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OB TSN whut: Saxo AN eee wrrah $F Fem ny et Se ee oe res Sw ie Pro ne St =e Nas yt LN Rn IO PLONE Mae tae WOE open em wg Hime ntact Ste MRE ORD RTS oe See, Do edatin gn Mone HN a Verein eth awinn tat tte Ree nek aa a ME ST a ae! ek he ARR EEE Si te ee ee et ee er ed MR RO Rt I Oe HO er Se ae a a Tae ee ee ee ae MA a ee Bin atte HD onl oy =" recta m St ty MNPON he rg ee mes Sai" meeimee ative ams a ae Sane eatin ees pad See ee Aina st AER el MN A CONTRI th bial, psn Bue nrerae avr TAD pe ner SEA FoF ry se NC: bag as a mote nett Saints (Make antheNins RE te iene RSE a eh ad som AO et ARN IDR mane a mH RI WORORS, Hu Wie ini Spleen AN ee Sa RR ree ne 0a an Ban ane nt maT) ore ads RS RN ge REMAN lenge Ram RR mena gb Se 28h TR st gee Te ee nn at a8 Re a nt, Ae Al woke iin le ate Yin Seieeicdicein eee ee ee ae + ea tateeete res wee OE hem cee ee en eee alee eee ne iT a ne Mem Rtas een, er re me ee LI Ta! ap Ba nw Bet wap® pipet 5 Hie TEE ater sellin Ma eat a ete ee aN ne Peat ae Ve atta mam ime mnie Ve shins aiMincion MSH” St ITE Poe eatin = be et a Seer EE ee ot en mn mt nse ey Stine ton mH a Ra PR ashen rs ia a ie ie -p opin dm ha ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Vat OF THE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF OLD ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SILVER MODERN SILVER OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE AND OTHER DECORATIVE OBJECTS TITHE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN WELLS REMOVED FROM THE SHOP OF THE JOHN WELLS COMPANY No. 18 EAST 49TH STREET SOLD BY DIRECTION OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY, EXECUTORS 176 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Peper AMERICAN ART GALLERIES AFTERNOONS OF OCTOBER 22npD To 27TH, INCLUSIVE, AT 2.30 O’CLOCK AND MORNINGS OF OCTOBER 24TH anp 25TH AT 10.30 O’ CLOCK ON FREE VIEW FROM 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Pert AMERICAN ART GALLERIES are ie . BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17TH, 1923 | gS i 4 CONTINUING UNTIL DATE OF SALE (SUNDAY EXCLUDED) THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY Mr. OTTO BERNET anp Mr. HIRAM H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INnc., MAnacers ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK . y , ae iS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY e. ax » a ~ ‘ 4 a: ¢ ete i ’ Ca ; wee FOREWORD THE JOHN WELLS COLLECTION John Wells, so eminently known to all the collectors and anti- quarians of Silver and Sheffield Plate, died a year ago. He was return- ing to Europe, as was his custom, to purchase any choice specimens of the antique silversmith’s art that he could acquire. Rambling around from countryside to countryside on this mission was his prin- cipal joy in life, after which came his music. Many, many of the pieces of this very extensive collection, over five thousand pieces, now to be sold at unrestricted public auction at the American Art Galleries, have been in his possession for twenty-five or thirty years, on account of his vigorous determination to hold to his price if he once thought it just. A splendid opportunity is now offered to purchase from this ster- ling collection, which contains so many of the choicest examples of silver craftsmanship in America, and also so much that is useful in the simpler Georgian Silver and Plate, so necessary for even the comparatively modest home of to-day. Two handsome Elizabethan Gilded Silver Flagons are the clow of the sale. They came through Christie’s from a descendant of the great Sir Edward Coke, “Coke on Littleton,” as shown by the coat-of-arms. There are quite a number of very interesting specimens of the periods of the Jacobean, William and Mary, Queen Anne and George the First. After these, the selection of later Georgian Silver and Shef- field Plate is almost bewildering in the extent of choice therein. Practically all the names of the great silversmiths of the English XVIII Century are to be found among the recorded pieces of the col- lection, from Paul Lamerie to Paul Storr. Among the famous sources represented by objects in the collection are the Marquis of Huntly, Lady Boswell, the Burdett Coutts Heirlooms, Countess of St. Albans, Duke of Cambridge, Madame Jumel, Earl of Guildford, Abbotsford and Gordon Lenox. One of the most interesting of all the specimens on view is the huge Sheffield Plate Supper Dish of Sir Walter Scott, the eminent novelist: it was made for Abbotsford and stood on his sideboard, so that male guests could help themselves without the intrusion of ser- vants. Of course, Napoleon’s Candelabra must be mentioned. Among the other items are some simple jewelry, a few fans, minia- tures and cut glass. There are also a number of Anglo-American Staf- fordshire Historic Plates and further Faience, Porcelain, Bronzes, and Clocks. The Furniture, mainly American and Spanish, includes an inter- esting simple table once the property of the romantic Madame Jumel. The mention of a few Decorative Portraits and Prints of the XVII and XVIII Centuries brings the conclusion, except for Mr. Wells’ personal collection of XVIII Century American Silver, which contains quite a number of rarities. Franx H. G. Keesie. CONDITIONS OF SALE __I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. _Iil. Identification and deposit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall ‘be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a eard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association reserves the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sales notwithstanding, in respect to any or all of lots so pur- chased to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any losses and costs sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or conditions of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is’? and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible par- ties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. No person other than the auctioneer or an official of the Association is authorized to arrange conditions of sale different in any way from those herein contained. OTTO BERNET, AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., HIRAM H. PARKH, MANAGERS. AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YQ RRe GA ia MeGATALOGUE. .. =@ gan, Oe age wan a a a Pa \ ¢ “ a << o X a ~ ia ~ Pa ~ na . a ~ a ~ Pa ~ 7 . 2 ~ Pa - - ~ 7 ~ va . o x 3 < o ~ - THe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. MANAGERS The Collection of THE JOHN WELLS COMPANY GEORGIAN AND EARLY AMERICAN SILVER, SHEFFIELD PLATE AND OTHER DECORATIVE OBJECTS Afternoons of October 22 to 27 (inclusive), and Mornings of October 24 and 25, 1923 To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first purchase. Parner e Nave a dels Sas ean a eee 0 ee ee Tee . CG res Te | d Pat ee Ad ‘i FIRST SESSION MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 22, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 0’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 300, inclusive GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD AND OTHER PLATED WARE 1—Fovr Grorcian SHEFFIELD PiatTE Sats Gilded shell, borne on the wings of an eagle perched on a rustic base. Height, 414%, inches. 2—Two GrorciAn SHEFFIELD PLATE Sats Circular; with gadrooned rim and molded foot. Diameter, 314, inches. 3—Two GrorcgiAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Sats Similar to the preceding; larger. Interior gilded. Diameter, 414 inches. 4—T wo GrorciAn SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Circular; with gadrooned body and pearl-enriched rim. Diameter, 31, inches. 5—SILVER-PLATED Toast Rack Oval gadrooned tray; with six compartments and ring handle. Length, 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 6—Oxp SILVER-PLATED Toast Rack Molded open stand; with ball feet, six compartments and loop handle. Length, 7 inches. (—-Four GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Rounded oblong, with gadrooned rim and molded foot. Length, 334 inches. 8—T'wo GrorciIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Bonzson DisHes Eighteenth Century Oval boat-shape, with vase and flute pierced sides and gad- rooned rims. Length, 434 inches. 9—SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Oblong, with hinged and gadrooned cover. Length, 534 inches. 10—Two SILvEr-PLATED PEPPERS Vase-shaped; on molded foot. Do not match. Height, 5 inches. li—Two Repoussé SInvER-PLATED PEPPERS Vase-shape; enriched with scrolled shell cartouches. Height, 514, inches 12—Oup SHEFFIELD Pratt Mustarp Octagonal body; engraved with cartouches. On scrolled feet. Height, 3 inches. 13—Oup Sritver-Puatep Basket INKsTAND Open oval wire basket ; fitted with two blue glass wells and sand receptacle. Length, 6 inches. 14—EncuisH Sitver-pLatep Mustarp Deep bowl-shape; with gadrooned rim and scrolled handle. Blue glass lining. : Height, 31%, inches. First Session 15—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Octagonal, with pearl-molded hinged cover. Height, 31% inches. 16— ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Round; with loose cover and foot trimmed with gadroonings. Height, 314 inches. 17—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Oblong; with hinged cover and base trimmed with gadroon mo- tives. Length, 7% inches. 18—SHEFFIELD PLATE Powper Box Round; with loose cover trimmed with gadroonings. Diameter, 614, inches. 19—Oup SHEFFIELD Pratt Tra Cappy Oblong, with loose cover and shoulder trimmed with small gad- roons. 20—Two SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE HoLpERs One round, other lozenge shape; trimmed with gadroons; loop handles. Heights, 314 inches and 31% inches. 21—Two EncusH SILVER-PLATED TarEer HompErs Vase-shaped socket; bobéche and rim of oval tray trimmed with shell and scroll motives. Length, 4%, inches. 22—Two Earty GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE CANDLESTICKS (a) Reeded columnar shaft, with leaf capital and molded square base. (s) Baluster-shaft, with shell-scrolled base and bobéche. Heights, 8 inches and 6% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 23—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Mves (a) Broad pear-shape; chased with floral and shell cartouche. (sp) Coupe-shape. Interior gilded. Heights, 31, inches and 41, inches. 24—SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICK AND BELL Spirally scrolled shaft, bobéche and base. Brass bell with green wooden handle. Heights, 534, inches and 51% inches. 25—LatrE GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Muc Broad pear-shape; enriched with rocaille-scrolled cartouches. Monogrammed. Height, 5 inches. 26—Earty GrorcGiAN SHEFFIELD PLATE BASKET Elongated octagonal boat-shape, with gadrooned rim and molded bail handle. Interior gilded. Height, 7 inches. 2%7—Two GeEorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Vase-shaped socket, having scroll-molded bobéche and tray, with scrolled handle and extinguisher. Height, 334 inches. 28—Earzty GrorcIAn SHEFFIELD PiaTE InxKsTAND Double pear-shape, with beaded medallioned pierced gallery hav- ing scrolled loop handle; two wells fitted with metal containers. Length, 71, inches. 29—Earzty GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND TRAY Oblong boat-shaped tray with gadrooned rim. Snuffers with curious egg-shaped cutters. Length, 81% inches. 30—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND TRAY Shaped tray; with gadrooned and shell-motived edge. Rosetted snuffers with fluted box. Length, 101% inches. Hirst Session 31—E arty GrorciaAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND T'RAY Shaped oval tray; with husk and vase-pierced border and pearl- motived rim. Snuffers with fluted box. Length, 10 inches. 32—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND T'rRay Scrolled double pear-shape tray; trimmed with leaf and _ shell motives. Engraved with sim.iar motives. Snuffers similarly trimmed. Length, 101% inches. 33—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND TRAY Rounded oblong, trimmed with gadroonings and engraved with coronet. Snuffers with oblong box. Length, 9 inches. 34—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PuaTE TRAY AND SNUFFERS Double pear-shape; enriched with leaf and gadrooned rim. Snuffers with lyre-scrolled shell handle, rosette and further shell motives. Length, 934 inches. 35—Earity GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE BASKET Oval boat-shape; with open wire bail handle. On molded foot. Height, 614, inches. 36—Oxip EneiisH SILVER-PLATED SuHavine Por Tapering round body, set on pierced base. Detachable ivory ring handle. Similarly shaped loose lining. Height, 41, inches. 37—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PuatEe Disu Cross Square extension rods, with pearl-molded racquet-shaped rests and round feet. Vase-shaped alcohol lamp. Length, extended, 13% inches. 388—Two GrorciaN SHEFFIELD Puate 'Tanxarps Molded expanding round body; with domed hinged cover having pierced thumbpiece and scrolled handle. Tail pieces do not match. Height, 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 39—GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Wine FUNNEL Loose bell-shaped hood, with gilded pierced interior. Length, 54, inches. 40—Two Encuisu SILVER-PLATED SPooN WARMERS Nantilus-shell shape, with hinged partial cover. On rustic base. Do not match. Heights, 54% and 5% inches. 41—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Vase-shaped socket; with gauffered bobéche and round tray; conical extinguisher and scrolled handle. Diameter, 514, inches. 42—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Vase-shaped socket, with bobéche and round tray having pearl- motived rims. S-scrolled handle and conical extinguisher. En- graved with coat-of-arms. Length, 7 inches. 43—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COVERED SUCRIER Bowl-shape, with leaf-scrolled loop handles, gadrooned rim and domed cover having ball terminal. Height, 6%, inches. 44-——ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED ARGYLE Gravy Por Pear-shape, with two compartments, one with short, other with long spout. Wicker handle. Height, 7 inches, 45-—-T'wo EncuisH SILVER-PLATED COASTERS Round, with open wire sides, gadrooned rim and foot. Diameter, 51% inches. 46—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirare Coverep Sucrier Bowl-shape, with hinged dome cover having rosette terminal, gadrooned rims and leonic head and ring handles. Diameter, 514: inches. First Session 47—ENcLIsH SILVER-PLATED INKSTAND Bowl-shape, with rocaille and rosette cover; set on the back of an eagle standing on rustic base. Height, 51/, inches. 48——-Two Rerpousskt SILVER-PLATED PLATES Centers enriched with subjects “Shooting” and ‘‘Kite Flying.” Vine and strap arabesque borders. Diameter, 107% inches. 49—Onp EnceuisH SILVER-PLATED CovERED SUCRIER Oval, with gadrooned rim, shell-scrolled handles and claw feet. Domed cover, with ring handle. Length, 71 inches. 50—GeEorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CRUET Trilobed stand; with gadroonings, scroll feet and three rings fitted with cut-glass bottles. Height, 8% inches. 51—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate TAankarp Ribbed barrel shape; with loop handle. Height, 5% inches. 52—LaTr GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate INKSTAND Oblong; with serpentined front, slant hinged cover, ball feet and pen-rest; trimmed with pearl motives. Height, 27% inches. 53—ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED LADLE, SERVICE SPOON AND CHEESE Scoop Ladle with shell handle. Spoon with scroll-pierced bowl. Scoop with mother-of-pearl handle. 54—Six EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SPOONS Dessert size; with cartouche handles. 55—Twetve EnNcuIsH SILVER-PLATED Forks Expanding scrolled-over handles. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 56—Six SILVER-PLATED SPOONS Renaissance Style Oval bowl-shaped handles, with group “Charity” as terminal. 57—Two Smver-PLATeD Knives, Two Forxs anp SpPoon Fluted and scrolled coffin-shaped handles. 58—SILVER-PLATED Scoop, Fish SERVER, SALAD SPOON AND ForxK Cheese scoop, with mother-of-pearl handle. Fish server with pierced blade. Shell-bowled salad spoon and fork with ivory handles. 59-—TureE ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED SKEWERS AND 'Toncs Skewers with peacock, dead game and “Man with Dog” as ter- | minals. Sugar tongs with pearl enrichment. 60—SrvEN Oxnp FRENCH SILVER-PLATED SKEWERS Enriched with trifoliate leaf terminals. 61—EnecuisH SILVER-PLATED Cicar LigHTER Drum-shape; set in ring, with wire loop handles and gadrooned round tray. Height, 314 inches. 62—GeEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate InxsTANnpD Oval boat-shape; with pearl-enriched rim and scrolled feet. Two glass wells set in pierced drum galleries. Length, 634, inches. 63—Four Enceuisn Srnver-PLatep Baskets Oblong, with round corners; the sides pierced with scrolled leaves and having shell handles. Length, 654 inches. 64—SILVER-PLATED Dish Warmer Circular, with reeded rim and hot-water compartment. (Slightly dented.) Diameter, 63/4 inches. Furst Session 65—Two EnecuisH Sitver-puatep Murrinerrs (a) Octagonal vase-shape, with scroll-pierced cover. (zs) Round; similar in shape. Heights, 834, and 81, inches. 66—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED INKSTAND Mushroom-shaped glass well; set in the back of an eagle stand- ing on rustic base. Height, 3% inches. 67—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED Taper HoLpEers anpd CANDLESTICK Taper holder with reeded rims; other with shell and gadrooned motives. Stick vase-shaped, with shell-scrolled reeded round base. Heights, 134, inches, 11% inches and 8 feet. 68—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED Mustrarp Por Vase-shape; with pierced sides and foot, pinnacled dome cover and scrolled handle. Height, 51, inches. 69—EwncuisH SILVER-PLATED PEPPER AND BASKET Pepper, scrolled vase-shape. Basket with pierced sides, pearl en- richment and bail handle. Heights, 534, and 5% inches. 70—Two GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Round; with open rims enriched with entwining vines and bunches of grapes. Diameter, 734 inches. “1—Two EneuisH SILvER-PLATED Gravy Boats Helmet-shape; with gadrooned rim and leaf-scrolled handle. Length, 514, inches. 72—ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED Sucar Bown Enriched with gadroonings and molded lip and foot. Interior gilded. Diameter, 53/4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. “3—Two GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Bowl-shape, with fine floral scroll rim, leonic head and claw feet. Loose linings gilded. Diameter, 4 inches. 74—EncuisH SILvER-PLATED JARDINIERE In the form of a boat, resting on a shell, seaweed and rustic base. Length, 8 inches. 15—Turee EncuisH SInveEr-PLATED Bonson DIsHEs (a) Round, with pierced body. (zs) In the form of a shell. (c) Oval, with pierced border, open bail handle and oval molded foot. Lengths, 4, 534 and 614 inches. 76—Fovur EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALTS - Round, with wave-motived body and arabesque-scrolled feet. Diameter, 37%, inches. 77—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED Bonzon DisHES Oblong; with round corners, shell handles. Tassel-pierced body, gadrooned rim and foot. Length, 61% inches. T18—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate TEApPotT Molded oval body; with leaf-scrolled flanged rim; dome cover with melon terminal. On ball feet. Length: 1214 inches. 79—Earzty Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Prats TEApPotT Blunted oval body; with gadrooned molding and dome cover having vase terminal. Length, 11% inches. S80—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate TERApPoT Round bowl-shape ; with floral flanged rim and dome cover having _ rosette terminal. reasite 10 inches. First Session 81—Two EnNGcLIsH SILVER-PLATED COMPOTIERS Low round dishes; with medallion pierced border. On _ high spreading foot. Diameter, 75% inches. 82—Fovur GrorciaAn SHEFFILED PLaTE CoAsTERS Molded round body; with shell and leaf-scrolled rims. Diameter, 6 inches. 83—GrorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE JARDINIERE Molded round body; pierced with diamond motives. (Has been restored. ) Diameter, 954 inches. 84—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Round ; with waved reeded rims, flute and scroll pierced sides. Diameter, 51% inches. 85—Oup EncuisH SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERE Oval; with gadrooned wave rim and scroll-pierced sides. Length, 1014 inches. 86—Two EncuisH SILver-PLATED Sauce Boats Helmet-shape; with gadrooned rim, shell and claw feet and leaf- scroll handle. Length, 914 inches. 87—ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED PLAQUE By Elkington, London Center with subject “Caritas”; laurel rim. Border engraved with inscription and date 1879. Diameter, 1014 inches. 88—-Two EncLisH SILVER-PLATED TRAYS Molded oval; with pierced gallery. Length, 7 inches. 89—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Round, with shell and scroll rim. On Spanish feet. Diameter, 63, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. er CTC 90—EncLisH SILVER-PLATED SALVER Round; with grapevine rim and scroll-engraved center. Diameter, 101%, inches. 91—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Round; with rocaille-scrolled rim. Engraved scroll cartouche center. Diameter, 9 inches. 92—TureE Oup EncrisH Sitver-PLATEeD Fruit DisHEs Lobed round body; with leaf and pearl-enriched rim. Diameter, 10 inches. 93—-Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Square; with round corners and reed-molded rim. 734, inches square. 94—Two EncusH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Round; with scroll-molded rim, enriched with scroll and shell edge. Diameter, 714 inches. 95—ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED ‘TRAY Round; border scrolled with grapes and vines. Engraved floral center. Diameter, 1514 inches. 96—-EneuisH SILVER-PLATED PiITcHER Deep bowl-shape; with hinged, domed cover, pierced thumbpiece and looped handle. Interior gilded. Height, 854 inches. 97—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE JARDINIERE Straight-sided round body; engraved with crested coronet. En- riched leaf-scrolled handle and feet. Diameter, 914 inches. 98—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE WarMER Round, with reeded loop handles terminating in strawberries. On ball feet. Diameter, 12%, inches. First Session 99—Two GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Baskets Oval; with open scrolled wire body and bail handles. (Do not match.) Lengths, 115% and 11%, inches. 100—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate CAxkrt BASKET Blunted oval, with gadrooned rim, molded foot and leaf-enriched bail handle. Length, 121% inches. 101—LatTEe GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Cake BAsketT Lobed round body, with florally scrolled rim, engraved body and gadrooned bail handle. Diameter, 12 inches. 102—GrorciaAn SHEFFIELD PuatEe Caxe BAsketr ‘Round bowl-shape; with gadrooned rim, grape-enriched bail handle and molded foot. Diameter, 113% inches. 103—Latr Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Caxe Basket Gadrooned oval; with finely scrolled rim, floral repoussé sides and florally scrolled bail handle. Center engraved with crest. Length, 1334 inches. 104—Finr Grorcian SHEFFIELD Puiatre TEA SET Low boat-shaped bodies, enriched with repoussé panels of flowers, loop handles and engraved crests. ‘Teapot, creamer and sucrier. Lengths, 11144, 6 and 8% inches. 105—SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRUM Balustered oblong shaft; with. three arms having vase-shaped sockets. Height, 12%, inches. 106—Fovr Ouv EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICKS Lobed baluster shaft ; with vase bobéche and spreading foot. En- graved with scrollings of flowers. Height, 1114 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 107—Srx GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Tapering round shaft, spreading base and bobéche enriched with p & » Sp g gadroonings. Height, 111% inches. 108—Srx Fine GeEorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Half-reeded Corinthian columns. On _ leaf-enriched molded square bases. Height, 1314, inches. 109—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Tapering shaft; enriched with rams’ heads, drapery festoons and hoofed legs; bobéche with masks; square foot having masks and minute figures within festoonings. Height, 121% inches. 110—Fovur GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatEe CAaNnpLESTIcKsS Tapering round shaft; round foot and bobéche enriched with gadroonings. Height, 12% inches. 111—Fovur Gerorcian SHEFFIELD PLate Extrension CANDLESTICKS Round shaft, bobéche and foot; enriched with leaf moldings. Height, extended, 103% inches. 112—Fovur EncuisH SHerrirtp Pirate Canpiesticks Oval tapering shaft, bobéche and blunted oval base, enriched with varied gadroonings. | Height, 121% inches. 113—Two Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Prate CANDLESTICKS Halt-reeded Corinthian column. On square base, enriched with leaf, shell and gadroon motives. Height, 131% inches. 114—Two Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Piatt CAaNnpDLESTICKS Leaf balustered shaft ; octagonal socket and lobed round bobéche, enriched with scrolled blossoms. Height, 131% inches. First Session 115—Two Gerorcian SHEFFIELD PLatE CANDLESTICKS Half-reeded Corinthian column; with stepped square base en- riched with gadroonings. Height, 121% inches. 116—Two Georcian SuHerFieLD Pirate CaNnDLESTICKS Tapering square shaft; enriched with leafage and figures of “Victory”; festooned urn socket. On molded square base having groups of ‘The Three Graces.” Height, 121% inches. 117—Two Georcian SHEFFIELD PLatE CANDLESTICKS Reeded expanding round shafts; with leaf enrichments at feet; round gadrooned bases and bobéches. (One bobéche needs plating.) Height, 1114 inches. 118—Two SILverR-PLATED JARDINIERE STANDS AND WARMER One stand and warmer with valanced round rings, sustained on leaf-scrolled feet; other with gadrooned ring having’ griffin legs and incurved base. Diameters, 81% and 8 inches. 119—GeorGcIAN SHEFFIELD LiquEUR CRUET Gadroon molded square stand; with rounded corners, four an- nular rings fitted with cut-glass bottles and scrolled loop handle. Height, 934 inches. 120—Latre GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD Puate InxksTaAND Trilobed stand; scrolled with shell and leaf motives and loop handle with similar enrichment. Fitted with two wells and sand receptacle, all having silver tops. ; Length, 91% inches. 121—-GrorGiAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Ece SERVER Gadrooned ring, shaft and base; with elaborately scrolled handle. Fitted wtih six egg-cups. Height, 9%% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. bf 122—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE WinE Wacon Two round coasters, with florally scrolled Bt joined with flat bar and mounted on wheels. Length, 1734 inches. 123—Ounp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED Entree Dish anp Cover Oval dish and high domed cover having leaf-loop handle. Both enriched with gadroonings. Length, 12 inches. 124—SILVER-PLATED EntTREE Disu Scrolled oval, with canted cover having loose, locking loop han- dle. Both enriched with grapes and vines. Length, 181% inches. 125—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD PiatE CoverED WARMERS Round, with domed cover having shell and leaf-loop handle. Both with gadroonings. Diameter, 914, inches. 126—Oup EncusH SILVER-PLATED Coverep Enrrern Disx Oval, with scrolled handles and feet; loose locking oval handle to dome cover. Enriched with pearl motives. Length, 15 inches. 127—Srx SILvER-PLATED PLatE WarMERS Round, with molded foot and swinging loop side handles. En- graved with monogram. Diameter, 81%, inches. 128—Two Late Gerorcian SuHeEFFietp Prater CovERED ENTREE DisHEs Oval, with dome cover having rustic loose locking handle. En- riched with varied gadroonings. Length, 11144 inches. 129—O.up EneuisH Sitver-puatep Mrar Prarrer anp Cover Oval; with high domed cover having leaf-scrolled loop handle. fen ned with gadroonings. Length, 151% inches. Furst Session 1380—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Breap Tray Shaped oval; with gadrooned rim. Length, 16%, inches. 131—Georcian SHEFFIELD PLate Breap Tray Elongated oval; with gadrooned rim. Engraved with crest. Length, 151% inches. 132—GerorciAN SHEFFIELD Piare Breap Tray Elongated oval boat-shape; with gadrooned rim and reeded foot. Length, 1534 inches. 133—-—Latr GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puatre Breap Tray Blunted oval boat-shape; with molded rim, enriched with floral motives. Length, 155% inches. 134—GerorciaAN SHEFFIELD PLate Breap Tray Elongated oval; with florally enriched reeded rim. Length, 1714 inches. 1385—GerorciaANn SHEFFIELD Pirate Breap Tray Elongated oval body, with leaf and shell-enriched rim. Length, 1714 inches. 136—Two GeorciAN SHEFFIELD PLatTeE WINE CooLers Reeded bucket-shape; with reeded loop side handles terminating in shell motives ; loose rim and inset lining. Height, 734 inches. 137—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE-POT Molded round body, with dome cover; trimmed with gadroonings. Height, 91%, inches. 138—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Puatre Hot-mitk PircHER Ewer-shape; enriched with pearl motives, festooned rosettes and the cover with pineapple terminal. Wicker handle. Height, 914 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 139—EncuisH SILtvER-PLATED Hot-mitx PircHEeR Graceful pear-shape; enriched with pearl motives and cover with pineapple terminal. Wicker loop handle. Height, 1014 inches. 140—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Hort-mitx PircHer Deep bowl-shape; enriched with reedings, cover with rosette ter- minal. Boxwood loop handle. Height, 814 inches. 141—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE-POT Pear-shape; enriched in-repoussé with florally scrolled cartouches, dome cover with acorn terminal, scrolled spout and handle. Height, 10% inches. 142—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Corrrer-PorT Deep bowl-shape, with gadroon moldings, scrolled spout and ebonized loop handle. Height, 9% inches. - 143—GerorGIAN SHEFFIFLD Piate CoFrrr-por Ewer-shape; engraved with scrollings on body and domed cover. Height, 101% inches. 144—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate CoFrrE-PpotT Gadrooned pear-shaped body; with lobed foot and cover; leaf scrolled spout. Height, 914 inches. 145—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate CorFEE-PoT Pear-shape; enriched with reed-molding on body and cover, also having rosetted terminal. Height, 8%, inches. 146—GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE CoFFEE-POT Low ewer-shape; enriched with floral scrollings, bouquet terminal to cover, leaf-scrolled spout and handle. Height, 10%, inches. First Session 147—GEeEorGIAN SHEFFIELD PiatE TEApot Gadrooned pear-shaped body, with rocaille-motived foot and cover also having floral terminal; leaf-scrolled spout and handle. Height, 8%, inches. 148—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate TEApor Similar to the preceding ; with scrolled feet and gadrooned cover. Height, 81, inches. 149—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CovERED VASES Gadrooned oval body, with leonic head and ring handles; ga- drooned cover with urn terminal. Height, 1014 inches. 150—Latr GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puare Hot-watrrer Kerrie Inverted pear-shape; with scrolled loop bail handle, cover with floral spray terminal. On stand with scrolled arms. Height, 11%, inches. 151—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Puate Hortr-watrer Kerrie Globular; with scrolled spout, mask-terminated wicker handle and cover with perched eagle as finial. Open alcohol stand with arabesque masked valance and scrolled feet. Height, 13 inches. 152—Latr GeEorGIAN SILVER-PLATED Hot-watrer KETTLE Globular; with molded dome cover having ivory knob and similar bail handle terminating in cartouches. On incurved square stand with loop arms. Height, 14% inches. 1538—Late GeorciAN SILVER-PLATED Hot-watrer KETTLE Melon-shape; enriched with repoussé floral scrolled panels, scrolled upright loop handle, spout and acorn terminal. Molded incurved base with open rocaille-scrolled arms. Height, 161, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed mn the forepart of the Catalogue. 154—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Hortr-warer Kerrie Gadrooned oviform; engraved on shoulder with basket panneaux and floral scrollings; dome cover, with lily finial and ivory loop handle. On leaf-scrolled dome stand having open looped arm. Height, 174% inches. 155—GerorciAnN SHEFFIELD PiateE Potato Rine Incurved round body; finely pierced with bands of flutings and - central series of engraved rosetted oval medallions. Diameter, 934, inches. 156—Fovur SHEFFIELD PLATE DisHEs Round ;-with finely molded rims. Diameter, 1034 inches. 157—Twetve GeorciIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Service PLATES Round; with gadrooned scroll-molded rims. Monogrammed. Diameter, 10 inches. 158—Two GerorGcIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt CHor Disyrs Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 12%, inches. 1L59—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Disues Similar to the preceding. Oval. Length, 12 inches. 160—GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLAte Fiso Pratrrer Similar to the preceding. Oval. Length, 18% inches. 161—Two Gorcian SHEFFIELD PratEe DisuEs Similar to the preceding. Round. Diameter, 12144 inches. 162—Fovur Late Gerorcian SILvER-PLATED AND CuT-cLass Com- POTIERS Engraved and gadroon crown, fitted with star cut round glass dish. On fluted round shaft and base chiseled with varied leafage. Height, 9144 inches. First Session 163—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD Piare Coverrep TuREENS Gadrooned broad pear-shape, with leaf-scrolled handles and ga- drooned border; dome cover, with pearl-enriched loop handle. Loose cover. Engraved with coroneted monogram. Height, 7 inches. 164—SHEFFIELD Pratr Eca SERVER Shell leaf and gadrooned ring, with open leaf supports, claw feet and fine looped central handle. Fitted with six egg-cups and six spoons; gilded. Height, 7% iehes. 165—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatTE Correr SERVICE Bowl-shaped, with incurved neck; enriched with scroll moldings, leaf-looped handles and feet. Pot, creamer and sucrier. Heights, 914, 64% and 434 inches. 166—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Puate Tra Ser Bowl-shape, with incurved neck; enriched in repoussé with floral scrollings, grape and floral edge, scroll handle and ball feet. Pot, sucrier and creamer. Heights, 64%, 3% and 31% inches. 167—Gerorcian Srnver-PLATED TEA anD CoFFEE SET Spirally gadrooned, pear-shaped body ; enriched with scrolled car- touches thereon and on spreading base. Scrolled handles and spouts. Tea and coffee pots, creamer and sucrier. Heights, 834, 1234, 71% and 5% inches. 168—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD PLate EPERGNE Round, gadrooned open rim; fitted with circular cut-glass dish and having leonic head and ring handles above tapering incurved tripod legs with claw and leaf feet; incurved triangular base with flaming urn pinnacle. Height, 8% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 169—GerorGiIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE EPERGNE Gadrooned round ring; fitted with fan cut circular glass dish. On four tapering legs with leafage and claw feet, shell enrich- ment and stretcher having vase pinnacle. Height, 10 inches. 170—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE EPERGNE Baluster vase-shaped shaft; enriched with grape and vine edge, scrolled leafage and feet. Fitted with circular cut-glass dish. Height, 12% inches. 171—Latre GrErorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE EPERGNE Vase-shaped, enriched with leafage and scrolled feet. Fitted with circular valance-etched and cut-glass dish. Height, 15 inches. 172—GeEorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE EPERGNE Oval pearl-molded rim; fitted with fan cut-glass dish. On taper- ing reeded legs with claw feet and open stretcher having pin- nacled oval medallion center. Height, 12144 mcehes. 173—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE EPERGNE Floral scrolled annular ring; fitted with fine contemporary cut Bristol glass bowl. Sustained on scrolled leaf brackets and elaborate vase body with incurved square base and claw feet. Height, 1514, inches. 174—FiIne GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLate CuHuerrse DisH Incurved oblong with round corners; trimmed with gadroons. Loose cover, with leaf and rosette finial. Balustered inscrewing handle. Length, 12 inches. 175—GeorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Cuerse Disu Oblong; with incurved corners, enriched with gadroons, moldings and leaf loop handles. Loose cover, with terminal scrolled loop handle. Length, 11 inches. Furst Session 176—Oxp Eneuisu Sitver-prarep Ecce Server Leaf-engraved circular body; with two scrolled handles at sides and double hinged cover. Fitted with open frames for eight egg-cups and having long loop handle. Initialed. Height, 131/, inches. 177—Georcian SHEFFIELD Pratt TurREEN Oval, enriched with gadroons, scrolled cartouches, handles and feet. Domed cover with shell motives, further gadroonings and floral loop handle. Length, 14 inches. 178—GerorGiaAN SHEFFIELD Pratrr Hotr-water Entree Disn Incurved oblong, with round corners; fitted with loose gadrooned dish. Domed cover with rustic grapevine handle. | Length, 137% inches. 179—Late Georcian SHEFFIELD Pirate WarMeErR ~ Oval, with domed cover; trimmed with cartouche scrolled handle and moldings. Open scrolled stand with alcohol lamp. Length, 18%, inches. 180—LateEe GrEorGIAN SILVER-PLATED Revotvinc Tor Entree Disx Elliptical; with revolving cover having engraved strap and floral scrollings; loop handles. On tapering legs having shell knees and claw feet. Length, 147% inches. 181—Late GerorciAn SILVER-PLATED Soup TuREEN Oval melon-shaped body, with elaborately scrolled leaf flanged border, handles and feet. Domed cover, surmounted by a stag’s head. Engraved with crest. Loose lining. Length, 1514 inches. 182—GerorciAN SHEFFIELD Piate THREE-DIVISION WarMER Bowl-shape, with gadroonings and scrolled loop handles. Dome cover with leaf loop handle. Fitted with loose division and lining. Engraved with crest. Diameter, 131%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1883—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE THREE-DIVISION WARMER Similar to the preceding. 184—Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLaTE Soup TuREEN Shaped oval; elaborately mounted with shell-scrolled rim, claw- footed legs and loop handles. Domed cover, with similar enrich- ment and loop handle. Engraved with coat-of-arms and crest. Length, 18 inches. 185—-GEroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE Sour TuREEN Oval; with elaborate floral scrolled rim, oak-leaf handles and unusual whorled shell feet. Dome cover, with oak-leaf and acorn loop handle. Height, 1614 inches. 186—Ontp Encuish MamMmMotH SHEFFIELD PLATE TANKARD Expanding round body; with repoussé scrolled floral panels, leaf- molded base, scroll handle and mask spout. Cover with rocaille terminal and floral enrichment. Engraved with long inscription. Height, 15% inches. 187—SILVER-PLATED Warwick VASE Urn-shape, with entwined reeded handles. Enriched with Greco- Bacchic heads. On loose leaf-molded pedestal. Total Height, 1414 inches. 188—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE URN Gadrooned round body; with square base having claw feet; leaf loop handles. Dome cover, with urn terminal. Height, 171%, inches. 189—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Mountep LEeatHer Frre Bucket Tapering round black sides. Mounted with gadrooned rim, mask and loop handles and leaf-molded base. Height, 12 inches. 190—GrorcGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Mounrep Leatuer Fire Bucket Similar to the preceding. First Session 191—Latre Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pratt Urn Oval bowl shape; with spreading molded base and ball feet. En- riched with loop bail handles having medallions of “British Lions and Union Jacks.” Key patterned dome cover with vase finial. Monogrammed. Height, 1334 inches. 192—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate Urn Pear-shaped; with leaf loop handles, scrolled spigot and base. Cover with ball terminal. Engraved with crest. Height, 13 inches. 193—OLtp EneuisH Sitver-pLaTeD Urn Bowl-shape; with scrolled ebony handles. On incurved square base having shell-scrolled feet. Dome covered with floral finial. Height, 144% inches. 194—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE Urn Bowl-shape; enriched in repoussé with rocaille-scrolled car- touches, elaborate scrolled handles, spigot and incurved base with unsuual shell feet. Dome cover, with floral terminal. Engraved with crest. Height, 1714, inches. 195—Latre GrorciaN SHEFFIELD Pirate Lamp Broad pear-shape; with oak-leaf loop handles and scrolled round base. Engraved with crest. Fitted with oil burner. . Height, 15 inches. 196—Two GerorGcIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Leaf-scrolled baluster shaft and base; fitted with loose scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 17%, inches. 197—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Round tapering shaft and spreading base; enriched with floral reed moldings. Fitted with loose scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 1934 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 198—Two GeorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLratE CANDELABRA Similar to the preceding. Height, 20 inches. 199—Two GrorGiAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Tapering leaf-enriched round shaft, with scrolled round base; fitted with loose scrolled arms for three lights. Engraved with crest. Height, 2014, inches. 200—Two GrorciaAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Corinthian half-reeded shaft; on scroll-enriched, gadrooned square base. Loose scrolled arms for two lights. Engraved with crests. ; Height, 1514 inches. 201—T wo GrorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Paneled square tapering shaft; molded base. Scrolled loose arms with three vase-shaped bobéches for lights. Enriched with pearl moldings and small festooned oval rosettes. Height, 181% inches. 202—T'wo GrorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Similar to the preceding. Engraved with crests and monograms. Arms for four lights. Height, 18°4 inches. 203—Two GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Tapering leaf-enriched round shaft; with gadrooned round base. Loose scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 211% inches. 204—Latr Grorcian SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRUM Leaf-enriched gadrooned shaft expanding into scrolled base. Three open leaf-scrolled arms and central balustered arm for lights. Height, 2414 inches. 205—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate CANDELABRA Leaf-enriched baluster shaft and lobed round foot. Loose husk- scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 24 inches. Furst Session 206—Two GerorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Tapering fluted square shaft; with molded square base enriched with festoons, further flutings and leafage. 'T'wo tiers of scrolled arms for seven lights. Height, 331%, inches. 207—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLatE Mratr Cover Gadrooned dome; enriched with shell and leaf scrollings and rustic handle. Engraved with crests and monograms. Length, 12 inches. 208—LatTr GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Meat Cover Molded oval dome; with pearl-enriched molding and loop handle. Engraved with coat-of-arms. Length, 14 inches. 209—GrEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Mratr Cover Domed oval; with gadroon and shell molding and finely scrolled loop handle. Length, 15%/, inches. 210—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Meat Cover Gadrooned oval dome; enriched with shell and scroll molding and rustic leaf loop handle. Engraved with crests and monograms. Length, 1614 inches. 911—Latr GEorGIAN SILVER-PLATED Meat Cover Molded domed oval; with pearl-motived molding and loop han- dle. Engraved with coat-of-arms. | Length, 18 inches. 212—-Grorcian WELL AND TREE PLATTER AND COVER Oval warmer platter; with gadrooned border and leaf-looped handles. Domed cover, with similar gadroonings and acorned rustic loop handle. Engraved with fine coats-of-arms and crests. Length, 25 inches. 213—GrorcianN SHEFFIELD PLATE JARDINIERE Gadrooned bowl; with leaf-gadrooned rim, which rim is repeated on a molded round foot. Diameter, 113% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 214—Sinver-PLATED Mrrror Piatreau Oval mirror; with molded and open balustered gallery. Sup- ported on round button feet. Length, 1914 inches. 215—LatTE GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PiLaTE TRaAy Oblong, with round corners; trimmed with leaf-scrolled edge and loop handles. Engraved with monogram and crest within ara- besqued medallion. Length, 2434, inches. 216—GeroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE Tray Round, with fine rim of floral scrollings and shell-scrolled feet. Center engraved with stellated floral medallion. Diameter, 19 inches. 217—LatEe GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE Tray Oblong; with reeded rim, enriched at quarters and corners with scrolled shell motives. Center engraved with arabesqued floral medallion. Length, 261, inches. 218—LatE GrEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Tray Scroll-molded oval; trimmed with grape and vine rim. On scrolled leaf feet; loop handles. Center engraved with scrolled cartouche. Length, 28/4 inches. 219—LatE GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate Tray Oblong; with elaborately scalloped shell and scroll rim and loop handles. On leaf and shell feet. Center engraved with crest having broad arabesqued leaf border. Length, 30 inches. 220—Oxp EncusH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Scroll-molded oval; enriched with open cartouches and pearl motives; loop handles. Center engraved with scroll cartouche and border. Length, 32 inches. First Session 221—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLAatE Tray Circular; with very elaborately scrolled floral and rocaille rim and shell feet. Center engraved with fine coat-of-arms and flor- ally scrolled border. Diameter, 26 inches. 222—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PuAatEe Tray Scroll-molded round; with fine border of grapes and vine leaves, clustered at intervals. Engraved center of varied flowers. On open scrolled feet. Diameter, 243/, inches. 2923—Four GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Round; with flute and leaf-pierced gallery and pearl-waved rim. Diameter, 5 inches. 224—Four Fine GErorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Round; with serpentined sides richly trimmed with floral scrolls; similar scrolled flange rims. Diameter, 61/, inches. 225—Two Orv EnewisH SILVER-PLATED COASTERS Gadrooned, round flaring sides; with grape-vine border. Diameter, 8% inches. 226—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CoasTERS Gadrooned round sides; with shell and gadrooned scalloped rim. Diameter, 7 inches. 227—Two Lare GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PiaTE CoasTERs Leaf-enriched round sides, with gadrooned rim. Diameter, 53/4, inches. 228—Two GrorciaAN GILDED SHEFFIELD PLATE CoasTERS Molded round base; with open interlacing arched wire sides. Diameter, 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 229—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CoaAsTERS : Gadrooned flaring round sides; with leaf and reeded scalloped rim. Diameter, 7 inches. 230—T wo SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVERS Scalloped round; trimmed with florally scrolled rim; on scrolled feet. Engraved center. Initialed. Diameter, 8 inches. 231—Two GrorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVERS Round; with scroll and blossom rim. Engraved center and leaf scrolled feet. Diameter, 81%, inches. 232—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVERS Molded round; with gadroon rim and shell-scrolled feet. Mono- grammed. Diameter, 9 inches. 233—Two Fine GeorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WARMERS Round; with pierced hinged covers and scroll handles. On box- wood drum feet. Diameter, 101% inches. 234—Two Oxtp EncusH SILVER-PLATED BAskETS Gadrooned oval ;with finely pierced, rosetted diamond sides. Shell handles. Length, 1034 inches. 235—Two Onp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED BASKETS Similar to the preceding. 236—Fovur ENcuisH SILVER-PLATED DisHEs Crescent-shape; with finely scroll-pierced fronts and open ga- drooned feet. Length, 9 inches. we ee ee a a ee i Furst Session 237—Oxup EneuisH Sinver-pLatep InxsTanp Oblong, with two galleried compartments having fine scroll pierc- ings and gadrooned wave rims. Fitted with two covered glass wells. On scroll feet. Length, 914% inches. 238—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate INKWELL Scrolled oval stand; with gadrooned rim, pen well and bracket feet. Fitted with two covered glass wells and_bail-handled wafer holder. Length, 1114 inches. 239—THREE-DIVISION SILVER-PLATED VEGETABLE DisH Gadrooned round body; domed cover with loop handle. ‘ Inscrew- ing balustered handle. Length, 17 inches. 240—GrorGIAN THREE-DIVISION SILVER-PLATED VEGETABLE Disu Bowl-shaped, with gadrooned rim, leaf-scrolled side handles and claw feet. Gadrooned dome cover, with fine leaf-scrolled loop handle. Diameter, 1214, inches. 241—Two EncuisH Sinver-PLATED WARMERS Oblong; with round corners and reeded rims. Spirally ga- drooned cover with vase terminal. Loose linings. On reeded tapering legs having stretchers and alcohol lamp. Length, 914, inches. 242—Oxnp ENGLIsH SILVER-PLATED WARMER Round dish; with shell and gadrooned rim, loose pierced lining and dome gadrooned cover having blossomed loop handle. On tapering claw-footed legs, with stretcher for alcohol lamp. Diameter, 127%, inches. 243—Two Ox~p EncusH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Round tray and vase socket, having pearl-motived edges. S- scrolled handle. Diameter, 61, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee LL —EeEe——_ 9244—Two Otp EnausH SILvVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Round tray and urn bobéche; with scalloped gauffered borders. Cartouche scrolled handle. Bell-shaped’ extinguisher. Diameter, 614 inches. 245—Two Otp EncusH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Scalloped round trays and vase bobéche, with molded and blos- somed rims; cartouched scroll handle. Diameter, 534 inches. 246—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLate CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Molded round tray and urn bobéche finished with gadrooned rims; cartouched scroll handle. Conical extinguisher. Diameter, 7 inches. 247—Two Oup EnciisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMRER CANDLESTICKS Rond tray and vase socket; trimmed with looped gadroon rims. Cartouched scroll handle. Conical extinguisher. Diameter, 7 inches. 248—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Cyamper CanpLEsTICKs Molded round tray and urn socket; scrolled handle. Conical extinguisher. One inscribed. (Vary in details.) Diameter, 644, inches. 249—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Molded round tray and urn socket. Scrolled handle. Conical extinguisher. The other similar, with gadrooned rims. Diameters, 63, and TY, inches. 250—Oxp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED TEAPOT Gadrooned melon-body, enriched with blossoms; on scrolled feet. Cover with rosette terminal; leaf-scrolled handle. Length, 8 inches. 251—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE-POT Urn-shape; with fluted scrolled spout and ebonized handle. Central chamber for heating iron. Height, 7 inches. First Session 252—GEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate TRAPOT Gadrooned bowl-shape, with fine gadrooned hood and cover. Leaf-scrolled handle. Length, 111% inches. 253—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TEAPOT Deep gadrooned bowl-shape, with finely gadrooned flanged rim, cover and spout. Length, 12 inches. 254—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Piate TErApot Molded blunted oval, with wave gadroonings, leaf spout and fine boxwood handle. Cover with rosette terminal. Length, 12 inches. 255—-OLtp ENcuiisH SILVER-PLATED T'EAPOT AND STAND Ten-sided lozenge-shaped body and dome cover with reed mold- ings; scrolled boxwood handle. Similar-shaped stand, having pierced gallery and claw feet. Length, 111% inches. 256—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PiatEe TEAPOT Blunted oval bowl; dome cover with varied gadroon moldings and square terminal. Eagle-headed spout. Finely scrolled boxwood handle. Engraved with crest and initials. Length, 11 inches. 257—LatTE GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TEAPOT Gadrooned blunted oval bowl and cover with oblong terminal; on gadrooned oblong base with ball feet. Trimmed with scrollings at shoulder. Length, 11 inches. 258—GrEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE-POT Molded bottle-shape; with dome cover having boxwood button terminal. Scrolled boxwood handle. Height, 81, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 259—Latr GEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatTE COFFEE-POT Expanding deep bowl-shape; with gadrooned rim; dome cover with black button terminal. Scrolled boxwood handle. Height, 8%, inches. 260—ENGLsH SILVER-PLATED COFFEE-POT Gadrooned oval vase-shape on high foot with square molded base; gadrooned cover. Finely scrolled boxwood handle. Height, 934 inches. 261—EnciisH SILVER-PLATED COFFEE-POT Hexagonal deep bowl-shape and similar foot. Double domed cover with vase terminal. Height, 10 inches. 262—LatEe GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CoOFFEE-POT Vase-shaped, enriched with pearl moldings and scrolled floral rim. Boxwood loop handle. Height, 9 inches. 263—Oup ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED COFFEE-POT Expanding oval sides; engraved with bowknotted shield. Ebon- ized handle and terminal to flat cover. Height, 814 inches. 