THURSDAY be ‘FRIDAY EVENIN cr Banernher 7th & 8th, 1876. THE MESSRS TF AUCTIONEERS, “CATALOGUE OF THE Collection of Paintings BELONGING TO THE LATE . GHARLES L. ELLIOTT, COMPRISING MANY OF HIS OWN WoORES, PorTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED MEn, &c., ‘ AND HIS OWN COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN AND ForeEIGN ARTISTS,. (PRINCIPALLY AMERICAN). : ALSO, A NuMBER OF PAINTINGS FROM THE FRENCH CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION. THE WHOLE NOW ON EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING, AT THE Art Rooms, 817 Broadway, i AND TO BE: SOLD AT AUCTION ON THE EVENINGS OF Ss lal - The MESSRS. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. * /s a é Thursday and Friday Dec. 7th & 8th, at 8 o’clock. CONDITIONS OF Sige. . The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispatd arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. ‘The Purchasers to give their names.and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part pay- ment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, tf required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be abso- lutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before delivery: in default of which Messrs. Gro. A. Leavitr & Co. will not hold themselves responsi- ble, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni- ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All arti- cles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. ‘To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any ac- count, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the de- ficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. “th Ame 3s", & CATALOGUE. MORGQN (WM), Teouiet Chat. MORGAN (WM), 2 Organ Grinder. MORGAN (WM), Sap ruit. MORGAN (WM), Ae uruit, JAQUE, 5 Scene in Normandy. WILLIAMSON (JNO.), 6 The Old Homestead. New York New York New York New York Paris New York CHARLES L. ELLIOTT’S COLLECTION. WHITTREDGE, New York 7 Landscape. % INNESS {GEO.}, New York 8 Landscape. BLAUVELT (C. F)), New York 9 The Little Cook. MARTIN (H. D.), | New York 10 View of upper Ausable Lake. — WILLIAMSON (JNO.), New York TH, Liljes: RONDEL (F,), New York 12 Early Spring on the Hudson. | WITHERSPOON (W.), London 13. John Knox House in Edinburgh. CROPSEY (J. F.), : New York 14 Study. ad ie -TAIT (A. F.), New York 7 15 After a Shower. Mice N TEE (J.); New York 16 Windsor Castle. mrs {}. C.), New York 17 Autumn. CHARMILLIE, New York 18 5 Sketches of the Wiehawken ground where Hamilton fell. , ROLE, L.), . London Soe ob ish... HOR PE (1. B.), New York 20 Gray Elegy. RAMSEY (W.), (deceased), New York aie os. HART (WM.), New York. 22 Lake George. BROWN (J. G.), 23 Crossing the Stream. BEARD (WM. HD, 2a Deer. DURAND (A.B), 29 = Candscape. MARTIN (H. D.), 26 Landscape. DOUGHTY (THOS), (deceaseay 27 Landseape. BOUTECLE, 28 Landscape. COMAN, 29 Landscape. “HAYS (W. J.), (deceased), 30. Morning in the Adirondacks. IRVING (J. B.), - New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York 31 Entering the Gateway at Rome. Mc ENTEE (Jarvis), New York 32 Gathering Nuts—Autumn. ARTIST UNKNOWN, 33. Waterloo. SRISWOLD (€. C.), New York 34 Scene near Newport. Pit (Mv. FE. I1:), New York 29) ¥larine. Hoek AS. M.); New York 36 Lake in the North Woods. INNESS (GEO.), ~ New York 37 Landscape. MARTIN (H. D.), New York 38 Lake in the North Woods. WHITE (EDWIN), (deceased), New York 39 Pocahontas informing Captain Smith of the Conspiracy against his’ Life. “ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceased), New York 40 Portrait of a Lady. ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceased): ~ New York Art Portrait of N. P. Willis. ELLIOTT (CHAS&AL.