2 Np Seana siete poesia sa cafenoney cseey e adiatiagey ty” sn sw ig Sip alge yg tase iAP Gy ely <8 Fine ition SA Sse it habbit Pe ievaieury Biter ta fay 4 faite Be ifysiat see i y a | agit ity i eA Ura “ ne Heat uy master; F ; Fie¢itmann....... Pe a ae Cis, Porttait of Py “Girl: Kies Hare, as “Tnfaney": i : aig Sold: : ; » ©. Issia aa . Jameson NET Ea ens ee Dae > 4,600} RR, ‘Ab @ si Jean B. B. Detaille: TALeE Ole 2 v OF a 0 480 -& 6 2. 50 0a 0 gia 0 pcbla «6 ily ceeanesae, 20,0004 UNEE, agen ae ‘Portrait of storal,!” ts aie’ Latour: ef iaes Seaman, PRPC ay Cee hi ty Or aa Pe AS PL UEDA GRU ek AEE ESE 5,800 fiiscape, > Trheapite de” Bock; A, 148 Sit Vents ‘Reynolds, - Portrait of Re A nein gre ei te Susan nee Robert, : Second Duke of Lein- att bets ice ta fl Alberto Pasint: Joseph ster; ’ 5 att net hiblbc ee #18 Nae ielg ale & ’ ‘allachi se Be R ag Lae: ofS ale eid ’ tide aa bet Portrait of a Cava- ae nhalta f Mca ‘Station, ae A ae i; ler’; oO dN ad 0 ie Ep as APRA HS She eae ESE A ’ le ity Girl,’’? L. Kn aus? Mrs. oo, + | 150—Thomas Gainsborough, Portrait of ans Le Jardin,” A Hicnticel 2 ak pe Thomas Cornwall, R. N.; cepetnes Rachie’ siya ovate y GoM » WwW. Seaman, BOO G i', oene dn rns xa cies 2,100 eo i. B. Baliw: CH a Wy ante geplleh faa hee : 4,200 152—Sir Thomas Lawrence, Portrait of meester iehaemeuael W. W. Seaman, 18 #80 8s 28-8 96m O00 6 & soa 6 6.0» 2.4 £16 0 bao ble o fen Ledi,*’? D. Y, Cameron; s. FF. Kraushar sa of Fontainebleau,’ ioe Bs Munger; eeeere see oe w ome eee Heese sere ee este eeresasee ae 2 Ww Weni Marie: Scott & Fowles. Fi omasked, "> Don R. de Madrazo; Knoets sont ant ” Willard. IL Metealf: Miich — alleries Chea ae eee ie oe Butthels Afternoon,’’ J, Prantig ‘Murphy:. ultheis Gaterss: ice 6b alele chen ee ee 4 A E { te me t [kr Cay oh Child bt H. russell 2,500 S i ree omney, ortrai fe) ir “eh XCM ye - Archibald Campbell, K. B., of Inver- Men Hreedion 6 Coli. i. ices vate ce 4,550 i 156—Sir Joshua Reynolds, Portrait of i the Misses Paine; W. W. Seaman, Pe dee aot Gk ee Nee, yh s as de 15,900 nin" 166--Canaletio (Antonio Canale), Piazza Olestt 2. do ee ee immer Tadeoiae with Figures,” ‘Gonna aness, Os Le. ebpalseVinwee ceeioe mE ishing - Party,’’ Martin Rico; N. O. Noom --of Venice from San Marco; Ehrich eee peters rast night ” PP ULG cy See et Set as ig ae Ct 1,000 1aZa ‘ballroom, conducted by, 1| 167-—-Giovanni Antonio Canaletto, View Art Association, proceeded on the Grand Canal, Venice; 0. Ber- i aepherd ‘and Flock,’? L. A. ULhermitte: tee ; a net, agent,...... es Geeta sa singe acaion west 3,100 | ‘oward: Young... ...5) ¢ieekee wy aes calm fashion, in marke | The total for the evening was $165,885, Be a eEee Trees,” Willem Maris; J. B. ‘to the scenes ‘of excitement of making a grand total for the two nights | gndscape ‘at Sunset,”’ H, Harpignies: 0. cht | ec Some excellent prices | sale of $542,010. This is BBG record ‘for |) Palsey..,. “7ay, commu ae. ieee oe but. Meike to eclipse the the season to date, eae 2 94 98 ooo selene sie @ & | Sets. w 6 0) a0) 6) alesse ee Bs rance of PREL is cehis esd dob hbal Cea e ee ate Paani, Moors at a iis $1,000 ftrait of BR: A. Yronside,?’ Sir iiinte Rena S ciaie sy ete 6 ? ‘ EA RE ee SR NP ieburn; Otto Bernet...0..2..6.. dge Maitland, *? Sir Henry Raeburn; ‘Otto ‘Maitland; 0. Bornet, agen “500! 7 way perald an Micrevolt Morne of a Burgo- gee ‘ Ail b Al / «pd Tobias,” Jean F. Millett; Knocdler oshua Reynolds, Portrait of | hid] Garden.” “Winstow’ Homer: Miich 8 ndsecape bee Cows, ” Jean B. C. Corot; ‘nry Schultheis for a < [oedier & C a its Lite Greene c ol- arm en S e, oR an Marcke - mp oreneh alee ts 85 Ac Baton: jae eee ee i inin a Red Hat,” Francois Clouet; Otto $43 a 5,110 | pe du Douwbs,’’ ‘&: Courbet; “Knoednier ee 2,000 i, o iurk, * R. P. Bonington; “Beott & 1 for the Renoir, loctioh Rpg IES se eet aha ee 500. ; nself as 1ers See. Hin,’ ie } tee, pisuare eolleet : nps; caine pecumuat e 525 | herries” led off last net at at ie “-|nai Knoedier & Cay. jaa eae net 1,000 — 1e to a buyer represented te ee 7 N. ¥. D. DeoLa Pena; ae | &. Wowlessskipd pnce tee eae Be rnet. W. W. Seaman, agent, Close of Day,’’ Jules Dupre; Louis for Sir Joshua Reynolds's PRMAND se asinine key Palen eee en eee a. | shy Ses f Rae- jndscane,” Jean B. ©. Corot; Otte aa $e ne,” and $15,300 for trnet, agent 2s di sence be ae 2's “Lady ce eee bas isiteaar ys . _ [apherdess.”* C. ‘Oi Jacque; 0. L, Halsey 2,600 Ave 100 for a Daubigny land- ase on the Oise ; aubigny; i Asha by J. Francis Srurphy | toed ler Bo COS ine eas Pet ae ea ee 9,160 egal 8 a bb este one ne oe ee Se hee ee ee ee ee 7 “A Boy wai Cherries ‘Comat M3. Van" Miereveiti rtrait of a. Girl,’ Aelbert Cuyp: Ro He! Price at:Gon- DY WVOGU. ale ne apa Mate h ates a Ok on aaa 6,000 mands Top ; aster Hare’s ed aie > Sir . Joshua : srnolds S.C) 1a Meson. ss a sei saha anes Ri cluding Session. Boy with Cherries,’ Sir Henry Rae- bre Otto! Bernese ses LA od eae ere 20; | EY. pprirat of ein Broughton,’’? Sir Henry 6 eburn; W. if please 6 8H 46 ae .15, 300 irtrait "of Wi liam obert,’’ £ oshua : eee ere eT ROR Ey ee eer 7m st eybolds; M. H. Goldblatt. 2veas ns aie 4,400 of PEE DHS [night of the sale of works by French im-~.Cavatier,’? Nicholas Mues; Leo Klwya,. 4,1 2,600 | iptain Thomas Cornwall,?’ ‘Gainsborough: ess, ee i fa asonpe ’ ipressionists, early Elngligh portraits, Amer-’, WW, Seaman... Pe ho pater | 2,100 iT ' dele fet day Fialney...-. +++ <7 +s 1400 ican and other paintings at the Plazaqs: if. B. Schwab. i..ieceseceereeesnes 1,200 BS bemitie, Shepherd 1,150 Hotel under the auspices of the American aster Ee ae ie pe priate rife oward Young......-++++++: n tine The Three Trees and 1,499 Art Association, Mr, Thomas EH. Kirby, ts. St. George and Child,’? George, Rom- i b cle) 000 THarnignies, Landscape at Sun: ‘id auctioneer, the .total was $165, 885, This, ¢ Archibard € Ga ripheul dd ‘George ‘Romiehs pie E Gouriet, Bonds du Doubs: HS added to the receipts of Wednesday night, NOCMe S Ce. ss ning’ Wun Santvoonds snl ee ere 2 Oe: >" aftién “notable / worlts by, the” modern ye Misves Paine, SIP Tishndd Waites Dias Herame et ers sani gic’ 1.000 Frenchmen were sold, brought the grand:, Seaman...... Bras Fo oO 1000 Wanita ns aye Dy | ag t Bernet, tong total up to $642,010. ode Soule i We ii ae ae ie 450 es Emile Jacque, Shepherd and | The top price of the night was $20,000, soca, ai) Chik: Se Sota pei 4 200 in Bye ‘s D alton Sale nada 2.0 \Which was paid by Otto Bernet, agent, fOr nea of Venice,” id Caysletto; Hartel ey: xi Oise; Knoedier *& Co fee heen es 9.100 Sir Henry Raeburn’s “‘A Boy with Cher-rand ‘Ganal, Venice,’ G. A, Canaletto; 3,100 ie a J int ves cet, 8,400 ries.” This picture was from the estate of ea ta De Ribera? Kleinberger Gale > | oD arn eather Me Aanias: 18 ae fe ee a ag Biowenea” $e" awa HO ir Henry Raeburn, Portrait of . Raeburn sale at @Ghristie’s in 187t. Another anasecr: CG. Lagemann... se. A ens? Raeburn. Portrait os ion,’ fetched: $15,200. The pictures that brought more than y prancis Murphy, which was kno | $200, the artists, the buyers and the. prices gy for $%,300 and the “Moonlight | paid in that order were: ‘ard’ Metealf, which went for $1,59 Ae: here were yctuone Pen uneeeAse: P we f Lady Brough-t was the SbeneUe that t | ae maT ibe Saale : : ‘eral distinet bagains in the sale, among m being “The September Afternoon, ckhed Bid A. Recdtd Monets in “vvllection of Modern French Artists. | A RENOIR BRINGS $28,000 Monet’s “La Tamlse” Fetches |. $14,100, and His “Devant La Psyche” $12,400. There was sold at the Plaza Hotel under the auspices of the American Art ‘made ‘Individual breaks Association last evening the finest col- lection. of the work of the modern French artists, Monet, Renoir, Manet, and Sisley, that has ever been put up for public sale. There was a wonderful col- lection of Monets, @wenty-seven in all, nineteen in the Arthur B. Hmmons col- lection alone, nine Renoirs, with three Manets, and one Sisley. it was a record- breaking sale of Monets, taking the col- tection as a whole, two of. thein bringing, respectively, $27, 000 and $28,- 000. The collection of ninety pictures of the évening sale brought $326,125, the bulk of the money going for the work of the Hrench artists. There was much enthusiasm shown by the big audience at the sale as the favorites were shown , and applause as the bids mountéd., The collection of pictures of which the. modern paintings were sold last eve- hing belong to different private collect- ors and estates, the collection of Arthur; B. Emmons of Newport having the bulk} of the work of the French painters, with others from the estate of Thatcher M. Adams, the collections of the late Henry. Sayles and the late Harris B. Dick, and the private’ collection of Joseph F. Flanagan of Boston. The Renoirs bringing «the top prices were ‘Dans Ja Prairie,’’ two. yveoung girls sitting in the foreground of a land- scape with their backs to the audience, which went to the Durand-Ruel Gal- leries for $28,000, and a gay, colorful boating scene, *‘ Canotiers a Chaton,’’ which went to Knoedler & Co. for $27,- «5 000. The first bid on the latter pic- ture was $15,000 and the second $20,000. The lowest price for a Monet’ was $3,500 and they ran up*’to $14,100, the highest price, paid by Knoedler & Co. for a beautiful soft blue misty picture of the Thames showing the towers of West- minster Palace, ‘‘ la Tamise: Le Parlia-~- ment: Effet de Soleil,” A eharming Renoir in the softes. of pastel shades, “Femme et Enfant,’’ went to Scott & lrewles for $16,000. A letter was read from Mr. Emmons Saying that the charm of his collec- tion of Monets was\not due to chance, but that in making ‘the collection dur- ing the past ten to fifteen years it had been understood in New York ané@’Paris that he would not hesitate to pay the best prices for the work of these two artists, and he believed he had obtained the cream of the market: The sale of his .pictures follows the sale of his house in New York, which he ie Re oe to leave on account of his 1eA. As J over $200, with the names of ‘artists, | and the Renoirs) ft Following is a list of piotures: Sihpine prices, and names of buyers, acre given, Sty apsonpe and Wigures—Hendrick Dirk Atay leg Vah. Elten; R. O. . Haywa rR oe ae ig Pigura yin “Sunshine—Aifred ‘Stevens; Scott & Fowles....+ 17—Portrait of a Girl "of “the: ‘District Near Moscow; Age 15 Years—Vassill Verestchagin; Herman Lowenstein... 18—Loch Linnhe—David . Young Cam- eron; Scott & Mowles...-ces sense esnes °0—Le Havre-Lotis Eugene Boudin; Bérnet, agent oc. ..se-- ES s- 21—Broad Harbor View-—David- Senne Cameren; Bernet, agent areca 23—The /Wise Men--Adolphe. Monticelli; Seaman; agent ..-:.6.. 24—-Maison et Canards--Claude "Monet : Drand: MUeSh ois hoes wigietew ere aes eae 2h-—Automne sur la Seine—Claude enet; Mrs. R. H. Lorenz, agent.... 9, Tua Debacle; Serie des ‘Glacons; a aa ave Monet; Durand one 10,900 27—Sentier dans Wile St. Martin, . Vetheuil—Claude Monet; Durand Ruel. 7,000 98—Sentier dans I’Ile St. Martin a Ve- theuik-Claude Monet; Knoedler & Co. 5,700 29--Le Matin, Temps brumeux, Pour- ville—Claude Monet; Durand Ruel... 3,500 210 450 300 6.100 30—Falaise aux Petites Dalles—Claude Monet; Knoedler & Co... sss. ..eee ese s 8, i 31—Champ de -Coquelieots; BHnvirons de Giverny—Clatide Monet; Durand ych5(-) SORE Gea he Oy y ua Mee Seek ee AQTOD s2—Champ'.< d’ ‘Avoine—Claude — ‘Monet; Purand sve! cvs ers ewes wows Cee SOM $3--La Tamise, Effet ‘de Soleil : Water- loo Bridge—Claude Monet; Knoedier & Co Pe ee ee op eee eh eeeee ? 34—La Tamise, Hifet de “Soletl; Water- : | Waterloo eheusdaaterk ARON. Ts weg eed eee. chy Pont. de Chari | Gross—Claude Monet; E. R. Gaaoenelt: 9,600: 8t—La Tamise: Lé Parlement; Effet de... Soleil—_Claude Monet; Knoedler & Co.14,100 57—-Le Soleil dans Je Brouillard, Lon- | dres: Waterloo Bridge—Claude Mo- net; ‘Seaman, agents... .eccesavee te he 8,100) Pk—Les, Nympheas: Paysage d’Hau— ' Claude. Monet; Scott & Fowles........ 8,500 39—Venise: Palais da bse aes: Monet; Durand Ruel. 6,300 | 40-—-V enisé: Palais Ducal--Claude " Mo- t AS EROBICY 2) sik ss pon riagier +» 9,100 Palais Dueal, vu de San net; A. Gorglo—Claude Monet; Knoedler & loo Fumees: Monet; Seaman, $5—Lai Tamise: Au 4{—-Venise: CO Ais a asta bes 9 49-—Venise: Le Palais Datio--Claude Monet?) DUPAHEe Ruel bias week ene Dy 48—Environs de Pourvillé—Pierre Aw- guste Renoir; Durand Ruel........-.. 3,900 44a Seine a ky. aipelaiomaness Du- Prnd Riek ernie segment te oleccutn care .11,700 Pe Conover sur la Seine a Bougival— Ren ol} WDWrAyMEMENel cee Pace we ees ,600 ja Prairle—Renolr ; RTO] on tei d Caatees Mialnsas eres 47-—Canotiers a Chaton--Renoir; Knoed- ler & COST Nag eas ke Pala eres wrens 27,000 48--Printenips—Claude Monet; Durand 46—Dans cen eer ee the Hotel P BRUGES 5 ics 5 etere WR nail O12 Si otatatalie Lyle Soe ecw ,500 | 49—Bords de la, Seine. a Vernoi—Claude Monety) Durand Rueliws 6 cose ta ces «0 'D, 300) | 50-—Peupliers en Automne a “Giverny— Claude Monet: Knoedtér & Co........ 6,000 } 51—Pemme et Enfant—Renoir; Scott & } Aa RYT DESH gee Sais se Re eek tao ee 000 —Jeune Femme assise—Renoir; Du- Band RUC a ios eee Shia aaah e Oe 538—Les Deux Soeur s—Renolr: Durand FEEFEL: oS olaoa tess Meat viralie -d bie hole lege BU Rear ee 7,000 54--Femme a YOmbrellé “Renoir; “Scott v& BOWES, 6 ce eect te ee . 6,200 55--lInondations a Moved itred: Sisley ; 3 Hedley 5M s Hiehitae vee ieaies + 6,300 56—-Pommiers en Fleurs: Temps gris— Camille Pissarro; Lorenz, agent...... 8,700 $7—-Femme .sortant du Bain—Degas; pastel) Durand Ruel o20. an ea aGate alee 6,700 | 5b¥—Danseuses Hoses—Degas; pastel; C, Fla HAWS Se Sy aaa ae ae « 6,800 50—Matinee sur la Seiné—Claude Monet; DUAR. Riel oe eu ee eee 9,000 | 6(—-La Tamise a Londres: ‘Les Ponts ‘de ) Charing Cross et de Weatminster— Claude “Monet; Knoedler & ©o......:.. - t, 000 6i—-La Tamise a Londres: Le Pont de Charing Whe aMed ahah Monet; Bernet, agent 62--Les Nympheas; orn geee yee 8 ore , "Paysage a’ Eau— Claude Monet; J. POMC ee heey on 1,100 (3-—-Bois d’Oliviers, gf SEH pees; Mone.} Durand ‘Ruel... 5.6022). te ces, 8,000 | 64—Femme Decolletee (portrait de “Mme. du Paty), pastel—Edouard Manet; Lo- TANZ, -ABENt veel we aN ea - 4,500 65-—Devant la Psyche--Edouard “Manet: Durand Ruel . Sienna names h chases. ae sale will be ep: be sold includ masters, Sat 5 ’ DE RhoA ps ea Ana S bind pat Reka ce. WAS large oné, inelud- ae in the social wot d both for the appear- blade pietures and for J Hitered when, Degas's the Bath” appeared under ights, but their smiles ‘to respect when it was wn for $6,700. Renoir’s _Chaton’’ sold to Knoedler or $27,000 and Durand- 2400 for Monet's “Devant pictures that ne for $200 s follo ws: Bite; daistaaipe and : ee ptiee Varga! Aig! 450 ; stchagin. ‘Portrait of a the District: Near Moscow; | tein Cee ee a 200 ang Cameron, Loch Linnhe: ie n Le “Havre; Otto, ‘a (DCRR BIE. AChE AAA HEE teas | ang Cameron. Broad ‘Har- lew; Otto Bernet. Ngee: DS dan coy 500 | olphe Monticelli, The Wise Men; ey tay BRON ht Phin mdse oe B00 ae “Maison et Canards; “Automne sur “la ; 4 R. H, Lorenz, agent...... 9,000 Bande Monet, La Debacle: Serie des | ' Glacons\a Vetheuil: Durand-Ruel..,,..:16,900 mC Naude Monet, Sentier dang |’lle St. _ Martin, Vetheuil; Durand-Ruel......... G00 - |e Chaton: faced: & Co art experts. There was |? Some newcomers cost ee esses seep eeees tee enero eeee “@ Avoine edler me. fonet, ‘ta Baie “iia Fumees, Waterloo. . Seaman, agent........ . La Tamise, Au Pont } ; BE.R: Cam ybell. ...4 eet, La Waviae. arle- de Soleil; Knosdler & wee Monet, Le Soleil dans le Londres: Waterloo Bridge; a ee ee) nd-Rue it Monst, Veni: Palais Ducal; \ . Healey.. iS At EyasbigikuGiglt Oil tm wee eeane ude Monet, ‘Venise, Palais Dueal, de San Giorgio; Knoedler & Co.... spr pag ee Yeni se, Le Palais MERIC ei ai oes he hres ste Renoir, Environs de arand-Ruel abet eh ued Jee ste Renoir, La Seine ‘a: Durand-Ruel ssa Neteais lariahat Ea d ane ew treed uguste Renoir, ‘Canotlene a iat laude Monet, Printemps: . Durana- RIBS Al ade fie i sam meee Aha Can ant, ie gies 49—Claude Monet, Bords de la Seine a Vernoi; Durand-Ruel..... SMe aad pie ee | 50—Claude- Monet, Peupliers en Au- tomne a Giverny; Knoedler & Co...... ) 51—Pierre Auguste Renoir, Poesd hi _ enfant; Scott and: Fowles sn eae, 5t—Pierre eauith Renoir, Femme a lOmbrelle; Scott and Fowles......... Ep 55—Aifred’ Sisley, Inondations a Moret ; GAT Stag & UTNE GRR pa HR ay eR SR HC NO ADR Eas 56—Camille Pissarro, Pommiers en Fleuws : Temps gris; Miss RH. Lorenz, agent. o7—Hdgar Degas, Vemme sortant du PAE Sc LY UPI ERIE ess H's BREE So ailoua te wis 58—-Hdgar Degas, Lh nada Troses; C. H, FEROS 50251 te diy seating st dis gata vee vod atelaa More (05 Pipes a 53—Claude Monet, Matinee sur i Seine; Maran Rare sips 4a aes bee saat so eae co wha 60—Claude Monet, La Tamise a Eendres Les Ponts de Charing Cross et de Westminster; Knoedler & Co...... vet 61—Claude Monet, La Tamise a Londres : Le Pont de Charing Cross; Otto Bernet, ROT Veit ra Lou bia cer ale the wales Be ee eRe 62—-Claude Monet, Les Nympheas: Paysage Gat sayy Bs SP OMCR 129 oH a nacre hs wie ieee 63-—Clande Monet, Boise ‘a’ Oliviers, Bor- dighéra ; Duranda- PRE Lass val een ee Wicewiecs 64—Edouard Manet, Femme decollettee (Portrait de Mime. dy Paty); Miss FR. EEC Lioree’ agent ecg oc ocho ss ee eatoe “66—Edouard Manet, Devant la Psyche; PUP AT IRUCH si vale Cea hes ba ou lay coun ng 3 66-—Hdouard Manet, Portrait d’Homme¢; APT AOE IO bil) 5 ns sas ale etd o alee lean bio Pe 67--Henri Harpignies, Boat, Stream and Shore: Scott and Fowles \:.....0...).5.. 68—-Theophile de Bock, Pool and Distant Church; @, Bernet, agent.....0..665.5.5. 69-——-Hrederi¢k J. Wiley, Landscape with PUaned th) CHIDDATA S 2ieisacserehaaeeaet 70—Jean Jacques Henner, Tete de Femme 3 Nc Ra IRE. ae Neat Soc AU S27 ge ARUN a ge mr PI A ee Oe 7i--Jean Gustave Jacquet, The Amateur PIE Wer MOLE inca lNiid caw nilibsed: eae 72-—-Georges Michel, Landscape; T. E. EDO ees Ana Retr cu meu a Ulery nue wikis tee ppg Wiedertheine 73—Gilbert Munger, On the Seite; Ar- Liston) GALETIE Sas ee ones chloe tem iclod wih > Sa 76¢—Christoffel. Bisschop, Saying Grace; FLOWEY y SOR ULSTER As tis eS iidhe Oa Nie wis deo oes 78—-Gustave Loiséau, Les Bords§ de Eure: Le Matin; Durand-Ruel........ 79—Jules. Worms, Spanish Dancers; M. TS TOP TRULIA A ishien s eit ctolh wa Rees Gc eee as 8)--Maxime Maufra. Coin de Piage: 0. Berrie. Ow Alii a les hol vacipey chee teleides Gus 82—Gilbert Munger. The Two Brothers: Commoddére Art Gallery. 2 yess $3--Thomas Moran, Venice; T. E. Hodg- NSB ea Pe Met gh, vo edie eae edi dale die $4—-Eugene Ver boeekhoven, The Dead Lamb: I Berryman. 