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TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES RIGNALL WHEELER THEODORE WOOLSEY HEERMANCE PREFACE Next to the Parthenon, the Erechtheum is undoubtedly the most famous of the buildings erected on the Athenian Acropolis during the fifth century, B.c. As the Parthenon repre- sents the highest development of the Doric order, so the Erechtheum is commonly held to be the most perfect example of the Ionic, and its forms have been imitated again and again by modern architects. To record these forms exactly, to collect the epigraphical and literary testimony relating to the building, and by interpreting the evidence thus presented in the light of modern archaeological and historical knowledge, to reconstruct, so far as possible, the original appearance and the history of the temple is the purpose of this volume and the accompanying plates. To the making of this book many men have contributed, and a brief account of its origin and development will serve to explain the form in which it is now published. A fuller ac- count is preserved in the American School at Athens. The original notes made by Mr. Stevens, his drawings for the figures in the text, and negatives of many of the photographs used for the other illustrations are also deposited there. The original drawings for PLATES I-XXXII are in the School of Applied Arts of the University of Cincinnati. The inception of this study of the Erechtheum is due to Dr. Theodore W. Heermance, Director of the School from 1903 to 1905. In the autumn of 1903, he suggested to Professor James R. Wheeler, the Chairman of the Managing Committee, that the plan adopted by the Greek authorities for a thorough reconstruction of the North Portico of the Erechtheum offered an opportunity for a detailed architectural study of the building. Professor Wheeler enthusiastically endorsed Dr. Heermance’s proposal and asked the officers of the Carnegie Institution whether they would grant the funds necessary to send a competent architect to Athens. The Carnegie Institution at once approved the plan, and at the suggestion of Mr. Charles F. McKim of the well-known firm of McKim, Mead and White, Mr. Gorham P. Stevens was appointed the first Fellow in Architecture of the School on the grant of the Car- negie Institution. Mr. Stevens reached Athens in November, 1903, and his drawings for the plates which were originally planned (PLATES I-X XX) were exhibited at the School during the Archaeological Congress in Athens in the spring of 1905. His last notes on his study of the building during this period were handed to Dr. Heermance at the end of July, 1905. As the work was originally planned by Dr. Heermance, the volume of text was to con- tain a fairly full description of the temple, serving as a commentary on the plates; notes on the methods of construction employed by the builders of the Erechtheum and a brief his- tory of its later transformations; some account of the descriptions by early travelers and vii viil PREFACE of the more important modern discussions; a brief chapter on the sculptured decoration; and the text of the inscriptions relating to the building, with a commentary. The section on the sculpture was from the beginning entrusted to Professor Harold N. Fowler, Annual Pro- fessor at the School in 1903-04, and his chapter, in its first form, was completed before the end of 1905. The remaining four sections Dr. Heermance planned to write himself, and during the whole period of Mr. Stevens’s residence in Athens, they discussed together the many problems involved, and Dr. Heermance prepared a preliminary draft of the first sec- tion, arranged and classified a large number of notes for the second, and collected some material for the third. The sudden death of Dr. Heermance in September, 1905, made necessary a complete change of plan. In October of that year, Dr. Lacey D. Caskey was asked to undertake the section on the building inscriptions, and the greater part of this chapter was completed in 1908, although much of it has since been rewritten. After the appointment of Mr. Bert H. Hill as Director in 1906, the members of the School devoted a considerable part of their time to the study of the building, and this study resulted in the publication of several papers in the American Journal of Archaeology and elsewhere, all of which are duly noted in the following pages. But apart from these activities, no progress was made during the next five years in the actual preparation of the text. In 1910, the Managing Committee of the School, acting on the recommendation of the Publication Committee, appointed Dr. James M. Paton as editor of the book and also asked him to prepare a chapter on the history of the Erechtheum; and during the next few years the scheme of the work was considerably modified. It was decided, among other changes, to include a fairly complete bibliography of the published material relating to the Erechtheum, without, however, attempting to discuss the many theories that have been proposed about the building. Between 1910 and 1914 considerable progress was made in preparing the text in accord- ance with this scheme. Chapter I was practically completed and the chapter on the sculp- tures entirely revised. But the outbreak of the war made effective codperation difficult, and between 1914 and 1920 little was accomplished except the drafting of Chapter II and a part of Chapter V by Dr. Paton. During all the years from 1905 to 1920, moreover, fur- ther work of restoration on the building itself under the direction of Mr. Balanos, the