| _THE LEWIS J. BIRD COMPANY || a UPPER GALLERIES | Sed 7 BOSWORTH STREET, BOSTON, MASS. tee IMPORTANT Inrestricted Public Sale The Superb Collection of PAINTINGS ‘urniture, Onental Rugs and Objects of Art | _ belonging to the estate of the late ORENCE. A. SANBORN OF BOSTON o Pee under the will by order of Rnecht > a > AUCTION SALE Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday | May 21,22, 23 at three o'clock each day ntinuous Exhibition from Wednesday, May 15 ae ae oe A® e) ’ LIBRARY NO ‘i M.KNOEDLER & C0. 1505 | 556-8 Fifth Ave Bin aeons we NOW SL Ole CONDITIONS OF SALE Bills payable in cash before delivery. Bills must be sent for the ele of — goods. Goods must be removed at the expense and risk of purchasers nme a after the sale: Goods not removed on the day of the sale remain at the risk of the Pury # chaser. No claims allowed after the removal of bh goods. Articles are exposed for examination, a and are sold without guaranty. Deposits must be given when requ Our record of sales is in all cases final. : Orders to buy executed without charge. oe LEWIS 2 BIRD GOr AUCTIONEER, ? vI6L ‘34Us1AdoD AUOLS ONILSHAYALNI NV — 912 CATALOGUE OF Important Collection of Paintings, Household Furniture, Oriental Rugs, Bronzes, Porcelains, et cetera from the estate of the late FLORENCE A. SANBORN OF BOSTON to be sold at auction MAY 21 and the two following days at three o'clock SPECIAL NOTICE The paintings in this sale are all from the above estate, and, in most cases, were purchased by the family of the deceased direct from the artists, and no doubt exists as _to their authenticity. Orders executed without charge LEWIS J. BIRD COMPANY Ae pe} Te a Ce vw ae i. DB) a Vic, Vine ee Wis a 4 > + ’ - 1 my + h ~ ‘ —_ ” 1 . . 1 ' . / ‘ 5 S oO wonra nan F&F WS HO KS a no -_- S&S es WwW — nn wm TUESDAY, MAY 21, at 3. Colored glass vases — 2 pieces. Bamboo vase. Austrian vase. Limoges painted vase. Copper pitcher. Copper two-handled vase. Two old brass candlesticks — odd. Doulton vase. Bronze squirrel. Carved group monkeys. Beautifully painted royal Vienna vase. Dresden electric lamp with figures and - garland of roses. Finely carved ivory group of elephants crossing a bridge. ~ Small electric lamp with glass shade. Limoges jardiniere. Glass vase, iris in relief. Orders Executed Without Charge 17 18 19 20 pM LZ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Cut glass vase. Large glass vase. Large bronze electric lamp with leaded glass shade. Carved Italian six-light electric floor lamp — a very fine piece. Glass bowl. F inely carved ivory sword with figures in relief. Mahogany mantel chime clock. Pottery jardiniere on stand. Marble reclining figure signed “Canova.” Large ormolu Sevres vase with finely painted panels, signed ‘‘ Ch. Labarre.”’ Cost $500. Mahogany Chippendale library table. Mahogany cabinet, drophead White ro- tary sewing machine. Carved mahogany tea table. Mahogany rush-seat chairs with cushions, 2 pieces. Mahogany rush-seat rocker with cushions. Orders Executed Without Charge 32 33 34 ao 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 dt 45 46 47 = Mahogany cane-seat rocker with cushions. Tapestry upholstered chaise longue. Tapestry upholstered armchair. Tapestry upholstered patent rocker to match. Tapestry upholstered Davenport sofa. Marquetry inlaid tabourettes — 2 pieces. Marquetry inlaid table. Mahogany Chippendale desk chair. Massive mahogany dresser and bureau with plate glass mirror. Another, swell front. Tapestry upholstered Queen Anne arm- chair. Tapestry two-fold