A CATALOGUE OF THE CABINET OF EXQUISITE DUTCH PrIecg@uRaS THE PROPERTY OF SIR JOHN PRINGLE, Bart., Removed from Roxburghshire ; WHICH Gaul be Sold by Auction, by EEE EAA Messrs. CHRISTIE & MANSON, AT THEIR GREAT ROOM, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, _ On SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1837, AT TWO O’CLOCK PRECISELY. | —= oo May be publicly viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Curistre and MANSOoN’s Office, 8, King Street, St. James’s Square, b From the library of a Frank Simpson ~ May's | S005" 9Og"* CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lots so in dispute shall be pment put up again and re-sold. ak II. No Person to advance less than One Shilling; above Five Pounds, Two cielingy and Sigpence; and so_ on in proportion. : III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of © Abode, and to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound, in part of Payment of the Purchase Money, if required ; in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyers’ expense, within One ' Day from the Sale. Messrs. Curistre and Manson not pledging themselves for the correct description or authenticity of any Picture. V.. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in _ the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and - the money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, — the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re- soa sale, shall be made good by the Deane at this: Sale. CATALOGUE. —>———_ On SATURDAY, MAY the 13th, 1837, AT TWO O'CLOCK PRECISELY. oo Re DE VLIEGER. 1 Vessets in a Freso Breeze—small. HONDIKOETER. 2 A Group of Birps near some architectural ruins; @ capttal specimen. SNYDERS. 3 A Boar Hunt; very spirited. A. DEL SARTO. 4. The Vircin and Cuixp, with St. Jonn, in a landscape. HONDIUS. 5 A Boar Hunt. G. POUSSIN. 6 A Movuntainous Lanbscare, with buildings and figures. 7 VAN LUNDEN. 7 A Wepopine Feast, with numerous figures ; very richly coloured. 160 i, WILLEBOORTS. 8 A Fatuer of the Cuorcr reading ; ; Mie lies coloured. C. JANSENS. 9 Portrait of a Man ina Brack Dress. — MISS F. CORBEAUX. 10 Retirement ; the engraved picture. » GREUZE. al ae 11 A Cuixp at Prayer; full of sweet character. V. GOYEN. » 12 A Durcu River Scene, with boats and figures on a wooden jetty; very clear and transparent. WILSON. 13 An Iratian Laxe Scenz, with pilgrims on a height, and a lady seated with a parasol i in the - foreground. MOUCHERON anv. BERGHEM. 14 Ficures Hattine at the GarpEn ENTRANCE of a Cuarzau ; 3 an interesting work of the two great masters. — | tt rr Gs WOUVERMANS. 15 A Fish Marker, with numerous figures and a grey horse near a shed, a cavalier and lady i in conversation with a horseman in ‘the distance. : i ) LINGELBACK. 16 View on the Quay at Lecuorn, with the Statue, and figures; delicately coloured. WOUVERMANS. 17 Horsemen, in a landscape. PAROCEL. 18 An Encacement of AvustrIAN and TurRKISH Cavatry, in a landscape; very spirited. PYNACKER. 19 A Lanpscape, with the entrance to a wood, with figures on a road; with beautiful effect of afternoon sun. ZUCCARELLI. 20 IrAtian Buitpines on a height above a river, which falls in a cascade, and figures under a noble tree in the foreground; a picture of high quality. ZUCCARELLI. 21 An Iratian Lanpscare, with buildings, and ‘women offering fruit to two boys in the fore- ground ; veryelegant. The companion picture. WOUVERMANS. 22 An Upricut Lanpscare, with a mounted cavalier attended by a man, with dogs on a road under a sandy bank, on which isa shed, a distant landscape seen to the left; a charming ... picture, engraved. “o 6 CARRACCI. 23 BaccHaNnaLiaNn Boys raising a Terminus of StLenvus; the figures finely drawn. | VAN DYCK. 24 Henri Quatre and Lovis XIII., and the companion ; a pair of very spirited and richly coloured sketches. ZUCCARELLI. 