\Gy. 3 A FP ANG/8 ¥ | AW \ 0 iy) EY orks. 7") ae wf, ex é - > Z ose > are) ©) Si - E - ag ti a arp ie ie e* Fe » * EH PARIS” D LE IL Vi 118] 66 S M MODEL OF H [No MARINE SUBJECTS ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, WATERCOLORS AND PAINTINGS OF SHIPS AND SHIPPING OF THE EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURIES SCALE AND OTHER SHIP MODELS ee GlssOF NELSONIAN INTEREST, TERRES- TRIAL AND CELESTIAL GLOBES, BAROMETERS PEPE SCOPEQSAN EARLY OUADRANT; Exc. FROM THE COLLECTION OF V. WINTHROP NEWMAN of London and New York (Member of the Society for Nautical Research) WITH ILLUSTRATIONS AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 571TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK Telephone: PLaza 1270 APA 9 Pee! moet On Free Public Exhibition— Commencing Friday, February 15th, and Continuing until date of the sale Unrestricted Public Sale— Wednesday evening, February 20th, 1924 at 8:15 o'clock Exhibition and Sale at the— AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK Telephone: PLAaza 1270 THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY CONDITIONS OF SALE __1. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or Which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. _Hil. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the gale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall signa card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots go pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. ; VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not ealled for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the Sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be earried ta and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the Sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. VIII, Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and Seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of Sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- ciation, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. : : Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MANAGERS. DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS, ARTHUR SwaNn, Director. OTTO BERNET, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. By WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20TH, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK ANDERSON, WILLIAM, 1757-1837. 1. SHIPPING ar ANCHOR IN THE MovurtH oF THE TEXEL. Water Color Drawing. Height: 7144; width: 914 inches. Signed: to left, on strip of beach: W. Anderson, 1793. ARNALD, GEORGE, A.R.A., 1763-1841. 2. AN AMERICAN FRIGATE. Water Color Drawina. Height: 1344; width: 1734 inches. ARNALD, GEORGE, A.R.A., 1763-1841. 3. FLEET oF TRANSPORTS CoMING TO AN ANCHOR. Water Color Drawing. Height: 1144; width: 1714 inches. Titled on reverse, and signed, initials: G. A. ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Circa 1820. 4. ON THE CHINA STATION. Water Color Drawing. Height: 314; width: 6% inches. ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Circa 1800. 5. Two Lines or Barruesuirs at ANCHOR. Water Color Drawing. Height: 8144; width: 105 inches. ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Crrca 1820. 6. ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN T'wo Braicgs. Water Color Drawing. Height: 47%; width: 784 inches. ATKINS, SAMUEL, 1760-1810. 7. A FRESH BREEZE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 3144; width: 43 inches. Signed: at lower left: 8. Atkins. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ATKINS, SAMUEL, 1760-1810. 8. FRIGATES IN FuLL SAIL. Water Color Drawing. Height: 6144; width: 1034 inches. ATKINS, SAMUEL, 1760-1810. 9. British Man-o’-War, 80 GuNs. Water Color Drawing. Height: 1014; width: 1484 inches. Signed: at lower left corner: Atkins. ATKINS, SAMUEL, 1760-1810. 10A. IN THE Downs,—A Catm Mornina. Water Color Drawing. Height: 834; width: 1244 inches. Signed:,on spar at lower left corner: S. Atkins. Companion piece to the following. ATKINS, SAMUEL, 1760-1810. 10B. Orr THE KENTISH COAST. Water Color Drawing. Height: 814; width: 124% inches. Signed: on spar at right lower corner: Atkins. Companion piece to the preceding. BALMER, GEORGE, 1806-1846. 11. Dockyarp ScENE, DEVONPORT. Water Color Drawing. Height: 814; width: 11 inches. Signed: on spar at lower left corner: G. B. BARNEY, H. B., Crroa 1845. 12. An Hast-InprIAamAN, Homewarp BounnD, SIGNALLING. Pencil Drawing, heightened with white and color on light brown paper. Height: 53g; width: 9 inches. Signed: at lower left: H. B. Barney, Oct. 1846. BAROMETER. 13. BaroMETER, in inlaid mahogany case by Grasst Fontana & Co., EXETER. Silvered Dial and Thermometer. Height: 38; diameter (of dial): 8 inches. BAROMETER. 14. Manocany INLAID BAROMETER. Silvered Dials. Brass Mounts, Convex Mirror, Thermometer, Kte. Height: 43; diameter (of dial): 10 inches. Wednesday Evening, February 20th BEAD BAG, Circa 1820. 15. Pictortat BEap Bag, in colored beads. On front, a 24-gun frigate flying the French flag. On reverse, floral decoration. Height: 6; width: 714 inches. AN UNCOMMON EXAMPLE. BENTLEY, CHARLES, 1806-1854. 