264—GrorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PiLatre Hot-miux PircHer Gadrooned vase-shape, with turned lip and finely scrolled box- wood handle. Height, 1014 inches. 265—Fovur EncuisH SILvER-PLATED VASES Deep bowl-shape; with incurved shouldered dome cover having urn terminal. Enriched with pearl moldings and upright leaf handles. On square foot. Height, 8 inches. 266—T'wo Gerorcian GILDED SHEFFIELD PLatrEe Coasters Sides of double fluted open wires; having bowl bases and flaring tops. Diameter, 71/, inches. as eh Od a | First Session 267—Four GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Circular; with molded rims and galleries pierced with series of rosettes and diamonds. Diameter, 5 inches. 268—ENcLIsH SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERE Deep bowl-shape; with loop handles and loose lining. Diameter, 41% inches. 269—ENcuLIsSH SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERE Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 734 inches. 270—ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERE Similar to the preceding. | Diameter, 87% inches. 271—Encuisu SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERE Similar to the preceding, with cartouche scrolled feet and leaf loop handles. Diameter, 9 inches. 272—EncusH SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERE Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 934 inches. 273—Two Op Encuisnh SILvER-PLATED COMPOTIERS Pearl-molded round dish. On fluted and gadrooned shaft with florally engraved round foot. Diameter, 914 inches. 274—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Sconces Florally enriched round back, with fine leaf-scrolled arm having enriched urn socket. Length, 15 inches. 245—Srx Late Grorcian SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICKS Garlanded Corinthian column, with finely festooned molded square base having incurved corners. Height, 834 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 276—Two Earty Grorcian SHEFFIELD CANDLESTICKS Expanding round shaft; with flutings alternating with pearl motives. On laurel-molded square base. Height, 111% inches. 277—Two GerorciaAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Expanding round shaft; engraved with series of small medal- lions; finely festooned shell capitals. On square bases. Height, 1114 inches. 278—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Garlanded round shaft; with leaf and reed enrichment toward foot; leaf capitals. On square bases having leaf corners, medal- lions and vase central motives. Height, 1214 inches. 279—Two GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Similar to the preceding; varying in details. Height, 121, inches. 280—Two GrorciaAn SHEFFIELD PLatE CANDLESTICKS Half reed fluted Ionic column, with deeply gadrooned square foot. Height, 121, inches. 281—Two GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD CANDLESTICKS Garlanded round column; with Corinthian capital and festooned square base. | Height, 138% inches. 282—Larcr Encuisu SInver-PLATED Fiso PLATTER Scrolled reed-molded oval rim. Engraved with fine coat-of-arms. Length, 3414 inches. 283—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate PLATTER Oval; with spirally gadrooned rim. Engraved with double crest. | Length, 233, inches. First Session 284—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD WaArMING PLATTER Scrolled oval; with very unusual scrolled gadroon rim. On leaf and claw feet. Length, 23%, inches. 285—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PratE Warming Werett AND TREE PLATTER Loose oval well and tree dish; with gadroon and floral rim. Oval bowl for hot water. On floral ball feet. Well and tree with curious gallery at well end. Length, 24 inches. 286—LaTE GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Warminc WELL AND TREE PLATTER Scrolled oval, with shell, leaf and blossom border. Finely en- graved with crest and coat-of-arms. Length, 241%, inches. 287—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Wine CooLers Gadrooned urn-shaped with molded foot, looped leaf handles and gadroon and shell rim. Loose rim cover and lining. Height, 10 inches. 288—Two GrEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE Wine Coo.uers Similar to the preceding. 289—ENcLIsSH SILVER-PLATED WARMER Molded round dish; with hot water compartment. Domed cover with ivory terminal. Engraved K. M. Diameter, 12 inches. 290—Latr GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLatE Cover anp DisH Pearl-molded round dish. Dome cover, with pearl-motived loop handle. Cover engraved with crest. Diameter, 12 inches. 291—EneuisH SILvER-PLATED Revotvine Coverep Entree Disu Molded over rim; with egg-shaped base and revolving cover; looped handles. On curious double scrolled feet. Length, 1834 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 292—EncuisH THREE-DIVISION SILVER-PLATED VEGETABLE DisH Trilobed body; with pearl rim. On cartouched feet; gadrooned baluster handle. Dome cover, with pearl-motived loop handle. Loose division and pierced strainer. Length, 1734, inches. 293—ENcLISH SILVER-PLATED CAakE Basket Gadrooned oval boat-shape; with ovolo-motived molded bail han- dle. On scrolled feet. Length, 1114 inches. 294—GrEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatTE CaxkEt Basket Boat-shaped oval; with interlacing open wire sides and shell and gadrooned border. Rope bail handle. 3 Length, 11 inches. 295—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate Cake Basket Oval boat-shape, with open fluted wire sides. On high, pierced foot. Reeded open bail handle. Length, 14 inches. 296—T'wo GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pate Caxet Baskets Oblong boat-shape; with open medallioned wire sides and gadrooned rim. Open wire bail handle with rosetted center. Length, 1134 inches. 297—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Caxe Basket Oval; with open fluted reeded wire sides and foot. Open wire handle. Length, 13% inches. 298—Two Latte GrorciAN SILVER-PLATED SAucE Boats Scroll-fluted boat-shape; with molded rims, fine leaf-scrolled han- dle. On shell and scroll-molded oval foot. , Height, 614 inches. 299—Two Late GrorGIAN SILVER-PLATED Sauce Boats Similar to the preceding; on scrolled feet. Length, 74% inches. 300—Two SinverR-PLATED Sauce Boats Gadrooned oval scrolled bowls; with gadrooned rim, scrolled feet and loop handle. Length, 8 inches. SECOND SESSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1923. IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 301 to 600, inclusive GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD AND OTHER PLATED WARE 301-——Two Sitver-PLaAtTeD Boox Crasps anp Four Wine Lasets Varying pierced florally scrolled clasps. Labels of differing cartouches. 302—-Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED Boxes Tubular, enriched with spiral scrollings. Length, 3%, inches. 303—Ten EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SPOONS Salts, teaspoons and sifters. 304—Two Encuisu Sitver Botrrte Hoxipers anp Spoon ReEceEp- TACLE Holders with gadrooned trays. Receptacle, egg-shaped with claw feet. 305—EncusH SILVER-PLATED HoxtpEer, Hamponre HaAnpdLE AND GRATER Incurved pierced square holder; florally engraved handle; ga- drooned half round grater. 306—SrvEN Sitver-pLATeD Kyire Rests Six with triangular open floral ends. One with tray for carving knife. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED Mustarp AND BELL Gadrooned boat-shaped mustard, with blue glass lining. Bell with green wooden handle. 307 308—Fovur GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTs Gadrooned round body with lobed crest and base. Diameter, 3 inches. 309—Two Oty ENncLIsH SILVER-PLATED SALTS Shaped bowls, with scrolled rims and feet. Interior gilded. Diameter, 334 inches. 8310—Fovur Outp Enciisu SILVER-PLATED SALTS Similar to the preceding. 811—Two Onup EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALTS Gadrooned oval, with scrolled rim and foot. Length, 4 inches. 312—Two Oup EneuisH SILVER-PLATED SALTS Similar to the preceding. 313—Four SILvER-PLATED SALTS Oval trays, with ringed frames supporting cut-glass bowls. (One glass missing, others imperfect.) Length, 434 inches. 314—Two OLp Enetisu SILVER-PLATED SALTs Oval boat-shape, with fluted open wire sides and molded base. Blue glass lining. Length, 4 inches. 315—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD Piate Satuts Shell-shape, with scroll rocaille handle. Interior gilded. Length, 41%, inches. 316—Fovur Oxvp Encuisn Sinver-PLatEep Saxts Gilded shell, carried on back of eagle; standing on rustic base. Length, 5 inches. Second Session 317—THREE EncusH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS (a) Square, with gadroon and shell rim; on Spanish feet. (zs) Scrolled round with shell and scroll molded rim. (c) Scroll-molded round, with gadrooned rim. Diameters, 51, 61%, and 814 inches. 318—Two EneusH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Scroll-molded round; with rocaille rim. One with feet and en- graved center. Diameter, 9 imehes. 319—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Round, with grapevine rim and engraved center. Diameter, 10 inches. 320—Fovur EncutsH SILVER-PLATED PEPPERS Round, with rosette pierced medallioned sides. Blue glass lining. Height, 234 inches. 3821—Two EncusH SILvVER-PLATED PEPPERS Vase-shape, with flute piercings at shoulder. Blue glass lining. Height, 314, inches. 322—Two ENneLisH SILVER-PLATED PEPPERS Round, with flute piercings; on bracket feet. Blue glass linings. Height, 31, inches. 323—-Four ENcLIsH SILVER-PLATED PEPPERS Vase-shape; enriched with reed-moldings. Height, 4 inches. 324—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PEPPERS Octagonal, molded vase-shape. Height, 5 inches. 325—Two EncuisH SILvVER-PLATED PEPPERS Vase-shaped pierced body; engraved with leafage. Blue glass lining. Height, 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 326—Two EncusH SILVER-PLATED PEPPERS Vase-shaped; on molded round foot. Height, 5 inches. 327—Five GErorciIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Round, with flute-pierced sides and pearl molded rim. Diameter, 3% inches. 328—F ive SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Round; two with pierced galleries, one with flaring sides; one with gadrooned sides, other with scrolled grapes on sides. Diameters, 41,3; 5144; 514; 5% and 5% inches. 829—Two GErorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS: Round, with engraved and pierced sides having waved, pearl- motived rim. Diameter, 44, inches. 330-——Two Onp SHEFFIELD PLatTE COASTERS Round, with rosette-pierced rims and gadrooned border. Diameter, 4%, inches. 331—Two Oup EncuisH SILVER-PLATED COASTERS Molded round sides; with gadrooned rim. Diameter, 55% inches. 332—Two GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Molded round body; with spirally gadrooned rim. Diameter, 6 inches. 333—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS Round; one with gadrooned body and rim; other molded body, with scrolled leaf rim. Engraved with crests. Diameters, 644, and 61%, inches. 3384—THREE SHEFFIELD Pate Coasters Round, one with flaring sides and floral rim; one gadrooned havy- ing scrolled blossom and leaf rim; other with pierced panels and grapevine rim. Two engraved with crests. Diameters, 634; 6% and 81%, inches. Second Session 335—TIwo Oxnp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALTS Bowl-shape, with key scroll and pearl enrichment. On Spanish feet. Diameter, 3 inches. 3386——Two SILVER-PLATED SALTS Gilded shell, carried on back of eagle; standing on rustic base. Height, 5 inches. 337—Six GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Oblong hboat-shape, with gadrooned rim and ball feet. Interior gilded. Length, 3%, inches 338—Fovur EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALTS Annular ring, with stretchered open wire legs sustaining blue glass lining. Height, 21%, inches. 339—T wo Grorcian SHEFFIELD Prats Satrs Bowl-shape, with valanced, gadrooned rim. On Spanish feet. Diameter, 314 inches. 340—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED MUFFINEERS In the form of castle turret; with scroll pierced tops. Height, 5 inches 841—Two EncusH SILVER-PLATED MustTarps (a) Molded deep bowl-shape; with gadrooned rim, dome cover having ball finial and strap handle. (s) Trimmed with leaf-scrolled borders and scroll-handle. Heights, 4 and 31, inches. 342—Two EncusH Sitver-pLaTeD Musrarps (a) Vase-shape, with pierced and engraved body, vase-finialed cover. (zs) Fluted bowl-shape, with leaf-scrolled rim and reeded handle. Heights, 5 and 4% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. LL SC SCC. 343—Two GrorciaAN SHEFFIELD TEA CapDIES Oval and round; both trimmed pearl motives. Height, 41, inches. 844—Two Encruisn Sinver-PLaTeD Bonzon Baskets Oval, with pierced and reeded border, open wire bail handle and molded oval foot. Length, 61% inches. 345—Two EncutsH SILVER-PLATED Bonspon BASKETS Similar to the preceding. 346—GerEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt CicArETTE Box Round, with loose cover; trimmed with gadroonings. Height, 31% inches. 347—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CIGARETTE Box Oblong, with hinged dome cover; trimmed with gadroonings. Length, 534 inches. 348—Grorcian Suerrietp Prats Tea Cappy Lozenge-shape, with hinged cover having pear-shaped terminal ; trimmed with gadroonings. Length, 5 inches. 349—ENcuisH SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Octagonal, with hinged dome cover; trimmed with pearl motives. Height, 3%, inches. 350—GrEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Puatr Toast Rack Molded oblong ring, with seven open hoops, loop handle and ball feet. Length, 614 inches. 351—EncusH SILnver-PLATED Toast Rack Open elongated hexagonal stand, with seven shaped loops, handle and ball feet. . Length, 634 inches. Second Session 302—ENcLIisH SILVER-PLATED Toast Rack Blunted oval open stand, with ball feet, seven shaped hoops and oval handle. Length, 6% inches. 353—Two Oxtp EnciisH Srttver-PpLaTteD CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Round tray and vase socket, trimmed with looped gadroons. Monogrammed. (One without extinguisher. ) Diameter, 634 inches. 354—Two Onp EncuisH SILvER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Similar to the preceding. 355—Two Oup ENncuisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Similar to the preceding. 356—ENGLIsH SILVER-PLATED Fiso Knire anp Fork Pierced blade and tines; shell and cartouched handles. Mono- grammed. In case. 357—Two GrEorGIAN SHEFFIELD SALTS Gadrooned bowl-shape, with leaf-gadrooned rim. Diameter, 4 inches. 3858—Four GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD SALTS Reeded bowl-shape on molded foot. Diameter, 334 inches. 359—Four EncuisH SILvVER-PLATED SALTS Gadrooned boat-shape, with pearl rim and oblong foot. Length, 41, inches. 360—Fovur GrorciaN SHEFFIELD PLatTE Sats Bowl-shape, on molded foot; trimmed with scrolled blossom rim and foot. (One untrimmed at foot.) Diameter, 334 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 861—Fovur Oxtp EnceuisH SILVER-PLATED SALTS Oval, with arched pierced sides; on claw and ball feet. Blue glass linings. (One lining chipped.) Length, 31, inches. 3862—Fovur GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Gadrooned bowl-shape, with scrolled blossom rim and _leaf- scrolled feet. Diameter, 4 inches. 363—Fovur GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Similar to the preceding. 364—Fovur EnciisH SILVER-PLATED PEPPERS Vase-shape, with scrolled shell body. Height, 51%, inches. 365—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED MUFFINEERS Vase-shaped, enriched with gadroonings and urn terminal. Height, 84%, inches. 3866—OLp ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED Toast Rack Open stand; with seven arched hoops and loop handle. Length, 5% inches. 367—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Toast Rack Stretchered open oblong stand with ball feet, seven scrolled hoops and loop handle. Length, 6%, inches. 368—EncuIsH SILVER-PLATED Toast Rack Open oval stand, with ball feet, seven arched hoops and loop handle. Length, 7 inches. 369—OLp ENnciisH SILVER-PLATED Toast Rack Open shaped stand; with seven arched hoops and loop handle. Length, 7 inches. Second Session 370—Oup EnciisH SILVER-PLATED SPOON WARMER Nautilus shell, with partial hinged cover. On rustic base. Length, 5%, inches. 371—-Four GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Shell-shape, with scrolled rocaille handle. Interior gilded. Length, 434 inches. 372—Four GErorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Triangular, with flute pierced apron, ball feet and central sunk bowl for salt. Length, 417, inches. 373—LTIwo Oup EnNncuisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTSCKS Circular tray and urn socket; trimmed with looped gadrooned edges. Monogrammed. Diameter, 7 inches. 374—Two Oxutp EncuisH SInvER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Similar to the preceding. 375—Turee Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLare Snurrer Trays (a) Double pear-shape, with pierced gallery and loop handles. (es) Similar shape, with floral engraving. (c) Gadrooned oblong. Lengths, 734, 91% and 8% inches. 376—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND T'RAy Oblong, with round corners and gadrooned rim. Snuffers with scrolled handles and baluster feet. Length, 8% inches. 377—GrorRCGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND Tray Similar to the preceding; the snuffers somewhat scissor shape. Length, 9 inches. 378—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND TRAY Oblong, with leaf and gadrooned rim. Snuffers with rosettes and scrollings. Length, 914% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 379—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND TRAy Oblong; with shell-scrolled round ends. Engraved center. Snuf- fers with rosette and scrollings. Length, 101% inches. 380—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND TRAY Double pear-shape, with fine rocaille and floral rim. Snuffers with rosette and scrolled shell motives. Length, 9 inches. 381—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFERS AND TRAy Elongated oval, with large leaf scrolled rim; engraved center. Snuffers with rosette and shell motives. Length, 1034 inches. 382—TuHREE GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Puiate Sauce Boats (a) Enriched in repoussé with scrolled cartouches. On Spanish feet. (3) With leaf-scrolled handle and Spanish feet. (c) With gadrooned rim, leaf handle and claw feet. Lengths, 6, 81%, and 10 inches. 383—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Gravy Boats Scrolled gadrooned body, with leaf-scrolled handle and shell- scrolled oval foot. Length, 8 inches. 384—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLate Gravy Boats Similar to the preceding. 3885—Two EncuisH SInveR-PLATED Gravy Boats anp Trays Oval tray and boat, trimmed with grapes and vines; on Spanish feet. Length, 81% inches. 386—Two Fine Georcian SHEFFIELD PLATE Sauce Boats One with swan-head scroll handle; other with husk and reed handle. | Length, 11 inches. a er Second Session 387—LatTE GrorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CoverEeD Sauce Boat Trimmed with gadrooned rim; domed cover with scrolled pinnacle. On leaf and shell feet. Engraved with crest. Length, 10 inches. 388—ENcuIsH SHEFFIELD CIGARETTE Box Oblong; with double incurved corners, lion head and ring han- dles, gadroon motived rims, ball feet and hinged cover having leaf and ball terminal. . Length, 71, inches. 389—GeEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED Tra Cappy Oval, with gadrooned rims, lion head and ring handles and hinged cover with rosette terminal. ; Length, 6% inches. 390—Two Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Prater Boxes Round, with hinged cover, trimmed with fluted rim. Diameter, 514, inches. 3891—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Oblong, with hinged cover and wire edges. Length, 5%, inches. 392—ENcLisH SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Oblong, with round corners, dome hinged cover; trimmed with gadroon rims. Length, 714, inches. 8983—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Similar to the preceding. Length, 6% inches. 394—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CIGARETTE Box Similar to the preceding ; trimmed with pearl motived rims. Length, 8%, inches. 895—Two GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLtatrE Bonzson DisuHEs Incurved oblong; with gadrooned rim. Length, 614, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 396—Srix SILVER-PLATED DisHEs Molded low bowl shape; with gadrooned rim. Diameter, 6 inches. 397—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TUREEN Molded oblong bowl, with round corners, gadrooned rim and leaf and reed loop handles. Length, 934 inches. 398—EwncuLisH SILVER-PLATED INDIVIDUAL WARMER Oval, with gadrooned rim; domed cover with rosette terminal. Stained baluster wood handle. Length, 10 inches. 399—ENcLIisH SILVER-PLATED InpIvipUAL WARMER Round, with gadrooned rim to dish and domed cover having button terminal. Ebony baluster handle. Length, 121/, inches. 400—EncuiIsH SILVER-PLATED INDIVIDUAL WARMER Similar to the preceding. 401—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED INDIVIDUAL ENTREE Round, with reeded rims to dish, cover and button terminal. Loose lining. Length, 6%, inches. 402—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TuREEN Round, with gadrooned rim, scrolled loop handles and claw feet. Dome cover with acorned rustic handle. Monogrammed. Diameter, 7 inches. 403—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate TurEEN Molded bowl, with gadrooned rim, leaf loop handles and claw feet. Molded dome cover with loop handle. Diameter, 734, inches. eo eee ‘ah am ee ee Second Session 404-—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Basker Boat-shape, with fluted open wire sides; reeded bail handle. On molded oval base. Clear glass lining. Height, 61% inches. 405—EncLIsH SILVER-PLATED BASKET Oval boat-shape; pierced with series of diamond motives and having reeded bail handle. On molded oval foot. Blue glass lining. Height, 7 inches. 406—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PuiaTe Basket Lozenge boat-shape, with rosette pierced border and fluted wire body. MReeded bail handle. On lozenge foot. Blue glass lining. Height, 8 inches. 407—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE DisH Cross Square arms, with adjustable shell brackets and scrolled rosetted feet. Length, 12 inches. 408—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLAteE Disu Cross Similar to the preceding; with scrolled pad brackets and oval feet. Length, 131% inches. 409—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatre DisH Cross Similar to the preceding, with leaf-scrolled brackets and feet. Length, 131, inches. 410—ENncuisH SHEFFIELD CREAMER Oviform; with straight collar having gadrooned rim. Wicker handle. Height, 51, inches. 411—Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE CovERED SUCRIER Molded bowl, with gadrooned rim and leaf-scrolled handles. Dome cover with rosette terminal. Height, 6 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed wn the forepart of the Catalogue. 412—GrEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CovERED SUCRIER Blunted oval, with gadrooned rim, ball feet and scrolled handles. Domed cover with oval mushroom terminal. Length, 9 inches. 413—GeEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED TEAPOT Molded boat-shape, with gadroon rims and ball feet. Dome cover with rosette terminal. Length, 11%, inches. 414—EnewisH SILveR CoFrFEE-POT Oval gadrooned body with tall incurved neck, gadrooned dome cover with ebony mushroom terminal and looped handle. Height 9 inches, 415—Enecuisno Sinver-pLratepD Hor-mirx Pircuer By Elkington Pear-shaped ; engraved with floral festoons and medallions. Lily spray terminal to cover. Height, 91, inches. 416—GerorciaAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Correr-por Expanding round body, engraved with scrolled floral rocaille car- touches ; pinnacled dome cover and finely scrolled boxwood handle. Height, 11 inches. 417—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE CoFFEE-POT Pear-shape, with gadrooned rim and spout. Ivory button ter- minal to cover and carved ivory handle. Height 9 inches. 418—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Prater CoFFEE-POT Vase-shape; with scroll moldings at rim and shoulder, raspberry terminal to cover, leaf-scrolled spout and handle. Engraved with crest. Height, 81% inches. 419—Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE CoOFFEE-POT Expanding round body ; with gadrooned rim, elaborately scrolled spout and handle. Rosette terminal to molded dome cover. Height 91, inches. Second Session 420—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CoFFEE-POT Similar to the preceding; with plain spout and black handle. Height, 9 inches. 421—GrorciIAN SHEFFIELD PuatE Winrt Wacon Two round coasters, with pierced grape and vine border set on wheels. Reeded loop handle. Length, 161% inches. 422—LatTe GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE WinrE Wacon Two wave-edged coasters, trimmed with floral sprays; set on wheels. Length, 1534 inches. 423—Two EneiisH SHEFFIELD ALcoHot Lamp STANDS Annular rings, with differing stretchered scrolled legs. Diameters, 7 and 814 inches. 424—Two GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD Piratrt ALcoHoL STANDS Differing annular rings and stretchered scrolled legs; one reeded ; other gadrooned. Diameters, 51%, and 534 inches. 425—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Piate Potato Rine Outcurving molded ring, with upper and lower piercing of dia- mond motives. (Restored.) Diameter, 954 inches. 426—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WARMER Round low bowl; with leaf-scrolled feet and shell-scrolled loop handles. Length, 111% inches. 427—Two ENncLisH SILVER-PLATED WarMERS Round; with loose sunk top and loop hinged handles. Mono- ~ grammed. Diameter, 854 inches. 428—Fovur ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED WARMERS Similar to the preceding. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 429—Four EncGiuisH SILvVER-PLATED WARMERS Similar to the preceding. 430—Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLatE WARMER Bowl-shape, with loose sunk cover, hinged ring handles and but- ton feet. Diameter, 914 inches. 431—Otp Frencn SiLtver-PLATED WARMER Gadrooned bowl-shape, with grapevine loop handles and feet. Loose sunk cover. Diameter, 12 inches. 432—EncuisH SILvER-PLATED ALCOHOL WARMER Annular ring; on stretchered scrolled legs. Loose round dish. Diameter, 1014 inches. 433—GrEOoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WARMER Square, with round corners, molded side, sunk top and stained baluster handle. Length, 1614, inches. 434—Onp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED ReEvoLtvinc CovERED ENTREE Elliptical, with revolving cover; engraved with medallions and valance motives. On mask and scrolled legs. Length, 12 inches. 435—Onp EncusH Rervotvinc Coverep ENTREE Elliptical, with gadroon revolving cover. Enriched with scrolled handles, ram’s-headed legs and open festoons. (Imperfect.) Length, 12%, inches. 436—TIwo GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLate TuREENS Molded oblong, with round corners, gadrooned rim and reeded loop handles. Length, 151%, inches. 437—ELEveN EncuisH SInver-PLATED PLATES Round, with scroll-molded gadrooned rims. Monogrammed. Diameter, 10 inches. Second Session 438—Twetve Encuisu SILVER-PLATED PLATES Similar to the preceeding. 439—Twetve EncuisH SInveER-PLATED PLATES Similar to the preceding. 440—Twertve EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATES Similar to the preceding. 441—S1ixTEEN EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATES Similar te the preceding. 442—Si1xTrEN EncuisH SILVER-PLATED Soup PLATEs Similar to the preceding. 443—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Mrat Cover » _Gadroon oval dome; molded at foot and having rustic leaf loop handle. Engraved with crest and monograms. Length, 14 inches. 444—GEoORGIAN SHEFFIELD PruatE Mrat Cover Molded oval, enriched with shell and gadrooned border and scrolled shell loop handle. Length, 1534 inches. 44.5—-GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Mrat Cover Gadroon oval dome; rocaille and leaf loop handle. Engraved with Fraser coat-of-arms. Length, 191, inches. Formerly the property of Lord Lovat. 446—ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED Mirror PLAtTEAu Circular molded border; enriched with medallions, gadroons, beadings and sphinx feet. Diameter, 12 inches. 4479—Latr GErorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate Mirror PLatreau Trilobed molded border; with pearl motives and shell scrolled feet. Length, 14 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 448—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Mirror Puatreau Low bowl-shape, with fine scroll molded border and leaf-scrolled feet. Diameter, 1414 inches. LATE GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Mrrror PLATEAU Engraved molded round border, with rope motives at crown and base. On husked oblong feet. 449 Diameter, 16 inches. 450—O rp EnecuisH Sirver-pLatep Mirror PiatrEau Deeply molded oval border, with gadroons, pearl motives and clusters of fruit. On scrolled husk feet. Length, 18 inches. 451—Gerorcian SuHerrretp Pirate Mirror Piarrav Oblong molded border, with round shell and leaf corners and gadroons. On leaf and claw feet. Length, 27 inches. 452—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pate PLATEAU Outcurved oval molded border, with shell and leaf edge, leaf scrolled handles. On shell feet. Length, 221% inches. 453—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pratt Tray Oval, with wave gadrooned gallery, pierced with geometric mo- tives. Length, 24 inches. 454—Ewnouisu SILVER-PLATED Tray Oval, with grapevine rim and scrolled loop handles. Center en- graved with scrolled floral basket panneaux. Length, 29 inches. 455—EncusH SILVER-PLATED Tray Similar to the preceding ; grape handles. Length, 274% inches. Second Session 456—Oxup EneiisH SILVER-PLATED TRay Oval; with gadrooned border, shell-scrolled feet and loop handles. Length, 29%, inches. 457—ENGLISH SHEFFIELD PLatre Tray Oblong with round corners, grape and vine border and shell- scrolled handles. Center engraved with elaborate floral scrollings and basket panneaux. Length, 291, inches. 458—-OLp ENncuisH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Oval molded border, finely trimmed with bunches of grapes and large vine leaves. Length, 24 inches. 459—Enewish SHEerrievp Pirate Tray Oval, with waved gadroon gallery pierced with medallions and small rosettes. On button feet. Length, 24 inches. 460—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate TRay Molded oblong, with scrolled corners, trimmed with fine leaf- gadrooned rims, leaf corners and unusual leaf-scrolled loop handles; on scrolled feet. Center engraved with coat-of-arms and two scrolled floral borders. Length, 27 inches. 461—ENcUsH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Oblong, with canted corners and gadrooned gallery pierced with elaborate scrollings. Center engraved with laurel medallion and floral and drapery valanced border. Length, 221, inches. 462—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Warmer ENTREE Dis Oval low bowl, with baluster and leaf loop handle. On button feet. Loose deep gadrooned dish. Length, 21 winches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 463—Oxp EneuisH SILVER-PLATED WerLuL AND TREE PLATTER Gadrooned lobed oval, with shell motives at quarters. On finely leaf-scrolled shell feet. Engraved with coat-of-arms and mono- gram. Length, 24 inches. 464—Oxp EncuisH Sinver-PLATED PLATTER Gadrooned oval, with fine shell-scrolled motives at quarters. En- graved with coat-of-arms and crest. Length, 24 inches. 465—Gerorcian SHerrienp Prare Meat Puatrer Molded oval; with exceptionally fine gadrooned border. Length, 23 inches. BG Corin ata SHEFFIELD Pirate WeLL anp Tree Puatrrer Molded lobed oval; with exceptionally fine gadrooned border and scrolled feet. Length, 23 inches. 467—GerorciAn SHEFFIELD Pirate WELL AND Trer Pruatrrer Molded lobed oval, with very fine gadrooned border having scrolled shell motives at quarters. On leaf-bracketed claw feet. Length, 251% inches. 468—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Prarr Breap Tray Elongated oval deep dish, with fine gadrooned rim. Length, 16 inches. 469—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Puate Breap Tray Elongated oval deep boated dish, with excellent gadrooned rim. Engraved with crest. Length, 151% inches. 4°70—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD Pruatre Breap Tray Elongated oval deep dish, with molded rim enriched with shell scrollings at quarters. Engraved with coroneted monogram. Length, 1734, inches. Second Session 4'71—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PrAteE Breap Tray Oblong, with rounded ends, gadrooned rim and scrolled blossom corners. Length, 17 inches. 472—T'wo GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Breap Trays Deep oblong, with round corners, gadrooned rim and engraved coroneted monograms. Length, 15 inches. 4°73—EnciisH SHEFFIELD INnKSTAND Oblong, with scrolled claw feet, pearl motived gallery and parti- tion pierced with elaborate scrollings. Fitted with two covered inkwells. Length, 91/, inches. Late GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puatre InxstTanp Scrolled oblong, with scrolled border and feet; fitted with two pen-wells, two mounted ink bottles and wafer vase having taper holder as cover. ATA Length, 101% inches. 475—LatE GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE INKsTAND Scrolled oblong, with leaf and shell rim, bracket feet, loop han- dles and two sunk wells for pens. Fitted with two cut-glass wells and round central wafer holder with taper holder as cover. Length, 141, inches. 476—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate INKsTAND Oblong, with round corners, elaborately scroll-pierced gallery having gadrooned edges, eagle claw feet and sunk pen-wells. Fitted with two cut-glass bottles, vase wafer holder and taper holder as cover. Length, 101%, inches. 4'777—GEorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CrUET Scrolled oblong base, with scrolled feet; arranged with annular rings for eight cut-glass bottles and long scrolled loop handle. ~ (One bottle missing.) Height, 11 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 478—GrEorRGIAN INDIVIDUAL SHEFFIELD PLATE TEAPOT Bowl-shape, with incurved hood. Enriched with engraved me- dallions and floral scrollings. Length, 8 inches. 479—InpivipuaL EncrisH SILvER-PLATED CoFFEE-POT Expanding round sides, with ebony terminal to cover and square straight handle. Height, 6 inches. 480—SILVER-PLATED ARGYLE Gravy Por Bowl top compartment, with wicker handle; incurved lower com- partment, with long scrolled spout. Height, 6% inches. 481—GrorRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Trapor Blunted oval gadrooned body, with scrolled hood and cover with rosette terminal. Boxwood handle. Length, 81%, inches. 482—Earty EncuisH SInver-PLATED Hort-mitx Pircurr Barrel shape, with gadrooned rims; loose cover. with ball ter- minal. Scrolled black handle. Height, 8 inches. 483—EncuIsH SILVER-PLATED Miztx Pircurr Oval ewer-shape, with festooned band at shoulder. Boxwood scrolled handle. Height, 91, inches. 484—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD Prater Corrrr-por Gadrooned deep bowl-shape, with shell and scrolled rim, ga- drooned cover having ebony button terminal. Molded scrolled boxwood handles. Height, 8 inches, 485—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate Correr-por Pear-shape, engraved with floral scrollings, shell and scroll rims, fluted leaf-scrolled spout and leaf-carved boxwood handle. Height, 81, inches. Second Session 486—LatrE GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Hort-mitxk PircHer Molded and gadrooned deep bowl body, with gadrooned spreading foot. Acorned, pinnacled cover and ebonized scrolled handle. Height 10 inches. 487—Oxup EnceuisH SILVER-PLATED Mitx Pircuer Bulbous body, with shell and honeysuckle band. Ebonized scroll handle. Height, 834 inches. 488—Oup EncuisH SILVER-PLATED COFFEE-POT Bulbous body, with straight collar enriched with scrolled leaves and blossoms. Cover with leaf and berried terminal. Scrolled boxwood handle. Height, 94, inches. 489—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE-POT Pear-shaped body and scrolled spout engraved with floral scrolled cartouches. Cover with rosette terminal. Ebonized scrolled handle. Height, 834, inches. 490—GrEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE-POT Pear-shape, with engraved floral scrolled cartouches, leaf crest- ing, engraved cover having rosette terminal and leaf-scrolled handle. Height, 914, inches. 491—Oup ENncuisH SILVER-PLATED COFFEE-POT Squat ewer-shape; with basket panneaux, scrolled engraving, leaf-scrolled handle and spout and scrolled bracket feet. Height, 10 inches. 492—-GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puatr Hot-mitk PircHEer Scrolled gadrooned body, with incurved neck, gadrooned rims, cover with round leaf terminal and ebony handle. Height, 914, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 493—GeroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TEAPOT Gadrooned bowl-shape, with two scrolled leaf rims at crown. Small gadrooned cover having rosette terminal. Scrolled box- wood handle. Length, 63% inches. 494—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE-POT Pear-shape, with two scrolled leaf rims at crown. Domed cover with boxwood vase terminal and scrolled handle. Height, 10%, inches. 495—-LatTE GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PuatTE CoFFEE-POT Expanding round body, with molded domed cover having acorned rosette terminal, fine leaf-scrolled spout and scrolled boxwood handle. Height, 1034 inches. 496—LatTE GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Hor-mitx Prircuer Ewer shape, engraved with husk festoons; S-scrolled boxwood handle. Height, 111% inches. 497-—O.Lp Encuisn SInver-PLATED Hor-mitK PircHEerR Wave gadrooned oval ewer-shape, with gadrooned rims at shoul- der. Boxwood loop handle. Height, 111% inches. 498—GerorRGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate Mitx Pircuer Similar in shape to the preceding. Height, 1134 inches. 499—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Prats CoFFEE-PoT Ewer-shape, with fine pearl molded banding. Cover with acorn terminal. Unusual scrolled boxwood handle. Height, 181%, inches. 500—Two Earty Grorcian Sitver anp SHEFFIELD Puate Can- DLESTICKS Festooned half-fluted Ionic shaft. On doubly festooned pedestal stepped square base. Height, 137% inches. Note: One candlestick of this pair is of silver and was made by John Carter. London Hall Mark of 1772. Second Session 501—Srx Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate CANDLESTICKS Gadrooned baluster shaft, with leaf-enriched socket and fine spreading gadrooned base having scrolled shell motives at in- tervals. Height, 10 inches. 502—Fovur GrorciIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Similar to the preceding; varying in enrichments. Height, 1014 inches. 503—Two Parcet GinpED SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Half-reeded fluted Ionic shaft. On stepped and gadroon base. Height, 121% inches. 504—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLaTE CANDLESTICKS Tapering round shaft, round molded base and urn socket; trimmed with varied scrolled leaf-bandings. Height, 10%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 505—Two GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Round clustered columnar shaft, with leaf capital and square base; enriched with unusual scrolled gadroons. Height, 184% inches. 506—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Incurved round shaft, with ram’s-head and hoof-leg enrichment, fluted socket and festooned square base having leaf moldings. Height, 1114 inches. 507—TIwo EncuisH SILvER-PLATED CANDLESTICKS Half-reeded Corinthian shaft, with pearl-motived stepped base. Height, 1134 inches. Second Session 508—Two Gerorcian SHEFFIELD PLate CANDLESTICKS Oblong balustered shaft and socket, with gadrooned borders. On molded oblong base with round corners. Height, 125% inches. 509—Fovr GrorciAn SHEFFIELD PLatE CANDLESTICKS Spirally fluted tapering round shaft, with socket and molded round base similarly enriched. Engraved with crests. Height, 12%, inches. 510—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLatE CANDELABRA Molded tapering round shaft; with detachable scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 1514 inches. 511—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate CANDELABRA Tapering round shaft, urn socket and molded round base; en- riched with gadroonings. Scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 161, inches. 512—-T wo GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Half-reeded tapering round shaft, with gadrooned, molded base and urn socket. Scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 171, inches. 513—TIwo GeorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Tapering round shaft, molded base and urn socket having ga- droonings. Reeded scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 1914 inches. 514—-T wo Oxp Eneuisu SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Incurved gadrooned shaft, scrolled base and urn socket enriched with large leaf motives. Leaf-scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 21%, inches. 515—Two Late GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Tapering round shaft, base and urn socket enriched with looped gadrooned bandings. Reeded S-scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 1934 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 516—Two EncusH SILvER-PLATED CANDELABRA Tapering round shaft, scroll molded base and urn socket en- riched with scrolled blossom banding. Reeded scrolled arms for five lights. Height, 181% inches. 517—Two EncuisH SILvVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Half-reeded Corinthian column; on stepped square base. Leaf- scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 2014, inches. 518—-I'wo Oxip EncuiisH SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Fluted incurved baluster shaft, with leaf bandings, scrolled ga- drooned foot and leaf-scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 22 inches. 519—Two GEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Half-reeded round shaft, with double gadroon molded base. S- scrolled reeded arms for three lights. Height, 1714, inches. 520—Two Otp ENGLIsH SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Reeded round shaft, on balustered base supported by three grif- fons standing on molded round base having three outset flanges. Honeysuckle scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 2334 inches. 521—Two Grorctan SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Tapering round shaft, base and urn bobéche enriched with ga- drooned bandings. Reeded leaf-scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 2414, inches. 522—T wo GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Leaf-enriched tapering round shaft, with gadroon and leaf-mo- tived round base and urn socket. Leaf and reeded scrolled arms for five lights. Height, 25 inches. Second Session 523—Two Bravutirut Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Half-reeded expanding round shaft, enriched with long leaves at foot and leaf imbrications at crown and round base. Supported on incurved triangular molded base having bracketed claw feet. Reeded leaf-scrolled arms for five lights. Height, 27 inches. 524—Two Otp Eneisu SILvER-PLATED CANDFELABRA Leaf-scrolled, waving rustic shaft; enriched with open vines and two cupidons. On claborate scrolled tripod cartouched base. Double-scrolled leaf arms for ten lights. Engraved with mono- gram. Height, 35%, inches. 525—GEoORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRUM Tapering shaft ; urn socket and round molded base enriched with gadroonings and leaf bandings. Reeded scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 2234 inches. 526—Onp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED LAMP Expanding round shaft and round molded pedestal, enriched with pearl bandings. Bulbous oil chamber. Height, 30 inches. 527—Two SILVER-PLATED SCONCES Italian Renaissance Style Scrolled cartouche back, with scrolled acanthus leaves, festoons and two. cupidons supporting basket of flowers. Three scrolled arms for lights. Height, 1634 inches. 528—Turee Otrp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED COMPOTIERS Fluted round shaft, with molded round crown and base; engraved with floral scrollings and valance motives. Height, 734 inches. 529—Four Otp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED COMPOTIERS Similar to the preceding. 530—_Four Oup EncuisH SILVER-PLATED COMPOTIERS Similar to the preceding. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 5381—EneLisH SILVER-PLATED CREAMER AND Bown Bowl-shape, with gadrooned and scrolled shell rim, scrolled han- dles and shell feet. Lengths, 7 and 8% inches. 5382—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CREAMER AND Bown Molded oblong body; enriched with pearl moldings and strap handles. Lengths, 64% and %14 inches. 5383—GeEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PuateE CrEAMER AND Bown Low molded bowl-shape, with fine leaf-scrolled handles. Interiors gilded. Lengths, 5% and %%% inches. 534—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Creamer AND Bown Gadroon molded bowl-shape, with blossomed loop handles. In- teriors gilded. . Lengths, 64%, and 75% inches. 535—GeEorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puatr Tra Ser Molded boat-shape, with leaf-engraved bands and molded strap handles. Teapot, oval stand, sucrier and creamer. Engraved with crests. Lengths, 1112; 714; 714, and 54 inches. 536—SILVER-PLATED Tra Set Gadrooned oval low body with gadrooned rims, scrolled feet and handles. Teapot, covered sucrier, bowl and creamer. Lengths, 94,3; 914; 7 and 61, inches. 5387—Oxup EncuisH SILvER-PLATED Tra Ser Broad pear-shape; engraved with arabesque medallions. Teapot, creamer and sucrier. Lengths, 10%, 43, and 7% “inches, 538—Latr Grorcran SHEFFIELD Prare Tra Ser Low oval gadrooned body, with small gadrooned rim and cover having ebony terminal; scrolled handles. Teapot, creamer and sucrier. | Lengths, 1114; 8 and 8% inches. Second Session 5389—Oxp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED T'rA AND CoFrFEE SET Oval expanding body, with pearl rims and scroll-engraved band- ings and double medallions. Tea and coffee pot, creamer and sucrier. Heights, 5; 714; 334 and 8% inches. 540—GerorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Tra Ser Gadrooned bowl-shape, with flanged blossom and shell-scrolled flange near reed hood. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Lengths, 1014; 814 and 6% inches. 541—Oxup EncuisuH SHEFFIELD Prats Tra SET Oval boat-shape body, with gadroons at incurved neck. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Lengths, 121%; 714% and 61% inches. 542—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Piate TEAPoT Blunted oval boat-shape, with alternate scrolled flutes and ga- droons and pomegranate scrolled rim; cover with oblong berried terminal. Ebony handle. Length, 1034 inches. 5483—Oxn.p EncuisH SILVER-PLATED TEAPOT Oval expanding body, with scroll engraved cover. Looped ebony handle, Length, 111% inches. 544—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PuatTE T'RAPOT Blunted oval body, engraved with rosetted scroll banding; dome cover with ebony terminal. Length, 11% inches. 545—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CREAMER AND Bown Low round body, with scroll blossomed rim and curved leaf han- dles. Interior gilded. Lengths, 6%, and 7%, inches. 546—GerorciAN SHEFFIELD Puate Hot-water KetrrLe Gadrooned body and neck, with leaf-scrolled shoulder, looped wicker handle. On stand having reeded hoofed legs. Height, 1434, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ae cscs een 547%7—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PiaTE URN Vase-shape, with domed cover having ringed ball terminal. On molded square base with ball feet. Looped reeded handies. Height, 134% inches. 548—GrorcGiAN SHEFFIELD PiatE Urn Globular, with ball terminal, lion head and ring handles, in- curved shaft and square base having ball feet. Height, 121% inches. 549—GrorciaAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Hot-water Kerrie Globular, engraved with medallioned crest and basketed scroll- ings; cover with scrolled pear-shaped terminal; looped bail handle. On pierced scrolled stand having C-scrolled shell feet. Height, 1434 inches. 550—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Hot-watrer Kerrie Pear-shape, with scrolled bail handle, spout and cover having floral terminal. Round stand, with open. scroll feet and sustain- ing’ arms. Height, 138% inches. 551—Late Grorcian Sitver-piatTep Hort-water Kerrie Bulbous body, with scrolled loop handle and melon terminal to cover. Molded round stand, with fine scrolled legs having shell feet. Height, 1454 inches. 552—LatTE Grorcian Suerrienp Prare Hor-warrer Kerrie Gadroon oviform, with leaf-scrolled loop handle and lily terminal to cover. Open stand of stretchered scrolling leafage. Height, 1454 inches. '553—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Hot-warer Kerrier Broad pear-shape ; enriched in repoussé with scrolled cartouches ; cover with melon terminal and fine leaf-scroll loop handle. Round molded stand pierced with scrollings. On leaf and shell cabriole legs. Height, 15 inches. Second Session 554—GerorGiaAN SHEFFIELD PuatrE Hot-water Kerrie Wave-gadrooned pear-shape, with loop bail handle and lily ter- minal to cover. Molded round stand, having leaf-scrolled lyre arms and shell feet. Height, 1614, inches. 555—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate Urn Deep bowl-shape, with outcurved gadrooned cresting, cover with acorn terminal, and looped leaf handles terminating in bunches of grapes. On tapering strap legs having lion heads and claw feet, incurved gadrooned square base and ball feet. Height, 14%, inches. 556—Late Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Hor-watrer Kerrie Broadly gadrooned pear-shape, with fluted scrolled spout, cover with rosette terminal and finely scrolled loop handle having ivory center. On molded incurved oblong base with open rocaille sup- ports and floral scrolled feet. Height, 1634 inches. 557—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Urn Oviform, with incurved neck, dome cover with pineapple terminal ; leaf-scrolled side handles. Trimmed at intervals with bandings of clustered flowers and leaves. On molded square base and bracketed claw feet. Height, 181%, inches. 558—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Piate Urn Repoussé pear-shaped body, spirally leaved, gadrooned and fluted ; open scrolled side handles and spigot. Curious pinnacled, rocailled pear-shaped cover. On square pierced base and open leaf-scrolled feet. Height, 22%, inches. 559—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Liqueur CRruet Incurved triangular base, with three square holders fitted with square cut-glass bottle. Long loop handle. Height, 10%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 560—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Piate Liqueur CRUET Molded trilobed gadrooned base; on bracketed claw feet; ar- ranged with three rings fitted with reed cut-glass bottles. Long reeded handle having leaf loop termination. Height, 114% inches. 561—Two O.tp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED AND Guass ComMPorTiERs Grape and vine rustic stem, with arms sustaining loose sanded glass round dish cut with diapers to the clear. Open round base with further vines. Diameter, 914 inches. 562—Two Oxtp EncuisH Sinver-PLaATeD AND Grass ComMPorTiIERs Similar to the preceding. 563—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATTERS Oval, with well-molded border. Lengths, 19%, and 17% inches. 564—Two Encuisu Sitver-PLATED PLATTERS Similar to the preceding. } Length, 20 inches. 565—TxHree O1rp EncuisH SInver-PLATED PLATTERS Pointed oval, with reeded rims. Lengths, two 22 inches, other 1734 inches. 566—Enewiso Sinver-PLATED PLATTER Oval, with pearl-molded border. Length, 1814 inches. 567—Oup EncusuH SILVER-PLATED PLATTER Oval, with gadroon molded border. Length, 1814 inches. 568—EneuisH Sinver-PLATED PLATTER Molded oval, with scrolled rocaille and leaf border. Length, 1614 inches. Second Session 569—-Two Oup EneuisH SILVER-PLATED CHop DisHEs Round; one with scrolled floral rim; other with grape and vine leaved border. Diameter, 12 inches. 570—Two EncusH SILvER-PLATED Cuor DisHEs Round, with scrolled molded gadrooned border. Diameter, 11% inches. 571—Two EnceuisH SILVER-PLATED CHorp DisHEs Similar to the preceding. Initialed C. Diameter, 121 inches. 572—_-Two SmatL Encuise SILVER-PLATED PLATTERS Oval, with gadrooned border. Length, 101% inches. 573—Two Smautt EncuisH Sitver-PLATED PLATTERS Similar to the preceding. Length, 101% inches. 574—Turee SMALL ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED PLATTERS Similar to the preceding. Length, 101% inches. 575—Turee SMart EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATTERS Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 1154 and 1234 inches. 576—Turee Smatyt EnciuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATTERS Oval, with scrolled rocaille and leaf edges. Lengths, 1014, 12 and 12%4 inches. 577—Oxip EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CHop DisH Round, with blossom and leaf-scrolled rim. Diameter, 1034 inches. 578—Encusu SItver-PLATED WELL AND TREE STEAK DisH Oval, with finely molded rim. Length, 1114 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a cg nee cre nnn eS 579—Two Encusn SInverR-PLATED SALVERS Scrolled round; with grape border and open leaf feet. Center engraved with floral scrollings. Diameter, 91% inches. 580—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Round, with scroll-molded rocaille and leaf borders. Engraved center. Diameter, 9 inches. 581—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Round, with scrolled molded border; enriched with shell motives and scrollings. Diameter, 8%, inches. 582—Two Otp EnciisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS (a) Lobed round, with cartouched gadrooned rim. (8) Round, with double pearl-motived molded border. Diameters, 95% and 81% inches. 