1916 Nov.2l NeAnH | No. 1251—1916 A AN tl | NN DAD are SeSe "Wylie Ra] Mey ‘ al ie i ; Oy 4 i pe TH me French Books Muplicates and Aeclectiong from the Zibrarp of sane §.¢ i AUN i tH Ske ie ° : eae TSO AO 2 I | Henry €. Huntington of Mew Bork Citp € To be sold November 2! and 22, 1916 ae mm ||| | j see UL ait f | ul a = aauee ve RIN zs Sein EE Caer east eee 2 Front GEORGE D. SMITH | gag iii | 5th Ave., Entrance ‘on 45-St-— iiviniitli': oe Who is prepared to execute orders at this sale. Correspondence invited from intending purchasers. a oe a one i = hl it a te ; 1 as al Sar a ae I a dal SR A ce oer, 3 ‘5 ; - ; + 3 > 2 ce Sad ” 4 : » : 2 ‘ i " , + eal i ae ‘ te ea ae ; ' od + 2 . a - A 7 - ” — aim fer name “ a pat = spa i es - DOLE LEI LI LOLA TE % < . ¥ Z ; : k ~ mae aa ae “ 4 at ete oe ’; = Py Ps Js ; , axorornenettt? H&ro ET LEANDRE With Plates in Colors [ Number 371 | No. 1251 FRENCH BOOKS DUPLICATES AND SELECTIONS FROM THE LIBRARY OF HENRY E. HUNTINGTON OF NEW YORK CITY The Finest Modern Productions of the French Press, Illustrated by the Greatest of Contemporary Artists, with Many Bindings by the Master Craftsmen of France f - ; ’ y \ \¥ 7 TO BE SOLD TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 21 AND 22, 1916 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Nov. 21, aT 2.30 o’cLock. Lots 1-271 TUESDAY EVENING, Novy. 21, at 8.15 o’crock. Lots 272-547 WeEpNESDAY AFTERNOON, Nov. 22, aT 2.30 0’cLtock. Lots 548-815 On Public Exhibition from Thursday November 16th Zen THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but.the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and- collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. 6. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second-hand condition. If material defects are found, not men- tioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are without recourse. 7. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our custom- ers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Books on Public Exhibition from November 16th Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.50 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED MapIsON AVENUE AT FoRTIETH STREET, NEw YORK. Tclephone, Murray Hill 7680. Catalogues on request. Sales Conducted by Mr. Frederick A. Chapman. PREFACE. The books here catalogued are duplicates and selections from the great library of Mr. Henry E. Huntington and .con- sist entirely of books printed in the French language, mainly during the Nineteenth Century. Many of the volumes were formerly in other famous collections, notably those of Frederic kh. Halsey and the late Robert Hoe. It ws the finest collection of modern French books that has ever been offered for sale, either in this country or Europe, and it is extremely unlikely that there will ever be another sale of the same high character. In printing, illustrating, and binding these volumes exhibit the highest skill of the world’s greatest artists. The editions are limited to small numbers, many of the books are printed on the choicest papers, and the colored illustrations are exquisite. The bindings are such as only the master craftsmen of France can produce, among those represented being Trautz-Bauzonnet, Chambolle-Duru, David, Canape, Lortic, Meunier, Mercier, and Marius Michel. Among the authors whose works were selected for produc- tion in the highest style of the art of printer, illustrator, and binder are Balzac, Beaumarchais, Bourget, Coppée, Daudet, Dumas, Flaubert, France, Goncourt, Hugo, La Fontaine, Loti, Maupassant, Mérimée, Moliére, Montaigne, Rabelais, Rostand, Uzanne, Verlaine, and Zola, but there are hundreds of others. Among the First Editions of earlier times are the works of Racine, Corneille, and Voltaire; Rousseau’s Emile, Perrault’s Hommes Illustres (Paris: 1696-1700), and the genuine First Edition of Le Sage’s Gil Blas. Some of the books with Eighteenth Century engravings are very important. Among them are Berquin and Rousseau’s Pygmalion, Paris: 1775, on Holland paper; Cervantes’s Don Quixote with plates by Berger; Dorat’s Les Baisers, 1770, on large Holland paper, and Fables Nouvelles, 1773, on large paper; Longus’s Daphnis et Chloe, Lille: 1792; the Heptam- erone, Berne: 1780-81; Marmontel’s Contes Moraux, Paris: 1765, and Les Ineas, 1777, and Pezay’s Zélis au Bain, Genéve: 1763. ~ Me * . ~ - . = ee . + } ° . . * cs : 5 i } 7 : . we “ A . . : = = 2 + 3 ? y x 3 FRENCH BOOKS DUPLICATES FROM THE LIBRARY OF HENRY E. HUNTINGTON FIRST SESSION. Tuesday Afternoon, November 21, 1916, at 2.30 o’clock LOTS 1-271 1. ABOUT (EDMOND). Le Nez d’un Notaire. Frontis- piece and 12 vignettes designed and engraved by Gery- Bichard. Square 12mo, full crushed green levant morocco, with gilt floral decoration, inlaid with red morocco on front panel, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by P. R. Raparlier. Paris, 1886 One of 225 copies issued on Vélin du Marais paper. 2. ABOUT (EDMOND). Les Mariages de Paris. Jllus- trated with vignettes by Piguet, engraved on wood by Huyot. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers richly decorated with central panel within gilt frame, outside fillet and dentelle borders; doublures of light green levant morocco, with inlays of floral sprays, borders of fillet and pointillé; marbled end leaves, with hand embroidered satin linings, full gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris: Imprimé pour les Amis des Livres, 1887 One of 115 copies printed on China paper, with the engrav- ings in two states, and with the duplicate leaves 1-2 and 15-16 bound in at the end. 3. ABOUT (EDMOND). Tolla. With 10 illustrations by Félicien de Myrbach, portrait of the author after Paul Baudry, and head- and tail-pieces by Adolphe Giraldon. Imperial 8vo, full purple crushed levant morocco, with an unconventional inlaid design of pink carnations and blue blossoms, green leaves and red ribbon, back similarly tooled in six compart- ments, gilt inside border, doublure of blue figured silk, end leaves of cut velvet with title in gold, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1889 One of an edition of 140 copies on Imperial Japan paper, with a triple set of plates, on Japan, China, and plate paper. 4. ADAM (V.). Panidochéme ou toutes sortes de Voitures. 1830. Illustrated with 87 beautifully colored lithograph plates (on 36 leaves), 12 of which are on India paper. Ob- long 4to, half cloth and boards, leather label on side, original front wrapper bound in. Publié a Paris: Chez Ch. Motte [1830] All of the first issue, with the dry stamp of Motte. 5. AICARD (JEAN). Le Roide Camargue. Illustrations de George Roux. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, with 6 compartments on back, 5 having a 3-fillet irregular square, covers with a 10-fillet irregular panel, with leaf sprays in the corners, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Lortie. Paris: Emile Testard, 1890 One of 40 copies on Grand Papier de Chine, with the etch- ings in three states, unfinished proof, and finished, before and after letters. 6. ALEXANDRE (ARSENE). L’Art du Rire et de la Caricature. Illustrated with 300 facsimiles in black and white and 12 full-page illustrations colored by hand after the origi- nals. Imp. 8vo, full salmon levant morocco, gilt back in com- partments, covers with a handsome pointille border, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Ancienne Maison Quantin, n. d. One of 30 copies printed on Japan paper. In the present copy a number of the smaller engravings are also touched up in color by hand. 7. ALHOY (MAURICE). Les Bagnes, Histoire, Types, Meeurs, Mystéres. LHdition allustrée par MM. de Ruddre, Bertall, Janet-Lange, Eustache-Lorsay, Pinot, and others. Royal 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt in- side borders, doublures of dark blue moire silk, marbled flys, with blue moire silk linings, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Bretault. Paris: Gustave Havard, 1845 8. ANACREON, Sapho, Bion et Moschus, traduction nou- velle en Prose, suivie De la Veillée des Fétes de Vénus, et d’un choix de Piéces de différens Auteurs. Par M. M*** C**, [Moutonnet de Clairfonds.] Jllustrations after Eisen. 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt over marbled edges, by Chambolle- Duru. A Paphos: Et se trouve a Paris, Chez Le Boucher, 1773 Handsome copy of the rare First EpDITION, with beautiful impressions of the frontispiece and 25 vignettes engraved by Masset after Eisen. Bound in at the end is: Héro et Leandre, Poéme de Musée. On y a joint la Traduction de plusieurs Idylles de Théocrite. Par M. M***, C**, This work has a separate title-page, dated A. Sestos, 1774. Contains a beauti- ful frontispiece engraved by Duclos, after Eisen. 4 9. ANACREON. Poésies de Anacréon et de Sapho. Tra- duction en vers de M. de La Roche-Aymon. JIllustrations in tints by Paul Avril, pages printed within green decorative borders. 16mo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt floral sprays on back, tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. | Petits Chefs d’@uvres Antiques. Paris: A. Quantin, 1882 10. ANATOMY. Traité complet de L’Anatomie de L’Homme comprenant |’anatomie chirurgicale et la médecine operatoire par les Docteurs Bourgery et Claude Bernard et le Professeur—dessinateur—anatomiste N. H. Jacob, avec le concours de M. N. Ludovic Hirschfeld, Gerbe, Léveillé, Rous- sin, Leroux, Dumoutier, etc., Edition avec plances et textes supplementaires. Wath hundreds of finely colored full-page plates drawn from nature by N. H. Jacob. 9 vols. folio, half red morocco. Paris: L. Guerin, 1866-67 A complete work on the human anatomy, containing hun- dreds of fine plates in colors, showing the human form and its construction, the methods best known to surgery and opera- tions, surgical instruments, ete. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 11. ANGENOUST .(N.). Le Paranymphe des Dames. Dedié a la Serenissime Royne Marie de Medicis. With beauti- ful copper-plate title-page containing medallion portrart of Marve de Medicis, engraved by Picquet. Post 8vo, full green levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges. A Troyes: Par Pierre du Ruav, 1629 12, APOLLONIUS DE RHODES. Jason et Mérée. Tra- duction et notices de A. J. Pons. Vignettes in color by Méaulle, pages printed within blue decoratwe borders. 16mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt floral sprays on back, tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: A. Quantin, 1882 Petits Chefs d’QGiuvres Antiques. 138. APULEIUS. L’Amour et Psyché. Notices par A. Pons. Vignette engravings after Natowre, pages printed with- im light blue decorative borders. 16mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt floral sprays on back, tooled centre orna- ment on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original wrap- pers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: A. Quantin, 1878 Petits Chefs d’Cuvres Antiques. 14. ASSELINEAU (CHARLES). L’Enfer du_ Biblio- phile. Vu et décrit par Ch. Asselineau. ~-16mo, full red erushed levant morocco, sides gilt-tooled with interlaced filets, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top, uncut. Paris: Tardieu, 1860 First Epirion. One of a few copies printed on Chamois paper. Presentation copy from the author with autograph inscription on the half title. The F. Nadar copy, with his hbookplate. ‘ 5 15. ASSELINEAU (CHARLES). L’Enfer du _ Biblio- phile. Six pointes séches par Léon Lébegue. 8vo, full crim- son crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers handsomely ornamented with interlaced design of frame and outside border, in heavy burnished gold; doublures of olive levant morocco, with same border design as covers, marbled end leaves with moire silk linings, full gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1905 One of 100 copiés printed on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states, one of which is in colors. 16. AUGIER (EMILE). Les Fourchambault. Comedie en Cing Actes. Portrait of author inserted. Royal 8vo, full dark-blue crushed levant morocco, ribbed and gilt lettered back, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Allo. Paris, 1878 First Epirion. Limited Issue of 20 copies printed on thin Holland paper. 17. BALLADES dans Paris: Au Moulin de la Galette, A 1’Hotel Drouot, Sur les Quais au Luxembourg. Notes inédites par MM. E. R., Paul Hudel, B. H. Gausseron, et Adolphe Rette. Decorative floral borders and 4 plates printed im colors. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, decorated with an irregular panel of dark-brown morocco, red oak leaves, blue streamers, red mill, mask of folly, yellow crescent, and a series of small yellow fleur-de-lys on two sides of the border, back and lower cover stamped with small gilt birds, doub- lures and end leaves of figured silk, gilt edges, by Meunier. Paris, 1894 One of 160 copies, with the plates in two states, colored and plain. 18. BALZAC (H. pg). Secénes de la Vie de Provinee, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in, uncut, by Pierson. Large Paper copy. Paris: Bechet-Werdet, 1834-1837 19. BALZAC (H. pe). Histoire de la Grandeur et de la Décadence de César Birotteau, Parfumeur, Chevalier de la Legion-d’Honneur, adjoint au maire du 2¢ arrondissement, de la Ville de Paris. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in, uncut edges. Paris, 1838 First EpITion, with the errata leaves and 14 pp. of advertise- ments. Fine copy. 20. BALZAC (H. ps). Balzac Illustré. La Peau de Chagrin. Etudes Sociales. Portrait of Balzac engraved by Chenay after Boulanger, 2 other portrats engraved by Four- ner, and numerous vignettes after designs by Marceau, Gavarm, Baron, Corlet and others. Royal 8vo, full crushed blue morocco, gilt-tooled with lines and sprays on back and borders, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, blue silk doublures and flys, by Wendling. | Paris, 1838 6 21. BALZAC (H. pe). Histoire de la Grandeur et de la Décadence de César Birotteau, Parfumeur. 2 vols. 8vo, full blue straight-grain morocco, backs, sides and inside borders gilt-lined and tooled, doublures and end-leaves of pink silk, gilt over rough edges, by Canape. Paris, 1838 First EpITion. Fine copy, with wide margins, and all the original wrappers mounted and bound in. 22. BALZAC (H. pvr). Le Cabinet des Antiques. Scéne de la Vie de Provence, suivie de Gambara. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uneut, original covers bound in. Paris: Souverain, 1839 First EDIvIon. 23. BALZAC (H. pe). Revue Parisienne, dirigée par M. de Balzac. 16mo, cloth, original blue covers bound in, by Durvand, uneut and unopened. Paris, 1840 First Epirion. Scarce. Contains the first appearance of the studies and critiques of Beyle, Musset, Lamartine, etc., by Balzac. 24. BALZAC (H. pr). Notes remises a Messieurs les Députés Composant la Commission de la Loi Sur la Propriété Littéraire. Par M. De Balzac. First Epirion. Royal 8vo, erimson cloth, leather label, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1841 25. BALZAC (H. pg). Honorine. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, origi- nal covers bound in, uncut. Paris: L. de Potter [1844] First Epirtion. The Edmund and Jules de Gonecourt copy, with bookplate by Gavarni. Inscribed by E. de Goncourt in red ink on fly-leaf. 26. BALZAC (H. pg). Petites Miséres de la Vie Conjugale. Illustrées par Bertall. Imperial 8vo, half straight-grain mo- rocco, gilt back, gut top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Chlendowski [1845] First ILLUSTRATED EDITION. Fine, large copy. 27. BALZAC (H. pe). La Derniére Incarnation de Vau- trin. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in, uncut. Plaque et su un socle imitant le marbre-Rarissimes.’’—G. First EpIvIon. Paris: Chlendowski, 1848 28. BALZAC (H. pe). Scénes de la vie parisienne—Les Petits Bourgeois. 4 vols.; Scénes de la vie parisienne—Les Petits Bourgeois (Les Parvenus). 4 vols. Together 8 vols 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in, uncut edges. Paris: L. de Potter [1856-7] First Epirion of each series of ‘‘Les Petits Bourgeois,’’ with all the titles and half-titles. 29. BALZAC (H. pe). Cuvres Completes. Portrait and numerous wood engravings on tinted paper. 20 vols. half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by David. Paris, 1874 Fine and elegant copy. Illustrated with numerous cuttings. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. fond ( 30. BALZAC (H. pg). Un Dernier Chapitre de 1’Histoire des Cuvres de H. de Balzac. Par Charles de Lovenjoul. 8vo, cloth, leather label, original wrappers bound in. First EpIrion. Paris: E. Dentu, 1880 31. BALZAC (H. pe). Le Pére Goriot. Scénes de la Vie Parisienne. Illustrated with 10 etchings by E. Abot after the designs of Lynch.. Imp. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt back in compartments, wide double fillet interlaced border, with scroll ornaments, fleurons on corners, gilt inside borders, full gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rous- selle. Paris: Collection Calmann Lévy, A. Quantin, 1885 LARGE PAPER Copy, one of 100 printed on Japan paper, with the illustrations in two states. Two etched portraits of Balzac, in PROOF STATE; a Medallion portrait of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire,. by Collas; and an engraved portrait of Balzac by Levy, have been inserted or laid in. °382. BALZAC (H. pg). Le Colonel Chabert. Small 4to, half green levant morocco, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1886 One of 50 copies on Grand Papier du Japon, with extra wide margins. Ornamented with frontispiece and 20 ORIGINAL. WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS BY H. DE Sta. A choice and desirable copy of this charming story, the water-colors being particularly effective and well executed. 33. BALZAC (H. pE). Répertoire de la Comédie Humaine de H. de Balzac. Par Anatole Cerfberr et Jules Christophe. Avec une Introduction de Paul Bourget. 8vo, cloth, leather label, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1887 First EpiTion. Autograph presentation copy from Jules Christophe to Mons. Noél. 34. BALZAC (H. ps5). L’Cuvre de H. de Balzac. Etude litteraire et Philosophique sur la Comédie Humaine. Par Marcel Barriére. 8vo, cloth, leather label, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1890: First EpiTion. Autograph presentation copy from the au- thor to M. Noél. 35. BALZAC (H. pe). La Fille aux Yeux D’Or. 32 dlus- trations by Henri Gervex beautifully reproduced by helio- gravure in colors after the original water-colors. Imperial 8vo, full dark-brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled line border, gilt back, doublure of green levant morocco, with a broad gilt border of fillets and line tooling, brocade silk end leaves, gilt edges, by David. Paris, 1898: Edition de Grand Luxe, limited to 300 copies. With an. original colored pencil drawing on half-title by Rassenfosse,. and the color reproductions heightened with water-colors. 8 36. BALZAC (H. pe). Une Rue de Paris et son Habitant. Avant-propos par M. le Vte de Spoelberch de Lovenjoul. Illustrations in color by Francois Courboin. Royal 8vo, full olive straight-grain morocco, gilt back, handsomely tooled panelled covers, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of salmon moire silk, full gilt edges on the rough, original wrap- pers bound in, by Mercier Sr de Cuzin. Paris: Librairie a Rouquette, 1899 On the half-title is an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING by Courboin. One of 125 copies on Papier Vélin, with the illus- trations in two states, one being on India paper. 37. BALZAC (H. pe). La Maison du Chat-qui-Pelote. Préface de Francisque Sarcey. Quarante compositions de Lows Dunki gravées sur bois par Maurice Baud. 8vo, full erimson levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers enriched with two sets of fillet borders, corner ornaments; doublures of olive levant morocco, richly tooled with wide ornamental border, marbled flys, red moire silk linings, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Canape. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1899 One of 200 copies printed on Papier Vélin Blanc du Marais. 38. BALZAC (H. pe). Le Péché Véniel. Portrait and 16 other illustrations etched by Leon and Serres after designs by Paul Avril, each in three states (text and remarque proofs, one unfinished). Royal 8vo, full green crushed levant mo- rocco, back and sides gilt with tooled lines and scrolls, doub- lures of crimson levant, richly gilt tooled in arabesque design of floral scrolls, end leaves of brocaded silk, gilt on uncut edges, by Affolter. Paris: Charles Bosse, 1901 LIMITED EDITION. Only 65 copies issued on heavy Japan paper, with three sets of plates. XTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING ON THE HALF-TITLE BY PavuL AVRIL. 39. BALZAC (H. pe). La Grenadiére. Six compositions dessinées et gravées a l’eau-forte par A. Lalauze. Avant- propos de Georges Vicaire. Royal 8vo, full maroon straight- erain morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers richly deco- rated with large central design of scrolls and pointillé, outside border of same general pattern, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of steel-gray moire silk, full gilt edges, original wrap- pers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Librairie Henri Leclere, 1901 One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states, one state with remarques. 40. BALZAC (H. pr). La Pucelle de Thilhouze; conte drolatique. Illustrated and illuminated by Léon Lebéque, in water-colors. 4to, full light brown crushed levant morocco, narrow border panels, small circles in the corners, tooled with delicate fillets, double line forming center panel with corners g ‘terminating in quarter circles, back tooled in compartments, doublures of blue crushed levant morocco, finely tooled with interlacing fillets and Arabesque design, yellow tapestry silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1901 One of 200 copies with the plates in two states, colored and plain, the plain being on China paper. 41. BALZAC (H. pg). LaMyedu Roy. Conte drolatique. Manuscript et euluminé par Léon Lebégue. Ato, full crimson levant morocco back ornamented with cartouctes in compart- ments, large gilt cartouche without borders on covers; doub- lures of blue levant morocco, with Grolieresque inlaid design ‘covering entire doublures, marbled end leaves with red gros grain linings, full gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Ch. Carrington, 1902 One of 25 copies printed on Japan paper, with the illustra- tions and initials and ornaments in the text hand-colored, and a duplicate set of the illustrations, plain, bound in at the end. Alp. A. N.S. of the binder is laid in. 42. BALZAC (H. pg). La Femme de Trente Ans. Avec 35 compositions par A. Robaudi. Royal 8vo, full purple straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt panelled covers; doub- lures of olive straight-grain morocco, with panel of frame design, gilt and blind tooled borders, green China silk flys, gilt edges on the rough, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1902 One of 50 copies printed on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. 43. BALZAC (H. pg). La Belle Impéria. Conte Drolat- ique. With alluminated title, 3 full-page plates and 12 vignettes, ulumined in gold and colors, and 13 vignettes in two states, one on China paper, by Edmond Malassis. Royal 8vo, full dark olive levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, panelled covers with wide and fillet borders, doublures of maroon levant morocco, with elaborate inlays of blue, brown and drab morocco. The borders of the doublures are similar in design, the centres varying; full gilt edges on the rough, brocaded silk flys, original vellum wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Louis Conard, 1903 One of 20 copies printed on Japan paper. Bound in, follow- ing the vellum cover, is a proof impression of one of the illus- trations, with 11 pencilled instructions for improving the color- ings, signed by the artist. 44. BALZAC (H. pe). Histoire de L’Empereur. Preface de Henry Houssaye. 14 etchings by Adolphe Lalauze after Alph. Lalauze, each in two states, one black and white, and one in colors. Small 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, back and panels gilt-tooled with the French eagle, the initial ““N,’’ laurel wreaths, &c., doublures of cream levant orna- mented with salmi of gilt-tooled bees alternating with violets 10 inlaid in purple and green, end-leaves of green gros-grair silk, gilt over rough edges, original blue wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1904. LIMITED EDITION, only 100 copies printed on Papier Vélin des Manufactures du Marais. 45. BALZAC (H. pe). la Vendetta. Title vignette and 20 wlustrations by Adrien Moreau engraved by Xavier Lesueur. Royal 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt: line and scroll border, gilt back in compartments, doublures: of brown levant morocco, fine dentelle border, and beautiful scroll in ornamental center panel, light green figured silk ends,. gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1904 One of 20 copies Japan paper, with the plates in three states and a fine ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING by Adrien Moreau,, on the fly-leaf. 46. BALZAC (H. pg). Les Proscrits. 69 allustrations de- signed and etched by Gaston Bussiére. Royal 8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, a handsome dentelle border: enclosing a panel elaborately tooled in the Grolieresque style: of interlacing bands and circles, doublures of brown levant: morocco, gilt border of floral scrolls and small fleur-de-lys, silk end leaves, gilt edges, original cover bound in, by Cham-. bolle-Duru. Paris, 1905: One of 20 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three- states, finished proof after letters, remarque proof, and unfin- ished proof. AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING by the illus-- trator, signed, on the fly-leaf. 47. BALZAC (H. pe). Les Joyeuzetés du Roy Loys le: Unziesme. Conte drolatique illustré par Edmond Malassis. Decorative woodcut borders and etched illustrations printed in colors. Royal 8vo, pictorial wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1907 One of 20 copies on Japan paper, with the three stages of the color printing of one of the plates and a finished proof containing the notations and signature of the artist in pencil.. 48. BALZAC. Honoré de Balzac. By Edmond Biré.. Woodcut portrait of Balzac by Aubrey Beardsley pasted on title. 8vo, cloth, leather label, uncut, original wrappers bound. in. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1891 Printed on large paper. 49, BANVILLE (THEODORE DE). Gringoire. Comédie: en un Acte en Prose. 32 illustrations by Edmond Malassis: engraved and printed in colors by Louis Mortier. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, doublures of crimson polished morocco, superbly tooled in the style of Le Gascon, brown silk end-leaves, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru; in case and half levant cover. Paris, 1904 One of 20 copies on Japan Paper, showing the various states of one of the illustrations, in the three-color process, and a proof of the finished plate, with the artist’s annotations im pencil, signed. i 50. BARBEY D’AUREVILLY (J.). Du Dandysme et de G. Brummell. itched portrmt in proof state inserted. Square 16mo, full dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt-tooled covers, with corner and centre ornaments, and gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of brown China silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Canape. ‘Caen: B. Maneel, 1845 Fine copy of the First EpITIoNn on thick paper. 51. [BARBEY D’AUREVILLY (J.).] Memorandum. Square 12mo, full dark green straight-grain moroeco, gilt back, covers with elaborate gilt centre and corner ornaments, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of maroon silk, gilt edges on the rough, by Canape. Caen: Imprimerie de A. Hardel, 1856 THE VERY RARE First EDITION, of which only 36 copies were printed on China paper, NOT FOR SALE. An etched portrait of the author, in PROOF STATE, is inserted. 52. BARBEY : D’AUREVILLY (J.). Les Diaboliques. 12mo, half cloth, uncut, original wrappers bound in. | Paris: E. Dentu, 1874 First Epition. An etched portrait of the author by Abot, in proof state, is inserted. 53. BARBEY D’AUREVILLY (J.). Le Rideau Cramoisi. Eausx-fortes en couleurs de A. Rassenfosse. Royal 8vo, origi- nal parchment covers, uncut. Bruxelles: Edmond Deman, 1907, One of 125 copies printed. 54. BARINE (ARVEDE). les Grands Kerivains Fran- eais. Alfred de Musset. 12mo, cloth, leather label, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1893 Fine copy of the ORIGINAL EDITION, printed on Japan paper. 55. BASTIDE (J.-F.). La Petite Maison. Préface d’Abel Patoux. 16 allustrations, etched and printed in colors, after the original water-colors by Ad. Lalauze. Royal 8vo, full light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt decoration in Louis XV style, doublures of blue levant morocco, frame-like orna- mentation in same style with dark blue and pearl gray inlay and gilt tooling, gray silk end-leaves, gilt edges, original wrap- pers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1905 Only 150 copies printed. With an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING By AD. LALAUZE on the fly-leaf. 56. BEAUMARCHAIS (CARON DE). la Folle Journée ou le Mariage de Figaro, comedie en cing actes en prose. Wath 5 fine full-page wlustrations engraved by Halbou, Lienard, 12 Inngé, after Saint-Quentin. 8vo, boards, calf back, entirely uncut. Paris: De L’Imprimerie de la Société Litteraire Typo- graphique, 1785. | A very fine tall copy on Large Vélin Paper of the second issue of the First Edition, measuring 10144 x 6% inches. The illustrations of this edition are superior to those en- graved by Malpeau in the first issue (Petit. p. 570). Of special interest to the American collector, the author having resided here as a secret agent of Louis XVI prior to the King’s de- cision to assist the cause of the Revolutionists with men and money. He made the first shipment of arms and ammunition to America. o7. BEAUMARCHAIS (PIERRE). La Folle Journee, or, Le Mariage de Figaro. Comedie en cing Actes, en Prose. Illustrated with 5 full-page plates by Malapeau (4) and Ror (1) after St. Quentin. 8vo, original marbled covers, uncut and unopened. In olive levant morocco slip-case. Au Palais-Royal: Chez Ruault, 1785 An exceptionally clean, crisp copy of the First EDITION, with brilliant impressions of the beautiful plates. A portrait of the author by Bovinet, proof before letters, is inserted. 58. BEAUMARCHAIS (PIERRE). Théatre complet de Beaumarchais. Réimpression des éditions princeps avec les variantes des manuscrits originaux publiées pour la premiére fois par G. D’Heylli et F. de Marescot. 4 vols. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt backs and inside borders, gilt edges, by Marius Michel. Paris: Academie des Bibliophiles, 1869-1871 One of 15 copies printed on China paper. With a fine por- trait of Beaumarchais, proof before letters on China paper, inserted. The Jules Janin—F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplates. 59. BEAUMARCHAIS (PIERRE). Le Barbier de Séville. Orné de 62 compositions de Daniel Vierge. 4to, full brown erushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, cover decorated with a wide, open interlaced border, filled with floral festoons, and a 2-fillet outside border, doublures of blue levant morocco, richly embellished with a wide gold border, marbled flys, with lining of China silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Edouard Pelletan, 1903 One of 10 copies printed on Large Paper, Japon ancien, WITH A FULL-PAGE ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING, signed by Vierge. THE PRESENT COPY IS APPARENTLY A SPECIAL COPY, CONTAINING ALSO A DUPLICATE SET OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS ON CHINA PAPER. 60. [BECKFORD (WILLIAM).] Vathek. Small 8vo, original brown limp boards, paper label, uncut. 3 A Lausanne: Chez Isaac Hignou & Compe, 1787 THE EXTREMELY RARE ORIGINAL LAUSANNE EDITION. It is not known whether the. Paris or the Lausanne edition of 1787 was the first issued, but both are excessively rare; no copy of either was in the Beckford sale. 13 61. BENTZON (TH.). Jacqueline. Charmingly illus- trated with full-page plates and vignettes printed wm color after designs by Albert Lynch. Folio, full light brown levant morocco, front cover inlaid with life-size bluets and daisies, back cover inlaid with a spray of roses, in natural colors, in- side floral borders, doublures and flys of figured moire silk, cilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie, 1893 First Epirion. One of 20 copies on large Whatman paper, with an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY LYNCH, on half- title. 