ee eee ares eae — Mg SS OO a Nn ore Ain ihe — tee Nae Eat Sse a. ee eee SES Sistatass tert ee Pee =< > te tee ra pe te i at re he Be eS A = et ate ee in phi wr CAL ON FREE VIEW ~ ef Aa DAY AND EVENING | AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2471 UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION. OF MODERN PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF PRIVATE OWNERS AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS MARCH Ist ann 2npD BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 0 CLOCK CATALOGUE OF AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF MODERN PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE FOLLOWING PRIVATE OWNERS PETER A. SCHEMM MOSES TANENBAUM WILLIAM SALOMON SOLOMON MEHRBACH LOUIS A. BIDDLE AND THE ESTATE OF THE LATE HENRY STEERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY¥ ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK: 1906 = 4 hie TVRs id See © hk Astor Place, CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other- wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold them- selves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- . ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part tc furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Con- dition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to en- force the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold them- selves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Mawnacens. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Avcmronxezr. eal RAUNT ke ee hee ait ti a t } i a fr FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, MARCH Ist, 1906 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL eae le ite PyUY. AD 8.30 o’cLOocK rf No. 1 ea ’ A. SEIFERT GERMAN Contemporary GIRL’S HEAD Tuts is a study of a young girl’s head and shoulders, with the face in three-quarters view to the right. She wears a medieval head-dress, with bullion and jewelled bands and ornaments, which completely hides her hair and falls over her forehead. A brown velvet cloak or jacket covers her shoulders and a pink-lined collar rises high on either side of her neck. Signed at the right, A. Srrrert. Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches. Owner, WILLIAM SALOMON. ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. AMERICAN 1819— Ps prods FRIENDS hee h Four ducks and a drake, the former sitting down and the latter standing up as if watching over his flock, are gathered on a small sandy beach near the edge of a shal- low pool. Behind the little group, which is in strong sun- light, is a view of a wild woodland. Signed at the lower right, A. F. Tarr, N.A., N. Y. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. 4 O~ No. 3 HARRY ROSELAND AMERICAN 1866— THE PARSON A stupious colored parson of advanced years is seated at his study table, earnestly engaged in reading a calf- bound volume, which is propped against two other large- sized tomes. Scattered on the table on either side are papers, writing utensils and books, with a crumpled bandanna handkerchief, and a petroleum lamp of the ordinary pattern stands on the table ready to be lighted. Signed at the lower right, Harry RosELanp. Height, 10 inches; length, 131% inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 4 EUGENE DE BLAAS GERMAN 1843, /), A BRUNETTE HEAD. Char Tus is a study of a dark-skinned, dark-haired young maiden, about two-thirds life size, the face seen in three- quarters view to the right, the head relieved against a graded tone of red. She wears a low-cut chemise with a shot green shawl over her shoulders. A brilliant pendant hangs from her ear, and around her neck is a series of small chains. Signed at the lower left, HuckNE DE BLAas. | Height, 13% inches; width, 10% inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. t ane _ A ‘s a | No. 5 — f EUGENE DE BLAAS GERMAN 1843— BLOND HEAD Tuts is a study, about two-thirds life-size, of the head — and shoulders of. a fair-haired young girl, the face almost in profile to the left, and the back turned slightly toward the spectator. She wears a plain gold earring and a small chain of the same metal, and is dressed in a lace-trimmed figured silk gown. The background is a graded tone of cool gray. Signed at the left, KucENE pE Buaas. Height, 1314 inches; width, 101%, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. E. BERNE-BELLECOUR FRENCH 1838— OFF DUTY THREE dismounted cavalrymen are lounging on the side of a country road which leads to a country town in the distance, where a detachment of soldiers is seen drawn up, apparently at drill. In the foreground one of the cavalrymen stands erect watching his two companions, who are chatting together a little distance farther off, and beyond them is a sentinel, standing near a telegraph post. Signed at the lower left, EK. Brerne-BEe.iecour, 1897. Height, 1234 inches; length, 1734 inches. Owner, SoLtomon MEHRBACH. ~- No. 7 LOUIS EUGENE LAMBERT FRENCH 1825— IN MISCHIEF TureEeE tiny kittens having found a feather duster are having a game with it, and are grouped around it in various attitudes characteristic of their kind. The feath- ers are fastened in a red velvet socket with a bone handle, and in the foreground is a bit of blue drapery. Signed at the lower right, L. Eve. Lampert. Height, 91, inches; length, 13 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScCHEMM. ae ih EP He Ts na) ae ih 7 | ie ' 4 Ae { Hie is ‘ t Oy es i | } i } | | EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN BELGIAN 1799—1881 AT PASTURE In the foreground stand a spotted cow and two sheep, the former just emerging from a shallow pool, where she has been quenching her thirst. Beyond her rise pollarded trees with straggling branches and sparse foliage, re- lieved against a sky filled with high drifting cumuli. Signed at the lower right, EugGENE VERBOECKHOVEN Fv. 1877, and a certificate of authenticity on the back. Height, 13 inches; width, 1114 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. | fl an E. SANCHEZ-PERRIER he SPANISH LANDSCAPE A DEEP and quiet river extends across the foreground, and beyond it rises a gently sloping bank, covered near the water’s edge by a luxurious growth of coarse bushes , and willow and birch trees. A boat with a single figure is | floating near the bank, and on the slope above, the roofs and walls of whitewashed cottages gleam in the sunlight. A few soft clouds float in the sky. Signed at the lower right, E. Sancuez-Perrier, GESILLINA. . Height, 9 inches; length, 16 inches. Owner, M. TanENBAUM. No. 10 P. MASSANI ITALIAN Contemporary NO FOOL LIKE AN OLD FOOL An old Italian peasant woman is engaged in peeling potatoes at her kitchen table, when a greengrocer’s helper, who is about to deliver a basket of vegetables, leans over the table and affectionately pinches the old woman’s cheek, to her evident satisfaction. Signed at the upper right, P. Massani, FIRENZE. Height, 1134 inches; length, 15%, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. ALBERTO PASINI ‘ : ITALIAN 1 1826—1899 MARKET PLACE, CONSTANTINOPLE A torty archway in a row of stuccoed facades is evi- dently the entrance to a great bazaar. On either side are shops filled with various kinds of merchandise, and to the left is a large crowd of people assembled near a café. Two or three street merchants show their wares, and horsemen mingle with the crowd. The scene is in bright sunlight, which falls strongly from the upper left. Signed at the lower right, A. Pastnt. Height, 13%, inches; width, 161, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 12 ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. AMERICAN 1819—1905 MATERNAL ANXIETY A MoTHER hen with a brood of a dozen newly hatched chickens has found a morsel of food, which she holds in her beak, clucking meanwhile to assemble her offspring. The little birds eagerly run to the mother’s call, actively fluttering their tiny wings. The background is a ledge of moss-covered rock, half hidden by rough grass and bushes. ‘Signed at the lower right, A. F. Tarr, N.A., N. Y., 95. Height, 1314 inches; length, 211% inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 13 E. BERNE-BELLECOUR FRENCH 1838— MEDITATION Stanpine near a half-ruined wall an officer thought- fully contemplates the shattered stones, evidently study- ing the effect of shell fire. Beyond the wall, standing in an open pasture, are three companions in red kepis and gray cloaks earnestly conversing together. A line of low hills forms the horizon, and the sky is nearly covered by a thin stratum of clouds, the light being concentrated near the zenith. Signed at the lower left, E. Berne-Betiecour, 1896. Height, 181, inches; width, 1314 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY FRENCH Contemporary MOONLIGHT A BROAD river extends nearly across the foreground, and two large barges are moored to the opposite bank near a group of tall trees on a point around which the river winds. In the shallow water in the left foreground grow lilies and various water plants. A flock of startled ducks swims away from the shallows out into the deep water of the river. The moon is just appearing from beneath a bank of clouds high in the heavens, and here and there a rift of light shows between the masses of vapor. Signed at the lower right, H. C. Detry, 57. Height, 14 inches; length, 231, inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 15 P. KE. L. PERBOYRE FRENCH Contemporary THE REVIEW Napoieon, mounted on his famous white charger, and followed by marshals, aides, and a numerous escort, is passing in front of his army, raising his chapeau as he greets his Old Guard. Beyond the horsemen, and above , the heads of the soldiers who are drawn up in line, is a low hill in the distance. The sky is covered with soft, luminous clouds. Signed at the lower left, PERBOYRE. Height, 144, inches; length, 18 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 16 GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH 1763—1843 FROM MONTMARTRE Tis is a view over the plain of Paris from the hill of Montmartre. On the left stands the well-known wind- mill approached by a flight of stone steps and crowning the summit of a steep elevation. A flood of sunlight ‘strikes the middle distance and brings into prominence a level bit of ground, across which winds a broad road leading toward the town, where the church spires and towers rise high above the roofs of the buildings, and a stone bridge with three arches spans the river. A cloud, with slanting veils of falling rain, drifts across the land- scape. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 17 ‘ i gan c/o . JAN MONCHABLON We (. « > FRENCH Contemporary BORDS DE LA SAONE, LIRENCOURT A narrow river winds between meadows and low hills of a pleasant farming country, fringed here and there by willows and other trees, and crossed in the fore- ground on the right by a stone dam with gates. In the distance a red-roofed village, dominated by the spire of, crowns an elevation a short distance above the river. A few scattered clouds drift in the sky, and the sunshine falls full upon the landscape from the right. Signed at the lower right, Jan MoncHaBLon. Marked at the lower left “ 229.” Height, 2134 inches; width, 1434 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. MEYER VON BREMEN GERMAN 1813—1886 THE PETS A PEASANT girl wearing a white cap, and a red shawl over a gray bodice, a green petticoat and wooden shoes, stands with a basket on her arm feeding a pet goat which, with its kid, stands near her. The little group is relieved against a roughly whitewashed cottage, with a straggling vine growing over a double window, from the lower casement of which a shutter is hanging on one hinge. Signed at the lower left, Meyer von Bremen, 1875. Height, 15 inches; width, 1114 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 19 JOSE LLANCES SPANISH Contemporary A GOOD TIME THREE gay young cavaliers are having a roystering time in a small cabaret, and have persuaded the land- lady and the serving maid to join the party. One of the young men plays a guitar, another is sportively at- tempting to embrace his comely companion, and the third frantically waves a fan over the lady’s head. The costumes and all the accessories are of the seventeenth century period. Signed at the lower right, _[usxers Parts, 795. Height, 17%, inches; length, 2134 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. tl ist F ie ay Fl ue (3) He) No. 20 WILLIAM H. BEARD, AMERICAN 1825—1900 “WHO ARE YOU?” A rassit, which has been ranging for food among the ferns, suddenly comes across a gray squirrel, and, perched on his hind legs, gazes at the newly found ani- -mal with surprise, not unmixed with anxiety. The squir- rel, holding a nut in both paws, returns, the rabbit’s gaze with interest. Signed at the lower left, W. H. Brarp, 1890. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 21 A. BERTZIK GERMAN Contemporary HEAD Tue head and shoulders of a young lady in sixteenth century costume. She wears a hat with an ostrich feather, a fur boa around her neck over a richly trimmed velvet bodice, and a green jacket. She has large pearls in her ears, and a pearl and ruby necklace, with a cross of the same jewels. Signed at the upper left, A. Brrrzix. Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches. Owner, Sotomon Mrurpacu. No. 22 ALFRED STEVENS BELGIAN 1828— THE PACKET, TREPORT A sMALL steamboat, from the tall funnel of which a narrow cloud of dark smoke drifts far away, is the prominent object in the composition. Following the boat — is a broad wake of white water extending down diago- nally to the left foreground. A large mass of storm clouds slowly rismg toward the zenith discloses the lower part of the disk of the sun. Signed at the lower left, & revens. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. Be No. 23 & JULES WORMS FRENCH 1837— | ENGAGING THE CAB Tuis is an illustration of a little incident of life in a country town in Spain. The driver of a curious one- horse chaise, with brass trimmings and decorated back, is chaffering with a young lady who has evidently asked him the price of a course. Beyond the group are the gables and facades of the town, with the simple belfry and turret of a church breaking the sky-line above the roofs. Signed at the lower right, J. Worms. Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 24 JEAN BERAUD FRENCH 1849— ON THE BOULEVARDS Tue motive of this picture is found on an autumn day on the boulevard in front of the Café Américain. On the right is the broad sidewalk with a few promenaders in front of the café, and on the left is a vista along a street crowded with carriages. The principal feature in the composition is a kiosk covered with brilliant adver- tisements which stands on the edge of the sidewalk. Signed at the lower lefi, Juan BYRavp. Height, 1414, inches; length, 21 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. *% ae a a O se No. 25 44° GABRIEL MAX GERMAN Uh 1840— A CHRISTIAN MARTYR IN THE CATACOMBS A CuristTian maiden, who has been tortured to blindness by the fanatical Romans, is seated near the narrow en- trance to one of the quarries used as a catacomb, offering a tiny lamp to an aged lady in mourning dress who is about to pay a visit to the resting place of her departed ones. On the stone bench beside the young martyr are a number of other lighted lamps, and on the floor, across her trailing mantle, are thrown two palm branches, with flowers scattered here and there. Signed at the lower right, G. Max. Height, 221% inches; width, 19 inches. Owner, W1LLIAM SALOMON. _ rapidly moving across the water. Beyond the caique is FELIX ZIEM FRENCH 1821— ON THE BOSPHORUS Tue rippling strait, extending partly across the fore- ground, sweeps away to the right, where it is lost in the glow of sunrise. In the foreground on the right a jagged mass of rocks contrasts with the blue water, and on the left a large caique with a large number of rowers is seen the point of Stamboul with the great mosque, tow- ering minarets and the irregular mass of buildings. The sun is just rising and a broad band of warm light is reflected on the surface of the water. Signed at the lower left, Zrem. Height, 1414 inches; length, 21%, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 27 HENRY P. SMITH AMERICAN 1854— THE MOUNTAIN POOL A sMALL pool surrounded by bowlders and enclosed by steep sloping banks nearly covers the foreground. Be- yond and around the bowlders rises a large group of beech trees, touched here and there by a gleam of sun- light. On the right of the clump is a vista across a pleasant farming country to a line of low hills in the horizon, and on the left is seen the slope of a pasture, with outcropping ledges of rock here and there, and a fringe of trees beyond. | Signed at the lower right, Henry P. Smiru. Height, 191%, inches; length, 271/, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. J08S6 fart 3663 Gal frer cmp No. 28 Ria i E. BERNE-BELLECOUR FRENCH 1838— HALT BY THE WAYSIDE ; Two cuirassiers have halted for a moment on a coun- try road, apparently to give their horses a moment’s rest. One of them, who has dismounted, is holding his horse by the bridle, while his companion in the saddle rolls a cigarette. In front of the horses sits a dog, evi- dently watching his master. On the left, in the far dis- tance, is a small country town, with the dominating form of a large church with a square tower. Signed at the lower right, E. Berne-BELLEcour, 1904. Height, 16 inches; length, 26 inches. Owner, M. TanENBAUM. No. 29 iio, ATEN Y, NCA. AMERICAN 1841— NEWS OF THE NOMINATION Aw old farmer returning from the village stops his horse in the road to give political news to a couple of farmers, who, having left their haymaking, are taking a rest on the bars by the roadside. On either side of the road are characteristic snake fences, and to the right, beyond the two farmers, the roof of a cottage rises above the surrounding trees. Signed at the lower left, E. L. Henry, 96. Height, 1714 inches; length, 28 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 30 | PROFESSOR WILLIAM EMILE | FRENCH | | Contemporary y | THE STIRRUP CUP ; | Five hussars, of the time of Napoleon’s wars, have halted at a village inn, and one of them dismounted and, standing by his horse’s head, holds a glass of wine in his hand, while he is exchanging compliments with the __ 4 | pert landlady, who stands in the doorway holding her . i small child by the hand. On a bench by the door sits the landlord himself smoking a long clay pipe with his faithful dog at his feet. | Signed at the lower right, (MILE, MUNCHEN. | Height, 19 inches; length, 28 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. $1 OTTO STRUTZEL GERMAN Contemporary THE CHAT BY THE WAYSIDE In the foreground is a hill crossed by a narrow country road, and here rest a flock of sheep after feeding in the pasture. Near them a wayfarer, leaning against the tongue of a cart, is chatting with a young child, and just over the brow of