\ 4 ei, - AUCTION ROOMS, ae F if h ee soe 26ee edi ee) x Executor’s Sale By Auction .. of a COLLECTION OF MODERN AND ANCIENT PAINTINGS, Water Colors and Drawings by Distinguished Eurcpean and American Ole eo Rp iin ie HO. e. Artists, Sold. by Order of JAMES C. ROSS, EXECUTOR For the Estate of WM. H. WILEY, DECEASED, With Additions from MRS. A. E. MARTINSEN, And Gther Private Cotiecters. 4 PS SEEe <4 #) THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, & February 19 and 20, a At Hight O'Clock. S Lp pp Le te te Ge ep Lr the, ie, dp Spies a Dr. Bristol Collection. Size, 10 x 15. 42 VERNET, Horace Europe 1758-1836 The Standard Bearer Water Color. Episode of the first Empire, with Napoleon in the background; from the Rev. Dr. Bristol Collection. Size, 1514 «12: 43 HUGGLER, M. Europe Swiss Peasant Girl SIZE. lau To 44 BUNNER, G. H. America Venice Size, 20 x 24, FOS, Waldmer Europe The Hunter size, 134% x 184. 40 SCOTT, Julian (deceased) America Scouting size, 8 x 1014. 47 DU BOIS, F. America Peaches Size, 1.x 17. 48 DU: BOIS, i, America Ras p berries. Size, 8 x 12. 49 PEREZ, Alonzo Europe Courtship Size, 2914-x 22. 50 MONTICELUI, Adolphe Europe 1826-1872 In Arcadia 51 WAINEWRIGHT, Thos. Francis America Born at Exeter in 1809, came to America in 1882, and died at Boston, July 14, 1887. Thus he was born a little later and died consider- ably earlier than Cooper, who nearlly attained to the longevity attributed to Titian. While Cooper painted chiefly in oils, Waine- wright was better known as a water-colorist, and in this pre-eminently British medium of art he attained greater proficiency than those would suspect who have only seen the pictures signed by his name, which from time to time have been imported here. For his best work the lovers of large landscapes and cattle pieces in water colors had to wait until he died. Noonday Rest—Cattle and Landscape Size, 18 x 28. CORTAZZO Europe The Dream of a Young Man Size, 514 x8. a3 CORTAZZO Europe The Dream of a Young Girl wize, 544 x 8. 54 BROWN, Jas. Francis America The Shepherd Boy DIZ) 24 50 38. 55 BROWN, Jas. Francis America On Niagara River Size, 14 x 20, 56 WORTH, Thos. Europe Penelope on the Sea Wall Watching for Ulysis. Size, 1744 x 20%. Water Color. ny WORTH, Thos. Europe Ullyses Returning from the Seige of Troy. Size, 1714 x 20%. 58 INSEE YY, Albent America Winter Sunset Size, 15.x.20. 59 DIAZ (attributed to) Picnic Size, oa PICOU, Henri Europe | Fortune Teller WIZE, 24-532) 61 CROPSEY, J. F. (deceased) America Wawanyanda Water Size, 12 x 20. | 62 | STEWART AT, America The Seasons | wize, 3 x 12. 63 | WILSON, Estelle America | Fruit Size, 814 x 12, 64 STEWART, A. L. The Pond Size, 7x I4. 65 BUA Veet Ci. Hiding Size, Ox 12. 66 HUBERS@Cael Sailor’s Return Size, QX II. 67 NILES The Gleaner Size; 5 x sth. America America Europe America DULBOIS,_E: America Two Apples Siz 55C7- 69 TAUNEY,-A. Europe Landscape Size, 20 X 27 Water Color 7O WEINER, Europe Landscape Size, 544 xg. Teds JACKSON America Chateaubriand Tomb Size, Ox II. SEUAK TL. bE. America Mount Ranier Size, 10 x 18. 75 UNKNOWN Dutch Portrait of the XVII Century Size, 12 x 1a; 74 » UNKNOWN Religious Size, 161% x 20. VES UNKNOWN Madonna and Child Size, 1614 x 20. SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, | FRIDAY, February 20, 1903. Ad BIGH £20 CLOCK A Deposit of Twenty-five Per Cent. on the amount purchased will be required. NOTICE—TERMS OF SALE CASH. 76 THOMPSON, Wadsworth America Landscape 77 VAARBERG, J. C. Europe Dutch Interior wize, 20% 25%. 78 JEFFERIES, 1. America Globe and Flowers Size, 20k 25. 79 STEWART, A._k. America Tommy Britain Size, 19% 24. 80 De_-BOIS-E. America Blackberries pize, 14x 22. WAKEMAN, M. America American Forest WIZE 14 ong: 82 WEBBER, W. America North Berwick, Me. Size, 36 x 26. 83 IROUTS aye (deceased ) America Cupids size, 10 x 20, 84 WYSS, M. Europe Swiss Alps Size, 10x 16. 85 DE NEUVILLE, Alphonse Europe Original Drawing Ladies of Nobility, specially drawn for Guizoto’s History of France. Signed: A. de N. 86 LOVERIDGE, C. America Cattle Grazing Size, 1600 24 87 KENSE Pt lhos.n: America Landscape SIZE, 20% 20; 88 GERARD, T. H. Europe Reading the News Size, 21 x 28. 89 BROWN, Jas. Francis America Violets (Ideal Head) Size, 20x 25. gO BROWN, Jas. Francis America Over the Fence Size, 20 x28. QI YANGER, Otto America Sunset at Sea Size, 18 x 24%. Q2 HYDE, Raymond Newton America Autumn Sunset, Plymouth, Mass. Size, 10% x 14%. NEAC YY. Wee: Ameticé Scene in Tyrol Size, 25 x3 . Crt 04 CER EAI BiG: Europe Asleep Size, 10x 12. 95 WEBBER, W. America Newport Harbor by Moonlight ROBIE, han America Chrysanthemums Size, 14x 17%. oa fl UNKNOWN Venetian Scene Size, 24 x 35. 98 BELA J. Ww. America Old Mill Size, 34 X 40. 99 DROLLING, Michel-Martin Europe 1786-1851 Pupil of David. The Awakening Size, 91% x 124. 100 VAN MARCKE, E. Europe Cattle Size, 20 x 26. 101 DESVARREUX-LARPENTEUR — Europe Prominent among the animal painters (Paris Herald). Pupil of Chas. Jacque. Sheep in the Barn Size, 15 x id. 102 DESVARREUX-LARPENTEUR ~Europe Shepherd with Sheep, Leaving the Farm Size, 16x 18. 103 CARR -S.o: America Sheep and Landscape Size, 16x 24. 104 DELGADO, Jos. Europe Fruit Vender Size, 25 X31. LOVERIDGE Cc. America Cattle in Pool mize, 10 xX 24. 106 SCHMITZBERGER, F. Europe Pointer Size, 8144 x 11. 107 WERE Yo ANS. America Early Spring Day Size, 21 x 26 108 GUILLON, Alfred Europe Peasant Girl nize; 20% 28. 109 HOWLAND, America Quiet Stream a WwW ize, 10x 16 1 Ke) MACY =We: New York Landscape and Sheep Size, 1734 x 27. if dei a S| EE URIRAG -E Rome Head Size, 1712 * 27} 112 BEARD, W. H. (deceased) America Roderick Dhu Size, 16 x 20. DAWSON, J. Europe English Forest Size, 10 x I4. 114 CARR