reat: nes es habet ot om YD eas os He ID oe 5 we tee e]ste lal « + St to de aneenet anne es wea ae RARE OLD WORKS OF AR ARE BROUGHT TO VII Exhibition’ at Waldorf- Astoria Sale Shows That ( Old May Be Had. Pictures Still BY HENRI PENE DU BOIS.. paintings. ‘There are none now,”’ the art lovers say. “The old are all sold and the new are all not valuable.” He replies by covering the walls of his Fifth avenue art galleries with works which are popular and artistic. Some were collected by George R. Blanch- ard, who was very wealthy and very intelli- ‘gent. Some were in the drawing room of Mrs. E. Le Roy Stewart. Others were hidden in places which no art lovers knew. is to sell them all by auttion at the Wal- dorf-Astoria on Thursday and Friday even- ings. ‘The painting placed at the end of the enfilade of his galleries, extending them infinitely, was in the Salon at Paris in the Spring. It is Beroud’s picture of “The Rubens Gallery in the Louvre,”’ Where Delacroix. got his learned art. Beroud .has sketched , in his picture, Rubens's Medici and Henry IV.. panels. . Beroud has placed on a high chair, in front of one of the paintings, a student copying who has the air and fashion of a Soubrette; on a bench, musing, an abbe who is joyful; at the entrance to the gallery a guide, a crowd. S$ *: is inimitable at gathering valuable Billotte; “The Pinaclesy of St. Peter's, at Rome,” in gray, by G.B., which you may, if you be modern and not extremely docile to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, like better than Bouguereau’s “work. ink . There are an “Autumn Idyl” by Volk, landscapes by Lepiné, a “Guitar Player” by, Julius Stewart, a. “figure: of “Adoration” by. Piot, a landscape. with dark — clouds by Michel, a “Cavalier’’ by Roybet, a “Burning Stable’’ oS Schreyer, a young gir) with pale Silo; blue ribbons by Madrazo, a “Cavalier” by Charles Meissonier, a Sheep” by Jacque. There are an admirable “At the Well” by Couture, a ‘Venice’. of Canaletto, an. “Evening’’ of George H. Bogert, a ‘Ma- rine” by. Boudin, a “Scissors Grinder” by. Decamps, Humbert’s original study for his) famous ‘Virgin, Jesus. and St. John,” a Vibert with a finé spot of red in the dark, a Van Mareke, a Diaz, Cazin’s ‘Farm,’ works of Thaulow which are not his sempi-| ternal rippling brooks, Gerome’s “Return | i [ “Landscape with to the Palace.’’ What is there not that {is valuable? There is even Jules Lefebvre’s “Ophelia.” There are Isabey’s little ‘‘Wreck” from) And he has. blended in a | the Ayely sale, Brandt’s “‘Russian Market delightful gray tone all the colors in which | Day,” extraordinarily active; Ziem’s heroic the red of Rubens glares. and dazzling ‘“‘Fishermen of Venice.’’ The In the same gallery is a grand painting| galleries were crowded yesterday with en- by Bouguereau, It is the ‘‘Alma Parens”’ that George R. Blanchard regarded as in-| comparable. It shows a woman, in lines of the Pallas Athene and colors of marble and porphyry, seated on a marbie bench.) Nine children similar to cherubim of Italy are at her feet, on her knees, at her neck.