the hill, to the left, the farmer is seen plowing the slope with a yoke of cattle. A rank of large trees in spring foliage rises on the crest of the hill, and to the left the eye extends across a broad cul- tivated valley to a mysterious distance, under a sky filled with luminous clouds. Signed at the lower left, Orro Srrirzer, 1886. Height, 20 inches; length, 28 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. | GERMAN ADOLF SCHREYER 1828—1899 THE SCOUT In the foreground a Moorish horseman, evidently on the alert for the enemy, because he holds in his right hand his long musket ready to shoot at a moment’s notice, is urging his shaggy little white pony over a rough coun- try, just emerging from a narrow ravine. Beyond the horseman, who is in strong effect of light and shade, is a gently sloping hillside covered with coarse grass and bushes. The sky is partly covered by small clouds, drift- ing high in the air. Signed at the lower left, Av. ScHREYER. Height, 29 inches; width, 221, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. ALEXANDRE GABRIEL ae FRENCH - a) Ci 1803—1860 ht ayer bd = FORTUNE-TELLER IN THE CAMP A croup of dark-skinned Arabs, in a variety of colored costumes, are assembled near their camp in the desert, and listen to the prophecies of a young fortune-teller, who, clad in a simple garment, stands in front of the group. The rounded forms of tents, two palm trees with sparse foliage, and a huge bowlder are seen behind the group, and on either side the eye wanders over the broad, rugged expanse of the desert. The foreground is mostly in shadow and the rest of the landscape is strongly illuminated by the sunshine. Signed at the lower right, Decamps. - Height, 18 inches; length, 27 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. en : a ne _o No. 34 JEAN CHARLES CAZIN FRENCH 1840—1901 OLD RUINS Part of a ruined stone building stands on the summit of a hill in the left foreground, which is covered with a rank growth of coarse grass. A single figure of a peas- ant woman is partly leaning, partly sitting on the low foundations of the ruined house, pensively resting her head on her left hand. Beyond the ruins is a rolling country, with a partly wooded hill on the right and a broad, grassy sunlit slope on the left. The horizon line is lost in a veil of thin vapor which sweeps across the landscape, trailing from a mass of low clouds which completely covers the sky, with the exception of a few tiny spots of blue which show in the upper left of the composition. Signed at the lower right, J. C. Cazin. \ Height, 231%, inches; length, 29 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Henry Steers. eer No. 35 oe ye a i F xf 4 atk iP a ‘ RS Bs Saas ALBERTO PASINI , be “at iy ; ! Ce ak ed a eat \ Oe Comms Nts ee _ ITALIAN ,4 2% Batt y ri , vet , ; ; ) Ae. Sm, e wt ae sze—isco yw og THE SULTAN’S ESCORT A party of armed Moorish horsemen are proceeding through a narrow defile in a rocky country, guarding i a covered litter in which are seated veiled women. On 4 _ either side of the narrow path are rough banks covered — | ___ with tropical vegetation, and in the distance is a lofty ___‘~precipice rising high against the sky. ¥ - Signed at the lower right, A. Pastnt. if Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. | i : Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. \ No. 36 H. J. DELPY FRENCH Contemporary BANKS OF THE OISE From a grass-covered point in the left foreground the ground slopes to a low elevation in the middle dis- tance, where a red-roofed cottage stands overhung by poplars and other trees. A broad river extends diago- nally to the right and curves around between two hills. A peasant woman is washing clothes in the shallow water just beyond the spot where a boat is drawn up, and crossing the river from the opposite bank is a rowboat Bie with two occupants. The sky is filled with jagged clouds, suggesting the passing of a storm. Signed at the lower right, H. J. Dery. Height, 21 inches; length, 26 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. / No. 37 | wer THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN 1837— ENTRANCE TO THE GRAND CANAL Groups of boats and barges, some with sails, some with- out, and all filled with gayly dressed people, float on the placid waters of the Canal San Marco, off the Riva. Beyond the central group of boats is seen the entrance to the Grand Canal with the Ducal Palace on the right, and the Salute on the left, half lost in the glowing mist of sunset. The sky is nearly covered by masses of vapor, and the light is concentrated near the horizon. Signed at the lower left, HORn: 1905. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. es RUN LA ee CoP TP Py lied Ae TS Oe TUN x \i ¥ iy ~ 1 : y 7 M Hh Ne ya | No. 38° GEORGE ROMNEY ENGLISH 1734—1802 PORTRAIT OF LORD DEVON Oval Tue head and shoulders of a middle-aged gentleman in > - three-quarters view to the right, the head slightly in- clined upon the left shoulder, and the eyes looking toward the spectator. He wears a full gray wig, a blue coat lined with satin and trimmed with gold galloon over i a cream-colored satin waistcoat, and a loose white jabot. i) The background is an effect of sky with storm clouds. i] The sitter was Sir William, Viscount Courtenay, of Powderham Castle, County Devon, created peer May 6, 1762. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. i) From the collection of Lovis A. Bropte, Ese., Philadelphia. week oe No. 39 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, R.A. ENGLISH 1769—1830 PORTRAIT OF CAPTAIN THOMAS DRAKE Tus is the life-size portrait of a man in early middle life seen to the waist. He wears a military costume with a high double-breasted blue coat with two rows of but- tons close together, a high collar trimmed with gold galloon over red, large epaulettes, a decoration on his left breast and a sword belt around his waist. The left hand is resting on the belt. The body is in full face and - the head in three-quarters view to the left, somewhat raised, and the eyes turned in the same direction. The face is framed by a mass of curly brown hair and whis- kers trimmed rather closely to the cheeks. The back-. ground is a graded tone of warm gray. The sitter for this portrait was Capt. Thomas Drake, originally Thomas Trayton Fuller, but who assumed by sign manual, under the settlement of Sir Francis Henry Drake, Bart., the additional surnames and arms of Eliot and Drake. He was created a baronet in 1821. Was captain in the army and served throughout the greater part of the Peninsular War. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. From the collection of Louis A. Bippie, Ese., Philadelphia. No. 40 GEORGES LAUGEE FRENCH Contemporary COMING THROUGH THE RYE A youne peasant girl, dressed in black bodice over a white chemise, blue apron and lavender petticoat, is walking along a path between harvest fields carrying on her head a sheaf of gleaned wheat. Behind her a broad — landscape extends to the distant horizon. The sky is covered by a stratum of luminous clouds. Signed at the lower right, Grorces LAUGEE. Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 41 FREDERIC EDE GERMAN Contemporary SPRINGTIME ON THE RIVER DAMPIERRE A RaApPIp stream of moderate width runs down to the foreground diagonally from the middle distance, where it winds around between two cottages, one on either _bank. On the left is an overhanging mass of flowering bushes, and between the cottages is seen, in the distance, a level pasture with cattle feeding. Signed twice at the lower right, Frepveric Ene. Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 42 L. JAPY FRENCH Contemporary MISTY MORNING ON THE OISE In the foreground a man is loading his boat with reeds which he is engaged in cutting on a low point of land. Beyond him the broad surface of the river extends across the picture, on the far shore a hill rises high against the sky, and clumps of trees grow on a level meadow. The sky is covered with scattered luminous — clouds and the whole landscape is veiled in a soft mist. Signed at the lower right, Jary. Height, 251, inches; length, 32 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 43 FREDERICK JAMES AMERICAN FRANKLIN AND GENERAL BRADDOCK Tue famous interview between these two notables is rep- resented as taking place in a simple Colonial interior. The philosopher, dressed in a long coat of green velvet, black waistcoat and breeches, is seated at a gate table, while the British officer stands in a characteristic atti- tude, back to the fire, holding in one hand a church- warden pipe, and gesticulating with the other. In the background is a desk littered with papers. Coats and hats hang against the wall, together with a map of the world. A torn paper on the floor between the figures suggests that a heated discussion has taken place. Signed at the lower left, FrepErick JAMEs. Height, 231% inches; length, 301%, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 44 F. ANDREOTTI © ITALIAN Contemporary THE CABARET THREE jolly cavaliers, who have been drinking together in a wine shop, are making friends with a comely serv- ing maid. One of them plays a large lute and sings a love song in her ear, while his two companions join in the chorus. The costumes are of the early part of the ~ seventeenth century. Signed at the lower left, F. ANDREOTTI. Height, 25 inches; width, 18 inches. SS SSS % Owner, WILLIAM SALOMON. No. 45 MME. MARIE COLLAERT BELGIAN _ Contemporary THE BARNYARD In the foreground, on the right, is a whitewashed