Lollection of aoe We Storing Holland Art sod Wm. A.Burnett W.D.Breaker Clapp & Graham JeAs Beatson Otto Bernet, Agt. Abraham & Straus Julius Garfinkel F.AsLawlor et ¢ Otto Bernet, Agt. AeAs Healy E.Franklin Otto Bernet, Agt. Holland Galleries lof, Prices Buyers | Nos. Prices : Eeyore 4 27650. Le Ae Osborne : 45 §$ 775. Sherman Day ES W-W.Seaman, Agt. 46 7756 | HM. Stevens 47 456 ; se ‘ Burne tt . H.B.DeHoe 48 60. W.W.Seaman, Agte . W.W.Seaman, Agt. 49 110. Bes eee “WeRStrobel 50 230. Mae Agee |,K.Hecksher 51 55.4 Wm. A-Burnett | _ MissiLorenz, Agt. 52 45. W.W.Seaman, Agt. . ) ‘HLM, Stevens 53 606 Wm.A. Burnett Otto Bernet, Agt. 54 210. Aug.Fistteau —A.Reimann 55 260-4 Henry Schultheis Miss Lorenz, Agt. 56 4206 F.AeLawlor ~§.5.Laird 57 1350. Otto Bernet, Agt. _ Abraham & Straus 58 1906 Henry Schultheis 4 Osos omnia 59 675. batch pointe AE 1 , - @eK.Hecksher ~ 60 108. °° @ i re S. ‘S.Laira 61 2006 plate ae . 62 105. Mre.Sanmels AeG.Winter 63 406 Miss Lorenz, Agt. $.5.Laird 64 2500. " " F.AeLawlor 65 5500. Clapp & Graham Arlington Galleries 66 1050. A.Reimamn A.Reimenn 67 210. Holland Galleries Holland Galleries 68 7756 WeG. Downey Miss Lorenz, Agt. 69 4006 WeW. Seaman, Agte Holland Galleries 70 1000. C.W. Band Otto Bernet, Agt. 71 600. W*°GeDowney | Kelly Art Galleries 72 135. Mrs .Sammels ‘\ sed , ¢ : Kooi i “Be nied Se eS ae , 7 Gifford, Guy, J. G. Brown, » Boughton and Cropsey. as » Tnibsnts—l- /F~)9 A large crowd again filled the gran ballroom of the Plaza Hotel last even- ing, when seventy-two modern paint- ings collected by the late ‘John W. Sterling were disposed of by auction, under direction of the American Art Association. 4 A fine «xample of the work of Adolf Schreyer, entitled “Arabian Horse- men,” brought the top price of the evening, $5,550, from the firm of Clapp & Graham. “Venice,” by Felix Ziem, ! went to Lorenz, agent, for $2,500, and a “Venice,” by Martin Rico, also brought | a good price, $1,350, from O. Bernet, | agent. The Holland Galleries bought “Elsi- nore,” by Jean Charles Cazin, for | $1,625; “Evening,” by David Adolphe Constant Artz, brought $1,050 from A. Riemann, and $1,000 was paid by ©. |W. Band for “The Capture of a Brit- | ish Flag at Waterloo,” by Edouard De- | taille. Two paintings by Pierre Auguste Cot—“The Storm” and “Springtime’— were sold to H. Day for $775 each. A, Reimann obtained “The. Bathers,” by i Jean Jacques Henner, for $575, and | bee by Bruce Crane, for q . Among other items purchased by W. |G. Downey were “Courtship,” by Don} |Raimonde de Madraze, for which he ‘paid $775, and “The Fair Critic,” by , Berei Karlovsky, for $600. “After the | Bath” brought $525; “Wants to Shine,” by John G. Brown, $450; “Ideal Head,” ‘by Asti, $310, and “Deep Among the | . Mountains in Norway,’ $400. These ! anvases were purchased by various | gents. t 8. S, Laird bought ‘The Sentinel,” | 4; J. G. Vibert, for $400; F. A. Lawlor | bought “A Game,” by E. Portielje, for | '$420, and a charming example, by ‘Al. | fred Stevens, entitled “Meditation,” | went to the Holland Galleries for $675. | bs collection brought a total of $25,- | enn OODLE ETE 0. : At the afternoon sale, when the art | collection of the late Governor Oliver Ames, of Massachusetts, was sold at! the American Art Galleries, the famous Dennis vase and cover brought $1,200 ‘from W. D. Breaker. This vase is re- ‘ported to be the finest and most m- ' portant example of cameo glass in ex- istence. Two Royal Minton Salon Pate |sur Pate vases were purchased by the 'game buyer for $1,500. Otto Bernet, agent, obtained, two pairs of vases of the same make, but | different in contour and decoration, for | $1,200 and $800, and a single vase, also | of the same make, for $1,225. A, Sevres porcelain vase with cover brought $800 |from C, A. Fearback, and D, Y, Noorian )paid $537 for a Kurdistan carpet. | A large Iran carpet. was purchased by Kent Costikyan for $475, and $300 ‘was paid by H. W. Lloyd for a large ia carpet. The proceeds for the two | @ays’ sale of art objects were $19,868. % __—— pea ey red ‘Stave : ns; Holland’ PO pee ae ers "Aad are eagbe Aime imme! shed uke 1,050 it—Jean Richard Gous eries sieges ys . 210° ea Ravacos SVs wnie. 775 p Among the Mountains: in Nor- ; Adelsteen Normann; Seamon, 1s eee ee 1e Capture of a British Flag (pastel)—Edouard .De- : Behe ike ees ; e@ Fair Critic—Berci Karlovsky; — MOO MTA LOL ia Giese . oe ap eS Reha Picea A Ceremony of the. Chureh—Wilhelm | udwig Friedrich Reifstahl.. Baye CARR [5 Bie for the less important paintings ed from $12.50 up. shaeasatel acer tues S103 r paintings, Ls first | in Museum of Art and | : Dietropeliten: shows th. and a_ blond " robed in. thin ‘gauze, rm, their arms Seared, a Peden. A. Reimann. . $5735 OW, iting—Charles Meisso- Sie Own Music: De trskine Beh idule ‘Groulsrant 8. A tan ASV ie nas Bath, Jules Lefebvre; > ide aise aa ve S Niue, ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK SATURDAY, JANUARY 11TH, UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 5 P. M. ~ VALUABLE MODERN PAINTINGS COLLECTED BY THE LATE JOHN W. STERLING TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 581TH TO 59TH STREET ON FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 17Tu, 1919 AT 8.15 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE MODERN PAINTINGS COLLECTED BY THE LATE JOHN W. STERLING NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 1919 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE _1l. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put - up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. ‘The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. Aas : ie ype SALE FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 17, 1919 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL Firtu AveNus, 58TH To 59TH STREET BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK No. 1 PIETRO VAINI Trattan: 1847—1875 THE SPINNER e (Water Color) Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches OutsivE a stone doorway, in a stone-paved court, seated with her back to a high stone wall, an aged woman bent with labor is studiously preparing the flax for spinning. Signed at the lower right, V arnt. From the Stewart-Brown Collection, New York, 1881. No. 2 GIRLANDO CORTAZZO IrariaAn: ConNTEMPORARY BETWEEN TWO FIRES | (Water Color) , $0 —_— Height, 11 inches; width, 1 inches ‘A. Osborne Yo“ Caucut in a shower, a beau of the days of the tall white _ hats holds an enormous red-lined umbrella over two fas- cinating young women, who cling each with pressing atten- tions to his arms. Signed at the lower right, CorTazzo. | No. 8 JOSEF SCHILL DutcH: CONTEMPORARY THE LONELY MEAL Height, 1034 inches; width, 8% inches Aw aged peasant woman with the seams of age and the hands of labor is seated, drawn up to a small cylindrical stove on which a kettle rests, and she feeds herself from a bowl of broth held on her lap. Signed at the lower right, Scwitt. From the Charles Frost Collection, New York, 1881. lu. Ww. Seaman, ks ' a CHRISTIAN SELLS GERMAN: 1831—1883 THE PA or ee ote ee o Be RA eo “Signed at the lower left, Cur. Sevis, 1877. No. 5 EK. LINKE a GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY WINE-TASTING Wh. fh. Me aight, 8 inches; length, 101, inches i THREE aged monks are gathered at a small table, drinking red wine and discussing it critically. Besides their glasses, one of them guards a flagon, on the table, and at his elbow _ are two more bottles of wine in a tub. Signed at left, on the table, EK. Linxe. No. 6 WILLIAM MAGRATH, N.A. AMERICAN: 1838— THE YOUNG SMOKERS Height, 914 inches; width, 734 inches Two bare-footed and ragged urchins are having a surrep- titious smoke, one standing and puffing with bold and ac- customed confidence, his companion, seated on a barrel, with blanched face, holding his cigar far from him while strug- gling to be bold. Signed at the lower right, Macratru, ’69. From the Stewart-Brown Collection, New York, 1881. a w. Leeman, he jo No. 7 L. TESSON FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY ON THE FRENCH LEV ANT Height, 934 inches; length, 1234 inches Own a broad and flat sandy beach where a sailing vessel lies over on her side, some women and a couple of men have gath- ered and are mildly diverting themselves near the drying fish nets. Signed at the lower right, L. Txsson. From the Stewart-Brown Collection, New York, 1881. uu. 5 trkh THEODORE FRERE Frencu: 1815—1888 ~ Height, 71, inches; length, 1014, inches ee ‘Comme along a quiet country roadside shaded by trees a > donkey walks slowly but with alert eye. He wears his pack Bele: which has been unloaded, and drags at the end of a _ tie-rope a tethering stake which he has pulled up when tired of waiting. Down the road a Peasant woman Is seen coming after him, cautiously. _ Signed at the lower left, T. Frire. : No. 9 FREDERIK HENDRIK KAEMMERER Dutcu: 1839—1902 WINTER (Water Color) A PINK-CHEEKED young woman with chestnut hair, in a long- trained white gown trimmed with white fur, and holding up to her face a white fur muff, is seen standing in a pathway through a light wood, whose low, leafless trees are covered with snow. Signed at the lower right, F. H. KarmMerer. AIS OWN SWEET WAY 3 fe meas HNehoher Height, 121, inches; width, 714 inches V¥li29 No. 10 A. CLARYS BEetGiAn: CoNnTEMPORARY ON THE BOULEVARD Height, 91% inches; length, 121% inches A GENTLEMAN in tall hat and overcoat pauses at the curb yr to salute a lady driving, who has halted her carriage to O greet him. Pedestrians and equestrians appear in the dis- tance in a murky atmosphere, and trees along the boulevard are brown. . Signed at the lower right, A. Crarys. . DN. Slut Inscribed on the back: “The undersigned declares that this picture has been painted by myself to the order of A. D. Huyvette of Antwerp. A. Crarys, Brussets, 1880.” From the Stewart-Brown Collection, New York, 1881. No. 11 ARMAND CHARNAY Frencu: 1844— AMONG THE FLOWERS Height, 1334 inches; width, 91, inches Pansies and a variety of more ambitious flowers are in 6 — luxuriant bloom in an old-fashioned garden, and at the end of / , 0 a high stone wall near an arched gateway a woman who has gathered some of the flowers stands looking downward at a pet kid. Signed at the lower left, A. CHaRNay. I to Sbernet, ag t. No. 12 JEAN JACQUES HENNER FrENcH: 1829—1905 THE BATHERS A >. Beste a woodland pool two voluptuous young women with “ | Kee rich red hair appear in a strong light, nude, against a dark “background of trees. One stands, one is seated on a grassy Eg a bank. one nn eee Signed midway at the right, J. J. Hennen. (= % ; \ | = i. & a 5 if Br. No. 