25 An Iratian Lanoscapg, with buildings and figures near'a river in the foreground ; a beau- tiful composttion. | WYNANTS. 26 A Lanpscapes, with a cottage near some trees, and figures on a road, TENIERS. 27 An Interior, with a woman seated iiae a pipe, and a man with a jug and glass ; Jun of character. A. VAN DE VELDE. 28 A Goat, in a landscape, and a woman with milk-pails near a shed to the left; painted with great truth to Nature. CUYP. 29 View near a Dutcn Vitiacr, with a horse- man in conversation with some peasants; coloured tna glowing tone. 7 WYNANTS. 30 An Open Lanpscapr, with a river, and figures on a shady road in the foreground ; a beautiful bit of Nature. | C. NETSCHER. 31 Portratr of the’ Duxe of Scuomsere, in armour—half-length ; exquisitely finished. POELEMBERG. . 32 Curist with the Woman of Samaria at the We tt, the Disciples in the background; the gures brilliantly coloured. WILSON. 33 An Itatian Lanpscape, with an architectural pavilion, and the fragment of a Corinthian capital reflected in a pool of water in the fore- ground, with mountainous distance; a clear and beautiful specimen. W. VAN DE VELDE. 34 A Ca.n, with a man-of-war and fishing-vessels, and a man in a boat drawing a net; a clear and beautiful gem. W. VAN DE VELDE. 35 A River Sceng, with vessels at anchor, and fishermen with a boat on the shore in the fore- ground. The companion picture. ‘Fes % (072. 8 JAN STEEN. 36 An Inrerior, with a party playing at cards at a table, covered with a Turkey carpet, a man leaning over the back of a chair in conversation with a lady; a pteture of high quality. A. VAN DE VELDE. 37 A Lanpscape, with a peasant standing near a grey horse, and a woman with a distaff watching cattle and sheep under a lofty archway, through which is seen a mountainous distance ; coloured in a beautifully warm tone. CUYP. 38 A Group of Srx Cows, one of which a girl is milking, on the bank of a river; with glowing effect of evening. P. WOUVERMANS. 39 An Encacement of Cavarry near a fortified - Town, with mountainous distance; well com- posed and very spirited. WOUVERMANS. 40 The Vicrors examining Prisoners on the Field of Battle, near a village. The companion picture. | RUYSDAEL. 41 A Lanpscarg, with a pool of water under a rocky bank, surmounted by trees near a road, on which a peasant is driving sheep, and a woman and child are descending near a farm- house encircled by trees. This beautiful com- position is tlumined by a warm afternoon sun. a 9 ZURBERAN. 42 The Assumption of the Virery, with angels ; full of beautiful character. The picture ts signed and dated 1659. W. VAN DE VELDE. 43 View at the Mourn of a Dutcu River, with a man-of-war and fishing-vessels at anchor, and figures busily employed around two boats on the flat shore in the foreground; a beautiful spe- cimen of very high quality. Mentioned in Smith’s Catalogue Ratsonné. A. VAN DE VELDE. 44, A Dutcu Dairy Farm, with cattle and sheep watched by a peasant near a hovel on the left, _a bridge near a woody bank to the right, the landscape opening to a distant view in the centre ; a@ charming composttion. NETSCHER. | 45 A Lavy in a Wuite Satin Dress with a: child on a terrace, and a Moorish attendant presenting a red feather, a drapery suspended behind ; an exquisite specimen. VAN DER NEER. 46 A Vituace, with trees on the bank of a river, and figures with nets in the foreground; ad- mirable effect of twilight—oval. © ~~ “a 10 WOUVERMANS. 47 The Ancret Apprarine to the SHEPHERDS, who are assembled under a shed to the left, a group of two horses with a donkey and sheep in the centre; the light skilfully thrown on the principal figures—a rare specimen. ‘TENIERS. 48 The Temptation of St. Antuony: the Saint is kneeling in a cavern before a rustic table, on which is a skull and crucifix, he is approached by a lady presenting a glass of wine, demons occupy the back-ground; a@ specimen of the highest quality. From the Lockhorst Collection. REMBRANDT. 