1924 Mar.6 SALE NUMBER 1813 NeAnN PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE WILLIAM WHITING NOLEN OF CAMBRIDGE, MASS. [PART THREE] TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF MR. CHARLES AUSTIN HOBBS, Executor MR. FRANK GAYLORD COOK, Attorney THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS MARCH SIXTH, SEVENTH, EIGHTH AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 SALE NUMBER 1813 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH & \ THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE WILLIAM WHITING NOLEN OF CAMBRIDGE, MASS. [PART THREE] 18tH AND i9TH CENTURY AMERICAN FURNITURE BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE WARE WITH AMERICAN VIEWS FINE EXAMPLES OF LUSTRE WARE WHIELDON—WEDGWOOD—SAXE—BOW LOWESTOFT—STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PAINTINGS OF THE 18tTn, 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES EARLY STIEGEL AND WISTARBURG GLASS TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF MR. CHARLES AUSTIN HOBBS, Executor MR. FRANK GAYLORD COOK, Attorney THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS MARCH SIXTH, SEVENTH, EIGHTH AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Preswenr] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which. in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. . 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4, The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but: they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms CaSH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. : 8. Brips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson Galleries Incorporated PARK AVENUE AND Firty-NINTH STREET, New YorxK Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A, CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SIXTH ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE AND OTHER HISTORIC CHINA EARLY STIEGEL, WISTARBURG, BRISTOL AND OTHER RARE GLASS FINE SPECIMENS OF AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW, WHALE- BONE AND OTHER MATERIAL PERTAINING TO THE EARLY SAILING SHIPS VARIOUS OBJECTS OF EXTREME HISTORIC INTEREST FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SEVENTH EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE CHINA IN PALE BLUE AND OTHER COLORS—VIEWS OF AMERICAN SUBJECTS 18TH CENTURY COPPER, PEWTER, BRASS AND OTHER DECORATED METAL WARE 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURY AMERICAN FURNITURE AND OBJECTS OF ART RARE EARLY AMERICAN FLASKS SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH EIGHTH RARE EXAMPLES OF EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES AND GROUPS: WHIELDON—BOW—SAXE—LEEDS— WEDGWOOD—FINE LUSTRE WARE AND TWO SERVICES OF LOWESTOFT ‘PAINTINGS BY 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY ARTISTS OF THE AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS AMERICAN PAINTINGS—PRINTS—MINIATURE PORTRAITS AND MARINE SUBJECTS HISTORIC BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURY SILVER 1- 87 88-129 130-153 154-170 171-248 249-282 283-330 331-353 354—442 443-455 456-472 473-494 495-516 SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SIXTH, AT = 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-170 ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE AND OTHER HISTORIC CHINA NUMBERS _ 1-87 1 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Columbia College. B. and W. G. Wall, Esq.; by Stevenson. (Repaired) Diameter, 714 inches 2 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Catskill Moss. Narrows, Fort Hamilton; by Ridgway; light blue. Diameter, 7 inches 3 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Woodlands near Philadelphia; dark blue. Diameter, 634 inches 4 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER Picturesque views near Fort Miller, Hudson River; printed in black. Length, 1514 inches 5 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER View from Port Putnam, Hudson River. Oblong platter with canted corners, marked ‘*W.R.’’; light blue. Length, 15 inches 6 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER ' Pieturesque views, Newburgh, Hudson River; printed in brown. Length, 1514 inches 7 LARGE STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATTER Highlands, Hudson River; by E. Wood and Son; deep blue. Length, 1214 inches 8 TWO STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATES Landing of General Lafayette at Castle Garden, New York, 16th of August, 1824; by Clews. (2) Diameter, 10 inches 1 9 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE OPEN VEGETABLE DISH Landing of Lafayette. Length, 1014 inches 10 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE BOWL 4 General Lafayette. Diameter, 12 inches . 11 STAFFORDSHIRE COVERED TUREEN AND LADLE Columbia Bridge on the Susquehanna River. Oblong dish with canted corners; printed in black. Length, 1414 inches 12 PAIR OF STAFFORDSHIRE BLACK AND WHITE COV- . ERED DISHES View from Ruggles House, N ewburgh, Hudson River. Oblong dish with canted corners, fitted with cover, terminating in rosetted 7 knob finial. (2) Length, 10 inches q 13 STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER Wilkesbarre, Vale of Wyoming. Length, 11 inches 14 HUDSON RIVER STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER View of Port Putnam, Hudson River; W.R.; printed in black. Length, 15 inches 15 NEW YORK STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER The Narrows from Port Hamilton; W.R.; printed in black. Length, 1714 inches 16 WASHINGTON STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER View of the Capitol at Washington; marked W.R. (Slight time- crack) Length, 19 inches 17 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE City Hall, New York; dark blue. (Repaired) Diameter, 814 inches 18 RARE LAKE GEORGE BLUE AND WHITE STAreoe SHIRE PLATTER Lake George, State of New York; by E. Wood & Son. (Repaired) Length, 1614 inches -19 BOSTON BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER Beauties of America, Hospital, Boston; by J. & W. Ridgway; dark blue. Length, 1214 inches 20 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Hospitai, Boston, by Stevens; dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches 21 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE SAUCEBOAT Hoboken in New Jersey. Flaring spout and loop handle. Length, 8 inches 22 HARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PITCHER ‘‘Wranklin Flying his Kite’’; light blue. Height, 914 inches 23 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER Caledonia; oval with scrolled border; by Adams. Centre showing Highland Hunting scene; printed in carmine. | Length, 1914 inches 24 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATTER - William Penn’s Treaty; light blue. Length, 15 inches 25 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATE The Dam and Waterworks, Philadelphia; medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches 26 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATE Park Theatre, New York; medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches 27 STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE _ Hancock House, Boston; by Jackson; in carmine. Diameter, 734 inches -28 STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE President’s House, Washington; in bistre. Diameter, 1014 inches 29 HARLY ENGLISH BATTLE HOUSE IRONSTONE CHINA PLATTER | Moulded elongated hexagonal with medallion, Battle House, Cambridge, 1850; by T. Carter. — Length, 17 inches 30 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATTERS _ Bank of England and view of St. Paul; by Wood; rich deep blue. (2) Length, 12 and 121% inches 31 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER Hudson River, labelled in error with name ‘‘ Harvard Colloge’’. By E. W. & S. Celtic China. Light blue. Length, 1234 inches 32 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE DON QUIXOTE PLAT- TER The Knight of the Wood Conquered; beautiful impress; fine deep blue. Length, 17 inches 33 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATTERS Windsor Castle, and Conway Castle, Wales, by Hall; fine deep blue. (2) Length, 17 and 151% inches 34 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATTERS The Limehouse Dock Regent’s Canal, and Ermenonville Chateau ; by Wood. (2) Length, 15 and 1214 inches 35 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATTERS Maxstocks Castle, and Morpeth Castle; by Adams; deep blue. (2) Length, 15 inches 36 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE DON QUIXOTE PLATE The meeting of Sancho and Dapple; rich deep blue. ‘ Diameter, 9 inches 37 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATE Bank of United States, Philadelphia; medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches | 388 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE SOUP PLATE The Lovejoy soup plate; light blue. Diameter, 10 inches 39 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATTER State House, Boston; medium blue. Length, 1414 inches 40 WASHINGTON LEEDS CUP AND SAUCER 18TH cenTURY Cup with bust portraits of Lafayette and Washington, the saucer with central medallion of Washington. 4 41 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE DON QUIXOTE PLATE Sancho, the Priest and the Barber. Diameter, 714 inches 42 RARE BLUE AND WHITE PLATTER, CASTLE GARDEN Castle Garden, Battery, New York; by Wood. Very fine con- dition and good deep blue color. Length, 1814 inches 43 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE ‘‘Montreal’’; by Davenport; printed in brown; fine condition. Diameter, 9 inches 44 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE City Hall, New York, by Jackson; printed in green. Diameter, 10 inches 45 DON QUIXOTE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Mambrino’s Helmet; fine impression; deep rich blue. Diameter, 10 inches 46 FIVE EARLY DECORATED STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Dr. Franklin’s maxims and four with basketed borders and floral centres. (5) Diameter, 7 inches 47 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Seudder’s American Museum, and Exchange, Baltimore; printed in carmine. (2) Diameter, 814 inches 48 TWO BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Palestine and English Rural Scenes. (2) Diameter, 9 inches 49 FOUR EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN IRONSTONE CHINA PLATES Tea thrown overboard, Boston; by Davis; printed in black. (One repaired) (4) Diameter, 8 inches 50 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Hartford, Conn.; by Jackson; in brown. (2) Diameter, 10 inches 51 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES | Hartford, Conn.; by Jackson; one black, one brown. (2) Diameter, 10 inches 52 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Picturesque views, Spitzberg, Pa.;in brown. Diameter, 10 inches 538 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Picturesque Views, Pittsburg, Pa.; in black. 