Sospseseice = SRST TES 552% 33 ~ on oT Sieigineeertesess? f: a satis! | LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. | 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK ae area i aie aie aa daaieic aie aahd-aie te a ee a tettetgaaet 000° 8 ¢ ,edeospuyy,, ‘kuSrqneg fq °34d T eumngey Aq 7Tpeto THAN AequeAON 00°000€ : ,edeospusy, — _*Auseqnug Aq *34g T 099% *HBST 1090490 00°O0¢T ¢,sdresop coup, "uaruy *y *d fq *39g T | B9EF 00°00$ wSPOOM OG UE UOTPTEYD YsTtoo,, fuoute, Tmag 4q “39d T 606€ 3 ‘eget trlay 90°0S8 ¢ Sutusog Aupyqitg, ‘uewotg uoa tefoy Aq °37g T = PpEze 00°009 * Agteg S80 eul, *zotpeg °9 £4 °S4a T «HOTS 00° 007 t ALeLQTT ouz ur, ‘spoowmez “HG Aq °234d T LET : Oset Arensqer” 00°008T$ * , steuyeg ‘neeton3nog gm Aq °29d T = 9082 5 et Atenuer Bois,” a ‘same painter's “By the oedier & Co. tir eg. by C. L, Sylvester, $6,000. Upruit, Shop in Granada,” I ‘y Carbo; Mr. Harry Sinclair........ “Woman Churning,’’ Jean Francois Mariano |. Millet; Mr. P. Berolzheimer........ a The Baker,’’? Millet; Mr. Harry SIMNGIAL ... 2... see e eee eee eee rset eee ‘Nymph and Cupid,” Millet; Mr. Harry Sinclair .......-...+eseerene reas ‘Sunset, ”?. Pierre Etienne Théodore A. Graham, of aeeaen - Rousseau; Miss C. aoe TOUS Sesh g's 0 nus and Juno,” Narcisse Virgil Diaz de la Pena; Mr. Robert Glen- eoreecerreree one eee... eR ee fe ei Ss gona tink “George de Franchare,”’ Rousseau: ' Mr. C. W. Kraushaar.....c.sssesreee ; “The Winding Road,’ Jules Dupré; Mr. CG, In. Sylvester. .....----+e--+02. “Mishing Vessels Off French Coast,” Dupré; Mr. Harry Sinclair.......+.- “Returning from the Threshing,” | August von Pettenkofen; Messrs, | Knoedler & Co.....+-----+++ plate ai Daubigny’s “Springtime. we a se és 100° tor Panic done iy Daub ased by Messrs. A. Tooth & Sons. River” ee $8,400 Horn. Messrs. Knoedler & I ere were two Corot’s, “Souvenir des Dunes de Scheveningue,” which was bought by Mr. Louis Ralston for $5,300, “Paysanne | et sou Enfant au Bord d’un for $3,200. “The White Cow,” by Emil Van Marcke, q “purchased by Mr, J. W. Fieming for and - Other pictures sold, with the name of the painting first, then that of the painter and bet ot the new owner and last the price, 520 b10 | $500 or more, By the River,’? | “*Paysanne: Bee: "Meu ‘ienoedler’ OG Fe ab. . CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if reguired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold sub- ject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Mawnacers, THOMAS E. KIRBY, Avcrionerr. ~ red AND THEIR WORK LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORK. CATALOGUE NUMBER BARYE, Antorne Lovis The Forest of Fontainebleau oF Rocks and Trees Oe BERAUD, Jean Ee What is the Matter? 10 | Les Halles 18 BERNE-BELLECOUR, E. P. The Outpost 11 BOUDIN, Lovis Evcrne Dauville Harbor 23 A Neck of Land 59 BOUGUEREAU, Wit1i1am ADOLPHE The Bather 63 BRICHER, A. T., A.N.A. anv SYMINGTON, James Gathering Flowers 4 CAROLUS-DURAN, CHartes AvcustTE. EMILE . Odalisque 61 CATALOGUE NUMBER CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES The Wheatfield : 64 CERMAK, J ARASLAV | Bulgarian Mother and Child 5 COMPTE-CALIX, F. C. Curiosity 79 COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE Paysanne et son Enfant au Bord d’un bois; le Matin : 30 Souvenir des Dunes de Scheveningue 33 v4 ) : Aiiaiaiemaaictatianinis ye COULAUD, M. Rentrée dans le bois—Automne 62 COURBET, Gustave The Little Goatherd 20 The Glen 49 The Green Dell | 68 CUSACHS, Jost Spanish Cavalry 6 DAUBIGNY, Cuartizes Frangois_ . By the River 28 Evening’ on the Oise 34 Springtime 36 Dawn on the Oise 38 CATALOGUE NUMBER DELPY, Hrerotyre Camis La Seine a Bennecourt 58 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse VIRGILE | Venus and Juno 29 DUPRE, Jvtxs The Winding Road - BS Fishing Vessels off the French Coast 37 FORTUNY Y CARBO, Mariano Fruit Shop in Grenada 9 FRERE, Pierre Epouarp A Busy Boy 18 HEBERT, ANTOINE AUGUSTE ERNEST La Muse des Bois S. 45 HENNER, Jean JacaueEs The Magdalen 54 HINCKLEY, THomas Hewes The Bag—Near Milton, Mass. 81 HURT, Louts