588—Two Oxtp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS (a) Oval, with gadrooned rim and ball feet. (8) Similar, with claw feet. . Lengths, 10144 and 6%, inches. 584—Two Oxtp Encuisn Sitver-praTep SALVERS (a) Round, with pearl rim and pierced scroll border; leaf fect. (8) Round, with pearl-molded border. Diameters, 7 and 814 inches. 585—Two Oxp Encuisn Sinver-PLaTeD SALvERS (a) Molded round, with pearl rim and claw feet. (8) Scroll-molded round, with gadrooned edge and Spanish feet. Diameters, 6144 and 6% inches. 586—Two Encusu Sinver-piatep SAaLvers Round; finely scroll molded and finished with shell and scrolls. On scroll ball feet. Diameter, 614 inches. Second Session 587—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 614 inches. 588—Two EneuisH SILVER-PLATED SMALL TRAysS Oval, with scroll-pierced gallery finished with pearl motives. On ball feet. Length, 61 inches. 589—Two EneuisH SILverR-PLATED SMatt Trays (a) Oblong, with canted corners and arched pierced gallery. (8) Square, with gadroon and shell border; on ball feet. Lengths, 7 and 5%% inches. 590—TuHree ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS (a) Round, with molded rim. (p) Oval, with gadroon and shell edge. (c) Oval, with gadrooned rim and fan feet. Diameter, 554 inches; Lengths, 717, and 6%% inches. 591—ENcuisH SILVER-PLATED SMALL TRAy Molded oblong; with canted corners and arched pierced gallery. Length, 7 inches. 592—EnNGLISH SILVER-PLATED SMALL 'T'RAyY Similar to the preceding. 593—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CREAMER AND SUCRIER (a) Creamer, goblet shape with gadrooned flutes and molded strap handles. (3) Sucrier, deep bowl-shaped, with tripod ram’s-head and hoof legs. . Heights, 444 and 414, inches. 594—Two SILVER-PLATED CREAMERS (a) Ten-side helmet-shape; on square foot. (sw) Pear-shape, with gadrooned lip and foot; scrolled handle. Heights, 434 and 51% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 595—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CREAMERS (a) Fluted ewer-shape, with square foot. (zn) Gadrooned helmet-shape, with oblong foot. | Heights, 6% and 6% inches. 596—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TEAPOT Gadrooned, blunted oval body, with scrolled flanged cresting. On button feet; looped boxwood handle. Length, 7% inches. 597—ENcUusH SILVER-PLATED CREAMER Reeded expanding oval kody, with scrolled handle. Height, 4% inches. 598—SHEFFIELD Pirate WinE FuNNEL AND INKSTAND (a) Molded loose funnel, with gadrooned rim and pierced gilded strainer. (s) Square incurved inkstand with pearl edges, small drawer, fitted under hinged cover with covered glass well. Length, 6 inches; height, 814 inches. 599—Two EncusH Parcet GrupED SILVER-PLATED SALTS Gilded shell carried on back of eagle standing on rustic base. Width, 5 inches. 600—Two EneuisH Parcen GinpED SILVER-PLATED Sats Similar to the preceding. THIRD SESSION WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 10.30 A. M. Catalogue Numbers 601 to 900, inclusive GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD AND OTHER PLATED WARE 601—Two Sriver-PLATED Trays Round, one with scalloped rim. Diameters, 6 and 5% inches. 602—EneLisH SILVER-PLATED SALVER Scallop-molded round; trimmed with scrolled shell motives. On scrolled ball feet. Diameter, 714 inches. 603—Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVER Round, with gadroon and flute rim. On ball feet. Engraved with crest. Diameter, 714 inches. 604—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVER Reeded and molded oval; on bracket feet. Length, 8% inches. 605—GrorcGIAN SHEFFIELD TRAY Serpentined oval, with reed and floral rim. Length, 834 inches. 606—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVER Molded oval, with gadrooned rim. Engraved with crest. On wood base. Length, 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 607—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVER Molded round, with gadrooned rim and scrolled feet. Mono- grammed. Diameter, 8 inches. 608—GEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED SALVER Round, with scroll and floral border and feet. Engraved with crest, monogram and scroll basket center. Diameter, 81%, inches. 609—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE Savers (A) Round, with gadrooned edge, scroll feet and engraved mono- gram. (3) With reeded rim and fan feet. Diameter, 8% inches. 610—Two GrorciaAN SHEFFIELD Puate SALvERS Round, with gadrooned rim and shell-scrolled feet. Diameter, 81% inches. 611—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD PiatE Satvers Scroll-molded round, with shell and scroll enrichment. On shell feet. Diameter, 8°, inches. 612-—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE SALVERS (A) Scroll-molded round, with scrolled cartouche rim, engraved scroll border and fine scrolled ball feet. (8) With scrolled floral rim, open feet and initialed within floral border. Diameters, 8 and 9 inches. 6138—Two Groreian SHEFFIELD PuatTE SALVERS (a) Scroll-molded round, with fine open feet and rocaille and scroll engraved center. : (2) Similar, with shell rim, leaf-scrolled ball feet. Diameters, 934 and 101% inches. Third Session 614—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Tray Molded oblong, with round corners, gadrooned rim and scrolled feet. Length, 10 inches. 615—EncusH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Scroll-molded oval, with shell and leaf-scrolled rim. Length, 1234, inches. -616—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Prate Tray Molded oblong, with round corners and gadrooned rim. Length, 11 inches. 617—Two Gerorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE CREAMERS | Oval boat-shape and round; variously trimmed with scrolled ga- droonings, claw feet and ball feet and leaf-scrolled handles. Lengths, 6 and 61% inches. 618—GeorcIAN SHEFFIELD Puate CREAMER AND CovERED SUCRIER Bowl-shape, with gadroons, floral scroll bands, leaf-scroiled han- dles and cover with berried ball terminal. Lengths, 61, and 7%, inches. 619—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CREAMER AND SUCRIER Blunted oval boat-shape, trimmed with shell-scrolled rim and leaf- enriched looped handles. Lengths, 614 and 85% inches. 620—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SUCRIER Gadrooned bowl, with small beaded rim and reeded strap handles. Length, 7 inches. 621—Oxtp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SUCRIER Gadrooned globular, with beaded boat-shaped mouth. S-scrolled handles. Length, 7 inches. 622—Latr GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SUCRIER Bowl-shaped with beaded rims, engraved medallions and loop handles. Engraved with crest. Length, 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 623—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SUCRIER Gadrooned bowl, with molded rim. Gilded interior. Diameter, 534 inches. 624—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SucRIER Bowl-shape, with engraved imbricated scrolled cartouches; leaf- scrolled handles. Length, 814 inches. 625—GrorciIAN SHEFFIELD PiatE Bowr Gadrooned bowl, with smaller gadrooned rim. Interior gilded. Diameter, 71% inches. 626—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Piate SucrIER Molded low bowl, with scrolled shell edge and ball feet. Diameter, 7 inches. 627—EncuisH SHEFFIELD PLaTE SucriER Bowl shape; on molded round foot. Engraved with deep band of medallions and scrollings. Diameter, 614 inches. 628—OLp EneuisH Sitver-Piatep T'Eapor Gadrooned and molded globular body, with dome cover having ball terminal. Height, 71, inches. 629—Enenisnh Sinver-PpLatrep ARGYLE Gravy Por Pear-shaped, with outcurved foot; two compartments, one with short, other with long spout. Dome cover with pineapple ter- minal. Height, 714, inches. 630—Gerorcian Suerrietp Puare Gravy Por Helmet shape; with round molded foot and S-handle. Height, 634 inches. Third Session 631-——Two GerorcGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate Coverep TuUREENS Oblong bowls, with gadroon enrichment loop leaf handles and foot. Domed cover with further gadroons and loop handle. Engraved with crest. Length, 73, inches. 632—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED SAucre TUREEN Oval vase-shape, with loop handles and molded oval foot. Dome cover with vase terminal. Length, 101% inches. 633—Two GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE TuREENS AND TRAys Gadrooned bowl-shape, with leaf and shell handles, gadrooned rims, cover with leaf and berry loop handle. Enriched tray with broad acanthus-leaf expanding into handles. Length, 934, inches. 634—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate TuREEN Bowl-shape, with loop handles and dome cover having blossom terminal. Length, 7 inches. 635—Two GrorciAn SHEFFIELD PLATE TuREENS Bowl-shape, with leaf loop handles, molded round~ foot, ga- drooned rim, and domed cover having berried leaf loop handle. Length, 9°4 inches. 636—Fovur Parcet GinpEp SILVER-PLATED SALTS Gilded shell, carried on back of eagle standing on rustic base. Length, 5 inches. 637—Oxup EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Pearl-molded scrolled round tray, with gallery for storm glass, long extinguisher and cartouched scroll handle. Diameter, 61% inches. 638—Two Otp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Molded round base, with small socket, open gallery for storm glass and long extinguisher. Length, 51% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 639—-Two Oxip ENcLisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Round tray, with gadrooned rim and long round shaft fitted with spring for candle, ara Length, 51% inches. 640—Two Oxrp EncLisH SILVER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Similar to the preceding. 641—GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate DisH Cross Square cross base, with expanded brackets and scrolled oval feet. Length, 1214 inches. 642—GeroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Disu Cross Similar to the preceding; varying in detail. Length, 121% inches. 643—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate CoastTERs Round, with gadroon gallery connected by loop shell, loop han- dles. Length, 144%, inches. 644—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate WarMER Oblong, with inset corners and gadrooned rim; rope-motived loop handles. Engraved with crest. Length, 115% inches. 645—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Warmers Round, with sunk top and hinged looped side handles. Diameter, 734, inches. 646—Four Encusy Sinver-PLaTEep WARMERS Round, with loose plate cover engraved with monogram; hinged loop side handles. | Diameter, 81% inches. 647—Two EncuisH SInver-PLATED WARMERS Similar to the preceding. 648—Oxrp Eneuisu Sitver-pratep Cuor Disu By Elkington Deep round, with molded rim: . Diameter, 934 inches. Third Session 649—S1x SInvER-PLATED PLATES Round, with broad molded rims. Diameter, 1054 inches. 650—Srix EncuisH SILvER-PLATED PLATES Scrolled reeded round, with leaf and berry enrichment. Diameter, 101% inches. 651—Srx Otp ENcuisH SILveR-PLATED Soup PuatTeEs Deep centers. Borders trimmed with gadroons; engraved crest. Diameter, 10 inches. 652—Eicut OLtp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATES Scroll-molded round, with gadrooned rims. Engraved with crest. Diameter, 934 inches. 653—Twentve Oup EncuisH SILvEeR-PLATED PLaATEs Round, with flanged borders having beaded edge. Diameter, 914 inches. 654—FourtTEEN Otp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATES Similar to the preceding. -655—Two Grorcian GILDED SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Garlanded round shaft with pearl-motived bobéche and square molded base. Height, 5%, inches. 656—Fovur GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Shaft as voluminously robed vestal; urn bobéche and circular molded base. Height, 111%, inches. 657—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD Piare CaNnDLESTICKS Incurved fluted baluster, with rams’ heads having hoofed legs; fluted socket; square molded base enriched with festoons and leafage. Initialed. Height, 1114 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 658—-Four GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Leaf-enriched baluster shaft; on scroll-molded spreading base with similar leafage. Height, 934 inches. 659—Fovur GErorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Leaf-enriched tapering round shaft; urn socket and molded round base with shell-scrolled bandings. Height, 111% inches. 660—Four GrorGiaAN SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICKS Half-reed fluted and festooned Ionic shaft. On square incurved base having medallioned crest and laurel festoon. Height, 12 inches. 661—T'wo Grorcian SHEFFIELD Piatt CANDLESTICKS Fluted Corinthian column, with gadrooned and molded base. Height, 141% inches. Third Session 662—T'wo Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Expanding baluster shaft, with gadroonings. On round base having leaf-enriched reedings. Loose arms for three lights. Height, 201%, inches. 663—Two Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLatE CANDELABRA Tapering round shaft and molded round base enriched with gad- roonings. Loose scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 215% inches. 664—Two GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Phare CANDELABRA Leaf-enriched expanding round shaft; gadrooned on base and at crown. Loose scrolled arms for two lights. Height, 191, inches. 665—Two Late GrorciaAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE CANDELABRA Urn socket, tapering round shaft and molded base; enriched with oval medallioned bandings. Loose scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 191, inches. 666—Two EnciisH SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA By Elkington Half-reeded Corinthian column; on square base having festooned urns. Loose scrolled arms for five lights. Height, 2014, inches. 667—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Scrolled baluster shaft and molded spreading base, enriched with leaf motives. Loose scrolled arms for three lights. | Height, 21 inches. 668—Two SrinvER-PLATED CANDELABRA Spirally twisted and medallioned baluster shaft. On rocaille scrolled base set on trilobed plinth. Three leaf-scrolled arms for lights. Height, 185% inches. 669—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Gadroon tapering round shaft and base engraved with crest. Loose scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 20 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 670—Two Oxrp Enewisn Sitver-PLATED ELectric CANDELABRA Reeded round shaft, with gadrooned and molded base. Sustained by three griffons standing on flanged molded round base. Scrolled leaf and Harpy arms for four lights. Engraved with crest. Height, 241% inches. 671—Two Massive GrEorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Spirally balustered and acanthus-leaf enriched shaft; triangular leaf-motived base with bracketed leonic head and claw motives. Loose leaf-scrolled reeded arms for four lights. Height, 261% inches. 672—Two GrEorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Expanding reeded round shaft, with tripod leaf-scrolled claw feet. having open shell valances. Honeysuckle and leaf-scrolled arms for six lights. Height, 313, inches. 673—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRUM Half-reeded tapering round shaft, with gadrooned molded base and socket. Loose reed-scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 261, inches. 674—Parcet Gripep SILvER-PLATED Sanctuary Hanetrne Lamp Italian Eighteenth Century Kgg-shape, with incurved top and pendented acorn. Repoussé enrichment of leaf motives and gilded festoons of blossoms. On open link chains to domed leaf canopy. Length, 3 feet 6 inches. 675—SILVER-PLATED Haneine Sanctuary Lamp Italian Eighteenth Century Vase shape; enriched in repoussé with curious fan medallions and leaf motives. On link chains to small canopy. Length, 3 feet 6 inches. 676—-Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE Tray Serpentine molded oblong, with rare border of leaf scrolls, shell motives, grapes and vines; scrolled feet and loop handles. Center engraved with floral scrollings. Length, 27%, inches. Third Session 677—Oup EncuisH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Round, with scrolled gadrooned molded rim. Engraved with crest. Diameter, 201, inches. 678—Oup ENGLIsH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Oval, with leaf-pierced border, leaf and reed rim and finely leaf- scrolled loop handles. Center engraved with medallion and inter- lacing scrolled leaf border. Length, 291% inches. 679—Oxup EncuisH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Round, with finely scroll-molded border and elaborate scrolled shell and floral rim. On shell-scrolled feet. Center engraved with coat-of-arms and deep border of florally scrolled basketed panneaux. Diameter, 24 inches. 680—LaTE GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRAy Oval, with pearl-molded waved gallery pierced with oval medal- lions, festoons and curious basketing following the contour of the wavings. On ball feet. Length, 265% inches. 681—Grorcian SHEFFIELD PiatTE Tray Oblong, with scrolled rim of leaf and floral vines; similar loop handles. Center engraved with monogram; border of floral scroll- ings. Length, 285% inches. 682—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Tray Serpentined oval, with leaf, shell and grapevine border. Scrolled loop handle and acanthus-leaf feet. Center engraved with florally scrolled medallions. Length, 29%, inches. 683—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TrRAy Finely scroll-molded oval; enriched with fine shell, leaf and ro- caille motives. Shell-scrolled loop handles. On open blossomed feet. Center engraved with floral medallions and scrollings. Length, 31% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 684—EncusH SILvER-PLATED Brass Tray anp Copper PitcHER Seventeenth Century Circular tray; engraved with wreathed coat-of-arms. On short foot. Helmet pitcher, with gadrooned leaf-scrolled handle. Diameter, 14 inches; height, 734 inches. 685—GrorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate PLATTER AND CovER Oval; both with gadroon borders; domed cover with fine scrolled looped handle. Engraved with coat-of-arms and crest. Length, 14 inches. 686—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Warmer, WELL AND Trex, Puat- TER AND COVER Gadrooned oval platter, with exceptionally well-scrolled handles. Dome cover, with gadroonings and acorned rustic loop handle. Engraved with coats-of-arms. Length, 23 inches. 687—Gerorcian SuHerrieLD PrateE Weit anp Tree Warmer Prat- TER AND CovEeR Similar to the preceding; but with shell-scrolled feet. Length, 27 inches. 688—GerEorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate WELL anp TREE Warmer PLAT- TER AND CovER Oval platter, with scrolled edge of shell and leaf motives, scrolled handles and feet. Molded domed and gadrooned cover, with fine floral loop handle. Engraved with crest and monograms. Length, 261% inches. 689—Oxp Encusu Sitver-PLatep WELL AND TREE PLATTER Oval, with scrolled border of grapes and vines. Scrolled leaf feet. Length, 201%, inches. 690—EneutsH Sitver-pLateD Wett anp Tree PLarrer Similar to the preceding; with gadrooned rim and claw feet. Length, 191, inches. Third Session 691—GrEorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLAtE WELL AND TREE WARMER PLATTER Oval; with gadrooned rim, fine scrolled handles and unusual balustered wood feet. Engraved with coat-of-arms. Length, 26 inches. 692—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WELL AND TREE WaRMER PLATTER Oval, with gadrooned and leaf-scrolled rim. Scrolled boxwood handles. On button feet. Length, 24 inches, 693—GrorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WeELL AND TREE PLATTER Oval, with gadrooned rim and ball feet. Engraved with coat-of- arms. Length, 231, inches. 694—-GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE WELL AND TREE Warmer Puat- TER Oval, with very beautiful scrolling border of masks amid leaf and shell scrollings entwined with floral vines; rustic loop han- dles ; leaf-scrolled feet. Engraved with crests. Length, 261, inches. 695—GrEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WELL AND TREE WARMER PLATTER Lobed oval, with gadrooned rim, scrolled wood handles and but- ton feet. Length, 25%, inches. 696—GeEOoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WELL AND WARMER PLATTER Scrolled oval, with gadrooned shell and cartouche rim, scrolled boxwood handles and button feet. Curious cruciformed well with frontal gallery. Length, 25 inches. 697—GEOoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PhatE WELL AND WaArRMER PLATTER Scrolled oval; with gadrooned rim, scrolled loop handles and leaf and claw feet. Length, 253, inches. 698—Turere Otp EneuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATTERS Oval, with scrolled edges enriched with acorn motives. Lengths, 281/,, 2154 and 16%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 699—Oxp Enciuisu Sirver-pLraTeD Mirror Priareau : Molded round rim, with bunches of grapes and vine enrichment. Diameter, 1634 inches. “00—Otp EncusH Sinver-PLATED Mrrror PLaTEau Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 17 inches. *01—OLp EncusH SInver-PLATeD Mirror Piatreau Round; with incurved deep sides; molded with ovolo motives at crown and base. Diameter, 1534 inches. 702—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE PLATEAU Oblong, with round corners and gadrooned rim. Straight sides, enriched with grapes and vines. On claw feet. 3 Length, 2014, inches. 703—GeroRGIAN SILVER-PLATED Mrrror PLATEAU ~ Pearl-molded oblong, with round corners, enriched with fine vines bearing bunches of grapes. On leonic headed claw feet. Length, 271, inches. 104—THREE-DIVISION GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Mrrror PLATEAU Each oblong, the ends with round corners. Molded sides, en- riched with leaf scrollings and similar open feet. The ends form a smaller plateau when locked together. Length, 461, inches. 705—GEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Mrrror Piatreau i Molded-oblong, with round corners, fine floral rim and winged leonic head and claw footed supports. Engraved with crests. (Slight crack in mirror.) Length, 291% inches. 706—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate THREE-DIvVISION TABLE CENTER Oblong center with adjustable pins, ends with round corners; all with deep galleries finished with gadrooned rim. The two ends form a smaller center when locked together. Length, 333, inches. Third Session 707—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Taste CENTER Round, with rimmed center for flower vase. Finished with fine border of roses and leaves. Diameter, 15 inches. 708—Two Rervovusst Sitver-pLarep PrLaaueEs Renaissance Style Niched subjects, “King David Eating the Shewbread” and ‘The Gathering of Manna.” Oblong. Height, 18 inches; width, 934 inches. 709—GrorcGiAN SHEFFIELD Piate Tea Cappy Oblong, with flaring sides, ball feet and gadrooned rims. Two domed hinged covers for two compartments. Looped molded scrolled handle. Length, 9 inches. 710—Oxp EnctuisH Sritver-PLATED INKSTAND Oblong, with canted corners, scrolled feet, finely pierced gallery, two wells for pens and central round galleried receptacle. Fitted with two glass wells. Length, 9 inches. %11—GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD PrateE Eca SERVER Incurved molded square stand; with scrolled feet, central shaft having scrolled handle and four gilded spoons. Stand fitted with four egg-cups. Height, 8°54 inches, 712—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Ecce SErver Oval stand, trimmed with leaf scrollings and shell feet. Wire frame with hoop handle sustaining six egg-cups and oval salt. Height, 834 inches. 713—Oxup Encuisu Srnver-PLATED Ecce SERVER Incurved molded oblong stand, with open scrolled feet. Inter- esting wire frame, having arched handle and sustaining six egg- cups. 714—Oxp Irisu Sitver-PLATED Potato Rine Incurved body, with piercings displaying pastoral figures and birds amid landscapes and scrollings. co Diameter, 81% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. “15—Oxp IrisH SILVER-PLATED Potato Rine anp Bowzu Incurved ring, pierced with pastoral subject amid scrollings. Wooden bowl. Diameter, 914 inches. “16—GxrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Eee SERVER Open molded oval ring; with ball feet and elaborate wire frame having arched open handle and sustaining eight egg-cups. ‘Two differ in pattern. Height, 10 inches. “17—GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CompinaTioNn Toast Rack AND Eaea SERVER Scrolled oblong open frame, with ball feet, wire loop hoops for toast and frames holding four egg-cups. Curious loop handle. Height, 81 inches. 718—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE Eco SERVER Gadroon molded oblong base sustaining platform with wire loops and handle holding six egg-cups and salt-cellar at crown. Height, 8% inches. 719—Turee Otp EnciusH WaArMERS Round, with sunk dish top, straight sides and looped side hinged handles. One trimmed with gadroon border. Diameters, 734 and 8 inches. 720—GrEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WARMER Oblong, with scrolled gadrooned sides, loose dish with hinged cover having shell and gadrooned border and pineapple finial. Boxwood balustered side handle. Length, 181% inches. 721—GeorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CovERED VEGETABLE DISH Oblong, with round corners and domed cover; trimmed with gadrooned moldings. Loose locking, looped scroll-handle. En-~ graved with crest and initials. Length, 11% inches. Third Session 722—Latr GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WARMER Oblong, with round corners and hinged cover having pearl-molded rim and loop handled; balustered boxwood side handle. Loose cover. Length, 1314, inches. 723—LaTE GrorRGIAN SILVER-PLATED T'wo-pivision Entrte Dis Oval, with round corners and reeded rim. Loose cover, with leaf looped handle. Ebonized balustered side handle. Length, 185% inches. 724—-Finet GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate Coverep Entrée Dis Oblong, with round corners, gadrooned edge and loop handles. Domed loose cover having leaf and shell looped handle. Loose lining. Length, 12% inches. 725—Grorcian Suerrirtp Prare Warmer Oblong, with fine gadrooned rim, hinged dome cover with curi- ously gadrooned oblong finial and ebony balustered side handle. Length, 1334, inches. 726—Two EncusH SILVER-PLATED CovERED VEGETABLE DisHES Oval, with flanged rim and loose domed cover trimmed with pearl motives. Loose locked loop handle. Length, 11% inches. 72"—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CovERED VEGETABLE DisHES Similar to the preceding. 428-—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE THREE-DIVISION VEGETABLE DisH Round, with shell and gadroon edge; dome cover, with berry and leaf looped handle. Fine original balustered side handle. Diameter, 185% inches. 799—Two Orv EnGuisH SILVER-PLATED VEGETABLE DiIsHES Oval, with exceptionally fine edges of flutings alternating with _ gadroonings. Length, 121, inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 430—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED 'THREE-DIVISION ENTREE DisH Round, with finely gadrooned rim. Domed loose cover having similarly gadrooned button terminal. Diameter, 1034 inches. 731—EwncuisH SILVER-PLATED ENTREE DisH Oval; with flanged rim and dome cover having reeded loose locked loop handle; trimmed with ribbon-motived reeded moldings. Length, 111% inches. 739-—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLtate WaArMER Round, with gadrooned rim and finely scrolled boxwood handles. Domed cover with shell and leaf looped handle. Diameter, 91, inches. 733. OLp EncusH SILVER-PLATED CovERED VEGETABLE DiIsH Scrolled oval body, with looped side handles. Finely gadrooned dome cover, similarly scrolled and having looped handle. Length, 151% inches. 734—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatrE VEGETABLE DIsH Round, with gadrooned rim. Molded domed cover, having excep- tionally fine shell, rocaille and leaf-scrolled loop handle. Diameter, 1014, inches. 135—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CovERED WaARrMER Entrée dish, oblong with round corners, gadroon blossomed bor- der. Dome cover with engraved coat-of-arms and scrolled loop handle. Warmer with elaborate loop handles and fine claw feet. Length, 15%, inches. 736—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CovErED WarMER Similar to the preceding. Slight variation in details. Length, 14%, inches. 137—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE WARMER Gadrooned oval warmer, with finely leaf-scrolled feet. Loose dish and domed cover trimmed with very beautiful scrollings of shells and floral vines. Loose locked leaf and loop handle. Length, 1444 inches. Third Session 738—LaTE GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED KETTLE Broad pear-shape; engraved with floral scrollings and car- touches. On leaf-scrolled feet; dome cover, with blossom ter- minal; elaborate bail handle. Height, 114% inches. 139—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED KeEtTriE Gadrooned broad pear-shape, with leaf-scrolled spout, dome cover, with floral spray terminal. Scrolled bail handle. Height, 111% inches. V40—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Hor-watrer Kerrie Bulbous body, with baiustered leaf-scrolled handle. On pierced scrolled stand, having open valance. On scrolled feet. with shell feet. Height, 131/, inches. 741 —GEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED Hot-water Kerrie -Bulbous body; enriched in repoussé with scrolled cartouche sprayed with flowers, scrolled spout, scrolled upright loop han- ‘dles and melon terminal. Engraved with crest. On open round stand, with valance and leaf-scrolled legs having shell feet. Height, 1614 inches. 742—Latre GrorciaAn Sitver-pLatTeD Hor-watrer KETTLE Gadrooned pear-shape; with gourd terminal, scrolled spout and scrolled bail handle. Engraved with floral cartouches and bas- ket panneaux. Scrolled rustic stretchered stand with rocaille feet. Height, 14°4 inches. 743—Latr Grorcran Sitver-pLatep Hor-water Kerrie Globular, with eagle and leaf-enriched spout, very fine leaf- scrolled bail handle and leaf urn terminal. Engraved with fes- tooned arabesqued scrolled valance motives. Round molded stand, festooned with flowers. On scrolled shell-footed legs. ; Height, 161, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 744—LatTE GrorcIAN SILVER-PLATED Hot-water KETTLE Broad pear-shape, with leaf-scrolled cresting, umbrella leaf ter- minal and scrolled upright loop handle having ivory center. On open scrolled tripod stand. Height, 1614 inches. 745—GerorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Bowl-shape, with incurved neck, scrolled boxwood handles and spigot. Gadrooned domed cover, with rosette terminal. On molded square base having ball feet. Height, 12 inches. 746—LatE GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED URN Oviform vase-shape, with fluted banding parted by scrolled car- touches bearing engraved crests. Domed gadrooned and pin- nacled cover. On scrolled feet. Height, 181% inches. 747—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Urn Bowl-shape; with incurved neck, dome cover having rosette ter- minal and square foot, all enriched with very fine scrolled blos- som bandings. On leaf and claw feet. | Height, 161% inches. 748—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Bowl-shape, with fine florally scrolled loop handles and spigot; dome cover, with elaborate floral terminal. On gadrooned in- curved square base with leaf and claw feet. Height, 1634 inches. 749—Latr Groretan SILvER-PLATED Urn Broad pear-shape, with fine leaf-scrolled loop handles and spigot. Domed cover, with lily terminal. On domed base having elaborate florally scrolled feet. Height, 17% inches. 750—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Pratt Urn Slender vase-shape, with long molded loop handles; enriched with delicate pearl moldings. Incurved dome cover, with pear- shaped leaf terminal. On square base, with button feet. Height, 2114 inches. Third Session 751—Late GerorciAn SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Broad pear-shape, with leaf-enriched loop side handles; dome cover, with scrolled pear-shaped terminal. On domed base hav- ing leaf-scrolled handles. Height, 1614, inches. 7152—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRAY Scrolled round with fine leaf, shell and scrolling vine edge. Cen- ter engraved with rocaille, blossoms and strap arabesques. On floral rustic feet. Diameter, 1714 inches. 753—ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED Ray Oval, with scroll-molded and rocaille rim. Scrolled loop shell handles and feet. Center engraved with floral panels. Length, 23% “inches. 754—EneutsH Ova SILveR-PLATED Tray Similar to the preceding; with grapevine edge, handles and feet. Length, 2554 inches. 155—ENcLISH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Molded oblong, with round corners and gadrooned rim. Shell- scrolled handles and feet. Length, 2734 inches. 756—Oxp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Scrolled round, with beautiful open border of Bacchic masks, flowers and animals of the chase. Center with scroll medallion and basket panneaux border. Diameter, 2514 inches. 757-—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Prats Tray Molded oblong, with round floral corners; scrolled loop handles and fan feet. Center engraved C. V. P. and finely scrolled border. Length, 291%, inches. aaa Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 758—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Puiate TRAy Scroll-molded oval, with rocaille and shell rim. Open scrolled handles. Center engraved with crest, monogram and _shell- scrolled border. Length, 3014 inches. Late GrorcIan SILVER-PLATED ‘TRAY Oblong, with round corners and very fine clustered grape and leaf edge. Very charming open leaf-scrolled handles. Center engraved with coat-of-arms and broad floral scrolled border. 759 Length, 301%, inches. 760—GEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRAy Incurved oblong, with round corners; richly trimmed with grape- vine leaves. Open scrolled handle. Center engraved with scrollings of thistles and convolvali. Length, 3434 inches. MammMotu EncruisuH Sinver-PLATED Racrt Tropuy Ewer-shape, enriched with gadroonings, leaf motives, festoons and grapes. Two horses in full relief stand on front of shoulder above a cartouche engraved “Croxton Park Races, 1849.” Height, 341, inches. 762—Two Op EneisH Sinver-pLaTep anp Grass ComMPorTiEers Reeded round shaft, with molded round top and base engraved with leafage and scrollings.. Star cut round glass dishes. Height, 934 inches. 763—Two Oupv EncusH Sinver-PLATED AND Guass ComMPportiers Similar to the preceding. 764—Two GrorciAN SILVER-PLATED AND Grass ComPporiers Rustic grapevine shaft continuing into open support. Molded base, with open wreath of grapes and vines. Star cut round glass dishes with fan edges. ; Height, 81 inches. Third Session -765—Encusn Suerrietp Pirate anp Guass Comporier Gadrooned vase-shape, mounted with borders of grapes and vines. On scrolled open leaf feet. Round glass dish. Height, 1634 inches. “66—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE AND Guass COMPOTIER Bell-shaped and balustered shaft, with round molded foot; trimmed with leaf motives. Round glass dish, cut with diamonds of hobnails. Height, 115% inches. 767—Two Late Gerorceian SHEFFIELD PLatE anp Guass Com- POTIERS Shaft of three open acanthus leaves; on incurved triangular base, trimmed with scrollings and shell feet. Scalloped-edge bowl cut with hobnails. Height, 1314, inches. “68—GerorGIAN SitverR PLatep anp Guass CoMPOTIER Shaft, “The Three Graces,” standing on stepped incurved tri- angular base, with scrollings and shell feet. The figures support open basket having grape enrichment. Fan cut-glass_ bowl. (Cracked. ) Height, 171, inches. 769—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE AND GuaAss COMPOTIER Vase balustered shaft spreading into gadrooned triangular base having shell-scrolled valance and feet. Scallop and leaf cut- glass bowl. Height, 191% inches. “70—Srr or THree Oxvp EnciisH Sitver-PLATED COMPOTIERS Open leaf-scrolled baluster shaft, with demi-figures presenting fruit at corner of incurved triangular gadrooned base; claw feet. Scalloped florally etched round cut-glass bowls. Height, one, 18% inches; two, 12% inches. “71—Two EncuisH SItver-PLATED PLATES - Molded scrolled round, with gadrooned rims. Monogrammed. Diameter, 101% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. "79 Flour ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED PLATES Scalloped round rim, with floral rims engraved with coroneted monogram. Diameter, 101% inches. W472 Six Encusu GinpEp SILVER-PLATED Soup PLATES Scroll-molded round, with finely florally scrolled rim. Diameter, 101%4 inches. “74—Twetve Eneuish SILVER-PLATED PLATES Scalloped scroll-molded round; with gadrooned rims. Diameter, 10 inches. “75—Tweive EncusH SILVER-PLATED PLATES Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 954 inches. “716—TweLvE EncusH SILVER-PLATED Soup PLaTEs Scallop-molded round; with reeded rims enriched with grape leaves. Engraved with crests. ) Diameter, 101% inches. “77—Six EncuisH SILVER-PLATED Soup PLAtTeEs Similar to the preceding. 178—Twetve Encuiso SInver-PLATED Dinner PLATES Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 101% inches. 779—LatE GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLateE Ecaca SERVER Oblong, with round corners and half-hinged cover holding han- dled frame for six eggs. On incurved base. Monogrammed. Height, 131%, inches. 780—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED Entrée Diso anp Cover Scroll-molded oval dish. Gadrooned cover with loop handle. Length, 111%, inches. Third Session Y81—ENGLIsH SILVER-PLATED EntTREE DisH anp Cover Similar to the preceding. 782—EncuLisH SILVER-PLATED PLATTER Oblong, with finely reed-scrolled rim. Diameter, 127% inches. 783—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED CHorp DisHEs Round, with scalloped and gadrooned rim. Diameter, 121% inches. 784—Turer GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE PLATTERS Blunted oval dish, with gadrooned rim. Lengths, 1714, 15% and 14 inches. %85—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED VEGETABLE DISHES Scrolled oval dish; with finely scroll-molded and rocaille motived rim. Length, 1334 inches. “86—TIwo EncuisH SILVER-PLATED VEGETABLE DISHES Similar to the preceding. %87—Two EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PLATTERS Similar to the preceding. Engraved with crests. Length, 17% inches. “88—ENGLISH SILVER-PLATED PLATTER Similar to the preceding. Length, 23%/, inches. “89—Latr GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED PLATTER Molded oval; with gadrooned rim. Engraved with crest. Length, 24 inches. “90—Twentry-rourR Oup EncrisH SILVER-PLATED KNIVES AND Forks Expanding handles with fine floral and shell cartouche. In mahogany case. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a Ear a SST IESInESTnEIETSInI SSE UST ISIRESTTI ESI aT ae nT TEE DE GT aT eS “91—TwELVE Op EneiisH SILVER-PLATED KNIVES AND Forks Finely scrolled handles, with leaf terminals. Engraved with crest. In oak case. 792—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PiaTeE Breap Tray Oblong, with lobed round ends; finished with finely reeded rims. Length, 16%, inches. “93—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Fruit BAsketT Gadrooned incurved oblong; with round corners and open ga- drooned sides. Open scrolled wire bail handle. Length, 12% inches. "94—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PuatTE Cake BAsKkerT Blunted oval, with finely scrolled shell rim. Open wire sides and ball and leaf feet. Molded bail handle. ~ Length, 131% inches. 795—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Fruit Basket Boat-shape, with reed rim and sides piereced with double rows of small fluting enclosing engraved festooned oval rosettes. On molded oval foot. Length, 12% inches. 796—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Fruir Disu Incurved and gadrooned oblong, with very fine rim of shell and floral scrollings. Open floral loop handles. Length, 17 inches. 797—Two Fine Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE JARDINIERES Gadrooned deep bowl-shape; with straight mouth and Bacchic mask and ring handles. Diameter, 7%, inches. 798—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Mounrep Oax Sranprine Courr Goblet-shape; mounted with bandings and lining of Sheffield plate. Height, 164% inches. Third Session 799—EncuisH SHEFFIELD Prate Fruir Bown Shell and gadrooned scalloped rim. Enriched in repoussé with serolled flowers and cartouches. Diameter, 11% inches. 800—Two GrorciaAnN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Half reed-fluted Corinthian columns. On incurved square base with festooned urn and monograms. i Height, 111% inches. 801—Two Earty GrorciAnN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Expanding round shafts, with molded sockets and bases. Set on molded round walnut plinths. Height, 11% inches. -802—Fovur GrorcIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICKS Tapering round shaft, base and urn sockets; trimmed with varied . gadroons. he Height, 103% inches. 803—Fovur GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatrE CANDLESTICKS Reeded expanding round shaft; with large acanthus leaves at base. Urn socket and round foot trimmed with scrolled ga- droons. Height, 13 inches. 804—Four GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED ALTAR Ratt CANDLESTICKS Reeded Corinthian shaft. Set in black blocks. Height, 11% inches. 805—Four GrorciIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Tapering round shaft, with round molded base and urn socket trimmed with very curious gadroonings. Height, 1214, inches. 806—EncuisH SHEFFIELD Pirate Lamp Open round gallery supporting cut bowl and wick hold sustaining cut-glass globe. Converted from a candlestick. Height, 141, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 807—EncuisH SHEFFIELD Piate Lamp Half reed-fluted Corinthian column; sustaining cut-glass bowl, wick holder and globe. Height, 241, inches. 808—Two GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE CANDELABRA Expanding faceted shaft, with round gadrooned and scrolled base. Loose leaf-scrolled arms for three lights. Height, 205% inches. 809—Two Lare GEorRGIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Leaf-scrolled and paneled shaft sustaining two cupidons, in relief. On tripod leaf-scrolled and cartouched base. Loose leaf- scrolled arms for four lights. Height, 2414 inches. 810—EncusH SILvVER-PLATED KETTLE Broad pear-shape, with molded dome cover and scrolled bail handle having ebony baluster. Height, 814 inches. 811—GrorcIAN SILVER-PLATED TREAPOT Oval, with straight spout. Boxwood, with vase terminal and loop handle. Length, 12 inches. 812—EncuisH SILvER-PLATED Ewer Renaissance Style Finely enriched with paneled arabesqued masks, animals and floral motives. Scrolled demi-nymph handle. Height, 1214 inches. 813—EnecuisH Srrver-PLaTeD Ewer Renaissance Style Simlar to the preceding. 814—GerorciaAn SHEFFIELD COFFEE-POT Graceful pear-shape, enriched with cornucopia of flowers and scrolled cartouches. Engraved with coat-of-arms. Scrolled spout; ebony scrolled handle. Height, 105% inches. Third Session 815—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE KETTLE Drum body, with urn terminal and wicker handle. On wire stand having scrolled triangular base. Height, 1114 inches. 816—GeEorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE Correr-PoT Gadrooned pear-shaped body; engraved with leafage. Scrolled spout and handle; dome cover, with blossom-spray terminal. Height, 10%4, inches. 817—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatTE CorreE-Pot Scroll-gadrooned pear-shape; with dome cover having rosette terminal and scrolled spout having eagle mouth. On round florally enriched base. Boxwood scrolled handle. Engraved with coat-of-arms. Height, 11 inches. 818—Late GrorciIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate TEA SET Low round body, with central engraved floral band. ‘Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Heights, 914, 71% and 6 inches. 819—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt TEA SET Bowl body; with gadroon scrolled rim; dome cover, with rosette terminal. Scrolled boxwood handle. Interiors gilded. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Lengths, 11, 74% and 5% inches. 820—Latr GrorciaAn SHEFFIELD Pirate TEA anp Corrrere SET Coffee-pot, pear-shape; others, bowl-shape. Enriched with bandings of ivy leaves. Teapot, coffee-pot, sucrier, creamer and alcohol stand for either pot. Length, 11 inches; height, 107% inches; lengths, 814, 614 and 61% inches. 821—EneusH Sinver-PLATED TEA AND CorreE Ser By Elkington Egg-shape; with bodies engraved with floral arabesque medal- lions. Spouts with eagle head mouths. Teapot, coffee-pot, su- crier and creamer. Heights, 101% and 81% inches; widths, 6%, and 5% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 822—GrorciaAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Hot-water Kerrie Broadly gadrooned pear-shape, engraved with monogram and scrolled basket panneaux; cover with floral terminal. Scrolled bail handle, having ivory baluster. On domed and scrolled base, with open scrolling arms for kettle. é Height, 16 inches. 823—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED KETTLE Gadrooned pear-shape; with lily terminal and scrolled bail han- dle. On domed base with leaf-scrolled feet and open looped floral arms. Height, 15% inches. — 824—GrorGIAN SILVER-PLATED Hot-watrer Kerrie Bowl-shape, with melon terminal, leaf-scrolled upright loop han- dle. On domed stand, with scrolled valance and leaf-scrolled legs. Height, 15% inches. 825—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Hot-watrer Kerrie Hexagonal bulbous shape, with leaf terminal, scrolled spout and bail handle having ebony baluster. On hexagonal stand, having rustic supports for kettle which scroll into oak-leaf feet. En- graved with crest. Height, 15 inches. 826—Grorcian Sttver-pLatep Hor-warrer Kerrie Gadrooned pear-shape, with melon terminal, scrolled upright handle and spout. On open round stand having pierced floral valance and shell-footed legs. Height, 1614, inches. 827—GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD PratE Hot-watrer Kerrie Pear-shape, with melon terminal and scrolled bail handle with ivory baluster. On scrolled base with very finely scrolled leaf arms and cartouched feet. Height, 141% inches. 828—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Urn Globular, engraved with “initial” and floral scroll band; rosetted terminal and leonic head and ring handles. On molded square base having ball feet. Height, 163, inches. Third Session 829—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE URN Gadrooned melon shape, with curious cabbage terminal and up- right leaf-scrolled handles. On shaped base with leaf-cartouched feet. Height, 14 inches. 830—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Bowl body, with flaring collar, dome cover with urn terminal; sphinx-head loop handles. On gadrooned incurved base having ball feet. Engraved with coat-of-arms. Height, 17 inches. 831—-GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Gadrooned bowl-shape; with domed cover having lily terminal, leaf-scrolled rim and vine-leaved handles. On incurved square, molded base with very fine leaf and shell feet. Height, 1754 inches. 832—Latre GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Urn Graceful pear-shape, with pineapple terminal and S-scrolled handles. Engraved with coat-of-arms and leaf scrollings. On square base having claw feet. Height, 1914 inches. GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratt Urn 833 Bowl-shape, with incurved mouth and gadrooned dome cover having rosette terminal; rope-motived side handles. On molded square base having ball feet. Height, 165% inches. 834—GerorcIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Bowl-shape; with incurved mouth, dome cover and base trimmed with shell and leaf bandings; cover having rosette terminal; leaf loop handles. On incurved gadrooned base with claw feet. Height, 18% inches. 835—EnecusH SHEFFIELD T'RAy Round; with reeded rim. Diameter, 9% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SS ae 836—Oxp EnewisH SILVER-PLATED ‘TRAY Molded round; with pearl edge. Diameter, 934 inches. 837—LatE GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRAY Round; with reeded rim occasionally interrupted by leaf motives. Center engraved with floral cartouches. Length, 13% inches. 838—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE Tray Oblong; with round corners, finely molded rim and molded loop handles. Center engraved with floral medallion. On leaf feet. Length, 223/, inches. 839—EnNcLIsH SILVER-PLATED T'kA TRay Scroll-molded oval, with rocaille rim, scrolled feet and scrolled’ shell-loop handle. Center engraved with floral scrollings. Length, 237%, inches. 840—GroRGIAN SILVER-PLATED T'RAy Oblong, with round corners; finely trimmed with leaf and shell scrollings; open blossomed scroll feet and loop handles. Center engraved with cartouched scrollings. Length, 25, inches. 841—GerorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Tray Molded round, with fine floral and shell rim. On bracket feet. Center engraved with scrollings of varied flowers and grapes. Diameter, 20 inches. 842—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD Pratr Tray Oblong; deeply scrolled rim of fine moldings and floral sprays. Open loop handles. Center engraved with festooned medallions and scrollings. Length, 291% inches. 843—Enewisu Sitver-pLratep Tray Oblong, with canted corners, waved gadrooned gallery, finely pierced with scrollings and cartouches. On ball feet. Center en- graved with oval medallion and festooned border. Length, 241, inches. Third Session 844—GxEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRAY Double gadrooned oval rim, with round corners curiously ex- panding for handles. Engraved with monogram. Length, 243, inches. 845—Oup SHEFFIELD Pirate Tray Deeply scroll-molded oval, with very fine shell motives at in- tervals ; leaf-scrolled open handles. Center engraved with basket panneaux and leaf scrollings. Engraved with inscription. Length, 29 inches. 846—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate Tray Serpentined oblong; with blossom and leaf rim and etched center of leaf scrollings. Scrolled loop handles and shell feet. Length, 31144 inches. 84'7—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Pratrt Tray Scrolled round, with exceptionally fine rim of shell and scrolled blossom motives. Leaf-scrolled feet. Center engraved with ro- caille panneaux and scrollings of flowers. - Diameter, 2454 inches. 848—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Tray Molded oblong, with round corners and waved rim embellished with varied floral motives, loop handles and shell-scrolled feet. Center engraved with monogram and broad border of floral scrollings. Length, 33%, inches. 849—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED PEDESTAL Oblong, with leaf molded crown and fluted base. Height, 534 inches. 850—EncusH Ostone SILVER-PLATED PEDESTAL - Paneled body, with molded top and base. Length, 10% inches. 851—GrorciaAN SILVER-PLATED Meat Cover Oval dome, with pearl-molded rim and similar loop handle. Diameter, 103% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 852—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Mrat Cover By Dixon Oval gadrooned domed bedy, with very beautiful leaf-scrolled handle. Length, 121, inches. 853—GEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED TUREEN Gadrooned oval, with leaf-scrolled feet, loop handles and dome cover. Length, 131% inches. 854—GEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED ‘T'UREEN Similar to the preceding. 855—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE WARMER Round, with gadrooned rim. Loose dish with two divisions. Domed gadrooned cover with looped leaf handle. Diameter, 1014 inches. 856—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER Round; with pearl rim. Supported on ram’s head and claw-footed legs having alcohol lamp. Loose pierced lining and complete covered dish having looped handled dome cover; engraved with crest. Diameter, 914 inches. Late Grorcian Revoitvinc Coverep Entree Disu 857 Elliptical, chiseled revolving cover, enriched with scroll medallions and scrollings. On X-stretchered legs having claw and ball feet. Length, 131% inches. S58—GeorGIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER Gadroon molded oblong, with round shell corners; on ball feet. Loose dome cover, with shell-scrolled loop handle. Length, 1034 inches. 859—LatEe Grorcian SILvER-PLATED REvoLtvinc WarMER Elliptical; the cover with repoussé cartouches and scrollings ; loose pierced lining. . On scrolled fan legs. Length, 135% inches. Third Session 860—GrorRGIAN SILVER-PLATED Revotvine Coverep Entrée Disx Elliptical; revolving cover, having molded rim; square side loop handles. On tapering gadrooned legs with claw and ball feet. Loose pierced lining. Length, 141% inches. 861—EncLIsH SILVER-PLATED VEGETABLE DISH Gadrooned round, with domed cover having leaf loop handle. Loose partition with three compartments. Balustered ebony side handle. Length, 185% inches. 862—GerEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER EnTREE DisH Gadrooned oblong, with round corners, leaf-scrolled balustered side handles and gadroon covered wood feet. Loose dish, with extra loose lining; dome cover, with reeded loop handle. Length, 141% inches. 863—GerEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED WaArMER EntTREE DisH Similar to the preceding. 864—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WaARMER Finely molded oblong, with round corners, pierced sunk bottom, finely scrolled grape loop handles and shell-scrolled feet. Length, 15%, inches. 865—GerorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WARMER Oval, with leaf and shell feet and loop handles. Loose sand dish. Length, 151%, inches. 866—GerorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WARMER Similar to the preceding. 867—Latre GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Mirror PLATEAU Rounded triangular; with deeply scrolled rocaille and floral border. On open scrolled feet. Length, 16 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 868—-GEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED Mirror Priatrau Molded round, with button feet. Enriched with appliqué branches of grapes and vines. Diameter, 17 inches. 