a a . Company: rk ew Yo é rs ee ° eeu GS he Ce | | ALBUM NO. 34 Hartmann-Sanders Company Manufacturers of Koll’s Patent Lock-Joint Wood Columns Garden Furniture Arbors Lattice Work for Sun Room Lattice Fences Pergolas Bath and Garden Houses Main Office, Factory and Showroom Eastern Office and Showroom 2155-87 Elston Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 6 East 39th Street, New York City Copyricat 1924 cHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY. new rorr Dersolas nae With} ols Patent Jolugims The home and its surroundings is a mighty influence in shap- ing the lives of men and women. The Pergola has helped trans- form many barren spaces into spots of charm and beauty. FOR EW OR D HE effectiveness of Pergolas, Garden Houses and other architectural features in giving character and completeness to the gardens and areas of considerable extent has been recognized for many years, but the possibilities of their use in beautifying more limited spaces, down to the dimensions of a small city lot, and in connection with every style and charac- ter of dwelling place, has been demonstrated only within recent years. It is the mission of this issue of THE PERGOLA ALBUM to show, by photographic illustration, the possibilities in effects of architectural adornment in extensive private gardens and public grounds, where their adaptations are practically un- limited, and at the same time offer suggestions for the beautifying of modest homes confined to the most limited garden areas. In looking through these pages, keep in mind that the illustrations and descriptions are merely suggestive of a comparatively few adaptations of the Pergola, and other architectural features. The designs shown are not stock patterns, therefore the size and general proportions of any of the designs shown can be changed if necessary to suit the requirements of any particular space. We have a designing department to advise with prospective clients, and to co-operate in the de- velopments of any special problem. Page 2 cHicaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new york Al GIRDERS 1 Be bi 4 CONCRETE POOT/NG AAS) ALG. 7 Specifications on Which Our Pergolas, Garden Hlouses, Etc., Are Furnished LL round columns are the well known Koll’s Patent Lock Joint Wood Columns, built with due regard to the architectural proportions of the designs they represent, and they are provided with cast iron plinths and iron rods to anchor the columns to the foundation. Tops of columns are flashed with galvanized iron. The material for the overhead work is of sizes made in correct proportion to the size of the structure. All work is carefully fitted at our factory with the idea in mind of simplifying the installation, and to reduce the cost of erection on the job. All materials, unless specified to the contrary, are primed with a coat of white lead and oil. All goods are carefully packed for shipment. The foundation plans, with the lower section of the iron rods, will be sent immediately upon receipt of order, so the concrete work can be put in during the time that our material is in transit. We will furnish complete drawings and working details with the material to assist in the erection of the work. All lattice work is put together in sections ready to set in place, and primed with a coat of white lead and oil. PRICES: All prices quoted, unless specified to the contrary, are intended to cover all material necessary to build the work above the foundation. The foundation, cost of erection, and giving the work final coats of paint, are not included. FOUNDATIONS: The most satisfactory form of foundations for pergolas is concrete piers, but should it not be found convenient to put in these concrete piers, a quite satis- factory form of foundation can be had by using cedar posts placed into the ground below the frost line and extending two feet into the columns. (See cut below.) The cost of these cedar posts is included in our price, and will be furnished in place of the iron rods, which are not needed with this form of foundation. The cost of concrete piers depends upon the distance from source of supply and labor conditions. AATTICE BTRIPI CROSSE AAYTERI 4 ia CROSS V/EWs Pergola of standard design, size 8 ft. x 48 ft. Page 3 Pergola and Garden House at Rutland, Vt., size ro ft. by 34 ft., central feature made on a 6 ft. radius. Pergola and Garden House, Aurora, Illinois, size 10 ft. x 33 ft., circular feature is 15 ft. in diameter. Can be furnished either with a tile or wood roof. Page 4 For additional information see page 3 cHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New vrorK Pergola at River Forest, Ill., size 7 ft. x jo ft. Combination Garden House and Pergola at Sheridan Road, Chicago, Ill. Size of house to ft. 6 in. square. Pergola extension 6 ft. x 6 ft. For additional information see page 3 Page 5 F (HG Sénegole. VNR HARTMANN-SANDERS CHICAGO < COMPANY pate b bod cage Oy Page 6 NEW YORKO— Pergola