era oe ad Went EY AY hae Fe hee PR A > BE ACE - er aaa be And ' Ave Keer ACCEL EXTALOGUE eee OF THE Beek ) ”~s Saaed LIBRARY OF THE LATE WILLIAM UPCOTT, ESQ. LO20! CONSISTING OF A Collection of Works in English Topography, Bibliography, and Miscellaneous Literature: including Evelyn’s Memoirs, on large paper, one of two copies so printed ; Evelyn’s Memoirs, Boswell’s Life of Johnson, Memoirs of Napoleon, Lives of Garrick, Kemble, Siddons, Cooke, Sir Thomas Lawrence, R. O. Cambridge, Hone’s Popular Works, Byron’s English Bards, Daniel’s Merry England, and several other Books, all extensively illustrated with Portraits, Prints, and Autograph Letters: The Gentleman’s Magazine, 142 vol. uncut; Dibdin’s and other Bibliographical Works, including a most valuable Collection of Sale Catalogues, many of which are on large paper, with prices and name of purchasers. Curious Col-' lections for the History and Illustration of our National Customs, Sports, Theatrical, and other Exhibitions, &c. ; AND A MOST EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, PRINTS, AND DRAWINGS, FOR THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND OXFORDSHIRE. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, (Under the Direction of the Court of Chancery ), BY MESSRS. : S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & CO,, AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THF FINE ARTS, AT THE ROOMS OF MESSRS. EVANS, No. 106. NEW BORD STREET, On MONDAY, JUNE 15th, id Four following Days, at ONE o’ CLOCK, precisely. *, CATALOGUES TO BE HAD AT THE PLACE OF SALE} OF Messrs. SornEesy & Co., Wellington Street, Strand; and of Messrs. ATKINS and ~ Anprew, No. 5, White Hart Court, Lombard Street, Solicitors to the Estate. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THe highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise : between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immedi- ately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. of and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more if required, in part Pay- ment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again, and re-sold. 1V. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expense, within . Five Days after the conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to BE ABSOLUTELY PAID ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY, in default of which Messrs. Sotheby & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if stolen, lost, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The whole of the Books and Lots to be taken with all — imperfections, and errors of description. VI. The Sale of any of the Illustrated Books is not to be set aside, on acco any error in the enumeration of the Drawings, Prints, and Autogr iaiphs they are stated to contain. VII. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all Charges on such Re-sale, and this shall be considered a sufficient Notice to the Defaulter. *,.* No Lots will be delivered during the Time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions Suithfully executed by their humble Servants, Ae; S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington Street, Strand. Compton and Ritchie, Printers, Middle Street, Cloth Fair, London. OF THE : CATALOGUE LIBRARY OF THE LATE WILLIAM UPCOTT, ESQ. CONSISTING OF A Collection of Works in English Topography, Bibliography, and Miscellaneous Literature: including Evelyn’s Memoirs, on large paper, one of two copies so printed; Evelyn’s Memoirs, Boswell’s Life of Johnson, Memoirs of Napoleon, Lives of Garrick, Kemble, Siddons, Cooke, Sir Thomas Lawrence, R. O. Cambridge, Hone’s Popular Works, Byron’s English Bards, Daniel’s Merry England, and several other Books, all extensively illustrated with Portraits, Prints, and Autograph Letters: The Gentleman’s Magazine, vol. uncut; Dibdin’s and other Bibliographical Works, including a most valuable Collection of Sale Catalogues, many of which are on large paper, with prices and names of purchasers. Curious Col- lections for the History and Illustration of our National Customs, Sports, Theatrical, and other Exhibitions, &c. ; AND A MOST EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, PRINTS, AND DRAWINGS, FOR THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND OXFORDSHIRE. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ( Under the Direction of the Court of Chancery ), By Messrs. EVANS, AT THEIR ROOMS, . No. 106, NEW BOND STREET, On MONDAY, JUNE 15th, and Four following Days. CATALOGUES TO BE HAD AT THE PLACE OF SALE, AND OF pee: Atkins and AnpReEw, No. 5, White Hart Court, Lombard Street, Solicitors to the Estate. 2 Library of William Upcott, Esq. . “#2 14 Almanacks, by Lilly, Gadbury, Partridge, Poor Robin, &e. | 4 portraits, 6 vol. 1669-71- 73-79-81, 1712 bord / *-15 Almanach des Muses, with MS. additions by John Wilkes Bed / 4. 16 Amman (Jost) Panoplia omnium illiberalium aut sedentiarum © artium, a series of spirited woodcuts of trades and profes- sions, calf, gilt leaves Francf. 1568 ¢ 27a 2 .. 17 Amours of Messalina, late Queen of Aihion! 1689—The Royal, Wanton together 2 vol. AX. - 18 Ancient Reliques : :— Delineations of Monastic, Castellated, and — Gu Domestic Architecture | LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. in 1, half russia, uncut 1812-13 . = £19 Anecdotes, Historical and Literary 1796 ee 3 47. 20 Angelo (Henry) Reminiscences, 2 vol. ‘nikon 1828 LeLls *,* Most extensively illustrated with portraits and prints, and some | autographs. ¢- ~ 21 Angling :—Catalogue of Books on Angling, by J. Haslewood, half russia, uncut, Privately printed, 1811—Catalogues 7 of various Sales of Books on Angling Mer: — 2 ., 22 Angling, &c.:—Barker, Art of Angling, 1820—Waring, Trea- i tise of Archery, 1830, &c. together 5 vol. “AeA — & ~. 23 Annals of Sporting, and Fancy. Gazette, plates, ’7 vol. 1822-27 Vera - ¢ » 24 Anspach (Margravine of ) Memoirs, boards 1826 < (eA 2 g. 25 Antiquities, Curiosities, Shells, &c.— Sale Catala’ various, ie a parcel 7 -. 26 Apocalypse de Meliton, 1665—Le Langage des Mates 1707, &e. together 3 vol. | Be ~ 7 ~ 27 Archery :—Life of Robin Hood — Laws of the Toxopholite | é ‘ Society, M/S.—Archery, a Poem, &c.; in 1 vol. v. ye 2. .. 28 Aristotelis de optimo statu Reip. Libri octo, Greece Par. 1556 ae *,* Autograph of Gabriel Harvey on the title and end leaves. | 2 yw _. 29 ARTISTS:—Sale Catalogues of the collections of Artists, including George Vertue, Mortimer, Hone, Wollett, Cipriani, Ry- land, Hogarth, Cozens, Zincke, Sandby, Flaxman, Opie, fur &e.; in 4. vol. some with prices, half bound russia, uncut|C 2. /, & 30 Ashmole (Elias) Antiquities of Berkshire, 3 vol. in 2, portrait and map 1723 . 2 .. 31 Askew (A.) Sale Catalogue of his Library, prices LARGE PAPER, half bound russia 1775 Bn -~ & ~, 32 Auction Catalogues of Books from 1738 to 1838, in 17 packets, several on fine paper, some scarce (Ban 7 _ § - 33 S. Augustin, Confessions, trad. par D’Andilly Par. 1649, ie add : *,* Autograph of Evelyn on the title. ! . #— 34 Ausonii Opera Amst. 1621 Cd rae Aategveah of the Abbé Parthelenia eg Se es fa ae Sale Catalogues of various collections of Autograph Leh from 1819 to 1843, in 4 vol. half bound Library of William Upcott, Esq. 5 Baily (T.) Lite of J ohn Fisher Bp. of Rochester, with a few notes by T. Baker , } MAES } 36 | Pit. 37 hoicee 38 LY 40 1655 Liverpool, 1824 calf, marbled leaves : 1812 Baldwin (T.) Airopaidia, Narrative of a Balloon Excursion, plates Chester, 1786 Balloons. Urquhart, Institute of Hydrostatics, 1786—Poole, Crotchets in the Air, 1838 4eten+Al Baronets. Catalogue of the Baronets of England, with MS. addz- tions : : 1667 otic e42 Barry (James) Account of the Pictures in the Great Room in the Adelphi ; 1783 nr 4éA3 Bayle (P.) Avis important aux Refugiez red morocco, starned ; Par. 1692 At. 44 Bayley (J.) History of the Tower of London, plates 1830 eee FT Bearcroft (T.) Historical Account of Thomas Sutton and Founda- tion of the Charterhouse LARGE PAPER, port. and plates , 1737 tyea..46 Beauties of England aud Wales, various odd volumes and num- bers, plates floz~» 47 Beckford (W.) Italy, Spain, and Portugal, 1840 — Excursions ; along the Rhine, 1843 £A coe A&>Bellamy (George Anne, Actress) Apology for her Life, 6 vol. \ : 1 { In 3 ° . 785 zZz- 49 Benger (Miss) Memoirs of the Queen of Bohemia, 2 vol. port. | 1825 _** Presentation copy, with an autograph note of the authoress inserted. «ces 50 ‘Benson (W.) Letters concerning Poetical Translations, and Virgil and Milton’s Arts of Verse, &c. t 1739 — Autograph of Dr. Isaac Watts, to whom it was presented by the author. eee Bentley (Richard, D.D.) Correspondence, 2 vol. 1842 o 52 Bentley’s Miscellany, 1843-45, various numbers +e'2... 93 Beresford (—) Bibliosophia, or Book- Wisdom 1810 (Aoi .a,pA Bernard (John) Retrospections of the Stage, 2 vol. unbound 1830 *.* Tilustrated with Portraits, Scene Prints, and Play Bills. 4/22. 65 Berry (W.) Introduction to Heraldry 1810 7. 56 Bindley (James) Sale Catalogue of his Library, prices and names, 1818—Catalogue of his Medals and Coins, 1819, half bound russia, uncut Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors, ILLUSTRATED WITH : SEVERAL HUNDREDPORTRAITS AND AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, essa many of the letters of an interesting nature 1816 83 ae 84 Me 85 a 86 Sd 81 42. 88 LHe 89 47 90 Library of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. 7 Book SALES. ) A. Askew, 1775--G. Wakefield, 1807—R. Porson, 1809— R. Heathcote, 1803-8—Dr. Gossett, 1813 —Dr. Heath, 1810--J. Horne Tooke, 1813—H. Drury, 1827, all with prices, some with names, together 8 vol. half russ. uncut Marquis of Donegall, 1800—Mr. Tighe, 1798, &c. all on fine paper, with prices and names together 4 vol. half russia, uncut Maittaire, prices, 1748--J. Bridges, prices, 1726 --Sir Julius Cesar’s Manuscripts, 1757—J. Ives, 1777—J. Hutton, 1764—T. Pearson, 1788, &c. with prices together 9 vol. C. Bernard, 1711—T. S. Bacon, 1737—M. Folkes, 1756— Ratcliffe, 1776—Mead, 1755—Bridges, 1726—Raine, 1812, all with prices Colonel Stanley, portrait and drawing inserted—Sir R. Gordon, 1816—J. Boucher, 1806; and others, all priced, some with names, several on Fine Paper Mead, 1755—Askew, red morocco, 1775— Pinelli, 1789 all on LARGE PAPER, with prices together 3 vol. Duke of Roxburghe, 1812—Sir J. W. Lake, 1808—Bp. St. Asaph, 1807— Marquis of Lansdowne, 1806, prices and names, together 4 vol. half bound russia, uncut J. P. Kemble, Letter inserted, 1821—W. B. Rhodes, 1825— J. Field, 1827—J. Boswell, 1825 FINE PAPER, all with prices and names, together 4 vol. half russia, uncut J. Henderson, 1781—J. W. Dodd, 1797—S. Ireland, 1801-—- R. Forster, 1806-—-W. Hayley, 1821—F. G. Waldron, 1807, mostly with prices and names together 6 vol. half bound russia, uncut Anthony Collins, drawn up by Dr. Sykes, 1731 — Sir B. Lucy, 1760—F. Bernard, 1698—F. Brydges, 1713— Dr. Woodward, 1728, &c. together 7 vol. Sir Edmund King, 1709—J. Brand, 1807—Lord Sackville, 1786—E. Jacob, 1789—J. Warburton, 1759 ; and others together 14 vol. A. Geddes, 1804—G. Hibbert, 1829—J. B. Inglis, 1826 ; and others ‘ : together 13 vol. Uphill, 1810—Dr. Hill, Dublin, 1816—Rev. E. White, 1805 —T. Allan, 1795—J. Bridges, 1725 ALL ON LARGE PAPER, in which state some of them are unique, together 6 vol. half bound russia, uncut J. Strange, 1801—Fagel, 1802—T. Hollis, 1814—Dr. Monro,- 1792—-Dr. Lort, 1791—Dr. Chauncy, 1790—Sir F. M. Eden, 1810 —W. Fletewode, 1774 together 8 vol. half russia, uncut D. Daly, Dud. 1792—Queen Charlotte, 1819 ; and others together 7 vol. half bound russta together 6 vol, ee Book SALES. 8 3|4 | 93 A ee 4 \-~~) 95 / 96 It —| 97 ‘ Af 98 A ~ | 99 ~ 3)--| 100 ae 101 Ah 102 3 4-103 ~~ (hl | 204 b £+105 Library of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. W. G. Hamilton, 1796—Dr. Lewis, 1781—D. Daly, 1703 ; and others, together 9 vol. half bound russia Dr. Berund, 1698—Dr. Rawlinson, 1756—T. Martin, 1772.3. zi — Dr. Ducarel, 1756, together 5 vol. half bound russia ZAP Jclves? 1777-2 Snelling, 1769__T. Crofts, 1783—J. Hutton, 1764— Pinelli, 1789—Consul Smith, 1773, all with prices ZA together 6 vol. half bound russia, uncut 4 J. Maddison, 1809—Dr. R.Glynn, 1800—J. Horne Tooke, — w 1813—Fonnereau, 1810—Haslewood, 1809; and others — ALL ON LARGE PAPER, on which they are of the greatest rarity, and with prices and names Ma : together 5 vol. half bound russia, uncut S, Ewer, 1808—E. King, 1808—Bp. Horsley, 1807—E. Akers, o 1820—Dr. Gossett, 1813, &c. all with prices We. together 5 vol. half bound russia, uncut J. Perry, autograph letter inserted, 1822—C. Bedford, 1807 —J. Towneley, 1814—Marquis of Townshend, 1812— G. Nassau, 1824, all with prices and mostly with names WA together 5 vol. half bound russia, uncut es F. Nicolay, 1809—T. Kirgate, 1810—H. Fauntleroy, 1825—_ J. T. Brockett, 1823—W., Pitt, 1809—W. Alexander, : 1816—E. King, 1808, mostly on fine paper, all with prices and ees slat: eds together 6 vol. half bound russia, uncut 7 G. Mason, 1799—Midgley, 1818—Theod. Williams, 1827. —Duke of York, 1827, all with prices and names Ma together 4 vol. half russia, uncut J. Meyrick, ON LARGE WRITING PAPER, believed to be unique, 1806 — R. Forster, LARGE PAPER, only six copies printed, 1806, both with prices and names He together 2 vol. half russia, uncut eee Southgate, 1796 — Bryant, 1806-10 — T. Allen, 1806 — Morse, 1816 — Midgley, 1818 — I. B. Inglis, mostly with prices and names, ALL ON Zed LARGE PAPER, logether 6 vol. half bound russia, uncut R. Southgate, 1793—-Duke of Grafton—W. S. Higgs, 1830. —J. "Bawarda: 1815—G. G. Mills—T, Strettell 1820— General Dowdeswell, 1812 (Az ALL ON LARGE PAPER, and with prices i together 6 vol. half russia, uncut | Merly Library, FINE PAPER, 1813—M. Paris, 1791 — Colonel Stanley, 1813 —T. Snelling, 1769, all with prices Be, ; together 4 vol. half bound russia, uncut The Libraries of T. S. Bacon, prices, 1737—Dr. Mead, with: MS. notes, and some prices, by T. Hollis, 1754— Sir. C. C. Donne, LARGE PAPER, with prices, 1764— J. White, 1788, Fine Paper, prices and names ps together 4 vol. Library of William Upcott, Esq. , -4, 106 BooxsELtERs’ CaTaLoGugs :—Baker, Edwards, Evans, White, | Stace, Masson, J. Bohn, &c. neat together 12 vol. as 107 Simco, Wilcox, H. G. Bohn, Ogles, &c.; a parcel ing 108 = Triphook, Sturt, Denley, &c.; a parcel w+ 109 Lunn, Egerton, Priestley, &c.; a parcel 44110 Ford, of Manchester; Strong, &c ; a parcel “7 | 1X1 Booker (Luke) Tributes to the Dead, Epitaphs 1830 #4 112 Boothroyd (B.) History of Pontefract, plates Pont. 1807 -“—- 113 Boruwlaski (Count) Memoirs of himself, with a MS. note by . him inserted, boards ; Durham, 1820 -e— 114 Boswell (J.) Life of Dr. Sam. Johnson, 3 vol. 1793 tle 115 Boswell (J.) Life of Samuel Johnson, ports. and plates, 10 vol. 1835 /zc> 116 Boswell (J.) Biographical Memoir of Edmund Malone, olive mor. with joints, gzlt leaves : Privately Printed, 1814 *.* Tllustrated with seventeen portraits, and two Autograph Letters of E. Malone. _-.. 117 Botero (G.) Ragion di Stato ; Venet. 1589 *,* Autograph of J. Evelyn on the title. 4 42-118 Bouhours, Penseés ingenieuses des Peres de |’Eglise *..* Autograph of Sir Joshua Reynolds on the title. -r~¢-—119 Boyle (R.) Considerations touching the Style of the H. Scriptures 1663 *,.* Autograph of William Congreve. {76 120 Brand (John) Sale Catalogues of his Books, Pictures, Curiosities, &c. 2 vol. prices and names : 1807 S421 Brand (John) Sale Catalogue of his Library LARGF PAPER, prices and names, hf. bd. rus. uncut 1807 _-— 122 Brayley (Edw. W.) Londiniana, or Reminiscenses of the British . Metropolis, plates, 4 vol. doards 4 1829 yewe-123 Brewer (J. N.) Introduction to the Beauties of England and Wales LARGE PAPER : 1818 7<— 124 Bristow (W.) Poems 1811 *,* Autograph of Rob. Bloomfield the Poet. v1e2ee125 Brockett (J. T.) Catalogue of Books and Tracts printed at the Private Press of George Allan | Newcastle, 1818 2-126 Brockett (J. T.) Glossary of North Country Words, dvards, Presentation Copy, with accompanying autograph letter 1825 ~ 2c. 127 Bromley (Sir G.) Collection of Original Royal Letters, by | : 1787 | - Charles I, &c. port. ‘ 4-2,2.428 Brown (T.) Works, Serious and Comical, plates, 4 vol. in 2 A old red morocco : 1715 icerA29 Brown (Thomas) Works, Serious and Comical, plates, 4 vol. (7 130 Browne (Moses) Angling Sports ‘ 1773 Aor rl Brunswick Theatre, various Tracts relating to {| | 10 (iS 1 182: aad "4 14 \4) 183 ae ora 134 x * 4 + 135 Ps 136 e P" fe: 137 vA J 138 - 139 v, 140 7 141 B at 142 7 144 3” b> 145 Bua ieee, ee | At b- 147 Jt b 148 fr 2) re a et oe 4 ay pe. 150 % * * se ee) ~ 6 6 152 ee b+ 153 3 | 4\ 154 | 2141 156 | 4 | 156 oe £\.4 157 Byron (Lord) English Bards and Scotch Reviewers First Edition n.d. Byron (Lord) Life, Letters, and Journals, boards 1838 Cabinet of the Arts, a series of engravings 1799 Caillard (A. B.) Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de LARGE PAPER, prices, red morocco, gilt leaves Par. 1808 Caldwall (T.) Collection of Epitaphs 1796 Calamy (Edmund, }).D.) Historical Account of my own Life, sey Library of William Upcott, Esq. : Brydges (Sir E.) Restituta, or Titles, Extracts, and Characters | Be “a of Old Books, 4 vol. ha/f bound russia, uncut 1814. Ze Buckler (J. C.) Account of the Royal Palace, Eltham 1828 44 Bunn (A.) The Stage, both before and behind the Cartain, | 3 vol. siphasleeoa 1840. biel Vol. 1 is illustrated with a few portraits, prints, and autograph | letters. f Bunyan (John) Pilgrim’s Progress, plates by Sturt 1741 ben Bunyan (J.) Voyage du Chretien sur |’Eternité, woodcuts Basle, 1728 Lon Burgon (J. W.) Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham, 2 vol. 1839 aA Burnet (Thomas) De Fide et Officiis Christianorum, ae of Wm. Cowper (Cler. Parl.) 09 a Burns (Robert) Works, with his Life by Currie, 5 vol, calf ida ne (Robert) Letters addressed to Clarinda Re 1802 urns (Robert) Letters, 2 vol. in 1 1819 Za Luece Burns ( Rob.) Caledonian Musical Museum ‘ 1810 ews Burton (T.) Diary of the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard © Cromwell, 4 vol. doards 1828 fio Busby (T.) Concert Room and Orchestra ansletie 3 vol. 1825 4 Butler (Sam.) Hudibras, cuts by Hogarth 1726. ZF Butler (Sam.) Hudibras, cuts by Hogarth : 1739 \foa Butler (S.) Hudibras, en Vers Frangaise, by J. Towneley, 3 vol. | mnie , 1819 Byfield (T.) Account of the late-found Balsamick Wells at Hox- cE don e 1687 F Byron (George Pees Lord) Works, with his Letters and Journals by Moore, 17 vol. 1833 Byron (Lord) English Bards and Scotch Reviewers 1810 Illustrated with Portraits and Autograph Letters of Charles Lamb, S. Rogers, Wordsworth, Sydney Smith, Hayley, Bowles: &c. with Notes by J. T. Rutt, 2 vol. undound 1829 *,* Extensively illustrated with portraits. Campbell (Thomas) Pleasures of Hope, additional plates i Glasg. 1800 — Lnbrary of William Upcott, Esq. + basa 1 158 Campbell (Thomas) Life of Mrs. Siddons, 2 vol. wnbdound 1834 ** Tllustrated with numerous Portraits, Scene Prints, Play Bills, and some Autographs. wic4 2159 Canats and Inland Navigation :—History of Inland Navigation, 1769—State of the “Navigation of the Town of Lyn, &c. f plates, 1751; and other tracts de 160 CaNa-s, Coal Mines, the Thames, the Fens, &c. :—A Collection | of Observations, Reports, &c. by Griffiths, Dodd, Chap- man, and others, 3 vol. calf v. ay a 461 Canats:—Tables of Tonnage on Canals—Treatise on Wet | Docks for London, and various other Tracts relating to ) Canals and Inland Navigation a 162 Canning :—Chronicle of the Gipseyites and Canningites, port. inserted 1754 ol 163 CANNING and SQquiREs, Clear state of the Case of Elizabeth Can- ning, 1753, with sixteen more Tracts relating to this very singular affair, and several portraits, and some illustra- tive matter inserted ; 1753-4 Md. 164 enmere (Elizabeth), Memoirs of 1754 tfc 165 Capell (E.) Catalogue of Mr. Capell’s Shakesperiana, presented to the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge half bound russia, uncut Privately Printed, 1780 vo | 166 Cary, Lectures on Mimicry, 1776—New Cure for the Spleen, i 1778—Advantages of living in a Garret, 1751—Witts Recreation, zmperfect together 3 vol. 207 Ke 5 ZaNG7 Caroline (Queen), Tracts relating to tee Case and Trial, by | Hone and others, some with woodcuts by G. Cr RiLohuaks 2 vol. 1819 ae 168 Caroline (Queen), an extensive Collection of Tracts relating to, with woodcuts mae Carter (E.) History of the County of Cambridge TSi9o7 = Hy. 170 Carter (E.) History of Cambridgeshire LARGE PAPER, boards 1819 42re+7 171 Caslon (W.) Specimen of Printing Types, ‘red morocco 1764 ee | 172 Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Cathedralis Eliensis — d adservantur, boards Privately Printed, 1809 ZY * 173 Catalogues of the Atheneum Library , Liverpool, 1820 — Dera ) ty be and Exeter Institution, &c. ; and various #174 Catalogues of the Libraries of the Royal etincon LARGE PAPER, 1809—London Institution, 1813, &c. together 5 vol. od 175 Catalogues:—Livres de feu Randon de Bist cei morocco, Par. 1777—Jo. van Westrenen, 1692—J. de Witt, 1701, all with prices logether 3 vol. Mh. W176 Catalogues :—Gouttard, prices, Pn 1780- M. Paris, 1790 —-Delambre, 1824 together 3 vol. ‘Oe yar) 77 Catalogues: —C. Major, Mechizn, 1767— Gouttard, calf extra, gilt leaves, 1780—Paris, 1790, all with prices together 3 vol. C ; : 12 Lnbrary of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. _— 4. 178 Catalogues of Van Sypstein’s Collection of Manuscripts, prices and names ; and of various other Sales of Books, Manu-— “D i scripts, &c. sold by Sotheby m 1825 “ ‘vile all on FINE PAPER, ruled with red lines, in 4 vol. half bound green morocco, uncut - J .. 179 Catalogues of various Libraries sold by Auction, 1705 to 1823, dle 3 vol. half bound, uncut 4 180 Catalogues of various Libraries, &c. sold by Sotheby, 1808-1820 all ON FINE PAPER, in_ vol. half bound green morocco, tincut dtd ~ 7~ 181 Catalogues of various Libraries sold by Auction, some on fine : fine paper, alphabetically arranged, in 8 vol. + ff half bound, uncut i ¢ . 182 Caulfield (James) Chalcographiana ; the Printseller’s Chronicle and Collector’s Guide to the Knowledge and Value of British ae 1814—Chalcographimania, 1314 unbound ; together 2 vol. Lod 7 *,* Illustrated with numerous Portraits and Autograph Letters of eminent collectors and dealers. 2 -- 183 Caulfield (J.) Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable | | Persons, 4 vol. in 2, russza, marbled leaves 1819. / 4 184 Cavendish (Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle) Relation of her : Lite, uacut Lee Priory, 1814 Love 4 fo 185 Caussin (N.) The Christian Diary ; 1649 Pax *,* This volume belonged to Vaughan Earl of Carberry, the patron of Jeremy Taylor. It presents a pleasing memorial of con- jugal affection in the following inscription written on the title : ‘* For the Countess of Carbery, the 10th of No. 1649, from her owne Carbery.” l oe “ -- 186 Celsus, Arguments against the Christians, by Taylor 1830 “leas J 4 187 Chamier (Capt.) Ben Brace, 3 vol. : 1836 Od a 3 ~ 188 Chandos ( Duke of) Library Sale Catalogue prices LARGE PAPER #4 1747 Lb 2 45 .- 189 Charles I:—Icon Basilike ; the Pourteaiaines of his Sacred Ma-. Zz jesty, front. 1648 ttl *,* Richard Evelyn’s copy, with some Latin verses by him on the fly-leaf. 3g” 190 Charles I, Eikon Basilike, corner of the title torn, original mo- H rocco binding, with the ae monogram stamped on the sides 1648 Rea 4* 4 191 Charlotte (Queen) Library and. Curiosities, prices and names, some writing of the Queen inserted, half morocco 1819. “3S. 192 Charlotte Princess of Wales: a most Extensive Collection of — 4 Sermons, Poems, and other Tracts relating to the Princess’ Ys Charlotte, equal to 6 vol. unbound hi < J: . 193 Cheap Repository Tracts, with autograph of Hannah More 5 ! Library of William Upcott, Esq. 13 7 4raABY Chetwood, History of the Stage, 1749—Davis, Life of Garrick, | 2 vol. 1784— Biography of the British Stage, &c. Ms together 5 vol. Héi7¢—195 Chillcott, New Guide to Bristol, plates Bristol, 1826 of. 196 Churchill (Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough) Private Correspond-' _ ence, 2 vol. 1838—Mewmoirs of the Duchess of Marlborough, by Mrs. Thomson, 2 vol. 1839 together 4 vol. holt, 197 CisserR (THEOPHILUS) LivEs OF THE Poets of Great Britam and Ireland, 5 vol. uncut, unbound , 1753 ** Tilustrated with numerous portraits. A— 198 Clarke (A.) Bibliographical Miscellany, 2 vol. in 1, calf 1806 lze— 199 Clarke (Adam) Collection of Manuscripts : 1835 200 CLARKE (William) Repertorium Bibliographicum, or some Account of the most Celebrated British Libraries LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. unbound : 1819 *.* Most extensively illustrated with portraits, views, and autographs of celebrated book collectors. “de - 201 Clissold (Henry) Prayers of Eminent Persons, boards 1826 4/+ 202 Coins:—Catalogus Numismaticus Musei Lefroyana red morocco, gilt leaves : Liburn?, 1753 vier. 203 Corns, &c. :—Catalogues of the Sales of Mrs. Kennon, 1755— Jos. Ames, 1760—-J. Browne, 1791—John White, 1788 ; and others, several on LARGE PAPER, with prices and | names, neat together 7 vol. t22+- 204 Coins, Medals, Curiosities, and Natural History; Auction Catalogues, chronologically arranged in 6 vol. : half bound russia, uncut : 1716-1821 ‘td. 205 Cole (J.) Herveiana : Scarborough, 1823 ov tz/ 296 Cole (J.) Reminiscences tributary to the Memory of Thomas Allenthe Topographer, Presentation Copy, only fifty copies privately printed ‘ Northampton, 1833 QUARTO. atx ¥ 207 ABrostation. Narrative of Blanchard’s third Voyage, 1784— The Balloon, a Satire, 1784—Potain, Voyages, Adrien, &c. ~~ hrs. 208 Alphabeta Varia, engraved on copper plates, old blue mo; occo 2222209 Arthur. The Byrth, Lyf and Actes of Kyng Arthur, trans. by Sir T. Mallory, republished from Caxton’s edition, with Introduction and Notes by R. Southey, 2 vol. Loards 1817 * * Mr. Upcott transcribed the book and corrected it for the press, and has written a note in it respecting his labours and the slight acknowledgment of them by the editor. ) ‘(7/210 Bouchier Lord Berners (John) History of Arthur of Little Bri- tain, edited by E. V. Utterson, coloured plates, bds. 1814 2 b= () ei / ww ? 14 /2\ .4 DL 4 6} 212 Jf + 213 mks te DIA fie) B15 7 Vver\,-\ 216 2 YE F217 — 2\4+918 ~.| Si+919 LG, —\ 920 hel wel aod / \ #72292 SY \fér | 223 /6\-4 224 nae, p || 225 Lubrary of William Upcott, Esq. Ayscough (S.) Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the British _ : “hich hitherto an cated 2 vol. calf 1782 Coda Bandinel (Rev. R.) Catalogue of the Books relating to British Topography bequeathed to the Bodleian Library by R. _, Gough, calf, marbled leaves Oxon, 1814 Cinee Barlow (Francis) Variz Quadrupedum Species, frontispiece and twelve plates — Diverse Avium Spe ie we oa lates ; in all twenty five plates, ollar an aywoo ae ‘ (1662) Are —— Barnard (John) Catalogue of his Collection of Drawings, front. by Bartolozzi, after West, prices, half boundrus. 1787 <2AZ Barry (James) Letter to the Dilettanti Society for the improve- ve ment of Public Taste 1798 222; Beau Chesne and Baildon, a Booke containing divers sortes of Handes, English, French, Italian, Roman, Chancelry and» Court hands, russia, gilt leaves, fine copy, very scarce TZ, London, John Fielde, n, d.| BERKSHIRE. Lord Digbie’s design to betray Abingdon, 1644. —Occurrences at and since the battle of Newberry, 1644 — Letter of the Marquesse of Newcastle of the victory at Newberry, 1643—Agreement between his Majesty and the Gentlemen of Berkshire, 1643—Abridgment of the Royal — Letters Patent to the Town of Reading, 1726—Letter from — the Army at Reading, 1647—Account of the Family of Dore of Longcot, with many other Topographical, Histo- ; rical, and Biographical Tracts relating to the County | ms "4 8vo and Ato tac Benand (M.) Cabinet de M. Paignon Dijonval, Desseins et __,. Estampes : ‘ Par. 1810 <7 Bindley (James) Catalogue of his Collection of Prints, 3 parts, Pe : parts 2 and 3 priced and named, half bound rus. 1819 a Bindley, Another copy, prices and names throughout Ee eu half bound russia ; is19 ou Biographical and Anecdotal Scraps and Cuttings from News- papers arranged and indexed, &c. (acs Books. Catalogue des Livres Francois que se trouvent a Londres, 1678— Catalogue of Dr. Outram’s Library, 1681—Library By of Samuel Foley, Bp. of Down, Dud, 1695 . Books. Sale Catalogue of the Libraries of L. Seaman, 1676— | Tho. Kidner, 1677—B. Worsley, 1678—Manton, 1678~ | W. Greenhil,1678—J. Godolphin, 1678— Gisbert Voetius, SA, and an English Nobleman, 1678; 1 vol. mostly priced A *,* Mr. Upcott paid twelve guineas for this volume. H Books. Catalogues of the Libraries of Tho. Scott, 1688—A_ Scottish Nobleman, 1688— Earl of Anglesey, 1686—Dr. _ a Masson, 1687—J. Chamberlaine, 1686 ; and others in one f sae? volume Borde (Andrew) Boke of Introduction of Knowledge reprint A | : AE Library of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 15 ——7— : dt | 226 Bramhall (J., Bp. of Derry) Sermon before the Duke of New-— | castle at York, for the great victory and the reducement of the Western Parts of Yorkshire . York, 1643 | * * Autograph of the Duke of Newcastle. eze- 227 Brayley (E. W.) Historical and Descriptive Account of the | Theatres of London, unbound ; 1826 : s \ * * Illustrated with numerous Views, Play Bills, &c. Mr 228 Britton (J.) Graphical and Literary Illustrations of Fonthill | Abbey LARGE PAPER : 1823 z,2— 229 Bromley (H.) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, 7nterleaved with manuscript additions partly by Mr. Upcott | TUSSIA , ‘ 1793 7cé. 230 Buchanan (G.) De Jure regni apud Scotos editio tertia Ad exemplar. Joannis Rossit, Edinburg, 1581 *.* Sir Roger Twysden’s copy, with his manuscript notes. yelrx23\ Burney (C.) Account of the Musical Performances in commemo- : ration of Handel : : 1785 vere 232 Cambridge (Richard Owen) Works, with his Life blue morocco, richly tooled, with joints, gilt leaves *,* «This volume contains sixty-five fine Portraits and Miscellaneous Prints, all of the finest impressions, and twenty-four original Family and other Letters; the greater being addressed to Ozias Humphry, R.A., one of Mr. Cambridge’s most intimate friends.” — Wallam Upcott. Lo100 233 Canning’s Farthing Post : : 1754 yor2e--234 Carlyle (J. D.) Poems, suggested chiefly by scenes in Asia ” Minor, &c. green morocco, richly gilt 1805 7. 235 Cary, English Atlas : 1793 4’ 236 Catalogus Auctarium Bibliothecz Edinburgene, Edin. 1627, om reprent—Bibliothecee Cordesianze Catalogus, autograph of J. Evelyn, Par. 1643—-Catalogue of the most vendible ? Books in England, 1658 together 3 vol. ‘do 237 Catalogus Librorum Arch. Campbell, Ducis Argylize, note by = Wodhull Glasg. 1758 “~~ 938 Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Blandfordiensi reperi- untur, half morocco, uncut Privately Printed, 1812 7/7. 239 Catalogues of the Libraries of John Collins, 1683—R. Chace, &c. 1684—B. Broeckhuysen, 1684; and of various other ' | Libraries, from the Evelyn collection Jie. 20 Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Academy, 1802; and various other Catalogues 142241 Catalogues of Lord Harley’s Pictures and Curiosities, 1742— The Portland Museum, printed prices, and portrait in- serted, 1786—Bullock’s Museum, prices, 1819 together 3 vol. : 16 Library of William Upcott, Esq. Sh 2A2 Catalogue of the Portland Museum, prices, autograph letter of the Duchess of Portland inserted, 1786—Catalogue of the Sale at Wanstead House, 1822 | 7 4 half bound russia : together 2 vol, Cbu2 ~ “2 ~ 243 CHarves I :—Nuntius A Mortis, a Colloquia betwixt the Ghosts — of Henry VIII and Charles I, 1657—Charge and Proceed- ings of the High Court of Justice, 1648—King Charles his | Speech upon the Scaffold, 1649—Subjects Sorrow, 1649— Martyrdom of King Charles, 1649, portrazts | cA calf together 5 vol Lele / -~ 244 Charlotte, Pranoces of Wales, Tracts relating to; Verses on ZL A + Rn nl her Death, &c. 1817 / 4 .- 245 CHEtseA, Pimtico, and Brompton, Collections for, consist-_ 7 ing of Cuttings from Newspapers, neatly mounted and illustrated with views, and a curious Manuscript Pro-— : spectus for a new National Establishment on the scite of | ol Ranelagh ! : 4 246 Cibber (C.) Apology for his Life, portrait 1740 eZ v ~ 247 Clagett (—) Catalogue of the Discourses against Popery during | the reign of James II ; 1689 “or 4: 2. 248 CLarEnDON (HENRY Hype, Ear oF) CoRRESPONDENCE, with | the Diary of Lord Clarendon from 1687 to 1690, edited by 17 S. W. Singer, 2 vol. 7m quires : 1828 (42, *,.* UNIQUE COPY, TAKEN OFF ON DRAWING PAPER, with proof | impressions of the plates. | ~ « » 249 Clericus Mercati, Remonstrance concerning the Clarke of the i a J Market F ‘ 1641 “4A 282 Caroline (Queen), The Attorney General's Charges against the Ab late Queen, with fifty caricature engravings, coloured ‘ 2 .~ 283 Catalogues: Pictures of Lankrinch, sold 1692-3—Books sold — in Dublin by James Ware, 1710 — Of all the stitched Books and single Sheets since the Popish Plot, 1680, &c.; in 1 vol. — LB _ folio and 4to a * 284 Chambers (Sir Rob.) Catalogue of the Sanscrit MSS. collected 7, during his residence in India, port. Privately Printed, 1838 Ma ~ 4 - 285 Clark (R.) Reminiscences of Handel : 1836 “Z 286 Clavel (R.) Catalogue of Books printed in England since the, Fire of London to 1674, continued by the Term Catalogues 4 = | aleeb to 1681, calf, 1675-81 | 4 ‘287 Clavel, Catalogue, no title—Catalogue of Books purchased for) the Bodleian Library in 1790 i -3 QM wu Ky See =s —_ | £ A © ae en me > | LOT la 288 HA- 289 taez-- 290 ie | 291 Yo 292 Wa 293 dete ref 294 az || 295 J 296 4, 297 Hw, 298 ta f2.- 299 Library of Wiliam Upecott, Esq. bo SECOND DAY’S SALE. en nn ne weer: —— OCTA VO ET INFRA. COINS: Virtuoso’s Companion, 2 vol. in 1, 1796 — Birchell, List of Provincial Copper Coins, 1796 Coin Sale Catalogues, Young, &c. a small parcel Coins sold from 1743 to 1832, seven packets of Catalogues Colburn, New Monthly Magazine, 1840-45, some numbers wanking Cole (J.) History of Filey, 1828 - Scarborough Souvenir, 1827 ; and other Tracts by him Cole (John) Topographical, Historical, and Poetical Works, principally relating to Northamptonshire and Scarborough. | A very extensive and curious collection, many of them Privately Printed, and the impression confined to a very few copies * * This collection comprises nearly forty pieces. Coleridge (S. T.) Conciones ad Populum, or Addresses to the People : i 1795 Collet (Dr.) Relics of Literature : 1823 Collins (A.) Peerage of England, with the Peerage of Scotland and Ireland, 9 vol. old calf, rich gilt backs 1768 Collinson (J.) Beauties of British Antiquity 1779 | Comenius (J. A.) Gate of the Latin Tongue unlocked 1656 * * Autograph and Book Plate of Thomas Gent. Conder (J.) Arrangement of Provincial Coins and Medallets, plates interleaved, in 2 vol. with manuscript additions by W. Upcott : : 1798 Constable’s Miscellany :—Autobiography, 7 vol. various Cooper (Myles) Poems, Oxf. 1761 — Jones (Mary) Poems, 1b.1750, autograph letter inserted together 2 vol. Corbet (Bp ) Poetica Stromata, a collection of sundry Pieces of Poetry ; : 1648 *,* Autograph of Evelyn on the title. Corney (B.) Curiosities of Literature, by D’Israeli illustrated, with accompanying autograph letter Greenwich Coronation of Q. Victoria, Proceedings of the Grand Festival at Cambridge ; 1838 D ie or reemere es /d\— 20 Inbrary of Wilham Upcott, Esq. / /G~ 305 Criminals:—Accounts of Criminals executed in various parts ) | of England, portraits of Mary Blandy, John Swan . Elizabeth Jeffryes, 2 vol. 1731-1795 _ +~-|7 ~ 306 Country Sales : — Edinburgh, Brighton, &c. parcel, miscellaneous by Storr Raeee * .* Illustrated with numerous Portraits, Views, Autograph Letters, &c. ~ & 6+814 Cromwell (T.) Walks through Islington, plates by Storr, India proofs j A 18 WZ ~ % ~ 315 Crosse (J.) Catalogue of the Subscription Library at Hull t LARGE PAPER, Af. bd. russia, uncut, Privately Printed, 1822 / /£.,316 Cruden (R. P.) History of Gravesend | LARGE PAPER, unbound ; 1843 of ; it i H | *,* Illustrated with numerous additional Portraits and Views. | ~ 9 ~ 317 Cruikshank (George) Omnibus, various numbers aa _ #@ -+318 Currer (Miss F. M. Richardson) Catalogue of her Library 1 4 | | Privately Printed, 1820 . 2... 319 Curzon (Eliz,) Ernestine, or the Child of Mystery, 3 vol. 1840 | = £§ ~ 320 Dalrymple ( Alex.) Sale Catalogue of his Library, and Colles “y, | | tion of Prints, &c. vs . LARGE PAPER, prices and names, half bound russia, uncut 1809-10 | *,* Memoir of Dalrymple, Autograph Letter, and Portrait inserted. | ~~ |-4-|321 Dandiana, Hobbyhorsiana, and other Facetiz, plates Vhn Li 74 ~~ 322 DANIEL (GEORGE) MERRIE ENGLAND in the olden Time, 2 vol. unbound a : 1842 6 9 *»* Most extensively illustrated, with Drawings and Prints of the places and persons mentioned in the work, and prints of old houses, popular manners and customs, extending the work sufficient to form 8 volumes. . Ar / 4 ~ 323 D’Arblay (Madame) Diary and Letters, 5 vol. 1842 & ~ 2 ~ 324 Davies (T.) Lite of David Garrick, portrait, 2 vol. 1780 (Beds J ~ 325 Davies (T.) Dramatic Miscellanies, 3 vol. dds. portraits and ~ ) some Play Bulls inserted ; 1785. Library of William Upcotl, Esq. eae 326 Davies (Thos.) Life of David Garrick, 2 vol. eg russta, galt leaves : 1784) 4 7 - * * Illustrated with Autograph Letters of Garrick, Colman, R. B. | Sheridan, Mrs. Abington, Henderson, &c. and many Por- | traits and Scene Prints. | | 327 Davis (W.) Journey round the Library of a Bibliomaniac 1821 | + | el os | 328 Dean and Stanhope, Spadacrene Anglica, the English Spaw, or) the Glory of Knaresborough, uncut York, 1654 | | - *,* « By me bought at Yorke, 1654. — J. Evelyn.” e 329 Dearn (T. D. W.) Account of the Weald of Kent, plates, boards) Cranbrook, 1814 | —| 74, ~ > hin) De Lille (Abbé) The Gardens, by Mrs. Montolieu, plates 1805 | ~|7Z\— (Abbe) y p | Sf 331 Delort (J.) Voyages aux Environs de Paris, plates, 2 vol. | he Lit LA half russia, uncut é Par, 1821 | 4 | 332 Denham (Sir John) Poems : Tonson, 1719) ~ & -| 4 *.* Autograph of the patho. of «¢ The Night Thoughts” on the | 1tie. Ad (333 Denon (Le Baron) Description des Objets d’Art qui composent | le Cabinet de, 3 vol. p Par, 1826 ||}~ 7 ~~ wy 334 Dent (John) Sale Catalogue of his Library \ LARGE PAPER, prices and names, hf. bd. russia, uncut 1827 ~j|2) —- z7--é.. 335 Dialogue de Genes et d’Algers Amst. 1685 |) — | 4 * * Autograph of the Earl of Derby. . oa 336 Dibdin (T.) Last Lays of the last of the three Dibdins 1833) — 4 — * .* Illustrated with Portraits, Prints, and Autograph Letters of taal Hl pac | celebrated Composers, Actors, &c. Ahr 337 Dippin (THomas, of the Theatres Royal) Reminiscences, 2 vol. if | unbound : 1837) 57 o \** Profusely illustrated with Portraits, Views, &c. and Autograph | Letters of many eminent Dramatic Writers, Musical Com- posers, and Performers. 338 Dibdin (T. F.) Poems 1797 || — 2 ue ,339 Dibdin (T. F.) Specimen of an English De Bure, not published, ) only fifty copies printed : 1810, - \f 340 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book-Madness, with MS. key to,) and account of the characters 1811} -~ ) WZ 341 Dibdin (‘T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Descriptive Catalogue, of the Books of the fifteeuth Century, in the Library of Earl) oo Spencer, plates, 4 vol. boards, uncut 1814) «| 4| - 4 342 Dibin (‘T. F.) Ades Althorpiane, portraits and plates, and ac- | | ) “ companying autograph letler, 2 vol. uncut 1822} 2/7 — a 343 Dibdin (T. F.) Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, uncut | 9 | 18293) =e 4-344 Dibdin (T. F.) Library Catalogue, prices and names ISI7) ak] 1 Bo ) 22 Labrary of Wiliam Upeott, Esq. Js _, 345 Dispin (T. F.) BistioGRapHicaL DECAMERON, plates, 3 vol. ‘ boards ; : 1817 42, 4 ¢& — 346 Dippin (T. F.) BistioGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, AND Pic- TURESQUE TouR IN FRANCE AND GERMANY, plates, 3 vol. Ly an een re ee | boards : ; 1821 | ~ /#~ 347 Lewis (G.) Series of Etchings for the Il'ustration of Dibdin’s| Tour, 3 Nos. | Pi g & 348 Dibdin (T. F.) Tour in France and Germany, ports. and plates, : 7 3 3 vol. ted < : Ral YA 4 349 Dibdin (T. F.) Library Companion y| : ae PAPER, 2 A a ; 1824 Fou *,.* Extensively illustrated with Portraits. ~ 24,6 350 Dibdin (T. I.) Bibliophobia, in a Letter to the Author of Biblio- mania, LARGE PAPER, dvards 1832 bigs ie Z 35) Bibliophobia, Another copy, with MS. index, and a plate in- serled : royal 8vo, 1832 Ae. ~. 44 - 352 Dibdin (T. F.) Reminiscences of a Literary Life, ports. 2 vol. pice Presentation Copy : 1836. Ld wah Se 353 D'Israeli, The Young Duke, 3 vol. 1831 Clon 2 354 Dobie (R.) History of St. Giles in the Fields, and St. George, . Bloomsbury 1834 CALA : VA 355 Doddridge (P.) Correspondence and Diary, 5 vol. dds. 1829 /* 2 - 356 Doddridge (Rev. Philip) Diary and Correspondence LARGE PAPER, 5 vol. in quzres *x" Presumed to be the only copy on Large Paper. Ae ~ <. 357 Dodsley, (Economy of Human Life, First Edition, 1751—Mar-| quis of Argyle’s Instructions to his Son, 1743—Three Let-| AS y ters to the Young Gentlemen of the present Age, 1748 __ together 3 vol. Ls J - 358 Dodsley (R.) Collection of Poems, 6 vol. uncut 1782 / @ 359 Collection of Poetry, by Moses Mendez, and others, intended as . a Supplement to Dodsley’s Collection 1770 CA& /4,-~/360 Donne (Dr.) Poems, red morocco, gilt leaves Tonson, 1719 on | | | *,.* Autograph of John Wilkes on the title. | | | 4|361 Dramatic Table Talk, 3 vol. 1825 422A _ ~ 7-362 Duncan (A.) Monumental Inscriptions selected from Burial | | ) Grounds at Edinburgh : 1815 Mut _ 74 ZF ~ 363 Dunlap (W.) Memoirs of George Fred. Cooke, of the Theatre i Royal, Covent Garden, 2 vol. unbound 1813 -“#4 | *.* Profusely illustrated with Scene Prints, Portraits, Play Bills, ba Newspaper Cuttings, &c. /“ +364 Dunlap (W.) History of the American Theatres, 2vol. 1833. a - 3g7~) 365 Dunton (John) Life and Errors, edited by J. B. Nichols, with ee his letter to Mr. Upcott, 2 vol. boards 1818 e | fa \366 Eccentric Magazine, portraits, 3 yol. Library of William Upcott, Esq. BS 4 | 367, ilen (Sir F. Morton) Catalogue of his Library | half bound russta, uncut Privately Printed, 1806 Zé 368 Edwards (Jon.) Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God 1741 G 369 Edwin's Pills, with Scraps, 1788 -- Peep into Paris, 1794 together 2 vol. 370 Egan (P.) Walks through Bath, plates 1819 _ 371 Egan (P.) Boxiana, or Sketches of Ancient and Modern . Pugilism, portraits and plates, 5 vol. 1829 Ae. B72 Egan (P.) Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their Life in London, Pursuits thr ough Life in and out of London, plates, 2 vol. 1830 4 373 Egan (P.) Rodk of Sports, and Mirror fi Life, cuts 1832 11374 Elliott (C. B.} Letters from the North of Europe 1832 Zi. 375 Ellis (John) Letters written in the years 1686-7-8, comprising particulars of the Revolution, edited by Lord Dover, 2 vol. i A ee f —4 4 BE Os 5 LPH Van ‘ boards 1831 376 Ellis (T.) Account of Great Milton, Oust 150 copies printed ‘ Oxford, 1819 Elen? Elmes (J.) Arts and Artists, 3 vol. 1825 Z/, 378 Elwood (Mrs.) Memoirs of the auscieh Ladies -of England, | J vol. 1, unbound 1843 | *,* Profusely illustrated with Portraits, Views, and Autographs. | Va \ 379 Euchiridion Legum, a Discourse of Laws 1673 - * * Autograph of John Evelyn on the title. 380 Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions chiefly in Scotland Glasgow, 1834 t2t¢* 381 Erasmi Concio de Puero Jesu Lond. 1818 | z00 a4 382 Excerpta Historica, 4 parts, 1830— Allen, History of Surrey b> | large and small paper, various numbers Ml 383 Euripidis Hecuba, half russza : Lond. 1808 ~ . ** The proof sheets with the autograph corrections of Porson. te 384 Evelyn (J.) The French Gardiner 1669 | Ze 385 Evans (R. H.) Sale Catalogues of Laboavies’ &c. sold by him | from 1813 to 1824, in 9 vol. half bound russia, uncut, some with prices and names S| 386 Evans, Sale Catalogues of Books, &c. 1816-1831, in seven | packets BA 387 Everard (E. C.) Memoirs of an unfortunate Son of Thespis 1818 es a 388 Exhibitions. Attempt to analyse the Automaton Chess Player, | 1821—Memuirs of Borulawski, 1788; and various Cata- | logues, \c. of Exhibitions, 5 vol. 89 Facetiz. Cupid’s Decoy—Tim Bobbin’s Toy Shop opened, 1763 | Y —New Theatre of Fun, 1778, &c. 90 Facetize. Liber Facetiarum, very scarce 1819 | | NN | 4 24 : : 4 { este Se ot nt ere ee , 5 ! \ j Bi } 4 yi 391 | || 399 | -| 393 514 394 | | 4 FB 395 Pet 47 -~ 396 | | \3\4 397 4-398 v Z 399 (24 400 : F — 401 | / 4 AQ2 4 -| 403 g-~ 404 * * 405 ~ 6 406 407 - 408 | 4 409 _lg\A 409" - |4| 410 au, 411 AMA 412 | _ Lnbrary of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. Facetiz. Hood’s Comic Annual, 1842—The Comic Offering, 1833—Tavern Anecdotes, 1823—Fielding, Proverbs, &c. ; 5 vol. hi The Fair of May Fair, 3 vol. 1832 g Faithorne (J.) Art of Graveing and Etching, plates 1662 Farmer (Richard) Sale Catalogue of his Library | J LARGE PAPER, prices and names, hf. bd. rus. uncut 1798 Farnham (T. J.) Travels in the Great Western Prairies, 2 vol. a) We: 1843 Faulkner (Thomas) History of Chelsea, 2 vol. unbound 1829 ** Tilustrated with Autographs, Views, Portraits, &c. F ier: (T.) History of Hammersmith, plates, boards, accom- panytng autograph note 1813 Faulkner (T.) History of Hammersmith, plates, boards, with accompanying autograph note 1839 Fenelon, Lettre a Louis XIV, 1825—Lettres inedites de Buffon, . &c. 1819, and others; 6 vol. a Fenner (W.) Danger of deferrin Repentance, port. black letter . 2 1662 (Zz, PENNING (ELiza), avol. of Tracts relating to the singular case | of Eliza Fenning, executed for attempting to poison the — family of Turner, containing the Case of E. F. by Dr. Wat- kins—Trial of E. F., Her own Narrative—Narrative of her conduct, wc. with various Hand Bills and Advertise- ments, her Autograph, and an aulograph Letter of W. 1 Hone, who took great interest in her case half fomud: in 1 vol uncut Fielding (H.) Tom Jones, 4 vol. 1823 PZ Finden, Landscape Illustrations to the Life and Works of Lord — Byron, Nos. 1 to 24 1833 | Fitzgerald (T.) Poems, old red mor. g. I Privately Printed, 1733+ Poasitaag Copy to Pope, who has written on the title, << bes Author’s Gift, sent by Mr. Wesley, Sep. 11, 1733.” | Flowers of Wit, &c. with etchings by T. Landseer 1829. fet Foutenelle, Entretiens sur “la Pluralité des Mondes, autograph — Rp, of Ann Lady Cobham Par. 1697 Zz Fonthill Abbey, Sale Catalogue of the Library and Curiosities, © prices, russia 1823 Freart (R.) Idea of the Perfection of Painting, trans. by Evelyn 1668 Fry and Steele, Specimen of Printing Types royal 8vo, 1794 Fuseli (Henry) Life aod Writings, by J. Knowles, 3 vol. 1831 Funeral Sermons: on R. Darracott, Salop, 1759—Aun Olding, | of Deptford, 1775; &c. Gardiner (W.) Shop Catalogues, including the celebrated attack on Dibdin’s Bibliomania, scarce 1809-13 Garrow (D. W.) History of Croydon, plates, boards Croydon, 1818 44+ 25 Z| 413 Gascoigne, Princely Pleasures at Kenilworth Castle 1821 || - }- B| fz Al4 Gay (J.) Fables, plates, 2 vol. 1737 |i - + - | Lp 415 Genest (T.) Account of the English Stage, from 1660 to 1830, | | ) 10 vol. unbound 4 1832 214 j= ) *.* Illustrated with Portraits, Scene Prints, Play Bills, &c. | | YZ 416 Gent (T.) History of Ripon, cuts York, 1733 | ~| 4 -| exAl7 Gent (T.) History of Ripon, cuts ib. lfsa we | a = | jg 418 Gent (T.) History of the great Eastern Window in York | | an l Cathedral, plates and woodcuts 26. 1762 | ~ oa te z> 419 Gentleman’s Calling, Autograph of Ozias Upcott, March 29,| | | | l 1679 ’ 1677 | ~| 2a La 420 GENTLEMAN’S MaGazZINE, from the commencement in 1731 to | Ye | . | the Year 1827. half bound, full gilt backs, in 142 vol. uncut “49 - (4 421 Geramb (M. J. de) Pilgrimage to Palestine, 2 vol. 1840 |--| 3 — y, 422 Gersaint, Catalogue de toutes les Pieces qui formant |’Giuvre de | v4 : .. | Rembrandt, with MS. corrections and notes by Philipe, © | | i 2 vol. 1751-56—Greene’s Catalogue of the Works of | | Callot, 1804 ) Zy | 423 Gesangbuch der evangelischlutherischen Domgeine zu Bremen Be jf? } Brem.1778. - 2 \-. . | *,* Autograph of John Bellingham, who shot Mr. Percival. ) By 424 Gifford (William) The Baviad and Meviad : 1800 | -|- O et 425 Gilbert (D.) Ancient Christmas Carols used in the West of | | England , 1823, ~|77 maph26 Gillingwater (Edmund) Historical Account of St. Edmunds | = || Bury, plates, boards St. EH, Bury, 1804 ~|7 te | 427 Glover (R.) Leonidas, 2 vol. plates, 1798—Gray, Works, \ cd. 428 Godwin ( W.) Lives of the Necromancers 1834 of Bath, wneut, 2llustrated with portraits and plates 1762 -. Gorham (G.C.) History of Eynsbury and St. Neots, plates, dds. ! 1820 ~—| Gough (Richard) Sale Catalogue of his Library and Museum | FINE PAPER, prices and names, half bound russia 1810 — | Gough (R.) Another copy similar to the previous lot wee FS Gould (J.) Biographical Dictionary. of eminent Artists,2 vol. 1835 |— 4 j- Grace (Sheflield) Memoirs of the Family of Grace, plates ) Presentation Copy, with accompanying Autograph Letter, bds. ‘ t Privately Printed, 1823 / 3..- n¢ay439 Graham (James) A Collection of Tracts, Advertisements, &c. . 