13 i CHARLES MEISSONIER a (Son and pupil of J. L. E. Meissonier) oa Frencu: 1852—1917 . READY AND WAITING ap Height, 13%, inches; width, 9 inches Prva’e harery : _ ) Furt-Leneru figure of a man, standing in patient expec- taney in a great hall, at the foot of successive flights of stairs. Rose silk shows in the apertures of his slashed buff sleeves, and he has wrapped about him his scarlet coat. One glove on, he holds the other and his hat. Signed at the lower left, Crrarntes METISsONIER, FILS, 1878. ya } ¥ a, te 4 (00 - Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches CL. leon No. 14 JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FrencuH: 1840—1902 THE SENTINEL Height, 121% inches; width, 9 inches At a small doorway of castle or fortress a solitary man is _— seen on guard, at the foot of a winding flight of stone steps. & , He is in brown garb with red stockings and wears a steel helmet, and is armed with battle-axe and sword. C “ Signed at the lower right, J. G. Vrpert, ’69. Lact No. 15 SEYMOUR J. GUY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1910 “ARITHMETICS” Lbreharnre x 9 Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches SEATED on a wooden floor with his back against a gray, cracked wall, and facing the observer, a small boy studying his lessons looks up in puzzled thought and begins to count on his fingers. | Signed at the right, midway, S. J. Guy. No. 16 ra oe JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET ir Frencu: 1846—1909 | THE CALL OF THE DRUM yy; Zh, : Sa Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches pn | In a path above a river, and observed rounding an abutment of a gray stone building, a tall and plump blond young woman comes toward the spectator, merrily beating a snare drum. She wears a varicolored pointed bodice and white under-waist with flowing half-sleeves, and a full red skirt, and looks to her left across a valley. Ba Signed at the lower left, G. Jacavet. No. 17 C. H. GIFFORD CoNTEMPORARY THE STRANDED VESSEL Height, 914 inches; length, 1414 inches the left, in a black storm, and her crew, forced to abandon her, are seen pulling away in their yawl. A TWo-MASTED sailing ship has been driven upon rocks, at 4 ra g ship p Signed at the lower right, C. H. Girrorp. From the Stewart-Brown Collection, New York, 1881. a UE J Cheer \ No. 18 ERSKINE NICOL, R.S.A., A.R.A. EneuisH: 1825—1904 HAPPY IN HIS OWN MUSIC LO Height, 131/ inches; width, 11 inches A FLoriIp and husky oldster in a green coat and brown waist- coat and trousers sits beside a plain wooden table, on which his hat and glass rest, and looking with gay and complacent good humor at the observer, proceeds to play to his own satisfaction on his own guitar. ARTHUR WARDLE Encuisu: CoNnTEMPORARY LION YAWNING ; (Pastel) Pagry 2 : Haight, . 10% inches; length, 14 inches te , ke. Seamer ¢ down in the tall grass” at the foot of barren rising hi bs . a 2 lion of massive shoulder raises his ee head in a seh a . Signed at the lower left, Artur WaARDLE. No. 20 ARTHUR WARDLE EncusH: CONTEMPORARY LION RESTING | (Pastel) Z hed Height, 101, inches; length, 14 inches . 5. enter | ~ Recrrine on his left side, with head toward the spectator, | a lion of powerful build is replete and at ease and all but napping—one eye closed, the other partly open and furtive. Signed at the lower right, ArtHUuR WARDLE. No. 21 PAUL LOUIS GROLLERON Frencu: 1848—1901 LE REPOS Height, 121% inches; length, 15 inches | Two poilus laden with all their equipment are seen at rest : — on a grass-covered hillside, chatting together. One is seated yj y} 0 facing the spectator; the other partly reclines, leaning on his hand, and has his back toward the spectator, bringing his | heavy shoulder load to view. | L t Signed at the lower left, P. GrotiERon, ’84. 9. Aad WY No. 22 EK. M. VALLY CoNTEMPORARY BY THE FIRESIDE Height, 1234 inches; length, 1534 inches SEATED in a sunny section of an humble cottage interior a stout peasant woman in white cap, brown dress and bluish apron, is busily knitting before a broad fireplace where a lively fire glows. a Sa \ Signed at the lower right, E. M. Vatty. From the Charles Frost Collection, New York, 1881. a fi Poe . tig se hors No. 23 GEORGES GROEGAERT Frencu: ContTeEMPORARY BOATING | Height, 11 inches; length, 16 inches Me 7 Iw a secluded spot on the green bank of a river a young _f~ Woman in white skirt and dark blue jersey, and robin’s-egg : | 2° blue stockings, reclines in summer idleness and listens to earn- YM -__ est words of her bare-armed escort who sits at her feet. Oars _ lie on the grass at one side. one a f Signed at the lower right, Grorces Grorcarrt, Paris, 1885. Sit NA A LO Rin Peon BEE AEE a ee ir at lame eee No. 24 BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— EVENING GLOW Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Twiuicnt is fading over a landscape turned to a warm, rich ‘3 and full autumn brown; on the left are trees and the vague, _ # _undetailed silhouette of a gabled building, on the right is a is low detached tree, and between them a pool in the fore- ground reflects a pale green and warm golden sky. Signed at the lower left, Broce Crane. ~ No. 25 MW/ ALFRED KOWALSKI-WIERXSZ PouisH: 1849— Do Cave Goll. THE HUNTER Height, 161, inches; width, 1214, inches an open wood, and