Fae t's Sh obeiatnty han Psoatats % ae lt ees ie) Fy A oh ds ah a atad gba a) ¢ ia? Fs ? t $ f ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ’ A ‘ ‘ i \ a : Py » ¥ A - . ‘ f ~~ a - Pe ae a tr Gor joT ‘kvsayvyy tg Summvagq wv fo ajiuisrng . ; : te, ( nd = Dati oy Birney DOM . . Hy v,| yn} i c 4 re | | CY a! qg i ed Acad Ns AS | d "B. tal CATALOGUE No. 1081 The Valuable Library FREDERICK S. DICKSON, ESQ. (THE THACKERAY BIBLIOGRAPHER) A Rare Collection of the First Editions of the Works of Thackeray, an Important Collection of Thackerayana, and numerous works mentioning Thackeray and his Writings Thackeray’s Famous Original Postage-Stamp Drawing of the Royal Family Lawrence’s Original Portrait of Thackeray AND Choice Editions of the English Standard Authors in Fine Bindings, including First Editions of Fielding, Sterne and Smollett; many Works on Antique Furniture, and Color Prints; Works on the Fine Arts, including the Musée Francais, Houghton Gallery, Cadell’s Potraits, &c. ALSO Walton and Cotton’s Angler, extended into 6 volumes by the insertion of Proof Engravings; the finest copy extant AND Rare First Editions of Poe, Association Books, Early Imprints, Incunabula, &c. TO BE SOLD Friday Afternoon and Evening, March 28, 1913, and Saturday Morning and Afternoon, March 29, 1913 Commencing at 2,30 o’clock in the Afternoon, 8 o’clock in the Evening, and 10.30 o’clock in the Morning First Session, - Lots I to 300 Second ‘' - ne 301 to 625 Piti¢da gc: - 4 626 to 950 Fourth -‘—- reipa dB 951 to end NIL CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. STAN. V. HENKELS 1519-1521 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. TERMS OF SALE Bills must be paid before 12 o’clock on the day after sale. No credit ives under any circumstance. | oy Deposits must be ene when requested. All Books are sold so much per volume, and bids mu be made accordingly. ay Bids faithfully executed by the auctioneers without | e r charge for those who cannot attend sale. = % { For purchasers or their agents present at the sale, box : are sold as they are, without recourse. When we execute ord TS, books are guaranteed as catalogued, but such books, when no’ to description, must be returned within fifteen days from . of sale. Book, Print and PAUL EL CDE Department conducted by _ STAN. V. Henke L 1110-16 Sansom Street oe Philadelphia Charly Jb2, . Oarch C28, ty Kies Pi Aaut Yiu fa Your Chey t te Jax 84 3d / Geese Cert Beg Sileolics a, ) as Vie a « Fetah jy erg ; ie 6066; be prtasy, Westy Yur fi Nos a 2 See & ye. tacts Jen? ‘AF Me Fi N bao e sfrrin ante, 2 et a oe gx ate he LPs fa i M i a hever tie Gnerre . ie ti i aeromne por oe > ye ee, Se <=". ‘ etnias oS ee % : { %, 2 F 5 T scenmgedpnedartags tere ooo $ 3 Facsimile of Thackeray's Drawing of ‘* Death’’ tn Memoir of John Allen, Lot 153 Tb (eS Se 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 160 23 'WORKS RELATING TO THACKERAY—Conlinued, THE Same. Second Haditon. Crown, 8vo, cloth, broken. Scribner, New York, 1875 Contains 532 woodcuts and § colored plates by Thackeray. Grier, R. M. John Allen. Vicar of Prees and Arch- deacon of Salop. A Memoir. /dustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1889 Contains folding plate “ Death’ and “ Napoleon Reviewing his Generals.” Both by Thackeray. SEE FACSIMILE OF CUTs. Figetps, JAMes T. Yesterdays with Authors. //ustrated with photogravures, portraits, autograph letters, &c. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1872 Contains ‘‘ Thackeray,” pp. 11-37, with four letters from Thackeray. THE SAME. With thirty-seven wlustrations. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1900 FITZGERALD, Epwarp. Letters of. 2 vols. Crown, 8vo, cloth. London, 1894 Contains many references to Thackeray, and several letters. HAYWARD, ABRAHAM. A Selection from the Correspond- ence of, from 1834 to 1884, with an account of his early life. Edited by Henry E. Carlisle. 2vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1886. Contains two letters from Thackeray, with other references. Hopper, Geo. Memories of my Time, including Per- sonal Reminiscences of Eminent Men. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870 Contains five letters from Thackeray. Notes a speech on leaving England for America, &c. Hote, Dean (Samuel Reynolds). The Memoirs of. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1892 Contains ten letters from Thackeray, one containing a sketch “The Carver's Lesson.” (Hottren, JNo. C.) Thackeray the Humorist. and the Man of Letters. The Story of his Life, including a selec- tion from his characteristic speeches, &c., by Theodore Taylor, with a photograph from life by Earnest Edwards and illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864 44 COLLEGE LIFE AND FRIENDS. [1831. taken, and thus indirectly became the unconscious obstacle to the full realization of his hopes, whilst his sudden death plunged the other who was left into such deep distress as to take from the bitterness of a disappointment of which that death was itself the cause. In Allen’s diary for 1832 there is no entry from January 2nd to 21st. Then there is simply, “ Ad- mitted to degree of B.A. Left Cambridge for London at two p.m., with Sansum ;” and the first reference to his father’s death is on January 26th, when he writes :— I, alas! have not written in my journal for nearly a month, and a mighty change has taken place in all my feelings in that short time. My father is dead ; but I must not and will not mourn for him now. I will strive by God’s grace so to act that hereafter I may meet him in that state of bliss to which he, through Christ’s sacrifice, has attained. Facsimile of Drawings of ‘‘ Napoleon Reviewing his Generals,”’ by Thackeray, in Memoirs of John Allen, Lot 153 161 162 164 165 166 25 WORKS RELATING TO THACKERAY— Continued. The first attempt at a biography of T, hackeray, sneered at as a scissors and paste affair, but the writer did preserve much of value that might otherwise have been lost. Contains por- trait, five drawings of Thackeray, four extracts from the Snob, seven Speeches, &c. Tue Same. Another edition. To which is added In Memoriam by Charles Dickens and a Sketch by Anthony Trollope. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1864 Frecps, Mrs. James T. A Shelf of Old Books. Evo, cloth. Scribners, New York, 1894 Contains a sketch by Thackeray and facsimile letter and 2 A. L. S. of the author inserted. THE SAME. 8vo, cloth, London, 1894 Ipter, THe. A Treasury of Essays, Criticisms and General Literature. 8vo, half calf. London (1856) Contains “ The Idler,’ by W. M. Thackeray. First appearance. JOHNSTON, CHARLES PLumptrE. The Early Writings of William Makepeace Thackeray, wth illustrations after W. M. Thackeray, Chinnery, F. Walker and R. Doyle. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1888 Contains three illustrations by Thackeray, not published elsewhere, JouinE, Aprian H. Meditations of an Autograph Col- - lector. 167 $vo, half roxburgh style, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1902 With seventeen portraits and facsimiles. Contains three letters from Thackery to Ainsworth and a facsimile. KEEPSAKE FOR 1849, 1851, 3853, 1854. Jdlustrated with portraits of English Court Beauties and other engravings. 4 vols. Royal, 8vo, cloth. London 1849 contains ‘‘An Interesting Event,’ 1851 contains “ Voltiguer,” 1853 contains‘ The Pen Album, and 1854 contains “Lucy's Birthday,” all by Wm. Thackeray. 26 WorRKS RELATING TO THACKERAY—Continued. 168 “Beat Sur. 169 170 Lewes, G. H. The Life and Works of Goethe, with sketches of his age and contemporaries. Portrait. 2vols. Crown, 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 Vol. IT contains letter from Thackeray dated “‘London, 28 April, 1855.” WIL thes print on ant * KY x i) li ae = ie = AN EXPERIMENTAL DRAWING BY MR. THACKERAY. Facsimile of Drawing by Thackeray, in Lot 169 Now for the second time reproduced Linron, W. J. Specimens of a New Process of Engrav- ing for Surface Printing. /Wustrated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1861 Original wrappers bound in. Scarce. Contains drawing by Thackeray never reproduced elsewhere, with another draw- ing from ‘‘Lovel the Widow.” SEE FACSIMILE OF DRAWINGS. Lockes-Lampson, FREDERICK. Lyra Elegantiarum, a collection of some of the best Social and Occasional Verse by deceased English authors. r12mo, cloth. London, 1891 Contains ten of Thackeray's Ballads. Ak SSS — = = ri =o " “ay, ‘ SS . Soy bEX SS & Sas 2 ee ee = Sas ake a Se he A ayy FRR A keray in Lot 1609 by Thac . ing if Draw zle oO Facsim ame reproduced. second ¢. Low for the 28 WoRKS RELATING TO THACKERAY—Continued. 171 174 175 177 178 Marks, JoHN GeEorGE. Life and Letters of Frederick Walker, zwzth cllustrations. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncnt. London, 1896 Contains three letters from Thackeray in facsimile and sketch wlustrating “Philip,” for Oct., 7861. Lytton, Epwarp Butwer. Lord. The Life, Letters and Literary Reviews of, with Portrait. Lllustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1883 Contains a printed letter from Thackeray. Marvy, L. The Landscape Painters of England in a series of steel engravings, with short notices by W. M. Thackeray. Folio, cloth. London, n. d. MayuHew, AtHoLt. A Jorum of “ Punch,’’ with those who helped brew it, being the early history of ‘‘ The London Charivari.” //ustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1895 Contains two plates of sketches by Thackeray never repro- duced elsewhere. THACKERAY, Wm. M. _ Nineteen illustratons by, and others, designed for ‘‘ The Cornhill Magazine.”’ Folio, lettered cover. London Contains twelve drawings by Thackeray. OLIPHANT, Mrs. Annals of a Publishing House, Wil- liam Blackwood and His Sons, Their Magazine and Friends, with the third volume; John Blackwood, by his daughter, Mrs. Gerald Pater. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1897-8 Contains two printed letters from Thackeray. PICADILLY ANNUAL. The, of Entertaining Literature. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt. London (1870) Contains “A few (34) sketches by the late William Make- peace Thackeray” and“ The Frog’s Bride,’ with one sketch. PLancHE, J. R. The Recollections and Reflections of, a Professional Autobiography. 2vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872 Contains three sketches and a letter in facsimile by Thack- eray. SEE FACSIMILE SKETCH AND LETTER. 179 180 18I Facsimile of Sketch in Planché’s Recollections, Lot 178 THE SAME. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1872 PuNcH AND LonDon Cuarivarl, 1841-1851, 1853, 1854, 1864. Vols. 1 to 21, 25 to 27, 46 and 47, in all 26 vols. 4to, cloth, original brown cloth, except the vol. for 1864. London Contains all the matter contributed by Thackeray to “Punch,” together with the references to him after his death. Puncn’s Pocket Book For 1847. Jtlustrated, some ' colored. 16mo, half morocco. London: Punch Office (1847) Contains ‘An Eastern Adventure of the Fat Contributor,” with an etching by Leech. Facsimile of Thackeray Letter in Planché’s Recollections, Lot 178 182 183 184 185 RitcHiz, ANN ‘THACKERAY. Records of Tennyson, Ruskin and Browning. J/lustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892 Contains a view of Clevedon Court, an unpublished sketch by Thackeray. RircHIE, ANNE THACKERAY. Chapters from some Me- moirs. 8vo, cloth, uncut. ; London, 1894 Contains ten letters from Thackeray. SHarp, R. F. Architects of English Literature. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1900 Contains Facsimile of a portion of a letter from Thackeray. SKELTON, JoHN. The Table Talk of Shirley, Reminis- cences of and Letters from Froude, Thackeray, Disraeli, Browning, Rossetti, &c. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1896 Contains three letters from Thackeray. 186 187 188 189 190 Ig! 192 193 194 31 WORKS RELATING TO THACKERAY—Continued. SMITH, Gro. B. Illustrated English Ballads. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1886 Contains three of Thackeray's ballads. THE SAME. 2vols. ini. 4to, half morocco, gilt. London, 1894 Sorrain, B. M. Memorials of Rev. Joseph Sortain. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1862 Contains a printed letter from Thackeray. SPIELMANN, M. H. The History’of “ Punch.” Numer- ous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 Contains numerous portraits of Thackeray, with sketches. SPIELMANN, M. H. The Hitherto Unidentified Contri- butions of W. M. Thackeray to “ Punch.” //ustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1900 Contains numerous articles by Thackeray Sor the first time reprinied. STEPHEN, Lesiiz. The Writings of W. M. Thackeray. From the Works of W. M. Thackeray. Edition de Luxe. Vol. 24, pp. 303-367, with title page and ten portraits of Thackeray on india paper. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1879 Contains letters from Thackeray 10 G. Smith, &c. STEPHENS, F. G. A Memoir of George Cruikshank. Lllustrated. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1891 With thirty wlustrations to Thackeray's Essay. STODDARD, Ricu. H. Anecdote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1875 Contains a printed letter from Thackeray to W. B. Reed, with sketch in facsimile. This is the Second Edition, the first being without the facsimile. The first reprint of “King Fritz.” Tuomas, Geo. H. A Collection of One Hundred of the Best Drawings by. Folio, cloth. London Contains Ballad of Eliza Davis. 