4 by the celebrated Dr. Graham, Inventor of the Celestial ) Beds, including a long Autograph Letter, very curious | J |AZa— ¢7. 436 Graham (J.) Derriana, History of the Siege of Londonderry y 1823 | — | 7)}-j 437 Granger (J) Biographical History of England, 4 vol. auto-— | graph of Ozias Humphry 1779 }- (444 AS ee 26 st. | 438 ~ |/| ~| 439 —|/\n.| 440 | Ah a aad W Jt_| 442 -/ 4 443 4 444 LG AAD _{2\.| 446 3| -| 447 _ (4-. 448 - | s4| 449 | 21 fr 450 2451 _ g 452 ~ StS 453 | AP ABA b bAs| Ups i-~|2| 456 | = VI~| 457 | .{71|4| 458 | g || 459 ; . * ) * | |l-| 460 alg 461 a. Wd) ~| 462 Labrary of Wilam Upeott, Esq. Granger (J.) Biographical History of England, 6 vol. with con- tinuation by the Rev. Mark Noble, 3 vol. together 9 vol. unbound * .* Profusely illustrated with Portraits. Granger (J.) Letters, edited by Malcolm 1805 Green (T.) Biographical Memoir of Edward Pearson, D.D. Privately Printed, Ipswich, 1819 ; Griffith (A. F.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, woodcuts, and ori- ginal note of the author, with W.U.'s remarks onit 1815 La Hackman :—Case and Memoirs of the Rev. James Hackman | and Miss Reay, port. of Miss Reay, and her autograph inserted 1779 Hadley, Indostan Coes 1772—Tracts, Rural Haliburton (Judge) The Clockmaker, 2 vol. 1838 Haliburton (Judge) The Attaché, or Sam Slick in England, 2 vol. 1844 .% Hand-Book for Travellers on the Continent, 1836; and various Foreign Guide Books, &c. Hanrott (P. A.) Library and Prints LARGE PAPER 1833 UZ Harding (S. and E.) Shakespeare, allu strated an a series of Z portraits, views, dc. some wantin 1793 Harris (W.) Catalogue of the eee of the pik Institution 1 LARGE PAPER, boards 1821 Harwich Guide 1808 2 Hawkins (Sir John) Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 1787 } Hawkins (L. M.) Beene hs Facts and cry 0 2 vol. 1824 Hayley (W.) Poems y Presentation Copy, with accompanying Autograph Letter Chichester, 1818 .Zz Head (Sir F. B.) Bubbles : 7 1834 ¢ Head (Sir F. B.) Narrative : 1839 Headley (Hen.) Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry 1787 | Hearne, Textus Roffensis, plates : Oxon. 1720 % Heath (Dr.) Library, prices and names, Fine Paper 1810 Vy, Heath (J. B.) Account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers, — London | LARGE PAPER, doards, uncut fe 1829 c4 Illustrated with Autographs (including a Letter of Thomas | Osborn, Duke of Leeds), numerous plates and portraits, | some proofs, . Heathcote (R.) Sylva, or the Wood 1788 ¢ Heber (Reginald) Life of Jeremy Taylor, Bp. of Down, Connor | and Dromore, 2 vol. doards 1824 Heber (Richard) Sale Catalogue of his Library, thirteen parts, wanting part 12, boards 18 : Library of William Upcott, Esq. O7 oo 7720, 463 avert (Ww. ) Antiquities of the Inns of Court and ctl, | | | plates, boards 1804 | —| 7} 464 Herbert (William) History of the Twelve Great Livery Com- | | panies of London | LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. boards royal 8vo, 1834. ~ | - ' /Z. \ A465 Hercules tuam fidem, sive Munsterus Hypobolimaus, ‘id eat| Satyra Menippea de vita, origine et moribus Gasperis ) Schioppii : ; Lug. Bat. 1608 | | *,.* Presentation Copy from D. Heinsius to D. H, Reigersbergius. 4166 Heywood (Rev. Oliver) Memoirs of, chiefly extracted from He | Diary and Be papushed Manuscripts ) LARGE PAPER ‘ Idle, 1827 ** Tllustrated with Portraits, and an Autograph Letter from | Heywood to Thoresby. | 467 Hibbert (G.) Sale Catalogue of this Abra ) | LARGE PAPER, UNCUT 1829 ||. 7] + *,* Portrait of Mr. Hibbert, a Drawing by w ard, and an putogte ny | ) Letter inserted. * | 3 ~ ; | 468 Hill (Rowland) Post Office Reform = Privately Printed, 1837. *,* With Original Autograph Letter inserted. ; f ees ty | 469 Historian, 1676—Trial of Sacheverell, 1710, &c. | oT ie al “#470 History of the Robinhood Society 1764) ~ 6 ¥ 471 History of the Cathedral Church of plemnry and Abbey Church) PHL | | of Bath 1719 | —| Z| - *,* Edward Rowe Mores’s Ae with his MS. corrections and | ) | additions. | | and Topography of Italy, doards 1812) /| /7.- } Foe Y, 473 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Catalogue of Books salaute to the History | fooN * * OnLY TWELVE COPIES PRINTED. -L7 ‘ee Hoare (Sir R. C.) Catalogue of Books relating to the History | and Topography of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, a | 2 in his Library at Southend Hind ices bs VERY RARE, ONLY TWENTY-FIVE COPIES PRINTED, uncut 1815} | | 475 Hoblyn ( Robert) Catalogue of his Library, Privately Printed, 1769—Sale Catalogue of the same, with prices, 1778;) | _ together 2 vol. Re .476 Hone cw.) The Every Day-Book, 2 vol. unbound 1826 | ** Tllustrated with Prints of popular Customs, Amusements, Portraits, Views, &c. 477 Hone (W.) The Every-Day-Book, 2 vol. * J * Extensively illustrated with Portraits, Views, Representations of 2 \/2 Popular Manners and Customs, Autograph Letters, &c. 1D) 4 y 472 Histrionic Topography 1818 | | A : | 2 a rt nw ~ 28 __ Library of William Upcott, Esq. z VSL 478 Hone (WILiiam) THE YEAR Book, in numbers _ | *,* Illustrated with numerous Portraits of eminent Characters, : | | | Topographical Views, Antiquities, and representations of oy | | Popular Manners and Customs. Aprdl a A -+ 479 Hone (W.) The Table Book, 2 vol. unbound 1827 | BP iq Extensively illustrated with Portraits, Views, and Prints of Popular Sports, Manners and Customs, and some Autographs. '/\-> 480 Holderness (M.) New Russia : 1823 oe, ~~ 481 Hood (Thomas) Whims and Oddities, plates 1828 _2\~ 482 Hood (T.) Up the Rhine, 1840—Head’s Journey to the Pampas, hy | 1828 ; together 2 vol. | 4 \4 483 Hood (Thomas) Whimsicalities, cuts, 2 vol. 1844) 422 2 _ 484 Houghton (T.) Compleat Miner Derby, 1729 (ZZ é . 485 Howard (J.) State of the Prisons in England and Wales—His- | torical Remarks on the Bastille, red mor. gels 1786 “zy, ba *,* An Autograph Note of Howard inserted. SF 486 Hubert, Catalogue of Natural Rarities collected by him 1664 ~. 244 487 Hughes(D. S.) Travels in Greece and Albania, plates, 2 vol. 1830 Ler, ~ —_— ra ~ — rt / ~-488 Hughson (D.) Walks through London, plates 1817 Bae. _ 3). 489 Huish (R.) Historical Gallery of celebrated Men, portraits, _7- . India proofs, No. 1 to 12 v ZZ J — 490 Huli (T.) Select Letters of the Duchess of Somerset, Lady Lux- re it borough, Shenstone, &c. 2 vol. te | Autograph Letter of Hull inserted ‘ 1778 7 ~ 491 Humphreys (D.) Valedictory Discourse before the Cincinnati of } . | Connecticut ; : Boston, 1804. Z 4 ~ 492 Humphreys (D., Minister from the U. S. to the Court of Madrid), : . Miscellaneous Works, portrait New York, 1804.22 3 - 493 Hunt (Leigh) Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries, . 2 vol. boards 5 : 1828 ee / 4494 Hunter (J.) Poems, port. green morocco, gilt leaves 1805 Meboves » |b) 4G4* — |p QUARTO. , & | YA - 495 Donne (Dr.) Poems, portrait by Lombart inserted 1633. g, | *,* “John King’s booke of Poems, given by Mr. N. King, 1634.” 1 cH Ds 496 Donne (J.) Biathanatos, stained 1644. | *,” Presentation Copy from the Author's Son, John Donne, to the. LB. ) Earl of Oxford, with an accompanying Autograph Letter. ve ~~~, 497 Dudley :—Brief report of the Militarie Services done in the Low | Countries by the Earle of Leicester; written by one that served in good place there - , green morocco, gilt leaves, rare 1586 *, With an original Document relating to Monies paid on the Militia service, signed by the Earl of Leicester, inserted. | : : ee gern Upcore sg: 29 Z a he eo hie a BEE am eee s 498 Duppa (R.) Illustrations of the Lotus of Antiquity, plates | | ) a coloured ‘ A 1813) - /\— | MY 499 D’Urville, Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde, woodcuts, | | 7 2 vol. unbound : Paris, 1834} —| 4 ~ Z| 500 Edwards (Edw.) Anecdotes of Painters, Supplemental to Wal- | pole, LARGE PAPER 1808 — 7\~- Jin 01 Epictetus, by Mrs. Carter, proof sheets, 1758 —Smollett’s His- ! tory of England, 1 vol. proof sheets, with MS. corrections | > by the Author | ~| 518 2 502 EvELYN (JoHN) Memoirs AND CorRESPONDENCE, edited by. | Brayley, 2 vol. | Pe xh Win ** Extensively Illustrated with Portraits, many of them Proofs; I} Topographical Prints; also numerous Autograph Letters, | | 1 among which occur Dr. Cosins, Bp. of Durham; Sir John | ) Williamson; Richard Parr, author of the Life of Abp. | Usher; the Countess of Sunderland; Signature of Charles [To | ) to a Document respecting Sir Richard Brown, Bart.; Sirk | 4 | Cyril Wych, the Earl of Galway, &c. | ) ae Evelyn (J.) Literary Remains, forming a Supplement to his— . } Diary, edited by W. Upcott, boards 1834] /|/|~ eal 504 Evelyn’s Memoirs, Proof Sheets, a portion with Correspondence | | ) | relative to its publication L/\ A - SL 505 Evelyn (J.) Sylva, by Hunter, plates i | | | FINE PAPER, some Autograph Letters of the Editor enserled be | York, 1776) 2|41 - | 506 Evelyn (J.) Qerra, with Notes by Hunter ib. 1778|~| 316 2222. 907 Faulkner (Thomas) History of Kensington, unbound 1820) 2 @ s *,* Tllustrated with numerous Autographs, Portraits, Views, &c. 508 Fitzherbert (A.) L’office et aucthoritie de Justices de Peace,| | 1583 — Ditto, by Crompton, 1585 ; together 2 vol. Lat ad b 509 Fitzherbert:—Some particulars concerning the Family of Sir} | | Henry Fitzherbert, Bart. of Tissington, Derbyshire Seg Die: | Privately Printed, 1804) 4 2910 Foot (Jesse) Life of Arthur Murphy, wndound 1811}, — A~ * .* Tilustrated with a few Portraits, and Autograph Letters of} | | Murphy, Foot, and Alex. Chalmers, 1 | | ay RA ; wie g/\ 511 Ford (J.) Memoir of Thomas Green, Esq., of Ipswich, parinas Ipswich, 1825 Te *.* Presentation Copy, with Autograph Letter inserted. | | a Lee 512 Garrick (Davin) PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE | LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. unbound | | *.* Extensively Illustrated with Portraits, some of them Prools, | Scene Prints, Views, and some Autographs. There are also} | afew Drawings, including one of Mrs. Garrick as she lay in | ) her coffin. The copy is corrected throughout by Mr. Upcott. | ) : | alle Men ee 30 Library of Wilkamits coll, Fesq. / /S. 213 Garrickiana :—A very extensive collection of fugitive Pieces ) for the illustration of the Life of David Garrick, consisting of Newspaper Cuttings mounted, Play Bills, Portraits, re J Scene Prints, Autographs, &c. unbound a Ql. . | Bae 917 Gray (T.) Odes, LARGE PAPER, uncut Strawberry Hill, 1757 | *," Insertedis an Epitaph by Gray not to be found in his Works, || lG cc} in the hand-writing of Horace Walpole. FO be ie 4 2, 518 Greenwich Hospital; Naval Sketches, with illustrations by || = | . ) George Cruikshank : 1826 Str —|3| 4 519 Cupid and Psyche, a Tale, in Verse, from Apuleius (by Hudson | ae Gurney), plates, boards ; i 1800 7 - 920 Gutbirius (AXg.) Lexicon Syriacon, 8vo, Francof. 1731, inter- | . leaved in 4to with manuscript additions by Jo. David Michaelis ) ca | 7 pe | 514 Gems:—Catalogue of Marchant’s Gems, 1802—Burgh’s, 1805 ) . half bound russia HES Ws '~-| 515 Gough (R.) Anecdotes of British Topography . . | . e the Proof sheets with the corrections of the Author 1768 | SAA a 4 516 Granimont (Comte de) Memoires de, par le C. Antoine Hamilton, : . | portraits, red morocco. gilt leaves Lond. Edwards Bees } | 521 HAcKNEY :—Collections for the History of Hackney, consisting | | of Cuttings from Magazines and Newspapers neatly laid | ba ) down, and illustrated with Views and Portraits, unbound © . “9 —| 522 HampsreapD anp HIGHGATE :— Newspaper Cuttings for the — | History of Hampstead and Highgate, neatly laid down, i . Bape t with some few Prints and Autographs, unbound a “ 523 Hardwick (T.) Memoir of the Life of Sir William Chambers, port. | | Only twenty-five copies printed : 1825 “ZL ~ © ~ 524 Harley (Edward Earl of Oxford) Sale Catalogue of his Pictures, — Coins and Curiosities, prices and names added by George | p Vertue, the Engraver, half bound russia 1741-2 ~- 2 6 525 Hartlib (Samuel) Legacy of Husbandry 1655 a -. 4, 4 526 Hayley ( Will.) Essay on Painting, 1781—Epistle to a Friend, | | 1780—Ode to J. Howard, 1781, &c.; 1 vol. «« corrected editions” -~ |$7 | 697 Hayley (W.) Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, . 4 vol. doards . : Chich. 1804 e VA - | 528 Hayley (W.) Life of George Romney, unbound 1809 *,." Extensively illustrated with Portraits, SEVERAL OF WHICH ARE ) PROOFS, Prints, and some Autograph Letters. ~ 7 ~ 929 Hayley (William) Memoirs of his Life, with his Correspondence, edited by Johnson, 2 vol. doards : 1823 ~ 4 ~.| 530 Henry IV : —Extract out of Historie of Heury the Fourth. To which is added his being murdered with a knife in his coach Autograph of T. Hearne : ; 1610 531 Heylyn (Peter) History of St. George of Cappadocia, “* the author's Presentation Copy to the Karl of Danby,” note by | Edmond Malone 1633 Labrary of William Upcott, Esq. 31 —_- 2) peti a teentcene oe ve 532 lastructions pour l’Histoire ; Bait 1677 it ~ | a *.* Autograph of John Evelyn on the title. | : : tie | 533 Hoby (Sir Edward) Letter to Mr T. H. ( ) late Minister, | | | now fugitive, dedicated to all Romish collapsed Ladies of | Ri i Great Britanie 1609 -~ JI — ye 534 Hogarth. Catalogue of Treland’s Sollendon of the Works of | | . Hogarth, half bound russia , 1797 — -|//|- Is. * The Auctioneer’s copy, with the prices and names; and the on appraised value of each Lot, in Manuscript, by Mr. Ireland. i ee Md 535 Hollis (Thomas) Memoirs of, by Thomas Brand Hollis, ports. and plates, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves, with the Holles a } ornaments on the sides : 1780 2 ba) _*,* Presentation Copy to W. Hayley the Poet, with an accompanying | autograph Letter. . il 536 Hooghe (Romeyn de) Villa Angiane. Le Parc d’Angian en ) | Hainault, a serzes of plates ad Oh cede 537 Ireland Illustrated in a Series of Views, with Descriptions by Wright 1829 }+ | -} =| Lbs 538 IsLinc‘Ton :—Lewis, History and Se ae of St. ee Is- | lington, unbound 842 | JAAS *e Most extensively illustrated with *orip tia Drawings, Portraits, ) | Topographical Prints and Autographs, forming a pleasing | | and interesting article. The additions extend the work to ) two volumes. Ze || 539 IstineTon :—Nelson, History of Islington, unbound 51 my Re ls, * Most extensively illustrated with Portraits, Topographical Prints, | | curious printed Papers, &c. ) 222-540 IsLINGTON :—Collections relating to Islington, by Mr. Upcott, — | | consisting of Scraps and Newspaper Cuttings, neatly | | mounted and illustrated with Prints, uxbound 3UFS Z, Al Isographie des Hommes celebres, 3 vol. A a Ly, 542 Jounson. Boswell (James) Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., | > 2 vol. unbound 1791 ||| ~ f.*. First Edition, most extensively illustrated with Portraits, Prints, | | ) autograph Letters, and some very interesting Printed Papers, | among which may be particularly noticed a Catalogue of a | | Sale of Books, &c. at Worcester, 1718, distributed by | ) Johnson’s father. The Catalogue of the Sale of Dr. Johnson's library, 1785; an original Proclamation of Charles Edward ats ee! Stuart, 1745. Among the Letters are several long Letters of ) : : Boswell. | : | | | as _Labrary of William Upeott, Esq. AS. 543 JOWUNSONIANA, unbound ; : 1836 . *,* Most extensively illustrated with Portraits, many of which are Proofs, and several Private Plates; also numerous Autograph | Letters, including Mrs. Piozzi,’ Madame d’Arblay, Psalman- | | | azaar, T, Warton, Mrs. Montagu, Bp. Horne, Dr. Hawkes- | ha worth, Dugald Stewart, George Colman, &c. sufficient to ia make three volumes. A most interesting lot. / ~~ 544 Johnson:—A Set of the Plates to Boswell’s Life of Johnson, the | ) edition in 10 vol. 12mo, PROOFS ON LARGE PAPER LA J\/ 4 545 JouNnsontana, collected and arranged by Mr. Upcott. Itcon- sists of extensive Cuttings from Magazines and Newspapers _ for the Literary History of the Doctor’s various Works, accompanied with some Letters and Papers relating to them, and is illustrated with upwards of fifty different A. Portraits of him, unbound Z ! *,” This article would be eminently useful to any future editor of © i Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson. | FOLIO. / &\~| 546 Contemporains Etrangers, ou Recueil Iconographiques des Etrangers les plus celebres, @ series of Portraits and Autographs—Iconographie Francoise, portraits, various — Be odd parts of these two Works | apis ~ “F547 Contino (Bern.) La Prospettiva pratica, plates Ven, 1645 4, *,* Evelyn's copy, with his autograph. | | -~- £ —~ 548 Cozens (A.) Principles of Beauty relative to the Human Head, LZ . unbound ; : 1778 |2<4 Pah a ~ 549 Crawfurd (Geo.) Lives and Characters of the Officers of the — | Crown and of the State in Scotland | ra LARGE PAPER Edinb. 1726 by | *,* This copy belonged to the celebrated Lord Lovat, and has a | i | MS. Genealogy of the Family, and two curious prints re- _ : presenting Lord Lovat taken in disguise, &c. inserted. | -- JO $550 Daniel (T.) Oriental Scenery, twenty-four Views in Hindoostan, all mounted upon drawing paper and beautifully tinted | large fol. 1795 te! 4 551 Daniels (T.) Twelve Views of celebrated Places in Calcutta, ) drawn and etched by T. Daniels at Calcutta, mounted and | tinted : large fol. 1786-7-8 ite 2\b 552 Denham (J. F.) Account of the Church of St. Dunstan in the | West, plates : | / ~ 993 Egerton (F. H.) Life of Thomas Egerton, Viscount Brackley, Lord High Chancellor Paris ____. Labrary of William Upcott, Esq. 33 ls 554 Evelyn (John) Discourse of Medals, plates : 1697 | ¥ pe Evelyn (John) Numismata, a Discourse of Medals, the proof | sheets with his corrections, imperfect F2.| 546 Evetyn (JoHN) Memorrs illustrative of his Life and Writings, — BOARDS, UNCUT, 2 vol. divided into 4 1819 © *,* ONE OF TWO COPIES TAKEN OFF ON LARGE PAPER FOR . ILLUSTRATION. It is accompanied by a Portfolio of Auto- graphs, Prints, and Drawings, amongst which are the Pass- port of Evelyn signed by Louis XIV; an Inventory of iurniture, &c. in the hand-writing of Bvelyn ; and other specimens of his writing, and of that of various members of his family. 3 557 Freart (R.) Parallele de l’Architecture Antiyue et de la Mo- derne, plates Par. 1702 *.* This volume was presented by the Farl of Corke to Dean Swift. «J give this Book to Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Pa- trick’s, Dublin; in order to constitute him the Director of Architecture in Ireland, especially upon my own | Estate in that Kingdom :” . ** Corke Burlington.” June 27, 1726. Witness, A. Pope. «© Which Book I do hereby give to my Ingenious and worthy friend, Francis Bindon, Esq. hereby delegating him director of Architecture through all Europe.”—wSee MS. note, A fine Proof Print of Dean Swift inserted. i, 558 Genealogical Table belonging to Lesleus, De titulo, &c. Mariz regine Scotorum, dumaged—Genealogical Tables belong- 3} 3|_ ing to Gregson’s Lancashire--Charts to Playfair’s British — Family Antiquity, a Map of England, &c. i, 560 Graphic History of Louis XVI and the Royal Family of France, six large engravings 1806 Lil, 56) Gray’s Inn Journal, by Charles Ranger, Esq. 1753 |. SAéZ 562 Grub Street Journal, 3 vol. 1730-32 gies The Hermit, Periodical Essays, No. 1—28, complete 1714 ea aT Bg fs es LOT | -~ Zi 564 ie (3) 4 565 1 Oe 5 he ; ~ (2 — 567 7 la... 568 Hoa | /. 569 in gee rf) 17} =| 571 J |3\—| 572 * — |F|=| 573 —|#\=| 574 2 \f/ | 575 «|Z \-4 O76 det OFT mj inl 678 ht 679 7 ~ 680 / if \4 581 / \4\ +582 ~ 4 — 583 ~\“4ri 584 «| Bi -| 585 ~ | 2) ~| 586 ‘el ZA nd BOT _Library of William Upeott, Bsq. THIRD DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. | pe Le NE J HUTTON (W.) Court of Requests, boards Birm. 1787 By Hutton (W.) History of Derby, plates 1791 | MA? Hutton (W.) Poems, chiefly Tales , 1804, 4 Hutton (W.) Scarborough Tour 1804, Hutton (W.) History of Birmingham, cn beane 1809 Z& * * Tllustrated with additional Plates and Portraits. Hutton (W.) Trip to Coatham : | 1810 44 Hutton (W.) Battle of Bosworth Field 1813 Sa! Hutton (W.) Description of Black Pool, 1817—Scarborough Tour, 1817 ; together 2 vol. JL Hutton (W.) Life, with Accounts of the Riots at be in 1791, unbound ; 1 hs Extensively illustrated with Portraita: Views, and renee Letters. . t Ly Hutton (W.) Journey to London, uncut 1818 « a *,* Tllustrated with Views and Portraits. | . Ingoldsby Legends, both series, plates, 2 vol. 1842. Ua / Iconographie des Contemporains depuis 1789 jusqu’a 1829 | fine impressions, 2 vol. russia, g. 4 roy. 8vo, Par. 1832 Ze Ireland :—Wright’s Dublin ; Guide to Killarney, &c. i together 4 vol. La Ireland :—Reports of a Deputation of the Drapers’ Company to Londonderry Privately Printed, 1818 | Sd Irish Society, Concise View of the, Presentation Copy 1832 dL Ives (J.) Remarks upon the Garianonum of the Romans, plates — 1774 Jenner (T.) Maps of the English Counties 1643 “% Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the Court of England during the reign| of the Stuarts, 4 vol. doards 0, y Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the Court of England from ae 1 2B the death of George the Second, 3 vol. 1843. Jesse (J. H.) George Selwyn and his ae ports. | 2 vol. 1843 The Jester’s Magazine, scarce ; 1765-6 AZ. Joe Miller’s Jests, portrazt 1747 Dares Johnson (C.) Lives of the Highwaymen and Pyrates 1813 Ae. Johnson (J.) Typographia, or the Printer’s sede plates | LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. boards 1824 a Library of William Upcott, Esq. “vit # 588 Johnson (Dr. Sam.) Works, 9 vol. calf gilt ¢ 589 Johnson :—Piozzi’s Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson 1786 47, 590 Johnson:—Essay on the Life and Character of Dr. Johnson, | 1786—Boswell’s Tour to the Hebrides, 1807—Witticisms of Dr. Johnson, 1791; 1 vol. russia * * Various illustrative matter inserted, and two book-plates of J. Boswell. U7! > 59. ROSWELL (J.) Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. edited by J. W. ) Croker, 5 vol. unbound " 1831 *.* Most extensively illustrated with Portraits, several of them | Proofs, and Autograph Letters of many of the eminent and distinguished Characters mentioned in the work. Among them may be noticed a Note by Dr. Johnson, one of the Editor, Letters of Malone, T. Warton, &c. Jones (G. H.) Account of the Murder of Weare, 1824—Curtis, Account of the Murder of Maria Martin, 1828, wth a Letter together 2 vol. Jones (J.) Curious Collection of Epitaphs, 1727 —Pulleyn’s Churchyard Gleanings ; together 2 vol. Jones (R.) Treatise on Skating, plates Juvenal’s Satires, trans. by Gifford: «* To W. Upcott, from his friend the Translator,” boards 1806 Kelly (Michael) Reminiscences, 2 vol. a few portrails and newspaper cuttings inserted, unbound 1826 te 593 Lim 694 oe Lor PIG Y, 597 Kempe (A. J.) Historical Notices of the collegiate Church of 2 St. Martin le-Grand, plates 1825 <- 598 Kennet (B.) Lives of the Grecian Poets FINE PAPER, gvlt leaves, Presentation Copy, with a long autograph Letter 1697 Kennicott (B.) Ten Annual Accounts of the collection of Hebrew pi Ltpr599 | MSS. of the Old Testament, aulograph of the author 1770 fic L460 Kent. Oulton, Picture of Margate, plates, 18¢0—Dunkin, His- > Ah tory of Bromley, 1815—Richardson, Greenwich 1834 2cLtiG)| Keppel (T.) Life of Augustus Viscount Keppel, 2 vol. 1842 4/v 602 Kimbell (John) Account of Legacies, &c. appertaining to the Church and Poor of St. Alphege, Greenwich, doards 1816 King (Lord) Life of John Locke, 2 vol. unbound 1830 * * Tllustrated with numerous Portraits. Z 604 King (T.) Sparks, or Small Poems morally turned i Privately Printed Md. pei King (T.) Sparks, or Smal] Poems morally turned | fer 603 ¥* ¥ + new edition. . Jeez, 606 ! markable Characters, plates, 3 vol. F 35 H Oxford, 1825 — Privately Printed, n. d. (circa 1750) | The author’s Copy, with manuscript additions preparatory for a | Kirby, Wonderful and Scientific Museum, or Magazine of Re- 1803 36 Library of William Upcott, Esq. J | - ie 607 Kirby, Wonderful and Scientific Museum, plates, 6 vol. 1803-13 oy |. g 7 608 Knatchbull (Sir Norton) Annotations upon some difficult texts Kirke White 3 A, Sd, ) of the N. Testament, auleyaae of Jo. et and al , ad 609 Knight, Gallery of Portraits, fou ee numbers fee aa H 2) - 610 Knowles (J. S.) The Wife ; and other of his Plays — ~;~ 611 Koops (M.) Historical Account of Substances used to eve a ; ) events and conveying ideas, note by Mr. Upcott 1801 | 7 612 Laing (David) Early Metrical Tales, Boards Edinb. 1826 2g “1h = 613 Lake (Sir J. W.) Sale Catalogue of his collection of Prints, ee 1808 - Sale Catalogue of Gulston’s collection of ars) s 1812; 2 vol. ae 5 LARGE PAPER, prices and names, half bound russia i | JZ p | at ~ 614 Lamb (James B.) Birth and Triumph of Love,a Poem 1823 | ~ 2,~ 615 Landseer (J.) Lectures on the Art of Engraving, Presentation a Copy to Oz. Humphrey 1807 hes _— |Z ~ 616 Laneham, Letter bags the Pageants at Kenilworth Castle, | ed 1575 1821 Zz 54 617 Layard (D. P.) Account oF the Somersham Water, Huntingdon- | shire; and other Tracts, 1767-70, Presentation vol. to the ee ) Bp. of Oxford i224 / -~ 618 Le Neve (John) Monumenta Anglicana, 1700-1715 (vol. 4) 1716 Ge 7: 2 619 Lessons for Lovers, in several Poems 1829 | 7 -- 620 Life of a Travelling Physician, 3 vol. 1843 &Z4 2 J ~ 621 Light (The) Dragoon, 2 vol. ; 1844 C22 ~ | Ff]. |622 Lillo (George) Dramatic Works, 2 vol. 1775 SZ ~ 2 4 623 Lite (Henry, of Lytescarie) The Light of Britayne |: 12mo, 1588, reprint royal 8vo ade ~ 4 2 624 Lite (H.) The Light of Britayne, printed on coloured paper 1814 ben / / — 625 Lite (Henry) The Light of Britayne PRINTED UPON VELLUM, ONE OF TWO COPIES 1814 Len 4 4 626 Littleton, Tenures, ovesque certain Cases added, znlerleaved 1 with MS. notes in avery neat hand, by Jo. Williams, 1577 Ly R. Tothill, 1572 | Y, ~ - 627 Livie (J.) Greece Linguze Conjugationes Privately Printed, Presentation Copy Lond, 1791 Lig] ~ 2 % 628 Lonpon and its Environs described, plates, 6 vol. 1761 ML 2 4629 New Remarks of London, by the Company of Parish Clerks — ive 1732 7 ~ — 630 Names of the Merchants living in and about the City of - London i ‘ 167 the ~. 43. 631 Kent’s London Directory, 1759, with a large collection of Miscellaneous Tracts relating to London ~ # ~--632 Hutton’s New View of London, 2 vol. ; and various others . 2. 633 — Blackburn’s History of Crosby Place—Case of the Rector of © vz Be St. Andrew’s, Holborn, 1722, &c. q — 4634 Smart’s History of the Parish of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, a ) | 1824; and various Tracts relating to London | Library of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. 37 HSt )eioere aa | 635 Lonpon. Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul’s, 1712—Continu- | ation, 1713 — Fact against Scandal, 1713 — Answer to ) Frauds and Abuses, 1713—Second part of Fact against — Scandal, 1713; and other Tracts ey 636 =A very extensive collection of Tracts relating to the Charter of London, its various Charitable Institutions, Benefit Jt . Societies, &c. 4to and 8vo WA 637 +=‘ Frostiana, or History of the River Thames in a frozen state, | 1814, with Accounts of various Exhibitions, &ce. a parcel Ji 638 =A very extensive collection of Tracts, Papers, Letters, &c. relating to the Thames Tunnel, Ato and 8vo The Order of the Hospitalls of K. Henry the viijth and K. Edward the vith ; St. Bartholomews, &c. black letter ; Reprint of 1557 Ji 640 A collection of Tracts, Private Squibs, &c. relating to Lon- don, 4to and 8vo of/ 641 LoNDON Exhibitions, Panoramas, &c. a very extensive collec- tion, in two large parcels London Legends, by Paul Pindar, 2 vol. London Catalogue of Books, various years, 4 vol. London Institution Library Catalogue, vol 1, not pu blished 1835 Lonpon. Catalogue of the Library belonging to the Corpora- 1842 Zoe : tion, 1824—Ditto, 1828, Lance papeR—Ditto, 1840; a 3 vol. A 646 Longinus on the Sublime, trans. by Smith, autograph of Lavater . 1770 7647 Lougman and Co.’s Catalogues of rare and curious Books, S8vo and 4to ) 1813-17, 4 vol. : AA- 648 Lottery Magazine from June to November 1777 Gotti 649 Lowndes (W. T.) The Bibliographer’s Manual, complete in \ parts : ; 1828-34 fA 650 Lowth (R.) Introduction to English Grammar 1769 *,* Interleaved with numerous Manuscript Notes by John Wilkes. 651 Lyde (N.) Life of Richard Lyde of Hereford | Presentation Copy Privately Printed, 1731 i. 652 / Lynes (John) Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Parr, MS. note of T. Maurice | LARGE PAPER, boards 1827 JO- 653 Maberly (Mrs.) Emily, 3 vol. : 1840 ze 654 Macdonnel (D. E.) Dictionary of Quotations 1826 Lé 655 Mackenzie (K. S.) Newspapers. -, | | . (tt t2.$57 Magazines, Gentlemens, Ladies, Westminster, &c, various odd | volumes and numbers Narrative of the second Campaign in China © 1842. La2e.656 Macklin. Memoirs of Charles Macklin, Comedian, undound 1804 | ** Illustrated with Scene Prints, Portraits, and Cuttings from — eo : | 4| 38 Library of Wilam Upcott, Esq. ~ |f.. 658 Makanna; or the Land of the Savage, 3 vol. 1834 . ~ 2 — 659 Malcolm (J. P.) Miscellaneous Anecdotes, illustrative of the | Manners and History of Europe 1811 deni / / — 660 Malefactors Register; or the Newgate and Tyburn Calendar, | | plates, 5 vol. very clean copy l 444 661 Mander (J.) Derbyshire Miners Glossary Bakewell, 1824 SZ —f\- 662 Manuscripts and Autographs. Catalogue of the Lansdowne | ) Collection, 1807— Orator Henley’s Manuscripts, 1759— . Battle Abbey Rolls, 1835—Cochrane’s Collection of Ma- i | nuscripts, 1829—Archives de le Baron de Joursanvault 2 vol. 1838, and various others | 663 Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, Catalogues of various Sales |/ . 2. 4 aa ~ 3 4 664 Martin (G.) Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecw Comitis de Hoym, | | venetian morocco, ilt leaves Par, 1738 | 4 665 Martin, Annals of Crime, or New Newgate Calendar, wood- Ya | . cuts, 2 vol. m numbers ' . -. 9 3 666 Mary, Queen of Scots, Letters edited by Agnes Strickland, — 2 vol. : 1843 ~ 3° 667 Mason (W.5S.) Bibliotheca Hibernica ; Descriptive Catalogue — of a select [rish Library, collected for Sir R. Peel Dud. 1823 . / 4 668 Masons. Account of the Royal Cumberland Freemasons School i EA LARGE PAPER, red morocco, Duke of York's copy 1789 | ~ ~~ 669 Matthews (H.) Diary of an Invalid : 1835 ! ji %& — 670 Matthews (Mrs.) Memoirs of Charles Matthews, Comedian, © j 4 vol. unbound 1838 Me xy Illustrated with Autograph Letters, Scene Prints, Portraits, — | Playbills, &c. | ~ 7 ~ 671 Melmoth (W. H.) Story-Teller be, ‘~ - > 672 Memoirs of the Duchess d’Abrantes (Madame Junot) 8 vol. 1833 “< ~ & 4 673 Mippiesex. A collection of Tracts relating to Chelsea, High- a : gate, Islington, &c. cic e ~ / -- 674 Mirror of Literature and Amusement, various odd parts and _ | numbers é ; SAL, ¢ - 675 Mirror of Time, 2 vol. F 1834 | 4 % 676 Morton (James Earl of) Sale Catalogue of his Coins, 1830— | on Catalogue of Henderson’s Library, LARGE PAPER, prices 4 . and names, 1830, half bound russia, uncut Ce ~ /4 + 677 Monk (James H.) Life of Dr. Richard Bentley, with letters of | the author, R. Bentley, Publisher, and W. Upcott, boards © ee . ~- 4 — 678 Moore (H.) Dictionary of Quotations 3 1831 } 4 » ~ 679 Marphy (A.) Life of David Garrick, 2 vol. calf, m. l. 1801 — *,* Autograph Note of Garrick, Letter of Boaden to Murphy, and ‘ Affidavit of H. Bate (Dudley) inserted. | 43 ~| 680 Museums : —Catalogues of various Collections of Natural and Artificial Curiosities, Lichfield Museum, 1782-— Earl of + Bute’s Minerals, 1793—Tassie’s Gems, 1775—Calonne’s Museum, 1797, &c.; 9 vol. neal, some with prices — Labrary of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 39 Museums and Collections of Natural and Artificial Curiosities — Catalogues of Boulter’s Museum, Yarmouth—Salter’s Coffee ny House—Burton’s Egyptian Antiquities, 1836—Duke of © Queensbury, 1811, &c. some with prices ze 682 Musgrave (Sir Wm.) Sale Catalogue of his Collection of Por- traits, prices and names, the Auctioneers’ copy 1800 ho. 683 Music :—Dictionary of Musicians, 2 vol. calf, m. l. 1824 , LK 684 Names :—Curious and Humorous arrangement of Surnames in systematic and scientific order Edinburgh, 1825 _*,* Accompanied by a very extensive collection of Autograph Signatures for the purpose of being arranged in a systematic order of names. Lip b8d NApoLEOoN :—Memoirs of the Duke of A vol. unbound ** Tllustrated with Portraits and Plates. -z<— 686 Napoleon: Memoirs of General Count Rapp, unbound 1823 * * Illustrated with Portraits and Prints. 4. 687 Napoleon .—— Memoirs of Count Lavalette, 2 vol. ti puna 1831 *,* Tllustrated with numerous Autographs, Portraits, Views, &c. My 688 Napoleon: —Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court and Family, by the Duchess d’Abrantes, 2 vol. unbound 1836 * * Extensively illustrated with Portraits and Prints. tél 689 Napoleon :—Las Casas, Memoirs of the Life, Exile and Con- versations of the Emperor Napoleon, 4 vol. ports. 1836 7<~<—690 Napoleon :—Bourrienne, Memoirs of Napoleon Buonaparte, ; 4 vol. inlaid ; 1836 _*,* Tilustrated with numerous Plates and Portraits, some of them Proofs. Rovigo (M. Savary), : 1828 Memoirs of the Invasion of France, and last a few ports. inserted 183 Az, 691 Napoleon :—Fain, six months of the Reign of Napoleon, Ld 692 Napoleon :—Antommarchi, last Days of Napoleon, 2 vol. 1826 YHo.693 Nennius, The Historia Brittonum, trans. by W. Gunn Presentation Copy 222, 694 Newcastle Histories Derwentwater— Pack, &c. 695 New Newgate Calendar, ports. 6 vol. and Merriments History of the Earl of Gc eH. 697 Nicolas (N. H.) Catalogue of the Heralds Visitations in the | British Museum 3 LARGE PAPER, Presentation Copy, with accompanying Letter , 1825 SL 698 Noble (Mark) Continuation of Grang of England, 3 vol. doards A er’s Biographical History 1806 1819 History of the Lambton Worm—Long 696 Nicolas (N. H.) Synopsis of the Peerage of England, 2 vol. 1825 | 06 | ~ 317) ? | - 705 Novels :—The Night Watch, 2 vol. 1834—The Porcelain Tower, 1841 . 40 Lnbrary of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. 699 Noblesse :—Le fondement et origine des Titres des Noblesse Leon, 1547 4 700 Norfolk, Narrative of the Grand Festival at Yarmouth, 1814; BA and various other tracts 701 North (R.) Lives of Francis, Dudley, and John North, 3 vol. boards 4 : 1826 702 Norton (G.) Commentaries on the History and Franchises of the City of London, Presentation Copy, boards 1829 703 Novels :—Standard, by Godwin, Brunton, Morier, James, Ains- worth, Marryatt, Cooper, Beckford, Austen, &c. ; 40 vol. Bentley 704 Novels:—Modern Novelists, by Bulwer, Smith, Hooke, &c. 20 vol. (wanting vol. 3, 4, and 15) Colburn ee 706 Novels :—Jesse Phillips, 1843—Life of a Sailor, &c.; 4vol. | 4 707 Ocellus Lucanus, trans. by Taylor : 1831 %,, 708 O'Keefe (J.) Recollections of his Life, 2 vol. . ' *,* Three Autographs of O’Keefe inserted. | SH. ~ 92? - 709 Oldys (W.) The British Librarian, uncut, half bound rus. 1738 | | ~ 0 710 Oldys (W.) The British Librarian, uncut, half bound, two ports. ~ Ae- ~ on™ - ~ 6 . et bss 4G ~~ Ps 4s OED ee rae Ae WA ax ~~ me Sh pei enserted, one a private plate 1738 Lf 711 Olevano (G. B.) Il modo di redurre a pace ogni sorte di private — inimicitia nata per cagion d’Honore Milano, 1620) “<2 *,* Jo. Evelyn’s Copy, with his Autograph. i 4 712 Orloff (Comte Gregoire) Histoire de la Peinture en Italie, 2 vol. b Par. 1823 | 713 Osborne (T.) Shop Catalogues for various years bound in 5 vol. | — Bibliothecz Harleianz Catalogus, 4 vol. 1743 H together 9 vol. SH. 714 Otway (T.) Plays, 2 vol. : 1733 cz 715 Outre-Mer, or a Pilgrimage to the Old World, by an American, LL. 2 vol. . . 1835 i} } 716 Oxoniana, a Didactic Poem i 1812 BZ 717 Painting and Engraving :—Cumberland’s Catalogue of the King — | of Spain’s Paintings, 1787—History and Art of Engraving, . ZA 1747; and other Works relating to the Fine Arts | oor 718 Painting and Engraving :—Leonardo Da Vinci’s Treatise of i Painting, 1721—Modern Wood Engraving, &c. i ; 719 Painting, &c.:—De Pile’s Art of Painting, 1743—Cumberland’s . | / Lite of Bonasoni, 1793—Catalogue of Strange’s Pictures, i RE, 1769, &c. 1 : 720 Palmerini (N.) Catalogo della Opere d'Intaglio di Raffaello — j Morghen, portrait : Fir. 1810 ZZ 721 Panorama :—A large Collection of Descriptive Accounts of the __ Panorama, exhibited at Leicester Square, from 1812 to wea 1845, plans, interleaved in 1 thick vol. } . brary of William Upcott, Esq. | ae _| 722 Paris (J. A.) Life of Sir Humphry Davy, 2 vol. unbownd 1831 | J\44\ - | *,* Tllustrated with numerous Portraits, and Autograph Letters of . many eminent Literary and Scientific Characters. L. 723 Park's Book of Jests ; and various Children’s Books, &c. modern ~~ b ~, 724 Parke (T.) Musical Memoirs, 2 vol. 1830 - 4 - fc, 125 Parker (Martin) True and terrible Narration of a horrible Earthquake which happened in Calabria, written in English y Verse, VERY RARE : 1638 ~ 77 *,* Autograph of John Evelyn. 4b ‘ 4 “726 Parkes (S.) Chemical Catechism : 1834 22 ype 727 Parnell (T.) Poems, Lady Scudamore's Copy, ‘‘ Given to me Se yy by Mr. Pope, 1722.” : 1722. Bi 728 Parr (Sam. D.D.) Works, edited by J. Johnstone, 8 vol. bds.1828 oti Yi. 729 Parry (J. D.) Account of the Coast of Sussex, plates, dds. 1833 / 3 aie Peake (R. B.) Memoirs of the Colman Family, 2 vol. unbound, a few Portraits inserted, but those belonging to the book : are wanting ; ; 1841 || —| 4 - thr 73. Pearce (Nath.) Life and Adventures in Abyssinia, edited by ys Halls, 2 vol. , ; 1831 ~ 7 -— Z—732 P arson (Thomas) Sale Catalogue of his Library LARGE PAPER, only twelve copies printed, prices, and some names, half russia, uncut P 1788 Wy 733 Peerage :— Walkley’s Catalogue of the Nobility, 1640 —Owen’s ) Peerage, 3 vol. 1784—Longmate’s Pocket Peerage, 2 vol. , | 1787, &c. aay el 4/-. 734 Peerage :—Mysterious Heir, or Who is Mr. Walter Howard ? . 1816— Detection of Infamy, by an Unfortunate Nobleman, iy | 1816 ~ LD Zope Pegye (S.) Curialia Miscellanea, Anecdotes of Old Times 1818 ~~ 7 — 742436 Pepys (Sam.) Life, Journals, and Correspondence, 2 vol. 1841 ~ #& — 4.737 Percy Society Publications:—Six various, edited by E. F. Rimbaulf —|/|- a7 #188 PERREAU:—A collection of Tracts relating to the Case of Rob. and Dan. Perreau, executed for Forgery, and Mrs, Rudd; j 12 Tracts in 1 vol. ¢lustrated with portraits, &c. 1 e) half morocco, uncut : ‘ 1775 ALL 739 Pettigrew (Tho. J.) Bibliotheca Sussexiana, 2 vol. doards : 7 | royal 8vo, 1827. ~~ Y- he 740 Pfeffel, Abregé Chronologique de |’Histoire d’ Allemagne | Autograph of Arthur Onslow Par.1754 ~ - Ob MW TAL Philipot (J.) Catalogue of all Knights made by King James, y } manuscript notes by Malone é 1660 -4 a 4. 742 Phillips (E.) Theatrum Poetarum, 1674—-Casimir’s Odes, by . | Hils, 1646 ; together 2 vol. ~ 2 - “/7/2#¢43, Phillipps (Sir Thomas) The Topographer, vol. 5 Privately Printed, Salisbury, 1821 | — a | ! ha NES REE ye iy ee SG 7A4 | 3\-1 745 (+ /A -| 746 ~ isd 747 —|4\—| 748 pe (2 coe ay | 7 -~| 750 —| 2 751 BAR e 752 aa ~\26 753 13 754 WO 2 tae hd 1,9 | é\-| 756 SIA 757 ~ |2 6) 758 — £0 4 759 } - 3 ¢€ 760 - 26476) ru Hi Me Bf SY” «| /4| -| 763 ~ 47 — 764 - 4 765 | 4-~-| 766 _ 44 767 Lnbrary of Wilham Upcott, Esq. Phillipps (Sir Thomas) On Parochial Registration of Baptisms, Marriages, &c. 1833 — Marriages in Somerset House LA Chapel, 1831 : Privately Printed Aa Physic and Physicians, 2 vol. : 1839 Z Pictures :—Walker’s Descriptive Catalogue of a collection of Pictures, blue mor. Ed:nb. 1807—Catalogue of Strange’s A, Collection, prices, and others; together 7 vol. G Pinelli Library, Sale Catalogue LARGE PAPER, prices, half bound, uncut 1789 A Pitt (Wm., Earl of Chatham) Correspondence, 4 vol. 1838 Plays: The Blockheads, an Opera, 1782; and other Plays, a arcel . Plees (W.) Account of the island of Jersey, plates Southampton, 1817 Plinius, De Viris illustribus, cum Scholiis Hier. Zeigler original stamped binding, autograph of Zeigler 1542 Plot (R.) De Origine Fontium : Oxf. 1685 *,* Presentation copy to Evelyn, with his Autograph. Poems by Mary Collier, Washerwoman, Winchester, 1762— ! Poems by J. Bryant, Shoemaker, 1774—Poems by J. F. | Z Bryaut, Tobacco Pipe Maker, 1787; 3 vol. in 1 ~ Poets. Aldine Edition of the British Poets, 36 vol. (wanting i vol. 12) ; Pickering, 1830-35 © A Poetry of the Antijacobin 1799 & Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin, 1799—Virgil Travesty, &c. ; 5 vol. A Poetry. Collings’s Fables; Kemble’s Francis the First; Young’s | A Night Thoughts; Churchill’s Poems, &c.; 7 vol. bP we Poetry. Eloisa in Deshabille, &c. 4 Poetry. Lamb’s Album Verses; Clare’s Poems; Colton’s Mo- dern Antiquity, &c.; 15 vol., and Tracts A Poetry. Goldsmith’s Poems, 2 vol. 178—Blackmore’s Crea- | tion, 1718, &c.; 6 vol. be } . Porteus. Trial of Capt. Porteus, 1736—Life of Capt. Porteus, 1827, in packets unbound Prints. Catalogues of Print Sales sold by Richardson, 1799. 1808, including that of Sir W. Musgrave, mostly the Auction Catalogues, with prices and names, 9 vol. neat PRINTS. Catalogue of Gen. Dowdeswell’s collection of Por- traits, 1809—R. Graves’s collection of Prints, 1810; 2 vol. in 1, Fine Paper, prices and names, ralf bound russia Library of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 43 ms 768 Prints, Drawings, &c. a large collection of Catalogues, unbound | W/4 | 769 Prints, Drawines, &c. A Collection of Sale Catalogues of | S | Prints and Drawings from 1756 to 1822, comprising some | | | se : a i of the most curious and valuable collections dispersed | within that period, in 20 vol. half dound russia, uncut, some of them priced 770 Prints :—Catalogues of the Collections of J. West, 1773—J. Parsons, 1775—Rev. Mr. Grainger, 1778—Lord Mount- | stuart, 1778—J. Ames, 1748 —J. Ratcliffe, 1776; in 1 vol. | te mostly priced Rit Be _* * From Sir W. Musgrave’s Sale, where it sold for £3..16s. Sir — William has noted the most curious articles sold in lots and not particularized. gl. — \ Sates Prints :—Overton’s Shop Catalogue, 1741—Collection of C. Rogers, 1799 —Chevalier Seratti, with prices, 1816; and = /, various other Catalogues Yé 772 Prints anp Drawines :—Catalogues of Ottley’s Collection, i 1814—Dr. Randolph, 1814—W. Richardson, prices, Aa Hf r : y, . 1813; and various others, 3 vol. . Vi 773 Prints :-—Catalogues of the Collections of an eminent collector, LARGE PAPER, 1810—George Baker, 1825—J. Barry, y se ; 4 1807 — Chev. Seratti, 1816, all with prices and names = le . 774 Prints:—Catalogues of the collections of Gulston, 1786— | Sir W. Musgrave, 1799 —Sir G. P. Turner, 1824—Dela- ri | bere Collection, 1811, all with prices and names oP ade | QUARTO. | -2— 775 Jorden (Edw.) Discourse of a disease called the Suffocation of | by | the Mother, Evelyn’s copy, with his autograph 1603 714 — lo 776 Josi (Christian) Sale Catalogue of his collection of Prints, preces ss SiG4- and names, half bound russia, uncut : 1829 — . fee 2 suvenalie “Modern Essay on the tenth Satyr of Juvenal, by vat Higden, 1687—Juvenal’s tenth Satyr, by Shadwell, 1687 ~|9)-| Zs, 778 Kennett (White) Bibliotheca Americana ; 1713 || —|4} 4] Ly 779 Kennett (W.) Parochial Antiquities in the History of Ambros- | den, Burcester, and other adjacent parts, plates, 2 vol. AA boards . Oxford, 1818 780 Kirgate (Thomas) Sale Catalogue of his Library 2 . LARGE PAPER, prices and names, half bound russia 18105 — jo HM 781 Lady’s Magazine, vol. 1 ; Cece oe ~ i” ; : 782 Ladies’ Magazine, by Jasper Goodwill, of Oxford, 4 vol.in3 SH. | g y Jasp , 1750:3 | ~| 4 5 783 Lancashire, Illustrated in a Series of Views, with Descriptions | . by Pyne, INDIA PAPER 1831 | 784 Latin Dictionary, a portion of a Work, with alterations by | 4 Richard Hogarth, father of the Artist, see note 2 G | : mh de _ 44 | ~| 2) .1786 | ~—| 3! -|786 | 7|2| 4787 / G6 ~\788 | 6 A789 ve 790 AVNe41791 VY 4 saab MEE 792 78 4 - 793 * * * ~1é\- 794 A \7\-\.795 Anise 4 796 mf |-|:797 _.| 4\-| 798 _ J 6-799 —~ 4 ~ 800 ~— | 4! 3] 802 . A ~ 802 ) . .#| ~|'803 ie (6) -| 804 f : : ; aa a BE Library of William Upcolt, Esq. Lite (H.) The Light of Britayne 1588, reprint 1814 oe Lite (H.) The Light of Britayne 1588, reprint Lonpon:— Chronicle of London, from 1089 [1189] to 1483, with Illustrations, Presentation Copy, boards 1827 Lonpon :—Metropolitan Improvements, or London in the Nineteenth Century, in a series of engravings hy Shepherd, with illustrations by Elmes, proof impressions, 2 va. A half russia, uncut : 1827 Lonpon :—Collections relating to Dioramas, Cosmoramas, &c. pasted in a volume Lord’s Prayer, in above one hundred Languages, Versions, and Characters 1713 |} Lysons (D.) Environs of London, plates, 5 vol. dL half russia, uncut : 1796-1811 ¢d2 Lysons (D.) Account of the Middlesex Parishes not described | in the Environs . G LARGE PAPER 1800 c@ Lysons (D.) History of Berkshire . LARGE PAPER, unbound | 4 Extensively illustrated with Views, Portraits , Autograph | etters. | Macro (Dr.) Catalogue of his Collection of Manuscripts sold by private contract mit) 1820. t : *,* Several Autograph Letters imserted. Malcolm (J. P.) Londinum Redivivum, or Ancient History and | modern description of London, plates, 4 vol.—Anecdotes © and Customs of London, plates, 2 vol. ; together 6 vol. calf, — A 1803-8 | Maps and Plans, Miscellaneous, pasted in a volume Marchant, Catalogue of Gems, plate by Bartolozei, and some 1 MSS. of Opie, &c. ; 1792 Mathieu (P.) Heroic Life of Henry IV of France, trans. by — Grimstone, autograph of Narcissus Lutterel 1612: Mauriceau (F.) Maladies des Femmes Grosses, plates Par. 1683 | La *.* Two Autographs of Evelyn. La Mauriceau (F.) Observations sur la grossesse et l’ Accouchement | des femmes tb. 1695 *,.* Autograph of J. Evelyn. | Morse (Robert) Catalogue of his Collection of Prints LARGE PAPER, prices and names, half bound rus. Moule (‘T.) The Engli h Counties delineated, 2 vol. 1837 Names of the Members of the Long Parliament, 1640 to 1648 —Magna Charta, with Notes by E. Cooke, 1680; 2 vol. Napoleon :—Catalogue of the Sainsbury Napoleon Museum, illustrated with portraits and prints, many of them proofs Privately Printed, 1836 4 _ Ltbrary of Wilkham Upcott, Esq. _ 45 Nelson (Jolin) History aud Topography of St. Mary, Islington, | boards 1811 Newspapers :—The Country Journal, or Craftsman 1727-30 |\- Narrative of the Grand Yarmouth Festival, plates 1814 || - Northcote (J.) Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 2 vol. russia, with joints, gilt leaves : 1813 Vol.I. Mlustrated by ninety-seven Portraits, Proofs, ten miscel- laneous Prints, Sir J. Reynolds’s Funeral Ticket, an original Letter of Sir Joshua, and one of Northcote, very characteristic ; and one fac-simile of Sir Joshua to the author. Vol. II. An original sketch, by Sir Joshua, from Guercino. Copy, by W. Alexander, of the British Museum, from an un- finished Oil Painting by Sir Joshua, of Dr. Johnson’s Black Servant, Fr. Barber; Seventeen Portraits, and two Miscel- laneous Prints; Autograph of Sir Joshua, being a portion of a leaf of his Table-Book; Catalogue of his Portraits, and Catalogue of his collection of Pictures. 809 Ogilby, Britannia Depicta, by Bowen, coats of arms, &c. 1720 Park (J.) Topography and Natural History of Hampstead 1814 Illustrated with Views, Drawings, Prints, and Autograph Let- ters: among them the portrait of Thomas Park, a private plate, and the original drawing in colours from which it was taken; and Letters of Pinkerton. ; Peck (F.) Catalogue of all the Discourses for and against Popery in the reign of James II, scarce : 1735 Periodical Papers. A collection of various Periodical Papers _ during the last twenty years, many of which have ceased, unbound Penny Periodicals, a very extensive collection Petronius. Poeme de Petrone sur la Guerre Civile entre Cesar et Pompée, &c. Autograph of Buffon Amst. 1737 | Philips (J. L.) Sale Catalogue of his Library and collection of Prints, LARGE PAPER, prices, Manchester, 1814—Cata- logue of the Library of R. Morse, LARGE PAPER, prices and names, 1816; 2 vol. Pictures, &c. A Collection of Catalogues of the Sales of Pic- tures, Drawings, Miniatures, and other Articles of Virtu, sold by Public Auction in London from 1754 to 1818, 5 vol. half bound in russia, someon fine paper with prices, a most curious and valuable series ) Pictures. Catalogue of Pictures and Articles of Virtu, sold | by Auction, 1757-1809. half bound russva ) Some of these belonged to Horace Walpole, and are priced by | him. 1 A6 Labrary of William Upcott, Esq. = ma | — 818 Pictures, &c. Catalogue of the Collection of Pave Prints, and Drawings of Charles Jervis, 1741—Blackburn's Collec- tions of Prints, 1786— Gainsborough’s Pictures, &c. 1789 —Cosway's Pictures, 1821, and of various other Collec- | tions; 2 vol. . . 3 - 819 Pictures. Catalogues of the Collections of Sir Joshua Rey- | nolds, préces, 1795—Cipriani, prices and names, 1786—- Warren Hastings, prices and names, 1797—J. Barry, prices, 1807, and of several other Artists; in one vol. half bound russia _ 4“ ~— 820 Pictures. Catalogues of various Collections sold by H. Phillips, — 1809-1819 + - 821 Picrures. Catalogues of the Exhibitions of the Royal Aca-— demy at Somerset House, from the commencement in 1769 | to 1817, in 2 vol. half bound russia . * .* Some of these Catalogues are upon fine paper, and, in addition, . there are some curious Tracts relating to the Academy bound — with them. The names are added to some of the portraits - . which are printed anonymously. H | “~ b — 822 Pictures. Guide through the Royal Academy, by Barett: — . The Ear-Wig, 1781—Various Exhibition Catalogues, a _ parcel fe - B..