PAP Neate te AS Lad fa ee ty Uae Yor Py. 3 tne HRY Pi at wa PN MY . ' ; Ne J Xs pe Seay ite tae tatte Ree wh 2 te eatin A CATALOGUE OF A VERY BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION OF THE ETCHINGS BY REMBRANDT, THE PROYERTY OF THE LATE RIGHT HON. REGINALD POLE CAREW, CONSISTING OF HIS VARIOUS WORKS, SCRIPTURAL, FANCY, LANDSCAPES, anp PORTRAITS, INCLUDING THE HUNDRED GUILDER PRINT, “ RAISING OF LAZARUS; CHRIST BEFORE PILATE ; | Dr ADVOCATE TOLLING; BURGOMASTER SIX; AND OTHER CELEBRATED WORKS. The whole in the most desirable condition, and many of them in early and curious states, COLLECTED WITH GREAT JUDGMENT OUT OF THE BARNARD, HIBBERT, HARING, anp BUTE COLLECTIONS: WITH SOME ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY REMBRANDT ; ETCHINGS BY HIS SCHOLARS; PORTFOLIOS, eg OP fl re. $C: WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, MR. WHEATLEY, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, 191, PICCADILLY, On Wepwnespay, May 13, 1835, and Two following Days, And may be Viewed Two Days preceding. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. Tue highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed, shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d; and $0 on in proportion. IIT. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase- money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense, within Three Days: after the conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before the Delivery, in default of which, Mr. W. will not hold himself responsible, if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise de- stroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions the Money de- posited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited ; and all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the Defi- ciency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Com- missions faithfully executed by their obedient Servant, B. WHEATLEY, font PA CE. Tue period at which the late Mr. Pole Carew formed his Collection of Rembrandt’s Etchings was particularly fortunate for his purpose; the disper- sion of the Cabinets of Barnard, Haring, Hibbert, and Lord Bute, gave the opportunity of procuring many Prints, for which he might otherwise have waited for many years, and of the opportunity he wisely availed himself—procuring from those Col- lections several of his choicest specimens. To these he added, by private purchase, the Collection of Mr. John Chalon, an ardent admirer and very able judge of the Works of Rembrandt. They had passed into the hands of his son-in-law, Mr. Chris- tian Josi, and from him were purchased by the late Thomas Philipe, for Mr. Pole Carew. But it was not alone a fortunate period that enabled him to collect his stores—it was also an enthusiastic love forthe pursuit—a warm admiration for the works of the inimitable artist, with a taste- ful eye in the selection of the finest impressions he could procure. PREFACE. Since the Barnard sale so choice a collection has not been exhibited for public competition in Eng- land. The Josi—the Baring—or the Buckingham Collections were not of equal importance, though it is freely admitted, that each of those Collections, and particularly the last, contained some few gems not to be found in the present. The Collection being uniformly fine, it has not been thought advisable to put the usual epithets of quality to them, excepting where it is necessary to determine the state or condition of the Print. == = veo A CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF REMBRANDT, Se. §e. trie FIRST DAY’S SALE. PORTRAITS OF REMBRANDT, OR, HEADS RESEMBLING HIM. The numbers refer to Daulby’s Catalogue. yy | 1 Busr of a young Man resembling Rembrandt, with bushy CON tn hair (2 ) 2 Young Man’s Head, resembling Rembrandt, with moustaches eee G3 Ch ots at 6 3 Portrait oF REMBRANDT, CALLED THE Birp oF Prey De ociliney Print (4), extremely rare - - 17 “4 Small Head, stooping, somewhat resembling Rembrandt (6), ae, very scarce, the third impression - - 1 7 : if 5 Bust of a young Manresembling Rembrandt, coarsely etched eae i | (1), very scarce - - . 1 B = 1S Baca & ie: JA — A - Pos Po Ce f 2 FIRST DAY’S SALE. t, seas ris 6 PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT WHEN YOUNG (8), eas: feadye Jirst impression, with the head only etched, EXTREMELY JS Fa rs 7 . RARE; from the Barnard Collection - 1 7 Portrait of Rembrandt when Young (8), the finished impres- . | sion; with Rembrandt's name on each side, very power--4 | - | —— ful in colour - - - l . 8 Heap rEsemMBLiInG REMBRANDT, with THE HAIR . FRIZZLED (9), the uncut plate, first state, EXTREMELY 4 a | ceed / eee . DB iis cea eon RARE - = = - 1 Ce. 9 The same Portrait (9), second state, very scarce - 17 he Ho - ) 10 The same Portrait (9), the third impression, ditto - : eA gt bs /icctp. 11 The same Portrait (9), the fourth state - Hy/ f4\|— fecu Wie 12 Rembrandt in a mezetin cap (No. 12 the same as No. 293) 1 — | Rag tie ‘Gg P / i. 13 Bust, in which there is some resemblance of Rembrandt in his | youth (14), the edges of the plate not cleared 1p? ALS . Wd 14 Portrait oF REMBRANDT WHEN YOUNG, in cap; the arms . wrapped in a mantle (15), very scarce, on India paper; /4 74 — Srom the Remy and Barnard Collections - 1 mie “15 Small Portrait of Rembrandt, in a cap and fur cloak; the wn- cut plate (17 same as 297), and the copy in reverse Bd . la — . | . Brorglos direction - - - 2 16 Bust of a young Man resembling Rembrandt, with the mouth a 17 | Ae. open (18), the edges not cleared - a 17 Bust, which resembles Rembrandt in his youth, in fur eap | (19), jirst impression, very scarce - iy | — | : pe elena 18 Bust, resembling Rembrandt; the hair frizzled (20); jirst ra . state, very scarce, and the re-touched plate of the— Lo ; ; same " é . 