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S pairie}> spe peieiteepehel ete hae te ba peed oF #: atetaieid; ‘ esses ee joget ; yn ase ; vied TR es apeaie terete tehepe ahelelerey esalepetote bebe fe lp ere re eT ; " ie +) Fe hired 3m mega rean ge’ ‘anne g? Y Th34 preest sepa ieted athsaeeses ney ; reas ; : ; wiaiaisrriet . ft seeberers thesete hojeieiehey me he Fe Rete Ho! * , tepeiahe : pared otaie)® sere *y ore ra fei+ fodals ei tie: Liste pe tein perieie teh ' ’ + per doe ye * josesayest i pret po be peepee 14 gresereserae wie Pee ete pe jem jlnbon ae poss here oils) te rs t Pare rerrryr a. tars aks pocbrebetere tere rs e4 seypeeeit tt ; eee deren irs) a) wor seers’ yrar Tia fort iselciaisiertt +hererei* ad + ele de ke lene yey 7% wieb sees ; here) 4 +e ogre a tasdge ey epee core papper epese peter t Seer whe Hoare eeeret> 5 aia derereyole hele heey ei esa ses 187 bivjejeseinioizit anant t@ oe? P hore he '@peteoe Ljahoreee sreiaberetagetete lt se tabeferd ere? se kel ye Fel Gg ny whe eke a hea pe he ee sm) 7 " a pope behead paar he sereat yey aereere ahobeid bebe tel 4 sepaeeee ote a ha aete bier pst saans cerearteeestacsesesyy are bere Pe rere era peye beset ja pede ebaj eee ye - , os * eyairtete nr te te Site ee hk oe ee | a ehureyotepet> jebe le herelere je bi erere pret e* i eerner shot ej ah es sin badete ora ae ee eee oe onl cietetetrebetoesd iO hete betes) peperer parses ye yi sararay ger 4 — | rmoOoma0 0 orn — Buyer | Max Rubin J.W.Dana Mr.B.N.Miller J.H.Metcalf My s.kE.F.Albee Mrs.F.M.Moore Max Rubin R.Giichrist kh .Glendenning A.Rudert,agt. Mrs.J.Licblang J.H.Nicholas Fearon Gal. J.W.Masters ol Munger ,Jr. Je.H.Nicholsas Mrs.F .Murphy “.W.Seaman,agt. The Hayden Co. f? Mrs.F.Murphy 8 tt Bhrich Gal. Me .Nunes Sake of the James Warren Lane Collection, at the American Art Galléries, Novemver 20*22, 1924. Ho. Price Buyer 301 $ 40. John Dugan 802 loo. R,Jo nson 503 30% R Gukcgrust 504 So.. Ginsberg & Levy 505 BBS, A.R.Louis 506 Zoo; " 307 oo. R.Glendenning 508. [Lar A.R,Louis 509 40, " 3{o 35. Mrse.B.J.Barry O11 70. 8.Glendenning 612 oi. John .Doud 613 45. H.S,Crystal 314 105 B.vright 415 ips Mrs.Bloomingdale 516 6D. * Glendehning O27 4-80. Mr.C.Weeks Si8.: SO. R.Gilchrist ra a PED. J. .Dans Be a gee Mr.B.N.Miller th dak 2) BP 175 Mrs.P.J.ELl1iott ssi Ala fou. Charles of London “325 140. Ginsberg & Levy 524 2tO, - Wildenstein & Co. SLO 200. George Mercer peo 410. Mr.B.N.Viller Ad § 130. Mr.B.N.Miller A ae raeetee. E.Hellwig 22g 90. Mrs.8.B.Warner 550. Pell aa W.W.Seaman,agt. SS. c.L0 . L.S.Owsley Doms 300. A.C .Goodyear 535 120 Kk Giendenning 554. 200. im.Forstner S90 « yO Mr.J.W,Masters 456. 200. Cherles of London Bot 405. Mr.J.W.Masters ted ai 1,850. " 559. poo. «J. 8.Dana 540. 260. Mrs.Bloomingdale 341. 50. Max. Rubin 348. ZUG. R,Glendenning 543 D2D. 5.ilMunger,Jr. 544. 2,900. W.W.Seaman,agt. 545. 5,000. J .H.Metcalf 346. 150. Mrs.W.G.Nichols 547. 10,700. W.W.Seaman,agt. 348. wi0. H,S.Crystal 549. had R.Gilchrist ooo « Z 200. A.R.Louis . ¥ » ) ~ ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE RESIDENCE OF JAMES WARREN LANE, ESQUIRE > Af Y/ ih aj 16 20 4A j ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1924, UNTIL DATES OF SALE +» FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, FROM 2TO 5 P.M. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AFTERNOONS OF NOVEMBER 20, 21 AND 22 AT 2:15 O'CLOCK AND THE EVENING OF NOVEMBER 21 AT 8:15 O’CLOCK e EXHIBITION AND SALE AT THE (2) AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE » 56TH to 57TH STREET NEW YORK View ofr THE Drawine Room 1n Mr. Lane’s ReEstpENCE ILLUSTRATED GATALCOGUE OF Pee yAMES WARREN LANE COLLECTION FRENCH, ENGLISH AND ITALIAN XVIII CEN- TURY FURNITURE « IMPORTANT PAINTINGS of the FOREIGN AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS » CHINESE PORCELAINS, MING TO. CH’IEN- eee) FRENCH, ENGLISH AND MeeeeneotE ven 7 VELVETS » BROCADES « -EMBROIDERIES » A SUPERB TENIERS TAP- Pee WERNIFRS OF LILLE ~» CHINESE AND PERSIAN RUGS AND AN XVIII CEN- See xt) DUIS SON CARPET REMOVED FROM 49 EAST 52p STREET, NEW YORK AND SOLD BY MR. LANE’S ORDER UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PeMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. O. BERNET ®& MR. H. H. PARKE he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Ine. “Designs its Catalogues and “Directs “All “Details of Illustration, ext and Gypography THE COLLECTION OF JAMES WARREN LANE East 52nd Street, New York City, to the Juilliard Musical Foundation a short while ago, Mr. Lane found himself with- out a housing for his fine furniture, paintings and works of art, so he resolved, rather than charge himself with the responsibility of rehousing them, to dispose of them at public sale. A further reason was, that his house at St. James, Long Island, was fully complete ~ in its equipment. The interesting facts about the collection are that it was gath- ered over a period of twenty-five years and that it was largely acquired at the famous sales of the American Art Association, including the Yerkes, Thomas B. Clarke, Duc d’Avaray, Stanford White, M. C. D. Borden, Garland, Davanzati Palace, the Hood, Catholina Lambert, and also from the most responsible dealers of Paris. Mr. Lane displayed his fine taste especially in the simple and delightful French furniture of the XVIII century, many chairs, fau- teuils, drawing-room suites, commodes, tables of varied types and pro- portions, and other examples,. being signed by the greatest French ébénistes, such as Leleu, Louis Moreau, Dubois, Saunier and Cosson. There is also English and Italian furniture of interesting and beautiful quality that gives a charming air and variety to the whole. The XVII and XVIII century English, French and Italian silver presents a wealth of fine coupes, tea and coffee services, salvers, fruit- baskets, candelabra, and among the bowls an unusually fine punch bowl by Francis Garthorne. The Chinese porcelains include a number of fine blue and white hawthorn vases and jars of the K’ang-hsi period and fish bowls of the Ming period. The textiles are of great beauty, jardiniére and other velvets vying with the embroideries and brocades in their lovely colors. The paintings, which will be sold at an evening session, are notable for the catholicity of judgment and discernment shown, for amongst the examples are a fine Gilbert Stuart of John Willet Hood, a Pastoral by Jean Baptiste Huet, a Blakelock, a Nasmyth, a portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds by himself, a Paul Potter, a Cuyp radiant in the sunlight, a Mabuse, a Beechey, two Panninis, two interesting Tie- polos, a Weenix of unusual quality, the well-known Guardi, “The Wes Mr. Vanderbilt sold the palatial apartment at No. 49 Masked Ball,” the Allori “Football in Florence,” a Daubigny and others of distinction. arias) Six large room panels of romantic landscapes by the Hollander Piera must also be mentioned for their decorative quality. Several tapestries add greatly to the collection by their diate and include a Teniers by Werniers of Lille. There are a number of K’ang-hsi carpets and a sapphire-blue XVIII century Aubusson of great distinction. Frank H. G. Kreesre. CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each iot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a ecard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices aS may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be earried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser. and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Bvery lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- ciation, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES ano STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS cA ppRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. ‘he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 571rm STREET NEW YORK CITY FIRST SESSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1924 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 147 inclusive MISCELLANEOUS PORCELAINS AND FAIENCE, BRONZES, BRASSES AND SCULPTURES I—Batrersea Enamet Box XVIII Century Lobed oval body of pink; hinged cover in ivory-white, decorated in black with two doves, double heart motive, ribbon and inscrip- tions, ‘The farther apart”; and “Tighter the knot.” Length, 2 inches. 