62. BENTZON (TH.). Jacqueline. Illustrated with full- page photogravure plates by Albert Lynch. Ato, original wrappers, uncut (loose). ) Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie, 1893 First Epirion. One of a limited edition on papier Vélin. 63. BEQUET (ETIENNE). Marie; ou le Mouchoir Bleu. Notice littéraire par Adolphe Racot. Illustrated with six plates by De Sta engraved by Abot. 16mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, tooled floral sprays on back, covers orna- mented with gilt floral wreaths, gilt inside borders, with doublures and flys of brocaded satin, gilt edges on the rough, by Rousselle. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1884 One of 200 copies printed on Grand Papier Vélin, with the plates in two states. _ 64. BERALDI (HENRI). Estampes et Livres, 1872-1892. Portrait frontisprece and vignette, and 40 fine plates of book- bindings, many in gold and colors. Royal 8vo, full crushed olive levant morocco, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, original covers bound in, uncut, by Emile Rousselle. One of 390 numbered copies. Paris, 1892 65. BERANGER (PIERRE JEAN DE). (C&uvres. 5 vols. 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Smeers. Paris: Perrotin, 1860-1866 Comprises the following works: 1. Chansons. 43 gravures sur acier d’aprés Charlet, A. de Lemud, Johannot, Grenier, etc. ; les dix chansons publiées en 1847 et le facsimile d’une lettre de Béranger. 2 vols. 1862. 2. Dernieres chansons de Beranger. Iilustrées de 14 dessins de A. de Lemud graves sur acier par M.M. Balin, Brunet, Colin, Nargeot, etc., 1 vol. 1866. 3. Ma Biographie écrite par Béranger. Ornée d’un portrait par Charlet; d’une photographie d’apres le marbre de Geffroy et de 8 gravures d’apres d’Aubigny, Sandoz et Wattier. 1 vol. 1860. 4. Musique des chansons de Berauger. Portrait and 117 woodcut illustrations by Grandville, Raffet and others. 1 vol. 1865. ; Clean copy, with beautiful impressions of the plates. 66. BERNARD (CHARLES DE). Gerfaut. Diz illustra- tions de Adolphe Weisz, gravées a l’eau-forte par H. Manesse. Imp. 8vo, full dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back in 14 FLAUBERT’S BOUVARD ET PECUCHET [Number 269 | OLY pet ny aepelie Vanity el gabe case ge compartments, covers ornamented with a 6-fillet panel, corners terminating in squares, gilt outside and inside _ borders, marbled flys, doublures and linings of brocaded silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Allo. Paris: Collection Calmann Lévy, Maison Quantin, 1889 LARGE PAPER. One of 50 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. 67. BERNARD (THALES). la Lisette de Béranger. Souvenirs Intimes. Frontispiece etching by G. Staal. 16mo, board sides, morocco back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie de Mme. Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1864 Collection du Bibliophile Francais. 68. BERQUIN anp ROUSSEAU. Pygmalion, Scene Lyr- ique de Mr. J. J. Rousseau, Mise en Vers par [Arnaud] Berquin. Text engraved throughout by Droiiet, 6 vignettes by Ponce and De Launay after Moreau. Royal 8vo, full crim- son crushed levant morocco, richly tooled on back and on each panel with floral scrolls and birds surrounding centre panel, oilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Mercier Sr. de Cuzin. © Paris, 1775 LarGE HoLLAND PAPER copy, with fine impressions of the vignettes. Following Pygmalion is Berquin’s ‘‘Idylle,’’ with head and tail vignettes engraved by Gaucher after Marillier. 69. BERTALL (C.-A. D’ARNOUX). la Comédie de Notre Temps: La Civilité, Les Habitudes, Les Mceurs, Les Coutumes, Les Maniéres et les Manies de Notre Epoque. With a profusion of wlustrations by Bertall. Imperial 8vo, half erushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bertrand. With the bookplate of F. R. Halsey. Paris: E. Plon, 1874 70. BERTALL. la Vie hors de chez soi; Comédie de notre temps. Etudes au crayon et a la plume par Bertall. With numerous woodcut illustrations after Bertall. 2 vols. 4to, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris: Plon, 1875-1876 First Epitions. The F. R. Halsey copies, with bookplate in each volume. 71. BERTHEROY (JEAN). Femmes Antiques. la Légende, L’Histoire, La Bible. Illustrations by Bougereau, Leloir, Lematte and others, engraved by Champollion. 8vo, full dark brown levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside bor- ders, doublures and flys of brown moire silk, gilt edges on the rough, by David. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1892 One of 50 copies printed on Japan paper, with the 10 plates in two states, proofs before and after letters. In the present copy one of each of the plates is in color. 15 72. BEYLE (HENRI). La Chartreuse de Parme. Ré- impression textuelle de l’édition originale. Illustrée de 32 eauax-fortes par V. Foulquer. Préface by Francisque Sarcey. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full light olive levant morocco, back orna- mented with gilt ivy leaves and love emblems in compartments, covers richly tooled with a double fillet panel, and festoons of ivy leaves and corner ornaments, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of figured paper, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1883 One of 75 copies on Large Japan paper. With 3 PROOF por- traits of the author inserted. 73. [BEYLE (HENRI).] Le Rouge et le Noir. Par M. De Stendhal. Réimpression textuelle de 1’édition originale. Preface de Leon Chapron. 89 fine etched vignettes by H. Dubouchet. 3 vols. royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, doublures of dark blue crushed levant, with inlaid border band of red, centre ornament of gilt scrolls enclosing inlaid frame of red levant, end-leaves of Chinese silk, gilt over rough edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: L. Conquet, 1884 One of only 150 printed on Large Japan paper. With auto- graph presentation inscription by M. Conquet. : 74. BEYLE (HENRI). L’Abbesse de Castro. With beau- tiful etched head and tail vignettes by Eugéne Courboin. Royal 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, back ornamented with sprays of morning-glories and leaves, inlaid, in compart- ments, cover designs of a one-inch panel of interwined morning- glory vines, flowers, buds and leaves in green. and lavender inlays, gilt inside rustic border, doublures and flys of rich silk tapestry, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by David. Paris: Publié pour les Sociétaires de l’Académie des Beaux Livres, 1890. One of 190 copies. An engraved portrait of the author is inserted, and the pages are printed within decorative borders of various colors. 75. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bourecard (Gustave). Dessins, Gouaches, Estampes et Tableaux du Dix-Huitiéme Siécle. Guide de 1’Amateur. 8vo, full olive crushed levant morocco, oilt back in compartments, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Rousselle. Paris: Damascene Morgand, 1893 One of a limited edition on papier vergé. 76. BIBLIOPHILE FRANCAIS. Gazette Illustrée des Amateurs de Livres, et de haute curiosité. With 36 engraved portraits and numerous fac-symiles of rare and interesting specomens of old and celebrated bindings, chromo-lithographs, etc. 7 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, original covers bound in. Paris, 1868-187 3 Complete. A work of great interest and value to every lover of rare old books and ancient bindings, ete. SCARCE. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. . 16 77. BIJOUX DES NEUF SOEURS (LES). With 2 frontispreces and 4 plates finely engraved by Gaucher, after Le Barbier. 2 vols. 12mo, old mottled ‘calf gilt, gilt edges. Paris: Defer de Maisonneuve, 1790 First Epirion. From the Constant Dumeril library, with book-label. 78. BINDING. Histoire Des Quatre. Fils Aymon, trés nobles et trés Vaillans Chevaliers. Jllustrée de compositions en couleurs par Eugene Grasset, Gravure et impression par Charles Gillot. Introduction et notes par Charles Marcilly. 4to, full brown levant morocco, front cover inlaid with a panel of calf chiselled and stippled, with compositions after the frontispiece design by Grasset, inside borders, inlaid with a band of orange levant gilt tooled, and corner pieces of red and blue morocco (doublures and flys of decorated tapestry, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Ch. Meunier, 1889. Paris: H. Launette, 1883 A fine specimen of Meunier’s binding. EXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a full-page original water-color drawing finely executed by the illustrator of the book and inscribed: ‘¢A mon ami [Octave] Uzanne Grasset’’; a portrait of Eugene Grasset in colors on Japan paper. Inserted are 3 A. L’s 8S. by E. Grasset. To Octave Uzanne. Paris, 1890-1894. 51% pp. 8vo. The book is one of the finest of modern illustrated works, having 246 pages ornamented with reproductions of water- color drawings. 79. BINDING. [Recueil Général de Coéffures de differ- entes gouts, ou l’on voit la maniere dont se coéffoient les femmes sous différentes regnes.| 36 engraved plates of ladies’ heads with different coiffures, mounted within ornamental borders, on 8vo boards, representing 76 figures of rare coiffures engraved by D. Chodowiecki, Endner, Roesmaesler and others, all brilliant impressions, probably collected from the Almanacs edited by Desnos in 1779-81, which are very rare. 8vo, old French crimson morocco, elaborately tooled with scroll bor- ders on panels and back in the manner of Derome, gilt inside borders, doublures of green watered silk. [Paris, ca 1780] The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 80. BLONDEL (SPIRE). ke Tabac. Le Livre des Fumeurs et des Priseurs. Préface du Baron Oscar de Watte- ville. Illustrated with 113 engravings by G. Fraipont, of which the 16 full-page wlustrations are hand-colored. Imp. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, triple fillet border on covers, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of green moire silk, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Henri Laurens, 1891 EDITION DE GRAND LUXE. One of 30 copies printed on Japan paper. Special copy, in which the full-page engravings are in two states, plain and colored. ON THE HALF-TITLE IS AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING of an Oriental woman smok- ing, signed by G. Fraipont. Numerous appropriate wood er- gravings are laid in. 17 81. BOCCACE (GIOVANNI). la Fiancée du Roy de Garbe. Traduction de Anthoine Le Macon. Decorative bor- ders and illustrations by Léon Lebégue, hand-colored. Im- perial 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt fleurons in the corners, gilt line borders, doublures of brown levant mo- rocco, line and scroll border terminating in decorated squares in the corners, yellow figured silk guards, gilt edges, original -wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1903 One of 12 copies on Imperial Japan paper, with an extra set of uncolored plates on China paper. 82. BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (N.). C#uvres. Edition Stéréotype. 2 vols. small 8vo, original vellum, uneut. In half morocco slip-cases. Paris: Didot 1’Ainé, An VII. [1799] Vellum copy.. One of only 2 or 3 copies printed. The only other known is the Renouard extra-illustrated copy. 83. [BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (N.).] £uvres Diverses. Du Sieur D*** [Despreaux] avec le Traité du Sublime ou du merveilleux dans le discours. Traduit du Gree de Longin. With 2 engraved plates by Landry and Chauveau.” Small folio, full maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt back in com- partments, covers richly decorated with a central panel of ares and right angles, fleurons at corners and all the ends, car- touche in centre with outside spaces filled with fleurs-de-lys, oilt inside borders, doublures and flys of dark green ribbed silk, gilt over marbled edges, by Gruel. A Paris: Chez Claude Barbin, 1674 Choice copy of one of the four issues of the First EDITION of Boileau’s works. 84. BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (N.). (C#uvres, avee un nouveau commentaire par M. Amar. Frontispiece. 4 vols. half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris: Lefévre, 1824 Large Papier Vélin copy.. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the in- sertion of 27 plates, viz:—7 portraits of Boileau after Rigaud, Hopwood and Jacquemin, engraved by Savart, Delaunay and Soliman (one of which is on India paper and another in 3 states); 6 plates after Rigaud, engraved by Chollet, Lorichon, Burdet, Jehotte and Morizot, all in two states, proofs before letters and after letters on India paper, and 6 plates after Bernard-Picart engraved by Robert De Launay. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 85. BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (N.). (Céuvres Poétiques de Boileau. Avee des Notices par M. Poujoulat. Htched portrait and 20 fine etched head-pieces, by V. Foulqwer. Im- perial 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled back, sides and inside borders, doublures and end-leaves of watered silk, gilt on marbled edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Tours, 1570 LARGE PaPER. Edition limited to 300 copies of all issues. 18 86. BOIS (GEORGE). Les Damées. Dessins de Fernand Besmer, Henri Laissement et Emile Bourdelle, gravés a l’eau forte par Eugéne Decisy et Ch. Massart. 8vo, full crimson erushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt fillet borders on covers, doublures of blue crushed levant morocco, with floral design, the flowers of vari-colored inlays, and flys of red brocaded silk, gilt edges, by Ruban. Paris: EK. Dentu, 1890 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH 74 ORIGINAL WATER-COLORS by G. A. Loron, consisting of full-page drawings, and head and tail illuminations. Two of the etchings by Decisy are in two states. 87. BONAPARTE (C. L. PRINCIPE DI CANINO). Ieconografia della Fauna Italica, per le quattro Classi Animali Vertebrati. With 180 beautifully hand-coloured plates, height- ened with gold and silver. 3 vols. folio, half vellum, gilt backs, uncut. Roma, 1832-41 First Epirion. This magnificent work contains 180 plates and 535 leaves of text, including title and contents, although Brunet in error mentions only 287 pages. It is divided as fol- lows:—Mammiferi e Ucceli (Mammals and birds), 48 plates; II. Amfibi (reptiles, etc.), 54 plates; Pesci (Fishes), 78 plates. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 88. BONNARD (CHARLES). Costumes Historiques des XIile, X1Ve et XVe Siécles. Hxtraits des Monuments les plus authentiques de Peinture et de Sculpture, dessinés et gravés par P. Mercuri. 2 vols. large 4to, cloth, russia backs (one back strip damaged), gilt tops, uncut. Paris: Goupil et Vibert, 1845 The 200 costume plates are here in two states, one beautifully illumined in colors and gold, the other plain on India paper. 89. BOOK-BINDING. la Reliure Ancienne et Moderne. 116 plates of artistic bindings of the 16th to 19th centuries. Introduction par Gustave Brunet. 4to, half dark olive levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1884 Limited Edition of 100 copies on Hand-made paper, with several half-tone plates laid in. 90. BOSSUET (J. B.). Discours sur L’ Histoire Univers:lle: Avee une Préface par M. Poujoulat. Htched portrait and three head-pieces by Foulquwer. Imperial 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt-tooled back, panels, and inside borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Bertrand. Tours, 1870 LIMITED EDITION, printed on Hand-made paper with wide margins. 91. [BOUCHARDON (E.).] Etudes prises dans le bas Peuple, ou les Cris de Paris. Illustrated with 60 plates en- graved by the Comte de Caylus and finished by Fessard. The 5 parts in one volume, royal 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, broad dentelle borders on covers in 19 the style of Derome, gilt inside borders, gilt over marbled edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Chez Fessard, 1837-1846 A handsome copy of the First Epition of this VERY RARE WORK, interleaved with papier Michelet. The plates have ample margins. 92, BOUCHOT (HENRI). les Ex-Libris et les Marques de Possession du Livre. Illustrated with reproductions by H. Scott. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt floral spray on back, triple fillet gilt border on covers, gilt inside borders, full gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rous- selle. Paris: Edouard Rouveyre, 1891 One of 20 copies printed on China paper. 93. BOUCHOT (HENRI). Les Livres a Vignettes du XVe au XVIIIe Siécle. Les Livres 4 Vignettes du XIlXe Siécle. Illustrated with facsimiles of engravings by Tory, Leclerc, Moreau, Gravelot, etc. 2 vols. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt backs of floral sprays, gilt fillet borders on outside covers, elaborate wide inside border, origi- nal wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris; 1891 One of 20 copies printed on China paper. 94. BOUCHOT (HENRI). Des Livres Modernes qu/’il convient d’acquérir. Numerous ilustrations, some im color. 12mo, full green levant morocco, gilt back, triple fillet border on covers, gilt inside borders, full gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Edouard Rouveyre, 1891 One of 20 copies printed on China paper. 95. BOUCHOT (HENRI). Le Luxe Francais. La Res- tauration. Illustration documentmre d’apreés les originaux de l’époque. Imp. 8vo, full gray levant morocco, gilt backs in compartments, triple fillet borders on covers, gilt inside bor- ders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: A. la Librairie Illustrée, n. d. [1893] Limited edition printed on Papier Vélin. Special copy, with the illustrations colored by hand. 96. BOUCHOT (HENRI). Catherine de Médicis. Nuwmer- ous photogravure portraits and plates in two states, frontis- prece finely printed in colors. 4to, full wine-color crushed levant morocco, broad Arabesque border with alternating monogram and fleur-de-lys, center panel containing arms of Catherine De Médicis, large monogram in corners, doublures of dark green levant morocco, with broad border of interlacing fillets and floral scrolls forming panels containing monogram and fleur-de-lys, silk brocade ends, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1899 Edition limited to 200 copies on Imperial Japan paper. 20 97. BOUCHOT (HENRI). De la Reliure. Illustrated with reproductions of bindings. 12mo, full brown levant mo- rocco, gilt floral spray on back, fillet border on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Ed. Rouveyre, n. d. One of 20 copies on China paper. 98. BOUCHOT (HENRI). L’Empire. Illustration Docu- mentaire d’apres les originaux de l’Epoque. Imperial 8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, triple line gilt bor- der, gilt back in compartments, inside borders, gilt edges, by Russell, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. One of a limited edition on Papier Vélin. Paris; nid. 99. BOUFFLERS (STANISLAS DE). Aline, Reine de Goleonde. Illustrated with 15 exqusite engravings by Gau- jean, some wm color. 8vo, full crushed blue levant morocco, oilt back of floral sprays in compartments, covers richly deco- rated in gilt with floral designs, baskets of roses, birds, butter- flies, etc., gilt inside border of roses, doublures and flys of light blue brocade satin, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Grave & Imprime pour la Societe des Amis des Livres, 1887. One of the first 50 copies (of 115 printed) for members. This copy was issued to M. Collin. The volume is engraved throughout. 100. BOUILHET (LOUIS). Melenis. Préface de A. Join-Lambert. With engravings in color after Paul Gervais. Imperial 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, doublures of citron levant morocco, ornamental border of narrow green bands and leaves and gilt floral tooling, with red fan-shaped inlays in the corners decorated in green, silk end leaves, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Champs. One of 140 copies on Holland paper. Evreux, 1900 101. BOURASSE (L’ABBE J. J.). La Touraine: Histoire et Monuments. Illustrated with full-page engraved plates, text woodcuts and chromo-lithographs. Folio, full green levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt inside and out- side borders, gilt edges, by Stamper. Fine copy. . Tours: Ad. Mame et Cie, 1856 102. BOURGEOIS (EMILE). Le Grand Siécle. Louis XIV. Les Arts—Les Idées. D’aprés Voltaire, Saint Simon, Spanheim, Madame de Sévigné, La Bruyére, ete. With numerous full-page copper-plate engravings and about 500 illustrations m the text, portrats, historical scenes, etc. Imp. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, triple line on sides, back gilt, in compartments, each having 3 fleur-de-lys, doub- 21 lures of blue crushed levant, richly gilt ornamental border, marbled flies with lining of crimson silk tapestry, gilt edges, uncut, original vellum covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. One of only 10 copies printed on Japan paper. Paris, 1896 103. BOURGES (ELEMIR). UL’Enfant qui Revient. Illustrated by Lows Malteste wm colors. Royal 8vo, original printed wrappers, uncut. Paris [1905] One of 20 copies on Large Japan Paper, with two extra sets of illustrations, plain proofs before letters, and colored proofs before letters. Signed by the editor. 104. BOURGET (PAUL). Edel. Poéme. 12mo, cloth, leather label, uncut, original wrappers bound in. First EpIvron. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1878 105. BOURGET (PAUL). Le Disciple. Small 4to, cloth, leather label, uncut, very wide margins. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1889 First EpITion. One of 100 copies on Large Holland paper, with the original paper covers bound in. 106. BOURGET (PAUL). Mensonges. Illustrations by Myrbach. 12mo, cloth, leather label, uncut, original wrap- pers bound in. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1890 One of 25 copies on Japan paper. 107. BOURGET (PAUL). Nouveaux Pastels. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of orange watered silk, gilt top, uncut, by Affolter. Paris, 1891 First Epirion. One of 50 copies on Holland paper. 108. BOURGET (PAUL). la Terre Promise. 12mo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside bor- ders, gilt edges on the rough, doublures and flys of dark blue watered China silk, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1892 First Epition. One of 100 copies on Holland paper. 109. BOURGET (PAUL). Un Scruple. Illustrations en- graved by Rousseau, after designs by Myrbach. 18mo, full brown levant morocco, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys or crimson China silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrap- pers bound in, by Durvand. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1893 First Epirrion. An etched portrait of the author, in proof state, is inserted. The illustrations are colored by hand. 110. BOURGET (PAUL). Un Scruple. Illustrated with engravings by L. Rousseau after designs by Myrbach. 16mo, full olive crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, inside dentelle borders, doublures and flys of crimson China silk, gilt edges, original WeDo bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1893 One of 50 copies on Japan paper. Etched portrait of the author, in proof state, inserted. 22 111. BOURGET (PAUL). Cosmopolis: Roman. Plates and vignettes by Duez, Jeannot et Myrbach, a few printed in colors. 8vo, full dark-green levant morocco, backs, panel and inside borders richly gilt-tooled, silk doublures and end-leaves, gilt edges, original printed wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1893 First EpiTion. One of only 25 copies on heavy paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with etched portrait of the author on China paper. 112. BOURGET (PAUL). Pastels. Dix portraits de Femmes. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée par |’Auteur. Illustrations de Robaudi et Giraldon. Royal 8vo, full heht brown crushed levant morocco, floral inlaid back in compart- ments, cover ornamented with a ribbon panel of inlaid blue morocco from the top of which is suspended a miniature in imitation of ivory, with imitation gems in red inlays and gilt, the whole entwined with inlaid floral sprays, gilt inside bor- ders, doublures and flys of brocaded silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1895 One of a limited issue on Large Japan paper, with the illus- trations by Robaudi and Giraldon printed in colors and re- touched by the artists. An etched portrait of the author, in proof state, is inserted. 1138. BOURGET (PAUL). Outre-Mer (Notes sur 1’Amér- ique). 2 vols. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, richly gilt-tooled sides, back and inside borders, doublures and flys of sky blue silk, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1895 First Epition. One of 15 copies printed on Whatman paper. Inserted is a finely etched portrait of the author by Louis Monzies. 114. BOURGET (PAUL). Une Idylle Tragique. (Mceurs Cosmopolites). 12mo, full light brown levant morocco, gilt floral sprays in compartments on back, covers ornamented with intertwined rose sprays, with birds and butterflies, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of green China silk, gilt edges on the rough, by Affolter. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1896 First Epirion. One of 10 copies on Whatman paper. crowned letter ‘‘N’’ and four royal bees, repeated twice on the back, inside dentelle borders, doublures and flys of green watered silk, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Canape. Paris, 1895 One of a few copies printed on China paper. 194. DAYOT (ARMAND). L’?Image dela Femme. Numer- ous woodcuts, some im tints. Imp. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, triple line on sides, back gilt tooled in com- partments, doublures of brown crushed levant, with gilt ornamental borders inlaid in blue morocco, gilt garlands and insects, flys of floreated silk, gilt edges, uncut, original vellum covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. [Paris], 1899 One of 10 copies on Japan paper. 195. DE BANVILLE (THEODORE). Gringoire. Comédie en un Acte, en Prose. Portrait and 14 plates by J. Wagrez, etched by L. Boisson. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, doublures of blue levant gilt tooled in a Grolieresque pattern of interlacing fillets and floral scrolls, blue silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1899 One of 30 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. This copy printed for M. V. Renault. 196. DE BANVILLE (THEODORE). Gringoire. Comédie en un Acte, en Prose. Portrait and 14 plates by J. Wagrez, etched by L. Bowson. Royal 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, narrow border panels formed by crossing double horizontal and perpendicular lines, with decorative tools in the corners, doublures of light brown levant morocco, gilt tooled gargoyle in the center, surrounded by blind and gilt circular and straight lines interspersed with gilt fleurons, blue silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Lortic. Paris, 1899 One of 30 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. . 30 197. DE BANVILLE (THEODORE). Les Princesses. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravées a l’eau-forte par E. Decisy. Royal 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt interlacing fillet forming border, doublures of brown levant morocco, “with a rich conventional pattern of interlacing bands of dark brown morocco forming a large diamond and circles, and elaborate gilt floreated scrolls, blue silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1904 One of 20 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, unfinished proof, remarque proof, and proof after letters, and a beautiful WATER-COLOR DRAWING by ROCHEGROSSE on the fly-leaf. 198. DELORME (HUGUES). Quais et Trottoirs. Jllus- trated with 18 lithographs in colors by Heidbrinck. Royal 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, 3- fillet borders, doublures of maroon levant morocco, gilt panel with corner ornaments, flys of brocaded silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Imprime pour les cent Bibliophiles, 1898 One of 115 copies. 199. [DELORME (RENE).] Le Cabaret des Trois Vertus. Illustrations de Damel Vierge, gravées par Clement Bellenger. Small folio, cloth, leather label, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie Ch. Tallandier, n. d. One of a limited issue on ‘‘ Perfection’’ paper. 200. DELVAU (ALFRED). Les Cythéres Parisiennes. Histoire anecdotique de Bals de Paris. Avec 24 eaux-fortes et un frontispice de Felicien Rops et Emile Therond. 12mo, full crushed rose levant morocco, with emblematical tooling in the center of each cover, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of silk, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Ch. Meunier. Paris, 1864 First Epirion. Scarce. Contains a frontispiece and 17 vi- gnettes etched by Rops, and 7 other etchings by Therond, all proofs before letters on India paper. 201. DELVAU (ALFRED). Gérard de Nerval. Sa Vie et ses CHuvres. Frontispiece etching by G. Staal. 16mo, board sides, morocco back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie de Mme. Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1865 Collection du Bibliophile Frangaise. 202. DELVAU (ALFRED). Henry Murger at la Bohéme. Frontispiece etching by G. Staal. 16mo, board sides, levant morocco back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie de Mme. Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1866 Collection du Bibliophile Frangaise. 38 203. DELVAU (ALFRED). Collection des romans de chevalerie ; mis.en prose francaise moderne, avec illustrations. Numerous woodcut headpreces and wmtials. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, full crimson straight-grain morocco, with gilt vizor and plumes in centre of the front cover, repeated on the back, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of blue silk, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1869 Among the stories it contains are: Aucassin et Nicolette, Le Chevalier de la Mer; La Princesse de Trebisond; Le Roman de la Rose; Les Princes de 1’Amour, etc. 204. DEMOUSTIER (C. A.). Lettres & Emilie sur La Mythologie. Engraved portrait, and the exquisite series of plates by Delvaux after the designs by Moreau, PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS. 2 vols. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, fillet and dentelle border on covers, marbled flys, doublures and linings of green moire silk, gilt edges on the rough, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Chez Ant. Aug. Renouard, 1809 Choice copy of this esteemed work, on Grand Papier Vélin. 205. [DENON (BARON VIVANT).] Point de Lende- main: Conte. Illustrated with 13 etchings by Paul Avril. 8vo, full light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt compart- ments on back, covers ornamented with handsome scroll and floral panels, with festoons, love-birds, ete., gilt inside borders of floral festoons, doublures and flys of embroidered silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: Librairie P. Rouquette, 1889 One of 13 copies on Large Japan paper, with the etchings in four states, one of which is colored by hand. Opposite the portrait is a charming ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING by Avril. This work has been suppressed on several occasions by the government. | 206. DESCARTES (RENE). Méditations Métaphysiques. | Notice sur l’auteur, par M. Michelot.] Engraved portrait by Bertonnier after Frans Hals. 12mo, full polished brown ealf. Paris: Renouard, 1825 Fine little edition of Descartes’ two chief works. Bound in is his ‘‘Discours de la Methode.’? 207. DESCAVES (LUCIEN). Flingot. Compositions et gravures a l’eau forte de Georges Jeanniot. Royal 8vo, origi- nal paper wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1907 One of 10 copies printed on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states. 208. DESGRANGES (J. POISLE). Rouget de Lisle et la Marseillaise. Frontispiece etching by G. Staal. 16mo, board side, levant morocco back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie de Mme. Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1864 Collection du Bibliophile Frangais. 39 209. DE STAAL. Mémoires de Madame De Staal-De Launay. Avec une Préface par Mme. Le Baronne Double. Full-page etchings and numerous text vignettes, by Ad. La- lauze, in two states, proofs and before letters. Thick 8vo, full dark-blue crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled with frame of scrolls on sides, tooled back and inside borders, doublures and fly-leaves of figured silk, gilt over rough edges, original printed wrappers bound in, by Lortie. Paris, 1890 LIMITED LARGE PAPER EDITION, one of 50 copies on Papier Vélin de Cuve. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH WATER-COLOR DRAW- ING BY LALAUZE on half-title. 210. DEYEUX (THEOPHILE). Le Vieux Chasseur. Illustrated with 53 lithograph plates by Benard. Royal 8vo, half calf (some pp. foxed). [Paris]: Houdaille, 1837 Keepsake Edition. In this copy Plate 48 is wanting, but there are two copies of plate 49, and two un-numbered plates. 211. D’EYLAC. la Bibliophile en 1891-1892; 1893; 1894. [Par Monsieur le Baron A. de Claye.| 3 vols. square 8vo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, triple line borders, gilt backs and inside borders, doublures and ends of green watered silk, silt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Emile Rousselle. Paris, 1893-1895 One of 300 copies issued on Holland paper, of which only 220 copies were for sale. Inserted is an etched portrait of the author. 212. DIABLE A PARIS (LE). Paris et les Parisiens. Mceurs et Coutumes, Caractéres et portraits de habitants de Paris, ete. Texte par MM. George Sand, Charles Nodier, De Balzac, Gérard de Nerval, Arséne Houssaye, and others. Illustrated with several hundred wood engravings by Gavarnt. 2 vols. royal 8vo, morocco back, cloth sides, gilt edges. Paris: Publie par J. Hetzel, 1845-46 . Fine clean copy of the First EDITION. 213. [DICKENS (CHARLES).] De Heussey (Robert Du P.). L’Inimitable Boz: Etude Historique et Anecdotique sur la vie et l’ceeuvre de Charles Dickens. Portrat frontispiece and title vignette. Royal 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Blackwell. Paris: Maison Quantin, 1889 LiMiTED EpITION. Only 25 copies printed on Japan paper. This is number one. 214. DIDEROT (DENIS). Le Neveu de Rameau, Satire par Denis Diderot. Revue sur les textes originaux et annotée par Maurice Tourneaux. Portrait et illustrations par F. A. Milius. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, triple line borders, gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Reyman. Paris: Rouquette, 1884 One of 350 copies printed on Papier Vergé, with the portrait. and etchings in two states, proofs before and after letters. 40 215. DIDEROT (DENIS). Jacques le fataliste et son Maitre. 12 dessins de Maurice Leloir gravés a l’eaw forte par Courtry, De Los Rios, Mongin, Teyssonniéres. Imperial 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco Jansen style, doublures of eitron levant with richly gilt-tooled border in the manner of Derome, gilt edges, by Louise Reymann. Paris: Imprimé pour Les Amis des Livres, 1884 One of 130 copies on Japan paper, for subscribers, with the plates in two, three and four states. 216. DIDEROT (DENIS). La Religieuse. Illustrated with etchings by P. Arnould after P. Kauffmann. 18mo, cloth, leather label, gilt top, uncut. Paris :/P.\Arnould, nv d. With an etched portrait of the author by Epp ped after Vanloo, inserted. 217. DIEHL (CHARLES). Théodora, Impératrice de Byzance. Illustrations [en couleurs| de Manuel Orazv. Square 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, back and sides richly gilt tooled, doublures of light brown morocco richly gilt and blind-tooled, flys of brown ribbed silk, gilt edges, uncut, eye covers bound in, by Lortie. Paris: Edition d’Art, 1904 Peondiiity illustrated in colors. One of 30 copies on Japan paper, with an extra set of the illustrations in black on Japan paper, proofs before letters. 218. DINET (E.). Rabia el Kouloub; ou, Le Printemps des Ceeurs. Légendes Sahariennes Recueilles par Sliman-Ben- Ibrahim. Traduites et Illustrées par E. Dinet. Plates and decorations in gold and colors. Square 8vo, full lavender erushed levant morocco, inlaid with bands of white and orange morocco terminating in heart-shaped ornaments in the corners, doublure of white morocco, with an inlaid Arabesque design of yellow, gray, purple, green, blue and red morocco, pink figured silk end-leaves, gilt edges, with an extra limp lavender morocco cover, by Affolter. [Paris], 1902’ L’Edition d’Art, printed on Japan paper, limited. An extra set of the uncolored plates bound in at the end. 219. DINET (E.). Mlirages. Scénes de la Vie Arabe. Compositions [en couleurs| de EK. Dinet, commentées par Sliman Ben Ibraham. Royal 8vo, full dark olive crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, doublures of rose crushed levant. with arabesque border and centerpiece inlaid with five differ- ent colors of morocco, flys of silk tapestry, gilt edges, uncut,. original covers bound in, by Affolter. With wrappers of olive levant morocco triple line on side, gilt tooled. In a slip-case. Paris: Edition d’Art [1906] CHARMINGLY ILLUSTRATED IN COLORS. One of 40 copies om Japan paper, with an extra set of the illustrations in black. 41 220. DIX-NEUVIEME SIECLE (LE). Les Mceurs—Les Arts—Les Idées. With numerous woodcuts in the text and full-page wlustrations, some in tints, of portraits, historical scenes, etc. Imp. 8vo, full olive crushed levant morocco, triple line on sides, back gilt-tooled in compartments, doublures of maroon crushed levant morocco with richly tooled ornamental borders, marbled flies with lining of brocaded silk, gilt edges, voriginal vellum covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. One of only 10 copies on Japan paper. Paris, 1901 221. DORAT (CLAUDE JOSEPH). Les Baisers, précedés du Mois de Mai, Poeme. Frontispiece, flewron on title, 23 vignettes, and 22 culs-de-lampe, engraved by Aliamet, Baquoy, Binet, Delaunay, Lingée, De Longeuitl, Masquelier, Massard, Né and Ponce after Eisen and Mariller. 8vo, old polished green French morocco, back and sides gilt-tooled, gilt inside ‘borders, gilt edges (a few margins slightly stained). La Haye, 1770 Large Holland paper copy. First issue, with the title in red, and with the misprinted pages, having the fine impressions of the engravings only to be found when the book is ‘in that state. Styled by Cohen as the masterpiece of the 18th cen- tury; while he terms the engravings: ‘‘ravissantes illustra- tions.’’ The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 222. DORAT (JOSEPH). Fables Nouvelles. With the exquisite series of full-page plates and vignettes by De Ghent, Delauney, Arrivet, Baquoy, de Longueil, Masquelier and others, after designs by Marillier. 2 vols. in one, tall 8vo, full dark blue polished levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers ornamented after the style of Derome, doublures of orange levant morocco, gilt panel, gilt over marbled edges, by Cuzin, with slip case and cover. A la Haye, et se trouve a Paris: Chez Delalain, 1773 A HANDSOME COPY OF THE First ISSUE OF THE ORIGINAL EDI- TION, ON LARGE PAPER, MEASURING 232 MM., WITH THE ILLUS- TRATIONS IN BRILLIANT STATE. From the Library of F. Gauthier, with his engraved bookplate. RARE. 223. D’ORLEANS (HENRI). la Bataille de Rocroy. Frontispiece, portrait, and 8 plates engraved by Adolphe La- lauze and printed in colors after the originals by Alphonse _Lalauze. Imperial 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt fleurons and three double lines forming an artistic border, richly gilt back, gilt inside border lines with floral tooling in the corners, green moiré silk doublure and end leaves, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Bretault, with extra half morocco cover and ease. Paris, 1899 One of 104 copies on papier vélin du Marais, with the plates in two states, plain and colored. 42 224. DOUCET (JEROME). Anacréon. (Introduction et pieces choisies). Jllustré de 8 compositions de Lows-Edouard’ Fourmer, eaux-fortes de Pennequin. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1903. One of 50 copies on Japan paper, with the illustrations in two states, one remarque proof, colored by hand. 225. DOUCET (JEROME). Notre Ami Pierrot. Douze- Pantomimes. Profusely illustrated by Louis Morin. Folio, full brown levant morocco, back ornamented with grotesque masks of Pierrot, in compartments, triple fillet border on covers, doublure of azure levant morocco, inlaid with mask of Pierrot and crescent moon, and studded with silver stars, flys: of decorative paper, linings of brocaded silk, gilt edges, origi- nal wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie Paul Ollendorff, n. d.. One of a special edition of 20 copies on Japan paper, signed by the author. The plates are in three states; one with text,,. hand-colored, one on Japan paper, and one on China paper. 226. DREUX DU RADIER. L’Europe illustre, contenant l’Histoire abrégée des Ministres des grands Capitaines, des Magistrats, des Savants, des Artistes, et des Dames célébres: . en Europe, dans le XVe siécle, compris jusqu’a present. Ouvrage enrichi de portraits gravés par les soins du sieur Odieuvre. 6 vols. royal 8vo, contemporary ealf, gold lines on sides, gilt backs and inside borders, gilt edges (edges slightly worn). Paris: Odieuvre et Le Breton, 1755-65 First Epition. Large 8vo copy. This collection contains 600 portraits of eminent persons of various nations engraved by Ficquet, Lepicié, Schmidt, Fessard, Dupin, Roy, Edelnik, Sornique and many others, English Sovereigns after Vertue by Basan, from the commencement of the fifteenth century. With» good impressions of the plates and large margins. The Mat- thew Anderson—F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 227. DROZ (GUSTAVE). Monsieur, Madame & Bébé.. Etched frontispiece portrat of the author in proof state by: Leopold Flameng and numerous dallustrations by Edmond Morin. Imp. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back- in compartments, covers with richly gilt corner ornaments, pointillé and fillet intersecting borders, doublures of citron levant morocco, gilt corner ornaments, with inlay borders of blue morocco, marbled flys, brocaded silk linings, gilt edges. on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris: Victor Havard, 1878 One of 50 copies on Large China paper. 228. DU CAMP (MAXIME). Une Histoire d’Amour. Portrait engraved by A. Lamotte and 8 illustrations by: Blanchard, engraved by Buland. 12mo, full orange crushed’ 43 levant morocco, gilt floral scolloped border, gilt inside border, flowered silk lining, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris, 1888 One of 200 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. : 229. DULAURENS (HENRI JOSEPH). Le Compére Matthiéu, ou les Bigarrures de l1’Esprit Humain. Illustrated with proof impressions of the plates by Chasselat, before letters. 3 vols. 8vo, full straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt edges, by Bozeraine, jeune. Paris: Petris, 1796 LARGE PAPIER VELIN COPY. VERY RARE. This work was con- demned and suppressed by the government. 230. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Histoire d’un Casse- Noisette. Illustrations by Bertall. 2 vols. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, each volume encased in China silk covers, and the two volumes enclosed in a green levant box, fashioned like a book, gilt inside borders, China silk doublures and lining, by Carayon. Paris: Puble par J. Hetzel, 1845 First EpITIoN. Very fine copy. 231. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Hermine—L’Amazone. . — “Small 4to, half crushed light blue levant morocco, original covers bound in, uncut edges, by Fontaine. Paris, 1888 One of 25 copies on Japan paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 22 original water-color paintings, beautifully executed by H. P. Dillon. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 232. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Les Trois Mousquetaires, avee une lettre d’Alexandre Dumas fils. Compositions de Maurice Lelow et gravures sur bots de J. Huyot. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco front panel with a strapwork design inlaid with bands of red morocco, a fleur-de-lys inlaid in the centre and twice repeated on the back, with crowned ‘‘L’’ and crowned monogram ‘‘A.V.,’’ at the corners and back, back panel with a similar design, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by S. David. Paris, 1894 EDITION DE GRANDE LUXE. One of 150 copies on China paper. 233. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Le Chevalier de Maison’ Rouge. Htchings by Gery-Bichard, woodcuts by Léveillé, after the designs of Julien Le Blant. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, full crushed maroon levant morocco, covers and back gilt- tooled with diamond design of heavy and stipple gilt lines, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of brocaded silk, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by P. R. Raparlier. Paris: Emile Testard, 1894 One of 35 copies on China paper (extra fort). The full-page - illustrations are in four states, remarque proofs both finished and in outline, proofs in bistre, and lettered impressions. The woodcuts in two states, proofs before and after letters. Inserted are 4 fine portraits by Deveria, Hopwood and Porreau (2 of which are on India paper). 44 234. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). La Dame de Monsoreau. 250 compositions de Maurice Leloir, gravées sur bois par J. Huyot. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco with wide ornamental borders, corner and side compartments containing an emblematic double cross, doublures of maroon erushed levant, richly ornamented in gold, moire silk flys, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1903 EDITION DE GRANDE LuxE. One of 100 copies printed on China paper, with a duplicate set of the illustrations, proofs before letters. 235. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fils). Affaire Clemenceau— Memoire de l’Accusé. 8vo, half cloth, original yellow covers bound in, uncut edges. Paris: Michel Lévy Fréres, 1866 First EDITIon. 236. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fils). Monsieur Alphonse. Piéce en Trois Actes. Tall 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, 10-fillet inside borders, marbled flys, doublures and linings of hght green gros grain silk, gilt edges on the rough, by Canape. Paris: Michel Lévy Fréres, 1874 First EDITION. One of 5 copies on LARGE CHINA PAPER. Autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscription on half-title. Etched remarque proof portrait of the author by Toussaint, inserted. 237. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fils). Ilka: Pile ou Face. Souvenir de jeunesse. Le Songe d’une nuit d’été. Au Docteur J. P***, TJllustrated by Marold. 12mo, full blue levant mo- rocco, Jansen style, inside dentelle borders, doublures and flys of light blue China silk, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1896 First Epirion. One of 125 copies on China paper. 238. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE Fils). Péchés de Jeunesse. 8vo, full blue straight-grain morocco, chastely gilt-tooled with broad borders on both panels, back in compartments, doublures and flys of yellow silk, gilt edges and inside borders, uncut, original covers bound in, by Canape. | Paris: Felleus et Dufour, 1847 First Epirion. Inserted is a portrait of the author, etched by H. Toussaint. Fine copy. 239. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fils). La Dame aux Camélias. Préface de Jules Janin. Vignette on title and 20 full-page woodcut-illustrations by Gavarm. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris: Havard, 1858 First ILLUSTRATED EpiTion. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 45 240. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fils). L’Ami des Femmes, comédie en cing actes, en prose. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, covers ornamented with gilt panel of lozenge design, with conventional figures in spaces, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of brown watered silk, gilt edges. Paris: Cadot, 1864 First EpiTion. Presentation copy from the author to Madame E. Doré with autograph inscription on the half-title. 241. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fils). Affaire Clemenceau— Memoire de l’Accuse. Imp. 8vo, full crushed maroon levant morocco, triple line border, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top, uncut edges, by Allo. Paris, 1866 First EDITION. Special Edition of 100 copies printed on Grand papier de Hollande. 242, DUMAS (ALEXANDRE Fils). L’Etrangére. Comédie en Cing Actes. Royal 8vo, half cloth, edges uncut, original glazed wrappers bound in. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1877 SPECIAL EDITION, only 40 copies printed on Holland paper. ‘HAS THE AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF THE AUTHOR ON FLY-LEAF. 248. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fils). Un Cas de rupture. Illustrations [en couleurs| page a page par Eugene Courbow. Royal 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, doublures of citron levant morocco with gilt dentelle border, oilt edges, original covers bound in, by Emile Rousselle. Paris: Quantin, 1892 One of 40 copies on Large Japan paper, with the 100: finely colored illustrations in two states, in black before letters and in colors after letters. Published under the direction of Octave Uzanne. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a portrait of Dumas Fils etched by H. Toussaint and 8 OF THE ORIGINAL PEN- CIL AND PEN-AND-INK DRAWINGS BY E. CouRBOIN of the illus- trations contained in the book. 244. DURER (ALBERT). Céuvre... reproduit et publié par Armand Durand; texte par Georges Duplessis. 108 dlus- trations on hand-made paper, mounted. Folio. In a cloth portfolio. Paris: Amand-Durand. [1857] The F. R. Halsey copy with bookplate. 245. DURUY (VICTOR). Histoire des Romains, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’a |l’invasion des Barbares. Nouvelle édition, revue et augmentée. Hmnrichie d’environ 38,000 gravures dessinées d’aprés l’antique et de 100 cartes ou plans. 7 vols. imp. 8vo, full maroon crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt-tooled interlaced borders forming a central panel, gilt lined backs and inside borders, doublures and ends of green watered silk, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Hachette, 1879-1885 One of a small number printed on China paper. 46 EAE Sr ates neg actiocen ie GON, ee sate CLEOPATRE DS DE; Un Nu! | Number S) TIER’ GAU 14] 3 246. DURUY (VICTOR). Histoire des Grecs, depnis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’a la réduction de la Gréce en province Romaine. Nouvelle édition revue, augmentée. Enriche d’environ 2,000 gravures dessinées d’apres l’antique et 50 cartes ou plans. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt interlaced borders forming a central panel, gilt lined backs and inside borders, doublures and end leaves of red watered silk, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Hachette, 1887-1889 One of a small number printed on China paper. 247. EAU-FORTE EN 1875 (L’). Quarante Eaux-Fortes original et inédites par quarante des artistes les plus dis- tingués. Texte par Ph. Burty. 40 very fine etchings by forty of the best French etchers. Royal folio. In a portfolio. Paris: Cadart, 1875 Artist’s copy, signed by the editor, with the impressions on thin Japan paper (mounted). A volume which fully repre- sents the standard of etching then attained in France. The drawings are full of spirit and of charm, and exhibit original- ity of thought. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 248. ENGRAVING. [L’Art de la gravure en taille douce, en maniere noire, gravure en pierres, maniere de crayon, sur fines medailles en cachets.| 79 full-page plates of fine engrav- ings. Folio, panelled calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére and Son. N. p., Ded. 249. ESPARBES (GEORGES D’.). La Légende de L’Aigle. Compositions de Francois Thévenot, gravées par Florian et Romagnol. Royal 8vo, handsomely bound in full straight-grain green levant morocco, with broad gilt-tooled ornamental borders, gilt back in compartments, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of rose watered silk, gilt over un- cut edges, original covers bound in, by Canape R. D. [ Relieur- Doreur |. Paris: Collection des Dix, 1901 One of 25 copies on China paper, with two extra sets of the woodcuts; one on China paper, the other printed by hand on Japan paper called ‘‘ pelure.’’ 250. FABRE (FERDINAND). L’Abbé Tigrane, Candidat ala Papauté. Portrait after J. P. Laurens and 20 original etchings by E. Rudaux. 8vo, full purple crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt back in compartments, covers ornamented with a tooled cross in scroll designs, triple fillet borders, inside den- telle borders, doublures and flys of lavender moire silk, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1890 One of 150 copies on Large Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. 47 251. FABRE (FERDINAND). Sylviane. Jllustrations de George Roux, gravées sur bois par Baud et Hamel. 8vo, full crushed orange levant morocco with inlaid floral decora- tion in various colors of morocco, also birds and insects, gilt inside borders, silk tapestry doublures and flys, uncut edges, original covers bound in, by P. Ruban, 1894. Paris, 1892 One of 40 copies on China paper, with some of the full-page illustrations in two states, in black and bistre. 252. FAERNUS (GABRIEL). les Fables de Faérne. Traduites en vers Francois, par M. Perrault. Illustrated with fine woodcut vignettes and tail-pieces. 16mo, old sheep (slight tear in one leaf). A Amsterdam: Chez Gerard Onder de Linden, 1718 Clean copy of the Second Perrault translation of these noted Fables. 253. FAVRE (M. DE). Les Quatre Heures de la Toilette des Dames, Poéme Erotique en Quatre Chants. Frontispiece, vignette, 4 plates and 4 tail-pieces engraved by Arrwet, Hal- bou, Legrand, Leroy, and Patas after Leclerc. Royal 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, triple fillet borders, gilt inside borders, rich embroidered silk doub- lures and flys, gilt edges on the rough, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Chez Jean-Francois Bastien, 1779 One of the tail-pieces contains a portrait of the Princess de Lamballe. 254. FELLENS (CH.). Les Droits du Seigneur sous la Féodalité. Droits de Jambage, Cuissage, Main morte, Bor- delier, ete. With numerous vignettes (which were prohibited in 1877). 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, original covers bound in, uncut edges. Paris: Lambert, 1882 255. FEMINIES. MHuit chapitres inédits dévoués a la Femme, a |’Amour, a la Beauté. Par Gyp, Abel Hermant, Henri Lavedan, Marcel Sewob & Octave Uzanne. Illustrated with frontispieces in colors after Félicien Rops. Royal 8vo, full salmon crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt borders on covers, marbled flys, brocaded silk linings, doublures of green levant morocco, inlaid carnations of lavender morocco, with outer borders of blue inlaid morocco, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Meunier, with special half levant limp cover. Paris: Imprime pour les Bibliophiles Contemporains, 1896 One of a small number of copies on Japan paper, issued to members. There is a duplicate set of the plates, uncolored, and the pages are printed within decorative borders of various tints. 256. FENELON (FRANCOIS DE LA MOTTE). les Aventures de Télémaque, avec des notes géographiques et litteraires. Portrait and map. CK&uvres Diverses. 3 vols. 8vo, 48 * half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris: Lefevre, 1824 Large Papier Vélin copy. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the in- sertion of 27 plates, viz.: 3 portraits of Fénélon engraved by St. Aubin, Delvaux and Savart, and 24 plates after Moreau the younger engraved by Simonet De Ghendt, Girardet, etc., from the Renouard edition. The F. R. Halsey copy, with book- plate in each volume. 257. FENELON (FRANCOIS DE LA MOTTE). Les Aventures de Télémaque. Fragment du livre premier, mis en vers francais par Fr.-Cl. Chenu. 16mo, full green calf, oilt inside borders, gilt edges, uncut, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris, 1854 Vignette on title. Only 25 copies were issued of this frag- - ment by the son of the translator to be distributed among his intimate friends. None for sale. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. : 258. FERTIAULT (F.). Les Amoureux du Livre. Son- nets d’un Bibliophile, Fantaisies, Commandements du Bibtio- phile, Bibliophiliana, Notes et Anecdotes. Préface du Bibtio- phile Jacob (Paul Lacroix). 16 eaux-fortes du Jules Chevrier. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled dentelle borders on the sides, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, uneut, by Emile Rousselle. Paris: Claudin, 1877 First Epirion. Limited. EXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the inser- tion of a set of the full-page illustrations on Japan paper, proofs before letters, an ORIGINAL FRONTISPIECE drawn in pen- and-ink by Més and the portraits of Fertiault and the Due D’Aumale, both on Japan paper. 299. FEUILLET (OCTAVE). Julia de Tréceur. Illus- trated with frontispiece and 15 vignettes engraved by Clapés after Henriot. 12mo, full ight blue crushed levant morocco, eilt and floral inlays in compartments on back, front cover ornamented with rococo design and inlaid floral sprays, inside dentelle border, doublures and flys of blue moire paper, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1885 One of 225 copies on Papier Vélin du Marais, with the etch- ings in three states. 260. FEUILLET (OCTAVE). Le Village. Scéne Pro- vineiale. Préface de Mme. Octave Feuillet. Portrait, full- page plate and 2 vignettes, by Boisson. 8vo, full crimson erushed levant morocco, triple fillet borders, doublures of dark blue levant morocco, richly tooled panel, with corner ornaments, blue China silk flys, gilt edges on the rough, origi- nal wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Aux Dépens de la Socidté Normande du Livre Tilustré, 1901 One of 143 copies on Papier V élin. 49 261. FEVAL (PAUL HENRI CORETIN). Le Premier amour de Charles Nodier. Illustrations de H. Vogel gravées sur bois par E. Florian. Avant-propos de Maurice Tourneux. 12mo, full crushed olive levant morocco, sides with gilt-tooled ornamental border of lines and scrolls, doublures of brown erushed levant morocco, gilt lines, scrolls and floral sprays, flys of floreated silk tapestry, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Rouquette, 1900 One of only 150 copies printed, with a duplicate set of the illustrations, proofs before letters on India paper. 262. FIEVEE (JOSEPH). la Dot de Suzette (ou His- toire de Mme de Senneterre, racontée par elle-méme), avec notice biographique inédite. Illustrations by V. Foulquser in 3 states, artist’s proofs, and proofs before and after letters. 8vo, boards, roan back, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1892 One of 115 copies printed for the Société des Amis des Livres. 263. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Madame Bovary, Meeurs de Province. 12 etchings by Abot and Mordant, after designs by Albert Fourie, each plate in two states. Small 4to, full erimson crushed levant morocco, panels and back gilt tooled with floral sprays, gilt inside border, gilt edges, by Rousselle. Paris: Quantin, 1885 EDITION EN GRAND ForRMAT, limited to 100 copies 0n Japan paper. HKXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 6 full-page water-color drawings by Més, and 7 etchings on China paper by Boilvin. 264. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Hérodias. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse gravées a l’eau-forte par Champollion. Préface par Anatole France. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, doublures of dark brown levant mo- rocco, with elaborate Egyptian design, composed of 9 different colored moroccos, flys of silk tapestry, gilt edges on the rough, original covers bound in, by David. Paris: Librairie des Aiateums 1892 One of 20 copies on Grand Papier du Japon, with the etch- ings in three states, and an original water-color drawing by -Rochegrosse on leaf preceding the half-title. A Proof etched portrait of Flaubert by Toussaint, is inserted. 265. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Un Cceur Simple. Illustré de vingt-trois compositions par Emile Adam, gravées a l’eau-forte par Champollion. Préface par A. de Claye. Royal 8vo, full ight blue crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, doublures of citron levant morocco, with chiselled de- sign of poppies, daisies and bluets on inside front cover, that 50 on the back cover being sprays of poppies, flys of silk tapestry, rough gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1894 One of 20 copies on Grand Papier du Japon with the etch- ings in three states. On blank leaf preceding the half-title is an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY EMILE ADAM, signed. An etched portrait by Monzies, on India paper has been inserted. 266. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). la Legende de Saint Julien |’Hospitalier. Préface par Marcel Schwob. JKiched portrait of the author, in two states, by Toussaint, and original water-color by L. O. Merson, inserted. With the 26 text allus- trations by Merson, each wn three states, two being remarque proofs (one unfinished). Royal 8vo, full calf, hunting design ehiselled on front cover, with deer head, arrow, acorns, oak leaves, dagger, &c., all very finely wrought in centre panel, gilt lined inside borders, doublures and flys of gros-grain silk, gilt edges, bound by Leon Gruel. With plush-lined cover and ease. Paris, 1895 Large Japan Paper copy, number 3 of only 200 issued. 267. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). A Bord de la Cange. Neuf compositions de A. Robaudi, gravées a l’eau-forte par C. Chessa. 12mo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, triple gilt fillet borders, doublures of crimson erushed levant morocco, with handsome gilt-tooled frame, bro- eaded silk flys, full gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1904 One of 60 copies printed on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. Each leaf is mounted on its separate hinge. 268. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Madame Bovary. IJllus- trations by Alfred de Richemont, etched by C. Chessa. Pré- face par Léon Hennique. Thick 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, tooled with ornamental borders of tripple interlacing lines, doublures of hLght brown levant morocco, gilt outer dentelle border, inner border of lines and scroll work, light brown moire silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Affolter. , Paris, 1905 One of 80 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. 269. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Bouvard et Pécuchet. Etched illustrations by Charles Huard, the full-page plates printed in colors. 2 vols. 4to, full brown crushed levant mo- rocco, elaborately tooled in a geometrical and trellis design of parallel lines surrounded by a floriated border, doublure of green morocco with parallel and interlacing line border, tapestry silk linings, gilt edges, by Affolter. Original covers bound in. Paris ny d: One of an edition limited to 30 copies. Contains an original water-color and an original pencil drawing of two of the char- acters of the story, signed by Charles Huard. (See Illustration. ) 51 270. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Salammbé. Portrait of the author by H. Toussaint and 10 etched plates by Mercier and others from designs by A. Poirson. Small folio, full erim- son erushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled with floral scrolls on back and sides, panels and inside borders, gilt edges, by Rous- selle, with original wrappers bound in. Paris: Maison Quantin, n. d. GRAND Format EDpDITION, limited to 50 copies printed throughout on Japan paper, with all the plates in two states, one on Japan paper before letters and one on Holland. HExtrRa- ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of seven etched plates by Pierre Vidal on China paper. 271. FLERS (ROBERT DE). Ilsée, Princesse de Tripoli. EHtched portrat of Mucha, 132 lithographs, head- and tail- pieces finely executed in colors by A. Mucha. Royal 4to, full olive green crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, doublures and flys of figured silk tapestry, inside borders of olive green levant, with floral sprays inlaid in colors at each corner, gilt edges, uncut, original ornamental covers bound in, by P. Ruban (1897). Paris: Edition d’Art, 1897 One of 25 copies on Japan paper, with an extra set of the plates on China paper, proofs before letters, uncolored. Only 252 copies were issued of this book, and plates destroyed. cr ic SECOND SESSION Tuesday Evening, November 21, 1916, at 8:15 o'clock LOTS 272-547 272. FLORIAN (J. P. CLARIS DE). Fables de Florian. Illustrées par Viclor Adam. Précédées d’une Notice par Charles Nodier, et d’un Essai sur la Fable. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt back, covers richly decorated with scroll and fillet panel design, gilt edges, by Simier (loose in covers). Paris: Delloye, Desme et Cie, 1838 273. FORE-EDGE PAINTING. Boccaccio (Giovanni). I] Deecamerone con Vita scritta da Matteo Villani. Portrait of Boccaccio by Demautort, titles after Moreau le Jeune, engraved by Aveline. 3 vols. 16mo, contemporary green morocco, gilt, with a fine fore-edge painting on each volume, gilt edges, by [Derome, as catalogued by Sotheby]. Londra, 1768 The paintings on the fore-edges are 3 finely executed views, representing Florence and the Arno, London and the Thames and Paris on the Seine. 274. FOURNIER (EDOUARD). L’Esprit dans l’Histoire; recherches et Curiosités sur les Mots Historiques. 16mo, full polished ealf, gilt back, fillet and pointille borders, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Paris: EK. Dentu, 1883 275. FOURNIER (EDOUARD). L’Esprit des Autres: Recueilli et Raeconté. Small 8vo, full polished ealf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. Paris: E. Dentu, 1886 276. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Alfred de Vigny. Etude. Frontispiece etching by G. Staal. 16mo, board sides, mo- rocco back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1868 Collection du Bibliophile Frangais. 277. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Les Poémes Dorés. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compart- ments, gilt fillet border on covers, doublures of brown erushed levant morocco, with handsome tooled design, flys of brocaded satin, gilt edges on the rough, original wrap- pers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1873 First EDITION, EXTREMELY SCARCE, 53 278. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard, Membre de |’Institut. 12mo, cloth, leather label, gilt top, uncut, original blue wrappers bound in. Paris: Calmann Levy, Editeur, Ancienne Maison Michael Lévy Fréres, 1881. THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION, WITH THE ORIGINAL BLUE WRAPPERS of which we are unable to locate any previous sale at auction, Not in the collection of France’s works in the Hoe sale. Fine copy. 279. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Notice Historique sur Viv- ant Denon. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, leather label, original wrappers bound in. Paris: P. Rouquette et Fils, 1890 280. FRANCE (ANATOLE). L’Elvire de Lamartine. Notes sur M. & Mme. Charles. With facsimile. Square 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, enclosed in specially made fawn satin covers, with inside lining of pink satin. Ina case. Paris: H. Champion, 1893 First EDITION. Very Scarce. Not in Hoe. 281. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Les Opinions de M. Jéré6me Coignard, recueillies par Jacques Tournebroche. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt fillet borders, inside borders, doublures and flys of dark green moire silk, gilt edges on the rough, original salmon wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1893 One of 20 copies printed on Japan paper. 282. FRANCE (ANATOLE). La Rotisserie de la Reine Pédauque. 12mo, cloth, original covers bound in, uncut edges. Paris, 1893 First EDITION. One of 40 copies on Holland paper. Inserted is a portrait of the author on Japan paper, etched by Loys Delteuil. 283. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Le Lys Rouge. 12mo, cloth, uncut, original covers bound in, by Durvand. Paris, 1894 First EDITION. One of 30 copies printed on Japan paper. Portrait of the author, etched by Delteuil, inserted. 284, FRANCE (ANATOLE). Le Jardin d’Epicure. Hitched portrait with Remarque, by Deltail. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, leather label, uncut, original wrappers bound in. One of 50 copies printed on Holland paper. Paris, 1895 285. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Le Puits de Sainte Claire. Etched portrait of the author by Deltail. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, leather label, uncut, original wrappers bound in. One of 55 copies printed on Holland paper. . Paris, 1895 54 286. FRANCE ANATOLE). L’Orme du Mail. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt fillet borders, inside border of conventional shell and scroll design, doublures and flys of silk tapestry, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by David. Paris, 1897 One of 50 copies printed on Holland paper. 287. FRANCE (ANATOLE). La Leeon bien apprise. Illustrations by Leon Lebégue, and text in reproduction of his original engrossing. Small 4to, full dark green levant morocco, gilt inside fillet borders, gilt edges, original wrap- pers bound in, by Canape. Paris: Pour les Bibliophiles Indépendente, 1898 One of 200 copies printed. The illustrations have been bril- liantly colored by hand, and at the end is bound a duplicate set of the plates, plain, on China paper. An etched portrait of the author, by Deltail, in proof state, autographed by the etcher, is inserted, 288. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Pierre Noziére. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, leather label, uncut and unopened, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1899 One of 25 copies printed on Japan paper. 289. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Clio. Tllustrations’ (en couleurs) de Mucha. 8vo, full maroon crushed morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt fillet borders, doublures of green crushed levant morocco, elaborate fillet interlaced borders, with corner and side ornaments, marbled flys, with linings of silk tapestry, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. . [Paris]: Calmann Lévy, 1900 First EDITION. One of 100 copies printed on Japan paper. 290. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Thais. Compositions de Paul-Albert Leurens. Gravures a la l'eau-forte de Léon Boison. Royal 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, in- laid with a conventional floral design of orange in the cor- ners with connecting bands and border of the same, gilt tooled outlines, back in six compartments similarly deco- rated, doublure of light brown morocco, inlaid Grolieresque pattern of dark brown and double line silk border, silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1900 One of 40 copies on Papier de Chine ou Velin, with the text illustrations in three states and the full-page plates in four states, including one printed in bistre. 291. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Balthasar et la Reine Balkis. Aquarelles originales @apres Henri Caruchet. 8vo, full blue levant crushed moroceo, gilt and inlaid back in compartments, covers inlaid with maroon morocco, in de- signs of a three-quarter circle surrounding a gilt halo, de- aYs) sign at top center being a star with gilt rays, gilt and inlaid inside borders, with doublures and lining of brocaded silk, gilt edges, by David. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1900 One of 50 copies printed on Japan paper, with an extra un™ eolored set of theillustrations. Each leaf is printed within a different colored border, one of which forms the basis of the inlaid cover design. 292. FRANCE (ANATOLE). L’Affaire Crainquebille. Illustrated with 62 compositions of Steinlen, engraved by Deloche, E. and F.. Florian, Gusman, Mathieu, Perrichon, etc. Ato, full light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet borders in compartments on back, covers ornamented with entwined fillet borders, doublures of green levant morocco, ornamented with a double interlaced strap-work border, in- laid with olive and brown moroccos, terminating at corners in broken circles, marbled flys, with ribbed silk linings, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Cham- bolle-Duru. | Paris: Edouard Pelletan, 1901 One of 13 copies on antique Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the illustrations on China paper, and an ORIGINAL WATER- COLOR DRAWING BY STEINLEN, 293. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Histoire de Dona Maria d’ Avalos et de don Fabricio, Due d’Andria. Manuscrite et illuminée par Leon Lebeque. 4to, full dark green crushed levant morocco, beautifully tooled in double line interlacing bands and floral scrolls, doublures of scarlet morocco with elaborate pattern of interlacing green bands and borderand gilt tooled floreated scrolls, green silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1902 One of 25 copies on Japan Paper, with a double set of the socal rations and illustrations, colored and plain. 294. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Le Procurateur de Judée. 14 designs by Eugéne Grasset engraved (on wood) by Ernest Florian and printed in tints. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt line borders, doublures of olive green morocco, with elaborate interlacing line tooling, red silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1902 One of 29 copies on Hand-made paper, with the designs in five states, four of the trial impressions on China paper. 295. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Le Procurateur de Judée. Engraved throughout with etchings, by Louis Muller, after designs by Gorguet. 12mo, full brown crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt back, in compartments, gilt borders, with corner ornaments, doublures of dark brown crushed levant mo- rocco, with large conventional design and interlaced scrolls, gros-grain flys of brown silk, gilt edges on the rough, origi- nal wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Société des Amis des Livres, 1902 One of 180 copies issued. 56 296. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Madame de Luzy. Diz compositions dessinées et gravées par Ad. Lalauze. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt fillet borders; doublures of lilac levant morocco, with handsome gilt tooled panels of floral sprays, flys of brocaded silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1902 One of 60 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. 297. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Mémoires d’un Volontaire. Illustrated with original water-color frontispiece, signed by Adrien Moreau; and with 26 text and full-page etchings by Xavier Lesueur after Moreau, each with 2 full-page re- marque duplicates, one in oulline. Royal 8vo, full dark-red erushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt borders enclosing sprays of laurel inlaid in blue and green levant, gilt inside borders, silk doublures and end-leaves, gilt edges, by Canape. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1902 LARGE JAPAN PAPER COPY, only a small number issued with the plates in three states and double title. AN ORIGINAL WATER- COLOR DRAWING, by Adrien Moreau, precedes the half-title. 298. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Histoire Comique. tch- ings in dry-point by Hdgar Chahine. 4to, full brown erushed levant morocco, tooled with an interlacing border of four parallel lines, doublures of light brown morocco, finely tooled border of interlacing and dotted lines with elaborate floriated scrolls in the corners, brown silk end- leaves, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Cham- bolle-Duru. Paris, n. d. One of 20 copies on China paper, with an extra set of plates. before letters outside the text. 299. FROISSART (JEHAN). Les Chroniques de J. Frois- sart. Edition abrégée avec texte rapproché du Frangais Moderne par Mme. de Witt, née Guizot. Illustrated with 11 chromolithographs, 12 illumined letters, 2 maps, 33 full-page engravings and 252 engravings in the text after the monu- ments and manuscripts of the period. Imp. 8vo, full crimson erushed levant morocco, gilt compartments on back, triple fillet borders, gilt edges, inside dentelle borders, doublures and flys of green moire silk, by Rousselle. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1881 Choice copy of this handsome and desirable edition, one of 100 copies on Papier Velin de Cuve. 300. GAILLERDET (F.) AnD DUMAS (A.). La Tour de Nesle. Drame en Cing Actes et Neuf Tableaux. 0 full- page plates and 24 vignette head- and tail-pieces etched and Jinely printed in colors after designs by A. Robida. Royal 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt double line panel border with small fillets in the corners, back gilt in 57 compartments, doublures of green levant morocco, tooled in an elaborate Grolieresque design of interlacing bands and floriated scrolls, brown silk lining, gilt edges, by Chambolle- Duru. Paris, 1901 Edition limited to 115 copies on Papier Filigrane des Pape- teries du Marais et de Sainte-Marie, 301. GALERIE THEATRALE. Collection de 144 por- traits en pied des principaux Acteurs et Actrices qui onts illustré la Scene Franegaise depuis 1552 jusqu’a nos jours. With 144 full-length figures beautifully colored and allumi- nated after engravings of celebrated artists. 2 vols. royal 4to, half russia, gilt tops, uneut. Paris: A. Barraud, 1873 Limited to 90 copies. The only edition containing 84 text illustrations, in addition to the portraits in colors, and engraved title. One of the finest works on Theatrical costume ever pub- lished. The F. R. Halsey vopy, with bookplate in each volume. 302. GANDON (ANTOINE). Les Trente-Deux Duels of Jean Gigon. Histoire d’un enfant trouvé. Portrait. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt back with emblematic tooled compartments, covers with fillet borders, having tooled design of crossed sabres in centre, and tooled emblems in corners, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Librairie Nouvelle, 1860 First EDITION. WITH 15 ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS OF FINE QUALITY BY A. BLIGNY, executed as head- or tail-pieces, and signed by the artist, the pictures illustrating various scenes and duels in the life of Jean Gigon. 303. GAUTIER (HIPPOLYTE). L’An 1789: Evénements, Meeurs, Idées, uvres et Caracteres. Profusely illustrated with plates, text vignettes, and maps, a few of each being in colors. Thick royal 4to, full crushed crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt tooled on back and all borders, edges gilt, by Emile Rousselle; original gilt wrappers bound in. Paris: Libraire Charles Delagrave, ca. 1890 304. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Mademoiselle de Mau- pin-Double Amour. 2 vols. 8vo, full crushed red levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Cuzin. Paris, 1835-36 FIRST EDITION, Fine copy. 305. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). La Comédie de la Mort. Frontispiece by L. Boulanger. 8vo, full dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back, with skull and cross-bones in compartments, panels of blind-tooling with 2 two-line fillet borders, skull and cross-bones at corners of the panel, gilt inside borders, gilt over marbled edges, by Belz-Niedree. Paris: Desessart, 1838 An immaculate copy of the very rare First EDITION. With bookplate of F. R. Halsey. 58 306. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Emaux et Camées. Hitched portrait inserted. 12mo, lavender levant morocco, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of green China silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Durvand. Paris: Eugene-Didier, 1852 Choice copy of the First EDITION, 307. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Honoré de_ Balzac. Edition Revue et Augmentée. With etched portrait by LE. Hedouin, and facsimile letters. 12mo, half cloth, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Poulet-Malaissis et de Broise, 1859 308. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). L’Eldorado ou For- tunio. Ji full-page plates by F. Milius, in two states, etch- mgs on Japan and vellum paper, and the 81 vignettes in two. extra states before letters, an black and in bistre on India paper. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers richly tooled with a frame of scroll and floral design, gilt inside borders, doub- lures and flys of dark green moire silk, gilt edges on the rough, by Lortic. Paris: Imprime pour les Amis des Livres, 1880 One of 115 copies. A remarque proof portrait by Burney has been inserted. The 81 vignettes are by Avril. 309. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Mademoiselle De Mau- pin. Double Amour. Notice Bibliographique par M. Charles de Lovenjoul. Frontispiece portrait of the author by Bur- ney after Nanteurl, 16 plates by Champollion, after Toudouze, 2 extra plates by Roulard after Jeanniot and Champollion after Toudouze, half titleand 3 vignettes, all in two states. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, back and sides tooled with interlacing fillets and leaf scrolls, gilt inside border of interlacing bands, dark red silk lining and end-leaves, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1883 One of 150 copies printed on Large Japan paper, with the. plates in two states. 310. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Militona. Un portrait et dix compositions de Adrien Moreau, gravés par A. La- motte. 8vo, full crushed salmon levant morocco, gilt panelled backs in compartments, covers richly decorated with a panel of scrolls and fillet borders, with outside ornaments, gilt inside borders, doublures and flysof rich broecaded silk, gilt. edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Cham- bolle-Duru. Paris: L. Conquet, 1887 One of 150 copies printed on Large Japan paper, with the. plates in two states, before and after letters. 311. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Emaux et Camées. Préface by Maxime du Camp. JTllustrated with 112 designs by Gustave Fravpont. 12mo, full crushed citron levant. morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt fillet and dotted. 59 borders, dainty gilt inside borders, doublures of crimson erushed levant morocco, gilt over marbled edges, by Cuzin. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 18387 Autograph presentation copy from the publisher to M. Cuzin, the binder. One of 200 copies printed on Japan Paper, with a full-page WATER-COLOR DRAWING on leaf following title, by G. Fraipont. 312. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Le Roi Candaule. JI- lustre de vingt et une compositions par Paul Avril. Préface par Anatole France. Royal-8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt and inlaid back, in compartments, covers ornamented with a wide border of conventional Egyptian design within inner and outer fillet and blank inlay frame, the front cover containing a central ornament in gold, silver, and inlay of the King’s accoutrements, doublures of embroidered silk, with inlaid border, dentelle edges, embroidered silk flys, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Meunier. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1893 One of 20 copies printed on Japan paper, wide margins, with the plates in three states. An original water-color drawing by Paul Avril, and an engraved portrait of the author by Lamotte, in proof state, inserted. 313. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Le Petit Chien de la Marquise. Préface par Maurice Tourneux. Vingt et un dessins de Lows Morin. 12mo, full light green levant morocco, dainty scroll design with Crown in gilt on front eover, gilt inside border, with doublures and flys of silk tapestry, gilt over rough edges, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris, 1893 One of a limited edition on Papier Vélin Teinte. 314. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Une Nuit de Cléopatre. Illustrée de vingt-et-une compositions par Paul Avril. Pré- face par Anatole France. 8vo, full levant olive morocco, centre panel of front and back covers of inlaid calf, with chiselled Egyptian design, in gold, silver, and colors, doub- lures and flys of silk tapestry, gilt edges on the rough, original, wrappers bound in; special levant wrapper, by Meunier. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1894 One of 20 copies printed on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states. An etched portrait of the author, by Ad. Lalauze, in proof state, is inserted, and preceding the half-title is an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR by PAUL AVRIL, ; (See Illustration), 315. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Jean et Jeanette. TI- lustre de vingt-quatre compositions par Ad. Lalauze. Pré- face by Léo Claretie. 8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, with emblematic tooled compartments, triple fillet borders on covers, doublures of steel-blue levant morocco, with a handsome panel design, emblematic tooled 60 corner ornaments, marbled end-papers with silk tapestry lining, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Mercier Sr. de Cuzin. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1894 Orie of 80 copies printed on Japan paper with large margins, the etchings being in three states. An ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING by LALAUZE has been inserted, also an etched proof portrait of Gautier by Lalauze. 316. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). La Chaine D’or, Pré- face par Marcel Schwob. Tilustrations by Georges Roche- grosse exquisitely colored by hand and illuminated, with an extra set of the proof illustrations, uncolored and without the text ; etched portrait of the author on Japan Paper in- serted. Royal 8vo, full olive crushed levant morocco, doublure of light brown levant morocco with a draped gilt chain, having an intertwining floral design of inlaid blue and red blossoms and green leaves, inside back cover with small spray of purple flowers in center, brocade silk end- leaves, gilt edges, by Canape. Paris, 1896 One of 200 copies signed by the illustrator. 317. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Omphale. Histoire Rococo. Illustrations by Ad. Lalauze. Préface by A. de Claye. 12mo, full blue crushed morocco, gilt back in com- partments, front cover ornamented with a gilt frame of rococo design, back cover having a large central design, within asimple border; doublures of cream levant morocco, with a rich frame design in gold, embroidered silk flys, full gilt edges on the rough, by Raparlier. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1896 One of 50 copies on Japan paper, with wide margins, and the plates in three states. An etched portrait of the author in proof state is inserted. 318. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). La Mille et Deuxiéme Nuit. Jllustrée de neuf compositions par Ad. Lalauze. Préface par L. Gastine. S8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt fillet and pointille border, with central ornament in gilt on each cover, doublures of salmon crushed levant morocco, richly decorated with panelled design, brocaded satin flys, gilt edges on the rough, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, 1898 One of 100 copies on Japan paper, wide margins, with the plates in three states, 319. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Celle-ci et Celle-la, ou la jeune France passionnée. Avant-propos de Maurice Tourneux. Jilustrations de Francois Courboin. 8vo, full dark blue straight-grain morocco, richly gilt back, cover design of frame composed of fillet and pointille toolings, with corner and side ornaments, handsome gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of light blue moire silk, gilt 61 edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Mercier Sr. de Cuzin. Paris: Librairie A. Rouquette, 1900 LARGE PAPER Copy, one of 125 printed on Hand-made paper, with the illustrations in three states, that in the text being printed in two colors; the other two being a proof and a finished etching, with remarques, 320. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Le Roman de la Momie. 42 illustrations by Alex. Lunois, engraved by Leon ‘Boisson. Royal 8vo, full green erushed levant morocco, elaborately tooled with triple line border and small inlays of orange, brown, blue, and yellow, in an oriental design of lotus leaves, doublure of orange levant morocco, gilt-tooled and inlaid with blue and green in a scroll design, tapestry silk end-leaves, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1901 One of 70 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in two states, one being remarque proofs. 3821. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). La Morte Amoureuse. Compositions de P.-A. Laurens, gravées en couleurs par Hugéne Decisy. Royal 8vo, full dark brown crushed levant morocco, inlaid interlacing bands of green morocco, gilt- tooled outline and small ornaments, doublures of dark green morocco, with an elaborately gilt-tooled Grolieresque de- sign, brown silk lining, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Daru. [Paris], 1904 One of 90 copies on Imperial Japan Paper, with the illustra- tions in three states, plain and colored proof before letters, and colored impressions with the text. 322. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Le Capitaine Fracasse. Publié avee un avant-propos par Mme. Judith Gautier. EKtchings from the designs of Charles Delort by Mongin. 3 vols. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt backs in compartments, covers decorated with an inlaid narrow open blue border, with lozenge toolings, corners emblemat- ically tooled with masks and foils, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of brocaded silk, edges gilt on the rough, original covers bound in, by David. One of 20 copies printed on Large China paper, with the etchings in two states, before and after letters, and in addition, a set of the wood engravings after Doré, engaged by Jonnerd, Hildebrand and others. 323. GAVARNI (HIPPOLYTE GUILLAUME SULPICE CHEVALIER). Collection des Giuvres de Gavarni. 1633 humorous full-page, original designs, some im colors, some mounted, and some printed on china paper. 15 vols. royal 4to and folio, boards morocco backs. Paris, n. d. Among the works are: Souvenirs du Bal, Les Etudiants, Paris le Soir, Le Salon, Les Maris, L’argent, Les Lorettes, Le Carnival de Paris, Paris le Matin, Patois de Paris, Les Actrices, Les enfants terribles, Piano, Les Anglais chez eux, Aux Amours, L’Ecole des Pierrots, and about 60 others. The F. R. Halsey copy, with book plate in each volume. 62 HISTOIRE DE Gil BLAS DE SANTILLANE. TOME PREMIER, A PARIS. Chea Prmrre Rispou, Quay des Auguftins , ala Defcentedu Pont Neuf , a PImage faint Loitis. M, DCG XIV. vec Approbations & Privilege da R J LE SAGE’s GiL BLAS Genuine First Edition [Number 438 | ye ¥ . “ * ~ k e ¢ . < * i * « = Sone), : me . . i e . ie . 4% 324. GEOFFROY (GUSTAVE). La Servante. Woodcut illustrations by Geo. Dupuis. Imperial 8vo, full purple crushed levant morocco, gilt border of interlacing fillets, doublures of olive levant, gilt fillet borders, with a small conventional flower inlaid in blue and green in the corners of the center panel, brocade silk end-leaves, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. ead seen Ct One of 20 copies on Large Japan paper, with the triple set of plates, one being before letters. 325. GERARD (ROSEMONDE). Les Pipeaux. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, in full crimson levant morocco covers. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1889 First EDITION. 326. GERUZEZ (PAUL). A Pied, a Cheval en Voiture. Illustrated with numerous drawings by Crafty. 8vo, half brown pig-skin, emblematic tooling on back, uncut, original covers bound in, by Curvans. [Paris]: Calmann Lévy, 1895 One of 125 copies printed on Japan paper. 327. GESSNER (SALOMON). Mort d’Abel, Poeme de Gessner. Traduit par Hubert. Frontispiece portrait and 5 plates after Monsiau engraved in stipple and beautifully printed in colors. Folio, contemporary marbled ealf, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1793 One of a few copies printed on vellum paper, with the plates proofs before letters. Extremely rare. Engraved portrait of the author by St. Aubin laid in. 328. GESSNER (SALOMON). (CKuvres. TJllustrated with beautiful impressions, before letters, of the engravings by Triere, Limonet, Petit, and others after Moreau. 4 vols.in two, 8vo, full contemporary dark green straight-grain mo- rocco, gilt backs in compartments, with elaborate cover decorations of scrolls and pointillé toolings, gilt inside borders, with doublures and flys of pink moire silk, gilt, gilt edges, by Hering, with his ticket. Paris: Ches Antoine-Augustin Renouard, 1799 LARGE PAPER COPY, AND FIRST EDITION with these excellent plates. On the fore-edge of volume 1, under the gilt, is a water-color drawing, illustrating an ‘‘Idylle” from the book, representing a shepherd rescuing a lamb from the stream; under the gilt of volume 2 is depicted in rich coloring, the Sacrifices of Cain and Abel, illustrating ‘‘ La Mort d’Abel.”’ These fore edge paintings are much superior to the ordinary picturing on book edges. The name of the artist, Harris, is at the foot of the painting of volume 1. 329, [GILL (ANDRE).] La Muse A Bibi. Frontispiece. 12mo, full crushed orange levant morocco, richly gilt tooled, with a lyre inlaid in brown morocco in the center of the front cover, the back with a windmill inlaid in black morocco, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of floriated 63 silk tapestry, edges gilt on the rough, original covers — bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1881 One of 100 copies on large Holland paper. EXTRA-ILLUS- TRATED with 55 very interesting pen-and-ink drawings, some in colors, finely executed by Maurice Gaboriau. Autograph inscription on the half-title by the artist: ‘‘Souvenir of our happy nights at the Chat Noir.” [Translated.] Inserted are _also 3 fine etched plates. 330. GINESTE (RAOUL). Sois de Paris. Dessins de Minarts gravés sur bois par Paillard. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back with 5 inlaid flowers in compart- ments; covers with fillet and interlaced borders, with corner floral sprays, flowers inlaid; doublures of olive levant morocco, with handsome interlaced frame design, brocaded silk flys, full gilt edges on the rough, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Imprimé pour Henri Beraldi, 1903 One of 188 copies printed on Papier Velin de Cuve de Pape- teries du Marais, 331. GONCOURT (EDMOND ET JULES DE). Les Maitresses de Louis XV, Lettres et Documents inédits. 2 vols. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt backs in compartments, covers with handsome gilt frame design, inside borders, giltover marbled edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot Fréres, Fils et Cie, 1860 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 60 portraits. There are proofs before letters of the portraits of Jean Baptista Massillon, by Roger; Marie Leczinka, in red and black ; Madame de Mailly, in red and black; Mlle. de Charolois, in red and black; Madame de Chateauroux, in red and black, on Japan and India paper; Madame de Maintenon, on Japan paper; Madame Du- barry, on Japan paper; Madame Dubarry by Cazenave after Lebrun; Louis XV by Ceroni after Pettitot ; Benjamin Franklin by M. Mion, with a series of portraits by Roger after Croizier. Choice copy. 332. GONCOURT (EDMOND ET JULES DE). L’Art du Dix-Huitiéme Siecle. illustrated with many fine etched and other plates by the authors after originals by the artists — represented. 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled back, outside and inside borders, gilt edges, by David. Paris: E. Dentu, 1875 Watteau, Chardin, Boucher, La Tour, Greuze, Les Saint- Aubin, Cochin, Moreau, Debucourt, Fragonard, Prudhon. Edition limited to 200 copies. 333. GONCOURT (EDMOND ET JULES DE). L’Amour au dix-huitiéme siécle. Ornamental borders, etched frontis- piece and 2 rgnettes after Boilvin. Square 12mo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers ornamented with gilt frame of flowers and scrolls, fillet and pointillé borders, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, by Rousselle. Paris: E. Dentu, 1875 One of a very few copies printed on China paper. Etched portraits of the authors, in proof state, are inserted. 64 334. GONCOURT (EDMOND ET JULES DE). Sophie Arnould. D’aprés sa Correspondance et ses Mémoires inédits. Hitched portrait and vignettes by Flameng, and facsimile letter of Sophie Arnould ; text printed within ornamental borders. Small 4to, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, with emblematic tooling in com- partments; covers handsomely decorated with gilt frame effect, gilt inside borders, full gilt edges, by Rousselle. Paris: E. Dentu, 1877 One of a very small issue printed on China paper. Proof etched portraits of the authors, on China paper are inserted, also an engraved portrait of Sophie Arnould. 