and Shelter for Wading Pool at West Park, Wilmette, Ill. Shelter House 16 ft. x 16 ft. Pergola extensions 12 ft. Benj. E. Gage, Landscape Architect. Price on application Shelter House at Fox Memorial Park, La Porte, Ind.; size 32 ft. x 72 ft. Shattuck and Hussey, Architects. Price on application For additional information see page } CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york Shelter House and Seats for Wading Pool and Sand Pit, Independence Park, Irving Park, Ill. Clarence Hatzfeldt, Architect. Price on application Combination Pergola and Garden House for Memorial Park at Sumter, S. C., size 11 ft. x 4o ft. Shelter House is 16 ft. square. Julia Lester Dillon, Landscape Architect. Price on application For additional information see page 3 Page 7 The “Edgewater” Shelter House and Pergola. Shelter House 7 ft. x 20 ft.; Pergola 7 ft. x 28 ft. The Shelter House can, by providing an enclosure for the same, be made to serve the purpose of boat or bathing house. Price on application BON bY VEN BEY ix. Combination Pergola and Garden House at Colorado Springs, Colo. Price on application Page 8 For additional information see page 3 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New yrorK Pergola and Shelter House at Rock Hill, S. C. Designed by E. S. Draper, Landscape Architect, Charlotte, N. C. Combination Pergola and Garden House at Aurora, Ill., size 9 ft. x 52 ft. Garden House is 12 ft. x 14 ft. Price on application For additional information see page 3 Page 9 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY) New yorK. Shelter House at Providence, R. I. Size 6 ft. x 8 ft. Shelter House at Balti- oe more, Maryland. Size 4 ft. CCC Cerr x 8 ft. Design by Mr. R. Ee ab Brooke Maxwell. tte ae Garden House at Nor- wood, Ill. Size 12 ft. x 12 ft. : ny ft ff ff IE tf If lf if ff ! Page ro For additional information see page 3 cHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york. Garden House, Winnetka, Ill. 12 ft. diameter. Designed by Rose Standish Nichols. Garden House, Oshkosh, Wis. Size 12 ft. diameter Shelter House 10 x Io ft. in size at Galva, Ill. For additional information see page 3 Page 11 Shelter House at Bronxville, New York. Size 8 ft. square. Can be fur- nished either with a tile or wood shingle roof. Garden House at Kenilworth, III. Size 12 ft., made octagon. Price on application Octagon Garden House, New York City. Size 13- ft, x12 fe Page 12 For additional information see page 3 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY xew Octagon Garden House at Sistersville, W. Va. Size 12 x 12-f€% Children’s Play House at Oak Park, IIl., built at corner of lot. Entrance at angle of 45 degrees. Size to ft. x Io ft. Octagon latticed Summer House at Great Neck, L. I. Placed at intersection of two paths. For additional information see page 3 Page 13 CHICAGO Pergola at Wheaton, IIl., size 8 ft. x 24 ft Pergola in Chicago, IIl., size 7 ft. x 16 ft. Center space is 8 ft. Page 14 For additional information see page ? CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New yrorK Pergola at Ferguson, Mo., size g ft. x 32 ft. congress Pergola feature used for a tennis court back stop at Summit, N. J. Price on application For additional information see page 3 Page 15 cHiIcaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New yvorK Pergola at Evanston, IIll., size 8 ft. x 32 ft. Pergola at Sand Lake, IIl., size 8 ft. x 42 ft. H. T. Meinersmann, Landscape Architect Page 16 For additional information see page } CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new york. Pergola at Piermont, N. Y., size 8 ft, by 30 ft. Central section built on 7 ft. 6 in. radius Pergola at Warren, R. I., size 8 ft. x 48 ft. with half circular feature in center, thereby adapting itself to use as a Summer House For additional information see page 3 Page 17 cHicAaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york A Standard Design Pergola Size8 ft.x 16 ft. Pergola in Chicago, I. Size 8 ft. x 16 ft. A Pergola feature for a garage entrance in Glen Ellyn, Il. Size 10 ft. x 20 ft. Page 18 For additional information see page 3 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new york. Standard Design Pergola. Bize.o tng? {t. Standard Design Pergola. Size oft. x 56 ft. Pergola at Highland Park Size o dt. x 32 ft. For additional information see page 3 Page 19 HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY CHICAGO NEW YORK. Pergola Fence at Bronxville, N. Y., length 60 ft. Price on application een “ an a praeraae ee Hoe Hite Ba meee E i HH S hacscnnawue aude ie f WHUREE TRLOEE imi nal) THTITETEGS Snir AUURUIUEUNED ORUUTLUTEEEE «= ERER ann CO CLE TTT ; TTB cert Lith i hh) wena WUULEDDUREEEE le 3 Lattice enclosure at Baltimore, Md. Designed by R. Brooke Maxwell, Landscape Architect. Price on application Page 20 For additional information see page 3 cHicaco HARTMANN-SANDERS Ae Lattice, Fence for Dr. Farroni at Long Beach, L. I. Used to separate the service yard from the