2—Ivory Miniature French, XVIII Century MLLE. DE BLoIs. ‘Three-quarter length of a charming young woman attired in a blue dress, and lace fichu, her curling hair bearing two circlets of pearls. She holds on her left arm a basket of fruit. In a black frame. Diameter, 234 inches. 3—Two Porcetain Mosevt Barts Kutas, XVII Century Oval; variously decorated in apple-green, plum-color and yellow with floral motives, rosettes and masks. Height, 334 inches. 4—Oup STAFFORDSHIRE FIcuRE Late XVIII Century Reclining cow, in grayish-white glaze. On green base. Height, 4 inches. 5—CuinesrE Treaxwoop Lisation Cup HouND. Upper part of body forming the cover. Carved in light relief with varied key-fret patterns and small inlaid silver band of similar design. even ts eight, 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 6—Curmnese Carvep Wuitrt JADE IncENsE Box Chien Period A plump little bird seated on the ground; with tail curled down and head well drawn in, looking wise, contented and undisturbed. The tail is undercut, and the feathers are carefully carved in tangible relief. Where the cover lifts off, the outline at breast and tail is serrated, following the overlapping feathers, the cover therefore fitting firmly. The interior is more brilliantly finished than the exterior, and is enriched with a long spray in low relief. “Length, 41 inches. From the Yamanaka Collection, American Art Association, 1916. 7—Two Crotsonn&t ENAMELED FicGuRINES Tao-kuang Period Standing figures of birds with yellow bodies and brilliantly enam- eled wings. Height, 5 inches. 8—Carvep AnD Intam Ivory TrietycH Niirnberg, XVI Century Style Arched centre and wings displaying in low relief an Emperor knighting a squire on the battlefield. Portions of the costumes are inlaid with silver. Height, 5 inches. 9—Canton ENAMEL SpPice Box Chinese, Late XVIII Century Cylindrical, in three portions with raised top and recessed, slightly spreading foot, all outlined in narrow bronze bands. Sky-blue and apple-green grounds displaying flowers and recur- ring Chinese characters and reserves, framed in rose with water birds and flowers. Top depicts a Chinese bazaar. Height, 51% inches. 10—Errvuscan Trerra-cotrra VaAsE IT Century Gadrooned urn-shape; with loop handles; terminating in satyr- masks having a fine black patina. Height, 6 inches. First Session 11 11—TuHree Worcester Porcetain Cups anp SAUCERS : By Flight and Barr, 1789 Fluted and gauffered rims and shaped looped handles. Deco- rated with gilded floral sprays, husk festoons and deep borders of shuttle pattern in two shades of blue and with circular medal- lions having outer borders of gilded and inned borders of blue and gilded dots. Painted with crest, a rampant lion, within the Royal Garter bearing its motto “Honi soit qui mal y pense,” and surmounted by a crown and lion. Height of cups, 3 inches; diameter of saucers, 5%, inches. Note: These cups are a portion of the celebrated service made for Prince William Henry (afterwards King William IV) when he was created Duke of Clarence in 1789. (Illustrated) 12—Patace Dow. Japanese, circa 1750 Seated and smiling boy, with hands on knees, wearing a large silk cap painted in color with brocade pattern, silvered and em- broidered with gold thread. On silk crepe cushion. From the Yamanaka Collection, American Art Association, 1916. 18—Patace Dor Japanese, circa 1750 Smiling boy, holding in his arms one of the pet pigeons which the Japanese train in large numbers to become carriers or homing pigeons. The bird is gilded and painted in red, green, brown and two shades of blue. On silk crépe cushion. From the Yamanaka Collection, American Art Association, 1916. & Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 14—Frencu Faience Ficurine Nevers, Late XVII Century COUCHANT Lion; on molded rectangular base. Decorated in polychrome; the base with scrollings. Height, 4 inches. From the original Henry Symons Collection, American Art Asso- ciation, 1915. 15—Two Forcrep Iron Canp.esticks French, XVI Century Lobed and bossed square top, chiseled with scrollings and having pricket. Supported on tapering upright legs, having trilobed feet. Height, 434 inches. 16—Bow PorcELaIn STATUETTE English, XVIII Century THE FLOWER SELLER. Figure of a young girl in eighteenth cen- tury costume with green bodice, purple stomacher, white over- skirt, pale yellow underskirt and pale purple hat; seated on the trunk of a tree with a single blossom in her hand and a lamb at her side. On scrolled base. Height, 5 inches. From the origmal Henry Symons Collection, American Art Asso- ciation, 1915. 17—Lacever Insxranpn MountTep 1n Cutvre Dort Millet, Paris Shaped stand of black and gold floral lacquer; fitted with old Imari porcelain well. Mounted in finely chiseled cutvre doré with scrolled moldings, rims to well and penholder. 18—SrarrorpsuirE Musrarp Por anp Sart SHAKER 7 XVIII Century Small Toby figures in varicolored costumes; on circular bases. Mustard pot with removable hat for cover. Height, 6 inches. 19—Two Potycuromep, CarveED CANDLESTICKS Italian, XVIII Century Trilobed liliform bobéche; supported on tripod leaf-scrolled base with central shell motives. Finished in green and red on old ivory. Height, 6 inches, First Session 20—Raxxka Faience VASE AV Century Oviform, with incurved lip; of delicate iridescence in tender tones of silver and blue, with warm tan encrustations. Height, 6 inches. 21—LacavEer Mirror Persian, XVIII Century Elongated octagonal case, with inset loose cover; beautifully en- riched in colors with bouquets of flowers and birds. Length, 61%, inches. 22—FEarty Sitver Mountep Bouemian Cur Gtass Jar Gadrooned ruby body, with clear glass base having lobed stellate foot. Silver cover enriched with vine leaves and grapes. Height, 6% inches. 23—PotycHrRoMED Tanacra Figurine Grecian lady; seated on a rock, lacing her sandals. Unusually fine modeling. Height, 7 inches. 24—Two Smatt Stvres PorceLain JARDINIERES Oblong, with scrolled front and straight rear edge; bombé body with incurvate back face. On a jeweled bleu de Sévres ground are two reserves outlined in gold scrolling, displaying a bouquet of naturalistic flowers in delicate colors. Scrolled feet and large acanthus leaf wings in white and gold. Marked with crossed L’s, B and A. Height, 7 inches. 25—CuinEsE Pottery VAsE Urn-shape, with short collar. Glazed in deep old-yellows. Height, 7 inches. 26—Ruvusy Cur Guass BotritE ann Couper Bohemian, XVIII Century Pear-shaped body with cylindrical neck. Cut in vertical and hexagonal facetings. Coupe with sloping sides. Heights, 714 and 24% inches. From the origmal Henry Symons Collection, 1915. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 27—Potrrery VASE Chinese, Early XVIII Century Oviform, with small mouth having domed cover and button ter- minal. Glazed in deep apple green. Height, 714 inches. 28—PorycHroME ALHAMBRA TERRE-CUITE TILE | Hispano-Moresque, XV Century Oblong, with sunk trilobed Gothic arch, scrolled with leaf and floral motives at centre and spandrels. Executed in fine blue, apple-green, yellow and brown on ivory grounds. Framed. ( Cracked.) Height, 44% inches; length, 10% inches. From the ancient Santacana Collection, Barcelona. 29—Earty Wepewoop Basket witH Cover Cream-white glaze. Rope edge, pierced sides and applied deco- ration of floral garlands. Height, 7 inches; length, 1014 inches. From the Havemeyer Collection, American Art Association, 1914. 30—Two Frencu F'sience PotycHromep Fruir Baskets Deep, bowl-shaped baskets on small claw feet; decorated with flower-sprays in colors, on lemon-yellow ground. Filled with varied porcelain fruit in naturalistic colors. Diameter, 84, inches. 