16. OrF THE Nore. Water Color Drawing. Height: 10; width: 13 inches. Signed: at lower left: C. Bentley. BENTLEY, CHARLES, 1806-1854. 17%. Orr THE ScorrisH Coast. Water Color Drawing. Height: 10; width: 17% inches. BRIERLEY, CAPT. SIR OSWALD P., 1817-1894. 18. At ANCHOR IN THE Bay or SrmonoszxI, 1864. Water Color on light brown paper. Height: 67%; width: 1414 inches. BRIERLEY, CAPT. SIR OSWALD P., 1817-1894. 19. Frigates Lying To, Orr tHe Cutna Coast. Water Color drawing, on pale blue paper. Height: 10; width: 1586 inches. BRIGHT, HENRY, 1814-1873. 20. ARMED Barqus, 20 Guns, at ANCHOR. Water Color Drawing. (Varnished.) Height: 534; width: 61 inches. Signed: on reverse, initials: H. B., 1849. BRIGHT, HENRY, 1814-1873. cio. M.S. Beruisur, 74 Guys. Water Color Drawing. (Varnished.) Height: 1314; width: 14 inches. Signed: on reverse, initials: H. B., 1846. BROOKING, CHARLES, 1723-1759. 22. FIsHiIne Boats, MoutH oF THE THAMES. Wash Drawing, India. Height: 7; width: 1034 inches. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue BROWN, DAVID, Circa 1830. 23. H. M. S. St. Vincent, In PortsmMoutH DocKyanrp. Water Color Drawing. Height: 5%; width: 8% inches. BROWN, DAVID, Crrca 1830. 24. CoASTING VESSEL AT ANCHOR. Pencil Drawing. Height: 644; width: 814 inches. Signed and dated: D. B., 1830. BUTTERWORTH, THOMAS, Circa 1818. 25. COASTING VESSELS. Water Color Drawwg. Height: 6144; width: 914 inches. BUTTERWORTH, THOMAS, Circa 1818. 26. A Srconp RATE, IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. Water Color Drawwng. Height: 75g; width: 11384 inches. BUTTERWORTH, THOMAS, Crroa 1818. 27. A Frigate IN FuLy SAru. Water Color Drawing. Height: 7144; width: 111 inches. BUTTERWORTH, THOMAS, Crrca 1818. 28. LINE oF BarrLEesHip, 80 Guns, IN Fut Sart. Water Color Drawing. Height: 6144; width: 9 inches. CARMICHAEL, JAMES WILSON, 1800-1868. 29. Haysoats, MourtH or THE Mrpway. Water Color Drawing. Height: 3; width: 4 inches. Signed: lower right corner: J. W. Carmichael. CARMICHAEL, JAMES WILSON, 1800-1868. 30. A CALM. Water Color Drawing. Height: 48g; width: 51% inches. Vignette. Signed: at center base: J. W. Carmichael. CARMICHAEL, JAMES WILSON, 1800-1868. 31. DutcH FisHine Boats orr THE Norz. Water Color Drawwg. Height: 55g; width: 6% inches. Wednesday Evening, February 20th CARMICHAEL, JAMES WILSON, 1800-1868. 32. A STIFF BREEZE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 5144; width: 634 inches. Signed: at lower right: J. W. Carmichael. CARMICHAEL, JAMES WILSON, 1800-1868. 33. SHIPPING Lying To, orr DarrmMouru. Water Color Drawing. Height: 55g; width: 8 inches. CARMICHAEL, JAMES WILSON, 1800-1868. 34. A Frrst-RaTE AT ANCHOR, NEAR GIBRALTAR. Water Color Drawing. Height: 514; width: 814 inches. Signed: at lower right: J. W. Carmichael. CLEVELEY, ROBERT, 1747-1809. 35. MODERATE BREEZE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 354; width: 6 inches. CLEVELEY, ROBERT, 1747-1809. 36A. AT SinctE ANCHOR oFF TERCERA, ONE OF THE WESTERN ISLANDS. Water Color Drawing. Height: 314; width: 614 inches. Companion piece to the following. CLEVELEY, ROBERT, 1747-1809. 36B. Line or BarriesHip ar SrIncLE ANCHOR. Water Color Drawing. Height: 3844; width: 614 inches. Companion piece to the preceding. CLEVELEY, ROBERT, 1747-1809. 387A. PortsmMouTH Harpor. Water Color Drawing. Height: 3144; width: 6 inches. Companion piece to the following. CLEVELEY, ROBERT, 1747-1809. 37B. Frigate at ANCHOR, OFF St. Domingo. Water Color Drawing. Height: 814; width: 6 inches. Companion piece to the preceding. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue CLEVELEY, ROBERT, 1747-1809. 38. Orr THE DutTcH Coast. Water Color Drawing. Height: 8; width: 131, inches. Signed :*on spar, initials and date: R. C., 1784. CLEVELEY, JOHN, 1747-1786. 39. MEDITERRANEAN CRAFT OFF Matta. Water Color Drawing. Height: 10; width: 151% inches. CHAMBERS, GEORGE, 1803-1840. 40. A Brie In FULL SAIL. Pencil Drawing, heightened with White on Inght Brown Paper. Height: 314; width: 414 inches. Signed: lower right corner: G. Chambers. CHAMBERS, GEORGE, 1803-1840. 41. A BarQuE witH ALL SAILS SET. Pencil Drawing, heightened with White on Inght Brown Paper. Height: 5; width: 714 inches. Signed: lower right corner: G. Chambers. CHAMBERS, GEORGE, 1803-1840. 42. HoIsTING THE SPINNAKERS. Pencil Drawing, heightened with White on Inght Brown Paper. Height: 584; width: 714 inches. Signed: G. Chambers, at lower right. CHAMBERS, GEORGE, 1803-1840. 43. A THREE-DECKER. Pen and Wash, India. Height: 6144; width: 85¢ inches. CHAMBERS, GEORGE, 1803-1840. 44. A 50-cuN Frigats, BEATING UP CHANNEL. Wash, Sema. Height: 7; width: 9 mches. CHAMBERS, GEORGE, 1803-1840. 45. SQUADRON OF LINE OF BATTLESHIPS MANEUVERING. Wash, Sema, touched with Color. Height: 95g; width: 1314 inches. Wednesday Evening, February 20th CHAMBERS, GEORGH, 1803-1840. 46. Tort ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN BLACK JOKE AND THE ALMIRANTE, 1829. Water Color Drawing. Height: 1214; width: 1734 inches. CHAMBERS, GEORGE, 1803-1840. 47A. A First Ratz Ripine Our «a Storm. No. 1. Pen Drawing, Sepia. Height: 1234; width: 19 inches. Signed: at lower right: G. Chambers. One of a series of three drawings of the same scene at various times. (See following entries.) CHAMBERS, GEORGE, 1803-1840. 47B. A First Rate Ripine Our «a Storm. No. 2. Pen Drawing, Sepia. Height: 1214; width: 19 inches. Signed: at lower right: G. Chambers. For companion pieces, see preceding and following entries. CHAMBERS, GEORGH, 1803-1840. 47C. A First Rate Ripine Our 4 Storm. No. 3. Pen Drawing, Sepia. Height: 1314; width: 19% inches. Signed: at lower right: G. Chambers. For companion pieces, see the two preceding entries. CHIN ESE ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED (CHINESE), Crrca 1820. 48. Two ARMED Brics orr FORMOSA. Water Color Drawing. Height: 534; width: 6 inches. CHINESE ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED (CurnzseE), Crroa 1800. 49. A FRIGATE IN ORIENTAL WATERS. Water Color Drawing. Height: 7; width: 10 inches. CHINESE ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED (CuHrInzEsE), 1820. 50. CoMING INTO CaALLao, 1820. Water Color Drawing. Height: 9; width: 13 inches. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue COPE, CHARLES WEST, R.A., 1811-1890. 51. Maryport, CUMBERLAND. Water Color Drawing. Height: 734; width: 1034 inches. Signed and dated, initials: C. W. C., 1835. COOKE, EDWARD WILLIAM, R.A., 1811-1880. 52. ON THE THAMES, NEAR ERITH. Water Color Drawing. Height: 614; width: 914 inches. Signed: lower right corner: H. W. Cooke. COOKE, EDWARD WILLIAM, R.A., 1811-1880. 53. VENICE, FROM THE GIARDINO PUBBLICO. Pencil Drawing. Height: 534; width: 914 inches. Signed: at lower left: H. W. Cooke, A.R.A., and on sea wall, at right: #. W. C., 2 Nov. 1858. DANIELL, WILLIAM, R.A., 1769-1837. 54. H. M.S. Lion, 64 Guns. Pencil Drawing. Height: 514; width: 414 inches. Signed: initials: W. D. at lower right, titled and dated, 1794. DODD, ROBERT, 1748-1816. 55. THe SPANISH FLEET OFF VALENCIA. Water Color Drawing. Height: 3; width: 514 inches. DODD, ROBERT, 1748-1816. 56. SPANISH MaAn-0’-War OFF THE BarsBary Coast. Water. Color Drawing. Height: 614g; width: 8 inches. DRUMMOND, SAMUEL, 1765-1844. 57. CoASTING VESSELS. Water Color Drawing. Height: 414; width: 614 inches. DUNCAN, EDWARD, R.W.S., 1803-1882. 58. A 20-cuN Brig Comine To ANCHOR. Wash, Sema. Height: 11; width: 1614 inches. Wednesday Evening, February 20th DUNCAN, EDWARD, R.W.S., 1803-1882. 59. EVENING CALM IN THE Tropics, 4 Frigate Lyina To. Wash Drawing, Sepia. Height: 14; width, 121% inches. Signed: at lower right, initials: EZ. D. DUTCH TILE IN FRAME. 60. Dutcn TriLE In Frame. Painted in Sepia, surrounded by Celadon Slips. Height: 5; width: 5 inches. In black frame. DUTTON, T. G., Creca 1855. 61. Two British Men-o?-War IN A GALE. Wash, India. Height: 1034; width: 167% inches. Signed: at lower left: Dutton. ELLIS, WILLIAM, 1747-1810. 62. Orr SPITHEAD. Water Color Drawing. Height: 8; width: 714 inches. ELLIS, WILLIAM, 1747-1810. 63. AN ARMED Bric SAILING BEFORE THE WIND. Water Color Drawing. Height: 5; width: 614 inches. EMERY, I., Circa 1800. 64. CoAsTING VESSELS. Water Color Drawing. Height: 6; width: 714 inches. Signed: on spar, lower right corner: J. Emery. FIELDING, ANTHONY VANDYKE COPLEY, 1787-1855. 65. FisHine Boats In A Scorrisu Firru. Water Color Drawing. Height: 6; width: 1114 inches. FIELDING, ANTHONY VANDYKE COPLEY, 1787-1855. 66. SUNRISE IN A CALM. Water Color Drawing. Height: 914; width: 1314 inches. FRENCH ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Crrca 1800. 67. French Frrst Ratz Maxine Porr arrer AN ENGAGEMENT. Water Color Drawing. Height: 814; width: 1134 inches. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue GLOBE. 68. ONE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE, BY CARY. On Mahogany Stand, Turned Legs. Height over all: 1814; diameter (of globe) : 12 inches. GLOBES. 69. OnE Parr TERRESTRIAL AND CELESTIAL GLOBES, BY CARY. Mahogany Stand, Turned Legs. Height over all: 21; diameter (of globe) : 15 inches. GLOBES. 70. ONE Parr TERRESTRIAL AND CELESTIAL GLOBES, BY NEWTON. Mahogany Stand, Fluted Legs, Compass in Base. Height over all: 48; diameter (of globe) : 21 inches. GOODWIN, EDWARD, Crrca 1815. 71. Linz-o’-BaTrLEesHiIP IN FULL Satu. Water Color Drawing. Height: 7144; width: 7 inches. Signed: initials: H. G., lower left corner. GORDON, L., Crrca 1808. 72. THE FrencH FLEEet orr TouLon. Water Color Drawing. Height: 314; width: 131% inches. GORDON, L., Crrca 1808. 73. Tue Russtan FiErt, Rogerwick Bay, 1808. Water Color Lfrawing. Height: 544; width: 22 inches. Signed: at lower right: L. Gordon, fecit. HACCOUX, JOHANNES CORNELIS, 1798-1839. 74, A Catm Mornine. Water Color Drawing. Height: 534; width: 75g inches. Signed: at lower corner: J. C. Haccouz. HARDY, THOMAS BUSH, R.B.A., 1842-1897, 75. A Luccrr In A STIFF BREEZE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 47%; width: 8% inches. Signed: at lower left: T. B. Hardy. HARDY, THOMAS BUSH, R.B.A., 1842-1897. 