20.0... AP hae, Oe Biaetege s9—¥rits Thaulow, La Seine en Novem- bres: Oc Berebeliny ay Y.io sey ne tae by tae ses hen EG he SOs a as ey Pe Aes erate iiiet rand- Ruel Puen ee iv basieele 11 anes 7,700 9,000 14,100 8,100 3,500 6,306 9,100 28,006 6,000 16,000 » 7,500 7,000 6,200 7,2 7,100 6,000 4,900) 12,406 1,606 eh A et ee. al ee eee aes St eae ected 2 tk : u ee ee ee eee ; intemp i “Bors ‘de la goines” M ees en Automne,’ “ “come” Ot “Enfant,” “Renoir: oe Femme Assise,” I : wet eee o¢ R, H, Doten SO ee ; ‘ eee eietan a ain. ‘fiiiaire a urand- tu ieee " dtale” Degas; pen Pat USaaus Tees eas oe 4 uel webiesteessceecvnee ne ian Ee aa me de Westintster)” - Knoedler & -Co. ‘ i et ai RS "Londres,’” "Monet The AGENT} sco k ho hacia ee eee Nympheas,’’ Monct; B. Jones. “Bois d'Gliviers, x Monet: Dintue hee ae “Decolietee,”’ Manet; Miss R. ‘Peyent 1a Psyche,” “Manet: ’ Durand-Rhel - i ‘Portrait d? Homme,” Manet Durand-Ruel 1,€ “Boat, oe pus Shore,’ H peerrlenere i vr Scott BWIOB i dina is eee a sige “Poo) and Church,’ T. De ‘Boek Otto _ Bernet (agent) ...... Stu laTe & ares ‘"lete de Femme, iS Jean iT: “Henaer: “Hol- a held, took, place in. th far a erand. total ae Ssate 125. biddin was very spirited. . There wa land: Galleries ..:.... De aes OA pe *“*“Amateur Abbe xa Jean G. "Jaequet; we Burnett er eee ere eee eae eseoeee eee ee ewes ‘‘Gandseape,’? - Georges | “Michel: G. E.. Sra oO; 66 - Hotehkiss re ee ae ee 2 ee ea rt B ne of these Ders. la Paaek . “On the Seine,’ Gilbert Munger; Adiogeaee ‘mocked down to the Durand-Ruel| G2 1eUe8 occa: gt Bisschobi’ WH." Sebi {ot $28,000, while another went tol fl yszac*ae* pure 6.” Tahaan ler & Co. for $27, “ DPurind-Buel..k. eee ett eaee Mi * $27,000. The Femme ‘Spanish Dancers, Fules Worn rants MM nfant fetched $16,000, which was paid eanenbaum ..... rae 6) ath y Scott. Fowles, Gee aay ee ! i ‘ je een competition ror ene “Aria: i Sine works of Claude Monet, especially for the “Venice,” Thomas Moran; T. E, Hotch-_ Fe kiss . : examples of the ‘London group.” Of the | “The Dead Lamb,” BL " Verboeckhoven: he i oe ie ifshest! price was paid for “as Seine én Novembre," i Frits “‘Thadlow! ; a a 'sye ce elsheim, ...... : i vené, & painting of a pee large was the attendance that “for ‘the Cope The same artist’s pastels were. also. exceedingly popular. (A Sisley, -“In- _ Undations a: Moret,” fetched $6,300, ane greater part of the sale persons ‘were standing up on all sides of the.room. — i g 2. The predictions that had been Gad | Phan, Sania Bod OF wie about .the high prices which would be) ete ‘bolight dor 1, rat of the canvases fetched by the Renoirs were fully justified. Uae and-Minneapots ne museums in Boston As for the Monets, the figures showed} Ee NEA! pietares a : that the competition for his work is bound}. * + Reta Bie he brought more than to. increase rapidly in the future. His] a4) irs S, the buyers and the prices London picture of the House. of. Parlia-| eee at order, were:— ment, a study of sunlight, brought’ $14, 100, NYS “Tandscay e,”’ A.D. K. Van Elten; R. O, tbe highest price’ of a painting by| “Figure ah So crea a ee $215 douard Manet was $12,400, for “‘Devant Pe Seott & Fowles. Alfred’ “Stevens; Ns Je, Psyche.” ae Girl,’? “y.” Verestchaginy” Tit 450| . The sale will “be continued ‘tomorrow hy el saaltatie, Py eae : eat py é | 300 | evening in the same place. . bs ’ Se TN vate acid “Broad nots > “Dp, BO vnvosmaces iad $56) oN ag agent . , ie: ! Cae ‘ee 500 . : ES ey ine ei thant in ae Ia » re | kemotnagighe A Montieeili We ye, es intchg eon et Canards, 9 Monet: os Darana- 500 ar pate ea ee kine la’ Seine 2 | Mone ie ian 6,100 “te Depa ne eth Dees: ++ 9,000 2 urand-R agentier St. Martin,” Monet; a Ruel nies "Zeon ae er a -Vetheuil, ah Monet; Knoedler é fii, th BORA Ais eas ceee z 7 VW ie Matin, * Sope': pepe ye reese d bw (6 Cos Nan euaeee Rew les ole at Wie RP. ONS lesa eid gs ping dio . PRG NEL pO DRO 10,7 ae ; ip d’ Avoine, “Monet: Doses Ruel, 30,70 ee ea Shas i , Tamise, Effet de ‘Soleii,>* ‘xgore is WI 1a Pamise, de" Chasing “Oro05,08 Migags 7270 Ta ee aes SERRE RIO oak s+.. 9,000 Khoedier &'Cor®,, Parlement." stonet; 1"? Ay ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P. M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1920 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF THE SALE HIGHLY VALUABLE PAINTINGS OF STERLING ARTISTIC DISTINCTION BELONGING TO PRIVATE COLLECTORS AND TO SEVERAL ESTATES TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE HOTEL PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58th TO 59th STREET ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS JANUARY 14th AND 15th, 1920 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT’8.15 O'CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF HIGHLY IMPORTANT OLD AND MODERN PAINTINGS OF STERLING ARTISTIC DISTINCTION BELONGING TO MR. ARTHUR B. EMMONS, Newport TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE THATCHER M. ADAMS, New York TO THE PRIVATE COLLECTOR MR. JOSEPH | F. FLANAGAN, Boston COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE MR. HENRY SAYLES ann MR. HARRIS B. DICK BOSTON NEW YORK AND OTHER ESTATES AND PRIVATE OWNERS but Span ee, ™ x? Wie of TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE HOTEL PLAZA ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK oe! Ree Te ee ce . oS ae, pS i a < Faia THE AMERICAN ART ASSOC ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTR TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY 1610 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. % 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 8. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale,-after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. i a ll cco a adil) sel Te Li pe Toe i P FIRST EVENING’S SALE eee oer JANUARY 14, 1920 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O'CLOCK WATER COLORS AND PASTELS GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AmeERiIcAan: 18384—1905 / / ; 1—RIP VAN WINKLE Hoe (Water Color) LK. bi, Ze Height, 1334 wches; width, 934 imches Rip after his sleep, with long white hair and beard, clothing in tatters, gun-stock falling to decay. Im fields on the outskirts of his village he approaches two frightened little girls who flee with their dolls to the arms of a young Dutch woman—she herself bewildered by his appear- ance and questionings. Pine forests and the Catskills in the back- ground. Signed both at lower right and lower left, G. H. Boucutron. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. LOUIS JIMENEZ SpANIsH: 1845— 2 THE READER (Water Color) Vi Height, 1314 inches; width, 9 inches haber be Salle An elderly and bewigged man of florid countenance is seated in a red- upholstered wooden armchair, facing the front but turned slightly, as he leans with his left elbow upon the chair-arm, reading a large book which he holds in both hands. Plum-color breeches and a pale yellow gown with brilliant floral embroideries. Signed at the lower left, Louis JimENEz, Paris. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. ALBERT HERTER AMERICAN: 1871— 3—CLEOPATRA xo & (Water Color) y, Wh. %. Vy, / RIES 12 wches; width, 6 inches Tue Egyptian in a more or less modern presentment, holding herself with regal hauteur, is seated, entwined in gauzy garments of soft col- oring, upon an exalted throne. A green asp circling her bare shoulder mounts above her red hair, and at her feet are two black cats beside a crystal sphere. Signed at the lower left, Atpert Herter, 791. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. | | ) - GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. : American: 1884—1905 4—“ICHABOD PRIDED HIMSELF UPON HIS DANCING’—Legend of Sleepy Hollow Vee (Water Color) Ah, Za Sp bbe : Height, 181% inches; length, 17 inches “Nor a fibre about him was idle * * * you would have thought St. Vitus himself was figuring before you in person.” In a grayish room of a spacious old house with plain wood floor and beamed ceiling—belike, Van Tassel’s—a considerable company of young folk in Dutch Colonial costume are gathered for a dance, to the strains of a colored violinist with gleaming ivories. At the centre the black-clad Yankee school- teacher trips the light fantastic with the belle of the evening, to the disgruntlement of his florid rival, who clenches his fist behind him. Signed at the lower right, G. H. Boucuton. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. ery x | CY \) F. HOPKINSON SMITH AmeErRIcAn: 18388—1915 (Water Color) Mb tetth, digewh Height, 131% mches; length, 2414 inches 5—VENICE /GO 7 One of the famous ecclesiastical buildings of the Queen of the Adriatic stands at the left, its palatial portal graced by statuary and blossom- ing flowers, and peopled by a varied throng. Before a neighboring palace gondolas, and back of it a campanile. Pale robin’s-egg blue canal mirroring many soft hues. Signed at. the lower left, F. Hopkinson SMITH. From the collection of the late H. B. Dick, New York. THOMAS MORAN, N.A. American: 18387— 6-—VENICE /b6- Tux spectator looks up the Canal San Marco and the Grand Canal, with the Prigioni, the Ducal Palace and the Campanile in soft coloring and a diffused brilliance of lighting, on the right, the Salute group in soft silhouette on the left. Before either shore, gondolas and sailing craft, with canvas of rich color. (Water Color) | , Height, 1444 mches; length, 24 inches O44 Py, Signed at the lower left, T. Moran, N.A., 1889. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. WILLIAM T. RICHARDS | (, O Axrmnican) 1888-20008 "—ROCKY COAST (Water Color) : /, ut 60 t Height, 16 inches; length, 25 inches laaegel J Ar left a deep blue sea and a flat horizon, under the darkening gray of a stormy sky. In the foreground waves breaking and rolling in white foam up a beach broken by rock shelves, and at right a great rock wall which projects tall cliffs into the sea, white spume striking high against them. Signed at the lower left, Wm. T. Ricwarps. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. HENDRICK DIRK KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. e AMERICAN: 1829—1904 ra 8—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES (Water Color) fot O-7v Height, 184% inches; length, 30 inches Ad . 0) Tue fall air is raw, frosty the surface of rocks and tree-trunks; low- hovering clouds seem ready rather to release snow than rain. Up a hill road on the right a farmer drives his team and laden wagon, while a wayfarer on foot holds converse with him. At left a stream and brush. Signed at the lower right, KrusEMAN VAN ELTEN. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. .; OIL PAINTINGS las — } on aw —_—~ | a THEODORE CEDERSTROM ' | SwepisH: 1845— 9—A TIGHT CORK (Panel) Monen IA So sd Height, 914 inches; width, 7 mches A MacocdGe/ A is In a bright light which shines upon a white interior wall, a rosy monk in brown habit is observed at three-quarters length, drawing the resistant cork from a bottle of wine. He wears a blue apron and bends to his work with grim purpose. Beside him a brilliant copper bowl stands upon a carved wood chair which is within his shadow. Signed at the upper right, Tur. CeperstromM, MUNCHEN. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, New York, 1886; No. 46. PGE Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. J Vv U6 / (*) 7 ney WILLIAM BLISS BAKER A | | J American: 1859—1889 10—THE WINDING STREAM: A HAZE 70 4 Height, 9 wches; length, 12 inches v4 : dnuadtleck Into the angle made by a bend in a wandering creek a point of land pro- jects from the right, bordered by trees that are all but leafless, and low brush that shows some color above the shaded green of the grass at its foot. A haze is in the air and before the sky, back of the trees is a rough clearing, and the water surface shows various reflections. Signed at the lower left, W. B. B. in monogram. From the William Bliss Baker Sale. 9/p Cac*envied y 3 bec dé ée) Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. , LEON RICHET & Frencu: 1847—1907 \ | \* 11-LANDSCAPE WITH POOL JOO7 ane AM lblubhines | Height, 7% inches; length, 10% inches In the foreground a blue stream spreading eccentrically within marshy lands, colored with reflections of a variously clouded sky and of mas- : sive and bushy trees standing on its farther verge. Leafage of the | trees is warmed and enlivened by slants of sunshine which also lighten fields of roughage beyond them, and near the edge of the water a woman is standing, on the right, a red shoulder-scarf setting off her | white peasant’s cap. : Signed at the lower right, Lton RicHer. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. ‘ it O JOSE WEISS ; a BritisH: 1859— 12—LANDSCAPE (Panel) /KO + Height, 10 inches; length, 15 inches Al Abayuaed. From high on the left a green hill falls away to a wandering stream, which comes with some vigor of flow down through the centre of the composition—here and there white, as the water tumbles over miniature falls. The green bank at the foot of the hill is of rough land, a single small tree grows on it in the middle distance, and in the right of the foreground a larger tree bends its struggling trunk over the stream. | Signed at the lower right, JosE WEIss. Purchased from Scott & Fowles Company, New York. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. OO WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT ie AMERICAN: 1824-1879 13—AN ANGLE OF SAN REMO Ay. fucbeamsre S007 Height, 1234 inches; length, 14 inches A sTREET scene without figures; an arched passage where daylight is dim leads back to a narrow transverse street where sunshine mellows the creamy walls which cross the line of the passage. There benches with commodities stand at either side of a low doorway. Within the passage the building walls are in low tones, reddish, brown and green. From the collection of the late Henry Sayurs, Boston. ANTOINE EMILE PLASSAN Frencu: 1817—1903 14—PARENTAL PRIDE I$0 x (Panel) OE ey | Height, 105% inches; width, 83 inches In a high-back winged armchair of carved wood, with red upholstery, a young and buxom mother with blond hair and rosy cheeks is seated facing the spectator, and looking down at the plump and partly nude infant asleep against her breast. Leaning over the wing of her chair the father looks on with placid concern. He is in black velvet with white lawn and lace collar, and the mother is in a loose white waist and blue flowing skirt, over which is spread a white drapery on which the child rests. From the private collection of the late ALBERT SPENCER, New York. Signed at the lower left, PLassan. Pye ike ha? ALS ALFRED STEVENS Betcian: 1828—1906 \y 15—FIGURE IN SUNSHINE 4 NSO 7 Height, 111, inches; width, 81 inches Jette ie HatF-LeneTH portrait of a blue-eyed young woman with reddish-blond hair, standing in a porch doorway at the corner of a red brick house, sunshine streaming down on her from the left and the green trees of a garden or orchard back of her. She is in a rose-white waist striped lightly in blue, and holds at her waist a bouquet of freshly gathered flowers. Signed at the lower right, AS (in monogram). Accompanied by a certificate from the artist’s son. From the collection of the late Henry Sayuezs, Boston. HENRY A. FERGUSSON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1842—1911 16—CHURCH INTERIOR tor Height, 1514 inches; width, 1284 inches” LE, ttttbehies SECTIONAL view of an interior of a church of rounded arches and bal- conied clerestory, with square-based round columns having Corinthian capitals, and a rich mosaic floor. An aisle leads straightway toward a chapel with the effigies of saints over the entrance, gleams of golden sunlight touching the walls, and at left is a glimpse of the nave. A woman kneels before a crucifix, and two other worshippers appear. Signed at the lower left, Henry A. Fercusson, 1875. Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. VAS SILI VERESTCHAGIN Russian: 1842—1904 17—PORTRAIT OF A GIRL OF THE DISTRICT NEAR MOSCOW ; AGE, 15 YEARS fh 300 7 (Oval) A Loewtuctin Height, 1414 inches; width, 1214 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of a rosy-cheeked girl, her dark hair parted in the centre, straggling over her ears and brought in a braid over her left shoulder, as she faces the spectator with direct gaze. She is in a light waist low at the breast, and her neck is encircled first by a necklet of pearls, then by a heavy necklace of three strands of large and brilliant red beads, the lower line intermingled with beads of green and black, while a second strand of black and white pearls is inter- polated. A further necklace of variegated jewels overlies her corsage. On the back, stamp of the Verestchagin Collection. From the public sale of the bee Collection, New York, 1891. Catalogue No. 60. Wu haw me Celils gine Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. oH DAVID YOUNG CAMERON NN BritisH: 1865— 18—LOCH LINNHE LHO7 Height, 16 inches; width, 18 inches fight, Aro, From the right, close in the foreground, projects a gray,-forbidding cliff—at its foot a bit of green herbage and of light grayish be Ch in the background, bare-topped mountains diminish in perspective, as they cross the picture from left to right, beneath a grayish sky. And within, between the mountain background and the jutting foreground shore, the Loch lies—its great sea stretch a soft blue-gray and white, and embracing in the middle distance a large island. Signed at the lower right, D. Y. C.; also on the back: Locu Liynug, D. Y. CamMEron. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. KO JOHN ROLLIN TILTON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1833— (Panel) 7 ee hu. wer Height, 11 inches; length, 181% inches 19—VENICE Jo-+ Tue spectator looks toward the city’s centre from the water, with a_ group of sailboats blocking out the Piazzetta. Above the tops of the sails towers the Campanile, and to right of them appear the domes of St. Mark’s over the roof of the Ducal Palace, and below, the corner of the Prigione comes into the picture. The sails of the boats lying in mid- stream are rich but soft in color, pale red and yellow, with white and neutral tones. Figures are seen aboard the boats, others ashore, and at the left are gondolas. Property of a Private Collector. LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN 1 Frencu: 1824—1898 | 20—LE HAVRE 0. bstouth, NJ ZL Sb ¥ Height, 914 inches; length, 18 inches A ass of shipping is depicted in the port, in part illumined by sunshine coming through rifts in gray clouds before a blue sky, part in relative shadow. Tall masts of square-riggers with sails furled rise high and in places seem to present almost a tangle, above hulls white and black and with touches of red and of cream. In the background the dark in- determinate line of the shore. Signed at the lower right, E. Boupty. From the collection of the late Henry Sayurs, Boston. _ DAVID YOUNG CAMERON | Britisu: 1865— 21—BROAD HARBOR VIEW Se (Panel) OO 7 af Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches 1 une, Lywk From the left the sea sweeps in broadly and with placid majesty, mauve- gray at eventide, matching the sky, between a narrow and low green foreshore and a long, low point which puts out from the right in the distance. A solitary yawl is seen far away. In the foreground, through a break in the shore, the water pushes in pulsing wavelets: which ee varying hues, relieved by the bubbling white of encircling foam. Signed at the lower left, D. Y. Cameron. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. LOUIS LATOUCHE Frencu: 1829—1884 22—MARINE WITH FIGURES ! 7, ip O-7 Height, 15 inches; length, 157 inches 1 /bt01th ? Agumh A BLUE-GREEN sea, under a breeze but in slight motion, lightens its hue in the shallows, and sends in choppy wavelets that break white on the sandy foreground shore. Here a fishing-boat lies in a pool on the sands, at low tide, a figure is seen aboard, and another approaches from the right. In the offing are more fishing-boats, seen against a pale sunset sky. Signed at the lower right, L. LatoucHe. From the collection of the late Henry Sayuxs, Boston. i = ADOLPHE MONTICELLI /” FreNcH: 1824—1886 | ae 23—THE WISE MEN S007 Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches Vis Heaearn legen A croup of seven turbaned figures in costumes of splendor, variously engaged. One on the right, in golden-yellow, faces the spectator, look- ing across the shoulders of a companion in red and white who bends forward and is seen in profile. Two near them are in conversation, one wearing dark green and his interlocutor deep crimson and gold, and beyond them at the left two others are examining a golden ewer, while still another stands above them all, his back to the observer but looking over his shoulder. Signed at the lower left, MonrTicELu1. From the collection of the late Henry Sayers, Boston. A NOTEWORTHY COLLECTION OF WORKS BY THE FRENCH MASTERS OF IMPRESSIONISM CLAUDE MONET AND THE LATE PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR Being the Collection formed by MR. ARTHUR B. EMMONS, OF NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND 4 : CLAUDE MONET FRENCH: 1840— RUN me 24—M AISON ET CANARDS 6/00 ine Height, 211% inches; length, 251% mches \ Parnrep in 1873. In the background a rambling farmhouse of spacious — proportions, its cream-gray walls all but hidden from view by foliage, | above which the warm reddish-orange roof stands out against an azure sky, which is flecked with soft tufts of white cloud. In the foreground a reach of a rippling stream—a liquid, chromatic mirror of foliage and sky, with touches of the warmer color of the house roof. And at right and left, in the water, ducks both white and of colored plumage. | Signed at the lower right, CLaupE Monet, 73. Property of Mr. Arruur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. CLAUDE MONET Frencu: 1840— ( . 23—AUTOMNE SUR LA SEINE | y Go00 = Height, 211/, inches; length, 283, inches v Parntep in 1874. From left and right wooded shores converge in the middle distance, narrowing the course of the silvery Seine, which is whitened by reflections of all-pervading fleecy clouds-about the sky. On the right, feathery trees, bushes and the grass are still green; on the left, the woods bordering the stream are golden-yellow and flushed — with pink. At both banks of the river, boats are drawn up, and in the distance, where the stream broadens again beyond the converging shores, the buildings of man in his settled civilization appear mistily, on the farther bank, in a gray autumn haze. , Signed at the lower right, CLauDE Monet, 774. Property of Mr. Arruur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. — e al Bi. AMOR AEDs se CLAUDE me A yw i | Frencu: 1840— S 2>—LA DEBACLE: SERIE DES GLACONS, A VETHEUIL LO Goo : Me nerd Height, 2334 inches; length, 839Y4 inches Z, PainTED in 1880. From the right a range of hills recedes in perspec- , tive, in the background, diminishing towards the left, the hillsides snow- ve covered and streaked with bluish shadows, beneath a grayish winter sky. ae A broad river forms the foreground, its cold, greenish-gray water dotted (,0 with snow-covered ice-cakes drifting lazily, as the ice-sheet breaks up. A 3 At the shore line tall poplars rise above russet underbrush, their green @ spires mounting in some instances above the hilltops; and their lines in o reflection accent the clear reaches of water in the river, between the i \ov’ patches of broken ice. \ Signed at the lower right, CLAUDE Monet, ’80. Property of Mr. Arruur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. aed v a fas ENR ee ge gn Al NY Sl ee (A en EE I OS TL LL. OL ELLOS i a I BR a A ER a af ay CLAUDE MONET we Ps 3 Frencu: 1840— WS ye o7-SENTIER DANS L’ILE ST. MARTIN, VETHEUIL 700 OST, Height, 3114 inches; width, 231 inches Mutand VET 4 Parntep in 1880. An early summer day of brilliant atmosphere, with white and creamy cloud billows afloat in a turquoise sky ‘and banking along a far horizon, beyond a range of verdant hills circling in from > the left to the distance—the distance on the right blocked from view by slender trees of fresh green foliage, which range mildly forward from the right middle ground. In front, a green foreground warmed by scarlet and crimson poppies in prodigal numbers, and the vestige of an overgrown path through it. Beyond the poppy field, a middle distance village in a valley, the village dominated by its rapa church. | Signed at the lower left, 1880 CLAupE Mover. Pravin of Mr. AxtHur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. Mow 2[, (9ol de S5l eee CLAUDE MONET x, Frencu: 1840— \ ob V 298 SENTIER DANS L’7ILE ST. MARTIN iS | A VETHEUIL F700 7 Height, 2834 inches; width, 2334 inches Jy, Ayocn/» Parnrep in 1881. Poppies flourish at either side of a footpath winding through a grain field, their rich red in relief against varied greens in the 4 foreground and enlivening golden expanses of ripened grain in the UY middle distance. In the background, beyond an interrupted screen of poplars rich in their foliage, a village and its dominating church, in a valley bounded by agricultural fields, beneath a summer sky of gray and creamy clouds in turquoise ether. The composition is substantially the same as that of the preceding lot, of similar title (No. 27), the present canvas depicting a day further advanced in the season, and having been painted a year later than its predecessor. REY Signed at the lower left, CiauvE Monet, ’81. Property of Mr. Artuur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. | A Le p wl Mf bree al CLAUDE - Yo ye Frencu: 1840— 299—-LE MATIN, TEMPS BRUMEUX, POURVILLE — 25007 Painrep in 1882. On the left are tall chalk cliffs, imposingly sculp- tured by Nature through the slow ages, and rich in soft colors as their varied surfaces refract the sunshine, which itself is sifted and reduced in the hazy air that overhangs the French coast of La Manche on a summer morning. The cliff colors include greens and blues and golden yellows, dulled, in the dimly vaporous atmosphere, to the soft, restful hues of some of the precious and semi-precious stones. The cliffs put out to a point, in the middle distance, and the in-curve of the shore to the foreground reveals, in place of cliffs, shelves and low reaches of warm reddish-yellow sand, while to right, from shore to gray-veiled horizon, the Channel rolls lazily, a moderately troubled, emerald sea, with blue shadows in the foreground mingling with sunlight reece of BE ish-gold. Signed at the lower left, CuaupE Nets 82. Property of Mx. Arrnur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. Height, 2314 inches; length, 28%4 mches Nurand VI 4 CLAUDE MONET if Frencu: 1840— A 3 30—FALAISE AUX PETITES DALLES | x 6006 - Height, 231% inches; length, 28°24 inches Nn. Sgocdli « PainTeD in 1884. From the left an emerald sea in gentle motion puts in to an open bight, and in the middle distance washes the foot of pre- cipitous chalk cliffs which in their top conformation are almost archi- tectural, presenting the appearance of a group of series of ridge-roofed buildings. In the foreground the green water turns to blue, with silvery washes, as it rolls in between small boulders to a flat, sandy beach which itself 1s bounded on the right by more of the tall cliffs, their face a wealth of variegated color. The flanks of the further cliffs, appearing in sunshine, are rich and warm in colorful vegetation. Signed at the lower left, CLaupE Monet, ’84. Property of Mr. ArtHur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. - ‘ “ » “eer eh: CLAUDE MONET Frencu: 1840— 31—_CHAMP DE COQUELICOTS: | ENVIRONS DE GIVERNY 10.7004 Height, 25% inches; length, 32 inches. llitand VIN4 | Painrep in 1885. 4 Height, 32 inches; length, 364 siadias” Ny, Me) Eo i'w Ooi Painted in 1903. Out of a foreground of blue water, dappled with pale green, in the play of a subdued and struggling light upon its ruffled surface, the towered mass of Westminster Palace rises in blue and purple silhouette against a mauve and yellow-gray sky. Detail, of this architecturally rich home of the “Mother of Parliaments,” is lost, and only mass and low-keyed color stand forth in a dense, heavy and dark atmosphere, which is broken high on the right by an arc of a radiant sunburst, whose reflections of red and gold glorify, in con- trast, a patch of the sluggish but moving river at the edge of the co ground beneath. Signed at the lower left, CLauDE Monet, 1903. Property of Mr. Arruur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. CLAUDE 7 4 ve Frencuo: 1840— w iy | ; 37—_LE SOLEIL DANS LE BROUILLARD, LONDRES: WATERLOO BRIDGE . d, VA 00 ez Height, 28°4 inches; length, 361% inches . j 9 denacas eel PainTeEp in 1904. One of London’s great fogs, dense, deep, hangs over the Thames, enshrouding this bridge which fascinated Monet as it has fascinated other artists, French, English, American. ‘The bridge, its traffic proceeding despite the fog, crosses the line of vision midway of the picture—seeming almost a mighty, imponderable shadow, rather than a formidable structure—its character made clear only by the pale light reflected beneath its arches from the fog-obscured sun over- head. The sun, bursting through the bluish fog, throws a broad streak of weird light—a hot and strange, fiery yellow—upon the water in the foreground; and to left of the light-path a waterman appears in the obscurity of the fog, standing in his boat and peering forward. Signed at the lower right, CLAuDE Monet, 1904. Prope of Mr. Arruvur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. CLAUDE MONET | Frencu: 1840— he 38—LES NYMPHEAS: PAYSAGE DEAU Vy L500 oy Height, 38614 inches; width, 35 inches dell Z a _ Parstep in 1907. In a pearl-gray stream, and amid soft grasses of rich and delicate green, lie circular patches of the beautiful aquatic plants, one of the several species of water-lilies, their numerous blos- soms of rose and scarlet and white, and of rich purple, lying upon spreading pads of their thick green leaves. Intermediately, mauve shadows vary and relieve the soft and delicate, and also the richer, colors, and blend the liquidity of the whole with the atmosphere and with the more solid properties of the environment. Signed at the lower right, CLAuDE Monet, 1907. Property of Mr. ArrHur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. CLAUDE MONET KY Frencu: 1840— 40-—VENISE: PALAIS DUCAL Height, 82 inches; length, 8914 inches | rh es F. /. OO 7 ug g Y > : : A PartnTEpD in 1908. The Ducal Palace has the composition substantiall¥ to itself, the Prigioni appearing as an incidental detail on the right, as the Palace is observed from the water off the Molo, with a part of the Palace’s nearer, Piazzetta side, coming into view. The palace mass is a soft old-rose and cream, aloft, the loggia and portico below appear- ing as series of greenish and bluish shadowed recesses, the arcade being illuminated at the ground level by golden flashes of sunlight. The sun- shine turns again to gold and rose on the broad bluish-green water- foreground, whose ruffled surface mirrors the palace reflection, beneath a pale blue, nebulous sky. | Signed at the lower right, CLAUDE NOSE 1908. fone, of Mr. ArrHur B. PONS Newport, R. I. eS eee RES tn guste Renoir from the Arthur B. Emmons collection stir The works of Pierre Au Above—“Canotiers a Chaton,” a Renoir, which brou the most spirited bidding. Photos by Murray Kendall Keves. courtesy American Art Association This wonderful example of the work of Giovanni Antonio Canaletto, en- titled “View on the Grand Canal, Venice” was knocked down for only $3,100. It came from the Thatcher B. Adams collection “La Seine a Argenteuil,” another picture by Renoir, was sold for $11,700. This was one of several : by the same master in the Emmons collection. Nicolas Maes was well Tepresented in the sale by this “Portrait of a Cavalier,” which was sold for $4,100. Highest priced picture of the sale: la Prairie,” by Renoir, sold for $28,000 to a pri- vate collector. From the Adams colleetion came this “Portrait of Sir Archibald Campbell, K. B., of Inverneil,” painted by George Romney and sold for $4,55 The works of Pierre Auguste Renorr from the Arthur B. Emmons collection stirred the most spirited bidding. Above—“Canotiers. a Chaton,” a Renoir, which brought $27,000. , : ‘ Photos hy Murray Kendall Keves, sourtesy American Art Association This wonderful example of the work of Giovanni Antonio Canaletto, en- t | ; age Highest priced picture of the sale: “Dans titled “View on the Grand Canal, Venice” was knocked down for Only $3,100. ie ig la Prairie,” by Renoir, sold for $28,000 to a pri- It came from the Thatcher B. Adams collection - al ree 7 vate collector. ; © C7 ns ete Nicolas Maes was well represented in the sale by this “Portrait of a Cavalier,” which _was sold for $4,100. _ © * ee ,700. This was one of Several “La Seine a Argenteuil,” another picture by Renoir, was sold for $11 by the same master in the Emmons collection. . : Archibald Campbell, K. B.,-of Inverneil,” painted by George Romney and sold for $4,550. From the Adams collection came this “Portrait of Sir CLAUDE MONET / iV ae Frexcx: 1840— \ ere NISE: PALAIS DUCAL, VU DE SAN GIORGIO Height, 251% inches; length, 8614 inches Wi Lytoe Liver PaintTED in 1908. Across water shimmering with soft color beyond a blue-shadowed foreground, the Palace of the Doges raises its full fagade in pale rose toward a humid, misty, greenish sky, the architectural de- tails being lost in the hazy atmosphere. At either side the Campanile — and the Prigioni and neighboring buildings appear, but appear still. further lost in chromatic atmospheric obscurity—the warmer colors _ embraced within an envelopment of violet; and all, with the sky, con- tribute with their subtle hues to the reflections playing upon the gently moving surface of the water. . Signed at the lower right, CLAuDE Monet, 1908. Property of Mr. ArrHur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. CLAUDE MONET Frencu: 1840— af \ 42-VENISE: LE PALAIS DARIO aes So oO Height, 26 inches; length, 82 meg . Parntep in 1908. In the foreground the blue water of the Grand Canal, its dapple surface turned gray and green with reflections of a gray-white, clouded sky and the swamp-green of vine-clad and mossy walls along the small off-shooting canal at one side. At centre and left, in the background, closing out the sky, two palaces, the central one of the title a creamy-gray, and its neighbor an old-rose, with win- dow recesses and loggia showing purplish shadows. At the door of the Dario a gondola. To right—across the small canal—the lower roof of the neighboring building yields above it a glimpse of the sky. Signed at the lower left, CLAaupE Monet, 1908. Property of Mr. Artuur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR ~ Bd | J yy FRENCH: 184119 7 : vy 43—ENVIRONS DE POURVILLE | iS | 7700 - Height, 18 inches; length, 21%4 eee, | Z, a ParnTeEp in 1878. A landscape of the deep, rolling country behind the cliffs of the charming Channel resort, Pourville—where English, whether of Anglican or American accent, is in the summertime current with the native tongue. At the left, high, green-clad, rounding hills, their flanks sloping toward the right and forward, and their verdure thickening, and becoming denser, in the descent. In the middleground, near the foot of the slopes, cottages are almost buried within encompassing trees, and in the foreground the trees and shrubs and vines become a very tangle of luxuriant greenery. Signed at the lower left, Reno, 778. peasy of Mr. ARTHUR B. Emmons, Newport, R. 8 / igh 1 an), Lh . a, 1 ah /1.7004 Height, 2114 inches; length, 251% wy PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR : V Frencu: 184121919 ; 44—LLA SEINE A ARGENTEUIL \ . PainTED in 1888. ‘Two young ladies out for a row on the river, in a boat painted a vivid red, are passing a landing stage which projects from the left foreground—a black poodle standing at the edge of it, tail erect. The young ladies are in bright summer attire; one wears a white hat, that of her companion is trimmed in scarlet. Beyond them a black sloop with yellow spars lies at anchor in mid-stream, and on the farther bank the red roofs and creamy-white walls of houses appear amid trees gala with foliage of garden coloring. The surface of the stream glistens in brilliant sunshine with polychromatic ripples upon a bed of rich, deep blue, and the herbage of the farther bank contributes further richness and variety to a color revel of effulgent atmospheric quality. Signed at the lower right, Renorr, 88. Property of Mr. Arruur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. ag PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR (2 y Frencu: 1841—1919 45—CANOTIERS SUR LA SEINE A BOUGIVAL PainTED in 1891. On the right in the middle distance a rude, informal fence of brown slats, characteristic of French countrysides, runs down transversely to the border of the river and comes to an end against a pollarded willow standing at the water’s edge. In front of the willow, seated in a heavy-ribbed brown rowboat lying against