LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF SHERRY’S © 44th STREET AND FIFTH AVENUE Which includes Tapestries of the XVII. and XVIII. Centuries, Louis XV. and XVI. Commodes, Console Tables and Salon Suttes upholstered in Tapestry ; Ormolu and Crystal Chandeliers and Side Brackets, Marbles, Pianos, all the specially made Carpets, Hangings, Bedroom Furniture, Etc. ALSO A COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS Which includes many interesting portraits of the French and English Schools. TO BE SOLD AT ABSOLUTE SALE BY AUCTION ON THE PREMISES ON MONDAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY JUNE 2nd, 3rd AND 4th, 1919 AT 11 O'CLOCK EACH DAY - THE PAINTINGS AND TAPESTRIES WILL BE SOLD ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 4th, 1919 AT 3:30 O'CLOCK JAMES P. SILO & SON, AUCTIONEERS 40 EAST 45th STREET CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. All articles are sold singly, nothing by the lot or pair, and at so much each, unless otherwise specified. 3. The purchasers to give their namés and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneers on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. ‘The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; Tue Firra Avenurt Art GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness or authenticity of, or any fault of defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. : 7. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the -time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 8. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such resale, shall be made good by the de- faulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such resale, if they think fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. JAMES: P. SIDG Sa Auctioneers. THE ALEXANDER PREES. (14-(t4@ WEST 27TH STREET, N. Y. ae Ge Ih ea CATALOGUE BAKE SHOP Lot, tables, dough mixer and tray Electric dough mixér, with motor attached Duparquet & Huot steamer Lot of bread moulds, assorted HELP’S DINING HALL Two Cosmopolitan coffee urns Two Ruegger tea urns Steam table, three sections Buzzini plate warmer Large lot of spoons, forks and knives Lot, 2 tables and 2 chairs Twenty-four painted wood stools Lot of shelving Lot, crockery and glassware Two small round wood tables Four more, larger Five oblong tables Nine gilt and cane seat chairs Twenty-one Bentwood chairs Two pieces, clothes hamper and Bentwood table 3 Lot, assorted china and glassware 21 22 28a 36a 42 Four tables Nineteen folding chairs STOREROOM Clock Two wood top counters Lot, shelving and bins About 3,000 pounds of maple sugar ‘Chest of drawers : Three tables Electric coffee mill Bread cupboard Jas. Watkin & Sons egg boiler = Metal roll heater Cream cooler Four coffee urns Two hot water urns Hot milk urn Steam tables Bottle capper —— garbage cans Oyster bar KITCHEN Two large tables Mortar and pestle Two chopping blocks Two large tables 51 61 62 PASTRY SHOP Three tables Marble top table Another Another Another Another Another Four tables PACKING ROOM Lot of shelving and tables SILVER ROOM Five large tables Five more Buzzini electric dish-washing machine Electris dish carrier Nine painted stools Three mahogany wall clocks Eleven National cash registers Two high stools SERVICE ROOM Service bar Two tables Cold box 63 Lot, 2 cupboards and counters 64 Five assorted chairs and stools 65 Carved oak Louis XV. ne chair 66 Two steel plate holders : CAFE 6/7 Six mahogany round tables 68 Four small service tables 69 Cherry and brass hat rack 70 Five round tables 71 Two more, larger | ay 72 Eight mahogany. oblong dining tables, column supports Five stained wood oblong tables 74 Mahosany newspaper rack 75 Mahogany service table 7 76 Ejighty-one wood seat arm dining chairs : 7/7 Cigar showcase | 78 Midland cigar lighter 79 Mahogany counter 80 Large mahogany service table > 81 Two fifteen-light bronze Empire electri chandeliers | : 82 Ten three-light brackets, to match _ as 83 Mahogany back bar and