76. A Stoop SarLine FREE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 5; width: 8 inches. Signed: at lower left: T. B. Hardy. Wednesday Evening, February 20th HART, JOEL T. (American Artist), 1810-1877. 77. Looxine Towarps SoUTHAMPTON. Water Color Drawing. Height: 714; width: 103 inches. Signed: at lower right: J. T. Hart, and titled on reverse. HASSELL, EDWARD, Circa 1834. 78. A Man-o’-War Broacuine To. Peneil Drawing. Height: 914; width: 1234 inches. Signed: initials and dated: H. H., 1834. HEERY, ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Circa 1850. 79. Fisuine Smacks, OFF KENTISH COAST. Water Color Drawing. Height: 33g; width: 78@ inches. HEERY, ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Circa 1850. 80. A Stirr BreezE—Maxine Harpor. Water Color Drawing. Height: 434 ; width: 105 inches. Signed: lower right corner: “//eery.” HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, 1781-1845. 81. VESSELS IN DIsTREss. Water Color Drawing, in Indian Red and Ochre. Height: 93g; width: 1514 inches. Initialed, lower right-hand corner: W. J. H. Two frigates in a storm, one dismasted, flying signal of distress. HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, 1781-1845. 82. RIDING OUT A GALE. Pencil Drawing, heightened with White, on Light Brown Paper. Height: 314; width: 71 inches. Signed: at lower left: Huggins. HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, 1781-1845. 83. ACTION BETWEEN THE SAN FIORENZO AND PIEMONTAISE, 1808. Pencil Drawing, heightened with White, on Tinted Paper. Height: 534; width: 71% inches. Signed and dated: at lower left: W. Huggins, 1827. HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, 1781-1845. 84. H. M. 8. AtBion, 70 Guns, SALUTING. Wash, Sepa, heightened with White, on Light Brown Paper. Height: 434; width: 614 inches. Signed: at lower left corner: Albion, Huggins. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, 1781-1845. 85. H. M. S. Victory. Oil Sketch on Bristol Board. Height: 414; width: 6 inches. HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, 1781-1845. 86. AN INDIAMAN COMING INTO PorT. Pen, Sepia and Wash, India. Height: 88; width: 13% inches. Signed: at lower left corner: Huggins. HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, 1781-1845. 8%. A Frigate Homrwarp Bounp, orF THE NEEDLES; Is~E oF WIGHT. Pen, Sema and Wash, India. Height: 834; width: 13% inches. HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, 1781-1845. 88. THE GUARDSHIP AT SHEERNESS. Pen, Sema and Wash, India. Height: 834; width: 1334 inches. IBBETSON, JULIUS CAESAR, 1759-1817. 89. A Frigate SAILING FREE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 4144; width: 7 inches. IBBETSON, JULIUS CAESAR, 1759-1817. 90. A Brig RETURNING TO PoRT AFTER ENGAGEMENT. Water Color Drawing. Height: 6144; width: 844 inches. INSKIP, JAMES, 1790-1868. 91. Man-o7-War Brineine To In Harsor. Water Color Drawing. Height: 73g; width: 8% inches. ISABEY, EUGENE GABRIEL LOUIS, 1804-1886. 92. A Dutcu Ferry Boat. Oil Sketch, on Brown Paper. Height: 18; width: 1034 inches. JOY, JOHN CANTILOE, 1806-1857. 93. FRIGATES OFF THE CORNISH COAST. Water Color Drawing. Height: 10; width: 151 inches. Signed and titled on reverse: “Fancy Sea Ptece,’ J. U. Joy. [See Illustration | Wednesday Evening, February 20th a a OF Se el ea oe oa [No. 93] KING, CAPT. CECIL, R.I., Contemporary ARTs. fee Poe istes or CATHAY:”? AN East-InpIaAMAn, 1760. Water Color Drawing. Height: 67%; width: 1014 inches. KING, CAPT. CECIL, R.I., Contemporary ARTIST. 95. CLIPPER SHIP “ARCHER,” oF NEW York; Burtr 1851. Water Color Drawing. Height: 14; width: 2036 inches. KOBELL, HENDRIK, 1751-1782. 96. THE Sunset Gun. India Wash, heightened with White, on Blue Grey Paper. Height: 7; width: 9 inches. KOBELL, HENDRIK, 1751-1782. 97. A SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DutoH Yacur. Oil Sketch, on Millboard. Height: 47%; width: 67% inches. LEWIS, C. H. 98. Fisuine Boars orr tHE Sussex Coast. Water Color Drawing. Height: 3%; width: 9% inches. Signed: at lower right: C. H. Lewis. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue scutes eh ek a aa Sc LEWIS, C. H., Crroa 1860. 99. A ScHoonreR YACHT IN Futy Salt. Water Color Drawing. Height: 634; width: 9 inches. LIVERPOOL MUG BLACK PRINTED LIVERPOOL MUG. 100. “THE FAREWELL.” A sailor’s bride waving farewell to a receding ship. Initialed at side: B. J. Verses under picture. Height: 5; diameter: 314 inches. R. M., ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Crrca 1840. 101A. A Frigate—Cuiosrt Rreerep—Heavy WEATHER. Water Color Drawing. Height: 414; width: 834 inches. Signed: lower left corner: A. M. Companion piece to the following. R. M., ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Crrca 1840. 101B. A Frigate RunninG BeroreE THE WIND. Water Color Drawing. Height: 414; width: 834 inches. Signed: lower left corner: R. M. Companion piece to the preceding. R. M., ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Circa 1840. 102. A SEconpD RaTE IN A GALE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 514; width: 91% inches. Signed: lower left corner: fk. M. R. M., ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Circa 1850. 