Ye s. ARI ISTOL, WasuinecTon, here. FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 846 FIFTH AVENUE ag Oe (CORNER 45TH STREET) JAMES P. SILO, - AUCTIONEER ‘ : FTH AVE. 556 ae Fifth UNGCANE Art Galleries 546 FFTH AVENUE JAMES P. SILO, - - AUCTIONEER eed WILL SELL ON THE EVENINGS OF Wednesday, Thursday and Friday March 20th,.21st and 22d, 1907 at 8.30 o’clock. wis THE VALUABLE Set NTINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF MRS. ARIANNA M. HUTCHINSON MR. J. W. RANDALL of N. Y. CITY MR. N. BRISTOL of Washington, D.C. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer and if any ‘dis ru) A pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyers’ expense - and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain- der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auc- tioneer, on or before delivery, in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors — of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within TWO DAYS from the Sale; THe Firra AVENUE ART ~ GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct de- scription, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased canine be delivered in as good condition as the same may have > been at the time of its sales, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, — and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be © made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of de- livery of Goods purchased at their Sales. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. The ALEXANDER Press, 18-20 Astor Place, N. Y. * Se tee al CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th, 1907 at 8.30 o'clock WERWEC (P. S) , : . Munica Returning Home 36x51 LACOMBLE ‘ : ; g ; nt Parts A French Farm 30x43 io) BLUME (Seibert) The Visitors 11x15 > sae ae a =; -. UNKNOWN © >. aa The Madonna as) els che ‘Market Scene eng 12x9 . 6 y gee VON MEYER (Geo. A) Ss =e = Rainy Day, Norm an dn i 16x22 ; 7 OERTEL (JA) 2° ae Forbidden Fruit 21: 1231 Soe | ee nae Re area vee ese River Scene ines 9x16 ag II NE = (Bruce) Bee New York ‘Inland from the Thames ie 10x14 ae : es “GARINET tG) ae = . A Jolly Patty. = 18x24 ve ; ETELLA. (De) The Visitors 18x15 1s UNKNOWN. The Chess Players 18x14) = a presente PEO ER EN OE TL TET a FL EP OTE sot anda Se cae eal 2: Tondon ae he ; els . q= Coy hee a el a, 1 an. in ce - Cae +g Spe | oes Oe iste 12 oe Se £: eg Pe a. 2 ant 3 ; ‘ “ é . . c - Cs ee me ; ¢ a ' Ld 1 BIS, . | % _ Farm Scene ud ae : i ’ —_— cee -., New York mee -CoasteScene. - : here e 10x19 m, % “MAZETTI (R ae EB TELATE OOM ES 1 IAN SOR ETRE Re Oe | Sifect ‘seats = : : Beyci: : 22 : 7 : GHIRARDI 395. ee | : Landscape | 7 10 t : S, - : | Water, Golo ‘23 S UNKNOWN : F | es a Landscape and Cattle “1 28x36. : * + ‘i Norwegian Scene 15 1-2x24 The Tryst. ~ Munich ara ae: *: ee “eS / | View on > Boat PIS PRR RO cp UNKNOWN ameter n= bee rat) Sat Bo Q ab) ie) iq?) ; iy ree a “a H cae < , | LYMAN) 4 eee fe $85) Gathering Flowers i 18x26 3i te TAIT (AL So) eee ; “10x14 (Gustave et > . i i Le end. of al “Monk 1 eee he 20x16 oe er: | MS “Landscape with che aoe f0xl4 ea 35 | Reet ce eo Diisseldorf « Pp aAg the Window of Oe N0x8: : JUTSOM CH) “Going F ishing ae 8x12 Be su Water Color — oR 2 GRUTZNER (E.) The Conttojeeden 14x12. Geo ee 39 aah MOLLES (Louis) . . es: Boy and Dog | 9x11 *9 bs o q . ‘ x a, ed “y hte t g on s oe ee gies i@ | tick RSTIG AEZY > . . .. Dusseldorf ‘The Halt 7x9 1-2 ; "HOLMES ( i ik -) . : Scene i in Westchester Co, 9x8 . ’ ee Se \ ° : oa! = 4 The Cobbler Monk f2x0 2 a spre eet BRADLEY (J. Norman) ee The Thames from Richmond 14x18 i 2 ae Ry, (M.) arse ty Going to Confirmation. 28x34 Sey: 47 INOEL Off Dover ie 16x251-2 Oe Warwick Castle es 20x30 The Presi 15 3-4x13- ome <4 OLMOTH Meee. T.ondon . ae fee iradto Loch Ard . : ee cal2x18 2 “Water Color 51 i ‘PARKER (John A.) . .. . New York o> tt aaa ‘Twilight, ‘Adirondacks “4 20x36 eeored ee WIGGINS (J. Carlton) . sy + Morning After the First ‘ | 36x28 a3 f on = BEERS (Julia Ho) s20) ee a Lake Scene : ee : 11x17, ae a : Bere ae ge ~ KREAMER \(P.) "7 ‘ae 3 My Son Fritz t a ms , a ria | rt 55 ; MAC CORD (Chas. W.) . . , October at Arkville Sie 5 S 20x30 TO EAA AN RTE EL FET TE MET YEE A OT) RTT ENTS TET i Ey ae A ne a: ee mae : | 22x16 7 Gis ae a rel eee 1st Manich: NA sae 1 : Marine © 24x31 he ae has ros ee! ee es. ss as me As 7 - ABI ca +. on CO a J i a ee re ae i 1 Bee * eee Paris Canal Scene | ae, ee a - 6x10 ye 59 : i EOEPONE (jots)- =. . . . London. Landscape | wD pe 17x26 1-2 a pe ne -POELEMBURG ( Cornelius) Diana Surprised | 12x15 Bsr POST (W. Merritt) a An April Day ae 12x16 «sss DAZ (N.) > Gr _ Landscape : 19x24 30x50 —— i ae INSLEY (Albert) “Winter PI Re 67 Springtime in Germany 32x25 Po VAN GAER POD Autumute. ST ns. 2 9 aie nes ~HARTING (M.) Landscape 40 3-4x54 © “ SETAE LITE GAY (Edward) _. a 4 ; Landscape ‘ 7 . ; 16x17 . 7a WOODWARD: (Lauta) Waterfall 24x16 ae The Sisters eo 4 He EIGNAC (Henri). ein Paris Poss Kitchen Interior eee t41-2x11 | ee ae | Fite ripe! oie a eo Bete.) 9... “Munich ee ea eas ! Marine | | i oe LOReO Sie ai # ARMFIELD (E.)_ The Happy Family 20x24. op ee 1 CPR LO SCOTT TL POT al | QS ae ee WEBER (L.) a Return from Market ee « 2 emma me", Ef WHT SATAN SECTS! TSAO PSA TIT RT HT RT Be 20x24, asa es : ¢ Fr, : - CT ee Sek . SS ree | 79 ae DILL (Lidwie) 2 ee Silver Bineee ta | 20x26 1-2 | 80 BOCK (H.) : . The Halt ‘ 8 1-2x15 1-2 ‘SECOND EVENINGS SALE, at 8. 