fixtures é ss 84 Bagdad carpet, 18.9x9.10 : e 85 Bagdad carpet, 16.10x10.5 ° D Gacpet, to match, 30x18.6 o Runner, to match, 18, 23.2 Two carved oak iy tee IT. banquettes z b, covered in crimson plush ahogany_ serving table ; | Two three- Seta bronze ahenee chandeliers Bronze electric hall light } two-light, bronze electric side -— _ brackets 3 arved oak Lotis XV. side chair, covered e 1) .in velour : | _ Axminster hall ruaner, 41.10x6 _ Two pieces of carpet | _- BARBER SHOP 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 His 116 117 118 eee 120 121 wiles 123 128 129 Mirror and stand Three bronze electric side lights FOYER HALL Axminster: runner, 15x3 Crimson mohair plush sofa Large palm Large Leeds jardiniere and pedestal _ Fifteen-light Louis XV. bronze electric chandelier Three-light bronze electric chandelier Two three-light electric side racers Bagdad carpet, 13.9x6.4 Bagdad carpet, 25.2x12 Bagdad carpet, 18.6x9 TENTH FLOOR—HALL Bagdad carpet, 51.9x6.6 Six mats, to match, 2.11x1.11 each Hall carpet, to match, 118.10x5.8 Hall carpet, to match, 40.11x7.9 | Hall runner, to match, 19.6x4.9 Carved oak crimson plush hall bench a NINTH FLOOR Bagdad hall runner, 19.1x4.10 Hall carpet, to match, 40.10x7.7 130 Carved oak and plush hall bench 131 Bagdad hall runner, 120,10x5.5 132 Hall carpet, to match, 51.9x6.5 133 Six mats, to match EIGHTH FLOOR 134 Bagdad hall carpet, 51.9x6.5 135 Bagdad hall carpet, to match, 120.10x5.5 136 Bagdad hall carpet, to match, 40.8x7.5 137. Bagdad hall carpet, to match, 19.7x4.9 138 Six mats, to match SEVENTH FLOOR 142 Carved oak and crimson plush hall bench 143 Bagdad hall runner, 20x4.10 144 Bagdad hall runner, to match, 41.5x7.8 145 Bagdad hall runner, to match, 120x5.7 146 Bagdad hall runner, to match, 51.6x6.8 147 Six mats, to match SIXTH FLOOR 148 Bagdad hall carpet, 52.3x6.7 149 Bagdad hall carpet, to match, 119.6x4.5 150 Bagdad hall carpet, to match, 41.3x7.8 151 Bagdad hall carpet, to match, 20.1x4.9 152. Six mats, to match 153 Carved oak and crimson plush bench FIFTH FLOOR APARTMENT Mahogany and brass costumer Inlaid mahogany wood seat side chair Inlaid mahogany bedroom suite, 2 pieces, with spring and mattress Chiffonier, to match Four feather pillows Mahogany night stand Carved and gilt Louis XIV. suite, covered in red damask, 3 pieces Mahogany writing table Two inlaid mahogany side chairs, plush seats Mahogany chiffonier Inlaid mahogany wood seat arm chair Four carved mahogany Hepplewhite side chairs, leather seats Axminster carpet, 17.10x14.9 Carved mahogany pedestal Crimson plush pillow-back arm chair Carved English oak writing table Carved English oak and crimson velvet arm chair Onyx and bronze mantel clock Two Sevres and bronze mounted vases - Carved mahogany cellarette Inlaid mahogany Sheraton writing desk Carved English oak and plush side chair Inlaid mahogany round table Crimson plush pillow-back side chair Crimson plush couch and pillow Axminsteer carpet, about 51 yards Wrought iron and pottery standard lamp Carved Italian walnut console table Gilt frame oval mirror Six pairs of silk damask window curtains Six pairs muslin and filet lace sash curtains Crimson velour portiere Tufted rug, 10.4x7.2 FIFTH FLOOR—HALLS Tufted hall carpet, 28x4.6 average Another to match, about 18 yards Bagdad hall carpet, 89.3x5.8 Another, to match, 40.7x7.9 Four mats, to match Bagdad hall carpet, 19.7x4.8 Carved oak and crimson plush hall bench FOURTH FLOOR—HALLS Bagdad hall carpet, 19.7x5 Another to match, 40.10x7.9 Another to match, 76.4x5.7 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 Z13 214 215 216 217, 218 219 220 Five mats to match Tufted hall carpet FLORIST ROOM Lot of hanging baskets. etc Two wicker pedestal baskets Lot of assorted baskets Large zinc top table Lot of metal grill work and stands Louis XV. gilt and wicker jardi- nieres Six painted flower tubs Eight cement jardinieres Four marble garden vases garden gilt lion head pedestals carved and gilt Louis XIV. ped- estals gilt and beaded pedestals gilt Renaissance pedestals marbelized columns —— oak columns gilt columns Two wrought iron balcony rails Lot of wire hanging baskets THIRD FLOOR—MARBLE ROOM Three plaster figures, pan, etc. Tufted carpet, 25.6x20 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 Bol 232 233 234 230 236 237 238 £09 240 Piece of grey velvet hall carpet Lot of wood and metal coat racks Stained wood table Turcoman carpet. 