f ER CTION ¥ REY .PR COLLE Y e 5 4 i F ; ii st fon 9 Other Pictures of /the “ reyer Collection at Auction in} the Fifth Avenue Galleries} Bring Total.Up to $15,930) Durand ‘Ruel Purchases the} Highest Priced Picture of} Opening Sale—Offerings Are! to Be Concluded To-night James P. Silo began last evening his sale |, by auction, in the Fifth Avenue Art Galler- |) les, of David C, Pteyer’s paintings. Highty-) two numbers of the catalogue brought | $15,930. a The highest in price, the Corot, thats. brought $2,425, was the most artistic. Ith) was bought by Durand Ruel. Numbers of I the catalogue, names of painters, titles of} pictures and prices paid are in the fol-| lowing list : No. 1—Millar, ‘“Seville,’’ $25. INO. 2—Millar. ‘In Spain,” $15. No. 8-Sehneider, “Italian Girl,’’ $25. No. +-Kensett, “Darien, Conn., $20. No. 5—Belloni, ‘Sunset on Ocean, Mane RGM No. 6—Calvelli, “Getting a Shave,” as No. 7—Monzies, “The Gardener,’’ $35 aha &—Jappy, “Moonlight, ”* S40. No, 9—Schiegel, “Boxing Match in the | Rtudio.”’ $17.50, R No, 10—Damoye. ‘‘Landscape,’* $135. 4 No, 11—Gaisser, ‘Game of Cards,” $45. No. 12—‘Hoecker, “‘Sailor’s Courtship,” $35. No. 18—Etty, “‘Bather at Seashore,’’ $50. No. j4—Fisher, “A Quiet Sunset,” $15. No. 15—Waltman, “Ideal Head,” $15. > | No. 16—Black “The Brook,”’ $50, \ No. 17—Fish, ‘Bull Terier,’’ $22.50. \\ . 18—Bogert, “Street in ‘Dutch Village,’’ 0, 19+Edwards, “Entering the ‘Harhor,” | eee " Convinced { NC 52” Ritchell, De den deh Ph NG, 25—Bunner, “Ponte Vecchi $150, No, 24-Felix, “Stormy Sunset, » $20 No.26—Fisher, “‘Warm September 25, i No. 26—Ritchel, Holland 62.50. F No. 27+Potthast, “Landscape and ‘Cattle , 120. une 0. 28—Gauley, “Dutch Boats in Canaly D, No. 29—Caliga, vA Prelu No. 30—Coftin, ‘Misty Moontishts at | “Canal in No, 31—Boston, “Silvery Moon,’ No, 32--Naegele, ‘“Tdeal Head. ws No, 33—Hober, “Marsh Land, fi No, $4—Potthast, “Sheep in Pasw re” § No, 35—De Haven, ‘‘Byening,” #30. No, 83A—McCord, “Landscape,” san ,p6—Hartson, “Landscape in: “Xe. 2t—Clarks, Landseape, $40. a z oe, 88+-Bridgman, “In ers,”’ $120. No. 89—Rehbn, ‘Gull Rosle Pies ac A ‘No. 39A—Poore, Ree 2 ae ge. No. 39B—Black, Landsca at Gh 4 No. 40—Etty. “The Greek Slave,” $1 No. 41—Dupre, V., afer ear = , No, 42—Chintreuil, “Landsea sian 48--Hugtemboorg, “Batt No. 44—De Mont, “After the Ste No, 45—Couland, “Snowbound,” ee 46—-Billotte, “Canal Saint — (No. 47-—RBauffe, “Drawbridge at I 20. No. 48-—Nibrig, “Testing. the Pig, No. 49—Weiland, “Preparing t e $300, q 5 No, 50—Wysmuller, “Winter in Ho! BO. No. 51—Blommers, “Mother and $205, is No. 32—Monticelli, “The Terrace,” ‘portrait of a! No. 53--Zoffany, man,’’ $50. : ; ‘ No. 54—Barret, “Birth-place of Co 120. Ww NO, 55—Hunter, Coat,’” $120, No. 56+—Constaible, 120. No. ipa tice Drummond,’ $105 No, 58—Moriand, $175. No. 59-—Constable, and Cows.’’ $200 No. 60-—Constable, ham.’’ $220. of Medici, 1) S750, . re ae 62-—-Pesne, “An Austrian Pr “oe 65—Knapton, “Portrait of a “ No. -64——-Morland—“A Farmyard 270. No, 65-—Opie, “The First Step,” : Z No. 66—Harlow, “Portrait of ™ iss “Young Man in “A Village G “Portrait of “A Sow and ‘Landscape, S “sa View near son,’ $45. No. 67—-Weeks, “Scout Showi Way, S40, No. 68——-Murphy, “Afternoon,” $2 No, 69—Brown, ‘His Pets.” $410. No.” 70—Low, “Love at the Helm No. Ti—MecCord, *A Dordrecht — C $152.50. Xo. 72—Howe, “Farm Life in N No. 73-—Inness, “Indian Summ Xo. 74—Wyeant, “A Gray Day,” No. 75-—Eateon, “‘Senset,” No. 76— -Diaz, $1100. Interlor by Durand-Ruel, No. 77——Dupre, 3 “i No, 78—Corot, os GF: ought by Durand-R . 78 TR Pe CATALOGUE OF AN IMPORTANT Collection of Paintings AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS SELECTED BY FORMERLY THE EDITOR OF “THE COLLECTOR AND ART CRITIC.” TO BE SOLD AT ABSOLUTE PUBLIC SALE April 14th and 15th, 1904 at eight o’clock. AT THE : ‘JAMES P. SILO, - - AUCTIONEER. ON FREE VIEW y and Evening, from Saturday April 9th, until : Hay of pele piers gk? OE ae a Se r: “AN ART CRITICS VARIED PAINTING BY HENRI PENE DU BOIS. AVID CC. PREYER’S collection“ ‘of paintings: is ‘for, sale, by ‘auction at the Fifth Avenue) Art Galleries. It has grace, elegaiice, good. taste. It is artistic and valuable. He was editor of The At Colicctcr and Critic that was not ecléctic. He expressed in it ideas of art which were inflexible. They gave trouble to him and he suffered for them. He must have found that in art truth is not all ar- rayed on one side and error on “the other. D This order isin Milton’s celestial battles gp only. what one is fighting. . of J. G. Brown, Leon Perrault, Virgilio ‘Tojettl and others whom his»paper did not ‘applaud. All the ways to the beautiful are obscure. Much mystery pervades things of art, and it is wiser to overthrow doctrines - | than to erect them. It is a vain amusement to erect doc- 'tpines. It causes hatred, perilous occasions of conceit. Poets lose in them. their inno- cence and art critics their kindness, The tolerance of Mr. Preyer’s collection is one of its charms. Something in it is for every one. I should clamor. for the work of Maufra and for that of Sisley. Their tones are blue and gold and their forms are not ordinary. Maufra’s shows rocks which orange-colored seaweed covers, on the coast of Britanny ; Sisley’s shows a road near Moret, which tall, thin, fantastic trees in a lime elevate. There are other pictures which I should prefer rather than the most superb, rather than. those that are to make the fame of galleries. The ‘‘Street in Montmartre,’”’ by Lepine, in a silvery tone, has the effect that provokes worship of Corot’s . works when they are excellent. It ig not as del- icate in the works of Coret that are there— not in his “Landscape” nor in his “Lake Side,” nor even in his ‘Bridge at Ant- iwerp,’’ where it was aptly attained. Anton (Mauve’s ‘‘Sheep Among the Trees” is brilliant with blue and orange tints and the vacillating lights of the woods, ‘Its silvery air is tender and pure. If there be other works of Mauve as successful as this they are extremely’ scaree.. Blakelock's ‘Moonlight,’ made of a dark, mass of foliage and the contrast. of gold from the disk in the air melting in ripples of: a lake, is a finished work of impetuous art. George Innese’s .‘‘Harly Autumn, Mont- clair,” with its sweep of fields, its. tall, thin trees and the delicacy ‘of its blue sky; Robert C. Minor’s “Before the Storm,’ with its note of the anguish in the air; cm ‘orge H. Bapert's MPT Mepaligey Hol- ; aaling colors. Constable’s “A eco “a In the world confusion is extreme,ad One never knows exactly for whom and for™ See ” “Landscape,” “Stream and Cows,” . Mr. Preyer has workS$, Tane in Suffolk.” are interesting _ and even their Ca _ | G land,” with its ciombiatae re vpn col . Daubigny’s ‘‘Houses Near a Rivér,” cz mul in lines and passionate in colors; Du “Marine,” turbulent and beautiful, es works of ‘painters in their panel mo- | ments of inspfration. huey They are works of great men searc in unkpewable nature for the image ot thele desires. and the form of their dreame. ticelli’s ‘Cavaliers and Ladies in an ave nite’? and “The Terrace” ate plays Dedham Vale.” “Moonlight,” “A Villa: and precious. . “Smugglers in the Isle of Wight,” “Winter,” “A Farmyard Scene,” by Morland, are. graceful documents: of ats oe of painting. & “An art collector may think that his & Is to have them. Charles Melville ‘Dewey “Twilight,” with its. feather-like branch: of trees; Frank M. Boggs’s “Whitby.” with — its harmony of colors of the land and = . sea; Frank W. Kost’s “Hay Lot,” ‘red and ~ green, under a gray sky, are intelligent and captivating. ‘Works of Eddy’s rumantie arta dora Watching for Conrad,’ “The ~ Slave’ and “A Bather at the Seask explain, if they do not justify the favor ‘that he. retains amoung \5 art lovers. He is sentimental, thought, perhaps, that nothing in. ina was to be preferred rather than sentiment. “a The heart may lend wit and wit 1 not lend heart. A portrait of B3i ne Claudia de Medici, diverting from her small, long, enincemmeaae face. her gown,. black, severe and ornamented - with laces and pearls, by Sustermans ; the ~ portrait of a young man, impersonally | gant ‘by Coates; the portrait of a yo man in blue coat, by Robert Hunter; t portrait of an Austrian Princess, in gown and red cloak, by Antoine Pesne, ¢ not to be discussed, Because they are old, venerable, and we have seen in the museums portraits — them. which, when. we-were students, .de- : lighted us extremely, they are to be lik Ce This may not prevent many persons thinking that Mr. Preyer, being an ae critic, had the duty to be exacting aut sig to like works of art without askh self at first if it was right for him > Ii them. % a, I prefer to think that art crittes hav the right to follow their tastes, their fantastic, ArUe, vided they be always . benevolent. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED Barrett, G., 54 Bauffe, V., 47 Belloni, G., 5, 82 Bennasit, L. E., 91 Berchere, N., 89 Billotte, R., 46 Black, O. P., 16 lakelock, R. A., 163 Blommers, B. J., 51 Bogert, G. N., 18, 159 Boggs, F. M., 106 Bonheur, Rosa, 148 Bonington, R. P., 1388 Bosse, B. Van, 117 Boston, J. H., 31 Bricher, A. T., 104 Bridgman. F. A., 38 Brown, J. G., 69 Browne, G. E., 108 Bunner, A. T., 23 Caliga, J. N., 29 Calicott, A., 126 Calvelli, A., 6 Chintreuil, A., 42 Piack, Fo H., 37 Coffin, W. A., 30 Collier, C. M., 94 Constable, J., 56, 59, 60, 134, 185, 140, 141 Corcas, M. V., 85 Corot, J. B. C., 78, 152, 156 Cotes, F., 123, 128 Couland, M., 45, 116 Damoye, P. E., 10 Daubigny, C. F., 155 DeHaven, F., 35 Demont, A., 44 Dewey, C, M., 107 Diaz, N. V., 76, 153 Dupre, J., 77, 154 Dupre, V., 41 Eaton, C. W., 75, 160 Edwards, G. W., 19 Etty, W., 13, 40, 90 Felix, R. E., 24 Field, E. L., 101. Pishe CB li Fisher, J. G., 14, 25 Gainsborough Dupont, 144 Gaisser, J. E., 11 Gauley, R. D., 28, 98 Green, F. R., 102 Groll, A., 109 Harlow, G. H., 66 Hartson, W.C., 36 Hays, W. J., 93 Heemskerck, V. B., 118 Heinsius, J. E., 142 Hoeber, A., 33 Hoecker, P., 12 Howe, W. H., 72, 96 Hugtemboorg, J., 43 Huguet, V. P., 115 Hunter, R., 55 Inness, G., 73, 162 Janin, C., 84 Jappy, L. A., 8 Jettel, E., 113 Kensett, J. F., 4 Knapton, G., 63 Kneller, G., 127 Kost, F. W., 97 Laissement, H., 110 Lee, F. R., 122 Lely, P. Sir, 182 ARTISTS—Continued. Lepine, S., 149 Letour, J., 87 Low. W. H., 70 Maufra, M., 150 Mauve, A., 164 McCord, G. H., 71, 99 Meyer, G., 111 Millar Assis 2.102 Minor, R. C., 161 Moeller, L., 21 Monchablon, J., 88 Monticelli, A., 52, 148 Monzies, L., 7 Morland, G., 58, 64, 186, 139 Murphy, J. F., 68 Naegele, C. F., 32 Nakken, W. C., 120 Naylor, Marie. 83 Nibrig, Hart, 48 Noble, R., 180 Opien, J., 65 Perrault, L., 145 Perry, L., 92 Pesne, A., 62 Potthast, E., 27, 34, 100 Raeburn, H. Sir, 133 Ramsay, A., 57 Ream, C. P., 103 Rehn, F. R. M,, 89 Rico, M., 147 Ritcheil, W., 22, 26, 95 Schachinger, G., 114 Schlegel, V. deB., 9 Schneider, W. G., 3 Sisley, A., 151 Soldi, A., 131 Springer, C., 119 Stark, J., 187 Sustermans, J., 61, 125 Thaulow, F., 79, 157 Tojetti, V., 158 Vernier, E., 86 Waltman, H. F., 15, 105 Washington, G., 112 Watrous, A. W., 20 Weeks, E. L., 67 Weele, H. J. Van der, 121 Weigand, G., 146 Weiland, J., 49 Wilson, Jock, 124 Wyant, A. H., 74 Wysmutller, J. H., 50 Ziem, F., 80 Zoffany, J,. 58, 129 CATALOGUE FIRST NIGHT’S SALE _at 8 o’clock Thursday, April 14th, 1904, I ADDISON T. MILLAR Americe Born 1860 a Syaaik os eville Ke The Spanish town-views by Mr. A. T. Millar are well-known for their artistic and pictur- esque handling Height, 6inches; width, 4 inches 2 ADDISON T. MILLAR : America Born 1860 In Spain Mr. A. T. Millar has been a pupil of Wm. M. Chase and the Julian Academy in Paris. His extensive travels in Spain and Algiers have given him stores of pleasing subjects Height, 6 inches ; width, 4 inches [Se 3 WILLIAM G. SCHNEIDER : America | Born 1863 he | Italian Girl Water color W. G. Schneider’s work has become well- known by his regular coutributions to the Water Color Society, of which he is a member. He has a charming color scheme, perfect draw- ing, and soft and delicate tones Height, ro inches; width, 8 inches 4. 4 F. KENSETT (N. A.) . . ~~ America 3 {818-1873 _ Darien, Connecticut Kensett, one of the early American artists, belonged to the so-called Hudson River School. His pictures possess great interest as represent- ing the earliest phases of American Landscape art. On the back of the picture is written: ‘‘I certify that this is an original study by J. F. Kensett, sigzed David Johnson.”’ Height, 12 inches ; width, 9 inches G. BELLONI : ‘ B Italy Born 1861 Sunset on the Ocean Modest and sensitive, this true and thoroughly trained artist has comeinto prominence in recent years as one of the most serious of the younger painters of Italy. His manner is free and force- ful, withal treating his subject in a pure and refined way. Height, 13 inches ; width, 18 inches A. CALVELLI | ; tals, Contemporary 4 7 Getting a Shave Calvelli isa Tuscan painter of humorous char- acter subjects, in which he is exceedingly clever and realistic Height, 17% inches ; width, 15% inches ‘LOUIS MONZIES Brace Contemporary Ae 5 ‘ mes 4 The Gardener A well-drawn figure in a pleasingly painted landscape Height, 11% inches ; width, 8% inches 8 LOUIS AIMEJAPPY ie eicance Contemporary ft Q, Moonlight Louis Aimé Jappy is a noted painter of land- scapes. He was a pupil of Francais, and is a frequent contributor to the Salon Height, 1434 inches ; width, 18 inches 9 VICTOR DE BORN SCHLEGEL (dec’d) France A Boxing Match in the Studio Two models of an artist’s studio are using the ‘‘resting’’ time for a set-too with the gloves, the artist looking on in the background. It is well and freely painted. From the Salon, Paris, 1887, No. 292 Height, 13 inches; width, 16 inches 1O PIERRE EMANUEL DAMOYE ..__sivFrrance Js A pean Born 1847 ff we § Landscape Damoye was a pupil of Corot and Daubigny Height, 1234 inches ; width, 24 inches II J. EH. GAISSER, (deceased) : Munich ; Born 1825 A Game of Cards J. E. Gaisser was the father of Max Gaisser, and equally famous for his humorous and graphic scenes in which monks and knights generally took a part. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches No. 27. Ee FOLD AS IT LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. "2 PROF. PAUL HOECKER ; Berlin (Contemporary) hdl — ; A Sailor’s Courtship A charming painting of delightful color and attractive composition Height, 14 inches ; width, 10 inches 13 WILLIAM ETTY (R. A.) England 1787-1849 | iad » om a a Bather at the Seashore @ @ ¢ Etty’s mastery of the human form and his delicate sense of color are amply shown in this beautiful canvas Height, 27 inches ; width, 20 inches Formerly iu the collection of Wm. Cottier, Esq., London 14 J. G. FISHER . : 3 America Contemporary . vA % wee | “# A Quiet Sunset Mr. Fisher is a Western artist, whose work is very rarely seen in New York owing to his deserved local popularity Height, 14 inches ; width, 20 inches 15 H. F. WALTMAN ; : America Born 1871 Ideal Head Mr. Waltman was born in Ohio, and studied painting in Washington, and in Paris at the Julian Academy under Constant and Laurens. He exhibited at the Salon of 1900. Heisa promising portrait painter, with remarkably virile touch and strong color-scheme Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches 16 OLIVE P. BLACK ; Sinerios The Brook, South Egremont, Mass. This landscape artist, a pupil of H. Bolton Jones, is well meriting of praise for excellent work Height, 20 inches ; width 30 inches 17 C. B. FISH : ; , America «Ss 5 Born 1857 ae A Bull Terrier . This Western artist is well known for his excel- lent painting of horses and dogs Height, 11 inches ; width, 9 inches 18 GEORGE H. BOGERT : America Born 1864 Street in Dutch Village This artist has been recognized with many honors