8 yh GUE leat G. 3: a _ ral fab 1918 1348—I918 Apr.8 m] NeAnH ny ae Ws Print Collection of Lil ide aire Frederic R. Halsey |B part XII Dutch and English portrait Engravers and Dia Wasters Cras @ pocnreresness - |) poe pe hada >, SS ae oe bye . A= — ae ee ee eee ee OB uaeORisiacser se tril! PARK AVENUE. & FIF TY-NINTH STREET [PLAZA 9356] sa il ef tt rN Peoyssvey vay vie ber i. =_ /' 4 c ~~ = ; Be < i — : . . y hee 7 “i 1 k THE FREDERIC R. HALSEY COLLECTION OF PRINTS PART XiIl DUTCH AND ENGLISH PORTRAIT ENGRAVERS AND OLD MASTERS OF THE SIXTEENTH SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES TO BE SOLD MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS APRIL EIGHTH AND NINTH 1918 AT 8:15 O'CLOCK On Public Exhibition from Monday, April Ist THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK CITY CONDITIONS OF -sacue All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots pur- chased to be resold immediately. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty- four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being lable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. TERMS CaAsH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Ander- son Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for Fifty Cents for each Session of the Sale. THE ANDERSON. GALUE RIS INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE, PLAZA 9350 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A, CHAPMAN NOTE HE Twelfth Part of the Frederic R. Halsey Print Collec- tion consists chiefly of the work of Dutch and English portrait engravers of the Seventeenth and Highteenth Cen- turies and a number of prints by masters of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. | Particularly noteworthy are the thirty-nine prints by Jacob Houbraken, especially the ‘‘ Birch-Heads”’ rarely found in such quality. Other masters of the Dutch School are Willem Jacobsz Delff represented with twenty prints, Suyder- hoef with forty-six, Tanjé with twelve, Valeck with nine, in- eluding the beautiful ‘‘ Portrait of Hortense Mancini,’’ van Dalen with fifteen among which are four superb proofs of *‘Boceaccio,’’ ‘‘Aretino,’’ ‘‘Piombo’’ and ‘‘Giorgione,’’ re- markably well preserved and with large margins, van Troyen with seven magnificent equestrian portraits, van Gunst with nineteen, van Merlen with eleven, van Sampall with five and G. Visscher with nine including the famous ‘‘Portrait of Pieter Schreijoer.’’ , Among the English prints are numerous examples by W. Faithorne, G. Vertue, R. White, and D. Loggan. T. van der Banck and the three members of the van der Gucht family are also well represented. Earlier English engravers to whom attention should be drawn are Francis Delaram with six prints, R. Elstracke with five, William Marshall with nine, and Thomas Cecill, Thomas Cross, Thomas Cockson, John Droeshout, R. Gaywood, George Glover, John Payne and Robert Vaughan. French engravers include lL. Gautier and Thomas de Leu. And other nations are represented by de Gheyn, Goltzius, Hollar, Muller, Aegidius, Sadeler, the three van de Passe, Vorsterman, and Anthonie and Jerome Wierix. THE FREDERIC R. HALSEY COLLECTION OF PRINTS PART XII DUTCH AND ENGLISH PORTRAIT ENGRAVERS AND OLD MASTERS OF THE SIXTEENTH SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES FIRST SESSION Monday Evening, April 8, 1918, at 8:15 o'clock LOTS 1-218 HENDRICK BARY. 1 LA DUCHESSE DE LA VALIERE. >& Half length. Early impression before ‘‘Clement de Jonghe Exe.’’ On Rembrandt paper. With small | all margin lacking the plate-mark. 4to. Rare and fine. 2 ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. 3 ge With “‘Clement de Jonghe Exe.’’ On the same paper, with good margin. 4to. Also fine. 3 GEORGE DE MEY, pastor at Gouda. Three-quarter length standing. After C. van Diemen. as Fine impression with small margin, trimmed just at the plate-mark; had been folded. 