Greek architect in charge, and the careful investigation of the foundations carried on by the American School necessitated constant changes both in the plates and in the text. Not until 1920 could the final work of revising and completing the various parts be seriously undertaken. This account of the genesis of the book will explain why no definite author can be named for the first two chapters. The foundation of Chapter I is the first draft of Dr. Heermance, based on Mr. Stevens’s notes. But this has been much enlarged and completely rewritten by Dr. Paton, with the help of criticism and correction by Mr. Stevens and Dr. Hill, whose sug- PREFACE 1x gestions have sometimes been adopted verbatim. Chapter II was written by Dr. Paton from Dr. Heermance’s rough notes, but here again the statements in the text have been revised by Mr. Stevens and Dr. Hill. In fact throughout the entire work Dr. Hill by his thorough knowledge of the building and his sound judgment has given invaluable assist- ~ ance to the editor. The Appendices and the Indices have been prepared by Dr. Paton. The authors wish to make grateful acknowledgment to the Greek Government, Mr. N. Balanos, and the Ephors in charge of the Acropolis for their liberality in granting unre- stricted access to the building during and since its restoration and thus affording oppor- tunity to study all its details, as well as for their kindness in offering every facility for the examination of the fragments of the sculpture; to Professor W. B. Dinsmoor for the draw- ings which are published in PLarr XX XIJ and in the text, for his contribution in Additional Note III, and for his assistance in verifying measurements and in other ways; to Dr. C. W. Blegen, for help in preparing the chapter on the sculptures and in obtaining many photo- graphs; to Dr. L. B. Holland, for the use of several drawings; and to Professor A. B. West, for preparing Additional Note IJ. They are also much indebted to the following institutions and individuals for their courtesy in communicating material and their ready permission to photograph or copy whatever was desired for use in this volume: The British Museum, and especially Mr. A. H. Smith, Keeper of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities; the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington; the Royal Institute of British Archi- tects; Sir John Soane’s Museum; the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge; the Bibliothéque Nationale; the Bibliothéque de l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts; the Louvre; Stadtbibliothek, Strasbourg (in 1914); the Deutsches Archdologisches Institut; the Biblioteca Nazionale di San Marco, Venice; Messrs. Maurice Skene-Tytler of Keith Marischal and Felix Skene of Send, Woking; Geheimrath Ludwig Pallat, Berlin; Professor Kurt Miller, Gottingen; and Professor Richard Forster, Breslau. PAu Vie Ge BAUR, GEORGE H. CHASE, Haroitp N. Fow er, Publication Committee. NA ay, CONTENTS PREFACE TABLE OF CONTENTS . List oF ILLUSTRATIONS . ABBREVIATIONS CHAPTER I DESCRIPTION OF THE ERECHTHEUM DESCRIPTION OF THE ERECHTHEUM . I. Foundations and Crepis II. The East Facade Ill. The Ceiling of the East Per as IV. The East Wall ; V. The North and South Walls VI. The West Facade 1. The Lower Wall, 56. — 2. The ‘West Taga ene hs Lone Ww all me the Eutab- lature; (A) The Greek Construction, 60; (8) The Roman Alterations, 66. — 3. The En- Eiiature, 69. VII. The Roof of the Main Ree VIII. The North Portico . Poa tne North Door .-... X. The Crypt beneath the Necth Date XI. The Porch of the Maidens XII. The Pandroseum XIII. The Cecropium . . . XIV. The Interior of the Huge 1. Remains of Earlier Structures, 137. — 2. The East Cella: ‘ee The Hast Cross-W all, 146: (Bp) The Level of the Floor in the East Cella, 150.— 3. The Western Part of the Temple, (aA) The West Cross-Wall, 151; (B) The Central Part of the Building, 156; (c) The Prostomiaion and Erechtheis, 161; (pb) The Niche, 171; (©) Temporary Repairs before the Roman Restoration, 178. ; CHAPTER II NOTES ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ERECHTHEUM NovTes ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ERECHTHEUM . I. Varieties of Stone : II. Dressing of the Surfaces 4 Gongs Ill. Hoisting, Setting, and eee Stones . IV. Finishing Operations . List of Inserted Pieces, 207. xi vil Xl XV XXlil 104 110 119 127 137 181-231 181 182 188 199 Xll CONTENTS V, a. Refinements in Construction V, B. Irregularities and Extravagant Goucterction VI. Color age VII. Foot: Variations VIII. Ancient Repairs and Restoretone Note A: On the Cement Used in the Porch of the ee 295, — ontis B: oF the Wood Used in the Empolia of the East Portico, 226.— Note C: On the Traces of Color Observed by Early Travellers, 227. CHAPTER III THE SCULPTURES OF THE ERECHTHEUM By HAROLD NORTH FOWLER THE SCULPTURES OF THE ERECHTHEUM I. The Caryatids II. The Frieze ; Description of the Pease of fe ee 246. —~ ay eran Doubtful a Ae Trageaeee 270. CHAPTER IV THE INSCRIPTIONS By LACEY DAVIS CASKEY Tur INSCRIPTIONS . I. The Report of 409 2 BC Wire ae VID . The Decree of Epigenes, 279. — The Report of the Coninteictee First Prythegy 409/8 8. B.C., 280. Text and Translation, 286. Commentary, 298: — A, (1) State of the Building at the Southwest Corner, 301; (2) Ornamental Details not Wiktshed) 308; (3) List of Surfaces that are Unsmoothed and of Bases and Column-Shafts that are Unfluted, 308; (4) The State of the North Portico, 314; (5) The State of the Porch of the Maidens, 314; B, Stones on the Ground, 314. Fragments of Specifications, 319. Commentary, 320. II. The Accounts of 409/8 s.c. (Inscriptions VITI-XII) . Text and Translation, 326. Commentary, 342; — Work on the Friede, 342; Woodstrs 354: Work on the Cornice, 356; Work on the Badinionta: 359; Work ona Ceiling 362; Roof one struction, 368; Grifles, 370. III. The Accounts of 408/7 s.c. (Inscriptions XITI-X XV) ars Text and Translation, 378. Commentary, 402;— (1) Summary of Accounts of Sixth to Ninth Prytanies, 404; (2) Work on a Ghifered Cae 408; (3) The Painting of the Inner Epistyle, 410; (4) The Channelling of the East Columns, 411; (5) Work on the Reliefs of the Frieze, 413. IV. Fragments of Accounts Later than 408/7 s.c. (Inscriptions XX VI-X XVIII) Text and Translation, 418. Commentary, 422. 