offered at expositions ; more yet he has received the approval of eminent connoisseurs for strong, tonal work Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches ae) GEORGE WHARTON EDWARDS America | Contemporary Entering the Harbor A free and strongly painted example of one of our leading marine and landscape artists Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches 20 A. W. WATROUS : : Americe Contemporary An Accounting The secretary of the National Academy of De- sign is known for his careful and paitstaking work in his well arranged compositions, ex- ecuted with delicate brilliancy of touch and in bright and agreeable scheme of color Height, 9% inches; width, 7% inches 2A LOUIS MOELLER : : America x Born 1855 fi Convinced The series of compositions which Mr. Moeller has produced are all marked by precision of drawing and a comprehensive finish which is remarkable in its attractiveness. In 1895 he was nade a member of the National Academy Height, 174% inches ; width, 21% inches 22 WILLIAM RITCHELL Born 1864 Folding the Sheep Water color ‘ America The artist is peculiarly gifted in the use of the water color medium. Ilis aquarelles are of refined beauty and rival those of the Dutchmen Height, 19 inches ; width, 28 inches 23 A. F. BUNNER ; : America 1841-1900 The Ponte Vecchia, Venice Andrew Fisher Buuner was born in New York. For five years he travelled through Germany, France and Italy. He remained there several years, his views of that wonderful city being so highly prized that he scarcely had time for the delineation of other subjects Height, 2114 inches; width, 3134 inches ' Sold in Bement sale, Chickering Hall, 1899 No. 61. JUSTUS SUSTERMANS,. PRINCESS CLAUDIA DE MEDICI. * > . “= . \ ‘ < 2 ae ~~ mn hig >) 4 ‘ - “ : ‘ 1 - + j , ‘ — ‘ i 3 . 4 ‘ 24 Bee. FHLIX ‘ ‘ America Contemporary A Stormy Sunset Mr. Felix is a resident of New Jersey, and paints with a large feeling of unity in compo- sition and color schemes Height, 184% inches; width, 3534 inches 25 J. G. FISHER ; : America Contemporary le A Warm September Day as ® A canvas full of rich color, well composed, and broadly treated Height, 14 inches ; width, 20 inches 26 WILLIAM RITCHEL ; , America Born 1864 it A Canal in Holland An Water color A scene reproduced with all the atmosph rie moisture of the lowlands Height, 19 inches ; width, 28 inches 27 EDWARD POTTHAST ; : America Born 1857 Landscape and Cattle 2 io, Mr. Potthast was a pupil of the Cincinnati ; “3 School of Fine Arts and has studied in Antwerp, / f se Munich and Paris. He received the T. B. Clarke prize at the N. A. D. in 1899; the Evans prize at the American Water Color Society Exhibition 1901 ; a gold medal at the A. A. S. in 1902, and was made an Associate of the National Academy in 1899. Heis also a member of the Society of American Artists Height, 24 inches ; width, 30 inches 28 ROBERT DAVID GAULEY : America Born 1875 Dutch Boats in the Canal This young graduate from the Boston Museuni Art School, and the Julian Academy, has shown remarkable talent and may be considered to be one of the strongest coming men. His painting of a Dutch Woman and Child at the last Carne- gie Exhibition in Pittsburg, evoked unstinted praise. He received a Bronze Medal at the Paris Exposition of 1900, and an Honorable Mention at the Pan-American of 1901 Height, 18 inches ; width, 24 inches 29 J. N. CALIGA ; : ; America ded “3% ie Born 1857 i) A Prelude Mr. Caliga resides in Boston, and has acquired with his work in oil and pastel a merited repu- tation Height, 13% inches; width, 11% inches 3 30 WILLIAM A. COFFIN : America Born 1855 A Misty Moonlight The fascinations of landscape have always found in W. A. Coffin a symyathetic interpreter. Thunderstorms passing over rolling pastures, night views in which a few stars burn mysteri- ously, and winter scenes with woodland and fields covered with snow. such are the themes of this limner’s brush. The hazy atmosphere in the present example fills the canvas with a silvery sheen Height, 16 inches : width, 24 inches 31 JOSEPH H. BOSTON é America Contemporary The Silvery Moon. S/o. This painting is considered to be one of the most refined and acceptable that ever left the artist’s easel. Mr. Boston has received a Bronze Medal at the Pan American Exposition of 1901, and is a Member of the Society of American Artists Height, 25 inches ; width, 30 inches 32 CHAS. FRANK NABGELE America Contemporary Ideal Head Mr. Naegele isa member of the Salmagundi Club and well known as a painter of charming heads and excellent portraits Height, 14 inches ; width, 10 inches 2 C2 ARTHUR HOEBER > ; America Contemporary Marsh Lands The charm of Mr. Hoeber’s work lies in his evident sincerity and careful observation of nature. His favorite themes are quiet stretches of country with streams and clumps of trees, which he interprets under different effects of light and atmospheric conditions Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches 34 EDWARD POTTHAST SbeS America Born 1857 Sheep in Pasture A beautiful example of last summer’s work by. . the artist Height, 20 inches ; width, 24 inches 35 FRANK H. DEHAVEN : America eee: Born 1856 Evening The charming handling of color given with all the nuances of tonal shades. This popular artist has exemplified his great talent in this canvas with distinction Height, 12 inches; width, 15 inches WILL H. LOW. No. 70. LOVE AT THE HELM ¥F America Born “1866 elderland—Holland \ ; . i A-landseape f the atmrosphere~ef..that moist country, witt-thesubtterdelicate softness. of tints, whic niak@s the Dutch iSaaeerBe™ SO attractive oe Height, 16 inches ; width, 20 inches 37 F, H. CLARK ; , America Contemporary Landscape This young Trenton, N, J., artist is of great promise. His coloring is sympathetic and pleas- ing Height, 13 inches ; width, 19 inches 38 F. A. BRIDGMAN : d America Born 1847 In Algiers The career of F. A. Bridgman has been a bril- or . liant one, marked by many official honors. His 4 residence is in Paris, although varied by occa? sional visits to the United States. Many of his pictures have Oriental subjects, which he mass ters with accomplished draughtsmanship and refined color Height, 18 inches ; width. 25% inches 39 F. K. M. REHN America Born 1848 Gull Rock #. K. M. Rehn, whose name stands for all that s true in marine painting, has received num- ers of artistic honors, recognizing his talent ~ * Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches 40 WILLIAM ETTY (R. A.) . _ England PY? ee 1787-1849 Wfo- The Greek Slave _ Etty was a pupil of Sir Thomas Lawrence. He delighted in painting the nude, especially the female form, and as a colorist has few equals in the English school Height, 25 inches; width, 18% inches AI VICTOR DUPRE Heanee 1816-1887 J fs. PEA 4 & & Landscape _ This brother of Jules Dupre, although not as famous as Jules, possessed individual concep- tion and careful technique _ Height, 18 inches ; width, 15 inches | 42 ANTOINE CHINTREUIL : France 1819-1873 7h fe 3 Landscape le ~ Chintreuil was a landscape painter who studied with Corot. He is especially skilful in treat- ment of foreground and sunlight, His pictures have constantly increased in value since his death Height, 8% inches; width, 1834 inches 43 J. VAN HUGTEMBOORG Holland 1646-1733 / Battle Scene This well-known painter of battle scenes exe- cuted the commission of this canvas for Prince Eugene of Savoye. It hascome from the Khalil- Bey collection, which was sold in Paris in 1868. Height, 20 inches ; width 24% inches Signed lower left hand corner 44 ADRIEN DEMONT : ; France Contemporary After the Storm DeMont was a pupil of Jules Breton and ar- rived at great distinction receiving various medals and becoming Hors Concours at the Salon Exhibition Height, 18 inches ; width, 33 inches 45 M. COULAUD : ' France pe. Cones Snowbound This very talented and popular sheep painter has distinction in the execution of his