32 WoRKS RELATING TO THACKERAY—Continued. 195 197 199 200 201 VicroriA Recia, THe. A Volume of Original Con- tributions in Poetry and Prose. Edited by Adelaide A. Procter. | 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 Contains “A Leaf out of a Sketch Book,” with two dlus- trations of Thackeray. THORNBURY, WALTER. Two Centuries of Song, or Lyrics, Madrigals, Sonnets, &c., of the last two hundred years. Lllustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 Contains four of Thackeray's Ballads. Witson, JAMES GRANT. Thackeray in the United States, 1852-3, 1855-6. Including a Record of a Variety of Thackerayana, with six score wlustrations, and a Bibliog- raphy by Frederick S. Dickson. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1904 CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE. Earl of. Miscellaneous Works of. With Memoirs of his Life. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, (1779) from the library of W. M. Thackeray, with library stamp on each volume. THACKERAYANA. A’BreckeTtT, A. W. The a Becketts of “Func, Memoirs of Father and Sons. fortrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Westminster, 1903 Contains numerous references to Thackeray. A’BecketTtT, A. W. Recollections of a Humorist Grave and Gay. Fortrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1907 Contains numerous references to Thackeray. A’BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT. The Almanack of the Month. A Review of Everything and Everybody. /dus-_ trated. 2 vols. 16mo, full red calf, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1846 An exceptional copy. Reviews Thackeray's “ Cornhill to Cairo” in the number for February. ~~. 33 THACKERAVANA—Continued.. 202 ALTHAUS, FREDERICK. Englische Charakterbilder. 2vols. 8vo, boards. Berlin, 1860 Vol. 1 1s devoted to Thackeray. 203 ANDREWS, WILLIAM. Literary Byways. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1898- 204 ARNOLD, THomas. A Manual of English Literature. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1885; 205 BaGexot, Water. Literary Studies, edited by Richard H. Hutton. Portrait. 2vols. S8vo, cloth, uncut. Loudon, 1879: Contains ‘‘ Sterne and Thackeray,’ written in 1864. 206 BaLraANTINE, Mr. SERJEANT. Some Experiences of a Barrister’s Life. Fourth Edition. Portrait. 2 vols. $8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1882. 207. Tue SAME. Fortrait. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. New York, 1883. 208 BARNARD, FREDERICK. A Series of Character Sketches from Thackeray, from original drawings by. Reproduced in photogravure. Folio, boards. | London, 1886. 209 ~=XBaTES, ARLO. Talks on the Study of Literature. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1898: Contains nine striking references to Thackeray. 210 =©6.-: D’Israzui, Benjamin. Endymion. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, 1880 Furst k:dition. St. Barbe 1s reported to be founded on: Thackeray. 211 Berrrs, Henry A. From Chaucer to Tennyson, wz: tweuty-nine portraits. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1899: Extract from ‘* Vanity Fair” and references. 212. BeRpMorE, Serr. ErRSKINE, Hon. THomas. The Speeches of the. When at the Bar, on Subjects connected with the Liberty of the Press, and Against Constructive Treasons. Collected by James Ridgway. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, diamond calf, gilt. London, 1810-12 Esop. Select Fables of, and other Fabulists. Copper- plates. 12mo, calf, broken. Baskerville, Birmingham, 1764 Essays AND Reviews. (By Frederick Temple.) Row- land Williams, Baden Powell, H. B. Wilson, Mark Pattison, Benjamin Jowett and others. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860 FaceTIaE. Joe Miller’s Jests; or, the Wits’ Vade-Mecum, being a collection of the most Brilliant Jests, the Politest Repartees, the most Elegant Bons Mots, and most pleasant short stories in the English Language. 8vo, half bock. (London, 1739) Facsimile of the 1739 Edition. FaceTiAE. Matrimonial Ceremonies Display’d, wherein are exhibited the various Customs, Odd Pranks, Whimsical Tricks and Surprizing Practices of near one hundred dif- ferent Kingdoms and People in the World, now us’d in the Celebration and Consummation of Matrimony. Collected from the Papers of an Old Rich Bawdy Batchelor. 12mo, half calf. London, 1748 RARE EDITIONS OF THE FEDERALIST. THE | Feperatist: | A Collection | of | Essays | written in favour of the | New Constitution, | as agreed upon by the Federal Convention | September 17, 1787. | New-York: | Printed and Sold by J. and A. McLean, | No. 41, Hanover- square, | M, DCC, LXXX VIII. 2 vols. 12m0, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt. A fine copy of the very rare First Edition in book form, In the copy of this work presented to Genl. Washington, James Madison wrote on the fly leaf the authorship of the various articles. “Mr. Jay was author of No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 54, Mr. Madison of No. 10, 14, and 37 to 48, inclusive, of the last. No. 18, 19, 20 were the production of Jay, Madison and Hamilton, all the rest of Genl. Hamilton.” Although this disagrees with several writers on the subject, tt 652 653 654 655 656 76 2s fair to presume it ts correct, as Mr. Madison, being one of the authors, evidently knew what he was writing about. THE FEDERALIST, on the New Constitution, by Publius, written in 1788. To which is added Pacificus on the Proclamation of Neutrality, written in 1793. Likewise The Federal Constitution, with all the amendments. Revised and Corrected. 2 vols. 8vo, new calf, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: Printed and Sold by George F. Hopkins, 1802 Very scarce. Edited by Jno. Wells. “In the year 1802 Mr. Hopkins, printer, of New York, intended to publish a new edition of the Federalist, took the opportunity to apply to Gov. flamilton, and solicit him to correct and revise the numbers, and, so far succeeded, as to obtain his consent to assist in the revisal, provided a gentleman of competent literary talents would undertake to make the first verbal correction, for the original idea was to be strictly adhered to. He then examined the whole with his own eye, previoue to its being committed to the press, and saw that it was free from literary blemishes.” William A. Coleman, 1817. THE FEDERALIST, on the New Constitution, written in 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jay,.and Mr. Madison. To which is added Pacificus on the Proclamation of Neutrality, written in 1793 by Mr. Hamilton. A New Edition, with the Names and Portraits of the several writers. 2 vols. 8vo, half new calf, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: Published by Williams and Whitney, 1810 Very scarce. Name on title. FEDERALIST, THE, on the New Constitution, written in 1788 by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jay, and Mr. Madison. A New Edition, with the Names and Portraits of the several authors. 8vo, half new calf, gilt, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1818 FEDERALIST, THE, on the New Constitution, written in 1788 by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jay, and Mr. Madison, z2th portrait by Leney. (Name on Title.) 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1818 FEDERALIST, THE. A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States. A Collection of Essays by Alexander Hamilton, Jay, and Madison. Also the Continentalist, and other Papers, by Hamilton. Edited by John C. Hamilton. Portrait. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1865 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 77 (FIELDING, Henry.) A Letter to a Noble Lord, to whom alone it Belongs. Occasioned by a Representation at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, of a Farce, called Miss Lucy in Town. 12mo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt. London : Cooper, 1742 Fine copy of the rare first edition. (FieLpinc, Henry). The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, and of His Friend, Mr. Abraham Adams. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt. Printed for A. Miller, London, 1742 Furst Edition. Fine copy, and rarest of all [elding's Novels. (FirLpinc, Henry.) The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend, Mr. Abraham Adams. Second Edition. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf. London : Printed for A. Miller, 1842 Second Edition. Revised and corrected with alterations and additions by the author. Fretpinc, Henry. Miscellanies by, Containing the Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild, A Journey from This World to the Next, &c. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, broken. London: Printed for A. Miller, 1743 Seconda Edition. FIELDING, Henry. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrew and His Friend, Mr. Abraham Adams. Third Edition, with copper plates. 2vols. 12mo, old calf. A. Miller, London, 1743. First Illustrated Edition. FieLpinc, Henry. The True State of the Case of Bosa- vern Penlez, who Suffered on Account of the Late Riot in the Strand. 8vo, half calf, London, 1749 First Edition. Very scarce. FreLtpinc, Henry. The History of Tom Jones, a Found- ling. 6 vols. 12mo, oldcalf. London: Printed for A. Miller, over against Catharine-Street in the Strand. MDCCXLIX. First Edition, with the leaf of “ Errata” following page eX l, Sling copy. 664 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 78 FieLDING, Henry. The History of Tom Jones, a Found- ling. 4 vols. 12mo, old calf. First four-volume edition. Fine copy. Printed for A. Miller, London, 1749 Fretpinc, Henry. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend, Mr. Abraham Adams. Ninth Edition. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf. London, 1769 With bookplate of Richard Cox. FreLpiInG. Tom Jones, a Comic Opera. As it is per- formed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. By Joseph Reed. 8vo. London, 1769 First Edition. Taken from Frelding’s novel of Tom Jones. FieLtpinc. Tom Jones, a Comic Opera, as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. By Joseph Reed. Lhe Second Edition. 8vo, half calf. London (Becket), 1769 FIELDING, Henry. The Works of. 12 vols. r2mo, calf. London, 1775 FIELDING, HENRY. Tom Jones, ou L’Enfant Trouve Imitation de L’Anglois, par M. De La Place. Quatrieme Edition. Copperplates by Gravelot. 4vols. 12mo, old calf. Paris, 1777 FIELDING, Henry. Amelia. Frontesprece. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1780 FigELpING, Henry. The Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1792 FIELDING, Henry. The Works of, with an Essay on his Life and Genius by Arthur Murphy. Portrazt. Io vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1806 FIELDING, HENRY. Tom Jones, Jonathan Wild, Amelia, Joseph Andrews and a Journey from this World to the next (being 2 vols. of the British Novelists). ///ustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, broken. London, 1811 FieLpInGc, Henry. Tom Jones, ou Histoire d’un Enfant Trouve, par Fielding. 4 vols. 8vo, paper, uncut. Paris, 1823 ge ¥ we ON OE ee OO ne PCO ay Pee 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 68 3 684 685 686 79 Fieipinc. Comédie en un Acte et en Vers, par M; Ed. Mennechet. 8vo. A Paris, 1823 FreLpInc, Henry. The History of Tom Jones. Fron- tis ptece. 2 vols. 16mo, boards, uncnt. London, 1825 FiecDInc. Henry. Geschichte Tom Jones. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt durch W. von Ludermann. 3 vols. 12mo, boards. Leipzig, 1826 Fiecpinc. Tom Thumb; a Burletta, altered from Henry Fielding, by Kane O’Hara. With designs by George Cruikshank. 16mo, printed wrapper. London, 1830 Furst Edition. Fine copy. FIELDING, Henry. The History of Tom Jones; 2 vols. The History of Amelia; 2 vols. The Adventures of Joseph Andrews. With idlustrations by George Cruikshank. 5 vols. 12mo, half red calf, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by Morrell. London, 1831-2 first Edition with Cruikshank's plates. FIELDING, Henry. The Works of. Edited by Thomas Roscoe. J/élustrated by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1848 THE SAME. London, 1849 THE SAME. London, 1861 FietpinG, Henry. Miscellanies and Poems. Edited by James P. Browne. 8vo, half roan. London, 1872 FIeLpInc, Henry. The Works of. Edited with a bio- graphical essay by Leslie Stephen. ///ustrated. 10 vols. Royal 8vo, buckram, uncut. Smith, Elder & Co.: London, 1882 Large Paper Edition. No. 206 of 250 copies. FIELDING, Henry. Amelia. /Uustrated by Cruikshank. 12mo, cloth. London, 1884 PiELpDING, Henry. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. With introduction and note by Austin Dobson. Portrait. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1892 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 80 Fieipine’s (Henry) DraMaTIScHE WERKE. Litterarische Studie. Won Dr, Felix Lindner. 8vo, paper, loose. Leipzig, 1895 FieLtpinc, Henry. The History of the Life of the late Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great. Portrait. 8vo, half calf, top edges gilt. London, 1898 Fretpinc, Henry. The Life and Writings of, by Thomas Keightley. Taken from the pages of Fraser’s Magazine, and edited by Frederick Stoever Dickson. /d/ustrated. 8vo, half calf. Cleveland, 1907 No. 33 of 110 copies printed. Fietpinc, Henry. The History of Tom Jones. /vont- Ispleces. 