214 216 220 222 223 232-276 232 239 277-422 279 322 370 416 CONTENTS CHAPTER V THE HISTORY OF THE ERECHTHEUM By JAMES MORTON PATON Tur History oF THE ERECHTHEUM I. The Site of the Erechtheum 3 II. The Erechtheum as a Greek Tenia. : 1, The Building of the Erechtheum, 452. — 2. The perme of the Perici 456. - ca 3. The Firs of 406 B.c., 459. — 4. The History of the Temple and the Description of Pausanias, 478. III. The Erechtheum as a Christian Church IV. The Erechtheum as a Turkish House V. The Erechtheum as a Ruin . ; VI. The Reconstruction of the Rrechihenen: APPENDICES A. THe ERECHTHEUM IN WRITERS OF THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES A. Before 1750 ae I. Cornelio Magni, 585. — II. Sir Francis Vernon, 585. — III. Jacob ae 585. — IV. Chee Wheler, 586. — V. Giacomo Milhau Verneda, 586. — VI. Rinaldo de la Rue, 586. — VII, a. Alessandro Locatelli, 587; VI1, ps. Galleria di Minerva, 587. — VIII. Francesco Fanelli, 587. — IX. John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich, 588. — X. Richard Pococke, 589. — XI. Charles Perry, 590. B. From 1750 to 1803 XII. James Stuart and Nicholas Revett, 590. — XIII. Richard Chandler, 590. — XIV. Louis- Frangois-Sebastian Fauvel, 591. — XV. Edward Daniel Clarke, 596. — XVI. Lord Elgin, 597. — XVII. John Lewis Wolfe, 598. B. NOovres ON THE SOURCES FOR THE LATER HISTORY OF THE ERECHTHEUM . ‘ I. The Venetian Sources, 601. — II. Fourmont, 604. — IJ. Sandwich, Pococke, oa 605. —IV. Stuart and Revett, 607. — V. Le Roy, 608. — VI. Fauvel, 609. — VII. Gell, 612. C. CHRONOLOGICAL List oF SouRCcES LATER THAN 1750 Index of Proper Names in Appendix C, 643. ADDITIONAL NOTES I. The Supports of the jeri ates Bean eh 154) II. The Date of Inscription I (p. 280) . III. Inscription X XIX (p. 442) INDICES I. Table of Inventory Numbers of the Fragments of the Frieze . II. Proper Names in the Inscriptions Ill. Greek Words nae ; IV. Greek and Latin Authors aunt ingen Geoney V. General Index . xiil 423-581 424 452 492 523 536 560 585-600 585 590 601-613 614-645 646-650 646 647 648 653 654 657 660 662 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Unless otherwise stated the illustrations are from drawings by G. P. Stevens and, in Chapter IV, by L. D. Caskey, or from photographs taken by the American School at Athens. The negatives of the photographs by Donald Macbeth of London, Berthaud Fréres of Paris, Oreste Bertani of Venice, and R. Rohrer, Ioannes Andreou, and Ant. Petritsis of Athens are also the property of the School. FIGURE a oR oo bo mmr Oru Wall, logking east 4 2 fe oS Se er ee ee Foundations of North Wall, james from west ontaaber 2, 1922) . . North Face of westernmost Inserted Poros Block ........ bistcn idee ee A a Foundations at Southeast Corner, from inside... . . . Signe gece Sed es ey Foundations of South Wall, eastern half, inside: elevation. ...........-+-+++4.. From a drawing by W. B. Dinsmoor. Remains of Prehistoric Wall below South Doorway, from southwest . .... . Sue ee From a photograph by L. B. Holland, A. J. A., XXVIII, 1924, p. 13, fig. 10. Area north of the Erechtheum: (A) From northeast, as cleared in 1887; (8) From west in 1914 7, A, from a photograph of the German Archaeological Institute. East Portico: Graphic Method of constructing the Ionic Volute ..... . BT Om ate "a East Portico: South exterior Volute, fourth Column from south Ate cee Geet East Portico: Capital of the south Column ........ Pe ea EN hi cyt RE ee oe eer te PCr ng U1 COp.OF ATCHILTAVE: 2 54.05 2 Sk Ne Pa a we eG DE ETEL at) OF GOP OF lrieze ae ee eo ee eeeerreetaren nicic of Raking Comice’ . . . oS. ee Re ee ee . East Portico, Ceiling: Interbeams with elbow behind short beams ..........--.-., . East Portico, Ceiling: Interbeam from above columns ....... . Dea eink Cup tet ne pment Foruco, Ceiling: Fragment of Coffer (Roman)... .. 2... 6 ee ee es . East Portico: North Anta, showing the peculiar shape given to the ivthontate: isometric East Portico: Bases of south Conmminrang mite fron: Souths, 95 were eas Sed bee Mo eerie onrially testored 2. 2. J eS, SO ge EE Ss i Bas A) a Rae a eg NR REELS FOOTINGLTIN art 2 yb KU sede oe Ap eee es os es Bae eo we ee Beemer riertone © > IsOMetric 5 4 ee we ae a eS bie ates vale mast Wall: Relation of Stone F to north Anta: isometric . - 2. 2... .. 2. 6 ee ee te . East Wall: Under side of Block from north Anta, restored: isometric. . .......- . he eM tC Cs > ISOTHEEIIG | piace) coos kk a Ce PS ee ge igs eek ee eecetey ait Leit end of Lintel from.south Window . -..... =... - +: +s + +4 es ewe meee WwW all: Leit upper corner of north Lintel) 2. 2.) wk ete ee es East Wall: Above: Elevation of left half of Lintel of south Window, with indication of the axes of ornament. Below: Plan of top and bottom of Jamb of Window... ........-.-.-. Sehaat Wall: Left end of Lintel from south Window: tsometrie . .. .. . - + 2 ss se ee naw 1 O0r and. Windows Testored. «5. 