PAINTINGS REVISED EDITION CATALOGUE OIL PAINTINGS DRAWINGS AND ORIGINAL SKETCHES OLD MASTERS BELONGING TO HIS HIGHNESS, DON PEDRO DE BORBON DUQUE DE DURCAL THE PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT CHICKERING HALL Fieri AVENUE AND EIGHTEENTH STREET On WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, APRIL 10..AND II AT 8 O'CLOCK perce THE DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES TO BE SOLD On FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, APRIL 12 AND 13 AT 7.30 O'CLOCK Gk AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Mapison SQUARE SOUTH WHERE THE ENTIRE COLLECTION IS NOW ON EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER 1889 CL. : ———— A\ a | Sastre ll LIBRARY Py . NO. M. KNOEDLER & CO, ® JIS f 556-8 FIFTH AVE. . ACC. NEW YORK §m CONDEFIONSOReS AE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any article ts not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold 7ust as they are without recourse. s. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of sale shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS, THomAs E. Kirsy, Auctioneer. } | OE EES = : = ok INTRODUCTION. THE proprietor of the gallery of pictures and drawings by the Old Masters, now offered to the inspection of the public, is Don Pedro Alicantara de Borbon y Borbon, First Duke de Durcal, a grandee of Spain of the Grand Cross of Charles III., member of the Society of the Maestrante of Seville, and of the Spanish Geographical Society, etc., etc., etc. He was born in Madrid on the 12th of December, 1862. He is the son of their Serene Royal Highnesses and Infantas of Spain, Don Sebastian Gabriel de Borbon y Braganza and Donna Maria Christina de Borbon y Borbon, sister of King Francisco de Assisi. He is thus imme- diately related to the reigning houses of Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and Bavaria. His father, the above-named Infante of Spain, Don Sebastian Gabriel, was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1811. He was the son of their Serene Royal Highnesses, Don Pedro de Borbon y Braganza, and Donna Maria Teresa de Braganza y Borbon, the daughter of Don Juan the Sixth, King of Portugal. He was named Captain-General of the Spanish army by his Majesty, King Don Fernando the Seventh, who held him in par- ticular esteem, and on the death of that monarch he retired to Naples, where he married in first nuptials the daughter of King Don Fernando the Second, of Naples. In the first Spanish civil war, as in the campaigns which were fought in Naples on the side of the King Don Francisco the vi INTRODUCTION. Second, he displayed those remarkable military gifts which won for him so much praise at the defense of Gaeta and in the battle of Hernani. Don Pedro de Borbon was married on the 6th of April, 1883, to Donna Caridad de Madan, descended from one of the prin- cipal families of Ireland and related to the Spanish nobility. He _has two children, Donna Maria Christina and Donna Maria Pia, to whom their Sacred Majesties the Queen of Spain and the King of Portugal are godmother and godfather. The present collection of pictures and drawings is, in part an heirloom of the family of Don Pedro de Borbon, and, for the rest, was brought together in Italy by his father Don Sebastian Gabriel de Borbon y Braganza, who by his rela- tion to the King of Naples, whose sister he had married, and by the protection of the late Pope, Pio Nono, enjoyed peculiar facilities for obtaining works of art, in the breaking up of noble houses and the dispersal of collections in consequence of the political changes in the kingdom. While the collection consists chiefly of the works of Spanish artists of the Neapolitan Kingdom, many of the pictures and drawings are by men native to the mother-country ; others stand for the Netherlands and for Flanders when those countries were under Spanish rule or controlled by Spanish influence. So large, and at the same time so characteristic, a