30 o'clock THURSDAY, “MARCH 21st, 1907 New York ; Martinmas 22x28 | 82 ITSCHELL (Win, Pee wae NeW York 4! aegiae Rocky Cae eke 10x14 8 3 ry ee Pee oA (Way... Brooklyn | Halfmast from the Banks © | a ay 16x12 Fe ; . . Ber MATTHEWS (W. TT): tes ee , | Portent of W.C. Bryant 96.) ae JUTSOM (H.) lf. Chiddingfield, Surrey 11x20 Bai. Water Color | | 877° ae ae SCHEERER (H.) ._. . . Dusseldorf © Man Cooking 7x5 | Water Color ee ATS TOR EF SORE TET ETT TOTS TOE - See ores Now York Mer {Lieu sisters. << og ~ it i e, ey s < > * ee < eee eA a Sw ‘ > ne ‘ £ ue PN Dy. 3 A Russian~Peasant — | ee.) * OEK-KOEK (M.) owe ce ty Beusels 1 ; ch ee . Landscape and Sheep ee ae 20x16. i Sine yet : é ANDERS cee ey... Dusseldorf ae Mother and Child 16 1-2x12 1-2 as a a NICOL (Erskine) At Clonare, Co. We tm 9 2a Water Color UNKNOWN her: Povivait of Daniel Webster * ‘ (36x29 an aoa 3 95 , UNKNOWN Roman Sie Scene. rs ‘ (3 15x20 = a pa es ae Antwerp ae . Lh ‘ a " sini . . UT ee Ree ae WpMibelastarec —~m Sa! ui be i . wee 2 . ox wea Leeds, Catskill 9x13 ISS (Geo.) See ae : . New York ec. 98 | (ORAN [Peryya..... .-..New York me: | Interesting News | ele Beers | ns r Ws ANY ae .~ hv , a mes ; ao ; a BEERS eee et. New-York : * White Birches es 17x11 \ : ‘BARBER (J. I. so Cattle andl Landscape a 22x42 bs eee Loge - \~. REINHART (Chas. S99 ps La Vaisselle ie 19 1-2x28 1-2 . 108 | PARTON (Arthur) 90) . Autumn Days > 14x20 ea | 104 3 oe NNT (Achille) oo Sg aes ited as ~ | ie The Roman Campagna | ae ae eye ae . ’ ; q eal L Ane ee 105 : OUVER (J.) ee antwerp ik Mea : 106 | TUGUE (Ad) Meee = g's, Paris ‘The River Bank 20 1-2x31 1+2 , : ‘ i | 107 Meee. CC. CNew York Dog with Game , 10x12 . Sa ’ J 37 ae 3 *; es | 108, °° . LASALLE (Louis) .- | The Gleaner } ’ 1330) ie | 109 e. - BRAUN (Wm. M.) nee Winter 14x12 110 - HEGER (H.) |... Room of Henry the Lion 18x24 III | TYLER (James G,)) =e New Y Running Before the Wind ig 20x16 New York Old Beau poo ee, * 3 Be 135 bei Sy: | ae ‘HARRISON (G. A.) . . Washington ae oy Portrait of Washington : 16x15 . 7 ot aa € : = of ‘ a . 7 rr. akan CHT ame 44 oS] eae ae ape Wao} Li % 2 we 116 GRANDSIRE (Eugene) French Fishing Town 16- 3-4x29 1-2 ¢ Ti7 CASILEAR (J. W.).. 4) ee ee The Hunter 15°3-42493-4 118 = VOLTZ (FF)... 9) Se The Ox 14 3-4x21 1-2 119 DE HAAS. (M. Fy Ay ee Marblehead 9x16 “Head a N un 24520. Se, Dusseldorf The Snel . 