869—LatEe GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED PLATEAU Gadroon; pearl and medallioned, molded round body, with re- cumbent sphinx as feet. (Mirror missing.) Diameter, 2034 inches. 870—-GEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED PLATEAU Molded round body; enriched with varied rocaille and floral bor- ders. On shell-scrolled feet. Diameter, 1614 inches. 871—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puatt Breap Tray Elongated oval, with gadrooned rim and canted sides. Length, 15%, inches. 872—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Entrt¢tE Disp Molded oblong, with round corners, leaf-scrolled loop handle and shell feet. ) Length, 145% inches. 873—GeEorRGIAN SILVER-PLATED Warmer ENTREE Round, with reeded loop handles and ball feet. Diameter, 123% inches. 874—Two GrorcIAN SILVER-PLATED Warmer Entritzs Oblong, with round corners, loose dishes, balustered side handles and gadrooned ball feet. Length, 13%, inches. 875—Two Grorcian SILvEeR-PLATED WarMER ENTREES Similar to the preceding. 876—Two Gzorcian Sinver-PLaTeD Warmer Entries Gadrooned oblong, with round corners, balustered side handles and ball feet; loose pierced lining. Length, 12 inches. Third Session 877—Two GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Balustered shaft, with urn socket and waved round base. En- riched with rocaille and floral scrolled borders. Height, 121% inches. 878—Two GrorciIAN SHEFFIELD PLatEe Lamps Round shafts and molded base, with loose double arm for two lamps and central fluted vase oil chamber. Can readily be con- verted into electric lamps. Height, 17 inches. 8'79—SILVER-PLATED ‘TANKARD Reeded round body, with acorned, hinged cover. (Imperfect.) Height, 10% inches. 880—LatTE GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Urn Egg-shape, engraved with crest and floral wreath, vine-scrolled loop handles. On pierced, molded base having claw and ball feet. (Cover does not fit; dented.) Height, 181% inches. 881—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Oval globular body, with molded bandings, sphinx termimal, ring handles and finely molded base having ball feet. Height, 1714, inches. 882-—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Warmer ENTREE Oval; with looped shell handles and feet having claws. Loose sunk sand dish. Length, 183% inches. 883—GerorGIAN SILVER-PLATED ENTREE DisH Scrolled oblong body, with leaf-scrolled loop handles and feet. Length, 1414 inches. 884—Two SinverR-PLATED Disu Rrincs Round, with pierced sides and molded rim. Diameter, 934 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 885—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD BowL Round, with serpentined sides and valanced rim. Diameter, 914, inches. 886—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD ALCOHOL STAND Gadrooned open oblong rim, with round corners. On stretchered ire legs. ogee Length, 1134 inches. 887—ENGLIsH SILVER-PLATED ALCOHOL WARMER Molded open round ring, with fan-scrolled legs having stretcher for lamp. Diameter, 914 inches. 888—GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TuREEN Straight-sided round, with shell and leaf loop handles. On but- ton feet. Length, 10%, inches. 889—Late GrorGIAN SILVER-PLATED WarMER ENTREE Disu Lobed square pierced body, enriched with scrollings of acorns and loop handles. Loose sand dish. Length, 12%, inches. 890—EncLisH SILvVER-PLATED WARMER Round, with sunk dish, looped handies and molded foot. Length, 11 inches. 891—T wo Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Pratt Extension CANDELSTICKS Molded round shaft, with urn bobéche and foot trimmed with leaf scrollings. : Height, extended, 93% inches. 892—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Priatrt Sranp Leaf-molded open rim, sustained by three large acanthus leaves, balustered stem and molded foot, Height, 71%, inches. 893—GerorcIAN SILVER-PLATED DisH STAND Composed of four open wire-scrolled medallions pivoted to use with oval or round dish. Diameter, 9 inches. Third Session 894—Two SILvER-PLATED JARDINIERES Oval, with wave rims and small ring handles. Length, 854 inches. 895—Two GerorGIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER ENTREES Scrolled oblong; with leaf-scrolled feet, loop handles and pierced bottom. Length, 131, inches. 896—Two GerorRGIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER ENTREES Similar to the preceding. 897—GerEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED PLATEAU Lobed oval, with sunk center, incurved sides trimmed with ga- drooned rim having shell motives at quarters and scrolled leaf feet. Length, 13% inches. 898—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Prater Warmer Oval, with small flange and sunk center. Length, 15 inches. 899—EncuisH Two-pivisioN VEGETABLE DisH Oval, with central serpentined division having hand hole. Length, 9 inches. 900—EncusH SILVER-PLATED TAPER STAND Round shaft, with beaded round stand and S-scrolled handle. Height, 6 inches. FOURTH SESSION WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 24, 1923. IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 901 to 1219, inclusive GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD AND OTHER PLATED WARE 901—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PruatEeE CANDLESTICK Round gadrooned shaft; on flaring base. Height, 31 inches. 902—ENcLisH SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICK Pierced circular gallery, with S-scrolled handle and small socket. Diameter, 41/, inches. 903—ENcLIsH SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICK Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 5 inches. EneuisH SILver-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Molded urn socket and tray; S-scrolled handle. Engraved with crest. 904 Diameter, 614 inches. 905—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Round shaft, with tray and bobéche gadrooned. S-scrolled handle. Diameter, 61/, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 906—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Urn bobéche and round tray, trimmed with leaf and flute rim. S-scrolled handle with extinguisher. Diameter, 71% inches. 907—EncusH SILVER-PLATED Botrite Howper Scrolled adjustable arm with holder; pearl-motived tray. Height, 12%, inches. 908——EncuisH SInvER-PLATED CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Urn-shaped socket and tray, trimmed with shell and gadrooned motives. Leaf-scrolled S-handle. Diameter, 71% inches. 909—GrorcGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate CHamper CANDLESTICK Oval socket and tray gadrooned and reeded. S-scrolled handle with extinguisher. Diameter, 6 inches. 910—Two EncutsH Sinver-PLATED CHamBer CANDLESTICKS Gadrooned round socket and tray. S-scrolled handle with ex- tinguisher. Diameter, 7 inches. 911—Two Grorcian SHeFFietD Prare CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Gadrooned urn socket and tray. S-scrolled handle with extin- guisher. Diameter, 7 inches. 912-—Enecuisn Sinver-pratep Tra Cappy Gadroon-molded oval with hinged cover having urn terminal. ° Length, 41% inches. 913—EncuisH SInver-PLATED INKSTAND Gadrooned oblong, with round shell corners; on leaf-scrolled claw feet. Fitted with three glass bottles and bail lifting handle. Length, 7 inches. 914—Two EncusH SILVER-PLATED SALVERS (4) Round, with wave rim and gadrooned border. (8) With shaped gadrooned rim. Diameters, 5%, and 6Y, inches. Fourth Session 915—GEOoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Bown Finished with gadrooned rim and molded foot. Diameter, 654 inches. 916—EncusH SILVER-PLATED SALVER Round, with shaped, molded and gadrooned rim. On Spanish feet. Diameter, 81% inches. 917—GEOoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED SALVER Round, with shell, gadroon and scrolled rim. Diameter, 91, inches. 918—EnecusH SILVER-PLATED DEEP SALVER Round, with fine rocaille and florally scrolled rim. Diameter, 103% inches. 919—GeEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED Potato Rine Incurved sides, pierced with oval medallions and borders of flutings. Diameter, 934 inches. 920—Two GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Oval gadrooned shaft, socket and base. Height, 10 inches. 921—-Four GEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Square tapering reeded shaft, with festooned urn socket and molded square base. ; Height, 12 inches. 922—_ Four GEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Husked and fluted tapering round shaft, with leaf-motived urn socket and finely fluted round base. Height, 1134 inches. 923—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE WarMER Oblong, with round gadrooned corners scrolling into fine roll- over leaf handles. Hinged dome cover with pineapple finial. Length, 115% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 924—GEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER Gadrooned oblong; with shell-scrolled loop handles. Hinged dome cover with rosette terminal. Length, 121% inches. 925—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER Similar to the preceding; with shell loop side handle and similar handle to dome cover. Length, 121% inches. 926—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER Gadrooned oblong, with canted corners, baluster side handle and scrolled loop handle to domed cover. | Length, 1434 inehes. 927—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED WarMER AND ENTREE Gadrooned oval body and dome cover with berried loop handle. Engraved with crest and monogram. Warmer with similar loop handles to cover and scrolled feet. Length, 15 inches. 928—GerorciaAn SILvER-PLATED WarRMER AND Enrrte Similar to the preceding. 929—GerorcIAN SILVER-PLATED WARMER AND ENTREE Similar to the preceding. 930—GerorcIAN SILvER-PLATED WarRMER AND ENTREE Similar to the preceding. 931—Grorcian SILVER-PLATED Revotvine Entrtzs Disx Oval revolving cover with reed rim and cover having interesting gadroonings. On fan-shaped legs. Length, 121% inches. 932—GrorcIaAn SILVER-PLATED CoverED VEGETABLE DisH Round bowl-shape; with shell and gadrooned rim, reed loop handles and dome cover with leaf and reeded scroll handle. . Length, 135% inches. Fourth Session 933—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERE Oval; with rosetted waved rim, reeded tapering body and leonic headed ring handles. On curved legs having claw feet. Length, 1014 inches. 934—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED WINE COOLER Deep bowl-shape, enriched in repoussé with all-over clustered leaves and grapes and mask handles. Height, 1014, inches. 935—Two GEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Winr CooLers Gadrooned deep bowl-shape, with leonic head and ring handles; molded round foot. Height, 8% inches. 936—Two GrorciAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Wine Coo.ers Urn-shape, with ovolo rim and foot. Finely leaf-scrolled upright loop side handles. Engraved with coats-of-arms. Height, 9 inches. 937—EncLIsH SILVER-PLATED WINE COOLER Urn shape, enriched with varied gadroon and shell borders, floral bandings and vine-scrolled loop handles. Height, 914 inches. 938—SuerrietD Pirate Mountrep LeatrHer Bucker Deep bowl-shape; mounted with gadrooned rim. Strap upright bands, mask and loop handles and florally scrolled foot. Height, 111% inches. 939—Two SurrrieLp Pirate Mountep LeatrHer Buckets Similar to the preceding. Heights, 12 and 11% inches. 940—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TEA AND CoFFEE SET Low bowl-shaped; with leaf and reed borders, lily terminal and scrolled shell feet. Teapot, coffee-pot, sucrier and creamer. Lengths, 1114, 714, 8% and 714 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 941—GrEoORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TEA AND COFFEE SET Pear-shaped body; engraved with florally medallioned crest. Melon terminals. Teapot, coffee-pot, sucrier and creamer. Heights, 514, 8%, 434 and 5 inches. 942—EneuisH SILverR-PLATED Hot-waTrer KETTLE Bowl body, with gadrooned rims and upright looped wicker handle. On round open stand with claw-footed legs. Height, 1234 inches. 943—GrEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED Hot-water Ketr1ir Low globular body, with repoussé rocaille and floral scrollings. Scrolled wicker bail handle. On valanced round stand having scrolled rosette and shell-footed legs. Height, 141% inches. 944—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLtatE Urn Vase-shaped, enriched with pearl bandings, high domed cover with flaming vase terminal looped handles and square base with ball feet. {ngraved with monogram. Height, 1434 inches. 945—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Urn Globular, with basket bandings, urn terminal, demi-nymph and shell bail handles. On molded square base with ball feet. Height, 1254 inches. 946—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Oblong deep bowl-shape; with strawberry and_leaf-scrolled crowning band, dome cover with mushroom terminal and leonic head and ring handles. On reeded scroll legs having claw feet. Incurved gadrooned oblong base with ball feet. Engraved with crest. Height, 171% inches. 947—Grorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Vase-shape, with gadroonings, leonic head and ring handles, domed cover having ebony pineapple terminal and engraved shield. On molded square base with ball feet. Height, 185% inches. Fourth Session 948—Gerorcian SILveR-PLATED Urn Egg-shaped bowl body, engraved with “initial,” rocaille and floral scrollings, vine-leaved loop handles and lily terminal to domed cover. On square base having shell and leaf scrolled feet. Height, 1634 inches. 949—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate Mirror Pruatreau Gadrooned and molded rim, with round corners and ball fect. Length, 18%% inches. 950—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatre Tray Molded oblong, with round corners having fine leaf and ga- drooned rim, scrolled loop handles and feet. Center engraved with floral scrollings and medallions. Length, 281%, inches. 951—GeroRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Tray Oval; with finely pierced serpentined gallery having hand holes and gadrooned rims. Length, 24 inches. 952—-O_p ENnciisH SILVER-PLATED Tray Oblong, with shell-scrolled round corners and gadroon and leaf rim. Finely scrolled loop handles and feet. Center engraved with coat-of-arms and florally scrolled border. Length, 2854 inches. 953—OLp EncuisH SILVER-PLATED TRAY Molded oblong, with shell, leaf and gadroon round-cornered rim, reeded loop handles and coroneted monogram engraved at CENUCT. Length, 28 inches. 954—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRaAy Oval, with pierced, molded and gadrooned rim; finely scrolled ro- caille loop handles. Center engraved with large coat-of-arms and scrolled border. Length, 32% inches. 955—GEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRAy Deeply scroll and leaf-molded oblong; with rocaille-scrolled loop handles. Center engraved with basketed, shell and scroll border. Length, 31%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 956—Rare Ser or Four Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Tapering round shaft, with interesting leaf and gadroon valances at crown and foot. Urn socket and round base having scrolling leaf and shell banding. Height, 1814 inches. 957—Two GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Tapering round shaft, urn socket and round molded base, en- riched with fine leaf motives. Height, 118% inches. Fourth Session 958—Two GerorciAN SHEFFIELD PLAteE CANDLESTICKS Similar to the preceding. Do not match. Height, 113% inches. 959—Four GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Tapering round shaft, urn socket and round molded base, en- riched with bandings of fine acanthus leaves. Height, 121%, inches. 960—Four GrorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICKS Half-reeded Ionic columns. On ovolo molded stepped square base. Height, 13% inches. 961—Fovur GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLatrEe CANDLESTICKS Half-reeded, fluted and festooned Ionic column. On medallioned and festooned pedestal having stepped square base. Height, 1414 inches. 962—Two GeroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatE CANDELABRA Leaf and scroll-balustered shaft. On gadrooned base. Loose scrolled arms for seven lights. Height, 141% inches. 963—Two GroRGIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Reeded round shaft; with vase crown. On incurved gadrooned triangular base with three recumbent sphinx. Scrolled ram’s- headed arms for four lights. Height, 245, inches. 964—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLaTE CANDELABRUM Expanding round shaft, and spreading molded base, enriched with bands of scrolled rocaille and leafage. Finely scrolled loose arms for four lights. Height, 2514, inches. 965—GerorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRUM Leaf-scrolled and cartouched baluster shaft engraved with crests ; on scrolled tripod feet. Finely scrolled arms for six lights. Height, 2744 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 966—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Expanding round shaft, enriched with acanthus leaves. On high leaf-scrolled molded base. Leaf-scrolled arms for six lights. Height, 2814 inches. 967—Two NaprouEOoN SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Open leaf-scrolled lyre shaft, with rams’ heads at crowns and sheltering group of stags. On round basketed base with medal- lion engraved with crowned cipher N of the first Napoleon: fes- tooned leaf feet. Leaf-scrolled arms for twenty-one lights. Height, 4354 inches. Note: This pair of massive candelabra were originally in the Tuileries, and were made to the order of the first Napoleon. (Illustrated) 968—-Four-part SHEFFIELD Prate PLATEAU Two central oblong sections and two outer with round ends. Finely molded rims, gadrooned at center. On claw feet. Length, extended, 5 feet 81%, inches. Note: This plateau can be arranged with two, three or the four sections. 969—GrorcIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate VEcETABLE DisH Molded oblong; with round corners and gadrooned rim. Dome cover, with similar gadroon band and _ rocaille-scrolled loop handle. Length, 1134 inches. 970—GeEoRGIAN SILVER-PLATED TUREEN Gadrooned bowl, with fine leaf-scrolled loop handles and feet. Dome cover with leaf loop handle. Engraved with crest. Length, 14%, inches. 971—Grorcian SHEFFIELD PLATE TUREEN Oval bowl, with scrolled rim, loop handles and claw feet. Domed cover, with floral loop handle. Engraved with crest. Length, 1414, inches. No. 967—Two Napo.Leon SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 972 973 972—-Two GroRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WarMER ENTREE DISHES Oval warmer, with cartouche feet and loop handles. Domed and gadrooned cover, with scroll band and leaf looped handle. Length, 15% inches. 973—Two GrorcGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE WarMER AND ENTREE DisHEs Molded oblong, with inset round corners, gadrooned ball feet and loop handles. Loose dish, with floral scrolled rim and ga- drooned cover trimmed with scroll band, loop handle and en- graved crested coat-of-arms. Length, 15 inches. Fourth Session 974—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TUREEN Oval bowl, with gadrooned rim, exceptionally fine leaf-scrolled feet and upright loop handles. Domed cover, with shell and scroll loop handle. Monogrammed. Length, 15 inches. 9'75—GrEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatrE WARMER AND Entrér Disu Gadrooned warmer and dome cover trimmed with grape scrollings, and melon terminal. Loose dish with gadrooned rim. Diameter, 1214 inches. 976—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PuAteE Cake Basket Gadrooned oblong boat-shape; with shell and gadroon rim; leaf bail handle. On leaf and claw feet. Length, 834 inches. 977—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Cake Basket Round gadrooned rim, with open fluted wire body and rope-mo- tived bail handle. Diameter, 8% inches. 978—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Puatre Cake Basket Oblong boat-shape; with open fluted wire sides. Open wire bail handle. Length, 115% inches. 979—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD PiatTE Cake Basket Oblong boat-shape, with finely gadrooned and shell-motived rim. on molded base. Length, 1214 inches. 980—GerorGIAN SILVER-PLATED CAKE BASKET Gadrooned oblong boat-shape, with finely shell scrolled rim and loop leaf handles. Length, 1634 inches. 981—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLatre Cake BASKET Gadrooned oblong boat-shape, with leaf and gadrooned rim and molded bail handle. On molded and gadrooned foot. Length, 1314 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 982—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLate Cake Basket Oval, with pearl-motived rim and very finely arcade-pierced sides. On open foot; open pearl-motived bail handle. Length, 13 inches. 983—GrEORGIAN SILVER-PLATED CAKE BASKET Oblong boat-shape, with very finely leaf-scrolled rim and floral molded bail handle. Length, 12%, inches. 984— GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Caxe Basket Oblong, with round corners, gadrooned rim and open sides of leaf motives. Open wire bail handle. Length, 1234 inches. 9844—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Cake Basket Molded and gadrooned oblong boat-shape, with finely molded bail handle. On oblong reeded foot. Length, 121%, inches. Fourth Session 985—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Cake Basket Gadrooned oval boat-shape, with rocaille and leaf rim. Leaf and reeded bail handle. On molded and gadrooned foot. Length, 1314 inches. 986—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD PLatre Urn Vase-shape, enriched with festooned rosettes, upright loop han- dles, high domed cover with vase terminal. On open square base having round feet. Height, 15 inches. 987—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Urn Gadrooned vase-shape, with oval bail side handles, domed cover with ball terminal. On scroll-footed square base. Engraved with crest. Height, 131% inches. 988—GrorGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE URN Gadrooned vase-shape, with oval ring handles. Engraved with crest and coat-of-arms. On square base with bracket feet. Height, 184% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 989—GrORGIAN SHEFFIELD Puate TEA SERVICE Oval low bowls, with grape vine borders, carved ivory handle and rosette terminal to pot. On floral claw feet. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Lengths, 1114, 81% and 6%% inches. 990—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate TEA anp CoFrFrreEr SERVICE Gadrooned melon and pear-shapes; enriched with molded rims, scrolled floral feet and terminals. Teapot, coffee-pot, creamer and sucrier. Lengths, 1134, 934, 64% and 81% inches. Fourth Session 991—GeEorRGIAN SHEFFIELD Pirate Urn Gadrooned bowl-shape with incurved mouth, urn terminal to cover and leonic ring handles. On tapering reeded legs having claw feet; incurved base with ball feet. Height, 1514, inches. 992—-GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Urn Gadrooned oval bowl, with shell and leaf loop handles, dome cover having urn terminal and scrolled oblong base with ball feet. Engraved with crest. Height, 171% inches. 993—GerorGIAN SHEFFIELD Piatt Urn Vase-shaped, with varied gadroon bandings, mask and ring side handles. On square base having fan-shaped feet. Height, 191% inches. 994—Two GrorciaAn SHEFFIELD PLatE Wine CooLers Urn-shape, with berried wave-rim enriched with grape and vine sprays and open scrolled handles. On spreading rocaille foot and square base. Height, 125% inches. 995—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE TRAY Molded oblong, with very finely scrolled leaf and gadrooned rim. On scrolled feet. Leaf and baluster loop handles. Length, 26 inches. 996—GrorGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRAY Scroll-molded oblong, with very beautiful floral rosetted and scrolled rim and loop shell handles. On claw feet. Length, 247, inches. 997—GeroRGIAN SILVER-PLATED TRay Scroll molded oval, with open rocaille and leaf rim; loop handies. Length, 380% inches. 998—GrorGcIAN SHEFFIELD PratTE Tray Scroll-molded round, with fine scalloped rim of gadroonings, shells and floral motives. On scrolled bracketed claw feet. Diameter, 23 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 999—GeEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PiaTE TRaAy . Molded oblong, with round corners; shell and leaf rim, upright scrolled loop handles and floral scrolled feet. Center engraved with intricate floral scrollings. Length, 29% inches. 1000—Fovur EncuisH SILVER-PLATED AND GuLuAss DisHEsS Open oblong wire frames, with fan legs and ball feet. Finely cut glass flaring dishes with scalloped rims. (One glass slightly cracked. ) Length, 6%, inches. 1001—EncuisH SILVER-PLATED AND GuaAss DisH Similar to the preceding; larger. Length, 181%, inches. 1002—EwentsH SILVER-PLATED EPERGNE Similar to the preceding; with round crowning dish and series of four smaller dishes below. Height, 141%, inches. Fourth Session 1003—GerorRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE EPERGNE Vase-shape; with acanthus-leaf enrichment. On domed base having floral scrolled feet. Diamond cut-glass bowl. Height, 18 inches. 1004—GerorGIAN SILVER AND PLATED EPERGNE Shaft in silver as a standing figure of “Flora” bearing on her head an open vine-leaved basket and fan cut round glass dish. On domed foot with tripod leaf scrollings and triangular in- curved base having leaf-scrolled feet. Height, 1934 inches. 1005—GrorciAN SHEFFIELD PLatTE EPERGNE Open pear-shape upper portion, with reeded and claw-footed legs sustaining fan cut round glass dish. Lower portion, with molded stem and base, with four arms having smaller similar glass dishes to top. Height, 19% inches. 1006—GerorciAn SHEFFIELD PLATE EPERGNE Leaf balustered stem, with dome crown having shell and leat valance and round cut-glass bowl. On domed base with scroll- ings, claw feet and four arms for dishes. (None of the four dishes exist.) Height, 19%% inches. 1007—GrorcIAN SILVER-PLATED EPERGNE Very finely gadrooned and leaf and grape motived baluster shaft, having scroll molded base, shell feet and crowning open wire basket sustaining valanced round cut-glass dish. Height, 201%, inches. 1008—Enettsh Mammorn Suerrietp Pirate Tropnoy Urn Deep bowl-shape, enriched with flutings and acanthus leaves at base, elaborate grapevine band and rim and finely scrolled side loop handles. On grape vine bordered round foot. Height, 241% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1009—Sir Water Scorr’s GrorcGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE SUPPER Tray j Gadrooned oblong warming tray, with finely scrolled shell and gadrooned rim; sustaining four loose square entrée dishes with gadrooned dome covers having berry and leaf terminals, and central gadrooned oval tureen with claw feet. A small loose two-compartmented dish is to replace central dish and four extra gadrooned warmers for four small entrées. Length, 311% inches. Note: This very unusual supper tray, with its curious facilities for serving, was bought at Johnson, Dymond and Son’s rooms, and came direct to them from Abbotsford. 1010—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Prater Tray Round molded rim, with shell and floral rim. Center engraved with coat-of-arms and broad border of scrolled baskets of flowers. Diameter, 2314 inches. Fourth Session 1011—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate TRAY Oval, with fluted gallery enriched with pearl-motived rim and reeded foot. Engraved at center with monogram within fes- tooned shield. Length, 301, inches. CRYSTAL, FAIENCE AND PORCELAIN 1012—T'wo Smatu Cuinesrt Crystat Covrrs One, round with dragon handle; other boat-shape, with scroll- ings and looped handle. 1013—TIwo Oxup Crown Dersy Miniature Vases Bottle-shape, with medallions of “Rustic Scenes.” 1014—Viennesz Ename, PERFUMER Bottle-shape; enameled with medallions of figures and land- scapes. 1015—Two Earty Dersy Saucers anp Worcester Mues Saucers with gilded and royal blue borders. Mug with festoons and sprays of flowers. 1016—Fovr Oxtp Lowestorr Cups Gadrooned and scalloped rims; painted with flowers and pink panneaux. 1017—Two Cut-ciass PERFUME BoTTLes (a) Oviform, cut with diamonds; gilded silver mouth and cut pineapple stopper. (sp) Globular, cut with diamonds; jeweled stopper. 1018—Two Frencu Bisque FicuRInEs Standing figures of “Maid and Little Lad” wearing Directoire costumes. (Chipped.) Height, 51%, inches. 1019—Oxp DrespEN Decorated FicurINnE Girl, seated on chair, reading. Height, 54% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1020—Oxp Saxrt DecorateD Group Satyr bearing off a load of books to be burned. (Restored.) Height, 7%, inches. 1021-——Carvep Cocoa-nutT CouPE English Seventeenth Century Carved with “Royal Coat-of-Arms” and medallioned monogram. Height, 45% inches. 1022—ScutprurEeD ALABASTER FIGURINE Spanish Seventeenth Century Standing figure of a venerable priest. On molded oblong base. Height, 934 inches. Two JAPANESE Ivory GrRovupPs 1023 Grotesque figures of Rustics dancing. ; Heights, 934 and 914 inches. 1024—Paintep LimetTREE Watcu Ho.wper English Eighteenth Century Grotesque figure of Hercules sustaining scrolled round case for watch. Painted old-red. Height, 125% inches. 1025—SILvER-MOUNTED T’ORTOISE-SHELL COUPE Inverted shell, with loose cover. Mounted with lining, rims and ball terminal. Length, 5 inches. 1026—Coverrep Drespen Stryte Box Gadrooned oval, with cover having ball terminal. Painted with flowers and insects. Length, 534 inches. 1027—Larcr Barrrersra Enamet Purr Box Eighteenth Century Bowl-shape, with dome cover having gilded acorn finial. En- riched with reserved medallions of flowers on gilded apple-green grounds. Height, 7 inches. 1028—Cuinest Biur anp Wuire Vase Eighteenth Century Bottle-shape; decorated with domestic figures and flowers. Height, 7 inches Fourth Session 1029—ViENNESE ENAMEL CovEeRED VASE Egg-shape, with domed foot. Enameled with subjects from the allegory of Venus. Gilded bird terminal, collars and floral foot. Height, 9 inches. 1030—TureE Earty Buve ann Waitt JASPER VASES One square bottle-shape, two smaller with boat-shaped mouths. Enriched with classic figures, flowers and “Prince of Wales Feathers.” Heights, 714 and 6% inches. 1031—Two Dovutron Portrery Muecs Bottle-shape; variously bearing coats-of-arms within medal- lions. Glaze brown. Heights, 814, and 61% inches. 1032—Two Dovutton Pottery Mues Pear and bottle shapes, with varied scrollings of flowers. One with pewter cover. Glazed gray-brown. Heights, 11 and 8% inches. 1033—Two Ticer-ware Dovutron PircHERs Bottle-shapes; glazed in tortoise-shell brown. . Heights, 9 and 8% inches. 1034—Two Fatence PircHers (a) Pear-shaped Delft; enriched in polychrome with festoons and scrolling. Mounted with silver cover. (sn) Blue and white Worcester; with sprays and bouquets of flowers. Heights, 91, and 75% inches. 1035—Two Sitver-cinpep Mountep Stoneware Mves (a) Bottle-shape, with series of royal personages at collar. Mounted with mask and scroll straps; cover handle and scal- loped foot. Brown glaze. (n) Pear-shape, with chained loose cover mounted with valance rim. Glazed rich red-brown. Heights, 11144 and 71% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1036—GitpED SILVER-MOUNTED STEIN Drum body; enriched with animalistic seal. Mounted with mask and scroll bands, dome cover and valanced foot. Height, 91% inches. 1037—VIENNESE SitveR Enamet CELESTIAL GLOBE ; Blue globe; hinged in center, enameled with constellation. Sup- ported on figure of Hercules in silver. High round base with groups of classic figures. Height, 141% inches. 10388—Buve-Joun Tazza, Mountrep 1n Cutvrer Dorit English Eighteenth Century Round bowl of fine spar. Mounted with cwivre doré rim ram’s- headed and hoofed tripod legs and incurved base. Height, 9 inches. 1039—Buver-Joun Tazza, Mountep 1x Cuivre Dort English Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 1040—Buive-JoHn Tazza English Eighteenth Century Molded urn shape; on round pedestal and square base. Very beautifully veined spar. Height, 71% inches. 1041—Crown Dersy Pircuer Directoire Period Ewer-shape, decorated with red and gilded bunches of grapes and key-patterned band at shoulder. Height, 13%, inches. 1042—Imari Bown anv Pircuer Eighteenth Century Pear-shape pitcher, decorated with flowers and panel. Mounted with silver cover engraved with crest. Bowl, with shell feet, similarly decorated. Height, 111% inches; diameter, 91 inches. Fourth Session 1043—DecoraTeD Stvres JARDINIERE Eighteenth Century Round, with figure medallions after Watteau reserved on gilded blue grounds. Upright leaf loop handles. Double-L Sévres mark at foot. (Restored at base.) Height, 81 inches. 1044—DercoratTED Earty Worcester TEAPoT Globular, painted in blue with sprays and bouquets of flowers. Metal loop handle. Height, 1014, inches. 1045—Cuinese Decoratep Porcetain Bown LKighteenth Century Interior enriched with medallions of figures and flowers reserved on blue brocaded grounds. Diameter, 114% inches. 1046—Frencu BisaurE Group, Mountrep 1n Cuivre Dort Louis XVI Style Lad and Maid reproaching pet dog for killing their bird; on rustic base and gilded plinth with wood fascia and vase feet. (Restored. ) Height, 1254 inches. 1047—Two Decorated Earty Cuesta Frouir DisHEs Leaf-shape, with rustic green handle having spray of flowers. Decorated with bouquets of flowers. (Chipped.) Length, 10% inches. 1048—Two Torrotsr-sHeLL Pirates English Eighteenth Century Deep round; one with molded silver rim. Diameters, 71, and 5% inches. 1049—Sinver-MouNTED Earzty SpopE PLate Enriched with reserved medallions of flowers on blue and gilded basket grounds. Fine silver rim of floral scrollings and leaf loop handles. | Length, 131, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1050—Tue Jumet Frencu Decoratep Porceiain InxsTanp 3 Early Nineteenth Century Oblong stand, fitted with two wells and sand shaker; arranged in front with gilded shell compartment for pens. Painted with bouquet of flowers. Length, 105% inches. Note: This interesting “Historic Well” was bought at the sale of Mme. Jumel’s estate. 1051—Turert Earty CHEetsea PiLates Scalloped rims; enriched with paneled rose medallions. Center with remains of groups of figures. Diameter, 81%, inches. 1052—Two Imari Bowts Many-sided rim. Decorated with raised flowers and blossomed blue border. Diameter, 91/4 inches. 1053—Royat Vienna Porcenain Tray Scrolled square; with subject at center, “Queen Eleanor,” sucking the poisoned wound of “King Edward First.” Arcaded red, blue and gilded border. 91% inches square. 1054—Oxtp Crown Derby Disu Oval; decorated in the Imari manner with flowers and valanced border. Length, 11 inches. 1055—Turee Oxrp Cuersea Priates Enriched with rose-du Barry border scrolls and fruit bouquet. Diameter, 9 inches. 1056—Oxp Crown Derspy Prarrer Oval, with bouquet of flowers and valanced border painted in the Imari manner. Length, 16 inches. Fourth Session 1057—Earty Saxt Porcetain PLATTER Scrolled oval; with basketed rim. Decorated with bouquets and sprays of flowers. Length, 177% inches. 1058—Decoratep VIENNESE PorcELAIN PLAQUE Center with oblong subject, ““Decius Taking the Oath of Office as Consul,” after Rubens; surrounded by scroll-gilded crimson lunettes and medallioned lavender border. Diameter, 191% inches. 1059—Inxiaiw ScacriotA Marsie Cuess Boarp The squares alternately of mottled green and old-red marble border. 1634 inches square. 1060—Earrty Worcester Decorated Fruit SERVICE ‘ Consisting of four varied oval and round dishes, one scrolled square dish, two tureens and eleven plates. Decorated with sprays of flowers and gilded vine and leaf handles. Lengths, 1334, 101%, 8 and 94% inches; diameter of plates, 8 inches. 1061—Six Crown Dery PuateEs Eighteenth Century Deep centers, with curious blue and gilded rusticated borders. Diameter, 934 inches. 1062—Six Earty EnciuisH STONEWARE Soup PLATES Decorated with floral borders and scrolled medallion centers in the Imari manner. Diameter, 10 inches. 1063—Twetve Decorated Earty Encuish STONEWARE PLATES Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 1064—EicHTEEN Decorated Earty ENGLISH STONEWARE PLATES Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1065—Two Earty Cotesrooxk Daz Vases Baluster shape, with gilded scrolled lug handles. On leaf- scrolled feet. Decorated in royal blue and fine reserved gilded medallion of beautiful fruit and flowers. Height, 211% inches. (Illustrated) 1066—Decoratep Earty Worcester VASE Urn-shape, with masked looped gilded handles. Enriched with oblong panel of beautiful flowers and gilded scrollings. On square marbled base. (Needs restoration. ) Height, 20 inches. (Illustrated) 1067—Fovur Earty STAFFORDSHIRE Bitur Cur PLATEs Enriched with views and floral borders. Rich blue. By Hall. 1068—ServEeN Earty STAaFFrorpsHIRE Cups Printed in black with rural scenes; vary in size. (One cracked.) 1069—Earty STarrorpsHirE Buue SAucER AND PLATE The “Cracked Pitcher” going oftenest to the well and ‘‘Peace and Plenty.” Rich blue. By Clews. Diameters, 534 and 6%, inches. 1070—Turee Earzty STarrorpsHIRE PLATEs “Millennium; Peace on Earth.” Printed in carmine. Diameters, 6% and 734 inches. 1071—Two Earty Ancio-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE Biur PLATES “The Landing of Lafayette.” Rich deep blue. By Clews. Diameter, 634 inches. 1072—KEarty Ancio-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE Buur Pate “States Plate.” Rich blue. By Clews. (Chipped.) \ 4 Diameter, 834 inches. — 1065 Kindiy read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 1073—Earty AncLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BuvuE PLATE “Pittsfield, Mass.” Rich blue. By Clews. Diameter, 834 inches. 1074—Earty ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE Buur PLATE “State House, Hartford.” Medium blue. Diameter, 834 inches. 1075—Earty ANcGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE Biuur Prater Library, Philadelphia. Rich blue. By Ridgway. Diameter, 834 inches. 1076—Two Earty STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES “Millennium; Peace on Earth.” Printed in bistre. Diameter, 91% inches. 1077—Earty STAFFORDSHIRE BuuEeE Puate “The Millennium; Peace on Earth.” Light blue. Diameter, 101% inches. 1078—Two Earty Ancio-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BiLuE Pratrs “Capitol, Washington.” Deep rich blue. (One repaired.) Diameter, 8% inches. 1079—Earty ANncio-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE Buur PLateE “La Grange,” the residence of the Marquis Lafayette. Deep blue. By Wood. (Repaired.) Diameter, 101% inches. 1080—Earrty Ancio-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATE “Perry on Lake Erie.” By Wood. Deep blue. (Repaired. ) Diameter, 1014 inches. 1081—Earry Don Quixote SrarrorpsHire Buur Piare “The Meeting of Sancho and Dapple.” Rich deep blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 1082—Earty AncLo-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE Buur Puate “City of Albany, State of New York.” Rich blue. (Cracked. ) Diameter, 1014 inches. Fourth Session 1083 Earty ANnNGLo-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BuurE PLATE Pilgrim Independence Plate. Inscribed, “America Independent, July 4th, 1776” and “Washington, Born 1732, died 1799.” Light blue. Diameter, 1014, inches. 1084—Earty Ancio-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE Buur PLATE “Perry on Lake Erie.” Rich deep blue. In proof condition. Diameter, 1034 inches. 1085—Two Earry STAFForDSHIRE Buur PLATES “Regent’s Park” and “St. Philip’s Chapel.” Rich blue. Diameter, 1014 inches. 1086—Two Earnty STAFFORDSHIRE BiuE PLATES “The Millennium; Peace on Earth” and “Edinburgh Castle.” Light blue. Diameter, 91% inches. 1087—Two Earrty STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES “The Millennium; Peace on Earth.”’ Printed in lavender and bistre. Diameter, 914, inches. 1088—Two Earty STAFFORDSHIRE Birur PLATES “Villa, Regent’s Park” and “The Flight into Egypt.” Rich blue. (One restored.) Diameter, 101% inches. 1089—Two Earty STarrorpsHirE Biuve PuLaAteEs “The Valentine” and “Cupid and Psyche.” Rich blue. Diameter, 1014 inches. 1090—Two Earrty STAFForRDSHIRE BiuE PLatTEs Depicting scene from a play, “Love in a Village.” Diameters, 95% and 10 inches. 1091—Farty STAFFORDSHIRE BLtuE PLATTER ‘Duck Shooting.” Rich deep blue. Length, 13%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 1092—Earxty STarrorpDsHIRE BLuE PLATTER “Trafalgar Square with the National Gallery.” Rich deep blue; fine condition. Length, 1834 inches. 1093—Earxy STarrorpsHirE TEA SERVICE Octagonal flaring body. Printed in lavender with scrolled medallioned views. Consisting of teapot, cream jug, covered sucrier, six large and small plates and six cups and saucers. Heights, 914, 83% and 7% inches. ENGLISH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PRINTS 1094—Two Framep Prints English Eighteenth Century (a) Colored oval. ‘The Arts,” after Ciprani. | (3) “Mr. Emery as John Lump,” after de Wilde. Engraved by R. Woodman. A: Height, 41% inches; length, 634 inches. B: Height, 51% inches; width, 41/ inches. 1095—Two Framep Prints English Eighteenth Century “A Girl of the Forest of Snowdon” and “A Girl of Modena.” Printed in bistre. Oval after Bunbury. Engraved by Tomkins. Height, 81% inches; width, 6 inches. 1096—Framep Conor Print English Eighteenth Century “The Judgment of Paris,” after Ciprani. Oval. In old molded oblong silver-plated frame enriched with shell medallions and scrollings. Height, 514, inches; width, 7 inches. 1097—Framep Print English Eighteenth Century “Meditation,” after I. Gresser. H. Bryer, Exct. Mango Sculpt. Oval in red. Original frame. Height, 81% inches; width, 634 inches. 1098—Two Framep Ova Prints English Eighteenth Century “Music” and “Oratory.” Printed in red after Boydell. Respectively: Heights, 10%, and 111% inches; widths, 91, and 83, inches. Fourth Session 1099—Framep Wax Srats or WinuaAm IV Obverse with equestrian figure; reverse with “His Royal High- ness Enthroned.” Coronation seal. Total height, 101, inches; length, 17% inches. 1100—Framep Print English Early Eighteenth Century Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington. Oval, with scrolled base. After Lely; by J. Houbraken. Height, 141% inches; width, 8°4 inches. 1101—Framep Cotorep Print English Early Nimeteenth Century “The Last Jig, or, Adieu to Old England,” by Rowlandson. Published Jan. 10th, 1818, by Tegg, Cheapside. Height, 127% inches; width, 834 inches. 1102—Framep Print Early American “New York. ‘Taken from Fort Columbus, Governor’s Island, 1816.” Litho by Hayward, 171 Pearl Street. Height, 71/4, inches; length, 17 inches. 1103—Framep Print Anglo-American Eighteenth Century “The Manner in which the American Colonies Declared them- selves Independent . . . throughout the different Prov- inces; on July 4th, 1776.” After Hamilton; Noble sculp. Height, 12%, inches; width, 81%, inches. 1104—Framep Cotor Print English Eighteenth Century “Mrs. Jordan, in the Character of the Country Girl,” after George Romney. Engraved by Bartolozzi, R.A. Printed in red. Height, 12 inches; width, 95% inches. 1105—Framep Carvep Watnut Bas-RELIEF Flemish Seventeenth Century “The River of Life.” Two lovers are seated at an **Al Fresco” repast in the center of a walled garden surrounded by the wind- ing river. Height, 734 inches; length, 12% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1106—Framep Print Flemish Seventeenth Century “Village Carousal.” After Teniers. Height, 151%, inches; length, 1934 inches. 1107—Framep Mezzorint English Eighteenth Century “The Right Honorable Charles James Fox”; after Reynolds; engraved by John Jones. (Stained. ) Height, 177% inches; width, 1834 inches. 1108—Frame Print Italian Seventeenth Century “Cheese Paring,” after Maggiotto. Engraved by Cavalli. Height, 13 inches; length, 177% inches. 1109—Framep Print English, 1800 “Simon, Lord Lovat,” after Hogarth. Engraved by T. Cock. Height, 131, inches; width, 87, inches. 1110—Framep Conor Print English Eighteenth Century From the “Transparency for the Recovery of His Majesty.” after Hamilton, R.A. Engraved by Ansell. Height, 1554 inches; length, 1734 inches. 1111—-Framep Print Early Nineteenth Century “William IV.” Seated half-length figure, wearing court cos- tume. Height, 181% inches; width, 14%, inches. 1112—Framep Mezzotint English Eighteenth Century “Duke of York”; wearing military attire. Height, 23% inches; width, 161, inches. 1113—Framep Print English Eighteenth Century “Philip, Earl of Pembroke,” after Vandyke. Engraved by B. Barron. Height, 161% inches; length, 26 inches. Fourth Session 1114—Framep Print “Cymbeline.” Shakespeare, Act I, Scene II. After Hamilton. Engraved by Thomas Burke. Height, 1734 inches; length, 231, inches. 1115—Framep Print English Eighteenth Century “Helena Forman,” after Vandyke. Engraved by Thos. Cham- bers. Height, 1854 inches; width, 14 inches. 1116—Framep Print Flemish Seventeenth Century “Village Féte,” after Teniers. Height, 19% inches; length, 285% inches. 1117—Framep Print English, 1804 “Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Charlotte,” after Beechey. Engraved by Ryder. Height, 205% inches; width, 14°, inches. 1118—Framep Print English, 1804 “His Most Gracious Majesty, King George the Third.” Painted by Beechey. Engraved by Benjamin Smith. Height, 20% inches; width, 147% inches. 1119—Framep Print English Eighteenth Century “King Henry the Eighth.” Shakespeare. Painted by W. Peters. Engraved by Robert Thew. Height, 1714 inches; length, 231 inches. 1120—Framep Print English Eighteenth Century “King Henry the Eighth.” Shakespeare. Act IV, Scene II. After Westall. Engraved by Robert Theu. Height, 17% inches; length, 231% inches. 1121—Earty American Framep Print “Washington and Lafayette on the Porch at Mount Vernon.” Painted by Rossiter and Mignot. Engraved by Thos. Oldham Barlow. Height, 187% inches; length, 29% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1122—Framep Print English Nineteenth Century “The Queen and Prince.” Prince Albert and the Royal Family. Painted by Winterhalter. Lithographed by Leon Noel. Height, 2514 inches; length, 323% inches, TECHNICAL BOOKS ON SILVER AND OTHER SUBJECTS 1123—Four Voxtumes oF TEecHunicaL Books (a) Old Clocks and Watches. By Britten. Published by Bats- ford, 1899. (8) Dictionary of Artists. By S. Redgrave. Published by George Bell, 1878. (c) Old English Plate. By Cripps. Published by John Mur- ray, 1886. (p) The Old China Book. By N. Hudson Moore. Published by Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1903. 1124—Two Votumrs oF Booxs on SILVER (4) “Old Plate.” By J. H. Buck. Published by The Gorham Co., 1903. (8) English Goldsmiths and their Marks. By Jackson. Pub- lished by Macmillan, 1905. 1125—-Two Votumes or Booxs on SILver Historic silver of the Colonies and its Makers. By Francis Hill Bigelow. Published by Macmillan, 1917. 1126—Two Votumes or Booxs on Stnver Similar to the preceding. 1127—Two Voutumes, History or New York A History of New York . . . in two volumes. A New Edition. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. Published by Carey Lea and Blanchard, 1836. Autographed by George W. Hunter, 1838. Bookplate of Frank Maier. Fourth Session 1128—Two Votumes or Books on SILVER (a) Early American Silversmiths and their Marks. By Hollis French. Printed for the Walpole Society, New York, 1907. (3) Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate. By W. Chaffers. 4th Edition. Published by J. Davy and Sons. 1129—VoLuUME on GOLD AND Sitver Marks Rosenberg der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen. By Dr. Marc Rosen- berg. Published by Von Henrich Keller, 1890. 1180—VotuME on Lire or WoLsEy The Life of Cardinal Wolsey. By Ricard Fides, D.D. Printed for J. Knapton . . . and T. Longman, 1726. 1131—Turee Vowtumes oF THE Marnz Bisxre Holy Bible. Cambridge. Printed for the Society eeeouath .° >.<. - 1828, CUIVRE DORE CLOCKS, CANDELABRA AND PLATEAUX AND BRONZES 1132—Parcet Ginpep Sitver Pratre TErMrinar French Eighteenth Century Seated figure of an Indian; his body lacquered black, the draperies gilded. Height, 5% inches. 11383—Two Cuivre Dort Ficures — French Renatssance Crouching figures of lions. Very finely modeled and chiseled. Length, 61%, inches. 1134—T'wo Mountrep Esony Drumsticks English Eighteenth Century Richly mounted in cuivre doré with scroll and rosette bandings. Length, 914 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. 1135—Curvre Dort Kynire StTanp Renaissance Style Pierced square top and open base, with loop handle and scrolled legs. Height, 7 inches. 1186—Two Cuivre Dort CanpiEsticks French Renatssance Curiously balustered square shaft, with lobed enameled bobéche and three scrolled arms round pricket. On tripod arched base enriched with enameled shield of arms. (One arm missing.) Height, 11 inches. 1187—Bronze Bust or Cannine English Early Nineteenth Century Finely chiseled portrait. Supported on round pedestal. Green patina. Height, 61% inches. 1138—Bronze Bust or Moriere French Eighteenth Century Virile modeling; green patina. On rouge antique marble plinth. Height, 7 inches. 1139—Bronzr Bust or Racine French Eighteenth Century Finely modeled, rich green patina. On rouge antique square marble plinth, Height, 7 inches. 1140—Bronzer Bust or a Roman Emprror Roman Second Century “The Laureated Emperor Vespasian.” Mounted on wood base. Rich brown patina. Total height, 634 inches. 1141—Bronzr Dratrn Mask Italian Renaissance “Dante.” The divine poet. Green bronze patina. Length, 74% inches. 1142—Bronzz Ficurr or Duc pv’Oriéans French Eighteenth Century Standing figure wearing long-queued wig and court attire, Fin- ished in deep brown-black patina. Height, 10% inches. Fourth Session 1143—-Bronze Bust or Napouron, First Consun By de Braux Finely modeled, with the military costume made famous during Bonaparte’s Egyptian Campaign. On molded green marble pedestal. Signed: de Braux, ft. Total height, 1614 inches. 1144—Mountep Green Marspiex Miniature SARCOPHAGUS Directoire Period Molded elongated tapering body; on claw feet and oblong base. Mounted with molded and gilded foot. Length, 8% inches. 1145—Curvre Dort ano Parcent GitpEp CHarice Cup Augsburg, Renaissance Style Bell-shaped coupe of cuivre doré. Finely balustered shaft of gilded silver enriched with very beautiful strap arabesque scroll- ings. Height, 81% inches. 1146—Two Cutvre Dort Canpdiesticks Louis Philippe Period Kneeling figures of Bacchic nymphs, as shafts, sustain leaf- scrolled sockets. On open scrolled bases. Height, 914, inches. 1147—Two Cuivre Dorit CAnDELABRA Louis XV Leaf-balustered shaft, with two scrolled arms. On molded lobed and leaf-motived base. Height, 111% inches. 1148—-Cutvre Dort Comporier Empire Period Annular ring, supporting diamond cut-glass dish. On tripod scrolled legs and incurved triangular base. Height, 81% inches. 1149—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Pirate Wine WaAcon Three coasters trimmed with grapevine borders; each mounted on wheels. Looped grapevine frontal handle. Length, 28 inches, Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1150—Brass Trne-Tane Ciock Cromwellian Period Columned body, with surmounting pierced scrolled cresting and bell. Round engraved brass dial. Signed: Hen" Spendlove Metfield. Height, 111% inches. 1151—Two Cuivre Dort CassoLeTTEs Empire Period Urn-shape, with reversible candle-socket covers. Enriched with figures of cupidons and lyre. On high imbricated round ped- estal, having square plinth. Height, 111% inches. 1152—Two Cuivre Dork, Atps-cREEN Marsie CAssoLETTES Louis XVI Style Vases and elongated oval plinths of marble. Mounted with pineapple covers, rams’ heads, figures of the “Muses” and wreathed eagles. Height, 16 inches. 1153—Curvre Dork Marsie Crock Directoire Period Annular enameled dial, sustained in arch of cutvre doré. Sur- mounted by tapering open panel and sunburst. ‘The arch sup- ported on half columns of statuary marble, and on an oblong plinth before the dial is an altar and two flanking vases. On dove-gray marble base and cutvre doré button feet. Height, 18%, inches. 1154—Cvivre Dort Mantret Crock Empire Period Boat-shape, with two claw feet, military trophy appliqués and porcelain dial. Surmounted by seated figure of young girl drawing the portrait of her favorite poodle sitting on his hind legs before her. On oval base, with large trophy of “The Arts.” Height, 151% inches. 1155—Two Cuivre Dort PratEavx Empire Period Rope-molded round base, with open-scrolled valance and claw feet. Diameter, 181% inches. Fourth Session 1156—Two Cuivre Dort Repousst PLaaves Renaissance Style Center with groups of classic figures. Fine broad shell and scrolled leaf borders. Oval. Length, 181% inches. 1157—TIwo Cuivre Dort Watt Appriauks Louts Philippe Scrolled leaf cartouche back; with three scrolled leaf arms for lights. Height, 131%, inches. 1158—Cuivre Dort CanndELABRUM Louis Philippe Period Leaf and rocaille scrolled shaft, with seated cupidon at front; five scrolled arms for lights. On scrolled cartouche and ro- caille base. Height, 24 inches. 1159—Couivre Dore CandELABRUM Late Empire Period Shaft with two nymphs in close embrace dancing; on urn ped- estal festooned with grapes. Six cornucopia-scrolled arms for light. (Arms need repair.) Height, 321% inches. 1160—Two Cuivre Dort CassoLetTreEs Empire Period Two-handled covered urns supported on baluster surrounded by three open tripod legs with satyr heads and hoof feet. On molded round base and square plinth. Height, 241/, inches. 1161—TIwo Cuivre Dort CAnpdELABRA Louis XVI Period Shaft, a voluminously draped nymph sustaining a cornucopia having leaf-scrolled branches for five hghts. On drum pedestal enriched with “Sportive Cupidons,” rouge antique marble mold- ings and square plinth. Height, 341% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee SS err SSCSsSSSCtCtS————eeseee— 1162—Two BronzE CANDELABRA Empire Period Winged nymph in black bronze as shaft, sustaining five gilded scrolled ram’s-headed arms. On gilded square expanding ped- estal with griffon feet and plinth. Height, 341% inches. 1163—Cuivre Dort Tazza Late Empire Period The Shaft, as “The Three Graces,” sustaining on their heads an open round, leaf tazza. On shell-paneled and scrolled tripod and incurved triangular plinth. Height, 235% inches. 1164—Two Cuivre Dort Tazzas Late Empire Period Similar to the preceding; without the open basket, but with rings for glass dishes. Height, 3214, inches. 1165—SeEven-pPart Cutvre Dort Pruatrau Late Empire Period Five oblong central parts and two parts having semicircular ends. Galleried rim, with rosetted molding and open cresting of upright leaves. On claw feet. (Mirrors do not exist.) Length, 10 feet 9 inches. Note: This fine old plateau can be rearranged, using none, one or more of the central sections. 