54 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE — Picturesque Views, Troy, from Mount Ida, Hudson River. Diameter, 10 inches 55 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BROWN STAFFORD- SHIRE PLATES . State House, Boston; by Jackson. (2) Diameter, 10 inches 56 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN CARMINE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE 3 | State House, Boston; by Jackson. Diameter, 10 inches 57 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Erie Canal at Buffalo; by R. Stevenson; carmine. | Diameter, 914 inches 68 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE ~ _ PLATES is Montevideo, Conn., U.S.; in black. (2) Diameter, 7 inches 59 SIX EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES | Texan Campaign (three men at cannon); by James Beech; in carmine. (6) Diameter, 8 inches 60 THREE EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES General Scott on horseback, and Adjutant. (3) moet Wi ; Diameter, 8 inches 6 Diameter, 10 inches —s 61 EIGHT EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Texan Campaign; fight, two men on horseback. In purple. (8) Diameter, 1014 inches 62 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATE Erie Canal; rich blue. Diameter, 714 inches 68 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES . **Baker’s Falls,’’ Hudson River; in carmine; picturesque views near Fishkill, Hudson River; printed in black. (2) Diameter, 9 and 10 inches 64 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE New York, U.S.; printed in carmine. Diameter, 6 inches 65 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Harvard Hall, Mass.; by Jackson; in carmine. 3 Diameter, 614 inches 66 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Montevideo; printed in carmine. (2) Diameter, 7 inches 67 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Montevideo; printed in carmine. (2) Diameter, 7 inches 68 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Harvard Hall, Mass.; by Jackson; in carmine. Diameter, 7 inches 69 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Hancock House, Boston; by Jackson; in carmine. Diameter, 8 inches 70 HARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Hancock House, Boston; by Jackson; in carmine. Diameter, 8 inches 71 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Battery, New York; by Jackson; in carmine. Diameter, 8 inches 72 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Shannandale Springs, Virginia, U.S.; in carmine. (2) Diameter, 8 inches 73 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Race Bridge, Philadelphia; by Jackson; in black. (2) Diameter, 9 inches 74 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Waterworks, Philadelphia; by Jackson; in black. Diameter, 9 inches 75 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Washington, by Wood; printed in green, and carmine border. Diameter, 1014 inches 76 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Harvard College; by Wood; black. Diameter, 1014 inches 77 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Harvard College; by Wood; black. (Slightly cracked) - Diameter, 1014 inches 78 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Exchange, N.Y.; in brown. Diameter, 10 inches 79 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Battle Monument; by Jackson; purple. Diameter, 9 inches 80 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Battle Monument; by Jackson; in earmine. (@ne cracked) (2) Diameter, 9 inches 81 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES | ‘“‘The Domicile’’; in purple. (2) Diameter, 9 inches ‘ 8 82 THREE EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Race Bridge, Philadelphia; by Jackson; in black, purple and carmine. (3) Diameter, 9 inches 88 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE ‘*Montreal’’; by Davenport; fine impression; carmine. Diameter, 9 inches 84 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Major-General Brown, of Niagara; printed in black, blue ro- caille border. Diameter, 8 inches 8 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Harvard Hall, Mass. ; by Jackson; one carmine, one brown. (One eracked) (2) Diameter, 7 inches 86 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE City Hall, New York; by Jackson; printed in carmine. Diameter, 10 inches 87 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE South Carolina; deep rich blue. Diameter, 7 inches EARLY STIEGEL, WISTARBURG, BRISTOL AND OTHER RARE GLASS NUMBERS 88-129 88 EIGHT EARLY AMERICAN SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATES Centre with six-point floral motif, star border with small shell motif. (8) 89 TWO EARLY SANDWICH GLASS PLATES Centre with sunburst pattern, surrounded by small diamond cut- ting. (2) Diameter, 6 inches 90 FOUR BLUE BRISTOL GLASS DECANTERS | ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bottle shape, enriched with gilt labels of Brandy, Holland, Rum, ete. Drop shape stoppers. (4) Height, 914 inches 9 91 EARLY SOUTH JERSEY GLASS DECANTER Bulbous body with elongated neck. Decorated with floral enamel motifs. Fitted with stopper in millefiore sunburst design. Height, 10 inches VERY RARE. 92 TWO OPAQUE GLASS MUGS EARLY AMERICAN Decorated in gilt and colors; motif of two American Flags crossed, and ‘‘E Pluribus Unum’’. (One slightly cracked) (2) Height, 414 inches 93 BRISTOL GLASS DECANTERS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Four part decanter. Bulbous body divisioned in four sections, and fitted with horn-shaped stoppers. Height, 1214 inches 94 PAIR OF GREEN GLASS MOUNTED VASES BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Classic urn-shaped cup set in columnar base, heightened in gilt in all-over leaf festooned design. Inset in color, medallions of wild roses at top, and children at well at base. (2) Height, 12 inches 94, ENAMELLED BOHEMIAN GLASS TAZZA Bowl-shaped tazza on loose high round pedestal, the tazza with floral medallions, the pedestal with subject medallion. Two Ty- rolese peasants. Height, 1414 inches 95 PAIR OF TALL BRISTOL COVERED JARS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Barrel-shaped body, with rings of blue glass applied. Domed covers fitted with knob handles. (2) | Height, 10 inches 96 RARE STIEGEL GLASS HANDLED VASE circa 1763 Cup-shaped body, with fluted arched panel. Shaped strap handles at either side. Etched with scroll and ribbon motif. Base with deep pontil marks, Height, 614 inches 97 EARLY AMERICAN BLUE GLASS PITCHER Bulbous body, with wide flaring lip and scroll handle. Body blown in rare flutings. Height, 414 inches Rare. | 10 98 TWO STIEGEL GLASS DECORATED MUGS © circa 1760 Straight-sided, fitted with handles, and reeded at base. Front decorated with panels in colors inscribed ‘‘Forget-me-not’’ and ‘‘Friendship’’. (2) Height, 4 inches 99 THREE STIEGEL GLASS DECORATED MUGS © orrca 1760 Straight-sided, fitted with handles, and reeded at base. Front decorated with panels in color inscribed ‘‘Forget-me-not,’’ ‘‘Re- member Me,’’ ‘‘To My Daughter.’’ All surrounded with flowers in colors. (3) Height, 334 inches | 100 PAIR OF EARLY NEW JERSEY GLASS CIDER POTS Bulbous body, with short neck with impressed spout and loop handle. Body with spiral reeded design and fitted with hinged metal cover. (2) Height, 814 inches 101 TWO EARLY AMERICAN BLOWN GLASS TUMBLERS Flip-shaped tumbler of flint glass, with deep pontil marks. (2) Height, 31% inches 102 TORTOISE GLASS TUMBLER AND TWO PLATES EARLY AMERICAN Tumbler in tortoise-shell transparent coloring. Two large shell plates. (3) 103 EARLY AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS CANDLE HOLDER Circular base fitted with ring handle, centre with candle socket. Pressed in reeded design. Height, 314 inches 104 PAIR OF BRISTOL GLASS DECANTERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Gracefully cut and facetted body, decorated with leaf and vine motif, terminating in octagonal elongated neck and fitted with stoppers. (2) _ Height, 1214 inches 105 PAIR OF BRISTOL GLASS DECANTERS | ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Straight-sided body with tapering neck, covered in diamond cut- . ting and fitted with mushroom stopper. (Slight chip) (2) Lae Height, 10 inches 11 106 RARE STIEGEL GLASS DECANTER american, circa 1760 Bulbous body, with upright fluting encircling body, and with broad central panel of diamond pattern. Ringed neck fitted with sunburst stopper. Fine flint glass with deep pontil marks. Height, 10 inches 107 RARE STIEGEL FLIP GLASS AMERICAN, circA 1760 Flaring tumbler shape, and blown with alternating herringbone and sunburst panels, and ribbed or fluted rim. Top with peculiar thumb-mark design. Height, 6 inches 1074 EARLY AMERICAN CUT GLASS SPILL VASE Tapering round pail; cut with stellate floral medallions. Height, 11 inches 1078 FLIP GLASS BY STIEGEL AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Deep straight-sided, slightly tinted lavender glass. Height, 5 inches 108 RARE STIEGEL FLIP GLASS AMERICAN, circa 1763 Straight flaring cup enriched with jardiniére of flowers and sprays. Height, 7 inches 109 PAIR OF TALL RUBY GLASS VASES BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Goblet-shaped cup, cut with windmill, ship and landscape. Bul- bous standard and circular base. (2) Height, 914 inches 110 EARLY AMERICAN FLINT GLASS PITCHER Deep bowl body with elongated neck, with spout and loop ap- plied handle. Reeded at base, and with further etched design. 3 Height, 7 inches 111 RARE STIEGEL GLASS DECANTER circa 1760 Bulbous body, with finely blown reeded motif, terminating in ring neck, fitted with coronet stopper in reeded and cross-diamond motif. Height, 11 inches 112 RARE STIEGEL GLASS DECANTER circa 1760 Bulbous body, with upright flutings encircling body, and blown diamond pattern panels. Ring neck, with flat disk cross-reeded stopper. Height, 1014 inches 12 7 a= Sp ae a ae 1138 FOUR GLASS DECANTERS IN SHEFFIELD STAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The decanters with square bodies tapering to short neck fitted with cut knob stopper, and body in cross-diamond panel cutting. Fitted in Sheffield base with ball feet, and wired compartments. Height, 11 inches 114 THREE RARE BRISTOL GLASS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DECANTERS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Fine crystal glass with facetted base. Diamond motif encircling neck. Front centre medallions of bust portrait of Franklin inlaid in glass. Square and spear-shaped stopper. (3) Height, 12 inches 115 PAIR OF GLASS TOILET BOTTLES FRENCH, MID-19TH CENTURY Square body, and fitted with stopper. Heightened in gilt decora- tions. (2) Height, 814 inches 116 PAIR OF OPAQUE GLASS LAMPS EARLY AMERICAN Milk-white in color. Flowered petalled font and domed top set on fluted columnar support, terminating in square stepped base. Fitted with double metal camphine burners. (2) - Height, 14 inches Rare perfect pair of the tall opaque lamps. 117 TWELVE EARLY AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS GOBLETS Goblet finely pineappled, baluster stem interestingly facetted. (12) 118 EARLY AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS PITCHER Vaseline-green; bulbous body with hobnail and stellate motifs. Height, 9 inches 119 TWO EARLY AMERICAN SANDWICH GLASS CANDLE- STICKS Leaf balustered stem and hexagonal moulded base in milk-white glass; socket; in rich blue. (2) Height, 8 inches 120 LARGE EARLY AMERICAN GLASS PITCHER Bell shape, with hobnail and medallion pressing toward foot. Height, 10 inches 13 121 TWO STIEGEL GLASSES AND CREAMER 18TH CENTURY Two tumbler-shaped measures with pineapple bands, creamer with etched tulip decoration. (2) 122 TWO STIEGEL FLIP GLASSES 18TH CENTURY Tumbler shape, one with pineapple banding and flutings; the other plain. (2) Height, 534 inches 123 EARLY WISTARBURG GLASS PITCHER Bottle-shaped, with well-formed mouth and exceptionally fine moulded ‘‘S’’ handle. Height, 614 inches 124 EARLY WISTARBURG GLASS PITCHER Oviform, with moulded mouth and ‘‘S’’ handle. Height, 6 inches 125 HARLY JERSEY GLASS PITCHER Curiously enriched with horizontal gadroon bands, ‘‘S’’ handle. Height, 7 inches 126 RARE STIEGEL GLASS SALTCELLAR 18TH CENTURY Unusual urn shape, pressed with pineapple motifs on body and flutings under; base with spiral gadroons. Diameter, 3 inches RaRE. . 