the former with wide border of blue morocco with gilt fillet bands and festoons in corners; gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN. London, 1805 First EDITION. ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 68 engraved portraits and views, including 36 colored plates, some of which are mounted and inlaid to size. 200. MARIE ANTOINETTE. Campan (Jeanne L. H.). Memoirs of the Private Life of Marie Antoinette. To which are added, Personal Recollections Illustra- tive of the Reigns of Louis XIV, XV, XVI. With Memoirs of Madame Campan by F. Barriére. New Edition, Revised by F. M. Graves, With an Introduction and Notes by J. Holland Rose. Engraved title-pages and full-page portraits and wlustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, full olive green crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillets enclosing arabesque frame- work in gilt fillets with elaborate corner decorations of fleur-de-lys; floral design in gilt on backs; inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, gilt tops, - uncut. New York, 1917 201. MARIE ANTOINETTE. Hair of Marie Antoinette, with the following hand illuminated inscription on vellum, in black and blue script and burnished gold decoration, “PATHETIC MEMENTOS OF THE ROYAL COURT OF FRANCE. A few white hairs, prematurely whitened by griefs and terrors, of QUEEN MARIE ANTOINETTE, who perished on the scaffold during the French Revo- lution in 1793, aged 38, given by the Queen to the Marquise Broglie-Solari, as a keepsake, before the execution. Also, a small lock of golden hair of the PRINCESS DE LAMBELLE, loyal friend of Queen Marie Antoinette, who was brutally killed by the revolutionists in 1792. This piece of hair was taken from the head after death while it was being carried about the streets of Paris on a pikehead by the mob, and given to the Marquise Broglie- Solari, the confidential friend of the Princess. Each of these precious relics is sealed up under glass in separate compartment, and each contains the manuscript voucher proving its authenticity.” Each lock mounted and sealed under glass within a blue crushed levant morocco frame, hinged one above the other so as to be easily viewed, and enclosed in book-shaped case (81% by 7 inches) of full blue crushed French levant morocco, neatly decorated in gilt tooling, the sides with border of fillets and dots with fleur-de-lys in corners and monogram of Marie Antoinete surmounted by crown in center of each cover; back richly tooled in panels of fillets and fleur-de-lys. 202. MARIE-CAROLINE. Reiset (Vicomte de). Marie-Caroline, Duchesse de Berry, 1816-1830. Beautifully illustrated with colored frontispiece portrait of the Duchesse de Berry, from a miniature done about 1819, and numerous full-page and text portraits and tllustrations in various tints, engraved on steel. Royal 4to, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco, border of gilt fillets on sides with corner ornaments of scrolls and fleur-de-lys, coat- [Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association _ Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 201. MARIE-CAROLINE.—Continued | of-arms in gilt in center, full gilt panelled backs with fleur-de-lys and crowned monogram MC; inside morocco borders of gilt scrolls and fillets, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, By DURVAND.: Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, 1906 First EpirTIon, limited to 800 copies, printed on “papier 4 la main des Manufac- tures de Blanchet Fréres et Kléber,” of which this is, No. 081. ONE OF THE BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED GOUPIL MONOGRAPHS. 203. MARIE DE MEDIcIS, QUEEN OF HENRY IV oF FRANCE. Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. small folio, le 23 Mai [1629]. To her son, Gaston, Duc d’Orléans. Addressed on back also in the Queen’s autograph, and with two fine impres- sions of her wax seal intact. Wzth portrait, engraved by Gualtier, 1603. Letter hinged to back cover, portrait mounted on inside of front cover. Imperial 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, with gilt frame of a semis of the monogram “MM” between gilt fillets, gilt crowned “M” in center of front, inside morocco borders covered with heavy gilt foliate and fillet designs, back cover doubled with blue silk, BY G. VAUTHRIN. LETTERS ENTIRELY IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF QUEEN MARIE DE MEDICIS ARE Ex- TREMELY RARE, and the Fact that this is Written to Her Son, Gaston of Orléans, makes it doubly interesting. 204. MARRYAT (FREDERICK). A Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institu- tions. 3 vols. 1839. Name of H. T. Curtis on fly-leaf; MARTINEAU (HArR- RIET). Society in America. 3 vols. 1837. Editor of the Mg. Chronicle in ink across upper margin of title-page of Vol. I. Boru First EpDITIons. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in three-quarter brown crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt lettering. London, 1827-1839 205. MAUvuPASSANT (GUY DE). C£uvres Complétes. 28 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Paris: Louis Conard, 1908-1910 COMPLETE SETOF DE MAUPASSANT’S WorKSasissued by the “Imprimerie Nationale” according to instructions from the Keeper of the Seals, January 30, 1902: comprising, Théatre; Contes de la Bécasse; Toine; Monsieur Parent; Yvette; Le Rosier de Madame Husson; Miss Harriet; La Vie Errante; Les Sceurs Rondoli; Mademoiselle Fifi; Mont-Oriol; Sur l’Eau; Contes du Jour et de la Nuit; La Petite Roque; La Maison Tellier; L’Inutile Beauté; Clair de Lune; Des Vers; Boule de Suif; Fort comme la Mort, La Main Gauche; Le Horla; Pierre et Jean; Bel-Ami; Notre Coeur; Une Vie; (Zuvres Posthumes. 2 vols. 206. MAYHEW BROTHERS. The Greatest Plague of Life: or the Adventures of a Lady in search of a Good Servant. By One who has been “Almost Worried to Death.” With 12 etched plates and title vignette (repeated on wrappers), by George Cruikshank. 6 original parts, small 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, ° uncut. Enclosed in dark green boards slip-case with silk inner folding wrapper, gilt lettered on back. London: David Bogue [1847] ORIGINAL ISSUE IN THE SIX MONTHLY PArTs, each in its correct wrappers and with the Advertisements and Slips in Parts V and VI as issued. The yellow and blue slipsin Part VI arerare. The wrappers to Parts V and VI are slightly soiled and have new back strips. With dealer’s label of, “W.S.&J.K.Milne, Edinburgh,” pasted on each front wrapper. Cohn, No. 527; Douglas, No. 238. THe Liprary oF Mrs. WituiAaM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 207. MEDALS OF FRENCH Kincs. “Gallery of the French Kings.” Commemorative series of 75 bronze and copper medals of the French Kings from the earliest period to modern times. Engraved by A. A. Caqué 1836-1840 and cast at the French Government Mint about 1840. Diameter, 2 inches. 75 inches in 5 velvet trays, enclosed in morocco box. Paris, circa 1840 ALL OF THE MEDALS ARE OF THE EARLY ISSUES WITHOUT THE NAME OF THE METAL ON EDGES, with 9 exceptions. The medals were struck off in various metals, and after a few sets had been issued, it was found that unscrupulous persons were washing with gold or silver those cast in the baser metals, and passing them as genuine. To avoid this the later issues were struck with the name of the metal en- graved on the edge. In this series, only nine of the medals are so marked, showing that this series was one of the earliest sets struck off. The majority of the medals are signed by Caqué, and many are dated, the dates running from 1836 to 1840. 208. MENZIES (SUTHERLAND). Political Women. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut. London, 1873; SEGARD (ACHILLE). Mary Cassatt (Painter of | Women and Children). 12mo, full blue morocco, uncut. Paris, 1913; PEARL NECKLACE of Thoughts of Women. [By George Sand and others. |] 12mo, half crimson crushed levant morocco. New York, 1898. Together, 4 vols. | 209. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Complete Works and Letters of George Meredith. Portrait and rubracated title-pages. 39 vols. 1896-1912; [ALSO] The Poetry and Philosophy of George Meredith. By George Macaulay Trevelyan. 1906. 39 vols. 8vo, I vol. 12mo. Together, 40 vols. half green crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, 5 vols. of darker shade. Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co., 1896-1912 THE FINEST EDITION OF THE WRITINGS OF MEREDITH, being an edition limited to 1025 sets, of which this is, No. 399. ENTIRELY OvuT OF PRINT. Volume 39 isin acase bound uniform with the set, and contains “Illustrations Prepared for the Mem- orial Edition of the Works of George Meredith:” comprising,— Richard Feverel. 2 vols.; Evan Harrington. 2 vols.; Sandra Belloni. 2 vols.; Beauchamp’s Career. 2 vols.; The Egoist. 2 vols.; Rhoda Fleming. 2 vols.;, Diana of the Crossways. 2 vols.; One of Our Conquerors. 2 vols.; Lord Ormont and his Aminta. 2 vols.; The Amazing Marriage. 2 vols.; The Shaving of Shagpat; The Tragic Comedians; Vittoria. 2 vols.; Tale of Chloe, and The House on the Beach; Poems. 4 vols.; Essays; Farina, and The Case of General Ople and Lady Camper; Harry Richmond. 2 vols.; Miscellaneous Prose; Celt and Saxon; Bibliography and Readings; Letters. Collected and Edited by his Son. 2 vols.; Illustrations; Poetry and Philosophy of George Meredith. By G. M. Trevelyan. ’ 210. MEREDITH’S (GEORGE) Copy. DuMAs (ALEXANDER Fils). La Princesse Georges. Piéce. Deuxiéme Edition. 8vo, full light brown polished calf, gilt fillets on sides, full gilt panelled back, leather labels, inside gilt fillets and dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE, original front wrapper bound in, slightly foxed. Paris, 1872 FROM THE LIBRARY OF GEORGE MEREDITH, with his book label pasted in. His Autograph Signature,—George Meredith, on front wrapper. 211. MicHEL-ANGELO. Gebhart (Emile). Michel-Ange, Sculpteur et Peintre. Extensively illustrated with 72 full-page photogravure reproductions of the artist’s paintings and sculptures, mostly on India paper, and large vigneties in [Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 211. MicHEL-ANGELO.— Continued | text, 2 plates in colors. Thick imperial 4to, full brown crushed French levant morocco, sides with elaborate floreated gilt border within gilt fillets, full gilt panelled back with floreated design, inside gilt dentelle and fillet borders, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY DURVAND. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, ieee ute) 1908 First Epitrion. Limited to 300 numbered copies, printed on “papier 4 la cuve de Blanchet fréres et Kléber de Rives,” of which this is, No. 076. A MAGNIFICENT ART PUBLICATION. 212. MiLTon (JoHN). The Poetical Works of John Milton. With a Life of the Author. Portratts, alustrations, and title-pages within decorative borders in red. 4 vols. royal 8vo, pigskin, sides with border and elaborate center panel in blind-tooling, panelled backs in blind-tooling, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: R. H. Hinkley Company, no date HAND-MADE PAPER EDITION, printed at the Merrymount Press, Boston, limited to 555 copies, of which this is, No. 28. 213. MinraTurEs. Mauclair (Camille). Les Miniatures du XVIIIe Siécle. (Por- traits de Femmes.) Extensively allustrated with full-page and vignette minia- ture portratts of female beauties of the 18th century, many in colors, from origt- nals by Fragonard, Simonin, Sicard, Boquet, Engleheart, Cosway, Nattier, P. A. Hall, and others. 4to, full olive green crushed French levant, sides with narrow gilt scroll border within gilt fillets enclosing broad framework of gilt dentelle; full gilt panelled back with dentelle design; inside gilt dentelle and fillet borders; gilt top, uncut, BY DURVAND. Paris [1912] L’EDITION pD’ArT, limited to 350 copies on “papier velin a la forme,” of which this is, No. 398. A beautiful work on the miniature Portrait Paintings of the 18th century. 214. Mrntatures. Mauclair (Camille). Les Miniatures de l’Empire et de la Res- tauration. Portraits de Femmes. Wzth 100 engraved reproductions of minta- tures, a number being in colors; border surrounding title, head-pieces and imitials in green decorative designs. Imperial 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, sides with elaborate gilt framework in arabesque and fillet design within border of gilt fillets and leaf bands; gilt back; inside morocco bor- ders with gilt fillets, doublures and fly-leaves of marbled linen, gilt top, uncut, original front wrapper bound in, BY STIKEMAN. Parise Koitionsd Art.[1o13] LIMITED EDITION, 385 copies printed on papier vélin, of which this is, No. 1go. 215. Mirrorp (A. B.). Tales of Old Japan. First Epition. With illustrations drawn and cut on wood by Japanese artists. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed French levant morocco, panelled backs, with fan and parasol in gilt, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, original cloth covers and back- bone bound in. London, 1871 THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM 1 ono Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 216. MoLisRE (J. B. PoQUELIN DE). CZusres Complétes de Moliére, avec les Ot he 219. 220. PPM he Notes de tous les Commentateurs. Edition Publiée par L. Aimé-Martin. Engraved portrait of the author by Taurel and 14 plates after drawings by Desenne. 6 vols. 8vo, full contemporary red calt, sides with gilt fillet and blind-tooled floral borders, gilt and blind tooled panelled backs, leather labels, inside calf and gilt borders, gilt edges, backs faded, and bindings slightly rubbed. A Paris: Chez Lefévre, 1824 This set comprises the first six volumes only. The complete work was issued in 8 vols. With armorial bookplate of James Wedderburn in each volume. . MontaGuE (LADY Mary Wort ey). The Works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montague, including her Correspondence, Poems and Essays. Pertraits and facsimile letters. 5 vols. 12mo, full autumn leaf calf, sides with single gilt fillet panel with corners in scroll work design, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, yellow edges, BY BAYNTUN. London, 1803 First COLLECTED EDITION. With “Advertisement” relative to same by J. Dalla- way. . MONTAIGNE (MICHEL DE). Essays of Montaigne. Translated by Charles Cotton, with some account of the Life of Montaigne, notes, and a transla- tion of all the letters known to be extant. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. — Portrait, and two frontispieces. 3 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Reeves and Turner, 1877 First EDITION OF THE ISSUE EDITED By HAZLITT. More (HANNAH). Ccelebs in Search of a Wife. Comprehending Observations on Domestic Habits and Manners, Religion and Morals. First EpIrion. 2 vols. three-quarter brown crushed French levant morocco, lettered in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1808 y Moore (N. H.). The Collector’s Manual. Jilustrations. 4to, cloth. New York [1906]; DAVANzATI PALAcE. Illustrated Catalogue of Art Treasures and Antiquities, New York, American Art Association, 1916. 4to, three- quarters orange French crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top; CoLE AND WoLF. Wood Engravings by Timothy Cole and Henry Wolf after the Old Masters. 89 plates mounted and bound in I vol. 4to levant morocco. Together, 3 vols. Moore (THoMAS). The Epicurean, a Tale, and Alciphron, a Tale. With vignette illustrations by J. M. W. Turner. 16mo, full brown polished calf. 1839; BARON MuNcHAUSEN. The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Wzth 5 colored plates by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, half green crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut. No date; ScoTT (SIR WALTER). The Book of Waverley Gems: in a Series of Engraved Illustrations of Incidents and Scenery in Sir Walter Scott’s Novels. Plates. 8vo, full maroon morocco, sides with thistle border, gilt panelled backs, with thistle design, gilt edges. 1852. Together, 3 vols. London, 1839-1852 Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 222. MorGan (LaDy SypneEy O.). Italy. A New Edition. 3 vols. 1821; France in 1829-30. Second Edition. Portrait. 2 vols. 1831. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, calf, full gilt panelled backs, leather labels, some leaves have margins slightly foxed. London, 1821-1831 223. MorGan (Lapy SypNEYO.). The Wild Irish Girl, a National Tale. By Miss Owenson. 3 vols. 12mo, three-quarter green crushed French levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. 1806; The Book of the Boudoir. By Lady Morgan. New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half olive green levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, » gilt tops. 1829. Boru First Epirions. Together, 5 vols. London, 1806-1829 224. Morty (HENRY). Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. First Epirion. With facsimile drawings engraved upon wood, by the Brothers Dalziel. 8vo, full green polished calf, gilt fillets on sides, gilt back, leather label, inside calf and gilt borders, gilt top, edges scraped, BY ROOT. London, 1859 225. Morey (JoHN). Works of John Morley. 17 vols. in 19 vols. 8vo, and 2 vols. 12mo. Together, 21 vols. three-quarter maroon crushed French levant morocco, Janseneste, lettered in gilt.on back, gilt tops, mostly uncut. London, 1867-1903 FINE COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS OF THE AUTHOR’S Most IMPORTANT WorkKS UNIFORMLY BOUND THROUGHOUT: comprising,— Edmund Burke: A Historical Study. 1867; Critical Miscellanies. First, Second and Fourth Series. Together, 3 vols. 1871, 1877, 1908. No Third Series was issued; Voltaire. 1872; Rousseau. 2 vols. 1873. Name on title of Vol. 1; The Struggle for National Education. 1873; On Compromise. 1874; _Diderot and the Encyclopedists. 2 vols. 1878; Life of Richard Cobden. Portrait. 2 vols. 1881; Walpole. 1889; Studies in Literature. 1891; Oliver Cromwell. Portrait. 1900; The Life of William Ewart Gladstone. Portraits. 3 vols. in 5. 1903. 226. Morris (WiLiiAM). The Life and Death of Jason, A Poem. Small 8vo, half olive crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London: Bell and Daldy, 1867 THE RARE FIRST EDITION with the slip of errata, the argument below the caption on page 1. A rebound copy without the announcement of “The Earthly Paradise,” and with a portrait of the author inserted. PRESENTATION COPY WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY THE AutHor,—“John Barnes from his friend, the Author.” 227. Morris (WiLiiAM). The Two Sides of the River, Hapless Love and the First Foray of Aristomenes. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, and partly unopened, 22pp. Enclosed in half brown morocco slip-case, with inside cloth wrappers. London, 1876 First EDITION. PRIVATELY PRINTED. Fine copy of this rare work. 228. Morris (WiLitaAM). Art and Socialism: a Lecture delivered before the Secular Society of Leicester. And Watchman: What of the Night? Small Ato, three-quarter citron levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original wrapper bound in. BY TOUT. London, 1884 First EDITION. SPECIAL Copy ON LARGE PAPER (Dutch hand-made), of which the wrapper is printed in red ink on primrose colored paper. THE LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 229. Morris (WILLIAM). The Pilgrims of Hope, a Poem. Small 8vo, original gray wrapper, with protecting folder and in half green morocco slip-case. London, 1886 FIRST SEPARATE EDI1ION. Privately reprinted by H. Buxton Forman. The 13 books of the poem were brought together fiom “The Commonweal.” 230. Morris (WILLIAM). Democratic Federation. Chants for Socialists: No. It 2312 The Day is Coming. Small 8vo, three-quarter citron crushed levau. morocco, gilt back and top, original wrapper bound in. BY TOUT. London: Reeves, no date VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. Morris (WILLIAM). Tributes to William Morris, on the publication of “The Earthly Paradise.” 12mo, three- “quarter citron crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, BY TOUT. ; No place, no date First EDITION. Criticisms collected by the American Publishers of William Morris’s books, containing as tributes reprints of reviews on “The Earthly Paradise” as they appeared in English and American papers. 232. Morris (WILLIAM). Works of William Morris. 36 vols. small 8vo, small 4to, and 12mo, uniformly bound in full brown: polished calf, double gilt fillet border with small floral spray and blind tooling in each corner, gilt panelled backs of similar design, contents egies gilt edges, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1870-1910 FINELY BOUND SET OF Morris’s Works. Unless where otherwise mentioned they are all the beautifully reprinted issues from the First Editions published by Longmans, Green, and Co., and comprise the following works,—. Vélsunga Saga. The Story of the Volsungs & Niblungs with Certain Sons from the Elder Edda. Translated from the Icelandic by Eirikr Magnitsson, and William Morris. London: F. S. Ellis, 1870; The Saga Library. Done into English by William Morris and Eirikr Magnisson. The complete set: comprising,—Howard the Halt, etc. 1891; Story of the Ere- Dwellers. 1892; Stories of the Kings of Norway. 4 vols. 1893-1905. Together, 6 vols. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1891—1905; Old French Romances. Done Into English. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs. London: George Allen, 1896; Sundering Flood. 1898; An Address Delivered at the Distribution of Prizes to Students of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art on Feb. 21, 1894. tates at the Chiswick Press, Lon- don, 18098; Some Hints on Pattern-Designing. Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden type designed by William Morris for the Kelmscott Press. 1899; Grettir the Strong. 1900; The A‘neids of Virgil. 1900; Three Northern Love Stories, etc. I90I; Architecture, Industry and Wealth. 1902; The Earthly Paradise. 4 vols. 1902-1904; Signs of Chance. 1903; Hopes and Fears for Art. 1903; The Well at the World’s End. 1903. Printed at the Chiswick Press; Tale of Beowulf. 1904; The Wood Beyond the World. 1904; The Odyssey of Homer. 1904; The Glittering Plain. 1904; The Roots of the Mountains. 1906; A Dream of John Ball. 1907; Life & Death of Jason. 1907; Poems by the Way and Love is Enough, 1907; Defence of Guenevere, etc. 1908; The Water of the Wonderous Isles. 1908; House of the Wolfings. 1909; Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs. 1910; News from Nowhere. I9gI10. [pss ON] aqyontanod GNV YaAoy UIOW NHOL THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 233. Morte D’Artuur. The Byrth, Lyf, and Actes of Kyng Arthur; of his Noble Knyghtes of the Rounde Table, theyr Marveyllous Enquestes and Aduen- tures, Thachyeuyng of the Sanc Greal; and in the end Le Morte Darthur. With an Introduction and Notes, by Robert Southey. Engraved vignettes on title-pages. 2 vols. 4to, full polished calf, sides with gilt fillets enclosing diamond shaped panel design, gilt panelled backs, skilfully rebacked. London, 1817 Reprinted from Famous Caxton’s Edition of 1485. 234. Murr (JoHun). The Writings of John Muir. Extensively illustrated with full- page photogravure reproductions, many on Japan paper, and finely colored frontispieces, from photographs by Herbert W. Gleason, and sketches by the author, and maps. 8 vols. 8vo, full olive green crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillet border enclosing framework of small scrolls and circles in geometrical design; full gilt panelled backs with contents lettered; doublures of dark orange crushed levant and gilt fillets, with wide border of green levant containing gilt fillet bands and corner designs; brown moire silk end-leaves; gilt tops, uncut and partly unopened. _ Boston: Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1916-1918 [See Illustration of Binding] MANUSCRIPT EDITION. Limited to 750 copies, of which this is, No. 35. Inserted is an Autograph Letter, Signed, by the author, of Nov. 17, 1902, and an. Original Manuscript leaf numbered 24: Complete set, comprising,— Boyhood and Youth; The Mountains of California. 2 vols.; My Fitst Summer in the Sierra; Travels in Alaska; Our National Parks; The Cruise of the Corwin; Steep Trails. 235. MUSEUM OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE, or Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe. With Descriptive, Critical and Historical Notices, by Duchesne Senior. With numerous full-page ilustrations drawn and etched by Réveil. Texts in French and English. 17 vols. 12mo, half olive green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1829-1833 Complete Set of this handy-volume library edition, reproducing in outline many of the celebrated paintings of the Old Masters. 236. NapPoLeon I. Document Signed, 3pp. folic, 30 Messidor, An V [July 18, 1797]. To the Commander-in-Chief-Plenipotentary of the Cis-Alpine Republc, demanding the payment of tribute money assessed and due the French Republic, endorsed by Napoleon,—“approuvé Bonaparte.” Also signed by, G. Serbellont, President, and by,—Sommariva, Secretary for the Executive Directoire. With English translation of document, and engraved portrait of Napoleon. In folio portfolio of full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt framework on sides of Napoleonic emblems, fillets and arabesques, with arms of Napoleon stamped in gilt in center of front cover, inside gilt dentelle borders, portrait used as doublure to front cover, back cover of double green china silk, with document hinged to same, BY G. VAUTHRIN. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 237. NApoLEon I. Document Signed, Ip. oblong folio, 13 Avril 1801. Appointing Général Antoine Balland a Member of the Légion d’Honneur, signed,— Napoleon. On parchment. With coat-of-arms painted in colors at head. In Ato portfolio of full olive green crushed levant morocco, elaborate gilt tooled borders and frame on sides with arms of Napoleon stamped in gilt in centers, inside gilt dentelle borders, with engraved portrait of Napoleon as doublure to front cover, folding watered silk case lined with china silk attached to inside of back cover enclosing the document, BY G. VAUTHRIN. 238. NapoLEon I. [Combe (William).] The Life of Napoleon, a Hudibrastic Poem in Fifteen Cantos, by Doctor Syntax. With 30 colored plates, including title by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, sides bordered with gilt fillet and dotted lines with gilt bees at corners, crowned “N” within laurel wreath in gilt in center, back gilt panelled with smaller crowned “N’s” and gilt lettered, inside morocco borders with gilt - fillets, Mouiris-paper linings and end-leaves, gilt top, edges scraped, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE, several plates with slight repairs in margins. London: T. Tegg, 1815 First EDITION, WITH COLORED PLATES. 239. NAPpoLeon I. [Heweston (W.B.).] The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. En- graved title in each volume, 15 portratts, including frontispieces and § views, all engraved. 3 vols. 8vo, full sapphire blue straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, backs gilt tooled in Napoleonic emblems, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, lower edges uncut, BY WALLIS. London: Printed and published by J. Wallis [Vols. I and II, circa 1811; Vol. III] 1822 RARE EDITION OF THIS WorK. The title of last volume reads,—“The Life of Napolion [sic] Buonaparte,” with date, 1822. There are no printed titles. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 20 folding colored plates by George Cruikshank, from the Cumberland re-issue of Ireland’s “Life of Napoleon,” some with Cumberland Terrace imprint, some with imprint erased; colored India proof portrait of Napoleon; 18 folding colored portraits of French and English generals, published by Rich. Evans, London, 1815-1816; and 3 single-page uncolored portraits, also published by Evans. 240. NAPoLEoN IJ. Ireland (W. H.). The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. With 24 colored folding plates by George Cruikshank, and 3 uncolored folding plates of Marie Louisa the Duc de Reichstadt and Napoleon’s Generals; engraved title to each volume; facsimile in text. 4 vols. 8vo, full sapphire blue crushed levant morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides, gilt backs, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Printed for John Fairburn, 1823, 1825, 1827; (Vol. IV) John Cumberland, 19 Ludgate Hill, 1828 Original issue of the text, with the Fairburn printed titles in Vols. I to III, and Cumberland’s engraved title, with Ludgate Hill address, in each volume. The plates are the Cumberland re-issue, with the address, “2 Cumberland Terrace,” with the exception of two which bear his Ludgate Hill address. Several plates are backed, but all are otherwise clean and in fine condition. By an error, in inserting the substituted pages in Vol. III, the binder has bound in only the last leaf (pages *115 and 116), the pages 115, *110 to *114 which should also have been inserted, being lacking. THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WItuIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 241, 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. NapoLEon I. Montholon (Count de) and Gourgaud (General). Memoirs of the History of France during the Reign of Napoleon, Dictated by the Emperor at Saint Helena to the Generals who shared his captivity, and published from the original manuscripts corrected by himself. Fac- similes of manuscripts, and maps. 7 vols. 1823-1824; ANTOMMARCHI (F.). The Last Days of Napoleon. Memoirs of the Last Two Years of Napoleon’s Exile, forming a sequel to the Journals of Dr. O’Meara and Count las Cases. Second Edition. 2 vols. 1826. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in three-quarter red crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs with emblematic tooling, gilt tops, uncut, BY WOOD. London: Henry Colburn, 1823-1826 NAPOLEON I. Las Cases (Emmanuel, Comte de). Memorial de Sainte Héléne. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena. Folding maps, plan and view. 8 parts bound in 4 vols. 8vo, half blue polished calf, gilt panelled backs with emblematic tooling in panels, BY BAYNTUN. i London: Henry Colburn, 1823 Finely Bound Set of Colburn’s well printed edition. NAPOLEON I. Lanfrey (P.). The History of Napoleon the First. 4 vols. 8vo, three-quarter seal-brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, lower edges uncut. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1871-1879 NAPOLEON I. O’Meara (Barry Edward). Napoleon at St. Helena. Full- page colored lithographs, and portraits of Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo, full polished dark brown calf, triple gilt fillet border on sides, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE & SON. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1888 Inserted in Vol. 1 isa one-page Autograph Letter, 12mo, “3 Lyons Inn” from Barry O’Meara to Lady Ann Hamilton, in which he states that he “has done himself the honor of enclosing to her ‘Memoires de Napoléon’ dictated by himself.” NAPOLEON I. Sloane (William Milligan). Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Colored frontispieces, and numerous full-page photogravure reproductions of portraits, battle-scenes, views, and the like. 4 vols. 4to, half red crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY ZAEHNS- DORF. | New York: The Century Co., 1896 NAPOLEON I. Masson (Frédéric). Napoléon et les Femmes. W2th numerous engraved portraits, some in colors, head- and tail-pieces engraved in bronze- gilt. Royal 8vo, full claret straight-grain morocco, sides with four narrow gilt borders in scroll and fleur-de-lys design, enclosed between gilt fillets, corner ornaments; full gilt panelled backs with bees and eagles against back- ground of stars; doublures and end-leaves of crimson watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY STIKEMAN. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, Successeurs, 1906 EDITION DEFINITIVE, printed on ,papier vergé a la forme des Manufactures d’Arches,” of which this is, No. 165, of 300 copies. The portraits are printed on light brown mat paper, each plate with guard sheet with descriptive title in red and black, The head-and tail-pieces are reproductions of bronze ornaments of the First Empire, and are beautifully engraved in bronze-gilt. The portraits in this work, which are reproductions from miniatures and portraits by famous artists, include those of Napoleon in profile, by Lemoine, in colors; Empress Josephine, by Gérard; Eléonore Laplaigne, by Augustin; Marie Valouska, by Lefevre, and many others. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 247. ron hin Penden (Frédéric). Livre du Sacre de I’Empereur Napoléon. | Splendidly illustrated with six colored plates, and a large number of photo- gravure reproductions, several being double-page plates. Royal 8vo, full olive green straight-grain morocco, gilt sides with imperial coat-of-arms in center, wide outer border filled with ornamental design; full gilt panelled back with crown and bee design; doublures and end-leaves of crimson watered-silk, the former with narrow green morocco and gilt border; gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Enclosed in green straight-grain morocco slip-case, gilt borders on sides, front cover gilt-lettered with gilt imperial coat-of-arms in center, rubbed at edges. ~ Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, Successeurs, 1908 First EDITION. LARGE PAPER, limited to 300 copies on “papier vergé des Manufac- tures d’Arches,” of which this is, No. 076. This beautiful volume was issued in commemoration of the coronation of Napoleon I, The superb reproductions, which include many beautiful costume plates of the principal participants in this event, are after original drawings by Isabey, Fontaine, and Percier. 248. NaApoLEon I. Masson (Frédéric). Napoléon a Sainte-Héléne. With numerous full-page and vignette photogravures, some being India paper proofs, some in colors, including portraits, views and facsimiles. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, full olive green: straight-grain morocco, broad gilt frame on sides enclosing arms of Napoleon in gilt in centers, backs gilt tooled in Napoleonic em- blems, insides gilt tooled morocco borders, doublures and fly-leaves of red watered silk, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers with back strips bound in Enclosed in single full olive green straight-grain morocco solander case, gilt borders, gilt lettered on front and back strip, arms in gilt on front. Paris: Goupil & Cie, 1912 LARGE PAPER, limited to 300 copies, printed on special “papier vierge” water- marked with Napoleon’s arms and words “Sainte-Helene,” of which this is, No. 031. 249. NAPOLEON I. Babelon (Ernest). Les Médailles Historiques du Régne de 250. Napoléon le Grand Empereur et Roi. Publiée sous les Auspices de la Société Numismatique de New York. With full-length frontispiece portrait of Napoleon in his imperial robes, on India paper, and upwards of 200 photo- gravure reproductions of medals commemorative of Napoleon’s reign; text printed within ornamental borders containing Napoleonic emblems. Folio, three-quarter green crushed French levant morocco, full gilt panelled back with Napoleonic emblems, gilt top, uncut. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1912 First EpiT1on. A limited number printed, of which this is, No. 36. The illustrations are from drawings made by Chaudet and Lemot. The most sumptuous illustrated work on the subject. Napo.Eon I. Bourrienne (L. A. F. de). Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. Edited by E. W. Phipps. Engraved portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, three-quarter ‘crimson crushed Fiench levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1885; RICHARDS (R. S.). Code Napoleon. Royal 8vo, three-quarter crim- son French crushed levant morocco. London, no date; NAPOLEON IN THE OTHER WorLD. Narrative Written by Himself. Frontispiece. 8vo, half calf, gilt back and top. London, 1827; Together, 5 vols. Tue LipRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 251. NAPoLEon IJ. Junot (Madame). Memoirs. Revised Edition. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half crimson French crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1883; La Tour pu Pin (Maroulis). Journal d’une Femme de Cinquante ans 1778-1815. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1916. Together. 5 vols. 8vo. 252. NApoLEon I. Lord’s Prayer. Oratio Dominica CL Linguis Versa, et Pro- priis cujusque Linguze Characteribus plerumque Expressa. Edente J. J. Marcel. Each page surrounded by ornamental border in red, text printed on one side of leaf only. Imperial 4to, contemporary red straight grain morocco, sides with border of Greek key design enclosing gilt foliate frame and inner band of dotted line and small gilt tools; back gilt tooled in a semis of tiny stars; inside gilt borders, blue watered silk doublures and fly-leaves, gaufred gilt edges. Paris: Typis Imperialibus, 1805 Tuts VOLUME Is SAID TO HAVE BEEN THE PROPERTY OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON, and presented by him to Major Leveson for his kindness and attentions to him at St. Helena. Major Leveson presented the volume to Thomas Richard Walker, of Oxford and London, his Executors gave it to the Red Cross Society to be sold by them, from whom the present owner purchased it. 253. NapoLEon I. A Collection of Napoleonic Medals of Copperplated Spelter, after the original medals by Andrieu, commemorative of the most impor- tant events of the French Revolution and the reign of Napoleon I, from 1789 to 1811. Together, 10 pieces, varying in size from 25% to 5% inches in diameter, sunken in two plush mats. Enclosed in small folio plush padded brown morocco box-case, gilt design on sides and back, gilt edges. Bertrand Andrieu was a celebrated French medallist and mint engraver, born at Bordeaux, about 1760. He engraved medals for the most important events of Na- poleon’s reign. Died in 1822. : CONTENTS 1789. Siége de la Bastille. Capture of the Bastille. Diameter, 3% inches. 1789. L’Arrivée du Roi a Paris. Arrival of Louis XVI in Paris. Diameter, 3% inches. 1800. Bataille de Maringo, Battle of Marengo. Diameter, 25 inches. 1804. Napoleon,.Empereur. Bust Portrait cf Napoleon, Emperor. Diameter, 25% inches. 1804. Napoleon, Empereur et Roi. Bust Portrait of Napoleon, Emperor ‘and King. Diameter, 25% inches. [1804.] Al’Empereur. Les Bonnes Villes de 1’Empire. To the Emperor. The Good Towns of the Empire. Diameter, 25% inches. 1804. Josephine Imp. 35 Reine. Bust Portrait of Josephine, Empress and Queen. Diameter, 25% inches. 1810. Napoleon, Empereur. Bust Portrait of Napoleon, Emperor. Diameter, 5% inches. 1810. Napoleon et Marie-Louise. Bust portraits of Napoleon and rR AE ae Diameter, 5% inches. 1811. Bapteme du Roi de Rome M DCCC XI. Baptism of the King of: Rome, 1811. Diameter, 25% inches. 254. NAPOLEON I. Death Mask in Bronz of Napoleon, made by his famous physi- . cian Dr. F. Antommarchi. Inscribed on lower edge of plaque, to the left, Dr. F. Antommarchi, and to the right, Fondu par L. Richard et Quesnel a Paris. Rich yellow-brown patina. With bronze medal inserted at base of mask, bearing portrait of Napoleon with wreath, with inscription, iN apoleon Emp. et Roi, Souscription, Dr. Antommarchi, 1833.” iDke: ne eae Antommarchi, Italian anatomist, was physician to Napoleon at St. Helena, 1818-1821. This mask was acquired by Dr. Post at the Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte sale, Bordentown, 1845, and later sold in the Mrs. Franklin Bartlett sale, January 13-15, EO2T, Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 255. NAPOLEON II, Duc de Reichstadt. Autograph Letter Signed, Ip. 16mo, no place, no date; with pen-and-ink sketch, unsigned, 2144 by 17% inches, and engraved portrait. Matted and framed together as one piece; GOETHE (JOHANN WOLFGANG). Autograph Letter Signed, Ip. small 4to, no place, no date, with addressed portion of last leaf, and engraved portrait. Matted and framed together as one piece; HULLE (ANSELMUS VAN—Artist). Two portraits by Anselmus van Hulle,—Hadrianus Pauw, engraved by Paul Pontius, 1648, and Joannes Leuber, engraved by Petr de Iode, 1649. 12 by 734 inches each. Each framed under glass. Together, 4 pieces. 256. NATURALIST’S LIBRARY (THE). Edited by Sir William Jardine, Bart. Evx- tensively ilustrated with engraved titles and about 1200 colored plates, and many portraits of eminent naturalists. 40 vols. 12mo, half crimson crushed morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops. § Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1843 In the preparation of this valuable series on Mammalia, Ornithology, Ichthyology and Entomology, Sir William Jardine was assisted by Swainson, Waterhouse, MacGillvray, and others. 257. NELSON (Horatio, Viscount). The Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamil- ton; with a Supplement of Interesting Letters, by Distinguished Charac- ters. 2 vols. 8vo, half crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, BY RIVIERE & SON. ~ London, 1814 First Epition. A very long sequence of Lord Nelson’s most intimate ietters, showing his most private sentiments of men and measures, of countries and their rulers, including letters of Lady Hamilton, letters from Sir William Hamilton and others. Inserted in the above work are portraits of Nelson and Lady Hamilton and a facsimile extract of Lady Hamilton’s last letter to Lord Nelson. 258. NELSON (Horatio, Viscount). Clarke (Rev. James Stanier) and M’Arthur (John). The Life and Services of Horatio Viscount Nelson. Portraits and illustrations; engraved title-pages. 3 vols. 8vo, full dark blue straight- grain morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides enclosing gilt line panel border with scroll design in corners of heavy gilt, full gilt panelled backs, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. — London: Fisher, Son and Co., undated FINE Copy, ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 83 plates, including portraits and other illustrations, some of which are mounted and inlaid to size. 259. NEw York City. Stokes (I. N. Phelps). The Iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909. Compiled from Original Sources and Illustrated by Photo Intaglio Reproductions of Important Maps, Plans, Views, and Documents in Public and Private Collections. With about 300 full-page and double-page engravings, some finely colored, all on Japan paper; title- pages and vignetles in two states, one a proof before letters, signed in pencil by the artists, Sidney L. Smith, Waiter M. Aikman, and others. 