stable and an adjacent thatched rick, and from the rick ex- tends a fence enclosing the barnyard, where a peasant woman is feeding her fattening swine. Beyond the en- closure a row of trees, with slender branches and sparse foliage, rises high against the sky. Signed at the lower left, M. CoLiarrr. Height, 281, inches; width, 241, inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. Se Ye ye yf \ HENDRIK VALKENBURG \ ” ger DUTCH 7 1826—1896 MEALTIME In a large room, which is evidently used for a kitchen and living room, a party of peasants are eating their midday meal. The vrouw herself sits at the head of the table and behind her on the floor is a small fire, the smoke escaping by means of a large hood suspended from the ceiling. On the left in the foreground are two carved chests, surrounded by baskets and scattered vegetables. In the background a number of leaded win- dows let in a modified light which illuminates the in- terior. Signed at the upper left, H. VaLKENBURG. Height, 2414, inches; length, 33 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. : No. 47 R. yy va PAUL JEAN CLAYS hg BELGIAN -1819—1900 THE RIVER FRONT, ANTWERP On the right is a large group of Dutch luggers near the quay of the town. The sails flap lazily in the light air and they are apparently drifting along with the tide or the river current. In the foreground on the right are two rowboats, and on the left is a vista down the broad river and a glimpse of the shore on the opposite side. The sky is filled with soft summer clouds. Signed at the lower right, P. J. Crays. Height, 23 inches; length, 30 inches. Owner, Sotomon MEHRBACH. ea No. 48 EVARISTE VITALL LUMINAIS FRENCH 1821—1896 THE INVASION OF ITALY BY THE GAULS A LARGE party of Gallic horsemen, proceeding along a narrow gorge in Italy, has been attacked by the inhab- itants, and great confusion arises. Men fall from the plunging horses, and others seek to defend themselves. In the middle distance on the steep slope of a rocky eminence are seen straggling figures and above them a large party in flight, while in the distance, on a level — plateau above a high precipice, is an extensive walled town. Signed at the lower left, Lumrnais. Height, 28 inches; width, 23 inches. _ Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 49 LEONARD OCHTMAN, N.A. - AMERICAN 1854— MOONLIGHT From the left foreground a country road leads straight to a group of houses in the distance between straggling trees on either side. On the right is seen a two-wheeled cart with a single occupant. The full moon shows itself in the sky above the houses, and here and there in the sky stars are just beginning to twinkle. Signed at the lower left, Ltonarp Ocutman, 1889. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 50 ADOLF SCHREYER : GERMAN 1828—1899 WALLACHIAN PEASANT AND HORSES Hatr mired in a muddy road, which sweeps in a curve across a shallow stream in the foreground, stands a rude farm wagon drawn by four rough horses, which are evi- i dently resting at the edge of the water after a tough pull. Idly reclining on the coarse mats and robes which i | cover his load is the farmer himself, wearing a broad 1 felt hat, short blue waistcoat, red sash and baggy white jacket and trousers. Beyond, in the distance, a horse- | man is approaching along the muddy highway, and on . | the right is a view across a plain to a level horizon. Signed at the lower right, Av. SCHREYER. . | Height, 22 inches; length, 37 inches. | Owner, WILLIAM SALOMON. 17 ‘ LUIGI LOIR AUSTRIAN Contemporary ON THE MARNE AT CRETEIL In the foreground the sandy bank of the broad river runs away diagonally to the left, and makes a sharp turn to the right under a level point projecting into the river, where laundries and bathing houses stand and the people gather to take river excursions. On the left a large group of trees overhangs and partly conceals a number of houses, and on the right, seen across the river, is a view across a gently rolling farming country. The sky is covered with gray clouds, with the light concen- trated around a tiny spot of blue near. the zenith. Signed at the lower left, Lom Lute. Height, 14 inches; length, 36 inches. Owner, Perer A. SCHEMM. FRENCH 1821— MORNING ON THE LAGOON, VENICE On the left a large fleet of boats, with multicolored sails, is drifting with the tide, and beyond them rises the Campanile of San Giorgio. Near the middle of the composition is a fishing craft to which is attached the end of a long net which a number of fishermen are dragging through the shallow water. The morning sun is just above the horizon, and a broad band of light is — reflected in the waters of the lagoon sparkling down to the near foreground. Signed at the lower left, Z1rem. Height, 191% inches; length, 321% inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. oy ay No. 53 RUDOLF ERNST GERMAN Contemporary THE SENTINELS A tatu Moor, wearing richly embroidered garments, is standing in a highly decorated doorway of a Moorish palace, and beside him, its front paws hanging over the low step, lies a huge tiger. Behind the group in the gloom of the interior may be distinguished a doorway leading to an interior apartment, and on either side of the doorway are marble panels with inscriptions and decorations in low relief. Signed at the lower right, R. Ernst. Height, 311, inches; width, 221 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 54 JAMES G. TYLER a AMERICAN 1855— OVERDUE A SIDE-WHEEL steamer, flying the American flag at the peak, with two funnels, and two masts on which one or two sails are set, is buffeting its way along a tum- bling sea, towing behind it a screw steamer partly dis- masted and evidently quite disabled. The rigging of both steamers is covered with ice, and the level-drifting smoke and the spume on the water show that the gale is very severe. Signed at the lower left, James G. Tyter. Height, 40 inches; length, 60 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 55 EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN BELGIAN 1799—1881 SHEEP AND FOWL A Ewe, with her two lambs, is solicitously watching one of them, which is lying down near her on the straw-lit- tered floor of a rude stable. Nearby two fowl seek food among the straw. In the background is a rude hayrack against a timbered and plaster wall. The little group is strongly lighted from the left. Signed at the lower right, EuckNE VERBOECKHOVEN FT. 1886. Height, 281, inches; width, 23 inches. Owner, Sotomon MEHRBACH. Cc No. 56 ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN 1830—1902 WESTERN KANSAS IN 1860 A warrow river flows through a level country where tall oaks and other deciduous trees grow here and there in ccoppices and clumps, and broad, open pastures extend in every direction. A herd of buffalo, led by a huge bull, : wanders along the river bank, apparently enjoying the y. a) paradise of rich food and cool water. The sun is near q the horizon and the warm glow of sunset floods the landscape, touching here and there the foliage and the edges of the soft clouds which partly cover the sky. Signed at the lower left, /BrersTapr. Height, 28 inches; length, 391% inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. ah en | No. 57 BM a NICOLAS MATHES GERMAN Contemporary CHRISTMAS EVE A LITTLE girl dressed in coarse garments, and huddling her arms in a scanty shawl to keep her hands warm, leans against the window of a toy shop, turning her eyes longingly toward the interior, from which a flood of light falls upon the little figure, casting a shadow upon the snow-covered sidewalk. In the window are dis- played numerous toys and dolls, and on the right of the figure, seen past the corner, are high buildings bor- dering the opposite side of the street, with here and there lighted windows high up in the fagades. Signed at the top, N. Marues. Height, 40 inches; width, 27 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. aba a No. 58 ra : 4 ha on, aa ? ? { i Ve MIHALY DE MUNKACSY HUNGARIAN ‘, Q 1846—1903 AFTER THE DESSERT In a sumptuous interior a large family has just fin- ished dinner, and the servant brings in a basket con- taining a litter of small puppies, around which the children gather and fondle the little animals, while the older folk look on with interest. The figures are dressed in the style of the seventeenth century and the furniture and the accessories are in harmony with the costumes. The scene is lighted from a lofty window on the left Signed at the lower right, M. pe Munxacsy. Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches. | | of the composition. | ! | Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 59 BENJAMIN CONSTANT FRENCH 1845—1902 ON THE HOUSETOPS, ALGIERS A wapy is seated on the housetop of a native resi- dence in the town of Algiers, accompanied by her little child and attended by four female attendants, three of whom are perched on a wall above, and the fourth leans over the parapet nearby. On the right and far below are seen the roofs of neighboring houses, and the broad expanse of the Mediterranean, with here and there a white sail. Signed at the lower left, Bensamin ConsTAnt. Height, 38 inches; width, 231% inches. Owner, WiLt1AM SALOMON. y No. 60 JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FRENCH 1840—1902 GULLIVER AND THE LILLIPUTIANS Tue figure of Gulliver is lying at full length on a gently sloping hillside, and around him is assembled a large multitude of Lilliputians in gay-colored costumes, who, having fastened the invader to the ground by means of cords, are engaged in curiously examining every detail of their captive’s costume and possessions. In the foreground a number have brought his watch to a safe distance in a hand barrow, and are examining the works. High up on the waist of Gulliver a party of workmen are engaged in lifting his pistol by means of a derrick, and in the distance, on the right, is gathered an immense army covering a broad field, while on the left, and seen over the ankle and right foot of Gulliver, is a mass of soldiers surrounding an elephant, with a view of the sea beyond. Signed at the lower right, J. G. VrBert. Height, 221, inches; length, 431% inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 61 TITO CONTI ITALIAN Contemporary THE BRIDAL PAIR A FAIR-HAIRED young bride leans lovingly on the arm of her husband, and the pair, intent on each other, have just descended a flight of steps and are walking through the vestibule of a sumptuously decorated mansion. The figures are dressed in the costumes of the early seven- teenth century, the bride wearing a wine-colored velvet bodice and overskirt, with an embroidered petticoat of salmon satin, and the young bridegroom wearing a buff coat, green breeches, and long, brown leather riding boots. Signed at the lower left, Trto Cont. Height, 35 inches; width, 26 inches. Owner, WILLIAM SALOMON. No. 62 BERNARD DE HOOG uae . " { DUTCH ‘ , 0 sas, aa Aa Contemporary A HUMBLE HOME In a rude cottage, presumably in a village of the Neth- erlands, a peasant and his wife are seated near a small table, the former eating his frugal supper, and the lat- ter suckling a small infant. The furniture of the room is of the most meagre description, and everything sug- gests a life full of toil with slight reward. In the fore- ground a patch of sunlight falls upon the rough floor and its reflected glow illuminates the whole interior. © Signed at the lower left, BERNARD DE Hoog. Height, 311% inches; length, 39 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 63 WILHELM MEYERHEIM GERMAN 1814—1882 OLD CITY ON THE RHINE On a gently sloping sandy beach, near which two boats float in the quiet waters of the broad river, is a market cart with a number of peasants engaged in loading baskets of fruit. On a higher level is seen the beginning of a populous and picturesque street, with tall steep- roofed houses, with turrets and overhanging stories, and beyond, in the distance, the towers of two large churches. On the right of the composition is the broad expanse of the Rhine, the shores visible on either side, and churches and other lofty edifices in silhouette against a luminous sky. Signed at the lower right, W. MrYERHEIM. Height, 27 inches; length, 38 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. ree: Toe vad S alee he A aaradsIw oe te eee whee . ty 4 oe Tae rag . ee: te tee oy DTA S04 a ers Sau ee ~¥ ae DSN ERO a ae , rast : Oy il is Pibglds EAN RRS ay a0 Ck dj ‘ ii y Pi he: 3 oP ; ho No. 64 BERNARD DE HOOG DUTCH Contemporary PREPARING THE MEAL SSS A DutcH vrouw is busy peeling potatoes, seated near a window, her infant in a pulpit chair nearby and a small child standing at her knee. In front of the figures, on the right, is a rude table with a few coarse dishes, over which a lamp is suspended. The interior is lighted from a window at the left, the lower part of which is covered by a muslin curtain. SS eS ee Signed at the lower right, BERNARD DE Hoos. Height, 39 inches; length, 49 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. SS No. 65 PROFESSOR OTTO VON KAMEKE GERMAN Contemporary THE JUNGFRAU In the foreground is a pleasant little valley through which a narrow stream meanders under the trees and among the rocks, and part of its water is diverted to run a small mill. Tree-covered slopes rise on either side, and in the distance towers high against the sky the huge crag of the Jungfrau, topped with a pyramid of snow and flanked by enormous glaciers. - Signed at the lower right, O. v. Kamexe, 72. Height, 371%, inches; length, 53 inches. : Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 66 J. HORENBANT DUTCH Contemporary ral A HOLLAND HOME INTERIOR An old peasant couple are seated at their midday meal .- i in a characteristic Dutch room with hooded fireplace, rude oven and roughly timbered ceiling. A shaft of sun- light, falling through a small window, falls upon the floor beyond the seated pair, and the warm light touches ‘ee the figures, the different objects in the interior, ano is | reflected in the shadows. Signed at the lower right, J. Horensant, 91. Height, 3914 inches; width, 35 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 67 PROFESSOR JOSEF BRANDT POLISH 1841— POLISH SOLDIERS CAPTURING A TURK Two irregular Polish cavalrymen, in one of the numer- ous conflicts between the Turks and the Christians in medieval times, have come across a straggling Turk in a broad open plain, and one of the soldiers, having las- soed him around the body, has dragged him from his horse and is hauling him along the ground. The second soldier, meantime, attempts to capture the frightened steed of the enemy. Signed at the lower right, JosEr Branpt, Warsaw, 1881. Height, 431, inches; length, 79 inches. Owner, WILLIAM SALOMON. No. 68 LEON BRUNIN BELGIAN Contemporary DIVIDING THE SPOILS A company of seventeenth century soldiers are engaged in dividing the booty which they have gathered in a captured town. Two of them are throwing dice on a drumhead. A companion lights his pipe at a lantern, another pours wine from a flask, and a third is engaged in tying up a tattered banner. In the background are seen the facades, gables and turrets of a large town, with a crenellated and loopholed wall. Signed at the lower right, LEon Brunin, ANTWERPEN. Height, 47 inches; length, 65 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. Be), AMERICAN : | ai: 1819—1905 aS — _ EARLY BIRDS aN BRoop of newly hatched chickens is basking in the iF Ny, Dy cunlight, Some of them are crouched in the grass, and others are perched on the moss-covered branch of a a fallen tree. A few of them, inspired by curiosity, peck at scattered grains of wheat. Signed at the lower right, A. F. Tarr, N.A., N. Y. 797. ae! . Height, 934 inches; length, 14 inches. r Owner, M. TANENBAUM. ee ealaaiinst bomen dae oceee cine ee SECOND EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 2p, 1906 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 o’cLOCK 5 ln FRANZ STREITT AUSTRIAN oe , oe, Jie yi THE ACCIDENT A party of strolling musicians, making their way from one village to another on a winter’s day, are just cross- ing a bridge. The old bass-viol player has slipped and fallen upon his back. A sleigh full of people drawn by two horses is rapidly approaching along the road, and the trombone player, waving his instrument high above his head, shouts a warning to them as they approach. Signed at the lower left, F. Srrerrt, Mincuen. Height, 814, inches; length, 161, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. bik i ny i) ‘he i 1A —— Soe = ae Se eee ee ——— eae ae GERMAN A CUP OF TEA A comety, fair-haired young maiden is seated at a | table raising a porcelain cup with her right hand, and with her left steadying the saucer. The figure, which is A nearly life-size, is seen to the waist only. Her fair hair t is bound to her head by a blue silk band, which fastens a tea-rose just above her ear. From a narrow black rib- bon around her neck hangs a large pearl pendant, and a thin lace fichu is draped over her shoulders, falling with a deep lace edge over a striped silk bodice, with full half-sleeves. Signed at the lower left, C. Becxer. Height, 25 inches; width, 181%, inches. Owner, WILLIAM SALOMON. No. 102 MARC LOUIS BENJAMIN VAUTIER GERMAN THE WEDDING FEAST In a pleasant garden, under an extemporized tent made of canvas attached to the branches of trees, is assem- bled a large company of peasants to celebrate the wed- ding of two of their number. The bridal couple stand i near a table in the foreground, on which are various dishes and beer glasses, while around them sit their friends and relatives. A little farther away, a merry company is dancing to the music of a small orchestra perched high on a small platform in the background. Signed at the lower left, B. VAuTiER. Height, 161, inches; length, 21 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. 4522 coat ome fe iil. 45" fmt grt i % EY ’ re s % ri No. 103 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH 1910) bh LA Shit, ve SHEEP—NEAR FONTAINEBLEAU In the foreground is a large flock of sheep browsing on the scanty herbage of a rough pasture, attended by a shepherdess who stands just beyond them on a narrow path which winds away until lost in the middle distance. Behind the shepherdess is a rank of trees, the dense foliage extending out of the top of the picture. Be- tween the tree trunks is a glimpse of the sky filled with summer clouds, and to the left of the shepherdess is a vista over a level, open country. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacque. Height, 25 inches; width, 201% inches. Owner, SOLOMON MEHRBACH. ie aA a mK. 42 i ea ee art ee | PI30 64. $f epp tat dL Vrets ¢ tar ¢ \ /7£0 ~ Ligh pr Het 9429 nae ; ie ™ ft oe baa oil py ae ; & ae vid i aah . ‘ } U i ! A i ae oy a a id by a 8 No. 104 ( é JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH | 1829—1905- Ly ! Tuis is a life-size study, in profile, of a young girl with THE DREAMER a mass of flowing auburn hair, wearing a red jacket with full sleeves. The head is slightly lowered and the eyes upraised. The figure is in strong effect of light and shade, and in contrast against a deep-toned background. Signed at the lower left, J. J. HENNER. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 105 EMILE JEAN HORACE VERNET FRENCH A Me pV rae AUSTRIAN PRISO ERS FORCED TO WORK In the foreground a young soldier, his blue and white uniform somewhat ragged, is walking in a dejected atti- tude beside a pair of oxen, resting his bandaged left hand on a rude yoke by which the sturdy animals are drawing a plough guided by a man in peasant garb. In the middle distance, on the right, is a large stone build- ing, at the door of which are an Italian gendarme on guard and a wounded French Zouave helped along by a peasant woman; and on the left, and beyond the fore- ground group, a number of Austrian soldiers are en- gaged in spreading manure over a field to be ploughed. A range of mountains seen across a broad, rolling coun- try forms the horizon. Signed at the lower right, H. Vernet, 1861. Height, 3514 inches; width, 28 inches. a No. 106 BE. Le HENRY,. N.A. AMERICAN 1841— {) / UL THE CHILDHOOD OF RAPID TRANSIT One of the first railway trains in use in this country has stopped at a tavern near which the railway passes. A yellow stage-coach and various vehicles are assembled near the tavern front and in the stable yard, and the people gaze with interest on the locomotive. In the train itself a few passengers are seen seated as in the stage- coaches to which they are accustomed, and on the right of the railway stand a farmer, with his yoke of steers, and a little family group intent on the novel spectacle. Another contrast in transportation methods is found in the canal boat which is slowly moving along the water- way in the extreme right of the composition. Signed at the lower left, E. L. Henry, 97. Height, 16 inches; length, 33 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. FA A No. 107 “4 WORDSWORTH THOMPSON, N.A. — AMERICAN ae 01896 Ge oe y s Poe be A OTe A WAYSIDE INN, WESTCHESTER A party of British cavalry has halted at a wayside inn, after a gallop along a muddy road, and the horses are tethered to the veranda posts. The men are resting themselves after the ride and enjoying the hos- pitality of the hostelry. The low building is partly of brick and partly of stone, and hanging from a tree nearby is a sign bearing the legend, “* The White Swan Inn,” with the painted figure of a white swan. From the left foreground the narrow muddy road winds around to the right and then to the left, leading toward a vil- lage which is seen in the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Worpswortn THompson. Height, 1814, inches; length, 27 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. ¢ 6 O “No. 108 HENRY P. SMITH f AMERICAN V 1854— AFTER THE STORM Wee Dake Pm, | Late in the afternoon a storm which has long been ra- ging ceases, and the sunlight breaks through the rapidly scattering clouds, markedly accentuating them here and there, and making strong contrasts of light and shade in the landscape. The foreground, which is in deep shadow, is a rough pasture with scattered bowlders and bushes, and here and there a sturdy tree. Across a wooded plain in the middle distance there is seen in the horizon a flat-topped hill, broken here and there by clumps of trees. Signed at the lower right, Henry P. Smrru. Height, 20 inches; length, 2714 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. No. 109 ALBERTO PASINI “Mf ITALIAN es 1826—1899 Org THE PASHA’S ESCORT _/ Tue highly decorated facade of a Moorish palace ex- tends across the picture, strongly illuminated by sun- light which casts a shadow from the broad cornice along the top of the composition, and throws an arched pas- sageway into mysterious gloom. On the right a digni- tary who is just entering the palace has dismounted from a chestnut horse which is watched by two attend- ants, and on their right is a group of armed followers. On the left is a mounted official with a drawn sword. Signed at the lower right, A. Pasin1. Height, 271%, inches; width, 19, inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. le aS oe Se ie ewe a eae SFR eye RE bal rae A? he L097 Cock eye A busheelin Artd, Reto as Fee I ORK GIS 9 Aetd te 1.7 Amey , i f 7 % ‘ hone 4 hy j ; r x ; Phe, : -() Le’. 110 LS | ppt? “ JAN MONCHABLON FRENCH 3 Contemporary () (9). e Tuis is a view of a richly cultivated country where the farms are divided into small areas by shallow ditches and occasional fringes of bushes and small trees. In the distance, beyond pleasant grain fields, a rounded hill with long, sloping flank forms the horizon. High in the sky float a few tiny clouds and the landscape is lighted by a broad flood of sunlight radiating from the zenith. LANDSCAPE Signed at the lower right, Jan Moncuaston, 1887. Height, 21 inches; length, 28 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. Pail No. 111 THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN v9, me | pth Lara IN THE GRAND CANAL Tuts 1s a view of the Grand Canal from a point nearly opposite the Academy. On either side of the picture near the landings are groups of boats with colored sails and filled with people in gay costumes. On the right is a row of sumptuous facades, and on the left is the Campanile, rising above the domes of San Marco, while farther away are the Ducal Palace and the Riva in rapidly diminishing perspective. Signed at the lower left, yoran, N.A., 1898. Height, 191, inches; length, 29% inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. * No. 112 THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN, aye et by Abit Ci G THE GRAND CANYON OF THE YELYZOWSTONE Tue view of this remarkable gorge is taken from the west bank of the Yellowstone River, looking southward. On either side rise lofty crags fantastically colored by nature, and between them and far below rushes the narrow river from the foot of the falls, which are the prominent object in the middle distance. Beyond the falls and above them the eye is carried across a gently rolling country to the horizon, where lofty summits are faintly seen in the warm summer haze. Signed at the lower left, df onaN, 1898. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. a FRITZ THAULOW NORWEGIAN i 1847— 5 / ( THE BRIDGE, AUDENARDE A RIPPLING stream, extending across the foreground, winds away in a gentle curve to the right under a wooden bridge which spans the water, and leads to a pasageway between tall houses which line the river bank. Between the river and the houses on the left is a gar- den, with a red-roofed hovel and various shrubs and trees, surrounded by a wall. The group of houses and the river bank are reflected in the rippling water as well as the rift in the sky where the storm clouds break. Signed at the lower right, Frrrz THavtow. Height, 214, inches; width, 18 inches. Owner, Petrer A. SCHEMM. No. 114 Ve RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SPANISH ms ; 4, ay, Wepre Tuis is the full-length figure of a young lady wearing an eighteenth century costume of tunic, bodice and skirt over a white petticoat, and a long black lace man- tle, which is draped over her head and falls to the ground. She leans against a tree which grows near a garden path, and half hides a note which she holds in her right hand. THE TRYST _ Signed at the lower right, R. Maprazo. Height, 35 inches; width, 23 inches. Owner, Sotomon MEHRBACH. : } : No. 115 : \ a ye MARTIN RICO yr : SPANISH 1850— THE SALUTE, VENICE ( Tus is a view of the Church of the Salute, seen from the upper story or roof of a building on the same side of the Grand Canal. The domes and turrets, above the roofs in the middle distance, rise against a simple sky, forming the chief feature of the composition, and in the foreground is a pleasant garden with trees and flower- ing shrubs on the corner of a side canal where it joins the famous waterway of Venice. Various gondolas are moored to the walls in the foreground, and here and there, in the shadow of the houses, the gondoliers are taking their ease. On the left, beyond the tall building - surrounding the church, is seen the distant Riva, and on the right, in the horizon, the trees of the public garden are visible. Signed at the lower right, Rico. Height, 281%, inches; width, 2114 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. . Ate t. No. 116 JULIUS ROBERT BEYSCHLAG GERMAN 1838— ae gy Y Yn WU a ~ The Z A cLassic maiden is seated on the shelf of a low ledge THE NYMPH of rocks, which is overhung by trees and surrounded by rankly growing weeds and grass. Her hair is bound up by a narrow pink ribbon and her white tunic has fallen from her shoulders. Red and blue draperies, with a bow and a quiver of arrows, lie on the ground beside her. The maiden is in an attitude of attention and is thoughtfully gazing in the direction of a young Pan, who plays the pipes under a large tree in the left of the composition. Between the two figures is a view of the sea, and a small area of cloud-covered sky is seen between the overhanging branches of large trees. Signed at the lower left, R. Beyscuuac. Height, 24 inches; length, 31 inches. Owner, W1LLIAM SALOMON. Val | " | en . JOSEF ISRAELS is Ly pee A P at BS Man i i , f) w. es é et i i Po A 4 | ye | aii’ j Gah Ast is is oat “le No. 117 a tpn | DUTCH ) A 1824— AD r ay © A NEIGHBORLY CALL “jap 4G GATHERED around a table in a rude Dutch interior are — three peasants, two of them apparently calling on the third, who sits at the end of the table in his shirt sleeves with his apron on. Behind the group stands the huys- vrouw pouring beer from a jug into a steen, and on the right, in the background, is seen the glimmer of a kitchen fire built on the hearth. The group is lighted from a window on the left. Sorsogon > ~ Signed at the lower left, Joser IsRaEts. Height, 234% inches; length, 281, inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. yw” No. 118 GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH LS a op ee ULL, Aten THE GATHERING STORM TuHIs is a wide view across a country broken here and there by frequent villages, coppices and low hills. A flash of sunlight strongly illuminates a passage across the middle distance, bringing into prominence a church with square towers surrounded by a number of houses, and an adjacent windmill which rises on a rocky emi- nence. The foreground is in shadow and a traveller on horseback, who has halted to talk with a peasant woman driving a cow, forms a prominent feature of the composition. The sky is covered with storm clouds sug- gesting frequent rapidly passing showers, and the light is concentrated in the upper left of the picture. Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. vo No. 119 ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN 1828—]899 : THE RETREAT Aw Arab sheik, mounted on a white horse and holding a banner in his right hand, is urging his animal to a rapid pace over a rocky ground, looking backward as he goes. He is followed by a number of armed attend- ants, all of whom are galloping at full speed, and those nearest the sheik are anxiously watching behind them. Signed at the lower right, Ap. ScHREYER. Height, 23 inches; length, 38 inches. Owner, SoLOMON MEHRBACH. NENG. | i; } | \ | | UV i | a No. 120 C. DE LORT FRENCH ) 1814—1894, yovo-™ We GATE AND FOUNTAIN (AT ROUEN Tuis is a study of the famous fountain and street cor- ner near the large clock on the archway in Rouen. A horseman has brought two animals to drink at the fountain, and is chaffing the bare-armed maidens who come there to draw water for household use. Under the archway two porters are carrying a sedan chair, and in the window of the sumptuously decorated house above the fountain is a richly dressed couple looking from the balcony on the scene below. Signed at the lower left, C. De Lort. Height, 35 inches; width, 251 inches. Owner, WiLt1AM SALOMON. a ala ix ya 7£n yen 2 | a wad Crt fred sitvy tl foe HI oni EC GlAurkl (Rr B AWE Aye 7 inet Me of wo i j we Vi HENRI HARPIGNIES De 1819— 1 i SUMMER ; FA 3 In the left foreground a huge tree with straggling branches and rounded masses of foliage is relieved i against a blue sky with small drifting cumuli. On the i right of the composition, on the shoulder of a low eleva- i tion, stand two smaller trees which cast a shadow on a narrow swale which leads to the middle distance, where a lake shimmers in the sunlight, bordered on the far shore by a range of moderate-sized hills. Signed at the lower left, H./Harpientes, 1898. Height, 3114 inches; width, 25 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 122 A. VON WIERUSZ KOWALSKI“ POLISH pH 1849— Mes Z Ci ‘THE MORNING RIDE i | A youncG man, mounted on a spirited bay horse, is ac- companying on her morning ride his ladylove, who ambles along upon her cream-colored cob. Two white greyhounds accompany them and they are followed at a respectful distance by a groom. Their way leads along a leaf-strewn road under great beeches in winter garb, and the sharp light of the autumn sun accentuates the figures and the landscape, forming strong contrasts of light and shade. The costumes are of the period of the late eighteenth century. Signed at the lower right, A. v. Wierusz Kowatsk1. Height, 391%, inches; width, 30% inches. Owner, WILLIAM SALOMON. . a oy . ye No. 123 < ft ys 4 ‘ oo 22 L~_"§ ADOLF SCHREYER) , A & . % GERMAN PE Ret Nest ’ epee 4) et 1828—1899 of NY eed tere THE RECONNAISSANCE 7! OMA | A NuMBER of armed and mounted Arabs have just ; emerged from the shelter of a ridge of rough hills and are watching for signs of the enemy in the plain be- yond. The three foremost riders are mounted on iron- gray horses, and the middle one is evidently a sheik, for he is dressed in silken garments and wears jewelled — weapons in his belt. To the left of the group, which is relieved against a distant rough hillside, is a view across i a broken rolling country, and in the horizon a tiny i cloud of smoke gleams in the sunlight. Signed at the lower right, Ap. SCHREYER. Height, 221, inches; length, 37 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. y os . No. 124 < J. BERNARD , THE ARTIST’S DREAM CL. Cape SCATTERED over a large palette are various figures of maidens, children and animals, with a profusion of flowers and tropical plants, and here and there a glimpse of a landscape and suggestions of allegorical figures. The central figure is a young lady rowing a boat dec- orated with garlands of flowers and steered by a young man wearing a striped jersey and red cap. The prom- inent features in the scheme of the decorations are re- productions of two photographs mounted on cards and fastened to the palette by thumb tacks. Signed at the lower right, J. Bernarp. Height, 2714, inches; length, 43 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 125 PAUL JEAN CLAYS BELGIAN : 1819—1900 NEAR AMSTERDAM _ A warceE barque and several Dutch luggers are grouped — together on the right of the composition and their tow- ering masts and idly hanging sails are relieved against — a mass of thin gray clouds which nearly cover the sky. | To the left of the group of vessels is a vista down a long reach thronged with craft of various sorts, and on the right is a suggestion of the shore with various figures grouped near a fishing boat. Signed at the lower right, P. J. Cuays. Height, 21%, inches; length, 3914 inches. is Owner, Peter A. Scuemon. No. 126 4 PROFESSOR WILHELM KRAY GERMAN Contemporary a / | THE BAY OF NAPLES ~— In the foreground is a large rowboat with seven young Neapolitan maidens who are apparently enjoying a water excursion, for they carry musical instruments and bouquets and are dressed in festive attire. One of the girls, standing up in the boat, is singing a song, while the rowers pause to listen to her, and the other girls apparently join in the refrain. Across the broad expanse of the Bay of Naples is seen a rocky mountain ridge in the glow of early sunset. Signed at the lower right, W. Kray. Height, 28 inches; length, 44 inches. Owner, WILLIAM SALOMON. 5 We Ks, | i | ea g a Mat wept & Ft | Mil oo i) & tf i nw ™ Pa Y y f i . ‘ : / whe JULIEN DUPRE rian \ wt 1e19-3909, : THE VALLEY OF THE DURDENT In a rich pasture which extends across the foreground is a herd of spotted cattle scattered over the grass. In the foreground on the left a milkmaid trudges along, bearing two large pails hung from a strap over her shoulders. In the distance, beyond an extensive plain, is a range of high, wooded hills. The sky is covered with 4H turbulent storm clouds through which the sun breaks, i) striking the landscape here and there with broad patches of light. Signed at the lower left, Jutren Dupre. Height, 42 inches; length, 58 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900, No. 709. ae Oe i ances O | AO | | No. 128 j | WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU . FRENCH 7 NAAT Ht THE GARDENER’S DAUGHTER Tuis is the full-length life-size figure of a dark-haired young maiden, bare footed and bare armed, dressed in a low bodice over a white chemise and a deep mauve skirt over a blue petticoat. She holds a bunch of roses with both hands and inclines her head to enjoy the per- fume from a white rose. Behind her is a luxuriously growing garden, with a glimpse of summer sky in the upper right and spots of sunlight on the path below. Signed at the lower left, W. BovucurrEau, 1895. Height, 62 inches; width, 36 inches. Owner, SoLtomonN MEHRBACH. 129 JOSEF ISRAELS DUTCH 1824— ( WATCHING AND WAITING In the foreground, seated on a small dune partly cov- ered by coarsely growing grass, is a Dutch peasant girl, knitting while she watches the distant sea, evidently - expecting the return of a fishing craft. In the distance two boats toss on the breakers as they roll upon the shallow beach, and beyond them is the placid expanse of the sea stretching away to an unbroken horizon. The sky is covered with a veil of clouds, with ware and there a luminous spot. Signed at the lower left, Josrr Israkts. Height, 37 inches; length, 52 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 130 THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN 1837— rs THE TETON RANGE In the foreground a rushing mountain stream tumbles into a lake surrounded by rocky cliffs and roughly wooded slopes. In the distance rises an immense range of rocky peaks, with extensive snow fields and broad gla- ciers. The sun is low in the heavens and casts long shad- ows across the landscape, strongly illuminating here and there the rocks and trees, and bringing the great mountain range into vivid contrast against the simple sky beyond. Signed at the lower right, fforan, 1897. Height, 30 inches; length, 45 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. / 7 / a No. 131 _/“ DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER 4 nt DUTCH THE VILLAGE KIRMESS A A LARGE company of peasants is assembled in the yard ees of a roadside public house. In the foreground, on the ! left, a number of old people are seated at a small table drinking white wine out of tall