1166—Serven-part Cuivre Dort Puatreav Late Empire Period Similar to the preceding. 1167—Gerorcian SILVER-PLATED THREE-PART PLATEAU Oblong center and two semicircular ends. Molded rim, with open medallioned gallery; parted by rosetted blocks. On leaf button feet. (Mirrors do not exist.) Length, 4 feet 13% inches. Fourth Session 1168—Gerorcian THREE-PART SILVER-PLATED PLarEau High straight gallery, with gadrooned rim and scrolled loop handles. On scrolled leaf feet. Oblong center part and two serpentined oblong ends. (No mirrors exist.) Length, 3 feet 834 inches. 1169—Two Tart Brass Lamp SHarts Late Empire Period Round fluted expanding shafts and similar molded pedestal. On square plinth having gadrooned button feet. Height, 37 inches. 1170—Two Important Cuivre Dort CanpvEeLaBsra Louis Philippe Period Shaft, as “The Three Graces,” supporting a tier of six leaf- scrolled arms for lights; surmounted by two _ leaf-enriched , balusters terminating in a socket for light and about center, having three further scrolled arms. On paneled tripod scrolled into three cupidon head and incurved triangular plinth. Height, 3 feet 101% inches. 1171—Repousst Parcet GitpED SILvER-PLATED MANTELPIECE French Eighteenth Century Serpentined molded shelf, with curious valance; surmounted by a medallioned rocaille-scrolled pediment; the medallion occupied by spray of wheat and grapes. Broad scrolled jambs with further gilded sprays of wheat and flowers. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 1172—Two Smart Bronze Cannons English Seventeenth Century Molded tapering shafts; with trunnions and ball terminal. Fine natural brown patina. Length, 181% inches. From the collection of the Earl of Shannon, Castle Martyr, near Cork, Ireland. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a ee 1173—Two Bronze Morrars English Seventeenth Century Molded round body, with trunnions and ball terminal. Length, 33 inches. From the collection of the Earl of Shannon, Castle Martyr, near Cork, Ireland. FURNITURE, AMERICAN AND SPANISH 1174—Sitver-intaip Travetine Taste Desk Directoire Period Oblong, with slant-hinged top and back opening and displaying two finely gilded silver wells. Inlaid with beautiful scrollings and banding. Engraved with monogram double L.M. Top covered in leather. Length, 127% inches. 1175—Eneutsu Leratuer Borris Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped, with scalloped edge. Height, 16%, inches. 1176—-Two Earty American anp Encoiish Waxrxine Canes (a) Carved whale ivory, with reeded stick and spirally twisted handle. Mounted in silver. Monogrammed J.B. Early Amer- ican. (8) Rosewood, with small crook; enriched with oval medallion engraved with crest of Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence. Lengths, 36 inches and 377% inches. 1177—Carvep Esony Box Hindu-Portuguese Late Seventeenth Century Oblong, elaborately enriched with curious leaf scrollings in bas- relief. Interior with two fitted covered boxes. (Needs restora- tion. ) Length, 125% inches. 1178—Oxp Eneuish SHacrEEN anp Brass Box Oblong, with hinged cover. Enriched on all sides with scroll- pierced brass panels over shagreen. Length, 101% inches. Fourth Session 1179—Intaip Satinwoop Box English Eighteenth Century Oblong; fitted with one deep drawer. Paneled on all sides with satinwood, banded with kingwood and inlaid with varied fes- tooned scrollings and medallions. Length, 151% inches. 1180—SILVER-MoUNTED Exrony Lectern Spanish Renaissance Style Molded open adjustable book-rest with scrolled front, enriched with coat-of-arms and scrollings in repoussé silver. Oblong base, with further leaf mountings in silver. Length, 151% inches. 1181—Ewneravep Ivory Worxkxzrox Hindu-Portuguese Late Seventeenth Century Oblong; with hinged cover. Engraved with medallions and leaf bandings. Interior finely fitted. (Needs restoration. ) Length, 141% inches. 1182—Inuarw Fremish Watnut CaBinet Renaissance Style Domed cover, with slide to compartment. Front fitted with en- closing doors and six interior drawers. (Needs restoration.) Height, 14 inches; width, 10%% inches. 1183—O.uxp Spanish Watnut Box Oblong, with lifting top and fall front; fitted with compart- ment and two secret drawers. Mounted in cwivre doré with cartouche lock plate and scrolled straps. Length, 11% wmehes. 1184—Iniaip Watnut CaBINET Flemish Seventeenth Century Oblong, with two enclosing doors. Inlaid with scrolled oval medallions. Interior fitted with drawers. Cedar-lined. (Needs restoration. ) Height, 151% inches; length, 1914 inches. 1185—Exony Torer Mirror Spanish Renaissance Style Molded oblong; enriched with varied wave motive. Easel back. Height, 2914, inches; width, 225% inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee a a aa eTearsE=nE ENED ISE ISIS ISESSSNS SEINE Sas SET STENT ETT 1186—JapranEesE Carvep Trax STAND Lobed round top with marble insert. On open valanced cabriole legs. (Marble cracked.) Height, 191% inches. 1187—Iniaiw Kinewoop Specimen Tape Louis XVI Style Serpentined oblong glazed and hinged top. On cabriole legs. Mounted in cuivre doré with leaf moldings, scrolled knee and toe appliqués. Height, 31% inches; width, 24 inches. 1188—Exonizep Prepestat, Mountep 1x Cuivre Dore Lows Philippe Period Tapering oblong shaft. Mounted with leaf moldings, vase and scroll appliqués. (Top needs covering.) Height, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 1 foot 51% inches. 1189—Esony CABINET AND STAND Flemish Renaissance Molded domed top, with hinged cover; front enclosed with ara- besque molded fall front door. Interior fitted with drawers having silver handles and central plaque of Madonna. Stand with stretchered square tapering legs. Height, 4 feet; width, 1 foot 8 inches. 1190—Earty American Manocany Drop-Lear TARE Oblong top, with two folding leaves. On baluster legs carved with spiralled leaves. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; length, 4 feet 2 inches. 1191—THe Jumet Earty American Manocany PEemBproxke TABLE Oblong top, with two leaves having round corners. Fitted with drawer, trimmed with original bail brass medallion handle. On tapering square legs. Height, 2834 inches; length, 4134 inches. Note: This interesting historic relic was purchased by the late Mr. John Wells at the sale of the Jumel effects and the handle is engraved “Eliza B. Jumel.” Fourth Session 1192—SILvVER-MoUNTED Exrony Dressine TasiE Spanish Seventeenth Century Oblong mirror back, with molded cornice and spirally twisted columns. Table with outset corners, fitted with drawer. On spirally twisted pilaster having stretchered base and bulbous feet. Lavishly enriched in repoussé silver with leaf-scrollings to spirals, fruit and floral scroll appliqué. (Several moldings missing. ) Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. 1193—SiLvEr-mMounTED Exony Dressine T'asLe Spanish Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. 1194—Ivory Intain Exony Burrav Italian Seventeenth Century Molded oblong top; front fitted with three molded drawers in- laid with ivory corners, each simulating two. Trimmed with massive gilded handles scrolled with cupidons. On molded bracket feet. Height, 2 feet 111% inches; length, 4 feet 81, inches. 1195—Ivory-tintaip Espony Bureau Italian Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Slight variance in details. Height, 2 feet 10% inches; length, 4 feet 8% inches. 1196—Inxaw Turrewoop ComMoDE Italian Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged lifting top, disclosing large compartment. Top, front and ends richly inlaid with vase, swans, fine scrollings and leaf bandings. Mounted in cutvre doré with leaf molding and rosettes. On fluted tapering round legs. Height, 341/. inches; length, 501, inches. 1197—Fovr Emprowrerep Moree Sirk Panets Deep ivory watered silk; paneled with appliqué scrollings en- riched in pastel colors with festoons and vines of flowers. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 1 inch. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. PAINTINGS Mainly of the English Eighteenth Century School H. T. BONE ConNTEMPORARY ENGLISH 1198—PORTRAIT OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON On Mill Board: Height, 1314 inches; width, 10%. inches Bust length, wearing lawn cravat and blue court coat. ENGLISH CoNTEMPORARY 1199—_VIEW IN SURREY Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Rouzine pastoral country with cottage and flanking wooded hills. D. H. McCKEWAN ConTEMPORARY ENGLISH 1200—THE MILL STREAM Watercolor: Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches Two rustics are seen at a bridge over the stream which flows about center. Beyond woodland and cottage. Signed at lower left, D. H. McKrwan. SCHOOL OF MORLAND Eneusn: Eichtrentu Century 1201—AN ENGLISH RUSTIC On Mill Board: H eight, 21 inches; width, 1434 inches An old laborer standing with a shovel in his hand; wearing a smock. Fourth Session SCHOOL OF LELY ENcLIsH: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1202—LADY MUSGRAVE Height, 2934 inches; width, 25 inches HatF length to front; wearing lawn robe and blue mantle. She holds a small bird on her hands. In original gilded frame. STUBBS EncusH: EicHTrentoH CEnNrTuryY 1203—PORTRAIT OF THE MARE POLLY Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Sranpine at right in profile to left before two dogs. Rolling hilly wooded country beyond. Inscribed at foot on rock, “Polly, a favorite mare of N. Smythe, Esq.” In original carved and gilded frame. ENGLISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1204—PORTRAIT OF PHILIP CONSTABLE Height, 29% inches; width, 247%, mches Hatr-Ltencru clean-shaven serious man; wearing lace jabot and black coat. In oval. Inscribed with name. Original carved and gilded frame. ENGLISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1205—PORTRAIT OF ROGER OWEN Height, 3014 inches; width, 251 inches Bust length of full-faced burly man; wearing gray wig and blue coat. In original carved and gilded frame. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eee EEE SCHOOL OF LAWRENCE EncusyH: Late EigHTEENTH CENTURY 1206—THE PORTRAIT OF LADY MARY STOCKTON Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches HaxF length, slightly to right. Seated wearing dawn dress and green mantle. SCHOOL OF CORNELIUS JOHNSON Encuisu: Late SixTEENTH CENTURY 1207—PORTRAIT OF LADY FRANCIS HOWARD Height, 32 inches; width, 26 mches Har length to front; wearing lace ruff, bertha and cuffs over a black velvet dress. ENGLISH SCHOOL Earty E1GHTEENTH CENTURY 1208--—PORTRAIT OF THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH Height, 30 inches; width, 25 wmches Har length, full-faced man slightly to right; wearing long curling gray wig and brown velvet coat. SCHOOL OF VANDYKE ENGLISH: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1209—PORTRAIT OF GEORGE MORLEY, BISHOP OF WINCHESTER Height, 291% inches; width, 2314, inches Haxr length; wearing lawn surplice and black open surtout. In orig- inal black and gilded frame. Fourth Session ENGLISH SCHOOL Earty NINETEENTH CENTURY 1210—PORTRAIT OF JOHN KEMBLE THE ACTOR Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Har length to front; wearing white stock and black coat. ENGLISH SCHOOL NINETEENTH CENTURY 1211—PORTRAIT OF SIR GEORGE GROVE, MUSICIAN Height, 32 inches; width, 2644 imches Har length, seated slightly to right, bald-headed and gray-whiskered man, wearing black coat. Note: Sir George Grove was of the Royal College of Music, London, and was a musician of note. ENGLISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1212—PORTRAIT OF COUNTESS OF SOMERSET Oval: Height, 294 mches; width, 2514 inches Bust length of a large dignified woman; wearing long curling hair and low-cut ermine-trimmed blue dress. SCHOOL OF MIEREVELT Earty SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1213—PORTRAIT OF JACOB VAN BRENT On Panel: Height, 1 foot 8% inches; width, 1 foot 4 mches Bust length, slightly to right wearing Vandyked lace collar and white satin slashed black velvet dress. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a ———— CORNELIUS JOHNSON EncuisH: SIXTEENTH CENTURY 1214—PORTRAIT OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH On Panel: Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 3 mches PLEASANT-FEATURED man, at half length, looking front. Wearing curious square beard, lawn ruff and black dress. ENGLISH SCHOOL Earty E1cHTEENTH CENTURY 1215—PORTRAIT OF THE YOUNG PRETENDER Oval: Height, 2 feet 644 inches; width, 2 feet 114 inches Harr length, facing slightly to left; wearing long curling wig to shoulders and gilded armor with blue sash. In original carved and gilded frame. ALLAN RAMSAY British Scuoou: 17138—1784 1216—PORTRAIT OF MISS JANE MURRAY Height, 4 feet 2 mches; width, 3 feet 4 mches Ficure of little girl standing before woodland; wearing crimson and white flowered dress. She holds a bow in hand; her favorite dog is at her feet. In original carved and gilded frame. WILLIAM HALFPENNY EncusH: Earty EiGHTEENTH CENTURY 1217—PORTRAIT OF PYKE BUFFAR 7 (Son of Governor Buffar) Height, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 34% inches SEATED figure within an architectural gallery. He wears a gray wig, embroidered pink long-tailed vest and blue velvet coat. In original black and gilded frame. Fourth Session ENGLISH SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY 1218—PORTRAIT OF THE EARL OF ARUNDEL Panel: Height, 3 feet 101% inches; width, 2 feet 101% mches THREE-QUARTER length, wearing short beard, lawn ruff and black cos- tume. He is declaiming, his right hand pointed forward to some ob- ject not seen. ENGLISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1219—PORTRAIT OF DOROTHY, LADY COTTON Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 45 mches TuHreEe-QuarTER length, seated, wearing pearl necklace; lawn-trimmed black velvet dress. A bouquet of roses in a vase stands at her left. In original carved and gilded frame. FIFTH SESSION THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBBER 25, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 10.830 A.M. Catalogue Numbers 1220 to 1500, inclusive JEWELRY 1220—Twetve Sitnver Watcu CHARMS Elephant, boat, shoe, chair and other varied charms 1221—T wo Goup anp ENAMELED SNAPS French Eighteenth Century Oval, with engraved rims. Enameled medallions of busts of girls, after Greuze. 1222—-Two Prart JEWELED GoLD SNAPS French Eighteenth Century Oblong centers of braided hair, surrounded by small pearls. Pearl end bars. 1223—Four Goup Snares and ENAMELED BroocHu Two oblong, with chiseled iron cupids, one hexagonal, set with pearls and figure enamel center; other, round with paste center. Bowknot brooch, enameled ruby color. 1224—Srrp Prart Gop SLIDE Oblong set with two rows of seed pearls. On velvet band. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1225—Rarer YALE Society Goup Kry American, 1758 Oblong center, with coat-of-arms. Inscribed: N. G. Green, Linonia, September 12th, 1753. 1226—Baroeve PEARL Gotp BuckLE AND SLIDE Filigree oval buckle and oblong slide; both set with large pearls. 1227—ENAMELED GoLD SNAP AND JEWEL OprrEra GLAss Oval, with enameled subject, after Boucher. Miniature tele- scopic gilded bronze glass. Jeweled with turquoises. 1228—Two Praru Ser Gotp BroocHEs American Eighteenth Century Ovals, set with pearl rims; centers worked in hair; one with remarkable wheat sheaf. 1229—Two Goxtp BroocHEs American Eighteenth Century (a) Oval, with faceted rim and braided hair center. (zs) Oblong, set with pearl rim. Hair center. 1280—Two Gotp BroocHes American Eighteenth Century (A) Oval; with hair back; front with “Votive Altar” and fig- ures. (8) Molded oval; with simulating agate center. 1231—Garnetr anp Goup Cross anp PENDANT English Eighteenth Century Oval brooch and cross closely set with garnets and small seed pearls. 12382—Four Gotp Scarr Ping (a) Scarab, cut with figure at reverse. (3) Glass cameo. Head of Petrarch. (c) Agate Bacchic head. (D) Oval carnelian intaglio. Mercury. Fifth Session 1233—Prart ann EnamMeLeD Goxtp Broocu Bowed oval, with enameled center. Set with two rows of fine pearls. 1234—EwnaMELED GoLp JEWEL Oval, with pierced inscribed rim. Center with enameled half- length figure of the king. Note: Replica of King Alfred the Great Jewel, now reposing in South Kensington Museum, London. 1235—EnaMEtED Gotp Locket, Box anp SEAL Eighteenth Century Oval locket, enameled with doves and basket of flowers; set with pearls. Diamond-shaped pungent, enameled with cupidon head; set wtih pearls (four missing). Seal, gray carnelian with in- taglo coat-of-arms. 1236—Turee Gotp SxrArs Eighteenth Century Carnelian with monogram. Green agate with coat-of-arms. Crystal intaglio cut with head of warrior. 1237—Two Sitver Corns anp SMALL PLAQUE One Carolus, 1703; other Pax, 1631. Plaque, oblong; sub- ject, “Jesus Disputing with the Doctors.” 1238—Two Sitver Srars, Puncent Lyre Cuarm anv Goup PENcIL Seals with monograms. Engraved oval pungent. Music Prize Charm. Pencil set with topaz. 1239—Fovr Inpian Stuver Earrincs AND PUNGENT Looped earrings. Heart-shaped pierced with birds. 1240—Iratian Sitver ReEtieuary anp Byzantine PLaQuE | | Fifteenth Century Folding triangular reliquary; painted with figures of saints. Plaque with figures of the ‘**Three Wise Men of the East.” Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee 1241—Two Sitver PrLaevuEs Heads of laureated Roman Emperors. Arched at crown. 1242—Sitver Broocu, CHain AND NECKLACE Brooch with King on Dragon back from “Rheingold.” Large looped chain. Necklace with carnelian pendant. 1243—PincuBpEck GOLD Ervut Louis XV Period Finely scrolled étui, with rocaille and figures of “Flora and Pomona.” On finely scrolled cartouche having hook for sus- pension. 1244—Cutvre Dort CHATELAINE Louis XV Style Four linked cartouches, scrolled and pierced with figures. Round filigree pendent pungent. 1245—Srven Rep Cora CHarms anp Hanpues Bacchic head and other interesting specimens of carving. 1246—GoLp-MOoUNTED MorTHER-OF-PEARL KyirE AnD Two Bopktns French Eighteenth Century Knife carved with shell motive; fluted handles to bodkins. 1247—S1x Carvep Ivory Movuntines ror Missau Italian Sixteenth Century Virgin and Child; three Angels; Flight from Eden; Two Classic Warriors. 1248—TuHreEe Smautu SILVER-PLATED PLAQuEs Two with engraved allegorical subjects for “Book Plates.” Other, “The Perfume Vender.” Oblong. : 1249—Two-part Moorish ENAMELED BuckKLE Scroll-arched, pierced with arabesques in black and blue. 1250—Two Sriiver-mountTeD Sprectacte Cases (a) Black leather, with open gs rolled mounting. (8) Sharkskin, with silver rim, Fifth Session 1251—Two Eneravep Stnver NEEDLE-CASES Louis XV Style Tapering oval, engraved with figures amid scrollings. 1252—Sitver Pier, NEEDLE-cAsE AND PLATED SEAL Opium pipe engraved with medallions. Case engraved with figures and scrollings. Seal terminal finished with bust of Socrates. 1253— ANTIQUE Sinver Mintature Hat, Hanpizr, Ewer anp Cross Engraved cocked hat; scroll handle; open scrolled miniature ewer and floriated cross. 1254—Sitver Tasuet, Kry ann NECKLACE Cartouche tablet, with figures after Teniers. Coroneted bow key. Necklace of Real coins and larger Spanish coin of 1880. 1255—Turee Dutcu Sinver CHATELAINES A) With garlanded lozenge cartouche havin roup of fig- £ £ g group & ures. (s) With three scrolled cartouches of figures. (c) With two open scrolled medallions. 1256—F ive Sitver BuckLes Oval and oblong; variously beaded and molded. 1257—Two Oxup EncusH Strver BorTrries Long oblong, with silver cap; other traveling inkwell with locked silver cover. 1258—Durcn Sitrver CHATELAINE AND NEEDLE-CASE Eighteenth Century Filigree and link chains to chatelaine with hanging rare shaped watch key. Fluted tapering round case on chain. 1259—Dutcu Sitver Bac Crasp Scrolled arched clasp, enriched with figures and cartouched loop. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Ssrrnssnnnrn cn nnn nn EEE 1260—Fovur Smatt Orv Sitver PLaQuEs St. Christopher; Group of Sportive Cupidons; The Annuncia- tion; The Holy Trinity. 1261—Stver-MountTED AGATE SALT AND Esony Hanne Clear gray agate. Mounted, with silver gilded scrolled legs. Baluster handle; with curious band of figures. 1262—SmauuL Framep Sitver PLAQuE Bust of Gustavus Adolphus, “1657.” In octagonal frame. 1263—Turee Orp Sitver PraeveEs (a) Round, with two cupidons. (3) Scrolled cartouche, with medallioned head of a king. (c) Engraved cartouche, with central bust. 1264—Two Dutcu Strver Keys, Seats ann PincusHIOoN Curiously open keys and seals. Round cushion with coat-of- arms. 1265—Durcu Sitrver CHATELAINE, Two Hooxs ann BuTrron-HOoOK Scrolled wire chatelaine with snake chains. Cartouched hooks. Scroll-handled button-hook. 1266—Two Pams Dutcu Siiver Scissors; CHATELAINE Hoox One pair with leaf-scrolled handles; other in sheath case. Hook with scrolled lyre and oval loop. 1267—-Two Sirver Buck ies Double thistle buckle. Open buckle with leaf scrollings. 1268—Two Sitver Tasrets, Hoox, Scissors SHEATH AND PLAQUE Scroll cartouche tablets. Basket-pierced hook. Tapering sheath. Plaque with subject, “Le Nid.” | Fifth Session 1269—THREE SitverR GinpED CHATELAINES (a) With three chained scrolled cartouches of figures. (3) Louis XVI, with oblong and oval figure cartouches. (c) With open figure cartouche of “Cupid and Psyche.” 1270—Two AcatE SEALS Red agate, with hooked handle; other gray and pink agate. Both mounted in cuivre doré. 1271—Parr Frencuo ENAMELED Orrra GLASSES By Gougnard, Paris Aluminum; enriched with pastoral figures in landscapes. 1272—NieLLo Sitver Travetine SET Spanish Late Eighteenth Century Folding knife, fork and spoon; finely enriched with scrolled bases of flowers. In original case. 1273—SILvER GitpED FIguRINE French Eighteenth Century Seated Cupidon holding a spray of flowers. 1274—Sitver Srewine Ser Rosetted tape measure; heart-shaped emery; acorn case and thimble. Monogrammed. In case. 1275—Two Sitver Puoro Frames anp Ovat PLaauE | Open scrolled and cartouched oblong with heart-shaped frame. Plaque; repoussé flowers and birds. 1276—Encuisu Sinver Crump Brusu anp Dish WepcE Back and handle enriched with arabesqued mask and figure. Open expanding ladder wedge. 1277—Hinpvu-Perst Inx-pox anp GitpED Mace Long pen-box, with engraved covered well at side. Pearl-en- riched balustered short mace with many chain and coin pen- dants. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. EEE 1278—Parcet GinpED Sinver BELT Elizabethan Style Two arched hollow sections, enriched with low-relief figures and arabesquings; these are finished with perforated pear-shaped pierced S-hooks and joined by strip of amethyst velvet covered with jeweled and scrolled oblong plaque flanked by open silver cruciformed motives centered with turquoise. 1279—Two Paste Stnver GitpED BucKLES English Eighteenth Century Arched oblong; with engraved fillets and borders of oblong cut, closely set brilliant stones. 1280—Srx Sinver anp Paste Harrins Two with rosetted heads; one stellate; two crescent-shape; other spray of flowers. 1281—Oxnp Friemisuo Carvep Ivory Boox Cover Mountines Central oval plaque with “Boors Regaling” and four busts of eminent men at corners; mounted temporarily. 1282—Two Sitver Mountines ror BLorrers (a) With central oblong plaque, “A Maiden at Seashore,” and scrolled bird corners. (3) With finely scrolled baskets of flowers. 1283—Turee Frencu Paste Broocurts anp Harrpin Dragon fly, horse and crescent brooches. Double studded cres- cent hairpin. 1284—Turee Frencu Paste Broocues, Earrincs anp StTup Crescent, lyre and fly brooches. Earrings and stud with large faceted stones. 1285—Five Frencu Paste Sitnver Burrons anp Broocu Buttons with pink and ruby centers, surrounded with paste stones. Baroque pearl brooch similar. Fifth Session 1286—Two Frencu Pastr Broocues ann THrer Bucktues Lizard and bird brooches; two oval paste buckles; one molded silver. 1287—Frencu Paste Goutp Locket, Snap Anp Pin Oval locket closely set with oblong stones; oblong closely set snap. Rosetted eighteenth century stickpin. 1288—Two Frencu Pastrt Broocues Butterfly and three-leaved clover. In garnet-colored paste. 1289—Four Frencu Pastr Broocues Bird, butterfly, lyre and small oblong-shaped brooches. 1290—Tureet Frency Paste BroocHes anp GILDED SILVER BroocH Two varied bar pins and beetle paste brooches. Other English coronation brooch. 1291—THrer Frencu Paste Broocues ann JET Broocu Long and short oblongs, serpentined oblong paste brooches. Arched and paneled open jet brooch. 1292—_Frencu Paste Cross, Pennant anp Broocu Engraved expanded cross; round locket pendant and stellate brooch. 1293—Turee Frency Paste Snaps, Pennant anp Broocu Two oblong and two oval snaps; heart-shaped pendant and stellate brooch. 1294—Turere Frencu Paste Broocues AND ButTtTron Two rosetted and insect brooches. Stellated rosette button. 1295—Turee FRENCH Pastrt BroocHeEs In the form of fleur-de-lis, and two varied stellate brooches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. I ——————— 1296—Frencu Paste Broocn anp Two Harrpins Bar pin brooch; horseshoe mounted pins. 1297—Fovur Frencu Paste STICKPINS Varied rosette and stellate settings of paste. 1298—Five Frencu Pastr Burrons Three closely rosetted, two with open bowknots. 1299—Onrt Hunprep anp Ninety MortTuHeEr-oF-PEARL Carp CHiPs One hundred and fourteen long ovals. twenty smaller ovals and fifty-six round. Variously engraved with initials W. H. M. and floral motives. 1300—SrErp Prart Goxtp Broocu with PENDANT Directoire Period Laurel spray, with three surmounting rosebud sprays. Pendant arched and having drops of three blossoms. Closely set. 1801—SrEp Prart Broocu Directoire Period Open spray of rose and bud. Closely set. 13802—Serrep Prart Broocu Directoire Period Finely modeled rose spray. Closely set. 18038—Serrep Prart Broocu Directoire Period Open double floral rosette; closely set. 1304—Srrep Prart Broocu anp PENDANT Finely scrolled leaf brooch with drop pear-shaped pendant. 1805—Two Srrp Peart Broocnuss Scrolled blossomed open lobed spray; other open seaweed sprays. 1306—Two Srrep Prart Broocues Directoire Period One, open rosetted oval; other, scrolled and rosectted. Closely set. | Fifth Session 1307—Fovur Strep Prart PENDANTS Directoire Period One open pear-shape, two leaf-form, other scrolled rosebud. 130S8S—Tern Sriver Burtrons anp Snap Six filigree ball-shape; gilded, four with cupidons. Snap of three open scrolled round medallions. 1309—TwentTy-THREE Srtuver Burtons Round, with figures of cupidons. 1310—E1IcHTEEN Rare SILVER-PLATED BuTToNsS American Eighteenth Century Finely punched rims, engraved and scalloped. 1811—Twetve Sitver Buttons American Eighteenth Century Round, engraved with stellate motives. 1312—Twetve Sitver Burrons American Eighteenth Century Square, with canted corners, bossed center and stellate en- graved motive. 1313—TeEn Sitver Buttons Enriched with seated cupids. MINIATURES AND FANS 1314—Two Ivory Miniatures 1x Goitp Locker Frames English Eighteenth Century (a) “Master Bucknel.” Half length of little lad wearing lace collar and green coat. (s) Harry Gosnell, Esq. Bust length; wearing gray wig and blue coat. 1315—Turee Op ENAMELED MINIATURES Respectively, oval, with bust of Raphael; oval, with subject “Christ before Pilate”; oblong, depicting ‘Lot and His Two Daughters.” Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered amd sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a areca oe a 1316—Ivory Miniature with Goup FRAME | American Late Eighteenth Century “Master Ora Weeks.” Oval; bust length of lad wearing lawn collar and blue coat. Gold locket frame with snap; on black velvet ribbon. 1317—Ivory Miniature in Paste FRAME After Greuze Round; bust of a “French Peasant Girl.” Silver frame brooch with closely set stones. | 13818—Ivory Miniature In SHAGREEN CASE English, 1744 “Richard Sutton.” Bust length; wearing white stock and lavender embroidered coat. In fine oval shagreen case. 1319—Ivory Miniature French Eighteenth Century “Mme. La Vallette.” Bust length, slightly to left; wearing gray Pompadour hair and low blue dress having rose at. breast. In oval cuivre doré frame. 1320—Dovsie Ivory Miniature English Late Eighteenth Century “Master and Miss Loreburn.” Bust lengths, he in red coat, she ‘in white dress. Gold oval locket frame. 13821—Ivory Mrinrature Directoire Period “Mile. Dufromental.” Bust length; wearing ropes of pearls in dark curled hair and lawn robe draped with orange silk. In oval gold locket frame. 1322—Ivory Miniature , Attributed to Cosway, English Eighteenth Century “Miss Marjory Maltravers.” Charming girl seated in a dell wearing garlanded mob cap and white dress; her favorite black poodle on her lap. In gold locket frame. 13823—Ivory Miniature By Samuel Cooper, English “Dr. Andrew Lortie.” Bust length, wearing dark curling hair and small mustache; lawn collar and cleric garb. Oval, in gilded oblong. Fifth Session 1324—Goup Locker Frame ror MINIATURE Oval molded frame, with loop for suspension. 1325 ENAMELED SILVER CaArD-CASE - Old English Oblong, with scrolled filigree rims. Center with view of “Niagara Falls.” 1326—CuinesE Carvep Ivory Fan Blades finely pierced with personages, villas and trees. Guards similarly carved. 1327—Carvep Ivory Fan French Eighteenth Century Pierced blades and engraved guard. Foil enriched with “Pas- toral Medallion” and small flanking subjects. Fishing. 13828—Inuaiw Ivory Fan Louis XVI Finely pierced blades and guards, with carved figures in gilding. Foil with group of “Three Graces before the Altar of Cupidon.” Finely pailletted in silver. 1329—BeavutTiruL PotycHromMep Ivory Fan Louis XVI Period Floral scroll-pierced blades and guards. Foil with “Figure Medallion,” after Janinet; flanked by oval medallions and sprays. Pailletted in gold. 1330—MorHer-oFr-PEaRL Fan Louis XVI Period Colored engraved floral blades and guards. Foil with medal- lion of “Pastoral Lovers’; flanked by trophies. Rare con- dition. 13831—Carvep Ivory Fan Lows XVI Period Pierced and gilded blades and guards. Foil very beautifully painted with pastoral medallion “Group of Children Playing with Birds”; flanked by musical trophies. 1332—ParcHMENT CoMMISSION Queen Anne Period Granted by Queen Anne to Lieut.-General Chas. Churchill to command all foot forces. Given Sept. 15, 1703. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 1338 Oxp Eneish Torcnon Lace Courar anp ‘Two Currs Scalloped collar, with bands of open rosettes. Cuffs similar. Length, 1934 inches. 138384—Kine Wiwi1am IV HanpKkEercuHIeEr Large fine lawn kerchief. Embroidered in red with miniature coroneted F. W. Note: The King’s kerchief used during his last illness. Given by his valet, Samuel G. Jemmelt, to Lady Augusta G. Fitz-Clarence. DUTCH SILVER 13835—Dutcu Sttver CHATELAINE PERFUMER Pear-shaped bottle, arabesqued and masked. Suspended by chains from hooked open-scrolled coin. 1836—Two Dutcu Strver PERFUMERS Flattened pear-shaped bottles; variously enriched with figures and scrollings. 1337—Two Earty Dutcu PEerrumers Gadrooned and faceted vase-shapes. One crowned; the other jeweled. 1338—Two Earty Dutcu Sirrver PEerrumMERS Bottle-shape, with figure and scrollings; vase-shaped with ro- caille scrollings; terminated by two cooing birds. 1339—Two Dutrcu Sitver Perrumers One, bottle-shape, with figures amid scrollings; other, walnut- shape, with gadroonings of berries. 13840—Five Oup Encusn Sitver Wine Lasers Varied sizes and shapes, with chain hangers. 13841—Two Sirver Wine Laspets anp Two Mrnu Ho.upers Grape-enriched labels. Scroll-pierced fenderlike holders. Fifth Session 1842—Fovur Encusn Sinver-MountED Corks Three with cupid terminals; one with windmill. (One cork missing. ) 1343—Fourtreen Assorten Dutrcu Sitver Lieveur Horpers Round and cup-shaped, enriched with various rural figures and scrolled open cartouche motives. 1344—Trn Sinver-mMountep Lieveur GLASSES Pierced round holders, with scrolled handles. Slight variance in patterns. 1345 Tren Dutrcu SILvER-MOUNTED LigvuEUR GLASSES Round holders, variously patterned with open scrolling, cupid heads and. cartouches. 1346—Nine Dutcu Sitver-mMountTep LiquEuR GLAssEs Holders with scrolled rims, cupid heads and basket piercings. 1347—Eient DutcH SinvER-MoOUNTED LiqguEUR GLASSES Silver holders, with open scrollings and figures. 13848—Twetve Dutcu SILveR-MoUNTED LiguEUR GLASSES Open-scrolled and basketed holders. (Variance in glasses.) 1349—Firrren Dutcu Sitver-MounTEeD LiquEuR GLAssEs Festooned open fluted holders, with scrolled handles. (Variance in glasses.) 1350—Ten Durcu Sintver-mMountep Liqueur GLassEs Medallion holders, pierced with cupidons. (Slight variances.) 1351—Trn Durcu Srinver-MounTED LievEUR GLAssEs Holders with cupidons and medallions. Scrolled handles. (Slight variances.) | Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 13852—Twexve Dutcu SInvER-MoUNTED LiquEUR GLASSES Etched cup-shaped glasses; in festooned and open fluted holders. 1353—Two Sitver Tra Barus, STRAINER AND Two Smartt Sucar SPOONS Floral pierced ball, other gadrooned; bowl-shaped strainer; shaped shovel spoons. 13854—Two Sitver Tra STRAINERS AND Two Spoons Bowl-shaped strainers; leaf and shovel spoon. 1355—Two Sitver Tra Kees Egg-shaped, with figure enrichment and long handle. Gilded bowl-shape, with scrolled Renaissance handle. 1356—Four Durcu Sitver Tors Reindeer coach, cupidon coach, chair and egg-shaped perfumer. 1857—Fovur Dutcnu Sitver Toys Miniature cupid coupe, stork at well, bureau and table. 1858—Fovur Dutrcu Sriver Toys Two ewers, one the America Cup, pitcher and covered coupe. 1359—Turee DutcH Sitver Toys Filigree settee and table and rush-seated chair. 1360—Two DurtrcHu Stiver Toys Empire settee and Louis XV piano. 1361—Five Dutrcn Sitver Toys Louis XV table, settee and three chairs. 1362—Five Dutcu Sitver Toys Louis XVI table, settee and two chairs; another chair, bent- wood. Fifth Session 13863—Two Dutcu Sinver Toys Oblong table and kettle with stand. 1364—Four Durcu Sitver Toys Dustpan, tea strainer, kettle and cupidon coach. 13865—Fovur DutcHu Sinver Toys Stork at well, horse, state coach and child in walking guard. 1366—TIwo Dutcu Sinver Toys Oval stand with two cupidons playing tennis and violin. 1367—Tureer Dutrcu Sitver Toys Windmill, jinrikishaw and old mill. 1368—Turee DutcH Sinver Toys Horse-sleigh, mandolin and coffret. 1369—Turee Dutcu Sitver Toys Stork at well, sleigh and state coach. 1370—Turee Dutcu Sitver Toys Two Louis XV settees and filigree chair. 1371—Tureer Dutcyu Sitver Toys Two Louis XV settees and table. 1372—Two Dutcu Sitver Toys Fine old articulated fish pungent and large violin. 1373—Two Durcyu Sirver Toys Reindeer sleigh and sedan chair. 1374—Fovur Dutcu Sitver Toys Country cabriolet, stork at well, cupidon coach and writing e desk. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1375—Tueree Dutrcu Sitver Toys Slant-front bureau, state coach and cupidon coach. 1376—Two Dutcu Sitver SLIPPERS Variously enriched with scrollings and figures. 13877—Two Oup Dutrcu Sitver Parts Enriched with various repoussé medallions and bail handles. 1378—Si1x Dutcu Sinver Boxes Two round, two oblong, lipstick and tape measure. 1379—Fovur Oxtp Dutrcu Sitver Boxers Engraved oblong; walnut-shaped; round locket-shaped and tapering canted oblong. 1380—Srx Oxup Dutrcu Sitver Boxes Two barrel-shaped; one round; one oval; one oblong and one long oval. 13881—Fovr Oxnpv Dutcu Boxes Two round; one each shell and barrel-shaped. 13882—Five Oxup DutcH Siiver Boxes Two incurved engraved oblong; scrolled oblong, rounded oblong and watch case. 1883—Two Oxp DutcHu Strver Boxts ann Two Memo Casks Square, cupid box; incurved oval; oblong case with figures and bag-shaped case and scrollings. 1384—THREE Sitver Boxes Round Dutch, with Cupidon; finely basketed “niello” English oval snuff box; gilded gadrooned round box. Fifth Session 1885—Turete DutcH Sinver Boxes Two scrolled square, with filigree enrichment. Other scroll paneled shell-shaped. 13886—Turee Encravep Siuver Boxss English medallioned oblong snuff box; shaped square match box; small “niello” oblong box. 1387—Tureer Sinver Boxes Shaped oblong English; oblong engraved A and oval with diapered sides. 1388—TxHree Sinver Boxes Ribbed oblong, round French, with head of “Liberty” shell- shaped; old Dutch with rural scene. 1389—Turer Sitver Boxes (a) English; oblong, with finely scrolled borders. (s) Square; Dutch, with floral motives. (c) Shell-shaped; mother-of-pearl, with silver sides. 1390—Turee EncuisH Sritver Boxers Two long round; one having coats-of-arms. One blunted oval snuff box. 1391—Two Encusy Sitver Boxes Ribbed oblong, with floral rim; round, with engraved rim. 1392—TureEE Sitver Boxes Oblong, with scene, “Christ in the Temple”; serpentined oval with lengthy inscription, and scrolled, engraved card-case. 13898—Two EneusH Sitver Boxes Scrolled enriched oblong snuff box; engraved scrolled oblong card-case. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1394—Two Sirver Boxes Oblong, one with scrolled floral medallion; other with minute reedings. 1395—Two Sitver Boxes Oblong snuff box, with engine-turning; oval long box, with thistle enrichment over ivory. 1396—Tureer Sitver Boxes Oblong snuff box with view; scrolled oblong snuff box with inscription; finely engraved oblong card-case. 1397—Two Sinver Boxes Long oblong snuff box with cowherd; scrolled oblong engraved card-case. 13898—Two Sriver Boxes Long oblong pen-box; tapering flat étui in shagreen mounted in silver. 1399—THreEE Stiver Boxes Bag-shaped tobacco box; engraved bodkin case; card-case with view of cathedral. 1400—THREE Sitver Boxes Oblong traveling ink-box, monogrammed ; curious cigarette and match box; gilded and scroll-engraved card-case. 1401—Sitver anp Brass Boxes Oval soap box; Dutch brass tobacco box. 1402—Sitver Box ann Mremoranpum CasE Oblong box, with molded ends; leather memo case enriched with pierced monogram and scrolling of Louis XVI period. 1403—Cutrvre Dort SuHett Snurr Box Directoire Period Round, with loose cover enriched with cuivre doré medallion, “Bust of Young Girl.” Fifth Session 1404—Rare EncuisH SHEFFIELD Pratt Box Eighteenth Century Round, enriched in repoussé with figure of Venus amid scroll- ings. 1405—Suver Traratcar Box English, 1805 Bowed oblong; finely engraved with view of the “Ships in Battle Line at Trafalgar.” 1406—Finz Oxtp Dutcu Sitver Box Oval; enriched with monogrammed medallion and scrollings. 1407—GrorGIAN SILVER SnNuFF Box Oblong; cover enriched with bust of Princess of Wales. 1408—EwneuisH Sitver Snurr Box Eighteenth Century Oval shell; with loose silver cover. Enriched with bust of “Young Pretender.” 1409—Larecr Torrorsre-sHELL MovuntTep Snurr Box Whitish shell; with hinged silver cover finely engraved with coat-of-arms. 1410—GerorciAn Sinver SnurFF Box Oblong; the cover enriched with inscribed cartouche and sur- rounding architectural scrollings. Interior gilded. 1411—Durcu Strver Memo Book Oblong; enriched with shipping scene and flanking views of rural fétes. 1412—Sitver GitpEep FicurinE “The Young Christ” declaiming. On red agate molded oblong base. Height, 5 inches. 1413—Fovur Sitver Ficurines Renaissance Style Standing figures of Saints. On molded square mahogany bases. Height, 434 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1414—Dutcnu Sitrver GinpED FIGURINE Standing figure of a Dutchwoman shrimper, carrying her full equipment. On oval base. Height, 5%, inches. 1415—Sitver FicuRinE Renaissance Style Seated figure of a lad reading. On Belgian black marble ob- long base. Enriched with silver heads of cherubs at corners. Height, 5 inches. 1416—TxHree Grrpep Nurempere Mintature Coverep Covuprs Pineapple coupes; on round shafts, with figure enrichment and differing ball enriched bases. Height, 534 inches. 1417—Two -GinpEep Nuremperc MrntaturE Coverep Courts Similar to the preceding. Height, 5% inches. 1418—MountTeEp Sitver Cocoanut Cup Flemish Renaissance Barrel-shape. Mounted with vertical scroll bands, monogram, gadrooned cover, scrolled handle and open scrolled annular foot. Height, 5 inches. 1419—Sinver Firren Leatuer Travertine Case Barrel-shaped case; fitted with engraved tumbler, spoon and round box. Height, 6 inches. 1420—F emiso Carven Cocoanut Cours Early Eightenth Century Skilfully enriched with medallioned busts, trophies and scroll- ing. Silver rim and Spanish feet. Height, 31% inches. 1421—Sitver-mountep Licgnum Vira Box English. Eighteenth Century Low round box, encrusted with central Montagu medallion. En- graved dedicatory bands. Diameter, 5 inches. Fifth Session 1422—MovuntTep Sitver Cocoanut Course English Eighteenth Century Goblet-shape; with silver lining, stem and foot. Engraved with “Bishop’s coat-of-arms” and “Samuel Starey, the Palace, Croy- don, 1795.”’ Height, 57%, inches, 1423—Poprr’s WiLLow SILvER-MOUNTED CouPE English, 1801 Goblet-shape; lined with silver, trimmed with scalloped foot and medallion inscribed, ‘A Relic of the immortal Pope’s Weeping Willow Tree planted by himself in the year 1717 and cut down in the year 1801.” Height, 6 inches. 1424—SILVER-MOUNTED AGATE CovERED CovupPpe' Renaissance Style Oval coupe, enriched with figure strap bandings, stork terminal and archer stem standing on three shells. Height, 71% inches. 1425—SI.vER-MoUNTED OsTRICH-EGG COUPE English Eighteenth Century Deep coupe; enriched with scrolled strap vertical bands, val- anced rim and molded spreading stem. Height, 8% inches. 1426—Sinver-MoUNTED OstrRIcH-EGG BASKET English Eighteenth Century Bowl mounted with crested molded rim, bail handle and ga- drooned and molded spreading foot. London Hall Mark, 1785. Height, 9 inches. 1427—Sinver-MounTED AGATE COUPE Renaissance Style Finely veined gray agate coupe. Mounted in silver with val- anced rim and gadrooned spreading balustered stem. Height, 634 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. 1428—EnAMELED AND GinpDED Sitver Sart CELLAR Renaissance Style Lobed triangular gauffered stem sustaining a figure of a run- ing footman carrying a long spoon, three salts enameled with figure emblematic of Spring, Summer and Winter. Scrolled feet. Height, 75% inches. 1429—SinveR-MOUNTED Buiack MarsiEe Torsacco Box Round box and expanded molded square base of black marble. Mounted in silver, with terminal figure of Hercules, bossed bands and sphinxes sustaining the box on the base. Height, 914 inches. 1430—Sitver-PLATED FicurE English Eighteenth Century “The Lion of St. Marks”; standing on oblong rouge marble base. Length, 954 inches. 1431—-SinvER-MountTED NavtiLus SHELL Renaissance Style Shell coupe, mounted in silver with valanced rim, strap bandings, eriffon handle, curious open-scrolled baluster shaft and round foot. Height, 834, inches. 1432—JEWELED Sitver-mMountEeD Navtinus Couper Renaissance Style Very fine shell coupe. Mounted in silver with surmounting cupid slaying an alligator, merman shaft and rustic round base studded with corals and baroque pearls. Height, 12%4, inches. 1433—E.aporate Sitver-MountEeD Navutizus SHett Couper Renaissance Style Finely iridiscent shell coupe. Mounted in silver with surmount- ing seahorse and Nereid, double dophin shaft and scrolled round foot. ; Height, 16% inches. Fifth Session 1434—O.p EncuisH Sitver Box Oblong, with gadrooned lifting top and base. Enriched in repoussé with birds and scrollings surrounding coat-of-arms. Length, 9%, inches. 1435—SILVER-MouNTED InuLaip Manocany Bown Elizabethan Style Bell-shape, with vertical inlays. Mounted in silver with val- anced rim engraved, “The Gift of Thomas and Susannah Fors- ter to J. F., 1671,” base with Nereid riding a dolphin and base rim with mask feet. Diameter, 8%, inches. 1436—Two Mountep Horn Mutts English, 1819 Deep rich-colored horns. Mounted in silver with molded rims and round bases baving engraved crests. London Hall Mark, 1819. Maker’s mark, G. M. I. Height, 81/ inches. From the Duke of Cambridge’s Collection. 1437—SimweEr-MouNTED Buvur Vetvet Missan Mounted with delicately wrought crucifixion and scroll motived clasp. Length, 9% inches. Note: This Missal is autographed: “From my dear mother. Wiesbaden, June, 1843. Augusta Georgina Frederica Fitz-Clarence.” 1438—Repoussé Sitver Puaaue Italian, 1761 Open oblong’; presenting ‘““The Virgin Ascending amid the Clouds.” Cherub heads guard her at left and right. Signed: Prof. F. Clem Caldenborn, 29 Novemb, 1761. Height, 145% inches. 1439—SitvER-MouNTED VeLvET Missau Italian, 1551 Rich crimson velvet cover. Mounted in silver with monstrance medallioned with scrollings and open shell-scrolled corners. Length, 1534, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ENGLISH CUT GLASS 1440—Six EncuisH Cut-ciass WINES Heavy faceted bowls; on round feet. 1441—Trn Encruisn Cur-ciass SHERRIES Tapering bowls; cut with medallions and fan motives. 1442—Six Ercuep WINEs English Seventeenth Century Goblet shape; variously etched with differing floral motives. On gadrooned and spiral shafts. 1448—Six Enecuiso Cur Guassrs Two each, medallioned tumblers, fluted clarets and similar champagnes. 1444—Five Enewisu Cut-ciass Cruretr Borrzues Faceted sides and ball stoppers. Heights, four 514 and one 5%, inches. 1445—Two Sriver-MouNTED VINAIGRETTES One, long faceted body with engraved top; other, star cut with repoussé end and cover. 1446—Two Sinver-mountep Encusu Cut-ciass PEPPERS Faceted sides; with mushroom silver cap. Height, 534 inches. 1447—Four SInver-MouNTED PrEeprrers And Musrarps Three with faceted cut-glass bodies; one with spreading sides. Mounted in silver. Heights, 434 and 514 inches. 1448—Turee Enewisny Cur-ciass Suaxers Mounrep 1n SItver Two vase-shaped, cut with medallions; one with faceted sides. Silver tops. Heights, 64%, and 714 inches. Fifth Session 1449—Fovur SItver-MoUNTED EncuisH CutT-GLAss PERFUMERS Round, square and globular; variously cut. Repoussé silver covers. 1450—EnecuisH Sitver Cruetr Gadrooned square base with scroll feet and long floral loop handle ; fitted with four hobnail cut-glass bottles with stoppers. Height, 6%, inches. 1451—Oup Encuisu Sinver Cruret Reeded oblong base, with ball feet, reeded rings, for six-faceted cut-glass bottles and loop handle. Height, 614 inches. 1452—SILVER-MOUNTED Guass STEIN. |. Renaissance Style Monogrammed stein, with green bosses. Mounted with scrolled coin hinged cover. Height, 6%, inches. 1453—Two Enerisa Cut-ciass Coverep Jars Ribbed round body, with gauffered stopper. Height, 414 inches. 1454—_Eneutsu Curt-ciass Sucrier, Muc anv VAsE Bowl with cover cut with hobnails; mug with gadrouned sides, molded cover and scrolled handle; vase cut with lozenge me- dallions. Heights, 6% and 714 inches. 1455—Two Encusyu Cut-cuass DECANTERS Round, cut with diamonds and flutings; star cut stoppers. Height, 914 inches. 1456—Encusu Cut-cuAss VASE AND PITCHER Bell-shaped, cut with hobnails and fan motives. Pitcher with gadroons and flutings. Heights, 8 and 71% inches. 1457—Two Eneuisno Cut-cuass DECANTERS Bottle-shape, cut with diamonds; mushroom stopper. Height, 934, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1458—Two EnceusH Curt-auass Fincer Bowts Bowls and trays cut with curious diagonal fan scrolled rims. Diameter, 7 inches. 1459—Two EncusnH Guass Decanters, BorrLE AND JAR Pear-shaped decanter etched with flowers, silver gilded stopper. Pressed-in bottle decanter with ball stopper and silver mouth. Fluted and molded bottle. Oblong jar with star cutting and silver rim. Heights, 1254, 934, 74% and 414% inches. 1460—SILVER-MOUNTED EncusH Guass DisH Oval diamond cut dish. _Vine-enriched molded stand, with snake looped handles. Length, 1034 inches. 1461—Dutcu SILvER-MOUNTED DECANTER Oblong, with canted corners. Mounted with silver base dis- playing personages amid scrollings and with collar. Ball stopper. Height, 101% inches. 1462—SILvER-MouNTED Amper Guass DECANTER Bottle-shape, with silver grape-enriched mouth and cork. Height, 141% inches. 1463—SILvER-mMounTED EncusnH Ercurp Guiass Jue Bowl-shape, with straight collar. Renaissance mounting of medallioned masks at collar, surmounting lion on hinged cover and scrolled handle. Height, 91% inches. 1464—EncusH Sinver-MouNTED CuT-GLAss PiIrcHER Bottle-shape, with cutting of paneled diamonds. Mounted with medallion and mask collar, floral hinged cover and leaf-scrolled handle. Height, 934 inches. Fifth Session 1465—EncuisH SILVER-MOUNTED Cu'r-GLAss PIrcHER Globular bottle-shape; finely cut with arcaded hobnails. Mounted with scrolled collar, hinged cover and _ leaf-scrolled handle. Height, 9%, inches. 1466—EncuisH SILVER-MOUNTED CuT-cuLAss PITCHER Expanding round body, cut with stellate medallion. Mounted with cartouche scrolled collar, domed hinged cover and S- scrolled handle. Height, 111% inches. 1467—EneutsuH Cut-ciass Prrcuer Mounrep In SILVER Star cut expanding round sides. Mounted with medallioned valanced collar, domed cover and leaf-scrolled handle. Height, 1034 inches. 1468—EnceisH SILVER-MOUNTED CurT-cLass PITCHER Pear-shaped, cut with diamond medallions. Mounted scrolled cartouche collar, domed cover and leaf-scrolled handle. Height, 11 inches. 1469—EncusuH SILveR-MOUNTED CuT-GLAss PITCHER Expanding round body, cut with floral lattice. Mounted with Bacchic mask and vine collar, lion-surmounted cover and S-scrolled handle. Height, 11%% inches. EncusH SILVER-MOUNTED CurT-auAass PITCHER 1470 Tapering round body, cut with diamonds. Mounted with ring collar; scrolled cover having bird terminal and snake loop handle. Height, 11°34 inches. 1471—EnecuisH SILVER-MOUNTED Cut-cLass PITCHER Expanding round body, cut with oblongs. Mounted with col- lar, dome cover and loop handle. Extra glass chamber for hot water. Height, 11%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SurnnnsnnnnnnnnT nen nnn EEE GEORGIAN, DUTCH AND OTHER SILVER Encusn Sitrver Soup Lape Shell bowl, finely cartouched and rocaille-scrolled handle. Hall marked. 1472 1473—Durcu Sitver SERVICE SPOON Oval bowl, open scrolled shaft terminating in windmill. 1474—Oxp Sriver Soup LapLE Hamburg Round bowl, with expanding handle. 1475--—EneuisH Sitver Sour Lape Eighteenth Century Oval bowl; with expanding handle. Engraved with crest. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1794. Maker, George Ely. 1476—Two Larce SILvER SERVICE SPOONS Oval bowls. One engraved M. L. and A. N.; other with shell- scrolled handle. 1477—Larcrt Dutcu Sinver SEervicrt SPoon Open scrolled baluster handle, with stork terminal. 1478—Dutcn Stnver Fisp Knire Shaped blade pierced with personages and scrollings. Open arabesqued handle having shrp terminal. 1479—T'HreE Sinver GitpED SProons Engraved bowls, with scrolled square handles terminating in rosettes and spiral balusters. Replicas of Henry VIII Corona- tion spoons. 1480—Dutcu Sitver Service Forr Coroneted coat-of-arms above fine tines; twisted shaft with windmill terminal. Fifth Session 1481—Dutrcn Sinver Service Forr Pierced crown to four tines; open scrolled shaft with fisher-boy terminal. 1482—Duvrcn Sitver Service Forr Open scrolled shaft, with five tines and coin handle surrounded by birds and open scrollings. 1483—DutcuH Stiver Service Forx Bow! with Dutch interior and four tines; twisted shaft with windmill terminal. 1484—Dutcu Sitver Service Spoon Oval bowl, with open-scrolled stem and windmill terminal. 1485—Two Finicrert Sitver Vases Long trumpet shape; with scalloped mouth. On molded black base. Height, 65% inches. 1486—Two Sitnrver Spoons ann Wine FunneL Scrolled open bowls and handles; one gilded. Spuirally ga- drooned funnel, with leaf enrichment. Engraved with crest and monogram. 1487—Fovr Oup Sitver BeEnITIERS (a) With two angels flanking Crucifixion. (zs) With open-scrolled oval back and sacred monogram; hook for suspension of tapering bowl. (c) Cartouche back, with repoussé group, “St. John.” (p) Oblong, open scrolled back, with medallion figure of a saint. 1488—Sinver CHEESE Scoop, GraprpE Scissors AND Parer Currer Scoop, with ivory handle; scissors with figures of Dutch peas- ants; dagger-shaped cutter. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Leeann eee een en ere TrmETaEEnsTniRsRINEERSEIITAESISEUSS SRS ER TST SET TST TECTES TT ETS) TTOEST “GATES 1489—Sitver CoFrFrRreET Renaissance Style Oblong, with domed hinged cover, engraved with scrollings. Finely pierced floral sides. On ball feet. : Height, 534 inches. 1490—Two Durcu Sitver Birps Pheasant and grouse; standing finely modeled. 1491—Smaut Dutcu Strver CENSER Round pierced loose body, with gadrooned cup base. Chains for carrying. 1492—Two Durcu Sitver SERVICE SPOONS Oval bowl, with figure seated amid floral and basket piercings ; strawberry and vine handle. 1493—Two Durcu Sinrver SEervicE SProons (a) Oval bowl, with group of cows; balustered handle with musician terminal. (sn) Spade shape, with twisted shaft and ’cellist terminal. 1494—Two Durcu Stirver Srervick Spoons Oval scroll-pierced bowls. One with horn handle; the other with ivory handle. 1495—Two Dutcu Stnver SErRvicE SPpoons (a) Oval bowl, with battle of Lepanto; handle with wreathed bust of Michael of Viterbo. (8) Oval bowl, with open twisted handle having windmill ter- minal. 1496—-T'wo Sitvrer CHEESE Scoors Scrolled handles, one with grapevine enrichment. Both en- graved with monogram. 1497—Two Dutcu Strver Service Spoons Oval bowl, with open twisted term and figure terminal. Fifth Session 1498—EncusuH Sitver Nutrmec GRATER Perforated iron semicircular front, with silver loop handle and hinged bottom. 1499—Two Sitver Knives Engraved butter knife. Spade-shaped blade, with ebony bal- uster handle. 1500—Turee Stuver Service Knives One, monogrammed; by Hayden and Green; butter knife, with shell-scrolled handle, and other with pierced blade and coroneted handle. SIXTH SESSION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 25, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 0’ CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1501 to 1775, inclusive GEORGIAN AND OTHER SILVER Binal Six SILVER SALT Spoons Engraved with monograms and crests in varied manner. 1502—Fovur EncuisH SILVER SALT SPOONS Terminated with balustered seal handles. 1503—Fovur EncuisH Sinver SAaut Spoons Varied handles and shafts. 1504—Six Sinver SALT Spoons Varied bowls and handles; assorted. 1505—Fovur Sitver SaLt Spoons Varied shell bowls and handles. 1506—Five EncuisH SItvER SALT SPOONS Varied bowls; handles with monograms. 1507—Sr1x EncuisH SILVER SPOONS Two with perforated bowls; four assorted patterns. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1508—Four Sinver Sart Spoons Three with figure terminals; one with twisted handle. 1509—Six EneuisH Sitver Sart Spoons Finely reeded handles. Engraved with crests. 1510—Turee Encuisu Sart SPoons Gilded bowls; with shell handles. 1511—Fovr EneisH SItvER SALT SPOONS Gilded bowls; with pearl-molded handles. 1512—Fovur EncuisH SILVER SALT SPooNns Two engraved with crests; two with pearl-molded handles. 1513—Fovur EncusH SILveR SALT SPoons Two engraved with monograms and scrollings; two with shell bowls and initials. 1514—Eicut EncuiisH SILVER SaLtt Spoons Four with jockey cap bowls; two monogrammed; two with scrolled handles. 