Due) ei, EL el Bae set ee ts 3 ae Sas ts #14) aD s FAAS Ue SEs e409 Oeteet: a We aR Se = oes amd (4 hia Dah aa : 2B. - « a Re ee a ee ae 3 a eS Cas ee et pe ice rere ota ae Ss na Wane a : Sas ee eae Se a are ae x : ae ee oF ee <= ee eee a dhe ee oe ee ee ee horse htc fe A 4m & .LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. N o. $13 | 14 east 57th St 2 New York Acc. Eua l MR. THOMAS A. HOWELL’S COLLECTION. OF MODERN PAINTINGS CATALOGUE 154 Mr. THOMAS A. HOWELLS COLLECTION OF MODERN PAINTINGS S1xTv-FIVE OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS, BY FIFTY-TWO WELL KNOWN FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS. NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION AT THE FIFTH AVENUE ART: GALLERIES 366 FIFTH AVENUE NEAR 34TH ST., N- Y- THIS COLLECTION WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT CHICKERING HALL ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27TH, 1889 PAG SERS, COMMENCING AT 8 O’CLOCK eas ORTGIES & CO. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Parag / ras MR. SAM. P. AVERY, JR., WILL ASSIST IN THE MANAGEME CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. — 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise set- tled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Pur- chaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held lable in any greater amount than the Pre bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above ‘conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if — any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the de- faulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. | ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Avoctionzer, By Orreitzrs & Co. New York, November, 1888. MR. S. P. AVERY, JR., Dear Sir : Flaving given up my house and gallery in Brooklyn, I have decided ‘0 dispose of my collection of pictures. I therefore place them unreservedly in your hands for sale by auction. Fours truly, THOMAS A. HOWELL. Messrs. Origies & Co., of the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, are pleased to announce that they have been engaged to dispose of these pictures. Vo commendation ts needed for this small but choice collection. Lhe pictures speak for themselves. Mr. Howell being a hberal and competent judge of Arlt, has, during a number of years, brought together a very destrable lot of paintings. Livery picture belongs to him, and nothing has been added or purchased of late years. The collection will be sold posihvely without reserve. Reference to the lisi of artists represented will show how varied and interesting ts the combination of the different schools of Art. The subjects are agreeable and representative of the artists, and are mosily covetable examples. Mr. S. P. Avery, Jr., will assist in the management of the sale. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, ORTGIES & CoO., Auctioneer. 366 Fitth Ave. 9 BAST WE RRET ENON FTN IE SP 8 LE TPT EER MANES E IT 8 FNAME TT TIT a fe bs ae a ate SS. a a td eats Shee, ss =e Aj a oi Olas, det ma ete ete ial ~ Seo S: RA ao ee ee ey —s e . ee os ° x te 2 3 ate ns . 7 a amy, ad eS ae oe ‘ Dy 7 ~ oy <> + SS Pol (ond LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED ae tao A. HOWELL COLLECTION. Aubert. 17, 36 Boks... 7 Bonvin. 10 Baugniet. 30 Bakkerkorf, F. 32 Blum. 41 Bellecour. 46 Breton. 60 Becker. 65 Claris. 1 Claude. 4 Chase. 14, 28, 38 Crane. 23 Charnay. 27 Corot. 33, 59 Cazin. 56 Duez. 12 De Haas. 24 Defregger. 29 Dupre. 34, 47, 57 Daubigny. 35, 52, 63 De Cock. 43 Diaz. 48, 55 Detaille. 61 Domingo. 62 Girard. 45 IN THE Henner. 25 Jiminez. 15 Jacque. 42, 53 Jacquet. 64 Maris. 2 Miller. 9 Mesgrigny. 13 Michel. 44 Piltz..7'16 Palmaroli. 21 Pokitonow. 