\ 823 Pictures, Bronzes, Curiosities, Antiquities, &c. a very extensive \ collection of Catalogues, unbound FOLIO. } @ - -G4 2 824 Hearne, Ectypa varia, ¢mperfect 1737 is 825 Historical Narrative of the momentous Events from 1816 to 1823 2 - ‘ia — 826 Hodges (W.) Views in India, proofs, russia 1786 2 3 ~ 827 IstincTontana:—A collection of Printed and Manuscript Papers — for the illustration of the History of Islmgton, including Letters of celebrated Persons born or residing there, is ys illustrated with prints, unbound, equal to 3 vol. < ss 828 [IRELAND :— Original Proclamations during the Rebellion of 1798 ; Autograph of Philip Roche, General of the Rebels at Vinegar — Ba Hill, inserted 1798 -» 7 -~ 829 Junius: - Newspaper Cuttings respecting the Authorship of the Letters of Junius 2 4 - 830 Lonpon Gazerre: -- Oxford Gazette, No. 1 to 23, 1665— : London Carel No. 24, Jan. 1665 to No. 221, 1667 A (containing an account of the Great Fire) — His Majesties tLe A Proclamation, 1666 ; and some broadsides ; 1 vol. aa — 4 #83) Lonpon :—Royal Entertainment at Guildhall, Report 1837 2 .+ £ £4 832 London Catalogue of Bocks as the originally appeared in numbers, 1688 to 1703, ‘contol from the Evelyn collection ai | 833 Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow seciieeiieemenmnemesnee ne . AE EE tr Fe ee etarbnsrinemese 1 ___Labrary of William Upcott, Esq. 4% Broadsides, Fugitive Pieces, and Newspaper Cuttings | relating to Public Events and popular topics of the day, from 1646 to , arranged in 5 large volumes, and illustrated with portraits and other prints / “834 Lysons (DANIEL) HistoricaL COLLECTIONS, consisting of . * .* These volumes have been collected by Mr. Lysons at an im- om Wie aa | mense expense of time and labour, and will be found of con- | | siderable interest. Besides chronicling the great events of | | History, such as the Plague of London, 1665; the Rebellions | of 1715 and 1745; the Riots of London in 1781; they | register many of the minor points which are cursorily passed | | over, or but slightly noticed by the general historian, as i i great storms, frosts, funerals of celebrated personages, re- | . markable impostures and crimes, public shows and pageants, i i] | | | prodigies, &c. Many of the Prints with which the volume | is illustrated are probably unique. a on, 835 Lysons (DANIEL) Collectanea. Historical, containing News- | Napoleon, zllustrated with some prints a 836 Lysons (DANIEL) COLLECTANEA, RELATING TO PUBLICK EXHIBITIONS AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT, 5D vol. * * A most extensive and curious collection of Broadsides, Adver- . tisements, Cards, Bills, and Cuttings from Newspapers, . relating to Giants, Dwarfs, Monsters, Posture- Masters, Ven- triloquists, Pite-Faters; Stone- Raters: Conjurors, Learned Dogs, Horses, Pigs, and other rare Animals ; Museums of Natural and Artificial Curiosities, Wax wane Panoramas, Mechanical Inventions, Balloons, Lectures, Puppet. Shaws, Musical and heateicall. Entertainments, Masquerades, Horse- | papers for the Year 1814, relating to the downfall of Races, Archery, Boxing, Balls, Bowling, Cricket, Chess- — Matches, Dog-fighting, Fencing-Matches, Foot-Races, Pedes- i trianism, Rural Sports, Singular Wagers, Wrestling, Fortune- | Telling, &c. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS PORTRAITS AND CURIOUS Tyr 4 PRINTS, MANY OF WHICH ARE PROBABLY UNIQUE. A MOST | CURIOUS COLLECTION. x | 837 Maunsell (Andrew) Catalogue of English Printed Books, auto- J. Ames, J. Bindley, and Mr. Upcott : 1595 © graphs of Playdell, Humphrey Wanley, Browne Willis, | y 838 British Museum:—Report of the Committee on, with some _ illustrative matter by Mr. Upcott 1836 Si | 839 Newspapers :—Publick Occurrences, imperfect, 1688—The | Whisperer, a Periodical Paper, 1770-72, No. | to 100, | complete Md 840 Newspapers and Periodicals, a very extensive collection of, from the reign of Charles II to the present time : | | A |~//Y| || eed —\/\- VA) pin es — SAA eh. 48 Library of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 841 Newspapers :—Applelee's Original Weekly Journal, 1722—The British Journal, 1723—The London Journal, 1723-4; in 1 vol. mutilated 842 Newspapers:—The Kentish Post ‘ 843 Newspapers :—The Kentish Post, 1756, mutilated 844 Newspapers :—Daily Gazetteer, 1735-6-7, mutilated 845 Newspapers :—Public Advertiser, 1767, mutzlated 846 Newspapers :— Dunlop’s American Daily Advertiser, 1791-93, 5 vol. —The Sun, 1801; together 6 vol. all mutelated 847 Newspapers:—Public Advertiser, London Evening Post, &c. a very extensive collection, 15 vol. all much mutilated, having been used for culling ee a 1728-9 a a FOURTH DAY’S SALE. ee ee ~ san OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT . 848 PRINTS: — Catalogues of the Collections of F. Annesley, 1812 | —Thane, 1818—W. Wilson, 1808—S. Smith, 1803, mostly on LARGE PAPER, 6 vol. half bound russia 849 Prints :—Catalogues of the Collections of D. Waldron, 1807 — Earl of Bute, 1793—Sir W. Musgrave, with prices, 1800, &ce.; 6 vol. half bound russia, uncut 850 Prints :—Catalogues des Collections de Mons. Mariette, 1775 —Crozat, 1741—J. Hazard, 1789—St. Yves, 1741—C. de Valois, 1801, mostly priced, 5 vol. half bound rus. uncut 851 Prints:—Catalogues of the Collections of R. Morse, 1816— J. Woodhouse, nine parts, LARGE PAPER, 1801—G. Keate, 1800—P. Romilly, 1785, &c. all with prices, 7 vol. half bound russia, uncut 852 Prints:—Catalogues of the Collections of John Ireland, 1810 —L, Pickard, 1802—D. Waldron, 1807—George Keate, all on LARGE PAPER, and of the greatest rarity, prices and names, 4 vol. half bound russia, uncut 853 Prints:—Catalogues of the Collections of J. Gulston, 1780— Earl of Bute, 1794 —J. Barnard, 1798—S Tighe, 1799— C. Rogers, 1799—Van Leberghe, 1802, all with prices and names, 6 vol. half bound russia, uncut 854 Prints :—Catalogues of the Collections of Sir W. Musgrave, 1800—H. Ibbot, 1818 —Dr. Chauncy—R. Graves, 1805 ; and others, some on FINE PAPER, all with prices and names, 7 vol. half russia, uncut Library of Wilham Upcott, E'sq. 49 s 855 Print Sales. Delabere, Copy of the Baziliologia, prices 1811 _ Jz. 856 Prior (J.) Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 2 vol. some Newspaper 857 Prior, Life of Burke, Prints ae illustrating 858 Psalmi aliquot Davidici, in metrum latinum traducti, very |. scarce Oxon. 1630. *..* The Conciones ad Clerum mentioned in the title is wanting, Autograph of John Evelyn. } Md 859 Psalms of David in English Verse, by Miles Smyth, frontispiece cu} by Hollar, Evelyn’s Copy, with his Autograph 1668 Z @ 860 Pulleyn (W.) Church-yard Gleanings and Epigrammatic Scraps Pye (C.) Provincial ahd Coins and Tokens LARGE PAPER 1796 Pym (A.G.) Narrative Shtng a Voyage to the South Sea 1838 Rabaut, Precis de la Revolution peapalte, cuts by Du Plessis Bertaux Par. 1792 Rawlinson’s (T.) Mifascripté: Elesidgic of, half morocco 1734 Ray (J.) Collection of English Proverbs 1737 Ray (J.) History of the Rebellion of 1745 Bristol, 1752 REBELLION 1745:—History of the Rebellion, Dudlin, 1746, with some other Tracts relating to the Rebellion, and Trial of the Rebel Lords Inserted is a warrant for payment of £100 to Mr. Wight, for his extraordinary trouble on the trial of Lord Kilmarnock, &c., signed by the Duke of Newcastle. Recess or Autumnal Relaxation in the Highlands and Lowlands, by Frederick Fag 1834 9 Record Commission; Tracts, by Black, &c. some Privately Printed Reed (Isaac) Sale Catalogue of his Library, prices, 1807— Catalogue of the Library of J. W. Reed, 1790 —zn one vol. russia, gilt leaves, additional portrait of Isaac Reed, and various Biographies of him inserted 1807 Reed (Isaac) Sale Catalogue of his Library LARGE PAPER, twelve copies only printed, prices and names, half bound russia, uncut 1807 Renaudot, Le renouvellement des Bureaux d’Adresse, 1647— Reflexions et Maximes Morales, eeeree of Str Joshua Reynolds 1714 Renouard (Ant. Aug.) Ste de |’Imprimerie des Aldes, 2 vol. half russia Par. 1803 Renouard (A. A.) Detlycoh de la Bibliotheque d’un Amateur, A tom. in 2 vol half bound russia, uncut Par. 1829 Reynolds (Fred.) Lite and Times, with accompanying Auto- | graph Letter, Cuttings from Newspapers, 2 vol. 1827 | Cuttings inserted : 1837 || - ¢ a es NG er } \ } ‘ Lars AN i } ~~ ) { nl | . 1. “b>. 876 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Catalogue of Portraits, &c. from his : : ll mele 4 877 Richardson (C.) Notices and Extracts relating to the Lion’s ~ “ 50. Library of William Upeott, Esq. Pictures, 1794, and various Sale Catalogues of his collec- tions of Pictures, Drawings, &c. some with prices half bound russia Head, Button’s Coffee House Presentation Copy, with Mr. Upcott’s Autograph Letter 9 | | | Thanks 1828) 7 2. 878 Richardson (J.) Notes on Milton's Paradise Lost 1734 | 4, 4879 Risdon (T.) Chorographical Description of the County of Devon ZA russia ; : 1 AN. 880 Ritson (J.) Sale-Catalogue of his Library, FINE PAPER, prices and purchasers names, 1803—Catalogue of Fillingham’s Old Plays, prices, 1805—Catalogue of Hunter’s Library, 7 prices, one vol, half russza, uncut | | *,* Autograph of Ritson, and Caricature of him inserted. . | | / 4 881 Rogers (S.) Pleasures of Memory, plates after Stothard 1801 eZ one 7 4 882 Roscoe (William) Sale Catalogue of his Library and Prints, A i] ) | prices and names, half bound russia, uncut 1816 .. § ~ 883 Rouse (James) Beauties and Antiquities of Sussex, plates, i — | 4A 885 Roxburghe (Duke of) Library Sale Catalogue 2 vol. boards 1825 | » 4+ 884 Roussel, Systeme Physique et Morale de la Femme Par. 1809 a 7 | LARGE PAPER, uncut, prices and names, except the Supple- . ment, which has the prices only Le _ 4 6 886 Royal Academy. Essay on Design, by Gwyn, n. d.—Essay 1 | aa - | - on the necessity and form of a Royal Academy, 1755— The Exhibition, by Roger Shanagan, satirical, n. d.; and LA | other Tracts from the collection of Oztas Humphry 74 jo & 887 Royal Academy. Strange’s Inquiry on the Rise of the R. A.) 4 1775—Conduct of the R. Academicians, 1771—-R. Aca-_ om demicians, a Farce, &c. some satirical H Ze 3 . 888 Rubens. Catalogue of the Works of Art in the possession of Rubens atsthe time of his decease, by Dawson Turner i Z Privately Printed 1832. / 4 889 Saint Fond (F. de) Description des Experiences de la Machine /Hrostatique, 2 vol. ; Par. 1781 ¢4 3g~. $90 Saunders (E.) View of the State Religion in the Diocese of St. David’s, Autograph of T. Hearne 1721 f£ > 891 Savage (J.) Librarian, 3 vol. half bound, uncut 1808 .%@ / ~ 892 Savage (James) Memorabilia, or Recollections, Historical, Bio- raphical, &c. : Taunton, 1820 — Labrary of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 51 his edition of Malone, Nc. 897 Shakespeare :—Account of the Gala Festival at Stratford, 1830 — Prospectuses of the Felton Portrait of Shakspeare .898 Shakspeare Gallery Exhibition, 1794—TIreland, Shakspeariana, | 396 Shakespearc :—Hamlet, Reprin! of Edition of 1603 — Article | . Shakspeare, from Lowndes’ Manual—Various sheets of the _ various editions of Shakspeare, corrected by Boswell, from | tr et fe Ps : LARGE PAPER, 1827 | 2 899 Sheridan (Frances) Memoirs of her Life : 1824] —| 7| ~ 900 Sheridan (T.) Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vol. 1797 ~ 4 o -:901 Sherlock (W.) Practical Discourse concerning Death 1751|| —|2|4 * * Presentation Copy from William Chapple of Exeter to Geo. Humphris, with a copy of verses by him. £ | 902 Siddons (H.) Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Gesture and , 3 Action, cuts : 1822, ~ ~ i. 903 Sidney (Hon. Henry) Diary of the time of Charles IT, edited by | ; Blencowe, 2 vol. boards ; 1843 ~ J. Jie, 904 Sinclair (Sir John) Correspondence, 2 vol. . 1831) -—; 7) — te 905 Singer (S. W.) Account of the Book printed at Oxford in r, MCCCCLXVIII Privately Printed, 1812 ~ 3 |.- J4 906 Slight (H. & J.) Chronicles of Portsmouth, with MS. additions of the list of the Corporation, 1708, and a document signed : by S. Brady, the versifier of the Psalms 1828 Apc 07 Smeeton (G.) Biographia Curiosa, or Memoirs of Remarkable Characters, portrazts 1820 - Z, 908 Smith (J.) Art of Painting in Oil, John Evelyn's Copy, with q his initials 1687 47 909 Smith (J. R.) Bibliotheca Cantiana LARGE PAPER, Presentation Copy, with accompanying auto- granh note : ; 1837 f WG : 910 Smith (J. T.) Nollekens and his Times, 2 vol. unbound 1829 * .* Most profusely illustrated with Views, Portraits, and Autograph &c. so as to increase it to 4 vol. SA 912 Sotheby, various Sale Catalogues :—Jolley, &c. a parcel 4Z | 912*Spence(J.) Parallel of Magliabecchi and Hill Strawd, Hill, 1758 4/ 13 Sportsman's Buttons, a series of engravings 1821 Letters of the Nobility, eminent Literary Characters, Artists, 911 Smith (T.) Historical Account of St. Mary le-Bone Parish, plates é 1833» NG S w Y/ 14 Stage. Biography of the British Stage,1824, unbound, znlaid and profusely illustrated with Portraits, Scene Prints, Play | Bills,and Autographs Letter of distinguished performers. 4é. 15 Steevens (George) Sale Catalogue of his Library i LARGE PAPER, prices and names, port. and two Autograph | Letters inserted, half bound russia, uncut 1800 \ { Dy, i 916 Steinman (G. S.) History of Croydon, plates, boards 1833ii +A} | o } a i ; t A - | — — Sa re ' et nance oaaorrnine es NaN & Ni Fig 5 NE ee se ky rare > >. 917 Stewart (C. J.) Catalogue of the Library of Miss Richardson | _ 929 Tacquet (A.) Arithmetice Theoria et Praxis _Antverp, 1682 52 Library of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. Curran, at Eshton Hall, half bound red morocco, uncut very scarce Privately Printed, 1833 | 44 918 Stockdale (P.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, port. 2 vol. i 1809 72 919 Stone (Mr.) History of Faringdon Faringdon, 1798 © 920 Storer (J.) Description of Fonthill Abbey Presentation Copy - 921 Storer (J.) Rural Walks of Cowper, plates, 2 copies 1822 | (4a 922 Strickland (Agnes) Lives of the Queens of England, Pal vol. 1 wanting ; 842 923 Strype (John) Life of Thomas Smith, port. . 1698 924 Suffolk Garland, boards 3 Ipswich, 1818 925 Surrey Institution Library Catalogue LARGE PAPER, half bound ‘uncut, various illustrative Sha matter sanerted 1813 926 Sydney Papers, Journal of the Ear! of Mosetens and Letters of Algernon Sydney, by Blencowe, Autograph note of the Editor 1825 _ 927 Sykes (Sir Mark M.) Sale Catalogue of his Library, prices and D 1824 names, half bound russta, uncut 928 Tableaux, Desseins, et Estampes, Catalogues des Collections: de P. A. J. Kyff, 1785—J. L. Vander Dussen, Amst. 1774 —S. Feitama, 1758, and of other Foreign collections, some with prices, 6 vol. bound and several unbound * * Autograph of W. Hollar on the title. | 930 Talleyrand (Prince) Library, prices, calf, FINE PAPER isl 931 Tennant (C.) Tour on the Continent, 2 vol. I RB Presentation Cor : 1824 : 932 Teonge (Henry) Diary, 1675-1679 : 1825 “4. 933 New Testament, éztle wantzng, cuts (4 *,* Autograph of Mary Blandy, of Parly, Berkshire. 934 Theatrical Costume. Desseins de differens habits de Costume du Theatre Francais, dans la Tragique, 1 vol. ; dans la Comique, 1 vol.; et dans !Opera et du Theatre Italien, 1 vol.—all highly finished miniature drawings on vellum of the most | celebrated actors of the day, by J. L. Faesch, 3 vol. Le Par. 1768 ; Theatrical Remembrancer, 1788—Thespian Sentinel, Memoirs | of J. De Castro, 1824—Dramatic Tracts, and others The- A | atrical, 6 vol. i 936 Theology :—Tillotson, Wisdom of being Religious, ieee by | Young, Centaur not fabulous, &c. 7 vol. 937 Thespian Centinel, or Theatrical Vade Mecum, vol. 1 ol Rida 938 Thevenet, Art of Swimming, plates : 1699 Lele © ww 7 | Library of William Upcott, Esq. 53 jy | 939 THuers (M. A.) History of the French Revolution, 7n numbers | 1838 | * * Tilustrated with prints and portraits. 940 Thomas (H.) Ancient Remains, Antiquities, and recent improve- | ments of London, plates, 2 vol. : 1830 | 941 Thompson (H.) Life of Hannah More, autograph letters of Wilberforce, Alexander Chalmers, and other illustrative | matter inserted 1838 | SK VR 942 Thomson (R.) Chronicles of London Bridge, plates, med Presentation Copy : ; 1827 vé. 943 Thomson (R.) Historical account of Magna Charta g LARGE PAPER, boards : : 1829 © Ze 944 Thorpe’s Shop Catalogues, three large parcels ) 945 Thoresby (R.) Sale Catalogue of his Collection of Coins, Manu- — scripts, and Curiosities, prices ‘ 1784 |\-- Mi 946 Timperley (C. H.) Dictionary of Printers and Printing, with | the progress of Literature, Bibliographical Illustrations, i &c. unbound ; ; 1839 | ** LARGE PAPER, extensively illustrated with Portraits, Printers’ Devices, Specimens of curious Types, &c. C247 Tofts (Mary) Narrative of an extraordinary delivery of Rab- bits performed by Mr. Howard, at Guilford, 1727. With a collection of Tracts relating to this infamous Impostor, aa and curious prints and illustrative matter inserted = 1727 Mihi? 948 Tooke, Pantheon, 1753, and various School Books Ca 949 Tooke (John Horne) Diversions of Purley, vol.1 dds. 1786 | «< With MS. contents on each page, by John Horne Tooke, . and given to me by his daughter.”— W. Upcott. | Lz 950 Topography. Gostling’s Walk in Canterbury 1777, &c. ZY 951 Topography. parcel ede, YB2 Topographical Tracts, vzieaM3 Topography. Jacques, Visit to Goodwood, 1822— / Epsom, &c. SAM 954 Topographical Tracts, Guides, &c. a parcel _-Zé2955 Topographical Tracts relating to Norwich, London, &c. some My . scarce, a parcel js 956 Traveller’s Guide through Ireland—Paterson’s Road Book, 1822 | —Travelier’s Guide through Scotland—Ogilvy’s Roads London Exhibitions, &c. a parcel History of aap Torr (James) Antiquities of York City 1719 | , 4c /b8 Tower Menagerie, woodcuts : 1829 | ~ Le | 959 Towneley (John! Sale Catalogue of his Library, and Collection of — | Portraits, prices and names, 2 vol. | | half bound in russia, uncut 1814-28 | . | Walks through Wales; Guide Books, &c. a | rg ‘ae } ¢ — / Ge | Ane 1214 Seeneininnsteememneeneeeeee an ge Am 960 Tracts. Advis du Card. Baronius, 1606--S. Bochardi Epi- _ ..|3/4,966 Tracts. Car of Fancy; a Collection of Riddles, 1814; and_ Md AM. 54 Ltbrary of William Upcott, Esq. thalamia in Nuptias Jacobi Cappellii, 1617, Presentation Copy to J. Smith—Brissonius de regno Persarum, auto- graph of J. F. Gronovius, 1595, &c.; 3 vol. | AZ ~ 4. 961 Tracts, Historical and Biographical. Thicknesse, Life of 4 | Gainsborough, 1788—Boswell, Life of Malone, &c.; ay WZ parcel J”. 962 Tracts. Tim Bobbin’s Toy-Shop Opened, 1763, and various | humorous Tracts, 2 vol. i} : } | = alot 963 Tracts. Nugz Canore, or Epitaphian Mementos of the Me- | | dici family of modern times, 1827—Uxbridge Note Book, |Z | = 1828; and others is Ye 964 Tracts. Pye, Evidence on the Art of Engraving, 1836; and ! ) various others, principally relating to the Arts and Natural Ae Bs History, a parcel ~ £45 965 Tracts, Biographical and Miscellaneous, 5 vol. various relating to the Stage, Poetry, &c. a parcel ~ J 967 Trattle (M.) Sale Catalogue of his Coins and Medals, prices 1832 rder, and names ~ 4 . 968 Trials, &c. Lieut. Col. Mackenaa and Gthees for Mu A | Lt Aberdeen, 1803; and various other Trials, Legal Tracts, &c. 4 “7 _ 4 . 969 TRIALS. Tryals for High Treason and other Crimes, 6 vol. 1720 Mia ' “3 -- 970 Trias. Select Trials for Murders, Robberies, Coining, &c. j i ed 2 vol. wormed ‘ 1734 | 7 . U7 971 TriaLs (Select) at the Sessions House, Old Bailey, 4 vol. very |Z clean copy : ; 1742 +74 . 4% . 972 TRIALS (Select) at the Sessions-House in the Old Bailey, 4 vol. 4 ) Dub. 1742 “Z ~ ~ “7 ~ 673 Triats (Select) at the Old Bailey, 4 vol. 1764 | | / /-~ 974 TRiats. Tyburn Chronicle, or Villainy displayed, plates, (1768) 4 vol. very clean set ; 4, -+975 Trias, Old Bailey Chronicle, plates, 4 vol. very clean WZ, ~~ cop 17 4-976 Triats. Annals of Gallantry ; Trials for Divorces, plates by G. Cruikshank, &c.; 3 vol. 181 88 y | . 4 SG 978 Tria of Mary Blandy for the Murder of her Father, with other | Tracts relating to her case ios 1752 47 ~ 979 Trias. John Swan and Eliz. Jeffryes, 1752—Witches at . if «8 Maidstone, 1652, reprint ; and various others, for Murder, Witchcraft, Forgery, &c.; with some Criminal Biograph . 9 - 980-Triats for Murder, &c. single, a parcel (Eugene Aram, Thur- tell, Bishop, Greenacre, &c.) § ~ 981 TrIALs for Adultery, a parcel _ ~~ 982 Tria of Brandreth and others, for High Treason, 2 vol. 1817 y A me (AeA (4 / 7-977 Triats. Celebrated Trials, and Remarkable Cases of Criminal, ~ Jurisprudence, 6 vol. boards 1825 <2 WA : Sd. a a ie . Lnbrary of Wilham Upcott, Esq. ene PH 2 vol. . : 1820. hf 984 Triats of Burke, M‘Dougal, and W. Hare, for the Murder of | James Wilson, prints, half morocco Edin, 1829. ~ Z| 985 Trollope (Mrs.) Michael Armstrong, in Nos. 1832. - fzé/ 986 Trollope (Mrs.) Romance of Vienna, 3 vol. 1838 47. 987 Trollope (Mrs.) The Widow Married, cuts, 3 vol. 1840 44. 988 Trollope (Mrs.) The Barnaby’s in America, 2 vol. 1843 ZZ. 989 Trollope (Mrs.) Visit to Italy, 2 vol. 1842 Ly 990 Turner (D.) Muscologize Hibernice Spicilegium i | Presentation Copy ; Yarmouth, 1804 4Z. 991 Tyssen (Sam.) Sale Catalogues of his Library, and Collection of } Cuins, proof portrait inserted, prices i half russia, uncut : : 1801 Li i 992 New Universal Magazine, plates, 16 vol. 1751-9 7. 993 Upcott (W.) Collation of Topographical Works relating to S| Surrey , i o | 994 Upcott’s Topography, waste sheets, large and small paper, a 2 Bundle Vaz fl’ 995 Vagabonds. The Fraternitye of Vacabondes, 1575, Reprint 1813 Ephemeris, 1675 VLA | 997 Ventouillac (L. T.) the French Librarian, 1829 : 998 Views Illustrative of the Works of Burns— Cowper Illustrated — | Pp = Histrionic Topography ; together 3 vol. | 999 Voltaire (M. de) Essay upon the Civil Wars of France, presen- tation copy from the Author to W. Harte 1727. ‘ 4 LZ 1000 Wadd (W.) Nuge Chirurgicas, 1864—Mems, Maxims, and Memoirs, by the same, 1827, presentation copies ; together J MY. 2 vol. 1001 Waldron (D.) Library Sale Catalogue, prices and names ) LARGE PAPER, half russia 1807 LARGE PAPER ° 1004 Walkley (Thos.) Catalogue of Dukes, Marquisses, Earles, a ~ aA t 7 stead, Essex Yi | 983 TriaLs of Thistlewood, Ings, and others, for High Teeube | ; : Aa : Ley | 996 Vaughan (H.) Anthrophosophia Theomagica, 1650—-Lilly’s’ | 1002 Walker (Sir E.) Account of the Coronation of Charles II, plates ae . : 1820. ett | 1003 Walker (J.) Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language | 1830 Viscounts, and Barons of England, Scotland, and Ireland | 1642. 1005 Wallen (W.) History of the Round Church at Little Maple-_ JE _— ie — | LARGE PAPER : ‘ 1836 | ) i. 1006 Walpole (H.) Anecdotes of Painting, 5 vol. 1782 || ~| ¢| - | i ; ** Presentation copy from Walpole to Ozias Humphrey. ci 1007 Walton (Izaak) the Compleat Angler, reprint of the original | = Bel edition, with fac-similes of the engravings vic 21008 Walton (Izaak) Complete Angler, with Notes | LARGE PAPER, dvards, uncut ; | if § q ~~ Soh fe Major, 1823 ||~ |~| - 7 —_— . Bix — ee 56 Lnbrary of Wilham Upcott, Esq. V9) - 1009 ) Walton (Isaak) Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and . Sanderson, portraits LARGE PAPER, uncut, presentation copy from the publisher Cz. 1825 ¢ y ; 4... 1010 Ward (E.) Vulgas Britannicus, or the British Hudibras, | | plates 1710 Lt te J*... 1011 Ward (Edw.) History of the Calves Head Club, 1705 —His- JA 4 tory of Clubs, 1745; together 2 vol. 6 4+1012 Ward (R. Plumer) Tremaine 4 vol. 1831 4 —|4 -~ 1013 Ware (J.) de Hibernia et Antiquitatibus ejus, Edward Lhuid’s bas, copy, with his MS. additions 1654 | tC 4 1014 West (J ames) Sale Catalogue of his Library, évidarlictied with A prices and purchasers’ names, russia 1773 Yo 42 ~ 1015 White Knights Library, Sale Catalogue Ze LARGE PAPER, prices and names, hf. bd. rus. uncut 1819 2 =f) 1016 Whitehead (C.) Lives and exploits of English Highwaymen, — Pirates and Robbers, plates, 2 vol. 2 1834-72 1017 White's Miscellanea Nova--Remarks on Boswell’s Life of 9. Johnson, &c. Dud. 1800; and others 4 ; al. - 1018 Wilkinson (Tate) The Wandering Patentee, 4 vol. 1795 K& é 1019 Williams (D. E.) Life and win tg of Sir Thomas | Lawrence, 2 vol. unbound : 1831 i *,” Extensively illustrated with portraits, including several after Sir Thomas, a drawing of the house in which he resided, and | autograph letters, including Fuseli, Sir J. J. Copley, and Earl | Grey. : _ 4. 6-1020 Williams (Sir C. H.) Works, with notes from Lord J. Rus- Le — sell, Lord Essex, and J. Hume, 3 vol. boards 1822 2| 4, 1021 Williams (J. B.) Memoirs of Rev. Matthew Henry, Presentation Copy, with autograph note | 42 +1022 Wilson (G. H.) Eccentric Mirror, plates, 4 vol. 1806 <2 37 - 1023 Wilson tH ) Wonderful Characters, ports. 3 vol. dds. 1826 | Ae _ 4 4+1024 Wilson, Wonderful Characters, portraits, in numbers | SAL —— 77 1029 Wonderful Magazine and Marvellous Chronicle, plates, 5 vol. /2,.~ 1025 Wilson (H. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manu-— 4 | scripts collected by Col. Mackenzie, 2 vol, Calcutta, 1828 i 2 £1026 Wirgman (T.) Divarication of the New Testament 1834 i J — 1027 Wits Magazine, plates, 2 vol. in 1 1784 / 1028 Wodderspoon (J.) Historic Sites of Suffolk, plates 1841 ERD) ’ .. 1030 Woodhouse (J.) Love Letters to my Wife, 1803—Ripley’s Letters, 1781 4-1031 Woodhouse (J.) Life and Lucubrations of Crispinus LF lerus 1814. 4. -. 1032 Woodman (John) The Rat-catcher at Chelsea College, a ee . i 1740 4422 J £1033 Woodward (Dr.) Catalogue of his es and Museum, prices i and names, uncut, calf 1828 _ Library of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. 57 4491034 Wraxall (Sir N. W.) Historical Memoirs of my own Time, | 3 vol. : ; ‘ 1818 | = A\o- 1035 Wright (G.N.) Life and Campaizns of the Duke of Wel- Z | lington, plates, 2 vol. ~|4o-| (22+A036 Wright (Thos.) Queen Elizabeth and her Times, a series of | . original Letters of distinguished Persons of the Period, | J | | 2 vol. 1838 | ~|7\— | * |1037 Yorkshire. Account of Sheriff Hutton Castle, 1824—Cata-— 1 | | I logue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, &c. | | fic 1038 Young (Sir C. G.) Catalogue of Works on the Peerage, Pri- i i ; vately Printed, 1826 — Registrum Cartarum Prioratus @ wae y) i} Tutteburiensis, Privately Printed ban a 1039 Young (Edward) Poetical Works, 2 vol. Aldine Poets, 1834 ihe 4 —| 4Z 1040 Zouch (T.) Life of Izaak Walton, plates 1826 |__| £| -| | P ie ||\/240 ™ — |~|4|-| i ) . i QUARTO. | | { | _-7241 Pictures. Exhibition Catalogues of the Society of Artists,1761_ | | - to 1791, some wanting—Catalogues of the Paintings, &c. exhibited by the Society for Encouragement of Arts,1761,) ! &c.—Catalogue of the Exhibition of the Society of Sign | | nh Painters, a burlesque Catalogue, very scarce | 1042 Picturrs. Exhibition Catalogues of the Royal Academy, a ; very extensive Collection, from the commencement, includ- ee ee . ing two with plates by Hogarth, unbound | 7 vd rr] 1043 Piorurss. Exhibition Catalogues of the British Institution from bee] Z ) the commencement in 1806 Be bi ge ce —| 1044 Pine (John) Index to Rocque’s Plan of London 1755) ~ | 26 | ‘y- (1045 Play Bills, Covent Garden, 1752-53, bound ina volume, russia) — | © | o Ji, 1046 Play Bills for Drury Lane, 1766-67, in a 4to vol. russia | - ) bhi fe 1047 Play Bills of the Sturbich Theatre for 1785 Wiel ca Fe | 4-\\048 Pope (Alex.) the Dunciad . 1743) —|~| | J/\1049 Prayer. Form of Prayer for Ireland , 1693, |b \—| | *.* Autograph of John Evelyn on the title. é 272+1050 Preceptor, or Weekly Family Chronicle, a Periodical 1809 nn | 1051 Prints anp Drawines. Catalogues of the Collections of F.) Annesley, prices and names, 1809—M. Vernon, prices,) ) 1813—Lady Bentinck, prices and names, 1819; together | oe Fe 3 vol. 1052 Prints. Catalogues of Graves’s Collection, prices and names, | 1803—Morse’s Collection, prices and names, 1809—Bp. | of Ely, prices and names, 1813, &c. ; together 3 vol. =] 1053 Pye (C.) Provincial Coins and Tokens, plates 1801), 7| - 58 sLtbrary of William Upcott, Esq. 1054 Rawlinson (Jo.) Quadriga Salutis. Four Quadragesimal or IVA — | Lent Sermons, preached at Whitehall, original vellum wrapper, richly gilt, and the royal arms impressed on the sides, very fresh and beautiful; a fine specimen of the i | binding of the time : Oxford, 1625 | *,* On the title is the autograph of ‘ Jo. Bridgewater, ex dono ) | authoris.” + : | a 1055 Rennell (James) Bengal Atlas ‘ 1781 | /1s - 1056 REYNOLDS (Sir JosHua) Discourses BEFORE THE ROYAL AcapDEMY, 1769-1790. The original editions, as they were @ published: presentation copies to various celebrated per- ee sons, with the AUTOGRAPH OF SIR JOSHUA ON SEVERAL | OF THEM. Also the first Discourse of Benjamin West, . presentation copy, with his handwriting on the title, in 7 . one vol. half russia | | / ¢é -- 1057 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Works, with his Life by Malone, 2 vol. 7 | | russia, with joints, gilt leaves : 1797 . Mi | *,* Autograph Letter of Malone and the original Subscription List bua of the Booksellers inserted. . ~ /2.-- 1058 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Sale Catalogue of his Collection of || A Drawings, &c. prices and names, red morocco 1794 4 / /%~ 1059 Richardson's Copies of rare Grainger Portraits | 2 ‘< brilliant impressions, in two portfolios, with leaves, rus. 1796. . 4 — 1060 Rime de gli Academici Eterei (Par. 1567) * * Autograph Signature of Battista Guarino at the end of the | Dedication. | _ 7 ~ 1061 Rooke (H.) Description of remarkable Oaks at Welbeck 1790 2 > 1062 Rusens. Specification des Peintures trouvées a la maison ~ | 4 oe on 7 ¢ Tita AB 5: oe —_ 4A — De hk] mortuaire du feu Messire Pierre Paul Rubens, Chevalier, &c. blue morocco, gilt leaves, A RARE AND MOST INTERESTING © ARTICLE ; ' (1640). 1063 Sancroft (Abp.) Sermon on the Fire of London . fine impression of the print of old St. Paul's in flames, by Hollar : ; 1666 1064 Scotland. Recit de 1’Expedition en Ecosse |’an MDXLVI, | par le Sieur de Berteville Edinb, Bannatyne Club, 1825 1065 Scrap.Book, containing Newspaper Cuttings, lettered “County Crums’’ | 1066 Scrap-Book. Avcollection of Topographical and Miscellaneous Prints, Book-plates, &c. various, after Stodhart, some | proofs, in a Ato vol, 1067 Serenus (Aur.) Theatrum Capitolinum Magnifico Juliano in- stitutum et de Elephante carmen Rom. 1514 1068 Sharp (W. H.) Narrative of an Excursion to Ireland, by the Irish Society , Privately Printed, 1825 1069 Sharpe (H.) Memoir of Brass Crosby, Esq. Alderman and Lord Mayor , ‘ 1829 : ii i _ Lnbrary of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 59 cl 1070 Smith (C. J.) Fac Similies of Autographs, in Nos. wz. 1071 Smith (C. J.) Fac Similes of Historical and Literary Curiosities, accompanied by Portraits and Views of interesting Lo- calities, unbound li i i i ** Illustrated with additional Portraits and Views. Zed. 1072 Smith (J. T.) The Cries of London 7 1839 Z| 1073 Smith (Rich.) Catalogue of his Library, prices, russia 1682 tlie > 1074 Strawberry-Hill :—Catalogue of the Contents of Strawberry- | Hill, sold by George Robins, 1842 LARGE PAPER, woodcuts * * Tilustrated with Autographs, Drawings, Portraits, &c. with the printed prices and names. /c 2 \075 StRAWBERRY-HILL Press:—A very extensive and curious collection of Fugitive Pieces of the Strawberry-Hill Press, consisting of Tracts, Broadsides, Songs, Play Bills, Cards, WC. * .* This collection was made by T. Kirgate, who has marked outside the portfolio in which part of them are contained, ‘¢ The Pieces in this Portfolio are worth at least £30. T. Kirgate.” 1076 Srrawserry- Hitt .— Description of the Villa of Horace Walpole, at Seah Hill, near Twickenham, plates, unbound Strawberry Hill, 1775 *.* MOST EXTENSIVELY ILLUSTRATED with Portraits, Views, &c. ; Autograph Letters of Horace Walpole, and others; and a very curious collection of the Fugitive Pieces, Broadsides, Songs, Scraps, Cards, &c. from the Strawberry-Hill Press, including Baker’s Privately Printed Catalogue of the Works issued inoeetcim ; the whole constituting a mass equal to two volumes. A highly interesting lot. ye 1077 Stuarts :—Letters from the Cardinal Borgia and the Cardinal of York, 1799-1800 ‘ Privately Printed te 1078 Swammerdam (Jo.) Natural History of the Ephemeron, plates 1761 Jd 1079 Sykes (Sir Mark M.) Catalogue of his Collection of Prints, — prices and names LARGE PAPER, some Autograph Letters inserted, half bound russia, uncut 1824 Ji chkos0 Thamer eV icws on the Thames, fan the Source to the Sea, | engraved by W. B. Cooke 1833 oe 1081 Thane (J.) British Autography, half russia, 9 'vol. | Str M. M. Sykes’ Copy WA (1082 Theatrical Tourist; Views of the Provincial Theatres 1805 |1083 Todd (J. H.) Historical Tablets and Medallions for a System of Artificial Memory P 1827 I 1840 | 60 ____sLnbrary of William Upcott, Bsq. ea /_- 1084 Topography :—List of Works on English Topography from | : Carlisle’s Topographical Dictionary, interleaved with exten- | ) sive additions by Mr. Upcolt, half bound russia . @\__ 1085 Topographical Poems:—Hobbes de mirabilibus Pecci, no title — De urbis Londini incendio Elegia, authore Guil. Smith, Lond. 1667—The renowned City of London, illustrated by | J. Adams, trans. by J. F., 1670 —Cooper’s Hall, 1642, &c. 1086 Towneley (John) Catalogue ‘of his Collection of the Works of | Hollar, prices and names, 1818; with various other Cata- . logues of Prints, Pictures, and Curiosities, in 2 vol. and eZ ; | sundry, unbound ~ // - 1087 Tracts:—Caledonia, or the Pedlar turn’d Merchant, 1700— ! q Work for the Wisely Considerate, 1641 — Catena, Vita del — eZ Papa Pio V, Autograph of J. Evelyn, 1587, &c. ~-| 7... 1088 Tracts, 4to and 8vo, a parcel, including Walkley’s Catalogue | ae of the Nobility, 1642—Various Papers from the Archzo-_ | J | | logia, &c. i We / / -~ 1089 Tracts:—Raspe, Essay on Oil Painting, 1781; and various, As : . principally relating to the Fine Arts | ~- 1090 Truth brought to light by Time, or Narration of the first four. a teen Years of King James, whole length ports. of the Earl SA, | . of Somerset 1656 _ £G 1091 Tryals of Persons riotously assembled under the colour of pulling down Bawdy-Houses 1668 © “4 f bn | 1092 Vertue (G.) Catalogue of Charles I Colles tam of Pictures, &c. ) 1757—James II Collection, 1758—The Duke of Bucking-— ) ham’s Collection, 1758 ¥ gy _| 1093 Vertue (G.) Description of the Works of Hollar, half bound — russta, uncut, with some MS. notes by J. Strange 1759 | 4 / 7é —~ 1094 Walpole (H.) Hide Doubts on the Life and Reign of — B / Richard ITI, MS. notes by Cole 1768 -7/% — 2%» 1095 Walpole (H.) Notes to the Portraits at Woburn Abbey . = Privately Printed, 1792 4 me Va 4 1096 Walpole (Lord) Answer to Lord Bolingbroke’s Letters on the — Study of History, Presentation Copy i 1762 | ~_ / ~ 1097 Warburton (Bp.) General Preface to his Works, containing his Life 1794 _ /6 - 1098 Ward (J.) First Set of English Madea with a mourning sy Song in memory of ae Henry, Altus and Bassus parts . half morocco 1613 + —) 4 | +} 41099 Washington (George) Letters to Sir John Sinclair, engraved in Fac Simile, port. 1800 : Z 1100 Watkins (J.) Memoirs of the Life of R. B. Sheridan, 2 vol. 1817 On. 4. 1101 West (James) Catalogue of his Collection of Medals and . Coins, prices and names, 1773—Collection of Pictures, 1773, half bound russia - & 4 1102 Wilmot (John) Life of John eA Bp. of Wee rage 1812 half russia s = i Eas CaennnmeIDNMURRETOPRCLOUNO VE Library of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 61 autograph note : Wilson (Thomas) Catalogue Raisonnée of his Collection of Engraving, boards Privately Printed, 1828 1778 FOLIO. ) Parliamentary Report on the British Museum, zmperfect, &c. a parcel -1007 Parliamentary Cases, Bills, &c. 1735-6 © 2rz4108 Pasquin, a Periodical Paper 1722-4 || 2/1109 Periodical Papers. Mercurius Observatus, or the New Ob- | servator 1689-92 | ** A MS. note says, “by Dr. Wellwood, a Scotch physician.” +1110 Periodicals. &e.; a Collection, 2 vol. . 1111 Periodicals: Broad Grins ; The Parrot, &c.; a parcel 1112 Piranesi. Views in Rome, a large oblong folio 1113 Poetical Scrap Book, containing Cuttings from Newspapers, Slip Songs, &c. 1114 Proclamations, Broadsides, Parliamentary Papers and Peti- tions, during the Civil Wars, the Revolution 1688, &c. 1641-1820 SZ 1115 Raphael, Designs for the Illustration of the Bible, engraved . by Chapron Rom. 1649 Zz. 1116 RESIDENCES. A very curious and extensive Collection of . Views of the Birth-places and Residences of celebrated Persons, Scenes of remarkable Events and interesting Lo- many of them accompanied by Accounts of the Places and Persons, unbound. They constitute matter equal to two Ta volumes #A- \117 Saturday Magazine, 3 vol. : 1833 : 118 Smith (C.J.) Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned, and Remarkable Personages conspicuous in English History LARGE PAPER, russia : x* Twelve copies only were printed on this size. This was a Presentation Copy to Mr. Upcott. 119 Smith (J. T.) Antiquities of London 20 STAFFORDSHIRE. Various Papers, Printed and Manuscript, relating to Lichfield Races : 1768-1798 1 Surrey Institution, Papers relating to, pasted in 2 volumes, with some loose papers : Wilson (H. B.) History of the Parish of St. Laurence Pountney, ) London, plates, Presentation Copy, with accompanying | 1831 | - Wright (Andrew) Court-hand Restored, plates, boards, uncut | The Humanist; Spectator; Old Maid; Centinel, — bce. oon | calities, illustrated with Portraits and Autographs, and — 1829 © sl 62 Library of Wiltam Upcott, Esq. //,-- \122 Thoresby (Ralph) Topography of the Town and Parish of | . Leeds, port. and plates, russia : 1715) 4\-- 1123 Title Pages and Book Prints, English and Foreign ; a very) extensive collection in a portfolio. Among them are some | | by Holbein, also several from the Works of Thomas! . | Becon. Engraved Title-pages by Hollar, Faithorne, Mar- ; | shall, Hole, Elstracke, White, Cross, &c. with some Fac- ) similes of early printed Books, and a few Woodcuts, in a [| folio volume q G+ 1124 The Tomahawk, No. I to CXIII 1795-6 |} - 1125 Tracts :—Proposal for farming Liberty of Conscience, 1662— Guardian, various numbers—Character of a Good Man, 1681 ; and various others, unbound ) | | | ) Dawks's News Letter, Periodical, 1703-4—The General me Remark on Trade, by Mr. Povey, 1706—Weekly Mis- | | cellany, by R. Bradley, 1727—-The Medder, 1743-4—The | Young Lady, 1756-—The Free Enquirer, by P. Annett, | ) 1761 ; and other Periodicals, mostly odd Nos. Ere 13\— | 1127 Tracts, Broadsides, Newspapers, &c., Political and Poetical, . bred principally during the Reign of Queen Anne, in 1 vol. - . $ G| 1128 The True Briton, Seventy-four Numbers, 1723-4 — Case of | ea John Oneley, for Murder, &c. 1 vol. : v. y. J f — 1129 Turner (Dawson) Outlines in Lithography, from a small Col- a es lection of Pictures, Privately Printed Yarmouth, 1840 bk f -- 1130 Turner, Famity Ercuincs:—A volume containing a very extensive series of Private Etchings, by Mrs. Dawson ) Turner, and various Members of her Family ; consisting of bd Portraits of Celebrated Persons, Copies of Pictures, Topo- | Re graphical Views, Antiquities, &. a highly interesting volume, half bound russia ats | 1131 Tutchin (John) The Observator, vol. 4 and 5, 2 vol. in 1 | , | 1705-6 _ = @ -~| 1132 Ward (J.) Account of Mary Thomas, of Tanyralt, and Ann | os ae Moore, of Tutbury, plates . 1813 2 _ ~ fa — 1133 Washington (George) Fac-simile of his public Accounts kept . eo during the Revolutionary War Washington, 1838 | 77@ Pee “a _, 1134 Young (E.) Night Thoughts, with illustrations by Blake, un-\| 7 | ie bound : 1797 | ; a Labrary of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. 63 BIFTH DAY’S SALE. SS Ne OCTAVO ET INFRA. | N.B.—The Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire Collections will be i Sold this Day. 5 | Lor (27. 1135 CAVALLO (T.) History of Alrostation, plates 1785 || 1136 Chap-Books: — Delights for Young Men and Maids— Book of Fair, 1749, and various others, 1 vol. 4, | Monro, Anatomy, 1763, &c. g7 1138 Clarke (J.S. and J. M‘Arthur) Life of Horatio Viscount Nelson, plates, 2 vol, . | -é. 1139 Cobbold (R.) History of Margaret Catchpole, a Suffolk Girl, ) 3 vol. : ; 1845 | A ‘1140 Divinity :—Bible, Edin. 1772—Knight’s Sermons at Moyes’s — Lectures, 1721, and’ other Books and Tracts Magna Carta, black letter, imperfect, &c. 5 vol. Miscellanies :—Letters of Junius—Goldsmith’s Roman His- _ tory, &c. 5 vol. Miscellanies :— Walton’s Angler, plates imperfect, and various Miscellanies :—Characters of Theophrastus—Essais de Mon- taigne, &c. 6 vol. and various old Calendars 47 vol. not consecutive various Years, 1767, 29 vol. Leigh, Road Books of England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. 5 vol. perfect Books, a parcel Virtuoso’s Companion and Coin Collector’s Guide, various odd parts Odd Volumes, various, 24 Evelyn’s Miscellaneous Works, in sheets, not perfect; and Borde's Book of Knowledge, imperfect sets in quires Gough, British Topography, vol. 1 black letter, &c. Thane, British Autography, 1 vol. portraits—Richardson’s Copies of scarce Granger Portraits, a parcel on 4to paper Miscellanies : — Strutt, Dresses, part 1, plates coloured, &c. 3 vol. | the Play of John of Gaunt in Love, acted in Bartholomew | 1137 Cheselden (W.) Anatomy of the Human Body, plates, 1778— | Burke, Official Calendar for 1830—.-Time’s Telescope for 1826, | Royal and Court Calendars for various Years, 1737-1834, Court and City Calendar, Court Guide and other Calendars for | Secret History of the Earl of Essex, zmperfect, and other im-— Fragments of Queen Elizabeth’s Prayer Book —Book of Psalms, © a~ | 44 4A Crary of Wilham CUpcott, Esq. | /| ui 3+ 641157 Garrick (D.) Correspondence, 2 vol. zmperfect — Malcolm, | Lives of Antiquaries, wanting some portraits l =|4 4+1158 Blank Paper fly Leaves of Old Books, &c. a parcel | VL | ., 6+1159 Wastes to various Books, Blank Paper, Scraps, &c. a large 77 parcel ee : 17 _- 1160 Portfolios, various ie : COLLECTANEA. | Gg 4-+1161 Ballads, Slip Songs, Broadsides, &c. pasted down, a parcel A Be ee 1162 Printed Verses, “‘ Burdett’s Election, and other odd matters,” y a parcel | a Ae 4 _ 1163 Newspapers, Popular Periodicals, and Number Works, an || a ' extensive Collection, various stzes . ~. / — 1164 Periodicals. Various Numbers of Popular Periodical Publi- St cations, a very great variety \ a — ~ “% ~~ 1165 Penny Periodicals, a Collection . 8vo B ._ / 4% 1166 Punch, various odd Numbers, old Newspapers, &c. a bundle 7a / /g ~ 167 Literary Announcements, Prospectuses, Advertisements con- nected with the Fine Arts, &c. an extensive Collection, in Ad two large parcels les ,.. / > 1168 London Institution, various Papers relating to WA / s £. 1169 Engraved Fac-Similes of the Autographs of the Duke of Mon- — mouth ; John Felton, who stabbed the Duke of Buckingham ; Y Napoleon, and various other celebrated personages Va /o -~ 1170 Engraved Fac-Similes of Old Charters and Seals, Specimens of a ' Ancient Writing, &c. Neate 2 /v — 71 Vurearia. A Portfolio containing a very extensive Collec- / tion of Popular Sheets and Broadsides of the last and pre- sent Centuries. Political Squibs, Caricatures, Parodies, Christmas Carols, Accidents, Fires, Crimes, Executions, © A &c. some of them of great curtosity | i . /2 — 1172 Vulgaria. Another Collection, unbound (O z, _. 1173 A very extensive Collection of Bills, Placards, Advertisements, ine Newspapers, &c. relating to Places of Public Amusements, Tea Gardens, Taverns; Vauxhall, White Conduit House, ta &c. | a ~ #& & 1174 Exhibitions, Theatres, Country Theatricals, &c. a most exten-_ | sive Collection of Bills and Placards WZ Z ~ “4 &é 1175 Play Bills, Shows, and Entertainments at the Minor Theatres, | &c. a parcel | _ 4£ 61176 Astley’s Exhibition, an extensive Collection _ gy ~ 1177 Taeatricats. A Series of Cuttings from Newspapers relat- g ing to Covent Garden Theatre, 1766-1806, 6 vol. SA ee 4 1178 Theatricals. A similar Volume relating to the O. P. Riot, 1809 Z __ q@..- 1179 Theatricals. A similar Collection relating to Drury Lane,) ! ) 1760-1817, 5 vol. af Ae 2 1180 Theatricals. A similar Collection for the Haymarket, 1765- 1810, 3 vol. | __ f/ --41181 Theatricals. Do. for Sadler’s Wells, 1764-1791, 2 vol. eval Lnbrary of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 65 1182 Theatricals. Miscellaneous, 2 vol. ; 1807-8 Y.|1184 Theatricals. Do. for the King’s Theatre, 1774-1818, 2 vol. Mi. 1186 Theatricals, Do. for Astley’s, 1774-1811, 2 vol. 1186 Theatricals. Do. for the Royal Circus, Royalty, &c. 1773- 1805, 3 vol. J. 1187 Theatricals. Do. Private Theatricals, Country, America, and Miscellaneous, 3 vol. 1188 Battoons. A most extensive Collection of Tracts, Adver- tisements, Newspaper-cuttings, Prints, &c. relating to 1189 Shop Bills and Cards, Prospectuses of Insurance Offices and Public Companies, Tickets of Admission to Public and Private Assemblies, &c. an extensive Collection 1190 Shop Bills and Cards, a very extensive Collection 1191 Shop Bills and Cards, a large Collection, many of them i | embossed 192 Cards, another Collection, 2 parcels JZ. 1193 Lottery Bills, Cards, Advertisements, &c. 3 large parcels le 1194 Coaches, Steam Boats, and Railways, a parcel 95 Blacking, &c. a parcel 196 Tea Trade, a parcel — 1197 Snuff Bills, a parcel 198 Lotteries, two parcels, and a folio volume | NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. vazz,1199 A most extensive and curious Collection of Cuttings from | Newspapers, estimated to be some hundreds of thousands in number, in packets, the subject matter endorsed under the several heads to which they relate ; consisting of Ad- | vertisements and Paragraphs relating to events of great public Interest, and Popular Topics of the Day; Anec- dotes of eminent Persons; Theatrical and other Exhibi- tions, Fetes and Galas; Remarkable Occurrences, Crimes and Accidents; Quack Doctors and Impostors; Lotteries ; Coach Travelling ; Subjects of Local Interest and Intelli- gence, under the respective Counties to which they relate. The assembling and classifying this Collection would appear to require the Jabour of a life devoted to the task, and it cannot but excite astonishment to contemplate the 1183 Theatricals. Do. for the Sans Pareil, Olympic, and Astley’s, | Balloons, comprising many hundred Articles, folio, unbound © foe 1098 * ~ unwearied patience that has been exercised in bringing it — together. It would be of great use to persons occupied | m biographical research, and in investigating popular antiquities, as the date of each article is marked on it, and the name of the paper from which it is taken. 66 Library of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. ie NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COLLECTIONS. | ) All 8vo0, unless otherwise designated. H : i Fi IG 1200 Artis (E. T.) The Durobrive of Antoninus at Castor, North-| : | amptonshire, identified and illustrated in a series of Plates a ) . fol. Sted 3 /7% ~ 1201 Baker (George) History of Northamptonshire, vol. 1 : ‘i miei ae illustrated with additional portrazts aed| Ap fol. 1822-30 . a ‘b- 1202 Biivanties :—Funeral Sermons on n Lady Langhorn, 1662— Edward Reynolds, of King Thorp, 1699—Memoir of Rev. | T. Robins, of Daventry, 1810; and other Northamptonshire _, . Biography, some very curious 4to and 8r0|| / -~ 1203 Bonney (H. K.) Historic Notices of Fotheringay Oundle 1821 4 _. 1204 Bonney (H. K.) Historic Notices in reference to Fotheringay ) LARGE PAPER, Presentation Copy, plates, with accompany- | ing autograph Letter Oundle, 1821 | _ 4 & 1205 Britton and Brayley, Description of the County of Northampton-— shire a LARGE PAPER, half bound russia, uncut q — 1206 Catalogue of the Freehold Estates of the Duke of Powis in the. a county of Northampton, plans 1758 \°<9 ~. 2... 1207 Cole (J.) History of Ecton in Northamptonshire 1825 Zee ; - 1208 Donaldson (J.) View of the Agriculture of Northamptonshire 4to, 1794 v4 _2--~ 1209 Pernicious Effects of religious Contentions and Bigotry, with Ze preface, by W. Hextal 4to, Northants i g -— 1210 Gibson (Kennet) Comment upon Antoninus’ Fifth Journey — lJ (relating to Castor and image of Jupiter found there) Ato, J 6-1211 Haweis, Narrative of Facts relative to the Presentation of Mr. i H sto the Rectory of Aldwinckle, 1767—Answer to. the same, by M. Madan, 1767—Remarks on the Answer, | 1767 ; and other tracts relating to this Controversy, with an autograph Letter of Dr. Douglas, Bp. of Salisbury, inserted * .* << A very curious collection of Tracts on an interesting subject.” Note by Mr. Bindley. /?- 1212 History and Antiquities of the Town of Fotheringay 4to, 1787 Ze / 4-1213 Leapor (Mrs. of Brackley) Poems, 2 vol. 1748 —Bowden (8.) a ~ 1214 Norden (J.) Delineation of Northamptonshire 1720 4.1215 Norden (J.) Delineation of Northamptonshire LARGE PAPER, interleaved with a few MS. Notes by J. oe WA “4 Poetical Essays, Presentation Copy, 2 vol. in 1, 1733 ___ Labrary of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. 