EIGHTY] NUMBER [ SALE NUMBER. 1545 Ww fy ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1920‘ © ANTIQUE FURNITURE & SILVER OBJECTS OF ART, PORCELAIN TEXTILES, GLASS, PAINTINGS THE COLLECTION OF JOHN C. DA SILVA | OF GREENWICH, CONN. : 7 TO BE SOLD SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY EIGHTH AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1921 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. — 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4, The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof, to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Brps. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and urs? all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson Galleries Incorporated PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEw YORK Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN ORDER OF SALE SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY EIGHTH ENGRAVINGS, ETC. OBJECTS OF ART PORCELAIN, GLASS, ETC. TEXTILES ANTIQUE SILVER SERVICES, TRAYS, CANDELABRA, ETC. INTERESTING SET OF BOULLE FURNITURE OF THE LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY FURNITURE, INCLUDING A FEW LATER SPECIMENS PAINTINGS 18TH CENTURY FURNITURE, INCLUDING A FEW LATER SPECIMENS Lots 6-— 28 29— 61 62— 87 88-104 105-121 122-148 149-157 158-206 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANY. EIGHTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK LOTS 1-206 ENGRAVINGS, ETC. LOTS 1-5 1 HAND TINTED PHOTOGRAVURE The Young Prince. Framed. Height, 19 inches; width, 1514 inches 2 TWO ENGRAVINGS By Girardet and Fortier after Poussin. Empire frames. 3 THREE ENGRAVINGS (a) Hagar and Ishmael dismissed by Abraham. Etching by Wagner. (b) The Nativity engraving by Caterina Piotti after Luini. (ec) Views of the Lungarna in Florence by Tocchi. 4 PAIR OF COLOR PRINTS By Marriage after Raphael. The Story of Amor and Psyche. 5 ENGRAVING BY BARTOLOZZI After Amatucci. Portrait of a Spanish general. Framed. OBJECTS OF ART LOTS 6-28 6 PAIR OF SILVER PLATED CANDLESTICKS PORTUGAL, ABOUT 1800 In the shape of classic columns, with square base, plain shaft and leaf decorated capital. Height, 10 inches 7 PAIR OF SILVER PLATED CANDLESTICKS PORTUGAL, 18TH CENTURY Simple lines with oval base and short column. Height, 514 inches 5 10 11 12 13 14 16 BRASS BELL WITH ENGRAVED DECORATION INDIA, 19TH CENTURY The handle in the form of the god Hanuman. The bell itself with decoration of lions pursuing an antelope among floral motives. Height, 714 inehes LACE AND PAINTED SILK FAN _ FRANCE, 19TH CENTURY ‘‘Noilette of Venus,’’ signed ‘‘M Dumas.’’ Fine point d’Alencon lace (slightly yellowed). Carved and gilt frame of beautifully toned mother of pearl. Silk tassel. APPLIQUE SILK FAN ON IVORY FRAME CHINA, ABOUT 1850 Elaborate palace scenes, the garments of appliqued brocade, the faces of painted ivory; vivid colors. The ends of the frame with skillful relief carving of palace scenes. SANDAL WOOD CARD CASE WITH CANTON CARVING CHINA, ABOUT 1850 Very elaborate all over decoration of palace and river scenes with a very large number of small figures. Height, 414 inches; width, 3 inches SMALL FAN OF CARVED TORTOISE SHELL CHINA, ABOUT 1850 Elaborate figural and landscape decoration with palace and garden scenes; at the top garden scenes, phoenixes, dragons, ete. EMBROIDERED CAP AND TWO SMALL POCKET- BOOKS INDIA, 19TH CENTURY The cap with palmetto design in brilliant colors on red. BRASS OIL LAMP MODERN ITALIAN Circular; revolving body with three lights. Chains with snuffers and other attachments. Height, 1534 inches PAIR OF SMALL TEAKWOOD TRAYS MODERN CHINESE Rectangular with open work prunus carving on the sides. Size: 2014 x 12 inches PAIR OF BRASS CANDLESTICKS Very tall, twisted serpentine columns. Round base. Height, 2014 inches 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 FLAMBE PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Rich blue and red. Ovoid body with short cylindrical neck (cut). Teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches BOXWOOD STATUETTE OF ST. FRANCIS SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY The face and hands in ivory. Represented in the flowing brown robe of the order, holding a cross in the left hand. (Ivory, slightly cracked). Square base. Height, 1114 inches CARVED IVORY FIGURE JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY A charming little Oriental lady in brocaded kimono, indi- cated by delicate carving. Teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches WOODEN BOWL WITH COVER OF PORTUGUESE COINS Circular bowl of finely grained wood. The numerous over- lapping coins on the cover date from 1810-1840. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 514 inches BRASS WRITING DESK SET PORTUGAL, ABOUT 1810 Rectangular tray with perforated gallery. Fitted with ink- well and two other implements for writing. Height, 514 inches; length, 634 inches CARVED AND POLYCHROMED STATUETTE SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY Fine carving and elaborate polychromy. Mater Dolorosa, with clasped hands. Dress and mantle falling in rich folds, with fine brocade pattern indicated in gold and colors. Halo of metal. (Sold as is). Height, 11 inches PAIR OF PAINTED WOODEN CONSOLES PORTUGAL, 18TH CENTURY Small size. Black and gold with relief floral decoration in pink. Height, 5 inches TWO SMALL CARVED WALNUT MIRRORS SPAIN, 18TH CENTURY The frames with elaborate acanthus scroll work. (Sold as is). Height, 13 and 71% inches 20 26 27 28 29 294 30 31 HANGING BRASS CHURCH LANTERN PORTUGAL, 18TH CENTURY Urn shape, with wide scroll side brackets supporting chains of perforated metal. Height, 2114 inches HANGING BRASS CHURCH LANTERN PORTUGAL, 18TH CENTURY Urn shape, with applied brass rosace ornaments. Floral scroll handles, supporting chains with links of floral scroll work. Height, 23 inches SMALL CARVED AND GILT WOOD MIRROR PORTUGAL, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular, with elaborately scrolled outline. The carved floral motives with gilding, the remainder in natural walnut. (Sold as is). Height, 2314 inches; width, 1314 inches BONE STATUETTE OF ST. FRANCIS PORTUGAL, 17TH CENTURY Represented holding the Christ Child and the Scriptures in the right hand, the crucifix in the left. High circular base. Height, 834 inches PORCELAIN, GLASS, ETC. LOTS 29-61 SEVEN MISCELLANEOUS CUPS AND ONE SAUCER Odd pieces, including Chinese Lowestoft and other interest- ing pieces. TWO PORCELAIN PLATES sapan, Imari, 19TH CENTURY Effectively decorated in bright blue, red and green with floral and landscape motives. Diameter, 1214 inches and 814 inches TWO BLUE AND WHITE PORCLAIN PLATES CHINA, 18TH CENTURY East India Company ware. Both with landscape decorations. Diameter, 814 inches SET OF SEVEN PORCELAIN PLATES CHINA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Octagonal, decorated in blue and white. Fanciful garden decoration with flower vases, butterflies and a small lake. Diameter, 9 inches 8 32 33 34 35 36 3” 38 39 40 SIX PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS One with quaint floral sprays, dating from about 1830; one Coalport. (Handle of one broken). POTTERY PITCHER AND PLATE TO MATCH porrtugau Quaint peasant shape and decoration, the cover with plastic floral ornament with leaves, the handle in the form of a fish. Both pitcher and plate with all over ribbing. Mark, ‘‘ Caldas Portugal.’’ Height, 13 inches; diameter of plate, 9 inches TWO SMALL MAJOLICA PLATES FrANcE, 18TH CENTURY One with peasant style floral design (chipped), the other with bright fruit and flowers. Diameter, 714 and 834 inches POTTERY ECUELLE AND SAUCER Copy of 18th century Veuve Perrin model. Quaint floral spray decoration; the cover with knob in form of an apple. Mark* VP?’ TWO PORCELAIN PLATES CHINA, TAO KUAN Vividly colored floral decorations. (One cracked). Diameter, 8 and 9 inches PORCELAIN PLATE AND CUP AND SAUCER JAPAN, IMARI, 19TH CENTURY Excellent quality with floral and medallion decorations in red, blue and gold. Diameter of plate, 9 inches MAJOLICA PLATTER Copy of 18th century Rouen majolica. Scalloped edge with festoon and ribbon decoration. Centre with medallion of decoration of dancing peasant children. Signature ““H F’’, Length, 15 feet 14 inches; width, 1114 inches MAJOLICA PLATTER Copy of 18th century Rouen pottery. Vivid five color design of scroll, shell, floral garland and acanthus motives. Signa- ture ‘‘MC’’. Length, 16 inches; width, 1114 inches SIX PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS MODERN JAPANESE Diverse styles; mostly egg shell porcelain, attractively deco- rated in gold and rich colors. (One cracked). 9 41 42 43 LARGE POTTERY PLATE ITALIAN OR SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY A charming piece, in the style of five color Delft. Vigorously executed decoration of a parrot and various bright flowers grouped in and around a circular medallion. Diameter, 1334 inches ROUND POTTERY DISH RovuEN, MIDDLE or 19TH CENTURY 18th century style. White, decorated in fine tones of blue with central floral spray and border in Chinese style. (Slight- ly chipped). Diameter, 1414 inches MOLDED GLASS DISH SPAIN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Thin glass, the scalloped edge with wavy motives, the bottom with rosace decoration. Interesting specimen. Length, 934 inches MOLDED GLASS PLATE Charming model of old Spanish glass. SPAIN, 18TH CENTURY Circular with wide ) \(rim, edged with gilt and with central floral spray in gilt on 48 bottom. Small handles. Diameter, 1014 inches TWO URNS OF OPAQUE WHITE GLASS SPAIN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Decorated in vivid colors with bold floral sprays and festoons. Height, 714 inches PAIR OF OPAQUE WHITE GLASS URNS SPAIN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The body with painted decoration of a wide band of varied floral motives in pastel tones. Height, 714 inches SMALL OPAQUE WHITE GLASS VASE SPAIN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Painted decoration of a shield with a fruit basket, surrounded by delicate floral sprays. Height, 614 inches SMALL CUP AND SAUCER SPAIN, 18TH CENTURY ‘‘Semi porcelain’’ (opaque white glass) with vivid floral and pagoda decorations in Chinese style. Interesting specimen. SMALL CUP AND SAUCER SPAIN, 18TH CENTURY ‘‘Semi porcelain’’ (opaque white glass). White, with all over mottled design in rich purplish blue. 10 —L>——> 50 51 52 o3 54 a5) 56 oO” 58 PAINTED GLASS MUG BOHEMIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Banded with a quaint garland of variously colored flowers. Height, 514 inches EARLY CHINESE LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER CHINA, MIDDLE OF 18TH CENTURY Made for the order of the East India Company. An unusual- ly charming specimen with medallions of European figural subjects surrounded by elaborate scroll and floral borders. Rose on white. TWO LARGE PORCELAIN PLATTERS AND FOUR PLATES CHINESE LOWESTOFT, LATE 18TH CENTURY Delicate blue and gold banding; the centres with a small floral spray. (One plate slightly cracked). LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER CHINA, ABOUT 1800 Delightfully colored grape vine and rosebud decoration. (Cracked). CHINESE LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER - ‘ GHINA, ABOUT 1800 Very delicately executed decoration in cobalt blue and gold with touches of red. Chinese crane medallions and small | floral sprays. LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER CHINA, ABOUT 1800 Quaint rose bud decoration. LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER CHINA, 18TH CENTURY Finely executed decoration of peony medallions and sprays in purplish pink and gold: LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN SAUCER AND COVER CHINA, 18TH CENTURY Delicate porcelain with gold and pink floral decoration of ex- cellent design. (Slightly chipped). PORCELAIN PLATTER CHINA, ABOUT 1800 So-called Chinese Lowestoft. Oval, with floral spray and fes- toon decoration in purplish pink and green. Charming speci- . men. Length, 15 inches im 59 61 PAIR OF PORCELAIN PLATES — catna, 18TH CENTURY Chinese Lowestoft. Octagonal, the rims with rose festoon motives, the centre with quaint floral spray. Diameter, 834 inches 51 PIECE PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE CHINA, LATE 18TH CENTURY Chinese Lowestoft. Green, gold and red. Rim with floral festoons; centres with pontifical coat of arms. The vegetable dish covers with red and gold pine cone handles. Set consists of 33 large dinner plates (one cracked) ; set of 4 small platters of the same size; pair of large platters; pair of medium sized platters; 1 large circular cake plate; 1 large covered vegetable dish; 1 odd vegetable dish cover (damaged); 1 small deep platter (cracked) ; 2 salt cellars; 1 small plate. 