103. A Rescuz, Putting Out To A DIsABLED SHIP. Water Color Drawing. Height: 914; width: 2014 inches. Signed: at lower right, initials: A. M. MANWARING, EDWARD PELLEW, Circa 1836. 104. DutcH Boars Bratine To WINDWARD. Pencil Drawing. Height: 534; width: 8 inches. Signed, dated and titled on reverse. Wednesday Evening, February 20th McDOUGALL, F., Cmca 1850. 105. A BRAZILIAN BARKENTINE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 33g; width: 4% inches. Signed: on original mount: F. McDougall. MILES, EDWARD, Circa 1790. 106. Moon ticur. Pencil, heightened with White, on Blue Paper. Height: 4144; width: 3 inches. Signed: Initials: #. M., lower right-hand corner. MIRROR WITH SHIP PICTURE. 107%. GiuT-FRAMED Mirror, with O1n PAINTING oF SHIP IN UPPER PORTION. Painting signed: at lower right. Height over all: 59; width: 4114 inches. Painting height: 2114; width: 34 inches. Mirror height: 2914; width: 34 inches. MODEL SHIP. 108. BALTIMORE CLIPPER BARQUE. Height, keelson to truck: 12 inches. Length, over all: 16; hull, stem to stern: 1014 inches. MODEL SHIP. 109. Scare Move. or THE YacuT “Hypatta” or New York. Height, keelson to truck: 33 inches. Length, over all: 36; hull. stem to stern: 21 inches. MODEL SHIP. 110. CriprER SHIP. Height, keelson to truck: 19 inches. Length, over all: 24; hull, stem to stern: 18 inches. MODEL SHIP. 111. Scatz Mopen oF THE Bric “WaALBORG.” Length, over all: 30 inches. Made in satinwood, ebony and boxwood. AN BPXcELLENT AND WELL FINISHED EXAMPLE. MODEL SHIP. ; 112. Futt Riccep LinE or Batruesuip, 72 Guns, Crroa 1780. Complete with sails. Height, keelson to truck: 46 inches. Length, over all: 52; hull, stem to stern, 39 inches. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ane MODEL SHIP. 113. Futt Riccep Fricare “Apvancr,” 44 Guns, Circa 1780. Complete with sails. Height, keelson to truck: 54 inches. Length, over all: 62; hull, stem to stern: 45 inches. A Fine EXAaMplLe, COMPLETE IN DETAIL, Decks, GUNS AND RIGGING PRACTCABLE. [See Illustration] MODEL SHIP. 114. Fut Riceep Sure, Aut Sarzs Ser (Saris Carvep From Woop). Height: 12 inches. Length, over all: 1614; hull, stem to stern, 10 inches. MODEL SHIPS. 115. Four ScaLte Desians ror Sures’ Srurns. Mounted on one board, 42 x 15 inches, with galleries and painted windows. Wednesday Evening, February 20th MODEL SHIP. 116. Fisuine Smack, Currer Ric. Complete with sails. Height, keelson to truck: 54 inches. Length, over all: 64; hull, stem to stern, 42 inches. MODEL SHIP. 117. Finety Derartep Boxwoop Monet or 60-GuN Ling-or-BatrLE SHip, Circa 1780. In perfect condition, unrestored. Height: 614 inches; Length, over all: 9; hull: 614 inches. MODEL SHIP. 118. Moper or H. M. 8S, “Vitte pe Paris,’ 110 guns, built at Chat- ham in 1795 after the design of Henslow. She possessed a gun deck length of 190 feet, beam of 53 feet, and a tonnage of 2,332: her crew numbered 850. She served as flagship to Lord St. Vincent in 1779, and to Admiral Honourable Wil- ham Cornwallis from 1803 to 1805. Exhibited at the Royal Naval Institution. Height: 29 inches; Length, over all: 38; hull: 25 inches. [See Frontispiece | MODEL SHIP. 119. ExquistrELy DeTaItep LINE-oFr-BatrLe Sup, Circa 1820, First Rate, of 90 Guns. Sheathed in copper and finished in all ports with Decks, Boats, Guns, ete. Height: 10 inches; Length, over all: 13; hull: 814 inches. MODEL SHIP. 120. Fux1t-Riacep Suir, Full Keel. Height: 1514 inches. Length, over all: 25; hull: 15 inches. MODEL SHIP. 121. ArMED Stoop or War “GrorcE,” 10 guns, Schooner Rigged. Fall Keel. Height: 13 inches; Length, over all: 1814; hull: 13 inches. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue MODEL SHIP. 122. ARMED Stoop or War, 4 guns, Brig-Rigged, Full Keel. Height: 181% inches; Length, over all: 24; hull: 13 inches. MONAMY, PETER, 1670-1749. 123. DutcH CRAFT OFF THE CoAst oF HOLLAND. Wash, Indta. Height: 11; width: 8% inches. MONAMY, PETER, 1670-1749. 124. Dover CASTLE AND HARBOUR. Wash Drawing, India. Height: 155g; width, 2234 inches. Signed: at lower left: P. Monamy. NEEDLEWORK PICTURE. 125. “His Maszsty’s SHips QUEEN AND PowERFUL,” Crrca 1800. Needlework Picture on Silk. Height: 12; width: 2014 inches. In gilt frame, black glass mount. A FINE SPECIMEN. NELSON, LORD 126. A Parr or ANcHors, Brass, mounted with medallions of Lord Nel- son, reverse and obverse, inscribed “Admiral Lord Nelson born 29th September, 1758.” Height: 534 inches. (2 pieces.) NELSON, LORD 127. BarrerseA ENAMEL PatcH Box. Dark blue, on lid is a represen- tation of the “Victory” and the blowing up of “L’Orient” at the Battle of the Nile. Inscribed, “Nelson and Victory.” NELSON, LORD 128. Bust or NELSON. Doulton ware Bottle. Height: 1614 inches. Inscribed, “T'rafalgar, 1805. ‘England expects every man to do his duty, ” NELSON, LORD 129. NELSON COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE made of copper from H. M. S. “Victory” and “Foudroyant’ showing portrait of Nelson and the “Victory,” mounted on wooden shield. Height: 8; width: 614 inches. Wednesday Evening, February 20th NELSON, LORD 130. NEvson Portrait in relief. White Parian. Height: 314; width: 234 inches (oval). In old gilt metal frame. NELSON, LORD 131. Porrrarr Miniature oF Lorp NELSON, mounted in oval gold lined, tortoise shell snuff box (contemporaneous). Artist unidentified. Height: 314; width: 234 inches. In REMARKABLE PRESERVATION. OIL PAINTINGS (A PAIR) BUTTERWORTH, J. E., Crrca 1840. 