1515—S1x Dutcu Sinver Sartt SPoons Four with different figure terminal; two with straight handles. 1516—Si1x Eneutsu Sitver Satt Spoons Two with scrolled cartouche handles; four with seal terminals. 1517—S1x Sitver Saut Spoons Two with shell-scrolled handles ; four with coin bowls and M. S. initials. 1518—Si1x Stnver Spoons Two initialed W. B.; two with shell bowls; windmill scoop and shovel with black baluster handle. Sivth Session 1519—-Twetve Dutrcu Sinver Satt Spoons Shell bowls, with scrolled figure handles. 1520—Tweive Dutcu Sinver Saut Spoons Similar to the preceding. 1521—Eient Dutcu Sinver Sart Spoons Similar to the preceding. 1522—Srx Dutcu Sinver TEAsPoons Scrolled handles; windmill terminals. 1523—Turere Encusu Sitver Sucar Tones Two engraved with shield, scrollings and monograms; other, small with oval terminals. 1524—-Two Earty AMERICAN Siuver Sucsar Tones One with shell terminals, by Brewer; other with oval terminals, by Lownes. 1525—Two Earty AmeErIcAN Sitver Sucar Tones One with shell terminals, by Hazen; other with claw terminals, by Cutler. 1526—Two Earty AMERICAN SILVER Sucar Tones One with fine acorn terminals; other with engraved handles and oval terminals. 1527—Two DutcH SILvER SPooNsS Repoussé round bowls. One with coroneted open cartouche handle; the other with standing boar. 1528—Two Dutcu Sirver SPoons Shell bowls, with varying scrolled handles. 1529—Two Durcu Sinver SpPoons Shell and crinkled oval bowls. One with scrolled figure terminal ; other with coroneted cartouche. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item rs offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. GIT 1530—Two Durcnu Sinver Spoons Crinkled bowls, with scrolled figures; coroneted cartouche ter- minals. One gilded. 15381—Turrt Durcu Sitver Spoons anp Forx One with Watteau figure handle, one with spiral handle and figure of “Liberty,” other with pierced shell bowl and group terminal, “Charity.” Windmill fork. 1532—Five EncusH Sitver Forks Three with reeded oblong handles, one with expanding handle. Hall marked, 1753; other with scrolled roll-over handle. 15383—Two EneuisH SILvER “SNUFFERS (a) With shell box and open scrolled handles. (zn) With reeded box and fine open handles. 1534—Two Sinrver Spoons anp Forx Boxwood bowl with apostle silver handle; one with black wood bowl and scroll molded cartouche handle; fork with scrolled tines and monogrammed handle. 15385—Two Frencu Sinver Sauce Lapies Shaped bowl, with roll-over scrolled handle. 1536—Two EncusH Sitver Sauce LAapLeEs Finely feather-edged handles. LEgraved with crests. 1537—Two EncusH Sinrver Sauce LapiEs Shell bowls, with fine roll-over scroll handles. 15388—Two Sitver Lapues (A) English, with oval bowl and expanding handle. (2) Dutch, with spiral handle and tabernacle terminal. 1539—Two Earty American Sauce LApieEs Boat-shaped bowls, with cartouche handles. Engraved with crests. Sivth Session 1540—TuHrReEE Sinver Spoons Two with finely pierced bowls; other with gilded bowl. 1541—TIwo EicuTrento Century Eneuisu Srtiver Lapiues Expanding handles initialed L. London Hall Mark, 1798. Made by Thos. Wallis. 1542—Turet Earty Encuisu Sitver Lapies Cartouche handles; initialed J. Hall Mark, Glasgow 1823. 1548—Two Earrty Enecuisu Sitver Lapies Expanding handles, initialed T. London Hall Mark, 1813. Makers, Thos. Wallis and J. Hayne. 1544—Fivem Smant Earzty Scorcu Sitver Lapies Expanding handles; monogrammed. Edinburgh Hall Mark, Lob. 1545—Sinver GitpED Scoor anp Oxp Scotcu Toppy Lape Cheese scoop, with adjustable handle. Ladle with gadrooned silver bowl and gold coin in center; twisted horn handle. 1546—Two Oxp Scorcyu Sttver Toppy Laprzs (a) With round bowl having repoussé festooned stellate motive ; twisted horn handle. (zs) Boat-shape floral bowl; ebony baluster handle. 1547—Two Oxtp Scotcu Sitver Toppy Lapies Variedly gadrooned boat-shaped bowls and twisted horn handles. 1548—Two Oxup Scotrcu Sriver Toppy LAapies (a) With boat-shaped bowl and long balustered rosewood handle. (3) With florally scrolled round bowl. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1549—LapLe anp LarcE SiLvER SPoon (a) Cocoanut bowl, carved with rosetted medallions, valance silver rim and long balustered mahogany handle. (zs) Oval pierced bowl, with cartouched shank; long mahogany balustered handle. 1550—Four GrorciAN SILVER 'TEASPOONS Dated 1811 Expanding handles; engraved, G. Maynard. London Hall Mark, 1811. 1551—Turee Earty AMERICAN Sitver TEASPOONS Coffin handles, engraved with monogram. Maker’s mark, I. L. 1552—Two Earzty AMERICAN SILVER ‘TEASPOONS Coffin handles. Engraved with monogram and name. By Bar- nard and Crittenden. 1553—Turee EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SILVER TEASPOONS Expanding handles; finished with medallion and feather edge. 1554—Two Earty AMERICAN SILVER TEASPOONS Expanding handles; engraved with name and scrollings. By Wilson, Philadelphia. 1555—F ivr Earty Enewuiso Sinver TEASPOONS Expanding handles, engraved with leaf medallion, monograms and initials. 1556—Srix Earty AMERICAN AND EncuisuH Stitver TEaspoons Varied expanding handles ; several with monograms. 1557—Five Earty American Sitver Teaspoons Coffin handles, engraved with intials. Made by Stebbins. 1558—S1x GiLpED Sitver Txraspoons George II Egg-shaped bowls, with expanding scrolled handles. Sivth Session 1559—Twewtve Doutrcu Sinver ApostLeE TEASPOONS Oval bowl, spiral stem with Apostle terminals. 1560—Twentve Earty AMERICAN Sritver TEASPOONS Coffin handles ; engraved with initials. 1561—T weve Encusu Sitver Dessert Spoons Oval bowl, with very fine cartouched fluted handles. English Hall Mark. 1562—ELeven Earty American Sinver Dessert Spoons Reeded handles, with scrolled cartouche handles. 1563—Srx Grorcian SrtverR Dessert SPoons 1742 Expanding handles, enriched with mask and arabesque scroll- ings. London Hall Mark, 1742. Maker, Macfarlane. 1564—Srx GiupEp GrorGIAN SItveR DerssERT SPoons 1767 Oval bowls, with expanding flat handles. London Hall Mark. Maker, P. Roker. 1565—Enxreven Doutrcu SILver DeEssERrt Spoons Oval bowls, with varied twisted and balustered handles finished with figure terminals. 1566—Serven Fine Dourcu Sinver Dessert Spoons Oval bowl, with twisted stem finished with open coroneted demi- figure terminal. Coats-of-arms on back of bowl. 1567—Six GerorciAN SinverR TABLE SPoons 1802 Fine egg-shaped bowls, with exanding handle engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1802. Maker, Sardet. 1568—Ei1cut GrorGciaAN Sinver TABLE SPoons 1780 Expanding pearl-motived handles, with monograms. London Hall Mark, 1780. Maker, George Smith. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1569—Five Groretan Sitver TABLE SPooNns 1769 Oval bowl, with fine feather edge handles. London Hall Mark, 1769. 1570—E1cHT Farry AMERICAN TABLE SPOONS Monogrammed coffin handles. By Nichols, Harbottle and others. 1571—Twetve Grorcian Sitver TanLespoons 1770 and 1781 Oval bowls; with fine feather-edged handles, engraved with crests. London Hall Marks. Makers, George and Thomas Smith. (Do not match.) 1572—Six Groreran Sitver’ TasLE Spoons 1738 and 1748 Varied expanding scroll-over handles. London Hall Marks, 1738 and 1748. Maker of three, Elias Carhart. 1573—TureEr GEoRGIAN AND QuEEN ANNE SILVER SERVICE SPOONS (a) Oval bowl, with expanded and pointed oblong handle. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1700. Maker, J. Davenport. (3) American, 1780. Monogrammed medallion handle. (c) With arabesqued back of bowl and twisted handle. 1574—Tern GrorciAn Sitver Taste Spoons Varied oval bowls, with expanding scrolled-up handles. Lon- don Hall Marks, 1768 and circa. By Chawner, Adams and other well-known makers. 1575-—Five GrorciAN Sitver Tastr SPoons Coffin handles, variously engraved with monograms. London Hall Marks, 1785; 1816; 1817. By Nemo and others. 1576—Six STERLING Sitver TABLESPOONS By Tiffany Reeded scrolled shell cartouche handles; monogrammed. 1577—Srx Georcian Sitver Taste Spoons 1801 Expanding scroll back handles, London Hall Mark, 1801. Makers, Wm. Ely and Fearn. Sivth Session 1578—Six Earty AmeErican Sinver Taste Spoons Coffin handles; engraved with monograms. 1579—Srx Earty American Sinver Taste Spoons Oval cartouche handle. Engraved with monogram in shield. 1580—Srx Encuisn Sitver Rat-raw TasntE Spoons 1749 Oval bowl, with rat-tail backs; expanding up-scrolled handles. London Hall Mark, 1749. 1581—Tren Earty American Sinver Taste Spoons Oval bowls, with handles expanding to round crowns. Maker, SE Oe 1582—Six Encuisn Sinver Taste Spoons Oval bowl, with handles expanding to fluted roll-over scroll terminal. London Hall Mark. 1583— Five GeorGian Sinver Taste Spoons Expanding roll-back handles. Finely fashioned. 1584—NineE Earty AMERICAN Sitver Taste SPoons Oval bowls, with coffin handles engraved with monograms. Maker, G. H. 1585—Srx Earty AMERICAN SILVER TABLE SPoons Up-scrolled coffin handles, engraved with monograms. Maker, Squires and Brother, of Conn. 1586—Serven GeEoRGIAN SILVER SPOONS 1773 Oval bowl, with expanding roll-back handle; engraved with monogram. London Hall Mark, 1773. Maker, William Fearn. 1587—S1x GeorciaAn GILDED Sinver Taste SrPoons 1769 Oval bowl, with handle expanding to scrolled mask terminal. London Hall Mark, 1769. Makers, 'T. and W. Chawner. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. EEE 1588—Eicut Grorcian Sitver TasLe Spoons 1790 Expanding roll-back handles; engraved with monograms. Lon- don Hall Mark. Maker, W. J. Forbes. 1589—Twentve GeorciAN SILVER TABLE SPOONS 1791 Expanding up-scrolling handles, engraved on back with crests. London Hall Mark, 1791. Maker, Stephen Adams. 1590—ELrEven GeorciAN Sitver TasLtE Spoons 1806 Coffin handles, engraved with monogram. London Hall Mark, 1806. Maker, Thomas Daniel. 1591—Tren GerorciaAn Siuver Taste Spoons 1712-1773 Expanding up-scrolling handles, with coroneted monogram. London Hall Marks of 1712, 1718, 1758 and 1773. By Car- hart, Chambers and others. 1592—-Srx Grorcian Scorcu Sinver Taste SPoons 1774 Expanding handles, engraved with crest and minute medallioned edges. Edinburgh Hall Mark, 1774. Maker, Patrick Robert- son. 1593—ELeveEN GEoRGIAN SILVER TaspLE SPOONS 1751 Slightly expanding handle, engraved with fine coat-of-arms at back. London Hall Mark, 1751. Maker, Wm. Soame. 1594—Twetve Grorcian ScorcH Sriver Taste Spoons 1774 Expanding handle, engraved with crest and minutely medallioned edges. Edinburgh Hall Mark, 1774. Maker, Patrick Rob- ertson. 1595—Six Earty AMERICAN Sinver WuHEAT-SHEAF SPoons Finely shaped handle, expanding to cartouche, enriched with slightly raised wheat-sheaf. Maker, Thibault. 1596—Twetve Earty American Sitver Taste Spoons Similar to the preceding. By Thibault. Sivth Session 1597—FourtTrEEN Earty AMERICAN Srtver Taste Sroons Finely shaped handles, expanding to cartouche; enriched with slightly raised basket of fruit and flowers and engraved mono- gram. One by G. W. and H., the others by Cochrane. 1598—Two Earty AMERICAN SILVER Sour LApDLES Coffin handles, one with basket of flowers monogrammed, by Cochrane; other, wheat sheaf, by Thibault. 1599—Two GerorciAN SILVER SERVICE SPOONS 1767 Oval bowl, with long handle, expanding to reeded scroll-back fan terminal; engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1767. Maker, T. and W. Chawner. 1600—GrorciANn Sinver Lape L721 Deep oval bowl, with balustered silver shank and fine balustered expanding boxwood handle. London Hall Mark, 1721. 1601—T'wo GrorciaAn SinverR SKEWERS 1790 and 1795 (a) Notched tapering stem, with ring handle. London Hall Mark, 1790. Makers, P. and J. Bateman. (zs) Tapering stem, expanding into ring terminal. London Hall Mark, 1795. 1602—-T'wo GrorciAn SILVER SKEWERS 1787 and 1792 (a) Flat tapering stem, with oval ring handle. Newcastle Hall Mark, 1787. Maker, Thomas Watson. (zs) Tapering blade shape, expanding into ring handle. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1792. Maker, Richard Crossley. 1603—Turere GEORGIAN SILVER SKEWERS 1781, 1795 and 1813 (a) Winged flat tapering stem, with ring terminal. London Hall Mark, 1781. Maker, Hester Bateman. (s) Similar; London Hall Mark, 1795. (c) Tapering blade shape, expanding to ring terminal. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1813. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1604—Five Georcian Sitver Taste Forks Coffin handle, with shell terminal. Engraved with monogram. 1605—Twetve Grorcian Sitver Tasrte Forks 1799 Expanding roll-up handle, engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1799. Maker, Robert Cruikshank. 1606—E1cgHTEEN AMERICAN S1ILtvER Forks Four tines, with expanding roll back handles. 1607—Twernve GErorcGIAN Srttver Taste Forks 1750-1803 Four tines; with expanding handle, engraved with crest. Lon- don Hall Marks, 1750, 17796, 1801 and 1803. 1608—EIcHTEEN Earty AMERICAN SinverR Taste Forks Four tines, with handles expanding to monogrammed shell- scrolled cartouche. Made by Stebbins. 1609—SrvEN GEORGIAN SILVER HanpiEe Knives Reeded expanding handle, engraved with crest. Blades by Law. 1610—Five GrorciAn Sitver PistoL-HANDLED KNIvEs AND SEVEN Forxs Circa 1770 Variously scrolled handles; several engraved with crests. (Do not match.) 1611—Srx Invian Carvep Ivory Hanptep Knives, Forxs anp THREE Spoons Pierced handles, enriched with figures amid scrollings. Silver- plated blades, tines and bowls. (One imperfect.) 1612—Twetve Otp EncusH Sinver Knives anp Twenve Forks Interesting scroll-molded and shell-cartouched handles. Lon- don Hall Mark. 1613—Twenty-rour Ginpep Fish Knives Engraved scimitar blade, with fine shell-scrolled and shaped molded handles. In case. Sixth Session 1614—Twentve Decoratren Porcenarin Hanptep Fruit Knives AND T'wWELvE Forks Shaped handles, enriched with Watteau pastoral subject groups. Silver blades and tines. London Hall Mark. (Three handles slightly cracked.) 1615—Fivre GerorciaAn SILVER-HANDLED Forxs AND Srven Knives Circa 1815 Finely reeded expanding handles, engraved with crest. (Do not match.) 1616—Nine Steet Knives anp Exeven Sitver Forks witru AGATE Hanpizs Eighteenth Century Finely grained varied gray agate pistol handles; ten forks with three tines, one with two. (Do not match.) 1617—Twenty-ficut Street Knives with Sitver Hannes Dublin, Circa 1780 Tapering oblong handles with canted corners. Several en- graved with crests. (Do not match.) 1618—Twenty-onr Dessert Knives witn Dewurr Pisror HanprEs Eighteenth Century Handles in blue and white with rocaille scrolling. Scimitar- shaped blades. (Several handles cracked.) 1619—Twenty-two Dexurr PIisToL-HANDLED STEEL Dinner Knives Similar to the preceding. 1620—Turirty-stx GrEorRGIAN SILVER-HANDLED STEEL KwNives London, Circa 1796 Molded expanding handle, terminating in shell motives. Scimi- tar steel blades. (Do not match.) 1621—Twenty-two GEORGIAN SILVER-HANDLED STEEL Knives London, Circa 1796 Similar to the preceding. (Four without blades.) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1622—EIGHTEEN GEORGIAN STEEL KnIves AND EIGHTEEN Forks witH Acatgé HaAnpLEs Eighteenth Century Very beautifully veined gray agate handles varying in shape, mostly of pistol form. Forks with two tines. 1623—Twenty GEoRGIAN STEEL Knives ann T'wetve ForxKs witH AGATE HANDLES Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 1624—Fovur EncuisH SILVER-MOUNTED Oak SALTS Kettle-shape, with linings, handles and rim of silver. 1625—-Two EncutsH SILveR SALTS Molded bowl-shape. Interiors gilded. 1626—Fovr EncuisH Sitver Satts Gadrooned urn-shaped, with loop handles. On square foot. Interiors gilded. 1627—Fovur EnewisH Sitver Saurts Molded bowl; on Spanish feet. Interior gilded. Hall marked. 1628—Fovur Encuisu Sitnver Prerrers Molded vase-shape. On round foot. 1629—Four EncusH Sinver Prerrers Vase shape, with acorn terminals. Hall marked. 1680—Six Eneuisu Sitver Atmonp DisuEs Scrolled shell-shape; on stump feet. Hall marked. 1631—Two EneutsH Sitver CrREAMERS One flagon-shape with scroll handle. Other on open-scrolled shell foot; strap-scrolled handle. Hall marked. 1632—Eneuisu Sinver CREAMER Engraved gadrooned body, with leaf-scrolled handle and Span- ish feet. Sivth Session 16383—Fovur EncusyH Sinver Tra-straAinERs Reeded round bowl, with open-scrolled side handles. 16384—InisH SrnverR CreAMER Helmet-shape; enriched with fox and grapes, scroll handle and leonic-headed and claw-footed legs. 16385—Ir1suH Sinver CREAMER Similar to the preceding; enriched with crested cartouche and rustic views. 1636—Two EncuisH Sitver CREAMERS (a) Boat-shape, with reeded rim. London Hall Mark, 1789. Maker, Henry Chawner. (sp) Similar shape, with covered spout and loop handle. 1637—Two Enerisu Strver Creamers Engraved and gadrooned oval body; with finely scrolled handle and Spanish feet. 1638—Two EncuisH SILVER CREAMERS (a) Helmet shape; enriched with repoussé flowers. (ps) Octagonal ewer-shape; engraved with basketed valance. 1639—Two EneusH SILVER CREAMERS (a) Jug-shape, with repoussé cartouche and _ surrounding flowers. (3) Boat-shape, with beaded rim and monogram. 1640—Eneutsu Sttver Mvue anv Prercep Basket (a) Barrel-shape, with loop handle. Hall Mark, 1819. (3) Pierced basket, with bail handle and blue glass lining. Gilded. 1641—Two Durcu Sitver Baskers Oval; with basketed pierced sides and rustic rims. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eee rere err —————————— 1642—Two EncusH Srttver AtmMonp DisHEs Bowl-shaped, with geometric piercings and rams’ heads. On round foot. Jondon Hall Mark. 1643—EnecusH Strver Mvue Deep bowl-shape, with presentation inscription. London Hall marked. 1644—TI'wo Eneuisn Srnver Mues Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark. 1645—Two EncusH HamMMErED Sinver Bow1s Finely beaten high bowls. Engraved with crests. 1646—Earzty AMERICAN SILVER Bown Enriched with key-patterned border. On molded foot. 1647—Two Eneuisu Sitver Bowins Finely hammered ; engraved with crest. 1648—Two EncusH Sinver FLower Jars Urn-shape, with flute pierced sides and festoons above. On claw feet. Clear glass linings. London Hall Mark . 1649—Two EncusH Sttver FLrower Jars Similar to the preceding; with ruby glass linings. 1650—Two Sitver Ginpep Courrs Nuremberg Style Deep molded bowls, engraved with medallioned bust and views of edifices. On scroll-molded base with cherub-head feet. 1651—Two Stiver GitpEep Courprs Similar to the preceding. 1652—Two Sitver Bowus (a) Round, with pierced sides and bail handle. London Hall Mark, 1789. (2) Dutch, smaller, similar, with scrolled handles. Sivth Session 1653—Encuisu Sinver Bown Pearl-molded rim. On leonic-headed claw feet. London Hall Mark. 1654—Two Encusu Stuver Bowts Similar to the preceding. 1655—Encuisu Sitver Bown Enriched with cartouched scrollings; finely scrolled handles over similar tripod legs. London Hall Mark. 1656—Two Encusn Stirver Bowts Similar to the preceding. 1657—Gerorcian SILVER SNUFFER TRAY 1811 Gadrooned oblong, with shell-scrolled ends. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1811. Maker, J. Craddock. 1658—Otp VienNEsE SILVER SNUFFERS AND TRaAy Leaf and shell scrolled oval tray with crest. Snuffers with leaf scrolling. 1659—Eneuiso SILVER SNUFFERS AND TRAY Incurved oval, with blossom and scroll rim; engraved with crest. Snuffers with fine shell scrollings. London Hall Mark. 1660—EncuisH SInveER SNUFFERS AND TRay Incurved scrolled oblong, with floral rim and center. Snuffers with rosette and gadrooned scrolling. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1811. Maker, S. C. Yonge. 1661—Duvtcu Sitver Basket Oval, with scrolled rim; basket-pierced sides, with festooned medallioned busts. Scroll-loop handles. Length, 73/4, inches. 1662—TIwo Dutcu Sitver Baskets Similar to the preceding. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1663—Two Durcu Sitver Baskets Oval, with pierced basket sides and rustic rims. Length, 91%, inches. 1664—Two EneuisH SItver BASKETS Urn-shape, with open rustic sides. Open medallioned bail han- dle. Loose metal linings. London Hall Mark. 1665—Eneusu Sitver TankArpD 1805 Round, with ribbed sides banded by scrollings; engraved with erest. London Hall Mark, 1805. Maker, John Robins. Height, 41% inches. 1666—EncuisH SILVER CouPE Deep, molded bowl-shape, with fine open-scrolled lug handles. Hall marked. Length, 81, inches. 1667—Two EncutsH Sriuver VASES Trumpet-shape, with fluting and festoons at crown and base. Hall Marked. Height, 51, inches. 1668—Two Irisu Stryze Sinver Vases Gadrooned tapering body, with globular base and open-scrolled foot. Enriched with lion-head and ring handles, floral mo- tives and peasantry. London Hall Mark. (Do not match.) Heights, 6% and 7%, inches. 1669—Two EncuisH Stnver Vases Tapering round fluted body, with mask and scroll rim and ga- drooned foot. London Hall Mark. Height, 87 inches. 1670—EncuisH SiItver Vase Similar to the preceding. Height, 11 inches. Sivth Session 1671—Two Durcu Stinver Vases Pear-shape, with rocaille rim, enriched with scrolled cartouches. On ram’s-headed and stretchered legs. English foreign Hall Mark. Height, 91, inches. 1672—TIwo Dutrcu Sitver Beaxer Vases Enriched with repoussé arabesque valance, medallioned bust and cupid-head scroll band at foot. Height, 101% inches. EneuisH ReEpoussk SItver VASE 1673 Tapering round body; enriched with floral and fruit pendants from a floral band at crown. London Hall Mark. Height, 12% inches. 1674—Doutcu Sitver Frower Vase 'Trumpet-shape, with wave rim; adorned with floral festoons and pierced basketry. Etched clear glass lining. Height, 141, inches. 1675—Two Geronrcian SILVER COASTERS 1812 Gadrooned sides and rim having shell-scrolled motives. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1812. Diameter, 67% inches. 1676—Two GerorGIAN SILVER COASTERS 1812 Similar to the preceding. 1677—TIwo GerorciAn SILVER COASTERS 1797 Round; galleries with large leaf and blossom scrollings. Shell and gadrooned rim. Center with button having crest. Shef- field Hall Mark, 1797. Maker, John Parsons. Diameter, 61%, inches. 1678—Two Sitver Coasters Flaring waved scrolled gallery ; pierced with scrollings. Diameter, 71/, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. enn —— ee ee 1679—Tureer SILveR SALVERS Round, with molded rims. One engraved with floral scrollings and rocaille border. Diameters, 434, 5 and 634 inches. 1680—Two EncuisH SInveR SALVERS (a) With scroll-molded round rim, having shell motives at intervals; claw feet. Hall marked. (x) Similar, with stump feet and fruit-engraved border. Diameters, 64% and 73% inches. 1681—EncusH Sitnver SALVER Fine scroll-molded rim, with leaf motives at intervals. Center engraved with monogram and floral scrolled border. On leaf- scrolled feet. Jondon Hall Mark. Diameter, 854 inches. 1682—Two Eneuisu Sitver SALVERS 1825 Molded and gadrooned round rim. Engraved with crest and monogram. On shell-scrolled feet. London Hall Mark, 1825. Diameter, 8 inches. 1683—GeEorGIAN SILVER SALVER 1806 Finely lobed round rim, with ribbon reeded and grape rim. En- graved with monogram. On grape-scrolled feet. Diameter, 834 inches. 1684—T wo Grorcian Sinver SALVERS 1809 Molded and gadrooned oblong, with round corners. Engraved with crest. On gadrooned fan-shaped feet. London Hall Mark, 1809. By Wm. Bayley. 3 a Length, 91% inches. 1685—Two Finer Otp EncusH SALvers Circa 1750 Scroll-molded round rim, with inner husk festoons and pearl edge. On bird-claw and ball feet. Diameter, 81% inches. Sixth Session 1686—TIwo EncusH Stnver SALVERS 1805 Molded and gadrooned rims; center with crest and scrolled floral banding. On gadrooned fan-shaped feet. London Hall Mark, 1805. Makers, T. Hanan and J. Crouch. Diameter, 8 inches. 1687—O.p SpanisH SitvEr Bown Enriched with shallow gadrooned rim and double husk festoons. Diameter, 6% inches. 1688—Eneusn Sitver Burrer Disu 1831 = Gadrooned round bowl, having cow as terminal, and tray. En- graved with crests. London Hall Mark, 1831. Diameter, 63% inches. 1689—EncuisH Sinver Sauce Boat Boat-shape, with festooned body and interesting scrolled leaf handles. On oval laureated base. Incomplete London Hall Mark. Length, 91% inches. 1690—EneutsH Sitver Disu Oval, with pierced grapevine border and gadrooned rim. On leaf-scrolled feet. London Hall Mark. Length, 91% inches. 1691—Two Sitver Baskets Oval, with floral scrolled rim, body engraved and pierced with scrollings. On floral scrolled base and feet. Lengths, 71% and 8% inches. 1692—Two Sitver Baskets Similar to the preceding. Length, 714 inches. 1693—Irisu Srtver Poraro Rine Incurved sides; pierced with rustic view. Blue glass lining. Length, 734, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1694—Two GrorGIAN SILVER JARDINIERE Rincs 1821 Incurved molded ring, with berried arcaded crowning molding. London Hall Mark, 1821. Maker, Philip Rundell. Diameter, 914 inches. 1695—OLp EnetisH Sitnver Covered VASE Octagonal urn-shape, with pierced paneled scrollings on body and cover; grape terminal. On round grape-enriched foot. Sheffield Hall Mark. Height, 8° inches. 1696—OLp EncuisuH Sitver PircHER Scrolled gourd-shape; enriched with cavalry battle scenes, re- cumbent goats and scrolled lip and handle. London Hall Mark. Height, 95% inches. 1697—Oxp EncusH Sitver FLAcon Expanding round sides, with classic figures, leaf and scroll moldings and handle. Dome cover, surmounted by a horse. Birmingham Hall Mark. Height, 131, inches. 1698—Ouxp Scotcu Stnver Ewer Graceful pear-shape, with rocaille neck garlanded with grapes. Body with cartouche and scrollings. Glasgow Hall Mark, 1837. Height, 125% inches. 1699—Earty American Sitver PircuHer Ewer-shape. Repoussé enrichment of floral and rocaille-scrolled cartouche. Leaf-scrolled handle. The cartouche enriched with inscription, dated 1838. ‘Made by Jones, Low and Ball, Boston.” Height, 135% inches. 1700—Eneuisn Srtver Inxstanp Gadrooned oblong base, with claw and ball feet. Geometrically pierced galleries ; fitted with two covered glass bottles and pen compartment. London Hall Mark. Length, 73% inches. Sivth Session 1701—Eneuisu Sitver InKstranp Reeded oblong base, with leaf-scrolled feet; pierced wave-ga- drooned galleries; engraved with crests. Fitted with two cov- ered glass bottles, pen compartment and covered box. London Hall Mark. Length, 9 inches. 1702—Oup EncusnH Sinver Inxkstanp Lobed flaring oval base, with sphinx feet, central casket with loose cover surmounted by a recumbent sphinx and two flanking cut-glass bottles. Inscribed: “Presented to . . . 11th Weardguissot Huntly ~. . .. 1869.” Length, 161/, inches. 1703—EncusH Sitver CANDLESTICK AND 'T'APER-HOLDER (a) Candlestick with gadrooned tray and urn bobéche. (3) Taper-holder with balustered stem and scroll-molded base. Both Hall marked. Heights, 2 and 5°% inches. 1704—Two EncuisH Sitver TAPER-HOLDERS Balustered shafts; one with gadrooned base, other with leat- molded scrolled base. Hall marked. Height, 43/4, inches. 1705—GerorciAN SrnvER CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Lacs Fluted urn bobéche and round tray having center with scroll- ings. London Hall Mark, 1779. Height, 634 inches. 1706—Two Oxup VIENNESE SILVER CANDLESTICKS Socket and bobéche, with leaf scrollings. On scrolled shell tripod spreading feet. Length, 4°, inches. 1707-—Two Dutcy Sirver CANDLESTICKS Circa 1750 Finely balustered shaft and socket. On molded round base. Height, 77% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1708—Grorcian SILVER CHAMBER CANDLESTICK 1780 Urn socket and pearl-motived tray engraved with floral valance motives. London Hall Mark, 1780. Length, 81 inches. 1709—Two DutcH Sitver CaNnDLESTICKS Eighteenth Century Finely balustered shaft and socket; on base having square plinth with canted corners. Height, 534, inches. 1710—Two EncuisH SItveErR CANDLESTICKS Half-reeded tapering round shaft, with gadrooned urn socket and round molded base. Engraved with crest. Hall marked. Height, 8% inches. 1711—Two Frencu Sitver CaNnDLESTICKS Renaissance Style Incurved baluster shaft with arabesqued motives. On domed reeded and scrolled round base. Height, 10% inches. 1712—-Two EncusH Sitver CANDLESTICKS Husk-motived tapering square shaft, with incurved base and vase socket. Hall marked. Height, 10 inches. 1713—Two EncusH Sinver CANDLESTICKS Fluted tapering square shaft, with festooned incurved molded square base; leaf vase socket. Hall marked. Height, 10% inches. 1714—Two Eneusu Sinver CANDLESTICKS Tapering square shafts with husk rims, incurved square base. Vase socket. Height, 105% inches. 1715—TIwo Eneuisu Sinver CAanpieEstTicks Round, half fluted and festooned Corinthian shaft. On Jeaf- banded incurved square base. Height, 111 inches. Sixth Session 1716—Two EncusH Sinver CANDLESTICKS Scrolled baluster shafts, with rocaille vase socket and leaf- scrolled molded spreading foot. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1850. Made by T. J. and N. Creswick. Height, 1034 inches. 1717—TIwo Eneuisu SILVER CANDLESTICKS Tapering fluted square shaft, with festooned incurved square base and leaf vase socket. Hall marked. Height, 10%, inches. 1718—Two GerorciAn SILvER CANDLESTICKS 1810 Half-reeded tapering round shaft with finely gadrooned urn socket, collar and round foot. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1810. Maker, John Roberts. Height, 121% inches. 1719—Fovr Grorcian Sinver CANDLESTICKS 1816 Elaborately scrolled shell and rocaille-motived shafts continu- ing into socket and base. Engraved with coroneted mono- gram. Sheffield Hall Mark. S. G. Young & Co., makers. Height, 121%, inches. 1720—Fovur Encusu Sitver CANDLESTICKS Half fluted and festooned Corinthian column, with leaf-banded incurved square base. Hall marked. Height, 1114 inches. 1721—Fovur Sirver CaNnDLESTICKS By Howard Scroll-spiraled shafts, continuing into bell base and collar. Urn- fluted socket. Height, 131% inches. 1'722—_ Four EncusH Sirver CANDLESTICKS Husk-bordered tapering square shaft, with vase bobéche and incurved square foot. Hall marked. Height, 115% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. nc 1723—Two EncuisH SILVER CANDELABRA Half-reeded fluted Corinthian column; on gadrooned stepped square base. Loose leaf-scrolled arms can be used for five or three lights. Hall marked. Height, 16% inches. 1724—-DusBLiIn Sitver CREAMER Helmet shape, with scroll handle, lon-headed and claw-footed legs. Enriched in repoussé with scrolled cartouche and “Fox and Grapes.” Dublin Hall Mark. 1725—Dvusun Stnver CREAMER Similar to the preceding; larger. 1726—Encusu Sinver Sauce Boat Low helmet-shape, with upright leaf-scrolled handle. Enriched with scrollings and leonic-headed and claw-footed legs. Lon- don Hall Mark. 1727—EncuisH SItveR Sauce Boat Bead-scrolled rim; enriched with merman amid scrollings; leaf- scrolled handle. On Spanish feet. London Hall Mark. 1728—EncuisH Sinver Sauce Boat Helmet-shape; on gadrooned oval foot. Leaf-scrolled handle. London Hall Mark. 1729—EncuisH SiItveER CREAMER William IV Period Low gadrooned bowl, with scrolled gadrooned rim and fine leaf- scrolled handle. Engraved with crest and coat-of-arms. Hall Marked. 1730—EnecusH Sinver MuFFINEER Vase-shape, spirally fluted and leaf-gadrooned body. The cover with flame terminal and piercings. London Hall Mark. Height, 101% inches. Sivth Session 17381—EneuisH Sitver Burrer Disu Gadrooned round tray; with loose lining. Broadly gadrooned dome cover, with loop handle. Hall Marked. Diameter, 8 inches. 17382—Dutcu Sitnver SHAKER Stag; standing; loose head; perforated back. Length, 4%, inches. 1733—Doutcu SItverR SHAKER Running stag, with perforated back. On oval galleried tray. Engraved with crest. Length, 57, inches. 1734—Two EncusyH Sitver Fruir Baskets Scrolled round, with pierced scrolled border, finished with open leaf feet. Engraved with crests. Diameter, 1014 inches. 1735—Two EncuisH Srtver Fruir Baskets ’ Oval, with flaring scroll-pierced sides and open rocaille rim. London Hall Mark. Length, 12%% inches. 1786—Grorcian Repousst Sitver TEapor 1740 Globular; enriched with scrollings of flowers and shell ara- besques. Scrolled shell spout. Engraved with crest. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1740. Length, 71% inches. 1737—Gerorcian Srtver TEAPOT VLA Oval. with reeded rims and scrolled looped boxwood handle. Engraved with dainty bandings and medallioned crest. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1797. Length, 81, inches. 1738—Oxp Frencu Sitver Traror Oblong bowl shape, with incurved dome cover having ebony ter- minal and handle. On ball feet. Length, 9%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. rere ————————————_—_—_$$$$———————————————————————————— 1739—GerorcIAN Sitver TEAPoT 1799 Oval, with incurved dome cover having oval button terminal; leaf-scrolled loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1799. Maker, John Thompson. Length, 103% inches, 1740—Oxp EncuisuH Sitrver TEAPoT Gadrooned melon shape, with melon spray terminal, scrolled spout, handle and feet. London Hall Mark. Length, 11% inches. 1741—Larce Sitver Bown By Tiffany Enriched with engraved honeysuckle scrollings and key-pat- terned borders. Diameter, 51%, inches. 1742—OLtp EneuisH Repousst Sruver Coverep Bown Low body, with domed cover having blossom terminal. En- riched with scrollings of fruit, flowers and rocaille. London Hall Mark. Diameter, 6 inches. 1743—Eneutsu InpivipuaL SILVER CoFFrEE-POT Deep bowl-shape, with dome cover and looped ebony handle enriched with small bands of gadroons. Hall Marked. Height, 7 inches. 1744—Oxip EncuisH Sinver CoFFEE-POT Expanding round body, with pinnacled dome cover. Ebony scrolled handle. London Hall Mark. Height, 8% inches. 1745—Earty AMERICAN SILVER COFFEE-POT Expanding oval sides, engraved with wreath and festoons; vase terminal; ebony loop handle. Height, 77% inches. 1746— Encuisu Sitver Hot-minkx PircuHer Ewer-shape, enriched with pearl moldings. On square foot. London Hall Mark. Height, 3% inch. Sivth Session 1747—Eneusy Sitver Hor-minx Pircuer Lozenge-shaped ewer, with scrolled domed cover and fine box- wood handle. Chester Hall Mark. Height, 11 inches. 1748—Oup Encuisu Sinver Corrrre-por William IV Period Pear-shape, with domed cover having floral terminal; leaf- scrolled handle and spout. Engraved with coat-of-arms. Lon- don Hall Mark. Height, 95% inches. 1749—EneuisH Sitver Tra SERVICE Bowl-shape, with gadrooned rims and leaf-scrolled handles. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Mark. Lengths, 934, 7 and 614 inches. 1750—EncusH Sinver Tra SERvICE Low gadrooned bowl-shape, with shell and gadrooned rim and fine leaf-scrolled handles. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Lon- don Hall Marks. Lengths, 81, 65% and 47% inches. 1751—EnecusH Sinver TEA SERVICE Molded and gadrooned oblong. Engraved with crest and “Chinese landscapes.” Teapot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Marks. Lengths, 81, 614 and 35% inches. 1752—Eneusu Sitver Tea anp Corrert SERVICE Finely gadrooned oval bodies, with ebony terminals and handles. Coffee-pot and teapot, covered sucrier and creamer. Lengths, 1034, 107%, 714 and 6 inches. 17538—Sitver TEA SCREEN Bowed oblong, with scrolled wire pediment and front pierced with medallion and scrollings. (Glass missing.) Length, 10% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee... ——————————— 1754—GrorciAN SILVER CRUET 1755 Double circular base, with ring holders for two cut-glass bottles having covers and scrolled handles. Scrolled legs with shell feet. London Hall Mark, 1755. Maker, Samuel Wood. Height, 8%, inches. 1755—Oxtp FrencH SILvER CRUET Scrolled oval tray, with pearl rim. Fitted with two cut-glass bottles. Length, 12 inches. 1756—EnewisH SILVER CRUET Five circular rings for two bottles and three silver castors: baluster with loop handle. On scrolled Spanish feet. Height, 834 inches. 1757—-EncusH Sitver Hotr-minx PircHER AND HEATER Gadrooned pitcher, with S-boxwood handle; alcohol lamp stand having shell feet. London Hall Mark. Height, 9 inches. 1758—EwnecuisH Repousst Correr-potT AND WARMER William IV Expanding round sides; enriched with rocaille and floral motives and engraved with crest. Floral terminal and scrolled handle. Stand with leaf-scrolled shell motives. London Hall Mark. Height, 1434 inches. 1759—Eneuisu Repousst Sittrver Hot-water Kerrier 1726 Globular; enriched with rocaille-scrolled cartouches ; wicker bail handle. Stand with tripod scrolled feet. — Height, 131% inches. 1760—GerorciAn Sinver Urn Oval gadrooned body, with dome cover having vase terminal. Engraved with fine bandings of floral medallions. Leonic-head and ring handles. On oblong base with ball feet. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1801. Maker, J. Ashforth. Height, 15 inches. Sivth Session 1761—Grorcian Repousst Sitnrver Urn 1774 Vase-shape; enriched with court figures amid scrollings. En- graved with coat-of-arms. On loose square base with perforated valance and bird-claw feet. Height, 19%, inches. 1762—Two Onp EncuisH SILveR JARDINIERES Urn-shape, with gadrooned rim and Bacchic heads on shoulder. Open rustic handles; square feet. Height, 111% inches. 1763—Onup Enciisu Sitver Racine Trorpuy Bown Enriched with subject “Yachts Racing,” arabesquings and scrolled handles. Lengthy inscriptions. London Hall Mark. Diameter, 2014 inches. 1764—Repoussé Sinver Hancinc Lamp Italian Renaissance Vase-shape, enriched with medallioned figures, scrollings and shell motives. Chains hanging from cherubs’ heads to small canopy. Height, 4 feet 6 inches. 1765—EncusH Sitver Tropuy Cur Deep bowl, with leaf-scrolled handles. Enriched in repoussé with inscribed cartouches and floral scrollings. London Hall Mark. Length, 121% inches. 1766—Oxp Sinver StTanpinc Coupe Augsburg Style Deep coupe on balustered shaft and domed foot. Domed cover, with standing figure of Britannia as terminal. Engraved with the “Arms of Berwick-on-Tweed.” Enriched with figure medal- lions and floral strap arabesques. Height, 13%, inches. EncusH SiILnveER CovERED CoUPE 1767 Deep bowl, with fine scrolled leaf handles and rocaille spreading foot. Enriched with cartouche and floral scrollings. Dome cover with pineapple finial. Height, 105% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold, They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. oT 1768—EncusH SiLtver CouPE Molded bowl on short foot; fine scrolled lug handles. Lon- don Hall Mark. Height, 55% imches. 1769—Duvorcu Sinver Sranpine Ficure Finely modeled stag; loose head for bonbons. London foreign Hall Mark. Length, 10 inches. 1770—Dutcu Repousst Sitver Bow. Eighteenth Century Oval, with birds and scrollings. Open mask and scroll lug han- dles. On short scroll-motived foot. Length, 93/4, inches. 1771—IrnisuH Sitver Bown 1829 Low bowl, enriched with cartouche with crest. and repoussé floral scrollings. Floral loop-handles. On mask and scroll feet. Dublin Hall Mark, 1829. Length, 9 inches. 1772—Four Masstve Encuisu Srinver SAts Group; lobster crawling over a rocky base and gilded shell. (One head missing. ) 1773—EncuisH SILVER-MOUNTED Espony Bown Low bowl, mounted with deep valanced and molded silver rim. London Hall Mark. 1774—Enecutsu Parcent GitpEp CouPrE Deep coupe, with runic bands and lug loop handles. On spread- ing foot. Height, 814, inches. 1775—Eneutsu Sitrver Bown George IV Bowl with scrolled rim and rocaille motives. On scrolled feet. SEVENTH SESSION FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 26, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1776 to 2050, inclusive AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN SILVER 1776—Two EneusH Sitver Stranpinc Owxs One a shaker; the other with hinged head standing on a branch. 1777—Fovur EncusH Srtver PEPPERS Vase-shape. London Hall Mark. 1778—Four EncusH Sinver PEerrers Similar to the preceding. 1779—Turee EncuisH SItver SHAKERS Varied vase-shapes; with scroll-pierced tops. 1780—Two EncusH Sitver PEPPERS Round, with loop handles. One with repoussé scrollings. 1781—Two EncusH Sinver Casters Vase-shape, with pinnacled covers. One with repoussé flowers. 1782—Turee Encusu Sinver Aso Trays One in the form of a boar’s head; others shell-shaped. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1783—EncusH Sitver Tray, Basket ann Box Oval pierced basket. ‘Tray with scrolled border. Box with coin handle. 1784—Fovur Sitver MiniaturE IMPLEMENTS Spade-shaped perforated scoop, monogrammed mug, standing coupe and wine taster. 1785—Turee Dutcu Sitver VasEs Tapering five-sided body; with scrolled rims and feet. 1786—Sitver SHAKER AND INKWELL Round shaker, with reeded loop handle. Glass well with silver cover. 1787—Two EncuisH Siuver TrRavevtinc INKWELLS Reeded round bodies. Differing in size. 1788—EncusH Stnver SALT AND BASKET Round salt; with mask and shell feet. Pierced oval basket; with blue glass lining. 1789—Two EneusH Siitver Toast Racks Each with five differing wire loops, handles and ball feet. 1790—Two EncusH Sitver Sauts Oval, with gadrooned rim and claw feet. Other bowl-shape. 1791—F our Sitver Satts Three deep bowl-shape; other octagonal with medallions. 1792—Two EncutsH Sinver CrREAMERS Boat-shape, with scrolled rims. One with Spanish feet and scrolled handle. Seventh Session 1793—Two Sitver Bowts Porringer, with open scrolled flange handle. Bowl with repoussé mask. 1794—Enecutsu Sitnver Musrarp anp Coverep Box Mustard with bird and scroll piercing and blue glass lining. Tub-shaped box, with scroll motived cover. 1795—Two Sinrver Musrarp Pors Round, with varied pierced sides. One with blossom terminal ; the other with pineapple. 1796—Two Sitver Baskets One bucket-shape; other bowl-shaped with festoon and scroll piercings and clear glass lining. 1797—Dotcu Sitver Cappy anp Box Oval, both with rural views. 1798—Two Sirver PEPPERS Vase-shaped; one with repoussé leafage. 1799—EncuisH SILVER Cappy AND CovEerED Bown Caddy boat-shape, with shell and gadrooned rim. Bowl, with repoussé flowers and bird-claw feet. 1800—EncuisH Sitver INKSTAND AND BASKET Oval gadrooned well; fitted with glass lining. Basket with lat- tice pierced covers. 1801—Enecuisu Sitver Wine Muy anv Miniature Por Ladle-shaped mull; with alcohol lamp. Pot gadrooned; with eagle head spout. 1802—Dutcu Sinver Box anp AtcoHot Lampe Oblong box, with rustic figures. Lamp with festooned and scrolled stand having pierced sides and hoof feet. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eee 1803—Two Durcn Sitrver Brat CouPrs Figure of “Court Belle” holding swingmg cup. Differing in enrichment. 1804—T wo DutcH Sinver Brivat Curs One with windmill terminal; other with “Court Belle” holding swinging cup. 1805—Two EneusH Sitver Wine FuNNELS With molded rims; differing in shape. 1806—Two EnecusuH Sitver Larcre FuNNELS One tapering round; engraved with crest. Other bowl-shape. 1807—Turer Encuisn Sirver Trays (a) Round; with wire holder for cigar. (es) Oval, with two divisions and pierced border. (c) Oval boat-shape with reeded rim. 1808—Sinver FLrowrer Bown ann Mue Bowl, with leonic-head handles. Mug with gadroon sides and leaf-scrolled handle. 1809—Two Siiver Baskets Round, with perforated sides; other oval with gadrooned rim. 1810—Two EncuisH Stiver CoastTrers (4) Georgian, with pierced gallery. (3) With gadrooned scrolled rim, pierced gallery and clear glass lining. 1811—Two Repovusst Sirver Bowtis Enriched with birds, cartouches and scrollings. Interior gilded. 1812—Eneutsu Repoussk Sitver Bown Molded bowl, with floral scrollings and open scrolled legs. In- terior gilded. Seventh Session 18138—Si.ver Muc, Inxstanp anp Lamp Mug with festoons and scroll handle. Stand with masked dome- cover terminated with figure of Napoleon. Cigar lamp, urn- shaped with snake handle. 1814—Fovur Eneuisu Sinver SALTS AND SPOONS Curved boat-shape; enriched with fine scrollings. Spoons with crescent terminals. 1815—Turee Encusu Sinver Sauts anp Two Dutcu Sauts Three in the form of grotesque masks. Interiors gilded. Two, with scrolled gadrooned bowls and open scrolled legs. 1816—Two Sitver Sats Oval, with expanding scrolled feet. 1817—Fovur Sitver SALTS Oval, with leaf and scrolled feet. 1818—Two EncuisH SILVER SALTS Molded round bowls. On fine Spanish feet. 1819—Two GrorciAN SILVER-MOUNTED SHELL SALTS Conch shell, with molded rim and fine Spanish feet. Engraved medallioned crest. 1820—Two Encuisn Sitver Sauts Reeded oval boat-shape; engraved with crest. 1821—Two EncuisH Sitver SALts Similar to the preceding. 1822—Two EncuisH Sitver Baskets Oval, with scroll pierced sides and blue glass lining. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1823—Two GerorcIAN SILVER SALTS 1814 Gadrooned round body. London Hall Mark, 1814. Maker, W. Ely. 1824—Two Earzty AMERICAN SILVER SALTS Gadrooned round body; with leonic head and claw feet. 1825—Two EncusH RerpoussE SitveEr Bowts Variously enriched with grapevines and scrolled flowers. 1826—Two EneuisH Sirver Bowts Variously gadrooned and enriched with floral scrollings and festoons. 1827—Two EncusH Sitver Bowts One gadrooned and having grapevine enrichment. Other with florally scrolled figures and cartouches. 1828—Fovur EncuisH Sinver SAuts In the form of “Boars’ Heads.”? London Hall Mark. 1829—Fovur Encuisu Sinver Sats Similar to the preceding. 1830—Two EncusH Sitver Inxsranps Finely shaped shell cover and feet. Fitted with glass well. London Hall Mark. 1831—Eneuisu Sitver Taper Hortper anp BowL Round holder, with pierced sides. Bowl with leaf enrichment and scrolled side handles. 1832—Two Sitver Bowtus Round and oval, with figure and scroll pierced sides. Clear and ruby glass linings. Seventh Session 1883—Two Smartt Eneuisu Sitver Lovine Cups Deep molded bowls, with loop handles. One with crest. (Do not match. ) 1834—Two Sitver Trays By Tiffany Oval, with floral border scrolling into handles. 18385—EncuisH SinverR Bown anv Basket Leaf motived and festooned bowl; with crest. Round basket with scroll pierced sides and bail handle. 1836—GerorGIAN SitveR Wine Movuy 1791 Round flaring-shaped mull, with black baluster handle. Alcohol lamp with tripod Spanish feet. London Hall Mark, 1791. Maker, Henry Cooper. 1837—-EncuisH Sritver TANKARD 1805 Expanding ribbed, round body; with scroll band at lip. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1805. Maker, John Robins. 1838—GerorRGIAN SILVER 'TANKARD Expanding body; with three series of reedings; loop handle. 1839—Earity Aucssure Patren ann Two Covupss Patten with scroll-border and gadrooned rim. Coupes; goblet shape with varied floral enrichment. 1840—Oxp EneuisH Sitver InKstanp Lobed round tray ; engraved with floral medallions. Fitted with covered glass well. Diameter, 71% inches. 1841—Gerorctan GiLDED SILVER PEN-TRAY Double pear-shape, with finely chiseled leaf and scroll border. Length, 9%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eS 1842—Two Sitrver PEN-TRAYS (a) Georgian; incurved oblong with gadroon and floral rim and shell feet. (zs) Oblong, with pierced gallery; on ball feet. Lengths, 74%, and 73% inches, 1843—EncuisH Sitver Cicar Licut Rustic tree stem, with alcohol lamp in center and two wicks at sides. Hall Marked. Length, 7 inches. 1844—Durcu Sirver Covrrep Bown Eighteenth Century Open oval sides, with scroll bracket pilasters, claw feet and open leaf loop handles. Fluted domed cover with ball terminal. Blue glass lining. Length, 734 inches. 1845—Gerorcian SitveR Tanxarp anp Muce (a) Expanding round tankard, with bands of reeding. (zn) Pear-shaped mug, with repoussé scrollings of flowers. Heights, 64% and 41% inches. 1846—Two Oxp Sitver CovureEs Renaissance Style (a) Triple lobed, enriched with scrolled cartouches, flutings and ball feet. (s) With flaring sides and rocaille-scrolled enrichment. Heights, 4 and 8 inches. 1847—Two Oxp EnecuisH Strver Mucs (a) Cup-shape; with reeded S-handle, enriched with floral scrollings. (3) Beaker-shape, with long inscription. Heights, 334 and 4 inches. 1848—Gerorcian Sinver Lovine Cur Goblet-shape; engraved with coat-of-arms. Height, 61% inches. Seventh Session 1849—Two Grorcian Strver TumBiers Enriched with drapery festoons above flutings. Height, 4% inches. 1850—-SitveR JARDINIERE Open pail shape, with enrichment of classic dancers; scroll and ring handles. Blue glass lining. Height, 41% inches. 1851—Two Sitver Coupes Renaissance Style (a) Tapering round, with ball feet and medallioned marine mo- tives surrounded by arabesque scrollings. (s) With battle scene in relief. Heights, 6%, and 45, inches. 1852—GerorcGIAN SILVER CoUPE Bowl-shape; engraved with crest. Leonic-headed loop handles. Height, 5% inches. 1853—Repousst Sitver Gitpep Tankard Augsburg Style Round, with enrichment of strap arabesques, fruit_and masks ; laurel foot. Shell-motived cover, with ball terminal. Scrolled handle, with forked thumbpiece. Height, 634 inches. 1854—Grorcian Srtver TANKARD 1810 Ribbed expanding round body, cover engraved with wreath. Looped handle. Tondon Hall Mark, 1810. Maker, Samuel Howland. Height, 734 inches. 1855—Sitver Girpep Bonson Box Augsburg Style Standing figure of a curiously modeled bird; upper portion loose as a cover; surmounted by a nymph driving the bird. Height, 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1856—Onp EncusnH Birp PircHer Perched owl, with looped feather handle. Head hinged as cover. Engraved with crest. , Height, 71% inches. 1857—EncutsH Sinver Grirpep Tanxkarp Tapering round open sides of trailing grapes and vines; similar cover and loop handle. Lined with ruby glass. Height, 714, inches. 1858—Two EncuisH Sitver CrueEts Georgian Period (a) With finely pierced round sides, claw feet and long loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1774. Maker, T. Daniels. (sp) Oval wire frame for six bottles; claw feet and long loop handle. (No bottles exist.) Heights, 8% and 8% inches. 1859—Duvtcu Sinver SwEETMEAT DisH In the form of a galley with hinged cover ; figure of “Our Lord” at mast. Height, 111%, inches. 1860—GinpED Sinver CourEr Nuremberg Style Lobed coupe; stem as standing figure of Apollo. On bossed base. Height, 95% inches. 1861—Ene«auisuH Sinver InxKsTanp Leaf-shaped tray, with rocaille and grape enrichment. Fitted with two wells, box and taper holder. Length, 103% inches. 1862—Repousst Sinver Box Oblong, with round corners and hinged cover enriched with floral scrolls. Length, 61% inches. 1863—Sitver Cicarette Box By Theodore B. Starr Oblong; with festooned medallion enrichment. Length, 6 inches. Seventh Session 1864—JEwWELED ReEpousskt Box By Black, Starr and Frost Oval, with engraved monogram and deeply scrolled border; studded with amethyst paste jewels. Length, 8 inches. 1865—East Inpian Sitver Box Eighteenth Century Round; with hinged cover, enriched with figures of devotees amid open scrollings. Diameter, 7%, inches. 1866—GEoRGIAN Sitver Coaster Serpentined gallery, engraved with scrollings and initial; ga- drooned rim. Lined with clear glass. Diameter, 554 inches. 1867—GerorcIAN SitverR Bownu Gadrooned body, with gadrooned scrolled rim. On ball feet. Engraved with crest. Diameter, 61/, inches. 1868—Inisu Sinver Poratro Rine_ Incurved sides; pierced with monogrammed cartouche, grapes and vines. Dublin Hall Mark. Diameter, 7 inches. 1869—Irisu Rerpousst Sitver Bown Enriched with scrollings of flowers and cartouche. Engraved with crest. Dublin Hall Mark. Diameter, 632 inches. ’ 8 1870—Gerorcian Sitver Bown 17838 Finely molded; on short foot. London Hall Mark, 1783. Makers, J. Sutton and J. Buet. Diameter, 614 inches. 1871—Sitver Bow. By Tiffany Shallow bowl, with floral scroll rim. On fine Spanish feet. Diameter, 91/, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1872—Dourcu Sitver Missat Cover Enriched with subjects, “The Annunciation” and “The Birth or Ghiriste: | Height, 6 inches. 1873—Dutcu Sirver Missat Cover Sides pierced with arabesqued strap scrollings and haloed cherubs heads. Back with subject. London foreign Hall Mark. Height, 6%, inches. 1874—Dutcu Stiver Missa Cover Similar to the preceding; with varied scrollings. London for- eign Hall Mark. Height, 7%, inches. 1875—Durcu Sitver Missau Cover Eighteenth Century Very finely pierced sides, back and clasps. Enriched with scrollings, flowers, sunbursted hearts and basket panneaux. Crimson velvet lining. Height, 734 inches. 1876—Irauian Sitver Missa Cover Eighteenth Century Back and sides in repoussé; enriched with coroneted scrolled cartouche. Shell and scroll clasps. Height, 734 inches. 1877—Ouxp Encuisnh Repousst Stuver Missat Cover Enriched with lobed medallion and sprays of roses. London Hall Mark. Height, 81%, inches. 1878—Dvurcu Repoussé Sirver Missat Cover Eighteenth Century Pierced sides and back; enriched with cartouches and rocaille scrollings. Height, 714, inches. 1879—Repousst Sitver Missat Cover Late Renatssance Style Enriched with medallions of saints amid festoons and leaf scroll- ings. Height, 155% inches. Seventh Session 1880—Dutrcu Repousst Sitver Bripat Cover Standing figure of “Court Belle” in voluminous arabesqued skirt ; holding aloft a smaller coupe. Height, 114%, inches. 1881—Dutcu Repovussé Sinver Bripat Courr Similar to the preceding, except that the head is that of a cavalier. Height, 111% inches. 1882—Sitver Gitpep Tanxarp Nuremberg, circa 1780 Straight-sided ; enriched with panels of figures depicting a “Ro- man Triumph.” Cover with medallioned mermaids and Bacchic cupidon terminal. Height, 9 inches. 1883—WitiamM ann Mary EncuisH Sitver Tankarp 1696 Expanding round sides; enriched in repoussé with subject, ‘“The Judgement of Solomon.” Cover with husked molding; forked scrolled thumbpiece and fine S-scrolled strap handle. London Hall Mark, 1696. Maker, John Chester. Height, 714 inches. 1884—Dutrcu Rerrousskt Strver Brinat Cours ‘Court Belle,” with voluminous masked and arabesqued skirt as coupe. Holding aloft a smaller coupe in the form of a nau- tilus shell. Height, 16%, inches. 1885—Durcu Repousst Sitver Bripat Couper Similar to the preceding. 1886—Larcr Dutrcu Sinver SwEETMEAT HowpEerR Articulated, scaled fish; having head hinged to compartment. London foreign Hall Mark. Length, 23 inches. 1887—Sinver GitpEp Mounrep Porrrery Vase Elizabethan Style Gadrooned bottle-shape; deep gray-black glaze. Mounted with medallioned foot, mask and arabesque collar having three pearl looped handles and open pinnacled cover. Height, 147% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. EN eee eee reer reer ———<—<6€ 1888—Repousst Srtver Coverep CouPE Elizabethan Style Coupe with medallions of dolphins and coat-of-arms. Open bracketed baluster shaft with leaf-motived bell foot. Dome cover with dolphin medallions repeated and open pinnacle. Height, 18%, inches. 1889—Finr GrorGIAN SILVER ‘TANKARD 1722 Expanding round body, enriched with masks and scroll band- ings. On sphinx feet. Dome cover with coin center; demi- laureated scrolled figure handle. London Hall Mark, 1722. Maker, Wm. Lukin. Height, 13 inches. 1890—T wo GrorRGIAN SILVER JARDINIERES 1789 Deep bowl-shape, with scalloped rim, mask and ring handles and fluted foot. Enriched in repoussé with birds amid scroll- ings and engraved crests. London Hall Mark, 1789. Maker, Wm. Sutton. Height, 634 inches. 1891—Two GerorGIAN SILVER JARDINIERES 1789 and 1790 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1789 and 1790. Makers, Wm. Sutton and Hester Bateman. Height, 63% inches. 