the deep, wild grasses and reeds—green, yellow, bluish and brown—in the foreground, a young woman turns her head from the spectator to look at other people who are boating on the river, at figures in an orange-red row- boat in mid-stream, paddling away through a cross-streak of pale gold illumining a ruffled water-surface of deep azure dappled in silvery- white. On the farther bank, in yellow-green grass between blue-green flags and green trees and distant blue forests, are to be seen a figure, and a creamy-gray country house with roof of red tiling. Signed at the lower right, Renorr. EGperey of Mr. ArrHur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. X 1000-7 Height, 21 inches; length, 251 nee Xe, L WA £ PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR’ | or ma Frencu: 1841—191 16—DANS LA PRAIRIE\ Qy ik _ Height, 32 inches; dene 2534 inches 4 $e00-, : Nucaud - Parntep in 1890. Two young girls in the heowae age, their hair hang- ing down their backs,—the tresses of one golden, those of her chum dark chestnut with golden lights—are seated on the soft and rich, varied and luxuriant herbage of a rolling meadow, in the foreground, facing a vista of upland country saturated with color and bucolic charm. She of the golden tresses is in white, with a blue sash, and is. seen profil perdu to the left, as she bunches some plucked daisies. Her companion, nearer the spectator, is in a rose-pink frock, and is seated with back to the observer. In the distance is a sheltered farmhouse, and two figures are seen nearer at hand, in the meadows. Signed at the lower one Reon Bieniee of Mr. Arruur B. Emmons, Newport, R. I. sigsemmnen ania op ae or renee pena 4 foo Or Height, 821, inches; length, 8971/2 en | AUGUSTE RENOIRN | FRENCH: 1841—1919 (r 47—CANOTIERS A CHATON \ PIER In the foreground the low, flat bank of the river, and standing there in the deep yellow-green grass and the deeper blue- -green flags of the water’s edge, two men and a young woman ready to go boating. — A third young man has just thrust the pointed prow of his long, slender, red skiff up among the reeds at the feet of the waiting trio, and rest- ing on his long oars turns his face toward the bank and toward the spectator. Out on the sparkling river, its rich azure silvered and whitened in the broad and lively ripples of a breezy summer day, other pleasure-seekers are exercising with the sculls, a working boat under sail heads away to the left, and beyond her is a large cargo barge with crew aboard, near the farther shore. Over there, creamy-white build- — ings wath red roofs enliven the sunny background. | a This is. probably one of Rengle s most important pictures; it was a favorite with the artist, and he parted with it only in omy, recent years. Signed at the lower right, Reson, 19 Prope of Mr. Waitara B. pees. Newport, R. I. Ki Io “WORKS BY THE FRENCH MASTERS > HF “ON IMPRESSIONISM MONET, RENOIR, MANET, DEGAS, PISSARRO AND SISLEY The Property of MR. JOSEPH F. FLANAGAN, of Boston, a Private Owner of New York, and from the Collection of the late HENRY SAYLES, fee a CLAUDE MONET wh Frencu: 1840— re b* f 48—PRINTEMPS \r | 2500 q Height, 26 inches; length, 321% inches Aw expression of the vernal season in terms of delicate color and the lines of grace, in an atmosphere balmy, fresh, and sweet with the re- newal of vegetation, the fragrance of new growths on trees and ground, all enriched by the energy and imparted vigor of a life-giving neighbor- ing stream. The stream crosses the foreground, which it supplies on the canvas, its surface dappled with soft lights from a morning sky and with the colors of the bank which its waters gently lap. The bank — is low and flat, as it traverses the picture, and is rich in lush grass green and deep, and at the water’s edge grow two pollarded trees, outposts of a grove of saplings which forms a screen across the middleground, the open spaces between the slender, grayish trunks revealing a green and brown hillside which encircles the composition in the background, topped by distant bluish woods. Aloft the saplings’ foliage and that of the pollards in front of them veil the sky, without excluding the delicate light of a slightly hazy day. Signed at the lower right, CLaupE Monet, ’86. Purchased direct from the artist in 1888. 2 Property of a Private Owner. CLAUDE MONET - gy -FRrencu: 1840— : pag | 49—BORDS DE LA SEINE A VERNOI N ‘yr Z £8007 Height, 231% inches; length, 32 inchs uF oe: ‘ Gauens in green, wild field, color in oad color on hillside and color in le sky and water—an atmosphere shimmering in color, which enfolds all — details of the composition. The sun is not visible, but his refracted light splits upon the autumn foliage of dense wildwood at right and left — of a sinuous river, marks blue daylight-shadows upon the slope of a_ , background hill, before which the chromatic woods project from cee side toward the stream, and makes the stream’s surface rich as its wood- _ land borders, with its lighter reaches more delicately tinted by the - faint ‘reflections of an iridescent sky. The plenitude of varying color | is relieved by the full, rich green of the low bank of the river occupying the left creeds 7 Signed at the lower left, Cuavpe Mover. "Purchased from Messrs: Durand-Ruel. From the collection of the late Henry Sayurs, Boston. CLAUDE MONET Frencu: 1840—_ 50--PEUPLIERS EN AUTOMNE A | GIVERNY jes Porxar trees, a bit of brush, a stream an the sky—and the cals of. a garden of brilliant flowers. The tall, slender poplars, with tufts of green and bluish foliage along their trunks, seem rather to flower than _ , to put forth leafage at their tops, where gold and rose and scarlet fi a a sparkle in the sunshine, relieved by green and blue against a sky of. mauve. At their foot the herbage is deep, with emerald tenes and blue a % shadows, and notes of purple, and trees and brush and their polychro- ‘a matic dress are repeated 1 in reflection in the river, which ee ay ss forground. . 60004 Height, 391, Wl width, 25%) inches Signed at the lower right, Criven Moxey, ‘91. = Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. aa ~ From the collection of the late Henry Sayuxs, Boston. PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR’ : sn Frencu> 18411949 -51-FEMME ET ENFANT I oe Height, 28/4 inches; width, “le nt oa On a summer day brilliant with color, but with the He veiled and pee ie 3 2 fused by a soft haze and a fleecy gray sky, a young French mother, — blue-eyed and very plump, is seen nursing her chubby baby under a large tree beside a cottage. She is seated in a house chair placed on_ 4 the grass, and faces the left, with head turned toward the observer, and _ she wears a blue skirt and a loose orange coat, and a yellow straw ba . shaped hat. The child is in white, and with one hand grasps its small - iPr foot. On the ground in front, a egies amuses itself. Signed at the lower bets Reon, 86, . | Purchased from Me essrs. Durand-Ruel. | | es From the collection oF the late Henry Saytes, Dee ) PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR we ns FRENCH: 1841—1919 a“ eae 52—JEUNE FEMME ASSISE [00 4 Height, 2514 inches; width, 21 inches A younc woman in whose red fee the sun’s radiance brings out golden lights is seen at full length, seated and facing the left, en déshabillé. Eneaged at some operation of the toilette, her head is inclined as she directs her attention to the work, held before her breast. The intimate garments of the boudoir, or the dressing-room of a stage, reveal arm > | and shoulder and a portion of her well modeled back nude, and her — y % limbs encased in rose, knees crossed and one foot resting on:a soft’ a canary-colored cushion. Neutral background of bluish and creamy- white wall and orange floor. Signed at the lower right, enor | Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Josrru F. Fuanacan, Boston. PIERRE AUGUSTE. RENOIR 58—LES DEUX S@URS 5 1000+ . ‘Height, 1814 unciea length, 24s ele eg _ Porrrarrs of two plump and rosy- -cheeked young ‘Preneh girls, happy and content, dressed for outdoors in the bland summertime and seen in " a subdued sunlight. One sister is observed head and shoulders, her face \ am in profile to the right and partly shadowed by the drooping rim of her scarlet-trimmed white lace hat. The mass of her golden hair, caught with a pink ribbon, falls back of her creamy waist which is adorned — with floral sprays. She looks toward her sister, who faces the spec- _ tator and is seen at half-length, in a maroon frock and wearing a | Leghorn hat enwound with mauve. Her abundant brown hair is decked with a rose. | rl , Nahe gy g Signed at the lower left, Renorr. Piiniad in 1894, . Gare Purchased from M essrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Joseru F. Frianacan, Boston. /Frencu: 1841—1919 oF iw ee ae - an — a ee PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR Frenca: 1841—1919° aa 54 FEMME A L’OMBRELLE 'N \ a b6hoo- Bust portrait of a young French woman with chestnut hair, and eyes that almost match it, who faces the spectator from a sunny back- ground of shrubbery, her eyes directed slightly downward and toward her left. She is bare-headed, and carries a small black parasol lined with white, which at the moment does not shelter her but rests, open, across her left shoulder, the hand holding it adorned with rings. She wears a light waist of creamy-white, vertically striped in delicate gray, open at the throat, with the back-folding collar tied with a rose-pink bow. } Signed at the lower right, Renorr, 773. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Josery F. Fianacan, Boston. Height, 1814 inches; width, 15 inches fig. Iomteo . | as ALFRED SISLEY / Frencu: 1840—1899 | 55—INONDATIONS A MORET po YA ae Height, 211, mches; length, 29 2 a. 4. te j (er Own the right in the foreground an earth road mounts a green bank a the edge of a blue river, and follows along the line of the stream ath a bend toward the left in the background, the course of the road taking it along the foot of a hill. Creamy and gray houses with red roofs line the water side of the road, in the middle distance, and others stand out from distant woods. The usually placid Loing has risen in a freshet, threatening to undermine buildings, near Sisley’s home town, and al- ready submerging the roots of trees which spread bare limbs before a windy blue sky swept by creamy-white clouds. Signed at the lower right, Stsury. pale 3%? | Property of Mr. Joseru F. Fianacan, Boston. |, ‘ X gt Na VAASN. Painted in 1878. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Mensa CAMILLE PISSARRO - 3 " Frencw: 1830—1908 s PONMIERS EN FLEURS: TEMPS GRIS lye AY F700 4 Height, 2334 inches; length, 29 inches iof U.K re ; On a gray, moist day of springtime an orchard of young apple trees is depicted, their branches burdened with abundance of blossoms and some of them leaning until they almost touch the deep, soft herbage of rich and fresh green which surrounds them. They stand in a val- } ley which occupies foreground and middle distance, and in the middle | distance displays a plowed field, while in the background are outlines | of a hill beneath the light grayish sky. Near the right foreground a | peasant woman, standing. Signed at the lower right, C. Pissarro, ’97. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Joseru F. Fianacan, Boston. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR — Frencu: 1834—1917 © 57—FEMME SORTANT DU BAIN ; | ‘b Gs “ | OCP asteD) $700; - Height 2914 inches; length, 30 inches flue . oy A YOUNG ora rotund without pelne heavy is withdrawing from the bath and observed in rear and lateral view, one foot on the floor and body inclined so that the shoulder conceals her face, as she supports herself with one hand resting on a neighboring chair-back. The figure in its supple modeling and flesh tones varying with the light. is studied with attentive eloquence. Bluish’ and white draperies overhang the chair, a neighboring cushion is in golden amber ; variegated background. Done in 1890. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. a a Or Property of Mr. Josery F. Fianacan, Boston. ‘ e agi : HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS: ; - Frencat: 1884—1917 ANN a /' 58 DANSEUSES ROSES \\ C Pastel ) S Be O01 °&Height, 331% cher width, 2314 Uses | a : CH = Four young women of the ballet in traditional costume are portrayed engaging in a group manceuvre, lightly stepping, moving away from the spectator and toward the left, all with hands raised high. The faces of the rear two are seen in profile. The lithe figures are full of Action while retaining assured poise. In the costumes. red: predominates, re- lieved by soft tones of gold, and the very light takes reddish a * strong. relief being furnished by a greenish drapery. 3 sie! at De lower left Deas. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Josepu F. Fianacan, Boston. /0000 - -_ . Height, 35 a length, 36Y%4 ey, CLAUDE MONET N Frencu: 1840— } 59-MATINEE SUR LA SEINE Gretelete tre dense and tall, wilelt fp there upper branches ‘above 3 the limits of the picture; high up, as they thin a little, glimpses of a a sky of deep azure are to be had through rifts in the leafage and in the banks of white morning clouds screening the blue. At the foot of. the aa trees the winding Seine, a mirror of the marvelous coloring which the ; i painter’s eye saw in the foliage, these deep notes of- purple, green and blue intensified by the white reflections of the clouds. On the be of the river the trees of the left are repeated in| the distance. | te. fs ; Signed at the lower left, Gate Moses, 1896, | , a Pipohnaea from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. : Property of Mr. Josery F. Franacan, Boston. 2 a - ee os OT , SRE se ng et rca a RR SOO RTE seg AO HN ca ID INTE OE! ON LL AY NEE ELE E NET OER LLL OILE SN OM OO II ALLO IE I CECT ! CLAUDE MONET | op A FRENCH: 1840— 7 Ve "? 60—LA TAMISE A LONDRES: LES PONTS DE CHARING CROSS ET DE WESTMINSTE —@ at T0007 Height, 29 inches; length, 391% inches WM. Boo. _ Tue spectator looks up the Thames from a point in the stream below Charing Cross bridge, which spans the composition in the middle dis- tance, its shore ends not coming into view. Beyond it the arches of Westminster Bridge are descried in a murky distance, with the towers of the Parliament buildings discernible at the right, all but lost in grayish vagueness. Through the darkening haze or fog which over- ; lies the scene there radiates. by reflection from the river a lurid light, strange, and except close to the water absorbed in the foggy blanket. Within the range of its brighter Bh Es on the stream, river craft may be made out. Signed at the lower right, Cine Monet, 1904. Property of Mr. Josrepyu F. Fianacan, Boston. CLAUDE MONET | Ma ‘Frencu: 1840— 61—LA TAMISE 4 LONDRES: LE PONT V DE CHARING CROSS < $2001 Height, 25°24 wmches; length, 40 wnches C btinth, A Y, One of the artist’s English series in which the several bridges of Lon- don figure prominently, one and another of them luring him to spread upon canvas their fascination in the varying lights of London fogs. Here the Thames occupies all the foreground, one might say all the picture, scarcely the indication of a shore or buildings being made out at left and none elsewhere. In the middle distance the span of Charing Cross bridge in purple-gray silhouette makes a line of demarcation be- tween a ruffled river gleaming with sunset lights and an obscure sky dark with variants of mauve. Trains are crossing, and the smoke of their en- gines adds still other color to the atmospheric vapor. On the river three boats may be discerned. Signed at the lower right, CLauDE Monet, 1894. (bo Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Josepu F. Franacan, Boston. a ak eae ey oo Et RE 4 tend 2 CLAUDE MONET Frencu: 1840— { “ e ere ri af 62—LES NYMPHEAS: PAYSAGE D’EAU \ 3 Ue O07 Height, 28% inches; length, 4134 inches J by Ki ,_ YOHCd \ Tue entire picture is given to a portion of the surface of a pond or ¥ stream, and in the background its green-bordered edge, the roots of : the dense grasses there limiting the composition, which is without di- rectly visible sky. Instead, the celestial blue is reflected in the water, : making there a cerulean ground whereon are reflected also the greens | of surrounding grasses and unseen foliage. The water and its reflec- tions are interrupted at intervals by pads of the beautiful aquatic . plants of the title, their pink, yellow and white blossoms lying upon leaves of pale green. Signed at the lower left, CLaupDE Monet, 1905, Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Joseru F. Fuanacan, Boston. Lea Frencu: 1840— Vg ge 68— BOIS DOLIVIERS, BORDIGHERA ”y) O00O-1 Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches VAP fa LirERALLY a wood of olive trees, whose foliage reaches beyond all the confines of the picture, which shows no sky but only the mystic green : of the leafage penetrated by sunshine, the foil of the brown trunks sup- ; porting it, and a foreground of earth made beautiful by a varied herbage and the eccentricity of the penetrating light falling upon it. The foreground is low and shelving, with a dip toward the right and an abrupt bank rising on the left, at the foot of which a broad path winds into the wood. On the earth the play of light is warm and brilliant, within the ever-varying foliage cool and warming by turns, in a fasci- nating variance. | Signed at the lower right, CLaupE Monet, 84. | | Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. : Property of Mr. Josepu F, Fuanacan, Boston. Frencu: 1882—1883 SDOUARD MANET Zz Cie \{ ry, E DECOLLETEE (PORTRAIT DE MME. D PATY AKSOO at | (Pastel) ot \ et] Height, 22 inches; width, 1314 inches Nit tt, Abecers igen Busr portrait of a woman young yet mature, figure to the front and Nae head turned slightly toward her left, in which direction her dark ae hazel eyes are bent, her features expressing nervous vivacity, the ‘expression of her eyes contemplative. Her dark hair, loosely done, falls well over her forehead. One side of her face is within a clear, transparent shadow, the other in a high light which is shared by her breast. Grayish bodice, edged and supported over the shoulders in ~ floral notes. Signed at the lower right, MANET. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. JosEPH F. Franacan, Boston. ‘DOUARD MANET Frencu: 1832—1883 © 65—DEVANT LA PSYCHE s Vd. KOO-+1 Hagia: 361% inches; width, 22 imches ha Va a _ 'THREE-QUARTER length figure of a lady standing before a aretha mir- ror and observed in back view. Her yellow-blond hair is wound about her head, which her height causes to appear just below the arched top of the mirror, which is framed in mahogany with ormolu mounts. The creamy flesh of arms and shoulders appears above a pale blue corset, which overlies a white underskirt, and the figure is seen in a strong” yet soft light. Background a studied confusion of rich coloring, When the canvas was purchased by the present owner from the Messrs. Durand- Ruel, New York, the American Art News in noting the purchase said: “The picture was painted in 1877, about the same time that Manet painted ‘Nana’, the heroine of Emile Zola’s novel. The work is similar in composition, although the ‘Girl before the Mirror’ is superior in color. The ‘Nana’ is in the Brussels Museum. ‘Devant la Beye was originally in a noted collection in Paris, and has been exhibited in that city.” Signed at the lower right! Manet. _ Property of Mr. Josepu F. Fuanacan, Boston. # ¥DOUARD MANET ei wh Frencu: 1832—1883 \ ee) 66—PORTRAIT DHOMME (“L-HOMME BLON D”) ( Pastel) /b007 Height, 2134 inches; width, 1334 inches hw oe yf C 7 Heap and shoulders portrait of a youngish man with a somewhat marked pursing of the mouth and rather retreating chin, looking to- ward the left, his face seen a little more than in profile. He is of the blond type, with pink cheeks and blue eyes, and light sandy-brown hair which is matched by a beard of which he makes the most and a moustache fully encouraged. He wears a black coat and a broad, loosely tied blue- black cravat. Gray background. Stgned at the lower right, Manet. | Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Josery F. Fuanacan, Boston. PAINTINGS BY MODERN FRENCH, DUTCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ARTISTS HENRI HARPIGNIES Frencu: 1819—1916 67—BOAT, STREAM AND SHORE ane Height, 12 inches; length, 17% inches ett, yo : A ¥FLAT-BoaT with two deck-houses is moored, in the middle distance, beside a yellow-gray shore, which broadly fills the foreground and glistens in the sunshine of an all but cloudless day. 'The blue river in which she lies courses between this barren reach of rough foreground and a kindly farther shore, whose varied banks are green and wooded; they show, too, the abodes of industry. Signed at the lower left, H. Harvicenises, 792. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. a IS Pa ; a : THEOPHILE DE BOCK ] / DutcH: 1850—1904 | a 68—POOL AND DISTANT CHURCH , ba : ( Panel) pa Height, 1034 mches; length, 2114 mches Ohbeeuch, ti leper ey us : x = rp GREEN . MarsHuanp waters of the foreground are rich with reflections of their bordering bank, crossing low in the middle distance, its colors con- trasting with the light reflections of a clouded sky. The bank is green and brown, and at the left is the edge of a low and dense grove, beyond zs which in the distance a church raises its steeple above a low, confused landscape. On the back an inscription in Dutch, in calligraphic let-— tering, dated =v. 3, 1896. | ; | From the es of the late H. B. Dick, New York. * W722 - Uncteh, fore 4. fh. brill, be 908 ~ oF SOLA ~ Mee! 17.3.5 BAXKK ag ; FREDERICK “ys WILEY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY z a -69—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES | ~ by 5D 2 Height, 17 mches; length, 21 wches Ho ‘ thibud _ Ar right in the foreground a single detached tree stands brown against a turquoise sky which is heavily banked with white, creamy and gray- ish clouds. At the tree’s foot, red-brown shrubbery raises its entangle- ments above the coarse green herbage surrounding a white pool, at the left of which stand two trees. Near them two figures are seen. Beyond a middle-distance of velvet verdure, a cluster of farm buildings about a brown-roofed house. Signed at the lower right, WiLEy. é From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. JEAN JACQUES HENNER Frencu: 1829—1905 70—TETE DE FEMME JAFO ra Height, 22 inches; width, 15 mches Aotlaud baller " a Busr portrait of a Magdalen creamy-white of skin, with the painted touch of color in her cheeks, with rich lips and deep hazel eyes, and blond hair variable in key according to the light and deepening to a mahogany-red. She faces the spectator squarely, with the slightest turn of figure towards the left, but with head slightly inclined, and thoughtful gaze directed soberly downward. ‘The light is full on her face and breast and her blue décolleté waist, and plays upon the edges ; of her loosely flowing hair, which is brought forward over her shoulders out of the dark neutral background. : Signed midway at the left, J. J. HENNER. Property of Mrs. Anna J. SCHOELKOPF. ae \O JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 71_THH AMATEUR ARTIST tC J/O-7 Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches hil faurndl- A wavy of rotund features and full, liquid eyes, with a pink flower tucked into her golden-brown hair, is seated in a high-backed chair up- holstered in red and ornately decorated, beside a pedestal on which stands a many-colored vase. She faces the spectator, her chair drawn up to a red-covered table, and turns her head to look off toward her left, while she holds open a sketching book in which two heads appear and poises her pencil in her right hand. She wears a blue décolleté waist and golden-yellow girdle, and a fur-trimmed jacket. Signed at the lower left, G. JACQUET. Property of a Private Owner. We GEORGES MICHEL Frencu: 1763—1843 7 2—LA NDSCAPE BaP Height, Lie chess length, 2394, chen Ab heli. On a low frownd near the one of the composition, lok antl crooked trees with dense foliage stand out against a gray-white sky, and curv- _ ing around the mound a yellow-sandy field roads cuts it off from slightly higher land on the right, where woods enclose a thatched cottage. In the right qeroung the felled trunk of an aged birch comes into view. Exhibited at the Boston Museum sor Fane Abe From the collection of the late Henry SayLEs, Boston. & STRICTED PUBLIC SALE AN pee 15th: er eZ % j ‘ . oe P r a - u _ ‘ = 7 ee " “i = a 2 oy = 7 1 » Pa y ty } il a tl 4 si) c \ GILBERT MUNGER \S AMERICAN: 1837—19038 73—ON THE SEINE At O74 Height, 1734 inches; length, 254, inches a y A COMPREHENSIVE landscape at once pastoral and sylvan, in’ sunshine and shadow, with nature encompassing the abodes of men, man in pur- suit of the occupation of his. existence, and animals thus support man. The Seine, silvery in summer sunlight winds between shores of fields and woods, passes a hamlet of white walls and brown-thatch roofs on the left, and in the distance passes under the several arches of a white masonry bridge. In the cool shade of the foreground a cowherd rests against a tree, watching two cattle moving toward the river, and out in the stream a fisherman is busy in his punt. Signed at the lower left, GiLBERT MuNGER. Property of a Private Collector. WILLEM ROELOFS DutcH: 1822—1897 74A—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE y, 1S 4 From the foreground a shallow stream or inlet indents green meadows with marshy borders, the water surface a soft white with reflections of a white and gray clouded sky, and at one edge of the stream lies a flat-bottomed boat. Straight ahead in the middle distance a large farmhouse with red-tiled roof lies beyond a hedge and within the pro- tection of flourishing trees. To right are cows, with more of them seen in farther fields, and in the hazy distance are towers of a Dutch city. Signed at the lower right, W. Rortors. By order of the Executors of the late THarcHrer M. Apams, New York. Height, 174% wmches; length, 264 inches tuiey Ill JULES DIDIER Frencu: 1831— 75—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE: ROMAN CAMPAGNA LO af Height, 18%4 inches; length, 27734 inches He CLL Fiexps of wild land, green, yellowish and brown, lie in a broad cloud : shadow in the foreground, while distant fields appear golden in sunshine ~ in a valley bounded by hazy mountains. On a mound of the nearer : middle distance are two gray cattle, and in the foreground a bird of prey has just pounced upon a hare. Signed at the lower left, Jutes Divrer. From the collection of the late Henry Sayurss, Boston. HRISTOFFEL BISSCHOP ie Dutcu: 1828—1904 KC 76—SAVING GRACE vA S0 Height, 2134 inches; length, 27 inches he fe g “fe f In a household of piety an aged woman in black, seated aWa frugal table, clasps her hands in prayer, and a younger woman facing her pauses in her bread-cutting, lowering her eyelids. She is in quiet colors, and a close white lace cap enfolds her light hair; at her feet 1s a cradle. From a window at the left a filtered light warms the soft colors of the room. Signed at the lower right, C. BisscHopr. From the collection of the late Henry Sayuxs, Boston. CHARLES CARYL COLEMAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1840— 77—STUDIO INTERIOR: STILL LIFE me ie Height, 21 mches; length, 314 inches bobs BK Gray studio walls at either side embrace a broad window recess the window woodwork dark brown, and through the many panes the eye sees white and creamy clouds overspreading an azure sky. On the window ledge and on a table before it are vases and musical instru- ments,’and whole branches of brilliant blossoms from the vases extend over the entire span of the window embrasure. At right the figure of a young woman holding a ewer, posed in:garments of soft rose and blue. Signed at the lower right, C C C (in monogram), Srupto, Capri, 1897. From the collection of the late Henry Sayuezs, Boston. - = AN dei DeehBin 7 ae Ee _— es . ae LP GUSTAVE LOIshs a : Frencu: ConTEMPORARY \ '78-LES BORDS DE L’EURE: LE MATIN ; — LOO 1 Height, 26 inches; length, 82 wmches yi) A VID a A sort morning light illumines a sylvan landscape which is itself soft- ened by a placidly winding stream, a faint auroral pink still lingers in and colors softly a pale robin’s-egg sky. The air vibrates gently with delicate color, intercepted by darkening shadows. ‘The river enters the picture at the left and passes out in the foreground, winding about a small, low, grassy point. ‘The rounded elbow of its farther bank is massed with trees, the foliage of those towards the left light green in the sunlight, while in those towards the right the leafage shares the light with variable shadows. Notes of color spring from the under- brush and shrubbery, and add their variations to the reflections on the water. Signed at the lower left, G. Lotsrav, with a date not readily decipherable (19097). Property of a Private Collector. = JULES WORMS Frencu: 1832—1881 a ron ads} 1} 79-SPANISH DANCERS Height, 23 inches; length, 31 inch -, JOC 2 eg inches; leng inches 4. dt A MERRY company, male and female, are gathered in a Spanish court- yard, and are entertaining themselves with music and dancing and song. In the background the gray wall of an inn, with projecting wooden balcony and an arched doorway, and on the right a mass of creeping and depending greenery, of vines in blossom. On a table in front of these, with the sunlight falling upon her, a short-skirted girl in blue dances lightly, while her comrades in costumes of varying color, crowd- ing in doorway and against the wall and on the ground, seated and standing, help joy along by smile or song or castanets, or by the music of tambourine, mandolin or guitar. Signed at the lower right, J. Worms. From the late Henry Hilton Sale, 1900. KiKi. BHi00 7 teagh f Jtank Property of a Private Owner. MAXIME MAUFRA ~Frencu: 1861—1918 | In 1895 he was made a chevalier de la légion Whonneur. His work is represented in the Luxembourg, Musée de la Ville “f Paris, Nantes and Rheims, Manchester (England), Chicago Art Institute and numerous private collections. \ 80—COIN DE PLAGE: BELLE-ILE EN MER ‘ | LES ROCHERS DES KORIGANS, DINAN | L004 Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches O. husth, a On the left massive rocks project into a greenish-turquoise sea whose ruffled surface laps their base gently. Their sides respond to the action of the elements in velvety tones of soft and varied color, and as they approach the foreground rise in abrupt walls above the picture limits; here and there on the steep walls bits of green vegetation have taken hold. In the foreground the green wavelets break on a beach of warm yellow sand, and in the distance the sea loses itself in violet-gray to meet a clouded horizon, above which is a tint of rose. Signed at the lower right, Maurra, 1905. Property of a Private Collector. J. FOXCROFT COLE AMERICAN: 183'77—1892 81—_VENICE (After Ziem) ISO 4 Height, 244% wmches; length, 3614 inches ae A copy of a Ziem composition in which sailboats with canvas of mellow colors lie at right and left in the foreground, with the city spread out beyond them, the Ducal Palace and the Campanile seen in the central distance, the domes of the Salute far away at the left. Aboard the boats are figures in colorful costume, and nets are hauled up for drying. Signed on the back, J. Coin. From the collection of the late Henry SAYLEs, Boston. J Se YN ; GILBERT MUNGER AMERICAN: 1837—1903 82—THE TWO BROTHERS: FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU 4107 Height, 24 inches; length, 3314 GAY 5 Z y) (GY Cuose in the foreground and standing at right and left of a shallow | brooklet are two sturdy trees of similar proportions, except that the one on the left projects some bare and blighted limbs skyward, while all the branches of the other have their full of foliage. The trees stand in a cloud shadow, their autumn leafage dark toward the spectator against a creamy and hazy sky, which meets a flat horizon far away. A mild autumn haze overhangs all the broad intervening fields of the great Barbizon plain, distant village buildings and trees are seen here and there, and occasional cattle, and in the middle distance stands a white cottage, while before it a farmer and his dog are crossing the brook. Signed at the lower left, GiLnERT MuNGER. Property of a Private Collector. yo S) THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 18387— 838—VENICE L004 Height, 22 inches; length, 37 inches Mb Adddbier In the distance on the right the Doge’s Palace and the Campanile, and opposite, the domes of the Salute, with a sunset sky beyond and the buildings largely in shadow. In the Laguna, in the central foreground a gondola crossing toward the right, and back of it a large number of boats closely bunched, their sails a rich mass of color. Above them the pale new moon. Signed at the lower right, T M (in monogram, with a device). By order of the Executors of the late TuHarcuer M. Apams, New York. EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN Bewician: 1799—1881 — 84—_THE DEAD LAMB Ge Height, 35 wmches; ‘width, 31 inches 1» XAlagman In a BaGintancus country, with high rounded Les)! in the background on the right, and lowering clouds over and beyond them, a horned sheep is depicted in the rocky foreground, standing over the body of a dead lamb. The sheep raises its head, and with mouth open is bleating sky- ward. With background dark and middleground in a gloaming light, a ray of sunshine falls upon sheep and lamb. Signed at the lower right, EvcENE VERBOECKHOVEN, 1875. Purchased by the late owner direct from the artist. By order of the Executors of the late THatcurer M. Apams, New York. JULES HEREAU Frencu: 1880—1879 85—_FARM WORKERS RESTING : , 0 4 130 i Height, 2624 inches; length, 364 inches 0. eS: LAMAN Frencu fields in summer sunshine reach back to the distance, cut along the right by a line of trees which bends into the foreground and throws it into shadow. Here in the cooling shade a shepherdess sits at the foot of a tree, her flock gathered about her, and a. farmer sits on the grass chatting with her, his team also sharing in the shade and one of the horses nibbling at a branch of the tree. To right, haystacks and the outskirts of a hamlet. Signed at the lower right, JuLEs HEREAUv, 66. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fme Arts. From the collection of the late Henry Sayues, Boston. GILBERT MUNGER AMERICAN: 1837—19038 86—_WOODS AT CHEVY CHASE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Sbor7 wus 0 Height, 26 mches; length, 3614 inches Mp. LY, 4 Vi, On the right, crowning a hillside which slopes leftward and toward the foreground, dense trees at the corner of a wood raise rounded tops of deep green leafage toward a blue sky laden with gray clouds. ‘Tops catch the sunshine, which spots the grassy foreground in front of shad- ows of the lower, nearer trees. Here two figures are standing, and in the lower foreground the edge of a pool comes into view. At left, dis- tant rolling hills in sunshine. Signed at the lower left, GirBERT MunceER. Property of a Private Collector. L. LEE ROBBINS CONTEMPORARY 87—_PORTRAIT OF A LADY VL ad Height, 434 inches; width, 25 eee fA Ma ‘THREE-QUARTER length standing figure of a blue-eyed young lady with Titian hair, facing the front, turned slightly toward the left. She wears an enormous black hat, with widely flaring and turned back rim, fluted and irregular of outline, and a long black cape clasped over a décolleté waist, with a pink rose at the corsage. Below, her skirt of rich blue comes to view, and in her ungloved hand she carries a book. Signed at the upper right, L. Ler-Roxgsrys, 1894. By order of the Executors of the late THatcHER M. Apams, New York. JOSEPH AMES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1816—1872 88—_THE MARSHES 170 “ Height, 2814 inches; length, 44 inches tb, berle SuUNsHINE and low drifting masses of thin gray cloud vapor give a broadly mottled effect to the flat surface of expansive lowlands, which reach to a far horizon, bordered in the distant right by low dark green woods. Meadows and marsh lands and a plowed field are golden, green and brown, cows are here and there, and at right a farmhouse nestles among trees. Signed at the lower right, J. Ames, 1869. - From the collection of the late Henry Sayuxs, Boston. FRITS THAULOW Norwecian: 1847—1906 89 LA SEINE EN NOVEMBRE Lh Height, 29 inches; length, 46 inches able A Broan view of the river with its swirls and eddies carefully studied, in the gray afternoon of a hazy fall day. Green and white and with sundry varied hues, the water fills more than two-thirds of the picture. In the background city buildings come to view in the haze, and lights appear in them and along the quays—along one of which are seen trees in autumn foliage—and the lights continue across a bridge which spans the middle distance. In the foreground a river steamer filled with people. Signed at the lower left, Frirs THautow, 92. Signed also with date and title on stretcher. From the collection of the late Henry Sayuss, Boston. FREDERICK J. WILEY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 90—WOODLAND LANDSCAPE: SUNSHINE AND SHADOW if 70 q ‘ : Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches tat Ipclecr SUNSHINE and shade, woodland and clearing, in the deep coloring and the brilliance of autumn. Woods are at either side of the picture, deep green at left, lightened on the right, and within the shadowed foreground of lush herbage and brown lies a dark pool with a single light reflection. - At either side in front of the woods are tall detached oaks with leafage brown and yellow. In the central distance, more trees in golden sun- shine, and a figure where shade and sunlight meet. Signed at the lower right, WiLEy. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. SECOND EVENING’S SALE ete PANUARY 15, 1920 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O'CLOCK ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS Frencu: 18038—1860 91-_THE HUNTER FS (Gouache Drawing) K Maaguean Height, 74% inches; width, 5 imches A nunTER homeward bound is portrayed in a wild country, toward evening. He comes forward at a swinging gait, his two dogs in leash trotting at his side, gun slung within his elbow, an intent expression on his rugged features. Done in black crayon, with fixative, on a sepia ground, and with touches of white. a GERMAN: 1828—i1899 \ : 1083—W ALLACHIAN POST STATION (Panel) > J, / /KOO 7 Height, 81/, inches; width, 61/4 inches A A Tue corner of a rude but firmly built rustic cabin with thatch roof pro- jects from the right, receding to a fence which encloses its door-yard. Snow clings to the roof, and covering the ground blows toward the foot of a single, solid wooden door which is closed. A lone horseman, swarthy of hue and heavily clad, mounted on a short sorrel stallion, has ridden to the door and raps on it with the butt of his whip. Signed at the lower right, Av. ScHREYER. Purchased from the late William Schaus. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, New York, 1866; No. 60. BIIS04 Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. LUDWIG KNAUS \/ GERMAN: 1829—1910 10A—THE CITY GIRL / ISO 1 (Panel ) Step Ft. “Height, 10 inches; width, 71% inches Bust portrait of an affable young lady of full development, figure slightly to the right and face turned toward the left, observed in a soft and diffused light before a neutral olive background. Her light chest- nut hair is fluffy in front, and wound in a braid over the back of her head. Her cheeks are rosy, and their dimples and the Cupid-bow lips and blue eyes present a gracious smile. Plum-colored décolletté waist in flowered pattern, with corsage edged in white. Signed at the upper right, L. Knaus, ’77. Painted to order for the late Samuel P. Avery of New York. From the Whitney Collection, New York, 1885; No. 212. Yo few 1“ OF Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. Catalogue ttn OUAS ‘ ‘ ADOLPHE MONTICELLI Frencu: 1824—1886 105—DANS LE JARDIN : P 1 WEA ae Height, 884 mches; width, 584 ma In a clear and sunny spot in a great park, four ladies are assembled in afternoon conversation, casually engaged, and are observed against a background of brownish woods; glimpses of a blue sky are obtained above sturdy branches and through clefts in the dense foliage. Of the ‘ ladies, who are all standing, two face the observer, their features appear- ing in sunshine and dappled with shadows, one lady is seen in profile to the left and one in rear view. Their costumes are scarlet and gold, with a foil of dark neutral tones. Beside the group, at right, is an urn of blossoming flowers. (On the back of the panel is a lively sketch of sev- eral figures, by the same artist.) a a ee thei ae Signed at the lower right, MontTICcEL4.. — From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT AMERICAN: 1824-1879 106—OUT IN THE COLD Hh b O77 Height, 121% mches; length, 1414 inches ik boo feu/ A LIGHT snow covers a sloping field, with the green suggestion of the covered grass retained, and at the head of the slope, at the right, the brown trunks of a group of trees stand out against the red of a winter sunset. In the foreground a small boy well muffled up drags homeward branches of firewood. Signed at the lower right, Wm. M. Hunt, 1864. From the collection of the late Henry Sayurs, Boston. DAVID YOUNG CAMERON Britisu: 1865— 107—_MOUNT AINS | (Panel) HO 7 Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches pal; ae PEAKED mountains with jagged inclines rise bleak and barren on either hand, their slopes appearing brown and purplish against a sky veiled in light vaporous clouds. In the middle distance, as the eyes look up a bit of a drear, unfriendly valley, a rough and low outpost of rock gleams, light gray and white in sunlight, and at its foot in the foreground comes to view the only bits of verdure the landscape presents—rough patches of green grass. Signed at the lower left, D. Y. CAMERON. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE Frencu: 1844— 7 108—LANDSCAPE WITH SHEPHERD, | : FLOCK AND WINDMILL Yoo Tt (Pastel) vam Height, 13814 HE: length, 1714 mches v a Grazine fields and fields of Seeing! land, rolling, low kb He Ss, reach to a village of clustering red roofs, and its dominant church. The _ foreground is within a cloud-shadow, and here a shepherd is at the head of his flock, and at left a gray windmill stands in imposing isola- tion. Sunshine illumines the farther fields and a haystack there, and the village beyond. Signed at the lower left, LuERMirre. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. JIN 10 Baugh furres lirur0ed Saladin, bo fa ay Se Sold. hifch £27 1908 ~ BAAKK = a hie Ge ; ee. eee, S.C eA a ay ep ee ee HENRI HARPIGNIES- FRENCH: —1819—1916 109 LANDSCAPE e — (Water Color) [00-7 a Height, 652 inches; length, 1014 inches a Leaglak | AT oa Fl left. and in the distance are creamy and gray farm build- | : ings with red tile roofs, and in a rough, climbing road between them, with a | verdure at either side, are two small peasant figures and some Nomndeang ; chickens. Signed at the lower left, H. Harrientes. From the collection of the late Henry SayLEs, Bogen ELIHU VEDDER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836— 110—CONSPIRACY OR CONFIDENCES? /$0- Height, 1534 inches; width, 1014 inches Be fbuegwcan f Portrait figures of two men, at three-quarters length, a group segre- gated from a larger composition. ‘The men are in the rich and colorful apparel of the days of ruffs and slashed sleeves, and are in earnest con- versation. One, a dark, bearded man with brows knit, faces the observer and listens dubiously but intently to a ruddy and sandy comrade of Falstaffian figure, who is seen a little less than in profile facing the left. Conventional background of architecture and landscape. Signed at the right, midway, on the pillar, E. VeppER. From the collection of the late Henry Sayues, Boston. WILLIAM P. BABCOCK AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 111—AT THE MIRROR Go a” é Height, 1734 inches; width, 18 inches te Mee i ii THREE-QUARTER length figure of a plump, rosy-cheeked and red-haired young peasant girl, standing in profile to the left before a small mirror which reveals her full face. She wears a red and green plaid dress and a red shawl. Signed at the upper right, W. Bascock, °57. From the collection of the late Henry Sayuxrs, Boston. FOOT DAVID YOUNG CAMERON i Britiso: 1865— tS, 112—BEN LEDI: SUNSET Mounrarns rise dark and in sharp outline against a light creamy sky— a sunset sky of pale canary or of palest gold with the slightest sugges- tion of green. Aloft a single dark streak accents the gold, and at left is a tinge of mauve. In the flat valley of the foreground a few trees and shrubs appear dimly, in their modest share of the reduced light reflected from the sky. : Signed at the lower right, D. Y. C. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. GILBERT MUNGER AMERICAN: 1837—1903 1183—FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU (Panel) : oJ / O- Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches ff y, : Sool, Across a foreground of green herbage, dark in forest shadows and en- circling a small and silvery pool, the visitor looks through a broad umbrageous arch which is also deep green in its own shadow, to an area of the forest land flooded with sunshine, and on to a vaporous turquoise sky tinged with soft cream-white and delicate mauve. Out in the sunny area are lines of short trees in the colors of the early autumn, with a clear vista down the centre of the plain in which they stand, and at the edges of the shaded arch bright shafts of light accent the silver trunks of birches. Two women in the sun are binding up fagots, and a third is resting in the shadow of a tree. Signed at the lower left, GrrnERT MuNGER. Property of a Private Collector. Height, 13 inches; length, 16 wa fF Abawaheaus) AUGUSTIN THEODULE RIBOT Frencu: 1823—1891 ; a 114—THE YOUNG CELLARER at /b60 4 Height, 18 inches; width, 1434 inches dy h de y ; In dim and spacious caves, with high round arches in which the shadows are deep, a blond and stout young man in loose white shirt and blue apron stands facing the observer, and holding up to the light a wine - bottle, another bottle in his other hand held at his side. More bottles are on the floor, and in the background, behind a vat, an assistant is seen ’ with another bottle. 2 : Signed at the lower right, Risot (with date 1868?). From the collection of the iate Henry Sayues, Boston. i y JOSEF ISRAELS Dutcu: 1824—1911 115_IN THE GLOAMING : (Panel) ZA 150 as Height, 18 inches; width, 1484 inches M4. M b- Jehuwab- Tue last tinges of sunset linger in a clouded sky, against which are seen the slowly darkening trees about a Holland farmhouse and its outbuild- ings. In front of these a fenced-off green lot shows a spot of color in a mound or two of hay at the left, and in the foreground two peasants, a youth and a maiden, lean against the heavy rail fence, edging together in sympathetic twilight proximity and peace after the individual labors of the day. He is in his shirt sleeves, and both are in sabots; she wears a white Dutch cap and her arms are folded. Signed at the lower right, JosEF IsRaELs. Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. WILLEM MARIS aa Dutcu: 1844—1910 116—DUCKS . /1004 Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches Loot. -Siible ; Ducks on the wing and ducks placidly swimming, their plumage glisten- ing in the soft and diffused light of a slightly hazy day. ‘They are seen above and on a silvery stream which from the foreground courses almost straight back to a hazy distance where gray windmills are descried. To left of the stream leaning willows line its bank, and to right of it are lush green meadows. Signed at the lower left, Wittem Maris. Purchased from Messrs. Knoedler & Co. . From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. !/ 753, hsedeh po Ip. heott Lhurbe) db-typgog, BARKX * SNA, ja A & Man den av b/ig bs BASKK 11769,, Udinnen tag ‘904, a, ; dota . tb. 0. buck May (90 f,7 BASKX., DON RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SPANISH: 1841— 117—_UNMASKED (Panel ) a? 75- + Height, 29 inches; width, 1614, inches KU Npyoctllev ms Vi FuLL-LENGTH portrait of a complacent beauty with easy smile, décolleté waist with shoulder sleeves, and short skirts, carelessly seated upon the arm of a carved gilt settee, and glancing dreamily over her left shoulder as she faces the spectator. Throat and hair banded in red, she wears a dark velvet bodice, buff-brown skirt, and underskirt striped in brilliant red and edged with lace flounces. She is pleasantly fatigued, and on her lap rests the black face-screen from a bal masqué. Property of Mrs. E.,W. Bass, New York. \ WILLARD LEROY METCALF AMERICAN: 1858— 118—_MOON LIGHT ¢ I SEO 7 Height, 26 inches; length, 29 inches ELLA Bacx of a white rail fence which stands on the far side of a roughly broken country road a tall and roomy farmhouse looms against a star- lit sky, and its white face is traced with the shadow-branches of a grace- ful tree standing in front of it, outside the fence, the whole landscape being bathed in soft moonlight. In a corner of the house sheltered by bushes the mellow glow of an interior light appears. Signed at the lower right, W. L. Mercatr, 1906. From the collection of the late Henry Sayuxrs, Boston. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. ; eee ee 1500— - 119—SEPTEMBER AFTERN OON S000 3 Height, 14 inches; length, 19 neh th Ww A Broap green meadow spans he foreground, dotted with/notes of field flowers and the hint of a silvery rill. At the left is the dark edge of a green wood, with a line of slender saplings standing as sentinels before __ 4 it. In the distance are agricultural fields, and farm buildings, and at the 4 right is a low, bush-covered hillside, the whole under a sky aoe with the drifting clouds of September showers. | "Signed at the lower left, J. FRANCIs Mase. 99. From the collection of the late H. B. Dick, New York. JOHN SINGER SARGENT, N.AJ RAG aes ree GNnee hice 1856— ee a ~ q 120--SKETCH OF A LABORER yr g Ae Height, 3014 inches; width, 25 inches *. THREE-QUARTER length figure of a man of an type, daly Fouled 4 a black hair overhanging his brows, standing with his back to a light gray wall and facing the left, three-quarters front, with his head thrown well back. His eyes are narrowed and leveled, as though scrutinizing some piece of work with judgment and care. A brown cloak hanging on his right shoulder falls away from the left shoulder, and is brought around under the left armpit, leaving the left shoulder and breast nude. The flesh is creamy and supple, in‘a broad, warm and variable light. With bare arm akimbo, the left hand rests upon his hip; (the right arm and hand not visible). On a wall-shelf and wall beyond eat a plate and classical pottery pitchers, gray and blue and ereen. | From the collection of the late H. B. ‘Dicx, ven York. W966 4 Boughh Armes taguat crack VE hei fa Tare tal 5. NSA te fo. bik ME PEOS 1 Theo pectin. wae cnh hrs bec to J. S$. b: nk falon and re Tos SH! 7 4 j _ Z ~ — an ye E a = ea 7 ae ee ae en ee — cre oaacaa Cs - “ - - = = = SS eg ac = — ne o ee nn ne ennai ssp SSISESINS SESSA ESE - - - ara meee emanate . sananasl AER es a Xf GEORGE INNESS, NAL AMERICAN: 1825—1894 | 121—SUMMER LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES J/KOO 7 - Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches 4 re, Ar right on the edge of a green clearing are handsome birches of noble” proportions, and seated in the sunlight near them, at a large log, are two persons in conversation. The foreground is in shadow, and herea turn of a brook comes into view. At the distant left a load of hay is being driven down a road vane amid finely flourishing green trees. Exhibited at the Roo Museum of Fine Arts. From the collection of the late Henry Sayizs, Boston. MARTIN RICO SpanisH: 1850—1908 122—FISHING PARTY: THE RIVER SEINE LO 7 Height, 15 inches; length, 2244 snchen 4. O. Loos In the foreground the placid river mirrors its farther bank of grasses, shrubbery and trees, the fleecy clouds in a robin’s-egg sky, and the inverted images of a fishing party in three rowboats drawn up at the edge of the bank. In one boat are two men, one man has a boat to him- self, and in the other boat are a man and a woman. In the background is a varied rural landscape of vague charm. Signed on the central boat, Rico. Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE Frencu: 1844— | [', ye ( pve d 123—_SHEPHERD AND FLOCK (Pastel) /1E0O 4 Height, 20 inches; length, 23 inches by Li Pate yellow and rose tinge a sunset sky, visible at left over far-off’cobalt hills and at right above the tops of near-by tall haystacks, between which rays of the waning light brighten an earth carpet of fresh green grass. A diagonal line of aged pollard willows forms an angle with the ' line of the haystacks, and within the angle there comes forward a stout shepherd wrapped in his greatcoat, at the head of his close-following flock. Signed at the lower left, L. LHERMITTE. Property of Mrs. E. W. Bass, New York. WILLEM MARIS Dutcu: 1844—1910 124 THE THREE TREES AND THE D ee JKOO Height, 16142 inches; width, 124% mches ¥\\ Two ducks are in the water of a marshy stream, which run m the ro : , foreground back to a hazy and indefinite distance. The water surface is silvery with cloud reflections, and interrupted by yellow and brown and green notes of grasses and weeds that grow up through the shallows. Three more ducks are in flight above the stream, at whose edge on the right some brown bushes line a bank of soft green. Above these rise conspicuously three slender trees, whose wispy foliage holds the sombre hues of autumn. | Signed at the lower right, WittEM Manis. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. . [19% 4 Brughir La! Hbag we. Dek 51909 JLTRRI Sotd . ot. i. OStclas her1271909., Box OV + Sold. 76. 7. Mek LKisgve 7 POAXx 4 HENRI HARPIGNIES , Penner: 1819—1916 } i 125—LANDSCAPE AT SUNSET a KLO0 7 ; Ue 251, inches ; width, 23 mches Tw a: wild part aE fair France the eye ‘looks westward ao a Xe 7 vale with trees at either side, across a wandering river and a low em- bankment, toward the westering sun rapidly sinking in crimson below the horizon, which shows a soft glow of gold. Toward the zenith the sky is still a pale turquoise blue. The low land of the foreground 1s gray with tufts of brown and green, and on a rise at either side the a vegetation thickens: At left silvery trunks of slender trees are picked _ a out below a dense expanse of green foliage which stands dark against the sky, while on the right a line of feathery trees catches a slant of light from the sunset, bhehienigg and gilding their leafage. Signed at the ieee left, H. Harricnigs, 1907. Property of Mrs. Anna J. SCHOELKOPF. MAE Sis coe. GUSTAVE COURBET Ss FRENCH: 1g TO 1B a 126—BORDS DU DOUBS: EFFET D'AUTOMN KOOOz +» Height, 82 inches; width, 26 arhens Mee 3 A strep hillside coming into view high a on the left in the middle distance : slopes to the foreground and toward the right, its deep. green grass turning to yellowish- green near at hand, and the slope enriched and brightened by. the red and rich yellow of shrubbery and brush, this 4 4 warm coloring further heightened by the autumn foliage of a tree tower- ing over a great rock whose base is swept by a dark greenish-blue river. Above the stream, which appears only in the right’ foreground, moun- — tains rise abruptly, to rearward, and in their higher altitudes. snow lies white within their cradling blue summits. Signed at the lower left. G. Govmnen 6G: From the Pel ecUe’ of the late HENRY SAYLES, Boston RICHARD PARKES BONINGTON EncusuH: 1821—1828 127—THE TURK P00 1 Height, 1814 inches; length, 16144 ious | | f; twee A swartuy turk with thick black moustache is seated on the floor, with back against the wall, surrounded by cushions and in the shadow of a rich cardinal drapery. With one hand raised to his turbaned head, he holds with the other his very long, straight stemmed, glowing pipe. He faces the spectator, with dreamy eyes cast down. From the collection of the late Henry Sayues, Boston. 