49 Portrait of a Man ina Brack Dress with a ruff; full of dignified character and very powerfully painted. GAINSBOROUGH. 50 An Encuisu Lanpscape, with sheep reposing under the shade of a fine tree, a group of three figures in conversation on the left, with moun- tainous distance ; fine effect of evening. RUBENS. 51 Portrait of Heiena Forman; a capital picture. Oe FS 1] BERGHEM. 52 A Rocky Lanpscareg, with a female mounted on a mule, attended by a peasant driving sheep on a road in the foreground, a rocky height rises beyond a river in the distance. This capital picture ts mentioned in Smith’s Cata- logue Ratsonné. WATTEAU. 53 A Cavatier playing the Guitar, and a lady with a music book in a garden, a group of figures in the distance; a brilliantly coloured and exquisite specimen. BOTH. 54 A Mountainous Lanpscapr, with a rocky height, from which a stream of water descends towards the foreground, peasants on a road leading to a mountainous distance; a charming composition coloured with glowing effect. K. DU JARDIN. 54*A View in Irary, with figures and cattle ; this exquisite work is described in Smith's Catalogue, page 237. W. MIERIS. 54*Drana and Catisro, in a landscape ; an ew- quisttely finished specimens lore 12 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY ; Introduced by permission of the Proprietor. WILSON. 55 A Park Scene, with figures. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 56 Davin with the Heap of Gouian. From Sir Thomas Baring’s Collection. RUYSDAEL. 57 A LanpscaPg, with windmills on a road, and a figure entering a wood near a pool of water, on the bank of which are rushes and felled timber ; painted with great freshness and truth to nature. - C. DUSART. 58 Peasants regaling before a CaBaret, over which a vine is trained, a group of figures in the distance; an admirably coloured specimen. CUYP. * 59 A Group of Cocks and Hens in a landscape, with a view of Dort in the distance ; capitally painted. N. MAKES. 60 A Woman with a Basket of Fruit, in con- versation with an elderly female ; pay power- fully painted. <0 ve 13 A. VAN DE VELDE. 61 A Frost Pisces, with a mounted cavalier in conversation with a peasant, a woman and child on a road in the foreground; an interesting and rare specimen. See Smith's Catalogue Raisonné. | S. ROSA. 62 Mercury and Arcus, in a grand landscape, with a rocky height richly wooded, a fine group of trees to the left; a magnificent composttion, finely painted. A. CUYP. 63 The Manecz, cavaliers exercising their horses in the grounds of a chateau, a group of peasants with dogs on the right; coloured in a fine rich tone. A. VAN DE VELDE. 64 A Lanpscare bounded by trees, with two horses and sheep, and a cow and goat under the shadow of a fine tree in the foreground; an exquisite gem, which for many years formed the companion to the picture now tn the Collection , of C. Bredel, Esq. It bears the date of 1653. RUBENS. - 65 The Triumpu of Sirenus, with nymphs and satyrs; powerfully drawn and very richly coloured. W. MIERIS. 66 Venus and Aponis seated, in a landscape, Cupid with a dog on the left; an exquisitely finished specimen of high quality. (Od 14, SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 67 Portrait of Lapy Carnarvon, seated in a landscape ; beautifully coloured. VAN DER NEER. 68 A Town on Firs on the bank of a river ; from Lord Laverpool’s Collection. VICTOOR. 69 A Dutco Farm near a stream, with a girl milking a cow, and children at the door of a cottage; very richly coloured. BACKHUYSEN. 70 View on the AmsTEL, with vessels in a fresh breeze, and fishermen drawing nets in the fore- ground, the city of Amsterdam seen in the dis- tance; coloured tn a beautiful clear tone. FINIS