82 PIECE LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN DINNER SERYV- ICE CHINA, LATE 18TH CENTURY A service of unusual charm, decorated with quaint floral sprays in red and gold, the covered dishes surmounted by Foo lions and with grotesque animal head handles. Set consists of 7 bread and butter plates; 12 sauce dishes; 2 circular bowls (one cracked) ; 7 oval platters in various sizes; 17 soup dishes (one cracked); 33 dinner plates (one broken, a few with slightly chipped rim); 1 covered vegetable dish; 1 separate cover, and dish warmer and platter with slightly different rim. TEXTILES LOTS 62-87 PIECE OF ANTIQUE GOLD BRAID ~ Conventionalized leaf and flower pattern. Length, 5 yards; width, 2 inches SMALL EMBROIDERED PANEL curna, 19TH CENTURY The centre with floral pattern embroidered on golden yellow silk. Borders of finely contrasting blue silk. (Sold as is). ‘Size: 1814 inches x 151% inches ~ EMBROIDERED SQUARE PANEL cuina, 19TH CENTURY The centre with five rows of plum embroidery in soft blue and gold. Elaborate borders of sea green brocade with outer em- broidered border. Size: 28 x 26 inches 12 EMBROIDERED PANEL CHINA, 19TH CENTURY Centre with delicate butterfly and floral embroidery in light colors on black; elaborate floral borders embroidered in rich shades of blue. (Sold as is). Size: 3414 x 26 inches SMALL BROCADE PANEL FRANCE, ABOUT 1800 Floral bouquets and sprays in light colors-on deep purplish rose ground. (Soiled). Size: 17 inches x 14 inches FUKUSA OR BROCADE COVER — Japan, 18TH CENTURY Dragon and cloud pattern in rich harmony of blue, green, red and gold. (Slightly worn). Size: 33 x 2514 inches LARGE HANGING DECORATED WITH APPLIQUE WORK ~ SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY Dark blue woolen material, with large baroque floral motives and scrolls in yellow and pink attached in appliqué technique. (Sold as is). Size: 8 feet x 5 feet 8 inches LARGE HANGING DECORATED WITH APPLIQUE WORK SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY Mate to the preceding. (Sold as is). | ‘Size: 8 feet x 5 feet 8 inches LARGE BROCADE SPREAD - SPAIN, LATE 18TH CENTURY All over pattern of diamond shaped lattice work in tan with roses in rich blue. Lining with printed cloud pattern. (Slightly stained). Size: 7 feet x 7 feet BROCADE ALTAR FRONT SPAIN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Delicate rose color, patterned with wide ribbons between grace- fully twining flower vines in light colors. Bound with gold color braid. Size: 5 feet x 3 feet 5 inches SPREAD OF OLD ITALIAN CLOTH OF SILVER Very rich design of large fruit and floral motives in green, \ red and silver on ivory white. Edging of heavy woven gold braid. Satin lining. Size: 5 feet 9 inches x 4 feet LARGE CLOTH OF SILVER SPREAD CHINO-PORTUGUESE, 18TH CENTURY Very rich and handsome specimen. All over pattern of grace- ful lotus flowers and leaves in silver on light yellow satin ground. Rose silk lining: gold and green fringe. Size: 8 feet 4 inches x 8 feet. 13 ee j () { /} € : & On 75 ae A. / ( y J 7 ) 76 A Us 78 fe!) YELLOW DAMASK SPREAD ITALY, 17TH CENTURY Charming shade of lemon yellow with large baroque flower and curved leaf pattern. Gold and silver braid edging. Yel- low silk lining. Fine specimen. Size: 8 feet 2 inches x 6 feet 10 inches LARGE LACE SPREAD WITH WOOL EMBROIDERY SPAIN, 19TH CENTURY Machine lace, embroidered in vivid shades of red, blue, green, etc. Floral design. Red cotton lining. Size: 7 feet 9 inches x 6 feet 3 inches RED DAMASK SPREAD ITALY, 17TH CENTURY Rich, deep red with large all over pattern of baroque flowers _and curved leaves. (Slightly spotted.) Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 8 feet 3 inches BROCADE SPREAD FRANCE, 18TH CENTURY All over pattern of curved and interlaced ribbons enclosing floral sprays in light pink. Background of dark blue. (Pieced and slightly worn.) Size: 7 feet 4 inches x 6 feet 2 inches LARGE YELLOW DAMASK SPREAD ITALY, 18TH CENTURY Very heavy, fine quality silk. Handsome pattern of large _ curved stems forming ogives which enclose baroque flowers. Beautiful example. Size: 7 feet 3 inches x 6 feet 9 inches LAMPAS SILK SPREAD PORTUGAL, 18TH CENTURY Charming and unusual specimen. Rose and white, with all over design of large realistic floral motives on a background of small diaper pattern. Size: 5 feet 1 inch sq. EMBROIDERED SILK COVER INDO-PORTUGUESE, 17TH CENTURY ) Bold and effective pattern of large tulips and other flowers em- broidered in vivid light colors on bluish green. The centre with heraldic animals. (Sold as is.) Size: 5 feet 9 inches x 3 feet 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 14 81 BROCADE SPREAD LOUIS XVI PERIOD, 18TH CENTURY Small all over pattern of twining ribbons enclosing flower buds in light colors on green ground. Pieced at the end. Size: 5 feet 6 inches x 4 feet 1 inch SMALL BROCADE COVER FRANCE, 18TH CENTURY Soft blue, with pattern of deeply curved ribbons in pearl gray and small floral sprays in delicate pink and green. (Slightly worn.) Size: 2414 x 19 inches CLOTH OF SILVER ANTEPENDIUM § rrancs, asout 1700 Very handsome specimen. Formed of six wide panels sep- lapated by galoon. Rich floral spray pattern on ivory white. Trimming of gold fringe. (Shghtly worn.) [5 2 Size: 11 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 84 85 86 87 BROCADE SPREAD SPAIN, ABOUT 1800 Magenta, with all over pattern of iris sprays and butterflies in brocading which strongly resembles Chinese embroidery. Borders patterned with scrolls in golden yellow. Yellow silk lining. (Spread pieced. ) Size: 8 feet x 4 feet 3 inches LARGE DAMASK SPREAD ITALY, 18TH CENTURY Very rich pattern of large flowers and large curved leaves in baroque style. Excellent condition. Size: 8 feet x 7 feet LARGE SILK DAMASK SPREAD WITH VALENCE ITALY, 18TH CENTURY Same as the preceding. Pieced. Size: 8 feet 6 inches x 8 feet 1 inch LARGE GREEN DAMASK SPREAD rraty, 18TH CENTURY Same as the preceding, but without valence. (Pieced and re- paired. ) Size: 7 feet 5 inches x 6 feet 3 inches ANTIQUE SILVER BEES TRAYS, CANDELABRA, oe 88 LOTS 88-104 GOLD PLATED FILIGREE ELECTRIC LAMP MODERN PORTUGAL White frosted glass with elaborate ornamentation in gold plated silver filigree and with insets of vari-colored stones. Fitted for one light. Height, 914 inches 15 89 90 oe 92 PAIR OF SILVER CANDELABRA PORTUGAL, LATE 18TH CENTURY Shaped circular columns supporting four curved branches with bobeches. Square bases. Unusual specimens. Lisbon hall marks. Height, 14 inches LARGE SILVER CAKE BASKET PORTUGAL, 18TH CENTURY Oval, with high hinged handle. Perforated laurel leaf rim; inside with acanthus motives in repoussé. Perforated handle with laurel leaf and rose pattern. Four scroll feet. Hall marks. (Rim dented.) Height, 3 inches; length, 16 inches; width, 13 inches SILVER BOWL Finely engraved acanthus scroll decoration. Four lion claw and acanthus feet. Gilt lining. With Lisbon hall mark. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 612 inches PAIR oe STLVER CANDLESTICKS PORTUGAL, LATE 18TH CENTURY See Pescctul shape, with round fluted base and fluted, taper- ae ing column. With Porto hall mark. Height, 9 inches 93 94 95 LARGE SILVER CAKE BASKET PORTUGAL, LATE 18TH CENTURY Oval with perforated laurel leaf rim and raised laurel me- dallion on bottom. Hinged handle, with perforated leaf de- sign. Four scroll feet. Hall marks. Height, 3 inches; length, 1514 inches; width, 12 inches ROUND SILVER TRAY Manuelino style. Pinched and scalloped rim with elaborate raised decoration of Gothic arch motives enclosing escutcheons, leaf motives, crosses and globes, the emblems of Portugal. Center with engraved shield. ‘Hall marks. Diameter, 1314 inches ROUND SILVER TRAY Mate to the preceding, but larger size. Hall marks. Diameter, 18 inches 16 [100, 101, 102, 103, 104] 96 aT 98 99 100 101 102 103 SILVER TEA POT Very elaborate repoussé decoration of acanthus scroll work. Four ball and lion claw feet. Spout in form of a bird’s head. High knobbed cover; wooden handle (chipped). Handsome piece. Lisbon hall marks. Height, 10 inches SILVER COFFEE POT Same set as the preceding. Lisbon hall marks. Height, 1114 inches SILVER SUGAR BOWL Same set as the preceding. Serpent handles. Lisbon hall marks. Height, 8 inches SILVER CREAM PITCHER Same set as the preceding. Hinged cover surmounted by a goat. Serpent handle. Lisbon hall marks. Height, 714 inches LARGE SILVER TRAY This handsome tray and the four following numbers, which form a complete silver service, are copied from the original set in the Portuguese Museum, Lisbon. The tray oval, with deeply voluted edge, decorated with repoussé scroll work and with engraved floral decoration. Elaborate scroll handles at each end. Hall marks. Length, 34 inches; width, 19 inches [Sze ILLUSTRATION | SILVER TEA POT Same set as preceding tray. Elaborate Renaissance style repoussé decoration of flowers and scroll with blank eseutcheon for monogram. Spout in the form of a bird’s head. Wooden handle. Hall marks. [Sree ILLUSTRATION | SILVER CREAM PITCHER Same set as the preceding. High, scrolled handle. Hall marks. Height, 914 inches [Sze ILLUSTRATION | SILVER SUGAR BOWL Same set as the preceding. Scroll handles; knob top. Hall marks. Height, 714 inches [Sze ILLustRATION | 17 104 LARGE SILVER COFFEE POT Same set as the preceding. Wooden handle; spout in the form of a bird. Hall marks. Height, 13 inches [Sze ILLUSTRATION | INTERESTING SET OF BOULLE FURNITURE OF THE 105 106 107 108 LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD LOTS 105-121 UPRIGHT PIANO WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Ebony veneer, with very elaborate all over Boulle inlay in red tortoise shell and thin ormolu of panels with Renaissance scroll work, flower bouquets and baskets, birds and musicians. The top with figural bronzes; the ornate triple end supports surmounted by griffon ornaments above lion head and acan- thus scrolls at the base. With mouldings of heavy ormolu. Made by Van Overberg, 9 rue de Choiseul, Paris. (Sold as 1s.) BROCADE SETTEE WITH INLAID BOULLE FRAME FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PSRIOD ‘Same set as the preceding. Triple shaped back with curved and scrolled frame. Low, padded arm rests; cabriole legs. Narrow shaped apron with floral bronzes Upholstered in green and white brocade with rosace and leaf pattern. (Sold as is.) Length, 68 inches SET OF SIX BOULLE AND BROCADE SIDE CHAIRS FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding; upholstery to match chairs and settee. Frames with all over inlay and floral bronzes. (Sold as is.) PAIR OF BOULLE AND BROCADE ARMCHAIRS FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. Upholstered to match preceding settee. Hlaborately scrolled and curved boulle frames orna- mented with floral bronzes. (Sold as is.) 18 Nae - 109 110 111 112 113 114 WASH-STAND WITH BOULLE INLAY AND ORMOLU FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. The top compartment of white marble with roll front and adjustable folding top inset with a rectangular mirror. Four long drawers with paneled inlay, framed in ormolu. Straight, rectangular lines. (Sold as is.) Height, 48 inches; length, 37 inches; depth, 17 inches SMALL NIGHT STAND WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. The front with six small drawers inlaid with boulle. Plain ebony sides with bronzes. Rec- tangular shape. (Sold as is.) Height, 38 inches; length 1814 inches; depth, 121 inches COMMODE WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. White marble top. Semi-circular shape, with triple swell front, the centre with elaborate pan- eled boulle inlay, flanked by bronze caryatides and framed by bronze moldings. The inside with three shelves. (Sold as 1s.) Height, 41 inches; length, 46 inches; depth, 1614 inches COMMODE WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same as the preceding, but slightly smaller size. (Sold as is.) Height, 40 inches; length, 56 inches; depth, 17 inches CHIFFONNIER WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. High rectangular shape, with seven drawers decorated with paneled boulle inlay. White marble top; shaped, inlaid apron. The sides with bronzes. (Sold as is.) Height, 57 inches; length, 28 inches; depth, 14 inches MANTLE CLOCK WITH BOULLE INLAY FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. Circular dial set on high rectangu- lar base, covered with boulle inlay. The central section pan- eled with glass. (‘Sold as is.) Height, 15 inches; length, 9 inches; depth, 5 inches 19 115 116 117 118 aig CENTRE TABLE WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. Oval, deeply scalloped top and deep scalloped apron. The front with drawer. Four cabriole legs. Very elaborate all over boulle inlay in Renaissance scroll and floral pattern. The apron with four bronze dies. The legs with bronzes on the knees and feet. (Sold as is.) Height, 30 inches; length, 56 inches; depth, 35 inches CENTRE TABLE WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same as preceding centre table, but smaller size. Front of apron with drawer. Legs with caryatide bronzes. (Sold as is.) Height, 281% inches; length, 50 inches; depth, 29 inches SMALL CENTRE TABLE WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. Oval top with all over boulle inlay and drop leaves. Inlaid apron with one drawer. Ebony eabriole legs with caryatide bronzes on the knees. (Sold as is.) Height, 39 inches; length, 47 inches; depth, 2514 inches ARMOIRE WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. Massive piece. The large rectan- gular front door with mirror framed in boulle. Plain ebony panels at the side with amorini bronzes in the center and boulle inlay at the ends. Arched top with all over boulle dec- oration. Base with one long inlaid drawer on shaped rectan- gular under support with bronzes. (Sold as is.) Height, 8914 inches; length, about 45 inches; depth, 20 inches BED WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. Heavy, massive style with high shaped head and foot boards of plain ebony with paneled end pillars decorated with boulle insets and framed by bronze moldings. The lower part of the head and foot boards with - deep boulle frieze. Elaborate sides in two panels, the upper with boulle frieze, the lower deeply curved with bronze orna- ment in the centre. (Sold as is.) Width, 57 inches 20 [NUMBER 200] 120 121 PAIR OF BOOK CASES WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. Rectangular, with high molded cornice, decorated with bronze acanthus frieze. Glass front with narrow boulle frame, flanked on either side with