\ (deceased y New York 42 Portrait of Mr. Kneeland, Sculptor. ELLIOTT (CHAS, L.), (deceased: New York 43 Portrait of Dr. Sayers. ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceasent “ New York 44 Portrait of Gov. Hunt. ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceased New York 45 Portrait of Paul Morphy. ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceased), New York 46 Portrait of Wm. Mount. ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceased), New York 47 Portrait of Mr. McCormick. (The Rea- per, one sitting.) Perior ly (CHAS. L.), (deceased), New York 48 Portrait of a Lady. ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceased), New York 49 Portrait of Mrs. L. G, Clark. ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceased), New York 50 Portrait. The-late Dr. Stone. ieee (CHAS. L.), (deceased), New York 51 Portrait. Piatt wCHAS,’L.), (deceased), New York |2. Portrait. Prat tat AS. L.); (deceased), New York 53, | Portrait. mULIOTT (CHAS. Iz.), (deceased), New York 54 Portrait. ELLIOTT (CHAS. L.), (deceased), New York 54a Portrait. Washington Irving. This portrait is the one that Mr. Palmer modeled his bust from, and which is now in the New pone His- torical Society. This picture has been exhibited in most of the large cities of the Union. WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS. DARLEY (F. O. C,), 55 Barnyard Scene. CROPSEY (J. F.), - 56 Landscape. COLMAN (SAM’L), 57 Marine. DOUGHTY (THOS), (deceasen), 58 Landscape. ARTIST UNKNOWN, 59 Landscape. EATON (J. O.), (deceased), 60 Study. RONDEL (F.), 61 View near Ramapo. RICHARDS (T. ADDISON), 62 Bronx River, N. Y. New York New York New York New York New York New York New York ‘TAYLOR (L. G), 63 The Country Politician. -RONDEL (F,), 64 Coast of California. VAN BARK (E.), 65 On the Scheldt. EORGATE. (C)), 66 Scene in Wales. FAY (REDMOND), 67 Flowers. DEFAUX (A), 68 Landscape. Samia eee ( As. D.), 69 Landscape. -DOLPH (J. H,), 70 Landscape and Cattle. BERGEROT, ices anit. New York New York Antwerp New York New York Paris New York New York Paris PARKER {A,); New York 72 Marine. SALW AWE. ); Madrid 73 Peasant Girl. WILLIAMSON (JNO.), New York 74 Autumn—Lake George. ARTIST UNKNOWN, 75 Landscape, (Circular Frame). ARTIST UNKNOWN, 76 Landscape. WITHERSPOON, New York 77 Loch Katrine. ? BERDOE,), New York 78 The Huguenot Quarrels. GEAR eG Re weer _ New York 79 The Chastisement. CLANWORTH (H,, New York 80 View on the Saginaw River. RONDEL (F.), New York 81 Landscape and Sheep. F. (E.), 82 Interior. KENOETL (J. F.), (deceased), New York Bom otucdy, WALITERS (MISS JOSEPHINE), New York 84 Landscape. mei, (y,-1H.), Antwerp 85 Cattle Scene. VAINI (deceased), 86 Study. MORGAN (WM.), New York 7 a7 Study. MORGAN (WM.), New York 88 Study. MORGAN (WM), 89 Haystack. MORGAN (WM), 90 Repairing Boat. SECOND EVENING’S SALE. MORGAN (WM), 91 Children at Play. MORGAN (WM), 92 Angling—Jersey Island. WIRGLAN (C,), 93 Japanese Lady. WIRGLAN (CG), 94 Japanese Gentleman. WILLEMS (L.), 95 Courting. New York New York New York New York New York New York Dusseldorf OERTALS (A), 96 Landscape and Sheep. PRE DRIGKS (A), 3 97 .The Masquerade. BAKER (E.), 98 Lower Bay, New York. CARY (WM. M.), 99 Mid-Day Rest. REYNTJENS (F. H.), 100 Game at Backgammons. DOUGHTY (T.), (deceased), Poe awcandscape. DOUGHTY (T.), (deceased), 102. Delaware Water Gap. WOODWARD (L.), 103 Morning. WOODWARD (L.), 104 Evenings. New York New York New York New York Brussels New York New York New York New. York DEFAUX (A,), Paris Medal 1874, 1875. 