LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK gm CATALOGUE OF... THE PRIVATH COLLECTION OF OPE “PAIN Peeves FORMED BY Lewis G. Tewksbury W. EK. SPIER, To BE SoLD ON THE EVENINGS OF Thursday, Priday: and saturday, April 24th, 25th and 26th, /902. COMMENCING PROMPTLY AT EIGHTH O’°CLOCK. BENJ. S. WISH, = Se ar, SS AUCTIONEER THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 14-16 Astor Place, N.Y. CONDITIONS. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- ute arise between two or move bidders, the lot so in ispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, ¢f regutred, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and esold. 3. The lotsto be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain - der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold justas they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all iots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. BENJ. S. WISE, Auctioneer. CATALOGUE FIRST NIGHT’S SALE, Thursday, April 24th, 1902, at 8 o’clock. Aterereeeess remanent gooscsas spnnteean Has VIRANO (A. J.) : ‘ New York (pO: Ponte de Rivoli, Venice 2 UNKNOWN i Resting 3 . Oy Aa FALLE (P.) Munich Cj» OLARIDE U Itinerant Barber " | 63 SONNTAG (W. L.). . New Vork National Academician Near Delaware Water Gap rn F pr f WIGGINS (Carleton), A. N. A. New York Exhibitor at the Paris Salon Landscape and Cattle SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, Friday, April 25th, 1902, at 8 o'clock. 65 BRISSOT (F. de W.) : ‘Paris Pupil of L. Cogniet and Charles E. Jacqne. Paris Salon Medal, Second Class, 1882; First Class, 1886. Hors Concours Shepherdess and Her Flock 66 SARTORELLI Venice—Entrance to the Grand Canal 67 ZIMMERMAN (E.) s 5 Munich Born 1852. Son and pupil of Rheinhard S. Zimmer- man, also of Munich Academy under William Diaz. Acquired considerable reputation as a fine colorist. Medals: Second Class, Munich, 1883; Berlin, 1886 : Throwing Dice 68 ISABEY (Louis G. E.) ; : Paris Born at Paris, 1804. Pupil of his father. Medals: Paris Salon, 1874-27; H. U., 1355. Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer, 1852 Holland Fishing Boat 69 TRUMBULL (John) ; x New York Born Lebanon, Conn., 1756. Died New York. 1843. Aide-de-Camp to Washington, and Adjutant-General it under Gates. Went to London, 1780. Stndied under iM Benjamiu W-st, celebrated for his miniatures, his works Hit highly sought for by collectors of early American art | George and Martha Washington v4e) MOELLER (Louis), N. A. : New York i A Fortunate Throw om ; , 7M COIGNARD (Louis) — : : Paris ‘Born at “Mayenne, 1812. Died Paris, 1883. Pupil of Picot. Medals: Third Class, 1846; First Class, 1848 Holstein Cow 72 LOBRICHON (T.) : ‘ Paris Pupil of Picot. Medals: Paris Salon, 1868, 1874, 1882. Legion of Honor, 1883 ‘ My Little Brother 73 PEZANT (Aymer) ; : Paris Exhibitor at Paris Salon. Pupil of M. de Vuellefroy, Medaille Honor, 1883. Medal, Third Class, 1888. Me- daille Honor, E. U., 1889. Medal, Second Class, 1890. Hors Concours Cattle 74 HITCHCOCK (George) : : Paris Born New York. Now residing in Paris. Exhibitor at Paris Salon Going to Church 79 CROPSEY (J. F.), N. A. : New York Dutchess Co., New York 76 CONSTANT (Jean Joseph Benjamin) Paris Born 1845. Pupil of Cabanel. Medals: 1875-76-78. Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1884. Gold medal, E. U., 1889. M. H., 1896 Odalisque a7. SCHAEFER (H.) : : London Exhibitor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Church of St. Lawrence, Nuremberg, Germany 78 BEARD (James H.) : : New York Born 1814. Exhibitor National Academy, 1846. Elected N. A. 1871 Its? Very Queer 79 VAN DEN EYCKEN (Charles) Brussels Pupil of his father. Member of Brussels Academy. Order of Leopold, 1887. Officer of Societe Artistes de Belgique Kittens and Still Life 80 FEYEN (Eugene) : : : Paris Born 1815. Pupil of P. Delaroche. Paints Britanny Fishermen as a specialty. Medal, 1866; Second Class, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1881 Ever the Same Old Story 81 INNESS (George) : : New York National Academician, 1868 Sundown 82 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene) // } Brussels Born 1799. Died 1881. Member of the Academies of Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Paris, St. Peters- burg. Chevalier of Legion of Honor, Commander of the Order of Leopold. Order of Francis Joseph. Order of Christ of Portugal and the Iron Cross Little Lamb Krom his executor’s sale 83 FERRIER (Gabriel) : Rome Born 1847. Pupil of Le Coq. Won Gratide Prix de Rome, 1872. Medals: Second Class, 1876; First Class, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1884 The Gleaner 84 SIMONS (J. Marcius) : 3 Paris Sunset—Venice 85 PROCTOR (C. E.), : : New York Stillsife 86 GAY (Edward), N. A. : New York Marshland—October 87 DIAZ (de la Pena, N. V.) ; Paris Born 1807. Died 1876. Medals: 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851 Forest of Fontaineblieu 88 LESUR (V. Henry) : : Paris Exhibited at the Paris Salon On the Quay 89 JACOMIN (Alfred Lewis) eet ees Paris Gold Medal, Philadelphia, Exhibition, 1876. Paris Salon, Medal Second Class, 1869. M. H., 1872 Lhe Antiquary $0)... ate PARTON (Ernst) Pkt London Born 1845. Pupil of his brother Arthur Parton, living in London since 1873. Exhibited at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and the Grosvenor Academy The Thames Valley gI ANGELOY (G.) : ee : Paris Chickens 92 : AHRENDS(L.) . . Munich Summer Landscape 93 FALKE (G.) ; ‘ : Munich The Watch Repairer : 94 WYNVELT (G.) : : Amsterdam Cat 95 ISABILLE (N.) : ; Munich ~ Companions 96 GENZ(A.) ; Paris Shepperdess and Sheep 97 FOUGERS (E.) : Z ; Paris Brittany Mussel Gatherer ‘LINGLEBACH (L,) : : Antwerp Halt at the Wayside Inn 99 BISAGNE (P.) : ; , Rome The Welcome Visitor 100 LATOX (F.) ; : : Paris A Country Road 101 GIBSON (W.) : ; New York The Arab Sentinel ° IO2 TEWKSBURY (Fanny W.) g New York Spring Blossoms Water Color 103 SEGRIMAN (G.) , P : Paris A Brunette Beauty 104 ENDIMON(G.) ° . : New Vork ~ After the Shower 105 STOITZNER (C.) : , Munich A-€ontented Fisherman HANSEN (Oito) - ; Amsterdam Born 1826,! Died 1870. Exhibitor at The Hague. Amsterdam and Antwerp Academies Still Life 107 WYDROGEN (N. M.) a Amsterdam On the Scheldt River: 108 APISTI (L.) ; pt , Florence The Playful Kitten 109 CIGNOUX (C.) : : : Paris Sunset 7 . 110 UNKNOWN Domesticity III DOUGHTY (Thomas) : New York Born 1793. Died 1856. Painted for some years in Yondon and Paris. Member of Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia Lake Placid II2 HMERY (J.) : ; : New York Rosalind 113 MARSY (E.) : : : Paris Poultry Yard 114 BOLINO (S.) ; : i Rome The Favorite of the Harem 115 BARRET (EK. Hunt) ; : New York A Cloudy Day 116 SCHENCK (J. N.) ; : Munich Interior of Dutch Inn 117 FISCHER (Hugo) : : New York In the Scotch Highlands 118 BREUDEL (H. A.) : : New York Watering the Horses 119 MAIDMENT (H.) : : London Mersey, Kent, England 120 STOIZNER (C.) Munich Contentment 121 LEROY (A.) : ; Paris Exhibitor at the Paris Salon Mischievous Kittens 122 GUARDI (Francis) : : Venice Born 1712. Died 1793. Scholar of Canale. Rich and forcible coloring, very rare Marine and Landscape $23 ROMEROS (A.) .. . Rome The Cavalier and Philosopher 124 UNKNOWN Antique Dutch, XVI. Century 125 ‘CORTORT (Louis) ; : New York Pupil of J. H. Dolph and Tait. Exhibitor at National Academy Watching the Little Chickens 126 GERHART (A.). . . Munich A Horse Fair in Hungary 127 HERBERT (Franz) : Munich A Plethoric Meal 128 STOITZNER (C.) : : Munich An Interesting Came THIRD NIGHT’S SALE, - Saturday, April 26th, 1902, at 8 o’clock. 129 PELLIGRINI (Ricardo) ‘ ‘ Paris Fete Day in Venice 130 MOROSINI (N.) . Rome The Slipper Vender 131 NEWCOMBE (A.) ; : New York A Traveller of The Desert 132 : BLAKELOCK (R. A.) i New York The Bathing Pool | 133 CINNI (Ade Florence Home From the Market 134 SWORD (James B.) : Philadelphia "Born 1839. Pupil of William T. Richards and A. B. Durand. Exhibitor at National Academy, New York; New Orleans Exhibition, 1885; Centennial Exhibition, 1876 ‘ ‘ Hunting Scene 135 HOUSTON (F. C.) : New York The Muse 136 HUYSMANS (Cornelis) Antwerp Born 1648. Died 1727. Pupil of Casper De Witte. Offi- cer of the Guild of Painters at Antwerp. Several exam- ples at the Louvre Landscape, Woody Country and Chateau 137 ST. MARCEL (Venteroma) . o). Paris Lioness and ‘Snake Water color 138 BRUGGHEN (G. A. Vander) . Antwerp Born 1811 Died 1862 My Pets 139 SIMONS (Marcius) New York Valley of the Neilly 140 CASILLIONE (8.y— = . Rome Mythological 141 CARLIER (Modeste) . | : Pears Motherhood 142 CRAIG (Thomas B.) : : New York Exhibitor at the National Academy Cattle and Landscape 143 BERTHOUL (Alfred) . ‘ . Paris Born 1831. Pupil of Aryscheffer, and influenced by his friend. Corot, Move dto Ne tel in 1874, where he became Pr nt of the Socie ef Swiss Painters. Medals, Ghent and Paris ba Burgoise t44 ANGELT (G.) : P Venice Born 1710. Died 1798 A View of Venice 145 JOS (Julian). . Paris Member of Societe des Artistes Belgique. Medaille d’Or at Bruxelle, 1898. Exhibitor at the Paris Salon The Haymakers Lunch 146 COLMAN (Samuel) ; ; New York Born 1832. Pupil of A. B. Durand. Went abroad in 1860-1862. Elected N. A., 1862 The Halt at the Gate of Tenereffe 147 BUHLER (Zuber) : Born Newfochtel, 1824. Died in Paris, 1898. Exhibitor at the Paris Salon, Geneva Art Exhibitlon, Bruxelle Societe Artiste de Belgique... Recipient of 16 various medals, among which one from the Philadelphia Cen- tennial, 1876 : Paris Childhoods Happy Hours 148 KUWASSEG (Carl) : : Paris Born 1802. Died 1877. Pupil of Gratz Academy under Stark. Medal, Third Class, 1841, 1861, 1863, Legion of Honor. Represented in the leading galleries of Kurope Guelderland 149 VALEE (E. Max) : : : Paris Pupil of N. Diaz The Approaching Storm 150 DE GUISE : . ; Paris Turkish Water Carrier 151 SCHMITTZBERGER (J.) Munich Exhibitor at the Munich Hof Glas Palast Who are You 152 REHN (F. K. M.) : New York Exhibitor in the National Academy Beach at. Atlantic City 153 KELLER-REUTLINGER lee W.) Munich On the Road to Essen 154 RAYNOR (J. F.) : A New York A Letter from the Old Folks 155 WIGGINS (Carleton) New York Born 1848. Studied in France, 1880-81. National Acad- emy. 1870 Sheep on the Hillside 156 HULK (A.) : : : Amsterdam Born 1808. Died 1862,in London. Exhibitor at the Amsterdam Academy. Lived for some years in London, where he exhibited. Pupil of a Van der Wonde Ae Breezy Day-on the Norths oe 157 ROSELAND (Harry) : New York National Academician A Free Lunch Fiend 158 CAMPBELL (John) : : London In the Highlands 159 FORGEMOLE (L.) Paris The Trysting Place 160 BELLANGE (J: L.) : ‘ = Paris Born 1800. Died 1866. Pupil of Gros and Ecole des Beux-Atts. Exhibited in every Salon from 1822 to 1866. ’ Medals: 1824, 1827, 1842, 1844, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1834. Officer, 1861. Director of the Rouen Museum from 1837 to 1854 The Battle Corogne 161 LE PAGE (Jules Bastian) : : Paris Exhibitor at the Paris Salon Waiting 162 CHASE (W. M.), N. A. . . New York Born 1849. _ Studied six years under Wagner of Munich, and Piloty of Paris Honorable Mention, Salon, 1882 At the End of the Pier 163 ROSELAND (Harry) The Domenie’s Visit 164 ROBINSON (T.) . ~ “= 4 «New York In the Corn Field — 165 MASSANI (P.) ; : : Florence Member of Florence Academy, Exhibitor at Rome and Milan The Wine Tester 166 HART (William) . : . New York ‘Born 1823. Died 1894. A.N.A., 1857. N.A., 1858 After the Storm 167 CAROLUS (J.) ; : ; Brussels Exhibitor at Brussels Academy. Order of Leopold An Interesting Letter 168 TAMBURINI (C. C.) : : Florence Exhibitor at thé Klorence, Rome and Milan Academies A New Vintage 169 SMITH (Henry P.) : : New York Exhibitor at the National Academy Pyotemes ene (Dae A Quiet Summer's Day 170 MOELLER (Louis), N. A. New Vork ¥ The Expert 171 SMITS (J. G.) ‘ ; . Antwerp Born at Antwerp, 1822. Died at The Hague, 1871. Ex- hibitor at The