B. Waiting for the Drover | 80 JACQUE, Emite Poultry 19 Sheep in Stable 31 JACQUET, Jean. GusTAvE Young French Girl Madame Roland KNIGHT, Dantet Ripeway The Laundress at Passy KNYFF, Autrrep Dr The Low Countries LAMBERT, Lovis Evcrene Cats LEADER, B. W., #.A. In the Valley LEDOUX, M’Lur JEANNE PHILEBERTE La Boudeuse LHERMITTH, Leon A Village Street LOUSTAUNAU, Louis Aucustr GrorceEs Eau Bénite LUMINAIS; Eu Vv. The Reluctant Bather CATALOGUE NUMBER 16 14 712 60 39 14 BB 50 15 ip LYNCH, ALsert Portrait of a Lady MARCKE, Emir Van The White Cow MICHEL, Grorcers The Horseman Landscape The Windmill MILLET, Jean Francois Woman Churning The Baker Nymph and Cupid MORAGAS, T. Fish Market MOREAU, CuHartes The Difficult Grandson MORLAND, Gerorcer The Donkey MULREADY, Wirtiam, #.A. A Bit of Old England CATALOGUE NUMBER 3 66 76 53 43 41 CATALOGUE NUMBER NASMYTH, ALEXANDER A. View of Edinburgh Castle 42 NEUVILLE, Atrronse Dr Morning After the Battle 52 PALMAROLI, Don VincENTE On the Terrace A6 PERRAULT, Lton Bazite The Tarantella 83 PETTENKOFEN, Auvcust Von Returning from the Threshing 4A PIOT, ETIENNE AvoLPu The Basket of Flowers 70 POKITONOW, Ivan Les Amateurs des Grosses Vagues— Biarritz route RICO, Martin Along the River deze ROUSSEAU, Pierre Ertenne THoporE Sunset ay Gorges de Franchard, Fontainebleau 32 te ae eta es eae CATALOGUE | NUMBER SANCHEZ-PERRIER, Emituio On the River 13 SCHREYER, Avo.r . Returning from the Mosque 51 Pursued by Wolves 67 SEIBELS, C. Cattle 73 SEILER, C. Chess 40 SPRINKMANN, C. Springtime 57 SYMINGTON, James Girl Boiling Clothes 1 THOMPSON, Harry Sheep 48 THOREN, Orro Der Hungarian Officers Fleeing From a Storm 69 TOULMOUCHE, Aveuste - Reading to Mamma 0s TRAYER, Jean Baptiste JULES The Wounded Dog WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI, Atrrep Coursing XYLANDER, Wirtnetm FERDINAND Mouth of the Thames | ZAMACOIS, EpuARDO In the Library ZIEM, Fetix Venice CATALOGUE NUMBER AT 56 82 CR gt ee ee ee ee Ne ee ee ee ee ee Cerne ee a es ee se ee EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 18TH, 1912 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF | THE PLAZA FirtH AVENUE, 58TH To 59TH STREETS BEGINNING AT 8 0’ CLOCK No. 1 JAMES SYMINGTON | & O-+« AMERICAN 7 A: barre GIRL BOILING CLOTHES Height, 1434 inches; width, 1014 inches. (Water Color) By the edge of a green wood a girl has set up a limb of a tree on forked sticks and suspended her great copper kettle from it over a fire she has built of fagots on a bank of stones. Her black tresses hang down her back, her sleeves are rolled up, and her feet are bare. With a long stick she is stirring her clothes in the boiler, while a tin pail with more linen stands beside her. Signed at the lower right, J. Symington, 1876. No. 2 A. T. BRICHER, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1839-1908 and — JAMES SYMINGTON AMERICAN 4.8. Sateywo GATHERING FLOWERS Height, 21 inches; width, 12% inches. 15°4 (Water Color) Along the edge of some woodland, thickly grown with light underbrush, a serious young lady is passing, stopping now and again to gather wild flowers, as the bunch she holds in her turned- up overskirt tells. Her white bonnet and white dress are adorned with pink, and her brown hair is hanging in long curls down her back. Signed at the lower left, J. Symington & “(£A Gawas a MO” 24 wo by Mo Goat KO+ Zh K. wan, 6. Lb huthantrr, / YO sil No. 8 ALBERT LYNCH FRENCH, 1851- PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 9¥, inches; width, 51%, inches. AO q (Panel) I. Gallucan, It is the tea hour and a young woman of blond hair, tinged with red, with black eyebrows and full, pink lips, is preparing a cup of tea on a bam- boo table. She wears a semi-transparent gown of white, with delicate lavender suggestions, and a gold wire bracelet of four strands. She is seated facing to the right, three-quarters front, in a graceful attitude, with perfect poise and an agree- able manner. Signed at the upper right, A. Lynch, GS ase No. 4 GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH, 1763-1843 THE HORSEMAN