5... e ho 6 eR nl ck Re ee ke ee . South Wall: East End, inside, from northeast (1922)... ..-.-- ++ 2 eee eee ee From a photograph by I. Andreou, Athens. . South Wall, Courses 11-15: isometric, Section through east Orthostate and Steps. Plan of same. Form of Clamp used to attach lower course of backing to Orthostates ..........- . North Wall: Upper Courses behind North Portico, from south. ......--+--++++:+-: fees Walls Epicranitis at west.end (1922) 21.5 23). eg ek ay eee ey From a photograph by I. Andreou, Athens xv Xvl 38, LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . North Wall: Plan of top of Epieranitis behind North Portico <2... {9s 20 505) ee . Block of Epicranitis with Roman dressing on back and cuttings for hook clamps in top: isometric. . Plan of West End of Erechtheum north of West Door. >... . 3... . . . eee From a drawing by W. B. Dinsmoor. . Northwest Corner of Erechtheum from south (March, 1926) .......2......4.<.. Lowest step of West Wall and Paving Slab of Pandroseum north of West Door (March 12, 1918) . Section through small Doorway in North Portico, looking east. . ............446, Angle of northwest Anta and North Wall, (oareee 8 and 9, showing Block two courses high in Anta, end of Greek Lintel, and top of west Jamb of North Door: isometric. <4 i7 e . West Facade: Plan of top of Column Bases and of Moulded Course between them . . . . é . West Fagade: Base of north Column and adjacent blocks of Moulded Course, before roaboneeee OF 1904 (Le a gh wo ple we le cee A nn West Facade: North Face of south Anta, Courses 8-11 . ... . . . . Se Geko eee . West Facade: Plan of Column, intercolumnar Wall, and south Anta, restored according to the original Greek construction » 5... 04. eww vo 8 sw a's) . West Facade: Curve of Entasis of Roman engaged Columns .......2.2..«...... . West Facade: North Intercolumniation, Courses 5-12, as rebuiltin 1904. .......2.2.. . West Fagade: South Block of Roman Architrave. Above: Isometric drawing. Below: West Face of Block, showing Turkish Inscription (1925). . . .. 4... 4 1 ws, 3 9 From a photograph by Ant. Petritsis, Athens. . West Facade: Plan of top of existing Roman Architrave ... . .-. 4 2.) | ee . Section looking West, showing the arrangement of the transverse beam and of the timbers of the roof over the west rooms: restored , <2...) .4s 2%. yom 6 0 oe . Lion’s Head from Sima of Main Building . . . .-. . 5.24 3 4 ee . North Portico: Curve of Entasis of Columns =... . . . « «5. 4 a yp . North Portico: West half of Capital, third Column from west on north side. ......... . North Portico: Inner Angle of Capital of Column at northwest corner ......2.2..... North Portico: Abutment of East Architrave against north wall of Main Building: isometric. . . . North Portico: East Side of Roof from south, modern rafters partially laid .......2... . North Portico: Northeast Corner of Ceiling, from above ... .. . » \ syne annem . North Portico: East Portion of Ceiling, from below (March 26,1909) ............, . North Portico: Painted Ornaments of Ceiling. (a4) Maeander surrounding Coffers. (8) Egg-and- Darton Mouldings of Coffers .. . 5 s4. 2s 6 3 es we nc . North Portico: Opening in Ceiling and Roof ..,....... . « . 5 eee . North Portico: Greek Cornice Blocks, used by Romans, but not replaced in 1903. ....... . North Portico: Graphic Method of constructing the parabolic curve of Soffit of Cornice . North Portico: Another Method of constructing the curve of the Soffit of the Cornice (cone PIMDATES) Sk wg Ee gate) ime ts Og nee Ne 3. North Portico: Plan and Section of Roof: restored. ... .. =... . . . oun North Door: Special forms of Clamp and of Dowel used to secure Jambs ........... . North Door: West upper Corner: from a drawing in the British Museum. .......... From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. . North Portico: Opening in Pavement and Altar of the Thyechoiis: restored. (a) Plan. (B) Sec- tion, looking east. (c) Section, looking south .. . >... . 2 9) er . North Portico: Opening in Pavement (1922). (a) From west. (8) From northwest ..... . From photographs by I. Andreou, Athens. . Porth of the Maidens: Plan of Staircase: restored... . 4. > . . - «teen . Porch of the Maidens: Ceiling from below (March 26,1909) .. . . | . 2 2) eee . Poreh of the Maidens: Interior from east (1922) ...... . . +. » 1) een From a photograph by I. Andreou, Athens. . Pandroseum; Northeast Corner (April 18,1914) . .. . . 2.) .*. 2s 0 52 53 50 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 71 72 77 78 81 83 83 86 88 88 90 21 92 93 94 94 95 98 100 106 108 111 LEV 118 72. 73. 74, 75. 76. ge 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. Se 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XvVll Pandroseum: Section through Foundations beneath Entrance from North Portico, looking east . 122 From a drawing by L. B. Holland, A. J. A., XXVIII, 1924, p. 9, fig. 8. Pandroseum: North Face of two blocks from North Wall, now replaced (April 4,1918) . . . . . 124 Pandroseum: Block from North Wall: isometric. ...... Een es 124 Pandroseum: Block with Water Channel: isometric ....,....2...5.+6+e48. nit 2 1Z0 Pandroseum: Block, apparently from Pavement; isometric Teter ee Nia 126 Block, probably ‘poe EANOCORGUIN PINOINO HIG sn 8 ia eae tele wee eo ee, 1 AOE ee Le Opening under Southwest Corner of the Erechtheum, looking east Pooptatnber 4, 1922) Mp temeatle de Pane 0. Courses 16-18 at. Southwest Corner. ... . . 2. cw ee Ne ee Roe ae A. ony | West Wall: Lower Portion of south end, from northwest (April 13,1914) .......~.2.2.. 