132. A and B. AmeEricAN Yacuts, RAcrna. Two Oil Paintings on Canvas. Height: 11144; width: 151% inches. Signed: lower right: J. #. Butterworth. In gilt frames. Oa EAN CINGS = (ASA Li) CHAUVIN, C., Circa 1840. 133. (A) A FULL-RIGGED SHIP, ALL SAILS STOWED, Liyrne at ANCHOR. (B) A FisHine VEssEL PuTTING OvuT To SEA. Oil Paintings on Canvas. Height: 12; width: 18 inches. Signed: at base: C. Chauvin. OIL PAINTING HUGGINS, WILLIAM JOHN, Arrrisutep to, 1781-1845. 134. 46-Gun Frigate av ANCHOR OFF TURKEY. Owl Painting on Canvas. Height: 15; width: 191% inches. OIL PAINTING ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Circa 1700. 135. THE BATTLE oF HAarwicH. Oil Painting on Canvas. Height: 15144; width: 2334 inches. In gilt frame. OIL PAINTING ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Crrca 1850. 136. H. M. S. NELSON AND SQUADRON, OFF DOVER. Oil Painting on Canvas. Height: 1114; width: 171% inches. In gilt frame. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue OIL PAINTING LADWINK, Crrca 1850. 137. THE Victory, PortsmoutH Harpour. Oil Painting on Canvas. Height: 15144; width: 2114 inches. Signed: at lower left: Ladwink. In gilt frame. OIL PAINTING SEAFORTH, C. H., Circa 1820. 138. BritisH Stoop or War, 16 guns, speaking a Merchant Barque. Oil Painting. Height: 1534; width: 2314 inches. In gilt frame. OIL PAINTING VELDE, WILLEM VAN DE, ScuHoot or, Crrca 1700. 139. DurcH FLacsHie ar ANCHOR SURROUNDED BY OTHER VESSELS. Oil Painting on Canvas. Height: 19144; width: 2714 inches. OIL PAINTING DE GRAT, F. S. B., Circa 1844. 140. THE SuNsET Gun. Oil Painting on Panel. Height: 12; width: 151% inches. Signed and dated: lower right: F. S. B. de Grat. 1844. In black and gilt frame. ORRERY AND COMPASS ORRERY AND COMPASS, Circa 1700. 141. ApJusTABLE ExpanpiInc Orrery, with chased and silvered Dial, beneath which is a Compass. In elaborately etched steel cir- cular case mounted in mahogany. The steel lid exhibits the signs of the Zodiac and the barrel, emblematical figures, in the centre of which are the owner’s initials, G. S., surmounted by a crown; inside the lid is an Heraldic Blazonry beautifully painted. AN EXCEPTIONALLY INTERESTING SPECIMEN. OWEN, SAMUEL, 1768-1857. 142. BEATING OFF SHORE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 314; width: 43 inches. Signed : lower left corner: S. Owen. Wednesday Evening, February 20th cE ee OWEN, SAMUEL, 1769-1857. 143. SHIPPING oFF RAMSGATE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 25g; width: 37% inches. Signed: at lower left corner: S. Owen. PATCH BOX. 144. BarrerseA ENAMEL Patou Box. Light blue, on lid, a Man-o?-war, surrounding which is in- scribed, “A Trifle from Bristol.” PENLEY, AARON EDWIN, 1806-1870. 145. “ENGLAND’s WooDEN WALLs.” Water Color Drawing. Height: 77%; width: 98% inches. Vignette. Signed: at lower right, initials: A. P. POCOCK, NICHOLAS, 1741-1821. 146. Orr Tor Bay. Water Color Drawing. Height: 514; width: 714 inches. Vignette. Signed : at lower left: N. Pocock. POCOCK, NICHOLAS, 1741-1821. 147. ‘THE “ALOMENE” AND “Hipernta” ofr Corrv. Water Color Drawing. Height: 744; width: 1154 inches. Signed: lower right (partly obliterated). PRINTS. 148. (A) A Vinw or Deprrorp.” 1790. Height: 6; width: 1034 inches. (B) “THE Town anp Harsour or Portsmouru.” Height: 634; width: 934 inches. Engravings (line) colored by hand. Together, 2 pieces. PRINTS. 149, (A) “THE Souru West Prospect or Liverpoour.” 1750. Height: 614; width: 1114 inches. (B) “THe West Prospect or PorrsmourH IN Hampsuire.” 1750. Height: 634; width: 1136 inches. Engravings (line), colored by hand. Together, 2 pieces. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue NLRB A as Salat IPS SEL AE EB el PRINTS. 150. (A) Vur Perspective pu Port pE PorrsmouTH, Circa 1750. Height: 1014; width: 141% inches. Daumont, Paris. (B) A View or BuackwaLu. 1750. Height: 914; width: 161 inches. Engravings (line), colored by hand. Together, 2 pieces. PRINTS. 151. (A) Orr THE YorKsHIRE Coast. HULL. Crroa, 1800. (B) Orr THE YorRKSHIRE Coast. Wuirsy. Crrca 1800. Height: 554; width: 8 inches. Aquatints, printed in color. Artist and engraver unidentified. Together, 2 pieces. PRINTS. 152. (A) Tue Taxine or THE “NuEstRA SENORA DE LOs REMEDIOS.” 1746. Engraving (line). After Chas. Brooking. Engraved by Boydell. 1753. Height: 1114; width: 1714 inches. (B) DurcH War VESSEL OFF AMSTERDAM. Aquatint. After Wm. Van de Velde, Jr. Height: 334; width: 78% inches. Together, 2 pieces. PRINTS. 153. (A) “A PersprcTive Virw or THE Harsour Castles AND TOWN or Porto Beto.” Taken by Vice Admiral Vernon. 1739. Published 1740. Height: 1114; width: 141% inches. (B) THe Straits or Messina. 