H eight, TY, inches; length, 91/ inches. (Panel) I Seaman Up a road which rises steeply at the left a soli- tary rider in a blue coat, on a white horse, is going away from the spectator toward a pedestrian figure in red, who appears in the sunshine at the top of the slope. The heights there, save where the sunshine breaks in, are tree clad. The high land ends abruptly at the top, and to the right there is spread out below the bluff a broad and. level valley under a sky full of dark clouds. Signed at the lower left, G. Michel, 1839. No. 5 JARASLAV CERMAK POLISH, 1831-1878 BULGARIAN MOTHER AND CHILD Height, 8°4 inches; width, 61% inches. A handsome woman, with dark hair and large | features, and wearing long drop-earrings, stands three-quarters front, facing the right, holding against her breast her nude infant, who clasps her neck and rubs his lips against her cheek. She is seen at three-quarters length, standing amid hollyhocks at the edge of a grain field rich and yellow with the ripening grain. She wears a sim- ple but handsome costume, and a_ gracefully folded headdress. Signed at the lower left, Jaraslav Cermak. Collection A. Donatis, No. 23. From L. Crist Delmonico,; New York. No. 6 JOSE CUSACHS FRENCH, 1852- SPANISH CAVALRY Height, 44, inches; length, 6% inches. ; ge b07 (Panel) Jpjgs. Ite Lgsereco Some Spanish cavalry of an earlier day are lined up along a road through a country district, with suggested buildings in the distance to the right, under a sky that threatens rain. Their color pennants are seen against light clouds, which are lingering above the horizon. Some of the men have dismounted and are resting along the roadside, and an officer and a soldier are con- versing nearer at hand. Signed at the lower right, J. Cusachs. ) SS a ee AS GEORGES MICHEL : FRENCH, 1763-1843 LANDSCAPE No. 7 Height, 7%, inches; length, 934 inches. é: ¢ TS" t ( Panel) futro Aendewnu 7 Trees, a river and a hillside appear here in a low-toned landscape of greens and browns, with a suggestion of blue in the far hills. A tree-grown mound at the left foreground slopes down to a river at the right, across which are seen, on the farther wooded shore, beyond more trees, the buildings and church spire of a town. On the near side of the river a man and a dog come toward the spectator. Signed at the lower left, G. Michel, 1827. No. 8 -() 1 OF Fm f EDUARDO ZAMACOIS SPANISH, 1842-1871 IN THE LIBRARY Height, 534 inches; width, 4 inches. AS 0-~ a Pane ca : LA. Inaurhaa ®: Bewigged, and in scarlet coat and lace cuffs and jabot, a gentleman stands in his library in an attitude of proud assurance, turning the leaves of a book in search of a reference. He faces to the right, three-quarters front. ‘The wall is lined with bookcases and books. An olive table cov- ering corresponds in tone to the upholstery of an arm chair from which the student has just arisen. Grace of attitude and the fineness of the portraiture distinguish this small and interesting painting, and make the figure of the student worthy of study. Signed at the lower right, HE. Zamacois. Febf, by. K. (887. RX = Ps Rest tao, 0-9 [7 9 Fe aie haa No. 9 MARIANO FORTUNY y CARBO SPANISH, 1841-1874 FRUIT SHOP IN GRANADA Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches. S204 (Panl) pp. declare An amusing composition of attractive color— something of a chromatically humorous melody in paint. | pS. Height, 71/4, inches; length, 12%4 inches. i INO0 -1 (Rand) jy. Lgeae ln) + bp | + A narrow river bends about a lightly wooded — E ot point at the left, the opposite bank at the right ; Q° being bordered with green grass, which inter- venes between the stream and a road that passes before a row of thatched cottages. A lone pedes- trian keeps her shadow company there. A lovely color quality suffuses the verdure of this bank, melting into the reflections of the trees and the cottages, in the water. At the foot of a path down the gently sloping bank two of the ever- present and patiently to’ng French washer- women are at their task at the edge of the stream. Signed at