131 Porch of the Maidens: Junction of Architrave and Cornice with southwest Anta of Main Building 132 Block from Parapet south of Cecropium abutting against Podium of Porch of the Maidens: isometric 133 Smee or OCK Orawnh in PIgure 82. 55 ck a ek ke Pee cele ew a i 134 inacrued.siock irom wall of Cecropium: isometric. . .. . 1 ek ke ee 135 Block probably from wall of Cecropium or from Porch of the Maidens: isometric ...... . 135 North Wall: Prehistoric Remains within the Temple, west side of west Pier. . . . 2... . 138 From a photograph by L. B. Holland, A. J. A., XXVIII, 1924, p. 7, fig. 5 North Wall: Prehistoric Remains within the Temple, east side of west Pier (September 2, 1922) . 139 North Wall: Foundations inside, showing marks of contact with prehistoric remains: elevation . 140 North Wall: Prehistoric Remains west of Prothesis of Church (September 2, 1922)... ... . 141 North Wall: Prehistoric Remains east of threshold of Prothesis (1926) ........2.2.. . 142 From a photograph by Ant. Petritsis, Athens. East Wall: Block from Foundations rabbeted at south end: isometric ......... et 2) OLAS After a drawing of L. B. Holland, A. J. A., XXVIII, 1924, pl. I, m. Plans of Courses 16-19 at junction of East and South Foundations. ......... pM ea From a drawing by L. B. Holland, A. J. A., XXVIII, 1924, pl. I, p. Rock on line of East Cross-Wall, looking north (February 10,1914) ...........2.. 147 Block, one-half usual thickness, from either North or South Wall at junction of East Cross-Wall: SGT: 2 oe BE SRN ee (oe aces alae rare MEER LU act Sobrt. SUmet acre Uk AN et * 149 Block, from either North or kts Wall, on which rested a block only one-half the thickness of the wall: “on ay Le ee ee ee Per ea ML a ena US Ur fat i Bae at tera NE 149 Two Blocks from either North or South Wall at junction of East Cross-Wall, showing Roman EMCO, IBOMIOLTIC | 85/5 ca al war. “ema He ee eg i, ee ee ee. 149 Section, looking East, through Cistern beneath the Prostomiaion, showing present condition of west Ee a rn So ene RMOn LAME erties A dope en Stas 151 North Wall: West end, inside, from South Doorway (March 28,1909) ............ 153 South Wall: West end, inside, from North Door (March 26,1909) ...........4..., 155 Peer memmce, from west (1922) ove") Sew GH ire wie gs ee tie a ree tal porsedtren 157 From a photograph by I. Andreou, Athens. forth Wall: inside, from southeast (March 28, 1909)... as ni oe ee ee eG 160 fem nostate. trom: an-interior. wall .« J Ww .0@. teen en eeu ae I ee oe ee en 161 emai: south Lace of Sil: 2 u.ch a0 ey Pkg dee loos nip ad bem ao nate alee planted neaeneaiane 162 Left: Block from Pavement in Prostomiaion: isometric. Right: Section through West Wall and both interior and exterior Pavements, looking south... . 1... 1 2 es et ee ee 163 orenobnd of Cistern beneath Prostomiaton (1922)5-4 . ~ 7 aco O28 Vicia el seme ae 164 From a photograph by I. Andreou, Athens. South End of Cistern beneath Prostomiaion (September 9,1922).............4.. 165 Plan through Course 8 in Niche, from above. Sections on lines A-B and C-Dof Plan. .... . 172 Left: Top of Course 6 in Niche, showing evidence for change of plan. Right: Horizontal Section through vertical joint at A, showing method of inserting small piece of marble to close the joint . 173 XVIll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 109. 110. tit: 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. Bly 118. A19. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144, South Wall: Courses 1-3 at southwest corner, from east, before the restorationin 1908 . . . . Plan of Epicranitis at southwest corner of Main Building. Restored Plan of Greek Architrave (A) Plan of Ceiling over West Rooms: restored. (8) Reconstruction of Southwest Corner, showing transverse beam, metopon, niche, and coffered wooden ceiling: isometric . Passage under Nort Wall from yon West side from north, showing dressing of airing of site Sheath of an Egg, carved as a separate piece and inserted . Masons’ Marks Typical Portion of Rannaioar on Tart rae of North ren Section and Plan of Last Block laid in course, showing use of tongs for arousing bine inte ‘nie see also dowels in blocks already laid ree ern rr ee Architrave of East Portico, showing use of Shift Holes. Facinetne Detaue of or Bae upper Shift Holes . Ordinary Greek ee ree Loe Gee ian owen in Rs Block with cutting for Dowel and vertical Pour Channel: From crowning monliure of Pecan Porch of the Maidens . Dowel for securing Figures of ren ea Eat Parco : A T-Dowel See Rai. Plan and Section of T- Dowel in Stylobate at ae corner of East Pare, now Coneree Pin-dowel from Capital, Porch of the Maidens . Empoljon in Column of North Portico : Empolion from southwest Column of North Boeneoe Above: Plan and Section of upper part of Empolion from fed of oun Capea of Want Portions Below: Plan and Section of Augur Hole in this Empolion . wr Ordinary Greek Clamp: isometric North Portico: Top of Pier at southwest corner, annie a alte ane enitiees for Cate Bes a Lewis . : Roman Hook-clamp ee to secure Cn Coline of West Teena * lege of intemselan ae Wall North Portico: Capital of Pier at southwest corner, south and east faces, showing unfinished Anthemion North Portico: Capital fe east oe ae Sine porn tiee Lan contin North Portico: Capital of west Anta, north and east faces, from northeast Kast Portico: Capital of south Column: Plan from below and Elevation of west face, Rees in- serted pieces and uncarved volute . East Portico: Plan of top of Capital of north Goigank (British Mussina’? East Portico: North Face of Capital of north Column (British