67 : Soi Rina I ye i 1216 Northampton. History of Northampton, 1817—Herviana, | | Scarborough, 1822 7 1217 Northampton Miscellany, vol. 1, 1720-1—Carmen Funebre ex | occasione Northamptonz conflagrate compositum, 1676 ve#N218 Northampton Election Poll Book, 1768; and various Election Squibs~. -Papers relating to the County, from the Archzo- logia ; and several Private Acts : Ato and fol. | fy | Wo | 1219 Northamptonshire Poll Book, 1806—Act for making the Nine . Navigable-- History of the Cathedral of Peterborough, ) 1790, &c. e | 1220 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. An extensive collection of Funeral . Sermons on natives of the county, and Sermons preached ) therein, 1607 to 1807, Bound in 7 vol. 8vo and 4to Za 1221 Rowet. Account of a most horrid Plague begun at Rowel, | alias Rothwell, 1692—Truth and Innocency Vindicated, by R. Davis (in answer to the foregoing), 1692— Maurice, Monuments of Mercy (at Rowel), 1729, three very curious -* Tracts - : Ato { 1222 Tracts. Sermon at Holdenby, by Bp. Andrews, 1610— Certificate from Northamptonshire, 1641—Prince Rupert’s l Proceedings in Northamptonshire, 1642—Skirmishes at 1 Northampton, 1643—Entertainment of Lord Essex at em Northampton, 1641 ; and other Tracts; 4vol. 4to > 1223 Tracts. State of Northampton from the beginning of the | Fire, 1675 — Discovery of the late Plot, and Relation of | a dreadful Fire at Cottering, 1679 yexaA224 Tracts. Sermon on Lady St. John, 1677—Account of the | Plague at Rowel, 1692—Certificate from Northampton- shire, 1641—State of Northampton, 1675, &c. 1 vol. 4, | ly (1225 Tracts. Certificate from Northamptonshire of the Pluralities, — a | Scandalous Ministers, &c. 1641—Ordinance for a Weekly | Assessment of the County, 1644—Letter from Northamp- _ ton, relation of the Souldiers preaching, and murdering a — | h woman, 1646, &c. “Sa Tracts. Davis of Rothwell’s Doctrine and Discipline, 1700 | — Appeal in behalf of all the Scholars in Northampton and | Lincoln, 1747, 2 vol. 721227 Tracts. Appeal to the Publick in behalf of all the Scholars ey born in the Counties of Northampton and Lincoln, 1747 ; } and various Sermons and Tracts connected with the Eccle- siastical History of the County 8vo and 4to 1228 Tracts. Upcott’s List of Books relating to N. History . of Peterborough Cathedral, 1782— Poll for Northampton, Z Va . 1790-—Martin’s History of Naseby, 1792—Rooke’s De- i scription of Oaks in Salcey Forest, 1797—Buswell’s Will, 1714—Northampton Infirmary Sermons ; together, 9 vol. . K | > EY rr 68 Library of William Upcott, Esq. _ 1229 NoRTHAMPTONSHIRE: — GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS OF NorRTHAMPTONSHIRE, COMPRISED IN A VERY EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS or CHURCHES, OLD Houses AND ANTIQUITIES, TOPO- GRAPHICAL VIEWS, SEATS AND MANSIONS, PORTRAITS oF NoBILITY AND CLERGY, AND CELEBRATED PERSONS BORN AND RESIDENT IN OR CONNECTED WITH THE COUN- TY, EXECUTED FOR AND COLLECTED BY Mr. UPcort, — FORMING MATERIALS FOR A COMPLETE HisTorY OF THE CouNTY, ARRANGED IN FOUR LARGE PORTFOLIOS WITH LEAVES, HALF BOUND RUSSIA, THE CONTENTS LETTERED | *,* Many years devoted to the subject would be required to form such an extensive collection as the present, which contains Two Hundred and Fifty Drawings, and Seven Hundred and Fifty Prints. It would be an admirable foundation for a _ County Museum. 1230 Northamptonshire :—A Portfolio containing a large Collec- tion of Prints, several of which are inlaid, for the illustra- tion of Baker’s Northamptonshire MANUSCRIPTS. 1231 InNys (JoHN) A short Geographical Description of the County of Northampton, 1744 ; written in a neat hand, atlas folio, UNPUBLISHED 1232 Visitation of Northamptonshire Times of James I, arms tricked, folio 1233 Parliamentary Petitions from the County of Northampton- shire, a parcel 1234 Northampton Poll Book, Election of 1768, with Minutes taken at the time respecting questionable Votes Ato 1235 OunDLE:—Orders and Statures mayd hearetofore by mee — Nicholas Latham, Parson of Barnwell, St. Andrew, in the | County of Northampton, and newly wrightten by mee 27 — day of March 1620, for the ordering and directing the Hospitall in Owndell folio 1236 Pedigree of the Montagu Family, by John Anstis. A Re- cord of all Buryalls in Woolen (Woollen) since 1 August 1678; the (durzals are in St. Giles Church, Northampton,) and various Letters, Powers of Attorney, &c. by Natives | of the County 1237 The Protestation lately made by the Howses of Parliament, the | 5 of May 1641, and now taken and subscribed by us whose names are here underwritten in the towne and parish of Towcester, 10 of June 1641, the original docu- ment First _ 1238 Hoxpensy :— Articles of Agreement respecting the purchase | of Holdeuby from Sir Christopher Hatton, with Schedule © of the contents of the Manor. Signed by King James the + Ce a ee ‘SS > Ad. a sy Library of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 69 OXFORDSHIRE COLLECTIONS. ae 4 | pee * All Octavo unless otherwise stated. Wa Fee pa VA } 1239 Account of the Visit of the Prince Regent, Emperor of Russia, | and King of Prussia, to Oxford, 1814, 2l/ustrated with H portraits and prints, russia Ato, 1815 | ! ! * * TWELVE COPIES ONLY WERE TAKEN OFF UPON VELLUM, the whole of which, with the exception of the present, are de- H posited in royal and public libraries. This copy was presented . to H. R. H. the Prince of Orange (now King of Holland), and and King of Prussia, to the University of Oxford, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, Jlue morocco, joints, g.l. folio, Oxf. 1815 a] : ; | is the only one ever likely to be brought to public sale. yaeei241 Ackerman (R.) History of the University of Oxford, its Col- 1 leges, Halls, and Public Buildings, colowred plates, 2 vol. oo royal 4to, 1814 Z74, 242, Nddison (J.) Rosamond, an Opera, first edition, 4to 1707 * * Presentation copy from the Duchess of Marlborough to the Earl of Warwick. wor] 243 Amherst (N.) Terra Filius, frontispiece by Hogarth 1726 ~ 1244 Ashmolean Museum. Catalogue of Antiquities, &c. 1836— . Catalogue of the MS. Collections of A. a Wood in the Ash- molean Museum, 1761 z«7>1246 Lives of Ashmole and Lilly, by themselves, half russia, uncut Hl 1774 7. \2AT Ayliffe (J.) State of the University of Oxford, 2 vol. 1714 by 1248 Bansury. Sinne no more; a Sermon on occasion of the ter- 4 | rible fire at Banbury, by W. Whately, 1630—Life of | William Morell, of Banbury, 1692— Relation of the ap- prehending W. Needle and Mistris Phillips, of Banbury, 1643; and other Tracts relating to Banbury, 4to aud 8vo a 249 Notorious Impostor, or Life of William Morell, of Banbury, Y | 1692—Crouch- Hill, a Poem Ato, 1789 Ze 1250 Banbury Peerage Case. Proceedings in the House of Lords fol. 1808 | > YZ 25) Barnard (T.) Life of Lady Elizabeth Hastings 1742|| ~ 41252 Beasley (A.) History of Banbury, plates 1841 4Z 1253 Bennet (John, of Woodstock) Poems, 1774— Redemption, a ‘ Poem, Oxford 4, 1254 Bennet (S.) Sacred Music for the Use of Woodstock Church half russia, fol. é Gar vA 2400 Account of the Visit of the Prince Regent, Emperor of Russia, |f 4 -| 4 1245 Ashmole (Elias) Life, by himself 1717}\- | 70 LiBhary of Wilkam Upcott, Hsq. _ # ~ 1255 Betty (J.) Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1729--The i | Oxford Sermon versified, 1729—Letter to the Vicar of St. | tea Aldates on his Sermons, 1731 ; together 3 vol. JE 1256 Brocraruy. Historica Descriptio complectens vitam, ac res ) gestas Giulielmi Wiccami, 1690—Vita Bernardi Gilpini, — ‘ | 1628—Ultimi linea Savilti, 1622—Oratio Auspicalis cui J subjuncta est laudatio Guil. Camdeni, 1652; and other. y Biographical Tracts 4to 2 G-1257 Wilkinson (H.) Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Margaret Corbet, of; & ) Naseby, 1660—Biographical Sketch of the Rev. J.J.Cony-— A | beare ; and other Biographical Tracts We — |4 — 1258 Bishop of Deddington (Mee Life and Adventures i ZA 1744 half russia, uncut /? ¢ 1259 Bianpy. Trial of Mary Blandy for the Murder of her Father i A | —Letter to Miss Blandy—Miss Blandy’s own Account — \ Case of Miss Blandy considered, zm 1 vol. uncut, collected by Isaac Reed, with an autograph of M. Blandy and { other illustrative matter inserted 8vo, 1752 a Le 4 1260 Blandy. Account of the Parricide committed by Mary Blandy | --Trial of Mary Blandy - Life of Mary Blandy, portraits, with some curious illustrative mutter in Manuscript Ato, 1752. | 121 2/1261 Blenheim, a Poem—Woodstock Park, a Poem, fol. 1706— ~ Life of the Duke of Marlborough, 1711; and various other | Tracts relating to the Duke of Marlborongh, unbound Sone W 41262 Description of Blenheim, (with two play-bills of private | theatricals at Blenheim) 1809 Ae . @ 1263 Blenheim Guide, 1789 — Ditto, 1797—Ditto, 1800—John . Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, a Play, 1820—Churchill’s ! Annals, 1722—Henley’s F uneral Oration for the Duke of | Marlborough, 1722; and a vol. of Tracts relating to the oe Duke of Marlborough, 1710 ” . 1263* Account of the Conduct of the Duchess of Marlborough, 1742 oe Other Side of the Question, 1742 —Secret History of i ad the Dutchess of Marlborough, 1743; and other Tracts . hia’ relating to her; together 5 vol. a >, 6\. wa 1264 Bodleiomnema, RARE Ox. 4to, 1613 mA é 1265 Brewer (J. N.) Topographical and Historical Description of the city of Oxford, plates, . | LARGE PAPER, half russia, uncut _ 44 1266 Britton (J.) History of the Cathedral of Oxford LARGE PAPER Ato, 1821 a / -~ 1267 Chalmers (A.) History of the Univ ersity of Oxford, LARGE PAPER, half russia, uncut : 4to, 1810 * * Proof Plates on India Paper, and an extra set of etchings. 1268 Churton (R.) Lives of Smyth and aes founders of Brazen- nose, half russia, uncut 1800 ate —- fa fA = : ) =| a “a r | F 269 tuee-1270 4, 1271 A 1272 1273 Zz 1280 fy 1281 bi 1289 hc. 1283 y . 1284 Uj. 1285 Le 1286 Me 1287 {f> 1288 4. 1289 _ Labrary of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 71 Coplestone (Bp.) Three Replies to the Calumnies of the Edin. | burgh Review against Oxford, uncut Dale’s Catalogue of the Nobility of England, MS. additions Davis (R.) Map of the County of Oxford half russia Davis’s Agriculture of Oiforiahires 1795, &c. Dillon (R. C.) The Lord Mayor’s Visit to Oxtord; boards, with Autograph Letters, and other tllustrative matter inserted 1826 Dodwelli (Henrici) de Parma Equestri Woodwardiana disser- tatio, accedit T. Neli Collegiorum Acad. Oxoniensis | delineatio, edente Tho. Hearne, plates 8vo, 1713 Domesday Book for Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Ox- ford, and Gloucester, ansiated by Bawdwen 4to, 1812 Druce Famity.—Genealogical Account of the Family of Druce, of Goreing, in the County of Oxon, and those of kin to the children of George Druce, citizen aud Painter Stainer, of the parish of All-Saints, Bread-street, in the city of London, by whom this genealogy was taken, Anno Dom. 1735. Together with the different families of kin, their marriages and issue, &c. London: printed in the year 1735, folio PRIVATELY PRINTED, AND OF THE GREATEST RARITY. Dunkin (J.) History of Oxfordshire, plates, 2 vol. boards, 4 Sew canes papers inserted Ato, 1823 Dunkin (John) History of Bicester, and iw tracts 1816 Edmund Hall Pietas Oxoniensis, 1768— Another edition, 1768 — Answer to Pietas Oxoniensis, 1768—Goliath Slain, 1768 Ellis (T.) Account of Great Milton, in Oxfordshire Privately Printed, 1819 Exeter College. Account of the Proceedings of the Bishop of Exeter, in his late Visitation, 1690-—The Account exam. ined, 1690 —Case of Exeter College, 1691 Ato Exeter College. Account of the Proceedings of the Bishop of Exeter, in his Visitation, 1690—The Account examined, 1690—Case of Exeter College, 1691; and other Tracts relating thereto Ato Funeral Sermons on Thomas Holland, 1613—Sir T. Lucie, Lady Guilford, 1700, &c. ; 2 vol. Ato and 8vo Fulman, Notitia Peomionsis Academiz, 1675—Will of Raw- linson, 1755 4to and 8vo Gibbs (James) Description of the Radcliffe Library at Oxford, ports. and plates fol. 1747 Gvodwin (W.) Sermon before the King at Woodstock beautiful copy in the original gilt vellum wrappers, Ato, 1614 Gutch (J.) Collectanea Curiosa, 2 vol. half russza, uncut 1781 Harmar (J.) Vindiciz Academiz Oxoniensis 1662 Hearne (T.) Reliquiz Bodleiane, or some Genuine Remains of Sir Thomas Bodley, calf 8vo, 1703 atlas fol. 1797 By fo —— - ethno of William Upcott, Esq. 3 1290 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Hearne 1736 |-4<4 ? | ee en 6b Sr — 1310 Description of Nuneham Courtney Privately Printed, 1806 Henley, 1823; and various other local Tracts _._ 1292 Henley. Account of the Rev. Edward Townshend, Rector of | MB . 1293 Henley, a Poem, 1827 Henley Guide, 1826; two copzes AM 1294 Hill (Sir R.) Pietas Oxoniensis, 1768 ~ Nowell’s Answer, 1768 —Hill’s Goliath slain, 1768; with eight other Tracts re- | lating to this Controversy, collected by Isaac Reed, in one | vol. uncut 1295 Hinton (J.H.) Biographical Portraiture of the Rev. James Hinton, port. Autograph Letters inserted 1824 - 1296 Johnston (Nat.) The King’s Visitorial Power asserted, 1688 ~ Proceedings against St. Mary Magdalen Col. Ox. 1688; |, 1 vol. Ato 1297 King (E.) Vestiges of Oxford Castle, half russia Ato, 1796 1298 King. Letter to William King, Principal of St. Mary Hall, containing an Account of the treasonable Riot at Oxford, 1755—Remarks on Dr. K—’s Speech, 1758; and various other Tracts, relating principally to Dr. King, and St. Mary Hall _ 1299 Lascelles (R.) University and City of Oxford Displayed, plates, half russta, uncut : 1821 1300 Letters written by eminent Persons in the seventeenth and eighteenth Centuries, with Lives of eminent Men, by John Aubrey, from MSS. in the Bodleian Library, &c. 3 vol. 1813 1301 Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf extra 1772 1302 Lowth (R.) Life of William of Wykeham | half russia, uncut 1777 | 1303 MaGpALEN CoLLEGE. Relation of the Proceedings against | St. Mary Magdalen College, 1688—Vindication of the Proceedings of the Ecclesiasticall Commissioners, 1688 ; and other Tracts relating to Magdalen College, unbound 4to 1304 Observations on the original Architecture of Saint Mary Magdalen College . 1823 | 1305 Marmorum Arundellianorum, Seldenienarum aliarumque Ac- | cademice# Oxoniensi donatorum, cur Maittaire ; LARGE PAPER, old French morocco, gilt leaves fol. Lin. 1732 | 1306 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Britain (Account of Fair | Rosamond, Godstow, &c.) ; 1723 | 1307 Miller, Humours of Oxford, a Comedy, front. by Hogarth 1730 ‘ 1308 News from the Dead. A Narrative of the miraculous deli- verance of Anne Green, executed at Oxford, afterwards | recovered f : Ato, 1651 * 1309 Newton (R.) Rules and Statutes for the Government of | Hertford College, Autograph Letter inserted 1747 | 1311 Observations on the Architecture of St. Mary Magdalen Col. boards ; 1823 § J A . SM Li tA ee Fi Lnbrary of Wilham Upcott, Evq. cH f /1312 Oxfordshire Monumental Inseriptions from the MSS. of EH Antony &@ Wood, Dr. Hutton, and Mr. Hinton . fol. Evesham, 1825 * ,* Privately Printed at the expence of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. | 1313 OXFORDSHIRE. Cuttings from Newspapers relating to Oxford Town and County, pasted in 2 volumes Ato, 1735-1815 11314 Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire, Cuttings from } Newspapers { relating to Ato 315 Oxfordshire Inclosure Acts, 3 vol. half bound russta 1316 Oxfordshire Local Acts, half russia fol. 1745-1816 1317 Oxfordshire Private Rots fol. 1318 Report of the Charity Commissions for Oxfordshire, and various private Acts relating to the County 1319 Oxfordshire Sermons by Dodd, Cleaver, Abbott, | Widdowes, Gosnold, artis, Mayne, and Hickes Ato, 1610-80 Poll Books and Election Contests, a curious collection of Tracts fol. Pemble, a 320 Oxfordshire Town and County | 1722-1754, 1812-1818, relating to We 1321 Poll Book for Oxfordshire {1322 Poll Books Elections for 1754 and 1760 Za 1323 Oxford Town and County Poll Books, and Election Papers, various bd 1324 Oxford Herald, 1809-14, 9 vol. in 3, Aalf Bound russia fol. , 1325 Oxford Fea oie: Geriteatan and Lady’s Pocket Companion, 1747—Statuta Selecta, 1661 — Mercurius Oxoniensis, 1707 | —Companion to the Guide—-Legend, a Poem, &c.; 1 vol. (1326 Walks in Oxford and its environs, plates, 2 vol. boards Ox. 1817 Z | 1327 Oxtord Delineated, Presentation Copy y from A. W. Gott 1835 y i 1328 Oxford and Cambridge Guide Books, various, 9 vol. | 1329 Relation of the suddain and violent Tempest at Oxford, 1682 — Mercurius Oxoniensis, 1707; and other Tracts By0 & Ato Te 1330 Corpus Statutorum Universitatis Oxon. : 1768 421331 Oxford Calendar, 1813, 1822-3-4-5-6, 1827, 1838, 8 vol.— Catalogue of Graduates, 1772 yp 1332 Oxford Verses. Eucharistia Oxoniensia, 1641— Verses on the Death of Sir Bevill Grenvill, 1684 —Manuscript C atalogue of Oxford and Cambridge Verses on Publick occasions, by J. Bindley : Ato 7d 1333 Oxford Verses. Epicedii Acad, Oxon. in Obitum Henrici Ducis Glocestrensis Ato, Ox. 1660 4 fact Britannia Rediviva. Oxford Verses on the Return of Charles IT. . | hf. mor, uncut, Autograph of T. Hearne, 4to, Oxon. 1660 Wy 1754 1335 Oxford University Verses on public occasions, 1678 to 1763, ‘ 6 vol. fol. ets ¥ / 2 ( Ee A dw A Ge A ~~ epee aterm (a = BB oe Sh RN Bis AS AN Se Am | ® | ——— | 1336 : | ~ 3 641338 ~ ~ 6) 1339 _ 1314 1340 wb} S] 1341 / Vdt -| 1342 ae Se 6+ 1343 es a t/a ~| 18465 men, Mb ne} VSAG Lo OL SAF _ bo b Y348 het rae eh fie 1350 S| + VB61 Ly A) a2 ia ees 2 —| 1364 Bleed 1355 3 fo — 1356 Library of William Upcott, Esq. istora Verses. Pietas Univ. Oxoniensis in Obitum Regine Mariz, 1695, &c. 3 vol. fol a 2 --| 1337 Oxford and Cambridge Poems on the Death of the Prince of © Wales, 1751—AXsop at Oxford, 1709 —IIlustrations of the Oxford Newdigate Prize Poems, 1824—Gambold’s Poe- tical Works, 1816; 4 vol. Oxoniurti Poema. Authore T. V. 1667—The Oxford Act, a Poem, 1693—Oxford the Seat of the Muses, a Poem, 1738 —Epistle to Florio at Oxford, 1749, &c. 4to and 8vo Oxford Miscellany ‘ : 1752 Oxford Sausage, calf 1814 Oxoniana, a Didactic Poem 1812 Oxford Magazine, plates, 12 vol. 1763-75 | Oxford Quarterly Magazine, Nos. 1 and 2, 1825—The Exa-— miner Examined, 1809 ; and various on literary affairs /9 _| 1344 Oxfordshire. Thirty-two curious Tracts published during the — Civil War—A preter-pluperfect, spick and span New Noc- turnall, &c.; the Banyuet of Oxford Mice described— Oxonii Lachryme, 1649, &c. very curzous — Ato Oxrorp.— Privileges of the University of Oxford in point of — Visitation, 1647— Foundation of the University of Oxford, 1651—Answer of the University of Oxford to the City, 1678 ; and various other Tracts relating to the University, Ato Plot (R.) Natural History of Oxfordshire, map and plates, Presentation Copy to Evelyn fol. Ox. 1677 Pointer (John) Antiquities of Oxford, and New Pocket Com- anion : " ~ 12mo, 1749 Rowe (J.) Tragi-Comedia, being a Relation of the wonder- full hand of God discovered at Witney, in the Comedy acted there 4to, 1653 Salmon, Present State of the Universities 1744 Savage (H.) Balliofergus, or a Commentary upon the Foun- dation, &c. of Balliol College Ato, 1668 Savilii Oratio coram Regina Elizabetha Oxoniz Habite, 1578 —Ultima Linea Savilii, 4to, 1622 Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford, by various hands, 1722-1812, 2 vol. Sermons. Wilkinson, Sermon against lukewarmness m Re- ligion at St. Maries, Oxford, 1641—Reply to the Reasons of the Oxford Clergy, 1687; and various Sermons and Charges, Ato Sibthorp (J.) Flora Oxoniensis 1794 Skelton, Engraved Illustrations of the Principal Antiquities of — Oxfordshire LARGE PAPER, PROOF IMPRESSIONS, half russia, uncut imperial Ato, 1823 Skelton (Joseph) Oxonia Antiqua Restaurata op 1823 ~~ LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. half russia, uncut, imperial 4to, ; sa 2s __Library of William Upcott, Esq. 75 i 1357 Skelton (John) Pietas Oxoniensis, or Records of Oxford Founders LARGE PAPER, PROOF IMPRESSIONS OF THE PORTRAITS, half russia, uncut imp. 4to, 1828 WY, 1358 Smith (W.) Annals of University College, T. Warton’s copy 1728 Ly 1359 Spencer (O. L.) Life of Henry Chichele, Abp. of Canterbury, q 1783—Essay on Collateral Consanguinity as regarded by the Statutes of All Suuls, 1750 li. 1360 The Spie, communicating intelligence from Oxford, a News- paper, No. 1 to 22, 1644, very scarce 4to yee¢21361 Stemmata Chicheleana, with Supplement, half russia, uncut Oxford, 4to, 1765-75 1362 Stephani (P.) Catalogus Hortis Botanici Oxoniensis f 8vo, Ox. 1658 Z 1363 Strephon’s Revenge, A Satire on the Oxford Toasts y LARGE PAPER 1718 4 1364 The Student; or, Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany, 1751 ZL, 2 vol. Mi. 1365 Tatham (E.) Oxonia explicata et ornata, 1820—Oxonia Pur- gata, 1811—Letter to the Dean of Christ-church, 1807— Fifth Address, 1808—Address to the Members of the y, Hebdominal Board Ato #1366 Tracts. Humpbredi Oratio ad Anglix, &c. reginam Elisa- betham in aula Woodstochiensi habita, 1575--Wake, Rex Platonicus, 1607—Encomium .of Great Britain, and of Oxford and Cambridge, by Christopher Angell, 1619— Foundation of the U. of Oxford, with MS. additions in an old hand, 1651 ; and other curious old Tracts Ato di 1367 Tracts. Account of the Christmas Prince exhibited at Ox- ford, 1607—Life of Bp. Hough, 1743 —Trinity Garden, a Poem, 1715—Account of the Progress made in the New Buildings Queen’s College, 1718 Ato Yo 1368 Tracts. Happy News to England sent from Oxford, 1642—De- claration of the Agreement betwixt his Majesty and the City of Oxford, 1642—Lookixg Glasse for the Oxford Juncto, 1645 — Privileges of the University of Oxford, 1647— Case of the University of Oxford, 1648—Jugement de VA l'Université d’Oxford, 1648, and other Tracts, 4 vol. 4to. 4 1369 Tracts. Wharton, Astrological Judgement upon his Ma- 3 jesties present march began from Oxford, 1645—Letter from the Provost Vice Chancellor to the Earl of Pembroke, 1642—His Majesties Speech at Oxford, 1643; and other Tracts relating to Oxford during the Civil War, UNC: to 2/1370 Tracts. Privileges of the University of Oxford, 1647— Letter from the Abp. of Canterbury to the University, 1641— Academiz Oxoniensis Notitiz, 1665—Defence of the Rights and Priviledges of the University, 1690; and various others relating to the University, 4to L RW 4 Wie ieee Lote L4- 4 4 — eas —_ 2 76 Library of William Upcott, Esq. | ~ 2. . 1871 Tracts. Case of the University of Oxford, 1648—Sermon / at the Consecration of Trinity College Chappel, 1694— | Proceedings of Corpus Christi College, in the Case of Mr. Ayscough, Vindicated, 1730, &c. unbound — 4to ie VA. .. 1372 Tracts. Defence of the Proceedings of the Visitor and Fel- . lows of Exeter College, 1691--Proceedings of Corpus . Christi College Vindicated, 1730—Letter to Charles Penruddock, Esq. concerning Lord Craven, 1773—Pro- ceedings of Corpus Christi College, in the Case of Mr. Ayscough, Vindicated, 1730; and other Tracts, 3 vol. 4to // 61373 Tracts. The Oxford Almanack of 1712 explain’d, 1715— q Will of Dr. George Hickes, 1716—Poem on the Death of Edward Smith, of Christchurch, 1712; and others, 3 vol. 2 ~ 1374 Tracts. Oxford Toast’s Answer to the Terre Filius’s Speech, 1733—Oxford, an Eulogistic Satire, 1823—Oxford Night Caps, 1827, &c. 5 £ 1375 Tracts. Isabella, a Tragedy, 1758—The Parson’s Parlour, a Poem, Oxford, n. d.—Letter to Dr. Lowther, 1759; and others, principally relating to Oxford. Autograph of T. Warton | ~ / ~ 1376 Tracts. Amherst’s Terrz-Filius; or the Secret History of the University, 1754—Remarks on Dr. K—’s Speech, 1750—Marmorum Oxoniensium, 1791 = y 4 1377 Tracts. Memoirs of Osney Abbey, by J. Swaine, 1769— Biographical Sketches of the Descendants of John Dunkin, | of Merton, Bromley, 1816—Mr. Phillips’ Letter to Lord Harcourt, 1721; and other Topography 8vo and 4to 7 - /§— 1378 Tracts. History of the University of Oxford, 1772— a Salmon’s State of the Universities, 1744--Catalogue of Wood’s Manuscripts, 1766—The Old Lady in her Tan- |, tarums, 1750—Merton Walks, 1717, &c.; 4 vol. 8vo 2 —— ~ 3 .. 1379 Tracts. Aubry (M.) Oxonii Dux Poeticus, 1795—Ver- tumnus, an Epistle to Jacob Bobart, by Dr. Evans, 1713 —Poetical Abridgment of Bentham’s Letter, 1749— @ Watlington Hill, by M. R. Mitford : 1812 <4 —~ 3. 1380 Tracts. Lord Holland's Letter to the Warden of New College, 1828— Letter to the Heads of the University on a late very remarkable affair, 1748—Defence of the con- duct of the Warden of Winchester, 1758, &c. __ 2... 1381 Turner (D.) Sermon to the Protestant Dissenters in Oxford, 1780 ; and other Tracts relating to Dissent in Oxford ~ 4% -+- 1382 Upcott’s List of Books relating to Oxfordshire (from his Topo- a graphy)—History of the U. of Oxford, 1772—Account of the Visit of the Emperor Alexander to Oxford, 1841, 3 vol. @ _ 7 — 1383 Warton (T.) Companion to the Guide and Guide to the Com- 4 , panion, second edition | 2 ~ 1384 Warton (T.) History of Kiddington LARGE PAPER : ‘ 4to, 1815 Z | Library of William Upcott, Esq. Tt. 1, 1385 Warton (T.) Life of Ralph Bathurst, President of Trinity © College : ; 1761 caze-1386 Warton (T.) Life of Sir Thomas Pope, half russia, uncut 1780 @. 1387 Whittock (N.) Microcosm of Oxford, a series of Views ae1388 Will of George Clarke, LL.D., M.P. for Oxford 1737 4, \1389 Willis (B.) Account of Dr. John Hough, Bp. of Worcester, - with MS. Memoranda by Isaac Reed 4to, 1743 44. 1390 Witney. The Schismatical Puritan; a Sermon at Witney concerning the Lawfulness of Church Authority to Beautifie | the Church, by Giles Widdowes, 1630—Tragi-Comeedia, ) being a Relation of the Strange and Wonderfull Hand of . God at Witney, 1653 ; Ato ~2~-1391 Wood (A. a) History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, by Gutch, 5 vol. doards Ato, Ox. 1792 bv 1392 Wood (A. 4) Athenz Oxoniensis 4 . LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf, marbled leaves fol. 1721 4e224393 Wood (A.) Vindication of the Historiographer of the Univer- sity of Oxford and his Works i Ato, 1693 Pe & 1394 OxFORDSHIRE. GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS OF OXFORDSHIRE, ee COMPRISED IN A MOST EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ORI- . GINAL DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS OF CHURCHES, OLD HousEs, AND ANTIQUITIES; TOPOGRAPHICAL VIEWS, | PorTRaITs OF NATIVES, AND OF NOBILITY AND CLERGY ; OF THE COUNTY, COLLECTED OR EXECUTED FOR MR. Urcott, WITH A VIEW TO FORMING A COMPLETE His- TORY OF THE CouNTyY, CiTy, AND UNIVERSITY OF Ox- FORD, ARRANGED IN Six LARGE PORTFOLIOS, WITH LEAVES HALF BOUND RUSSIA, THE CONTENTS LETTERED *,* This very interesting and important article consists of eight hundred and forty-two Drawings, and twelve hundred and fifteen Prints. Mr. Upcott was occupied twenty-four years in forming the Collection, and has drawn up a very elaborate detailed catalogue of its contents in a 4to volume, which will be sold with the lot. Many of the Drawings are by the Buck- lers, and other celebrated artists. It would constitute an admirable article for the foundation of acounty museum. 4-_ 1395 Oxrorp Atmanacks. A large Portfolio, containing nearly a complete set of the Oxford Almanacks, from their commencement to the present Time. Several of the ori- ginal Drawings and Proofs and Variations of the Plates, ——— iS mostly very fine impressions, in a choice state of pre- Py Bae. servation, about 200 in number ‘(/. 1396 Oxfordshire. Cards of Tradesmen, Hotel Keepers, &c. a | number 1397 Oxfordshire. A large parcel of Views, Portraits, Drawings, fh r &c. for the illustration of Oxfordshire y t yee < “ Bei? 7 7 rt ee ns ee =i %, 1398 Five Drawings; viz of St. Peter’s and St. Giles's Churches, | vA a J 1399 Oxfordshire. Five capital Drawings by Buckler, in Oxford, &c. | / 7 ~ 1400 The Sheldon Theatre, Radclyffe Library, and Oxford Castle, 2 2. 1401 Ten capital Drawings in and near Oxford, by Buckler, in India Be, ~ /6 6 1402 Ralph Bathurst, Dean of Wells, and Vice Chancellor of Ox- : # £ ~- 1406 Woop (AntHony 4) History oF THE UNIVERSITY OF Ox- — J ~ 1408 Dunkin(—) History of Bicester, the Autograph manuscript Ato ae - 1411 Upcott (William) Miscellaneous Collections for the History of | , - | 1403 Account of Oxford Antiquities, zn a neat hand (circa 1750) — “4 — 1404 Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574, a modern transeript Zi : 4 - 1405 OxrorpsHiRE. Journal of Events in Oxford during the Civil A 78 Library of William Upcott, Esq. by Buckler, Decort, &c. all fine with a Duck-Hunt; three admirable and spirited Sketches | by Rowlandson ink ford, drawn and engraved by David Loggan, folio, very 7, a fine and rare 7 MANUSCRIPTS. War, a modern transcript (or compilation from the Jour- nals, Newspapers, &c. of the time), and numerous Letters and Signatures of Persons Native of the County, unbound | FORD, THE AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT a large folio volume, closely written, unbound _ *,* From a Note attached to this Manuscript it appears that Wood | left another copy of it to the Bodleian meee but that it | varies considerably from the present one, which is more full | in the biographies. | “Wood’s great work never was given to the public in the simplicity and originality in which the author wished it to ap- pear: it would be a task of some labour, but of infinite advantage to the public, and great honour to the University, to compare the two original Manuscripts, and from them to compile that History which Wood wrote.” 1407 Halifax (Dr.) Account of the Colleges of Lincoln and Brazen | / | Nose Ato : 1409 Commission of George, Duke of Marlborough, to be Lord - Lieutenant of the County of Oxford, and other Deeds relating to the Duke | 4 1410 Case of Sutton Lock, 1730—Rules for the regulation of the — Bodleian Library —On Roman Roads—Extracts from the — (fy Court-Rolls of Bensmgton Manor tS | Oxfordshire, neatly written in two folio volumes, with some | Portraits, Topographical Prints, Broadsides, and other (7 ~ illustrative matter inserted, unbound i biadd Mt tf A ene | “4 F « pn _____ Bt i, 3 ACEC BaF : 7 f a a Lelie, ee PCATATOCURS Ae — > a (eget. OF THE COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS FORMED BY THE LATE WILLIAM UPCOTT, ESQ. CONSISTING OF A VERY EXTENSIVE AND MOST IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF ENG- LISH STATE PAPERS, including the Letter Book of Sir Christopher Hatton ; Correspondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, Lord Treasurer, containing original Letters of James II, William III, and of the principal Statesmen of the time: Correspondence of Sir Richard Browne, Ambassador from Charles I and Charles II to France ; Letters and Correspondence of Sir Leoline Jenkins, Eng- dish Minister atthe Treaty of Nimeguen, not in the printed col- lection of his Memoirs; Official Letters to Henry Worsley, Ambassador to Portugal, 1714-1722; Official Correspondence of James and Solomon Dayrolles, English Residents at the Hague and at Geneva 1706-1786, in twenty-one volumes folio: also important series of private Correspondence, including that of Ralph Thoresby, of Leeds, rich in the Scholars and Antiquaries of the period; Correspondence of the celebrated Naturalist E. M. Da Costa, in eleven vol. folio; Correspondence of Ozias Humphrey, R.A., in eight volumes, folio, &c. And a most extensive Collec- tion of Autograph Letters of Royal Personages, Nobility, States- men, Gentry, Clergy, Military and Naval Characters, Eminent Lawyers, Scientific and Literary Characters, Actors, Musicians, &c. many of them of singular interest and curiosity. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ( Under the Direction of the Court of Chancery), BY MESSRS. a i Ee S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & CO,, AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY, PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS, AT THE;ROOMS OF MESSRS. EVANS, No. 106, NEW BOND STREET, On MONDAY, JUNE 22d, and Two following Days, at ONE o’CLOCK, precisely. (9 ies dS hah aS far iS CATALOGUES TO BE HAD AT THE PLACE OF SALES OF Messrs. Sotuesy & Co.. Wellington Street. Strand: and of Messrs. Arkixs and P } fn, fits, \ ee me AUTOGRAPH LETTERS,~ Ad Aha SO AOE Oe i ie ae CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immedi- ately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. ; and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more if required, in Part Pay- ment of the Purchase-money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again, and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expense, within Five Days after the Conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to BE ABSOLUTELY PAID ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY, in default of which Messrs. Sotheby & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. : V. The Manuscripts and Autographs are sold with all Faults, Im- perfections, and Errors of Description. VI. The Sale of any Lot is not to be set aside on account of ‘any error in enumeration of the number of Letters or Portraits it is stated to contain. VII. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in Part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots — uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all Charges on such Re-sale, and this shall be considered a sufficient Notice to the Defaulter. *.* No Lots will be delivered during the Time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions Suithfully executed by their humble Servants, S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington Street, Strand. 2 ENN es eM a Pe - Compton and Ritehie, Printers, Middle Street, Cloth Fair, London, = 5 LM te. A a a {Be ~ aay a LE) tty re, teregey i M88 : ¥ Sos ae P i) Phe Laat CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, FORMED BY THE LATE | WILLIAM UPCOTT, ESQ. CONSISTING OF A VERY EXTENSIVE AND MOST IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF ENG- _LISH STATE PAPERS, including the Letter Book of Sir Christopher ' Hatton; Correspondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, Lord ' Lieutenant of Ireland, and Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, Lord ' Treasurer, containing original Letters of James II, William ITI, and of the principal Statesmen of the time: Correspondence of Sir Richard Browne, Ambassador from Charles I and Charles II to France ; Letters and Correspondence of Sir Leoline Jenkins, Eng- lish Minister at the Treaty of Nimeguen, not in the printed col- lection of his Memoirs; Official Letters to Henry Worsley, Ambassador to Portugal, 1714-1722; Official Correspondence of James and Solomon Dayrolles, English Residents at the Hague and at Geneva 1706-1786, in twenty-one volumes folio: also ‘important series of private Correspondence, including that of Ralph Thoresby, of Leeds, rich in the Scholars and Antiquaries of the ‘period; Correspondence of the celebrated Naturalist E. M. Da Costa, in eleven volumes folio; Correspondence of Ozias Humphry, -R.A., in eight volumes, folio, &c. And a most extensive Collec- ‘tion of Autograph Letters of Royal Personages, Nobility, States- men, Gentry, Clergy, Military and Naval Characters, Eminent Lawyers, Scientific and Literary Characters, Actors, Musicians, &c. “many of them of singular interest and curiosity. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ( Under the Direction of the Court of Chancery ), By Messrs. EVANS, AT THEIR ROOMS, No. 106, NEW BOND STREET, * On MONDAY, JUNE 22d, and Two following Days. CATALOGUES TO BE HAD AT THE PLACE OF SALE} AND OF Messrs. AtKiNs and ANpReEws, No. 5, White Hart Court, Lombard Street, ; Solicitors to the Estate. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immedi- ately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds Qs. 6d. ; and so on in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more if required, in Part Pay- ment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again, and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expense, within Five Days after the Conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to BE ABSOLUTELY PAID ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY, in default of which Messrs. Evans will not hold themselves responsi- ble if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Manuscripts and Autographs are sold with all Faults, Im- perfections, and Errors of Description. VI. The Sale of any Lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in enumeration of the number of Letters or Portraits it is stated to contain. VII. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in Part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all Charges on such Re-sale, and this shall be considered a sufficient Notice to the Defaulter. *,* No Lots will be delivered during the Time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions Juithfully executed by their humble Servants, R. H., T. anv C. EVANS. *,* Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, and Valued for the Probate or Legacy Duty, or for Public or Private Sale. init hE de 3 Compton and Ritchie, Printers, Middle Street, Cloth Fair, London. CATALOGUE OF — THE COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS AND AUTOGRAPHS nS ER TS RI OF THE LATE eS W.UPCOTE, ESQ oe PANS SLE. ee (SU 1 ALBUM. Georgie Montanez Nobilis Galle Christianorum cen- turia. Cent Emblesmes Chrestiens, bownd in red velvet Ato, Tigurt, 1584 This volume is interleaved for the purpose of being used as | an Album, and contains Autographs of the Dukes of Saxony, and Marquisses of Brandenburg and Hesse, and various members of their families, between the years 1603-1628 2 ALBUM OF JOHANNES GEORGIUS BYRBERG, 1635-38 oblong 8vo It contains Autographs of Maurice Prince Palatine, William Prince of Orange, and other eminent persons and scholars. 3 ALBUM OF JOANNES DE LA VIGNE, Jun. oblong 8vo It contains Autographs of Joseph Scaliger, 1597—Prince Henry Frederic of Nassau, Bon. Vulcanius, P. Du Moulin, Fr. Junius, &c. 4. ALBUM OF JOHANNES HEILERSICHIUS, 1630-34 oblong 8vo It contains Autographs of G. J. Vossius, Cl. Salmasius, Joh. Polyander, F, Burgersdicius, Festus Hommius, And. Rivetus, Dan. Heinsius, Jo. De Laet, J. F. Gronovius, Joh. Dureus, | and other celebrated scholars. oe he 5 ALBUM OF GEO. CuRIST. Hooman, Prime Minister of the Duke ae of Saxony, 1654-65 . oblong 8vo | It contains Drawings and Shields of Arms, with numerous Autographs of German Mobility &e. ae a ee ee 4 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. | ol-.| 6 ALBuM. STAM BUCH VON JERONIMUS REUTTER, vonn Nurin- berg, 1600-1610 8vo It contains numerous Antopetl and Shields of Arms, ) very finely emblazoned. / /?\..\ "7 ALBUM OF CHRISTIANUS ROSENBERG oblong 8vo It contains Autographs of J. L. Mosheim, J. B. Carp-) zovius, J. Wetstein, J. C. B. Michaelis, J. G. Walchius, and’ Ae. other eminent scholars of the last century. 4 /0,.\; 8 ALBUM oF HENRICUS RUTHENUS COMES AC DOMINUS PLAVLE : oblong 8vo It contains PPE of Car. Linnzus, the celebrated y Botanist, Count Zinzendorf, &c. ~ “4+ 9 ALBUM OF JACOBUS SCHEURL, Public Notary of Altdorff, 1650-1670 It contains numerous Autographs, some Shields of Arms, and two neatly executed Drawings of Landscapes, upon vellum. -~ //\--, 10 ALBUM OF THEODORUS SCHREVELIUS, Author of the Lexicon . It contains Autographs of Franc. Raphelengius the Printer, | Car. Clusius, Jos. Scaliger, with verses, Petrus Scriverius, &c. me ~ _ so, 12 ALBUM of Johannes Vanden Waegen oblong 8vo It contains several Autographs of German Nobility and eminent Literary Characters; among them, Anna Maria a Schurman, J. H. Hottinger, Gisb. Voetius, J. Clericus, E. Spanheim, &c. / 2\~\ 18 ALBUM of Joh. Fridericus Wagner 8vo He was in England, and visited London and Cambridge. The volume contains autographs of several foreign Princes, as Henry Count of Nassau, 1626, the Marquis of Brandenberg, 1651, and several English Gentry, Clergy, and chia Cha- racters. 11 ALBUM oF M. E. SHERWILL, 1802-3 oblong 8vo “2 /\.. 14 ALBUM Amicorum of the XVI Century 4to H | . It appears to have belonged successively to Raimundus Castner, Jo. Wilhelmus Then, and Jo. Pfeifferus, and contains numerous Shields of Arms and Autographs. “S | //,... 15 ALBUM of a German Nobleman of the XVIII Century oblong 8vo | It contains Arms and Autographs of several persons. 3 ..| 16 ALIMARI (DOROTHEO) Nettuno e Marte collegati per mantenere il Dominio del Mare. X VII Century 4to It furnishes a complete description of a Naval Armament, | with all its appointments, functions of its officers, &c. . A a Mh | Au A - | 4 ! / : | Ra Md | ’ Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Uncott, Esq. 5 17 AMERICA. A Collection of original Letters and Documents, and Official Copies relating to the War of 1755; comprising important Letters of Major Gen. Shirley, Governor Pow- nall, General Washington, Robert Orme, Hon. Rob. Dinwiddie, W. Johnson, Charles Hardy, Lieut. Gov. Phips, Governor Lawrence, William West, the Earl of Loudoun, W. Allen, Governor Pinfold, Governor Ellis, &c. _ 18 America. Lettre en forme de Reflexions generales et critiques . sur le Canada, et sur ses Habitans 4to | Letter to Lord Rochford on the Massacre at Boston, 1770, | signed by Joseph Warren. 19 ANSON (Rt. Hon. George, Lord Admiral) Book of Orders on his Voyage round the World, 1742 folio *,* This is a valuable Manuscript, as illustrative of the Voyage. A) 20 ASSIGNMENTS. Five Hundred and Eighty-three Original : ASSIGNMENTS OF MANUSCRIPTS from Authors to their . various Publishers, and the value paid for each Literary Production ; alphabetically arranged, and illustrated with Ninety Portraits, 4 vol. with complete Indexes, red mor. folio Amongst this unique collection, which includes Poets, Drama- tists, Mathematicians, Divines, and Miscellaneous Writers, from 1703 to 1818, may be enumerated the following \ names and titles of their works :—- | Vol. I, Assignments, chiefly Dramatic. J. Addison, for Cato, 1077. 10s. _ J. Bickerstaff, his various Plays, collected, 10/. 10s. - Barton Booth. Cceelia, or the Perjured Lover, 52/. 10s. Colley Cibber. Provoked Husband, 105/. _ Theophilus Cibber. The Lover, 45/. _ J. Cleland. Woman of Honour, 25/. ] W. Emerson. Treatise of pre and Perspective, 47/. | Papers relating to the original publication of the European Magazine. John Gay. Fables, and Beggars’ Opera, 94d, 10s. _ Joseph Highmore. Practice of Perspective, 52/. 10s. Geo. Lillo. Tragedy of George Barnwell, 105/. Bp. Percy, for editing the Works of Geo. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, 52/. 10s. ‘earl of Surrey’s Poems, 21/7. Also for an edition of the Spectator and Guar- dian, with Notes, and translating the several Mottoes, 1057. An edition of the Tatler, with Notes, 52/. 10s. : ; Constantine Phipps, Lord Mulgrave. His Voyage to the North Pole, 200/. Alexander Pope. Receipt for his Iliads of Homer, first payment, 2 guineas. - John Rich, Proprietor of Covent Garden Theatre. 20 Guineas for one-half of an Opera, entitled Momus turned Fabulist, on account of Mr. Forest. Nicholas Rowe. Jane Shore, and witnessed by Alexander Pope, 50/. 15s. Dr. J. Shebbeare. Letters from Paris, and elsewhere, in 1754, 210/. James Smyth. Rival Modes, a Comedy, witnessed by Richard Savage, the unfor- tunate poet, 105/. Thomas Stackhouse. Life of Bishop Atterbury, 10/. 10s. Lewis Theobald. The Fatal Secret, a Play, 6 guineas. Helen Maria Williams. Translation of Paul and Virginia, 20/. / LAL S ‘0 a a ee " Det intial Me aL aie a 6 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. | } | Vol. II. Assignments,— Mathematical and Elementary. ‘ Alexander and Eliz. Blackwell. Curious Herbal, third share, 150/. 4 William Broome; his Poems, 35/. ; 3 | | John Campbell. sia we.” Redivivus, 6/. 6s. i 5 i J.G.Delpino. Spanish Dictionary and Grammar, 601. ] ’ } Jas. Dodson. Mathematical Repository, 31s. 6d. per sheet. Method of Book- 3 i | keeping, 12/7. 12s. 5 j Laurence Echard. History of England, 370/. 10s. ‘ Rev. J. Langhorne. Translation of Lettres d’Emerance a Lucie, 48/. 16s. 6d., 5 or 31s. 6d. per sheet. Rey. Abraham Le Moine. ‘Treatise on Miracles; by share of Profits. Dr. William Lewis. English Dispensatory, 105/. Thomas Marshall. Juvenal and Persius, with Notes, 32/ 10s. . John Mills. Essay on Trade and General View of Commerce, 2 guineas per sheet. — Robert Prior. Lusus Westmonasterienses, 25/. Thomas Simpson. Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions, 17/. 17s. Rob. Simson. Elements of Euclid, for one moiety, 144/. 14s. 53d. Jas. Strutt. View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, 250/. Lewis Theobald, with Bernard Lintott. Translation of the Odyssey of Homer, and four Tragedies of Sophocles, with Notes, fifty shillings for every 460 Greek © . verses, and one guinea for every 120 verses of the Satires and Epistles of Horace, with Notes. John Urry ; his edition of Chaucer’s Works, 700 Copies on small paper, and 100 on royal paper. | | Dr. John Hill. Natural History of Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, 472/. 10s. Ant. Vieyra. Portuguese Dictionary, 440/.; and Grammar, 427. Vols. LIL. and IV. Assignments,—Miscellaneous. Robert Beatson. Political Index, 2502. William Belsham. Memoirs of the Reign of George III, 11007. Memoirs of the House of Brunswick. i : Robert Berry. Works of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, 3000/. John Breval. Travels through Europe. Charles Burney, Mus. Doc. Tour through Germany, 300/. History of Music. | Lady Eliz. Craven. Journal of her Travels, 250/. | William Cullen. Materia Medica, 15002. John L. Delolme. Treatise upon the English Constitution, his share, 31/. 10s. History of the Flagellants. William Emerson. Doctrine of Fluxions. Principles of Mechanics, 131/. 10s. Hugh Farmer. Essay on the Demoniacs, 50/. ; John Fenn. Paston Letters, 300/. Frederick, son of Theodore, King of Corsica. Description of Corsica. pi William Godwin. Italian Letters. New Annual Register. Political Herald. — New English Peerage. History of the Internal Affairs of the United Pro-— vinces. Political Justice, 700 guineas. Caleb Williams, 847. On the French Revolution. St. Leon, 400 guineas. Oliver Goldsmith. Natural History of the Earth and Animated Nature, 800 uineas. . 2 | Edward Harwood. View of the various Editions of the Classics, 25/. Fra. Hargrave. Juridical Arguments and Collections, 390/. ; Thomas Holcroft ; his various Works, 2050/, Bp. Horne. Occasional Sermons. . Dr. Charles Hutton. Mensuration. Arithmetic. Ladies Diary, $ share, 284/.2s.6d. Elizabeth Inchbald. Simple Story, 200/. Child of Nature, a Play, 52/. 10s. D. E. M‘c Downell. Dr. Johnson’s Table Talk. : Edmund Malone. An Edition of Shakspeare; to receive 30 copies of the work, — and 2002. for literary assistance. Dr. John Moore. View of the Causes and Progress of the French Revolution, 900/. Arthur Murphy. Translation of Tacitus, 600/, ; T. H. B. Oldfield. History of the Constitution of Parliament, 100/. i John Parkhurst. Hebrew and English Lexicon. Hester Lynch Piozzi. British Synonymy, 300/. IT A et RR Pe AN RA History of Ancient and Modern Europe. : i ‘ae i Anne Radcliffe. Journey through Holland, 500/. ; William Russell. Manuscripts & Aulographs of W. Uncoti, Esq. William Smellie. Philosophy of Natural History, 1000 guineas. i Charlotte Smith. ‘The Wandering Lover. bacme Tobias Smollett. Translation of Telemachus, 70/. | . Gilbert Stuart. History of Mary Queen of Scots, 50 guineas. . George Vancouver. Voyage round the World in 1790-5. ) Francis Vesey. Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery, 300/. ) Dr. Jos. Warton. Edition of Milton’s Poems, 50 guineas. Dr. Jos. White. Bampton Lecture Sermons, 2201. *,* This lot is of great importance for the History of English Lite- rature, and Biography of celebrated Authors during the last and present centuries ; more particularly as ascertaining the - authors and editors of numerous Anonymous works. ‘4 ' Yi || 20*AUTOMATHES. The Practice of speaking and writing English, by a learned hand of the middle of the last century 8vo =~ Oo} 4 Wy 21 BERKSHIRE. Antiquities of Wallingford, in two small copy | } books, modern : ; 4to A LZ ot of) 22 BIOGRAPHY of celebrated Persons, Anecdotes, Bon Mots, &c. Mon- | boddo, Porson, &c. believed to be in the handwriting of Alex. Chalmers, portraits inserted, unbound 4to pea 23 ie J./.