8vo. From the G. Storck Collection. yi ‘ SIMON SIMONIDES, theologian. Half length in oval. After Johan de Bane. Fine im- pression with good margin. Folio. (2) _ ge CORNELIS BLOEMAERT. JACQUES FAVEREAU, counsel at the court of taxation. Bust in oval, with ornamentation. Fine impression before the engraver’s name. With good margin. Small Ato. COLUMBA DE TOFANINIS, of the order of 8. Francis. Bust in oval after G. B. Ramacciotti. With very small margin lacking the plate-mark. Small 4to. CHARLES II, King of Great Britain. P. Aubry, exe. Bust in oval after an engraving by Loggan. Old impression on paper with the too inter- laced ‘‘Cs.’’ With small margin showing the plate- mark. Two wormholes. Small 4to. (3) ABRAHAM DE BLOIS. CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA, Queen of Charles II of England. Half length in oval after D. de Plaats. Closely trimmed. Folio. Rare. CHARLES V, DUKE OF LORRAINE. Half length in oval. After Herbel. Proof before all letters, but with the coat-of-arms. With margin trimmed just at the plate-mark. Folio. Very rare. ABRAHAM BLOOTELING. JAN COCCEJI, professor of theology at Leyden. Half length standing. After I. van Someren. Closely trimmed. 8vo. Very fine. From the 8. W. and Baron Scheffler collections. | THOMAS OSBORNE, duke of Leeds, lord high treasurer of England. Bust in oval. After P. Lely. With small margin, just trimmed at the plate-mark. 8vo. WILLEM VAN HAREN, famous Dutch diplomat. Bust in oval. After B. Vaillant. Closely trimmed, and a small piece of the right upper corner missing. Ato. (38) 6 JAMES DUKE OF MONMOUTH. Three-quarter length standing. After P. Lely. With small margin showing the plate-mark. 4to. EDWARD LORD MONTAGUE, first earl of Sandwich. Half length in oval. After P. Lely. Closely trimmed and unnecessarily laid down. (2) SCHELTE A. BOLSWERT. PORTRAIT OF THE ENGRAVER. Three-quarter length standing. Engraved by AS Lom- melin after A. van Dyck. With margin trimmed just at the plate-mark. 8vo. MARIA RUTEN, wife of van Dyck. Three-quarter length standing. With good margin. 8vo. MARTIN PEPYN, painter. Half length standing. After A. van Dyck. With small margin showing the plate-mark. 8vo. ROBERT BELLARMIN, jesuit, cardinal and conservator of the Vatican. Full length seated at his writing table. With small margin showing the plate-mark. 4to. From the J. Soulavie collection. (4) MATTHEUS BORREKENS. IGNATIUS LOYOLA, founder of the Jesuit society. Half length in oval. After E. Quellinus. Closely trimmed and remargined on three sides. Folio. PIETER CLOUWET. ANNA WAKE. Three-quarter length standing. After A. van Dyck. With very small margin. 8vo. MAXIMILAN WILIBALD. Bust in oval. After A. van Hulle. With margin. Small 4to. HENRY RICHEH, baron of Kensington. Three-quarter length standing. After A. van Dyck. First state, proof before the name of the personage. With small margin showing the plate-mark. 8vo. Rare and fine. JAN DE MEY, theologian and professor of philosophy. Half length in oval. Closely trimmed and! inlaid. With a small rust hole. Small 4to. (4) 7 Bg | ae 12 13 14 15 JACOB COELEMANS. PIERRE JEAN BOYER, attorney general at the Parlia- ment of Provence. Three-quarter length standing with his pet dog. After J. Celloni. With margin showing the plate-mark. Folio. VINCENT BOYER, counsel at the Parliament of Prov- ence. Three-quarter length seated. After LeGrand. With small margin showing the plate-mark. Folio. HENRI PUGET, bishop of Digne. Half length in oval. After J. Celloni. Proof before the inscription on the base. With small margin lack- ing the plate-mark. Folio. (38) HENDRICK DANCKERTS. CHARLES II, King of Great Britain. Bust in oval. After A. Hanneman. On paper with the ‘‘Folly.’’ Closely trimmed, but with the complete inscription margin. Folio. Very fine. HENRIETTA MARIA, Queen of Great Britain and mother of Charles II. 1649. Half length in oval. After A. van Dyck. With large margin (deckel edges). (2) WILLEM JACOBSZ DELFF. CHARLES I, King of Great Britain. 1620. Bust in oval. After D. Mytens. Franken 1. With small margin, showing the plate-mark. Folio. Rare. From the collection of King Ferdinand of Portugal. Companion to No. 15. © HENRIETTA MARIA, Queen of Great Britain, daughter of Henri IV of France. 1630. Half length in oval. After D. Mytens. Franken 3. Second state, the inscriptions are complete. With very small margins, lacking the plate-mark. A few small tears in the border, carefully repaired. Folio. Rare. Companion to No. 14. 8 16 ‘| Sd FREDERICK V, King of Bohemia and Count Palatine of the Rhine, in armor 1632. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 8. With very small margin, lacking the plate-mark. Folio. Rare. ELIZABETH, Queen of Bohemia, wife of Frederick V and daughter of James I. 1623. Half length in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 10. Second state, part of the right earring is partly visible. Fine impression on contemporary paper, with large margin. Folio. Fine. ANOTHER PORTRAIT OF THE SAME. 16380. Half length in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 11. Fine impression on contemporary paper, with large margin. Folio. Rare. From the A. F. Didot collection. FREDERICK HENRY, Count Palatine of the Rhine, son of Frederick V of Bohemia. 1629. :Franken 12. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Fine impression on contemporary paper, but closely trimmed and inlaid. Folio. SOPHIE HEDWIG, duchess of Brunswick-Luneburg. 16381. Half length in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 15. Fine impression on contemporary paper, with small margin, but showing the plate-mark. A small piece of the inscription margin has been replaced. Folio. LOUISE DE COLIGNY, first wife of William the Silent of Orange and mother of Frederick Henry. 1627. Half length in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 20. Contemporary impression with good margin. Folio. Companion to No. 22. GASPARD DE COLIGNY, marshal. 1631. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 21. Second state, the date is changed from 1630 to 1631. With small margin, lacking the plate-mark. The right lower corner slightly repaired. Folio. Companion to No. 21. 9 23 | Se 24 A ~ 20 io oy. 6 26 he ed LUDOVICUS JOACHIM CAMERARIUS, ambassador of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, to Belgium 1629. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 17. Second state, ‘‘ Autatis LVI’’ is engraved on the border. With small margin, showing the plate-mark at top and bottom only. Small 4to. SIR DUDLEY CARLTON, British envoy to Belgium. 1620. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 26. Fine impression with small margin showing the plate- mark. 8vo. JOHAN VAN OLDENBARNEVELD, keeper of the creat seal of Holland. 1677. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. Franken 54. With small margin showing the plate-mark. Small 4to. (8) MICHAEL JANSZ MIEREVELD, portrait painter. Three-quarter length standing. After A. van Dyck. F. 47. Third state, before Delff’s name was substituted for that of Hondius and before the letters ‘‘G. H.’’ (Gillis Hendricx) instead of Mart. van den Enden excudit.’’ On paper with the ‘‘Folly,’’ Dutuit No. 1. With very small margin showing the complete inscrip- tion, folded and carefully pressed out. Small 4to. Fine. From the ‘‘8. W.’’ and Baron Scheffler collections. WILLIAM, COUNT OF NASSAU. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. 1644. F. 49. With very small margin, but showing the full insecrip- tion. Folio. From the ‘‘S. W.’’ and Baron Scheffler collections. WILLIAM LOUIS, COUNT OF NASSAU. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. 