Museum) . From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. East Portico: South and West Faces of Capital of north Column (British Museum) From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. North Portico: Upper Drum of second Column from west, showing cutting for an inserted dart. . North Portico: West Block of Architrave on north side . . ay AeA DR A Inserted Moulding from Architrave on wall, inside Porch of the Maidens ........... Inserted Mouldings from North Portico, showing method of fastening and treatment of joints in egg-and-dart ornament Method of inserting half a Dart: Grane Moulding of Podines ea of ins Maidewe ; (a) Inserted Dart secured by slight sinking of its lower aoe ak Inserted Reel without Tenon. (c) Inserted Reel secured by a Tenon. . East Portico: Block beneath base of north aah Moe Block as exposed Decora A 1908. Below: Isometric Drawing. Cross and tangential-longitudinal Sections of eo of iret sempervivens, As EYE kode in bed of south Capital of East Portico . . . . 4.) ) 2...) 2 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. P53 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. Ly. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS X1x Porch of the Maidens: (a) Southwest Corner from Northwest. (8) Southeast Corner from Northeast 235 From photographs of the German Archaeological Institute. memo nornnweet Caryatids-(A seront. (0s) Profile;. .© 0 @coy w . e Ge ever ce oh vs ene 28F From photographs of the German Archaeological Institute. Head of Caryatid at southwest corner ......... hk ee A, = ORE En rer Re nay 237 From a photograph of the German Archaeological Institute Peng ot Caryatid at southeast corner. . ....... +... theg OA nh Fe rae 2 eal Se} 237 From a photograph of the German Archaeological Institute. Peewee arvatig west: of southeast'cormer 2. {000.5 2 ee 238 From a photograph of the German Archaeological Institute. Sremrave, Krieze, and Cornice: British Museum 2... 2.00. 6 ew ee ee ee 6289 From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. Frieze: Fragment 4, Back. ........ eae kee Lae ges WTO Aha: germ seis ti nZA7 From a drawing by L. Pallat, Ant. Denk. fe 6 EMO CUO Gols AB TONG ANC LE IGG. 4. ui, fs wm ono e ae ee ew ww ewe la ee ke 251 Frieze: Fragment 18, Right Side. . . . Boe ae ees Maha Biel ha et Tae ie care From a drawing by L. Pallat, Ant. Denk. fig. 8. clo URS VEE 41 EG) ne eh teh oa 253 Presobrapment28. Back ... ......... ee re! ke ieee MAE ao ie Oe ee sea 45: PIT etrCn ole UPON. O84. AG! Wa es Se ork we a Ve ee SE Peak Weasce oOE MEPIS NETL OK GAP ol ites ig Mua gh ss ccd bbe oe oe. see a os See eek Frieze: Fragment 48, Side. Se es nee a err A gre i len teh: 256 From a drawing by L. Pallat, Ant. Denk. ws 13. Pmezesvragment 58, Side (aA) and Back (Bp)... 2... 6. fb te es a emer emernt G2, ide. and Pront.g.;.. 9°. eo. 3G 8 sk ee en eek wis ne ee a ec ieer IeOe Frieze; Fragment 92,recumbent........ 7... Se ee ee a RS ny ee ey ee ee 264 weroeemuramment Ol Side. 22. 3. ch) sone oe ea ep wk me Oe 377 « Inseription XXT a ee oe a 377 > Tnseriphion XOCT eee ec i oh cor eee eee ee ere eee ce ee se ee er es ~ ADSEFIPtiON RCL pe: ee ee a eee eerie 378 . Inscription XXTV 2 ee a ee 379 . Inseription XXV . 6. ee we em ee ee i ee 379 . Diagram showing the length of inner Epistyle painted .......4:.... . ose 411 From a drawing by W. B. Dinsmoor, A. J. A., XIV, 1910, p. 291, fig. 1. Inseription XXVIo2 0. ee ee a ee a 417 Inscriptions XXVIl and XXVITT . 2 2. 417 . The Thrones of the Priests of Butes and of Hephaestus. (a) Isometric Drawieen (B) Front of Thrones (April 4, 1918). (c) Back and right end of Thrones (April4,1918) ......... 485 . Interior of the Erechtheum from the east, showing the walls of the Cinareh (January, 1922) . . . 495 From a photograph by I. Andreou, Athens. . West end of the Erechtheum from the southeast, showing remains of inner west wall of the Church (March, 1913) 2.00. ee ee OE a 498 . Bases from the inner west wall of the Church. Above: The uninscribed Base on the Acropolis (1925). Below: The inscribed Bases in the Epigraphical Museum ......2.2...... 500 From a drawing by L. B. Holland. . Southeast Corner of Nave and Diaconicum, from north (January 26,1914) ......4.2... 501 . Interior of the Church of Santo Stefano on the Via Latina, Rome ........2.2..... 506 From a photograph by J. M. Paton. . Interior of the Church of San Pietro at Toscanella, Italy . ... . . 2. «0 eee 507 By permission from a photograph by Alinari, Florence. . Carved Slab from the Ieonostasis (1922). 2) . a 509 From a photograph by I. Andreou, Athens. . leconostasis in Church of St. Luke of Stiris, Phocis . ..: 2... . . 9. 5) 512 From Archaeologia, LV, pl. XXXIV. . Diaconicum and South Aisle, from east (January 26,1914) .. . . . (0) 2 0 514 . The Acropolis in 1687: from the Plan by Verneda .. =... : . . 4 | 3). ee 532 From a photograph by Oreste Bertani, Venice. . The Erechtheum: drawn in 1729 by C—L. Fourmont.§ |... ... . . 5. 537 From a photograph by Berthaud Fréres, Paris. . Rough Plan of the Acropolis in 1787: Fauvel”... . . . . 1... . as 5) 546 From a photograph by Berthaud Fréres, Paris. . “Temple of Minerva Polias, Acropolis, 1800”: Gell . . ...... . . . 