canvases Height, 17 inches; width, 22 inches 46 RENE BILLOTTE rence /2 Contemporary au of the Canal Saint Denis, near Paris Billotte is one of the founders of the New Salon, Paris, and has received many official honors for his meritorious work Height, 22 inches: width, 29 inches 47 V. BAUFFE : ‘ : Holland Born 1848 5, The Drawbridge at Noorden 46 | Water color A Frenchman by birth, Bauffe came to Hol- land while yet young and soon felt the impulse to become an artist. His friend Weissenbruch helped him to master the first difficulties, and his work now shows many of the excellent qualities of his teacher, modified by his own personality Height, 15 inches; width, 21 inches No. 78° J. B. C. COROT. THE BRIDGE AT AUVERS. P % : Pe hy hs 48 F. HART NIBRIG : 4 Holland Born 1864 ve Testing the Pig 20 Hart Nibrig is one of the very few men in the present Dutch school who have followed the impressionistic tendencies of France, although he also, as in this example, follows the more accepted interpretation of Nature Height, 21 inches ; width, 26 inches 49 J. WEILAND ; : Holland ) Born 1861 «3 ar fe Preparing the Meal oO, A pupil of Israels, Weiland has forged to him- self a place among the best of the Dutch figure painters Height, 28 inches ; width, 22 inches 50 J. H. WYSMULLER . Holland 1855-1902 _ SH : ait Pr Winter in Holland : o Wysmuller held a high and well- deserved position in modern Dutch art. He painted with a free and decided brush and in a manner highly artistic. His winter scenes are admir- able and of his best Height, 27 inches; width, 39 inches 51 B. J. BLKOMMERS Holland Born 1844 Interior, Mother and Child At the Exhibition of 1869 in The Hague, the first picture produced by Blommers for an exhibit was hung next to one by Israels. This led to a friendship between them, from which the young artist profited much. Jovial and good-natured, he enters readily into sympathy with the common people, and his Dutch interi- ors tell the story of their home life Height, 14 inches ; width, 12 inches : 52 ADOLPHE MONTICELLI ; France 1824-1886 The Terrace This is one of the dream-like compositions in which the painter delighted. The figures are assembled on the terrace, and are ranged about in graceful attitudes. The colors are rich and harmonious, and no discordant tone is visible Height, 19 inches ; width, 28 inches 53 JOHANN ZOFFANY ce haeee England Len 1733-1810 : f, Portrait of a Gentleman Zoffany, so-called, though his name was really Zauffely, was descended from a Bohemian family. He came to England in 1758 and was a fashionable portrait painter there for years, painting royalty and celebrities Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches 54 GEORGE BARRET . England 1782-1784 The Birth-place of Cowper Oe to, Barret was a landscape paiuter, who, during * his life was handsomely paid for his work, earning, it is said, £2,000 yearly. Many of his works are in the Buccleugh collection, England Height, 60 inches ; width, 46 inches 55 ROBERT HUNTER : England An Irish painter of the 18th century A Young Man in Blue Coat SA An excellent portrait by a man who arrived at some distinction in his time Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Signed on the ring 56 JOHN CONSTABLE (R. A.) England 1776-1837 a sem A Village Green fie, The London ‘‘Globe’’ wrote, February 20, 1894: ‘‘‘A Village Green’ is quite masterly.’ The London ‘‘ Graphic,’’ March 3d, 1894, called it, ‘‘A masterly sketch.’’ The sketch is dated by the painter, ‘(19 August, 1811,” Height, 6% inches: width, 9 inches 57 ALLAN RAMSAY. ; England 1713-1784 Portrait of Hugh Drummond Ramsey was born in Edinburgh and studied portraiture in Rome. He attained to great dis- tinction on his return to London and in 1767 was appointed principal painter to George III. Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches 58 GEORGE MORELAND : England 1763-1804 A Sow and Litter This versatile English genius, whose moral weakness and artistic strength were ever strangely at odds, and who, though his pictures now are thoroughly appreciated, died in a sponging house, was one of the most remark- able men in the history of art Height, roinches; width, 12 inches From the collection of Richard Millns, Esq., London, England Signed and dated 1791 : 59 JOHN CONSTABLE (R. A.) . England 1776-1837 ~ Landscape, Stream and Cows OO. An interesting sketch, with all the vitality and largeness of a ‘finished painting Height, 1o inches; width, 13 14 inches From the collection of Cyril Constable, the painter’s grandson Signed and dated 1320 No. 131. ANDREA SOLDI. THE EARL, OF OXFORD. 60 JOHN CONSTABLE (R. A.) England 1776-1837 gh oe 5 Ae O, A View Near Dedham One of Constable’s studies from which he has painted one of his most important pictures. On the back of this study are written the words: ‘«J. Constable, about 1808”’ Height, 7% inches ; width, ro inches From the collection of Cyril Constable, the painter’s grandson 61 JUSTUS SUSTERMANS : Flemish 1597-1681 Portrait of the Princess Amelia, of # Medici ‘i Justus Sustermans (or Suttermans) was brought up in the school of Francis Pourbus and became a famous portrait painter. Many of his portraits are in European galleries; the Uffizi in Florence possessing thirty This example isa striking canvas on which the rich dress and ornaments are beautifully painted Height, 80 inches ; width, 46 inches From the collection of James Orrock, R. I., Bedford Square, London 62 ANTOINE PESNE ; Fratice 1684-1757 An Austrian Princess A French portrait painter, who, after having been received in the Paris Academy, settled at Berlin, where he became court painter to Fred- erick the Great. The galleries of the Berlin ‘-Schloss’? and of Pottsdam and Sans Couci contain many of his works Height, 40 inches ; width, 30 inches 63 GEORGE KNAPTON . . England 1698-1778 Portrait of a Lady Knapton was a celebrated portrait painter of his time, and became in his later years surveyor and keeper of the king’s pictures. There is at Hampton Court a picture by him of ‘The Widow of Frederick, Prince of Wales, with her Family.’? The portrait here presented has charming quality and delightful color, and is in a pure state Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches Signed and dated 64 GEORGE MORLAND . pe Hugland 1763-1804 7» A Farm-yard Scene #s One of the rustic scenes which Morland often portrayed with charming realism Height, 11 inches; width, 13 inches From the collection of Mr. A. H. Hollings- worth, the proprietor and editor of ‘‘ Engineer- ing ’’ (London, England). Signed in full 65 JOHN OPIE (R. A.) : England 1761-1807 The First Step Opie was one of the group of ‘‘ early English- men’’ and was known sometimes as ‘‘ the Cor- nish Wonder,’’ since he was born in Truro and achieved a great success in London, where his talents were fully appreciated This painting was exhibited at the Grafton Galleries, London, at the show of ‘‘ Fair Child- ren,’’ in 1897 Height, 13 inches ; width, 9 inches From the collection of Mrs. Howard Smith, Clapham Common, London 66 G. H. HARLOW ; ; England 1787-1819 Portrait of Miss Jepson A pupil of Sir Thomas Laurence. Harlow, although he died in his thirty-second year, found time to make a reputation, and left behind him many notable canvases, mostly portraits. This example is a typical portrait of a lady of his period Height, 17% inches; width, 13% inches From the collection of T. Humphry Ward, M. A., London 67 EDWIN LORD WEEKS America ~ 1849-19038 A Scout Showing the Way This recently deceased artes is eee st! noted for pictures of Eastern life Height, 1934 inches ; width, 29% inches Signed in the lower left hand corner No. 132. SIR PETER LELY. COUNTESS OF FALMOUTH. 68 J. FRANCIS MURPHY America Born 1853 Afternoon The effect of landscapes that J. Francis Mur- phy loves to paint may not be called “‘striking,”’ for they are not such as produce their impres- sion by force of violent contrasts. Rather are they subtle and tender, and their charm grows greater on the Spectator the longer he looks. They are of the choicest productions of the American School Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches 69 J. G. BROWN : 4 ; America Born 1831 His Pets A man forced to do a thing he likes is doubly happy. This isthe case with J. G. Brown and his bootblacks. His work is very popular. The canvas shows the street urchin with his pets, and shows it with better tone and freer handling, with deeper quality than is found in the artist’s later work Height, 18 inches ; width, 14 inches Signed and dated 1880 7O WILL H. LOW. : . America Love at the Helm Born 1853 Few American artists have devoted them- selves with such intelligence and thorcugh equipment to the study of the nude, the classi- cal and the allegorical as Will H. Low Height, tg inches; width, 31% inches Signed in lower right hand corner 71 GEORGE HILL McCORD England ne Born 1848 28 / ay A Dordrecht Canal An example of the artists’ work during his European tour of 1900. It lsfull of the brilliant tone color and Turneresque effects for which his work is best known Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches 72 WILLIAM H. HOWE ; America Born 1846 «nd of Day—Farm Life In Normandy hie ¢ William H. Howe is one of America’s best and most widely known cattle painters, whose work is of equal popularity in France, where he has become an officer of the Legion of Honor, and in this country. His work breathes all the fullness of out-of-doors, his bovine models have the vitality of stable occupants or meadow stragglers Height, 24 inches ; width, 30 inches 73 GUORGE INNESS . ; . ~ America 1825-1894 India Summer This canvas was painted in the conscientious, analytical fashion which marks his first period. It is a beautiful example of the master’s power of the portrayal of nature, with vivid and bril- liant color and depth of tone Height, 26 inches; width, 36 inches Signed G. I., ’54 74 A. H. WYANT . ‘ : America 1836-1892 oo jf A Gray Day Wii aa The work of the late Alexander H. Wyant is the expression of a mind of great refinement looking at Nature in her most practical aspect ; the interpretation of subtle delicacy of twilight, and the rendering of the opalescent tones of gray weather—all the gentle, loving moods of the landscape, he expresses with alluring charm and fineness of expression Height, 14 inches; width. 17 inches ss CHAS. WARREN EATON America Sunset A rich golden canvas, full of the strong, tonal qualities of this popular artist’s brush-work Height, 16 inches ; width, 22 inches 76 N. V. DIAZ pE LA PENA France 1808-1876 Forest—Interior One of the last pictures Diaz finished, and which was sold at the sale of studio effects. It is exquisitely characteristic of the beautiful wood interiors whereby the master is known Height, 12% inches ; width, 17 inches Seal of the VENTE DIAZ in the lower left hand corner 77 : 4 France 1812-1889 Sunset Dupre was a lover and student of Nature, and learned to interpret her by listening to the voices of the great dead that spoke to him out of the canvases of Hobbema, of Ruysdael and Constable. He carried his palette into the fields and forests and transcribed the glories of the sunset as seen playing through the glinting leaves and the massive tree trunks Height, 6% inches: width, 8% inches Signed J. D. in lower left hand corner GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT. No. 144. MOTHER AND CHILD. 78 J. B. C. COROT France 1796-1875 The Bridge at Auvers Corot has given to landscape painting the essence of that poesy that is present in the sim- pler as well as the sublimest phases of nature, and he transfers to his canvases the charm of the hez.vens under which nature grants her wel- come to the poet’s soul. His art is so novel, so subtle and so independent of traditions that it appeals for recognition to every lover of nature Height, 93% inches ; width, 1334 inches Signed in the lower left hand corner pe FRITT HAULOW Born 1853 Village Scene—Near Dieppe This Norwegian painter has become one of ' the most popular foreign landscapists of the present day. His strong and free brush work, suffused by exquisite tonalty, makes his scenes of field or village among the most delightfully artistic productions Height, 28 inches; width 23 inches 80 FELIX ZIEM ; France Born 1821 Morning on the Lagune—Venice 4 ae o. What Guardi was to architectural Venice, Ziem has been to her canals and their prospects of palace and of park, and he has found a mine of material in the Queen of the Adriatic. He translated Venice in broad daylight, scintillant with real sunbeams and brilliant with penetrat- ing light, with rhythmic notes of color glowing and flashing in all the harmonious significance of the City of the Doges Height, 44 inches ; width, 26 inches SECOND NIGHT’S SALE Friday, April 15th, 1904, at 8 o’clock. 81 ADDISON T. MILLAR ; America Born 1860 f} Od ; Waiting at the Door pt Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches 82 G. BELLONI : . Italy Born 1861 In the Bay of Genoa Belloni is represented in the Brooklyn Museum by a magnificent large canvas, called ‘‘ Calma,”’ which is powerful in its treatment of the surf Height, 10% inches; width, 14 inches 83 MARIE NAYLOR ‘ Engiand Contemporary 2 A Flower Girl ee This English artist is of deserved popularity at the London and provincial exhibitions Height, 1734 inches; width, 12 inches #8 a t 34 #3 C. JANIN ; : France Contemporary An Alpine Scene—Thuner See A painting of clear atmosphere and pleasing . color by a popular Parisian artist Height, 14 inches ; width, 18 inches 4 85 7 MATTEO VILLARIO CORCAS . Paris Contemporary Ideal Head A charming portrait well executed Height, 12 inches; width, ro inches BMILE.VERILLER, ; ¥ France i Contemporary Port of St. Jean de Lutz A well painted marine or shore piece of merited distinction Height, 16% inches; width, 27% inches No. 145. Te LE RRAULP EL: GIRL WITH KITTENS. 87 Z JULIEN LETOUR France | Contemporary - 2, ‘ Still Life a Water Color An excellent example of still-life painting Height, ig inches ; width, 29 inchos 3 88 JAN MoncHABLON @ & / Fd af France .. % @3 ey oy Contemporary Fie al The Farm at Jonville—-Haute Saone The careful work of this artist, which does not degrade into photographic niggling but is ever true to nature in its purest lights, is of the most popular kind among the French land- scapists Height, 18 inches ; width, 13 inches 7 389 . ae NARCISSE BERCHERE France id 1822-1890 Oriental Scene Berchere was a painter of Oriental scenery with great truth to nature, and, after receiving many honors, became Officer of the Legion of Honor in 1870 Height, 2334 inches ; width, 16 inches & gO 1) Qs WILLIAM ETTY(R.A.) . “England xd 1787-1849 Medora Watching for Conrad Many mythological and allegorical subjects were treated by Etty’s brush, of which this is an excellent example Circle, 11 inches ep | #* Z % 4s LOUISEMILE BENNASSIT . ~ France . 1833-1902 Reconnoitering This recently deceased artist ofttimes rivals De Neuville and Detaile as a military painter Height, 16% inches; width, 1254 inches re % 3 : lL. PERRY ; : France Contemporary The Wife of the Toreador Perry was a pupil of Roll, and is deservedly popular for his figure work Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches 7 93 i W.jJ. HAYS : 1s America f~ Born 1879 Z Py f “ A Southerly Wind and a Cloudy Sky” © This young American artist is of exceptional facility in his delineations of animal life, horses and dogs forming the subjects of his themes Height, 9 inches ; width, 12 inches 94 C. MYLES COLLIER America Born 1840 fi be The Mill Road—-Long Island This artist is one of the successful self-taught painters, whose studies were interrupted by service in the Civil War, but continued there- after both in this country and abroad. His landscapes and marines are noteworthy for free- dom of handling, while he always excels in his sky effects. He received a Silver Medal at the Charleston Exposition in 1902 Height, 12% inches; width, 16% inches 95 : WM. RITCHEL ; : America © ‘4 Born 1864 a aS, A Dutch Village uA This example is one of the best canvases pro- duced by the artist during his work in the - Netherlands Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches 96 i “>, WILLIAM H. HOWE America ‘ Born 1846 | A Lion A strong and well-drawn likeness of the king of beasts Height, 18% inches ; width. 2534 iuches : 97 Q* PREDERICK W.KOST . . America Born 1861 The Hay Lot The soundness of the methods used by this artist have placed him in the front rank of American landscape painters. He is a tonal painter of vigorous conception, free brush work, and infusing his canvas with the breath of nature Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches ; % ‘ 98 ) ROBERT DAVIDGAULEY . America Born 1875 The Tyrolean Alps See sub No. 28. The clear atmosphere and rugged depths of Alpine scenery are grasped with sterling vividness Height, 18 iuches: width, 24 inches No. 153 NED Vie DUAZ: TURKISH CHILDREN. ue ‘ 99 GEO. HILL McCORD ; America Born 1848 French Boats in Boulogne Harbor This painting brings to mind the English river views of the artist’s earlier days. It is painted in the full strength of his perfected art’ Height, 20 inches ; width, 26 inches 100 EDWARD POTTHAST America €% a Born 1857 ; ad en 2 iF ug * Marigolds A charming example of beautiful color scheme, in a line with the graceful and poetic delineation of plastic imagery for which the artist has become noted Height, 30 inches ; width, 24 inches IOI EL, LOVAL FIELD ; : America Born 1856 ar Clearing Mr. Field, although a pupil of Carolus Duran, has elected to follow a stronger manner of nature painting than his master could have taught him. His is work that is eminently sat- isfying because of its out-door feeling Height, 20 inches ; width? 30 inches # f) * , 102 FRANK RUSSELL GREEN : America Born 1859 Hauling the Log Frank Russell Green’s picture, purchased by the Lotos Club Fund at the National Academy Exhibition of 1896, revealed a man of strong individuality. He has, like so many, entirely left the early teachings of his masters, Bou- langer, Lefebre, Collin and Couture, and gone to Nature’s fount for inspiration Height, 28 inches ; width, 36 inches \ ok 103 ah © C. P. REAM America t! Contemporary Fruit The example of this painter of still-life is con- sidered to be the artist’s masterwork Height, 40inches width, 28 inches ae 104 i u A. T. BRICHER : America 3 Born 18389 Rocky Cove The artist is widely known for his coast views, whereof this is an excellent example Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches 105 ra H.F,WALTMAN | America Ne 4 Affection i A charming face of a young girl holding a pet terrier. The handling of the brush is free and with sureness; the color scheme is delight- fully pleasing . Oval: height, 25 inches ; width, 21 inches 106 FRANK M BOGGS. . America OO: Born 1855 we hve Whitby—Near Dover, England Boggs does not only convey in his work the impression of what he sees, but how he feels it, too; which is the secret of his charm which holds many in a spell they know not why. His recoguition abroad was immediate on his arrival, and he has become one of the most famous members of the American Colony there Height, 20 inches: width, 25 inches 107 Oy CHARLES MELVILLE DEWEY . America Boru 1851 Twilight C. M. Dewey became early known as a truth- ful delineator of familiar phases of American landscape, and especially in giving the aerial variety of constant atmospheric changes. His sympathy is with the riper developments of color, while he always seeks to transcribe the effects of nature’s light in vivid veracity Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches - GEORGE ELMER BROWNE . America Born 1871 On the Cliffs A canvas with the breezy out-of-door’s feeling of a work made on the very grass-covered dune here represented. Geo. Elmer Browne is one of the coming, prominent landscape painters, yea, may be said to have fully arrived. He is strong and sure in his brush. work and of great individuality LS: a Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches 109 n §, Otarsert GROLL | jr fl ~ Born 1866 A Bit of Sandy Hook This unusually talented artist has, at an early age, arrived at a place of preference in the painter’s guild. Heis a master in his art. His exquisite touch and deeply reverential treat- ment of nature make his landscapes amongst the cho‘cest productions of this flourishing epoch in American landscape painting Height, 25 inches ; width, 35 inches Ilo a _H. LAISSEMENT France Ke av | Contemporary | The Archbishop’s Dinner A painter of Parisian taste, with dramatic and effective manner of telling a pictorial story Height, 25% inches ; width, 21 inches GEORGES MEYER : France / Contemporary After the Day’s Work is done This pupil of Gerome delights in painting anecdotal pictures of charm and piquancy. The famous court milliner of the Empress Josephine, Mademoiselle Bertin, is represented here in one of the Empress’ boudoirs relaxnig herself from her duties Height, 18 inches ; width, 15 inches 112 GEORGE WASHINGTON (deceased) France fs rte 5 Horses Drinking ys . se G. Washington was born at Marseilles, re- ceived an Honorable Mention in Paris in 1876, a Medal of the Second Class in 1886, and became Hors Concours. His Oriental subjects are full of local color, treated in a free and broad manner seal Height, 213 inches; width, 31% inches 113 EUGENE JETTEL , : Moravia y Born 1845 a> erat Landscape and Sheep aa Hy Jettel paints landscape in free and broad way, with thorough sympathy for nature. His views are artistically chosen Height, 25 inches ; width, 363% inclies ) | 2 114 PROF. GABRIEL SCHACHINGER . Munich Contemporary Mother and Daughter The beautiful texture of the old German cos- tumes, and the charming detail of the brush- work, make this a delightfully decorative canvas Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches éj an 115 \ 4 “VICTOR PIERRE HUGUET France : Born 1835 Halt of Atabs Huguet stands supreme among painters of Oriental life and scenery, both as a colorist and a delineator of the natural features of the coun- try andof human form. Although often ranked among the impressionists, he is, in fact, a realist of extraordinary finesse and force of technique Height, 14% inches; width, 18 inches £%% 116 ~ M. COULAUD } France Contemporary Sheep in the Heatherfield The rich landscape of the blooming heather- field, with well disposed clumps of trees, with the animation of a moving, browsing flock, presents a beautiful sample of the artist’s work apiTTETRR Height, 17 inches ; width, 26 inches 117 MME. BILDERS VAN BOSSE . Holland Contemporary 2, Birch Trees A Water color Mrs. Bilders van Bosse studied principally with her late husband, J. W. Bilders, and Anton Mauve, who taught her to paint direct from nature. She is particularly excellent in her sketches of wood interiors, especially in water color, which are much admired in Holland Height, 18% inches; width, 25% inches ‘, 3 118 : 2 Be CHEVALIER J. HEEMSKERK VAN BEEST Holland Contemporary Approaching Storm A marine painter of considerable power. The ocean, with pilot and fishing boats near the shore or in harbor, furnishes him his themes Height, 13 inches; width, 18% inches 119 Ga: Ge oERINGHR. . : / Holland 1832-1892 Street Scene in Dordrecht, Holland Springer was faultless in his drawing of his street scenes in various towns and cities. His work is in different museums in Holland, and highly appreciated Height, 25% inches ; width, 21% inches I20 W.C. NAKKEN ; ; - Holland Born 1847 Haying in Holland Nakken’s subjects are taken directly from nature. They have an artistic quality and tone that are commendable. Horses near some farm house or court generally furnish him his theme Height, 14% inches; width, 