14.7x11.10 Wicker coat rack Two step ladders Turcoman carpet, 16.4x10.5 Tufted hall runner, 16.1x4.7 RECEPTION ROOM Three crimson plush sofas Willow and cane seat sofa Painted table Velour portiere Pair crimson velvet window curtains Pair Renaissance lace curtains Bagdad carpet. 30x19 Two bronze and crystal electric ceiling lights, eight lights each GRAND BALL ROOM carved and painted Louis XV. side chairs, covered in damask Carved and painted wood table mahogany spindle back, plush seat side chairs carved oak Louis XV. side chairs, plush seats and backs Crimson tufted carpet, 27.4x5.8 Another, 33x7 Wilton carpet, 64x8.10 Sexen pairs Satin damask window curtains Four Renaissance lace door panels Crimson tufted carpet, 15.3x13 Another, 25.9x8.6 Another, 40x12.9 Another, 33x8.5 Another, 18.2x11.10 Hall runner, 17.6x2,10 Crimson tufted carpet, 33.6x12.6 Hall runner, 19x4.6 Crimson tufted carpet, 12.6x15.6 Another, 46.10x14.10 Another, 18.2x13.4 OFFICE—THIRD FLOOR Walnut flat top desk Oak filing case Two painted standing desks Cashier’s desk Three oak filing cases Two oak pedestal standing desks Oak flat top desk Four assorted tables and benches Pine standing desk 266 Two bronze Louis XV. electric chandeliers 267 Five bronze flower baskets, electric side brackets “BALL ROOM SERVICE 268 Two large pine tables 269 Seven round wood tables 271 Cosmopolitan plate warmers 270 Oak shelving and drawers THIRD FLOOR—HALL 272 Axminster stair carpet, 27.9x8.11 273 Bagdad hall rug, 19.11x5.3 FOURTH FLOOR—APARTMENT 274 Photogravure—Banquet Scene 275 Old engraving—Jos. Addison 276 ‘Two engravings 277. Old French colored print—Promenade 278 Three old French colored prints 279 Two photographs 280 Engraving—Country Fete 281 Two engravings—Venus Rising from the Wave, etc. 282 Photograph—Si Cecelia FOURTH FLOOR—APARTMENT 283 Carved French walnut bureau, glass top 284 Mahogany night table 305 Carved oak frame hall mirror Leather umbrella stand Two assorted waste baskets Artist proof engraving, after Vandyke, by Laguillerinie Photogravure—The Coronation of Marie Four pairs velvet brocade curtains Four carved and painted Louis XVI. side chairs, covered in various materials Carved oak and plush side chair Carved and gilt Louis XVI. side chair Carved and painted Louis XV. side chair Three gilt and damask side chairs Gilt and cane seat side chair Painted wicker side chair SIXTH FLOOR—APARTMENT Brass bed, spring and mattress Two feather pillows Two carved and gilt maple side chairs, | covered in silk damask Mahogany and silk damask stool Carved mahogany Colonial bedroom suite, 2 pieces, with spring and mattress Mahogany writing table Painted medicine chest Painted bamboo cheval 310 311 ay 13 314 315 316 317 318 eA, 320 321 o22 on Four carved French walnut bookcases Carved Italian Renaissance walnut writ- ing table Pair of silk damask window curtains Two pairs pink satin damask curtains Axminster carpet Two car 647 RIGAUD (G.) 1668-1705 Si Louis XIV. (42x32) A vt 0 OD 648 COTES (Francis) 1725-1770 ff Lady Caroline Webster 2 ZO 649 KNELLER (Sir Godfrey) 1640-1723 Lady Turner (47x39) ou 650 MIGNARD (Pierre) 1610-1695 Marquise de Montespan (35x29) we / 651 TOCQUE (Louis) 1696-1772 i} a Portrait of a Court Lady (30%x24y%) | ¢ 7 65la TOUERNIERES (Robert) 1668-1772 : x Marquise D’Auvray (2714x221) 652 MIGNARD (Pierre) 1610-1695 ie Lady in Yellow Gown (2914x24)! ae /) 0 © 653 FRENCH SCHOOL, Late 17th Century Lady With Guitar (32x25) ‘< \lo 654 WOOD (John) Engiish Ophelia (3514x2714) ins an ‘le or ee had > FRENCH SCHOOL AO 62a ENGLISH SCHOOL “tT —_ Portrait of a Young Girl (24x19) KNELLER (Godfrey) 1646-1723 Portrait of a Lady (2914x244) OPIE (John), R.A. 1761-1807 Portrait of Mrs. Coventry (25x20%4 ) _ GAINSBOROUGH (Dupont), 1767-1797 Lady Grantham (29x2414) FRENCH SCHOOL, Early 18th Century Portrait of a Lady (29x24) FRENCH SCHOOL, Early 18th Century Portrait of a Lady (23%4x19) VESTIER (Antoine) 1740-1824 _ Viscountess de Savigi (2514x22) 18th Century Vulcan (26x38) FRENCH SCHOOL 18th Century Pendant 18th Century | 92 663 NATORIE (Chas. Jos.) 1700-1777 v Le Rebdeil de Venus (38x49) re 4,0 O 664 RIGAUD (Hyacinth) 1659-1743 Portrait of Montmorency (35x27) ‘“ 665 TOCQUE (L.) 1696-1772 3° Portrait of a Lady (311%4x25) yA 40 666 NATTIER (J. M.) 1668-1766 Vis Cortess de Salles (31x25) —_ O 667 COSWAY (Richard), R.A. 1740-1821 Portrait of the Artist’s Wife (2814x241 ) ¢/ 68 ENGLISH SCHOOL 18th Century x Portrait of a Lady (2914x2414) FA : gS 669 WOBRING (F.) Contemporary Portrait of a Lady (4214x28% eee yO 670 MIGNARD (Pierre) 1610-1695 | Portrait of a Lady (30x25) ie yee | Ax 671 \iCOTES (Francis), R.A. 1725-1770 oat Lady Reeves and Her Children (59x58) % Ar 672 RIGAUD (H.) 1659-1743 Mile. de Tournemene (31x25) ye LAWRENCE (Sir Thos.) 1769-1830 Portrait of a Lady (29x24) 7 674 BEECHY (Sir Wm.) 1753-1839 Portrait of Lady Clayton (30%4x2414) a 675 LAWRENCE (Sir Thos.) 1769-1830 Hebe (47x47) 676 DROUAI 1727-1775 _ Madame de Frontenac (35x27 ) 677 VESTIER (Antoine) 1740-1824 Marquise d’Abignac (3514x2914) 678 RAMSAY (Allan) 1715-1784 King George III. (59x42%) 679 RAMSAY (Allan) 1713-1784 Queen Charlotte (59x43) 7 jor 680 OVERDOOR (French School) Landscape 6) O 681 OVERDOOR (French School eee ee | Cleopatra ena O 682 TELY (Sir Peter) pete L | Portraits of Two Ladies (59x48) 2 . iiaa: ae . | i = 683. OUDRY)(J..B.) op. 1 i; Sei6eni7 See Dog and Pheasant (47x60)° 7 #4 STIELER (Jos, Carl) Arch Duchess Sophia (86x37) Cand Pe ee g | eh ie ia) 2\0 85 LELY (Sir Peter) tea S be Earl of Rochester (29x23%4) ‘ Be Paes ni FLYNN —— Flowers (eight panels) Be 688 689 690 691 692 693 TAPESTRIES Eighteenth Century Lille tapestry panel, Tenier subject, pastoral, conventional border, 11.2x5.11 Another, companion to preceding, 11.1x 7.3 Another, Tenier subject, Outside the Blacksmith’s, 11.2x6.8 Another, companion, The Woodchopper, 11.2x6.11 Brussels verdure tapestry, depicting landscape with buildings in back- ground, large trees, stork and parrot in foreground, 7.8x7.8 Seventeenth Century Brussels tapestry panel, depicting a funeral scene at the time of Henry VIII., with border of fruits and flowers, 11x10.3 Seventeenth Century Brussels tapestry, Tenier subject, Pastoral Scene, made by V. Menleyniers, conventional bor- derby itt 695 696 697 698 699 700 Seventeenth Century Brussels tapestry, Tenie1 subject, Pastoral Scene, by Werniers, conventional border of scrolls and vases of flowers, 11.1x10.1 Fighteenth Century Lille tapestry panel, Tenier subject, Pastoral Scene, con- ventional border, 11.2x9.5 French Renaissance tapestry panel, Anthony and Cleopatra, extremely fine border of fruits, flowers and cartou- ches, signed M. (probably Mosin), 11.6x13.6 Gobelin tapestry panel, The Elements, beautiful border on either ends of car- touches, fruits and birds, conventional border top and bottom, signed Mosin, 12.6x18.8 Seventeenth Century Beauvais tapestry panel, Blind Man’s Buff, extra fine border of fruits and flowers and car- touches, 11.2x18.9 Seventeenth Century Brussels tapestry panel, A Battle in Flanders, Duc de Conde and His Army, about 1675, after a painting by Vandermeulen, 11.2x18.3 701 Brussels verdure tapestry panel, Land- scape and River, with Parrot Seated on Stump of a Tree, screen frame, 6.8x6.4 702 Brussels verdure panel Buildings, Trees and Birds, 4.10x9.3 703 Gobelin tapestry panel, Darius with the Queen and Her Captive Children, very fine border of cartouches and cupids 14.1x17 CONTENTS OF SERVANTS’ BEDROOMS WILL BE SOLD BY MANUSCRIPT JAMES P. SILO AND SON, Auctioneers. ies, Se Y2 ’ s - 3 - . ~~ . e — ) e ey ee Fag eee “ioe ‘ \ 1 >