wo G VCs : 2 Y WN \) —— eV e] iS ~ oom GA \ \pr, sy ZY C iS ww) ei LEE QI . ARLENT 71. Mrs. Hamitton oF Kames. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Raeburn. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine In- PRESSION, in perfect condition. Edition, limited to 225 proofs. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 72. Mrs. Luoyp. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 225 proofs. Hand carved gilt frame. BDWARDS, S. ARLENT 73. Mrs. Wetts. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by George Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine ImpREsSION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 135 proofs. Gilt frame. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 74. SIMONETTA VeEspuccia. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Pierro di Cosimo. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine IMpRESSION, in perfect condition. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 75. SLEEPING SHEPHERDESS. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Boucher. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine Im- PRESSION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 225 proofs. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 76. THe Gypsy’s Warninc. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Peters. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine Im- PRESSION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 125 proofs. Framed. JOHN FABER Dutch engraver, born in 1684; died in 1756. FABER, JOHN 77- Music. Mezzotint. After the painting by Mercier. Verry FINE IMPRESSION, with full inscription. Published March 2sth, 1744. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue EDWARD FISHER Celebrated English mezzotint engraver, born in 1730; died in London, in 1785. FISHER, EDWARD 78. YORKE, THE LapiEs AMABEL AND Mary Jemima. Megzotint. J.C. Smith, No. 61. First State Proof before all letters. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds;—Engraved by E, Fisher. Fine Im- PRESSION, margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Rebacked. JEAN HONORE FRAGONARD With Boucher and Watteau one of the most popular French painters of the XVIIIth century; born in 1732; died in 1806, FRAGONARD, HONORE 79. L’Epucation Fait Tout. Etching. Portalis et Beraldi, No. 19. Finished with the graver by Nicolas de Launay. Impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. THOMAS GAUGAIN English stipple engraver, born in Abbeville, France, in 1748; died in 1805. GAUGAIN, THOMAS 80. THe Wire or BatH : JANUARY AND May. Stipple, colored by hand. Thos. Gaugain, fecit.—Pubd. Oct. 1783, and March 1782; by T. Gaugain, London. Good impressions, with inscriptions. Together, 2 pieces. GAUGAIN, THOMAS 81. THe Woop Boy. Stipple, printed in colors. Painted by B. Barker,—Engraved by T. Gaugain. Goop Impression, with inscription. Slightly rubbed. Framed in gold frame with black and gold mount. Avis DEYGOIs GOUN Ase 82. Cou-Cov. Stipple engraving. After W. Regnault. Brittranr Impression, with the inscription. With untrimmed margin (deckle edges). VALENTINE GREEN Celebrated English mezzotint engraver, born in 1739; died in 1813. GREEN, VALENTINE 83. WricHt Famity. Megzotint J. C. Smith, No. 141. Jos. Wright, pinxit,—Val. Green fea Fine Impression, Proor Brerore THE INSCRIPTION, margins re- paired. First Session, Tuesday Evening, March 25th GREEN, VALENTINE 64. HENRY Laurens Esqg., President of the American Congress, 1778. Mezzotint. temoniiny ol. 2, No, $0. Painted by J. S. Copley, R. A. and Engraved by V. Green,—Published Oct. Ist, 1782, by J. Stockdale, Piccadilly, London. Fine Impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed to engraved surface, repaired and mounted. GREEN, VALENTINE 85. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Megzotint. J. C. Smith, Vol. 2, No. 135. Second State of two. Painted by J. Trumbull, Esq. of Connecticut 1780,—Engraved by V. Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty & to the Elector Palatine,— Published by Appointmt. of M. DeNeufville Janry. 15th, 1781, by V. Green, N. 29 Newman Street, Oxford Street, London. FINE IMpREsSSION, with inscription. Lower left corner repaired. ELIZABETH GULLAND Contemporary English mezzotint engraver. mw REAND, ELIZABETH 86. Lirtte Miss Crewe. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine IMPRESSION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Perla ELIZABETH 87. Miss Fitzpatrick. Mezgzotint. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine IMPRESSION, on India paper, in perfect condition. This subject has not been issued in colors. KARL ERNST CHRISTOPH HESS German engraver, born in 1755: died in 1828. Pease ak ERNST CHRISTOPH 88. RusBens AND His First Wire. Stipple, printed in colors. Painted by Rubens,—Engraved by Charles Hess,—Published July Ist, 1797, by T. Phillipe. Very good impression, trimmed to plate-mark. HOKUSAI Japanese artist. HOKUSAI 88a. Otp Man With Rake. Brush and ink. From the Francis Lathrop collection. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue eS JEAN BAPTISTE HUET Celebrated landscape and animal painter, pupil of J. B. Leprince. He also made a few portraits which are highly appreciated by the collectors. Born in 1745; died in 1811. HUET, JEAN BAPTISTE 89. La Bercére. Engraving. L. de Leymarie, No. 471. Engraved in crayon-manner by G. Demar- teau l’ainé. Britt1ant Impression, printed in two colours. With margin trimmed to the inside engraved border. HUET; JEAN BAPTISTE 90. Busre bE JEUNE Femme. Engraving. L. de Leymarie, No. 587. Engraved in crayon-manner by G. De- marteau l’ainé. Britttant Impression, printed in three colors. With small margins trimmed to the engraved border, but showing the artists’ names at the bottom. HUET, [EAN BAPDISTE 91. BasTIENNE. Engraving. L. Bonnet, No. 753. Engraved in crayon-manner by L. M. Bonnet. Fine Impression, printed in sanguine. With very large margin showing the plate-mark. Woman’s Heap. Engraving. Engraved in crayon-manner by Basset. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, printed in sanguine. With very large margin showing the plate- mark. Together, 2 pieces. HUET, JEAN BAPTISTE 92. La PEINTURE. Engraving. Bonnet, No. 1065. Engraving in pastel manner by J. B. Mallet. Very FINE Impression, with the inscription, printed in colors. With very large margin showing the plate-mark. Mounted on bristol board. INCROYABLES ET MERVEILLEUSES 93. ARISTIDE ET BrisE ScELLE. Stipple engraving, colored by hand. By Darcis after Carle Vernet. Brituiant IMPRESSION, with the inscription. With large margin showing the plate-mark. INCROYABLES ET MERVEILLEUSES 94. Borur a La Mone. Stipple and line engraving, colored by hand. By Leclerc after Lancon. Fine Impression, with the inscription. With large margin trimmed to the plate-mark. INCROYABLES ET MERVEILLEUSES 95. La Foxie pu Jour. Stipple engraving, colored by hand. By S. Tresca after L. Boilly. Very Fine Impression. With large margins showing the plate-mark at the top and sides. First Session, Tuesday Evening, March 25th INCROYABLES ET MERVEILLEUSES 96. L’ANGLOMANE. Stipple and line engraving, colored by hand. By Darcis after Carle Vernet. Very Fine IMpREsSION, with the inscription. With very large margin showing the plate-mark. PC ROY ABLES ET MERVEILLEUSES 97. La RENCONTRE DES INcROYABLES. Stipple and line engraving, printed in colors. By Ruotte after H. Bunbury. Supers [vpression, with the in- scription. With small margin lacking the plate-mark. INCROYABLES ET MERVEILLEUSES 98. Les IncroyarLes. Stipple and line engraving. By Darcis after Carle Vernet. Fine ImPpREssIoN. With small margin lacking the plate-mark; a part of the title has been trimmed off. INCROYABLES ET MERVEILLEUSES 99. L’INCONVENIENT DES PerruQues. Stipple engraving, colored by hand. By Darcis after the drawing of Carle Vernet. VERY Fine In- PRESSION, with the inscription. With very large margin showing the plate-mark. INCROYABLES ET MERVEILLEUSES 100. Pauvre RentreR RuriNE—MERLAN A FRrire-A-Frire. Stipple and line engraving, colored by hand. By J. L. Julien after Carle Vernet. Supers IMPRESSION, with the inscription. With untrimmed margin (deckle edges). JEAN DOMINIQUE INGRES French artist, born in 1780; died in 1867. INGRES, JEAN DOMINIQUE 100A. Roman Woman. Pencil drawing. Full-length study. Signed and dated. With stamp of the Degas sale. FRANCOIS JANINET Born in 1752: died in 1813. ‘He seems to have introduced color print- ing into France. His work is almost entirely reproductive, and embraces a multitude of subjects, from landscape and genre to portrait.”—HInp. JANINET, FRANCOIS iol. L’Acreaste Néciictk. Engraving in. gouache manner, printed im colors. Portalis et Beraldi, No. 1; E. Bocher, No. 28. After P. A. Baudoin. Fine Impression, with the engraver’s and painter’s name. With small margin lacking the inscription. The engraving has been cleaned but is otherwise in fine condition. Companion to No. 104, “L’Aimable Paysanne.” Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ee ee JANINET, FRANCOIS 102. Les Nourrices. Aquatint, printed in’ bistre: Portalis et Beraldi, No. 4. After F. Boucher. Britiianr IMPRES- SION, treated in watercolor manner. With small margin trimmed to the engraved border. JANINET, FRANCOIS 103. Lr BerGer Couronne. Engraving, printed in colors. Portalis et Beraldi, No. 6. Engraving in pastel manner after TP. Caresme. Supers Impression. With large margin, lacking the plate mark and the address. JANINET, FRANCOIS 104. ‘L’AIMABLE Paysanne. Engraving in gouache-manner, printed in colors. Portalis et Beraldi, No. 50. After Saint Quentin. : Second state; impression with the inscription but before the change of address. With large margins showing the plate-mark at the bottom only. Has been cleaned but? is otherwise in perfect condition. Companion to No, tor, “L’Agreable Négligé.” JANINET, FRANCOIS 105. AUBERGE FLAMANDE. Engraving in gouache-manner, printed in colors. Portalis et Beraldi, No. 76. After a drawing by A. Van Ostade. With margins trimmed to the engraved border, mounted on board. JANINET, FRANCOIS 106. PAssacE D’un Rutsseau DEVANT LES VIEUX REMPARTS D’UN VILLAGE. Aquatint in imitation of water color. Portalis et Beraldi, No. 03. After}. Ls Hoek Impression printed in Bistre. With margin trimmed to engraved border. The plate has been folded and ironed down and a small tear in the lower part carefully repaired. JANINET, FRANCOIS 107. Henri IV. Engraving in gouache-manner, printed in colors. Portalis et Beraldi, No. 128a. After P. P. Rubens. VERY FINE Impression. Trimmed to the oval. JANINET, FRANCOIS 108. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Aquatint, printed in colors. F’. Janinet, sculpt., 1789. Good impression, with inscription. Rubbed and stained. Small margins. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN Celebrated painter. Born in Coire in 1740; died in Rome in 1807. KAUFFMAN, ANGELICA 109. Cupmp AsLerp : Cupip Bounp. Stipple engravings in Sepia. Angelica Kauffman, pinxt.—G. W. Ryland, sculpt. Good impres- sions, with inscriptions. Repaired. Together, 2 pieces. Taba Nn 124... oa First Session, Tuesday Evening, March 25th CHARLES LEVACHEZ Celebrated French engraver in aquatint. Work in the latter part of the Eighteenth Century. LEVACHEZ, CHARLES 110. NaApoLeoN Bonaparte. Aquatint, printed in colors. Robert Lefévre, Pinxit.—DLevachez, Sculpsit. Vrry Goop ImprEs- SION, with the inscription. A very scarce portrait printed during the “Hundred Days” and distributed in England. Levachez, afraid of the return of the Bourbons, reversed his name in signing the plate. LEVACHEZ, CHARLES tir. NApoLEON PREMIER EMPEREUR’DES FrANGcAIS, Roi d'Italie et Protec- teur de la Confédération du Rhin. Aquatint, printed in colors. Carle Vernet del.,—Levachez, sculp., Auber, ex., Published in Paris. Frne Impression, with inscription. Remargined and rebacked. A. LUDOVICI Contemporary English artist, pupil of Whistler. BUDO VICI, A. I1t1A. THE Beacu. Watercolor. G. MAILE MAILE, G. 112. Herena, THE Seconp Wire or Rusens. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Rubens, pinxt,—Goubaud, delt..—G. Maile, sculpt. Good impres- sion, surface rubbed and repaired, margins trimmed inside plate- mark. MAILE, G. 113. Wuinpsor Castre. Stipple, printed in brown and sepia. Drawn by I. Barrow,—Engraved by G. Maile,—London, Published June ist, 1821, by I. Barrow, Weston Place, St. Pancras. Good impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. MISS E. E. MILNER Modern English mezzotint engraver. MILNER, MISS E. E. 114. Epwarp, Lorp Darniry. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Hoppner. Signed Artist’s Proot; FINE ImpressIoN, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 250 Proofs. MILNER, MISS E.-E. 115. Master TroMAs BRADDYL. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE ImprEssION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 375 proofs. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue RS Nea SEARLES REE SELES MILNER, MISS E. E. 116. Str Ronatp Fercuson, G. C. B. Mezgzotint, printed in colors: After the painting by Raeburn. Signed Artist’s:.Proof. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Ps GEORGE MORLAND Celebrated English painter, born in London in 17263° died there in 1804. MORLAND, GEORGE ist : 117. A VisIT TO THE BOARDING ScHooL : A VisiT TO THE CHILD AT NursE. Drawings. . ; After the paintings by George Morland. Brautirut DrawINcs IN Water-CoLors AND INDIA WasH, in gouache manner. Original mounts, with small margins. Attributed to some unknown French artist of the Eighteenth Century. Framed in old English gilt frames, with Empire mounts. Together, 2 pieces (pair). MORLAND, GEORGE 118. CHILDREN GATHERING BLAcK-Berrizs. Mezzotint, printed in colors amd touched by hand. Painted by G. Morland,—Engraved by P. Dawe,—London, Pub- lished Dec. 20th, 1788, by W. Dickinson. Fair impression, mar- gins rubbed and lower plate-mark cracked. MORLAND, GEORGE 119. INSIDE oF A CountRY ALE House. Mezgzotint, printed in colors. Painted by G. Morland,—Engraved by W. Ward,—Published March I, 1797, by W. Ward, Delancey Place, Hampstead Road. Very Fine IMPRESSION, with inscription. Slight repair on surface at left side, otherwise in perfect condition. Small margins. [See Illustration] MORLAND, GEORGE 120. L’ArricAIn Hospitavier. Stipple, printed in colors, and touched by hand. Painted by G. Morland,—Gravé par la Citne. Rollet. Fine Im- PRESSION, with the inscription, in perfect condition. From the F. R. Halsey collection. MORLAND, GEORGE 121. PEASANT AND Pics. Megzgzotint. Painted by George Morland,—Engraved by J. R. Smith,—London, published by J. R. Smith, June ist, 1805. Good impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed to engraved surface. MORLAND, GEORGE 122. SELLING THE CaLF: THE Stasie. Mezzotints, in colors. Engraved by Ward after the paintings by Morland. Good imp-es- sions, laid down and varnished. Together, 2 pieces (pair). First Session, Tuesday Evening, March 25th [No. 119] JEAN BAPTISTE MORRET Engraver who worked at the end of the XVIIIth century. His most celebrated plates are the Coffee House and Napoleon’s Portrait. Monee), JEAN BAPTISTE 123. CAFFEE [sic] pEs Patriotes—A Patriot’s Corree House. Engrav- ing in gouache-manner, printed in colors. Portalis et Beraldi, III, p. 207. Aiter J. F. J. Swebach des Fon- taines. First state, with Morret’s address and before the “bonnets a poil” of the two soldiers to the left were replaced by a helmet and a phrygian cap respectively. Very Fine Impression. With large margin lacking the plate-mark. Slight repairs in the lower margin. The Café des Patriotes was a famous political resort in 1792 situated in the Rue Saint Honore near the Avenue de l’Opera of today. PETER NEWELL American illustrator. miWweLL, PETER 124. THe CARPENTER AND THE WALRUuS. Drawing. Original wash drawing in watercolors. Signed in lower left cor- ner,—Peter Newell. Framed in gold. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue NOEL LE JEUNE NOEL LE JEUNE 125. GUILLAUME TELL. Stipple Engravings, printed in colors, and touched with brush. Dessine par Chasselat,—Grave par Noel Jne. Set of four com- positions,—Tell shooting the Apple from his son’s head; Gessler sending Tell to Prison; Tell escaping from Gessler’s soldiers; Tell kills the tyrant Gessler. Good impressions, stained and re- paired. Together, 4 pieces. (set). REVEREND MATTHEW WILLIAM PETERS Celebrated English painter who died in 1814. PETERS, REVEREND- MATTHEW WILEIAM 126. SopHiIA. Stipple. Painted by the Revd. Mr. Peters R. A.—Engraved by Jas. Hogg. FINE IMPRESSION, printed in brown ink, with inscription. Small margins, ROBERT POLLARD Celebrated English painter, born in 1755; died in 1838. POLLARD, ROBERT 127. EUPHROSYNE: THALIA. Megzotints, printed in colors. London, Published May Ist, 1787, by R. Pollard. Vrry Goon Im- PRESSIONS, with inscription, slightly stained and one repaired. Together, 2 pieces. POLLARD, ROBERT 128. CoACHING SCENE. Aquatint, printed in colors. Engraved by Pollard. Fine Impression, margins trimmed to en- graved surface. Mounted on heavy board. NICOLAS FRANCOIS REGNAULT French engraver of the Eighteenth Century. REGNAULT, NICOLAS FRANCOIS 129. Le Baiser A LA DEROBEE. Stipple. Gravé par N. F. Regnault d’aprés le Tableau d’H. Fragonard Peintre du Roi. Fine Impresston, with inscription. Surface slightly scratched, margins trimmed to plate-mark. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS Celebrated English portrait painter, born in 1723; died in 1792. REYNOLDS, -SIR- [Osis 130. Fevina. Stipple, printed in colors. [Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, March 25th Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, R. A..—Engraved by Joseph Collyer, A..—London, Published March Ist, 1790, by W. Dicken- son. Fine Impression, with full inscription. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA 131. THe Honovuraste Miss Bincuam. Stipple. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds,—Engraved by F. Bonnefoy,— London, Published Dec., 1786, by E. M. Diemar. Good impres- sion, with inscription, and small margins. MARCHIONESS OF HERTFORD. Stipple. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds,—Engraved by W. Nutter,—Lon- don, Published July, 1797, by R. Cribb. Good impression, with inscription, and large margins. Together, 2 pieces. SAMUEL WILLIAM REYNOLDS Celebrated English mezzotint engraver, born in 1773; died in 1835. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL WILLIAM 132. Her Grace THE DucHess or Beprorp. Mezzotint. Painted by J. Hoppner, R. A.—Engraved by S. W. Reynolds,— Published by S. W. Reynolds, 47 Poland Street, London, 1803. Fine Impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed to plate- mark. LUCIUS ROSSI neool, LUCIUS 133. L’InpiscreT: L’Orace: Les FemMMrEs Savantes: THE GREETING: On THE Hitusipe. Photogravures in colors. Peint par L. Rossi,—Photogravure Goupil & Cie. Fine Prints, in perfect condition. Also two figure pieces, after Madrazo; [and] When the Heart is Young, after Goodman. Together, 8 pieces. THOMAS ROWLANDSON Celebrated caricaturist and engraver. Born in London, in 1756; died there in 1827. ROWLANDSON, THOMAS 134. Tue Toast. Etching and Aquatint, printed in. colors. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Small margins. ROWLANDSON, THOMAS 135. Vaux-Hati. Aquatint, printed in colors. Drawn by T. Rowlandson,—Aquatinto by F. Jukes,—Engraved by R. Pollard,—London, Published June, 1785, by J. R. Smith, No. 83 Oxford St. Verry Goop Impression, with inscription, in perfect condition. Small margins. [See Illustration] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [No. 135] THOMAS RYDER ‘English stipple engraver, born in 1746. RYDER, THOMAS 136. YoutH : Love. Stipple Engravings. O. Humphry and R. Cosway, delt., T. Ryder, sculpt. Fine In- PRESSIONS, with inscriptions. Also engraving, portrait of a (Little Girl, with Bird), marked Sketched by Humphry and Spoiled by Gillray, with the following inscription,—Dedicated to all Lovers of your bold masterly touches, and Published Nov. rst, 1781, by J. Gillray, to show the bad effect of Cobbling & Altering, —"“Fool that I was, thus to Cobble my Shoe.’ Together, 3 pieces. LOUIS SAILLIAR French engraver, born in Paris 1748; died in London in 1795. BAILLIAR LOUIS 137. WitiiAMm II oF Nassau. Stipple. After the painting by Honthurst,—L. Sailliar, sculpt..—Published in 1781. Fine Impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. : First Session, Tuesday Evening, March 25th ROBERT SAYER SAYER, ROBERT. 138. THE CONTEMPLATIVE CHARMER: SwEET EcHo. Mezzotints. London, Printed for Robert Sayer, July, 1786. Good impressions, with inscriptions. Together, 2 pieces. ANTOINE FRANCOIS SERGENT Well-known painter and engraver, brother-in-law of Generai Marceau; born in 1751; died in 1847. SERGENT, ANTOINE FRANCOIS 139. Louis Hector, Duc pe Vitrars. Engraving in gouache manner, printed in colors. Baré, No. 242. By L. Roger. MacNniFicent Impression, with the letter. With large margin showing the plate-mark. JOHN KEYSE SHERWIN English engraver, born in 1751; died in 1790. SHERWIN, JOHN KEYSE 140. THe Dance. Stipple. Designed and engraved by J. K. Sherwin. Very FINE IMpREssION, small margins trimmed inside plate-mark. PETER SIMON French engraver, born in 1769. SIMON, PETER 141. SHAKSPEARE, (As you like it, Act V, Scene IV). Stipple, colored by hand. Painted by Wm. Hamilton—Engraved by Peter Simon—Published Sept. 29, 1791, by John Boydell. Good impression, slightly stained. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH Celebrated English painter and engraver. Born in Derby in 1752; died miter: SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL 142. Tue Ricut Hon. Lavy ErizasetH Compton. Meszotint. J.C. Smith, No. 45. Fourth State of four. Painted by Wm. Peters, R. A.—Engraved by J. R. Smith. Very Goop IMpREssIoNn, in perfect condition. Large margins. SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL 143. A Visit To GRANDMOTHER. Mezzotint, colored by hand. Painted by J. Northcote——Engraved by J. R. Smith,—Published May, 1785, by J. R. Smith. Fair impression, with inscription. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL 144. SopHIA WESTERN. Mezzotint. Painted by J. Hoppner,—Engraved by J. R. Smith. Fine Impres- SION, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. SPORTING PRINT 145. Fox Huntine Scene (The Death). Mezzotint, in colors. Fine old English hunting view. Laid down and varnished. JOSEPH C. STADLER German engraver who worked in London from 1780 to 1812. STADLER, JOSEPH C. 146. A View or THE Horse Guarps, FROM WHITEHALL. Aquatint, printed in colors. T. H. Shepherd, delt.—J. C. Stadler, sculpt. Fixe Impression, with inscription, in perfect condition. Margins trimmed to plate- mark. THOMAS STOTHARD Celebrated English painter, born in London in 1755; died in 1834. SLOLTHARDATHOMAS 147. Run Away Love. Stipple. T. Stothard, pinxt..—C. Knight, sculpt. Frne Impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. SINGLETON, H. Love RetTurNED. Stipple. H. Singleton, pinxt.—W. Bond: sculpt. Frne Impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Together, 2 Ba (pair). PIERRE ALEXANDRE TARDIEU French engraver, born in 1756; died in 1844. TARDIEU, PIERRE ALEXANDRE 148. L’Espoir pu Retour. Etching finished with the graver. Portalis et Beraldi, III, p. 587. After Kimli. Proof before letter with the artists’ names only. With large margin. PELTRO WILLIAM TOMKINS Celebrated English stipple engraver, pupil of Bartolozzi, born in 1760; died in 1840. TOMKINS, PELTRO WILLIAM 149. Hospinot & GANDERETTA. Stipple, printed in colors, T. Gainsborough, R.A., pinxt.—P. W. Tomkins, sculpt.—lLondon, Published Jan. 2oth, 1790, by T. Macklin. Fine Impresston, with inscription. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. First Session, Tuesday Evening, March 25th TOMKINS, PELTRO WILLIAM 150. Hosppinot & GANDERETTA. Stipple. After the painting by Gainsborough,—Engraved by P. W. Tom- kins,—Published Jan. 20th, 1790. Fine Impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. WILLIAM WARD Celebrated English mezzotint engraver, born in 1766; died in 1826. WARD, WILLIAM 1st. Ourtsipe oF A Country ALEHOoUSE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Painted by J. Ward,—Engraved by W. Ward,—Published March ist, 1797, by W. Ward, Delancy Place, Hampstead Road. VeERy Fine Impression, with inscription. Surface scratched and re- paired, on left side and toward center. Small margins. WARD, WILLIAM 152. THE Sotitoguy. Stipple. Painted by W. Ward,—Engraved by W. Ward,—London, Published Oct., 1787, by W. Dickinson. Frne Impression, with inscription. Small margins. BENJAMIN WEST Celebrated American painter, born in Pennsylvania in 1738; died in 1820. WEST, BENJAMIN 153. Mr. West AND Famity. Stipple, printed in colors. Painted by Benj. West,—Engraved by Grant,—London, Published as the act Dircts. by Smith in Oxford St. Very Briti1ant Proor, with inscription, in perfect condition. Margins trimmed to plate- mark. FRANCIS WHEATLEY Celebrated English painter, born in 1747; died in 18or. WHEATLEY, FRANCIS 1s4. THE FisHeRMAN GoINnG Out. Stipple Engraving. F. Wheatley, R.A., pinxt..—J. Barney, sculpt..—London, Published by Thos. Macklin Poets Gallery, Fleet Ste Marcha ith 763: Fine Impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed to plate- mark. WHEATLEY, FRANCIS 155. Rustic EMpLoyMENT : THE Happy FamiIty. Stipples, printed in colors. Wheatley, pinxt..—Thouvenin, sculpt..—London, Published by Tassari & Co., Pall Mall. Fine Impressions, with inscriptions. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Together, 2 pieces (pair). Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue eee EE WHEATLEY, FRANCIS 156. THE Swine. Stipple, printed in colors. After the painting by Wheatley,—Engraved by Thouvenin. FIne Impression. Margins trimmed to engraved surface. WHEATLEY, FRANCIS 157. THE Cries oF Lonvon. Stipples, printed in colors. Set of thirteen plates, engraved by Schiavonetti, Cardon, Vendra- mini and Gaugain. Modern impressions, with inscriptions. Framed in ebony and gold frames, with black and gold mounts. Together, 13 pieces. | JOHN YOUNG Celebrated English mezzotint engraver, born in 1755; died in 1825. YOUNG, JOHN 158. Inrant Vanity. Meszzotint, printed in colors. . | Painted by John Hoppner,—Engraved by John Young,—Published March Ist, 1789, by Walker & Lynam, London. Berautirut Ricu Proor, with inscription. In perfect condition. Small margins. no “KD — Second Session, Numbers 159 to 329, inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 26TH, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK LOREN R. BARTON Contemporary American etcher. BARTON, LOREN R. 159. CHINATOWN Market, SAN FRANCISCO. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Loren Barton. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. HANS SEBALD BEHAM Born in Nuremburg in 1500; died in Frankfort in 1550. BEHAM, HANS SEBALD 160. St. BarTHOLOMAUs. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 48. Signed in the plate, with the monogram, ASB. Frne Impression, upper right corner, repaired outside plate-mark, otherwise in perfect condition. BEHAM, HANS SEBALD 161. L’ALtpHABET Romain. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 229. Signed in the plate, with the monogram, HS Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. BEHAM, HANS SEBALD 162. THr PENITENCE OF SAINT JoHN Curysostom. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 245. Good impression, in perfect condition. From the Davidsohn collection. EUGENE BEJOT Contemporary French etcher, born in Paris in 1865. BEJOT, EUGENE 163. Dinarp. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Eug. Bejot. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. BEJOT, EUGENE 164. La GRANDE Porte St. Maro. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Eug. Bejot. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue BEJOT, EUGENE 165. St. SERvEIN. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Eug. Bejot. Fine Impression, in perfect condi- tion. [No. 171] GEORGE BELLOWS Celebrated American painter and lithographer. BELLOWS, GEORGE 1654. Murpder or EpitH Cavett: Artists’ Eveninc. Lithographs. Signed proofs. Together, 2 pieces. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th FRANK W. BENSON Contemporary American etcher, BENSON, FRANK W. 166. Wiip Geese Restinc. Drypoint. Paff, No. 56. Signed in pencil,—Frank W. Benson, 23/75. VERY Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. BENSON, FRANK W. 167. YELLOowLEGS No. 2. Drypoint. Paff, No. 162. Signed in pencil—Frank W. Benson. Very FINE IMPRESSION, On Japan paper, in perfect condition. BENSON, FRANK W. 168. BLACKBIRDS AND RusHEs. Drypoint. Paff, No. 170. Signed in pencil—Frank W. Benson. Supers Im- PRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. BENSON, FRANK W. 169. Rrpprinc Water. Etching. Paff, No. 174. Signed in pencil,—Frank WV. Benson. Fine Impres- SION, in perfect condition. WILLIAM BLAKE Celebrated English painter and engraver, born in London, in 1757; died in 1827. BLAKE, WILLIAM 170. Jos AND His Daucuters. Drawing. Fine original water-color drawing, in perfect condition. Together with engraving of same subject and frontispiece to “The Book Gite |ob:” Together, 3 pieces. MUIRHEAD BONE Contemporary Scotch etcher, born in 1876, near Glasgow; living in London. : BONE, MUIRHEAD 171. DEMOLITION oF St. James Hatt, InteERIoR. Drypoint. Dodgson, No. 196. Signed in pencil,—Muirhead Bone. VeERy FINE IMPRESSION, On Japan paper, in perfect condition. [See Illustration] BONE, MUIRHEAD 172, Liperty Crock. Drypoint. Not described in Dodgson. Signed in pencil,—Muirhead Bone, FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper. Margins around plate-mark slightly rubbed. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue eee ee BONE, MUIRHEAD 173. THE FISHMARKET, VENICE. Drypoint. Signed in pencil,—Muirhead Bone. FInE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. BONE, MUIRHEAD 174. THE SOLENT. Drypoint. Not described in Dodgson. Signed in pencil,—Muirhead Bone. FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. BONE, MUIRHEAD 175; On THe CLlypE1917-18. Lithographs. Set of six original lithographs, signed in pencil,— Muirhead Bone. Fine Impressions, on heavy Japan paper, in perfect condition. In original folder. Together, 6 pieces and folder (set). BONE, MUIRHEAD 176. SHEPHERDS BusH. Drawing. Original and characteristic study, done in pen-and-ink, signed in lower right corner,—M. Bone. FELIX BRACQUEMOND Modern French etcher. BRACQUEMOND, FELIX 177. GEESE IN A Storm. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Bracquemond. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect con- dition. BRACQUEMOND, FELIX 178. LAPWING AND TEAL. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Bracquemond. Fine IMPRESSION, on Green paper, in perfect condition. BRACQUEMOND, FELIX 179. Treat. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Bracquemond. Fine IMPRESSION, on Green paper, in perfect condition. FRANK BRANGWYN Contemporary English painter and etcher, born in London in 1867, © BRANGWYN, FRANK 180, Market Furnes. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Frank Brangwyn. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th Seles RES PSS & Ras ey = SE NOVG Od ANUAAV, DLOHNA XVI Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ee FELIX BUHOT Celebrated French etcher, born at Valognes, 1847; died in Paris, 18098. BUHOT, FELIX 181. Un Grain A Trovuvitte. Etching. Bourcard, No, 122. First State of four. Signed in the plate,—Buhot (in reverse). Fine Impression, in perfect condition. BUHOT, FELIX 182. L’Hiver A Paris ou LA Neice A Paris. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No, 128. Second State of five. Signed in the plate,— Felix Buhot. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect con- dition. BUHOT, FELIX 183. L’Hiver A Parts ou ra Neice A Paris. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No, 128. Third State of five. Signed in the plate,— Felix Buhot. Very Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. BUHOT, FELIX 184. La TRaversée. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 143. Second State of two. Signed with the red Owl stamp. Very Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. BUHOT, FELIX 185. La DaME Aux Cyenes. Etching. Bourcard, No, 144. Signed in the plate, and with the red Owl stamp. FINE ImpREsSION, in perfect condition. BUHOT, FELIX 186. Crock Tower, WESTMINSTER. Etching and Drypoint. Bourcard, No. 156. Fourth State of six. Very Fine Earty In- PRESSION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. BUHOT, FELIX 187. Le Hisov. Etching. Bourcard, No. 161, Fine Earty Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. BUHOT, FELIX 188, TAvERNE pu Bacne. Etching and Drypoint. Bourcard, No. 163. Signed in the plate-—Felix Buhot, and with the red Owl stamp. Very Fine Impressron, on Dutch paper, in per- fect condition. [See Illustration] BUHOT, FELIX 189. Les O1rs. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 166. Early Trial Proof. Very Fine IMPRESSION, on French paper, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th DAVID YOUNG CAMERON Celebrated English painter-etcher, born in Glasgow in 186s. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 190. A VENETIAN CONVENT. Fitching. Rinder, No. 207. Only State. Signed in pencil_—D. Y. Cameron. VerRY FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Framed. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 191. MitEestones : ON THE Wye aT Happon. Etchings. Rinder, Nos. 249 and 350. Signed in the plate-—D. Y. Cameron. Good impressions. Together, 2 pieces. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 192. Montivittiers. Etching and Drypoint. Rinder, No. 355. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 193. Oxp Bripce, WuHitBy. Drypoint. ; hinder, No. 403. Vhird State of three. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Twenty-one proofs in all three States. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 194. ARRAN Peaks. Drypoint. Not described in Rinder. Second State of two, the plate cut down. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. FINE Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 195. KerRRERA, No. 2. Drypoint. Not described in Rinder. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. Fine IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 196. St. A1icnon. Etching and Drypoint. Not described in Rinder. Signed in pencil,—D. Y. Cameron. Very FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, has small hole in sky, otherwise in perfect condition. KATE CAMERON Contemporary English etcher. CAMERON, KATE 197. GRAss OF Parnassus. Etching. Signed in pencil—K. Cameron. BrAuTIFUL IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue CANALETTO Venetian painter, born in 1697; died in’ 1768. CANALETTO 197A. Martson.A L’INscripTion. Etching. FINE IMPRESSION, with good margins. MARY CASSATT Celebrated American painter and etcher, born at Pittsburgh, 1845; lives in Paris. CASSA LE NAR Y 198. WomMAN Piayinc MANbDotin. Drypotnt. Very Fine Impression, on Greenish paper, stamped in lower right corner, with Artist personal monogram stamp. ROLAND CLARK Contemporary American etcher. CLARK, ROLAND 199. Broap Britt Droppine In. Etching. Signed in pencil_—Roland Clark. F1INe ImpREssIon, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 66 impressions. CLARK ROLAND 200. Jacks. Drypoint. Signed in pencil—Roland Clark. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 70 impressions. CLARK, ROLAND 201. SeveEN A.M. Drypoint. Signed in pencil,—Roland Clark. Fine Impression, in perfect con- dition. Edition limited to 75 impressions, CLARK, ROLAND 202. WiLp Geese. Drypoint. Signed in pencil,—Roland Clark. FINE ImpREssION, in perfect con- dition. Edition limited to 75 impressions. TIMOTHY COLE Contemporary American wood engraver. (OLE, CIMOTia 203. LanpscaPe. Wood-engraving. After the painting by J. Francis Murphy. Signed Artist’s ona Also, Landscape etching by J. L. Harlow, and lithograph, by Whistler. All framed. Together, 3 pieces. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Celebrated French painter and etcher, born at Paris in 1796; died in 1875. 2ORO THAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE 204. SOUVENIR D’ ITaLty. Etching. Delteil, No. 5. Third State of three. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. CORO ea. BAPTISTE CAMILLE 205. ENvirons DE Rome. Etching. Delieil, No. 6. Third State of three. Signed in the plate,—Corot. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. ALBRECHT DURER Celebrated German engraver, born at Niirnberg in 1471; died there in Ts20. DURER, ALBRECHT 206. Curist oN Mount oF Otives. Etching. Bartsch, No. 19. Signed and dated in the plate,——AD, 1515. Good impression, repaired along margins. , From the Hoffman collection. DURER, ALBRECHT 207. THE PropicaL Son. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 28. Signed in the plate, with the monogram AD. Good impression, slightly skinned at back in three places behind trees, and few stains. Duplicate from the Budapest Museum, and from the Elischer, and Artaria collections, DURER-ALBRECHT 208. THE VIRGIN WITH CROWN OF STARS, STANDING UPoN A CRESCENT. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 31. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. 1508. Good impression, small tear in left side repaired. From the Samuel Sybolt collection. DURER, ALBRECHT 209. THE VIRGIN CROWNED By Two ANGELS. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 39. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. 1518, Fine Impression, in perfect condition. DURER, ALBRECHT 210. THE VIRGIN SEATED OUTSIDE THE CiTY WaLL. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 40. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. 1514. Good impression, small tear at top repaired, and weak spot on right margin. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue DURER, ALBRECHT 211. St. JEROME IN His Cetr. Engraving. Bartsch, No, 60. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. 1514. Good impression, in good condition. DURER, ALBRECHT 212, THE SATYR Famity. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 69. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. 1505. Fine Impresstion, slightly stained. From the Baldinger collection. DURER, ALBRECHT 213. THe Litre Courter. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 80. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. Fine Impression, slightly skinned at back on left margin. DURER, ALBRECHT 214. THE STANDARD BEARER. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 87. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. FINE IMPRESSION, upper corners, repaired. From the E. Levy collection. DURER, ALBRECHT 215. THE PRoMENADE. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 94. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. Good impression, in good condition. DURER, ALBRECHT 216. CoAT oF ARMS WITH A SKULL. Engraving. Bartsch, No. ror. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. Good impression, in good condition. DURER, ALBRECHT 217. ALBERT OF BRANDENBURG. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 103. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. Good impression, in good condition. DURER, ALBRECHT 218. Puitip MeLaNcHTHoNn. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 105. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—AD. Good impression, in good condition. DURER, ALBRECHT 219. THE ENTOMBMENT. Woodcut. Bartsch, No. 13. Signed in the block, with the monogram,—AD. Good impression, with text at back. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. DURER, ALBRECHT 220. THE Four Rivers oF THE APOCALYPSE. Woodcut. . Bartsch, No. 64. Signed in the block, with the’ monogram,—AD. Good impression, with text at back, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th DURER, ALBRECHT 221. ST. JEROME IN His Ceti. Woodcut. Bartsch, No. 114. Signed and dated in the block,—AD. 1511. Good impression, in good condition. Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. DURER, ALBRECHT 222. BEHEADING OF ST. JoHN. Woodcut. Bartsch, No. 125. Signed in the block, with the monogram,—AD, 7510. Fine Earty Impression, in perfect condition. DURER, ALBRECHT 223. Heropias Recretvinc HEAD or JOHN THE Baptist. Woodcut. Bartsch, No. 126. Signed in the block, with the monogram,—AD, I5TI. FINE IMPRESSION, on paper, with the “High Crown.” Slightly stained. DURER, ALBRECHT 224. St. THoMAS AND Curist. Woodcut. Signed in the block with the monogram,—AD. Good impression, repaired. Framed. HEDLEY FITTON Contemporary English etcher. PEevONe HEDLEY 225. Dumrrigs. Etching. Signed in pencil—Hedley Fitton. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. SEARS GALLAGHER Contemporary American etcher. GAeECAGHER, SEARS 226. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHuRCH. Etching. Signed in pencil—Sears Gallagher. Good impression, © slightly rubbed. GALLAGHER, SEARS 227, THE VILLAGE CENsor. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Sears Gallagher. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. GALLAGHER, SEARS 228. Toi. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Sears Gallagher. Fine Impression, in perfect - condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue eS eles ERIE GALLAGHER, SEARS 229. UNDER THE Bripce. Etching. Signed in pencil—Sears Gallagher. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. PERCIVAL GASKELL Contemporary English etcher. GASKELL, PERCIVAL 230. A THames Backwater, Earty Mornine. Mezzotine. Signed in pencil_—Percival Gaskell. Fine Impression, on India paper, in perfect condition. R. SWAIN GIFFORD Modern American painter and etcher. GIFFORD, R. SWAIN 231. NEAR THE Coast. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine Impression. Also Etchings, Morning on the St. Johns, by Thomas Moran, and Chichester Canal, by A. Gaucherel. Together, 3 pieces. SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN Celebrated English etcher, born in London September, 1818; died in 1910. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 232. KENSINGTON GARDENS (Small Plate). Eéching. Harrington, No. 12. Third State of three. Signed in the plate,— Seymour Haden. Good impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 233. Ecuam Lock. Etching. Harrington, No. 16. First Published State of three. Signed in the plate,—Seymour Haden. Frne Impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 234. ON THE Test. Etching and Drypoint. Harrington, No. 20. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Good impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 235. KernsincTron GarpvENs (Large Plate). Etching. | | Harrington, No. 28. Second Published State of two. Signed in the plate-—Seymour Haden. Very Fine Impression, on India paper, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th [No. 239] HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 236. SHERE Mitt Ponp (Small Plate). Etching. Harrington, No. 37. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine Impression, has small rust mark by sig- nature, otherwise in perfect condition. Framed. From the Bullivant collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 237. AMSTELODAMUM. Etching. Harrington, No. 43. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIK FRANCIS SEYMOUR 238. A River’s Bank. Etching. Harrington, No. 49. Second State of two. Signed in the plate,— Seymour Haden. Good impression, on India paper. HADEN) SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 239. SUNSET IN IRELAND. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 51. Second Published State of two. Signed in pencil— Seymour Haden. Very Fine Impression, on French. paper, in perfect condition. [See Illustration] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 240. BaATTERSEA REAcH. Etching. Harrington, No. 52. First Published State of two. Signed in the plate,—S. Haden. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 241, NEWCASTLE IN EMtyn. Etching. Harrington, No. 62. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. From the Lotz-Brissonneau collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 242. NEWCASTLE IN EMtyn. Etching. Harrington, No. 62. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 243. House oF THE SmitH. Etching. Harrington, No. 63. Second Published State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. From the Beurdeley collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 244. CARDIGAN Bripce. Etching. Harrington, No. 67. Second Published State of two. Fine Im- PRESSION, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 245. Penton Hoox. Etching. Harrington, No. 70. Only Published State. Fine Impressron, on Japan paper, margins slightly rubbed. From the Seymour Haden, Jr., collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 245A. THAMES DITTON WITH A SAIL. Etching. Harrington, No. 73. First Published State of two. Very Fine IMPRESSION, margins trimmed to plate-mark, and few small stains. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 246. Raitway ENCROACHMENT. Etching. Harrington, No. 74. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Very Frne Impression, in perfect condition. THHADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 247. RAILWAY ENCROACHMENT. Etching. Harrington, No. 74. Only Published State. Signed in the plate — Kew, 1864. Finer Impression, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th ne ee ee HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 248. TWICKENHAM CuHurRCH. Etching. Harrington, No. 107. Only Published State. Signed in the plate,— S. Haden, 1861. Fixe Impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 249. A RiversipE, Devon. Etching. Harrington, No. 130. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine Earty IMPRESSION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. From the Seymour Haden, Jr., collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 250. Two SHEEP. Etching. Harrington, No. 144. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Good impression, slightly stained. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 251. WinpmiLt Hitt No. 2. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 164. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Very FINE IMPRESSION, on French paper, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 252, WinpMiLu Hitt, No. 2. Drypoint. ee Harrington, No. 164. Second State of two. Signed in the plate, Seymour Haden. Fine Earty Proor, on old French paper, in perfect condition. Framed. From the Seymour Haden, Jr., collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 253. Ye ComMpLeTe ANGLER. Etching. Harrington, No. 166. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine IMpREssION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. : HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 254. Newton Manor. Drypoint. ty. Harrington, No. 174. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine IMPRESSION, on French paper, slightly stained. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 2ss. CHattow Farm. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 175. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Good impression, perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 256. Cuattow Farm. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 175. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. BrautiruL IMPRESSION, on old French paper, in perfect condition. Framed. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 257. Tue Litrte Boat House. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 177. First Published State of three. Signed in pencil,—Seyvmour Haden. Very Fine Impression, in perfect con- dition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 258. HaArLecH CastLe. Megzotint. Harrington, No. 212. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 259. THE Four Cows. Etching. Harrington, No. 223. Trial Proof A. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Very Frne Impression, on French paper, in perfect con- dition. , HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 260. SALMON River. Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 226. First State of two. Signed in pencil,— _ Seymour Haden. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 261. THe Littte Lone Parrisn. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 236. Only State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Very Fine Impression, on French paper, slightly stained. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 262. GRAYLING FisHinc. Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 241. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. AXEL HERMAN HAIG Noted Swedish etcher, born on the Island of Gotland, in the Baltic. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 263. WINpbsor CastLe. Aquatint and Etching. Armstrong, No. 139. Signed Artist’s Proof. Also Lithograph, by Thomas R. Way, The Guild Hall, London, Signed Artist’s Proof. Together, 2 pieces. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 264. ToLepo CaTHEDRAL, INTERIOR. Etching and Aquatint. Armstrong, No. 66. Signed in pencil—A. H. Haig. Fine Im- PRESSION, On heavy Dutch paper. Edition limited to 350 proofs. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN , 205. Portats or Ruerms CatHeprav. Etching. . Armstrong, No. 94. Signed in pencil,— A rel H. Haig. Very FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper. Edition limited to 325 proofs. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th a ae Us I a a ERNEST HASKELL Contemporary American etcher. PAS kKELL, ERNEST 266. AMELIA. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Ernest Haskell. Very Fine IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Proof, dedicated to Thomas C. Dawson. MASKELL, ERNEST 267, IN THE Woops. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Ernest Haskell. Fine Impression, condition. Proof, dedicated to Thos. C. Dawson. i périect ry BASKELL, ERNEST 268. THE Cove. Etching. Signed in pencil—Ernest Haskell. Fine Impression, condition. Proof, dedicated to Thos. C. Dawson. te n perfect HASKELL, ERNEST 269. Tse Tipe Bripce : Meapow Tress. Etchings. Signed in pencil,—Ernest Haskell. Fine Impressions, in perfect condition. Proofs, dedicated to Thos. C. Dawson. Together, 2 pieces. Dashes ERNEST 270. THE RIVER SANcTuaARY. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Ernest Haskell. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Proof, dedicated to Thos. C. Dawson. eaSke LL, ERNEST 271. THE Roap. Etching. Signed in pencil—Ernest Haskell. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Proof, dedicated to Thos. C. Dawson. | Hook Pol ERNEST 272. THE SNow Farm. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Ernest Haskell. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Proof, dedicated to Thos. C. Dawson. Peel. HRNEST 273. PuHippspurG, Maine. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Ernest Haskell. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Proof, dedicated to Thos. C. Dawson. TASK ELL, ERNEST 274. Witiows. Etching. Signed in pencil_—Ernest Haskell. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Proof, dedicated to Thos. C. Dawson. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue a a ee ea ee CHILDE HASSAM Contemporary American painter and etcher. HASSAM, CHILDE 275. BittBoarps. Etching. Signed in pencil,_-CH. imp. Fine Impressron, in perfect condition. ALBANY E. HOWARTH Contemporary English etcher. HOWARTH, ALBANY “E. 276. GouRocK; Corre CastTLe, No. 2. Etchings. Signed in pencil,—Albany E. Howarth. Fine Impressions, in per- fect condition, Together, 2 pieces. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 277, THe LanpeaTE, Rye, Sussex. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Albany E. Howarth. Fine IMpREssION, in per- fect condition. AUGUSTUS JOHN Contemporary English artist. JOHN, AUGUSTUS 2774. THE Dawn. Lithograph. Signed proof. MARGUERITE KIRMSE Contemporary American etcher. KIRMSE,. MARGUERITE 278. At Opps. Etching. Signed in pencil—Marguerite Kirmse. Fine Impresston, in pertect condition. Edition limited to 50 proofs. MAXIME LALANNE Modern French etcher. LALANNE, MAXIME 279. A BorpEAUX, VUE GENERAL. Etching. Signed in the plate,—Lalanne. Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. LALANNE, MAXIME 280. Pont St. Micuer. Etching. Signed in the plate,—Lalanne. Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th AUGUSTE LEPERE AMIENS CATHEDRAL [No. 286] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue a a LALANNE, MAXIME 281. RicuMonD; Tour DE MonTALBAN, AMSTERDAM. Etchings. Signed in the plate——Lalanne. Good impressions, in perfect con- dition. Together, 2 pieces. ALPHONSE LEGROS Celebrated French etcher, born in Dijon in 1837; died in 1911, LEGROS, ALPHONSE 282. Le Lavorr. Etching. Sgined in pencil,—A. Legros. Fine IMpREssION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. WILLIAM LEE-HANKEY Contemporary English etcher. LEE-HANKEY, WILLIAM 283. THe Poot. Aquatint. Hardie, No. 32. Signed in pencil,—W.~Lee-Hankey. FINE Im- PRESSION, in perfect condition. LEE-HANKEY, WILLIAM 284. Tue Hitisiwe. Etching. Hardie, No. 57. Signed in pencil—W. Lee-Hankey. Good im- pression, in perfect condition. AUGUSTE LEPERE Celebrated French etcher and wood engraver, born in Paris, 1849; died at Damme in 1918. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 28s. CARRIERES D AMERIQUE PRES PaRIs. Etching. Lote-Brissonneau, No. 108. Signed in pencil—A. Lepere. SUPERB IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, lower margin slightly rubbed, other- wise in perfect condition. Framed. From the Bullivant collection. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 286, AMIENS CATHEDRAL. Etching. Signed in pencil—A. Lepére. Very FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. [See Illustration] LEPERE, AUGUSTE 287. CoucHeErR pu SoLem. Etching. Signed in pencil,—A. Lepére. FINE ImpREsSION, On Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th LEPERE, AUGUSTE 288. EGLisE bE VerpeLtor. Etching. Signed in pencil, by Mme. Lepére, and with his red stamp. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Proof No. 30 of 50 printed. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 289. L’ ArrivéeE au Moun. Etching. Signed in pencil—A. Lepére, 2nd Etat. tUn. Very Fine Impres- SION, in perfect condition. Marked unique, the only proof in the second state. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 290. La Crorx pu Bots Macon. Etching. Signed in pencil,—A. Lepere, 42/50. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 291. La VirILLE PAssereLte. Etching. Signed in pencil,—A. Lepére, rst, Et 3/9. Very Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. There were only 9 impres- sions, in this state. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 292. Le Mar bE Cocacne. Etching. Signed in pencil—A. Lepére. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 293. Le Pont bE St. CLoup. Etching. Signed in pencil,—A. Lepére. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 2904. Le Petir Pont. Etching. Signed in pencil—A. Lepére. Frne Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Proof, No. 20 of 50 printed. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 295. Les Bateaux Lavorrs. Etching. Signed in pencil—A, Lepére. Frne Impression, on Japan paper, in pertect condition. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 296. Route dE Bituiancourt. Etching. Lotz-Brissonneau, No. 87. Signed in pencil,—A. Lepére, No. 1, Tir. 35 Ep. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Framed. From the Jules Gerbeau, and Bullivant collections. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue EDOUARD MANET Celebrated French painter and etcher, born in 1832; died in 1883. MANET, EDOUARD 297. Fireux Exotigure. Etching. Signed in the plate-——Manet. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. DONALD SHAW MacLAUGHLAN Contemporary American etcher, born in Canada in 1876; living abroad. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 298. Sonc From Venice, No. 1. Etching. Signed in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. SupPreRB IMPRESSION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 299. SonGc From Venice, No. 2. Etching. Signed in pencil—D. S. MacLaughlan. Frine Impression, repaired in lower right corner. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 300. La Porte GayoLe. Etching. Signed in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Finer IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW | 301. River Sonc, No. 2. Etching. Signed in pencil,—D. S. MacLaughlan. Fine IMPRESSION, in per- fect condition. FRANK H. MASON Contemporary English etcher. MASON, FRANK H. 302. Torpepo Boats. Drypoint. Signed Artist’s Proof. Also Etchings, The Fisherman, by Appian, and Pond of St. Firmin by Fonce. Together, 3 pieces. TOM MAXWELL Contemporary English etcher. MAXWELL, TOM 303. Doune Castie. Etching. Signed in pencil—Tom Maxwell. Fine Iwpression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th MAXWELL, TOM 304. THE Broomietaw, GLascow. Drypoint. Signed in pencil—Tom Maxwell. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. JAMES McBEY Contemporary English etcher. McBEY, JAMES 305. “1588.” Etching. Signed in ink,—James McBey. Very Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. Proof dedicated in ink, to James Grey, Nov. 1912. McBEY, JAMES 306. FoveraAN Burn. Etching. Signed in ink,—James McBey. Fine Impression, in perfect con- dition. Proof, marked XIX. McBEY, JAMES 307. Francais INconnvu. Etching. Signed in ink,—James McBey. Frne Impresston, on French paper, in perfect condition. Proof, marked 415. McBEY, JAMES 308. THe Crucirix, Boutocne. Etching. Signed in ink—James McBey. Supers Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. Proof, marked A 3. MORTIMER MENPES Contemporary English etcher. MENPES, MORTIMER 309. Dorcuester. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Mortimer Menpes, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. MENPES, MORTIMER 310. Eartry Morninc, Rotrerpam. Etching. Signed in pencil—Mortimer Menpes, imp. Very Fine Impression, in perfect condition. MENPES, MORTIMER 311. River Scene, JAPAN. Etching. Signed in pencil—Mortimer Menpes, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue MENPES, MORTIMER 312. Winpsor Castie. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Mortimer Menpes, imp. Frne Impression, in perfect condition. MENPES, MORTIMER 313. WATERLOO, Lonpon; WarEHouses: Custom Housz Wuarr. Etchings. Signed in pencil,—Menpes, imp. Good impressions, in perfect condition. Together, 3 pieces. CHARLES MERYON Celebrated French etcher. Born in Paris in 1821; died there in, 1868. MERYON, CHARLES 314. Le Petit Pont. Etching. Delteil, No. 24. Third State of six. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—CM. Fine Impression, in brown ink, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. MERYON, CHARLES 315. La Tour pve L’Hortoce. Etching. Delteil, No. 28. Eighth State of eight. Good impression, on yellow India paper, in perfect condition. MERYON, CHARLES 316. Rue pe LA TIXERANDERIE. Etching. Delteil, No. 29. Third State of three. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—CM. Good impression, slightly stained. Framed. MERYON, CHARLES 317. L’Apsipe bE Notre Dame. Etching. Delteil, No. 38. Eighth State of eight. Signed in the plate,—C. Meryon, del. sculp. Fair impression, in perfect condition. MERYON, CHARLES 318. La Rue pes CHantres, Paris. Etching. Delteil, No. 42. Fifth State of five. Very Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. From the M. Theil Thibaudeau and MacGeorge collections. MERYON, CHARLES 319. CoLLEGE oF Henri IV ov Lycee Napotron. Etching. Delteil, No. 43. Eighth State of eight. Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. MERYON, CHARLES 320. MINISTERE DE LA Marine. Etching. Delteil, No. 45. Fifth State of six. Signed in plate, with mono- gram,—CM. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, March 26th MERYON, CHARLES 321. Kine Louis XI, ReceIvinc A PRINTER. Etching. Delteil, No. 94. Fourth State of four. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—CM. Finer Impression, on Japan paper, in per- fect condition. CHARLES F. W. MIELATZ Modern American etcher. Poem eATZ CHARLES F. W. 322. Custom Houssz, WALL Sr. 1905. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Mielatz, imp. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Perc AT ZZ, CHARLES F.-W. 323. Near SoutH Ferry, 1904. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Mielatz, imp. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET Born in the little village of Gruchy, on the Norman coast, October 4, 1814. Died at Barbizon, January 20, 1875. “A man who had given his whole life to etching only, who had never thought of painting, and had never cared for those effects proper to painting and not to etching, could not have been more truly and markedly a born etcher than Millet.”—Mrs, SCHUYLER VAN RENSSELAER, Millet as an Etcher. MILLET, JEAN FRANCOIS 324. THE Woot Carper. Etching. Delteil, No. 15. Only State. Fine Impression, on old French paper, in perfect condition. MILLET, JEAN FRANCOIS 325. SHEPHERDESS Knittinc. Etching. Delteil, No. 18. Only State. Signed in the plate,—J. F. Millet. Very Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. MILLET, JEAN FRANCOIS 326. Gornc To Work. Etching. Delted, No. 19. Seventh State of seven. Signed in the plate,— J. F, Millet. Fine Impresston, on old French paper, in perfect condition. ROBERT NANTEUIL Celebrated French engraver, born in Rheims, in 1632; died in Paris in 1678. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 327. GEORGE DE ScCuDERY. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, No. 221. Signed in the plate,—Robertus Nanteuil. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. From the Francis Bullard collection. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue pain Pai at at a a Se POWER O'MALLEY Contemporary American etcher. O'MALLEY, POWER 328. Across THE Door. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof. Also Portrait of Charles Dickens, by John- son. Signed Artist’s Proof. Together, 2 pieces. CHARLES PEARS Contemporary English artist, painter of naval subjects. PEARS, CHARLES 328A. MAINTAINING OversEA Forces. Lithograph. Signed proof. GEORGE PENCZ Early German engraver, born in 1500; died in 1550. PENCZ, GEORGE 329. THEBIS TURNS ACHILLES OVER TO CHIRON. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 90. Signed and dated in the plate-——PG. 1543. impression, in good condition. . Good Third Session, Numbers 330 to 499, inclusive THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 27TH, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK JOSEPH PENNELL Celebrated American illustrator, etcher and lithographer, born in Phila- delphia, 1860; lives in New PENNELL, JOSEPH 330. CALLOWHILL STREET BripGe, PHILA. Signed in pencil,—Joseph Pennell. York. Etching. FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Also print of Chestnut St. Bridge, Phila, Together, 2 pieces. PENNELL, JOSEPH 331. WATER STREET STAIRS, PHILADELPHIA. Signed in pencil,—Joseph Pennell. paper, in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 332. CHEAPSIDE. Etching. Signed in pencil—J. Pennell, imp. condition. Penne LL, JOSEPH 333. CxiirForp’s Inn, Lonpon. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. condition. SeeNNELL, JOSEPH | 334. GREENWICH Park, No. 2. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, tmp. condition. BENNELL, JOSEPH 335. Hays Wuarr, Lonpon. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 336. LamsBerH. Etching. Signed in pencil,—/. Pennell, imp. paper. Has small hole repaired. Etching. FINE IMPRESSION, FINE IMPRESSION, FINE IMPRESSION, FINE IMPRESSION, FINE IMPRESSION, FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan in perfect in perfect in perfect in perfect on Japan Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ee eee PENNELL, JOSEPH 337. Lupcate Hin. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Very Fine IMPRESSION, 1n per- fect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 338. Str. Paut’s From THE EMBANKMENT. Etching. Signed in pencil—J. Pennell, imp. Frne Impression, in perfect condition. PENN ELIS OSS? i 339. THe Dock, Lereps. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, ump. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. . PENNELL, JOSEPH 340. THe Guitp Harr, Lonpon. Etching. . Signed in pencil—J. Pennell, amp. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. PENNELL JOSErE 341. Tue THaMes From RICHMOND Hitt: eich Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEEE 342. THe Turn or THE Tipe. Etching. . Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. PENNELLS JOSEPH 343. THE SHot Tower. — Eiching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 344. APPROACH TO THE GRAND CENTRAL. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, on old paper, in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 345. Hore IN THE Ground. Etching. ? Signed in pencil—J. Pennell. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 346. PALISADES AND PALACES. Etching. de Signed in pencil—J. Pennell, imp. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 347. Up to tHE WootwortH. Etching. ; Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, margins slightly rubbed. Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th mew hl JOSEPH PeowotbauLs, N.Y. Eiching. Signed in pencil—J. Pennell, imp. Fine Earty IMprREssIoNn, in brown ink, on old French paper, has few small rust marks, other- wise in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 349. Tue Ferry House. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. FENN IcL, JOSEPH 350. Up To THE WooLtwortH. Etching.’ Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. — Pio JOSEPH 351. RoveN From Bon- Secours. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. PON NEI JOSEPH 352. From THE FairMonT—SEA Foc Comine In. Etching. Signed in pencil,—/J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Pell JOSEPH 353. SEAL Rocks. Etching. Signed in pencil,—/J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. PENNWELL, JOSEPH 354. IsLEs oF THE Bay, ANGEL IsLAND From Hype Srreer. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Peel JOSEPH 355. Russta Hitt. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. Beautirut Trrat Proor, in perfect condition. EeNNELL, JOSEPH 356. Down anv Up Ca.irorniA STREET. Etching. Signed in pencil—J. Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. FEN NELL, JOSEPH 357. CHINATOWN, SAN Francisco. Etching. Signed in pencil—-J, Pennell, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue aie a nian tac i a a PENNELL, JOSEPH 358. THE QuaARRY AT PENTILCON. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 359. SCENE AT TAoRMINA. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. FINE EarLy TRIAL PROOF, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. PENNELL, JOSEPH 360. Coat, In THE MaHoNEY VALLEY. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, imp. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. 3 PENNELL, JOSEPH 361. Stock Yarps, Cuicaco. Etching. Signed in pencil,—J. Pennell, amp. Very Frne IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. PENNELL] JOSEPH 362. Timber Mitts, ZAANDAM. Lithograph. Signed in pencil—Josepl Pennell, 1898. VERY Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. PENNELL OSEEH 362A. War Suies. Lithograph. PENNELL, JOSEPH 363. A WinpMILL, ScHiepAM. Lithograph. Signed in pencil,—Joseph Pennell, 1898. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI Modern French artist. RAFFAELLI, JEAN FRANCOIS 363A.LUXEMBOURG GARDENS. Lithograph. JOSEPH RAPHAEL Contemporary American etcher. RAPHAEL, JOSEPH 364. CanaLt Boats; THe Emma M. Etchings. Signed in ink,—Jos. Raphael. Fine IMpREssIoNns, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Together, 2 pieces. Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th RoareArL JOSEPH 365. Circus Clowns; WINDMILL; ON THE BracH. Etchings. Signed in ink,—Jos. Raphael. Fr1ne Impressions, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Together, 3 pieces. RAPHALL, JOSEPH 366. Marxket Piace; Roor Tors. Etchings. Signed in ink,—Jos. Raphael. Fine Impressions, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Together, 2 pieces. RAPHAEL, JOSEPH 367. STREET SCENE AT NiGHT : ON THE.CANAL. Etchings. Signed in ink,—Jos. Raphael. Fine Impressions, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Together, 2 pieces. RAPA s}OSEPH 368. THE Patace: UNLoapiInc. Fichings. Signed in ink.—Jos. Raphael. Fine Impressions, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Together, 2 pieces. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN Born, Leyden, 1607; died, Amsterdam, 1669. Pupil of Swanenburch and Pieter Lastman. “The opinion among etchers which enthrones Rem- brandt as the King of his craft is the most recent instance of perfect unanimity among people of all nationalities. As we all say Phidias was the greatest sculptor, Homer the greatest epic poet, and Shakespeare the greatest dramatist, so we are all agreed on the world-wide supremacy of Rembrandt. In his own lines of work there is no one in all history to be compared with Rembrandt; in artistic influence he has one equal en- tirely unlike himself, and that is Raphael. They are the two most influential graphic artists of all time.”—-P. G. HAMERTON. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 369. JosEPH AND PotipHar’s Wire. Etching. Bartsch, No. 39. Signed in the plate,—Rembrandt, 1634. Good impression, in good condition. 3 REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 370. Topsit Buinp. Eiching. Bartsch, No. 42. Signed in the plate—Rembrandt. Good impres- sion, in perfect condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 371. CHRIST AND THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA. Etching. Bartsch, No. 70. Signed in the plate—Rembrandt, 1658. VERY Fine Impression, in perfect condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 372. CHRIST AND THE WoMAN oF SAMARIA: AMONG Ruins. Etchin: Bartsch, No. 71. Signed in the plate-——Rembrandt, 1634. Good im- pression, in good condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 373. RESURRECTION OF Lazarus. Etching. Bartsch, No. 72. Signed in the plate,—Rembrandt, 1646. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 374. Curist Heatinc THE Sick (The Hundred Guilder Print). Etching. Bartsch, No. 74. Good impression, from the reworked plate by Capt. Baillie. In good condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 375. Ecce Homo—Curtst Berore Pivate. Etching. Bartsch, No. 77. Good impression, in good condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 376. THe Descent From THE Cross (By Torchlight). Etching. Bartsch, No. 83. Signed in the plate—Rembrandt, 1654. Fair impression, in good condition. | REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 377, RETURN OF THE PropiGAL Son. Etching. Bartsch, No. 91. Signed in the plate——Rembrandt, 1636. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition, has small margins. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 378. STONING OF ST. STEPHEN. Eiching. Bartsch, No. 97. Signed in the plate,—Rembrandt, 1635. Good impression, in good condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 379. St. JEROME IN A DARK CHAMBER. Etching. Bartsch, No. 105. Signed in the plate—Rembrandt, 1642. Very good impression, in perfect condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 380. St. Francis Prayine. Etching. Bartsch, No. 107. Signed in the plate—Rembrandt. Good im- pression, slightly stained, and repaired. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 381. THe Star or THE Kines (A Christmas ceremony in Amsterdam). Etching. Bartsch, No. 113. Etched about 1652. Fine Impression, slightly stained at back. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 382. BrcGARS AT THE Door oF A House. Etching. Bartsch, No. 176. Signed in the plate,—Rembrandt, 1648. Good impression, repaired in upper right corner. ; Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 383. OLp Man Wita Divipep Fur Cap. Etching. Bartsch, No.. 265. Signed in the plate-—Rembrandt, 1640. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 384. Dr. Faustus. Etching. Bartsch, No. 270. Good impression, in good condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 385. RENIER ANsLoo. Etching. Bartsch, No. 271. Signed in the plate,—Rembrandt. Fair impres- sion, in good condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 386. CLEMENT DE JoNGHE. Etching. Bartsch, No. 272. Signed in the plate,—Rembrandt. Good im- pression, in good condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 387. ABRAHAM FRANz. Etching. Bartsch, No. 273. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Has one half inch margins. From the Cambridge University Library, Fitz William Museum. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 388. Jan Lutma. Etching. Bartsch, No. 276. Signed in the plate-—Rembrandt, 1656. Good impression, 1n good condition. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 389. Man WitH Broad BriMMED HaT AND RurFrF. Etching. Bartsch, No. 311. Signed in the plate——Rt. 1630. Good impression, in good condition. } WILLIAM P. ROBINS Contemporary English etcher. moeCiNs, WILLIAM P. 390. THE BARN BY THE STREAM. Fiching. Signed in pencil—Wm. P. Robins. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Proof, No. 4 of an edition of 30. FREDERICK ROBBINS Contemporary American etcher. ROBBINS, FREDERICK 391. MARKET STREET, SAN Francisco. Etching. Signed in pencil—Frederick Robbins. Fine ImMprREssiIoNn, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue AUGUSTE RODIN Modern French sculptor. RODIN, AUGUSTE 391A. PortrAIT OF Victor Huco. Drypoint. ERNEST ROTH Contemporary American painter and etcher. ROTH, ERNEST 392. AMIENS CATHEDRAL. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Ernest D. Roth. Very Fine IMpREssIon, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. | ROTH, ERNEST 393. CiirrF DweLiers, Cuenca. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Ernest D. Roth, 1921. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. WILLIAM ROTHENSTEIN Contemporary English artist. ROTHENSTEIN, WILLIAM 3934. PLoucHine. Lithograph. Signed proof. : FREDERICK SCHMUTZER Contemporary German etcher. © SCHMUIZER TE REDERICK 394. WoMAN FerepineG GEEsE. Etching. Signed in pencil,—F. Schmutzer. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. MARTIN SCHONGAUER Celebrated German engraver, born at Colmar in 1445; died in 1499. SCHONGAUVER, MARTIN 395. THE Crown or THorns. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 13. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—MS, Fair impression, torn and repaired, through centre and along margins. ; Duplicate from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and from the Peoli collection. Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th T. FRANCOIS SIMON Contemporary Bohemian etcher, born at Prague in 1877. SIMON, T. FRANCOIS 396. First CoMMUNION. Etching. Signed in pencil,—T. F. Simon. Finer Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. CHARLES H. SHANNON Contemporary English lithographer. SHASINON, CHARLES H. 396A. PoRTRAIT OF ALPHONSE LeGros. Lithograph. One of 50 proofs, printed and signed by Shannon. FRANK SHORT Contemporary English etcher and mezzotinter. Born at London in 1857. SHORT, FRANK 397. DIANA AND EnpyMion. Mezzotint. After the painting by Watts. Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine Im- PRESSION, in perfect condition. SHORT, FRANK 398. Dinner Time, oN Boarp A TimMBER Barce. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Frank Short. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect con- dition. SHORT, FRANK 399. WeNsLeY Date, YorKSHIRE. Mezzotint. Signed in pencil,—Frank Short. Very FINE Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. SHORT, FRANK 400. WroucuT Naits. Etching. Signed in pencil—Frank Short. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. ALBERT STERNER Contemporary American painter and lithographer. STERNER, ALBERT 4o1. Amour Mort. Lithograph. Signed in pencil,—Albert Sterner, 78/100, Fine IMpREssIoN, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 100 proofs. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ~ IAN STRANG Contemporary English etcher. STRANG, IAN 402. ARCHWAY, ST. PETER’s, Rome. Etching. Signed in pencil,—/an Strang, torr. Very Fine IMpRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. STRANG, IAN 03. Op STREET, Orvieto. Etching. ib g Signed in pencil,—/an Strang. Fine Impression, on Japan paper, perfect condition. JOHN H. TWACHTMAN Celebrated American painter and etcher., TWACHTMAN, JOHN H. 404. QUAI AT HARFLEUR. Etching. Signed in pencil—JHT. per AT. Fine Impression, in perfect con- dition. Framed. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN Early German engraver, born at Leyden, in 1494; died in 1533. VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS 405. ABRAHAM DiIsMIssING Hacar. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 18. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—L. Fine Impression, slightly stained. VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS 406. JosEPH RELATING His DREAM. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 23. Signed in the plate,—with the monogram,—L. FINE ImprEssIoN, in perfect condition. From the Baron Von Lanna collection. VAN -LEY DEN =LUCAS 407. Baptism oF Curist. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 40. Signed in the plate, with the monogram,—L. Good impression, in perfect condition. ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE Celebrated Dutch painter and etcher, born at Haarlem in 1610; died there in 1685. VAN OSTADE, ADRIAEN 408. MAN LEANING oN A House Door. Etching. Dutuit, No. 9. Signed in the plate-——V. Ostade. Fine ImprEssion, in perfect condition. Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th VAN OSTADE, ADRIAEN 409. THe FIsHERMAN. Etching. Dutuit, No. 24. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. VAN OSTADE, ADRIAEN 410. Woman Spinninc: THE CHILD AND THE Dott. Etchings. Signed in the plates—AVlV Ostade. Good impressions. Together, 2 pieces. WILLIAM WALKER Contemporary English etcher. WALKER, WILLIAM 411. Earty Mornine. Etching. Signed in pencil—William Walker. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Framed. HERMAN A. WEBSTER Contemporary American etcher. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 412, CORTLANDT STREET. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Herman A. Webster. Very Fine Impression, on old French paper, in perfect condition. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 413. La Matson MEttne, Paris. Eéching. Signed in pencil—Herman A. Webster. Fine Impression, in per- fect condition. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 414. Le Pont Neur, Parts... Etching. Signed in pencil—Herman A. Webster. Very Fine Impression, on old French paper, in perfect condition. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 415. O_p Houses oN THE Quart. Etching. Signed in pencil—Herman A. Webster. Fine ImpRESSION, in per- fect condition. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 416. Rue FroMENTAL. Etching. | Signed in pencil—Herman A. Webster. Fine Impression, in per- - fect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER Celebrated American painter and etcher. Born at Lowell, Mass., in 1834; died at London in 1903. “With the master-etchers of the world—Meryon’s equal in some respects and, in some respects, Rembrandt’s—there stands James Whistler. Con- noisseurs in France and England, in America, Holland, Bavaria, concede this now.”—FREDERICK WEDMORE. “All his work is alike perfect. It has only been produced under different circumstances and is an attempt to render different effects or situations. Therefore the methods vary, but the results are always the same—great. The greatest, most perfect, as a whole, that any etcher has ever accom- plished.” —Jos—EPpH PENNELL. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 417. Littte ArtHur. Etching. Kennedy, No. 9. Fifth State of five. Signed in the plate— Whistler. Fine IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 418. Fumette. Etching. Kennedy, No. 13. Fourth State of four. Signed in the plate, Whistler. Fixe Impression, on old French paper, in_ perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 419. FumettTr. Etching. Kennedy, No. 13. Fourth State of four. Signed in the plate,— Whistler. Good impression, on Japan paper, in perfect.condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 420. La Vre1LLE Aux Logues. Etching. Kennedy, No. 21. Second State of three. Signed in the plate,— Whistler. Fine Impression, in brown ink, on French paper, “in perfect condition. | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 42t. La VireLtE Aux Logues. Etching. Kennedy, No. 21. Third State of three. Signed in the plate,— Whistler. Fine Impression, on old French paper, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 422. Lirtte Rac GATHERERS. Etching. Kennedy, No. 23. Fifth State of five. Signed in the plate,— Whistler, 1858. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. = WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 423. LitTLe Rac GATHERERS. Etching. Kennedy, No. 23. Fifth State of five. Signed in the plate—— _ Whistler. Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect. condition. Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 424. THAMES Po.ice. Etching. Kennedy, No. 44. Third State of three. Signed in the plate,— Whistler, 1859. Good impression, has a few printers’ folds. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 425. Bist VALENTIN. Etching. | Kennedy, No. 50. Second State of two. Signed in the plate,— Whistler, 1859. Fine Impression, has slight fold from top on left side. WASTER JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 426. Brecqguet. Etching. Kennedy, No. 52. Fourth State of four. Frne Impression, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. One of the “Thames Set.’ ie eek) ES ABBOTT McNEILL 427. PoRTRAIT OF DrovueTt. Etching. Kennedy, No. 55. Second State of two. Signed in the plate,— Whistler, 1859. NERY Fine IMpreEssIon, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 428. Venus. Etching. Kennedy, No. 59. Second State of two. Signed in the plate,— Whistler, 1850. Very Fine Impression, in perfect condition. From the F. Nazby Harrington collection. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 429. ROTHERHITHE. Etching, and Drypoint. Kennedy, No. 66. Third State of three. Signed in the plate,— Whistler, 1560. Very FINE Impression, in rich black ink, on French paper, in perfect condition. One of the “Thames Set.” Win eek. JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 430. THE Force. Drypornt. Kennedy, No. 68. Fourth State of four. Signed in the plate,— Whistler, t861. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Weis tLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILE 431. St. JAMES STREET. - Etching. Kennedy, No. 169. Fourth State of four. Signed in the plate, with the Butterfly. Fine IMpREssIoN, in brown ink, on French paper, in perfect condition. Wiisteek, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 432. St. JAMEs STREET. Etching. Kennedy, No. 169. Fourth State of four. Signed in the plate, with the Butterfly. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue eon atin “te &». [No. 438] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 433. THe ApAM AND Eve Tavern. Etching. Kennedy, No. 175. Second State of two. . Signed in the plate, with the Butterfly. BrautiruL Ricu Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 434. Putney Bripce. Etching. Kennedy, No. 178. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Fine Impression, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 435. Lirrte Putney. Liching. Kennedy, No. 179. Third State of three. Signed in the plate, wie , the Butterfly. Frne Impression, on French paper, in padiect | condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 436. HurtincHam. Etching. Kennedy, No. 181. Third State of three. Signed in the plate, with the Butterfly. Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th a ll Sareea rae ot mated [No. 439 ] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 437. HurtincHam. Etching. Kennedy, No. 181. Third State of three. Signed in the plate, with the Butterfly. Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 438. Littte Venice. Etching. >. Kennedy, No. 183. Only State. Signed in pencil, with the _— Butterfly, imp. BEAvuTIFUL Proor, in perfect condition. [See Illustration] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 439. THe Pavaces. Etching. Kennedy, No. 187. Second State of three. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Brautirut Ricw Proor, in perfect condition. . [See Illustration] Kindly read. Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue I WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 440. THE Doorway. Etching. Kennedy, No. 188. Second State of seven. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Fine IMPRESSION, on old French paper, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 441, THE Doorway. Etching. Kennedy, No. 188. Sixth State of seven. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Fine IMPRESSION, has four small pin holes, and repaired in lower right and left corners. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 442. THe TracHeEtTTo, No. 2. Etching. Kennedy, No. ror. Fourth State of six. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Fine Impression, has small hole in lower right, and mounted down solid on thin board. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 443. Two Doorways. Etching. Kennedy, No. 193. Fourth State of six. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Fine IMPRESSION, has small hole in lower right corner, otherwise in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 444. Tue Beccars. Etching. Kennedy, No. 194. Seventh State of nine, before the Butterfly, was re-etched in the plate. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 445. THE BEAD STRINGERS. Etching. Kennedy, No. 198. Eighth State of eight. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Very FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 446. Fruit Stary. Etching. Kennedy, No. 200. Sixth State of seven. Signed in the plate, with the Butterfly. BrautiruL Proor, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 447. NocTURNE PALACES. Etching. - Kennedy, No. 202. Sixth State of nine. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly imp. Very Fine Proor. In perfect condition. [See Frontispiece for Illustration] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 448. Lone Lacoon. Etching. Kennedy, No. 203. Second State of two. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Fine Impresston, in perfect condition. Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th SS eal WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 449. THe Bringer. Etching. Kennedy, No. 204. Eighth State of eight. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Very Fine Impression, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 450. THE Riva, No. 2. Etching. Kennedy, No. 206. First State of two. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Frxe Impression, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 451. La Saute: Dawn. Etching. Kennedy, No. 215. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. FIne Impression, in perfect condition. WiStlCER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 452. Lacoon Noon. Etching. ) Kennedy, No. 216. Third State of three. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Fine Impresston, has few small tears on upper margin, otherwise in perfect condition. From the Howard Mansfield collection. Peo ER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 453. THe WHEELwRIGHT. Etching. Kennedy, No. 233. Fifth State of five. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. Brautirut Proor, in perfect condition. Mite llek, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 454. SWAN AND Iris. Etching. Kennedy, No. 241. Second State of two. Fine Impression, in per- fect condition. Wristeek, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 455- A STREET IN Lonpon. Etching. Signed in the plate, with the Butterfly. Fine Impression, on Japan paper. Also etching by Menpes, Portrait of Whistler, signed in pencil. Together, 2 picces. PWHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 456, Earty Mornine, THE THAMES aT BaTrersea. Lithotint. Way, No. 7. Signed in the stone, with the Butterfly. Fine Im- PRESSION, in perfect condition. Wet>l Eek, JAMES,ABBOTT McNEILL 457. THE Wincep Hat. Lithograph. Way, No. 25. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly. Very Fine Proor, in perfect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue putin Ak totes peniepir seit Cae eee WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 457A. OLD BATTERSEA BRIDGE : READING. Lithographs. Way, Nos. 12 and 13. 100 proofs of each. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 458. Gants pu SuepE : THE WINGED Hat. Lithographs. Way, Nos. 26 and 25. Signed on the stones, with the Butterfly. Good impressions, in perfect condition. Together, 2 pieces. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 4s9. Nupe Mover Reapine. Lithograph. Way, No. 29. Signed on the stone, with the Butterfly. Fine Im- PRESSION, slightly stained. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 460. THe Dancine Girt. Lithograph. Way, No. 30. Signed on the stone, with the Butterfly. Fine Im- PRESSION, in perfect condition. Pencil dedication—To F. Gould- ing,—R. Birme Philip. From the F. Goulding collection. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 461. La Rose Rovuce: Savoy PIGEONS : THe SmitHs Yarp: BaBy LeLtaNnp. Lithographs. Way, Nos. 68, 118, 88, 110. Signed on the stones, with the Butterfly. Impressions from “The Studio.” Together, 4 pieces. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 462. MorHer AND Cuixp, No. 1. Lithograph. Way, No. 80. Signed on the stone, with the Butterfly. Very FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 463. Girt witH A Bow. Lithograph. Way, No. 82. Signed on the stone, with the Butterfly. Fine Im- PRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 464. Stupy, No, 2. Lithograph. Ain Way, No. 1o8. Signed on the stone, with the Butterfly. _FINe IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. From the Thomas R. Way collection. é a WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 465. Lirrte EveLyN : SAvoy Picrons. Lithographs. | Way, Nos. 110 and 118. Signed on the stones, with the Butterfly. Good impressions, in perfect condition. Together, 2 pieces. om Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 466. St. Gites CHurcu. Lithograph. Way, No..129. Signed on the stone, with the Butterfly. Fine IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 467. THE SHOEMAKER : THE Docror. Lithographs. Way, Nos. 151 and 78. Signed in the stones, with the Butterfly, Good impressions, in perfect condition. Together, 2 pieces. MAHONRI YOUNG Contemporary American sculptor and painter, YOUNG, MAHONRI 467A. THE SAnp Pit. Drypoint. One of 13 impressions. ANDERS ZORN Swedish painter and etcher. Born at Mora in Dalecarlia in 1860. “But it is in his etchings that the art of Anders Zorn is seen in its highest vigor, creativeness and sureness of hand, whether these etchings be done directly from nature or are transcriptions of his masterly paintings. Lines apparently scribbled at random, and which might seem to harshly gash the copper-plate, result in a whole, which is strong, clear, and vivid, and the etchings present pictures expressing the most delicate and fleeting phases of expression and gesture.”—-HENRI MaArcet. ZORN, ANDERS 468. THE Wattz. Etching. Asplund, No. 54. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. FInE Impression, on Dutch paper. Slightly stained, otherwise in perfect condition. [See Ilustration] ZORN, ANDERS 469. MapameE Simon. Etching. Asplund, No. 67. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper, in perfect condition. One of the 37 proofs printed on large size Japan paper, before edition was printed for publication in Pan. i... ZORN, ANDERS 470. En Omnisus. Etching. _ Asplund, No. 72. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. FINE Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 471. Renan. Etching: Asplund, No. 73. ‘Fourth State of five. Signed in pencil.—Zorn. Very Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue pec el sii rR el he a [No. 468] ZORN, ANDERS > 472. Orca B. Etching. Le Asplund, No. 74. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Fine Ivpression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Pi From the Buckingham collection. at ZORN, ANDERS 473. St. GAUDENS AND MopEL. Etching. Asplund, No. 114. Only State. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. VERY Fixe Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th ZORN, ANDERS 474. Otp Batiap. Etching. Asplund, No, 128. Only State. Signed in pencil_—Zorn. Very Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 475. Biiiiarps. Etching. Asplund, No. 137, Only State. Signed in pencil;—Zorn. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 476. GROVER CLEVELAND. Etching. Asplund, No. 144. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. BrauTiruL Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 477. CIRCLES D’ Eau (First Plate). Etching. Asplund, No. 212. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Good impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. Very Rare. ZORN, ANDERS 478. Epo. Etching. Asplund, No. 214. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Fine Impression, on French paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 479. Epo. Etching. Asplund, No. 214. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Good impression, on Dutch paper, torn and repaired in lower left corner. ZORN, ANDERS 480. QUEEN SOPHIA OF SWEDEN. Etching. Asplund, No. 223. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Very Fine Impressron, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ™.ZORN, ANDERS 481. THree Graces. Etching. \, Asplund, No. 236. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. _ Very Fine Impressron, on Green paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 482. Wet. Etching. ‘ Asplund, No. 240. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. FINE IMpREsSION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ee ee ZORN, ANDERS 483. FRIGHTENED. Etching. : Asplund, No. 248. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 484. THe Forp. Etching. Asplund, No. 249. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Very FINE Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 485. Pitot. Etching. Asplund, No. 285. Only State. Signed in pencil—Zorn. VERY Fine IMPRESSION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 486. THE FENCE. Etching. Asplund, No. 257. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Fine ImpRESSION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 487. THREE SISTERS. Etching. Asplund, No. 258. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. ° Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 488. Evin. Etching. Asplund, No. 260. Fiith State of five. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. FINE Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 489. My Mopets. Etching. Asplund, No. 273. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn, Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 490. On Hemso IsLanp. Etching. Asplund, No. 276. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 491. Axper. Etching. Asplund, No. 277. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,— Very FINE Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfects ndition. > ZORN, ANDERS P. 492. THE CABIN. Etching. : Asplund, No. 279. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Z orn. Very Frne Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ® Third Session, Thursday Evening, March 27th ZORN, ANDERS 493. Vicki. Etching. Asplund, No. 281. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Very Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 494. Dau River. Etching. Asplund, No. 284. Only State. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Very Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 495. Tue Hair Rippon. Etching. Asplund, No. 253. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 496. Pitot. Etching. Asplund, No. 285. Only State. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Fine IMPRESSION, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 497. Pivot. Etching. Asplund, No. 285. Only State. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Fine Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 498. Ors Maria. Etching. Asplund, No. 286. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. FINE Impression, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. ZORN, ANDERS 499. BALANCE. Etching. Asplund, No. 287. Only State. Signed in pencil—Zorn. Very Fine Impresston, on Dutch paper, in perfect condition. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., DEPARTMENT OF Books AND PRINTS, ARTHUR SWANN, DIRECTOR. OTTO BERNET anp HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. : : » >ertie . = ’ § s * ud ; . pes t « é s > , 4 . " s ' : bs wi : . ; 1 7 . : y ( = . J 1y 4 ‘ x 4 . Ls ’ $ i te ‘ . n oy ri . ‘ : | i ; + ’ h . s P| ; ‘ ; INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR ENTIPED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direc- tion, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS NEW % AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, s6ru to s7ra STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST s7ra STREET. NEW YORK Telephone: PLAZA 1270 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY PRESS OF J. J. 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O00EST ece OS" 3e o£ O0O°GS 08S 700707 8cE OS°SES (743 O0°0S toc OS*4T TEV OG* 49 649 00°S Lo (Sig) 0038s Ode 00°39 OST OS*k Lo S00 Cx 92o OS * 25 (eh curOOn tin 6L¢d 00 "082 638V 00°C" LLEg OO°OR GeES (aca OOL0G 8L¢ 00°S? 8cR O0O°UL 94E OG°2agG Ves «=6OOG"° Le (Ofse O0ace As OS" at Loy ----- G4E OO°S Eos (692 oo°S¢E 912 00*S8T 907 00°OS PLE OCO’S Gum. OG, (89% 00°09 ST? 00°OL Sov OS°2P ean O0°S Is¢ : are: (49% 0O°ST ial 00 Sv $ 2b os'et $ Sus oOOtSt $ Oe Oot $ 992 oo'Sr ¢ ete QO “OG 00 °Sz 00 *QOT Og * sg 00g 66% 86% 3 46% OG°42 §=6967 OS°ee SEP OO"OL 26F OO°SIIL. 26 00°06 ¢ 26% OO.eS 00 *O¢ 00 *O£ 00.09 00°OS 00'OS 00°S2 00°0E 00° Ge posoopes 987 Gav 03d C8? 29 00°OP 18? 00 ‘OS O87 00°0S 6LY OO°OTT 8Lth COo'Ssh $ LLP | ETCFINGS AND DNGRAVINGS TH COLTECTION OF HERBERT I. ROTHCHILD AND OTHER PROPERTIES SOLD MARCE 25th,26tn,27th, 1924 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THB AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC.NEW ), JULIAN LE ROY WHITE, JAMES A. GARLAND & 550,00 YORK cri LIST OF PRICES GRAND TOTAI ---(3 38, 310,00 $9 $ 100.00 4656 25.00 96 & 60.00, 12%q 8 %ebUe tye 2 100.00 46a 5.00 £87 27.50 128 55,00° 172 3 15.00 47 37.50 £88 7.50 129 BeOOm 17 4. 15,00 474 5000 “BGs ~ 268,000 140 55.00 174 5 38.00 48 30.00 89 35.00 131 Sa40 5 1975 6 10.00 49 35.00. 90 B= 10.00. 196 7 10.00 50 a op came t * 5,00 133 Tor,Gl +48 8 45,00 51 205000 92 42,50 134 17350 178 9 7.50 52 10.00 93 1O<000 1367 12@a0G5 173 10 15.00 53 12250 94 "2500 136 5.00 180 im 45.00 54 12350 5 7,50 137 5,00 181 12 5.00 55 25,00 96 55,00 138 7.50; 162 13 25,00 56 750, 87 12450) 139 Peo Lee 14 10.00 57 22.50 98 2200) 140 5,00 184 15 25.00 58 10,00 99 40900) 14%: 6,00 185 16 5.00 59 60,00 B00 Tey5a) i242 124505) L6G ay 15.00 59a 20.00 200a 65,00) 143 VebO« Lby 18 TOYOO 69 #3200. 2 40200) 22 7.50 188 19 5,00 62 BOC? "aoe 10,00 145 72,50. LB? 20 4.00 62 70,00" YDS SsSl00. 1a6 35,00 189a Ey 2.50 63 60,002) 02 BB ,007 147 12,00 189b 22 4700.00 64 50.00 -105 5,00 148 5,00) “lee ae 800,00 65 60.00 106 5,00 149 80,00) 1D 24 2050.00 66 Ts,00 207 WROO 150 20,00 192 85 150,00 67 40,00) GOB 20.00) 36 250.00) ios 26 950.00 68 120.00 109 %.50 £52 7.50 194 eY 140,00 69 .100,00 -209a.. 15.00 155 20,00 195 28 B5e00. “70, | S80v00). REO. » SOc 00inked 12050 196 A a oda Sg ca S0c00°° LEL 26c50 Loo tee0U 225 WB Lg a Le he BN Bl eee, 17.50 384 2.05 ¢O0eeABS 25.00 226 Le bOmr2a7 eS i Sao aA prcrmennO JS ALS wy ©) Ommmmin SIS) 45.00 437 35.00 eA Lee 50 279 Y2.60- 7333 12.50 386 85.00 438 800.00 228 5.00 280 19.00 334 12.50 387 250.00 439 1600.00 229 12,50 -26) 7,50) "S95 T2250) Sag 50.00 440 1300.00 P30 hy OW eG LE SOG. 1356 POSOO. “See 20.00 441 650,00 OL 10200205 20.00 337 20.00 S390 2.50 442 500.00 Con 555.00. 264 Te0O0) “S56 28.00 391 7.50 443 850, 00 235 Poy asd 8 et 1s 2100.00, “3352 10.00 Sola 17.50 444 600.00 254 30.00 286 190.00 340 20,00 S92 30.00 445 120.00 £35 £05.00 2e7 20.00 S341 10.00 ~ B95 20.00 446 325.00 256 35.00 288 18.00) (342 37.50 390a se ecm ALE 2700.00 2o7 10.00 289 80,00 345 20200 B94 10.00 448 300. 00 258 Lpx00.- 290 70,00 344 BOP00. 325 10.00 449 475.00 239 525.00 291 50.00 345 20.00 396 --- 450 825.00 240 17250 £92 25.00 346 20.00 396a 37.50 452 275.00 241 7.50 2953 15.00 347 15-00 397) 452 S50 242 10,00" 294 17.50 348 42.50 398) 5.00 453 90.00 243 10.00 295 15,00 349 35.00 399 20.00 454 244 5.00 296 15.00 350 20,.005 2400 7450. 455 245 7450. 297 15.00 351 25.00 401 7.50 456 245a 5.00 298 37,50 352 20.00 402 5.00 457 246 10.00 299 7.50 353 22.50 403 10.00 457a 247 7.50 300 5.00 354 30.00 404 15.00 458 247a 15.00. 301 10.00 355 22,50 405 30.00 459 248 7.50 302 10.00 356 17.50 406 27.50 460 249 17.50 303 %.00 357 22.50- AO? S7e50. 45k 250 5.00 304 6.00 358 10.00 408 1,501 460 251 17.50 305 55.00 359 12.50 409 15.00 463 252 15.00 306 50.00 3460 "250° 470 10.00 464 253 30.00 307 25.00 362 E7250 4k 5.00 465 254 15.00 308 115.00 5362 16.00 423 17.50 466 255 37.50 309) 36za "2.50 413 15.00 467 256 65.00 310) 17.50 36% 15,00 414 20.00 46%a 257 cy ieee Ome ie 3638 eh . 435 17.50 466 258 15,00 Sle 5.00 364 7.50 436 22.50 469 259 27,50. Svs 7.50 5E5 FeO ae 12250" #70 260 55.00 314 90.00 366) 418 LeU eee ga 261 7.50 315 20.00 367) 17.50.4395 20.00 «472 262 72.30 316 32.50 368) 220. 250500, ae 263 20400) OL7 120,00. 369 15.00: 421 60.00 474 264 90,00 318 Soe UO ore 25.00 422 bisaw, (ETS 66 200,00 319 20.00 dtd 55.00 423 20.00 476 Be 477 $ 45,00 478 479 480 481 110.00 50.00 30, 00 40,00 &82 483 4€4 485 486 ie Les 8 3 .0C 30.00 2500 30.00 487 488 489 4 OQ 49), oe 50,00 60. OO 30.00 30, 00 35.00 192 % 30.00 493 “115,00 494 70.00 406) | Be 050 496 37.50 497 & 32.50 498 “100,00 £99" 25000 500 $0.00 —— ‘eS ae aa OF SAN FRANCISCO) RARE FRENCH AND ENGLISH — COLOUR PRIN T S FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE. aes JULIAN LE ROY WHITE, or BALTIMORE AND OF THE LATE. JAMES A. GARLAND, oF wostoN MARCH 25rx, 26TH anp 27TH, 1924 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIAT ION, ie MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREE1 ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK 1a ee ole ri 3 Mae ori gt