front part of grounds. Fence is 4o ft. long. Another view showing above Pergola Pergola Lattice Fence for Mr. Robt. A. Scott, Evanston, IIl. For additional information see page 3 Length over all, 64 ft. Page 2z Pergola at Oak Park, IIl., using lattice posts and beams, size 6 ft. x 24 ft. Latticed Pergola at Oak Park, Ill., size 5 ft. x 16 ft. Designed for use as a rose arbor. Note: On both these designs the dividing posts are extended into the ground to serve as a foundation Page 22 For additional information see page 3 NEW YORK Garage at Seymour, Ind. Size 13 ft. x 24 ft. Price on application. Garage at Wilmette, Ill. Size 12 ft. x 20 ft. Price on application. For additional information see page 3 Page 23 cHicaco. HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new yore. Fan Lattice Fence at Hoopeston, Ill. Price on application Circular and Straight Lattice Fence. Designed by Prentice Sanger, Land- scape Architect. Price on application Lattice Fence at Kews Garden, L. I. Price on application Page 24 For additional information see page 3 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new vork. PT TEL CIFIFISa Lattice Fence at Norwood Park, Illinois, 4 ft 6 in. high and posts 10 Thode TKS ate be high. Fence at Evanston, Ill. Price on application For additional information see page 3 Page 25 cHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS NEW YORK. A. La titer Fence used to define property lines and still re- taining an unob- structed view of adjoining grounds, thereby eliminating the chief objection to the old style board fence. In- cluding graphite dipped chains. Dividing posts extend into ground as foun- dation for fence. Lattice Fence at River Forest, Ill. Di- viding posts made to serve as foundation. ee THERE Price on application. an Hee oO a ee ag 5 a ee A Lattice Fence made to serve as a screen for the kitchen entrance. The divid- ing posts made to serve as foundation. Price on application. bendlnat x — sea ea cans Laaenttt et B aunannnausnraneasag #aaaga? [tamorcicerernenat 7 PRESENRAE SOD ESS S999 90294 e 3 i pay 4 an aun NUL : LL aiei Pointe hima F Hy 13 SOL eeaeaseta tna IOREELESELEEEE ST Fb = AE nT MUM EE bia) 12 UME ak 18020004) PSE ITE Hyk2Y : etn 2% y an $4933 Wits 3) ae ae Hee ate TTEI ENA) ne a Re. Recreccise aa Es z- ae ay ag ues lee Jaa a i oI. fs EM A (ME 1 a AP me ee Page 26 For additional information see page 3 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new vYorrK. Entrance Gates and Fence at Albany Park, Ill. Dividing posts made to serve as foundation. Price on application. ae PT Lattice Fence at iTUILETECUCEOEET ni Oak Park, Ill. Di- he itt isc viding posts extend- ing into the ground to serve as a founda- tion for fence. Automobile Entrance at LakeWales, Florida, with driveway Io ft. and overall measure- ment 23 ft. w bd s Ad 8 s * s s 8 For additional information see page 3 Page 27 HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY NEW YORK. CHICAGO Happy surroundings tend to convert idle moments into years of pleasant memories Se HE Latticed Arbor, Oak Park, Ill., with Gate in al lel led back panel. Width 6 ft., depth 6 ft. WoL Entrance Gate at Baltimore, Md. Design by R. Brooke Maxwell, Landscape Architect. Price on application Hooded Entrance Gate, Aurora, III. 8 ft. wide, 4 ft. deep Garden Entrance Gate. Width 8 ft., depth 4 ft. Page 28 For additional information see page 3 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new yvorxK. 4, Ze iri iit ee HH BEE 77 8r Beegee CULT ee SESUEZRRRER 2. 4% PEELE TT ees BRPGUTERREE BENG aeee BERRSEERREE GUSACEAAeA BERDBESREAS “OC 2 noe aRok «* GRGKGONRESE PERAK EER | SRSEREREEIS SERS RRR EER A Lattice Treatment to Screen an Unsightly View a? 19° 40S S8e 2S a eT 4 A Garden Fence to Sepa- ut NW ie: rate the Service Yard ne WI = from the Garden. VANIER a Lattice Fence for Mr. Frank Taflinger, Sidell, Illinois. Price on appplication For additional information see page 3 Page 29 Colontal Gate Posts and Fences These illustrations are from photographs of old New England homes and are introduced to show how the consistent use of ornamental gate posts and fences heightens the effect of home exclusiveness and puts the finishing touch on the expression of the Colonial spirit in home building and adornment Price on application Price on application Page 30 For additional information see page 3 ” Ge S Ory %S Co — AY ie) A 4 = 3 § Tat z eat c ior 3 < S ie Z 8 5 a = o. = Au = = O ° U a) q _ Y) A [aa ad : 2 z < oO ww Y) D a z & < ~ 5°] Oo 1S) o z ae oF aa So =) a Q fo) - ce) $e) & gq is-] = 3 4 2 3 5 < Te v 5 O (a, -° we = = Ir Ss is = UO ry $ SSNNWS 8 4s S > 3 = a 3 : SX a tt oP CHILO: For add. cHicaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york. Pergola and Bath House at West Orange, N. J. Lewis Colt Albro, Architect Pergola at Fitchburg, Mass. Prentice Sanger, Architect Page 32 For additional information see page 3 cHicaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY NEW YORKO FRA wok : : ‘ = RTA ae LA siniste SLATS ERGR ER EDEN GD cat Garden at Aurora, Ill., C. Dudley Wagstaff, Landscape Architect Latticed Pergola at New Rochelle, N. Y. Price on application For additional information see page 3 Page 33 Columns for Pergolas We consider the columns shown the most suitable for Pergola work. If interested in wood columns for porches or interior work, write for our Catalogue 47. 190 195 200 210 Greek Doric Column Greek Doric Column Tuscan Column Roman Doric Column (Plain) (Fluted) (Plain) 205 21524 220 oon Tuscan Column Roman Doric Column Plain Column Fluted Column (Fluted) Fluted Upper 24 Doric Cap Attic Base Doric Cap Attic Base Page 34 For additional information see page 3 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york Wood Balustrade at Irvington, New York. Aymar Embury II, Architect. Wood Balustrade in Garden at Fitchburg, Mass. Prentice Sanger, Architect. An effective but inexpensive method of decorating a stone or cement garden wall For additional information see page 3 Page 35 NEW YORKO. A Massachusetts garden, showing typical uses of Porch Columns, Pergola, Balustrade and Art Stone Garden Features a mea a Od wal a - Single row of Pergolas enclosing garden on grounds at Lake Villa, Illinois Price on application Page 36 S @ ¥ t 7 % ne } i { i| 4 i i). i ]) Ji i j 8 j ] i J | i jj J Interior of Sun Room. Designed by Whitcover, McCrary & Drummond, Architects. We specialize in lattice treatment for interior decorations, sun rooms, porches, etc. = Shea, ee (Yl = (y Feb o SOCIO 52525 OSAS2 e. A eh enhandachekordandte x | te Interior of Sun Room, Childs & Smith, Architects For additional information see page 3 Page 37 ? cH1caco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york... (): the following pages are offered sugges- tions for beautifying the home grounds by the use of Rose Arches, Garden Furni- ture and Lattices. The designs follow along the lines of the well known English Garden Furniture, and are made out of woods most suitable for these purposes, and the construction is the best known to the cabinet maker’s art. All articles, except those illustrated on pages 47 to 49, are painted with three coats of white lead and oil, the final coat upon receipt of order, which may be any color selected. Unless otherwise specified when order is placed, the final coat will be a light cream color. All goods are carefully packed for shipment, which insures them reaching their destination in good condition. cHicAGo _HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new Half Circular Seat, 16 ft. extreme width Designed by Keene and Simpson, Architects Old English Curved Garden Seat. Design No. 85, made 8 ft., 9 ft. and ro ft. across front, extreme width For additional information see page 38 Page 39 i a (a! TR Fan Trellis, extreme width 5 ft., height 6 ft. Design No. 55 above ground. Plain surface of trellis 2 ft. 6 in. wide, 7 ft. high extends in ground to serve as foundation Design No. 60 Design No. 45 2 ft. 6 in. wide, 7 ft. high 2 ft. 6 in. wide, 8 ft. high Page 40 For additional information see page 38 cHiIcAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY NEW YORKO Bench Design No. 65, furnished 4 ft. and 5 ft. long Bay Tree Box, Design No. 17, 20 In. x 20 in., 16 in. deep Bay Tree Box, Design No. 7, made 20 x 20 1n., 18 in. deep; 24 in. x 24 In. 18 in. deep. Furnished with welted wrought iron bands. Fernery. Design No. 40. Suitable for Porches or Sun Rooms. Size: 2 ft. 6 in. high, 30 in. long, 8 in. wide. Provided with self-watering flower box. For additional information see page 38 Page 41 cHiIcaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new vrorr Chair Design No. 94; Rocker Design No. 94; Seat Design No. 96, § ft. long Chair Design No. 91, Table Design No. 92, made with top 2 ft. 6 in. and 3 ft. diameter Page 42 For additional information see page 38 cHicAaGo HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new york Seat No. 80, 4 ft. long Round Tree Seat, made to fit diameter of tree. Price on application. For additional information see page 38 Page 43 Rose Arch Design No. Io. 4 ft. wide, 2 ft. Rose Arch Design No. 14. 4 ft. wide, 4 in. deep. Special sizes made to order 1 ft. 6 in. deep Rose Arbor with seats. Design No. 20 Design No. 70 8 ft. wide, 4 ft. deep 20 in. wide, 7 ft. high Page 44 - cHicaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New yori s : Cnt ae & Soe . . = i Rose Arch Design No. 15, Rose Arch Design No. 25, 4 ft. wide, 20 in. long 4 ft. wide, 20 in. long Design No. 50. 18 in. Rose Arbor Design No. 24, 11 ft. wide and 5 ft 4 in. deep. wide; 6 ft. 6 in. high Center space is 7 ft. wide For additional information see page 38 Page 45 cHIcAaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY NEW YORK. Seat Design No. 95, made 4 ft. and § ft. long Seat Design No. 68, length 6 ft. Page 46 For additional information see page 38 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY NEW YORK. Ce ERE are shown a few of the practically unlimited number of styles and adaptations of columned and arched entrances. Personal tastes, harmony with natural environments or with the general scheme of architectural adornment determines the character of the entrance arch, but the range of selection makes practical the solution of every problem presented. Pca. Sk? Arbor Design No. 30 with seat. 8 ft. wide, Design No. 23. A suggestion for a pergola 4 ft. deep to center of column treatment of a front entrance Design No. 16. Outside size, 5 ft. wide. Width of gate, 3 ft. 6 in. Design No. 19. Outside size, 6 ft. wide, 2 ft. 6 in. deep For additional information see page 3 Page 47 cHicaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york Design No. 12. Width of gate, 3 ft. 1 in. Design No. 18. 5 ft. wide, 2 ft. 6 in. deep to center of columns. Width of gates, 4 ft. Entrance Gate Design No. 35 Entrance Gate Design No. 34 4 ft. wide 3 ft. wide Page 48 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New vorse oe Gt kon ew SOR ome enw ee at 20 eee gee con ee ee eee et et : Oat eet Ort eed eel en ee ee L cpnslccenseaiiceedin eth a Me Arbor Seat Design No. 5, Design No. 9, 6 ft. wide, 3 ft. 3 in. dee H 4 ft. 6 in. wide x 2 ft. 6 in. deep center to center of columns Arbor Seat Design No. 6, Arbor Seat Design No. 8, 8 ft. wide x 4 ft. deep 8 ft. wide x 4 ft. deep Page 49 , cHicaco. HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY NEW YORKO Art Stone Furniture and Garden Accessories vB , | \HE following pages offer suggestions for the beautification of Lawn and Garden with Art Stone furniture, sun dials, gazing globes, garden umbrellas, hammocks, etc. The Art Stone designs shown on pages 51 to 57 can be furnished in grey stone cement color, granite, or cain stone finish. The Classic designs of garden decorations found in Roman and Greek architecture, which for centuries have delighted the world, have been used for the most part in making Art Stone furniture, modified to be in keeping with the various recognized periods of design. The garden umbrellas and hammocks offer a most practical and inexpensive form of garden decoration, very often serving the purpose of pro- viding a finishing touch to a landscape, or to solve a problem of what to do with a spot that needs a touch of color to make it look just night. CHICAGO Sundial Pedestal No. 757 (Without Dial) Width of square base. ...15 in. Width of square top..... 14 in. Height overall ........ 43% in. Weight, crated........ 350 lbs. See Price List Light Standard No. 1 (Without Globe) Width of base.......... 29 in. Width of tops. 2... 15% in. Height overall (without IONE) icceteendttl sc mennc/an 69 in. Weight, crated........ 550 Ibs. See Price List HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new yor. Bird Fountain No. 441 Widthiof square base sect ee ee eke 12 in. Diameter of: Bird-Bathebow!ls-2 ee eee oe. 36 in. Heightioverall cccacku tome eee cas a 324 in. Wreightrcrated ac, tet ccc ordicaieies ls article sie ee a 400 Ibs. See Price List (This Bird Bath is furnished with feed and drain pipes, including spray and complete plumbing attachments.) Seat No. 4 Length rd. 5 eee ee Cee ree 48 in. Width ofiSeat), 54.2 ones ae eae area 18 in. Heightof seaty.c.:c. nome sve aer oe ieee 17 in. Weight*crated .25:..tomcrc nic cnete cis heuer meutann 300 Ibs. See Price List Seat No. 5 Lengthics. attejo ae ere ale ba tone eee eee 48 in. Width of seatst oo cnt). «Sa reer rere reatenaetniers 18 in. Height ofiseatvs oi ann.co ees saan haimemrctatiche.< L7ins Weight cratedic 5 crate maven ons clans. -tekemtanotersrs 300 Ibs. See Price List Gazing Globe Pedestal No. 773 (Without Globe) Width of square base... .15 in. Height of Pedestal overall, without Globe........ 44 in. Weight, crated... ...2. 350 Ibs. See Price List Light Standard No. 3 (Without Globe) Width of bases. 22: .te08 12 in Width Gf topire. vevccbees 6 in. Height overall, without hy Globe in. ee eae 6614 in. Weight, crated........ 275 \bs. See Price List All of the above can be furnished also in Natural Granite or Cain Stone shades, Page 57 NEW YORK — samt te > 81RD BATH 1°28 Plein pain pees 2 re OY Seve eae © KN j : FOUNTAIN | (12 54 i | | ' | < ~ | P 20 | sa WALL FOUNTAIN (1937 1B/, | a 197, - | 94 ered Bird Baths and Fountains HEIGHT WwtTH WEIGHT DIAMETER OvER ALL OF BASE CRATED Bird “Ba thy NO.220 eee cao: a cab, © avono saeco ce lee sO eae ae re NS 27 in, 32.) ins 147 Sing 275 \bs. Bird BatbuN oe? Siete... oes cscs hs ce onc. ore accu oanecouane ee arcee 204% in. 20% in. 1114 in. 150 lbs. Bird BathviNo 24, eee .a8 oc yeeeacs est ereaon aa ey eee ne ee een 2205 in: 30min, 1134 in. 200 Ibs. BirdiBatini Noe areen ie eee sik eth si orcs soa Ee Chere size Deena eens 27% in. 30° in. 1334 in. 250 lbs. Bird) Bath uNos2Strrete«..20- eee ene oe ede a ne co Rt RS oy Ea 1834 in. Sins 174 in. 75 Ibs. Bird Bath INGsg20 eee ee ere hc oo) een e hee! -oc 5, sis, gcse cae emcee eee 23 % in. 414 in. 224% in. 120 lbs. Wall Rousitain TINO sic eur there camer tere tare: ace sects, ccs isiavn ocheresel encuetiena atte eietemeree 20) in: 2116. in;. aan 200 lbs. Mou Cain INOS 4? cleienae tier oo pre ten he ah eos tose 2 bie anise shoo Peete 22% in. 474 in. 18% in. 500 lbs. Wall BountatisNio, 15ers oscrec cust reetereteter ie reietevate aie eis ecole: sae IA RR Meeveue LS in: 293% in. 1934 in. 200 lbs. All of the above can be furnished also in Natural Granite or Cain Stone shades. Page 52 cHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york. r : ° ‘i : : or aes 7 1 { i | | Z| Se FOUNTAIN N13 | a be Y : ™ . = 0A: | | | 1 ' | | | | ‘e SERIA 5 os Ua |g, — ible ae -~——||"f, ME VASE N° 65 FOUNTAIN N@Il rat : . Th | VASE N°74 t see 25 /,—— JS ———2', ——~ VASE NeS VASE N°79 Fountains, Vases and Plant Tubs WIDTH WEIGHT DIAMETER HEIGHT OF BASE CRATED RCOUINERAEEMEIN Ch 8 1 SNe osu ¥ 2y 5) Gyi0 seaaas hed caPas, cation ay Meme icames romaine cca aay si fsa) sn evewene Reh epee 3014 in. 50% in. 181% in. 500 lbs )Seec ipa aay ISPOR 2) oe i ee es EN oe eee Oe ee eee en eR et 30% in. $2) in 181% in. 500 Ibs. RUCELILAATIOIN OMe Lerner ys cee ee Earp en ae Pe ratsie eana aber ekehee nae s Sle Clee oesinc Rate 50\.- in: 89 in. 25% in. 1000 Ibs. Vase INO re Siete ie acca eg etc Euiay oc Gd cu eeeA NS cin yse so ehh asa RS 111% in. 13) Sin. 5% in. 100 Ibs. Vase SY a OY iC Be etinpaen kon Aen ley ints Mee retin een eas MWe ScN ie es cece ale 12% in. {4° in, 744 in. 100 lbs. WaserOte © amt PDOs, £9 Ac: aegsietataepee oc ccve atonal allacletty do acneissi chat sewer me mouemene teysters 20% in. 20'=) in: 124% in. 200 Ibs. Mascon Plant: CUB NG :85 ccc. coat ree Cane CaS © SLA tee oe Ren earnest 1377 sins 13% in. 15° PLANT TUB i SOn OME Mee iricsicaiaie ite siiarmacere wa cies e NARED NI OSEL Sine coe eck cs: 6 usta a a ain letae tea. G iGEM G TIO DMM sG pnw. )S 6 nar Ohi odes NEA SEMN CEA 2 et ee Mees ee il oe a me arate ase 6 Vi SCENIC MELO Coe reie nk Meee Rian van ce 2 Cee dy EAE TSG RR IGT OAS ae are swe me Rene cit. me Neer OvaleViase(NosO0.;- =. | ten Soe ete eee ee Dewars 5 VASE (2 42 Zoo ° * : : VASE Cs 16 ~~ 46K | 9° OVAL pase GS ge OVAL ~—— |9% 11/4 WAL Vases and Plant Tubs DIAMETER SRR SPAT AEA Sire Manos ce 2314 in. VASE (1? 66 VASE (1215 VASE (1212 PLANT TUB OR VASE (1280 WiIpTH WEIGHT HEIGHT OF BASE CRATED 2014 in. 1444 in. 180 Ibs. 13° in: 1184 in. 150 lbs. 20'. in. 145% in. 300 Ibs. 17% in. 14 am: 160 lbs. 9 in. 81% in. 75 \bs. 10% in. Si) ine 75 lbs. 17. cin: 1934x1114 in. 300 lbs. iW Wee 02 10.5 in, 120 lbs. 11% in. 8% in. 80 Ibs. 32% in. 19% in. 425 lbs. 29% in. 15°) int: 400 lbs. 18 in. 14 in. 200 lbs. All of the above can be furnished also in Natural Granite or Cain Stone shades. Page 55 FLOWER BOX e13 VASE (1°16 PEDESTAL (1°5 Rie i i se Fo) 9 SEAT (1° | SEAT (1213 Flower Boxes, Pedestal, Vase and Seats WIDTH HEIGHT LENGTH Blower Box No. 1326, -.. 2. acne Spies e ake Gace habe ocacele are ar chananene cle.ptiare pha Yioeas 734 in. 3344 in. Flowers ox: INO S55) we-- ch. Cue ee cee ee ee el Sek oa eee eee 13% in. 9% in. 3 ins BilowersBox, NOsg2) gle avec Tos en eat ot Sere ome Pay ne aa 12 ein: 10) Fin: 481% in. Seatsino: 00% aes, Slee, ath re So es ee Ele eer ene ie 2095) ine 1834 in. 64 ~~ in. SeatINo. 132.57 ieee Se ine Ee der Senco crests = on Aa eee einen iliipe | Shas 36 in: 60 in. posed epee Boer ones aghiom. agicn bo aARgma te omen eupee eee eer O" 17) Sein: 33% in. 27% in. WIDTH WIvTH HEIGHT OF BASE Vase Nox hS.ho Sier.. conten nvssucntre anche Ss FRO ots En ee I oso No 70020... in: 125% in. 11 ins PedestaliNe 1 Sich 5 Pees cc, 2 Se ee inser Seats. 2 seletischet Meee coe 14% in. 2014 in. 14% in. All of the above can also be furnished in Natural Granite or Cain Stone shades. Page 56 WEIGHT CRATED 200 lbs. 260 lbs. 300 Ibs. 500 Ibs. 700 Ibs. 400 lbs. WEIGHT CRATED 125 Ibs. 280 Ibs. |) PEDESTAL (12102 i | | | ue f | | TABLE (123 cHicAGoO _HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY ———_|5/, Fe pes ROUND TOP ONLY of ih WimpTH SundialsbedestalJNo; 102 \(without dial), 2.0.22 cae e-<2 ers seed ee ie le Rie 13° “in; Stincdiaiepedestal INO. 101 (withoutidial) o.7. alc. ©. oc.s1 sols ete ney eeueeeee 13 Ant Stngtaloredestal No. 112: (without dial)igscs.ces «es ccna eee seen .11% in. Sundial Pedestal No. 109 (without dial)ig. i. fee. 4.26. nom oes oes 13 ie Above Sundial Pedestals can also be furnished in Wood Construction. DIAMETER “FREY GS ale ts Beg Sante ie GORE Meet CEP St AP oes eR So ac MPS BB tae Re EOE ha 4s Beech e 30 in. WIDTH RPADIOUN Os 1 ocytonece steno scaes ic hue ar acalatarara ©. MIN OU MLS eters alee cue uierelic takenatenc ne reenter. 37% in. Ra bee NOs ol eacie vere casio tcoriarsilec Beene wastaseit causkara tute tau cate rsnore eRe eter rae ecaeeneG 2) Sein Pedestals, Tables and Seat SEAT A?) NEW YORK. Ip PEDESTAL (1710! PEDESTAL (2? 109 SQUARE TOP ONLY WIDTH HEIGHT OF BASE 4014 in. 1S" sin. 4234 in. 15% in. 39,5 in: 13% in. 443% in. 13 in. See price list. WIDTH HEIGHT OF BASE 32 in. 141% in. HEIGHT LENGTH 3114 in. 734 in. ‘AYE in. 60 in, All of the above can be furnished also in Natural Granite or Cain Stone shades. seb cide ms a WEIGHT CRATED 280 lbs. 350 lbs. 260 lbs. 300 lbs. WEIGHT CRATED 300 lbs. WEIGHT CRATED 800 lbs. 300 Ibs. Page 57 No. 1—Garden Umbrella Table, Chairs, and Covers not included See Price List A popular Umbrella, strong, durable. Hardwood handle, with Tilting Device, and Ground Screw. 12 Ribs, tempered steel wire. Cover, heavy duck, with valance, heavy corded fringe. Coors: Red and White, Brown and Green, Red and Brown, or Yale Blue and White. AMERICAN PATTERN—8-RIBBED BEACH UMBRELLAS: These Umbrellas are very substantial. Hardwood handles, 14% inch diameter, 7 ft. long. Lower end pointed. Made in two pieces with Ferrule Joint. Covers are attached with special Ball Tips, except the No. 14 grade in which the cover is sewed to the eyes in the rib ends. Curtains shown on the No. 11 may be made to extend only half-way around Umbrella, as referred to in price list. Note: Striped Curtains are furnished only in Horizon- tal Stripes. These Curtains are fastened to ribs by hooks and rings. Loops are provided so it may be anchored with stakes if desired. See Price List No, 14 ie No. 4—Garden Umbrella Table, Chairs, and Covers not included See Price List A lighter weight Umbrella, but with the same firm and sub- stantial construction as the No. 1 Umbrella. Cover is heavy drill with valance as illustrated. Coors: Solid Red, Blue, Green, Tan, White, or any two or three color combination. No. 14—Beach Umbrella Painted Stripe Duck (No; 62 Pattern) Vertical Stripe (No Stripes) ae ie No. 11—Beach Umbrella With Scalloped Awning, Woven Stripe Duck, Horizontal Stripe No. 11—Beach Umbrella With Scalloped Awning and Curtain, Woven Stripe Duck, Horizontal - Stripe No. 10—Beach Umbrella. Heavy Duck, Plain Solid Colors in Blue, Green, Brown, or White. (No Stripes.) No. 14—Beach Umbrella. No. 58 Pattern, Painted Stripe Duck, Vertical Stripe. (A very substantial Umbrella.) No. 9—Beach Umbrella. Heavy Drill. Colors: Solid Red, plain Blue, Green, Tan, Orange, White Black or Combination. (No Stripes.) See Price List cHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new vorkK. Metal Lawn Tables (No. 31—36 in. diam.) ; ae ‘ (No. 32—42 in. diam.) (With Firm Seat) For Description on Metal Lawn Tables, For Description and Prices on these Metal Terrace Tables and Ter- see Price List. Chairs, see Price List. race Umbrellas Nos. 22, 23 (Fabric Pattern No. 83) For Description on Metal Terrace Tables and Terrace Umbrellas, see Price List. ‘Sport Chairs’’—Model be Folding Arm Chairs No. 21 Folding Arm Chair No. 21 (With No. 19 Slip Cover in Use) Metal Folding Lawn Chairs No. 34 (Without Slip Cover) For Description on Folding Arm Chairs, These are the Folding Chairs shown with For Description of these Arm Chairs, see Price List. the Garden Umbrellas. For further descrip- see Price List. tion on No. 34 Metal Chairs, see Price List. Couch Hammock No. 31 With No. 86 Pattern, Painted Stripe). For Description of this Hammock, see Price List. Page 59 cHicaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY New york No. 6 Couch Hammock (No. 87 Pattern- Painted Stripe) UPHOLSTERED OVAL RECLINING BACK, ONE-PIECE _REVERSI- BLE MATTRESS, PADDED ARM _ RESTS. REGULAR EQUIPMENT Furnished in all Patterns of Painted Stripes and Cre- tonnes shown in the other Couch Hammocks of this catalogue. Notice the Adjustable Head Rest in the illustration, also thickness of the Mat- tress. This illustration shows it with the No. 16 Stand. (No. 14 Stand can also be used on this model). Adjustable Head Rest is Priced Extra, and should be mentioned when Hammock is ordered. Pillows are Priced Extra. See Price List. No. 3 Couch Hammock (In Solid Color or Painted Stripe) UPHOLSTERED OVAL RECLIN.- ING BACK, ONE-PIECE NON-RE- - VERSIBLE MATTRESS Front Skirt Sewed to Mattress This Couch Hammock can be furn- ished in this Striped Pattern on Mili- tary Green; or in Plain Solid Colors: “Battleship Grey’’, ‘Straw Color,” “Military Green.” (Stand No. 16.) No. 65 Spiral Springs for Suspension Chains are Priced Extra. See Price List. No. 7 Couch Hammock (No. 82 Painted Stripe) SCALLOPED OVAL RE- CLINING BACK, ONE- PIECE REVERSIBLE MATTRESS, PADDED ARM RESTS, REGULAR EQUIPMENT The Single Back Cushion and Mattress are corded vertically in two places to accentuate the lines where they are apparently divided in order to give the ‘“‘Three- cushion Back and Seat”’ ef- fect. Furnished in all Pat- terns of Painted Stripes or Cretonnes shown in the No. 55 Couch Hammock of this catalogue. Above _ illustra- tion shows it with the No. 16 Stand. The Adjustable Head Rest as shown in Couch Hammock No. 6 can be furnished with this hammock, but should be mentioned when hammock is ordered. (Adjustable Head Rest and Pillows are Priced Extra.) See Price List. Page 60 cHicAaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY No. 5—Garden Umbrella Table, Chairs, and Covers not included. See Price List Appealing to those who like a fancy Umbrella of striking design. Has regular polished hardwood handle with Tilting Device and Ground Screw, with Twelve Ribs of Tempered Steel Wire. Cover of painted ‘‘Everlasting’’ Palm Green and White, vertical! stripe duck. When Table or Chair Covers are ordered with this Umbrella we recommend plain white bleached duck. go = Pe 4 4 = x st ie No. 12—Garden Umbrella (No. 51 Pattern) Table, Chairs, and Covers not included. See Price List COVERED WITH A SPECIAL PAINTED FABRIC; Vertical Stripe. This Umbrella can also be furnished with Hori- zontal Stripe Cover, similar to the style as shown in No. 1 Garden Umbrella, Construction otherwise is the same as in the other Garden Umbrellas. When Table or Chair Covers are peated with this Umbrella, we recommend the plain or solid colors. No. 55—Couch Hammock (No. 921 Pattern Luxury Cretonne) STRAIGHT SCALLOPED RECLINING BACK De Luxe Line THREE-CUSHION SEAT REVERSIBLE The single Back Cushion is corded vertically in two places to accentuate the lines where the Back is apparently divided in order to give the ‘‘three-cushion Back” effect. No. 14 Stand. The above Model of Stand is primarily intended for enclosed porches and sun-parlors where it is desirable to conserve space. Pillows are Priced Extra. See Price List. Page 61 Ack ' cH1icaco HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY MONG the many interesting objects that are shown in this booklet, the Gazing Globe will always be one of the Jeading attractions when prop- erly mounted on a beautiful pedestal as an ornament for the lawn, garden, pergola, arbor or to crown a knoll commanding the expanse of yourestate. No. 121 Artificial Stone Gazing Globe Pedestals Pedestal No. 121... 10 in. 45 in. 1344 in. Pedestal No. 122... 14in. 364 in. 1634 in. These pedestals can also be furnished in Natural Granite Gazing Globes are made in four sizes, 10-inch, 12-inch, 14-inch and 16-inch in diameter. The above will fit on either style of the pedestals shown below or pedestal on page 51 in Grey Cement Stone Shades (Without Gazing Globes) WIDTH WEIGHT WiptH HEIGHT OF BASE CRATED 300 Ibs. 400 Ibs. or Cain Stone shades, and also in Wood Construction. (See price list.) Sundials NEW YORK. It is invariably the center of a mysterious delight to household and guests; where the unaided eyegrants you only details, this pano- ramic sphere gives you a bird’s eye view of everything, just as you would see it from the top of a mountain. The charm of it re- mains, nobody forgets the spell of its beauty. No. 122 HERE is nothing more attractive or useful than the Old Style Sundial. Without its Sundial a country home is not complete. It possesses an individuality that is hard to explain, while a clock (no matter how fine) never enters into our affections like the old Sundial standing in the garden; it becomes part of the place as much as the house itself. In ordering, always state where Sundial is to be used, giving county and state, so that Dial will be correct for the latitude. In setting the Dial it must be placed so that the center of the noon mark is pointing to the true north (not magnetic), with the stile or gnomon perpendicular, inclining neither to the right nor left. As the declination or deviation of the compass from the true north varies in different localities and at different times, we furnish correct reading for your latitude when desired. Page 62 CHICAGO HARTMANN-SANDERS COMPANY new york. SUNDIALS EQUATION OF TIME. TO BE ADDED To(+)ORSUBTRACTED FROM(-) lee Time Table of Time Equation Owing to the dif- ference between solar and_ clock time, the Sundial is right with the clock only four days in the year, ranging from four- teen minutes slow to sixteen minutes fast. To correct these differences, a Table of Time Equation is a nec- essary accompani- ment for the Dial. The actual size of brass plates is 3% x 4% inches, with very plain and distinct figures. Cast Bronze Sundial No. 35 11 inches diameter, with raised figures and motto. Weight of Dial complete, 6 lbs. Cast Bronze Sundial No. 34 10 inches diameter, with raised figures and motto. Weight of Dial complete, 5 lbs. Our Sundials have been made very popular because of their ex- clusive designsand superior workmanship. No garden is com- plete without a bronze Sundial. They are ex- tremely interesting as well as ornamental. Cast Bronze Sundial No. 36 1214 inches diam- eter, withraised figures and motto. Weight of Dial complete, 7 lbs. The Mottoes on Dials Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 cannot be changed. Cast Bronze Octagon Sundial No. 37 Cast Bronze Octagon Sundial No. 38 10144 inches diameter, with raised figures and 1114 inches diameter, with raised figures and motto. Weight of Dial complete, 5 lbs. motto. Weight of Dial complete, 7 lbs. For Sundial Pedestals refer to page 51 and page 57. Page 63 THE FAITHORN COMPANY, CHICAGO Lr