| She has the implacability of perfection.' Her large eyes are limpidly blue. Wheat and, red flowers are braided in a wreath on her head. If one wish to know what the Ecole des Beaux-Arts means when it says that one’ may not draw lines more artistic than those) of Greek statuary, let one see tnat Bou- guereau. It is one of the masterpieces of the classic art of drawing and painting. If you do not) like it, the Ecole des Beaux-Arts says that it is your fault. If you wish to be conserva- | tive, respectable in the official sense, and | have ideas which shall be classified as per- | manent, admire that ‘“‘Alma Parens.” Bou-| guereau has done nothing better. There is a picture, by Carroll Beckwith, ‘Under the Lilacs,’ which was a portrait) highly prized... There are a “Still Life,’? by William M. Chase; a ‘River Scene,” wita) bank and: bridge, in. pearl gray, by Rene | thusiastic admirers, pouy' wy inds C oar) nger), POR, IELOLUZ Head, CQ) Ped i a PAINTING. f din > ne if eae Finest ' “Alma Parens,!’ Realizes the Highest Price at Last of the Two-Days! Sale at Silo Auction | Silo concluded in triumph last evening his sale, by auction, at the Waldorf- As-| ‘toria, of the Blanchard and other collec- ‘tions of paintings. : Judge P. H. Dugro paid the top-notch. iptice of the sale—$8,900—for one of the finest of Botguerreau’s paintings in this) ‘country. The title of the canvas is ‘‘Alna| ‘Pareus.” ; | Wighty-cne numbers of the . catalogue) brought $56,470, This sum, added to that) lof. "Phutsday’s sale, which was $233,320, ) makes $89,790, the total amount ef the cata-) \logue’s sale, It is very high. Strangers were numerous at last even-) Sng’s sale. The boxes were filled with) women in*beautiful gowns. Their applause) Was frequent and generous. Numbers of) the catalogue, names of painters, titles of pictures, names of buy ers and prices paid) are, in that ordet, in the following list: 80. Furlong, Young Bull,’ $30, oi. W. B:,,) “Happy amily,’ A. W. Clarke, $20. 82, Tam: ‘burini, Pulling the Cork,” G, Snerman, $100, | lsd. Lonzpre, ‘loses and Lilacs,’ $130. 84. Lary-| hin, "Spa: lish Dancer,” (4. Tierney, $20. 85. Puil-| ‘ipes,_ See tay ne Needle,” 550, 86. Nozal,, H wiDelez,. “R lower Bovis ees [Ro ‘ 88. Lanarand, “Landscape,” AS iW. Olarke, $30, 89. Pinchart, ‘Amaryllis;:" f. | Gerrity, $375, 90. Van Chelminski. “La Vedette, Bour Hecseans. ” $150. 91. Piltz, “Starting for the ‘Wete,’ 0. 92. Grelleron, ‘Resting,’ G, | Sherman, ($135. 93. Minor, “Landscape, ; OU: ry: iitelfelt, “Cherry Girl, Bu srandies, $125. 95. Couture, ALL the Well,” | Rathgen, $2:90.° 96.° Parton, “Early § Spring,’ $120. . oT. Domingo, ‘Game of Cards,”? $1! 20. 98. Keyser,’ She Seo $120, 99. Michel, Landscape: $250. 100. Velten, ‘“‘fhe Guide,’ $95, 102. iieneey “Ready for the Dauce,’’ $120. 102. Hary, ‘*Morn-) ae ‘Atter Fox,’’? M. J. Tierney, eho 108. Aches re pproaching Storm,’ Pog Gs, Long, $240. 104. ! Daudi igny, ‘Twilight,’ ss ae $780. 105. Haw| kins, “Veaving Home, eta tp 108. Gusvoroy hy, “Rustic Courtship M. Seb her: $204 107.) Bogert, <‘W vening,’ $51 108. Cldaieit os “Sty Mark's, Venice,’ ke Gh, $170. 109. Ho pner, | ia *ortrait—" Sir Abraham Hume,” A, oath, | S170. 110, Knight, “The Old Mill,” $350. 11, Gesne, *‘Pack of Dogs,’ 'T. Gerrity, $260.) 