the lower left, Daubigny. From L. Crist Delmonico. Diaz pe La PEXa Vale “ie * iy ee — Hf ¥/ SO x | (Panel) bity O ; fi $ is », es ea No. 29 Bee NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1808-1876 VENUS AND JUNO Height, 1334 inches; width, 91% inches. In a retreat amid trees and rocks, with a classic temple suggested in the distance, golden-haired Venus reclines on a rock, facing the spectator. She has allowed her blue mantle to fall away until it conceals only one of her limbs, at the approach of Cupid who comes in the company of her rival of darker beauty, and not less abundant figure, dark-eyed Juno. The wife of Jupiter, and jealous loser to Venus in the amorous eyes of Paris, has come, wearing a diadem and a purple mantle, which, dropping low, leaves her torso nude. She draws back in some surprise and resentment, at the sight of the blond revelation of her rival, while Cupid, master of the hour, leans on his bow with a placid, contented smile, looking at neither, but serenely optimistic in the thoughts reflected in his complacent features. Signed at the lower right, N. Diaz, 53. — From L. Crist Delmonico. ste CAMILLE Coror Fay? rs ae ts 4 No. 30 % 9.0 wr \ Ww’ JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT ne “ _-pRENCH, 1796-1875 eee ET SON ENFANT AU BORD D’UN BOIS; LE MATIN Height, 1234 inches; width, 9%4 inches. ae IB007 ~— (Panel) 9b Phsmporr : v° A romantic Corot, with the ineffable charm which he knew so well, and knew so well how to instill in a landscape on canvas that might be a dell of fairyland. A line of his wispy, poetic trees, detached from ‘a hillside at the right, guards a ravine or cleft in the earth, whose depths are also wooded, the land rising again to a wood- land mound at the left. On the short, level, grassy plateau of the foreground, at the head of the ravine, and next its line of guardian trees, a peasant woman and a child look wonderingly down into the mysterious, umbrageous depths. Signed at the lower right, Corot. From L. Crist Delmonico. Collection of Achille Arosa, 1891. Purchased by Arnold & Tripp. 4y ats (78e Described in “T’?Oewvre de Corot.” By Alfred Robaut and Moreau-Neélaton, No. 12025 ; ES EMILE JacQuE ~ fir -\ ‘CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH, 1830-1894 No. 31 ~~’ SHEEP IN STABLE ¥ ye” ; Cc Height, 1514 inches; eo: SS, | V3 G00 “& Half a dozen sheep are shown in A shelter of the fold, or barn, all headed left to nibble at feed in a rack there, their feet buried in the straw © of the stable floor. From an open door at the left the light falls across the unctuous, fleecy backs of the nearer ones, and before it a lamb stands, looking at the spectator with the familiar Jacque expression. At the right a chicken drinks at a well sunk in the floor, and the shepherd’s hat and cloak hang over the door. The whole canvas is in a mellow tone of creamy olive. * Signed at the lower left, Ch. Jacque. From Goupil & Cie., Paris. No. 32 GORGES DE FRANCHARD FONTAINEBLEAU BY Prerre EtTieENNE THEODORE RovussEAuU Vee PIERRE ETIENNE THEODORE ROUSSEAU FRENCH, 1812-1867 \ GORGES DE FRANCHARD, FONTAINE- BLEAU Height, 101%, inches; length, 1934 inches. 1 a | [4007 (Panel) 8&4 Pa % This famous gorge, with its rocks—usually referred to as the Rochers et Gorges de Fran- chard, with which visitors are familiar—in the great forest, is shown at the end of day and partly - in shadow, or rather a section of it is so shown, ? as the spectator looks against the light of the western sky, the trees and rocks of the gorge silhouetted above the horizon. Under a low and somewhat scraggly tree in the center of the com- position, a solitary horseman, also silhouetted against the sky, is followed by a man afoot carry- ing a gun or staff. The sky is vigorous and alive with clouds, and the iron-reds of the rocks at the late sunset hour are strong in their contrasts with the green of the herbage amongst them. Signed at the lower right, Th. R. From Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. : i‘ 7 . , > a ris ‘ —- F - 2 EA - < 5 ‘« > » No. 33 SOUVENIR DES DUNES DE SCHEVENINGUE BY JEAN Baptiste CAMILLE Corot No. 33 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH, 1796-1875 SOUVENIR DES DUNES DE SCHEVEN- INGUE Lit W att . 