1750. Published by P. Mortier, Amsterdam. Height: 15; width: 20 inches. Engravings (line), colored by hand. Together, 2 pieces. PRINT BY FANOLI, MICHELE, 1807-1876. 154. AMERICAN FRIGATE, PROVISIONING OFF BREST. Inthograph. Height: 8; width: 1114 inches. Signed: at lower left (initials): M. F. and anchor. PRINT BY COOKE, E. W., R.A., 1811-1880. 155. H. M.S. Vicrory. First Rate. 1828. Etched by E. W. Cooke, 1830. Etching, colored by hand. © Height: 77%; width: 10 inches. Wednesday Evening, February 20th PRINT. 156. Map or THE TERRESTRIAL AND CELESTIAL HemispHeEres. Creo 1725. Engraving (line), colored by hand, by Jo. Bapt. Homann. Height: 18; width: 22 inches. PRINTS. 157. (A) Baraittp pris D’ANGouT, 25TH JUILLET 1714. Engraving (line), colored by hand. Engraver’s name (untranslated) and date at lower right. Height: 1834; width: 26 inches. (B) BatarnuE sous GrEYNGAME, 27TH JUILLET, 1720. Engraving (line), colored by hand. Engraver’s name (untranslated) and date, at lower right. Height: 1814; width: 2414 inches. Together, 2 pieces. PRINTS. 158. (A) “A Prospect or THE TowNE AND Harpour or Harwicu,” Crroa 1700. Engraving (line), colored by hand. Pubd. by Tho. Taylor and by Robt. Hulton. Height: 17; width: 2214 inches. (B) “A Prospect or PrymMoutH anp YE Sovunp,” Crrca 1700. Engraving (line), colored by hand. Pubd. by Thos. Taylor. Height: 17; width: 23 inches. Together, 2 pieces. PRINT, AFTER ROBERT CLEVELEY. 159. ApMiRAL JERVIS’ Victory orr Cape St. ViNcENT, Frpy. 147TH, Lay, Aquatint, colored in otls. Engraved by J. W. Edy. See H. Parker, Naval Prints, 122a. Height: 1814; width: 27 inches. PRINT. 160. A 50-Gun FRIGATE. Etching, colored by hand. Height: 8; width: 91% inches. Signed: lower left: J. M. Huggins. In gilt frame. PUNCH BOWL. 161. Lowestorr PuncH Bowtm (repaired). Decorated in monochrome, with a Naval Engagement and within a panel, two seated male figures, respectively inscribed above: “You be damned” and “Vous étes béte.” Height: 644; diameter: 16 inches. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue QUADRANT. 162. QUADRANT. EaAruizest Mopet, Crrca 1700. Inscribed: Fatt Par Bianchy. Ormolu, with silvered dials, elaborately chased and pierced on decorative shaped base. AN EXTREMELY RARE AND UNUSUAL EXAMPLE. REEVE, R., Crrca 1840. 163. MorNING, THE “COLUMBINE” Drying Her Satts. Water Color Drawing. Height: 414; width: 734 inches. Signed: A. Reeve, at lower right corner. REINAGLE, GEORGE P., 1802-1835. 164. H. M. 8. Stoop “Avon.” Pen Drawing, Sepia. Height: 5; width: 7 inches. ROLLING PIN, BRISTOL GLASS, wire Nautica Drcorations. 165. Rottrne Pin of Bristol White Opaque Glass, decorated with the following subjects in color: “The Unfortunate London ;” “The Great Australia—Clipper Ship ;” “True Love, from Hull.” Between the illustrations are verses respectively to “Love” and to “The. Gitt7 Length: 3114; diameter: 4 inches. ROUX, FREDERIC. 166. BririsH FRIGATE IN VALETTA HarBor, Mata. Water Color Drawing. Height: 7; width: 7 inches. Nicely detailed, with view of Valetta Fort and Lighthouse in background. ROUX, FREDERIC, Circa 1827. 167%. ScHoonER Mary, Henry Puain, ComMANDER. Water Color Drawing. Height: 17; width: 22 inches. Dated: Apl. 1st, 1827. ROUX, ANTON, Circa 1826. 168. DutcH Fricatr, ApMrraL Buysxkss, 40 Guns. Water Color Drawing. Height: 2114; width: 2834 inches. Signed and dated at lower right: Ant Roua ad Marseilles, 1826. A REMARKABLY FINE EXAMPLE. [See Illustration] Wednesday Evening, February 20th was ee ROY, JAMES, Crrca 1825. 169. “Fancy Sea Prece.” Water Color Drawing. Height: 8; width: 1114 inches. Signed and titled on reverse. A. C. 8., ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, 1836. 170. CorFru, JUNE, 1836. Sepa Wash, on Blue Grey Paper. Height: 53g; width: 8 inches. Titled, initialed: A.C. 8. and date at lower left corner. SCHETKY, JOHN ©., 1778-1874. 171. THe CHANNEL FLEET UNDER ADMIRAL Hornpy. Water Color Drawing. Height: 444; width: 1114 inches. SICCAMA, R., Crrca 1850. 172. ON THE FLoop Tipz, Port or Lonpon. Water Color Drawing. Height: 614; width: 834 inches. Signed: on mount, at lower left corner. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue STAFFORDSHIRE JUG. 173. Large YELLOW STAFFORDSHIRE JuG, decorated with pictures in color,—“Success to Trade,” a Ship in Full Sail; “Jack Sprit- sail coming to Shore”; Military and other subjects. Height: 13; diameter: 1014 inches. STAFFORDSHIRE SHIP PLAQUES. 174, ‘Two STAFFORDSHIRE WARE RECTANGULAR PLAQUES, with printed pictures of a 26-Gun Frigate in center. Size: 9 by 8 inches each. Together, 2 pieces. STANFIELD, WILLIAM CLARKSON, R.A., 1794-1867. 175. Fisuineg SMAcks Maxine Porvt. Black Chalk Drawing heightened with White on Inght Brown Paper. Height: 5144; width: 73@ inches. Signed: lower left corner: C. Stanfield. STANFIELD, WILLIAM CLARKSON, R.A., 1794-1867. 176. A Brig ComIne up CHANNEL. Water Color Drawing on Inght Brown Paper. Height: 5144; width: 784 inches. STANFIELD, WILLIAM CLARKSON, R.A., 1793-1867. 177. Orr SHEERNESS. Water Color Drawing. Height: 5; width: 1114 inches. STANFIELD, WILLIAM CLARKSON, R.A., 1793-1867. 