representation of the art of the Spanish-Italian schools has never been seen in this country before ; and it is believed it cannot fail to prove of great interest to the general public, as well as to artists and connois- seurs. CATALOGUE. For Notice of Order of Sale, Form of Guarantee, etc., see last page. 4 Gt CATALOGUE. ANTOLINEZ DE SARABIA, Francisco. Born at Seville in 1644. Died at Madrid in1700o. He began life asa student-at-law, but frequented the studio of Murillo, and the Academy founded in 1660. He showed great talent for painting, but was unwilling to be known as an artist, preferring the name of man-of-letters, and kept the fact of his painting a secret. His pictures are all very small; the larg- est of them are scarcely more than two feet in height. THE ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM. Painted on copper. THE TAKING DOWN FROM THE CROSS. Painted on copper. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. Painted on copper. BLOOT, Pieter de. A Flemish painter. Place and date of birth unknown. Died in 1667. Painted fairs and market-scenes. He is said to have been a pupil of Jor. daens. An interesting painter of small rustic scenes and still-life. A DRINKING-SCENE. (Signed.) A DRINKING-SCENE. (Signed.) SH fee nas cis le PORTRAIT OF A DOMINICAN FRIAR. COLLECTION OF BONITO, Giuseppe. Born at Castellamare in 1705. Died in 1789. Painted historical pictures and portraits. A pupil of Solimena, and painter to the Spanish court in Naples. PORTRAIT. BREUGHEL, John. Called ‘‘ Velvet” Breughel, for what reason is not known. Born in Brussels in 1568. Died in 1625. His character and virtues made him much beloved by all who knew him. Rubens had a great esteem for him, and often invited him to paint backgrounds for his pictures. After his death, Rubens assisted in erecting a monument to his memory, and adopted his two daughters, one of whom married David Teniers. ALLEGORICAL PICTURE OF MUSIC. CANO, Alonzo. Born at Granada in 1601. Died at Madrid in 1667. He was a pupil at Seville of Francisco Pacheco, the father-in-law of Velasquez. He also studied with Juan del Castillo and with Herrera. He went to Madrid, where he worked for thirteen years. Taken into favor by the Duc d’Oli- varez, he was made Master of the Royal Galleries, Painter to the King, and First Professor to Prince Balthazar Carlos of Asturias, the Infanta, the child made so familiar to us by the portraits of Velasquez. Cano lost his wife by the hands of an assassin, but his enemies accused him of the crime, and he was tried for it and condemned. He fled to Valencia, but was brought back and put to the torture. His heroic endurance under the trial brought him the favor of the king, who ordered his release. He took orders and died in quiet after a life of storms. Io II 12 13 14 15 OLD MASTERS. 3 CARDUCHO, or CARDUCCI, Bartolomeo. Born in Florence in 1560. Died, 1608 or 1610, in Spain. He was a pupil of Zucchero, and followed his master to Spain, where he painted in the Escurial palace, SKETCH FOR A PICTURE OF SANTA BARBARA. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. CARDUCHO, Francesco (?) THE VIRGIN. CARRENO DE MIRANDA, Juan. Born at Aviles, Asturias, in 1614. Painted history and portraits. He was befriended and employed by Velasquez. In 1669 Philip V. made him court-painter, and in 1671 Charles II. continued the honor. He died in Madrid in 1685. FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT OF CHARLES II. PORTRAIT OF DON JOHN OF AUSTRIA. COPPOLA, Carlo. An Italian painter who flourished in 1665. Painted history and battles. Was a pupil of Angelo Falcone of Naples. A BATTLE-SCENE. A BATTLE-SCENE. 