\ 23 BLAIR (William, Surgeon, of Great Russell Street) Correspond- ence respecting his method of Secret Writing; containing original Letters to him on the subject from the Right Hon. W. Windham, G. Canning, Earl of Harrowby, J. Symmons of Paddington, and M. Gage of Swaffham ; with the whole of his System of Cyphers. See Rees’ Cyclopedia ee Pe unbound > Ato \-Ly 24 BOSWELL (James) Journal and Poems, 2 vol. Ato _ *,* Autograph of the Son of Johnson’s Biographer. It commences . Jan. 1798, and contains Names and Anecdotes of some pee 5: ee distinguished Literary Characters of the day, Walter Scott, &c. ‘jr425 BRANDRETH (Elizabeth) Poems, 1735 8vo0 aes ; hy 26 BROWNE (Sir RicHARD) Diplomatic Instructions. Copies of Official Documents during the Reigns of CharlesI and II, from the Evelyn Collection, with the arms and monogram of John Evelyn impressed on the sides and Dack. Abe fo *,* A very valuable Manuscript, containing Instructions to Ambas- sadors, Letters of @redence, Licenses to Travel, Patents for Knighthood, &c. in the reigns of Charles I and II, all copied from Original Documents as formula. Prefixed are the Sub- scriptions of Letters to Sovereign Princes, and other Digni-— taries in Church and State. It was the Precedent Book of Sir Richard Browne, Ambassador from Charles I to the Court of France, 1641; as it commences with his Letters of Cre- dentials and Instructions to him. EA EE I on — 8 j ~| J j/3| » Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcoti, Esq. | 27 Browne (Sir RicHARD) Three Hundred and Thirteen private . and official Letters and Papers of, and addressed to, Sir RICHARD BROWNE, Bart., Ambassador from Charles I and II, to Louis XIII and XIV: and also of his Son-in- Law, JOHN EVELYN, of WOTTON, from the Year 1624 to 1712, with 26 portraits, 2 vol. half bound in russia fol. In these volumes will be found Letters from George Abbott. J. Ashburnham. Villiers Bathurst. Sir J. Berkeley. —- W. Berkeley. The Scottish Commissioners’ Charge against Lord Wentworth, Lieutenant ot Lreland, 1640. Fifty-one of Sir R. Browne and _ his relatives. Sir R. Bulstrode. Ph. Burlamachy. Rev. T. Cawton. Sir T. Clifford. — W. Coventry, — Randulpbe Crewe. — William Curtius. — Kenelm Digby. Nath. Fiennes. Ch. Fleetwood. Sir Stephen Fox. Henry Glenham. Sir Frederick Gorges. Theodore Haak. Sir T. Hanmer. — Edw. Harley, 1668. Thomas Hobson (celebrated by Milton) ; his Petition to be allowed to travel with his Waggons, between Cam- bridge and London, dated about 1620. Sir J. Hotham, Henry Hyde, 1649. Sir Leoline Jenkins. — G. Lane, Sec. to the Duke of Or- monde. — James Langham. Nicolas Lanier. Hen. Lucas, Sec. to General Fairfax. Sir Charles Lucas, shot at Colchester. J. Vethuen. Be Henry Montfort to Ferd. Lord Fair- ax. — W. Morice, Sec. of State to Charles — 3 | Aa VY la _ Edward Nicholas. Sec. of State to — Charles 1. and II. Denzill and Arthur Onslow. ee Me Parsons, Lord Justice of Ire- and, Col. John Penruddock, 1645. Copy of Sir Wm. Petty’s Will, 1685. Sir Edw. Plompton. — Endymion Porter. — Walter Pye. — George Rawdon, — Thomas Rowe, 1642. — Adrian Scrope, 1646. — James and John Scudamore. — Henry Slingsby. Ts Southwell, Clerk of the Coun- ci — W. Spencer. Colonel T. Talbot, to General Fairfax. Sir Henry Vane, 1631. Vauban, Governor of Jamaica. Sir Edw. Villiers. — Richard Vyvyan. — Edward Walker Garter; Secretary at War to Charles I. Sir Philip Warwick, — Edward Whalley, 1648. — Edmond Wyndham, Knight Marshall. 28 BUCHAN (DAVID ERSKINE, Earl of), Miscellaneous Papers and Correspondence, a large Parcel. of several Eminent Persons, viz. H. R. H. the Duke of — They contain Letters Kent, Daines Barrington, Professor Milne, Sir John Sin- clair, Lord Erskine, Gilbert Stuart, &c. i 29 Burton. Diary of the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard — Cromwell, 1656-9. It is contained in six volumes, oblong 8vo — 30 BUTLER (Rev. Weeden) Trifles (in Verse) 4to Ww 31 BYRON. Original Papers relating to the Trial of William Lord Byron for the murder of Mr. Chaworth 1765 } eer a Po ; ae a Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 9 _Z..| 32 BURKE. Code of Gentoo Laws, ranalated fot the Persian, by Nathaniel Brassey Halhed, halfbound russia, uncut 4to, London, 1766. *,* This Volume is illustrated with Manuscript Contents through- out, by Edmund Burke, who presented it, with the subjoined note written at the bottom of the Title-page, “To my dear Friend and Fellow-Labourer, Dr. French Lawrence :— This small token of my remembrance, which he will think the more valuable, as it contains a sort of running Contents in my hand, is given by his unhappy friend, now released from all his publick functions. Edmund Burke, l5th August, 1794. Mortis ergo.” His only son, Richard Burke, Member for the Borough of Malton, died on Saturday, August 2d, 1794, at the age of 36. 7- $3 CALDER (JOHN, D.D.) Collections for a new Edition of Cham- bers’s Cyclopedia, Scientific and Literary 4to jd 34 CATALOGUE of the Library of Gilbert Walmsley, of Lichfield— Catalogue of the Town Library of Thomas Anson, Esq. 2 vol. pele “<~ 35 CHALMERS ( ALEX.) Original Memoirs for the Ga'lery of Por- | traits; also Letters and Accounts of the Artists engaged in | Drawing and Engraving the Portraits 4to “. 6 Civit List. An Establishment or List containing all the Pay- ments to be made for Civill Affairs, 1699-1700 12mo 4. 37 CORNWALL. Original Correspondence addressed to Colonel Robert Bennett, Governor of St. Michael’s, Mount Corn- wall, during the Civil War, unbound fol. rc 7/38 COVENTRY (GEORGE) Montezuma, a Tragedy 4to Me. 39 CowPER. Various Autograph Letters, by H. Heshills, addressed to the Rev. John Johnson, containing matter illustrative of the Life of Cowper. They are contained in a copy of “ Cowper illustrated, in a Series of Views,” with a set of the unfinished Etchings Tha 40 Cox’s MusEuM. Various Papers relating to Cox’s Museum, and the Lottery thereof g2-.. 41 CUMING (SIR ALEX.) Memoirs 12mo *,* A small volume, containing some particulars of his Life; his saving the Life of Geo. II; his Voyage to Carolina, and Visit to the Cherokee Indians ; his bringing over seven of their Chiefs and introducing them at Court, Xe. 42 CuRTIUS’ CORRESPONDENCE. Forty-five Letters, written in French, from Sir WILLIAM CuRTIUS, his Majesty’s Resident at Frankfort, to Sir Richard Browne, during his Embassy in Paris, viz. 1643-47, halfbound in blue morocco fol. “* October 8th, 1664. Sir William Curtius, his Majesty’s resident in Germany, came to visit me: he was a wise and | learned geutlama and, as he told me, scholar to Henry Alstedius, the Encyclopedist.’’—Evelyn’s Memoirs, vol. 1. . Alb A1 i /@ ~. 44 Da Costa (E. M.) One Hundred and Seventy Letters, the Cor- _ x respondence of THOMAS PENNANT and EMANUEL MEN- DEZ DA CosTA, F.R.S., on Subjects of Natural History, © 10 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. _ 43 DAYROLLES CORRESPONDENCE. The Official and Private Cor- respondence between JAMES and SOLOMON DAYROLLES, many years Residents at the Hague, and at Geneva, from : 1706 to 1786 ; comprising Thirteen Hundred and Sixty- eight Letters and Documents from the various Secretaries | of State and Official Persons, with authenticated Office-— copies of the several Answers, and a complete Analytical — Index to the whole series. Also three Diplomas under the - Great Seal, and with the Signature of Geo. II, constituting James Dayrolles Minister Plenipotentiary, 21 vol. bownd in russia 3 fol. Amongst their most distinguished Correspondents may be enumerated,— Robert Harley, Earl of Lord Rochford, George LI. Oxford. Henry St. John, afterwards James Stanhope. Henry Boyle,Lord Carleton. Lord Bolingbroke. Lord Harrington. Earl of Sunderland. George I. Holles, Duke of Newcastle. Court de Bothmer. Joseph Addison. Lord Chesterfield. Robert Pringle. James Craggs. Sir Charles Hanbury Wil- J. Roberson. Lord Townshend. liams. Paul Methuen. Sir Thomas Robinson. Henry Pelham. W. Vigurs Burdett. Sir Everard Fawkener. William Chetwynd. Arthur Villette. Lord Sandwich. Duke of Bedford. Earl of Albemarle. Andrew Stone. Joseph Yorke. Henry Fagel. Lord Holdernesse. Duke of Devonshire. James Dayrolles was Resident at the Hague from 1717 to his death, Jan. 2, 1739. Solomon Dayrolles, his nephew, commenced his diplomatic career under James, first Earl of Waldegrave, when that nobleman was Ambassador at Vienna. He was godson of Philip, the distinguished Earl of Chesterfield, and was sworn a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to George the Second, Feb. 27, 1740, in the room of Sir Philip Parker Long, deceased, and on the accession of George the Third was again appointed, Feb. 5, 1761. In 1745, being at that time Secretary to Lord Chesterfield, in Holland, Mr. Dayrolles was nominated to be Secretary to his lordship as Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. In May 1747, he was promoted to be Resident in the United Provinces, and in Nov. 1751, Resident at Brussels, where he continued until August 1757. He died in March 1786. *.* The number and importance of the Collections of State Papers and Letters in the present Catalogue will be duly appreciated by persons conversant with the subject; no Library dispersed in modern times has equalled them for extent or curiosity. The Davrolles Correspondence is of particular interest, as it embraces the important periods of the Hanover Succession, the Peace of Utrecht, the Rebellion of 1715, &c.—Tuis COLLECTION HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BY ANY OF OUR HiIs- TORIANS. from 1752 to 1778, with 2 portraits fol. : ; i i Se ee RE TREN eee ee ne ae Cet eee eT ee ee ee a ee ee ee ee a Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 11 (7 45 DA Costa (E. M. ) Two Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty- | seven Letters on Subjects of Natural History; being the Correspondence of EMANUEL MENDEZ DA CostTA, F.R.S. during 50 Years, with the most distinguished Naturalists of his time, and containing Copies of his Answers in his own hand-writing, 11 vol. half bound russia fol. if4) | Allamand. Fothergill. Manetti. Pulteney. Anderson. H. D. Gaubius. Marcum. Rashleigh. Ascanius. A. Gifford. Morand. Schlosser. _H. Baker. T. Green. Crom. Mortimer. R. Schomberg. Barton. Dr. J. Green. Morton. Solander. _ Bertrand. J. F.Gronovius. G. Miller. Stieglitz. - Bohadsch. S. Gryneus. T. Needham. Sir J. Strange. Bolton. Guettard. P. Nemnich. R. Taylor. _Borlase. Sir J. Hill. P, S. Pallas. Turgot. iF. BE. Briickmann. W. Huddesford. G. Perry. Volckmann. (A. E, Buchner. Edw Jacob. Pimentel. Waller. P. Collinson. T. Knowlton. Bp. Pococke. Ward. Cullen. Lesser. Porras. R. H. Waring, _G. Edwards. S. Lethieullier. Pryce. Edw. Wright. rath DEEDS, &e. Original Patent, appointing George Payne, Esq. to be Keeper of the Lions in the Tower, 1776, with the Great Seal attached; various Old Assignments, Leases, » Wills, &c. on Par chment and Paper. 7. 47 DELA TURRE (Lud.) Redargutiones contra impugnantem Mon- tem Pietatis. Fratris Stephani super hoc re Dissertatio. Fra- tris Philippide Rotingo de eodem, in various hands of the XVth century : ; Ato dt 48 De Missy (CSAR); various Manuscript Sermons relating to the Miracles, the Origin of Error, and Faith, 1 vol. unbound : : fol. ya 49 DEVONSHIRE. Old Inventions, Deeds, &c. of the seventeenth oes ge prt century, a small parcel. ~—|AI A 50 DEVONSHIRE. Wills, Inventories, &c. principally relating to | Honiton in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. ) a 51 DicBy (ANNE, second Countess of Sunderland) Ninety-one Let- . ters to John Evelyn. Written from Althorpe during the years 1674-1699, chronologically arranged, blue morocco, An interesting account of this excellent woman, with extracts from a few of these Letters, may be seen in Dibdin’s “* Ades Althorpianez,” vol. i. Also in the “ Beauties of the Court of King Charles the Second,”’ by Mrs. Jameson. Ji. 52 DIPLOMAS. Henricus VI Romanorum Imperatoris, an Instru- ment of the years MCXCVI. with the Seal in fine preserva- tion—Bull of Clement IV.—Confirmacio super Ecclesia in Beintersheim, anno 1258, in fine preservation, &c. 5 C with her portrait ; ‘i Ato VA Aine FAP de te 12 Manuscripts §& Autographs of W. Upeott, Esq. O14 53 Dupuey. A Perticuler Declaration of all suche Somes of . a Money as I Robt. Christmas, Esquire, have receved of divers persons tothe use of the Right Honourable Robert, Erle of Leicester, Baron of Denbighe, of the Most Noble Order of the Garter Knight, Mr. of the Quenes Maj'es Horse, and one of her Highnes Most Honorable Privye Counsell, | &c., from the xxth of February, 1569, until the xxxth of December, 1571, very curious and interesting, 403 pages, russia, with ornamented compartments, by Hering. fol. | | i 2 ~? _ 54 DupLey. A Perticuler Declaration of all suche Somes of i Money as have been payd and receved on accompt of the Right Honourable Robert, Erle of Leicester, during his residence as Governor in the Low Countries, and in Eng- land, from the xith of December, 1585, to April viiith, | 1587, 333 pages, bound nearly similar to the rupee | | volume 2 4 / 6°. 65 ELIZABETH. A Collection of all the Offices of England, with their Fees and Allowances in the Queenes gifte. —All the Offices and Fees of her Maj**s Courts at Westminster;) her Royal Householde; with the Fees and Allowances be-| _~ longing to the Officers ‘and Ministers there : :—hefTownes of Warre, Castles, Fortresses and Bulwarkes, with the Al- | lowances to the Captaynes and Souldiers having charge of © | 4 them: all the Offices belonging to her Howses, Forrests, | | Parks and Chases, within the realme of England : also a) Catalogue of all the Nobility and Barony of England, i Drawn out for Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, in — 1589, 87 pages, half bound 4to ap | | ~ £». 56 ENAMELLING. The Art of the Fire; or, a Treatise of Painting | lJ in Enamel. Copied for Ozias Humphry, R.A. vellum 4to- | 2 /$ . 57 ENGLAND. A humorous account of a journey made in parts of | England, viz. Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Somersetshire, | &c. about the year 1726, prose and verse 4to | It bears a great resemblance to the style of Edward, or | Ned Ward, and is most probably written by him. | .. &.. 58 ERSKINE (Lord) Speech in the House of Lords on introducing a Bill to prevent Cruelty to Animals, prepared for the Press, with an autograph note. | / //-- 59 EVELYN (JOHN) Academical Exercises 8vo & /3 j 60 EVELYN (JOHN) Alphabetical Catalogue of his Library in his own hand, russia fol. . *,* Illustrated with proof impressions of the portraits and prints from Evelyn’s Memoirs. Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 13 with his own hand, russia fol. _*,* Proof impressions of the portraits of Evelyn and his wife, and of his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, inserted. ly 62 EVELYN (JOHN) Catalogue of the Library at Wotton, imperfect | —Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Ralph Bohun, of Ox- _. 61 EVELYN (JOHN) a Classified Catalogue of his Library, written ford (Evelyn’s tutor) in his own hand, with the’ price he | paid for each book yn 63 EVELYN (MAry) Letters to various Persons, transcribed in her own hand, 1668-1673 3 Ato | * »* A portion only of these Letters are printed in Evelyn’s Memoirs. L/ 64 EXCHEQUER PAPERS, Warrants, &c. some with Signatures, viz. | W. Cecil, Lord Burleigh, T. Sackville, Earl of Dorset, Sir Julius Cesar, &c. zc.65 FENN (JOHN) Memoirs of the Life of Thomas Martin, of Pal- grave, in Suffolk, with an Account of the disposal and . dispersion of his large and valuable Collections of Manu- | scripts, Printed Books, Papers, Pictures, Coins, and other — | Curiosities, by John Fenn, Esq. M.A. 1784 Ato w% | 66 ForD (W.) Catalogue of the Library at Browseholme Hall, the Seat of T. Lister Parker folio | = w FRANCE. Chronique abregée de France, written in a minute hand of the fiftenth century : Ato Ste. 68 FRANCE. Autographes des Rois de France sur velin. A Col- lection of original Documents from the time of Philip V, 1319, to Napoleon, with signatures of the Kings of France, bound in 2 vol. folio, russia, with joints eco 69 FRANCE. Collection d’Autographes Francoises. Original Do- cuments and Autographs signed by the principal persons | who figured in the French Revolution, in two Portfolios, | with leaves, richly gilt, and powdered with fleurs de lys LAr FRANCE. Twenty-four Letters and Printed Orders during the QQ » t / Sal Five ae en L~ ee — V4 Ah K FRENCH CAMPAIGN IN EGYPT in 1798; amongst which is | a long Letter from Marshal Berthier to General Bruix, — detailing a circumstantial account of the taking of Alex-_ andria: also a duplicate Despatch for the Directory, ad-_ | dressed by Bonaparte to the Pacha at Cairo, signed by him | and dated from Alexandria, July 8, 1798. Specimens of © Newspapers by the French when at Cairo; also the original Proclamation in Greek, printed for distribution in Cepha- lonia, Ithaca, and other Greek Islands, half bound, folio | A . yg ee 14 Manuscripts §. Autographs of W. Upeott, Esq. — / ji... 7% FRANCE. Lettres de Louis XIV et de ses Ministres. A Col-| xd lection of original Documents, signed by the eee &e. | Cn i ' | bound in a folio volume | H - | 2 J/g ~ 73 FRANKLIN (Dr. Benjamin) Remarks upon America, as a Guide) a to Persons desiring to transport and establish themselves in that Country, “dated 1784. MS. in his own hand- writing, as attested by his grandson, William Temple, Franklin, half bound, blue morocco folio oD a | .~ /G _ 4 GERMAN NoBILITY. Patents of Nobility to various Persons, | with Arms tricked and splendidly emblazoned, fine Speci- mens of Penmanship | bes 2 _. 75 GENEALOGICAL STEM of the Barons of Dietrichstein, with Arms | emblazoned, and a Legal Document respecting the Duchess of Portsmouth, and her Son, the Duke of Richmond / Jd . 76 GRANGER (REV. J.) Catalogue of English Portraits after the ) Revolution ; viz. during the reigns of William III, Anne, ) George I and II, with a scheme for arranging them, in the | hand-writing of Joseph Gulston, the well-known print- collector, 2 vol. bound in russia 4 fol. ck ater eo WF eee There are two sim.lar Volumes in the Library at Stowe, also in the hand writing ae of Mr. Gulston, which contain a Biographical Catalogue of Foreigners, belonging 4 to the English Series of Portraits. 4 A 77 Catalogue of English Heads; or, an account of about 2000 | Prints, describing what is peculiar on each, by Joseph | | Ames ; interleaved with very large MS. additions and cor- | | rections, by the Rev. James Granger, bound in 2 vol. | calf : ; Ato, 1748 : | oaaal vAbo _... 78 GRANT. Collection of French Letters addressed to Charles | peg Grant, Vicomte de Vaux, unbound eS ee Miscellaneous Letters, Journal, and various Papers, written ) ae by, or addressed to, him, 2 vol. 4to ) His Manuscript History of the Mauritius, which was printed ) in 1801 4to | His unpublished Manuscript History ‘of Scottish Families, ) from their origin to the present day; compiled from An- ) cient and Modern Greek, Latin, Scotch, and English | authors; divided into five periods: 1800, 3 vol. 4to ) Account of his Military Services in France, Original Letters, | | Vouchers, and Records concerning him, 3 vol. 4to | His own ‘“ Memoires,” particularly relating to his Military | Service 79 GRAVINA (G10. VINCENZO) Del Governo civile di Roma, 4to | ) | | 80 GRAY (THOMAS) Catalogue of the Antiquities, Houses, Parks, | a Scenes, and Situations in England aud Wales, neatly rd | transcribed ‘ : 8vo | | | Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 15 a 781 GREEKS. National Songs of the Greeks, brought to England by Adam Friedel? and presented to W. Upcott, 1824 4to 7. 82 HAMILTON (HucH, DEAN oF ARMAGH) Treatise of the Conic Section, trans. by the Rev. John Hellins, Rector of Potters Perry, Northants : ‘ 4to /(, 83 HATTON CORRESPONDENCE. Copies of unpublished “ Letters, received by SIR CHRISTOPHER HATTON, Vice-Chamber- layne to the Queen’s Majestie from sundrie persons, and procured by hym to be written in this same booke.” These letters were written from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, and their contents may be estimated by reading the foliowing list of the distinguished individuals which comprise this volume :— Henry the Seventh to his mother. . | | Three Letters from the Earl of Sussex to Queen Elizabeth. Sir Francis Bacon to the same. John Elmer, Bishop of London, to Sir Christopher Hatton. Queen Elizabeth to Sir Amias Paulett; to Sir Christopher Hatton; and to Sir Edward Stafford. Three Letters of Anne, Countess Grey. “The seditious Letter of the most traiterous Rebell, Nicholas Saunders, to the sone of the Earl of Clanrycarde.”’ 1579. Mary Queen of Scotland to Queen Elizabeth ; complayneth of certayne conspira- cies executed upon her son. Eleven Pages. Queen Elizabeth to Sir Edward Stafford. Thirty-five Letters of Sir Francis Walsingham to Lord Burleigh and others. Six Letters of Sir Christopher Hatton to Lord Burleigh and others. Thirteen Letters of William Davison, Seeretary of State and Privy Counsellor to Queen Elizabeth. Countess of Bedford to Sir C. Hatton. Sixteen from Cecil, Lord Burleigh, to Sir Christopher Hatton. Six from Robert. Ear} of Leicester. Thirteen from Tobias Mathewe, Archbishop of York, to Mr. Coxe. Thomas Cartwryght to Sir Christopher Hatton. Fourteen from Thomas Heneage, to the same. Two from Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury, Five from Sir Philip Sydney. Six from Thomas Churchyard, the Poet. Ten from John Aylmer, Bishop of London, to the Lord Mayor. | i | | | | | | Eight from Sir Walter Mildmay to Sir Christopher Hatton. Five from Sir Amias Powlett. Four from Margaret, Countess of Darbie. Twoof Thomas Byng. Thirty-four from Samuel Cox to Sir Christopher Hatton. Four from Dr. Law:ence Humphrey, President Mag. Coll, Oxford. 1561. Sir Nicholas Woodroffe, Lord Mayor of London; 1579. Sir James Harvey, Lord Mayor, 1581. Nine from Charles Earl of Arundel. W. Aubrey. Two from Henry Cheeke. Three from Thomas Morton. Thomas Bromley, Chancellor. Three from Frances, Countess of Sussex. 1582. Thomas Lord Buckhurst. Thomas Wilson. William Tressam. Edwyn Sandys, Archbishop of York. A. Askewe. W. Hearle. Three from Elizabeth, Countess of Sussex; one of them to Queen Elizabeth, after the death of her husband. Theodore Beza. Elizabeth Leighton. Anthony Babington. Sir Thomas Wyatt, the Elder, to his son, who was beheaded. ae Letter of Comfort to the Earl of Shrewsbury, touching the death of bis son. Queen Elizabeth to the King of Scots. 1583. Three from John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury. Letter to Sir Robert Cecill, Viscount Cranborne, from the Archbishop of York. GP a, vate Pro Pete 16 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upeott, Esq. | James the First to the Lower House of Parliament, touching the Union. 1604. Letter written at the command of Queen Elizabeth, by the Lord Keeper Egerton, to || the Earl of Essex, while he lay in custody in the said Lord Keeper’s house as ) his prisoner. . | William Dodyngton. | «This was that Wylliam Dodington that wilfully brake his owne necke in casting hym selfe downe headlonge fro’ the batelments of St. Sepulchre’s stee le, . upo’ the syght of certayne depositions touching a cause in controversie betweene hym bat and one Brunker, in the Star Chamber.” oe Folio, 524 pages; richly bound in russia by Hering, eterna | 84 HaybLey (WILLIAM) Anecdotes of the Family, Life, and a Writings of William Hayley, the Friend and Biographer of ) Wiiliam Cowper, by himself, 5 vol. | Life of Thomas Alphonso Hayley, the Disciple of John Flaxman, by his Father William Hayley, 2 vol. The original Manuscripts, uniformly bound in 7 vol. russia, gilt leaves, with portratts inserted ory Bate ; = / / ..,84*HOADLEY (DR. JOHN) Poetical Extracts and Original Pieces, ) in the hand-writing of Dr. John Hoadley, author of the | Suspicious Husband, 9 vol. calf gilt 8vo / 7-85 Hoppes (THOMAS) Eleven Original Letters addressed to him by Henry Stubbe, Philip Tanny, T. Barlow (Bp. of Lincoln), and — Mylon, 1656-7 _ *,* Curious and interesting for the Literary History of the period. . /¢ 86 HoLuaND. A Collection of State Papers and Letters, many of Aid them Original, in Latin, French, and Dutch, relating to the | State of Holland, and the war of independence against Spain in the latter part of the Sixteenth Century. Several of them relate to the Transactions with Elizabeth, and James | King of Scotland /5°.. _. 87 HumpuHrey (OZ1AS) Some Particulars of the professional Life of Ozias Humphrey, R.A., embellished with such Prints as have been engraven from his Portraits, accompanied with Biographical Sketches intended for the information of his particular Friends, 1805, unbound large fol. _*,* This Manuscript is fairly copied and profusely illustrated with | numerous fine Drawings and Prints. Among the Drawings e may be particularly noticed a fine Crayon DRAWING OF PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD STUART, TAKEN AT FLORENCE, 1776, being the latest period of his life of which any representation of him exists. Also Drawings of John Hoole, translator of Ariosto, Polly Levi, Governor Pownall, Ozias Humphrey, | ) Original Drawing by Dance, &c. Very tine Proof Impres- ) | sions of Engravings from Portraits painted by O. H.; Shake- 4 speare, from the Chandos Picture ; Sir John Trenchard, Sir oA George Baker, Prince Charles Edward Stuart, &c., SEVERAL Pe iy OF THEM PRIVATE PLATES. H| Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 17 88 HUMPHREY FAMILY. A Collection of Deeds, Wills, Letters, &c. by various members of the Family of Humphrey, of Honi- niton, Devon, during the seventeenth and eighteenth Cen- turies, including some Autobiographical Papers of Ozias Humphrey, the Artist - 89 HUMPHREY (OZIAS) Copy-Book, 1754— Various Memorandum Books relating to his Works, &c.—Memorandum Books containing Anecdotes respecting Painting, and Transcripts of MSS relating to Sir P. Lely and Sir Godfrey Kneller’s methods of Painting, 2 vol. 2 90 Humpurey (OzIAS) ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE, § vol. half bound russia, 1754-1810 : fol. *,* THIS SERIES CONTAINS 959 LETTERS AND VARIOUS PAPERS, EIGHT ORIGINAL SKETCHES, AND 37 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. ** This collection in eight volumes of Original Papers of Ozias Humphrey, R.A., F.S.A., portrait painter in crayons to his Majesty George the Third, comprises a portion of his correspondence between the years 1754 and his decease in 1810; together with his memoirs, in part written by himself, and dictated to me and to his nephew William Ozias Humphrey.”’ ** It was the possession of these Original Letters, given to me by my Godfather, Ozias Humphrey, that first stimulated me to collect others; and thus the foundation _ was laid for the numerous series of autographs, I may say almost unique, which at this time are in my possession. “ Wiiiiam Urcorr.” “ Islington, 102, Upper-street, Oct. 8th, 1835.” It is only necessary to add that the collection contains, besides the Original Letters of Ozias Humphrey, those of many emi- nent characters of his time. 91 HypE CorRESPONDENCE. Eight Hundred and Sixty-four Let- ters, being the Official Correspondence of HENRY HYDE, second EARL OF CLARENDON, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, of his brother, LAWRENCE HypE, EARL OF ROCHESTER, containing minute particulars cf eveuts relating to the Re- volution in 1688, and of LoRD CorNBuRY, Governor of New York ; including a collection of unpublished State Docu- ments and other Papers connected with Ireland and of New York in 1705 Two portraits unbound Nine Letters of James, Duke of York, Narcissus, Archbp. of afterwards James II. Dublin Lords Justices Letters of William, Prince of Orange, Marquis of Drogheda of Ireland. afterwards William ILI. Lord Mount Alexander Duke of Queensberrie. Henry Fagel. Sir Nicholas Harbord. James, Earl of Abingdon. Duke and Duchess of Beaufort. Dr. John Fell, Bishop of Oxford. Dr. J. Trelawney, Bishop of Bristol, James Butler, Duke of Ormond. 1685. George, Earl of Dartmouth. Earl and Couutess of Burlington. William Bentinck. _ Thomas, Earl of Danby. Earl of Ossory. Henry Capell. Henry, Duke of Newcastle. _ Frances, Duchess of Richmond and Sir Palmer Fairburne. Lennox. Earl of Kendall, 1692. _ Archbishop of York. Charles. Earl of Berkeley. Sir William Temple. Lord Cutts. Hugh, Lord Clifford. William Selwyn. Sir Allan Broderick. Duke of Shrewsbury. Henry, Earl of Antrim. James Vernon. John Methuen. Sir Thomas Erle. o) i> — -t— PF! ines 3 E «dS Ss Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upeott, Esq. G _ 2 3°. 92 Hype (ANNE) Pocket Memorandum Book, small oblong 8vo, | | in a curious stamped gilt binding. | It contains names of her relations, friends, books she desired ) to possess, &c. it i a 4 ce id| 93 InpIA. Case of Ozias Humphrey respecting his Concerns with | | the Court of Oude in 1786, with several Original Letters | | ) and Negotiations relating to the same | 4 : 94 IRELAND (Sam.) History of the Inns of Court, original ma- | nuscript , ‘ 4to / Zé ~ 95 TRELAND (S.) The Flitch of Bacon; an Opera, taken from the | well-known story as recorded in the Spectator, Nos. 607 and 608; by Samuel Ireland. Prefixed to which are twenty-three Letters, or drafts of Letters, on the subject of this dramatic piece, by the Author, Geo, Colman, Tho. Hull, of Covent Garden Theatre; Tho. King, Comedian, R. B. Sheridan, and Tho. Snagg Wilks, of the Dublin Theatre, from 1766 to 1780, morocco, by Hering Ato ~ 34 96 IRELAND (J.) Journal, containing his Journeys in various Parts of England : : 8vo 2 ~ 97 IRELAND (S.) Journal of his Tour in France in 1791 8vo | / 4 6 98 IRELAND (S.) Miscellaneous Collections relating to George Steevens, Shakspeare, &c. ;also various Drawings of Views, Antiquities, Costume, &c. in a 4to volume. — /@-- 99 TRELAND (Sam.) Annotations on the Shaksperian MSS. in an- ) a swer to Edmund Malone, written by Samuel Ireland, inter- spersed with original Letters by W. Crowe, Sir Isaac Heard, Sir James Bland Burges, Mr. Beltz, and Geo. Hardinge. Also a Vocabulary, compiled from the Shrews- 1 | bury MSS. in the College of Arms, half bound russia fol. - ee V| ~ 100 IRELAND (S.) Copies of Documents printed in the “ Miscella- — | | neous Papers and Legal Instruments of W. Shakspeare,” | eS with other Correspondences never published, in the hand- | ) writing of Samuel Ireland, half bound russia Ato 4 ~| 101 IRELAND (S.) History of the Inns of Court. The original Mas | 5 | | nuscript in his own handwriting, wnbound 4to. | - V1- 102 IRELAND (W. H.) “Transcript of the Tragedy of King Lear, pe ee copied verbatim et literatim, from the spurious MS. given ae oe in by me to my father, by my eldest sister, then Anna | Tae Maria Ireland, now Mrs. Barnard. W. H. Ireland, 28th: | ) | : Feb. 1824.” Half bound russia \ fol. pf $ : ______ Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 19 /. 103 IRELAND (W. H.) Two Transcripts of the Play of Vortigern, _ taken from the supposed Shakspeare Manuscript, the first i written by his mother, and the second by his sister, Anna | Maria Ireland, half bound russia fol. i 07-104 Transcripts of Vortigern, with Annotations by Samuel Ireland, | father of William Henry Ireland; the first MS. being in his hand-writing ; the second, from the pen of his daughter | Jane; and the third, written by Mrs. Ireland, with the fol- . lowing note by R. B. Sheridan to Mr. Greenwood, scene- ; painter. “Sir, I wish you to forward the scenery of Vor- tigern as speedily as possible: it is certainly to be repre- — sented at D. L. Theatre, and that without delay. Nov. | 18th.” 222 pages, half bound russia 4to ! | My 105 IRELAND (W. H ) Henry the Second. “My own Transcript { of the Play of Henry the Second, from which I intended to | make a Transcript in the disguised hand, imitating Shaks- . peare’s signature. 28th February, 1824.” 54 pages, half | bound russia : ; fol. yy 106 JENKINS CORRESPONDENCE. Series of Two Hundred and Forty-nine Duplicate Letters, dated from 3rd Jan. to 28th | Nov. 1678, written or signed by SiR LEOLINE JENKINS, Ambassador for the General Peace at Cologne and Nime- | guen, and addressed to Lawrence Hyde, afterwards Karl of ; Rochester: also Copies of Letters NOT PRINTED IN THE MEMOIRS OF Sir L. JENKINS, edited by W. Wynne, in | 2 vols. folio, 1724. Together with the Original Instruc- tions given on the 12th August, and Additional Instructions, countersigned Henry Coventry, dated 26th of the same month, signed and in part written by King Charles II. Also | the ORIGINAL TREATY in Latin, with the signatures and | seals of Lawrence Hyde, our Ambassador, and eight Dutch and other official persons, viz W. Van Genekelom, D. . Van Wyngaerde, Gasp. Fagel, Je. Mauregnault. John Baron | de Reede, Er. Boothmahl, Barode Pallant, G. Gruys. On inquiry at the State-Paper Office, no copy of this Treaty is found to be de- posited there. ; 107 KNOWLER FAMILY, various Old Papers relating to ; also various Receipts and other Papers respecting the Treasury during the seventeenth and eighteenth Centuries. 108 Koran. A very Elegant Manuscript in Arabic, 8vo, in the Original Oriental Binding. D Dated the Hague # peeve" 1677-8, 2 vol. blue morocco fol. V4 —— eee ee 20 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. [ 4 t_| 109 LANCASHIRE. Original Communications and Correspondence | to the Privy Conncil and Board of Health, respecting the | | cleaning, ventilating, and management of various places | in Lancashir e, unbound. | It contains Letters of various Official Persons and Clergymen. ~ Z| 110 Lecat Forms. XVIIIth Century fol. a Za 4 111 LELAND (JOHN) various Notes and Memoranda relating to English Antiquities; written in Latin, by John Leland, | Antiquary to King Henry VIII, in his own hand: writing, | with an Original Letter by hint. addressed 7'o my frende | Master Bane, Studient in Londine fol. . “This MS. did once belong to Sir Henry St. sean: and is mentioned in the MSS. of England and Ireland, (Ox. 1697, ol.) page 112, No. 4230. / /... 112 LETTERS of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries; many of | great Interest on Public Events; several from the Sidney | and Huygens Collections; many relating to the City of Norfolk during the Civil War. on Ws) 14 113 LisTER (MARTIN) Natural History of Insects, from Goedartius, &e. with a few Pen and Ink Drawings 4to *,* This Manuscript is from the Collection of Ralph Thoresby, who has inserted at the commencement an autograph Letter from Lister to himself. eae ba yi 114 Lonpon. Letters and Papers, printed and Manuscript, re- lating to Elections for Civic Officers, principally for the Ward of Farringdon Without. Also some private Cor- respondence, from the Collection of one of the Common Council / / -- 115 Lonpon. An extensive Collection of Letters of Lord Mayors | | and Aldermen and Sheriffs of London, and other public | Characters of the City. Jt includes original pardons of convicts, signed by George III, and George Prince Regent i gd .- 116 Lowman (Mosss) A Rationale of the Hebrew worship ; also | | several UNPUBLISHED WRITINGS by the same learned Author, a large parcel, unbound : Ato 4 Ld _— 117 LucRETIUS de Rerum Natura: books iii, iv, v, vi. Translated into Verse by John Evelyn; being the continuation of this Poem ; the first book of which he originally printed in bs. | 1656; a MS. wholly in his own hand-writing, blue morocco . Ato . |r “118 MACKINTOSH (SIR JAMES) Sketch of a Plan for a new edition of the British Poets, not signed, folio sheet, curious and interesting —_,.._. Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. Qi MAINTENON. Copies of a Series of unpublished Letters, | written between the years 1690 and 1716; addressed to Madame de Maintenon, from Pope Alexander VIII, Louis XIV, Philip V of Spain and his Queen, James II, and Queen Mary of Este; Cardinales de Noailles, d’Estrées, et de la Tremouille, Fenelon, Bourdaloue, and others: with an account of a Visit fromthe Czar Peter. Likewise Copies of Letters from Madame de Maintenon to Madame de Rouchechouart, 297 pages, beautifully written and ruled with red lines, French blue morocco. From the Lamognon Collection ; Ato til. 2? MALONE (Edmond) Notes of Cases : 1763-1767 (121 MALonE (Edmond) Memorandum Book for his edition of | Shakspeare, 12mo—Brooke (Arthur) Romeo and Juliet, a ) Poem, transcribed by Mr. Malone, 4to j,, 122 MANDATE of Maria Teresa Louvain, Empress of Austria, cae creating Leopold Grad Abbot of Park, most beautifully 42. | written on vellum, with the Arms splendidly emblazoned : . signature of Maria Teresa original velvet binding fol. ii Lo (123 MARINAR (F. ANTON.) The Consonance of Jesus Christ and | the Prophets, translated by Sam. Bethell. Dedication manuscript, dated from Ballingham Diy y/ 124 MEMORANDUM BOOK of John Winter, containing Receipts ; signed by various persons, 1694-1705; and other Manu- script Memorandum Books ted \25 Illuminated MINIATURES of the Passion of Christ, from a French manuscript of the fourteenth century LU. iss MIRROR OF POLICIE of the XVIth century 4:to Jil. 127 MISCELLANEOUS. Measures and Burthens of his Majesties | Ships, 1633—Deed of William Fastolff, of Dunmow, 20. Edward IV—Certificate of the Arms of Sir Patrick Grant, Bart, 1753, &c.; and Impressions of Seals of Elizabeth ’ and James I _— 128 MISCELLANEOUS Manuscripts. Art of Graving—List of Ano- nymous Portraits, with names of the persons; and others; 7 vol. : 8vo and 12mo (7, 129 MISCELLANEOUS. Letter from a Gentleman at Buxton, 1791 —Speech of G. Canning—Copies of Letters of L. R. to Mr. Laurence Kirby, 1695; &c. fol. | 422.130 MISCELLANEOUS. Origin of the Society of Antiquaries of © Scotland—Catalogue of a Collection of Ancient Coins—_ Account of Mr. Beckwell’s Farm at Dishley, Leicester- shire, 1775; and others - 4to a 22 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upeott, Esq. — q _t nie ef ae 131 MISCELLANEOUS. Old Wills, Inventories, Law Papers, &c. B | | principally of the eighteenth century (Le — ParA 132 MISCELLANEOUS. Certificates of Burial, old Passports, and | i | other old Papers, with some Letters, chiefly of the last ,_ century cz | / 183 Mo.inus. Oratio habita ad Imperatorum Fredericum tertium — per me Petrum Molinum, xxx Noy. 1468 4to ( i He was Ambassador to the Emperor from the Republic of Ve- nice. The volume contains some other Orations. | } | = ~ of . 134 Morpaunt. The Household Account Book of Thomas Wes- ton with the Viscountess Mordaunt, from November 30, © 1678, to December 25, 1682, bound in russia 4to ey ~ J°..135 Murpay (A.) Papers concerning Literary Property, chiefly in the hand-writing of Arthur Murphy ; viz. A Bill to amend an Act passed in the 8th of the reign of Anne, for investing the copies of Books in the authors or purchasers; drawnup by A.Murphy. 1734—5 A Bill, for the better securing the payment of the Drawback of the Duties for Paper used in Printing Books in Foreign Languages, within the two Universities — of Oxford and Cambridge, by Murphy ; called “Swift’s Bill.” 1737. H Miller, Bookseller, versus Taylor, for having pirated an Edition of Thomson’s — Seasons, 1768; by the same, it An Article on the term, ‘* Literary Property,’’ by Arthur Murphy.—Folio; unbound. — i . ~ J”. 136 Music. Collections for a History of Music—Biography of | Eminent Composers—Account of Musical Instruments ; and particular Account of the Music of the North of Eu-— rope. A large Manuscript unbound, equal to 3 vol. fol. | yd fi) .~ \37 NATALI. Seventy-nine Letters from 1647 to 1714, addressed | to the Rev. Father Natali Alexander, of the Order of St. Dominick, and Doctor of the Sorbonne, from fourteen { ae purple morocco, with joints ‘ Ato =< 5 Mediterranean in the year 1704, an original manuscript fol. — 26 189 Navy. Various old Papers relating to the Navy. Alsothe Official Correspondence of Vice-Admiral Mitchell, con- sisting of Letters of the Prince of Orange, Count Woron- | 138 Navy. Narration of Sir George Rooke’s transactions in ae : zow, Henry Dundas, &c. 7 c- | Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 28 cuments, forming a portion of the Papers of Admiral Sir John Norris, of BRITISH NAVAL OFFICERS, from the year 1652 to 1826; chronologically arranged, and illustrated with 87 Portraits, 4 vol. half bound russia fol. The following Names, well known in the Naval Annals of our Country, occur in these volumes :— W. Blake. Ric. Lestock. Sir Cha, Knowles. Sir R. Curtis. Adm. W. Penn. Sir Ch. Wager. Sir Peter Warren. Nelson _ Prince Rupert. ‘W. Montagu. Cha. Watson. Sir Sidney Smith. Gen. Monk. Sir P. Mews. A. Keppel. Sir Home Popham. James II. Elliot Elliott. Lord Hawke. Sir Thomas Trow- Sam. Pepys. Phil. Saumarez. Lord Howe. bridge. Earl of Pembroke. Lord Anson. Lord Hood. Sir R. Keats. _ Lord Carhery. Sir Cha.Saunders. Lord Gardner. Sir R. Calder. Sir G. Rooke. Sandwich. Sir Hyde Parker. Lord Cochrane. Sir G. Byng. Henry Legge. W. Hotham. Sir J. L. Yeo. Edw. Earl of Or- J. Byng, who was W. Cornwallis. St. Vincent. ford. shot. Lord Keith. Capt. Bligh, ZA ee, Td Z 2. | Sir J. Norris. 141 NOBLE (MaRK) Miscellaneous Pedigrees, loose in a wrapper 142 OcKLEY (REy. StMon) A Series of twenty-two original Let- ters addressed to him on Literary Subjects, from Francis Lee, Tho. Haywood, T. Mangey, editor of Josephus, John Gagnier, C. Gardiner, Ja. Keith *,* S. Ockley was Professor of Arabic in the University of Cam- bridge, and is well known by his History of the Saracens. 143 ORME (ROBERT) Author of “History of Indostan,” a Collec- tion of his own Manuscripts and Papers, concerning the Mogul Empire, unbound ; fol. and 4to 144, PHILLIPS (JOHN) Catalogue of Mystical Books, with autograph letter inserted, morocco, gilt leaves 4to 145 PICTURES. Catalogues of the various Auction Sales of Pictures and Articles of Virtu from 1726to 1757, neatly transcribed into 2 volumes folio, with the Prices and names of Pur- chasers : fol. 146 POETRY. Transcripts of Old English Poetry, chiefly of the Age of Elizabeth, in the hand-writing of the late Joseph Haslewood, unbound, in a portfolio, with a Vocabulary of Poetical terms, by Mr. Haslewood, and Collections for a Vocabulary of Scottish Words Ato 147 Poetry. A Collection of Poetry, principally of the seventeenth century, written in various hands ; some of them Original, with names of the Authors; some satirical. Among them oceurs “ The Lie,” ascribed to Sir Walter Raleigh, with m more Stanzas than have been printed; Political Poems of the time of Charles I, &c.; a curious article from the Evelyn Collection. | V | 140 Navy. Five Hundred and Thirty-five Letters and public Do- | | f | Zhe fac tren 24 Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. _ 4148 Poems of the Times of Charles I and II, by Jasper Maine, T. | | Winnard, Christ. Wase, Hen. Newton, W. Wyatt, &c. in a _ good hand : . 4to ‘¢ | | tt x aa (149 Poetry. A Collection of Fugitive Poems of the last and pre- | sent century, Political Amatory, &c.; many of them auto- i A: . graph, unbound i _. 3 150 Porems Miscellaneous E ; 4to A *, “This Manuscript belonged to the facetious Captain Francis Grose, a portion of which is in his own hand-writing. H é W. Upcott.” \ j ~~ Z ; _ & ~151 PRECEDENCY of the Peerage of England. Description of some of | the Pictures in the Gallery at Whitehall. A small Manu-— script of the latter part of the XVIIth century, in the ori-— ginal inlaid morocco binding, very richly and elaborately tooled within and without. i } k ; } /@-~ 152 Port Roya. Relation, contenant les Lettres que les Reli- — gieuses de Port Royal ont ecrites pendant les dix mois — qu’elles furent enfermées sous l’authorité de la Mére Eu- | genie, 1664, legibly copied, 722 pages, French morocco, — by De Rome “ : - 4to : / - 153 PRIDEAUX (HuMPBREY) Hebrew Grammar, autograph 12mo i : ~ / $154 Primart (Rev. HumMPHREY) Memoranda Book 4to _ 2 155 Quint (HUMBERTI) Magistri Ordinis Predicatorum Epistole e | de tribus essencialibus religionis et aliis virtutibus eisdem — annexis, of the XV Century small 8vo ¢ _ /g 156 RALEIGH. The Arraignement of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, © at Winchester, on Thursday, the 18th of Nov. 1603, before © the Earl of Suffolke, Earl of Devonshire, Lord Henry Howard, Lord Cecil, Lord Wotton, Sir Jo. Stanhope, &c. with verses saidto be written by him the morning on which he suffered, half bound morocco fol. CG . 2€157 RampBiine Tom; Four Satyrs, written in July and August, f 1687 ’ : 4to Z 6158 REED (Isaac) Pocket Memorandum Books of the cost of his Books, commencing Jan. 4, 1761, ending December 27, 1774; collected and bound in a 4to volume. “| _ 4 — 159 REED (Isaac) Obituary of English Poets, 1618-1714 8vo C _~ . § ~ 160 Rupp. Depositions and Papers in the case of Mrs. Rudd and | 4 the Perreaus. Also Papers relating to the Riots respecting _ Queen Caroline, 1821 ; Letter of H. Fauntleroy, the Banker, and various Papers relating to his case. 25 Les causes et les admirable effets des Meteores, Poeme. Original Dedication Manuscript to the President H Fouquet, with his arms on the cover. Jt is written in a } beautiful hand, and ornamented with head and tail pieces of flowers in colours : : 4to Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 161 St. MARTIN. 62 ScRAP-Book of Manuscript and Printed Collections and Cuttings, | pasted into an 8vo volume Le 163 SHEBBEARE (Dr. JOHN) Letters written during a Tour in France — | and elsewhere in 1752. UNPUBLISHED *,* The Author was a Political Writer and Novellist of some emi- nence in the middle of the last Century. His Letters to the People of England occasioned his being set in the Pillory 164 SHENSTONE (WILLIAM). The Snuff-Box; an Original un- dcr printed Poem, in his own hand-writing. From the Collec- | tion of Isaac Reed, half bound 8vo , 165 SHROPSHIRE AND WARWICKSHIRE. Probates of Wills and other ventry, 1721-1779. | Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Courts in Salop and Co- | 5 PHILIP SYDNEY and various branches of his family : from Frances Sydney, Countess of Sussex, Foundress of Sydney Sussex College. Sir Thomas Conyngsby Dorothy Sydney Lucy Sidney Lucy, Lady Carlisle i Sir Henry Sidney, father of Sir Philip 1 Mary Sidney, his mother - Lord Lisle, his brother _ Earl of Leycester _ Elizabeth, Countess of Leycester _ Lord Cranborne, son of William, Lord ! Burleigh Earl of Ormond _ Algernon, Earl of Northumberland Sir John Temple _ Earl of Danby Robert, Earl of Leicester, father of Algernon Sidney Earl of Rutland Jo. Sturmius N. Bond, Pres. Mag. Coll. Ox. 1606 Ear! of Bedford, 1610 Thomas Adams | Sir William Fitzwilliams Ear] of Thanet _ Thomas, Earl of Sussex Earl of Pembroke _ Theophilus Banosius Henry Winston unbound folio . 167 SLINnGsBy (Sir HENRY) Memoirs during the Civil War. Tran- script, by Malone : : 8vo Al 168 SOMERVILLE (WILLIAM) The Wicker Chair ;a Burlesque Poem in Blank Verse, in his own hand-writing. 47 pages, in- fol. 69 SouTH SEA Funps. An extensive Collection of Official Papers relating to the South-Sea House, consisting of Warrants for receiving Dividends, signed by eminent Persons, and other Official Documents. cluding seven pages of preface til 166 SIDNEY CORRESPONDENCE. Sixty-six Letters addressed to Sir — f \f4 — SG = 26 = Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. a 170 A SPANISH JOURNALL, 1623, im verse ; 4to From the Evelyn collection. It is a relation of a Voyage to ZZ H ; Spain, and Journey to Madrid. . $ ¥ E ; a I “ ; : + | 171 SpELMAN (Sir Henry) Archaismus Graphicus. Transcript by” Rogers Ruding : . 8vo Gi It is a Dictionary of the abbreviated Words and Marks in H 4 ancient Latin Manuscripts. 1 i} 172 SPENCER (CHARLES LorD) Dissertatio an in Deditos qui inutile | # defensione (quqm omni spe auxilii spe destitute essent) © nobis negotie facesserunt sevire liceat, 1690 i blue morocco : : 4to Al *,* Autograph, with an original Letter, transmitting it to Evelyn. — q «‘T have the confidence, to send you here, a rough and unpo- 1 a lished, torn and ragged dissertation made up of some of our — Althrop Conversations.” t| — 173 SraTeE LETTERS and Papers from various Princes to Queen — Caroline and Frederic Prince of Wales, official copies (4a 174 STATE PAPERS, &c. One Hundred and Four Original Letters © written during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Philip and Mary, Elizabeth, and James the First, many of which are official, and addressed to SiR FRANCIS WAL- SINGHAM and LorD BURLEIGH, 1533 to 1620. The most A distinguished are from . | | | - ; Sir Walter Mildmay Sir Thos. Wylson, Sec. to Queen Eliza-— Oliver St. John to Sir W. More beth i Sir Arthur Henyngham Sir George Carey, 1593 1 4 Four of Sir Arthur Crewe Thirteen of Thomas Wylkes, 1586 ij @ Sir James Dyer, 1564 Harry Vyvyan, Vice-Admiral of Corn- Sir Edward Hoby wall | & Sir William Borlace Will of Sir Christ. Parkins, 1620 i 4 — Ss. Twelve Letters from Robert Beale, Clerk of the Privy Coun- cil for the Queen’s Offices in Holland, to Secretary Wal- singham . The Names of such persons taken in Warwickshire and Wor- | cestershire, as were brought to London on account of the Gunpowder Plot, half bound in russia fol. ) 4 : . i Sir Dudley Carleton | | 175 STATE PAPERS, &c. A Volume containing Fifty-seven MIs- CELLANEOUS PAPERS AND LETTERS, from the years 1563 to 1757, some of which were collected by John Evelyn half bound russia : : fol. Amongst which may be enumerated, A Foundacion for Prebendaries, for Warwyck. Parcell of the Possessions of John late Duke of Northumberland, 1533. This paper is thus endorsed by John Evelyn. ‘The same, I thinke, who shot himselfe in the ‘Tower of London, where he was prisner.”” ____ Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 27 if Part of the Accompts of Robert Earl of Leycester, 1569. ‘ . Copy of a Letter, in his own hand-writing, from George Talbot, Earl of Shrews- | : bury, to the Queen, touching the Lady Arabella: 30th April, 1584, i The several Petitions of the Baye Makers, and Merchant Strangers of London, to — Lord Burleigh ; 4th September, 1595. An old Copy, in French, of the Marriage Contract between Henrietta Maria with — Charles the First; dated Bourbon, 8th May, 1625. Copy of a Petition of John Earl of Bristol, 1626. William Prynne’s Report from the Committee of Religion; May 24th, 1628. Copies of Letters of Generals Lesley and Claneboys to the Earl of Leycester, when _ Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. Copy of a Memorial presented to Charles the First, from the Prince Elector Pala- tine, by Sir Richard Cave. Yt. 176 STATE PAPERS. Discourse of the Duke of Norfolk’s Arrange- ment, 1571, and various old Papers fol. |. IS? re a27~-177 STATE PAPERS (FOREIGN). RECUEIL DES AUTOGRAPHES DES | HOMMES ILLUSTRES, from 1260 to 1740, on vellum. | Among which are the following, viz. ie | oat Letter of Protection given by Raymond Vicomte de Turenne, to P. Bonafos, Knight. Dated 1260. . A Receipt given by the Duke of Normandy, in 1356. Sealed and authenticated _ **par Monsieur le Duc et Gouverneur.” A Printed Form of Absolution, granted by Pope Leo X to Anne Duchess of Bour- | bon. Dated 1515. : _ An Authorization signed by Louis de Rehan, 1534, that Jehan Dassi might exer-— cise the business of butcher. ; Signature of Jacques de Foyx, Bishop and Abbot of Foyx, toa Deed relative to his 5 1537. An Act of Partition of certain Lands, between the Dame Louise, and Francois, Charles, Georges, and Claude de la Tremouille, signed by Louis de Bucel, Comte de Sancerre, 1550. An Account of the expenses of the Stables of Henry IV, during the Month of May, 1594, signed by the Master of the Horse. . A Brief of the Pope Innocent XIII, authenticated and countersigned by the Car-_ dinal Minister, 1722. Grant of Arms to Claude de Massary and to his Issue, on being ennobled: with the | Arms emblazoned. Signed by Louis d’Hozier, Juge d’ Armes. Dated July, 1742. | Bull of Indulgence granted by Pope Benedict XIV. russia, with ornamented compartments and leather joints fol. | Zz< 178 STAVELY (THOMAS) The History and Antiquities of the An-- cient Town and once Citty of Leicester, by Thomas Stavely, | Steward of the Borough of Leicester. From the Collection | of Dr. Richard Farmer, 128 pages ; Ato id. 179 SrruTT (JosEPH) Ten Centuries of Aphorisms, Religious and | | Moral : ; 8vo _*,* This is a copy of Whichcot’s Moral and Religious Aphorisms, | edition of 1703, corrected and revised for a new edition, with | considerable additions. ! ; : Ai 180 STUKELEY (W.) Domus Patriarchalis, or the Origin of He- | brew Letters, (whence all others are deduced, ) from the , manner and furniture of the houses in most ancient times. | } A very fair MS. in his own hand; dedicated to Queen | | Caroline. Illustrated with nine Indian-ink Drawings by | the author, morocco by Hering Ato E i\ eet | A \- J ts ~/2 ~ 183 THEATRES ROYAL. Copies of Petitions from Charles Killi- - . 