2 ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS | Frencu: 1803—1860 e ‘ 1283—HIMSELF AS OTHERS SEE HIM “(| LE Ae Height, 12° inches; length, 15% pate Malena A portTrayAL of a large and very sapient-looking simian, brown of coat and gray of face, who after regarding himself in a hand-mirror turns to look at the spectator keenly, with eye ready for a challenge.» He is seated on a light brownish floor, facing the left, and the dark brown of his coat is relieved and enriched by a dark crimson drapery gathered about his knees, his upper body being seen against a grayish-white wall brightened by sunlight. On. the back, the initials D. C. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. From the collection of the late Henry Sayutxs, Boston. | th NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA x Frencu: 1807—1876_ 129—FEMME ET LAMOUR 7 S000 7 Height, 1114 inches; width, 684 O° Mp 4, : bo Acarnst a dark woodland background the figure group is seen in sun- shine and shadow, the high light falling broadly uopn the flesh of Venus and her draperies, as she stands leaning, half-sitting, against a grass- covered rocky mound. Her draperies of white and rose fall to her waist, clinging by loops to her arms. With figure three-quarters to the front she faces the left, her face being seen in profile as she looks down at Cupid, and she extends her right hand over his head while supporting herself with her left against the mound. ee ee Fa a Signed at right, on the mound, N. Dtaz. Purchased from the French expert, M. Georges Petit, Paris. e ° a, } f f od) ¥ From the late Mr. ALBERT SPENCER’s private collection. Wh sm ed Caley Sameer semanas Pare Maen oe NOIRE ES EE Og tee See if Ve VV NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA “a Frencu: 1807—1876 130—AN APOTHEOSIS | (Panel) bn 5O i: Height, 1814 inches; width, 104% inches NGO OLE Aw allegorical female figure painted in the nude, in the attitude of an ascension into space, a remarkably fine bit of painting, in construction, surfaces and values. The figure seems to be rising among tenuous clouds in a turquoise sky, headed toward the right and away from the observer, and about to go free of draperies slipping from the knees. Her face is turned away and a mass of Titian hair to view, and the right hand is extended lightly before the breast. The body is in sinuous posture and the play of transparent shadow about the muscles most deftly managed. < Signed at the lower right, N. Diaz. Purchased from the late Adolf Kohn, New York. From the late Mr. ALBERT SPENCER’s private collection. (> O«, Méle ee JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1812—1889 131—AT CLOSE OF DAY ORs N50 4 Height, 916 inches; width, 7% inches [A : tb Frevps of wild land, pastures, with stubble and brush, rocks and occa- sional trees, are receding from detailed view in the gloaming, and shad- ows deepen in the middle distance. In a confused and windy sky a white-edged cloud-bank near the horizon catches a creamy light from the departed sun, and reflects it upon the foreground, gilding the figures of cows recumbent near a pool. Signature on the back, J. Dupre. Eahibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. From the collection of the late Henry Sayuzs, Boston. | : J : i . “ * bitte «michal JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencu: 1796—1875 ney ; Nv 1382—LANDSCAPE » (Panel ) ; POO + Height, 14 inches; width, 101% inches O Meenth, Aigeh A Brook gray and silvery, and with a hint of blue, issues from beyond a blunt and rough point of land on the right of the foreground, and curling forward about the point, purls out of view with the limits of the picture on the right. Seated in the soft and deep green grass on the left of the stream, a peasant girl in a red cap watches her goats, which may be seen in the middle distance, where the ravine of the brook yields to hills. At right and left grow feathery Corot trees, and a distant hill is crowned by buildings, beneath a turquoise sky of many clouds. Signed at the lower left, Coror. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. fo OM. 42.58, Argh ugllamans Mev iste, fotKx |e Sd. Ullearue tboaitt Gb 1893 1 BMSK* # 7377 ; Sota. €.&. ackem fr hor 3of-g0b, B OSXX 4 47! flianen 9 1909, aud Sole 6.03. Mrek fteo- 19.29 Bisee ns ON CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 133-SHEPHERDESS AND FLOCK IN FOREST fs a pagel 7, det ea Height, 134% inches; aaaite 101% inches OK Hala Brotuer monarchs of the forest, two great trees aged and gnarled, stand at the right, on the border of their green and dense domain, in a green clearing at the edge of a pond. Their gray trunks reflect silvery rays of light, and their upper branches range above and beyond the picture. At the foot of the larger tree a young shepherdess in pink and gray and blue and white stands leaning against the sturdy trunk, watch- ing her flock of sheep that have come to the water to drink. The sun- light that glints from the fungus-grown tree-trunks also silvers the noses BP the Shee and the unctuous surfaces of their fleece. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Tacave. From the eclleaizon of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. | CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY | Frencu: 1817—1878 134. VILLAGE ON THE OISE Wy w + : 4100 7 Height, 15 inches ; length, 2616 inc yy. Mba Me + ba , A section of the village comes into view at the left, on the top i a green bank which rolls gently down to the placid, silvery river, which occupies all the foreground and in the middle distance loses itself amid wooded shores softly luminous in the first tints of autumn. The shadows of the trees mottle the water, two punts are drawn up at the end of the bank, and at the foot of a gray path down the slope a laundress accom- ~ panied by a small boy is doing the linge. 'The village houses are creamy, under dense roofs of brown thatch, and the garden walls are creamy and gray. Signed at the lower left, Dausicny, 1863. Eahibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1886. ae From the collection of the late Henry Sayues, Boston. F htat a JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT / Frencu: 1796—1875 135—LANDSCAPE WITH COWS im \\ te tHoo-+ Height, 15% inches; length, 235% ee é y te. Hazy in the far distance are low hills, above whose AC an orange glow suffuses the horizon, and the sky of white clouds above lightens a silvery reach of water that comes between two points of land in the middle distance and spreads out in the foreground, where it laps lazily a shore of grasses, reeds and blossoming wild plants. The point of land on the left. rises in a steep slope, and large and small trees on it spread their leafage before the sky and throw the nearby foreground into transparent shadow. Beyond them houses are seen on the slope. On the right the point of land is low and lightly wooded, and an indefinite structure appears at its tip. In the foreground shallows two red cows stand knee deep. Signed at the lower Sat Coror. Exhibited at the Roston Museum of Fine Arts. From the collection of the late Henry Saytzs, Boston. ro ey PN ee EN Pee ee er ee ee y x Pa Sey i” ADOLF SCHREYER a German: 1828—1899 136—A WALLACHIAN TEAM Oth. - Height, 314% inches; length, 59 inches NIGHTFALL approaches in a wild and lightly wooded country, with scat- tered trees at the foot of a mound on the left and the edge of a wood on a higher hillock on the right. Through the hollow between these emi- nences a deeply rutted road runs, winding off toward the left, and in it in the foreground is a heavily loaded cart drawn by a numerous team of straining horses. Led by one man in the saddle, they are urged with the whip by another man riding a wheeler. The last rays of-the setting — sun brighten their glistening backs, and in the shadow of the hill, escap- » ing the sunlight, is a third mounted man, accompanying the convoy as guard or director. Signed at the lower right, Ap. ScHREYER. Originally purchased from Flic late William Schaus. f fa From the Henry T. Cox Collection, New York, 1902.~ aan _ Property of a Private Owner. We 6 OO 7 “EL eight, me inches; length, 8234 inches EMILE VAN MARCKE Recon 1827—1890 Py 137—THE FARM AND ITS LIFE 4 : q CoTrTaGES me ate buildings, flocks and herds, and their ald be 2 both human and animal, and the wide-reaching fields, all are brought together by the artist and concentrated in a profound study of appre- ciation and sentiment, one of the painter’s most eloquent efforts and without the drawback of the great scale of some of his comprehensive canvases. Here are clustered on the left a hamlet group of cottages, gray, yellow and reddish-brown, with thick roofs of warm brown thatch; the nearer roofs reach above the picture and over the ridge of their next neighbor project the taller branches of friendly trees. Turning the angle of a narrow street and coming forward, a farmer is following his animals, a black cow in shadow and some sheep in front of: her and in -front of them a calf, while leading all are two cows, a white-faced red cow and a white cow, well forward in the sunshine—in their shadow at the side a black shepherd dog. At right more sheep are nibbling beside a cottage, at the edge of the fields. Essentially placid, the entire com- position is rendered with an animated sympathy supporting sureness of technical accomplishment. Signed at the lower left, Em. van Marcxe. From the Henry -T.. Cox Collection, New York, 1902,.~X45 oe bS.: M The property of a Private Owner. fio 4 eo “Fane i £ i c > — eae 2 ee eee ne ee en ee a eee Ne ee ee Ue ee ie | ee ioe. ty at ee eet a ee Pe a ae 8 a 5 : f ad eee Oi eo a SUR ia eS Bie, : FREDERICK J. WILEY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 138—OAK IN AUTUMN /b0 7 Height, 24 inches; length, 32 "6 On the right the edge of a green wood under a Mads darssig La sky, and before it in the foreground a detached tree, an oak leaning slightly, at the edge of a spring-pool. The gray bark gleams white in a slant of © light, the foliage is autumn-brown with touches of red. Surrounding © the pool, green grass and weeds, enlivened by wild flowers, and at the — border of the pool a figure. Signed at th lower right, WILEY. From the collection of the late H. B. Dicx, New York. FRANCOIS CLOUET | (ATTRIBUTED TO) vA Frencu: 1510(?)—1572 \ A 5° 4 | Height, 12%4 inches; width, 8% inches yy WJ ‘ : SMALL figure, bust length, turned three-quarters to the left. Ina gold brown slashed doublet, linen collar and flat red cap. A small beard and moustache. He holds a carnation in his right hand. Green background. The name of Clouet is today regarded as generic rather than as signifying any clearly defined individual. Jehan Clouet seems to have been of Flemish extraction; and, although his son Francois Clouet was court painter to Henri II, he worked under northern influence. This portrait was bought by Mr. Adams in Paris, with an attribution to Clouet. | 139—PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH A RED HAT | . | . By order of the Executors of the late TuHarcuer M. Apams, New York. ENGLISH SCHOOL 1 Earzty NINETEENTH CENTURY 140—CHILDREN BLOWING BUBBLES 4 i Oe». Height, 25 inches; width, 191% inches Wh ogee | A urtLe girl in low cut blue dress is seated on the left. She looks up at the large soap bubble which has just been blown by the boy, who, in a a brown coat and white waistcoat, is on the right; he holds a dish of a soapy water in his extended right hand. In composition and general style, this recalls certain pictures by John Opie (1761-1807). When acquired by Mr. Adams, it passed under the name of “Le Main.” By order of the Executors of the late Tuarcuer M. Apams, New York. } SIR HENRY. RAEBURN, RAS Score: 1756—1823 R be ake ? 141 PORTRAIT OF FR nat RONSIDE cong 4 sath ne OF TANNOCKSIDE a | $5007 om “Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches VE iy Ta -LENGTH, trek -quarters to the Higli the face to the ante i a dark blue coat, buttoned across the chest, white stock. Wearing side whiskers. Neutral Seneca ral ae oe Ee eee oe Purchased from W allis & Sah London. From. the ee of the late Hewry = Boston. ; | ee hohe i / 99% [Wel (a fons) 4 My. 19.0 Yodi ae nt £5 1906 epg) 07% 8 ! Ot. (50 es ee ee ee ee ee * s f 7 ae og ol a # 4 Made Lean. ty V1ee 4 ‘ ~ pot e725 Le 5 ad S a / f Rar y . ae f Se eos ee IE CTT E : gw fio" ae Yeh 29% inches: re ty v8 A me t eyes “LENGTH, three-quarters to me left, buttons, lary ge white muffler. _ ground. os ee a t ” Purchased from Wallis & SoH London. From the collection of the late Heyny Savixs a) ai? Ie aii ~ _ > ¢ ik . “a MICHIEL JANSZ VAN MIEREVELT oy ie ~ Dutcu: 1567—1641 , : 143—PORTRAIT OF A BURGOMASTER /007 Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Vee Hatr- -LENGTH, three-quarters to the right. In a black brocaded aah let, flat collar with lace strings, soft black felt hat. The features re- | fined and strong; the eyes blue and the expression serious; an eet ine and moustache. | 4) { ~ Signed half way down on the right with the artist’s monogram, inseribed “aet. suae, 42,” and dated 1639. And so one of his very latest works. Formerly in Hie collection of Mrs. Clarence, M. Hyde, sold February 20, 1912, No. 147. 82/00 4 M ve darcy MH. o= By order of the Executors of the late Tuarcuer M. fey New Vou r Se OE . —_ ees “ee a tee a ae —S — SSS SS AELBERT CUYP — Durcu: 1620—1691 144—PORTH AIT OF A GIRL bo000% : eieghs, 42 inches; width, 81 inches , i ee C SMALL full- -length figure of a are aged about twelve, in a grey tage a with stiff skirt; short sleeves embroidered with gold; pink bow; large — lace collar and cuffs; a cap, trimmed with gold braid, and having a yellow and pink tassel; fair hair and earrings. She stands slightly - toward the right on a paved floor. With her left fingers she.touchesa . bunch of grapes, which, together with a peach, black grapes andalemon, = is in a dish on the table on the right. Curtain backgroune: ) | Purchased from Sir Charles Robinson by the late Thatcher M. done mm 1911. By order of the Executors of the late Tuarcuer M. Apvams, New York. V/ ASOO 4 Height, 29 inches; width, 24 ee 4 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. Enewiso: 1728—1792 145—PORTRAIT OF MASTER HAR a . AS “INFANCY” Smauy three-quarter length figure. In a white, low-cut Sum and puce sash, turned toward the left and pointing at some distant and unseen object. A tree above and to the right in full autumn foliage. Master Francis George Hare was the eldest son of Francis Hare, or Hare- Naylor, of Hurst-Monceux, the associate of Charles James Fox. He sat for “Infancy” in 1788 and 1789. The picture, which was exhibited at the British Institution in 1845 and at the Royal Academy in 1872, was painted for his aunt, Lady Jones, wife of Sir William Jones. It passed to Miss Shipley, Marcus Theodore Hare, Julius | Charles Hare and Augustus J. C. Hare. It was the subject of a lawsuit at Westminster Hall, London, in 1869. (Graves and Cronin: “Works of Reynolds,” =_— 1899, Vol. II, p. 435.) It was engraved by R. Thew and S. W. Reynolds. Since 1906 it has been in the Metropolitan Museum (No. 248). Another version of the same subject is “the picture of unquestioned authen- ticity and great charm, the “Portrait of Master Hare” (No. 1818B), by Sir Joshua Reynolds, who in this, as in other similar pieces, proved himself the painter par — excellence of childhood in all its innocence and ingenuousness, even though this picture is by no means impeccable as regards draughtsmanship. It was bequeathed to the Louvre by Baron Alphonse de Rothschild in 1905. (“The Louvre: Fifty Plates in Colour,” 1910, p. 305.) This, a third, version of the subject was. for some time the property of Thomas Hoade Woods, for upward of forty years a partner in the firm of Christie, Manson -. & Woods, and was sold at his sale at Christie’s May 26, 1906, No. 74. £/959, 00 Me reo d F. C. Lewis engraved the “Portrait of Master Hare,” after J. Slater’s picture painted in the “Grillion’s Club.” -O’Donoghue: “Engraved British Portraits in the British Museum,” 1910, Vol. Il, p. 443. A. L. A. “Portrait Index,” p. 654. Hare: “Story of My Life,” 1901, Vol. III, p. 10. Reynolds: “Engravings by S. W. Reynolds,” Vol. II, plate, 49. By order of the Executors of the late THatcHer M. Apams, New York. _ s ATL t Uni “ye 2 93 atk pit é ae s {4 eh YW . hon 6 fe Phe M ef ofs- liad wv / aud a peytc : te. Fhe cot oF. of ti inetd pe Lp 7. Vee After tte . . / 2 4% thle A y tr Li [4/3 : ¥ 6 hee Z G3. 