4 LSOO" Height, 145, inches; length, 184, inches. A canvas that sings, with silvery voice, of wood- land and pastures, ponds, hills and_ plain, the sylvan and the bucolic, in the great home of Nature out of doors. A group of trees with rugged trunks and feathery foliage holds the center of the composition, beyond a cool and crys- tal pool which begins the picture. Under their shade a peasant woman and a child have halted, and beyond them a silvery-green and _ placidly joyous field extends to distant rural dwellings with red roofs, with here and there a cow. Known as *“*The Silver Corot,’ and with reason. Signed at the lower right, Corot. From Goupil & Company. "7 | 34 w 8G Described in “L’Oeuvre de Corot’ by Alfred Robaut and Moreau-Neélaton, No, 2424, mr ke LF 4 ey pe VA e aN Francois Dausicny tbe yo ashe | ee (y : A S v : 2 di No. 34 fA‘... CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY On" ye” 3 a. vod srt | 0 EVENING ON THE OISE FRENCH, 1817-1878 | ) , Height, 13 inches; length, 22%, inches. ae loo, Ino ol A bland and beneficent air pervades the land- | scape, in the cool of an Autumn evening. The , gently rippling river fills the foreground, except : . at the right, where on its green bank three laun- dresses kneel to wash their linen in the stream. On the point of the bank beyond them a screen of tall trees, wearing their Autumn mantles, rises . under a sky made rosy by the dying sun, whose a reflected light filters through the leafage and illu- A mines it. Across the river brown-topped hay- stacks tell of tilled fields and harvests, and over y them is seen the pale, crescent moon. Signed at the lower right, Daubigny, 1872. ‘ ; Pn) Ba fi eu i ye c ene ts be ors. ene 4 , " ec a = ’ ‘ = 7 OAD - E (DING R ULES. Durr /. 3 Ps Fein No. 35 JULES DUPRE fg FRENCH, 1811-1889 THE WINDING ROAD jy op Uf we - /100-7 Height, 18 inches; length, 21%, incH&s. » A mellow canvas of full, rich tones, picturing a placid French landscape at evening—a thatched — cottage at the left, with a tall tree standing guard over it, as it seems, and a winding road curving gracefully from the foreground about its other side. Lesser trees are seen scattered in the dis- tance, and the surface growths on the level earth at either hand are green and brown and yellow, along the sides of the road. Signed at the lower left, J. Dupré. Se Les Francois Dausieny “ ‘ q f bea sr 4 eg K § 4 A —_ Poe e ) / >. ° o> No. 36 Or , CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY. e. ae VREN CH. Lo eepene SPRINGTIME Height, 15 inches; length, 26 inches. ae ie (Pan) 44, dootlh se Souo Here is the freshness of a late Spring morning, when Nature has clothed the trees in their full wealth of green, and scattered flowers among the grasses. The scene is at a bend in a river’s course; ‘a place of seclusion, screened from the world of turmoil by the thick encircling trees. Between the trees and the water the broad grassy bank of the stream is moist and luscious in its luxuriant verdure. A cow or two comes down to drink. Two figures sit on a low knoll and enjoy the quiet, and the clarity of the air, and the beautiful sky of deep blue, with its brilliant white clouds. ws ; Signed at the lower left, Daubigny, 1874. ee + pe No. 37 FISHING VESSELS OFF THE FRENCH COAST BY JuLES Dupré No. 87 JULES DUPRE FRENCH, 1811-1889 FISHING VESSELS OFF THE FRENCH COAST - 4 Wm . teutlay, Tea Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches. /0007 ‘cial A sterling painting of action in a seaway, where small fishing boats toss among the cresting waves—one of Dupré’s vigorous marines. ‘There is plenty of wind, as the swirling sky shows, and the small, yawl-rigged fishers—there are two of them in the near foreground—are pitching in the petty commotion of the waters. good clip—a black one in the middle, between a white horse and a sorrel, being ridden by a bare- legged peasant