1892—IrisH Srttver TANKARD 1680 Flaring round body, with very fine incurved molded foot. Dome cover, with scrolled double dolphin thumbpiece. Interesting S-scrolled strap handle. Dublin Hall Mark, 1680. Maker, Gerard Grace. Height, 10% inches. 18983—Two Encuisuo Repousskt Sinver Frowrer VAsEs Tapering round sides. Molded at crown and foot. Enriched with large scrollings of flowers. Engraved with crest and in- scription. Height, 1454 inches. Seventh Session 1894—Sitver GILDED PRESENTATION CoFFRET Renaissance Style Oblong; with round corners and domed cover supporting a cupidon flanked by griffons. Enriched with medallions of cupidons, arabesqued panels, caryatids and seated winged angels in corner niches. On semicircular leaf-motived feet. Engraved with the Earl of Guildford’s coat-of-arms. Height, 8% inches; length, 91/2 inches. From the collection of the Earl of Guildford. 1895—EneuisH Sitver PEDESTAL William IV Period Molded oblong, with inset panels. Variously engraved with inscription and coat-of-arms, the others sustaining trophies. Height, 8°4, inches. 1896—EncusH Sinver CovereD CourE Urn-shape; with oak leaf enrichment toward base and on cover having acorn terminal; wreaths of oak and acorns above the larger leaves. Double scrolled serpent handles. London Hall Mark. Height, 18%, inches. 1897—Two Avcsspurc Sitver VASES Tapering round body, entirely enriched with pmeapple motives. On molded and bossed base having three outstanding feet formed as turreted castles. Engraved with Gordon-Lenox Crest. Height, 121% inches. From the Gordon-Lenox Collection. 1898—Scorcn Sriver-MounTED Horn Muy Ram’s-horn; mounted with hinged and scrolled cover and tip. Engraved with monogram. Length, 1114 inches. 1899—Sitver-MoUNTED Huntinc Horn Nuremberg Seventeenth Century Scrolled gray and black horn. Mounted with valanced mouth banding and mouthpiece. Engraved with “Hunting” scenes. Length, 19 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1900—SILvER-MOUNTED Huntine Horn Nuremberg Seventeenth Century Scrolled gray horn; mounted with arabesque scrolled end, two collars, one with rooster claw for support and mouthpiece. Engraved with initials and date 1626. Length, 1714, inches. 1901—GrorGiAN SitvER CHAMBER CANDLESTICK 1791 Reed-molded vase-socket and round tray. S-scrolled handle, with extinguisher. London Hall Mark, 1791. Makers, John Crouch and Thomas Hanman. Height, 4°, inches. 1902—Two EncusH SItvER CANDLESTICKS Arabesque engraved socket, with wide-spreading leaf bobéche. Leaf-enriched ball shaft and broad rocaille-scrolled foct. Height, 5% “inches. 1903—Two Sitver CAaNDLESTICKS By Howard Spirally fluted tapering baluster shaft; on similarly spiralled round base. Urn socket and scrolled bobéche. Height, 11 inches. 1904—Fovur EnciisH SILVER CANDLESTICKS Graceful gadrooned baluster shaft urn socket and round molded foot enriched with classic leaf moldings. Hall marked. Height, 1014 inches. 1905—Two EncusH Sinver CANDLESTICKS Half-reed fluted Corinthian shaft. On stepped gadroon molded base. Hall marked. Height, 91% inches. 1906—Two EncuisH Sinver CANnDLESTICKS Similar to the preceding. Hall marked. Height, 87 inches. Seventh Session 1907—Four Encuisu SInver CANDLESTICKS Tapering paneled square shaft, enriched with ram’s-headed and festooned medallions; festooned urn socket. On leaf and urn motived square base having canted corners. Hall marked. Height, 1254 inches. 1908—Fovur EncuisH Sitver CANDLESTICKS Square tapering shaft, enriched with festooned basket of fruit. Urn socket, with mask and dolphin feet. Incurved square base, with rosettes and leaf corners. Hall marked. Height, 125% inches. 1909—Fovur EncuisH SItvER CANDLESTICKS Half-fluted and festooned Corinthian shaft. On leaf-molded square base. Height, 113% inches. 1910—-Four GrorGIAN SILVER CANDLESTICKS 1807 Reeded round tapering shaft; with urn socket and round base finely gadrooned. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1807. Maker, John Roberts. Height, 121% inches. 1911—Four GrorcGiaAn SILveER CANDLESTICKS 1818 Secrolled rocaille shaft, enriched with bird and leonic head in relief. Urn socket and base modeled with scrolled dolphins, shells and seaweed. London Hall Mark, 1818. Maker, Wm. Frisbie. Height, 121%, inches. (Companions to the following) 1912—GrorciAn Sritver CANDELABRA 1818 Similar to the preceding. By same maker. Height, 2534 inches. (Companion to the preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1913—Two SiLtver SALVERS By Gorham Round, with scrolled rim and border enriched with shells, star fish and flowers amid scrollings. Engraved with monogram. Diameter, 84% inches. 1914—Two EncuisH SILVER SALVERS Fine scroll-molded and leaf border. Center engraved with mono- gram and border of scrollings. Diameter, 834 inches. 1915—GroRGIAN SILVER SALVER Gadrooned scrolled rim. Border of masks, birds and scrollings having chiseled valance border. London Hall Mark. Diameter, 93/4, inches. 1916—Two Frencu SItver SALVERS Serpentined oval, with rocaille and leaf motived molded rim. Engraved with monogram. On scrolled feet. Length, 1034 inches. 1917—RepovssE SILvER PLaquE Renaissance Style Oval, with subject “Neptune Driving a Stag-drawn Chariot.” Border of large scrolling flowers. Length, 114% inches. 1918—Repousst Sitver PLaauE Renaissance Style Oval; center with group of “Sportive Cupidons.” Border of exceptionally fine scrolling flowers. Length, 11%, inches. 1919—Repoussk Stnver PraeuEe Late Renaissance Style Round, with crinkled rim and border of flowers. Center with *Cupidon as a Sower of Grain.’’ Diameter, 914, inches. o Seventh Session 1920—EncuisH Sinver SaLver Molded scrolled open floral edge; border of birds amid jardi- niéres and scrollings; wreath center. London Hall Mark. Diameter, 101% inches. 1921—EneuisH Srnver SALVER Similar to the preceding. 1922—EneuisH SILVER SALVER Similar to the preceding. 1923—Encusu Sinver SALVER 1802 Round, with double gadroon-molded border. Engraved with monogram. On scrolled fan-shaped feet. London Hall Mark, 1802. Diameter, 11% inches. °1924—OLp Encuisu Repousst Srnver SaLver Louis XV Style Round; with bossed center enriched with flowers and scrollings. Round over border of floral and rocaille scrolls. Diameter, 1234 inches. 1925—Oxp EncuisH Repovusst SILVER SALVER Louis XV Style Similar to the preceding. 1926—Irauian Repovussé Sitver PiaavueE Eighteenth Century Round, with molded leaf rim and bossed center. Enriched with curious leaf scrollings. Diameter, 131% inches. 1927—Six Encrisu Sitver PLates George IV Period Scrolled gadroon and leaf rim; border of masks, birds and car- touches amid scrollings. Hall marked. Diameter, 95% inches. 1928—Eiecntr GinpED Sitver PuLarsEs By Howard Finely scroll-molded and lobed border with gadroon and leaf edge. Engraved with crest. Diameter, 103% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. LL —————————————__$—_$— LS 1929—Enxeven GeorciaAN Sittver Soup PuLatTes 1818 Round, with finely scrolled borders of shell and leaf motives. London Hall Mark, 1818. Maker, Paul Storr. Diameter, 1014 inches. 19830—Two Frencu Sitver CoMPotiERrs Lobed round, with leaf and blossom rim; cartouche and floral spray border. Engraved with coat-of-arms. On scroll-molded foot. Diameter, 834 inches. 1931—EneutsH Sitver IyxsTanp Oblong; with round corners and leaf scrolled rim. Fitted with two cut-glass wells having silver top and pen wells. On scrolled feet. Hall marked. Length, 91% inches. 1982—OnLp EneisH Sitver CAaNnDLESTICK Triangular stand; enriched with medallions of cupidons and mask scrollings; central leaf cusped socket. On scrolled mask feet connected by medallioned festoons. : Length, 11 inches. 1933—EncuisH SILVER InKsTAND Oblong, with outscrolling corners, fitted with oblong egg-molded center having two pedestaled wells, central box having lamp sur- mounting cover; pen wells. On leaf-scrolled claw feet. Length, 105% inches. 1934—Sitver InxksTAanp Oblong; with pearl edge and outstanding lobed corners. Fitted with two glass wells and central oblong box having taper holder surmounting cover. Length, 14 inches. 19385—EncusH Sitver Mazarin 1744 Molded round rim with engraved and pierced center. On finely scrolled feet. London Hall Mark, 1744. Diameter, 1634 inches. Seventh Session 1986—GerorciAn Stnuver Mazarin 1817 Molded oval rim. Center pierced with geometric motives and scrollings. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1817. Length, 18%, inches. 1937—O.up SpanisH Repousst Sinver PLaevet Lobed round; with combat between bird and griffin in center medallion. Border of stags amid shell scrollings and bossed flowers toward rim. Diameter, 175% inches. 1938—GerorGIAN SILVER CREAMER 1802 Oval, with gadrooned rim, leaf-enriched body and molded loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1802. Height, 4%, inches. 1939—GerorciAN Sitnv~eR CREAMER 1798 Urn-shape; with scrolled leaves at base of body. Leaf-scrolled S-loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1798. Maker, Paul Storr. Height, 4% inches. 1940—Frencu Sinver CREAMER AND SUCRIER Oblong, with delicately molded rim. On ball feet. Interiors gilded. Heights, 5 and 3% inches. 1941—Dutcu Sitver TEapot Eighteenth Century Fluted globular; with shell and cartouche motives on shoulder; fluted dome cover having urn terminal. Scrolled handle and spout. Height, 47%, inches. 1942—Durcn Sitver ‘TEAPOT Low pear-shape and chained dome-cover having urn terminal. Enriched with arabesqued cartouches. S-strap handle and spout with eagle-head mouth. Height, 5°4, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. 1943—Two Oxp Irisu Stnver Sauce Boats Scrolled oval-shape, with leaf and gadrooned edge. Excep- tionally fine leaf-scrolled handle and foot. Height, 61% inches. 1944—-Two Onxp IrisH Sitver Sauce Boats Similar to the preceding. 1945—Ortp EnewisH Sirver Coverep CouPrE Broad pear-shape. Enriched with unicorns and lions amid flow- ers; domed cover and demi-nymph scrolled handles. Height, 7 inches. 1946—Norwecian Repousst Srtver CoFFEE-POT Spirally gadrooned pear-shape, with leaf cartouche enrichment. Dome cover, with scrolled terminal. Ivory loop handle. Height, 834, inches. 1947—IrisH SILVER Sauce Boat Helmet-shape, with scalloped rim. Engraved with crest and enriched with motives allegorical of Earth, Air and Water. On leonic head and claw feet. Dublin Hall Mark. : Height, 6% inches. 1948—Oup EncusnH Stnver Coverep SUCRIER Tub-shape, with reedings, loop handles and claw feet. Rare Hall Mark of Coventry. Height, 51%, inches. 1949—Oup Scotrcu Sinver TEapror Fluted bowl-shape, with leaf valance above. High domed mouth and cover, with further flutings and valance urn terminal. En- graved with crest. Hall marked. Height, 514 inches. 1950—Grorcian Sitver TEapror 1799 Gadroon globular-shaped, with shaped cresting, tapering spout and looped boxwood handle. Monogrammed. London Hall Mark, 1799. Maker, T. Edwards. Height, 6 inches. Seventh Session 1951—Grorcian Stiuver TEApor 1805 Low molded body, with gadrooned cresting, short spout and carved looped ivory handle. London Hall Mark, 1805. Maker, John Eames. Height, 54%, inches. 1952—Gerorcian Sittver TEaport 1818 Bowl-shape, with shaped cresting, short tapering spout and looped boxwood handle. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1818. Maker, John Angell. Height, 61%, inches. 1953—GrorGIAN Stuver TEApot 1810 Gadrooned bowl-shape; with incurved gadrooned shoulder and dome cover having mushroom terminal. On ball feet. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1810. Maker, C. Fuller. Height, 61% inches. 1954—Grorcrt IV Repousst Sitver TEraror Low gourd-shape, with domed cover having floral spray ter- minal, finely scrolled spout and handle. Enriched with floral scrollings. On mask and scroll feet. London Hall Mark. Height, 51, inches. 1955—Gerorcian Repoussé Sitver ‘TEAPoT 1819 Broad gourd-shape; with dome cover having blossom terminal, scrolled spout and boxwood handle. Enriched with coat-of- arms and scrollings. On mask and scroll feet. London Hall Mark, 1819. Makers, J. Craddock and Wm. Reid. Height, 61% inches. 1956—Oxp EncusH Sitver TEapor 1823 Low globular, with domed cover having blossom terminal; en- riched with bands of flowers, grapes and vines. Leaf-scrolled handle and spout. On leaf-bracketed claw feet. London Hall Mark, 1823. Maker, J. Budge. Height, 534 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. 1957—Earty AMERICAN SILVER T'EAPOT Gadrooned melon-shape, with blossom terminal, short spout and shell-scrolled handle. On valanced shell feet. Height, 6 inches. 1958—GerorceE IV Stuver T'raror High gadrooned melon-shape, with domed cover having two doves as terminal; leaf-scrolled spout and handle. On leaf- scrolled feet. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark. Height, 8% inches. 1959—GerorGcIAN Sitver Hot-miLtK Jue 1801 Gadrooned barrel-shape, with short spout, molded cover with ball terminal and looped boxwood handle. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1801. Height, 9 inches. 1960—Gerorcr IV Repousst Stuver TErapor Curious gadroooned pear-shape, with crinkled leaves and blos- soms filling the upper portion of gadroons. Dome cover, with melon terminal. Leaf-scrolled spout and handle. On scrolled feet. London Hall Mark. Helo 854 inches. 1961—Oxp EncutsH Stnver CorreE-PporT Gadrooned pear-shape, with melon terminal, leaf-scrolled spout and ivory handle. On shell-scrolled feet. London Hall Mark. Height, 9°34 inches. 1962—EncusH Sitver Tra SErvice Oblong bowl body, with incurved shoulder. Trimmed with ga- droon moldings. On ball feet. Monogrammed. Teapot, su- crier and creamer. London Hall Mark. Heights, 81%4, 54% and 43% inches. 1963—GeorGIAN Sitver Tra SERVICE 1792 Oval tub-shape; with scalloped rim and reedings. Fine ivory handle to pot. Teapot and creamer with London Hall Mark, 1792. Maker, P. and A. Bateman. Sucrier, London Hall Mark, 1781. Lengths, 1034, 6% and 5 inches, Seventh Session 1964—ENcGRAVED SILveR TEA SERVICE Oval pot, with scrolled bands and ebony handle. Boat-shape sucrier, helmet creamer and oval tray with scroll feet for pot. Lengths, 11, 514, 514 and 71% inches. 1965—Onp EneuisuH Sitver Tra anp Corrrere SERVICE Pear-shaped; enriched crests within finely scrolled cartouches, leaf-scrolled handle, spout and feet. Coffee and tea pots, su- erier and creamer. London Hall Mark. Lengths, 91%, 10, 77% and 5 inches. 1966—Oxnp Encuisn Tra anp Corrert SERVICE Expanding round body; finely engraved with festooned and scrolled oval medallions and valances. Melon terminals. Coffee-pot and teapot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Mark. Lengths, 81/2, 934, 714% and 4%, inches. 1967—Encusu Sitver Tra anp Correre SERVICE Waved oval body; on claw feet; pineapple terminal. Coffee and tea pots, covered sucrier and creamer. Hall marked. Lengths, 9%, 11, 8% and 6% inches. 1968—GrorciAn Sitver TEA AND CoFFEE SERVICE Gadrooned melon-shape; on shell-scrolled feet; melon and blos- som terminals. Coffee-pot and teapot, sucrier and creamer. Varied London Hall Marks. (Do not exactly match.) Lengths, 9, 1134, 9 and 6%% inches. 1969—Oxp Encuisu Srnver Tra anp Corrrr SERVICE Bowl-shape, with blossom terminals. On shell-scrolled feet. Coffee-pot and teapot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Marks. Lengths, 95%, 1114, 734 and 5% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mn the forepart of the Catalogue. 1970—Oup EncusH Trea SERVICE Low gourd-shape, with bird terminal. Enriched with subjects, “E\pisodes in the Life of King David.” Rustic scrolled spout with eagle mouth and leaf and mask looped handle. ‘Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Lengths, 10, 654 and 51% inches. 1971—GeorciaAn Sitver TEA SERVICE 1824 Low gadrooned bowl-shape, with scrolled spout and handle. Teapot with London Hall Mark, 1824, sucrier and creamer. London, 1822. (Do not exactly match.) Lengths, 11144, 8 and 61% inches. 1972—GrorGIAN Sruver Tra SERVICE Gadrooned low melon-shape, with two doves as terminal, scrolled handles and spout. ‘Teapot, sucrier and bowl. London Hall Marks. (Do not exactly match.) | Lengths, 1114, 834 and 6 inches. 1973—Enewusu Sitver Tra SERVICE Bowl-shape, with gadrooned rim and scrolled handles. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Marks. Lengths, 954, 7 and 6%% inches. 1974—Grorcian Sritver Tra SEeRvIcE 1809 Low boat-shape, with reeded banding and oblong button ter- minal. ‘Teapot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Marks, 1809. Makers, A. and G. Burrows. Lengths, 1034, 71% and 5% inches. 1975—Enecuisu Sttver Tra anp Corres SERVICE Oval body, with incurved neck and gadrooned rim. Tea and coffee pots, sucrier, bowl and creamer. London Hall Marks. Lengths, 854, 1114, 714 and 5% inches. ae Pry _—— aoe Seventh Session 1976—Eneuisu Sinver Tra SErRvICcE Oval teapot, with scrolled spout; waved edge goblet-shaped su- crier and helmet creamer. Enriched with laurel festooned shields. Jondon Hall Marks. Lengths, 834, 354 and 41% inches. 1977—Eneuisu Sitver Tra anp Corrrere SERVICE Gadrooned oval body, with smaller gadrooned rims. Tea and coffee pots, sucrier, bowl and creamer. London Hall Marks. Lengths, 1134, 91%, 8%, 8 and 5% inches. 1978—Oxup Enciuisy Sinver TEA And CoFFEE SERVICE Bulbous body, with pierced scrolled cresting. Engraved with ““Gordon-Lenox” crest. Coffee and tea pots, sucrier, bowl and creamer. London Hall Marks. Lengths, 834, 1014, 654, 434 and 414 inches. From the Gordon-Lenoa Collection. 1979—GrorcE IV Rerovussé Sitver Tra anp CoFrFEE SET Low gourd-shape; with fine scrolled handles. Enriched with crests within cartouches surrounded by floral scrollings. On mask and scroll feet. Tea and coffee pots, sucrier, bowl and creamer. London Hall Marks. Lengths, 8%, 101%, 8, 6%, and 6% inches. 1980—GerorciIAN Sinver ArcyLe TEAPOT 1801 Expanding oval body; with engraved draped coat-of-arms, dome cover with ivory terminal. Double heating body. London Hall Mark, 1801. Maker, J. Robins. Length, 13 inches. 1981—Ewncusn Sitver Hor-water Kerrie Oval body, enriched with laurel-festooned shield, monogrammed. On open stand, with tapering claw-footed legs. London Hall Mark. Height, 10% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1982—Oxnp Dutrcu Hort-water Kerrie Flute-molded pear-shape body, with gadrooned vase terminal. Stand with open claw-foot rim and basin, with gadroons and pierced border. On tripod scrolled legs. Height, 1014 inches. 1983—Encuisnh Sitver Hor-warer Kerrie Gadrooned oval body, with shell and small gadrooned rim, ga- drooned ebony terminal and loop handle. On open stand with leaf and claw legs. London Hall Mark. Height, 135% inches. 1984—EneuisH Sinver Hor-water Kerrier Broad pear-shape; enriched with floral and rocaille-scrolled panels, leaf-scrolled spout and wicker handle. On open stand, with very fine scrolled tripod legs having shell feet. London Hall Mark. Height, 1434 inches. 1985—EncuisH Sinver Hotr-water Ketryue Gadrooned globular body, spout and loop handle with wicker center. On open stand having scrolled tripod legs and shell feet. Height, 185% inches. 1986—GeEorGIAN SItvER DisH Cover 1808 Gadrooned and reeded dome, with rustic loop handle. En- graved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1808. Diameter, 81 inches. 1987—GerorciAn Sttver Diso Cover 1808 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1808. 1988—Oup DutcHu Sitver Wine Coorer Serpentined tapering square body, with leonic head and ring handles and claw feet. Enriched with floral festoons and panels of cupidons and landscapes at foot. Height, 10 inches. Seventh Session 1989—Two Oxp EncuisH SILVER JARDINIERES 1840 Gadrooned pear-shape, with fine shell-scrolled feet, rustic loop handles having oak-leaf terminations. Loose shell-scrolled rim and lining. Hall Mark, 1840. Height, 914 inches. 1990—EwneuisH GitpED Sitver Bown 1680 Gadrooned bowl, with alternate panels of large flowers. On ball feet. London Hall Mark, 1680. (Remodeled.) Diameter, 14%, inches. 1991—Oxp Eneutsu Strver Larcre PircuHer Bulbous body; with straight reeded collar and _ leaf-scrolled handle. Engraved with elaborate coat-of-arms. Height, 111% inches. 1992—EncuisH Sinver Frurr Bown. Oval boat-shape, with florally scrolled rim and foot. Sides pierced and engraved with medallions and floral scrollings. Lon- don Hall Mark. Length, 15%% inches. 1993—EncusH Sitver Fruir Bown Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark. 1994—Encusuh Repousst Sitver Lovine Cur Molded deep bowl, with finely scrolled lug handles ; enriched with rocaille cartouches and floral scrollings. Height, 13 inches. 1995—Encuisn Sitver Lovine Cup Deep-molded bowl, with scrolled lug handles. Enriched with crest within rocaille cartouche and floral scrollings. Height, 141, inches. 1996—GroRGIAN SILVER-MOUNTED Crear Guass VASE Oviform; mounted with open scrolled floral and rocaille car- touches over neck and shoulder, scrolled handles, open rim and shell-lobed foot. Height, 22% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 1997—GerorciaAn SILVER-MOUNTED Rusy Gtass VasE Oviform; mounted with open scrolled floral and rocaille car- touches over neck and shoulder, scrolled handles, open rim and shell-lobed foot. Height, 22 inches. Seventh Session 1998—Oxp Encuisu Sinver Eprerane Arabesqued baluster shaft, surmounted by a crouching stag bearing two shell lobes and figure of a vestal as terminal. On lobed molded base. London Hall Mark. Height, 19 inches. 1999—OLp EncusH Sitver Eprercne Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark. 2000—Oxp Scotcu Covrerep Courr Circa 1817 Urn-shaped, with gadroonings, grapevine banding at shoulder and leaf-scrolled handles. Dome cover and foot, with further gadroons and bandings, oval grape-enriched terminal. En- graved inscription with date 1817. Height, 167% inches. 2001—Oxup Encusu Sitver Fruir Basket Serpentined open oval body; enriched with grapes, scrollings and group of two cupidons supporting shield with crest and boar’s head on each side. Open scrolled leaf handles with demi- cupidon terminations. Clear glass lining. London Hall Mark. Length, 224%, inches. 2002—Oxp EnecuisH Sitver Coverep Urn Vase-shape, with upright lug handles, valanced cover with winged nymph terminal and high round-foot. Enriched with scrolled medallion bearing lengthy inscription, “Presented by the Countess of Cardigan . . . Lord Henry Gordon Lenox,” and surrounding floral scrollings. London Hall Mark. Height, 18% inches. From the Gordon-Lenox Collection. 2003—SPpaAnisH SILVER Ewer Eighteenth Century Graceful spirally gadrooned body, with rocaille-scrolled car- touches in panels; similar round foot and leaf-scrolled handle. Height, 11% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. EnceuisH Srnver Basket Oval, with deep scrolled floral and pierced border and foot. London Hall Mark. 2004 Length, 165% inches. 2005—Dutcu Sitver BasketT Oval, pierced fluted body, with serpentined rim having bow- knotted pendant festoons. Monogrammed. Length, 111%, inches. 2006—Two GrtpEp DurcH CANDLESTICKS Eighteenth Century Spirally fluted baluster shaft; pearl-molded socket and square bobéche. On festooned pearl-molded square base. Height, 111% inches. 2007—Four GrorGIAN SILVER CANDLESTICKS 1815 Curiously scrolled floral shaft, with deeply scrolled similar base and socket. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1815. Makers, Kirkby, Waterhouse & Co. Height, 101% inches. 2008—Two Onp EncuisH SILvER CANDLESTICKS Half reed-fluted shaft, with pearl-enriched bobéche and flange at foot. On octagonal gadrooned base. Height, 8 inches. 2009—Two Oxup EncuisH SItveR CANDLESTICKS Similar in pattern to preceding. Hall Mark of London with Brittania Mark of superior quality added. Height, 61% inches. 2010—Two GerorciaAn SitverR Taper Hoxupers Interesting baluster shaft; with shell-motived bobéche and spreading foot. Height, 51% inches 2011—T'wo Grorcian Sitver Taper Hoxpers Similar to the preceding. Seventh Session 2012—Iraian SiLveR Sacristy Haneinc Lamp Eighteenth Century Vase-shape; enriched in repoussé with medallions, husks and leaf motives. ‘Three chains suspended to a small canopy. Length, 211% inches. 2013—Two Eneuisu SitveEr Watt APPLIQuUES S-scrolled leaf arm, with rosette back and double rosetted socket. Extending 71/ inches. 2014—Durcn Sinver CRruetT Trilobed pierced scroll gallery for two glass bottles having pierced covers and small bowl salt cellar. Monkey scrolled handle. Height, 55% inches. 2015—DutcuH Sinver Cruet Similar to the preceding. 2016—TIwo Sitver STANDING SALTS Balustered flaring stem, with bands of gadroonings. On ball feet. Height, 414 inches. 2017—Two EncuisH Sirver Murrinrers Octagonal vase-shape; with scroll-pierced top having ball terminal. Height, 734 inches. 2018—Orp EnciisH Sitver MurrinEeer Vase-shape; with fine mask and scroll loop handles. Hall marked. Height, 71/4, inches. 2019—Oxp EncusH Sinver Coverep Urn Vase-shape, with dome cover having bird terminal. Enriched with festoons and medallions. Height, 714, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Sirus nc nn EE 2020—GerorciaAN SILvER TANKARD 1808 Expanding round reed-banded sides; scrolled handle. London Hall Mark, 1808. Height, 41% inches. 2021—GrorGIAN SitverR TANKARD 1805 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1805. Height, 41% inches. 2022—EncuisH SritverR CicgArETTE Box Oblong, with hinged cover. Length, 454 inches. 2023—Repoussk Sitver Trea Cappy Oblong doubly serpentined body and dome cover, with leaf terminal. Enriched with monogrammed cartouche; large scrolled leaves and shell motives. Height, 57% inches. 2024—EneuisH Sitver Tra Cappy Serpentined oblong body, with domed cover having reclining figure as terminal. Enriched with crest and finely scrolled floral cartouches. Height, 51% inches. ?2025—EnecuisH Sitver Tra Cappy Similar to the preceding. 2026—Dutcu Stiver Tra Cappy Oblong; with subjects “Boers” at various activities; similar subject on round loose cover. Height, 51%, inches. 2027-—Dutcu Sitver Tra Cappy Oblong pear-shape, with round loose cover. Enriched with Watteau pastoral subjects and scrollings. Height, 51/, inches. Seventh Session 2028—ENGRAVED Sruver Tra Cappy Serpentined oval, with blossom terminal and engraved festooned medallions. Length, 544, inches. 2029—Durcu Sitver Tra Cappy Oval, with loose round cover. Enriched with cupidons amid scrollings. Height, 41, inches. 2030—Duvutcu Sitver Tra Cappy Serpentine oval, with pineapple terminal. Enriched with “Sportive Cupidons” amid scrollings. Height, 3°4 inches. 2031—EneusH Foupinc Toast Rack Six-scrolled wire partitions, set on an accordion stand with ball feet. JIondon Hall Mark. Extended, 1914 inches. 2032—Sitver Toast Rack By Tiffany Open scrolled wire partitions, and ring handle; set on an open oval stand having ball feet. Length, 61/4, inches. 2033—Grorcian Sitver Toast Rack 1806 Scrolled stand, with side bars and seven scrolled wire partitions. On ball feet. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1806. Maker, N. Smith. Length, 8 inches. 2034—Fovur Oxtp Enewisu SILver SALts Bowl-shape; with gadrooned rim and leonic-headed claw feet. 2035—Two GrorciaN SILVER SALTS Oval boat-shape, the ends scrolling over in a loop handle. En- riched with reeded rims. Engraved with crest and monogram. London Hall Mark, 1800. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2036—Two Oxup EneuisH Sinver SALTS Bowl-shape; with leaf rim and scrollings. On scrolled dolphin feet. London Hall Mark. 2037—Two Siiver Satrts Gadrooned bowls, with small gadrooned rims. On leaf and claw feet. 2038—Four EnciisH Sirver Atmonp Basxers Oval, with scroll-pierced sides and reeded bail handle. Blue glass lining. Chester Hall Mark. 2039—Two EneuisH Sinver InkweEttis Shell-shaped hinged cover and body of same contour. On shell feet ; fitted with glass well. London Hall Mark. 2040—F our Grorcian Sitver Sats Bell shape; enriched with leaf scrollings and valanced foot. 2041—Two EncusH Stuver Sauts Bowl-shape, with gadrooned rim, floral festoons and mask- headed claw feet. 2042—Four EncuisH Sinver Saurts 1810 Bowl-shape; with floral rim. On recumbent lions as feet. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1810. 2043—Two Encuisn Sittver Saurrs Bowl-shape, with shell and gadrooned rim and leaf-scrolled claw feet. Hall marked. 2044—Two Grorcian Stuver Sats 1775 Oval; with festoon-pierced sides. On claw feet. Blue glass linings. London Hall Mark, 1775. Maker, E. Lowe. 2045—Grorcian Sitver CREAMER 1804 Oval, with reeded mouth and loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1804. Maker, Crispin Fuller. Seventh Session 2046—Repousst Sitver Mustrarp Por 1804 Bowl-shape; with scrolled cartouche and flowers. Domed cover, with wreath and gadrooned pinnacle. London Hall Mark, 1804. Maker, Geo. Ibbot. 2047—Two Sirver Musrarp Pors Round, with varying pierced sides. Engraved with varied monograms. 2048—GrorciAN Sitver Mustarp Por 1804 Round, with reeded cover and foot. London Hall Mark, 1804. Maker, A. Fogelberg. 2049—Sintver Disu, Tray anp Piercep SALVER Hammered boat-shaped dish and round tray. Pierced salver with small gallery and engraved monogram. 2050—Two Strver Arms For CANDELABRA 1821 Reeded arms for three lights; having gadrooned leaf sockets. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1821. Maker, Philip Rundell. EIGHTH AND LAST SESSION SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 27, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK — Catalogue Numbers 2051 to 2312, inclusive ENGLISH, DUTCH AND GERMAN SILVER 2051—Two Grorcian Sitver Sauts 1804 Urn-shape; on molded round foot and square base. Enriched with small gadrooned rim which upcurves at sides into finely molded loop handles. London Hall Mark, 1804. Length. 44%, inches. 2052—Avessure SILVER BEAKER Circa 1750 Tumbler-shape; with molded rim. Finely punched body. Maker’s mark, Grill. Height, 334 inches. 2053—Duvurcu Sitver Breaker Eighteenth Century Finely fashioned tumbler-shape; with gently flaring rim. Height, 3%, inches. 2054—NvuREMBERG SILVER BEAKER Eighteenth Century Tumbler shape, with finely molded rim and border. Body mot- tle punched. Height, 31% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2055—AvespurRG SILVER BEAKER Eighteenth Century Tumbler-shape, with gilded molded rim and border. Engraved with monogram. Augsburg Mark. Maker, Philip Stenglin, 1717-1744. | Height, 354 inches. 2056—Avcspure SILVER BEAKER Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Engraved with lengthy presentation inscription. Height, 33% inches. 2057—AvesBuRG SILVER BEAKER Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Without inscription. Height, 334 inches. 2058—Two GrorciAn Sitver Tarer Hoxnpers 1772 Fine leaf and scroll baluster shaft; with shell motived bobéche and molded scrolled base having similar shell corners. London Hall Mark, 1772. Maker, E. Capper. . Height, 51% inches. ?2059—GrorcIAN Sinver Taper Houper 1798 Beautifully gadrooned octagonal shaft and square base. Round bobéche, with small spiral gadrooned rim. London Hall Mark, 1798. Maker, E. Capper. Height, 6 inches. 2060—JAcoBEAN SiLverR CANDLESTICK 1675 Figure of an armed “Cavalier” standing on a triangular open flaring base with shell feet and having piercings of cupidon heads amid scrollings. He holds aloft a leaf-enriched socket. Height, 61% inches. Note: The base of this interesting candlestick is very reminiscent of Sir Christopher Wren’s St. Paul’s details. 2061—NovremBere Sitver Vase Eighteenth Century Hexagonal tapering body, finely engraved with floral scrollings. On hexagonal balustered stem and flaring base enriched with varied wild animals. Height, 734, inches. Highth and Last Session 2062—Two GrorcIAN SILVER SALTS 1779 Bowl-shape; with fluted scalloped rim. On fine Spanish tripod feet. London Hall Mark, 1779. Length, 24 inches. 2063—Four Grorcian SILVER SALTS 1762 Bowl-shape, with waved gadroon rim. Enriched with fine fes- toons of flowers and leonic-headed claw feet. Loose gilded lin- ings. Engraved with crests. London Hall Mark, 1762. Maker, D. Hennell. Diameter, 35% inches. 2064—Four GrorGIAN SILVER SALTS 1762 Similar in all details to the preceding. 2065—GerorGIAN Srtver Tray AND SNUFFERS 1781 and 1789 Very finely fashioned molded oval tray; with pearl rim and tapering reeded loop handles. London Hall Mark, 1781. Maker, B. Davenport. Snuffers; with arched box and minutely beaded handles. London Hall Mark, 1789. Lengths, 97 and 61% inches. 2066—GrorciAN SinveR SNUFFERS AND Tray 1778 Lozenge boat-shaped tray, with scrolled and pierced gallery scrollings up at ends. Rope-motived rim. Victorian Hall Mark. Snuffers very finely fashioned with arched box and beaded handles. London Hall Mark, 1778. Both engraved with monograms. Lengths, 814 and 61% inches. 2067—Four GrorciaAN SILVER Sats 1786 Oval, with beaded rim and daintily pierced sides having rosetted diamond motives. On bird claw and ball feet. Blue glass linings. Monogrammed. London Hall Mark, 1786. Maker, H. Bateman. Length, 33% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2068—Four Grorcian SILVER SALtTs 1775 Oval; with gadrooned rim and sides pierced with monogrammed medallion and flutings. On bird-claw and ball feet. Star cut blue glass linings. London Hall Mark, 1775. Maker, P. Freeman. Length, 33% inches. 2069—Four Grorcian SiItver Sats 1758 and 1759 Exquisitely scrolled boat-shape; enriched with gadrooned rims, shell, floral and cartouche motives. Engraved with crest. On shaped oval gadrooned base. Interior gilded. London Hall Marks, 1758 and 1759. Maker, Edward Wakelin. Length, 47, inches. 2070—GrorGIAN SILvER TAnkKArRD 1770 Expanding round sides, finely molded at rim and foot. Leaf- scrolled double loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1770. Maker, C. Wright. Height, 5 inches. 2071—GrEoRGIAN SILVER TANKARD — 1788 Graceful pear-shape, molded at rim and foot. Exceptionally fine leaf-scrolled handle. Engraved with lengthy inscription. London Hall Mark, 1788. Maker, John Lamb. Height, 514 inches. 2072—GrorGIAN SttveR DisuH Cross Lars Square-shafted cross, pivoted to urn-shaped central alcohol lamp. Fine open shell adjustable shoes for dish support and connected scrolled legs with even finer open shell and gadrooned feet. London Hall Mark, 1777. Maker, Wm. Plummer. Length, 1234 inches. 2073—Irisu Repoussk Strver Bown Circa 1760 Low bowl; spirally fluted, forming panels occupied by sprays of flowers and fruit; gadrooned rim. On fine shell-motived Spanish feet. Dublin Hall Mark. Diameter, 51% inches. Eighth and Last Session 2074—GerorcIAN Sriver CREAMER 1775 Graceful ewer-shape ; enriched with fine flat fluting on body and neck, Finished at rim with laurel husks, at shoulder with pearl motives and leaf-scrolled dainty handle. On square base. London Hall Mark, 1775. Maker, R. Hennel. Height, 75% inches. 2075—GerorGIAN SILVER SALVER 1781 Finely pearl molded oval rim. On bird-claw and ball feet. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1781. Length, 65% inches. 2076—Grorcian Sinver CREAMER 1789 Low boat-shape with gadrooned rim and short foot. Very beau- tiful strap-loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1789. Length, 6 inches. 2077—GeorGIAN Sttver Mvue 1748 Pear-shape, with finely molded rim and foot; interesting scroll handle. Engraved with presentation inscription. London Hall Mark, 1748. Height, 4 inches. 2078—GrorciIAN SILVER CREAMER 1795 Helmet-shape; engraved with wreathed and festooned oval me- dallion and laurel wreath. Finished with punched berries and looped strap handle. On square foot. Interior gilded. London Hall Mark, 1795. Makers, P. and H. Bateman. Height, 57% inches. 2079—GerorciIAN Sttver Mustarp Por 1769 Round, with molded and pierced diapered and rosetted sides. Dome cover, with engraved wreath and open thumbpiece. In- teresting Spanish loop handle. Blue glass linmg. London Hall Mark, 1769. Length, 35% inches. 2080—RarEr JacosEaAn Repoussé Sitver Bow. 1664 Broad pear-shape; enriched with broad wreath of large flowers. Dainty scrolled side handles. Length, 6 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2081—-EncuisH SILvER SNUFFERS AND IrisH Tray | Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Snuffers, with gauffered oblong box; finely fashioned scrolled handles. London Hall Mark, 1681. Tray with incurved molded oblong rim having serpentined end corners and loop side handle. On Spanish feet. Dublin Hall Mark, circa 1740. Maker, Wm. Walsh. _ Lengths, 64% and 7 inches. 2082—Dutrcu GILDED SILVER SNUFFERS Eighteenth Century Quaint long arms, with loop-scrolled handles and oblong box. Engraved with coroneted and wreathed monogram S.A.V., crest and inscription: ‘‘Veronica Countess of Kincardine to her daughter Lady Elizabeth Boswell.” Hall marked. Length, 714 inches. From the collection of Lady Boswell. 2083—GEoRGIAN SILVER SALVER 1790 Octagonal lozenge-shape; with beautifully molded rim. En- graved with crest. On scrolled fan-shaped feet. London Hall Mark, 1790. Maker, G. G. Length, 75% inches. 2084—WixtuamM anp Mary Repousst Sitver Bown 1691 Deep-shape; enriched with narrow band of gadroons above and spiraled gadroons at base. Pearl-motived S-loop side han- dles. London Hall Mark, 1691. Length, 5%, inches. 2085—GerorcE II Strver Creamer 1735 Oval pear-shape, with finely scrolled mouth having’ shell motive under lip, floral spray and basket panneaux. Serpentined ga- drooned body, enriched with similar motives to under lip. Chis- eled scrolled handle. On Spanish feet. London Hall Mark, 1735. Height, 3%% inches. Eighth and Last Session 2086—WiLi1AM AND Mary Rerpousst Bown 1682 Deep-bowl ; enriched with series of water and acanthus leaves at foot. London Hall Mark, 1682. Maker, Fras. Spelsbury. Diameter, 234, inches. 2087—Fovur GerorcIAN SILVER SALTS 1804: Beautifully fashioned shell-shape, with interesting scroll over handle. On periwinkle shell feet. Interior gilded. London Hall Mark, 1804. Maker, Daniel Pontifex. Length, 334, inches. 2088—GEOoRGIAN SILvER PEPPER Circa 1780 Pearl-motived vase-shape, with spirally pierced cover having flame terminal. Engraved with monogram. Height, 514 inches. 2089—GrorciAN Sitver PEPPER wey Molded vase-shape; finely enriched with rocaille and floral bands ; top spirally pierced and having leaf and berry terminal. London Hall Mark, 1757. Maker, Samuel Wood. Height, 6 inches. 2090—GeroRGIAN SILVER PEPPER 1739 Pearl-molded vase-shape. Top very beautifully pierced in spirals; flame terminal. London Hall Mark, 1789. Maker, Samuel Wood. Height, 6%, inches. 2091—GrorciAN SILVER PEPPER 1740 Molded vase-shape; top pierced with alternate basket pan- neaux and arabesque scrollings; urn terminal. London Hall Mark, 1740. Maker, Samuel Wood. Height, 614, inches. 2092—GroRGIAN SILVER PEPPER 1775 Pearl molded vase-shape; top beautifully gadrooned and pierced in spirals; beaded urn terminal. London Hall Mark, 1775. Maker, Thos. Daniel. Height, 6% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2093—GEoRGIAN StnveER PEPPER 1756 Molded tall urn-shape; engraved with initial. Top beautifully pierced with reversed shell motives ; vase terminal. London Hall Mark, 1756. Height, 6 inches. 2094—Four GEORGIAN SILVER SALTS 1808 and 1814 Shell-shape; with engraved gadrooned broad flange handle. On periwinkle shell feet. London Hall Marks, 1808 and 1814. Length, 5 inches. 2095—GrEoRGIAN SILVER PORRINGER 17838 Low-bowl; with lobed flange handle pierced with floral rosette. London Hall Mark, 1783. Maker, James Young. Length, 8 inches. 2096—GrEORGIAN SILVER CREAMER 1774 Standing figure of archaically modeled “Cow”; its back with wreathed oval hinged lid on which a fly is perched. Open mouth for spout. London Hall Mark, 1774. Maker, Wm. Vincent. Length, 6 inches. 2097--QurEEN ANNE ReEpoussE Srttver Bown 1714 Deep-shape; enriched with coat-of-arms within an imbricated and leaf-scrolled cartouche, spiral gadroons at base and with series of fleurs-de-lis at rope-molded mouth. Delicately scrolled S-handles. London Hall Mark, 1714. Length, 7 inches. 2098—GEoRGIAN SILVER TEA SERVICE 1775 and 1779 Oval and bulbous bodies; very beautifully enriched with flat tapering flutings, pearl moldings, entwined snake handles, me- dallions with crests and pineapple finial. London Hall Mark, 1779. ‘Teapot, maker, Pierre Gillois. Sucrier and creamer, maker, EK. Romer. Lengths, 8 inches; heights, 74%, and 7% inches. 2099—Grorce IV Sintver TEA SERVICE Low gadrooned melon-shape; with fine scrolled handles and feet. Melon terminal to pot. (Do not exactly match.) Lengths, 11144, 734 and 61, inches. Eighth and Last Session 2100—Gerorcian IrtsH AND EncuisH TEA SERVICE 1800, 1806 and 1807 Low molded blunted oval body; beautifully enriched with en- graved crest and varying floral bands. ‘Teapot, Dublin Hall Mark, 1806. Sucrier, Dublin Hall Mark, 1807. Creamer, Lon- don Hall Mark, 1800. Lengths, 1114, 74 and 4% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2101—GerorGIAN SiItveR TEA SERVICE 1809 Low gadrooned oblong boat-shape, with fine shell and gadrooned rim. On ball feet. Engraved with crests. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Mark, 1809. Maker, D. Pontifex. Lengths, 1114, 734 and 7% inches. 2102—GerorGIAN Stnver Tra SErvIcE 1813 Low gadrooned oblong boat-shape; with very fine gadrooned rims and S-scrolled handles. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Mark, 1813. Lengths, 10%, 714 and 5% inches. 2103—GrorGIAN StnveR TEA SERVICE 1815 Low gadrooned boat-shape, enriched with pearl and small fluted bandings and finely hipped loop handles. On ball feet. Tea- pot, sucrier and creamer. London Hall Mark, 1815. Maker, Samuel Hennell. | Lengths, 1134, 74%, and 5Y, inches. 2104—GerorGIAN ScotcH Sititver TEA SERVICE 1806 Molded low boat-shape; with unusually fine spiral gadroons forming central medallion; monogrammed shell and gadrooned rims. On claw feet. Leaved and hipped lip handles. Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Edinburgh Hall Mark, 1806. Lengths, 12, 87% and 6 inches. 2105—Grorcian Stnver Tra anp Correr SERVICE 1796 Finely gadrooned oval bodies; the coffee-pot round and high. Enriched with fine shell and gadrooned rim. Leaf and mask loop handles to sucrier and creamer. Newcastle Hall Mark, 1796. Lengths, 9, 12, 9% and 7% inches. 2106—GeorcIAN Sitnver TEA anp CorreE Srrvice 1809 and 1810 Gadrooned oval low bodies to teapot, sucrier and creamer; high round coffee-pot. Enriched with fine basket bands, moldings and ball feet. Tea set, Edinburgh Hall Mark, 1809; maker, J. McDonald. Coffee-pot, London, 1810; maker, D. Pontifix. Lengths, 10, 1014, 7144 and 5% inches. Kighth and Last Session 2107—Otrp Eneutsu Sitver Tra anp Correr SERVICE Low gadrooned body; with shell and gadrooned rim, leaf looped handle and scrolled claw feet. Teapot, coffee-pot, sucrier and creamer. Hall marked. Lengths, 934, 1114, 714 and 514 inches. 2108—Oup Eneuiso Repousst Sirver Tea anp CoFFEE SERVICE Pear-shaped body, enriched with scrolled medallions flanked by scrollings of flowers. Berry spray terminal. Fine leaf-scrolled spouts and handles. Hall marked. Lengths, 81%, 814, 714 and 5%, inches. 2109—Oxtp Encuisu Sittver Tra anp Corrrer SEtr Reed-molded oval body; with loop handles and ivory pineapple terminals. Finely engraved with medallioned crests and mono- grams, floral scroll bandings and sprays. Teapot, coffee-pot, sucrier and creamer. Lengths, 87, 1034, 61% and 3% inches. 2110—EneuisH Repouss&t Sitver TEA anp CorreE SET Bowl-shape, finely enriched with gadroons, wave bandings of grapes and vines and varied Bacchic masks. Red composition (non-heatable) scroll handles. Consisting of tea and coffee pots, hot-milk pitcher, sucrier and creamer. Engraved with crests. Lengths, 6, 6, 814, 5, 51, and 414 inches. 2111—Exasorate Gerorcian ReEpoussE Sitver TEA AnD COFFEE SERVICE 1819 Varied bowl bodies, finely enriched with scrolled cartouches, sprays of flowers, rocaille bandings, scrolled eagle mouthed spouts, leaf-scrolled handles and eagle terminals and feet. Kettle, teapot, sucrier and creamer. Sucrier marks indecipher- able. Coffee pot, Victorian Hall Mark. London Hall Mark, 1819. Maker, William, Eaton. Heights, 1614, 634, 734, 47%, 4% and 10 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. The Private Collection of the Late John Wells EARLY AMERICAN SILVER 2112—RarE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN SritvER PatcuH Box Round; with loose cover. Beautifully engraved with tulip spray. Inscribed: Marie Beacham, Anno Domini 1662. Diameter, 1% inches. 2113—Earty AMERICAN Sitver Campaicn SnuFF Box 1841 Oval, with three-quarter hinged cover. Engraved with mono- gram and Harrison and Liberty, Spread Eagle and Log Cabin on Wheels. (Hinge imperfect.) Mark 8. K. Length, 2% inches. 2114—Rark SEVENTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN SILVER SNUFF Box Circa 1680 Minutely gadrooned oval box; with loose cover. Finely en- graved with helmed and leaf-scrolled coat-of-arms displaying stellate center, leonic marks and fleur-de-lis. Mark, coro- neted M. Length, 31, inches. 2115—American EicHTEENTH CENTURY PEPPER CaAsToR Circa 1760 Round, engraved with curious diamond-shaped crest. Reeded S-looped handle. Loose perforated cover. Mark, W. T. in rectangle. Height, 21% inches. 2116—American EigHTEENTH CENTURY SitverR Muce «1784 Broad pear-shape; very beautifully engraved with coat-of-arms within arabesque scrollings; molded foot and S-scrolled handle. Mark: I. C., John Clarke, Newport, R. IL., 1734. Height, 334, inches. Eighth and Last Session 2117—Nine EicuHTreentH Century AMERICAN SILVER SPOONS Circa 1776 Three table, four teaspoons and two salt spoons. Finely fashioned, with oval bowl and rare coffin handles. Engraved with monograms, H.T.B. in medallions and spray of leaves. Mark, C. C. Maker unknown. Lengths, 914, 64%, and 3% inches. 2118—Rare SEVENTEENTH CentTURY American Rat-TaAIL SPoon 1660 Oval bowl, with exceptionally fine molded rat-tail and_ flat handle expanding into three-lobed cartouche. Engraved on back I. P. Mark, S. W. in rectangle. Maker unknown. Length, 71% inches. 2119—FEicHTreentH Century AMERICAN SILVER SPoon 1782 Oval bowl; with handle expanding into a fine lobe; engraved with monogram, M.E.J. Marks, D. V. Voorhis in rectangle and eagle within diamond. Maker, D. V. Voorhis of Philadel- phia and New York, 1782. Length, 814, inches. 2120—Two EicHTEENTH CENTURY SPOONS Oval, with arched handles expanding into oviform motives. En- graved with oval medallioned initials, I. A. C., and pendent husks. Mark, Hutton in rectangle. Maker, Isaac Hutton, Albany, 1767. Length, 85% inches. 2121—Two EicuTrentH Century AMERICAN SPOONS Circa 1750 Finely fashioned oval bowls and handles expanding into two upturned lobed round ends. Backs of bowls with shell motive at joints. Engraved on back A. W. S. Maker’s mark of Butler very indistinct in rectangle. Length, 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2122—Rare American Earty EI1cHTEENTH CENTURY COFFEE SPOON 1703 Oval bowl, with shell-motived stop at back and handle expand- ing to round lobe. Back engraved with initials B. I. S. Maker’s mark, P. S. in rectangle twice. Maker, Philip Syng, Phila- delphia, 1703. Length, 41/4, inches. 2123—-Two EicHTrENTH Century American Sucar Tones (a) With small oval terminal and expanding spring loop han- dle; engraved with medallioned wreath and chevroned edge. Maker’s mark, G. 8S. Maker, G. Stephens. (8) Fine leaf-lobed open prongs, with curved arched handle; engraved with medallion and chevroned border. Maker’s mark, C. B.; untraced. Lengths, 54% and 51% inches. 2124—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN SILVER SKEWER 1789 Fine dagger-shaped skewer; with looped handle having excep- tionally well-fashioned shell motives at joint. Maker’s mark, I. S., in rectangle. Maker, Joseph Smith, Boston. Length, 1034 inches. 2125—Earty EIcgHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN Sruver LADLE 1744 Deep serpentined bowl, with small round spout and molded round shank for handle. Balustered long handle of American walnut. Maker’s mark, I. M., in rectangle. Maker, John Moulinar, New York, 1744. Length, 114% inches. 2126—Two Earty American Sinver Satt CELLARS 1800 Oval boat-shape ; with minutely etched molded rims. On scrolled spade feet. Engraved with husked and palm-wreathed oval medallions and floral festoon. Maker’s mark, 'T. Keeler in rec- tange. Maker, T. Keeler, Boston, 1800. Length, 31%, inches. 7 Wit Ce 2128— Vi NA 2Z130— Eighth and Last Session Rare Earty American Siiver Cover 1706 Deep bowl, with slightly flaring rim and beautifully scrolled-leaf S side handles. Engraved D. L. F. Maker’s mark, coroneted I. G. within cartouche. Maker, Joseph Goldthwaite, Boston, 1706. Height, 61 inches. Earty AMERICAN SILVER Cup 1800 Beautifully fashioned tapering round cup. Simply enriched with molded foot and base and two bands of reeding. Engraved with monogram E.P. Maker’s mark, C. A. Burnett in rectangle. Maker, C. A. Burnett, Georgetown, 1800. Height, 3 inches. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN Srttver Musrarp Por Round open sides, of quartre-lobed motives ; domed cover, with ball terminal and double looped rope-motived handle. Original blue Stiegel glass lining. Maker’s mark, R. F. in rectangle; untraced. Height, 2% inches. Earty EicHTrentH Century AMERICAN SILVER CouPE Circa 1740 Deep bowl, with slightly flaring lip; beautiful S-scrolled pearl- motived side handles, fine alternate spiral flutings and gadroons at base surmounted by differing punched motives and engraved initials F. B. and crest surmounting an intricate monogram. Maker’s mark, R. B. surmounted by coronet and fleur-de-lis within an elongated cartouche. Height, 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2131—SrEVENTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN SILVER COUPE Circa 1690 Deep bowl, with alternate spiral gadroons and flutings at base. Finely scrolled dainty side handles. Engraved M. L. B. and E. B. P. Maker’s mark, a coroneted L in cartouche. Length, 53/4, inches. 2132—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN SiItveR MUFFINEER Circa 1760 Conical vase-shape, finely molded and enriched with unique shell and scroll bandings, one sustaining cartouches; engraved with coroneted crests. Molded foot with further shell and scroll band. Loose high-domed cover; with alternate spiral piercings of scrollings and geometric motives; shell terminal. Maker’s mark, G. H. coroneted and within a cartouche. Height, 65% inches. 2133—Earty AMERICAN SILVER CoUPE Goblet-shape, chiseled with basket panneau and irregular floral scrollings. On round base enriched rocaille banding and hex- agonal foot. Maker’s mark, ORR in rectangle. Maker, Orr, Philadelphia. Height, 6% inches. 2134—Earty AMERICAN SitvEerR Eco SERVER Directoire Period Reeded round shaft, finished with globular floral motives, shell and scrolled loop handle and gadroon molded round base. From the lower floral motive spring arched wire lobes sustain- ing six loose urn-shaped egg-cups and six well-fashioned spoons. Maker’s mark, P. C. in rectangle. Untraced. Height, 8% inches. 2135 Earrty EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN SitvER Court 1751 Bell-shape; molded below center. Enriched with exceptionally fine leaf-scrolled S side handles and very beautifully engraved monogram R.D.P. within a floral wreath and a Masonic emblem of the second degree below. Maker’s mark, two square punches I. C. with rosette between. Maker, John Leacock, Philadelphia, 1751. Length, 8 inches. Eighth and Last Session 2137 2136 2136—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN SILVER TANKARD 1741 Expanding round sides, molded at rim, lower center and base. Molded domed cover with unusual scrolled thumbpiece. Beau- tifully scrolled S-handle with interesting balustered rat-tail. Engraved G. S. and A. S. Maker’s mark, R. P. in shield. Maker, Richard Pitts, 1741, Philadelphia. Height, 6 inches. 2137—Earty ErcHTEENTH CEnTuRY AMERICAN SILVER ‘T'ANKARD 1731 Expanding round sides; with molded rim and foot, hinged molded domed cover with very fine double scrolled gadrooned thumbpiece and fine S-scrolled loop handle having heart-shaped terminal and unusual balustered rat-tail. Engraved E. D. S. Maker’s mark, L. A. within a shield. Maker, L. Adam, 1731. Height, 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2188—Pauxt Revere Sener. Sitver CoverepD CouPrE 1702 Deep coupe, finely molded at rim, center and foot. Enriched with remarkably dainty scrolled loop side handles and loose molded slightly domed cover with ball terminal. Maker’s mark, P. R. in shield. Paul Revere Senr. Height, 61 inches. 2139—Earzity American Sitver Tra Bown Circa 1800 Deep bowl, with straight collar and incurved round foot. En- graved with monogram, E. L. H. Maker’s mark, A. Whitney in rectangle. Maker, A. Whitney. Diameter, 614 inches. (Companion to following) 2140—Earty AMERICAN SinverR Cover SuCRIER Circa 1800 Molded oval boat-shaped bowl, with strap looped side handles and molded dome-cover having urn terminal. Engraved with monogram EK. L. H. Maker’s mark, A. Whitney in rectangle. Maker, A. Whitney. é ? Length, 834 inches. (Companion to preceding and followmg) 2141—HEarity AMERICAN SiLver Trapot anp STAND Circa 1800 Similar to the preceding; with scrolled spout and looped ebony handle. Maker’s mark, A. Whitney in rectangle. Oval molded stand with fan feet, similar monogram and maker’s mark. Length, 12 and 61% inches. (Companion to preceding) Highth and Last Session 2142—Rare Earty EicHTeentH Crntury AMERICAN SILVER Lovine Cur 1723 Deep bell-shaped coupe; molded about center; engraved with very beautifully scrolled coat-of-arms. Fine leaf-scrolled side handles. On molded round foot. Maker’s mark, thrice I. L. in rectangle under foot. Maker, John Le Roux, New York, 1723. Length, 10 inches. GEORGIAN AND OTHER FINE SILVER 2143—Fovur GrorciaAn Sinver CANDLESTICKS 1755 and 1756 Shell-arched balustered shaft; with rope-motived urn socket, bobéche and spreading foot, molded and having shell corners. London Hall Mark, two 1755 and two 1756. Maker, John Cann. Height, 81% inches. 2144—Four GEorGIAN SILVER CANDLESTICKS 1764 Fine baluster shaft, with scrolled flute motives and gadroons at intervals. Similar scroll-fluted bobéche. On spirally ga- drooned stepped square foot. London Hall Marks, 1764. Maker’s mark, J. N.; untraced. Height, 101%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2145—Four Grorcian Sitver CANDLESTICKS L774 Interesting lobed baluster shaft; enriched with festooned nymphs’ masks, rosettes and leaf motives. Scrolled bobéche and foot adorned with similar masks, rosettes and leaf motives. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1774. Maker, Geo. Smith. Height, 1234 inches. 2146—Fovur GrorciAn Sitver CANDLESTICKS 1818 Tapering round shaft; molded foot and bobéche, enriched with spiral gadroons and leaf motives. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1818. Makers, Roberts and Cadman. Height, 11 inches. 2147—-Four GrorGian SILVER CANDLESTICKS 1772 and 1773 Banded and clustered shaft, with leaf capital and scrolled ga- droon bobéche. On incurved square foot with leaf corners and spirally gadrooned molding. London Hall Marks, 1772 and 1773. Maker, John Carter. Height, 124% inches. 