SALE NUMBER 1898 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY, DECEMBER TWENTY-NINTH CURRIER & IVES LITHOGRAPHS THE COLLECTION OF Pee VV. EL. iP. HEWITT PINE PLAINS, N. Y. TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY SIXTH, 1925 AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] _ 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK eS 7 ; ’ " » ‘ A ieee c > + Ld é _ ~ 4 . y ee te ‘ i x ~ . x , hig ; \ Nv aie at ar sh . » w ; 4 ees HAE 3B eas SME Sess is BN a ke SALE NUMBER 1898 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY, DECEMBER TWENTY-NINTH CURRIER & IVES °° LITHOGRAPHS = 3. ee ae | ( ae COLLECTION OF Mee NV. EP. HEWITT PUNT PLAINS iN. Y. WITH A FEW ADDITIONS FROM ANOTHER COLLECTION TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY SIXTH, 1925 AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN he ee THE ANDERSON GALLERIESLAM 13\ [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent ] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. : Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for Fifty Cents THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE oF i! Ti oe eps ee ta ae re & a w > a ral ae i a ae « 7 a + , i‘ fi —) ay ‘Sao . id nite ml . eae ORDER OF SALE ie , ESDAY EVENING, JANUARY SIXTH TING AND RACING / NE VIEWS = 7 (a SUBJECTS, JUVENILES, ETC. 10- 51 52- 78 79-122 123-130 131-143 144-155 156-193 SALE TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY SIXTH, AT 8:15 NUMBERS 1-198 FOREIGN VIEWS 1 AN ENGLISH WINTER SCENE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 2 THE CRYSTAL PALACE, HYDE PARK, LONDON N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. 3 MELROSE ABBEY Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 4 ‘THE GYPSIES’ CAMP Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Uncolored. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 5 LANDSCAPE AND RUINS F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 6 UPPER LAKE OF KILLARNEY; O’SULLIVAN’S CAS- CADE; ROSS TREVOR Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (38) 4 THE LAKES OF KILLARNEY; THE LOWER LAKE OF KILLARNEY Currier and Ives, 1868 and undated. ‘The latter uncolored. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) 8 WARWICK CASTLE On the Avon. F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Undated. Un- colored. Folio. Old gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collec- tion) 10 Al 12 13 14 15 NAPOLEON The Hero of a Hundred Battles. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) AMERICAN VIEWS NuMBERS 10-51 A VIEW OF PART OF THE TOWN OF BOSTON IN NEW ENGLAND AND THE BRITISH SHIPS OF WAR LANDING THEIR TROOPS, 1786 Colored facsimile of the engraving by Paul Revere. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE BURNING OF CHICAGO Currier and Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) CUMBERLAND VALLEY From Bridgeport Heights Opposite Harrisburg, Pa. F. F. Palmer del. Currier and Ives, lith. Dated 1865. Folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) Rare. THROUGH TO THE PACIFIC Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) ON THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) YO-SEMITE FALLS, CALIFORNIA Kellogg & Bulkeley. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 16 17 18 i 20 21 22 23 GREAT SALT LAKE, UTAH Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. CANADIAN VOYAGEURS Walking a Canoe up a Rapid. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. VIEW OF HARPERS FERRY From the Potomac Side. Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. Good margin. MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI Currier and Ives. Dated 1875. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI The same. Large margin. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) A HOME ON THE MISSISSIPPI Currier and Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) MAIDEN’S ROCK, MISSISSIPPI RIVER; MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER Currier and Ives and Th. Kelly. Undated. Small folio. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) VIEW OF THE NEPTUNE HOUSE, NEW ROCHELLE, WESTCHESTER CO., N. Y. Lith. & Pub. by J. Baillie. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) VERY RARE. NIAGARA FALLS ; From the Canada Side; From the Cliftonhouse; The Outlet of the Niagara River. Small folios. One varnished. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (8) 25 26 27 30 31 32 34 SARATOGA LAKE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) SARATOGA SPRINGS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) SYLVAN LAKE; PLACID LAKE Currier and Ives. One dated 1868. Small folios. Stained. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG, OWLS HEAD Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) MOOSEHEAD LAKE | Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) LAKE GEORGE, N. Y. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. CALDWELL, LAKE GEORGE Kellogg & Thayer. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) AUTUMN ON LAKE GEORGE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old carved frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE NARROWS, NEW YORK BAY From Staten Island. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Guilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) VIEW OF NEW YORK FROM WEEHAWKEN N. Currier. Dated 1848. Medium folio. Wide margins. 4 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 THE MOUNTAIN SPRING Near Cozzen’s Dock, West Point. F. F. Palmer del. Lith. Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Medium folio. Slight stain. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) IDLEWILD ON THE HUDSON The Glen. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. A NEW ENGLAND HOME; SUNNYSIDE ON THE HUDSON Currier and Ives. Both undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) SLEEPY HOLLOW CHURCH Near Tarrytown N. Y. F. F. Palmer del. Currier and Ives. Folio. Old frame. SCARCE. A NIGHT ON THE HUDSON F. F. Palmer. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Shows the steamers “Isaac Newton” and ‘Francis Skiddy” racing at night through “The Narrows”. THE HUDSON AT PEEKSKILL Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) HUDSON RIVER—CROW NEST Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old pine frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) VIEW ON THE HUDSON From Ruggles House, Newburgh. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 44: 45 46 AT 48 49 50 51 VIEW ON THE HUDSON West Point. Published by Haskell & Allen, Boston. Undated. Folio. Margin stained. Old walnut frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) VIEW FROM FORT PUTNAM; THE HUDSON NEAR COLD SPRING Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Stained. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection (2) VIEW ON THE RONDOUT F. F. Palmer del. Lith. Currier and Ives. Folo. Old gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) SILVER CASCADE, WHITE MOUNTAINS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio, Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) VIEW OF THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON Lith. & Pub. by H. R. Robinson. Undated. Small folio. (Stain) EAST VIEW OF MT. VERNON MANSION Lith. & Printed in colors by Robertson, Seibert and Sherman. [1859]. Folio. Gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) WEST VIEW OF MT. VERNON MANSION Lith. & Printed in colors by Robertson, Seibert & Sherman. 1859. Folio. Gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) TOMB OF WASHINGTON Lith. by Robertson, Seibert & Sherman. 1859. Folio. Gilt frame. (Stained) (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) WILD HORSES AT PLAY ON THE AMERICAN PRAIRIES Catlin, del. Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. Old frame. 6 o2 56 58 59 60 AMERICAN TRAVEL AND FARM SCENES NuMBERS 52-78 FARMER’S HOME Published by Ed. Farrel. Undated. Large folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) ARGUING THE POINT Painted by A. F. Tait. Lith. by N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. A scene near Long Lake in the Adirondack Mountains, New York. MY BOYHOOD’S HOME Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. THE INGLESIDE WINTER Currier and Ives. Small folio. THE RURAL LAKE F. Palmer, del. Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. SUMMER SCENE Published by Ed. Farrell. 1841. Folo. Old walnut frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) A SUMMER LANDSCAPE Haymaking. Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SPRING Currier and Ives. Dated 1869. Small folio. Old carved frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) [SEE FRONTISPIECE | AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SUMMER Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. Old carved frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) [SEE FRONTISPIECE | 7 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—AUTUMN Currier and Ives. Dated 1869. Small folio. Old carved frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) | SEE FRONTISPIECE | AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—WINTER Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. Old carved frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) [SEE FRONTISPIECE | SUMMER MORNING Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old carved frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) SUMMER AFTERNOON Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) Rare. SUMMER EVENING Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. SUMMER IN THE COUNTRY Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) WINTER MORNING IN THE COUNTRY Currier and Ives. Dated 1873. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE ROADSIDE MILL Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) A HOME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 8 70 71 72 73 74 76 7 78 A HOME IN THE WILDERNESS The same. Fine copy with wide margins. Old carved walnut frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) FROZEN UP Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE VILLAGE STREET N. Currier lith. F. Palmer del. Dated 1855. Medium folio. Slightly spotted. Old walnut frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) Rare. THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH N. Currier lth. F. Palmer del. Undated. Medium _ folio. Slightly smoked. Old oak frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collec- tion) THE OLD FORD BRIDGE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) HOME SWEET HOME; THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W.E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) FINE COPIES. THE YOUNG BROOD Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old carved frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) A MANSION OF THE OLDEN TIME Currier and Ives. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) IN THE MOUNTAINS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 9 80 81 83 84 AMERICAN HISTORIC SUBJECTS PORTRAITS AND BATTLES NUMBERS 79-122 THE TOCSIN OF LIBERTY Rung by the State House Bell, (Independence Hall) Philadelphia, July 4th, 1776. Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Medium folio. Old walnut frame. Rane. WASHINGTON First in War, First in Peace, and First in the Hearts of his Countrymen. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. BATTLE OF BUNKER’S HILL WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION AT TRENTON THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER N. Currier and Currier and Ives. Small folios. Framed. (Dr. W.E. P. Hewitt Collection) (38) THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION AT TRENTON ; BATTLE AT BUNKER’S HLIL N. Currier. Various dates. Small folios. Framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (3) WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. THE PRAYER AT VALLEY FORGE Painted by H. Brueckner. Engraved by John C. McRae. Dated 1866. Folo. Old walnut frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collec- tion) 10 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 U. 8S. DRAGOONS, CUTTING THEIR WAY THROUGH A MEXICAN AMBUSCADE; PURSUIT OF THE MEXICANS BY THE U. 8S. DRAGOONS N. Currier. Dated 1846 and 1847. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) STORMING OF MONTEREY—ATTACK ON THE BISHOP’S PALACE; FLIGHT OF THE MEXICAN ARMY Kellogg and N. Currier. Undated, and 1847. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) GEN. TAYLOR AT THE BATTLE OF RESACA DE LA PALMA: THE BRILLIANT CHARGE OF CAPT. MAY N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) THE PUBLIC PARK OF MEXICO THE REPULSE OF THE MEXICANS, AND BOMBARD- MENT OF MATAMORAS N. Currier. Dated 1848; and Sarony and Major. Dated 1846. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT Celebrated May 19th 1870. Published by Thomas Kelly. From the original design by James C. Beard. Large folio. Old gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) JOHN BROWN THE DEATH OF COL. ELLSWORTH Currier and Ives. Dated 1863 and 1861. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) COL. MICHAEL CORCORAN AT THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN THE GALLANT CHARGE OF THE FIFTY-FOURTH MASS. (COLORED REGIMENT) Currier and Ives: Small folios. Framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) 11 92 93 94 95 96 oy 98 99 BATTLE OF MILL SPRING, KY. BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS Kellogg and Currier and Ives. 1862. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA. BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG, VA. Currier and Ives. 1862. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) CAMP MILLINGTON, BALTIMORE, MD. FORT PICKENS, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA E. Sachs & Co., and Currier and Ives; Medium folio and small folio. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) BOMBARDMENT AND CAPTURE OF FREDERICKS- BURG, VA. THE BATTLE OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. (2) BATTLE OF FAIR OAKS, VA. BATTLE OF FIVE FORKS, VA. BATTLE OF MILL SPRING, KY. Currier and Ives, and Kellogg. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W.E. P. Hewitt Collection) (38) TERRIFIC COMBAT BETWEEN THE “MONITOR” AND “MERRIMAC” THE GREAT FIGHT AT CHARLESTON Currier and Ives. 1862 and 1863. Small folios. Framed. (One stained) (2) MARTHA WASHINGTON Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. Gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) VERY RARE. LADY WASHINGTON N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W.E. P. Hewitt Collection) RARE. 12 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 WASHINGTON FAMILY N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. GEORGE WASHINGTON First President of the United States. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. MARTIN VAN BUREN Sixth President of the United States. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) GENL. ANDREW JACKSON “The Union Must and Shall be Preserved.” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON Ninth President of the United States. J. McGee, del. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. With mourning border. JAMES K. POLK Eleventh President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio, with very wide margin. Old gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) JAMES K. POLK Eleventh President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. ZACHARY TAYLOR Twelfth President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) JAMES BUCHANAN Democratic Candidate for Fifteenth President of the United States. Kellogg. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 13 109 110 EL 112 113) 114 115 116 jy 118 ABRAHAM LINCOLN The Nation’s Martyr. Assassinated April 14th 1865. Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. In an elaborately decorated mourning frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Washington to Polk. N. Currier. Dated 1844. Small folio. BRIGADIER GENERAL W. S. ROSECRANS Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. Uncolored. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) WINFIELD SCOTT The People’s Choice for Thirteenth President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. MAJOR GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. ZACHARY TAYLOR People’s Candidate for Tweifth Biner of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small folio. GENERAL TAYLOR AND STAFF N. Currier. Dated 1857. Small folio. HENRY CLAY N. Currier. Undated. Small ioe Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) DANIEL WEBSTER Defender of the Constitution. N. Currier. Dated 1851. Small folio. THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. Small folio. 14 119 120 121 122 128 124 125 126 127 DEATH OF HARRISON ; DEATH OF LINCOLN N. Currier and Currier and Ives. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) DEATH OF HARRISON ; DEATH OF LINCOLN N. Currier, and Currier and Ives. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. .(Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) GEN. JAMES A. GARFIELD; DEATH OF GEN. JAMES A. GARFIELD Currier and Ives. Medium folios. Uncolored. Old frames. Cer. Wo. P. Hemit Collection) (2) THE MAGNIFICENT O’CONNELL FUNERAL CAR N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. HUNTING, CAMPING AND WILD GAME NUMBERS 123-130 THE FOX HUNTER N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. A PAIR OF NUTCRACKERS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old walnut frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) PARTRIDGE SHOOTING F. F. Palmer, del. Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. Folio. Good margin. Rare. FLUSHING A WOODCOCK Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old carved frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) WILD DUCK SHOOTING On the Wing. Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old frame. (Slightly spotted) (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) Rare. 15 128 129 130 131 132 138 134 DEER SHOOTING In the Northern Woods. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. In old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE HOME OF THE DEER Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE TROUT BROOK Currier and Ives, after F. F. Palmer. Dated 1862. Medium folio. Uncolored. Old frame. (Margin creased) (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) TROTTING AND RACING NUMBERS 131-148 THE SLEIGH RACE Currier and Ives. Dated 1859. Medium folio. Old gilt frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) VERY RARE. BLACK HAWK Union Course, L. I. September 25th, 1849. N. Currier. Dated 1850. Folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) Rare. “TROTTING CRACKS” ON THE SNOW Painted by L. Maurer. Currier and Ives. Dated 1858. Large folio. Old walnut frame. (Stained) (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) Portraying the famous horses of the day. ETHAN ALLEN AND MATE, AND LANTERN AND MATE In their Great Match for $10,000.00 over the Union Course Long Island, 1859. Painted by L. Maurer. Currier and Ives. Dated 1859. Large folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 16 135 136 137 188 139 140 SONTAG AND FLORA TEMPLE In their Great Match for $2,000. over the Union Course L. I. 1855. Painted by L. Maurer. Lith. by N. Currier. Folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) CORONA AND NELLIE To Beat 2.20. Original painting by J. McAuliffe. Showing the famous team trotting to sleigh on the Harlem. Fred Hammond driver. Folio, on board. Old walnut frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE CELEBRATED HORSE “DEXTER,” THE KING OF THE TURF Trotting a Mile under the Saddle, 1865. Painted by J. Cameron. Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. Folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (Slightly stained) Rare. THE CELEBRATED HORSE DEXTER, “THE KING OF THE TURE” THE CELEBRATED MARE FLORA TEMPLE, “QUEEN OF THE TURF” Painted by L. Maurer and J. Cameron. Currier and Ives. Dated 1860 and 1867. Large folios. Framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (Stained) (2) TROTTING STALLION MAMBRINO CHAMPION OWNED BY M. F. FOOTE Painted by J. Cameron. Currier and Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (Margin stained ) SUNOL; JAY EYE SEE; ST. JULIEN Currier and Ives. After Maurer and Cameron. Dated 1880, 1883, and 1890. Large folios. .Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (38) Li 14] 1435 144 145 TROTTING HORSES Mr. W. H. Vanderbilt’s Celebrated Road Team, Lysander and Leander; Mr. Frank Work’s Celebrated Team Edward and Swiveller. Currier and Ives. Dated 1879 and 1882. Small folios. Framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) TROTTING HORSES The Celebrated Trotting Mare “Goldsmith Maid”. The Great Pole Mares Belle Hamlin & Justina. Currier and Ives. 1871 and 1890. Small folios. Framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) RUNNING HORSES Tom Bowling; Volunteer. Currier and Ives, 1873, and H. C. Eno after Humphries, 1864. Small folio and medium folio. Both framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) | MARINE VIEWS NUMBERS 144-155 ° CLIPPER SHIP “THREE BROTHERS”, 2972 TONS The Largest sailing ship in the world. Length, 328 ft. George Cumming Captain. Currier & Ives. Later impression. Dated 1875. Large folio. Framed. CLIPPER SHIP “SWEEPSTAKES” Dedicated to Aaron J. Westervelt, builder, of New York. F. F. Palmer lith., after the painting by J. E. Butterworth. N. Currier. Later impression. Dated 1853. Large folio. Framed. The “Sweepstakes”, 1735 tons, was built in New York, and was commanded by Captain George Lane. She was the last of the extreme California Clippers built in the Westervelt yards, and was considered the handsomest ship of her day. 18 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 CLIPPER SHIP “FLYING CLOUD” Dedicated to Messrs. Grinnell, Minturn & Co. EK. Brown Jr. del., after the painting by J. E. Butterworth. N. Currier. Later impression. Dated 1852. Large folio. Framed. Column of dimensions at either side of title. The “Flying Cloud’, 1793 tons, was built by Donald McKay at East Boston 1851. She made a record in 1851, sailing from New York to San Francisco in 89 days. ‘The record was only twice equalled by herself, and never beaten by any sailing ship. THE CLIPPER YACHT “AMERICA” F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by N. Currier. Folio. Oak frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) Fine copy. Rare. Shows the subject sailing to the right, with a view of the other contestants making sail. THE MAMMOTH IRON STEAM-SHIP GREAT EASTERN Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old gilt frame. (Dr. W.E. P. Hewitt Collection) AWFUL WRECK OF THE STEAMER ATLANTIC N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE CLIPPER SHIP IN A HURRICANE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. OUTWARD BOUND Currier and Ives. Small folio. AWFUL WRECK OF THE STEAMER “ATLANTIC” N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. BURNING OF THE “OCEAN MONARCH” OF BOSTON N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small folio. LOSS OF THE U. S. M. STEAM SHIP “ARCTIC” N. Currier. Dated 1854. Small folio. BURNING OF THE STEAMSHIP “AUSTRIA” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 1) 156 157 158 159 160 161 163 FANCY SUBJECTS, JUVENILES, ETC. NuMBERS 156-193 OFF FOR THE WAR; HOME FROM THE WAR Currier and Ives. Dated 1861 and 1862. Small folios. Old gilt frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) A FINE PAIR. THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) SPRING; SUMMER; AUTUMN; WINTER Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Medium folios. Old carved frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (4) SPRING; SUMMER; AUTUMN ; WINTER The same. Frames vary. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (4) EMPRESS JOSEPHINE; THE FAIREST OF THE FAIR; THE SOUTHERN BEAUTY Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W.E. P. Hewitt Collection) (8) EVANGELINE; HARRIET; ALMIRA N. Currier and Currier and Ives. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (8) MARY ; SUSAN ; THE ANGLER E. B. & E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (38) NO, YOU DON’T; MY FRIEND AND I; THE HAPPY MOTHER N. Currier and Kellogg. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (8) 20 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 wal 172 173 THE LOVERS’ RECONCILIATION ; THE DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING; THE WEDDING DAY N. Currier. Dated 1846 and 1847. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (8) THE DAY BEFORE MARRIAGE; THE MARRIAGE EVENING; A YEAR AFTER MARRIAGE N. Currier and Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (8) THE BRAVE WIFE; THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old gilt frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) MORNING PRAYER; EVENING PRAYER Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) LITTLE SISTER; THE LITTLE BROTHERS Currier and Ives, and Kellogg. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) FATHER’S PRIDE; THE LITTLE VOLUNTEER Kellogg, and Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) LITTLE SARAH AND LITTLE HARRY Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) Vn Pins tl STEP; LITTLE BROTHER AND I Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) MY LITTLE PLAYFELLOW; THE LITTLE EMPEROR Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) AMERICAN FRUIT PIECE Currier and Ives. Dated 1859. Large folio. Old walnut frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) 21 174 175 176 178 180 181 182 183 THE BOUQUET OF ROSES; FRUIT AND FLOWER PIECE: THE BOUQUET. Currier and Ives and N. Currier. Various dates. Folho and smaller. Old frames. (Dr. W. E.P. Hewitt Collection) (8) FRUITS OF THE SEASON; FRUIT AND FLOWERS Currier and Ives, 1870 and 1872. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) NOAWH’S ARK N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) GENERAL TOM THUMB N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) GENERAL TOM THUMB The same. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) MAZEPPA Plates 1, 3, and 4. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (8) WILLIAM TELL; THE RIVAL QUEENS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small and medium folio. Framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) UNCLE TOM AND LITTLE EVA N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) THE LIFE AND AGE OF MAN Kellogg and Comstock. Undated. Small folio. MY LITTLE WHITE KITTIES (PLAYING DOMINOS, and LEARNING THEIR A.B.C.’s) Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) | 22 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 201 MY KITTIE AND CANARY; KITTIE AMONG THE ROSES Currier and Ives. Dated 1871 and 1873. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W.E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) THE FIRST RIDE; MY PONY AND DOG; NEWFOUND- LAND DOG Currier and Ives. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (3) THE YOUNG BROOD Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. A STRAWBERRY FEAST; TAKING COMFORT Currier and Ives. After F. F. Palmer. Small folios. Old frames. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (2) MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Grand National Temperance Banner; The Tree of Life; In Memoriam; Family Register; Marriage Certificate. N. Currier, and Currier and Ives. Small folios. All framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (5) THE LAST SUPPER Printed by Wm. C. Robertson. Published by Thomas Kelly. Large folio. Old frame. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS Our Lady of Knock; The Body of the Late Most Rey. Archbishop Hughes; The Sacred Tomb of the Blessed Virgin; Search the Scriptures. N. Currier, and Currier and Ives. Various dates. All framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (4) RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS Daniel in the Lion’s Den; Holy Family; Immaculate Conception ; St. Michael; The Tree of Life. N. Currier, and Currier and Ives. Various dates. All framed. (Dr. W. E. P. Hewitt Collection) (5) 23 192 193 HUMOROUS SUBJECTS The Darktown Fire Brigade.