16 17 18 19 20 COLLECTION OF CEREZO, Mateo. Born at Burgos in 1635. Pupil of Don Juan Carreiio de Miranda. Painted history and portraits. He died at Madrid in 1685. SAINT WITH ANGELS. DOSSI, Dosso. An Italian painter, born at Dossi, near Ferrara, in 1474 (?) Died in 1558 or 1560. Was a pupil of Lorenzo Costa and a friend of Ariosto, who praised him among the famous artists of his time. He painted Ariosto’s portrait. THE TAKING DOWN FROM THE CROSS. EYCK, Jean van. A celebrated Flemish painter, born at Maeseyck, between 1380 and 1390. He died at Bruges in 1440. He painted religious pictures and portraits, and was one of the greatest artists of his time. THE ADORATION OF THE KINGS. GALVEZ, Juan. THE COMMUNION OF THE DYING. THE CELEBRATION OF THE MASS. OLD MASTERS. 5 GATTA, Don Bartolomeo della. An Italian painter, who flourished in the XVth century. Painted history, portraits, and miniature. Was Abbé of San Clemente, in Rome, where he worked with Luca Signorelli and Perugino. He was distinguished for his love of music, and made many good organs. He died at the age of 38, some say, in 1491. 21 THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. GRECO, Dominico. A Greek painter named Theotocopuli, called, from his place of birth, simply El Greco (The Greek). He was a pupil or fellow-pupil of Titian in Italy, where he received his nickname. In 1557 he was living in Toledo. He was called to Madrid by Philip 11 , to paint in the Escurial. He was born about 1548, and died in 1625. 22 SAINT BERNARD. GUERCINO, Barbieri Giovanni Francisco. Called Guercino, or Little Squint-eye, from an accident when a child; = which deprived him of an eye. Born at Cento, near Bologna, in 1591. Studied first with the Carracci, then with Caravaggio. He passed two years in Rome, and then established a school at Cento in 1616. He was much admired in his time as a painter, and became very rich. He returned to Cento in 1642, and used his money in supporting his relatives, helping poor artists, building chapels, and founding masses. He died at Cento in 1666. 23 SAINT PETER IN PRISON. 6 COLLECTION OF HOLBEIN, Hans. The elder. Born in Augsburg in 1450 or 1460. Died in 1524. Better known as the father of the celebrated Hans Holbein the younger, but himself the author of many excellent works, chief among them the Altar-piece of ‘‘St. Sebastian,” long attributed to his famous son. 24 PORTRAIT OF DONNA JUANA LA LOCA. VICENTE, Juan Macip. Called Juan de Joanes. A Spanish painter, born in Fuente de Higuera in 1523. Went to Rome, where he studied the works of Raphael. On his return he established himself at Valencia, and set up an academy of painting in his own house. It is told of him, as of Fra Angelico, that he prayed and partook of the sacrament before beginning to paint. He died in 1579, at Bocairente. Sir William Sterling says of him, in his ‘‘ Velasquez and his Works :” “‘ His vast superiority to any other known Valencian master of earlier date renders it probable that he studied in Italy. But it would be difficult to mention any Italian painter whose style exercised such an influence on his mind as to be traced in his works. In elevation of character, some of his heads of the Saviour have rarely been equaled and seldom surpassed. Affecting an antique severity of design, he delighted in rich coloring, in red and bright mulberry tones, and in the gorgeousness of gilded halos and backgrounds.” PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN WITH A PATRON 25 SAINT. Probably one-half of a votive picture. LABRADOR, Juan. Born in Estramadura. Died in 1600. A pupil of Morales, Painted flowers, fruits, interiors, and still-life, and was one of the best painters of that kind among the Spanish artists. He died at Madrid at an advanced age, 26 STILL LIFE. 27 STILL LIFE. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 OLD MASTERS. 