127 EARLY AMERICAN LAVENDER GLASS VASE Tumbler shape, fine amethystine tone. Height, 8 inches 128 AMERICAN 18TH CENTURY STIEGEL OAK LIQUEUR CASE Oblong, with hinged cover bound with iron. Fitted with three large and five small glass bottles; by Stiegel. Enriched with tulip spray. (One bottle imperfect) , | nei Height, 1214 inches; width, 18 inches 129 FIVE GRADUATED STIEGEL FLIP GLASSES omca 1760 Conical glasses with finely panelled and fluted sides and rims edged with conventional draped motifs. (5) Height, 3 to 61% inches 14 FINE SPECIMENS OF AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW, WHALE- BONE AND OTHER MATERIAL PERTAINING TO THE EARLY SAILING SHIPS NUMBERS 130-153 1380 TWO EARLY AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW EXAMPLES Whale’s tooth worked with motif of wild horse. Walrus tusk, with figure of man in dress of Louis XIII period. Length, 7 and 12 inches 131 THREE EARLY AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TEETH Finely worked with designs of flowers, horses, American Eagle, ete. (3) Length, 5, 5 and 6 inches 132 TWO EARLY AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TEETH ' Finely worked with American whaler, colored, and with rural scene, female figure, American Flag, ete. (2) Length, 5 and 7 inches 183 EARLY AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW WHALB’S TOOTH Both sides finely decorated in color with views of whaling ac- tivities. Length, 614 inches Considered one of the finest examples extant. 134 EARLY AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW WHALBE’S TOOTH Decorated on one side with early American homestead view; re- verse, interior domestic scene. Length, 7 inches 1385 TWO RARE EARLY AMERICAN HISTORIC SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TEETH One enriched with portrait of John Hancock, or eataa: in colors. The other Mrs. Hancock. (2) Length, 6 and 414 inches 1386 PAIR OF EARLY AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TEETH Portraits of ladies, executed in color, in the manner of the fashion plates of the period. (2) Length, 7 and 71% inches 187 TWO EARLY AMERICAN SCRIMSHAW WHALBE’S TEETH One enriched with reclining lady, the other with saddle and trotting horse. (2) Length, 614 and 6 inches 15 138 WHALEMEN’S BALEEN DITTY BOX Circular miniature bandbox, with scrimshawed design of edifice and landscape. Diameter, 514 inches 139 SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TOOTH EARLY AMERICAN Full rigged ship in colors. Temple, with John Wesley preaching. Length, 7 inches 140 SCRIMSHAW WALRUS TUSK EARLY AMERICAN Scrimshawed with ships ‘‘Nabob,’’ ‘‘Yankee Tar’’ and ‘“Match- less,’’? a whale, and sail ho! Length, 26 inches RARE. 141 SCRIMSHAW WALRUS TUSK _ EARLY AMERICAN Serimshawed with full-rigged ship titled ‘‘There she blows.”’ Ship ‘‘Albson,’’ 1822. Eskimo dogs and polar bear. Length, 25 inches 142 SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TOOTH - 'BARLY AMERICAN Scrimshawed with three-quarter length of Martha Washington; reverse jardiniére of flowers. Height, 614 inches 148 EARLY AMERICAN WHALE BONE JAGGED WHEEL Reeded tapering facetted handles, inlaid with diamonds and bandings, with carved hand as terminal; pie wheel with crimping fork above. Length, 8 inches Rake. 144 EARLY AMERICAN BONE JAGGED WHEEL Arched handed, pierced with medallions and having scrolled edges; gauffered wheel at one end. Length, 6 inches RARE. 145 EARLY AMERICAN BONE JAGGED WHEEL Baluster moulded square handle, curved to gauffered wheel, and at the other end to curiously scrolled crimping fork. | Length, 714 inche RaRE. 146 SHIP MODEL EARLY AMERICAN The packet ship ‘‘Oh Ho Harwich.’’ Hull bronze to waterline, black with white painted ports above. Masts and spars of pine. Figurehead of ivory. Fully rigged. Set on eradle stand. Length, 50 inches 16 9) Se oa? + as ieee we —P ae i, 1464 EARLY AMERICAN MODEL OF FULL-RIGGED SHIP ‘“DAVIE”’ Hull gilded to waterline, black above, masts, spars and figure- head of bone. Completely rigged, full deck impedimenta. Length, 22 inches RARE. 147 SHIP MODEL EARLY AMERICAN Hull painted black, spars of pine, fully rigged, and complete deck equipment. Named ‘‘Parthia.’’ Set on plaque of miniature waves. Length, 24 inches 148 SHIP MODEL EARLY AMERICAN Model of a clipper ship. Hull gilt to waterline, black above. Completely rigged and set on mahogany base. Length, 23 inches 149 SHIP MODEL | EARLY AMERICAN Model of the ship ‘‘Maggie,’’ hull painted black and completely rigged and fitted with sails of painted metal. Set on plaque with miniature waves, lighthouse and shore. Length, 21 inches 150 WATER COLOR DRAWING OF A SHIP Full rigged ship, ‘‘Titan,’’ under full sail, in a rolling sea. Signed W. Briggs. Height, 16 inches; width, 21 inches 151 INLAID IVORY FAN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Sticks inlaid in gold and silver with medallions. The silk foil painted with oval medallions of pastoral subject and flanking trophies. In case. Length, 24 inches 152 CARVED IVORY FAN ITALIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Very fine stick carved with cupidon and pierced with cupid and personages. Foil with architectural features. Signed. In ease. Length, 24 inches 153 JAPANESE CARVED IVORY GROUP Standing figure of ‘‘The Faerie Goddess of the Western Isles,’’ a demon at her feet. Height, 914 inches 17 * VARIOUS OBJECTS OF EXTREME HISTORIC INTEREST —. NUMBERS 154-170 Bk. ik ; 154 TWO EARLY BENNINGTON DOGS Poodles, standing with baskets of fruit in mouths; rich brown glaze. (2) Height, 914 inches 155 AMERICAN 18TH CENTURY POTTERY PITCHER HARTFORD, 1785-1810 Roughly potted pear midi with rustic loop handle. Tortoise- _ shell glaze. | (sh Height, 10 inches RARE. i 156 EARLY BENNINGTON DEMIJOHN ual Elliptical, with loop handle in gray glaze having spray of flowers in blue, and shee ho Morton and Fenton, East Bennington, Vt. 3. ' Height, 15 inches 157 EARLY BENNINGTON PITCHER Oval pear eee with anchors and leaf enrichment; rich brown. ' Height, 714 inches 158 TWO FRENCH VIEWS Dubois and Fortier sculpt. Pubtished, Paris. Colored engravings. Framed. (2) 159: SHAKESPEARE’S DEATH MASK A Bronzed composition. Length, 914 inches This mask has an interesting provenance, which is related on the back. It passed through the possession of Oliver Cromwell to his daughter Mrs. Russell. 160 GOVERNOR HUTCHINSON’S BAPTISMAL ROBE, CAPE AND BLANKET FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Small drap d’argent long robe; finely trimmed with silver thread lace; lawn and lace mob cap, with extremely fine embroidered panels alternating with others of exquisite point d’Angleterre lace. Small lawn robe enriched in similar exquisite manner to eap. Ivory silk cape charmingly embroidered with deep border of scrolling flowers in solid silver threads and colored silk; trimmed with scalloped silver lace. Large drap d’argent blanket matching robe. In white leather case. Governor Hutchinson was the last English appointed Governor of Massachusetts. 18 161 CHINTZ PANEL—DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ° FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY 3 in carmine; Pan htatss were certified to at Franklin’s order. Unframed. Height, 31 inches; width, 2614 inches Medallioned with bust portrait of Washington in centre, flanked by Jefferson and Adams below, looped by seal of the thirteen states, enclosing the Declaration and the Signers’ signatures below. 162 WASHINGTON’S SHELL COAT-BUTTON Together with a piece of silk. Framed. On the back is a sworn affidavit of Wm. Lanier Washington. 168 WASHINGTON (MARTHA) A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to. Philadelphia, May 25, 1794. To her niece, Miss Fanny Washington. Part of last page missing, carrying away half of the address, and a few slight wormings. | An interesting chatty letter, in which the President is mentioned four times. ‘‘The President tells me the Publick business will keep him in this town all the summer. ...I expect that the Presi- dent will set out to Mount Vernon soon after the Congress rises— to make a very short stay’’; ete. 164 HISTORIC PRINTED CHINTZ EnGLIsH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The Shallop conveying the body of Nelson, January 1806. Nelson on board the Victory, British coat of arms. View of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. Printed in brown and crimson. Height, 31 inches; width, 27 inches 165 HISTORIC PRINTED CHINTZ EnaLiIsH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Centre medallion, Queen Victoria ascended 20th June 1837. Three-quarter length portrait surrounded by crimson poppies, and designed border. Height, 27 inches; width, 32 inches 166 HISTORIC PRINTED LINEN Memorial Hall Art Gallaries, 1776; Centennial, 1876. Printed in black, with border in red with stars. Height, 19 inches; width, 24 inches 167 PRINTED CHINTZ CURTAIN EARLY AMERICAN Birds of Paradise, and parrots, entwined with tree and blossom motif, on tan ground. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 19 168 PRINTED CHINTZ PANEL ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Flower motif on striped ground, alternating light blue and brown. Height, 7 feet; width, 2 feet 169 NEEDLEWORK BRICKHOUSE SAMPLER DATED 1809 Alphabet at top, with scene at lower portion of brick house, cattle and trees. Worked in many colored silks on tan ground. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches 1694 EARLY AMERICAN CHINTZ COVER Printed with bouquets of varied flowers and broad floral borders. Length, 8 feet; width, 4 feet 170 HISTORIC PRINTED CHINTZ Printed in brown. ‘‘The Effect of Principle—Behold the Man.’’ Full-length portrait of Washington, flanked by two columns of — text. Beneath a spread eagle, a ship in full sail, and the British lion. Height, 12 inches; length, 11 inches 20 Ha oe ‘gust A Saas SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SEVENTH, AT = 2:30 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 171-353 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE CHINA IN PALE BLUE AND OTHER COLORS—VIEWS OF AMERICAN SUBJECTS NUMBERS 171-248 171 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE The Capitol, Washington; by Wood; deep blue. Diameter, 614 inches 172 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Bank of the United States, Philadelphia; eagle border; rich blue. Diameter, 10 inches 173 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE The President’s House, Washington; by Jackson; printed in brown. . Diameter, 10 inches 174 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE The President’s House, Washington; by Jackson; printed in brown. Diameter, 10 inches 175 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE The President’s House, Washington; by Jackson; printed in purple. Diameter, 10 inches 176 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE The residence of the late Richard Jordan, N. J.; printed in purple. Diameter, 10 inches 177 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE The residence of the late Richard Jordan, N. J.; printed in purple. Diameter, 10 inches 21 178 - 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE — The residence of the late Richard Jordan, N. J.; printed in brown. Diameter, 10 inches EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE View of the Canal, Little Falls, Mohawk River; by Jackson; in carmine. (Slightly chipped) Diameter, 10 inches TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Views of Hudson River near Fishkill; by Clews; in brown. (2) Diameter, 10 inches TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES West Point, and Junction Sacandaga and Hudson River; black and purple. (Latter cracked) (2) Diameter, 71% inches TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES ; W. Penn’s Treaty, and Columbian Star; hy Ridgway. (2) Diameter, 7 inches EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE New Orleans; by Stevenson; carmine. Diameter, 8 inches EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE: Castle Garden; in carmine. 