19% inches ; ei & L221 | '\) H.J. VAN DER WEELE Holland Born 1858 Sheep in the Meadows Like Ter Meulen, he was a friend of Mauve and influenced by his subjects. He feels the charm of those simple and beautiful pastoral scenes, and paints them with freedom and strength. He studies in summer from nature, residing at some small village where he can find barns and sheep on the neighboring meadow Height, 33 inches; width, 24 inches : 122 Ce ae qi Far .. WFREDERICH RICHARD LEE (R. A.) — “ England 5 1799-1879 The Ruined Abby F. R. Lee first exhibited at the Royal Acad- emy in 1824, and became a Royal Academician in 1838. His works are chiefly inspired by English scenery Height, 20 inches ; width, 25% inches JULES DUPRE. et aah’ 123 pans. FRANCES COTES (R. A.) . England € te 1726-1770 Portrait of a Lady Cotes was eminent as a portrait painter, and one of the original members of the Royal Academy Height, 50 inches ; width, 40 inches & 124 Bo JOCK WILSON ; ; England \/ 1'774-1855 Calais Harbour John Wilson, called Jock Wilson, was a Scot- tish landscape and marine painter, who studied with Nasmyth, and afterwards became known as an able interpreter of his chosen subjects Height, 35 inches ; width, 24 inches 125 iZase JUSTUS SUSTERMANS ——Ss‘ Flemish z 1597-1681 A Lady in Red Dress A well-painted example by this prominent Flemish master Height, 28 inches; width, 21 inches 126 # SIR AUG. CALLCOTT ; England ‘S&F 1779-1844 oY 2 Minster Church, Kent Callcott was a pupil of John Hoppner, but be- came better known asa landscape painter. As such he ranks among the best contemporaries of Turner and Constable. The surname of ‘‘ the English Claude,’’ which has been given him, proves the esteem felt for his works, in which English scenery is treated with unaffected truthiulness Height, 26 inches; width, 18 inches Y gee 127 | . gyi SIR GODFRIED KNELLER . England 7 1640-1723 2 Portrait of Lord Teviot Son of Lord Spencer Kneller was the fashionable portrait painter of his time in England. He was born in Lubeck and came to England in 1674, where he enjoyed the favor of Charles II. Height, 50 inches; width. 40 inches 128 \ \ Se cindi (R. A). ie eee : 1726-1770 Portrait of a Gentleman A strong and well-painted example of this popu- lar portrait limner Height, 35 inches ; width, 27 inches 129 JOHANN ZOFFANY . England 1733-1810 gq ay Portrait of an Officer An excellent example of a painter who may be called English by adoption Height, 32 inches ; width, 24 inches . 130 | ROBERT NOBLE (R. S. A.) j Scotland — # | Contemporary "} el Sunset in North Britain | , A richly-toned landscape by a well-known man, who by his independent work, as distin— guished from the Glasgow school, has earned a great reputation among the British artists and Connoisseurs Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches beat ANDREA SOLDI England " é) 32 ga diner arlvof Oxtord Soldi, born in Floretice, went early to Eng- land, where he achieved great fame as a portrait painter, executing many notable comniissions 1682-1735 3 da Height, 54 inches; width, 40 inches Signed and dated oo 132 Ls ; SIR PETER LELY England ase eee The Countess of Falmouth Singularly refined and effective, this por- trait is pre-eminently that of alady. The flow- ing folds, the slender hands, the regular features are all animated with great freedom and painted in Sir Peter’s best manner Height, 49 inches ; width, 39 inches From the collections of Dr. A. H, Reed and Martin H. Colnaghi, London 133 { s. SIR HENRY RAEBURN (R. A.) . England i. ee 1756-1823 Mrs. James of Dunure, Scotland Raeburn had the Scottish supremacy in por- traiture. Although only within the last twenty years his high rank in art has been fully ac- knowledged, he now may be said to class with Reynolds and Gainsborough among British painters Height, 29 inches ; width, 25 inches Purchased from the family 134 JOHN CONSTABLE (R. A.) England a - 1776-1837 _) o- Moonlight ad An out-door sketch of great beauty Height, 11% inches; width, 8 inches From the collection of Cyril Constable, the painter’s grandson 135 JOHN CONSTABLE (R. A.) . England 1776-1837 % Mapt Dedham Vale A quiet, unpretentious landscape of small dimensions, but large in line and dignified in arrangement. Dedham Vale was perhaps the most favorite sketching ground of the master Height, 11% inches; width, 8 inches From the coliection of Clifford Constable, the painter’s grandson . 136 GEORGE MORLAND . ; England 1763-1804 Smugglers in the Isle of Wight This painting, which has been engraved by W. Ward, has the more refined touch which often signalizes Morland’s brush-work. It is beautiful in color and tonality Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches From Martin H. Colnaghi, London, England a7, JAMES STARK 5 ; England 1794-1859 The Bathers Stark was a landscape painter and frequent contributor to the Royal Academy. Many of his pictures are often confounded with those of ** Old Crome,’’ whom he reached in effectiveness Height, 12% inches: width, 16 inches From the collection of Mr. A. H. Hollings- worth, proprietor and editor of ‘‘Engineering”’ (London, England). pore Ni A. g kuensatnneer 2 O Oe A 138 2D RICHARD PARKS BONINGTON . England 1801-1828 On the French Coast Dyiug at the age of twenty-seven, Boning- ton’s career was more or less meteoric, for he did equally well marines, landscapes, and the figure. He studied in France and was first appreciated there, although he did not lack recognition in England, where he was born. His Colorscheme is peculiarly forceful and luminous Height, 1234 inches ; width, 16 inches i. 139 A GEORGE MORLAND . 1763-1804 England Winter A landscape in winter’s white mantel, which is of peculiar interest in showing the artist in dignified repose Height, 12 inches ; width, to inches 140 rr bi g, JOHN CONSTABLE (R.A.) . England = A 1 “ 1776-1837 A Lane in Suffolk The London ‘‘Observer,’? April 21, 1895, writes of this study: ‘‘‘ The Lane in Suffolk’ shows the painter’s power as a colorist to per- fection.’?> The ‘‘ Hythe Reporter,’? April 27, 1895, writes: ‘‘‘ A Lane in Suffolk’ is admir- ably rendered”’ Height, 9 inches ; width, 8 inches I41 JOHN CONSTABLE (R. A.) England 2 1776-1837 A Meadow One of his interesting sketches Height, ro inches ; width, 13 inches From the collection of the late Miss Ella N. Constable, the paiuter’s granddaughter, Pur- chased from Richard Millns, Esq., London, England 142 re JOHN ERNST HEINSIUS Nv A German painter of the 18th Century Portrait of a Lady There is in the J,ouvre by this painter, a por- trait of Madame Victoire, fifth daughter of Louis XV. Height, 50 inches ; width, 4o inches Formerly the property of the Rev. Dr. Par- sons, of Chelsea, England, from whose descend- ants it was purchased 143 ADOLPHE MONTICELLI 1824-1886 Cavaliers and Ladies in an Avenue The splendid color sense of this distinguished painter is present all through thiscanvas, which palpitates with deep, rich, tones and is graceful with the lines of a harmonious composition France Height, 17 inches ; width, 27 inches 7 144 A, si . .€ GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT ._ England 1767-1797 Mother and Child Gainsborough Dupont, nephew and pupil of Thomas Gainsborough, R. A., painted in the style of his uncle. His color is charming and many of his pictures are as good as some of those of his great relative Height, 3614 inches; width, 28 inches Ris 145 “ LEON PERRAULT : ; France Born 1832 Girl Playing with Kittens Perrault was a pupil of Picotand Bouguereau, and learned from them the scrupulous care with which he finishes his figures. Sometimes he indulges his fancy in the portrayal of gay dames in high life, at other times he is more seriously inclined. Then he invests the types of lowly life with pathos and poetry, and teaches lessons of deeper import, while showing the patience and gentleness of the children of the poor Height, 43% inches; width, 32% inches 1 46 G. WEIGAND : = America Contemporary Landscape An important canvas by a popular Brooklyn artist Height, inches; width, 36 inches re No. 155, Cc. F. DAUBIGNY. HOUSES NEAR A RIVER MARTIN RICO. . . Spain S ayy * ee Born in Madrid, 1840 Syrian Landscape Rico studied with Fortuny. He received a Medal, Third Class at the Exposition Univer- selle of 1878, in which year he also was made a member of the Legion of Honor. He received a silver medal in 1889 To Rico, it has been well said, nature seems to be a sort of dreamland, bathec in sunshine and fanned with gentle air. He shares the brilliant methods of the band of Spanish-French painters, but with more serenity and yet no loss of piquant spirit upon occasion Height, 26% inches; width, 36% inches . 