7 LAMA, Juan Bernardo. An Italian painter, born at Naples in 1508 (?), Died in 1579. THE LAST =SUPPER, LANFRANCO, Juan. Born at Parma in 1581. Died in 1647. A LANDSCAPE, WITH MOSES AND HIS PEOPLE, A-PORTRATIT. LIONE, Andrés. Flourished in Naples in 1675. A BATTLE-SCENE. LUCATELLI, Andrés. An Italian artist. Born in the States of the Church. Died in 1741, at Rome. Painted landscapes, architecture, drinking-parties, and genre subjects. LANDSCAPE, OVAL-SHAPED, ON COPPER. LANDSCAPE, OVAL-SHAPED, ON COPPER. MAYNO, Juan Bautista. A Spanish artist. Born in 1569 (?). Died at Madrid in 1649. Painted history and portraits. Was a pupil of El Greco, and was much esteemed in Toledo as a painter. He entered the Dominican Order, and was chosen to give lessons in his art to Philip [V., who, when he came to the throne. made him Director of all the Royal Collections in Spain, and appointed him drawing-master to his son, Balthazar Carlos. SAINT FRANCIS ADORING THE INFANT CHRIS E. 35 36 37 38 COLLECTION OF MENGS, Antonio Raphael. A German artist. Born in Aussig, Bohemia, in 1728. Studied with his father, Ismaél Mengs, a miniature-painter of Copenhagen. Went to Rome in 1740, and remained there five years. Was made painter to the King of Saxony, at Dresden, in 1746. In 1752 was made Professor in the Academy at Rome. Went to Naples and Madrid, and after much travel- ing about, returned finally to Rome, and died there in 1777. PORTRAIT OF AN INFANTA OF SPAIN. METSYS, Quentin. A celebrated Flemish artist. Born at Louvain in 1466. His father was an iron-master, and young Metsys was at first a worker at his father’s trade. A well-cover opposite the Cathedral, at Antwerp, is attributed to him. Before 1491 he left Louvain and went to reside in Antwerp, where he died in 1530. He has left many splendid works behind him. The old biographers say that he was an excellent musician. Albert Diirer visited him when he went to Antwerp in 1521. Thomas More and Erasmus were his friends, and he painted the portrait of Erasmus, Vie ov OUR, MUNOZ, Sebastian. A Spanish artist ; born at Naval-Carnero in 1654. He was one of the best pupils of Claude Coello. He went to Rome and studied under Carlo Maratti. He returned to Spain, and was made painter to the King. In 1690, entrusted with the task of retouching the dome of the Cathedral of Atocha, he fell from the scaffolding and was killed. SKETCH FOR THE PORTRAIT OF THE EM- PRESS MARIA LUISA DE BOURBON. A PORTRAIT, 39 40 Al OLD MASTERS. 9 MURILLO, Bartolomé Estevan. Born at Seville in 1618. One of the chiefs of the Spanish school. Studied with a relative, Juan del Castillo, who taught him the rudiments. Moved by the painting of Pedro de Moya, an artist of Seville, who had studied‘under Van Dyck, Murillo went to Madrid, and presented himself to Velasquez, by whom he was kindly received. In 1645 he returned to Seville, where he soon gained a great reputation. Invited to Cadiz, in 1681, he was engaged in painting an altar-piece in the Capuchin Church there, when he fell from the scaffolding and sustained severe injuries. He was taken back to Seville where he languished for some time, but died in April of the next year, while in the act of making his will. THE VIRGIN MARY: THE VIRGIN OF THE CARMELITES. MIERIS, Franz von. The elder. A Dutch painter, born at Leyden in 1635. Died in 1681. He was the son of a jeweler, and one of twenty-three children by the same mother. His first lessons were received from Abraham Tovenvliet, but he is better known as the pupil of Gerard Dow. He painted interiors and portraits. A YOUNG MAN CLEANING A DOG. OSTADE, Adrien von. A Dutch painter, born at Haarlem in 1610. Died in 1685. His father was a weaver who left his village of Ostade to avoid religious per- secution. Adrien was apprenticed to Franz Hals. He painted principally peasant scenes—out-of-doors and interiors. DRINKING-SCENE. . 42 [ ‘ 43 44 | } 45 if i 46 : 10 COLLECTION OF PALMA. The younger. Born in Venice, 1544. Died in 1628. SAINT SEBASTIAN. PEREZ, Bartolomé. Born in Madrid in 1634. Died in 1693; killed by a fall from a scaf- fold. Painted flowers, fruits, decorations, and history. Pupil and son-in- law of J. d’Avellano, WREATH OF FLOWERS, WITH A “SAINT JOHN ” EN THE CENTER. WREATH OF FLOWERS, WITH AN “INFANT CHRISTE” IN THE. CENTER. PEREDA, Antonio. Born in Valladolid in 1599. Went to Madrid in 1606, and died in 1669. THE ANNUNCIATION. (Signed.) PIPPI, Julio. Called Julio Romano. Born in Rome, 1499. Died in 1546. He was the pupil and friend of Raphael and assisted him in many of his works. THE ADORATION OF THE KINGS. 