31—Ivory anp Goup Iniaip Travertine Mirror Persian, XVII Century Semicircular case, with hinged cover. Enriched with finely in- laid, closely placed minute stellate motives as fields and bandings on all surfaces; the crown and foot with lobed and ogival medal- hons having pendants daintily lacquered with flowers. Interior fitted with mirror and make-up compartment. (Needs slight restoration. ) Length, 9 inches. _382—PoLycHROMED, ScuLPpTruRED Watnut FicurinE Italian, XVII Century Figure of a devotee, in an attitude of adoration. She wears a red robe, blue flowing mantle and lawn hood. (Fingers missing.) Height, 9 inches. First. Session 33—Two Canton EnamMe. Trays Ch’ien-lung Period Four-lobed oval. Enriched with Shou marks surrounded by trailing vines of lotus in harmonious colors on rich blue grounds. (One chipped.) 7 | Length, 9%/, inches. 34—Two Ruskin Faience Bowts Delicately potted deep bowl. Invested with a rare turquoise- green glaze, interestingly splashed and mottled with very deep green. (One restored.) Diameter, 97% inches. 35—JAPANESE Carved Ivory Tusk Domestic scenes in low relief. Black and gold lacquer stand. Height, 914, inches. 36—Two SappuHire-BLuE Cur Grass Bowts | Bristol, Late XVIII Century Oval, with scalloped rim. Sapphire-blue glass, cut to the clear with bands of round medallions and diagonally placed flutings. Length, 1034, inches. 37—Sitver Mepariion witH Carvep Ivory Mountine On the obverse two seated figures, THE Lovers, pledging their troth, in a landscape, and inscription “Semper.” Reverse, a tree and classical figure. Signed; ‘*O, Roty, 1895.” 38—Smatu BattrerseEA ENAMEL SNUFF-BOX English, XVIII Century Rose-Pompadour scrolled ground, the lid having a reserve of white developing a spray of flowers. The underfoot is a re- cumbent black and white spaniel in high relief. 39—AMBER SHELL CARD-HOLDER Spanish, Late XVIII Century Oblong; carved and pierced hinged sides with silver mounts ; hold- ing an ivory tablet and small silver pencil. From the Havemeyer Collection, American Art Association, 1914. 40—Two Bristot Cur Grass Vases witH Covers Late XVIII Century Rich amethyst glass, with domed covers; on square plinths. Height, 9%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 41—Cur Guass BEAKER Bohemian, XVII Century Clear glass, decorated with intaglo engraved panels, one con- taining a biblical subject, the other a medallion of cut con- cavities. The panels are separated by strawberry flowers and leaves. 42— Height, 51% inches. From the original Henry Symons Collection, American Art Asso- ciation, 1915. Two PotycHroMep TeErra-coTta Ficurines French, XVIII Century (A) A VILLAGE MAIDEN. Standing figure wearing Watteau flow- ered dress and cap. (3) THE youNG stonEMASON. He stands with an adze bending over a slab of stone busily working. Heights, 8% and 6% inches. 43—BronzE FicuRINE L. G. Gregotre, French Cupidon standing beside his quiver of arrows, shooting to wound some unsuspecting heart. On circular base. Height, 111% inches. 44—FENAMELED Gtuass VASE Nirnberg, 1708 Beaker-shaped; with domed cover, having ball finial and cir- cular foot. Decorated in colored enamels with an elaborate hunt- ing subject, a hare, a fox and stags being driven by dogs into a net under the direction of huntsmen wearing’ eighteenth’ cen- tury costumes. The cover with scrollings. One of the inscrip- tions in white reads, “Vivat mein Herr Jager,” and the date 1708 is twice repeated. Height, 10 inches. From the original Henry Symons Collection, American Art Asso- ciation, 1915. 45—Wax Portrait Bust Late Georgian Period GEORGE Iv. Profile to right; wearing curling hair and a Roman toga. In original elm-root frame. Total height, 11 inches; width, 10% inches. First Session 46—Srr or Six Decorarep Ficurines Chelsea Style This typical group comprises a pastoral orchestra, after Saxe models. Four beaux and two belles playing Pan’s pipes, bassoon, double bass, harmonica, kettle drum and side drum. Painted in turquoise, vieux-rose, lemon-yellow and gilding. On scrolled rustic bases. Gold anchor mark. Height, 11 inches. K indly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. | : They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. : 47—Two VerrE. Ectomist Portraits French, XVIII Century (a) Two Court Lovers stand before an ancient building at right, showing one another that each has drawn the ace of hearts from a fortune-teller who stands under a tree at left. (3) Before a cottage toward Pee a young girl is seated, her lover standing beside her. : “Haighe 8 inches; iongth 10 inches. (Companions to the following) 48—Two VrerRE Ectomist Porrraits French, XVIII Century Before a country garden two lovers are seen greeting one an- other. Varied coloring and posing’ in each. Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches. (Companions to preceding) 49—Five CHINESE Soapstone Ficurres oN STAND Late XVIII Century Quaint figures of priests and acolytes, in sea-green, maroon and brown soapstone. Carved rustic stand. 50—APPLE-GREEN Faience VASE Duranti, 1911 Pear-shaped with incurved mouth. Very beautifully glazed in crackled apple-green of fine even texture. Height, 11 inches. 51—Frencuw Faience CENTREPIECE Decorated with scrolls, leaves and flower-sprays in claret and dull-green, banded in claret and sky-blue. An upper fruit basket is supported by two green-scaled dolphins, and both scalloped dishes are filled with a variety of fruits and vine leaves in naturalistic colors. , Height, 12 inches. 52—Guass Pot-pourRi Venetian, XVIII Cavan Ovular. ribbed, green glass body; ribbed hat-shaped cover sur- mounted by a lemon in naturalistic color. Knopped stem, cir- cular base. Height, 12% inches. First Session 53—Pair SinveErR SHOE Buck.LeEs French, XVIII Century Incrusted with rhinestones. In original case. From the Havemeyer Collection, American Art Association, 1914. 54—LaceuErR Torret SET Venetian, Late XVIII Century Composed of large box, with scrolled bombé sides and two smaller similar boxes, pin-cushion and clothes-brush. Decorated with floral sprays, scrollings and Chinoiserie in gold and mellow toned lacquers. : 55—Two FairncE ALBARELLI Italian, XVIII Century Grayish glaze, with naturalistic floral decoration and inscrip- tions in blue, yellow, pale green and terra-cotta. Brass covers with knob finials. Height, 10 inches. 56—ReEpovusst Copper Framep Document Italian, XVIII Century Flaring cartouche-shape; enriched with mask at crown and scrolled leafage. Height, 11 inches. 57—Two Patntep anp Gitpep Mera Urns English, XVIII Century Style Vase-shape, with pierced dome cover having pineapple finial. Decorated with grisaille medallions, floral festoons and sprays in mellow colors on pale green grounds. Height, 12%, inches. 58—Burack Sroneware Ficurre or A Monkey Early Ming Period The animal sits on its haunches. Vigorously modeled and bear- ing in its front paws a shoe of silver sycee, symbolic of wealth. The whole body is of dense coal-black glaze with yellow and burnt-sienna used for base, paws and sycee and malachite-green for the short tail; the base of turquoise-blue. Height, 131, inches. From the A. W. Bahr Collection, American Art Association, 1916. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 59—Two Porcetain CANDELABRA MountTED In Cuivre Dore © Louis XV Style Porcelain central figures of Chinese court ladies holding vases ; on molded plinths mounted on square cuivre doré bases having acorn feet, They are surrounded by branches in cutore doré, supporting leafed bobéches and adorned with porcelain flowers. Height, 131% inches. 60—Two Earty BoHemian Giass Vases Bottle-shaped, amber glass; valanced flaring lip, body ornament or tears and pendent rope knots. Flat, oval base. Height, 1414 inches. 61—Two Sitver-PLaTeD CHENETS AND Set oF FIRE-TooLs Louis XVI Style Chenet with molded oblong top, surmounted by a recumbent Sphinx ; supported on leaf-scrolled feet centered by shell motives and panels of lattice. Four fire-tools, with vase handles in stand having circular tray, slender shaft and similar terminal to handles of tools. Chenet, height 101% inches; width, 104% inches. Fire tools, height, 241, inches. 62—Two Cuivre Dort CHENETS Louis XVI Style Shaped top, valanced with drapery and tassels supported at ends with leaf flutings and scrollings; enriched vase-shaped feet ; sup- porting large central vase, festooned with oak leaves and small flanking gadrooned and flame motives. Back irons for same. Heights, 14 inches; widths, 14 inches. 