girl, seated astride, wearing a long, grayish-white blouse. A fair, blue sky is thickly studded with gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower right, Pettenkofen. From L. Crist Delmonico. Pm aide “na ly 1 PS ARR RW pa ial a RE ae de Oy se No. 45 fo." ANTOINE AUGUSTE ERNEST Ser HEBERT D at Secs rrencu, 1817-1908 LA MUSE DES BOIS Height, 15%4 inches; width, 121%, inches. ISO 7 ( Panel) In-duacdliys E, : The Muse stands pensively in meditation at the verge of a green-bordered pond, within a wood, where the sunlight percolates freely. She is a modern young woman in a deep sapphire-blue gown, low at the neck; over it a lighter, turquoise- blue mantle, falling from her head to her shoul- ders and sweeping on down to her feet. Pal so he ee (Q Sy) No. 68 WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU FRENCH, 1825-1905 THE BATHER JOO : Height, 25% 7, width, ice inches. +7 Wear, Seated on a robe Fi rhea dropped on the gray rocks. beside a blue sea, a young woman of gen- erous’ proportions and black hair, wholly nude, faces the spectator squarely, her right foot drawn up across her left knee to enable her to extract a splinter from it. Her head is turned to her left to look down upon the operation, and she appears in an unconscious attitude of quiet and refined placidity. The flesh tones are cool and fresh, and the drawing and the modulations of the torse exhibit Bouguereau’s customary accomplishment without the over-sweetness which characterizes so much of his work. Signed at the lower right, W. Bouguereau, 1879, From Goupil & Cie, Paris. Janjpy th K&hoe AUene Soupet Van [go 2a 1X eae wee ~ E ae 7 : ! A aac 5 ‘ = < at Yoo weer ee eR Ter ee None wre Sie ets p> cece No. 64 Keane - JEAN CHARLES CAZIN Ws yREN CH Sqocionn THE WHEATFIELD 7 : . : > Us a “Height, 21 inches; length, 25Yy inches. : at 0007 Wu Clit — d- A bright and happy cénvas by the poetic painter of the French harvest fields and pastoral country. How the stubble shimmers and_ the bundled grain and straw bespeak the ripeness of the year! The wheatfield has been cut, cleared: and stacked, and looks mellow in the sunshine of a bright day under a brilliant sky. In the nearer part of the field only stubble is seen, rendered with amazing success and simplicity, a crow hopping about happily at his gleaning there. At the right, in the other part of the field, the grain is bundled and piled in tepee form all about. Be- yond a narrow stream other fields and woods are yet green; a yellow cottage appears among some trees, and near it some tall haystacks tell the further story of bucolic thrift and contentment. Signed at the lower right, J. C. Cazin. ig be ate 4 cr... a re ed . . -F le pe (>) OU $3 | ee | ee No. 65 Naf A Wc FELIX ZIEM FRENCH, 1821-1911 VENICE Height, 24 inches; length, 301% inches. & K007 | (Panel) 4%. Heapins The spectator is looking straight up the canal, whose waters are a turquoise-blue, mottled with the pinkish reflections of the buildings, and the yellow glare of the afternoon sun, which is seen in full orb sinking toward the horizon straight ahead. On either side the buildings of the city are suggested, not carried to any detail, and here and there a gondola plies the waters or lies up at the bank. Signed at the lower left, Ziem. From L. Crist Delmonico. Emits Van Marcxe — E WHITE COW ISS OREO EAN anit tom es v Height, 26 inches; length, 371 che boco-1 z ae id No. 66 EMILE VAN MARCKE FRENCH, 1827-1890 THE WHITE COW Admired as Van Marcke isn his specialty by, large numbers of people, there is in this canvas, which has reposed for a score or more of years in a quiet residence off Fifth Avenue, a quality to open new hearts to him among lovers of painting. Here is a sterling study of his favorite animal by the great cattle painter, and the only picture which Van Marcke ever painted out of doors. The white cow stands almost athwart the canvas. She had been going away toward the left, but has turned to look back. The sun, at the left, and out of the picture, was high overhead, and cast the shadow of the bovine’s head and horns upon her foreshoulder. The expression, the drawing, and the quality of the painting in the animal’s coat, are all remarkably vital. So, too, is the grass, in the quality of its green; the air, and the atmosphere of outdoors (all with no “spottiness’’). At the left a black cow is lying on the sward, and at the right a cow of fulvous coat is standing, looking away. Signed at the lower left, Em. van Marcke. 