3 Diameter, 714 inches EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE — Battery, N. Y.; by Jackson; purple. Diameter, 8 inches EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE SOUP PLATE Headwaters of the Juniata by Adams; carmine. | | Diameter, per inches EARLY NO ae oe STAFFORDSHIRE a PLATE Battle Monument, Baltimore; by Jackson; purple. Diameter, 9 inches 22 188 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE SOUP PLATE William Penn’s Treaty; by T. Green; carmine. (Slightly chipped) Diameter, 9 inches 189 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE View near Conway, New Hampshire; carmine. Diameter, 9 inches 199 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Columbus (two views) ; by Adams; in carmine and black. (2) Diameter, 6 and 1014 inches 191 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE View of Catskill Mountain House; by Jackson; in purple. : Diocrer. 10 inches 192 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Battery, N. Y.; in black. Diameter, 8 inches 193 THREE EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Texan Campaign, varied views; brown, carmine and light blue. (3) ox. Diameter, 9 and 10 inches 194 FIVE EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES | Millennium ; in purple, brown, and black and blue. (One chipped) (5) Diameter, 7144 to 1014 inches 195 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES The President’s House, Washington, and Erie Canal at Buffalo; by Stevenson; carmine. (2) Diameter, 10 inches 196 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Battery, N. Y.; in brown. Diameter, 8 inches 197 PITT LEEDS PLATE 18TH CENTURY Scalloped edge in gilding, medallion bust of Pitt painted in black. Diameter, 7 inches 23 198 FIVE EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATES Paines’ Hill, Surrey; by Hall; proof, deep rich blue. (5) | Diameter, 10 inches 199 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE BOWL Shallow bowl decorated in blue with blossoms and alternating landscapes. Diameter, 9 inches 900 TWELVE HARPER’S FERRY STAFFORDSHIRE SOUP PLATES Printed in black on cream ground. Marked ‘‘Harper’s Ferry from the Potomac Side.’’ W.R. 8S. & Company. (One chipped) (12) Diameter, 9 inches 201 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PITCHER New York City Hall, and Boston State House. Bulbous body, with spout with scroll handle. Medium blue. Height, 714 inches 202 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE St. Paul’s School; by Adams. Medium blue. Diameter, 734 inches Fine impression. 203 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Transylvania University, Lexington. By Enoch Wood and Son. Deep blue. Proof impression. Diameter, 9 inches 204 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Boston State House. Light blue. Diameter, 10 inches 205 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE SOUP PLATE Boston State House. Light blue. Diameter, 10 inches 206 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATE Yale College; by Charles Meigh. Medium blue. Diameter, 914 inches N. Hudson Moore on page 73 states that this was the only known view of Yale College to appear in Anglo-American pottery. 207 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE TUREEN Bank, Savannah—Exchange, Charleston—Cover, Insane Hospital, Boston. Dark blue. Height, 7 inches; length, 814 inches Very unusual specimen, containing three important American views. 24 1 F Sere a4 ik ¢) eta No Ree ae ad ae wy ghtan Se? Eee ree 208 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; by Wood; medium blue; fine im- pression. Diameter, 10 inches 209 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE CHINA PLATE American cities and scenery. City Hall, New York. Medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches 210 PURPLE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER Harvard College. Oblong platter, with canted corners. Length, 1614 iinbiea 211 BLUE AND WHITE BOWL AND PITCHER Boston State House; dark blue. Height of pitcher, 814 inches; diameter of bowl, 1214 Woh VERY RARE. 212 PAIR OF STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE SAUCE BOATS Hoboken, in New Jersey; medium blue. (2) Length, 8 inches 213 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE Dam and waterworks, Philadelphia; medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches 214 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Fairmount, near Philadelphia; by Stubbs. Diameter, 1014 inches 215 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE SOUP PLATE Dam and Waterworks, Philadelphia. Diameter, 954 inches 216 STAFFORDSHIRE TUREEN Texan Campaign, signed by James Beach; printed in mulberry. Length, 714 inches 217 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE STATE PLATE White House, with sheep in pasture; by Clews. Diameter, 834 inches Halsey, No. 201. ! 218 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE STATE PLATE White House, with sheep in pasture; by Clews. Diameter, 834 inches Halsey, No. 201. 25 219 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND, WHITE STATE PLATE White House, with sheep in pasture; by Clews. Diameter, 834 inches Halsey, No. 201. 220 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE STATE PLATE Three story Building and Observatory. Two fishermen. By Clews. Diameter, 1014 inches Halsey, No. 195. 221 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE STATE PLATE By Clews. Diameter, 8 inches 222 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Erie Canal. View of the Aqueduct Bridge at Little Falls. Diameter, 8 inches 223 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE The Grand Erie Canal. (Repaired) Diameter, 1014 inches 224 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE President’s House, Washington; light blue, with scalloped edge. Diameter, 1014 inches 225 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE Nahant Hotel, near Boston; dark blue. Diameter, 81% inches 996 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE Hospital, Boston; dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches 227 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE Hospital, Boston; dark blue. (Mended) Diameter, 9 inches. 228 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE Upper Ferry Bridge over the River Schuylkill, by Stubbs; dark blue. Diameter, 834 inches 999 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE STATE PLATTER View of White House, Washington. Fifteen States. By Clews; dark blue. Length, 1414 inches 230 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE | W. Penn Treaty; by Thomas Green. Diameter, 714 inches 26 231 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE CUSTARD CUP - The State Series. Custard cup with handle. Height, 2 inches 232 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE SOUP PLATE W. Penn Treaty ; by Thomas Green. Diameter, 1014 inches 2338 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE Upper Ferry Bridge over the River Schuylkill; by Stubbs; dark blue. Diameter, 834 inches . Fine impression. 234 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE SOUP PLATE Washington, light blue border in shell design. Centre view in brown. Diameter, 1014 inches 235 SIX WEDGWOOD PLATES Converse Memorial Building, First Parish Meeting House, Half Moon on Hudson, ete. (6) Diameter, 9 and 10 inches 236 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Erie Canal; in light blue, with conventional border. Diameter, 9 inches 237 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE LOVEJOY PLATE. Congress shall make no laws, etc. . . . Light blue. | ---—-« Diameter, 914 inches 238 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE TEA SERVICE Mount Vernon, the Seat of the late General Washington. Teapot, sucrier and one teacup. Dark blue. (3) 239 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE SUGAR BOWL McDonough’ s Victory; dark blue. Length, 7 inches 240 STAFFORDSHIRE SAUCEBOAT Fort Ticonderoga; by Jackson; printed in black. (Handle re- paired) “ai6 Length, 614 inches 241 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER Leamgehi Charleston; by Ridgway. Proof impression. Length, 7 inches 27 242 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER U. S. Bank at Savannah. Marked ‘‘Exchange, Charleston,’’ on base in error. Length, 7 inches 243 STAFFORDSHIRE DISH OWNED BY GENERAL ROBERT EK. LEE Oval dish, decorated with conventional design and printed in lavender. Part of the dinner service of General Robert E. Lee at Arlington. Length, 814 inches 244 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE TEAPOT Teapot with cover. 7 Length, 10 inches 245 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE TEA SERVICE State House, Boston. By J. & W. Ridgway. Teapot, sucrier with cover, and creamer. (Handle restored on sucrier) (3) 246 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE SAUCEBOAT AND BOWL : | Boston State House; by Ridgway. (2) Height, 3 inches; length, 7 inches 247 STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATTER Alms House, Boston; dark blue. (Repaired) Length, 16 inches 248 BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE) Hoboken, in New Jersey. Diameter, 734 inches 18TH CENTURY COPPER, PEWTER, BRASS AND OTHER ~ DECORATED METAL WARE NUMBERS 249-282 249 EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER INKSTAND Moulded flaring round body, with hinged cover for well and four apertures for pens. Diameter, 5 inches 250 18TH CENTURY FLEMISH PEWTER MUG Bottle shape, with hinged cover and scroll bail handle. Height, 1014 inches 251 EARLY ENGLISH PEWTER POT Moulded tapering sides, with scrolled handle; marked ‘‘one quart.’’ Height, 614 inches 28 252 TWO BRASS CANDLESTICKS EARLY AMERICAN Round shafts, with moulded sockets and bases. (2) Height, 10 inches 253 18TH CENTURY CHINESE LACQUER TEA CADDY Oblong, with canted corners; enriched with palace views within medallions. Interior fitted with two engraved pewter caddies. Length, 8 inches 254 TWO EARLY AMERICAN LEATHER FIRE BUCKETS Deep bowl shape, with leather loop handles. One marked Mag- nolia, No. 2; in red and gilded shield. (2) Height, 121% inches 255 TWO EARLY AMERICAN LEATHER FIRE BUCKETS Deep bowl shape, with leather loop handles. One marked N. Reed, 20 Federal St., Salem; the other, L. Mitchell. (2) Height, 11 inches 256 MINIATURE BRASS FIRE SET AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Andirons, fender and tools. (6) 257 RUSSIAN BRASS SAMOVAR Deep bowl shape, with bail loop handles, gadrooned spout and’ footed square bases. Long loose ehimney. Height, 26 inches 258 RUSSIAN BRASS SAMOVAR Deep bowl shape, with bail loop handles, gadrooned spout and footed square bases; with chimney. Height, 31 inches 259 HAMMERED COPPER EAGLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Terminal for spire; spread standing eagle finely hammered. Painted black. Length, 18 inches 260 HAMMERED COPPER WEATHER VANE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Standing str: with magnificent gilded tail. Painted gray. Length, 26 inches 261 HAMMERED COPPER WOOD BOX FrtemisH, 18TH cENTURY Round moulded tapering body, with scrollings; half hinged top ° with loop handle; hammered with rosette and lily motifs; fine scrolled strap hinges. Height, 20 inches; depth, 23 inches 29 262 HAMMERED COPPER WINE PITCHER : . SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY -Pear-shaped body, with side and back loop handles. Excep- tional band neck, with hood mouth and curious spout. Height, 131% inches: RARE. . 