1633. F. 50. With very small margin but showing the full inscrip- tion; slightly creased. Folio. With the collector’s mark ‘‘W’’ stamped in purple. FREDERICK HENRY, PRINCE OF ORANGE. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. 1624. F. 61. With small margin, lacking the plate-mark. Folio. With the collector’s mark of an ‘‘8 pointed star with a white centre’’ stamped in carmine. 10 a 28 AXEL, COUNT OXENSTIERNA. Bust in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. 1634. F. 66. Past (‘One of the finest plates by the engraver.’’ Franken.) Karly impression on paper of ‘‘Lily on crowned shield’ ned and the letters W.R.’’ With good margin) Folio. Very fine and rare. 29 CATHERINE, COUNTESS CULENBORCH. Half length in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. 1636. FS dagen F. 70. Early impression on the same paper as the preceding, but with very small margin, showing how- mys i ever the full inscription. A ‘crease through the center ’ carefully pressed out. Folio. Fine. 30 AMELIE, COUNTESS SOLMS. Half length in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. 1626. [IE - F. 82. With small margin lacking the plate-mark. go Skinned on the back and carefully covered up. Folio. 31 ANOTHER PORTRAIT OF THE SAME. Half length in oval. After M. J. Miereveld. 1629. | F. 83. Second state; a small triangle is added to the Il— upper stone of the brooch. On the same paper as No. 28, with small margin, lacking the plate-mark. yy ay A small piece of the white paper replaced in the left " lower corner. Folio. ENGRAVER NOT ASCERTAINED. 32 ROBERT DUDLEY, COUNT LEICESTER. Full length on horseback, in arched border. With | mo small margin, showing the plate-mark. Slightly stained. - 8vo. | pAtr.| 88 LADY FAIRFAX. | Three-quarter length standing. After Gerard Soest (Zoust). Proof before all letters, with very small margin, but showing the blank inscription space. Small 4to. Extremely rare. From the J. Gulston collection. 34 WILLEM DE EERSTE PRINCE OF ORANGE; MAURITS PRINCE OF ORANGE; FERDINAND ALVAREZ DUKE OF ALVA; FREDERICK yf aon ALVAREZ DUKE OF ALVA. Busts in ovals. The first and second with small mar- gins, the two following with good margins. All small trantan Atos. bis 35 36 38 JOANNES DE ROY, professor of philosophy at the uni- versity of Leyden. Bust in oval in a rectangular border. With large margin. Small 4to. THOMAS A KEMPIS. Half length. From Bullart, ‘‘ Academy of Science and arts.’’? With small margin showing the plate-mark; laid down. 8vo. From the Robt. Hoe collection. HENRY IV, KING OF FRANCE. Half length standing in armor. With small margin showing the plate-mark. 8vo. (7) PRINCE RUPERT, third son of Frederick V. King of Bohemia and Elizabeth of England. Half length in oval. Proof before any inscriptions, possibly by P. de Brune. With small margin, just trimmed at the plate-mark. Folio. Very rare. With a collector’s mark, not mentioned by Fagan. DANIEL SEGERS, Jesuit and flower painter. Half length standing. After J. Livensz. With very small margin, lacking the plate-mark. Small 4to. From the Soliman Lieutaud and Naudet collections. CORNELIS TROMP, Dutch admiral. Bust in oval. With large margin (deckel edges). 4to. — ANOTHER PORTRAIT OF THE SAME. Half length standing with very small margin. Small 4to. ANOTHER PORTRAIT OF THE SAME. : Half length standing. With large margins. 8vo. MARTIN HARPERTZ TROMP, Dutch admiral. Half length in oval. ‘‘C. Duran excu.’’ With very small margin, but showing the full inscription. Small 4to. From the P. Gervaise collection. (4) JACOB FOLKEMA. DOMINICUS MARIA VARULET, bishop of Babylon. (Missionary at New Orleans.) Three-quarter length seated. After A. Pothoven. With small margin, lacking the plate-mark. Small 4to. JACQUELINE, COUNTESS OF HAINAULT. 1753. Half length in arched frame. After T. Jelgersma. With margin showing the plate-mark. 4to. 12 MORETT, goldsmith to Henry VIII of England. Three-quarter length standing. After H. Holbein. Closely trimmed, but with the full inscription. 