47 48 49 50 OLD MASTERS. II POUSSIN, Gaspard. His name was Dughet, but he is called Poussin from his master and brother-in-law, Nicolas Poussin. Born in Rome, 1613. Died in 1675. A LANDSCAPE IN AN OVAL FORM. RENI, Guido. Called Guido. Born in Bologna, 1575. Died in 1642. A] SKETCH = FOK- THE LASt Vicivni tat PAINTED. REMBRANDT, Rembrandt Harmensz van Ryn. The greatest of Dutch painters, and one of the greatest painters who ever lived. Born in Leyden in 1607.. Died in Amsterdam in 1669. SKETCH FOR HIS OWN PORTRAIT. RIBERA, José. Called Lo Spagnoletto. A Spanish painter, born in Xativa, now San Felipe, near Valencia, in 1588. Painted history and portraits. A pupil of Ribalta. .Made his way to Rome and became the pupil of Caravaggio. Studied the work of Correggio at Parma. Went to Naples, where he married the daughter of a rich picture-dealer. Became rich, and, protected by Philip IV. and all the grandees of his court, lived in splen- dor and prosperity. He died in 1656, THE STREET OF THE AMARGURA. ! 51 52 53 54 55 56 12 COLLECTION OF ROSA, Salvator. Born at Renella, or Arenella, a village near Naples, in 1615. Died in 1673. SOLDIERS GAMBLING UPON A DRUM-HEAD. REINHOLD, Friedrich Philipp. Born at Gera, in Saxony, in 1799. A PORTRAIT. SABBATINI, Andrea. Called Andrea da Salerno from his birthplace. Born in 1480 (?). Died in 1545. A pupil of Raphael at Rome, where he assisted in some of his works. He painted much at Naples, and was the friend of Caravaggio, THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. (Signed.) SNYDERS, Franz. Born in Antwerp in 1579. Died in 1657. Painted fruits, wild-beast hunts, and battles. WILD-BOAR HUNT. (Signed.) FRUIT AND DEAD GAME. PULZONE, Scipione. Called I] Gaetano, from his birthplace, Gaeta. Born 1550 (?). Died, 1588 (?). Painted history and portraits. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. WITH. x NEGRO ATTENDANT. 57 58 OLD MASTERS. 13 TABORDA. A Spanish artist. Flourished 1766, SAINT SEBASTIAN. TENIERS, David. Called the Younger, to distinguish him from his father and from others of the same name in the family. Born at Antwerp, 1610. Died, 1690. Painted village festivals, gewve subjects, landscapes, portraits, and animal subjects. He was the pupil of his father, David Teniers, the Elder, but from him he learned only the rudiments of his art. His true teacher was the work of Rubens ; for it is not proved that he was ever the pupil of that master. He married the daughter of Velvet Breughel, and with gifts of person and manner, added to a talent wonderfully rich and fruitful, he soon became known, esteemed, and celebrated, and his fortune was rapidly made. Outside of his own country, where he was fully appre- ciated, his greatest admirers were found in Spain, which accounts for the number of his pictures in public and private collections in that country. The Archduke Leopold William of Austria, then Governor of the Nether- lands for Spain, appointed Teniers his private painter ; he received impor- tant orders in consequence from the King of Spain. Christina of Sweden admired his work, and he was also in great favor with the English nobil- ity. In France alone he had no vogue, owing to the disfavor of Louis XIV., whose tastes led him to patronize and encourage the art of the French painters of the ‘‘Grand School’’—bastard classics, such as Le Brun and Jouvenet. Of the fifteen pictures by Teniers in the Louvre, only two belonged to Louis XIV. The acquisition of the rest dates chiefly from the time of Louis XVI. Teniers died at Brussels, to which city he removed between the years 1648 and 1652. In Brussels Teniers married his second wife, by whom he had four children ; and his later years were embittered by the disputes between the children of his two marriages on account of property. A VILLAGE FESTIVAL. 