Pine aaa: PALSaLg IS AE ae oe dar Ae wig as STR Te Peery © pany ead rege Hip iy a sen ¥ ae F sleet a) Ete a) : Foo er . # 4 [Aibesan? LE tanto tee ares Med . ff A = PIS ea RH ete v f : x : ‘ Roiher ame oe FEN ae ye Paid RA a CPST: Ea OTE Rf AC ates ¢ ts Rasa qu i it ; att, a fea tes nk ps ipa eee Ahr ge NEE gag be Bh Seer as) é Ba ALL PICTURES ARE GUARANTEED AS CATALOGUED, AND FOLLOWING THE ESTABLISHED POLICY OF THE EHRICH GALLERIES, WILL. BE EXCHANGEABER Sa ANY TIME AT THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE. SALE NUMBER 1660 ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, MAY FOURTH yawn IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF OLD MASTERS & EARLY AMERICAN PAINTINGS A-~CHOICE SELECTION FROM THE COLLECTION OF fee EARICH GALLERIES NEW YORK TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, MAY NINTH, TENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent| PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1922 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and [he Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description. authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or . vy lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will seli each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE: TERMS CASH. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the con- clusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as he Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. ‘This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. | The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such Carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN LIST OF ARTISTS ABBOTT, L. F. AMBERGER, C. AMERICAN SCHOOL AVIGNON, SCHOOL OF BADGER, J. BARKER OF BATH, T. BEECHEY, SIR W. BELLOTTO, B. BENSON, A. BIDAULD, J. P. X. BIRCH, T. BISET, K. E. BOSCH, H. (ATT. TO) BOTTICINI, F. BOURGOIN, F. J. BROWN, M. BROWN, W., JR. CAFFERTY, J. H. CAMPAGNOLA, D. CASANOBRIO, L. CATEIN, G. CONSTABLE, J. CORLEY, J: S. CRADOCK, L. DALBY, D. DANCE, N. DUPONT, GAINSBOROUGH DURAND, A. B. EARLE, R. EARLE, R., JR. FRANKFORT, MASTER OF FROTHINGHAM, J. GAINSBOROUGH, T. HAND, T. PAINTING NUMBER 70, Se 21, 48, 3) 4 58 49, 50 54 55 129 jie. 39, 4! 12 126 19, 56 106 66, 67 (ee 59, 60 HARDING, C. HEMESSEN (J. SANDERS) HONDEKOETER, M. D’ HUDSON, T. HUNTINGTON, D. IBBETSON, J. C. INMAN, H. ITALIAN SCHOOL JARVIS, J. W. JOUETT, M. H. KNELLER, SIR G. LANDRY, L. LANNINO, B. LELY, SIR P. LIPPI, FRA F. MAZO, J. B. DEL MEMLING, SCHOOL OF MESSINA, P. DA MONNOYER, J. B. MORLAND, G. MORSE, S. F. B. MOUNT, W. S. NILANT BANNIER, H. G. OPIE, J. OTIS, B. OWEN, W. PALAMEDES, A. PANNINI, G. P. PEALE, R. PRATT, M. PREDIS, A. DA (ATT. TO) REMBRANDT VAN RIJN REYNOLDS, SIR J. RIZZI DA SANTA CROCE, F. ROMANINO, G. ROMANO, G. ROMNEY, G. RUBENS, P. P. RUSSELL, J. PAINTING “NUMBER 7) 10, 18, 92, 14, 17, 29), 70 89 56 25 23) 5 46 72. 15 62 97 pe SANDERS, J. SARTORIUS, F. SCOREL, J. VAN SHEE, SIR M. A. SHAW, J. STARK, J. SFUART. G. STUBBS, G. SULLY. T. TOCOUE, L. VAN CLEEF, J., THE YOUNGER VAN DER MEULEN, A. F. VAN DYCK, SIR A. VERBRUGGEN, K. P. VESTIER, A. VIFAELC, VITERBO, A. DA WALDO, S. L. WATTS, F. W. WEST, B. WIJNANTS, J. WaILCOGK, G. B. WILSON, R. WISSING, W. WYATT, H. PAINTING NUMBER 89 ALL PICTURES ARE GUARANTEED AS CATALOGUED, AND FOLLOWING THE ESTABLISHED POLICY OF THE EHRICH GALLERIES, WILL BE EXCHANGEABLE AT ANY TIME AT THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE. SALE TUESDAY EVENING, MAY NINTH Ae BIGH T-FIFTEEN O'CLOCK FIRST SESSION LOTS 1-71 AMERICAN SCHOOL (?) LATE 18TH CENTURY Peet ORK} Rai? OF JOHN PAUL JONES Ke _ Half length, turned slightly to the left, wearing the uniform _ of an American naval officer, in dark blue with gilt epaulettes and yellow lapels. Cloud effect background. Canvas. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. WILLIAM SIDNEY MOUNT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1808-1868 2 THE ARTISI’S MOTHER = Half length, at full front, looking at the spectator; in lace cap 1 VL. A_ Ce DANIEL HUNTINGTON, P.N.A. AMERICAN, 1816-1906 PORTRAIT OF DR. CONSTANTINE HERING Half length, slightly to the right, a vigorous gentleman with abundant gray-black hair and moustache, wearing gold- ~ rimmed spectacles, soft collar, black tie, white shirt, black coat and waistcoat; neutral background. (Dr. Hering founded the Hahnemann Hospital of Phila- delphia.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. aA a2 [ o- is MATHER BROWN AMERICAN, 1763 (?)-1831 PORTRATE OF ALGEN TE EMAN Half length, slightly to the right, looking toward the spectator; with abundant curly black hair and side whiskers, white neck- erchief with ruffle, black coat and waistcoat, red curtain at left of neutral background. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. SAMUEL F. B. MORSE, N.A. AMERICAN, 1791-1872 . oe PORTRAIT OF I. W. FORBES, SILVERSMITH Ai: Half length, seated in armchair, head and shoulders to the front, eyes directed toward the spectator; he holds a red book, and is attired in black coat and waistcoat; effective background. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. LUKE CRADOCK ENGLISH, 1660(?)-1717 WATER FOWL A variety of ducks, geese, water-hen and a kingfisher, dis- porting themselves about a rivulet, zigzagging through closely wooded country; vista of a village near hilly distance, late afternoon sky of pink-tinted clouds with touches of blue. Canvas. Height, 32% inches, width, 48% inches. Bo iL, ee e°0 CANDIDO VITALI ITALIAN, 1680-1753 24 PAIR OF FLOWER SUBJECTS Varicolored blooms arranged in claw-footed urns on a stone pedestal; neutral background. / be ~ Canvas. Height of each, 274 inches; width, 35 inches. THOMAS HUDSON ENGLISH, 1701-1779 25 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Half length, at full front, eyes directed to the spectator; he holds a glass of red wine, wears a gray wig, cream-colored neckerchief, blue waistcoat and buff gray jacket; dark brown background. Canvas. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. DAVID DALBY ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY ST. PATRICK, WINNER OF THE ST. LEGER The famous racehorse, a brown lithe animal, stands at full length facing the left, the jockey in black, red and cream colors, firm in the saddle, is ready for the start; racecourse landscape, cloudy sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1825 at lower left. Height, 25 inches, width, 30 inches. FRANCIS SARTORIUS ENGLISH, 1734-1804 27 COURSING THE HARE Squire Angerstein and his attendants, Able and Dyee, the former on a white charger, while one of the servants holds up : Cr re a hare; the other is mounted on a brown horse in the back, the iti A third horse, tan colored, stands at the left, and greyhounds and ae terriers complete the group; landscape with glimpse of a coun- try mansion at the horizon, gray sky with patches of blue. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. JEAN BAPTISTE MONNOYER FRENCH, 1636-1699 OL. }. Edd 28 FLOWERS A galaxy of many varieties and shades, arranged in a deep blue / / vase on a parapet; dark background. [f i o Canvas. Height, 32 inches, width, 27 inches. CHESTER HARDING AMERICAN, 1792-1866 Alvan S 29 PORTRAIT OF DANIEL WEBSTER is l i: Half length, seated in armchair, shoulders to the front, head slightly to the left; white collar and jabot, black coat and Wf SS, waistcoat; red ‘singin in background. Canvas. Height, 36 inches, width, 28 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] PORTRAIT OF DANIEL WEBSTER BY CHESTER HARDING [29] 30 31 coe fo 32 ne RICHARD WILSON, R.A. ENGLISH, 1714-1782 RIVER SCENE A stream with a couple of cows in the foreground, figure on shore in a punt, thick foliage on the left bank; on the opposite bank, a'steep cliff with a castle on the summit, and a cottage nestling at the base; hilly distance, blue sky with creamy cloud effect. Canvas. Height, 1734 inches, width, 24% inches. JEAN PIERRE XAVIER BIDAULD FRENCH, 1745-1813 CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE On a slope at the left an artist is seated contemplating a figure group of mother and children, with a towering column and fragments of Roman ruins at the back amid fine tree growths, while a man stands behind the artist pointing toward the ob- jects; lake with islands and hills at the distant left; blue sky with buff and gray clouds. Canvas. Height, 26 inches, width, 35 inches. JAMES STARK ENGLISH, 1794-1859 LANDSCAPE Undulating countryside with low pitched horizon, sheep, shep- herd and dog in the foreground, cattle and herder farther back; clump of bushes and groves with cottages, a mill on the crown of a distant hill, blue ridge at horizon; silvery and gray sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Hetght, 16% inches; width, 22 1nches. 33 ae 42 [34 35 GEORGE MORLAND ENGLISH, 1763-1804 THE MORNING’S MILK The maid has just milked the cow which stands at her side, while a woman and boy are waiting to be served; pigs at the left, a barn, oak tree and shed in the background; cloudy sky at upper right. (From the collection of James Allaway, 1876, and the late Rev. F. J. Aldrich Blake, Rector of Welch Bicknor, near Ross, Herefordshire. ) Canvas. Height, 26 inches; width, 30 inches. FREDERICK W. WATTS ENGLISH, 1800-1870 LANDSCAPE: THE DERWENT RIVER NEAR MAT- LOCK Placid stream, ferryman at the left bank, cows on the opposite side, where fine wooded slopes rise to hills in the distance; cottages about, sky of fleeting clouds with touches of blue. Canvas. Height, 24 inches, width, 33 inches. FRANCOIS JULES BOURGOIN FRENCH, ACTIVE 1796 SPORTING SCENE, CHARLESTON, JAMAICA A motley gathering of all classes, on foot, on horseback and in carriages, is amusing itself in the enclosure of a racecourse, where a sparring match between negro contestants, bull baiting and other entertainments offer a variety of choice; mountain range at horizon, blue sky with cloud effect. Panel. Height, 25 inches; width, 36/4 inches. 36 / fo 37 ASHER BROWN DURAND, N.A. AMERICAN, 1796-1886 | CAPTURE OF MAJOR ANDRE In black attire, stocking feet, his hat and boots on the ground beside him, the prisoner is pleading with his armed captors, one of whom is seated, the other standing beside the brown horse while the commanding officer, with a resolute gesture, refuses an explanation; clump of trees at back, distant view at right, blue and cloudy sky. ' Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. SAMUEL LOVETT WALDO AMERICAN, 1783-1861 Pirie bald Sel oe i Ay PORTRAIT OF MARIE ALLAIRE UNDERHILL bud VAN ZANDT Half length, seated slightly to the right, in lace cap and neck- wear, black gown and white shawl bordered with red floral design; landscape background. (Marie Allaire Underhill was the daughter of Israel Under- hill of Westchester County. She married Wynant Van Zandt in 1788, and they had eleven sons. Van Zandt was one of the building committee who put up City Hall. He was born in 1767, died in 1831, and was buried in Trinity Churchyard. ‘ Was vestryman in Trinity from 1806 until 1811. In 1804 he was an alderman of New York, and was one of a committee of three to arrange for a portrait of John Jay by Trumbull. In 1815 he and Mrs. Van Zandt moved to Little Neck, L. I., where he died at the age of 63. One of their sons, William, of whom there is a portrait painted by the same artist as the portrait of Mrs. Van Zandt, married the sister of Charles Avery.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] MARIE ALLAIRE UNDERHILL VAN ZANDT BY SAMUEL LOVETT WALDO 37.) MATTHEW PRATT AMERICAN, 1734-1805 38 PORTRAIT OF COMMANDER JOHN BARRY Half length, at full front, standing in a red coat with ornate fia: buttons and white neckerchief; view of the sea with two ships iy / and sunset sky at the right. (John Barry of Philadelphia, Captain of the “Lexington,” was painted in April, 1776, for John Nixon, also of Philadelphia.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY ke : ie AMERICAN, 1737-1815 4 thu ad Ate 39 PORTRAIT OF BARON NEWHAVEN OF GCAkia re MAYNE Nearly three-quarter length, standing facing the spectator, holding his hat tucked under left arm; powdered wig arranged in a roll over ears, white neckerchief, lace shirt front and cuffs, / Uy [0° dark blue coat and waistcoat; columns in background. (Privy Councillor and Member of Parliament, created a Peer in 17705) Canvas. Height, 36 inches, width, 28 inches. BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. AMERICAN, 1738-1820 40 PORTRAIT OF A MAN : Three-quarter length, seated, slightly to the right; white neck- , | are erchief and brown coat; landscape background. . Ve (“4 Lf. “eo (Included in the Benjamin West Memorial Exhibitions at the ip 0 Art Alliance, Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, 1922, and the Brooklyn Museum, 1922.) Canvas. Height, 46 inches; width, 38 inches. JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, R.A. AMERICAN, 1737-1815 41 PORTRAIT OF COLONEL HERRIES | Nearly half length, head slightly to themledt, looking at the | f~ spectator, holding a sword under his left arm, in bear-skin 4 < helmet with gold, red and white rosette, scarlet uniform; sky background. (From the collection of Lord Aberdare.