3 vols. thick royal 4to, full mottled calf, sides with gilt fillet bands and center gilt ornament consisting of a coat-of-arms in circular wreath; gilt panelled backs; inside calf borders with gilt lines; gilt tops, uncut, BY THE ROSE BINDERY. New York: Robert H. Dodd, 1915-1916 Best EpITION, limited to 42 copies on JAPANESE VELLUM. : Volume four of this important work will soon be published, and Volume five will follow at a later date. It is expected that the purchaser of this copy assumes the subscription of the remaining volumes of the work. Tue Liprary or Mrs. WIuuiaM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 260. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). J.-M. Nattier. Peintre de la Cour de Louis XV. Ex- tensively illustrated with full-page reproductions, several in colors, in photo- gravure and sepia, of the artist's work, and numerous head- and tail-pieces, each illustration in three states, one on Japan paper, another on Whatman paper, and a third on heavy brown mat paper, each with protecting leaf. Thick royal 4to, full sapphire blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with elaborate gilt border of filigree, scroll and floral design; full gilt pan- elled back, broad inside gilt fillet and scroll borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound i in, BY DURVAND. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, 1905 IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER EDITION, limited to 75 copies, with plates in three states, of which this is, No. 1. THIS AND THE FOLLOWING SERIES OF NOLHAC’S BEAUTIFUL ART MONOGRAPHS ARE AMONG THE FINEST OF CELEBRATED GOUPIL PUBLICATIONS. 261. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). J.-H. Fragonard. 1732-1806. Extensively tllustrated with full-page sepia and photogravure reproductions of the artist's work, and numerous vignettes, each illustration in three states, one on Japan paper, some an colors, another on white paper, and a third on heavy brown mat paper, each with protecting leaf having title and description printed in red. Thick royal Ato, full sapphire blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with broad gilt border of small floral design, enclosing framework of gilt fillets and scroll and foliate design in gilt; full gilt panelled back, wide inside morocco and gilt borders with gilt fillets and scrolls; gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY DURVAND. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, Successeurs, 1906 IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER EDITION, limited to 100 copies, of which this is, No. X XI. 262. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Les Femmes de Versailles. Wath 50 full-page photo- gravure portraits, facsimiles in colors, after original paintings by celebrated artists. Enclosed in 5 portfolios, atlas folio, of pale blue brocaded silk padded with pale blue and white satin, ties of yellow moire silk ribbons. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, undated [1906-1908] SUMPTUOUS PUBLICATION. EDITION ON JAPAN PAPER, LIMITED TO 100 COPIES, of which this is, No. o16. Each portrait mounted on heavy brown mat, and enclosed in Japan paper folder, with title and description printed in red and black on'front wrapper. Among the portraits of the women famous in the history of the Court of Versailles, are,—Marie Adelaide, after Nattier; Madame Victoire de France, after Mme. La- bille-Guiard; The Same, after Nattier; Madame Sophie de France, after Drouais; Marie de la Rochefoucauld, after Nattier; Madame Louise de France, after Nattier; La Duchesse de Choiseul, after J. B. Greuze; Comtesse du Barry, after Drouais; Marie Antoinette d’Autriche, after Drouais; Another Copy, by Madame Vigée-le- Brun; La Princesse de Lamballe, after Madame Vigée-le-Brun; La Duchesse de Po- lignac, Duchesse de Chartres, Madame Elisabeth de France, and other portraits of noted women of the French Court. One of the most sumptuous of the Goupil Art Publications. The portraits are all beautiful color prints after the original paintings, and worthy of separate framing, each being about 14 by 17 inches. 263. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Francois Boucher, Premier Peintre du Roi. 1703-1770. Extensively illustrated with full-page reproductions in photogravure and sepia, including four plates in color, and numerous vigneites, each reproduction im three states, one on Japan paper, another on Whatman paper, and a third on [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue | No. 263. NOLHAc (PIERRE DE)—Continued | heavy brown mat paper. Thick royal 4to, full sapphire blue crushed French levant morocco; sides with gilt fillets enclosing elaborate framework of scrolls and dots in gilt; full gilt panelled back; inside morocco and gilt border of fillets, dots, and scrolls; gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY DURVAND. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, 1907 IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER EDITION limited to 100 copies, with ExTRA SET of plates in two states, one on Whatman paper, the other on brown mat paper, of which this IS RINO DGS V i 264. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Madame Vigée-le Brun, Peintre de la Reine Marie- Antoinette. 1755-1842. With numerous full-page reproductions, some in colors, including colored frontispiece portrait of the artist, and numerous en- graved head- and tail-pieces, being reproductions of the artist’s work. Royal Ato, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet borders enclosing framework of gilt fillets and dentelle, full gilt panelled back, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets and lines of gilt dots, gilt top, uncut, original wrapper bound in, BY STIKEMAN. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, Successeurs, 1908 Edition limited to 500 copies on “papier a la main des Manufactures de Rives,” of which this is, No. 018. Each plate mounted on heavy brown mat paper, with protecting leaf, having title printed in red. Madame Le Brun was the portraitist, not only of the French. but also of the European aristocracy, 265. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Hubert Robert, 1733-1808. Extensively allustrated with full-page photogravure reproductions, including colored frontispiece portrait of the artist, from the original painting by Madame Vigée-Le-Brun; and vignettes engraved in sepia. Royal 4to, full sapphire blue straight-grain morocco, sides with broad gilt border in geometrical design between gilt fillets, en- closing panel framework with bands in floral sprays, and large inside fan- shaped corner ornaments; full gilt panelled back; inside morocco and gilt borders in scroll and floral design; gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, 1910 Edition limited to 500 copies, on “papier a la main des Manufactures de Rives,” of which this is, No. 332. The full-page photogravure reproductions are mounted on heavy brown mat paper, with protective leaf in front of each, description of plate printed in red. 266. NoLHAC (PIERRE DE). Histoire du Chateau de Versailles. Versailles sous Louis XIV. Extensively illustrated with full-page reproductions, some in colors, after original drawings or paintings by J. B. Martin, Pérelle, C. Le Brun, I. Sylvestre, Mansart, and other artists; engraved vignettes, title-pages printed in red and black. 2 vols. royal 4to, half dark blue morocco, giit panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris: André Marty, 1911 Edition limited to 350 copies on “papier vélin d’Arches,” of which this is, No. 110 THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 267. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Le Trianon de Marie-Antoinette. Beautifully illus- trated with full-page reproductions, including 4 facsimiles in colors, of the works of noted artists depicting the beauties of the home of Marie-Antoinetie, and portraying the women who made “Le Trianon” noted for its social life; also numerous vignettes, all illustrations in two states, one on Japan paper, the other on Whatman paper. Royal 4to, full crimson crushed French levant morocco; sides with gilt fillets enclosing framework in gilt of floral, scroll and bee design, large royal coat-of-arms in gilt in center; full gilt panelled back with fleur-de-lys; inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, dots and scrolls, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY DURVAND. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, 1914 IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER EDITION, with plates in two states, limited to 75 copies, of which this is, No. V. 268. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Histoire du Chateau de Versailles. Versailles au XVIIle Siécle. With full-page photogravure reproductions, some folding plates, after F. Le Moyne, Gabriel, Cochin, Pajou and other artists. Royal Ato, half midnight blue crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. Paris: Emile-Paul Fréres, 1918 Edition limited to 300 copies on “papier vélin.” 269. “O. Henry”—SypnEy W. PorTER. The Complete Writings of O. Henry. Iilus- trated in two states by Gordon Grant, one sel of the frontispices colored by hand. 14. vols. 8vo, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco; sides with double fillet border enclosing an elaborate framework of floral design in gilt; full gilt panelled backs with lettered contents; doublures of crimson levant morocco, with blue morocco border, both crimson and blue morocco decorated with framework of gilt fillets and corner festoons; white moire silk fly-leaves; gilt tops, uncut. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1917 COMPLETE SET OF THE MEMORIAL EDITION DE LUXE, strictly limited to 1075 cop- ies, numbered and registered, of which this is, No. 3. Signed by the Publishers: com- prising,— Waifs and Strays; Whirligigs; Wind of Destiny; Rolling Stones; Strictly Business; Sixes and Sevens; Heart of the West; Voice of the City; Options; The Four Million; Cabbages and Kings; The Trimmed Lamp; The Gentle Grafter; Roads of Destiny. 270. ORIENTAL RuGs. The Yerkes Collection of Oriental Carpets. With Critical 2711 Text by John Kimberly Mumford. 27 facsimile reproductions in color. Folio, sheet, in green short-silk portfolio, with silk ties. _ New York, 1910 AMERICAN EDITION, limited to 750 copies, of which this is, No. go. Ovip. Les Metamorphoses d’Ovide, en Latin et Francois, divisées en XV Livres. Avec de Nouvelles Explications Historiques, Morales et Politiques sur toutes les Fables, de la Traduction de Mr. Pierre Du-Ryer Parisien. Edition nouvelle. Illustrated with 124 large copperplate vignettes by Martin Bouche, P. Clouvet, F. Bouttats, and other artists; title-page in red and black. Folio, contemporary calf, gilt back, leather label, skilfully rebacked. A Amsterdam, chez P. & J. Blaev, Janssons 4 Waesberge, Boom, & Goethals, M D CII [1702] Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 272. PARDOE (JULIA). The Historical Writings of Julia Pardoe. With hand-colored frontispieces, and numerous: portraits and other illustrations on Japan paper. 15 vols. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents let- tered, gilt tops, uncut. New York: James Pott and Co., 1905 COMPLETE SET OF THE NAVARRE EDITION, limited to 100 copies: comprising,— Life of Marie de Medici. 6 vols.; Louis XIV. 6 vols.; Court and Reign of Francis the First. 3 vols. 273. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). Works of Francis Parkman. With numerous photogra- vure portraits and illustrations, and many maps, some folding. 11 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, full gilt panelled backs, leather labels, contents lettered, gilt tops, edges scraped. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1898 NEw LIBRARY EDITION: comprising,— Pioneers of France in the New World;. Jesuits in North America; La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West; Old Régime in Canada; Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV; A Half Century of Conflict. 2 vols.; Montclam and Wolfe. 2 vols.; The Ey aed of Pontiac, and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. 2 vols, 274. PATER (WALTER). Writings of Walter Pater. 10 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, panelled backs, contents lettered in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London: Macmillan and Co., 1910 LIBRARY EDITION. Finely printed in large type, with rubricated title-pages: comprising ,— Marius the Epicurean. His Sensations and Ideas. 2 vols.; Imaginary Portraits; The Renaissance; Greek Studies; Essays from “The Guardian;” Miscellaneous Studies; Gaston de Latour: An Unfinished Romance. Prepared for the Press by Charles L. Shadwell; ; Plato and Platoism; Appreciations. 275. PEPys (SAMUEL). Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, from his MS. Cypher in the Pepysian Library, with a Life and Notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Deciphered, with additional notes, by Rev. Mynors Bright. With numerous portraits from the collection in the Pepysian Library, printed in permanent Woodbury type. 6 vols. extended to 12, 8vo, full blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet borders, in center of front cover of each volume Pepy’s coat-of-arms in gilt, gilt panelled backs with anchor in gilt in center of panels, inside gilt decorated morocco borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. | London: Bickers and Son, 1875-1879 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 500 portraits, views and facsimiles, each volume with a specially printed rubricated title-page in addition to the regular title-pages. One of the most extensively extra-illustrated copies of this edition offered at public sale. Among the plates are many fine old copperplates from contemporary sources. 276. PERSIAN TEXTILES. Fifty Photographic Prints, illustrating Thirty-Eight Original Persian and Paisley Shawls, Tapestries and Borders. With an Introduction by John Cotton Dana. 50 full-page reproductions. Royal 4to, half dark olive green crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled back, gilt top. [Jersey City, N. J.: H. C. Perleberg, 1919] This volume, undoubtedly prized by collectors and libraries, will at the same time appeal, as a volume of designs, to art schools and museums, as well as to manufac- turers of textiles. THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM Poop nte na Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 277. PICART (BERNARD). The Temple of the Muses, or, The Principal Histories of Fabulous Antiquity, Represented in Sixty Sculptures; Designed and Ingraved by Bernard Picart le Romain, and other Celebrated Masters. With Explications and Remarks. Engraved title-page, regular title-page printed in red and black, with small vignette, and 60 splendid full-page copper- plate engravings, by Picart. Folio, full polished mottled calf, gilt panel border on sidés with corner ornaments, full gilt panelled back, leather label, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges. Amsterdam, Printed for Zachariah Chatelain, MDCCX XXIII [1733] SPLENDID COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ENGLISH TEXT EDITION, published simultane- ously in French, Latin and Dutch. 278. PICART (BERNARD). Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses de tous les Peuples du Monde. Numerous fine full-page copperplate engravings by Picart and others. -12 vols. folio, new full brown calf, blind tooling on sides, gilt pan- elled backs, leather labels. Paris: L. Prudhomme, 1807-1810 New Edition, including the two volumes of Superstitions. FINE SET OF THIS VALUABLE ILLUSTRATED ETHNOLOGICAL WORK, which was compiled by a number of authorities on the subject from the most reliable writings then extant. The plates illustrate the religious and irreligious ceremonies of the various nations, including the Adamites, Flagellants, the pre-nuptial arrangements of the American Indians, etc. This set apparently lacks two plates, one of them being Masonic. 279. PIRANESI ENGRAVINGS. Vedvte di Roma, Disegnate ed Incise da Giam- battista Piranesi Architetto. Engraved title and 137 double-page and large folding plates, drawn and engraved by Piranesi, depicting the architectural beauties of the Eternal City, including its temples, churches, triumphal arches, celebrated buildings and places of historical interest. 2 vols. folio, marbled board sides, with borders and backs of calf, skilfully rebacked, several plates have margins foxed. [Rome: Presso l’Autore a Strada Felice, circa 1779] ORIGINAL ROMAN EDITION. Many of the prints are in Proof state. They include much of the best work of Piranesi, and many are suitable for framing. With armorial bookplate of John Thomas Simes in each volume. 280. Pirt (WILLIAM, EARL OF CHATHAM). Wax Medallion Portrait, enamelled in colors, of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, 1741, by W. Ford. Bust portrait in profile, turned to left. Signed,—W Ford s. Mounted on black mat and framed in black wood under glass. Height, 214 inches; frame, height, 6; width, 434 inches. FINE MEDALLION PORTRAIT OF PITT, signed by the artist, and dated, 1741. From the collection of the late J. Pattison Gibson, Battle Hall, Nexham, North- umberland, England. 281. PLUMTRE (E. H.). The Tragedies of Sophocles. A New Translation with a Biographical Essay. 2 vols. 1865; The Tragedies of Aeschylos. A New Translation, with a Biographical Essay, and an Appendix of Rhymed Choral Odes. 2 vols. 1868. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, full cardinal French crushed levant morocco, sides with gilt decorative border, gilt panelled backs, gilt inside morocco borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1865-1868 A richly bound set of these Classics. . Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 282. PLuTaRcu’s Lives. The Translation Called Dryden’s. Corrected from the Greek, and Revised by A. H. Clough. 5 vols. 8vo, full claret straight-grain morocco, front covers with broad framework of gilt fillets and corner arabesque designs, back covers with narrow gilt fillet and dentelle borders, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. London and Boston, 1859 283.. PoE (EDGAR ALLAN). The Literati. Frrst Epit1on. 12mo, half red morocco, original cloth covers bound in. New York, 1850; Bryant (W. C.). The Little People of the Snow. First Illustrated Edition. Small 4to, full green morocco, gilt. New York, 1873; HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Wayside Edition, 8 odd vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt. Boston, 1891. To- gether, 10 vols. 284. PoMpADOUR (MADAME). Goncourt (Edmond et Jules de). Madame de Pom- padour. Nouvelle Edition, Revue et Augmentée de Lettres et Documents Inédits. Illustrated with 55 full-page copperplate reproductions by Dujardin, and two plates in colors, by Quinsac, from contemporary originals. Ato, full red crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillets and wide floreated border in gilt, full gilt panelled back, doublures and end-leaves of dark red silk, the former with wide morocco border with gilt fillets and lines of dots, ornamental scroll design in corners, gilt top, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Paris, 1888 Inserted is an Autograph Letter, Unsigned, by: the Marquise de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV, dated Sept. 5, 175, written to the Duc de Chaulnes, in which mention is made of the Duc de Mortemart, her father’s illness, and the king’s favorable disposition of the Herauville plan. 285. Pope (ALEXANDER). The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. ALDINE EDI- TION. Engraved portrait. 3 vols. I12mo, full brown crushed French levant morocco, sides covered with thistle spray, extending from center and covering sides, gilt panelled backs, inside morocco borders with gilt bands and corner ornaments, gilt tops, BY WOOD. London: William Pickering, 1843-1844 286. POTTERY AND PorcELAIN. Bourgeois (Emile). Le Biscuit de Sévres au XVIIIe Siécle. Extensively allustrated with full-page and text photogravure reproduc- tions, some in colors, including portraits and numerous exambles of beautiful Sévres porcelain. 2 vols. royal 4to, full Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco, sides with elaborate gilt borders of fillets, floral and foliate deisgn; full gilt panelled backs; inside morocco borders of gilt scrolls and fillets; gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY DURVAND. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, Successeurs, 1909 Edition limited to 200 copies on “papier 4 la main des Manufactures d’Arches.” of which this is, No. 016. The work is divided into two parts, Vol. I, Historical Text; Vol. II, Catalogue and Plates. The plates, contained in both volumes, are mounted on heavy brown mat paper, each with protecting leaf, with description printed in red. A sumptuous publication on the Potter’s art of the 18th Century, and the noted artists and artisans connected with the same. THe LIBRARY OF MrRs. WI.uLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 287, PrEscoTT (WILLIAM H.). The Complete Works of Prescott. Edited by Wil- fred Harold Munro, and comprising the Notes of the Edition by John Foster Kirk. With a Life of Prescott, by George Ticknor. With plates on Japanese paper, titles printed in red and black, and a delicately colored frontis- piece in each volume. 22 vols. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco; sides with panel border of gilt fillets and corner design of crown surrounded with dots, in gilt; gilt backs with fillet borders, crown and sceptre design, orange morocco labels, with contents lettered; doublures of dark red moire silk, borders of green levant with gilt fillets, dots and floral sprays; gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, undated COMPLETE SET OF THE AZTEC EDITION, limited to 250 copies, of which this is, No. 62. Printed in large type on special water-marked unbleached Arnold paper, and gen- erally conceded to be the finest edition of the Writings of Prescott: comprising,— Conquest of Mexico. 4 vols.; Conquest of Peru. 3 vols.; Ferdinand and Isabella. 4 vols.; Charles the Fifth. 4:vols.; Philip the Second. 4 vols.; Biographical and Critical Misc aes 2 vols.; Life of Prescott, by Ticknor. 288. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED StTaTFs. Autographs of the Presidents of the United States, 1789-1917. Wzuth engraved portrait of each President. 27 documents and letters, each tipped to sheet of Whatman paper, and 29 portraits (two of each of Washington and Lincoln), with illuminated manu- script title-page inserted. Bound in imperial 4to volume, full red crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillet and dotted border enclosing framework of bands of onlaid dark blue morocco between gilt fillets and lines of dots, with designs of leaf sprays and dots in corners; front gilt lettered and with American eagle and shield in gilt, in center; back panelled in gilt; doublures of sapphire blue crushed levant morocco, with border of red levant tooled with gilt floreate border with eagles at corners; fly- eaves of white watered-silk; gilt top, other edges uncut, BY MACDONALD. Enclosed in red shot silk slip-case. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE AND CHOICE COLLECTION, Containing Autographs of all © Presidents of the United States, from Washington to Woodrow Wilson, on autograph letters, documents or letters, as follows,— WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Letter Signed, 1p. folio, Head Quarters, Morris Town, 17th April, 1777. To Owen Biddle. Requesting him to deliver to bearer the prisoner James Frances, now in the Philadelphia gaol. ADAMS (JOHN). Letter Signed, 2pp. 4to, Quincy, April 30th, 1819. Discussing with recipient the varieties of Republics. One correction in letter made in Adams’ autograph. JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Letter Signed, Ip. 4to, Monticello, Aug. 15, (17)99. To re Call. Relative to a suit in chancery against Henderson et al, concerning a ~ mill dam. MADISON (JAMES). Autograph Letter, Signed. Montpellier, Sept. 28, 1819. To Mr. Jefferson. Acknowledging receipt of a draft of a report from the visitors, remark- ing that the subject is to be presented to the Legislature for their attention. MONROE (JAMES). Autograph Letter, Signed, Ip. 4to, Albemarle, Nov. 22, 1802. Requesting the recipient to call on him'at once, expressing regret he cannot help him out of his financial straits, mentioning he is obliged to set out for Richmond. on the morrow. ApAMS (JOHN Quincy). Autograph Letter, Signed. 1p. 4to, Quincy, 19 Septr. 1823. To Miss Harriet Welsh. Declining an invitation to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, postponing the visit to a later date. JACKSON (ANDREW). Autograph Letter, Signed. 1p. 4to, No place, February 12th, 1830. Requesting the recipient to forward the enclosed paper, together with other papers in his office, to the Committee of the Senate. VAN BUREN (MARTIN). Autograph Letter, Signed, Ip. 4to, Loudenwald, Jan. 8, (18)53. Congratulating the recipient on his lecture on the subject of “Our Trade with the British Colonies,” the perusal of which has caused the writer much satisfaction. [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 288. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES—Continued | HARRISON (WILLIAM H.). Autograph Letter, Signed, 2pp. 4to, Cincinnati August 23rd, 1798. To Governor Sargent. Rendering him an account of his (the recipient’s) affairs in Cincinnati, regarding the crops, money collected, and the like. TYLER (JOHN). Autograph Letter, Signed, Ip. 4to, Washington, Jan. 23, 1843. To Mr. Spencer. Requesting him to detail Lt. Humphries, a topographical engineer . to continue the levelling of the City, with a view to the gradation of the streets. POLK (JAMES K.). Autograph Letter, Signed, 1p. 4to, No place, Nov. 27, 1847. To Hon. Robert J. Walker, Secretary of the Treasury. Recommending Marshall M. Smith, who was introduced to the recipient the day before by Col. Jefferson Davis, and from whom he is to receive a letter to help him obtain an appointment in the Customs House in New Orleans. TAYLOR (ZACHARY). Letter Signed, 2pp. 4to, Head Quarters, Army of Occupation, Corpus Christi, Texas, Feby. 15, 1846. To Commodore D. Conner, Commanding Home Squadron. Outlining his plan to move forward and occupy the Rio Grande river, according to instructions received from the Government, and requesting the recipient to have one or two vessels stationed off Brasos Santiago, to help him attain his object. Written by Taylor during the Mexican War, at which time he was the poe in command of the American Army. Signed,—Z. Taylor Bt., Genl. U. S. A. Jomd. FILLMORE (MILLARD). Autograph Letter, Signed, Ip. 4to, Buffalo, Oct. 29, 1849. To James W. Hale, Esq. Thanking the latter for his efforts to obtain for him a map of London. PIERCE (FRANKLIN). Autograph Letter, Signed, 1p. 4to, Concord, N. H., April 15, 1847. Requesting the recipient to inform Judge Upham what arrangements he wishes the latter to make for him relative to a trip. BUCHANAN (JAMES). Letter Signed, Ip. 4to, Lancaster,- November 24, 1842. To John C. Rives. Thanking him for his splendid article in the Globe exposing the trick of those who in 1840 desired to produce the impression throughout the coun- try that he, Buchanan, was in favor of reducing the reward of the poor man’s labor. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Note, Signed, Ip. 8vo, Springfield, Ill., Nov. 30th, 1860. To R. R. Donnelly. Sending the latter his autograph signature. JOHNSON (ANDREW). Note Signed, Ip. 8vo, Executive Mansion (Washington), Nov. 18, 1867. Note signed on the back of a letter addressed to Johnson requesting a letter of recommendation to the Post Master General for Ida I. Mills. GRANT (ULysszes S.). Autograph Letter, Signed, Ip. 8vo, New York City, Dec. 11th, (18)80. To Gen. J. Madison Drake. Informing him of the date when he can address the Veteran Zouaves at their Armory in Elizabeth. With addressed and stamped envelope. HAYES (RUTHERFORD B.). Autograph Letter, Signed, rp. 4to, Washington, D. C., July 9th, 1867. [To whom it may concern.] Letter certifying to the high character of the citizens whose names are signed to reverse of letter, addressed to Mr. William Heaver. Signed,—R. B. Hayes M. C. 2d. Dist.of Ohio. The signatures to the latter endorsed by R. B. Hayes are,—Daniel B. Pierson, Ex-President Cincinnati Horti- cultural Society; E. A. Thompson, President American Wine Growers Association; R. Buchanan, Prest. Hort. Socy. in 1843; Thos. H. Yeatman, Ex.-Prest. Wine Grow- ers Association; W. Hooper, Prest. General Natl. Bank; and Geo. Graham, Prest. Cincinnati Horticultural Society. GARFIELD (JAMES A.). Autograph Telegram, Signed, rp. oblong 4to, Washington, No date (1872). To A. H. Post. Ordering him to set up the writer’s two speeches at once and send him proofs. ARTHUR (CHESTER A.). Letter Signed, Ip. 8vo, Executive Mansion, Washington, January 6, 1882. To the Hon. J. C. Bancroft Davis. Accepting the latter’s resigna- tion from office as Associate Justice of the United States Court of Claims. CLEVELAND (GROVER). Autograph Letter, Signed, Ip. 4to, Gray Gables, Buzzards Bay, Mass., July 8, 1892. To Messrs. Harper and Brathen. Acknowledging receipt of, and thanking the recipients for, two proofs of the portrait of Mr. Whitney which is to appear in Harper’s Weekly. HARRISON (BENJAMIN). Autograph Letter, Signed, Ip. 12mo, New York, July 18, 1894. To William Carter. Expressing his regret at being unable to attend the meeting at Defiance, Ohio. With addressed and stamped envelope. McKINLEY (WILLIAM). Letter Signed, Ip. royal 8vo, Executive Mansion, Wash- ington, February 19, 1898. To Mr. Paul Dana, of “The Sun,” New York. Advising him to see the Senator himself regarding the matter in question. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). Autograph Letter, Signed, rp. 8vo, Washington, May 13th, (18)89. Thanking Mr. Richmond for his kind note [ Continued THe Liprary oF Mrs. WiItuiAaM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 288. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES—Continued | Tart (WILLIAM H.). Letter Signed, Ip. 4to, “The White House,” Washington, May 27, 1911. To Gen. Charles F. Manderson. Thanking him for enclosed clippings, and for his approval of the efforts being made in regard to arbitration. WILSON (WoopROW). Letter Signed, Ip. 4to, Trenton, N. J., November 15, 1912. To Mr. Marshall Stevens. Expressing his pleasure at the congratulations he has received, and thanking his friends for their help in making the campaign a suc- cess. Evidently referring to his election as President of the United States. With photograph bearing the autograph signature of the President, Woodrow Wilson. 289. PriIncE ALBERT. Martin (Theodore). The Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. Portraits and views. 5 vols. royal 8vo, half brown morocco. London, 1875-1880 © LARGE PAPER, with the portraits mounted on heavy paper and inserted. 290. RABELAIS (FRANCOIS). Oeuvres de Rabelais. Edition Variorum, Augmentée de Piéces Inédites, des Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel. . . . et d’uni Nouveau Commentaire Historique et Philologique par Esmengart et Elo, Johanneau. With 12 full-page portratts and illustrations in two Proof States, one set on China paper, by Vallot, F. Pelée, Jehotte, Leroux, Chollet, Mottet, and others, after Dévéria; and 120 full-page comic engravings on wood by Thompson (one. spotted ‘with ink) alustrating “Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel.” 9 vols. royal 8vo, half citron morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, BY ALLO. Paris: Dalibon, 1823 RARE LARGE PAPER!COPY, WITH THE PLATES IN TWO STATES. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 8 engraved portraits of Rabelais, one in two states, some inlaid to size, engraved by Desroches, Moncornet, Beza, Asne, Hopwood, and others. This copy contains the Rare Map of China which is not found in all copies of this work. Pages 353 to 368 (forming a complete signature) of Vol. 5 are blank. 291. RACKMAN (ARTHUR) ILLUSTRATIONS. Swift (Jonathan). Guiliver’s Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. Wath fusl-page allustrations in colors by Arthur Rackham. Square 8vo, full red crushed French levant morocco, design in gilt—“Gulliver and the King of the Lilliputians’—in center of front cover, gilt lettering on back, inside red morocco borders. with gilt fillets, gilt edges, original gilt cloth covers bound in, BY ZAEHNS- DORF. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1909 292. RACKHAM (ARTHUR) ILLUSTRATIONS. Wagner (Richard). The Rhinegold and the Valkyrie. Translated by Margaret Armour. Full-page allustrations by Arthur Rackham, in colors, each plate mounted on brown mat paper. Square 8vo, full brown crushed French levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet borders, front cover with center design, a repetition of that on title-page, in gilt; gilt panelled back, inside gilt fillet and dentelle borders, gilt edges, original cloth cover bound i in, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: William Heinemann, 1910 293. RACKHAM (ARTHUR) ILLUSTRATIONS. Stephens (James). Irish Fairy Tales. Full-page colored illustrations by Arthur Rackham mounted on linen paper. 4to, full bright green crushed French levant morocco; triple gilt fillets on sides, front covers with corner floral and spray designs; gilt panelled backs with fillets and floral sprays; marbled paper doublures and end-leaves, the former with green morocco borders, gilt fillets and corner designs; gilt top, uncut. London, 1920 LARGE PAPER, limited to 520 copies, signed by the artist. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 2904. RAEBURN (HENRY). Armstrong (Sir Walter). Sir Henry Raeburn. With an 205. Introduction by R. A. M. Stevenson and a Biographical and Descriptive Catalogue by J. L. Caw. Extensively illustrated with 61 full-page and 8 smaller copperplate and photogravure reproductions. Thick royal 4to, three- quarter green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut. London: William Heinemann, 1901 LIMITED EDITION, which the publishers stated would not be reprinted. This vol- ume was printed at the Ballantyne Press. The paper of the text is of English make; that of the plates, French. ° RAEMAEKERS (Louris). The Great War. A Neutral’s Indictment. One Hun- dred Cartoons by Louis Raemaekers. With an Appreciation by H. Perry Robinson and Descriptive Notes by E. Garnett. Portrait of the artist, with his autograph signature in pencil, and 100 photographic reproductions, in colors, of Raemaekers’ famous cartoons. Imperial 4to, half cloth, marbled board sides, gilt back, leather labels, gilt top, uncut. London: The Fine Art Society, 1916 EDITION DE LUXE, limited to 1050 copies, of which 1000 are for sale. No other Edition published in the British Dominions. Each plate mounted on light gray paper; text printed on gray paper. The reproduction of the frontispiece, “The Adoration of the Magi,” one of the most - consummate pieces of satire in this whole collection, is restricted in the British Isles to this edition. 296. RAEMAEKERS (Louis). The Great War. A Neutral’s Indictment. One Hun- dred Cartoons by Louis Raemaekers. [Also, Vol. II, Sixty Cartoons.] With an Appreciation (in each volume) by H. Perry Robinson and Descriptive Notes by E. Garnett and M. B. Huish. Portrazt of the artist with his auto- graph signature in pencil, and 160 photographic reproductions of Raemaekers’ famous cartoons, 100 of which are in colors. 2 vols. imperial 4to, half cloth, marbled board sides, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Fine Art Society, 1916-1917 EDITION DE LUXE limited to 1050 copies, of which 1000 are for sale. Vol. II has the artist’s autograph signature in ink on fly-leaf. Each plate mounted on gray paper. Text printed on gray paper. 297. REUMONT (ALFRED von). Lorenzo de’ Medici. Translated from the German by Robert Harrison. 2 vols. London, 1876; CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, to which are appended Poems Attrib- uted to Chaucer. Edited by Arthur Gilman. 3 vols. Boston, no date; SHERMAN (JOHN). Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. Illustrated. 2 vols. Chicago, 1895; BURNS (ROBERT). Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1868; and 5 other volumes. Together, 13 vols. royal 8vo and 12mo, full and half morocco, full calf and half calf, and cloth. Tue LIBRARY OF MRs.. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 298. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). The Works of Theodore Roosevelt. Etched portrait — by Bicknell, and numerous full-page photogravure portraits and views. 28 vols. 8vo, half blue crushed morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1906—19IG COMPLETE SET OF THE ELKHORN EDITION, limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 100: comprising,— The Naval War of 1812. 2 vols.; The Rough Riders; Gouverneur Morris; The Strenuous Life, Essays and Addresses; Oliver Cromwell; New York; History as Literature and other Essays; Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter; African Game Trails. 2 vols.; Hero Tales from American History; American Ideals. 2 vols.; Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail; Thomas Hart Benton; Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. 2 vols.; The Wilderness Hunter. 2 vols.; The Winning of the West. 6 vols.; A Book-Lover’s Holidays in the Open; Through the Brazilian Wilderness. 299. ROSTAND (EDMOND). Les Musardises. Edition Nouvelle. 1887-1893. 8vo, three-quarter Antwerp blue crushed French levant morocco; back with floral design, flowers and leaves with onlays of purple, brown and dark green morocco, gilt stems, gilt lettered label of lavender morocco; gilt top, uncut. Paris, I91I JAPAN PAPER EDITION, limited to 100 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 74. 300. RossETtI (DANTE GABRIEL). The Collected Works of Dante Gabriel Ros- 301. setti. Edited with Preface and Notes by William M. Rossetti. 2 vols. small 8vo, full sapphire blue crushed French levant morocco, with large square designs in corners and on sides, with gilt floral and scroll design; panelled backs, gilt lettering, and gilt floral and scroll work design in two of the panels, doublures and fly-leaves of blue silk, sapphire-blue morocco inside border with gilt fillets, rosette in gilt in corners, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Ellis and Elvey, 1888 Laid in is a two-page Signed Autograph Letter by W. M. Rossetti, with addressed envelope, to H. Buxton Forman “3 St. Edmund’s Terrace, Regent's Park, N. W. 9 Novr./[r90]2” stating that he had nothing to do with editing Tupper’s Proverbial Philosophy. ‘ ROUSSEAU (JEAN JACQUES). Works of J. J. Rousseau. 17 vols. 12mo, half brown polished calf, full gilt backs. London, 1763-1819 CONTENTS ~“Emilus and Sophia. Portrait. 4 vols. 1763; Miscellaneous Works. First English Translation. 5 vols. 1767; Eloisa, or, a Series of Original Letters. New Edition to which is now first added The Sequel of Julia. Portrait. 4 vols. 1784; Confessions of J. J. Rousseau. New Edition. 4 vols. 1819. au Roya BINDING FOR MARIE ANTOINETTE, Gumnt or Louis XVI oF FRANCE. EZECHIEL, Traduit en Francois, avec une Explication tirée des saints Péres & des Autheurs Ecclésiastiques. Woodcut title vignette. 8vo, full red morocco, sides with border of triple gilt fillets with tiny floral stops at corners, with full arms of Marie Antoinette as Dauphine of France, stamped in gilt in center of each side; back panels with small floral corner designs, with fleur- de-lis and dolphin alternating in gilt in centers, inside gilt dentelle borders, [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 302. Roya BINDING FoR Mari£ ANTOINETTE—Continued | linings and fly-leaves of brilliant-hued marbled paper in a startling and unusual design, gilt over marbled edges. Paris: Guillaume Desprez, 1692 BEAUTIFULLY BOUND VOLUME FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE FAMOUS FRENCH QUEEN, MARIE ANTOINETTE OF AUSTRIA, who was guillotined with her husband, Louis XVI, in 1793. Books stamped with Queen Marie Antoinette’s Arms are rare, and especially so those bearing her arms when her husband was dauphin of France, as the above. The binding is in splendid state of preservation, and aside from one or two small wormholes in linings and fly-leaves, is in excellent condition interiorly as well. 303. RoyAL BINDING FoR Louris XIV. Histoire de |’Académie Royale des Sciences. Année MDCCV. Avec les Memoires de Mathématiques et de Physique, pour la meme Année. Engraved title, by Simonneau t’ainé, after Coypel, vignette on regular title, folding plates, head- and tatl-pieces. 4to, dark blue morocco, gilt borders on sides of fillets and fleur-de-lis design, coat-of-arms of Louis XIV stamped in gilt in center of sides, gilt panelled back, leather label, gilt edges, piece cut off upper margin of title, a few small pin-holes insome margins. A Paris: chez Jean Boudot, M. DCCVI [1706] 304. ROyAL BINDING FOR CHARLES DE FRANCE, Duc DE BERRY, SON OF THE GRAND DAUPHIN. OFFICE DE LA SEMAINE SAINTE. Latin et Francois, a l’Usage de Rome et. de Paris... Copperplate engravings, including engraved title. 8vo, full contemporary red morocco, sides with border of triple gilt fillets, with arms of Charles de France, Duc de Berry, stamped in gilt in center of each side, back panelled in gilt, with the crowned chiffre of the Duc de Berry in gilt in center and gilt fleur-de-lis at the four corners of each panel, inside gilt borders, marbled linings and fly-leaves, gilt over marbled edges. Paris: Nicolas Pepie, 1712 UNUSUALLY HANDSOME SPECIMEN OF BINDING FROM THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES DE FRANCE, DUC DE BERRY, SON OF THE GRAND DAUPHIN AND GRANDSON OF LouIS XIV. The design of the stamp differs from that shown by Guigard, in that besides the collars of the Orders of St. Michael and of the St. Esprit, there is a third, inner, collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Ir Is Most UNUSUAL TO FIND A STAMP WITH ALL THREE OF THESE COLLARS SHOWN. The crowned monogram is not mentioned by Guigard. With signatures of,—Madame Limousineau, and of,—Olympe Péchaut, 1836, on fly-leaves. 305. ROYAL BINDING FOR GEORGE II] oF ENGLAND. The Statutes at Large, Passed. in the Parliament held in Ireland. With Marginal Notes. [Volume X.]