screen. Silk damask upholstered sofa. Armchair to match. Italian walnut bench with carved figures and silk damask seat. Mohagany single four-post bed with spring and hair mattress. Orders Executed Without Charge 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 6 Carved mahogany pier table with mirror back. Mahogany three-fold low screen with em- broidered panels. Gold three-section mantel mirror with fig- ures in relief. Painted round mirror. Bronze figures of Fortuna, height 36 inches. Mahogany pedestal. Heavy brass full-size bed; upholstered spring and mattress. Cloisonne covered jar. Tiffany glass vase. Finely cut glass vase. Royal Vienna vase with painted panels. Venetian glass vase, finely cut. French pitcher vase. Sevres vase. Royal Worcester pitcher vase. Vienna vase. Small jade-colored vase. Orders Executed Without Charge 65 66 67 68 69 Porcelain vase. Carved ivory jar with cover. Cut glass candlesticks. Fine Chapel glass vase. Porcelain plaque. 70-72 Limoges plaques — 3 pieces. 73-74 Limoges painted pitcher vases—2 pieces. 75 Wedgwood fan-shaped plaque. Orders Executed Without Charge WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, AT 3. 101 Canton medallion vase. 102 Brass jardiniere. — 103 Porcelain vase. 104 Pair massive brass andirons. 105 Porcelain vase. 106 ‘Tiffany bowl. 107 Pair brass jam hooks. 108 Delft slippers, 2 pairs. 109 French enamel small vase. 110 4 pieces — bowls, etc. 111 10 pieces — vases, etc. 112 4 pieces — trays, vases, etc. 113. Marble and bronze trays— 2 pieces. 114 Limoges vase, bowl, and covered box. 115 4 pieces — vases, etc. 116 Dresden slipper. 117 Royal Vienna plate. 118 Odd trays, Cloisonne, etc. — 4 pieces. Orders Executed Without Charge . 119 120 121 9 Porcelain bowl and plate. Porcelain vase and tray. Bronze incense burner and jardiniere. 121-133 12 photographs, various sizes. 134 135 136 137 138 ye Se 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Kermanshah mat, 2.7 x 1.11. Shiraz, 4 x 26. Daghestan, 5.7 x 4.2. Bjar Kurdestan, 12.3 x 3.4. fabistan, 5.6 x 3.2. ean 9x 3.11: Scotch Axminster carpet, three-toned green, size 22 x 95. Willow carpet, 12.9 x 9.8. Willow carpet, 10.10 x 6.9. Pair red damask portieres, lined with sateen. 24 pairs rose colored silk tapestry portieres. 3 pairs green damask portieres. 3 pairs green damask portieres. 3 pairs striped silk damask portieres. 148-149 Wilton rugs. 150-153 Sofa pillows. 154 2 feather and 1 hair pillows. Orders Executed Without Charge GS 201 ef 202 6, 203 "4 204 7 / 205 206 Sp 27 THURSDAY, MAY 23, AT 3. White, T. Scott Boston CANAL SCENE —7 xi White, T. Scott Boston DUTCH LANDSCAPE — 5 x 9% (Unknown) MOONLIGHT SCENE — 5 x 10 Enneking, J. J., deceased Boston EVENING LANDSCAPE — 8 x 11 (With colors) Loria, V. | Naples ITALIAN STREET SCENE — 11 x 20 Leganger, N. T. Boston HEAVENLY LOVE — 16 x 20 Sloane, George, 1904 Paris FRENCH INTERIOR WITH LADY — 13 x 22 a 208 Sloane, George, 1901 Paris LADY FEEDING PARROT — 12 x 16 vA A} “209 Henry, E. L., 1906 : New York ON THE WAY TO TOWN Orders Executed Without Charge 11 | P ya 210 Huguet, A. T. French MOORISH CARAVAN — 15 x 18 at 211 Sus, Gust, 1870 - Dutch DUCKS AND DUCKLINGS — 15 x 18 F 212 Grolleron, P. Paris FOR THE THIRST TO COME —~15x 11 LO 213 Wardle, Arthur American MY LADY’S PETS — 16 x 20 ‘ | dé 214 Moeller, Louis (N. A.) Munich x 4 A GOOD JOKE — 18 x 25 a 20 215 Pazant, A. Paris : LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE — 25 x 32 q / ry, 20. 