12. Cave. ““The Rose”? A, Tooth, $800. 113.) Bonhéur, ‘‘Horse at Pasture,’’:M..Donilton, $825,! 14, Henry, “Hailing the Ferry,’ W. B. Strang,| $280, | 115. Pearce, “Going to the Well,” A. Lin-| coln, $550. 116, Monchablon, ‘‘The Little Mill,’’) $310. 2117. Adan, ‘Wood Gatherers,’’ G. Paradis, $62). 118. Boudin, *“‘Marine on the French Coast,’’! J. G. Williamson, ‘$675. 119. Girard. “Phe Wed- ding Tour,” J. J. Wysong, $450. 120, Decamps,| ‘Scissors Grinder,”’ J. J. Moriarty. $650. 121.) Monticelli, ‘Court: Pigures,’’ Midridge. $240, baa) Dawson, ‘‘Afternoon-Lyme, Conn.,’? W. Clausen.) $300. 123, Humbert, ‘Virgin, Infant Christ and) St. John,’’ H. Miller, $115. 124. Frere, ‘The Lit-) tle eke $450; 125. Ziem, ‘Venice,’ G. Sher-| nan, ye 2 126. Dupre, “The Marsh,’’ H. Miller.) | BO, $400. 127. Roull Yet, ‘Grand Canal, Venice,’ detour! 128. Lepine, Banks of the Seine,” C. G. Emery, | $400. 129. Fromentin, ‘‘Arabian Horsemen in the Desert,’ ane 130. Bonheur. *‘Bull, tT. W, Myers, $600. 131, Conland, *‘Shepherd ee Sheep,”’ Ehalmog $200. $132. » Casanova, Lo The reau, “Alma Bare Pp et i 7 Mosengel, “Landscape, “a $270. eure $he Bouguereau’s ‘Alma Parens,” which broug'it $8,900, the highest price of ¢ sale, has doubtless a much greater value in money. Artists criticise Bouguereau aptly, but every new art lover is an irer his impassable official ig Saas a of ll eraerec a tale ical seape, With or Giaetes ) The sale of the George R collection of paintings was b P. Silo in. the ae dorf-Astoria last pictures were gold, $33,320... T paid a the ] eep, Cha; am Ba ae , ioe rat e’s “Cow i an or “Cattle | by Jules Dupré, Amor bold were “ Schreyer, for $1,1 Lagoons, eine) ‘ ~* Se alle ; ; ( ; ain { UA ee Rpt 5/0 Pi tr AVENUERCART GALLERIES 366 FIFTH AVENUE JAMES P. SILO, - - - - - AUCTIONEER WILL SELL AT THE WALDORF-ASTORIA GRAND BALL ROOM Thursday and Friday Evenings December Ist and 2nd, at 8.15 o’clock THE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF MRS. DELIA A. BLANCHARD. WIDOW OF GEORGE R. BLANCHARD FORMERLY PRESIDENT OF THE ERIE RAILROAD THE COLLECTION OF Mrs. E. LE ROY STEWART ALSO A NUMBER OF IMPORTANT ADDITIONS BY THE GREAT MASTERS EXHIBITION AT THE FirtH AVENUE Art GALLERIES, 366 Fifth Avenue, Beginning Monday, November 28th and continuing until final sale night. _ 18-20 Astor Place, : New York. | i} ' } " i - L CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise setween two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, -in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots tobe taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or des- troyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4, ‘The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Davs from the sale; THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in settle- ment of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are tn no way re- sponsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sales. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. LIST OF Names of Artists ADAN, L. E. BECKWITH, J.C. BILLOTIE, RP: BUNNER, A. F. BONHEUR, R. BEARD, W. H. BR. W. BOUDIN, E. BRANDT, J. BEROUD, L. BOUGUEREAU, W. A. BOGERT, G. H CHASE, WM. M. ’ CHURCH, F. S. COLLINS, R. CERAMANO, C. CHEROT, V. P. COURTOIS, G. COMMERE, L. CEREY, E. COROT. TOR, C: CHELMINSKI, J. VAN COUTURE, T. CANALETTO CAVE, J. COULAND, M. CASANOVA, A. COIGNARD, L. GAZING]. C. DUPRE, V. . DUPRE, JULES . ARTISTS REPRESENTED No. in Catalogue 117 6 10 12 54, 118, 180 Bd 81 48 59, 126, 67 ARTISTS REPRESENTED--Continued, Names of Artists No, in Catalogue DE HAAS, M. F. H. ; ; : : 68 DIAZ Noa. ; : ; 69, 64, 188, 148 DAUBIGNY, C. F. : : : : : 73, 104, 144 DELORT, C. : eae : 78, 150 DOMINGO-MUNOZ | : ’ 97 DECAMPS,A.G. . : : : = 1 BO DAWSON, A. : Svea i ; : 122 DELACHAUX L. . : : ; : 1386 DIETERLE, M. ; : : } 189 HDR PRE U DAR! ; : » ; : 94 FULLER. Miho s, 4 ; Se ae 1 FURLONG, A. : : : : : : 80 FRERE,.E. . : 124. FROMENTIN, E. ; : ; : : 129 GABRINI. : . ; : 4 GAMBA : , ; 11 Give: : : ; wot GROLLERON, P. . : ; 4 ; NOK ORF GAINSBOROUGH, ‘T : ; ; : : 106 GESNE, A.DE_. : ; : : : 111 GIRARD, F. : : : 118 GEROME, J.L... ; : + 146 HABERT . ; : : : 2 HERMANN Dy : : : : : ; 27 HORSLEVUISC : : ; . 29 HART, WM. 5 ‘ : ; q 102 HAWKINS, L. W. . : : : ; : 105 HOPPNER, J. , : i : 2 ee Oe HENRY, E. L. ; : j : : 114 HUMBERT, F. : : : : : 123 INNESS, Gayle? : : 58 INNESS, G. , } ; . ‘ : 185 ISABEY, E. s x 4 A ‘ 152 JORDAN, R. ; ; ; : ; 40 ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continued Names of Artists No. in Catalogue JIMENEZ, L. : BR ALOL JACOUE, CHAS. . : . 65, 79 KOEK-KOREK, H. P. ; : : : 13 KOWALSKI, W. A. i i : f 38 KEYSER, E. ? : ‘ ; ; : 98 BNICHT, LA. . : ; : 2 ; 110 BATOUCHE,G. . : : d ‘ , : 16 PENOIR, ©. A... ; : : oo LEPINE, S. : : ; : ny Bou 128 LAUGEE, G. : : ; ; 50 MOMPRE RD .-. - fis ; , ; : 3 LARYLIN, V.C. . : E : , i 84 YANGRAND, J. A. 5 ; : : ; 88 LEROUX, H. ; , : : 3 : : 108 LELOIR M. aa 189 MOCiGAND GC. . : : 20 MERLOT, E. ; ; 23 MULLER, E. ; : 26 MERLE, H. } é E 31 MONCHABLON, J. eee Pas by : Jo BO> 116 MOSENGEL, A. ; ; : 41 MESRIGNY, F. Du : 44 MERLE, G. ; 52 MICHEL, G. : 4 : pater OY 99 MADRAZO, R. DE ear 1 AS MESSONIER, CHAS. : : 74 MINOR. R. C. : 93 MONTICELLI, A. ; 121 NEUBERT, L. ; 8 NICHOL, E. ; 42 NOZAL, A. : : 86 OSTADE, A. VAN : 46 PARTON, A. : 5, 96 PELEZ, F. : : ; 9, 87 ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Contioued. Names of Artists No, in Catalogue PRIOU, L. : 6 aS 87 PIOT Ae : * aes ‘ 49 PILTZ Gane : : ; : peas PHILIPES, L. cape ate : ; Cae PN SBE PINCHART,E. . : ; ee : 89 PEARCERGIP) too : Bees os 115 J Bg By : : : ; aes ROYBET. : : t 66 RICHET, L. k : i; ROULLET, G. Dae : : 127 RENARD, E. ; : 141 SCHENCK, A. : ; 1? STEWART tT) ah . : 43 STEJINHEIL, A... é 58 SCHREVER, A... : : 2 . 70, 1538 TWACHTMAN, L. ; ; ; ant? ee TENIERS, D.:. : 1900s THAULOW, F.. ; . 63, 145 TAMBURINI, A. . , | , Color | . Bunner, ie itt New York | Su ON THE SHORE OF THE CHIEM SEE, BAVARIAN HIGHLANDS = * ‘ aaa 86x27 AS ee Dirge a ra! } al uae ae nn ee A ene Bae ee hi Ae) Rata ROE ES Enno he | Meee iwachtman ai ore ; 4 4 ae iy } ae i : n { i) \ ue , { q 4 16 ‘Member of the Society of French Artist oe bie Gaston Latouche | Medal, 1888 Silver Medal, 1889, KE. U. Hors Concours:<.3..:, at 5 § FISHING BOATS Ux14 August-Frederic-Albrecht Schenck Deceased Paris Born in 1828. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal and of Isabella, the Catholic. Medalat Philadelphia; Medal at Salon, 1865. Jegion of Honor, 1885. J1o- 17 SHEEP IN A SNOWSTORM 1834x22 ee gs cli gels Nv | " ah SoC MNT ew. York BEEN AY, IDEAL HEAD a) | | 1 1622: Me ah at > Younger) \ F ‘ u i . aralen | ed “% George Morland | 1763-1805 20) SMUGGLERS ON THE COAST 114%x15% Pagers Dae See oS By SG eee | Ane Paris : \ Neat 4 i) ' . Born at Chatel—Aillon (Charente Inf LAER honed Medals 1892, 1896 and 1900, Hors Concours 29 BLONDE 18x15 vt Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. ¢ 24 Deceased iy ie ‘Brussels the Order of Christ of Portugal. Decorated itt Iron Cross. Member of the Academies of Belg ut Antwerp and St. Petersburg. Medals, 18: 4, Class, 1841. Cross of the Legion of H | 3 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle ‘ : if, *y ce as KWE AND LAMBS f 1014x14 Douglas Volk, N. A. New York Born Pittsfield, Mass., February 23rd, 1856 Pupil of Gerome in Paris Medal Columbian Exposition Chicago, 1893 Shaw Fund Purchase, S. A. A., 1899 Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition Buffalo, 1901. Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902 Carnegie Price, S. A. A., 1903 Member N. A., 1899 S. A. A , 1880 20 1334x19%4 ~ J ADS ( aN S \ ase - Kruseman Van Elten, N New York 28 : LANDSCAPE 46x62 _ eats = < S as UNE JAPANAISE 30 1414x214 =e egies ua d2 LE PONT DE LA GARENNE 124x173 e Victor P. Cherot | Paris.) ee ‘A Member or the Society of French 4 Hors Concours iS 34 THE OLD MONASTERY 51x38 : 1 ns , HB, N : A. i BD CADULE )) 70 rae Pals \ Re ures \ ] av f % x dee ‘ Dau sive NG OF WINTER i Warsaw Pupil of Warsaw, Dresden and Munich A, latter under Alexander Wagner and Jo Medal, Second Class, Munich, 1883 . 38 HUNTING, DAYBREAK _ 24x31 ie IILLON, OSGE ! ES TN ve we | Medals, Berlin, 1866, 1! Bi | OSS Viena, B78" 7 | 0) Philadelphia, 1896.0 % , ee 0 MEDEFATION | 9 Sverre a Mos +) Sh Ty yo Studied in Paris, and in © Deceased London 49 DAY AFTER THE FAIR Si Let * ies 10x13 Rae Maes ade verona Le hus f f Tle f R PLAYER eet sale F. de Meserign: Paris(: eae Me Various Medals , 44 14x22 + re eats < A. van Ostade 1610-1685 46 THE QUARTETE 0G 64x13 a re cer of ES ME, LOVES ME NOT : 82x24 48 : Victor Dupre r Paris 1816-1889 Medal Paris Salon, 1849 LANDSCAPE 14x2214 : ' - ge + NT mens . oe ir ‘ hy > s ae ay ie ie a 1% > des Artistes Francais Paris Medals Paris, 1881, 1889, B.U. Hors Concours ) RN i Member of the Society of Frengh" ie oF 4 D2 G;. Merle Dated, 1882 i BN * ; i* = peel, ‘Faust and the Three Braves ;’’ In 1876, “Le Pas © ie d’ Armes de l’Abre d’Or.”’ ' ¢ oe ou PECHEUSE DE CRABS 4 ae, : 32x39 14 +f ae Adolph Charles Edward Steinheil Paris Pupil and Nephew of Meissonier, Medals Paris, 1882 and 1889, H. U. . Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1898. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours 53 THE VISITOR e 16x13 o4 "Medals Paris, 1845, 1848, 1855, E. U. ‘Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1865 } Medal 'U, Tee7 | “Deceased Paris “ " it he WUE Lia “ % Hors Concors | ts we . DAPPLE GREY HORSE 1814 x22 e \ \ 1 Order of Leopold, Jules Dupre First Salon Medal, 1833 Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of Legion, 1870 Born at Nantes, 1812. Learned to paint on porcelain. Studied from Nature and the old mastersinthe Louvre. Ex- hibited in Salon, 1821 and won the favor of the Duke of Orleans: Died near Paris, 1889 59 LANDSCAPE ef i 18x18 4% 60 SEN) ta i Otto Piltz . ¢ ay Munich 710m 62 | SPRINGTIME 36x27 of Honor, 1889 y sor AL, SCENE AT DORDOGNE g ae " t ’ ae Eh BRB YU fa BMH ss Why tie | Paris” | “1808-1876 ny ss Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851 prs 4° A SMYRNOTE GHIED | 10x7% | Mee 1861, 1863, 1864 66 Paris. Medals Paris Salon, 1866 Re ch Grand Medal of Honor, 1893 TE ‘Sens 9m Legion of Honor, 1892.) )) gs Officer, 1900 ae h CAVALIER 2514x116 Jules Dupre First Salon Medal, 1833 Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of Legion, 1870 Born at Nantes, 1812. Learned to paint on porcelain. Studied from nature and the old masters in the Louvre. Exhibited in Salon, 182 , and won the favor of the Dukeof Orleans. Died near Paris, 1889 SRNR ne Po % 67 CATTLE BY THE LAKE 8x13 % Vigorous in character and always picturesque M. F. H. de Mey ie De Haas Haas’s marines rank among the best example by 4 the older American painters, He was born in Rotterdam in 1832, and became a pupil of the 68 Academy in his native city. Later he spent a year * ag in London, and then returned to paint upon the Dutch coast, studying with Louis Meyer at The % Hague. In 1859 he settled in New. York, and was elected a National Academician in 1867, and assisted in the formation of the American Water Color’ Society. He died in New York in 1895. tl Fe 4 t s: ‘[s44, 46, 48. Legion na tothe Memory of Deceased it 0 un erselle, 1878. | ip S NEAR FONTAINEBLEAU / Adolphe Schreyer Deceased Born, 1828. Died, 1900 _ Medals 1864, 1865, 186’ La bo et Deir. Liye Pith papa ee Many Honors 70 -~—sO THE BURNING STABLE 1234x2334 poe C2 Corot Paris Born, 1796. Died, 1875. Pupilof V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, 48, °55, °67,. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. ral EARLY MORNING, ST. CLOUD 6 ‘Ox15 Knight, Legion of Honor, 1878 Gold’ Medal, 1889 (E. U.) 90) ime Officer of Legion of Honor, 1889 z oun ; Commander, Legion of Honor, 1901 | He , ei x. (2 Lessionier Paris Pupil of Ernest Messonier i Medal, 1866 A CAVALIER ab were Ser es eae Sen So, riOU es wu! A 4 CORRELL AEE \ ; ¥ ‘ z ) ‘ of T. » 4° } < ; ; a M a I ee K pe i has ; he : i : w f 4 “1867, 1869, 1878 ¢ si : N PASTURE, a’ Felix Ziem Paris Medals at Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 Officer Legion of Honor Hors Concours 76 THE LAGOONS, VENICE 20x32 1 © : ¢ jon, Salon, 1885 ett Men aie Le ee sANKS OF THE SEINE, SUNSET bo Be aa eae 45x58 bee ts ‘! ; ~C. De Lort | Paris. aa Pupil of Gleyre and of Gerome Medals, Third Class, 1875. Second Class, 1882 ; 78, RE STIRRUP COe am 39x29 SECOND EVENINGS SALE Os oh | PROMPTLY AT 8,35 O'COLCK. _ ; | . Atherton Furlona aa | New York | | 16x14 “ mn Porcelain ug aon ; Fc I 1 - ie ry. Florence ER: ae Pupil of Ciceri and Bonnat. Medal, - Academy of Fine Arts eet ita eiorence. Various Medals, Florence ne Rome. Ney PULLING THE CORK 12510 eae a % | | Raat reat