335. GONCOURT (EDMOND ET JULES DE). La Lorette. Avec wn dessin de Gavarni gravé par Jules de Goncowrt. Square 16mo, brocaded silk, uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Carayon. Paris, 1883 First EpITION. Rare. One of a limited number printed on Holland paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 9 original and char- acteristic water-color drawings, finely executed by J. Berado. 336. GONCOURT (EDMOND eEt JULES DE). Renée Mauperin. 10 full-page etchings by James Tissot, each in two states, one on Holland and one on thin Japan paper, signed by Tissot. Imperial 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, cartouche on each cover inlaid in black and red morocco with gilt flowers and scrolls, ribbed back, inside borders with heavy gilt lines and small inlaid corner flowers, doublures and flys of green gros-grain silk. Paris: Charpentier, 1884 LIMITED EDITION, only 30 copies issued thus with double set of plates, one set signed by the artist. Inserted is an A. L. S. of Jules de Goncourt relating to his work, ‘Societe frangaise pendant la Revolution.” 337. GONCOURT (EDMOND Et JULES DE). Germinie Lacerteux. 10 plates etched by L Muller from design by Jeanniot. Small folio, full crushed crimson levant mo- rocco, the back, sides, and inside borders richly gilt-tooled with floral scrolls, gilt edges, by Rousselle. Paris: Maidon Quantin, 1886 GRAND FORMAT EDITION, limited to 100 copies printed on Ja- pan paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 2 portraits of Jules and 2 of Edmond DeGoncourt and 2 portraits of both together, onea lithograph by Gavarni, in two states. With bookplate of F. R. Halsey. 338. GONCOURT (EDMOND eEt JULES DE). La Femme au Dix-Huitiéme Siécle. Nouvelle édition, revue, augmentée. With numerous copper- plate reproductions, by Dujardin. Thick 4to, full light blue levant morocco, gilt- tooled panel in Louis XVI style, gilt inside border, gray moiré silk doublures and end leaves, gilt over uncut edges, by Raparlier. Paris, 1887 Edition limited. 65 339. GONCOURT (EDMOND Et JULES DE). Madame de Pompadour. Illustrated with many full-page and folding portraits and views, and with two plates im colors. Inlaid on thin paper are portraits, one each of Jules and Edmond Goncourt. Ato, full blue levant morocco, heavily gilt on back and side, doublures and end-leaves of flowered silk, gilt edges, by Rousselle. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1888 Japan Paper Edition. 340. GONCOURT (EDMOND EtT JULES DE). Armande. With numerous full-page and vignette illustrations by Marold. 18mo, full crushed olive levant morocco, gilt floral spray on back, small gilt-tooled centre ornament, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: E. Dentu, 1892 ‘* Petite Collection Guillaume,” 341. GONCOURT (EDMOND eEt JULES DE). Les Aventures du Jeune Baron de Knifausen. Hitched illustra- tions by Louis Morin. Royal 8vo, full orange crushed levant morocco, double interlacing line borders, doublures of dark lavender morocco, with a handsomely tooled border of floriated scrolls and double lines, brocade silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris [1904] One of 20 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, unfinished proofs, remarque proofs, and unlettered proofs. 342. GOUDEAU (EMILE). Paysages Parisiens. Heures et Saisons. Hitched and woodcut illustrations by Auguste Lepére. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides and back decorated with a branch of chestnut leaves and burrs in green and brown morocco, gilt inside border, doublures and end leaves of gray figured silk, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris, 1892 One of 188 copies on Papier Velin. 343. GOUDEAU (EMILE). Tableaux de Paris. Paris qui Consomme. Fifty full-page plates, printed in colors after designs by Pierre Videl, some heightened by hand in water-colors. Imperial 8vo, full brown crushed levant mo- rocco, back cover inlaid with figures of bats, front cover with lyre, grapes, game, fruit, gas lamp, inlaid in levant of various colors, inside borders with figures of birds, doublures and flys of figured silk tapestry, gilt on uneut edges, by Ch. Meunier, 1896, with original wrappers bound in. Paris: Henri Beraldi, 1893 LIMITED EDITION. Only 188 copies printed on Papier Velin des Vosges. Presentation copy, inscribed by H. Beraldi. 344. GOUDEAU (EMILE). Poémes Parisiens. Many woodcut vignettes by H. Paillard after designs by Ch. Jouas. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled 66 and lined back and borders, green crushed levant doublures, gilt-tooled in shield design with stipple and laurel border on uncut edges, by Lortic. In case. Paris: Henri Beraldi, 1897 FIRST EDITION. Only 138 copies printed on China paper. The original wrappers are bound in. 345. GOURDAULT (JULES). L’Italie. Illustrée de 450 gravures sur bois. Folio, full dark red levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, a 5-fillet border with outside burnished border, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1877 First EDITION. One of a small number printed on Large China paper. 346. GOZLAN (LEON). Q&uvres. Portrait of author, etched by Rajon. 3 vols. 16mo, full ernshed olive levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and end leaves of gray watered silk, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Affolter (backs slightly faded). Paris, 1873-1880 One of 20 copies on China paper. 347. GRAND-CARTERET (JOHN). XIXe. Siécle (en France). Classes, Moeurs, Usages, Costumes, Inventions. Costume and other plates printed in colors and many full- page and text portraits and plates after designs by the prin- cipal artists of the century. Small folio, full polished blue levant morocco, gilt tooled on back, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Emile Rousselle, with original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1893 LIMITED EDITION. One of only 25 copies with the entire text and many of the illustrations printed on China paper, 348. GRIFFIGNY (MADAME DE). Lettre d’une Péru- vienne. A set of the illustrations only. Royal 8vo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. [Paris, 1797] The illustrations consist of a portrait by De Launay and 8 engravings by Le Fevre, on Large Paper, PROOF IMPRESSIONS BEFORE LETTERS, with a set of the ordinary impressions on Large Paper. Perhaps unique in this state. Cohen only cites the proof issue in 12mo., 349. GUICHES (GUSTAVE). La Pudeur de Sodome. Frontispiece gravé a leau-forte par Félicien Rops. Folio, original parchment wrappers, uncut. Paris; Maison Quantin, 1888 One of 825 copies printed on Holland paper. 350. [GUIDE (PHILIBERT).] La Colombiere et Maison Rustique de Philibert Hegemon. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back with tooled acorns in compart- ments, richly tooled covers, with a central cartouche within gilt panel and borders, decorated with acorns, thistles, roses, 67 and daisies, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Duru. In morocco slip-case. Paris: Chez Jamet Mettayer, 1583 The extremely rare ORIGINAL EDITION, containing the ‘‘ Can- tiques” and ‘‘Paraphrase sur l’Oraison dominicale.” ‘The Double-Desque-Halsey copy, with bookplates. 351. GUIZOT (FRANCOIS P.G.). L’Histoire de France depuis les Temps les plus Reculés jusqu’en 1789. Racontée a mes Petits-Enfants par M. Guizot. Finely illustrated with numerous full-page and text portraits and views engraved on wood after designs by De Neuville. 5 vols. imperial 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled backs and inside borders, outside borders with gilt lines, gilt edges, by Marius Michel. Paris: Hachette, 1872-76 Beautiful copy with large margins, printed throughout on China paper. 352. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Marcel. 18mo, original wrappers, uncut, preserved in specially made covers of red China silk. Paris: A la Librairie Illustre [1876] 353. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Trois coups de Foudre. 10 Dessins de Kauffmann graves par T. de Mare. 16mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, decorated with a repre- sentation of forked lightning, gilt inside borders, flowered silk doublures and end leaves, gilt over uncut edges, by Ch. Meunier. Paris, 1886 LIMITED EDITION on papier vergé de Marais. EXTRA-ILLUS- TRATED with 8 original water-color drawings by Somm, a por- trait of Halevy etched by H. Toussaint, and an original ink drawing of a caricature, at the end of the volume. 354. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). L’Abbé Constantin. Jllus- tré par Madame Madeleine Lemaire. 4to, full crushed citron levant morocco, back, panels and inside borders richly gilt tooled in scrolls, flowered silk doublures and flys, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Lortic Fils. Ina case. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie, 1887 One of 200 copies on Japan paper, with two extra sets of the plates before letters, en camaieu on Whatman paper, and in bistre on Japan. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with a fine ORIGINAL -WATER-COLOR DRAWING on Japan paper, signed, by Madeleine Lemaire. Laid inis A. N.S. 2 p. from Madame Lemaire regard- ing her painting of L’ Abbé Constantin. 3855. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Karikari. Aquarelles d’aprés Henriot. 16mo, half green levant morocco, uncut. Paris, 1888 Japan paper copy of an edition not for sale. With the Halsey bookplate. 356. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Mariette. 40 compositions de Henry Somm. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled floral borders and back with enlays of red mo- rocco, gilt inside borders, orange silk linings and end leaves, gilt edges, by P. R. Raparlier. Paris: L. Conquet, 1893 One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the illustrations in two states. Inserted is a portrait of L. Halévy, etched by H. Toussaint, signed in pencil, 68 357. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). La Famille Cardinal. Jlus- trations by Charles Leandre, etchings by L. Muller and woodcuts by A. Leveille. Imperial 8vo, full olive crushed levant morocco, gilt rustic border, with inlaid figure of ‘Harlequin’ in centre of front cover and jester’s wand on back cover, back decorated with red flowers, head of a fawn, ete.; gilt inside border, with flowered silk doublures and end-leaves, gilt top, uncut, wrappers bound in, by Meunier. Paris, 1893 One of 75 copies on Imperial Japan paper, with the etched plates in four states and the woodcuts in two. A remarque proof portrait of M. Halévy, etched and signed by H. Toussaint, has been inserted. 358. HAMILTON (COMTE ANTOINE). (C£uvres. With 8 portraits by Roger and St. Aubin, and 4 fine plates after Moreau le jeune, engraved by De Ghent, Triere and St. Aubin. 3 vols.; Suite des Quatre Facardens et de Zeneyde, contes d’Hamilton termines par M. de Levis. 1 vol. Together 4 vols. 8vo, contemporary English straight-grain green morocco, gilt-tooled sides and backs, gilt edges and inside borders, by C. Murton. Paris: Renouard, 1812 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 52 fine and rare por traits engraved by Haines and others, all proofs before letters on India paper. The portraits of Hamilton and of the Duc de Grammont in two states. 359. HAMILTON (COMTE. ANTOINE). Mémoires du Comte De Grammont. Préface de H. Gausseron. Fine portrait of Hamilton and 33 other etchings by L. Boisson after designs by C. Delort, each in two states, both before letters. Imperial 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, the covers decorated with lines, crowns and floral tooling, doublures of crimson levant inlaid with a border of knotted ribands, end-leaves of embroidered silk tapestry, gilt uncut borders, with wrappers bound in, by Ch. Meunier, 1897. Paris, 1888 LARGE JAPAN PAPER EDITION. Oneof abont 35 published in this state. 360. HARAUCOURT (EDMOND). L’Effort: La Madone, L’ Antéchrist, L’Immortalité, La Findu Monde. Illustrations colored and some illumined by Lunois, Courboin, Schwabe and Seon. 4to, fullsalmon levant morocco, back inlaid with stalks of lilies, inlaid, front cover richly inlaid with poppy flowers and leaves, silver butterflies here and there, inlaid border in dark brown imitation of thorns; back cover con- tains sprays of lilies and poppies, inlaid, with leaves and silver butterflies, border same as front cover, inside borders inlaid with conventional pattern, marbled flys, doublures and linings of rich embroidered satin, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Meunier. A Paris: Publie pour Les Societaires de l’Academie des Beaux Livres, 1894. Limited edition. This copy for G, Lamouroux, 69 361. HAY (MARIE). Madame Dame Dianne de Poy- tieres, Duchesse de Valentinois. A monograph. With numerous fine full-page reproductions. Royal 4to, original vellum, uncut edges. Lond. 1900 One of 20 copies on Japan paper signed by the author. 362. HEILLY (GEORGES D.). Madame E. De Girardin (Delphine Gay), sa Vie et ses Huvres. Frontispiece etching by G. Staal. 16mo, cloth sides, moroceo back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie Bachelin-Defiorenne, 1869 The twelfth and final volume of the Collection du Bibliophile Frangais. 363. HENNIQUE (LEON). La Mort du Due D’Enghien. 9 large plates (each in four states), and 34 other illustrations, some in text (each in two states). Royal 8vo, full purple levant moroéco, gilt tooled back, sides with gilt band of five diagonal lines, knotted at corners, with sprays of laurel, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of green watered silk, gilt edges, by Canape. Paris: Emile Testard, 1895 Imperial Japan Paper copy, one of only 12 issued, with quad- ruple set of the etchings. This copy is No. 9. 364. HENNIQUE (LEON). Deux Patries. Drame en Cinq Tableaux, dont un Prologue. 10 etchings by Leon Boisson from designs by Bertrand, each intwo states, onein text and one remark proof on full-page. Royal 8vo, full erushed green levant morocco, back and sides gilt tooled and lined, doublures of crushed brown levant, gilt tooled, with inlaid border of green levant, end-leaves of flowered silk, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1903 JAPAN PAPER EDITION, only 100 copies issued. 365. HENNIQUE (LEON). Benjamin Rozes. Iillustra- tions el gravures de Vadasz. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Paris: Librairie de la Collection des Dix [n. d.] One of 10 copies printed on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states. 366. HEREDIA (J. M. DE). La Nonne Alferez. Wath illustrations engraved by Privat-Richard after the designs of Daniel Vierge. 16mo, full crushed dark purple levant morocco, blind-tooleds, doublures of dark blue levant back- ground in which is inlaid a conventional design in four different colored morocco, marbled flys, with brocaded silk linings, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Mennier. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1894 One of 50 copies printed on China paper. The present copy indicated as the author's. Inserted is a visiting card of the author on which he has inscribed: ‘‘ Cher Monsieur et ami, voulez-vous avoir la gracieusete de montrer vos admirable re- liures anciennes Gd mon ami Chi. Meunier, lVexcellent relieur ?’” 70 367. HEREDIA (J. M. DE). La Nonne Alferez. With illustrations by Privat-Richard after the designs of Daniel Vierge. 16mo, full crushed levant morocco, gilt floral sprays on back, covers decorated with 25 small floral sprays, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1894 One of 50 copies printed on Japan paper. 368. HEREDIA (J. M. DE). Les Trophées. First EDI- TION. Royal 8vo, full orange levant morocco, gilt-tooled line and floral design on sides, gilt inside border, green silk doublures and end leaves, gilt top, other edges uncut, wrapper bound in, by David. Paris, 1893 One of 50 copies on Japan paper. Presentation copy from the author to Lucien Muhlfeld, with his autograph inscription on half-title; an A. L. S. of the author, 1 p. 8vo, to the same, and an original autograph poem by Heredia, 4 verses, entitled ‘‘ Le Chermodon ” on a fly-leaf at the back. 369. HERMANT (ABEL). Le Cavalier Miserey—21le Chasseurs. 12mo, half brown levant morocco, original covers bound in, uncut. Paris, 1887 First EDITION. One of 10 copies printed on Holland paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH 27 ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAW- INGS on the margins, finely executed by E. Gatget. 370. HERMANT (ABEL). Les Confidences d’une Aieule. (1788-1863.) Illustrations de Louis Morin. 18 plates, each an four states. China, Japan and plate paper, black and colored; and about 100 other illustrations, each in three states, in text and on China and Japan paper. Royal 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled back and lined panel borders, doublures of brown levant, inlaid and gilt tooled with birds, nests, scrolls, &c., flys of flowered silk tapestry, gilt on uncut edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1900 One of fifty copies on Japan paper. 371. HERO ET LEANDRE, Poéme Nouveau en Trois Chants. Traduit du Gree, sur un Manuscrit Trouvé a Castro, auquel on a joint des Notes Historiques. With 8 plates in colors, engraved by P. L. Debucourt, and a frontispiece, uncolored. Folio, full dark blue straight-grain morocco, handsomely tooled with an outer dentelle border, inner line border, with fan-shape decoration in corners and a center of gilt scroll and dot work in form of a diamond, giltiinside border, pale blue silk lining, gilt over rough edges, by Canape. Paris, 1801 A beautiful example of French color printing. The frontis- piece and plates 3-4-5-7 are in first state, before Debucourt signature, and plates 1-2-6-8 are in second state, proofs before letter, but with the signature. (See Illustration. ) 71 372. HERVIEU (PAUL ERNEST). Flirt. Illustré par Madame Madeleine Lemaire. [With portofolio containing extra set of plates.| 2 vols. 4to, wrappers, uneut, and porto- folio boards. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie, 1890 One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with two extra sets of the plates in grey on Whatman paper, and in bistre on: Japan paper. 373. HORACE. Odes et Epodes. Chant Séculaire. Tra- duction nouvelle par le Comte de Séguier. Jllustrations im gold and colors by Méaulle after the aquarelles by Meyer, pages printed within sepia decorative borders. 16mo, full crushed brown levant morocco, gilt floral sprays on back, tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Chefs d’Giuvres Antiques. Paris: A. Quantin, 1883 374. HOUDENC (RAOUL DE). Meraugis de Portlesguez. Roman de la Table Ronde. Publié pour la premiére fois par H. Michelant. With facsimiles of the minatures in the original manuscript. Large 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, richly gilt-tooled on sides, back and inside borders, doublures and flys of blue moire silk, gilt edges, by Lortic. Paris, 1869 Unique example printed throughout on vellum. With the armorial bookplate of W. H. Crawford, of Cork. In green mo- rocco slip-case. 375. HOUSSAYE (ARSENE). Princesses de Comédie et Déesses d’Opéra. Portraits, Camées, Profils, Silhouettes. Hn- graved frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, leather label, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Henry Plon, 1860 First EpIrion. 376. HOUSSAYE (ARSENE). Histoire du 4le. Fauteuil de L’Académie Franeaise. Engraved portrait of Moliere, by Geoffrey. 8vo, full green polished levant morocco, gilt inside borders, red silk doublures and flys, gilt edges, original wrap- pers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1861 FINE COPY, EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS of all the fifty-five distinguished writers, &c., contained in this History, including many fine etched, engraved and lithographed plates, French and English. Descartes, Pascal, Moliere, Rochefou- cauld, Louis XIV, Napoleon I, Abbe Prevost, J. B. and J. J. Rousseau, and others. 377. HOUSSAYE (HENRY). Aspasie, Cléopatre, Théo- dora. Illustratwe tinted and gilt vignettes by A. Giraldon. Royal 8vo, full dark olive crushed levant morocco, broad panel border of gilt lines and scroll tooling; gilt inside border with doublures of red silk, gilt top, uncut, wrappers bound in, by Bretault. With extra half morocco cover and ease. Paris, 1899 One of 32 copies with an extra set of the plates, untinted, on China paper. Printed for ‘‘Les Amis des Livres.’’ 72 378. HUBNER (BARON DE). Promenade Autour du Monde, 1871. 316 full-page and text illustrations, by De Neu- ville, Weber, Bollanger and many others. Ato, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt lined borders and back, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris: Hachette & Co., 1877 CHINA PAPER Copy. With bookplate of F. R. Halsey. 379. HUGO (VICTOR). MHernani; ou L’Honneur Castil- ‘lan, Drame. Représenté sur le Théatre-Franeais le 25 février 1830. 8vo, full red levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Thibaron. Paris: Mame et Delaunan-Vallée, 1830 First EpirioN. With 8 pp. of advertisements. 380. HUGO (VICTOR). Notre-Dame de Paris. Woodcut after T. Johannot. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf gilt and blind-tooled, with a gilt cartouche on each panel. Paris: Gosselin, 1831 First EDITION. Presentation copy from the author with auto- graph inscription on the half-title: ‘‘A. M. Anton Thouret, offert par l’auteur. Vr. H.’’ Inserted is A. L. S. of Victor Hugo to Mr. Thouret, proprietor of the ‘‘Revolution,’’ 1 p. 8vo, with address, closely written, dated March 18, in -the morning [1831] saying in part: ‘‘Your letter gave me great pleasure and I hasten to send you the only copy which is at the present time in my possession [referring to the above book]. Be so kind as to let me know if you need a copy for your paper. I presume that Mr. Gosselin [Publisher of this book] niggardly as he is, will not refuse to forward a copy of the second edition, which is now being bound,’’ etc. (Trans- lation.) 3881. HUGO (VICTOR). Les Feuilles d’Automne. Vignette on title after Tony Johannot, engraved by Porret. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, doublures of green straight- grain levant morocco, with gilt tooled ornamental borders, end leaves of brown watered silk, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris: Renduel, 1832 First EpIrion. Fine copy. 382. HUGO (VICTOR). Le Roi S’Amuse Drame. Vignette title after Johannot on India paper. 8vo, red levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges, by Thibaron. First Eprrion. Paris: Renduel, 1832 383. HUGO (VICTOR). uvres Complétes, 1819-1834. Littérature et Philosophie Mélées. First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, full dark-red straight-grain morocco, backs and borders gilt with lines and corner scrolls, gilt inside borders, doub- Jures and flys of dark red watered silk, gilt tops, other edges uncut, original yellow wrappers bound in, by Champs. VERY FINE Copy. Paris: Eugene Renduel, 1834 73 3884. HUGO (VICTOR). Les Rayons et les Ombres. (Vol. VII of Guvres completes de’ V. Hugo. Poésie.) 8vo, full light blue crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt-tooled in- side borders, gilt top, uncut, by Marius Michel. Paris, 1840 First EDITION printed on Papier Vélin. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a portrait of Victor Hugo, etched by Ch. Courtry after the bust of David d’Angers on China paper proofs before letters; portrait of Charles X, engraved by Montaut; portrait of David d’Angers, and the engraved plate ‘‘Le Rencontre’’ engraved by Geoffroy after Steinheil. Con- tains also a fine bookplate of Alfred Piat engraved by Stern. 385. HUGO (VICTOR). Notre-Dame de Paris. Edition illustrée d’aprés les dessins de MM. E. de Beaumont, L. Bou- langer, Daubigny, T. Johannot, Meissonier, C. Roqueplan, Steinheil, etc. 55 full-page plates, and numerous woodcuts in the text. Imp. 8vo, half maroon morocco back gilt and tooled in a gothic design [after a window of the Saint-Chapelle, Paris], original covers bound in, uncut, by V. Champs. Paris, 1844 386. HUGO (VICTOR). Les Orientales (d’aprés 1’Edition originale). IJllustrées de 8 compositions de M.M. Gerome et Benjamin Constant, gravées a l’eau forte part M. de Los Rios. Royal 4to, bound in full parchment, sides with red lines, back with an original water-color and pen-and-ink drawing, uncut, by Carayon. Paris: Imprimé pour les Amis des Livres, 1882 SpeciAL Copy. One of 135 copies issued on Japan paper for subscribers, this copy being the one of M. Jules Silvestre de Sacy. Published with the illustrations in two states and one plate in 3 states. EZEXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with a set of all the plates; 3 extra impressions of the plate ‘‘Chanson de Pirates’’ (making this plate in 6 states) and 2 extra impressions of the plate ‘‘Sara la Baigneuse’’ (making it in 5 states). 387. [HUGO (VICTOR).] le Livre d’or de Victor Hugo. Par 1’élite des artistes et des écrivains contemporains. Direc- tion de Emile Blémont. With numerous fine ialustrations by Bonnet, Henner, Laurens, Scott, Lelowr, Doré, Moreau, Duez, Cormon and many others. 4to, full crimson morocco, gilt, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top, uncut. Paris: Launette, 1883 One of 200 copies printed on Japan paper, with the photo- gravure plates proofs before letters. 388. HUGO (VICTOR). Notre Dame de Paris. Jllustra- tions by Luc-Olwier Merson. 2 vols. royal 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, backs and sides blind-tooled, centres with a gothic design taken from a window of the Sainte- Chapelle, Paris, gilt inside borders, dark green doublures and end leaves of watered silk, gilt edges, by P. R. Raparlier. Paris, 1889-90 MAGNIFICENT Copy. One of only 10 copies on Japan paper, with all the etchings in two states. Laid in are numerous woodcut and other clippings. 74 389. HUMBERT (AIME). Le Japon illustré. Owuvrage contenant 476 vues, scenes, types, manuments et paysages, une carte et cing plans, dessinées par E. Bayard Catenacci, Ciceri, Neuville, Rapine Therond, and others. 2 vols. in one, royal 4to, full crushed orange levant morocco, gilt, gilt inside borders, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1870 One of only a few copies printed on China paper. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 390. HUYSMANS (J.-K.). Certains, G. Moreau—Degas— Cheret— W histhler—Rops—Le Monstre—Le Fer—, ete. 12mo,. full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled inside borders, doublures of green silk, gilt edges, uncut, original covers: bound in, by P. Affolter. Paris, 1889 First Epirion. One of 15 copies on Japan paper. Presenta- tion copy from the author to Edmond de Goncourt, with his. autograph inscription. 391. HUYSMANS (J.-K.). A Van-l’eau. Eau-forte de A. Delatre. 16mo, full citron crushed levant morocco, Jansen: style, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of blue silk, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1894 One of 10 copies on Japan paper, with the portrait in 2 states. 392. HUYSMANS (J.-K.). En Route. First EDITIon. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt tooled inside borders,. doublures and end leaves of blue silk, gilt over uncut edges, by P. Affolter. Paris, 1895. _ One of 12 copies on Japan paper. Presentation copy from the author to Edmond de Goncourt, with autograph inscription. Inscribed also by E. de Goncourt in red ink. 393. HUYSMANS (J.-K.). La Cathédrale. Square 12mo, full crushed lavender morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by Durvand. Paris, 1898: First Epir1on. One of 100 special copies printed on Hol- land paper, having a filigree design by Louis Chevalier, title,. and head- and tail-pieces printed in red, an etched portrait of the author by Eug. Delatre and an illuminated frontispiece. by Pierre Roche, on vellum. 394. HUYSMANS (J.-K.). Le Quartier Notre-Dame. IJllus- trations et gravures de Ch. Jouas. Royal 8vo, full maroon levant morocco, gilt fillet borders in compartments on back, ' govers ornamented with a double set of 3-fillet borders, inter- twined at corners, forming squares at each corner, doublures. of dark green levant morocco, handsomely tooled with a 5- fillet panel and a similar outside border, with hexagonal. 75 corner designs locking the two, marbled flys, ribbed purple silk linings, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Librairie de la Collection des Dix [1905] One of 10 copies on Large Japan paper, with the etchings in three states, ALL PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS. There are two im- pressions of the front cover, and the woodcut portrait of the author is in two states, on India and Japan papers. 395. IMBERT (BARTHELEMY). Historiettes; ou Nouv- elles en Vers. Beautiful title designed and engraved by Moreau, and frontispiece and 4 charming vigneties by Masqueluer and Née, after Moreau. 2 vols. 8vo, full crushed red levant morocco, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges. Amsterdam [Paris, Delalain], 1774 First Epirrion. Large Holland paper copy. Very scarce. 396. JACQUE (CHARLES-EMILE). Vingt sujets com- posés et gravés a l’eau forte par Ch. Jacque. 20 fine etchings, brilliant impressions on India paper, proofs before letters (mounted). Folio, cloth. [Paris: Delatre, 1850] The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 397. JACQUEMART (ALBERT) anp LE BLANT (ED- MOND). Histoire Artistique, Industrielle et Commerciale de la Porcelaine; accompagnée de recherches sur les sujets et emblémes qui la décorent, les marques et inscriptions qui font reconnaitre les fabriques d’ou elle sort, ete. Hnrichie de 26 planches gravées a l’eau-forte par Jules Jacquemart. Folio, full red levant morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Duru et Chambolle. Paris, 1862 Inserted is A. L. S. of Albert Jacquemart, 2 pp., 8vo, with stamped envelope, dated Paris, June 31, 1880, to Leopold Double. Laid in are numerous illustrations in black and colors relating to Porcelain, mostly from magazines. There are 28 etchings in this volume, and as each plate bears a number, the title-page is probably in error in recording twenty-six. The L. Double—F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplates. 398. JACQUEMIN (RAPHAEL). Iconographie Générale et Méthodique du Costume du IVe au XI Xe Siécle (315-1815). Collection gravée a l’eau forte d’aprés des documents authen- tiques et inédits. Avec introduction et table méthodique. 200 planches colorvée au pinceau contenant 420 figures. Folio, half crushed red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top. Paris: L’Auteur [1868] | The original edition of this fine work on all the costumes from the fourth to the nineteenth century, with the 200 large plates colored by hand. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 76 399. JANIN (JULES). L’Ane Mort. LHdition «llusirée par Tony Johannot. Imperial 8vo, full dark red straight- grain morocco, back with shield-shaped ornaments, sides gilt- tooled in arabesque design, borders with heavy gilt lines, doublures and end-leaves of watered silk, gilt edges, by Durvand. Paris: Ernest Bourdin, 1842 Large PAPER Copy, with many illustrations in text, engraved portrait of the author and full-page plates by Hebert and others after Johannot. Original wrappers bound in. 400. JANIN (JULES). L’Amour des Livres. Ktched por- trait of the author mserted by G. Staal. 16mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, back and sides gilt-tooled with border of six parallel lines knotted at corners, inside borders gilt with garlands of flowers, doublures and end-leaves of brocaded silk tapestry, gilt edges, by Ch. Meunier, original printed wrappers bound in. Paris, 1866 First EpiTion. Only 200 copies printed on papier vergé. This copy has an AUTOGRAPH POEM BY THE AUTHOR on half- title, signed. 401. JAPANESE ART. GONSE (LOUIS). L’Art Japon- ais. With numerous plates, some beautifully printed im gold and colors, and text illustrations of Japanese paintings, bronzes, worries, etc. 2 vols. folio, pictorial silk, uncut. Paris, 1883 One of 100 copies printed on Japan paper, with the etchings and heliogravure plates in two states; proofs before and after letters, one on Japan paper. Contains 64 full-page engravings, 30 of which are in chromo-lithography, 13 etchings, 21 helio- gravure plates, and about 700 facsimiles of seals, autographs, etc. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 402. JOKAI (MAURICE). Réve et Vie. Traduction de Prince Bojidor Karageorgevitch. Full-page and vignette illus- trations by Marold. 18mo, full crushed lavender levant mo- rocco, gilt floral spray on back, small tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside and outside borders, original wrappers bound in. Paris: E. Dentu, 1894 ‘¢Petite Collection Guillaume. ’’ 403. JULLIEN (ADOLPHE). La Comédie a la Cour. Les Théatres de Société Royale pendant le Siécle Dernier. Many portraits and illustrations, in two states (one m red before letters). 