63—Fairnce Orn Jar Arabic, XVI Century Oviform; the surface with lateral corrugations from lip nearly to foot, the furrows around the middle of the jar broader than elsewhere. Mottled apple-green glaze with slight lustre. ; Height, 15 inches. From the Thomas B. Clarke Collection. 64—Two Iranian Faience JARDINIERES Yellowish glaze, adorned in high relief with large forms of water flowers in ochre and green. Ochre rim and base; emerald-green interior. Diameter, 15 inches. First Session 65—Repovussrt Brass PiaaueE Venetian, XVI Century JOSHUA AND CALEB, WITH THE GRAPES OF ESHCOL. In a central medallion which is encircled by an inscribed Gothic band, that being succeeded by a narrow leaf border. Leaf and fleur-de-lis motives enhance the rim. Diameter, 16 inches. From the Clarence Dearden Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1914. 66—Bronze Group After Pigalle LOVE’s MissivE. A winged cupidon reclines over a fountain at which a dove has settled. The cupidon contemplates a missive which he holds in his hand. Rich green patina. On oval Siena marble base. Height, 17 inches; length, 20% inches. (Illustrated) 67—CuInEsE Porcetain Lamp XVIII Century Broad pear-shape, with rimmed lip. Invested with a beautiful lightly cracked peacock-blue glaze. Fitted for electricity. Silk shade for same. (Restored.) Height, 161/, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. , They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 68—Two MarsiEe anp Cuivre Dort Lamps Louis XVI Style Oviform Campan Vert marble body. Mounted in cutore doré with scrolled tripod stand having hoof feet and ram’s-head ter- minals holding pendent flower festoons. Fitted for electricity. Old-rose silk shades. is Height, 17 inches. 69—Sitver-PLATED Eectric Lamp Louis XVI Style Oblong base, adorned with festoons and supporting two fluted shafts fitted with electric candles and central square shafts bear- ing adjustable green laqué oval shade. Height, 20 inches. 70—Two Guiass PENDENT JARDINIERES Semi-oval baskets with elongated loop handles, having molded knots at joints. Suspended from black cords and tassels; clear glass. Height, 1514, inches. 71—Two Cutvre Dort anp Iron Anpirons Italian Renaissance Style Beautiful, balustered shaft, terminated in gadrooned mushroom finial. Enriched with vertical gadroonings interrupting scrolled motive. On scrolled iron legs having frontal coat of arms and button feet in cuivre doré. Heights, 151%, inches. 72—Framep CoLtorep Frencu Mezzortinr XVIII Century Style MME. ST. AUBIN. Bust length, wearing gray curling hair and green and gray drapery; enriched with pearls. Within an oval carved and gilded scroll-frame. | Height, 1714, inches; width, 1834, inches. 73—Framep Cotorep Frencn Mezzotinr’ XVIII Century Style MME. DE FRANCE. Seated, wearing elaborate brocade robes and holding a music score in her hands. ae (Arched Panel) / WAY ; U I] a Height, 2114, inches; width, 138%4 inches In the foreground the Holy Virgin, wearing crimson robes and a deep blue mantle, kneels toward right before the Infant Saviour, who re- clines on a pallet of straw. Beyond, at right is an edifice; at left animals are seen before a wattle fence and a landscape beyond. FRENCH SCHOOL XVIII Century 322—LA MARQUISE DE VERVIERS (Pastel) Charter iW Esuhea! ISO : Height, 21 inches; length, 17 inches Charming young matron seen at half-length, slightly to right, holding a music score in her right hand. She wears a coral pink ribbon at throat and a robe over a lace vest having ruffles at sleeves. A lace cap is over her curling gray hair. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. . - WILLEM KLAASZ HEDA Durcu: 1594—1678 323—STILL LIFE: EAE CAKE (Panel) | Uy D. H Le 17 inches; length, 24: inches ; Ina wane yellow- green light of warm tone, reflected ‘ante an olive: wall a and seeming to have come through similarly toned glass, a group of me objects of the refreshment hour are observed on a green-covered table over which a white serviette has been spread at one end. Here a fruit cake or pudding is lying in a brass or pewter dish, with a cutting from it on a smaller dish, together with a round-bowled spoon. ; Height, 21% inches; width, 18 mches Bust-length of a florid, middle-aged man; wearing long wig curling to shoulders of his black velvet coat; a lace ruffle and jabot is at his throat. a : Haba Obie R.A Eneuisu:, 1746—18381 f yf} 325—THE SAVOY ARD ieee Lf 5 0, Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Half-length of a young boy, with long curling black hair covered bya large black felt hat. He wears an open lawn shirt and yellow-green vest and is about to ah a Boab 7 Third Session J. G. BROWN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1881—19138 : —T) f) /) 326—_THE LITTLE VAGABOND Ws By A. y a i Ce Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches A somewhat thoughtful little lad, shabbily attired and having a large old-green umbrella under his right arm, stands before a door con- templating the prospect for good weather. Signed, CopyricuT, J. G. Brown, N.A. TO, read Vy. Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. OTTO PILTZ German: 1846— - juin | 327—THE BELFRY INA “Bp. Ue es }O0 Height, 24 inches; width, 171% inches 3 Two litle lads, with golden hair, have climbed to the belfry of an an- cient church and one is tapping a bell and both listen to its wondrous tone. Beyond through a window opening a vista of the countryside is seen. Signed, on wooden bar toward foot, O. Pitz, 1859. EMIL RAU Saxontan: 1858— 328--TYROLESE PEASANT SMOKING | e $ ) : Height, 22 inches; weight, 18 inches Bust-length of a hearty young man, with blond curling moustache and hair; wearing a green felt hat, an ivory lawn vest and crimson coat. He is contentedly smoking his pipe. Signed at upper right, E. Rav. FRENCH SCHOOL XVIII Century 329 PORTRAIT OF MLLE. SOUBISE Ihoud. re 8. | WO. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches Half-length of a charming young matron, wearing garlands of flowers over her gray hair and lace trimmed, rose-red dress. Third Session JAN VAN MABUSE: né GOSSAERT-GOSSARD Friemisy: 1472—1541 330—THE VIRGIN ENTHRONED i iL) S me = | (Panel) Bi ot Height, 1134 mches; width, 834 inches The Virgin, draped in a violet-rose mantle of ample folds that cling to her figure, is seated with her face held close to the Child’s, as He stands" on her lap. Her elaborate throne is Flemish Renaissance in char-. acter and rises from a white marble dais to the top of the picture, where a canopy is crowned with a medallion, enclosing the winged head of a cherub. Conspicuous features of the carved work are the two newel posts, surmounted by fleur-de-lys, and two pendants at the canopy. At back is an opening through which appear the details of a landscape that extends beyond the throne, showing, on each side, a house. That at left is backed by wooded hills and craggy mountains; at right, by water, follow the windings of a precipitous shore line. From the notable Nicolas Riaboughinsky Collection, American Art Association, 1916. -KX - $ ILS - OUP Jhesrichn FRENCH SCHOOL XVIII Century Manner 331—BROTHER AND SISTER WITH BIRD'S NEST vy -— (Pastel) la we (Osis Height, 361% inches; width, 311% inches A young girl wearing blue and yellow dress, lawn fichu and straw hat, is seated in close proximity to her brother attired in lavender-blue cos- tume with ruff about neck; before a woodland. The children hold be- tween them a nest in which are four fledglings. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. JAN VAN GOYEN Dutcu: 1596—1666 332—MOUTH OF THE MEUSE 0 (Panel) “o rte 4 or ' Height, 18 inches; length, 2214 wches Painted almost in monotone, engaging in composition, and of remark- able quality within its monochromatic range. The broad river occu- pies the full span of the picture in the foreground, sweeping out to sea toward the right in the distance, about a long middleground shore consisting of a low point projecting from the left, where a windmill, a church and other buildings of the community rise above a mass of flourishing trees. Relieved against the umbrageous shoreline and its architectural accents are Dutch fishing vessels, with sails up, and fishermen in the foreground. Signed on lobster-pot to right of centre, J. V. G., 16538. From the collection of Miss Rogers, sister of the poet Samuel Rogers. From the F. A. G. Hood Collection, American Art Association, 1915.-// ws, , Commended by the German critic, Herr Waagen, in his consideration of England’s national treasures of art. > ee at | yas Third Session NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1809—1876 333—FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU D. et TA peewee 3 f | Height, 91% inches; length, 141% adhe: ree At the Forest’s edge at sunset. The woods at the right with their dense foliage obscure the sky. The rest of the scene is broken land and wild, covered with green and russet growths, with here and there a gray rock. The sky at the left is dark with clouds, while from the centre come brilliant sunset reflections, which accent lightly the trunks of the outer forest trees. Signed at the lower left, Diaz, 1874. Note: This fine Diaz was originally purchased from the late Daniel Cottier. From the collection of Ichabod T. Williams, American Art Association, 1915. -¥7/~ ITS- Olle lerxehy Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. : - They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. oe VAN BOEKEL ee DutcH: 1673 334—BIRDS IN FOLIAGE al te yy . Height, 264% imches:; length, 3314 inches Various birds are seen, some in bright colon before a dark batherautd | of a classical landscape with ruins. At the centre, in the foreground, a pheasant is perched upon the base of a broken column or pedestal, and a ruffled pigeon rests on the shoulder of an overturned urn above, while another pigeon is drinking on the right below, nearby a white chicken. On a withered branch of a tree on the left a tropical bird of flame-red plumage perches, looking down questioningly at the open- beaked pheasant. tw SE ea From the Painting Collection, American Art Association, January 27, se #71 - $90 - Oils leone. Utt.h, Hrttoner bolt (Joo -VEE lage 168 PAULUS MOREELSE Dutcu: 1571—1688 335—BARTHOLOMEUS VAN SEGWAERT MW, . SHERIFF OF DORDR W 1607 o pr (Panel) Height, 2644 mches; width, 204% inches Half-length figure of a middle-aged man in black and gray dress, and elaborate white lace collar; brown hair, mustache and chin tuft. Note: The date of 1623 at the top of the portrait is probably the year of Van Segwaert’s death. Acquired from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, American Art Association, February 21-24, 1916. $289- £500 - Ollg Aeessct. (Illustrated) ee Ee ET Oe ns STS Al Milt AL IDE oe No. 335—Barruotomevs VAN SEGWAERT, SHERIFF OF DorpRECHT, 1607 (By Paulus Moreelse) Kinaly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. E. P. THEODORE ROUSSEAU Frencu: 1812—1867 336—STUDY OF SUNLIT WooDs ( Ce: Lea ie NAD : Height, 584 inches; length, 734 inches 1 The artist has presented a morceau of delightful attraction; all the big- ness of a large landscape contained within thumb-box dimensions. The spot chosen is the edge or entrance of an open wood of tall trees, near the centre of the composition and well back, the ground around them a fresh green field or irregular surface with varied herbage. A slant of bright light from a lowering sun back of the spectator at the left, strikes upon the foliage, which has begun to show autumn hues and penetrates the woods a little way, accenting the trunks of trees within. A figure is suggested in a road between two hummocks in the middleground. Note: This fine Rousseau was originally acquired from the late Daniel Cottier. From the collection of Ichabod T. Williams, American Art Association, 1915.43 - 8 725~ Olt Sbernch. Third Session JEAN BAPTISTE HUET -_ Frencnu: 1745—1811 ie eaiey 337—A SHEPHERDESS IN ARCADIA Wy. f! : Ly ff Caen Height, 2134 inches; width, 18 mches | An elaborately clad maiden is seated toward left, before an arched fountain embowered with very beautiful trees and vines. Ad Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. % Be 2 a) % bu i i}? é RM EBM SAR MH BG SIN CHS BS RH BH. WSS nes BRRRM : OF 500" XV CENTURY ITALIAN OOL 343—THE MARRIAGE OF ST. oA 4 S - (Panel, arched top) if fy Height, 1614 inches; width, 11 inches Small whole-length figure of the Virgin, in red, blue and green draper- ies, seated in the open, holding the Infant forward toward St. Cather- ine. Overhead two youthful angels are bearing wreaths. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, American Art Association, 1916. kK283 — Jf 700 - hn "hesnet Third Session DOMENICO PULIGO FLoRENTINE: 1475—1527 7 { \ IK) UW. de 344—_MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN V™! ; Height, 32 imches; width, 25 inches Youthful Madonna to right, directed to left, in pink, blue and yellow draperies with brown headdress, supporting the Infant, who is hold- ing a blue and gold striped ball handed to Him by St. John, whose staff and red cloak are on the table. Note: A large and fine specimen of this interesting pupil of del Sarto, who was also greatly influenced by Ghirlandajo. From the Blakeslee Galleries Collection, American Art Association, 1915. #9- §30Sb - Ltt fhesrecl Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FRANCESCO GUARDI VENETIAN: 1712—1793 ot 345—MASKED BALL IN VENICE K rr Height, 1244 mches; length, 20 iches The interior of the Venetian Ridotto in the eighteenth century. The room is of great size, the walls plainly painted in a grayish-green tone, and the rafters of the high ceiling exposed. In the vast spaces of this room a masked ball is in progress, the numerous figures: being clothed either in fancy costumes or in dominoes; the sombre effect of the black capes relieved by the gaiety of the light-colored dresses beneath, and more especially by the vivid coloring of a harlequin’s costume in the near foreground. ge Note: Among Guardi’s familiar scenes of outdoor Venice this interior, with its masterly treatment of the figures seen in artificial light, holds a place unique and entirely its own. (Illustrated in the Catalogue of the Stroganoff Collection.) From Professor Volpi’s Villa Pia, Florence, and acquired at the Da- vanzati Palace Collection, American Art Association, 1916. 1009 _ ; piisoo fh hue (spipny) oosaouniy hg) HOINDA NI TIvVG GeUSVJI—CHE “ON . & . | a pase tad A ll eal SS [gO | Height, 211% inches; length, 38 inches Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. BERNARDO BELLOTTO -Trarian: 1724—1780 346—THE DOGE’S PALACE, VENICE © MANA. Ay The famous ancient Gothic arcaded Palace is seen amid other edifices, stretching from right to centre. The esplanade is animated with numerous personages, and the waters of the canal with many gondolas — and other vessels. The church of Santa Maria del Salute is at left distance. GILBERT STUART AMERICAN: 1754—1828 | \\. 1) Stl 347—PORTRAIT OF JOHN WILLET HOOD f 0 | 60: Height, 30 imches; width, 24% mches The Admiral is portrayed in rich dark blue coat, with broad revers and buttons of dull gold, its scarlet lined collar turned outward and bent down upon the shoulder. He wears a white stock and gracefully arranged jabot and a small gray-white wig. He faces the left, nearly three-quarters to the front, with fixed, steady gaze straight ahead. His eyes are blue and his cheeks rosy, and the flesh tones throughout are in the crisp, fresh rendering characteristic of the painter. With the light concentrated on the head and dimming as it falls upon the figure, the subject is seen against a neutral background of olive tones shading into brown. Note: John Willet Hood was Rear Admiral of the Red, Vice Admiral of the Coasts of Devonshire and Cornwall, Lord Warden of the Stannaries. From the F. A. G. Hood Collection, American Art Association, 1915. —-PK/ (Illustrated) prHis- Olt Cyr bb eid ahh oi ot epee epedet wpe Se Gad No. 347—Portrair oF JoHN WiLLEt Woop (By Gilbert Stuart) PTL CaN NTN LON ET IE TTT NO TOL A CIT N II I EL TOELEM NB OBIE RRS A TET OTC ET AE oe ai NA it EA NIE TOILE ERC I Ce a tg ihe AR RO camer mnt Reber ERR A EAETI ONEE 20 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. Vsobeith- RICHARD YEO, R.A. ENeisH | 1720—1779 “i 348—PORTRAIT OF A-MAN i tees Height, 291% inches; width, 241% inches Half-length figure of a middle-aged man seated at a table with draw- ing board and compass. He wears costume embroidered with gold, white neckerchief and cuffs and gray wig. Note: Yeo was a medallist, painter and a scultpor. Foundation member of the Royal Academy. This portrait was engraved by A. N. Sanders, 1877, on a small scale. See Graves and Cronin’s “Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds,” 1899, Vol. III. From the Catholina mbert Collection, American Art Association, 1916. —422- $//§50 - Wills hanch, t* a. apaseset epee apetbersTt +e tae SES l 2) No. 348—Porrrair oF A Man (By Richard Yeo, R.A.) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. CONSTANT TROYON Frencu: 1813—1865 349—COWS IN PASTURE Oe. 5 O ‘ Height, 86144 mches; width, 29 inches Eventide approaches and level meadows of the Netherlands are already in the dusk of shadows thrown across the grass by the tall trees of a green and brown wood, which enters the picture in the right fore-— ground, receding in the distance toward the left. In front of the woods a slant of late sunlight strikes across the field, brightening the succulent green flower-dotted grass and throwing into strong relief — two sleek, well-nourished cows with long coats. One stands athwart, headed left, a red cow spotted white, with opulent distended udder brought to view. The other cow is lying down—a white one, spotted black and brown, with head turned to inspect the observer. In the shadows of the middle distance at the left a woman is milking another of the herd, a man bending over her looking on. Signed at the lower left, C. Troron. Note: This fine Troyon was originally acquired from the late Daniel Cottier. From the collection of Ichabod T. Williams, American Art Association, 1915.-F-//3-~ $ 5000- Hho a IN PASTURE Cows No. 349— Constant Troyon) (By Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. GABRIEL METSU DutcH: 1630—1667 Qu 350-—-THE TOAST | Oe AQ. Height, 37 inches; width, 2414 inches An interior with seven figures, three men, three women and a boy; the hostess standing, with back to the spectator, wearing white satin dress © and pink jacket edged with white fur. The others are seated at a table and are toasting the health of the lady; a page is bringing in Oe ments. A guitar is on a sofa at left. Originally purchased from Sedelmeyer, Paris. From the Catholing Lambert Collection, American Art Association, 1916.- Kian -$ 2880- gh heron. No. 350—Tue Toast (By Gabriel Metsu) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. — JAN VAN HUYSUM ~ Durcu: 1682—1749 351—FLOWERS o WwW. oy Height, 71 inches; width, 46 inkhes Large sculptured vase with a massed arrangement of various bril- liantly colored flowers which occupy nearly the whole canvas. From the Catholina mbert Collection, American Art Association, 1916._#YS- JB /oZS -~ Olle Sherueh, ae cet i i i eee FET hei ae er eT ig etal n & a § Bess FS Ss slot Es qe oo § oe > RS JZ LS a SESS SE re NR SS serene a als Re leila ti a ee een, ee ea ee en a aon a ee hee Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. GEORGES MICHEL 2 | 0, Frencu: 17683—1843 352—A SEAPORT : | WAAL | Height, 2014 inches; length, 2614 inches A Beach, with figures in the left foreground. From right to left extend the waters of an estuary and beyond is the wide expanse of the ocean. On the right are seen the high walls of a port and the square towers of a castle, while a fleet of sailing vessels rides at anchor nearby. The _ sky is of fine, clear blue with masses of vaporous white clouds. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, American Art Association, 1916. BOF plSb~ Olle Mert, qayaipy sabsoay fig) LUOdVAG W—ZGE ‘ON ; Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ccs lly ote # PATRICK NASMYTH Scorcu: 1787—1831 Ns i) Qo E 353—VIEW FROM HAMPSTEAD OVER T ii sO: WEALD OF HARROW Height, 18 inches; length, 24 wmches In the foreground a rough field road, entering from the right, passes between a green mound which forms a nearby horizon behind it on the right, and a pool on the left that is bordered by bushes, beyond which the road loses itself in the wild lands of hill and valley. At the foot of the mound is a blasted tree, surrounded by groups of green and brown brush, while green and brown bushes border the pond, a patch of whose surface is silvered by reflections from white clouds floating in o a banks of gray in a light blue sky. Near the pond two country folk / are conversing, and in the distance are further personages. $ Note: Exhibited at the British Institute, 1829, No. 453. 4 From the F. A. G. Hood Collection, American Art Association, 1915. -K£4 - | pXio- Cleo Shan co | Third Session THOMAS SIDNEY COOPER, R.A. Encuisu: 1808—1902 354—CATTLE AT NOONDAY REST Ama. ' Height, 30 wmches; length, 42 inches Two brown cows recline, amid long-haired sheep, on a mound overlook- ing a low-lying river. A magnificent black cow stands-beyond, silhou- etted to left, against the white clouded blue sky. Other sheep and a cow at distant right; low hills appear across the sluggish river to left. Signed, 'T. Stpney Cooper, R.A., 1871. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. CATHERINE READ - 6 : EncuisH: Died in 1786 : ) ! a 355—CHILD AND PARROT _ paiee pe Height, 33 inches; width, 271 inches — Nearly whole-length figure of a young girl in yellow-patterned dress, long brown sash and pink: and white lace bonnet, walking in a land-— scape; a parrot perched on the back of her left hand. Originally purchased from Messrs. T. Wallis & Son, London. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, American Art Association, 1916. -#ZM1-~ $000- blts No. 855—Cnitp anp Parrot (By Catherine Read) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE :. 50: Frencu: 1656—1746 : | | ; ie ere ‘tna ©, 2 beet 356—DUC DE PENTHIEVRE y . Be : Height, 351% inches; width, 29 imches a Half-length, about forty years of age, standing, directed to right, head turned and looking at spectator, wearing deep red patterned robes, white lace jabot, long flowing curly wig and white lace cuffs. Right hand extended with ring on last finger; red curtain at right. Note: Louis Joseph, Duc de Penthiévre and afterwards Duc de Vendome, born in 1654, entered the French army and distinguished himself in many battles, died at Tinaroz, Valencia, June 15th, 1712. From the Fi: Boos. Collection, American Art Association. 1915.-¥#96- B/000— Off focrnel. eee rE aeeh : ; cit thei Gele\e >, 7s oe ehere)ororrr Soa See Ss PERPNE TY as are myrpeie pore fe pepege sé aj/eyeeiegete © eb ee beme vee bles Leben bsarpole Fat Bet No. 356—Duc pr PENTHIEVRE (By Nicolas de Largilliére) nc ta; S OIOLETE | EOE ALLEL LAGOA LA a y a E> lt OE ae RT Sit Et —s a a — yo Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. i 4 _ They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SCHOOL OF PANNINI Iratian: XVIII Century 357—AN ELABORATE RUINED PALACE Wd. 1, WM. Height, 1714 inches; length, 5414 inches The remains of an Ionic capitaled and columned arcade are at right — before a series of arched gateways o’ergrown with vines; further varied arches and an obelisk are at left bordering the edge ah a lake. Many personages in conversation or promenading are before the arcade. PAOLO ANTONIO BARBIERI Irar1an: 16083—1649 4 358—FRUIT AND FLOWERS = WAL Height, 2544 inches; length, 3514 inches A crimson-pink covered table is occupied by two huge melons, a plate of figs and plums, a vase of jonquils and carnations, a dish of cherries and scattered fruit. (Companion to following) PAOLO ANTONIO BARBIERI Itatian: 1608—1649 FRUIT Height, 2514 oh ae vont imches On a deep green covered table are spread apples, a large pear and a pomegranate before a wicker basket of mixed fruit and a dish of fine peaches. 359 (Companion to preceding) Third Session GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIEPOLO Iratran: 1696—1770 360—ASCENSION OF ST. Meee Ae / Height, 411% inches; length, 4914 aches Whole-length figure of St. Margaret surrounded by youthful angels, one of whom holds a crozier. To the left a table with a book and carved ivory figure of Christ crucified; to right a flower urn. Note: Purchased directly from the Bishop of York, England. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, American Art Association, 1916.-¥ 880 — B S00. Df festh. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. : They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. — ; JUAN CARRENO DE MIRANDA Srawis: 1614-1685 9 LuLety 361—PORTRAIT OF A SPANISH PRINCESS 3b rad 2 Height, 47 inches; width, 38% inches Whole-length portrait of a young child, standing, in light blue dress embroidered with flowers in gold, centre of corsage and sleeves with pearl ornaments, pearl rope over shoulders; brown hair dressed flat over forehead and ears; pillar to left, red curtain to right. Foon the collection of the late Stanford White, American ae Mane tion, 1911. From the collection of Catholina Lambert, American Art Association, ~~ 1916. -#259__ $ 2500 - Olle eoneh, No. 361—Porrtrrait oF A SPANISH PRINCESS iranda) de M reno Juan Car (By Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI Irvatian: Circa 1695—1764 362—ITALIAN RUINS pees Height, 39 ie length ene View of the seacoast in Italy, with figures, and numerous boats moored to a quay; to right is an ancient high gateway partly in ruizis; in the centre a circular temple, and in the distance a triple triumphal arch. From the collection of Lord Young, February 29, 1908; CASI Oe No. 59. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, American Art Association, 1916. -#/7- $1150 - Otto hacnttl. (suewung ojovg wuvacy hg) SNINY NVIIVLJ—Z9e ‘ON Y (M6 . Height, 49 inches; length, ' Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold ‘ They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 4 ALLART VAN EVERDINGEN DutcH: 1612—1675 363—SNOW IN THE MOUNTAINS io inches Winter is come in the Northland but sleighs are not out, nor is water frozen. Snow whitens the tall mountains which on the right loom high in the background, their peaks and slopes lessening and receding toward the left, and snow is sifted in a powderlike coating over tall evergreens and on the windward side of trees which have long since shed their leaves. Large buildings are perched high on the slopes. In | the foreground is a humble home and inn, hollowed out in the face of a sheer cliff and fronted with a wooden leanto. Here are seen several peasant maids and children, a man playing a bag-pipe and another man on horseback drinking. A caleche and two persons walking are proceeding up a road, and at the side of the inn cattle and sheep # are drinking at a pool of a mountain stream. From the McGuire Collection, Howard County, Maryland. From the Nicholas M. Matthews Collection, American Art Association, 2 “ 1914. -F/I2 - $20 - Olle (uabuiplaagq ung 44nzqp hg) SNIVLNOOJ[ FHL NI MONG—E9E ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. 4 They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. = SCHOOL OF TITIAN Venetian: XVI Century 364—THE HOLY FAMILY dq jeeeere Gal 3 Aaa Height, 30 inches; length, 37 inches The Holy Mother is seated at the right ; wearing rich crimson blue anda yellow robes adoring the Infant Saviour, who is asleep on her lap. She is seated before a mountainous and wooded landscape and St. — Joseph is seen at left pouring over a tome which he holds on his knees. Note: This richly colored painting is enclosed within a contemporary frame elaborately enriched with scrollings, masks and fanciful motives. AELBERT CUYP Dutcu: 1620—1691 365—CHRIST ON THE roaD ‘To Emmaus ). (Lt) 4 . : oe (9TLO . Height, 4314 inches; length, 59 inches Our Lord, in conversation with two disciples, is seen under a clump of trees sheltering a building at right. About centre on a road winding from high hills around a lake at left, is a herd of kine followed by a peasant woman mounted on a white horse, two rustics and a hound. The scene is bathed in golden sunlight. From the Sedelmeyer Collection, Paris. (Illustrated) SERS ae a (dfing q4aqey fg) SAVWWY OL GvOY AHL NO LSIMH)—QG9g “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. _ KARL-PIERRE DAUBIGNY FRENCH: — 366—VIEW OF VILLERVILLE A Naat h 4 1250. | Height, 88 inches; ae 57 inches z A sluggish stream flows across the foreground, before a low shore at middle distance, on which a windmill is prominent about centre; wooded cottages and further windmills are at left and right. The river is animated by several large fishing vessels. The moody evening atmosphere is finely depicted. Signed at lower left, Dausieny, 1872. From the Charles T., Yerkes age. American Art Association, 1910. ~ #50 - Bisoc 7 ba PS No. 366—View or VILLERVILLE (By Karl-Pierre Daubigny) Kindly rea the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ANTOINE PESNE Frencu: Circa 1684—1757 367—PORTRAIT OF A LADY oO Height, 581% mohes width, 45 inches / Nearly whole-length portrait of a lady, standing in the open and wear- — a ing a blue and white embroidered dress with short sleeves trimmed with — i. lace, a lace collar, powdered hair with white and blue lace cap, lore | earrings and three-row pearl bracelet. She is holding a black and — _white toy dog with red neck-ribbon under her right arm. 765 =! From the Catholina Lambert Collection, American Art Asbestos 1916.—#9K8- 8 joSd - Olle Berucl, Se RECS Le we No. 367—Porrrait oF A Lapy (By Antoine Pesne) K nae read the Conditions under which every item is offered can sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. > 6 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. EncoutsH: 17538—1839 | 368—ADMIRAL BRIDPORT, K.B. ~\~" | Ros, Height, 50 ‘inches; width, 40 inches Three-quarter length, standing to front looking toward sieht wearing “4 naval uniform, blue coat with star of order of Bath, gold chain math pendant, white waistcoat and breeches and gray hair; a sword 1 in his right hand. 7 From the Blakeslee Galleries Collection, American Art Associaton, 1915. — #50 - Joo - OLl Mers0f,. No. 368—ApmiraL Brivvort, K.B. (By Sir William Beechey, R.A.) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. BRONZINO; né ALLORI (CRISTOFANO) FLoRENTINE: 1577—1621 369—FOOTBALL IN FLORENCE [yt Fei Q wee { + q g ® , Height, 451 inches; width, 3314 inches “tid oa View of the Piazza Santa Croce with a game of football, or “Giuoco del Calcio,” in progress. The players, some fifty in number, occupy the centre of the Piazza. They are divided into three groups of about ten, with the others disposed in a circle around, and are all dressed in tight-fitting jerkins, kneebreeches and plumed caps. Around them in close ranks sit the spectators, at the back, against the walls of Santa Maria del Novella in a grandstand, while on the right-hand side, ladies crowd all the windows of the palace facing on the Piazza. In the fore- ground, on the right, are cavaliers in exaggeratedly decorative suits Ap classic armor, in their centre are three figures of jesters, while on the left are seen the halberds of the guards who keep the nea in order. From the Davanzati Palace Collection, American Art Asien 1916. manna ARRAS os fas ((ounfojsw)) woynpy gu fomzuorg fg) HONGUOTY NI TIV€LOOT—G9E “ON GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI “te | 810—EXTERIOR OF A PALACK —~ Ta a oe - Height, 47 mches; Rei 36 inchem +. a An elaborate palace, with tra massive columns and clone i - numerous figures. wearing semi-classical costumes. Ct From the Blakeslee Calleries Collection, American Art i 1916. - 2¥6- P3So-— (Companion to ‘ollowings No. 370—ExtTERIor oF A PALACE (By Giovanni Paolo Pannini) Kindly read the.Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI > ITALIAN: EO Ne 371—_INTERIOR OF A PALACE Soe: Height, 47 inches; width, 386 inches Evening scene with chief entrance to a palace; exhibiting many figures in semi-classical costumes, two page boys hold torches at foot of a flight of steps and two men with musical instruments in a gallery, probably announce the opening of a ball or reception. | From the Blakeslee Galleries Collection, American Art Association, — 1916. -#2K7. B38So- Oflo SBesnce (Companion to preceding) daydin Co, eS oe oo 62 INTERIOR OF A PALACE No. 371 (By Giovanni Paolo Pannint) ) b+) , bridge. Signed. | a 4 A , group of oxen and sheep with a peasant following. At left is Bf) : traveling across the centre to left, led by a peasant. Beyond is © q Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. : They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a a The following six Wall Panels by W. Piera, Dutch Painter of the eighteenth century _ are signed toward lower right and dated 1781. Piera was noted for his Paysages, which are of extremely decorative quality and in excellent condition. These together with the two following overdoors, a Flower Subject and an exceptionally fine Weenix, are installed, for exhibition, as originally placed in the Lane apartment within the panels of a paneled room finished in green laque. Each painting is marked with an asterisk for identification. The Paneled Room will be sold the afternoon following this evening’s sale, Saturday, November 22, at about four p. m. . W. PIERA Dotcu® ‘Circa, 178d 372— DECORATED WALL ANELS. (Six) N ; a *(A) TRAVELERS RESTING: Ai left foreground/is a group of mounted and unmounted travelers under a huge tree. Toward right is an old chateau and a stream, spanned by an arched ie Peat Height, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches = = ; ‘ (Illustrated) | | WIA, t *(B) CATTLE RETURNING HOME. In the foreground is ruined cenotaph embowered with trees. At right is a romantic ¥ 3 landscape. Signed. = Height, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches ~ Fe si ja *(C) CATTLE GOING TO PASTURAGE. A group of oxen dnd ~ e sheep is seen debouching from a ruined edifice at right and a romantic lake, crested by rocks. Signed. Height, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inch-s ihn rr. *(A) Traveters Restine (By W. Prera) No. 372—DeEcoraATED Wat PANEL oe. a x Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. : AL *(D) SHEEP RESTING. In the focespata a) flanked by trom a Be foo groups of trees, a herd of sheep and their shepherd are restiz ng 4 SA . during the midday heat under the shelter of the trees. At right — is a peasant group before a ruined Ionic temple. Signed. =a i . Height, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 10 inches (Illustrated) *(E) THE MARKET acon! Waa d cous cart, two bullocks, is seen traversing a rough road about ce mS a Om) right is a large statue of Venus, sheltered by trees; at left are — ( larger trees giving a vista of a distant landscape, Signed. Height, 9 feet 9 mches; width, 5 feet_10 inches / i es *(F) PEASANTS GOING TO THE a About centre, f ¢rossing | a rough road, is a peasant cart, drawn by two horses, driven a by a blue-coated man, carrying his wife to the fair. At extreme (K—A left are two men engaged in conversation, seated under la a7 ‘ §ag trees. Distant view of wooded hills. Signed, Fgh. 9 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches (Companions to following) FRENCH SCHOOL Lovis XVI ee 4. Wr Height, 38 inches; width, 3846 inches 313—-DECORATED OVER- DOORS a | Draped vases of flowers, enriched with gadroons and rosette motives, __ standing within arches. Painted en camaieu in blue, on ivory grounds. (Companions to preceding and following) No. 372—Decoratep Watt Pane: *(D) Sueer Restine (By W. Piera) if 6, (Room Panel) B05) om ae ' Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. DUTCH SCHOOL XVIII Century 374 —*4 SCULPTURED VASE OF FLOWERS Re Height, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 8 feet 8Y inches — | ha A large terra-cotta vase, enriched with bas-relief, ‘*The Flight to a Egypt,” stands on a small pee in gray, having a central. panel _ 4 depicting the “Annunciation.” The vase is before a dense woodland Sy and occupied by a large bouquet of very varied flowers. | a (Companion to preceding and following) JAN BAPTIST WEENIX DutcH: 1621—1660 3875 —*STILL LIFE AND LANDSCAPE Height, 58 inches; width, 51 inches In the foreground a low stone parapet crosses the canvas, surmounted at the left by a huge sculptured column. On the ledges of this, white and red grapes in large bunches are grouped with peaches and purple and golden plums, an oak branch with green and partly dried leaves crossing over the group. At the end of the branch a white-breasted red squirrel on the parapet is attacking it for acorns. On the ground or terrace below is a profusion of cut flowers and leaves, a butterfly fluttering over them, which has caught the attention of a small curly- haired white dog standing near; and at one side is a ripe melon from which a wedge has been cut. Beyond the parapet is a basin or canal in a noble garden, surrounded by classical buildings amongst which tall Italian cypress trees are seen. A painting big and comprehensive, with a wealth of color, rich but subdued, a brilliant display of technic, enriched with imaginative and romantic elements. Signed at the right, midway, J. WEENtx, 1701. (Companion to preceding) From the Gilmore Collection, Baltimore. Purchased by Mr. Gilmore in 1823 from Chevalier Apostool of Amsterdam, who was then Director of the Amsterdam Museum. From the Nicholas M. Matthews Collection, American Art Association, 1914. -43- B Ho- Olle Menuet No. 3875—*Stitt Lire anp LAnpscAre (By Jan Baptist Weenix) INDEX OF ARTISTS!|REPRESENTED — AND THEIR WORKS PS Fie BARBIERI, Paoto Antonio >» Fruit and Flowers ey Fruit BEECHEY, Sir Wiriam, R.A, Admiral Bridport, K.B, BELLOTTO, Brernarpo The Doge’s Palace, Venice BLACKMAN, Watrer Italian Fisher Girl * BLAKELOCK, Rate Arsert, N.A. Sunshine on a Woodland Glade BONINGTON, Ricnarp ParKrEs Street Scene | “Mh, BOUGHTON, Grorcz H., N.A. BA. Bs Lake Windermere BROWN, J. G., N.A. The Little Vagabond BRONZINO; né Attort (Cristorano) Football in Florence BUNCE, WiuiaMm Gepney, N.A. Venetian Boats CARLISLE, Mary Heten The Knockmeledown Mountains from Castletown CHEVILLARD, VINCENT JEAN BaptTisTE Le Vieux Célibataire COOPER, TxHomas SIDNEY, R.A. | Cattle at Noonday Rest CUYP, AELBERT Christ on the Road to Emmaus DAUBIGNY, Karu Pierre : View of Villerville STagepH PA PENA, Nancisse Vinciue Forest of Fontainebleau DE LARGILLIERE, Nicoxas Duc de Penthiévre DE MIRANDA, JUAN CaRRENO Portrait of a Spanish Princess DE VELDE, Scuoot or vAN Marine DUTCH SCHOOL A Sculptured Vase of Flowers EVERDINGEN, AuartT van Snow in the Mountains FLORENTINE SCHOOL The Adoration FRENCH SCHOOL, XVIII Century La Marquise de Verviers Brother and Sister with Bird’s Nest Portrait of Mlle. Soubise Two Decorated Over-Doors GOODALL, Freprrickx The Banks of the Nile GOYEN, Jan van The Bridge Mouth of the Meuse CATALOGUE NUMBER 354 365 366 333 356 361 341 874 363 eC — ae -— S a we ” | oe ie a CATALOGUE b= ; aor NU! DLE R GRUBY, M. : , Ae “ 3 . oceae ee St. Michael’s Church, Venice | eects. . 30 GUARDI, Francesco i. Masked Ball in Venice GUARDI, ScHoou or my Santa Maria del Salute, Venice The Plaza of St. Mark’s, Venice Plaza of St. Mark’s, Venice The Bridge of Sighs, Venice ~ GUE, Davin J. ; The Open Sea HEDA, Wittem K1raAasz Still Life: Fruit Cake HUET, Jean Baptiste . A Shepherdess in Arcadia HUYSUM, Jaw van Flowers ITALIAN SCHOOL (XV CENTURY) The Marriage of St. Catherine KNELLER, Scoot or Sir Goprrey — Portrait of William III MABUSE, Jan van; né GossaErt-GossarpD The Virgin Enthroned METSU, Gasrier The Toast MICHEL, Gerorcers A Seaport MOREELSE, Pauvuvus Bartholomeus Van Segwaert, Sheriff of Dordrecht, 1607 iy CATALOGUE NUMBER NASMYTH, Parricx View from Hampstead over the Weald of Harrow 353 NORTHCOTE, James, R.A. : The Savoyard 325 OUDINOT, Acuitte Francois On the Oise 319 PANNINI, Scuoou or Venetian Palaces 340 An Elaborate Ruined Palace 357 PANNINI, Giovanni Paoto Italian Ruins 362 Exterior of a Palace 370 Interior of a Palace 371 PERRONEAU, J eee BaptisTE _Le Marquis de Ravignac 324 PESNE, ANToINE Portrait of a Lady 367 PIERA, W. Six Landscape Panels 372 PILTZ, Orro The Belfry 327 POTTER, Pavi Milking Scene | 338 PULIGO, Domenico Madonna, Child and St. John 344 RAU, Emi. Tyrolese Peasant Smoking 328 READ, CaTHERINE Child and Parrot 355 REYNOLDS, Sir Josuva, P.R.A. Portrait of the Artist 342 ROBERT, Hvuserr The Coliseum, Rome ROUSSEAU, E. P. Turopore Study of Sunlit Woods SATTERLEE, Watrer ; A Medieval Princess STUART, Gitserr ' Portrait of John Willet Hood TIEPOLO, Giovanni Barrista Holy Family Ascension of St. Margaret TITIAN, Scuoou oF The Holy Family TROYON, Constant Cows in Pasture VAN BOEKEL Birds in Foliage WATROUS, Henry W. The Letter Writer WEENTX, Jan Baptist Still Life and Landscape YEO, Ricuarp, R.A. 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