i! ¥ rt) i Ate. York a 6-8 Fifth KNOEDLER 65 ‘ d * is + ¢ ' ° * ‘ ° . 4 : F, . \ R ‘ . t ‘ ‘ ; j i \ : 4 ‘ a he ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18tn, 1917 UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE THE COSTLY FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS REMOVED FROM THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE JAMES BUCHANAN BRADY WIDELY KNOWN AS ‘‘DIAMOND JIM’’ BRADY NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS ON THE AFTERNOONS OF Pe OBER 22; 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,.29 AND 30, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2.30 O’CLOCK ILLLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE COSTLY FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS REMOVED FROM THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE JAMES BUCHANAN BRADY WIDELY KNOWN AS “DIAMOND JIM” BRADY NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK ROBERT L. GORDON, ESQ., AND RICHARD C., CROWLEY, ESQ. EXECUTORS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1917 i ee re mT , * > : * - , a < \ . Ea is s Siege er 5. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION © DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS | ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION — | TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY . = an + ng & = Ww de . ts iS Hie ee 5 ¥ : ee * CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be hkely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. } Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and ' without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “‘as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. ORDER OF SALE FIRST SESSION—Mownpay ArrTEernoon, Ocroser 22, 1917. Ivories, Austrian Bronzes and Porcelain Ornaments. Catalogue Numbers 1 to 282, inclusive. SECOND SESSION—Twvespay Arrernoon, OcTosBer 23, 1917. Ivories, Miniatures of famous Actresses, Paintings on Porce- lain and Porcelain Ornaments. Catalogue Numbers 233 to 4238, inclusive. ° THIRD SESSION—Wepnespay AFTERNOON, OcTrosER 24, 1917. Cabinet Specimens, Bijouterie and Ivories. Catalogue Numbers 424 to 619, inclusive. FOURTH SESSION—Tuurspay ArtrEernoon, Ocroser 25, 1917. Cabinet Specimens, Ivories and Japanese and European Bronzes. Catalogue Numbers 620 to 819c, inclusive. FIFTH SESSION—Fripnay Arrrernoon, Octroser 26, 1917. Japanese and European Bronzes, Marbles and Armor. Catalogue Numbers 820 to 10381c, inclusive. SIXTH SESSION—Sarurpay AFTERNOON, OcToBER 27, 1917. Prints, Textiles, Rugs, Furniture, Billiard and other sporting Games and sporting Pictures. Catalogue Numbers 1082 to 1254, inclusive. SEVENTH SESSION—Monpay ArrEerNnoon, OcTroser 29, 1917. Silver and Plated Ware and Jewelry, and miscellaneous objects. Catalogue Numbers 1255 to 1449u, inclusive, EIGHTH SESSION—Tuespay AFrernoon, OctToser 30, 1917. China, Glassware, Linen and Cushions. Catalogue Numbers 1450 to 1748, inclusive. WOOU ONIMVUCG AO GNA HLYON AHL AO MALIA SNSORNCINE Steen enacted eo te 7 af 4 ee 4 ais FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 1 to 232, inclusive JAPANESE [IVORY CARVINGS 1—TwELtvE SMALL JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS In the form of various nuts in natural colors. 2 JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Group of twelve chestnuts in natural color. 8—TuHIRTEEN JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Cherries, strewberries, loquats and other small fruits, natural- istically colored. 4—_THREE JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS A bunch of raisins and two other fruit groups, the latter signed “Banzosai” and “Sonzan.” 5—Four JAPANESE Ivory CarvINGS In form of luscious red apples, whole, split and partly peeled. 6—THREE JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Ripe yellow bananas, with the skin partly turned back; signature on one: Sonzan. Y—SEVEN JAPANESE CARVED Ivory ORNAMENTS Peaches, tangerines, a pear, a lime and an orange, all in natural- istic coloring. 8—Four JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Vegetables in natural colors—beans, radishes, a cucumber and an egg-plant. First Afternoon 9—NinE JAPANESE Carvep Ivory NETSUKES Including an old woman, by Saigyoku; a boy eating melon, by Yasumasa; a demon, by Gyokusan; a monk and gong, by Ko- kuun; and a Shishi boy, a demon and bell, and Daruma, by Homei. 10—Grovur or TwELVE JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Netsukes and other ornaments, all carved with figures, the sig- natures including those of Toshihide, Homei, Taimei, Hoyu and Gyokusan. 11—Ser or Ten Japanese Ivory Carvines “Hinaningyo”’; stately dolls for the Girls’ Festival. By I-ko. On three lacquer stands. 12—ELEVEN JAPANESE Ivory CaRVINGS Including elaborate netsukes and other ornaments, all carved as figures; signatures include Seiryo, Gyokumin, Gyokuko, Homeli, Gyokugan, Masayuki and Tomayuki. 138—-THREE JAPANESE Ivory Carvines Sword-guard maker, by Kanmei; carpenter, by Soshu; and Tokiwagozen and children (the latter unsigned). 14—Two JapPpaANESE Ivory Carvines A turtle, in crawling attitude, and a crab with all claws articu- lated. 15—Two JApaAnEsE Carvep Ivory Snurr BorrieEs Flask shape, elaborately carved in relief with birds and luxuriant blossoms. Signed: Kanemitsu. 16—JapaNEsE CARVED Ivory Snurr BorrrE Quadrilateral; carved with figures in high relief, and delicately colored. Signed: To Ho. Height, 31%, inches. 17—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Snurr Borrue Inverted pear shape, flattened, with mandarin hat stopper. Carved in bold relief with boys at play, and richly colored. Signed: Mitsukiyo. Height, 3%, inches. First Afternoon 18—TIwo JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Snurr Borries In shape of a fish and a double-gourd, both highly ornate. One signed: Kanemitsu. 19—Carvep Ivory VASE Stained and painted in imitation of a Chinese “red hawthorn” vase, in miniature. Height, 41% inches. 20—Two JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Orange and pepper trees in miniature, naturalistically tinted. 21—-Pair JAPANESE CARVED Ivory VASEs Pear shape, with slender necks expanding at the lip, and adorned all around with relief masks for the classic No dance, the masks variously tinted. Signed: Uchida. Height, 3°, inches. 22-——_CarvEp Ivory VASE Figure of a standing bird, with tail curled under between two chariot wheels, and bearing on its back a horn-shaped incense or taper holder, all painted in polychrome. Height, 3%, inches. 93—JAPANESE CarRveED Ivory Twin Snurr Bortrues Two slender cylinders joined by bird and demon grotesques, their covers made one in the grasp of a three-clawed dragon. Tinted in coral-red and malachite-green. Height, 31 inches. 24-—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory VasE Bottle-form; carved in delicate relief and cavo-rilievo, with plan- tain-leaf and scepter-head borders, and garlands, and the whole tinted in crimson, green and yellow. Height, 3% inches. 25—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Box witH Cover Flattened barrel-form, with quatrefoil contour, the detachable base equivalent in size to the cover, the whole carved and painted in imitation of cinnabar lacquer. Height, 4%, inches. 296—JAPANESE CARVED Ivory SNUFF JAR Carved as a standing Fu, in rich caparisoning ; mother-of-pearl we stopper. Signed: T'anzan. First Afternoon 27—Five JAPANESE Carvep Ivory BuLossoms Rose, chrysanthemum and other flowers, each naturalistically colored and with its separate stem. Greatest length, 7 inches. 28—Turee JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Snail, snail and bamboo, and figure in ancient hat. Signed: Sonzan. 29—Four JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Buddha enthroned, seated in attitude of meditation. Signed: Koji. Three small rabbits, in different attitudes. 30—EvurorEAN Carvep Ivory MEMENTO A globe, one hemisphere carved in the interior with the unhappy Queen of Scots standing before a bishop and flanked by two ladies, the inscription below the group, “Maria Stuart.” The two quarter-spheres, opening as doors to the crypt, are carved with other figures. 31—JAPpANESE Ivory Carvine An open lotus blossom, with bud, stem and leaves. Signed: Kazutami. 32—Ivory Carvine Figure of a young woman, nude, on the back of a tiger, one elbow resting on the tiger’s head. Height, 31%, inches. 33—Two European Ivory Carvines Cupid seated on a rock, piping, and portrait bust of a young lady. Height of latter, 414 inches. 34—Two Japanese Ivory Carvines Figures of warriors, their armor tinted. Signed: Nenpo. Height (of taller), 4 inches. 35—Two Carvep Ivory Rovcet Boxes One carved with chrysanthemums and the other with dragons among clouds. 36—JAPANESE CarvED Ivory ANIMAL STATUETTE Figure of a large old rabbit seated on his haunches. Signed: Shuichi. First Afternoon 387—J APANESE Ivory CARVING AND CrysTAL Batu The carving a group of three rearing horses, back to back, their necks supporting the crystal globe. 38—JAPANESE Ivory Carvinc AND CrystTaL BAL Group of three heron standing on an oval plinth, the crystal globe resting on their heads. Signed: Ryubi. Height with globe, 3%, inches. 39— JAPANESE Carvep Ivory STAND AND CrystTaL Bau Stand carved in chrysanthemum pattern, the stem further carved with figures in a bamboo grove. 40—JAPANESE Ivory Carvine AND CrystaL BALu Three serpents, coiled above as many skulls, a ball of crystal resting on their heads. Height, 334 inches. 41— JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Three lions upholding a crystal ball. Height, 314 inches. 42— JAPANESE Ivory Carvine AND CrystTaL Bau The ivory stand a group of snails, extending from their shells, the crystal ball resting in a cup which they support. Signed: Sonzan. Height (with ball), 5 inches. 43—Two JAPANESE Ivory Carvincs Groups of three storks and three tigers, the storks standing, the lithe bodies of the great cats sinuously assembled. 44— JAPANESE Ivory CaArvING Daikoku, god of wealth, seated on a rice bag and holding a tsuchi. Signed: Chikakazu. 45—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Seated figure of a man in richly embroidered robes, smiling, and in the attitude of a juggler tossing balls. Signed: Yugetsu. 46—JAPANESE CarvED Ivory SNUFFBOX All surfaces richly carved with chrysanthemum blossoms in low relief. Length, 4 inches. First Afternoon 47—Two Curnest Carvep Ivory Carp Cases One carved with a foliated medallion in cavo-rilievo and a dragon in bold relief, the other most intricately carved with landscape and figures on a swastika grill background. Lengths, 4 and 41% inches. 48—JAPANESE CArvED Ivory VasE A tusk tip, carved and undercut with Fu-lions and brocade balls; green-tinted base. Height, 51%, inches. 49—TrHrREE JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Harr OrNAMENTS Two side combs, one adorned with chickens in metal appliqué, and a hairpin, its shaft carved lacquer and tips of ivory richly carved. One signed: Jysetsu. Length of combs, 3% and 85% inches; of hairpin, 7% inches. 50—Two Japanese Ivory Carvines A lady’s comb and a paper knife, both pierced with fine lattice patterns. Length of each, 151% inches. 51—JaPAaNESE Carvep Ivory Paper Knire A tusk, its tip forming the knife handle, and the blade finely carved with a priest and demon among clouds. Signed: Shige- kane. Length, 16%, inches. 52—East Inpia Ivory Tusk Slender and plain, with smooth polish. Length, 1914 inches. 538—Two East Inpian Carvep Ivory Paper Currers Two Persian miniatures inserted in each handle. Lengths, 14 and 125% inches. 54—Two East Inpian Carvep Ivory Paper Knives One with Persian miniatures inserted in its richly carved handle. Lengths, 16 and 133% inches. 55—JApANESE Ivory Carvinae Yamabushi sounding a call on a shell horn, above seated Tengu. Signed: Yasuhiro. Height, 4 inches. First Afternoor 56—JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Group Horai-san; the cheerful, aged couple and the stork and hairy tortoise, symbolical of happiness and long life. Signed: Cho- getsu. Height, 41%, inches.. 57—Two JAPANESE CARVED Ivory TABLE SCREENS A disk in conventional standard, which is set into a teakwood base. One face carved with a mountain landscape and the other with a phoenix. Height, 6 inches.. 58—JapaneEsE Ivory Carvine Two demons upholding a skull. Signed: Seizan. Height, 41%, inches.. 59—JapaNeEsE Ivory Carvine Boy and cat playing with a mask. Signed: Goko. Length, 5 inches. 60—TuHREE JAPANESE CARVED Ivory STATUETTES Figures of wrestlers, standing and seated, one with the cham-- pion’s sword. Largest signed: Nankoku. Height, 414 inches.. 61—THREE JAPANESE Ivory CaRVINGS In the form of open clam shells, with village scenes with nu- merous miniature figures carved inside. Signed: Saneyoshi. 62— JAPANESE CARVING AND CrysTAL Bah Three geese, back to back, holding a large crystal ball on their heads. 683—Two JAPANESE Ivory Carvines AND CrystTaL BALLS The crystal globes, of large size, rest in cups poised upon the- tops of four-legged table-stands of Chinese pattern, carved with scrolls. Height of stands, 3%, inches.. 64—JAPANESE Ivory CarvVING AND CrystaL Batu Carved ivory pedestal in chrysanthemum design, the standard’ intricately carved with butterflies and flowers; large crystal ball. Height with ball, 61% inches.. 65—JaApPaNESE Carvep Ivory ANIMAL GrRouP Camel and bulldogs, the dogs with painted heads. Height of camel, 3%, inches.. First Afternoon 66— JAPANESE Carvep Ivory AniImMaL GROUP Russian wolfhound, bulldog and dachshund. Height of hound, 314, inches. 67—JapaNEsE Carvep Ivory Group Fox and goose. Length, 6%, inches. JAPANESE Ivory CARVING A lively chick, coming out of an egg. Signed: Ryusai. Length, 444 inches. 68 69—JAPANESE CarveEpD. Ivory ANIMAL STATUETTE Figure of a stalking and angry tiger. Signed: Gyoku Yen. Length, 8°, inches. 70—JapaNnEsE Carvep Ivory AnimaL Group Three pigs following one another, posed on section of tusk. Length, 81/, inches. Y1—Two JApANnEsE Carvep Ivory ANIMAL STATUETTES A belled cow mooing and a bull bellowing. Lengths, 4% and 4%, inches. 72—Two Japanese Ivory Carvines Bull and bear, fighting. By Kanshi. On carved teakwood base. Length of base, 9 inches. 738—Five JAPANESE Ivory Carvines An irregular ball of ivory carved as two fighting chicks and signed Shoichi; three other chicks and a larger bird. Length of last, 5 inches. 74—Four JapaNnEsE Ivory Carvines Tiger, lion and lioness, and a lion’s head. The tiger is signed Gyoku Yen, and the lions seem to be by the same hand. Length of tiger, 81%, inches. SMALL BRONZES 75—Five Bronze PAPpERWEIGH1S A tiger in green and the same gilded, and two bulldogs, all by the Tiffany Studios, New York, and a European production showing two peasants in a boat. 76—Turee Aso Trays Two guarded by owls and one by an elephant. First Afternoon 77—Turee Bronze Docs One performing, signed: E. Samson, France; one seated, stamped “Made in Austria”; and one standing. 78—Five AvustriAN BronzeEs Figures of Turkish children with books, and a boy with a bam- boo pole. 79—Fovur AvustTriAN BronzeEs A hunter and his mount, a donkey, monkeys and a group at a bench. 80—Six AvustTriAN BronzeEs Three Turkish merchants on their mats, and Turkish children at their lessons. 81—Two AvustrIAN BronzE Groups A white slave exhibited for sale, and two Turkish conjurors with a serpent. | 82—TureEe Austrian BronzeEs Seated Turks, reading and writing. 83—Turer Austrian BRronzeEs Two whirling dervishes, and a Turk in a yellow robe, seated. 84—THREE VIENNA Bronze FicurEs An Arab sleeping, a Mohammedan at prayer on his rug, and a young woman reclining on a divan. Lengths, 414, and 61% inches. 85—Turer Vienna Bronze Ficures A Turkish runner, a kneeling Arab with his gun ready, and a water carrier. Heights, 3, 334 and 5 inches. 86—Turee AvustriAN Bronzes Man riding an elephant, tiger-hunting with an elephant, and a cigar cutter in form of a hippopotamus which appears to be swallowing a man. First Afternoon 87—Turee Vienna Bronze Ficures Turkish boy smoking a cigar, another heating water and a third smoking a pipe, all reclining and the pipe smoker leaning across an ivory tusk. Lengths, 5, 514 and 714 inches. 88—THrREE VieENNA BRONZES Travelers riding on camels, one animal bearing two passengers. Heights, 314, 4 and 6 inches. 89—THREE VIENNA BRONZES Travelers riding asses, one about to mount. Heights, 3 and 41% inches. 90—Fovur VIENNA BRONZES Groups of figures afoot and mounted, including a camel train laden with merchandise, travelers near a palm tree and suc- cessful hunters. Lengths, 4°, to 634 inches. 91—TuHreEE VieNNA Bronze Groups Traveling in state on an elephant, travelers with camel, and an Arab on horseback, waving his gun aloft. Heights, 31%, and 4%, inches. 92-—THREE VIENNA BronzE Groups Two Arab huntsmen on horseback and one on a camel. Heights, 31, and 4 inches. 93—Two Vienna BronzeEs A cobbler at work and four children at play. Length of bases, 314 and 5 inches. 94—Two ViENNA Bronzzs Woman spinning and man sawing ivory. Heights, 31%, and 4 inches. 95—TureEE Vienna Bronzzs Tobacco box with a very busy figure seated on top, cigarette lighter held by a boy, and ash receiver presided over by a boy bearing a jeweled box. 96—Two Vienna Bronzzs Group of two figures, seated on a bench, playing chess, and a scissors grinder sharpening a hatchet. Heights, 4144 and 454 inches. First Afternoon 97—THREE VIENNA Bronze Ficures Arabs; an armed man and a writer, seated, and a girl standing, carrying a water pitcher. Heights, 354 to 55% inches. 98—THREE VIENNA BronzeEs A young woman musician, two men scraping a hide, and a trophy of arms. Height of former, 54% inches; length of latter, 64%, and 9 inches. 99—THREE VIENNA BRONZES An Arab warrior at devotion, his weapons lying on the rug at his knees, a Turkish runner, and a water carrier standing on an onyx cube. Heights, 414, 64%, and 814 inches. 100—Pair Austrian Bronze CANDLESTICKS Egyptian caryatids supporting architectural candle cups, each with a palm tree rising from the base beside it, and in front of the tree standing an armed Arab and a young woman water carrier. Height, 7 inches. 101—Bronze STATUETTE Standing figure nearly nude, in Oriental headdress, on a cir- cular base, in the attitude of playing the flute. Touched with vermilion and black enamel. Height, 6%, inches. 102—Two Vienna Bronze Ficure Grovurs A money changer and his customer, and an itinerant musician playing while his boy sings and his performing monkey eats fruit, Height, 5 inches. 1083—Two Vienna Bronze Ficure Grovurs A bird merchant attended by a dog and monkey, and a pur- chaser dickering with a seller of ivory. Heights, 454 and 51/ inches. 104—Two Vienna Bronze Ficure Groves A deal in ivory, and a turbaned patriarch addressing three au- ditors engaged with coffee and tobacco. Heights, 334 and 4% inches. 105—Two AvstTriAN ORNAMENTAL GROUPS Merchants of ivory, passing through an arched gateway with crenelated parapet, in stone composition, and a beggar asking alms of two men at their ease on the porch of a ruin, in metal. Height, 5 inches. First Afternoon 106—Turee Vienna Bronze Stanpine Ficures An armed Arab, a dervish and an itinerant dispenser of beverages. Heights, 6, 6% and 7%, inches. 107—Two Vienna BronzeEs Two women, attended, traveling on a camel, and a man riding an ass. Heights, 514 and 5%, inches. 108—Two Vienna Bronzes The vendor of beauty, and a rug merchant. Heights, 41, and 7, inches. 109—Two Austrian Bronze Ficure£s A man running, and a smiling young person serving coffee, both in picturesque and colorful costume. Heights, 9 and 11 inches. 110—Two Austrian Bronze Ficures An Arab running, with gun poised aloft, and a negro guardian seated on a bench, nude to the waist. Heights, 81%, and 6 inches. 111—Two Austrian Bronze Ficures A decorator of vases, at work, and a man testing the edge of his sword. Heights, 51,4 and 7 inches. 112—AuvstrRiAN Bronze SMOKER’s COMPANION Standing figure of a Turk, holding a hexagonal ash receiver on one hand, his other hand resting on a large hexagonal cigar container, at the base of which is a small cylindrical taper holder. Heights, 75% inches. 118—Virnna Bronze Ficure A turbaned jeweler standing beside tables of his wares. Height, 734 inches. 114—Vienna Bronze Ficure An Arab merchant seated on a carpet, his stock of weapons about him, holding up for view a sword with jeweled scabbard. Height, 454 inches. 115—Turee Austrian Bronzzs An Arab who has brought his horse to a halt and is aiming his gun above the animal’s head, and two other Arabs on camel back. Heights, 634, 7 and 714 inches. First Afternoon 116—TIwo Austrian Bronze Ficure Grovurs An Arab on horseback, about to fire, his horse looking keenly in the direction in which the gun is pointed; and an Arab lead- ing a camel, on which an unveiled beauty is riding under the shelter of a canopy. Heights, 61% and 8 inches. 117—Vienna Bronze Ficure A bearded, turbaned man attentively studying a tablet, while smoking a long pipe. At his elbow are books, and beside him is a table with lamp and coffee cup. Height, 5°, inches. 118—Vienna Bronze Ficure Group An offering to the harem. Height, 67% inches. 119—Two Vienna Bronze STATUETTES Standing figures of Arabs, armed and richly gowned. Heights, 9%, and 95% inches. 120—Two Vienna Bronze Groups Young woman water carrier lifting an amphora to a Bedouin on camel back, and a performing monkey on an ass, awaiting the word from his master who stands at the beast’s head. Heights, 81/, and 10% inches. 121—Vienna Bronze ORNAMENT A Moorish gateway with fountain, and figure standing beside it. Height, 8% inches. 122—Virnna Bronze Tosacco Box In form of a pineapple naturalistically colored, setting in a bamboo cart drawn by a barefooted Turk. Height, 6% inches. 123—Vienna Bronze STATUETTE An Arab courier running, posed on a stone base. Height, 91% inches. 124——Vienna Bronze STATUETTE An Arab scout, on stone base. Height, 8% inches. 125—Vienna Bronze Group An itinerant entertainer with his performing monkey and various accessories. Height, 11%, inches. First Afternoon 126—Vienna Bronze Group A son of the desert, on his camel, about to shoot a lion which has jumped at him. Height, 81/, inches. 127—Vienna Bronze Group Water carrier raising her amphora to a man on a camel. Height, 10 inches. 128—Vienna Bronze STATUETTE An Oriental musician, seated, playing a primitive stringed in- strument. Height, 81%, inches. JAPANESE AND CHINESE IVORY CARVINGS 129—Two JAPANESE CARVED IvoRIEs Clusters of narcissus in bloom, some of the blossoms being carved of mother-of-pearl; leaves tinted green. Height, 6%, inches. 180—JAPANESE CarvED Ivory TABLE SCREEN Semicircular, in carved teakwood stand. Outer surface carved in relief with boys in a garden, and a phoenix overspreading the visible landscape. Signed: Kenko. Height, 6 inches, 131—JapanesE Ivory Carvine White and brown hen with tail feathers in flutter, on carved wood stand. Length, 41% inches. 182—Pair JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Cock and hen of long-billed aquatic bird of richly colored plumage, standing on lotus seed-pods, each with a freshly caught fish in its beak. Height, 5 inches. 133 THREE JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Birds, one perched on a leafless tree, one on a tree stump; and the third, which is in the attitude of looking for food on the ground, is on a carved wood stand. Signed. Height, 43, and 51, inches. 1384—Two JAPANESE Ivory Carvines Birds perched upon rocks about which flowers bloom. Signed. Height, 514 and 6 inches. First Afternoon 185—Patr JAPANESE Ivory Carvines witH MOoTHER-OF-PEARL Two birds, their heads carved in ivory and their bodies formed of delicately carved plates of mother-of-pearl in the guise of plumage, over wood; perched on carved teakwood base of rockery. Length, 9 inches. 1386—TI'wo JAPANESE Ivory CaRVINGS Birds of different species, perched on branches issuing from rocks which are overspread with leaves. All in colors. Signed: Gyoku Yen. 137—JapranrsE Carvep Ivory ELEPHANT Elaborately caparisoned, with mother-of-pearl and studdings of jewels, and bearing on its back a chrysanthemum-flower cup, holding a crystal ball. Signed: Koji. Height, 5 inches. 138—TureEE Carvinecs A European ivory cup, with three animal-feet and recurving animalistic handles, the rim foliated and the sides carved with European horsemen; and two Chinese bone cylindrical brush holders, carved with Chinese pavilions, gardens and figures. Heights, 334, 354 and 4& inches. 1389—Turee Bonet VAsEs Carved with Chinese landscapes, architecture and figures, in re- lef on a pierced diaper ground. Heights, 334 and 4%, inches. 140—JapaANEsE Carvep Ivory Box witH Cover Oval, the cover dome-shaped. The entire exterior of box and cover carved with masks in high relief, the bottom of the box carved on both its surfaces with other masks, and the under surface of the cover with still another one. All told, forty-four masks. By Te Min. Height, 31, inches. 141— Japanese Carvep Ivory Group Man seated on a bench, his tobacco-set by his side, apparently in happy frame of mind with a humorous boy by his side. By Somin. Length, 45% inches. 142—JapanrEsE Ivory Carvine Boy playing with a basket of fruit. Signed: Doben. Height, 41%, inches. First Afternoon 143—JapaNnEsE Carvep Ivory Group An old man and woman, cooking, she blowing the coals. Signed: Miso. Length, 63% inches. 144—Easr Inpian Ivory Carvine Double-canopied state conveyance, with two occupants and driver, who sits astride the pole. Length, 5 inches. 145—JapaneEsE Ivory Carvine Man walking, with two pet monkeys and well-trained dog. Signed: Chosaku. Height, 6 inches. 146—Two Japanese Ivory Carvines Puppies at play, signed Kazen, and bear and buffalo in combat. (Puppies on carved teakwood stand. ) Length of fighting group, 5%, inches. 147—Tureret JAPANESE Ivory Carvines Boys playing drums. Signatures, “Mintei” and “Minri.” Height, 3 inches. 148—JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Group Three figures, in an allegorical or religious representation. Signed: Seido. Height, 434 inches. 149—Bone Carvine Chinese house boat, with delicate pierced work in superstructure, ornamental plants, draperies, and several figures. Length, 7 inches. 150—JapanresE Ivory Carvine Fisherman in his boat, which is carefully carved and put to- gether, with some fish lying on deck above the well hatches. Length, 81, inches. 151—JapanesE Ivory Carvine River ferryboat, with boatman and three passengers and a mon- key. Signed: Gyoku Dai. Length, 61, inches. 152—JapanrEsE Carvep Ivory Group An eagle pounces upon a fox. Signed: Harumasa. Height, 4 inches. First Afternoon 153—JapanesE Ivory Carvine Figure of a No dancer in action. Signed: Shunyei. Height, 514 inches. 154—JapaNneEsE Ivory Carvine Standing figure of a child carrying a shrine. Signed: Yo-shi. Height, 6 inches. 155—JapanrEsE Ivory Carvine Kinko Sennin, god of the sea, riding on the back of a shachs fish over the waves. Signed: Gyoku Ren. Height, 61, inches. 156—JAaPpANESE Ivory Carvine Young Japanese woman seated, dressing her hair at a swinging mirror. Signed: Gashi. Height, 41% inches, 157—JapanEsE Carvep Ivory Group Girl and man on an, excursion, the man in the act of pressing wine upon the smiling and reluctant fair one, from a hio bottle. Signed: Rei-kaku. Height, 4°34 inches. 158—JapanesE Ivory Ficure An aged musician playing a native instrument. Signed: Toyo- kazu. . Height, 61/, inches. 159—Two Japanese Ivory Ficures Boys catching dragon-flies; by Ryu-ichi and Gyokuzan. Heights, 47% and 6 inches. 160—Turee JAPANESE Ivory FicureEs Military officers, standing; one with binoculars, by Ryomin, one with watch by Yoshikane, and oie with binoculars by Gyo- kushi. Heights, 634, 5% and 55% inches. 161—JapanesE Ivory Carvine A crab, with all claws articulated, and movable eyes. Length, 8°4, inches. 162—JapanesE Ivory Carvine Crocodile, with a lion in his jaws. Signed: Oshin. Length, 11 inches. First Afternoon 1683—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING A large owl on a tree root, with a frog in his grasp. Signed: Ryu-ka. Height, 6 inches. 164—JaPpaANEsE Ivory Carvine A large crab with all claws articulated and movable eyes. Length, 91% inches. 165—Two Japanest Bone Carvines Tusk shape, intricately carved and pierced in designs of dragons among waves. The larger signed: Hakumin. Lengths, 13 and 81% inches. 166—JapranesE Ivory Carvine Farmer plowing, with buffalo. Signed: Seichiku. Length, 91%, inches. 167—Two Japanese Ivory Carvines Roosters seated, with huge combs and tails erect. By Mitsu- sada. Heights, 8 and 6 inches. 168—JaprpaNEsSE Ivory CaRvING Tusk with three bears following one another over it. Signed: Teruichi. Length, 12%, inches. 169—Evropean Carvep Ivory PowpER-HORN Carved with a medallion portrait inscribed Henricus ILII above a royal escutcheon, and with ancient hunting scenes. Length, 11 inches. 170— Japanese. Carvep Ivory Cast witH THREE DRAWERS Richly carved floral decoration, and three foliated panels carved with figures in domestic scenes. Signed: Shoyei. Height, 3°34 inches. 171— Japanese Carvep Ivory Writine ScrEEN With two sliding panels carved on the obverse with monkeys and on the reverse with landscapes. Pierced dragon border below. Signed: Kanichi. : Length, 8 inches. 172—CuIneEsE Carvep Ivory Mriyiature CABINET With double doors and two drawers. Elaborately carved with many miniature figures. Height, 61/, inches. First Afternoon 173—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Box-cABINET Rectangular, carved in representation of woven work; single door and three drawers. Inlaid with flowers in mother-of-pearl and tinted ivory. Length, 41, inches. 174—CuinesE Carvep Ivory VasE Brush holder made from a tusk, and extensively carved with figures and house and garden scenes, and painted in polychrome. Height, 5°4 inches. 175—TIwo CuinesE Carvep Bont JEwEL Boxes Oblong, on low feet, all sides and the covers pierced with a fine grill and adorned with relief carvings within foliated medallions. Lengths, 44%, and 6% inches. 176—CumeseE Carvep Ivory JEwEt Box Oblong, on four low feet. ‘Top and all sides intricately carved with figures, architecture, folage and flowers. Below sides and ends a skirt of openwork scroll. Length, 91/ inches. 177— JAPANESE Carvep Ivory TasLE SCREEN On the obverse Kwannon at half-length, and on the reverse lotus plants. Stand pierced with scrolls and decorated with sprays in gold lacquer. Signed: Shigechika. Haolahruniee wiichen 178—Two Japanese Ivory Carvinecs Two full ears of corn, with part of an ear attaching to one of them, all treated with great detail and in naturalistic color- pros! By Ryuyei. Lengths, 14°, and 12 inches. PORCELAIN AND BRONZE ORNAMENTS 179—Turee Drespen Ficure Groups A young blood accompanied by his dog, a lady in many laces holding her pet cat, and two ballet dancers. Heights, 914, 8 and 6 inches. 180—Two German FicturE ORNAMENTS A youth and maiden in a stately dance, and a match holder with Cupid fanning with bellows two flaming hearts. Heights, 7, and 6%, inches. 181—Turee German Ficure Groups Music and the Dance, garlanded lovers under Cupid’s dart, and boy and girl dancing. Helghts, 8, 83, and 6 inches. First Afternoon 182—Grovr or Five Bavarian Ficures Greek and Spanish dancing girls, on pedestals. Height, 91, inches. 188—THREE GERMAN FicurE ORNAMENTS Two Oriental dancing girls, each on her pedestal, and a third dancing on a rug, accompanied by one playing a harp. Heights, 1314 and 9%, inches. 184—THrEE GERMAN FicuRE GrRovuPs Three couples of peasant boys and girls dancing. Heights, 81% and 9 inches. 185—Two German FicurE ORNAMENTS A Spanish dancing girl, and a young couple engaged in a modern intimate dance. Heights, 101% and 91, inches. 186—Two German FicurE ORNAMENTS Group of boys and a young woman gathering fruit, with the Dresden crossed-swords mark, and figure of a dancing beauty of the stage. Heights, 11 and 12 inches. 187—TuHrREE GERMAN FicurE ORNAMENTS “Salome,” in white and gold; ‘‘From the Ball,” a lady putting off an opera cloak; and a tall and slender modern young woman in outdoor costume. Heights, 1444 and 17 inches. 188—THrREE GERMAN FicURE ORNAMENTS A ballet dancer, a Galician group of a modern young man and woman of the cabaret entertainment type, and a young woman in a short flounced and flowered dress of an earlier day, and poke bonnet, this figure inscribed (on a paster) “Mme. Pavlova.” Heights, 15, 13 and 12 inches. 189—Two GERMAN ORNAMENTS An eagle on a rock (equipped for electricity for illumination of the jeweled eyes), and a boy in imitation of Chinese statuary. Heights, 714 and 8%, inches. 190—Pair Drespen Vases with Covers Painted with female figures in colors, within a gold ground. Height, 9 inches. First Afternoon 191—THreEE Various ORNAMENTS Japanese earthenware black cat with seal mark, German soap- stone carving of an eagle on a rock, and a soapstone hare. Heights, 4, 434 and 5 inches. 192—Two PorcreLaIn ANIMAL STATUETTES Recumbent bison, Danish; and cat playing with ball, German. Heights, 44, and 71%, inches. 198—Two RoyvaL CorpENHAGEN PorcELAIN ANIMAL STATUETTES A bloodhound walking and a recumbent goat. Heights, 10 and 6 inches. 194— JAPANESE PorcELAIN INCENSE BURNER In form of a standing kylin in royal blue with gilt ornamen- tation. ; Height, 91/, inches. 195—Two PorcELAIN ORNAMENTS A roving fox, German; and a green-black crow perched on a rock pedestal, Austrian. Lengths, 584 and 101, inches. 196—AnIMAL STATUETTE OR PAPERWEIGHT Seated bulldog, in black basalt, with brilliant eyes and gilt collar. Height, 74% inches. 197—TurREE ORNAMENTAL PoRCELAINS _ Sévres vase decorated with cupid medallions; Awata rose jar, globular, the entire surface painted with masks, signed Rin- zan; and a semi-globular bowl on foot, painted with frogs and fishes in their submarine home, marked under foot with mono- gram ND. Heights, 71/,, 414% and 3 inches. 198—CorELAND JEWELED PorcELAIN ToILeT SET Fifteen pieces: Tray, nine covered boxes, two tall two-handled cups, and three candlesticks. Pink, white, rose and gold, and studded with minute jewels. From Tiffany & Company. 199—Lenox Porcetarn Dresser SET Thirty-two pieces, with monogram JBB; from Tiffany & Com- pany. Tray, combs, brushes, mirror, candlesticks, jars, boxes and other articles. Warm reddish glaze with a brownish-ver- milion or intensified salmon trend, heavily penciled with gold scrolls. First Afternoon 200—Virnna Bronze anp Onyx AsH RECEIVER Broad circular and shallow basin, with figure of a musician seated on the edge, as ornament and handle. Diameter, 614, inches. 201—Austrian Bronze anp Onyx Pin Tray The metal ornament a group of two travelers with a camel, traversing a barren land. Diameter, 834 inches. 202—FrencH BronzE ORNAMENT Slender female figure, gilded, rising automatically from a divan over which is stretched a bearskin rug. Length, 81%, inches. 203—AvustTRIAN BronzE Desk Book Rack In representation of a bamboo structure with an Oriental rug hanging over one end, and a young Turk, reading, lying on the outer side. Length, 8% inches. 204—AuvustTRiaAN BronzE OrNAMENT Half-nude Turkish figure squatting on a mat, amid arms and pipe and water bottle. Height, 814, inches. 205—Vienna Bronze Ficure Standing Arab, examining his gun; on a stone base. Height, 1034, inches. 206—Vienna Bronze Ficure Grove A Turkish driver on his two-wheeled bullock cart, with a blind- folded leopard tied to a grating behind him, returning from an antelope hunt. Length, 914 inches. 207—Vienna Bronze OrNAMENT A Turkish coffee seller’s kitchen, with attendant inside and a man drinking on the porch. Height, 74% inches. 208—Vienna BronzE ORNAMENT Oriental rug merchant displaying a large carpet, with persuasive intentness. Height, 6%, inches. 209—Virnna Bronze Eauerstrian STATUETTE An armed Arab mounted on a sorrel charger; on marble plinth. Height, 11 inches. First Afternoon 210—Two Vienna Bronzes “Fruit Gathering,” and three children on a leaning palm tree. Heights, 1014 and 7% inches. 211—Vienna Bronze Ficure Group Woman on camel accompanied by an attendant, under a palm Tree. Height, 10°, inches. ?12—Vienna BronzE OrNAMENT Elephant sitting down and lifting his trunk aloft, the mahout seated on his head. - Height, 1014 inches. ?2138—ViennNA BronzE ORNAMENT Moorish portico, with figure at the enclosed fountain. Equipped for electric light. Height, 1184 inches. ?2?14—Viena Bronze FicureE Group Turkish horseman attacked by a lioness. Height, 91, inches. 215—Gittr Bronze Ficure Tall and buxom water carrier in elaborate robes, bearing am- phora on her head. Onyx base. Height, 131, inches. ?16—VIENNA BronzE ORNAMENT Moorish gateway with mounted traveler passing through, and two palm trees at one side. Height, 10 inches. 217—Vienna BronzE ORNAMENT A mounted Arab and two attendants on foot, preparing to meet an attack at a rocky pass beneath palm trees. Height, 14 inches. 2?18—Vienna Bronze OrNAMENT Child of ebony skin mounted on an ostrich beneath a palm tree, and accompanied by a woman afoot. Height, 1514 inches. 219—Vienna Bronze Ficure Group A turbaned traveler on camel back receiving water from a woman at a well under a palm tree, his African slave with wrists bound kneeling at the camel’s feet. Height, 14 inches. First Afternoon 220—Virnna Bronze Ficure Moorish hunter with a felled gazelle over his shoulders. Height, 12 inches. 221—Parr Vienna Bronzes Tiger-hunting with elephant: “The Attack,” and “Bearing the Quarry Home.” On stone bases. Height, 11%4 inches. 299-_ViEnNA BronzE ORNAMENT An Arab in his tent, drinking coffee and smoking. Equipped for electric light. Height, 14 inches. 223—Vienna Bronze OrNAMENT Turkish coffee merchant and a customer, under a sunshade, on a base of marble steps. Equipped with an electric light. Height, 121/, inches. 224—Virna Bronze Ficurrt Group An Arabian warrior who has seized a young black woman and thrown her across his saddle pommel raises his sword to slay her protector, dragging on the ground. Height, 12 inches. 225—ViENNA Bronze Group Partly nude black boy armed with a gun, riding a heavily laden camel, a part of the luggage being a drum clock, mounted behind the boy. Height, 1114, inches. 226—Parr VieENNA BronzE ORNAMENTS Partly nude figures leaning against tall pillars, a bearded snake charmer and a lithe and buxom girl with tambourine. Height, 17 inches. 227—Vienna Bronze OrNAMENT An armed Turk seated under a canopy of rich embroideries, his narghile before him. Equipped with an electric light. Height, 1714 inches. 228—Vienna Bronze ORNAMENT Turkish bronze merchant and his wares, under a straw canopy. Equipped with electric bulb. Height, 1614 inches. First Afternoon 229—Gitt Bronze STATUETTE Partly nude slave girl serving wine. Headdress and girdle studded with jewels. Signed: Vibert. Height, 19 inches. 230—Vienna Bronze Ficure Group Veiled woman at a well beneath a palm tree gives water to a wandering warrior. Height, 1534 inches. 231—Vienna Bronze ORNAMENT Mosque porch and minaret, with a pious Mohammedan praying on his rug. On marble base. Equipped with electric light. Height, 31 inches. 232—Vienna Bronze ORNAMENT Companion to the preceding and similarly equipped. WOOU HSINOOW AHL AO MHIA V SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 233 to 423, inclusive JAPANESE AND EUROPEAN IVORY CARVINGS 233—Turee Ivory Carvings Two cylindrical brush holders, unornamented, and a columnar stand for a crystal ball. Heights, 3, 314 and 45% inches. 234—JapANESE Ivory Carp CasE On one face a cruciform panel and on the other two foliated medallions, all carved in cavo-relievo with worthies of happy mind in the shelter of groves. Length, 4144 inches. 235—JAPANESE Ivory Inro Carved in relief with figures and gardens. Carved ivory net- suke and ojime. Signed: Unkei. Length, 31%, inches. 236—Two Carvep Ivory Ficures A Chinese personage on a lotus throne; and a Japanese figure signed Kogetsu. Heights, 444 and 45% inches. 237—Two JapanEsE Carvep Ivory Ficures A young woman in embroidered robes, with a fan, signed Komin ; and Kwannon with lotus flower and rosary, riding on a carp, signed Yoshikazu. Height, 61% inches. 238—JapanEsE Carvep Ivory Ficure An itinerant musician, playing the accompaniment to his own song. Signed: Shingyoku. Height, 6 inches. 239—JapaneEsE Ivory Carvine Mother reading to children. Signed: Hakusetsu. Height, 4°/, inches. Second Afternoon 240—THREE JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Two children, standing and seated, by Yoshi, and a boy with a toy boat, by Bunrin. Heights, 4 and 414 inches. 241—JapaNEsE Ivory Carvine Figure of a young woman in embroidered robes. Signed: Homin. Height, 7 inches. 242—Two JapanEsE Ivory Carvines Nude fisherwoman, with basket, gathering clams, signed Gyo- kusho, and a young woman in a diving costume holding a floral spray, signed Ichigyoku. Heights, 61% and 81/4 inches. 243—Two JapanesE Ivory Carvines Young woman carrying an overflowing basket of fruit, signed Goto-koji, and a smiling Venus holding a fan, signed Seiichi. Heights, 6 and 81%, inches. 244— JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Ficur& A begging musician. By Meiri. Height, 81% inches. 245—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Standing figure of Kwannon, with vase, her apparel intricately carved. Signed: Koson. Height, 7%, inches. 246—JapanEesE Ivory Carvine Performing elephant balancing on a sphere and supporting an- other elephant and two monkeys. Signed: Kan-Ri. Height, 81% inches. 247—JaPANESE Carvep Ivory Ficure A vendor of flowers and fruit; by Mitsuyuki. Height, 534 inches. 248—JapAanEsE Ivory Carvine Two coiling dragons carved in the round and supporting a large and a small crystal ball. Height, 5 inches. 249—JapaNneEsE Ivory Carvine anp CrystaLt Bau Group of three birds, forming a stand for the ball, and signed Ryusai. Height, 434 inches. 250—JapaneEsE Ivory Carvine Three rabbits, back to back, upholding a large crystal ball. Signed: Ryumei. Height, 5 inches. Second Afternoon 251—J AaPpANESE Ivory Group Mother giving her boy a bath in the garden, surrounded by ducklings. On wood stand. Signed: Ho-gyoku. Height, 434 inches. 252—JapanrEsE Carvep Ivory Ficure “The Fisherman,” by Ben Shu. Height, 6 inches. 253—JAPANESE CArvED Ivory Ficure Man spearing fish, by Masayasu. Height, 61/4, inches. 254—JapaNESE Ivory Carvine Urashima Taro blessing the turtle, by Shunzan. 7 Height, 6 inches. 255—JApPANESE Ivory Carvine A chigo, one of the young boys who dress their hair like women, with a rooster and a basket of flowers. Signed: Muramatsu Gyoku-sho. Height, 6 inches. 256—JapaNnresE Ivory Carvine Figure of a young woman in an attitude of the fan dance. By Bunsei. Height, 75% inches. 257—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Group A young mother carrying her child and a pet bird. By Tami- nobu. Height, 71% inches. 258—JAPANESE CarvepD Ivory Group Woman and child seated in a garden; the delicately engraved ornamentation of their apparel ink-tinted. Signed: Shu-gyoku. Height, 5 inches. 259—JapaNESE Ivory Carvine Illustrative group of a girl with a crane and a smaller bird, a rake and other accessories. By Shunshin. Height, 5%, inches. 260—Two Japanese Ivory Carvines Nude figures of women, one carrying a lotus flower and signed I-Koo. Heights, 714 and 8 inches. 261—JapaNnEsE Carvep Ivory Ficure Young girl lighting the candle in a lantern. By Zenmei. Height, 8 inches. 262—JaranEsE Ivory Carvine Mother and child, by Tomochika. Height, 7, inches. Second Afternoon 263—TuHrREE JAPANESE Ivory CARVINGS Entertaining girls, one standing and two seated, with fans and samisen. Heights, 31%, 4 and 514 inches. 264— JAPANESE Ivory Carvine Figure of a bearded man, his robes embroidered with floral em- blems, standing amid flowers. Height, 51% inches. 265—JaPpANESE Carvep Ivory Ficure Young woman in an open house-robe at her toilet. By Gyo- kusho. Height, 734, inches. 266—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING A stilt walker and infant. Signed: Shiko. Height, 7 inches. (Illustrated) 267—JaPANESE CarvED Ivory Ficure A farmer carrying grapes and a pet rabbit. By Isshun. Height, 81% inches. (Illustrated) 268—JAPANESE CarvED Ivory Ficure A trap fisherman, carrying his mondori. By Ho-min. Height, 8 inches. (Illustrated) 269— JAPANESE Carvep Ivory FicureE “The Broken Fish Basket,” by Ryubun. Height, 7 inches. (Illustrated) 270— JAPANESE Ivory Carvine Man playing with two children and their toys. Height, 7%, inches. (Illustrated) 271—JApPANESE Carvep Ivory Ficure A happy young woman hunting fireflies. Height, 81/4, inches. (Illustrated) 272—JapANEsE Ivory Carvine A girl out walking, with her umbrella raised. Signed: Homin. Height, 8 inches. (Illustrated) SONIAUVO AYOAIL ASHNVdVE AO dNOUD L9G TL3 992 OLG 693 GLG Second Afternoon 2738—Two CurinesE Carvep Ivory JEwEL CaskETsS One solid, on four knob feet, carved in cavo-rilievo with dragons, pavilions and figures; the other pierced in lattice patterns on all sides and top, the lattice-ground supporting panels carved with figures and foliage. Lengths, 454 and 414, inches. 274—Two Evrorrean Ivory Carvines Majestic figure in wig and robes, carrying official emblems, and an airy young woman holding a missive. Heights, 6 and 71, inches. 275—EvurorEan Carvep Ivory Huntine Knire With steel blade. Scabbard carved in relief with trophies, and emblems of the hunt; handle in form of a standing cross-bowman. Length, 101%, inches. 276—Turee Evrorpean Ivory Carvings Two Roman figures, and a young woman demi-nue; on columnar pedestals. Height, 8 inches. 277—EvurorpeEan Carvep Ivory Triptrycu “Henry IV Going to Notre Dame”; carved with numerous figures in cavo-rilievo. Height, 71% inches. 278—Evrorrean Carvep Ivory STatTuETtTe Standing figure of Napoleon, arms crossed. Height, 914 inches. 279—Evroprpean Ivory Carvina “The Tambourine Player,” a nude young woman draped with garlands, on a cylindrical pedestal. Height, 1334 inches. 280—Evrorran Ivory Carvine “The Fountain”; figure of a nude young woman of classical features and generous proportions, holding her drapery with one arm above her head, seated, above a base adorned with shells. Height, 16 inches. MINIATURES ON IVORY 281—Turee Ivory Miniatures Medallion portraits of young women in décolleté waists, one in mob cap, one in feather hat and one hatless. In golden ebony frames. From Tiffany & Company. Heights (with frame), 434, 5 and 514 inches. Second Afternoon 282—THrREE Ivory MINIATURES Medallion portraits of women, signed Dupre, Francois and JR (4n monogram), in gilt frames set into mahogany, walnut and ebonized frames. Height (with frame), 51%, inches. 283—Turee Ivory Miniatures Medallion portraits of women, two in frames of golden ebony and one in a Coromandel wood frame, from Tiffany & Company. Heights (with frame), 614, and 6 inches. 284—Two Miniature Paintincs on Ivory Mother and child, after Sir Thomas Lawrence (signature at lower right partly concealed), and the Empress Josephine. In ebony and golden ebony frames. From Tiffany & Company. Heights (with frames), 81% and 91% inches. 285—MiIntaTurRE PaAIntTine on PorcELAIN Medallion portrait of girl in blue, after an earlier painting, signed Mai; in gilt frame on golden ebony stand. From Tiffany & Company. Height (of medallion), 5 inches. 286—MiniaturE Parntinc on Ivory Portrait of George Washington, a copy of Rembrandt Peale; signed, Wm. Sweet. In gilt and ebonized frame. Height (with frame), 6 inches. 287—Two Ivory MINIATURES IN TOoRTOISE-SHELL FRAMES Medallion portraits; a lady in a décolleté gown, and a girl with her hair in curls. Heights (with frames), 444 and 5% inches. 288-——-Two Mrntarures InN TortToIsE-sHELL FRAMES Oval medallion of a lady at her writing desk, signed Paillet; and circular medallion of a young woman smiling, signed Hall. Heights (with frames), 454 and 51, inches. 288a—PanevL oF Four Ivory MINIATURES Medallion busts of young women, each in ivory frame; two signed Piesly, one Marc, and one Auzerti. Under glass in a gilt archi- tectural frame. Diameter of miniatures, 31/, and 334 inches; height of gilt frame, 231, inches. Second Afternoon 300—Two Limoces PATE-suR-PATE PLAQUES Medallion heads of Bacchantes, in profile to right and left. Diameter, 614, inches. 301—Limoces PATE-suR-PATE PLAQUE Allegorical head, ‘‘Flora,” in profile, with blossoms and foliage in delicate tints. Diameter, 7 inches. 302—Two Limocrs PATE-suR-PATE PLAQUES Rectilinear panels, one horizontal, with cupids at play, one ver- tical picturing a nymph of the woods and waters and an inquis- itive song bird. Length of former, 6 inches; height of latter, 6%, inches. 3083—Two Limocets PATE-suR-PATE PLAQUES Oval medallions of nudes with diaphanous draperies, floating aerlally above nebulae and waves. Height, 814, inches. 304—Two Limocsts PATE-surR-PATE PLAQUES Rectangular, with amorini representing Neptune and Bacchus and the harvest. Height, 6%, inches. 305—Limocrs PATE-suR-PATE PLAQUE Night, semi-nude, drifting on nebulae among the stars, attended by an amorino. Rectilinear. Length, 91/4, inches. Second Afternoon 306—Two Limocrs PATE-surR-PATE PLAQUES Spirit of the Waters and Spirit of the Lilies, as young women in gauzy draperies, visiting cascade and blossoms. Rectilinear. Height, 18 inches. 307—Two Limocrs PorcELAIN AND ENAMEL DISHES Circular, shallow plate, the superior surface enameled in dark green, semé with florets and encircled by a scroll border in gold, about a female head in delicate coloring; and a covered almond- shaped dish decorated with a bust and flowers. Both signed: Ate. Riffaterre. Diameter, 77% inches; length, 714 inches. 308—Pair Limocrs PorcELAIN AND ENAMEL VASES Ovo-cylindrical, with high and narrow shoulder and truncated neck. Decoration, Luna, and Light with her torch, in white relief on a mauve ground sprinkled with golden stars. Signed: Ate. Riffaterre. Height, 71/4 inches. _ Second Afternoon 309—Two Limoces PATE-suR-PATE PLAQUES Oval. Music, and The Dance; female figures, with diaphanous draperies and the lyre and tambourine. Height, 131, inches. JAPANESE AND EUROPEAN IVORY CARVINGS 310—JapanEsE Ivory Figure Group Farmer carrying vegetables, accompanied by his son. Signed: Shuichi. Height, 7 inches. 311—JapanesE Ivory Carvine Lady in a jinrickisha, the ’ricksha man running; the wheels revolve. Height, 614 inches. 312—JapaneEsE Ivory Carvine “The Monk and Bunbuku Chagama,” a famous Japanese folk- lore story of a hermit monk and a metamorphic animal with hyp- notic powers. Signed: Sosai. Height, 4 inches. Second Afternoon 38138—JAPANESE Ivory CaRVING Standing figure of a Sennin, riding on an inverted umbrella across the waves. By Sosai. Height, 71/, inches. 314—JApPANESE Ivory Carvine The Bird Catcher; a man on a tree trunk, spearing a bird with a long pole, as it seems, really catching it with glue. By S6ji. Height, 7 inches; length, including pole, 1614, inches. 315—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Urashima Taro, with his fishpole, standing on the back of his emblem, the turtle. By Sosai. Height, 9 inches. 316—JapaNEsE Ivory Carvine Man hauling a laden vegetable cart. By Gyokushin. Length, 91, inches. 317—JapaNESE Ivory Carvine Seated figure of Japan’s famous poetess, Onono Komochi, in elaborate apparel, writing. By Shimabura Shungetsu. Height, 5 inches. 3818—Two JAPANESE CarveEp Ivory Ficuress Hyosennin and Jurojin. By Sosai. Height, 61%, inches. 319—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory FicureE Standing figure of a Sennin, holding a flower and a crystal ball. By Yugetsu. Height, 7 inches. 320—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Standing figure of a Chinese sage, in finely embroidered robes. Signed: Sosai. Height, 81% inches. Second Afternoon 321—Two JapaNnEsE Carvep Ivory Ficures Tohosaku, god of the East, and an aged Korean smoking. By Sosal. Heights, 7 and 71/4 inches. (Illustrated) 322—-Two JAPANESE CarvEpD Ivory FiIcuREs Girl playing the biwa, signed Sosai; and a Korean man playing the cymbals. Heights, 71, and 61% inches. (Illustrated) 323—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Typical man of the peasantry, seated upon the top of a double ladder, fishing. By Zurnei. Height, 1014 inches. (Illustrated) 324— JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Group Two travelers, who had been seated on a bench; one arising, the bench was thrown out of balance, precipitating his companion to the ground. By Shogyoku. Height, 6 inches. (Illustrated) 325—Two Japanese Carvep Ivory Ficures Kwannon, and Kanzan the sage. By Sosai. Heights, 6% and 74 inches. (Illustrated) 326—JapaNEsE Carvep Ivory Ficure Kinkosennin, god of water. By Sosai. Height, 83/4, inches. (Illustrated) 327—JAPANESE Ivory CarvinG A basket seller, carrying numerous baskets carved in openwork and undercut. By Yeishin. Height, 71/ inches. (Illustrated) eee SONTAUVO AYOAT ASANVdVE AO dNOUD LGE Ide €6E . PoE 9E GGE GGE Second Afternoon 3828— JAPANESE Bronze ANpD Ivory FIGuRE Boy riding a hobbyhorse. By Shuko. On stand. Height, 8%, inches. 329—Two JapaNnEsE Bronze anv Ivory Ficures Farm women, one carrying her child. By Shuko. On stands. Heights, 101, and 10 inches. 380—JAPANESE Bronze AND Ivory Ficure An old man resting; by Shubi. He is seated on a wooden stand carved as the stump of an aged tree. Height, 1114 inches. 331—Two JAPANESE Bronze AND Ivory Ficures A drum seller, and man with tanuki. On stands. Height, 614 inches. (Illustrated) 332—Two JapaNnEsE Bronze anp Ivory Ficures | A samurai coming from a picnic and carelessly joyful with wine; on stand. An umbrella repairer seated. By Shuko. Heights, 8 and 5%, inches. (Illustrated) 333—JAPANESE BronzE AND Ivory Ficure Boy in gold embroidered apparel catching birds. By Shuko. On stand. Height, 814, inches. (Illustrated ) 334—JapaNnEsE Bronze anv Ivory Ficure Woman of the people, cutting grass. By Shuké. On stand. Height, 121% inches. (Illustrated) 3385—JAPANESE BronzE AND Ivory FiaureE A dancing girl in gold embroidered robes, with sandaled feet. By Shuko. On stand. Height, 13°34 inches. (Illustrated) 336—JapanEsE Bronze anp Ivory Ficure The carp fisherman gets a strike. By Bizan. On stand. ; Height, 18%, inches. (Illustrated) ip i j ‘i i” lad * 832 A GROUP OF JAPANESE BRONZE AND IVORY FIGURES Second Afternoon 837—JAaPANESE BronzE AND Ivory FicuR£ A boy who has just caught a fish, By Shuko. On stand. Height, 103% inches. 338—Two JAPANESE BronzE AND Ivory FicurEs Candy seller, and a woman harvester. By Shuko. On stands. Height, 7%, inches. 339—-Two JAPANESE BronzE AND Ivory FicuREs Man winnowing rise, and man carrying a basket. By Shuko. On stands. Height, 71/4 inches. 340—Two Austrian Ivory anp Bronze Ficures A young woman seated, divesting herself of her stockings; signed P. Tereszczuk; on onyx base. Young woman in a coat, standing. Heights, 61% and 5 inches. 341—Two Evroprpean Gitt Bronze AND Ivory FiIcurEs Carmencita dancing, with the castanets, on agate plinth; signed Amélie Colombier, France. Young woman kneeling, with dish of fruit; signed, R. Boeltzig (German). Heights, 9% and 7 inches. 342—Two Evropean Gitt Bronze anp Ivory Figures Dancing girls, semi-nude, with arms extended. Signed: Ch. Muller. On marble bases. Heights, 12 and 12%, inches. 3848—Two Evrorean Gitt Bronze And Ivory Ficures Dancing women, nude to the waist; one signed, L. Barthelemy. On marble pedestals. Height, 10°, inches. (Illustrated) 3844—EvrorpEan Gitt Bronze Anp Ivory FiqaureE “The Tambourine Dance.” Signed: F. Preiss. On marble pedestal. (Illustrated) Height, 14 inches. 845—GrERMAN GiLtt Bronze AND Ivory Ficure Girl semi-nude, in a drapery dance. Signed: Schmied. On onyx base. Height, 15 inches. (Illustrated) 3846—EvrorEAN Gitt Bronze anp Ivory Ficuret Tall and slender young woman dancing, with castanets. Signed: Jaray. On onyx base. Height, 1234 inches. (Illustrated) SHUNSDIA AUOAT ANV AZNOUG-LTIID JO dNOUD OVE SPs PVE SPE Svs Second Afternoon 347—EvrorprEan Gitt Bronze ANvd Ivory FIcuRreE Seated nun, leaning over an iron railing; on stone base. Signed: P. Canonica. Height, 1314 inches. 348—FrencH Gitt Bronze AND Ivory Figure Statuette of King of France on his throne, a banderole on the chair back inscribed Louis. Signed: H. Levasseur. Height, 161, inches. 349—EvrRopEAN Bronze anv Ivory Ficure Female bust, on onyx base. Signed: Delacour. Height, 1534 inches. 350—Evurorean Gitt BronzE Anp Ivory FIGurRE A bare-legged dancer in elaborate costume; on marble base. Signed: Marquet. Height, 15 inches. 351— JAPANESE Ivory Carvine Gooseherd followed by five geese. Signed: Hdjyo. Length, 11144 inches. Second Afternoon 352—JAPANESE CarveD Ivory Group Five boys at play on their way home from school. Signed: Komin. On wood stand. Length, 111% inches. 353—Japanese Carvep Ivory Group A girl carrying flowers and persimmons. By Gajo. Height, 11 inches. 354—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING A gatherer of millet. By Miryo. Height, 10 inches. 355—JapANESE CarveD Ivory Ficure A smiling young lady, walking, with parasol raised. By Shin- myo. Height, 10 inches. « 356—JapaNnESE Ivory Carvine Woman carrying child and an umbrella. By Kodo. Height, 10 inches. 357—JAaPANESE Ivory CarviIneG Figure of a Lohan, walking, carrying an incense-burner and lean- ing on his staff. Signed: Ryuju. Height, 91% inches. 358—JapANESE Carvep Ivory Group Nurse maid and two children. Signed: Hofu. Height, 9% inches. 3859—JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Group Four of the Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove. By Hofuku. On teakwood stand. Length, 11 inches. 360—JapaNneEsE Ivory Carvine Procession of nine elephants crossing a bridge. By Matsuji. Length, 20 inches. 361—JapaNEsE Carvep Ivory Group Father playing with his two children. By Jukan. Height, 6 inches. 862— JAPANESE CARVED Ivory FiIcurRE A fisherman with his net. By Kyoin. Height, 10 inches. Second Afternoon 363—JapaNneEsE Ivory CarvVING Farmer carrying fagots in one arm and his child in the other. By Syuntei. ; Height, 11 inches. (Illustrated) 364— JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Farmer arranging the ropes with which to work the Japanese form of scarecrow, which leans against his shoulder. By Hokei. Height, 10%, inches. (Illustrated) 365—JAPANESE CarvepD Ivory FIGuRE “The Parrot Man.” By Kainji. Height, 91 inches. (Illustrated) 366—EvroprEAn Carvep Ivory VasE Hollowed section of a tusk, lined with sterling silver, the interior gilt; carved in relief with nymphs riding dolphins through the waves, cupids shooting arrows, and other figures. Height, 67% inches. 367—CHINESE Ivory VasE Carved with dragons in relief among clouds, on a diaper back- ground of openwork. On wood stand. Height, 8 inches. 368—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Tusk VAsE Carved in relief and cavo-rilievo with numerous figures, out en- joying a summer evening. At one point are seen stacks of rice straw, banded for winter fodder. By Somei. On wood stand. Height, 91, inches. 369—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Procession of the Hachio shrine festival, Tokyo, including eight figures. By Ryomin. Length, 16 inches. 370—JAPANESE Ivory CaRrVING A three-clawed dragon, articulated. Length, 31 inches. 371—JapANEsE Ivory Carvine Boy with a pet puppy crawling up his back. By Homei. Height, 8% inches. SONIAUVO AYOAT ASANVdVE AO dNOUD POE £9€ Second Afternoon 372—JaPANESE Carvep Ivory Group Young lady carrying a happy child who reaches for the flowers in a basket held by a small girl. Signed: Doraku. Height, 10% inches. (Illustrated) 373—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Ficure A bride, carrying a fan and her toilet box. By Doraku. Height, 121, inches. (Illustrated) 374—JapaNESE Carvep Ivory Ficure A lady walking, carrying chrysanthemums in both hands. By Akitoshi. Height, 1314 inches. (Illustrated) 3744s—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory FicurEe Group Yokihime, a Chinese princess, attended by a Japanese boy. Signed: Shunmin. Height, 1014, inches. 375—JAPANESE CarvED Ivory Figure Group A seller of vegetables with his laden cart, and a boy presenting a basket for a purchase. By Munehisa. On teakwood stand. Length, 91% inches. 376—JAPANESE Ivory Carvine A woman threshing rice. On a carved root stand. By Doraku. Height, 8°4 inches; length (with stand), 111% inches. 377—JAPANESE CarveD Ivory Group Man and two boys gathering large basketfuls of persimmons. By Biyo. Height, 1034 inches. 378—JAaPANESE Ivory Carvine Eleven girls, one carrying an infant, engaged in playing meninai, an outdoor Japanese form of “blind man’s buff.” By Koshi. On carved teakwood stand. Heights of figures, 31, to 6 inches; length of stand, 23 inches. 379—JapaNESE Ivory Carvine Procession of six elephants, varying in size, crossing a bridge. By Beizan. On carved wood stand. Length, 17 inches. SONIAUVO AUOAT ASHUNVdVE AO dNOUD GLE Second Afternoon 380—Ovat PAteE-suR-PATE PLAQuE IN GILT FRAME Apotheosis; a youthful female figure poised upon a cloud, in devout attitude, surrounded by adoring cherubim, in white on a black ground. Height, 8 inches. 881—Two Rep Porceitain PLaauEs In Gitt Frames Doulton plate, decorated with. three cranes among aquatic plants; marked: Royal Doulton Flambé. Vivid red plate painted in enamels with a mediaeval figure group; signed: Bernard Moore. Diameters, 10 and 113%, inches. Collection of German Paintings on Porcelain, many of them after famous canvases; all in gilt frames. 382—THReEE PaintTines on PORCELAIN “Mrs. Buchanan,” after George Romney. Signed: Dietrich. “Espoir,” an ideal head of a fair young woman. Signed: Wag- ner. “Mrs. Mulgrave,” after Gainsborough. Height (each), 634 inches. 383—TuHREE ParntTines oN PoRCELAIN Copy of Thomas Gainsborough’s celebrated “Blue Boy.” Signed: A. Selzorf, nach Gainsborough. Height, 914 inches. “Duchess of Richmond,” after Frances Stewart. Signed: A. Selzorf. Height, 934 inches. “Fine Bouquet,” after E. Griitzner; a cardinal appreciatively inhaling the fragrance of wine. Signed: Dietrich. Height, 1014 inches. 384—Two Paintincs on PorcELAIN “Der Tau.” Signed: Wagner. Height, 10 inches. “Jupiter and Io.” Hight: Wee 385—Two Parntincs oN PoRCELAIN “Roses,” after Prof. Volkmer; a girl with nude shoulders, scent- ing roses. Height, 914 inches. “A Toast,” a fair-haired young girl garlanded with grape leaves, holding up a glass of wine. Height, 71/, inches. 5386—Parr Companion Paintrncs on PorcELAIN “Caritas,” an ideal group of mother and children in a soft summer landscape. ‘“‘Der Sommer,” young women enjoying themselves on a classic palace porch and in an adjacent pool. Height (each), 634 inches. — Ee eC Second Afternoon 387—Two Parntines on PorceELAIN “Kuss der Wellen.” Signed: F. Fenner. Height, 18 inches; width, 1014 inches. “Die Perle.” Signed: F. Fenner. Height, 1014 inches; length, 13 inches. 888—PaintTING on PorcELAIN “Thamar,” picturing an interior with three figures, the woman partly nude. Height, 9 inches; length, 11 inches. 389—Two Patntincs oN PorcELAIN A modern vision of an ancient barge in mystic lights. Signed: B. Moore, 1905. | Height, 914 inches; width, 7 inches. A queen enthroned, with heraldic animals on the wall at either side, the whole in rich, strong colors. Height, 11%4 inches; width, 934, inches. 390—Paintine oN PorcELAIN A circular concave plaque painted in soft colors with Neptune’s horses plunging through the sea. Signed: R. Preuss. Diameter, 12%, inches. 391—Two Paintines on PorcELAIN A mystic figure amid decorative swirls. Height, 111, inches; width, 9 inches. An ancient red barge in a turbulent sea, seen through modernist eyes. Oval. Diameter, 1014 inches. 392—THREE PAINTINGS ON PORCELAIN “Der Guckkasten-Mann,” an outdoor figure group. Signed: A. Selzorf, nach Ennirpt. Height, 1014 inches; length, 13 inches. “Falstaff and Bardolph,” after Edward Griitzner. Signed: Os. Dietrich. Height, 1014 inches; length, 121% inches. “Kin Geschenk fiir den Herrn Prior,” the prior dozing with jug beside him in a cloister window, and two children passing with a basket of chickens and vegetables; after C. Becker. Signed: A. Selzorf. Height, 10%, inches; length, 13 inches. Second Afternoon 393—DrespEN Paintinc on PoRCELAIN . Shell-form, picturing a mermaid pursuing a flying-fish, Mark, crossed swords. Height, 10 inches; length, 111% inches. 394—Two Parntinces oN PORCELAIN Rectilinear panel, its surface modeled in minute net pattern, and painted in soft colors with a river and mountain landscape and hunting scene, in imitation of petit-point needlework. Height, 91% inches; length, 14 inches. An ancient battle scene, with many figures. Signed: Roy, 1904. Height, 11% inches; length, 13°4 inches. 395—PaInTING ON PORCELAIN “Gekeltert,” after E. Griitzner; a florid and happy monk, with a glass of red wine. Signed: L. Schingel. Height, 1214 inches; width, 10 inches. MISCELLANEOUS PORCELAINS 396—PorcELAIN AND Onyx AsH Tray The tray onyx, ornamented with pouter and fantail pigeons in red enameled porcelain, which form a handle. Diameter, 64 inches. 397—DanisH PorcELAIN AND Marspiue Asu RECEIVER A porcelain leopard standing on a marble platform, in the act of drinking from a basin hollowed in one end, which forms the ash receptacle. Length, 10 inches. 398—Pair Crown Dersy Trays Lanceolate leaf-shape with serrate edges, decorated with marine paintings by W. E. J. Dean. Length, 12%, inches. 399—FrencH Paintine on Ivory “The Wedding of Napoleon and Josephine,” after David; signed Michot. In ormolu frame. Height of painting, 6 inches; length of frame, 18 inches. 400—GERMAN PorCELAIN ORNAMENT Statuette of Napoleon on horseback, on oval base. Height, 11%, inches. Second Afternoon 401—GrerMAN PorcELAIN ORNAMENT Napoleon seated at the canopied bedside of his baby; on oval base. Height, 10 inches. 402—-GERMAN PorRCELAIN ORNAMENT Napoleonic group; Emperor and Empress, and the King of Rome on horseback; on oval base. Height, 814, inches. 403—Turee Exectric Taste Lamps In the form of elaborately dressed female figures, their volumi- nous skirts spread by hoops. Height, 11 inches. 404—FrencH PorcELAIN JARDINIERE Cone shape, with recurving and flaring lip; ornamented with nude figures and coated with a crackled glaze, cream and gray on the outside and white within. Height, 10 inches. 405—Cavuipon VaAsE Oval, with circular foot and mouth and two elaborate loop han- dles. Decorated in royal blue, turquoise blue, white and gold, and painted with figure panels. Height, 1014 inches. 406—PorcELAIN ORNAMENT Equestrian statuette; a young woman mounted on a rearing horse. Height, 1614 inches. 407—Larcr DrespEN PorceLaIn Group Celebrating the Vintage; a company of seven figures, boys and 8 g pany g » DOY girls, some with musical instruments, gathered about a wine butt with grapes and flowers. Height, 14°, inches. 408—Pairr DrespEN PorceELAIn STATUETTES Figures of festive young women in dancing attitudes and flowery costumes, accompanied by amorini. Height, 20%, inches. 409—Larcre Beri Porcerarn Figure OrNAMENT Six young men and women in gay colors, playing blind-man’s buff. Height, 17°, inches. 4098—JAPANESE PorcELAIN UMBRELLA JAR Celadon glaze, with floral decoration. Height, 231%, inches. Second Afternoon 409s—Servres Tatty Revotvine Vase Ovoid with elaborate base, trumpet neck and imposing cover finial. Full relief decorations of classic figures, and amorini sup- porting masks, and penciled in gold and painted in color with scrolls and allegorical figure panels; one panel signed: Geo. White. Height, 27%, inches. 410—Parr DrespEN PorcELAIN CANDELABRA Standards of female figures, scrolls and acanthus foliage, sur- mounted by bouquets, and supporting ormolu arms which carry nine lights each on each candelabrum. Equipped for electricity. Height, 381/, inches. 411—DreEspen Patntine on PorceELain “Der Geschmack”; allegorical figure floating on a cloud, sur- rounded by amorini. Height, 15 inches; length, 17 inches. 412—-PaInTING on PorRCELAIN “The New Queen of Music,” a procession of adorers carrying a laurel chaplet, following a queenly figure with a lyre, across a marble terrace, while a sister figure with a broken lyre crouches dejectedly at one side. Signed: W. E. Hodkinson and C. Noke. Height, 11144 inches; length, 1814 inches. 413—Paintine on PorcELaIn “Venice.” Ladies in softly brilliant costumes descending palace stairs to a gondola, with San Giorgio seen in the distance. Signed: Ch. Fuchs. Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. 414—Two Parntines on PorcELAIN “A Reverie,” by E. T. Hurley; a winter landscape, sunset. Height, 9 inches; length, 141%, inches. “Edge of the Woods,” by E. Diers; a green summer land- scape seen through a light haze. Height, 18%, inches; width, 834 inches. 415—Paintine on PorcELAIN “Nymph and Cupids.” Signed: J. Rochette, d’aprés W. Bouguereau. Height, 18%, inches; width, 1214 inches. Second Afternoon Paintings on Porcelain, mainly after well-known pictures; all in gilt frames. 416—DrespEen Parintine on PorCELAIN “Belshazzar’s Feast.’ The rich palace interior brilliant in color and gold, and the “thandwriting on the wall” appearing above the heads of the inebriated feasters. Circular. (Cracked and re- joined. ) Diameter, 24 inches. 417—PaInTING ON PorRCELAIN “Young Love’s Dream”; on a corner of some ruins in a moun- tainous country a young peasant girl dozes against the knee of her lover, who plays gently to her on his violin. Height, 25 inches; length, 19 inches. 418—PainTING ON PoRCELAIN “The Interrupted Toilet.”” Three blond young women are seen in a rich interior, one with her hair down and holding a bou- quet, and one partly disrobed, while all turn to look inquiringly at some entrant not seen by the spectator. Signed: H. Weigel, 1908. Height, 20 inches; length, 25 inches. Second Afternoon 419—PorcELAIN Parntine on TILES Picture formed of twenty-four square tiles, showing an interior with two figures, one of them looking into a mirror. By Sarreguemines. Height, 361/, inches; width, 241%, inches. 420—Pai1nTING ON PORCELAIN “Julia and Don Juan,” after G. Detti. Signed: O. Dietrich. Height, 161%, inches; width, 121% inches. 421—PatnTING oN PORCELAIN “The Wave and the Rock.” Scene, a grotto at the edge of the sea, with two nude figures, and two white seagulls flying low. Circular. Diameter, 24 inches. Second Afternoon 422—PaInTING ON PORCELAIN Still Life. Flowers in a country garden, painted as viewed against a gray brick wall. Signed: C. F. Hiirten. Height, 321, inches; width, 251, inches. 423—PorcELAIN Patntinc on TILES Picture formed of fifty-four square tiles, and representing a small yellow-haired girl in red, seated and drinking milk from a bowl, while three cats at her feet look hungrily up at her. Inscribed at lower right, Sarreguemines, and at lower left, d’aprés Stein- len. Height, 581, inches; width, 351, inches. ‘s 3 2 5 : A VIEW OF THE DINING ROOM THIRD AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 424 to 619, inclusive MISCELLANEOUS CABINET OBJECTS 424—Turee Cuoice Toitet ARTICLES Favrile glass perfume bottle, with gold mountings, chains and finger ring. Chelsea enamel egg-shaped powder or bonbon box, with vari- colored domestic birds and. flowers on a yellow ground. Chinese porcelain squat-ovoidal coupe with brilliant mirror- black glaze. On carved ivory stand with four knob feet. Ch’ien- lung period (1736-1795). 