2 G,184 THEATRICAL. Papers respecting the Petition for erecting the LG —— _. 182 THEATRES Roya. Thirty-six Original Title Deeds, Leases, Ale 28 Manuscripts. § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. -/181 TAYLOR (JOHN, the Water Poet) The Suddaine Turne of Fortune’s Wheel; or, a Conference holden in the Castle of St. Angelo, betwixt the Pope, the Emperour, and the King of Spaine, 1631. Modern Transeript, from the Fillingham and Hill Collections, half bound Ato | Mortgages, Agreements and Assignments of the Theatres in Lincoln’s Inn Fields, Salisbury Court, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden, from the year 1660 to 1760; witnessed and signed by Thomas Betterton, Sir William D’Avenant, Charles and Alexander D’Avenant, John Rich, Henry Rich, and Thomas Brandon. Upon parchment, and de- posited in three folio cases, bownd in russia leather grew, Lord Guilford, Dame Alice Brownlow, Christopher Rice, Charles Davenant, William Collier, and others, 1709; with the Replies of the Attorney and Solicitor Ge- nerals. Also a Petition of Comedians under the Patentees © at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane:—“ Faithfully tran- | scribed from MSS. in the possession of Isaac Reed, of Staples Inn, by me, John Philip Kemble,” in June 1793, during his residence at Turnham Green purple morocco, by Hering : 4to Royalty Theatre, &c. 185 THORESBY (RALPH). Letters addressed to Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S., and Author of the “ Topography of the Town and Parish of Leeds,” comprising a Correspondence of fifty years, with some of the most eminent Literary Characters and Nonconformists of his time, from 1679 to 1723. Such as, R. Stretton Philip Lord Wharton Oliver Heywood Archb. Shar Jas. Boyse Bishop Nicolson Dr. Hen. Sampson Dr. Tho. G q Dr. Edm. Gibson Dr. Obad. Walker W. Tong Edm, Hickoringill Fr. Tallents Matt. Henry Rev. Jno.Strype Tho, Hearne Dr. Woodward _ Dr. Geo. Hickes Hans Sloane Rev. N. Hough Roger Gale White Kennett Dr. Charlett Rev. C. Daubuz with Copy Book of his own Letters. . Also his Diary and his Album, containing Signatures of | I eminent Persons who visited his Museum; and Catalogues of his Library and Museum. *,* It is seldom that a series of Literary Correspondence of nae extent and interest as the present occurs for Sale. They | are contained in | vol. folio, bound, 2 vol. 4to, and 5 vol. 8vo, with a vast body of unbound correspondence, gabiclent to make three additional volumes in folio. Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Hsq. 29 THUCYDIDES ; abridged and translated by the unfortunate William Dodd, D.D., when at Clare Hall, Cambridge, | which he began June 16, 1746, and finished April 4, 1747, | with his signature on several pages, calf gilt 4to TRADE. Letter relating to a Council of Trade, 1705 8vo TouR into Lancashire, Yorkshire, &c. 1810 UpcottT (William) Collations of rare old English books, old | Chronicles, Romances, Heraldic Books, first Shakespear, ) UpcotTt (William) Alphabetical se of a very extensive | Urcorr (William) List of Royal and Noble Authors ) UpcoTtT (William) A collection of Essays on the state of the Provincial Copper Coinage of Great Britain issued between _ the years 1786 and 1799, containing some useful Hints to | Collectors with respect to the Tokens as well as the Mode | of arrangement in the Cabinet . 8vo lections of Catalogues of Libraries, Prints, Coins, Curiosi- ties, &c. 2 vol. ; fol. : 194 UrcortT (WILLIAM) Collections for a complete Bibliogr aphy of | British Topography ; consisting of Titles and Collations of | every work relating to the Topography and County His- tory, of all the English, Scotch, and Irish Shires, Pro-_ lg vinces, and Counties. *,* This was intended for a Publication by Mr. Upcott, as a Sup- | plement to his Bibliotheca. It may be considered as far ad- vanced towards completion, and with very little labour might be made ready for the Press. VALENTINUS (BASILIUS). A Revelation of Secret Manualls ; | an Alchemical Manuscript, from the Evelyn Collection, | half bound blue morocco - 4to | VERTUE (GEORGE) Catalogue of a Collection of Engraved British Portraits ; : oblong 8vo VECTURIA. In Laudem Vecturize Domus Patavii MCCCCLXXV, in a hand of the time : é Ato ) VIRGINITATE. [ ]adK. virginem sacratam claustralem de | virginitate et religione servandi paterna spiritualis exhortatio. | Of the XVth century, UPON VELLUM Ato | It is in the Italian language. The name of the author has | been purposely obliterated. a &e. : ; fol. & | Collection of Books : 4to | Z YL. 193 Urcorr (William) Catalogue of his Library and of his Col- |. : : ~_ f Lt Ae ots te ae oe a are alate Ast. 80 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upeott, Esq. £4 -| 199 ‘VoLTAIRE, La Pucelle d’Orleans; a Manuscript Copy, with 3 marginal and interlineary Notes by the author, 1755. From the Royal Library, Versailles, bound in green vellum . : : folio 200 WALLIS (John, D.D.) A small Pocket Book, or Manual, written before 1640. It contains Arithmetical and Geo- metrical memoranda, with Diagrams, small oblong 12mo. 201 WALLIS (John, D.D.) Pocket Book, containing Astronomical | and Mathematical Calculations, Tables, &c., in the original morocco binding ; , 12mo 202 WELLS (Mrs. Actress) Memoirs of her own Life, the Original Manuscript, ; ; . 4to 203 WESTMINSTER. Original Correspondence concerning remark- able localities in the city of Westiminster—Letters of George Chalmers, Sir N. Carlisle, &c. 7 204 WILLIS (Browne, LL.D.) One Hundred and Thirty-eight Letters to Dr. Andrew Coltee Ducarel; the Rev. Dr. Zachary Grey, Editor of Hudibras, and the Rev. Geo. North, of Coddicote; from the Rev. Francis Wise, John Gibberd, Rev. Wm. Cole, and John Willis, his brother. Likewise a printed Memoir of Dr. Browne Willis, by the late John Nichols; also a Biographical Account of him read before the Society of Antiquaries, and a MS. Index to- 4 the whole, by Dr. Ducarel. With four Engravings, 4to 205 WORSLEY CORRESPONDENCE. Two Hundred and Eighty Official Letters and Despatches addressed to HENRY WORSLEY, during his Embassy at the Court of Portugal, | from 1714 to 1722; including James, first Earlof Stanhope, Secretary Sir George Byng of State, 1714 J. Burchett, Secretary to the Ad- Charles. Viscount Townshend miralty Paul Methuen Joseph Addison Alex, Cunningham W. Stanhope Richard Congreve James Craggs George Bubb (Doddington) Thomas Tickell Sir George Cornwall John, Lord Carteret ‘¢ This volume, with several other effects belonging to Sir Richard Worsley, Bart., his Majesty’s Resident at Venice, was captured on board an English vessel bound : ; : a. : Fr oem — : : to London in the year 1800, by a French Privateer, and carried into this port, where the whole property was condemned and sold. It this day fell into my hands by pur- chase from the person to whom it was originally adjudicated. bees Malaga, Nov. 8, 1805. Duncan SHaw.” with four Portraits, bound in blue morocco ___ folio 206 Wricut (E.) Diary, 1709-17. It contains notices of Public, Local, and Domestic Occurrences. — ——————— ee mmonmnnamnsts sn a a ; : | : i } _____ Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 31 207 YorK Frederick Augustus,-Duke of ) Characters of Kings anal | | | other Illustrious Men, taken from the English History. In the hand-writing of the Duke, with his signature in two several places, 1777 : , 4to ~lele 208 YORKSHIRE. Ten Old Deeds relating to York, Beverley, &c., of the sixteenth Century ; some with Seals. el Be AC LNs Sh G). iF xis A nee = ; SECOND DAY’S SALE. ee : AUTOGRAPHS. . iLor | | l e-| 209 FRENCH SOVEREIGNS. Charles V, as Duke of Normandy, | signature to a Grant, 1362; Charles VIII, ditto, 1491; Henry, King of Navarre, Francis I, Charles IX, signa- | tures “Wau Li 210 Henry IV Signature—Marie de Medicis, his Queen, a Letter— | Louis XIII, Lonis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Signatures 2A ‘Bais to Documents ein eden NI NAPOLEON, as First Consul. Ditto, as Emperor, from Wilna, and from Moscow, 1812—Portion of Las Casas’ Life of | _ Napoleon, corrected by the latter at St. Helena—Marie _ Louise as Regent, and various Papers relating to the Wy, ll Buonaparte family ff a es Ya 212 Bourson. ‘Letters and Signatures of various Princes of the ire House of Bourbon: Jehanne de Bourbon, 1502—Francis ft de Bourbon, 1526—Phillippe, Duke of Orleans, to the Queen of England, asking her consent to the marriage of his daughter with the King of Spain; and various others, some to English Princes, from the Royal Archives of England 7 — - 213 LORRAINE. Letters and Signatures of various Princes of the | House of Lorraine: Henry II, 1508-— Mary of Lorraine, . Queen of James V of Scotland, 1549—Francis, Due de . Guise, killed by Poltrot, 1555—Francis, Duc de Lorraine, afterwards Emperor of Germany, Letter to Caroline, Queen of George II, announcing his Marriage with Maria Theresa, WAv- 1736; and others £2 b- | -- IS- -~G - (26- (24- | aA i : / / ~iG | / 1G eee tr 82. Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq 213 SPAIN. Letters and Documents signed by Philip I, +1567 2 14 Spain. One Hundred and Sixty-two Letters written by Spanish —Archduke Albert, 1604; Isabella, his wife, 1629— Philip IV, 1652—Charles II to Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II, 1678—Philip V—Ferdinand VII ; and various of Spanish Grandees. Generals and other public Men during the Revolution, 1808-1824, fol. unbound. Among them are, Gencrals Palafox. General Hurtado. General O*Donoju, Vice- Riego. Duq. del Infantado. roy of Mexico. Quiroga. Prince Pedro Cevallo. Mig. del, Riego. Mina. Generals Elio. Au ae Yturbide, shot in Moreno. Castanos. xico Lacy. Ant. Cornel. ines de Arguelles. 215 PorRTUGAL. Letters and Signatures of Maurise apes | Princess of Portugal, 1637-8—Philip IV, 1646; and | other Portuguese Princes 216 DENMARK. Frederick II to Sir Francis Walsingham—Chris- tian V—Frederick IV—Letter to George, Prince of Wales, 1723—Queen Anne Sophia tothe same—Christina to Queen Caroline, 1732 ad SWEDEN. JohnIII to the Prince of Orange, 1562—Charles XII | signature—Queen Ulrica Eleanora to the Prince of Wales, © 1721—Adolphus Frederick, 1768—-Gustavus 1i1—Letter — in cypher, 1786—Gustavus IV—Charles XIII, 1815 218 PoLAND. Sigismund II to Pope Julius III, 1552-—John Casi- mir to Col. Morgan, 1640—Frederick Augustus III to Queen Caroline, 1731—Stanislaus [—Marie Casimir, Queen _ 219 TURKEY, &c. Letter from Sultan Mustapha ITI to George III, in Turkish, 1769; and various other Letters and Papers of Sultans of Turkey, Deys of Algiers, &c. Letters, 1712-20—Sophia, Queen, to the same—Frederick William IV, 3806, &c. 220 PrussiA. Frederick William II to the Prince of Wales, two | es Bull of Pope Martin V in favour of John Senior, Monk of Ely Cathedral, 1423; a curious Document 292 SAVOY AND SARDINIA. Amadeus II to Queen Catherine, of Braganza, 1681—The same to the Prince of Wales, 1723— Anne, his Queen, to the Prince of Wales, 1723 295 IraLy. Alexander Farneze, Duke of Parma, giving an Ac- count of the Death of Don John, 1578—Letters of va- Queen Caroline, &c. | rious Italian Princes, addressed to George Prince of Wales, | | . ) ee penn ame GT NE lc 1 ; 4y ; 1} 1 if 1} ,° | pc| H é “L oa li of Austria, 1584—Ernest, Archduke, 1584—Charles Louis © Prince Palatine of Germany, 1644—Leopold William, 1654 | 225 BAVARIA. 226 BOHEMIA. 227 GERMANY. 28 AMERICA. __ Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. YA 294 AUSTRIA. James, King of Hungary, 1428—Charles, Archduke | . | Maximilian I, Letter to Clara Eugenia, Regent of the Low Countries, 1696—-Ferdinand, Elector to Louis XIV Frederick, King, to Louis XIII, 1622—Frederick and Count Palatine, of the Rhine, 1655—Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of James I, Letters to the States of Utrecht, in favour of a Spanish Gentleman who had em- braced the Protestant Religion, with their answer, 1649 Letters of various Princes of Saxony, Wirtemburg, Hesse, Brunswick, &c., chiefly addressed to George Prince of | Wales, and Caroline pices of George II, from the Private | Archives of the Kings of England Letter of George Washington, 1790—Letter of | . Martha Washington, his Wife, and Letters and Signatures — of Presidents J. Adams, J. Q. Adams, Madison, Monroe, Jefferson, Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler 9229 AMERICA. Letters and Signatures of various Presidents and Statesmen of the U. States Signatures of Henri Christophe, Emperor of Hayti, 1808—Jean Pierre Boyer, President, 18]18—Alex- . 230 St. DominGo. i} ander Petion, 1818 931 Letters of STATESMEN and FOREIGN PUBLIC CHARACTERS, which are, i Christoper, Archbishop of Bremen, 1551. _ Adolphus, Archbishop of Cologne, 1552. hve Lauberspine, 1588. La Noue, Le Bras de Fer. - Vincent Bouhier, Counsellor of State, I 1606. Charles Henry, F uke de Croy, 1624. Carlo de Gonzaga, Duke de Nevers, afterwards Duke of Mantua, 1627. | The Cardinal Barberini, founder of the Library at Florence, 1646. | ae de Seignelay to M. de Pomereu, -81. . Cardinal Ursinus, 1686. Duke de Lauzun, "and Charlotte his wife, | 1719. Baron de Breteuil, 1724. Mauro Foscarini, Doge of Venice, 1737. The Duke d’ Antin, ] 739. Marshall d’Estrees, to the Prince de Soubise. General satan who was guillotined, 1757 | | An Satna Document giving } the from 1488 to the present time fol. wnbound. Among The Prince de Turenne, last descendant ou the male side of the renowned House of La Tour Dauvergne, to the Prince de Soubise. Baron de Wimpffen, 1762. General Rochambeau, Commander at St. Domingo, 1762. Lamoignon, to M. de la Tour, 1762. pee de Choiseul, to the Abbé Boudot, 763. Sintilliaec de Clermont Tonnerre, the French Admiral, wbo for his miscon- duct in Canada was beheaded at Paris. Dated 1767. Prince and Duchess Dowager de Croy, 1767. Cardinal de Bernis, 1774. ems de Vergennes, to Benj. Franklin, TTA. Baron de Pahlen, the supposed murderer — of the Emperor Paul. Dated St. Petersburgh, Augnst 15, 1790. General Miranda, dated Dec. 7, 1803. Prince Mavrocordato, 1824. an account of the battle at Saint Denis, between uke of Luxembourg and the Prince of Orange. . A Document, detailing the conduct of the British and Dutch at the Battle of the Hogue in 1692, and the dreadful havoc sustained by France. | 33 ope Zi 4). = yf ad Dieta — 4 - _ 34 Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. ~—0\ peers ia reno vs oo ——— nna ~ Gen. Monk, Duke of Albe- H.Cornbary, 1665. Hen. Fairfax, 1657. male, 1665 F. Clarendon, 1697, Will. Fairfax, 1646. Ancram, 1653. Clarendon, 1685-98. Ellen Fairfax, 1620. Anglesey, 1668. Cobham, 1604. Anne Fairfax. Antrim, 1638. W. Cobham. Aletheia Fairfax, 1642. Arlington, 1677. Cottington, 1647. Mary Fairfax, afterwards Arundel and Surrey, 1644- Cranborne, 1604. Duchess of Buckingham 88. W. Craven, 1631. Charles Fairfax, 1667. - Countess of Arundel. T. Culpeper, 1666. Geo. Fairfax, 1671. Aylesbury. Danby, 1631. H. Fairfax, 1696. _ Baltimore, 1627. Danvers, 1606. Hen. Falkland, 1624. Wm. Earl of Bedford, J. Darcye, 1610-29. Lucius Falkland, 1642. 1603. Denny. Anne Fanshawe, 1695. _ Berkeley, 1704. W. Devonshire, 1671. Fauconberg, 1647. _ | F. Berkeley. G. Digbye, 1641-44. H. Fitzharding, with his Bolton, 1694. Ric. Sackvylle, 1563. Frank, 1675. A. Bristol. Tho. Dorset, 1606. Fortescue, 1603. Brouncker, 1665. Edw. Dorset, 1634, killed Galway, 1697. Brudenell. at Edgehill. Galloway, 1659. George, Duke of Buck- Richard Dorset, 1684. Guildford. ingham, 1623. R. Dungarven. J. Duke of Hamilton, 1648. | _ K. Buckingham, 1634. Ducie, 1644. Brittiana Harley, 1636 ’ John, Duke of Bucking- W. Essex, 1544. C. Hatton, 1664. A ham. R. Essex, 1643. | Denzil Holles, 1663. _ 5 Chas. Earl of Carlisle. Eliz. Essex. J. Hopton, 1641. Castlemaine, 1708. R. Eure, 1605. Ralph Hopton, 1644. 1° Chandos. W. Exeter, 1628. Arth. Hopton, 1644. 1 | Chesterfield, 1662. Ferd. Fairfax, 1616-36. Huntingdon, cirea 1550. K. Clanearty, 1691. Tho. Fairfax, 1648. Huntingdon, 1791. | Clarendon, 1653. Steph. Fairfax, 1657. 1 if 232 CHARLES Prince of Wales (Charles 1), Signature to a Pre- sentation of Lewis Winnis to the Rectory of Gedney 233 ANNE (Queen) Signature to a Treasury Order, 1717— GEORGE III Signature to a Document; two Notes of the Duke of Kent; Franks of the Dukes of Sussex and Cambridge 234. GEORGE IV. Original Copy-Book of George, Prince of Wales, | 1767 i | ot OLE he Ade 934*GEORGE IV as Prince Regent, Signature toa Document NOBILITY, STATESMEN, MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, AND PUBLIC CHARACTERS. 235 Two Hundred and Seventy-one Original Letters of ENGLISH Nosiiiry, from thereign of Henry the Eighth to Queen Anne (1544-1704), alphabetically arranged; many of which are addressed to John Evelyn, and to the Fairfax Family, viz. Vol. I, with Forty-one Portraits. ss Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. er Con i : i} ' _ Lord Knevit, 1663. _ M. Langdale, 1639. | Lenox, 1624. _ Lord Duddeley, 1564. _ Leycester, 1661. _ Lindsey, 1633. RR. Lindsey, 1662. _ Eliz. Lyncoln, 1589. _ G. Manchester, 1646-76. _ Margt. Manchester, 1638. Sir Jas. Ley, Earl of Marl- burgh, 1625-6. _ Middlesex, 1640. Hen. Carey, Earl of Mon- mouth, 1650. _ James, Duke of Monmouth. J. Duke of Monmouth, with an originalProclamation for his apprehension, 1678-85. _ Mordington, 1652. Mulgrave, 1632. _W. Mansield, afterwards Duke of Newcastle, 1625. _W. Cavendish, Duke of ___ Newcastle, 1629-34. _H. Norfolk, 1666-8. PP. Howard, afterwards Cardinal, 1670. ) Pore of the Emperor Fer- _ dinand’s letters. patent for the title of Duke of Northumberland, grant- ed to Robert Dudley, 1620. Algernon, Earl of Nor- thumberland, 1640. G. Northampton, 1687. Charles Howard, Earl of Notingham, Lord High Admir1, 1586-1610. J. Ormond and Ossory, 1638 Roger Orrery, 1670. Hen. Percy, 1647. Chas. Mordaunt, 23 Apr. 1661, ‘‘the day of his ’ Maties Coronation, when I presented him my ‘Pa- negyrick.’ J. Evelyn.” S. & i Mordaunt, 1664. Barbara Mordaunt. C. Peterborow, 1668-90. M. Portland. Romney, 1695. H. Rutland. H. Jermayn, Earl! of St. Albans, 1664-5. R. Salisbury, 1605-10. J. Savile, 1598. W. Savile, Earl of Sussex, 1637. J. Scudamore, 1660-3. J. Seymour, 1564. Edm. Sheffield, 1605. Gilbert Shrewsbury, 1597. Eliz. Shrewsbury. Cha. Duke of Shrewsbury, 1672. 35 tinued) Original Letters of English Nobility, from the Reign of Henry the Eighth to Queen Anne | {} Vol. LU, with Thirty-four Portraits. Tho. Southampton, 1663. Tho. Strafford, beheaded: as Lord Wentworth, 1634. Wn». Strafford, 1665. Cha. Brandon, Duke of | Suffolk, 1526-44. . D. Sunderland, 1643. Cha. Spencer, 1692. Anne Sunderland, 1689. G. Totness, 1605. Fra. Vere, 1601. Horace Vere, 1627-3]. Mary Vere. Rob. Warwick, 1645. Anne Warwyke, 1578. T. Wentworth, 1549. Tho. Wentworth, 1620. Geo. Wentworth, brother of Tho. Earl of Strafford, 1648, Philip Wharton, 1624. Tho. Widdrington, 1659. Rob. Willughby. T. Willughby, 1664. J. Winchester, 1660. W. Paulet, M. of Win- chester, 1552. W. Powlett, 1693. E. Worcester, 1621]. E. Wotton, 1603. R. Paston, and as R. Yarmouth, 1677. Edw. Zouche, 1621. Warrant for the raising of Men in the County of Surrey, dated Greenwich, 24th June, 1563. Signed by the following Privy Counsellors: Norfolk, North- ampton, Arundel, Pembroke, R. Duddley, EK. Clynton, W. Howard, W. Cecyll, W. Petre, J. Mason. Warrant to suppress certain Insurrections committed in the vicinity of London by | such persons as had been employed in the Wars in foreign Parts, dated | Greenwich, {7th March, 1589. Signed Charles Hatton, W. Burghley, Hunsdon, © T. Buckhurst, F. Knollys, T. Heneage, J. Fortescue, T. Perrot. - Warrant addressed to Sir Edward Hoby, Knight. Signe Robert Marl of Essex, and Thomas Lord d by Archbishop Whitgift, uckhurst, respecting a suit between the Dean of St. Paul’s and the Fellows of Brazen-nose College, Oxford. Dated from the Court of Nonesuch, near Wimbledon. 1593. ) Privy Council Warrant addressed to the Commissioners for the Musters in the | County of Norfolk, dated from Oatlands, 29th August, 1602. Signed by | Thomas E erton, Chancellor; T. Buckhurst, Notingham, E. Worcester, W. — Knollys, J. Stanhope, R. Cecyll, J. Herbert, W. Waad. | Privy Council Warrant of James the First, addressed to the Lord Carew, Master . of the Ordnance, dated Whitehall, March 22d, 1624, about the drawing up of the | oportions o Munitions for the Fleet, for Land and Sea Service. Signed by | Gesu Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury; George Villiers, Duke of Bucking- | ham (stabbed by J. Felton); H. Mandeville, Pembroke, Arundel! and Surrey, | Sir John Suckling, poet; T. Edmondes, Sir Edward Conway, Alb. Morton, | | Sir Julius Cesar. An official Dissent to certain Propositions and Bills of both Houses of the English Parliament ; prejudicial to Religion, the Crown, and the Interest of the King- i 4\3| ___ 386 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. dom. 1646. Signed Loudon, Lauderdaill, Charles Erskine, Ro. Barclay, Hect. Kennedy. Sir William Fleming’s Credential Letters from the Duke of Hamilton to Charles the Second when Prince. Dated May Ist, 1648, and signed by Hamilton, Lau- derdaill, Roxburghe, Calender, Cramond, and others. Letter addressed to Prince Charles on behalf of Sir William Fleming. Dated Edinburgh, 4th August, 1648; and signed Hamilton, Calandar, and others. An Order signed by King Charles the Second to pay unto the Lords of the | rivy Counsell and Bedchamber, and other servants named therein, the several sums mentioned, being for one Quarter’s Allowance. Dated from Breda, the 30th Way, 1650; with their signatures. Fourteen pages. And other State Documents. *,* These two volumes form a very interesting collection of Letters and Papers: they are bound in russia leather, with joints, richly tooled in compartments. 237 STATESMEN. Official Papers, Warrants, and Letters of the reigns of Edward VI to James I, with Signatures of Gar- diner, Bp. of Winchester ; Earl of Northumberland, E. Clynton, Earl of Bedford, Lord Cobham ; W. Cecill, Lord Burleigh ; N. Wotton, Robert Bowes, T. (Ratcliffe, Earl of) Sussex ; Henry (Earl of) Huntyngdon; Earl of Pembroke, ~ Leycester, E. Knollys, Wa. Mildmay, Notingham, Tho. Egerton, R. North, T. Buckhurst ( The Poet) ; G. Huns- don, J. Fortescue, Norfolk, W. Howard, Essex, E. Wor- cester, Gilb. Shrewsbury, Sir Tho. Knivett, Fulke Grevill — (the Poet); Jul. Cesar, G. Cant. (George Abbott, Abp.) and other Lords of the Council, with several portraits 238 DorsET (Thomas Earl of Dorset, the Poet) Signature to a Treasury Warrant; Lord Brouncker, Sir R. Molesworth, &c. 239 WORCESTER (Edward Somerset, Earl of Worcester) Letter to Robert Sidney, Earl of Leicester, 1625 240 PELRAGE. Seven Hundred and Sixty-three Powers of Attorney — and Warrants to receive South Sea Stock, from 1702 to 1763, signed and sealed by the greater portion of the © NoBILITY of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and their | issue, 6 vol. half bound russia ; fol. 241 PEERAGE. One Hundred and Seventy Letters of the PEERS and PEERESSES of the United Kingdom, from 1663 to 1780, alphabetically arranged, unbound 242 PEERAGE. Two Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-three Letters of the PEERS and PEERESSES of the United King- dom, from the above period to the present time, alphabeti- — cally arranged, and divided into two series, with 129 ports. 14 vol. half bound russia ‘ 4to 243 NoBILITy. A very extensive Collection of Autographs of the Nobility of the last and present Century, chiefly Signatures only, alphabetically arranged Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 37 | ) i CHESTERFIELD (Philip Stanhope, Earl of) Letter to his Son, | not signed; Verses said to be written by his Lordship + PEERS. Letters of Lords Crewe, 1784; Egerton, 1810; Loudoun, 1765; Bateman, 1772; Molyneux, 1792 ; them interesting PEERS. Signatures of Peers of the seventeenth and eighteenth Franks of the House of Lords, 1818, neatly mounted in a folio PEERS’ Orders, &c. on the Trial of Queen Caroline, 1829, PEERS. Letters of the Peers and Peeresses. Dowager Lady | Stanhope, 1792; Lord Colvill, 1775; and others, chiefly Dukes of Dorset, 1770; Rutland, 1762, &c. several of és 9 . Centuri.s, mounted in an oblong folio volume A oe volume Bras = a most complete collection fe is a | Scotch and Irish, a parcel | Hed. 250 Four Hundred and Fifty Letters of BARONETS and KNIGHTS, | ) | chiefly during the Reign of King George the Third, 3 vol. | ) g half bound russia ) : 4:to . J aa Yy~ 251 Speakers of the H. of Commons :—Fletcher Norton, E. Stables, — J. Cust, S. Compton, H. Addington, and others ; various ap. Letters | 252 Autographs and Franks of Members of the House of Commons, | 1812 to 1818, neatly pasted in a folio vol. half russia | ep ee Y,. “958 Franks. A most Extensive Collection of Franks of Members 15 of both Houses of Parliament, contained in eighteen packets, | 2 | us alphabetically arranged Je. 254 Autographs. Three volumes so lettered, containing Franks | yy 4 met ec Mz, 255 Franks, Miscellaneous, pasted in a volume Ato | ea Nai a 22+. 256 Franks, Miscellaneous, a small parcel | , | fz. 257 Nowiirry, &c. Earl of Warwick, 1648—Sir Francis Winde- cred y HT } bank, 1640—Earl of Manchester, 1670, &c. 258 Sidney Godolphin to Mr. Evelyn, 1694—Sir Stephen Fox to ie the same, 1700—Sir Edward Nicholas to Sir R. Brown, | / |Z) _ | &e. ) at Vienna, 1739, partly in cypher—Lord Carteret, 172] | | be | 259 Letters of Lord Hyndeford, 1747—:T. Robinson, Ambassador | i i tl i —Lord Waldegrave, 1730— Duke of Newcastle, 1730— | Lord Townshend, 1716—Hon. H. Legge, 1748—C, Hedges, 1704—Hon. Philip Yorke, 1748—Lord Sand- | 2 wich, 1747; and others, some with portraits | 88. Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upeott, Esq. / / «260 . Letters of W. Pulteney, 1723—Various Papers respecting | Prior’s Expences as Ambassador to France, 17]4—T. Robinson (Lord Grantham)—Lord Sandwich, 1747— J. Stanhope, 1716—Lord Temple, 1771—Lord Rock- ingham, 1771 ; and others | / — 261 Letters and Signatures of Lord Camden; C. Arbuthnot, Speaker H. C.; Warren Hastings, Sir G. Staunton, W. Wilberforce, George Rose, and various others £44. 262 Lords: Holland, 1838—Liverpool, 1805—Northesk, 1784— Digby, 1800—Hervey, 1783—Norbury, 1808, &c.; various Letters, Notes, and Franks / 7? ~ 23 Lord Ligonier, 1721—J.. Horne Tooke, 1799—Lord Grey, 1792—George Selwyn—Lord Granville, 1806—Lord North, 1782—W. Pitt, 1804—Lord Bute, 1760—C. J. Fox ; various Letters, with portraits / 3 ~ 264 Duke of Portland, 1791—Marquis of Rockingham, 1773— . Lord Townshend, 17 —Duke of Newcastle, 1748— George Granville, 1747—J. Crags, 1718—Duke of Grafton, 1766—W. Windham, &c.; various Letters, with portraits bi ct . 4 47 ~ 265 H. Walpole, 1723—H. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, 1711— Arthur Onslow, 1720—R. B. Sheridan, W. G. Hamilton, H. Grattan, 1818—Duke of Portland; various Letters, some with portraits | / § ~ 266 J. Cauning, 1808—Sir George Savile, 1780-—W. Brummell, 1780—T. Towshend, 1782—-J. Caleraft, 1758—Earl of Sunderland, 1’708— Sir P. Francis, 1780—Lord Thurlow to Mr. Pitt respecting the Debts of the Prince of Wales, very curious, not signed, &c. 4) — - ~» 267 Four Hundred and Ninety-two Letters of POLITICAL and PUB- Lic CHARACTERS, the greater part of whom have been Members of the House of Commons, alphabetically arranged, and illustrated with thirty-three portraits, 3 vol. half G. Canning. ~ Warren Hastings. Sir R. Peel, sen. | bound blue morocco 4to — C. Abbott. T. W. Coke. J. Hatsell. Sir S. Rafiles.. J. J. Angerstein. J. Corry. Fr. Horner. Sir S. Romilly. _ John Baring. J. Courtney. W. Huskisson. G. Rose. Sir Fr. Baring. R. Curwen. T. Johnes. R. B. Sheridan. _ Ald. Beckford G. Dempster. Sir J. Mackintosh. R. Wharton. Sir A. Boswell. C. J. Fox. J. Palmer. S. Whitbread. | J. Brogden. Ld.Edw. Fitzgerald. H. Parnell. W.. Wilberforce. . | Edm. Burke. Ch, Grant. Sp. Perceval. W. Windham. | Bal ____ Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 39. 268 LETTERS OF PUBLIC CHARACTERS, CHIEFLY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY ‘This second Series of Public Characters contains Three Hundred and Fifteen Letters and Twenty-one Portraits.” Neatly half bound in 2 volumes, morocco backs and corners 269 Public Characters, Peers, Members of Parliament, &c., Modern, a large parcel of Letters and Notes 70 Two Hundred and Eighty-four Letters, being Answers to Invita- tions by the Lord Mayors of London to dine at the An- nual Festivals in Guildhall; from Ministers of State, Fo- reign Ambassadors, and other Public Characters, including twenty-four Letters from the Chief Magistrates ; from 1797 to 1829.—Quarto, wnbound 270* One Hundred and Thirty-eight Letters of the principal London Merchants.—Quarto, unbound. MILITARY AND NAVAL CHARACTERS. 271 Two Hundred and Twenty-seven Letters of BRITISH MILITARY COMMANDERS, from the year 1713 to 1824; alphabetically arranged, and illustrated with seven Portraits.—Folio, half bound russia ae 7“ 272 Sir George Goring, a Letter, 1639; Signature of George Monk, i Duke of Albemarle, toa Document ; General Lambert, a | Letter, &c. with several portraits 273 MARLBOROUGH (JOHN CHURCHIEL, DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH ) Letters, entirely in his own hand, to Queen Anne, announc- ing the Surrender of Douay, with a portrait 74 MARLBOROUGH (John, Duke of) Letter, entirely in his hand, from the Camp, and an Instrument signed by him and his Duchess, with portraits "fg 275 Duke of Marlborough to Mr. Frederick on the Expedition to r the Coast of France, 1757; Lieut. Gen. Whitelocke 276 Granby (John, Marquis of); G. A. Eliott, Governor of Gibraltar ; Sir Ralph Abercromby; Letters and Portraits 7 277 V.ord Amherst, Sir S. Auchtermuty ; Sir Ralph Abercromby, an. - . interesting Letter ; Sir T. Brisbane, Sir Eyre Coote, Gen. Ligonier, Marquis of Granby 78 Major General Abercromby, Sir F. Adam, Warren Hastings, &e., | | -— fe Bs Se mv Ay & Zee AFA AO Manuscripts § Autographs 6 SO - 279 WELLINGTON (The Duke of) long Letter to Sir T. E. Tomlins | > 7 respecting the Office of Minister for Ireland | Jae 2 2. 980 WELLINGTON (The Duke of) Two Letters, and a Passport signed by him _ 4 — 281 Howard (Charles Ear] of Nottingham, Commander of the Fleet | against the Spanish Armada, 1588) Letter to Edward Griffin of Dingley, announcing that the King intends con- | ferring on him the knighthood of the Bath, 1603; and Signature of George Clifford Earl of Cumberland 3S — 282 Blake (Robert, Admiral for the Commonwealth) Admiral Ben- | 4 bow, George Byng, Earl of Torrington, Official Letters and _Z Signatures, with portraits = / ~. — 283 Lawson ( Admiral), 1659; Admiral Penn, 1666 ; and instructions _ for the regulation of the Fleet under Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albemarle, 1666, with portraits , / p -. 284 Van Tromp (Admiral) Letter, in Dutch; Le Marquis du Quesne, Letter in French _ 8 _ 285 Rooke (Sir GeorGE) Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Admiral Haddock H. Hosier, Admiral Jennings, Sir Charles Wager, letter and portraits aw _ YW ~ 286 Hawke (Lord) Sir Charles Knowles, Sir Johu Norris, Sir George Pocock, &c. with portraits my 9 . 287 St. Vincent (The Earl of) Lord Keith, Sir Hyde Parker, Sir W. Sidney Smith, &c. letters and portraits | / / ~ 288 Cornwallis (Admiral) Sir R. Calder, Lord Collingwood, Sir . Roger Curtis, Lord Duncan, Sir Thomas Duckworth, Lord | Gardner, Lord Gambier, Sir Sam. Hood, &c. with ports. © LEGAL PROBESSION. _ /S- 289 Ninety-two Letters of JUDGES, and other branches of the Legal | 3 Profession, alphabetically arranged, wnbound ato. t y/ / 290 Lord Chancellors, Judges, and other Members of the Legal Pro- fession. A collection of Autographs, illustrated with ! Portraits, unbound i | Bie - 291 BACON (FRANCIS) Signature as Lord Chancellor to a Docu- . ment for payment of £100 to Sir Andrew Saintlier Am- bassador from the King of Denmark, signed also by Sir Edw. Coke, Fulke’Grevyl, Jul. Cesar, G. Cant. eo en ae as | eae Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. At... BE id bh 427 292 SELDEN (JOHN) long Letter to the Earl of Devonshire, dated — | T ; : from Whitefriers, December 18, 1644, fine proof portrait . : From Lodge added Z1G\_. ¢293 Thomas Lord Egerton, James Ley Earl of Manchester, Roger | Manwood, John Manwood, &c. ~ 7é . _ 294 Yorke (Philip) Earl of Hardwicke, Hon. Charles Yorke, Lord Talbot, Earl of Macclesfield, P. King, Cowper ie | 295 Sir J. Fortescue Aland, Sir W. Blackstone, Richard Burn, J. Dunning Lord Ashburton, Lord Erskine, Letters, &c. with some portraits ZAVvay2 296 Lord Thurlow, Eldon, Ellenborough, and Signatures of various Chancellors a Lees -297 Lord Erskine, R. Holford, Sir Joseph Jekyll, Lord Kenyon, \. J. Mitford, Lord Mansfield, Dudley Ryder, &c. Letters, SW | Signatures, and some Portraits i i DI : CLERGY. t ft 298 Five Hundred and sixty-four Letters of ARCHBISHOPS and BISHOPS chronologically arranged from 1260 to the pre- sent time, and illustrated by sixty-nine Portraits, small folio, 3 vol. half bound purple morocco Amongst the distinguished names may be mentioned, ; . Canterbury. Carlisle. Hereford. a - Boniface,of Savoy,1260. Nicholson. Butler. a | Cranmer. Lyttleton. Huntingford. Sancroft. : Law. af. : i Tennison. Douglas. Ce & 1601. i } Wake. Chester. Newcome. § Potter. Wilkins. Watson. 3 | Herring. Gastrel. Lichfield ‘ 1 oemeaee St. David's. a Smalbroke. a . bie Em R. Farrar, 1552. Lloyd. = | aes Lowth. Chandler. York. Durham. io ! Hutton. Cosin. Lincoln. : Tobias Matthew. Talbot. Williams, 1640. : Sharp. Chandler. Fuller. ‘ | ie h. Barrington. Mas is . . Ely. ake. q eee eacteasd. Reynolds: i | Shipley. Tho. Green. London. | Horsley Exeter. Juxon. | Bangor. Blackall. Compton. h Hoadley. Blackburn. Robinson, | Sherlock. Lavington. Gibson. _ _ Majendie Gloucester. Sherlock. Bristol. Wilcocks. Lowth. Smalridge. Benson. Porteus. Newton. Warburton. Randolph. 42, Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. _ as f= a SGA | Norwich, Rochester. Worcester. R. Nix, 1527. Dolben. Maddox. Scambler, 1593. Atterbury. Hough. Redman, 1596. Pearce. Hur . Sparrow. Horsley. Armagh. emol da, Dampier. Pea aie sue ayter. : pokey Sarum... i aF payee Loftus. : Earle. erry. Raeford. Seth Ward. ' Carew. He a Burnet. : Reynell. L —o ° Talbot. Down. : Randoiph Douglas. Bee !Tutchinson. ‘ : romore. Peterborough. Winchester, T. Percy. Cumberland. Trelawney. Ossory. White Kennett. Trimnell. oe Pookeke. Hinchcliffe. Willis. Sodor and Man. Madan. Hoadley. M. Hildesley. Parsons. North. T. Wilson. 299 Franks of Bishops, a parcel - 300 JOHN WILLIAMS, Abp. of York, Signature as Bishop of Lincoln, Signature of Dr. John Wallis, Letter of Dr. Doddridge, &c, 801 Herrinc (TuHos. Abp. of Cant.) Fred. Cornwallis, Abp. of Canterbury; Rob. Clayton, Bp. of Clogher; Isaac Madox, Bp. of Worcester ; and others 302 DouGLas (JOHN) Bp. of Salisbury; Bp. Hurd, Bp. Tomlin; and others ' 303 Burgess (THOMAS) Bp. of St. David’s; Bp. Huntingford, | 7 R. Laurence, Abp. of Cashel ; and others 304 Moore (JOHN) Abp. of Canterbury; W. Mansell, Bp. of Bris- tol; and others 305 MARSH (Herbert) Bp. of Peterborough; T. F. Middleton, Bp. of Calcutta; Beilby Porteus, Bp. of London; and | ] other Bishops : : 306 Four Hundred and Ninety-six Letters of the CLERGY OF THE { CHURCH OF ENGLAND, alphabetically arranged, with twenty-nine portraits, 4 vol. half bound russia 4to — 307 Magee (W.), C. Simeon, A. Maclaine, C. Buchanan, Josiah | Pratt, G. H. Glasse, Dr. Sturges; and others of living Divines 308 Thirteen Hundred and Forty-two Letters of NON-CONFORMING MINISTERS, including all Sects dissenting from the Esta- — blished Church of England, illustrated with three hundre and fourteen portraits, unbound © i’ 309 OWEN (JOHN) Letter, James Owen and Hagh Owen Letters Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq, 43 3J0 KEAcH (Ben.) T. Jollie, Sam. Hayward, Sir J. Hartopp, friend of Dr. Watts , and others, with portraits ; also two Printed | Broadside Elegies on E. Calamy ie Vs er 311 HENRY (MATHEW) a Sermon, in his hand; Dr. Doddridge, a Letter; B. Fawcett, a Letter, with portraits a VA - 12 WeEsLEY (John) Letter to Miss Bolton, 1770—Another to the. same, 1791—S. WESLEY, 1728, with portraits / lb 313 WHITEFIELD (George) Letter to the Rev. Mr. Reader, at Newbury, 1766, portrait AVI - 314 DODDRIDGE (P.), Hugh Farmer, J. Leland; Letters b DEP 315 DODDRIDGE (P.) Two very interesting Letters addressed to his’ 3 ) Wife ne ott Be 316 ROBINSON (ROBERT) Letter; J. Williams, of Kidderminster ; | Elthanan Winchester, H. Worthington, T. Harmer Bae 317 NEWTON (JOHN) Two Letters; Philip Henry, J. Erskine, C. Winter ; and others, with some portraits Dy 4 318 Hitt (ROWLAND) Letter; Richard Hill, William Huntington, with portraits 4\ | - 319 HALL (ROBERT), Legh Richmond, J. Berridge; and some of yy living Divines 4 S , 320 PRIESTLEY (JOSEPH) R. Price, interesting Letter to Mirabeau ; Gilb. Wakefield, A. Rees, A Kippis, T. Belsham BAe i Mier 321 Fox (GEORGE) Letter to be read in Monthly and Quarterly eS Meetings, 3¢ of the 11'» Moneth, 143°, signed with his » 4 : | initials only < bd 392 BARCLAY (R.) very interesting Letter from Aberdeen Prison to Jean Woodcock and Martha Fisher. Also a long Letter by M. F., probably the same Martha Fisher, in. . answer to a Paper of John Revell, 1654 i - ay 323 PENNINGTON (ISAAC) Letter, signed with his initials only, 1665) —Letter to the Commissioners of Peace in Suffolk, signed . /2, _ by Thomas Elwood ; and others ~~. 324 ELWOoD (THOMAS) Signature, with others, to a Paper respect-_ ing mbar Heathers, of Dorny, Bucks.; Letter of H. Penn to T. Story; a Signature of G. Fox, initials only /\/\= Wz 325 PENN (WILLIAM, Founder of Pennsylvania) Religious Maxims, ' in his hand, and signed with his name . 44 Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq VOYAGERS AND TRAVELLERS. — VA Z 326 Columbus, a fac-simile Letter; Alex. von Humboldt; La Con- LZ damine Be ff _ 327 J. Carver, G. Hippesley, John Bartram, M. Birkbeck, Isaac Weld, Alex. Mackenzie, Arthur Dobbs, Cadwallader Col- 7 — den; and other Travellers in America Wa 2 “&& - 328 Cook (CAPTAIN JAMES) a Letter on business-matters, 1771 ; and the original Address of the Royal Society to George III, soliciting the fitting out an expedition to observe the transit of Venus, signed by the President (the Earl of Morton), Dr. Franklin, and others _—~ §765329 David Collins, J. Oxley, P. King, Mariner, Martin Sauer, and various modern Travellers in various parts of the world — 4 6 330 Admiral Burney, Sir Joseph Banks, J. R. Forster, Captain) Manby, Admiral Krusenstern, Capt. Flinders, various the Letters, and a Signature of Lord Anson 7 eo (2) G 331 Phipps Lord Mulgrave, Capt. Parry, George Fisher, Capt: Scoresby, Letters Wa . /f ~ 332 P.S. Pallas, W. Coxe, P. Brydone, J.C. Eustace, L. von Buch, 6 G. J. Thorkelin, Uno von Troil; and other Travellers in Y//: various parts of Europe — “/ ~ 333 A. De la Motraye, Edmund Chishull, A. Dalrymple, E. D. Wy Clarke, J. Holman, &c. 2 — /€ . 334 Sir W. Gell, R. Chandler, W. Leake, T. S. Hughes, Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope, J. Dallaway, E. Fitzclarence (Earl) _ of Munster), Emir of Hamadan, W. Eton, and other Tra- 7 | vellers in Greece and the Levant _. 47 — 335 George, Earl of Macartney; Capt. Symes, Sir George Staun- ton, &c. ies ee e| ~ 336 Sir John Malcolm, Sir Gore Ouseley, J. Morier, Sir R. K. bo Porter : — “/— 337 Robert Knox (Ceylon) to J. Strype; Eyles Irwin, W. Moor-|| — | croft, J. Forbes, Sir T. S. Raffles ; and other Travellers 0; in India | | | q | 2// - 338 Mungo Park, W. Landor, T. Pringle, J. E. Bowdich, W. G. ye | | . | | Browne, Rev. J. Campbell; and other African Travellers “™ q as pe aE RN Ee SEF EP OREEC EE tr tt ss Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 45 - | 339 James Bruce, the Earl of Valentia, G. Waddington, H. Salt, © | various Letters and Papers ? Va 340 Belzoni, Letters from Cairo, in Italian, and one in English NATURALISTS, PHYSICIANS, CHYMISTS, &c. oe 341 One Hundred and Seven Letters of NATURALISTS and GEOLO- GISTS, alphabetically arranged, with four portraits. | Quarto, unbound. Amongst them are Abercrombie, J. Brown, Pat. Latham, J. Relhan, R. | Banks, Sir J. Clarke, E. D. Lee, James Russell, W. l Bingley, W. Dillwyn, L. W. Martyn, Tho. Turner, Dawson Blackwell, Cha. Drury, D. Parkinson, Joseph Turton, W Bolton, J. Greenough, G. B. Pulteney, R. Withering, W. Y. 342 §. Hartlib, R. Morisone, W. Sherard, Dr. Martin Lister -<— 343 ALBIN (E.) Pat. Browne, G. Brander, Sir J. Banks, E. Black- well, E. M. Da Costa, W. Borlase, W. Berkenhout, various Letters, and some portraits va M. CATESBY, Buffon (Comte de), Peter Camper, P. Collinson, L. W. Dillwyn, J. Dillenius, D. Drury, Israel Lyons, J. Donn, G. Edwards, J. Ellis, G. D. Ehret, J. R. Forster, and others, with some portraits ez 345 Haworth (A. H.) J. Hill, M. D. Ingenhousz, J. Latham, Sir Ashton Lever, P. Miller, T. Martyn, W. Pryce, T. Pen- nant, and others, with some portraits ag Pultney (R.) R. E. Raspe, J. Sowerby, G. Shaw, J. Wood- ward, W. Withering, A. Young, and others, with some portraits va 34°7 SLOANE (Sir Hans) Two Letters, Dr. Mead, signature, ports. 2227948 RADCLIFFE (John) J. Friend, G. Cheyne, Dr. Fothergill, letters ' and portraits 222-349 JAMES (R. M.D.) Dr. Lettsom, E. Jenner, J. Curry, W. Fal- -coner, W. Fordyce, &c. with some portraits z-7350 Monsey (Dr. M.) to Garrick, with his own copy ofhis amusing Letter to Monsey in reply, endorsed by him. “ Dr. Mon- sey’s two peevish Letters and my answer.” Dr. Beddoes two Letters Ml. 351 HUNTER (John), Will. Hunter, Sir A. Cooper, A. Pringle, Dr. Monro, P. Pott, Dr. Baillie Letters, with some portraits a (352 Buchan (W.) Dr. Huxham, Dr. Pitcairn, Dr. Fothergill, M. Garthshore, J. Lind, letters and portraits | A Vb ~ (& — a Mere aoe a Mel ee pam OM a VE f\bv= / fb - SA «© Beh oe ay ee fom AR f Si / \2.) ~ 2 4O- LZ LB- AVA = 46 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 353 Bell (J.) Sir Everard Home, R. Adair, M. J. Tierney, W. | Bell, A. Duncan, W. Blair, Sir G. Blane, Dr. Blizard, and others 354 Willis (Dr.) Dr. Heberden, W. Cullen, Dr. Abernethy, Dr. Blair, Dr. Percival, J. Bell, G. Baker, A. Carlisle, R. Jebb, H. Cline, and others 355 Rumford (Count), Prof. Pictet, Nevil Maskelyne, several Let- ters, Bode the Astronomer 356 Three Hundred and Seventy Letters of MEDICAL MEN, with twelve portraits, unbound ; 4to 357 One Hundred and Eighty-four Letters of distinguished CuyY- MISTS and MEN of SCIENCE, alphabetically arranged, with Jive portraits, Quarto.—viz. F. Accum. R. Fulton. S. Parkes. | Jo. and W. Strutt, Dr. Bancroft. M. Faraday. Dr. Priestley. of Derby. Dr. J. Black. Dr. T. Garnett. J. Rennie. T. Thomson. M. Bolton. Ch. Hatchett. S. Riou. E. Troughton W.T. Brande. J, Miller. , General Roy. Adam Walker. M. J. Brunel. J, Murray. Count Rumford. J. Watt. Sir W. Congreve. J.C. Pleydell. Earl Stanhope. J. Wedgwood Sir H. Davy. 358 CAVALLO (Tiberius) Dr. Black, H. Cavendish, T. Henry, N. Maskelyne, W. Henry, Sir D. Brewster, J. Dalton, and other scientific characters 359 Davy (Sir Humphrey), T. Clare, J. Hellins, &e. letters and portraits . MATHEMATICIANS, ASTRONOMERS, &c. 360 Three Hundred and Ninety-eight Letters of distinguished Ma- | THEMATICIANS and ASTRONOMERS. Unbound.—viz. ¢ Bode. Hellins. Lander. - R. Simson. Colson. Herschel. M‘Laurin, Rob. Smith. Emerson. Hornsby. Maskelyne. H. Ussher. Ferguson. Horsley. C. Milne. S. Vince. Bp. Hamilton. Hutton. Pemberton. J. Wilson. 361 BoYLE (HON, ROBERT) a long and interesting Letter re- specting the Recalling two Ministers sent to the E. Indies | in consequence of their having received only Presbyterian | Ordination. Letter of Lord Brouncker, First President | of the Royal Society, with portraits 362 WALLIs (Dr. JoHN) Letter to Sir Sam. Morland, fine portrait, by Faithorne, Sir S. Morland, Dr. J. Wilkins, Bp, of | z Chester . ; 363 FLAMSTEED (John) Signature, Robert Hooke, J. Colson, Stephen Hales, H. Pemberton, two letters and various | portraits 7 | _ Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 47 a Parker, R. Simson, T. Mudge, J. Landen, R. Smith Long, W. Emerson, J. Playfair, Major Rennell, and others, with portraits rz-<- 366 VALLANCEY (Colonel Charles) Various Letters on Irish Lan- guage; Rob. Simson, Brooke Taylor, S. Vince, various letters and portraits 7 HorsLEY (Sam. Bp. of St. David’s) H. Hamilton, Bp. of Ossory, Lord Mahon, Earl Stanhope, F. Maseres; and ' others, with some portraits plc 68 HERscHEL (W.) Dr. Hutton, A. Demoivre, J. Ferguson, &c. | Letters, and portraits -<—369 Adams (J.) Sir D. Brewster, T. Garnett, W. Roy, Ben. Robins, Sir J. Pringle, W. Wales, F. Cavendish, Sir A. Dalrymple, . W. Jolliffe, Sir E. Banks, Baron Zach, J. Leslie, and other eminent scientific characters se | Z 370 T. Mudge, E. Troughton, J. Ellicott, Letters and portraits } {/, 371 Boulton (M. R.) Brunel, Ralph Dodd, Robert Fulton, John Rennie, J. Smeaton, various Letters and Papers a $72 J. Watt, Josiah Wedgwood, J. Smeaton, W. Shipley, &c. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, AND SCULPTORS. ger 373 WREN (Siz CHRISTOPHER) Autograph Letter respecting the po design for the building of Trinity College Chappel Oxford, March 2, 1692 : der BTA Sik CHRISTOPHER WREN to an official document relating to | Chelsea Hospital, which is also signed by Lord Ranelagh \ and Sir Stephen Fox—One Letter to his Sir C. Wren’s i Son, who married Lady Burgoyne, and one of Sir C. W’s i grandson ; also a Letter from Lord Burlington to the Earl of Rochester, with a Portrait of Sir C. Wren cea 375 SiR JOHN VANBRUGH, two letters respecting Stone for building | Blenheim, and two portraits—Henry Aldrich, Dean of | Christ Church, two certificates, and a fine portrait by | Smith—Sir W. Chambers, two signatures and two ports. z-.\ 364 MOLYNEUX (Will.) Letter, Godfrey Hanckwitz, Receipt, J 365 DESAGULIERS (J. T.) John Muller, John Hadly, M.D., Roger el OA we — JO oo —|4 peas aes ies" GREAT ~ V7 \— Vet ot. Ve) | — /\7\- 48 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. ~ 4% . 376 STUART the Athenian Traveller, with portraits of himself and | Revet, and a prospectus of their Work—Rob. Adam, with — portrait-—James Wyatt, with portratt—Sir Rob. Smirke, | portrait of Mylne, and other letters accompanied with | A portraits ~ “4 _ 377 THOMAS HARRISON of Cheshire, portrait—Sir John Soane, — portrait and view of his house, &c.—J. Paine, portrait, and other eminent Architects of the present day, &c. Zo .. — 378 A Document relating to the Monument, in the hand-writing of | Sir C. Wren, with the contract for the ball at the top, by C. G. Cibber; a note of Grinlin Gibbons and an order of Mrs. Gibbons, with the Signature of Roubilliac, and port. — - V — 379 NOLLEKENS, a Letter and Note, one in reply to the Duke of Kent, the Duke to Nollekens, signature cut out, three portraits of Nollekens—Two Letters of Sir Francis Chantrey, with a portrait — Three letters of John Bacon, and two / portraits / /3 ~ 380 FLAXMAN, one Letter and three ports.