2 Py ‘ ¥ WOLVES & hiv a = OLF No. 67 5’ ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN, 1828-1899 \| PURSUED BY VOLVED hy Y be ; Height, 2634 inches; length, 321 inches. i OOCe 7 J qe In a wild and swirling snowstorm a Russian officer heavily cloaked in furs is being driven in a three-horse sleigh along a lonely road skirting a wood. His driver is using his whip and send- ing the team ahead at their topmost speed to escape the pursuing wolves, while the officer, gun in hand, turns to watch what is next coming be- hind. He has just shot one wolf, which has fallen and rolled upon its back beside the troika. Signed at the lower left, Ad. Schreyer. ak ars ae : ‘ Fal OI eas No. 68 GUSTAVE COURBET FRENCH, 1819-1877 THE GREEN DELL G 4K. G Hlaww PbO 7 Height, 28%, inches; length, 36 inches. A great gorge, carpeted with emerald-green grass and bushes sustains tall trees of lace-work foliage, almost as deep in hue, which struggle up- ward toward the free light above the rocky walls. At either side the precipitous cliffs which bound the gorge are partly blanketed by the hardy trees which find a footing in their crevices, and at the foot of the left-hand wall runs a brook that quickly loses itself in growths of bushes. Beyond the tops of distant, abundant trees, one sees a bright blue sky, with dull clouds, silver-edged in the sunlight. Signed at the lower right, Gustave Courbet, ’65. ge SSE No. 69 OTTO DE THOREN AUSTRIAN, 1828-1889 HUNGARIAN OFFICERS FLEEING FROM 4sT0RM ef fue B 00% Height, 2434 inches; length, 3914 inches. A sudden black storm has come up on a fair day. At the left is blue sky with kindly gray clouds over country buildings still in the sun- light. To the right the whole heavens are over- swept by dense nimbus clouds of ominous inten- sity. ‘Two officers have impressed a partly laden farm wagon drawn by three horses—a white, a dapple gray and a bay—to get them to shelter, and the driver is whipping his horses to a run to keep ahead of the squall. Two panting dogs have paused for a lap of water at a pool beside the road, and beyond, a horseman with two horses also flees the storm. Signed at the lower right, O. de Thoren. No. 70 ETIENNE ADOLPHE PIOT FRENCH THE BASKET OF FLOWE be b68o-+7 Height, 36 tiches: wyfth, 24 inches. Fair and young, with abundant blond tresses crowning her head in puffs and floating over her nude shoulders, a maiden is seated facing left and looking straight at the spectator, her pink lips pursed in a sweet and arch smile. She is shown at three-quarters length on a deep blue coverlet against a dull red background. Her inner garment has fallen below her shoulder, the lower part of her body is enwrapped in a pink robe, and a wispy lace scarf is twined about her arms. She has plucked a pink rose from a basket of flowers which she has received, and holds it coquettishly at her breast. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1878. a Height, 5834 inches; width, 451, inches. Two small but hardy girls, one dark-haired and of a gypsy cast, the other of the blond peasant type, are pictured, almost life size, dancing on the green turf—the background a comprehensive landscape with a lake in the distance. The girls are bare-footed and the dark one, who faces front, is smiling happily. She wears a heavy gold bead necklace—the Neapolitan woman’s personal sav- ings bank—and loop earrings to match. Her companion’s only jewelry is hairpins. ‘Their cos- tumes are rich and varied in color and of diverse materials. Signed at the lower right, L. Perrault, 1879. AMERICAN ArT ASSOCIATION, Tuos. E. Kirsy, Managers. 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