425—Vienna GILT Bronze PAPERWEIGHT Female figure, nude, resting with hands wide-spread upon the ground. 426—Two Rock CrystaL VINAIGRETTES One ewer-shape, with scroll handle and knob stopper. One double-gourd shape, metal-mounted with hinged ring for suspension. 42%—Four ORNAMENTS In pearl and mother-of-pearl and opalescent agate, including an oval pendant carved with two fish in relief. 428—Five EvropEaAn Corau CARVINGS Three lions, an elephant and a humpbacked man. Third Afternoon 429—Five Cuimnese MINIATURE ScENT BOTTLES Three flask-shape, in turquoise, agate and amethyst; one in porcelain, bean-shaped with crackled camellia-leaf green glaze; and one of lapis-lazuli, double-gourd shaped. 480—Four ORNAMENTS Amber pendant, with lotus plants in gold lacquer and mother- of-pearl, Japanese; two Chinese scent bottles, in amber and in turquoise and gilt metal; and one European scent bottle. 431—Four CHINESE PENDANTS Three carved of amethyst and one of agate. 4382—Two JAPANESE AGATE CARVINGS A large rooster and a small hen. 433—Two JAPANESE CorAaL CARVINGS A rooting pig, in rich pink coral. A standing elephant, in pale, mottled pink coral. Each on crystal stand. 484—Two CarveED ORNAMENTS Classic head in black lava, European; dragon and lotus plants in mother-of-pearl, Chinese. Height (each), 3%, inches. 436—TuHrere DrespEN PorRCELAINS Girl dancing, on square plinth; mark, the crossed swords. Two pellet boxes in the form of women’s arms, the hands hold- ing bunches of grapes. Length, 3%, inches. 437—THree FrReENcH PorcELaIn BONBONNIERES One in form of a horse lying down, one a tiger head, and one the head of a lesser cat. Guilt mountings. 488——Four ORNAMENTAL Opsects oF PErrRsonaL USE Watch stand in silver gilt and brilliant green enamel, and cigar- ette case of black onyx, silver mounted, both from Tiffany & Company; gold-filled pendant photograph case for two minia- tures, and glass pendant photograph case with birds laid on in natural feathers. Third Afternoon 438s—SeET oF Six Cigarette Aso Trays Circular; enameled in basketry patterns in sapphire, emerald and ruby, aubergine, yellow and rose. Diameter, 3 inches. 439—-Two PapERWEIGHTS Stallion in silver on a circular mounded base. Cupid riding a snail, in silver on onyx base. 440—Two Frencu Ewnamet Vases Slender oviform, one with fluted body, variously decorated in delicate colors. Heights, 34 and 3% inches. 441—'Two EnamMeL ORNAMENTS Modern ceremonial marriage cup, painted with joyous and convivial figures. Figure of man, his body set with baroque pearls, on base painted with rustic figures. 442—THREE JAPANESE Carvep MoTHER-OF-PEARL SMALL VASES One with soapstone stand. Decorations, relief carvings of land- scapes, animals, birds, figures and foliage. Heights (of taller ones), 35% and 8% inches. 443—JAPANESE ORNAMENT WITH CrysTaL Baty A carved ivory elephant elaborately caparisoned, with studdings of jewels, upholding a crystal ball in a lotus cup on his back; smoke-crystal base with four scroll feet. Height, 3 inches. 444—Two CHINESE SnuFF BotTries One porcelain, in pistache-green glaze, the decoration dragons in relief on a reticulate ground of cloud scrolls. One of cameo glass, in flattened flask shape, with tropical fishes in colors. 445—CHINESE AMBER SNUFF BoTrLe Egg-plant shape, in opaque yellow amber with dark mottlings and brilliant polish. Stand painted in imitation of malachite. 446—Two JAPANESE CarvED ORNAMENTS An amethyst locust on a bone stand in leaf form. A crawling turtle in opaque pale yellow amber. Length, 3%4 inches. Third Afternoon 44.7—JAPANESE AMBER ORNAMENT Translucent light yellow amber, carved as a cluster of lotus leaves and blossoms, a bud being laid in on mother-of-pearl. Length, 4 inches. 448—CHINESE WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened ovoidal form, without foot, carved in delicate relief with butterfly and vines. Stopper, a natural branch of pink coral. 449—CHINESE WHITE JADE ORNAMENT Carved as a cliff, with plum and pine trees growing on ledges, and a monkey climbing after a box tied on a branch. Teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. 450—Two CHINESE Carvep AMBER GROUPS One carved as a Fu-lion with a cub on its back and a sphere in its claws, the other as two boys holding a vase and a lotus spray. 451—JAPANESE CarvepD AMBER ORNAMENT Translucent pale yellow amber carved as a swan swimming among lotus flowers, which emerge in mother-of-pearl from swirling water. On teakwood stand. Length, 3°, inches. 452— JAPANESE CARVED AMBER ORNAMENT Rich opaque yellow amber carved with a figure of Shou-lao hold- ing a scroll, seated between his emblems the stag and the stork. Length, 51% inches. 453—CHINESE CAMEO Guass SNuFF BoTTLE Large flask shape, with decoration of household ornaments in color on a white ground. Height, 414, inches. 454—Patr CHINESE GREEN JapE AsH RECEIVERS Translucent dark green jade, carved in saucer shape, with soft, unctuous polish. Diameter, 434 inches. 455—Two Evropran Porcerains Globular bottle-shaped vase with slender neck and bulbous lip, and variously mottled splash glaze, adorned with flying birds appliqué. Snuff bottle in tower form, about it a calf and various farm birds. Respective heights, 434 inches and 4 inches. one 2 er ans Third Afternoon 456—Two ENAMEL VASES One ovoid, decorated with flowers and butterflies, cloisonné; one in expanding horn shape above an ovoid knop, with a French painting of an airy figure in a landscape. Heights, 4% and 61% inches. 457—WeEpGwoop ORNAMENT AND GERMAN TEA-CADDY Winged horse in white on a blue plinth. Height, 35% inches. Quadrilateral tea-caddy with dome cover decorated in gold and color with figures and conventional devices. Height, 41% inches. 458—NEEDLECASE AND Two LrEetrrerR OPENERS Needlecase of wood, silver mounted, and painted with bucolic scenes in rich, soft colors. Letter openers of ivory, spearhead shape, and painted with land- scapes and figures after Claude Lorrain. Respective heights, 5 and 5%, inches. 459—TuHrEE CoMBINATION Pocket KNIvEs ror CHAIN PENDANTS Oval, in enamel and silver with ivory inlay; one blue, one mauve, one silver-gray. From Tiffany & Company. 460—Two ORNAMENTS Japanese silver paperweight; two turtles, one crawling over the other’s back. Signed. French silver gilt patch box, in form of a three-cornered hat, with repoussé ornamentation of cupids and scrolls. 461—TuHrReEE SILVER-GILT FRENCH ORNAMENTS One, miniature race-track for “Les Petits Chevaux’’; one, an oval box with a bull on the cover and the sides set with colored stones; one, paperweight, nude female figure. 462—Parr MintatureE Girt ENAMEL VASES Ovoid with broad foot and trumpet neck, and decorated with Ori- ental landscapes. 462s—Russtan EnamMet Ece Cup With foliated lip and foot. Gold lined. Decoration in rich colors. 4683—Two Cicar AND CIGARETTE REstTsS One each. On circular trays, guarded by miniature bulldogs, and supported on three ball feet. Third Afternoon 464—Two Vest Pocxer Orera GiassES AND A FAHRENHEIT THER- MOMETER Thermometer on mahogany panel with ormolu mounts, in Em- pire style; from Tiffany & Company, France. Pair gilt opera glasses, “Parisette,” from Colmont, Paris. In red leather case. Pair black leather opera glasses, marked Busch Winett, D. R. P., Germany. In black leather case. 465-—Camro Broocu Oval; equipped both as pin and pendant. Carved with figures in embrace and a building of imposing architecture. 466—Gorip Link BracELEetT With nine mosaic pictures of classic buildings and ruins. 467—Goxup Linx BRAcELET With seven ivory cameo heads of women. 468—Two Ivory anp AMBER PENDANTS AND ORIENTAL RING The former carved and undercut with a Chinese landscape and figures, and tinted green; reverse, smooth lght yellow opaque amber. The latter, turquoise, with engraved inscription gilded. Roman gold setting. 469—Goup BroocHu Set with a large shell cameo bust of a man in classic robes. 470—Cameto Broocu Shell cameo, carved with a young woman reclining, and holding up a garland, before a classic bust. 471—Wepewoop BRACELET Comprised of eight graduated oval medallions, with classic figures in white cameo on a blue ground, in silver setting. 472——_FrencH 'TIMEPIECE Gold and enamel (eight-day) night clock, with illuminated hour figures and hands. 473—Two Trinket PENDANTS An ivory miniature fan, with gilt decoration, and a white enamel cachou box in form of a masked lady’s face with diamond eyes, mounted in gold with finely engraved ornamentation. Third Afternoon AT5 476 ATA 474—SILVER-GILT Box Oval, paneled in brilliant royal blue enamel, with a standing camel panoplied in jewels surrounding the cover. 475—Sinver-cGitt Birp STATUETTE An owl, with head enameled and back covered eas a studding of jewels, on stone base. Height, 3 inches. 476—SILVER-cILT Box Oval, set with opals and other jewels, the cover-top enameled and surmounted by a standing elephant with man riding on its head. Height, 34% inches. 477—JEWELED Broocn AND PENDANT Venetian brooch, picturing the famous Lion of St. Mark, in mosaic, in a gold setting studded with diamonds and pearls. In leather case. Pendant in which a shell pearl oval surmounted by a set of metal sails swings by a chain of minute shells, and is adorned with enamel blossoms and backed with rich green enamel. Length, 3°, inches. 478—Two JEWELED AND ENAMELED BroocHeEs One in form of an eight-petaled circular blossom, with smaller blossoms superposed, the other formed of conventional foliar scrolls which provide an openwork background against which appears a winged figure bearing an offering. Both extensively jeweled. 479—JEWELED PAPERWEIGHT Small silver-gilt turtle, its whole back covered with a studding of jewels and seed pearls. Third Afternoon 480 480—SILVER-GILT Birp STATUETTE A sparrow, jeweled and enameled, on green pedestal. Height, 384 inches. 481—SILvVER-GILT ORNAMENT Figure of a duck, its back thickly studded with jewels, on a quadrilateral base with enameled ornamentation. Height, 33% inches. 482—FEiast InpiaAn SILVER-cILT Box Oblong, with chamfered corners; top and sides of a blue and mottled matrix, or an enamel in representation of a hard stone. On cover a walking bear ridden by a monkey. Height, 334 inches. 484—Gotp BroocH AND PENDANT Miniature painting, a study of a Court beauty’s head, in a baroque setting studded with chip diamonds and seed pearls. Equipped as brooch or pendant. 485—SILvVER-cILT MIntaTuRE Box Oval, with standing bull on cover. Sides adorned with repoussé blossoms and set with stones. 486—Birp PAPERWEIGHT A kingfisher in silver gilt and enamel and encrusted with jewels, on stone pedestal. Third Afternoon 487—CHINESE PoRCELAIN SCENT BOTTLE Enameled in vermilion and mounted in silver, with filigree work and further enameling. Hangs from finger ring. 488—Swiss SILvER-cGILT AND Enamet Miniature Crock By Vatiné. Engraved: J. B. Brady. In leather case. 489—SILVER-GILT AND ENAMEL PowpErR Box In form of a watch, with mirror and miniature portrait of Na- poleon. 490—JAPANESE DAMASCENED MINIATURE CABINET With folding doors and four drawers. ‘“Zogan” work: gold inlay on iron. 491—Frencuw Buvuet ENAMEL JEwEL Box Oval; velvet lined. Ivory miniature of a Court beauty in cover. Diameter, 31% inches. 492—_BurraLo Horn SNUFFBOX Circular; in the cover a painting of an early balloon ascension. Diameter, 31, inches. 493—Gitt Merat Trinxet Box Conventional ornamentation; in cover an ivory miniature bust portrait of a young lady, surrounded by imitation pearls. Length, 4 inches. 494—GiLtT AND ENAMEL ORNAMENT Enamel painting of an interior with figures, in miniature, in an ormolu frame mounted on an easel. Miniature clock inset in wall. Height, 454 inches. 495—Music Box Black lacquer, with ornamental metal medallion in top which rises, permitting a bird of brilliant plumage to emerge and sing a merry song. Length, 3° inches. Third Afternoon 496 499 497 496—Goup CHATELAINE WatTcH In form of a swinging guitar, instrument and chains thickly studded with jewels. By Breguet, Paris. Length, 434 inches. 497—FrencH ENAMEL CHATELAINE WATCH Setting thickly studded with seed pearls, and includes miniatures of amorini. Length, 51, inches. 498—Frencu 'TIMEPIECE Antique gold watch studded with jewel chips; on the back a painted medallion half-length ideal portrait. 499—AntTiaguE FrENcH GoLp REPEATING WatcH Open face, with three figures under the glass, which strike the bells. Back engine-turned. By Breguet & Fils. Breguet, A. L., Paris. Born 1746, died 1828. Louis, son and successor, born 1804, died 1883. Mechanical watch, made about 1820. Similar watch by Breguet is figured in F. J. Britten, London, 1899, p. 251. eS = = : Third Afternoon APAELLEEILIE PRIS haar g. 501 502 500 500—East Inpian Sitver-citt Box Oblong, with chamfered corners; top and sides in a blue matrix, or an enamel in representation of true stone; sides studded with cabochon jewels. On cover an elephant walking, with black mahout beside him. Height, 414 inches. 501—E ast Inp1an Sitver-citt Box A companion to the preceding. On the cover an Arab mounted on a camel, with jeweled trappings and enameled paniers. Height, 5 inches. 502—Si1vErR-cGILT Rooster Plumage enameled and set with jewels. On pale amethyst base. Height, 6 inches. 5038—SI.Lver-citt Box Oblong, on four short claw feet, the corners above them formed as busts and shells. Dome cover surmounted by a standing female figure. Decorated with enamels and pearls. Height, 41, inches. 504—ANTIQUE SILVER-GILT TWo-HANDLED VASE With hinged cover and large globe finial. Secret compartment in foot. Richly adorned with jewels. Height, 55% inches. Third Afternoon 505-—Wanp, Macs, or Baton A transparent glass tube solidly filled with most briliant Au- stralian opal chips, and mounted at both ends in silver gilt. Length, 914 inches. 506—MatacHirr JEwEL Box Rectangular, with lock and hinged cover. Resting on four carved bone sphinxes, metal shod. Length, 5 inches. 508—TuHrREE BoONBONNIERES One in Chelsea enamel, with sprays and figures in color on a rich yellow ground. One porcelain, decorated with seven landscape paintings. One circular, the exterior in deep ruby adorned in gold, with a figure group on the cover, and the interior painted with landscapes. 509—Tureet Boxes Carved wood snuffbox with man on horseback in relief. Tor- toise-shell snuffbox silver-mounted and inlaid with mother-of- pearl. Guilt metal powder box with bust portrait of a girl on ivory (cracked). 510—SnvuFFBOXx AND CIGARETTE CASE Tortoise-shell circular snuffbox with four miniature paintings in cover, gold mounted. Gold and enamel cigarette case, with painting of man carrying two girls across a stream. Signed: Jup. Beyard. 511—Matcusox Honuper anp STAND Holder enameled with satyr and nymphs; gilt metal four-post stand. 512—Onrx Aso RECEIVER Ovoid jar of yellow and red-brown onyx, with flat lip set with scarab carvings. Diameter, 314 inches. 518—MarspiE anp Gitt Asu REcEIVEB Cylindrical jar of white-striped black marble, on gilt Empire stand. Height, 454 inches. Third Afternoon 514—SILvER-GILT STATUETTE Figure of a man, with sword and epaulettes, on a quadrilateral base with chamfered corners, the man’s body formed of a large shell, mother-of-pearl. Heavily studded with jewels. Height, 9 inches. 515—Parr SHELL STATUETTES Grotesque figures of fishermen, formed of sea shells, on shell bases. Height, 8%, inches. 516—Turee Musicat InstruMents 1N MINIATURE Guitar and two mandolins, of tortoise-shell inlaid with bone and mother-of-pearl. Lengths, 5°%, 5 and 7 inches. 517—Turee Tomer ArtIcLEs Lady’s French silver-gilt hand mirror, the back enameled with the bust portrait of a young woman, after Jules Lefebvre. Lady’s French silver-gilt hand mirror, set with rhinestones, the back enclosing an ivory miniature painting of a young lady. Signed: Regnol. Silver-gilt and enamel scent box in form of a viola, painted with landscapes and figures. 518—Four Mexican Gouin Rines Modeled as various heads and set with precious stones. Worn by warrior chiefs in the Mexican War. 519—TortTo!sE-sHELL JEWEL CABINET In rectangular trunk form, so constructed as to swing open in three terraced compartments. Top carved with a dragon. Length, 3% inches. 520—Go.tp anp Enamet Bonzon Box Oval; in emerald and sapphire, wistaria, gold and white. On cover, medallion miniature of Napoleon. Diameter, 3 inches. §21—JapranEsE Bronze Powper Box Circular, the cover decorated with the figure of a deity, attended, in relief. Soft brown patina. Silver lined. Diameter, 3 inches. Third Afternoon §22—JapanEsE Gotp Lacever Iyro Flattened egg-plant form; four compartments. Decorated with relief figure of Hotei, god of small boys. Carved ivory netsuke and ojime. Signed: Goyusai. Length, 3 inches. COLLECTION OF MINIATURES §23—Turee Mintatures on Ivory Woman in violet and great ruff, and woman in blue with red wrap, both in gold frames. Young woman in red, signed Triang(?) (Triana?); in gilt metal frame. 524—Two Miniatures In Git FRAMES Young woman in pearls, on ivory, signed Jacquemin; young woman scenting a flower, on porcelain. 525—Four Miniatures on Ivory, 1n Gitt FRAMES Bust portraits of young women, signed respectively Labbe, Caron, Henry and Vibet. Diameter, 334 inches. 526—Two MintatTurE Parintines on Ivory Woman in pink and gold décolleté gown; in gold-plated frame. Bust portraits of young women, signed respectively Labbe, over her shoulders, on the cover of a carved ivory vanity-bag mirror. Diameter, 334 inches. 