Renaissance bronze motives. Plain ebony sides with bronzes. Low base with three bronze dies. (Sold as is.) Height, 44 inches; length, 33 inches; depth, 14% inches PAIR OF CABINETS WITH BOULLE INLAY AND BRONZES FRANCE, LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Same set as the preceding. Rectangular, with glass front panel framed with boulle inlay. High cornice with egg and dart and acanthus friezes in bronze. The base and side pillars with acanthus bronzes; ends of plain ebony with bronzes. Black marble tops. (Sold as is.) Height, 44 inches; length, 3214 inches; depth, 15 inches 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY FURNITURE, INCLUDING 122 123 124 A FEW LATER SPECIMENS LOTS 122-148 CARVED WALNUT TOOLED LEATHER CHAIR i SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY Straight narrow back, arched at top and bottom. Very elab- orate tooling of a vase with a flower bouquet and peacocks in opposite representation. The seat with rich semi-convention- alized floral decoration. Turned legs and braces; boldly scrolled front stretcher. ARM CHAIR WITH CARVED LEATHER BACK AND SEAT PORTUGAL, 17TH CENTURY Ornate scroll pattern, the back with escutcheon in the centre. Straight arms, with grotesque animal head finials. Spirally carved arm supports, legs and under braces. Brass studs. (Restored. ) CHAIR WITH CARVED LEATHER BACK AND SEAT PORTUGAL, 18TH CENTURY High arched back. Flower vase decoration with elaborate bouquet upheld by amorini. Seat with conventionalized floral design. Elaborately carved and turned legs connected by turned braces. Front brace with baroque scrolls. Leather modern. 21 125 CHAIR WITH CARVED LEATHER BACK AND SEAT SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY Rounded back, with elaborate decoration of escutcheons and floral scrolls. Seat with floral rosace. Turned legs, with bold- ly scrolled front brace and turned side braces. Brass studs. 126 CHAIR WITH CARVED LEATHER BACK AND SEAT PORTUGAL, 17TH CENTURY The back with ornate floral scroll work and an escutcheon. The seat with intricately interlaced stems and flowers in vig- orous, individual design. Square legs, connected across the front by scrolled brace. (Sold as is.) 127 CHAIR WITH CARVED LEATHER BACK AND SEAT PORTUGAL, 17TH CENTURY Straight lines; studding of brass nails. The back with grotesque birds in opposite representation on either side of an escutcheon. The seat with fleur-de-lis and floral medallion in scrolled frame. Square legs, connected by boldly scrolled front brace. (Sold as is.) | 128 SET OF THREE WALNUT CHAIRS WITH CARVED LEATHER BACKS AND SEATS © spain, 17TH cENTURY Rectangular backs with rounded tops. Rococo scroll work surrounding a central phoenix motif. The seats with acanthus and scroll shells. Square legs connected by curved braces; boldly voluted scroll front brace. Brass studs. (Sold as is.) 129 PAIR OF CHAIRS WITH CARVED LEATHER BACK / AND SEATS SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY f Elaborate rococo carving of scroll, fan and acanthus motives. The seat with four lobed rosace medallion. Turned legs and braces with boldly scrolled connecting front brace. Seat and back with brass studs. (Sold ag is.) 130 CARVED LEATHER CHAIR 17th century style. High arched back with delicately carved escutcheon and leaf motives. Seat with floral rosace and bor- der. Spirally turned legs and stretchers. Brass studs. 22 131 HIGH BACKED CARVED LEATHER CHAIR PORTUGAL, 17TH CENTURY Rounded top. Back with carving of rococo floral scrolls sur- rounding an oval medallion with quaint decoration of a woman with a parrot. Seat with conventionalized floral de- sien. Turned and square legs and braces. (Sold as is.) 132 TOOLED LEATHER ARM CHAIR WITH WALNUT FRAME SPAIN, 16TH CENTURY The shaped back with very rich floral jardiniére decoration with amorini on either side. The seat with floral quatrefoil motif. Scrolled arm rests; richly carved front stretcher. (Sold as is.) 133 TOOLED LEATHER SIDE CHAIR - spain, 16TH CENTURY Elaborate scroll, shell and leaf motives. The back with rounded top. Walnut frame; brass studs. Richly carved front stretcher. (Sold as is.) 134 CARVED WALNUT STOOL WITH VELVET SEAT Four high legs with twisted spiral carving, joined by four connecting braces. Red velvet seat with brass studs. (Velvet worn. ) Height, 21 inches 135 17TH CENTURY INLAID ROSEWOOD TABLE Palisander table inlaid in ivory. The centre of rectangular top with diamond design, the edge with thin linear inlay. Straight, inlaid apron, the front with two drawers. Elab- orately curved bracket end supports connected by turned braces. Brass ornaments. (‘Sold as is.) Height, 30 inches; length, 5114 inches; depth, 33 inches 136 17TH CENTURY MARQUETRY TABLE Rectangular, with inlay in light woods, the top with three diamond motives enclosed in rectangles and surrounded by looped scrolls. Plain apron with two drawers and engraved brass handles. Deeply curved end braces connected by turned and scrolled stretchers. Rare specimen of the period. Height, 30 inches; length, 42 inches; depth, 25 inches 23 137 138 139 140 141 CARVED ROSEWOOD TROUSSEAU CHEST Portuguese, 17th century style. Front with very high dia- mond shaped panels surrounded by carved molding and with heavy brass handles. Central panel with elaborate brass lock and hasp. Two narrow drawers at base. Sides with raised panels and brass handles. Round feet. Top with brass rosaces. : Height, 27 inches; length, 3 feet 8 inches; depth, 19 inches ROSEWOOD CHEST Rectangular, the top with two small drawers above two long drawers. Deeply scalloped apron with shell and acanthus scroll carving. Cabriole legs, the knees with acanthus mo- tives; ball and claw feet. Elaborate brass handles with eagle and acanthus scroll motives. Height, 40 inches; length, 43 inches; depth, 23 inches ROSEWOOD TABLE Renaissance style; torze shape. Dignified rectangular shape with four elaborately turned legs connected by four turned braces. The front of the apron with two drawers with raised paneling and carved moulding. The back of the apron paneled to stimulate drawers. The feet and drawers with brass orna- © ments. Height, 3314 inches; length, 38 inches; depth, 2214 inches RENAISSANCE STYLE WOODEN CABINET AND STAND The pillared front facade with nine paneled drawers with carved busts of kings and knights of the Middle Ages; the columns and carvings in boxwood. The top with elaborate gallery and broken arch flanking the portrait bust finial in the centre. The stand with six turned legs connected by an undershelf and with apron decorated in high relief with Renaissance masks and escutcheons. (Sold as is.) .Height, 57 inches; length, 43 inches; depth, 13 inches CARVED ROSEWOOD CHEST AND TABLE Portuguese, 17th century style. The front with nine small drawer panels, with molded frames and handsome brass locks and handles. High molded cornice. The rectangular table with elaborately turned and twisted legs, connected by four spiral under braces. The front and side aprons with richly carved scroll motives. _ Height, 47 inches; length, 2314 inches; depth, 13 inches 24 142 143 146 147 COMMODE OF CARVED CHESTNUT WOOD Old wood, recarved. Massive, rectangular shape. ‘T'wo long top drawers, elaborately carved with graceful scroll work. The lower section with two drawers enclosing a large cup- board. The centres of the doors with raised panels with acanthus scroll work. Height, 40 inches; length, 43 inches; depth, 19 inches 17TH CENTURY EBONIZED WOOD AND ROSEWOOD CABINET Interesting specimen. Two separate, one double, and one fourfold breasted drawers, all with raised central panels inset with tortoise shell and with chased brass mountings, and the entire surrounded by bois tiré mouldings. Hach of the sides with large rectangular tortoise shell inset and brass handles. The stand with massive turned and twisted legs connected by twisted stretchers. Apron with rich leaf carving. Height, 59 inches; length, 40 inches; depth, 18 inches CARVED WALNUT ARM CHAIR FRANCE, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Louis XIV style; fine specimen. Shaped back; straight arm rests with lion head finials. Spirally carved arm supports, legs and stretchers. Parts of chair with old polychromy. Red upholstery of the period. (Sold as is.) PAIR OF CARVED WALNUT ARM CHAIRS FRANCE, 17TH CENTURY Fine specimens of the period, with beautiful old carving and dignified lines. High rectangular backs; scrolled arm rests with acanthus carving and traces of old gilding. Legs, stretchers and arm supports with twisted spiral carving. Up- holstered in 17th century red velvet. (Sold as is.) PAIR OF CARVED WALNUT ARM CHAIRS FRANCE, 17TH CENTURY Same as the preceding. (Sold as is.) CARVED WALNUT ARM CHAIR FRANCE, 17TH CENTURY High back; same as preceding pair. (Sold as is. ) 25 148 149 150 151 PAIR OF CARVED WALNUT ARM CHAIRS FRANCE, 17TH CENTURY Same as the preceding, but slightly smaller and with square backs. (Sold as is.) PAINTINGS LOTS 149-157 PAIR OF PAINTINGS ON COPPER PORTUGAL, 17TH CENTURY St. Francis of Assisi and St. Francis Xavier, one with eruci- fix and staff, the other in ardent prayer. Very expressive workmanship. Old frames elaborately decorated with spirally twisted glass and thin ormolu. Height, 614 inches; width, 434 inches TRIPTYCH PORTUGAL, 17TH CENTURY In the central panel the Sacrifice of St. Barbara, who stands below with an attendant bishop, while above is Mary, en- throned in heaven, with attendant angels and saints. On the right and left panels St. Gonsalo and St. Francis. On the outside the Annunciation. (Sold as is.) Height, 46 inches; width (central panel), 36 inches; (entire) 68 inches UNKNOWN Italy, 17th century THE SLEEPING CHILD To the right, the mother leans over her baby in expressive and tender attitude, and places the sheet over his nude body. To the left stands the father bearing a wicker basket with doves. The red dress of the mother lends a warm color note to the painting. Strong Italian influence. Framed. (Sold as 18.) Height, 2914 inches; length, 40 inches 26 152 153 154 155 H., POHLE German School, 19th century THE HILLSIDE PASTURE Range after range of low hills, gradually graying in the dis- tance. In the foreground a sparkling brook where cows are drinking, while the rest of the herd runs down the hillside. In the left foreground a wooded slope. A fine treatment of evenly diffused morning light, with effective contrast of the trees in the foreground with the rising hills in the distance. Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 2434 inches; width, 40 inches T. VESTON 1858 GOSSIP IN THE BARN The dark raftered interior of a spacious barn; in the fore- eround three Italian peasants in picturesque costumes brilliantly touched with red. In the middle ground the manger with cows and to the left a horse and groom. Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 2914 inches BOLOGNESE SCHOOL ITALY, 17TH CENTURY Pomona. - A painting of rich and colorful contrasts of ivory flesh tints, brilliantly colored fruit and rich dark draperies. The goddess is represented with wheat-wreathed hair. Her draped garment and cloak fall from one beautifully rounded shoulder. In the right hand she holds a luscious plum, while before her are piles of fruit with gleaming crimson hues. Beautiful hand carved 17th century frame (regilt). Height, 39 inches; width, 28 inches PAINTING ON PANEL SPANISH SCHOOL, 16TH CENTURY The Annunciation. An interesting painting, revealing the strong influence of the Flemish masters. An angel, gorgeously elad in golden yellow silk and with large, spreading wings, kneels before the Virgin, who is seated on a dais with the open scriptures before her. Interesting details are the quaint- ly formal flower bouquet standing in an urn before the Virgin and the contrasting use of light looped draperies with fringe in the background. Old gilt frame. Height, 28 inches; length, 50 inches 27 156 157 158 FLEMISH MASTER School of Bruges, 16th century VIRGIN, CHILD AND ANGEL This Madonna, Child and Angel have all felt the tradition of beauty and left behind the harsher ideals of religious auster- ity. The Madonna, with flowing golden hair, holds the Child on a crimson cushion, while to the left a child-like angel in a pink robe bears a glass dish of luscious fruit. Behind the Vir- gin is a charming glimpse of landscape. All three faces have a tender and brooding beauty. Panel. Height, 5 inches; width, 4 inches PAINTING ON PANEL SPANISH SCHOOL, 16TH CENTURY The Nativity. A painting interesting both in interpretation and grouping. The Christ Child hes in the centre of the group on a bed of straw and Mary and Joseph stand behind him in attitudes of adoration. To the right interesting peas- ant types bear offerings of fruit and fowls, while to the left other worshippers of the Infant King bring gifts of fruit and heifers. The red and yellow tones of gowns and mantles are particularly fine, while the expressions of adoration are vividly depicted. Old gilt frame. Height, 28 inches; length, 50 inches I8TH CENTURY FURNITURE, INCLUDING A FEW LATER SPECIMENS LOTS 158-206 PAINTED LEATHER CHEST SPAIN, 18TH CENTURY Very charming and unusual specimen, showing marked Chinese influence in the decoration. Red, studded with brass nails, and decorated in yellow and light colors with floral friezes. Red lion claw feet. Edges bound with brass. In- side lined with original gold Chinese peony paper. (Sold as is. ) Height, 1514 inches; length, 3434 inches; depth, 1714 inches SMALL MAHOGANY TABLE Chippendale style. Plain rectangular top; cabriole legs, deco- rated on the knees with shell and acanthus carving; narrow connecting apron, similarly decorated. Oak base. Height, 2314 inches; length, 2134 inches; depth, 1714 inches 28 