leapt ee —s [ior Ra eB te a Bh — Re ed Terie tn aan by et os “SN. . Ps Re rn th ae - ng tee ee Mis: Se ts - oN cans Salpeter se ho Lae at ta ne es Se tere a cS et . es : ~ Pn me =o oon a + eR AA iy _— te he ViPS thy ey ante a ater Ettore eaters ne gate I betes are See — 8 8€=«|\ ee Sera Pa erie A Me ee Dan Bhs Peel ee Be Redhat well fone i Pettey vay Vil eles z Gah if oh ame Pov mm We” - Rey He era et ae Seer ts Td Sa ee Be ee a aman thea LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York th i f the collection. The eighty-four fetched $64,200... =. * Gr “Bashi-bazouks Playing Cards’” the 600 was paid, while GérOme’s much nirably painted example, and a poor for that master, fetched the (for it) high | of $3,600. The price for Van Marcke's » Drinking’ was $4,300, and Corot’s “Near *Avray”’ went down at $3,000, M Kinmeyh detteeon at $2,500, and the sama amount, which was dear, was given for Corot’s “The Wood Gatherer.” . For. Shreyer’s ‘Arab Cavalry” the figure was $2,200, and for Knaus’ “The ‘Disgusted Model’ $2,150, while for Diaz's ‘In the Woods” Mr. Leopold gave $2,100. Flameng’s ‘‘Cross Bow Shooting’ fetched $2,000, and Corot’s ‘‘Morn- ing on the /Pond’’ and Cazin’s ‘‘Landscape”’ (No. 76) J ea ka 2 se eae Frosty Morning’ was cheap at $1,250, im Mr. Lanthier gave $1,426 for Henner’s ‘Juana,”’ 0 each for Knight's “La Petite Bergére’’ and I's «Landscape with Trees.’’ Dupré’s “rhe man’’ brought $1,200, and so did Ziem’s “Near Constantinople.’ Rico’s ‘Santa Euphemia’ fetched $1,400 and Mauve’s “Sheep’’ $1,300. ; _ Knoedler & Co, paid $1,000 for Clay’s ‘‘Calm Day, ig Be “Arabian Scout.’’ Braith’s large ‘‘Land- scape and Cattle’ brought but $590, and Picknell’s Oise’ brought $1,000, Rico’s “A Bit of Venice’ $670, from ex-Judge Horace Russell, and’ Pasini’s “Outside of the Inn” $850 from Knoedler & Co.’ vas spirited bidding for the more _ and the prices were good, except — ive's ‘Return of the Flock’ was bought for. “Among the Pools’ but $470. Daubigny’s ‘On the — ay of Dordrecht,’’ and Mr. John 8, James $650 for — . DR. G. H. WYNKOOP’S COLLECTION OF MODERN PAINTINGS er Go nat CATALOGUE | ale OF DR. G. H. WYNKOOP’S VOT a by ge = ad COLLECTION OF MODERN PAINTINGS NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION AT THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 366 FIFTH AVENUE NEAR 34TH ST., N.Y. THIS COLLECTION WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION ON THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 13, 1890 Preis wu Tana CN Aa ANAND TEU AT EIGHT O’CLOCK ORTGIES & CO. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN DR. G. H. WYNKOOP’S COLLECTION. Berard. 8 Baumgartner. 17 Bunner. 20 Bargue. 23, 85 Braith. 54 Berne-Bellecour. 55 Boldini. 57 Casanova. 37 Courbet. 43 Chaplin. 44 Col. 46 Cazin. 59, 76 Corot. 62, 74, 81 Clays. 65, 75 Daubigny. 26, 49, 63 Dupré, L. V. 27 Defregger. 36 Dupré, Julien. 45 Dupré, Jules. 64 Diaz. 73 Flameng. 71 Gross. 5 Gampenreider. 19 Grolleron, 24 Guillou. 42 Géréme. 84 Huguet. 18, 39 Hart, J. M. 41 Henner. 72 Inness. 77 Jacque. 25, 48 Knight. 69 Knaus. 78 Lepine. 3 Lepinay. 9 Leloir, M. 52 Lerolle. 82 Morany: Pod 22 Murphy. 2 Merode. 7 Michel. 12, 38, 50, 70 Meyer Von Bremen. Mauve. 30, 67, 80 Mosler. 31 Madou. 47 Ochtman. 28 Outin. 53 Pujol. 4 Piot. 32 Pokitonow. 34 Perrier-Sanchez. 35 Pinchart. 51 Picknell. 60 Pasini. 61 Rudell. 11 Rehn. 14 Richet. 40 Rico. 56, 80 Santoro. 13 Schreyer. 58, 83 Tamburini. 21 Van Elten. I0 Veyrassat. 16 Van Boskerck, 29 Van Marcke. 79 Wiggins. 15 Worms. 33 Zuber-Buhler. 