39 60 14 COLLECTION OF TITIAN, Vecelli. Born at Pieve de Cadore in 1477. Died in Venice of the plague in 1576, aged nearly one hundred years. He was a pupil of Gentile Bellini, but was strongly drawn to his fellow-pupil Giorgione, with whose love of warm and glowing color his own nature sympathized. Albert Diirer, who was at Venice in 1494, and again in 1507, also influenced him. On the death of Giorgione, Titian remained without a rival, and was named by the Senate First Painter of the Republic. He refused the invitation of Leo X. to visit Rome, and of Francis I. to reside in France. He painted the portrait of Charles V. at Bologna, and from that time the emperor treated him with the greatest honor. He visited Rome at the repeated request of Paul III., and painted there for a whole year for the Pope and the Far- nese family. He knew and admired Michael Angelo. At the time of his visit Raphael was dead. He returned to Venice, and though over seventy years old continued to paint, and produced some of his finest pictures. Invited by Charles V., he visited Augsburg, and while there painted a second portrait of the Emperor. He also painted many pictures for Philip II. and for Mary of England. Charles and Philip carried his pictures to Spain, where they now enrich the Madrid Gallery. Titian himself was never in Spain. PILATE PRESENTING CHRIST TO THE PEOPLE. TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista. Born at Venice in 1692. Died in 1769 or 1770. Painter of historical subjects. Wasa pupil of G. Lazzarini, and distinguished himself at the age of sixteen. He worked in Milan and in many other cities of Italy, and filled the churches and palaces with splendid works. One of his finest works is the ceiling of the grand staircase in the royal palace at Wurzburg. ALLEGORY OF THE PLAGUE. 61 62 63 64 65 OLD MASTERS. 15 TURCHI, Alexandro. Called L’Orbetto and Alexandro il Veronese. Born at Verona in 1580 or 1582. Died at Rome in 1648 or 1650. He was the son of a poor blind man whom he used to lead about the streets. HEAD OF A SAINT. VACCARO, Andrea. Born at Naples in 1598. Died in 1670, THE VIRGIN MARY. Painted on copper. THE HEAD UF THE SAVIOUR CROWNED WITH THORNS. Painted on vellum. VENUSTI, Marcello. Called I] Mantuano. Born at Mantua in 1515. Died 1576. Pupil of Pierino del Vaga. THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. VOS, Martin de. Born in Antwerp in 1532. Died in 1603. Painted history, landscape, and hunting scenes. Studied with his father and with Franz Floris. He visited Italy, where he worked for the Medicis, and where he became the pupil and friend of Tintoretto. THE VIRGIN, WITH THE CHILD AND ATTEND- ANT ANGELS. (Signed.) COLLECTION OF WERF, Adrien Van der. Born at Kralinger-Ambacht, near Rotterdam, in 1659. Died in 1722. Painted history, interiors, portraits, and landscape. | 66 SAINT JEROME. (Signed.) Known as Roger de la Pasture, Roger of Bruges, and Roger of Brus- sels. This multiplicity of names has led to much confusion, which has only in late years been dispelled by the labors of Messrs. Wauters and Pinchart. This great artist was born at Tournai in 1399 or 1400. His 1 family name was ‘‘ De la Pasture,” and Van der Weyden is the Flemish q translation. Roger of the Meadows would be the English equivalent for Va these names. There seems no reason known for calling him Roger of Bruges, but as he went to live in Brussels in 1432, and continued to i reside there, with the exception of a short visit to Italy, for the rést of his life, the style Roger of Brussels is not inappropriate. However, he is now universally called Roger van der Weyden. He was long held to have Mi studied under Jean van Eyck, but there is no proof that he did so. He | died in 1464. j Wauters says: ‘‘ Van der Weyden occupies an honored place between Van Eyck and Memling, and with them forms the glorious trio of Flemish | painters of the fifteenth century. Even Van Eyck himself did not exer- : WEYDEN, Roger Van der. ‘ cise so great an influence over his period. Roger's personality is not ' revealed by his pictures alone, but by an infinity of works of art of all 4 . ee . : kinds—miniatures, engravings, sculpture, tapestry work.” : SAINT LUKE PAINTING THE PORTRAIT OF ! 