105 Landscape and Chickens, PEG Y 45110 Nave); avis 106 Glen Falloch, head of Loch Lomond. ee aw) EE BRE be ~ New York 107 Drawing the Net off Narragansett. ROS UE RS : Paris 108 Evening in Normandy. COLMAN (SAML.), New York 109 Grenada—Spain. DUPRE (VICTOR), Paris 110 Scene in Britany. HILLEMACHER (E.), | Paris Medal 1848, 1857, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor 1865. 111 Normandy Peasant Boy. RYDER aS P.), New York: 112 At the Gates—Cairo. VERON (A.), Paris Medals 1871, 1872. 113. Landscape on the Seine. VERON (A.), | Paris Medals 1871, 1872. 114 Apple Blossoms.— Landscape. WILLIAMSON (JNO.), New York 115 Landscape. SPANG (E.), NewYork 116 Brook Trout. MAAS (A.), Brussels fi 7 in the Studio. DEPAUX<(A.), Paris 118 Barnyard Scene in Britany. JONDA (D.), Brussels 119 Landscape and Cattle. DARDOISE (E.), | Paris 120 Landscape near Paris 2 ACCARD {E.), Paris Medals 1864, etc. r21. Phe Gradie, HAGEMANN (G,), Hanover 122 French handscapems ams Passing Shower. BREVOORT (J. R.) New York 123. Brook in the Catskill. LEMATE IE Paris 124 Landscape.—River Scene. MOREAU (A.), Paris I? Medals 1872, 1874, ete. 125 Returning from the Wars. RONDEL (F,), New York 126 Moonlight on the Bronx. | BARILOTT (Lo, Paris 127 Landscape and Cattle in France. PARTON (A), New York 128 Loch Aire.—Ketchum Castle. Pe OU Paris 129 Scene in Normandy. CODINALANGIN (V.), Paris 130. The Christening. BONNETJOY (H.), Paris fag vandscape on the Oise. Pee ok eer (L.), | Paris 132 Calling for Help—Mt. St. Bernard. COLMAN (SAML.), New York 133 Ravine in the White Mountains. pak ER (E.), New York 134 eal Rock, San Francisco. BROWN (VJ. G.), New York 135 The Convalesant. BOCK ATt.); Brussels Hoe. Lhe. Halt: BOCK (H.), Brussels 137 Companion. ; RUBENS (P. P.), 188 Copy after War. GOHAN ET (ViiCTEGR ), Paris 139 Medals, etc., 1870-1872, etc. MORAN (E.), New York 140 Launching the Life Boat. ) —_ WHITE (EDWIN), 141 The Vision of St. Stephen. VERON (A,), Paris 142 Landscape near Paris. VERON (A.), Paris 143. Landscape near Paris. MARIOLIN (J.), South Carolina 144 Linda Chamonix. or BD Os Be ae feat BF 8 New York 149 Mariposa Falls. VERON (A), | Paris 146 Landscape near Paris. THOM (J. C), 147. Winter. WHITE (EDWIN), 148 Hagar in the Wilderness. GUDIN (H.), 149 Marine. BOON (J.), 150 Landscape and Sheep. TENKATE (H.), 151 Interior of a Dutch Inn. FAY (REDMOND), 152 Flowers. WHITE (EDWIN), Pes eeevangeline. * HAMILTON (J.), 154 Marine. VANDIEGHAM (H.), Poo Sheep. New York Parts Antwerp Antwerp New York Philadelphia Antwerp MOLLER (F,), | 156 Morning Lunch. | ARTIST UNKNOWN, 157 Italian Boy Fishing. WICHERBRINK (F-.), 158 The New Song. FUEUNG (DE), 159 The Doctor’s Last Visit. ERPIKUM, 160 Roman Peasant Girl. PREDGE (D.), 161 Game. ARTIST UNKNOWN, 162 On the Grand Canal. HAYS (WM. J.), Dusseldorf Dusseldorf Paris Paris Paris New York 163 Col. Lefferts’ taking command of the Seventh Regiment at Park. Hamilton BIEBER (5. A.), _ New York 164 Winter Scene in the Adriondacks. ARTIST UNKNOWN, Powel ortrait of a Child. FRERE itt), Paris 166 The Halt in the Desert. PU NG (W.. J.), New York 167 Evening, Lake Winnepeg. } WILSON (W.), New York 168 Cape Ann. BRArAHAEL, 169 The Ascension. WIRGMAN (C,), 170 Sunset. WIRGMAN (C)), 171. Marine. COWELL (W. W.), New York 172 Off Newport. 7 i kn ft ee ae ARTIST UNKNOWN, 173 Landscape in Switzerland. BAKER (E,), New York 174 Marine. WILLIAMSON (JNO.), New York 175 On the Grand Canal. RUGGLES (D. R.), (deceased), 176 Lanscape. RUGGLES (D. R.), (deceased), 177. The Old Church Yard. BRAT CHE R (Asal Sy: New York 178 View near La Crosse. RAPHAEL, 179 Madona and Child. MORAN (T.), Philadelphia 180. Pikes Peaw PROVAGGI, Rome 181 The Pastor’s Blessing. New York VAIT (HL), | 183° Landscape:!?'" pose MORGAN (WM.), | New Vork ay 184 Landscape. © OOM AA New York | 185 The Blacksmith Shop. MORGAN (WM), | New York 186 Landscape. eae - t aon «. New York 187 Venus. | ee Ms a