6 Ziem. 66 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, andir any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to a their names and addresses, and to pay down acash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money 7/ reguired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, Pat they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any errorin the description. All articles are ex- posed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. Ket LO liters inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- ience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased there- after be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same, This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AvucrioneEsr, By Ortciss & Co. re ou The first figures of the size indicate the w7dth of the picture. is a re MORAN (Percy), . . New York. Shottery, England. °°" 94% x7 2 | gv MURPHY (J. Francis), : New York. The Pond. ‘ 101g x 8 LEPINE (Stanislas). 2°. 9 Pupil of Corot. n por " Honorable Mention, Paris. C On the Canal, St. Martin. 9x6 PUJOL (Cc)... Pupil of Barcelona Academy. act ee r fe |] Peddling Monks: 10 x 13 GROSS (Richard), ie ae t,. Just So. 14 x 10 6 ZUBER-BUHLER (F.), . . ... Paris. Pupil of Grosclaude, Picot and l’Ecole des Beaux Arts, a gr Bx) bOB, atti Fool’s Cap. ~ IO x 12 a -MERODE (von), tint MAB TT A: | The News. 7x 8% 8 Pa ( “BERARD (Leon Daniel), . ' hy we Pupil of Jacquett ov “ The Fair Julie. 18 x 22 ) 40} LEPINAY (E. Gaillard), dec’'d, . . . Paris. «apse Pupil of Jaquand. bd adil Grand Canal, Venice. 29 x 18 IO j3° VAN ELTEN (Kruseman), N. A., . New York. Medals, Amsterdam, 1860; Philadelphia, 1876. IY, : ny September in the Ramapo Valley. 30 x 18 fy Il nag | RUDELL (P. E), : : New York. | nfrin™ xi Pupil of A. H. Wyant. fr i ~~ New Forest at Windsor. 40 X 23 10 I2 MICHEL (Georges), dec’d, Pupil of Leduc. Born 1763. Died 1843. Landscape. 16x II 13 SANTORO (R,), Pupil of Fortuny. Awe orp Bari, Bay of Naples. ¥9lg x 1016 14 REHN(F.K.M.); . . .. New York. ” n ald 4 First prize, St. Louis, 1882. Rey ye Prize, Water Color Exhibition, New York, 1885. Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, 1886. Sunset on Long Island. 18 x 12 Vea JOO, 28 15 < [\o | -WIGGINS (J. Carleton), . —. New York. Be pad Good Morning? 12x 18 16 |2 ry VEYRASSAT (Jules Jacques), . . Paris: Medal, Paris, 1872. Py ad : Legion of Honor, 1878. ~ Harvesting. 17 VI O| BAUMGARTNER (Peter), . . Munich. Pupil of the Munich Academy | nt and of Piloty. “@ Professor in Royal Academy, Munich. A Hungry Hunter. 18 x 3314 18 HUGUET (Victor Pierre), : ee) atts: Pupil of Loubon. A far Medals, Paris, 1873, 1882. “xu An Oasis in Kaleb. 18 x 14 19 GAMPENREIDER (K.), . po Paris, Pupil of Kaemmerer. On the Beach. / 33 x 4436 20 BUNNER (A. F.),A.N.A, . New York* ay Fondamentie Nuove, Venicé. 40 X 24 yop ze 21 TAMBURINI (A,), . : Florence. -: Jo Pt, ie ( yi " Medals, Florence, 1870; Bologna, 1879. : The Studious Cardinal. IL x 1246 22 0 MEYER Uenann Georg), dec'd, . 0.) 3ipetiaas aD | et Called Meyer von Bremen. 'y Pupil of Sohn. < Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Medals at Berlin and Philadelphia. Born 1813. Died 1886, Resting. | 3x4 a ar | 23 (7? BARGUE (C -harles), el cesay airing j ._ Paris. pr ae of Géréme. (| : Died 1883. Oh His Devotions. 11g x19 ‘In his paintings a unity and completeness of effect is enriched {with a wondrous detail. From this arises the rare value of his works, which, like some of Meissonier’s, command, literally, more than their weight in gold.”’ > 14 24 GROLLERON (Paul), : : Paris. fh Pupil of Bonnat. ye A nel Medal, 1876, 1886. (, ¥™ On Guard. 9% X 14 25 JACQUE (Charles Emile), : vit ALIS, Medals, Paris, 1861, ’63, ’64, ’67. mh 4 £ Py oon Legion of Honor, 1867. f# %y¥ Chickens. : 16 x 12 26 Beer yY (CE. decd)... .. Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Dene Saag Medals, 1848, ’53, 755, 757, 59, °67. iy» * Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to memory of deceased artists, 1878. Born 1817. Died 1878. Landscape and Figures. 14 x IO 15 2be 4h 2-« Whe 27 DUPRE (Leon Victor), dec'd, . . . Paris. Brother and pupil of Jules Dupré. Medals, Paris, 1849; Philadelphia, A. p ey A Summer Day on the Moselle. 2316 x 1416 28 OCHTMAN (Leonard), . . . New York. (> wo ° Moonrise. * 360 x 24 29 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.), . . New York. Pupil of Wyant. ¢ not i Evening, Hackensack Marshes. 30x 1716 ul 39. MAUVE Peeaecead.). 0 °°... The Hague. Born 1838. Died 1888. Pupil of Van Os. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876; Paris, 1887; Amsterdam and Vienna. Sheep at Pasture. ; it eh Ant fF af | Y DidAA fy b 2016 x 14 31 MOSLER (Henry), . Pupil of Hébert. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. {° Medals at Munich and Nice. Grandmothers Birthday. 29 x 38 32 PIOT NORMAND (Alexander), Pupil of Picot. rn A Child’s Prayer. F 15 x 18 33 . hs bo | S| woe erates) sine Paris. Ap f° Ke Pupil of Lafosse. “Medals, Paris, 1867, 68, ’69, ’78 (Exposition Univomentey Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889. A Spanish Girl. tolg x 1416 | 34 ys" POKITONOW (J), . - ¢.. = ‘Paoane Landscape. 7x5 35 4 j0 .| PERRIER (E, Sanchez), 1 aes , 0 os Pupil of Canot. A Glimpse of the River. 111g x 20 - «C: BEE REGGER (han) . | .. | Munich. SMe Studied sculpture under Prof. Stoltz, and painting in the Bavarian Royal Academy and with Piloty of Munich. Great Gold Medal at Munich and Great and Small Gold Medals at Berlin. Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878. Gold Medal at Vienna, 1882. Tyrolese Girl. 5 x 6% 37 BAGANOVA (L), ..|... 399 Pupil of his brother Antonio. May and December.“ IO x 15 38 MICHEL (Georges), dec’'d, . : ak 1 Born 1763. Died 1843. ft : or Road through the Woods. 2316 x 1946 j8e 410° 39 HUGUET Wace Pierre), : _. Paris. i ty ay? Pupil of Loubon. ‘wr Medals, Paris, 1873, ’82. Arab Encampment. 23x 1546 40 RICHET (Leon), : aa Paris. Fupil of Diaz, Lefebvre and Boulanger. ees Mention, Paris, 1885. © we A Sunny Day. 18 x 22 4I Pee Flin M.), Ne A 0 0 ie at andeeane and Cows. 201g x 2814 20 42 ee), Pars’ | 7 Pupil of Cabanel and Bouguereau. ft 4 )y~ ° Medals, Paris, 1877, ’81. ot ba Selling the Catch. 18 x 24 43 COURBET (Gustave), dec’d, Paris. Pupil of David d’Angers, Steuben and Hesse. A: Medals, Paris, 1849, ’57, ’61. rn?) Born 1819. Died 1878. C it A. Mountain Stream. 211g x 18 pee 44 CHAPLIN (Charles), iach Paris. Pupil of l’Ecole des Beaux Arts and Drolling. fe Medals, Paris, 1851, 752, '65. ‘i he % 3 oO Legion of Honor, 1865. fi ue Officer of same, 1877. / * The Bird’s Nest. 18 x 31 21 | 45 DUPRE (J lien )cs Sa ee A od Pupil of Pils, Lehman and Laugée. ve Medals, Paris, 1880, ’82. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889. Bergere. 211g x 2613 46 COL (David), : é Antwerp. Pupil ‘of De Keyser and Antwerp Academy. Pres ® ~~ Medal, Vienna Exposition, 1873. : Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. ame Dispute. gif x12 47 MADOU (Jean Baptiste), dec’d, . Brussels. Pupil of P. J. C. Francois. Medal at Paris, 1853. Legion of Honor, 1855. Commander of Order of Leopold, 1863. Knight of the Order of Lion of Netherlands. Member of the Academies of Brussels and Antwerp. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Paris, 1878. Born 1796. Died 1877. A Difference of Opinion. I2x9 48 ; JACQUE (Charles Emile), ' e ry Py Paris e : “4 ye eae \, Medals, Paris, 1861, 63, °64, 67. P Aw? 4 Legion of Honor, 1867. fe oe. Ls é Homeward Bound. 