20x45. New York Landscape - 16x28 ue \ | 123 | _ BOURGES (5.) esa ys os Peas The Crossing Sweeper _ y Be 13x10 : ae 124 ee VEYRASSAT (J.) . . : | Landscape, with Horses — :; 24x20 ~~ — 125 | WHITTAKER (J. B.) 2) ewe The Gossips 36x29 = ; : 126 * CULVERHOUSE (J.M.) . .. New Yor es: Grand Canal, Veniice o% 54x30 127 | DE.HAAS (Wm. F.) . . . New York Landscape ae 20x36 - Z i 5 vat ante da: | | INGTON (Margaret We.) SNew York ay a a Peconic Bay ' 2 ~ 14x20 _ . = u ~ > “4 " — ne, BL ; Re I 20 eee ttCé tis aed ive TSunset | 15x21 1-2 ee. Os _ MELIER (F.) i ia ; Cattle in Pasture “Sona yeah a eat.” Orie 13] 3 te if VAN OSTADE (Adrian). . . Antwerp ae : Playing Cards Ree 14 3-4x13 | SDUYK(T) (oo. os an Returning Home 20x30 = | L333) on BOONI (Constant) >> ee P Street Scene with Figures - Bice | 22x18 x z yale : 134 | SMITH (Henry P.) .o3. 35 Marine eo, 3 12x18 135 Child Drinking 9 1-2x7 1-2 Frio NeW York | a KC _ ; act i if SS esadcns “ re le | : ae a ah 8x10 | Pee 2 ae 138 ; SeroRD(S R)-... .. . New York | ae: Leanders Tower on the Bosphorous oe. 9x16 | 139 : PemiNekI (jan) . . Paris a ~The Outpost 8 1-2x10 1-2 RATHBONE (John) Landscape 17x24 - { 5 141 CRANE: (Bruce) 2 ee ee Winter Scene } 16x24. ae ee 142 (Sue > COURTOIS (2) >) In the Meadow 3 | 21 4-4x25 1-2 oe 143 er WOUVERMANS (Phillip) At the Blacksmith’s — f 18-F-2%220 72 Ss 2 (144 ; " 4 Alessandro ‘A.) | The Baptism of Christ re 37x51 1-2 > ae | Paris Caught in the Act- ‘: 22x18 Bt | 147 Meeeeniip) . . . -. New York . _ Banjo Player 16x12 KLECZYNSEI (B.) ee A ‘Russian Couriers oe i | “4 BLASHFIBLD (EE) a as Draining the Glasses 14x10 127 150:) eae SCHERRE WIZ (J.) Se reas Ne 3 Return of the Flock 23x40 : a ‘ ee HARGITT (E.), . . |) gbueer ; ~08 | ‘The Wounded Stag) "| > am 7 1-2x12 ie the Quiet of the Country : 18x30. Ve tes NIG SVOLD a van) ’ The Last Song of Corinne con. 13 1-2x17 fait 154 | Be. : . New York we Sunset ‘After a Storm e Bee LUX16 \JETTI Bee ee ee |. | New 7 an Acrobat Family 44x54 ~ q . 172 stiivipr (B.A) : f Hunter and Parrot ; ae Oxte 173 i . SOOQIE DEL te Ta} Kittens 4x8 = | 174 BE BEUL (RS aaa Gretchen Qx7 175 vo oat m ° - bes . ° e = KD > . _ The Card Players pote, oe ttels ee |. 176 ' ODELMARK (F.W.) . . . Munich | é Oe Old Synagogue DTRAY A _ SHEPPARD mowearren): . -,°":, Brooklyn 723 Ci . B? Sqero Di San ‘Trovaso ~~ 20x36 ee Ts 178 oe & ; BEARD (W.H.) . . . . NewYork | The Speech of Welcome | Pits PAILLION (P.) > Fruit 10x13 180 BLAKELOCK (R. A‘)... 3 ewe Morning, near Devil’s Den 20x32. 