178. THe BATTLE OF THE NILE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 11144; width: 153 inches. SWANSEA SHIP PLATES. 179. Two SwanskEA SHip PuateEs, with Prints of Ships thereon. (A) La Breracne. 140 Guns. Colored and with pink lustre edge. Diameter: 9 inches. (B) A Bric 1n Fuut Sait, and beneath, a trophy of arms. Diameter: 1014 inches. Together, 2 pieces. SWINBURNE, EDWARD, Crrca 1843. 180. H. M. 8S. Metvitir. 74 Guns. Pencil Drawing. Height: 65g; width: 1014 inches. Signed: initials at lower right corner: EH. 8. Wednesday Evening February 20th SWINBURNE, EDWARD, Crrca 1843. 181. A 50-GuN Frigate CRUISING. Water Color Drawing. Height: 4; width: 714 inches. SWINBURNE, EDWARD, Crrca 1843. 182. Ixy THE DoLpRuMs. Water Color Drawing. Height: 414; width: 614 inches. A. T., ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED, Crroa 1835. 183. H. M.S. Ropwney. Water Color Drawing. Height: 71; width: 9 inches. Titled, dated and signed (initials) on reverse. TELESCOPE TELESCOPE ON STAND, Circa 1790. 184, ApsusTABLE MARINE TELESCOPE, mahogany and brass barrel, mounted on Chippendale carved tripod stand. Height: 48; telescope closed: 1034; expanded: 3514 inches. Probably made for a retired admiral passing the time sweeping the horizon from an armchair. TINSEL PICTURE. 185. Mr. O. SmitH as THE “BoLp Buccantrer,” Circa 1840. Tinsel picture appliqué and colored by hand. Height: 1034; width: 814 inches. In black and gold frame. TOBIN, GEORGE, Circa 1800. 186. A Frigate In Fut SAL orF Brest. Water Color Drawing. Height: 414; width: 57 inches. TOBIN, GEORGE, Circa 1800. 187%. Orr THE MExIcAN Coast. Water Color Drawing. Height: 514; width: 65¢ inches. TOBIN, GEORGE, Circa 1840. 188. Orr THE DutcH Coast. Water Color Drawing. Height: 10; width: 1314 inches. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [No. 189] TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM, R.A., 1775-1851. 189. A Stormy SE. Water Color Drawing. Height: 434 ; width: 834 inches. [See Illustration ] TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM, R.A., 1775-1851. 190. SEA-PIECE,—“OFF THE Sussex Coast.” Height: 8; width: 1114 inches. Water Color Drawing. Height: 8; width: 111% inches. SPLENDID ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS. VELDE, WILLEM VAN DE, JR., 1633-1707. 191. SHippInG ofr THE DutcH Coast. Wash Drawing, India. Height: 7; width: 95¢ inches. FROM THE WELLESLEY COLLECTION. VELDE, WILLEM VAN DE, JR., 1633-1707. 192. A NavaL ENGAGEMENT. Pen and Wash Drawing, India. Height: 1034; width: 1814 inches. Wednesday Evening, February 20th [No. 193] VELDE, WILLEM VAN DH, JR., 1633-1707. ; 193. THe DutcH FLEET, MANEUVERING. Pen and Wash, India. Height: 105g; width: 16% inches. Signed : at lower left: W. V. V. Jr. FrRoM THE FAIRFAX MURRAY COLLECTION. |See Illustration | VELDE, WILLEM VAN DEH, JR., 1633-1707. 194. Tur Dutcu Grand FLEET aT ANCHOR. Wash Drawing, India. Height: 834; width: 221% inches. Signed: at lower left: W. V. V. Jr. FROM THE WELLESLEY COLLECTION. VROOM, HENDRIK CORNELISZ, 1566-1640. 195. AFTER THE STORM. Wash, Sanguine. Height: 10; width: 15 inches. WAGEMAN, THOMAS CHARLES, 1787-1863. 196. Mr. T. P. Cooks, In Sartor CostuME. Water Color Drawing. Height: 1614; width: 1214 inches. Signed and dated, on fence rail: Wageman, 1829. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue CEE L.A eesti Aa as SEL atO Pd ON WALRUS TEETH, Encraven. 197. Turret ENGRAVED Watrus TEETH. (A) A Surp NEAR Store; and reverse, A Sup tn A Storm: (B) A Sure mw Fut Sarr; (C) A Sartor anp His Lass. Length: 614 inches each. Together, 3 pieces. WEBSTER, GEORGE G., 1775-1826. 198. AN AMERICAN VESSEL IN A Srirr Breeze, signalling. Water Color Drawing. Height: 914; width: 123 inches. < In a rough sea, under tempestuous skies, an American ship is signalling to a passing brig. WHITCOMBE, THOMAS, 1760-1825. 199. ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN THE “PELICAN” AND THE “Arous,” 1813. Water Color Drawing. Height: 654; width: 95 inches. Engraved in aquatint by T. Sutherland. H. Parker, 232a. WHITCOMBE, THOMAS, 1760-1825. 200. AFTER THE STORM. Water Color Drawing. Height: 1314; width: 1814 inches. WYNNE, B. J., Crrca 1825. 201. 0 See Ss TARTAR, Water Color Drawing. Height: 544; width: 714 inches. Signed and dated, on reverse: B. J. Wynne, 1825. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., DEPARTMENT OF Books AND PRINTS, ARTHUR SwANNn, DrrEorTor. OTTO BERNET anp HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. T) AP PY—-DRE INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITs AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Piaza 1270 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY > eet ow ° g fi < ot pee (SS. COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY + 7 7 i ea a oi aa va ree ah de a aint mx on > rr ro 7. ne iu 00° 08 € OT. 00° S6 Met e0Gsk mo" 08") 0079 Or OGFROl Sel oe 90° G6 Gay eer Sisy OS*2t 6¢ OS °L acr 007 O0L WG Meee ean sy? OO"ST ge : 00°02 6ST i = Sty, 0g 7h Ld 00° 0¢(d4e Coe. 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