2148—Two GerorcIAN SitveER CanDLESTICKS 1772 Half reed-fluted Corinthian shaft; with pearl-motived bobéche. On incurved square base, with husk festooned rosettes and fur- ther pearl moldings. London Hall Mark, 1772. Maker, John Carter. Height, 125% inches. 2149—Four GrorciAn Sinver CANDLESTICKS | 1810 Lobed baluster shaft; enriched with leaf motives and festooned flowers, shell-scrolled bobéche and double molded foot having curious scroll flutings, leaf scrolls and rocaille medallions. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1810. Maker, John Roberts. Height, 125% inches. Eighth and Last Session 2150—Four Gerorcian Sitver CANDLESTICKS 1772 Half reed-fluted column ; with festooned Ionic capital and pearl molded bobéche. On square molded pedestals having crests within medallions and ram’s-headed husk festoons. London Hall Vial 1772. Height, 14 inches. 2151-—Wiriiam anp Mary Sitver Covurr 1698 Deep coupe, with turn-over rim, alternate spiral gadroons and flutings toward foot, surmounted by a dainty chiseled valance motive; engraved double monogram J.C.M. and pearl motived loop scroll-handles. On gadroon molded foot. London Hall Mark, 1698. Maker, Chas. Overing. Length, 75% inches. Note: 'The marks on this fine coupe are in the finest condition possible, and are beautifully clear. 2152—QurEEN ANNE ReEpousskt Sitver CourE 1709 Bell-shape, with molded rim, rope-motived band slightly below and pearl-scrolled S side handles. Enriched with alternate spiral gadroons and flutings toward foot; surmounted with ro- settes and monogrammed oval medallion set in an imbricated scroll and shell cartouche. London Hall Mark, 1709. Maker, Timothy Ley. Length, 8% inches. From the famous Marquand Collection, American Art Asso- ciation. 2153—Two Grorcian Sitver Sauce Boats 1746 Scrolled gadrooned mouth, leaf-scrolled handle and shell kneed and footed legs. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1764. Maker’s mark, C. H.; untraced. Length, 8% inches. 2154—T'wo Grorcian Sitver Sauce Boats 1764 Low scrolled-shape, with gadrooned rim, fine leaf-scrolled loop handle and engraved crest. On shell-motived Spanish feet. London Hall Mark, 1764. Maker’s Mark, C. H.; untraced. Length, 814 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 2155—Two Grorcian Sitver Sauce Boats 1814 Blunted boat-shape; with scrolled gadrooned rim, leaf-scrolled hooked handle with husk socket and gadrooned oblong foot having round corners. London Hall Mark, 1814. Maker’s Mark, T. R.; untraced. Length, 61% inches. 2156—GxroRGIAN SILVER Sauce Boat 1749 Oval boat-shape, with scalloped rim, fine upright shell and leaf- scrolled handle and engraved crest. On shell feet with larger shells at junctures, set in very unusual sunk cartouches. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1749. Maker, Abm. Portal. Length, 75% inches. 2157—GEorGIAN SILVER Sauce Boat 1775 Finely fashioned oval boat-shape; enriched with engraved crest, pearl motives at lip and oval molded foot and reeded loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1775. Maker, Andrew Fogelberg. Length, 83% inches. 2158—AmstTERDAM SILVER ALMonD DisH Eighteenth Century Oval boat-shaped; with pearl rim and looped end handles, pierced medallion and fluted body. On pearl-molded oval base. Blue glass lining. Amsterdam Hall Mark. Length, 73% inches. 2159—GrorcIAN SitverR AtMonpd Basket 1795 Oval, pointed boat-shape; with reeded lip, oval foot and bail handle. Body engraved with initials and very beautifully pierced with rosetted medallions and lovely floral wreaths. On oval foot. London Hall Hark, 1795. Makers, P. and A. Bate- man. Length, 534, inches. Eighth and Last Session 2160—Gerorcian Sitver Sweermeat Basxer 1790 Fluted and pointed boat-shaped; with reeded rim and bail handle following the fine contour of the boat when adjusted to it. Finely engraved with coat-of-arms and crest. On reeded foot of same contour as body. London Hall Mark, 1790. Maker, Hester Bateman. Length, 7 inches. 2161—Doutcu Sitver SweetTmMEat Basket Eighteenth Century Oval boat-shape; with pearl-molded rim, oval foot and open medallion bail handle. Sides beautifully pierced with flutings and rosetted oval medallions. Blue glass lining. Length, 63/4, inches. 2162—RareE QuEEN ANNE SiLver CANDLESTICK 1703 Curiously double fluted socket, with bobéche having gadrooned rim. Unusually fine molded round base with double series of flutings, the upper interrupted by medallion engraved with coroneted monogram. Fluted extinguisher. London Hall Mark, 1703. Maker, R. Singer. Height, 4 inches. 2163—AmstTERDAM SitverR Tra Cappy Eighteenth Century Molded triangular body, with canted corners and finely molded dome-cover having tiny vase terminal. Amsterdam Hall Mark. Height, 5%, inches. 2164—-NvurEeMBERG GILDED Rerpousst SILVER CoUuPE Seventeenth Century Goblet-shape; enriched with festooned clusters of fruit on body, scrolled leafage on stem and dome foot. Height, 4°, inches. From the Edward Holmes Baldock Collection. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2165—Nvrempere Repousst Sinver GiLtpED CouPE | Seventeenth Century Goblet-shape; enriched with oval medallions of varied land- scapes interrupted by sprays of large flowers. Maker, Jacob Pfaft, 1685-1695. (See Rosenberg, p. 317.) Height, 434 inches. From the Edward Holmes Baldock Collection. 2166—Fovur Grorcian SILvER SALTS 1786 and 1790 Serpentined boat-shape; with reeded rim and oval foot. In- teriors gilded. London Hall Marks, 1786, 1790. Maker, Wm. Vincent. Length, 4 inches. 2167—Fovur GrorciaAn Sitnver AtMonpd Baskets 1780 and 1794 Oval boat-shape, with beaded rim finely scrolling downward forming dainty side handles, gadrooned body toward base, above pierced with festooned medallions and flutings. On ga- drooned oval base having pearl rim. London Hall Mark, 1780, 1794. Maker, R. Hennell. Length, 4% inches. 2168—GeEorRGIAN Sitver Murrinrerer 1762 Tall urn-shape, with round molded foot. High domed cover having urn terminal and pierced with alternate panels of bas- ketry and arabesque scrollings. London Hall Mark, 1762. Maker, Richard Pargeter. Height, 714 inches. 2169—TurerE Grorcian Sitver CovereD SwreTmMEaT Vases 1777 and 1816 Gadrooned and fluted deep bowls, with engraved coats-of-arms and reeded loop handles. On round spirally gadroon molded foot and square plinth. Incurved dome cover with pineapple terminal. Two London Hall Marks of 1777. Makers, Taylor and Wakelin. One, 1816 by Garrard. Heights, 654 and 8 inches, Eighth and Last Session 2170—GrorciAN SitveER MuFFINEER 1732 Molded tall urn-shape; with round foot. High domed cover having urn terminal and very beautiful panels of alternate blossomed diapers and arabesque scrollings parted by molded ribs. London Hall Mark, 1732. Maker, Paul Lamerie. Height, 8 inches. Note: An exquisite example of this famous silversmith’s smaller and more restrained workmanship. 21'71—Gerorcian SILVER CRUET 1776 | Pearl-molded gallery; pierced with rosetted interlaced oval me- dallions; on open fan-scrolled feet. Fitted with five cut-glass bottles having silver caps. Gadrooned central shaft having fine scrolled loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1776. Maker, Robert Hennell. Height, 65% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2172—BeavtTiruL GEorGIAN CRUET 1745 Five-lobed base, with annular rings above sustained on leaf- scrolled legs having shell feet. Fitted with three very finely molded vase-shaped silver castors with pierced tops and two silver capped cut-glass bottles. Balustered central shaft, with leaf and shell scrolled loop handle, lobed medallion in front of single bottle and castors engraved with coat-of-arms of Boston, England. London Hall Mark, 1745. Maker’s mark, Samuel Wood. Height, 9% inches. Note: This exceptionally fine specimen of silver plate was originally the property of the Corporation of the City of Boston, England. Eighth and Last Session 2173—GerorcIAn SILVER CRUET 1735 Five-lobed stand, supported on four very beautiful balusters which also hold the annular rings for three silver vase-shaped castors with finely pierced top and two silver covered cut-glass bottles. Oval medallion facing the odd ring and three castors engraved with coats-of-arms. Balustered central stem with oval loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1735. Maker, Francis Nelme. Height, 914 inches. Note: A unique example of silversmith’s craftsmanship. 2174—GeEorRGIAN SILVER CRUET 1780 Five-lobed stand; with pearl motive annular rings above, sus- tained on leaf-scrolled legs having shell feet. Fitted with three cut-glass shakers having pierced silver tops and two silver- mounted bottles. Unusual incurved pearl-molded five bars rise at center to leaf-enriched oval handle. London Hall Mark, 1780. Height, 11 inches. 2175—GerorGIAN SILVER INKSTAND 1777 Oblong; with round corners, gadrooned rim and shell-scrolled feet. Engraved with crest. Fitted with two glass wells having silver covers, central wafer box having small taper holder as cover. London Hall Mark, 1777. Makers, Makepeace and Carter. Length, 9%% inches. 2176—GrorciaAn SitverR InxstTanp 1817 Oblong, with gadroon and shell rim having round corners. On leaf and claw feet. Fitted with two silver-capped wells, round box with taper holder as cover and side wells for pens. London Hall Mark, 1817. Maker, Jas. Craddock. Length, 9% inches. 21°77—Wri1iam anp Mary SILvER SALVER 1698 Molded, sunk round salver. On small molded foot. Engraved with St. Catherine Wheel, the coat-of-arms of St. Catherine’s College, England, and date 1698. Diameter, 654 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2178—Two GerorciaAn ; SILVER, SALVERS 1749 Beautifully scrolled molded round rim and shell scrolled edge. Engraved with coat-of-arms within rocaille and floral sprayed cartouche. On Spanish feet. London Hall Mark, 1749. Maker, Wm. Peaston. Diameter, 714 inches. Note: Peaston was the most eminent tray and salver maker of his time. 2179—Two GerorciAn SILVER SALVERS 1752 Similar to the preceding; without coats-of-arms. 2180—GeEoRGIAN SILVER SALVER 1757 Scroll-molded round body, with shell-motived rim. Engraved with crested coat-of-arms and initial M. On Spanish feet. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1757. Makers, W. and R. Peaston. Diameter, 7 inches. 2181—GEoRGIAN SILVER SALVER ) 1751 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1751. Maker, Jos. Morrison. Diameter, 7, inches. 2182—GEOoRGIAN CHIPPENDALE SILVER SALVER 1767 Scrolled round; with very fine broad border pierced with birds, Chinese seated figures, basket panels and scrollings. London Hall Mark, 1767. Maker, Richard Rugg. Diameter, 7 inches. Note: An extremely delightful example of Chippendale’s influence on other crafts than his own. 2183—GEoRGIAN SILVER SALVER 1747 Scroll-molded round, with beautifully fashioned shell-scrolled rim. On Spanish feet. London Hall Mark, 1747. Maker, Henry Brind. — Diameter, 954 inches. Eighth and Last Session 2184—WiLiiAM AnD Mary Sritver SALvER 1694 Circular molded rim, enriched with spiral gadrooning. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1694. Maker, R. Lee. Diameter, 834 inches. Note: At some time a collar has been added under foot to use this salver as a compotier dish. This collar can be removed. 2185—GeorciaAn Sitver Fruir Basket 1770 Round bowl-shape, with scrolled floral vine and shell rim. Sides pierced with scrolled leaf motives forming panels of geometrical motives. On loose basket pierced and scrolled loose feet. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1770. Maker, E. Romer. Diameter, 8% inches. 2186—GerorcIAN Sruver Fruit Basket 1780 Round, with triple rope-motived rim and leaf and rope bail handle. Sides of open molded wire in diamond lattice pattern. Round base engraved with coat-of-arms supported on a double displayed eagle. London Hall Mark, 1780. Makers, Wakelin and Taylor. Diameter, 111% inches. 2187—Grorcian Sitver Cake Basket 1779 Oval; with pearl rim and expanding reed bail handle. Serpen- tine body, very beautifully pierced with series of small flutings interrupted by narrow bands of medallions and scrollings. On open oval pearl molded feet. London Hall Mark, 1779. Length, 151% inches. 2188—Grorcian Sitver Frouir Basket 1764 Oval; with gadroon and leaf molded rim and open diamond and gadrooned bail handle. Sides pierced with alternate geometric and scroll panels parted by spiraled pearl motives. Center with finely engraved cartouche. London Hall Mark, 1764. Makers, Langford and Sebille. Length, 14 inches. Note: An exceptionally fine early example of basket craftsmanship. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2189—BravutiruL Grorcian Repoussé Sitver Frvuir Baeiow 1768 Scrolled oval, with fine open bail handle scrolled with blossomed vine. Very beautifully pierced sides displaying clustered ears of wheat and scrolling of varied flowers. On scrolled open foot with rope edge. Engraved with Royal British coat-of-arms and inscription below on drapery: “At the launching of his Majesty’s Ship Prudent of 64 Guns, 13867 Tons the 28th Sep- tember, 1768. Built by Mr. William Gray at Woolwich.” Lon- don Hall Mark, 1768. Length, 141, inches. Note: A truly remarkable example of finely balanced craftsmanship. 2190—GrorciAN Sitver Frouir Basxer We Oval, with gadrooned rim and bail handle. Sides pierced with flutings interrupted by round medallions. On open scroll- gadrooned foot. London Hall Mark, 1773. Makers, Aldridge and Green. Length, 131% inches. Eighth and Last Session 2191—Berautirut Grorcian Siuver Frouir Basket 1774 Oval, with finely chiseled laurel wreath rim. Sides finely pierced with blossomed arched panels having scrollings and flutings under; overlaid by medallions of vases finely festooned with further laurel garlands. Center engraved with festooned and wreathed ‘“‘Coat-of-arms.” On rosette-pierced foot with laurel rim. London Hall Mark, 1774. Maker, John Lautier. Length, 144% inches. Note: This rare basket is very reminiscent of the finest work of the Adam Bros. and no doubt was either designed by them or directly inspired by their work. 2192—Fint GrorGian Sitver Cake Basker 1776 Oval, with pearl-molded rims enclosing rosette and medallion pierced border and similar bail handle. Sides pierced with flut- ings interrupted by small medallions overlaid by chiseled fes- toons of drapery and tassels. On pierced foot with rope rim. London Hall Mark, 1776. Maker, Richard Mills. Length, 13°, inches. Note: A rare specimen of well-balanced craftsmanship. 2193—GerorciAN Sinver Basker AND STAND 1790 Oval, with ram’s-head and ring handles, scroll-pierced border and lower body with repoussé leaf motives. Flaring stand; with similar motives to basket. On husk feet. London Hall Mark, 1790. Maker, Robert Hennell. Length, 143% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2194—GerorGIAN SILVER EPERGNE 1818 Oval, with ovolo molding and open grape-enriched border; fitted with valanced cut Bristol glass dish of the period. Supported on tapering and scrolled reeded legs having masks and scrolled cornucopias at crown. Oval stretcher, with floral basket in center sustaining four loose scrolled arms for lights. On scrolled claw feet. London Hall Mark, 1818. Makers, Story and Elliot. Height, 1314, inches. 2195—GrorRGIAN SILVER EPERGNE Vie Annular rim and stretcher festooned with chains and enriched with drapery festoons and oval rosettes. Sustained on carya- tid tapering legs having husk drops and hoof feet. Fine Bristol diamond cut-glass dish with valanced edge. London Hall Mark, 1777. Maker, John Rowe. Height, 1434 inches. 2196—'T'wo EvizABETHAN REpoussk GILDED SILVER COVERED FLAGONS 1597 Pear-shape, formed of scallop shell with the apertures at neck occupied by finely chiseled diamond panels bearing small dol- phins. Above these is a band of further similar dolphins S- scrolled handle terminating at foot with a small shell. Hinged cover with shell dome, smaller bivalve shell as thumbpiece and flanged and gadrooned molding. On incurved baluster shaft, with the gadroon molding repeated at crown and on dome base having the ever-recurring shell and dolphin enrichment. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1597. Maker’s mark a monogram. Height, 12%, inches. Note: The coat-of-arms on the inside cover are those of Sir Edward Coke, the author of “Coke on Littleton,” and of Paston; Coke’s wife was a grand-daughter of Sir William Paston, who sat on the bench with Littleton. Sir Edward Coke was born 1552 and died in 1634. He was Lord Chief Jus- tice of England and a great liberty lover. These fine flagons were bought at Christie’s, Nos. 95 and 96, June 28, 1905. (Illustrated ) (L6GL) SNODVI, GHUAAOD UAATIC GAATID Assnoday NVHLAAVZITH OMT—96IZ ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2197—GEoRGIAN SILVER CoMBINATION EPERGNE 1784 Oval ring, with scrollings and masks, rosetted incurved upper stretcher and pearl-motived incurved foot stretcher sustained by ram’s-headed leaf-crowned tapering feet. The caryatids support four pierced oval baskets on chains and lined with clear glass. The rams’ heads support scrolled leaf arms having pierced round baskets with glass linings. ‘The crowning ring sustains three varied baskets which can be used in several com- binations ; these also have glass linings. Five extra glasses for same. (One round glass missing.) London Hall Mark, 1784. Maker, Thomas Powell. Height, 23 inches. Note: A most elaborate and ingenious table decoration, with many variations. “Ss, Eighth and Last Session 2198—GerorGIAN Sinver Urn 1790 Bowl-shape ; with incurved reeded neck and finely domed cover having ball terminal. The body and cover very beautifully fluted. Exceptionally fine reeded loop arms with husk and leaf terminations. On incurved reeded round foot and square plinth having ball feet. London Hall Mark, 1790. Maker, Robert Salamon. Height, 161, inches. 2199—GerorciANn SitveR CovereD STanpinc CovureE 1769 Urn-shape, enriched with gadroon rim; engraved with coat-of- arms, acanthus rinceaux on lower part of body, and fine husk- scrolled side handles. Incurved dome cover with crest, leaf mo- tives and leaf terminal. On rosetted baluster and spreading round foot having varied leaf moldings. London Hall Mark, 1769. Maker, John Swift. Height, 155% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2200—GrorRGIAN Sitver Urn 1779 Graceful vase-shape; with medallioned coat-of-arms festooned with drapery, pearl-motived loop side handles, incurved base with further festoons and square plinth having ball feet. In- curved dome cover having further drapery festoons and vase pinnacle. London Hall Mark, 1779. Maker, Charles Wright. Height, 151%, inches. Highth and Last Session 2201—Cuarisrs II Sirver Tanxarp 1695 Expanding round sides, with finely molded rim and _ foot. Lightly domed and molded hinged cover having well-scrolled frontal rim. Ram’s-horn scrolled thumbpiece and S-scrolled strap handle. London Hall Mark, 1695. Maker, John Sutton. Height, 7 inches. Note: An extremely handsome tankard with both marks in very fine condition. 2202—Norwecian SitveR Pec Tanxarp Eighteenth Century Round, with straight sides; on claw and ball feet. Engraved with shield bearing inscription and cartouched rocaille scroll- ings over the three feet. Molded dome, hinged cover having gold coin in center. Fine thumbpiece of rampant lion and ball. Strap loop handle having Bacchic mask and shield terminals. Interior marked with ball pegs denoting each man’s drink. Hall mark. Height, 95% inches. Note: These peg tankards are now exceedingly rare. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2203—CnHartes II Sittver TAnKArpD 1674 Expanding round body; engraved with fine coat-of-arms amid beautiful arabesqued floral scrollings. Supported on three re- cumbent lions. Molded cover, engraved with scrollings ; scrolled thumbpiece and molded strap handle. London Hall Mark, 1674. Maker, I. D.; untraced. Height, 814 inches. 2204—QuEEN ANNE Sitver TANKARD 1703 Expanding round sides; with finely molded rim and foot; ex- quisitely engraved with coat-of-arms within leaf iscrollings. Hinged lightly domed cover with ram’s-horn scrolled thumb- piece and fine strap S-scrolled handle. London Hall Mark, 1703. Maker, Wm. Keats. Height, 7 inches. 2205—GeEorGIAN SrtuvER Cover VASE 1793 Deep bowl-shape, with gadroons toward foot, reeded loop han- dles with husk and leaf terminations. Loose dome cover, en- riched with further gadroons and urn terminals. On incurved spreading foot. London Hall Mark, 1793. Maker, C. Bland. Height, 934 inches. 2206—GerorGIAN SittverR Lovine Cup 1748 Deep molded bowl; with short spreading foot and beautifully leaf-scrolled loop side handles. Engraved with monogram and cartouched date, 1778. Newcastle Hall Mark, 1743. Maker, Isaac Cookson. Height, 61, inches. 2207—GrEoRGIAN Sruver PITCHER 1748 Pear-shaped, with lightly molded rim, broader foot and short spout with balustered pendant. Extremely fine leaf-scrolled S handle. Engraved with rocaille-scrolled coat-of-arms. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1748. Height, 97% inches. Eighth and Last Session 2208—Gerorcian Repousst SILVER CoFFEE-POT 17538 Pear-shape; beautifully chiseled with semi-architectural car- touches, shell motives, cupidons and floral vines, short shell spout and dome cover with fruit terminal. Carved scrolled box- wood handle. On molded round foot enriched with scrollings. Height, 111% inches. 2209—GerorGIAN SruveER Hot-water PircHEeER ite Vase-shape, enriched with scrolled gadroon moldings to rin, shoulder and foot. Short spout with shell frontal pendant ; leaf-scrolled S handle; molded dome cover. London Hall Mark, 1772. Maker, Chas. Crump. ‘ Height, 114% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2210—Gerorcian IrntsH Repousst Sttver CorreE-PotT 1770 Pear-shape, with leaf-scrolled spout, domed cover with pine- apple terminal and round foot. Enriched with beautiful rocaille and floral cartouches surmounted by eagles and enclosing mono- gram and “Conversation Subjects” after Hogarth. Scrolled ebony handle. Dublin Hall Mark, 1770. Maker, John Lloyd. Height, 121% inches. 2211—GrorciAN Stnver Hot-mink PircHer 1770 Graceful vase-shape; finely chiseled with acanthus leaves at foot, reed and bead shoulder band, leaf sockets for reeded looped boxwood handle, short imbricated paneled spout with charming leaf husk support, dome cover with acorn terminal and round molded foot having leaf motives. Engraved with coat-of-arms. London Hall Mark, 1770. Height, 12 inches. 2212—GrorGIAN Sttver PiTrcHEeR 1772 Pear-shape, with finely balustered spout, leaf-scrolled loop handle and molded round foot. Engraved with exceptionally fine coat-of-arms wreathed with ears of wheat. London Hall Mark, 1772. Height, 9 inches. 2213—GerorciaAN RepoussE Sirver Hot-water PircHEer 1775 Graceful vase-shape with finely scrolled mouth, domed cover having acorn terminal and domed base. Enriched with laurel festoons, beaded moldings and rosettes on base, body and cover. S-scrolled wicker handle. London Hall Mark, 1775. om Height, 12 inches. 2214—GerorGIAN Sruver Tra SERVICE 1806 to 1810 Molded oval body, with gadrooned moldings, leaf handles and molded foot. Engraved with monograms. Teapot, sucrier and two creamers. London Hall Marks, 1806, 1807 and 1810. Makers, R. Eames and E. Barnard. Lengths, 954, 71%, and 61% inches. (Illustrated) ate RE No. 2214— 14—GrorGian Sitver Tea Service (1806 to 1810) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 2215—Gerorcian Srtver Tra Cappy 1805 Outcurved oblong body, with ball feet, incurved shoulder and lightly domed cover with gadroon moldings. Engraved with delicate floral valance motives and bandings. Ebony oblong ter- minal. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1805. Makers, R. and S. Hennell. Height, 63% inches. 2216—Gerorcian Sttver TEapotT AnD STAND 1798 Oval expanding sides and incurved reeded shoulder; engraved with rosetted oval medallioned bands and cartouched crest. Domed cover with rose spray terminal. Boxwood loop handle. Reeded oval tray-stand with crest and medallioned banding. London Hall Mark, 1793. Makers, P. and A. Bateman. Length, 11 inches. 2217—GeEoRGIAN SiLveR TrRAy Circa 1750 Scroll-molded round rim; with rocaille and leaf edge. Center engraved with coat-of-arms and fine grape and floral border. On handsome Spanish feet. Diameter, 10%, inches, 2218—GerorciaAn SttveR Tray 1761 Rare scroll-molded round rim with shell and scroll edge, very finely fashioned. On leaf scrolled Spanish feet. London Hall Mark, 1761. Maker, E. Coker. Diameter, 121% inches. 2219—GrorcIAN SILVER TRrAy 1748 Round scroll-molded ; with scrolled shell edge. On Spanish feet. Very beautifully engraved with coat-of-arms and rocaille, floral and basket panneaux border. London Hall Mark, 1748. Maker, Wm. Peaston. Diameter, 121% inches. 2922?0——GrorGIAN IrisH SitveR TRAy 1771 Beautifully scroll-molded rim, with scroll-gadrooned edge. On Spanish feet. Center delicately engraved with coat-of-arms within a floral and rocaille cartouche. Dublin Hall Mark, 1771. Diameter, 11% inches. Eighth and Last Session 2221—Wiiuiam anp Mary Sriver Tray 1693 Round, with molded rim finished with arched gadroons. Center engraved with monogram and fine coat-of-arms. On button feet. Underfoot with leaf lobed medallion engraved, “The gift of Wilham Stringer 1694,” and above, “Fellowship Hall, St. Mary at Hill.” London Hall Mark, 1693. Maker, John Sutton. Diameter, 123% inches. Note: Sutton was one of the most eminent silversmiths of his day. 2222——-GroRGIAN SILVER TRAY 1755 Very finely fashioned scroll-molded round rim with shell scrolled edge; on leaf and ball feet. Center beautifully engraved with coat-of-arms within scrolled rocaille and floral cartouche. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1755. Maker, Wm. Peaston. Diameter, 14 inches. 2223—GrorGIAN SILVER ‘l’RAy 1765 Scrolled round, with rare pierced border developing baskets of flowers, sprays and scrollings. Engraved with medallioned crest within fantastic architectural motives. On open floral feet. London Hall Mark, 1765. Maker, Richard Rugg. Diameter, 1514 inches. * Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Dipl wad ery aE SitvER CHIPPENDALE TRAY 1758 Scrolled round border, very beautifully chased and pierced with leaf and rocaille, geometric panels, cartouches and gadroonings. London Hall Mark, 1758. Makers, Aldridge and Stamper. Diameter, 14 inches. Note: A notable example of silversmith’s craftsmanship exhibiting the delightful influence of Chippendale. 2225—GEORGIAN SILVER Tray L044 Lobed pearl-molded round body, with very beautiful border of oval medallioned drapery festoons having leaf motives alter- nating with the tasseled medallions. On ball and claw feet. En- graved with monogram and underfoot with inscription. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1777. Maker, James Schofield. Diameter, 15 inches. Eighth and Last Session 2226—GrorciAn IrtsH Sittver Tray Circa 1747 Round, with scroll-molded border and intricate shell edge. Cen- ter engraved with rocaille and floral scrolled coat-of-arms. On leaf and shell feet. Dublin Hall Mark. Diameter, 13%, inches. 22277—GrorGIAN Sitver Tray 1753 Round, with scroll-molded border and fine shell-scrolled rim. On leaf and scroll feet. London Hall Mark, 1753. Makers, Richard Gurney and Co. Diameter, 14 inches. 2228—GEoRGIAN Srnver Tray 1788 Very beautiful scroll-molded round border; with interesting ro- caille motived and shell rim. Center engraved with very fine large S-scrollings enclosing shell motives and emitting floral sprays. On bird-claw and ball feet. London Hail Mark, 1788. Maker, Edward Jay. Diameter, 155% inches. 2229—GerorRGIAN Sitver Tray 1810 Oval with flute-motived molded border and pearl rim, quartered with rams’ heads. On ram’s-head and gadrooned fan-shaped feet. Presentation inscription underfoot. London Hall Mark, 1810. Maker, John Crouch. Length, 17 inches. 2230—GrEoRGIAN SILVER TRAy LTO Reed-molded oblong, with loop leafed reeded handles. Elabo- rately engraved center, with wreath crowning “British Jack,” the Flag of the Volunteers, their coat-of-arms and inscription: “Presented to . . . by the Royal Manchester and Salford Volunteers . . . for their Standards.” London Hall Mark, 1797. Maker, Thomas Robins. Length, 227% inches. 2231—Larce Sitver Tray Georgian Style Oblong; with roll-over border having round leaf corners and scrolled gadrooned rim. Length, 2414, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2232—Earty NINETEENTH CEentTURY DutcH Sitver Derr Tray Gadrooned oval, with wreath fioral flange border and molded rim interrupted by varied rocaille and floral scrolled cartouches. Engraved with initials in center. Length, 201% inches. 2233—GEORGIAN Sruver Tray 1817 Scrolled oblong, with scalloped and fluted border having very fine leaf-scrolled shell rim and open loop handles. Center en- graved with monogram H.M. (Harriet Mellen, the famous actress) and exquisite scroll panel border of leafage rocaille and shell motives. On very fine shell-scrolled feet. London Hall Mark, 1817. Maker, Paul Storr. Length, 281/, inches. Note: Harriet Mellen, the very popular actress, became the Duchess of St. Albans. Her first husband was Francis Burdett Coutts, and this tray was acquired at the dispersal of the Coutts heirlooms. (Illustrated) 2234—Important Otp Enewish Repousst Sitver Tray Deeply scroll-molded oval with exceptionally fine rim of bossed rocaille motives, scrolled leaves and clustered flowers; scrolled loop handles. Finely engraved border of basket panneaux and shell cartouches scrolled with leaves and flowers. Hall marked. Length, 380% inches. 2235—Duorcu Sitrver Tray Eighteenth Century Molded oval; with arched pierced gallery. Border engraved with florally festooned S-scrollings in the Louis XVI manner. Length, 291%, inches. 2236—Two GeorcIAN SitveR CovErED SAucE Boats 1821 Oval, with gadrooned rims, shell and leaf end handles and beau- tiful acanthus-leaf and claw feet. Gadroon-molded dome cover with berried leaf-scrolled loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1821. Maker, Paul Storr. Length, 91, inches. (LISL) AVY], UAATIC NVINYOAUDH—EEZS ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2237—Two GrorcIAN SttverR CovERED SaucE Boats Anp Trays 1782 Oval urn-shape; enriched with drapery festoons, leonic-head and ring handles, pearl-molded rim and oval foot. Domed cover with further festoons and leaf-motived pineapple terminal. Oval pearl-molded tray with smaller festoons. London Hall Mark, 1782. Maker, Wm. Holmes. Length, 8 inches. 2238—Four GrorGIAN SitveR Fruit DisHEs 1754 Round, with scalloped rim; enriched with spirally gadrooned and shell-motived borders. Center engraved with fine coat-of- arms. London Hall Mark, 1754. Maker, Edward Wakelin. Diameter, 10 inches. 2239—Sr1x GEORGIAN SILVER Sour PLATES 1784 Deep bowl center with lobed molded border having scroll-ga- drooned rims. Engraved with coroneted initial C. London Hall Mark, 1784. Maker, John Robins. Diameter, 914, inches. Note: The Head of George III is the rare incuse punch in the Hall Marks. (Companions to the following) Eighth and Last Session 2240—Hicutren Grorce III Sitver PLATEs Circa 1770 Similar to the preceding ; varied years in the Hall Marks. With coroneted initial C. Diameter, 95% inches. (Companions to the preceding and following) 2241—Twetve Georcian Sitver Prares 1759 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1759. Maker, Edward Wakelin. Diameter, 954 inches. (Companions to the preceding and following) 2242—TweEtve GEORGIAN Sitver Prates 1772 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1772. Makers, Parker and Wakelin. (Companions to the preceding and following) 2243—TWwrELVE GrEorGIAN SILVER PLATES 1756 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Marks, 1756. Maker, Wm. Grundy. Diameter. 93/4 inches. (Companions to the preceding and following) 2244——TweLve GEORGIAN Sinver PLATES 1756 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Marks, 1756. Maker, Wm. Grundy. Diameter, 9 inches. (Companions to the preceding) 2245—Grorcian Sitver Entree Dish anp Cover 1781 Pearl-molded oblong dish, with round corners and upright reeded ring handles. Slightly domed cover, with urn terminal. - Both engraved with medallioned coats-of-arms.. London Hall -Mark, 1781. Maker, R. D.; untraced. Length, 105% inches. Note: One of the most exquisite and refined examples of silver ever made by any school of silversmiths. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2246—Two GerorciAN Sitver Entree DisHEs 1789 Incurved oblong, with inset round corners and scrolled gadroon and shell rims. Gadrooned dome cover with reeded sheli-scrolled loop handle. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark, 1789. Maker, Richard Gardiner. Length, 11% inches. (Companions to the followmg) 29247—Two GEORGIAN SILVER ENTREE DisHES 1789 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1789. Maker, Richard Gardiner. (Companions to the preceding) 2248—GEoRGIAN SinveR Warmer Entree Disu 1817 Gadrooned oblong, with round corners and arched loop handles. Fitted with six interior loose compartments for individual viands. Domed cover with leaf looped handle. All engraved with crests. Birmingham Hall Mark, 1817. Maker, Matthew Bolton. Length, 1234 inches. Note: Matthew Bolton was one of the geniuses of his day. He not only was a great silversmith, but a great inventor and founder of bronzes. 9940 Pcie SinvER Warmer EntTREE DisH Oblong; with shell and gadroon rim having round corners. Low molded and gadrooned cover with urn terminal and crest. Lon- don hall marked. Sheffield plate open stand; with tapering claw legs and stretchered alcohol lamp. Length, 9% inches. Highth and Last Session 2250—GrorRGIAN SILVER PLATTER 1741 Oval center, with scroll-molded border having gadrooned rim. Engraved with very beautiful florally scrolled coat-of-arms. London Hall Mark, 1741. Maker, Paul Lamerie. Length, 191/, inches. Note: Paul Lamerie was considered the prince of silversmiths in his day. 2251—Two GrorciaAn SILVER PLATTERS 1749 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1749. Maker, William Cripps. Length, 15%/, inches. 29252—Two GEorRGIAN SILVER PLATTERS 1785 and 1807 Oval center, with finely lobed border enriched with ribboned reedings and bunches of grapes and leaves at the lobes. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1785 and 1807. Makers, D. S. and B. 5.; untraced. Length, 143, inches. (Companions to the following) 2253—Two GEoRGIAN SILvER PLATTERS 1785 and 1804 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Marks, 1785; 1804. Same maker. Lengths, 174% and 15 inches (Companions to the preceding) 9954—Two GrorciAN Sitver PLATTERS 17738: 1754 Similar to the preceding Number 2251. London Hall Marks, 1773, 1754. Makers, August Le Sage, one. Magdalene Feline, other. Lengths, 20% and 16% inches. (Companions to the preceding) 9255—Two GrorciaAN SILVER PLATTERS 1754; 1765 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Marks, 1754, 1765. Makers, Magdalene Feline and Wm. Cripps. Lengths, 16% and 19% inches. 9256—GroRGIAN SILVER PLATTER 1766 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1766. Makers, S. and J. Cresswell. Length, 21 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. res ee ————E—ESEO—ESEEEEEEEEEEEE—————— 2257—GEORGIAN SInveER CovERED T'UREEN 1741 Serpentined oval body, with gadrooned rim, cartouched coat-of- arms, wreathed with varied wheat and floral sprays, leonic- headed claw feet and leaf and scrolled loop handles. Finely domed cover of same contour as body, engraved with crest and enriched with gadroon molding and shell loop handle having shell and mask surrounding terminal border. London Hall Mark, 1741. Maker, Paul Lamerie. Length, 18 inches. Note: An especially interesting specimen of Lamerie great craftsman- ship exhibiting his great versatility. 2258—AMSTERDAM SILVER CovErED Sour TuREEN , Eighteenth Century Low bowl; with finely molded foot and leaf-scrolled side han- dles. Molded dome-cover having fine pear-shape leaf terminal. Amsterdam Hall Mark. Diameter, 1314 inches. Eighth and Last Session 2259—GEORGIAN SILVER CovERED Sour TuREEN 1776 Gadrooned oval body; with engraved medallioned coat-of-arms, reeded loop handles and pearl-motived foot. Lightly fluted domed cover with leaf-rosetted terminal. London Hall Mark, 1776. Makers, Wakelin and Taylor. Length, 15°, inches. 2260—GrorciAN SinverR Covered TuREEN 1810 Oval body, with incurved neck having shell and gadrooned rim, engraved crest, very fine shell scrolled legs having claw feet and leaf looped side handles. Gadrooned dome cover with S-scrolled loop handle. London Hall Mark, 1810. Maker, J. R.; un- traced. Length, 175% inches. 2261—GrorciAN SinvER CovErRED TUREEN 1815 Scrolled low oval body, with gadrooned rim, scrolled loop han- dles and feet. Enriched with coroneted monogram within car- touche leaf scrollings and arabesques. Cover, with waved fluted large capping shell motives and large cauliflower terminal. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1815. Maker, Robert Hennell. Length, 17 inches. Note: This fine tureen was originally made for Harriet Mellen, the celebrated actress, who became the Duchess of St. Albans. Her first husband was Francis Burdett Coutts. This example was acquired from the Coutts heirlooms. (Companion to the following) 2262—GrorGIAN SILVER CovERED T'UREEN 1815 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1815. Maker, R. Hennell. Length, 17 inches. Note: This fine tureen was originally made for Harriet Mellen, the celebrated actress, who became the Duchess of St. Albans. Her first husband was Francis Burdett Coutts. This example was acquired from the Coutts heirlooms. (Companion to the preceding ) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2263—OLp EncuisH Sitver Coverep TurREEN Round; with strap arabesqued gadroonings, rocaille ring side handles and ball and claw feet. Domed cover, with two series of strap valance bandings and gadrooned vase terminal. En- graved with crest. Early Victorian Hall Mark. Diameter, 137% inches. (Companion to the following) 2264—Oxup EncuisH Strver Coverep TurREEN Similar to the preceding. Hall marked. (Companion to the preceding) 2265—Wi1iaAM AND Mary SILVER-MoUNTED BowL 1700 Low bowl, with panels of flutings interrupting two masked car- touches bearing coats-of-arms and two leonic mask and loop handles. Surmounted by a superb valanced scrolling bordered of cupidon masks and shell motives. On scroll-gadrooned molded round base. Loose black molded round plinth; mounted in silver with seated cupidons and floral festoons. Bowl, Lon- don Hall Mark, 1700. Maker, John Edwards. Diameter, 125% inches. (Illustrated) 2266—Four OLD ENGcLsH CANDLESTICKS Festooned half-reed fluted Ionic columns. On incurved square base; enriched with festooned medallions and pearl motives. Engraved with crest. London Hall Mark. Height, 123, inches. 2267—Four Sitver CANDLESTICKS 1814 and 1815 Scrolled shell and leaf baluster shafts continuing into urn socket and scalloped spreading round base enriched with leonic masks. Engraved with coroneted monogram. Sheffield Hall Marks, 1814 and 1815. Maker, S. C. Young. Height, 12%, inches. Note: Harriet Mellen, the very popular actress, to whom these candle- sticks belonged, became the Duchess of St. Albans. Her first husband was Francis Burdett Coutts. These candlesticks were acquired from the Coutts heirlooms. No. 2265—Witi1am anp Mary SiLver-mountTEeD Bow. (1700) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2268—Two Grorcian SinveR CANDELABRA 1765 Shell-motived spiral fluted shaft, with similar spirals spreading into leaf shell and gadroon-motived scrolled square foot. Two leaf-scrolled arms for lights. London Hall Mark, 1765. Maker, Wm. Cafe. Height, 1454 inches. 2269—Four GrorGiIaAn StnvER CANDLESTICKS 1816 Half-reeded tapering round shaft, with urn socket, bobéche and spreading round base having finely scrolled gadroon mo- tives. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1816. Maker, J. and T. Settle. Height, 1234 inches. Kighth and Last Session 2270—Two GrorGIAN SILVER CANDELABRA 1815 Molded square tapering shaft with acanthus-leaf caps and drops of money pattern; basketed socket sustaining three leaf and rosette scrolled arms and central leaf socket for four lights, the central socket having grape-motived pear-shaped temporary cap. On molded round base, enriched with rosetted basket pan- neaux and shell devices. London Hall Mark, 1815. Maker, Paul Storr.. Height, 2414, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2271—Two Grorcian SILVER SCONCES 1766 Gadroon-molded oval back, with beautiful strap arabesque scrollings having fruit festooned cartouche at crown bearing crest and mask cartouche below emitting two leaf-scrolled arms for lights. London Hall Mark, 1766. Makers, 8. and J. Cres- well. Length, 1434 inches. 23272—Four GEoRGIAN SILVER GILDED CANDLESTICKS AND Two Can- DELABRA ARMS 1835 Incurved fluted and leaf-motived shaft with fine spreading foot having large leaf devices at corners. Fluted urn socket. Two loose arms for three lights each to convert two of the candle- sticks into candelabra. Sheffield Hall Mark, 1835. Makers, Waterhouse Hodson and Co. Height of candlesticks, 18% inches; height of candelabra, 21%, inches. 2273—RareE Georce I Repousskt StnrvER WatTERMAN’S Bapct 1715 Oval, with three cannon below three cannon balls, the arms of the “Tower of London.” Finished with a rare border of mili- tary trophies composed of helms, breastplates, musical instru- ments and regimental colors. London Hall Mark, 1715. Maker, Humphrey Paine. Height, 101, inches. Note: This badge was worn on the left arm of Robert Warbiton, water- man in the eight-oared dreaded Tower Barge used for conveying prisoners to the Tower of London. 2274—RareE Georce I Repoussk SinvER WatTERMAN’s BapcE 1715 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1715. Maker, Humphrey Paine. Note: This badge was worn on the left arm of William Grant, water- man in the eight-oared dreaded Tower Barge used for conveying prisoners to the Tower of London. 2275-——RarE Grorcre I Repousst Sirver WarrEerMAnN’s Baper 1715 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1715. Maker, Humphrey Paine. Note: This badge was worn on the left arm of George Laman, water- man in the eight-oared dreaded Tower Barge used for conveying prisoners to the Tower of London. Eighth and Last Session 2276-—RarEe Grorce I Repoussk SitveErR WatTEerMAN’s Bapce 1715 Similar to the preceding. London Hall Mark, 1718. Maker, Humphrey Paine. Note: This badge was worn on the left arm of James Mitchell, water- man in the eight-oared dreaded Tower Barge used for conveying prisoners to the Tower of London. 2277—Rare Grorce I Repousst Sinver WarrerMaAn’s Bapcr 1719 Similar to the preceding. Note: This badge was worn on the left arm of Bryant Legett, water- man in the eight-oared dreaded Tower Barge used for conveying prisoners to the Tower of London. 2278—Two SEVENTEENTH Century La Hocuet Sitver GinpEp DisHEsS 1690 Scrolled oval, with coroneted and draped central cartouche scrolled with flowers. Beautiful border of rare scrolling flow- ers. On short oval floral molded foot. The Hague, Hall Mark, 1690. Length, 115% inches. 2279—NovreMBeERG Sitver Disu Eighteenth Century Round, with molded flaring border. Sunk center with central boss, engraved with wreathed coat-of-arms. Diameter, 1034 inches. 2280-—NureMBerc Sitver GitpED Tanxarp Seventeenth Century Drum body, with short spout and finely molded foot. Inscribed with lengthy inscription and date 1623. Molded dome cover, with scrolled and forked thumbpiece and scrolled loop handle. Height, 7 inches. 2981—IrauAN RENAISSANCE SILVER-GILDED CHALICE Cup Beautiful hexagon bulbous shaft with straps parting panels; finely chiseled with rosetted floral motives. Spreading incurved hexagonal base, paneled alternately with chiseled jardiniéres of flowers and enamels of saints and coat-of-arms. The bell- shaped coupe is of gilded bronze, possibly of a later period. Height, 8%% inches, Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2282—-NuREMBERG COVERED SILVER-GILDED CoUPE Seventeenth Century Pineapple coupe and cover, with floral bouquet terminal. On entwined rustic shaft and bulbous foot having bossed round base. Maker, Frans. Fischer, Nuremberg, 1600-1660. Height, 12% inches. 2283—DutrcuH Repousst Strver NEF Eighteenth Century Hull scrolled, with griffon figure-head and rudder. Enriched with subjects “Venus and Neptune,” having labels above in- scribed “Amicitia.” Full deck impedimenta and engraved sails. On scrolled wheels. Height, 137% inches; length, 135% inches. 2284—RepoussE Sitver PiaquE IN JEWELED FRAME Augsburg Seventeenth Century “The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Holy Virgin.” Molded oblong ebony frame, bearing jeweled and pierced scrolled car- touches. Total height, 11%, inches; length, 12% inches. 2285—Virern Gotp ENamet Anp Rock Crystau BENITIER Renaissance Style Finely molded oval rock crystal arched back, with lobed floral border enriched with turquoises ; urn-shaped basin. Oval medal- lion in back, displaying a “Crucifixion” with the Virgin and St. John at foot of Cross. Executed in virgin gold and fine enamels with rubies and small diamonds studding the cross. In case. Height, 1214 inches; width, 614 inches. 2286—VIENNESE SILVER ENAMEL AND Rock-crysTAL Ewer. Renaissance Style Graceful molded rock-crystal body, finely engraved with scroll bandings. Richly mounted with innumerable bandings of scrolled silver enamel; bifurcated S-scrolled mask handle and cover with Neptune driving a dolphin. In case. Height, 13 inches. (Companion to the following) Eighth and Last Session 2287—VIENNESE Sitver Enamet anp Rocx-crystat Disn Renaissance Style Similar to the preceding. Lobed round, with very beautiful medallions alternating with the banding. | Diameter, 141% inches. (Companion to the preceding) 2288—ENnameEt Cross Byzantine Twelfth Century Floriated bronze cross, enriched with panels and lobed medal- lions only two of which preserve the enameling surrounding saintly figures and scrollings. On square molded base, having canted corners. Height, 26%4 inches. 2289—SILVER-MOUNTED SHAGREEN PERFUME CasE English Eighteenth Century Oblong, with round hinged cover strapped with bossed and scrolled silver straps. Interior fitted with three stoppered cut- glass bottles. Length, 10% inches. 2290—Ivory Inutaip Teaxwoop Tra Cappy Hindu-Portuguese Eighteenth Century Oblong; with finely leaf-scrolled vine borders and bandings. Sil- ver bail handle, having fine Chippendale scroll motives. Interior fitted with three oblong silver caddies. The central engraved with crest. Length, 934 inches. 2291—Oxup Dutrcu STERLING Sitver FIGURE Standing figure of a “Noble Stag” having five-tined antlers. Finely modeled; the head removable. Height, 20 inches; length, 144% inches, (Companion to the followimg) 2392—-OLp DutcH STERLING SILVER FIGURE Similar to the preceding. Height, 19%, inches; length, 14% inches, (Companion to the preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue 2293—BravutirFuL Rerovusst GitpED Sinver CrBorium Dutch Seventeenth Century Coupe enriched with nimbused cherubs’ heads alternately with scrolled medallions of grapes and vine leaves; bossed shaft and spreading lobed and molded foot with further cherubs’ heads alternating with figures of saints and a crucifixion. Stepped molded dome cover with musical cherubs amid cloud forms and lobed cross as terminal. Utrecht Hall Mark, 1610. Maker, Paul Van Vianen. (See Rosenberg.) Height, 20 inches. Note: A remarkably fine example of seventeenth century Dutch crafts- manship. Kighth and Last Session 2294—Grorcian GILDED Sitver Covursina Cup 1809 Urn-shape, enriched with acanthus rinceau at shoulder and oval wreathed medallions; engraved with coat-of-arms and “Louth Coursing Society, 24th Novr. 1828”; leaf motives at foot; high rosetted and rope-motived lug handles. Cover with grapevine border and high dome with gadroons and flame ter- minal. On gadrooned round foot, with exterior leaf molding. London Hall Mark, 1809. Maker, Story and Elliot. Height, 17 inches. 2295—Dutcu Sitver STATUETTE Eighteenth Century “Cavalier”; standing wearing court costume and plumed helm. On ebonized round plinth. Total height, 215% inches. 2296—Dutcu Sitver Coverep CourE Eighteenth Century Coupe and cover in the form of a pineapple having two series of Bacchic masks; the cover having bracketed smaller pineapple pinnacle, surmounted by a Bacchic standing cupidon. Brack- eted baluster shaft, with demi-nymphs and lower pineapple above bell-shaped foot; enriched with lobes of large fruit. Height, 2434 inches. 2297—Inrerestinc Durcu Sitver Poxar . Eighteenth Century Rustic shaft with bagpiper standing at foot, and spreading with three branches at crown, surmounted by bird at center and on each branch a heart-shaped pineapple covered coupe terminated with an open bouquet of flowers. On rustic foot and bossed round base. Height, 2134 inches. 2298—Auesspure Srtver Sranpinc Coverep CouPE Eighteenth Century Incurved molded coupe, enriched with medallioned busts and acanthus scrollings. Domed cover, with further bands of scroll- ings and scroll-bracketed vase pinnacle. Surmounted by a standing cupidon. Bracketed and festooned leaf-enriched shaft. On stepped molded round base having gadroons, scrollings and rocaille motives. Height, 251, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2299—GEORGIAN Sitver Urn 1780 Deep-molded bowl, enriched with bandings of acanthus rinceaux, classic medallions of figures, looped laurel drop handles. Sup- ported on serpentined strap legs with satyr heads and husk drops at crown and hoof feet; incurved leaf-molded triangular base, having urn pinnacle. Incurved dome cover adorned with large acanthus leaves, medallioned busts and leaf terminal. Lon- don Hall Mark, 1780. Height, 19% inches. Eighth and Last Session 2300—Mammotru Oup Encusn Strver TAnKArp Round body; enriched with scrolled medallions, flutings and pearl motives. Molded fluted base and small spout; S-strap scrolled handle. Dome cover, with similar enrichment to body and scrolled terminal. Victorian; London Hall Mark. Height, 18% inches. 2301—Two Moruer-or-PEaRL LacaquEerR VASES WITH SILVER GILDED MovuntTInes Elizabethan Style Truncated body; enriched with irregularly set square sections of mother-of-pearl. Mounted in gilded silver with arabesque and mask scrolled bandings at lip and foot and fluted and scroll molded base. Height, 18% inches. 9302—Wirniuiam Anp Mary Repousst GinpED SILVER Basin 1671 Circular, with molded rim and wreath flanged border of flowers. Deep center, enriched with whorled acanthus-leaved boss. En- graved with very beautiful coat-of-arms and crest pertaining to the Churchill family. Diameter, 1614, inches. Note: This extremely fine early basin was originally in the collection of Baron Churchill. 2303—Durcu Sitver Repousst Sirver Piaave Eighteenth Century Oval, with sunk center and turned-over gauffered border. En- riched with border of large flowers, scrolling to central oval boss depicting “Job in His Extremity.” Length, 221% inches. 2304—Dutcu Repovussi Sirver PLaauE Eighteenth Century Round; with shallow center depicting subject, “Reapers,” at left, at their husbandry; “Neptune” is at right, pouring water to fertilize the field, and a small cupidon heralds the achieve- ment. Above in the clouds the “Holy Father” pronounces his blessing. Fine border of wheat scrolled husks, leafage and masks. Diameter, 21 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2305—Oxnp EncuisH Rerpousst Sitnver GitpED Piterim BotTTLEe Circular molded body, enriched with subject, ‘““The Crusaders before Jerusalem,” and borders of scrolled dolphins. Obverse with coat-of-arms of the Huntly family. Incurved spreading lobed base, adorned with demi-nymphs and scrollings. Vic- torian; London Hall Mark. . Height, 25 inches. (Companion to the following) 2306—O.p EncuisH Repousst Sitver Gitpep Piterim BotTiE Similar to the preceding. Eighth and Last Session 2307—GerorGIAN GILDED SILVER-MOUNTED Watnut REGIMENTAL Bown 1825 Deep bowl, mounted with finely scrolled loose rim adorned with leonic heads and sprays of fruit, leonic mask and bail handles ; coroneted and wreathed crest; gadroon-molded foot. Loose gilded silver lining. On loose molded plinth richly mounted with coats-of-arms and supported in relief and scrolled straps having further leonic heads and cupid masks. London Hall Mark, 1825. Maker, R. Garrard. Total height, 1814 inches; diameter, 141% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2308—Avucsperc Repousskt SItveER STANDING CovERED COUPE Eighteenth Century Broad pear-shaped coupe, with bulbous top; enriched with medallions of classic figures illustrating episodes in the life of ‘Venus and Diana” amid arabesque scrollings. Domed cover, with scrolled fruit and seahorse borders surmounted by a group “Diana and Cupidon.” On mask balustered shaft and high molded round base enriched with further scrolled bands. Height, 321% inches. 2309—AuvcsspurG Repousskt SInverR STANDING CovERED CouPrE Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding; varying in details, with Mercury as terminal. Height, 331, inches. 2310—Avesspure REPoussk STANDING CovERED CoUPE Eighteenth Century Five-sided tapering coupe, with mask and scroll canted corners, paneled with rustic figures, vendors of various perfumes and musicians, supported by bracket figures and masks; shaft as standing figure of Venus, having cupidon beside her. On scroll and griffon bracketed five-sided base, having gadrooned edge. Similar cover to base, with group as terminal, “Imperial Jove with his Eagle” engraved with the crest of the Huntly family. Height, 325% inches. 2311—Dutcnu Sitver Eevestrian STATUETTE Eighteenth Century “Gustavus Adolphus.” In military costume, riding a caracoling horse rearing on a scrolled oblong base having draped coat-of- arms, cupid scrolled corners and valanced scrolled feet. Height, 25% inches. 2312—Iratian GitpED Stuver Taste CENTER ON GILDED Bronze BasrE Eighteenth Century Modeled from a celebrated Florentine fountain. Neptune stands on an open leaf baluster shaft which sustains at his feet three dolphin-enriched shells; at the base of the tripod scrolled shaft are three larger shells and cupidons standing on dolphins. These latter shells are supported on tripod, each with Nereid seated on two scrolled dolphins. Curved triangular gilded bronze, adorned with valanced cartouches supported by Nereids. Feet composed of sea-horses, lizards and stepped im- bricated plinths. Total height, 274, inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., MANAGERS. OTTO BERNET, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. ar COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY ag ae a tart or % ce ong vie a ®) % a k = - : 2 1 * ‘ ry - 2 “ cs 1923 Oct. 22 NeAmF c.1 American /Old English and America Ti IT 2 4 ’ - - 5 > - - syne Ase kM ertemen as ary oe eae, ie ne as Lahr Siena OAM ap Cet ee ee states baie a ee ere Se Ning Reale dane Se a any oe SPR es ecb as Shane S ced EARN Mp. 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