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. AMERICAN, 1738-1820 42 PORTRAIT OF MRS. WEST AND CHILD 7 Full length, seated at her sewing, her babe peacefully sleeping at the left; sewing table at the right, biblical scene at farther end of the interior through an open window. Engraved. (Ge (Included in the Benjamin West Memorial Exhibitions at the — /3 Art Alliance, Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, 1922, and the : Brooklyn Museum, 1922.) | fe - , Canvas. Height, 31 inches, width, 26 inches. (pl | SEE ILLUSTRATION | GEORGE CATLIN AMERICAN, 1793-1875 43 PORTRAIT OF PRESIDENT WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON Bust, seated, head and shoulders slightly to the right, in black coat, white collar and neckerchief, with a red cape, thrown loosely at back below the shoulders, lending a nice touch of AY color; gray background. ca (From the collection of Dr. Joseph Simms, who purchased it from Catlin’s nephew.) Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. eT ND CHILD A ie S E PORTRAIT OF MRS. WE ele ST, BY BENJAMIN W [42 ] / i( ef of a chair, in black high-necked coat, gilt buttons, white necker- REMBRANDT PEALE, N.A. AMERICAN, 1778-1860 44 PORTRAIT OF LEWIS WARRINGTON, NAVAL OFFICER Half length, seated at full front, his left arm over the back chief; neutral background. Engraved by T. Gambede, 1815. A sword engraved with the following inscription: “Presented to Lewis Warrington by the crew of the Frigate ‘United States’, July, 1813”, accompanies the painting. (From a direct descendant of Lewis Warrington.) — Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. GILBERT STUART AMERICAN, 1755-1828 45 PORTRAIT OF MR. SUTCLIFFE Half length, seated, shoulders to the left, head turned toward the spectator; in powdered wig, plum-colored coat, and white neckerchief}; curtain at background, with sky effect at the left. (From the collection of Daniel Huntington, P.N.A., who pur- chased it direct from a great-niece of Mr. Sutcliffe.) Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. [ SEE ILLUSTRATION ] Othe At Rac PORTRAIT OF MR. SUTCLIFFE BY GILBERT STUART [45] HENRY INMAN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1802-1846 46 PORTRAIT OF CAROLINE HOWARD GILMAN pps 4/7 Half length, seated, head turned to the left, of a dark com- plexioned young lady in low-necked black gown, ruffled collar and figured shawl over arms; foliage background. (Mrs. Gilman was a poet.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. THOMAS SULLY AMERICAN, 1783-1872 PORTRAIT OF WAL FER PRICE Half length, at full front, of middle-aged man seated looking at the spectator, in dark coat with velvet lapel, tan-colored waistcoat; light background. Member of the Price family of Baltimore, bankas and ship- builders. ) Canvas. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. MATHER BROWN AMERICAN, 1763 (?)-1831 PORTRALTE OF AdEADY: Half length, head and shoulders slightly to the left, eyes di- rected toward the spectator, in white plumed hat, fastened under the chin, white lace-trimmed costume, and wearing a miniature attached to a cord about the neck; neutral back- ground. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. age Pe Ages io MATHER BROWN AMERICAN, 1763 (?)-1831 DRAMATIC INCIDENT OF THE MYSORE WAR Scene in the palace of Tippoo Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, India, showing the Sultan’s sons before their surrender to the Marquis of Cornwallis. ‘The youthful princes in white turbans and robes, surrounded by ministers of state in gorgeous raiment, A _ all in a state of distress, stand at the threshold of the palace; Ov oh rot to the right, soldiers at middle distance and hills with effective ~ ~ © ~ ~ “L sky. Engraved. | Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches. MATHER BROWN AMERICAN, 1763 (?)-1831 SURRENDER OF THE SULTAN’S SONS Companion to the preceding. The sons of Tippoo Sahib, Sul- tan of Mysore, India, with their retinue in the presence of the i, Marquis of Cornwallis at his headquarters. Effective contrast “4 of the Indian princes and their ministers in white turbans and Ve et ALA robes, with the British officers; fortress and warm sky effect at the left. Engraved. Canvas. Height, 20 inches, width, 25 inches. KASPAR PIETER VERBRUGGEN DUTCH, 1664-1730 PAIR OF FLOWER SUBJECTS Medallions of Pluto and Proserpine and Apollo and Daphne, surrounded by wreaths of varicolored flowers. Ganvas. Height of each, 2534 inches; width, 3034 inches. §2 FREDERICK W. WATTS ENGLISH, 1800-1870 LANDSCAPE River scene, with ruins of a Romanesque castle on rising © ground; cottages, figures and boats; warm sky of blue and sil- ver with slight cloud effects. | Canvas. Height, 20 inches, width, 30 inches. MELCHIOR D’HONDEKOETER DUTCH, 1636-1695 DUCKS AND BIRD OF PREY 7 A variety of ducks and ducklings in a pond, while a hawk is about to pounce upon a duck asleep on a parapet where a drake is on guard; hilly distance, cloudy sky. | Canvas. Signed at the left. Height, 38 inches; width, 26% inches. WILLIAM BROWN, JR. ENGLISH, ACTIVE 1798-1808 WAYSIDE INN A couple of huntsmen, one of whom has dismounted, have stopped with their dogs at an inn for refreshment; the barmaid is seen at the entrance; there is a glimpse of sky at the left. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 25 inches, width, 30 inches. 55 y 56 G- WILLIAM BROWN, JR. “ENGLISH, ACTIVE 1798-1808 HORSES AT A FORD A boy mounted on a white horse has entered a stream and is tugging at the halter of a brown horse standing on the bank, which seems reluctant to enter the water; a dog farther back, wooded spot in thick foliage; blue sky with gray and creamy cloud effect. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. RALPH EARLE AMERICAN, 1751-1801 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Nearly three-quarter length, slightly to the right, seated in green armchair; in gray costume with ruffed neckwear, pearl ornament in curly dark hair, holding a book; brown-pink cur- tain background. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. SAMUEL LOVETT WALDO AMERICAN, 1783-1861 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES AVERY Half length, seated in armchair, head and shoulders slightly to the left, eyes directed toward the spectator, in black coat and ~ waistcoat and white neckerchief; landscape background. (Philanthropist of Pittsburgh, where a monument has been erected to him.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 60 LEMUEL FRANCIS ABBOTT ENGLISH, 1760-1803 PORTRAIT OF A SPORTSMAN | Nearly three-quarter length, body to the front, head turned slightly to the left, in scarlet, gold embroidered coat, holding his gun under his right arm, the hand tucked under his blue waistcoat, the left hand raised in gesture; dog seen at the left, landscape background. Canvas. Height, 40 inches, width, 3134 inches. THOMAS HAND ENGLISH, ACTIVE 1790-1804 GYPSY ENCAMPMENT In a convenient nook off the main road a number of gypsies are engaged about a small fire, cooking their food; open distance at the right, with hilly country; fleeting cloud effect in silver and gray tones. (Hand was a boon companion of George Morland, and his works are often mistaken for Morland’s.) ce Liste eR ami A a i Be i ge a SR a i Se Sri Canvas. Signed and dated 1792 at lower mee Height, 28 inches; width, 36 inches. THOMAS HAND ENGLISH, ACTIVE 1790-1804 GYPSY RETREAT Companion to the preceding. In a thickly wooded spot over- grown with luxuriant foliage, three gypsies and their dog are seen under a fine oak tree, Aout their camp fire. Canvas. Signed and dated 1792 at lower right. Height, 28 inches, width, 36 inches. 61 2 ae 62 JAMES SHAW ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY LANDSCAPE Fine view of hilly country, a woman and child riding a donkey accosted by a boy in the foreground, mellow field with a figure and houses sloping to a valley at middle distance, groves of trees at right and left, rising hill beyond with mountains at the horizon; effective silvery and gray cloud in blue sky; charming in execution. Canvas. Signed and dated 1810 on fence rail at lower left. Height, 38% inches, width, 52% inches. MATTHEW HARRIS JOUETT AMERICAN, 1788-1827 PORTRAIT OF MRS. JAMES G. McKINNEY Half length of a young lady looking at the spectator, dark hair arranged high on head, wide double lace collar over gray bodice; light gray background. (Mrs. McKinney was Frances Berryman. ) Canvas. Height, 27% inches, width, 22 inches. THOMAS BIRCH AMERICAN, 1779-1851 PORTRAIT OF SILAS TALBOT Half length, seated turned to the right, in dark blue coat, white waistcoat and neckerchief, holding a telescope; glimpse of sea with a sailing vessel, gray and creamy sky effect. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. 64 te 66 THOMAS BIRCH AMERICAN, 1779-1851 NAVAL ENCOUNTER | The frigate “Constitution,” commanded by Silas ‘Talbot, is seen giving battle to the enemy. Canvas. Height, 18 inches, width, 23 inches. REMBRANDT PEALE, N.A. AMERICAN, 1778-1860 PORTRAIT OF EDWARD TILGHMAN Half length, seated on red-backed chair at full front, of an elderly man, in brown coat and tan-colored waistcoat; gray background. Engraved by Max Rosenthal. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 23% inches. JAMES FROTHINGHAM, N.A. AMERICAN, 1786-1864 PORTRAIT OF MRS. BERGEN Half length of an elderly lady seated looking toward the spec- tator, wearing white headdress tied under the chin, and black gown; gray background with curtain at the right. Canvas. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. 67 ie 68 69 JAMES FROTHINGHAM, N.A. AMERICAN, 1786-1864 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Half length, seated at full front, Wearing a gray house-bonnet and neckerchief over a brown dress, hand resting on knee; in- terior background. Finely characterized. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. WILLIAM SIDNEY MOUNT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1806-1868 POTRAIT OF H. S. MOUNT Half length, shoulders to the front, head turned to the right; in dark coat with gilt buttons, velvet collar, black silk necker- chief; right hand resting on back of a chair, holding a cigar: curtain at the left, warm background. On back, unfinished portrait by Mount, dated 1828. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. ASHER BROWN DURAND, N.A. AMERICAN, 1796-1886 COURT MARTIAL SCENE, GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON PRESIDING A delinquent grotesquely equipped, holding a huge red-tipped sword and a gun, appears before the tribunal of officers to be judged. he General starts up from his seat amazed by the effrontery of the individual, while other members are puzzled by the serio-comic situation; street idlers, among them an old negro, look in at the doorway. A copy of an old clipping accompanies the picture. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 38% inches. CHESTER HARDING AMERICAN, 1792-1866 70 LHEXKING FAMILY GROVE | The artist’s fancy has led him to introduce six heads into his composition, with a dark-haired young lady in profile at the fo / left, a young man facing the spectator to her right, then the mother also at full front, followed by a girl just entering her teens, with the baby of the family, a little girl, near the centre, and a lad in Eton collar at the lower right, all to the front and vignetted into a background with cloud effects. Panel. Height, 30 inches; width, 2434 inches. JOSEPH BADGER AMERICAN, 1708-1765 Abt | 71 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN aa Rs Full length, seated turning to the left, holding a quill pen an about to write on a table; in close-fitting blue costume, with gold embroidery, brown topcoat, steel gray stockings and shoes with gilt buckles; brown background. Canvas. Height, 66% inches, width, 39% inches. etsy teeta SS aR aS ee ee Arlt TO geet a ns ohn. ee ee | | \ Ir f t | f id 1} as | a Jo ie SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY TENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK SECOND SESSION LOTS 72-132 ITALIAN SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY PAIR OF ITALIAN VIEWS (a) Showing a party of nobles accompanied by their jesters about to enter a chateau; town and hills at distance, blue and warm-tinted sky. (b) Group of a gentleman and two ladies near some ruins at the left, bay with fishermen at the right, town and hills at dis- tance, blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Height of each, 10 inches, width, 16 inches. H. G. NILANT BANNIER EUROPEAN, 19TH CENTURY STILL LIFE Arrangement of flowers in a large vase with a nest of eggs at the right on a parapet; neutral background. Canvas. Signed at lower centre. Height, 2434 inches; width, 19% inches. HENRY WYATT » ENGLISH, 1794-1840 7A oe @) ROR Le) Pa eye 76 Three-quarter length, seated, body to the left, head facing the spectator, silken black hair parted in the middle and hanging in curls, low pearl-gray satin bodice and gown, holding a bou- quet of flowers in her right hand; landscape background, with a column at the right; deep blue sky effect. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 24% inches. ATTRIBUTED TO HIERONYMUS BOSCH FLEMISH, 1460-1518 THE GOOD SHEPHERD Christ carrying a lamb, and sheep standing at his side in the door of the fold, while the thieves and robbers try to enter by some other way; illustrating Chapter 10, verses 1 to 16, of St. John; hilly landscape, sunset sky. Panel. Height, 21 tnches,; width, 26% inches. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1753-1839 PORTRAIT OF MASTER WIGZELL Half length, seated at full front, of a blue-eyed blond boy in broad white collar, dark blue coat and waistcoat, his arm rest- ing on a pedestal holding a book; brown background. (From the collection of J. J. Wigzell, London.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 2434 inches. a SX 77 [d0- 78 uo LOUIS LANDRY FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY AFTER THE SOIREE Two ladies and a courtier seated, and a young gallant, standing informally, are having a chat in the music room after the re- hearsal, as the open clavecin, scores and a violin at the left would indicate; all in rich attire in a sumptuous interior. Canvas. Signed and dated 1781 at lower left. Height, 32 inches, width, 30 inches. GEORGE STUBBS, R.A. ENGLISH, 1724-1806 PORTRAIT “OF MR. GARNHAM BESIDE HIS HORSE Standing, looking at the spectator, in black jacket, white waist- coat and knee breeches, top boots, with his arm on pommel of the saddle of a fine dapple-gray horse; his little daughter at the right and a black and tan dog at the left; landscape with heavy foliage and glimpse of sky. Canvas. Height, 31% inches; width, 3634 inches. WILLIAM OWEN, R.A. ENGLISH, 1769-1825 PORTRAIT OF A GIRL Half length presentment of a girl holding a basket of flowers on her left arm, long chestnut hair, open neck, tan-colored jacket; foliage background. | (From the collection of Col. I. C. Robertson Whitfield. ) Canvas. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. So 81 GIULIO ROMANO ITALIAN, 1492-1546 PUIGE PINT OsE Gy Ea: , The Madonna is seated with the youthful Christ standing at her side, two angels are offering them fruit, while a third is holding the branches of a palm tree which affords them shelter; the ass is browsing at the right; hilly distance, with glimpse of a town. (From the collection of Mrs. Harrington, West Kensington, London, England.) Canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 19 inches. JOHN: OPIE, R.A. ENGLISH, 1761-1807 PORTRAIT OF MR. BOSWELL Half length, seated, facing the spectator, of the famous biog- rapher of the great Dr. Johnson; in red velvet jacket, neutral background. | (From the collection of Sir Robert Rowlinson, K.C.B.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. KARL EMMANUEL BISET DUTCH, 1633-1680 LANDSCAPE WITH FAMILY GROUP In a park close to a small stream beside the bridge, a gentle- man and his wife are posing to the artist, while the nurse with the baby and a child at her side, and a dog, are at the left, and the little boy and his younger sister and a dog at the right; swans are seen in the water, and a figure is on the path in the distance; glimpse of a village near the horizon; blue sky with gray and creamy clouds. Canvas. Height, 28 inches; width, 3534 inches. THOMAS BARKER, OF BATH ENGLISH, 1769-1847 MRS. MAJOR COWLES OF POTTER’S BAR, HERE- FORDSHIRE Half length, shoulders to the left, head turned to the spectator, stately blonde lady in large black hat, white fichu over bodice, with fur-edged gown, holding a black muff; neutral gray back- ground. Canvas. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. FRANCESCO BOTTICINI ITALIAN, 1446-1497 SAINT JAMES THE GREAT AND SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA Holding a crozier and book, in red and black robes, St. James is standing at the left, while St. Anthony is in black at the right and holds a red book; landscape background, blue sky with quaint cloud formations. Panel. Height, 29 inches; width, 174 inches. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. ENGLISH, 1723-1792 he ware | | $5 ‘CARICATURE OF DR JOHNSOM LANGTON, BEAUCLERC AND REYNOLDS 602 The famous Doctor stands in the foreground holding a heavy ~ cane, Topham Beauclerc and Bennett Langton are discussing the merits of a book at the left, while Reynolds is seated at his easel on the right, busy with palette and brush; a portrait study on canvas is on the floor face out. (Painted in Rome, 1753. From the collection of Mrs. Henessy, Dublin. inclaten in Loan Exhibition of Old Masters at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California.) Canvas. Height, 25 inches, width, 30 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] CARICATURE OF DR. JOHNSON, LANGTON, BEAUCLERC AND REYNOLDS BY SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. [35] =; 86 Vou % Stream zigzagging through level country, with GEORGE BARRETT WILCOCK © ENGLISH, 1820-1852 Fa ea LAN DSCAPE WEA ee Eee cows at the right, fine wooded bank at the left, w is seen, farm wagon at distance, groves at. hori: Z fective clouds and patches of blue. — Canvas. Height, 25% ches width, 3074 inches as [SEE ILLUSTRATION] LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE BY GEORGE BARRETT WILCOCK [86] ie the spectator, Wa statis ats : a roll over the ears; in blue coat, white n n neutral Nideneanact Canvas. seeds 24 4 inches; aire 20 inc [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN BY SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. [87] t Shige 88 MADONNA AND CHILD ITALIAN, ae f 1sTH ae NTUR The Virgin in red, blue and pink inapene st posed together looking reverently at the nude Infa bird and seated on a green and white cushion lace trade; landscape background. ae pinleresntan of attribution by Dr. Bernhard | Panel. Height, 9 inches; width, 15 inches. | a = ee [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] MADONNA AND CHILD INA DN ea _ N BY PIETRO DA [88] ac 89 Oo gO JAN SANDERS, CALLED HEMESSEN FLEMISH, 1504-1560 Q_ / KAN PORTRAIT OF SEIGNEUR VAN PEEMAay OF a CASSEL Half length, head and shoulders to the front, in black cap and coat with leopard skin lapels, heavy gold chain about neck and red silk sleeves; gray background with coat of arms at upper left. Translation of inscription on contemporary frame: “In order to live in this house in peace and good fellowship as in an 1m- — pregnable castle, treat your brothers in aceaT aaa tietea for truly God 1s there where Peace reigns.” (Included in Loan Exhibition of Old Masters at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California.) — Panel leighin2s inches, width, 1934 inches. JOHN OPIE, R.A. ENGLISH, 1761-1807 PORTRAIT OF MRS. HALE Half length, head and shoulders to the left, eyes directed toward the spectator, deep chestnut hair falling in locks over her left shoulder, in white fichu over black gown; scarlet cur- tain background with glimpse of sky at the left; feigned oval. (Purchased from the Hale family, Clifton, Bust ) Canvas. Height, 30 inches, width, 25 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] PORTRAIT OF MRS. HALE BY JOHN OPIE, R.A. [90 ] QI ee SCHOOL OF MEMLING - FLEMISH, 15TH CENTURY MADONNA AND CHILD The Virgin in deep blue, red and white draperies is seated on a mound holding the nude Infant on her knee; cliff at the left, pond and mill at the right, hilly distance, blue sky. ~ Panel. Height, 17 inches; width, 1734 inches. g2 } ¢ BAS | . % [| y | wo: -<: SIR GODFREY KNELLER | ENGLAND, 1646-1723 PORTRAIT OF LADY FRANCES HAMILTON Half length, shoulders at full front, head slightly to the left, sandy blonde hair, in gray bodice, low-necked with lace inser- tion, and dark blue cloak thrown over her right shoulder; gray © background, feigned oval effect. (Lady Frances was the sister of Sarah, Duchess of Marlbor- ough. ) | Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1753-1839 , PORTRAIT OF A GIRE? WITHA OG Half length, to the front, of a buxom English lass standing at a garden gate, her left hand posed on her chin, holding a gray | poodle under her right arm; foliage background. Canvas. Signed with initials and dated 1836 at lower right. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. yD s’ 94 CICERO AND FRIENDS AT VILLA ARPINUM cr: 9; NATIVITY eng RICHARD WILSON, R.A. ENGLISH, 1714-1782 ee (Lue hres Gat : Ol og A rushing torrent divides the foreground; on the right bank Cicero, Atticus and Quintus are seen admiring a giant oak, a bridge beyond leading to the villa is seen at the right, and park near by rises to distant hills partly enveloped in mist; blue sky with rolling gray and creamy cloud effect. (Listed in Royal Academy Exhibition, 1770, No. 201. In- cluded in Loan Exhibition of Old Masters at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California. ) Canvas. Height, 34 inches, width, 42 inches. ANTONIO DA VITERBO ITALIAN, 1478-1509 The Virgin kneels with folded hands adoring the Infant Christ seated on the ground, Joseph is at the left, the manger with the ox and ass looking forth is at the right, and a hunter with spear and dogs at the distant left; hilly landscape, with an angel in | the blue sky. (From the collection of Prof. Grassi of Florence.) Panel. Height, 20% inches; width, 15 inches. ST I a" PRI LUCA CASANOBRIO, CALLED CARLEVARIS VENETIAN, 1665-1751 | z 96 PAIR OF VENETIAN VIEWS Leet Roe, a (a) San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice. ‘he island with its fine { church, tower and dependencies is reflected in the mirror-like “0 O- blue water of the lagoon; sailing craft and gondolas at right and left and in the distance, silhouette of palaces; blue sky with fine cloud effect. (b) Doge’s Palace, with the Piazetta and the columns of St. Mark and St. ‘Theodore and adjoining palaces at the right, custom house and church of Maria della Salute in the distance, — various barges, gondolas and quaintly rigged craft in the rip- pling blue waters; blue sky with slight cloud effect. (From the Nicolle collection. ) Canvas. Height of each, 21% inches, width, 33% inches. SIR GODFREY KNELLER ENGLAND, 1646-1723 97 PORTRAIT OF MARTHA, WIFE OR Via 2 BAKER, ESQ. Nearly full length, seated to the front, of a young lady, light brown hair dressed high on the forehead and dropping to the shoulders at the back, in open corsage, deep blue gown with white at the bodice and sleeves, red drapery over left knee and parapet at right, where arm is resting; background with stone column and landscape effect. ‘(~ X Canvas. Inscribed at left,“ Martha, daughter of Samuel Mel- lish Esq. wife of Daniel Baker Esq. born 8 April 1668, married 8 April 1686, died 1753.” Height, 50 inches, width, 40 inches. 98 “ Se I0OO JAN VAN SCOREL DUTCH, 1495-1552 MADONNA AND CHILD The Virgin seated holds the Infant, standing on her knee and playfully grasping at her cheek as she withholds a branch of wild roses; neutral background. Panel. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches. - THOMAS BARKER OF BATH ENGLISH, 1769-1847 PORTRAIT OF A LADY 99 oe <= Half length of an attractive young lady, seated, shoulders to the right, head to the front, hands resting on a table at the right, in jaunty wide-brimmed blue hat, silvery gray gown with lace collar and cuffs and blue sash; dark background. Canvas. Hetght, 28 inches, width, 23 inches. JOOST VAN CLEEF, THE YOUNGER FLEMISH, 1520-1556 (°) MADONNA AND CHILD oD (ell, In a white robe with a gray hood, the Virgin leans forward to nurse the nude Infant seated on her knee, with his back to the spectator, whom He regards playfully over his left shoulder; dark background. (From the collection of Lt. Col. Molyneux, Berkshire, Eng- land. Exhibited at one of the winter exhibitions of Old Mas- ters at Burlington House, London.) Panel. Height, 31 inches, width, 2534 inches. — Ail FRAN CESCO RIZZI DA Se ITALIAN, 1490-1 548° | 101 MADONNA, CHILD AND SIMEON THE a | The Virgin in red, blue and white draperies h 0 7 Infant while Siaenn with long gray Bee s ag t holding a book; landscape background. . Panel. Height, 28% inches; width, 27 inches am | Ps a ie [SEE ILLUSTRATION] Se eon oe E. PROPHET E TH BY FRANCESCO RIZZI DA SANTA CROC [ 101 | AADONNA, CHILD AND SIMEON N 102 CHRISTOPHER AMBERGER GERMAN, 1500-1562 (?) — 2 ae “a g PORTRAIT OF CONRAD ZELLER © oe a At half length, standing facing the spectator, in rich attire of q the period, holding documents and gloves. Coat of arms at | upper left. (Included in Loan Exhibition of Old Masters at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California.) Panel. Height, 28% inches, width, 2134 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PORTRAIT OF CONRAD ZELLER {BERGER CHRISTOPHER A y BY JUAN BAUTISTA DEL MAZO SPANISH, 1612 (?)-1667 103 ae OF SPANISH SUBJECTS ) Three cavaliers greeting their ladies seated in an arbor: ne og in foreground, cloudy sky. a ) An enraged bull charging a party picnicking 1 in a Peace ae Ae a tree; silvery gray and blue sky. Canvas. Height of each, 14% inches; width, 9% inches. BERNARDINO LANNINO ITALIAN, 1510 (?)-1578 1004 MADONNA AND CHILD W ; Fr Ws The Virgin in rich draperies leans forward to nurse the Infant , .- seated on a cushion, holding an apple; heavy curtains as back- - ground, haloes and various decorations in gold. Endorsement of attribution by Dr. Bernhard Berenson. Panel. Height, 2344 inches; width, 15% inches. [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | MADONNA AND CHILD ERNARDI NO LANNINO BY B [ 104 ] 105 of Ie AMBROSIUS BENSON _FLEMISH, —— - 1550 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN ’ x ts: Half length, facing the spectator, brown hair, slight Famiee tache and bane in black velvet jacket with silk-lined cape thrown over ei shoulder, feather-trimmed and ornamented velvet cap, lace collar, holding a jewelled ring in his right hand and gloves and hilt of ok in the left; dark background. | (Included in Loan Exhibition of Old Masters at + Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California.) Panel. Height, 1734 inches; width, 12% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN BY AMBROSIUS BENSON [105 ] say “MADONNA, CHILD AND SAINT g The Virgin is seated pressing the Tee 00- a female Saint is offering an urn at th | seated eae ee poets at aie “ae ae MAAS LEMAR ne a, es. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ttl PSE os Ae, D AND SAINTS CHIL ) MADONNA MASTER OF FRANKFORT BY [ 106 | REMBRANDT VAN RIJN DUTCH, 1606-1669 | 107 ST. PETER IN PRISON’ AS hoc | Seated in pious attitude against a buttress in tl {Q0-— hands folded on a book placed on his knee, he light descending from above and bathing his glow; his feet are in sandals, and a chain abc Pastened to a rock at the right; in blue and brown robe; manuscripts about the floor. (Included in Loan Exhibition of Old Mz Fine Arts, San: Francisco, California: ) Panel. Height, 15% inches, width, 12% a a ee ee ee ee ee ah gtdege: [SEE (LL ISTRATION ] ST. PETER IN PRISON BY REMBRANDT VAN RIJN [ 107] PIETER PAUL RUBENS FLEMISH, 1577-1640 108 THE HUNT wll tas / A. party of horsemen, some in Moorish costume, partly oh 9 = mounted, are spearing a gray bull which is attacking one of their number; two men with swords at the left and several dogs” about, spirited action; flat country, trees at the left, gray sky. _ Endorsed by Dr. Bode as an entirely original sketch from the hand of Rubens. Illustrated page 186, Zeitschrift fiir Bildende Kunst, May, 1912: “Gamalde des Rubens in Amerika”, by Wilhelm R. Valentiner. Ki (Included in Loan Exhibition of Old Masters at Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California.) Panel. Height, 29 inches; width, 60% inches. “ey | SEE ILLUSTRATION ] THES UNT BY PIETER PAUL RUBENS [ 108 | SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK FLEMISH, 1599-1641 109 PORTRAIT OF THOMAS CHALONER 1a B | Half length, shoulders to the front, head turned to the left, long curly, dark brown hair, moustache and goatee, in scalloped lace collar and black silk dress with slashed sleeves, his right hand pointing to his sword; rich brown background. (Thomas Chaloner was a member of parliament, and signed the death warrant of Charles I.) (From the Honington Hall collection, Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire. ) Canvas. Height, 41% inches, width, 32% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] John Smith, the author of the “Catalogue Raisonné,’ and many other writers on Van Dyck, in dealing with this famous portrait, have confused the father and the son. ‘The portrait does not represent Sir ‘Thomas Chaloner, the naturalist, who was born in 1561 and who died in 1615, for these dates at once prove that it could not be of him. As a matter of fact, it represents Sir Thomas Chaloner’s third son and namesake, who was born in 1595 and who died in exile in 1661. Thomas Chaloner, whose chief claim to fame is that he was one of the regi- cides who signed the ais warrant of Charles I, was one of the most prominent figures in the struggles between the Stuart king and his people, and he figures largely in the history of that stirring period in English history. He was born at Steeple Claydon, Buckinghamshire, in 1595, and matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford, at the age of sixteen. He took no degree and his education was finished under the superintendence of his father. Like most other young gentlemen of the 17th and 18th centuries, he made the Grand Tour on the Continent of Europe, from which he is said to have returned not only “a per- fect gentleman,” but with strong republican sympathies. He settled on the paternal estates at Guisborough and was elected to the English House of Com- mons for Richmond, Yorkshire, in 1645. A fluent speaker, he took up the cause of the people as against that of the monarchy. During the Civil War he made a famous speech on the reading of the Scottish papers respecting the dis- posal of