263 HAMMERED BRASS WINE PITCHER SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Pear-shaped body, with side and back loop handles. Exceptional’ band neck, with hood mouth and curious spout. Height, 914 inches RARE. 264 GEORGIAN BRASS HOT-WATER KETTLE Gadrooned bulbous body, with baluster shaft; on incurved cruci- form foot; scrolled handle and spout. Height, 1214 inches 265 LATE GEORGIAN COPPER COAL HOD | os Tapering oval helmet shape, with bail handle and onaee foot. Height, 19 inches 266 OVAL PAINTED METAL TRAY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Black ground, with raised motifs in gilt of Chinese landscape. - Roll-over gallery rim. Size, 22 x 28 inches 267 OVAL PAINTED METAL TRAY ENGLIsH, 18TH CENTURY Black ground, with centre painted panel of cupid and maid, in the manner of Boucher. Raised solid gallery, fitted with end handholds. Size, 20 x 28 inches 268 OVAL PAINTED METAL TRAY ‘ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY ‘Eeru ground, with finely painted large medallion, ‘‘The Court- BB rn ”? Solid gallery designed i in Grecian border, with brass end handles. | Size, 23 x 83 inches: 269 OVAL PAINTED METAL TRAY AMERICAN, ww-197TH CENTURY -* Black ground enriched with floral motif, and inlaid with mother- of- Dent. her 20 x 24 inches 270 OVAL PAINTED METAL ‘TRAY. Nous, 1878 pac = - Black ground, with raised motifs. in gilt of Chinese landscape. - Roll-over gallery rim. «= ©. ' Size, 22x 28 inches 30 270A DECORATED LACQUER TRAY > , ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Chinese figures in gilt and color on black ground. Oblong shape, with rounded corners. Length, 14 inches 2708 DECORATED METAL TRAY Enauisu, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Oval, with roll-over lip. Centre rural river scene in medallion on black ground. , Length, 30 inches 271 PAINTED METAL TRAY Oblong, with raised roll rim, fitted with end handholds. Crimson ground, with centre panel in motif of parrot and flowers. Size, 20 x 28 inches 272 METAL JAPANNED TRAY EARLY AMERICAN Black ground, with all-over design of oak leaves. Oblong in shape, with solid raised gallery fitted with end handholds. Size, 23 x 32 inches 273 OVAL METAL PAINTED TRAY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Crimson ground, with gilt decorations and Chinese landscape. Galleried rim fitted with end handholds. Size, 28 x 30 inches 274 JAPANNED METAL TRAY AMERICAN, ‘MID-19TH CENTURY Oval, with black ground, decorated with motif of oriental maid in costume in garden. Raised rim. Size, 17 x 24 inches 275 SHEFFIELD PLATE CASTER SET ENctisH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong stand, on bracketed feet, with galleried compartmented base containing seven glass receptacles. | Height, 10 inches; ene 9 inches 276 BRASS WARMING PAN | EARLY AMERICAN Cover perforated and worked in star and grape design. Fitted: with turned hickory handle which terminates in urn finial. Length, 48 inches af PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE COASTERS ioe . ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular, with galleried rim, with lip enriched with grape and leaf motif. (2) Diameter, 7 inches 31 278 COPPER WARMING PAN EARLY AMERICAN Cover finely designed in flower and sunburst motif. Fitted with turned hickory handle. Length, 45 inches 279 SHEFFIELD PLATE DECANTER STAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Sheffield tray fitted with rack, and handle above, and containing three finely fashioned Waterford glass decanters, with mushroom stoppers. Height, 10 inches 280 SHEFFIELD PLATE CASTER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Fitted with original Bristol glass bottles, and jars. Set in wired holder designed with ring handle. Height, 12 inches 281 PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATED COASTERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular, enriched with floral design. (2) | 2982 THREE SHEFFIELD COASTERS - ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular, with raised rim enriched with grape and leaf design. (3) 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURY AMERICAN FURNITURE AND OBJECTS OF ART NUMBERS 283-330 283 NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER EARLY AMERICAN Alphabet at crown, and numerals. Susan F. Taylor age 12. Brightwater, 1831. Below, large poppies and leaves, designed with finely worked border. The whole in many-colored silks on tan ground. Size, 16 x 16 inches 2984 OYSTER GRAINED WALNUT MIRROR QUEEN ANNE PERIOD Deeply moulded oblong frame, with elaborately pierced and scrolled pediment. Height, 35 inches; width, 16 inches 285 CARVED MAHOGANY CARD TABLE _ EARLY AMERICAN Folding oblong top, with rounded corners. Carved centre ped- estal, on four scrolled legs, terminating in brass claw eastored feet. Height, 29 inches; width, 34 inches 32 286 OAK GATED TABLE EARLY AMERICAN 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 Oval moulded top, with two drop leaves. Apron fitted with two drawers; on finely turned gated legs, and stretchers. Height, 2914 inches; length, 64 inches INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARY-BOOKCASE-DESK EARLY AMERICAN Deeply moulded crown top. Upper portion divisioned as cabinet, below compartments. Lower section with drop writing fall and three long drawers on shaped and bracketed feet. With inlaid bandings. Height, 71 inches; width, 38 inches INLAID MAHOGANY BOW-FRONT CARD TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Moulded shaped folding top, with deep apron on square tapering legs. Finely banded with inlay. L. Cotton burned in base. Height, 29 inches; width, 34 inches SIX PAINTED WINDSOR CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN Loop back, fitted with nine spindles, saddle seat and turned legs. (6) PAINTED WINDSOR ARMCHAIR EARLY AMERICAN Loop back, fitted with seven spindles. Saddle seat, and turned legs.. CARVED MAHOGANY DROP-LEAF TABLE BY DUNCAN PHYFE Oblong top, with two drop leaves with rounded corners. Set on centre pedestal with four scrolled legs, terminating in brass eastored claw feet.. Height, 27 inches; length, 55 inches WALNUT BUTTERFLY TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oval moulded top, with two drop leaves. Turned legs with spool feet, connected with stretchers, and two butterfly stops. (Re- conditioned ) Height, 24 inches; length, 52 inches WOVEN COVERLET EARLY AMERICAN Woven in alternating panels of blue, green and crimson, with floral and bird design in white. Marked in two places ‘‘ Henry Wise’’ and ‘‘Mary Swope,”’ ‘‘Laycock Township 1835.’’ Size, 9 feet x 6 feet 9 inches 33 294 EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUG 295 296 297 298 299 Black ground on which is worked in brown a leaf scroll motif, with pink double medallion of tulip and leaf. Size, 30 x 50 inches INTERESTING COLUMBUS SAMPLER ITALIAN, 1855 Alphabet and maker’s name above, with series of figures; Colum- bus’s ship the Santa Maria below. Framed. Height, 1014 inches; width, 1714 inches TWO CARVED MAHOGANY ARMCHAIRS CHINESE CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Squat oval open back, with scrolled cartouch winged with leaves; open centre with lattice diamond fret and surrounding scrolled medallion. Open scrolled arms with scrolled fret medallion panels. On straight moulded legs enriched with sunk feet and bracket corners. Covered in orange figured velours. (2) SIMON WILLARD BANJO CLOCK EST Circular painted dial, case in lacquer with gilt design. Painted glass panels in motif of horn-of-plenty and urn design. Set on bracket base. Marked ‘‘Simon Willard & Son 1787.’’ Height, 36 inches CHERRY AND MAPLE BEDSIDE TABLE ~ EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top, front fitted with two drawers of curly maple. Fitted with opaque glass rosette knobs. On square tapering legs. Height, 28 inches; length, 19 inches CHILD’S CARVED MAHOGANY CORNER CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN Circular back, with carved top rail and eight spindles. Scalloped apron, on turned legs and stretchers. Seat covered in corduroy. 300 SMALL MAHOGANY TILT TABLE EARLY AMERICAN 301 302 Hinged oval top, on turned vase-shaped pedestal, and tripod base with scrolled legs terminating in snake feet. Height, 271 inches COMB-BACK PAINTED WINDSOR CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN Fitted with nine spindles, saddle seat and turned legs. SMALL MAHOGANY TILT TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Inlaid top, set on curved tapering legs terminating in spade feet. Height, 30 inches; length, 25 inches 34 303 CARVED MAHOGANY TALL CLOCK BY SIMON WILLARD, GRAFTON Deep moulded arched top with scroll pediment and side columns; brass dial marked Simon Willard, Grafton. Long panelled case, painted. Height, 90 inches Very Rare. Only a few clocks by Simon Willard made at Graf- ton have survived. 304 INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Hinged circular top, broad frieze of same contour with broad banded inlay, on square tapering legs. The back legs are gated. Height, 28 inches; length, 35 inches 305 TWO PAINTED WINDSOR CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN Loop back, fitted with seven spindles. Saddle seat and turned legs. (2) 306 SIMON WILLARD MAHOGANY TALL CLOCK Deep moulded arched top with brass ball finials; painted dial, signed ‘‘S. Willard.’’ Long panelled case on inlaid base with bracket feet. Height, 90 inches 307 INLAID MAHOGANY BOOKCASE IN THE SHERATON MANNER Top with shaped gallery and urn pediments, consisting of three sections with the two end sections recessed. Top enclosed with glass panelled doors. The lower section panelled doors enclosing cupboards. Fitted with brasses. Height, 85 inches; length, 60 inches 308 TEN EARLY AMERICAN LYRE-BACK PAINTED CHAIRS A broad shaped top rail with metal lyre centre splat. Rush seat with turned tapering legs. Painted in walnut graining, height- ened with gilt decoration. (10) 309 INLAID PINE CARD TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong folding top, apron fitted with long drawer. Inlaid with mahogany, and fitted with brass bail handles. Straight tapering legs. Height, 2814 inches; width, 3614 inches 310 FOUR EARLY AMERICAN PAINTED CHAIRS Shaped horizontal splat, rush seat and turned legs. (4) 35 311 312 313 CARVED MAHOGANY HIGHBOY american, 18TH CENTURY Deep moulded top, containing three small drawers and three long drawers. Base with one long drawer above and three smaller below, in shaped apron. Cabriole legs, terminating in claw and ball feet. Original brass handles and escutcheons. Height, 75 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] BY des INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong folding top with canted corners. On four turned ped- estalled and outcurving legs, terminating in brass claw eastored feet. Inlaid with satinwood and kingwood bandings. Height, 24 inches; width, 34 inches INLAID WALNUT LOWBOY AMERICAN, CIRCA 1740 Oblong top, with indented corners. Inlaid with herringbone banding. Front with finely shaped apron containing two small drawers at top and three beneath. Set on cabriole logs with brass feet and brass bail handles. Height, 32 inches ; at 33 inches 314 MAHOGANY SHAVING MIRROR ‘EARLY AMERICAN 315 316 317 Oblong base containing three drawers, set on brass ball feet. Two turned supports holding oblong mirror. Height, 24 inches; width, 22 inten OYSTER GRAINED WALNUT MIRROR QUEEN ANNE PERIOD Deeply moulded oblong frame, with elaborately pierced and scrolled pediment. Height, 34 inches; width, 22 inches CURLY MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, circa 1780 Moulded top, fitted with three small drawers and three large drawers; base with one long drawer and three below. Finely fashioned apron with acorn drop finials; set on cabriole legs and pad feet. Fitted with brasses of a later recon Height, 66 inches; width, 38 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CARD TABLE american, circa 1820 Oblong hinged top with rounded corners. Set on carved centre pedestal in acanthus leaf motif, terminating in four carved scrolled legs with brass castored feet. Height, 29 inches; top, open, 36 inches square 36 cr an ea bed Sea Fy, Mae Ete Sho . S 4 tic epean 4 2 ee | oy Eno ae EARLY AMERICAN CARVED MAHOGANY HIGHBOY { NUMBER 311 | IMPORTANT INLAID MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD {NUMBER 321 | 318 MAHOGANY SECRETARY-BOOKCASE-DESK EARLY AMERICAN Top with broken-arch gallery enriched with brass eagle and urn- shaped pediment. ‘Two doors with arched glazed panels enfold- ing writing top. Base fitted with three drawers, on turned legs. Height, 64 inches; width, 3714 inches 319 MAHOGANY CARVED AND INLAID KNEE-HOLE DESK y | ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded top, front with small centre drawer and recessed cupboard. Four drawers at either side of pedestalled end, with reeded inset columns. On shaped bracketed feet, the whole fitted with brass bail handles. Height, 301% inches; width, 35 inches 320 INLAID SATINWOOD OVAL OCCASIONAL TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval top, with deep apron, on tapering legs connected with shaped stretcher, and mounting under shelf. Inlaid with band- ings of tulip wood. Height, 28 inches; width, 18 inches - 321 IMPORTANT INLAID MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD ‘ EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top, front fitted with two drawers at one end, and wine bin at the other. Centre enclosed by two doors. Below, swell- front apron. Straight tapering legs. The whole finely inlaid in satinwood. Fitted with brasses of a later period. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 3214 FIVE PAINTED CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN Broad, horizontal splats at back, caned seats on turned legs. (5) 321s CARVED MAHOGANY HIGHBOY Arched domed top with central and end finials; top containing large and small drawers. Base in shaped apron containing draw- ers, on cabriole legs and ball and claw feet. Height, 88 inches; width, 41 inches 32lc MAHOGANY TRAY TABLE TOP EARLY AMERICAN Shaped oblong, with scalloped raised rim. Length, 40 inches; width, 28 inches 37 321p FIDDLE-BACK MAPLE SECRETARY-BOOKCASE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Upper portion with rosetted swan-neck hood, two arched glazed enclosing doors and two end-on drawers having candle-slides under. Lower portion with slant writing fall, very finely fitted interior and four long drawers. (Base missing) Height, 80 inches; width, 4014 inches 321z PINE BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Hinged top; fitted with two lower drawers trimmed with brass bail handles. On tapering stump feet. Height, 35 inches; width, 37 inches 322 CURTIS LYRE WALL CLOCK EARLY AMERICAN Painted dial with centre lyre bob box, covered with original painted glass panel, enriched with horn-of-plenty motif. Lower glass panel of chariot classic motif. Fitted with brass eagle pedi- ment. Height, 32 inches 323 OVAL MAHOGANY BASKET EARLY AMERICAN Oval, with spindles forming basket, set on tapering outcurving legs, and fitted with solid mahogany cover. Height, 25 inches; length, 16 inches 324 CIRCULAR MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Round top, set on turned and carved centre support, with tripod base and rosetted feet. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 18 inches 325 BURL WALNUT HIGHBOY AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Deep moulded top, fitted with two small drawers and three below. Base with shaped apron, containing two small drawers flank- ing one centre drawer. Set on turned spool legs, with bun feet and connected with shaped stretcher. The whole fitted with brass drop handles. (Base reconstructed) Height, 64 inches; width, 40 inches 326 MAHOGANY GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK ~~ EARLY AMERICAN - Domed top with bracketed scrolled pediment, fitted at centre and ends with brass urn finials. Painted dial, and full panelled body. Set on base with bracketed feet. Height, 43 inches 38 3264 PAINTED PINE GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK BY BR. WHITING MANCHESTER, MASS., 18TH CENTURY Moulded hood with scrolled pediment and ball terminals sup- ported by columns. Long case with door and pedestal at foot. Painted reddish-black. (Sold as is) Height, 76 inches 327 NAPOLEON FAN Frencu, 18TH CENTURY: ENGRAVED BY GODET Stipple engraving in sepia, profile of Napoleon, and draped with classic figures. Two further medallions on either side. Dis- played in gilt glaze case. § Height, 11 inches; length, 20 inches 328 CARVED MAHOGANY WRITING STAND american, 1800 Oblong top, fitted with top moulding drawer containing compart- ments and writing slide. Beneath, two drawers fitted with glass knob handles. Supported on centre carved pedestal, which ter- minates in four shaped legs, with carved claw feet. Height, 31 inches; length, 21 inches 329 MAHOGANY TEA CADDY ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY Shaped mahogany box containing two metal tea caddies and cen- tre compartment with metal sugar box. Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches 330 SET OF FOUR LACQUER COFFEE TABLES EARLY AMERICAN Black background, inlaid with mother-of-pearl in rose floral de- sign and heightened with gilt decoration. (4) Height, 28 inches; length, 21 inches RARE EARLY AMERICAN FLASKS NUMBERS 331-353 331 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS BOTTLES Various shapes and sizes. (10) 332 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) 333 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) 334 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) 39 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS BOTTLES Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS BOTTLES Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS AND BOTTLES Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS. FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS AND BOTTLES Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS BOTTLES Various shapes. and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS AND BOTTLES Various shapes and sizes. (10) 40 349 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) 350 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) 351 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS AND BOTTLES Various shapes and sizes. (10) 352 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FLASKS AND BOTTLES Various shapes and sizes. (10) 303 TEN EARLY AMERICAN GLASS FIGURE BOTTLES AND FLASKS Various shapes and sizes. (10) 41 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH MH#EIGHTH, AT 2:30 THIRD SESSION NUMBERS 354-516 RARE EXAMPLES OF EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES AND GROUPS: WHIELDON—BOW—SAXE—LEEDS— WEDGWOOD—FINE LUSTRE WARE & TWO SERVICES OF LOWESTOFT NUMBERS 354-442 354 TWO BOW GROUPS 18TH CENTURY Sheep and lambs, and goat and kid, nursing under flowered boseage. (2) Length,.6 inches 355 STAFFORDSHIRE DECORATED FIGURE 18TH cENTURY ‘*Setter’’; standing on green rustic base. Length, 5 inches 356 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE DECORATED FIGURES Milton and Shakespeare; standing beside pedestals. (Hand miss- ing onone) (2) Height, 814 inches 357 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE DECORATED WATCH HOLDER The Three Graces; standing and supporting watch holder. Height, 11 inches 358 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE DECORATED FIGURES 6 A.M. Standing figure of boy shining shoes. 6 P.M. Same boy selling newspapers. (2) 309 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE DECORATED GROUP Running red stag hunted by hound. (Sold as is) Height, 12 inches 360 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE DECORATED GROUP ‘*Little Red Riding Hood,’’ seated beside the fox; flower holder imperfect at back. Height, 10 inches 361 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE DECORATED GROUP ‘‘Little Red Riding Hood,’’ seated beside the fox; flower holder imperfect at back. Height, 8 inches 42 362 STAFFORDSHIRE DECORATED FIGURE 187TH century Standing figure of cow before a flowered boscage. Height, 7 inches 363 DECORATED PORCELAIN GROUP *‘Hamily of Vagrants,’’ after Callot; standing under a tree, on oblong base with canted corners. Height, 914 inches 364 SAXE DECORATED FIGURE Falstaff. Standing bucolic figure in court costume of the period. On gilded scrolled base. (Repaired) Height, 1314 inches 365 TORTOISE-SHELL WHIELDON PLATTER 18TH centTurRY Serolled leaf oval body; interestingly mottled in brown and greens on cream ground. Length, 12 inches 366 18TH CENTURY PENNSYLVANIA SLIP DISH Shaped oval, with white and green slip on rich brown, displaying a hare in centre and scrolled border. Length, 1814 inches 367 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Moses and the Vicar. Moses reading the lessons, while the vicar sleeps in his pulpit above. Height, 9 inches 368 STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP 18TH CENTURY Venus, lightly draped, stands beside a dolphin and small cupid. (Arm repaired) Height, 9 inches 369 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Standing figure of man selling fruit. Height, 7 inches 3870 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Seated figures of youth and maiden playing musical instruments under a boscage, lambs and a duck nearby. JHeight, 814 inches 371 LEEDS TEAPOT AND COVERED SUCRIER 18TH cENTURY Lozenge shape; panelled with blue lines enriched with ‘‘ Head of Liberty,’’ American coat of arms, and floral motifs. (2) Length, 6 and 11 inches 43 372 COLLECTION OF NINETY- FIVE BLACK BASALT MEDAL- LIONS WEDGWOOD, 18TH CENTURY Two each in black. Famous Greek philosophers. A very rare collection gathered during the Adam period in England. All proofs and stamped and identified on back. (95) . : 373 RARE SILVER RESIST BLUE PITCHER b4 Rich blue body with silver lustred floral band. (Chipped) Height, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 374 STAFFORDSHIRE PATRIOTIC CREAM WARE PLATE 18TH CENTURY Scalloped green rim; centre with American coat of arms in colors. Diameter, 6 inches 375 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE JENNY LIND BOWL Views of the famous singer’s travels; in colors. Diameter, 6 inches 376 TWO EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES . American marine; printed in brown; by Ashworth. (2) Diameter, 8 inches’ 377 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE COVERED TUREENS ‘*Pheasants’’; rich te blue with ladle; the other with floral scroll decoration. (2) Length, 8 and 7 inches 378 SEVEN EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATES Decorated in deep blue with English views. (7) Diameter, 714 inches 379 FOUR EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATES Decorated in deep blue with English views. (4) Diameter, 814 inches 380 TWELVE EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATES English subjects; dark and medium blue. (12) Diameter, 10 inches 44 { NUMBER 399 } [ NUMBER 420 } {NUMBER 373 | { NUMBER 4177 | { NUMBER 400} RARE SILVER RESIST LUSTRE WARE 4 is ’ e a f ’ . " ’ : ms es . ee s dared : F oe ; m = i i i) : ; ae : , i , Ve , Sie etn. ¥ 4 . - ? sd ‘ # id ‘ s ns cs R a 2 “ } ° ce 4 ¥ ; : ‘ z ‘ - % ‘i * . ; ; o a \ . , of ; : i Z , 1 os Y *& : i ‘ : Lng. - ve t C - ¥ Fy 4 “| . bY bt / rs s <7 " ; d : : : e , ; - P ; j F 4 ¥ 2 7 j : ‘et - . » a ! . : ‘ E wa _ ; ; é 1 ad . : 7 ‘ f ! 