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt- tooled panels and back, doublures of pink crushed levant, richly gilt-tooled and inlaid in a design of garlands, flowers and scrolls, end-leaves of flowered silk, gilt on uncut edges, by Ruban, 1896. ; Paris, ca. 1896 LimiteD EpiTion on Holland Paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 55 etchings and engravings, including 2 folding views, portraits of Louis XV., Pompadour, Marie Antoinette, D’Argenson, Fontenelle, and others, some the scarce originals of the woodcuts used in this volume. fi 404. KELLER (G.). Roméo et Juliette au Village. Full- page and vignette illustrations by Lwagi Rossi and Mitts. 18mo, full dark green crushed levant,moroceo, gilt floral spray on back, small tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside borders, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Librairie L. Borel, 1895 One. of 25 copies printed on Japan paper. ‘‘ Collection Chardon Bleu.’’ 405. KRESS (0O.). Les Mystéres de la Génération et La Vie Sexuelle du L’Homme. Etude de Médécine Populaire. Illustrated with many text vignettes and a few plates m colors. Large 8vo, cloth, gilt. Berne, n. d. 406. LA BORDE (JEAN BENJAMIN DE). Choice de Chansons mises en musique, par M. de La Borde, premier valet-de-Chambre ordinaire du Roi, Gouverneur du Louvre. With the rare portrait of La Borde, called ‘‘a la lyre,’’ en- graved by Masquelier, after Denon; 4 engraved titles by Née and Masquelier, after Moria, Mile. Vendome, Le Bouteux and Le Barbier, dedication engraved by Masquelrer, after Moreau, and 75 plates engraved by Née and Masquelier, after Le Bouteux, Le Barbier and St. Quentin, the text and the music of the whole work engraved by Moria and Mlle. Vendome. 4 vols. royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt triple line on sides, gilt-tooled back, inside gilt-tooled borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: chez de Lormel, 1773 The RARE ORIGINAL EDITION. Contains the portrait of Laborde ‘‘a la lyre’’ which is very often missing as it was engraved a year after the printing of the book. An exquisite copy of one of the prettiest books of the eighteenth century, taking rank with the Fermiers-Géneraux edition of La Fon- taine’s Contes de Nouvelles. The F. R. Halsey copy, with book- plate in each volume. 407. LA BRUYERE (JEAN DE). Les Caractéres de la Bruyére, suivis des Caractéres de Théophraste, traduits du grec par leméme. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt-tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand (small worm hole in hinge of first vol.) Paris: Lefévre, 1824 Large Papier Vélin copy. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the inser- tion of 3 portraits of La Bruyére (one of which is on India paper) engraved by Hopwood, Savart and Taurel, and a por- trait of Rabelais engraved by Savart. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 408. LA BRUYERE (JEAN DE). les Caractéres de La Bruyére. Etched portrast of the author, and 17 other etchings by V. Foulquer, each in two states, one on China paper and one in text. Imperial 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt and lined back, panels and inside borders, doublures and flys of green moire silk, gilt edges, by David. Tours, 1867 LIMITED EDITION, only 223 copies on all papers. 78 409. LACROIX (PAUL) ann SERE (FERDINAND). Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, histoire et description des moeurs et usages, du commerce et de 1’industrie des sciences, des arts, des htteratures et des beaux-arts en Europe. Dessins facsimile par M. A. Rivaud. Colored frontispiece and other dlustrations, many in colors. 5 vols. 4to, full crushed maroon morocco, gilt lines on sides and backs, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1848-1851 First Epirions. A very beautiful set, the engravings ex- hibiting specimens of curious objects of Medieval Art from all parts of Europe. With upwards of 300 fine plates, many exe- euted in gold, silver and colors. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 410. LACROIX (PAUL). XVIIIe Siécle. Lettres, Sciences et Arts. France 1700-1789. With 16 plates beautifully printed im gold and colors and 250 other illustrations en- graved on wood (20 of which are full-page plates on India paper) from paintings, drawings, engravings, tapestries, objects of art, etc. Imp. 8vo, full brown crushed levant mo- rocco, richly gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Emile Rousselle. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1875 First EpITion. One of 650 copies on Large Paper. 411. LACROIX (PAUL). XVIIIe Siécle. Institutions, Usages et Costumes. France 1700-1789. With 21. plates beautifully printed wm gold and colors and 350 other illus- trations engraved on wood (the full-page illustrations on India paper) from contemporary paintings, drawings and engravings. Imp. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, richly gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Emile Rousselle. Pariss-Hirmin Didot, +1875 First EpItion. One of 650 copies printed on Large Paper. Laid in are numerous portraits and other clippings. 412. LACROIX (PAUL). XVIIIe Siécle. Institutions, Usages et Costumes. France 1700-1789. Jllustré de 21 chromolithographies et 850 gravures sur bois d’aprés Watteau, Vanloo, Rigaud, Boucher, Lancret, J. Vernet, Hisen, Gravelot, Moreau, Saint-Aubin, etc. 4to, full red morocco, filleted borders on sides with a fleur-de-lys at each corner, repeated five times on the back, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1875 First Epirion. One of 55 copies on China paper. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 418. LACROIX (PAUL). XVIlIe Siécle. Institutions, Usages et Costumes. France, 1590-1700. Illustrated with 16 chromolithographs and 300 engravings on wood (20 of which are full-page plates on India paper), after the monuments of 79 the art of the period. Imp. 8vo, full crushed olive levant morocco, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, origi- nal covers bound in, by Hmile Rousselle. | Paris: Firmin Didot, 1880 First Epition. One of 500 copies printed on Large Paper. 414. LACROIX (PAUL). XVIle Siécle. Lettres, Sciences et Arts. France, 1590-1700. Illustrated with 17 chromolitho- graphs and 300 engravings on wood (16 of which are full- page plates on India paper) after the monuments of the art of the period. Imp. 8vo, full crushed olive levant morocco, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Emile Rousselle. Paris, 1882 First Epirion. One of 500 copies printed on Large Paper. 415. LACROIX (PAUL). Directoire, Consulat et Empire. Mceurs et Usages, Lettres, Sciences et Arts. France, 1795- 1815. Illustrated with 12 chromolithographs and of 410 en- gravings on wood, after Ingres, Prudhon, David, Isabey, Gros, Sergent, Bonet and many others. Imp. 8vo, full dark purple crushed levant morocco, richly gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Emile Rous- selle. | Paris: Firmin Didot, 1884 First Epition. One of 500 copies printed on Large Paper, with the full-page engravings on India paper. 416. LA FAYETTE (MADAME DE). la Princesse de Cléves. 4 vols in 2. 12mo, full citron levant morocco, lines on sides, backs gilt-tooled with roses, inside borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. : | Paris: Chez Claude Barbin, 1678 First EDITION, with the final blank leaf Siv. Very fine copy, with wide margins. The Génard—Henri Bordes—F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplates. 417. LA FAYETTE (MADAME DE). la Princesse de Cléves. Préface par Anatole France. Un portrat et douze compositions de Jules Garmer gravés par A. Lamotte. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, richly gilt center and orna- mental border, gilt back, doublures of red levant handsomely decorated in the manner of Le Gascon, floral embroided silk end leaves, gilt edges, by Affolter. 7 Paris, 1889 One of 75 copies on Imperial Japan paper, with an extra set of plates, proofs on India paper. 418. LA FIZELIERE (ALBERT DE). Histoire de la Grinoline au temps passé. Suivie de la Satyre sur les Cerceaux, Paniers, etc., par le Chevalier de Nisard, et de l’indignité et l’extravagance des Paniers par un prédicateur. 12mo, full lavender crushed levant morocco, gilt back in com- partments, cartouche on covers, with double fillet borders, inside borders, gilt edges on the rough,. original colored wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: A. Aubry, 1859 First Epirion. Fine copy. 80 419. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Les Amours de Psiche et de Cupidon. 8vo, full crushed orange levant morocco, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris: Claude Barbin, 1669 FINE copy of the original First Epirion, with the Privilege du Roi. 420. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). (uvres. Nouvelle édition, revue, mise en ordre, et accompagnée de notes par C. A. Walckenauer. 6 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed morocco, gilt tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris: Lefévre, 1827 Large Papier Vélin copy. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of 6 portraits of Lafontaine (one of which is engraved by Fiquet). 24 plates after Moreau le jeune, engraved by Bose, Delignon, Delvaux, de Ghendt, Mariage, Pigeot Triere, de Vil- liers fréres et Villerey issued in 1812-1814 (many are proofs before letters), and 89 fine vignettes by Duplessis—Bertaux - proofs before letters on India paper. In all 119 plates. The F, R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 421. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Fables. Notices par M. Poujoulat. 50 gravures et un portrait a l’eau forte par V. Foulquier. Imperial 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by All6. Tours: Mame et Fils, 1875 One cf 300 copies printed on Papier Vergé. 422. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon, suivies d’Adonis. Nouvelle edition. Ornée de 26 figures de Borel, gravées en couleurs par Vigna-Vigneron. Préface de Jules Claretie. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, boards, uncut. Paris: Theophile Belin, 1899 One of 350 copies, with the plates in three states, outline before letters, bistre, and colored. 423. LA HARPE (M. DE). Tangu et Félime, poéme en IV Chants. TYvtle engraved by Marillier and 4 pretty plates, also after Marilher by Dambrum, de Ghendt, Halbou and Ponce, all brilliant impressions. 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt triple line sides, gilt-tooled back and inside bor- ders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris [1780] ONE OF THE RARE COPIES ON LARGE PAPER. A charming book, in the finest condition. The copy of Georges Danyou, with bookplate. 424, LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE). Jocelyn. Episode. Avec dessins de Besnard, gravés par De Los Rios; portrait gravé par Champollion. 8vo, full crushed green levant mo- rocco, triple line on borders, back gilt-tooled with roses and lyres, gilt lined, inside borders, doublures and ends of red silk, gilt edges, uncut, by AII6. | Paris: Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1885 One of 20 copies on Grand Papier Whatman, with each of the nine plates and portrait in two states, proofs before and after letters. 81 425. LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE). Graziella, avee une Préface par L. de Ronchaud. Dessins de Bramtot, graves par Champollion. 8vo, full crushed green levant morocco, triple line on borders, back gilt-tooled with roses and lyres, gilt lined inside borders, doublures and ends of red silk, gilt edges, uncut, by All6. Paris: Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1886 One. of 20 copies on Grand Papier Whatman, with each of the six plates in two states, proofs before and after letters. 426. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (FRANCOIS (VI) DUC DE). Reflexions: ou Sentences et Maximes Morales. Vignette on title, and engraved frontispiece by Stph. Prcart. 16mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt back in compart- ments, gilt fillet border design, with centre scroll ornament, oilt inside borders, gilt over marbled edges, by Motte. A Paris: Chez Claude Barbin, 1665 Fine copy of the First Epirion. In this copy the pagina- tion is continuous to 150. Maxim CXLIX is in the uncor- rected state, as are also lines 3 and 4 of page 74, and Maxim CLXITII. The remainder of the differences mentioned in ‘¢Petit’’ are here in the corrected state. 427. LAS CASES (COMTE DE). Mémorial de Sainte- Héléne; suivi de Napoléon dans ]’Exil, par MM. O’Méara et Antomarchi, et de l’historique de la translation des restes mortels de L’Empereur Napoléon aux Invalides. With 2 frontispreces, 27 full-page plates after Charlet, Sandoz, David Steuben, etc., engraved by Hebert, Smith, Williams, Harrison and others, on India paper, and 500 text illustrations by Char- let. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full dark green levant morocco, gilt- tooled with a border of crowned eagles, letter ‘‘N,”’ bees and scrolls, backs tooled in compartments with the letters ‘‘N’’ re- peated 4 times, broad gilt inside borders, crimson watered silk doublures and flys, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Durvand. Paris: Bourdin, 1842 Inserted are a portrait of Las Cases after Delorme on India paper, and a portrait of Charlet after Benjamin. With the prospectuses for 1842 containing advertisements of Bourdin publications. 428. [LAURENS (ABBE DU).] La Chandelle D’Arras, Poéme en XVIII Chants. Précedée d’une Notice de 1’ Auteur. 19 full-page plates engraved by Tassaert after Desras. 8vo, full polished calf (slightly worn). Paris, 1807 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with an etched frontispiece by Felicien Rops. The author was unfrocked for his writings and after- wards led a vagabond life, finally dying in prison. 429. LAURENT (J. P. DE L’ARDECHE). Histoire de l’Empereur Napoléon. Profusely illustrated with full-page and vignette woodcuts. Royal 8vo, full green straight-grain morocco, back and covers emblematically tooled, 4-fillet inside 82 borders, doublures and flys of crimson China silk, gilt edges on the rough, by Canape. Paris: J. J. Dubochet et Cie, 1840 Choice copy, with the full-page illustrations colored by hand. A lithograph portrait of the illustrator is inserted. Contains 44 military costume plates engraved on wood after Bellange. 430. LAVEDAN (HENRY). Leurs Sceurs. .With numer- - ous text rllustrations by Robaudi. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers richly deco- rated with an open scroll border, the interspaces filled with emblems of love, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of red China silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie de 1’Edition Nationale, Emile Testard, 1896 No. 2 of 25 copies on Japan paper. 431. LEBAILLY (ARMAND). Madame de Lamartine. Etched frontispiece by G. Staal. 16mo, board sides, levant mo- rocco back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie de Mme. Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1864 Collection du Bibliophile Francais. 432. LEBAILLY (ARMAND). Hégésippe Moreau. Docu- ments Inédits. Frontispiece etching by G. Staal. 16mo, board sides, morocco back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie de Mme. Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1864 Collection du Bibliophile Franeais. 433. LEBRUN (M.). Galerie des Peintres Flamands, Hol- landais et Allemands. With 201 engraved plates, fine impres- sions. 3 vols. folio, contemporary scored russia gilt, with a squirrel stamped in the center of each panel, gilt edges (shghtly rubbed and some plates very slightly stained), re- backed. Paris, 1792-96 First Epirion. Mr. Le Brun, husband of Vigée Lebrun, besides being a great dealer in paintings was a well-known artist. The pictures which form this beautiful collection are reproductions of those originals by Hals, Holbein, Rembrandt and about 125 other paintings that passed through his hands and which he had engraved by Blot, Bretin, Couché, David, Dambrun, Gaucher, De Longueil, Spline, Zentner, Simonet, Duncker and many others. (Cohen, p. 422. Galerie des Peintres Flamands.) The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 434. LEMAITRE (E.). Le Livre d’Amour. Saint-Beuve et Victor Hugo. Lettre-préface d’Arséne Houssaye. 8vo, full dark brown straight-grain morocco, gilt ornamental bor- ders on sides, gilt back, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of red China silk, uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Canape. Reims, 1895 One of 100 copies on Papier Van Gelder Zonen de Holland. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 3 portraits etched by Monzies and Martinez, proofs before letters on China paper. 83 435. LEMAITRE (JULES). Contes Blanes: La Cloche.— La Chapelle Blanche—Mariage Blane. Jllustrations a l’Aquarelle de Mile. Blanche Odin. Square 8vo, light brown crushed levant morocco, with a broad border of morocco of a lighter shade, inlaid with a decoration of blue, purple and pink blossoms and foliage of various shades of green, doublures of white kid, inlaid with a sprig of blue flowers in front and lavender blossoms in back, end leaves of pink tapestry silk, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1900 One of 210 copies on vellum paper, with a duplicate set of the outline designs at the end. 436. LEMAITRE (JULES). Myrrha. Vierge et Martyre. Preface par L’Auteur. 14 etchings by Lesueur after designs by L. HE. Fourmer, 12 being in 3 states (text wmpression and remarque proofs). . Royal 8vo, full purple crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled scrolls on back and sides, doublures of green levant with gilt tooled floral borders, flys of brocaded ‘silk, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris, 1903 LARGE PAPER copy, only 100 so printed on Imperial Japan paper. Contains an ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWING by Fournier, signed. . : 437. LERNE (EMMANUEL DE). Reines Légitimes et Reines d’Aventure. Précédées d’un Dialogue des Mortes sur les Vivantes, par Arséne Houssaye. Hngraved frontispiece. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of crimson China silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Henri Plon, 1867 First EpITioN. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 14 scarce portraits, including: Clothilde by Desrochers, Agnes Sorel, PROOF ON INDIA PAPER, by Cazenave, Marguerite de Valois, by Duflos, Diane de Poitiers, PROOF by Casenave, Cath- erine de Medicis, Gabrielle d’Estrées, Leonora Galagai, by Francois, Madame de Montbazon,.by Ceroni, Anne d’Autriche, Louise de la Valliere, by Chaulet, Mme. de Montespan, by Ceroni, Marie Leczinka, proor, Mme. de la Sabliere by Johan- not, Mme. de Maintenon, by Desrochers. 438. LE SAGE (ALAIN-RENE). Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. 34 copperplate engravings, of which 8 are signed by Dubercelle, 4 vols. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, triple line borders, gilt-tooled floral backs, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. ' Paris: Pierre Ribou, 1714-1725 EXTREMELY RARE First Epirion; Vol. one having the date 1714. Only 2 copies with this imprint known. The Privilege du Roy was given on the 20th Feb. 1715 and appears in the second volume, the first volume of this copy being issued with- out the ‘‘Approbation et Privilege du Roy’’ Le Petit in his Bibliographie des ‘‘Editions originales’’ and Cohen in ‘‘Guide de 1’Amateur de Livres’’ say, that only two copies are known with this imprint of 1714, one of which was sold 84 at the Lignerolles sale for 1000 francs. Morgand prices a copy with the 1715 imprint and having 33 engravings at 1000 franes, and the Hoe copy (also 1715 imprint) and with only 32 engravings, brought $240.00. The present is a beautiful copy with wide margins and fine impressions of the complete set of 34 engravings, which most of the copies do not have. Title-page of the third volume reads ‘‘ Edition Nouvelle,’’ but it is the First Edition, all copies having this misstatement on the title. (See Illustration. ) 439. LE SAGE (ALAIN-RENE). Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Avec des notes historiques et litteraires par M. Le Comte Francois de Neufchateau. With portrait of Le Sage engraved by Roger and a map by Barbié de Bocage. 3 vols. Svo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris: Lefévre, 1825 Large Papier Vélin copy. The F. R. Halsey copy, with book- plate in each volume. 440. LE SAGE (ALAIN-RENE). Les Avantures de Mon- sieur Robert Chevalier, dit de Beauchéne, capitaine de fili- bustiers dans la nouvelle France. 6 plates by Scotin after Bonnard. 2 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt backs and in- side borders, gilt edges (writing on half title of Vol. 1). First Eprrion. Very scarce. Paris: EK. Ganeau, 1732 441. LE SAGE (ALAIN-RENE). Le Diable Boiteux précédé d’une notice sur Le Sage, par M. Jules Janin. With 140 illustrations from designs by Tony Johannot. Imp. 8vo, full crushed red levant morocco, gold lines on sides of panels, richly gilt-tooled back, inside borders of wide dentelle, gilt top, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Bourdin, 1842 One of a few copies printed on China paper. Rare. 442. LE SAGE (ALAIN-RENE). Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Avec des notes historiques et littéraires par M. Le Comte Francois de Neufchateau. Portrait of Le Sage by Roger and map by Barbié du Bocage. 3 vols. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt-tooled on sides, back and inside borders, gilt edges (backs slightly faded). Paris: Lefévre, 1825 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 133 plates, viz.: 24 fine plates after Smirke (proofs before letters on India paper) engraved by Romney, Fox, Scott, Pye, Engleheardt, etc., 100 charming plates after Bornet, Charpentier and Duplessi- Bertaux, engraved under the direction of Hubert; 9 plates after Desenne, engraved by Caron, Ch. Johannot, Bein, Adam, Pre- vost and others (proofs before letters). 443. LE SAGE (ALAIN-RENE). Turcaret. Jllustrated with 5 charming vignettes by Gaujean after the designs of Valton. 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, triple fillet borders, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Maison Quantin, n. d. One of a small number printed on Papier Vierge de Marais. 85 444, LPIMAGE. 1896-1897. Revue litteraire et artistique. Ornée de figures sur bois. 4to, full green crushed levant mo- rocco, Jansen’s style, inside richly gilt-tooled with dentelle borders, doublures and end-leaves of crimson watered silk, gilt edges, uncut, with the 12 original covers bound in, by S. David. Paris: Floury, 1896-7 One of 100 copies printed on China paper with all the illus- trations in two states and 12 extra plates in 3 states. Numer- ous fine illustrations by Auriol, Boutet de Monvel, Cheret, Dunki, Helleu, Merson, Morin, Mucha, Renouard, Steinlen, Vierge, Willette and others. Text by P. Adam, Barrés, Ber- aldi, Mirbeau, Huysmans, Zola, P. Louys, Daudet, Courteline and others. 445. LONGUS. Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloé; escrites en Gree par Longus, et translatées en Francois par Jacques Amyot. With 30 beautiful copper-plate engrav- ings by Philippus, including the curious plate, **Les petits pieds.’’ Crown 8vo, black crimped morocco, gilt-tooled back, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, uncut, by Riviére. | Lille: Lehoueg, 1792 A beautiful copy. Printed on pale blue_paper, engravings on white paper. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 446. LONGUS. Daphnis et Chloé. Notices par A. Pons. Vignettes in color after the designs of Scott, pages printed within red decorative borders. 16mo, full crushed brown levant morocco, gilt floral sprays on back, tooled centre orna- ment on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original wrap- pers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: A. Quantin, 1878 Petits Romans Antiques. 447. [LOTI (PIERRE).] Aziyadé. Stamboul, 1876-77. Extrait des Notes et Lettres d’un Lieutenant de la Marine Anglaise entré au service de la Turquie le 10 Mai 1876 tué sous les murs de Kars, le 27 Octobre 1877. 12mo, full green levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, handsome gilt panel on covers, gilt inside borders, doublures of brocaded silk, marbled flys, with brocaded silk linings, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers printed in violet bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1879 First EDITION, with etched portrait of the author by Man- chon, inserted. 448. LOTI (PIERRE). Le Mariage de Loti.—Rarahu— par l’auteur de Aziyadé. 12mo, full brown crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of embroidered silk, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris eine First Epit10Nn with this title. Inserted is a fine portrait of Loti, etcher’s remarque proof. ; 86 449. LOTI (PIERRE). : Fleurs d’ennui: Pasquala Ivano- viteh; Voyage au Monténégro; Suleima. 12mo, full blue erushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, orange watered silk doublures and ends, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1883 First EDITION. One of 20 copies on Holland paper. Scarce. 450. LOTI (PIERRE). Japoneries D’Automne. 12mo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of blue watered China silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1889 First Epirion. One of 25 copies on Japan paper. 451. LOTI (PIERRE). Le Roman d’un Enfant. 12mo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, orange watered silk doublures and ends, gilt edges, original covers bound in, uncut, by Affolter. Paris, 1890 First Epirion. One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 452. LOTI (PIERRE). Fantome d’Orient. Royal 8vo, full orange crushed levant morocco, inlaid border of deep brown, gilt scroll corners, center medallion of brown, with gilt star and crescent surrounded by scroll tooling, gilt inside border, brocade silk lining, gilt over uncut edges, original ‘wrappers bound in, by Meunier. Paris: Calmann Lévy, éditeur, 1891 The First Epition of which only 50 copies were issued on Holland paper by the Société des Amis des livres de Lyon. Inserted is an etched portrait of the author, and on the half- title and last page are two fine ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAW- INGS by Ph. Tassier, signed. 453. LOTI (PIERRE). Le Livre de la Pitié et de la Mort. First Epirion. 12mo, full dark olive crushed levant morocco, triple line border, back gilt with small blue flowers in com- partments, gilt inside floral border, figured silk lining, gilt over uncut edges, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1891 One of 75 copies on Holland paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH 24 ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK AND WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS by Lucien Lefévre, on margins, half-titles, flys, etc. 454. LOTI (PIERRE). Matelot. Illustrated by Myrbach. First Epition. 12mo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt inside border, green silk lning, gilt edges, wrappers ‘bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1893 First Epirion. One of 30 copies on Japan paper. 455. LOTI (PIERRE). L’Exilée. 12mo, full crushed maroon levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of blue watered silk, gilt on uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1893 First Epirion. One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 87, 456. LOTI (PIERRE). Le Désert. 12mo, full crushed maroon levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of light blue watered silk, gilt edges on the rough, original orange wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1895 First Epirion. One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 457. LOTI (PIERRE). Jérusalem. 12mo, full crushed dark olive levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of green watered silk, gilt on uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1895 First EpITion. One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 458. LOTI (PIERRE). Ramuntcho. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, triple fillet panel in compartments. on back, 38-fillet border on covers, inside dentelle borders, marbled flys, with doublures and linings of brocaded silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by David. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1897 First Epirion. One of 65 copies on Holland paper. 459. LOTI (PIERRE). Figures et Choses qui passaient. 12mo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of light blue watered silk, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1898 First Epirion. One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 460. LOUYS (PIERRE). Aphrodite: Meurs Antiques. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, with green China silk out- side covers, enclosed in a handsome brown levant morocco box, book-shaped, Jansen style, gilt inside border and lined with green China silk, by Carayon. Paris: Société du Mercure de France, 1896 First Epirion. VERY Scarce. One of 10 copies printed on China paper. 461. LOUYS (PIERRE). Aphrodite. Many text. dlustra- tions, and other full plates in three states, one in red and one on India paper, by A. Calbet. Thick narrow 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, inlaid with levant of various colors in design of irises, shells, leaves and dolphins, gilt and inlaid inside borders, doublures and flys of flowered silk tapestry, gilt edges, by Ch. Meunier. In case. Paris, 1896 LIMITED EDITION, one of 73 copies on Japan paper. 462. LOUYS (PIERRE). Aphrodite: Meurs Antiques. Finely illustrated with text vignettes and full-page plates by - Edouard Zier. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of grey gros- grain silk, gilt on uncut edges, by Chambolle-Duru. | Paris, ca. 1900 LimitEep EpiTion. No. 19 of 25 examples printed on Imperial Japan paper. 88 463. LOUYS (PIERRE). La Femme et le Pantin. Romam Espanol. Heliogravure frontispiece. 8vo, full crimson crushed. levant morocco, gilt lettered back and tooled inside borders, doublures and flys of watered silk, gilt over rough edges, by S. David. Paris, 1898 One of 40 copies on Holland Van Gelder paper, with wide margins. 464, LOUYS (PIERRE). La Femme et le Pantin. Jllus- trations de P, Roig, decoration de Riom (colored by hand). Square 8vo, full olive crushed levant morocco, gilt dentelle and line borders, panels decorated with an inlaid fillet of red morocco and gilt floral scroll, doublure panels of orange levant morocco, with an inlaid border band of purple, brocade silk end leaves, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Canape. ; Paris, 1903 One of 30 copies on Japan paper, with an extra set of the uncolored plates without the text. 465. LOUYS (PIERRE). Les Aventures du Roi Pausole. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, doublure of buff color morocco, inlaid with a repeated design of cherries and leaves in red and green, silk end leaves, gilt top, uncut, by Kieffer. Paris, 1901 Profusely EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH 413 ORIGINAL WATER- COLOR AND INK DRAWINGS on the margins of every page, and on the fly-leaves, signed ‘‘Edyck.’’ One of 15 copies on Whatman paepr. 466. LOUYS (PIERRE). Les Aventures du Roi Pausole. Nouvelle Edition. Jllustrée de compositions en couleurs par Pierre Vidal. 4to, original covers, uncut. In cloth portofolio. Paris: A. Blaizot, 1906 One of 50 copies on Japan vellum, with duplicates of the plates in black, on China paper. 467. LOUYS (PIERRE). La Maison sur le Nil; ou Les Apparences de la Vertu. Illustrations de Paul Gervais. Ariane ou Le Chemin de la Paix Eternelle. Illustrations de George Rochegrosse. 2 vols. royal 8vo, grey mottled ealf, uncut. Paris: Charles Meunier, 1904 One of 125 copies on Papier Vélin Blanc with the 20 fine colored illustrations in 2 extra states, on India paper. 468. LOUYS (PIERRE). Les Chansons de Bilitis. 33 illustrations by Raphaél Collin, engraved by Ch. Chessa. Ato, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1906 One of 40 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states. 469. LOVENJOUL (CHARLES DE). Histoire des (Huvres de H. De Balzac. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Durand. Paris, 1879 First Epition. Presentation copy from the author to Mr. Noél Parfait with characteristic inscription on the half-title. 89 470. LUCANUS (M. ANNAEUS). La Pharsale de Lucain, ‘ou Les Guerres civiles de Cesar & de Pompée. En Vers Fran- ecois par Mr. de Breboeuf. Engraved title-page. 18mo, full red straight-grain morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt fillet border with inner panel and corner ornaments, handsome gilt inside border on doublures of polished red morocco, full gilt edges, by Thouvenin. A Leide: Chez Jean Elsevier, 1658 First EuLzevir EpiTion. A fine copy of this splendid speci- men of the Elzevir Press in a handsome binding. 