in the foreground a hunter, with gun _ bo AutTuMN hues are in the trees and in the leafy carpeting of fi- ; f Bi Lote a are slung over his shoulder, stands, back to.the spectator and face seen in profile, amid his pack of hounds. Signed at the lower right, A. Kowatsxk1. No. 26 JULES LEFEBVRE Frencu: 1834—1912 AFKFTER THE BATH Height, 1014 inches; length, 18 inches FULL-LENGTH nude figure of a young woman, whose light brown hair is done up tightly upon her head, reclining upon a lion skin. Her back is toward the spectator, she supports her shoulders on the raised head of the lion, upon which her right elbow rests, and turning her head reveals her face in profile over her left shoulder. At one side gray fumes issue from a bronze incense burner. Signed at the lower right, Jutes LeFevre. No. 27 - ‘WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU ? Frencu: 1825—1905 Pes Bk gait i | INNOCENCE = Height, 1614, inches; width, 18 inches )¥eLlard Heap and shoulders portrait of a young woman with large ____ eyes and long lashes, and broadly arched eyebrows, her dark ¥,) o brown hair brushed in wavy line lightly over her temples and / bound in a braid over the back of her head. With figure _ slightly toward the left, her face is turned to the front and 9 head bent archly downward, and her eyes are soberly cast down. She wears a gown of robin’s-egg blue, lightly caught Eee * at the shoulders, and with white breast and warm color in pee her cheeks is seen against a neutral background of grayish- ' 5 io olive tone. ‘ Signed at the upper left, W. Bovevrrxav, 1898. From Arthur Tooth & Sons, London. ; From the George N. Tyner Collection, New York, 1901.-¥45, 5 725 /f Anny No. 28 | ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH _ : Spantsu: 1847—1896 “ey “ H & Heap and shoulders portrait of a happy white-cowled friar, | 0 who grins and glows with satisfaction as he holds up a i freshly captured bird that promises to make a fine meal. | Signed at the upper left, ANronto Casanova ¥ Esroracn, Paris, 1887. j | ¥ “4 FINE BIRD” Height, 16 inches; width, 18 inches No. 29 EDOUARD BOUTIBONNE FrencH: 1816—1897 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Ladd fi gy, ak Height, 18 inches: wut 12 eee 40- |00~ FULL-LENGTH seated figure of a matronly young woman of blond type, in a blue velvet dress with voluminous skirt and low corsage; about her shoulders a fur bordered scarf. She holds a work bag idly, and faces the observer, with one arm resting on a table. Signed at the lower left, E. Boutrsonne, 1872. No. 30 JEAN AUBERT FrencH: 1824—1906 PLAYING THE LYRE Height, 18 inches; width, 1414 inches Unpver the feathery green foliage of birches, which wreathes her against a sky of palest turquoise and creamy-white, a young woman of thoughtful and dreamy countenance is seen at half-length, seated, lightly fingering a lyre. She is gowned in white and looks abstractedly off across her right shoulder. Signed at the lower right, JEAN-AvBERT, 1881. From the George I. Seney Collection, New York, 1885. KP 4 psoo., No. 81 ALBERT EDELFELT Finnisu: 1854—1905 ‘Tha 2 ing RI a . low. 4. an | ia THREE- -QUARTERS-LENGTH seated figure of a_black- feed ~ young Spanish woman, facing the Rent three-quarters front. ~ -\ _ She wears a white shawl and white lace mantilla, and sits _ with her bare arms folded across her golden-draped lap. aa THE SENORITA Height, 181% inches; width, 15 inches ae i Signed at the upper right, Arsert Epretrert, Paris, 1872. oe No. 32 ANTONIO TAMBURINI- Trarian: 1843—1876 GUILTY CONSCIENCE A sMALL pupil in a clerical school is caught in the wine cel- o* lar, whose walls show artistic and arithmetical pencilings. He hides a clay pipe behind him, whose burning tobacco drops to the floor, and the detecting master looks inquiringly there, holding a ferule behind him. Signed at the lower left, A. TamBurin1. Height, 19 inches; width, 141% inches w- WS. Brea SS ee Se ~ SS No. 33 CHARLES LOUIS MULLER Frencu: 1815—1892 THE DUCAL BALL Height, 12 inches; length, 2014, imches | — A Gay scene in a princely hall, with beautiful women in if Se 0 brilliant colors, and bewigged gentlemen in eighteenth cen- tury costumes, dancing joyously, while a proud man in ermine and coronetted stands looking on. y , fic: Signed at the lower left, C. Mtrzer. a No. 34 WALTER BLACKMAN AMERICAN: 1847— THE DARK BEAUTY Height, 181% inches; width, 1514 inches Heap and bust of a buxom young woman with rich dark : brown hair and warm complexion, face in profile to the right 0 and figure turned slightly forward. She wears a small red shawl about her shoulders and her hair is bound in a scarf of rich gold. Signed at the upper left, W. Birackman. 30 Tbe licalaon / SS me eee eS eae eee No. 385 JOHN HARRISON WITT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1901 POPPIES = Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches JS io (nets ; Bust portrait of a dark beauty, her face seen a little more >= than in profile, to the left, and figure three-quarters front. In her flowing and abundant dark hair are rich red poppies, and poppies again depend in festoons about her low corsage. a Signed at the lower right, J. H. Wirt, A.N.A. No. 86 JASPER F. CROPSEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1900 SUNRISE, LAKE GEORGE Height, 121%, inches; length, 21% inches Wlipet x She — Tue beautiful Horicon is glimpsed at a bend between its high banks, with a burst of the rare tints of dawn turning its bordering autumn hues to those of fairyland, while the sun itself is still unseen beyond the hills. Early risers appear in two boats on the water, and a camp fire glows on shore. \ Signed at the lower left, J. F. Cropsry, 1875. 4 From the Stewart-Brown Collection, New York, 1881. No. 37 SEYMOUR J. GUY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1910 COUNTRY COURTESY Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches Two bare-footed children on a fishing excursion are descend- 5 a ing a rough path to a ravine, and the boy, carrying the 0 primitive fish-pole, turns to help the little girl, who carries a can of bait. Signed at the lower left, S. J. Guy, N.A. From the George N. tae Collection, New York, 1901-¥ K-18 2/0 ie Sih ORT ie A cell No. 88 KARL WITKOWSKI Austrian: 1860—1910 g THE MOWER Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches of daisies come up, in sunlight before the edge of a hazy copse, a farmer in overalls is whetting his scythe. , 4 A Stanpine knee-deep in lush grass through which a multitude Signed at the lower left, K. W1rKowsk1. ON No. 39 FREDERIK HENDRIK KAEMMERER Dutcu: 1839—1902 AUTUMN LEAVES ZA let | mE ne ert ti Height, 211, inches; width, 13 inches Sefer 2 OS eet Fuui-Lencru standing figure of a tall and plump young | 4 woman with blond curls, facing the observer from the edge of a wood whose details are lost in an autumn haze. She i is clad in a low-necked, sleeveless gown of white, and a gauzy q white drapery billows out behind her and above her shoulders. Autumn leaves strew the ground. Signed at the lower right, F. H. KarmMmener. No. 40 | ANGELO ASTI | Tratian: 1847 (?)—1903 IDEAL HEAD he ils Mee a" | Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches A PENSIVE young woman, her dark hair hanging down her _ i back and bound at the shoulder with crimson ribbon, is seen | with face in profile to the left, and nude bust three-quarters \ q toward the spectator, partly screened by light garments. tH Signed at the lower left, A. Asrt. = I a ee DY 7 A y / ; . Ww. J af Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches /70- No. 41 GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 GOING TO CHURCH u A youncG woman whose reddish-brown locks just show in a bang beneath her black cap comes toward the observer, walking alone over the snow-covered ground, her eyes cast down and demeanor one of meekness. She wears a gray- brown dress and a broad ruff. : Signed at the lower left, GHB (monogram). P From the Feorge I. Seney Collection, New York, 1891 0K 4 6504 J, Collin ' No. 42 M. J. RICHTER GERMAN: CoNTE MPORARY SNOWSTORM NEAR BREGENTS, TYROL Z Height, 14 inches; length, 24 inches é if tp ef i A FIERCE winter storm has laid the landscape under snow before all the leaves have left the trees, and across a road through a village a man and woman and boy are dragging a laden sledge, another woman pushing it, while further down the road other villagers are seen as bulky shadows in the swirling snow. : ‘ Signed at the lower left, M. J. Ricurer, Mtncuen. From the Stewart-Brown Collection, New York, 1881. —_f No. 43 JOHN G. BROWN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1831—1913 “WANTS TO SHINE” S i Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches One of the ragged and cheerful New York bootblacks of a day that is gone stands on the sidewalk, his kit-box slung over his shoulder, his “blacking brush” in one hand and the ’ other hand in his pocket. He looks upward, with questioning eyes. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Brown, N.A.; copyricut. From the George N. Tyner Collection, New York, 1901- KAS, 9505 No. 44 JEAN CHARLES CAZIN -Frencu: 1840—1901 e Sf ie ELSINORE Pe 2 pee Height, 141, inches; length, 18 inches | q - Unper a soft grayish sky, which far away shows a rift of a \ e blue above a mass of white cumuli, a line of tall French | poplars rises boldly—an irregular mass of varying greens in sunlight and shadow—beyond a creamy-gray garden wall beside which runs a narrow gray road. In the foreground a silvery and sluggish stream is softly brilliant with varied reflections of the wall and foliage, the herbage of its banks, and the sky. Signed at the lower right, J. C. Cazin. Purchased by Mr. Tyner from L. Crist Delmonico, New Lh From the George N. Tyner Collection, New rors WK _f 025 PIERRE AUGUSTE COT Frencu: 1837—1883 THE STORM Height, 231 inches; width, 16 inches Movine toward the left in a swinging lope and in loving em- brace, the youthful lovers appear in a bright light before a Ga Se 1 ark background of. mountain and wood, he dark haired, with loins wrapped in skins, she fair and clad in filmy white. Signed at the lower left, P. A. Cor, From the Charles J. Osborn Collection, New York, 1893.-56 4 p/boo 7 MAK 8972 5 Iter bf:882.. 6 NS fo! bth 3973 Py oh er agree ie OSs ngs Seep ee Rees ee 78 PIERRE AUGUSTE COT Frencu: 1837—1883 SPRINGTIME Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches S herman Va A DARK-HAIRED youth in an amber tunic and a blond maiden in a drapery of white gauze sit in a swing, in fond embrace, under a tree in a woodland dell. Back of them the sunlight touches the lower leafage, and outlines and accents the figures of the lovers. Signed at the lower right, P. A. Cor. cae A From the Charles J. Osborn Collection, New York, 1893.— JO Vines No. 47 CHARLES FOUQUE FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY bom. 4. (deri THE SONG Is 907 Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Two beruffed gentlemen are enjoying their wine in a paneled and tapestried room, One, in red costume, is seated and picking a mandolin; his companion, in gray and crimson, has risen and holds aloft his half-filled glass. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Fovauk. From the Charles Frost Collection, New York, 1881. « v 4 No. 48 LEON GIRARDET FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY CAUGHT IN THE ACT (Water Color) Height, 221%, inches; width, 17 inches A LITHESOME youth mounts upon a flower box to make love to a saucy maid who puts her head out a small opened win- dow surreptitiously. Unnoticed by them, an older woman steps out from a doorway and watches them, stick in hand. Signed at the lower right, Lion Grrarpet. tu. Ww. 7 Lar art, AG A a es a ee ee ee ee No. 49 HUGUES MERLE Frencu: 1823—1881 KEEPIN G BUSY - Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches le. Ce. Learner, 4 | Pn A youne girl with flowing blond hair, dressed in brown and _ white, is pictured at half-length, threading her needle with the red yarn with which she is at work on a gaily colored ~ sash. : —o Signed at the lower left, Hucues-Merte, 1871. No. 50 JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 BRUNETTE / a C Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches w-w- Searrat,d Bust portrait of a large-eyed and dark-browed young woman — with chestnut hair, figure to the front and head turned and tilted with a quiet coyness toward the left shoulder. Her throat is bound by a circlet of pearls, and her décolleté gown shows floral figures on a violet ground. Over one shoul- der a white cloak lined with blue. Signed midway at the left, G. Jacquet. From the George N. Tyner Collection, New York, 1901. x 3K ~ BEIS: No. 51 ADOLF ECHTLER AUSTRIAN: CONTEMPORARY ee 2 ety PENSIVE ha Hg Height, 2514, inches; width, 16 inches Acatnst an indeterminate greenish woodland background a brown-haired young German girl is shown at three-quarter length, seated, both hands resting on the handle of a large dark green umbrella. She is in dark dress, and looks archly at the observer. Signed at the lower left, Av. Ecutter. No. 52 H. E. HILDEBRANDT AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY A NATIVE AMERICAN BEAUTY Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Bust portrait of a smiling Indian girl of the Southwest, fig- ure to the front and happy face turned toward her left shoulder. She wears a brilliant striped shawl or blanket of native weave, and over her rich black hair is a brilliant golden scarf. Signed at the lower right, H. E. H1tpesranpr. ; No. 53 C. H. GIFFORD ConTEMPORARY NARROW WATER CASTLE, NEAR NEWRY, COUNTY DOWN, | COAST OF IRELAND Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches Lu PA. Lz . Vig yee: Own the left the towers of a gray stone castle rise from a low point of land, and under the castle walls a sailboat is | CU beached and a fire glows beside it. Out in the stream a 3 larger sailing vessel is under way over the rippling moonlit a waters, and on the farther side appears a mountainous coast. Signed at the lower right, C. H. Girrorp, 1881. No. 54 Ct Sag GIUSEPPE CASTIGLIONE TratraAn: CoNTrEMPORARY THE CARDINAL’S JUDGMENT ot tlaibea Height, 23 inches; length, 2734 inches or dle life An imposing looking and sceptical man beyond mid is seated in a cardinal’s palace, seated a little lower than his Eminence, eyeing with dubious inquiry his beautiful wife, who enters in brilliant finery and with quizzical smile directed /0 a at his Eminence, and points a but half-accusing finger at a young member of the purple-clad clergy, who stands de- jectedly at her side. Signed at the lower left, G. CasTIGLIONE. No. 55 JOHANN HAMZA (The Austrian Meissonier ) “| AUSTRIAN: 1850— ) 7, ts hte ; d AN IMPORTANT OCCASION tid 40 ie Height, 19 inches; length, 2414 inches In the great library of a palatial building a group of seven gentlemen in wigs and glistening apparel, and a solitary lady who sits very rigidly among them, are seen about some tables covered with books, maps and documents. The oldest among the men, a learned and imposing figure, expounds some proposition very earnestly, and has the keen attention of his auditors. Signed at the lower right, J. Hamza, Wien. No. 56 EDWARD PORTIELJE Betcian: 1859— A GAME Height, 201%, inches; length, 26 inches In a sun-lit cottage room with rush-covered floor four young women are playing cards at the tea hour, and three others look on about the table. One of the players is mischievously passing an ace. Signed at the lower right, Epwarp PortTiELJE, ANTWERP. — egies ne nese ox INO. 57— .. MARTIN RICO) @ & Sranisu: 1850—1908 \, > VENICE Height, 28%, inches; width, 181, inches eek One of the famous churches of the Queen of the Adriatic, the Church of San Rocco, built in 1771, stands at the left, a gondola drawn up at the steps before it and a lady in a red cloak walking toward the door. Other figures are seen near at hand, and over a neighboring garden wall : project masses of green foliage. ; Signed at the lower left, Rico. sat From the George N. Tyner Collection, New York, 1901-KS6 4 8 /0BS* No. 58 JULIEN DUPRE Frencu: 1851—1910 MILKING TIME Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches A miLKMaip of sturdy frame, in a patched blue skirt, comes forward through deep grasses of a pasture, carrying two large cans of milk slung from a wooden neck-yoke. Farther afield another woman is milking a black and white cow, the rest of the herd lying down lazily beyond her. Signed at the lower right, JurmN Duprt. No. 59 7. 4 ALFRED STEVENS ie Betaran: 1828—1906 ned MEDITATION Height, 27%/, inches; width, 19%, inches Harr-teneru seated figure of a handsome, dark-haired young woman with blue eyes. She wears a rose-pink gown, with a flower spray tucked in at the corsage. With figure full to the front, she leans with her right elbow upon deep cushions, the right hand lightly supporting her inclined head, which is turned slightly to the right, showing her face in three-quarters view. | Signed at the lower left, A. Srevens. From the George I. Seney Collection, New York, 1991. #/65™ tL, ee Metland AL ath: No. 60 ANTONIO BOMPIANI Trattan: CoNTEMPORARY PE pd Cae MUSIC Height, 20 inches; length, 25 inches In a palace hall three musicians are playing assiduously and y gh seriously, but the enthroned and languishing lady for whom b they seem to play inclines her head in the opposite direction | () and listens with an abstracted placidity to the amorous whisperings of an admirer not too bold. | Signed at the lower right, A(r0). Bomprant. No. 61 LOUIS AIME JAPY Frencnu: 1850— COWS IN A STREAM Height, 20 inches; length, 25 inches reflections, winds between low and flat shores and about a point of land supporting groups of tall trees one of which has put on its autumn dress. Here some cows have entered the shallow water to drink. y 0 0 pr A PASTORAL stream blue and silvery, and colorful with many Signed at the lower right, Japry. aie J+. (eokee a, tumes- of velvet and ae: No. 62 L. DULUARD Frencit: ConTEMPORARY AT THE CLOSE OF THE SONG Height, 28%, inches; width, 2314, inches Wr. Samet ; fearon a huge fireplace in a great hall a lady happy and ae stands ene the spectator, her cavalier who has er ae Signed at the lower right, L. Dourvarp. No. 63 A. JACOBSON American: NINETEENTH CENTURY THE YACHT DREADNOUGHT Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches ‘. ) =A parntine of an American schooner yacht of the 70’s, seen broadside on, sailing in a good breeze on a moderate sea. Signed at the lower right, A. Jacosson, 1878. Fra) “PELIX ZIEM FrencuH: 1821—1911 VENICE Height, 201, inches; length, 30 inches A FETE day at the dreamy capital is shown, with the spec- tator looking up the Grand Canal, and the most conspicuous object a three-masted ship in the middle distance, enveloped h | 0 oe in a glory of many flags. Gondolas swarm with people, and {, 0 the Ducal Palace and the Campanile appear in the distance on the right. From the Charles J. Osborn Collection, New York, 1893.-%35~ P700- \N Vinee No. 65 Le - ADOLPH SCHREYER ie | GrerMan: 1828—1909 oa | ARABIAN HORSEMEN Height, 19 inches; length, 83 inches | * A company of vigorous riders on agile steeds and arm their characteristic long guns have just forded a stre come out upon wild, open land, over which they pass ; towa the right. Two in the foreground, one wearing a fez a the other a turban, are strongly individualized. i" | ip. Signed at the lower right, Ap. ScHREYER. : i No. 66 DAVID ADOLPHE CONSTANT ARTZ DutcH: 1837—1890 EVENING Height, 26 inches; length, 3514, inches accompanied by a small girl, has paused in a trudge over some rolling and grass-grown dunes and seated herself on a low bank for a rest. Her head is bowed, and the child stand- ing at her side is in listening attitude. Far away a church steeple rises before an evening sky which still shimmers with sunset colors. 6 0 Aw old peasant woman who walks with the aid of a stick, ' Signed at the lower right, Artz. From the George I. Seney Collection, New York, 1891.-/79 BIE. 4 Pa No. 67 JEAN RICHARD GOUBIE aan eee ete ere earner Por Frencu: 1842—1899 OFF FOR THE HUNT J Height, 261/, inches; length, 40 inches / doll and od ath aap rg ne are eg egg ee om SWEEPING at a good clip from left to right across the middle- ground of the picture a dozen or more riders in a hunt are seen against a wooded background whose trees merge in an autumn haze. Coming toward the spectator in a road which | ¢ : leaves the wood is a coach and four, with outriders, contain- i ing four ladies, one of whom rises from her seat to view the ie hunt. Ee Signed at the lower left, R. Gounre, 1881. See en From the Charles J. Osborn Collection, New York, 1893. $7 fiiei200 a ee ere No. 68 DON RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SPANISH: 1841— COURTS HIP Height, 271/, inches; length, 461%, inches Pa A WINSOME young lady gowned in pearly satin reclines on a 1% ty : N, ah joo chaise-longue, before emerald draperies, smiling kindly as an ardent suitor pays court, seated on a stool beside her. Near by her mother in white lace cap trimmed with blue sits reading. Signed at the lower right, R. Manprazo. No. 69 ADELSTEEN NORMANN ‘Norwecian: 1848— DEEP AMONG THE MOUNTAINS — IN NORWAY Height, 281%, inches; length, 421, inches Hicu on either hand bleak and rugged mountains with bare and rounded summits, and with snow cradled in their higher pockets, rise into a cold blue sky where float tufts and small masses of cold fog vapor. Coming into view in the middle distance and broadening in the foreground a river winding through a deep gorge shimmers with reflections, and on it are peasants in boats, while on the nearer bank appear the cottages of a hamlet. | Signed at the lower right, A. Normann. Painted in 1891 for the late Owner. ¢ £ Le. Uys , Lam an, es ee ee en ee eer POVEEE An caie Coane mt coe ont — 7 = i Son a a ; < Boer thas Sra ¥ ' } : No. 70 i EDOUARD DETAILLE ‘3 Frencu: 1848—1912 THE CAPTURE OF A BRITISH 90 - FLAG AT WATERLOO Height, 4114 inches; width, 3014 inches i Fe. epey. Comine forward on a big bay horse at full gallop, a bare- -headed cuirassier holds aloft a captured British flag. He is galloping through a field and past broken-down artillery, Fa a helmeted comrade comes fast upon his heels and the uplifted iy swords of other horsemen gleam through a haze or the : smoke of battle in the distance. Signed at the lower right, Epouarp Derattix, 1899. From the George N. Tyner Collection, New York, 1901. 72 + IK GOS a ee ee 2 A es RET? Ae EAE oe a 4 . EES 2 2 ie No. 71 BERCI KARLOVSKY (Pupil of Munkacsy) PorisH: CoNTEMPORARY THE FAIR CRITIC Boe Ay — IMAOU AA, ° Height, 31 inches; length, 42 inches Aw artist with jet-black hair and Van Dyck beard, in slashed sleeves and black velvet small clothes, palette and Se brushes in hand, stands off to look at a portrait upon which (,00 he is at work and to give his sitter a rest. The sitter, a | blond young woman in white satin, has quit her pose to view her own portrait, and moved to a chair on the back of which the painter leans, and she is portrayed there at full length, in profile. Signed at the lower left, Karutovsky-Brrci, Paris, 1883. From the George I. Seney Collection, New York, 1895.-¥210 8/000 + No. 72 WILHELM LUDWIG FRIEDRICH RIEFSTAHL GERMAN: 1827—1888 A CEREMONY OF THE CHURCH Height, 48 inches; length, 77 inches A" | 4 7 In a large room with plain board floor, and walls adorned 3 only with religious pictures, a ceremony of the Greek Church is being performed in which a score of figures appear, all carrying lighted candles, the priest and his attendants in white, and a long line of bearded Russian monks in brown. Signed at the lower left, Riersran1, BERLIN, 1868. y L- A Y awn es): Oye a J te AND LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND a _ THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ARTZ, Davin ae CONSTANT 7 Evening 66 | z= AST, ANGELO _ 5 Ideal Head 4.0 || oa AUBERT, Jean _ a Playing the Lyre 30 | BLACKMAN, eee ; ig 4 The Dark oly 34 i . BOMPIANI, Awrox0 | a Music 2 60 _ BOUGHTON, Gxoxcr H., N.A., B.A. | Going to Church. 41 BOUGUEREAU, WittiAm ADOLPHE Innocence 27 " BOUTIBONNE, Enovarp i Portrait of a Lady 29 BROWN, Joun G., N.A. “Wants to Shine” 43 "CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, Ayroyto. ‘: “A Fine Bird” 28 CASTIGLIONE, Gruszprr The Cardinal’s Judgment CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES Elsinore CHARNAY, AuMANGD Among the Flowers CLARYS, A. On the Boulevard CORTAZZO, GirLAnpo Between Two Fires COT, Prerre AUGUSTE The Storm Springtime CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Evening Glow CROPSEY, Jasper F., N.A. . Sunrise, Lake George DETAILLE, Enovarp The Capture of a British Flag at Waterloo DULUARD, L. At the Close of the Song | 62 DUPRE, Juin Milking Time oS | ECHTLER, Avotr Pensive EDELFELT, Arprerr The Senorita FOUQUE, Cuares The Song FRERE, Tutopore His Own Sweet Way GIFFORD, C. H. | The Stranded Vessel Narrow Water Castle, near Newry, County Down, Coast of Ireland GIRARDET, Lion Caught in the Act GOUBIE, Jean Ricuarp Off for the Hunt GROEGAERT, Gerorcrs Boating GROLLERON, Pavut Louis | Le Repos GUY, Srymour J., N.A. “Arithmetics”’ Country Courtesy HAMZA, JoHANN An Important Occasion CATALOGUE NUMBER 51 31 AT 21 15 37 55 ideo A a chi. “carALocur UE HENNER, Jean Jacques The Bathers HILDEBRANDT, H. E. A Native American Beauty JACOBSON, A. The Yacht Dreadnought JACQUET, Jean GUSTAVE The Call of the Drum Brunette JAPY, Louis AIMmME Cows in Stream KAEMMERER, FrRepERIK HENpRIK Winter Autumn Leaves KARLOVSKY, Berct The Fair Critic KOWALSKI-WIERNSZ, ALFRep The Hunter LEFEBVRE, Juss After the Bath LINKE, E. Wine-tasting MADRAZO, Don RaAImMuNDO DE Courtship er . NUMBER : A ~ MAGRATH, Wim, N.A. The Young Smokers | 6 MEISSONIER, Cuanzzs Ready and Waiting 13 MERLE, Hucuss Keeping Busy 49 | MULLER, Cuartes Lovis The Ducal Ball 33 NICOL, Ersxinz, R.S.A., A.R.A. Happy in His Own Music 18 N ORMANN, ADELSTEEN Deep among the Mountains in Norway 69 PORTIELJE, Epwanp , A Game 56 | RICHTER, M. J. Snowstorm near Bregents, Tyrol A2 RICO, Martin Venice 57 : RIEFSTAHL, Wintynetm Lupwic FRIepRicH A Ceremony of the Church 72 SCHILL, Josrer The Lonely Meal 3 s SCHREYER, AnoLteu | | Arabian Horsemen 65 sar 2 4 = sete A CTS a ——— _ — oe - ns es “= ies, ae een SeEeLeD —— - ar a a aR Tt > ares SE Fp a ae NN YY NERS ENR LS BL KNEE RG IMA Sak TP ae ESO Be NHS Gh) ES RA LEI EO EE NR Sa te ee on . We : ‘ies x 4 oe y x wa 2 y ae ae oe P ae Lia il eam at ti . 2. alias Sa sd er eee dia 3 " ' ‘ } is po Ko 2 Sora ETD ate re bi ‘ ’ ta