216 Brown, J. G., deceased a New York, 1831-1913 AN INTERESTING STORY — 27 x, 36 (A very fine example with six figures) th Fea! (Copyright, 1914) ; q j ¢ a; 217 Brown, J. G. KISS YER HONEY — 16 x 24 (Copyright) / 9p 218 Magni, G. Florence o: ITALIAN INTERIOR WITH FIGURES — 30 x 40 a Orders Executed Without Charge a t* : in @ f.a* 4 4 12 Vh ?D 219 Pierce, C. T. Boston {,®. g THE ‘TWINS —-25'x 32 (Copyright, 1903) i ““ 7. 220 Johnson, David L. New York INTERIOR FROM THE GENESEE — 93 x 12 * / aA “221 Noyes, George L. Boston | MEXICAN GIRL — 14 x 18 \ ~ ; 4m) Sf. 222 Leavitt, E. C., 1897 Providence | ROSES — 12 x 20 es e. “ A Uh os D223 (Unknown) American * ~ eure ROSES — 16 x 22 : _... 224 Sewall, W. H. LANDSCAPE — 14 x 18 ~ @&»s* } 7 p 225 De faux, Alexandre French = Wea’ COAST OF BRITTANY — 36 x 54 ef vd 226 Leen Ridgway, 1889 Philadelphia ( MOONRISE — 183 x 22 | . & i ; ‘ A Go 227 Bremen, Meyer von, 1873 Munich gh, : BUYING CHESTNUTS — 15 x 18 / 3 228 Walker, W. A. ats’ PAIR PICKING COTTON — 4x8 Orders Executed Without Charge ¥é ) 236 yt ~ | 44 p 238 Pr ae ee I ay ry %, 13 Hallett, Hendricks A. Boston ON THE NORTH SHORE Rosell, A. | IN THE GARDEN — 24 x 30 Dutton, A. M. Boston ROSES — 20'x 65 (Water-color panel) COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH (Etching) AURORA (Colored engraving) MARIE ANTOINETTE AND LOUIS SEIZE (Colored French engravings) (Unknown) (Painting on porcelain) Reyna, A. French VENETIAN CANAL SCENE — 15 x 30 Langee, Georges French PEASANT GIRL — 15 x 24 De Bock, Gh. Dutch DUTCH LANDSCAPE — 15 x 30 De Bock, Gh... Dutch DUTCH LAN DSCAPE,— 15 x 30 Orders Executed Without Charge > 14 240 Noyes, Geo. L. Boston , th 2% STILL LIFE — 18 x 20 241 Epp, R. «> GIRL BLOWING BUBBLES — 28 x 36 nee 4 242 Knight, Daniel Ridgway New York x ~ FRENCH FLOWER GARDEN WITH FIGURES — 30 x 36 243 Knight, Daniel Ridgway New York FRENCH FLOWER GARDEN WITH FIGURES — 20.246 (Two very important examples) 244 Gaugengigl, I. M. Boston THE TROUBADOUR — 15 x 10 =~ 245 Cazin, Jean Baptiste touiselatl Bench e. FRENCH VILLAGE — 15 x 12 246 Sanchez-Perrier, E. Spanish ... » « RIVER LANDSCAPE — 6 x 12 247 Sanchez-Perrier, E. Spanish «*_ RIVER LANDSCAPE — 15 x 18 | 248 Schroeder, A. Munich «¢. - CAVALIER WITH GLASS — 10 x 12 } p 5 “~~ 249 Dupre, Jules hile French ¢ 4, LANDSCAPE — 8 x 10 Orders Executed Without Charge 15 250 f 0 Andreot,F Italian - Portielje, Gerard Antwerp eS AT THE NOTARY — 24 x 30 cs Pope, Alexander Boston SPANIEL DOG — 18 x 24 3 Van Leemputten, C. French e LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP — 36 x 48 | (A fine and impressive work) Hardwick, Melbourne H. Boston ; LANDSCAPE — 18 x 24 Hardwick, Melbourne H. Boston TCH INTERIOR WITH FIGURES — 20 x 30 Johnson, Marshall Boston . IN THE BAY — 18 x 24 Q errill, Frank T. Boston CHRISTMAS — 18 x 30 | | ‘ Orders Executed Without Charge ; _Stoane George, 1904 Boston £ : 16 aa 260 Dutton, A. M. Boston S : ROSES — 18 x 24 — 5. 261 Grondard, P. Antwerp 1% 7 DUTCH INTERIOR — 12 x 15 a as 262 Ferris, J. G. L. American €’ | LADY AND DOG — 15 x 24 (Etching) et q 3 263 Moorish WINDOW : (Colored photograph) g 264 RELIEF CAMEOS IN FRAME Pe ee 5 Fine lot of antiques, paintings, etc., not cata- ~* ‘ logued, from other estates. 9 4 ‘ Orders Executed Without Charge FOR INCOME TAX, INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LEWIS J. BIRD CO. are well equipped to make || APPRAISALS and INVENTORIES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION | || Sales Held Anywhere at Owner's Convenience _ || LEWIS J. BIRD COMPANY me AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS