= PAINTINGS —— NO. ACC. LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK % S CATALOGUE EXECUTRIX SALE OF THE ENTIRE WORKS OF THE LATE JAMES M. Hart, N. A. INCLUDING HIS PRIVATE COLLECTION ©0 BE SOLD AT AUCTION oN THURSDAY AND EH RIDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH AND 2187, AT 8 O’CLOCK. AD THe FIEYTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, JAMES P. SILO, - - AUCTION EER. 1702 CONDITIONS. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, ¢/ reguired, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and esold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remaint der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. ‘This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JAMES P SILO, Auctioneer. YHE ALEXANDER PRESS, 14-16 Astor Place, N.Y. James —M. Iart; NG aa. 5 Pe Dd James M. Hart, the youngest son of a large family, was born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1oth of May, 1828. When six years of age came to America with his parents and lived in Albany. He went to Europe in 1852, studied in Munich and in Dusseldorf under Prof. Schirmer. In 1857 he moved to New York, was made Associate of National Academy of Design, and the next year exhibited ‘‘Morning on Loon Lake, Adirondacks,’’ and was elected Academician, 1859. He served a number of years as a mem- ber of the Council and afterward as Vice- President of the National Academy of Design. Received medal at Centennial 1876. Silver and gold medals at the Mechanic’s Institute, Boston. Bronze medal Paris 1880, Some of his important pictures are: ‘The Drove at the Ford’’ in the Corcoran Art Gallery Washington. ‘In the Autumn Woods,” owned by Brown University. This catalogue comprises the pictures and studies which cover nearly the whole period of Mr Hart’s life work. The studies he kept in his studio for reference and were not offered for sale. The pictures served to beautify his home and were hung there with the expressed wish that they should be ex- hibited altogether and sold afrer his death. JAMES M. HART’S PAINTINGS. Night Sold at Auction Last Fetched $7,792.50. The paintings belonging to the estate of James M. Hart, the landscape and cattle painter, which include pictures by himself and those which he éollected, came under the auctioner’s ‘hammer last night at the |Fifth Avene Art. Galleries. Although there had gathered an unusually large as- semblage of prospective buyers, many of the pictures went at prices Gnuch below their real value. The average price for the pictures’ was about $115, the.total amount realized for’ the first half of the collection being: $7,792.50. It was noticed that the works of Mr. Hart brought better prices than: the’ pictures of his collection. The lowest price paid was |for' a small canvass by Henry Peters Gray, which brought $15. Mr. Hart’s ‘‘‘ Beside the Stream ” realized $400, the highest price received last night. One ‘picture by Jan Verhas entitled, “‘ Crest le chat,’ brought only $110, and for a can- vas by Carl Becker, ‘‘Return from the Masquerade,” only $50 was bid. The paint- ings, which brought, comparatively speak- ing, the best prices, were those of smaller size, which could be hung in almost any room. The sale will be continued to-night. The following is a list of those paintings which brought $150 or more: In the Stream, by James M. Hart.......... 3e Under the Sycamore, by James M, Hart. Beside,the Stream, by rapa Men FLAr tr te or 5 An Old Farm, Bay Ridge, by James M. Hart 160 Those Harvest Time, by farses: VE Pert i a dearest 160 Study for “‘ The Drove,’’ by James M. Hart. 160 The Water Tub, by. James M, Hart..i/... +.) 200 Out of the Woods, 260 by James M. Hart..... eee Orphans, by James M. Hart tae Tne Intruder, by James M. Cascade, by James. M. Hart ; The Three Little Maidens, by Jame The Wind Bloweth, by James M. Hart...... New York Bay, by Samuel LGR E as 12g CRaeenaare phages 210 HART PAINTINGS: SOLD. Remainder of the Artist’s Collection Disposed of. for $12,495. Theré was some’ “yery” brisk bidding last night at the Fifth “Avenue Art Galleries when the retnainder of the collection of the paintings. belonging to the. estate of the late James M. Hart, the landscape and, eattle painter, wére offered at auction. Although, because -of “the inclement weather, there was only. a small gathering of art lovers and dealers, some pretty good prices were realized. : The total amount of the sale last night aggregated $12,495, which with the first night’s sale made the entire amount real- ized for the collection $20,287.50. The best pictures offered last night were bought hv Mrs. Charles B. Wood, a sister of Amos FE. Eno, who lives at the Waldorf-Astoria. She paid last night the highest price of the — sale, $1,825, for a painting by Mr. Hart) entitled ‘The Rain Is Over,” which re- ceived a medal at Paris in 1808. The bid- ding for it was very brisk. . A canvas by Lambinet, measuring 844 by 12% inches, was sold for $280, A landscape | by “Troyon and one by Corot, as well as a painting by Herring, were disposed of at low prices. z | brought $150 or Those pictures which more and their purchasers were: The Lower Branch, by J. M, Hart—L. Hol- PO ees aes ete we ieee favs veka JALbee ai gta be open oer an $280 Midsummer, by J, M. Hart—H. Rohifs. 290 Cows Drinking, De ke Me Hart—Declined,. ees ht Late Afternoon, by J. M, Hart—S. S, Laird. 260 Major, by J. M. Hart—J, M, Barley...... 185 At the Ford, by J. M. Hart—Declinad. 700 The Bend in the River, by J. M. Hart—R. FIOMAMLCW \ 6 gk side ly dachiwia s'sio'd cae haat 4/5 Sina 540 In Glover, by J. M. Hart—G. W. Reynolds. 170 Solitude, by J. M. Hart—L. Loewenstein,. 216 Forty Oaks, by J, M. Hart—Mrs, C. B. PYRO at ea wie seen De ‘Sie wiggoat nd ieee pace nanan 180 Farmington River, by J. M. Hart—Mrs. C. MRE PERN OOEL. «Uv. o wigan en ickiel Nik Sat eRe Pe past aia RA 210 Bay Ridge, by J. M. Hart—Mrs. C:° Bs MORIA iT aah ocd. 9:6 pie sn seveei ia a ei akacahip oe aha Regt eiWinr nse WARE 150. October Afternoon, by J. M,. Hart—F, TeOOSOT Be !COa eve pieces ote ce Bpplintalauglibtelers 20 Om 150 Flora, by J, M. Hart—Mrs, Cc. B. Wood. 360 Ths Rain‘is. Over, by J..M. Hart—Mrs, er = 5 VRGPAS iota} CBRE te Reary me cnte eammaemaed Rew Iver itor rape 1,325 Autumn Woods, by J. M. Hart—F, Loeser PA yc. Sica pa his Bibi cola'y enviar enattee ha noycacReer arabes Me 260 Study of Birches, by J. M. Hart—W. 8. ME Noe ci kok cg PIA EN ote a SRA Cee 400 Orchard, by J. M. Hart—Mrs. C. B. Wood. 9 185 Indian Summer, by J. M. Hart—H. Rohlfs. / 270 The Meadow Pool, by J. M. HarteMrs, fio bi i Mia NP Nala eee EL Pores perce Moke aN 4 7 BOO At the Pool, by J. M. Hart—C. FP. Brown. 200 Windmill, by HE. Lamlind—M. Michael... 28 The Bather, by A. Jourdan—W. S. Tod...) 150 Lowland Pasture, by C¢. Troyon—J. F Peete er mole he ay sowie ce datataiht Ngee al satalie: dete s Sowa 325 Woodland Pool, by J. B. C. Corot—G. C RB OTIS COGIC ia si eee upacea Cais cas siet alec: yabneenne wieewatios @uReae 400 Mare and Foal, by J. F. Tod. _ CATALOGUE FIRST NIGHT’S SALE, Thursday, February 20th, 1902, at 8 o’clock. is x Through the Lane 16 x 24 2 . oe Misty Morning I2 x 16 3 ed Pebble Brook, Cherry Valley 1514 x 23 ee Ce ee 4 In the Stream 13% x 18 6 Catskills 16 x 21 Zz Yoke of Oxen 14x 24 OD “3 On the Road to Keene— Watering Trough 15 x 23 g By the Stone Wall 15 x 23 Io a ae On the North Shore ° 20 x 28 II Study for Late Afternoon 8 x 16 I2 J _ Under the Sycamore 20 x 28 1 13 ar OY 4 Beside the Stream 33 X45 14 Oe, An Old Farm, Bay Ridge 36 x 22 15 Three Calves 16 x 21 16 Sheep on the Hillside 14 X 23% Signed, A. F. Tait and James M.Hart 17 “Come Lassie” 10 x 14 18 Storm 10 x 12 IQ Harvest Time 20 x 28 20 aay Pumpkins and Corn Il x 14 21 ra The Fallen Birch Tree 14% x 31 22 The Upper Pasture vn 13% x 23 , ze eo Study for The Drove 21% x 54 24 Farmington—The Chestnuts 14 x 31 25 Go White Lady 13/4 X 23 26 Major 11% x14 27 J Venus IIx 14 28 The Marsh Meadow 13% x 23 29 Barnyard 13% x 23 30 Brunette nx 13% 31 Study—Elizabethtown 20 x 30 Si 2%, 32 Boy and Ox Team 147% X 23 33 Polly Il x14 34 Steer’s Head 9 x 12 35 ao Two Orphans 8 x 10 36 eae | Summer Shower 13% x 18 37 The Water Tub 20 x 28 38 Joes a Farmington River 13% x 22 39 Out of the Woods 30 x 50 P Msi? 40 Valley Stream 1414 x 24 4! Orphans 16 x 21 42 Sheep 12 X 22 44 > ee 5 Corner Lot 134° xX 23 45 J oF 4 The Intruder 16 x #1 46 y er, In the Door-yard 154 x24 47 | 27) In the River-bed, Elizabethtown 13% X 23 48 Pee Cascade 21% x 54 49 SO Mt. Hurricane—First Snow 35 x 60 y 7 5° Lake Cayuga 14% x 22 AS Ad Ram's’ Head 9x 12 4 fh, «4 Overlooking the Sound 9% X15 ag Ae Head—Black Cow QOXII 54 Sheep 12 xX 24 55 ve a Buttercups IE x 14 56 Farmington Meadow 14 x 24 vam oy C= Litchfield 13/4 X 23 58 End of the Street, Simsbury 16 x 21 59 cree The Three Little Maids 16 x 21 60 The Wind Bloweth 33 X 45 61 Copy of Troyon In the Catherine Wolfe collection 28 x 30 PRIVATE COLLECTION OF THE LATE JAMES M. HART, N. A. 62 VERHAS (Jan) Born at Termonde. Medals, Philadelphia, 1876, Brussels, 1878, Paris, 1881, Vienna, 1882, Berlin, 1884, 1886. Order of Leopold, 1879. Legion of Honor, 1881. Especially noted as a painter of child life C’est le Chat 19% x 45 63 BREVOORT Farmington Meadows 13 X15 64 HART (Jas. W.) and TAIT (A. F.) Ducks 10x IO 65 COLMAN (Samuel) Born at Portland, Maine, 1833. N.A., 1862. First President of the American Society of Water Colors New York Bay 15 X 24 TAIT (A. F.) — Chickens oa Io x 10 67 WAVE (Ac 1) (OEY, Spring 12 x 15% 68 THOM (JAS. C.) ,) J In the Woods 13 x16 * 69 GRAY (Henry Peters) ~ Born at New Vork, 1819. Died 1877. Began the study of art under Hunting in 1839, Painted portraits and genre subjects Good Bye 5x6 70 BAKALOWICZ (Ladislaus) Born in Cracow, Poland. Pupilof Academy of Warsaw. Petition to the King, Lady and Bouquet and Ladies and Mandolins, owned by Mrs. Palan Stevens. " Woman and Parrot 54X14 71 FICHEL (E.) Born at Paris, 1826. Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Drolling. Medals 1857, 1861, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1870 A eCup ole ea 4X5% BECKER (Car!) Born at Berlin, 1820 Member and Vice- President of the Academy of Berlin. Member ofthe Academy of Vienna and of the Royal Society of Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium Officer of the Order of Leopold. Medals at Berlin, Vienna and Munich. Other honors and decorations Return from the Masquerade oe? > 21 x 28 73 BAKER (George A.) Born at New York, 1821. Died, 1881. Pupil of his father, who was a miniature painter. Studied in Europe, 1844, 1846. N.A., 1851 Italian Girl 6x8 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, Friday, February 21st, 1902, at 8 o'clock. 74 “> 7 Eaton’s Neck, L. I. 14 xX 23 75 (7) Buttercup 10x 14 76 tf Brown Face gx 12 77 | << es The Lower Branch 28 x 42 78 , Sheep ie Il x 13% 79 Disputed Ground : It x15 80 fro Y g Under the Hill f 4 15 x 23% 81 Midsummer Framed 33 ¥ 45 82 eee Northport Harbor 14 x 24 83 io & A Dull Day 160 x 21 84 Sunshine and Shadow 10 X 15 86 5 =. Cows Drinking 18 x 35 87 wf oe Late Afternoon 26 x 46 88 Noonday 14 X 23 89 Mountain Pasture 14 x 20 90 Black Heifer 10% x 14 92 Polly 1o%x 4 oS ees 93 Woodpath 14 x 24 94 Ox Team 14 xX 24 95 Orchard 13% x23 96 Yoke of Oxen 14 X 24 F, 97 Star King—White Mountains 1414 x 3% 98 At the Ford 40.X 55 99 Catskill Road 14 X 23 100 The Bend in the River 26x17% 101 Pumpkin Field 13% x 20 102 Near the Church 13% x 23 103 Steer’s Head, White 10x 14 104 In Clover 20 x 28 105 oS Milking Time 16 x 21 106 King of the Herd 16 x 26 107 oe Solitude wT 35273 108 [o Polly a6 x 23 109 if Bavarian Tyrol 20 x 28 110 YL Forty Oaks 14 x 24 It! wt } Farmington River 1314 x 23 II2 phat Simsbury 16 x 21 Si 113 +2) Bay Ridge 20 x 28 II4 > S Digging Sand 14 X 23 11s 9 October Afternoon 134 x 23 1t6 Hilltop I4 x 24 118 The Rain is Over ft J awe J Medal, Paris, 1898 40 x 55 119 ope Orchard, Simsbury 16 x 21 120 / 2 Autumn Woods 20% x 54 121 Sheep 16 x 21 I22 Brown Cow ait 11x14 123 River-bank, Sundown 134% x 23 124 4, Northport 9% x 20% 125 Hillside Pasture 13% X 23 126 The River, Elizabethtown 13% X 23 127 20 x 30 | | li oO A = —otudy. 01.Birches ‘eel 129 Orchard 16x 21 130 ‘ z Polly 10% x14 131 The Sandbar 13% x 23 132 pe Indian , Simmer 36 x 22 133 The Meadow Pool 33 x 41 BALANCE OF PRIVATE COLLECTION OF THE LATE JAMES HART, N. A. 134 TAIT(A. F.) Pheasant 4D, _ 7s 16 x 21 135 LAMBINET (Emile) Born at Versailles, 1815. Died, 1878. Wand- scape painter. Pupil of Boiselier, Drolling and Horace Vernet. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1857. Legion of Honor, 1867. Visited the East, Al- geria, Holland. Seny sale, New York paele Windmill 84 x 1234 136 JOURDAN (Adolphe) Born at Nines, 1825. Pupil ‘of Jalabert. Medals, 1864, 1866, 1869. William Astor, ‘‘ The Betrothed”’ The Bather 17% x27% 137 BAKER (George A.) A Romance Io x 12 138 THOM (Jas. C.) The New Moon 21 x 26 139 FICHEL (Benjamin Eugene) it y Good Morning 8Y% x 10% 140 TROYON (Constant) Born at Sevres, 1810 Died in 1865. Medals, 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of Amsterdam Academy Bee Gian case Lowland Pasture 16 x 21 I4I COROT (J. B. C.) Born at Paris, 1796. Diedthere, 1875. Medais 1883, 1848, 1855., 1867 Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Woodland Pool 6%x9 142 HERRING (John Frederick) Born at Surrey, 1795. Died 1365. Painter of horses. Animal painter to the Duchess of Kent. Pictures in Walters Collectton. ree Mare and Foal fo wf ew 9% X 114 143 VAINI A Page 8x 10% 144 LAMBERT (Louis Eugene) Born Paris, 1825, Pupil of Delacroix. Es- pecially noted as a painter of cats aud dogs, Medals, 1865, 1866, 1870, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1874. Catherine Wolfe collection ‘ Playing the Mischief 161% x 27 LEMMENS (£.) = Children Making Boquets 44 x5% 146 TAIT (A. F.) Bantams 8x10 JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer i :