9 | Ji, 9 A Bust, very much resembling Rembrandt, in a high fur | eA cap (21), from the Mariette Collection i ipay f/3\ — 20 Portrait of Rembrandt, in a cap, with a scarf round his neck, | Mellove'e | dated 1633 (22) - - - it Mt | is Lerilens 21 Portrait of Rembrandt, with a drawn sabre (23); first im ” Aa pression, in which the left eye is darkened - 1 ies . ia 22 The same Portrait (23), im which the left eye has bee m Z cleared - - - : | FIRST DAY'S SALE. SA 4, //, € ae fe 23 Portraits of Rembrandt and his Wife (24), dated 1636; and 1 ad reverse of the same - - 2 “ ~ 24 Rembrandt in a mezetin cap and feather, dated 1638 (25) 1—- S/ — | Prong cand PORTRAIT or REMBRANDT, In a CaP, THE HAIR FLOWING DOWN HIs BACK, dated 1639 (26); FIRST STATE, OF GREAT RARITY, BEING BEFORE THE RIM OFS %, bby | THE CAP WAS CONTINUED ROUND THE HEAD I ge rvs , +26 The same Portrait, with the cap continued round the head are Are (26) he z - i] cS 27 PORTRAIT or REMBRANDT DRAWING (27), tne sated STATE, before the landscape ane the pes asl Ee, r Zi taining the name and date, and otherwise unfinished, on Fi INDIA PAPER; from the Collectionof P. Remy - 1 ie. Cc: 28 Rempranpr Drawine (27), the second state, also before Je the landscape, with the name and date, but havingthe 4 2? 4 | ruffie and the right-hand unshaded, EXTREMELY FINE AND VERY RARE - - - 1 lo0 RemBrandt Drawine (27); the third state, before the Duong bork landscape, with the white ruffle, but having the right- 7“ fy “4 hand shaded - - - ] _ | 80 Rembrandt Drawing (27), with the Landscape, from the Joa reg | Collection of P. Remy - - l Oe . 13 31 Rembrandt Drawing (27), with the landscape, but having — | the strong cross-lines in the former state softened down, 7 7 — Pa we LAPIS UPL with an impression in an inferior state - 2 32 Porrrair or Rempranpt, IN AN OVAL (28), IN CAP, 8 dot aerig eed T WITH FEATHER, before the squares were cut from the a | | angles - - - . . SUBJECTS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. —, ~~ ° 33 Adam and Eve eating of the Forbidden Fruit, 1638, (29) 1— <*" — | | Aad tengs) (34 Abraham entertaining the three Angels, 1656, (30) l—.| 4 fo 4i/e 35 Abraham sending away Hagar and Ishmael, 1637, (31) 1 7 Fis _—— — —_36 Abraham and his Son Isaac (32), 1645, - Us eet IL A RP 4 FIRST DAY’S SALE. CII « "37 Abraham’s Sacrifice, 1655 (32), very rich, with the bur, on Goff. India paper, and reverse copy, without the name o . J jf Rembrandt - - - ~ 2 we 38 Four Subjects from the Spanish book of Menassah Ben Israel (34), viz—The Image of Nebughadnezzar—Combat of Pong horjf David and Goliah—the Vision of Ezekiel—and Jacob’s 4 “ | Ladder; the three latter onj India paper, the whole in early states - - - - 4 / 39 Jacob lamenting the supposed Death of Joseph (35), remark- eat bl | ye fe ably fine, and copy in the same direction - 2 a 40 Joseph relating his Dream, in the presence of his Father and | Mother, 1638 (37), first state, before the turban sais cur-\-7 | —| — ‘“ | tain were shaded - - - ] Waal 41 The same Print, with the turban and curtain shaded,(37) 1 — G ms bs Gideon’s Sacrifice (38), fourth state, (more probably the work = of F. Bol.) : . - age o Lg | 43 The Triumph of Mordecai (39), very fine, with the burr 1 — j— —_“- — 44 David on his Knees praying (40), dated 1652 ~ T—} 47] — : 45 Blind Tobit groping his way (41), 1661 - ] Claag he A6 The Angel ascending from Tobit and his Family, 1641, (42) 1) 7} — Pieces. FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT. mo y (47 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds (43), a clear and good y gs: - l impression brs Ass The Jatiy ativity, or Adoration of the Shepherds (44), in the a Bees /- state, the thatch is completed to the edge of the f plate * yg wha. = - ] sia 49 The same subject (44), seeord state, in which is more conti in the dark parts - - « oy 50 The Nativity, a Night Piece (45), on India paper, before the planks were added to the stall - e Me 51 The same subject, (45), with the planks, but rich in colour 1/— vi ee hs, 7 ‘52 The same subject (45), an impression of less power or ay The Circumcision, 1654 (46) - #1 TE ag 54 The Little Circumcisien (47), and a conte copy ina j reverse direction - a FIRST DAY’S SALE. 270» Bg 55 The Circumcision, etched in a rough manner, with the ad-) uz Va dress of Berendrech, (48) - - I ee 56 The Presentation in the vaulted Temple, with the calotte on| f4\ — the head of Simeon, (49) - - Nifon 57 The Presentation, in Rembrandt's dark manner (50), a clear 4 eee and brilliant impression - - ay, oe ae = The Presentation in the Temple, with the Angel, 1630(51) 1 — Ole Oe fio he», 59 The Little Flight into Egypt, 1633 (52) - li? 7 ré ________ 60 The Flight into Egypt, a Night Piece (53), reverse of the Jirst state, and the third state, with the ha i lighis|__| AA — on the figure of Joseph - - 2 huTk 61 The same Print (53), the two later states, in which the plateis much darkened - - ae] ae G a A 62 The Return from Egypt, in which Jesus is walking between fst Joseph and the Virgin, 1654, remarkably fine, with the Ve —j— burr, on India paper - - - l J iflire 63 The Flight into Egypt, the Holy Family crossing arill (55) 1— 4 — i wilh. 4 Flight into Egypt, in a richly wooded landscape, in the style y of Elsheimer, (56) - ~ - 1 Cie Sg 65 Tue Rest 1n Ecyrt, 1n A Woop, By NIGHT, FIRST staTe, before the head of the Ass was introduced, FINE ao. | J1\ A AND EXTREMELY RARE, and the same in the common state - - - - 2 ee 66 The Rest in Egypt, St. Peter, and a Man with a Pen, rit mes: (58), all etched with slight strokes - “ | _ —. 61 The Virgin, with the Infant Jesus in the Clouds, 1641, (60) ‘ ig al, Jd \68 Holy Family, the Virgin seated at the foot ofa bed,(61) 1-— ” LEL /.69 Jesus disputing with the Doctors in the Temple, 1652 (64), ‘ pias first state, with the burr, and before the plate was cor- Ss “ — roded, and the secend state of the plate - 2] 5 w Tue Lirrte La TomBe, REMARKABLY FINE, WITH THE , Ma Le . BURR, (66) - - - 1L\/ VIE 7 The Tribute to Cesar (67), first state - l|} 4” — Vijee 72 Holy Family, Joseph looking in at the window, 1654 (62); yd Jesus ante with the Doctors in ee oes et pf, pear Cae a A I ET = 4 + — rae moti pr an 52 ps SF a Se 4 4 6 FIRST DAY’S SALE. Wh dee wile : bigs |: 73 Our Saviour driving the Money Changers out of the Temple, Doother . 1635 (69), first state * - 1]}7 tA — fisv/e 4 The Prodigal Son received by his Father, 1636, (70) | e/g i éy, J 75 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well, etched, 1658, | (71) - - - - Lit be. | WA et 76 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well, an upright, é se 1634 - - - - lj Bs a / 77 The small Resurrection of Lazarus, 1642 (73), on india — Bip p E . ‘ ‘ . } Pi oy bee ? paper 7 78 THE LARGER RESURRECTION OF LAZARUS (74), pears . FIRST STATE, BEFORE THE CAP ON THE MAN'S HEAD, 4% Z% AND OTHER VARIATIONS, EXTRA RARE l . a A vs The larger Resurrection of Lazarus (74), with the cap, but y, is a fine early impression - ae 1 80 THE HUNDRED GUILDER PRINT. “Curist Hratine ge oF THE Sick In THE TemPte,” (75). A MOST BRILLIANT if . IMPRESSION ON INDIA PAPER, IN THE FINEST POSSIBLE . STATE - “ 3 l Ce oh ie / ary Tue Hunprep GuitpErR Print (72), aLso ON INDIA PAPER - - - - 1 Ly hh c Our Saviour Healing the Sick, etched in a spirited style (76), io and reverse of the same - - ga} 144) — 2D ae, Avs THE GOOD SAMARITAN (77), hee the horse’s tail aaee & Ses was shaded, BX'TRA RARE - 1 if be 4 Tut Goop Samaritan (77), second state, with the shaded ume’ tail, but before the wall was darkened, very fine, and\77 alsoextremely rare = - - l Pr ahs les The Good Samaritan (77), in the third state, with the tail | and wall shaded : 17h Lo er e pi 485"Our Lord in the Garden of Olives (78), with the burr, on : Ne ay india paper - - - uj 7 |47)- ote OUR LORD BEFORE PILATE (79), very rine, on Poe: a INDIA PAPER, BEFORE THE PLATE WAS REDUCED IN SIZE AT TOP, BEFORE THE BALUSTRADE ON THE RIGHT WAS INTRODUCED, AND BEFORE THE CROSS HATCHINGS ON Sh VARIOUS PARTS OF THE BUILDING, EXTREMELY RARE, t | FIRST DAY’S SALE. Ge. Be 4 87 Our Lorp BErore Pinate (79), with the group “of figures > & 7% y in front, and before the mask and niches were introduced, 2/ /7 vs a WITH THE BURR, ON INDIA PAPER, EXTRA FINE 1 _ (88 THE THREE CROSSES (80), before the alterations : eS a | which were subsequently made in the composition, but /Z /Z _ having the name of Rembrandt below, EuxTREMELY | RARE - - - - | ae 89 The Three Crosses (80), with the alterations, but before the vA address of Carelle - - : boergh + a 90 The Crucifixion between the Two Thieves (81), in an oval - first state, very jine, with the burr - 17 |- ) lasherys 91 The Little Crucifixion, (82) - - — fe — ifn Y 92 THE LARGE ECCE HOMO (83), very fine, but with the e 39 cross hatchings over the face - “ I Lh. li, Ms 93 THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS (84), the ee ea 2 hips Print, before the address, EXTRA FINE fbron "g Jao hoA The Descent from the Cross, a Sketch (85), with the burr /|F — # 95 The Descent from the Cross, a Night Piece (86), first im- Jlardin pression, BRILLIANT - - - 1 ea a be 96 The Descent from the Cross (86), 72 which a darker effect rong Jord than in the former is biaaaeac’: very fine, on india 44 paper - - 1 ba St 97 The Entombment of our Saviour (87), Jine impressions, one Z of them on india paper - - 2 Fae: wore. 98 The Funeral of Jesus (88), with the burr, and reverse of the JS i same - - - - a7” cite 99 Our Lord and the Disciples at Emmaus (90), jirst ee fo: . aa : before the hat was perfectly formed, on india paper 1 ZV2b¢, eo os tf 100 The same (90), with the finished hat, and having the pike 1B. as dae strengthened - - - as : 101 Christ and the ath at Emmaus, the small plate ais (ronghets i extra fine - - - - | — | hea 102 The Decollation of St. John the Baptist (92), before the ee retouch, on india paper - - 1 si ied ee 103 The Beheading of St. John, in the manner of Livens ae Abghe er! ee _ without the steps - - - Lin, 8 FIRST DAY’S SALE. Gb: IL ~7104 St. Peter and St. John at the Beautiful Gate of the Templ poor : | (94), very fine, with the burr - Z ee 105 St. Philip baptizing the Eunuch, (95) : Avidec. \\06 The Death of the Virgin (97), very fine - (elo 9 ba "107 The Martyrdom of St. Stephen (98), very fine PIOUS SUBJECTS. | ald Jans tA 108 St. Jerome iia at the foot of a Tree (100), extra fine 1 AVA ~ Pre __ |109 St. Jerome kneeling, arched (101), first state, extremely Jine, before the edges of the plate were cleared 17 V\ . fe ee fag? 110 St. Jerome kneeling, arched (101), wath the edges cleared 1— # hy yy ©. 111 St, JeRoME SEATED AT THE FOOT OF AN OLD TREE (102), 2, 3 abe Yariv (12 St, Jerome kneeling, with his hands clasped, 1635, (103) 1.—_ # — ,113 St. Jerome seated, in the manner of Albert Durer (104) em AON VERY RICH, WITH THE BURR, ON INDIA PAPER 1 tong of with the burr - - - 1+ 4 114 St. Jerome, in Rembrandt's dark manner, 1642 (106), in . le ang two states, one having the staircase less made out 2 rg et (115 ST. FRANCIS PRAYING, IN A WOODY LAND- ; vw. hs | SCAPE (107), very EARLY STATE, BEFORE THE GREATE canta PART OF THE LANDSCAPE WAS INTRODUCED, PRINTED £7) /7 __ UPON VELLUM, from the Collection of Remy, PRESQUE . UNIQUE - ~ - - 1 4 + (116 St. Francis Prayrne(107), He tee EXTREMELY af sh ee eee FINE, WITH THE BURR - 1 os 117 Sr. Frawcis Prayine (107), ditto, with powerful effect o | baorg ha beng burr, on india paper - - i ss 1}74 7) o eral” 118 Tue Hour or Deatu (108), vERY RARE, with the copy ie Pei Keg aces 119 Youth surprised by Death, 1639 (109), on india paper 1— 7 _ th,,,/é 120 A Man Meditating, in his dark manner (110), and copy 2) / End of First Day’s Sale ~ beef Feo Jab ’ i ee SR ae a eS A NA NBR SECOND DAY’S SALE. WORKS OF REMBRANDT. COPIES FROM THE WORKS OF REMBRANDT. me 121 The Three Trees-—Cottages near a high Road—Rembrandt’s | Mill, and other Landscapes, &c. and Letter from Mr. Bull, Vretl : rei Card. the Collector, presenting three of them, by the Hon. Mr. . Byron, to Mr. Carew - - 10 122 Renier Anslo—the Advocate Tolling—and the Burgomaster be Six, the latter on india paper - . 3) — {Fi ae 123 Heads of Rembrandt, and of various of his fancy Heads of | afer M - 6 Cm, ee Bey ‘A i en " ri adores -- 124 Imitations of Etchings and Drawings by Rembrandt 10. — | 4a y, 125 Imitations of Original Drawings by Rembrandt, by Claussin, Baal | : on india puper - - . iy) ee G ie 126 Etchings by Worlidge, and various by Chalon, in imitation Pe : of the works of Rembrandt - - ONG. GF Kline 127 The Hundred Guilder, by Captain Baillie, on india paper 1 / 7 — ~~ “128 Landscape, in which a Woman is drawing Water from a } Forder Pond, private etching by Sir Abraham Hume, aftera —— O1G picture of Rembrandt’s - - I 129 Portrait of Swalmius, after Rembrandt, by Suyderhoef— Diu The Crucifixion (in the National Gallery), after Rem- ~~ oy Smemac py bicart, &o. -. = ft - 4 c S Gi Tew os 1s: SECOND DAY'S SALE. WORKS OF REMBRANDT. ser emcee = . ~~ ee ae Re She an cae man acer cqrntnantei gee —— ip Uikea Ga ES oS 130 The Star of the Kings (112), and the three Oriental figures / oe ee ae Posatt at the door of a house, (114) - ~ at: 131 Set of the Four Hunting Pieces (113), one of them a jo a w* i 4 | are S offen | . the plate was cleared round the edges - Lhe 132 The Blind Bagpiper (115), very fine - : rae ae (bap X133 Tue Spanisu Gypsey (116), VERY FINE AND RARE bie LT Ze V84 The Little Goldsmith (119), with the burr, on india paper 1| 7 7 4s (Daher 135 The Rat Killer, 1632 (117), extra fine : 1 136 THE RAT KILLER, tHe oricInaL DESIGN FOR THE y hose FORMER SUBJECT (118), PRESQUE UNIQUE, from the Barnard Collection - - - 1 Pe _.137 The Pancake Woman, 1635 (120), remarkably fine 1 g oe 138 The Sport of Kolef, 1654 (121), and Fortune, an Allegori- | YiZA, ars cal Subject, (123) - - - ya 4 7¢'Z.' 139 The Little Jews’ Synagogue, 1648, (122) - i714 a 140 THE MARRIAGE OF JASON AND CREUSA (114), onindia paper, before the crown on the head of Juno, without the Dutch verses and the name of Rembrandt, and before the dresses of Medea and her page were lengthened, EXTRA FINE, ON INDIA PAPER 1 141 The Marriage of Jason and Creusa, with the Dutch verses - Lr Varin. nee ere | below, (114) = - - 1 Ge 142 Tue Corncurrer (125), very fine, before the additions? ares shading on the plate, VERY RARE - 1 143 THe CorncutTter (125), with the additional work, very Kaede 2 tratdl - - l 1 SCARCE 2 (Bleu, V44 The Schoolmaster (126), zn two states - Jijfar (145 The Quack, 1635 (127); and the Jew with the high bonnet, ee ad eo AGS C131) - - 2 SIS SIE ent i canineemhemes SECOND DAY’S SALE, Nt bh y _" The Draughtsman (128);"and the Travelling Peasants (129), LY il the latter very fine - - - 2- YW ~ A, U4 ~ 147 Curip REPOSING (150), VERY RARE - li 7 Sb | u lees Old Man seated, with a Boy holding an Apple (132), Prog feral extra fine - - - re Ae ed ba 148 THE ONION WOMAN (133), Frinr, AND EXTREMELY ate 4 RARE, from the Barnard Collection ~ Jj [43 | = 149 A Peasant with his hands behind him, 1631 (134), and a vo Man playing at Cards, 1641, (135), first state 4 ae ft bee CT 150 Oxtp Man with a SHORT BEARD AND STICK (136), EXTRA | Strarre RARE, from the Collection of Mariette “ 1 Jt —) — 51 The Blind Fiddler, 1631 (137), two impressions, one more Prong tots worn than the other - - - a’ 17) Siffen 152 The Man on Horseback (138); and the Polander, (139) 2 — “37 — ‘ 153 Tue PotanpeEr (140), first state, before the shadows were Jett deepened with the dry needle, VERY RARE WS be 154 The Polander, with the additional work (140); and the DS rorighuetbe Two Travelling Peasants, (142) - a 1 155 An Old Man seen from behind (141), frst state, before the Cw A ae additional work which was afterwards added, very J KS~ re scarce - - = - ] Z 156 An Old Man seen from behind (141), second state—and an 9 , ae Old Man without a beard, 1631, (143) : 2 es eA 157 An Old Man with a bushy beard (144); and the Persian, Lo oiler, 1632 (145), very fine - - re G — 158 THE TWO VENETIAN FIGURES (148), exrremeLy Prong treed RARE : : 4 ria (eee 2 Y 159 A LITTLE POLISH FIGURE, 1631, measuring 23 by 1 4 lb, of Vola dé (149), oF EXTREME RARITY, from the Collection of JF // George Hibbert, Esq. - - l en 160 aaa THE ORIGINAL PRINT, spiked WA fAt oN R ‘ ‘ e : dvedbarre 161 The Hog, 1643, (152) : : siz cin Ww Thug dies” The Shell (154), very fine; and the Little Sleeping aie 4 bee (153) - - - - ie 0, See 12 SECOND DAY'S SALE. L fC. o “ BEIDLELES.HiSSA fo 163 A Beggar standing, etched in the manner of Callot (155), J f\ — and whole-length profile of a Beggar in a Cap, (156) 2 i 164 Two BecGars, A WoMAN AND A Man, conversInG, 1630, 2 y =. ted 6 very fine and rare, before the plate was squared rs 165 Two BeGGars COMING FROM BEHIND A BANK (158), two | : eno-~before the Uae 307s eee a AN If fs impressions : Eee paris-of the figures; VERY RARE lof ~ y 166 A Beggar, in the manner of Callot (159), first state, with fl Py and a basket at his feet, scarce, (173) - 2 173 A Beggar sitting, with his mouth open, 1630 (168), the cee WZ a, Se the high cap, and before the additional cross hatchings' 7 7 | on the cloak, AND WITH THR WHITE LEG, VERY RARE 1 167 A Beggar in a slashed Cloak, in Callot’s manner (160), in me ge. | second state; and a Beggar Woman, also in Callot’s Aide — 3 manner, (161) - - - 2 ; 168 A Beggar leading an Ass by a string, arched (163), first | 5 a . state, with the high cap, before the additional work on Sf . PF — : the calf of the leg and heel, vERY RARE ] 169 The same, second state, also with the high cap, but with ee the leg and heel shaded, very scarce, and the third state, 5/2 — with the flat cap - - - 3 +170 Lazarus Kiar, or THE Burnp Becear, 1631 (165), pu aaa VERY RARE, before the plate was reduced, first “3 6 state, with the white cloak . me l , p a7 1 A Beggar Woman asking Alms, 1646 (164), and a Ragged J é Seni ae | Mariner with his hands behind him, (166) 2 2} — 172 A Beggar warming his hands over a chafin-dish, (167), bn ff | and a Peasant standing with his hands behind him, i a / . oy edges of the plate not cleared ~ - b lacedsiee ‘174 Ditto, mM the same state, but with broader margin Se a e NSRRETNETS BRA Ay ar eae ee9.4. a a BE ARE AR ARID MAE TET, SIRE CEST . 3 yaws 7 EXTREMELY RARE, from Mr. Barnard’s collection 1 Li ator (176 Beggars at the door of a house, 1648 (170), very fine 1 Pa rod Vo (177 A Beggar and its Companion, upright, in two pieces, SECOND DAY'S SALE. Le ao ee om Pe CERN SINE DIPOLE ITE DEAL EI APC AOE HVE wt “1175 An Op BraGar, sEaTED WITH nts Dos, 1651 169), | a | , : F Aosttigy 1634 (171) - - : 2) mame CES Moa i, f/ V8 A Beggar with a wooden Leg, (172), very fine, before the ., _ plate was squared - - - 1 oe JREE SUBJECTS. (179 Tue Fioute Prayer, 1640 (180), rirst stare, with the A head among the boughs of the tree, and before the additional shading on the foliage above the hat of the ie 1 | a Shepherdess, EXTREMELY RARE, from the collection of P. Remy - - 1 “we — 180 The Flute Player, 1640 (180), tn the second state, and the ye a Man Watering, 1630 (182) - - 2 ACADEMICAL SUBJECTS. Wooo lucro\ re! A Painter Drawing after a Model (184), remarkably fee Reidy ofa Mali called tho Prodigal | (185) 1 oe i ae ) tudy of a Man called the Prodigal Son (185), brilliant, OM lo from the Barnard collection - - Ice? | 7] — gy : 183 The Go-Cart, (186), first state, and a Study ofa Man Dr orig fiir ee sitting on the ground, 1646 (188) ‘ Mahe) eels Nc Cee Gif 184 The Bathers, 1631 (187), very fine, upon india paper 1 — /27 _ : 185 Tue WomAn SEATED BEFORE THE DutTcH Stove, VERY A EARLY STATE, 1658 (189), BEFORE THE NICH WAS MADE Prong duces OUT, AND BEFORE THE PLATE WAS STRENGTHENED, <7 A = . THROUGHOUT, PLESQUE UNIQUE, from the collection of Mr. Haring - - - l ae 186 THe Woman sEATED BEFORE A Dutcu Stove, 1658 (189), M4 “kt a VERY FINE, WITH THE CAP, AND BEFORETHE KEYIN THE @ % — |S A : LE TA EON INS nec . MS en RENIN te Nh RRR ee eee ee fe Ol Bee D> Ree AR tt TOA P 14 SECOND DAY’S SALE. A, 2 ~ 187 The Woman seated before a Dutch Stove, 1658 (189), ae cee? ae Soff without the cap, and with the key in the stove “e pe eke, 188 A Naked Woman seated, (190), an unusually fine im- : ew pression - - - - 1 + v 189 A WomAN PREPARING TO Dress aFTER Batuinec, 1658 hairs (191), FIRST STATE, WITH THE HIGH BANDAGE ON HER v4 HEAD, WITH THE BURR, ON INDIA PAPER, EXTREMELY RARE, from the Barnard collection - ee ed oy pay & 190 A Woman preparaig to Dress after Bathing, 1658 (191), ) oe second state, with the low bandage, on india paper ae La ‘ 191 A Woman with her Feet in the Water after Bathing (192), ( 3 eos very rich, with the bur, ON INDIA PAPER Bias 94 j Fa be 192 A Woman Bathing near the foot of a large Tree (195), ae 2 very fine - - - ~ lite 193 A Naked Woman holding an Arrow, 1661 (194), with the Vi) gS bar tb burr, on india paper - - - lid IS 1 194 A Woman Sleeping, and a Satyr, (Jupiter and Antiope,) Tiles, 1659 (195) : : : +214 Z 195 Woman Sleeping, with a Satyr approaching; the smaller bial tee | Design, (196) - ~ - it |e | 196 A Woman SLEEPING ON A BED, WITH A SATYR PLACING Vide HIS HAND ON HER ARM, @ small etching, measuring three (tare. inches five-eighths by two inches seven-eighths, NOT MEN- TIONED IN ANY CATALOGUE, from the collection of M. : CHALON, UNIQUE ‘ ’ . 4 VA le ey, Mlb JE 197 A Naked Woman seen from behind, 1698 (197), with the | burr, first state, on india paper : 1 “ee Gaffe 198 A Naked Woman seen from behind, 1658 (197) ) en Z LANDSCAPES. eS a wa | 199 Six’s Bridge, 1645 (200), with the shading over the hats | we oe Vea pos LM. Vig hedleg: 200 View of Omval, near Amsterdam, 1645 (201) - 1 — | 44, — ee 201 View or AMSTERDAM (202), with the burr, with broad Mia margin, EXTRA FINE . - 1 ries yet ey 202— View of Amsterdam, (202), in the uswal state li 4174 4 Phelan — SECOND DAY'S SALE, 1s yoy if. avgtn bey The Sportsman (205), very fine - I Sk ed ae / ae 204 Tue Ture Trees (204), VERY FINE - lj/7| 7 — Patten g 205 Tue Turee Trees (204), FINE - oe | ao ni 206 Landscape, with the Peasant carrying Milk Pails, (205), Ai ff . pe, yins Sijjer with the burr - “ - pie} /oy — 207 A LANDSCAPE, WITH COTTAGES ON THE SIDE ae OF A CANAL, WITH A PATHWAY LEADING gas TO A CHURCH ON THE RIGHT, lightly etched, and washed with colour, oN INDIA PAPER, (206), from Ks / the Barnard collection, A PRINT OF GREAT RARITY 1 “ 208 A Village, near a high road, arched at top, 1650 (209), with the burr - - - 1} 3 | AA — 209 A VILLAGE, WITH A square Tower, 1650 (210), Ex- ao — s+.74 TREMELY FINE, WITH THE BURR - Ly} 4 1 | 210 A Village, with a square Tower, 1650 (210), in the usual Li. wy state - - - - Dae Baer Soa a, 211 The Small Upright Landscape, with a Shepherd and Shep-. ft ? bed tas herdess, 1644 (212) - 3 . Thea. 6 212 A LANDSCAPE OF AN IRREGULAR FORM, VERY FINE, WITH loll THE BURR, ON INDIA PAPER, (213) From THE BaRNARD 3 49 a COLLECTION 7 s 213 A Lanpscarpt, wit a Vista, 1652 (214), a BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, WITH THE BURR, FROM Mr. BaRrnarp’s COLLECTION - - - 3 Fda id Ba JZ: 214 16 SECOND DAY’S SALE. bb from the collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds 221 Aw Arcusp Lanpscape, witn AN OBELisk (218), FrRs STATE, WITH THE BURR, MOST BRILLIANT, several