50 Quartley. 18 Ronner. 5, 26 Rico. 51 Rousseau. 58 Tom. 5/3 Verschuur. 6 Vinea. 19 Van Boskerck. 20, 37, 49 Verboeckhoven. 22 Verhas. 31 Van Marcke. 54 Willems. 39 Wyant. 40 Young. 8 Zugel. 11 Pe ATALOGUE. “ihe ; The first figures of the size indicate the width of the picture. *CLARIS (Gustav), . «sl wo Maris. fs at 7 bo , Born at Montpellier. or fe J ee: *t ‘ey Pupil of Meissonier. Ce | YA Getting a Position. 1344 x9 A Water-color. a MARIS (Jacques), . Brussels. Born at The Hague, 1837. Pupil of Hague Academy. ag 4 d Honorable Mention, Paris Salon. The Mill. 104 x 18146 Water-color. Fee 3 TOM (J. B.), 2 Hague: Born at Boskoop, 1813. “7 4S Pupil of Schelfhout. Cattle: 11x 7 CLAUDE (Eugéne), Born at Toulouse. loa Medal, 1887. Fruit. 25x21 RONNER (Henrietta), : . Brussels. V4 A p Born at Amsterdam, 1821. f fa y, Pupil of her father, J. A. Knip. MC tl-rt4-t_@ + ate. 8x6 6 VERSCHUDUR (W.), dec'd . Amsterdam. Born at Amsterdam, 1812. DE cei Pupil of Steffelaer. J {vy Medals, Amsterdam, 1831, ’32, 38. The Hague, 1858, ’59. Member of the Amsterdam Academy, 1833. Rotterdam Academy, 1862. Officer of the Crown of Oak, 1862. Died 1874. Watering Horses. 1z2x8 ie Bee es ee Lue blaoue. Pupil of Maris. | Landscape. . 3246 x 19 YOUNG (Harvey), .. . San Francisco. ee : Born in Vermont. , | ; R Pupil of Carolus Duran. ee O , Landscape. 49 x 26 _ MILLER (Chas. H.), . . New York. od i ‘a Born at New York, 1842. Ps x. : ed ve j 0 Pupil of Bavarian Royal Academy. VC_ALowit+ele i ie ony Associate of National Academy of Design, 1873. | Academician, 1875. 9 we? ‘ pHi Evening. 21x il i IO BONVIN (F. S.), dec’d Be Born at Vaugirard, 1817. Vp if ? ‘ 7 £4 / / vw) Medals, 1840, ’51. Legion of Honor, 1870. ‘ Died, 1888. A Woman Knitting. 10 x 16 ZUGEL (H. J), °° 0 / “ a Born at Munhardt, 1850. Ne J Pupil of the Stuttgart Art School. A Sleepy Guardian. 27 x 20 Born at Paris, 1843. Pupil of Carolus Duran. Medals, 1874, ’79. Legion of Honor, 1880, Champs Elysée. 17.X9 sae MESGRIGNY (F. de), decd . =. Paris. ; Born at Paris. Mang / . 4 za ae CO Pupil of Jules Worms. (4 §iZ fi AP On the Seine. 2ilg x 1346 CAA me 14 CHASE (Wn. M.), ; New York. Born in Indiana, 1849. ) : Lah VA 7 Pupil of Wagner and Piloty. Honorable Mention, Salon, 1882. Member of the Society of American Artists. Associate, National Academy of Design. The Terrace, Prospect Park. 13% * 9% Pastel Drawing. I5 JIMINEZ (Louis), . Paris. ey SOT Born at Seville, 1845. | i ha be Pupil of the Seville Academy. Medal, 1887. A Quiet Time. 6x8 13 PILTZ (Otto), . . Weimar. MAM EN The Belfry. 17 x23 17 AUBERT (Jean), . 4) y Born at Paris, 1824. eh 7 Pupil of P. Delaroche. Prize of Rome, 1844. Medals, 1861, 1878. Morning. 8lg x 1114 18 QUARTLEY (Arthur), dec’d . New York. Ay Ae Born at Paris, 1839. re : vn v4 yA ity Member of the National Academy of Design. American Water-Color Society, Ve, A . and Society of American Artists. Uorttlel ' ie Died, 1886. Low Tide. 26 x 15 - IQ Florence. Born at Forli, 1846. Pupil of Palastrini. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1886. Professor in the Academy, Florence. A Good Wine. 10l4 x 1316 20 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.), . New York. ta Born in New Jersey, 1855. / Wa J Pupil of He: ze Summer Landscape. 814 x 614 aI PALMAROLI (V.), tL re Born at Madrid, 1835. “Wir ae Pupil of San Fernando Academy. ~,. Medal, Paris, 1867. ree Madrid, 1871. Legion of Honor, 1881. Member of San Fernando Academy. Director of the Spanish Academy, Rome, Jealousy. 12.15 22 VERBOECKHOVEN (E,), dec’d . Brussels. Born in Belgium, 1799. Medals, 1824, ’41, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg. Died, 1881. Sheep and Goats. g x 634 CRANE (Bruce), . . New York. Born at New York, 1857. Pupil of Wyant. Member, Society of American Artists. A Spring Day. 233g x 1546 le Cx, =e 24 DE HAAS (J. H. L.), dec’d . Brussels. Ng Born in Belgium, 1832. 