3 ee 548 From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS “Pandroseum and Temple of Minerva Polias, Acropolis”: Gell From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. “Western Fronts of the Temples of Erectheus, Minerva Polias and Pandrosus, Acropolis”: Gell From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. “Temple of Erechtheus, Acropolis”: Gell . . . From a photograph by ieee Macbeth, London. The Loft in the North Portico: Cockerell . . . By permission from J. H. S., XXIX, 1909, pL VIL. The North Portico from the northwest: James Skene, February 27, 1839 From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. The Erechtheum from the southwest: James Skene, 1839 From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. The Erechtheum from the northeast: James Skene, January 8, 1841 From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. The Interior of the Erechtheum: James Skene, May 25, 1841 From a photograph by Donald Macbeth, London. The Erechtheum from the southwest: Christian Hansen, about 1844 From Allgemeine Bauzeitung, XVI, 1851, pl. 429. Bronze Lamp found in the Erechtheum in 1862 .... . From a photograph of the National Museum, Athens. The Erechtheum from the northwest, about 1890. From a photograph of the German Archaeological Institute, The Erechtheum from the southwest, about 1890 From a photograph by Romaides, Athens. The Erechtheum from the northeast, before 1902 ..........2.2... From a photograph of the German Archaeological Institute. to i ewe o's? rsa e Se) ee ee ee Oe ee ee. RAR Git oar eee ARC LE ae amevcrecninenim,. irom the northeast, after 1909... -c) ee ee ee ea From a photograph of the German Archaeological Institute. The Northeast Corner of the Pandroseum (May 30,1918). ............... Alternative Reconstruction of Supports of Transverse Beam: isometric ......... ETE eens A aS elie eC pO SPORES uur Ba ery Te loge as Facsimile by L. D. Caskey from a squeeze furnished by W. B- Dinsmoor. i a te) be Fel la ieee 18. LS ae ee a XXx1 549 550 551 556 562 563 564 565 567 572, 574 575 576 517 580 646 648 r , ¢ x A Si q t se «5 J ~ mes 7 i es f iF } TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS The numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography in Appendix C. PuatsE and Fig. refer to the plates and figures in this book. pl. and fig. refer to plates and figures in works cited. ee Piet Curglog 620s... ec. cn Sn)... ee ek ee eet ee ee ce ees ee Baumeister, Denkmiler.............. ree EE Perr mRREY ne sk ec ee Berl. Winckelmannsprogramm ....... Sl oo ee Piuiemiat, Estampes............... Bibl. Nat., MSS., Fonds fr.......... ING GOGO ST. aes 3 Botticher, Untersuchungen........... Ee re eer SENSO. oe Pereetes Nino. Add.. 26. ...5.5..55 MERNIRG TUREMIPUUTE Ss ee ce ee PPC OLIOGUE. oe oe ees Cavaignac, T'résor d’Athénes......... American Journal of Archaeology. Abhandlungen der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Beriin. Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philologischen Classe der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Amelung, Die Sculpturen des vaticanischen Museums. Annali dell’ Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica. Antike Denkméler herausgegeben vom deutschen archaeologischen Institut. Archaeologischer Anzeiger, in Jb. Arch. I. Archaeologische Zeitung. Mitteilungen des deutschen archaeologischen Instituts; Athenische Abteilung. Bulletino deila Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma. Bulletin de correspondence hellénique. Annual of the British School at Athens. Bulletin de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France. Baumeister, Denkméiler des klassischen Altertums. Berichte tiber die Verhandlungen der stchsischen Gessellschaft der Wis- senschaften zu Leipzig. Berliner philologische Wochenschrift. Winckelmannsprogramm der archaeologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Beulé, L’ Acropole d’Athénes (153). Bibliothéque de l’Ecole nationale des Beaux-Arts. Bibliothéque nationale, Paris; Département des Estampes. Id., Département des Manuscrits, Fonds francais. Id., Département des Manuscrits, Nouvelles acquisitions francaises. Boétticher, Untersuchungen auf der Akropolis von Athen im Frihjahre, 1862 (175). Jahrbiicher des Vereins der Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande. The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum. British Museum, Additional Manuscripts. Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman An- tiquities. Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, ed. A. Boeckh. Comptes-Rendus de V Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. S. Casson, Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum, II. Cavaignac, Etudes sur Vhistoire financiére d’Athénes au V° siécle. Le trésor d’ Athénes de 480 a 404. XXIV Cavaignac, T'résor d’Eleusis......... Cavvadias and Kawerau............ Choisy, Biudes Sos case eee Clarke, "Assos, 1882-1883... -3..-4.-.- Clarkay] yavels. teas an ean eee Cl. Phit.. AcArion. A py: ick he eee as ee ee Dickins,. Catalogne..\...cce mn encaes Dich GY ORGOLe Chretien ee aes Dittenberger, Sylloge. . 0. ......4..5. Dodwell - Poste s ct venaeenee ee one Donaldson, Ancient Doorways........ DiOdge -Acopolsnme] pacman puree ee D’Espouy, Fragm. arch. ant. ........ Dy Hepouy, 2 oat. 2 ee "Eo. ’Apx Fravers) ausarios cst. 0 eee Punk -Corish. aA post ye keds wae oe. meas Furtwangler, Masterpieces........... Furtwangler, Meisterwerke........... 0b: Qele ANE tp man. + vee a Aa Hore Std, GUS RG ee cee ok eg Heberdey, Porosskulptur.. ........ =: 16221 Inwood. . 