148 ROSA BONHEUR } ; France 1822-1898 3 50! The Old Chestnut Horse js The most distinguished member of her sex in the history of art had, after a youth of trial and struggle, a life rich in all the rewards that perseverance can conquer for genius This examble is worthy of her remarkable talent in the painting of animals Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches ? ane 149 of aforants be 7 te LAS LEPINE ; France 2 1836-1892 Street in Montmartre An excellent example of this best pupil of Corot, who is to-day one of the most distin- guished of the modern French landscape painters. His luminosity in color, and beauty of expression are eminently exemplified in this canvas Height, 14 inches; width, 10% inches 150 * MAXIME MAUFRA f France Let? Born 1861 Les Goemans Jauns, Coast of Brittany The rocks covered with dark yellow seaweed, typical of Brittany, form a strong note in the turquoise blue of sky and water. It is a beau- tiful example of this strong representative of the impressionist school Height, 24 inches; width, 30 inches B a, 4 * I5I 4) ' ALFRED SISLEY ; France 1840-1899 | Chemin a Veneux, Near Moret One of the most eminent of the Giverney school of luminarists, Sisley holds the pre-em1- nence for his simplicity and poetic feeling. This canvas was selected at one time by a well- known connoisseur as the best of a hundred canvases by Sisley offered to him. It is exquis- ite in its beauty and strength Height, 19% inches; width, 2534 inches 152 i B,C, COROT 1796-1875 Landscape Though the leader of the famous group who rescued landscape painting from the barrenness of the so-called classic landscape, Corot was, in fact, more classic than the classicists. He re-_ vitalized the old classic spirit in color and light, as presented in this example Height, 10% inches; width, 18 inches 153 N. V. DIAZ pE LA PENA France 1808-1876 | 40 & Turkish Children A romantically picturesque figure in art is that of Diaz, who was animated by the vitality of a joyous nature which supported him through the afflictions of a laborious youth and the pri- vations of an early manhood of neglect. His gayly-hued and volatile conceptions of Moorish children never convey, however, the laborious care wherewith he studied to bring forth such wonderful color effects Height, 7% inches; width, 6 inches Signed in the lower right hand corner NN > ad | 154 | JULES DUPRE : : : France 1812-1889 Marine This superb painter of landscape and the sea found his delight in the sublime strength of the storm on the vast, untamed element that rolls and tosses and seethes. The stormy sky, the windblown fishing smacks, the remorseless waters, the aerial envelope—how glorious an in- terpretation of majestic strength and grandeur Y Height, 1634 inches; width, 13% inches Signed in the lower right hand corner 155 . 8 2 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY . France ' 1817-1878 Houses Near a River This example is one of those delightful, lov- able pictures in which we find the soft springi- ness of the green sod, the reflections in the placid water, the sighing river-rushes, the shim- mering summer sky—Nature, idyllic, serene and robed in beauty. {On the back of this panel is written in ink: *‘Je reconnais ce tableau pour un original de mon pere.’’ (Signed) KARL DAUBIGNY, April, 1879] © Height, 1054 inches ; width, 2344 inches Signed in the lower right hand corner 156 i B, ©; COROT : : , France 1796-1875 » ()I Peale Gide | Corot’s art was not a revolt against form, but a reincarnation of the spirit of nature, which he expresses in color, light and movement, The verdure in this example, so tenderly fresh, misty. gray, dusky green, the effective massing of hiscomposition, the wholestirred and lapped with air and light, make this canvas a choice ‘gem of delicate charm Height, 1254 inches ; width, 15% inches 157 FRITS THAULOW : Norway & Born 1853 & eS @ ‘ ind Winter, Norway Thaulow’s leading characteristics are a frank individuality, inspired by love of country, racy of the soil, light, color, atmosphere and spirit of Norway. His superb command of technique leaves nothing to be desired in his landscapes, which are always sober and controlled, and of great sincerity Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches ; as 158 VIRGILIO TOJETTI : America 1849-1903 The Pet Tejetti was born in Rome, but came to America when twenty-one years of age and lived there with the exception of a few year’s of study in Paris under Géromeand Bouguereau. His deco- rative female figures are well known. In his geure, of which this canvas is one of his best, he was eminently siucere and serious Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches e . as , 159 Ne * GEORGE H. BOGERT ; America 3 & Born 1864 Early Moonlight—Holland Mr. Bogert’s pictures testify to the maturity of his style. He is a pronounced synthesist, seeking always tosecureunity of ensemble, and rarily striking a false note in his efforts to pro- duce a harmonious arrangement of color and effect Height, 24 inches; width, 24 inches *} i Q . 160 gs CHARLES WARREN EATON Araene Born 1865 Old Windmill, Holland Mr. Eaton is one of the most popular artists at the present day. Taking most prizes in the past three years, he has also attracted attention to his work by its wonderful beauty, sincerity of spirit and painstaking, yet free execution Height, 20 inches: width, 30 inches 161 ROBERT C. MINOR ; : America fe. : G Or Born 1840 ; | pt Before the Storm The work of Robert C. Minor possesses the qualities of luminosity, depths of tone, and ripeness and vitality of color, all suffused with poetic and tender sentiment and a profound feeling for color. This example is to be as- cribed to his best period Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches 162 GEORGE INNESS ; ; America 1825-1894 i ae fy» Early Autumn, Montclair rn | One of the best examples of this greatest of American landscape painters when in his best period. There is no narrowness of horizon, but a largeness and breadth of grasping the vital essence of nature limning. His art is of the most genuinely sympathetic quality, stamped with supreme individuality Height, 30 inches ; width, 45 inches Signed and dated 1894 Py Ty * 5 vial nong the best known of . he rich, vibrating color his canvases aredue _ Mat. nature’s deeper, most _ ae “ ose a “ 4 = me Fe, age ae pohhee Ee aye im ; “nature, ek nore and more the long aa canvas by i it twelve Aad re fore a ee ee cnet egmamnmeie Sa 0,100 : _ James P. Silo concluded last ZA ft sale by auction, in the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, of David C. Preyser’s paintings. Wighty-five numbers of the catalogue prought $22,997.50. It was a success. The picture that brought the highest price was _. the most artistic. 4 Ay, was Sisley’s “Road at Veneux, Near’ Moret.” W. ©. Starr got it for $3,100. “The galleries were crowded. The specta- 7 tors were appreciative and sagely critical. Mr. Silo’s lectures were apt, interesting and influential. hames of Coneirti titles of pictures, and e in the following list: sein, “Waiting at Door,’’ $20. | 82--Belloni, “Bay of Genoa,” $15... A $3—-Naylor, “