527—TuHreEe Miniature Paintines on Ivory Young beauty in chapeau de paille dItalie, half-length; signed, Mainhart. In French ormolu frame. Bust portrait of young woman in ostrich plume hat; signed, E. Poitier. In gilt wood frame. Bust portrait of lady in a pearl-gray turban; signed, E. Palout. Tortoise-shell and gold frame. 528—Two Miniature PaInTINGs A smiling beauty with opera cloak hanging lightly over bare shoulders; signed, Nadirt. On ivory, in ormolu frame. Blonde in crimson, décolleté, with wavy tresses falling over her shoulders. On glass, in metal frame. Third Afternoon 529—Two MinraturEe Paintines on Ivory Half-length portrait of a youthful beauty, décolleté, in a high and imposing headdress. In silver and enamel frame. Young woman in a Gainsborough hat; signed, Mary. In ivory frame. 5380—Turee Miniature Paintincs on Ivory Portrait bust of girl in pink; signed, Felixa. In architectural ormolu frame. Portrait of young girl in pink with a rose at her shoulder; signed, Garnier. In ormolu frame. Portrait after Gainsborough; signed, Villerme. In gilt metal frame. 531—Turee Miniature Paintines on Ivory Full-length standing portrait of a French queen, in the royal ermine. (Marie Lesczinska?) Im silver frame. Artist and his nude model; signed, Stela. In gilt metal frame. Lover and his mistress in a garden. In carved wood frame, gilded. 5382—Turee Miniature Paintines on Ivory, In Frencn Ormouu FRAMES . Bust portrait of a brunette in white; signed, Kraft. A blond Dutch beauty in plum-colored waist; signed, Merely. Young woman in many colors and a chaplet of gems; signed, Kraft. 538—Companion. Miniatures ON Ivory IN SINGLE Ivory Frame Half-length medallion portraits of Napoleon and Josephine, by Derval. Frame engraved with garlands, tinted and gilded. Height, 314% inches; length, 61% inches. 5384—Turee Miniature Parntines on Ivory, in Frencn Ormowivu Frames, EMPIRE STYLE Portraits of Napoleon and Josephine, the former after Dela- roche and the latter after Gérard, both by Dumont; and portrait of the Duc de Reichstadt, by Janny. Heights, 71, and 61% inches. Third Afternoon MISCELLANEOUS CABINET OBJECTS 585—Frencu Ormotu AND PorcELAIN JEWEL Box Oblong. Empire decoration. White porcelain cover penciled with garlands and with a crown above an N, and inset with medallion portraits of Napoleon and Josephine. Signed: Berton. Length, 51% inches. 5386—Parr FrencoH Ormotvu JEWEL CaskETS Flat floral ornamentation on top and all sides. Set into covers, medallion portraits of the Empress Josephine. Signed Heller. Length, 4 inches. 537—Frencu Ormotvu JEwEL Box Oval, the sides in basketry; the cover a porcelain medallion por- trait of Napoleon with arms behind him. Diameter, 53, inches. 588—Frencu Ormotu JEWEL Box Oval, on four knob feet. Napoleonic, with eagles, palms and the enwreathed letter N, on the sides; the top bears a relief repre- sentation of the Battle of Austerlitz, after Gérard’s painting at Versailles. Length, 81, inches. 5389—Pair FrLower VAsEs wirHh Ormoxtu Mounts The mountings enclosing miniature bust portraits of Napoleon and Josephine. Signed: Berton. Height, 61, inches. 540—MiuniaTurRE Patntine on Ivory ‘““Madame Récamier,” after David; signed, Vallée. In ormolu frame surmounted by a crown. Height (with frame), 714 inches; width, 7 inches. 541—MiIniIATURE PAINTING oN Ivory “C’est ’Empereur !”—the incident of the sleeping sentry in the wheat field, awakening to see by his firelight Napoleon standing guard. Signed, Vautier. In ormolu frame. Height (including frame), 8% inches; width, 814 inches. 542—Carvep Bone Umpretita Hanpie Body stained in representation of old ivory and supporting four various dogs’ heads which are left in the white. Length, 51%, inches. Third Afternoon 544 545 | 543 JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS 543—JAPANESE CARVED Ivory FIGURE A farmer who raises chickens, carrying same in a basket. Signed: Yoshitoshi. Height, 7 inches. 544— JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Group of father and his child and a pet dog at play. Tinted. By Gyokushan. Height, 7%, inches. 545—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Ficure A girl harvesting mugi, a kind of millet. By Koichi. Height, 9 inches. 546—Two JAPANESE CarRvVED Ivory FIGuREs A hunter with his falcon unhooded; by Munekazu. An im- mortal, Gamasen, with his emblem the toad, in multiple, of which he is reputed to be able to create “a million a minute.” Heights, 5%, and 61% inches. 547—Two JAPANESE CarveD Ivory Ficures One an ugai, a man who fishes with cormorants, carrying one of his birds; by Rogetsu. The other a fish vendor carrying a laden basket; by Ryuichi. Heights, 6% and 6 inches. Third Afternoon 548—Japanese Carvep Ivory Ficure “The Grape Vendor.” By Gyokuryo. Height, 67% inches. 549—JaApANESE Carvep Ivory FicurE Okina with the Horai turtles. By Hozan. Height, 65% inches. 550—Two Japanese Carvep Ivory Ficurezs Kwannon with lotus flower, borne through the waves by a dragon; signed Gyokuren. oe, Se a ee a ee an a ee re ee ee 1356—PRrREsSENTATION Cup witH THREE HANDLES Silver. With signatures of the donors: C. B. Dillingham, Sam. H. Harris, Geo. M. Cohan and others. Weight, 70 oz. Height, 11 inches. | 13857—CoFFrrEE SERVICE Silver. Repoussé and chiseled. Floral and leaf scroll designs. Consisting of coffee-pot, sugar bowl and sugar tongs, creamer and tray. Monogram, J.B.B. 1358—Tra anv Correr SERVICE | Silver. Lobed bodies. With leaf decoration on handles and | spouts. Initialed, J.B.B. Consisting of coffee-pot, teapot, hot-water kettle, sugar bowl, two pairs of sugar tongs, waste bowl and tray. Gorham and Company. Seventh Afternoon 1359—Puncu Bow. Silver ornamentation of vertical strappings decorated with flowers. Two ring handles. Weight, 202 oz. Diameter, 151% inches. 13860—Lovine Cup Silver. Vase shape, with three handles. Inscribed: ‘‘James B. Brady. ‘For he is a jolly good fellow’; from ‘The Colony,’ April 19, 1909.” Height, 11 inches. 13861—Tanxarpd AND CovER Silver. The cover surmounted by a bisque statuette of Pegasus. Height, 11 inches. 13862—Tankarp Silver. On ball feet. Monogram, J.B.B. 13863—TankarpD WitH COVER Silver. Marked: Reproduction, London, 1708. 13864—Two Tanxkarps witH Covers Silver. One marked: Reproduction, London, 1685. 1365—Two Borris HoLpers Silver. One with rose design and the other with shell design in relief, Seventh Afternoon 1366— Huminor Oak with silver-plated inlay decoration of nude figures, musical and other trophies, vases, grotesque masks and sphinxes. Metal lining divided in compartments. Height, 4% inches; 12 inches square. 1867—Cicar Box anp Two CicarREtTTE Boxes Plain surface. With monogram J.B.B. Two with cedar-wood lining. 1368—Two Cigar LigHTERS AND Cigar CUTTER Silver-mounted. The former Barbarossa tusks; the latter, ele- phant tusk with elephant head in silver. 1869—Travetmnc Crock AND OpEra GLASSES In 14-K. gold cases. With monogram J.B.B. 13870—Soap CasE 14-K. gold. 'To match the preceding. 1371—CicaretTtTE Case, Memoranpum Boox anp PENcIL 14-K. gold. To match the preceding. 13872—Carp Case, SpecTacLe CasrE, ann Two Parrs or Sock Supr- PORTERS 14-K. gold. To match the preceding. 1873—Twenty Toret ArriIcuLES 14-K. gold. To match the preceding. 1374—Turee Picrure Frames 14-K. gold. Two rectangular and one oval. To match the preceding. 1875—Pair or ToiLtet Borries Cut glass, with 14-K. gold stoppers. To match the preceding. 13876—Traveting Ciock anp Mremoranpum Boox 14-K. gold cases. Engraved initial B. 13877—F iF TEEN Tortet ARTICLES 14-K. gold mounts. To match the preceding. Seventh Afternoon JEWELRY 13878—PEARL AND DiAmMonpd COLLARETTE Composed of fifteen strands of pearls (1467 in all), with a central plaque of exquisite workmanship in platinum and set with four large diamonds and numerous small brilliants, the pearls intercepted by four bars of platinum incrusted with brilliants. Width, 1%, inches. 1879—Diamonp AND PEARL SAUTOIR Artistically mounted in platinum, the ornaments of which are incrusted in diamonds, in all 422 pearls and 88 diamonds. 1380—BaroeaurE PEARL COLLARETTE Eight strands intercepted by five filigree gold bars, which are set with small sapphires. 1381—Larcr 14-Carar Gorp Mesn Bac With drop fringe. Chased mounts and jeweled clasp button. 1382—Gouip Mesu Bac The frame incrusted with four diamonds and five olivenes. 1383—GoLtp CoLLARETTE Composed of nine plaques of openwork foliated pattern, each set with a large amethyst and small pearls. 13884—Goup CoLLARETTE Formed of eight strands of elongated gold beads, which are separated by four bars which are incrusted with small pearls. 1385—LavaALLIERE Unpolished moonstone. Mounted with small pearls, brilliants and jet. 1886—Heavy Goip BracELerT Chased and set with one large sapphire and numerous small diamonds. 1887—Larce Opat Broocu Mounted in gold and surrounded by numerous small diamonds. Seventh Afternoon 13888—Goup Fincer Rine Large cabochon sapphire; surrounded by a band of nineteen diamonds, which are set in platinum. 1389—OPpaL-MATRIX JEWELED RING Large cabochon opal in a Roman gold setting, with modeled fe- male heads, and studded with chip diamonds and emeralds. 1390—Goup Fincer Rine Leaf design, with setting of a large baroque and small brilliants. 13891—Parr Prarut Curr Links Mounted in platinum. 1892—Pair Puatinum Curr Links With star ruby settings. 1898—Lapy’s WatcH Lapis-blue enamel, with bowknot pin to correspond. 13894—Two Parr Goutp Lact Pins One pair of fret pattern with sapphire settings, and the other pair of satin finish and small pearls. 13895—InTaciio Broocu Mounted in gold. 13896—Larce Baroaut Broocu Mounted in gold. 13897—ScarF Pin Platinum stirrup incrusted with brilliants and sapphire. 13898—Scarr Pin Egg-shape pearl, mounted in platinum and with small brilliants. 1899—ScarF Pin Jockey cap. Wrought in gold and platinum and incrusted with small ruby, sapphire and diamonds. 1400—ScarrF Pin Mexican opal, mounted in platinum. Seventh Afternoon 1401—Scarr Pin Opal, mounted in gold bezel. 1402—Scarr Pin Opal, mounted in gold bezel. 1403—ScarF Pin With sapphire and brilliant setting. 1404—-Two Scarr Pins Owl and lion-head designs, set with topaz. 1405—LarcEr Goutp ScarFr Pin Pheasant in filigree. 1406—Turert Preces oF JEWELRY (a) Gold and enamel coat chain, Page & Shaw Souvenir. (s) Gold and enamel finger ring, Page & Shaw Souvenir. (c) Gold tie clip. 1407—Turee Pieces oF JEWELRY Small pink coral bracelet, gold lip-salve holder and gold barette. 1408—Lapy’s CicareTTe Case Enameled and decorated with a miniature of a young girl. 1409—TorToIsE-SHELL LORGNETTE Gold frame. 1410—NECKLACE Antique design. Composed of Indian jade and gold pendants, which are incrusted with jewels. 1411—Lapy’s BELT Wrought in metal and enamels of antique Venetian design and incrusted with amethysts and turquoises. 1412—Lapy’s Brit Composed of twenty old silver Kuropean coins. 14183—GentTLeEMAN’s Pocket KNIFE Red gold mounting. Seventh Afternoon 1414—GENTLEMAN’s Pocket KNIFE Mounted in gold and platinum. 1415—Goup Pocxer Marcu Box Of striped design. 1416—Gotp Pocxer Marcu Box Engine-turned ornamentation. 1417—Vest-pockeT Swiss Watcu Movement by C. H. Meylan. Flat gold case, of octagon shape. Nineteen jewels. 1418—OrpeEn-FacE REPEATING WATCH Movement by Edward Richard, Switzerland. Gold case. Twen- ty-nine jewels. 1419—Vest Watcu CHatn Link design, wrought in platinum and red gold. 1420—Go.xp THeEaAatrRE Pass oF THE Late Mr. Brapy A gold case with diamond clasp. Inscribed: “James Buchanan Brady, No. 7 West 86th Street, New York,” and containing a gold and enameled card decorated with a portrait of the late Mr. Brady and inscribed as follows—“By these presents I command all our people to pay court to the bearer, James Buchanan Brady—pass himself and party to all part of Theatreland where Klaw & Erlanger attendants are on guard.” (Signed) A. L. Ertancer. In extra leather case. 1421—GENTLEMAN’S Pocxetr PursE Leather, mounted in gold. Ruby and diamond clasp. 1422—-GoLp FLASHLIGHT Engraved and marked with initials J. B. B. 1423—BanceEs, AND SOCIETY AND CiuB EMBLEMS Case containing fourteen in gold and other metals, enameled and incrusted with jewels. Among them a Special Deputy Sheriff’s badge, Seventh Regiment Veterans, New York Athletic Club and other society and club emblems. Seventh Afternoon 1424—Curr Links, Srups anp Burrons “A racing set.””. Wrought in gold. 1425—Curr Links, Srups anp Burrons “A sporting set.” Wrought in gold. 1426—Cuarn, Curr Links anp Burrtrons “A mourning set.” 1427—Two Fos Seats Opals. Mounted in gold. 1428—Five Smautut PENDANTS Scarab, carnelian and other specimens. Mounted in gold. 1429—-Lor GouLp JEWELRY Cuff links and buttons. ‘Ten pieces. 1480—Ei1cut Razors A set of seven with ivory handles by Wostenholm & Sons and marked with the days of the week, in red leather case. One safety razor in red leather case. 1431—Turee Lapy’s Carp CasEs Silver. Plain surfaces. With chains. 1431lsa—TwHree Lapy’s Sitver Carp Cases Similar to the preceding. 1431n—Turee Lapy’s Sivver Carp Cases Similar to the preceding. 1431c—Two Lapy’s Sitver Carp CAsEs Similar to the preceding. 1431p—Carp Cast ann Two Lapy’s Pursts Silver. Engraved surfaces and with chains 1431e—Lapy’s Sinver Pursrt AaAnp A Carp Cask The purse of ribbed pattern, the card case with engraving a fine lines. Blank spaces for monograms. Seventh Afternoon 14831z7—Two Sinver CIGARETTE CASES One with engraved leaf-scroll pattern, the other with etched key border. Gilt lined. 1431¢e—THrREE SILVER CIGARETTE CASES Silver. One with chased flower and leaf-scroll pattern, the other two with basket pattern and chased and etched leaf-scroll borders. 143lH—Two Sritver CIGARETTE CASES One with etched and oxidized decoration, the other with netted and floral patterns on an oxidized background. 14311—Two Sitver CIGARETTE CASES With engraved and chiseled decoration of leafy scrolls. Plain cartouches for monograms. 14813—Si1LvER CIGARETTE CAsE Rectangular. With enameled decoration of dog retrieving a duck. 1431xKk—Two Casts ror Puayine Carps AND A Pocket FLASK One card case with plain surface, the other chased; the flask with repoussé ornamentation. 14311—Two Har Brusues, Parer Crip anp ERASER Silver mountings. 1431mM—TureEe Evyecuass Cases Red plush, gray and green silk. With silver mountings. 14382—Traveune Case Sole leather. Cut-glass and silver fittings. 1433 Dress-suIt CasE Sole leather. With cut-glass and silver-gilt fittings. 1484—Cigar AND CIGARETTE Cask, CotLaR Box anp Necktie CAsE Sole leather and pigskin. 1435—Desk Ser Silver-plated. Consisting of two calendars, pad-holder, call bell and pen-holder. Seventh Afternoon 1436—FLasHLIGHT AND Paper CuTTER The former gold-plated. 1437—GavEL With silver mounting. Presented to Mr. James B. Brady by members of the Forenoon Grand Jury, 1909. 1438—E.xeven Tortet ARTICLES AND Desk FirtTines Various. 14389—FovuntTain PEN, Cigar AND CIGARETTE Cases AND Matcnu Boxes Silver. Fourteen pieces. 1440—Twenty-rour ToiLter ARTICLES Silver and cut glass. 1441—SrErven BrusHEs Silver mounts. Initialed B. 1442—TrRavELING CLockK AND Six Borries The former in silver case; the latter silver-mounted. 1443—Ten Toiwret ARTICLES Silver-mounted. 1444—ExnaporatTE Desk SET Silver repoussé decoration of sea-nymphs and seaweed. Com- prises paper holder, inkstand, paper cutter and desk pad. 1445—Desk SEtT Staghorn, silver-mounted. Comprises magnifying glass, paper cutter and blotter. 1446—Fovur Picrure Frames Silver. One with mother-of-pearl mounting. 1447—Two Picture FRAMES Silver. One square and the other oval. Respective heights, 181% and 14 inches. 1448—Four Picrure FrAMEs Silver. Oval. Height, 13% inches; width, 111% inches. Seventh Afternoon 1449—Srix Sriver Picture FRAMES Similar to the preceding. 1449as—Five Cut-cuass Toitet Borryues Silver-gilt and enamel tops. ‘Two styles. 1449n—TweLve Curt-cuass Tortet BoTrLeEs With gilt lettering. Bey, eight, 614 inches. 1449c—TweLve Cur-cuass Tomer BotTries With gilt lettering. Hoist Ge eight, 71, inches. 1449p—F ive THErmMos Borries Red, green, pink, brown and white bases. 1449r—WickER AND REp Morocco Writine Box With cases, letters and papers and Waterman’s fountain pen. 1449r—Fivre Savine Banks In form of gun shells. Inscribed: “Preparedness.” Length, 6 inches. 1449c—Set oF Rep Morocco TRAVELING CASES For neckties, handkerchiefs and gloves. Seven pieces. 1449H—F ive Britt Foups anp PocKETBooKks Pigskin, morocco and illuminated leather. EIGHTH AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.380 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 1450 to 1748, inclusive TABLE CHINA 1450—Seven Porcetarn Menu Carbs Easel design. Gilt decoration. Two styles. 1451—Nixne DrespEN StyLte PorceLatin PLACE CaRDSs With floral decoration. 1452—TureE Cups AND SAUCERS French and German porcelains. One with paintings of cupids, one a battle scene, and one in king’s blue glaze with reserve panels with floral decoration. 1453—TwertLve Drespen Styte Nur Cups With painted decoration of barnyard scenes. 1454-—Six Royat Worcester AFTER-DINNER CoFFEE CuPrs AND SAUCERS Five with painted decoration of fruit, and one with pigeons. Gilt lined. 1455—Fovur Coatport CHocoLate Cups AND SAUCERS Variously colored glazes, with jeweled ornamentation in blue. 1456—Six Vienna Porcerain Bovuitton Cups AnD SAUCERS Mat gilt band with painted decoration of classical subjects. Gilt lined. (One as is.) Eighth and Last Afternoon 1457—SEvEN GERMAN PorcELAIN BoviLLoN Curs AND SAUCERS Green lustre ground, with decoration in mat gilt of eagle, letter N and wreaths. Covers with paintings of scenes from the life of Napoleon. 1458—TwreLve GERMAN PoRCELAIN COVERED CuPrs AND SAUCERS Pale yellow glaze, with jeweled and gilded decoration. The covers with paintings of famous beauties. 