glasses. In the middle of the composition two boor couples are dancing to the tune of a violin and bagpipes, and behind them, near the inn, is a large party feasting at a long table. The roadway in front of the hostelry winds away between lofty trees to a distant church in the horizon. Height, 29 inches; length, 47 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. Conax rt bbe Judy JL : Be ie. fied trate ¥ ee Ao GOEI> AE | 32 ? / JOSE DOMINGO SPANISH ae G- ee | In the courtyard of a hostelry a number of cavaliers are seated at a table underneath a vine-covered pergola roofed with red tiles, one of them, astride of a bench, playing upon a large lute and singing a love ditty, meanwhile casting amorous glances at a serving maid who stands nearby. In the foreground various other figures are drinking and feasting, and on the pavement near the group lies a dead fawn. Scattered around in some confusion are various articles of domestic use. No. 132 THE LOVE SONG Signed at the lower right, J. Dominco, Paris, 1896. Height, 40 inches; length, 41 inches. Owner, Peter A. ScHEMM. No. 133 EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN e BELGIAN > | 1799—1881 ve bs { - | THE SHEEPCOTE INTERIOR | | A ¥Ew sheep, with lambs and a large goat, are resting in a rude thatched interior, some of them lying on the straw-littered floor, where a few fowl scratch and search for grains of wheat. A large opening in the wall lets in a flood of sunshine, which falls upon the sheep, and, at the same time, frames in a pleasant landscape with 1 a quiet river, windmills and shepherds with their flocks. eH ag SS > Signed on the back, EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN, 1872. a | Height, 34 inches; length, 49 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. PROFESSOR WILHELM KRAY ) GERMAN PSYCHE AND THE BUTTERFLY SEATED on a grassy bank a maiden, holding in her right hand a bunch of flowers, which rests on a diaphanous mantle thrown across her lap, is watching a butterfly : which has just lighted upon her left foot. The sunlight falls upon the figure from above and behind, touching the fair hair, the sloping shoulders, the right forearm, the right hip and the knees, and throwing the rest of the figure into luminous shadow. In the distance lofty mountains rise nearly to the top of the picture, show- ing only a narrow strip of cloudy sky beyond. Signed at the lower right, W. Kray. Height, 44 inches; width, 29 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. No. 135 iV. ong HESNDRI WILLEM MESDAG 3 DUTCH a a al i : r s it " Bi icy iN) x, F 4 si i Re i 3 Tt i Re, shu Os ‘ Hl ) fi Tis . 5 a aa Ps i ay, \ a is 1831— r L i i Oa. pe A Pa Ht it “Ae i WINTER AT SCHEVENINGEN DEawy up on the snow-covered beach of the famous. fishing village of Scheveningen is a large number of fish- ing boats, many of them with hoisted sails. Here and there parties of fisher folk stand about in the snow, and in the foreground are two wagons laden with nets. On the left of the scene, between the boats drawn up at the water’s edge, is the broad expanse of the North Sea, with a few sails showing on the horizon. Across the sky drift luminous scattered cloud forms, and here and there seagulls sail high in the air. ; Signed at the lower right, H. W. Mespae, 1899. Height, 55 inches; length, 70 inches. Owner, Peter A. SCHEMM. gv } No. 136 RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO We SPANISH Ley: MIL, tore —FHE— MORNING A youne girl in late eighteenth century costume, with a white lace cap and blue bodice trimmed with salmon- pink ribbons, a short, loose silk petticoat, flesh-colored stockings, and satin slippers of the same color, is perched upon an easy chair, with one foot under her, extending her clasped hands upon one of the arms of the chair, over which a blue mantle has been thrown, and bows her head in the attitude of prayer. The figure is of the size of life and is in a strong effect of light relieved against a background of a graded tone of brown. Signed at the lower left, R. Mavrazo. Height, 73 inches; width, 40 inches. Owner, WILLIAM SaLomon. BO GISO ROS Fp Fee ee Avirg ale /70/ 7 2 - fo No. 187 ” fy } ie F j i A r tt i | ( 9”Y YH JULES BRETON nN ail FRENCH me 1827— A 0 THE BURNING RICK ( HANG A DISASTER not uncommon in farming regions is occur- ring in a rickyard near a village in France. In the fore- Ni ground a large wheat rick is already in flames, and a i large number of excited peasants are busy, some of them trying to extinguish the fire, others in tearing the | shocks from the rick. Numbers of men bring water in tubs and barrels, and even the children and women lend | active assistance. From the distant village a large num- _ber of peasants hurry toward the scene, and a few of them are already engaged in trying to protect a second rick from the flames by tearing 1t down and covering it up. Signed at the lower right, Jutes Breton. Height, 551%, inches; length, 8214 inches. Owner, M. TANENBAUM. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ARTISTS REPRESENTED THEIR WORKS ANDREOTTI, F., The Cabaret The Page BEARD, Wixiiam H., N.A., “Who Are You?” BECKER, Caru L. F., A Cup of Tea BERAUD, Jean, On the Boulevards BERNARD, J., The Artist’s Dream BERNE-BELLECOUR, E., Off Duty Meditation Halt by the Wayside Planning Off Duty AND CATALOGUE NUMBERS 44: 84 20 101 24 124 Le MEN ee BERTZIK, A, Head YEN Was BEYSCHLAG, J. R., _. The Nymph BIERSTADT, Apert, N.A., ren eee aE, Western Kansas in 1860 : BOUGUEREAU, Witiuam ADOLPHE aa The Gardener’s Daughter a ee BRANDT, Pror. Joser, Polish Soldiers Capturing a Turk ‘shale 67 BRETTON, Jutes, | The Burning Rick | : pepe te BRUNIN, Leon, . ae | 7 Dividing the Spoils 65 CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES, Ay Cre ee eae : Old Ruins | a eek oan a The Departure of Night 88 a The Garden | HEAT OEE ae . CLAYS, Pavut JEAN, The River Front, Antwerp | 4G Near Amsterdam Se Ss: yr / CATALOGUE NUMBERS COLLAERT, Mutz. Mazre, The Barnyard AS Or). B. C., . The Glade 99 CONSTANT, Bensamin, On the Housetops, Algiers 59 CONTI, Trro, The Bridal Pair 61. DE BLAAS, EvcéEns, Brunette Head Blond Head DECAMPS, ALexanpre GABRIEL, Fortune-teller in the Camp 33 DE HOOG, Bernarp, A Humble Home 62 Preparing the Meal 64 DE LORT, C., Gate and Fountain at Rouen 120 DELPY, H. C., Moonlight 14 DELPY, H. J., Banks of the Oise The River Marne DIETERLE, Martz, Cattle DOMINGO, Joss, The Love Song DUPRE, Jvuuien, The Valley of the Durdent EDE, FRreperic, Springtime on the River Dampierre EMILE, Pror. Witumm, The Stirrup Cup ERNST, Rupotr, The Sentinels FLAMENG, Francors, Flirtation GRISON, Juxtes ADOLPHE, The New Coat HARPIGNIES, HeEnaz1, Summer CATALOGUE NUMBERS 36 98 80 132 127 41 30 53 71 100 121 HENNER, Jean Jacques The Weeping Magdalen Head The Dreamer HENRY, E. L., N.A., News of the Nomination CATALOGUE NUMBERS rc: 75 104 29 General Burgoyne’s March down the Hudson 87 The Childhood of Rapid Transit HORENBANT, J., A Holland Home Interior ISRAELS, Joser, A Neighborly Call Watching and Waiting JACQUE, CuHaries Emi Le, The Flock Sheep—Near Fontainebleau JAMES, Frepericx, Franklin and General Braddock JAPY, L., ’ Misty Morning on the Oise KNIGHT, Dantet Rineway, The Fisher Girl 106 66 ig iy 129 95 103 43 42 93 KOWALSKI, A. von Wirrvsz, The Morning Ride KRAY, Pror. W., The Bay of Naples Psyche and the Butterfly LAMBERT, Louis Evcene, In Mischief LAUGEE, Gerorces, | Coming through the Rye LAWRENCE, Sir Tuomas, R.A., Portrait of Captain Thomas Drake LLANCES, Joss, A Good Time LOIR, Lute, On the Marne at Creteil LUMINAIS, E. V., The Invasion of Italy by the Gauls MADRAZO, R. pz, The Tryst The Morning Prayer CATALOGUE NUMBERS 122 40 39 19 51 48 114 136 MASSANI, P., No Fool Like an Old Fool MATHES, Nicotas, Christmas Eve MAX, GasrieL, A Christian Martyr in the Catacombs MERLE, Hvecues, A Brittany Interior MESDAG, H. W., Winter at Scheveningen MEYERHEIM, Wine, Old City on the Rhine MEYER VON BREMEN, The Pets MICHEL, Georcess, From Montmartre The Gathering Storm MONCHABLON, Jan, Bords de la Sadne, Lirencourt Landscape CATALOGUE NUMBERS 10 57 25 V7 135 63 18 16 118 14 110 an MORAN, Tuomas, N.A., | : Entrance to the Grand Canal 37 1 | Venice from the Giudecca 91 ' In the Grand Canal 111 4 The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone 112 I The Teton Range — 1380 | MUNKACSY, Minaty pr After the Dessert 58 a OCHTMAN, Leonarp, N.A., : Moonlight 49 + SR Lea ot ferns PASINI, Axserro, Market Place—Constantinople 11 The Sultan’s Escort 35 y i Market Scene—Constantinople 16 : Moorish Market Place 79 1 The Pasha’s Escort 109 | PERBOYRE, P. E. L., The Review 15 RICO, Martin, The Salute, Venice 115 ROMNEY, Georee, Portrait of Lord Devon 38 CATALOGUE NUMBERS RONNER, Henrietta, While Friends Quarrel the Enemy Secures the Prize 86 ROSELAND, Harry, The Parson 3 ROUSSEAU, Tueoporg, Landscape 81 SANCHEZ-PERRIER, E., Landscape 9 Landscape 83 SCHREYER, Avotr, The Scout 32 Wallachian Peasant and Horses 50 The Retreat 119 The Reconnaissance 123 SEIFERT, A., Girl’s Head | 1 SMITH, Henry P., The Mountain Pool ay After the Storm 108 STEVENS, Aurren, The Packet, Tréport 22 The Sailboat, Tréport 82 ” STREITT, Franz, The Accident STRUTZEL, Orro, The Chat by the Wayside ‘TAIT, Anruvr F., N.A,, Friends Maternal Anxiety Early Birds Sheep and Dog TENIERS, Davin, Tue Youncer, The Village Kirmess THAULOW, Farrz, The Bridge, Audenarde THOMPSON, Worpsworrn, N.A., A Wayside Inn, Westchester TYLER, James G., Overdue VALKENBURG, Henpzix, Mealtime VAUTIER, M. L. B., The Wedding Feast 131 118 107 : ‘ 46 102 =