Poof tHe hy UNITED STATES | % t . ve “ay > ‘ >4 me KAKL COINS © si & + ‘a , a C - yy UNITED STATES GUTLrAG BROS. F — . 16:18 EXCHANGE PLACE > NEW YORK we UD. S.- Ae See mee es ff a ee ‘Ap Atieat hae 4 Aha & Saf) Be ae we ‘a4 : Pe at a Poin cP P A es . = . Py * ’ - 8 wae : aa ee | . ae ; P * - * * * - \ i ) 74 _ ' > GENERAL INFORMATION Coins are valued according to rarity and condition, and must be examined before they can be appraised. Only an expert can place a proper valuation on a coin. This will be quite clear to the reader if we illustrate by referring to the diamond market. A diamond carat in ordinary condition is worth approximately $75.00 while a “perfect” carat would bring around $1,000.00; only examination by an expert can determine the value. The age of a coin does not necessarily reflect the value—it is the RARITY, CONDITION, and DEMAND which control the price. Hence, there cannot be a Standard Price for any coin, and consequently our prices are not “fixed” but indicate the price we will pay, at the time of going to press, for coins in UNCIRCULATED CON- eee Unless they are in such condition we do not desire to purchase. In all cases the option of purchase rests with us. When handling coins be careful to always hold them by the edge so as to avoid fingermarking the surface; do not drop them; be particular to see that they cannot get scratched or nicked. If a coin has any such blem- ishes the value will be materially lessened. Bear this in mind when shipping as we cannot accept any responsi- bility for dmaage caused to coins forwarded to us. Never attempt to clean, polish, or improve a coin; cleaning always detracts from value and has been known to make a good coin practically worthless. When no mint mark is mentioned by us in the United States series, the price quoted indicates that we are at present prepared to pay that sum for a coin struck at the Philadelphia Mint. For list of Mint Marks see “Notes.” fo Pattern coins and Proofs always command a premium and we shall at any time be pleased to quote either for buying or selling. “NOTES” “Proofs” are coins which have been struck on a polished planchet with polished dies. “Patterns” are, as the name implies, specimens which have been struck from various models but have neither been accepted nor authorized by Congress for the National Coinage. Coins are generally graded as follows :— Proof, Uncirculated, Extremely Fine, Very Fine, Fine, Good, Very Fair, Fair and Poor. “Obverse” is the side with date or main device, sometimes called the face. “Reverse” is the opposite side to the “Obverse”; the back. A “Mint Mark” is a letter, monogram, or device placed upon the coin to distinguish the Mint at which it was struck. Those used by the United States are :— a C for Charlotte, N. C. 1838-1861, except 1845 oe Cila"s Carson: City 1870-1893, except 1886-1888 (fy D “ Dahlonega 1838-1861. é. D “ Denver From 1906 continuously. > O “ New Orleans 1838-1861 Reopened 1879, ; S “ San Francisco From 1854 continuously No mark is used by the Philadelphia Mint where coins have been struck continuously since 1793. a 3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS _ The prices noted herein are our BUYING prices for coins in uncirculated condition. We reserve the right to refuse to purchase any or all coins submitted to us. ets, ; : When shipping coins to us be sure same are carefully packed to avoid loss and damage. Express charges must be prepaid. We specialize in reports by return mail—no undue delay. When sending your orders to buy, always send cash or reference unless you are known to us. Our terms are CASH; we pay CASH and wish the same consideration. Express charges and postage extra, unless your order amounts to $5.00 or more, in which case we pay charges. If your order does not amount to $5.00 please enclose Registration fee, otherwise we will ship at purchaser’s risk, If you desire any information on coins write us; we are at your service. This department issues periodical “Coin Bulletins”which will be sent free to collectors after an initial order to the value of $2.00. , SPECIAL: Any coins purchased from us which do not fulfill the expectation of the buyer may be returned and your money will be cheerfully refunded. This should be ample guarantee for the most particular. We want your patronage, and are at your command. UNITED STATES COPPER COINS Half Cents Coinage 1793 to 1857, none coined 1798, 1799, 1801, 1812 to 1824, 1827, 1830, 1837 to 1839. IE EIN So coe esos choace iacceacesdeeonsususccenalepcosieonopcavecvarvese $3.50 HME CEN NS one cas oa tauseasesccedocadsvenn courescecoeceshvosvatves 3.50 Ph aT SS 2s 6) Ot 4 IRE Sapa, st, ie 1.00 Boo EP Mcttiated Lettered © Ed gez.....c.ccccsesesersssscesessssosesesess 1.00 MR USOT LS ELELEC LEAP C i... .caccssecesscosecscscesnesnrsccevecscecenes 1.00 ogo ioes cok ceva vansncuecnnpedeacenonerencsecnemdancéas 1797 Liberty Cap oe ncn dancovesensnscevescececaccsecensesesoesensesecence 2.75 HME EMRE LC CG Mee -5.25, ,. 1828 “ 18287 ><" 1829 5e0 Jeo tees 18325“ esas ak oh ek eS bee ae WANT aaLarerreraeecersenrgeenqeengegeresceeneqecenegerncgrers tere 20,00 rf Half Cent—Continued. pbd2Fiead to Lettre... tok 2) es anne LET sescossssssennessesctnvseconsssenecesonsnveccsnanesscsounassssensees 20.00 1844 “ 1845 05 1846“ 1847.“ LES Sg VRS tal ea hd eae ae oS a RE ead to Left, L Dateser es Se es so i Shanes ‘oO Le ALCOR Wate tes men eee ES ifeion te A 1852 see = 1854 LSS 5am 1856 “ 1857 eae One Cent Pieces Coinage 1793 to 1857 large size, small size from 1856. Continuous, none coined 1815. 1/93 Chain. Liberty) Period? ....02-o eee cae: 1793 Chain Liberty. No Period d 17935 Chain s:Am ett -coc5 cea daca ea ane 245.00 1793 Chain America 8.00 1793" Strawberry.:Sprig. Wreath a2. een een 25.00 L793 iberty.7. Capel’ ole iitetcc reenter ease ere 8.50 1793-Olive Sprig Over= Date... 52... hancement 2.00 1794 Liberty Cap, about 100 varieties.............scccccssssnesee ae LOS ‘Liberty Cap voc.ce, cetacean ere en 1.50 1796. Liberty Cap, about 75, varieties io 2.50 1796 Fillet Head. (aie Tied) 2. jcc eae ecto 2.50 UGS atlet: Head nics ct rsrcecneecticascamcace eee omerinine 1.00 1798 Fillet Head OPHRETHRTETELETTSE TP RTITTATTHC GE RHNG Tega ee oeeeenconren eet eeeereeqeRneese wd 8 | GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK One Cent Pieces—Continued. 1799 Fillet Head 1800 “ iti 1801 “ S 1802 “ ‘a 1803 a 6 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 Head to Left, 12 stars.....ccccccsssscsscscesrsrssesesssensssonsessese 30 TSO ial Sri 1S SEA Sa netesondeaneosindeestetpecheantonssseatarate 50 ISS eRe 2.00 1810 eee 30 TS Gece 2.00 TB11 Over 1810 ....e.cscccccccsorsssesscosessussesscsscsesesssncesesnsavsnnsassossosoqnsee 2.50 1812 Head to Left ale 1813 *2* tts 2 50 1814 “ 15 1816 “ 15 1817. °* 15 One Cent Pieces—Continued. 1817 Head“to, LeftAdistars 223 ices TSIS Head to Left vociiccccteccisssechcccsscsascscesuecie oe ene 1819 a 66 ti Teo Ss 12 ieee 822" ica) 2 1824 “ ERS, 1826 “ ee aes 1828 tf 6 a 1829 “ “ iti 1830 “ a 4“ 1831 “ ee “ 1832 “ oe 4“ 1833 “a “4 “ 1834 1835 1836 CORO CORO CeO E HEC OSE STEER ESE TECHS TOSSES EE ESESSOSOS OSE CES REE ESESOSED COCO COCO e owe e eee oes ees oeeeesessesaeses assess erestraseEssseessoeees OOOO eo OOoe Co eee OOSOEH ECE Te HSEEOH ES CEO OE O OEE SO OER E SECEDE OOS OS EL OOD POCO CC OSHe CSCO OOESOE EET SOOO REESE OE SEOEE EE SOS HOSES SO SOOSSOOESSOSESS 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 BULLION, SPECIE, FOREIGN BANK NOTES, ETC. One Cent Pieces—Continued. 1855 Head to Left 15 1856 oe “ “ 15 15572.“ een. we Small Cents (Nickel) 1856 Flying Eagle (there are numerous altered dates WY ITN ELAR C) oo a ccecansscsveddcavasvseivasntecseuvanneass 1857 Flying Eagle, No Premium 1858 Flying Eagle, No Premium Re ICL i ccetuccsecsvesccnscessosnenssvnsesncssiesscaneosedzesceserceserss 1859 Indian Head Nickel, No Premium............cessssceeees 00 1860 * 4 6 r UE nigh Lop ReaD tre eee .00 1861 - ~ . SM Se aes rccertneo rs .00 1862 - is Ye ¥ 2 RA ee egal ead 00 1863 . “ be PM ee oecceeeescecce eee 00 1864 5 4 - ges Sp attee petee ho 00 Small Cents (Bronze) oon Lcave nusonisnouss cnouigusttibiavénsstarscoseuneeesvenvé 15 ee Oca dary cakdncatescncaschnstoaataNccnccensornsashorseseare 30 Two Cent Pieces Coinage 1864 to 1873 Tat TCI VV SETS CE” copscccsoecsssesoscese-ronscecsnseverearase a5 pea letra ecolMECTOC VV Co LEUSE ccucssscescercessososasacqosssocesventeaves 10 1865 ct ee SEs, ek pea 3 eee ne 10 1866 Be oo) Sr "So vl to xp Pcael a SR 10 1867 a Op ty AE, Fee, oc tpks me nee AR 10 1868 > foe sc Gin eR cs NE Rea el Rodeo ed 10 1869 ie aa + hi Rie cient arama oe Sie 10 1870 y et ol aa CoE Nien Helmet tae etin BEE RO 10 1871 iy oe (th “Reeder to Melee Bact Sh pee 10 1872 ae aT pa GS A ea ey Ene Se a 35 1873 a “1S ee TS aa REV IRS tea kane rene a 2.00 Three Cent Pieces (Nickel) (Size a Dime) Coinage 1865 to 1889 1865 Proofs only 5 1866 s ps 15 1867 2 © 15 1868 a “a AY 1869 x . aie) 1870 : He a 1871 = By Rhy 1872 2 . 15 1873 . : 15 1874 = . Ale 1875 = a 15 1876 =“ - 15 No as cnc sasasti as cacecrccntsposnosiess den tnsest tere eeenee A A BEER ITICICCUIALEE OF OT OOS oc seceresecavasacsoseshasecossaewarccancieseneed 215 1879 ¥ - BA yen Sone este, MOR Ra “lo 1880 ie “A Heh ge eo Stes ae Laid nat ted SNS ai) 1881 - SPIED ©, oo ete ncaceetteanvecceemet toe toeea ty 10 1882 a - EES pee et At ate, on oe La 1883 = * dil ee hie Sola STS ne 15 1884 - - AE ge on sip eth ne Retin can Sane 15 1885 x = ag Pane eh epren eit SHR iE ead Al) 1886 “ - SR ARR SRR ir seth AE a AE we 15 1887 - * Se ra et ee ot nee fas 1888 . Melek Swicnrctcctsy anes enon resale he ceieonies faa 1889 “ i BL) ated Aeterna AL aan 0 fol oat AS Five Cent Pieces (Nickel) First Coinage 1866 15 15 15 ah 15 15 15 15 15 15 “15 2.50 Als 15 10 15 ioe Se 15 1883 V without cents not wanted. No Premium........ .00 PSSA POO bee eee ee ee hace ee eee eerie 10 La Set adh lawn ete ein Opn eee Me HSIN Rie oe oc Re 10 SSG were ee earn ee nroee seem ne ear eee Ree Je te Pee 10 1887 “ 10 1888 “ 10 1889s 10 1890 mies 16 ES tae 10 1892 = 10 geseyey 10 1894 “ 10 1895 “ 10 1896 “ 10 alte yee SL 10 1898 “ 10 18993 10 1900 10 O01 =< 10 1190 2c ae 10 1903 cee 10 19045 10 1905 “ 10 1906 “ 10 1907.5 - af 10 1908 =“ 10 1909 “ 10 1910 “ 10 191 eee 10 1917 ea 10 1913 aac 10 UNITED STATES SILVER COINS Three Cent Pieces (Silver) (with Star) Coinage 1851 to 1873 1851 Star and Shield 1852 “ “ “cc 1853 “ 6é “a 1854 “ Lis “ce 1855 “c “ “cc 1856 “ oc “ 1857 iti “ “ 1858 iii “ “ 1859 a“ iii “ 1860 “ce oe “a 1861 a oc “a 1862 sé a iti 1863 “ ty “ 1864 “a 4“ iii 1865 “ a“ a“ 1866 oe a “ 1867 iy “ “ 1868 a “ “ 1869 “ iti o 1870 a “ a 1871 “a “ “ 1872 “a a“ “ Cty “ “ id asa GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK Half Dimes (5 Cents Silver) Coinage 1794 to 1873 None Coined 1798, 1799, 1804, 1806 to 1828 1794 Flowing Hair 3.50 1795 low strat aiiy,.ase.0 econo aenwe cate ee eee cued 1,00 1796. FilletiHeadit5 stars (Haietied}l232)22eee 5.50 1797 Gee &>-13 etars 3.00 1797 eee (e)5) stars 1846 Stars: Liberty Seated 225-32. .naaac eee 1.00 1860" StarsPoOn? ODVETSE Siniict cee iaweoal Saciosdncntsisteinel 2.00 1864 LABEL SOR ECG 55 occ cas esnn teasers acactuacestlantscotasirensmmnsassenecte 60 1865 s SS eam Teas we Ue wet | ek One a 20 1866“ 1867 sola otis 0s Toe To See See ee meer Ect a Se Dimes Coinage 1796. None Coined 1799, 1806, 1808, 1810, 1812, 1813, 1815 to 1819, 1826 1796 Killet Head iHaire tied fc ke eee ee 2.50 1797 CIS (StaPade et toca ctae ee ee ee ao 00 WOT EG Sta reyes: Sora eae pen cn ants 5.25 1798 Pillet: leads. cute ee pene eee 3.50 1800“ « 5.50 1801 “ 1802 “ 1803 “ 1804“ Dimes—Continued. TSOS Fillet Head ©. ccccccctoccccsacsssecesclaeses aes se 1.00 1807,“ to ssasodesueacsnsepsasthialaay eager ee 1.50 1809 Head to Left See Re) or th 6! lis ee Cr 75 1Si4e= = 30 TE20 2 .20 1821“ 20 1822 cA 2.50 1823 °¢ 25 1924s 25 125) Wan 1827255 a 1828 “ 2 1829 “ 15 1840 No drapery.» cscsoscisosccccsscsssonsessorscsiencsuee eee eee 25 1846 Liberty seated cocccecicceccsssssssscceste enna ao 1859 Obverse, Reverse type Of 1860 cusses neues 5.00 Twenty Cent Pieces Coinage 1875 to 1878 1875 Uncirculated © .......c.lccnc. ster ia 1876 (ae eee easenanseqsnseaeiteen cone east ae 1.25 1877 Proofs -only) :..sc\dicnaocene 2.00 1878 Proofs only .ccccccke. ek. lie 2.00 Quarter Dollars Coinage 1796. None Coined 1797 to 1803, 1808 to 1814, 1816, 1817, 1826, 1829, 1830 1796 Fillet Head (Hair tied) 1804 “ = 1805 COLLECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ii Quarter Dollars—Continued. 1806 Fillet Head 1807 “ “cc 1815 Head to Left 1818 “a (ii ity 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1827 1828 1853 Without arrow heads at date only. No rays around eagle. See remarks under half dollars 4.00 E00 Without “In God We Trust?”.....ccccccccoceccooscccosssosecccoass 5.00 Bea WV eh 1 God We Trust”’.......ccccoccsecocccescecconcesecscosossoes 35 Meme Pe PMAMIAED ER TNS SAD CLL © o...cs0.c.ececcoececscceccisosssasscacteaseseécssdessces 50 Half Dollars First Coinage 1794. None Coined 1798, 1799, 1800, 1804, 1816 1794 Flowing Hair 5.00 1795 Flowing Hair 1.25 1796 Villét-Head (15 stars) Hair tied (i. cleccccccteoe 50.00 1p er a et Oc Stars) \s..ceo cor ent saesenc ee 45.00 re Pad olee tl Sranpaeg neers toes eran ence nash cpcabuaessee eee 35.00 Half Dollars—Continued. 1801 Fillet Hea 1802. “ 3 3.25 1803 Fillet Head 1805 “ 6 1805 over 1804 1p0Ozreadetos lettin occ ee 1807 “ RA rly Sb eet 5 POR ipa eet eas Mint Sap OR 1807 Head to Right ....00000...... Spat Seno. ocd cease cen PoUsstiea ds tOn etter cnoenccc ee ne ee ee 1809 ce “a ce 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1836 Liberty cap, milled edge... Mitre 75 1836 Liberty Cap, lettered edge. No premium............ 00 1838 Liberty Cap O under bust 1839 Draper yet0\ GUO W vescccosccicctscsel cea eee a akan ceases DAG sc ananonesnctin ree aaron case ae ee ee eee LE) DeSales ap es Laie Arman We. Sa ae Si li Leake |B DE Seno ORE ye OSE ne nea etc Pen leds Se, op ene ee 1351 Liberty seated. (23.2004. eee ODE vptonen eee caoeenmadeseicchstas Seeks Oo seater a ae en 1853 Without arrow heads at date. PERRET Ia niece iten as aie eee ae With arrow heads at date2ziu..wus menue PERS c sacecslceaesctacd masactchoe toectane Reet acs n eee ee ee : 1866 Without “TauGod We Tristar coe eraecccipeeee en 50.00 1879-toc 180s Prools Only2 ~ una ccscerear eenraee 65 1892 to 1893. Columbian. No premium. We do not want them. 19T5S¢Panama—P a cCific!aac seston eee seed RO Foe 2.00 MiSiilinois Centennial ee ee 75 12 hanasu GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK Half Dollars—Continued. TI2Z0 Maine Centennial TILT E cccsacecccsceovssansoovervensseroenocesesee 200.00 I eens yad cava vesctccennerevcensenerdvessevace pessonneceeceynesicin 1.30 UNITED STATES GOLD COINS Gold Dollars Coinage 1849 to 1889 rae ie UNDUE IS CINTA kGjire a ccscecesconsstvereesasscsearesovaveuivescvacentérsoseacseosees $2.50 EERIE NE. cocci casenadactvovsvcedssbedaciosesvuvacsespvereseceseesesvedeses 250 PR EMC Ae). | TTLITI Es coececcceconscoseasosocesciavesvencccsavesenes sees 3.50 PRETO nT OM IUA TA Eee TIE T NC ces tesescseasccsccesscecesservevecnsZvensededetsorsaveatntesvorses 2.50 PAO ROS e 8) TILIN E262... cncecvascnceovovcsencisornivorwseessnsens a Be PSEC OCIA E TRALK ~.occsscsscecssvecese 2.50 1852 Dahlonega. “D” mint 3.50 AINA EER EING NG coos crein vss vecsacconoessessocuecovsenseeesenvescesarevesaesseceas 2.50 I PACER et LC STIINNE Soovcccccovscosovccccevessnscosaseossesseosesens oe eae ON OMMINTS FC TIT AEC cccevoccssccceceassecesdeccccovavsscnessessessssciensaossevsessre® 2.50 SMTP GRSICIGCON S| ITIITIE. .5.<.adccseverccsocececnecscessoceeseseivere 7.50 SN EIRCOM UD ITI E oocccscccanscesacansnicosssncncescceasornsaenvors 7.50 NN IRR SPN AEB Voices sheocyccce sede roniearcccsasacnvessonssuveevosovscesvencos 2.50 ESET BUGIS cv) 6 69 Sa 20.00 PRespaea MT PME TAL TD 5 1002 Dy tle oo ccs fesccsesat aces cicososseccesedapaacsereskcscscrssncescoueses 2.50 RRR LDU eB EISEN E focnceccecsvcsesecotecsscovnssascoussiaseaceoses 25.00 NURI RERN ER FIND. TC oe, Sook sa cveedsanvicocveaadccescacsceveveosencessussancerescass 225 RE TE td DA 0s | 6.00 Hats Eom ONSCPR ETO CN Ome TUNG Kes 2ees, s.r sscpsvcsescnceassatenceesoveesnousias otissceerasverwoee 2.25 ES Rem eAUID REO NC eae GID. EATLITI G) .seecictesccossseteossssceeszsctesoocscendevoneas 3.50 Be RAMEN MRED VEN ETT AA Ts hens). of vesedcxsacosccsaceoracdcssiaccevsvocvascbeosseevocecsnses 225 RRA IEN Sete 1) THY TTT Ec. 3: ccecescevacsaseresncvesasecencecceescesensace 3.50 PRR BAG Latah @) tetera (Or of TTL ITIE ececs.cccsecseacccecsscvscsarsscescesososcsescesnses 3.50 ert 1)” S11 ALI a acxs nn eccccecencosercicccnscovcesoctersreeese 20.00 RMD MS CE TIe Eat 1 TUGISCOs 1 GETTIN t c.sscsccecsacasssessesccsdesosooeacsarsaaite 3.50 HF TOeo ESIC MRE NT Et GoeMA ANCA Te rea ss oes sacuencsceScecastvaassccevwovolaccdiacsossecsovscosed 225 LAIMA ARETE ch etre (re TITTINE ca ccs;cscseccsedeecksateccescsecveressossesceses 35.00 1862 No mint mark ‘ 1863 “ “ce “ce 1864 “cc a “ 1865 “ “ee oe 1866 “é “ “ 1867 “6 a“ “ 1868 “ “ 4“ 1869 “ “ee itd 1870 “ “ “ _1870 San Francisco. 1871 No mint mark 1872 “ “ “ 1873 4“ ce “ 1874 “ “ “a 1875 “ “ “ 1876 “ “ “ igg9 4 1903 Jefferson and McKinley DGU AF acuirenetasersicus 2.90 Gold Dollar—Continued. 104 Bust. of Lewis and: Clarice sc. tkcletectensocetecedterns 3.50 L905 sien ae se NPE Sechrest Ts Sa gaa 3.50 ROO anatas Pa Ciace et en cee eee ee 2.50 WAG EMCI ipl ey Gate eee acetate x, 2 hoc cota es 2.00 1917 AC wea PS 50 a sp ean a Fa Nl eg ale ol te 2.00 Hott aP al Cane on cee as ee eee oe ee ees 2.50 We pay $1.75 for any other Gold Dollar. Two and One-Half Dollar Gold Pieces Quarter Eagles } First Coinage 1796 None Coined 1799, 1800, 1801, 1803, 1809 to 1820, 1822, 1823, 1828 1796 No stars on Obverse 1796 16 stars on Obverse 1797 13 stars on Obverse 1798 13 stars. Head to right MaUPTIS: Stal s.0v er 80t ok. oe ee ee ee 20.00 etd wl 3asta rs alee See ee eee TSO5 1 36S tarsiee mks aioe en eit eee eee ee 1806 13 stars over 4 1806 13 stars over 5 ASO TELS SEARS coerce ee ere, oan erie Eres TOOS AH ead CORI e Et eters cee secede eos eran ecteee rr eaters OA Re Ria oan Dek ace eRe ert at Ree OREO ci phan NR foo Spat ean A. nwo USZ4 OVER EL nek recent ee cers tees tere ee eee : jst ASe eet re ss atk ahr a a eater cn Merete on cth 208 Sa gree nk ns 2 cae Mea 25.00 1826 over 25 ESAS PPh abc onary Poh ests enact) 6 oa a PEERS I Ay Se, AM ail EEA, bt Bu 1 RMA ee era re RePEc ee aaah ner SERRA, Win cv iad orn ap a A 20.00 DRS hice cee eB ree rtg eee eee a arene rrace 20.00 1 E25 pear ek eee es Ar pry acre ara es Bn het EM RR teu nner Geer 20.00 TOS) iG ee eee eee ee 0.00 1 Ea RUed Ont AA eee Nas Ae NN MORE AD Dido fa alh ae ER Ran op choy ba 5.00 1834 With “E Pluribus Unum” over Eagle 5.00 1835: Now miimt (rita Mike sree. scsischacteccstohessn tices ee eee eee 3.00 18350 Proof. No-mintomarics joc es eee ees 5.00 SUSE aNMtM ope acbh ack ant: ho crepes sy LE ee RRR me iy ete eee ae 3.00 18367 Prook. Nosmintimark eee nce eee eee cee ~ 75:00 1837. No’ mint mark encccoetaceeelceec store hivee ee eee er 4.00 1838 No mint mark TETISEIII IPI ie] 3.00 14 GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK Two and One-Half Dollar Gold Pieces—Continued PESSaChanlottenwme © uinirty seen sete 3.50 TRSOMIN Oo Miiiitn ee tia Ve ccrttes cot tocckoresncsersecrconscciecestes 3.00 1839 Dahlonega. “D” mint 3.50 1E4Q ee Re rre tae Ia Ob tunace Semis e Mearedsantprerertet 3.00 1840% Charlotte Ce amin ta etic ss Rect eee 3.50 1840, Dahlonega se Di 8 acacia capes sccocsagatevccerettece teers 3.50 TSANG e maint air eae eres tere ctesatecccl terre reee eee enema 75.00 1S4ieGharlottene «Gee min tesccnccsts eek crcl sveneeeeeeenttnes 3.50 [84laNew: Orleanss.. Oo mintine.s cio ee 3.50 L84ZeN Gatti cme ia th eae ee ere PRR EMG BER se oy nn ey AN Se 15.00 1842s Charlottenmus © metniititicsy-csccccccseece aire Stilt 1842 Dahlonega. “D” mint 3.50 1S42- News Orlieanss me OwmINitit cee ee eee 3.50 LS43 HN Osim Peat Koc ccseosceietcs sone eeecteeestanlteoteeter eee 3.00 TS44 SNiom rtm te rilat koaeters ccs rcates coees ore aes omcoriee eer eae 4.00 T844e Gharlotte ce Codmin to jcsccecccsnsenesce eee es 3.50 TS45aNoxmunt, Mac lege ccc ccceectece te ernest ee 3.00 P5A5 Dal ore ma. tues Leas SUA Nt aaceec ans py aecees peace eres 3.50 1845 eNews ©) ricansamen@. siiiniterccs yeast cs nee eeetercs 25.00 T8460 Ne amint cman beaeeses. asccesccccpacoce cn teaser ene 3.00 18465Charlotte mee Guetilints elec eee eee eee cae 5.00 184/7aNowmintemarie eee es creer ee 3.00 TRAP sDahlonega. 5 LY Mint Nagetaindeteceg reece eis 3.50 TS48 SN orniin Geman ke pees cece cckeccpcste eee ee ee eee 4.00 1848 sDahio esa 1) oa 1100 fcc eksnt renee ance ee esse 3.50 TEAR GAA ere eg) fn a Fe ee eo a oe ee eee 20.00 TSAQEN Oresinits a bt ees se eae ere oe eee ere 2.75 DSA9T Charlotte. max Goss1lil fl bias crete eecere mace heres ees 5.00 LEAD Dah lone cake Io aie, uemc essa depucatoeasen ee 3.50 TSSOMIN Omer Cae tras Kierra cee ee yee ae ee 245 TSS eDahtowewa cs 1) . WIN cote ern ason pore reereres 3.50 1850 (Charlottemmes Guematt.. rec eee, oe ae ek 3.50 TOSION Osmintemarico rte. cies ee ee 25 ISSts Dahlonega tab” mint “as a kemoaco meso 3.50 1852; Noemintematkweec: ters onc eee ee eee Pag ie 1852 Dahlonegaaeloes Mitt i, scan mime eet 5.00 TESS ING eminthanar eee oe ee ee 2.75 1853 Dahlonega Me La iil Yucca aes 5.00 1854sNoumintéinatk 2 aoc. ee 25, 1854, Dahlonegast 210” “MINE vise a caeee 7.50 1854 Charlotte: oC Mint tt. cae ee 3.50 B54; Sage Wranciscon. 94 Mints vce eceee ee eee 35.00 TSSSaN Ommante mance ac eos cree cae eee 2.75 1855: Charlottes eG mint ocusac cus 5.00 1855; Dahlomega-t, — OY Int -sceweraes tect eee 3.50 1SSORR TOOL ae NOMmINt ea nicu: eee eee 7.50 18502 Dahlomers. inet) «WINE cage eee ne 5.00 1856. Charlotte se5C) maint cc ee ee 3.50 1856; News Orleanste@:miin tence ee 3.50 1897: Proofs: Noviniiteanark=.c. 25 ee ee 5.00 1857 No. mint*matkisec. oo oar ee ee 215 185.2 Dahionera see coming ~ ase eee 5.00 1857 New Orleans? SO" imine). 2 ee. eee 3.50 1858: No Mint marke ee ee ee ee AIS 18583Sanverancisca ms ore Munthe ee eee 3.50 T8S9ENoxrmintinarice.. cee ee eee 275 1859 ProofeNerimint- marks oe eee 5.00 1859-Dahlonéepase “De mint... eee eee 5.00 1859\.San. Francisco. “S mint 20k eee eee 5.00 1260: Charlotte. “SCteminty, Be ah 2, Sopey seater ORE MMI arpa we A Uy op eects gta RON 15.00 ye Le 1810 Large date Sige Sire aaa Peale ate a3 ogee rete 15.00 ERi) Swat dates atiae eit ao ee 15.00 1890 Ciphed och 2 eee ee ec cease Cornea 35.00 EGZ0 Saar re ares Passover a erage eae nate 35.00 de erctnsrpscee tras Saancfeuteae ten supoeaak a Geesayemrosadcoligasa etter ee eon eee 65.00 1,500.00 1829 Large date Brewers acnedenceeh . NEW YORK Five Dollar Gold Pieces—Continued. 1834 With “E Pluribus Unum” over Eagle... 65.00 1834 Without “E Pluribus Unum” over Eagle............ 5.25 1838. Charlottes {Co mint. ..ic..ncnet-10 ee Be needs 1838 Dahlonega: “D? mint... :......00seateee eee 525 1840 Charlotte. 94%@" mint s4,.caneeeeeee Re aS 5.25 1840:New Orleans, “O" mint sco S25 1841 Novamint? mark oo. .eticiccessscsstescacesancescee Meee eee ee 1841. Charlotte.’ “GC” mint ccccoccscacse ee 5.25 1641 New Orléans.” SO mint... ssicag Ree 15.00 1843. Charlotte, “MG? mints... cst eee 25 1843. New Orleans...” “O” > mint oc cence nr ee eee 5.25 1844 Charlotte. “Cemintersce ee slag eee ik, ee 1846 Charlotte:.. “@" mint > i.cisccheneee ee 525 1846 New Orleans. “O” mint (2.5.3 ee 5.25 1847 New Orleans. “O” imnt ..... fedelon oe eae 525 1849 Dahlonega.* “Db”? mint .2.)cueeeeee eee 5.25 1851. Charlotte. “C” mint... eee 1851 New Orleans. “O” mint 1854, New. Orleans;> “O” «mint =. eee senescueateacee eens 1854 San. Francisco, > “Sunt 1855 New Orleans. “O” mint 1856: Charlotte. “£C? =minte=. eee ite adstntaeeuessud aon ORES 1856. Dahlonega. » “D” mint “jen 525 1856 New Orleans) “O” minto2.ccwer eee Seas 1857 No mintimatrice. eens S25 1857 San Francisco. “S” “mint. 2... eee 5.25 1857 Charlotte. . “CC mint 23.8 vee 525 » 1857 New Orleans O° vimint-. ee Pepe Blatlh Pa ua Be aes 1857 Dahlonega.. “D” print ....c.c2 eee 1858 Proof... No mint. mark... eee 525 1858 Dahlonega. .“D” ‘mint 5.:...-:snke eee §.25 1858 San Francisco, >“S” mint icee ee saga 1859 No -mintomarki eee Cpe 5.25 1859: Dahlonega: ,“D? mint) cn. ae eee ee 325 1859 San; Francisco... °S% omiln tl cee thee yer sr res 1860 Proof: No. mint mark “JA 382532 eee 525 1860. Dahlonega... “D” mint \cjescsceeeeete eee 5.25 1861 Charlotte, “CC”? -mint22. ccs ee Dees een 1861" Dahlonéga-- DD mint= aso ai gedcddagbrasseetteeneaeeee 525 1862 Proof: No mint: marl c3..csnnnte ee 1863 Proof. no mint marl <.iiaencee ee 1863 San Francisco. “S” mint 1865 Proof.’ No mint mark (oda 1866 Proof. No mint marlon ccs ee 1875: No ‘minty mark (eo ee 1876 “ es oo ey, caphede lade Ga eee eee 187708 “ M6 A santstonieldesenscéuevspbebectiocticee Stoo a 1887s" ape ons Dal estel eg hatdete TRAVELERS’ CHEQUES | 7 Five Dollar Gold Pieces—Continued. 1908 Bigelow-Pratt design We will pay 10 per cent above face value for any proof five dollar piece not mentioned in the foregoing list. Ten Dollar Gold Pieces Eagle. First Coinage 1795. None Coined 1802, 1805 to 1837 inclusive. 1797 Eagle with olive branch (small eagle)... 27.00 1797 Heraldic Eagle (large eagle) RCE GS CD SEATS occa ciccscseassckeceecsccoccdsesocssecscovscasuconseass I ec ooo tascanesansdunsssnvshodessovacteseeucseauens IT EN Nooo coos occas cenchcvecscescu, acvagcactscalaparpacseutevanenceene Re Saas d ccc eesissccseocandcdeonsoscilessecscdanccsctzocroces LEN — V by x i peg? S 1803 Small stars 1803 Large stars 1804 1838 No mint mark 1858 a“ “ “ Ten Dollar Gold Pieces—Continued. PaieWO etaintyiial eee eee a 12.50 fey 54 . 4 TER Ee ee ans ae, ks 12.00 1876 “ - ek NeS SE AL) OSL Te ee Re Re Re ee ee 12.00 Het fee! - SI aS Se OME ao ale BCs a 12.00 1907 Wire edge, with periods... E.. Pluribus. Unum 25.00 MOT Without periods, Wire € 26 ..ecsccccccccssosciossessscccn.sas 15.00 SO eee aren eeeeeesenesasee Twenty Dollar Gold Pieces Double Eagle. First Coinage 1849. 1849 No m 1881 “ 1882 “ 1883 “ 1884 “ 1885 “ 1886 “ 1887 “ 180]: 1907 St. Gaudens, 1907 St. Gaudens, plain, with or without motto. No premium. Fifty Dollar Gold Pieces Pattern. : “oO att Ne 18/7 Round. . Liberty,’ U. S. cof) Amertea.c. ccs. $5,000.00 A9PS5> Round... Panama-P Acie) -ckcnaiaio ee 115.00 91S Octagonal. Panhama-Pacticy ..ciencccscseianenn 115.00 Confederate States Half Dollars 1861 Originals 1861 Restrikes PIONEER AND TERRITORIAL GOLD California Fifty Dollar Gold Pieces We pay a premium for all coins issued in the pioneer days in Copper or other metals. — Octagonal. Augustus Humbert, United States Assayer of Gold. “880.” No “50”......sscsscssseesensens $100.00 STATES HUMBERT ato) 10 1851 Octagonal. Name on Obv., Augustus Humbert. “880.” United States Assayer of Gold. Re- WETSON TO 0500” rote tencibiatieatncs ocanch ere csctences 110.00 1851 Octagonal. Name on edge. A. H., U. S.A. of Ge B80." Rew 50? in centers cscnto one 110.00 1851 Octagonal. Name on edge. A. H., U.S.A. of Gares0r Rev.’ No: 50" in center con eis 125.00 1851 Octagonal. Name on edge. A. H., U.S. A. of G8872h Rev es50% inicentere nse et ora 120.0u 1851 Octagonal. Name on obverse. A. H., U. S. A. of Go R872" >Rev: No “S0'sin- centerescc oc. 120.00 1852 Octagonal. Name on obverse. A. H., U.S. A. OF G TSE T os. tr, sci bel ovann cen ieseaine pete ee te mernees . 110.00 1852 Octagonal. U.S. Assay Office, San Francisco. i Go. “S80 aceon aero 25.00 1852 Eagle. Augustus Humbert. U. S. A. of Gold RA Te orate ccd aasaste cael tcio i Guenatlg ernie nen tae atte eae eee 5.00 1853 Eagle. U.S. Assay Office of Gold. “884” ..Wu... 20.00 1853 Eagle. U.S. Assay Office of Gold. “900”.......... . 15.00 wae Stars. | J. S- Char ds oy OPMSDY } eee ecercenatens 250.00 1855 Head. Wass, Molitor & Co. (W. M. & Co.).... 25.00 Pioneer Five-Dollar Gold Pieces 1849 Coat of aris. Company 1849 Head. Moffat & Co. 7.50 1849 Eagle. N., G.& N. (Nor Plain or milled ed ge....iccc:..cn.:s0 eee eee 20.00 1850 Head. Baldwin & Co. S. Mo Visio pepseeenene 35.00 1850 Head... Dubosq 8 CO. sceceserarsecseostceseeesn eee a 500.00 1850 Head. Moffat. & Co. cc..ceccossecreentnteeeeee ene Veal) 1891 Head. Dunbar & (Co. ccsissccsscsonesasacsatseneree teste 100.00 1851 Head. Shults 8) Gow cnc ccccccccrssceacenteascueesenntenspareiereeeeetes 200.00 1852 Head. Wass, Molitor & Co.) coiiigscceeent 20.00 Pioneer Gold Dollars (Round) 1853 Liberty, 13 Staz’s scsecscseescssoscorenssesorssssstetbeneent en aeeaenane 3.00 1853 Value, date, 13 S6a1rs ...:...-.:csssssccsstsacestieeeleecs eee 3.00 1854 Liberty, value, date, 13 stars.....c-ussaemeeeeee 2.50 1870 Value, date, Milled edge .1...............s.cssoee een a) 200 * Pioneer Gold Dollars—Continued. 1870 13 stars, value, date within wreath, Milled edge 2.50 SAL NU PRMUIE GE, GS 5 ap i 9 Ca) POON SIS OatG, Milled: CAE oincccccncetseccsoaccsarcccssscsepssceceses 2.50 1872 13 stars, Value, date token, Milled edge................ 2.50 1872 13 stars, Value, date without token, Milled edge 2.50 Pioneer Gold Dollars (Octagonal) SR OSE eo paccssecsccnnsavoccoenvsesacsencsscuevsressdususesecoveese Ze $2.50 1853 8 stars, Liberty head. Rev. value and date........ 2.50 1853 10 stars, small Liberty head. Rev. value and aM dele pce aces inva dom o } ros k20 87 $1.00 CAROLINA GULD. 28 G. Letter in proper DOSIE1O 21.2 cvcsasicssxessectvc cosas onteceveractatsthcoenederetrtesaneeta tenses $1.00 CAROLINA’ GOLD. 30 Goiec.ccicsese eee We pay a premium for all coins issued in Pioneer days in Copper or other metals. August Bechtler $5.00 CAROLINA GOLD. $5.00 CAROLINA GOLD. $5.00 CAROLINA GOLD. 27 G. 2° Cee EARLY COLONIAL DAYS Sommer Islands Ship. Flags? flying (Coppe?)....-accsuseeuenete D0. Gold sesvecccccsccccssscotassessses cssssneesenitleabspecuaiiceg aetna Obv. VI over Hog. SOM MER + ILA NDS + (Copper) Rev. Ship. Flags flying. Copper... III Hog SOMMER* ISLANDS* Rev. Ship. Flags flying. — COPPeS © n.-ccsscncsessoseseesocestusteaherstel enenrean eae II. Hog. SOMMER* ISLANDS* Rev. Ship. Flags flying. Copper .sc.ecccsccssnencesncesaecetere eeepc New England 1694 Obv. Elephant standing facing left. Rev. GOD PRESERVE NEW ENGLAND. Coppet.........0 —Obv. 2 lions v c Rev. NEW ENGLA ND W. COPPEL. scssoseseedisesaenvesaey sarseeot onehsderendeaeteesaaina ae 1 Massachusetts in New England N. E. Series XII, VI, III Pence —_——— m——— NOE XID) (Silver. crc.secescosnnccsescsnervaenvoaee ae = 50.00 50.00 FOREIGN BONDS 25 Colonial Coins—Continued. Willow Tree Series XII, VI and III Pence. Dementia SALVE. XLT... .ceccecsoorssecssocepsnsassecsscososees $14.00 1652 Very bushy. VI. Silver. Obverse and Reverse RES STATINS) ci csccasctcovcsunecseccssvosssdvsovesscccascecsrwasens 30.00 1652 Very bushy. IN MASATVS. Reverse NEW RIL MLDS oo coccnscscoesnbessecestecevssacsocvsseecoens 7.50 Oak Tree Series XII, VI, II, II. 1652. Large Type XII. Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS. IN. Rev. NEW ENGLAND. AN. DOM........ 7.50 1652 VI. Silver. IN MASATHVSETS. Reverse ORS LAND AN Ooo occscsorsiccssssackconcstatscpoqcesas 7.50 1652 III. Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS. IN. Rev. Be ew ME TSAR ELZUIN LY 85. cotenents cai cau asedvptacraatrevietucsvetenciocecs 7.50 1662 II Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS. IN: Rev. NEW ENGLAND* LUSTeVoreqesovgqegoverecneevenceregeRgeyetaeeareee 6.50 Colonial Coins—Continued. Pine Tree Series xi V1. LI Pence: 09900 £ ae 1652 Large Type XII. Rev. NEW ENGLAND AN DOM.........cccses 7.00 pe 1652 Small Type XII. Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS* IN* Rev. NEW ENGLAND AN: DO.............. 5.50 1652 Small Type VI. Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS IN. Rev. NEW ENGLAND ANDO.........0..00 2.50 1652 Small Type III. Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS. Rev. - NEW “ENGLAN Die wee incatn: 2.50 1650 Large Type XII. Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS IN. Rev. NEW ENGLAND AN DO........0.0.00.. 3.50 1650 Small Type XII. Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS IN. Rev. NEW ENGLAND AN DO................ 3.50 Good Samaritan 1652 XII. Silver. Obv. MASATHVSETS IN. Rev. NE EWENGLAND: ANO cIN@ oreo ren ert ence 25.00 1652 XII. Similar to above, with FAC SIMILE........ 5.00 1776 Obv. Pine tree copper 1 c L m Massachuset ts State. Rev. Liberty seated on globe staff in left hand, Liberty “and — Vir ttre ssc .cecc. cecsaccsnncoes 50.00 1776 Obv. Three heads combined. Copper. Left from right State of Massa : D % Rev. Goddess LAiberiynglope Statin eas eae ene cea 50.00 Blak Wy FF 1787 Obv. Indian facing left, right hand a bow, in left an arrow; also *COMMON WEALTH. Rey. Eagle, shield, word “CENT” olive branch and arrows, MASSACHUSETTG........ 25 1787 Obv. Indian facing left, right hand a bow, in left an arrow; also * COMMON WEALTH. Indian aged face. Rev. Eagle, shield, word “CENT,” olive branch and arrows, MASSA- CHUSETTS QURATTRDTE DE TANT TET ENR ETH NE ROTI NE ERe FRED Pereereorereeess qengeeese .3Q 26 GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK Colonial Coins—Continued. 1788 Obv. Indian facing left, right hand a bow, in left an arrow; also *COMMON WEALTH. Rev. Eagle, shield, word “CENT,” olive branch and arrows, MASSACHUSETTG.......... 1787 Half cent. Obv. Indian facing left, right hand a bow, in left an arrow also * COMMON WEALTH. Rev. Eagle, shield, word “HALF CENT,” olive branch and arrows, MASSA- CHUSETTS 1788 Half cent. Obv. Indian facing left, right hand a bow, in left an arrow; also * COMMON WEALTH. Rev. Eagle, shield, word “HALF CENT,” olive branch and arrows, MASSA- CHUSETTS Prereerrrrrrerrirret rr Prerrrricirrerrr errr Carolina 1694 Obv. Elephant standing facing left. Rev. GOD PRESERVE CAROLINA AND THE LORDS PROPRIETORS sie ceaea ee Higley of Granby 1737 Obv. a deer, standing, facing left ® THE. VALVE. OF. THREE. PENCE. Rev. Three hammers, each bearing a crown, * CON- NE GRIGVa air COp pei ie tccstecretcsee ernest netanessce —— Oby. deer LBS. VALVE. ME bo ©OU, PLEASE.* III Pence. Rev. Three hammers Eevee a crown #7 AM. GOOD. COPPER x Prrrrrerer errr eee —— Obv. Deer, Crescent ®* VALUE. ME. AS. YOU. PLEASE* III Pence. Rev. An axe 3 J. CURDS MW AY PH RO UG Rieter 1739 Deer, Crescent ® VALUE. ME. AS. YOU. PLEASE. Rev. An axe, J“CUT. MY. WAY. THROUGH. —— Obv. An axe J. CUT. MY. WAY. THROUGH. Rev. THE WHEELE GOES ROUND........... 75 75 ai 30.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 150.00 aeoreeme cerernercens wars ere Colonial Coins—Continued. Connecticut Copper. 1785 Obv. Mailed bust to right AUCTORI. CON- NEC. Rev. INDE: ETLIB; female seated on globe right hand an olive branch, Liberty staff and cap in left... :iccclersceemneeeeee 1787 Obv. Bust, *AUCTORI:* *PLEBIS:* Rev. Fe- male seated, anchor, globe and lion, *IN- DEP: ET. LIBER %.c.cscsssorsccoceces-tucceetiennean 1785 Obv. African head to right. AUCTORI. CON- NEC Rev. INDE: ETLIB, female seated on globe right hand an olive branch, Liberty staff and cap in left........:.c:.csvsseneenneeanene 1787 Obv| Bust to left. AUCTORI. CONNEC. Rev. INDE. ETLIB. Female seated on globe, right hand an olive branch, Liberty staff and cap Anh Le Ets aiccecotecsestentarereesnaeer ees ioe andeoeetne 1786 Obv. Mailed bust to right. AUCTORI. CON- NEC. Rev. ETLIB INDE; female seated on globe, right hand an olive branch, Liberty staff and cap: in left.......2...cn,-pece ae eee 1786 Obv. Bust to left, AUCTORI. CONNEC., small head. Rev. ET: LIB: Female seated on globe right hand an olive branch, Liberty staff and cap in left.:.........c.cn;seueeeee 1786 Bust to left, Large head, AUCTORI. CONNEC. Rev. INDE. ETLIB. Female seated on globe right hand an olive branch, Liberty staff and Cap. im Lekt sccsasceceecessvesssonsnssvaced saneseatneese pene nan 1786 Obv. Bust to left (Hercules), AUCTORI. CONNEC. Rev. INDE. ETLIB. Female seat- ed on globe right an olive branch, Liberty staff and cap in left........c-:cn lee See eee eoeeecccoeeoeeesee eee ees eens sense Oe ee SeenEsengnesenees Rev. Fe- 1.50 1.50 50 29 Go through entire series if not found, as all coins are listed. New Jersey (Copper) 1786 Obv. Horse’s head, NOVA CAESAREA. Rev. Shield, *E* PLURIBUS* UNUM* oo saeey 1786 Obv. Horse’s head without coulter, NOVA CAESAREA. Rev. Shield, E PLURIBUS UNUM 1786 Obv. Horse’s head, date under beam, NOVA CAESAREA, Rey, Shield, E. PLURIBUS, UNUM. riraccis sears ee “4 1787 Obv. Horse’s head, heavy handles, NOVA CAESAREA. Rev. Shield, E. PLURIBUS UNUM 1787 Obv. Horse’s head, light handles, NOVA CAE- SAREA. Rev. Shield, E. PLURIBUS UNUM 1787 Obv. Horse and plough facing left, NOVA CAESAREA. Rev. Shield E. PLURIBUS. NU Me, 'sccsssccccavecsevsssecesnnsecsiacieseuaneds oastiaes aia aaa 1788 Obv. Horse’s head, Double and single pole, NOVA CAESAREA. Rev. Shield, E. PLURI- BUS. UNU Me cccccscceseossncctesuecsssuiertaecieie antenna Pret tii oo ey Senn eenneeeseen een en eeeenneeenenn eee eeeen sense eeeee res eOO est eaneessOPenen Henneneeneeseoeeshtserenenenees i) 25.00 If not listed go through entire series, as all coins are listed. DRAFTS AND CABLE TRANSFERS Colonial Coins—Continued. Kentucky (Copper) —— Copper. Obv. Hand holding a scroll inscribed OUR CAUSE IS JUST. UNANIMITY IS THE STRENGTH OF SOCIETY* Rev. 15 stars united by rings each star bearing the initial of a state E. PLURIBUS UNUM......... The Myddleton Tokens 1796 Silver. Obv. Hope, anchor, two children, fe- male, staff, liberty and cap. BRITISH SET- TLEMENT KENTUCKY. Rev. Britannia, spear PAYABLE BY P.P.P. MYDDELTON 1796. Copper. Obv. Hope, anchor, two children, fe- male, staff, liberty and cap, BRITISH SET- TLEMENT KENTUCKY. Rev. Britannia, spear, PAYABLE BY P.P.P. MYDDELTON Washington 1783 Copper. Obv. Head. GEORGIVS. TRI- UMPHO. Rev. Liberty. fleur-de-lis, olive branch, staff of liberty, VOCE POPOLLI........ Obv. INGTON AND Two olive branches forming a wreath with the words ONE CENT UNITY STATES PEA MERICA. Below 1/100... .nciiccsertessome Bust of Washington,—WASH- 1783 Copper. INDEPENDENCE. Rev. 1783 Copper. Obv. Large bust ot Washington, — WASHINGTON AND INDEPENDENCE. Rev. Female seated on a rock, olive branch and staff, liberty cap, UNITED STATES........ 1783 Silver. Obv. Large bust of Washington—- WASHINGTON AND INDEPENDENCE. Rev. Female seated on a rock, olive branch and staff, liberty cap, UNITED STATEGS........ 1783 Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in military dress, WASHINGTON, ONE CENT. Rev. Rust of Washington in military dress, ONE CENT, WASHINGTON sO POeeeeeeeesageeeserocesenosoasseseeee 90 15.00 3.50 50 75 25 Colonial Coins—Continued. 