10,0 Fe Som a ee “St. bY xk = S ole Ue pt 199922, SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A. Scortisu: 1756—1823 146—4A BOY WITH CHERRIES a ho.b60 Tes Height, 29 inches ; a 24 inches OA k Apenk SMALL; nearly full length: to the front. Fair-haired, blue- -eyed, rasyet fe ae cheeked, in white shirt, sitting on a hillock. His left hand is raised and — | holds cherries ; his right grasps the handle of the basket on the ground a atk by his side. F Hie eae in the possession of the family of the artist, and by them exhibited — V at Edinburgh, 1876, No. 89. Included in the Raeburn sale at Christie’s May 5 1877. Subsequently in the collection of Captain Gaskell. Sold at Christie’s, March © 17, 1888, No. 80. Later in the collection of Sir William Cunliffe Brooks (died 1900) — and disposed of at Christie’s in June, 1901. Three years later it was in the possession of Major Oswald Ames, in London. . eeee. / W. R. Andrew: “Raeburn,” 1894, p. 105. “Year's Art,’ 1902, p. 278. val Armstrong: “Raeburn,” 1901, p. 115. Graves: “Century of Loan Exhibition,” 1914, Vol. III, p. 975. By order of the Executors of the late THatcurer M. Apams, New York. a» on! (F by a pheno © L088, 0.0 Kida seen a og ce | a ¢ Bd a by us } A 4 & See) ) J yt ble hhincist [¥. P dollar , banen | 7 ag Mand fe se mg : + : F . ) - -* ; 4 : fo | ; [Su Via tual fe rots ), | Jurae 190/ ) 401 ; fies, eS ot ) ’ : He - 5 ' : [30 x 45) ee 7. wk Lhe Barete 4 oF thuahe a); Ft qt, 190% 1480 a : a7 A 4} rt cee ot eee ot Sau AP Ny be rl wW on Mn Aart « pi eftrre Yar C0UM < : ce. r ie Loa ae She Per ee ape A 4 ak Ugpad af toe a fa : { f S cad to Me ay { i 4 oe BS rd GJ. 0 i) TO VAWMIES, 3 f f v ¢ >) J f j ; Me /g 9 b pte tales Aine toe leap a pele ian I didi C4 « 1876 fat -Te AP se ee oe, ee eee ea ee eee ee Se aoe ee ee SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A. ScorrisH : 1756—1828 BF 147—-PORTRAIT OF LADY BROUGHTON , # ? Pode i Q [8 300+ | Height, 35 inches; width, 24 inches WH Li is a oe THREE-QUARTER length; three quarters to the fett seated. In a ni 2 dress of muslin, black sash; a blue wrap lying across her arms. Dark — 4 blue and gold ribbon in her dark hair. Her left arm rests on a pedestal. — Sky background. al ‘Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Philip Egerton and sister of Sir John eden of Fulton Park, married, June 5, 1792, Sir John Delves Broughton, 7th Bart. ‘24 A John succeeded his father in 1818, and d. s. p. Aug. 9, 1847. Lad Broughton bes re at Hoole House, Cheshire, Jan. 27, 1857, aged 86. a The Lady Broughton painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds was the mother-inelaw i. of Elizabeth, Lady Broughton, here painted. eit ‘ The family of Delves were out of genealogical consideration for centuries, but their ancestor, Sir Henry Delves, had fought in the French wars under Edward, the Black Prince. The fourth Baronet assumed the name of Delves. . oa Le i & By order of the Executors of the late 'THaTcHER M. gue mt: York. | Peabo Qe £ 1Z.O~ 10. O. 0 a 2% / SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. wh EneusH: 1723—1792 NY ye" 148—PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM ROBERT, ) SECOND DUKE OF LEINSTER /HOO at, Height, 27% inches; length, 35 inches , YG Md 6° Sxarep in high-backed chair; half length; as a young man. Ina (a drab vest and breeches, and marabou, fur-lined coat. Lace cuffs and 4 cravat. His right hand rests on a document in the left foreground. His left rests on the arm of the chair, with his fingers against his waist. William Robert (Fitzgerald), 2nd Duke of Leinster, was born March 13, 1749; he succeeded to the peerage, November 19, 1773; was a supporter of the Union. He died in Ireland, October 20, 1804, and was buried in Kildare Abbey. It is his son and heir, the 3rd Duke of Leinster, who is alluded to in Barham’s pep dehy Legends” sub “Mr. Barney Maguire’s Account of the Coronation.” This portrait was purchased from General Bulwer, of Heydon Hall, Norwich. Such was the social standing of the Duke, that there are at least three other portraits of him, who was painted by Reynolds in 1775. (1) The Duke of Leinster at Carton, Maynooth, possesses the three-quarter length (49 in. by.39 in.) which was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1775, No. 234, as “A Nobleman” and again in 1879, No. 44. It was engraved by J. Dixon and by S. W. Reynolds. (2) The Duke also owns, at Kilkea Castle, a three-quarter length (50 in. by 40 in.), identical Revo. sents | in composition but with an inscription on the paper; it formerly belonged to hn Drwrdvovwg,ieeven \_A, Beauclere, of Ardglass. (3) A head (30 in. by 25 in.), replica of a portion of the | . I. (30--. ‘two previously mentioned pictures, belonged to the late Rev. Sir Talbot Baker in is 1899. 7 The Duke sat to other painters also. Martin Archer Shee painted his portrait _ standing by a table and wearing a riband and star. It was engraved by C. Turner and by J. Heath. Gilbert Stuart also painted his portrait, holding a paper. It was engraved by C. H. Hodges. Sir Jonah Barrington: “Hist. Memoirs of Ireland,” 1835, Vol. 1 p.18l. Leslie and T. Taylor: “Reynolds,” 1865, Vol. II, p. 128. Reynolds: “Engravings by S. W. Reynolds,” Vol. II, plate 8. ar Graves and Cronin: “Works of Reynolds,” 1899, Vol. II, p. 574. vr Armstrong: “Reynolds,” 1900, p. 217. ‘ A. L. A. Portrait Index, 1906, p. 856. . 7 a O’Donoghue: “Engraved British Portraits,” 1912, Vol. III, p. 44. By order of the Ewecutors of the late THarcHer M. Apams, New York. a ie oe ee ee ee oe - OE eee es oo eee ee a RO ee ey ee es re a ne ay - —" f 7 ¢ G | : NICOLAS MAES : DoutcH: tO a 149—PORTRAIT OF 4 CAVALIER Nea ao" K/OO as Height, 4714 wmches; width, 37 inches oe x LencorH, in full face. Weare a black doublet and ample cloak; fine : lace collar, with strings. Very small moustache; long curly hair falling gs. on his shoulders. The fingers of the right hand touch a stone pedestal, oe: a his left is held eases before his waist. eee background. ~~ Paintedeabeut 1670, a date which marks the best pee of the painter. cf Poe Formerly in the collection of the 1st Marquess of Dufferin (died 1902), \— a and sold at Christie’s Jan. 28, 1905, No. 93, as the “Portrait of a ee Gentleman.” é K SKO + Kawecy a . vA Exhibited at the Hudson Fulton Exhibition, Metropolitan Museum of ‘Art, New York, 1909, No. 61. (fe ijie:) ) | ws Hofstede de Groot’s Edition of Smith's “Catalogue Raisonné,” 0 Vol. VI, No. 399s. [Pp 569) | By order or the Executors os the late ‘THATCHER M. Pen: Nee York. t eee ee ae Se oe ae? Fe fe = a THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, A ENGLISH: 17271788 150—POR TRAIL T OF ae Sete CAPTAIN THOMAS CORNWALL, RN. a nd i “ | aa ra 41007 Height, 50 renee width, 40 inc “"U. f, Oe A Teer -QUARTER length; three quarters to the left. In dark blue naval a: uniform, with white silk facings and gold buttons; white silk waist; coat edged with gold braid, as also are the pockets; lace cuffs; white stock; — in a wig. The right hand tucked into the waistcoat; the left presses his . a cocked hat to his side and grasps the hilt of his sword. .In the right = ~, background i is a high rock; in the left a distant view of the sea Bc By. man-o’-war and: other shipping. ante = J Originally in the collection at Delbury Hall, near Ludlow, Salop, the seat of the Cornewall family who afterward changed their name to Cornwall. Sold out of that collection at-Christie’s, July 8, 1905, No. 123. N4O1 botnaghis *Q@c Photographed by Mr. Braun Clément et Cie as “Captain Cornwall.” i By order of the Executors of the late THarcHer M. Apams, New York. | oy ot he Seay A Meu ml Hee hotel gave de Sig CE fr Sa eA BP tan Ya J ie / a. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R. a Eneuisu: 17238—1792 : ry a pen 151—PORTRAIT OF FRANCIS, TENTH EARL OF HUNTINGDON, E.R.S. O Hei iG 50 Kae width, 40 wches Elen 4s 6 db dehe THREE-QUARTER iehee- three papers to the right; standing in blue ornamented coat with deep cuffs and waistcoat edged with black. A small wig, with black ribbons hanging down behind, black necktie, and wrist-frills. He holds his hat in his right hand before him; his left is" on his hip. Red curtain in the left background; architectural setting on the right. The title inscribed above, to the right. Francis, tenth Earl of Huntingdon and Lord Hastings de Hastings, was born — March 13, 1729. Master of the Horse, Nov., 1756, and Groom of the Stole, he carried the third sword of State at the Coronation of George III, Sept. 22, 1761. He suc- ceeded to the Earldom, Oct. 13, 1745. He died suddenly, Oct. 2, 1789, aged sixty, while sitting at table in the house of his nephew, Lord Rawdon. Walpole tells us he travelled in Italy, and was a friend of Warren Hastings. As he d. s. p., the ancient barony of Hastings and other honors devolved upon his eldest sister and heir general, Countess of Moira, and were carried, by her into the Rawdon family; they are now possessed by the Earl of Loudoun. Sat to Reynolds in 1754. The portrait paid for, July, 1754, £21. The frame (six guineas) sent to Ireland. Engraved by R. B. Parkes, 1874, 514 in. by 414 in. in “Works of Reynolds. aE Mele ae: iid ‘Formerly in the collection of the Marquess of Hastings, at Donington Castle; jt a from him it passed to his sister, Edith Maud, Countess of Loudoun, who still owned it at her death in 1874. It was afterward bought from the family by McLean, the Ms picture dealer, who sold it to C. Sedelmeyer, of Paris. (It is reproduced in his A “Catalogue,” 1897, No. 92.) It next passed to the late M. Ed. André, of Paris. Eventually it was acquired by Mr. Thatcher M. Adams in 1909. a Lord Huntingdon and Lord’ Stormont sat together to Reynolds, for a whole z length, in 1758-1754. “There are new young lords, fresh and fresh, two of them are much in vogue, Lord Huntingdon and Lord Stormont. I supped with them tother night at Lady Caroline Petersham’s. The latter is most cried up; the other is very lively and a agreeable.”—Walpole to Montagu, Dec. 6, 1753. : Gentleman’s Magazine, 1789, p. 961. 4 “The young Lords Huntingdon and Stormont, just arrived from their travels, Sr sat to Reynolds for two whole lengths on one canvas; and here his merit in drawing : complete figures and setting them well on their legs, in the attitude most natural to them, was equally conspicuous.”—Leslie and Tom Taylor: “Reynolds,” 1865, Vol. I, p. 109. VY Graves and Cronin: “Works of Reynolds,” 1899, Vol. II, p. 499. “ W. Armstrong: “Reynolds,” 1900, p. 213. Toynbee: “Walpole’s Letters,” Vol. VIII, p. 8; Vol. XIII, p. 287. By order of the Executors of the late THarcHer M. Apams, New York. STR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. ENGLISH: Baer 152—PORTRAIT OF MASTER ARBUTHN T 2/007 Height, 531 inches; ae 39 mene UM be y Gi Sma, full-length figure of a young “hone the body to the front; the - a 6 head turned to the left. He is dressed in a dark velvet costume, trimmed — 7 ( with lace at the neck, and a broad belt. His long fair hair falls on to his shoulders. - In his left hand, which rests on his hip, he holds his hat. His — right rests on the head of a large brown, long-haired dog with white chest, which is sitting on its haunches with its mouth wide open. The two figures are on rising ground under a tree on the left; in the right distance the sun is setting across the valley under a cloudy sky. = | The boy here seen was a son of the Rt. Hon. Charles Arbuthnot, M.P. (1767-1850). Lawrence made a black and chalk drawing of this boy and his brother under the title of the “Two Sons of the Rt. Hon. Charles Arbuthnot.” Lawrence also painted the portrait of Mrs. Harriet Arbuthnot, this boy’s mother. , Formerly in the collection of Mr. White Webbs, Enfield, near London. Sanven enue / in the possession of CG Sedelmeyer, of Paris, and illustrated in his “Catalogue of ad Twelfth Hundred of Paintings,” 19138, p. 180, No. 83. By order of the Executors of the late 'THatcHEeR M. Apams, New York. GEORGE ROMNEY Exenise: 1734—1802 153—PORTRAIT OF 25 | MRS. ST. GEORGE AND CHILD ve, J00+ Hei eight, 57 inches; width, 43 inches Lb Wrote lengths ; the mother sitting, in a vehi muslin dress anid a Bleck grey shawl, the ends of which cross over her lap; her head swathed in white; she is seated on a bank and looks out at the spectator. The child stands by her side, on the right, nude; he leans his arms against his mother’s knees. Landscape setting. Anne Stepney, of Durrow, married Richard St. George Mansergh St. George, of : Headford Castle, Co. Galway. The child is Richard James Mansergh St. George . Ges -1857). » Sittings were given in July and August, 1791; paid for, 200 guineas, July 18, 17 91. Mrs. St. George died shortly after the picture was pale it was sent over to the family seat, Headford Castle, where it hung until about 1888, when it came into | ‘Exhibited at the Grafton Galleries (Fair Children), 1895, No. 145, by Mr. E. ae ‘ the possession of Mrs. Winn, granddaughter of the lady here represented. Included in a sale at Christie’s, May 6, 1893, No. 66, and bought in by the owner. Winn.. t— Ward & Roberts: “Romney”, 1904, Vol. II, p. 138. u” A, B. Chamberlain: “Romney”, 1910, p. 170. By order of the Executors of the late TuHarcuer M. Apams, New York. arlene ES ein RE Te Nn pies “ See ‘- ~ Snake: potengeee ee = : oe ih es Ce nae SO ee ES GEORGE ROMNEY Eneuisu: 1734—1802 : ' i 1 Os OF SIR ARCHIBALD | ve je os CAMPBELL, K.B., OF ee KEEO 4 Height, 60 Hes width, 49 inches yy ye a , ie us THREE-QUARTER length, standing three quarters to the left. In uniform, scarlet coat with dark blue facings, with gold braid and one epaulet, — Star of the Order of the Bath, lace cravat; wearing a wig. His clasped hands rest upon his stick and clasp his cocked hat. Stormy clouds in the right background. Mb SdenrttmMtetV £00 a! Height, 151% inches; width, 111% inches an On a gold ground the Madonna is depicted in robes of green and deep crimson, with gold ornamentation. Liaw MEYER VON BREMEN, Jonann GEORG is Blindman’s Buff | 95 MICHEL, Gerorcers Landscape cae 72 CATALOGUE NUMBER MILLET, Jean Francois Blind ‘Tobias 93 MONET, CLaupE Maison et Canards 24 Automne sur la Seine 25 La Débacle: Série des Glacons, a Vétheuil 26 Sentier dans I’Ile St. Martin, Vétheuil 27 Sentier dans I’He St. Martin a Vétheuil 28 Le Matin, Temps brumeux, Pourville 29 Falaise aux Petites Dalles 30 Champ de Coquelicots: Environs de Giverny = 31 Champ d’Avoine 32 La Tamise, Effet de Soleil: Waterloo Bridge 33 La Tamise, Effet de Soleil avec Fumeées: Waterloo Bridge 34 La Tamise: Au Pont de Charing Cross 35 La Tamise: Le Parlement; Effet de Soleil 36 Le Soleil dans le Brouillard, Londres: Waterloo Bridge 37 Les Nymphéas: Paysage d’Kau 38 Venise: Palais da Mula 39 Venise: Palais Ducal 40 Venise: Palais Ducal, vu de San Giorgio 41 Venise: Le Palais Dario 42 Printemps 3 48 Bords de la Seine a Vernoi 49 Peupliers en Automne a Giverny 50 Matinée sur la Seine 59 La Tamise 4 Londres: Les Ponts de Char- ing Cross et de Westminster 60 La Tamise 4 Londres: Le Pont de Charing Cross 61 Les Nymphéas: Paysage d’ Kau 62 Bois d’Oliviers, Bordighera 63 ad , - cavatee NUMBER | MONTICELLI, ApoLrHeE © ‘Pye The Wise Men Dans le Jardin MORAN! Divousc Ned. Venice Venice MUNGER, GILBERT On the Seine The Two Brothers, Forest of Fontainebleam ; Woods at Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Forest of Fontainebleau MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. September Afternoon PASINI, ALBERTO Moors at Entrance of Mosque PISSARRO, CamiILie Pommiers en Fleurs: Temps gris | PLASSAN, Anrornrt EMILE . Parental Pride RAEBURN, Sir Henry, R.A. Portrait of R. A. Ironside of 'Tannockside Portrait of Judge Maitland A Boy with Cherries Portrait of Lady Broughton REMBRANDT (SCHOOL OF) Christ before the Judgment Seat une RENOIR, Pierre AvGuste Environs de Pourville 43 La Seine a Argenteuil 44 Canotiers sur la Seine a Bougival 4S Dans la Prairie 46 Canotiers a Chaton A7 Femme et Enfant 51 Jeune Femme assise 52 Les Deux Sceurs 53 Femme a lOmbrelle 54 REYNOLDS, Sir Josuva, P.R.A. , Portrait of Master Hare, as “Infancy” 145 Portrait of William Robert, Second Duke of Leinster 148 Portrait of Francis, Tenth Earl of Hunting- don, F'.R.S. 151 Portrait of the Misses Paine 156 RIBERA, Juserrt pE (Attributed to) Charity 168 RIBOT, Avecustin 'THEODULE The Young Cellarer 114 RICHARDS, Wuu1am T. Rocky Coast ri @ RICHET, Lrton ‘Landscape with Pool 11 RICO, Martin Fishing Party: The River Seine 122 — °* 7 ROBBINS, L. Lee Portrait of a Lady ROELOFS, WitL—EM 7 Landscape and Cattle ROMNEY, GerorcE Portrait of Mrs. St. George and Child Portrait of. Sir Archibald Campbell, K.B., of Inverneil SARGENT, Joun SIncer, N.A., R.A. Sketch of a Laborer SCHOOL OF PARMA Madonna and Child SCHREYER, Apo.r Wallachian Post Station A. Wallachian Team SISLEY, Aurrep | ~ Inondations a Moret SMITH, F. Hopxinson ~ | Venice STEVENS, Atrrep Figure in Sunshine THAULOW, Farts La Seine en Novembre Venice TILTON, Joun Ro.tin, N.A. CATALOGUE “NUMBER a P se 74 120 164 103 136 55 15 89 19 a7 CATALOGUE NUMBER UNKNOWN MASTER Madonna and Child, with Angels 159 VAN MARCKE, Ente | The Farm and Its Life . 137 VAN MIEREVELT, Micurer Jansz Portrait of a Burgomaster | 143 VAN POELENBURG, Corne tis The Goatherd | 157 VAN SANTVOORD, Dirk Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman 3 155 VEDDER, Enruvu, N.A. Conspiracy or Confidences? 110 -VERBOECKHOVEN, Evcrne | The Dead Lamb 4. VERESTCHAGIN, Vassi1i | Portrait of a Girl of the District near Mos- cow; Age, 15 Years 17 WEISS, José Landscape 12 WILEY, eitebick sie Landscape with Figures 69 Woodland Landscape: Sunshine and Shadow 90 Oak in Autumn 138 WORMS, JULeEs Spanish Dancers 79 i EPS tt Ve EI tel ae 5 INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES ' _ THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES ) OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS _ AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY is } eae, : COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK | gee 7 : , AND BINDING BY ee fede eee esa ae ee 8, ; tts ge)’ an ey Me mnaats Sai iay A, ae Vronstae ee raet : : ak Ng aie ide ee Me 3,500 Fase ‘Maitland Sik é ernet, agent.../.. 7,200. a. Burgomastéer—V. BTR oo p Heitmann eae 1,800 abl Aelbert sOuUyD 3. se nen sane eee 6,000 | it of Master Hare as ‘“‘In-° 7 4 Sir J shua Reynolds; 1. CG. 5. . Jameson IR TP tially i" 4, AGA Boy Wi Gherriés—Sir ASD ‘Raeburn; Bernet, agent..... vada 20,000 | 7—Portrait sof Lady Broughton—Sir ; enry Raeburn: Seaman; agent......15,300 on Dy rait of William Robert; Sec- ke of Leinster—Sir Joshua ? ie olds; ME 9 Fe Goldblatt. Ce a eee 1,400 | He 449--Portrait of a. Cavalier—Nicolas= | . Maes; Leo OWT 2 He hen te cists setceoama ea 4, 100 | 150 Portrait. of Captain Thomas: Corn- | aval, KR. N.—Th omas_ _ Gainsborough; | | “Seaman, agent edie emote Wiemihrt eile die dies MOD i 6153-—Portrait of Teenie. “Peath Bark ot 7". i j ‘ H | Huntington, Bea R. S.—Sir Joshua ,Reynolds; MH, B. Schwab.........4.. 1,200); Portrait of Master Arbuthnot— ir Thomas Lawrence; Seaman, ~ BE ent Sey isuha i pled inh oy ee | ame Se 100, 1he—Vortrait of Mrs. St. George and Child—George Romney; T. H. Rus- | pel] Re es hy ets BG Wy pu Portrait of Sir Archibald’ Camp- i yell, K. B., of Inverneil—George Rom- _ i Agey; Mnoadler & Co. ciiiuesioaneccs> 4,550 | | . ; Portrait of a, Dutch eh, ; 1 # rk Van Santvoord; T. OUTER a ah tero ~Portrait of the Mhigsee ‘Paine—Sir | ; Joshua Reynolds; Seamam, agent.....16,000 168-—-Wooded ‘Landscepe—John (Old) hie) Crome; Seaman, agent...,...--.-... . 450 159—Madonna and Child with Angels— Unknown Master; T. Brunmer......... 260 166—Piazza of Venice from San Marco “—-Canaletto (Antonio Canale): @hrich CPoemud Sot LEOMOR: . puis Gace Sye sec Oe 197--View | of the Grand Cana!, Venice— ‘Giovanni Ar tonio Ganaletto; Bernet, i [Pipe Bea tiaty var ohana ae. hd RO punateaeis vig oma dhe ve /168—Charity- usepe de. Rivera (at- . tributed tr” Neinberger Galleriés... 350 169—Alexar. 2. and Diogenes—Sir Kd- | win H. Landseer; C. Lageman.