4 vols. 16mo, half bound. London, n. d. Frecpinc. By Austin Dobson. Extra-tdlustrated by the insertion of forty-one engraved portraits and views. 8vo, full light polished calf, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by Root. London, 1883 FreLps, AnniE. Authors and Friends. 12mo, cloth. London, 1896 Fiske, Amos K. The Myths of Israel. The Ancient Book of Genesis, with Analysis and Explanation of its Composition. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1897 Fiske, Joun. The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, 2 vols.; A Century of Science, The Beginnings of New England, Through Nature to God, and The Destiny of Man. 6 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1886-99 Mostiy all Furst Editions. FiskE, Jonn. The American Revolution. //ustrated with portraits, maps, facsimiles, contemporary views, prints and other historical materials. 2vols. 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston, 1897 Fiske, Jon. The Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789. Jllustrated with portraits, maps, facsimiles, con- temporary views, prints and other historic matertals. 8vo, buckram. Boston, 1898 FirzGERALD, Percy. The Romance of the English Stage. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1874 SI 698 FirzGERALD, Percy. A New History of the Englisky Stage, from the Restoration to the Liberty of the Theatres,,. in connection with the Patent Houses. 2vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1882: 699 ~=Freminc, Witttam. The Vocabulary of Philosophy, Mental, Moral and Metaphysical, with Quotations and References. 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1860 700 ~=6 Frazer, J. G. The Golden Bough, a Study in Com- parative Religion. Fvontisptece. 2 vols. %8vo, cloth. New York, 1894 701 Free Tuoucur. Pamphlets on Free Thought. By Voltaire, Hume, Ingersoll, &c. 16 pieces 702 +FrencuH, Geo. R. Shakespeareania Genealogies. Part I, Identification of the Dramatists Persone in Shakespeare’s Historical Plays, &c.; Part II, The Shakespeare and Arden. Families and their Connections. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869. 703. +1FrencH Masterpieces. A Library of. Edited by Ed-- mund Gosse, viz.: Colomba and Carmen, by Merimee; The- Two Young Brides, by Balzac; The Nabob, by Daudet ;: The Romance of a Poor Young Man, by Feuillet; Notre Dame of Paris, by Hugo; Madame Bovary, by Flaubert ; Renée Mauperin, by J. & E. DeGoncourt; The Black Tulip, by Dumas; The Lady of the Camellias, by Dumas,, the younger ; Pierre and Jean, by De Maupassant ; Mauprat,. by George Sand; and The Chartreuse of Parma, by Stendhal. Colored and plain illustrations. 12 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt. London, Igo4: 704 GALLUP, JoHN D. The Genealogical History of the Gallup Family in the United States; also, Biographical Sketches of Members of the Family. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1893; 705 GARNETT, RICHARD, GossE EpmMunD. English Literature, an Illustrated Record. //ustrated with numerous fac-similes, some of which are in colors and gold. 4 vols. Royal 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1903 706 Gay, Joun. Fables by. With a Life of the Author, and embellished with seventy fine old copper plates. 2vols. &vo, calf. John Stockdale, London, 1793; Stockdale’s Beautiful Edition. Cut close. Loy 710 TAN 712 713 $2 GENTLEMAN’S MAGAZINE OR MONTHLY INTELLIGENCER, Tur. ‘For the Years. 1734; 46, 50,. 52)) SO;Meanraeee and 2,91 and 1801. Plates. 8 vols. 8vo, calf (broken). London, 1734-1801 All more or less unperfect. GEORGIAN Era, THe. Memoirs of the Most Eminent Persons who have flourished in Great Britain from the accession of George The First to the Demise of George The Fourth. //ustrated. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1832 (GiLL, CHArtEs). The Evolution of Christianity. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1883 GoETHE, JOHANN WoLFGANG von. Faust. A Tragedy. . Translated, in the Original Metres, by Bayard Taylor. Name on title. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston, 1871 First Edition. GoLpsMIri, OLtvEr. The Works of. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Steel vignettes on iilles. 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt, marbled edges. John Murray, London, 1854 This Edition contains the suppressed Postscript to Preface, of which only fifty were priyately printed, and is so attested to in the autograph of Bolton Corney. GOLDSMITH, OLIvER. The Life and Times of. By John Forster. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt, marbled edges. London, 1854 GOLDSMITH, OtriverR. The Vicar of Wakefield. With memoir by George Saintsbury. With 114 superb colored wl/ustrations by V. A. Powrson. | Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, n. d. Gopwin, Witutiam. An Enquiry concerning Political Justice, and its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness. 2 vols. 4to, calf, gilt. London, 1793 GoopHuUGH, WILLIAM. The English Gentleman’s Library Manual. Svo, half roan. London, 1827 Gorton, Jonun. A General Biographical Dictionary. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1847 717 718 719 720 721 722 83 Gray, Asa. Letters of. Edited by Jane Loring Gray. Portrait. | 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, top edges gilt. Boston, 1894 (GREEN, THomas). Extracts from the Diary of a Lover of Literature. ‘ 4to, full diamond calf. Ipswich, 1810 GREVILLE, CHARLES C.V. The Greville Memoirs. A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. Edited by Henry Reeve. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1875 GREVILLE, CHARLES C. F. The Greville Memoirs. A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria. From 1837 to 1852, 3 vols., and from 1852 to 1860, 2 vols. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, nncut (worn). London, 1885-7 Oniginal Edition. GoobE, Geo. B. Bibliography of the Published Writings of Spencer F, Baird. 1843-1882. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Washington, 1883 Guizot, F. The Collected Works of, viz.: General His- tory of Civilization in Europe, Talboys, Oxford, 1838, vol. History of the English Revolution, Talboys, Oxford, 1838, 2 vols. Memoirs of George Monk, Bentley, London, 1838, 1 vol. Washington, Murray, London, 1840. The History of Civilization, Bogue, London, 1851, 3 vols. Shakespeare and his Times, Bentley, London, 1852, 1 vol. Corneille and his Times, Bentley, London, 1852, 1 vol. His- tory of Oliver Cromwell, Bentley, 1854, 2 vols. History of Richard Cromwell, Bentley, London, 1856, 2 vols. Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel, Bentley, London, 1857. Me- moirs to Ilustrate the History of My Time, Bentley, Lon- don, 1858, 4 vols. An Embassy tothe Court of St. James’s in 1840, Bentley, London, 1862, 1 vol. Meditations on the Essence of Christianity, Murray, London, 1864, 1 vol. France under Louis-Philippe, Bentley, London, 1865, 1 vol. Memoirs of a Minister of State, Bentley, London, 1864. Meditations on the Actual State of Christianity, Murray, London, 1866. The’ Last Days of the Reign of Louis- Philippe, Bentley, London, 1867. And Christianity and Society, Murray, 1871. 26 vols. 12mo and 8vo, full light calf, gilt, marbled edges. 723 726 727 728 729 730 731 7 32 84 Guizot, M. The History of France, from the Earliest Times to the year 1789. Translated by Robert Black. Numerous tllustrations. 6 vols., Royal 8vo. 5 vols., half mottled calf, gilt, rededges. 1 vol., cloth, top edges gilt. London, 1872-80 Guizot, M. Saint Louis and Calvin. J//ustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, n. d. Hapn’s UnNIvERSAL INDEX oF BroGrapHy, from the Creation to the Present Time. Edited by J. B. Payne. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870 HarcKEL, Ernst. The Evolution of Man. A Popular Exposition of the Principal Points of Human Ontogeny and Phylogeny. Translated from the German. //ustrated. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 HaGGarD, H. Riper. Works by. Ji/ustrated. 16 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt, uncut. London, 1897-1906 Haccarp, H. Riper. Works by, viz: King Solomon’s Mines, The Way of the Spirit, The Spirit of Bambatse, Jess, Lysbeth, Pearl Maiden, The Brethren and Allan Quatermain. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. London and New York, v. d. Hatiam, Henry. The Constitutional History of Eng- land from the Accession of Henry VII to the Death of George II. 2vols. $vo, light calf, gilt, marbled edges. John Murray, London, 1846 Hatiam, Henry. View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols. 8vo, light calf, gilt, marbled edges (binding slightly damaged). , John Murray, London, 1846 HALLOwWELL, JAMES O. Shakespeariana. A Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare’s Plays. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1841 Hatiock, CHarLes. The Sportsman’s Gazetteer and General Guide. The Game Animals, Birds and Fishes of North America, Their Habits and Various Methods of Capture. dlustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 733 734 735 730 af 738 739 740 741 742 743 85 Hamittron, AntHony. Memoirs of Count Grammont. Edited, with notes, by Sir Walter Scott, weth 33 etchings on India paper by L. Boisson from compositions by C. Delort. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1889 Large paper copy, No. 225 of 780 copies printed. Harrison, FREDERIC. The Choice of Books and Other Literary vieces. 2vols. 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1886 Haypen, ARTHUR. Chats on Old Furniture. A Practi- cal Guide for Collectors. Numerous photographic illustra- tions. 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1905 Haypen, ARTHUR. Chats on Old Prints. J/lustrated with numerous reproductions. 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1906 Hazuirr, Witiiam. Lectures on the English Comic Writers. Delivered at the Surry Institution. Fzrst Edition. 8vo, half bound, uncut. London, 1819 Hetyn, Perer. A Little Description of the Great World. (The Sixih Edition.) Small 4to, old calf. Oxford, 1639 Title repaired and stained throughout. Henty, G. A. One of the 28th. A Tale of Waterloo, and Sturdy and Strong. J/lustrated. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, v. d. Henty, G. A. The Lion of St. Mark. /lustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, n. d. HERBERT, GEORGE. The Works of. In Prose and Verse. Frontispieces. 2vols. 8vo, calf, gilt red edges (binding repaired). William Pickering, London, 1846 (Hersert, Henry W.). “ Frank Forester.’ The Com- plete Manual for Young Sportsmen. ///ustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864 Hickey, W. The Constitution of the United States of America, with an Alphabetical Analysis. /d/ustratons. Second Edition. 12mo, cloth ( broken). Philadelphia, 1847 744 745 86 Hoppes, JAMES R. The Picture Collector’s Manual, Adapted to the Professional Man and the Amateur; being a Dictionary of Painters, together with an Alphabetical Ar- rangement of the Scholars, Imitators and Copyists of the various Masters and a Classification of Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 HoGartu. Graphic Illustration of From Pictures, Drawings, and Scarce Prints in the Possession of Samuel Ireland, Author of this work. /dlustrated with sixty etchings by the author, assisted by his two daughters. 8vo, full tree calf, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1794 HoGarTH, WILLIAM. By Austin Dobson. With an In- troduction on Hogarth’s Workmanship by Sir Walter Arm- strong. With portrait and seventy-cight fine plates, compris- ing photegravures and copperplates exquisitely reproduced Srom the Original Paintings, in private and public galleries, with a portfolio of Duplicate Plates in photogravure on India 747 748 749 759 Paper. 2 vols. Royal 4to buckram, cloth, top edges gilt. London, 1902 Of this edition, with duplicate plates, only 110 sets were assucd. | ) These splendid volumes will mark authoritatively the post- tion Hogarth holds as the first great English master to arrive in the Eighteenth Century. The plates allow his art to be more thoroughly represented than tn any of the editions of the last seventy years —Academy. Hocarru, Wa. A Collection of thirty-six Original En- gravings by, including “ Before” and “ After,” all early im- pressions. Folio, a rare lot. 36 pieces HocartH, Wm. A Series of ninety-six Plates after. Engraved by W. Cook. Folio and 4to. Rare lot. HocartH, Mr. Anecdotes of,and Explanatory Descrip- tions of the Plates of Hogarth Restored. Engraved by Thomas Cook. Text only. Royal 8vo, half bound, uncut. London, 1803 Hotty, H. Hupson. Modern Dwellings in Town and Country Adapted to American Wants and Climate, with a Treatise on Furniture and Decoration. J/ustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1878 75% 752 fee 754 fas 756 87 Homer. Illiad of. Translated by George Chapman ; and Table Talk, being the Discourses of John Selden. 3 vols. 16mo, limp calf. Dent, London, n. d. Hoprin, J. M. Memoir of Henry Armitt Brown, together with four Historical Addresses. Fortraizt. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1880 Houcuton Gatiery. The Collection of Paintings by the most Esteemed Masters now in the possession of the Empress of Russia, formerly the property of the Earl of Orford at Houghton in Norfolk. Contains one hundred and thirty-two finely-engraved plates in megzotinto and line by Earlom, Woollett, Sharp, Heath, V. Green, Spilsbury, Boydell, Pether, Watson, Murphy, Michael and other Eminent Engravers ; with descriptive text in English and French, and the measurement of the Original Paintings by Rubens, Van Dyck, Tenters, Claude, Kneller, Velasquez, Sir P. Lely, Rembrandt, A. More, Frans Fals, Maratti, Salvator Rosa, Synders, De Voss, Boll, Ostade, Da Vinet, Murillo, Brill, Titian, Van Huysum, &c., includes fine portraits of Catharine of Russia and Sir Robert Walpole, engraved by Watson, and twenty-eight plates of views, plan and decorations of Houghton. | 2 vols. Imperial folio, full diamond calf, gilt, gilt edges. Boydell, London, 1788 Connoisseurs have passed this collection as being one of the first in Europe. This copy contains fine impressions of the vare Fruit and Flower Pieces of Van Huysum, engraved by Earlom. Considered the masterpieces of the mezszotinto en- gravers art. Howarp, CiirForD. Sex Worship: An Exposition of the Phallic Origin of Religion. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Washington, 1898 Autograph letter of the author inserted. Howarp’s Beauties oF LireraturE. ortrait. 39 vols. 16mo, boards, uncut. London, n. d. Hupparp, Wma. A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England from the first planting thereof in the year 1607 to the year 1677. 16mo, boards. Norwich : Printed by John Trumbull, n. d. sor: 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 &3 Hupson-lutron CELEBRATION, THE. Catalogue of an Exhibition held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Lllustrated. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, half cloth. New York, 1909 Hueo, Vicror. Les Misérables. Wath wlustrations from designs by De Neuville, Bayard, Morin, Volnay, and other eminent French artists. 5 vols. Royal 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1887 Huxtey, Tuomas H. Collected Essays by. 9g vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1896 IMPERIAL Dictionary of Universal Biography, comprising a Series of Original Memoirs of Distinguished Men of All Ages and All Nations. Numerous fine portraits. 14 vols. Imperial 8vo, half calf, gilt, marbled edges. London, n. d. Inpians. Amone the Pimas; or, The Mission to the Pima and Maricopa Indians. /d/ustrated. 12mo, cloth. Albany, 1893 (Irvinc, WasuincTon.) Bracebridge Hall, London, 1822, 2 vols., A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, London, 1829, 2 vols., and The Alhambra, London, 1832, 2 vols. 6 vols. 8vo, boards and muslin, uncut. Murray, London, 1822-32 First English Editions. (Irvinc, Wasuincron.) Tales of. A Traveller. By Geoffrey Crayon. 2vols. S8vo, boards, uncut (broken). London, 1824 (Irvinc, Wasuineton.) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Murray, London, 1824 (IRVING, WasHInGToON.) Salmagundi; or, The Whim- Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and Others. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1824 IrvING, WASHINGTON. Tales of a Traveller. By Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1825 IrvinG, WasHiInGToN. Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. /élustrated with numerous superb vignettes, on India paper, from designs by eminent American Artists. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1882 Edition de Luxe. No. 335 of 500 copies printed. 768 769 77° 771 772 773 774 is 776 777 89 IrvinGc, WasuHincton. Works by, viz: Tales of a Traveller, 2 vols.; Sketch Book, 2 vols.; Granada, 2 vols.; Knickerbocker, 2 vols.,and Alhambra, 2 vols. Frontispieces. 10 vols. 1I2mo, cloth, top cdgcs gilt, uncut. New York, 1891 95 Jackson, Hovsroox. Bernard Shaw by. Portraits. 12mo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1907 JERROLD, Douctas. The Illustrated Magazine, Edited by, from the Commencement, May, 1843, to April, 1845. lllustrated. Very scarce. 4 vols. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. London, 1843-45 JERROLD’S, (Douctas). Shilling Magazine, January, 1845, to June, 1848, wanting March, 1846, January, 1848. 40 parts—39 in original wrappers. London Containing very many etchings by John Leech, tlustrating the novel “The Fiistory of St. Giles and St. James.” Scarce. Jesse, J. Herneace. London and its Celebrities. A second series of Literary and Historical Memorials of London. Folding plates and other tllustrations. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, marbled edges. London, 1847-50 Jesse, J. HengEace. Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. 2vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, marbled edges. Bentley, London, 1875 First Edition. JoHnson, SAMUEL. Letters to and from. Published from the original MSS. by Hester Lynch Piozzi. 2vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1888 Jones, Pomeroy. Annals and Recollections of Oneida County. 8vo, cloth. Rome (N. Y.) 1851 Jorpan, Davip Starr. Manual of the Vertebrates of the Northern United States. 12mo, half roan, lacks back. Chicago, 1880 Jorpan, Davip Starr, AND EveRMANN, Barton War— REN. American Food and Game Fishes. A Popular Ac- count of all the Species found in America North of the Equator, with Keys for Ready Identification, Life Histories and Methods of Capture. J/ustrated with colored plates and text drawings, and with photographs from life by A. R. Dugmore. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. New York, Ig902 778 779 785 786 787 788 789 gO Junius. (Letters.) Stipple Portraits. 2vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1799 Contains bookplate of John Lewis Coffee. Kansas. Reports on Kansas Affairs during the year 1856. Thick 8vo, half calf. Washington, 1856 Keppet, FREDERICK. The Golden Age of Engraving. An Introductory Essay on the Old Engravers. J//ustrated. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1878 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. His Letters and Memoirs of his Life. Edited by his Wife. Portratts. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1879 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. Novels by. 7 vols. tr2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1881-8 Knicut, JoszpH. David Garrick. Etched portrait by W. Boucher. 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1894 Lacroix, Paut. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance. ///us- trated with fourteen chromolithographic prints by F. Keller- hoven, Régamey ond L. Allard, and over four hundred en- gravings on wood. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Chapman and Hall, London, 1874 LainG,S. A Modern Zoroastrian, Human Origins, Prob- lems of the Future, and Modern Science and Modern Thought. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1895-97 Lams, CHARLES. The Works of. Edited by William Macdonald. /éustrated. 12 vols, 12mo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Dent, London, 1903 LAMBERT, OsmunpD. Angling Literature in England, and Description of Fishing by the Ancients. 16mo, vellum, uncut. London, 1881 LAMBERTON, R. H. Outlines of History; and An His- torical Atlas Containing a Chronological Series of One Hundred Maps. 2vols. Oblong 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1870-72 LaNDSEER, JOHN. Lectures on the Art of Engraving. 8vo, needs rebinding. London, 1807 gli 790 +1=Lanc, ANDREW. Books and Bookmen. 12mo, cloth. London, 1892 791 Lecxy, W. E. H. History of the Rise and Influence of | the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, and History of Euro- pean Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. 4 vols. 8vo, half dark green calf, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1865-69 Best Edition. 792 ~+Lecky, Wittiam Epwarp H. A History of England in the Eighteenth Century. 4vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt, and cloth (vols. 1 and 2 in calf,; vols. 2 and 4 in cloth). New York, 1878-82 793 \Lecxy, W.E. H. History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869 First and Best Edition. 794 LeFFINGWELL, W. B. Wild Fowl Shooting; Containing Sc entific and Practical Descriptions of Wild Fowl. Their Resorts. Habits, Flights, &c. J/llustrated. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1888 795 lLesacg, A. R. The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillana. Translated by Martin Smart. Embellished with one hundred | copper-plates. 4 vols. 12mo0, calf (rubbed). London, 1807 796 ~=36 Lewine, J._ Bibliography of Eighteenth Century Art and Illustrated Books. Being a Guide to Collectors of Ilustra- ted Works in English and French of the Period. With thirty-five plates, giving specimens of the work of the Artists of the time. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1898 Limited to 100 coptes. 797 + +\Lewis, M. G. The Monk; a Romance. J/lustrated with colored and tinted aquatints. 8vo, half bound, broken. London, 1829 798 Lerypr, Lucas pre. Catalogue raisonné De Toutes Les Estampes Qui Forment L’Oeuvre de. Par Adam Bartsch. 8vo, half calf (broken). Vienna, 1798 799 ~3— Liprary OF USEFUL STORIES. 5 vols. 16mo, buckram. New York, 1896-9 800 LIBRARY OF USEFUL STORIES. 7 vols. 12mo, buckram. New York, v. d. 801 802 805 806 807 808 810 QO2 Lincotn, ABRAHAM. An Essay. By Carl Schurz. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, top edges gilt. Boston, 1891 Linton, W. J. Some Practical Hints on Wood-Engrav- ing. For the instruction of Reviewers and the Public. // lustrated. Square 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1879 LINCHFIELD, FREDERICK. Illustrated History of Furni- ture. From the Earliest to the Present Time. Numerous tllustrations. Royal 8vo, buckram, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1899 LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK. How to Collect Old Furniture. Numerous photographic wlustrations. 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1904 LopcGe, Henry Casot. A Short History of the English Colonies in America. 8vo, half roan. New York, 1898 LopGe, Henry Caspot. The Story of the Revolution. Mlustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1898 Lotmg, J. L. De. The Constitution of England; or, An Account of the English Government. Portrait. 8vo, tree calf, gilt (rubbed). London, 1793 Lonpon .MaGazinE; or, Gentleman’s Monthly Intelli- gencer. Folding plates, views, maps, &c. For the years 1732:to 17 Si1,.175'5. to 1760, and 1703\to a7. 38 vols. 8vo, calf and vellum London, 1732-73 Contains accounts of the Indian Wars in America, the french and Indian War, the Colonies. Also Map of the French Set- tlements, Map of the Five Great Lakes, Map of Maryland, with the Delaware Counties and the Southern part of New Jersey, Map of the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, Plan of the Fort and Bay of Frotenac, Plan of Quebec, Chart of the St. Lawrence River, Map of the Cherokee Nation, Large colored Map of North America, Map of East and West Florida, &c. Some few of the volumes are tmperfect, lacking some of the maps and plates and some few pages mutilated. Lonpon STAGE, THE Setect. A Collection of the most reputed Tragedians, Comedians, Operas, Melo-Dramas, Farces and Interludes. Portraits and woodcut vignettes. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. SII 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 $21 822 93 , Lonpon Stace. A Series of the most Popular Plays. Illustrated with woodcuts and portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, n. d. Lowr, Rosert W. A Biographical Account of English Theatrical Literature, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 Limited to 500 copies. Lowe, Rosperr W. An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, written by himself. Wustrated with mezzo- tinto portraits on japan paper by R. B. Parkes, aud etchings by Adolphe Lalauze. 2vols. 8vo, half Roxbury style, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1889 LoweLL, Francis C. Joan of Arc. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. — Boston, 1896 LowELL, JAMES RussELL. Political Essays. /irst Edition. t2mo, cloth. Boston, 1888 Lowrik, WaLteR. Monuments of the Early Church. 8vo, cloth. New York (London), 1901 Luske. Dr. WILHELM. Outlines of the History of Art, a New Translation. Edited by Clarence Cook. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. New York, 1878 LuxporouGH, Lapy. Letters written by the late Right Honourable Lady Luxborough to William Shenstone. 8vo, calf. London, 1775 Contains numerous references to Henry Fielding. Scarce. LYTTLETON, GEORGE Lorp. The Works of. Collected and Published by George Edward Ayscough. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, marbled edges. London, 1776 McCartuy, Justin. A Short History of Our Own Times. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1888 McCurtoueu,J. R. The Principles of Political Economy. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1864 McLennan, Jonn F. Primitive Marriage. An Inquiry Into the Origin of the Form of Capture in Marriage Cere- monies. , 8vo, cloth. Edingburgh, 1865 Scarce. 823 824 $27 828 829 830 831 832 833 94 McMaster, JoHn Bacu. A History of the People of the United Sfates, from the Revolution to the Civil War. Vols. 1 and 2 only. 2vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883 MacaAuray, Lorp. Critical, Historical and Miscellaneous Essays. Portrait. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860 Macautay, Lorp. The History of England from the Accession of James the Second. Edited by His Sister, Lady Trevelyan. 