1784 Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington, WASH- INGTON. THE. GREAT. D. G. Rev. Chain 13 rings, each bearing the name of a state, very ugly 1787 Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in costume facing left, WASHINGTON AND INDE- PENDENCE. Rev. Liberty seated, UNITED eS MGB SRS BG So aS geal ga ad Ce ee a —— Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in military dress, WASHINGTON, ONE CENT. Rev. Bust of Washington in military dress, ONE CENT, WASHINGTON 1791 Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in military costume, left WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. Rev. A large eagle, 8 stars, shield, beak, scroll, UNUM E PLURIBUS. Above ONE Sapna Edge, UNITED STATES OF AMER- 1791 Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in military costume to left, WASHINGTON PRESI- DENT. Rev. Ship sailing, LIVERPOOL HALF PENNY. Edge PAYABLE IN AN- GLESEY LONDON OR LIVERPOOL.......... = —— Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington military costume, WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. Rev. Small eagle, with upraised wings, shield, 8 stars above clouds, ONE CENT. Edge UNIT- PDUSTAT ES OV EAMPR 1 CAe ocean tiers cotecess 1791 Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in military costume to left, WASHINGTON PRESI- DENT. Rev. Small heraldic eagle with 8 stars, shield, beak, scroll UNUM E PLURI- BUS, above ONE CENT. Edge UNITED SCA TCS i ii Be Aa cron enccnsucarasenercanenaan roacote 1792 Copper. Half dollar. Obv. Bust of Washing- ton in uniform facing left, G. WASHING- TON. .PRESIDENT. I. Rev. Eagle, 15 stars olive branch in right and bundle of arrows in left talon, UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA. Plain edge Sree errr errr titties - Sewer eer eeeeresenere ceeeeeesserenere sees 00 000000 Oo Sere OSCE Oe SOTO EE DOESODOOSESOEDSEEEOSEOTE SOOT ESSE OE OOOTOTOOSO HEHE SEES SESS Bust of Washing- ton in uniform facing left, G. WASHING- 1792 Silver. Half dollar. Obv. TON. .PRESIDENT. I. Rev. Eagle, 15 stars, olive branch in right and bundle of arrows in left talon, UNITED STATES OF AMERICAS. Plain Sedge secuce ate seecesscooree 1792. Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in mili- tary costume facing left WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. Rev. Small eagle upraised wings, shield, 8 stars above clouds, ONE CENT. Edge, UNITED STATES OF AMER- 5 Le RL deen ead ate oreatrreeniien mlabalt nly « Seley SO ANSE Le at 1792 Obv. Bust of Washington in uniform, WASH- INGTON PRESIDENT. Rev. * GENERAL OF THE AMERICAN ARMIES 1775 RE- SIGNED 1783 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 1789. Edge. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA qncccccscscsscesesesscesasssessenses 31 5.00 1.00 25 2.50 8.00 15.00 2.00 45.00 1.50 32 wossoc GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK Colonial Coins—Continued. 1792 Copper. Obv. Undraped bust of Washington to right. WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. Rev. A small eagle upraised wings, shield, 6 stars SEATS wea DOV Ca CL, NGle vecccrcscssssverscsreccorverenerssteerenetrcssers 1792 Cent. Obv. Washington military costume fac- ing left. WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. Rev. Large eagle, shield, in beak scroll in- scribed UNUM E PLURIBUS, above eagle 13 stars. Edge plain or lettered UNITED STATESSOFR* AMERICA ev creccsteeeereerecetataaes cosene 1792 Silver. Cent. Obv. Washington military cos- tume facing left, WASHINGTON PRESI- DENT. Rev. Large eagle, shield, in beak scroll inscribed UNUM E PLURIBUS, above eagle 13 stars. Edge plain or lettered UNITED STATES: OF Rev.) Che t Samer caeicsecea iste eacaeasncstors 1795 Obv. Washington in military costume to left, G. WASHINGTON. THE FIRM FRIEND TO PEACE & HUMANITY* Rev. Open fire place, with a grate, PAYABLE BY CLARK & HARRIS. 13. WORMWOOD St. BISHOPSGATE LONDON — Obv. Washington in military costume facing left, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Rev. A shield, 15 stars, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, above shield an eagle LIBERTY AND SECURITY. Edge AN ASYLUM FOR THE OPPRESS’D OF ALL NATIONS tsi roast oe reccectreteccecrenccerstecnsecrecsestncsesccess 1795 Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in military costume facing right, GEORGE WASHING- TON. Rev. Shield 15 stars above shield, eagle, LIBERTY AND SECURITY, date 17 95. Edge AN ASYLUM FOR THE OPPRESS’D OF ALL NATION Giiiiecicesescce Prrvirrir ried 10.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 8.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 Colonial Coins—Continued. 1795 Obv. Bust of Washington in military costume facing right, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Rev. Shield 15 stars, eagle LIBERTY AND SE- CURITY 17 95. Edge PAYABLE AT LON- DON LIVERPOOL OR BRISTOL or BIRM- INGHAM REDRUTH & SWANSEA or AN ASYLUM FOR THE OPPRESS’D OF ALL WA TIONS, seiecsccsecdseseossssseseiencras comsspatarvenieeeetaeien aeons — Copper. Obv. Bust of Washington in military costume facing left, GEORGE WASHING- TON. Rev. A _ harp crowned NORTH WALES, plain edge as a rule ..occa ee — Obv. Bust of Washington in wuniform, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Rev. Eye in glory or rays and stars; success to the United States, brass 1795 Half penny. George Washington bust in cos- tume, 3 buttons on coat. Rev. Small eagle, above shield LIBERTY AND SECURITY. Edge AN ASYLUM FOR THE OPPRESS’D OF ALL NATIONS Cee eeecrcesereseserereeseeseesensrsssoseereeee Preeti 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 All colonials are listed; if not found look under another series. THE FUGIOS Obv. UNITED* STATES* in circle, ring center WE ARE ONE. Rev. Sun-dial, sun shining from above, *FUGIO* MIND YOUR BUSI- NESS, intsscssssncoreatseanecoeneestasenonssnsie maaan actin eee ae 1787 Copper. 13 rings linked endless chain, 1787 Copper. Obv. 13 rings linked endless chain, STATES UNITED in circle, ring center WE ARE ONE. Rev. Sun-dial, sun shining from from above, *FUGIO* MIND YOUR BUSI- NESS. scccchiccvsscescssensssosssescennenabgeeenseees nthe enaaentanananamn 1787 Copper. Obv. 13 rings linked endless chain, UNITED on top and STATES below. Rev. Sun-dial, sun shining from above, *FUGIO* MIND YOUR BUSINESS ieee — Copper. Obv. 13 rings linked alternately, star within each, UNITED* STATES* large stars, 13 points, center WE ARE ONE. Rev. Sun-dial, sun shining from above. *FUGIO* MIND YOUR BUSINESS .2...s= ee — Copper. Obv. 13 rings bearing name of a state, AMERICAN CONGRESS. Center an eye. Sun-dial, sun shining from above. *FUGIO* MIND YOUR BUSINESS “22.3 — Silver. Obv. Without eye, 13 rings bearing name of a state, AMERICAN CONGRESS. Rev. Sun-dial, sun shining from above. Plain — Copper. Obv. Without eye, 13 rings bearing name of a state, AMERICAN CONGRESS. Rev. Sun-dial, sun shining from above. Plain 1787 Silver. Obv. 13 rings, star within each, large stars, 13 points. Rev. Sun-dial, sun shining from above, *FUGION siiccseccsssincnsssercusmeine eee 1787 Same as foregoing. Gold .........ssccsscrssessersenseasssersates 29 25 5.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 BROKERS IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE Colonial Coins—Continued. 1787 Copper. Obv. 13 rings, star within each, large stars, 13 points. Rev. Sun-dial, sun shining re eae Te ECL CTL CYT. crcscecsesenrensaucdisyofesordivesnease —— Silver. Obv. 13 rings linked alternately, star within each, UNITED* STATES*, large stars 13 points. Center WE ARE ONE. Rev. Sun- dial, sun shining from above, *FUGIO‘.......... 1787 Silver. Obv. 13 rings linked. Center WE ARE ONE. UNITED left side, STATES right side. FUGIO MIND YOUR BUSINESG........ 25.00 25.00 1.00 If not found look under other series, as all colonials are listed. Science and Industry 1792 Silver. Obv. Head. LIBERTY PARENT OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Rev. An eagle flying, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BS ey geo s oan 7 ces paatcsSaccincecresesdagsacyeessenisnaceoe 1792 Silver. Obv. Head. LIBERTY PARENT OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Rev. Eagle flying, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 35.00 AND INDUSTRY. BIRCH on bust. Within wreath ONE CENT. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Edge TO BE See EON OMS BS USER UL. cisisccecceccoudcscevescascnsscess 1792 Obv. Head. LIBERTY. Eagle standing on a globe, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA........ 1792 Obv. Head. LIBERTY PARENT OF SCIENCE AND INDUST. Rev. ONE CENT, within wreath, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ee ee ate teatesnesch apshparansns can csonvessadsorsvesvconsstbase Silver Center Cent. Obv. Head LIBERTY PARENT OF SCIENCE AND INDUST. Rev. ONE CENT within wreath UNITED Peer CAM ICRTCA 1/100. vecccsceseonsesscasvtoscese Rey. 1792. 100.00 100.00 25.00 75.00 Tf not found look under other series; as all colonials are listed. Rosa Americana Fier Head af dceorne:l CGEORGIUS 1722 Copper. ives caMAt : DRI RRA Ei sy HIR. : REX. Rev. Double rose with five barbs, -ROSA AMERICANA. upper portion; UTILE DUAL TL) SE WO POTNICE fecssvnscciresanvesencarssstccanncsroeraprreate Rosa Americana—Continued. 1722 Copper. Obv. Head of George I. Penny. GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Double rose, five barbs, ROSA. AMERI- CANA. UTILE. DULCI. (encircles piece)........ 1722 Copper. Half penny. Obv. Head of George I, GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Double rose, five barbs, ROSA . AMERI- CANA . UTILE. DULCI. (encircles piece).. — Copper. Twopence. Obv. Head, GEORGIUS. Di Ges MAG =-BRU YFRA © El © HIB”? REX. Rev. Double rose, five barbs, ROSA AMERICANA. UTILES DULCE. cue 1723 Copper. Two pence. Obv. Head of George I, GEORGIUS. D:G:MAG:BRI:FRA:ET:HIB: REX: Rev. Double rose, 5 barbs, ROSA AMERICANA. UTILE.DULCI. rose crowned 1723 Copper. Penny. Obv. Head of George I, GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Double Rose, 5 barbs, ROSA . AMERICANA wt LE ODULCIS rose crowted) ees 1723 Copper. Half Penny. Obv. Head of George I, GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Double rose, 5 barbs, ROSA... AMERICANA. UTILES DULCT. Rose: crowned se)... 1723 Copper. Half Penny. Obv. Head of George I, GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Dou- ble rose, 5 barbs, ROSA . AMERICANA . UTIEE. DUECI.. Kose uricrown 6d) incase 1724 Copper. Penny. Obv. Head of George I, GEORGIUS DEI. GRATIA . REX. Rev. ROSA ~AMESRICANA UTILE DULCI.;.. 1733 Two pence. Obv. Head of George II, GEORG- IVS. II. D. G. REX. Rev. Branch and leaves with full blown rose, ROSA AMERICANA — Obv. Head, GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Rose bush with full blown rose, two stems, two buds, ROSA SINE. SPINA............ 33 1.50 1.00 25.00 50.00 If not found look under other series; as all colonials are listed. William Wood’s Coinage for Ireland 1722 Copper. Half Penny. Obv. Bust of George I GEORGIUS.DEI.GRATIA.REX. Rev. Female seated to left, harp above HIBERNIA.......... 1723 Copper. Half Penny. Obv. Bust of George I, GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Female seated to left, harp, above HIBER- Tae he nk ee et ein Pea LM LMM elke cep i eater Aud ich ae 1723 Copper. Farthing. Obv. Bust of George I, GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Fe- male seated to left, harp, above HIBERNIA 25 25 50 34 GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK Willian Wood’s Coinage for Ireland—Continued. 1724 Copper. Half Penny. Obv. Bust of George I, GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA .REX. Rev. Fe- male seated to left, harp, above HIBERNIA 1724 Copper. Farthing. Obv. Bust of George I, _ GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Rev. Fe- male seated to left, harp, above HIBERNIA Early Coins in America 1790 Copper. Obv. Albany Church penny changed twelvevforcashillingicia cee ee ee 1766 Copper. Obv. Bust of William Pitt I THE RESTORER OF COMMERCE NO STAMPS. Rev. Ship sailing, America at bow, around THANKS TO THE FRIENDS OF LIBER- TY csANDETRA DE f.ctace train eee ee — London Elephant half penny uu... cecccccscscesssesees set Bar Cent — Copper. Obv. U.S.A. in large Roman mono- gram on a plain field. Rev. 13 horizontal bars Voce Populi 7) Obv. Bust of Hely POPULI. Rev. HI- Sete eee e cect aneeseccenteersersncceressosseseseserereeess 6 0 1760 Copper. Half Penny. Hutchinson. VOCE BERNIA seated Ma SCASTORLANO 1796 , 1796 Silver. Half dollar. Obv. FRANCO AMERI- CANA COLONIA. Ceres standing, maple tree, tapped sap flowing into basin, SALVE MAGNA*PARENS FRUGU Mori enenestareesars 2.25 Castorland—Continued. 1796 Do. 1796 Do. French Colonies in America 1670 Silver. Obv. Bust of Louis XIV facing right laureated and draped LVD XIIII D. G. FR. ET, NAV: REX, — Revo ‘arms (oto sranee crowned GLORIAM. REGNI. TVI. DICENT 1670 Silver. Obv. Bust of Louis XIV facing right laureated and draped LVD XIIII D. G. FR. ET. NAV. REX.: Rev. arms of France crowned, GLORIAM. REGNI. TVI. DICENT 1720 Gold. Louis D’or. Obv. Unlaureated, un- draped, LVD. XV. D. G. FR. ET. NAV. REX. Rey. Cross composed of Ls, crowned, fleur- de-lis, A in circle CHRS REGN VINE IMP... 1720 Silver. Obv. Bust of Louis XV laureated, draped, LVD. XV. D. G. FR. ET. NAV. REX. DDG. Rev. Cross composed of Ls, crowned, fleur-de-lis, A in circle, CHRS REGN. VINE TMP woeciccnpcsresescctvscesesesiccneueieeeeens eae 1720 Silver. Obv. Bust of Louis XV unlaureated and undraped, LVD. XV. D. G. FR. ET. NAV. REX. DDG. Rev. Cross composed of Ls, PRR eee e renee nese nee eee enennnrnt ee eRe ee EEE eee essere eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Copper Gold Aone eee ease ewer ees esse eee eeees ere eee aeeesesesesseeeeSeeeeeseseeeeteee 2.00 2.00 90 So 25.00 crowned, fleur-de-lis, A in circle, CHRS REGN. VINE IM Pencsccicensee eee 1721 Copper. Obv. Louisiana, crossed Ls SIT NO- MEN DOMINI BENEDICTUM. Rev. CO- LONIES FRANCOISES, “H”, mintmark of La Rochelle scecccccc.icsscoctececesteeie BK 1722 Copper. Louisiana. Obv. Crossed Ls. SIT NOMEN DOMINI BENEDICTUM. Rev. COLONIES FRANCOISES, ‘H”, mintmark of La’ Rochelle (o.0..):cisccccoescssoi terete 9 1767 Copper. Obv. Three fleur-de-lis in wreath crowned SIT NOMEN DOMINI BENE- DICTUM. Rev. Crossed sceptres, side LXV MM above COLONIES FRANCOISES R. F. 25 25 Mark Newby —— Obv. Crowned king, left , kneeling, harp .../LORE AT REX or -FLOREAL wee Rev. St. Patrick, crowd of people, 3 castles -ECCE.. GREK: ib Soslccvercscnteseastrienc seat 50 Obv. Large size, size of present 4% dollar. Crowned king left, kneeling, harp. ..FLOREAT. .*, .REX. Rev.” °St.een aerneee crowd of people, 3 castles .ECCE GREX. .... 25 —— Copper. —— Silver. Obv. Large size, size of present % dollar. Crowned king left, kneeling, harp. . FLORE AT REX, or .. FLOREAT, @2hepee Rev. St. Patrick, crowd of people, castles 2.00 eC, GREX AUESERSERSRSETELO SRR ARES APES TTS TR AAET NE Eee 3.00 TRAVELER Mark Newby—Continued. —— Copper. Obv. Smaller, size of present % dol- lar. Crowned king, left, kneeling, harp. Peer AT REX. or ..FLOREAT. .* . REX. Rev. St. Patrick, crowd of people, 3 BB erate Re Mae EO ocak vase carcosceshecescceosces 25 —— Silver Obv. Smaller, size of present Y% dol- lar. Crowned king, left kneeling, harp --FLORE AT REX. or ..FLOREAT. .*, .REX. Re SEE AOA DOVE 5 oo cveseevcscessas-oicis cosacciccediesnssescasse 3.00 —— Silver. Obv. Crown above king kneeling, FLOREAT: REX. Rev. St. Patrick right hand outstretched left hand double metro- politan cross, church, QVIESCAT PLEBS.... 5.00 — Copper. Oby. Crown above king kneeling FLOREAT: REX. Rev St. Patrick right hand outstretched, left hand double metro- politan cross, church, QVIESCAT PLEBS.... 