—Thomas Banks, four Letters, and copies of verses, one printed, with three ports. —Lady Anne Damer, with portrait—Marchant, Seal En- graver, with port. and two Letters of Tassie, with port. J § — 381 Twenty-four Letters Documents and portraits ofeminent Sculptors — PAINTERS. ~ & ~ 382 PAINTERS. A Collection of Autograph Letters of eminent Painters of the last and present centuries, among which occur Calcott, Constable, Dance, Hogarth, Hone, Hop: ner, Northcote, Pickersgill, Reinagle, Reynolds, Romney, — Turner, West, Westall, Wilkie, &c. bound im 2 vol. half TUSSIA : ° ‘ Ato t~ 7 ~ 383 Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE, Bigg, Daniel Westall, Beechey, Copley, Raeburn, Jackson, Collins, Briggs, and some living of great note, twenty-three Letters, &c. _ 7 ~ 384 Presidents of the Royal Academy ; West on the Royal Academy Dinner, April 3, 1807, with portrait; Two Letters of Sir Thomas Lawrence; and others | 2 2.— 385 FUSELI, with portrait; J.S. Copley, with portrait ; Mortimer, Wright of Derby ; De Loutherbourg, with portrait; Paul and Thomas Sandby, with verses, drawing, and portrait 1 «4 V| - 386 RICHARD WILSON, receipt of “Twenty-one pounds for four | | Peto small pictures,” and two admirable Letters of Gainsborough |/ 1 sq to Garrick, portrait | I ti Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 49 Naysmith, and many now living PAINTERS. JAMES BARRY, R.A., a very long Letter tothe Earl of Buchan, and a short memorandum of the Earl’s as to the preservation of it, with portrait of Barry; Letter | and Portrait of Allan Ramsay, three of Raeburn; and a 1 Letter of Caldecott respecting the Window at New College, Oxford PAINTERS. WILKIE, a Print of Dartmouth touched for the engraver, with pencil sketch of additional matter; and four interesting notes of Sir David Wilkie and others | 388 H HOGARTH, Signature to a Receipt, and singular Dedication in his hand-writing, portrait and view of his house; An Order signed by Sir James Thornhill, with portrait; Sig- nature of Michael Dahl, and portrait ; and two Letters of Highmore Painters and Water Colour Artists: —Stothard, Arnald, Pocock, Dalton, Heaphy, Prout, Varley, Dighton ; and others | RoyYAL ACADEMICIANS. Leslie, Collins, Bailey, Beechey, with portrait; Westall, with portrait ; Jackson, with portrait ; Northcote, with portrait ; and others A Letter and a Receipt of ZOFFANY for the Picture of Jaffier and Belvidere, with David Garrick’s signature and memoran- dum at foot, and an original sketch by Sir Henry Tresham STODHART, Smirke, Wright of Derby, Girton, Copley, Fielding, and other eminent Artists, some living The Correspondence of Robert Smirke and Cadell and Davis respecting the edition of Don Quixote, with Letters of Lackington, Longman, &c. portrait ANGELICA KAUFFMAN, with portrait; Cipriani, with portrait, Blondel, Le Brun, Lady Diana Beauclerk, with portrait, Sir Henry Bunbury, with portrait, and with Verses by Carey, &c. — 397 GAVIN HAMILTON, with portrait; Hayman’s Receipt for a picture and portrait; Two of Thomas Hearne, Landscape Painter, and portrait ; Threeof Farington, R.A., and port. | Bird of Bristol, with portrait, private plate ; anda Portrait of Blake i CARICATURISTS. Collet, Letters on two important Family Events, and the Knighthood of Hogarth, with two original drawings ; Two Letters of Gillray ; Two Letters of G. Cruikshank, and a sketch of Gamblers in Pall Mall and the mode of Punishment recommended ; and England’s Coat of Arms drawn by Jonathan Martin, in Bethlehem Hospital, 1830 Fifty-four Letters and Receipts, &c. of Eminent Painters, Fuseli, f : oVO\e PVA Ve ~ “dl ZAMS 2 ee ») Pee ss. We d 40 - si EN ee 7 Vela Soe 50 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. . THIRD DAY’S SALE. 4 1 @ ie — : 400 ACADEMICIANS. Benjamin West, Fuseli, Stoddart, Humphreys ; : ; some curious Letters and Signatures Qa ' . . e 3 it - 4.01 SMIRKE, Daniel, Wilkin, Drummond, and others 7 402 Twenty-five Letters of eminent Artists, some living q 403 RoyAL ACADEMY. A collection of the Letters of the Artists who sent Pictures for Exhibition to the Royal Academy for the year 1839, comprising all the celebrated Artists of J the day ; many hundreds in number, alphabetically arranged | E y oe es 404 RoyAL ACADEMY. A similar collection for the year 1841 lo | t 405 AUTOGRAPHS of celebrated Painters, Engravers, Typefounders, | Printers, and Booksellers ; many hundreds in number, part — pasted down in a folio volume, part inserted loose, the ! /y, binding broken on It contains some Autographs of great interest, as Raffaele, _ Morghen, James Barry, Fuseli, Sir Godfrey Kneller, North- | A cote, Opie, Wilkie; many interesting particulars respecting ; Literary History may be found from the Autographs of the Publishers which are contained in this volume 406 ARTISTS, Authors, Publishers, &c. 40°77 ENAMELLERS. Petitot, Signature to a Receipt—Zmcke to an order for Thirty Pounds, and portrait—Two Letters of Henry Bone, and two portraits 408 ENGRAVERS. R. Morrsone, Bill and Receipt, 168{¢; Note of John Sturt, and portrait ; Signature of Vander Gucht ; Let- ters of Pine (Tapestry); Letter of Geo. Vertue, and port.; , List of Prints by Pond, and four Letters of Grignion 409 RAFFAELE MoRGHEN, Volpato, Bausse, Girard to Forster; : Bosse and Basan fils, six interesting Letters a 410. In the Chalk manner, &c., Bartolozzi, five Letters and three Portraits; A Cardon, with portrait; Schiavonetti; Tomkins ; . Captain Baillie, with portrait; Caroline Watson ; Facius, 74 with portrait ; and others 411 In Mezzotinto, &c. Earlom, two; Reynolds, and prospectus ; Valentine Green, and portrait ; C. Townley; and others 412 Str ROBERT STRANGE, Letter, with a Bill of his Prints, &c. ;_ Woollet, with two portraits and Monument; also Proposals for publishing the Battle of La Hogne, &c.; and Portrait of J. K. Sherwin, and three Contracts ie Manuscripts Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 51 | 413 Engravers in the Line Manner. HOLLOWAY, three Letters ; an John Hall, with portrait ; James Heath, with portrait ; and i W. Sharpe, with portrait Liew 4 Engravers in Chalk, &c. Sixty-three Receipts, signed by the various engravers employed in Cadell’s Gallery J 415 Landscape, &c. Basire, with portrait; Roaker, Milton, Byrne, Middiman, Cooke, Scott, and many others Myf | 416 BEWICK, with portrait, and others ld. i 417 Thirty-four, various “y, 418 Twenty-five, various, of Engravers, principally in the line manner a. 419 Thirty-two Receipts of the Engravers of the Contemporary Portraits and Correspondence of George Walker, of Edin- burgh Yo 420 DANIELL, Hodges, Humphreys, and many other celebrated men ; also Letters of Sir George Yonge, relating to Marchant, the Seal Engraver, &c. a parcel LITERARY CHARACTERS. 4. -421 Three Hundred and Eighty-three Letters of LITERARY CHA- RACTERS of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and part of the eighteenth centuries; the greater portion of which are addressed to John Evelyn, of Wotton. Alphabetically arranged, and illustrated by Sixty-two Portraits. First Series, 3 vol. half bound LUSSLA A fol. In these volumes are to be found the names of the following authors :-— Addison John Evelyn W. Melmoth Sir H. Sloane Arbuthnott. J. Flamstead E. W. Montague Bp. Sprat Bishop Atterbury John Freind, M.D. Phil. Morant Sir R. Steele Lewis Atterbury T. Gale Edw. Rowe Mores W. Stukeley Ivaac Basire J. E. Grabe Sylv. Morgan Dean Swift Dr. J. Bastwicke N. Grew Jo. Nalson Bp. Tanner Sir R. Blackmore Z. Grey Dan. Neal R. Thoresby Jacob Bobart S. Hartlib Sir lsaac Newton Mat. Tindall ~ Ralph Bohun R. Heath R. O'Flaherty Jacob Tonson W. Bowyer Bp. Hoadley C. Earl of Orrery Abr. Tucker Sir ‘Thos. Browne _ Barton Holliday Sam. Pepys Edw. Tyson Dr. Ralph Bathurst F. Hutchinson J. Petiver Sins: Vanbrugh Dr. Bentley W. King, LL.D. Edw. Phillips (Mil- E. Waller Rob. Boyle N. Lardner ton’s nephew ) Sir Ja. Ware Bp Burnett J. Leland, D.D. R. Pococke Cha. Wase. Tho. Burnett Roger L’Estrange A. Pope Dr. J. Watts E. Calamy Edw. Lhwyd Wm. Prynne Will. Whiston Thos. Carte Martin Lister R Rawlinson Jer. White, chap- Meric Casaubon SirGeo.Mackenzie Jo. Ray lain toO.Cromwell Sir J. Chardin Sir J. Manwood Alexs Ross Br. Willis Martin Clifford Tho. Martin Sir P. Rycaut W. Wollaston W. Congreve Andrew Marvel H. Sacheverell Dr. J. Woodward T. Creech Ric. Mead Sir R. Sibbald W. Wotton. _ F. Drake, of York H fo\\- FS |. |- IN i 422 Seven Hundred and Fifty-two Letters of LITERARY MEN during _ the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. arranged, and illustrated with one hundred and eighty-one - Second Series, 5 vol. half bound russia 4to 4 The following names form a part of these volumes :— Portraits. C. Anstey Sir Jos. Bankes Daines Barrington Dr. Beattie F. Blackburne Dr. H. Blair J. Boswell Jacob Bryant Dr. Richard Burn Dr. Chas. Burney T. Cavallo Edw. Dan. Clarke G. Colman G. Crabbe G. Cumberland D. Dalrymple A. Dalrymple G. Dempster W. Emerson Sir H. Englefield Dr. R. Farmer 423 Twelve Hundred and Seventy-nine Letters of LITERARY MEN, during the eighteenth and present centuries. cally arranged, and illustrated with one hundred and nine _ Third Series, 9 vol. half bound russia 4to « Adam Ferguson W. Giffor J. Hanway Edw. Harwood Warren Hastings W. Hayley Robt. Henry W. Herschel T. Holcroft T. B. Hollis J. Home J. Hoole Bishop Hurd W. Hutton Dr. S. Johnson Sir W. Jones B. Kennicott A. Kippis Charlotte Lenox Capel Lofft Hen. Mackenzie Portraits. J. Almon W. Falconer (Ship- Jos. Ames wreck ) Tho. Astle Sir J. Fenn T. Balguy J. Ferguson W. Bigland J. Fletcher, of Sir W. Blackstone Madeley H. Blair W. Forsyth Jo. Boucher T. D. Fosbrooke W. Buchan Benj. Franklin R. Burn A. Geddes Dr. C. Burney Edw. Gibbon Lord Byron Alex. Gillies John Campbell W. Gilpin Tho. Campbell W. Godwin Edw. Capeil Professor Cary R. & S. Chandler Dr. A. Clarke J. Clarkson W. Cobbett W. Coxe H. Davy J. Denne Tho. Dermody “Dr. Dodd A.C. Ducarel Byam Edwards Jas. Elphinston Hugh Farmer R. Gough J. Granger R. Graves R. Griffiths W. Hales Robt. Hall Sir W. Hamilton J. Hanway J. Harris FE. Hasted W. Hawe:s Bp. Horsley John Howard J. Hutchins W. Hutchinson Sir J. Mackintosh Edm, Malone Baron Maseres W. Melmoth W. J. Mickle Lord Monboddo EK. W. Montagu Mrs. Montagu Dr. John Moore Hannah More Jo. O’ Keefe Wn. Paley J. Parkhurst Bp. Pearce T. Pennant Bp. Percy R. Porson Uvedale Price Ric. Pulteney Major Rennell W. Robertson J. & S. Ireland Cyril Jackson Tho. Johnes J. Langhorne N. Lardner J. Leland J. Lempriere J. Lin J. Macpherson Jer. Markland T. Martyn Eras. Middleton Colin Milne Jos, Milner J. Montgomery Capt. Morris Corbyn Morris Sir W. Ouseley T. Paine Dr. Parr M. Pilkington J. Playfair R. Polwhele R. Porson R. Potter Gov. Pownall Dr. Price Dr. Priestley Sir J. Pringle Alphabetically W. Roscoe W. Seward Gran. Sharpe Adam 8mit Tho. Snelling G. Steevens = Abr. Tucker ; Dean Tucker aq W. Vincent G. Wakefield { John Walker Bp, Warburton | 3 Bp. Watson i P. Whalley ieee Prof. J. White aN John Wilkes John Wolcot, Peter Pindar Sir N. Wraxall H Arthur Young. Alphabeti- | Js. Reed Dr. Rees Jo. Ritson R. Ruding Sir W alter Scott W. Seward P. B. Shelly W. Shenstone R. B. Sheridan J. Hall Stevenson D. Stewart J. H. Tooke Jo. Toupe Dr. J. Towers Tho. Twining Ww. saan sieerammcnrl atanis-inesinaciitiiat jist shlbaettpriinimmesanhith tebvsiinetaeiinenisvei T. & J. Warton T. D. Whitaker Henry Kirke White C. Whitefoord W. Wilberforce M. Wodhull . C. Woide Fran. Wollaston Fred. Wollaston W. Woodville Dr. Thos. Young _ Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 53 ¢.| 424 Seventeen Hundred and Sixty-eight Letters of LITERARY Men, | of the same period as the preceding. Alphabetically ar- ranged, with twenty-nine Portraits. Fourth Series, unbound Among which are, WOTaS J.P. Andrews J. Isola Tho. Nugent J. H. Sarratt _ Beaupre Bell J. Jamieson W. Ogilvie J. E. Smyth _ W. Belsham G. Keate Rob. Orme Geo. Steevens Jas. Berington M. Keating Sir W. Ouseley Bp. Stock Jas. Bruce, Tra- Hen. Kett Jo. Palairet J. Sturges _ veller V. Knox Dr. Parr W. Taplin _ Geo, Chalmers J. Lackington Jas. Percy W. Tennant _R. Churton Jos. Lancaster M. Pilkington T. Thompson i P. Colquhoun W. Langhorne Jo. Pine R. Thyer rw. Combe Dr. Jo. Latham Jo. Pinkerton H. J. Todd Tho. Deletanville Jo. Lee Jo. Plaw Jo. Topham _ J. Denne J. Leslie W. Playfair J. Toulmin T. F. Dibdin Jo. Lewis Ja. Playfair Jo.Troup,2] letters _ Pat. Duigenan J. Littlebury R. Polwhele Jo. Trusler Chas. Dunster . Lofft. M. A. Porney Hen. Tuke _ Geo. Ensor M. Lort. R. Potter W. Turton Jo. Fenn Sir J. Mackintosh Hum. Primatt R. Twiss Jo. Forbes M. Madan R. Pulteney A. F. Tytler _ Nat. Foster J. Malham M. Raper W. Tytler Ugo Foscolo T. R. Malthus Js. Reed R. Uvedale W. Godwin W. Marsden R. Relhan Ant. Vieyra _ J. Mason Good W. Mason W. Render J. Cooper Walker R. Graves W. Massey James Rennell N. Wanostrocht Dr. John Gregory Ch. Mayo T. Robinson R. Warner _ W. P. Greswell Jo. Mills R. Ruding J. Wasse _ W. Hales W. Morgan W. Russell P. Whalley _ James Harris Jo. Moser N. Salmon C. Wheatly W. Hazlitt Edw. Nares J. Scott, who was J. Williams (A. _ W. Hone W. Nicolson shot ia a duel by Pasquin) _ A. Hunter M. Noble Christie B. Willis. ayf'25 Wa John Ireland LTON (IZAAK) Signature to a Dedicatory Inscription “ for Mr. Richard Ligon, from his friend, Izaak Walton” Cy 426 LOCKE (JOHN) Letter, 1673 Zek27 SiR ROGER L’EsTRANGE. Letter to Nalson, and a Paper con- taining the Signatures of the Magistrates of Middlesex to a Subscription to Sir Roger ’Estrange; Letter of W. Oldys ; Copy of an original Letter of Swift ; De Foe Signature of Hannah a | 428 EVELYN (JOHN) The Originals, a Comedy; the Dramatis Per- sonz, Prologue, and first Scene only, in his hand: Letter from Sir George Mackenzie to Evelyn, and Copy of Eve- | . lyn’s Answer 2 Ab “e 429 EVELYN (JOHN) long and interesting Letter to Pepys SAG 4480 Prepys (SAMUEL) A long and interesting Letter tohis Nephew “7/7 — tae. : i he was to see through the press 431 BENTLEY (Dr. RICHARD) Two long and interesting Letters to Evelyn, sending Corrections for his Work on Medals, which Are 7, ~ Sees ae 4 Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. Z aes 432 BENTLEY (Dr. R.) to Evelyn; W. Wotton to the same, with | y copies of Evelyn’s answers in his own hand. e 4 Phe #2 A 433 BENTLEY (RICHARD) long Letter to Evelyn, with a draught {il 7 of his Answer, and a rough draught of a long Letter from Evelyn to Wotton respecting the Life of Boyle. / / — 434 KENNETT (WHITE, Bp. of Peterborough) Three long Letters to Mr. Wood, transmitting curious ‘local Words and Phrases 2 37. 4385 JoHN STRYPE, Thomas Baker, Nonjuror; Tho. Coliere, a curious Letter on the birth of the Pretender ; Edw. Lhwyd, John Morton, author of the Natural History of Northamp- | Myon tonshire i a 4 _.436 D. WILKINS, Editor of Concilia M. Brit. ; George Hickes to Pepys; Charles Davenant to the same, relating to the com- parative increase of the Navy, with Pepys’s draught of his Ne reply / 2 - 437 RUDDIMAN (T.) long Letter to Ames; two Letters of George Ballard to the same, and one of Jacob Tonson, the Book- seller co J ~ 438 JoHNSON (Dr. SAMUEL) Signature to a receipt ; two Receipts J q of Burke to payments for the Annual Register of 76h \ a and a long Letter of J. Boswell to Malone 7 Ah ee ne | { 2 £4 ~ 439 FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN) long Letter respecting English Emi-| 7 . grants to America, from Philadelphia, 1753 ~ 3 /f — 440 STERNE (LAWRENCE) Letter to Garrick soliciting the loan of £20; Sam. Richardson to Dr. Kennicott ; Henry Fielding YZ Signature only ve ~ /6~. 441 RICHARDSON (SAM.) long Letter to Lintot, on literary ee public matters, the affair of Capt. Porteus, &c. lL _ /— 442 RICHARDSON (SAM.) to Mrs. Sheridan, with a Letter from Mrs. . | Sheridan; two Letters of Mr. Hughes, eae for the 1 Tatler, not signed | — | bs 443 JONES (Sir WILLIAM) Letter Jp d- 444 JuNIUS. The Letter written by Junius to David Garrick, sent | by the Penny Post, and Garrick’s Answer to it; the origi- nal Letter sent to Junius through Woodfall, with a Letter from Woodfall to Becket: “I have just received a general Letter from Junius upon private Subjects, in which he has returned me Mr. G.’s Letter, &c.” aa *,* On referring to Woodfall’s edition of Junius, it appears that the original Letter was sent to Woodfall, with a request that he e would cause it to be transcribed and forwarded to Garrick by || the Penny Post: the above Letter is the transcript so sent. { : ———- ee em I sc Manuscripts § Autographs of W W. Upcott, Esq. ee t Z| 445 BURKE (EDMUND) An interesting Letter relating to family | affairs - : 1768 446 BURKE (EDMUND) hincing Letter to D. Garrick, with a pre- j sent of a Turtle ly 4477 BURKE (EDMUND) A long and important Letter on family affairs, 1777 BA is WALPOLE (HORA TIO) Four interesting Letters to the Earl of Buchan on Scottish Portraits, &c. tie 449 WALPOLE (Sir Edward) A Letter of free humour from Sir Ed- he ward Walpole to Mrs. Scott, wife of Samuel Scott, ‘ Painter of Sea-pieces.” It is unsigned, but the above is indorsed by Horace Walpole, who has added at the bottom of the Letter the following words :-— ' « An excellent letter, written ina feigned character by my Brother, Sir Edward Walpole, to Mrs. Scott, wife of Sam., Sea-piece Painter, and given to me by her.—H. W.” oi. 450 H. Cotton, W. Roscoe, J. Galt, H. Mackenzie, E. D. Clarke, Biographical Notice of his own Life; A. D. Philidor, Signature only; and some of living Authors -O-45) WRaAXALL (Sir N. W.), Lord Liverpool, G. Rose, W. Magee, and various modern Literati, a large collection he 459 J. WoLcot (Peter Pindar), with Verses; J. Dallaway, W. Russell, W. Coxe, W. Vincent, Count Rumford, W. Ros- coe; and others Ellas E. D. CLARKE, Francis Grose, G. Chalmers, W. Gilpin, Char- lotte Smith, Dr.Porteous, J. Lempriere, W.’ Mitford, Henry Mackenzie, J. O’Keefe, W. Coxe, Charles Dunster, W. Bisset, J. Adolphus ; and others, some of living Authors po 454 W. GiPiIn, G. Colman, jun.; C. Buchanan, J. Adolphus, C. Simeon, H. Huntingford, T. Maurice, D. Lysons, J. M‘Arthur, A. Hunter, J. P. Andrews, W. Frend; and others, some of living Authors fers JOHN PINKERTON, S. Henley, D. Lysons, C. Dunster, A. Geddes, F. Sayers, A. Jardine, T. Beddoes, J. Aikin, J. Disney, E. H. Barker, George Dyer, A. F. Tytler, F. Hargrave, W. Seward; and others, some of living Authors ph 6 J. PRIESTLEY, D. Lamont, James Fordyce, Dr. Burney, Sir B. Boothby, W. Jackson, of Exeter; and others, some of living Authors cat 481 G. CHALMERS, R. C. Dallas, Sir W. Blizard, Mark Noble, T. Pownall, W. Beloe, J. Farnworth ; and others, some of living Authors / /\ FAN on me ee is 8 pa / fd — e's Dee LY. 56 Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, 458 J. HASLEWOOD, Verses, signed “Alfred ;” Mrs. Trimmer, Rob. Orme, T. J. Mathias, Alex. Chalmers, W. Magee, W. Coxe and others, some of living Authors 459 Dr. Parr, W. Melmoth, W. Hone, Anthony Pasquin (Williams), J. Toup, A. F. Tytler, Dr. John Moore, H. Mackenzie, Thomas Hood, Thomas Somerville, R. Cumberland, Barry O'Meara, &c. 460 W. CoMBE (Dr. Syntax), W. Godwin, W. Roscoe, Gilbert. Stuart, Bryan Edwards, Dr. J. Moore, Dr. Vincent, Lord! Monboddo, J. Sancho, W. Seward, &c. 461 Sir JOSEPH BANKS, Dan. Lysons, Sam. Lysons, J. Brand, | R. C. Hoare, enies Bentham, Sir Jos. Ayloffe, J. Douglas, Taylor Combe; and other Antiquaries, with some portraits 462 W. ROSCOE, W. Coxe, J. Pinkerton, W. Godwin, Theodore Hook, Dr. Aikin, W. Hone, W. Woodfall, A. Cunning- ham, E. Malone; and others, some of living Authors 463 E. CAPELL, Dr. Hawkesworth, David Dalrymple, J. Mark- land, M. Maittaire, Dr. Farmer, W. Seward; and others a 464 DUGALD STEWART, Dr. J. Moore, Jacob Bryant, Bp. Berke- ley, signature only ; Thomas Day, some with portraits 465 Dr. Bircu, Dr. Cogan, Dr. Burney, J. Shebbeare, T. ay whitt, Dr. Vincent, W. Gifford, J. Steevens, J. Ferriar 4 466 WILLIAM RICHARDSON, of Glasgow; Z. Jackson, N. Maske- lyne, C. Simeon, R. Orme, Lally Tolendal, J. Hardy, ae vy, W. Falconer, R. Urie, Gilb. Stuart 467 W. HAYLEY, W. Vincent, E. D. Clarke, W. Seward, J. H. Browne, W. Withering, Count Rumford, J.Wooll, W. Rus- sell, J. Harris, Charlotte Smith, Maclain, Count Rumford; and others, some of living Authors 468 J. PINKERTON, W. Russell, Dugald Stewart, T. Gisborne, J. Toup, A. Hunter, T. Gisborne, Thos. Young, W. So- theby, S. Seyer, R. Polwhele, W. Emerson, Alex. Chal- mers, S. Berington, J. Lempriere, T. F. ee W. Magee, J. Lempriere; and others 469 W. HAZLITT, J. Lempriere, W. Hayley, J. Pinkerton, Alex. Chalmers, J. Currie, Dr. Drake, W. Gilpin, Sir G. Staun- | . ton, A. F. Tytler, Dr. Burney, J. Ogilvie, W. L. Bowles, T. Young, W. Kitchener, J. Playfair, W. Enfield; and’ others Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 57 470 W. L. BowLEs, W. Sotheby, J. Murphy, Alex. Chalmers, | ) | | . A. Maclaine, J. Harris, Dr. Hutton, W. Coxe, J. Aikin, | Bay Dr. Burney, J. H. Browne, W. Wilberforce, J. Sie ae | tosh, T. Gisborne, Jesse Foot, W. Frend, Sir J. Sinclair; and others 471 Str N. W. WRAXALL, W. Gillies, Malcolm Laing, J. Gillies, | T. Newenham, W. Hayley, W. Mitford, A. Maclaine, | C. Buchanan, Rev. Josiah Pratt, C. Sitesi A. F. Tytler, | J. Adolphus, E. Nares, C. Dunster, E. Malone; and others | AA \. | 472 R. Fenton, Baron Humboldt, Denon, James Harris, J. Walker, J. Lind, and others, some of living authors i. YI - 3 THOMAS Day, J. Lewin, S. Rose, Geo. Gleig, W. Blair, W. Wy, Crowe, and various others; some of living authors 4. Dr. FREE, A. Hunter, Charlotte Smith, A. Le Moine, Sir J. Mackintosh, D. McCrie, C. Jenkinson (Lord Liverpool), _ yw Zé and others al 475 JER. BENTHAM, Caleb Whitefoord, W. Burke, and others ~ |“. zreh:16 T. HARwoop; The Author of Frederick Latimer, a Novel, in Pil Answer to a Letter accusing him of Personalities, with the . Letter itself; two interesting Documents. T. D. Fos- i brooke, Dugald Stewart, W. Withering, J. Adolphus, i R. Orme, D. Lysons, W. Hone, Hannah More, and others 4 \— |= a DuGALD STEWART, J. Hall Stevenson, T. Pownall, Phil. Thicknesse, J. Harris, &c. i = ly = R. NARES, Ant. Vieyra, T. Morell, Dr. Burney, H. Homer, R. Griffiths Editor of the Monthly Review, Dr. J. Taylor Editor of Lysias, T. Hutchinson Editor of Xenophon, Dr. _ y — ‘Kennivott, &c. i fy, “479 Dr. Parr, J. Toup, Fragment of the Greek Writing of Porson, | iH | Transcript of a long Criticism on Chalmers’ Apology, =§ 7 _ written by Porson, N. Forster, &c. ys 480 J. TOLAND J. Toup, R. Bingley, Rob. Thornton ~|A FA 22,481 R. ORME, James Hutton, Bp. Percy, Edward Malone, Jer. Markland, B. Kennicott, R. Cumberland, W. Roscoe, E. — “7 — D. Clarke ‘482 J. ADOLPHUS, Jeremy Bentham, R. Comberbach, J. Denne, ) ve ee Malcolm Flemyng, Sir N. W. Wraxall, and others go 3 DAINES BARRINGTON, T. Taylor, Platonist, T. Hood, R. Wi, Nares, W. Hazlitt, Dr. Jamieson, and others " “- 484. CHARLOTTE SMITH. Dr. J. Aikin, R. Surtees, Lord Holland, and numerous others of living authors, Peers, &c. me eas : : y/\- / ~ ~ 486 J. AIKIN, Alex. Chalmers, J. Belsham, and numerous others of | _ &£ & 487 James Harris, Author of Philological Arrangements, &c.; R. | Orme, Historian of Hindostan, and Toup the Critic ee 48 — 488 Str EGERTON BrYDGES, Dr. Vincent, W. Mageé, Dr. ene j 7 \3\- pe By 2 58 485 CHARLOTTE SMITH, Joseph Cooper Walker, W. Gilpin, J. Adolphus, Charles Butler, J. Lempriere, D. Lysons, Bp. Porteous, E. Nares, and other Literary Characters Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. _ living authors, Peers, Bishops, &c. F. Plowden, W. H. Ireland, Lord Holland, W. Seward, Beilby Porteous, and others, some of living authors / / ~ 489 W. Gopwin, G. Chalmers, Chas. Bowlker, J. S. Hawkins, R. Blayney, W. Bingley, Dr. Vincent, John Playfair, Justa- mond, Charles Dunster, and others, including some of living authors 490 THOS. JoHNES, Dr. Parr, E. D. Clarke, J. J. Conybeare, Jer. 1 Milles, W. Hey, W. Smellie, Edward Evanson, Thomas Gisborne, C. J. Mickle, W. Coxe, Charlotte Smith, and 2 others, some living authors 491 Five Hundred and Fifty-three Letters of Authors of the prin- cipal Works on BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUARIES, and HERALDS, alphabetically arranged, illustrated with Four vol. half bound Amongst which are the following names: Smart Lethieullier Jo. Schnebbelie seventy-one Portraits. YUSSIO. G. Allan. J. Anstis T. Astle Sir Jos. Ayloff Jo. Battely W. Bawdwen James Bentham R. Bigland J. B. Blakeway Tho. Blore Wm. Borlase Jo. Brand Wm. Bray J. Bridges Jo. Burton Jo. Carter Rob. Clutterbuck W. Cole J. Collinson Sir John Cullum John Denne Fr. Drake A. C. Ducarel Jos. Edmonson Jo. Entick Sir Jo. Fenn ) 492 John Anstis, long Letter to the Duke of Montagu, Will. Twys- den to Sir Roger Twysden, Sir Isaac Heard, Peter 2 T. D. Fosbrooke R. Gale Tho. Gardner we Gibson m. Gostling R. Gough Fr. Grose Jo. Gutch James Hals W. Hamper E. Hargrove Edw. Hasted Sir Is. Heard Tho. Hearne Geo. Hickes Sir R. Hoare Jo. Hutchins Wim. Hutchinson Wwm. Hutton Edw. Jacobs W. Kennett Edw. King Edw. Ledwich Cha. Leigh Tho. Leman Ph. Le Neve Quarto. J. Lewis B. Longmate Dan. Lysons J.P. Malcolm Owen Manning Dr. Jo. Milner Ph. Morant T. Nash Jo. Nichols Bp. Nicolson J. Noorthouck Geo. North Geo. Ormerod Cha. Parkin Fr. Peck Sam. Pegge Tho. Pennant Leon. Pickard J. Pointer R. Polwhele J. Pownall R. Rawlinson R. Ruding N. Salmon Steb. Shaw Neve, and Gen. Vallancey Ve é | . ‘. Filmer Southouse Wm. Stukeley — R. Surtees Bp. Tanner Hale Thoresby Jo. ‘Thorpe John Throsby Jo. Topham Cha. Townley M. Tyson Fra. Townsend . R. Warner W. Warrington T. Warton ' Johu Watson tj P. Carteret Webb | Peter Whalley T. D. Whitaker Ric. Widmore D. Wilkins Browne Willis F. Wise Sir R. Worsley T. Wright H. PF: i rothauk “a by a Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. | 493 ANTIQUARIES AND TOPOGRAPHERS. 59 C. Ducarel, W. Lam- bard, signature only; E. Hasted, J. Thorpe, J. Dennis | 494 ANTIQUARIES AND TOPOGRAPHERS. ) Nichols, J. Milner, S. Shaw, J. Throsby, N. Salmon, R . Rawlinson, S. Pegge, B. Manning, P. Morant, E. King, J. Ives, J. Fenn, Sir H. Englefield, &c.; some portraits 495 Joseph Ames, W. Massey, J. Pote, R. C. Hoare, B. Blakeway, Browne Willis General Vallancey, J. F. Grose, J. 496 Four Hundred and Seventy Letters of deceased BRITISH POETS, from the sixteenth Century to the present day. Chronolo- _ Sir Philip Sidney || 'T. Sackville, Lord _ Buckhurst, to his Lady, 1570 a Barton Holyday _ Edm. Gayton A. Cowley Sir W. Davenant Edm. Waller to Evelyn TT. Creech to Evelyn | Geo. Stepney, 4 Bp. Sprat H Gia Mtage Bari of Halifax T. Parnell _ §S. Garth | Jo. Sheffield, Duke | Sir R. Blackmore cally arranged, and illustrated with One Hundred and Se- venty-two Portraits. Quarto; Five volumes, half bound i TUSSIA. The most distinguished are as follow :— W. Congreve Ned Ward J.Gay J. Arbuthnott Tho. Tickell A. Pope R. Savage J. Swift Chr. Pitt J. Thomson J. Watts - Tho.Cooke,Transl. of Hesiod W. Shenstone C. H. Williams Isaac H. Brown E. Young Jos. Spence W. Falconer Christ. Smart O. Goldsmith Lord Lyttelton J. Langhorne Jo. Armstrong R. Jago J. Scott of Amwell W. Whitehead Hen. Headley W.J. Mickle af & T. Warton, 1 Sam. Bishop R. Burns G. Keate W. Mason E. Darwin T. Dermody R. O. Cambridge J. Beattie J. Hoole Jo. Ritson C. Anstey, 14 Charlotte Smith Henry Kirke White Anna Seward Ja. Elpinston J. Blacket P. Stockdale Bp. Percy R. Cumberland W. Boscawen E. Jerningham H. J. Pye Jo. Bidlake M. Wodhull Jo. Wolcot W. Hayley P. B. Shelley W. Combe R. Bloomfield T. Maurice B. Boothby C. Lofft Lord Byron J. B. Burges Bp. Heber C. C. Colton W. Gifford G. Crabbe W. Scott S. T. Coleridge C. Lamb Ja. Hogg 497 Ports. T. Southerne, Signature to a Dividend Warrant ; i Thos. Tickell, Signature; and two Letters of John Hughes, : one of them addressed to Earl Cowper, with Verses; Cover of a Letter from Pope, with lines outside 498 PRIOR (MATHEW) a Letter of three sheets foolscap to Lord | Halifax, containing a Vindication of his Conduct, and Par- ticulars relating to his Affairs, very interesting 99 FALCONER (J.) Letter, ordering a copy of his Shipwreck to be “bound finely and gilt: it is for the Queen.” 500 Poets. W. Sotheby, W. Hayley, H. Boyd, translator of Dante, W. Smythe (English Lyrics), W. R. Spencer, G. Dyer, | | H. F. Cary (Dante), George Richards, the Earl of Carlisle I | J\¢\ > /\G\ - S Vt a 510 One Hundred and Twenty-one Letters of DRAMATIC WRITERS — 60 __ Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 501 Ports. J. Warton, R. Jago, F. Fawkes, verses, W. White- _ head, J. Dyer, C. Anstey, J. Anstey, and various Signa- tures of Ritson, some portraits 502 Ports. R. Cumberland, I. Bickerstaff, G. Colman, the | younger 503 Ports. W. Hayley, J. Anstey, Verses by J. Wolcot (Peter — Pindar), W. H. Reid, verses, J. Bidlake, P. Coxe, Sir — B. Boothby, T. Park, maa others, with some portraits and — de fac-similes 7 rr. . d 7 . q , : q 504 Ports. S. J. Pratt, R. Montgomery, Bernard Barton, C. | Colton (Lacon) verses, E. Elliott, W. Roscoe, J. Hunter, — bouc A. Cunningham, &c. with some portraits | 505 RoBeRT BuRNS. Memorandum of Enquiry respecting a young — Man who has appeared in the Church (for having illegiti- _ mate Children), very curious, not signed: a Bill drawn by . Sir Walter Scott Cee Gur 506 ScoTT (WALTER) an interesting Letter . 507 BowLes (W. L.) Hope, an allegorical Poem, in his hand, © with four autograph Letters 4 508 WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM) a very interesting Letter, con- & taining Information relating to the Poet Thomson i Ole 509 COLERIDGE (S. T.) Letter containing Heads for a course of Bp Lectures on Poetry, very interesting Le and CRITICS ; illustrated with 49 Portraits. Such as, Isaac Bickerstaff D. Garrick W. H. Ireland Tho. Shadwell G. Colman, & Jun. Fr. Gentleman R. ai hson R. B. Sheridan Ww. Congreve W. Gifford vt: MKelly Tho. Southerne R. Cumberland O. Gilchrist allet G. Steevens Tho. Davies W. Hayley Edun Malone B. Thompson Cha. Dibdin Aaron Hill J. Monck Mason T. Tyrwhitt Cha. Dibdin, jun. J. Hoadley A. Murphy J. Vanbrugh T. Dibdin P. Hoare A Reed Bp. Warburton R. Farmer T. Holcroft F. Reynolds P. Whalley. half bound russia 4 . 4to 511 DRAMATIC WRITERS. F. G. Waldron, Mrs. Sheridan, J. O’Keefe, T. Reynolds, Arthur Murphy, W. Woodfall — the Printer to J. Quick, G. Lamb, Prince Hoare, &e. 512 Two Hundred and Thirty Letters of English Book COLLEc- | TORS, living in 1823; alphabetically arranged, with In-) , dexes, and twelve Portraits, 2 vol. half bound russia fol. 7” Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 61 Z.- | 513 Three Hundred and Ninety-five Letters and Papers connected with BIBLIOGRAPHY, written by well-known FOUNDERS OF LIBRARIES and COLLECTORS OF BOOKs in Great Britain, chronologically arranged, commencing with Sir Thomas Bodley in 1595, and continued to the year 1825 ; in which are introduced many names not mentioned in Dr. Dibdin’s Bibliomania; and including numerous Memoranda illustrative of the Book-collecting taste of John Evelyn } 3 and Samuel Pepys. Illustrated with two hundred and twenty-six Portraits, with chronological and alphabetical Indexes, 3 vol. bound in morocco leather Sir Thomas Bodley John, Lord Lumley Bishop Cosin John Evelyn Sir Kenelm Digby W™.Seaman,whose library was the first that was pub- licly sold by auc- tion in this coun- try, by William Cooper, Oct. 31, 1676 Bishop Fell Bishop More Archbp. Tennison John, Duke of Marlborough Sir Hans Sloane Dr. Tho. Gale Narcissus Luttrell Bishop Nicolson John Bagford Dr. John Wood- ward Ant. Collins Thomas Hearne Thomas Baker John Bridges Edw. Harley, Earl of Oxford Humphrey W anley Rev. J. Lewis John Anstis Jos. Ames Joseph Ballard Dr. Richard Mead Martiu Folkes Bryan Fairfax Dr. Richard Raw- linson Thomas Potter Dr. Coxe Macro Ralph Thoresby Rev. Richard Wid- ‘more Rev. John Hud- dersford Thomas Martin, of Palgrave JamesW est,P.R.S. Francis Hawksbee Dr. Ant. Askew Rev. Cesar de Missey Nath. Chauncy John Radcliffe, of Bermondsey John Ives, of Yar- mouth Dr. Matt. Maty Ebenezer Mussell John Henderson Mark Cephas Tutet Dr. Andrew Coltee Ducarel Dr. S. Adee Dr. Rich. Wright MajorTho. Pearson George Paton Dr. John Glen King John Peploe Birch Thomas Astle Dr. M. Lort Ant. Morice Storer John, Marquess of Bute Rev. Rich. South- gate Thomas Allen William Herbert Robert Orme Horace Walpole George Mason Dr. Rich. Farmer Rich. Sterne Tighe Clayton, M. Cra- Walter Boyd George Stcevens George Galway Mills Phil. Luckombe John Wilkes Rob. Heathcote Joseph Ritson John Woodhouse Hen. G. Quin John Hunter WilliamF illingham Mich. Wodhull Rey.JonathanBou- cher William, Marquess of Lansdowne Isaac Reed Charles Bedford Rey. John Brande Samuel Ewer John Ireland Rey. L. Dutens R. E. H. Woodford Alex. Dalrymple Richard Porson Alex. Mello Fred. Nicholay Richard Gough Dr. B. Heath, Har- row Dr. Geo. Heath, Eton Jos. Wyndham Thomas Kirkgate Dr. J. C. Lettsom Sir F. Morton Eden Dr. Tho. Dampier, Bp. of Rochester Edward Poore Dr. Matthew Raine Philip Splidt Craven Orde John, Duke of Roxburghe Col. Thos. Stanley John Horne Tooke Dr. J. Gosset Granville Sharpe Ralph Willet Stainsby Alchorne Chas. Townley John Townley fol. James Edwards Thomas Johnes Dr. Wm. Vincent, Dean of West- minster William Roscoe, of Liverpool Rev. Wm. Beloe Thomas Hollis Dr.Charles Burney Edmund Malone Charles, Duke of Norfolk James Bindley J. North, of East Acton Earl of Kerry George. Duke of Marlborough Edm. Fleming Akers Dr. James Currie Amos Strettel Samuel Lysons Sir Joseph Bankes John Kemble William Hayley John F. Tuffin John Rennie James Perry G. V. Neunburg George Allan George Watson Taylor Lord Glenbervie John Trotter Brockett Octavius Giichrist Sir Gregory Page Turner Hon. Geo. Nassau Sir Mark Master- man Sykes Henry Fontleroy George Baker, St. Paul’s Church Yard. hig S| - / Vy - b Mb- mE, oe 62. Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott Se my 514 Autographs of celebrated Librarians, Coin Collectors, Mem- bers of the Roxburghe Club, Printsellers, Auctioneers of Literary Property, &c. Z 2 515 Miscellaneous: Hon. Mr. Nassau, Sir F. Freeling, W. Sotheby, | y and various Book and Autograph Collectors, &c. a | 516 Three Hundred and T'wenty-five Letters of English PRINTERS AND BOOKSELLERS, during the eighteenth century, and — A for the most part on Literary subjects, unbound 4to | 517 Authors. Agreements for Copyrights, Receipts, &c. from | : various Authors, a curious Collection, alphabetically ar- At ranged, with Portraits inserted, unbound : na ) | — *,* Very interesting, and important for the literary history of the last and present centuries. We discover from them authors of . 3 several anonymous works, writers in periodicals, &c. . 518 BOOKSELLERS. An extensive Collection of Trade Letters, ; Divisions of Shares in Books, Receipts of Authors, En- gravers and Printers, &c. during the last and present centuries 519 BOOKSELLERS’ CORRESPONDENCE. A very extensive Series of Letters, addressed to Nourse, Wingrave, and other Book- sellers, by authors, artists, &c. during the last and present centuries, with a number of Receipts for Money, three large parcels . *,* This collection will be of service to any person engaged in literary and biographical research. 520 Autographs of Librarians, Booksellers, &c. Lockyer Davis, J. Brindley, A. Brice of Exeter, R. Clements of Oxford, &c. 521 Nine Hundred and Eighty Letters of Foreign Literati, alpha- betically arranged, unbound . Ato | 522 Broussais, the celebrated physician, Roger Collard, De Ge- rando, Comte Daru, Ugo Foscolo, G. Graberg d’Hemso, and other eminent Foreign Literati 523 Jomard, Camille Jordan, Lemercier, Langles, Michard, Say, — Count Woronzow, and other Learned and Scientific Fo- reigners | 524 Two Hundred and Nine Letters of FRENCH, DourTcH, and ITA- LIAN BOOKSELLERS, illustrative of Literature, unbound | THE STAGE. | | rf n| 525 Four Hundred and Fourteen Letters, written by DRAMATIC . | and MUSICAL PERFORMERS, alphabetically arranged ; i illustrated with three hundred and one Engravings, 4 vol. half bound russia ; ; Ato AS Amongst which will be found those of, | i _ Abington, Frances Foote,. Miss Lewis, W. T. Palmer, John - Aicken, as Garrick Linley, Thos. Parsons, W. | Bannister, Charles Grimaldi, Jo. Linley, Maria Pope, A. _ Bannister, John Heidegger, Jo. Ja. Macklin, C. Quick, J. Barrymore, Wm. Hollan , Cha. Macklin, Maria Raymond, J. G. _Bartleman, James’ Hull, Tho. Mara, Madame Robinson, Anas- Bellamy, G. Anne Johnstone, J Mathews, Chas. tasia _ Billington, Mrs. Jordan, Dorothea Maddocks, Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Booth, Barton Kean, Edmund Moody, J. Smith, Wm. Bracecirdle, Ame _ Kelly, Michael Munden, Jos. Storace, Anne Cibber, Colley Kemble, J. P. O’Neill, E. Wewitzer, R. Dignum, Cha. King, Thomas Oxberry, W. Wilkinson, Tate Edwin, J. Knight, E. ‘ Packer, J. W oodward, Hen. Elliston, R. W. Lewis, Chas. Lee Palmer, Rob. Wroughton, R. Emery, J. 526 Mrs. Woffington, Thomas Dogget, Anne Oldfield, signatures to Theatrical Documents ni KA re 527 Macklin (Charles) several Letters, also Letters from his Daughter to him; B. Victor to Macklin; Spranger Barry to Macklin ; and other Letters addressed to or relating to Jie him Z- 598 Foote (SAM.) long Letter to David Garrick, with his An- swer, two very interesting Letters a2 - os 529 DAviID GARRICK to Frances Brooke, in answer to a Letter of his which accompanies it - vA = 4530 GARRICK (DAviD) Letters of David Garrick, Mrs. Garrick, ye and George Garrick, his Brother; and various Letters and Papers addressed to them by C. Dibdin, S. Cautherley, Isaac Bickerstaff, Miss Young, Thos. Wilkes, J. Vernon, W. Smith, W. Davies, M. Ross, W. Palmer, J. Moody, i H. Mossop, T. Linley, C. H. Lacy, Thos. King, J. Johnston, i C. Holland, W. Howard, T. Harris, R. Bensley, T. Davies, y yy Mrs, Pritchard, a very curious and interesting article cf i 531 GARRICK. Various Letters and Papers addressed to Garrick, endorsed by him “Letters from the Committee for the Fund, with some of their Rules, May 1774.” Letters be- tween Garrick and Sir John Fielding ea 64 Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. eV 532 SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley) curious Letters on Money | Matters Zé — 533 Tate Wilkinson, Thos. Hull, C. Matthews, Mrs. Matthews ; and others / — ~ 534 J. BANNISTER, Mrs. Bartley, G. Bartley, Miss Bolton (lady Thurlow), T. L. Bellamy, 0. Astley, 1786; J. Astley, C. , Dibdin ; and others, with several portraits / 2. . 5385 Srppons (Mrs.) Letter, various papers relating to her, nt, portrait after Lawrence / 4 — 536 THEATRICAL. T. Holcroft, long Programme of a Play; S. aq ‘ Kemble, W. Reynolds, J. Boaden, T. Morton, J. Winston, — and a large Collection of Dramatic Authors, Actors, Sing-) : ers, Managers, &c. with some printed papers ‘ie —~ 4G - 537 Actors. J. Johnston, T. Harris, E. Knight, M. Kelly, part | of a Scene in the Barber of Seville, in the hand-writing of | Kean, S. Kemble, &c. with several portraits — 3 / 3 — 538 Actors. W. T. Lewis, C. Brandon, Miss Macaulay, Signorel | Storace, C. Mathews, Lines spoken at Liverpool by Munden, — R. Mountain, C. Murray, A. Pope, J. Powell, F. Raymond, Z R. Suett, and others, with some portraits | / 3 - 539 Acrors. D. Terry, R. Wewitzer, J. Winston, J. Younger, a R. Wroughton, R. W. Elliston, W. Dowton, and eae Y with some portraits G - 540 Dramatic Autographs. Signatures of various Performers ; C. Mathews, Knight, &c. ia ~ 6 F541 TALMA, and various other Foreign Performers - MUSICAL COMPOSERS AND SINGERS. // _ 542 Dr. ARNE, Dr. ARNOLD, David Garrick, J. Bartleman, and others ig _ #F ~ §43 Dr. Burney, Dr. Busby, Barthelemon, Mrs. Billington, and other eminent Modern Composers, Singers, &c. _ Wf ~ 544 Dr. Caleott, Dr. Crotch, Madam Catalani, and other celebrated Composers and Singers, English and Foreign . 66545 De Begnis, d’Egville, and other Composers and Singers - S © 546 De Beriot, Donzelli, Hummel, and other Composers and Singers 4 _ é 4547 Dr. Kemp, Mad. Kramphotz, E. Knight, Kalkbrenner, C. G. Keisewetter, and other Composers and Singers Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 48 W. Lindley, R. Lindley, M"* Mars, Capt. Morris, Naldi, a ld other Composers and Singers 549 Sir W. Parsons, Felice Pelligrini, and others 550 M. Storaci, P. Spagnoletti, Herietta Sontag, and other Com- posers and Singers 551 Steibett, Tramezzani, J. Winston, S. Wesley, S. Weber, and others 65 552 Musical Papers, a few, with Music “ written by Beethoven in the last year of his sorrowfull life” 553 Autographs of celebrated Performers, Composers, &c. of the i Italian Opera, with several ports. De Begnis, Rossini, &c. 564 Three Hundred Letters, chiefly in Italian and French, addressed to M. Benelli, Director of the Opera House, London, from Anspaeh, Margra- vine of Barbauld, A. L. Beauclerk, Lady Diana Benger, Eliz. Blount, Teresa, the friend of A. Pope _ Bowdler, H. M. _ Brooke, Frances Burney, S. H. - Queen Caroline . Princess Charlotte of Wales Carter, Elizabeth CentLivre,Susanna Clark, Mary Anne Cowley, Hannah _ Damer, Hon. Anne Dobson, Sarah Edgeworth, Maria . Elstob, Elizabeth Evelyn, Mary, wife of John Evelyn a eee war specting their engagements, unbound LADIES. Fielding, Sarah, translator of Xe- nophon Garrick, Mrs. Genlis, Madame Godwin, Mary Wol- steucroft Graham, Mary Grant, Anne Gunning, Miss Hamilton, Eliza- beth Hemans, Felicia Henrietta Maria, Q. of Charles 1 Huntingdon, Se- lina, Countess of Hyde, Anne, Duchess of York Inchbald, E. Jordan, Dorothea Kauffman, Angelica Lee,Sophia & Har- riet Lenox, Charlotte Linwood, Mary Macauley,Catherine Maintenon, Madam de Marlborough,Sarah, Duchess of Montagu, Lady Wortley Montagu, Elizabeth More, Hannah Newcastle, Mar- garet, Duchess of Opie, Amelia Owensou, Miss, and as Lady Morgan Philippes, Kathe- rine Piozzi, Lynch Plumtre, Anne Porter, Anna Maria Porter, J Radcliffe, Ann Hester | : the various Performers at that Theatre and elsewhere, re- 555 Philips (Thomas) Papers of, comprising Letters addressed to him | by various professional persons 556 Four Hundred and Forty-four Letters, written by LITERARY and DISTINGUISHED WOMEN, alphabetically arranged, and illustrated with one hundred and twenty one portraits, . 4 vol. half bound russia Some of which are as follow :— 4to Reeve, Clara Robinson, Mary Russell, Lady Ra- chael Schurman, Maria Seward, Anna Siddons, Sarah Smith, Charlotte Smith, Elizabeth Southcott, Joanna Staél, Madame de Taylor, Jane, of Ongar Tighe, Mrs. author of Psyche Trimmer, Sarah Unwin, Mary,Cow- Tt ’s friend a Helen Maria Anna PA ~4 ~ — a 66 Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. oo / / - 557 Jane Drummond, two Letters to Lady Killigrew, 1616—Mary, | / | wife of John Evelyn, Letter signed with her initials only. — 47. 558 Ann, Countess of Warwick, married to Addison, Signature to a Receipt; Mary Cavendish, Countess of Portland, the Duchess of Kendall, 1132, Signature; and other Ladies | of Title, various - 44- 559 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, an interesting Letter to her | a Husband, not signed, but endorsed by him; Sarah Duchess 7 of Marlborough, a long Letter, entirely in her hand, not Z signed F iq tg | ~! 560 Marlborough (Sarah, Duchess of) Two long Letters, one _ signed only, the other entirely in her hand, to the Duke of Z Newcastle, very characteristic and interesting | a ee _ 46 - 561 Mrs. Brooke, author of Reliques of Irish Poetry, to David Garrick, with a Note from him in Auswer; Mrs. Crespigny, | Eliz. Cobbold, H. Cowley, Mrs. Cholmondeley to D. Gar rick, Mrs. Griffith to the same, and others | es 1 | — /6 - 562 Mrs. Montagu, three Letters to D. Garrick; various Letters aa Miss Sterne to the same Te . : - j of rank, various i Be | Ys 564 Elizabeth, Lady Craven (Duchess of St. Albans), and others Z / // — 565 Anne Radcliffe, Signature to a Receipt; Charlotte Smith, Miss! 3 Strickland, Anua Seward, Miss Spence, Mrs. Trimmer, / and others | ss G - 563 Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, and other ‘aid A / 2 — 566 Olivia Wilmot Serres, self-stiled «“ Princess of Cumberland,”, curious Letters and Papers / 3 — 567 Selina Shirley, Countess Dowager of Huntingdon; Lady Hester / Lucy Stanhope, an interesting Letter from Syria / @ « 568 Joanna Baillie, Miss Benger, H. M. Bowdler, Mrs. Barbauld Jane Burke, and others — /4 — 569 Eliza Hamilton, Margaret Holford, Mary Howitt, verses ; Emma q Hamilton, Catharine Hutton, Mrs. Hofland, Anne Jameson, / Mary Linwood, Sophia Lee, and others ‘ / 2 - 570 L.E.L. Verses, not signed; a Letter signed “L. E. L,,’ Manuscript, by Miss Mitford, not signed ; Notes by ditto, signed; E. M. Macaulay, Jane Porter, Amelia Opie and others ; 7 —— | | Manuscripts § Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. 67 571 AUTOGRAPHS OF DISTINGUISHED CHARACTERS. A COLLEC- | TION OF ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPHS, BY THE MOST DIS- TINGUISHED CHARACTERS IN ALL CLASSES OF LIFE; INCLUDING SOVEREIGNS, STATESMEN, DIvINEs, LAw- YERS, NAVAL AND MILITARY OFFICERS, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS; AUTHORS, MEN OF SCIENCE, ARTISTS, AND ACTORS; MUSICIANS, EMINENT FOREIGNERS, AND —w CELEBRATED WOMEN 4f ores ILLUSTRATED with Portraits and Biographical Notices by William Upeott, of the London Institution bound in thirteen volumes, large folio, red morocco, with joints, richly gilt | The collection consists of Two Thousand and seventy-eight Autographs, illustrated with One Thousand Portraits, many of which are proof impressions, and some private plates The volumes have printed titles. 572 AUTOGRAPHS. Thirty-one Volumes, containing Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighteen Original Letters and Auto- graphs, illustrated with three hundred and forty-four Por- traits ; the whole of an octavo size; comprising celebrated and remarkable persons in all stations of life: such as the family of George III; Peers, Bishops, Baronets; Naval and Military Characters; Literary Men, including Poets and Dramatic Writers; Travellers, Painters, Sculptors, Architects, and Engravers; Actors, Composers; Clerical, - Legal, Medical, and Public Characters ; Men of Science, 4 Eminent Women, and distinguished Foreigners, half bound Odi. |- russia When the contents of the above volumes are examined, they cannot fail to create a peculiar interest, embodying as they do many of the most remarkable persons. This Series is in itself a very choice and almost unequalled collection. Mr. Upcott refused three hundred pounds for these volumes. 573 D’EON (CHEVALIER) Two Autograph Letters addressed to Lord Tamworth, with some very curious Papers relating to him, and some rare and singular Prints. Among the Papers is one containing the agreement of the terms of a wager respecting the sex of the Chevalier aes 574 EXTRAORDINARY CHARACTERS. Chevalier D’Eon, Dr. Gra- ham, V. Lunardi, Sarah Biffin, born without arms or legs ; Lt W. Crockford, &c.; various Letters ce Fs 575 Chambre (Mrs., of Oswestry) A Series of Letters addressed to her, chiefly on legal matters, 1780-1810 °576 Volume, containing Original Letters of Applications for Shares in the General Dyeing and Printing Company, 1825 4to _ 577 Papers and Correspondence addressed to the Editor of the ‘Monthly Mirror; Letters addressed to F. N. Crouch, Esq. K 68. Manuscripts & Autographs of W. Upcott, Esq. — 4g. 578 Autograph Letters of various Book-Collectors; Papers relating) to the Dinner given to the Duke of Wellington by the East India Company, &c.; Papers and Letters relating to the 7, Philharmonic Society By: . /0 ~ 580 Letters, Papers, Transcripts, &c.; a very large collection _ 46 581 Autographs, consisting of Letters, Notes, Signatures, Franks, &c.; some of eminent persons, a large collection _ “% — 582 Autographs, Miscellaneous ; a parcel | Z _ /$- 583 Autographs of English and Foreign Royal and eminent Men from the reign of Henry VI to that of George II, drawn from public and other authentic Records. Fac-similes 7 by W. H. Ireland, with some portraits, unbound Ato Cad — i iG 584 Portfolio, containing fac-similes of Autographs 4to (7 _ 4 - 585 Parliamentary Petitions; one from Scotland, on several large | ; sheets, containing several thousand signatures. C22 jt ~~ Sb) Gyn Mftttd. | £65 Sify Fialuee regen l emerge SSS - S64 Pare Seem Sic GG- 5&9 atte ae ALLLELS Vb s| $90 MOO htdcinsy ae ai = LG/ ete fe tated Of heaves Cia cig . 