5 vols. 8vo, full light calf, gilt, polished gilt edges. London, 1860-61 Macautay, THomas B. Critical and Historical Essays. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut.. London, 1843 Mackin, CHARLES. Memoirs of the Life of. Principally compiled from his own papers, which contain his criticisms on and characters and anecdotes of most of his contempor- aries. By James T. Kirkman. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1799 MAETERLINCK, Maurice. The Life of the Bee. Trans- lated by Alfred Sutro. . 8vo, cloth. New York, 1906 Manan, Captain A. T. The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783. Maps, &e. 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt. Boston, 1895 Manan, Captain A. T. The Life of Nelson. The Em- bodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt. Boston, 1897 First Edition. Mauan, Captain A. T. The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future. 12mo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt. Boston, 1897 Mauon, Lorp. History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht, to the Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle. To the Peace of Paris, Versailles (1713-1783). The Reign of Queen Anne until the Peace of Utrecht, by Earl Stanhope, 1701-1713. 8 vols. 8vo, full light calf, gilt, marbled edges. John Murray, London, 1839-71 MARLBOROUGH, DowaGEer DucHEss oF. An Account of the Conduct of the. From her first coming to Court to rs ; Ya 834 835 836 837 95 the year 1710. Ina Letter from herself to My Lord . 8vo, calf. London, 1742 Written by Nathaniel Hooke. Maupbe, Cyrit. The Haymarket Theatre. Some Records and Reminiscences. Edited by Ralph Maude. Colored frontispiece and other illustrations. 8vo, buckram, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1903 MAXWELL, Sir Hersert. A History of the House of Douglas, from the Earliest Times down to the Legislative Union of England and Scotland. Mwsmerous tllustrations, some colored. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1902 Merpwin, THos. Conversations of Lord Byron, noted during a Residence with his Lordship at Pisa, wth facsimile. 8vo, half calf. | London, 1824 With library stamp and stained. Meyer, Dr. Bruno. Weibliche Schénheit Kritische _Betrachtungen ber die Darstellung des Nackten in 838 839 840 841 Malerei und Photographie von. Mit 250 Malerischen Akt- studien in Farbendruck von René Le Bigue, Egbert Falk, Kunstmaler W. Hartig, Professor H. L. v. Jan, O. Lippin- cott, Kunstphotograph E. Schneider und einer Einleitung von Regierungsrat Ludwig Schrank. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, buckram, gilt, top edges gilt. Stuttgart (1905) MiLiyHouse, Joun. New English and Italian Dictionary. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, 1857 Mirman, H.H. The Life of Edward Gibbon. With Se- lections from his Correspondence. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1839 Mirton, Joun. The Works of. In Verse and Prose. Printed from the original editions, with a life of the Author by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrazt. 8 vols. 8vo, embossed calf, red edges. William Pickering : London, 1851 (MitcHELL, Donatp G.). Dream Life, and Reveries of a Bachelor. /vonttspreces. _2vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1884 842 No. 133 of 250 copies printed, Mirrorp, Mary Russetut. Recollections of a Literary Life; or, Books, Places and People. 2vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 96 MopeErRN Booxk-Prates and Their Designers. The Studio. Special Winter-Number, 1878-9. //ustrated. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. New York Montacu, Lapy Mary Worrttrey. The Letters and Works of. Edited by her Great Grandson Lord Wharn- cliffe. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bentley : London, 1837 Montacu, Mary Wortey. The Works of. Including her Correspondence, Poems and Essays. forirait. 5 vols. 12mo, calf (broxen). London, 1803 Monresguieu, M. pe. The Complete Works of. Trans- lated from the French. Fvrontispieces. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, marbled edges. London, 1777 More, Mrs. Hannan. Memoirs of the Life and Corres- pondence of. By William Roberts. fortraits. 4 vols. tr2mo, calf. London, 1834 Morey, Henry. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair, 7th facsimile drawings, engraved upon wood, by the Brothers Dalziel, 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 Morse, Epwarp S. Catalogue of the Morse Collection of Japanese Pottery, wth stxty-erght photogravure plates, of which forty are accompanied by guide plates drawn by the author, and fifteen hundred and forty-five potter's marks im text. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.) 4to, boards, uncut. Cambridge, rgo1 Morse, Epwarp S. Japanese Homes and their Sur- roundings. With illustrations by the author. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1905 Morse, Epwarp. Works by, issued in pamphlet form, viz.: Japanese Pottery; Observations on Living Brachio- poda; Was Middle America Peopled from Asia? A Curious Aino Toy; Natural Selection and Crime; On the So-called Bow- Pullers of Antiquity, &c. 8vo and 4to. 20 pieces. v. p., v. d- Morse, Frances Crary. Furniture of the Olden Time. Lllusirvated. 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1902 MumForD, JoHN Kempervey. Oriental Rugs. //lus- trated with numerous colored and plain plates. Royal 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, Igo! $54 (855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 97 Mourpny, Arruur. The Life of David Garrick. Portratt’. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 180K Mourpny, Joun Mortimer. American Game Bird Shoot- ing. LMustrated. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1882 Muses, Francais. Recueil des Plus Beaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Reliefs, qui existaient au Louvre avant 181 Si avec l’explication des Sujets, et des discours Historiques sur la Peinture, la Sculpture et la Gravure, par Duchesue Aine. Illustrated with hundreds of superb Engravings by the greatest artists of the day. 4 vols, Imperial folio, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, n. dv In handsome mahogany case ; with carly impressions of the plates. A fine copy of this most noted Gallery, now scattered. the Paintings were gathered by Napoleon during his conquests, and after his defeat were returned to where he took them from. lhe Engravings give examples of the very best line engravers, as they were executed at the time when that art, now extinct, had reched its zenith. (Nasu, Tuos.). The Choice of Valentines, or the Merie- Ballad of Nash His Dildo. Edited by Jno. S. Farmer. Small 4to, half morocco. London, 1899» Privately Printed. Naytor, F. Catalogue d’une collectiontres-interessante- de Lettres Autographs, et de Documents Historiques, a series of Catalogues. 1 vol. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1875, NicuHots, Joun. Literary Anecdotes of the Bighteenth. Century; comprising Biographical Memoirs of William Bowyer, Printer, and many of his learned friends. Portratts. 1o vols. in 9. 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1812-15. Nicoray, Joun G. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln. Condensed from Nicolay and Hay’s Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1902" Nicott, W. R. and Wiss, Tuos. J. Literary Anecdotes. of the Nineteenth Century: Contributions toward a Literary History of the Period. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1895: Norris, THap. The American Angler's Book, embrac- 364 365 366 370 are ie 98 ing the Natutal History of Sporting Fish and the Art of Taking Them, with instructions in Fly-Fishing, Fly-Making and Rod-Making, and directions for Fish-Breeding, to which is appended Dies Piscatoriz, describing noted fishing places. lllustrated with woodcuts. $vo, full light calf, gilt, broken. Philadelphia, 1864 With autograph of the author. Novetist’s Liprary. Including Novels by Fielding, Smollett, Le Sage, Sterne, Richardson, Swift, Barham, &c. 10 vols. Royal 8vo, calf. London, 1821-4 Nove ist’s MaGazine, THE. ///ustrated with choice copper- plates. 23 vols., lacking vols. 1, 3, 9, and 12. 1g vols. $8vo, calf. London, 1780 Each volume is complete in itself, and contains novels by the most noted French and English authors. | NovELIsts, THE BririsH. Accompanied with Biographi- cal Sketches of the Authors by Wm. Mudford. J///ustrated with copperplates. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1810 Contains the novels of Henry Fielding, Tobias Smollett, Laurence Sterne and others. Scarce. Nupes. Die Schénheit des menschlichen K6rpers mit Beitragen von Kunstmaler Edouard Daelen, &c., mit Hun- dert Malerischen Aktstudien von B. Arthur, René Le Begue, &c. 4to, buckram. Stuttgart, 1905 Nupes. In Paradiesischen Schonheit. A Series of 30 colored Studies in the Nude, Male and Female. In Portfolio. Nupr. SKETCHES IN THE. A series of sixty-one colored plates. Ato O’KeeEFE, JoHN. Recollections of the Life of. Written by Himself. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1826 Op EnGLisH CoLor Prints. Thirty-one choice facsimi- les in colors. Royal 8vo. London, n. d. OuipHant, Mrs. The Literary History of England in the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1882 872 873 874 375 376 877 878 879 880 oo Orr, Monro S._ Familiar Characters in Fiction and Romance. Nine drawings in color. Not complete. Folio, boards. London, 1903 (OuLTon, Watery C.) The History of the Theatres of London, containing an annual register of all the new and revised Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Farces, Pantomimes, &c., that have been performed at the Theatres-Royal in London, 1771-1795. 5 2 vols. 12m0o, old calf. London, 1796 OxForD Prize Poems, in the original state, as first pub- lished, viz: Oratio Latina, Auctor E. H. Fitzgerald, 1830; Carmen Graecum, Auctor W. Silwyn, 1827; Carmen Graecum, Auctor Frederic Tennyson, 1828; The Death of Marques Camden, by J. C. Conybeare, 1841 ; The Attempts Made of Late Years to Find a Northwest Passage, by G. S. Venable, 1831; the Taking of Jerusalem, by W. C. King- lake, 1832; Pompeii,a Didactic Poem, by Rev. S. Middle- ton, London, 1835 ; The Ocean Cavern, by Charles Phillips 18ig, &c. 11 pamphlets. PaGeET, JOHN. Paradoxes and Puzzles, Historical, Judicial and Literary. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1874 Autograph presentation of the author on the title to Sir James Bacon. Payne, THomaAs. The Age of Reason, being an investi- gation of True and Fabulous Theology. lustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. New York, n.d. PamPHLETS. A_ Collection of, Containing Motley’s Causes of the American Civil War. New York, 1861. The Great Issues Now Before the Country, by Edward Everett. New York, 1861. Various Sermons, by Pro- fessors of Union and Princeton Colleges. Bound in 2vols. 8vo, half sheep. Paris, CoMTE DE. History of the Civil War in America. Translated by L. F. Tasestre. 4vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1876 Pasron, GEORGE. Little Memories of the Eighteenth Century. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York (London), rg9or Paston, GeorGE. Side Lights on the Georgian Period. Illustrated. 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1902 881 $82 833 884 885 886 887 883 889 100 Paston, GrEorGE. Lady Mary Wortley Montague and Her Times. Portraits and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London (1907) Preacu, R. E. M. The Life and Times of Ralph Allen, of Prior Park, Bath, Introduced by a Short Account of Lyncombe and Widcombe, with Notices of His Contem- temporaries. J/llustrated. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1895 PENN, ARTHUR. The Home Library. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1883 Pepys AND Everyn. Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys. From His MS. Cypher in the Pepysian Library, with a Life and Notes by Richard Lard Braybrook. Deciphered, with additional Notes, by Rev. Mynors Bright, 6 vols. And Diary of John Evelyy, to which are added a selection from his familiar letters and the private correspon- dence between King Charles I and Sir Edward Nicholas, and between Sir Edward Hyde (Earl of Clarendon) and and Sir Richard Browne. Edited from the original MSS. by William Bray. 4 vols. Jllustrated with photographic portraits. to vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1879 . PHALLISM: A Description of the Worship of Lingam- Yoni, in various parts of the world, with an account of Ancient and Modern Crosses, particularly of the Crux Ansatu. 12mo, vellum. London, 1892 PIERCE, EDwiIn L. Memoirs and Letters of Charles Sumner. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1878 PitkincTon, Mrs. Laetitia. The Memoirs of, written by herself, interspersed with her Poems. 2vols. 8vo, half calf. Dublin, 1848 With the book plate of Sir Will Grace. PISCATORIAL REMINISCENCES AND GLEANINGS, by an old Angler and Bibliopolist, to which is added a Catalogue of Books on Angling. 16mo, cloth, uncut. Pickering, London, 1835 Por, EpcGar ALLAN. Selected Tales of Mystery. //us- trated in colour by Byam Shaw. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1909 890 893 894 895 896. 897 898 899 IOI PoorE, Ben Prertey. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Publications of the United States, Sept. 5, 1774— March 4, 1881. 4to, half roan. Washington, 1885 Poorer, WitiiaAM F. An Index to Periodical Literature. With first supplement by, assisted by W. I. Fletcher. 8vo, cloth. PopE, ALEX. A Collection of Early Essays, &c., by, viz.: Of the Characters of Women, by Mr. Pope, Dublin, 1735 ; Are These Things So? by Alex. Pope, Dublin, 1740; Yes, They Are, being an answer to Are These Things So? Dublin, 1740; The Impertinent, or a Visit to the Court, by Mr. Pope, Dublin, 1737; a Supplement to One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-eight, by Mr. Pope, Dublin, 1738; An Epistle from Mr. Pope to Dr. Arbuthnot, Dublin, 1735; Of the Use of Rocks, by Mr. Pope, Dublin, 1733; An Essay on Man, by Mr. Pope, Dublin, 1733; The Sharpers, a Ballad Opera, by Mat. Gardiner, Dublin, TAD ee: Bound in rt vol. 12mo, half calf. PortTRAIrs OF Actors. Some colored. I2mo to large 4to. IoI pieces. PorTRAItTS. 61 Photographic Portraits of Distinguished English Men and Women of the 1gth Century. 4to. POWELL’s 19TH ANNUAL REporRT of the Bureau of Amer- ican Ethnology. J/lustrated. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Washington, Ig00 PRINT-COLLECTORS QUARTERLY, THE. Edited by Fitz- roy Carrington. Volumes 1 and 2 complete. /dustrated with reproductions of masterpieces of ancient and modern en- graving and etching. 2 vols. in 4. 12mo0 (vol. I, bound in boards, vol. 2 in parts). New York, I91I-12. THE SAME. 3 odd parts. Pryor, Mrs. Rocer A. Reminiscences of Peace and War. fortrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1905 RaBevals, Mr. Francis. The Works of. Doctor in Physick, containing five books of the Lives, Heroick Deeds & Sayings of Gargantua and his sonne Pantagruel. Together 900 gol go2 903 904 102 with the Pantagrueline Prognostication, the Oracle of the Divine Bacbuc, and response of the bottle, Hereunto are an- nexed the Navigations unto the Sounding Isle, and the Isle of the Apedefts: as likewise the Philosophical cream with a Limosin Epistle all done by Mr. Francis Rabelais, In the French tongue and now faithfully translated into English. LMustrated by W. Heath Robinson. 2vols. 4to, white cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1904 Edition de Luxe limited to twenty-five copies. RAIMBACH, ABRAHAM. Memoirs and Recollections of. Including a Memoir of Sir David Wilkie. Edited by M. T. S. Raimbach. Portrait. Extra illustrated by the insertion of about forty portraits and engravings and eleven autograph letters, including I. Thurston, Charles Warren, T. Stothard, Lewis Goldsmith, three letters of John Pye, L. Bailly, F. Gerard, Raoul Rochette, Baron Desnoyer. Small gto, cloth. Privately printed : London, 1843 RANGELEY LAKE Vikgws. Fifteen Photographs. In portfolio. Boston, n. d, RANKE, LEopotp. The Popes of Rome. Their Eccle- istical and Political History During the Sixteenth and Seven- teenth Centuries. Translated from the German by Sarah Austin. 3 vols. 8vo,light calf, gilt, marbled edges. John Murray, London, 1866 RAWLE, WILtiAM. A View of the Constitution. And Sergeant, Thomas. Constitutional Law. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep (broken). Philadelphia, 1822-29 Ray, Mr. JAMes. A Complete History of the Rebellion from its rise in 1745 to its total suppression at the glorious ' Battle of Cullodon in April, 1746. Portrait of Duke of 905 906 907 Cumberland. 8vo, calf. York, 1749 Recxus, Exiskr. The Earth. A Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe. Translated by B. B. Woodward. Numerous maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York (London) 1871 REMINGTON, FREDERIC. Frontier Sketches. Oblong, 4to, cloth. Chicago, n.d. RICHARDSON, CHARLES. A New Dictionary of the Eng- 908 909 fon Ke) QII gI2 913 914 915 g16 103 lish Language, combining Explanation with Etymology, and illustrated by quotations from the best authorities. 2vols. 4to, half morocco. London, 1858 RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. The Correspondence of. Selected from the original manuscripts, with a Biographical Account of that Author, and Observations on His Writings by Anna L. Barbauld. /ortratts. 6 vols. 12mo, half muslin. London, 1804 Rirey, James Wuitrcoms. The Works of. Fyvontis- pleces. I2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Scribners, New York, 1902 RIVERSIDE, ALDINE SERIES. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1885-6 RoBerts, CHartes G. D. The Kindred of the Wild. A Book of Animal Life. //lustrated by Charles L, Bull. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1902 ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD. A Topographical Survey of the Great Road from London to Bath and Bristol. With historical and descriptive accounts of the country, towns, villages and gentlemen’s seats on and adjacent to it. ///us- trated with sixty-five fine aquatint views and eleven maps. Name on title. 2 vols.in 1. 8vo, calf (broken). London, 1792 Rosertson, Joun M. Pagan Christs; Studies in Com- parative Hierology. 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1903; Ropertson, JoHN M. A Short History of Free- thought, Ancient and Modern. Ato, cloth. London, 1899 Rosinson, Freperick S. English Furniture. //des- trated. Royal 8vo, buckram, gilt, uncut. New York (London) 1905 RocKEFELLER, Mr. Joun D. A Visitto. By Neighbors and Friends at Forest Hill, Cleveland, Ohio, September Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen hundred and five. With Auto- graphed photograph of Mr. Rockefeller. Royal 8vo, half calf, uncut. (Cleveland, 1905) Limited to 425 copies, printed on one side only. 917 Q18 O19 g21 922 923 924 925 104 Rose, Rev. Hucn James. A New General Biographical Dictionary, 12 vols. 8vo, full, light calf, gilt, marbled edges, London, 1853 Rowrant Crus. The Autobiography of Benjamin Frank- lin, with an introduction by Liberty Emery Holden. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. The Rowfant Club, Cleveland, 1898 No. 67 of 155 copies printed. Rowranr Crus. Bibliographical Notes on a Collection of Editions of the book known as “ Puckle’s Club.” From the library of a member of the Rowfant Club, as shown at the Club House, March, 1896, with an introduction by Austin Dobson. //ustrated. 4to, cloth, uncut. Cleveland, 1899 No. 62 of 175 copies for private distribution. Rowrant Crus. Year Book, 1900. r2mo, vellum, boards, uncut. Rowfant Club, Cleveland, 1900 No. 106 of 113 copies printed. RowFant Crus. The Dial. Reprinted in numbers for the Rowfant Club, with a supplemental volume prepared by Geo, Willis Cooke. x8 vols. 8vo, paper wrappers, in drop cases. Rowfant Club, Cleveland, 1901-2 No. 46 of 127 copies printed. The Dial was originally printed at Boston, from July, 1840, to April, 1844. This ts a facsimile reprint, both as to text and covers. The two sup- plemental volumes are bound in boards. Rowrant Cius. A Memorial of William Henry Gay- lord. Portrait. Small 4to, morocco, gilt. Cleveland, 1906 No. 105 of 150 copies printed. Rowrant Crus. Year Book, 1906. 12mo, vellum backs, buckram sides, uncut. Rowfant Club, Cleveland, 1906 No. 55 of 113 copies printed. Rowrant Cius. Year Book, 1907. 12mo0, vellum backs, buckram sides. Rowfant Club, Cleveland No. 76 of 105 copies printed. Rowrant ‘Cius. Year Book, 1908. Portrait. 12mo, cloth back, uncut. Rowfant Club, Cleveland, 1908 No. 101 of 103 copies printed. 926 927 928 Re 930 O51 932. m3 934 935 936 105 Rowrant Crus Catratocuge. Annual Auction, Feb. 15, gs I2mo. IVs iP nil athe Ryan, RicHarp.) Dramatic Table Talk; or, Scenes, Situations and Adventures, Serious and Comic, in Theatrical History and Biography. Folding plates and other wlus- trations. 3 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1825 Ryan, W. P. Literary London. Its Lights and Come- dies. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1898 SaBIN, Jos. A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Wal- tonian Library belonging to the Estate of Robert W. Cole- man. Scarce. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 SALA, GEORGE Avucustus. William Hogarth, Painter, Engraver, and Philosopher. Essays on the Man, the Work and the Time. //ustrations. t2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 SaLaMAN, Matcorm C. Old English Cclour-Prints. Edited by Charles Holme. J/lustrated with numerous re- producitons tn color. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1909 SAND, GEORGE (Dudevant, Baroness). The Haunted Pool, from the French by Frank H. Potter. lustrated with fourteen etchings by Rudaux. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncnt. New York (1890) ' Sarcent, E. B., anp Ursuaw, B. eee ee Se eee ee a , : ya 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 11g Books. To which are added Samson Agonistes and Poems on Several Occasions. 8vo, calf. Robert Bell, Philadelphia, 1777 Furst American Edition. Vol. 2 of Milton’s Works, Bev Imprint. View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. By John Moore, M. D. 2vols,in I. 8vo, sheep. Robert Bell, Philadelphia, 1783 Furst Ainerican Edition. Rare Revolutionary item. The author, an Englishman, coming in contact with great per- sonages in his travels through Europe is surprised to find the sentiment very niuch against his native country and all grecdy for the news of victory for the Americans. BrapForp Imprint. The Archbishop of Cambray’s Dissertation on Pure Love. 8vo, calf. London: Printed and Re-Printed by Andrew Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible, in Front Street, Philadelphia, 1738. BrowninG, Rospert. Pacchiarotto and how he Worked in Distemper. With Other Pcems. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1876 First Edition. BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY OF W. C. BRYANT. Bryant, WILLIAM CULLEN. Compendio de la Historia de Mexico. Compuesto par Manuel Payno. 16mo, boards. Mexico, 187% W. C. Bryant's copy, with his autographic inscription on title,‘ W. C. Bryant, City of Mexco, March 6, 1872.” An interesting memento of the venerable poet's visit to Mexico at the age of 74 years. Bryant, WILLIAM CULLEN. The Companion. After- Dinner Table Talk. By Chetwood Evelyn (R. S. Pell). Portratt. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1850 W. C. Bryant’s copy, with his autograph on back of pertratt. Bryant, Witttam CuLLeN. Homeeopathic Domestic Physician. 7 8vo, half roan, broken. Cincinnati, 1859 W. C. Bryant's copy, with his signature on title and memorandums of cures in his autograph. 1078 1079 1080 LO8 I 1082 1083 1084 £08 5 120 Bryant. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. By Lord Byron. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1846 Presented by the poet to his wife, with the inscription, “Frances F. Bryant, 1848," in W. C. Bryant's autograph. Bryant. Poems by Samuel Rogers. /ilustrated with superb vignettes, after designs by Turner and Stothard. En- graved by finden and Goodall, 2vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1836 Presentation copy trom the banker-poct, with his auto- sraphic tnscription on fly-leaf. To William Cullen Bryant, Esq., from his sincere friend the author, Nov. 3, 1845. Somewhat foxred, as is usual with these volumes. Bryant. The Works of Charles Lamb, to which are prefixed his Letters and a Sketch of his Life, by Thomas Noon Talfourd. Portrait. 7 2vols. r2mo, cloth. ‘ New York, 1838 Contains two autographs of W. C. Seah, an volume I. Bunyan, Joun. The Pilgrims’ Progress. J/dlustrated by Wiltam Harvey. 8vo, original 12 parts, complete. London, 1850 Scarce in the original parts as 1ssued, most copies being bound. Byron, Lorp. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. r2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1811 First American Ealttion. CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE. The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote, Translated by T. Smollet. 4 vols. 16mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1812 Furst American Eattion, Scarce. Cuarces I. The Faithful, yet Imperfect, Character of a Glorious King, King Charles I. His Country’s and Re- ligion’s Martyr. Written by a Person of Quality. Fine portrait by W. Marshall. 16mo, calf. London, 1660 Scarce. CHALLAMEL, AvucustiIn. The History of Fashion in France; or, The Dress of Women from the Gallo-Roman oa se c : 1086 1087 1088 1089 I2I Period to the Present Time. From the French by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and Mr. John Lillie. Wamerous colored plates. Royal 8vo, boards, gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1882 CHARRO, PETER. Of Wisdome. Three Bookes. Writ- ten in French by. Translated by Samson Lennard. With the rare portrait of the translator by P. Vaughan and the engraved title by Hole. Small ato, calf. London (1630) Crark, T. M. Building Superintendence. Square 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1888 BOOKS FROM COLBERT’S LIBRARY. CoLcBErRT. P. Ovid XV Metamorphoseon Lilbroru figure elegantissime a Crispiano Passaeo laminis aeneis incisae. Quibus Subiuncta Sunt Epigramata Latine ac germanice conscripta. autore Guilhelmo Salsmanno. £z- graved title and 120 superb copper plates, some designed by Martin de Vos. Small 4to, old calf. (Colonial, 1607) From the Colbert Library, with the crest of Colbertin gold an center of each side of binding, the front side of which is damaged. The pages of this work were unquestionably proof sheets with the pagination badly misplaced, and were bound up before all the plates were finished. The work was not completed until 1607, when it contained the 15 books, with 134 plates, but when completed plate 92, which appears in this work, was cancelled and the correct plate substituted. The above copy, with 120 plates, stops at the second plate of the XIV Book, yet Colbert had this book bound in fine style while a complete copy could have been obtained if he so desired. There is but one conclu- ston, this copy is unique and probably the only one with the incorrect paging, and above all, with the plate 92 not cancclled. A curious part of the book ts that the date 1s cancelled in the Latin phrase ‘Golden Mediocrity.” ARREA Mer DIo Crivas, which appears on the title where the date and place of publication would be expected, with the letters which com- prise the date enlarged. Co.sBert. I! Cardinalismo Di Santa Chiesa. 7 3 vols. 16mo, full morocco. Villafranca, 1668 1090 1092 1093 1094 1995 1096 122 A fine specimen of old binding, with the crest of Colbert stamped on both sides of each volume. Cotuins, WILKIE. No Name: A Drama in Four Acts, (Altered from the Novel for Performance on the Stage.) 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1870 The author’s corrected proof copy, printed on one side only. On the title the author has written: ‘Saturday Nov. r2th 7870. Only partly corrected. Corrected copies to follow in a week. W.C.’ Also considerable corrections entirely in the author's autograph. CONTINENTAL ConGRESs. Journals of Congress. Con- taining the Proceedings from January 1, 1777, to January I, 17750.) MolsEaE 8vo, boards, uncut. New York CrANE, STEPHEN. War is Kind. Drawings by Will Bradley. : 8vo, pictorial boards. New York, 1899 First Edition. DAMBERGER, CHRISTIAN F. Travels in the Interior Parts of Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco. Translated from the German. Map and three colored plates. 12mo, sheep, broken. London, 1801 The volume made a great sensation, the public being en- tirely duped, until it came out that the work was purely fic- tion, the author had never been to Africa. Rare. Dispin, THOMAS FROGNALL. Bibliomania; or, Book- Madness. J/llustrated with cuts. Royal 8vo, half roxburgh. London, 1876 DickENS, CHARLES. The Christmas Carol. A fac- simile Reproduction of the Author’s Original MMS. _ In- troduction by F. G. Kitton. 4to, half vellum. London, 1890 Limuited to 750 copies. Dickens’ Memento. Catalogue of the Pictures, Draw- ings and Objects of Art of the late Charles Dickens, sold by auction in London, July 9th, 1870. 4to, half cloth. London (1884) a ES eS eee oe Gray OG - 2eeY *: “>> ra ee TO gee a ee ee | 123 1097. +Dicxens. The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. Portrait. 8vo, full light calf, marbled edges. London, 1852 From the Library of Charles Dickens, with the inscription: C. Dickens with W.G. Cookerly’s kindest regards. Eton College, Nov. 27, 1852.” Also contains the famous execu- tor’s label. 1098 DickENs, CHarves. Life of. By R. Shelton Mac- kenzie. Fortrait. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia (1870) A. L. S. of author inserted, mentioning the work. 1099 ~=606-« DRAKE, JOSEPH Ropman. The Culprit Fay, and Other Poems. Fortrait and engraved title. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1835 The rare First Edition, with both titles corresponding in dates. 1100 DkrypeEn’s Vircit. The Works of Virgil: Containing his Pastorals, Georgics and Atneis. Translated into Eng- lish Verse. By Mr. Dryden. Adorn’d with a Hundred Sculptures. Folio, calf. Printed for Jacob Tonson, London, 1697 Contains the 100 famous platcs by Hollar and others, each plate bearing the crest of some member of the Royal Lamily or of the Nobility. The book bears the atstinction of being the most expensive volume produced in the 17th Century. Title mounted, and 2 leaves at front and 2 at back are remargzined ; otherwise a good copy of a very rare book. 1101. Ercusrapio, Laurentio. Pars Prima Ephemeridum, &c. Small 4to, half roan. Stetini, 1634 A curious work with numerous notations in manuscript. 1102. Exzevir. Geori Buchanani, Scoté Poemata qua extant. Engraved title. ‘Title torn. 32mo, leather. Lugduni Batav, 1628 1103 Exzevir. Republica Romana. Engraved title. 32m0, vellum. Lugd. Batavorum, 1629 1104 Exzevix. I. Sleidani di Quatvor Summis_ Imperiis. Eiberi tres. Engraved title. 32mo, vellum. Lugd. Batavorum, 1631 1105 Exzevir. Republica Bohemia 4 M. Paulo Stranskii descripta. Engraved title. 32mo, vellum. Lugd. Batavorum, 1634 1106 1107 I108 1109 IT1IO III! 124 Erasmus. Desid Erasmi Roterodami Colloquia Fa- miliaria. Engraved title. 32mo, calf. Amsterodamii, 1646 ERASMUS’S COMMENTARY on the New Testament in German. Jllustrated with curious woodcuts. Folio, roan. The title, first leaf and some pages at back missing. The type and the tlustrations render it almost certain that wt was printed by Froschauer at Zurich during the lifetime of Erasmus. (£467-15306.) EARLY PRINTING. Quinta Recognitio Atqz Additio ad Grammatican Sulpitiana Lum tertu. Printer’s device on title. 8vo, half calf. Ascensii Joannis, Paris (1508) A very rare Latin Grammer. Burton, in his “ Book- hunter,’ alluding to the device of this printer, says: “ Most instructive of them all, Ascenstus has bequeathed to posterity the lively and accurate representation, down to every nail and screw, of the press in which the great works of the roth century were printed.” EUSEBIUS, SOCRATES AND Evaarius. The Ancient Ec- clesiastical Histories of the First Six Hundred Years after Christ, written in the Greeke tongue by Eusebius, Socrates. and Euagrius. Translated by Meredith Hanmer. Folio, old calf, broken. London, 1607 flas also bound in same volume Eusebius, his Life of Con- stantine. Translated by Wye Saltonstall. London, 1637. A few pages frayed, but otherwise a good eopy of this rare work. Dedicated to the Earl of Leicester. From the Library of James, Duke of Chandos. FITZOSBORNE, SIR Tuomas. ‘The Letters of, on several Subjects. (By William Melmoth.) 8vo, calf, broken. London, 1758 © Judge John Trumbull’s book, with his autograph on title, with extensive Scholarly but caustic remarks in marginal notes throughout the volume in his hand. Trumbull was the American patriotic poet-author of “ McFingal.” FRANKLIN Imprint. The | Charters | of the | Province of Pensilvania | and | City of Philadelphia. | [Coat of Arms.] Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by B. Franklin. | MDCCXLII. A | Collection | of all the Laws | of the asi ae 125 Province of | Pennsylvania: | Now in Force. | Published by Order of Assembly. | [Coat of Arms. | Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin. | MDCC,XLII. An Appendix ; | Containing a | Summary | of such | Acts of Assembly | As have been formerly in Force | within this Province. | For Regulating of Descents, | And Trans- fering the Property of | Lands, &c. | But since expired, _ altered or repealed. | [Coat of Arms.] Philadelphia: | T}I2 III3 114 I1I5 Printed by B. Franklin. M,DCC,XLII. Folio, contemporary calf. Several pages defective at the back containing the index, but the text and titles ave in fine condition. FREHERI, D. Pautr. Theatrum Virorum Eruditione Clarorum. In quo Vite & Scripta Theologorum, Juris- consultorum, Medicorum & Philosophorum. Tam in Germania Superiore & Inferiore, quam in aliis Europae Regionibus, Gracia nempe, Hispania, Italia, Gallia, Anglia, Polonia, Hungaria, Bohemia, Dania & Suecia. Lilustrated with 1315 copperplate portratts. Thick folio, embossed hogskin. Noribergae, 1688 Autograph of the famous Book-Hunter,” John Hill Bur- ton, on front cover. A remarkable illustrated biographical dictionary. Futter, Too. The Historie of the Holy Warre. En- &raved title by W. Marshall and folding map. Folio, calf. Cambridge, 1639 Bound with the above. The Holy State. By Thomas Fuller. Engraved title by Marshall, on which appears “ Profane State,’ and portrait of Charles I. Many portraits by Marshall, among which are Drake, Lady Jane Gray, Ehzabeth, &c. Cambridge, 1642. Both named books are first Editions, the latter being Fuller's principal work, and ws varer than the first. Fine copies. Facetim. Nugz Venales, sive Thesaurus Redendi & Jocandi. Ad Gravissimos Severissimosque Viros, Batres Melancholicorum Conscriptos. Cut on title and portrait. 2 vols. in I. 32mo, vellum. Anno, 1648 Rare early joke book. Gipson, Louis H. Convenient Houses with Fifty Plans for the Housekeeper. /ustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York (1889) 126 1116 (GoLpsmITH, Oxiver.) The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale. Supposed to be written by Himself. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo, original sheep. Philadelphia: Printed for William Wentz, and sold by most of the Booksellers in America. MDCCLXXII. The very rare first American edition of which there are only a few knowu copies. The volume is a verbatim reprint of the first English edition. The paging 1s continuous, but contains two titles. The publisher evidently intended to issue the work in two volumes, but found the volumes too thin. The third copy was discovered in 1890. The find was con- sidered important enough to be included in an article entitled “Lucky Finds in Books,” by G. P. Philes, the well-known bibliographer. 1117. Hocartrn, WirtiamM. The Complete Works of. Ju a series of 150 steel engravings. Ato, cloth, gilt, gilt edges, loose. London, n. d. 1118 Hotianp, PHitemMon. Cyrus Le Grand. The Entire Story. Done into English by a Person of Quality. Engraved title. Folio, half calf. Printed for William Hope, London, (165—) Holland, the author of this work, was known as “ The Translator General of the Age.’ The excellent portrait by Marshall on the title page ts the source of all portraits of Folland. | 1119 Hotmgs, OLIVER WENDELL. Poems by. 12mo, original cloth, paper label. Otis, Broadera & Co., Boston, 1836 The author's first book. Unusually tall copy. Kare. 1120 Hory Court, THe. Copperplates. Folio, mottled calf. Corke, 1767 An interesting Catholic Book. Contains a curious notice of the Life of Mary Queen of Scots. LIZ) Hutton, Laurence. Portraits in Plaster from the Col- lection of. /lustrated. | Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1894 1122 IncHBALD, Mrs. Every One Has His Faults. A Comedy in Five Acts, as It is Performed at the New Theatre, Philadelphia, marked with alterations by William Rowson. 12mo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1794 Probably the only American copy known. ery, cle ee ee sins 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 127 IncunABULA. Bipiia. Part Second. Beginning with the Book of Proverbs. Numerous capital letters colored by hand and rubrication throughout. Imperfect at back. Folio, embossed hogskin. Eggesteyn, Strasburg, 1469 One of the rarest of Bibles. In the catalogue of the library of the Duke of Sussex, it ts stated, that this Bible, of which the jivst volume only ts in the Duke's library, is described in Bibliothica Spencertana, and ts supposed by Dr. Dibdin to be the second edition of the Latin Bible printed by Eggesteyn at Strasburg in 1469. The work consists of two volumes. There are no signatures, catchwords or numerals, and the enitial letters are written in. FEggesteyn was one of the earliest printers of Strasburg. This copy of the second volume has 245 leaves. The names of the books, the chapters and tke title on cach page are all enscribed in red. As a specimen of early printing, this rare and venerable volume 1s of the greatest value. (Irvine, Wasuineton.) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 8vo, half sheep. New York, 1819-20 first Edition. Bound from the original parts. (Irvinc, WasHiNGTON.) The Crayon Miscellany, No. 3, containing Legends of the Conquest of Spain. I2mo, original cloth. First Edition. Philadelphia, 1835 James I. The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Pageemmjames, by the Grace*of (God, King of, Great Britaine, &c. Published by James, Bishop of Winton. Engraved title cut close at bottom and the fine engraved portrait of James I, by Passe (remargined). Folio, old calf (needs rebacking). Robert Barker, London, 1616 Outside of the slight defects mentioned, a good clean copy of the rare first eattion. Jones, Owen. The Grammarof Ornament. //ustrated by examples from various styles of ornament. One hundred and twelve plates in colors and gold. Folio, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1868 Conceded to be one of the best works on decoration ever assed. Jones, Sir Witiram. An Essay on the Law of Bail- ments, with Notes, &c., by John Balmanno. 12mo, boards. Brattleborough, Vt., 1813 1129 128 From the library of Edwin M. Stanton (Lincoln's famous Secretary of War), with his autograph on title. (Lanpor, WatTer Savace.) Citation and Examina- tion of William Shakespeare, Euseley Treen, Joseph Carnaby and Silas Gough, clerk, before Sir Thomas Lucy, touching Deer-Stealing, on the 19th of September, 1582. Now first published from the original papers, to which is added a Conference of Master Edmund Spencer with the Earl of Essex, touching the State of Ireland, 1595. 8vo, boards, broken, uncut. London, 1834 First Edition. Rare. 1130 1131 1132 I133 1134 _Lincotn, AspraHamM. Memorial Address on the Life and Character of. Delivered in the House of Representa- tives at Washington on the 12th of February, 1866. By George Bancroft. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1866 LowELL, JAMES RussELt.) What American Authors think about International Copyright. Facsimiles of some of the authors’ letters. 8vo, stitched, in cloth case. New York, 1888 First Edition. Inserted 1s a 4 page A.L. S. of E. C. Sted- man, giving his views on the subject. (Lyrron, Sik EpwarpD BuLwer). The New Timon. A Romance of London. First American Edition. Kare. 12mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1846 — MarkuaM, CaPTAINE GERVASE. The Whole Art of Hus- bandry. Contained in Foure Bookes. Small ato, vellum, broken. Black letter. Printed by T. C. for Richard More, London, 1631. fFvom the Library of T. Penn, and presented by him “To the Library Company at Lancaster. T. Penn.” This tn- scription is on the fly leaf in the autograph of the onetime Colonial Governor of Pennsylvania. A portion of the book ts devoted to fish ponds and angling antedating Walton's “ Com- pleat Angler, by 22 years.” MeLvIL, Sir JAMEs. The Memories of Hal-Hill. Con- taining an Impartial Account of the most Remarkable Affairs of State During the last Age, not mentioned by other Historians. More particularly Relating to the King- doms of England and Scotland, under the Reigns of Queen rr Pe Boe . ame Se es dan a> ee oe i - at a by iS ana — : yee: 7 pe _*» ; 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 129 Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots and King James. Im which Transactions the Author was Personally and Pub- lickly concerned. Now published from the Original Manu-- script. By George Scott. Folio, calf, broken. Printed by E. H. for Robest Boolter. London, 1683: This work was the source of much information io Hume ur writing his Hestory of England. Melvil murdered Cardinal Benton in the most cowardly manner, yet was held in great esteem by Queens Ehzabeth and Mary and King James I. Monsrrositiss. Prodigieuses Extraic tes de Plusieurs: Fameux Autheurs, Grecs & Latins Sacrez and Prophanes.. Curious cuts. Thick 32mo, old calf. . Paris, 157P Rare. Cut close at top. Neat, JosepH C. Peter Ploddy, and Other Oddities. Illustrated by F. O. C. Darley. I2m0o, printed wrappers. Philadelphia, 1844. First Edition, PENNSYLVANIA. The Acts of the General Assembly of* the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania carefully compared: with the Originals. Folio, old calf. Francis Bailey, Philadelphia, 1782°: Nort, Honouraste Rocer. The Life of the Right: Honourable Francis North, Baron of Guilford, Lord Keeper - of the Great Seal, under King Charles IJ. and King James- I]. London, 1742. Also, bound in, The Life of the: Honourable Sir Dudley North, Commissioner of the~ Customs, &c., and of Dr. John North, Master of Trinity College in Cambridge. London, 1744. Contains the two fine portraits engraved by Vertue. 4to, calf. London, 1742-4. | | Lhe two portraits are rarely found with the work, seldone escaping the extra-tllustrator, Both works ave in fine: conattion. PICKERING AND CHATTO’S Catalogue of Old and Rare: Books. : 12mo, cloth. London, (1904)' PLANTIN Press. Institutiones Linguze Hebraice, ex. Optimo Quaque auctore Collectz, Roberto Bellarmino. r2mo, cloth. Antverpiz, Plantiniana, 1606 A Hebrew Grammar. With a curious device on title. The Crucifixion and “I. H. S.” 1141 Prantin Press. B. Sulpii Severi Archiepiscopi Quon- dam Bituricensis Que Exstant, Opera ; A Victore Giselino. 12mo, calf. Antverpiae, Christophori Plantin, 1574 POF’S TALES IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS. 1142 Por, Epcar A. Tales, by. r2mo, original printed wrappers, in dark green crushed levant, slip case. New York: Wiley & Putnam, 161 Broadway, 1845 First Edition. One of the rarest of Poe items, probably not more than half a dozen perfect and fresh copies (as this is) im existence. 1143. Por. ihe Eoken. «Edited by N. P. Willis. 16mo, silk cloth. Boston, 1829 Some of the unsigned matter attributed to Poe. 1144 Por. The Gift for 1836. Edited by Miss Leslie: =< graved portraus. 16mo, embossed roan. Philadelphia, 1836 Contains ‘‘ Manuscript Found in a Bottle.” By E. A. Poe. 1148 Por, Epcar A. The Conchologist's First Book: A System of Testaceous Melacology, arranged expressly for the use of Schools. TZzelve dlustrations. 12mo, original half roan and printed boards. Philadelphia, 1840 The Second Edition, but not a reprint of the First Edition, as much of the matter has been.reset in different type and contains ten more pages. There ts also a difference in the illustvations. 1146 Por. The Gift for 1840. Illustrated. 12mo, original morocco, gilt, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1840 Contains “ William Wilson,’ by E. A. Poe, and contribu- tions by other American Authors and Poets. Fine copy. 1147. Por. The Gift, for 1842. Ttlustrated. 8vo, original morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1842 Contains ‘‘ Eleanora,’ by E. A. Poe. Large paper copy. eo a ey at Ws dry ‘ : t oD ek i eh io a Va ae ee sm al —* 1148 1149 1150 ESI ig A 1153 1154 T155 131 Por. The Gift, for 1843. lustrated. 12mo, original morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1843 Contains ‘‘ The Pit and the Pendulum,” by E. A. Poe. Por. The Gift, for 1845. /Vustrated. 8vo, original morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1845 Contains ‘‘ The Purloined Letter,’ by E. A. Poe; also the engravings of ‘‘ Washington and Harvey Birch,’ and ‘Washington Crossing the Allegheny.” Large paper copy. Por. Graham’s Magazine, for 1845. J/lustrated. 8vo, half morocco (loose). Philadelphia, 1845 Contains the apprectative article on Poe, by J. R. Lowell, and the engraved portrait, to be found nowhere else; also ** The Imp of the Perverse’’ and ‘** The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Feather,”’ by BE. A. Poe. Por, Epcar A. Mesmerism. ‘“ In Articulo Mortis,” an Astounding and Horrifying Narrative, showing the Extraordinary Power of Mesmerism in Arresting the Pro- eress of Death. I2mo, sewu, as issued. In slip case. Short & Co., London, 1846 The jirst English edition of ** The Case of M. Vademar.’’ Of this t6-page pamphlet there were but 156 copies, of which 6 were retained and the remainder distributed. There are but 36 copies tn extstence. This ts the Chas. B. Foote copy, and Frank Maier copy, with bookplate, in slip case. Por. The Mayflower, for 1846. /lustrated. 12mo, original embossed roan, gilt edges. Boston, 1846 Contains the first appearance tn book form of ‘* The Imp of the Perverse,”’ by EF. A. Poe. From the library of Wiliam Cullen Bryant, with inscription, ‘* Mrs. C. Bryant. A memento Srom her friend, Mrs. T. Phillips,’’ on fly leaf. Poz, Epcar A. Eureka: A Prose Poem. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1848 First Edition. Fine copy. Por, Epear, and his Critics, by Sarah Helen Whitman. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860 (PoE, EDGAR Axcxan.) Arthur Gordon Pym. I2mo, paper. London, 1841 The edition is unknown to bibliographers, this copy being the only recorded one. The publisher evidently bclieved the narrative authentic and pirated tt from the First English Edition. a156 A157 1158 1159 £160 161 £162 1163 132 Por, Epcar A. The Raven and other Poems. 12mo, original cloth. (New York, 1845) First Edition, with the half title and all the advertisements at end. The title page has been removed and on its stub has been substituted the title of the First English Edition, 1846, which ts identical with the American except in the publisher's address. Portraits. Vitae Theologarum Altorphinorum a Con- dita Academia Omnium, a Gustavo Georgio Zeltner. Mu-_ merous portraus. Small 4to, vellum. Norimbergae, 1722 With bookplate of John Towneley, Esq. Por. The Opal. A Pure Gift for the Holy Days. Edited by N. P. Willis. ///ustrated. 12mo, original boards (broken). New York, 1844 Contains ‘Morning on the Wissahickon,’ by EH. A. Poe, with an illustration, being the first attempt to tllustrate his stortes. PETRARCH AND Laura. Jacobi Philippi Tomassini. Hlus- trium Virorum Elogia. 74 portraits. Second Title. Petrarcha Redivivus, Laura Comite. Curious dlustrations and portraits of both. Bound together. Small 4to, calf. Batavii, 1630-5 Sreypret, C. M. Die Plagen 3te Aegyptische Humor- eske. Royal 8vo, buckram. Dusseldorf (1905) Row anpson. The Relicks of a Saint. A right merry tale. By Ferdinand Farquhar. Colored Frontispiece by Rowlandson. 12m0, original boards, uncut. London, 1816 First Edition, a curious satire upon the Rev. William Huntingdon, S. S. Syaker Brpue The Testimony of Christ’s Second Appearing, containing a general statement of all things pertaining to the Faith and Practice of the Church of God in this Latter Day. Third Editon. 8vo, half calf. 3B. Fisher and A. Burnett, Union Village (Ohio) Very rare. SLEIDINI, JOHANNIS. Warhafftige Beschreibung alter furnemer Handel so sich in Klaubens, &c. ie q Folio, embossed hogskin, one clasp missing. Francfurt, 1572 i The source of much information on the Reformation and Be Jrequently referred to by Hume in ‘‘ The History of England.” y 1164 SowerR Bisie. Biblia. — B: 4to, sheep, broken. Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1776 Bee The rarest of all the *‘ Sower’ Bibles. The edition was a destroyed by the British while at Germantown in using the still Bh unbound leaves, which they found in Sowers cellar, as littter for ee. their horses and paper for thetr cartridges. Be 1165 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Twelfth Night; or, What You Will. Corrected from the latest and best London editions, with notes, by Samuel Johnson. a 16mo. John Bioren: Philadelphia, 1801 Bat While marked the First American Edition, tt appears to be = a reprint for stage purposes. The iitle refers to a portrait, which is published with the complete works and not with this. 1166 SrarR CHAMBER Cases. Showing what cases properly | belong to the cognizance of that Court. Reprinted from the Edition of 1630 or 1641. 8vo, embossed calf. Boston, 1881 1167. STERNE, LauRENCcE. The Works of. Portrait by Tanner. aa 5 vols. 12m0o, calf. 7 Harrisburgh, 1804 a : Early American Edition. At page 208, vol. 5, wt says: Bee, “ The following letters have never before been published.” 4 1168 Stone, T. A Description of the Common Laws of i. England. = 8vo, old calf. London, 1759 From the library of Thomas Stone, Signer of the Declara- tion of Independence. With his autograph, ‘‘ [. Stone, 1769,” on title. : 116g Stowe, Harrier BeecHEr. “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” With twenty-seven illustrations on wood by George Crutk- shank. 12mo; half calf. London, 1852 The rare First English Edition. Fine copy. 1170 Stowe, Harrier BeecHER. The Minister’s Wooing. 12m0, original cloth. New York, 1859 First Edition. i 134 1171 (TuHackeray, W. M.) The Paris Sketch Book, by Mr. Titmarsh. With numerous designs by the Author on Copper and Wood. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, full light calf, top edges gilt, by Tout. (Binding rubbed.) John Macrone, London, 1840, Fine copy of the rare first edition of the author's first book. One of the most difficult Thackeray items to find in such good order. 1172. (TRuMBULL, Joun.) M’Fingal: A Modern Epic Poem 16mo, original calf. Hudson and Goodwin, Hartford, 1782 First Edition. Fine copy. Fine autograph ** John Trum- bull's, 1828,’’ inlaid and inserted. Rare. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY OF QUEEN VICTORIA’S JOURNAL IN THE HIGHLANDS. 1173. VicroriA, QuEEN. Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands from 1848 to 1861. Edited by Arthur Phelps. ///ustrated. Second edition. 8vo, original green cloth (worn). London, 1868 Autograph presentation copy from Queen Victoria, wtth inscription in her autograph on fly leaf. ‘‘ To Mrs. Macdonald, in recollection of her husband, from Victoria, Rex, Windsor Castle, April, 1869.”’ 1174. Vire Dei Dodeci Visconti che Signoreggiarono Milano, con le Vere Effigie dessi Princippi. Engraved title and many fine old portraits. Ato, boards. Milano, 1645 1175 Von TocHem, Martin BULDENER HIMMELS-SCHLUSSEL. Title repaired and otherwise imperfect. Thick, 12mo, roan. ; Luzerne, 1741 1176 Warwick, CHARLEs F. Danton and the French Revo- lution. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, (1908). Autogpaph Edition de Luxe, with autograph of the author. Presented to John H. Converse. 1177. Weems, M.L. The Life of George Washington. Portrait. 12mo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1808 Seventh Edition, but the second containing the ** Cherry Tree”? hoax. 1178 1179 1180 T1S1 135 WHEELER, Canpace. Principles of Home Decoration. With Practical Examples. /ustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1903 Witson, Epwarp L. Wilson’s Quarter Century in Photography. /dustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 Wivpr, Oscar. Atlanta in Calydon. A Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. Third Edition. 16mo, half morocco, top edges gilt. London, 1868 With autograph inscription on half title: “Oscar F. Wylde, W. Unton Sq. N. Michalmas, 1872.” Wricut, THomas. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. A History of the ’Early Inhabitants of Britain. folding map. I2mo, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1852 4 Autograph letter, signed, of the author inserted on geological matters. Younc, E. Busiris, King of Egypt. A Tragedy. 16mo, half roan. T. Johnson: London, 1719 — "1913 Me ie ee Bae EELAP F4-DIRUS | ‘Tit wis