part of the Print are less worked upon, particularly upo the Cottages to the right, from the collection of Mr. Hibbert - - - - 1 2 i, 222 Arched Landscape, with an obelisk (218), with the addi ; eae, L1 OLS f° tional work ~ - - ; 223 A LanpscaPE, WITH aN OrcHARD anv Barn (231) af J ’ . — 4 > jp REMARKABLY FINE, the entire plate measuring Sty an (ABAMpdt Pe 3 tion - - = J offen | 224 A Grotto, with a brook, 1645, (223) second state 225 Long Landscape, with a mill sail seen above a cottage Mo cellarn’ 1641 (222), vERY FINE - - V4 | 226 Long Landscape, with a mill sail seen above a cottage, 1641 (222), and a reverse of tt “ - 2 # ee abet 227 A Cottage, with the white pats (224), very FINE - Dafo- 4 228 A Cottage, with the white pails“(224), with the burr LDV, 229 Rembrandt’s Father’s Mill, 1641 (225), ExTRA FINE rofl 230 Rembrandt’s Father’s Mill, 1641 Ms an impression with fect? less colour - - - " l y 231 LanpscaPE, CALLED THE GOLDWEIGHER’S FIELD, 1651 ffrong Jost (226), WITH THE BURR, MOST BRILLIANT - 4 Me) 232 Landscape, called the Goldweigher’s Field, 1651 (226) ee and a reverse of the same - - 2 Wh. 233 Two small Landscapes of the same size, 1650 (208), very is 4 fine . - -- ; bo gh Ay Sfw | 934 Landscape, in which a cow is drinking (228), ditto | 235 LANDSCAPE, WITH A SQUARE TOWER, SEEN ABOVE SOME COTTAGES, EXTREMELY RARE Se Srom the Barnard br nghaat Collection - ra ‘ | a Mr. Daulby is mistaken in supposing this Lomdscupe wf __the same as that described, No. 210, of his atalo ues ; a-n-ereienrtehnattr tines EMER OS SECOND DAY'S SALE. LZ. GY. z 236 Lanpscarr, WITH A THATCHED COTTAGE, AND TO THE 4, A, y LEFT A RIVER, WITH A BOAT IN IT (232), ON INDIA FA LLA; { eq ) PAPER, OF EXTREME RARITY, from the Barnard Cols, SA. . lection ~ - - ~ l |. 237 LANDSCAPE, WITH A CANAL AND BOAT, WITH FIGURES ) FISHING; IN TIE MIDDLE OF THE PRINT IS A COT- Bee) TAGE WITH TREES, AND ON THE LEFT SIDE, A BUILD- ING WITH A PEDIMENT, EXTREMELY RARE, PERHAPS . UNIQUE, measuring seven inches two-tenths, by three | inches two-tenths, from the Barnard Collection Vd 4 | 238 A LanpDscaPE, WITH A CANAL, aND A Dutcu Barn, Pe ee _ WITH A PALISADE SEPARATING THE ROAD-SIDE, No. 13 of Daulby’s Supplement, before the dute, on INDIA PAPER, ONE OF THE RAREST OF REMBRANDT’S WORKS, | from the Barnard Collection “ é l Pig Bs Py t ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY REMBRANDT. ae t, ) 239 Isaac meeting Rebecca at the Well, a composition of several Jo birre figures, Be hibeni, washed with Hei l a if a 240 An Angel appearing to an old Man, who is seated writing, wo pen, washed with bistre F “i A |, eon ge eee 241 And old Man on his Knees, his hands uplifted, drawn with + i-ou bold pen, slightly washed - - lla 242 The Angel appearing to Hagar, and Isaac blessing Jacob ; oh are both drawn with a free pen - : i) ied Oey, Aah a 243 David on his Knees praying, pen, washed with bistre, highl eo es finished - 4 - - % 4 i 2\/2 ma 244 Departure of Hagar and Ishmael, and Hagar lamenting in aan the Desert, spirited sketches - - 81:6 | = 245 Christ Disputing with the Doctors, and a Composition, which Cs appears to be the Retrun of the Prodigal Son, both . sketched with a bold pen - 2 2 le Fe ie are 246 Christ Bearing his Cross, with the Magdalen fainting, pen, a washed, very spirited - : bs | — VIZ. (247 The Elevation of the Cross, bold pen, slightly washed ee i ie: D $69. 18 SECOND DAY'S SALE. ~t ee wg Sin ma Seal ei 248 Christ brought before Pilate, and our Lord before the High ef Jo tI 0/2- Priest, spirited pen sketches, slightly washed - 2 4 4 249 Sketch of an old Man, probably of Eli the Priest, and | | pee small Design of a Man and Woman’s Head, slight pen, — washed - - - - 2 Pyellow ¢ 250 An old Man reading, bold pen, washed with bistre lji— iy , ,, 251 A young Man leaning over the back of a Chair, and Abra- pO ae ham’s Sacrifice, first design for his etching of the same ¥ —s subject - : - - 2 ae —1 252 A Lion Reposing, pen-washed with bistre - Mt As fl 253 A Landscape, in which are some cottages to the left, and two AA 97 figures seen nearly in front, bold pen, washed 1 Af 43 254 Landscape, in which a high-road passes near the end of a . VW pay Oe barn, drawn with a free pen, washed, from Lord Spencer’ js | a Collection ~ - - - 1 tae c fied: 255 Four Persian eae at er my Bea od Peageen tree, os | : | . ao we End of Second Day’s Sale. 19 THIRD DAY'S SALE. ER WORKS OF REMBRANDT, &e. SCHOLARS OF REMBRAN bf. OFA SAPS TTR ae En ES TE I Sm SOIL BOL, LIVENS anp VAN VLIET. a ZL. ft 1256 Young. “Man in Cap and Feather, and a Woman at a Window, holding a Pear, both by Ferdinand Bol a Sf on 257 A Lady in a Flat Bonnet and Feathers, an oval; andold .~ ; J ff Man in a Mezetin Cap, sitting, both by Bol, very fine a g 258 An old Philosopher reading; an Astrologer, seated under fe A an Archway, by Bol; and old Man in his Study mend- : ing his Pen, No. 361, in Beets: list of Rembrandt's doubtful pieces - - - 3 ae 259 Woman sitting in a Room, Suckling her Child, by F. Bol, 4 very fine; and inferior impression of the same 2 £F\ — : 260 The Raising of Lazarus, by Livens, with the address of tL, fines Lo, Vanden Wyngaerde - - | eae ee eee An old Man with a Beard; and Profile of an old Woman, "Ie by Livens ; and Head of a young Officer, by Van Vliet, — /& a | za two states - - - 4 aoe 262 The Senses; Old Beggars, &c. by Van Vliet - 6)—- 77 — ed by ‘ia The Large St. Jerome in his Cave, and Lot andh sDaughters, _ teh a ——~~vttrltt.both after Rembrandt, by Van Vliet_ seas yi Os Bo lp de THIRD DAY’s SALE. Pa ve WORKS OF REMBRANDT PORTRAITS OF MEN. 464 A Man in an Arbour, 1642 (237), and an old Man with a eer large Beard, an unfinished piece (239), and Brother 7 Fe Nee: ton’s copy of the latter - - 265 A Youne Maw sitTiInG IN A CHaIR, WHO HAS MUCH A 4 | THE APPEARANCE OF A