4 P foak OD Pupil of Van Oos. . Gold Medal, Munich, 1869. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Died, 1880. Cattle. 26'x 161g 25 HENNER (J. J.), Born at Berniviller, 1829. O ote. 4 mei Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1858. Medals, 1863, ’65, ’66, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer, Legion of Honor, 1878. Andromeda. 9x15 26 RONNER (Henrietta), .. . Brussels. Born at Amsterdam, 1821. FS +e (4 Pupil of her father, J. A. Knip. ¥ me SP M4 A. Dog Cart. 8x6 27 CHARNAY (A), . Born at Charlieu. S Lf eo Pupil of Pils. Medals, 1876, ’86. In the Garden. 946 Xx 13 28 CHASE (Wm. M.), . New York. Pa oe Born in Indiana, 1849. | é- K La fA 6 Pupil of Wagner and Pilofy, " ““_<-€4472€ = Honorable Mention, Salon, 1882. Member of the Society of American Artists. Associate, National Academy of Design. An Old Garden. 1336 x 9}6 Pastel Drawing. 29 DEFREGGER (Franz), . . Born at Stronach, 1835. try) Pupil of the Munich Academy. 4 7 Medals, Paris, 1878, er Vienna, 1882. Great Gold Medal, Munich. Honorary Member of the Munich, Vienna and Berlin Academies. Ennobled in 1883. A. Young Soldier, IQ X 23 30 BAUGNIET (Charles), dec’d pa PDeVIes. fe Ct Born at Brussels, 1814. a8 Vz Vz Vis hice Pupil of Drolling. Medals, 1865, Vienna, 1873. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, of Isabel the Catholic, of Christ of Portugal, and of the Branche Ernestine de Saxe. Died, 1886. The New Slipper. 201g x 2516 ay VERHAS jJJan), . Brussels. Born in Belgium. Pupil of the Antwerp Academy. Medals at Philadelphia, 1876, Brussels, 1878, Paris, 1881, Vienna, 1882, Berlin, 1884, ’86. J VA L Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1879. Legion of Honor, 1881. After the Battle. 39 x 26 32 BAKKER-KORFF (A. H.), decd . Hague. Born at The Hague, 1824. ie, PE me eg | Pupil of The Hague Academy. Died, 1882. A’ Tea Party. 946 x 714 19 33 COROT (J. B. C.), dec’d . Paris. A Jee Ctre ty Born at Paris, 1796. 7 Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, ’48, 55, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. Died, 1875. A Shady Road. 16 x 22 ; 34 DUPRE (Jules), ; Born at Nantes, 1812. 4 ODO Medals, 1833, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Cattle Drinking. 14x17 35 DAUBIGNY (C. F.), decd. Born at Paris, 1817. VA Ze é Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1848, ’53, ’55, 57, 59, 67. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the Pcwery of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. AA Died, 1878. 3 cal Landscape. 1574 X 9% oe AUBERT (Jean), . Born at Paris, 1824. or Pupil of P. Delaroche. c Coo) Prize of Rome, 1844. Medals, 1861, 1878. Evening. 816 x 11h 37 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.), Born in New Jersey, 1855. Pupil of Wyant. Road Scene. 2346 x 15 21 38 CHASE (Wm. M.,), . . New York. td Born in Indiana, 1849. Pupil of Wagner and Piloty. Honorable mention, Salon, 1882. Member of the Society of American Artists. Associate of the National Academy of Design. My Studio. 39 X 27 WILLEMS (F.,), ae Born in Belgium, 1823. - Pupil of the Mechlin Academy. Medals, 1844, ’46, ’55, °67. Medal at Brussels, 1843. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Legion of Honor, 1853. Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1855. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864. First-class Medal, Exposition Universal, 1878. “No Song, No Supper.” 18 x 23 40 ) Seed WYANT (A. -H.), i New York. 5 ae gh "y Ad Born in Ohio, 1839. r. Pupil of Gude. Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1868. Member of same, 1869. Member of the Society of American Artists and American Water-Color Society. Landscape. 29144 x 1714 yf 4l st BLUM (Robert), . . New York. Y Born in Cincinnati, 1857. ox 0 ia A Member of the Society of American Artists. Associate of the National Academy of Design. The Sewing School. 19l4 x 1544 Pastel Drawing. 42 : JACQUE (Chas.), ay 4 Born at Paris, 1813. 2 ie on Medals, 1861, 63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867. The Coming Storm. 26x 1744 43 DE COCK (Czsar), / AS, oe Born at Ghent, 1823. Piss Medals, 1867, 69. The Mill Stream. 25 x 18 44 MICHEL (Georges), dec’'d . . Paris. Born, 1763. Died, 1843. Ct CAC4 : ae, Landscape. 23 x 18 45 GIRARD (Firmin), . Born at Poucin, 1838. Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1863, 774. The God-Mother’s Garden. 26 x 3816 CA ee e ae = a ae _s Pen _ ah. © ‘pe ~ -. soy e A ose a) is NS lbh a eae ey “a NI ees > Aas pa 46 BERNE-BELLECOUR (E.), i eg e Born at Boulogne, 1838. OO Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1869, ’72, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1878. The Drill of the Drum Corps. 1716 x 1216 47 DUPRE (Jules), Medals, 1833, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. ee LL OU Born at Nantes, 1812. V/h 4 ep Landscape. 1§ x 12 48 DIAZ (N.), dec’d ed Jf i if Born at Bordeaux, 1807. ¢ Medals, 1844, ’46, ’48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. Died 1876. Boy and Dogs. I2x9 25 49 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.), — .__ New York. Fg OO Born in New Jersey, 1855. i Pupil of Wyant. Late Afternoon. 294g x 1746 POKITONOW (J), . °) 9 eee fr 7 She ‘oy siae Landscape. 77?7& (7#e7— 616 x5 ’ 51 RICO (M i Born at Madrid. Pupil of F. de Madrazo. Medal, 1878, Legion of Honor, 1878. The Golden Palace, Venice. 27x 1516 UBIGNY (C. F.), decd . of) Pati! ono ee eta Born at Paris, 1817. Oe XK) Ed é LOO B Pupil of Delaroche. << ~ A/t-Cttt4 eae Medals, (848.763) "cu, ky, oo, 767. é Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, 1878. . Died, 1878. | ~ Morning. 2534 x 1434 mei 53 | JACQUE (Charles), On iG! Paris: re Born at Paris, 1813. . 7 eet ny Medals, 1861, °63, ’64. TEegs Legion of Honor, 1867. The Sheepfold. 21x25 54 VAN MARCKE (E.), . Be eee ey Ghana o -———~_ Born at Sévres, 1827. of [=~ oe) Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867, ’69, *70. Legion of Honor, 1872. First-class Medal, 1878. In the Pool. 21x17 PTET ORD TERETE ISTO TN EGOS LANTOS | 99 DIAZ (N.), decd . 4p COTO Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Medals, 1844, ’46, 48. . Legion of Honor, 1851. MS © at Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. Died, 1876. Forest of Fontainebleau. 25 x 19 56 CAZIN (J. C), Born at Sainer. / U CAO Pupil of Boisbaudran. Medal, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882. A Road Scene. 28 x23 : Hay DUPRE (Jules\) ie ay oe L, , ea Born at Nantes, 1812. Sy a Medals, 1833, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Marine.’ 23 x 28 ROUSSEAU eee ceed. |. Paris. ed Geto “- Born at Paris, 1812. Al is BU ees gee ‘ Pupil of Léthiére. As i Medals, 1834, ’49, ’55.- Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1867. te Died, 1867. i landscape. 181g x 1214 59 COROT (J. B.C), decd. i ee Eats: - An (/ We / ee D 4 / —~ Born at Paris, 1796. 4 __ MA kt). pra J PO ‘ - Pupil of V. Bertin. » ’ Nem iy Be Medals, 1838, ’48, ’55, 767. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. Died, 1875. yy Evening. 23x17 60 BRETON (Jules), Born at Courrieres, 1827, 7 Pupil of Devigne & Drollingy” Medals, 1855, 57, ’59, ’61. Medals, London, Vienna and Brussels. Ribbon of St. Stanislas of Russia. Legion of Honor, 1861. Medal of the First Class and Officer Legion of Honor at the Universal Exposition, 1867. Medal of Honor, Salon, 1872. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Corresponding Member of the Academies of Vienna, Stockholm and Madrid. Member of the Institute of France, 1886, Watching the Cows. 23 x 18 61 DETAILLE (Ey, : . . Paris. Born at Paris, 1348. oC oe Li Det BF e, x Pupil of E. Meissonier. 7 Medals, 1869, ’70, °72. ° Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Medal of Honor, 1888. The Windmill. An early morning reconnoissance. 21x25 "DOMINGO 5 y MARQUES (D. Francisco), Paris. LZ Rad Born at Valencia, Spain, 1843. Pupil of the Royal Academy San Carlos, of Valencia. Pensioned by his native town, he studied at Rome, 1868, ’69. Received a first-class medal at the National Exhibition of the Fine Arts, r Madrid, 1871. Was appointed Professor in the Academy at Valencia ; made Commander of the Order of Don Carlos III., 1876, and received the Grand Cross of the Order of jaahella the Catholic, 1883. The municipality of Valencia named a street after him in 1887, Member of the Royal Academy at Antwerp, 1888. A Siesta. 21x17 63 ee BIGNY (C. F.) decd... ete La / J : hd Born at Paris, 1817. v0 C1 O-t_L7,, p a : Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1848, 753, °55, 57, 59, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1874. oe Diploma to memory of deceased artists, Tae ie Died, 1878. Evening. 2536 x I9 64 JACQUET (J. G),. te 7} Born at Paris, 1846. v4 Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1868, ’75, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1879. Reverie. 2716 x 44h6 05 | BECKER (Carl), . ; ae . Berlin. hf} Born at Berlin, 1820. Pupil of the Berlin Academy. Member of the Academy of Berlin and Vienna. Member of the Royal Society of Letters and Fine Arts, Belgium. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Medals at Vienna, Berlin and Munich. The Rivals. 44g x 304 Z $ ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Auchoneer, By ORTGIES & Co. 32 ik eo a0 ne ee “Py We a aae in +) a0 4a ne at HEU GUN ; * vere raete tat hp’ 8 eae stosatatt RP aU Ra diehat + eis Ni Hote rete } Joe ar at ab take +4 \9 Sarthe ase Fa Webi ee 4 unch iy aN A asteit ‘y \ nhe i. *; hay i he Ne Vf Nidieieha 4 Po. Paps SD tae te he 4 : sei) ie "br i eyath eta yy ‘fy silent RECS AIL heGoR Asie atateesa‘chatat ean Mea Cte tataT ph MIANU CTO TEE AAA tue tHe teste partie tah, a1h)2t i818 i thes br AY tite le tiie ieee PU Cas 8 WISIS Ie alae TeeE Tele ges Puuad eT AEN Tete tt ‘ s Ue elaletecceitt ele lelyiees PRAM at as OE RE oe) UDR A Peete: ; RHI at © i SieRMaL ca HEIN mh, tS Sat allan es ohne Mert Me Kad Clue e ner ae ee Tah nea surLscelalevalaseteenerstecesetecatat cet ela Weten tafe unoeonne Hine Ranueed LeU bre a ietatcteeeey VF nis seat) wet ed bie! : ‘ ' Suto ew leeaiue terete uenueeetaree east Baan ee ai anal TUE uta AT nnee Teri Hae! tiah 2 i€)e lo . K Ai Heseineniealt H 33a a cf i) vate iets Ste iM, tale ae : mat isthe iS: : fy Wale ENN tale uence j : y eT ae Rie eigte ae Mate Bons aay aus fae 4! phates: Sei at } ny eeldhes Aart cathy dean i Friars late $28) x: +4 i CRits af nt ‘ i uN a ait * ue eect at i hy nie 19 gel eee lee tecatee ee iva ne erent, ey F yah aC he +8 ; irleelae’s La APO ally 8 Ny ts I TR er fed vi tale ea, pear e are an, * Le Tee saat: par ae ea Sia 7 AGE a ~ stew pepe ey ES ae Fok a Ge pepe ied aes. € ral am 4 cae ca Sab ALE ate: Se Pale A ner ath ov Par, ee | aL eee — ne eh ee 38 eee ae ie fees ear ie aha a FAs Tale oS ee a KE rs a ne aie A= po ie or at a patente e ’ a a ee ie of a a ODA Oe a fon ate “at Vor ~ Fe oF, ie. 4 ee 4, raps: a re0 2 ee =P el ok os on E = ae A AM srayee “Malt 9 ers at Buin — ee ene estos 5 Rin My Pers ‘ - a a a Rees Som : Sa Sta rg = pes he air ay ee