Water Color NG THE NEEDLE ye ree 14 o “ +e : Mention, 1883 \ird Class, 1884 - he Se Chelminski Born at Barsovie, Pologne Pupil of F rancois Adam, oe QQ "f LA VEDETTE, FOUR HUSSARS (LAY =e ‘ a - x ‘ R THE FETE J2 ji Deceased St Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1882 Medals, 1886, 1889 and 1894 Hors Concours Member of the Society of French Artists RESTING _ ¥ Lx 34, Paris Pupil of Gerome. Medals, 1880, 192. Soe Legion of Honor, 1887. Ofiicer of a: Honor, Tone 1901. Hors Concours. : ass Q4 THE CHERRY GIRL 2614x224 », Medals: ‘Third Class, 847 and 1855. Legion of Honor, , 7 : ’ ! ¢ a hike}; p Ly New York OG Sa’ EARLY SPRING 18x24 Se 254 x33 Georges Michel - | PAYSAGE 1834x26 di ef fn cet L. Jimenez . Paris Pupil of Eduardo Cano. 101 READY FOR THE DANCE c 1534x11 \ ee se fo Paris Born at Verdun, France, 1929. Paris, 1864, 1874, 1878 7 1889 “(Universal Exposition). Legion of Honor, 1877 103 THE APPROACHING STOR 21x86 ( ts cv pt oo a eal a ; pia aie Oar ay a ai egion of Honor, 1874 to Memor f Deceased Artists, 187 a6 ie fer na Nt csioesamumen seseeneee W. Hawkins LEAVING HOME Gan er he a es George H. Bogert, A. } 107 | EVENING. 109 1 iB Hoppner, Roa = London : : ait es 1758-1810 PORTRAIT—SIR ABRAHAM HUME 2414x2914 ¢ THE OLD MILL ey le ree wre ¥ f . \ “ j 4 , _ i ‘ ‘ ~“ Mention, 1901 | gs 0- Born at Paris 4 i : Wee Honorable Mention, 1895 111 | PACK OF DOGS . | 38%x51\% x ~~ Rosa Bonheur | Decenced Paris 18x22. \ A y Jules Dupre; H. Miller... als 40.) : vila xe er’s na ‘4 Cow in cnn. Brandis. i 4.2 put *‘ Fishermen of ivi ce, Of Uneven Excellence mae pe a WO} Galleries Contain Many Exar of Great UALS Some 159 canvasses, for t miodebn painters, owned — the late Mrs. Delia A, Bl Mrs. ©. Leroy Stewart, of Nev several additions, were pla yesterday at the Fifth A leries, No. 366 Pifth av sold in the lange ball room of Astoria by Mr, James 2, Bla and Friday lanehard was the lanchard, onte allroad. The. ear but uneven one, co ictures and many ng artists, and the ‘sale mportant thus far of* Blanchard’s erage. ar many New York art lover The large and important ma Parens,” is the most and attractive example < Oe alien canv as ie ‘Gallery in the bly clever work of the of tne Tooak and a faith- the Yocale. Jules (Le- figured in a not- wo years ago, is also in the there aré few of the bet- ench artists » unrepresented, rbizon painters, and \Meis- t n Marcke, Ziem, Schrey- erboe wlhall Jimenez, sir, (Merle, | ny, Cazin, ontieen ibet ag ees Ostade, aulow, ‘Lep' and Puriaccle in art is represented by examples hers of Carroll ‘Beckwith, A. F. De {Haas (an exceptionally Arthur Dawson, William ry, Minor; Arthur Parton, chtman, Volk and Corletgn ‘a i e fa two Heth tat sale ae the pictures iO Hed by the estate of the late George R. lanchard and Mrs. EH. Leroy Stewart took in om large ballroom of the Waldorf- Astoria last evening. Mr. James P. Silo Was the auctioneer, The seventy-nine pict- ures sold brought a total of $33,320. They were for. ae most part examples of a ie 1 French 2 SB te painters, 12. wnighest fi. of ape, eae $6, er ie, the Barbizon painter, de and Sheep,’ This was SOneie : ae liam Barbour. s2 Some ott er in figures of