Scottisn HiGHLaNDER, 1640 Aa Cladetpe. ) (238), very RARE, from the Collection of Mr. Bar nard _ - - - i , 266 Bust of an old Man with a long Beard (240), the reduced LE eons plate & é DF ra 267 7 A Man with the Crucifix and Chain, 1641 (241), very Visds ) Jine - - - - - WZ [AST — Zp ‘ 268 An old Man with a large white Beard, in a fur cap, resting Gorter | on the arm of a Chair (242), EXTRA FINE - yz 4 = 269 An old Man with a large white Beard (242), on India paper # or | before the edges of the plate were cleared - 1 bs 270 An old Man with a short Beard, in fur cap and embroidered cloak (243), without the hands, but measuring five Aes | | inches seven-tenths, by five one-tenth (the size of the . plate in which the hand is seen), BRILLIANT 1 2 \F 4-4, 271 Anold Man with a short Beard, in fur cap and oe Soffer | cloak (243), in same state as the former - CNA) — ae 272 Portrait of Abraham Vander Linden (244), FINE 4 PAY wae : 273 An old Man in a fur cap, divided in the middle, 1640 (245), Lg and Manasseh Ben Israel, (249) - Se ae oe ee : Tiff 274 A HP i Musing, me ee. on a table re him, “ y fine 1 275 Portrait of Janus Silvius, 1643 (246), "ee ar with an impression of less brilliancy - 2 . oe ~- 276 Dr. Faustus in his Laboratory (250), very fine li= ou 277 RENIER ANSLO, THE ANABAPTIST MINISTER, 1641 (251), FIRST STATE, BEFORE THE CONTINUATION LNA, OF THE TABLE BELOW, EXTRA FINE, AND A PRINT OF a! SE) ae ee TG eo - - f a ee ae Joy bo ey I Ooe Ju i b THIRD DAY’S SALE. att. Z, ra “| 978 RENIER Ansto, pur ANABAPTIST ‘Minister, 1641 - pep noes Corte oP ARE ST NN eee (251), SECOND STATE, HAVING THE WORK CARRIED i, vi) THE BOTTOM OF THE PLATE, a remarkably fine old im pression - - - - ] 279 CLremenT DE Jonce, 1651 (252), FIRST STATE, BEFORE THE ARCH ABOVE, and with much less work over the 4° 4 greater part of the plate ~ - ] 280 Clement de Jonge (252), with the arch just indicated, and VE, i wig with much additional work in the head, brilliant l A 281 Clement de Jouge (252), with additional work under the arch, the chair back reduced in size, and the back ground ft ad shaded to-the left - - - 282 ABRAHAM France (253). According to Daulby the fourth state of the plate, printed on thick india paper, and re- Ps markably fine - - - ] 283 Abraham France (253), an after state, in which the wall is much lightened, and the hat to the left plainly indi- 4 Os ie fave / cated - - - - L ys 284 Abraham France (253), an impression after the plate had Pe ewe been strengthened, and in which the hat is in deep fi — shade © ~ a u l a 4 4 (285 O_tp Harine THE BuRGomasTER (254), WITH THE BURR, el VERY RARE . : m W2/ ig —t A, 286 The Portrait of Young Haring, 1655 (255), with the land- sy A ° . wg scape on the wall, on india paper ks li , ie. | Daulby’s Catalogue, extremely rare, from Mr. Bar- ra v4 — 7 nard’s collection - . - 1 358 Head of a Man, front view, in a rounded octagon, 28, 131, ox. of Daulby’s Catalogue, very rare, also from Mr. Bar- Le nard’s collection - ~ - T aes 359 Bust of an Old Man with a white beard, and with a cap, iow, J aa eum 29, 132 of Daulby, very rare, from Barnard’s collec- ILA tion - - - 1 € ge 360 Another impression, in which the plate measures two inches we — by one inch eight-tenths, the head ts without the cap; it v4 A is extremely rare, being undescribed in any Catalogue 1 fs SH (361 A Bust of Rembrandt whilst young, 1630 (No. 11), the : edges of the plate not cleared 4 1| PA ae Bole flat! | 362 Bust of Rembrandt when young, hair bushy and frizzled, ) a 1631 (No. 12) first state, with the name and date, He | jlo scarce = = = 363 Tue Moor witn a Hammer, (No. 8 of Daulby’s Ap- pendix) etched in ‘the style of Rembrandt; but from an aL impression in the Duke of Buckingham’s collection, it appears to be the work of A d’Hae, but thepresentis .f — __ without the artist’s name, VERY RARE, from Barnard’s collection - = - ‘ 1 O OG, nS pias 28 __ THIRD Day's SALE. Sip, fb FANCY HEADS OF MEN NOT MENTIONED IN DAULBY. 364 An old Man’s Head, nearly profile, in a large cap, with a i. P beard, but etched no lower; he looks to the right, and is (Fron y boast relieved by the hatching in the back-ground, extremely 4 scarce, 2 inches by 1 inch 2-10, from Mr. Barnard’s I oe Collection - - - 1 365 An old Man’s Head, profile, with a long beard, he wears a ee small bonnet, and is directed to the right, the back-ground is entirely white, 1 inch 2-10 by 1 inch 7-10, very : rare, also from Mr. Barnard’s Collection - 1 366 A Youth, in a high-crowned hat, with collar falling over his shoulders, his hair flowing down the neck, measuring 1 inch 8-10 by 1 inch 8-10, very rare, from Chalon’s Col-| .4~\ .4~ lection - - ‘ 1 lA G 367 A Man’s Head, in high bonnet, with a jewel in front, his WY vest is fastened by a band, etched in the strong coarse 4 pel oe manner of the Master, but without name or date, 3 inches a ‘ ‘ 1-8 by 3 inches 1-8, in the first state, the plate uncut, —+ . extremely rare, from Mr. Barnard’s Collection ] 368 Bust of a Man, in a broad-brimmed hat, the character that o , a Beggar; he is directed to the right, and at the to foarnglasl” Be ett P Rembrandt’s name appears in large characters, 2 inches tw by 1-2-10, very rare, from the Barnard Collection l 369 Bust of an old Man, in a turban, with a long white beard, Pree he is directed to the right, the back-ground is foul, wit some hatchings near the head, measuring 2 inches by, ray ae 1-3-10, very rare, also from the Barnard Collection 1 7 370 Head of an old Man, seen nearly in front, he has a low ca Pal s Va on his head, and wears a fur cloak over the shoulders | etched in a rich but spirited style, from the Collection — = . of Martin Fotkes, hes, very rare - - l < RO, SAA EAEROL IER EO eat ace ; &. et) _ THIRD DAY’s SALE. 20 Chal fa re DOUBTFUL PIECES. 