67 THE VIRGIN. Painted on panel. : ZUCCARO, or ZUCCHERO, Federico. Born at Sant’ Angelo, in Vado, 1542. Died at Ancona, 1609. He was a pupil of his brother Thaddeus. | 68 THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. 69 SHEEP. DURER, Albrecht. Born in Nuremberg, 1471. Died 1528. 70 SAINT JEROME READING THE BIBLE. f-6.%< wrpe7ces SE (9H 2-[4{se ">" ae pe. UMGd. F400 re Ajo Veta Blin K Ait Toes viaw CLEVE | MURILLO, Bartolomé Estéban. 71 THE INFANT SAVIOUR EXTRACTING A THORN. MUNOZ, Sebastian. 72 FULL LENGTH PORTRAIT OF MARIA-LUISA DE BORBON. RUBENS, Peter Paul. Born in Siegen in Nassau in 1577. Died in Antwerp in 1640. PISHUL Ne: = INBUs. SECOND ON HORSEBACK, 73 CROWNED BY VICTORY. J a Peas OLD MASTERS. 17 ZURBARAN, Francisco. A Spanish painter, born at Fuente de Cantos, in Estremadura, in 1598. Died in Madrid in 1662. Replica of the painting in the Madrid Gallery. =o TES aa ——— —— See —— —— | 714 75 76 77 18 COLLECTION OF OLD MASTERS. VELASQUEZ, Diego de Silva y. Born at Seville in 1599. Died at Madrid in 1660. THE DUC DE OLIVARES ON HORSEBACK. Replica of the painting in the Madrid Gallery. WUELUWE, or WOLUWE, Heinrich, or Jean Van. A Flemish artist ; painter and illuminator to the ducal court. It is proved that from 1378 to 1386 he executed numerous paintings, many miniatures, wall-decorations and pictures, amongst others a diptych for the oratory of the duchess in Brussels. PORTRAIT OF MARGARET. VOS, Paul de. Born at Antwerp in 1590. Died in 1678, DOGS ATTACKING A BULL. GIORDANO, Luca. Born at Naples in 1632. Died in 1705. A COPY OR IMITATION OF RIBERA. 78 79 80 81 PAINTINGS BY ARTISTS OF DIF- FERENT SCHOOLS ANTERIOR TO 1880. LALLY. CALABRIAN SCHOOL. SANTA CLARA. VENETIAN SCHOOL. CHRIST ON THE CROSS. Painted on copper. MANTUAN SCHOOL. ADORATION. Painted on alabaster. NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL. FLOWERS AND CUPIDS. 82 83 84 COLLECTION OF OLD MASTERS. FRENCH SCHOOL. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Attributed to Le Brun. FLEMISH SCHOOL. THE AGE OF LOUIS XIVv. An oval picture, painted on copper. GOTHIC SCHOOL. TWO BISHOP-SAINTS. GERMAN SCHOOL. AN ECCE HOMO. An oval miniature painted on porcelain. A MARINE. 87 88 89 go gI 92 93 MODERN PICTURES. CARDERERO, Valentin or Vincenzo. A Spanish artist. Died in 1860. THE CONCEPTION. Painted on copper. DECAMPS, Alexandre Joseph. Born at Paris in 1803. Died in 1860, LURKS. FERRANT, Alejandro. A BATTLE-PIECE. AN ENSIGN. FERRANT, Luis. THE VIRGIN AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS. SAINT SEBASTIAN. STU DY. ee 22 COLLECTION OF FRANCHESCO, Francesco de. 94 A LANDSCAPE, WITH TOBIAS. HERRER. A FRIAR TAKING CHOCOLATE WITH TWO 95 NUNS. GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francesco. A Spanish artist born at Fuendetodes, Aragon, in 1746. Died at Bor- deaux in 1828. 96 A PORTRAIT. LLANOS, Ignazio. 97 THE DISSEMBLING OLD WOMAN. MADRAZO, Federico. Born in Rome in 1815. SAINT SEBASTIAN. Painted on copper. 98 MANGARELLA. 99 SANTA MARIA DOLOROSA. Sa ee = — = Soa — Se ————— a = Somes i ates: : Se = OLD MASTERS. 23 ec Ae ae ae MANZANO, Victor. Died at Madrid in 1825. 100 THE FAMILY OF ANTONIO PEREZ. PALIZZO, Filippo. Born at Lanciano in the Abruzzi in 1813. I0I A WAGON LADEN WITH GRAIN. 102. COWS. 103. A MAN, PAINTED UPON A PALETTE. 104 GOATS. : 105 STUDY OF AN ASS AND TWO SHEEP. RIBERA, Carlo-Luigi. Born at Rome in 1812, A pupil of Paul Delaroche. 106 SANTA AMALIA. Painted on copper. VERBOLET, M. de. DEAD BIRDS. ae Diireal’s Collection of Old ORDER OF SALE. JEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL roth, at 8 o'clock, at CHICKERING HALL— | Paintings—Catalogue Nos. 1 to 55 inclusive. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 11th, at 8 o'clock, at CHICKERING HALL— i Paintings—Catalogue Nos. 56 to 107 inclusive. ; PRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 12th, at 7.30 o’clock, at THE AMERICAN ART GAL- } LERIES—Drawings and Sketches—Catalogue Nos. 108 to 236. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 13th, at 7.30 o'clock, at THE AMERICAN ART © GALLERIES—Concluding Sale—Catalogue Nos. 237 to 351 inclusive. | TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. S. M. Roosevelt, agent for his Highness Don Pedro de Bérbon, Duque de Direal, in placing — in our hands his collection of old masters, complied with our regular conditions by contracting to sell the entire collection at auction, without reserve or limitation, believing that these valuable works of art would be accepted, as they know them to be authentic examples of the masters represented, and as such be competed for to an extent that would prove highly satisfactory to the owner, and justify him, Mr. S. M. Roosevelt, as his agent, in bringing the collection to this country. In consideration of the great value of these paintings, and after consultation with the owner and his agent, we have acceded to their | request, and have allowed them to place an upset price upon all paintings they may deem fit, we believing under the circumstances that such a course is just and proper. These upset prices will be made known fo all interested parties at any time previous to and will be publicly announced on the nights of sale, _ when said paintings will be offered for legitimate competition at the prices named. Respectfully, AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. The following Certificate of Guarantee will be given for each picture to the purchaser : A GUARANTEE. His Highness the Duque de Durcal takes this opportunity of announcing through his agent, S. M. Roosevelt, in order to set at rest any questions that may have arisen as to the authenticity of his old masters now on exhibition at the American Art Association, and to be sold at auction by them on the toth, 11th, t2th, and 13th of this month of April, that he guarantees each and every picture to be as described in the Catalogue of Sale, during a period of three months after the sale. If, within this period, any picture should be returned, with a proper certificate of its not being genuine, signed by the © Director of the National Gallery, London ; Louvre, Paris, or Royal Museum, Madrid, the money for” same will be refunded to purchaser. The Duke agrees to leave on deposit in New Vork funds to make this guarantee effective here, S. M. ROOSEVELT, AGENT FOR DON PEDRO DE BORBON, DUQUE DE DURCAL. CERTIFICATE FROM MADRID MUSEUM. The undersigned painters, the first painter by special apppointment to the Royal Family, and the second Chief of Restorations of the Royal Museum of Paintings, do certify— That, having examined all the paintings mentioned in this catalogue, we have found the signatures genuine and attributions to their authors correct ; that the major part are of extraordinary merit, and that they all proceed from the great and famous gallery which belonged to his Royal and Serene llighness the Sefior Infanta Don Sebastian Gabriel, and is now owned by his heirs. And that these facts may be fully established for all the purposes of this document, we signed it in Madrid on the 2d day of December, 1888. JOAQUIN SIGUENZA. SALVADOR MARTINEZ CUBELLS. I, Edward H. Strobel, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of the United States at Madrid, do hereby certify that the signatures of Joaquin Siguenza and Salvador Martinez Cubells, at the foot of the above paper, are their true and genuine signatures, and, as such, entitled to full faith and credit. United States Legation, Madrid, December 4, 1888. [SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES LEGATION, MADRID.] EDWARD H. STROBEL. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer, AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers,