oi at e& erat ™. a Class Aa M. KNOEDLER & Co. Oy No, 955 | 45, Old Bond St., | W. Acq. No THE ARTISTIC PROPERTY OF THE WELL-KNOWN HOUSE OF COTTIER AND COMPANY TO BE SOLD UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ON VIEW DAY AND EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES From SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH, UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE Day oF SALE FROM 9 A.M. untTIL 6 P.M. THE ARTISTIC PROPERTY OF THE WELL-KNOWN HOUSE OF | COTTIER AND COMPANY NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 19TH AND FOLLOWING DAYS BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’Crock ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE ARTISTIC PROPERTY FINE ANTIQUE AND MODERN FURNITURE IMPORTANT FLEMISH TAPESTRIES STAINED GLASS, TEXTILES AND OTHER OBJECTS OF HOUSEHOLD UTILITY AND EMBELLISHMENT ; OF THE WELL-KNOWN HOUSE OF COTTIER AND COMPANY OF NEW YORK TO BE DISPOSED OF AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL AND DISCONTINUANCE OF CERTAIN BRANCHES OF THEIR BUSINESS ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ManaGeErs NEW YORK 1913 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his WHS such bid would be likely to affect the sale oo erin 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Delivery will not be made of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. Delivery will not be made of any purchase at any time other than between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. — Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith- fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the »bove Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a pur- chaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale. will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference sub- mitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session ther cof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. a CATALOGUE FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 oO’ CLOCK VENETIAN GLASS The following pieces of Venetian glass have been faithfully reproduced from the well- known examples of this ancient art exhibited in the museums of Venice and London. Many of them rank in quality and design with the famous pieces from which they are copied. The tall vase is exactly as that used by the early Venetians. 1—Two Tirrany Guass Liqueurs Imitation of iridescent glass Greek cups. 2—-THIRTEEN VENETIAN SMOKED Guass LIQUEURS Indented sides. 3—FivE VENETIAN Guass TUMBLERS Blue, with flecked gold edge. 4—Twrtve VENETIAN Guass TUMBLERS Blue glass of spiral design. 5—EIcgHTEEN VENETIAN GuaAss TUMBLERS Blue, with gold and white bosses; have flecked gold rims. 6—Fovur VENETIAN BovuronNIERE VASES Smoked glass, flecked with gold. Height, 5 inches. Y—Two VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASES Bulbous top for boutonnieres. Height, 5% inches. 8—TuHREE VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASES Similar to the preceding. Height, 5Y, inches. 9—Two VENETIAN SMOKED Grass Vases Morning-glory shape, with spiral lines around body. Height, 4 inches. 10—TuHree VENETIAN SMOKED Gtass VASES Similar to the preceding. : Height, 4 inches. 11—F ive VENETIAN BovuToNnNizRE HOoLpers Smoked glass, flecked with gold. Height, 5 inches. 12—Fovur VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASES Bulbous top for boutonnieres. Height, 51%, inches. 13—Fovur BovuTonniERE VASES Of the finest quality of Venetian glass of deep amber; bulb top with a cylindrical stem tapering to the stand. Height, 6 inches. 14—Five VENETIAN Guass VASES Deep amber, similar to the preceding. Height, 6 inches. 15—Fovur VENETIAN SHERRY GLASSES _ Clear glass. 16—Turee VENETIAN Guass Bowts anp PLATES Clear glass; spiral design in white and gold. Red rims. 17—TurREE VENETIAN CHAMPAGNE GLASSES Tall shape; bowl supported by an ornamental stem. 18—Two VENETIAN. SMoKED Guass VASES Bowl resting on four supports and standard. Height, 6%, inches. 19—Twetve VENETIAN Guass TUMBLERS Clear glass, with indented sides. 20—Two Venetian Warer Borruzs Clear glass, melon shape, with thread line and fluted lip. ; Height, 74%, inches. 21—Firreen Enciish SHEerry GuLasses Clear glass. 22—TwrELvVE VENETIAN GLASSES Tulip-shaped, on standard. 23—Two VENETIAN CLEAR Gtass Borries Indented sides; have stopples. Height, 8 inches. eS ee a Ee 24—-Four VENETIAN CLEAR Guass VASES Chalice-shaped, on standard. Height, 734 inches. 25—Two VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASEs Chalice top; on standard. Height, 6% inches. 26—Two Venetian Grass Vases Scalloped top, goblet-shaped, and body partly ribbed; smoked glass flecked with gold. Height, 7 inches. 27—Twetve VENETIAN GLassEs Clear glass and decorated with bosses and lines in gold. 28—Two VENETIAN CLEAR Guass CARAFES Melon-shaped, with fluted top. Height, 7, inches. 299—Twetve VENETIAN CLEAR Guass TumBLEeRs With indented sides. $0—Twetve VENETIAN CLEAR Grass TUMBLERS Ribbed body. 31—Four VENETIAN CLEAR Grass Vases Chalice-shaped, on standard. Height, 734 inches. 32—Two VENETIAN CLEAR Grass BOTTLES Indented sides; have stopples. Height, 8 inches. 33—TuirTEEN VENETIAN Hock Gtassts Clear glass; bowl partly ribbed and stem decorated with bosses. 34—Twetve VENETIAN Guass TuMBLERS Indented sides; clear glass. $5—TwetveE VENETIAN CLEAR GuAss TUMBLERS Ribbed body. 36—Two VENETIAN CLEAR GuaAss CARAFES Melop-shaped, with fluted top. Height, 714, inches. $87—Two VENETIAN CLEAR Guass BorruEs Indented sides; have stopples. Height, 8 inches. 388—ELeven VENETIAN WINE GLASSES Goblet-shaped, on tall standard; clear glass. 39—Four VENETIAN GuAss VASES Chalice-shaped, on standard. 40—Four VENETIAN GuaAss VASES Similar to the preceding. 41—Vewnetian Guass Tazza On low standard. Clear glass; indentation throughout body. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 10 inches. 42——VENETIAN Giass COMPOTIER Clear glass; under part of body and standard fluted. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 10%, inches. 43—ELEVEN GLASSES Clear glass, and decorated with bosses in gold; foot of spiral thread lines. 44—THIRTEEN VENETIAN Wuitrt WINE GLASSES Smoked glass; lower part of body fluted. 45—THIRTEEN VENETIAN CHAMPAGNE GLASSES Smoked glass; spiral body supported by fluted standard. 46—Two VENETIAN Guass Water Borries Melon-shaped, with thread lines and fluted lip; smoked glass. Height, ty, inches. 4%—Pair or VENETIAN Guass BoTrrues Light amber; indented sides; fig-shaped stopples. Height, 834 inches. 48—Two VENETIAN Guass Trays Smoked glass, without ornamentation. Height, 24, inches. 49—Two VENETIAN SMOKED Guass Bowts With two handles, flecked with gold and supported by four ribbed feet; ornamented with bosses and heads in gold. Diameter, 41, inches. 50—Two VENETIAN SMOKED Guass Bowts Similar to the preceding. Height, 44 inches. 51—FourTreen VENETIAN WHITE WixE GLASSES Smoked glass; lower part of body fluted. 52—Two Venetian AmBER Guass VASES Chimney-shaped, on standard; bosses and dog-head ornamenta- tion on body. : Height, 914, inches. 58—Two VENETIAN SMOKED Giass VASES Similar to the preceding. 3 Height, 914, inches. 54—Two VENETIAN SmokED Grass Water Botries Melon-shaped, with thread lines and fluted lip. Height, 71/, inches. 55—Patr or VENETIAN Licghot Amber Guass BoTTiLEs Indented sides, with fig-shaped stopples. Height, 8°4, inches. 56—VENETIAN Grass Tray Smoked glass, without ornamentation. : Height, 21%, inches; diameter, 91, inches. 57—VENETIAN Guass Tray Similar to the preceding. Height, 24%, inches; diameter, 914, inches. 58—TuHirTEEN VENETIAN SMOKED GLASSES Spiral pattern, with blue bosses. 59—ELEvVEN VENETIAN GLASSES Clear glass, with white lines; has a twisted stem with three lines. 60—Srix VENETIAN GLASSES Lower part of body and base ornamented with leaves and spiral thread lines. 61—Two Venetian Guass CoMPoriIERS Clear glass, with white lines; has a twisted stem with three fluted bands. Height, 7 inches. 62—Two VENETIAN Dovusite GLAssEs Goblet and chalice-shaped; smoked glass, without ornamenta- tion. 63—THREE VENETIAN SMOKED DovuBLE GLASSES Similar to the preceding. . 64—Twetve VENETIAN GLAssEs Smoked glass; corrugated body, with raised ornamentation. 65—Five VenETIAN Guass Bownzs anv Six PuateEs Goldstone and white network pattern. 66—VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASE : Chimney-shaped, on fluted standard; ornamentation of bosses on body. Height, 914 inches. 67—Two VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASES Similar to the preceding. Height, 91 inches. 68—Two VENETIAN SMOKED CLEAR Guass Water BotTrTieEs Melon-shaped, with thread lines and fluted lip. Height, 74, inches. 69—Four VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASES Champagne-shaped, on standard. Height, 8 inches. 70O—Twuree VENETIAN SMOKED Gtuass VASES Similar to the preceding. Height, 8 inches. Y1—FirrrErEnN VENETIAN SMOKED GLASSES Chalice-shaped top; on long slender standard. %2—THIRTEEN FINGER-BOWLS AND FouRTEEN PLATES Venetian smoked glass. Bowls have two filigree handles. 73—Srix VENETIAN GREEN GuAss GOBLETS Medallions and beading on under part of body. Height, 634, inches. 74—Parr or VENETIAN Guass VASES Morning-glory shape, on spiral standard; smoked glass orna- mented with milk-white stripes. Height, 8% inches. 75—Two Venetian Guass CoMPporiers Smoked glass, with milk-white stripes; spiral stem with three fluted bands. Height, 7 inches. %6—Two Venetian Guass ComMporiers Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 inches. 77—VENETIAN Guass VASE Tall lily-shape, with bulbous body and two filigree handles; smoked glass with milk-white stripe ornamentation. Height, 15 inches. 78—VENETIAN Guass VasE : Goblet-shaped, on heart-shaped standard, with roses on either side. Height, 12 inches. 79—VENETIAN Guass VASE Similar to the preceding. (Imperfect.) ; Height, 12 inches. 80—Taut VENETIAN CLEAR Guass VASE Champagne-shaped, on fancy twisted standard; blue thread lines on top and base. Height, 18 inches. 81—VENETIAN Guass VASE Clear glass, ornamented with a band of medallions and bosses; fluted standard, ornamented with two dolphins. Height, 18 inches. 82—Tatu VENETIAN SmokED Guass VASE Body of spiral lines intervening with bosses at base, supported on an elaborate standard, with mask heads. The foot orna- mented to correspond. : Height, 1814 inches. 83—Taxtit VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASE Ornamentation of rings with leaves; standard to correspond. ~ Height, 17 inches. 84—Tatt VENETIAN SMOKED Gtuass VASE Body of spiral lines, with intervening bosses at base, supported on an elaborate standard with mask head. The foot ornamented to correspond. Height, 181 inches. 85—VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASE Ornamentation of rings, with blue leaves; standard to correspond. Height, 17 inches. 86—Tatt VENETIAN GLASs-COVERED VASE Goblet-shaped, supported on a tall filigree standard. The cover is surmounted with a filigree ornament. Height, 2534 inches. 87—Tatt VENETIAN GLASS-COVERED VASE Similar to the preceding. Height, 25%, inches. 88—Tatt VENETIAN SmoKED Guass VASE Body of spiral lines, with intervening bosses at base, supported on an elaborate standard with mask heads. The foot orna- mented to correspond. Height, 181% inches 89—Pair or VENETIAN SMOKED Guass FLowerR VAsEs Trumpet-shaped, with scalloped edge. Standard of filigree, with slight gold decoration. Height, 12% inches. ~ 4 90—VENETIAN SMOKED Guass Bown: wirnh Two Hannes Reproduction of an antique, the bottom of green glass with decoration in gold of “Saint Peter” and “Saint Paul.” Height, 3 inches; diameter, 74% inches. 4 we 91—VENETIAN SMOKED Grass PLATE Reproduction of an antique, the center oi green glass, with decoration in gold of “Orpheus.” Edged with milk-white thread lines. Li 4 Diameter, 1014 inches. 92—Venetian SmoKeD Guass VasE Chalice-shaped bowl; wings on stem, and plain foot. Height, 101% inches. 93—VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VaAsE Goblet-shaped bowl; two wings on stem, and plain foot. Height, 13% inches. 94—VENETIAN Guass FLower VASE Band round body ornamented with blue bosses, and round the base a relief ornamentation. Height, 11 inches. 95—VENETIAN SMOKED Guass VASE Double-glass shape, with raised ornamentation in design of wheat, with gold splashing. : Height, 1014, inches. 96—VeENeETIAN Guass VASE . Lily-shaped, on standard, with blue glass ornamentation in relief. Height, 12% inches. 97—VENETIAN Guass VASE Globular shape, with a flaring top. Has cord of blue glass tied in bowknot round the neck. Height, 7%, inches. 98—VENETIAN SMOKED Grass VASE With flaring top, two loose ring handles, corrugated stem, and plain foot. Height, 834 inches. 99—VeneTiaAn Grass VASE Lily-shaped, on standard; ornamented with two narrow bands and handles of blue glass. Height, 121% inches. 100—Two VENETIAN SmoxeD Guass VAsEs Morning-glory shaped bowl, with two blue glass* handles. Height, 9 inches. » 101—Two VeneTIAN Guass DECANTERS Bands of blue glass, ornamented with bosses flecked with gold. Has stopple. Height, 121% inches. ~102—Two Venetian Guass Vases Trumpet-shaped top and bulbous body, which is ribbed and ornamented with four filigree handles and bosses flecked with gold. Height, 71%, inches. 103—VeENETIAN Guass DecAnTER Goldstone bosses and other ornamentation in high relief. Has stopple. ay, Height, 11 inches. 104—Two VENETIAN Guass GOBLETS Smoked glass, splashed with gold; standard ornamented with three lion-heads. Height, 7 inches. 105—Two Venetian Guass DecANTERS Spiral design, with two blue wave bands. Has stopple. Height, 10 inches. 106—VeENeETIAN Guass VASE Sprinkler-shaped, wave top and long spout. Height, 11 inches. 107—Two Venetian Guass CaRrAFEs With long slender neck and four handles on body. Height, 12 inches. 108—Two VENETIAN SmOKED Guass VASES With slender neck and three handles; ornamentation of bosses on body. Height, 914 inches. 109—VENETIAN CLEAR Grass VASE Bulbous top, with two handles; filigree wings on tall standard. Height, 11% inches. 110—VeENeETIAN Guass VASE Tubular shape; blue glass, flecked with gold. Bosses and raised ornamentation on body and thread line round neck. Height, 12 inches. 111—Venetian Smoked Grass FLacon | Encircling neck and base are white lines. Bosses around body. Has stopple. eat 4 Height, 10% inches. 112—VeENETIAN Guass DECANTER Ribbed body, with raised ornamentation and medallions in ruby glass. Has stopple. Height, 121, inches. 1183—VENETIAN Guass VASE With two handles; blue glass flecked with gold. = Height, 11 inches. 114—VENETIAN SmokED Guass VASE . Morning-glory shaped bowl, with two blue glass handles. Height, 9 inches. 115—VENETIAN SmMoKED Guass VASE Ribbed with milk-white stripes covering entire body. Has four handles of blue glass. Height, 81, inches. 116—Venetian Grass Ewer. AnD GOBLET Blue glass of spiral design, and lion-head ornamentation in relief. Ewer: Height, 14 inches. Glass: Height, 714 inches. 117—VENETIAN CLEAR Grass VASE | Ribbed bulbous body, with blue glass handles. Height, 934, inches. 118—VeENETIAN CLEAR Guass Borrie Round body a narrow banding of green glass with amber-color bosses. Height, 6 inches. 119—VenetiaAn Guass DecANnTER Round body is a narrow banding in ruby glass, with bosses in clear glass. Height, 6% inches. 120—VeENETIAN AmBER Guass WatTER BoTrie Has long twisted neck. Height, 914, inches. 121—VeneTIaAn Grass Vase wiTtH Cover | Spiral pattern, with two narrow bands of blue glass. Height, 744, inches. 122—Venetran Smoxen Grass Vase Body entirely ribbed, and ornamented with a band of bosses. Height, 63% inches. 123—VenetTian Guass VAsE Ewer-shaped, ribbed spout and fancy handle. Band of bosses around neck. ne Height, 81, inches. 124—VeneTian SmoxeD Guass Vase | Similar to the preceding. Height, 73/4, inches. 125—VENETIAN SMOKED Gtass VASE With long slender neck and two twisted handles. Height, 71/4, inches. 126—VeneTian Grass VAsE Globular-shaped body, with six ribbed spouts on ribbed ball stem. Height, 734, inches. 127—VENETIAN CLEAR Guass VASE With wide pager’ mouth, small spout and two wing handles. Height, 8 inches. 128—Dutecn Guass VAsE Barrel-shaped ; four heavy EOE AMi and milled bands around body. Height, 7 inches. 129—DvutcH Guass Champagne-shaped, pinched in standard. Height, 61, inches. 130—German Gtass VAsE Tall slender neck, of opalescent coloring, shading to a light amber in the body. Made by Professor Koepping,. of Berlin. Signed. Height, 9 inches. 131—Gerrman Guass VAsE ' With tall slender neck; purple glass, partly covered with an . iridescence. Made by Professor eee: of Berlin. Signed. Height, 9 inches. 132—German BiveE Gass ’ Made by Professor Koepping, of Berlin. Signed. ROMAN AND GREEK GLASS 133—Five Specimens oF RomMAn Gass Consisting of three tall tear bottles and two Poa bottles, with silver and green iridescence. 1384—Arasian Guass Vase f With long handle; golden amber, partially coated with an iri- descence and showing in part the original surface. Height, 3 inches. 135—Dark Brive Arasian Guass Essence Borrie Tubular shape, with rounded end and long slender neck. Par- tially covered with a rich iridescence. Hah, 6 inches. 136— Gruco-Roman Vase or tHE Seconp Century B.C. Hydra-shaped, with curved applied handles. Coated with a | creamy white iridescence, revealing the original beautiful irides- cent surface. Height, 54%, inches. 137—Greco-Roman Vase oF THE Second Century B.C, Tall cup shape. The exterior and portions of the interior cov- ered with a silvery iridescence. Height, 444 inches; diameter, 2% inches. 188—Greaco-Roman Guass Urn oF THE SECOND CenrtuRY B.C. Globular shape. This remarkable specimen is of a deep purple tone with metallic iridescence, absolutely intact, From the Falcke collection, 1865. From the De Morgan collection, 1901. . ; Height, 10 inches. 189—Two Venetian Guass VASES Morning-glory shape; deep violet glass, with ca serpents splashed with gold entwined around stem. H stan. 7 inches. 140—Two Venetian Guass Vases Ruby glass, with blue flying erp around a ribbed body. Has morning-glory top. H he 7 inches. 141—Venetian Guass Vase Tripod form, of two ruby and one green vase joined together by medallions flecked with gold. Height, 74, inches. 142—VeENETIAN SmoKED Grass FLrower Hovper Pyramid of seven jars. Four have milk-white glass handles on body. Height, 7%, inches. 143—VenetTian Amber Guass Vase | Two handles and raised wavy lines on body. Height, 81%, inches. 144—Two Frencu Grass Botries Engraved tree design and gilding. Have cap tops. Height, 8 inches. 145—VeEneETIAN Guass GOBLET Reproduction of an antique ornamentation of eagles, dolphins and lions painted in various enamel colors, and a decorated gold band round the top. Height, 51% inches. 146—Two VENETIAN Guass VASES Jar-shaped; light amethystine raised network covering part of body. Height, 414, inches. 147—Dorcu Bucie Clear glass spiral stem. Height, 61%, inches. 148—VeneTIAN Grass HorsesHoE On standard; clear glass, flecked with gold and ornamented with ruby nail heads. Height, 4%/, inches. 149—Two Venetian Crear Guass DECANTERS Ribbed body, with blue glass wave bands. Has stopple. Height, 10 inches. 150—VewneTiaAn Rusy Grass Bow. Scalloped edge and ribbed body. Diameter, 7 inches. 151—VENETIAN CiEAR GuAss DECANTER Blue glass bandings and bosses. Has stopple. Height, 8 inches. 152—Two Venetian CLEAR Guass Botrries Indented sides. Have stopples. Height, 8 inches. 153—Two VENETIAN CLEAR GLAss Water Bortrues Melon-shaped, with thread line lips, Height, 7%, inches. 154—VeneTian Guiass CoMPOTIER — Clear glass, under part of body and standard fluted. Height, 444 inches; diameter, 2% inches. 155—Twentve VENETIAN Guass FINGER-BOWLS AND PLATES Ruby glass, flecked with gold. . 156—Venetian Grass Liqueur Ser Comprising decanter, six glasses and tray, ornamented with blue thread lines and gold bosses. 157—VeneETIAN Guass LiqueuR SET Comprising a decanter, five glasses and tray. Amethyst glass flecked with gold and ornamented with bosses. 158—NineE VENETIAN Guass PLATES Blue rim and bosses. Diameter, 6%, inches. 159—VENETIAN SMOKED Guass Tray Without ornamentation. Height, 2%, inches. 160—Two VENETIAN CLEAR Guass CARAFES Melon-shaped, with thread line lip. Height, 7, inches. 161—Two Venetian Crear Grass Botries _ Indented sides. Have stopples. ; : Height, 8 inches. 162—Two VENETIAN CLEAR Guass DECANTERS Spiral body, with two blue bands. Have stopples. Height, 10 inches. 163—VENETIAN CLEAR GLAss DECANTER Similar to the above. | Height, 10 inches 164—VENETIAN Grass CoMPOTIER ‘Clear glass, body and standard fluted. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 111% inches. 165—F ive VENETIAN Guass VASES Chalice-shaped, on standard. Height, 734 inches. 166—Twetve VENETIAN GuAss TUMBLERS Indented sides. 167—Twetve VENETIAN Guass FINGER-BOWLS AND PLATES Ruby glass, flecked with gold. 168—Two Venetian Crear Guass Water Borries Melon-shaped, with thread line and fluted lips. Height, 7/, inches. 169—Turee VENETIAN CLEAR Gtass BotrriEs Indented sides. Have stopples. Height, 8 inches. 170—Two Venetian Ciear Guass Water Borries Melon-shaped, with thread lines and fluted lips. Height, 74, inches. 171—Nine VENETIAN Guass FINGER-BOWLS AND SEVEN PLATES Lace pattern, in pink and white and gold. Bowls have medallions on side. SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 O'CLOCK 172—Fovur Miniature Borryes Chinese porcelain; of various shapes and decorations, all pen- ciled in underglaze blue. ee eee SnuFF Borries Chinese porcelain; round, ovoid and cylindrical shapes. Decora- tion of boys at play, and floral sprays painted in underglaze blue. 174—Grovp or Five Vases Chinese porcelain; beaker and ovoid shapes. Decorated in underglaze blue in designs of floral sprays, grapevine in bear- ing, and landscape. 175—Two Smarty Brive anp Waite Saucers One, with central lotus flower and eight lotus-petal-shaped panels containing alternately “Long Elizas” and sprays of flowers; and the other, pine tree, peony and chrysanthemum flowers, and fret and floral borders, all painted in blue. 176—Buve anp Wuirte Jar Globular shape, with hat-shaped cover. Around the body are branches of lotus flowers and birds penciled in two shades of mazarine blue. 177—Buve ano Waite Ovoip VAsE The decoration consists of a willow tree and leaves, painted in two shades of blue, and peony flowers carved in slight relief in the paste, are in white reserve. 178—Buve anp WuiTrE PERFUME SPRINKLER On the body are four gourd-shaped panels, containing lotus flowers; and on the neck, shoulder and foot is a decoration of detached blossoms and conventional leaf designs painted in two shades of blue. 179—Buvr anp WuitE PERFUME SPRINKLER Similar to the preceding. 180—Buve anv WHITE, VasE | Ovoid shape. Upper part of body is ornamented with the - “Hundred Antiques” painted in deep blue on a clear white ground, and the lower part coated with a café-au-lait glaze. A Has brass collars. 181—Buve anp Wuitrrt PERFUME SPRINKLER The decoration consists of sprays of flowers which are painted | in two shades of blue. ee Height, 8 inches. ; 182—Two Buive anp Wuirte Vases _ Ovoid shape, with short necks. The decoration consists of — flowering plants and leafy scrolls painted in two shades of underglaze blue. . | ; Height, 7 inches. 183—Two Buive ann Waite Coverep Bowrs a) Ch’ien-lung period. The outer surface covered with flowering plants, birds, and a poem in Chinese character, penciled in two shades of underglaze blue, and the covers decorated to corre- spond. 184—Buve anp Wuitre GuospuLtar JAR K’ang-hsi period. The decoration of peacocks, tree peonies, butterflies and band of gadroons round shoulder and foot is painted in two shades of blue. Six-character mark underneath the foot. Height, 514 inches; diameter, 41, inches. 185—Buvuer anp Wuite WInE Ewer Decoration of flowering sprays and leafy scrolls Big ee in two shades of blue. Height, 7 inches. 186—Buve anp Wuitrre Bow. Clear white porcelain. The decoration consists of the prunus blossom, peony, lotus and chrysanthemum, Buddhistic symbols and Chinese women carrying baskets of flowers, all penciled in two shades of blue. Fret band carved in relief. Diameter, 7144 inches. — 187—Buve anp Wuitre Guonutar Covered JAR The all-over decoration of dragons, phoenix, flying storks, cloud forms and fire emblems are painted in two shades of deep blue. Six-character mark of Wan-li underneath the foot. Diameter, 5 inches. 188—Buvue anp Wuire Tart Coverep Cup With two handles. The ornamentation consists of the ‘““Hundred Antiques” and palmettes painted in light and dark blue. Border to correspond. : Height, 7 inches. 189—Buve ano Wuirr Vase K’ang-hsi period. Ovoid shape, with slender neck. Within four lozenge-shaped connecting panels are floral and leafy scrolls painted in two shades of blue. The neck is ornamented with detached blossoms in blue outline, and round the shoulder and foot a band of scepter heads. Leaf mark underneath the foot. Height, 734 inches. 190—Buve anp Wuirre Manparin Vase Ch’ien-lung period. ‘The decoration consists of two upright panels containing landscape and river view, and the intervening spaces. are covered with a ground of honeycomb, upon which are numerous butterflies and leaves carved in relief and in white reserve. Height, 73, inches. 191—Smatut Buur anp WuHitTE CuuB-sHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi period. ‘The decoration, which is painted in blue on a white ground, consists of a mountainous landscape and river view. Height, 73, inches. 192—Parr Buive anv Wuite Vases Chinese porcelain. Bottle-shaped, with tall necks. The body is decorated with panels containing figure subjects and the “Hundred Antiques,” and the shoulder, neck and foot with pal- mettes, all penciled in two shades of cobalt blue. Height, 91, inches. 193—Smatt Biur anp WuHuitrEe CiuB-sHAPED VASE Chinese porcelain. The decoration consists of prunus tree in blossom, birds and rocks, all executed in two shades of under- glaze blue. Height, 8 inches. 194—Buve anp Wuire VASE Chinese porcelain. Bottle-shaped, with tall neck. The embel- lishment round the body consists of three tessellated hangings and three ornamental stands painted in two shades of underglaze blue. Round neck and foot are bands of scepter heads and palmettes. Height, 10 inches. 195—Buve anv Wuire Borrie-suarep Vase | With tall neck. The body is embellished with six panels con- taining figure subjects and the “Hundred Antiques,” and round the neck, shoulder and foot are bands of scepter heads and pal- mettes, all penciled in two shades of blue. Ee | Height, 11 inches. 196—Buvur anp Wuitre Gatiror The embellishment, which is painted in deep mazarine blue, con- sists of rocks, pine tree, stork and deer, all emblems of longevity. Diameter, 8 inches. 197—Pair or Buve ann Wauire Quapritaterat Borries - Chinese porcelain. The decoration consists of the ‘‘Hundred Antiques,” lotus flower, plum tree in blossom and Buddhistic emblems penciled in two shades of underglaze blue. Height, 84% inches. 198—Pair or Biue anno Wutre Borries Chinese porcelain. Quadrilateral, with cup-shaped covers. The embellishment consists of landscape, plum tree in_ blossom, bamboo and birds, all painted in two shades of underglaze blue. Height, 101% inches. 199—Buve ann Wuire Bown anv Rose-warer BottLE _— Ch’ien-lung period. On a ground of honeycomb of mazarine blue is an ornamentation of butterflies and sprays of flowers carved in relief and in white reserve. Sprinkler: Height, 10 inches. Bowl: Diameter, 10 inches. 200—TIwo Buve ann Wuirt BEAKERS Chinese porcelain. The all-over decoration, which ‘is in two shades of blue, consists of flowers and leafy scrolls, and in a deeper blue are four large Shou characters. Have four-char- acter marks underneath the foot. Height, 15 inches. 201—Larce Buiur anp Wuire Jar and Cover Chinese porcelain. An all-over decoration of eight large flowers amid leafy scrolls are in shades of light and a dark blue. Round the shoulder is a band of scepter heads, and round neck and foot a band of gadroons. Height, 25 inches; diameter, 14 inches. 902—Larce Buus anp WHITE JAR K’ang-hsi period. Chinese porcelain. The embellishment con- sists of four large scepter heads, which contain a profuse decora- tion of peonies and leaf scrolls, and round the foot a conven- tional design, all of which are penciled in blue outline. Height, 31 inches; diameter, 18 inches. 2038—Larcr Nankin Buvur anp Wuitet PLAQuE The center is decorated with a European subject representing the Baptism of Christ by St. John the Baptist, and the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove. The outer border is richly decorated with birds, flowers, fruit and cupids in semi-European taste, and the narrow inner border of geometrical designs inter- cepted by six medallions containing landscapes, all painted in two shades of blue. This specimen is known as a “Jesuit piece.” Diameter, 1734 inches. 204—NankIn Biue and WuiTE PLaauE Ch’ien-lung period. The center is decorated with a basket of flowers and the wide outer and narrow inner borders with sprays of flowers and geometrical designs, all penciled in shades of blue. | Diameter, 15 inches. 205—Larer Porcenain PLaave ; The ornamentation consists of peony flower, leaf scrolls, rock and fret bands painted in two shades of blue. Diameter, 15 inches. 206—Buve ano Wuiret Puate K’ang-hsi period. The center is decorated with armorial bear- ings, and the borders with sprays of flowers and trellis patterns, all penciled in light blue. 207—Buve anv Waite DisH Wang-hsi period. The center is decorated with sprays of hawthorn blossom, and the border consists of eight panels, each containing asters, water lilies, roses, hawthorn and other flower- ing plants, 208—Buvr anp Wuirtt Priate with Fiurep Epcr Ch’ien-lung period. The center is decorated with a landscape and river view, and the border with conventional arabesque designs, all painted in two shades of blue. 209—Pair or Ory Nankin Buve anp Wuire Rice PLares K’ang-hsi period. Centers richly decorated with flying pheenix, chrysanthemums and leaves. On a broad white bordering band is a narrow diaper pattern in blue. 210—Pair or Biue anp Wuite PLaTeEs Yung-Ch’ien period. The centers are decorated with coats at arms enriched with mantlings and crests, and wide borders cca leafy scrolls, all painted in dark blue. ee 211—Buve anp Wuire Suavine Disu be The center is decorated with a basket of flover and the etre , dred Antiques.” The wide border of diaper pattern with white reserve panels contains floral and leafy scrolls, all of which are — penciled in two shades of blue. 212—Ninereen Buve ann Wuire Dessert Prates a Yung-Ch’ien period. The centers and outer borders are deeas ae rated with European armorial bearings surmounted by a crest __ _ and enriched with mantlings of scrolls, flowers and figures, ue the inner border consists of a diaper pattern. » 213—Ten Buur anp Wurre Soup Prares To match the preceding. DECORATED CHINESE PORCELAIN 214—Cuinesp Cup ann Saucer Sepia ground, with flowers in white reserve within leaf-shaped panels. 215—Co.LuectTion or Four Bow.us Famille rose decorations of various designs. 216—F ive Cuinese Cups, Two Saucers AND A TEAPOT The decoration consists of figure subjects and Le plants in colors of the famille rose. 217—Two Bowtus, Curs anp Saucers Chinese porcelain. Gold ground, with panels decorated in famille rose colors. 218—Curneset Mvue wirn Hanpie Center panel containing children at play and a profuse decora- tion of asters and peonies in famille rose colors, with leafy scrolls in blue. 219—Two Smatu Minx Jues Decoration of floral designs in famille rose colors. 220—Turee Jucs Chinese porcelain. Various decorations and colorings. 221—Two Teapots One, decoration of maple leaves in black with gold outline, and vine and berries in red and gold; the other, floral decoration and the “Hundred Antiques” in famille rose color. 222—Two Curnese Porcetarin TEarots One decorated with lake view and rocky landscape, in green, yellow and brown enamel; the other, with figures and floral decoration in famille rose. 223—Two Cunese Trapors Ch’ien-lung period. Decoration of flowers in natural coloring. Chrysanthemum foot and cover. 224—CutnesE QuapRILATERAL Wine Por Of the K’ang-hsi period. Decorated with sprays of flowers in colors of the famille verte. : =a | 225—CHINESE PorcELAIN SAKE Por Three reserve panels, decorated with flowers and scrolls in various colors of enamels. 226—CuHInESE TEAPOT Of cylindrical shape, richly decorated with flowers, leaves and birds in famille rose enamels. 227—Larcr TEapor Chinese porcelain. The body is fluted and decorated with sprays of flowers, while the handle and spout are of a quaint dragon design. 228—Smatu VAsE : Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Robin’s-egg blue ground cov- ered with a decoration of vines and peonies. Has two gilt handles. Height, 4 inches. 229——Circutar PEerFuME Box anp Cover Chinese porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Tur- quoise blue sharkskin surface, with landscapes in panels on a white ground. Openwork cover. Height, 1%, inches; diameter, 1% inches. 230—F LoWER-SHAPED COUPE Chinese porcelain. Three green leaves modeled in high’ relief on 4 a ground representing hawthorn blossoms in white relief. Teale wa wood stand. is Peighe, 1% inches. — 231—HexaconaL Box anp Cover Chinese porcelain of Ch’ien- -lung ‘period. Flower and scroll design in red, blue, pink and yellow on a turquoise-blue ground. Teakwood stand. Height, 1% inane is 932—CHINESE PORCELAIN STAND ta Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Decoration of cherry blossoms and tree peony on a white ground. End scrolls cov-_ ered with a hexagonal design in various colors. Teakwood stand. — Height, 14% inches; length, 4% inches. oe! 233—TurREE CHINESE PoRCELAIN VASES wITH COVERS Floral and landscape decoration in famille rose colorings. 23.4.— THREE CHINESE Porceratn VASES Within two upright panels are Chinese figure subjects, ee the - intervening spaces are covered with floral sprays and butterflies carved in the paste; one has decoration of detached flowers in various colors of enamel. 235—TIwo CuHiInEseE Wau VASES With handles and figures of boys in high relief. The bodies are fluted and decorated with flowers in famille rose colors. 236—Pair or SmMAutuL CHINESE BEAKERS The bodies are of spiral design, and decorated with leaves and flowers in famille verte colors, and the neck and foot with an artichoke leaf in rouge-de-fer. _ Height, 63, inches. 237—FamiLLE VERTE PERFUME SPRINKLER With spreading lip and base. The body of the vase is adaotied with sprays of flowers and leaf scrolls, the neck with leaves and diaper pattern in famille verte colors. 238—Two MytTHoiocicaL ANIMALS Coated with yellow, green, blue and purple glaze. 239—Bown Of the Sung Dynasty (960-1280). Fine blue glaze, with sang- de-beuf marking. Diameter, 63% inches. 240—Bown Of the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368). Coated with a fine varie- gated blue glaze. | Diameter, 714% inches. /241—Bown Of the Sung Dynasty (960-1280). Fine blue glaze. Diameter, 67, inches. 2942—Bowu Of the Sung Dynasty (960-1280). Pale celadon color, with marking in sang-de-beuf. - Diameter, 74%, inches. 243—Bow. a Of the Sung Dynasty (960-1280). Dark blue glaze with iron- rust effects. Diameter, 74/4, inches. 244—Marsie Buppua Tang Dynasty (618-907). Buddha seated cross-legged upon a conven- tionalized lotus throne. Painted in colors of red, blue and green. Elab- orate inscription on back. Height, 14 inches. 245—Parr or GINGER JARS The embellishment consists of Chi- nese parading children, painted in brilliant colors of enamels in famille rose. Have teakwood cover and stand. : 246—Pair or CHINESE Breakers Ch’ien-lung period. Decorated with a diaper pattern in red, gold and blue with reserve panels depicting Chinese domestic scene and river view in famille rose. Height, 10 inches. 947—GarniturE oF THREE Manparin Vases WITH COVERS The decoration consists of sprays of flowers, butterflies and European armorials painted in red, green, blue and yellow and — rose-pink on a white ground. 248—CuinEsE Manparin VASE In two upright panels in enamel colors are Chinese domestic scenes in brilliant colors of enamels. These panels are sur- — rounded by borders of deep blue, and the intervening spaces are covered with a diaper pattern in red. Height, 1034 inches. 249—Parr Manparin VASES Semi-eggshell. Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). In two up- right panels finely painted in enamel colors and touched with gold are domestic scenes, landscape and river views. ‘These panels are surrounded by borders of floral and scroll designs in blue, and the intervening spaces are covered with a ground delicately penciled in gold. ; Height, 10 inches. 950—Parr or Friar Ovirorm VAsEs With handles at neck. On a diaper ground of red and blue are a series of upright reserve panels depicting Chinese garden scenes and landscape in famille rose colors with gilding. Height, 111% inches. 951—GaRNITURE OF FiIvE CHINESE VASES The sharkskin ground, which is of light turquoise-blue, is deco- rated with floral and leafy scrolls in rose-pink and gilding. In two lar ge and two small panels are Chinese domestic scenes painted in brilliant colors. Height, 1114 inches. 252—Set or Four Cuinese VASES 7 Two ewers and two ovoid-shaped vases with, handles «at Rides: Within three leaf-shaped white reserve panels are “birds and flowers decorated in various colors, and the intervening spaces in mazarine-blue with gold penciling. Ormolu mountings. Height, 14 inches. 253—Pair QuADRANGULAR BEAKERS Chinese porcelain. The body and neck are decorated with four irregular-shaped panels in white reserve, containing sprays of peonies and chrysanthemums in natural colors, surrounded by leafy scrolls of green upon a yellow ground. The shoulder has a border of conventional designs in black outline upon a pale green ground. Height, 11% inches. 254—Pair or BEAKERS Chinese porcelain. Profusely ornamented with seven large lotus flowers and birds amid leafy scrolls in red, green, yellow and plum-color enamels. Round the neck and foot is a wide band of scepter heads, with gadroon in enamel colors to correspond. Height, 1414 inches. 255—Tatu Breaker Chinese porcelain. The decoration consists of the “Hundred - Antiques” and fire emblems, painted in famille rose colors. Round the neck a wide band of scepter heads and round the foot a gadroon border, painted to correspond. Height, 1634 inches. ey, | an ree VERTE JAR Decoration consisting of four rampant horses and detached — blossoms in brilliant enamel colors of plum, yellow, green and red, upon a wave ground of red, with rocks in two shades of blue. Height, 121, inches. 257—FamitLE VERTE JAR Ming Dynasty. Decoration in brilliant enamel colors of yellow, plum, red, green and black markings, of three rampant horses, symbols, rocks and detached blossoms upon a spiral red ground. Height, 12%, inches. 258—Pair or Incense Burners on Tripop Chinese porcelain. Globular shape, with two long handles curv- ing upward. Coated with a yellow glaze and decorated with lotus flowers and leafy scrolls in green enamels. Within two white panels on the neck are inscriptions in Chinese characters. Have teakwood covers and stand. Height, 12%, inches. 959—Pair oF ALTAR CANDLESTICKS To match the preceding vases (No. 258). a Height, 1334 inches. 260—Patr or Curnese VAses WITH COVERS Quadrangular shape, with dragon handles. Profusely decorated with Chinese domestic scenes, birds, and landscape, painted in various colors on a white ground and surrounded by diaper pattern in coral red and gold penciling. Cover surmounted by a kylin. Height, 221, inches. 2961—PorcetaIn FLower-por Coated with a thick sang-de-ba@uf glaze. Height, 814, inches. 262—Larcer VASE ic : Of cylindrical shape, with flaring neck and spreading lip. In- vested with a monochrome glaze of sang-de-beuf. (Repaired.) = 263—Mortvuary Urn Sung Dynasty (960-1280). Amphora-shaped, with flaring mouth and dragon’s-head handles, partly covered with a soft greenish glaze. Height, 17 inches. COLLECTION OF CHINESE DECORATED BOWLS AND PLATES 2964—TureEe CuinesE Porcetain Bowtrs Decoration of flowers, butterflies and birds painted in various colors of enamel. 265—Two Porcretatn Bowtns One, of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795), Chinese domestic scenes in brilliant enamel colors and gilding; and the other, an all-over decoration of a fox hunt in brilliant colors of enamel. 266—Turee Cuinese Porcentain Bowtns Decorated with various Chinese birds, insects and flowers in famille rose colors and bleu-de-Nankin. 267—Two Bowtus Octagonal shape. Floral sprays in gold on a reserve white ground, and intervening spaces in dark blue with leafy scrolls in gold penciling. 268—CurIneEse Bownu Elaborate floral and scroll designs painted in various colors. ' 269—CuineEszt Bown On a dark red ground within four circular panels, which are in -white reserve, are bamboo branches penciled in brilliant red. Diameter, 634 inches. ~ 270—Famitte Rost Bown Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). The outer surface is embellished with large peonies, leafy scrolls, berries and butter- flies in red, pink, green and ‘blue enamels. The inner surface profusely covered with lotus buds, leaves and scrolls in two shades of blue. Diameter, 7 inches. 271—CuinEsE Bow. The embellishment consists of a Chinese domestic scene and land- scape, painted in various colors of enamel. Diameter, 7 inches. 272—CuinEsE Bown The decoration depicts a landscape scene with Chinese figures in various colorings of famille rose. Diameter, 71/4, inches. 273—Bow. Decorated with sprays of flowers painted in famille rose colors. Diameter, 73/4 inches. 274— Bow. Ch’ien-lung. The outer surface decorated with tree peonies and scrolls, panels containing vases filled with flowers, and an elab- orate border painted in the famille rose colors. Diameter, 7/, inches. 2975—Bown Decorated with sprays of asters, peonies and other designs, in colors of the famille rose. Diameter, 73/4, inches. 276—Bow1. The outer surface is decorated with figures and landscapes painted in various colors of enamels. Diameter, 8 inches. 277—Larce Bow. Chinese porcelain. Decorated with floral and scroll designs in famille rose colors. Diameter, 9 inches. 278—Larce Bow. Ch’ien-lung. The embellishment consists of tree peonies and other flowers painted in famille rose colors. Diameter, 94, inches. 279—Larce Bow. Ch’ien-lung. The inner and outer surface decorated with sprays of tree peonies painted in rose-pink, blue, green, and cream color e and enhanced by gilding. Diameter, 1014 inches. 280—Larcr Bown _ Ch’ien-lung. The outer surface is decorated with a garden scene and Chinese ladies richly attired; the inner surface, with four gold fish, all in bright colors of enamel. Diameter, 10 inches. 281—Larcr Bown K’ang-hsi Dynasty. Richly decorated in famille rose colors with figures of Chinese ladies in palace gardens. Diameter, 111% inches. 282—Five Saucers Decorated with sprays and branches of flowers in famille rose colorings. 283—Two Trays Star and lozenge-shaped. Decorated in enamel colors of sprays of flowers and the Immortal Genii. 284—Two Puates One, sprays of cherry blossoms in rose-pink on an engraved yellow ground; and the other, with four medallions in white re- serve containing aquatic birds and plants on a turquoise ground, with conventional scrolls in black. 285—Parr or PLates The decoration consists of a small central medallion containing a landscape surrounded by a band, intercepted by three floral medallions painted in enamels of green and red enhanced by gilding. 286—Pair or PuLatTeEs Embellished with a basket filled with flowers and a border of em- blems and detached blossoms, all painted in red, green and blue enamels enhanced by gilding. 287—Two Porcenain PLaTEs Chinese. The decoration consists of “‘Presentation Scene” and “Musical Garden Party,” painted in rose-pink, yellow, blue, purple and other enamel colors. 288—Pair or PLaTEs Chinese porcelain. The decoration consists of tree peony in bloom, in enamel colors of blue, red and green and enhanced by gilding. 289—Pair oF PLATES The embellishment consists of four fan-shaped panels containing branches of bamboo and peony flower, and the intervening spaces of mazarine blue, all penciled in gold. 290—Pair or Cutnese Porcetatn Piates The centers are decorated in famille rose colors, depicting Chinese fisherman, and the border, which is painted in blue in design of conventional scepter-head and diaper pattern, contains lozenge- shaped medallions which are ornamented with aquatic birds in gilding. — ami 291—Two Curnese Porcerain PLatTeEs In the center of one is a beaker and a low-form vase filled with flowers and painted in various enamel colors upon a ground of rose-pink applied to represent Pekin enamel, with borders in pale blue; and of the other, branch of peonies in red and rose-pink enamels and gold. Borders of fruit and leaves in underglaze blue. 9992 —"Trirezr CuHineseE Porcerain PLATES Decorated with flowers and European crests in famille rose colors and gildings. 993—Four CHINESE PorceLAIn PLATES One, basket filled with flowers, and three with sprays of flowers and scepter-head and medallion borders in famille rose enamels. 294—Four CHINESE PorcELAIN PLATES In the center are sprays of chrysanthemums painted in red, yellow and blue enamels. Borders to correspond. 995—Five Puatrers The decoration of tree peony in bloom is painted in red and blue enamels, enhanced by gilding. 296—Five Cuinese Porceiain PLates Decoration of peonies, cherry blossoms, medallions, emblems and butterflies painted in famille rose enamels. 297—Srx CuInesE PorcetAIn PLATES In the center are “The Hundred Antiques,” deer and tree peonies painted in red, green, blue and yellow enamels and gold pencil- ings. Borders to correspond. 298—PorcrELAIN PLATE ON TRIPOD The ornamentation consists of tree peony and flowers in bloom in dark blue, rose-pink, red and other enamels and enhanced by gilding. Border of conventional fret designs in turquoise blue and interrupted by four scepter heads in red. 299—Larcs PuatE The center decorated with warriors on foot and on horseback, and the borders with animals, flowers and “The Hundred An- tiques,” all painted.in famille verte enamels. Diameter, 141% inches. 800—Larcrt Derr Disu Decorated with flowering plants and sprays of flowers, in enamel colors and gilding. Diameter, 151%, inches. 301—Larcrt FamiItLteE Rosr Priaave Deep shape. The inner panel and exterior border are embel- lished with large peonies, flowers and cherry tree in bloom, in rose-pink, yellow, green and blue enamels. The wide inner border, of conventional fret designs in yellow, is intercepted by four oblong panels containing floral sprays, and the edge is of a rose-pink. Diameter, 21%, inches. 302—CuInEsE PaInTED GLAss SCREEN The decoration represents the Taoist Immortals, Fu, Lu and Shou, painted in orange-red, blue and black, enhanced by gold and silver. Mounted in black teakwood. 303-—CuINEsE Painrep Giass ScREEN Ch’ien-lung Dynasty. The decoration, which is painted in bril- hant enamel colors of red, blue and white, enhanced by gold and silver, represents the star gods of Rank, Longevity and Happiness and their attendants. Mounted in teakwood. 304—CuINESE PaintiIne on Guass Ch’ien-lung Dynasty. Representing warriors entering a palace and being received by a high dignitary, painted in red, blue, green and white and enhanced by silver and gold. Mounted in a black wood. 305—CuINEsE Parintine on GLass Ch’ien-lung Dynasty. Representing a young Chinese lady and gentleman at an open window, minutely painted in rose-pink, blue, green, red and white, and enhanced by gilding. Mounted in a black wood frame. JAPANESE POTTERY AND PORCELAINS 306—Two CuHatcrepony CourPrers With shaped top and two carved handles. Height, 114, inches. 307—Moxoso1na Bow. ~ One-half in yellow and one-half in brown, with the four corners turned upward, coated with a heavy glaze. Height, 2 inches; width, 5 inches. 308—Suixco Ware Bow. Coated with a grayish color and ornamented with two medal- lions in white, and a white line around top. Height, 23%, inches; diameter, 414 inches. 309—JapANEsE Wau Bracket Fan shape. Light brown glaze with design of bamboo tree and birds in green, blue and gold. Height, 91% inches; width, 734 inches. $10—Japanese Wat Bracket Pack sack with tea casket on top, bamboo rod on each side, and the front ornamented with crests and fret design in dark blue on a green ground. Height, 714 inches; width, 5 inches. $11—JapanrseE Watt Bracket The ornamentation consists of split bamboo, with grapevine in bearing in high relief in enamels of red, green and blue, and a squirrel in light brown. Height, 8 inches; width, 414 inches. $12—JapPaNEsSE PLATE Light brown center, with chrysanthemums in yellow and blue; border of geometrical designs in various colors; underneath, covered with a greenish glaze and black wave lines. Diameter, 77% inches. 313—Banko DisH Representing a basket and piece of fabric. The decoration con- sists of crests, howo bird and detached blossom in blue, green, yellow and brown. 734, inches square. 314—JapanesE Disy | Decoration of peonies, crests and poem in two shades of brown on a grayish-brown crackled ground. . Length, 10 inches; width, 7% inches. 315—JapanesE TEAPOT | The ornamentation consists of chrysanthemums in relief and leafy scrolls outlined with gilding and filled in with enamels of red and blue. Metal spout and bamboo handle; cover in design of a chrysanthemum. 316—TIwo Bowtus e Imari. One, with four baskets filled with flowers, in red, green and blue enamels and rimmed with a blue border; the other, — with bamboo tree and peony flower painted in red and blue on a white ground. 317—Imart Bowu With flanged lip. Decorated with floral sprays in rouge-de-fer and gilding. $18—Imart Bowr Richly decorated with floral sprays and scrolls in rouge-de-fer __ and blue, enhanced by gilding. 319—Imart Bown anp Cover The embellishment consists of peonies, chrysanthemums and lotus in enamels of red, green and blue with gildings, upon eight alter- nating panels of blue and white. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 8 inches. 820—Imart Bown The decoration consists of flowering plants, rocks, emblems and scepter-head borders painted in red and blue enamels and gilding. Diameter, 1014, inches. 321—Imarit PLATE The embellishment consists of a screen of scroll form, flowers and stork painted in blue, red and -green enamels and gilding. 822—Four Imart PLATES The decoration of three consists of vases filled with flowers and medallion borders, in red and blue enamels and gold; and the fourth with pomegranates and flowers in red, green and blue enamels and gilding. 3$23—Oxp Imarrt SauceR-SHAPED PLATE Blue and white alternate reserves in which are floral decorations in red and gold. 324—Five Imart PLATES Richly decorated with flowers and other designs. Borders to correspond, 325—Five Inari Puates The embellishments consist of ‘The Hundred Antiques” and flowering plants painted in red, blue and green enamels. —$26—F rive Imarr Puates Various decorations painted in red, blue and green enamels. EUROPEAN CERAMICS 327—Two Sarr Crerrars Dammouse porcelain. One, covered with a bluish-green vitre- ous glazing on which is a design of leaves and flowers; and the other, partially covered in iridescent coloring. : Diameter, 2 inches. 328—Covure on Four Ferrer Dammouse porcelain. Interior covered with a fine purple and gray glaze; the exterior with a grayish ground and with scroll design in various colors. Diameter, 41% inches. 329—Pair oF CuHitpREeN’s Heaps: French. ‘Terracotta, one laughing and the other crying. On wood pedestals. Height, 131% inches. 830—Otp Frencu Wuire Biscurr Ciock Figure of a child in rustic dress feeding pigeons from a hat. ° The elliptical base of the clock is mounted with a band of ormolu. Eighteenth century. 331—O.p Frencu Wuire Biscurr Crock Louis XVI period. ‘Two nude children standing and reclining upon rocks. The rectangular base has one oblong and two circular miniatures of blue and white Wedgwood, which have been applied. 332—CHIMNEY-PIECE GARNITURE Consisting of a clock and two candlesticks. The clock, which is surmounted by a vase, rests on a column base of white marble. Has ormolu mountings. Movement by Cronier a Paris. Candle- sticks to correspond. 333—Patr or Covered Bow ts French. The bowls and cover, which are of alabaster, are sup- ported by a dark green bronze figure of a boy who rests on a plinth in imitation of lapis-lazuli and marble. Late eighteenth century. Ormolu mountings. Height, 20 inches. 334—Oxup DrespEN STATUETTE Standing figure of a poet, and an eagle, in white biscuit, hich is glazed and enhanced by gilding. The square base is decorated with four coats of arms in various colors and penciled in gold. Height, 19 ‘inches. 335—Four Oup Drespen EcciuesiAstTicaL Figures “The Four Apostles.” They are of white biscuit undecorated and coated with a glaze, enhanced by gilding. The four sides of the square base are decorated with a coat of arms, painted in various colors and gilding. Height, 19 inches. 336—Pair oF WepGwoop JARDINIERES Blue jasper, with relief decorations in white of classical female figures, representing Music, Painting and the Dramatic ead Mark: Wedgwood. Eighteenth century. Diameter, 5 inches. 337—Pair or Wepewoop Ewers on Bases Blue jasper with relief decoration in white. Subjects: Music, Arts, Science and Drama. The ornamentation on the bases are of the “Four Seasons.” Mark: Wedgwood. Eighteenth century. Extreme height, 171 inches. 3838—Pair or Urn-sHarpepD WerpGwoop VasEs AND COVERS On a very delicate mauve-colored ground are decorations in white relief of classical Greek figures. ‘The covers are orna- mented with conventional leaves radiating outward from the knob. Mark: Wedgwood. (Illustrated) Height, 9 inches. 339—Pair oF WepdGwoop Jars AND Covers Decorated in white on a soft green ground. Around the body of the jars are Egyptian and the zodiac signs and figures, while the covers are formed of the heads and shoulders of sphinxes. Exceptionally rare. Mark: Wedgwood, and workman’s mark. (Illustrated) Height, 10 inches. ag MEM Py > eh Sand Oke D wy 7 = < 340—Parr or Ory Wepewoop CaNnDLESTICKs Jasper ware, in blue and white, representing two marine mon- sters with human bodies and dolphins’ tails, upholding shells as the receptacles for the candles. Thrown over the shoulder of one is a net, and over the other is the skin of a sea serpent. Mark: Wedgwood. a Height, 11% inches. . { * 341—Parr or Wepewoop ORNAMENTS Rectangular shape. Dark blue ground with relief ornamentation of white. Within four panels are mythological figure subjects and bordered at either side by lily stalks. The top and lower border of acanthus leaves. Mark: Wedgwood, Height, 7 inches. 342—Very Larce Wepcwoop Frowrer Hover Flower-pot shape, with openwork cover. In blue and white jasper, with relief ornamentation of a Greek mythological sub- ject. The wide upper borders of floral and leaf scrolls and the lower border grapevine in bearing. Underneath the foot impressed mark: Wedgwocd. ITeight, 15% inches. (Illustrated) $3438—Patr or Oty Wepcwoop PLAQvuEs Oblong. Black ground with corn-color border, which is divided — by a relief floral motive in white. The* ornamentation, which is also in white and in high relief, consists of children personating “The Hunt” and “Music.” Mark: Wedgwood. Height, 6 inches; length, 18 inches. BEER ERED ER CAR EW CED CEOS ER ORV ER AER ED CORY TRE DS. 344—OLD Werpbewoop “Praqur Extremely rare. Mauve ground with very bold relief subjects in white, representing Mars and Venus. To the right a half- reclining figure and under a tree a dancing satyr and nymph. Framed. Mark: Wedgwood. : Height, 5%, inches; length, 141% inches, 345—Parm or OLtp Wepewoop Ovat Mepariions Jasper blue, with female figures in bold relief in white, one rep- resenting Summer, and the other the winged Goddess of Love. Mark: Wedgwood. Mounted in a black wood frame. Height, 6 inches; width, 41% inches. $46—Pair or Ovat Wenewoon PraaueEs On a blue jasper ground, and in white relief, is a representa- tion of classical female figures. Mark: Wedgwood. Have carved and gilt frames. Height, 7% inches; width, 514 inches. 347—OLp Wepewoon Ostone PLAQuE On a blue jasper ground is an ornamentation in white relief— a scene from the Greek classics of time. Mounted in a carved wood and gilt frame. 348—Oxi.p Werpcwoop Ontone PLAQUE On a blue jasper ground and in white relief is a representation of a scene from the Greek classics. Mounted in a carved wood and gilt frame. Height, 6%, inches; length, 2114 inches. 349—Wepewoop Osntone PLAQUE On a blue ground is an ornamentation which is in white and in high relief and illustrates the Birth of Cupid, after Flaxman. Framed. Height, 51%, inches; length, 121% inches. SCULPTURES 350—Wuite Statuary Marsie Bust Child laughing, mounted on a white marble plinth. Height, 18 inches. 351—STATUETTE White statuary marble. Nude boy seated with legs crossed and reading. Height, 17% inches. 352—STATUETTE . White statuary marble. Little boy asleep on a tree trunk. Height, 201%, inches. 353—STATUETTE White statuary marble. Two cupids in dispute. Height, 1634 inches. 354—VasE WITH FIGURE White statuary marble. The vase, which rests on a square base, is filled with fruit and a child arises from the center. Height, 28 inches. 355—Pair oF Busts White statuary marble. George IV when Prince Regent, and his Consort. Signed: Turnerelli, and dated: Pinxt. 1810-1817. Mounted on white and gold painted pedestals with swags of acanthus leaves of the same period. _356—Pam or Sratvuerres White statuary marble. Figures of a young boy with doves and girl with dog. Height, 31 inches. 357—STATUETTE White statuary marble. Nude boy fondling and protecting a dove from a puppy dog. Signed: Farrell, 1859. Height, 291 inches. 358—Srarvurrre White statuary marble. A young child with cat on her shoulder. (Illustrated). Height, 26 inches. 359—STATUETTE White statuary marble. Entitled, “Go to Sleep.” Signed: J. Durham, A.R.A., and dated 1872. Height, 3314 inches. (Illustrated) Ce 360—SraTvuETTE White statuary marble. The Bather. Signed: F. Bienaimé. (Illustrated) Height, 40%, inches. 361—STATUETTE White statuary marble. Young woman with dove. Signed: F. Bienaimé. Height, 39 inches. 3862—Puaster Cast “Madonna and Child.” Height, 261, inches; width, 20 inches. 863—Puaster Cast - After Della Robbia: “Tambourine Players.” Group of seven children, modeled in high relief. Height, 3914, inches; width, 371 inches. - 864—Praster Cast After Della Robbia: Group of six dancing children modeled in high relief. _ Height, 39 inches; width, 3734, inches. TILES, PLATES AND PLAQUES +4 EN RR AEC RE Re ate 3865—Panewt or Eicur AntieuE Persian Mosavut Ties Floral and spray design in blue and green on light greenish ground. Height, 18 inches; width, 36 inches. $66—NECKLACE OF BYZANTINE STONE BEApDs Carved in different forms and in various colors. 367—Smauut Persian PERFUME SPRINKLER Blue and white decoration. From the Charles A. Dana collection, Catalogue No. 444. Height, 44%, inches. 368—Oxp Prrstan BotrriE with ENGRAVED Sitver Top White translucent porcelain, with decoration of red and green flowers in panels, surrounded by a reticulated design. Height, 67% inches. 3869—TurereE SPANisH PLATEs Various shapes and colored decoration. 370—Four Spanish PLATEs Blue and white floral and figure decoration. Diameter, 5 inches. 371—Fovur Spaniso Puates Decoration in various shades of blues. 3872—AntTiquE Masouica PLATE In the center is a head of a warrior with helmet painted in blue, orange and yellow. The border of egg and dart design in dark blue and red. (Repaired. ) Diameter, 1034 inches. 873—Two EneuisH Paintep PLaauEs One, reproduction of a Rhodian plate, bird and flowers, on a dark blue ground; and the other, of floral design, and leaves in colors on a buff ground. Diameter, 131 inches. 374—Two EncusH Paintep PLAaQuEs One, reproduction from a Rhodian plate; and the other, mask . and fruit design. Diameter, 151% inches. 375—Two EneuisH Painrep PLAQuEs Subjects: “Chrysanthemums” and “Cherry Blossoms.” Diameter, 151%, inches. 376—TWENTY-NINE CHINESE TILES Various subjects of birds, fruit and flowers in natural colors. Height, 634, inches; width, 414 inches. 3877—Two Encusu Titers Subjects: “Winter” and “Summer,” painted in blue. Framed in ebony wood. 12 inches by 6 inches. 378—Two Encuisu TILes “Winter” and “Summer,” painted in brown tones. 12 inches by 6 inches. 379—Two EncusH TILEs “Winter” and “Summer,” painted in two shades of blue. 880—Two EncusuH Ties “Winter” and “Summer,” painted in brownish tones. 381—Eneusu Picture TILE . “Landscape” after Weissenbruch, painted in natural colors. Framed in ebony wood. Height, 834, inches; width, 141, inches. _ 882—Turee Upricutr Picture Ties “Flora,” “Knowledge” and “Pomona.” In ebony wood frames. ; 18 inches by 6 inches. 383—Turee EnctisH Painted TILEs “Flora,” “Helen” and “Pomona.” In ebony wood frames. 1754 inches by 6 inches. '384—Parr Encuisu Paintep TILes “Mars” and “Amor.” Framed in ebony wood. / 16 inches by 8 inches. 3885—Two EneusH Patntep TILEs “Ganymede” and “Beauty.” In ebony wood frames. 1754 inches by 5% inches. 386—Turee Encuisny Parntep Ties “Ganymede,” “Beauty” and “Hebe.” In ebony wood frames. 20 inches by 8 inches. 387—TureE EncuisH Paintep TILes “Fortune,” “Love” and “Fame.” Framed in ebony wood. 16 inches by 8 inches. 388—Four Eneisu Patnrep Ties “Market Girl,’ ‘“Barmaid,” ‘Milkmaid’ and “Goose Girl.” Framed in ebony wood. 20 inches by 8 inches. 389—Turee Encusu Partep Tites “Morning,” “Noon” and “Night.” In ebony wood frames. 8 inches by 24 inches. 390—EwnecuisH Paintep Tite “Pomona.” In ebony wood frame. Height, 1714. inches; width, 71/, inches. 391—EnecusH Patntep Tite “Sir Walter Raleigh.” In ebony wood frame. ; Height, 18 inches; width, 8 inches. 392—Two Encuiso Painted TILEs “Harvest Girl’ and “Milkmaid.” In ebony wood frames. Height, 20 inches; width, 81% inches. 393—Two Enc.iisH PAINTED Picrure Tires “Fame” and “Death.” Framed in ebony wood. wer. Height, 16 inches; width, 9 inches. 394—Two EncusH Patmntep Picture TILes “Chaucer” and “Dante.” Framed in ebony wood. : Height, 18 inches; width, 7 inches. 3895—Two EncusH Parintep Picture Ties x “Lady with Fan” and “Man Taking Snuff.” In ebony wood frame. | Se ee Height, 20 inches; width, 842 inches. 396—EncusH Paintep Picture Tite “Enid.” Framed in ebony wood. Height, 2414 inches; width, 9 inches. $97—EnceusuH Patntep Picrure Tite “Guinevere,” with floral and fruit border. Height, 39 inches; width, 19 inches. . THIRD AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 O’cLOCK 398—Porrrorio Greenish-brown leather, lined with green moire silk. ey 399—AntTiauE Sitver Repousst Tankard With hinged cover, design of stag pursued by horsemen and dogs. = Height, 6 inches. — 400—Turee Strver Kyives anv Forks I; Of various shapes and designs. Made by Cardillac of Paris. In leather case. 401—Six Knives anp Forxs With ivory handles and gold ferule. Made by Cardillac of Paris. In leather case. 402—Larcr Guass Servine Tray With handles. Silver frame and gallery. Length, 22 inches; width, 13% inches. 403—Tirrany Guass INKWELL With a bronze casing of floral design in openwork. Height, 4 inches; width, 6 inches. 404—Bronze OrNAMENT Head of bear cub, by A. Phimster Proctor. Mounted on a marble base. j Height, 4 inches. 405—BronzeE ORNAMENT Fawn. Signed A. P. Proctor, and dated 1893. Mounted on a walnut base. Height, 634 inches. 406—BronzeE OrNAMENT Dog with bone. Signed by A. Phimster Proctor and dated 91. Mounted on a walnut base. Height, 8%, inches. 407—Min1atTure Eavestrian Bronze FIcurRE French. Knight in armor, seated on a charger. Mounted ona — : pedestal in brass and tortoise-shell. Eighteenth century. 408—HammMeErepD Brass Cuurcu PLAQuE German. The central boss, which is of cloisonné enamel, is sur-_ rounded by raised gadroons and twelve medallions in enamel of Secs various colors. Seventeenth century. Diameter, 1514 inches. 409—HammMEReED Brass CuourcH PLaQuE German. The center, which is of a raised star pattern and con- tains a medallion of cloisonné enamel, is surrounded by a border of arabesque designs and twelve medallions filled in with various colors of enamels. Seventeenth century. — Diameter, 1514 inches. 410—Hammerep Brass Cuurcn PraauE German. The center medallion represents a Biblical subject, “The Two Spies Returning Carrying a Bunch of Grapes,” and the surrounding border of arabesque design. Seventeenth cen- tury. Diameter, 1534 inches. 411—Hammerep Brass Cuurcn Praaue German. The raised center medallions represent ‘Caleb and Joshua” carrying a bunch of grapes, and surrounded by a border | of grapevine in bearing. The outer borders of two rows of egg darts. Seventeenth century. Diameter, 161%, inches. 412—HammMerep Brass CourcH PLaque German. In center medallion “St. George and the Dragon,” sur- rounded by bands of Gothic lettering, arabesques, scrolls and gadroons. The outer border of floral and detached blossoms, engraved and hammered. Seventeenth century. Diameter, 20 nee 413—HammMerep Brass Tray With two tiers. Repoussé design of gadroons and etched borders. : The work of William Morris, the friend of Daniel Cottier. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. 414—JapaneEse Brass Vase On lotus stand. Treasure-bag shape, with cords and _ tassel. Body is covered with an engraved leaf scroll and ornamented with two Tycoons’ crests, which are in relief and applied. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 13 inches. (Illustrated) ciate ae sae i Mi te 415—Parr Japanese Bronze TEMPLE VASES With dragon handles. The vases are of Gorosa bronze and the ornamentation consists of male and female figures inlaid with gold, silver shibuichi and shakudo. ‘The upper and lower sec- tions are of bronze inlaid with various metals. Height, 201%, inches. 416—CHINESE Gone Hammered bronze, on stand, of water and wave crest design. Height, 19 inches. (Illustrated) 417—Parr or Bronze Braziers on Tripop Empire period. The bowl, which is of bronze and coated with a dark brown patina, is supported on three tall legs, which are ornamented with lions’ heads, leaf panels and paw feet in ormolu. Has band of ormolu openwork round neck. Height, 29 inches. 418—Ciock Carved mahogany case and base; finely modeled columns and moldings. Dial of metal with chiseled stars. The hands are ornamented with a sun and moon. Movement by Tiffany & Co. 419—Bovrt Urricut Wari Crock Louis XIV. Wood case, with brass arabesques inlaid with shell. The gilt mountings, which are in high relief, include a female winged figure as finial; Art, Science, and Agriculture as a plaque front piece; masks, female busts, and feet of winged dragons terminating in rocailles. Chiseled gilt brass dial, with enameled hour medallions. Height, 31 inches; width, 21 inches. 420—Parr or Sipe Brackets Brass with crystal ornaments, each fitted for five electric lights and two gas-burners. 421—Parr or Sipe Brackets To match the preceding. 422—-AnTIQUE JEWISH Brass Lamp For seven lights, fitted for electricity. 423—AntTIQUE JEwIsH Brass Lamp For seven lights and fitted for electricity. 424—Brass CHANDELIER With onyx ornaments. For twelve lights and fitted for elec- tricity. Height, 6 feet 6 inches. 425—Gritt or Wrovucut Iron Oval shape, with floral and leaf scrolls. Height, 22% inches ; width, 28 inches. 426—Grate Basket == - Length, 36 inches; depth, 15 inches; height, 11 inches. 427—Parr Brass AnpDIRONS Female figure at base, surmounted by balls and spiked top. Height, 30 inches. 428—Parr tenons Cast-iron. Figure of man. Height, 311% inches. 429—AntiauE Oak CarvING Design of cherubs’ heads. Height, 4 inches; width, 8 inches. 430—Five Panes Carved oak. Of various patterns. > Height, 654 inches; width, 15 inches. 431—Two Pars or Panets Carved oak. Designs of vases with fruit tree in bearing. were. 1 Height, 11% and 14 inches; width, 81, and 9 inches. 432—Five Carvep PAanets Antique oak. Various designs. 433—Four AntiauE Woop Panets Moorish, carved and inlaid with ivory. 574%, and 43%, inches by 914 and 914 inches. 434—Turee AntTIQUE Woop PANELS Moorish. Carved and inlaid with ivory of various designs. 234, and 231% inches by 6% and 103% inches. 435—Carvep Manocany Pane Swag of fruit and flowers, surmounted by a flying bird. Height, 331% inches; width, 12 inches. 436—Carvep Watnut PaNneL Cupid head in center surrounded by birds, dragons, and swag of fruit. : Width, 36 inches; height, 14 inches. 437—Two Antique PaneELs Moorish. Carved wood of various designs and tinted red. Height, 43%, and 481 inches; width, 221, and 291% inches. 438—AnTIQUE PANEL Moorish. Carved wood of various designs and inlaid with ivory. — Height, 354, inches; width, 241 inches. — 439—Two ANTIQUE PANELS Moorish. Carved wood and inlaid with ivory of various designs. | 440—AntievE Door Moorish. Carved in various designs. Height, 451, ea width, 29 ees THE FOLLOWING ARE THE MANUFACTURE OF COTTIER AND COMPANY, ALL BEING HAND-MADE FROM SPECIAL DESIGNS. 441—Traxwoop STanp Partly carved. . | Height, 131, inches. 442—Mrrror Black Dutch frame. Beveled glass. 20 by 2242 inches. 443—FoorTstroou Oak. Crown shape; covered with needlework trimmed with brass nails. 444—FooTstoon Crown shape; gilded; upholstered and covered with red and gold silk velours. 44.5—STAND Ebonized wood. 446—Oxnitone Box wrrn Rounpep Tor Covered with black and tinsel brocade. The outline of the box is gilt. Lined with cedarwood. Length, 12 inches; width, 7 inches; height, 61%, inches. 44°7—Mirror Black Dutch frame. Beveled glass. 20 by 221% inches. 448—Enonwzep Taste Carved border around top; finely turned legs. Has shelf under- neath. 449—Mirror Gilt frame of Spanish design. Height, 19 inches; width, 17 inches. 450—SmatL TABLE Green maple. Clover leaf design. Top and legs inlaid with Comino wood. 451—Ancona Watnutr Taste with Drawers Carved and molded body supported by two carved trusses. Height, 3314 inches; length, 25 inches. 452—Epronizep Carp Piers Folding top covered with green cloth; turned legs; shelf under- neath. 453—CHAIR Cane seat, ebonized and decorated. - 454—CnHair Oak. Seat and, back covered with tapestry. 455—ARMCHAIR Oak. Seat and back covered in brown calfskin; brass nails. 456—Manocany ARMCHAIR Upholstered seat and back covered with brown kangaroo skin. 457—Manocany CHair Seat and back covered with figured silk armure. 458—Manocany CHair - Carved arms and legs; three-cornered seat; upholstered and cov- ered with pigskin. 459—GreeN Marre Taser Clover leaf design, with border of Comino wood. 460—Oax TasBLe Drop sides and drawer; supported on eight twisted legs. 461—Manocany TABLE Known as “Gate Leg” table. Has drop sides and one drawer. 462—EncusH Oak Tasie Clover leaf design. Top and ees inlaid with Comino wood. 463—‘Tus” CHair ‘ a Covered with Persian design tapestry and trimmed with fringes a fluted Comino legs. ' 464—Recertion CHair = Ancona walnut. Stield-chaped back. Front legs handsomely carved, covered with blue and gold silk damask. 465—Tus-sHAPED CHAIR Upholstered in green figured silk aa 466—Tvus-sHAPED CHAIR Similar to the preceding. 467—Cuair Upholstered and covered with rose damask of Gothic design; trimmed with all-silk fringe, galloon and pompons. 468—Liprary CHAIR English oak. The back and legs carved with a leaf and scroll pattern, the seat covered with hand-tooled illuminated leather. 469 Minsor Black Dutch frame; beveled glass. 20 by 221, inches. AVO—Two PEpDESTALS Square tops and bases, covered with yellow velvet. Height, 39 inches. 471—GREEN Marre Tasie Square top, inlaid with ebony, and has a finely molded edge. 47 2—GRrEEN Marie Tasie Clover leaf design; top and legs inlaid with Comino wood. 4738—Watnut TaBLe witH One Drawer Gothic design. Beautifully turned legs and spindles, all joined together by stretchers. 4'74—W aLNuT TaBLe witH One Drawer _ Gothic design, with finely modeled legs and stretchers. —475—Watnur TasLe wirh Drawer Similar to the preceding. 476—Circassian Watnvut Taste With carved border and five carved legs; shelf underneath. | 4°7'7—Mrrror Shaped mahogany frame, with painted panel of five Cupid heads at top, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Height, 44 inches; width, 141% inches. 478—Two Sroots or WaLnuT With carved legs and claw feet, covered with green and gold ~-“Cellini” velvet. Queen Anne period. 479—Manocany Piano Bencu With carved legs and sides. 480—Seat or Manocany Carved ends, covered with brocade. 481—Dersk or Comino Woop With shelf and gold-plaited gallery on top supported by four carved columns. Has drawer. 482—Comino Woop ARMCHAIR : Panel in back; legs fluted and carved; seat ‘covered with red and gold St. George damask. 483—Ficurine Casre or Gotpen Exsony On low pedestal. Elaborately inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Glass sides and front; golden ebony back. Height, 16 inches; width, 6 inches; length, 14 inches. — 484—JARDINIERE TABLE White enamel, with gold decoration. Georgian period. © 485—Mirror Black Dutch frame, yellow beveled glass. : 20 by 221%, inches. 486—Two PEDESTALS Square tops.and bases, covered with red velvet. Height, 39 inches. 487—TaBLeE Walnut, gate leg, drop sides, drawer. 488—Desk wirn THREE COMPARTMENTS Containing eight drawers and one cupboard, the doors of which are of fine figured mahogany. Height, 31 inches; length, 33 inches; width, 25 inches. 489—Oax Dintne CuHarr Legs and back, which is divided into two parts, covered with green damask. (Illustrated) 490—Oax CuHarr French. Seat and back covered with embossed leather, trimmed with brass nails and ornaments. 491—CuHatr Named after “Sir Walter Scott.” Upholstered with green morocco leather and trimmed with brass nails. 492—Rerapine CuHarr Mahogany rail around back, covered in green figured silk damask. 493—ReEavING CHAIR Similar to the preceding. 4 ste 00¢ ee S s » "I . “fC GE 494—Nest CHAIR Upholstered in green ae silk damask. 495—RecEPTIon CHAIR Loose cushion, seat and back covered with red silk velvet, trimmed with brass nails and galloon. Walnut legs and stretchers. 496—SavonaroLa CHAIR Italian. Carved walnut stretchers. Entirely covered with blue silk velvet; trimmed with Bich yellow and blue silk border and fringe. 497—Oax ARMCHAIR Finely carved legs, arms and top, covered with green damask. 498—Oak CHAIR Back and legs carved, with claw feet. Back and seat covered with green damask. 499—Cnair Known as “Maxwell.” Covered with blue striped silk velvet. and trimmed with gimp and fringe. 500—Earsipe CHarr or Comino Woop With legs partly carved and gilded; covered with red-brown Utrecht velvet. (Illustrated) 501—Ocracon-sHareD Mirror Ebonized carved frame with an inlay decoration. Height, 46 inches; width, 251% inches. 502—Two Consort TaAasues witH CLAw FEET Of finely figured English walnut. Queen Anne period. 503—Oax Writine Tasre Has five drawers and an open compartment supported on turned legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 491, inches; width, 23 inches. 504—Rocxkine CHarr Hand-carved gilded woodwork; seat and back covered with fine red and gold silk velours. (Illustrated) 505—Rerapine CHarr Mahogany, with divisions in back, covered with brown morocco leather ; finished with brass nails. 506—Reapine Cuarr Mahogany rail around back; carved and fluted legs; covered with green figured silk damask. 507—ARMCHAIR French design. Entirely upholstered and covered with fine red velvet. Trimmed with brass nails and silk cut fringe. 508—Earsipe CHAIR With carved legs; covered with fine red figured silk velvet ; loose cushion. (Illustrated) 509—Sora or JAcoBEAN DEsIGN With beautifully carved legs and stretchers and twisted arm supports; upholstered and covered with fine red and brown chenille tapestry of a Gothic design; two loose cushions. Height, 33 inches; length, 60 inches; width, 30 inches. (Illustrated) 510—Two Cuairrs To match preceding. 511—Wine Cuair Upholstered in figured light amber damask and trimmed with antique purple and yellow border and fringe; loose cushion. (Illustrated) 512—Turee CuHairs Queen Anne. Seat and back covered with green damask; walnut legs. (Illustrated) 513—Oax Sipe Tasie witH Base Top supported by two fine turned and carved columns. Carved drawers, which are finished with brass handles. Height, 38 inches; length, 61 inches; width, 21 inches. 514—-Manocany ScREEN Finely carved frame. Tapestry panel inlaid with green silk damask. Basket pattern. Height, 58 inches; width, 41 inches. 515—Manocany BepstTeap Half canopy, head and foot paneled and trimmed with fine moldings. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. 119 rat 809 : ‘ s + = * * : : id $ % 4 * * = ¢ B % © . é * > % 3 %. x * e »* og % ; % : : ; ‘ % ¢ ¥ 4 © J ¥ % * $ : * % ¢ : « a 4 ¥ > ; * % E 516—Warprospe or Ancona WALNUT Consisting of numerous sliding trays and drawers and lined with cedar. It is inclosed by four doors with beautiful antique Moorish panels inlaid with ivory. The top and base finely carved. Height, 6 feet 5 inches; length, 8 feet 3 inches; depth, 2 feet 3 inches. 517—CiotHes Hancer Antique Dutch oak, with elaborately carved scroll border and shelf supported by three carved brackets, the center one a figure playing a flute. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; height, 1 foot 5 inches. 518—Doorway Italian Renaissance design, the ornamentation skilfully molded in high relief. Gilded and decorated in various colors. Outside measurements: Height, 98 inches; width, 70 inches. Opening measurements: Height, 851 inches; width, 43 inches. (Illustrated) sO Faro he) =! i Leper VANS Wey. se ta *»; é <3 4 me fe < = ie b = he a me = = ~< me Sab ‘ hTERT ig CET Rit a Say 518 519—Turre-seat OrroMan ee Scroll shape; black ebonized legs ; Satan in green reine io: silk damask. 520—TuHREE-sEAT OTTOMAN “i Scroll shape; back supported by ebonized fretwork panels; ae a holstered in green figured silk damask. : ANTIQUE FURNITURE | 521—AnTI@uE SPANISH FRAME Carved wood with bold leafy scroll, gilded and tinted. ean: . 16Y, by 19% inches. 522— Mirror | = Antique Italian tortoise-shell frame; beveled aa 1334, by 111% inches. 523—Oxup Oak JAcoBEAN REFECTORY STOOL : . With turned legs. 524—Ortp Oax JacopEAn ReEFectTory STOOL Turned legs and carved frieze on front side. 525—Oup JAcoBEAN Bisie Box Carved oak. » 526—Mirror Antique Italian tortoise-shell frame; beveled glass. ~ 10%, by 12% inches. 527—Carvep RENAISSANCE STATUETTE Of a youth in armor. Probably German. Decorated in gilt and colors. 528—Parr Ory ApAams Carvep Woop Gitt BRACKETS The supports of the brackets represent hearthstone ferns. — 529—Oxrp Carvep Manocany Corner CnHarr Chippendale. Seat upholstered in old red damask. 5380—Carvep Manocany CHair Chippendale. Legs and stretchers, partly gilded, upholstered — with modern figured green damask. 531—Oxup Earty Jacopean Oak Warnscot CHarr With plain molded paneled back. 532—Oxtp Manocany Corner ARMCHAIR Chippendale. The back with perforated fan-shaped splats. Has straight legs and crossed stretcher. 583—Oxtp JAcoBEAN OccasIONAL TABLE On turned legs. 5384—Smatu Oax TEA-TABLE Jacobean. 535—Smaui QUEEN ANNE SIDE TaBLe With cabriole legs and drawer in center. The under portion of the table is in walnut while the top of the table is in oak. 5386—Oxip Oak JacoBEAN GATE-LEGGED TABLE With turned legs. 587—Ortp Oak JacoseAn OccasionaL TABLE Square-shaped, with turned legs. 588—Smatt Oxrp Oak JACOBEAN GATE-LEGGED TABLE Flaps and turned legs. 5389—Lone Watutnut Bencu Queen Anne. Carved cabriole legs in front, and straight legs in back, with molded scroll-shaped stretchers. 540—Pair or Oxrp Watnut ARMcHAIRS Italian Renaissance. Backs and stretchers richly carved. 541—Pair or Orp Watnutr ArRMCHAIRS Italian Renaissance. Similar to the preceding. 542—Oxup Oak Cromweriian Warnscor ARMCHAIR Panels in the back carved in a conventional foliated design. 543—Oxp CHair Curved shaped top and panels carved in a trailing leaf pattern. 544—Smatt Oak JAcosean OccastonaL CHAIR Turned legs and stretcher and railed back. 545—SMALL JACOBEAN Oak CHEST With carved panels. 546—Smatt JacoBEAN Oak CHEST Fluted frieze. The front is divided into three panels which | are richly carved and scalloped. ky A Sepeawiay eee — 54%—Smatt Orp Oax Carven JACOBEAN CHEST Fluted frieze. The front is divided into two panels, ornamented with carved molding. 548—Oxup Oak g ACOBPAN Guess with rosettes on either side. The frieze is of fluted design. 3 a 549—Oup JACOBEAN Carvep Oak CHEST | ? Fe a The front formed of three panels in which are carved geometrical designs, and above these 1 is a fluted frieze. } 550 0nD Oak Carved CENTER TABLE Turned legs. Jacobean period. 551—Oxp Encuisu Carvep Manocany Servine Taste es oe Georgian period. The legs are formed as molded trusses and the = frieze carved in a scroll design. 552—Oup Manocany HepriewnHite Fire ScREEN With extending wings. The legs are formed as tripods with — ormolu mounts. 553—SmatL Otp EncusH Watnut PeprstaL Drerssinc CHEST Queen Anne period. With center drawer, and on either side of the pedestal are three drawers. In the knee-hole is a cupboard and a secret drawer. P . 554—Oxtp Oak JacoBEAN OccaAsionaL TABLE With turned legs and stretcher. Has drawer with old brass drop handles and decorated bosses. 555—Oup JacoBEAnN OccaAsIONAL TABLE Similar to the preceding. 556—Tureerotp LeEatHeR SCREEN Old Spanish. Painted scrolls and flowers in polychrome ‘colors. Seventeenth century. 557—Oup James I Lone Oax Cuestr Curiously carved front in scroll pattern with grapes and pome- granates. Has two drawers. 558—THREEFOLD SCREEN Antique embossed leather, in design of vases of flowers and scrolls in red and gold on a green ground. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; extends 5 feet 10 inches. 559—Otp Oak Jacopean OccasionaL TasLe with Drawer Supported on turned legs and middle stretcher. 560—OLp JacoBEAn OccasionaL TABLE With turned legs and front stretcher. Fitted with drawer. Has brass drop handle, and rosette. 561—Oup EncuiisH CHIPPENDALE Manocany ARMCHAIR Upholstered seat and back. The arms, legs and stretchers carved in Chinese fret design. 562—Oxp Oax JAcoBEAN HiGH-BACKED RAILED ARMCHAIR — With turned legs and wooden seat. 563--Fourrorn SCREEN OF nanene LEATHER Brown scroll pattern on a greenish ground. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; olen 5 fects ro , ; 564—Oxtp Watnvut OccasionaL TABLE witH DRAWER Queen Anne period. Supported upon twisted legs of unusual design, which are pontested at the base with a pgtten Pate stretcher. . 565—Oak GaTrE-LEccED TABLE Jacobean. Flaps on turned legs. 566—Pair TErrestriaAL AND CrEeLesTIAL REvoLtvine GLOBES English. On turned tripod stands. Early nineteenth century. FIREPLACES AND OVERMANTELS 567—Box Contarnine THree EncuisH Panrts ror FIREPLACE Subject: Birds, fruit and flower, printed in various colors. Outside size: Height, 30 inches; width, 42 inches. 568—FIrREPLACE _ Lined with tile of animal design, nickeled. — 569—FirEepPLace With facings of tiles, figures on each side, and fruit across top, nickeled. 570—F ir EPLACE With facings of tiles; brass trimmings. © 571—FIrREPLACE : Black, with blue and white tile facings on each side, brass spindles across top. Height, 4414, inches; width, 36 inches. 572— FIREPLACE Black, tile facings on top and sides. Height, 36 inches; width, 36 inches. 573—FIREPLACE | 3 Black, bird and flower tile facings; brass spindles across the top. TTeight, 3914 inches; width, 36 inches. a 574—MantTeL witH OvERMANTEL Upper part with opening for mirror, shelves each side. Lower part carved and decorated with swag of fruit design. Height, 95 inches; width, 54 inches. Fireplace opening: Height, 444, inches; width, 36 inches. e — 5'75—OverMAnTe. Finely molded walnut partly ebonized. Has decorated figure tiles and beveled glass mirrors. Height, 481, inches; width, 60 inches. 576—OvERMANTEL OF ExsonizEpD Woop Has seven decorated leather panels and three beveled glass mirrors. Height, 56 inches; width, 66 inches. 57 7—OvEeRMANTEL Carved ebonized wood, with fine moldings and six beveled glass mirrors. Height, 59 inches; width, 69 inches. \ 578—Watnut CHIMNEY PIECE With painted swag panels; gallery around top; two niches. Height, 68 inches; width, 65 inches. Fireplace opening: Height, 37 inches; width, 55 inches. 578 A—Box ConTatnine FirTeEEN Encuisu Parintep Ties Design of ships, windmills, landscapes and marine views in various colors. 18 by 12 inches, 24 by 12 inches and 24 by 18 inches. 578B—Box ConTatnine NINETEEN EncuisH Patntep TILEs Ships and windmills in oval centers in various colors. 18 by 12 inches. 578C—Two Boxes Conramstne Twenty-two Encuisu Parntep TILes Subjects: Landscapes, view of Glasgow, marine view, Philadel- phia, figures of “Juliet,” “Cassandra,” “Geraint,” “Marguerite,” “Miranda,” ‘‘Madelaine” and “Isabelle,” in various colorings. 24, by 12 inches, 30 by 18 inches, 18 by 6 inches and 16 by 14 inches. 578D—Box Containine TWENTY-FIVE EnowisH TILEs Figure subject: “Man Taking Snuff,’ “Lady with Fan,” “Medea,” “‘Persephone,” portraits of Dante and Chaucer; land- scapes, “The Elements,” “Summer and Winter,” flowers and other subjects painted in various colorings. 33 by 12 inches, 24 by 12 inches, 24 by 6 inches, 12 by 6 inches and 18 by 6 inches. 578E—Box Contarnine 'THIrRTY-ONE ENeuisH TILEs Subjects: “Lady with Fan,” “Man taking Snuff,” “Harvest Girl,” “Goose Girl,” “Market Girl,” “Milkmaid,” reclining fig- ures and “Barmaid,” “King and Beggar Maid,” “Genevieve and Knight,” “Hector and Andromache,” ‘Althea and Circe,” and other subjects, painted in various colors. 8 by 16 inches, 16 by 13 inches, 20 Ape 8 inches, 24 by 8 inches and 8 by 24 — inches. 578F—Box Containine THirty-Two Enewisu TILEs Subjects: “Lady with Fan,” “Man taking Snuff,” reclining re ure, and fruit, flowers, wreaths, “The Elements,” and other sub- jects painted in colors. 22 by 6 inches, 32 by 12 inches, 12 by 6 inches, 18 by 6 inches and 24 ae 6 inches. 578G—Box Containine Forty-six Eneriso Parntep Tries Subjects: Portraits of painters, “Mrs. Siddons,” ‘‘Duchess of Devonshire,” “Reynolds” and ‘Gainsborough,’ and wreaths, flowers in jardiniéres, and landscape views in various colorings. 32 by 8 inches, 16 by 8 inches, 8 by 8 inches and 28 by 8 inches. 578H—Box Conrarnine Firty-trwo EnerisH Parntep TILes Subjects: “Isabella” and ‘‘Madelaine,” ships, windmills, towns in oval medallions and heads in circles, in various colorings. 16 by 40 inches, 12 by 18 inches and 8 by 8 inches. 578I—Box ConTaIninc SEVENTY-THREE EncuisH 'TILEs Geometrical design, fruit in circles, heads of “Flora” and ‘‘Po- mona,” wreaths and other subjects painted in various colorings. 32 by 8 inches, 24 by 8 inches and 8 by 8 inches. 578J—Box ContTainine E1cuty-oneé EncuisnH Truss Subjects: “The Elements,” portraits of painters and poets, and female heads, painted in various colorings. 8 by 8 inches. 578K—Box Conrartninc Ont Hunprep anp Nine Encuisn Tines © Design of birds, figures, poets’ heads and furies, painted in brown with gold leaf. 6 by 6 inches. 578L—Box Conratmninc One Hunprep ano Twetve Eneussa Ties Design of vases, fans, and other subjects painted in yellow, blue and orange colors on a buff ground. 6 by 6 inches. 578M—Box Contamsne One Hunprep anp Fourtrern ENGLISH TILEs Design of birds, flowers and fruit, painted in colors. 6 by 6 inches. 578N—Box ContTarininc Onrt Hunprep AND NINETEEN Encuisu TILes Design of birds, Persian vase and flowers, painted in various colors. 6 by 6 inches. 5780—Box Contatntne OnE Hunprep anp NINETEEN Enecuisu TILes Design of butterflies, flowers, birds on branches and within squares and round medallions, painted in various colors. 6 by 6 inches. 578P—Box ConTaininc Onr Hunprep AnD NINETEEN Ewnecuisu Ties Daisy and other flowers, fruits and border patterns, on a green- ish ground. 6 by 6 inches. - 578Q—Box Contarsinc One Hunprep anp Twenty Encuissn TIves Design of vases, fans and other subjects, painted in yellow, blue and orange colors on a buff ground. 6 by 6 inches. 578R—Box Contarmninc OnE Hunprep anp Twenty Encusu Ties Design of vases, fans and other subjects, painted in yellow, blue and orange colors on a buff ground. 6 by 6 inches. 578S—Box ContTatntnc OnE Hunprep anp TWENTY-THREE ENGLISH TILEs Various flowers in red, black and green, on a white ground, and wreaths, fruit and other subjects painted in colors. 5 by 5 inches, 4%, by 4%, inches and 16 by 6 inches. 5787 — Box Contraintnc OnE Hunprep anp Twenty-rour ENe.Lsn TILEs — Portraits of artists, poets, furies and other subjects painted in colors. 6 by 6 inches. 578U—Box ConTatninc One Hunprep Aanp Twenty-Four ENGLISH TILEs Design of shells, geometrical patterns, dolphins, vases, flowers, fruit, birds and portraits of poets, painted in various colorings. 6 by 6 inches. 578V—Box ContTaintnc Ong Hunprep anp TwWENTY-SEVEN ENGLISH TILes Design of shells, fruit in circles and scrolls, painted in colors. 6 by 6 inches. 578W—Box Contarninc Ong Hunprep anp Forty-£1GHT ENGLISH TILES ; China. Design of animals and scroll patterns painted in red and black on a white ground. 6 by 6 inches. 578X—Box Contrarsinc One Hunprep anp Firry-sEvEN ENGLIsH TILES Sunflower and leaf design, painted in gold on a green ground. 6 by 6 inches. 578Y—SixTEEN Rotts WALL-PAPER Embossed foliated design, cream and yellow. _ Width, 181% inches. 578Z—One Hunprep And TWENTY-EIGHT MiscELLANEOUS PANELS White papier-maché, embossed design. 26 by 26 inches. FOURTH AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 O’cLOCK CHAIRS, SOFAS, SETTEES AND STOOLS - The following are the manufacture of Cottier and Company, all being hand-made from special designs. 579—Smauut Easer Of Comino wood. 580—Two Smari Brackets Of Comino wood, carved and gilded. 581—Fovur Arcu-sHarep Panets Of Comino wood, with floral decoration. Height, 2614 inches; width, 181% inches. 582—FoorstToo. Of Comino wood. Feet carved and gilded. Covered with antique figured Italian velvet and trimmed with tinsel galloon. 583—AntTieuE Martewoop Worxksox witH Tray Octagon shape, the top inlaid with a spray and shell design, the side with spray and small panels containing landscapes. Lined with green velvet. Length, 1014 inches; width, 1014 inches; height, 414 inches. 584—Jewet Case wirH Two Trays anp Two ComMPpaAarRTMENTS Comino wood with finely carved gilded moldings. The body and top decorated with floral and scroll designs, and lion’s head. Inside of cover decorated with a painted panel by F. Vincent Hart. Lined with blue velvet. 585—Eneusn Oax Taser Clover leaf design. Top and legs inlaid with Comino wood. 586— Mirror Black Dutch frame. 587—STATIONARY STAND OF Comino Woop With various compartments. Hand-painted decoration by F. Vincent Hart. 588—Green Marte Work Tasie With Comino wood legs, carved and gilded, and top and ode : inlaid with Comino wood. Basket covered with red and gold Sot George” damask. Interior has pink velvet cushion and com- partments. 589—Green Marre Tasre Clover-leaf design. Top and legs inlaid with Comino wood. 590—Mrrror Black Dutch frame; beveled ane : 16 by 20 inches. 591—Green Marre Curio Casinet Tasie Inlaid with panels of Comino wood. Has folding top, two drawers, and open compartment below. 592—Jewrewt Case with Two Trays ann Two CoMPpARTMENTS Comino wood. Finely carved gilded moldings. The body and top decorated with floral sprays and medallion, and inside of cover decorated with a painted panel, by F. Vincent Hart. Lined with green velvet. 593—KipNEY-sHAPED TABLE Inlaid golden ebony, with borders of inlaid Comino. 594—JeEwEL Case oF Comino Woop Finely carved and gilded moldings; body and top decorated with floral and leafy scroll design. Inside of cover is decorated with a painted panel of “Juno.” Fitted with trays and com- partments which are lined with ruby velvet. 595—STATIONARY STAND WITH COMPARTMENTS Comino wood. Decorated on front and sides by F. Vincent Hart. 16 by 20 inches. | 596—Sertrer or Comino Woop Carved arms. Covered with red and gold “St. George” damask and trimmed with gimp. : 597—GreEN Marre CaBinert Oval panels of Comino wood, with borders of marqueterie; the interior of mahogany, which is divided into compartments and drawers. (Illustrated) 598—Five WHEELBACK CHAIRS Ebonized, with decoration in gold; cane seat, reproduction of chair in South Kensington Museum. (Illustrated) 599—Easy Cuarr Known as “Hillmgdon.” Loose cushion seat, all-upholstered in fine red and gold figured velours. E 600—Easy Carr Known as “Ivor.” All-upholstered in fine red and gold figured velours. Has loose cushion. 601—Easy CuHatr Known as “Ivor.” All-upholstered in fine red and gold figured velours. Has loose cushion. 602—Music CaBIneET Upper part of white holly, decorated in gold and silver with six sliding trays for holding music. The lower part of Comino wood and golden ebony, partly carved and gilded. Has two shelves. Height, 481/, inches; length, 291, inches; width, 191% inches. (Illustrated) 603—Music CaBIneT Comino wood and golden ebony. Upper section, with hand- painted decorated panel, “Three Angels,” by F. Vincent Hart, and has carved white holly trays. The lower section of golden ebony and Comino wood, with gilded side rails. Height, 52 inches; length, 351% inches; depth, 163% inches. 604—Granp Curio CABINET Golden ebony, handsomely inlaid with mother-of-pearl. The upper part has glass doors, sides and shelf, with mirror back; a compartment below has hinged glass top. Drawer and shelf underneath. Height, 53 inches; length, 331% inches; width, 2534 inches. 605—RecerrtTion CHAIR Comino wood. Tall back, with hand-painted panel of “Puritas.” Seat covered with fine green figured silk velvet. 606—RecertTion CHAIR ‘Comino wood. Tall back, with hand-painted panel of “Justitia.” Seat covered with fine green silk velvet. £09 L6¢ 86¢ ie} it F H ii % t i Te rs Ta pF me yr oem for gm othe, am: yy eatin | 9 mem y avn 4, pa. a nace Hm I FG Fi pith * A reas SR ea ee a oe P ae ot LL? pr NT Whitin = = td = rer ome roe a ome | = = ee m= eet = = = ae = = = — I fo = = = = re on, = - = ~~ fe 5) ae = oo = - J - =} pee a ~ = - = - = aoe =< oe —3 ~ oe = ose ¥ epi bab deb bib bab LM iL id hh 607—Mrrror with Hanp-carvep Esrony FRAME Ornamented with tortoise-shell, and carved gilt molding; beveled glass mirror. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 608—Receprion CHatrr Comino wood. ‘Tall back, with hand-painted panel in the back of ‘‘Caritas.” Seat covered with fine green figured silk velvet. 609—THREEFOLD ScREEN Upper panels hand-carved and decorated leather of floral de- sign in delicate tones, by Mme. Thaulow (widow of the artist Fritz Thaulow), and signed. Lower panels of fine silk velours of a foliated design on a tinsel ground. Elaborately carved and gilt walnut frame, backed with gold and brown damask. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 610 —Oax Cuest _ With three elaborately carved panels. The center in design of a cupid head, bird, dragon and swag of fruit, and side panels in geometrical pattern. The border of the cover is also finely carved. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; height, 3 feet; width, 2 feet. 610A—Writinc Taste oF EncusH Oak The upper part has compartments and shelf with three drawers at each end. The lower part has a center drawer and on one side is three drawers and on the other two drawers’ and a com- partment. Slides at each end. Partly carved. — Height, 441, inches; length, 62 inches; width, 31 inches. 611—Curio CABINET With two drawers and glass shelves. Japanese lacquer decora- tion with handsome carved molding; top of Comino wood. Beveled glass doors in front and at sides. Lined with green velvet. Height, 51 inches; length, 571%, inches; depth, 18 inches. 611A—Taste or Ancona WALNUT The shaped top has a carved border and frieze and is supported by five legs. Shelf underneath. Height, 2814 inches; length, 29 inches; width, 29 inches. Me | . _ oruhs 612—Watunour Hart Seat Above the hinged seat are five carved panels of Gothic design, 4 and above these are two with design in leaf scroll and fruit, sep- arated by a cartouche. The sides are carved with a foliated ornament running into the arms, which end in a scroll. The panel in base is also carved. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet. 613—Curio CaBinet Golden ebony and white holly. The entire cabinet is profusely embellished with a hand-painted decoration. The body is divided into three compartments, with gilded interiors and glass shelves and five drawers. The center panel*is decorated with a Persian . tree design and the two side panels with classical subjects painted | on white holly. The under shelf inlaid with white holly. The entire cabinet is decorated by F. Vincent Hart. Height, 5 feet 24, inches; length, 2 feet 91%, inches; depth, 1 foot 1%4 inches. = 613A—Writine Tasie Comino wood. Kidney shape, brass rail around top; legs partly carved and gilded; a drawer and two slides. Plate glass top. Height, 30 inches; length, 41 inches; width, 28 inches. a | ai be ie ie ? } 614—UnieurE ScREEN Comino wood, with top partly carved and gilded. ‘The upper part has six water-color drawings by F. Vincent Hart representing the classical subjects of “Medea,” ‘Cupid and Psyche” and “‘Cas- ” on one side, and ‘*Proserpine,” “Apollo and Daphne” and “Glauce” on the other. The lower part has panels of Chinese embroidery, with bouquet of roses in gold. Height, 5 feet; length, 3 feet 10 inches. sandra, ; s - 2! aly aa = if = ys AL "3 £ 4 Pe Or pt 4 J 6144—Larecer Liprary Taste or Ancona WaALnur The finely carved top is supported by ten turned columns with carved capitals. The lower part has a shelf at each end and base connecting all the legs. Has a drawer ends and sides. Height, 301, inches; length, 891%, inches; width, 42 inches. eee ee 615—Watnut CaBinet With four carved doors. Body supported by three turned and carved columns. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet; depth, 1 foot 5 inches. 6154—GeEnTLEMAN’s Bureau The doors are paneled with beautiful golden ebony with stiles and fronts of three drawers of. finely figured Ancona walnut. The interior is fitted with thirteen sliding trays and three drawers all lined with cedar. Top and sides of golden ebony. Has two elaborate escutcheon plates. Height, 62 inches; length, 50 inches; depth, 24 inches. 616—Larce Mrrror Gilt frame of Spanish design. Height, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet. 617—Larce Sora All-upholstered; with fine green silk velvet and trimmed with green and gold galloon and fringe; loose cushion seat and three shaped cushions in back; back and sides covered with green damask; Comino wood legs. Length, 9 feet; width, 3 feet 4 inches. i pgyeessvassgsvesss99 92 | LU i : or. * rs 618—Larcre Granp CABINET Covered with an inlay of tortoise-shell. Supported by Comino wood columns, which are carved and gilded. The interior is fitted with a gallery supported by gilded columns, and mirror back. The base is ebonized and partly carved and gilded. Height, 5 feet; length, 5 feet 1 inch; depth, 2 feet 1 inch. 619—Granp Manocany CABINET The whole of a gold background and decorated with classical figures and inlaid border. The lower part comprises three com- partments; the upper part divided in compartments with beveled glass. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; length, 5 feet 6 inches. 620—Dinine Tape Fine figured mahogany with carved border, and supported on an elaborately carved center support with four feet. Has seven extra leaves, each 231% inches. With case. 6 feet square. - Sadia ANTIQUE AND ORIENTAL RUGS 621—Unvsvat Antiaur Cuinese Rue Contiguous medallions of a floral, scrolled outline of mustard- yellow form a lattice or open grill over a broad quadrilateral field of deep, intense blue. Within the medallions a graceful, conventional plant pattern is repeated in white, red-brown and yellowish-fawn color. Embraced within successive stripes of varied Oriental ornament, including the wave-line, is a broad border of detached curved open links in white on a brown ground, seem- ingly derived from the archaic conventionalization of the dragon. Camel’s and goat’s hair has been interwoven in the stripes and border. Thick, closely matted short pile. : Length, 14 feet 7 inches; breadth, 8 feet. 622—OLp Dacuestan Rue The oblong field of a very pale yellow, almost a yellowish-white, is covered with an open lattice of narrow black cords outlined in brown, enclosing latch-hook and geometrical devices in dark brown, blue, green, pink and white. The border, lying between guard-stripes of angular ornament, displays complex medallions in white, various browns, black, blue, yellow and green on a rose- pink ground. ‘Short pile; loose texture. Fringed ends and over- cast edges. Length, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 623—Antiaur CutnEse Rue Soft, silky pile; field of a light golden brown tone, with corner ornaments of floral medallions and fret in pale yellow, white and blue, a large central medallion constructed of similar motives, and the balance of the ground strewn with floral sprays and con- ventional art and literary emblems in the same colors. A narrow border of key-fret in blue and white is succeeded by a broad border with lotus flowers and detached scrolls in yellow, white, __ brown and blue, outlined by a deep blue band. Early eighteenth century. Length, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch. 624—Kunorassan Ruc With thick soft pile and bright sheen and the characteristic texture. The large field of brilliant flame-color contains a stepped medallion, blue, outlined in red, enclosing a smaller me- dallion and repetitions of the Herati or fish pattern and floral conventionalizations in red, black, blue and yellow-brown. Mani- fold border of stripes and bands of geometrical and scrolled ornamentation in sundry subdued colors. Length, 13 feet; breadth, 10 feet 3 inches. 6244A4—AntiavE Movssout Rue Dull red ground with repeating lozenge-shaped medallions. Borders in green, écru and wine red. Length, 15 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet. 624B—AntiaveE Movussout Rue Similar to the preceding. 624C—AnTIQUE FEREGHAN RuG Soft red ground; all-over geometric Persian design in blue-black, old blue and écru. Border dull green and blue-black. Length, 12 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches. 624D—AntTiIQuE Ferecuan Rue Similar to the preceding. 624E—AnTIQUE IRAN RuG All-over “pear” design in green and blue on terracotta ground. Narrow border in green. Close clipped and very fine in texture. Length, 15 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 624F—AnrTiIavE Iran Rue Similar to the preceding. 624G—AnrTiaue Kurpistan Rue All-over palm-leaf design in écru and rose on deep Persian blue ground. Borders rose red, green and ivory. Representative of the old type weave. Very heavy pile. Length, 16 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. ‘624H—AntTIQquE Kurpistan Rue Similar to the preceding. ANTIQUE CHAIRS, TABLES AND OTHER FURNITURE | of the Jacobean, Queen Anne, William and Mary, Chippendale, and Hepplewhite Periods 625—Earty JacoBEAN Carved Oak Warnscot CuHarr- With turned legs and stretchers, the back elaborately carved with a conventional vase of leaves and flowers. ‘626—EarLy Wittiam anp Mary Carvep Oax Crenrer TABLE Circular top, turned legs and shaped stretcher. 627—Carvep Oax Wraitine Taste Desk English Georgian. Dated 1735. The carving is in the Eliza- bethan style and represents a vase from which springs a pome- granate tree with birds in the branches. 628—Very Rare Creme Oax Warnscot CHAIR a Of the Elizabethan period. The paneled back is carved in a fluted design. Has turned legs and arm rests. 629—WirtiAm Anp Mary Watnvut OccasionaL TABLE On turned legs with bulbous feet, connected by an X-shaped stretcher of beautiful proportions. The front is fitted with one shallow drawer. — 680—Witiiam anp Mary Watnut Occasionat Tasie ‘Similar to the preceding, but less ornamental in design. 631—JacoBsEAN Oax OccasionaL TABLE Carved frieze of geometrical design. f= 7 632—Cu1PpENDALE Manocany TEA-TABLE With fretted gallery and brackets in the Chinese taste. 633—AntiauE Reapinc STAND Supported by ball and claw feet. Ebony, inlaid with tortoise- shell and ivory, finished with a fine molding. From the Leon Escosura sale. Height, 151% inches; length, 141/, inches; width, 11% inches. 634-—CHIPPENDALE MAanoGany POLE-scREEN On tripod; panel of old English petit point. 635—Oax BrsLE-Box on STAND The carved frieze is of an arched design. The stand, which is fitted with a small shallow drawer, is supported on turned legs and stretcher. 636—JacoBean Tortet Guass . Carved walnut. Very quaint design, and extremely rare and interesting. 637—Pair or Oty JACOBEAN CarveD CHarRs High back with caned seats. . 639-Rour Oxup Iravian CHAIRS Have carved stretchers. The seats and backs are covered in richly stamped leather ; finished with large bronze nails. Of the seventeenth century. . 639—Oax Jacopean CHEST Carved acanthus-leaf design on frieze. The front is divided into three panels with circular decoration. 640—Very Rare Carvep Oak PRIE-DIEU The center panel has an elaborately carved vase of flowers, and scroll-shaped terminals. On each side are grotesque caryatid figures, and the frieze has a human mask and garlands of flowers. Below the kneeling board are two caryatid heads, supported and connected by a carved scroll frieze. 641—Two Oup Eneuisn Oak ReFecrory CHAIRS With turned legs and front stretcher. The seats and low backs are covered in leather studded with large brass nails. 642—Two Oup EncutsH Oak ReFrectrory CHAIRS Similar to the preceding. 643—Two Oxtp EncusH Oak Rerectrory CHarrs Similar to the preceding. 644-—Patr oF Oup Encuisny Oak ReFectrory CHArrRs The legs and the front stretchers are twisted. Covered with leather and finished with two rows of brass nails. 645—Two Oup Encusn Oak Rerecrory CuHairs Similar to the preceding. 646—Turee Ouvv Encusu Oax Rerecrory CwHairs Similar to the preceding. 4 a4) Orn Eneuish Oax Rerecrory CnHair Similar to the preceding, but with a high back. 648—OLup EncusH Oax Rerecrory CHAIR Similar to the preceding, with the exception of the legs and stretcher, which are turned in corkscrew fashion. 649—Two hacia Oax Rerectrory CHArrRs Similar to the preceding, but with wooden seats. pes — 650—Oxp Jacopean Carvep Oak CHAIR The legs, seat and stretchers in quaint design. The back is formed of two transverse stretchers connected by head-shaped spindles. : 651—Orp Encuish Watnur CHeEst Low stand with brass handles and escutcheons. Queen Anne period. pis 652—MiniATuRE JACOBEAN Carved Oak CHEST The front ornamented with fluted frieze, and under this a conven- tional carved design of pomegranates and acanthus leaves. Fitted with a drawer with two carved panels. 653—THREEFOLD SCREEN Upper panels covered with fine and rare brocade of bold floral and foliated design in tinsel and silk on a pink ground. Lower panels of gold cloth, finished with bow-knot galloon. Height, 47 inches; width, 52 inches. 654—Antievrt HerprpLrewHItTE Manocany CHAIR Carved back and legs. Upholstered with modern green damask. 655—Antieve Herpreptewuire Manocany CHarr Carved back and legs. Upholstered with green morocco leather and trimmed with brass nails. 656—O.p CuiprenpaLte Trieop Tasie Supported upon a carved standard with claw feet. Circular top with scalloped edge. 657—Ox.p CHripPpENDALE Tripop TABLE Somewhat heavier in construction than the preceding one. 658—O1p Oax Jacosean OccastonaL TABLE With turned legs and stretcher. Fitted with one drawer. 659—Oxup Oax JAacoBEAN OccaAsIonaL TABLE With turned legs and stretchers, the front fitted with one shallow _ drawer. 660—JacoBpEAn Oxvp Oax Brste Box anp STAND The front, sides and base are elaborately carved. The stand is supported on turned legs, with plain stretcher. 661—Courious Otp FiemisH Cuest or Four Drawers Of unusual shape. Has chased brass handles and escutcheons. The top of the chest is finished with a scalloped edge. Eighteenth century. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 2 feet 8 inches; depth, 1 foot 81% inches. 662—O1p Jaconran Carven Oak CuEst The upper part is divided into two double arched compartments by three sets of double turned pilasters. In the lower part is a drawer, with molded panels and brass drop handles. Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches. 663—CHIPPENDALE Manocany Tripop TABLE Very fine old English. With octagonal top, and claw and ball feet. The shaft and shoulders of the feet are beautifully carved in leaf and scroll designs. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; top, 2 feet 2 inches. 664—Manocany Sinver TABLE Old English Chippendale. Rectangular shape. The top is. bor- dered with a fretted gallery in the Chinese taste; fretted brackets under the frieze. 665—Oxp CHIPPENDALE Manocany Sipr CHaAtrr Covered in old petit point. The dark background has designs of birds, flowers and scrolls in various rich colors. 666—O.p CuHippeNDALE Manocany Sie CuHarr Similar to the preceding. Covered in old petit point, with de- signs of large flowers in blue, rose, yellow and green. 619 oLO ; 619 667—OLp CuHIpPpENDALE Manocany ARMCHAIR Covered in fine old petit point. Subject: Peasants dancing. The groundwork is black, with scrolls of flowers in red, blue, green and other colors. Has loose cushion. 668—Oup CHIPPENDALE T'EA-TABLE Exceptionally fine, of rectangular shape. The deep frieze, bracketed legs and the gallery around top are elaborately carved and fretted in the Chinese style. 669—JacoBEAN Oak Biste Desk Drop front, which is carved in scroll designs. Fitted with — pigeon-holes and small drawers. 670—Manocany Siiver TABLE Old English Chippendale. On tripod legs, claw feet and turned fluted standard. The circular top is bordered with a finely turned balustraded ‘gallery. 671—Oxp EneuisH Ovat-sHAPED Mirror Carved gilt wood frame in design of leaves, scrolls and flowers. Surmounted by a circular wreath oon a crest, and has a Latin inscription: “Nonte de alto.” | Height, 3 fost 7 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 672—Pair or Watnvut Louis XIII Sroots Of quaint design. The seats are covered in old needlework of ’ the period. (Illustrated) 673—CuHIPPENDALE Manocany Fire-scrEEN on TRIPOD ; The frame encloses a panel of fine petit point, illustrating one of the Fables of sop. (Illustrated) 674—Lovuis XVI Armcuarr Carved walnut. Covered in fine petit point. 675—CHIPPENDALE CHAIR Upholstered in fine petit poit needlework of a floral design, trimmed with edging. Carved mahogany legs and stretchers partly gilded. (Illustrated) a io CaTR Ree ee 676—Carvep Watnut ARMCHAIR Italian Renaissance. Covered in fine old red velvet. The back embellished with a medallion embroidered in colors, representing St. John. 677—FInELY Carved CHIPPENDALE Manocany ConsoLeE TABLE The front legs have lions’ heads and claw feet boldly carved. An elaborate scroll design decorates the center of the frieze, which is carved with alternate flutes and patere. Veined greenish- gray marble top, with molded edges. (Illustrated) 678—Turee Irarian Watnut ARMCHAIRS Seats and backs covered in old red velvet, enriched with gold galloon. Seventeenth century. 679—Oxp CuHrpPENDALE Manocany Wine or GRANDFATHER CHAIR Covered in old English needlework. The ground, of pale amber, with designs of leaves and flowers in soft tones of rose, blue and green. Se anne | LL9 Re Rae Ol i a >> > > } 680—Oxp EncusH Watnut CHEst or Drawers Queen Anne period. Elaborately inlaid with various woods in scroll designs. Finished with brass handles and escutcheons. 681—OLp CHIPPENDALE Manocany ARMCHAIR Similar to the preceding. Covered in fine old petit point. Sub- ject; Pastoral scene, from an Italian comedy. The groundwork is in soft amber tones, with scrolls and flowers in various rich coloring. 682—CHAISE-LONGUE Carved walnut frame, all-upholstered and covered with antique needlework and finished with brass nails. Loose cushion seat. Six O_tp ENG LIisH Sipe Cuarrs Carved walnut. The backs are formed of twisted spirals and richly carved plaits, mounted by an eagle. The seats are cov- 683 ered in crimson velvet. 684—OLp QuEEN ANNE Burt Watnut CHEST On raised base with five drawers. The top is inlaid with circular designs, and the drawers are banded with rosewood. Has brass handles. 685—AntievE HEPPLEWHITE CHAIR Carved mahogany back and legs. Upholstered with petit point needlework in yellow, brown, red and blue. Finished with brass nails. 686—ANTIQUE HEPPLEWHITE CHAIR Carved mahogany back and legs, upholstered with fine petit point needlework of bird and scroll design in various colors on a black ground. Finished with brass nails. 687—Fine Oxtp EncutsH Oak CENTER TABLE Supported on massive turned legs. The frieze is inlaid in various orchard woods of geometrical designs. Elizabethan period. = eee a ~ > aan ae _ ; 688—Marriace | CHEST French(?). Of nut-tree wood. Front wall, in two parts, con- tains two drawers. Carved outlines, and ornamented with cir- cular medallions and allied coat of arms held by angels. On the sides, two helmeted sphinxes with a bull’s head. Sixteenth as - _ century. ‘From the Oscar’ Hainauer Collection. : ; t =, | Height, 12 inches; length, 331, inches; width, 14 inches. t~ } 689—AntievE FLoRENTINE CHEST Covered with red velvet and embellished with black and gilt metal squares and borders. Handles at each end. Length, 4 feet 5 inches; height, 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 4 inches. RR SN SSS SS : Wt hee ANe pa idle: etacradc He ai eer oe = SE, ts os 690—Oxp CHIPPENDALE oes TABLE In Chinese style. The frieze, legs and brackets are in fretwork design, and the top is surmounted by a fretwork gallery. 691—T asLE Similar to the preceding, but of smaller size. 692—O.p JAcoBEAN Carvep Oax CHEST On low stand with turned legs. The front of chest is composed of two arches supported by trussed pilasters and contains richly carved panels. The sides of the cabinet have arched panels. to correspond. (Illustrated) 693—FourFoLp Screen Finely carved Renaissance gilt walnut frame. Upper panels of finest quality of old Renaissance tapestry, of classical subjects executed in harmonious colors, and lower panels of fine French red and brown chenille tapestry. Lined with red and gold damask. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) San of oh a gee ae i a H iH u a ae: vist Se . _ — re ev y * —— AG AD ep ae ee i VR RE Sa Me, GI 694—Iramian Renaissance Center Tasre With four drawers, two on each side, and supported on hand- somely carved trestles connected by a stretcher of like carving. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 4 feet; depth, 2 feet 101% inches. 695—Six Otp Spanish Carvep Woop ArmcnHairs The backs are carved, with a formal design of vase and flowers. Seventeenth century. 696—Five Oxrp Warner Cuarrs Queen Anne. Splat backs and cabriole legs. Loose seats, up- -. holstered in old red damask. 697—Whuitr anp Goitp HicH-pack ARMCHAIR Old Louis XVI. Covered in a deep mauve brocade enriched with silver thread. 698—Par or Oxrp Apams Carvep Gitt TuB-sEATS With turned fluted legs. The backs and loose cushions are upholstered in flowered blue silk damask of the same period. 699—Oxp Apams CarvepD AnD Gitt Winpow Skat On turned fluted legs and upright sides; the seat and sides up- holstered in blue flowered silk damask of the period. 700—Pair or Carvep And Gitt Woop ConsoLe TaBLes Georgian period. On the shoulders of the legs are human masks, and rising from the center of each stretcher is a griffin. Have white marble tops. Height, 3 feet; length, 3 feet 8 inches; depth, 1 foot 11 inches. 701—Ouxp Carvep anp Girt ApAms SETTEE Of very beautiful lines. The back and seat upholstered in old flowered blue silk damask. 702—Oup Ovat-sHAPED ApAms Mirror Surmounted by an eagle in carved gilt wood. The remainder of the frame is decorated in black and gold with carved moldings and pateras. Height, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 703—Oxp Louis XVI Carvep Gitt SETTEE- On six turned fluted legs and straight back. The settee is up- holstered in old pink and cream striped and flowered brocade. 704—Oxrp EnewisH Carvep Gitt ConsoLte TasLe Georgian period. Supported on a scroll-shaped leg. The frieze is ornamented with a key pattern, with scroll brackets on either side. Has Siena marble top. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch; depth, 1 foot 3 inches. 705—Oxp Carvep Gitt TorcHERE Adams period. Column design, with spreading top, and trian- gular base with claw feet. Height, 5 feet 6 inches. 706—TurEEFoLtp ScREEN The upper panels are covered in old Louis XVI flower brocade on a cream ground, and the lower panels plaited in écru silk. Height, 6 feet 9 inches; extends 6 feet 9 inches. 707—Suire or Six Sinere anv Four Armcuairs _ Adams period. The carved frames are decorated in cream and _ gold, and the seats and backs are covered in old brocade. j i { 708—Oxp Louis XVI Carven Girt Sora On six turned fluted legs. Upholstered in old flowered brocade with mauve stripes on a cream ground. 709—Very Fine Otp CuiprenpaLe TorcHERE On tripod of scroll design, carved and gilt. Design of dolphin with dragon’s wings, supporting a cornucopia. Height, 4 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) 710—Oxp Grorcian Carvep Gitt ConsoLte TABLE The frieze is supported by an eagle with outstretched wings, which is mounted on a black and gilt stand. Connemara green marble top. Height, 2 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches, 711—Oxp Louis XV PareaueTRy CoMMODE Rose and tulipwood. Mounted in ormolu. Has two short and one long drawer and white marble top. 709 712—Very Fine Carvep Woop ConsoLte TABLE . Adams period. Supported on square fluted legs with the acanthus leaf at the base. The carvings are in gilt on a pale green ground, and the frieze is decorated with a scroll design. Fine bréche violette marble top. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 5 feet 7 inches; depth, 2 feet 11 inches. 713—Parr or Harr Circurar Consote TABLEs Adams period. The frieze and legs are richly carved and deco- rated in green and gold. The tops are of harewood, artistically inlaid with various orchard woods. (Illustrated) 714—James II Center TAasie The top is richly decorated with inlays of flowers, scrolls, birds and festoons. The frieze of the table is similarly inlaid and the legs are twisted and connected at the bottom by a richly inlaid stretcher. om 715—Very Fine Oxvp Encusu Lacauer CABINET On stand of Queen Anne period. The decoration consists of Chinese subjects in raised gold on a black ground. The interior is fitted with small drawers and the inner parts of the doors and fronts of the drawers are decorated with birds and flowers in high relief in various colors on a pink ground. 716—Apams SatTiInwoop CoMMODE : Bow front, inlaid with swags of flowers, vase and plant. Has four drawers and two cupboards. ; Length, 3 feet 5 inches; height, 3 feet; width, 1 foot 6 inches. q (Illustrated) 9 I L 717—Oup Louis XIII Center Taste with Drawer ; The top, frieze, legs and stretcher are all richly inlaid with various colored woods. 718—ScrrEEN Walnut frame, containing three panels of antique figured tapestry, lined with green damask. : Height, 79 inches; width, 93 inches. (Illustrated) 719—Encutsu Mirror Richly carved and gilded wood. Decorated with vases of flowers, swags and wreaths of foliage. Eighteenth century. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 51% inches. +. ws \ . ab \¢ : 7 Aa mis iPhaneaniath mstnimn le mailed SB. SPR He Ss Ni ES 720—JacoBEAN Carvep Oak CABINET With turned legs. The two side panels have carved diamond- shaped designs. Height, 3 feet 9 inches; length, 3 feet 11 inches; depth, 1 foot 8 inches. 4 4721—Spanish Watnut Tasie Supported on curiously carved trestle legs. Fitted with four drawers, the fronts of which are richly carved. Sixteenth cen- tury. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 4 feet 3 inches; depth, 2 feet 81 inches. 722—O.p JAcoBEAN Carved Oak DreEssEerR-CHEST Fitted with five drawers. The whole face is ornamented with a diamond-shaped molding. Has original iron hinges and brass drop handles. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 5 feet; depth, 1 foot 6 inches. 723—O.tp JacoBEAN Carved Oak CHEST The front is composed of four arched panels, each of which is divided by fluted pilasters. Above this is a carved frieze with a strapwork design. Length, 5 feet 3 inches; height, 3 feet; depth, 2 feet. 724—Oxtp EnerisH Carvep Oak BUFFET . ; ‘ Early Jacobean period. Supported on richly carved bulbous columns. The friezes carved with a strapwork design. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; length, 4 feet; depth, 1 foot 10 inches. 725—Fiverotp LEATHER SCREEN Old English. With painted figures in the Persian style. The borders are minutely decorated with designs of scrolls and flowers. Early eighteenth century. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; extends 10 feet. (Illustrated) 726—Oxtp Watnut CENTER TABLE Supports of turned legs and stretcher. The carved frieze of a delicate geometrical design, and fitted with two drawers. Seven- teenth century. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. SSA NS ER NI SERENE FS es SiMe, SMA Set PR , PER AOR anny. eres eee RR Re BDL HAS || OF AOD = ee ree rise * seem ay te We i OF Bes a ete oon oS 2 72%7—Oxv Encusn Oax Haut Seat or Serree . On three turned front legs and four back legs, connected by stretchers. The back is divided into six panels by molded stiles and open sloping arms with turned supports, | Height, 3 feet 6 inches; length, 6 feet 11 inches; depth, 1 foot 8 inches, 728—Oxup Watnut Tasle re a: er a The front is of a carved scroll pattern design, the ends with conventional bosses. Has turned legs and stretchers. Fitted with two drawers. y Length, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 729—Oup Watnut CentER TABLE ; . Supported on turned legs with stretcher. The frieze is carved in rectangular sections with conventional floral bosses. One — side of the table is fitted with two drawers. Seventeenth century. Length, 6 feet; width, 2 feet 2 inches, 7380—Oxup WatnuTt Sipe Taste With two drawers. The front is of carved conventional scroll pattern. The turned legs are connected by a stretcher. Seven-— teenth century. Dimensions, 7 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 3 inches. 781—Very Fine OLrp Watnut Center Tape ' The frieze is richly ornamented with conventional leaves and flowers in scroll design. The four terminal legs are turned and connected by a stretcher which is supported in the center by a fifth leg. One end is’ fitted with two drawers. Seventeenth century, Dimensions, 7 feet 7 inches by 2 feet 8 inches. 732—Oup JacoBEAN Oak Rerectrory TABLE Supported on four turned legs and stretchers. On the frieze is a molded facing. Length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 214 inches. 733—Oxp JacoBEAN Oak Rerecrory TABLE Supported on six turned legs connected by a stretcher. The frieze carved in a bold fluted design, with scroll-shaped brackets. Length, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches. Pn sa, Ae ee ae FEN PLP Se eB 2¢ < . & 734—Very Important JACOBEAN OAk ARMOIRE Fitted with two large doors. The whole of the front is richly carved with floral and scroll designs. Height, 81 inches; width, 72 inches; depth, 2112 inches. FIFTH AFTERNOON’S SALE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 o’cLOCK 7385—Two PaneEts Containing four stained and leaded glasses. Reclining figures in each panel. 74, by 18 inches. 736—Two Sratnep anp Leapep Grass PANneEts + Portrait of Velasquez and of another artist. No background. 271%, by 14 inches. 737—Turee Sramnep-ciass Panets Jewels and opalescent glass. Respective measurements: 174, by 20 inches and 23 by 24 inches. 738—Sratnep-ciass PaneL “Knowledge,” with border of quarries. 29%, by 1314 inches. 739—-Ten Sratvep-ciass Panets Center, ships, with fancy painted frame, and four with wind- mills and ships. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 221/, by 1634 inches. 740—SrTarixnep Anp Leapep Grass PANEL Rose-bush in pot with lattice background. 39 by 1434 inches. 741—Srarmep-ciass Pane “Homer.” 38 by 1414 inches. 742—-Srarxep anp Leapep Grass CrrcuLtar PANEL Chrysanthemum and roses. Diameter, 141%, inches. 743—Turee STAINED-GLAss PANELS Sunflowers and heads of Japanese women. Respective measurements: 11 by 11 inches and 15% by 24 inches. 744—TuHree STAINED-GLASS PANELS Reclining figure representing “Morning,” and two scenes from “The Lady of Shalott.” Original designed and painted by Matthew Maris. Respective measurements: 12 by 22 inches and 22 by 124% inches. 745—Two SrTatnep AnD LEADED GuaAss PANELS Representing Scotch Castle of Stirling; bird circle with fancy painted frame. Respective measurements: 14 by 15 inches and 91/%, by 16% inches. Y46—STAINED AND LEADED Guass PANEL “Titian.” No background. 28 by 151% inches. 747—Two StTAinep-Giass PAanets Portraits of “Helen” and “Titian,” with fancy painted frames and quarry background. 171, by 17% inches. 748—STainep-ciass Pane 39 Portrait of “Lycurgus,” with fancy painted frame and _ back- ground of quarries. 21%, by 33 inches. 749—STAINED-GLASS PANEL | Figure of “Spring,” with background of quarries. 42 by 151% inches. "50—Two Sramvep anp Leapep Guass Panets Bust of “Spes,” and portrait of Lord Darnley, with background of quarries. 15, by 1314 inches and 24 by 1914 inches. {51—Etenr Srarnep-crass Paners “Orpheus and Eurydice,” “The Dancing Girl,” ae birds. Respective measurements: 8-inch circles; 81 by 81% inches and 21 by 1454 inches. 752—Eicutr STAINED-GLASS PANELS The two lower panels represent “Dante and Chaucer” and “Orpheus and Eurydice,” with six bird and flower circles across top. _ Respective measurements: 8-inch circles; 21 by 1434 inches. 753—Two Srainep anp Leapep Guass Panes Oval landscape with figures, and Dutch ship. Respective measurements: 13 by 101 inches and 19 by 1514 inches. "154—Five STAINED-GLAss PANELS Center panel, landscape in painted frame, ship, windmill and horsemen. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 22 by 16%, inches. 755—Two Srarnep anp LeapEp Grass PANELs _ Dutch ship and view of Philadelphia. Respective measurements: 19 by 151% inches and 12 by 20 inches. 756—Two Sratvep anp LeapEep Grass PANELS Classical landscape, and reclining figure. Respective measurements: 71> by 18 inches and 29 by 201% inches. 757—Five Sratnep-ciass Panexs The center panel of chrysanthemum, with painted frame and background of wild roses, and portraits of artists at top and bottom. wv Respective measurements: 7 by 7 inches and 191, by 151% inches. 758—STAINED-GLASS Beer i) “Fortune,” with background of quarries. 34 by 22 inches. _ 759—TureEE STAINED-GLAss PANELS Center panel, figure of a dancer, with “Pomona” and ae ‘ on either side. Respective measurements: 22 by ay, inches and 211, by 16 inches. ig 760—Two Srainep-ciass Panes One, mother playing with child; and the other, roses. Respective measurements: 14%/,-inch circle; 233, by 18%, inches, ne 761—Six Sratnep anp Lreapep Guass PANELS Old Scotch towns of Ross and Glasgow, and four Reis fends Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 91, by 164, inches. 762—Statnep-cLass PanEL . “Audentia and Amor.” Border of quarries. eda 381, by 23%, inches. 163—STAINED-GLASS PANEL The twin sisters “Samkhat and Kharimat,” and a stanza of — poetry from Chaldean Legend. Has fancy painted frame. 36 by 21 inches. 164—Two StTatnep-ciass PANEts Portrait of “Palissy” and “Velasquez.” 321, by 1514 inches and 3112 by 15% inches. 765—Pair oF STAINED-GLASS PANELS Representing “Enid,” with floral background and fancy rey frame and “The Lady of Shalott.” 371, by 1734 inches and 37 by 181, inches. 766—Turee Srarnep-ciass Panets _ Head of “Dante” and figures of ‘‘Love” and “Death.” Respective measurements: 1734 by 934 inches and 17 by 14 inches. %67—Turee STAINED-GLASS PANELS Portraits of “Velasquez,” ‘‘Chaucer” and ‘‘Dido.” Respective measurements: 1034 by 101% inches, 1034 by 10 inches and 17% by 14 inches. 768—STAINED-GLASS PANEL Portrait of “Titian.” 32%, by 18 inches. 769—Two Srarnep-ciass Panets Portraits of “Cellini” and “Velasquez.” Respective measurements: 34 by 16 inches and 421, by 15%, inches. 770—TuHree STAINED AND LEADED Guass PANELS Portraits of ‘““Rembrandt” and other artists. 351, by 16 inches and 33 by 18 inches. 771—Two Sratnep-cuass PANELS Portrait of “Rembrandt” and of another artist. 30 by 13 inches and 2934 by 1434 inches. 7%72—Two STainepD-cLass PANELS “Lady of Shalott,” surmounted by a panel with bird, vase and flowers. Respective measurements: 11 by 13 inches and 231/, by 14 inches. 773—Two SrTarnep-ciass PANELS One, “Perseus and Andromeda,” with fancy painted frame and background of quarries; and the other portrait of “Spenser.” Respective measurements: 1314, by 1114 inches and 2534 by 1814 inches 774—Two Srainep anp Lreapep Grass Panets “The King and Beggar Girl,” and a reclining figure, “Morning.” Respective measurements: 254, by 17 inches. (75—TuHReEE STAINED-GLAss PANELS Center panel, portrait of “Penelope,” with fancy painted border and quarries, and portraits of artists at each side. Respective measurements: 10 by 91, inches and 201, by 201/, inches. (76—Four SrTainep-cuass PANEeLs “Lady of Shalott,” originally designed and painted by Matthew Maris. Japanese heads at top, horsemen at bottom. Respective measurements: 93, by 91%, inches, 221, by 12%, inches and 5 by 5 inches. 777—Four Sratnep-ciass Panes “Lady of Shalott,” with top panel of Japanese heads; ships and marine at the bottom. Respective measurements: 9%/, by 9%, inches, 224%, by 12%, inches and 5 by 5 inches. Y78—Two PaneEts (A) Containing eight stained glasses. “Lady of Shalott,” originally designed and painted by Matthew Maris. Japanese heads at top, horsemen at bottom. Respective measurements: 9%/, by 91 inches, 221, by 12%, inches and 5 by 5 inches. (B) “The Lady of Shalott,” after Tennyson, originally de-— signed and painted by Matthew Maris. Heads of Japanese women at top, and horsemen at bottom. Respective measurements: 91, by 934 inches, 22 by 121 inches and 5 by 5 inches. 779—Parr STAINED AND LEADED GtaAss PANELS Portraits of “Rembrandt” and ‘Velasquez’; background of quarries. 31%), by 19 inches. 780—Two Sratnep anp Lreapep Guiass PANELS 3 Subjects: “Fides” and “Spes,” with background of quarries. 44 by 181% inches. 781—Srartnep-ciass Pane. “The Trojan Mother.” 27 by 311% inches. %82—TureEE STamnep AND LEapED Grass PANELS Lake and shore scene, with fifteen glass panels, fancy painted borders, and birds and branches of flowers. Respective measurements: 9-inch circles; 281, by 12% inches. %83—Four STAInep-cLass PANELS Two views of “The Lady of Shalott,” originally designed and painted by Matthew Maris. Bird and cherry circles at top. Respectwe measurements: 1134-inch circles; 22 by 12%, inches. %84—Two STAInED-cLAss PANELS “Hidden Treasure,” taken from one of the Parables, with panel of sunflower at the top. Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 261, by 20% inches. 785—TurReEE STAINED-GLASS PANELS Portraits of Japanese women and pots of flowers. Respective measurements: 1514, by 1514 inches and 93, by 9 inches. %86—Four STAINED-GLASS PANELS The old Scotch towns of Ayr, Montrose, Paisley and Dunnottar Castle. 91% by 16% inches. 787—Four Sratnep-eiass Panes Sunflowers and chrysanthemum in pots with portraits of “Chaucer” and “Reynolds.” Respective measurements: 281 by 1014 inches. 788—Fovur Srarvep-ciass Panes Portraits of “Lord Darnley” and “Henrik Van Bolen,” with background of quarries. In the center a figure of “Sculpture,” and birds and butterfly. Respective measurements: 211, by 121%, inches and 13 by 6 inches; 6-inch circle. 789—Turee STaInep AND LEADED Guass PANELS The lower panel, angel holding a cup, on a landscape back- ground; the two upper panels, portraits of “Rubens” and “Reynolds.” Respective measurements: 7 by 7 inches and 291, by 21 inches. 790—Turee Sratnep-ciass Panets Center panel, old German, dated 1530, with inscription, and two panels of fragments of antique glass on each side. From the Clarence H. King sale. La Respective measurements: 13 by 10%, inches; 8-inch circle. %91—STAINED-GLASS Panay. Old German glass. “Bishop and Acolyte.” 1934 by 151%, inches. 792—STAINED-GLASS PANEL “Tsolt,” with background of quarries. Black frame. A431, by 231% inches. 793—Parir oF STAINED AND LEADED Guass PANELS Portraits of “Cellini”? and “Palissy,” with background of quarries. 44, by 181%, inches. 794—Two Sratnep anp LEApED Guass PANELS Portraits of “Chaucer” and “Dante,” with border of geometrical quarries. 381, by 20%, inches and 381%, by 20%, inches. 795—Two Srarnep anp LEAapED Guass PANELS > with background of quarries. 421/, by 20 inches and 42 by 1834 inches. Autumn,’ 796—Twetve Srainep-cLass PanELs Re Old Scotch towns of Hamilton, Dunnottar, Aberdeen and Castle z of Bothwell, and portraits of J apanese women ott birds acro the top. ; 797—TweELvE STaInep-cLass PANELS 2 Views of the old Scotch towns of Ayr, Aberdeen, Culross and th ae Abbey of PON eat! “98—TweELvE STAINED-GLASS PANELS Views of the old Scotch towns of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dun ee and Dunfermline, and female heads. iv ds Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 91% by 161 inches 2 799—Twetve STAInep-cLAss PANnELs 3: The old Scotch towns of Dunblane, Dunnottar Castle, Aberdeen and Bothwell Castle. Japanese heads and birds. Respective measurements: 8-inch circles; 914 by 161% inches. 800—Fovur Srainep anp Leapep Guass PANELS “The Lost Piece of Money” and “The Leaven,” from the Parables, and flower panels of roses and morning-glories. Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 26%, by 20%, inches. 801—Four Sratnep anp Lrapep Guass PANELS Illustrating the parables, “Good Samaritan” and “Lost SL: surmounted by panels of morning-glories and roses. 141,-inch circles; 261, by 2014 duchen 802—Tern StTainep anp LEADED Grass PANELS The center oval panel contains a lake scene and fisherman, with a fancy painted border and a stanza by Byron. The remaining panels illustrate ships, horsemen, windmills and a reclining figure. Respective measurements: 2817, by 1234 inches, 71% by 18 inches and 5 by 5 inches. 803—TrEn Srainep anp LeapEep Guass PaneELs The center oval panel contains a landscape with a fancy painted ~ border and a stanza by Robert Burns. The remaining panels represent a reclining figure, ships, horsemen and windmills. Respective measurements: 281%, by 1234 inches, 7% by 18 inches and 5 by 5 inches. 804—Ten Stainep anp Leapep Gtiass PaneELs The center oval panel contains a landscape, surrounded by a fancy painted border with stanza by Robert Burns. The re- maining panels illustrate a reclining figure, ships, horsemen and windmills. Respective measurements: 2814 by 121% inches, 71% by 18 inches and 5 by 5 inches. 805—SrTaiInep Anp Leapep Guass PANEL “Marguerite.” 44 by 1714, inches. 806—Pair STAIneD AnD LEADED Guass PANELS Portrait of “Velasquez” and “Cellini,” with background of quarries. - 43, by 1914 inches and 35 by 20 inches. 807—Pair STAINED-GLAss PANELS “Dancing Girls.” Black frame. 49 by 22 inches. 808—SrTaInep-cLass PaneL Vase of various flowers with bunches of fruit at each end. Black ; \ frame. Fad ey! we = <5. Q41/, by 481%, inches. —809—Sramep-crass Paver . Flowers on a blue ground, with columns at each end. Painted border. 24 by 4814, inches. 810—Srainep-ciass Paneer “The Reaper,” with border of quarries. 35 by 23 inches. 811—Sratnep-cLass PANEL “Philadelphia,” with coat of arms, double glaze. Black frame. 18% by 30% inches. 812—Sranep-ciass Panen Flowers and bird on a blue ground. Black frame. ii 24 by 36 inches. 813—Two Srarinep-ciass Panes One, illustrating “Lost Piece of Money,” taken from one of the Parables; and the other, a rose. Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 261, by 201% inches. 814—Two Srarnep-ciass Panes ¥ “The Prodigal Son,” taken from one of the Parables, and morn- ing-glory. Respective measurements: 141/,-inch circle; 27% by 20 inches. (Illustrated) 814 815—Trree STAINED AND LEADED GuaAss PANELS The lower panel representing ‘“‘Veritas” and “Pulchritudo”; the two upper, portraits of “Gainsborough” and “Rubens.” Respective measurements: 7 by 7 inches and 32 by 19% inches. 816—Four Srarnep-ciass PaNneEts Female figures of “Painting” and “Sculpture,” and portraits of “Velasquez” and “‘Palissy.” Respective measurements: 104%, by 934 inches and 28 by 10 inches. 817—FourTEEN STAINED AND LEADED Guass PANELS The Abbey of Dunfermline and Culross, surrounded by twelve panels illustrating ships, windmills and horsemen. Respective measurements: 1817, by 251% inches and 5 by 5 inches. ~818—Twenty STainep AND Leapep Guass PANELS Center panel “Old Scotch Castle of Dunnottar,” surrounded by nineteen panels illustrating reclining figure, mermaids, ships, windmills and portrait heads of artists. Respective measurements: 181, by 251, inches, T1/ by 18 inches, 5 by 5 - inches; 5Y2-inch circle; 8 by 8 inches. 819—FourtEEen STAINED and LeapEep Grass PANELS Illustrating the old Scotch town of Ayr, Castle of Dumbarton, ships, windmills, horsemen, and other subjects. Respective measurements: 181, by 251% inches and 5 by 5 inches. 820—SrEvEN STAINED AND LeapeD Gass PANELS Representing the Four Seasons, Sculpture and Painting. Respective measurements: 371, by 1434 inches; 94-inch circle; 13 by 5% inches. 821—Fovr Srainep-ciass PaneLs Figures of “Pomona” and “Flora,” and birds. Respective measurements: 141,-inch circle; 23%, by 131, inches. 822—Two PaneEts (A) Seventeen stained-glass panels. Oval center panel, land- scape with fancy border, surrounded by ships, windmills, sheaves of wheat and other subjects. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 34 by 16 inches. (B) Sixteen stained and leaded glass panels. Oval center, marine scene, with fancy painted border, and stanza by Sir Walter Scott, and the remaining illustrating ships, windmills, horsemen and other subjects. Respective measurements: 34 by 16 inches and 5 by 5 inches. 823—Two Panets _ Meee (A) Stained and lead glass. Representing “Enid,” surmounted d by a circular bird panel with border. | Respective measurements: 15 by 16 inches and 304% by 154 (B) Representing portrait of “Fair May,” wits yee Browning and a figure: ‘““Thisbe.” - Respective measurements: 1442 by Whe inches and 30 oye ut 824—Pam oF PANELS “a Stained and leaded glass. Representing “Sir Lancelot Arthur,” birds and circles with border. Rate: Respective measurements: 15 by 16 inches and 301% by 151 825—SIxTEEN STAINED-GLASS PANELS - Dutch windmill surmounted by a view of the old Suntenes cas of Dunnottar; ships, windmills, sheaves of wheat and other s jects on lower panel. ee eee Respective measurements: 914 by 15 inches, 19 by 12% inches and 5 by inches. pe, 826—Fovur StTainep-ciass PAnELs AOS Oval landscapes with border of roses. The upper panels of birds in circles. (pene eee Respective measurements: 144/,-inch circle; 23 by 1334 inches. 827—SIxTEEN STAINED-GLAss PANELS : Center panel, “Goose Girl,” with painted frame and panteranndal 4 of quarries. Surrounded by fifteen panels illustrating reclining — “a figure, ships, windmills and sheaves of wheat. Respective measurements: 18 by 71/4 inches, 26 by 13 inches and 5 by 5 inches. _ 828—SrTainep-cLAss PANEL “Tsolt’s Descent”; leaded glass border. RA ck 354, by 1734 inches. 829—TuHREE STAINED-GLASS PANELS Figure of “Fame” and two female characters, with floral back- ground and painted frame. Respective measurements: 233, by 12%, inches and 1714 by 934 inches. 830—STAINED-GLASs PANEL Flowers on lattice work. Black frame. 26%, by 36 inches. 831—SrTaInEpD-cGLass PANEL Center panel of poppies, with oval landscapes at each side; apple-blossom ground. Black frame. . : 23% by 41 inches. 832—Parir Srarnep-ciass PANnets Portraits of “Jane Seymour” and “Judge More,” with fancy painted frame in center; oval landscapes on each side. 21 by 481% inches and 21 by 481% inches. 833—STaAInED-GLAss PANEL “Ceres,” with border of quarries. Black frame. 461%, by 20 inches. _ 834—Parr StTainep-cLass PANnELs “Moses” and “Aaron,” with quarries on each side. Black frame. 47 by 24 inches and 463, by 231% inches. 835—SEVEN STAINED AND LEADED Gass PANELS Center panel, “Helen,” surrounded by “The Four Seasons,” “Sculpture” and “Painting.” Respective eee te: 38 by 14 inches; 91/4,-inch circle; 13 by 5°34 inches. 836—Twenty Srarnep AND Leapep Grass Panets Center panel, the old Scotch town of Dumbarton, surrounded by nineteen panels illustrating a reclining figure, mermaids, Dutch ships, windmills and portraits of men. Respective measurements: 181, by 251% inches, 71/4, by 18 inches and 5 by 5 inches; 5%/,-inch circles; 8-inch circles. 837—Five Srarmwep anp Leapep Giass Panets The center panel, “Isabella and the Basilpot,” female figures and Japanese heads. Respective measurements: 42 by 15%, inches, 22 by 91% inches and 914 by 9%4 inches. & 838—SrTaINED AND LEADED GuaAss PANEL 99 “Penelope with Bow,” surrounded by geometrical quarries. 491%, by 181% inches. 839—Two Srarvep AND LEADED Guass PANELS Representing “Eve of St. Agnes,” “Basilpot,” and two reclining figures. Respective measurements: 414%, by 16%% inches and 71 by 18 inches. 840—Two Srainep anp LEADED Guass PANeELs Portraits of “Rembrandt” and another artist. ai 85 by 16 inches and 35%, by 17 inches. 841—Two Sratnep anp Lreapep Guass Panes a Portraits of “Palissy” and “Cellini,” on a background of ue - quarries. 421, by 1834 inches and 37 ey 18% inches. 842—S1x Srarnep-cLass Panes Saree Figures of ““Barmaid,” “Pomona,” “Flora,” ships, and Japanese — head. ; . e Respective measurements: 121, by 1014 inches; eae circle; 24, by 8% : . : : inches and 25%, by 151%, inches. 843—Six Sramwep anp Leapep Grass Panets ie Center panel, “The Lady of Shalott,” originally jae end painted for Cottier & Co. by Matthew Maris, and surrounded by five panels illustrating reclining figure, birds and flowers in pots. Respective measurements: 91/4-inch circle; T%, by 18 tions ede by 12% inches and 28 by 914 inches. — 844—Two Sratinep anp LEADED Gtass PANELS Female figures, representing “Spring” and “Winter. mg 381, by 15% shen. 845—STAINED AND LEADED Guass PANEL . ” surrounded by geometrical quarries. “Spring, 493, by 1834 inches. 846—Pam Srainep and Leapep Guass PanEts _ Reclining female figures representing “Morning” and “Night,” and surrounded by painted borders of foliated and leafy scrolls. 22 by 38 inches and 22 by 28 inches. 847—STAINED AND LEADED GuaAss PANEL Fides.” | ; 14 by 18% inches. 848—STAINED AND LEADED Guass PANEL ” with border of geometrical quarries. 381, by 20%, inches. ‘**Homer, 849—TeEn Srarnep-cLass Panes “Julia,” ships, windmills, reclining figure, and other subjects. Respective measurements: 27% by 1414, inches, 7% by 18 inches, and 5 by 5 inches. ante om W . Fens. =. 854 poppe is ED Sr - a a 858 sgn egal att, A 2. we . © AYbvrGee eal FMeE gamser'y s apesy Oo Ze, - (he “ a 858 858 Kharimat,” and a ee figure. — Respective measurements: 131 “ 26%, inches and aly, by ~ 851—Turee Srarnep-ciass Panes . as “Tstar’s Descent, a? “Nausicaa ad Ulysses,” and tae eL ; | 852—Six giles: -GLASS ro ws Classical subjects represen ae “T-yr0” _and “Orph and fruits. | Ee Respective measurements: 1014-inch circles; 29 853—Four Srarvep-ciass Panes “Daphnis” and “Orpheus,” surmounted by two reclir Respective measurements: ", by 18 inches and 2e er S54 tour STAINED-GLASS Pinar Roses and lilies in pots, surmounted | by” port “Veritas” and “Isabella.” } is Respective measurements: 15% by 13% inches and 39 by 15 (Illustrated) 855—Fovur StTainep-Guass PANELS ° Figures of “Psyche” and ‘Sappho,’ som. wild rose, and ery, blos- Respective measurements: 13%-inch circle; 38 by 4 inches. 856—Pair Srainep anp LrEapEep Grass Panes Figures of “Dante” and “Chaucer,” and circular flower panels at top. ; Respective measurements: 141,-inch circle; 13%%-inch circle; 38 by 14 inches. — 857—Srarinep-ciass PaneL Nude female figure. peranet: | 58 by 19 inches. 858—Four Srarnep-ciass Panets Figures representing “Spring,” “Summer,” “Autumn,” “Winter.” 57%, by 19 inches. (Illustrated) : | 859—Parr STAINED-GLAss PANELS Head of “Spring” and of “Autumn,” with background of poppies in center. Border of flowers and ribbons. Amber glass on each side. Black frame. 341%, by 38 inches. ST SE A HA AS a = ATE HERTS SHR 860—Srainep anp LeapEp Grass PANEL “Acropolis at Athens.” 364%, by 343, inches. 861—PLaIn Lreapep Guass PANEL Oval panels of shore scene and Dutch Canal. Black frame. 321, by 441, inches. 862—STaInED-GLAss PANEL Bird and flowers, with border of fruits and flowers. Black frame. 3314 by 4314, inches. 863—Fovur Srainep-ciass PANELS Two views of “The Lady of Shalott,” originally designed and painted by Matthew Maris. Bird and cherry circles at top. Respective measurements: 11%,-inch circles; 22 by 12% inches. 864—Four Srarnep AND LEADED Guass PANELS Marine views, and “Lady of Shalott.” Respective measurements: 13 by 101% inches and 22%, by 12%, inches. 865—TuHREE STAINED-GLASS PANELS Two views of “The Lady of Shalott,” originally designed and painted by Matthew Maris, surmounted by a reclining net of “Morning.” Respective measurements: 12 by 22 inches and 22 by ley, inches. 866—Two Panets (A) Twelve stained-glass ua Views of old Scotch towns of Montrose, Dunblane, Dunnottar and Alloa; birds and portrait heads of women. Respestive measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 91, by 16% inches. (B) Twelve stained-glass panels. Views of the old Scotch towns of Dumbarton, Aberdeen, Linlithgow and Edinburgh, and por traits of men and women artists. Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 91% by 16% inches. 867—Srx STaIneED anp LEADED GuaAss PANELS Two female figures on leafy background, landscape with painted borders and sunflowers, and portraits of “Aida” and “Cas- sandra.” Respective measurements: 10 by 11 inches; 13-inch circle; 1234 by 24 inches and 27 by 1114 inches. 868—Two Srainep AnD LEADED Gass PANELS Female figures representing “Spring” and “Autumn.” 38 by 151% inches. 869—Two SraingepD AND LEapED Guass PANELS Representing “Geraint” and ‘Elaine.” 304, by 15%, inches. 870—Srx STAINED-GLAsSs PANELS Classical subjects of “Orpheus” and “Narcissus,” with circles of birds across top. Respective measurements: 1014-inch circles; 29 by 201% inches. 871—STAINED-GLASs PANEL “Knight of the Round Table,” with painted frame and border of quarries. Black frame. 37 by 47 inches. 872—Pair STAINED-GLASS PANELS “Spes” and “Fides,” with border of quarries. 54 by 20 inches. 873—Patr STAINED-GLAss PANELS “Dancing Girls.” Black frames. 49 by 22 inches. 874—TureEE STAINED-GLAss PANELS Representing “The Lady of Shalott,” “Istar’s Descent,” and a reclining figure. Respective measurements: 12 by 22 inches and 22 by 121% inches. 875—Four Srarwep-crass Paners “The Lady of Shalott,” originally designed and painted by Matthew Maris. Bird and fruit circles across the top. Respective measurements: 11%4-inch circles; 221, by 1214 inches. 876—NINETEEN STAINED-GLAss PANELS Dutch ship, surrounded by eighteen panels illustrating horse- men, windmills, boats and other subjects. _ Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 29 by 20 inches. 877—Twetve Srainep-ciass Panets Windmill, surrounded by eleven panels illustrating New York in 1671, ships, horsemen and windmills. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches, 1444 by 231, inches and 1914 by 121, inches. 878—Srven- STAINED-GLAss PANELS View of the old Scotch town of Edinburgh, with fancy painted frame, and the remaining six of horses and windmills. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 18 by 251, inches 879—Srix Srarnep-ciass PAneELs “King and Beggar Maid” and ‘“‘Calypso and Ulysses,” and por- traits of “Helen” and “Miranda,” ‘“‘Genevieve and Knight” and “The Golden Fleece.” Respective measurements: 1014-inch circles; 16% by 13%, inches and 11 by 10 inches. 9 880—Two PaneEts Stained glass. ‘The Leaven,” taken from the Parables, with panel of sunflowers above, and ‘‘Sowing Tares.” Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 2614, by 201, inches. 881—Pair Panels (A) Twenty stained and leaded glass panels. ‘Old Scotch town of Culross,” surrounded by nineteen panels illustrating a reclining figure, mermaids, Dutch ships, He eas windmills and portrait heads of men. Respective measurements: 181%, by 251, inches, 7, by 18 inches and 5 by 5 inches; 5%/,-inch circles; 8-inch circles. (B) Twenty stained and leaded glass panels. “Old Scotch Castle of Stirling,” surrounded by nineteen panels illustrating a reclining figure, mermaids, Daten ships, Horsch Be and birds. k Respective measurements: 18y, by 251, ie TY, — 18 inch circles; 5 by 5 inches and 8 by 8 inches. Rs 882—Two Srainep anp Leapep Guass PaneLs Similar to the preceding. saedanrene te STAINED-GLAss PANELS serted in the center. The two upper ae noe _ ne “Dante” and Spenser.” » a 7 SS: Cee Respective measurements: 134%, by 111% inches and 24 by 31% i 884—SEvVEN STAINED-GLASS PANELS Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 19% by 294 885—Pair Panets a en (A) Sixteen stained and leaded glass panels. meee: wi hocenen ships, windmills and other subjects. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches, 22y, by 16% inches and ™% % inches. (B) Sixteen stained and leaded glass panels. Marine view ship, surrounded by fifteen panels illustrating the old Scotch — town of Elgin, sheaves of wheat, boats, horsemen and other subjects. oop aR Respective measurements: 5,by 5 inches, 201, by 16% ee 91% by 13% inches. Yaar are 886—Four Srainep anp Leapep Guass PANELs © The lower panel of autumn leaves, and across the top J apanese ” hs heads and bird. Respective measurements: 91 by 91% inches; 121%4-inch circle; 234, by 40 oN inches. a 887—Four Sratinep anp Leapep Guass Panes sais Classical subjects, “Daphnis” and “Orpheus,” and reclining figures across top. Respective measurements: 71, by 18 inches and 29 by 20 inches. 888— Pair PANELS | (4) Four stained and leaded glass panels. Poppies and chrys- anthemum in pots, panels of birds and duck at top. Respective measurements: 834, by 834 inches and 383, by 1434 inches. (B) Four stained and leaded glass panels. Roses and lilies in pots, surmounted by a duck and bird panel. Respective measurements: 834 by 834 inches and 383, by 1434 inokee j i j — mn aie | i ! 889—Pair STAINED-GLAss PANELS “Caritas” and “Spes.” 49 by 17 inches and 49 by 17 inches. 890—SraInED-cGLAss PANEL Figure representing ‘Music.” 891—STAINED-GLAss PANEL “Agony in the Garden.” Black frame. 55 by 22 inches. 56 by 26 inches. [GLAD LPP LOLS (CPOE 1 ELS e KD, ae race pee ey | SAIN ee Le Let os eR 8 EN ee OTS | i % 2 OCR PRED 21S SOLS) AI OO oD we aie : 4 es : | 1 OLED eo ERE 1S TREE Tw I Ps yt ject 892—- Pair SrainEep-ciass PANELS Flowers and birds with borders of fruits and flowers. Black frame. 331%, by 43% inches and 34 by 46 inches. 893—Patr PANnELs (4) Four stained glass panels illustrating the Parables, “The Money Changer” and ‘‘Publican and Pharisee”; roses and morn- ing-glories. Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 271, by 20 inches. (B) Four stained and leaded glass panels. Scenes illustrating the Parables: ‘The Leaven” and ‘“‘Lost Piece of Money.” Roses and sunflower above. Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 251, by 2014, inches. 894—Srartnep-GLass PANEL “Genevieve and Knight,” with fancy painted frame and back- ground of quarries. Black frame. 341% by 40 inches, 895—Turee Sramnep-ciass PANneEts Two panels of “The Lady of Shalott,” originally designed and painted by Matthew Maris, and sleeping female figure. Respective measurements: 121 by 264, inches and 221% by 12%, inches. 896—SEVENTEEN STAINED-GLAss PANELS Dutch windmill, surrounded by sixteen panels illustrating town and river scenes, dolphins, windmills, ships, horsemen and other subjects. Respective measurements: 121% by 221% inches, 201% by 17 inches and 5 by 5 inches. 897—Fovur Srarinep-ciass Panes Two views of “The Lady of Shalott,” and two bird circles. Respective measurements: 1414,-inch circles; 22 by 1234 inches. — 898—Two Sratnep-crass Paners “Tsabella” and ‘‘Miranda.”’ F 44 by 18 inches. _ 899—Pam Panets . (A) Twelve stained-glass panels. Representing the old Scotch towns of Dumbarton, Montrose, Glasgow and Ayr, heads of Furies, and portraits of artists. Respective measurements: 7 by 7 inches and 914 by 1614 inches. (B) Twelve stained-glass panels. Four views of the old Scotch towns of Dumbarton, Alloa, Brechin and Perth, and portraits of women and artists. Respective measurements: 7 by 7 inches and 914, by 161% inches. 900—Four Sratnep anp Leapep Giass PAnELts _ Figures of “Man taking Snuff” and “‘Woman with Fan’’; circle ‘flower panel at top. 14-inch circle; 38 by 1414 inches. 901—Four Srarnep anp Leapep Guass PANELS Figures of “Spring” and “Autumn,” with circular portraits of “Tsabella” and ‘‘Genevieve,” with stanzas. Respective measurements: 1444 by 1434 inches and 381%, by 1534 inches. 902—Six Srarvep anp Leapep Guass PANnELs Sunflowers and chrysanthemum, birds and reclining figures. Respective measurements: 9:by 9 inches, 39 by 15 inches and 7 by 18 inches. 903—Pam Panets ee (A) Sixteen stained-glass panels. Oval landscape with painted border and stanza by Robert Burns, windmills, boats, horsem and other subjects. : Respective measurements: 34 by 16 inches and 5 by 5 i 7 ly (B) Sixteen stained-glass panels. Oval Ree, with ee men, windmills and other subjects. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 34 in 16 inch 904—Two Sramnep anp Leapep Grass Panets is ef ; “The Basil-pot” and “Miranda.” Respective measurements: 44 by Ty, inch 905—Five SrTarinep-cLass PANeELs © 39 Female figures. “Summer,” “Sappho,” and other subjects. — Respective measurements: 434%, by 18 inches and 16 by 7 ‘inches. 906—Patr PANELS (A) Fourteen stained and leaded glass panels. Two old Scotch towns, Linlithgow and the Castle of Dumbarton; surrounded by twelve panels representing windmills, horsemen, ships and other subjects. Respective measurements: 181, by 251, inches and 5 by 5 inches. (B) Fourteen stained and leaded glass panels. Two old Scotch towns of Dundee and Montrose, surrounded by twelve panels representing boats, windmills, sheaves of wheat and other sub- jects. - Respective measurements: 181, by 251% inches, 5 by 5 inches. 907—Four Sratnep-ciass PANELS Classical subjects of “Narcissus” and ‘‘Orpheus” and two re- clining figures. Respective measurements: 71/, by 18 inches and 29 by 20 inches. 908—Six Srarnep-cLass Panes “Orpheus” and “Narcissus,” with circles of birds. Respective measurements: 10Y%4-inch circles; 29 by 20% inches. 909—Srx Strarmnep and LrapED Guass PANELS The center panel, “The Lady of Shalott,” originally designed | and painted for Cottier & Co. by Matthew Maris, surrounded by five panels illustrating reclining figure, birds and flowers in pots. Respective measurements: 91/4-inch circle; TY, by 18 inches, 22%, by 12%4 inches and 28 by 9%, inches. 910—Sratnep-cLass PaNneEL “Justice,” with fancy painted border. Black frame. 671, by 231% inches. 911—STaInED-cGLAss Panet “Angel and: Child.” Black frame. , 77 by 2614, inches. 912—-SrTaInep-GLass PANEL “Virgin and Child.” Black frame. 821, by 30 inches. 9138—Srainep-ciass Panei ae and Children,” with inscription. Height, 8 feet 1114 inches; width, 2 feet 1114 inches. GE hirer) crass vee “Eve of St. Agnes,” with stanza; floral border all around. Black frame. 84 by 44 inches. ~ 915—Srarinep-ciass Panev “Pool of Bethsaida.” Black frame. 916—Srainep-ciass Pane “Christ and St. Peter on the Sea.” Black frame. 917—Srarnep-ciass Panen “Immaculate Conception.” Black frame. 93 by 30 inches. 918—Srainep-cLass Panen “Fides,” framed in black. : 841, by 27 inches. 919—STaInED-GLAss PANEL “Angel Reaper.” Black frame. 75, by 25 inches. 920—SrTaInep-cLAss PANEL “Spring,” with fancy painted flower and leafy scroll border. Black frame. 62 by 34 inches. 921—STAINED-GLASs PANEL Figure of “Enid,” with a bird circle above and fancy painted circle below and painted border all around. Framed in black. 731, by 23 inches. Black frame. 923—Four SrTainep anp LEADED Guass PANELS © The lower panels of lilies and sunflowers in pots, a panels heads of “Fides” and “Veritas.” Respective measurements: 15%, by 13% inches and 3 924—Fovur STAINED AND teen GLAss PANELS Heads of “Spes” and “Caritas,” portrait, chrysan lilies. — bas ) Respective measurements: 151%, by eA inches and 39° 925—Parir STAINED AND LrapEep Guass PANELS ; * (Mustrated) 926—Four Srarnev AND LEApED Guass Panets ‘ The two lower panels, “Man taking Snuff” and “Womar ? Fan.” Surmounted by circular flower panels of sunflower ~ aes, roses. as Respective measurements: 144%, by 144% inches and 38 by Ay, 927—Four Srainep anp Leapep Grass Panets os eehag Two panels, illustrating the Parables, “Sowing Tares” ane “Hidden Treasure,” and two roses and sunflower. Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 2617, by 204, inches. 928—Srx Srarnep-ciass Paners ; : a (eee Six upright female figures, one representing “Aurora.” Respective measurements: 61, by 1714 inches, 16 by 514, inches and pk by 1434 inches. 929—Eieut Strainep-ciass Panews ; “Fides” and “Aurora,” and portrait heads of men and women. | Respective measurements: 7 by 7 inches and 61 by 1714 inches; 91/,-inch circles; 11 by 91% inches and 31 by 13% inches. 930—Pair PaneEts (4) Twelve stained-glass panels. The Scotch towns of Mon- trose, Edinburgh, Dunfermline, and portrait heads of women _ and birds. F Respective measurements: 8-inch circles; 91% by 1614 inches. " ‘ ~ = rs of Dundee, Ross, Hamilton and Dunnottar ‘Castle, and a apane portrait heads and birds. Respective measurements: 8-inch circles; 91, by 1614 ine Y -931—Pam Panuts. Mai (A) Fourteen stained and leaded She: panels. Two old Sco towns of Dryburgh and Culross, surrounded by twelve | Be ships, windmills, horsemen and other subjects. 2 Respective measurements: 181%, by 251% inches and 5 by 5 inches (B) Fourteen stained and leaded glass parle The old ay town of Kelso and the Castle of Dumbarton, surrounded by twelve panels of windmills, ships and other subjects, Respective measurements: 181, by 25% inches and 5 by 5 ‘ones 932—Pam PaneELs i i (A) Four stained and leaded glass panels.. The two lower panels, “Hidden Treasure” and ‘Sowing Tares,” illustrating the Parables, and circles of morning-glories and sunflowers. Respective measurements: 1414-inch circles; 261%, by 204, inches. (B) Four stained-glass panels. “Good Samaritan” and ‘Lost Sheep,” scenes illustrating the Parables; sunflower and roses. Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 26%, by 20%, inches. 933—Srainep AnD Leapep Grass Panen Quarterfoil design with inscription, “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of — God.” St. Mark X, 14th Verse.. ‘ 37 by 37 inches. 934—Four Srainep anp LeapEep Guass PANeELs ' Representing “King and Beggar Maid,” reclining figures with fancy painted frame and portrait heads of “Dou” and “Crabet.” _ Respective measurements: 17 by 14 inches, 8 by 8 inches and 13%, by 26% inches. 935—Pair PANnets (A) Sixteen stained-glass panels. Center panel, “The Market Girl,” with panel across top representing “Night,” surrounded by fourteen panels of ships, windmills, horsemen and other sub- jects. Respective measurements: 8 by 18%, inches, 2534 by 1514 inches and 5 by 5 inches. ; (B) Sixteen stained-glass panels. ‘Dairy Maid” and panels representing figure of “Aurora,” windmills, ships, horsemen and other subjects. . Respective measurements: Tim by 18% inches, 26 by 151% inches and 5 by 5 inches. ; 936—Four Sratnep-ciass Panets Figures of “Dante” and “Spenser,” with panels of roses and chrysanthemum. Respective measurements: 15 by 15 inches and 37 by 14 inches. 937—Patr PaneEts | (4A) Twelve stained-glass panels. Poets, artists, female heads, old Scotch towns of Perth, Ayr, Falkland and Aberdeen. Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 91/4 by 1614 inches. (B) Twelve stained-glass panels. Views of the old Scotch towns of Bass, Glasgow, Linlithgow and Dunnottar, and portrait heads of poets, artists and women. Respective measurements:~8 by 8 inches and 91/, by 161% inches. 938—Parr Panets (A) Twelve stained-glass panels. Old Scotch towns of Elgin,» _ Corsregal, Aberdeen and Stirling. The remaining panels, el and portrait of woman’s head. Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 91% by 161% inches. (B) Twelve stained-glass panels. The old Scotch towns of Ayr, Perth, The Bass and Dunnottar Castle, surmounted by portrait heads of artists and women. Respective measurements: ‘8 by 8 inches and 914 by 16% inches. 939—Pair Panes (A) Seventeen stained-glass panels. Dutch windmill, sur- rounded by sixteen panels illustrating wharf in Philadelphia, ships, windmills and horsemen. _ Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches, 19% by 1514 inches and 12 by 20 inches. (B) Seventeen stained-glass panels. Dutch windmill, sur- rounded by sixteen panels illustrating a river and town scene, ships, windmills, horsemen, and other subjects. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches, 19 by 1544 inches and 12 by 20 inches. 940—SIxTEEN STAINED AND LEeApED Grass PANELS Dutch ship and windmill, surmounted by fourteen small panels illustrating horsemen, windmills, ships and other subjects. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 19 by 15% inches. 941—Srven Sramnep-ciass PaNELs i “Penelope with Bow,” “The Four Seasons” in figures of “Music” and “Dancing” at sides. Respective measurements: 91/,-inch ceed 13 by 5% inches and inches. (a ae 942—EFicut STAINED-GLASS PANELS “Titian,” poets, artists, and flowers in pots. Respective measurements: 8 by 8% inches, 7 by 7 inches inches, 943—Five Srainep AnD LEADED Guass PANELS Center panel, female figure representing Ra panel heads of “Christabel” aug ea eae ty ; lower male figures. . a ese inches. 944—Six STAINED-GLASS PaNers > and figure of a mermaid. and ‘‘Shakespeare,’ Respective measurements: 161%, by 614 inches, 27% by 13 inches ond 8 inches; 51-inch circle; 7 by 7 inches. 945—FourTEEN STAINED-GLASS PANELS Classical landscape and “Daphnis,” surrounded by thirteen panels illustrating Philadelphia, ships, windmills, horsemen and other subjects. ies Respective measurements: 7 by 14 inches, 28%, by 20 inches and 5 by oe ? og inches. : % 946—Six Srarnep-ciass Panews : ow? “Pomona,” “Barmaid” and “Madelaine,” surmounted by portraits of male and female. Respective measuremenis: 1914 by 81% inches and 22 by 11 inches; TYyeineh circle; 91-inch circle; 814 by 8 inches. 947—Pair Panes eter (A) Twelve stained-glass panels. Old Scotch towns of Bass, Ayr, Aberdeen and Bothwell, and portrait heads of women and artists. Respective measurements: 7 by 7 inches and 91. by 161% inches. (B) Twelve stained-glass panels. Old Scotch towns of Mon- trose, Glasgow, Culross, and Castle of Dumbarton, and portrait heads -of artists. Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 9, by 1614 inches. AR Se eee mE Tg 948—NINETEEN STAINED AND LEADED GtuaAss PANELS Center panel, old Dutch ship, surrounded by eighteen panels il- lustrating ships, windmills, horsemen and sheaves of wheat. vespective measurements: 29 by 20 inches and 5 by 5 inches. 949—SIxTEEN STAINED AND LeapEeD Grass PANeELs Dutch ship and windmill, surmounted by fourteen small panels illustrating horsemen, windmills, ships and other subjects. Respective measurements: 5 by 5 inches and 19 by 15%, inches. ‘ 951—Four se -GLASsS PANELS painted by Matthew Maris. Bird aa fruit circles at ‘top Respective measurements: 11%4-inch circles; 22 by ae 952—Turer STAINED-GLASS PANELS Two views of “The Lady of Shalott,” bilpinata oe painted by Matthew Maris, and a reclining figure. Respective measurements: 12 by 22 inches and 22 by 13 ine 953—ELeveN STatnep-ciass PANnELs The center panel, “The Harvest Girl,” surrounded by ten pan illustrating the seasons, ships and windmills. sie Respective measurements: 9Y,-inch circles; 21%, by 11 inches and 5 by inches. 954—Two Srainep-cLass PanEets ‘6 “Genevieve and Knight,” with background of quarries, and a re- clining figure. Respective measurements: 27 by 2134 inches and 11 by 27 inches. 955—Patr Panes (A) Twelve stained-glass panels. Representing old Scotch towns of Dumbarton, Aberdeen, Bothwell Castle and Montrose, — birds and portrait heads of women. Respective measurements: 8-inch circles; 9Y, by 161%, inches. (B) Eight stained-glass panels. Representing the old Scotch towns of Brechin, Ayr, Culross and Bothwell Castle, birds and portrait heads of men and women. Respective measurements: 8-inch circles; 91, by 16% inches. -956—E1cHT STAINED-GLASS PANELS Lower panels representing ‘“‘Dante and Chaucer” and “The Dancer,” with six bird circles across top. Respective measurements: 8-inch circle; 21 by 1434 inches. 22 UE RRR ep % PLEO MO NA ene TER } DSc MaRGhad BAG Bad ea B Acar Ge : \ | ; 957—Turee Panets (A) Twelve stained-glass panels. Views of old Scotch towns 4 . . . of Aberdeen, Linlithgow, Dunnottar and Glasgow, and eight por- trait heads of men and women. i Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 91%, by 161% inches. (B) Twelve stained-glass panels. Old Scotch towns of Ayr. Dryburgh, Linlithgow and Glasgow, and portrait heads of women - and artists. Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 91, by 161% inches. (C) Twelve stained-glass panels. Old Scotch towns of Glasgow, Stirling, Ayr and Aberdeen, and portrait heads of women and artists. Respective measurements: 8 by 8 inches and 914, by 161% inches. 958—SiIxTEEN STAINED AND LEADED Guass PANELs Dutch windmill and the old Scotch town of Falkland, sheaves of wheat, boats, windmills and other subjects. Respective measurements: 91, by 15 inches, 19% by 121% inches and 5 by 5 inches. O59 Bask STAINED-GLASS PaNnELs Center panel, sunflower surrounded by four panels iinet bird and butterflies. 2 91/,-inch circles; 161/ ae 19 inches; 41-inch circles, 960—Five Srainep AND LeapEp Guass PANELS “ Reyes * re) pets, 1 hi Die. ~ Sa Mert a » * 7 : Ne =, 4 my pay FS 1 Ln, ad * : wiht “y) 1080 -2P reer VELVET jer Italian. Renaissance period. "Artistic eps and trimmed with tinsel aad o= Oo0 Nore DamasK Cover on a coral ground. cet Length, ie ae 1092—PaneL or CHINESE Damask £33 Nie : The upper part lotus flowers in tinsel, on a r ground; the lower part the reverse. Lined with satin. 3 Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 3 fee 1093—Pair Rep CHENILLE Tapestry CURTAINS Baise Embroidery in appliqué on brown linen. Lined with brocatelle. ae ilee Cage Respectively, 12 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 2 inches and 12 feet by 12 f ‘ 1094—Two anv ONE- -HALF eres CURTAINS silk rene Length, 11 fate Ben a ne 1095—Pair Curtains tay Brown, buff and blue tapestry, with panels of yellow ona: silk plush and brown mohair plush. Lined. Length, 9 feet 9 patil width, 4 feet 3 inches, i ~ 1096—Parr Emprowerep Cream Satin Currains Floral design in colors and outlined with tinsel. Trimmed ] with tassel edging and lined with cream silk. Pte Length, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 4 4 feet. 1097—Patr CurTAINS Buff and brown, waste silk tapestry. Finished with an dpa Silk lined. Length, 6 feet. : Ne om ye + 0 ee ie Grew Set rc ee F - ee vnen Wem Senah ame Sete Seep hen hg 3 es teres O18 OH 8 we en tow woes Sage So Som a & a Ny \ es eat < hy SARE IP CRS . SAS gt a a 8 0G Sp NEDA gl Wg He ln ny jump uapune , N } 4 Ef | Pe ¥ ; Ai CIs si 2 9 ME NDF Om ny mg oder mdenvgen hbo tT a ~ Ci Ea a! tess ihe Se ee ‘ rh espe et ole hve re are bovine Lee de dle Sey Sais 1098—Pam Currais | Meese tae eerie o | Light green silk sal bei nene cane at rant gray plush and embroidered with tinsel cords and silk. gE wi slate-blue satin. “Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 3 ‘feet 9 a ~— 1099—Pair Curtains ciel pee re, Red plush, appliqued with gold cord. Lined with cream ahengily 5 feet 6 inches; width, 3 yest, : 1100—Parr Currarns Rich red silk plush, aaa appliqué scroll decigee in 1 gold ¢ Lined with silk. Length, 5 feet 6 “inches width, 3 feet 9 1101—Patrr CurTAINS Lemon-colored figured velours. ay Length, 5 feet 3 inches; width, * ied 6 inches, 1102—Pam or Ficurep ORsINI VeLours Currarys ie ape ie Green and gold. Lined with blue satin. it, or Tee Length, 6 feet; width, 11 feet 4 inches. ( 1103—Tarrstry Curtain : Flower and scroll design i in brown and blue on a gray ground. Unlined. Length, 7 feet 6 Wuchees width, 4 feet 8 inches. — , 1104—Tarpestry CurTAIN Floral design on a brown ground. Unlined. | Length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. 1105—PortirrE oF Orancre ARMURE Finished with a tinsel border and lined with silk. Ss Length, 8, feet; width, 54%, feet. 1106—Vatance oF Gotp CLoTH AND PLUsH va Trimmed with a heavy blue and cream silk openwork border with rosettes. Width, 7 feet 10 inches; height, 24 inches. 1107—Vaance Fine blue plush, with tulip and scroll design, in cloth of gold, and gold cord appliqué. Length, 82 inches; width, 11% inches. 1108—Empromerrep PAneL Flowers, leaves and branches embroidered in various-colored silks, with border of same character on a rose-silk ground. Height, 86 inches; width, 52 inches. Leltveh, 68 inches; width, 35 inches. eee: Bouquets: of flowers 1 im various colors A = Longit, 72 inches; width, 29 inches. Bs cides of gold cloth and red velvet on ee center sone red velvet. ‘Trimmed with antique is Planed i with Chinese printed linen. Length, 56 inches; width, 23%, inches. ay - nee d os buff Dhenille tapestry. Trimmed with galloon. Lined Length, 52%, inches; width, 141% inches. Baiicn and buff silk tapestry. Trimmed with gold silk border. de 2 Based with slate-colored satin. Length, 49%, inches; width, 40 Rohe -1116—Lemon- -COLORED VELOURS pecciar pattern, with olive dots in Brrcie! Length, 5% yards; width, 471, inches. » 111 7—Tarestry Scroll and flower design in colors on a brown ground. “ Length, 5%, yards; width, 51 inches. 1118—Tarestry Red chenille medallion design, appliqued on a Sear linen w is embellished with an openwork border and metal trimmi Finished with a red chenille border. , By re Length, 5% yards; width, ny incl aie ‘ d _— 4. {> 5 1119—Tarestry Indian design in blue, brown, red, white and buff. 1120—Tarrstry Persian design in cream, terracotta, blue and brown, an on a light brown ground. Length, 61, yards; width 49 inches. — 1121—Rep CuHenitue Tapestry Ikebe ae ‘2 eae Geometrical design i in red outlined in brown. Length, 63% oes width, Aig inche. 1122—Burnt Orance Monair Priuse ! Miia a ae Embossed floral pattern. . | 1123—Buve Monarr Puiusu Embossed floral design. a 3 Length, 64% yards; width, 23% inches. 1124—Tarestry . Spray and blossom design in white, green, brown and tinsel on a terracotta silk ground. eae C Length, 73% yards; width, 48 eee 1125—Green Tapestry ' : Blue thread throughout, giving a changeable appearance. Length, 15% yards; width, 531, inches. — 1126—TarestTry ; Scroll and medallion design on an olive silk ground. * Length, 8 yards; width, 62 inches, 1127—Woot Tapestry Birds and flowers in various colors. 5 Length, 81, yards; width, 2, inches. d 1128—Ye.ttow Monair Piusx oe Embossed design of fruit and flowers, designed by Cottier & Co. Length, 91%, yards; width, 24 inches. 1129—Monair CroTrH Brown. Length, 10%, yards; width, 52 inches. 1130—Tarestry Olive green chenille. Length, 105% yards; width, 48 inches. ~1131—Jure Tarestry Borper Persian design of scrolls and flowers in various colors on a dark blue ground. Length, 12% yards; width, 2414 inches. 1132—Brown Goar’s Har Damask . Bold foliated pattern. : Length, 12% yards; width, 49 inches. 1133—SiLk anp Woon Tapestry Small flower design in silver, blue and green on a cream ground. : Length, 1554 yards; width, 51 inches. ~1134—Monarm Crotu Turkey red. | : : Length, 153%, yards; width, 52 inches. 1135—Sirx Taprrsrry Rose and ribbon design on a blue ground. ‘Length, 16%, yards; width, 52 inches. 11386—CuHeENILLE TaArEstTry Chinese opeet in pink on a oald ground. << Length, 175% yards; width, 451%, inches. 1137—Goart’s aot PLusH Brown. ; Length, 25 yards; width, 24 inches. 1138—Si1ix ann Woo. Tapestry Geometrical design in various colors with all-over scroll work in dark blue on a light blue ground. Length, 38 yards; width, 46 inches. ~11389—Goar’s Harr Puusn Green. : Length, 41 yards; width, 24 inches. 1140—Taprestry Silk and cotton. Design of large apple trees in brown, on a light green ground. Length, 421, yards; width, 55 inches. 1141—Buive Monair Privusu Embossed design of fruit and flowers. Designed by Cottier & Co. Length, 534%, yards; width, 63 inches. 1142—Green Goat’s Harr Damask Bold foliated pattern. Length, 56% yards; width, 29 inches. SEVENTH AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 oO’CLOGK 1143—Turee EmpBromwerep Perstan Towret Enps Embroidered in colors. 1144—Fovur Networx Tipies Lavender silk and tinsel. Have tinsel tassels. Length, 12 inches; width, 12 inches. 1145—Fovur Networx Tipies Three mouse-colored silk and one old-gold color, finished with tassels. Length, 18 inches; width, 91, inches. 1146—Tasie Cover Green and gold flax velours. Trimmed with green and gold silk galloon, with raised pattern. Lined with Indian printed linen. Length, 23 inches; width, 151, inches- 1147—Taxsie Cover Blue silk and tinsel velours. Trimmed with blue and gold silk galloon. Lined with Indian printed linen. Length, 24 inches; width, 22 inches. 1148—TasiEe Cover Green and gold flax velours. Trimmed with green and gold galloon. Lined with printed Indian linen. Length, 23 inches; width, 23 inches. 1149—TasiEe Cover Red and gold damask, trimmed with antique border. Lined with yellow silk. Length, 274%, inches; width, 18%, inches. 1150—Tasie Cover Mat of antique red and gold damask. With a vate bowel Lined with aes silk, 1151—Emprowerep PaneEL AMG ses design in gold silk on _ purple satin ground: Length, 29 inches; width, 28 inch 1152— "Danie Coymry @ aa . 4 Red brown chenille tapestry. Trimmed with gold and red silk galloon. ‘Lined with changeable silk taffeta. Length, 34 inches; width, 181, inches 1153—Two Cusuions One covered with figured gold silk ace and patie’ ith brown and gold damask, and the other blue velvet, backed — © a with brown and old gold damask and moss- sped edge. oS 1154—Two Cusutons One covered with a green and gold silk damask, and packed : 7 ‘ with brown brocatelle, and the other brown brocatelle. Both finished with a moss edging. 1155—Two Cusuions Light blue and pink brocatelle, backed with salmon-colored brocatelle. Finished with pink cord. 1156—Two CusuHions Covered with yellow and cream damask, backed with, red and gold tapestry. Finished with moss edging. . 1157—Two Comins Covered with a brown figured brocatelle, backed with brown and gold figured damask, and the other brown figured broca- telle and backed with light blue and ee Both finished with Oe moss edging. 1158—E1entr Cuarr SEATS Brown medallion and scroll design on red chenille tapestry ground. ¢ Width, 2334 inches; depth, 221%, inches. LENGTHS OF VELVET, LAMPAS, DAMASKS, BRO- CADES, BROCATELLE AND TAPESTRIES 1159—SatLMOn-COLORED SiLtkK LAmMPAS Running pattern of a floral design. Length, % nade width, 54 inches. 1160—Two Lrenerus or Sirk VELVET One, antique blue velvet pattern on a golden satin ground; the other, a geometrical design in old red. Length, 1 yard; width, 2114 inches. 1161—Lenern or Brocave Salmon pound with conventional floral design in colors. Length, 1 yard; width, 52 inches. 1162—Borrir-creen Satin Brocave Japanese design. Roses in colored silk and tinsel. Length, 14% yards; width, 51 inches. — 1163—Two Lenerus or Sirk VELVET One, foliated woven pattern on a red satin ground; and the other, flowers and stripes on a satin ground of two shades of red. : . Length, 1144 yards; width, 21 inches. (1164—Two Lenerus or Sux Lampas One, an all-over flower design with heavy and light blue lines; and the other, cream-color flower on a yellow-color ground. Length, 14%, yards; width, 2114 inches. 1165—Brocaretre - Bouquet and ribbon een in olive and gold. Length, 134 yards; width, 51 inches. 1166—STEEL-BLUE BrocaTELLE Foliated design. Length, 2 yards; width, 63 inches. 1167—Two Lenetrus Mouair Crore Brown. Length, 2 yards; width, 52 inches. 1168—Turee Lenctrus Tapestry anp Goat’s Hair Piusu One, Persian design in cream, blue, brown and tinsel, on a light brown ground; one, tapestry, Indian design; the other, goat’s hair brown plush. Length, 2 yards; width, 24 inches and 25 inches. 1169—BrocatTeLLe Design of leaves and flowers in light green on a gold satin ground. Length, 21% yards; width, 64 inches. g s ¥ 1170—Buve BrocatTeLtLe Design of vases, fruit and flowers. Length, 24% yards; width, 63 inches. 1171—Two Lenerus oF ‘Puuse Goat’s hair, green. 1172—Si.x anv Corron Rep ah Design of a crown and scrolls in red and gold. _ ; Length, 1% yards; wid 1173—S1x Lenerus or Lampas AND Tapestry Rose and ribbon design on a blue ground; flowers an red, on a cream-satin ground; stripes, roses and borde pink; spiral, rose and ribbon in various colors on pink; flow iT and ribbon in color on a salmon-color ground. _ et. Length, 2%, yards; width, Qa » ’ 1174—Two Lenertrus or VELVET Flower and leaf design in a golden color velvet on a and silk Mee Seg EN Length, 1% yardatys width, ) 1175—Two Le or SILK AND Sune VELVET Waa 1176—YeELiLow Sitk Damask Designs of flowers, vases and garlands. Length, lim yare width, 63 inches. x 1177—Brocapep Satin ; fie ar i Flowered design in various colors on a pink ground. . ‘2 Length, 1% yards; width, 50 “inches. ne . 1178—Sitx Damask ce 7 Foliated design in cream on a yellow satin ground. Length, 13% yard; width, oa inches. 1179—Turee Lenetus or VELVET za One, a daisy pattern on an olive ground; one, plain green; and the other, leaf, flower and scrolls of old gold on a blue-satin, a ground. es Length, 2 yards; width, 26 fees AD g 1180—Ve ver Borver Scroll design of olive velvet on a gold satin ground. | Length, 2% yards; width, 91%, meheee a 1181—Vetvet Borper Scroll and leaf design in various colors on a cream-satin ground. Length, 2 yards; width, 9% inches. — 1182—Vextvet BorpEer Scroll design of green velvet on a gold satin ground. Length, 3% yards; width, 934 inches. 1183—Turee Vetvet Borpers One, olive-green scroll design; one leaf design, old blue velvet; and the other, flower and leaf design, red velvet. Length, 3%, yards; width, 9 and 91/ inches. 1184—Si1x Lampas Cream-color ground with embroidery of silver thread in designs of stripes and roses. Pink border. Length, 2 yards; width, 21 inches. 1185—VELVET Small woven design in two shades of blue. Length, 24% yards; width, 24 inches. 1186—Turee Lencrus or JARDINIERE VELVET Design of flowers and leaves in velvet on a cream-satin ground. : Length, 2%, yards; width, 24 inches. . : 1187—Turee Lencrus or Sirx Damask Medallion design in olive and blue. Length, 2%, yards; width, 24 inches. 1188—Turee Lenerus or Sirk Damask Homespun. Foliated design in two shades of red. Length, 24, yards; width, 21 inches. 1189—Two Lrenerus or VELVET Small dolphin pattern in green, on a yellow silk ground. Length, 234 yards; width 211% inches. 1190—LenetrH or VELOURS Blue, with gold. Length, 2% yards; width, 49 inches. 1191—Two Lrenerus or VELOURS | One, red velvet with small figure on a brown and tinsel figured ground; and the other, gray velours with flowers and ribbons on a slate-blue satin ground. Length, 2% yards; width, 2034 inches. 1192—Sitk anp Linen BrocatTELLe Slate blue, on a dark gold ground. Length, 24%, yards; width, 63 inches. ‘ 1203—Two Lrenerus or VELVET fi 1193—Sacr-cReen : Bro ¢ Silk and linen. | Cottier & Co. — 1195—Two Lenctus or Pius aie eae. English... White, oysteea ti, ieee 1196—Sirx Damask Lemon, roses and ribbon design. 1191 Veen : | = Floral design in blue and brown on a cream-s Length, 23, yard wi 1198—Sirx anp Woot BR ase oi designed by: Cone & Co.; one, red brocatelles floral designs ae 1c k the third, plush of embossed floral design. . SS ee Length, 27%, ek width, 23 inches and 63 n c] 1200—Sitx Damask . eee Large pomegranate design in yellow on cream ground. Length, 9% yards: andth, #40 1201—RrsBep SILK ie xe _ White brocaded flowers on a 2 gold ground. a % Length, 2% yards; width, 53 inche 1202—Sirx VELVET Violet color. i = Length, 3 yards; width, 28 inches. Reticulated diamond pattern in rose velvet on a brown ground. x Length, 3%, yards; width, 531, ieheos Sa 1204—Sirxk Damask Design of cornucopia, vase and flowers on a fawn-color ground. Length, 34%, yards; width, 50 inches. 1205—BrocatTeL_Le Medallion and rose design, pea-green. Length, 33% yards; width, 64 inches. 1206—BrocatTELLe Old-gold, large pomegranate design. Length, 334 yards; width, 65 inches. 1207—Satin Damask Ribbon and bouquet design, blue. Length, 3, yards; width, 50 inches. 1208—BrocaTELLE Flowers, vines, etc., old blue. Length, 31%, yards; width, 63 inches. 1209—ALL-sILK Damask Brown, very large foliated design. = Length, 3% yards; apldth, 64 inches. 1210—Two Lenerus or Tapestry Scroll and medallion design in olive on an olive-silk ground. Length, 31%, yards; width, 62 inches. 1211—Turee Lenetrus or Sirk VELVET Red and olive stripes. Length, 3% yards; width, 271%, inches. 1212—S1x Lenerus or Sitx Damask Double-ribbon diamond pattern with triple dots and small motif in center in red and gold. Length, 35% yards; width, 2134 inches. 1213—Two Lenetus or VELVET All silk, plain blue. Length, 3% yards; width, 491% inches. 1214—Turee Lenctus Damask Slate-color bird, vase and plant design. Length, 4 yards; width, 63 inches. 1215—Fovur Lenerus JARDINIERE SILK VELVET Conventional design of flowers in various colors on a cream- satin ground. Length, 3 yards; width, 21 inches. 1216—Tarestry Spray and blossom in white, green, brown and tinsel on a terra- cotta silk ground. . Length, 334 yards; width, 48 inches. -1217—Two Lenerus or Priusu French silk; blue. 1218—CHENILLE TAapEsTRY . Chinese design in pink on a gold ground. Length, 384 yards; width, 451%, inches. 1219—Six Lenerus or Sirk Damasx Flower and figured design in olive and blue, red and gold and .. pink and other colors and designs. Length, 4 yards; width, 24 inches. 1220—CuHENILLE TAPESTRY Geometrical design in brown outline on a red ground. Length, 34%, yards; width, 451% inches. 1221—Brown BrocaTELLeE Large foliated design. ae Length, 4 yards; width, 64 inches. 1222—-SiLaTE-GREEN BrocaTELLE Silk and linen. Pomegranate and bird pattern, designed by Cottier & Co. Length, 4 yards; width, 63 inches. 1223—Brown BrocatTetre Silk and linen. Medallion pattern. Length, 444 yards; width, 63 inches. 1224—-Two Lenetrus or EncuisH PiLusu Prussian blue, design of fruit and flowers, designed by Cot- tier & Co. 1225—Two Lenetrus or PLusH French. Plum color. Length, 47%, yards; width, 24 inches. 1226—Rep CHENILLE TAPESTRY Cord appliqued on a brown linen ground. Length, 454 yards; width, 51 inches. 1227—RepropuctTion ANTIQUE VELVET Plain pink. Length, 5 yards; width, 2714 inches. Length, 334 yards; width, 24 inches. Length, 434, yards; width, 24 inches. 1228—Two Lrenerus or Tapestry One, silk and cotton. Large apple-tree design in brown on light green ground; and the other, buff and tinsel leaves and flowers on a silk ground. Length, 544 yards; width, 52 and 55 inches. 1229—Two LrEnetHs or PLusH One, mohair, with embossed floral pattern burnt in orange; and the other, English silk plush, stamped wheel pattern in blue. Length, 51% yards; width, 231% inches. 1230—Aut-s1tK Damask Foliated and fruit design in shrimp color. Length, 5% yards; width, 241, inches. 1231—Fovur Lrenetus Sirk VELVET Golden yellow. Length, 5% yards; width, 28 inches. 1232—Turee Lenetus or Piusu English. Straw color. Length, 6 yards; width, 24 inches. 1233—O.Lp-rED BrocaTELLE Floral design. Length, 6% yards; width, 22 inches. 1234—O.up Buive BrocatTEeLte Design of flowers, vines and other patterns. Length, 64%, yards; width, 63 jnches. 1235—Turet Lenecrus or PiusH Mohair. Green color. Length, 654 yards; width, 23 inches. 12386—TIwo Lenetrus or BrocatTELLE _ Red silk and linen. Large design of lons, birds, vases and flowers. Length, 6% yards; width, 43 inches. 1237—TIwo Lenerus or Sirk Damask Olive flower and ribbon design. Length, 634 yards; width, 51 inches. 1238—Two Lenetrus or Goat’s Harr Damask Brown, with large foliated pattern. Length, 7 yards; width, 29 and 49 inches. 1239—Two Lenerus or Goat’s Hair Damask Large foliated pattern on a green ground. ~ Length, 7 yards; width, 49 inches. 1240—Two Lrenerus or TAPESTRY “Silk and wool. Geometrical design in various Soler wit over scroll work in dark blue, on a light blue ground. oa Length, 7 yards; width, 46 ee 1241—Turee Lenetus oF BRocATELLE © ~~ ~- Golden brown. Bird, blossom and leaf design, on a wl en brown ground, designed by Cottier & Co. 1242—Sreet-stup BrocaTeLtte Foliated design. ; Length, 1%, yards ; ane 63 1243—BrivuE BrocaTELLeE Design of vases, fruit and flowers. Length, 13, Seraee width, 63 i 1244—Two Lrenerus or VELVET All silk, plain rose. | ae Length, 734 yards; width, QT, 1245—Four Lenerus or VELVET Se ey oe Light blue leaf design on a golden satin ground. pink Length, 8% yards; width, 25 inches. f a 3X ¢ \ 1246—BrocaTELLE Bouquet and ribbon design in olive and gold. tin Length, 9% yards; Bt 51 inches. 1247—Ecrvu Linine “Silk and wool. Color without pattern. ho Length, 10%% yards; width, 52 inches. — 1248—Ross-cotor BrocaTEeLLe ‘ | Bold foliated design. es Length, 105% yards; width, 63 inches. 1249—BrocaTELLe ie | Design of flowers and leaf in old blue on a gold-satin ground. Tenge 10 yards; width, 63 inches. 1250—Rep Sirx anv Linen BrocaTeLte ' Bold design of lions, birds, vases and flowers. ; Length, 125% yards; width, 43 inches. 1251—Sace-GREEN BrocaTELLE . Silk and linen. Pomegranate and bird pattern, designed by Cottier & Co. . Length, 13% yards; width, 63 inches. 1251A4—LenetH oF VELOURS Design of flowers and ribbons on a slate-blue satin ground. Length, 144% yards; width, 22% inches. 1252—Fourteen Lenerus or Encuisu Sirk Puusn Large stamped flower and fruit design. Length, 18% yards; width, 24 inches. 1253—Si1tk anp LinEN- BrocaTELLE Slate-blue pattern on a dark gold ground. Length, 37 yards; width, 63 inches. 1254—CRETONNE Turkey-red ground, with Japanese design of flowers and branches. Length, 15%, yards; width, 31 inches. 1255—CrRETONNE Striped design in various colors on yellow and white ground. Length, 2654 yards; width, 31 inches. 1256—LiINEN si Salmon ground with a scroll design in gold. Length, 37%, yards; width, 51 inches. 1257—CRETONNE Turkey-red_ ground. Persian pattern in black, brown and white. | Length, 6134 inches; width, 31 inches. 1258—SeEven Pieces Cutnese Printep Mustin Various designs and coloring. Length, 625% yards; width, 121% inches. 1259—Turee Lenctus or CRETONNE One, Turkey-red ground with Japanese design; one, Turkey-red ground with Persian designs; and the other, striped designs in various colors on a yellow and white ground. Length, 24% yards; width, 38 inches. 1260—Lenetu or Linen Salmon ground with a scroll design in gold. Length, 2 yards; width, 26 inches. 1261—TIwo Lenerus or Banpine One, salmon-satin ground; and the other, turquoise-blue satin, with circles of brown silk. Length, 55% yards; width 3 and 5 inches. 1262—Jutre Taprstry Borper Persian design of scrolls and flowers in various colors on a dark blue ground. Length, 134 yards; width, 241, inches. 1263—Six LENGTHS OF nee Banpinc Blue and gold ground, with scroll, fruit ae gee é ered in various silks. Length, 844 yards; bilge (82 1264—Tiree Lenerus or Vetver Borpers Blue purple and red Pa with scroll ieee in ap 1265—VELVET Borver ground. 6 Length, 13 yards; width, ! 1266—S1x Lenetrus or VELVET Banpine ae ri ; Blue, gold, red and purple ground, with embroidered serol olls, dolphins and rose, embroidered and ee: in various e olor ‘sce 1267—Turevolse-BLUE BANDING — ! With embroidered leaves and flowers in various cae Sane Length, 18 yards; width, 6 in h 1268—Buvue Vetvet Borpver Scroll embroidery in various colors. Length, 21% Be width, 4 inches. 1269—Rep Vetver Borper _ Embroidered design of scrolls and dolnninny x Leng, 21%, yards; oe 41%, inches. 1270—TvuraQuolsE-BLUE ee BANDING With embroidered circles of brown silk. ath Length, 21% yards; width, 3 inches. 1271—Buvue Vetiver Borper Embroidered design of scrolls and dolphins. Length, 281%, yards; width, 41% inches. 1272—Brown Borper Geometrical design in red chenille. ; Length, 2954 yards; width, 8 inches. 1273—Buive Vetver Banp With embroidered fruit and scroll design in various colored silks, Length, 351% inches; width, 8 inches. 1274—BorprEr Persian. Design painted on gold satin. Length, 405% yards; width, 8° inches. 1275—Rep Vetvet Borver Scrolls embroidered in various colors. Length, 4534 yards; width, 4 inches. 1276—Satmon-satin BAanpine With embroidered circles of brown silk. Length, 4434 yards; width, 3 inches. 1277—Goupen Vetvet Banpine With embroidery of fruit and scroll designs in colored silk. Length, 4854 yards; width, 8 inches. 1278—Satin BorpEr Rose design painted in colors on satin. ; Length, 52 yards; width, 2 inches. 1279—Buve Vetvet Banpine Fruit and scroll design embroidered in various-colored silks. ” Length, 73% yards; width, 8 inches. 1280—Creram-sATIN BorpDER _ Persian design in colors. meg Length, 8034 yards; width, 3%, inches. 1281—Wuite Corron Lace All-over rose design. Length, 129 yards; width, 108 inches. 1282—Wuitre Corron Lace Rose design. Length, 74% yards; width, 6 inches. 1288—Wuite Corron Lace Rose design. Length, 744, yards; width, 18 inches. 1284—ALuicaTor SKIN Light brown. Length, 90 inches. 1285—Morocco SKIN Gold. 1286—F ive Morocco Skins Red. -' 1287—Srx Morocco anp CALF SKINS 1288—Tern Morocco Skins Imitation alligator; green. 1289—Enrven Morocco SkIns Red. 1290—Twetve Morocco Skins Scarlet. 1291—SixtEen Morocco Sxrvxs Dark brown. 1292—Twenty-two Morocco Skins Dark green. 1293—Box or FRINGES Twenty-three different styles and colors. 1294—Box or FrincEes AND BorpDeErs Twenty-seven different styles and colors. 1295—Box or Frinces Twenty-nine various styles and colors. 1296—Box or BorpErs anp GALLoons Thirty styles and various colors. 1297—Box or FrincrEs Fifteen different styles and colors. 1298—Box oF FRINGES Twenty-one various styles and colors. 1299—Tuir TEEN APPLIQUES Tinsel and black. 1300—TinseEt AND EmBrormpERED APPLIQUES One and seventy pieces. 1301—Box Envernc, Borprers anp Gimps Sixty-four styles and various colors. 1302—Box or Giups, GaLLoons AnD EpcIne Twenty styles and various colors. 1303—Box or FRinNGES Eighteen styles and colors. 234 yards. 80 yards. 80 yards. 281 yards. 57 yards. 13804—Forry-FivE Curran Loops with TassEts 1305—Box or Tryset Corp, GaLttoon, Giups, FRINGES, ETC. Fourteen various styles. 1306—Box or Gimps anv Epernes Thirty-six styles and various colors. 212 yards. 1307—Box or Gattoons AND GimPs Twenty styles and various colors. 225 yards. 1308—Browwn anv Tinset Lace Length, 3314 yards; width, 19 inches. 1309—Brown anv Tinset Lace Length, 463, yards; width, 9 inches. 1310—Brown Lace Length, 29 yards; width, 71% inches. 1311—S1x Pieces Sirx NET Blue, red and jgold, and brown. . 1812—Box or Frinces, Borprers anp Encines Twenty-nine styles and various colors. 330 yards. 1313—Box or Currain Puuts, Tasseis, Fancy Rope, etc. 1314—Sunpry SPECIMENS Blue and cream needlework; border of blue terracotta and cream; tinsel border; silk loops and tassels. 13815—Box or AntievE Borvers Twelve styles. Various colors and designs. 65 yards. ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS AND AUTOTYPES 1316—Ercuine sy Felix Bracquemond | “George in the Cliffs.” Third state with additions by Jules Laurens. Black and gilt frame. 13817—Ercuine sy E. Delacroix “Man at Arms.” Black frame. 1318—Ercuine sy E. Delacroix “Study of a Woman.” Black frame. 1319—Ercuine sy E. Delacroiw “Juive d’Alger.” Black frame. 1320—Cotorep Encravine sy Demarteau “Le Printemps.” After J. B. Huet. Guilt frame. 13821—Ercuine sy Francois Nicolas Augustin Feyen Perrin “Flight of Aurora.” Proof before letters. Black and gilt frame. 13822—Ercuine sy Adolphe Lous Hervier “Mother and Child.” Black frame. 1823—Evrcuine sy Adolphe Louis Hervier “Fishing Boats.” Black frame. 1324—Ercuine sy Adolphe Louis Hervier “Figures.” Black frame. 13825—Ercuine sy Adolphe Louis Hervier “The Boat.” Black frame. -1326—Etcuine sy Adolphe Louis Hervier “The Well.” Black frame. 13827—Ercuine sy Adolphe Louis Hervier “The Beggars.” Black frame. 1828—Ercuine sy Adolphe Lows Hervier “Back of the Village.” Black frame. 13829—Ertcuine sy L. Jacque “River Scene.” Black frame. 13830—Ercuine sy Hubert Herkomer “Portrait of John Ruskin.” Signed proof. Black and gilt — frame. 13831—Ercuine sy A. D. Longmuir “Cheap Jack.” Black frame. 1832—Ercuine sy A. D. Longmuir “Notre Dame.” Black frame. 1333—Ercuine sy A. D. Longmuir Landscape. Black frame. 1334—Ercuine sy dA. D. Longmuir “Aberdeen.” Black frame. 1835—Ercuine sy Matthew Maris “The Sower.” After J. I’. Millet. Unsigned proof. Ma- hogany and gilt frame. 1336—PuorocrarH arrer Jean Francois Millet “Lovers Wooing” and “Lovers Kissing.” Mahogany frame. 1337— CoLLEcTION OF SEVENTEEN AUTOTYPES AFTER J. F. Millet As follows: Stubble Burning; The Diggers; The Gardener; hie Pot-au-feu ; The New-born Calf; The Potato Harvest; Calling in the Herd; The Goatherd and his Flock; Almsgiving; The Churner; Potato Gatherers; The Thunderstorm; Making Lye; Showing the Way; Girl Pasturing a Cow; Loading; The Angelus. 1338—Ertcuine sy Paul Adolphe Rajon “Thomas Carlyle,” after G. F. Watts. Folio. Signed proof. Black and gilt frame. 1339—Ercuine sy Paul Adolphe Rajon “The Legend.” An old woman story-telling to children. Signed proof on China paper. Folio. Black and mahogany frame. 1340—Ercuine sy Rembrandt “The Death of the Virgin” (B99). Late impression. Folio. Mahogany frame. 1341—Ercuine sy Rembrandt “The Great Descent from the Cross” (B81).° Fine impression of the third state, before Daneker’s retouch. Mahogany frame. 13942—Ercuine sy EK. Ribot “Les Mets Brulés.” Black and gilt frame. 1345—Ercuine By Zileken oi “Landscape.” After Matthew Maxis. DULeIr Ae sees ee eh ee THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER, eee eee sheep re I A r} tT ‘ . j a -s