371 The Nativity (347), and the Alchymist in his Laboratory— } | see Daulby, p. 241, No.8—6l, both rare - a|——|/4} — 372 A Youth, seated on a stone, sketching (356 of Daulby’s Sup- plement), extemely scarce, from Mr. Barnard’s Collec- _,, SO S lion - 2 . x ] 373 The Strolling Musicians (357 of Supplement), and Solomon on his Knees before an Idol, very rare—not mentioned ’ Pe by Daulby : - 2 9+ 374 David on his Knees praying, a writing desk before him, and a chandelier above, from the Astley Collection aad Fay 375 Portrait of Klaas Van Rhyn, 1644 (No. 163 of Daulby’s Supplement), rare ; and Head of a Young Man, 362 of Daulby s a * . 9 ff }- 376 The Rest in Egypt (No. 348 of Daulby’s Doubtful Pieces), very rare, before the date - - :2 eee ae 377 The Woman taken in Adultery, (No. 350 of Daulby’s doubtful Pieces), very scarce - - ll4 |4 378 The Mountebanks at a Fair, a composition of many figures, | No. 355 of Daulby’s doubtful Pieces, but supposed to be a production of De Vlieger, it is etched with great / 4 spirit, and is very scarce — - : 1} PRINTS. Pooecenioreener mre a: Saree oer y a4 > | TE | We | 379 Worlidge’s Gems, fine old impressions before the numbers, some proofs - - 97 | 380 Middiman’s Select Views—D. Allan’s Etchings of the Atal | ners of the Italians, &c. “ : 44 -@ ate " 4 30 TIHRD DAY’S SALE. 381 Set of Landscapes, copies after Weirotter, by Le Veau—} small Sets of Views, &c. - - 36 c pe agli XE, Zo. | 382 Small Sets of Shipping, A Paris chez le Gouaz 36 4 +, 4.\383 Toz Granp LanpscarEs or Nicoto Poussin, En e eae GRAVED BY BauUDET, VERY FINE : 8 384 Scriptural Subjects, after Guido—British Naval Engage B2y n~Ftnet. we ments, &c. - : D “a PORTFOLIOS. Pe SO 385 Portfolio, with leaves of blue paper, hf. bd. 1 foot Thin & ; se ‘ 1 foot 2 in. ee Lou. 4% \386 Aditto ditto 2 feet 3 in. by 1 foot 11 in. te 387 A ditto ditto 2 feet 2 in. by 1 foot 7 in, ———— Wo ~-~1388 A ditto ditto 2 feet 3 in. by 1 foot 94 in. —=— ae . 389 Two Portfolios, without leaves, bound in russia, formerl Lord Bute's “ —— 390 One ditto, larger ditto. — ee PICTURE. 391 PORTRAIT OF ‘REMBRANDT, Boer by himsel just re his death. — 4 ee End of the Sale. : > ZY ne PREPARING FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. THE VALUABLE THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOSEPH EARLE, ESQ. Among which will be found, Picart Ceremonies Religieuses 7 vols.; Moreri Dictionnaire, 10 vols.; Gebelin, Monde Pri- mitif, 9 vols.; Nichols’s Leicestershire, 8 vols. very rare ; CEuvres de Rousseau, fine copy, 18 vols.; Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom, 9 vols; Gough’s Sepulchral Monuments, 5 vols. splendid copy in russia; S. Athanasii Opera, 2 vols.; His- toire des Chinois, 27 vols.; Ven. Bede Opera, 8 vols.; Hutchins’s History of Dorsetshire, 4 vols. Large Paper uncut, very rare; Biblia Hebraica, 4 vols.; Manuscript Sermons by the Celebrated Orator Henley; Bibliotheca Fratrum Polo- norum, 8 vols.; Prevost Histoire Generale des Voyages, 20 vols.; S. Bonaventura Opera, 7 vols.; Qéuvres de Voltaire, 66 vols. Large Paper; Calovii Biblia TIllustrata, 4 vols. ; S. Gregorii Magni Opera, 4 vols.; Nash’s Worcestershire, 2 vols. ; Grotii Opera Theologica, 4 vols.; Polewhele’s Devonshire ; (Euvres de Palissot, 4 vols. Large Paper, morocco; S. Hiero- nymii Opera, 3 vols.; Nichols’s Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, and James the First, 7 vols.; Bishop Hoadley’s Works, 3 vols. ; Facciolati Lexicon, 2 vols.; Barre, Histoire de |’ Allemagne, 1] vols.; Lye’s Saxon Dictionary, by Manning; Whitaker’s Topographical Works; Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, 8 vols. uncut; Rymer’s Foedera by Holmes, 10 vols.; Suiceri Thesaurus, 2 vols. ; Skelton’s Oxonia Antiqua, 2vols. russia, gilt leaves ; Parliamentary History, Debates, and State Trials, 129 vols. Af. bd. russia; The Works of Hume, Gibbon, Smollett, Burke, Johnson, Fielding, Swift, &c. &c. with the ARM CHAIR of the celebrated DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON. Cataloyues will be ready in a few days. BOOKS IN QUIRES, MODERN WORKS, NOVELS, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF STATIONERY, TOYS, &e. PREPARING FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. A SMALL BUT SELECT COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS, The Property of a Gentleman relinquishing the Pursuit, CONSISTING OF RARE BRITISH PORTRAITS, BY FAITHORNE, PASS, LOGGAN, HOLLAR, &c. : FINE ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PRINTS, BY WOOLLETT, STRANGE, MORGHEN, WILLE, &c. COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS, BY MASTERS OF THE DIFFERENT SCHOOLS, Including some interesting PORTRAITS, AMONG WHICH MAY BE NOTICED THAT OF HANDEL, sy HUDSON, GARRICK, sy SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, One of his early productions ; and several others equally rare and Valuable. To be sold by Direction, acting under a Deed of Trust. THE SELECT LIBRARY OF A GENTLEMAN, Removed from his Residence in Regent’s Park. EIDOURANION or TRANSPARENT ORRERY ; Exhibiting Transparencies of Magnificent Dimensions, with all its Properties and Machinery, made expressly for, and exhibited ata THEATRE. THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF THE LATE WILLIAM GEORGE MATON, M.D. F.RS. F.A.S. FeL.S. &C. COMPRISING THE Splendid Publications by the Antiquarian Society—Linnean Transactions—Britton’s Cathedrals—Archeologia—Lambert’s Genus Pinus, coloured copy—Roxburgh’s Coromandel Plants, 3 vol. beautifully coloured—Valuable Medical Works—Books of Prints, &c. &c. Ge NORMAN, PRINTER, MAIDEN LANE, COVENT GARDEN» cad 1835 May 13 LoWhC c.1 B. Wheatl/Very beautiful collecti 90-P7830 NC 3 3125 01181 4123 y a Sy Xie Keene hehe wy WANA yy . ni! He » » + Ok ‘ SW WON sopra Pea) Cate #4) . ¥ i" : eat) - Mata bina i ae oo a es ¥ —