1 3. lubes M0 Inwood; 6d nig meee he 0 Se eee Inwood "Yasmin ae ee eee JO APC. 1 1... cen ens ee Jb. kl. Alt ABBREVIATIONS Cavaignac, Etudes sur Vhistoire financiére d’Athénes au V° siécle. Le trésor sacré d’Eleusis gusqu’en 404. ‘H ’Avackxady Tis ’Akporo\ews ad Tod 1885 pexpe Tod 1890 (Die Ausgrabung der Akropolis vom Jahre 1885 bis zum Jahre 1890). Choisy, Etudes épigraphiques sur V'architecture grecque, III (199). J. T. Clarke, Report on the Investigations at Assos, 1882, 1883 (Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America, Classical Series, IT). KE. D. Clarke, Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, Part II, Section II (42). Classical Philology. AeXtiov ’Apxaodoyixov Exdidduevov bd THs Tennis "Edopelas Tov "Appx avoTHnTwY. G. Dickins, Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum, I. ¥. Cabrol, Dictionnaire d’archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie. G. Dittenberger, Sylioge Inscriptionum Graecarum. (The edition is indicated by a suspended numeral.) Dodwell, A Classical and Topographical Tour in Greece (57). Donaldson, A Collection of the most approved Examples of Doorways from Ancient Buildings (89). D’Ooge, The Acropolis of Athens (251). H. d’Espouy, Fragments d’architecture antique (222). H. d’Espouy, Monuments antiques (263). "Ednuepis “Apxarodoyrkn. Pausanias’s Description of Greece, translated by J. G. Frazer (223). F. X. Funk, Didascalia et Constitutiones Apostolorum. Furtwangler, Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture (220). Furtwingler, Meisterwerke der griechischen Plastik (217). Géttingische gelehrte Anzeigen. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Heberdey, Altattische Porosskulptur. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der archaischen griechischen Kunst. Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Graecae, Vols. I et II, editio minor. H. W. Inwood, The Erechtheion at Athens (80). The edition of 1827, with the introductory text. The edition of 1831, containing only the plates and descriptive text. The numbers and descriptions of the plates are the same in both editions. Journal of Hellenic Studies. Jahn et Michaelis, Arz Athenarum a Pausania descripta (228). Id., Appendix Epigraphica. Id., Tabulae arcem Athenarum illustrantes. Jahrbuch des deutschen archaeologischen Instituts. Neue Jahrbiicher fiir das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und deutsche Literatur und fiir Padagogik. Judeich, Topographie............... Sula, reChIRCION.. 2... eae den Kiihner-Blass Kunstblatt Laborde, Athénes Lambert, Mémoire bu GON) Le Roy, Ruines Lethaby, Greek Buildings Locatelli Mendel, Mus. imp. ott., Sculptures... . Michel, Recueil VES ES a Museum CE iets aks keine oe eee SIDR TEANECHES), Fi. ces a ack ese Omont, Florilegium ... Melchoir de Me ies kk be sme PROVE ISEOWA oe eee eae ad EPA ATC. cy. ae ee a wie 8 Petersen, Burgtempel............... Ipaxrixa Prokesch yon Osten................ Prokesch von Osten, Briefwechsel..... PREM Set 298 8 ny sans wey eA SRL oss eine! 6g) ss 6 Ge 6 a, © 60 ea ee 1& 4 0 Middleton, Athenian Buildings....... MMMM Ry Fibs oe co ee es 8 es ABBREVIATIONS XXV Judeich, Topographie von Athen in Miiller, Handbuch der Altertums- wissenschaft, III, 2, ii (245). Julius, Ueber das Erechtheion (189). Kiihner, Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache. Dritte Auflage, I* Teil, von Blass. Kunstblatt, Beiblatt zu Morgenblatt fiir gebildete Stiénde. L. de Laborde, Athénes auc XV*, XVI° et XVII° siécles. Lambert, Mémoire sur ’Erechthéion; Manuscript in Bibl. Ke. B.-A. (187). Legrand, Galerie antique, I, Monwmens de la Gréce (35). J.-D. Le Roy, Les ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Gréce (3). Lethaby, Greek Buildings represented by Fragments in the British Museum (254). A. Locatelli, Racconto historico della Veneta Guerra in Levante (App. ACV AL), Mélanges d’archéologie et d’ histoire. Mémoires de ’ Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Mémovres de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France. Mendel, Musées impériaux ottomans; Catalogue des sculptures, grecques, romaines et byzantines. Michel, Recueil d’inscriptions grecques. Middleton, Plans and Drawings of Athenian Buildings (226). Monumenti Inediti, pubblicati dall’ Instituto di Corrispondenza Arche- ologica. Monuments et Mémoires, publiés par ’ Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Fondation Prot. Museum, Blatter fiir bildende Kunst. Olympia. Die Ergebnisse der von dem deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung. H. Omont, Athénes au XVII° siécle. l Acropole. Vues et plans d’Athénes et de Florilegium ou Recueil de travaux d érudition dédiées & M. le Marquis Melchoir de Vogiié, . . . 18 Octobre, 1909. Overbeck, Die antiken Schriftquellen zur Geschichte der bildenden Kiinste bei den Griechen. Real- Encyclopddie der classischen Altertumswissenschafe. Penrose, An Investigation of the Principles of Athenian Architecture. Second edition (209). KE. Petersen, Die Burgtempel der Athenaia (249). Ilpaxrixa tis ev ’APjvars "Apxavodoyixns ‘Erarpias. Prokesch von Osten, Denkwiirdigkeiten und Erinnerungen aus dem Orient (107). Briefwechsel zwischen Julius Schneller und seinem Pflegsohne Prokesch (93). A. F. von Quast, Das Erechtheion zu Athen (116). Weel? BAR een eles Oe Oe 5 ae Rangab@sAnt, Hellen 1cce ae heport Gre Cannio wer ce pees ont aee BRM Ue coe on ete Aces eee Rivoira; Orig. Arch. Lomv... =. vaames Roberts-Gardner, Greek Epigraphy ... Rebar MRE ee ane ats oe ea ee ee Roms QUE ele eae, Fae Roscher’s Derubon. 2) ask ae Hose; Frisert gr 2h cate ee Hose Arch Ags. coche toner aa 91620. Berl AAA. wee ere ane ty Stuart andshevetess 205 ee ee Stuart and Revetts «access ee Tétaz, Mémoire explicatif.......... Thiersch, 2 prlcrige 25 ater oe Thiersch, Erechtheum, I, I1......... Thiersch, Sendschreiben an Boeckh.... Unger, Zevtrrechnung? 2 nae eee Venturivstirs-Agi. Tid in oe Walpole; Memoirsssy wren neers or Wheleractt crea eee Wiegand, Poros-Architektur......... Wilking, .Protus