2 FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Issued from 1862 to 1876 First Issue—Perforated Edge, Aug. 21, 1862 to May 27, 1863. Without A. B. N. Co. on back. Brand new crisp notes only at these prices; others we buy at a lower rate. SMR METIS ELE IYN co casc sc osd-mocccuscosescsedccscocgsecvéenceasees 50 PO AMIE, GEE ET ooo onncecécssccscnsncscseccecscsnssscccsssocecsseese 75 25c Facsimile of 5 cent stamps, BrowDeeeesseccccssssssssseose 1.00 50c Facsimile of 10 cent stamps, GreeMereececccccsscsssssssssees 1.25 Perforated Edge with A. B. N. Co. on back. MUSE OL JEME|TSON, BrO WN .nccecescescccescosessscsscscceseoseesoveancee 50 PPCEUSE OL Washington, Greeni.n.e.cc.ccecscccsscosccssssccssaseoosece 75 MOPEVUSE LOL JEEETSON, BLOWN. cscseccccecscccccossssceiccssececsosscsesase 1.00 DUG Bust Of Washington, Greetr...cccccccccccccccccscccscccccsosssesce 1.25 Plain Edge A. B. N. Co. on back. PRP PUSU POE JEM CTSOT, BIO WI .0.c..csecsessovececonsscosccssccecassorseose 15 10c Bust of Washington, Greenie....cccccccscssecsescecssessessesses .20 MM EREIIOE SIOITETGON, ESCO WI iccoscesscceccseccesscsecooscaceenessoress 0 Bese OL Washington, Greeti.cccccseccssecccssascocscccsssecssosee ef Plain Edge without A. B. N. Co. on back. eM SE Or STRIFECSON, EXTOWN.....c..ccnv-cossncscaicsscocsoceoeecoecosesee .20 10c Bust of Washington, Green ou. 45 Bee eIeBE GE PEMEVSON, BLO WIi.....c..cecoescccecescceccescecnescsecceccvee 50 PUCEDUSt OF Washington, Green ...cccevessencescssessssnevessuieeees 75 Second Issue Oct. 10, 1863, to Feb. 23, 1867 Bust of Washington in Bronze, oval frame in center of note. DORPIA TE DADEE, DEO WI HACK o..-c.s.ccevcedseccstescstescssoredocsaseese .20 We pla PAPEr, STEEN WACK 2... ecsncceceoceccsocessecsceease 35 GMM MIRED ADEE DUTP) PACK oac.n..csnenocceccesassvicscvsenaccecssces 40 50c plain paper, red and carmine back... 1.00 PRM IDELE DP ANET, DEO WI BACIC ....-cc:cetncc-ncscsovescseniesoronecesnses ¥AS WOGSPANOE MAH|r, Sree Pack ......c...ecencccasccccsecoccevecescscecesssee 40 Be IVES PAPE, PUrple bache ....-..cccsceccsccoccessscecoesceserenceces 70 50c Fiber paper, red and carmine back... 1.05 5e Bronze letter and figures, brown back ccscecssecseee 25 10c Bronze letter and figures, green back -.weee 40 25c Bronze letter and figures, purple back ........... 65 50c Bronze letter and figures, red and carmine Third Issue Dec. 5, 1864 to Aug. 16, 1869. Green Backs. Gemvvashinston, Light Curtain .ccccccccidcvececcoscsacassovecnreceses .20 Deeveashineton, Dark Curtain, Co. Nu YG yh acetreneere eases 2.50 Ic, 3c, 5c, 10c—Taylor, N. & G. & Co., Philadelphia, Pa, 2iccvicis casi snnsineonhincnensbcanstancecs ee cuete tematic enetoe meses 2.50 Ic. 5c, 10c—Weir & Larminie, Montreal, Canada........ 6.50 Ic, 3c, 5c, 10c—White, The Hatter, New York............. 3.00 Civil War Cards A PT SPT L cocccacsccsciscn-casoonnoasussncsvecsseovasoeeentonsansasenonauseess 12 Albany Church Penny. .....,....cccsscsssssssrnsensssenscceennessesssesensenseseeoses 34 PERRIN io oespececkssekcouonenocnenreonsacnscosonsvensbopanesedsestisonosevonnensnsevssonsns 29, 30 SEIS AUD EEE orescence ecssnvessesuesonsbecnsereseqecnscesnonszones 18, 19, 20 B : Beer aa NMC GeV renee rn co ccceccactondeseacoccsacsesacsecsneccas soscbocnencesoneoess 19, 20 MU EINR EE cccc conde re coceceenonconoranjnssenssnevavcerionssssseronebvcssvontaonnicens 30 UR EYRE Fe tL WTI coo es cacacacsasvore osesesnsseeoseoeactessuvsnsensdadatutenesusens 30 Sei are CAN ee royce ce caasacursnsnneessesessiseceontasusiiodsceninusopacense 34 Barry, Standish (See Baltimore Town) RUSE ick epseon cece ca onenecmsennconcencsavasonsstienarnenstvasrscunsssnentests 24 NS TSC ET oc nc oon cnn caste cennncnssannnsnssnsasuinrnvennccnses ie meet 24 Bermuda (See Sommer Islands) PEPE MWEE PALES LICSUZE .2-....0----n0nencensenscssssnesesoeassonenenasenscvsanenonses 15 cloth (Cis: _. gs ae Sash See Ae 33 PRES Ee OEY Uy LI Urea oc es aceon ccesks senadeacecepadevseacecturoonsasvanoneseece 29 ARIE CEY ANCE EPR eo ace an aap sc cnncve aco cnespenesnnronenesrvessenrnensseniveasons 29 Peter Settlement Kentucky ........-<.csccecccecsconscscesssnesoes See 31 I Rao ao acsdcermanansanarcntdseracenomnsviosasenshivencves te, 9 - ; Cc RE i oon caconssavanconncaonsvednsectbrsensverensuece 18 et seq. NN aoe oo ca ccecacuceyuivovchansuchnncinesadoyssuscedarsrensccesos 24 NE 2 Ue casos ance sc crese snnnsennnen shairspmnnsisantasdonsnmedonenosie 26 RE ne doen cc vis bates tava snmnncndanasayinctnepauessncarseiseeadedens 36 ia scis ebb caonan svat rence neynosocearoecesonsaxes 34 acess skeen Gen cosvosin sven taesesiuerncovocalenseneratorss 34 DU ee reco caasvochacealesenis vadseceseceadoeesouscoseineses 7, 8, 9 RT ig occa nensegusni-22725024 LEN Rg DIG Fe pe See pee aor DE ee cone reser epee. Se ger ee 17 MPO WEVIGON GER SIS LE ooo osse ee socesse mencesenancesc an paraaec th sehns puasdnedancecen 29 Dubosq & OG i are preety Ae OEE Ses Sh ir 20 MPD ear BD ch Tee On Oe OM es eae cece ara tec ev cstv acs scastectasiees eeoecasiusensavteadessstconecessue 20 E DG Cale beret Agee NE ReLOER ePaper Pit aah ae eo A OE oo 17 Eagle, Double ........... PS rot Pri Re UN dot se erring ae gea e 17 jE EN 5 1 0 eee paper ct ete vier ol Sete hn 15, 16, -17 BEATE Cera GOr oe crass or nostenswsncbonestenats eevsionartacst lbeteeanndee 13, 14, 15 Pearly Cotes ies Ae gh cases cca ace ere ase aes 34 BESO TATE TOMO II aces escat rates te seep cap csand actioned euvawoceseaantonacsys eageaclah oan nde 34 Bacased .Postame: Stains) co soscsc te cpeti tress cette ae 36 Hesays,) Fractional . Gurre tC y ieee, 35, 36 FER CONST TS recs cone saccee Renesas ca an sul soe dat ake sPemevavaaz yeuadaas sons enteavasecaensstcnseesdeceee 28 F Pitty? Dollare Gold “Piece site jcc can noes ruenencreur 17, 18 Rives Doliatsee = oe 150-16. 17.20 22, “2d Flying Eagle: Cente © .icsnsnaarancacees serceergeeenecenrenseennes ake 9 Boar SD Gia 67 ociisiet isis acetoacetate 15 Fractional Currency a RRP EPIRA At oh Peli ok erro 35, 36 Franco- Americana Golonia: oon Oe eee 34 French eGolonies jin America ees csiescnestesessccete seeanueeeacreans 34 Fugios oeseevonegegeregeesercuevereregeouegcosegnenseeeescopergegeycngvenesepoereeetionses oar) BK 1 F 33 G Georgia Gold TTLESORSZECOORE SOR CoC COSTES SEs eereHreedoeregegeeeroeoTT eS eontee eas 24 Gobrecht . HOOOCREAOH ESE DE ROR SOD ERED SE TTETAPOEP NOTE TEVERSECE REDE Rea peer peeeeaeseeeseteeseatrensseseeres 12 Gold Dolinvasc.occcta ee ee sold 20, 21, 24 Gold‘ Half Dollars ce 1 COLA IR SGtR ee scaviertsteesscnonss S cesiethsatignstanttoaees Rares < Cents iv..,..4n.c eee 9 Nickel. Five Gentsi i255 2 See eee 9 Nickel ‘Three: Cents 5... eee Pharacyde eA EO 9 Norris Grege: &" Norris tec oe ee ee ee 20 North’ Caroling Gold U5 2 Se eee ee ee 24 North Wales S:.Gace ie Oe Sal ee ee ei 32 Nova Caesarea (See New Jersey) Nova. Constellatios 2. oe ee 28 Oo Oak=Tree Series 0c biases ce he eee 25 Oblong Ingots Sick cecun ee ee 18, 19 Octagonal! Coins iig.cha ce ea cee ee 18, 21, 22 Oregon Exchange Saat Be SR Pe fate, ela ROS SS A 23 Oregon iGold Aiiccsccnuias cone ene ee 23 Ormsby, J. Suiscsenmeatuick eee eae ene 20 P Pacific Company .......... dsovi gaa ilia odkoaesaveshten daar eae ee ete toa 19, 20 Panama Pacific Dollar cc..c:ssccscssssp-ctnesodertbensteienircaereeee Panama Pacific Half Dollar Panama Pacific Two and Onehalf Dollars ose 15 Parson, Jno.) Se Co. - sseccsssscwccteiccconssecssssectuspcervedtantaest gaan 22 Pattern Fifty Dollar Gold Piece. ............a-s:speeee 17 Pike's: Peak ...c.cccsscesceosecsensasscesenconceasesisesceacesensssetevest th tatteee eenaeneteanee 22 Pilgrim Half Dollar ..ccccc.cccscccssccesreoncssoesesestt ace en 12 Pine Tree Series caciscccscoscecsscsseccinerssanssieterrepitieienn neem 25 Pioneer: Golds ii.cccccicsacesastucoosesoccecscsestasstteres eaten 18 et seq. Pitt, William . wccccccsssccecsscresessssovacersessevesoutlavasesengeeinec neater tana 34 Postage Stamps, Encased .sci.sccc::.cvcintecsesarssaerenn eee 36 Q Quarter: Dollars: teccrccssnssoncsersisccoaeteanee en 10, 11 Quarter Dollars, Isabella (Columbian) ........ccsssccsesssessees 11 Quarter, Bagless ii.....c.cciccsccecessccossesecessere ee 13, 14, 15 R Reid, Templeton. ccc. .sccesdceccessssrsiessconesesen anne 18, 19, 23 Rosa. Americana.