1378 X9 49 DAUBIGNY (C. F.). dec’d, Poa ie Oo) Rapist 4 OVD, Pupil of P. Delaroche. ye ee Medals, 1848, °53, '55,’57, 59,67. 9» =, Y Legion of Honor, 1859. f . WwW Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. apm - gorn 1817. Died 1878. pf \ ' . \ KW” YOn the Oise. 18 x 94g > ™ 50 x MICHEL (Georges), decd, . . . Paris. ISO, ‘ po ant Pupil of Leduc. | ‘ Wes rv, JS jy Born 1763. Died 1843. bp NIN Windmill near Senlis. 29 X 23 23 51 ye PINCHART (Emile Auguste), . . Paris. PNA por’ : Pupil of Kaemmerer. (2 Medal, 1884. The Bird Charmer. 29 X 51 52 { 4 0 LELOIR (Maurice), . : . Paris. Pupil of his father, J. B. A. Leloir, and his brother Louis. Medal, 1878. poy, Matte Morning. 346 x 1614 53 [9 !* QUTIN (Pierre), i, ‘v ** Pupil of Lecomte and Cabanel. al Medal, Paris, 1883. Old-time Gallantry. 3616 x 29 24 34 BRAITH (Anton), ingen ~ Munich. Medals, Munich, 1869, ’76; Vienna, 1873; Diisseldorf, 1880. mw, “a Landscape and Cattle. ©’ | 60 x 42 55 BERNE-BELLECOUR (Etienne Prosper), Paris Pupil of Picot and F. Barrias. Medals, Paris, 1869, ’72, ’78 (at Salon and Exposition Miah taht Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889 On Fatigue Duty. 10lg x 9 gr RICO ee Diego), 56 Paris. Pupil of Madrazo. Medal and Legion of Honor (Exposition Universelle), 1878.4 | 9 "A Bit of Venice. 16 x 22 Water Color. 57 : ; Paris. Grand Prize, Exposition Universelle, 1889. In the Meadows. 916 x8 "hy ph * SCHREYER (Ad), . pT Born in Frankfort, 1828. “as Vv Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankfort. é i Medals, 1864,’65, 67. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1862. t Medal at Brussels, 1863. : "Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1866. K Medal at Vienna, 1873. XY Medal at Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Arabian Scout. gx 12g eae GAZIN °C) 7 ae a Pupil of Boisbaudran. ’ §anly eh Medal, Paris, 1880. age . Legion of Honor, 1882. Landscape. 16x 13 eo, 60 PICKNELL (Wn. L.), Born in Boston, fe Pupil of Gerome. (xy S / Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. ee Silver Medal, Boston, 1881. Gold Medal, Boston, 1884. Member of the Society of American Artists and Society of British Artists. Among the Pools. , 36 x 26. Paul Mantz, of Paris, says in Ze Temps that this artist is ‘‘z practicien d’une virtuositie triomphante.”’ Armand Sylvestre, in Za Vie Moderne, calls one ‘‘ Le plus remarquable assurement de la section étrangeres.” Charles Veron in his Dictionnaire speaks of the painter as having a ** veritable talent de paysagiste.” 610. ot (Alberto), ; Paris. Medals, Paris, 1859, ibs 64. es PY hy: .¥ : ioe Medal of Honor (Exposition lini versalles. 1878. 4 (Ai fF * Legion of Honor, 1868. (* nee Officer of the Legion of ‘Honor, 1878. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873 3. Knight of the Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus, and Officer of the Orders _ of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor of the Academies of Parma and Turin. Outside of the Inn. 15 x 10lg 62 moO): B.C.) decd, Paris. Pupil of V. Bertin. ° wr Medals, 1838, ’48, ’55, ’67. Opty pt (V Legion of Honor, 1846. on Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1367. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exhibition Univ ersal, 1878. Born 1796. Died 1875. ae nie Gatherer. 18 x 15 63 DAUBIGNY (C. F.), dec’d, ) a re tS nv ' Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1848, ’53, 55, °57, °59, '67. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. Born 1817. Died 1878. oo ihe ae 64 DUPRE ( Jules), déc' dt Fae Av Medals, 1833, ’67. ae aa Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Grand‘Medal, Ex osition Universelle, 1889. i Born 1812. Died 1889. * The Fisherman. 