1459—Frencu Porcevain Tere-A-T&TE SET In style of the Empire. With burnished gilt band and crowned N. Consisting of coffee-pot, sugar bowl, creamer, two large and two small cups and saucers and tray. 1460—Twewve Frencu PorceEtAIn Dessert PLATES To match the preceding. Diameter, 81% inches. 1461—Mintron Tray Dark blue glaze, with decoration in gilt and a central medal- lion with ornamentation of brightly plumaged birds. Two scroll handles. Length, 13 inches. 1462—Fivre Decoratep Puace PLATES Four Vienna, and one Cauldon. The former decorated with paintings of landscapes and enamels by Pohl. The latter with painting of “The Retreat,” by Lewinsky after Schreyer. Diameter, 101%, inches. 1463—Five Decorated PorcEetain PLaATEs German, French and two English. With paintings: one of young woman; one, “The Kiss”; one, chrysanthemums; one, shepherd and sheep, and one a portrait of Columbus. Various sIZes. 1464—Twetve Havitanp Piuact PLATES With outer bands of king’s blue glaze decorated in mat gilt. The center with paintings of beautiful women by A. Soustre. After Chaplin. Diameter, 914, inches. 1465—Twextve Minron Game P1uaTEs Cream-white glaze, with paintings of game birds. Border with _green enamel and gilt decoration. Signed: A. H. W. Diameter, 9 inches. Highth and Last Afternoon 1466—Twetve Royvat Dovutton Dinner PLATES With paintings of cattle by C. Beresford Hopkins. The bor. ders, pale yellow with gilt decoration. | Diameter, 10% inches. 1467—Twetve Vienna Porcetatn Pract PLates Painted decoration of various subjects. Diameter, 91, inches. 1468—Twetve Drespen Styte Dessert PLaTEs Each with six painted medallions of scenes in foreign lands. Diameter, 91% inches. 1469—Twetve Drespen StyLe Game PuLatEs The borders with landscape decoration. Edge scalloped. Diameter, 1014 inches. 1470—Twenive Skvres Dinner PLateEs With paintings of children. Signed: E. Sieffert de Sévres. Scalloped edge. Diameter, 10 inches. 1471—Twetve Drespen Styte Dinner Puartes Lemon-yellow glaze. The borders jeweled and decorated with pastoral subjects. Diameter, 10 inches. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1472—Twe ive RoyaLt DovuLtton Puace PuLatTEs With paintings of fair women by F. N. Sutton. Borders of pale green and yellow with decoration in gilt. Diameter, 10144 inches. 1473—Twetve Dresp—EN StyLteE Pruace PLATES With paintings of scenes from various operas. Borders in mat and polished gilt. Diameter, 1014 inches. 1474—Twe ive Roya Worcester GAME PLATEs With painted decoration of flamingos in their natural haunts. The gray borders with grapes and leaves engraved and in low relief, Diameter, 1014 inches. 1475—NinE Minton Oyster PLAtTEs Cream-white glaze. With raised rim. Decorated in gilt. Re- cessed center. Diameter, 101, inches. 1476—ELEVEN GAME PLATES AND PLATTER TO MaAtcH Bavarian china. With decoration of various game animals and dogs. Diameter of plates, 10 inches. Length of platter, 17 inches. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1477—Twetve CoaLtport SERVICE PLATES With wide king’s blue border decorated in burnished and mat gilt. Rope edge. Diameter, 1014, inches. 1478—Twetve EncuisH CHINA PLATES Decorated in gold on a black ground in the Chinese style to imitate lacquer. Diameter, 10 inches. 1479—SEvEN Puace PLATteEs French and Vienna porcelain with paintings of scenes from the life of Napoleon after famous artists. Diameters, 9 and 9%, inches. 1480—TweLve Cavutpon Fisu PLATEs With paintings of various game fish by I. Birbeck, Senior. Diameter, 9% inches. 1481—Twenty-Frour Royat Doutton GAME PLATES With painted decoration of various game birds. Some signed: S. Wilson, and others: Joseph Hancock. Diameter, 9 inches. 1482—-TwreLve Wepewoop PLATES With paintings after English sporting prints by Henry Alken illustrating Jorrocks’s ‘“Jaunts and Jollities.” Diameter, 101/, inches, Eighth and Last Afternoon 1483—Twetve CauLtpon GAME PLATES With paintings of fox-hunting subjects by J. Ellis. The border with decoration of narrow band of gilt. Scalloped rim. Diameter, 91/, inches. 1484—TweLve Frencu PorceLaIn GAME PLATES With paintings of racing subjects by A. Soustre. Narrow gilt band with scroll decoration. Diameter, 91%, inches. 1485—Twevve Dresp—en Game PLATES With paintings of game. Scalloped edge. Mark, crossed swords in blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 1486—Srx Sevres StyLeE PLATES Decorated with paintings of scenes from the life of Napoleon after Vernet. With a wide king’s blue border ornamented with gilt bands in the Empire style. Diameter, 1014 inches. 1487—Twentve Russian CuHina DInNER PLATES With paintings of Russian subjects. Made by Korneloft Brothers for Tiffany & Company. Diameter, 11 inches. 1488—TweLvE PuaTEs To match the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 1489—Tnirtry-stx Breaxrast PLATES To match the preceding. Diameter, 91, inches. 1490—TwrtvEeE Soup PLATES To match the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 1491—-Twetve Sour PuatTes To match the preceding. Diameter, 914 inches. 1492—-TweLve Dessert PuatTeEs To match the preceding. Diameter, 8 inches. 1498—Twetve TEacurs AND SAUCERS To match the preceding. 1494—TwereLve RAMEKINS AND SAUCERS To match the preceding. Highth and Last Afternoon 1495—AvstTRiaAN Cuina DINNER SERVICE Decorated in blue, gold and coral red in the style of old Bloor — bo > & bo DO eH bO 36 12 1 1 1 2 Derby. Consisting of Soup tureens and covers, 1 ladle. Vegetable dish with handle. Compotiers. Salad bowls. Deep large plates. Meat platters. Fish platter. Soup plates. Dinner plates. Dessert plates. Coffee pot. Teapot. Chocolate pot. Gravy boats with covers, 1 tray. oo bo bo —_ = DO = = bo Orb bo bw Milk pitcher. Tea cups and saucers. After-dinner coffee cups and saucers. Oyster plates. Mustard cup and cover. Small compotiers. Water bottles. Mugs for bottles. Egg cups. Serving cups on foot. Bouillon cups and saucers with covers. Sugar bowl and cover. Cake plates. Serving tray. 1496—Limoces Cuina DINNER SERVICE Decorated with bands of king’s Made to order for James gilt. Different size meat platters. Soup tureen with cover. Vegetable dishes with covers. Vegetable dishes. Bouillon plates. Olive dishes. Large plate. Soup plates. Breakfast dishes. Dinner plates. Dessert plates. 1497—Minton DINNER SERVICE Cream-white glaze, with mat and polished gilt band. 12 = monogram J.B.B. Comprises Dinner plates. Soup plates. Bread and butter plates. Extra large plates. Large meat platters. Fish platter. Cake dishes. Small meat platters. Odd size vegetable dishes. Vegetable dishes with covers. Oval vegetable dishes with covers. (1 cover as is.) Asparagus plate. After-dinner coffee cups. hi 11 1 1 1 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14974s—TWweLvE FrencH PorRCELAIN With borders of greenish gold. 1497n—ELeven Asparacus PLATES Gilt borders. Minton. 1498—Six STEINS In pottery and porcelain. Various styles and decorations. | blue, detached rose sprays and B. Brady. Consisting of Bread and butter plates. Fish platter. Compotiers. Gravy boats (1 cover). Butter dish and cover. Cake plates. Salad bowl. Odd _ dishes. Small individual cake plates. Coffee cups and saucers. Chocolate cups and saucers. Individual vegetable dishes. With Gravy boat and tray. Asparagus dishes. Large breakfast cup and saucer. Mustard cup and saucer. Soup tureen. (Cover missing.) Oatmeal plates. Cereal or grapefruit bowls. Baked apple dishes. Bouillon cups and saucers. Butter chips. Tea cups and saucers. Coffee cups and saucers. Fruit dishes. Kgg cups. Asparacus DISHES Eighth and Last Afternoon 1499—Six PotrrEery STEINS Rookwood, Weller, Lenox and other makes. Some with in- scriptions. 1500—SEvEN STEINS Four, Tiffany Favrile and other glass; three, pottery. 1501—ELrven Pottery STEINS Rookwood and other makes. With decoration of landscapes, hunting scenes, flowers and verses. 1502—Four Mues anv Four STErIns Chinese, Lowestoft, Coalport and Capo di Monte. 1503—Ei1cut STEINsS Doulton, Mettlach and other potteries, and of which two are glass. 1504—E1cutr Guass STEINS Decoration of figure and sporting subjects. 1505—Fovur Streins ann Two Mues Glass, stoneware and pottery. 1506—THREE STEIns AND Four Mues Capo di Monte, Adams and Sévres reproductions. 1507—NineE Stems anp Mues Mettlach, silver lustre and Chinese. Grotesque subjects. 1508—Nine Potrery STErns One with decoration of imitation coins, the others painted and with relief decoration. 1509—Six STEINsS Polychrome Delft, Staffordshire and faiences. 1510—SerEvEN STEINS Rookwood, Lenox, Mettlach and stoneware. With decoration of figures. One with silver deposit ornamentation. 1511—F ive Sterns Crown Derby, faience, oak and ebony. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1512—Larer TANKARD Section of a tusk. With hammered copper base and cover. Silver-plated strappings. 1518—SEveEn TANKARDS Silver-plated, pewter and painted woods. 1514—Five Mvucs ano THREE STEINS Pewter, copper and copper lustre. 1515—Fovr SrTerns Copper. Some with pewter handles. 1516—Two Sreins anp Two Tankarps Pewter, copper and white metal. With decoration of coat-of- arms and figures. 1517—Six Porrrery STEINs With decoration of fish, portraits, tenpins and balloon. 1518—F ive Tanxarps Lowestoft and other porcelains and potteries. With decora- tions of a ship under full sail, birds, flowers, landscapes and figures. 1519—Fovur Tanxkarps Vienna, Capo di Monte and Copeland. 1520—Four Grass Tanxkarps With decoration of castles, medallions and diaper patterns. 1521—F ive STeEIns Bohemian and Austrian glass. With pastoral and hunting sub- jects and inscriptions. 1522—Two Tanxkarps One leather, with plated escutcheon and band; the other Doul- ton, in the form of a large pipe. 1523—F ive STEIns One of oak and four of pottery; one with silver-plated mounts and lining. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1524—Fovur Tanxkarps Doulton, Mettlach and other styles. With various decorations. TABLE AND OTHER GLASS WARE 1525—Twetve CorpiAL GLASSES Goblet form. Sterling silver, mounted. 1526—Six Iypivipvat Guass Cruets With silver tops, handles and label plates. 1527—Twretve CHAMPAGNE GLASSES Tulip-shaped bowls, with standards and applied decoration of silver. (One as is.) 1528—Two WuiskEY BorrLEs AND GLASS WITH SPOON The former with compressed triangular bodies. Applied flower and leaf decoration in silver. 1529—S ix Cur-cuass IcE-crEAmM Bowts With sterling holders. Initialed J. B. B. 1580—Twetve Crystat Guass Berry DisHEs Silver rims. With decoration of strawberries and leaves. 15381—Twetve SILVER GRAPEFRUIT Guass HoLpErs Pierced bowls and solid stems. Initialed B. With seventeen grapefruit bowls, ten orange bowls and twelve orange-juice glasses. 1582—DeEcAaNTER AND WHISKEY JUG The former ruby glass, with scroll mountings in sterling silver ; the latter Lenox porcelain, with painted decoration and sterling silver mounting. Respective lengths, 71/4, inches and 12 inches. 15388—CurTt-ciass Water PITCHER AND GLASS Silver-gilt mountings, with relief ornamentation of leaf scrolls, leaves and figures. 1534—Guass CrackER JAR Top in form of a bulldog head, silver plated. 10 inches. Highth and Last Afternoon 1585—TaxsLE ORNAMENT In the form of a chicken cock in cut crystal glass with silver head, tail and legs. Height, 13%1/, inches. 1586—IcE-waTER SET Consisting of two glasses with ormolu mounts, pitcher with sterling silver mounts, and ormolu and marble tray. In the Empire style. 1587—Guass ORNAMENT In the form of a vase. The lower portion to represent an aquarium. Height, 18 inches. 1588—Cut-exiass VASE With cast gilt-brass mounts. In the Empire style. Height, 21 inches. 1539—Twetve Tati TumMBLERS AND JUG With enameled decoration of fox-hunter on horse and with narrow gilt band. 1540—PircuHer AND TWELVE GLASSES Painted decoration. 1541—EncrRAVED GLAss Decorated with boar-hunting scene. 1542—Two ALE GLassEs On tall foot. With engraved inscription, “The King, God Bless Him!” and imbedded English threepenny coin. 15438—Two Larcre Guass TUMBLERS Pressed. 1544—Tweive Musuroom Covers Engraved band. 1545—Srx Guass Cigar Trays Colonial cut. 1546—Twetve CockTalL GLAssEs Tapering bowls on tall foot. With decoration of narrow gilt band and horse’s head in enamel. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1547—SeEveN Guass GOBLETS With etched decoration. 1548—TweELvE GRAPEFRUIT GLASSES Plain. On tall stem. 1549—EnLeven LEMonNADE GLASSES With flaring lip. Vertical cutting. 1550—Twetve Ciaret GLASSES Yellow bowls and plain stems. 1551—Fir TEEN CockTaiIL GLASSES Ruby glass, with intaglio cutting of chicken cock and grasses. 1552—Twetve CockTAIL GLASSES Ruby glass with decoration of chicken cocks and scrolls. 1553—Twetve CLARET GLASSES Cut. Six with red and six with green bowls. Clear stems. 1554—Twetve Hock GLAssEs Cameo-cut green and clear glass. 1555—Twetve Hock GuassEs Six in green and six in red glass. Elaborate cutting. 1556—Twetve Cur Hock GLASSES Ruby bowls on tall stems of clear glass. With decoration of sprays of cherries. 1557—Twetve Hock Guassks Ruby bowls on tall twisted stems of clear glass. The bowls decorated with classsic figures in gilt. 1558—TuHirTEEN CHAMPAGNE GLASSES With twisted stems and feather cutting. 1559—Ser or TasieE Guass Fan and star cuttings. Consisting of twelve cocktail glasses, twelve claret glasses, twelve sherry glasses, eleven port glasses, twelve ale glasses, twelve champagne glasses, twelve tumblers, thirteen goblets, twelve frappé glasses, six whiskey glasses, twelve cordial glasses, ten finger bowls. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1560—Set or TasiE Guass The bowls with wide gilt bands engraved and with monogram J.B.B. Stems and foot cut. Consisting of (a) Twelve cocktail glasses. (d) Twelve goblets. (b) Twelve sherry glasses. (e) Twelve champagne glasses. (c) Twelve claret glasses. (f) Eleven cordial glasses. (g) Twelve finger bowls with plates. 1561—T'wetve CauLpon TERRAPIN PLATES Gold lined. With painted decoration of various members of the terrapin family. Scalloped edges, with king’s blue border. Diameter, 7144, inches. 1562—Twetve Frencn Cuina Dessert PLATES Gilded surface. Pierced border. Diameter, 8°, inches. Note: These plates were used with the foregoing set of glass. 1563—Crystat Guass Lovine Cup Intaglio decoration of flowers and fruit. Three handles. Height, 12 inches. 1564—Crystat Guass Puncu Bow. Intaglio cut. On tall foot. With separate column support. Height, 1814 inches. 1565—Twetve Guass PLaTEs With intaglio cutting of game birds. Diameter, 9 inches. 1566—Two Cvut-ciass PLATTERS | With intaglio cutting of a lobster in the center. Length, 1314 inches 1567—Twetve Guass DisHEs Deep form. Pressed key border. Diameter, 9 inches. 1568—Turee Crystat Guass GOBLETS Intaglio cut. 1569—ELreveEN CHAMPAGNE GLASSES To match the preceding. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1570—Rock CrystaLt Guass TasBLE SERVICE With intaglio cutting of vases and dolphins. Consisting of twelve cocktail glasses, eleven sherry glasses, twelve port glasses, twelve champagne glasses, twelve punch glasses, twelve goblets, twelve frappé glasses, twelve cordial glasses, three decanters, and twelve finger bowls with plates. Note: Only two sets of this glass were made by James Hoare, of the Corning Glass Company of Corning, N. Y. (Illustrated) 1571—T'wreLvE CHAMPAGNE GLASSES ON TaLL Foor To match the preceding. 1572—Twetve HicgHBaLL GLASSES To match the preceding. 1573—NineE TUMBLERS With rib and diamond cutting. 1574—F ivr Cut-cuass DIsHEs Various sizes and shapes. To match the preceding. 1575—Cur-eviass Cruet, CeLtery Disu, Vas—E anp CreLery HoLpEer The last with silver rim. To match the preceding. 1576—Pair or Cur-cuass HorsE-RADISH AND CRACKER DISHES On three feet. To match the preceding. 1577—ELeveN Servine Disues anp Nine Cut-ceruass IcE-cREAM DIsHEs To match the preceding. 1578—Cur-ciass Berry Dish anp SEerRvine DisH To match the preceding. 1579—Cur-cLass IcE-CREAM PLATTER AND NINE IcE-cREAM PLATES To match the preceding. 1580—TIwo Cur-cxuass Fruir DisHes Trefoil shape. To match the preceding. MOLIAUMAS ATAVL SSVIO IVLSAYO MOOU—OLST “ON Eighth and Last Afternoon 1581—Cvurt-eiass Butter Disu With bell-shaped cover. To match the preceding. Height, 7 inches. 1582—Cut-cuass WuiskEy Jue anv Ice DisH To match the preceding. 1588—Cut-ciass CRACKER JAR To match the preceding. Height, 91% inches. 1584—Two Cut-cuass Fruit DisHets To match the preceding. Diameter, 10 inches. 1585—Two Curt-ceuass PITrcHERS To match the preceding. Heights, 6 and 12 inches. 1586—Two Cut-cuass DECANTERS Compressed globular bodies. Side handles. To match the preceding. Respective heights, 81% inches and 101, inches. 1587—Two Cut-crass Decanters Compressed globular bodies. One with long neck and the other with loop handle. (The former chipped.) To match the preceding. Heights, 13 and 1381, inches. 1588—Curt-ciass Icep TEA Ewer Pear-shaped, with loop handle and curved spout. To match the preceding. Height, 131, inches. 1589—Cut-ciass VAsE Modified hour-glass shape. To match the preceding. Height, 121, inches. 1590—Turee Cur-ciass FLrowrer VaAsrEs Trumpet shape. To match the preceding. Height, 15 inches. 1591—Cout-criass Satap Bow. Deep cutting of fan and other designs. Diameter, 10 inches. 1592—CutT-eiass Puncu Bownr To match the preceding. Highth and Last Afternoon 1598—Pair or Cur CrystaLt Guass Firowrer VaAsEs Modified hour-glass shape. With decoration of flowers and grass. Height, 24 inches. 1594—Very Larcre Cur-ciass VASE Chrysanthemum cutting. Height, 351, inches. 1595—CrystaL Guass CANDELABRA Fitted for nine electric lights. With tulip-shaped shades, vase standard and circular foot. Cut and engraved ornamentation of flowers and sprays. Height, 36 inches. 