__—sOBXHIBITION AND SALE FOR THE BENEFIT OF ae a Pak Betican HOSTELS FOR REFUGEES 2G Pr AND THE _ CHILDREN OF FLANDERS | RESCUE COMMITTEE MANUSCRI PES: TO BE SOLD TUESDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1916 AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. = NEW YORK : ? ON EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1916 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE THE DRAWINGS, PAINTINGS MANUSCRIPTS CONTRIBUTED BY FAMOUS MEN AND WOMEN TO ‘THE BOOK OF THE HOMELESS” COMPILED BY MRS. WHARTON TO BE SOLD TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916 AT THREE O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON By MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY, or THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ~ I1vI6 a | (o- 1—MENARD : : f0 SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON JANUARY 25, 1916 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT THREE 0’CLOCK There will be on sale during the exhibition copies of THE BOOK OF THE HOMELESS (Le Livre des Sans-Foyer). Ed- ited by Edith Wharton. New York and London, MDCCCCXVI. BAKST, LEON (Water Color) Height, 12 inches; width, 914 inches. Figure of a woman dancing. Signed at the lower right: Bakst, 1915. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” BARRES, MAURICE Z 2—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed in full. Five pages, folio. “I’m not fond of telling this story, said the General, because each time, like the old fool I am, it brings tears to my eye * * * but the best of France is in it. * * * In each of our hearts there was a prayer for France,” etc. Original and translation, printed on pages 59- 63 inclusive, “The Book of the Homeless.” BEERBOHM, MAX Va ¢ 0 3—A GRACIOUS ACT (Caricature) Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. eae : 5 ) ray Ke Lord Curzon of Kedleston reading to_ M. ‘Cam- : maerts, a translation (signed by his own ge oo a poem by M. Cammaerts. BERNHARDT, SARAH ¢ 4 ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT — A Signed in full,—“Une Promesse,”—1 page, 8yo. “Children of Flanders, dry your tears! * * * Stout hearts _ ‘of brave men, shall strive together till the vanquished foes has given you back your homes!” ni Ane Original and translation printed on page 64, “The Book of the Homeless.” ae BESNARD, A. FRENCH ie (/ 5—THE FORGE meee Ra (Water Color) ee Height, 141, inches; width, 1014 inches. Silhouetted against the forge, a man is facing ea the left. Another at the forge is working the Mes bellows. ey Signed at the lower left: A. Besnard. BINYON, LAURENCE 46 6—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM “The Orphans of Flanders.” Six four-line stan- zas, signed in full, 1 page, 8vo. “Where is the land that fathered, nourished, poured The sap of a strong race into your veins,— Land of wide tilth, of farms and granaries stored, And old towers chiming over peaceful plains?” ete. Printed on page 38, “The Book of the Home- less.”’ BLANCHE, JACQUES-EMILE 7 %—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT 40 “Christmas, 1914,’”—-signed. 'T'wo pages, folio. “The letters of the soldiers with their odours of tobacco and leather, seem to us to have arrived from a far off land. We hold these letters respectfully in our hands, before reading them we feel and smell the paper on which they have been written, as if they were still damp from the con- tact of their writer’s hand, who may be lying dead at pres- ent,” etc. ¥, BLANCHE, JACQUES-EMILE 0 8—PORTRAIT OF IGOR STRAVINSKY VY (Oil Painting) nV. Height, 29 inches; width, 20 inches. A full length portrait, with head partly turned to the right. Signed at the lower left: Igor Stravinsky; J. E. Blanche. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” BLASHFIELD, EDWIN. HOWL ND AMERICAN: ConTEMPORARY | = * f . $ a x (2 9—A WOMAN'S HEAD =) =e — (Charcoal Drawing) oa Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches. Body partly facing the spectator antes head to the right in ee a a i ‘ae BONNAT, LEON Prenco’ Sake and Ink) ( / -10—PEGASUS f Height, 10 inches; ee 8 thehen! % A winged horse with rider, bearing a tore h in his right hand. a ee ve BOURGET, PAUL 0 LS 11—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed in full,—‘“‘Aprés un An,”—1 page, folio. “During the first days of August, 1915, I found myself motoring in one of the central provinces of France. I had crossed the same region in the same way just a year before, when the beginning of mobilization was crowding the roads with waggons, with artillery and with marching troops. Only one year! How many men are dead since! * * * But the high resolve of the nation is as firm as it was then, when all through the land there was only one impulse—to go forward. The willingness to fight and to endure has not grown less.” etc. Original and translation printed on pages 65- 69 inclusive, “The Book of the Homeless.” CLAUDEL, PAUL 12—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed i in full,—Le Précieux Sang Pees Piecious Blood), 4 pages, 4to. “Oh, what if Thou, that for a cup of water promisest The illimitable sea,” etc. Original and translation printed on pages 5-7 inclusive, “The Book of the Homeless.”’ COCTEAU, JEAN fe 46 ~ -18--ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed in full,—*La Mort des Jeunes Gens de la Divine Hellade’”’ (How Young Men Died in Hel- las), 4 pages, 4to. | “Antigone went wailing to the dust. She reverenced not the face of Death like these To whom it came as no enfeebling peace But a command relentless and august,” etc. Original and translation printed on pages 9- 13, inclusive, “The Book of the Homeless.” COCTEAU, JEAN € ve 14—PHOTOGRAPH OF JEAN COCTEAU 1, After the painting by Léon Bakst. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” ag wat ¢ ys ae ie : . + i o ue 15—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT a CONRAD, JOSEPH Signed in full,—‘tPoland Revisited,’”—79 pages, folio and 8vo. “TJ have never believed in political assassination as a means to an end, and least of all if the assassination is of the dynastic order. I don’t know how far murder can ever approach the efficiency of a fine art, but looked upon with the cold eye of reason it seems but a crude expedient either of impatient hope or hurried despair,” etc. Then follows a graphic account of the writer’s crossing the Nerth Sea, a visit to Cracow, etc., such as only Conrad can give. Printed on pages 71-97 inclusive, “The Book of the Homeless.”’ DAGNAN-BOUVERET, P. A. J. 16—BRITTANY WOMAN (Crayon Drawing) Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches. Three-quarter length figure, seated in a chair. White cap and collar, and black apron. Signed at the lower right: P. A. J. Dagnan-B. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” D’'INDY, VINCENT / n° 17—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed in full,—Musical Score: “La Légende de Saint Christophe” (Acte I, Sc. III). Reproduced on page 55, in “The Book of the Homeless.” D’'INDY, VINCENT 0 / 18—PHOTOGRAPH OF VINCENT D INDY | After the painting by Theo. Van Rysselberghe. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” DUSE, ELEONORA 19—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT / y Signed in full,—Liberta nella Vita,” (The Right to Liberty), 2 pages, 8vo. “* * * Through all this sorrow in the world, through all these young lives cut short, may victory bring to every land the crown of life—the right to Liberty.” Original and translation printed on page 98, “The Book of the Homeless.” ta GALSWORTHY, JOHN |" 20—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed in full,—“‘Harvest,” 6 pages, 4to. “The sky tonight looks as if a million bright angels were passing—a gleaming cloud-mesh drawn across the heavens,” etc. Printed on pages 99-100, “The Book of the Homeless.” wg GAY, WALTER | 7 21—INTERIOR (Water Color) Height, 2114 inches; width, 18 inches. Corner of a room, showing a French commode upon which stand five pieces of blue and white porcelain. . Signed at the upper right: Walter Gay. : Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” GEROME, JEAN LEON , J Frencu: 1824—1904 \ 22—TURKISH SOLDIER (Pencil Drawing) Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. A Turkish soldier, of upper Egypt, in an attitude of prayer. Signed at the lower right: J. L. Géréme, 1857. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” GIBSON, CHARLES DANA AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY y) 23—THE GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND HIM | 0 | (Pen and Ink Drawing) Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. Half length figure of a girl seated, writing. Signed: C. D. Gibson. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” caine 7 GOSSE, EDMUND a | cf 24—_ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed in full,—The Arrogance and Servility of Germany,’”—6 pages, 4to. “We abound, while the war progresses, with examples of calculated ferocity of the Germans, of their lack of human- ity, of their scorn of the generous convention of behaviour. But there is a great danger that on reflection, we may be tempted to regard these developments of savagery as due to the fact of war itself, to a sudden madness of blood- lust,” ete. Printed on pages 101-104 inclusive, ‘The Book of the Homeless.” | ya GRANT, ROBERT od 25—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM Signed in full—‘‘*A Message.” Five _ six-line stanzas. ‘Iwo pages, 4to. “This is our gift to the Homeless, What shall it bear from me Safe in a land that prospers Girded by leagues of sea?— Tear moistened words of pity, Bountiful sympathy,” etc. Printed on pages 14-15, “The Book of the Homeless.” ( y HARDY, THOMAS "y 26—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM Signed in full,—‘‘Cry of the Homeless.” Three, eight-line stanzas, 1 page, 4to. “Instigator of the ruin— Whichsoever thou mayst be Of the mastering minds of Europe That contrived our misery— Hear the wormwood-worded greeting From each city, shore, and lea Of thy victims: ‘Enemy, all Hail to thee!,” etc. Printed on page 16, “The Book of the Home- less.”’ HARDY, THOMAS es 0 27—PHOTOGRAPH OF THOMAS HARDY After the painting by Jacques-Emile Blanche. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” HERVIEU, PAUL 28—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed in full,—“**Science et Conscience,” 4 pages, 8vo. ; “Tt will be left to our descendants to realize that the chief significance of this European conflict: lies in its mark- ing the moment when Science failed in her misson * * * The power whch, one year ago, feared neither heaven nor hell, felt instantly and must ever feel the avenging and triumphant assault of all the consciences of humanity— enemy, neutral, and even subject to itself,” etc. Original and translation printed on pages 105- 108 inclusive, ““The Book of the Homeless.” HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN 29—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM Signed,—““The Little Children,”’—fourteen lines, 1 page, folio. “—‘‘Epitaphe.” One page, folio. “Here “such an-one lies dead for France. His trade To push a barrow stocked with thread, -cheese, salt From town to town, under the azure vault, Through endless corridors of rustling shade,” etc. Original and translation printed on pages 18- 19, “The Book of the Homeless.” JOFFRE, GENERAL See NAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT et. Signed in full. One page, 8vo, dated August 18, 1915. “The United States of America have never forgotten that the first page of the history of their independence was partly written in French blood. Inexhaustibly generous and _ profoundly sympathetic, these same United States now bring aid and solace to France in the hour of her struggle for liberty.” Original and translation printed on page 28 of introduction, “The Book of the Homeless.” MAETERLINCK, MAURICE $ 35—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT \ Signed in full,—‘*‘Notre Héritage,”—2 pages, 8vo. “If our vision could open on that unseen world which dominates us from all sides, we should unquestionably learn that on the battlefields there can be no loss. The heritage which our splendid soldiers yield up in dying is bequeathed to us; and when they perish for our sakes, they give us their lives in no metaphoric, roundabout sense, but really and directly,” ete. Original and translation printed on pages 127-128, *“*The Book of the Homeless.” MARTIN, E. S. 4 ps 36—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT . Signed,—*‘We Who Afar Off,”—nine pages, 8vo. “I, skeptic though I am, am like every Englishman, a mys- tic,” ete. MENARD, EMILE RENE FRENCH a 387—NUDE FIGURE ¢ 9) : (Crayon Sketch) Height, 18 inches; width, 18 inches. x Nude figure of a woman picking fruit, with back facing the spectator. Signed at lower left: EZ. R. Ménard. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” MEYNELL, ALICE 48 38—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM “In Sleep.” Four four-line stanzas, signed in full. One page, 4to. “I dreamt (no ‘dream’ awake-—dream indeed) A Wrathful man was talking in the Park: “Where are the Higher Powers who know our need, Yet leave us in the dark?” etc. Printed on page 20, “The Book of the Home- less.” t MONET, CLAUDE va Frencu: 1840— 0 0 ik 39—_LANDSCAPE | (Pastel) Height, 814 inches; width, 16% inches. Showing the green pastures, and two out buildings of a large farm. Signed at lower left: Cl. Monet. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” V) - nv \ MONET, CLAUDE Frencu: 1840— 40—BOATS ON A BEACH (Crayon Drawing) Height, 6 inches; width, 12 inches. Two fishing boats huddled together on the edge of the beach. To the left, a cliff. Signed at lower left: Cl. Monet. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” MOORE, GEORGE / 41—PHOTOGRAPH OF GEORGE MOORE After the painting by Jacques-Emile Blanche. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” MORE, PAUL ELMER Signed in full,—‘*‘A Monument of Tragic Purga- ¢ Ve 42-—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT tion.”” Ten pages, 4to. “So, for instance, the very day that brought me the re- quest to contribute to the Belgian relief I was reading the story of Iphigenia, sacrificed in order that the Greek army might sail from Aulis and reach its destination: ‘O father! were the tongue of Orpheus mine, To charm the stones with song to follow me’,” ete. Printed on pages 133-188 inclusive, “The Book of the Homeless.” oe legions. camped upon the plains of night, ‘ute watchful hosts of heaven, what must you say ¥ When: men gevor each other in their might?” etc. ~~ —— oxo tial and translation Ruption on nese 21- : 22, eS Book of the Homeless.” “Two Songs of a Year: 1914-1915. I. Children’s _ Kisses. II. The Sans-Foyer.” Five pages, folio. “So; it is nightfall then, ~~. - The valley flush That beckoned home the way for herds and men Is hardly spent: Down the bright pathway winds, through veils of hush And wonderment. Unuttered yet the chime That tells of folding-time;” etc. Printed on pages 23-25, “The Book of the Homeless.” PERRY, LILLA CABOT Ze O 45—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH Vv MANUSCRIPT POEM “Rain in Belgium,”—signed in full. ‘Twenty lines, one page, 4to. “The heavy rain falls down, falls down, On city streets whence all have fled, Where tottering ruins skyward frown Above the staring silent dead. Here shall ye raise your Kaiser’s throne, Stained with the blood for freedom shed.” ete. Printed on page 26, “The Book of the Home- less.” REGNIER, HENRY DE ye 46—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH 0 MANUSCRIPT POEM “L’Exilé,’—signed in full. Thirty-six lines, two pages, 4to. “We ask no pity, though your bread we share. For he who, flying from the fate of slaves With brow indignant and with empty hand, Has left his house, his country and his graves, Comes like a Pilgrim from the Holy Land. Receive him thus, if in his blood there be One drop of Belgium’s immortality,” etc. Original and translation printed on pages 27- 29, “The Book of the Homeless.” RENOIR, PIERRE-AUGUSTE “4 Frencu: 1841— Oo he 47—PORTRAIT OF HIS SON (Charcoal Drawing) Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Half length portrait of his son in uniform, wounded in the war. Signed at the lower right. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.’ RODIN, AUGUSTE FrencuH: CoNTEMPORARY ¢ 48—TWO WOMEN (, (Water Color) Height, 1214 inches; width, 9 inches. Two half nude figures of women, seated facing to the right. Signed at the lower center: Aug. Rodin. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” ; | 7h ROOSEVELT, THEODORE 0 | é 49—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT 0 Signed in full. Two pages, 4to, being the intro- duction to “The Book of the Homeless.” “It is not only a pleasure but a duty to write the intro- duction which Mrs. Wharton requests for ‘The Book of the Homeless. At the outset of this war I said that hideous though the atrocities had been and dreadful though the suffering, yet we must not believe that these atrocities and this suffering paralleled the dreadful con- dition that had obtained in European warfare during, for example, the seventeenth century. It is lamentable to have to confess that I was probably in error. The fate that has befallen Belgium is as terrible as any that befell the countries of Middle Europe during the Thirty Years’ War and the wars of the following half-century,” etc. ROSTAND, EDMOND Wa 50—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM “Horreur et Beauté,”—signed in full. Four four- line stanzas, one page, 4to. “Gashed hands of children who cry out for bread— While as the flames from sacred places rise The Blonde Beast, hideous, with blood-shot eyes And obscene gesture mutilates the dead—” ete. Original and translation printed on page 30, “The Book of the Homeless.” sac + SAR GENT, ‘JOHN SINGER, R.A. ee; Mire be (Pen Drawing) pe ‘10 inches; width, 14 inches (igo One | in | profile, the other facing the spectator. ‘Signed. at the lower right, John S. Sargent. ' er oat Pres Te praauced in “The Book of the Homeless.” a STRAVINSKY, IGOR es 52ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH ps MANUSCRIPT SCORE B@sonvenir d’une Marche Boche,”—signed in full. Seven pages, 8vo. Printed in full, pages 49-52, in “The Book of the Homeless.” —_ \ 583—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCR 54—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH SUARES, ANDRE Wi o “Chant des Galloises” (Song of the Welsh en),—signed in full. Nine pages, Ato. _ “Here comes the night, with the storm. Slowly t sionate sun goes down; like a wounded man he drag self over the hill; swimming in blood he sinks towar sea. Soon the divine Hero will be laid on the bed of his choice,” ete. a ‘ioe he poe and txanslntaee printed on ie EBay, THOMAS, EDITH M. MANUSCRIPT POEM . six-line stanzas, 8vo. “On the old gray sea its course it holds, Life for the famished is in its gift * * * And the children are crowding to kiss its folds, hes While the tears of their mothers fall free and swift,— a And what of the flag their lips have pressed? Tag cs Oh, guard it for ever—That flag is blest,” ete. aire Original printed on page 88, “The Book of the Homeless.” dis’. nal ; = ie } ee by the author and a typewrit- ae” ere. the poem. _ Tuscan sea, panting for pleasure,” etc. _ x 2 © tiga aa on pages 34-35, ‘The Book of we ‘the Homeless.” y ? eee | VAN RYSSELBERGHE, THEO. j/ 66-2 PORTRAIT OF ANDRE GIDE am i (Pencil Drawing) Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches. - Head partly turned to the sitter’s right, looking directly at the spectator. Signed at the lower right: V. R., 1915. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” VAN RYSSELBERGHE, THEO. 57—PORTRAIT OF EMILE VERHAEREN (Pencil Drawing) Height, 114 inches; width, 614 inches The sitter is facing the spectator. Signed at the lower right: V. R. Reproduced in “The Book of the Homeless.” VERHAEREN, EMILE 58—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM “Le Printemps de 1915,’—signed in full. Six, four-line stanzas, one page, folio. “Sadly your dear voice said: Is the old spring-time dead, And shall we never see New leaves upon the tree? * * * * * This is the scarlet doom By the wild sea-winds hurled Over a land of gloom, Over a grave-strewn world.” Original and translation printed on pages 37-39, “The Book of the Homeless.” * WARD, MRS. HUMPHRY. (MARY A. WARD) 59—_ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT 0 “Wordsworth’s Valley in Wartime,’—signed in |o full. Six pages, 4to. “August 8th, 1915. It is now four days since, in this vil- lage of Grasmere, at my feet, we attended one of those | anniversary meetings, marking the first completed year — - of this appalling war, which were being called on that E night over the length and breadth of England. Our meet- ing was held in the village schoolroom; the farmers, trades- men, innkeeper and summer visitors of Grasmere were present, and we passed the resolution which all England was passing at the same moment, pledging ourselves, sep- arately and collectively, to help the war and continue the war, till the purposes of England were attained, by the liberation of Belgium and northern France, and the chastisement of Germany * * * But this year there are no Americans, there are few visitors, indeed, of any kind | as yet, though the coaches are beginning to bring them— 1 scantily. But Grasmere does not distress itself as it would ; in other years, Wordsworth’s village is thinking too much about the war,” etc. i | Printed on pages 151-155, “The Book of the ae Homeless.” WENDELL, BARRETT 1915. Four lines signed in full, 12mo. Also an autograph letter, signed, two pages, August 20, 1915, regarding the poem. | 2: ( a4 60—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH POEM . “Though desolation stain their foiled advance, In ashen ruins hearth-stones linger whole: Do what they may they cannot master France; Do what they can, they cannot quell the soul.” Printed on page 40, “The Book of the Home- less.” WHARTON, EDITH 4S 61—ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT POEM “The Tryst,’—signed in full, three pages, folio. “TI said to the woman: Whence do you come, With your bundle in your hand? She said; In the North I made my home, Where slow streams fatten the fruitful loam, And the endless wheat-fields run like foam To the edge of the endless sand. * * * * * * * % * My house is ill to find, she said, For it has no roof but the sky; The tongue is torn from the steeple-head, The streets are foul with the slime of the dead, And all the rivers run poison red With the bodies drifting by,” etc. Printed on pages 41 and 42, “The Book of the Homeless.” : = WOODS, MARGARET L. /- 62—ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH ( MANUSCRIPT POEM “Hinisterre,”’—signed in full. Six five-line stanzas, two pages, 8vo. “Oh that on some forsaken strand, Long ending or a lonely land, On such an eve we two were lying, To hear the quiet water sighing And feel the coolness of the sand,” ete. Printed on pages 43 and 44, “The Book of the Homeless.” | MANUSCRIPT POEM eeping Silent,’’—-signed, one page, _-—s AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ae MANAGERS. AS E. KIRBY, ———- AUCTIONEER. FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY _ -—-s-« COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY “ eee *