3M ¥ g * f } . ‘ ; 7 x) ; is ; { ‘ oe dew vig = = * 'f 4 a ae » elem He He sl oe a ee ee » = s 4 . . ed , 881 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE BASKET AND TRAY Italian scenery; Genoa; dark blue. Length, 12 inches 382 HARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE SAUCEBOAT AND TRAY - Shooting; proof. Panes 8 inches 383 THREE EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATES _Quadrupeds; medium blue. (3) Diameter, 10 inches 384 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE DISH London view—Ulster Terrace, Regent’s Park; by Wood. Proof; . deep blue. - - engi 934 eee 385 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATTERS Erith on Thames, by Wood; and Batala, Portugal; dark and medium blue. (2) Length, 1214 and 12 inches 386 LARGE EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATTER Windsor Castle; deep rich blue. Length, 2014 inches 387 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE BASKET AND TRAY Round, with pierced sides; oriental view; medium blue. Diameter, 9 inches 388 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE BOWL Domestic scene after Wilkie; by Clews. (Time-crack) ; Length, 914 inches 389 HARLY STAFFORDSHIRE ISRAEL PUTNAM BLUE BOWL Port view; medium blue. Length, 9 inches Rare piece, of historic interest, secured by Mr. Nolen direct from the Putnam family. 390 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE BOWL Serolled square, with views; by Stevenson. (Restored) 7 Length, 914 inches 391 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE TEAPOTS Oblong, serpentined bodies. Pastoral views by Enoch Wood; rich blue. (2) Length, 11 and 12 inches 45 392 393 394. 395 396 397 398 399 400 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PITCHERS Denton Park, Yorkshire, by Riley; the other with floral decora- tion. (2) Height, 6 and 7 inches SIX EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE CUPS AND SAUCERS Asiatic Temple; medium blue. (A few chipped) (6) EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE BASKET AND TRAY Luscombe, Devonshire, by Hall; pierced sides, with shell scrolled handles; deep blue. Length, 12 inches TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE COVERED TUREENS Sherborne Castle; the other with floral decoration. One with ladle. (2) Length, 8 and 9 inches TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE MUGS Straight sided, with pastoral views. (2) Height, 414 and 51% inches MANDARIN CHINA SERVICE Consisting of cups, plates, platters and serving dishes. Deco- rated in many colors in flower, figure and bird design in the Chinese manner. (85) SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous shaped body, with spout and strap handle. Decorated with motif of blossoms and leaf on mulberry ground. Height, 414 inches SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body, with spout and loop handle decorated in motifs of stag and birds of paradise, on cream ground. Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body, with spout and loop handle. Designed with motif of wild rose and leaf pattern, on cream ground. | Height, 4 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 46 401 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE TOBY JUG snauisu, 18TH cENTURY Figure of seated night-watchman with his lantern. Height, 10 inches VERY RARE, 402 STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated cavalier. Pink breeches. Brown coat, and tan hat. Height, 10 inches 403 STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated cavalier, pink shorts, blue coat and black hat. Height, 10 inches 404 STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated innkeeper. Salmon coat, with yellow waistcoat. Height, 914 inches 4044 TWO TOBIES a. Bust of Wellington, inscribed Duke of Wellington; born 1760; died 1832. Rich brown. b. Standing figure of Toby; very dark brown glaze. (2) Height, 8 and 914 inches 4048 STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG Standing figure of Joan. Red waist and yellow apron. Fitted with loop handles. Height, 914 inches 404c STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Standing figure of sailor lad in colored costume. Height, 714 inches 405 STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated innkeeper. Brown coat, and yellow waistcoat. Height, 914 inches 406 STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated innkeeper. Brown coat, and yellow waistcoat. Height, 914 inches 407 STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated figure of an innkeeper, with blue coat, yellow shorts and black hat. Height, 10 inches 47 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 HISTORIC STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG rat? _ ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Full-length figure of Admiral Nelson in uniform. RARE. HISTORIC STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Full-length figure of Admiral Nelson in uniform. RARE. STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY A hearty good fellow. A standing figure with salmon coat, yellow shorts, and striped waistcoat. STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY A hearty good fellow. A standing figure with salmon coat, yellow shorts, and striped waistcoat. RARE LOWESTOFT COFFEE, TEA AND DESSERT SERVICE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Decorated in sepia panels and large circular medallions of blue, gold, sepia, and green. The design is of flying dragons, swimming ducks and outdoor scenes. Large medallion with initial ‘‘R’’ in centre. Consisting of eleven coffee cups and twelve saucers, twelve tea cups and saucers, one teapot, one coffee pot, one creamer, one small and one large pitcher, one cheese dish with cover and tray, one honey pot with cover and tray, one bowl with tray, three open- work fruit baskets with trays, and twelve dessert plates. (76) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] | FIVE PINK LUSTRE PLATES STAFFORDSHIRE Large chrysanthemum panels in pink lustre on cream ground. (5) Diameter, 7 inches THREE PINK LUSTRE PLATES BY BAILEY AND HARVEY Broad banded border decorated in pink lustre flowers and band- ings. (38) _ Diameter, 8 inches SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body with spout and strap handle. Body with panels of floral motif and light blue ground. Height, 5. inches 48 Re te ee eee Te ee 416 PAIR OF SILVER RESIST LUSTRE SALT SHAKERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Modelled in shape of gnomes with three-corner hats. (2) | Height, 5 inches 417 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body, decorated with garland leaf design. Height, 5 inches [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 417A STAFFORDSHIRE LUSTRE PITCHER 18TH CENTURY Broad pear shape; enriched in colors with large flowers and rose lustre borders. _ Height, 614 inches 418 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body, fitted with flaring spout and loop handle. Height, 514 inches 419 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAMER AND SUCRIER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Raised reeded pattern. Sucrier fitted with cover. (2) Height, 4 and 51% inches 420 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body, with spout and strap handle. Decorated with blossoms and spray design on canary ground. Height, 534 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 421 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE TEAPOT = Enatisu, 18TH cENTURY Curious bulbous form on bracketed feet, curved spout and scroll handle. Height, 7 inches 422 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE BOTTLE = Enauisu, 18TH CENTURY Oblong bottle, with mushroom stopper. Panelled design in apple blossom decorations. Height, 614 inches 423 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body, with scroll spout and loop handle, enriched with motif of wheat design. Height, 414 inches 424 GOLD LUSTRE TEAPOT ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Tapering bulbous body, fitted with loop handle and scroll spout. Height, 614 inches 49 425 TWO STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES OF DOGS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Coursers with rabbit in mouth, reddish-brown in color. The base in green and gold lustre. (2) Height, 734 inches; length, 7 inches A VERY RARE PAIR. | L Age 426 CHINESE-LOWESTOFT DINNER SERVICE } 18TH CENTURY Brilliant centre medallion in many colors, depicting views of Mandarin life; hunting, sports, domestic scenes, and rural land- scapes, gardens. Rim and borders in green, blue and gold with motifs of butterflies, birds and flowers. Service consisting of: 12 soup plates, large; 9 soup plates, small; 18 dessert plates; 9 dinner plates; 2 pitchers; 7 covered cups; 1 gravy boat; 5 oval serving dishes and covers; 3 small and one large square serving dishes and covers; 1 creamer; 7 platters, various sizes, 8 to 19 inches; 2 covered bowls; 2 scalloped-edge fruit dishes; 2 oval deep dishes; one two-handled cup and tray. (A few chipped) (82) : [SEE TLUUSTRALION | 496, CHINESE LOWESTOFT CIDER JUG sIGHTEENTH CENTURY Bulbous body, fitted with intertwined handle, and with cover. : Height, 914 inches 4263 THREE MANDARIN CHINA BOWLS dak Many colored motifs in figures, flowers and panelled design. (3) Diameter, 12, 18 and 141% inches 426c MANDARIN CHINA VASE : Similar design to the preceding. Height, 13 inches 4260 MANDARIN CHINA VASE Similar design to the preceding, different shape. Height, 1514 inches 426z TWO MANDARIN JARDINIERES Similar design to the preceding. (2) Diameter, 15 and 181% inches 50 RARE LOWESTOFT COFFEE, TEA AND DESSERT SERVICE OF SEVENTY’SIX PIECES [NUMBER 412 | CHINESE LOWESTOFT DINNER SERVICE OF EIGHTY’TWO PIECES 7 | NUMBER 426 } ressacig cae < AAR ote f tea) ' ‘ 427 LEEDS JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Scrolled spout, with loop handle and decorated with panels of ** Woodcock Shooting’’; reverse, ‘‘The Fox Hunter,’’ and banded at top in robin’s-egg blue. Height, 614 inches 428 SILVER RESIST LUSTRE JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY _ Two panels in black on either side of motifs of domestic happiness. Surrounded by sepia and silver sprays. Height, 514 inches 429 PINK LUSTRE SUNDERLAND JUG esnauisH, 18TH cENTURY ‘‘The Sailor’s Farewell.’’ Picture in colors. Reverse, ‘‘The Noble Bark.’’ The whole in pink lustre design. Height, 6 inches 430 STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Full-length figure in full naval uniform of Admiral Napier, and so inscribed. Height, 1234 inches 431 STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Full standing figure in uniform of the Duke of Wellington. Height, 714 inches 432 BASALT WEDGWOOD FIGURE OF SHAKESPEARE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bust portrait of William Shakespeare, with name stamped on base, and Wedgwood mark. (Base repaired) JHeight, 12 inches EXCEEDINGLY RARE, 433 PINK LUSTRE COVERED BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular body, fitted with end handles, decorated with splashes of pink lustre, and panel of the ship ‘‘ Northumberland,’’ 74 guns. Reverse, poem, ‘‘ Forget-me-not.’’ Diameter, 6 inches 434 PINK LUSTRE BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular body, decorated with splashes of pink lustre. Panel in black of seaman’s coat of arms and ship. Reverse, a verse, ‘‘To a Bark.’’ : Diameter, 6 inches 485 COPPER LUSTRE JUG Straight-sided underbody, fitted with flaring spout and loop handle. Decorated with raised classic figures in relief in many colors. Fine, perfect specimen. Height, 7 inches 51 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 COPPER LUSTRE JUG Classic vase shape, with underbody in rough sanded finish. Flaring spout and shaped loop handle. Interior lined with pink lustre. Height, 6 inches MINIATURE STAFFORDSHIRE TEA SERVICE Consisting of teapot, sucrier, and creamer. Decorated in lay- ender. (3) — Se ete BASALT WEDGWOOD TEAPOT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY | Straight-sided, with basketed underbody, and classic bas-relief of figures above. Fitted with cover, which terminates in seated female figure. Height, 7 inches BASALT WEDGWOOD CREAMER — ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Classic urn shape, on circular standard; flaring spout and loop handle. Enriched with classic figures in bas-relief. Height, 434 inches BASALT WEDGWOOD BOWL ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Flaring bowl, with underbody moulded with leaf decorations. The upper part in bas-relief with classic figures. Diameter, 614 inches TWO DECORATED STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Decorated in color with motifs, ‘‘Feeding the Chickens,’’ ‘‘Feed- ing Poultry.’’ (2) Diameter, 714 inches TWO QUEENSWARE PLATES Hexagonal in shape, with raised floral motif on lip. Centre in- scribed on one ‘‘My Sister,’’ the other ‘‘The Playmate.’’ (2) Diameter, 644 inches | PAINTINGS BY 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY ARTISTS OF 443 THE AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS NUMBERS 443-455 BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. AMERICAN, 1738-1820 CHRIST ARISEN, AND THE DOUBTING DISCIPLES The Saviour in a red robe stands at the left, the doubters in a group at the right. Height, 59 inches; width, 49 inches 52 W. H. WILLIAMSON, CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH 444 OFF THE CLIFFS, DOVER; ENGLISH CHANNEL Fishing smacks in a lumpy sea after a storm. The white cliffs of Dover seen at the right. Signed at the lower left. Height, 11 inches; width, 23 inches WILLIAM SHAYER, SENIOR ENGLISH SCHOOL 445 IRISH PEASANTS ON THE HILLS OF CONNEMARA An old man resting with his dog beside him in the foreground; his wife and two children nearby. Signed at the lower left, Shayer, Senr. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 22 inches THEODORE FRERE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 446 THE MARKET, ALGIERS A group of Arabs at the left before a tented Bazaar; under a deep blue sky. Signed at the lower left, Th. Frere. On panel. Height, 7 inches; width, 6 inches R. S. DUNCANSON CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 447 LAKE IN THE ADIRONDACKS Evening light falling over a lake across the foreground; on the banks a group is seen. Beyond are dense woods. Height, 28 inches; width, 42 inches BYZANTINE-ITALIAN SCHOOL LATE 15TH CENTURY 448 MADONNA, ST. ANNE AND ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA The Holy Mother seen at half length wearing lawn veil and jewelled robes, her hands clasped before her in the attitude of © prayer; the two saints at her side. Landscape background. On wood panel. Height, 22 inches; width, 14 inches 53 JOHN R. PENNIMAN AMERICAN 449 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Half-length, full face in green silk dress, with white lace collar. Canvas. Framed. Dated January 1804. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches JOHN R. PENNIMAN AMERICAN 450 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN Profile to left, in blue coat and crimson waistcoat, wearing white jabot. Framed. Dated January 1804. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches W. WEBER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 451 FISHERMEN ON THE BANKS Canvas, signed. Framed. Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches S. A. MULHOLLAND CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH 452 FRENCH HARBOR SCENE Water color drawing, signed. Framed. , Height, 138 inches; width, 24 inches LOUIS A. HARLOW CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 453 WOODLAND LANDSCAPE Water color drawing, signed. Framed. Height, 14 inches; width, 21 inches 54 W. R. DERRICK CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 454 SHEEP IN PASTURE Water color drawing, signed. Framed. Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches 455 PASTEL PORTRAIT Laurent Cars. Copy of pastel by Peronsan, by J. Wells Champ- ney. Framed. Height, 2314 inches; width, 19 inches AMERICAN PAINTINGS—PRINTS—MINIATURE PORTRAITS AND MARINE SUBJECTS NUMBERS 456-472 456 SHIP ‘‘MATCHLESS’’ Water color drawing. Framed. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches 457 PAINTING OF A SHIP By a Chinese artist. Canvas. Height, 17 inches; width, 23 inches 458 MARINE PAINTING Painting of a | ship, by W. H. Yorke (Liverpool, 1867). Canvas, Enos. Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches 459 MARINE PAINTING Painting of a brigantine. Unknown artist. Canvas. Unframed. (Sold as is) Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches 460 PAINTING OF A SHIP EARLY AMERICAN Taking on the Pilot. Canvas, signed Hacker. Framed. Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches 461 PAINTING OF A SHIP EARLY AMERICAN Artist unknown. On canvas. Framed. Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches 462 PAINTING OF THE SHIP ‘‘NELLIE M. SLADER”’ In full sail off Boston Light. Framed. Height, 24 inches; width, 40 inches 55 463 PAINTING OF A SHIP Canvas, signed T. Vernomy. Framed. (Sold as is) Height, 24 inches; width, 32 inches 464 TWO SILHOUETTE PORTRAITS BY NIXON Portrait of a man in oval with flesh colors added. The other a Colonial gentleman. Framed. (2) 465 TWO SILHOUETTE PORTRAITS _ EARLY AMERICAN Bust portraits of two gentlemen in ovals, heightened with gilt, and in the original ebony frames. (2) 466 TWO MINIATURES ON IVORY EARLY AMERICAN One in gold locket frame, the other in heavy gilt frame. (2) 467 SILHOUETTE PORTRAIT EARLY AMERICAN Full-length standing figure of a man, on white ground, in oval, with oblong ebony frame. Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches 468 MINIATURE ON IVORY Portrait of a man. By Washington Allston. Framed. (Sold as is) Height, 4 inches; width, 214 inches 469 FRAMED MEZZOTINT General Washington. Peale pinx., Philadelphia. Stothard dealer, Londini; J. B. Brown, excudit. Valentine Green fecit. Published London Apl. 22, 1785. Fair impression, with margin. Title rubbed. Folio. : 470 PAINTED PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON Full-length figure standing beside horse. Framed. Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches 471 PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS Two very early painted panels of views of Plymouth as oak (2) 472 GOVERNOR JONATHAN BELCHER, BOSTON, 1718 Folio, 1-page document. Signed. Framed. 56 HISTORIC BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE NUMBERS 473-494 473 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Boston Hospital; rich deep blue. Diameter, 9 inches 474 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE COVERED SUCRIER MecDonough’s Victory; fine blue. Height, 7 inches 4744 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE . PLATE Trenton Falls; light blue. Diameter, 8 inches 475 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA BOWL Lawrence Mansion, Boston; by Stevenson. Diameter, 1214 inches VERY RARE. Moore, figure 46. 476 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA SOUP LADLE Exchange, Charleston; deep blue; fine condition. Length, 12 inches 477 THREE EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTERS a. Mendenhall Ferry; oval, rich blue. Proof by Stevenson. Halsey 179. b. View of Vienna, by Hall; oval, rich blue. c. Fruit and flowers; oval, rich blue. (3) Length, 16 and 19 inches 478 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA CUP Castle Gardens, New York; by Wood; deep blue. Rare. Halsey, 132. 479 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA CUP Castle Gardens, New York; by Wood; deep blue. Rare. Halsey, 132. 480 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA CUP Castle Gardens, New York; by Wood; deep blue. Halsey, 182. 57 481 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA BOWL View of Philadelphia; light blue; impress mark. Diameter, 12 inches 482 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA DISH Hudson River View. Proof; deep blue; square. Size, 914 inches square RARE. 483 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATE | Union line, by Wood. Diameter, 9 inches Halsey, 210. 484 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE PLATE Landing, Hudson River, near Newburgh, by Wood; deep blue; proof. Diameter, 614 inches RARE. 485 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE American View; medium blue. (Cracked) Diameter, 9 inches 486 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA PLATTER - Newburgh, by Clews; printed in brown. | Length, 1314 inches 487 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE CHINA PLATE Race prise, Philadelphia, by Jackson; medium blue. Diameter, 9 inches | 488 EARLY ANGLO- AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE CUP PLATE View of Church; printed in brown; scalloped edge. (Cracked) 489 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN SA ee hed atic CUP PLATE State plate. South Carolina; Palm tree; deep blue. 490 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN Sater tier CUP PLATE American Building. Medium blue. (Cracked) 58 491 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE CUP PLATE American architectural; medium blue. 492 EARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE CUP PLATE Mount Vernon; deep blue. (Sold as is) RARE, 498 HARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE CUP PLATE Edifice; light blue. 494 HKARLY ANGLO-AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE DISH West Point Military Academy, by Wood; oval; rich blue. Length, 101% inches Halsey, 221. 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURY SILVER NUMBERS 495-516 495 AMERICAN SILVER CREAMER JOHN LE ROUX, NEW YORK, FREEMAN OF CITY, 1723 Helmet shape, with pearl-moulded lip, gadroon-moulded round foot and leaf-scrolled ‘‘S’’ handle; engraved with monogram. Mark, I. L. in oval—John Le Roux. (Lip needs repairs) . Height, 6 inches 496 TWELVE SILVER DINNER FORKS Marked Bailey, Kettell & Chapman, pure coin. Initialled ‘‘J. W.”’ (12) 497 EIGHTEEN SILVER TEASPOONS To match the preceding. (18) 498 TWELVE SILVER DESSERT SPOONS To match the preceding. (12) 499 SIX SILVER VEGETABLE SPOONS To match the preceding. (6) ; 500 TWELVE SILVER LUNCHEON KNIVES To match the preceding. (12) 59 001 502 903 504 505 506 O07 508 509 510 o11 512 THREE SILVER LADLES To match the preceding. (3) FOUR SILVER SERVING KNIVES To match the preceding. (4) SILVER CRUMBER AND COLD MEAT FORK To match the preceding. (2) FOUR SILVER SERVING PIECES To match the preceding. (4) SIX SILVER SERVING PIECES To match the preceding. (6) TWO SILVER SERVING KNIVES | AMERICAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Initialled at handles, and marked ‘‘Pure Coin.’’ (2) FOUR SILVER SERVING SPOONS Various patterns and shapes. (4). FOUR SILVER TEA STRAINERS Variously marked by English and American makers of mid-19th century. (4) FIVE AMERICAN SILVER SERVING PIECES Various shapes and patterns. (5) SILVER SUGAR BOWL Circular bowl with hinged handle, set on four chased legs. Ini- tialled ‘‘A. W. W.’’ and marked ‘‘ Boston Pure Coin.’’ FIVE SILVER FORKS Marked by Wilson, Gorham, and two by Georgian English makers. (9) GEORGIAN SILVER TEA SET | Teapot, sucrier and creamer. Gadrooned body decorated with applied strap and scroll motif. Handles strengthened with outer wooden handle. (3) Total weight, 25 ounces 60 _ 613 GEORGIAN SILVER CREAMER AND SUCRIER Rounded body, set on cabriole legs. Fitted with shaped scroll handles. (2) «#614 SILVER WATER PITCHER american, miv-19TH CENTURY . Bulbous body, with large loop handle. Designed with raised water lily pattern. Height, 12 inches 515 SILVER CAKE BASKET Oval basket with hinged handle on small oval standard base. Decorated with raised oak-leaf design. Length, 12 inches 516 SILVER BUTTER DISH Oval dish fitted with tray and dome cover. Gadrooned border and cover enriched with design of grape and leaf motif. Fitted with ring end handles. Length, 8 inches _—