the sale were | : aid by A, Tooth & Sons for an ex- reke, ‘Cow in Pasture,’ ets for OT geothaveuice.: by Ziem. rogured by an unknown buyer; $1,100 paid hreyer's ‘‘Burning io) at ak 1a table,” eh 025 pa Tooth & Sons for Hime Dupré's pe a Take" and $750, paid by Mr. T. Gérrity for “Beach at Scheven- ingen,” b; snes the late M. FH. De Haas, ——— Oo : a NB PoTuRES | SELL FOR $89,790. cond and ‘Concluding ‘Night's Auc- | *tion of Blanchard-Stewart Paint- chs ings in Waldorf Ballroom. (At the second and concluding night’s sale “the late George R. Blanchard, and to Mrs. HH. Leroy Stewart; in the Waldorf-Astorla “ball room last evening, a total of $56,470 Was obtained for seventy-eight canvases. This, added to the total of -Thursday night’ $ Sale, or $33,320, makes a grand tota] of the sale, for 156 paintings, of $89,790. Mr, James P. Silo was the auctioneer. Again, as on Thursday, there was a good yattendance, and spirited bidding on the more important pictures offered. The lar ‘Be and important example of Bougerau, ‘tAl- ma Parens,”’ brought the highest figure of | “the evening, $8,900, considered a fair price, i 7rhe canvas was secured by Mr. FP. H, | Dugro. Annan AED ERNSRTIRENRTS ane aeireemessmmeeeeeeeeet ie | $6, 500, which was paid for Charles Jacque’s “Land- a Diaz was bought by A. Tooth & Son, for $1,000: “of the pictures belonging to the estate of SES re Panne or ee erat tip rr ra gre SALE OF PICTURE ‘COLLECTIONS. © For Seventy-eight Paintings Bidders } Pay -$33,320—Highest Price Paid $6,500. A joint sale of two private collections of paintings wags held in, the Waldorf-Astoria last night, George P. Silo was the auctioneer, and the grand ballroom, /where the sale was held, was filled with a large 'audience. As usual’ the dealers were well repre- sented. The total of last night’s sales of séventy- eight pictures was $33,320. The sale will be con- cluded to-night. .The two collections were those of the estate of Mrs. Delia» A: Blanchard, widow of George R. Blanchard, formerly president of the Erie Railroad, and of Mrs. BE. Leroy Stewart. The highest price obtained on a picture was scape with Sheep,’ sold to William Barber. /The. next highest price: was $2,350, paid by ArthurTooth’ + & Sons for’ Bmile’ Van Marche’s ‘‘Caw in Pasture.’ | A. Tooth & Sons also bought a Corot.for $760, a Diaz for $800 and. a..Dupré (‘‘Cattle by the. Lake’) for | $1,025, “The Lagoons, Venice;’’, by, Felix Ziem, soid for $1,300, the buyer desiring that ‘his? name be ‘with- eld. ate. Dowelton,, of the Holland’ Ouse: bought a |Daubigny for $650 and hy Burning Stable,” by’ Adolphe Schreyer, for 31,100. A’ small Rosa Bonheur brought $680. HIGHEST PRICE FOR. A BOUGUEREAU, Bouguereau’s “Alma Parens”’ brought the highest | price at last night’s sale of the Blanehard and |" Stewart collections of paintings at the Waldort- Astoria. Justice Dugro was the buyer, and secured 'the big’ picture only after spirited, bidding. The | total of last night's sales was $56.47), making «the total for two nights $89,790. Other good prices obtained last night were Ver- boeckhoven’s “Landscape with Cattle, 2 $8 OO Von Marcke’s ‘‘Cow in Pasture,’’ $2,400: Schreyer’s “Arab Chief.’ *