91g x 121g 65 CLAYS (| wig Jean), Brussels. Pupil of Gudin. “Medal, Paris, Exposition Universelle, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1875. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. y, Officer of the Legion of Hond 3881. 1 ie Escaalt. a < af? wt bi? te } ra - 66 IEM (Felix Francois George Philibert), . Medals, Paris, 1851, 752, 755. Legion of Honor, 1857. _ Near Constantinople. 21 x 29 67 MAUVE (Anton), decd, . The Pupil of Van Os. . ee é i y® Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. i # Medal, Amsterdam and Vienna. Medal, Paris, 1887. Born 1838. Died 1888. Sheep. 32 x 201g Water Color. 68 RICO (Martin Diego), Stet Pupil of Madrazo. Medal and Legion of Honor. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Santa Euphemia on the Lagoon. 30 x 2016 69 | is KNIGHT (D. Ridgway), . } Parts: | Pupil of l’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Gleyre and Meissonier. f » Honorable Mention, Paris Salon. Legion of Honor, 1889. Medals, 3d Class, Paris, 1888; 2d Class, Munich, 1888. La, Petite Bergére. 35 *'45 fs, Ft, Fi i." ee 70 | GD ieee (Georges), dec’d, : : _ . Paris. mee se Pupil of Leduc. ; Born 1763. Died 1843. i et “Toned with Trees. 2814 x 3616 71 rr? FLAMENG (Marie Auguste), . . > -cParis. Pupil of Palianti, Verrier, Dubufe, Mayerolle, Delaunay and Puvis de nee Chavannes. x rod ens Medal, 1881. a ie Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889. Crossbow Shooting. 336 X 23 30 ad a | ; i HENNER (Jean Jacques), . VMS ree atch Pupil of Drélling, Picot and l’Ecole des Beaux Arts. Cc ' Yeu P io Prix de Rome, 1858. aeyer? Medals, Paris, 1863, 65, ’66, ’78 (Exposition Univ seticr Legion of Honor, 1873. cer of same, 1878. Member of, the Institute of France. if Cos Juana. 1516 x 22 at 73 D/O * | Me ceca Paris, , ’ ? ce - For Medals, ae 46, < (sv pene Quel? Legion of ty 1851. y’ Diploma to the ‘qn Vale of deceasedl ttists, Exposition Universal, 1878. aA Born 180g%-” Digd 1876. 74 : a Bermor (j. B.C.) decd... Paris. Pupil of V. Bertin. . Su Medals, 1838, ’48, 55, ’67. ~ Pree Legion of Honor, 1846.. me Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the n smiory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. AY Born at Died 1875. i Morning on the Pond. 16 x 12 31 . ‘ gid Bahan 1 ase .? y jae e CLAYS (Paul Jean), . ieee mary AY BE y- Pupil gftGudin. 4 Ah)? Medal, Paris (Exposition Universelle), 1867. \ if Legich of Honor, 1875. 3 » Medal (Exposition Universelle), 1878. . Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Calm Day, sai of Dortrecht. 29 29 76 CAZIN (J. C.), ; : ‘ : ; Paris; Ge 4 y~ : Pupil of Boisbaudran. ny an” / : Medal, Paris, 1880. { / iA mn Legion of Honor, 1882. \ Landscape. 28 x 2316 we INNESS, (George), NivAs ope New York. ‘be g Pay? ee ws ¥ A Frosty Morning. 46 x 30 32 oe Pees (hj)... Born in Wiesbaden, 1829. Pupil of the Dusseldorf Acade my. Medals, 1853, ’55, 57, ’59- Legion of Honor, 1859. Grand Medal of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Professor in the Academy, Berlin. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Ant- werp and Christiana. Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit. Medals at Berlin, Vienna and Munich. Weimar Gold Medal for Art. Professor in the Berlin Academy. — Grand Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 188o. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London, 1886. The Disgusted Model. 124g x 15 The artist in this picture is the late M. Bock, of Cologne, an intimate friend of Mr. ‘Knaus. 79 VAN MARCKE (E), . Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867, ’69, 70. Legion of Honor, 1872. First-class Medal, 1878. {Cattle Drinking. 34 X 23 80 MAUVE (Anton), decd, . . The Hagyy Pupil of Van Os. d Born at Zaandam, 1838. Died 1888. wi Medals at Philadelphia, Amsterdam, Vienna and Antwerp. This is the picture for which he received the Medal of the 3d Class in Paris, in the Salon of 1887, and dying in the following year, it remains the greatest work of the artist. Medal, Paris, 1887. Ni (Return of the Flock. 63 x 39 81 ‘COROT i oe Gn baira tora a tsinied) ot-h (C8 ar) Pupil of V. Bertin. ec .« v Medals, 1838, ’48, 755, 67. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. Born 1796. Died 1875. 1 ek Ville d, Fe: \f ‘ if »% J od a al ‘ f J $2 LEROLLE (Henry), . . aie of} an” upil of Lamothe. Medals, Paris, 1879, 80. End of the Day. 83 SCHREYER»(Ad)), , ; . Paris. SEG «salt Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Ro, Medals, 1864, ’65, 67. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1862. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1866. Medal at Vienna, 1873. Medal at Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Arabian Cavalry. 33 x 2346 34 GA Ph ASI EMR RS - =e COSY ee 2 = * 7 Ss | 84 we yt) CCt!:CO«*«C;#*C*:S S&Paris, Pupil of P. Delaroche. f) 6L yy ~~ Medals, 1847, ’48, 55. igs Legion of Honor, 1855. ‘ Member of the Institute of France, 1865. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal for Sculpture, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Professor in the School of the Beaux Arts. Me Daor of his House. 65 BOULEVARD DE CLICHY, PARIS, 23D NOVEMBER, 1888. DEAR SIR: I finished some time ago the picture you did me the honor of ordering, and I gave it my closest attention. I would have sent it sooner, only I preferred to send it varnished, it not being in good condition, on account of the browns, and I wished your first impression to be a good one. The picture represents a very simple subject. A young Egyptian, clothed in a long garment of yellow silk, stands at the door of his house. A Marabout bird stands in front of it. These birds are very well known, and from them are gotten those light, delicate feathers which the women of the Occident use for ornament. I shall be charmed, if, on the arrival of the picture, you will send me a line, and shall be very pleased to hear if I have succeeded in satisfying you. Accept, sir, the assurance of my kindest sentiments. J. L. GEROME. 35 85 BARGUE (Charles), dec’d, . | oe ens, (° : “hey A Born . Died 1883. r q i \ : a o/¥ “Bashi-Bazouks Playing Chess. | 28 x 3514 | 4 65 BOULEVARD DE CLICHY. I, the undersigned, certify that the picture representing Bashi-Bazouks playing at chess, measuring 90 c. in height, by 70 c. in width, is by M. Bargue. ; _ Ican the more certainly testify to this, because I saw him do it, and because I lent him for the creation the costumes and the head-dresses. J. L. GEROME. PARIS, JUNE IST, 1888. 4 Jrtet fp bY Pre. = ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Aucthoneer, By Ortcies & Co. | 36 INA othe 9: LE ge Sa es ee 405, tals ae fe rele “1 ‘ * is eo PAT es - i‘ ir POG ce aot pe eat Hs el eet ore Oe ee “ one 2 Si te i =. i ee er ee ge ol ale es eter ae ie ee RE — Ge Ne — Er bree OEY ee a PaO — 5 SS oye - Se nd-beete: varta— a & 4 ee eee ee ee Aer ee ~ fi SE Bir a ty oe ey ee - ~ a tele SET ay a ae Ses A BE te Ble eg ha ii CS AR TPL, RA ate 2 Re Fe cece in aN Sits, Joi. a ee eres rae — ae fir =r aia ee ‘tinge sae a et ge ir ie a Ne Sm A i Rg “ rg nn ie — ea 2 he a i a - NS a i Rt a /*. “a ~ — al dae i Sr = OO ES? 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