LSANHS = re ee week, Hy St yf, aa ey a As Grites a. ast igeoel ent ces Rhante tha ty KS, Ptr . z ee yee Ks ai . a Hear rhs LIBRARY. M. KNOEDLER & CO. * 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK oe” ESR 3 Sar YY ed Pc ee Senator William A. Clark Gets a Mauve, “The Avenue,” fs © — for $3,00. Valuable modern paintings collected ny} Mr. J: B., Ladd, of Brooklyn, and, offercd) at auction, atracted a large crowd of buy-, ers to the American Art Galleries, No, 6 |Hast Twenty-third street, last night. The peecsins was spirited and good prices were ithe rule, the night's sale totalling $35,485, , ‘Among ‘those present were Senator W. {A Clark, Mis. GC. B.’ Alexander, Mrs. A. 0. Havemeyer, Mrs. A. A. Addison, Mrs. J. B. Milbank, Mr. and Mrs. Hmile Win- ter, Pittsburg, and others. Fifty-one. pictures were disposed of at Dan OG rang- ling from $100 to $3,600, | The following list shows the artist, sub-. \jesct, buyer and price paid for pictures that) sold for more than’ $500:— — ' |Poggenbeck, “Canal and Bridge,” Mr. i Hmile Winter copagevee oor meee eseee war hace | |Claudie, “‘Distraite,” Ww. | Thorpe : ee Seve Rohe ede viadonccveanees eee /Daubigny, “Early Spring,’ Mr, J. Sin-' wl RABAT Coa cate au wea Wee we 5 UAibin Rad Seles WOE 520, | es “The Attack, SN a J. Steven- \ Son, Jt... Pols ea does bie ae | Pasint, “The: Meet, * Mrs. ‘Arnsinkuy ! | Mauve, “The Old Ploughman,” A W. W. Seaman (agent). ..ccosseces ess. 1,625: Mauve, “The Gardener,” Messrs, © he enoedler &. OO. .s.cissvesssyeaunadoavens ij Mauve, ‘The Avenue” (water color), | Ws a GUAT) to Saas coe ios orczinaee Rebesde BOE Wyant, ‘Autumn,” Mr. Ww. “Macbeth. 1,050 | Clays, ‘Marine,’ Mr, W. W. Seaman, 925 Cazin, “Hay Ricks—Night,” Senator. | W. Ay. Clark. ..5,.. i, Spaeth «2.1 8,000 Cazin, ‘'The Village—Evening,” Mr. W. BE. Th Ecce c hands be SE QSa Rpaibaes pal OEE Weissenbruch, ““The Pool,’* Mr, P, J. é eoteee MCIntosh iinseuasiecwenes eobaanostecaas jisraels, ‘Girl Knitting,” Messrs. Knoedler & @o...... Maser ha Vs vier Bacpece +. 8,600: Inness, ““A Cloudy Day,’ Mr, James : ' Walters TRICO: «Sk Bufemina della. Gludecca, Venice,” J Mrs. Milbank......%. . 2,500 ' Several excellent pictures were sold at low figures. A fine autumn landscope by Pauli brought $220, while a choice painting by Berne-Bellecbur was bought by Mr. Henry Schultheis for $225. Mr. C. B. Henry jobtained a water color by Hawkins for $110, and a marine by Villon went to Mr. © W. Krunshaar for $190. ; Old Chinese porcelains and. other objects of Chinese art, 139 in all, were sold by order of Mr. Ladd in the galleries in the) afternoon, for $5,280. The gem of his col-| fectlon,,a beautiful Sand-de Boeuf vase, | Was purchased for $1,150, by a well known!) amateur collector, who also gave $680 for! \@ blue and white ginger jar. ‘ The fifty-four objects of the porcelains! Catalogue, of Mr. BE. H. Gay, of Boston, brought. $20,197, The Messrs, Brothers paid $1,650 for a blue white vase and $2,250 for a powder blue ginger jar, of pa Kang-hsi period. Mr. John Duveen ac- | jquired for $2,900 a palr of grand powder) Duveen| blue palace jars. The blue and white Farniture which was much admired was mene at $1,750 by Mr. Ormond G, Smith. a oo | hile’ ig old Chines. {lection of E ie #20, 1a) : AMERICAN ART | ; The Ladd Pictures. A representative gather at the American Art Galleries. The bid- ding was spirited and good prices’ were the | rule. The fifty-one pictures brought $33,485. A fine Josef Israels, “Girl Knitting,” was secured by M. Knaedler ee CO, For $3,600. —Night,” was sold to ex-Senator Clark for $3,000. $3.300 “The Avenue,’ a watercolor by Mauve. “S. Eufemia della Giudecea,” he Rico went to Mrs. J. B. Milbank for $2, 500. “A Cloudy Day,’ by Inness, went to James Walters for $1,200. “The Old Ploughman,” by, Mauve, went for $1,625. ec by Mauve, went to M. Knoedler & Co. for $1,000. “Hide and Seek,” by Neu- huys, went to C, Fleurmaus for $475. “Autumn,” by. Wyant, went to William Mac- beth for $1,050. “Cow and Calf,” by Hora- tio Walker, went to N. E. Montross for $480. ~ attended | Feb. 25 the sale of the J. B. Ladd pictures |) ! An interesting Cazin, “Hay Racks | The same buyer also purchased for || “The Garden- |) AY 83,300. ) 4 as Cal 980 sale of old Chinese porce other Orie Pokibeta g orming the ‘eoliection of Jy B. ig of Brooklyn, ‘prought $5,380 in the | the sale of mo ‘paintings - follow- | in st price, : "$1,350, was. paid by Cart for a sang- | de-boeuf vase, of cylindrical ous. It. ig- of Lang. Yao. ‘porcelain of the K’ang-hsl | od -1722). ‘Darling’ also paid oe Bess 1d white soft paste.vase of | 2 , of Vast ‘Obvten-lung pend . ; eet i nese porcelains of the igual ‘E, H. Gay,. of Boston, | - bankrupt, followed, and realized $20,197. The highest price, $2,9 was. paid by ‘Duveen | Brothers for a pair of powder-blue palace | jars, tall oviforms, with hat-shaped covers and embellished with painted decoration of | Chinese domestic scenes, Buddhistic sym- | bols and the “Hundred Antiques.” In the evening the sale of modern paint- ings from the collection of Mr. Lada real- | ized $33,485 for fifty-two pictures, The bid- ding was spirited. The highest price was $3,600, paid by Knoedler & Co, for ‘Girl Knitting,’ by. Josef Israels, Knoedler & Co. also paid $1,400 for “Judith,” by J. J. | Henner, and $1,000 for ‘‘The Gardener,’’ by _ Anton Mauve. Senator W. A. Clark was | _ the. purchaser of “The Avenue,” by Anton | “Mauve, at $3,300, and of “Hay Ricks— | | pene by am cc. aceeiny th Pie, PRE ESS. penwennennenesnn went etenetenn enna nn ennenenecnennn Collection of Mr. J. B. Ladd Valuable Modern Paintings AND BEAUTIFUL Old Chinese Porcelains American Art Galleries Madison Square South New York ON FREE VIEW FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19ru, 1910 UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE INCLUSIVE THe Private Collection OF THE WELL KNOWN AMATEUR Mr J. B. Lapp BROOKLYN UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING FEBRUARY 25TH, 1910 AT 2.30 AND 8.15 O’CLOCK Illustrated Catalogue OF Valuable Modern Paintings AND BEAUTIFUL Old Chinese Porcelains THE COLLECTION OF THE WELL-KNOWN AMATEUR MR. J. B. LADD BROOKLYN TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1910 Press of The Lent & Graff 137-139 East 2sth St., New > CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractionad advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hoid themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold sub- ject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof. for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the setilement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. Ppon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots wncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shail be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be , made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Mawnacers THOMAS E. KIRBY, AucTioneErr. SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 25th, 1910 AT’ 8.15. 0°CLOGK No. 1 CARLETON WIGGINS AMERICAN (1848- ) A DURHAM BULL (off Joh THE animal is represented almost in profile, facing left, his ° head and forepart being directed slightly to the front. He is of Durham stock, orange tawny, with white face, throat, belly and locks, a white tip to his tail and a white spot on the saddle of the back. The latter and the head bulk against a white fluster of cloud that occupies the center of the sky, around which are shredded masses of dark and light grey, showing intervals of pale blue. Below the horizon appear the indica- tions of houses, while the middle distance shows a stretch of deep grown pasture. The foreground is broken up with course grass and taller vegetation, interspersed with white flowers. Signed at the lower left, ““ Carteton Wicains.”’ Height, 5 inches ; nidth, 634 inches. No. 2 HUGO KAUFFMANN GERMAN (1844- ) A DISCUSSION -d. dd irre A TYROLEAN mountaineer and an old peasant are seated at a table in conversation over their beer. The Tyrolean, on the right, with his elbow on the table, is clad in a felt hat with feather, a short slate-colored jacket with blue collar and drab breeches that leave the knees exposed. His calves are enclosed in stocking leggings. He holds a gun to the floor. The old man faces us with one leg crossed over the other, a pipe in his right hand and a finger of the left laid to his nose. He is clad in a long-tailed blue coat, buttoned over the chest, tight olive-drab trousers and a black knitted cap. Behind him appears a stove of green tiles, which stands beside a win- dow glazed with bottle glass. 919. Signed and dated at the lower left, ‘“ Huco KaurrMann, °78. Height, 7 inches ; nidth, 6 inches. No. 8 FREDERICK DIELMAN, N.A. AMERICAN (1848- ) f : : A LADY OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY THE head and bust of a lady are seen almost full face against a dark background. She wears a black velvet toque, under which is a white veil, showing peeps of golden hair. A white ruff encircles her neek, below which her bust is encased in a tight-fitting brown dress, sown with diagonal cross-bars of beads. Over this she wears a black velvet jacket, edged with pale brown fur. Signed «wt the lower right,“ F. Dimtman.”’ g Height, 7% inches; width, 5% inches. No. 4 ERNST ZIMMERMANN GERMAN (1852- ) A TROUBADOUR Le Yip, A MAN, whose figure is visible to a little befow the waist, stands playing a lute, his position being three-quarters to the front, facing to the right. He is dressed in the costume of the late fifteenth century, a large slate-colored cap, formed of tabs, almost covering his dark brown hair. Beneath his beard, which, like the moustache, is a light brown, a broad collar of brown leather, laced in front, lies upon the black doublet, while his puffed sleeves mingle with the black a dull red. The background is a whitish drab. . 66 Signed at the lower left, EK. ZimmMerMANN.”’ Height, 10% inches; midth, 8 inches. No. 5 MARIE FERDINAND JACOMIN pes it FRENCH (Contemporary) FORESTER’ S HUT ‘ In the heart of the oak woods, amid a tangle of a eae appears a rude hut, built of light-colored logs stripped of their bark. A man is approaching it from the right, carrying a fagot of firewood on his shoulder. He wears blue trousers, but from the waist up seems to be nude. A single birch spires up from behind the hut, and the foliage shows against a white fluster of cloud, though the lower sky is a faint warm blue. Signed at the lower right, ““M. F. Jacomin.”’ Height, 9% inches; midth, 7% inches. No. 6 JULES ADOLPHE GRISON FRENCH (Contemporary ) AT THE ANTIQUARIAN S On the left /of the room is a table, upon which stand a glass epergne and a gilded winged image. Seated facing it, with his legs astride the seat of the chair and his arms resting on its back, is a con- noisseur examining a jewel through a magnifying glass. His costume is late eighteenth century: a white tie-wig, tail coat and knee- breeches of Rose du Barry velvet, elaborately embroidered, white satin waistcoat and white silk stockings. Behind the table stands an old man with grizzly hair, dressed in an olive-brown suit, who bends forward, as with toothless mouth he expatiates on the value of the curio. Signed and dated at the lower left, ““Grison, ’85.”° Height, 8 inches ; widih, 6 inches. No. 7 ANTON MAUVE DUTCH (1838-1888) LANDSCAPE STUDY ¥, 4, f Y 5 A DRAB, dove-grey and white sky spreads above the wooded slopes that rise to a high knoll near the right. They are cov- ered with dark olive vegetation, but at the foot of them appears a belt of light green. The foreground is laid in in tones of drab and dull olive, over which are swirls of greyish white. About the centre appears a figure in dark blue with white cap. The whole is brushed in broadly and sketchily, as if to record a certain fugitive effect of nature’s color-harmony. Registered at the lower right, ““ Avntier, A. Mavuve.”’ Height, 5% inches; nidth, 9% inches. yi No. 8 OLD (JOHN) CROME ENGLISH (1769-1821) EDGE OF THE WOODS $y .t.0.Myjandw On the right of the foreground an ash tree raises its clusters of pale yellow leaves toa greyish blue sky that is streaked with a few fleecy clouds. Two lower branches, bare of leaves, show against the bluish-green foliage of the wood, which in the centre forms an arch. Beyond the shadow which the latter casts upon the ground appears a little bit of open glade, lit with pale yellow light. In the shadow beneath the ash tree there is an indication of three chickens, on the left of which a woman is coming forward, carrying a basket. She is preceded by a dog. Height, 9 inches; midth, 8 inches. No. 9 G. SIMONI ITALIAN (Contemporary ) ORIENTAL CARAVANSARY Water Color SL Yp belle > : A SINGLE-STORY building extends across the picture, terminat- ing at the left with a walled enclosure. The walls are of white stucco, glistening in the sunshine, those of the house being overhung by the broad eaves of a timber roof. This, on the right, is clustered over with a cactus-like vine, while the foliage of cane and date palms spreads above the enclosure, the green showing vividly against the ultra-marine blue of a cloudless sky.. Along the front of the building, on the right of a closed door, projects a shelf-like seat, on which are resting three Arabs and a Nubian distinguished by a red fez. Three fig- ures, one in rose draperies, stand near the door, beside whom appears the black back of a Nubian, seated on the ground, while other figures are seated to the left. Signed and dated at the lower left, ““ G. Simont, ’82.”’ Height, 9 inches; mnidth, 6 inches. No. 10 R. DE CUVILLON FRENCH (Contemporary) A CAVALIER Water Color Ae) : He : STANDING on a balustraded terrace, facing a flight of Steps that descends on the left, is a cavalier in the costume of the seven- teenth century. His face, which is turned slightly to the front, is encircled by the flapping brim of a grey felt hat. He has a moustache and chin piece and chestnut hair, curling over a white ruff. His doublet is drab grey, with blue sleeves, and his trunks are full to the knees, dark plum in color, with a gold braid on the seam. Buff stockings and drab shoes com- plete the ensemble. He holds a clay pipe. Signed and dated at the lower right, ““R. pe Cuvitton, 1884.”" & Height, 9% inches; nidth, 6% inches. —————— oe No. 11 DAVID ADOLPHE CONSTANT ARTZ DUTCH (1857-1890) CONTENTMENT f/f , fhueuino Oo [hed 7 Vy A CHILD facing us is seated on a bank against a back- ground of faint greyish green foliage which is sprin- kled with a few white blos- soms. Soft wisps of yellow hair show beneath the white sunbonnet, and her hands are folded over the greenish drab apron which partly covers her white frock. Her head is silhouetted against the grey of the sky. b Signed at the lower right, “‘ Arrz.’ OS Height, 9 inches ; width, 6% inches. Now 12 HORATIO WALKER, N.A. AMERICAN (1854- ) COW AND CALF y) ZL Wt In front of a drab fence, on the left, stands a cow in profile facing right, while her calf, standing under her neck, faces three-quarters to the front. The latter is blackish grey, with a white spot on the forehead and white hocks. The forepart of the cow is black, out of which the ear shows tan, her rear part white. To the nght of the animals is a spet of cool green grass, encircling a pool of grey water. From behind the fence rises a scattered mass of golden olive beech foliage, while in the distance on the right a church spire mounts into the pale whitish-blue sky. Signed at the lower left, ‘* Horatio Watker.”’ Height, 842 wnches; length, 11% inches. No. 13 ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR FRENCH (1838- ) A AN INTERVAL FOR PEFRESHMENT A FRENCH artilleryman stands pouring a drink from his canteen into a tin cup. His uniform is blue with red cuffs and ‘stripes of the same color down the seams of the trousers, which are covered below the knee with leather. The belt across his chest and the hanger of his sword are white. His figure is seen in profile, facing the left. At a little distance in the rear another soldier leans See vy on the wheel of a gun ee ian that is pointed toward some woods, whose yel- low and drab foliage shows faintly against a pale grey sky. € Zi as Signed and dated at the lower left, **. Berne-Bewiecour, 1886. Height, 9% inches; nidth, 6 inches. No. 14 RICHARD PAULI AMERICAN (1855-1892) AUTUMN LANDSCAPE ; A In. Whee A GROVE of maples occupies the foreground, their loose, seanty foliage turned to yellow, while brown dead ferns lie on the ground between their drab stems. - =) ager Meal : 2 ee ot Shee £ 7 oe oe cht? yee ys ae he HAY ae es a Bye: JEAN CHARLES CAZIN RICKS—NIGHT = ee 4 TY No. 35 JEAN CHARLES CAZIN ~ a FRENCH (1841-1900) ii HAY RICKS—NIGHT ACCORDING to the Renate “own statement the effect here rendered is of ten o'clock at night. The upper sky is a clear blue, pricked with a single star, but over the horizon a rosy drab luminosity vibrates. Massed against it in the middle dis- tance is a row of three haystacks, tawny green in the shadows and pale yellow in the light, Beyond the gap, between the first and second from the right, gleams the corner of a white cottage sheltered by a tree. Other trees fringe a road where it winds into view from behind the stacks. The road extends its pallid sandy track down the right of the scene, bordering the meadow that stretches from the stacks tothe foreground. Its dull green surface is interrupted on the left by a rectangle of pale yellow grass. Signed at the lower left, “* J, C. Cazin.”’ Height, 18 inches ; nidth, 15 inches. - MME. MARIE CAZIN No. 36 MME. MARIE CAZIN FRENCH (Contemporary ) THE VILLAGE—EV ENING scene on Tuis landscape, by the wife of J. C. Cazin, shows the outskirts of a village. From a foreground of meadow, whose green is deepening in the twilight, one looks across a quiet stream, on the opposite bank of which two women kneel, washing linen. Behind them stretches a stone wall with a square gateway in the centre. Over the top of the wall, amid fruit trees, appear the roofs and gable ends of cottages, four with purple tiles, one dull red. They seem already to be drowsy, as the smoke from their chimneys slowly coils into the sky, which is of pale wine color, with fleecy clouds that show faintly primrose over the horizon. Signed at the lower right, ‘“ M. C.”’ Height, 12% inches ; length, 16 inches. No. 37 FELIX ZIEM FRENCH (1821- ) VENICE—NIGHT 1G. THE full moon in a deep lapis-lazuli ie hangs low HK. the row of buildings which, bordering on the canal, extend in a diagonal line from the left of the foreground clear across the scene. The tawny buffs and drabs of their facades are reflected in the shadowed blue water, where ripples the red glow from the lamp of a gondola that is crossing from the right. Over the top of a palace on the left appears the upper part of the Campanile. Signed at the lower left, ‘‘ Zimm,’’ Height, 14% inches ; length. 19 inches. \ \ > * No. 88 . JEAN JACQUES HENNER iv FRENCH (1829-1905) JUDITH f eee AGAINST a dark background, infused with a little red on the right side, a woman’s face is shown full to the front, while her figure, seen to the bosom, is turned to the right. Luustreless black hair, parted in the centre, lies flat upon the crown of the head, droops in two festoons over the forehead, and descends over her ears in two streams that unite below her neck. They leave her right shoulder and a little of the arm exposed. The flesh is a cold waxen white, like that of the face. But the latter, except on the side below the right eye, is shrouded in dusky shadow, out of which the golden brown eyes peer. The lips have a dull geranium hue. Signed at the top right, ““ J. J. Henner.”’ Height, 18 inches; nidth, 13 inches. No. 39 LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE FRENCH (1844- +) he i DOMESTIC INTERIOR ea BESIDE an open window a young woman sits hemming ai sheet. Others, folded up, are arranged in a pile upon a chair in front of her. The interior is rude and simple, showing a bit of timbered ceiling above the bare walls, a plain dresser behind the woman’s chair, and, on the right of the foreground, a round- topped table on which is a pair of scissors. A sheet is lying bunched upon the floor. Crayon Drawing & f VW Ly . . ee Signed at the lower right, “° L. Luermirre.”’ Height, 12 inches ; length, 19 inches. No. 40 WILLEM ROELOFS DUTCH (1822-1897) OOS mess LANDSCAPE IN HOLLAND Water-Color rf eo mA BENEATH the faint grey blue of the sky billows of white clouds roll over the horizon, mounting higher on the right. Below them on this side, appears a row of poplars, sheltering a brownish red roof and the slate-colored gable end of another house. From this point a line of more distant trees stretches to the left, bordering a sheet of grey water which extends to the foreground. Three ducks are flying over it near the edge of a sedgy spit that projects from the bank on the right. Here beside a black and white cow stands a girl in a white cap and stomacher and blue apron. Signed at the lower left, *““W. Rogtors.”’ Height, 13 inches ; length 20% inches, No. 41 JAN H. WEISSENBRUCH DUTCH (1822-1880) + fr THE ee Water- sry if She) oh, 1 tof THE foreground reveals a quiet pool surrounded by a bank that curves like a horseshoe. On the right it is covered with moist, cool grass, bordering a path that leads back to a little wooden bridge over which a woman in black is crossing. Behind it rises a tall clump of trees that spray their dark foliage loosely against the dove-grey of the sky. The latter, lower down, is filled with fine volumes of grey-white cloud hover- ing over a row of willows which fringe the opposite bank. Here appears a figure accompanied by a child in a red skirt, dark blue body and white cap. The whitened sur- face of the water is broken with dusky reflections. Signed and dated at the lower right, “* J. H. Wrissensrucn, ’80.”’ Height, 19% inches; midth, 12 inches, No. 42 JAN H. WEISSENBRUCH NR DUTCH (1822-1880) A HOLLAND CANAL Water Color Vs 4 dbo) ¢ ae THE towpath extends back from the foreground, bordered on the right by a canal, both making a turn to the left in the distance. Here a windmill shows faintly against the grey- white sky. It rises above trees that line the opposite bank of the canal clear to the front, except ‘at one part, half way, where the greenery is interrupted by a house. This side of it a white barge lies along the water. Opposite to it on the towpath, a man on horseback has stopped to talk with a woman and child. Their caps make white spots against the brown of the path, which is edged on the right by a strip of light green grass and a row of white towing-posts. 2 2 ‘c 33 Signed at the lower right, J. H. Wetssenprucu.”’ Height, 15 inches; length, 21 inches. eo ie o & cae : Gr ns slice Pita) No. 43 . JOSEF ISRAELS a NV DUTCH (1824- _) GIRL KNITTIN; ; i hese A CHILD of about twelve years old is standing, knitting, in the doorway of a cottage. Her figure, clad in a dark slate- colored dress and cap, a pale lavender tippet and dull blue apron, is seen in profile, facing to the left. It is silhouetted against the outdoor scene that is framed by the posts and lintel of the door, a stretch of drab green grass, bounded by two cottages and two tall slender trees. Beyond these extends a faint blue sky, streaked with layers of creamy vapor. The light is subdued and vibrates softly. 72 p GG Signed just above the lower left corner Joser Israets.”’ g all > Height, 21 inches; nidth, 14 inches. a No. 44 GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN (1825-1894) A CLOUDY DAY fayus Mallar " THE sky is piled with rolling masses of purplish grey and whitish grey clouds, while a touch of red lowers over the hori- zon. Against this threatening turbulence spreads the quiet deep green mass of a clump of oaks, It stands on the left of the composition and the pasture, showing patches of vivid emerald green, extends from it to the foreground. It appears to be marshy ground, for it is crossed diagonally by a cause- way of planks, on the opposite side of which two reddish cows are standing. Back of them the pasture stretches in shadow to a distant view of trees, among which are roofs of houses catching the light. Signed and dated at the lower right, “‘ Gro. INNess, 1869.”’ Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. CO a , No. 45 FRANK, MARQUIS DE MESGRIGNY FRENCH (1836-1884) ON THE SEINE Abanry & Sp hey From a bunch of willows on the right a meadow descends, with green, tussety grass, interrupted by intervals of reddish yellow soil, to the water that occupies the left of the fore- ground. Above the edge of this slope appear the bows and decks of two barges and a sailboat moored alongside the bank. On the front barge stands a woman, while the one behind it is distinguished by a white deckhouse. From the opposite bank two men are fishing. The bank here is surmounted by a grove of trees, but further to the right stands a single bushy tree, and still further to the right appears a village nestling around a church with a square tower and low spire. an . 66 Nia Signed at the lower right, | F. pe Mesariany.”’ Height, 14 inches; length, 22 inches. No. 46 LEON GERMAIN PELOUSE = f ~~ , ; ¢ FRENCH (1838-1891 D's PF APRIL LANDSCAPE ; Ys Vb au LEANING over a wall on the right of the scene is an apple tree covered with pink blossoms. It casts shadows on a sandy- colored path that cuts the pale green meadow in the fore- ground, leading back to a group of farm buildings. Among the latter appears a shed with red tiled roof, while nearer to the front on the right is a thatched cottage. The meadow ends on the left in a wall, over the top of which the roofs of a village are seen among the trees. Overhead is a bluster of white and grey clouds, rent and blown by the wind, which surround a central mass of dark dove grey. Signed at the lower right, ‘“L. G. Pevousr.”’ Height, 15% inches; length, 22 inches. No. 47 L. WELDEN HAWKINS ENGLISH (Contemporary ) L+ THE DEAD eg. a Hb. Cag THE scene represents a POMIEE Ea seer spot in the woods at Bar- (ee et bizon. Between the tree stems which rise out of a delicate green under- growth, sprinkled with white flowers, a footpath, strewn with leaves, winds back to a lighted glade. In the foreground lies a : dead pigeon, at which a young girl is gazing. She stands very upright, her arms extended down- wards, as she holds a dark blue bundle in front of her. She is dressed in a creamy gown, like the habit of a novice, which clings to the natural curves of the figure. Her face, browned by weather, forms a marked con- trast to the daintiness of her pink cap with white revers, from under which a coil of black hair falls to her waist. Signed al the lower left, ‘‘ LL. Wetpen Hawkrns.”’ Height, 22 inches; length, 15 inches. No. 48 JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI FRENCH (1845- ) IN HER BOUDOIR hee Hla AMID surroundings that play upon the freshness of white, a young girl stands before her mirror, leaning her hands on the toilet table. A pretty French blonde, with blue eyes and red lips, she 1s en déshabillé; petticoat and corset cover, white with pale blue shadows in the folds. Bluish white is also the mir- ror, while the cover and flounce of the table are white, with a tinge of tuff. The wall behind her is mottled with whitish buff, fawn and faint blue, and on the left of it appears part of the white framework of the bed. The carpet is blue. On the table lie ivory-backed brushes, a cut-glass bottle and a vase containing delicate pink roses. Signed at the lower left, “‘ J. F. Rarrauit.”’ Height, 22 inches; midth, 19 inches. ~ z No. 49 vee nn “ MARTIN RICO SPANISH (1858-1908) Wm UWbawke S. HUFEMIA DELLA GIUDECCA, VENICE THE facade on the right of the canal shows three arched win- dows of refined design, all that is left of the old church of S. Eufemia, which has been swallowed up in tenements. From the alley entrance below the window a wooden bridge leads across the water to a pleasant little quay on the opposite side embellished with flowers. Here a woman is standing, while on the approach to the bridge a man is fishing, and further to the right appear a child and a lady carrying a red fan. The background is filled with trees, above which rises the dome of the Redentore. The water is dove grey dappled with white, green and red. Boats are moored at the side and on the right lies also a row of crab and lobster creels. os 5 HG A Signed at the lower left, — Rico.”’ Height, 17 inches; length, 27% inches. No. 50 GASTON GUIGNARD r oe FRENCH (Contemporary ) BARNYARD AND SHEEP Ab Weck: THE primrose disk of a full moon shows above the red-tiled roof of a shed, which forms part of the farm buildings that close in the foreground. Here in shadow, interrupted by glints of light upon the backs of the sheep, a shepherd stands watching his flock as it enters a barn door on the right. The roof over this building descends in a long sweep of orange brown thatch. It is balanced on the left by the gabled end of another building. In the space between appear the tops of trees, loosely silhouetted against the rosy drab of the sky. In the foreground on the right, a single sheep lags behind the flock. é > = Oo ss Signed at the lower right, | GasTon GUIGNARD. Height, 24% inches ; length, 31% inches. No. 51 RICHARD PAULI AMERICAN (1855-1892) uoontiaHt fh tbdball In a deep greenish blue sky, threaded with grey and white vapor, hangs the full moon. It has just risen above a level hill that shows in the distance between two dark masses of foliage. One of these is near the foreground, on the left of a pool in which the moon’s reflection makes a splash of white amid the tawny browns and greens of the water’s surface. The other clump in the middle distance shelters the roofs of cot- tages, and the ground rises from it to a knoll on the right, where farm buildings appear amid trees, one of the latter be- ing a tall poplar. From this point the meadow descends in tones of mossy green and golden brown until it forms a curving bank to the water, which in front. of it is shaggy with sedge and reeds. Signed and dated at the lower left, ““ Ricuarp Pavut, ?90.7’ Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. BEAUTIFUL OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS AND OTHER ORIENTAL OBJECTS FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALE, FEBRUARY 25ru, 1910 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 oO’CcLOCK JAPANESE POTTERY 52—Tra Jar Old Satsuma. Mottled brown and tea-color running glaze. 53—Tera Jar Gourd-shaped. Karatsu. Brown, purple and white running glaze. Thread line foot. 54—Tra Jar Old Awata. Brown crackle glaze; decoration of storks and diaper patterns in blue. 55—Tera Jar Cylindrical-shape. Kioto pottery. Clair de lune crackle glaze. Impressed mark, ‘‘Ninsei.” 56—Tra Jar Dense Raku pottery, crudely shaped. Mottled brown glaze. 57—PERFUME-BURNER Old Yatsushiro pottery. Ivory-white glaze, with horizontal lines in brown. Openwork metal cover. 58—IncENSE-BURNER Old Raku red earthenware. Enamelled with a brilliant green glaze and decorated with a Greek fret band, which is incised and filled in with gilding. Ivory cover. 59—SmatLt GiopuLar JI NCENSE-BURNER Awata -faience. Invested with a coral-red glaze, and decorated with branches of plum blossoms, delicately pencilled in brown, white and gilding. Repoussé metal cover of cherry blossom de- sign. 60—Satsuma TEA-BOWL Minutely crackled glaze. Exquisitely painted decoration of fly- ing storks, each carrying in Its bill a branch of plum blossoms, bamboo and pine. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 454 inches. 61—TrEa-BowL Old Kioto pottery. Fine brown crackle glaze. Decoration of branches. of persimmon fruit. Inscription and seal mark of decorator painted in low tones, black, red and blue. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 4%, inches. 62—Ovirorm JAR Old Banko pottery. Marked with splashes of brilliant green glaze. Has carved wood lid of lotus leaf design. Height, 41, inches. 63—FiIrE-BowL Old Takatori pottery. Brown crackle glaze, over which is a running glaze of opaque dark brown. Impressed mark of “Takatori” underneath the foot. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 64% inches. JAPANESE AND CHINESE BRONZES 64—Smatu INCENSE-BURNER Cylindrical-shape. Old Chinese. Ornamented with a chiselled band of peonies, chrysanthemums and leafy scrolls; incised Greek fret borders. 65—Bronze LisAaTION Cup Ming period. Coated with a verdigris patina. Has openwork Japanese silver cover of chrysanthemum design. Has carved teakwood stand with silver inlay. 66—QuapRILATERAL VAsE With two dragon-head handles in relief. Old Chinese bronze, with very fine mottled brown patina. Decoration of archaic dragons, branches of plum blossom, and inscription and _ seal mark inlaid with fine silver wires. Mark of “Sekiso” underneath the foot. Has teakwood stand. Height, 414, inches. 67—Smaru Trivop INCENSE-BURNER Old Chinese bronze. Coated with a rich brown patina and or- namented with a band of Houn-teen faces and intercepted by vertical dentated ridges. Has seal mark of ‘“Sekiso” under- neath the foot. Height, 5%, inches. 68—Smatu Trivpop INcCENSE-BURNER Old Chinese bronze, coated with a mottled red-brown patina. Has openwork Japanese silver cover. Engraved seal mark un- derneath the foot. Has bronze stand. Height, 414, inches. 69—Oxp Japanese Bronze VASE Oviform, with broad mouth; supported on a tripod. Rich brown patina. Greek fret border, inlaid with fine silver wires. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 434 inches. 70—Mine Bronze CENSER Bowl-shape, with twisted loop handles and on permanent base. Coated with a mottled-green patina of very fine quality. Has teakwood lid, with jade ornament. Height, 314 inches. Y1—Oup Japanese Bronze INCENSE-BURNER Oblong-shape. Gold patina, with ornamentation of chrysan- themums, kiri crest and leafy scrolls chiselled in relief in panels. Has openwork silver cover of chrysanthemum design. Height, 3 inches; length, 4°34 inches. 72—ANTIQUE CHINESE Bronze CENSER Low oviform, with dragon-head and loose ring handles. Golden patina, mottled with brown. Has repoussé and openwork cover of peony design. Engraved seal mark underneath the foot of Hsiian-té (1426-1435). Height, 4 inches; diameter, 4%, inches. 73—Mine Bronze Incense-Bown Inverted cone-shape. Coated with a very fine mottled green patina, marked with gold spots. Has openwork Japanese silver cover of floral design. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 4%, inches. 74—Bronze INCENSE-BURNER Bowl-shape, with two dragon-head handles. Coated with a fine copper-color patina, and ornamented with butterflies inlaid with gold and silver, engraved bands, and underneath the foot two phoenixes and cloud-forms chiselled in relief and gilded. Height, 34% inches; diameter, 47% inches. 75-—-ANTIQUE CHINESE Bronze CENSER Globular-shape, on tripod of monkeys, and with two dragon handles in relief on shoulder. Invested with a golden patina of fine quality. Underneath the foot engraved character mark of Hsiian-té (1426-1435). Has carved teakwood stand. - Height, 54%, inches; diameter, 54%, inches. 76—JAPANESE Bronze STAND Circular-shape. Supported by six slender legs of dragon de- sign. Coated with a rich brown patina. Underneath an im- pressed mark of ‘Yoshida, Kioto.” Height, 47% inches; diameter, 6 inches. CABINET OBJECTS 7’—Rocx Crystat Batu Clear texture. Diameter, 17% inches. 78—WHuiItTE JADE ORNAMENT Basket of peonies, carved and in openwork, on delicately carved teakwood stand. Height, 2%, inches. 79—Japr Rover Box Greenish-white. Carved svastika fret, and borders of gadroons. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 234, inches. 80—Wuite Jape TaBLEe-sCREEN Pine trees, stork, bamboo and fungus emblems of longevity, beautifully carved in openwork. Fine teakwood stand. Height, 3° inches. 81—Soocnow Laceuver SECTIONAL Box Three compartments. The alternate sections ornamented with beautifully carved peonies and chrysanthemums, and the top with a Chinese lady and children in a garden. Height, 61%, inches. 82—Guass SNUFF-BOTTLE Intricately decorated on the inside with landscape and mountain scenery and a poem. Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Fei-ts’ui stopper. 83—YELLOow Guass SNUFF-BOTTLE Outer surface covered with a mottled red coating. 84—Buvur anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE - Miniature form. Figures in garden, pencilled in two shades of underglaze blue. Mark of “Wan Yu.” 85—Buivuer anp Wuire Miniature Jar Oviform. Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Decoration of dragons, cloud-forms and fire emblems, in brilliant cobalt-blue. Has ivory cover and teakwood stand. 86—SMALL GLOBULAR-SHAPED JAR Finely painted decoration of five-clawed dragons amid cloud- forms and fire emblems, pencilled in blew de nankin and rouge de fer. Underneath the foot six-character mark of K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Has teakwood stand. 87—CyLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Mottled peach-bloom glaze, under which is a decoration of dragons and cloud-forms in rouge de fer. 88—MiniatureE Buus anp WuirTeE Vase Bottle-shape. Pure white porcelain of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). Decoration of landscape and fishing scene, deli- cately pencilled in fine underglaze blue. Has teakwood stand. 89—MiniaturEe BotTtrLe-sHAPED VASE Clear white porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Decoration of dragon and cloud-forms in coral-red, and the sacred pearl and fire emblems pencilled in underglaze blue: Dragon mark underneath the foot. Has teakwood stand. 9O0O—MInIATURE GALLIPOT Of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). Invested with a pure white glaze of brilliant quality. Has teakwood stand. 91—Musrarp CRACKLE SNUFF-BOTTLE Of the Cl’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Enamelled with a mus- tard-yellow glaze, applied over a network of crackles. Has teak- wood stand. 92—Mintaturre GourpD-sHAPED Box Japanese gray stoneware. Decoration of figures, birds and svastika fret, pencilled in dark blue. Has teakwood stand. DECORATED PORCELAINS 93—Smatu Ovirorm Vase Thin hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Deco- ration of sacred flowers and leafy scrolls, beautifully pencilled in brilliant enamel colors. Round the neck a band of archaic dragons, and fret border encircling foot. Has finely carved teakwood stand. Height, 3%, inches. 94—Decoratep Porceratn Bow. Pure white thin porcelain of the Yung-chéng period (1723- 1735). Beautifully painted decoration of flowers of paradise and leafy scrolls, executed in harmoniously combined enamel colors. Underneath the foot six-character mark. Diameter, 534 inches. $5—Decoratep Porcerain Disu Pure white hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Decoration of five-clawed dragons, amid fire emblems, pursuing the sacred pearl; painted in brilliant green. Seal mark under- neath the foot. Diameter, 7 inches. 96—Decoratep Porcerain Bown. Hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Decoration of a fortress, harbor, and poem, pencilled in brilliant enamel colors. Dedication mark underneath the foot. Diameter, 61 inches. SSS 97—Oxp Imarrt Bown Peonies, crest and scroll designs, painted in brilliant enamel colors, and gilding. Underneath the foot Chinese six-character mark, Diameter, 534 inches. 98—Surers Decoratep Jar | Graceful oviform. Clear white hard paste of the K’ang-hsi . period (1662-1722). Beautifully painted decoration of plum in blossom, pine tree and bamboo executed in finely combined enamel colors. Six-character mark underneath the foot. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 4°/, inches. 99—DecoratTEepD GouRD-SHAPED VASE With sceptre-shape handles. Pure white hard paste of the Yung- chéng period (1723-1735). Decoration of dragons, leafy scrolls and show symbol, beautifully painted in brilliant enamel colors. Height, 65% inches. 100—Svrers JAPANESE BoTTLE-SHAPED VASE Of graceful form. Thin porcelain, of the soft-paste type. Ex- quisitely painted decoration in brilliant enamel colors, and gild- ing of floral sprays, crest and brocade patterns. Height, 834 inches. | 101—Decoratep GIncreR Jar Hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decoration of domestic garden scene, and finely designed borders, beauti- fully painted in typical colors of the K’ang-hsi famille verte. Has original cap-shape cover and carved teakwood stand. Height, 8%, inches. SINGLE-COLOR PORCELAINS 102—MiniaturE Course Thin porcelain of the soft-paste type, enamelled with a brilhant white glaze. Decoration delicately incised in the paste. Has ivory cover and teakwood stand. 103—Mrniature BorriLe-sHAPED VASE Hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Invested with a monochrome glaze of the sang de boeuf type. Has teakwood stand. Height, 314, inches. 104—Smatu Vase Fashioned after an ancient bronze. Coated with a blue-white glaze of a brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 24%, inches. 105—WIneE-cuPp Hard paste,.of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Coated with a monochrome glaze of sang de poulet. Has teakwood stand. Height, 2°4, inches. 106—Tatt WIneE-cuP By Seifu.) Enamelled with a fine coral-red glaze. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 3%, inches. 107—Smauu BorrLe-sHarepd Vase ‘Pure white porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Bands and border of gadroons, sceptre-heads and palmettes, carved in the paste in low-relief. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 3°4, inches. 108—Rovce Box Hard paste of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). Invested with a monochrome glaze of coral-red. Underneath the foot a four-character mark in underglaze blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 314% inches. 109—Smarzt TeEa-cotor Vase Quadrilateral-shape, with dragon in relief encircling neck. In- vested with a tea-color glaze of very fine quality. Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Has teakwood stand. Height, 2% inches. 110—Smatu Iron-rust Bown Hard paste of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). Coated with an iron-rust glaze of very fine quality. Underneath the foot. an engraved seal mark of the period. Diameter, 3%, inches. 111—Smaut Rose-cotor Borrnie-sHAPe VASE Thin porcelain of the Cl’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Enam- elled with a monochrome glaze of deep rose-color. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 47% inches. 112—Smatut GourpD-sHAPED VASE f Hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with a souffle glaze of robin’s-egg-blue. Has carved teakwood stand. ; Height, 434 inches. 1138—STarcH-BLUE PEAR-sHAPED VASE Thin white porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Coated with a monochrome glaze of starch-blue color of brilliant | quality, over which is a decoration of storks in flight, *cloud- forms and symbols, finely pencilled in cobalt-blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 61, inches. 114—Musrarp-srep Vase Cylindrical-shape. Hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795). Enamelled with a souffle glaze known as the mustard- seed. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 115—Ovirorm Jron-rust Vase Hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of rich brown color, which is flecked with minute metallic spots. Has teakwood stand. Height, 4% inches. 116—Prar-sHarep Tureavotsr Vase Hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with a monochrome glaze of turquoise-blue of brilliant quality. Has carved teakwood stand. ‘ Height, 4% inches. 117—Pore Wuire Borrie-sHarep VASE Thin porcelain of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). In- vested with white glaze of exceeding purity; decorated with flowering plants, beautifully carved in relief in the paste. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 6°4 inches. 118—Pvre Wuirte Ovirorm Vase Thin porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Richly decorated with peonies and leaf scrolls engraved in the paste. Round the shoulder a band of Greek fret and sceptre-head scrolls, and encircling the foot a border of gadroons. Height, 6% inches. 119—Svsers Pure Wuire Beaker Thin porcelain of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). In- vested with an ivory-white glaze of soft and brilliant quality, and decorated with bands of palmettes carved in relief in the paste. Has teakwood stand. Height, 8%, inches. 120—Sane pe Borevur Borrie-sHarep VAsE Clear white porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of sang de boeuf type, which displays a beautiful variation of colors. Has finely carved teak- wood stand. Height, 9 inches. 121—PownbeEr-BLUE Ovirorm Jar Thin hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Invested with a mottled cobalt-blue glaze known as “powder-blue,” of brilliant quality. Has carved teakwood cover. Height, 9 inches. 122—Cetapon Haneine Vase Bottle-shaped, with two tubular handles on neck. Dense porce- lain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with a pellucid sea-green glaze applied over a boldly crackled surface. With original cords and tassels for hanging. Underneath the foot, seal mark of the period.. Height, 11%4 inches. 123—BevaTiruL SANG-DE-BOEUF VASE Of graceful cylindrical shape, with bulging body and spreading neck and base. It is of Lang Yao porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). It is invested with a beautiful monochrome glaze, exhibiting in typical form the shadings and play of colors characteristic of the best types of sang-de-boeuf specimens. The lip is defined by a round lip of white, and the foot underneath is invested with a rice-color enamel. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 1634, inches. BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN 124—Buvr anp WuiteE Rovcer Box Thin white hard paste. Decoration of five-clawed dragon rising from the sea amid cloud-forms and fire emblems, painted in bril- hant underglaze blue. Mark of Ch’éng-hua, but undoubtedly made during the Ch’ien-lung period. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 3%, inches. 125—Smartu Buvue anp Wuite Imari Jar Octagonal-shape. Panel decoration of flowering plant, diaper pattern and wave designs, painted in two shades of cobalt-blue. Has teakwood cover and stand. Height, 2% inches. 126—Buve anp.Wuitkr Ovirorm VasE Clear white porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Finely painted decoration in underglaze blue of various orna- ments and the “ Hundred Antiques.” Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 6%, inches. 127—Buve anp Wuire Hirapo Vase Oviform. Mountain scenery and river view, delicately pencilled in underglaze blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 6%, inches. 128—Buve anv Wuitrt Bowri Old Canton china. Decoration of pagodas, river view and islands, in two shades of brilliant cobalt-blue. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 54 inches. 129—Buve anv Wuirt BraKker-sHAPED VASE Hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Finely painted decoration of grape-vine in bearing, in brilliant shades of underglaze blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 74% inches. 130—Buve anp Wuite Borrie-sHarep VASE Hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decorated in briliant underglaze blue with tree peonies, chrysanthemums, rocks and butterflies. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 814 inches. 131—Beavtirut Biur ann Wuire AMPHORA Pure. white porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decoration of bird of paradise, tree peonies and rocks, artisti- cally painted in brilliant underglaze blue. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 91% inches. 132—B.iveE anp Wuite Cyriinpricat VAsE Hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decorated with numerous vases filled with flowers, in rich cobalt-blue ap- plied over the glaze. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 634 inches. 183—Svurers Buve anp Wuitr Bowni Thin white sonorous porcelain of the soft-paste type. Decorated on the inner and outer surface, in fine underglaze blue, with sceptre-head and lotus scrolls and full-bloom flowers of the sacred lotus, arranged so as to display in each flower the cup-shaped fruit, and intercepted by Sanscrit character. Round the border are Buddhistic symbols of happy augury and scroll designs. Six- character mark of Chia-ching, but undoubtedly of the K’ang-hsi period. yet vis Diameter, 8%, inches. 134—Patrr Larce Buvz anp WuHuitTE PLATES | Thin sonorous porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Profusely decorated in brilliant underglaze blue with chrysan- themums, plum blossoms and rocks. t Diameter, 114% inches. 135—Svurers Buivue anp White Sort Paste Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is of globular-shape, with a broad, flaring funnel-shape neck. Decoration, which con- sists of flowers of paradise amid leafy scrolls, is beautifully painted in brilliant cobalt-blue under an ivory-white crackle 2 glaze. Underneath the foot a Fang-Shéng mark. Has finely carved teakwood stand. Height, 714, inches. : 136—Buve anp Wuire Gincer Jar Oviform. Hard paste, of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The decoration, which is finely painted in brilliant underglaze blue, depicts an emperor receiving envoys. Has carved teak- wood stand and cover. Height, 6% inches; diameter, 6 inches. 137—Buve anp WuitE GINGER JAR Hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Oviform, with original cap-shaped cover. Decorated in brilliant under- glaze blue with a garden scene, in which numerous Chinese ladies are playing games. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 714% inches; diameter, 6 inches. 138—Buve anp WHITE GINGER JAR Oviform. Pine, plum in blossom and bamboo, painted in brilliant cobalt-blue. Has teakwood stand and cover. Height, 7% inches; diameter, 61/ inches. 139—BeavtTirut Buus anp WHITE SOFT-PASTE VASE Tall oviform; known as the Mandarin-shape vase. Two up- right sunken panels are decorated with landscape and river scene, finely painted in brilliant underglaze blue. The ground of the vase is of deep-blue relieved by a honeycomb pattern and em- : bellished with butterflies and floral sprays, carved in relief in the : paste. Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Carved teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Tuomas E. Kirsy, Auctioneer. te SEARCH IN iil | il itn fl ll 125 01662 875 ‘wees “ sh oo a pe Py RAT Ls ist is Ps SEA a Ae s, SRN 3) LES Rip esha’ : Bhes Sava tat oa Se ne , a cat Nei 5) Sa i My 4 ks . 2 ‘ SAN viet aah mh = a i +t XK , <, Ria : e $M eRceonu ment As