471. LUCIEN. Dialogues des Courtisanes. Traduction et notices par A.-J. Pons. Illustrations in gold and colors by H. Scott and F. Meaulle, pages printed within blue decorative borders. 16mo, full green levant morocco, gilt floral sprays on back, tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Rousselle. Paris: A. Quantin, 1881 Petits Chefs-d’Ciuvres Antiques. 472. LUCIUS. L’Ane. Traduction de Paul-Louis Courier. Illustrations in gold and colors by Powirson, pages printed within blue decorative borders. 16mo, full crushed blue levant ‘morocco, gilt floral sprays on back, tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Maison Quantin, 1887 Petits Chefs d’Giuvres Antiques. 473. [LUNOIS.] Un Cas de Jalousie. Illustrated with 19 fine lithographic vignettes, by A. Lunots. Royal 8vo, full orange crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled line borders, each corner with scrolls enclosing inlaid sun-flower surmounted by nest and birds, back with roses inlaid, gilt lined inside borders, doublures and end-leaves of green moire silk, gilt edges, by Raparlier. In ease. Paris: L. Conquet, 1896 Limited and numbered edition on Japan paper throughout. 474. MAILLARD (FIRMIN). Les Passionnés du Livre. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside bor- ders, with doublures and flys of blue China silk, gilt edges, by Affolter. Paris: Emile Rondeau, 1896 One of 25 copies printed on Japan paper, with two title- pages, printed in red and black. 475. MAISTRE (XAVIER DE). Voyage Autour de ma Chambre. Par M. le Chev. X*** ***, 12mo, full light brown levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of light blue China silk, gilt edges, by Chambolle- Duru. A. Turin, 1794 CHOICE COPY OF THE VERY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION. Not in Hoe, and rarely offered for sale. 90 476. MAISTRE (XAVIER DE). Voyage Autour de ma Chambre. Engraved title and head-pieces by Spenceley, por- trait, and half-title vignettes and tail-pieces, with initials printed in red. 12mo, boards, vellum back, uncut and un- opened. A Cambridge: de 1’Imprimerie de Riverside, 1901 Limited edition. Laid in is a typewritten letter from the publishers to Mr. Halsey, relative to the date of the First Edition of the work. 477. MAIZEROY (RENE). Au Régiment. Square 12mo,. three-quarters crimson crushed levant morocco, back gilt-tooled with armorial emblems, gilt top, uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Lanscelin. Paris: Havard, 1885. First EpITion. One of a few copies on Holland paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH 25 ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS beautifully executed by A. Bligny, representing life in the French army. The water-colors are exceptionally fine. 478. MALHERBE (FRANCOIS DE). Cuvres choisies de Malherbe, avec des notes de tous les commentateurs. Edition publiée par L. Parrelle. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris: Lefévre, 1825. Large Papier Vélin copy. The F. R. Halsey copy, with book- plate in each volume. 479. [MALO (CHARLKES).] Livre Mignard, ou la Fleur des Fabliaux. HEngraved title and 6 plates by Rouargue, all beautifully colored by hand. 12mo, fine old red French mo- rocco, extra, gilt and inlaid back, covers richly tooled and inlaid with mosaic designs, of vari-colored morocco, full gilt. edges. Paris: Louis Janet [1826] This is a reprint of ‘‘Livre d’Amour’’ issued in 1821, but contains one more plate than was in that edition. 480. MARBOT (GENERAL BARON DE). Austerlitz! 21 alustrations etched and printed in colors by Léon Boisson after the originals by Alex. Lunois. Imperial 8vo,- full green erushed levant morocco, gilt line border, with the Napoleon erest in the corners, doublures of light brown levant morocco, the gilt bee in centers of side borders, crest in the corners, and crowned eagle in center medallion, red brocade silk end leaves, gilt edges, with original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1905. One of 200 copies de Grande Luxe, on Papier Vélin a la Forme. 481. MARCOY (PAUL). Voyage a Travers 1’Amérique du Sud, de l’Océan Pacifique a 1’Océan Atlantique. Jllustré de 626 vues, types et paysages, par E. Riou, et accompagné de: 91 20 cartes gravées sur les dessins de l’Auteur. 2 vols. large 4to, full: crimson levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie, 1869 First Epirfon. One of a small number printed on Large China paper. 482. MARGUERITE DE NAVARRE. Les Nouvelles de Marguerite, Reine de Navarre (Heptameron Franeais). Frontispiece (repeated m Vols. IT and III), engraved by Evwchler after Dunker, 73 fine plates by Guttenberg, Hen- riquez, De Launay, De Longewl, Le Roy, Halbou and Mes- dames Duflos and Thiebault, after Freundenberg, 72 vignettes and 72 tau-pieces by Eichler, Piller, Richter and Dunker after the latter; all brilliant wmpressions. 3 vols. 8vo, full blue erushed levant morocco, triple gold line on sides, with the arms of Marguerite Queen of Navarre in the centre of each cover, initial ‘‘M’’ and crown in each corner, back gilt tooled in eompartments with initial, crown and fleur-de-lys, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Masson-Debonnelle (2 half-titles in facsimile). Berne: Chez la Nouvelle Société Typographique, 1780-81 The rare issue with a basket of flowers engraved on title- page. Printed on thick Holland paper. ExXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 3 portraits of the Queen of Navarre (one of which is on India paper) and 7 fine etchings by Leopold Flameng. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 483. MARGUERITTE (PAUL). A la Mer. Wath allus- trations engraved by Gaspé, Piselli, etc., after the designs of Henry A. Zo. Imp. 8vo, original parchment wrappers, uncut, deckle-edge. Paris: Librairie de la Collection des Dix, n. d. One of 10 copies printed on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, one of the sets being on India paper. The extra sets of plates are in a separate portfolio. 484. MARIVAUX (PIERRE CARLET DE). Le Jeu de 1’Amour et du Hasard. Comédie en trois actes. With etchings by E. Pennequin after the designs of Maurice Lelow. Royal 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, with fleurons in compartments, gilt fleurons in corners of covers, triple fillet borders, doublures of brown levant morocco, with wide double fillet borders, interlaced, with corner ornaments, marbled flys with gros-grain silk linings, gilt edges on the rough, original engraved covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, A. Ferroud, 1905 One of 25 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings printed in sanguine in three states, 2 of which are on Japan paper ancien. An original WATER-COLOR DRAWING in Leloir’s best style appears in each of these 25 copies. One state of the etchings is signed by Pennequin. 92 485. MARMONTEL (JEAN FRANCOIS). Contes Moranx, par M. Marmontel, de 1’Academie Franegaise. JIJllustrated with portrait of Marmontel by St. Aubin, after Cochin, an engraved title by Duclos repeated in each volume and 23 plates after Gravelot engraved by Voyé, Rousseau, Baquoy, Legrand, Lemire, Le Veau, de Longewl and Pasqwer. 3 vols. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, triple line on borders, gilt backs and inside borders, gilt edges, by Cuzin. Paris: Merlin, 1765 The rare First Issue of the best edition, to be distinguished by the errata after the table of contents. 486. MARMONTEL (JEAN FRANCOIS). Les Incas, ou la Destruction de 1’Empire du Pérou. Illustrated with frontis- piece and 10 plates, after Moreau. 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary red French morocco, gilt backs, gilt inside and outside borders, full gilt edges. Paris: Chez Lacombe, 1777 Clean, crisp copy of the First EDITION, with the plates in beautiful impressions. The fine old binding is probably by Derome. There is a slight tear in the top margin of one leaf. 487. MARMONTEL (JEAN FRANCOIS). Le Neuvaine de Cythére, avee notice par Charles Monselet. IJllustrée du portrait de l’auteur et de neuf vignettes dessinées par Fesquet. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fleurons in compartments on back, cover richly tooled with floral and scroll ornaments, with flying birds; gilt inside borders, doub- lures and fleurons of brocaded silk, gilt edges on the rough, by Allo. Paris: A. Barraud, 1879 One of 135 copies printed on Royal China paper. 488. MARTIN (BON-LOUIS-HENRI). Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’en 1789. Quatriéme Edition. 17 vols. 8vo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris, 1865 A fine copy of one of the most famous works on the His- tory of France. It obtained the Grand Prix Gobert in 1859. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 327 portraits and views and two folded maps, many of which are rare, brilliant engrav- ings, by Dupin, Hopwood, Blanchard, Rigaud, Outhwaite, Will, Dupuis and many others (some unlettered proofs). 489. MASSON (FREDERIC). Joséphine. Imperatrice et Reine. With an exquisite frontispiece in colors and 41 full- page plates of historical scenes, portraits, etc. 4to, full green straight-grain morocco, with a gold-tooled border on the covers, gilt back, with the crowned eagle in gold, inside bor- ders, doublures and flys of green silk, gilt edges, uncut, origi- nal covers bound in, by A. Cuzin. Paris: Goupil et Cie, 1899 First Epirion. One of 150 copies printed on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the illustrations in bistre. 93 490. MASSON (FREDERIC). L’Impératrice’ Marie- Louise. Frontispiece in colors and 51 full-page plates and vignettes. Thick 4to, full straight-grain olive green morocco, richly decorated covers with Napoleonic bees in central panel, wide ornamental borders, back richly gilt-tooled in compart- ments, doublures and flys of green China silk, wide gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, gilt edges, uneut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Goupil et Co., 1902 First Eprtion. One of 150 copies on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the plates in bistre. 491. MASSON (FREDERIC). Napoleon et son Fils. With a fine frontispiece in colors after the original, and numer- ous fine full-page facsimiles of portraits, historical scenes, etc. Ato, full green crushed levant morocco, with a gold-tooled bor- der of oak leaves in the Empire style on the covers and back, doublures of crimson crushed levant, with gold-tooled dentelle border, flies of light green brocaded silk, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Goupil, 1904 One of 130 copies on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the plates in bistre. 492. MASSON (FREDERIC). Napoléon et les Femmes. 27 full-page illustrations m colors, and 10 tinted vignettes, with duplicate set in bistre on brown paper. Royal 8vo, origi- nal wrappers, uncut edges. In a ease. Paris: Goupil & Cie, 1906 One of 50 copies on Japan paper, with author’s signature. The duplicate plates are in a portfolio. 493. MAUCLAIR (CAMILLE). Le Poison des Pierreries. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse gravées a l’eau-forte en couleurs par E. Decisy. Lettre-Préface de l’auteur. 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, cover decorated with an open double fillet border, interlaced, form- ing lozenges of various shapes, outer border of 4-fillets; doub- lures of brown levant morocco richly covered with conven- tional fan-shaped gilt tooling, doublures of broeaded silk, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, each leaf mounted on separate hinge, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, A. Ferroud, 1903 One of 30 copies printed on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, two of which are colored by hand. On the leaf following title is an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING, signed, by Rochegrosse. 494. MAUCLAIR (CAMILLE). Ames Brétonnes. Trois Contes. Beautifully illustrated in colors by J. Wély. 8vo, original covers, uncut. Paris: Piazza, 1907 One of 30 copies on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the plates in black. 94 495. MAUCLAIR (CAMILLE). Trois Femmes de Flandre. Illustrations by H. Cassiers, colored by hand. Small 4to, full dark green crushed levant morocco, with small inlaid design of narrow brown and light green bands in center of cover, doublures of red morocco, bordered with interlacing bands of green and brown, green silk end leaves, gilt edges, pictorial wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Parise n.d. One of 30 copies on Japan paper, with an extra set of un- colored plates on vellum paper bound in at the end. 496. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Des Vers. 12mo, full erimson crushed levant morocco, gilt scrolls on back, sides and inside borders, doublures and flys of flowered silk, gilt edges, original yellow wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: G. Charpentier, 1880 First Epirion. Exceedingly scarce, especially with the wrappers. Inscribed in the author’s autograph, ‘‘a Monsieur Victor Fournel. Hommage de l’auteur. Guy de Maupassant.’’ Etched portrait of the author by H. Toussaint inserted. 497. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Clair de Lune. TJllus- trated by Arcos, Boutet de Monvel, Gambard, Grasset, Jean- niot, and others. Ato, full blue crushed levant morocco, with moon and cloud decoration in white and gray morocco, inside border dotted with silver stars, doublures and end leaves of flowered tapestry silk, gilt edges, wrappers bound in. Paris, 1884 One of 100 copies on Large Japan paper, with an extra set of plates printed in sanguine. Etched portrait of the author by Toussaint inserted. 498. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Miss Harriet. 12mo, full olive green crushed levant morocco, back, sides and in- side borders nicely tooled with gilt scrolls, doublures and flys of flowered silk, gilt edges, by Rousselle. Paris, 1884 First Epirion. Presentation copy, inscribed in author’s autograph, ‘‘d@ Monsieur Francis Magnard. Cordial hommage. Guy de Maupassant.’’ Etched portrait of the author, by H. Toussaint, inserted. 499, MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Bel-Ami. 12mo, full red crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, blue watered silk doublures and ends, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1885 First Epirion. One of [200] copies on Holland paper. 500. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Yvette. 12mo, full erushed brown levant morocco, delicately gilt-tooled back and sides in the manner of Derome, gilt inside borders, doublures and fly-leaves of brocaded silk, uncut, original covers bound in, by Emile Rousselle. Paris: Havard, 1885 First EpiItion. Presentation copy from the author to Francis Magnard, with autograph inscription on fly-leaf. Inserted is a portrait of Maupassant etched by H. Toussaint. 95 001. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Contes Choisis. Jllus- trés de 118 dessins de G. Jeanniot. 8vo, full dark olive levant morocco, title in red on back, front cover ornamented with grotesque masks, inlaid in color, back cover with bust of a Satyr, in color and in relief, gilt inside emblematic borders, doublures and flys of brocaded silk, gilt edges on the rough, original eee bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: A la Librairie Illustree, n. d. '1886] One of 25 copies on China paper. A pore of the author, by Toussaint, is inserted. 002. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Mont-Oriol. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, green watered silk doublures and ends, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1887 © First EpiTion. One of a few copies on Holland paper. 003. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Pierre et Jean. IJllus- trated by Ernest Duez and Albert Lynch. 4to, full dark blue erushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, cover richly ornamented with a double fillet panel, with leaf spray designs in corners, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cié, 1888 First ILLUSTRATED EDITION. One of 150 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, two being proofs before letters. A remarque proof etched portrait of the author by _ Toussaint is inserted. 004. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Fort comme la Mort. 12mo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, blue watered silk doublures and ends, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1889 First Epirion. One of 100 copies on Holland paper. ; 505. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Contes Choisis. Publiés par les Bibliophiles Contemporains. Le Loup,—Hautot pére et fils,—Allouma,—Mouche,—La Maison Tellier,—Un Soir,— Le Champ d’Oliviers,—Mademoiselle Fifi,—L’Epave,—Une partie de Campagne. All with the original covers, bound in one vol. royal 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt floral border, mosaic back, doublures of pink morocco, floral border gilt with small red blossoms, spray of blue forget-me-nots in center, figured silk end leaves, gilt uncut edges, by Meunier. Paris, 1891-92 One of the copies printed for the members of the ‘‘ Biblio- philes Contemporaines,’’ and none sold. Colored frontispiece by Paul Avril after Félicien Rops. The ten works are illus- trated as follows: 1. Engraved throughout with etchings by Evert Van Muyden. 2. Colored plates after Georges Jeanniot. 3. Etchings in tints by Paul Avril. 4. Illustrated by Ferdinand Gueldry. 5. Colored illustrations after Pierre Vidal. 6. Wood- cuts in black and bistre by Georges Scott. 7. Photogravures after Paul Gervais. 8. Photogravures and woodcuts, including one colored, after A. Gérardin and Charles Morel. 9. Six lith- ograph plates in two states on Japan paper. 10. Two states of — the etched frontispiece in colors, after Henri Boutet. 96 006. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Le Lit. Avant-Propos de Henri Lavedan. Engraved text and 13 plates by Cham- pollion after Jules Ferry. Imperial 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt line border panels with gilt Arabesques, center Arabesque medallion, gilt inside border, silk lining and end leaves, gilt edges, wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Evreux, 1895 One of 76 copies on Papier Vélin, with the plates in three states, engravers’ proofs, remarque proof, and finished plate. With an etched portrait of the author by H. Toussaint inserted. 007. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Boule de Suif. Jllus- trated by Francois Thévenot, engraved on wood by A. Romagnol. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt border of interlacing fillets, gilt inside line and dot border, gray figured silk lining and doublures, gilt edges, wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris, 1897 One of 12 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, including remarque proofs on China paper, and an extra proof impression of the figure printed in colors on the cover. 508. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Le Pére Milon—Contes inedits. 12mo, cloth, uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Durvand. Paris, 1899 First Epirion. One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 509. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). En Famille. 32 allus- trations by Pierre Vidal, colored. Royal 8vo, full brown erushed levant morocco, gilt line border, gilt back, doublures of blue levant morocco, gilt dentelle outer border and inner border of fillets with floral scrolls in the corners, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris, 1905 One of 10 copies on Japan paper with the full-page plates in two states, plain and colored, and an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY PIERRE VIDAL on the fly-leaf, signed. 510. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). L’Héritage. 21 allus- trations by Maurice Eliot, etched by L. Ruet. Royal 8vo, original printed wrapper, uncut. Paris, oLouy One of 75 copies ‘on Large Japan paper, with the plates in two states, before and after letters. 511. MAYNEVILLE. Chronique du temps qui fut La Jaequerie. Illustrations de L. O. Merson, gravures de Chessa lettres manuscrites par Cossard. large 8vo, full crushed dark brown levant morocco, Jansen style, doublures of lght brown levant with a rich gilt-tooled ornamental design cover- ing the whole panel, flys of dark brown gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. With a half levant morocco folder, richly gilt. Paris: Librairie de la Collection des Dix, 1903 One of 25 copies on Japan paper with the 40 etchings in four states. Issued at 400 franes and sold before publication. 97 512. MEISSONIER (JEAN-LOUIS-ERNEST). Ses Souv- enirs.—Ses Entretiens. Précédés d’une Etude sur sa Vie et son Ctuvre, par M. O. Gréard. Profusely illustrated with portrats and reproductions. Imperial 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt line border, mosaic back, gilt in- side border, brown silk lining, gilt over rough edges, original parchment wrappers bound in, by Durvand. Paris, 1897 One of 25 copies on China paper. 5138. MENDES (CATULLE). Lila et Colette. Jllustra- tions by Gambard et Roy, tinted. Square 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt inside dentelle border, gilt edges, tapestry silk linings, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris, 1885 514. MENDES (CATULLE). Pour lire au Couvent. 60 dessins de Lucien Métivet. 8vo, full crushed lavender levant morocco, gilt-tooled ornaments on covers in form of an open- work hinge, gilt tooled inside borders, doublures and flys of fine floriated silk tapestry, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Emile Rousselle. Paris. [1887] First EpITIon. One of 25 copies printed on China paper. 515. MENDES (CATULLE). La Premiére Maitresse: Roman Contemporain. 12mo, full blue crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt back in compartments, triple fillet border on covers, inside dentelle borders, doublures and fiys of blue moire silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Rous- selle. Paris: G. Charpentier et Cie, 1887 First EDITION. One of 25 copies on Holland paper. 516. MENDES. (CATULLE,—Translator). L’Evangile de l’Enfance de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, selon Saint Pierre, mis en francais par Catulle Mendés, d’aprés le manuscrit de l’Abbaye de Saint-Volfgang. Compositions et encadrements de ‘Carloz Schwabe. Royal 4to, beautifully bound in light blue levant morocco with finely executed mosaic decoration repre- senting a red Japanese incense burner, the smoke floating through white lilies; back cover with a continuation of the same decoration showing a white dove flying through the in- cense, and a spray of tea-roses and green leaves along the outer edge. Both covers with a broad inlaid border band of citron morocco, interspersed here and there with gilt stars, inside borders, doublures and ends of brocaded silk, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in by René Wiener (Nancy). Paris [1895] One of 100 copies of the Edition de Luxe with the 112 illus- trations in two states proofs before and after letters (both in colors). Fine specimen of modern bookbinding, nine different colored levants having been used in the harmonious combina- tion. 98 o17. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Mosaique. Par l]’Auteur du Théatre de Clara Gazul. 8vo, full straight-grain purple morocco, gilt and inlaid back in compartments, covers magnifi- cently ornamented with rich gilt and inlaid mosaic panel and cartouche, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of rose ribbed silk, original wrappers bound in, by Canape. Paris: H. Fournier, Jr., 1833 First Eprrion. One of a small number printed on Grand Papier Vélin. The printed cover contains the author’s name, sand this copy has the two leaves of advertisement bound in at the front. Very scarce in this state. 918. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Colomba (La Vénus d’Ille, Les Ames du Purgatoire). 8vo, full crushed blue levant morocco, gilt panelled back and sides, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Durvand. Paris: Magen et Comon, 1841 First Epirion. Fine copy. 519. MERIMEE (PROSPER). La Chambre Bleue. Etched vignette on title. 8vo, cloth, uncut, original covers bound in. Bruxelles, 1872 First Epirion. Rare. Large paper; one of 129 copies printed. The Nadar copy, with bookplate. 520. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Carmen. Frontispiece and 8 vignettes etched by A. Nargeot after S. Ancos, each plate im three states, outline, before letters and completed, one state of each vignette im text. 8vo, full orange crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled with flowers, scrolls, &c., on back, sides and inside borders, doublures and end-leaves of flowered silk tapestry, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1884 One of 30 copies on Papier Vélin, with the illustrations in three states. 521. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Chronique du regne de Charles IX. Edition ornée de 110 compositions par Edouard Toudouze. Imp. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, triple- line on sides; front panel with an oval band of inlaid mo- rocco in which are the arms of Charles IX and rich orna- mental decorations, at the bottom is the crown with the initial **C’’ in double, back gilt in compartments with initial ‘‘C’’ and fleur-de-lys decorations, back panel has an emblematic design inlaid in various colors of morocco after the vignette on the last page, by Toudouze, gilt inside borders with fleur- de-lys and swords, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by S. David.—MeriM&E (Prosper). Chronique du regne de Charles [X. Compositions de Edouard Toudouze, gravées a l’eau forte par Eugene Abot. Préface par Francisque Sarcey. Imp. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt 99 tooled inside borders; gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by S. David. Together 2 vols. Paris: Testard, 1889, 1890 EDITION DE GRANDE Luxe. The first volume is one of 100 copies issued on Japan paper with the 110 illustrations in two states, proofs before and after letters. The other volume is one of 50 copies on Japan paper, with the 8 plates in four states. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 3 portraits en- graved by Schmidt, Boullay, etc., and a portrait of the author etched by Lalauze after Deveria. 022. MERIMEE (PROSPER). L’Enlévement* de la Redoute. Illustrations by Maurice Orange, engraved im colors by Decisy. Royal 8vo, green straight-grain morocco, panel borders gilt-tooled with intertwined sprays, enclosing wreath of oak and laurel, gilt back and inside borders, doublures and ends of purple watered silk, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1902 One of 125 copies on large vellum paper, with the illustra- . tions in three states, engraver’s etching and proof before letters in black and after letters in colors. 523. MERIMEE (PROSPER). La Double Méprise. 17 illustrations, title vignette and tail-prece printed wm colors after the originals by Bertrand. Imperial 8vo, full blue straight-grain morocco, with gilt-tooled border of interlacing fillets and fleurons, doublures-of brown straight-grain mo- rocco, with gilt outer and inner dentelle borders, end leaves of light blue silk, gilt over rough edges, wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1902 One of 150 copies on Papier Vélin, fabriqué spécialement par les Papeteries du Marais. 524. MERIMEER (PROSPER). Colomba. 63 illustrations by Damel Vierge, engraved on wood by Noel and Paillard. Préface by Maurice Tourneux. Imperial 8vo, full dark red straight-grain morocco, artistic gilt line and scroll border, back similarly tooled, doublures of olive straight-grain morocco, gilt line border with small scrolls at the sides and top and bottom, red silk end leaves, gilt over rough edges, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1904 One of 50 copies on old Japan paper, with an extra set of the woodcuts without the text. 525. MICHAULT (PIERRE). La Dance des Aveugles. Composée en vers Francais. Reproduction en facsimilé par Adam Pilinski d’une édition sans date imprimée au seiziéme siécle par le Petit Laurens. Jllustrations. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, small inlaid leaf in four compartments on . back, with cover design of red and black inlays, Grolieresque style, gilt inside borders, by Capé. Paris: Vve Adolphe Labitte, 1884 Number One of 3 copies printed on pure vellum, in a hand- some specimen of binding by Capé. 100 526. MICHELET (JULES). Thérése et Marianne. Souve- nirs de Jeunesse. Illustrations de V. Foulquier. 12mo, full green levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt panels and borders, corner ornaments, doublures and flys of green moire silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1891 One of 50 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. An etched portrait of the author before all letters is inserted. 927. MICHELET (JULES). Histoire de la Révolution Francaise. Deuxiéme édition, revue et augmentée. 6 vols. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt in- side borders, gilt edges, by Gruel. Paris, 1868-69 Holland paper copy. Inserted are portrait of Michelet in two states, and numerous cuttings. 628. MICHELET (JULES). Histoire de France. 17 vols. royal 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, in Jansen’s style, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Gruel. Paris: Lacroix et Cie, n. d. [1870-1874] One of 55 copies on Holland paper. 529. MIKHAEL (EPHRAIM). MHalyartes. Poeme en prose. Illustrations de Paul Gervas, eaux-fortes en couleurs gravées par Xavier Maccard. Imp. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, the sides gold tooled in a conventional floral design, with inlays of blue, brown and olive morocco, back in compartments with similar inlays; doublures of blue crushed levant, sumptuously tooled with floral decorations and orna-- ments covering the whole border, inlaid with brown, citron, olive and blue morocco, marbled flys with silk lining, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Imprimé pour la Société du Livre d’Art, 1904 A beautiful book in a fine binding. Only 100 copies printed of which only 10 were for sale. One of the copies printed for members, this copy being the one for Mr. René de Saint- Cheron, with the illustrations in 3 states. This edition was printed on special Handmade paper. 530. MILLE ET UN JOURS (LES). Contes Orientaux traduits du Ture, du Persian et de 1’Arabe, par Petits-de-la- Croix, Galland, Cardonne, Chawis et Cazotte, etc. Avec une Notice, par M. Collin de Planey. Ornés de dix belles gravures, dessinées et gravées par nos premiers Artistes. 5 vols. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris: Rapilly, 1826 Large vellum paper copy, with proof impressions of the 10 plates by Devéria in three states, before and after letters and on India paper. 531. MIRBEAU (OCTAVE). Dans 1’Antichambre. (His- toire d’une Minute). Jllustrations et gravures d’Edgar Chahine. Imp. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, 101 sides and back gilt tooled with interlaced filets, doublures of olive crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled ornamental borders, with band of inlaid blue morocco, marbled flies with lining of floriated silk tapestry, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by Affolter. | Paris: Librairie de la Collection des Dix [1905] One of 10 copies printed on Large Japan paper, with the plates in 3 states. This copy contains also 2 extra plates each in 2 states, before and after alterations. 032. MOECHIALOGIA. Morale Matrimoniale. Par Un Ancien Chanoine. Royal 8vo, full green levant morocco, Jan- sen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of dark red China silk, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris: Librairie Nilsson, n. d. 533. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). la Critique de 1’Escole des Femmes, Comedie. 12mo, contemporary limp vellum (writing on title and end leaves). A Paris: Chez Claude Barbin, au Palais, sur les dregrez [sic] deuant la Sainte Chapelle, au Signe de la Croix, 1663. First EDITION. 534. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). L’Escole des Femmes, | Comedie. Engraved frontispiece by F. Chauveau. 12mo, con- temporary limp vellum (lower. portion of leaves slightly water-stained, and one signature sprung). A Paris: Chez Thomas Jolly, au Palais, dans la Salle des Merciers, a la Palme, & aux Armes de Holland, 1663. One of the five issues of the First EDITION. 535. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). L’Amour Médecin. Jllus- trations de L. Ed. Fournier, gravées a l’eau forte par G. Pen- nequin. Small folio, full crushed blue levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, gilt corner ornaments, fillet border, doub- lures of brown levant morocco, with elaborate gilt frame de- sign, silk gros-grain flys, gilt over rough edges, by Chambolle- Duru. Paris: Edition Ferroud, 1905 One of 25 copies printed on Japan paper, with an ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING BY FOURNIER, and the etchings in three states. 536. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). Le Mariage Forcé. Comedie. 16mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, with beautiful gilt inside borders on dark blue crushed levant doublures, marbled flys, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. A Paris: Chez Jean Ribou, au Palais, vis-a-vis la Porte de l’Eglise de la Sainte Chapelle, 4 1’Image S. Louis, 1668. A SPOTLESSLY CLEAN COPY OF THE EXCESSIVELY RARE GENU- INE First EDITION, WITHOUT the words ‘‘Sur l’Imprime’’ on the fleuron on title-page. 102 537. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). Le Tartuffe; ou 1’Im- posteur. Comedie. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant mo- roceo, gilt back, in compartments, gilt inside and outside bor- ders, gilt edges, doublures and flys of dark green China silk, -by Riviére. A Paris: Chez Jean Ribou, au Palais, vis-a-vis la Forte de l’Eglise de la Sainte Chapelle, a l1’Image S. Louis, 1669. THE VERY RARE FIRST ISSUE OF THE First EDITION, with the date of Privilege March 15 1669. Bound in at the end, is ‘“Observations sur la Comedie de 1’Imposteur,’’ with a separate title-page, bearing the date 1670 only, without imprint. This letter on the Comedy (94 pp.) while issued anonymously, is attributed to Moliére himself, and is also rare. 038. MOLIERE (J.B. P. DE). Monsieur de Pourceaugnae, Comedie. 16mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, full gilt over marbled edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Chez Jean Ribou, 1670 First EDITION. VERY SCARCE. 539. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). La Ceremonie du Malade Imaginaire. Receptio Publica unius jevenis in academia burlesca Joannis Baptiste Moliere, doctoris comici, revisa et de beaucoup augmentata super manuscriptos trovatos post suam mortem. Editio troisiesma. Portrait and etched frontispiece of ‘‘The Ceremony.’’ 8vo, full crushed crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt emblematic tooling in compartments on back, covers richly decorated with scrolls, with 24 gilt syringes embodied in the design, gilt inside borders, full gilt edges, by Rousselle. Lugduni: Ex officina a Lud. Perrin et Marinet, 1870 No. 1 of 30 copies printed on Holland paper. Three por- traits of Moliére have been inserted. A proof etching by Lalauze; one by Ingouf Jr. after Mignard; one by J. Punt, on Japan paper. Bound in with the foregoing work, is: L’Instrument de Moliere, traduction du traite de Clysteribus de Regnier de Graaf (1668). Paris: Damascene Morgand et Fatout, 1878. With the humorous vignettes, and two inserted portraits. Of this latter work, but a few copies were printed on China paper. 540. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). Les Guvres de Monsieur Moliére. With the two different frontispreces contamming por- traits of Moliére and his wife, Armande Béjart, by F. Chau- veau. 2 vols. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, doublures of dark blue levant morocco, elaborately tooled and gilt with dentelle border and centre ornaments of a pointillé style, gilt edges, by Bradstreet’s. Paris: Chez Thomas Jolly, 1666 The extremely rare FIRST COLLECTED EpITIon of the works of Moliére, with continuous pagination, containing all the pieces separately published up to that date. Fine and perfect copy, with all the blank leaves. It is an unusual thing to find both volumes with the different frontispieces and same publisher’s imprint. As important to the collector of First French edi- tions as the First Folio Shakespeare is to an Englishman. Priced in Damascene Morgand’s catalogues at 7,600 frances. 103 541. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE). (#£uvres compleétes de Moliére, avec les notes et tous commentateurs. Edition publiée par L.-Aimé Martin. 8 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris: Lefévre, 1824-1826 Large Papier Vélin copy. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the inser- tion of 6 portraits of Moliere (one of which is by Fiquet after Coypel). 30 plates after Moreau le jeune, engraved by Bosq, Croutelle, de Ghendt, Girardet, Delvaux, Ribault, Roger, Simonet, de Villiers and Villerey issued in 1812-1813, and 15 plates by Bein, Adam, Leroux, Chollet and others after Alex- andre Desenne. In all 51 plates. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. 542. MONNIER (ANTOINE). Eaux-Fortes et Réves Creux. Sonnets Excentriques et Poémes Etranges. Illus- trated with 20 etchings on China paper. 8vo, full crushed brown levant morocco, gilt back, with emblematic tooling on front cover of Owls, and skull and cross-bones, and on back cover skull and cross-bones in each corner, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Rous- selle. Paris: Librairie Léon Willem, 1873 UNIQUE Copy. CONTAINING THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS OF THE ETCHINGS, ON PURE VELLUM. One of 30 printed on China paper. 543. MONTAIGNE (MICHEL-EYQUEM DE). Kssais de Michel de Montaigne. Avee les notes de tous les com- mentateurs. Edition publiée par J. V. Le Clere. Portrait of the author, engraved by Dupont, proof before letters. 5 vols. royal 8vo, full green morocco, gilt edges. Paris: Lefévre, 1826 The Francis Baring copy, with bookplate in each volume. 544. MONTAIGNE (MICHEL-EYQUEM DE). Essais de Michel de Montaigne, avec les notes de tous les commentateurs, édition revue et augmentée de nouvelles notes, par M. Jos.- Vict. Le Clere.’ 5 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed morocco gilt- tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris, Lefévre, 1826 Large Papier Vélin copy. Inserted are two portraits of Montaigne engraved by Ficquet and Dupont. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume. ; 545. MONTESQUIEU (CHARLES DE SECONDAT DE). (Huvres de Montesquieu, avec les notes de tous les com- mentateurs. Edition publiée par L. Parrelle. 8 vols. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bertrand. Paris: Lefévre, 1826 Large Papier Vélin copy. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the inser- tion of 4 rare portraits of Montesquieu, and 13 plates after Chaudet, Moreau, Perrin, Peyron and Vernet, engraved by de Ghendt, Girardet, Malapeau, Née, Patas et Pauquet from the edition of 1796; all proofs before letters on India paper. The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate in each volume, 104 946. MONTESQUIEU (CHARLES DE SECONDAT DE). Le Temple de Gnide. Nouvelle Edition. With the exquisite series of plates, including frontispiece and title, engraved by N. Le Mire, after the designs of Eisen. Royal 8vo, bound in fine old red straight-grain morocco, gilt back, fillet and pointillé borders, inside dentelle border, gilt edges (a few leaves spot- ted). Paris: Chez Le Mire, 1772 Tall copy of this charming edition, measuring 250 mm. The Francis Martin—Halsey copy. Contains the slip ‘‘Avis au Relieur’’ bound in at the end, not found in all copies. 547. MONTESQUIEU (CHARLES DE SECONDAT DE). Lettres Persanes. Publiés en deux volumes avec une préface par M. Tourneux. Dessins d’Ed. de Beaumont gravées a 1’eau forte par Boilvin. Portrait of Montesquieu after St. Aubin and 8 designs after Ed. de Beawmont etched by Borlvin. 2 vols. 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant morocco, tooled with gold and silver ornaments on panel borders and back, doub- lures and flys of brocaded silk, inside borders, gilt tooled with serolls, gilt edges, uncut, original covers bound in, by P. Ruban. Paris: Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1886 Edition Jouaust. One of 170 copies on Large Holland paper. The eight etchings have been filled in various colors, by hand. 105 THIRD SESSION ‘Wednesday Afternoon, November 22, 1916, at 2:30 o'clock LOTS 548-815 548. MORTORGUEIL (GEORGES). Paris au Hasard. Illustrations composées et gravées sur bois par Auguste Lepére. 8vo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, back gilt and inlaid with daisies, doublures of yellow levant morocco, with 4 irregular panels of blue morocco, bordered with red, and numerous inlaid designs of open and closed daisies, marbled flys with brocaded silk lining, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Meunier, Paris: Imprime pour Henri Beraldi, 1895 One of 138 copies on Papier Vélin. 549. MONTORGUEIL (GEORGES). la _ Parisienne. Peinte par Elle-Méme. 21 full-page etchings in dry-point and 41 woodcut vignettes by Henry Somm. Royal 8vo, full blue erushed levant morocco, gilt line and floral border with small red blossoms, back similarly decorated, gilt inside border, brocade silk lining, gilt over rough edges, with the original wrappers bound in, by Meunier. Paris, 1897 One of 150 copies on Holland paper. 5950. MONTORGUEIL (GEORGES). La Vie a Mont- martre. Illustrations by Pierre Vidal, some in colors. Im- perial 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt line border, mosaic back; doublures of light brown levant morocco, gilt line bor- der embracing alternating circles of red and blue, gilt and inlaid center and corner pieces in panel, flowered silk end leaves, gilt edges, original wrapper bound in, by Affolter. 7 Paris [1899] One of 25 copies on Imperial Japan paper, with an extra set of the plates, proofs on China paper. d01. MOREAU (HEGESIPPE). (£uvres Inédites, avec Introduction et Notes par Armand Lebailly. Hitched frontis- piece by G. Staal. 16mo, board sides, levant morocco back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1867 Collection du Bibliophile Frangais. 552. MOREAU (HEGESIPPE). Petits Contes en Prose: Le Gui de Chéne, La Souris Blanche, Les Petits Souliers, Thérése Sureau. Portrait and 12 plates by Félix Oudart. Royal 8vo, boards, leather back, uncut. Paris, 1892 One of 25 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. 106 d03. MOREAU (HEGESIPPE). Le Myosotis. Petits Contes et Petits Vers. Jllustrated with 134 woodcuts by Clément Bellenger after Robaudi. Préface par André Theuriet. Royal 8vo, full hght brown crushed levant morocco, with an inlaid spray of blue-bells, back with similar decoration in compartments, inside border of same design, yellow flowered silk lining, gilt over rough edges, wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris, 1893 One of 150 copies on Japan paper, with an extra set of plates. without the text. 994. MOREAU (HEGESIPPE). Petits Contes a ma Sceur. 62 illustrations by Dunki, engraved on wood by Clément Bel- lenger. 4to, full hight brown crushed levant morocco, hand- some gilt floral border with decorative bands of red and blue, mosaic back, broad gilt inside borders, flowered silk lining, gilt over rough edges, wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris, 1896 One of 25 copies on old Japan paper, with two extra sets of the illustrations, proofs on Japan and China paper, signed by Bellenger, and an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING by Dunki inserted. 555. MOREAU LE JEUNE (J. M.). Monument du Cos- tume physique et moral de la fin du dix-huitiéme siécle, ou Tableaux de la Vie. Ornés de Figures dessines et gravée par M. Moreau le Jeune, Dessinateur du Cabinet du 8. M. T. C. et par d’autres célébres Artistes. With description by Rétif de la Bretonne. Folio, boards. Neuwied sur le Rhin, 1789 A handsome copy of this fine work, containing 26 large and beautiful plates of Moreau (two of which are by Freudenberg and do not appear in the French issue), engraved by Baquoy, Camligue, Dambrun, Delignon, De Launay, Guttenberg Helman, Malbeste, Martini, Halbou, Patas, Romanet, Thomas, Ingouf et Bosse. Most difficult to procure in any desirable state. The F. R. Halsey copy with bookplate. 556. MORIN (LOUIS). Histoires d’Autrefois. Le Caba- ret du Puitssans-Vin. 95 illustrations by the author, some colored by hand. 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, deco- rated with an inlaid and gilt-tooled design of swords, musical instruments, grape leaves, grapes, etc., gilt inside border, silk doublure and end-leaves, gilt edges, by Meunier. Paris, 1885 Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscrip- tion on half-title. One of a small number printed on vellum paper for presentation purposes. 557. MORIN (LOUIS). Histoires d’Autrefois. Jeannik. 87 illustrations by the author. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, decorated with unconventional bands of dark blue with a twining spray of forget-me-nots, back in six compart- ments decorated with same blossoms, back cover with small 107 sprig of forget-me-nots, gilt inside borders, silk doublure and end leaves, gilt edges, by Meunier. Paris, 1885 Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscrip- tion on the half-title. One of a small number printed on vel- lum paper for presentation purposes. 558. MORIN (LOUIS). Vieille Idylle. 12 Pointes séches et 20 ornements typographiques par l’autewr. 16mo, full erushed lavender morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, doublures and flys of brocaded silk, uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Carayon. Paris: Conquet, 1891 Presentation copy from the publisher, printed on Papier Vélin and not for sale. The illustrations are colored by hand. Fine copy. 559. MORIN (LOUIS). Les Cousettes. Physiologie des Couturiéres de Paris. Frontispiece and 21 vignette rlustra- tions designed and etched m dry point by Henry Somm. Royal 8vo, full lavendar crushed levant morocco, gilt line border enclosing a succession of ten perpendicular dotted lines interspersed with gilt roses, gilt scrolls in the corners, gilt inside border, with lavender silk doublure and end leaves, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. One of 100 copies printed on Japan paper. Paris, 1895 560. MORIN (LOUIS). Les Dimanches Parisiens; Notes d’un decadent. Quarante et une eaux-fortes originales de A. Lepere. Royal 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt and inlaid backs in compartments, double-fillet open panel filled with floral sprays, corners of light brown morocco inlays, doublures of dark green levant morocco, 2-fillet panel with corner ornaments of rose branches, tied with bow-knots, marbled flys with brown gros-grain silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Lortie. Paris: Librairie L. Conquet, 1898 UNIQUE EDITION. One of 200 copies printed on Papier Vélin du Marais, with the etchings in sepia in two states. The pres- ent copy contains, bound in at the end, 8 original etchings by Lepere, which were not included in the text. 561. MORIN (LOUIS). Carnavals Parisiens. With hand- colored wlustrations by the author. 12mo, original wrappers (shaken), uncut, enclosed in red satin ease. Paris: Montgredien et Cie, n. d. 062. MORIN (LOUIS). Histoires d’Autrefois: Les Amours de Gilles. 178 idlustrations by the author, colored by hand. 8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled in elaborate Louis XVI style, gilt inside line borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Meunier. Paris, n. d. Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph in- scription on half-title. 108 063. MULLER (EUGENE). la Mionette. 28 vignette adlustrations by O. Cortazzo, etched by Abot and Clapés. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, with an inlaid spray of pink and white flowers on sides and back, gilt inside border, tapestry silk lining, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris, 1885 ; One of 150 copies on Large Japan paper. 964. MURGER (HENRY). Scénes de la Bohéme. Frontis- piece and 12 etched plates by Adolphe Bichard, in two states, before and after letters. 8vo, full olive morocco, richly gilt tooled sides and back, gilt inside border, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1879 One of 100 copies with the extra plates on Japan paper. With the F. R. Halsey bookplate. 965. MURGER (HENRY). Scénes de la Vie de Bohéme. Illustrations by Charles Léandre, engraved in colors by Eug. Decisy. Thick royal 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt line and scroll tooling conforming to diamond shaped center panel, doublures of green levant morocco, blind and gilt line outside border, inside panel border of ornamental scroll tool- ing, red silk end leaves, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. In ease. Paris, 1902 One of 35 copies on Japan paper, with an extra set of plates, in colors, without the text, and three trial states of the color printing of one of the plates, at the end. 966. MUSEE. Hero et Leandre. Notices par A. Pons. Illustrated with vignettes by Meéaulle after the designs of Pfnor, pages printed within decoratwe borders. 16mo, full erushed brown levant morocco, gilt floral spray on back, tooled center ornament on covers, gilt inside borders, full gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Petits Chefs-d’Cuvres Antiques. Paris: A. Quantin, 1879 567. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). L’Anglais mangeur d’opium. Traduit de ]1’Anglais par A. D. M. 16mo, full levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. | Paris: Mame et Delaunay-Vallée, 1828 The very rare First Epirion of the first of Musset’s literary productions. Inserted is a portrait of the author etched by Mongin, proof before letters. Very fine clean copy. 568. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Contes d’Espagne et d’Italie. 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt inside bor- ders, gilt edges, by Hardy-Mennil.. 3 Paris: A Levavasseur, 1830 Fine copy of the very rare First Epition of De Musset’s first work, published when he was twenty years of age, and limited to 500 copies. 109 569. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Un Spectacle dans un fauteuil [en vers]. 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, triple fillet border on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, by Thibaron-Joly. Paris: Librairie d’Eugene Renduel, 1833 CHOICE COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION. 570. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). (Céuvres; With his Life, by Paul de Musset. 11 vols. 12mo, full blue crushed morocco, gilt backs in compartments, 3-fillet border on covers, gilt in- side borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1876 One of 110 copies on China paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF THE SERIES OF 42 BEAUTIFUL ETCHINGS DE- SIGNED BY HENRI PILLE AND ENGRAVED BY MONZIES, together with the series of 6 etchings by Bida, engraved by Lalauze. There are also 18 portraits inserted, by different artists, repre- sented in from one to three states. The biographical volume contains an etched frontispiece by Abot. 571. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). 56 illustrations pour les Cuvres d’Alfred de Musset. Aquarelles par Eugene Lam. Eauz-fortes par Adolphe Lalauze. Small folio. In original portfolio. Paris: Morgand, 1883 One of 100 copies issued on Japan paper with the title in two states and the etched plates artist’s remarque proof before letters. This edition was published at 500 francs and is now very scarce. 572. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Onze eaux-fortes pour les ceuvres de Alfred de Musset. Gravées d’aprés les dessins de J. P. Laurens, Ad. Moreau, Giacomelli et Gervex. Ato, origi- nal paper covers. Paris: Morgand, 1884 LiMiTED EpDITION on Japan paper. Fine impressions of the portrait of Musset and the 10 plates. ; 573. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Le Dernier Abbé Illustré de dix-neuf compositions par Ad. Lalauze. Royal 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt and inlaid backs in compartments, covers bordered with a steel-gray inlay of crushed morocco, ornately tooled, gilt inside borders, marbled flys, with doublures and linings of brocaded satin, full gilt edges on the rough, original covers bound in, by Meunier. Paris: Librairie des Amateurs, A. Ferroud, 1891 One of 63 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states, one with remarque. A PROOF PORTRAIT of the author, on China paper, has been inserted, and on the first blank leaf is an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING, signed, by Ad. Lalauze. 574. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). la Confession d’un En- fant du Siécle. Dix compositions de P. Jazet. Gravées & l’Eau-forte par E. Abot. Royal 8vo, full blue crushed levant 110 LE 'PAS TISSIER FRANCOIS. LE PASTISSIER FRANCOIS Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet [Number 616] morocco, gilt backs, with floral inlays in compartments, triple fillet borders, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by David. Paris: Ancienne Maison Quantin, 1891 One of 50 copies printed on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states, unfinished, finished, and lettered proofs. 575. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). La Mouche. Préface par Philippe Gille. 30 etched plates by Ad. Lalauze, 25 being in three states and 5 wn four states, including in each case, out- line, remarque and signed artist’s proof. Royal 8vo, full orange crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled back and lined borders, doublures of lavender levant inlaid with brown frame festooned with rose-sprays, cupid bows and conventional tools, flys of flowered silk, gilt edges, by Mercier. Paris, 1892 One of only 30 copies on Japan paper, with the plates as above. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY LALAUZE. 576. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Frédéric et Bernerette. Illustrations de Myrbach, gravées par Privat-Richard. 16mo, full lilac levant morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1893 One of 30 copies printed on Japan paper. An etched proof portrait of De Musset is inserted. 577. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Le Fils du Titien. Crois- illes. Illustrations de Paul Chabas, gravées par L. Rousseau. 16mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Rousselle. Paris, 1894 One of 30 copies on Japan paper. Inserted is a portrait of Musset etched by L. Monzies. 978. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). _ Lorenzaccio: Drame. Illustrations wn colors by Albert Maignan. 8vo, full maroon levant morocco, gilt back with inlaid fleur-de-lys in compart- ments, ornamented on covers with tooled border, inside of which are inlaid corner and centre inlays of fleurs-de-lys; doublures of light blue levant morocco, with handsome gilt border, marbled end leaves, silk linings, full gilt edges, origi- nal wrappers bound in, by Mercier Sr. de Cuzin. Paris: Pour la Societe des Amis des Livres, 1895 One of 115 copies printed on China paper. 579. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Les Nuits et Souvenir. Portrait d’aprés David d’Angers. Interprété par Florian. Illustrations de A. Gérardin, gravées par Florian. Imp. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, back richly decorated with pointillé and burnished gold design in compartments, covers with central panel having elaborate pointillé corner orna- ments, gilt inside borders, marbled flys, with doublures and 111 linings of blue moire silk, full gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris: Edouard Pelletan, 1896 One of 25 copies printed on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, on Japan paper, on Japan ancien, and on China paper. THE SET ON JAPAN PAPER HAS BEEN INSERTED, as no set was issued with the plates in all three states. 080. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Mademoiselle Mimi Pin- son. Profil de Grisette. Ktchings m color by Francois Cour- bom. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, doublures of citron morocco, with wide fillet and pointillé border, corner and side ornaments, marbled end leaves, embroidered silk linings, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Lortic. Paris: Les Cent Bibliophiles, 1899 One of 115 copies printed on special paper, with a duplicate set of the plates. This copy printed for Baron d’Hsneval. 581. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Histoire d’un Merle Blane. Decoratwe borders designed by H. Giacomella and etched by L. Boisson. Royal 8vo, full pearl gray crushed levant morocco, decorated with sprigs of currents and black- berries inlaid in natural colors and gilt-tooled, doublure of white levant morocco, with rustic gilt border decorated with a reproduction of the current design of the half title, inlaid in natural colors, gray silk end leaves, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. With extra half morocco cover and ease. Paris, 1904 One of 200 copies de Grand Luxe, on Papier Vélin du Marais. 582. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). On ne Badine pas avec V’Amour. Comédie en trois Actes. Illustrations by Adrien Moreau, etched and printed in colors by E. Pennequn. Royal 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, triple line gilt border, small ornaments in the corners, doublures of brown crushed levant, ornamental gilt fillet and scroll border, blue silk end leaves, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle- Duru. Paris, 1905 One of 25 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in three states, unfinished proofs, proofs before letters, and the colored impressions in the text; also a fine ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAW- ING by Moreau on the fly-leaf. 583. NAPOLEON. les Cahiers du Capitaine Coignet (1776-1850). Publiés d’aprés le manuscrit original par Lorédan Larchey. 18 full-page plates, each wn two states, one printed mm colors and one in black; and many text vignettes, all from designs by Julien Le Blant. 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, doublures of crimson levant, richly gilt-tooled with Napoleonic emblems, silk end-leaves, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Champs. | Paris, 1896 EpIrion DE Luxr. One of 40 copies printed on Japan Im- perial paper, with the additional set of remarque plates in colors. 112 084. NEEL (L. BALTHASAR). Voyage de Paris a Saint- Cloud par Mer; et retour de Saint-Cloud a Paris par terre. Avec une Préface et des Notes par E. Legrand. Aquarelles de Jeannot gravées par Gillot. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, covers decorated with a handsome and elaborate border design of leaf sprays, scrolls, birds, butterflies, etc., and baskets of flowers in the corners, gilt in- side borders, marbled flys, doublures and linings of yellow and cream brocaded satin, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Durvand. Paris: A. Lahure, 1884 One of 50 copies on Imperial Japan paper, with the plates in three states, two of which sets are colored by hand. 585. NERVAL (GERARD DE). Scénes de la Vie Orientale. Les Femmes du Caire. 8vo, full crimson straight-grain mo- rocco, gilt inside borders, doublures and fly-leaves of blue watered silk, gilt over rough edges, wrappers bound in, by S. David. Paris: Ferdin. Sartorius, 1848 First Epirion. Fine copy, with uncut edges and original Wrappers. 586. NERVAL (GERARD DE). Sylvie. Souvenirs de Valois. 42 compositions dessinées et gravées a l’eau-forte par Ed. Rudaux. 12mo, full brown crushed levant morocco, front cover covered with a rich floral design of sprays, leaves, blossoms, birds and butterflies tooled and inlaid in gold, silver and various colors, doublures and end leaves of flowered silk, cilt tooled inside borders, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by Ch. Meunier. Paris, 1886 One of 150 copies on large Japan paper. Plates in two states. 587. NERVAL (GERARD DE). Les Filles du Feu. Sylvie, Jemmy,. Octavie, Isis, Emilie. Avec une Préface de Jules Levallois. Dessins d’Emile Adan, gravés a l’eau-forte par Le Rat. Plates in two states, one set bewg proofs before letters. Royal 8vo, full wine color crushed levant morocco, with line and dot border joining four floriated scrolls, gilt back in six compartments, gilt inside line and scroll border, © dark watered silk lining, gilt top, uncut, by Bretault. One of 125 copies on Holland Paper. Paris, 1888 588. [NEWTON (SIRISAAC).] Perrault (Charles). His- toires ou Contes du temps passé. Avec des Moralitez Par le Fils de Monsieur Perrault de 1’Academie Francois. Frontts- piece **Contes de ma mere Loye’’ and 8 copperplate vignettes. 16mo, full crushed levant morocco, back with gilt Cat in boots, silt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet (sightly damaged on front cover ). -{Hollande]: Suivant la Copie a Paris, 1698 Very rare with this imprint. WITH THE AUTOGRAPH SIGNA- TURE OF ISAAC NEWTON ON FLY-LEAF, The F. R. Halsey copy, with bookplate. 113 089. NIEL (P. G. J.). Portraits des Personnages Fran- cais les plus Illustres du XVIe Siécle, reproduits en Facsimile sur les Originaux illustrés aux crayons de couleur par divers Artistes contemporains. 48 large and beautifully colored portraits, with descriptive text. 2 vols. full crushed citron levant morocco, finely tooled backs and sides, gilt edges, by Wright. Paris: Lenoir, 1848-56 First Issue of this handsome work. 590. NODIER (CHARLES). Le Bibliomane. Préface de R. Vallery-Radot.. Portrait and 23 other woodcuts by F. Noél after Maurice Lelowr. 12mo, full brown straight-grain mo- rocco, gilt back and panel borders; panels blind-tooled with center vignettes, doublures and flys of flowered silk, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in. Paris: L. Conquet, 1894 One of about 75 copies printed on China paper, with wide margins. 591. NODIER (CHARLES). Le Dernier Chapitre de Mon Roman. Préface de Maurice Tourneux. Portrait of the author etched by Delauney (inserted), and 33 illustrations by Lows Morin, colored by hand. 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt line and scroll tooled, gilt inside border, red silk guards, gilt edges, wrappers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris, 1895 One of 200 copies on Papier Vélin Blanc du Marais. 592. NODIER (CHARLES). Inés de las Sierras. Com- positions dessinées et gravées a l’eau-forte, en couleurs par Paul Avril. Préface de A. de Claye. Imp. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, triple line borders, richly gilt-tooled back, doublure of orange crushed levant, with a gilt orna- mental border, flies of blue watered silk, gilt top, uncut, origi- nal covers bound in, by Bretault. Paris, 1897 Of this choice production only 200 copies were printed, with the illustrations in five states, yellow, red, blue, bistre, and the finished plate. 593. NODIER (CHARLES). Histoire du Chien de Bris- quet. Précédée d’une Lettre a Jeanne par M. Anatole France. 25 compositions de Steinlen gravées par Deloche, EK. Froment, Ernest et Frédéric Florian. 4to, full olive crushed levant morocco, gilt back in compartments, fillet and dentelle cover borders, doublures of light brown levant morocco, inlaid top and sides of dark olive, richly and handsomely tooled with scrolls, inlaid corner ornaments with gilt dog’s heads, marbled flys, with dark green ribbed silk linings, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Edouard Pelletan, 1900 One of 25 copies on LarGE PapireR VELIN, with the illustra- tions in three states, in the text, on ancient Japan paper and on China paper, each signed by the engraver. AN ORIGINAL FULL-PAGE CRAYON DRAWING By STEINLEN IS INSERTED. 114 594. NODIER (CHARLES). La Légende de Soeur Béatrix. Illustrations wm colors by Henri Caruchet. Royal 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt and inlaid back in compartments, covers ornamented with a border of gilt crosses, the tops and sides terminating in an inlaid floret, doublures of dark gray levant morocco, with inlaid morning-glory vine border, flys of brocaded silk, gilt edges on the rough, original wrappers bound in, by Affolter. Paris: Librairie A. Rouquette, 1903 One of 150 copies on Large Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the illustrations and borders bound at the end. The text is printed within hand-colored ornamental and pictured borders, and each leaf is separately mounted. 0995. NODIER (CHARLES). Jean Sbogar. With -full- page and wgnette illustrations by Marold, Mittis and Picard. 18mo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt floral spray on back, tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. ‘«Petite Collection Guillaume.’’ Paris: E. Dentu, 1894 096. NODIER (CHARLES). Séraphine. With full-page and vignette Ulustrations by G. Picard. 18mo, full gray-blue crushed levant morocco, gilt floral spray on back, small tooled centre ornament on covers, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. ‘