Hague, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Bruxelle eg and. Munich. Decorated Order of Leopold. Medals at Amsterdam and The Hague ‘Church of Scheveningen The painting of the former Colleetion of Baronne,Pallu- det Steengrockit, of The Hague 172 TYLER (James G.) peony tn New York National Academician Moonlight, New York Bay 173 WASHINGTON (Georges). . Paris Born at Marseilles. Exhibitor at the Paris Salon. Honorable Mention, 1876. Medais: Second Class, 1837 5 First Class, 1894. Hors Concours The Bedouin’s Halt at the Spring 174 PELLEGRINN (Nicardo) ; Paris Exhibited at Paris Salon In the Mosque L7G PROCTOR (C, E:) . . New Vork Old Friends 176 RICARD (Gustave) . 5 ; Paris Born 1823. Died 1872. Pupil of Cogniet, follower of Van Dyck. Medals: Second Class, 1851: First Class, 1852. Represented in the leading galleries of Hurope Child and Dog 177 INNESS (George), N. A. . . New York The Shower 178 BERNE BELLECOUR (E.) ; Paris Pupil of Picot. Medals: Salon, 1869, 1872, 1878, E. U. Legion of Honor, 1878 Testing the Mess 179 PERRIER (E. Sanchez) Paris ‘Born at Seville. Pupil of Cano. Honorable Mention. Patis, 1886, Medals: E. U., 1889; Second Class, 1892, 1896 On the Oise River 180 VAN MARCKE (Emile) ; Paris Born 1827. Died 1891. Pupil of Tryon. Medals: 1867. 1869, 1870, 1878. I,egion of Honor, 1872 Cattle 181 HITCHCOCK (G.) The Tulip Field 182 ZIER (Edward) Born in Paris. Pupil of his father and Gerome. Re- ceived First Medal at Philadelphia Centennial F xposi- tion forfhis painting, ‘‘Julia.’ Medal ot Paris, where he exhibited painting Departure of ‘‘Aechis and Judith’’ Lot and His Daughters = ft 183 DAUBIGNY (Charles Francois) : Paris Born Paris, 1817. Died 1878. First exhibited in Salon 1838. Medals: 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1859 La Ponte Neuf 184 : : é Paris L’7 HERMITTE (Leon Augustin) ‘ Paris Born 1844. Pupilof Lecog. Medal, Third Class, 1874; Second Class, 1880. Mention Honorable E. U., 1889. Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1884. Officer, 1894. Che-! valier of St. Michaels of Bavaria ieee A Brittany Maiden ‘CLAYS (Paul Jean) : : Brussels Born 1819. Medal, Brussels, 1S51. Medal, Paris, 1867, F. U. Legion of Honor, 1875. Medal, 1878, E. U. Officer Legion of Honor. 1881. Commander of the Order of Charles IIL., Leopoid and St. Michaels of Bavaria. Mem- ber of Royal Academy of Belgium, and Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp Fishing Boats on the Scheldt River DIAZ (de la Pena, N. V.) : Paris Born 1808. Died 1876. Father ofthe Babizon School. ey Medals: Third Class, 1844; Second Class, 1846; First Pi Class. 1848; Legion of Honor, 1851 Meditation 187 PASINI (Alberto) , : : Paris Born at Bussato, Italy. Medals: Paris, 1859, 1843, 1864. Grand Medal of Honor, KE. U., 1878. Legion of Honor, 1868. Officer, 1878. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Knight of the Orders of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Officer of the Orders of ‘turkey and Persia. Professor J Honorary of Academies at Parma and Turin gh Asking Admission : 188 DE HAAS (J. H. L.) 3 : Brussels Born 1832. Pupil of Van Oss. Gold Medal, Munich, 1369. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Browsing Cattle 189 INNESS (George ) j New York The Lonely Farm 190 CASANOVA Y ESTORACH (Antonio) Paris Born in Tortosa, Spain. Pupil of Federico de Mad- razo. Exhibitor at the Paris Salon, Rome, Madrid and Seviile Between Two Fires IQI DUPRE (Jules) Born 1812. First exhibited in Salon, eeu Medal, 1833. JI.egion of Honor, 1849. Medals, Pou -, 1867. Offi- cer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 : : Paris In The Gloaming 192 MOSLER (Henry) : : New York Officer of the Academy of France. Honorable Men- tion, 1879. Medal, Paris Salon, 1888. Medal, K. U., 1889. Knight of the Legion of Honor, 1892 The Husking Bee SETS a ie : “= “a . : oy ; y x2 STEER, = ns m e : : Sars : se : : : a * & ‘ : : : : is S cone = . ts i : : é = = ; PG 5 “ S f Sit : : : ( = Sneee = j ; i 4 hires EE fe i : = :