2ibl £94 Atadtirusteiel, gaa SSO IGS Bird Sf flee ee a ~ Bb S74 chat Sicknitiae Wi hae ; s : a OA TAT OATIR oe te ~ : gz O* Od Pt Oe Be ay ies 2. clay Zhe. i fF Meene, ° Ma frv | eee 4 a oa 3 y em anenty ati WoLL Se \. om Te” eee aay : Pa ew _ > Ted) Va CATALOGUE OTC OF THE ‘ } i) ne. COLLECTION OF | Ce Pan TS. PICTURES: AND CURIOSITIES OF THE LATE WILLIAM UPCOTT, ESQ. CONSISTING OF A most extensive Collection of Prints in English Topography, par- ticularly London and its Environs ; Engraved Portraits of eminent Persons, many of them Private Plates, and of great rarity ; Mis- cellaneous Prints, embracing every variety of subject, particularly : Sports, Games, and Pastimes, Popular Manners and Customs, Ex- hibitions, Theatrical Amusements, Mechanical Inventions, Wonders of Nature and Art, Remarkable Events, Caricatures, Political, Per- sonal, and Humorous; A great number of Original Sketches of that very clever Artist, Ozias Humphrey, Esq. R.A. Miniatures on * Ivory of several eminent and distinguished persons, including one by Cooper; Pictures; Curiosities, including a handle from the coffin of Mary Queen of Scots; upwards of 1500 Provincial Coins and Tokens, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ( Under the Direction of the Court of Chancery ), BY MESSRS. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & Co, 4-125 AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS, AT THE ROOMS OF MESSRS. EVANS, No. 106, NEW BOND STREET, - 24 On THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1846, at ONE o’CLoek, precisely. arwel : ~~ ~y * e LLAP 94-D5a3————___ fellewrwny Day. CATATORIIERS THO RB UWAN AT TTD prannpawdaatrrnren ‘ee cere 8 a he OE 2Q PY DERSLER ERT VCE &. F Sst * ade ®t ee 4 - . sy . “3 — 2 @ Ss = Se he “7? mi cal 4 *. tii 1. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immedi- ately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Ls. ; above Five Pounds 2s..6d. ; _ and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more if required, in part Pay- ment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again, and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expense, within Five Days after the conclusion of the Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase money to BE ABSOLUTELY PAID ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY, in default of which Messrs. Sotheby and Co. will not hold themselves responsible if stolen, lost, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Lots to be taken with all Faults, Lmperfectious, and Errors of Description. ; VI. The Sale of any Lot is not to be set aside on account of any error of enumeration of the Drawings, Prints, or other Articles it is stated to contain. VII. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges on such Re-sale, and this shall be considered, a sufficient Notice to the Defaulter. *.* No Lots will be delivered during the Time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, eiehdinns I S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, . - Wellington Street, Strand. — , . % et ti & a” og ree O @ > : -_ z CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF PRINTS, PICTURES, - AND CURIOSITIES OF THE LATE . WILLIAM UPCOTT, ESQ. CONSISTING OF , .. 80 Fourteen ditto of Masaccio, his own Portrait; and other Draw- ings and Tracings by Oz. Humphrey, including one of Raffaelle and his master Pietro Perugino 14 - G1. {8 Study from Nature, a fine anatomical figure, by Mortimer ; Two Heads of Boys, in oil; and various Drawings from the human figure, by O. Humphrey c 20 _ wb 82 Portraitsin Crayons, by Oz. Humphrey, mostly original Sketches . for Pictures; Richard Collier, Mrs. Sheridan, Thomas Sheridan, Gustavus, the Diamond Merchant, Dr. Heavi- side; and Mrs. Goddard, Lady of Ambrose Goddard, M.P. for Wiltshire ; and others * 22 7 __ 4 6 83 Twelve others, by the same; Princess Sophia Matilda, Miss Cambridge; and others ; 12 . /2 ~ 84 Rowlandson, Comic Sketches, coloured 8 _ 4%. 85 Lady Maria Waldegrave, Capt. Waldegrave, Augustus and Henry Phipps; and others ; gilt ~ $°- 86 Eight Drawings of Portraits: Earl Cowper, and) others, by O. |) , Humphrey 5 — / — 87 Minerva, an Outline, drawn by W. Etty, R.A.; and Crayon Portraits, by Ozias Humphrey, of himself and others ~ 7 — 88 Drawing in Black lead Pencil, by J. M. TuRNER, R.A. — go 89 Henry IV of England; Dr. Chambers, after Holbein; Sir Francis Drake, &c., Drawings from original Pictures 4 / 73 - 90 Views in Rome, Original Drawings, by Oz. Humphrey 14 — g-- 91 Four Drawings, by Blake : f 4 Zé ~ 92 Caricatures, Early Drawings, by J. Craikshank and others, very | curtous , i 9 _ 4 ~,93 Moranp; The Sportsman, a drawing in water colours, very | carefully finished, by George Morland _ 4. 94 Indian Drawing, representing Pavilions in a Garden, with 6 Prints, Drawings, &c. of William Upcott, Esq. 74 RaFFAELLE. Drawingsand Tracings from some of the principal Dancing on the Tight-rope, very curtous a ee ee I Prints, Drawings, &c. of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. 7 SKETCH-BOOKS USED BY OZIAS HUMPHREY. 4 9% Five Skercu-Booxs used in England, &c.; one containing . Extracts from the Register of the Parish Church at Honiton | relative to the Humphry and Upcott Families ; View of . the Vicarage House, &c. very interesting JZ 96 ONE Ditro; containing a great variety of free-pen and other Sketches of Figures in every variety of Attitude, dound in mottled calf, of great utility to an artist, and highly desirable j to the connoisseur “ 97 Five Sketch-Books used by O. Humphry in India, &c. 42. %8 THREE Dirro used in India; Two, containing sketches of the principal places in Calcutta; one, the Costume of the Natives, &c. very desirable “4 99 Another Sketch-Book of Ozias Humphrey while in India, con- taining many very spirited sketches in Calcutta, Lucknow, Allahabad, &c. # 100 Two orueErs: used at the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena Z 101 Five orHers, during the Artist’s residence in Rome ; containing very excellent Memoranda of the principal Statues and other objects connected with Antiquity and the Fine Arts £102 The Savoyards and the Fairing, &c. after Singleton, Wheatly, and others : 103 The Broken Pitcher ; Cottage Musicians, after Kidd, &c. oy 14 Clytie, after Caracci, by Bartolozzi; Beggars’ Opera, after Hogarth, proof ; and one other Zi. 105 The Premium print, andthe Cott, after Smith of Chichester ; and other Landscapes 4 106 The Rural Cott, after Smith; and the set of Shooting Prints, Bat 5 after Stubbes ; all by Woollett ; Lap 107 Holy Families, after Caracci and Murillo; and Scripture | Subjects sh, 108 Tiibad. after Wouvermans, Teniers, Salvator Rosa, and | others zzz 109 Le Conversation, et La Lecture Espagnole, after Vanloo, by i Beauvarlet; Charles I and Family; anda pair, by Soubeyran 24’ 110 The Senses, a series of engravings representing Courtiers and Ladies of the time of Louis XIII, finely engraved by Bosse 5 Zé \11 Pameta. A series of twelve Plates to illustrate Richardson’s . Novel of Pamela, engraved by L. Truchy and A. Benoist, 2} after Highmore,a picked set formed by Mr. Bindley, all fine 4d. 112 Hotztar. The Mallard, Goldfinch, Stag, and Lion, after Durer ; | the Cat’s Head, &c. fine : 10 zez- 113 Hottar. Small Views, Tothill-Fields, London, Windsor, & : 11 Os : téen#\14 Howtar. Portraits aud Shipping ; 19 }— ine ~~ ae oN Fee 7) Jb o A 8 Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. A 115 Hottar. Portrait of Margaret Temon holding a Nosegay, _ after Vandyke, fine ; and the Set of the Seasons Ze * * The “ Seasons” are not only curious as illustrating the costume of © the period and beautiful specimens of the artist, but are, in all probability, portraits of celebrated Ladies; and the beautiful back-grounds representing “Summer,” St. James’s Park, with © deer, the Canal, and the Banquetting-house, Whitehall Gate, — and Westminster Abbey, seen in the distance; the City (qy. Cheapside ?) —‘* Winter,” with the curious shops and the busy scenes of the day; the Country Mansion in “Spring,” &c. render these a truly desirable set of prints. | 116 Baur (John William) Works, consisting of One hundred and — forty-nine spirited Etchings of Mythological Subjects, uniformly mounted, with his portrait | 117 Raffaele. The Story of Cupid and Psyche, a series of engravings © by Villamena, fine impressions, with variations of some of | hon | . the plates | 118 Holy Family, after Raffaelle, by Desnoyers, fine proof 12 119 Leonardo da Vinci, Imitations of original designs of, by Cham- berlain Lat 120 Scriptural, after Michael Angelo and Raffaelle; the Last Judg- Be ment; the Transfiguration, &c. 4 19 |P*As 121 Etchings, &c. Scriptural and other subjects , 50 -4z 122 Miscellaneous Prints by Modern Artists; Leda, by Leroux, PROOF; the Infant Hercules, after Sir Joshua, PROOF AND — Za 3 i 47 ETCHING, &c. : : 1 123 The Circumcision, after Guercino, by Bartolozzi ; and ten Etch- | y ings, by Mitelli, after Bolognese Artists 2 ll f 5, 124 The Charities, by Seb. Bourdon, the set, fine ‘ 6 ia 125 Sacred and Mythological Subjects, after Corn. Schut, by : Eynhoedts . 60 2 126 John Baptizing, after Poussin, by Ger. Audran; and two others | Me after the same, on six sheets \ Ze 127 Poussin. Scriptural Subjects, after Poussin, by Audran, and | | various Artists, large ; 12 A a 128 Poussin. Holy Family, after Poussin and Caracci, by Natalis, _, , Roullet, &c. some proofs : 44. A 129 Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church, after Poussin, by , — Audran, fine | 14 ben 130 Landscapes, after Claude, Salvator Rosa, Poussin, by Woollett, ; Browne, Vivares, and other English engravers 9 131 Italian School: Mare Antonio, and others ‘ 9 4 132 Italian School: Nativity, after Bronzino, by Ghisi; and the Spousals of Joseph and Mary, by Parmegiano 4 te 133 Italian School: Julio Bonasoni; and others ‘ 7 134 Italian School: Giulio Romano; Battle-Pieces, hy Pencz, oe . y toli, and others Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. 9 | 24 135 Italian School: Albano; Triumph of Venus, by S. Baudet; and other Mythological Subjects ; Oe 11 zz. 186 Trial of Algernon Sidney, after Stephanoff, by Bromley, pRooF and ETCHING; and Garrick in the Green-Room, after Ho- garth, PROOF 2 : . es of the Boyne and La Hogue, after West, by Woollet and Hall, subscribers’ tmpressions, very fine 2 Z> 137 Battl | ** With accompanying autograph note by West. I, 138 Oliver Cromwell Dissolving the Long Parliament, and The Landing of Charles II, by Sharp and Hall, original sub- : ‘ 2 scription impressions _ *,* © Your name stands as usual at the head of Subscribers for the prints by Woollett and Hall, and will equally secure you the first impressions, as tho’ you paid your guinea and had the receipt.” —Extract from West's note attached to the previous lot. 42. 139 Sortie at Gibraltar, by Sharpe; Battle at Bunker’s Hill, by Miller ; and The Death of General Montgomery, by Cle- mens, all after Trumbull, fine old tmpressions 24, 140 Coriolanus, after West, by Green; The Tenth of August 1793, ° by Earlom, after Zoffany ; The Port of London, proof ; part of the print of New College Window, after Reynolds; and | other large Prints : : i 7 4 141 Death of the Chevalier Bayard, and Companion Print, after | West; Cardinal Wolsey received into the Abbey of H Leicester ; and other Historical Prints 9 .-/ 142 Edward VI signing the Charter of Bridewell; Distribution of the Maunday Money; Trial of Lord Lovat in Westminster Hall; and other Historical Prints , 9 ff _ 1A / Sb \— 10 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. SECOND DAY’S SALE. LOT 144 A PORTFOLIO, containing Topographical and other Antiqui-_ /Ab” ties, Portraits, &c. some scarce me wi 145 Foreign Topography, Public Fire Works, &c. 20 % 146 Topography, English and Foreign Siege of Colchester, 1648; Plan of Rome, a fine old pen and ink drawing 14 147 Foreign Topography, @ large parcel : 148 Foreign Topography. Switzerland and Portugal ya? % t 149 Antwerp Cathedral; and Plan of Amsterdam, by Hollar, &c. 9 CZ 150 Foreign Topography, a large parcel m4 151 Fire Works at Amsterdam and the Blaauw Jan, both by — Moucheron, rare ; and other Views in Amsterdam 20 152 Views in Normandy, by Cotman ; ‘ 37 |A 153 British Topography, a Collection unsor , 156 Unsorted British Topography, a large parcel 157 Another parcel, ditto - : 158 Ditto : 159 Topography, various, a large parcel 160 Ditto, some mounted 161 Ditto ‘ 3 162 Essex Topography, a parcel 163 Topography. Kent, Suffolk, aud Sussex, a parcel : 164 Topography. Buckinghamshire and Berkshire, various 165 Hertrorpsuire. Fifteen highly finished Drawings in colours | of various Views in Herts, several in the Town of Hitchen, — by G. S. Shepherd ‘he 166 Isle of Wight, Hants, &c. a parcel, one an old drawing of a | map, curious ‘ LONDON. & 167 A large Collection of Miscellaneous Prints to illustrate Pen- / nant’s London : "4 168 Representations and Bills of Fare of the great Civic Festivals, |, a very curious collection r 169 Satirical Prints relative to the Lord Mayors of London, with various squibs and crackers relative to them, also Mr. U’s | heading for the wrapper; all curious 170 A large Collection of Miscellaneous Prints in and about London 171 Another parcel, ditto 172 Plans and suggested Improvements chiefly in and about Lon- 173 don, a large collection London and the Environs, a large collection 174 Westminster. Views to illustrate the History of Westminster, a large parcel it | London continued. #é \75 Westminster Election, Prints and a large Collection of Squibs, Handbills, &c. relative to the different Contests in West- minster fon) 176 A large and very curious Collection of Prints, Bills, Portraits, and Manuscript Extracts, &c. relating to Bartholomew Fair, and the Exhibitions there re Aol d8 Another very extensive Collection relative to Bartholomew Fair, with Portraits and Autographs of the Lord Mayors and Aldermen, ina portfolio, in which is pasted a large Collec- | tion of early Theatrical Advertisements w/- \79 Four large Views of the House of Commons and other Topo- graphical Views, chiefly in London 222, 180 Views of Ancient Houses in London, and various Public Build- ings chiefly in London, all fine proofs . 2¢2—181 Exhibitions, Mechanical, &c. a parcel : -//. 182 Singular Collection of Ephemeral Publications, respecting Suicides, committed by jumping off the Monument 722-183 Sadler’s Wells. A very large Collection of Portraits of the principal Performers at Sadler’s Wells, with scenic Prints, Placards, Caricatures, Songs, including many illustrative 7 of the Lite of Grimaldi, some Autographs of the Actors, &c. aoe \84.** City Finery, Balls and Public Shows, to please Children of a larger Growth !!” i 185 Batty and Ryan’s Horsemanship ; Surry Zoological Gardens ; Royal Circus, &c. a parcel 186 Collections in Wrappers. Tower-Gates, Schools, Markets, Theatres, Royal Exchange and Demolition, Hospitals and Prisons, Charities, Colleges, Halls, Thames, Bridges, Docks, Canals, London Bridge, Public Buildings, Maps, General View, Southwark ; in one portfolio, a numerous collection 24, 187 The Cryes of London, drawne after Life, by M. Lauron, P. Tempest, excudit, only five prints wanting to complete the set, which contains all the Grainger portraits 67 188 Opening of London Bridge, Panoramic View of London, and _ALLD p 8 , 5 others, in all . 24 fe 189 Gardens. Vauxhall, Ranelagh, Marylebone, Cupers Garden, i Kensington Gardens, Taverns, Hotels, &c. a large collection 722.190 Punch and other out-door Exhibitions and Amusements, a col- lection 4+A91 Vauxhall. A Collection of Portraits, Prints, Bills, Songs, Bal- a loons, &c. connected with Vauxhall Gardens 44. 192 Singing, Dancing, Musical Concerts, Regattas, Water Amuse- ment, &c. a parcel e020.193 Drury Lane Theatre; a Collection of Play Bills, Prints, &c. Yd 194 Covent Garden Theatre ; City Theatre, Grub Street ; Equestrian yh and other Exhibitions, a large parcel Ad 195 Astley’s Amphitheatre ; a very large Collection of the various jt Spectacles and Equestrian Performances rey a Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. 1} LAT 1196 oe rs 6 197 ~|7 44198 ee i7g7 - 1200 Jf 201 JE 1 202 fo — 203 (4 | 204 — wet ~1 205 4s Ved _ oy 207 “4 208 PAM ox eee Zid -~| 210 wiv iearell fh ~ 4212 VL 213 ee eee oe) ee 2 LA 216 thie TQT6 weer a OF it grt Bis LPF an PAD — 7 F 220 id O41 eee 6 .~ 222 Ditto. Lancashire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Middlesex, | re we - 223 Ditto. Norfolk, Nottingham, Rutlandshire, Scotland, Shrop- J~— 224 Ditto. Suffolk, Sussex, Wales, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, 4 £225 Topographical Sketches in England, by T. Girtin, drawings 19 A Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upeott, Esq. Pantheon, Bagnigge Wells, two drawings, &c.; Panoramas, is a parcel i Lysons’ ENV1RONS OF LONDON. A large Collection of Portraits and Views, for the illustration of BB Lysons’ Environs, Harrow, Hornsey, Isleworth, &c. . Ditto. Hampton Court, Hendon, &c. a parcel ‘ ‘ is Sa Ditto. Hackney, Hampstead, &c. a large collection - - - uP Ditto. Stepney, Stanmore, Teddington, Tottenham, &c. - . & Ditto. Sunbury, Strawberry Hill, Uxbridge, &c. . . - @ Ditto. Enfield, Edmonton, Southgate, Highgate, &c. - - ~~ Ditto. Hammersmith, Fulham, Acton, Ealing, &c. . - - oe Ditto. Chelsea, a large parcel - . Sa Ditto. Richmond, Hampton Court, Xc. — - - me Ditto. Deptford, Greenwich, Woolwich, &c. avery large parcel A Ditto. Islington, St. Pancras, Paddington, &c. a large parcel Ve Ditto. Another large parcel Mt Surrey. Wimbledon, Lambeth, Portraits, Views, Sc. some original Drawings, a large parcel (ZZ Ditto. Merton, Mitcham, Morden, &c. various, including — J, Drawings, a large parcel hae Ditto. Mortlake, Newington, Roehampton, Wandsworth, &c. Sn various, a large parcel Ditto. Sutton, Streatham, &c. a large parcel ; HA Ditto. Clapham, Croydon, New Kingston, &e. a large parcel “4 Ditto. Battersea, Beddington, Camberwell, Dulwich, &c. a | large parcel A Ditto. Bermondsey, and various Prints and Drawings for the _ a Iilustration of the county of Surrey . ; Surrey Churches. Wotton, in Surrey, and other Views, a parcel ve Topography, various, mostly proofs English Topography, wnsorted ; Theobalds, Hampton Court, &c. ie, English Topography, a@ parcel on ‘ ‘ Lysons’ MaGNna BRITANNIA. | Topography. Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Che- shire, Cumberland, Derbyshire, Devonshire, and Durham, | 4 a large parcel Ditto. Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Herefordshire, Hertford- shire, Ireland, the British Islands, and Kent, ditto ve) Monmouthshire, and Monuments, d2élo shire, Somersetshire, and Staffordshire, ditto | Westmoreland, and Yorkshire, ditto fi. 226 Devonshire, Original Drawings. Honiton Parsonage, the resi- ) dence of Dr. Ozias Upcott, by Humphrey ; View taken at _ Weston Courting, by Town; and two others, by G. Web- : 4. J 927 yre— 229 dé. 20 py 231 4en9 232 AM 22-2234 233 LL 235 sf rors 36 eelicceel | 238 yl 42939 td. 240 tie 241 Lon PeA2 ty 243 Zz 244 4 245 S coht-246 4904) 247 vi 248 rec 2A9 i _ Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 18 ber, 1778 : Twenty-one Topographical Drawings, by Alexander and others St. George’s Fields, and Interior of a Library at Cambridge, two capital drawings, by Rowlandson View of Islington Church, a careful drawing, by Shepherd ; qy- Mr, Upcott’s Residence? and View trom Ozias Hum- phrey’s House, Piccadilly, by O, H. Geddington Cross, Northants, a capital drawing, by Buckler Animal Exhibitions. A very large and curious Collection of all the most wonderful Animals that have been exhibited at various times, including the feats of Van Amburg, &c. Topographical Drawings, by Hadfield, Humphrey, and Quar- om enghi, in Italy and England ' ; 6 Views in St. Helena, the Cape, and India, ten fine original drawings, by O. Humphrey 10 Murderers, Highwaymen, Conspirators, and others, a large Col- lection, with the handwriting of Greenacre inclosed within one from F. Hobler to Mr. Upcott; many relating to the Cato Street Conspirators, &c. Remarkable Characters, some scarce 4 60 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. Martin Van Butchell, Mary Ashford, Chevalier d’Eon, &c. é 41 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. Sir William Courtney, Sir John Dinely, Farquhar, proprietor of Fonthill, &c. 23 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. Ann Moore, Sam. House, the Fire-King, &c. ‘ , 29 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. H. Flleet, aged 104, 1761; Mrs. Susanna Long, aged 102; Simon Edy, of Woodford ; Young Parr; Elizabeth Shaw ; and others, re- markable for their longevity, &c. some scarce 50 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. Anna Tomlinson, of York, by G. Lumley ; Jon. Brittain, Jack Shepherd, &c. Quack Doctors. Val. Greatorex, Culpeper, &c. with curious Advertisements, Placards, &c. a parcel Sam Scott, the Diver; Siamese Youths, Giants and Dwarfs, Spotted Children, &c. a large parcel Pedestrians, Fat Men, &c. a parcel Portraits of Notorious Criminals, mostly Executed for Murder, some very scarce 66. Fanny Kemble; Giulia Grisi; Spencer Percival; Dr. Kerr, and | Sirs George and William Anson; &c. some private plates | __ 10) Forty-four Drawings in Indian Ink and Colours; Views in — Bushey Park, &c. . Twenty-eight Views of the Theatres in London Forty-four others Forty others, Views of Provincial and Continental Theatres, &c. | ; : — —f0. 14 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. gota es 44 250 Theatrical Portraits, Edwin and Mrs. Wells, as Cowslip, and various others 40 \Z 251 Twenty-four others, Matthews, Liston, Reeves, Yates, Alex- 4 andre, and other Comic Actors r|- 252 Theatrical Caricatures. Songs, Satires, &c. on Madame Ves- tris’s Legs, Cox and Kean, Lord W. Lennox, and others, vA very curious | _ 253 Shakespeare, Ireland ; Shakespeare, Boydell, and other Theatri- cal Caricatures, 235 elaa Scenic Prints, 44—7n all 67 Ne. J Z 254 Nell Gwynne, by Valck, Miss Benger, Miss Macpherson, Miss ttm co Be ee : alf7 i Pe 1 ae Chudleigh, Lady Oxford ; and other celebrated Females, 60 Sd 255 Lady Ducie, Countess of Denbien Mrs. Knight, Lady Mostyn, | SJ and other Ladies, some proofs 28 256 L. E. L. Mrs. Mee, Lady Fanshaw, Duchess of Queensbury, Lady Wellesley ; and other Ladies, many proofs 56 ia 257 Countess of Huntingdon, Mrs. Udney, Mrs. Fry, and others, some private plates and proofs, and scarce 60 258 Byron, three different; Moore, Coleridge, Campbell, Hogg, Milton, and Pope; all fine proofs 9 bt 259 Earl Spencer, by Bartolozzi, private plate proof; Cave, Cadell, | Murray, and private plates of Autograph and other rae ze lectors, some presentation and mostly proofs 260 American Cooper, Hobhouse, Gifford, Dr. Dibdin, Lord nee a and others, all proofs 261 John Bunyan, by Sturt; T. Burnet, and others 16 Sen 262 Gifford, Stanley Bishop of Norwich, Warren Hastings, Lord Dalecstags Attorney General Coke, J. Pinkerton, Dr. Dibdin, and others, some private plates, and all proof's 14 263 Fifteen Illustrious Heads, by Vertue and Houbraken, fine 264 Geo. Chalmers, Horatio Walpole, Countess of Orford, Mrs. Piozzi, Lord Grenville, and others tad S| 265 Earl of Orford, Dr. Clarke, T. Campbell, Ww. Corey and others, JA all proofs 10 “4 266 H. Tresham, J. Hoppner, P. de Loutherbourg, Wyndham, Rose, 7 and others, all proofs 12 Sa 267 Sir H. Englefield, Sir T. Troubridge, Lord Gambier, Lord Cath- cart, Bishop of Ely, and others, all proofs & Yas A 268 Henry Compton, Bishop of London, after Riley, by Beckett, 1 fol. mez. fine ; and Wilkins, Bishop of Chester, by Bloote- ling, after Mary Beale, also fine 2 269 VerTur. Sir Joseph Jekyll, Master of the Rolls, proof; ua of Dorset, proof ; Lord Bacon, fine, Craggs and others 5 270 John Pletcher, Poet, a bust, by Marshall, brilliant ; Wallis, Brownrig, Stanley, and Anderson, by Faithorn, Argyle, by Vr. Banc, Kilburne, Clarke, Somnex} by various 10 271 Oceie ELIZABETH IN THE SUPERB DRESS IN WHICH SHE WENT TO St. PAuLs, after Izaac Oliver, by Crispin Passe, whole length, holding the Globe and Sceptre, scarce, wid | the same subject in mezxzotint, by Turner Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. 15 z-. 272 Portraits and Prints to Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson, with vig- nettes and other prints in a Scrap-book g 273 Antiquarian and Topographical writers, fine proofs on India paper 23 st — 274 Dr. Doddridge, Samuel Pepys, John Howard, Duke of Norfolk, Sir John Elliot, Earl of Rochester; and others, all proofs fz, 275 Dr. Johnson, by Heath and Cook, proofs ; Lord Hawke, Capt. Cook; Frederick II, by Bause : Sl 276 Admiral Deane, General Rossiter, Col. Trevanion, General Skip- pon, and Col. Walker, all etched by Cooper, after drawings by Bulfinch in the King’s Clarendon Jl 277 Sir T. Jones, Marquis of Huntly, and others, Richardson's copies, on India paper, &c. fi- 278 Lord and Lady Villiers, Lord Hichinbroke, by Smith: Rt. Hon. Thomas Erle, by Simon; and Joshua Ward, with the Claret Face ; : 4 Ye 279 Capt. Coram, wh. len. by Brooke; Matthew Tindal, fine proof ; John Wilkes, by Houston; Lord Macclesfield, Judge Willes; and others A ; 11 4tZ- 280 Spurzheim, John Hough Bp. of Worcester ; and others 15 J, 281 Bp. Ridley, SirJ. Boys, Dr. Wallis; and others, some proofs 19 72. 282 Marquis of Northampton, Library of J. Mayor, Esq. &c. private plates , 8 Wi 283 Library of J. Mayor, Esq., Roscoe’s Chair, &c. 6 Sz 284 Modern Portraits; Bp. Philpott, Sir Charles Doyle, Dr. Parr, Earl of Shaftesbury, Joseph Hume, M.P., Rev. H. Drury, _ &c. SOME PROOFS AND PRIVATE PLATES : 12 Jd 285 William Upcott, private plate, Philpott, Bp. of Exeter, &c. 5 4¢2<- 286 Portraits:—Countess of Pembroke, by Pass; Blondel, by Nanteuil, &c. : 5 4t2- 287 Gibbon, Lord Clive, Dr. Cullen, Sir. W. Boyd, P. of Orange, | by Caroline Watson, mostly proofs : 13 LA 288) Garrick, between Tragedy and Comedy, Mrs. Oldfield, Foote, | Rich, two play bills, on satin, &c. : 8 7227. 289 Bishops :—Blackall, Berkely, Mant, Moore, Shiply by Trotter, &c. some proofs ‘ : 70 Sz 290 Portraits :— Waterhouse, by Loggan: Sir N. Wraxall, Wash- ington, &c. : : 35 Me 991 Harley Earl of Oxford, by Smith and Vertue; Geo. Morley, | Bp. of Winchester, by Vertue, a proof; Whitgift, Stack- house, by Vertue; John Lightfoot, by White; Marq. of Tweedale, by Smith; and others ‘ 18 (c/-292 Walton and Cotton, proofs; Owen Cambridge; celebrated | Ladies, Dr. Johnson’s Ghost, George Robins, the Wizard of the North; and others, many proofs ir. 293 Portraits of Hussein Reza Khan, after Humphry, by Singleton, fourteen proofs, one coloured, Abbé de Lille, twenty-three 37 Mn 294 Sir W. Young, Lord Charlemont, Sir W. Curtis, Dr. Johnson, T. Campbell; and others, many proofs ; 39 TU Gio A Gb\4 b> y 4 16 Prints, Drawings, $c. of Wilkham Upcott, Esq. : ~ 70 4 295 Modern Portraits, many proofs, and some private plates 48 Ze _— 296 Large parcel of modern portraits for illustration Cu - 7\- 297 Clergy. Rob. Hawker of Plymouth, Rebinson of Cambridge, | Rees of Rodborough, &c. several proofs ‘ 48 Z ¥ £ 298 Clergy. John Mason, Dan. Miall, John Morison, Romaine, &c. A many proofs ; 48 Z Aig | 299 William Upcott, by Bragg, after Behnes, private plate, proof; ) John Murray, of Sacombe ; Thos. Miller, Original Draw-_ ings of Capt. Grose, Greenwood, and Christie, Auctioneers ; — John Ireland, and others; of Book-Collectors, Booksellers, — ¢ &c. e ° 16 } - 3° ~ 300 Colley Cibber, after Vanloo, by Fisher, very fine; Thos. Gent, a the Printer; Sir Tho. Gresham, &c. 12) A .. 4 -- 301 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. The Indian King, a4 , Schenck ; Paul Jones, proof and print ; Esther Hammerton, 7 Sexton of Kingston, &c. some very curious and rare 27 Aa — 76 302 R. Clark, City Chamberlain; Dr. Farmer, Sir T. Champneys, — Walter Fawkes, J. Hustler, and others, some private plates , 9 Hin _ & — 303 Edmund Burke, Sambrooke Higgins, Sir George Anson, Rob. Hills, Lord Fred. Campbell, and others; some proofs and vy private plates J F 10 |e . J” ~ 304 Bp. Watson, R. Porson, Handel, Canova, Lord Byron, whole- Zz. length proof, some private plates ‘ 8 | . “4 6 305 Charles I, Mary Q. of Scots, and other Royal Portraits 14 Zz. / & — 306 The Stuart Family. Charles I, the three faces by Sharpe; Charles II; James IL; Princes Lewis, Rupert, and Maurice, Jp and others, some fine : : 24 / /@ — 307 Charles the First, in armour, after Vandyke, by Beckett, sold — da by Smith ; and in his robes, by Smith, doth fine Ae s/s — 308 CHARLES THE First. A very singular satirical Print repre-— senting Charles the First holding a band prefixed to the hilt of a sword, the point of which is stuck in the harp of Ireland; on the other side is “Fortune,” and at the bottom <‘ Hybernia,” each holding a sword, all the points of which meet the point of the first; there isa variety of _ inscriptions and mottos, William Simpson, sculpsit, at (7 | Watterford, 1646, RARE a — & ~ 309 Charles I parting from his Children, after Bridges, by Bellin | and Parkes; Queen Victoria, after Hayter, by Cousins, Ba both proofs ; 2 | A —~ 2% ~— 310 William IIT and Queen Mary, mez. by Gole; Sir Rob.Wal- 2 | pole, in the House of Commons; Dr. Mead, and others 9 Ct . § &-311 Royal Families: chiefly the Brunswick Family; with O. Crom- ‘| fl well; Queen Christina, by Nanteuil ; and others 4 . £\6 312 Kings and Queens, and the Royal Families of England, a great variety, some scarce : P 720 ~ 5 4 - 313 English Monarchs and Families, various, some curious 72 A _. £ @ 314 Foreign Potentates, many of them finely engraved 80 A i = [ Prints, Drawings, &c. of William Upcott, Esq. 17 THIRD DAY’S SALE, LOT (i#- 315 THE Cromwell Family, P. Harvey, Sir W. Clarke, Thomas Lord Seymour, Sir John Boys, by Stow ; all proofs 10 JZ 316 Catharine of Braganza, Earl of Sandwich, Henry Cromwell, and others, by Dunbarton ; proofs 6 be -|'317 Buonaparte. A Portfolio containing a large assemblage of Portraits, Historical Prints, &c. collected with the view of Illustrating the Life of Napoleon Ai. 318 Buonaparte, 8c, proofs 39 24-- 319 Portraits. Ayscough, Auber, Attwood, and others 90 pd 320 Clergy. John Abernethy, Bp. Aylmer, Bp. Atterbury, &c. ; ; some on India paper 58 pze<_ 321 Artists. Nollekens, Cosway, Romney, Tresham, Mylne, Sir W. Chambers, and others; some proofs 43 Ad 322 Artists. John Donaldson, E. Dayes, O. Humphrey, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Hollar, by himself; and others; many of them proofs Ad 323 Artists. [E. Bird, R.A., p.p.; Alex. Day, Miniature Painter and Picture Dealer at Rome, a drawing ; Rysbrack, and > others, with the Coffin-plate of Sir Thomas Lawrence 38 #4 324 Portraits to Vasari’s Lives of the Painters MZ 325 Richard Allestry, S.T.P., D. Loggan ad vivum delin. fol. before ) the plate was cut 47/320 BEAUTIES. Duchesses of Devonshire, Somerset, and Richmond; Countesses Northumberland, Sunderland, Ossory, Chester- field, aud Southesk ; Lady Denham, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Middleton, and Nell Gwynn; all fine proofs on India /, paper 13 C397 Adrian Beverland anil his Mitatraas a mez.; Sir ears Drake, Henrietta Maria; and others 8 zzZ_— 328 Portraits: Sir Joseph Bankes, Duke of Pare and others, some private plates and proofs 20 evtu329 Sir R. Brownrigg, Balzac, Bradshaw, and Bieta: ditto 20 Yd. 330 Lord Byron, Duke of Bridgewater, Count de Brienne, and others ; some proofs 20 B21 331 Jeremy Taylor, Pope, Baris, and other Paar OES Ghicactir some proofs 20 pA 332 cine bate s Copies of rare Portraits, old i impressions 73 4 333 Portraits, &c. toillustrate Walton and Cotton’s Angler, znlatd 17 wove 334 Various Portraits for illustration 45 ,.~225 John Barefoot, Letter Doctor to the University of. Oxon, by Burghers, a fine old impression ; a Print called Anthony a Wood, holding a book, preg 3; John eee and Sir John Elliot, doth proofs 4 So a renee 18 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 - 358 359 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. _ Portraits of F. Cramer, Owen Cambridge, Edward Capel, | Ga Countess of Pembroke, and others, some proofs 45 ip Sir Ralph Cole, Bart. after Lely, by Place, mez. scarce AA Nathaniel Crewe, Episcopus Dunelmensis, F. P.(lace), feczt. P. te Tempest, ex. a large 4to mez. very fine and scarce J. D’Israeli, B. D'Israeli, T. Dibdin, Dr. Doddridge, Bir Hum- phry Davy, and others 25 | Hugh Downman, by Fittler, proof ; Lord Digby, p- Pp. by Faber ; General Dowdeswell, proof; and others 35 David de Castro, Lord Dover, Toh Dunton, Sir W. Davison, and others, some proofs 40 Lords Egremont, Ebrington, and Eldon; John Evelyn, C. Sir Englefield, and others, several proofs 44 Evelyn. Portraits and Views to the Memoirs of John Eve- lyn, mostly proofs on India paper, some duplicates 50 John Evelyn, by Nanteuil; and Mildmay Fane, Earl of West- moreland, by P. Williamson, large Ato 2 Dissenting Clergy: Faulkner, by Fittler, &c.; several proofs 49-7 Thomas Fuller, S.T. D. by D. Loggan, ree his Worthica, a\ wy. good tmpression | Martin Folkes, by Faber and Smith; Dr. Fothergill, Sir Tob Franklin ; and others 70 Thomas Gower, Gravesande, Milner, Gibson Gifford, Goethe, _ Dugdale ; by Hollar, &c. 36 Portraits to Granger, by Stowe and others, mostly proofs 29) Dr. Greaves, Sir Alan Gardiner, A. Geddes, John Gale, John | Gill, both by Vertue and others, proofs, &c. 80° Francis ‘Hopkinson, by Heath; Capt. Hardinge; Heath the | / Barrister, with autograph ; ‘and others; some proofs 606 Sir C. Hatton, Humphry Hody, Dr. John Hunter, and others, some proofs 52} Sir H. Hardinge, Earl of Hardweks John Hunter} Philip Henry, and others, some proofs 40 | James Harris, p.p.; Benjamin Hallet, by M‘Ardell, Sir H.) , Halford, Bp. Heber, and others, some proofs 40 q Sir T. Jones, B. Ibbot, Paul Jones, Judge Jefferies, F. sh py) Dr. Johnson, and ‘others, some proofs 734 R. P. Knight, V. Knox, J. G. King, P. Kelly, J. Kemp, R. Kilburne, and others, some proof's 34 | % White Kennett, ‘Bishop of Peterborough, large oval mezzotinto, a drawn and engraved by Faber, fine and scarce @ T. Lediard, Speaker Lenthal, Lord Longford, R. Linnecar, H. y Lawes, and others, some proofs Le S. Lysons, Linnzus, General Lee, Lavater, Lord Lansdown, 7 Lindel, and others, several proofs ‘“ Thomas Legge, Master of Caius Col. Camb. engraved by J. Jones, from a drawing by Harding of a picture in C, C. Col. “Of this plate only twenty impressions were taken | the last, after the plate was irreparably defaced.” Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. 19 te2zcr-801 Modern Portraits. Bishop, Loder, Kalkbrenner, and other musical composers ; some private plates - 12 (2-362 Mitton. Portratrs or Mitton, containing those by Faithorne, —————t Dolle, White, Simon, Houbraken ; seven different plates, | by Vertue, one a curious variation ; Richardson, Miller, Basire, and others ; also a Drawing, probably by Richard- §2 | y son; in all é 44 363 Thomas Moore, Poet, by Burnet ; Dr. Burney, and Porson, by Sharpe ; and others ; all proofs : 5 72¢. 364 Miss Mathews, after Peters, with a curious pencil-note by Mr. | Upcott, stating it to be the first print he possessed; J. | Bell, C. Cartwright, &c.; mostly proofs, one a present from Sir Thomas Lawrence, with his autograph 8 | AMA 366 T. J, Mathias, Sir W. Molesworth, R. Masters, Michaelis, — Mackenzie, Mickle, and others; some proofs and private : plates : ; 84 y4e¢— 366 T. C. Morgan, Capt. Marryatt, Miles (Coin Collector), Mathias, Sir G, Murray, and others; many proofs ; 80 4 367 Lord Nelson. Various Portraits, Views, Engagements, &c. & illustrating the Life of Lord Nelson 32 taf 368 J. Nichols, Bookseller ; Baron Nugent, R. Nares, P. Nicholson, y and others ; several proofs : 26 ¢/2z- 369 Sir E. Nicholas, Lord Hardwick, Lady Evelyn, and others ; > many proofs 4 : ig tH 371) Rob. Orme, R. Oastler, J. B. O‘Brien, and others ; 36 “é 371 Dr. Parr, various, proofs, and others 4 372 Samuel Pepys, Tho. Telford, W. Upcott, and others; some private plates 3 ; 8 Yetet! 373 Dr. Parr, a drawing ; J. Pullen, T. Prior, Percival Pott, and others 75 ? é ‘ w7¢Z-374 John Pym, dy Glover; Anthony Pasquin, proof; Timothy | : Priestley, and others : 54 tJ 375 John Rennie, Engineer, p. p.; Rammohun-Roy, Lord Rolle, Dr. Radcliffe, Allan Ramsay, and others 50 oiiea 376 Sir Giles Rooke, dy Daniel, Joseph Richardson dy Newton, J. J. Rousseau, dy Nochet, and others 50 ph, 377 Shakespeare, Raleigh, Bacon, and others; proofs on India aper 23 y p aE ; Utz) 318 Shakespeare, from the Chandos picture, and Cowley after Lely ; a both by George Vertue, and early states of the plates bod tt, 379 Sir John Suckling, dy Marshall, fine ; T. Stedman, R. Southey, A. Stone, F. Shaw, and others; some proofs 74 A 380 Lord Southampton, W. Shipley, Shirley, Stevenson, Sylvester, a, and others ; some proofs : 90 72-381 Thrale, Twining, J. E. Tennent, and others, &c.; some ee Af 382 Thurlow, by Vertue, Thornton, by Houston, Dean Tucker, &c. 47 4 383 Sir Edw. Turner, Bart.; Sam. Whitbread, Sir A. Thompson, R. Porson, and others; some proofs and private plates 12 t i LA Besa ied 2 (| t ti } ‘ - : “| A+ | =. 20 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. ;\ 384 Dr. Vincent, Van Butchell, W. Upcott, and others 28 385 Duke of Wellington, Marquis of Westminster, Sir Will. Wyndham 60. 386 Writing Masters: Champion, ‘by Hewlett ; John Smith, a Snow, T. Weston, &c. 21 387 Brian Waltons Bishop of Chester, dy Lombaa 388 Various Portraits, Woollaston, Wordsworth, Wrangham, and others 44 389 Miscellaneous Prints i ina Portfolio, a great number . 390 Ditto 391 Ditto, a very large parcel MINIATURES AND DRAWINGS BY OzIAS HUMPHREY AND OTHERS. | 392 Anne Clifford, daughter of George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, successively Countess of Pembroke and Dorset, from an original picture by O. Humphrey 393 Miss Caton, daughter to William Caton, Esq., Merchant in the India Service, by O. Humphrey ; and the Hon>'* Mrs. | Twistleton, 1789, by the same 394 William Hodges, Esq. Landscape Painter, by O. Humphrey ; and a Gentleman’s Portrait, unknown 395 One of the Bolingbroke family, after Vandyke—Lady Gros- venor; and three sketches, various 396 John Trenchard, Esq. first Commissioner of Taxes, 1792—O. Humphrey, pt. This is perhaps the finest of the Minia- tures by O. Humphrey 397 — Lockhart, Esq. Barrister; Miss J. Ireland, Mrs. Bouverie, Mr. Bilan Mrs. Harding, Mrs, Edwin Lascelles: and two others 398 Mr. Woodmas, Underwriter, 1771—Mr. Charles Hitch, Stee noster Row, 1763, son of the celebrated Bookseller— — Jones, Esq. Glamorganshire, 1767 ; three very good miniatures 399 Mr. Magnus, 1770, brother in-law to the Hon! David An- struther, highly finished ; and another sketch of the same 400 William, Lord Craven, 1770; Charles Lee, Lord Viscount erent Dillon, of Ditchley, Oxf.; — Otley, Esq., son-in-law of a % Wm. Young, Bart. ; ; John Archer, Esq. of Welford, Berks. Francis Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon ; ; and — ‘Erskine, | Esq. 1770; all unfinished Humphrey 402 The Rt. Hon. William Wyndham, Secretary of War, by O Humphrey 403 Another, equally fine, of Asoph U. Dowlah, Nabob Vizier, 1785, on Ivor bi 404 Another, Vizier Ali Khan, on Ivory 401 Warren Hastings, a fine miniature in water colours, by O. | a ee a eee cf -, Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wilkam Upcott, Esq. 21 ~ 405 Original Sketches in colours for whole-length Pictures of cele- brated Ladies. Mrs. Hastings, wife of Warren Hastings ; Miss Farren (Countess of Derby); Lady Eliz. Lambert, sister to the Earl of Cavan, 1789, &c.; the portraits only finished A ‘ 4 406 Original Sketch in colours of Miss Barbara Payne, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Hastings, &c. ; on Ivory and Card - 8 407 Capt. Duff, in the service of the E. India Company, spiritedly sketched in Water Colours by O. Humphrey | 408 WarREN Hastinos, Ditto, equally fine 409 Warren Hastings, and W. J. Mickle, by O. Humphrey ; James Barry, Sketch taken in Rome, by Dance ; 3 410 Small whole-length of Master Crewe, as Henry VIII, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by O. Humphrey, in Water Colours, unfinished in the subordinate parts, but very fine ) 411 Ladies Maria and Horatia Waldegrave, whole-lengths, free pen, very fine ; and the Hon. Berkeley Craven, in Crayons, by O. Humphrey 412 Highly-finished Miniature of Hyder Bey Khan, Acting Minister to the Nabob of Oude, painted at Lucknow, 1786, on Ivor 413 Master ae son of Lord Melbourne; Capt. Cumberland, brother to Lady Bentinck ; John Hall, the engraver ; all original Drawings, by O. Humphrey ; and three more 6 414 Portraits of Ozias Humphrey, by Copley ; Ditto, by himself ; Mrs. Larpent ; and one other, all in Crayons 6 415 Portrait of William Upcott, Esq. ; original Drawing in Water Colours, by Miss Biffin (born without hands), done at Liverpool, Aug. 1844 416 Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort, 1767; Mr. Arthur Hurrel, 1765 ; and R. Burke, Esq. brother to the R. H. Ed. Burke, 1767 ; three good miniatures 417 Colonel Sawbridge, brother to Alderman Sawbridge, O. H. pi. 1773; and the Marquis of Bute, from Pompeo Battoni, both fine 418 The Duke of Montrose, when Marquis of Graham; Mr. Henry Aston; Madame Baccelli, sketched at Knowle; A Study, O. H. 1770, of a man’s head, very fine; Charles Lee H. Dillon, of Ditchley, and five miniatures without names ; in all ten, all by O. Humphrey ie ve - 430 Sir William Russell, Baron Thornaugh ; Ralph Snow, Treasurer ee 22. —~Prints, Drawings, §c. of Willam Upcott, Esq. Miniatures by O. Humphrey and others, continued. 419 Miss Elliott, the Actress, 1770 ; born and buried at Tunbridge, in Kent ‘ 420 Mrs. Amherst, the Lady of Lieut-Genl. William Amherst, brother to the Right Honble. Lord Amherst, O. H. pinx. 1770; Mrs. Magnus, sister of David Anstruther, Esq., and two others : 421 Mrs. French, mother of Wm, Merry, Esq. of the War Office, by the Right Honble. Sir G. Yonge, Bart. painted 1764 422 Mary, Dutchess of Montague (copied from a portrait of her Grace painted in her youth, O. H.) the Mother of the Duchess of Buccleugh, 1767 423 Mrs. Nesbitt, of Norwood Common, highly finished, by O. Humphrey | (424 J. F. Sackville, Esq. afterwards Duke of Dorset, by O. Hum- ) phrey 425 Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort, 1771, highly finished, by O. Humphrey 426 Sir William Lemon, Bart. Member for Cornwall, O. H. pt. 1770 427 Mrs. Yates, Actress, unfinished in the dress, by O. Humphrey 428 Mrs. Sawbridge, the Lady of Alderman Sawbridge, 1767, and ) three others 429 Portrait of a Lady ina Locket, by Shelly, fine &c. to five Abps. of Canterbury ; and Edward Russell, Earl of Orford ; three coloured drawings, by G. P. Harding . 431 JoHN HAMPDEN, A VERY HIGHLY-FINISHED MINIATURE, BY ' SAMUEL CoopPER, 1643, in high state of preservation Pictures, DrRawineGs, PRINTS, &. FRAMED AND GLAZED. . fo — 432 G. Matte. Isaac Walton, and Charles Cotton, both draw- ings, and a Group of Fish, coloured; three, all framed and glazed — 9 & 433 G. P. Harpine. Sir Henry Capel, Lord Tewkesbury, K.B. | and Mary, Duchess of Beaufort, daughter of Arthur Lord Capel ; two drawings from the original pictures by Lely, |Z | framed and glazed . - 434 CANALLETTO. View in Venice, a very effective miniature draw- | ing, framed and glazed as. » « ~ 435 THESAME. The Rialto, ditto _- , 436 THE SAME. St. Mark’s Place, ditto - » 437 Two Drawings, Views of Ravenstone, near Olney, Bucks ; free- ) | pen sketch, after Raffaelle, &c. . -|~ 438 Portrait of W. Upcott, Esq., and «A Collector of Autographs,” aes ae Silhouettes, and fifteen others, all framed and glazed — 4|-~- 439 Gems. Two Frames, containing one hundred casts of Cele- 4 4 aa brated Gems, glazed, one glass faulty ; | ead SeatrtaeN Piiai esse i * ne cence teen ee fons nee as Prinis, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. 23 | cz | 440 Sketch of the Life of Ozias Humphrey, of Honiton, Devon, R.A. . written upon vellum, with his signature, and five Coats of Acms, &c. appertaining to the Humphrey family, all framed and glazed 22-20) 442. Frost Fair. Queen Elizabeth reviewing her Army at Tilbury, printed on the icy Thames, Jan. 29, 1740, very curious ; and Charles the First, painted on glass, damaged ; and Royal Autographs, framed and glazed sir J. ReyNnotps. Mrs Siddons, as the Tragic Muse, by Haward, and Lord Mansfield, by Bartolozzi; fine old impressions, framed and glazed ZOFFANY. The Royal Academy. by Earlom, ditto Two Cases, containing Sketches of Portraits in Crayons, by Ozias Humphrey N. Micgnarp. The Bishop of Grenoble A O. HUMPHREY, Boy and Girl, with a Bird’s-nest, crayons, | framed, the glass slightly broken AiO 448 O. Humpurey. Portrait of the Artist’s Black Servant, in i Crayons, framed, plate glass s2ttl, 449 ? pinx 1718. Portrait of William Upcott, Merchant, i Mayor of Tiverton, and one of the Justices of that ancient i Corporation, 1718 ML. 450 O. Humpurey. Oval Portrait of himself #7 51 O. Humpurey. Another Portrait of himself, in Crayons, fine, > in frame and plate glass ¥¢72e- A452 O. Humpurey. A well-known Jew Clothesman, with his Bag, > i finely executed in Crayons, in frame with plate glass ¢7e) 453 O. Humpurey. Portrait of a Turk? in Crayons, fine, in frame | | and plate glass wy 454 Reynotps. James Boswell, Dr. Johnson’s Biographer, after i Sir Joshua; and a Portrait of O. Humphrey, unfinished, . both unframed AL | 455 O. Humpurey, 1793. Portrait of Millicent Franklin, in Crayons, . frame and plate glass 456 Portrait of a Lady, with an Urn 457 T. DANIELL. View in the East Indies 458 O. Humpurey. The Avenging Angel, and the Attentive Youth, . both capitally copied from the originals of Raffaelle, at s Bee | HI Rome AL 459 O. HumpHREY. Two other Heads, in Crayons, after Raffaelle, a. | framed and glazed 2¢¢<~-46(0 ‘Tittan. Four Female Figures, after Titian - 461 O. Humpnrey. Consultation of the Fathers, after Raffaelle 2z-— 462 LeEDvc. Interior of a Guard House —Soldiers playing at Cards ta- 463 Sir J. Reynoups. Children of the ponion Eee after Sir . Joshua, by O. Humphrey, framed and glazed; two Jad AGA O. 1 ae Pair cf a ee Drawings, tinted— Views in Rome, framed and glazed 2-7 465 GAINsBROUGH. A capital Drawing, Woody Scenery, Gypsy = Tent, &c. At| 464 ~ . 468 Early Portrait, on panel, with Arms in the corner, Sir Thomas | (he . | 477 Five small Boxes: one of Chrystal, presented to W. Upcott, | 478 Ten engraved Seals, the Arms of Humphrey, &c. _., 479 A Pocket-book and an Etui-case, formerly the property of ae Sie ee 94 Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 466 SincLteron. An Artist in his Study, with two Children, a pleasing picture 467 Droocstoot. The Village Schoolmaster--PETHER, A Moon- light Scene, and the Head of an Apostle, fine nina : a | Ge Pope, the Founder ? | 469 O. HumpHrey. Mrs Greville, mother of Lady Crewe, and Kitty Frederick; two capital tinted drawings, framed and lazed 470 O. Humpsrey. John Trenchard, Esq., and the Companion, ditto ZZ A Coins, PROVINCIAL TOKENS, AND CURIOSITIES. 471 Two Bronze Medallions of Napoleon, and Medals of Charles I, Sir Robert Walpole, the Earl of Chesterfield, Sir I. New- ton, and Q. Anne 472 FivE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN Various Coins and Pro- vincial Tokens 473 MEDALS AND PROVINCIAL AND TRADESMEN’S TOKENS —Pennies, Halfpennies, and Farthings: among them are a few coins and medals of Napoleon, all in very choice state, some very rare : : 558 474 Money-Scales and Weights, two Boxes, pair of Silver Buckles, | five Silver Coins, unique Padlock, &c. ; a great variety * 475 A HANDLE OF THE COFFIN THAT CONTAINED THE Bopy OF | _; Mary QUEEN OF SCOTS iz _* * «¢ This elegant relic, one of the eight handles that were attached — to the splendid coffin which received the remains of the ill- fated Mary Queen of Scots, when conveyed to Westminster, was formerly in the possession of Dr. Richard Mead, phy- sician to King George II, and of great antiquarian reputation, at whose death it was sold, and passed through various hands, till at length it became the property of Samuel Tyson, of Narborough Hall, Norfolk, Esq. It was afterwards pur- chased at the sale of Mr. Wilson, by Mr. Joseph Miller, the well-known antiquary, of Barnard’s Inn, who very obligingly allowed it to be copied. The handle and device are of copper, and were originally double gilt. The extreme length is fourteen inches and a half; the width one foot. Excepting the handle, the whole is flat and partially en- graved. The initials M. R. appear above the handle.” The Portfolio, 12mo, 1822. Esq. by C. Haywood, 1804; one India Japan; one from the Oak of the roof of St. Saviour’s, Southwark, &c. . one containing two razors j . 480 Bust of W. Upcott, Esq. modelled inf Wax, in ormolu frame, and morocco case . John Evelyn, mounted with silver; and two other cases, : ) Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Uncott, Esq. 254 f er, 481 PRovincIAL AND TRADESMEN’S TOKENS : 64 or more of Build- = ings, &c. in London; Two-penny Piece, and others large, 9; Pennies, 268 ; Half-pennies (including 65 Pidcock’s exhi- bitions, &c. ), 267; Farthings, 65 ; in all six hundred, all an exceeding fine state, and many of them very rare he baal Hie: Manocany Bookcases, Book AND Print STAnps, &c. 482 Dwarf Book-case of Spanish Mahogany, glazed doors, and ¢ Marble Slab, 4 feet 2 inches high, by 4 feet 8 inches wide, LIL 2 feet dee et 483 Two Spanish Mahogany Cases, glazed doors, 3 feet 6 inches Ly g J g high, 2 feet 6 inches wide, capitally made, and forming side ? ; ; wings to the preceding lot. ‘wd 484 A Painted Stand, 4 feet high, 2 feet 3 inches deep, to hold port- : folios A 485 Mahogany Print-case, well made, with folding doors, and draw- ers, capable of holding the largest prints, 3 feet 4 inches | ak high, 4 feet 6 inches wide, and 2 feet deep Fa