4to. From the A. A. Weston collection. JACOBUS TYKEN, Dutch preacher. 1744. Half length standing. After A. Folkema. With large margin. Large 4to. ANNE OF GREAT BRITAIN, PRINCESS OF ORANGE, daughter of George II. Half length in oval. Engraved by Phil. Endlich after Ph. van Dyck. With margin showing the plate-mark. Small 4to. LE CHEVALIER DE PANCEY. 1752. Half length standing. Etched by L. Fruytiers after Nobilis Exshaw. With good margin. 4to. (6) CORNELIS GALLE. ADAM ADAMI, Benedictine prior; ADRIAN CLANT OF STEDE. OTTO GERICKE, inventor of the air pump. All three plenipotentiary envoys to the peace confer- ence at Osnabruck. All busts in ovals. After van Hulle. With small margins, showing the plate-marks. 4tos. The third from the Baron Scheffler collections. (3) CHARLES I, King of Great Britain. Bust in oval with ornamental border. After N. van der Horst. With very small margin. Large 8vo. From the Burleigh James collection. PETER COLLINS. Half length in oval. Closely trimmed. 8vo. HUGO EVERHARD CRATZ, COUNT OF SCHARPF- FENSTEIN. Bust in oval. Engraved by C. Galle senior. With margin showing the plate-mark. 8vo. Fine. From the Griggs collection. (3) FERDINAND III, Roman Emperor. Half length in oval with ornamental border. After A. van Hulle. Closely trimmed and laid down. Royal folio. From the Visscher collection. LEOPOLD WILHELM, Archduke of Austria. Bust in oval, with ornamental border. With small margin lacking the plate-mark. Folio. (2) 13 -42 MARIA OF AUSTRIA, wife of Emperor Ferdinand III. Three-quarter length seated. After A. van Dyck. First sO state, before Io. Meyssen’s address was burnished out. po On Rembrandt paper, with very large margin. 4to. Very fine. From the ‘‘S. W.’’ and Baron Scheffler col- lections. HENRIETTA OF LORRAINE. Three-quarter length standing. After A. van Dyck. First state before Io. Meyssen’s address was burnished out. On paper with the interlaced ‘‘Cs.’’ With large margin. 4to. Fine. (2) it ae. JACOB GOLE. 43 MARIA THERESIA OF AUSTRIA, Queen of France. Half length in oval. Closely trimmed. Folio. ae LOUISE FRANCOISE DE LA BAUME LE BLANC, DUCHESSE DE LA VALLIERE. oe Half length in oval. After D. A. Plaats. With large margin. Folio. (2) ADRIANO HALUECH. 44 FERDINAND, son of Cosimo III of Etruria. Half length in oval. Proof with the blank cartouche j _— and tablet. With large margin. Small folio. LAURENTIUS, DUKE OF ETRURIA. Half length in oval, with large margin. Small folio. (2) A. HERTOCHS. ‘45 A. BROME, poet. 1661. | Bust in oval. Closely trimmed. Small 8vo. Rare. [7 es | From the Robt. Hoe collection. | (uy ie ROMAIN DE HOOGHE. .-46 WILLIAM III, Prince of Orange, later King of Great Britain. Full length on horseback, taking part in a battle. Etching, with small margin showing the plate-mark. Royal folio. 14 49 50 A ont %y, 0. INCIDENTS OF THE LIFE OF JAMES II, King of Great Britain. Etching, with very small margin aoe the plate- mark. Royal folio. THE RECEPTION OF MARY PRINCESS OF ORANGE AS QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN, 1689. Htching, with small margin, but showing the plate- mark. Pasted at the bottom an explanation of the event in type, in Dutch, French and English. Royal folio. Rare. (8) CORNELIS HOLSTEYN. ISABELLA D’ESTE. Three-quarter length seated. After A. Correggio. Proof before all letters, on Rembrandt paper, with small margin showing the plate-mark. Folio. Fine. PIETER HOLSTEYN Junr. DESIDERIUS ERASMUS. Full length standing in his study. With very small margin lacking the plate-mark. NAPOLEON AND FRENCH REVOLUTION 17 ,900.00 > LA IX. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 5149.25 =<: ee i TOTALS ae Beale a <5 a | 1@11@1 6) \0 | quam (@ oor oar GREED |) | GRNNND | [) © | ON aaa ay aravave aaa W/ oF a a