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 SMALL CARVED WALNUT CABINET PORTUGUESE, 18TH CENTURY Top of mottled light pink marble. Apron with one small drawer with acanthus carving. The lower cupboard with elaborate shell and scroll motif. Cabriole legs; ball and claw feet. CARVED ROSEWOOD BED Decoration of scroll and acanthus carving in Chippendale rococo style. The head board surmounted by a scrolled finial with large acanthus leaf motif in the centre. (Sold as is. ) LARGE ROSEWOOD ‘‘SPINDLE’’ BED Elaborately turned posts with urn finials. Elaborate head and foot boards formed of a series of twisted spiral columns arranged in rows and with scroll motives on top. The entire with elaborately scrolled finial with ten small turned columns. LATE 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD BED Sheraton style with turned urn finials and high head board richly inlaid with arrow and quiver medallion in festooned and scrolled shield. Magnificent specimen. Width, 4 feet 10 inches 18TH CENTURY CARVED ROSEWOOD BED Louis XV design with elaborately scrolled and shaped head and foot boards, the outer mouldings carved en rocaille, the inner in shell pattern. The panels carved in bas reliefs of scrolls. On cabriole legs with claw and ball feet. Very un- usual specimen. Width, 4 feet 10 inches WALNUT MIRROR WITH CARVED AND GILT DECO- RATION Rectangular, the top surmounted by elaborate carving of an urn with flower, ribbon and leaf motives. Sides with beaded gilt moulding and floral motives; bottom with floral decora- tion and a cartouche. Height, 50 inches; width, 2314 inches 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD TROUSSEAU CHEST Five drawers with massive and finely engraved cut steel mounts and handles; cover and top of the body with hasps, locks and hinges in similar style. The whole with decoration of metal rosace studs. Ball feet. (Sold as 1s.) Height, 27 inches; length, 44 inches; depth, 2644 inches 29 167 168 169 170 iba 172 173 EARLY 18TH CENTURY INLAID ROSEWOOD SIDE TABLE Louis XV design with swell front fitted with one drawer. Top, apron and sides with tulip and satinwood reserves. Cen- tre of top with star rosace inlay; ends, apron and sides with deeply scalloped scroll pattern. Slender cabriole legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 4014 inches; depth, 20 inches LATE 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD CARD TABLE Louis XVI style; simple, classical lines. Rectangular top with folding leaves. Reeded legs on inverted pear-shaped feet. Charming specimen. (Sold as is.) | Height, 2914 inches; length, 3314 inches; depth, 1614 inches LATE 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD CARD TABLE Same as the preceding. (Sold as is.) Height, 2914 inches; length, 3314 inches; depth, 1614 inches MAHOGANY TILT TOP TRIPOD TABLE 18th century table with modern inlay. Sheraton style. The centre with very graceful floral medallions; the edge with linear inlay. Turned pedestal; feet with leaf decoration. Height, 30 inches; diameter of top, 281% inches 18TH CENTURY SANDALWOOD COFFER High dome shaped cover. With the original wrought iron straps, handles and lock. On bracket base. (Sold as is.) Height, 16 inches; length, 3214 inches; depth, 1414 inches INLAID ROSEWOOD CARD TABLE OF THE LATE 18TH CENTURY Sheraton style; graceful lines. Top with elaborate acanthus scroll and floral inlay; inside with green felt. Deep apron with cube inlay. Slender, tapering legs. Height, 3014 inches; length, 36 inches; diameter of top (open), 36 inches. INLAID FOLDING TOP CARD TABLE OF MAHOGANY Sheraton style. Outside semi-circular top with elaborate floral spray inlay surrounding an oval medallion portrait of a young’ woman. Slender legs inlaid at top. Apron with rich floral decoration. - Height, 2814 inches 30 174 175 176 PAGl, 178 179 1794 INLAID MAHOGANY TRIPOD TABLE Old wood, but modern inlay. Sheraton style. Circular top with delicate wreath and linear inlay. Plain turned pedes- tal; the legs with floral spray inlay. Height, 29 inches; diameter of top, 26 inches INLAID ROSEWOOD CARD TABLE Sheraton style. Top with graceful inlay of realistic floral sprays; apron with conventionalized flower pattern. Flam- beau shaped legs with linear inlay. Inside lined with felt; folding top. Height, 3014 inches; length, 38 inches; diameter of top, 37 inches. MAHOGANY CHAIR HEPPLEWHITE, 18TH CENTURY Shield shaped back; interlaced urn splat with fluted edge. Square, tapering legs. Absolutely old, except the cane seat. PAIR OF MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Fine specimens. Shield shaped backs with perforated and beaded medallion splat with oval motif in centre. Square fluted legs. Red damask seats. 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD SETTEE Rocaille style. Deeply curved back. frame with elaborate scroll, acanthus and floral carving. Narrow apron with floral scrolls. Cabriole legs with acanthus motives on knees and feet. Tapestry upholstery. Length, 55 inches SET OF SIX PEAR WOOD CHAIRS HEPPLEWHITE, 18TH CENTURY Open shield shaped backs with floral carving in the centre. Perforated urn shaped splat. Cane seats. Square legs joined by under braces. PAIR OF SATINWOOD SIDE CHAIRS WITH LEATHER SEATS DUTCH 18TH CENTURY Shaped backs with wide cross pieces. Leather seats. (Re- paired. ) 31 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 SET OF SIX WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS LOUIS XVI, 18TH CENTURY Simple, graceful lines. Oval backs with carved bow knot motif in the centre; insets of cane. Shaped, rounded seats with cane inset. Narrow apron, the centre with bow knot motif. Rectangular dies over the fluted columnar legs. Fine old specimens. (Restored.) SET OF SIX WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS LOUIS XVI, 18TH CENTURY Practically identical with preceding sets. (Restored.) SET OF SIX WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS LOUIS XVI, 18TH CENTURY Practically identical with preceding set. (Restored. ) PAIR OF ARM CHAIRS AND A LONG WALNUT SET- TEE LOUIS XVI, 18TH CENTURY Practically identical with preceding sets. (Repaired.) Length of settee, 5 feet 10 inches SET OF FOUR WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS, AN ARM CHAIR AND A SMALL SETTEE : LOUIS XVI, 18TH CENTURY Practically identical with ike preceding sets. Length of settee, 42 inches SET OF FOUR 18TH CENTURY WALNUT ARM CHAIRS Louis XV design. Frames similar to the preceding sets, but the upholstery in red floral brocade; the arm rests more deeply scrolled and voluted. (Restored. ) ROSEWOOD SETTEE AND SIDE CHAIR HEPPLEWHITE, 18TH CENTURY The settee with triple shield shaped back surmounted by a small floral motif. Perforated splat. Gently curved arm rests and front. Square, tapering legs. Cane seats. Chair to match. Of the period. (Slight restorations. ) Length of settee, 62 inches SET OF FOUR WALNUT CHAIRS HEPPLEWHITE, 18TH CENTURY Open, shield shaped backs with fluted, interlaced splats and floral carving in the centres. Seats with cane insets. Square legs. Set is of the period, some parts being replaced. 