| Published by Authority. Engraved vignette on title. Thick folio, full crimson morocco, gilt sides with narrow border enclosing elaborate framework of scrolls with small harps interspersed, with coat-of-arms of George II] stamped in gilt in center, and in corners portrait of George III, surmountea by a crown, with monogram “G R” beneath, surrounded with printed in- scription “Long live the King,” all in gilt; full gilt panelled back with royal emblems, leather labels; inside narrow border of morocco with gilt; gilt edges. Dublin: Printed by George Grierson, M DCC LXXXVI [1786] An Exceedingly Interesting Copy, not alone for the splendid example of a late 18th Century Binding; but also for its American Revolutionary Interest. The Volume forming Vol. X of the Collection, and containing the Statutes for 1770-1775. Vol. X contains, All the Statutes that have passed from the Ninth Year of George the Third, to the Sixteenth Year, inclusive. TuHoet LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 306. RoyaL BINDING FOR THE DUCHESSE DE BERRY. Capelle. Hommage au Duc de Bordeaux, par la Garde Nationale de Paris . . . publié par Capelle. Engraved frontispiece. 16mo, full contemporary olive green straight-grain morocco, sides with framework of gilt and blind tooled designs, with the full arms of Caroline de Bourbon, Duchesse de Berry, stamped in gilt in center of each side, gilt panelled back, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY SIMIER. Paris, 1820 BOUND BY SIMIER FOR THE LIBRARY OF THE DUCHESSE DE BERRY, WITH HER ARMS STAMPED ON THE COVERS, AND WITH AN AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION IN- SCRIPTION OF Two PAGES WRITTEN BY THE AUTHOR TO THE DUCHESSE. Caroline-Ferdinande-Louise de Bourbon, born 1798, died 1870, was a daughter of the King of the Two Sicilies, and married Charles-Ferdinand, Duc de Berry, in 1816. Her library at Rosny was famed for its beautiful bindings and fine editions. 307. RusKIN (JoHN). Works of John Ruskin. Numerous illustrations. 9 vols. 8vo, f ae cite ak calf, sides with double gilt fillet border, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, contents lettered, gilt edges. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1879-1880 Contains all the plates which appeared in the English Edition. The set comprises: Modern Painters. 5 vols.; Stones of Venice. 3 vols.; Seven Lamps of Architecture. 308. SAND (GEORGE—Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin). Histoire de Ma Vie. 20 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Victor Lecou, 1854-1855 FINE Copy OF THE FirST EDITION. 6 engraved portraits inserted in Vol. I. 309. Scotr (SIR WALTER). Works of Sir Walter Scott, including Waverley Novels, Poetical, Dramatic and Prose Works; Works relative to and illustrative of the Waverley Novels, Biographies, etc. Together, 122 vols. 16mo, I12mo, 8vo and 4to, full crimson crushed French levant morocco, sides with triple fillet border and acorn corner designs, backs similarly tooled, contents lettered, inside border with gilt decoration, gilt edges, BY BIRDSALL. Edinburgh, London, Glasgow and Oxford, 1813-1838 [See Illustration of Binding] MAGNIFICENT SET OF SCOTT’S PROSE AND POETICAL WORKS, WITH ALL THE NECESSARY HALF-TITLES, ALL First EpDITIONS; also works relating to Scott and il- lustrations of his Waverley Novels. All are Edinburgh publications except where otherwise mentioned. UNDOUBTEDLY THE FINEST BOUND SET OF FIRST EDITIONS OF SCOTT’S WORKS OFFERED FOR PUBLIC SALE IN AMERICA: Comprising the following,— WAVERLEY NOVELS The Bridal of Triermain. 1813. With ‘ ‘Errata” slip; Waverley. 3 vols. 1814. With the separate printed printer’ $ page in vols. I and 2; Guy Mannering. 3 vols. 1815. With the separate printed “Errata” slip in vol. 3; The Antiquary. 3 vols. 1816. With a Glossary of I6pp.; Tales of My Landlord. [First Series.] 4 vols. 1816. Comprises,—The Black Dwarf, and Old Mortality; Tales of My Landlord. Second Series. 4 vols. 1818. Comprises,—The Heart of Mid-Lothian; Rob Roy. 3 vols. 1818. Tales of My Landlord. Third Series. 4 vols. 1819. With 4pp. of advertisement in the last volume. Comprises,—Bride of Lammermoor, and Legend of Mont- rose; Ivanhoe. 3 vols. 1820. With 4pp. of advertisement; [ Continued [60g ON] SNOILIGY LSaly AO LAS aqaLoaTio;) LLOOS WALTVM YS Tue LIBRARY OF MRS. WILLIAM Ponte Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 309. Works OF SIR WALTER SCoTT— Continued | The Monastery. 3 vols. 1820; The Abbot. 3 vols. 1820; Kenilworth. 3 vols. 1821; Tales of My Landlord. New Series. Containing Fair Witch of Glas Llyn. 3 vols. London, 1821; Lettered on back as by Walter Scott. There is a long Preface by the publisher relative to the controversy over some of Scott’s works in which his name is mentioned. These volumes have no half-titles; The Fortunes of Nigel. 3 vols. 1822; The Pirate. 3 vols. 1822; Peveril of the Peak. 4 vols. 1822; Quentin Durward. 3 vols. 1823; St. Ronan’s Well. 3 vols. 1824; Redgauntlet. 3 vols. 1824; Tales of the Crusaders. 4 vols. 1825. With 4pp. of advertisements in Vol. Comprises,—The Betrothed, and The Talisman; Woodstock. 3 vols. 1826; Chronicles of the Canongate. [First Series.] 2 vols. 1827. With 6pp. of adver- tisements in Vol. 2. Comprises,—Two Drovers, Highland Widow, and The Sur- geon’s Daughter; ‘Chronicles of the Canongate. Second Series. 3 vole: 1828. With 6pp. of adver- tisements in Vol. 3. Comprises,—St. Valentine’s Day, and The Fair Maid of Perth; Anne of Geierstein. 3 vols. 1829; Tales of My Landlord. Fourth Series. 4 vols. 1832. Comprises,—Count Robert of Paris, and Castle Dangerous. . POETICAL, DRAMATIC AND PROSE WORKS Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 9 vols. 1827; Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. 1806. 8vo; Rokeby, a Poem. 4to. 1813; The Lord of the Isles. Poem. 4to. 1815; The Field of Waterloo, a Poem. 8vo. 1815; Paul’s Letters to his Kinsfolk. 8vo. 1816; Harold the Dauntless, a Poem. I2mo. 1817; Miscellaneous Poems. Portrait. 8vo. 1820; Halidon Hall. A Dramatic Sketch from Scottish History. 8vo. 1822; The Doom of Devorgoil, a Melo-Drama. Auchindrane, or, the Ayrshire Tragedy. 8vo. 1830; Chronicles of the Canongate. I6mo. Edinburgh, no date. Comprising,—a portion of Vol. 41 of the author’s works; WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE TO OR OF THE WAVERLEY NOVELS Criminal Trials, illustrative of the tale entitled “The Heart of Mid- Lothian,” pub- lished from the original record. 1818; The Trials of James, Duncan, and Robert M’ Gregor, three sons of the Celebrated Rob Roy. 1818; Historical Memoirs of Rob Roy and the Clan MacGregor. By K. Macleay. Glasgow, 1819; Gascoigne’s Princely Pleasures with the Masque, intended to have been presented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth Castle in 1575. London, 1821; Laneham’s Letter Describing the Magnificent Pageants presented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth Castle in 1575, repeatedly referred to in the romance Kenilworth. London, 1821; An Historical Account of Cumner ... To which is annexed an Extract from Ashmole’s Antiquities of Berkshire, relative to that Transaction and illustrative of The Romance of Kenilworth. By Hugh Usher Tighe. Oxford, 1821; Letters to Richard Heber, Esq. containing critical remarks on the series of novels beginning with “Waverley” and an attempt to ascertain their author. Second Edition. London, 1822. This work is referred to at page 20 in the Introductory Epistle to the Fortunes of Nigel. Historical Illustrations of Quentin Durward, selected from the Memoirs of Philip de Comines, and other authors. Portrait. London, 1823; Illustrations, Historical, Biographical and Miscellaneous, of the Novels by the author of Waverley. By Rev. Richard Warner. London, 1823; The Waverley Album, containing Fifty-One Line Engravings to illustrate The Nov- els and Tales of Sir Walter Scott. Plates. London, 1833; Notices and Anecdotes Illustrative of the Incidents, Characters, and Scenery de- [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 309. Works OF SIR WALTER Scott—Continued | scribed in the Novels and Romances of Sir Walter Scott. With a Complete Glossary for all his Works. Illustrations, on India paper. Paris. 1833; Illustrations; Landscape, Historical, and Antiquarian, to the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Illustrations. London [1834]; Landscape Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, with Descriptions of the Views. Illustrations. 2 vcls. London, 1834; _ Portraits of the Principal Female Characters in the Waverley Novels; to which are added, Landscape Illustrations of The Highland Widow, Anne of Geierstein, Fair Maid of Perth, Castle Dangerous. Illustrations. London, no date; The Abbot; or, The Heir of Avenel. By the Author of Waverley. Epitomized by a Favourite Author. Colored frontispiece. London, no date; Kenilworth Castle, or, Strange Things in the Reign of Elizabeth. A Romance of the Sixteenth Century: By the Celebrated Author of Waverley, Ivanhoe, Pirate, etc. Epitomised by a Favourite Author. Colored frontispiece. London, no date. BIOGRAPHIES [LocKHART (J. G.).] Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Portrait inserted. 7 vols. 1837-1838. Inserted, hinged to fly-leaf, is a two-page Signed Autograph Letter by Sir Walter Scott to his Uncle, dated Edin. 30 May 1805, and relating to financial transactions. . [GILLIES (ROBERT PEARSE).] Recollections of Sir Walter Scott. London, 1837. 310. SECRET Court Memorrs. With portraits and illustrations on Japan paper, the frontispiece to each volume on plain paper colored by hand. Titles in red and black, within ruled margins, on Japan paper. 20 vols. 8vo, half blue crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Grolier Society, recent COMPLETE SET OF THIS LIMITED EDITION, 500 copies printed, of which this is, No. 250: comprising,— Court of Louis XIV; Court of Berlin. 2 vols.; Court of St. Cloud. 2 vols.; Empress Josephine. 3 vols.; Catherine II; Sweden and Denmark. 2 vols.; Madame de Montespan. 2 vols.; Cardinal de Retz; Henry IV; Marie Antoinette. 2 vols.; Marguerite de Valois; Louis XV and XVI. 2 vols. 311. SECRET MEMOIRS OF THE CouRTS OF EUROPE. With numerous portraits on Japan paper, the frontispieces in color. Titles in red and black. 24 vols. 8vo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Sons [1900] COMPLETE SET OF THE IMPERIAL EDITION, limited to 1000 copies: comprising,— Court of Louis XIV; Court of Berlin. 2 vols.; St. Cloud. 2 vols.; Letters Written at the End of the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols.; Royal Family of France. 2 vols.; Court of Austria. 2 vols.; Sweden and Denmark. 2 vols.; Madame de Montespan. 2 vols.; Marie Antoinette. 2 vols.; Marguerite de Valois. Louis XV.; Court of St. Petersburg; Empress Josephine. 2 vols.; William II and Francis Joseph. 2 vols. 312. SEVIGNE (MADAME DE). Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa Famille et de ses Amis. Recueillies et Annotées par M. Monmerqué. Nouvelle Edition, Revue sur les Autographes, les Copies les plus Authentiques et les plus Anciennes Impressions, et Augmentée de lettres inédites, etc. 14 vols. 8vo, and one vol. square royal 8vo. Together, 15 vols. half maroon crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, several leaves have slight fox-marks. Paris: Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie., 1862-1868 FINE TALL Copy of this valuable work of one of “Les Grands Ecrivains de la France,” published under the direction of M. A. Régnier. In fine condition. The last volume is an album containing a plate with 3 coats-of-arms, in colors; 4 portraits; 8 views; and 16 facsimile autograph letters; each piece mounted. Tue LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 313. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Writings of William Shakespeare. Edited by Israel Gollancz. Wauth portraits and illustrations, many of the portraits in colors. 12 vols. extended to 41 vols. small 8vo, full green crushed French levant- morocco, gilt fillet border on sides, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1899-1900 COMPLETE SET OF “THE Pace TEMPLE SHAKESPEARE,” limited to 500 copies for America. The text used is that of the “Cambridge” Edition. In this set each play is bound separately, thus adding to its usefulness as a charming handy-volume library edition. 314. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Williams (James Leon). The Home and Haunts - of Shakespeare. With an Introduction by Horace Howard Furness. Illustrated by 15 plates in watercolor, 45 full-page photogravures and more than 150 other illustrations. Imperial 4to, three-quarter dark green crushed levant morocco, full gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1892 315. SHELLEY (PERCY ByssHE). Prometheus Unbound, a Lyrical Drama in Four Acts, with other poems. 8vo, full green crushed French levant morocco, the front cover most richly decorated with a floral spray, extending from the center in curved stems into a wide border of red crushed levant morocco on which appear the leaves and flowers, the former in gilt, the latter in cream colored morocco onlays; the back finely tooled with a floral design, the center a panel of curved stems extending into corner sprays with onlaid flowers of various colored morocco; gilt panelled back; inside border of green morocco enclosing a wide doublure of brown crushed levant morocco, decorated with gilt fillets; brown watered silk end-papers, gilt top, BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE. Enclosed 1 in full straight-grain morocco case. London: C. and J. Ollier, 1820 [See Illustration of Binding] FINELY BOUND AND EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE UNCUT COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, containing the three half-titles, the leaf of contents with the word “Miscellaneous” correctly spelt, and the leaf of Ollier advertisements at the end. This work is one of the most important of the first editions of Shelley, not alone for the reason that it leads off with the “Prometheus Unbound,” but also in-that other poems are here first published, any one of which would have sufficed to render its author famous. 316. SHELLEY (PERCY ByssHE). The Poetical’ Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. | Edited by Mrs. Shelley. First Epirion. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, half claret crushed French levant morocco, gilt lettering on backs, gilt tops, uncut. ‘London: Edward Moxon, 1839 317. Srppons (Mrs. SaraH Scott—English tragedienne). Wax Medallion Por- trait, enamelled in colors, of Sarah Scott Siddons, the famous English actress, in the character of “Julia,” by John Flaxman, undated. Bust portrait in profile, turned to right. Signed,—Jo Flaxman. Mounted on black mat and framed in black wood under glass. Height, 434 inches; frame, height, 914; width, 7% inches. Beautiful medallion portrait of Mrs. Siddons, by the famous English artist, John Flaxman, 1755-1826. [STs “ON ] AAATITOLAS GaNV IYSHUOONVWS AG ONIGNIG. AQTIGHS AHSSAG ADUAd é . os Ke a: : STIZES gRSSAE 'Q Le SMROTKS SARA eres on pos >< ge peer pes ee. THoet LIBRARY OF Mrs. WI.uLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th | 318. SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Sanderson (John). Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Engraved title-pages. 9 vols. 8vo, full crimson crushed French levant morocco, panel borders on sides of circular lines, composed of black tooled bands between gilt fillets, same design repeated on backs, inside morocco-borders with gilt lines, and corner designs against background of gilt dots, gilt edges, By -BAYNTUN. Philadelphia: R. W. Pomeroy, 1827 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 125 plates, including 25 plates in color: containing portraits, views, and other illustrations. 319. SmiTH (F. HopKinson). Venice of To-Day. Extensively illustrated with full- page and text reproductions, a large number of the same in colors, including colored frontispiece with artist’s autograph signature in pencil. Atlas folio, sheets, uncut, in cloth case. New York: The Henry T. Thomas Company, 1896 ARTIST’S EDITION. Limited to 118 copies, of which this is, No. 58. Each illustra- tion mounted. “I have made no attempt in these pages to review the splendors of the past... . I have contented myself rather with the Venice that you see in the sunlight of a summer’s day; the Venice that. bewilders with her glory when you land at her water- gate.” PREFACE. 320. SMITH (JOHN RAPHAEL). Frankau (Julia). An Eighteenth Century Artist and Engraver. John Raphael Smith, His Life and Works. With 30 photo- gravures on Japan paper. Royal 8vo; [ALso] A Portfolio containing Fifty Examples of Stipples, Mezzotints, Paintings, and Drawings, Printed in Colours and Monochrome. Atlas folio. Together, 2 vols. full maroon crushed French levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt panelled backs, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, gilt tops, uncut. London: Macmillan and Co., 1902 The portfolio of plates, all of which are on India paper, including a number in colors, are reproductions of engravings by Smith after original paintings by Sir Joshua Reynolds, W. Peters, G. Romney, J. Hoppner, G. Engleheart, J. Opie, G. Morland, and J. R. Smith. The subjects include,—Portraits of Theophila Palmer, Mrs. O’Neil, Miss Cumberland, Mrs. Payne Galway, Lady Baumann, Mrs. Robin- son, Henrietta, Countess of Warwick, and others, also, The Child’s Prayer; A Christ- mas Holiday; Christmas Gambols; Thoughts on a Single Life; Snake in the Grass, eite The text includes a full description of the artist’s work. 321. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. A New Edi- tion, with Introductory Observations on the Faerie Queen, and Explanatory and Glossarial Notes. To which is prefixed, The Account of the Author’s Life, and Criticism of his works, by John Aikin, M.D. 5 vols. small 8vo, full polished calf, triple gilt fillet border on sides, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, BY WORSFOLD. London, 1842 Fine Library Edition, with notes at foot of pages. 322. SPORTING INCIDENTS: Being a Collection of Sixteen Plates done in Color with Numerous Smaller Cuts representing the Most Important Events of the Track Field and Road. The Designs by W. S. Vanderbilt Allen. With an Introduction by Colonel William Jay. The Whole Described in Text by H. Milford Steele. 16 full-page colored lithographs, and woodcuts in text. Atlas folio, leaves and plates loose. Enclosed in printed board portfolio. New York: Henry T. Thomas, 1894 Edition limited to 1000 copies. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 323. STEPHEN (LESLIE). Hoursina Library. 3 vols. 1892; Studies of a Biographer. 2 vols. 1898. Together, 3 vols. small 8vo, three-quarter cardinal crushed French levant morocco, janseneste, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York, 1892-1898 324. STERNE (LAURENCE). The Works of Laurence Sterne. 21 vols. 12mo, uni- formly bound in full red crushed French levant morocco, sides with border of fillets and doted line; full gilt backs, dentelle inside borders, gilt edges. London, 1760-1773 FINE COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS: Comprising,— The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy. 9 vols. London, 1760-1767. The first two volumes are without place or publishe1’s name. Dodsley’s name first appears in Vol. 3, with a frontispiece by Ravenet after Hogarth. In Vol. 5 the publisher’s name appears as T. Becket and P. A. de Hondt, the remainder of the volumes having the same imprint but with later dates, as first issued. Vols. 4, 5, 6, and 9 have the half-titles, and the AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF STERNE appears in Vols..5,-7, and 9. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. 2 vols. London: T. Becket and P. A. de Hondt, 1768. With the half-title in each volume. Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Portrait. 7 vols. London, [1760]—1769. Vols. r and 2 are without date; Vols. 3 and 4, Becket and de Hondt, 1766; Vols. 5, 6 and 7, Strahan, Millar, Becket and Co., 1769. Letters of the late Rev. Laurence Sterne, To his most intimate Friends. Portrait of Lydia Sterne de Medalle. 3 vols. London: T. Becket, 1775. — 325. STEVENSON (RoBERT Louis). Writings, Life and Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. 15 vols. 16mo to 8vo, uniformly bound in full red crushed levant. morocco, sides with gilt fillet borders, facsimile signature in gilt on front covers, gilt backs, lettered, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London, Edinburgh and New York, 1879-1912 [See Frontispiece for Illustration of Binding] MAGNIFICENT COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS, unless otherwise mentioned. Many with the original full cloth bindings or wrappers and back strips bound in: comprising ,— An Inland Voyage. Half-title designed by Walter Crane. London, 1878. The author’s first book. The original binding is not included. Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes. Frontispiece by Walter Crane. London, 1879. Virginibus Puerisque and other Papers. London, 1881. New Arabian Nights. 2 vols. London, 1882. Silverado Squatters. Frontispiece. London, 1883. FIRST PUBLISHED EDITION. With the 32-page adveitisement at end, dated November, 1887. Treasure Island. Frontispiece. London, 1883. Earliest issue with the first line of the verse on page 7 entirely in lower case letters, and with 8-page advertisement at end. Prince Otto, a Romance. Excerpt from Longman’s Magazine April-October, 1885. [London, 1885.] Original issue in the monthly magazine parts, with the original front wrappers for each month of the issue bound at end, and a specially printed title-page inserted. Prince Otto, a Romance. London, 1885. First edition in book form. With 32- page advertisement at end, dated, July, 1885. Original cloth front cover and back strip bound in. A Child’s Garden of Verse. London, 1885. Original front cover with ship in gilt, and back strip bound in. With fore and lower edges entirely uncut. [ Continued THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, N: ovember 16th [ No. 325. STEVENSON (ROBERT LouIs)—Continued | More New Arabian Nights.. The Dynamiter. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson. London, 1885. With the original green printed wrappers, but lacks the back strip. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. London, 1886. With the fawn-colored ' wrappers and leaf of advertisement bound in. The date on front wrapper printed 1885, and altered in ink to 1886. Tear in blank portion of first few leaves skilfully repaired. Kidnapped. Folding map. [London,] 1886. First Published Edition. With the 16-page advertisement and original cloth front cover and back strip bound in. The New Amphion, Being the Book of the Edinburgh University Union Fancy Fair. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1886. Contains “Some College Memories,” by Stevenson. The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables. London, 1887. With 32-page ad- * _-vertisement at end, dated, September, 1886. Memories and Portraits. London, 1887. With cloth front cover and back strip bound in. Underwoods. London, 1887. With 32-page advertisement dated, July, 1887. The Black Arrow: a Tale of the Two Roses. With 4-page advertisement of Stevenson’s Works and others, and additional 16-page list of Cassell’s publica- tions, making 2opp. in all, at end of volume, but without the preliminary page advertisement described by Prideaux. The Master of Ballantrae. A Winter’s Tale. London, 1889. First published Eng- lish edition. Lacks the preliminary page of advertisements, but the 20 pages at end are present. The Wrong Box. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. London, 1880. First Edition, First Issue, with the word “Contents” on page IV in large type and with type-ornament below, the later issue having this word in smaller type and no ornament. The 16-page advertisement at end is dated, January, 1889. With cloth front cover and back strip bound in. Father Damien. An Open Letter to the Reverend Doctor Hyde of Honolulu. London, 1890. First Published Edition. Lacks the blank leaf at end. Original brown front and back wrappers bound in. Ballads. London, 1890. Original blue cloth front cover and back strip bound in. Across the Plains, with Other Memories and Essays. London, 1892. Original cloth front cover and back strip bound in. The Wrecker. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. Illustrated. London, 1892. First Edition in Book Form. With 12-page advertisement at end, and original front cover and back strip bound in. A Footnote to History. Map. London, 1892. With 16-page advertisement, green cloth front cover and back strip bound in. Three Plays by W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. London, 1892. First Published Edition. Original cloth front cover and back strip bound in. Island Nights’ Entertainments. Illustrations. London, 1893. EARLIEST ISSUE, with the price altered in ink on leaf preceding half-title. Original cloth front cover and back strip bound in, with advertisements, 16pp. Catriona. A Sequel to “Kidnapped.” London, 1893. With 18pp. of advertisements at end, but lacking the preliminary leaf with advertisement of Stevenson’s works. Original cloth front cover and back strip bound in. War in Samoa. London: Reprinted from The Pall Mall-Gazette, September, 1893. Printed for private circulation only. With original red wrappers bound in, edges trimmed The Ebb-Tide. A Trio and Quartette. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. London, 1894. First English Edition. With advertisements, 20pp. at end. Vailima Letters. Portrait; title printed in red and black. London, 1895. First Edition, Large Paper Issue, printed on handmade paper and limited to 125 copies, of which this is, No. 47, autographed by the publishers. Original paper label preserved intact. Weir of Hermiston, An Unfinished Romance. Title in red and black. London, 1896. First Published Edition. Original cloth front cover and back strip bound in. Songs of Travel and Other Verses. Title in red and black. London, 1896. With the preliminary blank leaf and final leaf with publishers’ device, also advertisements. Original cloth front cover and back strip bound in. [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [| No. 325. STEVENSON (ROBERT Louis)—Continued ] A Mountain Town in France. A Fragment. With 5 illustrations (plates) by the author. New York and London, 1896. Limited Edition, consisting of 350 cop- ies, of which this is, No. 171. The circulation of the pamphlet was restricted to the United States. St. Ives. London, 1898. First English Edition. A Lowden Sabbath Morn. Illustrated by A.S. Boyd; title in red and black. London, 1898. First Separate Edition. PRESENTATION Copy from the illustrator to Sidney Colvin, Esq. (Stevenson’s friend and editor of some of his works), with Auto- graph inscription signed and dated, March 31, 1808. The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson to his Family and Friends. Selected and Edited with Notes and Introductions by Sidney Colvin. Portraits; titles in red and black. 2 vols. London, 1899. With an original wrapper of purple paper covered with gilt designs and Stevenson’s monogram, in each volume, and original paper label for Vol. II in that volume. In the South:Seas. Title in red and black. London, 1900. First English Published Edition. With original cloth front cover and back strip bound in. Essays of Travel. Title in red and black. London, 1905. First Collected Edition. Original buckram front cover and back strip bound in. Tales and Fantasies. Title in red and black. London, 1905. First Collected Edi- tion. Original buckram front cover and back strip bound in. Essays in the Art of Writing. Title in red and black. London, 1905. First Collected Edition. With the 4-page advertisement of 3s.6d. books, but lacks the 32-page advertisement at end. Original buckram front cover and back strip bound in. A Christmas Sermon. Title in red and black. London, 1906. First Separate Eng- lish Edition. Original front wrapper bound in. Lay Morals and Other Papers. Title in red and black. London, 1911. First Col- lected Edition. Original buckram front cover and back strip bound in. Records of a Family of Engineers. Title in red and black. London, 1912. ‘First Separate Edition. Original buckram front cover and back strip bound in. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. Portrait. London, 1912. First Separate English Edi- tion. Original buckram front cover and back strip bound in. A Letter to Mr. Stevenson’s Friends. [Apia, Samoa: Office of the Samoa Times, ] For Private Circulation, 1894. PRIVATELY PRINTED, Limited Issue. This little brochure was issued without wrappers. The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson, by Graham Balfour. Portrait and map; title in red and black. 2 vols. London, Igor. Original purple front cover with gilt decorations and monograms, and glazed paper label in each volume. The Faith of Robert Louis Stevenson, by John Kelman, Junr. Tvtle in red and black. Edinburgh and London, 1903. Original front cover and back strip with label intact, bound in. Robert Louis Stevenson, a Record, an Estimate, and a Memorial. Portrait and facsimiles. London, 1905. Original white buckram front cover and back strip, gilt lettered, bound in. 326. STOTHARD (THOMAS). Bray (Mrs. Anna E.). Life of Thomas Stothard. With Personal Reminiscences. Numerous illustrations from Stothard. Thick square 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, triple gilt fillet on sides with center and corner designs in gilt of scrolls and dots, full gilt panelled back, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, original wrappers and 16pp. of advertisements bound in. 3 London: John Murray, 1851 First EpITION. ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 96 plates, some folding plates, but most of them being inlaid to size. A number of the plates are after Stothard, and an ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING inserted opposite page 77. THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. WILLIAM #2) DoE EL. Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 327. STORY OF THE NATIONS (THE). Maps and illustrations. 75 vols. 12mo, half green crushed French levant morocco, panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1887-1909 CONTENTS Thirteen Colonies, by H. A. Smith, 2 vols.; United States, by E. E. Sparks. 2 vols.; The Coming of Parliament, by L. C. Jane; Parliamentary England, by E. Jenks; The Building of the British Empire, by A. T. Story, 2 vols.; South American Republics, by T. C. Dawson. 2 vols.; Modern Italy, by Pietro Orsi. ,Translated by M. A. Vialls; Story of the Jews, by James K. Hosmer; The Christian Discovery of Spain, by H. E. Watts; Modern Spain, by M. A. S. Hume; The Papal Monarchy, by W. Barry; Greece, by E. S. Shuckburgh; Portugal, by H. M. Stephens; The Story of Bohemia, by C.;E. Maurice; Story of the People of England in the Nineteenth Cen- tury, by Justin McCarthy. 2 vols.; The Crusades, by T. A. Archer and C. L. Kings- ford; British India, by R. W. Frazer; Medieval England, by Mary Bateson; Canada, by Sir J. Bourinot; Story of Ireland, by the Hon. Emily Lawless; The Story of South- Africa, by G. M. Theal; Story of Scotland, by J. Mackintosh; Story of Parthia, by G. Rawlinson; Story of Ancient Egypt, by George Rawlinson; Phoenicia, by Raw- linson; Story of Assyria, by Z. A. Ragozin; Story of Vedic India, by Z. A. Ragozin; The Story of Chaldea, by Z. A. Ragozin; Story of Media, Babylon, and Persia, by Z. A. Ragozin; Mexico, by Susan Hale; Spain, by E. E. Hale and Susan Hale; The Hansa Towns, by Helen Zimmern; Venice, by A. Wiel; Alexander’s Empire, by Prof. J. P. Mahaffy; The Story of Russia, by W. R. Morfil; Story of Poland, by W. R. Morfil; Austria, by S. Whitman; Story of Switzerland, by Lina Hug and R. Steda; Story of the Goths, by H. Bradley; The Tuscan Republics, with Genoa, by Bella Duffy; Story of Persia, by S. G. W. Benjamin; Hungary, by A. Vambery; Holland, by James E. T. Rogers; Germany, by Baring-Gould; The Franks, by Lewis Ser- geant; Modern France, 1789-1895, by André Lebon; Australasia, by Greville Tre- garthen; China, by R. K. Douglas; Buddhist India, by T. W. R. Davids; Mediaeval India, 712-1764 by S. Lane-Poole; Story of Turkey, by S. Lane-Poole; Story of the Moors in Spain, by S. Lane-Poole; Story of the Barbary Corsairs, by S. Lane-Poole; The Normans, by S. O. Jewett; Japan, by D. Murray; The Byzantine Empire, by C. W. C. Oman; Greece, by Prof. James A. Harrison; Roman Empire, B.C. 29-A.D. 476, by H. S. Jones; Medieval Rome, by W. Miller; Rome, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic, by A. Gilman; The Saracens from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Bagdad, by A. Gilman; Early Britain, by A. J. Church; Carthage, by A. J. Church; The Jews under Roman Rule, by W. D. Morrison; Wales, by O. M. Edwards; Story of Sicily, by E. A. Freeman; Mediaeval France, by G. Masson; West Indies, by Amos K. Fiske; Norway, by Hialmar H. Boysen; The Balkans, by W. Miller. ’ 328. STOWE (HARRIET BEECHER). Uncle Tom’s Cabin. First Epition. Jilus- trations. 2 vols. 12mo, full tobacco brown crushed levant morocco, gilt sides and back, inside morocco borders, gilt, Morris paper linings and end- leaves, gilt edges, original gilt decorated black cloth sides and back strips bound in. Boston: John P. Jewett & Company, 1852 329. STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Con- quest. New Edition, Revised and greatly augmented. Embellished with engraved portraits of every queen. 8 vols. 8vo, full polished peacock blue French crushed levant moiocco, sides with a framework of fillets with curved lattice corners, gilt panelled backs of similar design, wide inside gilt decorated morocco borders, Morris doublures and end-papers, gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN. London: Colburn and Co., 1851-1853 Brest LIBRARY EDITION IN CHOICE HAND-TOOLED BINDING. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 220 additional portraits and plates, most of them line-engravings, including a number of very choice and rare prints, many colored by hand. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 330. STRYIENSKI (Casimir). La Galerie du Régent, Philippe, Duc d’Orléans. Extensively illustrated with full-page and vignette photogravure reproductions, some in colors, of works of the great masters, including Veronese, Titian, Mola, Valentin, Rubens, Holbein, and other artists, all on Japan paper. 4to, full dark red crushed French levant morocco, sides with broad framework of foliate, grape and scroll design, enclosed between gilt fillets and narrow fleur-de-lis borders, inside corner scroll design, royal coat-of-arms in center within circular wreath; full-gilt panelled back with royal emblems, and the monogram P P in two panels, inside gilt scroll and fillet borders, gilt top, uncut, BY DURVAND. Enclosed in marbled board chamois-lined slip-case. Paris: Goupil et Cie, Manzi, Joyant et Cie, Successeurs, 1913 IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER EDITION, limited to 50 copies, of which this is, No. XX. One of the beautifully printed Goupil Art Publications. 331. [SURTEES (ROBERT SMITH).] Sporting Novels. Wzth colored plates and woodcuts by John Leech and “Phis.” 5 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt fillets on sides, backs gilt tooled in sporting emblems, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY MORRELL, several plates trimmed close, cutting into titles. London, 1853-1865 FINE SET OF THE FIRST EDITIONS IN BOOK Form: comprising,— Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour. With 13 colored plates and 84 woodcuts by Leech. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1853 Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrock’s Hunt. By the Author of “Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour,” “Jorrock’s Jaunts,” etc. etc. With 17 colored plates and 84 woodcuts by Leech. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1854 Genuine First Edition in book form, with date 1854 on title, and without the words, “Ask Mamma,” in title. “Ask Mamma,” or, The Richest Commoner in England. With 13 colored plates and 69 woodcuts by Leech. London: Bradbury and Evans,1858 Plain or Ringlets? With 13 colored plates and 44 woodcuts by Leech. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1860 Mr. Facey Romford’s Hounds. With 24 colored plates and uncolored title-vignette by Leech and “Phiz.” London: Bradbury and Evans, 1865 332. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Poems. Portrait. 6 vols.; Tragedies. 5 vols. Together, 11 vols. 8vo, full dark blue polished calf, gilt fillets on sides, full gilt panelled backs, leather labels, contents gilt lettered, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. ee London: Chatto and Windus, 1905 COMPLETE SET OF THE LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 110 sets, of which 100 sets only are for sale, this set being, No. 22. ; ; One of the finest and best sets of Swinburne’s works published. 333. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Works of John Addington Symonds; also: 1 vol. by his father, John Addington Symonds, Physician. 49 vols. extended and bound into 65 vols. 8vo and 12mo, three-quarter brown crushed French levant morccco, richly tooled gilt backs, gilt tops, some edges uncut. London, Oxford and Bristol, 1857-1902 [See Illustration of Binding] FINE COLLECTED SET OF First EpiTIons. Uniformly bound throughout. One of the finest collected sets of Symonds ever offered at public sale. All with the London imprint except where otherwise mentioned. The last volume mentioned is a Third Edition: comprising,— Principles of Beauty. By J. A. Symonds [Senior]. Illustrations. 12Wo. 1857. [ Continued THe Liprary oF Mrs. WiuuiAaM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 333. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON)—Continued | Autograph presentation inscription by the author; The Escorial. A Prize Poem. 12mo. Oxford, 1860. The author’s first work; Verses. 12mo. Printed for Private Circulation Only [Bristol] 1871. Not mentioned in the Dictionary of National Biography. A rare work of which only a limited number were printed; Miscellanies. By J. A. Symonds [Senior]. With an Introductory Memoir by his son. 8vo: Bristol, 1871. Without the words “With portrait;” An Introduction to the Study of Dante. Portrait. 12mo. 1872; Sketches in Italy and Greece. I2mo. 1874; Renaissance in Italy: comprising,—Age of the Despots. 1875; Revival of Learning. 1877; Fine Arts. 1877; Italian Literature. 1881; Catholic Reaction. 1886. 7 vols. extended and bound in 14 vols. 8vo, with specially prepared title-pages to the second volume of each subject; Shelley. 12mo. 1878; Many Moods. A Volume of Verse. 12mo. 1878; Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Tommaso Campanella. 12mo. 1878; Sketches and Studies in Italy. Frontispiece. 1879; New and Old. A Volume of Verse. 1880; Animi Figura. rI2mo. Uncut. 1882; Italian Byways. I2mo. 1883; Vagabunduli Libellus. 12mo. lower edges uncut. 1884; Wine, Women, and Song. [Dedicated to Robert Louis Stevenson.] 12mo, uncut. 1884; Shakespere’s Predecessors in the English Drama. 1 vol. extended to 2, with special title-page to the additional volume. 8vo, uncut. 1884; Ben Jonson. 12mo. 1886; Sir Philip Sidney. 12mo. 1886; Sir Thomas Browne’s Religio Medici . . . and other Essays. Edited, with an Introduction by J. A. Symonds. 12mo. 1886; Christopher Marlowe. Edited by Havelock Ellis. With a General Introduction by Symonds. Portrait. 12mo, uncut. 1887; . The Life of Benvenuto Celli. Newly translated into English. Engraved portrait, and 8 etchings by Laguillermte, also 18 reproductions of the works of the master. 2 vols. in 4, with special title-pages for the additional volume, uncut edges. Small 4to. 1888. Edition limited to 750 copies; Thomas Heywood. By A. W. Verity. Introduction by Symonds. Unexpurgated issue. Frontispiece. 12mo, uncut. 1888; Webster & Tourneur. Introduction by Symonds. Unexpurgated Edition. Front- tspiece. I2mo. 1888; The Memoirs of. Count Carlo Gozzi. Translated by Symonds. Portrait and 6 etchings by Lalauze, also 11 subjects illustrating Italian comedy by Sand, engraved on copper by A. Manceau, and colored by hand. 2 vols. extended to 4, small 4to, 1890, with specially prepared title-pages for the additional volumes, the latter being wrongly dated 1888. . Edition limited to 760 copies. The Engadine. A Guide to the District. Edited by F. de Beauchamp Strickland. [With articles by Symonds and others.] Maps, including the large pocket foiding map. 16mo. 1890; Essays, Speculative and Suggestive. 2 vols. 12mo, uncut. 1890; Our Life in the Swiss Highlands. Illustrations. 12mo. 1892; In the Key of the Blue, and other Essays. 12mo. 1893; Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Etched portrait and 50 reproductions of the works of the master. 2 vols. extended to 4, small 4to, with special title-pages to the additional volumes. Uncut. 1893; Walt Whitman. A Study. Portrait and 4 illustrations. Small 4to, 1893. This work appeared on the very day of Symonds death; Days Spent on a Doge’s Farm. By Margaret Symonds. Dedicated to her father John Addington Symonds. Illustrations. 8 vols. 1893; Blank Verse. Published after the author’s death. 8vo, uncut. 1895; A Problem in Modern Ethics. 8vo, uncut. 1896. Limited to 100 copies, and printed after the author's death; A Problem in Greek Ethics. 8vo. 1901. Limited to 100 copies printed for private circulation only, after the author's death; Studies of the Greek Poets. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. 1902; John Addington Symonds, a Biography. Compiled from his Papers and Corre- spondence. By H. F. Brown. Portraits and other illustrations on Japan paper. 2 vols. extended to 4, small 4to, uncut. 1895. [see ON] SNOLLIGY LSal yy TO LAS da LOaTTIO“) SGNOWAS NOLONIGGV NHOFL a aimee THe LiprarRy oF Mrs. WILLIAM F. SHEBHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 334. TALLEYRAND (PRINCE DE). Memoirs of the Prince de Talleyrand. Edited, with a Preface and Notes, by the Duc de Broglie. Translated by Raphaél Ledos de Beaufort. With an Introduction by the Honourable Whitelaw Reid. With a facsimile autograph letter and numerous full-page portraits. 5 vols. 8vo, half red polished calf, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. London, 1891-1892 An Important Work for the Student of History during the Napoleonic period 335. TAPESTRIES. Fenaille (Maurice). Etat Général des Tapisseries de la Man- ufacture des Gobelins, depuis son origine jusqu’a nos jours, 1600-1900. Extensively illustrated with full-page reproductions of the most famous Gobelin tapestries, after Charles Le Brun, Dulin, Christophe, N. Poussin, Noél Coypel, Raphaél, Jules Romain, and others. 4 vols. thick imperial 4to, half crimson crushed French levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, Libraire Hachette & Cie, 1903 Edition on “papier vélin” limited to 325 copies, of which this is, No. 155. - A most extensive and sumptuous publication. 