the King’s person. He opposed all the Scottish encroachments on what he called the “English rights,” and published an ‘‘ Answer to the Scottish Papers.” In 1647 he and Colonel Temple were appointed Commissioners of Parliament to transact affairs in the Province of Munster. In the year follow- ing ( 1648) he was one of the King’s judges, attending 167 of the meetings and signing the death-warrant. In 1651 he was a Councillor of State and Master of the Mint. ‘Two years later he seems to have aroused the anger of Oliver Cromwell and at the dissolution of the Long Parliament was described by the Great Protector as a drunkard. In 1658 he was a member of Parliament for Scarborough and during this year was sent to prison by Fleetwood. We have an interesting pen-portrait of him by Anthony A. Wood, the chronicler of the period: ‘““This Thomas Chaloner, who was far from being a Puritan or a Presbyterian as the East is from the West, for he was a boon com- PORTRAIT OF THOMAS CHALONER | BY SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK [ 109] Ay panion, was of Henry Marten’s gang, was of the natural religion and loved to enjoy the comfortable importance of this life, without any tegard of lee up for a wet day, which at last he wanted.” Realizing that the restoration of the monarchy was inevitable, Ghalorer published a speech containing a plea for monarchy (1659), but his change of attitude was too late, and at the return of Charles II to England he fled to the Low Countries, dying at Middleburg in Zeeland in 1661. The son and grandson of famous men (his grandfather, also Sir Thomas Chaloner—1521-1565—-was a diplomatist and was painted by Holbein), Thomas Chaloner’s mother was Elizabeth Fleetwood, daughter of William Fleetwood, Recorder of London. ‘There is evidence that “Thomas Chaloner was fe but nothing definite is known of his wife and apparently he left no issue. There are two portraits by Van Dyck of Thomas Chaloner. ‘The best known version, engraved by R. Earlom, in the 18th century, was long one of the treasures of Houghton Hall, Norfolk, the property of the Walpole family. This, which measures 40 by 32 inches, passed with the other pictures forming the Houghton Hall Gallery into the possession of the Empress Catherine and now adorns the Hermitage, Petrograd. “The present version, which has been declared by Dr. Bode as the work of the master, has all the force and vigour of Van Dyck’s art during his residence in England. It measures 4114 by 3214 inches. (Signed ) W. RoseErTs. New York, February 26, 1917. 3 LOUIS TOCQUE FRENCH, 1696-1772 110 PORTRAIT OF COMTE DE BERLAIMONT Half length, at full front, looking at the spectator; white pow- dered wig, and in armor, holding the plumed casque; with a red drapery; landscape background. (Included in Loan Exhibition of Old Masters at Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, California.) Canvas. Height, 31 inches, width, 25 inches. Pl LANDSCAPE—-PILL BAY, NEAR BRISTOL BY THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ENGLISH, 1727-1788 LANDSCAPE: PILL BAY, NEAR BRISTOL Rugged countryside, a stream at the right with fine trees, cot- tages and a bridge farther back, a traveller and dog on the sandy road at the left, cottage nestling among thick foliage on slope, descending to bay at the distance, where a ship is seen; blue sky with cloud effect. Canvas. Hetght, 20 inches, width, 24 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION S00-¢ obelisk, an equestrian statue of an emperor, a column of vic- | GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI ITALIAN, 1695-1768 : 112 PAIR. RUINSOFOLDROME PY Rb (a) Graphic presentment of the Pantheon, statue of Hercules, tory, and remains of temples; groups of figures and a dog about; fine sky of fleeting gray and silver-lined clouds. Canvas. Signed and dated 1737 on a cornice at lower right. (b) The amphitheatre of the Coliseum, with various statues of gladiators at the left; the arch of Constantine, a beautiful urn and various fragments at the right; figures and a dog about, a pyramid in the distance; effective blue sky with fine cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1737 on pedestal at left centre. Height of each, 38% inches, width, 53% inches. JOHN CONSTABLE, Rex: ENGLISH, 1776-1837 113°- LANDSCAPE WITH -FIGURES Rich meadow land with tree groups at the right and left, a couple of figures in the grass in the foreground, rising country ~ in the distance, with hills at the horizon; blue sky with silver cloud effects. (From the J. Staats Forbes collection.) Panel. Height, 10% inches; width, 1334 inches. 116 />-So- ATTRIBUTED TO AMBROGIO DA PREDIS ITALIAN, 1450 (?)-1520 Pee COR FRAT OF A-GIRL Half length, shoulders to the front, head turned to the lett; auburn hair, jewelled lace headdress, pearl necklace, low square-cut bodice of gold-flowered material; dark background. Reminiscent of Leonardo da Vinci, with whom da Predis col- laborated. (From the collection of Baron Lazzaroni, of Rome.) Canvas. Height, 15% inches, width, 12 inches. JAN WIJNANTS DUTCH, 1615-1679 LANDSCAPE WITH HUNTING PARTY A road through wooded country, with a party of hunters with a horse and dogs; cottage at the left, rolling distance, bright blue sky with fleeting cloud effects. (From the Gilmore collection. ) Canvas. Signed. Height, 26% inches, width, 31% inches. STUDIO OF FRA FILIPPO LIPPI ITALIAN, 15TH CENTURY MADONNA, CHILD AND ANGELS © The Madonna in rich draperies is enthroned, with the Infant partly clothed on her knee, about to be nursed; four angels in attendance, glimpse of a garden at back, with fleecy clouds in blue sky. Dr. Oswald Siren has suggested that this painting was prob- ably designed by Fra Filippo Lippi, and finished by Piero di Lorenzo Pratese, a pupil. Panel. Height, 34 inches; width, 2434 inches. Ki Onan i ANTOINE VESTIER am FRENCH, 1740-1824. °" == a PORTRAIT OF MLLE. ROUILLIE a. Three-quarter length, seated at a clavecin to the turned toward the spectator, powdered curls with | bow, low-cut chocolate-colored gown edged with lace anc | blue sash, flowered ALEC al tee | Bh: 7 Canvas. Signed and dated 1792 at ear left. ‘He 21g yy 26. inches, width, 26 inches. aa [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] Boa BY ANTOINE VESTIER ea aod — = ome =) © as ica —_ — fx pales < a eal =