32 De 188 189 190 191 192 193 SET OF FIVE SMALL 18TH CENTURY WALNUT ARM CHAIRS AND A SETTEE Louis XV design. Open, scrolled backs, the top with floral carving, the splat formed of open work arch and scroll mo- tives. Gracefully curved arm rests and supports. Shaped, rounded seat. Small apron with floral carving. Cabriole legs, carved on the knees. Settee with double back. Old red damask upholstery. (Repaired and restored.) _ Length of settee, 43 inches 18TH CENTURY PAINTED WOODEN SETTEHE The high rectangular back with charming old painting of hunters in a landscape; arched top. Straight seat with quaint painted floral sprays. . Square legs with deeply scrolled front brace, also with floral sprays. Buff, decorated in warm colors. Length, 43 inches INLAID 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD COMMODE Beautiful grained rosewood. Rectangular, with two small upper drawers; two long narrow drawers below. The top with floral spray and bird decoration; drawers and apron with similar motives. Deeply curved apron; rococo bronze handles. Absolutely an old specimen, unfortunately the marquetry is a new addition. Height, 3514 inches; length, 43 inches; depth, 2014 inches MARQUETRY COMMODE Louis XVI style. Simple rectangular lines; gray and white marble top. The front with two long drawers inlaid to form three rectangular panels with elaborate floral marquetry. Sides similarly decorated. Straight slender legs. Height, 34 inches; length, 44 inches; depth, 2014 inches MARQUETRY COMMODE LOUIS XVI STYLE Mate to the preceding. Height, 34 inches; length, 44 inches; depth, 2014 inches INLAID MARQUETRY COMMODE Louis XVI style. Gray and white marble top. Front with two long drawers, inlaid on tulipwood ground to form three rec- tangular panels with marquetry of diamond shaped motives enclosing elaborate flower baskets. Sides similarly decorated. Front apron with three small drawers. Slender tapering legs. Charming model. Height, 33 inches; length, 39 inches; depth, 18 inches 33 194 195 196 197 198 199 INLAID MARQUETRY COMMODE Louis XVI style; mate to the preceding. Height, 33 inches; length, 39 inches; depth, 18 inches INLAID 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD COMMODE Tulip and satinwood inlay. Top with circular medallion with large star motif; edge with deeply scalloped scroll inlay. Swell front, with two drawers with elaborate ormolu mounts. Cabriole legs. Small inlaid apron in centre. Good specimen. (Sold as is.) 2 Height, 48 inches; length, 42 inches; depth, 2214 inches LARGE 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD COMMODE Louis XV design. Two small and three long drawers. Sim- ple, massive piece. Serpentine front with brass mounts. Finely carved apron with scrolls, shell and acanthus motives. In its original state. (Sold as is.) Height, 42 inches; length, 52 inches; depth, 26 inches 18TH CENTURY DARK MAHOGANY DESK Drop top, enclosing elaborately pigeon-holed inner ecompart- ment, with small drawers and central cupboard section. Four long drawers with elaborate brass handles. Height, 43 inches; length, 39' inches; depth, 22 inches WALNUT TABLE ENGLAND, 18TH CENTURY Queen Anne design. Rectangular with slightly curved out- line. Two long paneled drawers with engraved brass handles and locks. Deeply curved and graceful apron with shell and leaf carving, ending in tapering curved legs with scroll feet. Ends with rocaille carving. Exquisite specimen. Height, 3214 inches; length, 37 inches; depth, 21 inches EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ROSEWOOD CABINET The front door, which encloses a cupboard section, with raised central panels and arched top. Cushion sides and ends. Ball and claw feet. Exceptional specimen of the period. _ Height, 56 inches; length, 27 inches; depth, 15 inches 34 4 . 7 200 201 202 203 204 CARVED WALNUT TABLE ENGLAND, 18TH CENTURY Queen Anne design. Rectangular top with curved outline. Swell front with two long drawers with engraved brass handles. Minutely carved apron with leaves and flowers fol- lowed by a gadrooned edge. Columnar carved corners with serolls and floral motives. Cabriole legs with acanthus and scroll carving; scroll feet, similarly decorated. A remark- ably fine specimen of the period. Height, 3314 inches; length, 4014 inches; depth, 2334 inches [Szrz ILLustTRATION ] ROSEWOOD LADIES’ RECEPTION CHAIR SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Very graceful open back; open work, with perforated splat. Wide shaped seat with cane centre. Simply carved apron; square legs. Fine specimen, original except for cane seat. SET OF EIGHT 18TH CENTURY DIRECTOIRE SIDE CHAIRS AND A SETTEE | Cherry wood with deep shaped top rail and open back with rectangular splats, showing painted landscape decorations. Rush seats. Square legs. Settee with similar landscape deco- ration. All in original state. LARGE 18TH. CENTURY WALNUT DESK Louis XV design; massive piece. Drop top, enclosing large inner compartment with pigeon holes and plaza shaped small drawers; small central cupboard with arched door. Bow front; four large drawers with ormolu scroll handles in rococo style. The side panels with elaborate acanthus carving. Scroll feet with acanthus motives. (Sold as is.) Height, 43 inches; length, 40 inches; depth, 23 inches MASSIVE ROSEWOOD DESK OF THE EARLY 18TH CENTURY A very interesting and handsome old piece. Fall front, en- closing unusual inner section with several bent and serpentine shaped small drawers and compartments with small twisted columns and turned ball finials. Four long drawers with old engraved brass locks and handles. Deeply scalloped and pro- jecting base; claw feet. (Sold as is.) Height, 43 inches; length, 44 inches; depth, 2214 inches 35 205 206 MASSIVE 18TH CENTURY ROSEWOOD DES! Three large serpentine front drawers with elab scroll and bird motif brass handles. Fall front, with ; ous small plaza shaped drawers below compartments. 4 tral cupboard with arched door. Four heavily scrolled : acanthus leaf feet. Sides surmounted by shell and 1 ing with floral inlay. An unusual specimen, in its origina i state. (Sold as is.) aie Height, 43 inches; length, 48 inches; sent ral incl s SET OF EIGHT ROSEWOOD SIDE CHAIRS SETTEE QUEEN ANNE PERIOD, | Magnificent suite with carved manuscript fold a motif back. Fiddleback hollow back with exte : eabriole legs, ending in scroll. This suite of the: p been upholstered in antique brocaded silk. re preservation. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | | 206 [NUMBER Sen = | | 1921 Jan BEANBAnS ¢ 4 _-Ander 5 Aetie fu re & sil -_Mn oo Li S iv aris pieyssts EESHeSaS Of En baa he al Wi sa Te vs fe eae ae sia ‘