336. TAPESTRY. Thomson (W. G.). A History of Tapestry, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. With 4 plates in color, and numerous reproductions in black and white. Thick imperial 8vo, half brown crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1906 337. Tasso. Wiffen (J. H.). Jerusalem Delivered; an Epic Poem, in Twenty Cantos. Translated into English Spenserian Verse from the Italian of Tasso; together with a Life of the Author, interspersed with Translations of his Verses to the Princess Leonora of Esto; and a List of English Crusad- ers. Portrait and woodcut vignette to each of the 20 cantos. 2 vols. royal 8vo, contemporary full red morocco, sides with gilt fillet bands and blind-tooled floral border, gilt backs, gilt edges, margins of frontispiece and several leaves slightly foxed. London, 1824-1825 LARGE PAPER. Edition limited to 250 copies. 338. TELEMACHUS. Fénelon (Francois de Salignac de la Mothe). Les Aventures de Télémaque, fils d’Ulysse. With numerous finely engraved plates, including portrait of Fénélon. 2 vols. 16mo, Paris, An VII. (1798); FITZGERALD (FRANcIS—Translator). The Adventures of Telemachus, son of Ulysses. From the French of Fenelon. Wzth the fine series of copperplates. 8vo, full sprinkled calf. London, 1792. Together, 3 vols. 339. TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp). The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. Frontis- piece portraits, vignettes on titles printed in red and black. 10 vols. royal 8vo, full dark blue limp morocco, gilt armorial design on front covers, gilt letter- ing on backs, gilt tops, uncut, six backs torn. New York: Henry T. Thomas, 1893 - - ROUND TABLE EDITION. LARGE PAPER, printed at the Norwood Press, on English hand-made paper, limited to 500 copies, of which this is, No. 88. Signed by Berwick & Smith. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 340. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Works of William Makepeace Thack- eray. 52 vols. 12mo to 4to, uniformly bound in full red crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet and dotted borders on sides, gilt backs, lettered, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London, 1840-1879 [See Illustration of Binding] MAGNIFICENT COLLECTED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS, except as mentioned below, and each volume with the original cloth, glazed pictorial boards or pictorial wrappers, mostly with back strips preserved, and advertisements, bound in, unless otherwise stated: comprising,— An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. (From the Westminster Review, No: LXVI.) . With 17 full-page plates and. 39 woodcuts by George Cruikshank. Original blue cloth sides and back bound in. [London,] 1840. Complete with all the plates, the plate “Philoprogenitiveness” is here found in its proper place. The Paris Sketch Book. Plates and woodcuts. 2 vols. London, 1840. Small tear in first two leaves of text of Vol. I skilfully repaired. Original dark slate-blue cloth sides and back bound in, back lettered, in gilt,—[Ornament] /Titmarsh’s / Paris /Sketches /I [2] /[Ornament]/Coat of arms. The copy described by Van Duzer, in brown cloth, was lettered differently, as was also his copy in boards. Comic Tales and Sketches. With 12 plates, tinted. London, 1841. Frontispiece of Vol. I backed and small tear repaired. The Irish Sketch-Book. Illustrated. 2 vols. London, 1843. Small tear in half-title of Vol. II skilfully repaired. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Engraved colored frontispiece and 15 uncolored woodcuts in text. London, 1846. With 16-page advertisement, dated December, 1845, bound at end. ; . Mrs. Perkins’s Ball. With 22 colored plates, including illustrated title. ([London, 1847.| Genuine First Edition, with the Plates Colored, no Lettering, and with page 47 blank. Original back strip somewhat frayed and trimmed down. “Our Street.” With 16 colored plates, including illustrated title. London, 1848. First Edition, with the plates colored. Lacks original back strip. The Book of Snobs. Title vignette and 65 small woodcuts and initials in text. Lon- don, 1848. The leaf of Advertisement is bound at the end of the volume. Small corners restored on several leaves. Vanity Fair, A Novel without a Hero. With 4o plates and 150 woodcuts. London, 1848. First Edition, Second Issue, with the name, “Mr. Pitt,” on page 453, but without the “Marquis of Steyne” woodcut and with roman type at head of first page. The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. With 10 plates, including engraved title. London, 1849.. With the original leaf of publish- ers’ advertisements. The yellow wrappers of the Second Edition (from the “Mis- cellanies”), 1857, are bound with this copy, instead of the original glazed boards belonging to the copy, the correct binding for this copy being bound up in the Second Edition copy mentioned below. Doctor Birch and His Young Friends. Title vignette uncolored, and 16 colored plates, including engraved title. London, 1849. With leaf of advertisement at end. Orig- inal back strip lacking. ‘ Rebecca and Rowena. A Romance upon a Romance. With S& plates and title _ vignette colored, and two uncolored woodcuts, by Richard Doyle. London, 1850. It is unusual to find the title vignette colored, as in this copy. ; The History of Pendennis. With 48 engraved plates, including engraved titles, and numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. London, 1849-1850. First Edition in Book Form. , The Kickleburys on the Rhine. With 15 colored plates, including illustrated title. London, 1850. Lacks original back strip. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. Second Edition. [With Preface, “An Essay on Thunder and Small Beer,” not included in First Edition.] Wuth colored plates. London, 1851. Wrappers repaired, back strip lacking. The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. Written by Himself. 3 vols. London, 1852. With the 16-page advertisement of Smith, Elder and Co., October, 1852, at end of Vol. III. Original paper labels on back strips. The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century. A Series of Lectures, deliv- ered in England, Scotland, and the United States of America. London, 1853. First Published Edition. The Newcomes. Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family. Edited by Arthur Pen- dennis, Esq. With 48 engraved plates, including engraved title, and numerous woodcuts by Richard Doyle. 2 vols. London, 1855. First Edision in Book Form. [ Continued THe LipRAaRY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 340. ‘THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE—Continued | The Rose and the Ring; or, The History of Prince Giglio and Prince Balbo: With 8 plates, including frontispiece, and 48 woodcuts in the text. London, 1855. Lacks original back strip. Ballads. Title vignette. London, 1855. First Collected Edition. This is one of the “Miscellanies.” The front wrapper is dated 1856, but an old signature on adver- tisement leaf preceding half-title is dated Nov. 7, 1855, showing that the volume was issued before that date, and the wrapper post-dated. The Book of Snobs. Title vignette. London, 1855. Second Edition. This is one of the “Miscellanies,” originally published in “Punch,” 1846-1847, and reissued in book form in 1848. This edition was issued without Ba E Se: excepting the “Jester” vignette on title. Front wrapper dated 1856. The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan. Tuiile een London, 1855. First Separate Edition. This is one of the “Miscellanies,” and was first issued with “Comic Tales and Sketches,” in 1841. : The Fatal Boots, and Cox’s Diary. Title vignette. London, 1855. . First Separate Edition. This is one of the “Miscellanies,” the stories originally appearing in the “Comic Almanack” 1839. Front wrapper dated 1856. Original back strip lacking. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles Yellowplush, and the Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. Title vignette. London, 1856. First Publication in Book Form. This is one of the “Miscellanies.” Lacks the original back strip. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq., of the Kingdom of Ireland Title vignette. London, 1856. First English Edition in Book Form, and one of the few copies without the Words,—“The Right of Translation is Reserved,” at Foot of Title-Page. Has two leaves of advertisements at end. Lacks original back strip. Sketches and Travels in London. Title vignette. London, 1856. First English Edi- tion in Book Form. One of the “Miscellanies.” Novels by Eminent Hands, and Character Sketches. Title vignette. London, 1856. First Separate Publication in Book Form. One of the “Miscellanies.” Original back strip slightly damaged Burlesques. A Legend on the Rhine: Rebecca and Rowena. Title vignette. Lon- don, 1856. First Publication in Book Form of the first svory, re-issue of the second. One of the “Miscellanies.” Original back strip lacking. ‘A Little Dinner at Timmins’s: and the Bedford-Row Conspiracy. Title vignette. London, 1856. First Publication in Book Form. One of the “Miscellanies.” Contains two leaves of adveritsements. Small tears in title skilfully repaired. A Shabby Genteel Story. Title vignette. London, 1857. First English Edition in ' Book Form. One of the “Miscellanies.” The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. Tiile vignette. London, 1857. Second Edition. One of the “Miscellanies.” First published in 1849. With this copy are bound up the original wrappers of the First EDITION, lacking back strip. The correct wrappers for this copy are bound in the First Edition copy, mentioned above. F The Fitz-Boodle Papers: and Men’s Wives. Title vignette. London, 1857. First English Edition in Book Form. One of the “Miscellanies.” Lacks original back strip. The Virginians, a tale of the last Century. Illustrations on steel and wood, by the author. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1858-1859. Lovel the Widower. With illustrations. London, 1861. First English Edition in Book Form. jae The Four Georges: Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court, and Town Life. Illus- trations. London, 1861. First English Edition, First Issue, with full title, and with the advertisements at end dated, November, 1861. The Adventures of Philip on his Way through the World. 3 vols. London, 1862. First Edition in Book Form. Original brown cloth bindings preserved, and with 16-page Publishers’ Advertisement dated July, 1862, bound at end of Vol. ITI. Roundabout Papers. Reprinted from “The Cornhill Magazine.” Illustrations. London, 1863. First Collected Edition. There are no advertisements in this copy. Denis Duval. London, 1867. First English Edition in Book Form, of Thackeray's last work. Thackeray the Humourist and the Man of Letters. The Story of his Life, including a Selection from his Characteristic Speeches, now for the First Time gathered Together. By Theodore Taylor. [John Camden Hotten.] With photograph from life and original illustrations. London, 1864. First Edition. Inserted is an original Advertisement leaf announcing the publication of Vanity Fair, 1847. [ Continued [ors ON | SNOLLIG4 LSAT WO LAS daLow Tor) AVUAMOVAL AOVaAdaSVN WVITTIM Toe LIBRARY OF MR&s. WILLIAM FEF. DoE EH AS Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th | [ No. 340. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE—Continued | Thackerayana. Notes and Anecdotes. Compiled by Joseph Grego. Illustrated by nearly 600 sketches by Thackeray. London, 1875. First Edition, First Issue, containing the pages afterwards suppressed. A few small marginal tears repaired. The Orphan of Pimlico, and other Sketches, Fragments and Drawings. Portraii and illustrations in two states, colored and plain. London, 1876. First Edition, with the plates in two states, only a few copies being so issued. With original gray paper tides and leather back strip bound in. Sketches after English Landscape Painters. By L. Marvy. With Short Notices by W. M. Thackeray. With 20 colored plates.. London [1850]. First Edition, with the plates in colors, only a few copies being so issued. Etchings by the late William Makepeace Thackeray, while at Cambridge, Illus- trative of University Life, etc. etc. Now Printed from the Original Plates. II etchings on 8 plates, colored by hand. London [1878]. First Edition with the plates colored, only a very few copies so issued. Thackeray By Anthony Trollope. London, 1879. First Edition. 341. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The History of Pendennis. First 342. EpitTion. Wath illustrations on steel and wood by the author, 2 vols. 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet and dotted line borders and back panels, inside morocco borders with gilt fillets, gilt tops, uncut, original cloth sides) and back strips bound in, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1849-1850 THOMSON (RICHARD). An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John: To which are added, the Great Charter in Latin and English; Explanatory Notes on their several Privileges; a Descriptive Account of the Principal Originals and Editions Extant, both in Print and Manuscript. Each page printed within woodcut borders containing various allustrations. Thick 8vo, full brown crushed French levant morocco, sides with panel border of onlaid black morocco between gilt fillets; panelled back in gilt and onlaid black morocco; wide inside borders of brown morocco with gilt lines and corner ornaments in floral design; gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN. En- closed in chamois-lined salmon colored cloth slip-case. London: Printed for John Major, 1829 FirsT EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 40 engraved plates, in- cluding portraits and scenes, 11 of which are in colors. Some mounted and inlaid to size. 343. THOREAU (HENRY Davip). The Writings of Henry David Thoreau. 20 vols. 1906; [ALso] A Bibliography of Henry David Thoreau. Compiled by Francis H. Allen. 1908. Portraits and numerous fine plates. Together, 21 vols. half purple crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents let- tered, gilt tops, uncut. ~ © Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1906 COMPLETE SET OF THE MANUSCRIPT EDITION, so called for the reason that the set contains A QUARTO PAGE OF ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT BY THOREAU. The edition, limited to 600 numbered sets, of which this is, No. 417 was quickly sold, and is now entirely out of print. The Bibliography of Henry Thoreau, is limited to 530 copies, of which this is, No. 226. One of the five sets printed at the Riverside Press: comprising,— A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers; Walden; Maine Woods; Cape Cod and Miscellanies; Excursions and Poems; Familiar Letters and Index; Journal. 14 vols.; Bibliography. Compiled by F. H. Allen. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 344. TOCQUEVILLE (ALEXIS DE). Democracy i in America. Translated by Henry Reeve. Map. 4 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, gilt tops, BY BAYNTUN. Tear in map repaired. London, 1835-1840 First EDITION IN ENGLISH. Best large-type issue. 345. TREVELYAN (GEORGE OTTO). Works of George O. Trevelyan. Maps. To- gether, 6 vols. extended and bound in 12 vols. 8vo, dark green crushed French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillet borders, gilt fillet panelled backs, gilt tops. London, 1880-1914 FINE SET OF THIS RARE WorK, ALL First EDITIONS: comprising,—Early History of Charles J. Fox. 1 vol. in 2. 1880; The American Revolution. 5 parts extended and bound in 10 vols., comprising, —Part 1 [Pre-Revolutionary Days] 1766-1776. 1 vol. extended to 2 vols. 1899; Parts 2 and 3 [Revolutionary Days.] 2 vols. extended to 4 vols. 1903-1907; Parts 4 and 5. George Third and Charles Fox [comprising] the Concluding Part of the American Revolution. 2 vols. extended to 4 vols. I912-1914. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION of 691 engraved portraits and views, of persons prominent in the American Revolution and of places of historical interest. 346. TREVELYAN (GEORGE MacauLay). Garibaldi’s Defence of the Roman Re- public. Maps and illustrations. 1907; Garibaldi and the Thousand. Maps and illustrations. 1909; Clio, a Muse and other Essays Literary and Pedes- trian. 1913; Garibaldi and ‘the Making of Italy. Maps and illustrations. 1911. ALL First Epitions. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and tops, one volume of a lighter shade than the others. London, 1907-1913 347. TROLLOPE (T. ApoLpHus). A History of the Commonwealth of Florence. 4 vols. 8vo, half purple crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs with fleur- de- lys design, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. London: Chapman and Hall, 1865 First Epition. Extra-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 34 engraved portraits and views. 348. TURGENIEFF (IVAN). The Novels and Stories of Ivan Turgénieff. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. With an Introduction by Henry James. With titles and illustrations on Japanese vellum paper. 16 vols. royal 8vo, three-quarter brown crushed French levant morocco, contents lettered in gilt on backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903-1904 Limited Edition of 204 copies, printed on Ruisdael handmade paper, of which this is, No. 101. Now Out OF PRINT AND SCARCE. One of the finest editions of this author’s works published: comprising,— Memoirs of a Sportsman. 2 vols.; Rudin; A Nobleman’s Nest; A King Lear of the Steppes; On the Eve; Fathers and Children; Smoke; Virgin Soil. 2 vols.; Diary of:a Superfluous Man; First Love; Phantoms; A Reckless Character; Spring Freshets; The Brigadier; The Jew. THe LIBRARY OF Mrs. Wi.uuiAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 349. TURNER (J. M.W.). Armstrong (Sir Walter). Turner. Illustrated with numer- ous full-page and text reproductions in photogravure of the artist's works. Thick royal 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, full gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Thomas Agnew and Sons, 1902 Of this important work only 1000 copies were printed on Special Paper, of which this is, No. 896. Contains a list of ees: in oil and watercolor, and drawings; their size, location of owners, etc. 350. UZANNE (OcTAvE). L’Eventail. 1882; L’Ombrelle—Le Gant—Le Manchon. 1883. Both volumes illustrated by Paul Avril, plates in two states, before and after letters; titles in red and black with vignettes in blue; marginal decorations. Together, 2 vols. royal 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet bor- ders on sides, gilt backs, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, origi- nal decorated silk covers with ribbon ties, and original pictorial fly-leaves bound in, BY KRAFFT. Paris, 1882-1883 LIMITED EDITIONS, 100 copies of each volume printed on Japan paper. 51. VERLAINE (PAUL). The Collected Works of Paul Verlaine. French Text. Together, I0 vols. small 8vo, sides of figured cloth, black morocco backs with gilt lettering, gilt tops, uncut, some leaves foxed; 3 of the vols. have original wrappers, and 3 others have front wrappers only, bound in. Paris, 1886-1896 ALL but four of the volumes ARE First EDITIONS. Seven of the volumes have the autograph signature, some with date, others with address, of Vance Thompson, and all but one have his bookplate inserted: comprising,— Louise Leclercq. 1886; Les Memoires d’un Veuf. 1886; Mes Hopitaux. 1891; Mes Prisons. 1893; Dans les Limbes. 1894; Invectives. 1896. ALL First EDITIONS; Amour. 1892; Liturgies. 1893; Poésies Completes. 1895; Les Poétes Maudits. Undated. Lacks title-page. 352. VICTORIAN ANTHOLOGY (A). Edited by William Knight. Portrait of Rossetti and engraved title-page on Japan paper. 12mo, full brown crushed French levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet borders enclosing elaborate de- sign, with large rosette in center, filled with floral sprays and dots, indented circular border composed of gilt dots, margins filled with floral sprays . and dots; full gilt panelled back, doublures and end-leaves of light pink moire silk, the former with broad brown morocco borders with gilt fillets and floral sprays in margins, gilt top. London: George Newnes, undated 353. VILLARI (PASQUALE). Life and Times of Girolamo Savonarola. 2 vols. New York, 1890; The Life and Times of Niccolo Machiavelli. 2 vols. New York, 1891. Portraits and tllustrations. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1890-1891 354. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. AROuET DE). The Age of Louis XIV. to which is added, An Abstract of the Age of Louis XV. Translated from the last Geneva Edition of M. De Voltaire, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by R. Griffith. Portraits and map. 3 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, Morris end-papers, BY RIVIERE. London, 1779-1781 Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue 355. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. AROUET DE). The Works of M. de Voltaire. Translated from the French. With Notes, Historical and Critical. By Dr. Smollett, and others. Engraved frontispieces in all but three volumes. 35 vols. 12mo, full old sprinkled calf, new leather labels; name in ink on first title. | London: Printed for J. Newberry, 1761-1765 First COMPLETE COLLECTED EDITION OF VOLTAIRE’S WORKS IN ENGLISH. 356. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. AROUET DE). La Henriade. 10 full-page engravings by Masquelier, Delignon, Patas, Helman, Romanet, after Moreau le Jeune. [1782;] La Pucelle d’Orléans. Poéme en Vingt-Un Chants. With 25 full- page engravings, portraits and illustrations, by Tardieu, Betsson, Dambrun, Simonet, Fosseyeux, Baquoy, Triere, and others, mostly after Moreau le Jeune. [1788—1789;] Romances, Novels and Tales. Portrait. 2 vols. London, 1806. Together, 4 vols. uniformly bound in full polished mottled calf, triple gilt fillets on sides, full gilt panelled backs, leather labels, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, two of the vols. have gilt over uncut edges, BY MORRELL. [Paris, 1782-1789] and London, 1806 “La Henriade” and “La Pucelle” are without title pages, a half-title taking the place of each. They form part of the Complete Collected Set of Voltaire published at the time. 357. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. AROUET DE). (Euvres, avec Notice, par F. Dillaye Portrait. 3 vols. 16mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris, 1877; DUMAS (ALEXANDER). Joseph Balsamo. 5 vols. 12mo, half blue polished morocco, gilt backs and tops. Paris, no date; MAETERLINCK (MAUvURICE). Théatre. 3 vols. 12mo, half brown crushed levant morocco. Bruxelles and Paris, 1903. Together, 11 vols. 358. WALLACE CoLLEcTIoN. The Wallace Collection (Objets d’Art) at Hertford House. Text by Emile Molinier with an Introduction by Lady Dilke. 10 parts. Extensively illustrated with 119 (should be 121) full-page reproductions, many in colors, and numerous photogravure reproductions in text, of silver cups, bronze statuettes, miniatures, snuff boxes, armour, old French furniture, medallions, and other objects of art. 10 parts, folio, printed wrappers, uncut. Enclosed in 2 portfolios. Paris: Goupil & Co., Manzi, Joyant & Co., Successors, 1903 Edition limited to 200 copies printed for the United Kingdom and America, of which this is, No. 23. 359. WALPOLE (Horace). The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Now First Chronologically Arranged. Engraved portraits and rubricated title-pages. 9 vols. thick 8vo, three-quarter olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN, margin of leaf repaired. London: Richard Bentley, 1857-1859 FINE Copy. First EDITION of Walpole’s Letters, edited by Peter Cunningham. EXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 387 engraved portraits and illustrations, some in colors, many of the plates mounted and inlaid to size. THe LIBRARY OF MRs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 360. WALPOLE (HorAcE). Dobson (Austin). Horace Walpole, a Memoir, with an 2361. Appendix of Books Printed at The Strawberry-Hill Press. 12mo, full brown crushed French levant morocco, janseneste, back lettered in gilt, inside gilt fillet and floral border, Morris end papers, gilt top, uncut, in board slip-case. New York, 1893 LARGE PAPER Copy. One of 250 copies printed. Extra-Illustrated with 100 Rare Plates, including many on Japan Paper and some Proofs on India paper. The Appendix of “Strawberry Hill Press” Publications is an important Bibliographi- cal Contribution. WALTON (IZAAK) AND Corron (CHARLES). The Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. To which are added, an Introductory Essay; the Linnean Arrangement of the Various River Fish delineated in the Work; and Illustrative Notes. Second Edition. With 14 copperplates, on India paper, and 77 woodcuts. 1824; WALTON (I.). The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hook, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. To which are added, The Autographs of those Eminent Men, now first collected; An Index, and Illustrative Notes. With 11 copperplates, on India paper, and 52 woodcuts. 1825. Together, 2 vols. small 8vo, full green morocco, sides with double gilt fillet borders with gilt ornaments in corners, gilt panelled back, gilt inside border, gilt edges, BY ROOT & SON. London: John Major, 1824-1825 362. WarpD (Mrs. Humpury). The Writings of Mrs. Humphry Ward. With 363. Introductions by the Author. Extensively illustrated with photogravure por- traits, scenes illustrative of the works, and views taken from original photo- graphs, all on Japanese paper. 16 vols. 8vo, half cyan-blue crushed French levant morocco, full gilt panelled backs with small onlays of crimson morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1909-1910 COMPLETE SET OF THE AUTOGRAPH EDITION, limited to 750 numbered and signed copies, of which this is, No. 355. WITH THE AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE on fly-leaf of Vol. I, and AN ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT LEAF BY THE AUTHOR IN EACH OF VOLS. 7, lO At anders, j One of the beautiful Riverside Press editions, printed on special paper: compris- ing,— Robert Elsmere. 2 vols.; History of David Grieve. 2 vols.; Marcella. 2 vols.; Sir George Tressady. 2 vols.; Eleanor; Fenwick’s Career, and The Story of Bessie Costrell; Lady Rose’s Daughter; Helbeck of Bannisdale; Daphne, Canadian Born; The Marriage of William Ashe; The Testing of Diana Mallory; The Case of Richard Meynell. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Irving (Washington). The Life of George Wash- ington. With India proof illustrations and full-page plates. 5 vols. ex- tended to Io vols. imperial 8vo, full red crushed French levant morocco, sides with framework of gilt arabesques connected with dotted lines within double gilt fillet border, American Eagle and shield in gilt on front covers, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1889 LETTER PRESS ISSUE OF THE CENTENNIAL EDITION, limited to 300 copies, of which this is, No. 9 SPECIALLY Berelvere ATED SET EXTENDED FROM 5 VOLS. TO 10 VOLs., by the insertion of 500 engraved portraits and views, and 50 Autograph Letters and Docu- ‘ments, including portion of the original manuscript of the works, and special title- pages. [ Continued Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 363. WASHINGTON (GEORGE)—Continued | The Autograph Material comprises a representative selection, many of the impor- tant names connected with the Revolutionary period, including five Signers. The illustrations include many rare contemporary plates of battle scenes and views. Be- sides those depicting episodes of Washington’s youth and early manhood, there are many portraits of Washington including reproductions of many of the most authentic paintings and engravings in which he is portrayed. This work was selected for extra-illustration because it is a faithful characteristic picture of Washington, and an admirably clear, comprehensive and impartial pre- sentation of the military operations of the Revolutionary War. Among some of the more important material is the following,— AUTOGRAPHS © IRVING (WASHINGTON). Page of the Original Autograph Manuscript of the above works. Ip. 8vo. Refers to the Conway Cabal, with numerous corrections. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Autograph Letter Signed. Ip. 4to, Williamsburg, December 5, 1773. To Robert Cary. With address. Fine specimen of Washing- ton’s wax seal showing his coat-of-arms. Refers to the transfer of certain moneys to the account of his step-son, George Washington Parke Custis, a part of whose lands had been sold. FAIRFAX (SIR WILLIAM—Washington’ s Boyhood Friend and Patron). Document Signed. 1p. folio, November 19, 1741. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Document Signed, 1p. folio, Philadelphia, January 20, 1786. Certificate of Membership in the Philadelphia Philosophical Society of Gen. Arthur St. Clair. Signed also by the celebrated Bishop William White, John Edwing, Samuel Vaughn and others; ABERCROMBY (GENERAL JAMES—British General in French and Indian War). Autograph Document Signed, 1p. folio, November 18, 1794. Muster Roll of “His Majesty’s 78th & a detachment of the 80th Regiment.” IRVING (WASHINGTON). Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. 8vo, Sunnyside, February 19, 1856. To Rev. S. R. Johnson. Speaks of his ill health. HENRY (PATRICK). Document Signed, 1p. 12mo, Richmond, February 9, 1785. Allotment of land to George Cummins for three years service as a member of the Virginia State line. Signed also by Thomas Meriwether; HANCOCK (JOHN). Document Signed, Ip. folio, Boston, May 6, 1784. A Splendid signature. NorTH (FREDERICK, Lorp—British Statesman). Document Signed, rp. folio, Whitehall, February 2, 1768. Important document of the French and Indian War period, being the order for the payment of salary to General John Tabor Kempe, Aitorney General of and in the Province of New York. TRUMBULL (JOHN). Autograph Document Signed, Ip. oblong 8vo, June 24, 1790. Acknowledging subscriptions for two of his prints, one, representing “The Battle of Bunker’s Hill” and the other the “Death of General Montgomery.” HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp. 4to, June 12, 1795. To the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of New York. An interesting letter giving his legal opinion as to the rights of a water-front land owner to construct wharfage beyond high-water mark in the City of Albany. HARRISON (BENJAMIN). Document Signed, 1p. 8vo, Richmond, April 8, 1783. The document is in the handwriting of Thomas Meriwether by whom it 1s also signed. MIFFLIN (THOMAS). Document Signed, Ip. 4to, Philadelphia, September 29, 1787. DEARBORN (HENRY, GENERAL). Letter Signed, rp. folio, Washington, May 11, 1805. To Oliver Phelps. Relative to a treaty about to be negotiated with a Western tribe of Indians. CARLETON (Guy, GENERAL). Document Signed, Ip. folio, April 30, 1767. Warrant for the issuance of money for subsistance for the “6oth or Royal American Regi- ment of Foot.” Burr (AARON). Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. 4to, February 1, 1797. JAy (Joun). Letter Signed, 1p. folio, New York, April 25, 1796. To Thomas Mifflin, Governor of Pennsylvania, acknowledging receipt of Governor Mifflin’ s “Proclamation for preventing unwarrantable intrusion of Pennsylvania lands.” Jay at that time was Governor of New York. MONROE (JAMES—President). Letter Signed, 2pp. folio, Washington, January 8, 1812. To Fulwar Skipwith who was appointed by P-esident Madison as agent ‘on the Island of Hayti. Morris (ROBERT). Document Signed, 3pp. folio, Philadelphia, October 9, 1794. Share in a land enterprise of which Morris was president. [ Continued THe LIBRARY OF Mprs. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th [ No. 363. WASHINGTON (GEORGE)—Continued SCHUYLER (PHILIP, GENERAL). Document Signed, three times, rp. oblong 8vo, April 4, 1788. CLINTON (GEORGE, GENERAL). Document Signed, 1p. folio, Poughkeepsie, April 28, 1781. The Commission of Pheyney Moore as a Lieutenant in a.regiment to be raised for the defense of the State. LreE (HENRY, GENERAL—“Light Horse Harry”). Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. Ato, September 30, 1796. With address. LA FAYETTE (MARQUIS DE, GENERAL). Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. 4to. To Peter de Ponceau. With address. Fine specimen, in French. GALLATIN (ALBERT). Letter Signed, 2pp. 4to [Philadelphia] March 29, 1804. To © David Harris. BURGOYNE (SIR JOHN, GENERAL). Document Signed, Ip. large folio, Northamp- ton, October 31, 1759. Muster Roll of “His Majesty's Sixteenth Regiment of Light Dragoons Commanded by Lieut. Colonel Commandant John Burgoyne.” LAURENS (HENRY). Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. folio, Yorktown, March 1, 1778. To President Wharton of Pennsylvania; with franked address. Important his- torical letter, written and signed as “President of Congress,” conveying two “Acts of Congress” relative to filling up Continental Battalions and for ascertaining the amount of necessaries supplied British prisoners of War. WAYNE (ANTHONY, GENERAL—“Mad Anthony”). Autograph Dispatch Signed, Ip. 12mo, October 5, 1779. To Maj. Gen. Lord Stirling. With address. Inter- esting war piece. THOMPSON (JOHN D., COLONEL). Autograph Letter Signed, Bohemia Manor, August 27, 1777. To. Gen. George Washington. A Highly interesting letter, requesting General Washington to supply the force under: Colonel Thompson's command with arms and accoutrements to repel a possible attack of the enemy under command of General Howe. KNOx (HENRY, GENERAL). Letter Signed, 2pp. folio, Philadelphia, December 20, 1786. To Colonel Jeremiah Wadsworth. Interesting letter referring to the re- cruiting of troops. McHEnry (JAMES). Letter Signed, 1p. 4to, Philadelphia, July 12, 1794. To Samuel Hodgson. Wriiten as Secretary of War under Washington, in reference to transmitting cannon and powder. GREENE (NATHANIEL, GENERAL). Letter Signed, 1p. folio, Camp and Rugely’s Mill, April 30, 1781. To Thomas Jefferson, referring to Lieutenant Rudder he says that “You may depend upon it that no officer shall received countenance from me in either insulting Government or its inhabitants.” JEFFERSON (THOMAS—PRESIDENT). Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. 4to, Monti- cello, August 16, 1805. To General Henry Dearborn. Written while President, mentions James Monroe as Secretary of State. SPARKS (JARED—Historian). Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. 4to, Washington, April 15, 1830. To James Madison, accepting an invitation to Montpelier to examine letters of General Washington. RANDOLPH (EDMUND). Autograph Letter Signed. 1p. 4to, Philadelphia, April 30, 1794. To Winthrop Sargent (sic). Written as Secretary of State under Washington and referring to him. PICKERING (TIMOTHY). Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp. 4to, Philadelphia, April 12, 1799. To Jean A. B. Rozier, French Consul at New York. Imporiant letter in reference to securing a copy of the French cipher; mentions Alexander Hamalton. WoLcotTT (OLIVER). Letter Signed, 1p. 4to, Philadelphia, August 12, 1796. To Winthrop Sergeant. Refers to the sale of Township ranges in the Northwestern Territory; mentions President Washington. KING (RuFus). Autograph Letter Signed, rp. 4to, Jamaica, April 25, 1815. To Col. [James] Monroe. JACKSON (ANDREW). Document Signed, 1p. folio, Washington, June 30, 1832. Ship’s paper; signed also by Edw. Livingstone. CusTIS (GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE). Autograph Letter Signed, 1p. 4to, Arling- ton House. August 1, 1848. To Richard Smith. With address. TALLEYRAND (MARQUIS DE). Letter Signed, rp. folio, 25 Messidor, l’an 7. WASHINGTON (WILLIAM AUGUSTINE—Nephew of George Washington). Auto- graph Document Signed, Ip. 12mo, February 20, 1784. WASHINGTON (BUSHROD). Autograph Letter Signed, Ip. 4to, Mount Vernon, March 15, 1803. To Lawrence Lewis, a nephew of General Washington. JOHN TRUMBULL’S Circular Advertising for sale prints engraved from his famous painting “The Declaration of Independence.” [ Continued. Under the Management of the American Art Association Kindly read the Conditions of Sale Printed in forepart of this catalogue [ No. 363. WASHINGTON (GEORGE)—Continued | PORTRAITS AND VIEWS Among the more important are many fine portraits, or India proof portraits, of Washington, also portraits of General Braddock, Sir William Johnson, Benjamin Franklin, General Wolfe, Thomas Miffiin, General John Burgoyne, Washington Irving, Major General Charles Lee, Lt. General Charles Earl Cornwallis, General Gates, Sir Henry Clinton, Benedict Arnold, Baron von Stueben, Alexander Ham- ilton and others; there are also a number of views depicting episodes of Washington’s youth and early manhood, numerous battle scenes and other views. 364. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Forces, during the War which established the Inde- pendence of his Country, and First President of the United States. Com- piled under the inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Washington, from Original Papers bequeathed to him by his deceased Relative. To which is prefixed an Introduction, containing a compendious view of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America. By John Mar- shall, Chief Justice of the United States, &c. &c. Portraits and maps. 5 vols. royal 4to, full crimson crushed French levant morocco richly tooled, the sides with a border of fillets and dots with floral corner festoons en- closing a letter “W”; in the center of each side a large coat-of-arms of the United States, in gilt; backs richly tooled in decorative panels enclosing letter “W” within laurel wreath; gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. Each volume in cloth slip case. London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1804-1807 BEAUTIFULLY BOUND AND HANDSOMELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED Copy of the first English edition of Marshall’s Life of Washington, more complete than the later American editions. : One of the finest extra-illustrated copies of Marshall’s Life of Washington ever offered at public sale, containing nearly 338 portraits, views and maps, including many rare prints from contemporary sources as well as a number of rare and impor- tant maps illustrating various sections of the United States. LARGE PAPER Copy of this remarkable work in a splendid binding. 365. WELLES (GIDEON). Diary of Gideon Welles. With an Introduction by John T. Morse, Jr. [Preface by Edgar T. Welles.] Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, three- quarter red Turkey morocco, panelled backs, lettered in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1911 This Diary contains much historical information not found elsewhere, including accounts of Lincoln’s Cabinet meetings and personal reminiscences of Abraham Lin- coln. 366. WELLINGTON (DUKE oF). Maxwell (W. H.). Life of Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington. Text illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, full crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides enclosing gilt line panel with ornament of gilt wreath at corners; full gilt panelled backs with wreath ornament; inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1845 FINE Copy. ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 190 plates, some inlaid to size, including portraits of Wellington and other noted personages, battle scenes, and other illustrations. Toe Liprary oF Mrs. WI.uuiaAaM F. SHEEHAN Sale, Thursday Afternoon, November 16th 367. WHISTLER (JAMES ABBoTT MCNEILL). Dodgson (Campbell). The Etchings of James McNeill Whistler. Edited by Geoffrey Holmes. Wzth 96 full-page plates. Small folio, vellum boards, leather label, gilt tops, uncut. In cloth portfolio, silk ties. London: The Studio, 1922 LARGE PAPER, limited to 200 copies, of which this is, No. 70. “In 1879 impressions from 57 cancelled plates were issued by the Fine Art Society. This publication i is of some importance because it contains eleven plates of which no impressions taken before the plates were destroyed are known to exist. ”_Editor’s note at end of List of Etchings. 368. WHITMAN (WALT). The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman. Issued under the editorial supervision of his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L. Traubel. With additional bibliographi- cal and critical material prepared by Oscar Lovell Triggs. Portraits and illustrations on Japan paper, facsimile autographs, the frontispiece in each volume colored by hand, rubricated title-pages. 10 vols. royal 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, sides with double gilt fillet borders, gilt corner ornaments, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1902 COMPLETE SET OF THE BOOK-LOVER’S CAMDEN EDITION, issued under arrangement with Messrs. Small, Maynard & Co. of Boston, the publishers of the authorized editions of the writings of Walt Whitman. Limited to 500 sets, of which this is, No. 9. 369. WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). The Writings of John Greenleaf Whittier. Portraits and illustrations on India paper. 9 vols. 8vo, three-quarter maroon crushed French levant morocco, full gilt panelled backs of floral design, with onlays of white morocco, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1888-1894 COMPLETE SET OF THE LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 400 copies, of which this is, No. 125: comprising,— Narrative and Legendary Poems; Poems of Nature; Anti-Slavery Poems; Personal and Occasional Poems; Margaret Smith’s Journal, Tales, and Sketches; Old Portraits and Modern Sketches; The Conflict with Seine Life and Letters, by Samuel T. Pickard. 2 vols. 370. WiLson (WoopRow). A History of the American People. With portraits, maps, plans, facsimiles, rare prints, contemporary views, etc. 5 vols. 8vo, half olive crushed French levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1902 371. Wor~tp War. Hanotaux (Gabriel). Histoire Illustrée de la Guerre de 1914. 2 vols. 1915; LEVEQUE (HENRI). Le Panorama de la Guerre de 1914. Préface par le Lt.-Colonel Rousset. 2 vols. [1915.] Both works gsi ae) illustrated. Together, 4 vols. 4to, cloth. Paris, 1915 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND. PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED - THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION THE MADISON AVENUE BLOCK 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST §7TH STREET NEW YORK THE MAGNIFICENT PRIVATE LIBRARY OF MRS. WILLIAM F. SHEEHAN OF MANHASSET, L. I, AND NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE MADISON AVENUE BLOCK 56TH TO 57TH STREETS ENTRANCE, 30 EAST §7TH STREET NEW YORK CITY 1922