1596—Cur-ciass Taste CENTER Plate-glass mirror, with repoussé sterling silver border with grapevine pattern. Diameter, 28 inches. 1597—Cur-ceLtass PLATEAU Round. Diameter, 20 inches. 1598—Hors p’CG2uvres Dish anp Two Cretery Boats The former cut glass, the latter cut crystal glass. 1599—Srer or Hors v’Huvres Trays In a sterling silver holder. Five compartments. Diameter, 10 inches. 1600—Two Cut-ciass Bow1s With sterling silver rims. The rim of one plain, and the other repoussé. Diameter, 9 inches. 1601—Cur-ciass CLiaret PircHerR AND WuiskEy BoTTLE The former with repoussé sterling silver top. Heights, 111, and 10 inches. 1602—Cur-ciass FrowEr Ho.upEer Tall form. Diamond cut. Height, 12 inches. 1603—Cur Crystat Guass Frower VAsE Lily-shaped. With decoration of thistle and grasses. Height, 15%, inches. Kighth and Last Afternoon TABLE LINEN, BEDCOVERS IN LACE AND NEEDLEWORK 1604—Lor or Doizies anp Napkins Twelve brown linen lobster napkins embroidered, and twenty- four cretonne doilies trimmed with cotton fringe. 1605—Tuirty-FIvE Dormirts and Twetve Luncu NAPKINS The former lace and embroidery, the latter Madeira. 1606—TIwo Cuuny Lack CENTERPIECES With linen centers. 1607—Two ScarrFs Linen centers, with filet inserts and eyelet embroidery. Wide Maltese lace border. Length, 35 inches; width, 18 inches. 1608—LuncHEON SET Madeira embroidery. ‘Twenty-five pieces. 1609—Forty-EIGHT TUMBLER AND PLATE DoILIEs Renaissance and Cluny lace edgings. Linen centers. 1610—Nine Puate Dotties With embroidery of roses in colors. Cluny lace edge. 1611—TwentTy-THREE TUMBLER AND PuiatEe Doli izs White linen, with embroidery of thistle in colors. Shaped edge worked in green silk. 1612—Twenty-rour TuMBLER AND PriatEe Dor.igrs Linen, with embroidery of sprays of roses in natural colorings. 1613—Twenty-two Doities anp CENTERPIECE With embroidery of roses in colored floss silks. Scalloped edges. 1614—Four Drawn Fiver Pittow Covers With figures symbolic of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. 1615—Fovur Finet Lace Covers With figure patterns. Various sizes. Kighth and Last Afternoon 1616—Fovur Finer Lace Scarrs Similar to the preceding. 1617—Fovur Pittow Covers Eyelet embroidery and filet and other laces. 1618—LuNcHEON SET Maltese lace. Twenty-four pieces. 1619—LuNcHEON SET Eyelet embroidery and filet. Star-shaped. T'wenty-four pieces. 1620—THrREE Ovat CENTERPIECES Cut work and filet inserts and edgings. Length of two, 27 inches; of one, 36 inches. 1621—LuncHEON SET Linen centers, with Madeira embroidery and filet inserts. Cluny edging. Oval and round. Nineteen pieces. 1622—FourTEEN Linen NAPKINS Madcira embroidery, with small insert of filet. 24 inches square. 1623—Ten Linen Napkins Similar to the preceding. Filet differing slightly in design. 24 inches square. 1624—Twetve Linen Napkins Similar to the preceding. Differing slightly in design of em- broidery and filet insert. 24 inches square. 1625—Twevve Linen Napkins Similar to the preceding. 1626—TIwexve Linen NAPKINS Madeira embroidery corner. Filet lace insert and edge. 1627—Six Taste SaQuaReEs Linen and drawn work. Initialed J. B. B. 1628—Srx Covers Linen, with cut work and lace. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1629—Six Bureau, MantTEL anp TaBLE SCARFS Eyelet embroidery and Cluny lace. Various sizes. 1630—Larcr CENTERPIECE Italian lace border, with filet inserts. Linen center. Diameter, 50 inches. 1631—Larcre Rounp CLoTH Linen, with twelve-inch border paneled alternately in Madeira embroidery and filet. Inner band six inches wide, with panels corresponding with border. Diameter, 66 inches. 1632—Larcrt Rovunp CioTH Similar to the preceding. With seventeen-inch border and ten- inch inner band. Diameter, 76 inches. 1633—Rovunp CiotTH All-over Madeira embroidery and Cluny. Diameter, 72 inches. 1634—Rovunp CriotH oF Firer Lace With designs of griffins, angels, dragons and medallion heads. Diameter, 72 inches. 1635—Rovunp CiLotTH Cluny lace and Madeira embroidery. With filet center and inserts. Diameter, 84 inches. 1636—Rounp CLotTH With twenty-one-inch border of Madeira embroidery, with Italian cut-work inserts and filet lace. 'Ten-inch inner band similar to the border. Diameter, 90 inches. 1637—LuncHEON SET Very elaborate drawn-work. Tablecloth and eight napkins. Napkins with initials J. B. B. Cloth: Length, 2% yards; width, 2 1/3 yards. Napkins, 27 inches square. 1688—Very EvasoratrtE LuncHron SET Linen. Round cloth, with Italian needlework inserts of por- traits and coats-of-arms. Other designs in cut work and em- broidery. Initialed in same work, J. B. B. The napkins with coats-of-arms in needlework and embroidery. ‘Thirteen pieces. Cloth: Diameter, 3 yards 8 inches. Napkins, 27 inches square. Eighth and Last Afternoon 16389—TaBspLEcLOTH AND NAPKINS Linen. The cloth with central medallion and border of Ma- deira embroidery and cut work. The napkins with corner work to match. Thirteen pieces. Length, 2 yards 29 inches; width, 1 yard 31 inches. 1640—TaBpLECcLOTH AND NAPKINS Elaborately embroidered in orchid design in colors. Eleven pieces. Cloth: Length, 2 yards 26 inches; width, 2 yards 20 inches. Napkins, 20 inches square. 1641—TasLEecLoTH AND NAPKINS Hemstitched cloth of plain damask, with roses embroidered in natural colors, cut work and Cluny lace edge. Linen napkins with embroidery in colors. Cloth: Length, 3 yards; width, 2 yards 16 inches. Napkins, 22 inches square. 1642—TapLecLorH AND TxHirty-FourR NAPKINS Damask, rose and scroll designs. Initialed B. Twelve napkins to match cloth. Length, 8 yards; width, 2 yards 16 inches. 1643—TasLecLotrH AND TwWELvE NAPKINS Similar to the preceding. Differing slightly in design. Initialed B. | 1644—Two TaspLEcLOTHS Damask. With designs of butterflies, birds and ferns. Initialed B. Length, 2% yards. 1645—Two Rounp TABLECLOTHS Satin damask. With large design of roses. Embroidered scalloped edge. Initialed B. Diameter, 31%, yards. 1646—TasLre Cover Design in squares, alternate filet lace and embroidery, Cluny bandings and border. 21, yards square. 1647—TaxsLEe Cover Linen, with design in bands of filet and drawn work. 2 yards 6 inches square. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1648—Larcret Taste Cover Linen, with double border edging and five large inserts of hand run filet. Drawn-work design. Length, 3 yards; width, 2, yards. 1649—TasLEe Cover Heavy linen. Banded and trimmed with Renaissance lace. Elaborately embroidered in colors. Length, 3 yards; width, 2%, yards. 1650—Two Smatt Pittows With embroidered linen and filet lace covers. Applied satin roses. 1651—Two Sma. Pititows Filet and embroidered linen covers. Applied satin flowers. 1652—Two Smauu Pirttows Filet and embroidered linen covers. Applied gold lace and ribbon bands. 1653—Two Smart PitLows Filet and embroidered linen covers; the former with designs illustrating literature and art. 1654—Covucn CusHIoNn Filet lace cover. With design of cupids at play. 1655—Two Covucu CvusHions Filet lace covers. Edged with gold lace and satin roses. 1656—Lacet Scarr Spanish blond. 1657—Two Pairs or WuiteE SILK STOCKINGS One with chameleon in colored beads, and the other with lace insert. In case. 1658—Two Parirs or Srockines One yellow silk, trimmed with iridescent sequins, and the other of black silk with lace insertion. Im case. 1659—Turee [rattan NEEDLEworRK MEDALLIONS Cupids. Framed. Highth and Last Afternoon 1660—TuHree [rattan NeepLEworK MEDALLIONS Similar to the preceding. 1661—Lacr Pane Filet and Cluny. Framed. 1662—Two Lacr PaneEts Italian. Portraits of Napoleon. Framed. Height, 29 inches; width, 161, inches. 1663—Two Fiter Pane.s Classic and hunting subjects. Framed. Heights, 51 and 52 inches; widths, 131, and 191, inches. 1664—Lacre PaNneL Filet. Classic subjects. Framed. Height, 5914 inches; width, 151, inches. 1665—Rowunp Tasie Cover Linen, with cut work and embroidery. Elaborate inserts, bands and edgings of filet and other laces. Framed. Diameter, 6 inches. 1666—Lacr Cover Antique filet, with designs of Diana, Venus and Cupid, nymph and faun, cornucopiz# and masks. Framed. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. 1667—Sumrptuovus TasLteE Cover The center with cut-work border and sixteen inserts of Italian needlework and filet. The outer portion with cut work to correspond and eight large panels of filet. Filet border, with design of spread eagles. Framed. Length, 11 feet 8 inches; width, 7 feet 6 inches. 1668—Sumrervuous TABLECLOTH Linen, with elaborate designs in Italian cut-work and embroid- ery. Twelve inserts of Italian needlework and sixteen of filet. Seven-inch filet lace border. Width, 2 yards 8 inches; length, 3 yards 17 inches. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1669—Linen anp Lacr CurTAIN Filet center, with bold design of figures, scrolls, cornucopize and mask. Side panels of cut work, with filet inserts. Lace band and edging. Box cornice covered with rose satin and with lace and cut-work panel. . Height, 9 feet; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 1670—LInEN anv LacEe CuRTAIN Filet center of three panels with classic figure subjects. At either side, cut work and embroidery. The lower portion of cut work, with bands, inserts and edging of various laces. Box cornice covered with rose satin and lace and with cut-work panel. Height, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet. 1671—Pair or Net Winpow CurtTaAIns Arabian. Height, 9 feet; width, 4 feet. 1672—Fitet Lact Covers ror BEDROOM Some with gold lace border and applied pink satin roses. 'Thir- teen pieces. Various sizes. 1673—Bep SET Consisting of bedspread and three pillow covers. Silk Cluny lace lined with light brown satin. 1674—ARaABIAN Net Bep Cover ann Two ScarrFs Ribbon and floral design. Cluny edge. Lining of pink satin. 1675—BeEpsPREAD AND Five SaQuareEs Scrim and linen lace. 1676—F ive BepsereAps AND Four Pintow S1ips Linen elaborately embroidered and scalloped. Length, 2% yards; width, 2 yards. 1677—BEDSPREAD AND Srx Pittow Suips Linen. Cut work, emroidery, filet insert and edging on one end. Pillow slips, embroidered and scalloped. Length, 3 yards; width, 2 yards 15 inches. 1678—Bep Cover Fine scrim. Elaborate filet lace center. Banded and edged with Cluny. Length, 3144 yards; width, 2 yards. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1679—Brp Cover Voile, with elaborate center of filet lace, embroidery, Cluny bandings and applied pink satin roses. Edged with narrow Cluny lace. With pink satin underslip. Length, 3 yards; width, 2 yards. 1680—LINEN BrEpDsPREAD With elaborate design reproducing the candlewick style of em- broidery. Length, 3 yards; width, 2 yards 16 inches. 1681—Bep Cover Nainsook elaborately embroidered. Sixteen filet inserts. Hem- stitched. Length, 234 yards; width, 2 yards. 1682—Linen BEpDsPREAD | With inserts, bands and border of filet lace. Designs in squares. For double bed. 2 yards 6 inches square. 1683—Two EmprormErrepd Bep Covers Madeira embroidery and filet inserts. For single beds. 1684—Turee Pittows anp Bouster Rou Net and lace covers. With yellow satin slips. 1685—Two Linen SHEETS With solid embroidery. 1686—Two Sueretrs anp Two Pittow Stuies With solid embroidery of chrysanthemum and shamrock. 1687—Two SuHeEts anv Two Pittow Sites With solid embroidery. Initialed B. 1688—Fovur Linen SHEETS AND Six Pin~Low Sips Hemstitched. 1689—Fovur LINEN SHEETS To match the preceding. 1690—Fovur Liven SHEETS AND Six Pittow S.ips To match the preceding. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1691—Four Linen SHEETS AND Srx Pittow Sips Similar to the preceding. 1692—-Twetve Guest Toweus ann Tren Larce Towerts Linen huckaback with embroidery. 1693—Twetve Larct Towerts Linen huckaback. Hemstitched and embroidered. Initialed B. 1694—Tren Larct Towerts Very fine linen huckaback. Hemstitched and embroidered. Initialed B. 1695—Twetve Larct Towerts Damask. Hemstitched. Initialed B. 1696—ELEvVEN Larcr ToweEtLs Hemstitched huckaback, with elaborate drawn-work. Ini- tialed B. 1697—Twetve TowELs Huckaback, with cross stitch embroidery. Initialed B. 1698—NinE Larce ToweEts Linen damask. With elaborate embroidery and deep fringe. Initialed B. 1699—BeEp BLANKET White and rose pink check border. 1700—Two Bep BLANKETS One with pink border and the other with yellow border. 1701—Two Brep BLANKETS Green and white check border. 1702—TI'wo Brep BLANKETS To match the preceding. Eighth and Last Afternoon CUSHIONS AND OTHER TEXTILES 17083—EmpromeEreED SILK PicTURE Japanese. Candlelight effect. Framed in Japanese cedar. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches. 1704—Two Pittows Decoration of eagle and American flags. 1705—Turet Coucu CusHIoNns Two covered with Turkish embroidery and one with Bagdad embroidery. 1706—Turert Coucn CusHIONS Covered with Turkish embroidery in gold and silver threads. 1707—TureEEe Covucu CusHIONS Two Persian, with embroidery and lace covering; the other Turkish, with embroidered design of star and medallion in colored silks and silver threads. 1708—TureE Covucu CusHIONS Red and green satin with Turkish embroidery. 1709—Lone CusHION Covered with embroidery in the Persian style. With applied decoration of figures. Jeweled and beaded ornamentation. 1710—TI'wo Lone CusHIONS Covered with Anatolian silk mats. One with red center panel and the other with green. 1711—T'wo Lone CusHIons Covered with Anatolian silk mats. One with salmon-pink me- dallion on a white field; the other, to represent a prayer rug. 1712—Lone PitLow Ruby-red velvet center, with embosed velvet ends. Trimmed in gold lace. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1718—Lonce CusHIonN AND COVER Turkish embroidery in gold threads on a white satin ground. 1714-—-Two Lone CusHions Covered with Anatolian silk mats. With medallions in pale blue, olive green and white on a rose field. 1715—Two Lone CusuHtons One with French brocade covering trimmed with gold lace; the other yellow damask, one side covered with gold lace. 1716—Two Lone CusuHions With brocade coverings, gallooned. One fringed. 1717—Turer Lone CusnHions Covered with Anatolian silk mats, One with red center panel and the other green. 1718—Empsossep VELVET CoucH CusHION Sprays of roses. With initials J. B. B. 1719—Four Covucu Cusnions Upholstered in French brocade and woven tapestry. Corded and fringed. 1720—F ive Coucn CusHIoNsS Four with embroidered designs of Persian figures and one, black velvet, with central medallion of a bird. 1721—-Turete Lone CusHions Covered with brocade. Gallooned and fringed. 1722—-TurEet Lone CusHIons Covered with brocade. Gallooned and fringed. 17283—Fovur Coucu CusHIons Covered with cretonne. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1724—Four Sink GAvuzE ScCARFS Similar to the preceding. One with silver lace trimming. 1725—TuHrREE Sink GAUZE SCARFS Persian. With embroidered medallions in yellow, blue, green and pink silks and gold thread. Gold lace, trimmed. 1726—TuHrREE SMALL COVERS Turkish embroidery in gold and silver threads. Designs of mosques, flowers and birds. 1727—Turee EMBROIDERED COVERS Turkish. Green and red satin, with stars, crescents, char- acters and flowers in gold and silver threads. Various sizes. 1728—Two Persian Covers Black with embroidered ornamentation of animals and flowers. 1729—Two EmprompErED Covers Turkish. One with green satin ground and the other red. 34 inches square. 17380—Two EmBrolmIpERED COVERS AND A SCARF Persian. 1731—Fovur EMBROIDERED COVERS Turkish. Red and green satin, with star, crescent and other designs in gold and silver threads. Various sizes. 1732—Two Rep Satin Covers Turkish. With all-over designs of mosques, star, crescent and Turkish characters. 38 inches square. 17338—Turee Rep Sitk Covers Turkish. With embroidered and applied ornamentation of characters, stars and crescent in colored silks and gold and silver threads. 36 inches square. 1734—Two EmpromperED Covers Turkish. One with yellow ground and the other with old gold. 42 inches square. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1735—Four EMBROIDERED STRIPS Red, brown, terra-cotta and white. With various designs in colored threads. 1736—Two SHAwLs Paisley. 17387—Fovur Parts or CostuME Bokhara. 1738—JapANESE Kimono Cloth-of-gold brocade, with brilliantly plumaged birds and flowers. With obi of cloth-of-gold. 1739—CnuinEsE Lone Coat Salmon-pink gauze, with embroidered designs of dragons pur- suing the sacred pearl, cloud forms and waves. 1740—Two LAMBREQUINS AND SKIRT One of the lambrequins woven, and the other Chinese em- broidery. Skirt Chinese, with embroidered floral designs in blue and white. : 1741—Roser-sitk TasLeE Cover With applied ornamentation of galloon and gold lace. Length, 46 inches; width, 35 inches. 1742—-GoLp AND SILveER TaAaprestry STrip Geometrical patterns. With pink border. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 1748—Four EMBROIDERED PERSIAN CURTAINS AND COVERS Conventional floral patterns in brilliant colors. 1744—GREEN AND Brown ScarF anp Turkish Hanerne The latter of red, pink and green satin, with applied decoration to represent a prayer rug. 1745—Parr or Winpow Draperies with LAMBREQUINS Brown plush, trimmed with imitation leather. Height, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet. Eighth and Last Afternoon 1746—Patr or BrocapvEe PorriERES Double faced. 1747—Patr or Bacpap PorrTirEREs Five strips each. 1748—Tarrstry Cover With central medallion enclosing wreath and vase of flowers and borders of sprays of flowers on a gold and silver ground. Brilliant colorings used. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED MeN OMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY { t * , - ‘ * — 2 7 ——" ‘ - - . ’ . . 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