181 aN Girl and Parrot 22x18 182 VAN: LEEMPUTEN. CP.) *) eee Brsee = The Old Friends 10x14 . | Wittens 21x25 1-2 - of (COs, * Teasey 7 (Wm. H.) fre . New York October, Bronx Gorge 18x24 185 Fontainbleau 25 3-4x36 ms. 186 JONES MaeeRolton)-. >. .. New York : November 22x32 Oey Paris” opabas 187 “MULLER (Wm) . Gathering Storm 11x13 he 188 ee _WANTERS (C.). The, Letter 16x12 1-2 - 189 MORAN (Edward) 2S 2 > - Norsemen 18x26, nee : 190 say WENDEROTH (A) ~. (ae The Sultan’s Favorite 25x32 Flowers 13x16 194 PeeysON (D.) . . - - New York . Moat Mountain, N. H. 16x23 »~* JACQUE (Ch.) a 1Sxi8 eee RICHARDS (W. 1) = Squantum Club House — 12x20 197 | .. HUMBORG (A) Ss Monastery Secrets ee 25x16 . 198 Gah ‘SCHOUTEN (H.) . . . Dusseld | Landscape and Cattle a, ‘ 22x31 ae 201 : KOEK-KOEK (H. P.) | Pare _ Landscape | ee iit) a 202 | Mumetes (A)... a. Paris | Horses, Normandy | 11x14 | 203 BRIDGMAN (F.A.) . . . . Paris Egyptian Girl | 13 1-2x18 204, WHITTAKER (J.B.) . . . New York Old Friends fe 20x16 205 MicCORD (Geo. T.) => + Neo eee Evening at Moret, France : 20x30 : 206 HOMPH (JHA Ee , ' . New York Excelsior 24x18 eo Jerome in the Desert at 1-4x16 1-2 “Virgin and Child 38x31 1-2 209 . New York © " Landscape and Cattle 28x20 210 ; BemeeeDavid) -. =... Brussels The Argument 12 1-2x10 1-2 " BOUGHTON (G. H.)... am Girl Reading - 9x9 as ae : 2 LEWIS (CJ) =: nn 3 are | Hawthorne Gatherers eS e 15x10 1-2 2t2%: + (CEDERSTROM (Ch) 3 \aataee Mixing the Punch 15x9 1-2- 214 BROWN (Wm. M) 2. Peaches 20x16 At the Inn 8 1-2x15 1-2 Bante neat Dortrecht, Holland 27 1-Z2x4/ .1-2 2t7 SZERNER (W.) : ‘Cossack Cavalry Recotinditering I : ee beaoxse . nee | 218 F _ GAISER (T.) e Blacksmith Shop 0 Pee: 25x19 ; The Skirmish bos = same See 220 fe EPP A(R.) so nt ae The Breakfast = 32x26 | 221 é SMITH (Henry P.) 23> ee Along the Grand Canal 40x30 _ 202 MOELLER (Louis). Discussing the Verdict 18x24 26x42 es foes nee 224 ve gs : ; Peet SENBURG(H.) . . ee Rms p= Mother and Child : Pe 20cl G Water Color 225 tere tWim.) 2, eS In the Stream ar 10 1-2x8 1-2 to to ON eeoyY (j.S.) . Look, Mamma! 34x29 Ferry on the Clyde Antwerp ; ce ee New York ! New York | a7 Soe DEWEY (Chas, Melville) . . 2 Reflections a 22x30 228 STODDARD (Fred L.) | : By the Millstream 32x26 : 429 HAYDEN (Edward P.) The Meadow Pool 30x40 = ‘ ~~ : eg | 239 RICHIE I iL 26n 2s seo Calon eae Landscape and Cottage LEKSL Peeeteseh)=2- 5s. yg aay . An Egyptian Maiden a Eee 3a" a, Morning at Haarlem 28x36 What’s the Play? an OO 1-2 aS i TRS RAAT TA tice ay 234 LAKELOCK (R.A) . «New - _ Entrance of the Forest 16x24 T (Geo. ete New York: Paris York ¥ 235 BOUGUEREAU CW. Ate An Ttalian Girl~ : i 29x23 | | : : 236 -CHELMIENSKE (lan) yee The Advance Guard 17x22 3-4 : 237 ZAMACOIS (E.) oN ee The Conspirators © 13x9 1-2 238 BROWN: (JG... Reading the News © 24x16 RO Vinstow). 4 _ Breakwater a 3-4x21 3-4 URIER (Pl ) ) > eee E Noorday Lunch 41x65 me: © AIMES P. SILO, ‘Auctioneer.